#i tagged them in the off chance they look at the stuff and ii fucking saw it
bluesey-182 · 23 days
shut the fuck up ii saw my instagram story
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princessphilly · 2 years
Call Me Jake Part 2
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CW: adult language, PTSD, character using derogatory language towards herself that can be triggering to differently abled people, references to kinky shit
WC: 3226
Tagging: @wildbornsiren @withahappyrefrain @writercole @wombtotombx @fuckyeahhangman @hangmanapologist @sebsxphia @kryptonitejelly @gretagerwigsmuse @callsignhurricane @callsign-phoenix @iguana-braces @lorecraft @chara-hugs @mikkorantanev @andrei-svech @dempy @starshine-hockey-girl @himbos-on-ice @hockeynshit @babeekakes @hockeywocs @trippedmetaldetector @bluecruz97 @blue-aconite @ellabellabus07 @smokey102 @therebeccaw @the-hottest-lieutenants @mayhem24-7forever @marvelousmermaid @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @tallrock35 @shanimallina87 @ratcatcher2world @hoe-on-the-range @assmanselke @hope-love-equality2 @callsign-valley @littlebadariell @atthediscowithoutpanic @seasonsbloom @a-reader-and-a-writer​
Jake always knew he was the golden child. It wasn’t necessarily fair but that was how it was. He was the apple of his ma’s eye, pa’s favorite, even his older sisters all adored him. Ma claimed he came out of the womb charming and with a wink that had the nurses all swoon. But Jake’s favorite person was Gramps Seresin.
Gramps had earned a Purple Heart and a Distinguished Flying Cross in World War II. But Gramps always said he did his duty with a twinkle in his eye. Much different than Pa who bragged about how many commies he shot down in Vietnam whenever he got a chance. Jake noticed that Gramps always looked tense when Pa got drinking and started bragging.
“Jake, my boy, war is serious business. Taking life isn’t easy and is nothing to brag about. The most important thing I am proud about is as Commander, my whole team made it home after serving in the Pacific. Duty and Honor, that’s what matters the most, Jake,” Gramps had said while Pa was bragging to his friends.
Even though Jake was cocky, arrogant, and very sure of his skills as he made it through Annapolis, Flight School, SERE, and Top Gun, he kept those words from Gramps in his mind. After going through air strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq, he wouldn’t now, not with Maverick and Rooster still there-
Jake sighed as he sat up in bed, the sheet falling down to his waist. The nightmare was back again. It only happened occasionally now but when it did, it was with a vengeance.
The nightmare was always the same: Admiral Simpson didn’t give the okay, Jake flew off anyway, but he didn’t make it in time. The enemy got Mav and Bradshaw and Jake watched them die before the enemy took advantage of his indecision to take him out too.
Reality was much different but there was always that what if lurking in his mind, ready to torture him at night.
Groaning, Jake got up, opening his blinds. It was a new day and he had a bunch of Fucking New Guys (FNGs) to corral on this shore tour at NAS North Island. For some reason, Cyclone thought he would be a good mentor to some newly winged lieutenant junior grades before they joined their squadrons. Not that he cared; Jake had a plan for his future and stuff like this was part of it as he made his way up to lieutenant commander, commander, to one day being Admiral Seresin, air boss and future Fleet Commander.
Pulling on a pair of shorts, Jake made his way to the bathroom so he could take a leak. Right after he washed his hands, there were several knocks on his door. “Fuck off,” Jake yelled.
“Can’t, you fucking douchebag,” was the answer. Jake shook his head before brushing his teeth, making the person wait. After several minutes, he strolled through his apartment to the front door.
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe. Why the hell are you at my front door?”
Rooster snickered. “I was checking to see if Dot was here, Hangman. You two got kinda hot and heavy the last several nights.”
Jake gritted his teeth. So, he had put the moves on the only person to beat him at pool at The Hard Deck. She flirted back but in un-Hangman-like fashion, he didn’t seal the deal that night or the other night. “Actually, she’s not here. Why?”
Rooster furrowed his eyebrows, suddenly feeling concerned. “I hadn’t heard from her since Wednesday.”
Jake’s expression went from mocking to concerned. That was about three nights ago. “I’m sorry, but I haven’t talked to her, Rooster, not since she turned me down and got in her car.”
“At least you saw her get in her car. Alright, I gotta go.”
Curious, Jake wanted to know where Rooster was going because he was feeling worried himself. He didn’t even really know the damn woman, he didn’t know why rooster came to his place, but fuck, he cared.
Slamming his door closed, Jake’s ambivalent mood turned sour. Dorothy Kazansky was hot, she had a mouth filthier than the average aviator, and legs that went on forever. Also, every time he flirted with her, the glares from Mav and any other old timers there were worth it. Plus, that ass would look amazing bent over for him to spank and bite.
Brewing himself some coffee with a stove top percolator, Jake went to his fridge to take out breakfast. This week, it was protein overnight oats with chia and flax seeds for breakfast, quick and easy. Grabbing a spoon, Jake took a bite while waiting for his coffee to finish brewing. It seemed like Dot was probably more trouble than she was worth but Jake had enough experience to tell when someone had sub tendencies. Dot definitely had sub tendencies and Jake wasn’t above teasing her to poke at them. Grinning to himself, Jake decided that he would stop flirting with her to get her in bed for now. But the entertainment that came from teasing and flirting with her wasn’t worth giving up, yet.
Some nights were better than others. Some days were worse than others.
Dorothy sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. The past two days had been hell on earth. Her head hurt, her body hurt, but worst was the phantom pain from her right leg.
Dorothy’s right leg shouldn’t hurt, it was a complete prosthetic leg below her knee. But whenever the nightmares about the crash returned, the phantom pain came back with a vengeance. It was so bad, it hurt to move.
The pills were looking at her from her vanity, mocking her. Percs 10, enough to kill the throb, make it go away, but also make her feel like a zombie. It would make all the pain go away, including the grief for Dad, her career, everything. It had been two years since Dad passed away but whenever the pain was this bad, Dorothy felt fresh new waves of grief. The last time she saw Dad, she was at NMCSD after being transferred from Walter Reed. Dad saw his only daughter crippled in her bed, right leg gone under her knee.
Dad had written her letters and sent her texts, telling his Dot that she was going to be fine. But Dorothy didn’t feel fine, she felt horrible and she was ready to leave home again. Then an image of a sun kissed man with sea green eyes filled her mind and Dorothy cursed, “Fuck.”
Hangman Seresin was going to be a fucking problem.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
Dorothy was out of water too. Grumbling, she finally got herself out of bed. Unfortunately, water was a necessity. Grabbing a bottle of water, Dorothy chugged it before grabbing an energy bar. Biting it, she dropped it as she heard footsteps outside her room. They were faint but getting stronger and Dorothy thought of her options as she clocked her potential weapons next to the bed. Then the door was flung open and Rooster came in.
“Good, you’re alive.”
Dot pulled a hand over her face as Rooster flicked on the light. “What the fuck, Bradley?”
Rooster moved quickly to Dorothy, pulling her in his arms for a quick hug before letting her go. Then he pulled the chair from her vanity and sat down. Dorothy sat back on her bed and looked at Bradley expectantly.
“You went incommunicado for long enough that we got worried. Be happy it’s me and not Mav or your mom.”
Dorothy bit back what she was going to say. Rooster was right; she didn’t want her mom or uncle Mav to see her like this. Instead she watched as Rooster grabbed a bottle of water and one of the pill bottles on her vanity table. Then he came over to her bed and sat on it. “Here Dot, it’s a Perc 5. You need it, I can see how much you’re in pain, princess.”
“Fuck you,” Dorothy grumbled as she took the pill and the water from Rooster. Swallowing the pill, she downed half of the bottle of water as well.
Dorothy felt a sense of shame as she fell back against her pillows. Before the crash, she had her life together, as an Air Force officer and with the help of Kevin. Now, she was a hot mess and if Kevin was here, he would be completely disappointed in her. So disappointed that the punishment would be straight up punishment, not funishment.
“You know, Dot, you’re miserable. You gotta stop beating yourself up and making yourself miserable for what happened,” Rooster started.
“That’s easy for you to say—”
“Dorothy, Kevin left me a letter that explained somethings that went on between you two that he told me to open a year after he passed.”
Rooster felt extremely weirded out; Dot was basically family, like a little cousin. The letter from Kevin basically said that he and Dot were in a consensual dom/sub relationship and that if Dot was still spiraling a year after he passed, Rooster should encourage Dot to join a kink community and possibly find someone to replace Kevin.
Rooster really had no idea what it all meant but given how Dot was starting to withdraw more often, he decided it was time to say something.
Staring at the ceiling, Dorothy bit her lip. “Kevin did tell me in his last letter to me, that I had a year to mourn before he would start to get me together.”
Bitterly laughing, Dorothy turned her head to look at Rooster. He wouldn’t understand, none of them really did; the only people she told were her parents. Kevin was a fellow officer; they had met the first time Dorothy was sent to Afghanistan. Within a week, they knew they were meant for each other. After a year, they went from a vanilla relationship to a BDSM one with power exchange. It was bedroom/home only but it gave the reckless Dorothy the structure she loved and gave Kevin someone to take care of. Then the crash happened and Dorothy was honorably discharged from the Air Force.
Kevin stayed in the Air Force but he got shot while on leave. Exactly thirteen months ago today, he passed away. Dorothy looked at the date on her watch and she sucked in a breath.
Rooster gave Dorothy a hug. “Remember, we are here for you, Dot.”
If you had asked Jake a week ago if he would have enjoyed dealing with a bunch of FNGs, he would have laughed in your face.
Becoming an instructor at a Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) during this shore duty hadn’t been part of his plans. Jake was still assigned to VFA-151 but on loan to the Dagger Squadron out of San Diego. But they had just finished their latest classified mission and most of the other members had rejoined their previous squadrons. So far, it was just Jake, Rooster, Omaha, Payback, and Halo still left.
VFA-151 was not up for deployment for at least another year and Jake was in no rush to go back to Lemoore. So getting his flight hours with boys who were set to go to VFA-154 and 192 was worth it for him. Now, the workday was over and he was headed to market because his ma had raised a man who could get himself his own groceries. Then he was going to something called a munch.
Jake hadn’t even planned to mention anything about looking for something more permanent to Coyote. He was Hangman; women were never an issue. Shit, the boys in Lemoore were glad he was still in San Diego. Better chances for all of them. But it had come up while Coyote came over for beers before flying back to Oceana.
”So, do you think you’d have a problem if I got back with Phoenix,” Coyote asked while staring out into the San Diego night.
Hangman snorted. So he had messed around with Phoenix a couple of times and so had Coyote. It hadn’t taken long for Hangman to realize that two dominant people like him and Phoenix couldn’t coexist in anything outside of a platonic relationship. Part of him was surprised that Coyote was talking about getting back with Phoenix but Hangman wasn’t going to judge. “No issue at all. She’s not my type either.”
“Please tell me you’re not saying she’s hot-“
“Phoenix is a smokeshow but I like my women submissive and willing to do whatever I want them to do.”
There had been a companionable silence before Coyote finally said, “You know, Hangman, you can try something like a munch to meet someone willing to do that for you. That’s how I ran into Phoenix.”
“Oh wow… okay, I had questions but they are now answered, Yote. But what is this?”
Now, Jake was headed to one later, in civilian mode. DADT had been repealed but this was still something he had to be very careful about. But if it was a bunch of bronies and neckbeards, Jake was going to leave immediately and take all of Coyote’s money at pool for the next year.
After changing into a black tee, some jeans, and flip flops, Jake got into his truck and made his way there. It actually wasn’t bad; there were a couple of neckbeards but it was mostly people his age who lived in the area. There were a couple of people Jake knew from base but they all politely ignored each other. It was easy as Jake used his middle name, Chandler; easy to remember but still not his first name or call sign.
However, Jake found his composure shaken when Dorothy walked in. She wasn’t new to this as a bunch of people yelled hi.
“Ohhh, you need to meet Snow White,” the woman to Jake’s left said. He already forgot her name but she had sweet brown eyes. “Snow White hasn’t been around in a while but I have a feeling you two are in similar fields.”
Jake wasn’t paying attention as he watched Dorothy greet everyone else. She hadn’t even realized he was there until the woman called, “Hello Snow White! Over here!”
Dorothy turned around, her eyes blinking in surprise as she recognized Jake. But the woman bounded up to her and gave her a hug. Jake slowly smirked as he realized that Dorothy was Snow White. This night was definitely looking up.
Rooster had told Dorothy to tell him no details when she told him she was going out to a kink community event but she felt like he would want to know how this happened. Hangman was sitting next to her and she wanted to snuggle into his heat. But then, Rooster would probably want to haul her back into the house.
Uncle Mav had told her that Hangman got around when he found out that she had been flirting with him. Her mom had helpfully said that Hangman was a younger version of Mav which had made everyone laugh at Sunday dinner last week. Dorothy was far from a virgin but she had needs and she didn’t think the cocky asshole could meet them. Then tonight happened and she was thrown for a loop. She had found Hangman very attractive that first time she played pool with him, but now, she wouldn’t say no if he asked if he could come over.
The munch was coming to a close and Dorothy reluctantly stood up. It felt good to be out and about again but the real world was calling. “It’s good to see everyone again,” she called out as she got ready to give out hugs.
“Snow White, wait for me,” Jake drawled. The slight Texas drawl to his voice definitely had an affect on some of the other people there, to Dorothy’s annoyance. But she just nodded as she finished giving hugs and saying goodbyes.
After finishing, Dorothy turned to Jake, motioning for him to follow her outside. Once outside and over by her car, Dorothy sighed. “You’re the last person I thought I would see here, Hangman.”
“I’d say the same except everyone knows you. But I’m new to this.”
Playing with her keys, Dorothy paused for a second. “New to this?”
“New to actually coming out in public. But to this… no. Just the longest I’ve been stateside.”
Jake closed his mouth as he realized he was starting to ramble. Steeling himself, he moved closer to Dorothy to where they were close but not touching. “Not going to press you but the last time we were at the Hard Deck, you said you’d think about letting me take you out. I know it was a joke but I want you to honestly think about it.”
“Why should I think about it,” Dorothy questioned as she put her hands between herself and Hangman. His cologne smelled so good and the whole vibes, this was so fucking different than pool at a Navy bar. Maybe it was pheromones from something else, something unexplained going on. But Dorothy looked up into Jake’s eyes and those green eyes were like emerald fire.
“I may not have done anything in public before but I can tell there is a good girl inside you looking for someone to tell her what she needs to do.”
Jake brushed a hand over Dorothy’s hair before leaning closer. “When you’re ready, you know where you can find me.”
Straightening up, Jake smirked as Dorothy took in several deep breaths. “Whatever,” she finally muttered before she opened her driver’s side door.
“Get home safe,” Jake instructed before Dorothy gave him the finger. Chuckling to himself, he made his way to his Ford F-150.
A week passed since the last time he saw Dorothy. Hangman from a couple of weeks ago would have cut his losses. Jake, however, was willing to wait a bit longer. According to Rooster, Dorothy had VA appointments and other shit that was just a bit more important than him. But Jake was very close to becoming impatient. Then the doors to The Hard Deck opened and it was Dorothy in a pair of sinfully tight blue jeans and a pink tee shirt. Licking his lips, Jake put a toothpick in his mouth as he watched Dorothy make her way over to him.
“Hi darlin’.”
Dorothy rolled her eyes as Hangman checked her out. He looked absolutely delicious in his summer whites, a marked difference from the usual service khakis they wore. Then he stood in front of her, sunglasses hooked on his shirt, pool cue in hand. “Missed you yesterday.”
“I had something more important to do than hangout here,” Dorothy teased. It was true, she had her therapy appointment and it had gone well.
Jake smirked, his green eyes twinkling. “Something more important than me? Sugar, you just hurt my feelins’”
“So dramatic, Hangman. Anyway, I thought about your offer.”
It was just one word but there was a lot of meaning in it. Dorothy bit her lip, noticing how Hangman’s eyes followed her action. Moving closer to him, she whispered in his ear, “Pick me up Saturday at 6 and you’ll know my full answer.”
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orangepanic · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @nyamadermont! A belated sort of year in review whose questions I thought were interesting.
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 46 added or updated in 2022
2. Word count in 2022: 508,999
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Legend of Korra and Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Pairings: Iroh II/Asami Sato (25) and a smattering of other pairings in dribs and drabs like Mako/Korra (3) and Jet/Ty Lee (2)
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Severance, the Irosami ghost story
Bookmarks: Smoke, the Equalist Asami Irosami story
Comment threads:  Also Smoke, followed by Severance
Word count: Same as above. So clearly it was a year of two long fics. I’m thrilled people gave them a chance.
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): I think it might be The Return, a Korra/Asami/Iroh II story. The premise is that Iroh and Asami marry and start a family sometime before book four, but he’s killed when he ignores Raiko’s order to surrender to Kuvira. Asami eventually gets together with Korra to raise the kids, only to have Iroh return from a secret POW camp years later. I’m proud of the story because I hardly ever write poly and had to really think through what that dynamic would be like between the three of them, the kids who didn’t know Iroh, and how they’d all react as the family changed. It wound up being much more about Korra and Iroh’s relationship than I expected. I got some very nice comments from people who don’t typically like Iroh/Asami as a ship, too.
7.   Work I’m least proud of (and why): All the ones I haven’t finished yet!
8.   Share or describe a favorite review you received: I love and treasure every single comment I get, but I’d like to leave a special shout out for @myargalargan and @devildogdemon for leaving long comments on every chapter of some of my multi chapter fics. It’s so amazing that they spend time and effort on that and I’m glowing.
9.   A time when writing was really, really hard: Isn’t it always? But the end of Smoke is killing me. This fic is going on three years and I know what needs to happen and it’s really hard not to mess it up. 
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Hiroshi and Yasuko Sato in How I Always Loved You are an absolute fucking delight and also such a surprise. Hiroshi Sato in canon is a kind of one-dimensional asshole who serves the purpose of being a villain (heck, I’ve written him like this myself) and Yasuko is just a photograph we see once who is usually assumed to be a carbon copy of her daughter, Asami. Getting such strong personalities for both of them has been so much fun, especially when it turned out both they and their ship dynamic was so different from Irosami. 
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: I wrote a sequel to an Irosami vampire AU I’d written the year before. There are lots of parts of it that I like, but really liked seeing Iroh balance the human and more animalistic vampire urges. I did a ton of research for this fic because I decided vampires are like leopards with territories and stuff.
“I found it,” Iroh said lamely. He let the ball drop to the ground in quiet submission. He didn’t want Asami to take it away. His scent might be everywhere, but this was technically still her territory. Everything in it belonged to her. That was another thing Iroh had noticed. Concepts that before he’d only attributed to animals, like “prey” and “territory,” now seemed perfectly natural. 
He saw Asami stiffen slightly at the tone of his voice. She looked suddenly wary. 
“You can have it,” she said slowly. “I haven’t seen that ball since I was a kid. It’s probably been out here twenty years.” A slight pause. “Do you play?”
Iroh let his body relax; a signal to her that he wasn’t a threat. “Not since the Academy,” he said. “And that was mostly a bunch of us blowing off steam. Not a lot of kemari on ships. It’s too easy to lose it overboard.”
He saw Asami mimic his posture as she studied him from across the flat grassy area where he’d been playing. A de-escalation of sorts. Good. Not that Iroh had intended to challenge her. In truth, he wasn’t sure what he’d intended. It was only a ball. He was a guest here. Republic City was Asami’s to hunt… wasn’t it? And never mind that he was larger and fit and, an embarrassingly sexist thought, male. None of that mattered. Or it shouldn’t. Spirits, what was wrong with him?
“Do you?” he asked. The words seemed to have more weight than they ought. 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: This (Avatar) fandom can be really hard on people in a lot of ways, and one of those ways is with a certain ideological purity that seems to pervade a lot of it and which is meant to dictate who can write what, and what can be written. This year I wrote a character with a physical disability (Tis the Sea Sun for Love) and I did a lot of research for what was a rather lighthearted holiday fic. I think a year ago I’d have been too scared someone would come screaming at me that I wasn’t allowed. 
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I find ending multi-chapter fics difficult. I feel like a lot of them go on too long and kind of fizzle out. So I’d like to work on my endings.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): my discord server is a pretty awesome group of internet humans, I must say. Love u absolute cracky gorgeous degenerates.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I’m sadly susceptible to dares. The Only Thing I Ever wanted was bet you can’t write a soulmark AU, The Spares was bet you can’t make Korroh work, Big Fish was bet you won’t really write mermaid smut, Do You Have a Better Idea was bet you can’t make Iroh/Asami/Kuvira smut, etc. I’m very much like this in real life, too. 
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Your characters are people! Do what you can to get to know them as individuals and their unique dynamics in relationships. Think about their quirky likes and dislikes and weave those in. Know what they’re afraid of and what they want more than anything but tell no one. Imagine what they’d pick out at a store, or how they’d behave at a party, or what they’d be like in a group at a board game. You may never use the content, but it will help you find their voice and distinguish them from everyone else. There should (in my opinion) be very few plots that work the same for multiple ships. 
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I have a couple of big fics that I really want to start, but I have to finish some big fics first. If I can do that, the two I’m most interested in are one about the Equalist trials and another about 20-30 years post canon as the question of whether Raava can still reincarnate comes into question.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
And anyone else who wants to!
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Thinking Their S/O Left Them Pt. 3
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Character(s) included: Oikawa & Kyoutani
Requested by: @chibiiichann
Warning(s): Cursing, Mention of bullying [Oikawa], Mention of flinching [Kyoutani], Hints towards readers tough past [Kyoutani]
Song of the day: Trees II by McCfferty
A/N: First off thanks for 200- I know I said it a lot but I’m just so glad! Next, many of you haven’t seen but I have updated a few things. One of the biggest being my name I go by. At the moment I’m trying out Xic. I also noted my pronouns and stuff. Which you can all find on my announcements post. Now back to some more ‘important’ things [though this is important, this is not why you came here!]. Sorry about the long wait for part three! Please read through the warnings again to make sure everything is okay. Thank you for everything. Bye!
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
Tag(s): @chibiiichann & @corporeal-terrestrial
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He was at it again. Working late nights and shit. You were happy for him. You were. Of course you were. He was back doing what he loved. He was back playing volleyball. With that happiness also came fear and worry. You knew how he was. Everyone who ever met him, knew how he was. He over worked himself. He always did and scared you. No matter how hard he tried not to. He pushed himself past his limits. Even after the doctor already told him, if he didn’t ease up on the practice, his knee would get even worse. But he was Oikawa Tōru. Determined and intelligent.
