#i miss the days where i use to go to the website rabbit and just stream there 😔😔😔
humbuns · 2 months
considering that i have free time till spring break, i might stream one of these days but i was wondering what platform to use so poll time:
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flickrrposts · 5 months
Black Hat is going to be Hypnotized by Heroes - Theory
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Why?: It'd be cool.
Okay, seriously, this could be nothing more than fanfic potential, but in case there's some small chance that I'm right about this, here are a few points on where I'm coming from.
#1 - Tension
This show has reaffirmed time and time again, in the show, comics, livestreams, interviews, that Black Hat is:
A, Powerful,
and B, Terrifying.
I don't think I need to go through evidence of that being the case, if you're familiar with the show at all, you know this.
He's been side-lined throughout the entire show, and it would not only be cathartic to finally have him show off his powers, but it would also make him feel like a real threat in the story if he's positioned against Flug, Dem, and 505.
The tension would be raised to infinity. The show would practically feel like a horror movie because of how near-impossible it would be to defeat him.
#2 - Goldheart's Plan
According to Miss Heed at the end of s1e6, Goldheart wants to "end all villainy."
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Black Hat controls all villainy.
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P.E.A.C.E. has already caught on to how deep Black Hat's rabbit hole goes, via the agents creating the Podemos Bailar website. (omg, with Magician being one of the agents, then Black Hat's hat is the "rabbit hole", it's like a pun, you get it? You get that-)
Before the third Arenque Noticias video, Melissa Lead states, "If you ask my objective opinion, I'd say a controlled villain is better than a villain set loose."
As observed by @paper-gold-theories, characters with gold accessories tend to be associated with Goldheart or the Golden Rule in some way (Miss Heed, Porccini, the reporter in s1e4).
Melissa wears a golden necklace and ring, so it's very likely that her opinions either align with the Golden Rule, or Goldheart himself.
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So if Goldheart's objective is to brainwash all villainy, then who better to target than the man at the top? (the man in the top-hat, haha, I'm on a roll)
#3 - Black Hat's Weaknesses
Alan has hinted that Black Hat is not invincible, and has actually described him as "lazy".
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So the concept of Black Hat slipping up is not an impossibility for the show to explore.
#4 - Details
This is getting into TJLC levels of analysis, but I've noticed a couple things that could somehow be foreshadowing this:
In this poster:
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Villains have a red outline, and heroes have blue:
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(The fact that Flug and 505 have blue is an analysis for a whole other day)
But Black Hat has a gold-ish color on both sides:
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This could be a stretch, but,,
In 2021, promo art was released for the show:
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And Black Hat's monocle looks suspiciously pink.
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Sure this could just be red shading that accidentally looks pink, but it isn't that hard to edit if the colors came out wrong, I did it just now:
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The difference is night and day:
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I don't think Black Hat has ever been associated with pink before outside of Demencia's fantasies. It would have been easy to choose any other colors too, like green, yellow, orange, or even blue.
The Black Hat being lit with pink for the first time is a coincidence in the very same promo that ALSO includes Miss Heed.
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And as is obvious, ALL of the people Heed hypnotizes have glowing-pink eyes:
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Even if this isn't foreshadowing to my specific fan-theory, I find a Black Hat - Heed connection extremely suspicious.
It's very well that in this scene, Flug DID perfect Heed's formula.
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The heroes have the perfect hypnotizing formula. Or at least they still have some version now.
They have the means.
So TL;DR, Flug perfected Heed's hypnotizing formula, and so P.E.A.C.E./The Golden Rule/Goldheart is going to use it to control Black Hat when his guard's down.
(or somethin like that, idk)
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You’ll need the context of Victor’s Springtime Revival Date for the phone calls as they contain crucial references. So, make sure to read the event story and date first! ♡
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
[Note]: The first call takes place during the 12 days separation period, and the second call happens after the date~ ♡
【1st Call】
Victor: It’s hardly been half an hour into the beginning of work time, and a certain someone already has the time to slack off?
MC: Victor, how did you find the time to call?
Victor: It’s break time for me now. In just ten minutes of not looking at my phone, over twenty messages have popped up.
Victor: When I clicked to see, it was either a bunch of emojis or a link to a short clip. You even changed your profile picture and sign on Moments within this time.
Victor: You said you were gonna go to the set to supervise, are these the things you planned on doing?
MC: Of course not. Actually, it’s because I’ve been stuck in traffic for an hour. I haven’t gotten to the set yet.
MC: From what it seems, I’m only five kilometers away. But the cars at the front are not moving at all. It seems there’s been a bump between two vehicles or something.
MC: If it weren’t for the equipment in the trunk, I would have gotten out of the car and walked on foot.
Victor: Dummy. Five kilometers is not a short distance, don’t be silly.
MC: I won’t. I was just saying. I’m fine, I was just a little bored, that’s all.
MC: But hearing your voice now, my fretful mind has already gotten a lot better! Are you still busy, though? I’m not holding you up, am I?
Victor: No. There are still fifteen minutes left before the next session starts, so I can keep you company for a while.
Victor: I’ve watched the video you sent me. When I get back, we can take pictures of Pudding in that similar model.
Victor: About the three pajamas, the duckling set is suitable for wearing at home, and the rabbit ear set is thicker in comparison, so it’s more suitable for going out to pick up the deliveries.
Victor: Also, the travel blog article is too long. So, I’ll read it after the meeting and tell you about it afterward.
MC: Victor, I’m so moved… you actually read every single message I sent carefully.
MC: Although you’ve always been like this, at this moment when I’m stuck in traffic, it has a special meaning for me!
Victor: …dummy. The desire to share comes from an emotional attachment, so of course, I won’t miss it.
MC: Hehe, I know~ To hear you say that like this, it feels like being stuck in traffic for an hour won’t be so bad.
MC: …ah! The car is moving.
Victor: Why do you sound so reluctant?
MC: Of course I do. I was clearly hoping that the car would start moving at once, but now I want to be stuck in traffic for five more minutes.
MC: Like this, I can talk to you a little longer. After all, you have meetings these days…
Victor: There’s no need to be depressed. The break schedule for this conference is reasonable, and there won’t be any lack of phone calls.
Victor: Alright, let’s get to work. The weather has been dry lately, so remember to drink plenty of water.
Victor: I’m hanging up now.
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【2nd Call】
Victor: I got your email. There were about 1 GB of images, and it took me quite a while to go through them.
Victor: So you’ve been giggling all morning today looking at these pictures?
MC: Yup. I happened to stumble upon this website in the morning, where you can composite images using special techniques.
MC: Users can upload images and combine them with the resources from the public library to create special effects.
MC: So, I uploaded our photos to try it out.
Victor: The quality of most of the images is pretty good. Seems like the technology of this site is quite mature.
Victor: However, a certain someone better explain the “Cat Victor” folder to me.
MC: Hahaha, that’s the set I’ve combined with utmost care!
MC: Although Rembrandt-style and Picasso-style Victor each have their own artistic beauty, I still like the little kitty the best!
Victor: In your eyes, do I resemble these pictures?
MC: Yes! Look at the whiskers; it brings the feeling of a little bit of grandeur and reserve, a little bit of aloofness, and a little bit of insouciance…
MC: Don’t they resemble the cat Victor during the Evol abnormality?
[Tidbits]: MC is referring to their Interflowing Date~ 
Victor: I think you’ve been looking at electronic screens too much lately, and we need to have you see an ophthalmologist.
MC: Humph. If you don’t like it, I will enjoy these results all by myself from now on and won’t share them with you.
Victor: It’s okay. I don’t dislike it.
Victor: LFG invested in a pilot project a few years ago, and it had a similar image-processing technology.
Victor: The results of that project, however, are mainly used for historical research and medical guidance.
MC: I didn’t know that you’d already set foot even in this domain long ago…
Victor: I’m simply in charge of the investment decisions, not the specific operations.
Victor: Anyway, compared to those pretty pictures, I like this “old age” folder more.
Victor: The photos have a strong sense of realism and farsightedness.
MC: I like them too!
MC: Even though the generated “grandpa” Victor has wrinkles all over his face, he is still as handsome and prideful as ever~
Victor: Likewise. Even though a certain someone in the photos is old, she is still very cute.
MC: When I was looking at these photos, I was reminded of our nostalgic trip a few days ago.
MC: In the future, when we become old and gray, we will composite a few “back to youth” pictures!
Victor: There’s no need for that.
Victor: Every photo taken with you will be stored and backed up securely, so we won’t lose them.
Victor: If you want to “experience youth,” how about setting aside some time this weekend to go out with me and feel the spring?
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earlgreytea68 · 10 months
Ruminations on Social Media Platforms
Since Tumblr has decided that it Needs to Make Money and the Only Way to Make Money is to turn all users into Mindless Servants of the Algorithm, I've been thinking a lot about social media platforms.
Tbh, I'm always thinking a lot about social media platforms, it's kind of part of my field of scholarly endeavor, if you will. But I think a lot about them not in the abstract but as an active user of many of them. And Tumblr is my faaaavorite. And of course so much of what makes Tumblr my favorite is what makes it "unprofitable" or whatever. I put these words in quotes because the definition of "unprofitable" is an extremely narrow one in our capitalist society. Could a website that has allowed many people to form communities / relationships / friendships / connections with people they would otherwise never have met in ways that have vastly improved their lives really be considered unprofitable, ever? Could a website that gives people any moments of pleasure or joy or delight be considered unprofitable? Could a website that sometimes makes you think or at least give you pause be considered unprofitable?
Yeah, it's also a website that's, you know, a hellsite, but, like, it's on the internet and it's made up of people, c'est la vie.
I left Twitter when the Elon Musk thing went down, partly because in those days he was actively taunting Twitter's userbase and it felt a little like I was just on this social media platform being bullied by its owner? Idk, I didn't like it, so I decided to take a break until things calmed down. I really thought he'd get bored and sell it, so kudos to Elon Musk for not doing that. But, anyway, sometimes I think about going back to Twitter. I miss my friends there, I miss knowing what they're up to. Twitter was actually, let's face it, terrible for keeping up with people but Tweetdeck, where you could put people in chronological order and better organize things, was great for it! (As usual, the only way to make the social media platform usable was to use it in a way it wished you wouldn't.)
But I've been going back to Twitter recently to find Tourdust content and I was reminded that Twitter is just...awful. Like, it is almost impossible to have an encounter with Twitter that doesn't drag you down a rabbit hole of terrible discourse of people being awful. I fully admit this is my own fault, for clicking on things I know are going to upset me, but this is why it's better for me just to be off Twitter entirely. Twitter's functionality makes it way too easy to trace and follow outrage, and then you end up just hate-clicking deeper and deeper into these spirals. My mental health is much happier for having given up Twitter, because I'm not a strong enough person not to get sucked into all the unhealthy snippiness of the place.
The reason I've been on Twitter looking for Tourdust updates is precisely because it's better-organized than Tumblr, easier to find the stuff you want to find (in among all the other stuff you wish you wouldn't find, of course). So Tumblr's poor searchability is why I was driven to Twitter, BUT I've come to the conclusion that in a lot of ways that is a feature and not a bug. I can see the ripples of a bunch of kerfuffles that have happened in bandom recently, they lap delicately up against my dash, but by the time they get to me they're the tiniest of waves instead of a tsunami, and if I wanted to figure out what went down, it would take me actual effort. I'm sure I could do it, of course -- it's not like it's utterly impossible -- but it's not as frictionless as figuring out on Twitter. I have to make more of an active effort to go in search of the drama, it's not just RIGHT THERE blinking at me to click on it, and that makes me better able to resist it. I am at heart a lazy person, after all.