It was ten thirty and he already missed your date. Which you expected to happen, but it still kind of hurt. You tried calling for the fifth time that night, but you were met with the same thing. After a few rings it went to voicemail.
“Hey! You’ve reached the voicemail of Oikawa Tōru, thank you for calling! At the moment I’m busy but I promise after I’m done I’ll call you back. If you want, leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. Byeee!”
You waited all night for him to come home around twelve thirty. He looked tired. Extremely tired and to be honest that pissed you off more. Not only did he not respond but he over worked himself again, and when he woke up the next night sore, you were the one who would have to take care of him.
Instead of bringing it up you waited for the morning. Not wanting to have this conversation while he was tired. It would feel like you were talking to yourself, and he wouldn’t understand. So you went to bed with him and by the morning he was already up before you.
You went to the kitchen to find him shuffling through your medication bin. “Are you sore?” You ask, looking at him.
“I’ll be fine, I just need breakfast and some medicine,” he muttered. He couldn’t have cared less. At least that’s what it looked like. He didn’t even spare you a glance.
“Maybe you should listen. You know, lay off volleyball practice for a day or something. Try to lesson the hours and stuff..” You looked back at him for his reaction.
“Can’t. If I ease up I’ll never be able to catch up.” He finally looked to you now, finding the medicine.
“I mean I think you will be fine. It is taking over your whole life and stuff so I just don’t want it to be a bigger issue. Like you know.. with your knees and stuff.” Your eyes are pinned on him.
“I told you not to worry about my knee, and it’s not taking up my life okay? It has and will always be my life. It’s the only thing I’m good at. So no, I'm not going to take a break.” He snapped at you. Which caught you off guard.
“It is… It is taking up your life,” you replied which made his face change.
“You don’t understand how it is like me. You don’t! I understand you don’t have anything you're good at and shit. But you have to understand that I actually have goals in life okay? You have to understand that my fucking life won’t revolve around you and how you feel when I do something. It won’t and never will. You and I are together because I feel like having you around. Because you know what, volleyball is the only thing that distracts me from leaving. Volleyball is the only thing I can do to escape you!” He screamed.
It takes a few seconds for the weight of his words to sink into your skin. But here’s the thing. You knew what you were up against when you started dating him. He just lit a fuse in you. A spark that made an explosion of feelings hit you. When it did you couldn’t control your words. “After all that practice I wondered why you never made it to nationals. I mean seriously. You need a distraction from me, right? Your always doing it, and get you can’t even fucking get to nationals. Not only that but I can see why your last girlfriend left you. You're a dick. You can’t remember a fucking date. A fucking date we have been planning for weeks. Oh wait, let me correct that, a date I’ve been planning for weeks. Not only that but I took my fucking time to work around your schedule. For you not to even send a message.” You spat out. You looked down at him, “I wonder sometimes if everyone was right. You and me. Never belonged. I’m just a distraction from such a ‘handsome’ and ‘kind’ person.”
He looked hurt at first, but then again he started it and intended to finish it. “I can see why your whole family doesn’t talk to you. You always think you're the best or something. Maybe I remembered the date. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe I didn’t wanna hangout with you. Maybe I didn’t want to hear you nagging me every fucking second. You know what? I can see why people fucking hate you. Bully you and shit. Your such a fucking selfish freak.”
“What..?” You looked at him. You told him you were bullied, because you thought of him as your safe space. You thought of him as the only person who understood you. You felt safe when he was around you. You felt understood. To use that against you. To say you deserved it. To say you deserved to get hurt. To get shamed. To get everything that happened to you… it was your fault?
“What are you too dumb to understand?” He laughed at you. Hatred and venom spilling from his lips. “Awe.. look at the baby. You should be grateful I didn't break up with you. You should be thankful because I’m the only reason you're even someone.”
Tears filled your eyes. “God fucking damn it.” You muttered softly. You weren’t going to allow him to take you down. You were stronger then he would ever understand. “You really think anyone wants to hang out with you..? Do you fucking think anyone find you a good person..? Your just a fucking pretty face, okay? Your nothing compared to anyone else on your team. You might not realize it but to be honest sometimes I do want to be set free. Set free from this shitty relationship okay? That’s the truth. Sometimes I get sick of having to take care of you. When your fucking sore before you over works your self again. I am the only one trying to keep you okay. I’m the only one who actually thinks about the long run. No matter how hard you practice in the end you won’t even be able to walk. Let alone play volleyball and shit. You know what sometimes I get sick of being the only fucking one trying to keep us together.”
“Then maybe you should give up okay. Maybe we should finally go our separate ways. I mean after all, you're too easy.” He was hurt. He just blurted out whatever he thought would hurt you the most. Which fucking worked. Before you had said anything more he had left the room, leaving you stunned.
It took a moment but before you knew it you were out of the house, crying and walking the farthest away from your shared house as you could. “Fuck..” you whisper. Did he really not want to be with you..? You should have known. This relationship wasn’t a relationship. You barely talked. You felt alone. So fucking alone.
It took an hour for him to fully cool down. When he walked out of the room he was expecting you to be waiting for him. He was expecting everything to be okay. When he was met with the emptiness. The emptiness of you being actually gone. He was met with the realization that his words were taken just how he thought he wanted them to be.
You on the other hand we’re at the park blasting music in your ears. Forcing the thoughts to be pushed deep down. Forcing you to forget everything. Everything that hurts you. Maybe it would be best if you guys did go your separate ways..? You knew this wasn’t good for your mental health. But fuck that. This was the only thing that made you feel grounded. Made you feel okay. When he wasn’t with you or practicing he was out with friends, drinking and partying. You couldn’t continue to live like this. So maybe it would be best to let go. To give up on everything and everything you loved… your everything was him. You always argued and at this point you felt sick. Thinking about it just broke you. You had no more tears to cry, with your tear stained cheeks you decided to go back. To your home. It was over. Everything you had built up was coming crashing down.
On his side he was freaking out. He knew he was in the wrong. He knew there was no excuse for what he did to you, but what could he say? You were gone already. It took a bit for him to get to the nerve to call you. To his surprise he heard the sound of your ringing phone. So you left it. Maybe you were going to come back. Maybe you will and then everything will be okay again. Maybe everything would be perfect. It was a small chance but that's all he could hold on to.
When you walked in it was quiet, but there were soft whimpers and cries coming from your shared room. Gently you knocked on the door and waited for a response. You were surprised when you immediately heard a stumble and then were met with a hug. Your shoulder almost immediately feels wet to the touch. “Ba.. Oikawa..?” You muttered.
“Please don’t call me that.. please..” He muttered softly. His face buried deep into your clothes.
You kinda ignored his response. “I came back to get my stuff. I took into consideration what you said and I realized that you don’t deserve to be distracted by me all the time..” You whispered softly. “So like you said earlier.. I think it is best if we stop seeing each other.. entirely because I don’t know if I could let you go otherwise..”
His arms tightened around you, “C..can we please talk about it first.. please..” his nightmare was coming true, and maybe it was dumb but he didn’t realize how much he needed you.
“There’s nothing to talk about.. I don’t understand why you want to make it harder on me. I gave you what you wanted okay..? You can practice your heart out and hangout with your friends and stuff okay? You can finally find someone who will fit all your needs. You and I both know that I will never be what you want. So maybe it would be best if we just let go..”
“No… please no.. that’s not what I want.. I want to make it up to you and be there for you and I want to make you happy and I want everything to be perfect. I know I messed up okay? I don’t deserve you and I don’t know what came over me today because you're everything I’ve ever wanted. I know I don’t deserve it and there’s no excuse for what I said or did… I know I should let you find someone better but I love you. I love you so fucking much. I know I’ve been lacking and I want to make up for it. I want to be someone you want to be around again.. I love you so fucking much okay? I should have been there. I shouldn’t have said the things I did. I know I don’t deserve a second chance but please.. just one more.. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He didn’t want to let go of everything.
“I’m sorry too.. you didn’t deserve it. I’m sorry for everything and that’s why I want to let you go. To find someone who will not hurt you like I hurt you.. You and I both know that I can't resist it. I don’t know why you do this to me.. pull me back.. you have one more chance… Please don’t make me regret it. I really love you but this.. this isn’t going to work if we do what we are doing now okay? We will just tear each other more and more apart..” you whispered gently, kissing his head. Your arms finally meet his back as you hold him. “I’m sorry.. but I’ve got you now baby. I love you so fucking much..”
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Kyoutani was the type of person most people would never understand. Not because they were “difficult” or anything.. they just never took the time too. Well other than you. You were different. You understood his outburst and such. But at the same time you were human. There was only so much you could take. There was only so much you would take.
When he came into the locker room you were already waiting for him. He had been thrown out of the game for fighting with a few people. You knew he was frustrated. You could hear the crowd from a mile away shouting to kick him off. It was harsh. Even for ‘mad dog’ which he hated to be called. He hated to be tied to an animal.. and always being an angry reck. Anybody would. But of course nobody understood other than you. When he sat on the bench you immediately rushed over.
“Baby.. I’m sorry.. You didn’t deserve that.. just ignore them, please. I know it’s hard but their not important okay..?” You we’re just trying to comfort him. But there were times when Kyoutani couldn’t control himself. Like any other person when they get looked down at every fucking moment of their lives. When they are ridiculed and laughed at all the time. When they are nothing more than an angry person.. Sometimes there is nothing more to do than be the person everyone so desperately makes you out to be.
“Not important? Not important! I just got fucking kicked from the game because of them chanting to kick me. They didn’t even fucking have the decency to call me by my name. So don’t tell me it’s okay and that their opinion on me doesn’t matter. Because quite frankly their opinion is the only one that matters it seems.” He lashed out.
“I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that.. it wasn’t entirely their fault. You were arguing with the other team members.” You muttered. It wasn’t meant to do any harm, just for him to keep in mind.
“Are you serious right now.? Nobody else got kicked. Nobody. If they can’t handle a little trash talking, maybe they shouldn’t play a sport. I mean seriously there’s no need for them to tell the referees to kick me.” He started raising his voice when he spoke.
“I know it’s just that.. maybe you should try and not trash talk you know?” You whispered softly, retreating a bit.
“What?” He looked annoyed. “God ducking damn it. How can you be so cute but so fucking annoying. I mean seriously how can someone with such a face be so fucking dumb and so annoying?” His hands were balled into fist
“I..I don’t understand, can you tell me why you act so sweet..? Then so cold the next moment..? You don’t mean it right..? Please say you don’t mean it.” You were worried you loved him but god it was hard. It was hard to respond when your friends asked about your relationship. It was hard when they flaunted their perfect relationship and then asked about yours. Its was so fucking hard.
“Do you think I would say it otherwise..?” He looked at you. He laughed at you as he saw your pitiful expression. God it was almost sickening how much he saw that expression. That expression that nobody else had ever shown him. The one of worry  but at the same time already knowing it was coming. He loved it. He loved everything about you. But most of the time you pissed him off. This relationship wasn’t healthy. But for god sake you already started counseling. But fuck this was a bad idea.
Silence. Nothing could come out. You wanted to scream. You wanted to forget this. You wanted it to stop. Everything to stop.
“Answer me.” He punched the wall next to you. Fear spreading all over your face. Fuck. Fuck. Not here. Please no. He gripped your warm face making it so cold in seconds. Forcing you to look at him he laughed at your crying face. But when you didn’t stop for a minute he immediately backed away. He fucked up. He knew he fucked up. “Wait I’m sorry baby..” he muttered.
“Please stop. Please. I won’t do it again.” Flashbacks we’re pulling you way too far out. You were drowning. No one was around to save you. He was laughing as you begged to be saved, pushing you deeper into your own pool of your own thoughts. You were so cold. The next second you were able to move back to the surface.
Realization hit as he stepped back. “I..I am sorry..” he muttered softly as he left the room without another word leaving his mouth. Words were banging on his lips but he knew if he spilled them out everything out it would just hurt you ten times more.
You got up five minutes later, finally pulled back to reality and decided to get up. Grabbing your stuff you walked back into the stadium. Waving a small wave to the rest of his team before exiting. Confusion was read all over as they saw your tear stained face. To be honest, all that was running through your mind was that you didn’t want Kyoutani to break up with you. You didn’t want to be alone, again. You didn’t want to be just another one of his ex’s. So for the better of both of you it would be best to leave him be. To let him cool off.. for him to feel better.
He was freaking out. He fucked up. You. You were his everything, not only that but you were more than just that. You were like a fucking rainbow at the end of a rainy day. You were his partner in crime. You made him feel normal, you made him feel safe, and loved. He couldn’t believe he just put that all in danger. He just put everything on the line because of some stupid game. He hit the wall hard, “fuck me. I’m sorry y/n..” he muttered as he sank to the floor and balled up. Tears burning through his eyes. He did the one thing he promised you that he would protect you from. You became the one thing he was always scared of becoming. He loved you so much, he love you so fucking much.
You left and got into your car. Sinking into your seat you locked the doors, and hit the steering wheel. Taking a deep breath salty tears rolled down your already stained face. Placing the key in and turning it the car started. Next thing you knew you had left wherever you could go. You loved him. So fucking much. But it was hard to be okay when he acted so fucking rough with you. It was hard to stay calm and not imagine your past relationship in this one. You tried. You really did but god it was hard to feel okay, feel okay about everything happening around you. It was too much. So fucking much. It made your head hurt.
When the game ended Kyoutani was still freaking out, now moved back into the lockers. He didn’t know what he was expecting but he knew he hoped you would still be there. God damn it. He fucked up. You had left. You were gone. Tears brimming his eyes as he teammates walked in. Now mentioning it to his teammates their faces seemed to change. More salty fucking tears left his eyes, as he heard about what type of pain you looked like you were in.
You headed back to your shared place. Unsure where else to go. You weren’t close with your family anymore. You had no friends. You had no work buddies. You had nobody but Kyoutani and in turn, now you were left alone with the thought of everything being gone. Ripped right out of your hands as you're forced to watch your whole world come crumbling down on you. You placed your stuff down on the side and laid on the bed. It smelled just like safety. Just like Kyoutani. You just wanted to be held. You just wanted everything to be perfect, again. To be okay at least. You needed him more than anything.
After a night out he finally made it back to your shared place. He didn’t want to be back without you, but you weren’t answering and he didn’t know what else to do. When he walked into the apartment he slowly walked into your shared room. There he saw you. Laying in bed cuddled up in the blankets. Slowly and carefully he walked up. Not wanting to cause you any more hurt. He missed you. Even for a few hours he had felt like he hadn’t seen you in years. But maybe that was because he thought that’s what might have happened. Maybe he thought you had left for good. Maybe he thought he would never have the chance to apologize. Never have the chance to hold you again. When he reached the bed he noticed that you were awake. “Hey y/n..” he muttered softly. The silence was killing him. “I’m so sorry. I know I fucked up. I promised to make you feel safe and protected around me. I made a promise to keep you safe and protected. I broke both of those. I fucked up. I know I did. I lashed out again. I did exactly what everyone says I do. I just get so fucking heated for no reason and I know I shouldn’t and I know I should just relax. But I feel like if I do the worlds would burn though my throat and then it would just explode.. and I know it’s stupid and I know I end up hurting you more. I know that there is no good reason to do that. But I just.. I don’t know. You're the only one that makes me feel normal okay..? I know it’s not fair. I know it’s not. You just make me feel like whenever I’m with you that I’m floating. I just want everything to be okay again. I want everything to be back to normal. I know I should give you space but I missed you so much. I don’t want you to leave, please don’t leave..” he was crying again. He barely had any tears left to cry. He wanted to hold you but he knew it was a stupid idea. “I’m sorry for being so selfish.. but please..”
You never really heard him or saw him crack. But fuck. It hurts you so much. To see him beg for you to stay with him. What were you supposed to do..? Leave him now? That was never even the plan. You didn’t have a plan to be honest. You sat up biting your lip before you gently held him. “Hey baby it will be okay.. calm down I’ve got you.. I’m not going anywhere now. I promise you I’m not going anywhere.” You muttered softly. He melted into your touch. He knew he didn’t deserve it but he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “Shush… I’ve got you.. take a deep breath..” you mumbled softly kissing his head as he took deep breaths. Soon enough he was relaxed in your arms again. “You know and I know that I love you so much. But there’s a line between where I can take it and I can’t. I understand you get frustrated but I don’t deserve to be treated like that. I don’t deserve to be scared of being hit.. and I know we both know that. I try to be understanding but you need to try to be too okay..? I love you so much.. more than you might believe but Kyoutani I can’t handle being in a relationship with you if you're constantly annoyed or angry with me. I think we deserve to be happy.. and if that means needing to take a break then we would have to okay? You need to work on communicating. I know it can be hard.. but please..” you whispered. Tears flowing down your soft skin again. It was getting a lot. So it would be best if you told him… you needed him to understand.
He gently shook his head. He understood. He knew he was in the wrong. He knew he was lucky for you to be holding him.. for him to even still be in a relationship with you let alone it be still a romantic one. He loved you and he knew you didn’t deserve anything that he put you through. In the end all that mattered was you in his eyes. He was going to change.. he was. “I promise.. thank you y/n..” he whispered softly. Gently he wrapped his arms around you. “I love you so much..” he muttered. Everything would be okay.. he knew it was going to be now. All that mattered was that you were safe. That you were happy.. that you were in his arms again.
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
(ii) lean on me. // gfriend, cyn. // one-shot.
word count: 8.6k
author's note: this is two days late, my bad but finally, this is the continuation of 'lean on me'! tell me if you guys think i did well on this because i think i slacked off a little more than i did in the first part 😭 just like last time, the next, and final, part will be posted next week! enjoy!
tags: high school au, fluff, slow burn, angst, enemies to friends to lovers.
tw: injury, violence, bullying.
previous: (i) lean on me.
next: (iii) lean on me.
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It has been two weeks since that whole altercation with Yuju and during all that time, you made sure to avoid her as much as you possibly could. Whenever you see her making her way towards her locker, you immediately finish up and walk away before she can utter a word to you and whenever you crossed paths early in the morning before or after your first class, you kept your gaze elsewhere. You were pretty sure that Yuju has taken the hint now seeing that she doesn’t even bother to try to talk to you, turns out she’s not that slow.
Other than Yuju, you have been making sure to avoid Eunha as well. You would never admit it, but it really did break your heart to lose one of your only friends. You were pretty sure that she would never look at you the same way again. Even if you did try to make amends with Eunha, Sojung would immediately chase you away because she was that wary of you. Yewon tried talking to you more, bless her heart, but she was still scared that you would do something rash, which was understandable considering your horrifying streak of beating people up for no absolute reason. How did I not get expelled again?
You’ve been pretty much avoiding everybody, even Yerin who has been a real sweetheart to you after knowing what happened between you and Yuju. She joked about beating up whoever makes fun of you from now on, but you felt like this whole thing was something that you had to fix on your own. Yerin seemed so surprised to hear you say something ‘so mature than what you would normally say’, but made a promise to support you however she can. Okay Yerin, I guess you’re my friend.
Since you got rid of the arm sling some time ago, you were able to move your arms freely, but of course your casted arm was still a bother. It seems like you can’t just get used to it. You really hoped that you can recover soon. I kinda miss having two working hands.
“Fuck.” You muttered when you accidentally knocked your pencil off the table. Of course this would happen. It was seven twenty-five in the morning, you’ve developed a habit of coming to school earlier than a normal student would and as always, you were in the library. There were several early birds hanging around, but all of them were in the more popular areas of the room. You weren’t complaining though, you liked being alone early in the morning.
Taking a deep breath, you reached for the pencil with your casted arm slowly but someone else picked it up before you did. You looked up and saw Yuju who had lowered herself on the floor to get your pencil. She was free from her cast, lucky her, and from the very few times you have spared a glance in her direction for the past two weeks, Yuju has been thriving without it. Seriously, lucky her.
“Is anyone sitting here?” Yuju asked as she put the pencil back on your part of the table. You shake your head and Yuju sits down on the chair across from you, then it was dead silent. You had forgotten about the deal you made with yourself and stayed in the library, scribbling whatever that comes into your head in a paper. What am I supposed to be doing? Oh yeah, math and all that fun stuff.
While you went back to what you were doing, Yuju had opened up a novel but she wasn’t reading it. You constantly felt her eyes on you, but whenever you glance up to try and catch her, she would look back down into her novel pretending to read. It was like that for a few minutes until the clock struck seven fifty and Yuju finally decided to push through her nervousness and speak.
“I’m really sorry.”
You look up from your notebook, confused with the apology and a little exhilarated to hear Yuju’s voice after a long time once more, “What?” You asked.
You watched as Yuju awkwardly shifts in her seat, you wondered if it would be a good idea to speak first in hopes of easing the other girl’s stress but before you could open your mouth to speak, Yuju beats you to it, “I didn’t mean to say all those things to you two weeks ago.” She confessed, fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater. Despite the serious mood surrounding the two of you, you find yourself laughing lightly. Yuju seems to be taken aback by your reaction, looking around to see if there was someone around that was making you laugh. You immediately stopped laughing after seeing the bewilderment in Yuju’s eyes, composing yourself and finally coming up with words to say.
Still, you chuckled again before speaking, “What are you talking about? You were right.” You said. For the past two weeks, you’ve been thinking about what Yuju said whenever you had the time and although it hurts your pride to admit it, she was right. And so were the others when they kept telling you that constantly looking for ways to ‘prove yourself’ to everyone else will hurt you in the long run.
It had to take a broken arm and a sick scolding from some pretty girl to get it into my head… which is pretty sad now that I think about it.
Yuju shakes her head, “It wasn’t… my place. Or I could’ve at least told you in a more civil way.” She said.
“Nah, if you did that I would still be bitter and miserable and… well, I’m still those things but I would be worse, you know? I needed to be told the tough truth, or whatever they call it.” You said, once again laughing at your poor choice of words. It got across though because when you looked up from your notebook again, Yuju had a small smile on her face, for some reason.
The bell rings, and you suddenly remember that you did have a class to attend and scrambled to gather your stuff that was sprawled out all over the table. You were never the kind of person to study in your free time, so of course you would be a panicking mess.
“Can I help you?” Yuju asked, her smile still evident on her face. Right, we’re classmates. Her eyes only shined even more when you nodded. You find yourself staring at her for a couple of seconds, ignoring the erratic beating of your heart the longer you did it. Maybe it was just her eagerness to offer her aid to somebody, but something about Yuju at this moment was really making her attractive to you.
Yuju turns to you with basically all of your stuff in her arms, “Let’s go.” She said. Before you could reply, she was already making her way to the exit. You rolled your eyes and ran after her, almost forgetting your backpack. You quickly wave at the boy in charge for the morning, his name was Seokmin and you’ve gotten close to him because of the amount of times you’ve spent sulking in the library, and push through the doors, successfully catching up to Yuju.
“At least let me carry some things. What if you get hurt again? Didn’t you just take off your cast? Give me that.” You said as you attempted to grab your textbook from the pile. Yuju showed no signs of yielding, much to your dismay. You huffed, feeling a little embarrassed with the amount of weird looks you were getting from everyone else. As far as they know, you and Yuju were now mortal enemies after that whole scene weeks ago, so seeing the two of you engaging in a friendly banter was strange.
As always, Yuju smiles and greets everyone she passes by despite the incredulous looks on their faces. You hide your flushed face behind the taller girl, suddenly not finding it in you to raise your head and intimidate those who dare to even look your way. You were pretty sure that you passed by SinB and her group of friends who were as surprised as others. Yerin was definitely going to have a ball with all of this when it gets to her.
Yuju steps inside the classroom and fortunately, it wasn’t packed yet so you were saved from even more whispers. You took this chance to grab Yuju’s arm to stop her from walking any further, “I can take it from here. Hand them over.” You said, your grip tightening on her arm every second. It was enough to make her yield at least. Yuju finally allows you to carry your own stuff, but she still follows closely behind you. See, now this was getting annoying.
Although you should be appreciating what she was doing, it made you feel useless. Yeah, yeah, I’m trying to change and all that but I should be able to do this on my own! But I guess I should thank her or whatever…
When you sat down on your seat, Yuju was fixing something on her shirt. With a few breaths, you managed to grab what little courage you had at the moment and tapped on Yuju’s arm, gathering her attention. Suddenly it was you who felt weak under her stare, maybe if she wasn’t so cute I’d be fine, but you pulled through it. “...Thanks. For all that.” You said.
Yuju beamed after hearing your words of gratitude, “No problem.” She replied ecstatically. She doesn’t say anything afterwards, and neither do you, so the two of you stayed still for an uncomfortable amount of time that some of your classmates have started talking about the strange scene happening before them. Have I always been this awkward? Behavioral therapy is doing wonders for the most part but this is definitely a nerf, what the hell.
It looked like Yuju was ready to leave, but she pauses and faces you again with pink cheeks and shaking hands, “Do you have somewhere to go? At lunch, I mean.” She said. You immediately catch on to where this was going. A smirk finds its way on your lips, well isn’t this cute.
“No, why?” You asked, leaning forward with a teasing smile. From the distance, you could see Yerin watching the two of you closely with wide eyes. Of course, just like everyone else, she was surprised to see that you weren’t telling Yuju to ‘screw off’ like you would most likely do. 
“Would it be too crazy if we... hung out?” Yuju asked. She mutters something else under her breath but you couldn’t catch it. (Unbeknownst to you, she was cursing herself for not ‘going through with the plan’, whatever it was.) You pretended to think hard about it, which was what Yuju considered the most cruel ten seconds of her life.
“Maybe, but on one condition,” You say with a mischievous grin. Yuju seems to be completely clueless about the fact that you were kidding which made you feel a little bad about doing it in the first place but her reactions are too entertaining for you to stop. You gestured her to get closer, and she did, leaning down so you could put your lips close to her reddened ear. You put your hand on her right shoulder and pulled her closer, earning a squeal from Yuju herself and a whistle from the back. You shake your head as you burst out laughing, losing whatever plan you had in mind and lightly pushed the taller girl away. “Nevermind. Sit down, I’ll see you later.” You said, waving her off.
Yuju, hot and bothered after whatever the hell you tried to do, walks to her seat with a dazed expression on her face. Chaeyeon, who has been watching the whole thing from her seat, excitedly gossips to Yuju as soon as the latter sits down.
“You made up with Yuju and the first thing you do is play with her feelings. I see you didn’t change at all, (Y/N)! Still a little shit, aren’t you?” Yerin exclaimed, poking your cheek as she passed by and sat down behind you.
You turn around, “And you still manage to be annoying so early in the morning. I thought having SinB as your girlfriend after months of chasing after her would change you, but I expected too much.” You replied, smirking triumphantly when Yerin’s face dramatically heats up. While you were busy with your issues, Yerin has been the happiest girl on Earth after SinB finally gives an answer to her hundred-or-so confessions. Truth to be told, you felt envious whenever you saw SinB feeding Yerin during lunch time. They were disgustingly sweet, and they matched so well it made your heart ache with love.
“You’re right! I just hope Yuju will do better with you.” Yerin said with a suggestive wink. This time it was you who was flustered by what your friend was implying. Because that’s totally gonna happen! Stupid Yerin… and stupid me for blushing.
“Yeah, yeah.”
 Ten minutes before lunch time and you managed to convince your teacher to let you go early. You headed towards the library with several books in your hand. They were light and thin so it was no trouble carrying them with one hand. You never thought that you would find reading other than boring, but after Ms. Kwon forced you to read a 600-page novel that was actually interesting, you’ve been hooked. 
You tucked the books under your arm and pulled the library doors open and suddenly, you bump into someone which caused you to fall down on your ass. You instinctively had put your right hand down to catch yourself, forgetting that you were injured. You yelped when pain shot through your arm, today of all days!
“Oh my God, (Y/N), I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you, oh my God— did I kill you? Come here.” Turns out that it was Seokmin, this morning’s library keeper, who had bumped into you. He was strong enough to carry you from the ground and on top of a table, ignoring the mess that you had made outside the door. Thankfully, there was nobody else inside the library so you weren’t cautious about making noise. You bit your lip in an attempt to stop whimpering but the pain was nearly unbearable.
Tears squeezed out of your eyes and Seokmin was scrambling in front of you searching for a first aid kit or anything that could help you.
You weakly waved your other hand, “I-It’s fine. It’ll pass. Give it a few minutes.” You said. Seokmin started muttering incomprehensible nonsense mostly to himself as he walked back and forth in front of you. You rolled your eyes and let your casted arm rest at your lap, watching the boy now go in circles around the table.
Once he makes a full circle, you grab him in front of you to stop him from walking any further, “Seokmin! I’m okay!” You said, shaking him around. Seokmin sighs in relief, clutching his chest and saying something about nearly having a heart attack and turning himself to the police for ‘accidental murder’. You weren’t even sure if that was a legit crime. He tends to be dramatic, but he’s a good guy.
You see a shadow behind Seokmin, but when you look past him, whoever was out there was gone. Weird. Then you were reminded of the books you dropped by the door when you fell. Seokmin turns around and takes the books, bringing them to the bin that says ‘Book Returns’ and walking back to you.
“Please have the school nurse check this out. I mean, I’d gladly take you to the hospital like, right now but I don’t have a car and busses take forever.” Seokmin said, holding your injured arm in his hands.
You laughed at him, “Yeah, I will. Don’t worry about it.” You said, ruffling his already messy hair. He smiles brightly and then stalks back to the librarian’s seat to do his job, leaving you to your lonesome on top of the table. As much as you wanted to roam around the library and see which books you could read next, but you decided to save it for another day.
Once the pain in your arm disappeared, you hopped off the desk and headed towards the library doors once again.
“You’re not staying here for lunch?” Seokmin asked from the desk, momentarily stopping himself from scrolling through the computer in front of him. It seems like he got used to chatting with you while you ate your lunch. Sometimes you brought Yerin and joked around with both of them, but most of the time it was just the two of you.
You smiled fondly and shook your head, your heart fluttered with anticipation after being reminded of your plan for today’s lunch time, “Nope. I have a date.”
 You got stood up, to say the least.
You and Yuju agreed to meet by your lockers as soon as the bell rings and you waited for at least twenty minutes before accepting the fact that you, the (Y/N) (L/N), just got stood up by a student who hasn’t even been in the school for a month. You stabbed a baby carrot with your fork rather harshly while you sat on one of the tables in the school’s outdoor eating area. When you heard the distant sound of the school bell ringing, you packed up your lunch and stormed inside the buildings. You were embarrassed, you were fuming, and you were a little sad, but you were more confused than anything.
Who knew that someone who looked like they couldn’t hurt a fly would have the guts to fool someone like you? And what exactly made her do that?!
You huffed thinking about Yuju putting up a face this whole time. It was all part of her big plan to have you who once made every single student run and hide with one single look become this pathetic weak-willed goody-two-shoes who hangs out with a cute bookworm and a prankster whose girlfriend is a badass. Yuju, when I catch you—
“Hi, (Y/N).”
You chuckled sarcastically when you heard that sweet, honey-like voice as you angrily fiddled with your lock. “Funny you show up now.” You said, shoving your food container inside your locker and pulling out your history textbook and notebook in a span of one and a half second.
“I… I’m sorry.” Yuju said. Now why does she sound genuine? Did she not do this on purpose? Is this another trick?! You clicked your tongue and turned to face the tall girl and to your surprise, she looked pissed. Rather than questioning it, you mirrored her expression. She does not look sorry. She sounds like it, but her pretty face says otherwise!
You turn away from her again, busying yourself with your locker, “Right.” You said through gritted teeth. Okay, (Y/N). Chill out. It’s not that deep. No need to go off on her, maybe she has a valid reason! As much as you wanted to listen to your better inner voice, you couldn’t help but ignore it. There has only been one person who was able to get you embarrassed and that was your older brother. Adding Yuju to that short list of ‘getting back at them’ was nothing short of a challenge. And you loved challenges. You practically thrived at taking on challenges.
“Don’t look so mad.” Yuju said. It only made your anger burst through the ceiling. You hate it when people tell you to ‘chill out’. (That was the reason you ignored your inner voice in the first place!) You slammed your locker shut out of habit. You didn’t want to scare Yuju, or make her think that you were going to hurt her over a stupid rejection, so when she flinches slightly, you softened a little. You put the lock with a little more care and faced the taller girl.
You bit on the inside of your cheek as you thought of something to say. Do you even need to say anything? You aren’t even willing to know why Yuju stood you up now. All you cared about was getting your revenge, which was probably bad. See, this is why I should never get myself tangled up with girls that I know will break my heart— what do I even mean by that?! I blame Yerin for all of this.
“Don’t you think it’s a little cruel to make a girl wait when you’re the one who asked her out in the first place?” You spoke softly, avoiding eye contact.
Yuju huffed, shrugging her shoulders so that the straps of her backpack wouldn’t slide off, “Was I supposed to find out about your boyfriend on my own? Well, I just did, but it would’ve helped a lot if you enlightened me about him beforehand.” She said. You stopped listening after she said the word ‘boyfriend’. Boyfriend? Boyfriend? Now what kind of drug is this girl on?
After not hearing a response from you, Yuju laughs bitterly, “Now you’re not even talking.” She said. You blinked, pulling yourself out of your thoughts, and you tried, you really tried, to think of one reason why Yuju would think that you would have a boyfriend. All the boys were terrified of you for obvious reasons. Even now that you’ve become a little nicer, just a little bit, they still cower in fear. Why would Yuju think that you have a boyfriend?
The only boy that wasn’t scared of you and the only one you were willing to be seen hanging out with was—
Unbelievable. It was just unbelievable. First it was just a burst of giggles, but then you started full-on laughing, gaining the attention of some students who were walking by. Yuju looks around and catches SinB and Yerin who were passing by with confused looks on their faces as they watched you clutch your stomach while you laughed like you were just told the stupidest joke ever made by mankind.
Well, it may as well pass a joke because it was that funny.
“You’re hilarious, Yuju. God,” You take a deep breath to compose yourself, then you stood properly and looked up at Yuju with what may be the brightest smile you’ve ever had in a while. Yuju stares at you in disbelief, wondering if what she said was actually funny. Oh, she’s so cute. “Seokmin isn’t… haha, Seokmin and I aren’t dating!” You managed to say between little giggles. Thinking about it again, you laughed loudly, suddenly leaning towards Yuju and lightly hitting her arm.
Yuju gasps, “You aren’t?!” She yelled.
You shake your head, still laughing, “No! He’s my guy best friend! Well, only guy friend. I’m not very popular with the dudes, unless we’re talking about which student they’re the most scared of.”
(Yuju doesn’t know if she should be happy about this new information. So she just stands there quietly with a small smile on her face despite being ashamed of herself, her heart growing every second the longer she was exposed to your lovely grin. She should smile more often.)
“Earlier, from outside the library, I saw the two of you,” Yuju said, her hand gripping her arm and pulling it close to herself. It looked like she was hugging herself, adorable. You listened intently, leaning close and ignoring the sound of the bell that sent the students away to their next classes. “His back was facing the door and he was facing you and you were on the table facing him and it just looked like… it looked like you two were kissing.” Yuju continued, furrowing her eyebrows at the image she saw. Or imagined, rather.
Your expression changes from curiosity to disgust, “Ew. I mean, Seokmin’s a nice guy but I wouldn’t do that. That’s weird. And kissing’s gross in general.” You replied. You made a note to tell Seokmin about all of this later, this was guaranteed to make him laugh as much as you did.
Yuju tilts her head, “Why were you in there? Did you skip class?” She asked.
“No. I came there to return some books I finished reading but I didn’t see Seokmin coming out so I bumped into him, fell on my arm and cried inside the library while he panicked thinking of a way to help me.” You said, chuckling at the memory.
Yuju puts her hand over her mouth as she gasps. You smiled, “I’m alright. I didn’t cry willingly! Who knew it would hurt so bad? You’d think that having this thing on my arm since forever would help ease the pain but goddamn that was painful.” You said, glaring at your casted arm like it just told you to do a backflip off a mountaintop.
It was silent for a while, save for the several footsteps echoing throughout the hallways. By this time you have forgotten that you had a class to go to, you wanted to hear more out of Yuju because she really looked like she wanted to say something. Now that you got a proper look at her, you noticed that she had dolled herself up. She looked even more glamorous than she did earlier in the morning.
I hope it was for me. She didn’t need it, but I really hope she did it for me. Wait, why am I hoping for that? Stop it.
“I’d like to apologize for leaving you hanging.” Yuju says after a while. With her beautiful doe-like eyes piercing your own, making you feel warm, you felt like pulling her close and hugging her. You don’t know what stopped you from doing so, but you cursed it. Whatever it was. 
You hummed, putting a finger to your lip as you eyed the taller girl from head to toe. Yuju blushes, suddenly feeling self-conscious and nervously fiddling with her belt hoops. (Oh, you didn’t know how much you made her feel.)
“You can make it up to me by taking me to that cute new coffee shop down the street.” You looped your injured arm around hers and dragged her along the corridor with a smile on your face. Yuju adjusts herself so that she wouldn’t be hurting you and treads beside you bashfully.
Well, this was new. For you, at least. You never had friends close enough to be intimate with. But then again, you weren’t really the type to be intimate with anyone. It felt… nice, being this close to someone you felt comfortable around. However, you knew in your heart that Yuju wasn’t a friend, and you don’t mean that in a hurtful way. You genuinely don’t know where you stand with her, but you do know that something inside you wants this, whatever this is, to lead somewhere.
Somewhere less chaotic and more… mellow. Maybe even romantic. Maybe, although it disgusts me to think of that word.
Yuju turns her head to smile at you, and your heartbeat picks up. Yeah, I’m in trouble. “I’ve heard about that place from Yerin and Eunha! Apparently they have the best pastries in the city.” She said.
“Really? There’s no way I’ll pass up the opportunity to get them now. You’re treating me by the way.”
“That’s okay. I don’t mind spending money as long as it’s for—”
“Save the romantics for later, lovergirl.”
 It has been a week since your completely platonic, non-romantic outing (which Yerin jokingly described as ‘a date’ which you convinced yourself was not true at all) with Yuju, and it was delightful. Talking to Yuju outside of the school with topics that aren’t at all related to anything that screamed ‘school’ was… fun. It’s been too long since you had fun with anyone. You certainly did not think that you’d be having fun in an adorable coffee shop with animal-shaped pastries named after dad jokes with a girl who you thought was going to become your nemesis, but you’ll take it.
Somewhere along the way, you were suddenly disappointed in yourself. You felt that you did not deserve Yuju’s kindness and her time after all the things you said to her, and the things you put her through for three days consecutively. Somehow, Yuju sensed that you felt this way so she made some things clear to you just before your older brother picked you up from a rusty old park that you and Yuju agreed to be your last stop for the day.
“I don’t know if you feel sorry, but you really shouldn’t. I was being weird watching you so closely so I understand why you were so… mean.”
“Yuju, it’s more than that—”
“I know.”
“...Are you seriously not gonna go off on me like Sojung did? I was horrible to you!”
“I know.”
“I nearly threatened you with a pen. A pen!”
“I know.”
“Obviously you don’t if you’re so… nonchalant about all of this.”
“Hey, that’s a new word from you.”
“You know what, goodbye, Yuju.”
“Haha, see you tomorrow, (Y/N). I had fun today.”
After that, neither of you brought it up ever again. You weren’t really sure if you should do it. You felt like Yuju didn’t want to talk about it. For whatever reasons you don’t know. Other than that, everyone officially identifies you both as friends, but that was only because Yuju never really hangs out with anyone other than you, and you don’t bother to say a word to anyone other than Yuju and a select few.
“I still can’t believe that she thought I was your boyfriend.” Seokmin says with a chuckle as he pushes a cart full of books further through the aisle.
You hummed as you followed closely behind him, inspecting the cover of an autobiography of a famous trot singer, “Yeah, it’s crazy.” You replied.
Seokmin looks at the book he was holding then you, then at the carpeted floor, “Hey, I wanna know something.” He said. You averted your gaze from the autobiography to your friend, raising an eyebrow and basically asking him to ask away. This is new, he usually just talks and talks.
The boy takes a deep breath and suddenly you become confused when his face heats up, “Are you and Yuju dating? Like, are you guys a thing?” He asked. You nearly dropped the book you were holding and questioned yourself as to why Seokmin would even think of that. It was almost the same confusion you felt when Yuju thought that he was dating you. Does everybody think that I’m dating my friends? I hope no one asks me about Yerin because then I would really die of laughter.
“No, we’re… friends.” You said, sliding the book back on the shelf. You weren’t even sure if that was the right word to describe your relationship with Yuju. Sometimes she stares at you a second more than necessary, sometimes your eyes linger all over her figure when she isn’t paying attention, and sometimes the two of you have those moments where you maybe want to talk about whatever the hell is happening but you always back out of it.
Mostly because you still weren’t sure about your feelings.
Maybe you were and you just didn’t want to accept it.
You don’t really know, feelings confused you a lot.
Seokmin seemed to have sighed in relief after hearing your answer. You didn’t question it though, because right after that, Yuju entered the aisle from the other end and called for you. You didn’t miss the way Seokmin abruptly pushes the cart away, barely even muttering a goodbye. He’s so weird today.
You shake your head and face Yuju, “What are you doing here?” You asked. Just like you, Yuju has been coming to school earlier than normal, and she doesn’t even do anything significant. She just follows you around, not that you mind though. It was nice having someone to talk to even though you did prefer to be alone most of the time.
“We’re still up for lunch, right?” Yuju says as she walks up to you. Well, she looked gorgeous. Nothing unusual by now but wow, she outdid herself today. It was probably the way Yuju managed to look so pretty although she was wearing an outfit that was so simple and comfortable. Not many people can pull that off.
You took a second to reply, having been distracted by the taller girl’s eyes, “If you don’t keep me waiting, maybe.” You teased with a wink.
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” Yuju asked, looping her arm around yours and leading you out of the aisle and into the table where the two of you had placed your bags. The first classes were going to start but word got out that your teacher is not going to be present due to personal reasons so you felt like killing time instead of going to class, much to Yuju’s dismay.
“The reason why you did it is still funny.” You replied, picking up your bag and slinging it over your shoulder the best you could. Yuju helps you with it and you mutter a small ‘thanks’ before making your way to Seokmin, who was busy arranging encyclopedias.
You tap his shoulder, making him turn around, “We’re gonna get going.” You said. You noticed the way Seokmin practically hid half of his face with the thick book he was holding and he avoided eye contact as he nodded, turning his back on you once again without another word. Before you could say anything else, Yuju started pulling you towards the exit.
“W-Wait, (Y/N),” You were halfway out the door when Seokmin suddenly ran after you. “Don’t forget to return that novel you borrowed last week. I can’t make any excuses for you.”
You sighed deeply, “Alright, I will, just don’t fine me yet!” You said, scratching the back of your head.
“Okay, well, see you later.” Seokmin said. He took one last look at you, and your tall friend, before walking away again. What is up with him?
Yuju pouts, “I think Seokmin is scared of me.” She said, pulling you out of the library.
You look back at the library doors and then to Yuju, “Why do you think that?”
“First of all, he can’t look at me for more than three seconds before scurrying away. Second, he doesn’t really talk to me. And third, when I try to talk to him, he makes up a dumb excuse to leave,” Yuju explains. The imaginary gears in your brain started shifting as you process your friend’s words, but nothing important came to mind. And it was all nonsense to you too. “Oh geez, maybe your scary aura has shifted on to me. This is horrible!” Yuju joked while faking a panicked look.
You lightly push her towards the wall, “Shut up. Seokmin’s just weird around people he doesn’t know very well.”
If I’m not stupid then maybe Seokmin...
Asking about your status with Yuju out of nowhere, suddenly walking away whenever Yuju approaches and barely talking whenever Yuju is around… it really should make sense and you’ve got one single idea in your head as to why Seokmin might be acting that way, but you ignore it with all your might.
Nah, that would be… crazy.
 “Dude’s got a mondo crush on your girl.”
There was five minutes before the third period ended, and you took the time to explain everything that happened that morning to Yerin and her take on the situation nearly made you choke on your spit.
“You’re kidding. And Yuju’s not my girl, stop saying that.” You said while you started packing up. Yerin helps you push your notebook inside your bag since it hurts her a little to see you try to do it with your one hand and fail adorably.
“You’ve gone on so many dates but you would never admit that it’s a date because you’re afraid of confronting your feelings for her.” Yerin replied, sticking her tongue out when you glared at her. She was so wrong. Well, that’s what you told yourself.
“Can we not talk about that right now? We’ve got bigger problems here.” You said. The two of you walked out the classroom after hearing the bell, signaling that it was finally lunch time. You planned to buy food from the nearest convenience store around with Yuju. She has said countless times that ramen-in-a-cup is always the best meal no matter what time of the day it was. And cheap ice cream is always very good.
Yerin nods, “Right. Your other best friend likes your girlfriend! Oops, sorry did I say that?” She joked.