So, like, in a way Tumblr doesn't function right, and in a way Tumblr functions beautifully. It all depends on what you're using Tumblr for. And Tumblr was always my escape platform, even when I was still active on Twitter. When I was feeling anxious or sad or upset, I would scroll my Tumblr dash and it would be mindless and soothing and endless (I follow a lot of people. This is for me the key to Tumblr, but see, it all depends on how you're using Tumblr! They don't all share my interests anymore, but I don't care. I just want to sometimes not be in the shouting match that Twitter seems to devolve into so often). And so this is why I feel like it does make sense that there should always be multiple social media platforms in the world. This idea that social media platforms seem to have that they should be the ULTIMATE ONLY ONE is so harmful. Different platforms are for different things. Chill out. (Of course, this is the conquer-the-world mentality formed by capitalism. I am really worried what's going to happen when Netflix realizes it can't keep growing subscribers indefinitely because the population of the planet is finite. Does it know this? I don't think it knows this...)
I was thinking of all this not just because of Tumblr's algorithm thing but because everyone's fussing about Threads, and like, in a way I get it. Clearly I still have a need for Twitter in my life even if I'm simultaneously aware how dysfunctional it is for me. I get that everyone's still trying to find a way to replace Twitter. But first of all, I dislike Facebook as a company so intensely, like, a lot. (I refuse to call it Meta. That's how much I dislike it lol). Second of all, the fact that people seem to think it's a good thing that Threads integrates with your Instagram, I'm just like, ......imagine behaving on Twitter exactly the same way you behave on Instagram? What??? This doesn't even computer to me lol. The same platform that wants you to post photos of your kids should be integrated with the one where people are constantly just yelling at each other over nothing???? Those seem like two completely different places to me?????
Facebook is obsessed with the idea that everyone needs to be Exactly The Same on every corner of the internet, and I just do not agree with that at all. Imagine me being the same on LinkedIn as I am on Tumblr. Like, God, what a boring world that would be!! What a boring life I would be leading!! I guess some people ARE that way, and either that is awesome that they are so fully themselves at work as to just post porn they've written, or it's that they never have any interests that aren't totally aligned with work, which just...is astonishing to me.
What I REALLY think Threads is doing -- and honestly what I think Facebook essentially wants -- is to turn all of us into some curated facsimile of ourselves. I mean, all social media does that, but if you only have one facsimile of yourself, then you never have any other aspects to explore. And if you only have one facsimile of yourself, it's probably going to be the one most designed to make yourself money. Like, isn't that what everyone wants to be doing these days? Using social media to make money? I saw people talking about Threads, and every single one of them was talking about building their brand.
So in a way I am totally sympathetic to Tumblr's problem. They're right. Social media is just a way to sell us stuff now, and if they're not selling us stuff, it's a "problem." Capitalism has finally succeeded in commodifying literally every relationship we have. Literally every single one. And we kind of just let it happen, like there was no other possible way the internet could ever have been designed but to create a handful of billionaires making money off of the fact that people want to feel connected to each other. And then taking that fact and making it all about "but what's the point of connection without making me some more billions?"
Anyway. I wish things weren't like that. Tumblr still is my favorite. Who knows what happens next. Sigh.
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titconao3 · 1 year
how are you getting the best snape art posts??? honestly your tumblr + curation is so good <3
Oh hello!
and thank you <3 unexpected, but welcome!
So, er, methodology, eh? The short version: er, i see some art, i look at OP's tags, find a promising one such as "my art" or "(fandom) art" or "(character) art" and... go through it.
More under the cut, it got long. (Method in the madness or Madness in the method, i'll let you decide!)
Bear in mind that i Tumblr on a computer, using a browser, while using XKit (these days, it's XKit Rewritten): for most of my fandoms i have a pre-made tag bundle, so that's just a quick hover, scroll, and click each time. Well, click-click, one for [fandom] and one for 'fanart.' i draft all the posts then queue them alternating fandoms. All are tagged so that if anyone follows me (not that many people) they can easily filter out stuff they're not into. Once things are queued, they're also liked, so that whenever i see that art (or not art) post again, i know not to reblog it again. i have More Than Enough to queue already ^_^;; (so much more omg)
Most of the time i will reblog OP's own art and not reposts or posts from another website (sometimes it's the own artist's IG art, so that's alright, sometimes it's also from a deleted account.)
If the artist posts little, or lots but i like their posts, or most of what i'm not into i can easily filter out (i only filter tags, at least for now), then i may follow. i keep my dash manageable enough that i don't miss posts.
There are happy surprises because people aren't always systematic with tagging, so along the way i'll find other artists, draft the piece i noticed, and later when i have time i'll do the "go through OP's art stuff" thing. It can get a bit overwhelming when i get back in the drafts folder, if i've been away from home for a while and spent little time on a proper computer or laptop for days.
i also follow a couple of fandomedit tags (not fandom or character tags; that way lies madness and way too much discourse for me, tyvm), but only a small number and in fandoms where there is not a tsunami of new stuff every day.
Basically the clue is that i'm being a little Extra about things ;-) i do try to curb that down, because i've ended many times drafting then queuing all the art from every artist i found in a specific fandom, even when i wasn't in love with all the works, because i felt bad not reblogging them all (no, i'm not neurotic about stuff, why do you ask?). It's even sillier given that my drafts folder is so bloated that of course i haven't reblogged all the art stored there. In some fandoms i try to simply reblog the art i see from folks i follow and otherwise sit on my hands so i don't go down the rabbit hole of 'must check every work from every artist i see in every fandom i'm in.' That way lies madness; my drafts folder is already too unmanageable as it is.
i also am only on Tumblr, not twitgram, instatok, snapbook, or wherever fandom is happening these days. Well, i have a DW, for example, but i don't really go there often beyond posting my fic (sometimes weeks after i posted it on AO3) and managing event accounts (sibling blogs to those on Tumblr). i do use Discord but i vastly prefer one-on-one chats to group chats so i rarely wander into servers. i have to when i'm promoting an event i'm organising so i can do it when the stakes are high ;-) but it does mean that while Tumblr takes a lot of my online life, it's the only social media i spend any time on.
My use of tumblr is very much read/reblog: i don't post personal stuff here either, about myself, my woes, or my writing beyond the occasional 'i wrote this' post, and even that is not systematic. To me, it looks like it's either 1/ people See you and you become a potential target (or at best it becomes a job because if you do become popular, there will be more demands on your time and energy: can you reblog this? what's your opinion on that? etc), or 2/ people ignore you while you're writing stuff on a public platform because you don't want to be ignored, so you'd probably feel bad about it. However, reblogging art/gifsets etc makes the creator happy (well, i hope), so that's good. Although sometimes i see posts on how creators would like to see enthusiastic tags about why rebloggers like their work, but that would be extra work and pressure to say the right thing, so i don't. i still worry about it of course. #lifestyle ;-)
So i don't know if that's what you wanted to hear, but kudos if you got here, because that's quite a chunk of overly-tweaked text for what was probably just a throwaway note... oops?
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rachelminetti · 2 years
september 2021 music!
it’s september 2022, i dug through the archives to post this before i type up this year’s september playlist. a lot has stayed the same, 2021 set the tone for the next few septembers, it seems.
everything is less intense, more settled in. great month of music for me, a lot of stereolab, autocollants, and homelife. very gentle, not necessarily subtle. i'm fully engulfed in this subgenre of twee - anything that's soft, a little dreamy, blue-tinted and slightly sedative. maybe this is rooted in nostalgia, for a time i only vaguely remember, yet crave without means to an end.
i know it's 7 days into october, but my music hasn't shifted quite yet and i put too much effort into these playlists to leave them without an audience. but first i'll list some of my favorite songs from last month, songs that still haven't been worn out, some that might make it into a favorites playlist. and then i will get into the smaller playlists i made to keep things organized, group genres/moods together, force a little cohesion into the mix. (i obviously did not get around to this. the playlists are made though! and can be found here: i learned a lot of good things this afternoon, still here?, too fast?, watch your step!, brain replaced by something, supreme nothing)
op hop detonation - stereolab
cobra and phases group play voltage in the milky night... // 1999
there is not a bad stereolab song. they are a group of utter consistency, everything just works, hits where it needs to. this song works well on a loop, like going down a factory line. maybe playing in an orange monochrome suburban bathroom that hasn't been updated since the 70s, maybe taking a moped down a twisting side street.
afterglow - pine*am
pull the rabbit ears // 2005
this song/album brought me to a days long deep dive into discogs and rateyourmusic, mostly while sitting up at the reference desk at the library, copy and pasting links into an email i'd send to myself at the end of the hour. it introduced me to picopop, shibuya-kei, brought me further onto this side of twee pop. this song feels like something, unnamed. the theremin (probably, maybe) is haunting, clear. i'll probably try to find a used CD sometime soon.
nothing at all - the autocollants
why couldn't things just stay the same // 1999
this album has given me so much, i could listen to it everyday, every drive to and from work. this isn't a stationary song, it's very much in motion, i must be going somewhere, moving along somehow. i'm sad about nothing at all.
on a rampant multi-tab google search at the circ desk at the library, i found a website that i will most definitely spend countless hours on in the future, TweeNet. a goddamn dream come true. this makes me want to plan another radio show, bless the columbia airwaves with this eternal tenderness.
est - greenscreen
greenscreen // 2019
can't find anything about this band/musician/group/whatever. kind of reminds me of boothe's gentle absurdity (though they're album is no longer available in my country? i miss eggs are 0's) (2022 update: bought the mp3 on bandcamp, all is well). this song is mesmerizing, a little hypnotizing, a little bit cryptic. definitely mysterious, but i'll keep it that way. i learned a lot of good things this afternoon.
one we kiss - jenny mae
there's a bar around the corner...assholes // 1995
god i love this song. maybe i was a college radio dj in the 90s in some alternate timeline or something. this just sounds like wusc on any given tuesday, tucked into the mundane.
east side glory - marnie stern
the chronicles of marnia // 2013
looking forward to continuing to gradually make my way through marnie stern's discography, though i'm saddened that this was her final album (for now maybe?).
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littlewalken · 4 months
Dec 18
I do it because I have to, I usually do it myself when possible because I come from an environment where I was an afterthought in my own house and actually had a sit down with the dogs and 1-2 of the cats letting them know we all mattered less than the horse, who was blameless and knew no different, and I knew I mattered less than them but I still loved them.
Of all of us I am the only one left in the household. If not seeing most of my everything, which I can never sort and thin out if I can never get to, for a few months means I am free from the Life Ruiner and then get to live somewhere for a good long time and can actually make friends I think I can do it.
I'll have my Husbands dolls back out and hopefully dressed somewhat properly in time for season 3.
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At least Crowley got painted.
And come next Depeche Mode Day-
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Fletch is by Kumik, I think his head is called K18. If you're in to 1/6 scale but haven't fallen down the "military/licensed" rabbit hole you're missing out on some neat shit.
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Yeah, the catalog was supposed to help me remember who half these guys are, manufacture wise, they're all hybrids. Thang with the lollipop are the same people who did my Andy Bell so the name os somewhere here in the blog. The Daft Punk heads are 3D printed keychains with a hole in the bottom for neck pegs.
Some day we keep saying we'll go to Santa Cruz and fuck yeah Alex/Marco/Bill comes with.
Can't tell if Aziraphale and Guy Man are using the same body.
And yes, I used to run that website with au naturale dollies doing different poses, The Wayback Machine has it, but I let that go when I had a severe clusterfuck of real life shit and running any web site was no longer important. It's saved because my page on Puppet Up is cited in Wikipedia. That's how you really reach internet immortality.