“I told you, Yuju isn’t my—”
You were cut off when you suddenly bumped shoulders with a student you didn’t see coming. They dropped a notebook, and you immediately bent down to pick it up. You weren’t prepared with the person you had to face when you stood back up.
Kim Jennie stands before you in all her glory, and she shared the same surprised look on your face but for an entirely different reason.
“Hey, sorry about that,” You said, handing the notebook back to its owner. Jennie seems speechless, accepting the notebook without a word. Yerin lightly nudged your arm, urging you to say something. “Uh, see you, Jen.” And almost immediately after you said that, you grab onto Yerin’s arm and she starts walking.
“What was that? You got history with the leading bitch in the school?” Yerin asked. Oh, you have no idea. You decided to not answer her question, mostly because there were millions more circling your brain. Jennie was there when you fought with that idiot that resulted in him being admitted to the hospital and you having this stupid injury on your arm. She was the last person you wanted to see, but you were more surprised that you didn’t run into her earlier.
Was she suspended? No way. She practically runs the school, she could’ve sweet-talked her way out of that. Maybe her dear old daddy finally grounded her. Yeah, that must be it.
“...to take SinB and come with us. Right, (Y/N)?”
You blinked, “What?” You didn’t realize that Yerin had dragged you to where Yuju was standing.
“I was just talking to Yerin about joining us. Are you okay?” Yuju asked. You nodded, maybe a little too quickly. You felt that she didn’t need to know about Jennie, or anything that happened before she came to the school. Maybe until you’ve gotten way closer. Is it bad to hide secrets from friends? Yuju has been nothing but honest to you, but it wasn’t like she was very open about her personal life. It could be that she just has nothing to say unlike you, whose story might be overwhelming to hear.
You really didn’t want to scare Yuju away. But still, she was going to know one way or another. You just hoped that it was going to come from you and not from some irrelevant gossip who doesn’t know any better.
“Oh, yeah. Something funny happened earlier. Seokmin was just here. Like, he was actually talking to me. Can you believe that?” Yuju says, laughing as she rummages through her locker for her wallet.
You and Yerin share a look, which you absolutely hated because she started raising her eyebrows and mouthing the word ‘crush’, “What’d he say?” You asked, ignoring Yerin’s excessive gesturing using all of her face.
“Well, for some reason, he wanted to know if I was available for lunch today and obviously I said no because I got you.” Yuju replied, pulling out a wallet from her locker and immediately shoving it inside her bag. Yerin looked ready to speak up, but you kicked her ankle, causing her to turn away and silently deal with the pain.
You faked a laugh, “Sounds like he was asking you out.” You teased. God, I hope he wasn’t asking her out. This would be the messiest situation I’ve ever been in. Yerin stifles a laugh at your obvious concern, nothing makes her happy more than knowing she was right all along.
“Why would he do that? He’s really into you,” Yuju says as if it was the most normal thing ever. If that was really the case, was she not worried that Seokmin would get in her way? Does she even like you anymore? Maybe she realized that you were better off as a friend after all those dates. That would be pretty sad considering how many times you got so close to determining your feelings for her. Did you have an absolute answer? Probably. You were just not ready to face it yet. Just like Yerin said, I hate it when she sees through me. “Don’t tell me you don’t notice the way he looks at you! He’s like a lovesick puppy.” The tall girl continues.
Yerin decided to chime in, “Just like you.” 
You didn’t even feel like fighting Yerin and her big mouth this time. Yuju smiles at her and nods, “Just like me.” She repeated, subtly winking at you. You playfully rolled your eyes, turning your head away so that your hair could hide your flushed face. Even if it was a joke, it was nice to know that Yuju still feels something. Why?! Maybe I should just shut off all my thoughts right now. It’s getting weird. I should worry over what she said instead! She thinks Seokmin likes me! But I think he likes her! How am I gonna clear this up?
“Can we just get out of here? I didn’t have breakfast this morning and if I spend another second standing around I might go insane.” You said and walked ahead of the other two. You racked your brain for solutions to your current dilemma. The first thing you thought of was pushing Yuju and Seokmin to get close, and that would mean cutting you out of the picture because you do think that they match well together.
That way Yuju wouldn’t be led on any longer than she already has. Yeah, that might be a good idea.
 The nearest convenience store was directly across the school gate and for that, you had to be thankful because you really were hungry. Yerin had informed you that SinB, as well as a couple of friends of hers, will be meeting all of you at the convenience store. You didn’t really care that you would have to be around people that aren’t Yerin and Yuju, you just really wanted something to eat.
On the way to the convenience store, you had completely forgotten all about Seokmin and that whole mess, mainly because Yuju kept talking about how she would spend the majority of her weekend walking around the streets and playing with stray kittens. That would explain the small cuts on her hands you spotted a few days back. You gave her a stern scolding about diseases stray animals could carry, and then Yerin teased you about suddenly caring about other people’s wellbeing. Do I really make an impression of a cold-hearted snake at first glance?! I may be a violent asshole who can’t hold her temper but I’m not a monster!
“Oh,” You groaned as you neared the convenience store. You were close enough to spot the several students wearing your school’s uniform going about inside the convenience store, and now you changed your mind about this whole thing. Eating with several people is only fun when you know who those people are and when you’re close with them. You liked SinB even though she was one of the people who can get under your skin with her antics, but you can’t say the same about whoever she brought along. I just hope that they’re not the kids with superiority complexes. “I think I’m just gonna starve. See you both later.” You said.
Yuju grabs onto your healthy arm before you could even move an inch from where you were standing, “Come on, it won’t be that bad! Think of this as an opportunity to change your school rep!” She said and practically dragged you to the entrance of the store. She didn’t even give you a chance to protest!
“From a hot-headed, power-hungry agitator to an understanding and calm peacemaker. One hell of a transformation, (Y/N).” Yerin teased, patting your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, “Literally most of what you just said were lies, I was never power-hungry!” You tried to reason as you pulled the door open with your healthy hand.
“Then how do you have ‘history’ with Kim Jennie? You’re telling me that you were actually friends with her? Nothing else?” Yerin said. Your head aches whenever you think about the bullshit you went through while you were Jennie’s pet, and your head hurts even more when Yuju looked as if she was demanding you to enlighten her about this whole thing. Darn it, Yerin. I love you but sometimes you have to shut up.
You decided to stay silent, and Yerin got distracted with greeting SinB and her friends to bother you about it further. Yuju holds the door open for you, and you thank her before stepping inside the store. As much as you tried to ignore the small crowd that formed around the seating area of the store, a familiar face forces you to look.
“Well, this is awkward.” SinB mutters as she watches you and Kim Sojung have a staring competition. Why did you even bother to think that it wouldn’t be Sojung, Eunha, and Yewon who were coming along with SinB? Of course they were the friends. Thankfully, Yuju, who knew a thing or two about what might happen if you and Sojung stayed together in one place for even two seconds, drags you inside an aisle before anyone could say anything else.
Her soft hand was holding on to yours as the two of you quietly walked to where the ramen cups were. It was strange. Yuju has held hands with you many times before. Sometimes as a joke to embarrass you in public, sometimes she does it just because she wants to, and sometimes she does it without even knowing it herself. That was your favorite one. However, something about the way she was holding your hand now was different. It was a feeling you weren’t familiar with, and oh, how you hated not knowing things.
Suddenly, just as you spotted the ramen cup you always get in stores, Yuju stops and turns around to face you. Her expressions change from determined, hesitant, and lost in a matter of seconds. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but she was afraid of your reaction. Back then you would’ve completely shut her out about anything she might ask about you, but you know her now and she knows you. You wanted to encourage her to talk but something told you to wait for her. What are you thinking?
Yuju takes your injured arm gently and stares at it for a couple of seconds, then she looks at you and finally speaks. “I’ve always wondered what really happened. You don’t tell me a lot. I know I-I’m nothing to you… but I care about you, (Y/N). It may look like I’m just someone who’s got this big crush on you as a joke but that’s not true at all. I really do like you… and I want to know what happened here.” She said.
It was inevitable. You knew she was going to ask about it again, and when that happens you wouldn’t have a choice but to answer her with the truth. That moment was here, and you’ve come up with a lot of ideas as to how to approach the topic, so how come you can’t say anything now?
Maybe I just need another push. Just one, then I can tell her everything she wants to hear.
Yuju doesn’t say anything, and that was the push you wanted. Still, the words were stuck at your throat. There was this sinking feeling at your chest, it was a feeling that you never wanted to experience again after the first time. But it comes constantly. Sometimes briefly, sometimes it stays longer than you want it to and clouds your mind for the whole day.
It feels suffocating. The more Yuju stares at you with nothing but genuine patience in her eyes, the more your chest tightens and the more your head screams at you to turn around and leave without saying a word. You were scared.
You were so terrified of telling Yuju about it all, of having to watch Yuju slowly lose whatever she feels for you after you tell her, of losing Yuju. Because you would never admit it, not even to Yerin who has proved many times that you can trust her with anything, but Yuju has become someone you were fond of. Someone who you wanted to keep for a long time. Someone who is probably the only person who can keep you in line. Someone you willingly drop your guard around. Someone that was close to your heart.
Maybe not like that yet, but you didn’t want to lose someone who means so much to you. Nobody does.
“I won’t run,” Yuju speaks again, pulling you out of your deep thoughts. “I would never run from you.”
She means well. But I can’t do this.
“(Y/N), I’m here for you,” Yuju takes a step closer to you, her hands once again taking yours and squeezing it lightly. “I know you don’t tell anyone about what happened that time for a reason. I know it’s killing you to keep all of your feelings inside because you want everyone to think you’re so tough, but you don’t have to do that anymore.”
Yuju takes your hand and raises it to her lips. She plants kisses on your knuckles, and then she presses your palm against her cheek. Stop it. 
“You can lean on me.”
It hurts to think of what might happen if you tell her right now. Will she completely change her attitude, take back everything she just said and walk away? Or will she continue to stand there and actually keep her promise? You weren’t sure of what might happen, but either outcomes would be scarring. Even if Yuju continues being Yuju and stays with you, it wouldn’t stop this horrible, irrational feeling you have. The feeling that she is not supposed to be with you.
As a friend or whatever.
It’s cruel to keep someone waiting like this.
You slowly dropped your hand from her cheek and tried to pull away, but Yuju kept her hold on you as if she was afraid that you were going to disappear if she let go. Because you will. You just hope that Yuju won’t hate you more for staying away from her rather than knowing what happened that led to your injury. How could I let this go on for so long?
“They’re expecting you,” You gestured to the girls at the seating area. Yuju couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Taking advantage of her confusion, you successfully pulled your hand away from hers. Why does it hurt? “Don’t let me keep you from them.” After everything… maybe I am as bad as people make me out to be.
When you walked away, Yuju didn’t chase after you. Maybe she was finally tired of everything you put her through. Or maybe she understood why you were so hesitant to talk about everything in the first place. You wouldn’t know because you made sure to never look back. Looking at Yuju again after everything that just happened, it would only hurt you more and boy were you done with being hurt.
52 notes · View notes
depressedacadamia · 3 years
Sore Loser
A/N: I rewrote this twice because I deleted half of it- totally no tears here! Comment your opinions and most importantly, enjoy! <3 from moi.
Word count: 1.3K
Summary: The ending to this one shot
Tagging: @showtunesandsolangelo​
Part II
Percy refused to talk to Annabeth the entire ride back to Camp. Most of his team was lighting up on the way back besides Percy and Will who were furious at Nico for overworking himself over a game. Percy would turn his head every time Annabeth spoke to him however when they got off the bus, he snatched her bag out of her hand and threw it over his shoulder. Annabeth tried to not laugh- sure, he wouldn't talk to her but he would still hold her bag for her. 
“Percy, bro cmon, it was a game.” Jason slapped him on the back.  
“That we got beat in!” 
“That was your fault,” Calypso laughed slightly as Leo wove his hand into hers. He had forgiven her for practically yeeting him across into a creek. She still felt quite guilty when she saw the bruise across his back but he had waved it off as if it were nothing. 
“I did warn you that we were going to win,” Annabeth repeated. “ C’mon Perce, it was just a game!”
“Hmph!” Percy shook his head away from Annabeth even though he was holding her hand and her stuff. It was by far one of the funniest things Annabeth had ever seen him do.He clearly did not see the irony. 
“Do you understand what you did? It was a game Nico, a game! Do you understand what those words mean?” Will answered his question before Nico could. “ It means you don’t overexert yourself and have fun. Have you ever heard of fun before!?” 
Nico was trying to keep a poker face and not laugh at Will. He watched as the blond teenager continued freaking out, throwing his hands about and lecturing him. Nico was sitting down on his bed in the infirmary, supporting his weight with both his arms. Yes, Nico injured himself so often that he had an actual bed assigned to him in the infirmary. 
“What are you smiling at!” Will turned on him. 
“It was you and your little freak outs. Happy now?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“Oh.” Will seemed significantly quiet as he attempted to fight the rising blush on his cheeks.
“Says you.” Will retorted as he sat next to Nico, shuffling so he could get comfortable. Nico shuffled a bit so he could lay his head on Will’s chest who in turn rested his chin on Nico’s head.. Will felt warm, safe and his heart had steady thumps- something that calmed Nico as his eyes closed and he gently drifted into a sleep. The last thing he felt was a soft kiss on his forehead. 
“Anyone seen Will and Nico?” Piper asked as she took a seat.
“Infirmary,” Reyna confirmed as she decided to take a seat by Frank and Hazel. Just as Annabeth was going to take a seat by Piper instead of Percy, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She let Percy drag her to his lap- he was still frowning. His eyes weren’t cloudy like they were when he was truly angry, instead they were his regular sea green hue. His hair was messy form the game and some of the ends had splashes of yellow paint dired to the ends. There were even some splodges on his face and bruises on his arms but despite all of that, Annabeth still thought he looked as handsome as ever. 
“So you’re still going to interact with me but you won’t talk to me?” 
“He’s stubborn,” Leo called out. 
“Grudges really aren’t your thing Percy, leave that to Nico,” Hazel admitted, her legs resting on Frank’s lap. 
“She exploited the trust we had so she could win,” Percy huffed out the few words. Piper literally cackled. Percy was probably the one of the best soldiers in battle but he really wasn’t very good at losing. 
“Percy,” she wheezed. “It was a game. You should have seen it coming.”
“Seaweed brain, I said I’m sorry but come on, you have to admit it was funny!” Annabeth pleaded. She watched as Percy struggled to keep his face under control. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and at the same time, the dimples on his cheeks appeared momentarily before disappearing. His eyebrows creased together in a dramatic fashion, clearly trying to prevent a smile from spreading across his face. 
“Percyyy please!”
“Percy, you realise no one is on your side right?” Reyna reminded. 
“I’m going to my cabin, in case you traitors wanted to continue anymore of your protesting,” Percu huffed as he got up and stormed away in a dramatic fashion. The rest of the group remained in their seats, trying to resist snorting. 
A knock resonated from the door. Percy was considering if he should answer or not. The chances it was a quest or someone in need of his help (he really was close to screaming fuck all the gods except Hestia) and the chance it was Annabeth were both a fair 50/50. The knocking was persistent and finally Percy sighed before getting up and in a violent manner, pulled open the door. 
To his surprise, Annabeth stood there with a plate of blue cookies (that looked like one or two had been burnt), blue nachos (with some famous 7 layer dip which Annabeth had to iris-call Sally to learn the recipe) and a bottle of blue soda which stood by her foot.
“Sorry?” Annabeth offered, her arms a bit full. Percy didn’t know how to react. On instinct, he helped Annabeth, taking the nachos out of her hands and propping the door to his cabin open so she could walk in. As Annabeth walked in, he stuck his head out the door, to make sure Chiron wasn’t watching. 
“So..” Annabeth trailed off, looking at her feet. 
Percy sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “So…”
“I made cookies,” she smiled weakly.
“I saw. How many did you burn?”
Annabeth gasped in mock offense. Her hand flew to mouth dramatically as she struggled to hide a giggle. 
“What! There was no way that Leo didn’t help you with those. He’s the only one who can actually make food here,” Percy laughed slightly. Annabeth, caught red handed, let out a nervous bubble of laughter as she sat herself on one of the chairs in Percy’s cabin. 
“So… have you forgiven me?” Annabeths eyes looked shiny and hopeful. 
Percy had forgotten that he had meant to be mad around Annabeth- when the girl you’re in love with walks into your cabin with blue food and cookie ingredients across her face, you kinda have to stop thinking grrrr. In Percy’s eyes Annabeth looked so adorable- she had flour on her face and hair, her clothes were clearly in a food dye accident and her hands were stained blue. 
“Maybe… I will have to give everything a thorough taste test to determine it though.”
“Oh of course, we can’t have anything not up to your standard,” Annabeth joined in on Percy’s mucking about. Percy took a bite out of the blue cookie that lay on top- expecting the worse however, he was pleasantly surprised when it tasted pretty good. 
“Wow, this is way better than I thought it would be.” The words flew out of Percy’s mouth before he could stop them.
“Glad to see you believe in my baking skills,” Annabeth drawled sarcastically but her lips were still smiling. Annabeth also took a cookie and was shocked at how good it tasted. 
“Wow, these are pretty good.”
“Well you see, I have this super competitive but awesome girlfriend who cannot cook or bake but she has really good battle strategies that seem to also work when coming to blackmailing her friends to make food.”
Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's waist, pressing a kiss to her forehead just as she gave him a playful punch, causing him to pout and rub his arm. They set out the food and argued about what movie to watch.
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter III
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
   After a couple minutes of some surface level research Tim pulled out his phone.
Replacement: The boy is Adrien Agreste
Replacement: His dad is Gabrielle Agreste
Replacement: *Gabrielle
Replacement: Fuck autocorrect
Replacement: *Gabrielle
Replacement: *Gabrielle 
Replacement: Ok I give up, the dude version of Gabriel
Replacement: *Gabriel
Replacement: *Gabriel
Replacement: What have I ever done to you autocorrect??
Gunz Blazin’: you a bit late there, mr tim todd
*Gunz Blazin’ renamed Replacement, Tim Todd*
Demon: Stop messaging so carelessly through this group chat you imbeciles!
Gunz Blazin’: (insert emoji spam here)
Gunz Blazin’: Hey tim, can you do some research on marinette dupain-cheng?
Gunz Blazin’: And maybe a lila who is probably in her class
Replacement: Sure, gimme a bit of time.
   Regardless of how careless he seems to be, Jason is concerned. Thinking from what he could piece together, “The boy (Adrien Agreste) thinks that the girl (Marinette Dupain Cheng) is ignoring his advice and doesn’t like it. He also thinks Marinette is jealous of another person (Lila?), he thinks she is specifically jealous of how much time he and Lila spend together. But Marinette says she is not jealous.” Jason, deciding to gather more information before taking drastic measures, plans to approach Marinette calmly and act as though he had not seen what he had. 
   Whatever flames his plans held are immediately extinguished by the highschool blondie that should have been behind him, rather than in front of him bolting towards Marinette. “Marinette!” Chloe grieves as she wraps the small bluenette in her arms. “It’s okay, we’ll get them all. I won’t let them get away with this. You will never have to fight alone. Ever.”
   “Thank you,” is the single phrase Marinette has the fight to utter before she closes her eyes and falls into a deep slumber. 
   A few minutes after Marinette falls asleep Chloe reaches into Marinette’s pocket to stop the recording on her phone. Then she looks up at Jason, “You better find Marinette a place to sleep before I light your ass.”
   Jason reluctantly sighs in defeat. “Fine.” He bends over and picks Marinette up before turning around and walking to Bruce Wayne’s currently empty office.
   Our dear Brucie had been in quite the jam for the last couple weeks. Today, finally he returns home to Gotham after his final business trip, for what he hopes to be a couple months. He walks through the front doors of Wayne Enterprises and sees the french class (who won the chance to come to Gotham because of one of their student’s spectacular essay) prepare to head back to their hotel. Aside from one student on her phone, dialing like a madman, everything seems completely fine.
   Bruce walks past them and to his office, outside his window he could see it was already pitch black, aside from christmas lights. Bruce is content, he is free, at peace. Until he got closer to his office and heard ringing. “There shouldn’t be anyone calling me now, and if they would they would be calling my personal phone…” Bruce begins to think before it struck him. “BOMB!”
   Bruce runs straight into his office, which in hindsight would be an extremely bad idea (listen kids, never run into a bomb infested area. plz, i don't want my readers to go kaboom) looking to defuse a bomb. But when he looked around all he found was a girl sleeping and her ringing phone. He waddled closer to the girl and poked her shoulder, kinda freaking out. “Oh fuck. She needs to wake up. Selina’s gonna castrate, then kill me. I can’t have any rumours going around right now. I’m finally free.” 
   Before he knew what was happening… WHAM!
   Chloe is frenzied in fear. “Where the fuck in Marinette? Where the fuck is the tour guide?” Chloe scurries to our dear friend, front desk Andrew and asks. 
   “Yea. He’s gone.. Probably to pick up his younger brother from school.” Andrew replies. 
   “If you find Marinette, please call this number and let me know,” frantically, Chloe scribbles down her own number and hands it to Andrew who carelessly pockets it.
   Chloe is aflame. In the crime capital of the world, where is her best friend? Is she in danger? Where is Marinette? Chloe keeps calling her partner as the class boards the bus. As she sits alone in the back of the bus Chloe quietly prays “Please be safe,” she prays quietly.
   “Don’t worry, she’s the ladybug. Not much can hurt her. She will be fine. Before the tour guide carried Ms. Guardian away, Tikki and Kaalki hid in her clothes” Pollen comforts from inside Chloe’s handbag.
   Chloe visibly relaxes, just a bit. 
   Marinette just woke up has no idea where the fuck she is, but there is a dude poking her shoulder and she does not like that. At all. WHAM! 
   Marinette now standing up, looks down at a grown-ass man. Recognizing him she thinks, “I just assaulted Bruce Wayne!”, it did not sink in. She stared at him for a couple seconds. “FUCK! I just assaulted Bruce Wayne!!!!!!!” (Kinda sorta prompted by RoselynFey on AO3)
   As Marinette begins to uncontrollably apologize, Bruce interrupts her, “Daughter. You are my daughter.”
   This sentence now leads to Marinette sputtering like a madman. (Bruce please stop adopting random children it ISN’T HEALTHY!)
TAG LIST: @jeminiikrystal @demonicbusiness @i-am-ironic @woe-is-me0 @miracleofadisaster @clumsy-owl-4178 @onmywaytoloveyou @nathleigh @jeminiikrystal @blueslushgueen @intelligent-raccoon @aestheticpoetic @dood-space
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galacticidiots · 4 years
So you want to read some banging Reylo fics...
{or: a roundup post of some of my recent reads}
And It Burns. (T, 6K) I am begging you to read this. It’s Lightside Ben and Darth Kira and it is glorious and so beautifully written. The constant push and pull between them, the shifting dynamic, the way the character roles are reversed but everything still feels so incredibly natural and organic and them... masterful. So, so gorgeous.
To Say (M, 600 words) is a really, really beautiful soulmate AU drabble. You will definitely cry, but it’s so worth it. Truly.
I’ve got you (under my skin) (E, WIP) Y’all, it’s nanny Rey and she’s hooooorny. So is Ben. They’re both like, indecently horny. It’s great. Basically, Ben hires Rey to look after his son. (Sexy) stuff happens.
Six Feet Under (E, WIP) Archeologst Ben & Egyptologist Rey are working on a dig together when they find a very interesting journal. It goes very much uphill from there. Guys, this is so much fun! Do you know how long I’ve wanted a story like this? (as long as I’ve been alive, probs). I love the fact that they’re supposed to have huge IQs but they’re basically idiots when it comes to like... feelings.
Truth Be Told (M, 29K) IT’S AN ALIAS AU. Ahhhhh. Alias is one of my favourite shows of all time and this does not disappoint. Rey is the babeliest badass, just like Sydney, and Agent Ben is dreamy, just like Vaughn. This reminded me of the best of Alias and for that, I love it.
Midnight Snacks (T, 2K) They meet late one night in the community kitchen and Ben is offended that Rey would choose to eat something as awful as noodles - so he makes her something infinitely better :))
A Bright New Light (G, 3K) A really special take on Ben’s time at the Temple and how he felt when Rey was born. I love everything about this. The author’s take on what Ben felt when he was sent away, on his conflicting emotions, his inability to fit in, and his yearning for belonging all align perfectly with what I have always envisioned. I also love the care they put into the side characters, like Luke and particularly Tai, and the way they wrote about the bond. So, so beautiful.
a love like ours (T, 6K) In which Ben is a funeral director and Rey is a florist and ohmygodit’samodernHadesandPersephone AU. Utterly charming!!
Do You Know The Muffin Man? (T, 2K) The one where Ben is smitten with his co-worker Rey and he starts leaving muffins on her desk. So really, my taste in everything.
can’t take my eyes (off of you) (E, WIP) Is the genderswapped 10 Things I Hate About You AU of my dreams. I don’t know what else to say besides the obvious - read it.
take care of you (M, 3K) Come one, come all - get your sugar sweet devoted Reylo fix! Wherein Ben has had a bad day and Rey wants nothing more than to make it all better *happy sigh*
Remedy For Rivalry (E, WIP) Listen, some people say there’s no such thing as a perfect story, but then this comes along and it’s an historical arranged marriage enemies to lovers WHO HAVE HISTORY type of deal and they are proven wrong. Because this? Perfection.
how to be something you miss (T, 7K) They’re exes but they love each other and they miss each other but they’re dumb... is the thing. Soft. Soft, soft, soft and sweet and perfect.
all of you, all of me (intertwined) (T, 7K) *sobs in a good way* This is an incredibly sweet take on the whole ‘redeemed Ben trying to fit in at the Resistance base’ scenario. Lovely stuff!!
A Nightingale Sang (E, WIP) I know I keep begging you to read stuff, but I am begging you to read this. It’s so fucking beautiful I could cry. I have cried, and I’m sure I’ll continue crying. It’s a WWII AU and Ben & Rey are both pilots. I don’t want to spoil it for you because this is not the kind of story you read - it’s the kind you experience. Give it a chance, I promise you won’t regret it.
Choreae Lucis (E, 7K) The one where single father Ben takes his daughter to Ballet lessons and his heart pirouettes for teacher Rey. Sooooooooo sweet and wonderful and SOFT.
neither here nor there (E, 6K) What happens when Rey purchases a sex toy that is an exact replica of porn star Kylo Ren’s, uh... lightsaber, only to find out that her neighbour Ben is Kylo Ren? This happens, and it’s glorious.
curse the beauty, curse the queen (E, WIP) I’ve only just started this but the premise is delicious - former Queen of Naboo Rey and Senator Ben Solo are to be married, in a plan hatched by Ben’s grandmother Padmé. Naturally, I’m in lust.
System Override - If you’ve been following me for any measure of time, you might be aware of how much I love the Illuminae series (it’s a whole, disgusting lot). This gives me the BEST illuminae vibes. Basically, It’s Supreme Leader Ben bonding with AI R.E.Y. I love love love love it.
want you more than a melody is my current obsession. Orchestra AUs are of one my favourite things in the world and this one is GOD TIER. Ben plays the cello, Rey plays the flute, and they are reunited at the New York Phillarmonic after six years without seeing each others. Turns out, Rey was left with more than just memories after their whirlwind romance. This. is. everything.
Betas Only is a roommates AU in which Ben is looking for a beta to share an apartment with him. Beta Rey applies (lol). Also on AO3!
Priceless - Y’aaaaaaall, it’s a Wedding Date AU and I’m in love.Or: the one where Rey hires Ben to be her escort to Rose’s wedding.
Fall Into the Dark Side - comic bookshop worker Rey and comic book writer Ben are possibly my new faves. I binged it this morning and I love everything about it.
Lingerey - the one where Rey texts her dearly detested colleague Ben a photo of herself...scantily clad. Shenanigans very much ensue. Gourmet!
Lingerey (II) is another take on the above prompt, but this time Rey is Ben’s son’s nanny.
Shampoo Challenge features roommates Ben & Rey and Ben’s dick going viral.
Artfullly sees Poe asking Ben & Rey to participate in his risqué art installation.
To Whomever Gets My Dog tells the tale of military man Ben who has to leave his pooch behind. Thankfully, Rey is available to foster him :)
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Title: The Perks Of Santo Padre II
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Gif credits to @angels-reyes & @nerd4music
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Tag list @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @twistnet. @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @mayans-mc. @baylishh. @ifoundmyhappythought
Don't you have some where to be, Oceteva"? Angel growls as he sees Nestor holding your hand when he came up to the table.
"No, I'm free". Nestor smirked as he sat down beside you.
"Well, you're not welcomed here. So you need to get the fuck out". Angel sat down in the other seat beside you.
"The only way I'm leaving is with Y/N, back to my place". The club around him laughed and whistled. Angel wasn't so happy about that, as he balled up his fist.
You chuckled under your breath, shaking your head. You couldn't believe that two guys liked you. You, of all people they could be with and they were fighting over you. Mind blowing.
"So, Y/N. What do you do for fun"? Nestor asked, his hand lingering on your thigh. Angel's hand on your other thigh.
"I watch movies and hang with friends. I like to paint and see the countryside. Listen to music and dance horribly". You giggled cover your mouth with your hand.
"I bet you dance wonderful". Nestor spoke with such a maturity to him that Angel didn't really have.
"Why you do that"? Angel interrupted yours and Nestors moment.
You were taken back by Angel's question, figuring you did something wrong. "I'm sorry". You lowered your head.
"Why do you cover up that beautiful smile of yours". He spoke sweetly and moved your hand from your mouth. A smile crept across it as your cheeks blushed.
"I dont like my smile".
"It's beautiful. Just like you. Dont hide it. Especially from me". You nodded your head.
"What time is it"? You asked everyone looking at their phones.
"Almost midnight. Why"? Angel said.
"I have to get home. Thanks for the drink and the company but I must get going. Hank will you take me home, please"?
"Yeah". He got up from his seat.
"I can take you home if you'd like"? Angel said before Nestor.
"Thanks but Hank brought me and I'll be leaving with him". You say walking with Hank to the door. Turning around and waving to the two men sitting on the couch.
A few days later, you were coming out to your car when you noticed two dozen roses and a gift bag sitting on the table on the porch.
You chuckled and shook your head. These guys were seriously going to war trying to win your heart.
"To Y/N, I hope you have a lovely day. Love Angel". You read the card of the flowers.
Opening the gift bag, you found a box with a sapphire necklace with a card that read. "Thinking of you. I hope you had a good night. I know I did. I cant wait to see you again. Sincerely Nestor". The necklace was beautiful but way to expensive. Both cost alot of money. You didn't want men spending that much on you.
Grabbing the flowers and bag you headed to your car for work. Your friends will have field day when they see this.
"Girl. Marry the one with the necklace. He has money". She squealed as with laughter.
"No". You simply told her.
"No, date the guy that sent you flowers. Its sweet and doesnt go overboard. And doesn't make him seem like hes trying to hard for attention". Your other friend said.
"I dont know what to do. They're both great guys and they're really cute. Nestor seems so mysterious and grown up. Angel is funny but kind of a child too".
"What's wrong with a man having a little child in him"? You and your other friend looked at each other and laughed.
"You know what I mean, damn. It means he knows how to have fun and make you laugh. Not be so uptight and rules rules rules all the time. Live alittle".
"You're right. I guess I just have to get to know them better". You huffed as you saw the stack of paper work in front of you. "We should get to work. We have tons of stuff to get to before tonight". They all agreed and headed to work. The whole day Angel and Nestor were on your mind. Maybe it was like that saying you talk about them and they appear.
"Cutey at table five". Your friend said as you turned around. There sat Angel with some of the guys you met the other night at your table.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here"? You asked oddly.
"We came here for the big event". Angel said looking you up and down.
"I didn't know you were on the VIP list".
"I got people in high places". Angel sent you a wink.
"Right, the waiter should be here to take your drink order. I have to get back to work". Angel grabbed your hand before you left.
"Did you like the flowers"?
"They're beautiful. Thank you". You sweetly smiled and walked off.
Letting out a puff of air you were holding in. You walked by another table and got a glimpse of those tight braids. Nestor was here as well.
"Nestor, what are you doing here"?
"I'm on the list. My boss gave me a bonus and this was the place to be".
"Oh alright. Well it was nice seeing you again. I have to get back to work".
Nestor took your hand in his. "Enjoy the necklace"?
"Its beautiful. Thanks but way to expensive. I cant keep it. After I'm done here I want you to take it. Get your money back".
"I dont want it back. I want to see it around your neck. You can wear it on our date".
You heard the scoff behind you. It was Angel with his arms crossed over his chest.
"What the hell are you doing here? I didnt know they let trash in the place". Nestor chuckled under his breath as he saw it was Angel.
"Well they let little bitches in like you so they must be letting everyone in".
They both growled at each other. If you weren't in the middle of them they would have thrown punches at each other.
"Guys, stop. Not here. They'll call the cops on you".
They both laughed. "We own the cops, sweetheart". Angel grinned.
"Fine. Kill each other. I dont care. But I'm not sticking around to find out who won. Grow up both of you". You spat and walked off.
"You stand no chance with her". Nestor shoved Angel.
"I saw her first. It's my club so I have dibs". Angel shoved Nestor into the table. Glass being tossed to the floor.
They started punching and hitting on each other. Angel was throw on a table. Nestor was kicked into a group of people standing nearby.
Security tried breaking them up pulling them apart. You came running up.
"You idiot's. I never want to see you two ever again. Get them out of here". You yelled. The guards dragging them out.
You turned around about to go back to work, you saw your boss waiting for you. With a disappointing look on his face. You knew you were fired and it was all because of Angel and Nestor being children.
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jemfisch · 4 years
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⌠ MASON GOODING, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, JEREMY “JEM” FISCHMAN II! according to their records, they’re a SECOND YEAR year, specializing in ADVANCED ENCRYPTION & “MACGUYVER” SURVIVAL SKILLS AND NAVIGATION; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (old hip hop blaring from headphones, a broken crtv with the cords ripped out and repurposed, the smell of spray paint graffiti, brightly colored shirts with 80s patterns). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 06/23/99, they always request their ICE CREAM SANDWICHES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 24, she/her, est ⍀ @gallagherintro
fox mulder (the x files)
hogarth hughes (the iron giant)
will turner (pirates of the carribean)
robin hood
george weasley (harry potter)
spike spiegel (cowboy bebop)
mark watney (the martian)
his parents were high school sweethearts and married just before they attended college at harvard together, securing careers at the kennedy space center. 
jeremy fischman sr dies under mysterious circumstances in a lab accident and ellen is twenty-eight and left alone to raise baby jem. things only go downhill from here. jeremy was the love of her life and she becomes obsessed with his disappearance and all kinds of conspiracy theories, blows a bunch of her money. it doesn’t take long for her to be fired, savings blown on expensive equipment or sunk into internet hoaxes
they move to a rough neighborhood in gainesville where jem grows up. he likes jem, not jeremy, jeremy is his father. he’s never experienced the perfect life his parents used to live, the white picket fence, the shiny space shuttles. he’s only got this, and honestly, he doesn’t hate it. 
the neighborhood’s rough, but there’s a lot of fun characters, and his mom is practically his best friend – aside from his next-door neighbor, NOAH WARD.
jem’s mom does odd hacking jobs from the comfort of their home. some of them are shadier than others, she makes connections with a lot of private investigators in town and looks into people’s cheating husbands and tracks down birth parents and missing people. she does pro bono work too, a kindhearted woman, she can never say no to those in need, even if she’s not so fortunate herself. as jem gets older, he learns everything that he knows from her
every summer vacation growing up, jem and his mom would pack their bags and make home in a camper van, traveling across the country. in some ways, this was great mother-son bonding, but this wasn’t why they did it. his mom never gave up looking for the truth about her husband,  but hacking into secure, top-secret government databases is nothing like hacking into the gainesville city hall, it’s hard work, and they travel around the country methodically so that their signal cannot be traced. every summer they get close, but never close enough.
when noah moves away for college, jem stays home. he’s not comfortable leaving his mom. 
he keeps up with hacking jobs and keeping up with looking for his dad on the side. he doesn’t think they’ll ever find him, his mom holds out hope but jem is eighteen years old and a bit more jaded now, he figures the guy’s just really dead and well, the conspiracy of it all matters less and less when he knows that either way, he’s still grown up without him. 
a lot of jem’s social life is online, whether it’s friends from hacking forums or via soundcloud.
when he’s not hacking, he’s making music. his passions of technology and music mix and he creates his own beats and soundcloud, mashing together songs, and even putting together a popular meme track or two used on tiktok. 
it’s actually a bit lucrative, but that’s not why he does it. doesn’t even really use his name, catch him on soundcloud…username? uncutjems.
every time he and his mom get close to finding his dad, there’s just more to do, and it’s almost like someone KNOWS what they’re doing. 
jem’s right about that – he is being watched. since noah’s admission to gallagher, recruiters have been aware of the boy who taught her everything she knew. 
when gallagher makes the choice to start allowing male students, an agent shows up at his door offering him a once in a lifetime chance at a free education. 
jem doesn’t have any strong ambition to go into espionage, per say, but he won’t say no to advanced classes taught by some of the world’s brightest minds – and a chance to reunite with his best friend. however, he hasn’t stopped trying to get into the government’s records and still has ambitions of going into music production.
INTUITIVE. jem has a natural intuition about things and he trusts himself and his own opinions about things. i suppose you could perceive this as confidence, but honestly he’s just really SMART, good at absorbing facts even subconsciously and putting things together about people or situations. in a sense, he has a habit of being correct – he definitely comes off as intelligent, even though his grades in school have never been very good. he just has different priorities. 
LOYAL. make a friend out of jem and you have a friend for life, he’ll take your secrets to the grade and he’s pretty trustworthy. he’s the type of guy that gets along with pretty much everyone but he has a few select, close friends because he is somewhat intentional about the company that he keeps. he’s friendly and kind, but he keeps his inner circle of people he trusts close and somewhat exclusive. 
PROTECTIVE. kind of has papa bear energy, you know ? maybe the dad friend of your friend group, but in a laid back way, he might not seem like he’s the type to spring into action but call someone close to him a rude name and you’ll see his fist coming at your face. he’s protective but not possessive, i guess is how i would describe it, but i think he gives pretty good advice as well because he’s really hoping the best for ppl. 
MALINGERING. jem is kind of a SLACKER! at least, that’s what teachers have called him in the past, he simply does not dream of labor. he’s just kind of doing his own thing, will fake sick to skip a class, whatever else, even though he likes producing music he doesn’t really have a great ambition for anything, spy or otherwise. as long as he has a good computer setup, then he’s fucking chilling. 
MOODY. he’s laid back to the umpteenth degree when it comes to work or obligations, but he does have sort of mood swings, i guess he’s the sort of person that you would describe as grumpy at times ? definitely NOT a morning person and when he’s in an off mood, he can be hard to interact with or snap out of. 
DISORGANIZED. the sort of person to throw his stuff across the bed or leave piles of clothes on the floor to deal with later, maybe he’s not your favorite roommate for this reason. he has a habit of losing things that he just set down or whatever, things like that. 
tbh you can think of him like...beca in pitch perfect ! he’s here bc he was offered a free education and he’s cool with that, but he’d rather be pursuing a future in music. a damn good hacker, though, and the gallagher recruiters are hoping that with some ‘ambition’ he’ll want to work for the government someday. 
played baseball throughout middle and high school and he’s fairly athletic – he can get pretty competitive when he plays, it kind of brings out a side in him that most people don’t expect to see because he’s fairly chilled out most of the time 
a boss with a slingshot. there is no reason for this, but he had one as a kid and he used to chase squirrels away from the bird feeders outside their home. he has great eyesight and his aim is great, but it’s literally the only weapon he’s proficient in
he’s not tiktok famous for his face, but he has two tiktok famous songs...he’s made like 12k in record deals for selling the rights, it’s just the kind of shit that he does goofing around in music software and he has a good ear for what is going to be catchy
he’s NOT a morning person, definitely a late night kind of guy, will stay up until all hours just fucking around on the computer and then he’ll sleep until 1 or 2pm, at least. getting up for morning classes is a struggle for them and he has slept through them on occasion.
funky sweaters, crazy socks, fun-patterned shirts, he dresses a bit like a circus tent at times, but you can’t say that he doesn’t have style – he dresses well, but it’s like he’s stepped out of a 90s cartoon or something
if he makes u a playlist he either wants to be ur friend so fucking bad or he’s head over heels in love with u
really likes making new things with old technology, he loves taking the macguyver courses and learning new things and he’s actually built his own computer and a lot of his own musical instruments 
usually has a couple bandaids because he’s a bit accident prone or can lose his focus when working in the lab. when he gets in his own head while working on a project, he literally cannot hear anything else – sort of selective hearing
likes fucking around with spray paint, if he can, he’s got a bit of an artistic streak and he doodles stickers on sticker paper sometimes. you can probably catch his tag around campus or even stuck to the latops of his close friends, it’s just a little man with a tv for a head. 
HACKING JOBS – if you STILL need a hacker for any of your wild backstory connections, jem is a great bet. he’s been doing paid jobs for people professionally since he could type, and he’s sort of an ace at getting in and out without leaving a trace...and he’s no gossip. so, your secrets would be safe with him. 
SMOKING BUDDIES – people that he can smoke up with, talk about life, talk about the bullshit of gallagher, but also people he can laugh with that don’t make him feel stressed or concerned about the future. 
MUSIC MAKING BUDDIES – if your character makes music, maybe they can collaborate on something...we’re about to drop the hottest mixtape of all time right here at gallagher academy i will teach myself garageband for this shit...jk but maybe
EX ON BAD TERMS – someone he dated last year...i’m imagining it was their first year and things were really great for the first semester, but shit fell apart second semester along with the school. maybe all the drama on campus caused distance, maybe he wasn’t there for them when they needed it, or maybe they got jealous of the way he always prioritizes noah ? a combination of things, we can hash out the details since i know some of you had some pretty angsty things going on second sem, and maybe it’s awkward now because it feels like there’s unfinished biz. 
EX ON GOOD TERMS / LOVERS TO FRIENDS – maybe someone that was a rebound and things didn’t really work and they saw that, maybe he wasn’t over his ex or whatever but they were able to stay friends ? it’s up to you how your muse feels about it but i want an ex that jem also has no hard feels about and actually is maybe sort of protective of them and cares a lot about them finding happiness, they bonded hardcore. 
EX-FLING – idk maybe they were hooking up for a while and then one of them started seeing someone else or one of them caught feels so they don’t hook up any more but it was super fun when they did !! also down for it to have been like a summer fling and once the summer ended. 
BROS – idk i would like for him to have a squad or something for him to just fuck around with <3 but it’s wholesome and they respect women
ONLINE FRIEND (ANONYMOUS) – he spent a lot of time on forums online and stuff so i’d love for him to have an online friend !! maybe cute if they just know each other by their screen names rn and we can do a bunch of text chats and maybe they both know they go to gallagher but they simply. haven’t met idk
ONLINE FRIENDS – also friends he met online that aren’t anonymous they could’ve met through any number of forums but probably have similar interests like music or hacking so they’re long time homies , someone he’s known almost as long as noah
ONE NIGHT STAND – self explanatory. maybe they’re super good friends and now it’s kind of awkward now and they want to get back to a place of normalcy but it’s simply not normal, maybe they fucked things up by breakin the tension on like. halloween or some shit. 
FRIENDZONED – someone jem accidentally friendzoned and maybe he doesn’t even realize it himself but they had a thing for him and he really just didn’t realize it bc he can’t tell unless you spell it out for him.
CLASS RIVALS – someone who tries really hard and cares about class a bunch vs. jem who doesn’t give a fuck but he keeps making the grade without really trying, so they’re ? bitter about it ? and so the two really do not hit it off because of that and they go back and forth , i just rly want a classroom rivalry. maybe even this rivalry and them nagging him actually motivates to try in the class just to piss them off 
 ENEMY – this person shared a secret with jem and then it somehow got out on the gossip blog idk ! they think jem told and now they hate him. 
anything pls let’s chat !
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exosmuttytalk · 4 years
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Characters: Kim Jongin x Do Kyungsoo 
Genre: AU!Fluff, maybe some smut at the end, but don’t know yet.
Word count: ~1600 words
Summary: Kyungsoo lives with his cat which is more problems than joy. Jongin has just moved into the house next door.
A/N: This is going to be a little series with an still undefined number of chapters to it. If you have read Guardian you probably know where the name Jackie comes from and I like you very much :3
I woke up in the morning getting my toe licked. For many people, this could a promising way of starting the day, but that was not the case. As the night progressed I had slid further down the bed so that my right foot was dangling off the edge of the bed. My annoying cat, who by then had been on a diet for a grand total of eight days, had a very early internal clock and knew when it hit exactly 6 am to come and complain because her breakfast is not on her bowl. I have to give credit to her though; she started off slow, just by licking my toe as a warning, before trying to open-mouth maul it.