I just went all autistic and recapped the show for my own memory's sake.
On Thursdays we dress like queers.
*And when they double the price of the storage unit we have to pay it because what the hell else are we going to do?
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
you found me | myg (m)
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⏤  Pairing: Yoongi x reader ⏤  Genre: smut, fluff ⏤  Word Count: 5.5k ⏤  Warnings: dirty talk, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (m recieving), nightmare, 
⏤  Summary: When you found a fluffy dog during your evening outing, you didn’t realize you’d also be finding the love of your life.
- for the yoongi to my jimin @sugaflake​ and special thanks to @excusemin​ for beta-reading!
Part of my Milestone Celebration Event! Check out the other fics here.
Holly had been gone for days and Yoongi... was not okay. He’d scoured the city, put up posters, called every animal shelter and pound within a fifty mile radius. To put it simply, Yoongi was losing his damn mind. If only that stupid wild rabbit hadn’t hopped across the lawn when Yoongi had let Holly out to go to the bathroom, none of this would’ve happened. Holly usually didn’t require a leash just to use the restroom so Yoongi hadn’t been worried when he’d let him out.
He should’ve been more aware of his surroundings, because Holly’s ears had perked up, his whole body going still before he darted off, chasing the rabbit. Yoongi had tried to run after him but had quickly lost sight of him, and it didn’t help that the sun had been setting when he’d let him out and the dark chill of the night had already taken over the warm summer breeze. 
Yoongi walked the streets for hours, calling out Holly’s name with a flashlight in hand. He brought the pup’s favorite treats, favorite toy, trying to lure him out had he been hiding somewhere, but his beloved pet was nowhere to be found. Yoongi was gutted, wondering if someone had abducted Holly, if he’d been run over, if something terrible had happened to him. What if he’d fallen down the draining system and was stuck, cold and scared and alone?
Yoongi didn’t sleep that night, or the nights thereafter, laying awake and constantly checking the local Facebook community pages, the lost pet websites, and the animal shelter sites, hoping for any sign of his baby, but it seemed like any attempt at a reunion was slowly becoming futile. Running out of ideas after searching the same empty streets for the 100th time, Yoongi felt hopeless.
He drowned his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey and far too much takeout for one person, his eyes traveling over to Holly’s dog bed, his favorite toy laying untouched inside of it. His eyes drifted to the many pictures of Holly he had framed around his apartment. Yoongi hung his head, feeling like he’d lost a piece of himself and feeling useless for being unable to bring Holly home. He sighed with a shaky exhale, willing the tears not to fall. That was when his doorbell rang.
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You sat at a cute little café, enjoying the cool evening air and watching the sun slowly dip down into the horizon while you nibbled on your food halfheartedly. You weren’t hungry, but you weren’t ready to go home to your quiet, empty apartment. Your roommate and best friend had just moved out, opting to move in with her boyfriend instead, and you didn’t know how to handle the silence with her gone. You’d tried inviting a few friends to dinner, but everyone had been busy, so you sat alone on the patio of the small café with your sandwich, watching the birds.
Your pleasant thoughts were interrupted when you felt something press against your leg, and looked down to see a small, brown, fluffy dog had hopped up, pressing his tiny little paws into your skin. He whimpered pathetically, giving you his best puppy eyes and licked his lips, his eyes darting to your food. His tail wagged as you picked him up and sat him in your lap, even though he was dirty, his fur beginning to mat in a few places and he was covered in dried mud.
“Omg, hi little guy!” you cooed.
The small dog panted, his tongue sticking out and he seemed thirsty so you poured some of your water into your hand and allowed him to lap it up, then gave him a bite of your grilled chicken sandwich. He seemed to inhale the small taste of chicken, then sniffed at your plate. You just scooted it closer to the edge and let him have it. You scratched his head affectionately while he ate, then found under his fluffy fur was a collar, stating his name was Holly.
You giggled at the name, thinking it was cute for a boy dog, and you were glad he had a home, if not a little disappointed. You were more than willing to take the sweet pup in, especially after he’d finished eating and licked your cheek in a thank you and cuddled up in your lap. You absentmindedly stroked his back while you looked up the address on his collar. It wasn’t far. You decided you’d walk him there, his owner was probably missing him.
You dialed the number listed on the collar to alert the owner you were on the way, but it immediately went to voicemail and you ended the call with a frown. Sighing, you stood, leaving money for the food and tip, then carried Holly down the sidewalk, using your phone to navigate you. 
Holly didn’t squirm or try to leave your grip, he was simply along for the ride, panting heavily and sniffing the air as you walked, nearing a large apartment complex with a minimalistic design that looked very fancy. You entered the front door and took the elevator to the third floor, locating apartment 3C, and knocking gently.
You heard some clattering and some grumbling before the door swung open, revealing a blonde man in sweatpants, a scowl resting on his (quite attractive) face until he looked up and saw Holly.
“HOLLY!” he screamed, grabbing the dog from you and hugging him tightly, pressing kisses all over his face while Holly barked and wagged his tail excitedly, wiggling in the man’s arms and attempting to lick his face.
“Oh my god you’re okay! Where were you?! I was going crazy, I looked everywhere!” he whined, holding the dog up to his face as if he could give him any real answers, then held him close to his chest and hugged him.
Your quiet giggle seemed to remind him that you were there and his eyes darted over to you and he engulfed you in a hug as well, Holly pressed between your chests as he held you against him. Even with Holly inbetween you, you could feel the man’s body heat and his hips pressing against yours, and sparks shot clear to your fingertips.
“Thank you so much! Oh my gosh. I have missed him so much.”
“He is a very good boy, I can see why you missed him,” you smiled after taking a step back from him, attempting to put distance between you and clear up your foggy mind.