“Fuck off, Jackie.” I grunted as my leg recoiled under the duvet and I pulled it up to cover my head.
Her obvious next step was hopping onto the bed and walking all over me. Most of the times, cats waking their owners up videos are cute and adorable, but that was not necessarily the reality.
Jackie came home when my brother moved countries to work and she needed a new, loving home. I wouldn’t say I fit that criteria completely, but maybe like 50% of it. Either way, she took quite a long time to adapt to his new home and at the beginning, I was barely able to convince her to stay indoors. That caused her a lot of stress and, according to the vet, she ended up eating everything edible she could find and hunt outside. Who would’ve thought cats could have mental problems as well. So she had to be put on a diet, the gate from the kitchen had to be removed and she started getting used to waking me up but sitting her whole nine kilo self on top of my belly.
I pushed her off me to the other side of the bed but sat up on the edge of it anyway. The alarm was going off in an hour and a half anyway.
I could feel Jackie’s fur brushing against my back, slyly pushing me off the bed. As I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, she was almost walking between my legs, so had to jump off the last couple steps to avoid falling.
Her veterinary told me to buy a certain type of food that had to be heated up, so I killed time throwing a ball across the kitchen which Jackie would then lazily fetch around the room but never actually return. Bowl on hand, I tried to command her to sit, but she only looked at me with round eyes and meowed insistently. I sighed and put the plate down after giving a quick stroke along her loin.
After I got dressed and closed everything up so Jackie wouldn’t stand a chance, I went for a quick stroll around my neighborhood. I was fairly new to this place, having moved into a residential area from the business part of the city, but despite that, I had already made friends with the old lady who lived next door and who never seemed to sleep and neighbors on the other side, the young couple with a little kid who actually just moved away last week. I liked them all fairly well, but although houses here have a pretty sizeable lawn and are at a distance from each other, I could hear their cute baby crying during the nights at times. Sun was already rising when I came back home from my walk and saw a moving van parking in front of the unoccupied house.
Six in the morning. Again. I’m wrong, it’s 6:02. Jackie must have enjoyed sleeping in.
After having had a particularly awful meeting at work the previous day, I had come home last night and barely cared to cook, so I ordered a pizza and opened a plain can of tuna for Jackie. This morning, she would be getting a gourmet treat, as I was going to make small croutons out of the leftover pizza crusts and add them to her wet food. She may like the crunch, let’s hope she doesn’t crack a tooth.
I had only bothered hiding the crusts from her before I went to bed the night before, quite late after I stood up watching a rerun of a show from before I was born. Pillows were all over the place and the empty box was still on top of the table next to a couple cans of stuff I chugged yesterday. I decided it would be future Kyungsoo’s problem and groggily walked towards the shower.
Future Kyungsoo sighed so hard when he came back home at 7 pm and saw what the other guy had left for him. Postponing wasn’t really an option anymore, so I decided to go for a full room cleanup instead.
I was surprised when I moved the pillows around and Jackie didn’t come zooming out from whatever corner to fight me for it. Despite having a cushiony bed, despite my attempts at making her not do it, she always managed to steal random pillows and hoard them at different places around the house.
This was quite a big house, she could be hiding at the bedroom pillows instead. Despite that, I went looking around every corner and under every piece of furniture, to no avail. I was starting to feel a bit nervous, I thought she had already adapted to being home? My gaze wondered across the room until it found a window ajar. I had opened a little this morning to let the steam of the shower come out and forgot to close it. And Jackie had probably jumped out through it. Despite her weight, Jackie was still pretty agile, and there was a tree branch reaching out not far from the windowsill.
Shit, shit, shit. I ran downstairs and hurriedly opened the kitchen door that led to the backyard. I turned the lights on but they couldn’t do much against the darkness of late fall evenings. I pulled out my phone to turn the flashlight on and started calling for Jackie. My voice rose as I looked around the bushes and found nothing. I heard movement behind me but it turned out to be nothing but a squirrel that was lucky Jackie wasn’t around.
“Hey!” A voice not higher than a talking tone said from behind the right side fencing. “I think this is may be yours.”
I rushed to the fence and as soon as I glanced over it I saw Jackie delicately sitting down on top of the only cushion on the whole porch swing. That little shit.
The second thing I noticed was the guy who had given me the heads up. He looked to be around my age, had light brown hair, slightly tanned skin and was wearing what seemed to be loungewear in old sweatpants and an oversized, seemingly fluffy dark red jumper.
“I was just here having a beer and her cute head popped up from that hole over there!” The new guy pointed at a hole in the fence that indeed connected both houses.
“Oh. I’ll have to get that repaired…”
“I can do it, don’t worry.”
“I wouldn’t want to waste your time…”
“You’re not. We just moved in and I still need to find a job here, so in the meantime I have plenty of it.” He smiled brightly at me and he seemed so self assured I didn’t want to refuse anymore.
“I’m sorry, she shouldn’t be out, but she sneaked through a window I left open. May I come in and pick her up?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I can do that for you.” Then, as if it was as easy as picking up a flower, he walked up to Jackie and picked her up. With both arms. And she even dared to cuddle up against him.
He then handed her to me over the fence, cupping her butt and tail with his big hand in order to avoid her scratching herself against the wood.
“She never lets anyone pick her up so easily.”
“Ahh, it’s a she! I was calling her a good guy when he was sitting with me. I’m sure she’s liked the food, though.”
“The food? Which food?”
“Well, she was just chilling around the yard, so I went in to take the beer. She was on top of the table and already biting some of the food, so I figured since it was already ruined, it didn’t matter if she ate more,” he shrugged. “She seemed to like it.”
“How can you just go around feeding other people’s pet like that? What if they’re sick or allergic?”
“Oh, mmm… I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was your cat and not just any street cat. Cats can eat all food, right?”
“What did she eat?”
“Almost half a chicken sandwich. Roasted chicken, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and cheese,” he recited looking anxious. Roasted chicken and vegetables wasn’t the worst option.
“I tried to feed her a chip as well, but she didn’t take it.”
The look on my face must have been unpleasant enough to make him falter a bit.
“I’m really sorry! Do you think she’s going to be okay? How can I make it up to you?”
 “It’s alright,” I said as I started to make my way back home. “She’ll be fine. I’ll make sure to lock the windows properly next time.”
Jackie II
Other Kaisoo and Ksoo business
Everyday   OC/Fluff/One Shot
Stories of my downfall      Kaisoo/Fluff/Angst/One Shot
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calumance · 4 years
LA Devotee - Part X
Warnings: SO MUCH ANGER at the beginning, like I made myself mad writing it, mentions of smut, no details though
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Emily confronts Nathan with Calum behind her at all times. Calum thinks it’s best for Emily to stay with him knowing Nathan is in town. Even though the day started terrible, it ends magically.
A/N: Another long part, sorry! I got carried away. I hope you all enjoy! Happy reading my little berries!! Feedback and requests always welcomed!!! (Want to be notified when I post new stuff? Let me know and I’ll tag you!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
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           I stomped closer to Nathan as he looked at my door and back to me with his eyebrows pulled together. “What am I doing here? Isn’t this where you live? Why are you not here?” The toothpick between his lips moved with every word that fell from his mouth. The boiling rage surging through my veins made me want to rip it out of his mouth. It was such a silly thing he started doing right after he quit smoking, he always had a toothpick in his mouth. To this day, I think that he thinks it makes him more hardcore, but really it just makes him look stupid.
           As I approached him, I poked his chest and gritted my teeth, “I don’t think that’s a question you have the right to ask. I have every right to know what the fuck you’re doing here.” Calum stood a few steps behind me, I couldn’t see him, but I could tell he was ready to pounce whenever I asked him too. Not that I thought I was going to need him too, I’ve dealt this guy for too long to need back up, but it was nice to know he was there.
           Nathan looked over my head and moved the toothpick to the other side of his mouth, causing my blood to boil even more. “Who the fuck is he?” He nodded towards Calum.
           I turned to Calum whose jaw was clenched, the muscles in his face moving in anger. Calum looked at me and silently told me that I did not have to explain myself to the man standing in front of me. As much as I liked Calum and respected what his thoughts were, it just made my anger combust. Calum’s face softened as if he could see the fire igniting in my eyes. He took a step towards me but I looked away from him and back to the idiot standing in front of me. “My boyfriend.” I spat out. Calum deserves everything in this world, not just because of how he’s treated me in the few weeks we’ve known each other, but also because of how kind his heart is. So if calling him my boyfriend to my ex-husband gives even an ounce of my undivided respect, then I’ll call him my boyfriend every fucking chance I get. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked again, rising to my toes as if I were about to physically bite his face off.
           “Boyfriend?” He chewed on the toothpick and looked down at me, leaning away slightly, “We got divorced, like, three months ago. You moved on that fast, huh?” He flinched towards me, causing me to back up a few inches. The fire now igniting in his own eyes. Calum took a step forward, ready to pounce. Without looking away from Nathan, I grinding my teeth and reached a hand back, stopping Calum from coming any closer.
           From all of the shit I had to deal with while we were together, I learned fairly quickly that I was not afraid of him, no matter how much he tried to intimidate me. After I was sure Calum was not coming closer, I repositioned so that I was inches away from Nathans face. My voice lowered, coming out almost in a growl, “You don’t think three months is enough time to get over a shitty person like you? I was over you long before we actually got divorced. Now, answer my question. What the fuck are you doing here?”
           Nathan’s jaw flexed as he looked between Calum and me. He took a step back, creating a small amount of space between us. He crossed his arms over his chest and moved the toothpick. My hands balled into fists as it took everything in me to not rip the stupid thing out of his mouth. “You have a few things of mine that I’ve come to get.”
           As if his words were like pouring gasoline over the fire in my body, I started to physically shake holding back my anger. “A few things?” My voice started to raise, “You took everything from me, what the fuck could I possibly have in that tiny apartment that is yours?” I wasn’t wasting time now, especially since I could hear my neighbors starting to poke their head out and figure out what was going on. I shoved my way past Nathan and opened the door to my apartment. The door slammed against the wall inside causing everyone, but me, to flinch. I stood in the middle of the apartment and spread my arms and hands out, “Go at it! Fucking take whatever it is that you’re looking for. Take it all, it’s not like you left me with anything in the first place.” Nathan stood where he was, his jaw flexing and looking into the small apartment. Just as fast as the fire ignited, it was extinguished and I chuckled. My anger suddenly turning into hysterical laughing as I realized that he wasn’t actually here because I had something of his. He was here to see how I was doing. “Oh fucking Christ.” I said through manic laughing. As I turned on my toes, I threw my clothes that I had brought back from Calum’s house onto the couch.
           Nathan finally crossed through the doorway, Calum following behind him, closing the door knowing it would drown out a little bit of the noise so the neighbors would stop coming out. Calum positioned himself by leaning against the door, his hands shoved in his pockets, his eyes locked on every movement I made. I ran my hands back through my hair until I stopped where the hair tie sat. My hands dropped to my sides with a slap and then I held my arms out again, looking at Nathan. “Since you’re here just to see how ‘terrible’ I’m doing, here you go. Here’s my apartment, it’s small, but it’s livable. I’ll admit that I wasn’t doing great, I wasn’t. You fucking destroyed me Nathan. But you know what, that man behind you, is the best thing that has happened to me. He’s helping me overcome what you did to me, and is even helping me build myself back up.” Nathan eyes looked down, but he didn’t look at Calum. “So, if you’re here to see how terrible I’m doing without you, then just leave, because I’m doing great.”
           As if on que, Calum opened the door, causing Nathan to look behind him. Nathan looked back at me, hesitating for a second, then left without a single word. Calum shut the door, and I could feel my breath hitch in my throat. The anger coursing through my veins causing my breath to be labored. I could feel my chest rising and falling with every passing second. The lock clicked as Calum turned the deadbolt and my vision became fuzzy, as if I were coming down from some sort of high. I stood in the spot I was standing in, tears welling up in my eyes. Calum hurriedly came over to me, gently placing his hands on either side of my face. The feeling of his hands on my skin caused me to come undone, my tough exterior finally breaking. The tears poured down my cheeks, and the anger turned into absolute hysteria. “How did he find out where I live? The lawyer told me he wouldn’t have access to my new address. Why did he come here? What did I do to deserve that, all of this?” My hands shook as they found their way to Calum’s shirt, balling the material in my fingers as if that were the last thing I ever had to hold onto it. My chest heaved as I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore.
           Calum tried everything to get me to look into his eyes, calling my name over and over. Once his voice broke through the static in my ears, I looked into his eyes, “Honey, you did nothing wrong. Everything that you just did was perfect, he had no right coming here just to get satisfaction off your pain. You are an amazing, strong woman and none of this is your fault, okay?” I nodded in his hands, my breathing still labored. He used his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheek. “Maybe you should stay with me a few nights, just until we know he’s no longer in town. I’ll help you grab whatever you need.” I agreed with a nod and Calum pulled me into his chest, holding me there until I was able to catch my breath. My fingers unraveled from his shirt and I started walking down the hallway. Calum followed me into my bedroom. I found a duffle bag in my closet and grabbed a few days of clothes. He went into my bathroom and I opened my bottom drawer and caught sight of the papers. I grabbed them and sat on the floor holding them in my fingers. Calum came out of the bathroom, stopping when he saw me on the floor. “Are you okay, sunshine?”
           I sniffed and shook the papers a little, my eyes not leaving the papers. “I’m sorry I brought you into this mess. I don’t understand why you’re still here.” I pulled my knees to my chest and threw the papers down next to me. As the papers landed, they made a slap, I shook my head, “Not that I’m complaining, I just would’ve run a long time ago if I were in your shoes.” My eyes diverted from the papers, but still not landing on Calum, ashamed that somehow he fell into my mess. I placed my elbows on my knees and pressed my palms to my face, slowly moving the backwards through my hair.
           I could hear Calum’s footsteps as he moved through the room. Calum sat in front of me, wrapping his hands around the back of my shins. “Never once have I thought about running. So, you have a shitty ex-husband, so what? That doesn’t stop any of the feelings I have for you.” I wanted him to elaborate, maybe hearing him spill his heart to me would make this day better, but I kept my mouth shut, it’s not the right time. He lifted one hand to my cheek and I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. When I opened my eyes, his eyes locked on mine. His eyes were soft and his lips were barely curled into a soft smile. I couldn’t help myself, I crawled into Calum’s lap, and pressed my lips against his. His hand wrapped around my head and after his lips left mine, they placed a soft peck to my forehead before he placed my head on his shoulder. My arms snaked around his torso and gripped the back of his shirt. How was I lucky enough to meet him in the club two weeks ago?
           After a few minutes of sitting in Calum’s lap, I finished grabbing some clothes and shoes. Calum took my bag from me and set it on his shoulder as I turned and locked my apartment. After I turned around, I was met with Calum reaching his hand out, asking for mine. I grabbed his hand and he interlocked his fingers with mine. A smile sat on my lips, and I thought solely about the fact that I loved holding his hand. My entire life, I’ve been a hand-holder. I’d hold my friend’s hands, my mom’s hand, basically anyone who would let me hold their hand. My ex-husband hated holding hands. If we ever held hands, it was for a minute and then he’d let go. He’d never brush his hand against mine and then grab my fingers. Ever since Calum and I have met and become comfortable with each other, he’s offered to hold my hand. I loved the feeling of his hand in mine, it was like our hands were just meant to be together.
           Calum put my bag in the back seat of his car as I climbed into the passenger seat. He started the car and started driving back to his house. As promised, Calum stopped at Starbucks on the way back to his house. When we ordered, I told him that I order the same drink every single time I’m at Starbucks. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He told me with a sly smile. As he drove away from Starbucks, I took a drink of the heavenly liquid, my eyes nearly rolling into the back of my head. It’s been such a long time since I’ve gone to a Starbucks that I forgot how much I loved it.
           When we got back to his house, I stayed quiet. It was still rather early in the day, but it has already been absolutely exhausting. Calum had my bag over his shoulder and told me he was going to take it to his bedroom. As he started to walk down the hall, my eyes locked on the swimming pool in his backyard. The water was barely moving, but it was sparkling in the sunlight, suddenly my skin craved the feeling of the cool water.  “Can we go swimming?” I ask him, pointing towards his backyard.
           He turned for a second and smiled, “Anything you want.” He kept walking towards his bedroom and I followed him. When we got into his room, I grabbed my swim suit that I had thrown into my bag as an afterthought and went into the bathroom to change. After I slipped my suit on, I looked at myself in the mirror. Swim suits were my worst enemy. It’s always so hard to find one that looks good, feels good, and fits right. Most of the girls I know own multiple swim suits, I own one, this one. It’s easily five years old and starting to show it’s age, but I hate shopping for swim suits so much that I can never bring myself to find another one. I ran my finger over my brow ridge and reached down to pull on a pair of shorts and a tank top. After I tugged on my tank tap, I grabbed the door knob and left the bathroom.
           Calum wasn’t in his room when I came out of the bathroom. I slid on my flip flops and made my way down the hallway. Just as I rounded the corner, I caught sight of Calum. He was kicking his sandals off and I took a few more steps towards the door. When he reached over his head and pulled his shirt over his head, I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes taking in every detail of his skin. His back muscles flexed, and his dark skin glowed in the sunshine. He turned to grab his towel off the table and set it down on his chair. His pecks flexed with the movements and I eyed his tattoos that covered random spots on his chest and arms. It was like I was in a trance as I walked out the back door, eyes still locked on his body.
           He smiled at me, causing me to shake my head to come out of my trance. He plunged into the water as I kicked my sandals off next to his. He popped out of the water and started to float on his back, his eyes were closed. After I looked away from him, I stripped out of my tank top and shorts, then slowly dipped into the water. The water barely moved, and there was barely any sound, but Calum opened one eye to look my direction. Just as he caught sight of me, he swam over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me so that my chest was touching his. The feeling of his fingers running along my bare skin made my stomach flip, and a tightness in the pit of my stomach that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I bit my bottom lip as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips then rested his forehead on mine, “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
           I shook my head, “I mean, you always tell me I look nice.”
           He let out a breath that resembled a laugh, “That’s my sneaky way of telling you the you’re beautiful.” He kissed my nose and I let out a breathy laugh. I lifted my hand from his neck and ran my hands through his thick blonde hair. His eyes shut and a soft, quiet groan left his chest. My stomach tightened and suddenly I suddenly felt like I had no control over my actions. My fingers rested on the back on his neck and I pressed a needy kiss to his lips, taking a breath in. His arms wrapped tighter around my waist as the kiss deepened. Without thinking, I wrapped my legs around Calum’s waist. One of his hands was pressed to my lower back, the other pressed between my shoulder blades. He moved us through the water and in one swift motion, he moved his hands from my back and my back touched the wall. Once my back was pressed against the wall, his hands moved out of the water and grabbed the sides of my face.
           I took a breath and pulled away from him, my breathing was heavy. My eyes flickered between both of his trying to see if he was thinking the same thing I was thinking. His pupils were dilated and the brown in his eyes had gotten darker. “Is everything okay, love?” He asked, letting out a breath afraid he had done something to over step a boundary.
           I nodded, licking my lips. “I just wanted to see if I could figure out what is going through your mind.” I ran my fingers through his hair again and his eyes turned black.
           His eyes closed and another groan left his throat. “Honey, I don’t think you want to know what’s going through my mind.” Even though I could take a wild guess, I still wanted to hear him say it. His lips met my neck and my entire core tightened.
           There was literally a million words to describe what was going through my head. None of it being family friendly. “Tell me,” I sighed, “I want to know what’s going through your mind.”
           His lips left my neck, trailing up my jaw and to my lips. After he pressed a deep kiss to my lips he pulled back and smirked, “Can I show you, instead?” I nodded frantically. My breath hitched in my throat as he slowly leaned towards me. I felt paralyzed as a devilish smirk grew across his lips and he whispered, “Just tell me to stop if you want me to stop.” I agreed and his lips crashed onto mine again.
           I took a breath, feeling my stomach tighten more. His hand traveled down my face, down my arm, and then finally settled under my thigh, just under where my leg met my butt cheek. My hand ran down his chest resting gently on his stomach. His tongue gently slid along my bottom lip, I parted my lips and he took full advantage of it. The hand that was resting gently on my thigh, moved up and squeezed the exposed skin. My reflexes caused me to groan into his mouth. His hand moved to my hip where the tie of my swim bottoms were. Calum pulled away from me, “You promise me you’ll tell me if you want me to stop?” I knew what I was doing, and I knew what he was doing.
           “I promise, Calum.” He looked at me with another devilish smirk and my heart skipped a beat. With a nod, he lifted me out of the pool, setting me on the edge, before climbing out next to me. As he stood up, I eyed him up and down, my bottom lip settling between my teeth. He held out a hand for me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and pressed his lips to mine again. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist, not letting our lips disconnect. He carried me into his house, pulling at the strings on my swim suit top and letting the wet material slop onto the floor. Just as Calum crossed the threshold of his bedroom, he kicked the door shut with his foot.
           I was laying on his left side, tracing the quill tattoo on his collar bone. His breath still slightly heavy. With my head pressed to his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. In the past few minutes, it has slowed from the rapid pace it was right after we finished. He kissed my forehead and took a deep breath. “I’m going to take a shower. Do you want to go get some lunch after I get out?” His fingers raked through my hair and I sighed at the feeling of his touch.
           I lifted my head to look at him, “Can I take a shower with you?” He smiled and nodded. I smiled back at him. He threw the comforter off himself and I watched him walk into the bathroom. I followed after him a second later. When I entered into the bathroom, he was already in the shower. My teeth sank into my bottom lip, still trying to figure out if the last hour and half actually happened. This felt like a dream, like I was going to wake up in my own bed, boxes still piled to the ceiling in my apartment, and the crushing weight still sitting on my chest.
           “You coming, love?” He asked, proving that this wasn’t a dream, and I was indeed about to share a shower with the man I am convinced was made just for me. When I stepped into the shower, his hand immediately grabbed onto my waist, and his lips immediately found mine. My knees felt weak as his fingertips sunk further into my skin as soon as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hand landed on the wall behind me just as my back pressed against the cold tile. I gasped in surprise, and Calum laughed before he pressed his body against mine, my skin igniting at the feeling of his on mine. I dragged my fingernails down the back of his neck and he leans his head away from me with a groan, “Fuck, girl, what are you doing to me?” His eyes locking with mine. Just as I smirk he bends down and wraps his arms under my legs so I can wrap them around his waist as he presses his body onto mine for another round.