“Oh, the reward! You probably want the reward,” he spoke more to himself than you as he looked around for something.
“Reward? No. I just wanted to return your dog,” you shrugged.
“You don’t want the reward?”
“Then how can I repay you?”
“You don’t have to?”
He stopped searching, turning to look at you, confusion written all over his face, Holly held in his tight grip.
“You don’t want anything?”
“Well… would you at least stay for dinner? I would really like to thank you somehow and I ordered way too much Chinese takeout to drown my sorrows,” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
 “What did you order?” you peeked past him, your stomach growling at the smell.
“General Tso’s and Chicken Chow Mein,” he offered sheepishly.
“Oh that sounds so good, since someone,” you sent the dog a pointed look with a smile, “ate my chicken sandwich.”
“I’m so sorry!” Yoongi immediately apologized.
“Oh no, I gave it to him of my own free will,” you smiled reassuringly.
“Well I definitely owe you dinner now. Please, have a seat. Would you like something to drink?”
Yoongi set Holly down, gently patting his head before walking over to wash his hands and open the fridge, pulling out a water once you’d requested one, and walking over to you. He sat beside you on his plush couch, offering you some chopsticks and letting you pick your entrée. 
“Thank you for dinner… what’s your name?” 
You glanced over at the attractive man to your right, his ears turning pink at the tips.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m Yoongi, it’s nice to meet you,” he extended his hand out and you took it in yours, that same zing of electricity shooting through your body, and you struggled to suppress the shiver.
“Nice to meet you Yoongi, I am Y/N.”
“Thank you so much for bringing Holly home, I was going insane without him. I thought he was gone forever…” Yoongi trailed off with a sigh, “you don’t know how thankful I am for you.”
“It was my pleasure, I even got free food,” you joked, sticking your tongue out.
Yoongi seemed to relax then, laughing along with you as the two of you ate and talked.  He was actually super funny and smart, telling you all about his life, his passions, and listening when you spoke. Yoongi told you he liked to rap and produce music, and had even let you listen to a couple of his songs. They were absolutely fantastic. He was extremely talented and you had no qualms with letting him know that, enjoying the way he’d look down with his hand on the back of his neck, tips of his ears tinted pink as he mumbled his gratitude.
You found him endearing, slowly being less intimidated (though not less affected) by his gorgeous appearance, since he was so humble and approachable once you got past his steely (gorgeous) face. Holly had taken it upon himself to snuggle in between the two of you, nestled up against your thighs and using both of you for warmth. You smiled fondly, reaching down to stroke his fur at the same time Yoongi had, your hands brushing and both of you pulling away quickly, heat rising to your cheeks. You glanced away and looked up at the clock, noticing it had been hours, though it had only felt like a few minutes.
“Oh wow, it’s getting late,” you slowly stood from the couch, your gaze shifting to Yoongi, “I should probably head home. Thank you for dinner.” 
“Yeah, I should probably give this one a bath. Thank you so much for bringing him home.” 
“Of course. I’ll see you later?” 
You bit your lip and prayed you didn’t sound as hopeful and needy as you felt. You wanted to see Yoongi again. You wanted to see his cute, gummy smile, hear his melodic laugh. You liked the way you felt around Yoongi, warm and free. Yoongi nodded enthusiastically, fishing his phone from his pocket and handing it over to you. Your fingers brushed as you took it, an involuntary shiver running down your spine before you typed in your contact information and bid him a goodnight, giving Holly one last head pat before you left.
Once you’d arrived home and changed into your pajamas, you laid in your bed, a heavy sigh leaving your lips. You leaned over and checked your phone, seeing a text from an unsaved number.
Unknown [9:04pm]: Hope you made it home safe?
You smiled to yourself, saving Yoongi’s number before replying.
You [9:18pm] I did, thank you for checking.
Yoongi [9:20pm] Good. I’m glad. Sweet dreams, Y/N. 
You definitely had sweet dreams, filled with the sweetest smile and the most musical laugh you’d ever heard
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Months went by and Yoongi had slowly become your best friend. You’d begun hanging out sporadically, but the more you got to know each other, the more time you spent together, (and the more the butterflies in your stomach began to swirl around any time the man smiled your way), until you were at Yoongi’s apartment more often than your own. You’d even left a toothbrush and a change of clothes there, as the two of you often got distracted and didn’t notice the time, having too much fun together, and Yoongi would encourage you to just sleep on the couch. 
You’d spend those nights with Holly cuddled up to your side, keeping you warm while you talked and joked with Yoongi about anything and nothing at all, which only served for your heart to continue to constrict from how deeply you had begun to feel for the sweet man.
As per usual, Yoongi was participating in some playful banter with you whilst the two of you continued to ignore the serial killer documentary you’d put on.
“I swear, that’s what I always called them growing up!” 
“Y/N, I have literally never heard that before in my entire life. Never in my 28 years of existing have I heard someone call a walk-in clinic a doc in a box,” Yoongi scoffed incredulously. 
“Well, that’s what my mom called them, what my grandma called them. Doc in a box, stop and rob, hairdryer cops-”
“What the fuck is a hairdryer cop?!”
“You know, the ones on the motorcycles? Their helmets look like the hairdryer caps at the salon!”
Yoongi leaned forward, placing the back of his hand on your forehead with a concerned look in his eyes.
“Are you sick? Do you have a fever? You’re clearly hallucinating.”
“Oh fuck off, Min. You’re just jealous you didn’t get to call gas stations stop and robs,” you huffed, shoving him away from irritation and also to put some distance between the beautiful man and your racing heart.
“Why would I ever want to?”
“Don’t be so mainstream, Yoongi,” you teased with a wink, causing him to roll his eyes and catch sight of the clock on the wall.
“Oh crap, it’s midnight,” Yoongi gasped.
“Ugh, I have work tomorrow,” you whined.
“Stay here tonight, I’ll drive you in the morning,” he shrugged.