           We finally find the ability to separate from each other and finish our shower. I watched Calum as he got dressed, memorizing the muscles in his back. He turned toward me, holding a t-shirt in his hands, a smile flashing across his lips. As he pulled it over his head, I smiled to myself and looked at the tank top in my hands. “Can we just order some lunch in?” I asked as I pulled the tank top down and situated it so that it was comfortable.
           “Sure, anything sound good to you?” I shook my head and he grabbed his phone to search for something to order. I followed him into his living room and we talked through what to order. Once the order was placed, his phone started to ring. “I’m sorry, darling, I have to take this. I’ll be right back.” As he answered, I could tell it was about work. He closed the door to his music room and I glanced at my phone. My fingers wrapped around it as I gripped it and typed out a message to Mikayla, “Two weeks, it took two weeks for me to give in to how attracted I am to him. Am I a whore for having sex with a guy I met two weeks ago?”
           My eyes flashed down the hallway waiting for Mikayla to respond. I could see Calum’s shadow under the door as he paced back and forth. My phone vibrated and I read her response, “You should be proud of yourself for waiting two weeks. If I were you, I would’ve jumped his bones the first night. Tell me everything on Monday. Love you!” I chuckled under my breath and put my phone in my pocket. After I saw Calum’s shadow pass by the door again, I walked outside and sat in a chair next to the pool. The water had settled from us, and the sun hit it as only a few ripples rocked through the water. I pulled my knees to my chest and I placed my chin on top of my knees.
           The sound of the door sliding opened caused me to turn around. “Sorry about that, love.” Calum was holding two glasses of water, and he handed me one of them. “Are you alright?” He asked as he sat in the chair next to mine.
           “Yeah, I’m alright.” I took the glass he offered me, my thoughts rush back to his phone call from the night we met. “Can I ask you something?” He took a long drink of his water and nodded. “The first night you brought me here, I heard you talking on the phone. You said something about this being different. Were you talking about me?”
           He laughed obviously remembering the conversation. “I was. Michael had called me to remind me about being at the studio early the next morning and not to stay out too late. When I told him that I was already home, he asked me if I had brought someone home with me. I told him I had, but this was different, I meant that you were different, which you are.” He raised his eyebrows and set the glass down on the table between us.
           My eyebrows raised as I brought the edge of the glass to my lips, “Do you tend to bring a lot of girls home from the club?” I wasn’t asking to judge him, he hasn’t judged me on any of my past endeavors, I was more curious than anything.
           He shrugged, “I guess you could say I’m a ladies man, but that’s in the past. I found you.” He stretched his arm over the table and flexed his fingers, asking for my hand. With a smile, I placed my hand in his. He brought my fingers to his lips before he squeezed and wrapped his fingers with mine. His doorbell rang and he let go of my hand to go answer it. We ate lunch together by the pool, afterwards finding ourselves on the couch. His back pressed against the arm of the couch, his right leg outstretched on the couch, his left leg bent and his foot planted on the ground. My head rested against his stomach, arms wrapped around his torso. His fingers absentmindedly ran through my hair. My eyes fluttered shut, thinking of how amazing it felt to be wrapped around him.
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talesofstyles · 5 years
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Alright babies, I’ve decided to put all my writings in one place so it’ll be easier for you to find them. There aren’t a lot yet but you’ve got more things coming your way. Bonne lecture!
* denotes filth
One Shots
Happy Anniversary*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry, lawyer!harry
In which you celebrate your anniversary in Harry’s office
“Don’t chuck me just yet,” he jokes, and you can feel the words said against your lips at the same time as you hear them.
You give him another quick kiss, giggling as you pull away. “Don’t worry,” you shake your head. “Not for another fifty years.”
“Make it seventy, will ya?” A sly smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“Sixty five,” you deadpan. “Give or take.”
He’s chuckling as he lets one of his palms slide up your leg, the other running down your back, stopping just above your arse. His grins widen when he doesn’t feel anything else beside your work dress covering them. “You’re not wearing anything under this?”
“Not a stitch,” you murmur.
Good Morning Indeed*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry
In which Harry and his wife is trying to sneak in a little quickie in the midst of the family’s morning chaos. Followed by 50/50 bread tantrums, wrestling a biscuit-hunting kid who’s set on having Hobnobs for breakfast and two stroppy teething babies. Fun.
She grinds her hips. Also another well-rehearsed move that she knows will get me off. But I freeze again, because there’s a second set of footsteps and the sound of a toilet flushing. Oh, and the babies next door are starting to whimper.
“I’M HUNGRY!” That’s James, darling little cockblocker number four who likes to be fed on time. He’s three.
“WE’LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!” My wife shouts over my shoulder. “Harry for the love of god-”
I pick up the rhythm. Small beads of sweat form on my brow. She grinds her hips again, and I try to focus. “Just like that, fuck, keep doing that.”
“Sshh, keep your voice down.”
“IS THERE ANY BREAD THAT ISN’T 50/50?” That’s Eleanor, child number two. She’s seven, and she’s one of those children who seem to possess a discernible palate that knows when we’ve changed brands of baked beans or attempt to bring sugar-free fruit squash through the doors.
“IT’S THE SAME,” I reply.
Honestly, seven-year-olds gunning for a fight this early in the morning can go do one.
Drs Styles*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry, doctor!harry
“You haven’t called me Styles in years,“ I turn to her with a grin. “Not since medical school.”
I can’t help but flashback to those days when we had matching university hoodies and we’d test each other on the parts of a kidney whilst walking into lectures, sitting next to each other, sharing pens and cans of Lilt.
“Well, I became a Styles too,” she chuckles. “Would’ve been confusing then, wouldn’t it?”
“True,” I laugh under my breath, then I grab her hand and pull it to my mouth so I can kiss her knuckles. “Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For being a Styles.”
“Aw, aren’t we soppy tonight?” She smirks. “Alright, stop the car.”
“There,” she points to a dark empty spot and I oblige.
Then, before I can even ask her why, she reaches over and grabs me by the collar. Pulling me close to kiss me. I kiss her back, and I smile when she bites gently on my bottom lip.
“Oi, oi. Something’s got you randy.”
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry 
In which nearly divorced Harry is trying to win his wife back. Oh and his bitter nine-year-old daughter.
“He makes her happy.”
“I’m her husband,” I can’t help but say bitterly. “I should be the one making her happy.”
“Look, I’m sorry mate,” he offers, I know he’s trying his best to keep his tone neutral. “Maybe you need to get back in the dating game too. It’ll distract you.”
“I don’t want to fucking date anyone else,” I growl.
“I know it’s hard to get back in the saddle,” he adds sympathetically.
“I don’t want to get out of my current saddle,” I grumble. “I want to keep my current saddle with my wife in it.”
Jamie blinks in surprise, hell I’m even surprised at what I’ve just said out loud because I’ve never admitted this since we split. When YN asked me to leave, I assumed right away that my marriage was over. I didn’t want it to, but I thought there was nothing I could do.
But now, seeing her laughing at another man’s joke and his hand holding hers, I just know that I can’t let her go without a fight.
“Have you told her this?” He asks curiously.
I shake my head again. “We haven’t got the chance to have a civil conversation these days.”
“Then I suggest you stop being such a bloody whinge bucket and have a civil conversation with your wife.”
My shoulders immediately sag in defeat. “I know. I need to sit down with her and tell her how I feel.”
“Which is?” He presses.
“That I want her back,” I mutter.
Reconcile II*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry
There’s a strange feeling of déjà vu as I take a seat on the steps in front of the cottage.
I’m all packed up and ready to go. My weekender bag is in the boot of my car. Nothing left to do but say goodbye to my wife and kids, but I don’t go straight inside.
Not yet. I need a moment.
These steps witnessed a lot of our marriage even though we’d never stayed here for longer than a couple of weeks at a time. We loved to sit out here in the summer. I remember when I first brought my stuff here shortly after we got married, we sat out here with beers, sleeves rolled up, boxes stacked into Jenga-style columns.
I also remember sitting here last year on Christmas morning. Emma and I were both in our pyjamas and slippers, sipping coffees out of our matching Christmas mugs. We watched the kids ride their new scooters up and down the street. Everything was perfect. I had no idea that my marriage would end in just two months after that.
I look over my shoulder and I urge her to sit beside me. She comes over and does just that. There is silence. We don’t say a word to each other. A quiet hum of traffic in the distance, puffs of breath cloud the air making me think we should both be wearing coats. Christmas is nearly here again. My heart aches at the thought of this being our first Christmas since everything fell apart.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly.
“I should be the one apologising, Em.”
“I know you wanted to work things out,” I hear the sadness in her voice. “I really loved you, you know that, right?”
“I do,” I nod. “Our marriage, all those years… it wasn’t all bad, though, right?”
“Of course,” she quickly replies. “We had our moments. We have Minnie and George.”
We pause, letting that sink in. In all this mess, those two were and remain everything, some symbol of our marriage not being a complete disaster.
“There were also times when you were a good husband,” she adds.
“Why do I feel like you’re going to pat me on the head?”
Emma laughs under her breath.
“Your new bloke seemed a nice sort,” I tell her, because it’s true. I may hate the guy with a burning passion, but that’s only because he’s dating my wife.
“He is.”
“That got legs?” I ask her.
“I want you to be happy, Ems,” I tell her. “With or without me.”
“But I also want you to know that I’ll be waiting for you. No rush, no timeline. I’ll wait for as long as it takes. Because for me, it’s either you or no one else.”
Stitches and Pucks*
tags: hockey!harry, boyfriend!harry
In which LA King’s best player (on and off the ice) has had enough scoring puck bunnies and is now whipped by the new team doctor. 
“Let me drive you home,” I quickly say before she gets the chance to order a ride. Not sure why I did that because I certainly have never offered women a ride home without the promise of getting in their knickers, and I can assure you that I won’t be getting anywhere near hers tonight, but maybe I just don’t want this night to end yet.
We’ve been glued at the hip from the moment I bought her first drink, and three hours purely just talking with the same woman? That’s a record in my book. While I’m not ashamed to admit that I also like looking at her, honestly, to me that’s just an added bonus. I think it’s safe to say that I have never met anyone like her before. Granted, with most women usually there wasn’t much talking, but from what I learnt in just the span of three hours is that this doctor of mine is a hell of a lot of fun.
I swear she’s just a pure fucking joy to be around. Conversation with her is like a never-ending merry-go-round and she makes me laugh a lot. She’s bright and witty and she’s one of those people that knows no strangers. She can easily talk about anything from politics to sports even to crude jokes, and add on to that, she’s just so kind and inclusive that several times tonight I actually had to drag her away to one of the back tables so we could have a proper chat without the crowd around us.
“You don’t have to,” she gives me a hesitantly sweet smile.
“But I want to,” I gallantly insist as I turn and offer my arm to her. “Come on, I just want to make sure you get home safe.”
“Well, alright then,” she smirks, her hand easily slides into the crook of my elbow. “I could save a few bucks.”
I roll my eyes and tease her, “didn’t take you to be such a skinflint.”
“Hey!” She playfully slaps my arm with her other hand as she laughs and I’m glad I amuse her.
No, seriously... I like her laugh.
There’s no doubt that she wants me, just as there’s no doubt that I totally want her. We’ve got this really heavy flirting going on all night, and plenty of innuendo, but I won’t be surprised nor disappointed if she doesn’t invite me inside when we get to her home and nothing happens tonight.
We’ll get there, I’m sure.
Until then, I’m completely fine drinking beer, being her personal chauffeur, and getting to know her a little better.
Quid Pro Quo
tags: lawyer!harry, enemies to lovers
In which you can’t stand your colleague.
“I tell you what, this is ironclad,” you let out a heavy sigh as you throw the document on the coffee table in defeat. “Houdini wouldn’t even get out of this contract.”
“We need to adjourn,” Harry suggests, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Regroup tomorrow to get to the bottom of this with clear heads. I’ve got a trial at half nine but I’ll be done by noon.”
“I can’t rest before we figure this out,” you state stubbornly, pausing for a second to let out a yawn. “But you go home. I’ll let you know if I’ve got something.”
“No,” Harry shakes his head. “You have to rest. If you were to come up with something you would’ve by now.”
You feel a stab of indignation. “Are you saying that I’m not capable of getting to the bottom of this myself?”
The Law of Attraction*
tags: lawyer!harry
Sort of continuation of Quid Pro Quo. In which YN is using Harry to get over her ex, and well... he’s not complaining because she’s a damn good lay.
“Cat got your tongue?” He asks and she turns to look at him. He gives her a tiny smirk before his eyes get back on the road, but he reaches his hand out to her bare knee to give her a squeeze. “Still haven’t answered me, doll.”
“Sorry- what did you ask?”
“Why did you want me to go with you?” He asks again. “He wants to merge, right? That’s totally your thing. You don’t need me.”
“You helped me with his crisis a few months ago,” she reminds him. “Just thought we could do his business together again. He’ll be happy he’s getting two partners, the firm will be happy because they can charge double. It’s a win-win, really.”
“Bollocks that,” Harry laughs. “Worst bullshit I’ve ever heard.”
“That’s all, honest,” she feigns innocence.
“Honey, I didn’t go through law school for nothing, did I?” He replies without moving his head, keeping his eyes on the road. “You’re using me as a human condom, aren’t you?”
“What the hell does that even mean?” She drops her jaw in shock at the fact that he calls her out on the carpet just like that.
“You’re afraid you’ll catch feelings again if you’re left alone with him, so you bring me as a shield. Am I right?” He asks her with an accusatory eyebrow raise. “You know what, no need to answer that. Of course I’m right.”
“I told you, he’s just a client now,” she insists, trying to ignore her heart pounding in her chest as Harry’s hand inches its way up her thigh. It’s incredibly arousing, but she also finds it a little disturbing since they’re having a conversation about a man she’s head over heels for. She almost want him to stop but fuck if she’s going to ask him.
“Look, I don’t know exactly what’s going on here,” he says, and it’s really hard for her to concentrate on what he’s saying since he’s squeezing her thigh. His fingers pressing deep into her muscles and she can only wish they’re a few inches higher. “But if in any way you want to get him back, just say the word and I’ll back away, yeah?”
Did I Break It?*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry
In which you and Harry share a glass of wine in the kitchen and enjoy scraps of leftovers from the kids while trying to figure out Year 3 maths homework. Followed by a giggly, quite realistic smut because some nights aren’t just meant to be, are they?
“Here, check your boy’s homework then,” you can’t help but grin as you slide his maths book across the counter.
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy,” he mutters jokingly as he catches the book, and his eyes widen as he looks at the questions. “Whoa, equivalent fractions. Year 3 kids do that now? What ‘appened to number lines?”
You let out a hearty laugh. “I know right?! I’m pretty sure I did this in Year 5.”
“Okay, we’ve got this,” he rolls up his sleeves, making you laugh even harder, before tucking a pencil behind one of his ears. “Six over twelve is blank over ninety six. Fuck, what’s ninety six divided by twelve?”
“Now’s the time to use yer brain innit, big head?” You tease him this time.
“Oi!” He complains, trying to sound annoyed but the smile plastered across his face is hard to miss. “Be nice t’me.”
In Sickness And In Health*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry
After the birth of the twins, Harry and YN’s marriage suffers.
Sometimes, when the frustration takes over, Harry can’t help but wonder if he could just confront her. ‘What do you want, really? Do you want to get a divorce? Just say it.’ Because he’s tired of feeling helpless. He’s tired of feeling like he may have a little hope one second yet having it crushed the next. But when he sees her, he doesn’t have the heart to.
She’s YN, his wife. He loves her and he can’t lose her.
Mess Is Mine
tags: dad!harry
A three-part story about a single dad Harry and single mum YN.
“Well, she’s named after me mum so she’s definitely her favourite grandchild so far,” Harry grins. “She’s basically Anya’s second parent, my mum.”
“Oh, I thought her mother is Russian!” YN exclaims. “I love her name.”
Harry’s grin widens as he shakes his head. “Thank you. No, my mum’s name is Anne and I want to name my daughter after her, but having two Anne(s) would be confusing. So I opted for another version of Anne.”
“That’s a really gorgeous name. Your mum must be very happy,” YN says as she tucks her hands inside her pockets because it’s getting a bit chilly.
“Definitely made her my mum’s favourite grandchild for sure. Well, she’s currently her only grandchild so that may change sometime soon,” Harry says proudly, grinning even wider. “I’m gonna be an uncle in a few weeks.”
Mess Is Mine II
tags: dad!harry
His eyes widen in surprise when YN giggles. “Thought you’d never ask.”
“What?!” He looks at her, surprised. “So you knew? All this time?”
YN is clearly having fun with this. “Knew what?” She asks nonchalantly.
“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t ya?” He says, his eyes twinkle in delight. “That I fancy ya?”
YN giggles again, folding her arms. “Well, you weren’t being very subtle but you weren’t straightforward either.”
“Tha’ a yes, then?” Harry grins, taking another slug of his wine.
YN smiles back at him. “That’s a hell yes.”
Mess Is Mine III*
tags: dad!harry, boyfriend!harry, husband!harry
YN is still in her bathrobe when he steps into the bedroom, smiling through the mirror at his reflection from the door. Her hair is done and she’s just putting the last bit of some make-up before she slips into her outfit for the night. Her black lace jumpsuit is ready on the bed, waiting for her.
Harry is still standing by the door, staring at her intensely. He folds his arms across his chest, not a word comes out of his mouth.
“You gonna stand there and gawk at me all night or are you coming in and help me get into my outfit?” YN smirks at him through the mirror.
On S’envoie en L’air?*
tags: husband!harry, dad!harry
In which a little mid-day quickie and cockwarming on the balcony are involved during their family holiday to Côte d’Azur. Plus Harry teaching his little boy to swim.
“On s’envoie en l’air?” Harry whispered, still standing between your legs as you sat on the edge of the tall bed. You let out a little chuckle. “Wha’?”
“Nothing. S’just your three year old speaks better French than you,” you teased him and he tickled your sides, earning a burst of giggles from you. “It’s true! I swear you only know three sentences; going to the cinema with your family and friends, how to make a coffee this delicious and sh-”
“Shall we ‘ave a shag?” He cut you off, finishing your sentence. A boyish grin plastered across his face as he continued. “Think we shall, hmm?”
Half A Heart 
tags: dad!harry, husband!harry
In which Harry’s new album is stressing him out and he lashes out at the kids and his wife.
Both you and Harry were stubborn and it seemed that your three years old got that gene. She sighed heavily and tugged on the hem of Harry’s shirt to get his attention. “But, dad-”
She stopped mid-sentence because Harry startled her. He huffed loudly in annoyance and turned to her. His face was stern and it might be the first time in her three years of life that the little girl was scared of her daddy. “Eleanor, what did I say?!” Harry questioned her, not even bothering to use a term of endearment which was strange for him.
Half A Heart II
tags: dad!harry, husband!harry
In which Harry tries to make amends with his wife and kids.
“Love, don’t say that.” He begged you to stop. He couldn’t hear more of that coming from you.
“No, don’t love me and I will say whatever the fuck I want to say.” It’s rare for you to curse so when you do, he knows that you’re really upset.
“You know it isn’t true.” He spoke lowly. “I didn’t mean anything I said.”
You seethed. “No, I don’t know. I hope it isn’t but I can’t shake the thought that it might be true. The way you said it, it was just very conv-”
Harry cut you off. “It isn’t true. Please don’t let that idea get into your head. I was a complete twat, I didn’t even know what I said. M’sorry.”
A Bit Of Singin’
tags: dad!harry
In which Harry’s little girl being extra clingy before her daddy’s show and ends up running to the stage.
Suddenly you wanted to sneeze so you let go of Charlotte’s hand to cover your mouth and nose. And what a big mistake that was. Charlotte immediately ran to the stage. You and George tried to catch her but that kid was fast. One of the crews who was standing near the stage managed to catch her but she screamed from the top of her lungs, “NOOO! I WANT TO GO TO M’DADDY!”
The song just ended so the arena was silence for a second, only Charlotte’s screaming was audible. Harry turned to look at her, shaking his head as he laughed. “Alright, alright, c’mere.”
The crew let go of her and she ran up to him immediately. Harry knelt down and opened his arms, pulling his baby girl into his chest before standing up and went back to the middle of the stage. “Y’just can’t wait can yeh?”
The Kitchen’s Closed
tags: dad!harry, husband!harry
A little Father’s Day special in which YN gives Harry a vasectomy appointment for his Father’s Day present.
“Do we really have to go?” Harry paced around your bedroom anxiously as he waited for you to get ready. The babysitters—yes you always hire two at the same—would arrive soon.
“Yes we do,” you tried to stifle your snigger. “It’s a really simple surgery, Harry, won’t take longer than 20 minutes.”
“Think m’balls know what’s going on and have gone into hiding,” Harry mumbled nervously. “They seem to have retracted into my body.”
“Your balls are fine, H. I’m sure they’re still there,” you snorted in laughter, shaking your head.
Baby Steps
tags: dad!harry, husband!harry
Harry and YN takes baby lad to the park to teach him to walk.
“Jeez, you’re such a mum.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes. “Well yeah you knocked me up.”
“Aye, that I did.” He cackled.
After you fed baby lad his snacks, Harry taught him to walk by holding his hands above his head, letting your baby set the pace and direction. The sight in front of you was really heartwarming.
“Where’s mummy? Should we walk to mummy?” He looked down to your baby and your baby flashed a grin, making the two bottom teeth and the newly popped two upper teeth that were responsible for your lack of sleep two weeks prior fully visible.
tags: bestfriend!harry
Can Harry help his best friend to forget her ex?
“Morning mate,” greeted the man before he took a sip of his coffee.
Harry mumbled in response before it was cut with a yawn. “Mor- whoa,” he raised his palm to make a stop sign, and continued after he finished yawning. “You don’t live here.”
“Uh,” awkward silence filled the kitchen. “I don’t.”
“What are you doing here?” He knew it was a stupid question, but that somehow didn’t stop him from asking.
“Er, uh,” the guy looked down at his mug for a second before he answered. “Visiting.”
“Visiting what? My roommate’s uterus?”
Blurbs (or concepts or drabbles... you name it)
Instagram Prompts
Text From Last Night
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Guardian Angel || Part II
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 1656
Summary: Not gonna spoil :)
Warnings: Swearing, Hospital mentions
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
A/N: Hello! It’s back! I hope you guys like this part, I struggled with writing it and I realized that I’m not very good at writing stories when it comes to plot but overall it turned out okay. Let me know if you have any questions about it because some parts can be kind of confusing. :)
Parts: {I}, {II}, {III}, {IV}
You groaned and tried to sit up, to no avail. Your body was sore and achy and your head pounded violently. Your could feel your wings underneath you, totally crushed from the weight of body landing harshly on top of them. You coughed violently and it was only then that you realized that you were covered in ceiling plaster. It was caught all in your hair and surrounded you on the ground, where you laid on the plush carpet of an eerily familiar living room. You covered your eyes in an attempt to escape the blinding light that poured through the you-sized hole in the roof of the house. 
You felt something nudge your leg and you froze. Slowly, you peeled your eyes open, only to find that a little girl was peering back at you. Just like the living room, she too looked familiar and it only took one more glance around the house to place where you were. Carol’s. Well not exactly Carol’s, but Maria’s, which was surely close enough. What were you doing here and why did it look like Monica was looking directly at you?
“Who the hell are you?” You gave Monica an odd look and glanced around, trying to find who she was talking to. “Hello, weirdo I’m talking to you. You deaf or something?” 
Ok, now you were just plain confused. Could she see you? In your time as a guardian angel you had only met two people who could see you and they were both spiritual mediums, so it didn’t make sense that Carol’s Monica could see you. There was also the fact that she had never seen you or talked to you before to think about. “Erm, me?” Your voice was hoarse from lack of use, as you never really had anyone to talk to. 
“Do you see anyone else around here that I could be talking to?” Monica returned your odd look from earlier and you just blinked back at her. You were unsure of what to do, you had never been in a situation like this before. 
“No, I suppose I don’t. But, um, you can see me?” 
She nodded slowly back at you and furrowed her eyebrows. You gulped nervously. “Look lady, my mama says I’m not supposed to talk to strangers and she���s not home right now. What are you doing in my house?” 
“I don’t really know, to be honest with you. Everything’s a bit fuzzy.” 
“Monica who are you talking to?” Maria rushed into the room with her arms full of groceries, alarmed. She skidded to a stop in front of you and stared at you in shock. “Oh sweet Jesus.”
You shot her a sheepish smile, “So I guess you can see me too? Oh and, um, sorry for the hole in your roof there.” You pointed towards the roof and Maria snapped her head in that direction. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I’m not dealing with this mess.”
“Sorry Maria,” you muttered and she looked at you with a wild look in her eyes. 
“You know my name?” You went to respond but she held up a hand, silencing you. “You know what, I don’t even want to know. Stay put and do not move. Monica come with me.”
You sat awkwardly on the ground, unsure of what to do with yourself. You gingerly touched the feathers on your wings and winced in pain. You heard a muffled voice in the kitchen, “Mama she has wings! Is she an angel?” You smiled to yourself at Monica’s words and picked yourself up off the floor. You limped towards the pictures that sat above the fireplace mantle, every time you followed Carol to Maria’s house you would look at them. Carol rarely had happy moments but she was depicted with a grin in every picture on the Rambeau’s mantle. She was gorgeous when she smiled, like a ray of sunshine.
You don’t know how long you had been staring at the pictures when there was a knock at the door. You glanced towards it, wondering who was on the other side. Carol, perhaps? After the whole ‘Vers’ situation she visited the Rambeau’s quite often in her many attempts to rediscover herself. 
“Who’s there,” Maria asked.
“Fury,” came the reply. Oh so Fury was here, a bit odd but he did come around the place every once in a while, at least often enough for you to know who he was. Maria opened the door and in he came. 
 He walked directly towards you and before you knew what was happening, shocked you in the neck with some sort of taser. You fell limp against the ground and everything went dark.
“You think she’s connected to what happened last year?” Maria felt bad for having you shocked but you had freaked her out and she had no idea what she was supposed to do with someone who resembled an angel. She could never be too cautious with things like that and she had learned that after encountering the skrulls. 
“You mean Carol’s girlfriend getting stabbed by that freaky demon thing?” Maria nodded. “I wouldn’t rule it out. Let’s get her to the compound.”
Fury picked you up and dragged you to the quinjet that he had arrived in. He strapped you into the seat and then climbed into the cockpit with Maria following him. Monica opted to take a seat next to you and quietly observe you while you “slept.” Your face certainly went with the word angel and she thought your wings were magnificent. They were large and white and she could tell that they were strong but they were bent in odd angels and the left one was missing chunks of feathers. 
Meanwhile, in the cockpit, Fury and Maria made a game plan for when they arrived at the compound. They both agreed that Carol could not, under any circumstances, know of your presence in case you were somehow connected to the loss of her girlfriend last year. She was still healing and there was nothing they wouldn’t do to protect her. Fury suggested bringing you to the med-bay and keeping you weak with sedatives until they were sure that you weren’t evil and Maria found herself agreeing. 
When you woke up you were hooked up to a freaky machine in a place that you didn’t recognize. You looked down at your wrist to find all sorts of wires coming out and your heart started beating erratically at the sight. You were strapped to a bed in a bright white room, all alone. The only thing you could remember was the feeling of falling and a sharp zap to your neck. You rubbed the spot, it felt as though the stinging was still present. 
You were panicking and you finally understood what claustrophobia felt like. You ripped the wires out of your wrist harshly and to your delight they came right out. The machine beeped frantically after your movements and you widen your eyes in distress. You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself and focused on finding your way out of the straps. There was nothing you could use around you to escape so you threw your weight against them and hoped for the best. After five tries or so you felt the pressure loosening and you threw yourself harder. The straps gave out and fell to the ground with a heavy clank and you scrambled out of the bed. 
“Rambeau we’ve got a situation. The girl escaped.”
Maria cursed, “Dammit. We’ve got to find her before anyone sees her.”
“That’s part of the problem. Most of the avengers were on mission but Stark’s AI just informed me that they’ve returned. Carol included.”
“Shit.” Maria dashed toward the nearest hallway and began the wild goose chase for you. It would be very very bad if Carol found you before she did. She and Fury still had no idea who you were or what you were doing crashing through her ceiling. You had escaped before they had a chance to question you and now Carol could just as easily come across you before either of them. Maria skidded to a stop when she realized that she was heading directly for the hanger and turned to make her escape just as she heard a voice call her name from behind her.
“Maria what are you doing here? Is Lieutenant Trouble here too?” Carol beamed at her friend and approached her before she swept her up in a warm hug. Maria returned the hug but when she pulled back Carol noticed that her smile seemed off, it was too tight. “Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong. We’ve just come for a visit.” She gave Carol the same too tight smile again and Carol narrowed her eyes in suspicion, before dropping it and shrugging to herself. 
“Alright well I’m just gonna change out of this sweaty suit and I’ll find you so we can hangout, ‘kay?”
Maria nodded and flashed her a grin before she sped off, leaving Carol to eat her dust. Carol would dwell on her antics later, for now she desperately needed out of her suit. This mission had been grueling, but also on the easier side so she really couldn’t complain. She was on her way to her room when she crashed into something, or rather someone, and she was blinded by a streak of something white. Carol collapsed to the floor and landed right on her ass with an “oof.”
You cursed your bad luck, you were running through the long hallways, trying to find an exit when you slammed into someone, hard. They fell to the ground and an apology slipped from your lips, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you okay?” 
A/N: Let me know how you liked it, I really enjoy feedback! Feel free to check out my other stuff through my masterlist or request something. I had an awesome day today, thank you to everyone who came and talked to me. Thanks, Viv :)
Permanent Tag List: @aesthetiff @autumnjackson4 @captainwonderwidow
Guardian Angel Tag List: @vxidnik @envy-adamss @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
P.S If I’ve forgotten anyone or someone would like to be added just let me know. Anyway is fine :)
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
A Cure I Know // Part 4
Part 1  II Part 2  II  Part 3  II 
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Pairing: Elliot Alderson x fem!OC (Emerson)
Summary: A sex addict & a nut case - what a perfect pairing, don’t you think?
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Sorry this took so long to produce, but here it is! If you enjoy this series and would like to be tagged in future chapters, let me know and i’ll happily add you to my tag list. Enjoy xx
It was like clockwork and to no fail that following Monday we were both once again sat on the train in the same exact train car. I wondered a lot of things. One: did he always aim for this exact train car? That seemed a tad repetitive and manic, but after our little ordeal the weekend before I wouldn’t put it past him should he be a character of mindless repetition. He himself seemed as though he hadn’t a clue what he was doing and whether he was doing it right or wrong or down or sideways. I suppose you couldn’t say much better things about me either because ever since I saw him that first day on this very train, I aimed to catch this exact car as well, just in case, though the chance was more rare than rubies, I would once again come across this intriguing stranger. However, I never thought that me and him would actually create this morning routine of avoiding eyes whilst on a crowded rush hour train.
Now, onto Two: who the fuck is this guy. Truly. He could be anyone -- an assassin, a dull sales person, even a fucking male prostitute. He was a complete mystery to me and for some god forsaken reason I was intently drawn on getting to know him, but not the rough and tough bad boy he oh so attempted to seem to be. That was a lie. I can spot a lie because I too am quite the liar. Except, you know, I'm good at it, but this man--this man was not accustomed to lying, at least not conjuring up a good lie that would be pleasing or believable to others. That’s sorta cute in a way if you think of it. A grown human being not being able to lie well means they still have this sort of innocence to them, but I knew he couldn’t be all innocent.
I did catch him in a dusky alley having an altercation with some wealthy so and so after all, and that was anything but innocent. Not to mention he was deeply insistent on making sure I hadn’t heard or seen anything that he didn’t want me to see or hear. Honestly, the only reason I was upset that I hadn’t any clue as to what he was up to that night was because I didn’t have anything to dangle over his head and tease him with. Though he did seem like the type to have quite a temper and yes, he did frighten me ever so slightly, I knew he was harmless deep down. Simply put, he was just a boy who was lost and seeking out something, I could tell that much. His eyes were quick to give that way.
Today wasn’t any different than the other times I'd seen him on the train. We would make quick eye contact every so often and within a millisecond he was diverting his eyes to the nearest spot that wasn’t my gaze. I never took my eyes off of him, especially not today. Suddenly I felt brave and curious about him all at the same time. He was something that I could see myself chasing after which he should see as a huge compliment seeing as I loved people who were disposable. I wanted the intimacy of a good fuck and that was all. Don’t take me to dinner, don’t try to fucking cuddle with me, and, jesus fucking christ, don’t even try to ask me for my number so we could ‘do this again sometime’. That's not what I want. Well, that is until now.. Which was terribly frightening and intriguing to me all at once.
“Stop fucking staring at me.”
I smirked, recognizing that deep voice seeping out from between clenched teeth. “Am I bothering you?,” I questioned.
“Yeah you are.”
“Guess my plan is working then,” I answered with the most over confident smile I could muster together while his cold gaze was peircing through the even colder atmosphere that seemed to loom around him wherever he went.
The stranger huffed loudly. Loud enough for most other bystanders to notice and grimace at his rather rude behavior on public transportation, but this is where I realized we were alone in this steel built train car and immediately my confidence began to dwindle away. Especially when his hands reached for the long metal bars that went from the floor to the ceiling, and pulled his body up to a standing position. 
His dark attired body sauntered over in my direction until he was directly stood in front of me; I could feel my knee’s brushing along the fabric of his dark, wrinkled pants. He craned his neck down so his face was closer to mine and, should I not feel so intimidated by him right now, I would’ve seen this as a tempting opportunity to have some fun on public transportation. But he was different. He didn’t make me feel like the fem fatale that I usually felt like when I was with other men and women. He was the alpha, but a lost and sad alpha. An alpha who seemed to not understand what he was doing, yet he held so much natural power over others.
“What are you trying to do?”
I shrugged, feeling my eyes grow owlish as they blinked furiously trying to process the harshness of his voice. 
Maybe I was afraid of him? Maybe I wasn’t? How he was able to take me from cocky to nervous and scared was still something I was trying to process, but he was beginning to make me feel..not like myself. I suppose in general he made me feel like a different person entirely.
“I--I’m not doing anything,” I answered with shaky hands that his eyes immediately seemed to notice.
His brow instantly relaxed and the crease set in the middle of his forehead seemed to dissipate as he moved his face back a good foot or so from mine. I watched as his teeth dug into his bottom lip while his eyes searched the train car once more to ensure nobody was within earshot of our conversation, but this only made me feel more nervous. 
“Listen, I just want to know why you’re doing this. Just tell me. I’m not going to hurt you or anything… did someone send you looking for me? Was it-“
Before he could finish his sentence, I shook my head in response as my brain tried to wrap itself, yet again,  around this man and why on earth anyone would be looking for him or why someone would send me to find him. Who was he?
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Immediately he coward back both physically and mentally as he released the metal bars and let his body balance itself as the train moved at a fast pace.
“I just don’t get it.”
“Don’t get what?,” I questioned, but he didn’t seem to want to say anything else. Instead he took one of his hands underneath the black hood covering his head and ran it through his hair, causing a small strand of black to fall onto his forehead.
I watched the strand, almost in slow motion, as it relaxed onto his tan skin and the urge to be cliche and fix the hair back into its place was there. Infact, my hand twitched as if it was going for it, without letting my brain grant it permission, to touch this strangers stray hair. Usually only a gesture made for couples or those who sustained close and precious relationships, yet I took had the urge for this man.
An unfamiliar blonde woman had entered the train car, along with a few dozen other people, as she made her way over to this stranger who evidently wasn’t a mystery to her. She placed her hand on his shoulder as the stranger looked between me and the blonde haired woman--he seemed cautious and nearly scared by her or rather what she could say.
“Elliot, I haven’t seen you in days. Why haven’t you been at work?”
I watched as the stranger took his hand, that was still underneath his hood, and gently lift the black fabric from his head as he shrugged. “I’ve just been busy with some stuff.”
The blonde scoffed at the man, who I presumed to be Elliot, as he mumbled his words and seemed annoyed as she began versing him in why it’s essential to let your friends know what’s going on in your life, but frankly I was much too distracted to pay attention to their conversation in its entirety.
Elliot. What a sweet name. It was somehow fitting for this stranger that had a dark and cold outer appearance; the opposite of sweet, yet it suited him well, very very well. I was surprised I never even thought about naming this mysterious person, but never once did I stop to think of his name, his backstory, and what made him who he was.
The scary part was that now I was thinking about all of that. I was thinking of his middle name, does he have any pets, is this blonde bitch going to get in my way of getting to know him, also, why the hell did I want to get to know him? Why was I having monologues with myself regarding this man who, up until a minute ago, I hadn’t a clue of even his name. I hated this and most importantly i hated who I was right now because I wasn’t the type to pine and day dream after another. Why was he different. Why on this god forsaken earth is there a creature say as he that would make me feel such foreign things that I hadn’t felt in decades.
“Are you okay?”
I hadn’t noticed that I zoned out, with my eyes still fixed on Elliot, until his now much perkier, yet still lifeless, voice questioned my dead eyed gaze.
I nodded, gulping back a breath I hadn’t realized was being held captive in my throat as I looked around for the blonde woman, who had been previously scolding a grown man on proper friendship etiquette--how precious. Thankfully, she was nowhere to be found. I must have been so deep in my thoughts that her departure had gone unnoticed to my zoned out stare. 
“You sure?,” Elliot questioned again, ending his sentence this time with a brief and deep chuckle that made me smile, but I quickly removed the grin from my face in the hopes that he wouldn’t see it. I didn’t need to give him any sort of leverage in whatever it is we were (friends, acquaintances, etc.).
“I’m fine,” I lied, but like I said, I was always convincing when it came to lying and this time was no different.
Elliot nodded just as the loud speaker announced the stop I was needing to get off on and only then did I realize my belongings were nowhere near being close to gathered and ready for me to descend into a crowd of thousands of others working at a miserable job. I began scrambling manically for my things as Elliot just watched me with some sort of look in his eyes that seemed sympathetic in nature, but what for?
I didn’t bother to acknowledge him as I stood to move past him and out of the train car. We never really said or entertained any sort of greeting when we departed so it wasn’t anything unusual.
I stopped dead in my tracks, directly in the middle of the automatic doors, as he spoke the words. I’m sure I was blushing or wearing some sort of smitten grin and god how I hated that my feelings were from something as small as a ‘bye’ from him, but now wasn’t the time. I wouldn’t let these unusual feelings I was having for this man cause me to shatter the outer appearance I worked hard to convince others of. Not today, not ever--no on was worth that much.
“See you tomorrow, Elliot.”
Tag: @sassystrawberryk​ @itsme690​ @imnottiredofgettingoveryou​ @lovelymalekk​ @mezzomercury​ @sherlollydramoine​ @rami-malek-trash​ @amcquivey​ @txmel​ @crystalmethchristmas​ @ramimedley​
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bettsfic · 5 years
Hi betts! I've been reading through the stuff you posted about plot/story structure and I have a question. The concept of a cycle (leave the familiar--go through unfamiliar--return to familiar) seems to underlie all of them. How does this work in tragedies where the character doesn't get to return to the familiar in any literal sense? i.e. traveler who never makes it home. Especially in stories that end with the main character's death (thereby eliminating the chance for a return to status quo)?
Is the cyclical structure still present in those types of stories, just less literal (instead of physical places or circumstance, psychological ones)? Or is this an instance where trying to adhere to this structure gets in the way of the story you're trying to tell? I guess more generally thoughts on tragic/unhappy endings?
great question! 
before i answer, i’d like to caveat that this explanation is an oversimplification of structure and moreover, extremely prescriptive. whatever you’re writing doesn’t need to follow these conventions, and if you have stories already written that are nothing like this, they’re not bad or wrong. 
i use traditional story structure to help me set the pace, center the conflict, and figure out when to raise and lower the stakes, but if it doesn’t suit the story, i scrap it. the most important thing is figuring out what’s best for your story, not how the story best fits into an existing structure. it’s an optional guideline, not a rule.
that said, i’ve been thinking a lot about tragedies lately -- what’s the structural difference between hamlet and game of thrones? why does one succeed but the other fail? how do i get so much catharsis from song of achilles and so little from avengers: endgame?
i firmly believe that if you’re reading a tragedy, you should know it’s a tragedy. i think the deepest cathartic effect on readers happens when they understand that doom is coming, and ready themselves for it. having a protagonist fight for pages upon pages, scenes upon scenes, to root for them endlessly, only to have them fail -- what’s the fucking point? it’s writing without integrity. it’s an authorial power trip. it’s saying “i have the power to make you feel things, and i’m going to hurt you.”
a bad tragedy is one that leaves you feeling empty and hurt, maybe angry. a good tragedy is one that fills you with sadness, the good kind of sadness, the reason we watch or read tragedies at all. sometimes it feels good to be sad, to let stories affect us deeply, to run us through an emotional gamut where day to day life can often leave us complacent.
but as a writer, how do you know if you’re pulling a game of thrones? how do you know if you’re writing a fulfilling tragedy or an empty one?
to answer, i’ve made a (beautiful!!) graph not unlike kurt vonnegut’s shape of a story. 
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before i explain the graph, i’m going to do a quick run-down of a three-act play, which is the general structure of all films and classic novels.
act i -- first 25% of a story -- here you establish a status quo and upend that status quo somehow, or as you say, familiar and unfamiliar. this is a simplification of a basic conflict. by the end of act i, your protagonist(s) are firmly on a path.
act ii -- middle 50% of story -- (i tend to break act ii up into two parts because it’s so long) i like to think of act ii as a series of checkmarks, all the things that have to happen to reach a culminating point upon which the story rests.
act iii -- final 25% of a story -- at the beginning of act iii is your culminating moment, and at the end is your resolution.
what differentiates a comedy from a tragedy is the way action rises and falls. if you don’t read any other part of my overwrought explanation, read this: the midpoint of a story will likely parallel its ending. if the dead center of a story is sad, the resolution will be sad, and vice versa.
comedy structure (happy ending)
act i -- protagonist is either in a low place or a neutral one, and their status quo is upended. in a comedy, we root for the protagonist. we want them to succeed. the quickest and easiest way to establish this is to find a way to make us trust the protagonist -- a small act of kindness, an inconsequential choice that shows us their true colors. by the end of act i, your protagonist will face a conflict, and we have hope they will succeed.
act ii -- things are looking up! the midway point is a major achievement, a win of some kind. your protagonist has succeeded where they have been struggling. but then! oh no!! a new challenge presents itself, a greater challenge, a bigger bad, and now things are beginning to look bleak.
act iii -- the beginning of act iii will mark the lowest point of the story, a major failure or setback. all is lost. there’s no coming back from this. no way out. but then!! protagonist, against all odds, succeeds! and then the resolution, where we’re either back to the status quo, or find ourselves in a better place than when we started, having grown from the adventure we had. 
romances often have happy endings. if you’re writing a romance, the rising and falling action will match the closeness and distance of your two protagonists. the midway point is their initial coming-together, and the beginning of act iii will involve angst. 
in an adventure story, the rising and falling action will involve the closeness and distance from the antagonist. the midpoint will be a face-off with something that will lead your protagonist to the big bad. your climax will be a failure at the antagonist’s hand, and your resolution will be the final success.
tragedy structure (sad ending)
act i -- protagonist is either in a high place or a neutral one. their status quo is sitting atop a pedestal of some kind. they have a major hubris which establishes their conflict. at the end of act i, your protagonist will have begun their fall from grace. you can make the reader trust a tragic protagonist the same way you make them trust a happy one -- indicate in some small way their leanings. define their hubris. “trust” does not mean “like.” the major difference between a happy and sad ending in terms of beginning is what the reader wants for the protagonist. in a tragedy, you will likely be rooting for something bad to happen to the protagonist, or you will be readying yourself for a trainwreck. 
act ii -- by the middle of the story, your protagonist has reached what they think is rock bottom, but is actually far from it. surely they’ve suffered enough? slowly the pieces are picked up, and things look hopeful to them, but the reader knows otherwise. this will not be pretty.
act iii -- at the beginning of the third act, your protagonist has succeeded where they thought they would fail, and they have returned to their pedestal, or maybe even higher. there is a major sense of relief. everyone can breathe easy. the story is over. but it’s actually not. something happens!! and the protagonist’s hubris finally and fully catches up with him somehow. OR your protagonist has fully redeemed themselves, and their growth is complete, but they still must die in order to prove their own growth. 
there is a difference between a tragic hero and a redeemed protagonist. a tragic hero is one who is blind to his hubris and eventually falls prey to it. a redeemed protagonist is one who is made aware of their hubris, works to counteract it, and sacrifices themselves in a final act of redemption. 
i cannot emphasize enough: this is a gross oversimplification, and your story does not have to adhere to this in order to be good. likely you will have several protagonists all on different paths and a story much more complicated than this, but generally speaking, this the major difference between happy and sad endings: the middle point mirrors the end point. the rising and falling action is opposed. a tragic protagonist has hubris. a comedic protagonist has hope. 
i hope this helps! 
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