You leaned over and wrapped your arms around him, knocking him off balance and sending him backwards on the couch, and squished his cheeks between your hands.
“Thank you, you’re the best!”
“Yeah, yeah, now get off me,” he playfully shoved you away and stood, fixing his sweater.
“Goodnight, Yoongiiiiiiiii.” 
“Goodnight, pain in my rear,” he winked at your feigned offense before walking down the hallway to his bedroom.
You snuggled up to Holly on the couch, listening to the soft whir of the air conditioner, and slowly fell asleep, warm and content. That was… until the nightmare started. 
You walked into Yoongi’s apartment uninvited, as usual, having become so accustomed to being there that you didn’t even knock anymore. You had his favorite pizza in hand as you leaned down to pet Holly, who let out a hostile growl when you got too close, baring his teeth and backing away from you. You watched him quizzically, wondering why the typically affectionate animal had become so angry.
You shrugged it off and set the pizza down on the counter, walking down the hall towards Yoongi’s bedroom and giving a quick courtesy knock before entering. You stopped dead in your tracks when your eyes landed on Yoongi’s bare backside as he pistoned his hips in and out of some woman you’d never seen before, her high pitched moans so loud you wondered how you hadn’t heard them before you entered.
You tried to shut the door before they saw you but Yoongi whipped around, fire in his eyes that were directed right at you, making you feel about two inches tall. You apologized profusely, backing up with your hands in the air before shutting the door and bolting down the hallway, attempting to flee his apartment as quickly as possible. Holly darted out in front of you, barking ferociously as though you were some sort of threat, an intruder.
“What the hell, Y/N?! Why would you come barging into my house like that?”
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I thought we could do pizza night like usual, I didn’t know you had company,” you floundered, stumbling over your words as Yoongi glared at you from his space by the couch, his shorts haphazardly thrown on his body.
“You don’t fucking live here, you’re not my girlfriend, you’re nothing to me! I’m so sick of you coming around whenever you feel like it. Thanks for bringing my dog home, but he’s safe now. I don’t need you anymore,” Yoongi seethed, getting right up in your face.
“But… but you’re my best friend…” you whimpered.
Yoongi let out a harsh, condescending laugh.
“Best friend?! You’re not my best friend, you're nothing. I was bored and you were there, but now I don’t need entertainment. You can go. For good.”
“You’re so fucking pathetic. Can’t you just leave? I don’t want you here,” he hissed, pointing towards the door, “get the fuck out.”
“Yoongi, please-”
“Just stay away from me, you freak!”
You woke up gasping for air and clutched Holly close to your chest, him giving a quiet, frightened yip at your unexpected action. You stroked his head softly, your whole body shivering as you tried your best to shake off the fear that seemed to chill you straight through to your bones. You took deep breaths, turned the light on, and drank a glass of water but nothing was putting you at ease. 
You glanced down the hallway towards Yoongi’s room, wondering if he’d be annoyed if you woke him up. You slowly tip-toed your way towards his bedroom door and cracked it open slowly, attempting to make minimal amounts of noise. The light from the hallway barely illuminated the room but it was enough for you to see Yoongi’s sleeping form, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly. You smiled to yourself. 
You didn’t want to disturb him, and you wanted to go back to the couch, you really did. But you just couldn’t shake the images of the fire in his eyes. You needed to know Yoongi was okay, that he didn’t really hate you. You snuck into the room, sitting gently on the edge of Yoongi’s bed. You watched his chest rise and fall for a moment, your gaze shifting to his serene face.
Before you could think better of it, you reached out and gently stroked the side of his cheek, letting the tip of your finger run along his smooth skin and feel its warmth. Yoongi’s eyelashes fluttered, but he didn’t move. Still, you froze, waiting for him to settle before you continued. You brushed his hair out of his eyes gently, and nearly screamed when a hand softly wrapped around your own. You glanced down and saw Yoongi’s eyes open, though fluttering with the strain to remain that way.
“Y/N?” he asked groggily.
“Hey, sorry, I uh… couldn’t sleep,” you trailed off, looking away and willing your voice not to crack.
But it did. Yoongi slowly shuffled into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his fists before placing his attention on you. He watched the way your shoulders slumped and you avoided eye contact, taking slow, shaky breaths.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s stupid,” you sighed, twirling your fingers around each other.
“It’s not if it’s got you this worked up. Come on, talk to me,” he urged, placing a hand on your back and rubbing soothing patterns.
You could feel the warmth of his skin soaking through your shirt and your body relaxed from the slightest touch from him. You sighed and turned to face him, biting your lip nervously.
“I had a dream that you… that something really bad… and I just… I tried not to be a baby about it, I mean I’m not a child, I can handle a bad dream, but it just felt so real and I…” you choked on your words, a single tear slipping from your burning eyes.
Yoongi pulled you into his body wordlessly, allowing you to fall apart on his shoulder. He held you close, though that was seemingly unnecessary given the way you were clinging onto him for dear life, as though he’d disappear if you let go.You were certain that if either of you pulled away, for even a moment, that you would fall apart and be nothing but debris stuck in the carpet of Yoongi’s bedroom.
Yoongi let you cry, slowly rocking your body back and forth along with his to soothe you, rubbing gentle shapes into your back, stroking your hair, and humming softly until you went lax in his hold, your body weight pressing into his chest. Your deep, even breathing told him you’d fallen asleep, likely exhausted from the toll your emotional breakdown had taken on your body. Yoongi slowly maneuvered you so that you were laying beside him, careful not to wake you. He wrapped an arm around your middle, pulling you flush against him, if only to make you feel safe. At least, that's what he told himself.
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Waking up without Holly tucked into your arms felt strange, but waking up next to Yoongi felt… right. Yoongi still had an arm wrapped around you, and you were snuggled into his warm chest. You felt safe, happy. You sighed with content and flipped over before you snuggled closer to him, your head resting against his chest. Yoongi groaned sleepily, turning onto his back and pulling you with him so that you could lay on his chest more comfortably.
Yoongi didn’t open his eyes, but his voice came out low and a little rough and entirely too enticing when he asked you, “How are you feeling?” 
“Better, thank you. I’m sorry about last night, I don’t know what came over me,” you sighed, fiddling with a stray thread on his shirt.
“Don’t apologize, you were scared and needed comfort. There’s nothing wrong with that. I will always keep you safe, Y/N. Now that you’re awake and calm… do you want to talk about it? You seemed really upset.”
You sighed, sitting up and facing Yoongi, who also sat up, his eyes meeting yours with a soft look, quiet and patient, waiting for you to speak.
“I just… I had this terrifying dream that something awful had happened to you and it felt so real.. And I just couldn’t stop picturing it, losing you, and I can’t lose you, Yoongi. You’re my best friend, my rock, you’re everything to me. You are where I go when I’m sad, when I’m scared, when I’m happy. You’re my favorite person in the entire world and I can’t imagine a world without you in it. I don’t want to imagine a world without you in it, and I don’t think I could survive one. I just…” you trailed off with a sigh, hanging your head and willing the tears forming not to fall.
“You’re always there, to comfort me, to celebrate with me, and I love doing those things for you too. I guess it just smacked me in the face with how important you really are to me and how much I appreciate you and need you in my life.”
Yoongi’s face softened even more at your words, and he reached out to wipe away the stray tear that had escaped your watering eyes.
“I promise, I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he grinned when you giggled at his attempt at a joke, “and I feel the same way. I’m so glad you’re in my life, Y/N. You’re the best friend I could’ve ever asked for. I didn’t realize there was a missing piece in my life until you showed up. You didn’t just find Holly that day, you found me too. I didn’t even know I was lost.”
You were at a loss for words, watching Yoongi’s eyes swim with an emotion you couldn’t name, neither of you daring to look away, seemingly caught in a trace, bound by the spell of each other’s presence. Without realizing it, or maybe it was subconscious, you’d both begun to lean closer like magnets. Your souls drawn to each other, no longer able to fight the connection, the pull to be closer. 
Yoongi’s eyes flickered to your lips in a silent plea for permission, and you gave the faintest of nods, closing the gap yourself and pressing your lips to his in a soft, tentative kiss. His soft, sweet lips pressed against your own felt like coming home, and you couldn’t get enough. You shifted closer, putting more pressure on the kiss and Yoongi wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you into his lap.
The kiss deepened, the two of you working together to explore each other, hands roaming, tongues dancing, hearts beating in sync. You pulled away, barely a hair away and rested your forehead on his, your breathing shallow and labored.
“I love you,” he whispered, “I think I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You are so beautiful, so kind, so perfect.”
“I love you too, Yoongi. So, so much.” 
Yoongi’s smile could’ve lit up the entire sky, his eyes shone with so much joy and adoration that you almost wanted to be sick, in the best way. Yoongi ran tender fingertips up and down the expanse of your arm slowly, his eyes locked on yours, your breaths mingling as neither of you moved away. You were certain if you put any space between the two of you that you would simply melt into a pile of goo on his plush carpet. 
The silence was comfortable, safe. Being in Yoongi’s arms was like coming home from war, finally feeling peace wash through your body as you spot your safe haven on the horizon after being gone for so long, constantly searching for a place to belong. You belonged with Yoongi, tucked up in his tiny apartment with his arms wrapped securely around you while you watched the sun begin to filter through the curtains covering the windows.
You leaned in again, capturing his lips in another kiss, this one slightly more urgent. You worked your lips against his own, letting your tongue roam his mouth, and pressing your body closer to his. You wanted him. You wanted to show him how much you loved him. How much you craved him. Your fingers danced up his shirt, feeling his warm skin against your palms, and you lifted the hem just a bit, just enough to get your point across, sending a questioning look his way.
Yoongi assisted you in removing his shirt, tossing it carelessly aside while your eyes raked over his newly exposed flesh. Of course you’d seen him shirtless before, but not like this. Not for your eyes alone. Your lips attached themselves to Yoongi’s neck, kissing your way down and along his collarbone. You gently pressed him into the mattress, hovering above him and allowing your lips to travel farther down, ghosting across his pert nipples as you continued your journey. 
Yoongi sucked in a shaky breath that had you smiling to yourself, a feeling of victory washing over you, especially once you reached the hem of his sweats, your lips and tongue dancing along the skin just above them. Yoongi groaned, squirming underneath your teasing. You looked up at him, finger tucked under the waistband as you waited for his permission.
“Are you sure about this, Y/N? We don’t have to do anything if you’re not ready-”
“I want this. I want you. If you want me,” you bit your lip in an attempt to hide your nerves.
“I want you. So badly.”
Your heart soared at the confession, and you swiftly freed him of his sweats and boxers, letting his thick, leaking member to spring free of its confines. Your mouth watered at the sight of his swollen head, and you leaned down to lick the precum free of it, causing a strangled noise to erupt from Yoongi. The sound was music to your ears, sending electricity straight down to your core, enticing you to take Yoongi’s length into your warm mouth.
Yoongi threw his head back when you wrapped your lips around his member, slowly pushing your head down to take more of him into your wet warmth. Your name tumbled from his lips in soft whimpers, almost like a prayer. You worked your mouth along his cock, twirling your tongue around the tip each time you moved your head back, attempting to take him deeper each time until his head hit the back of your throat, making sure to hollow your cheeks while you sucked the life out of the man falling apart beneath you.
Yoongi was almost embarrassed how quickly he reached his high under your ministrations, your skillful mouth and tongue bringing him close to the edge in nearly record time. The fact that he hadn’t had sex since he’d met you probably played a role in it, not interested in anyone but you since he saw your kind eyes and bright smile.  
“Y/N...close,” he groaned out.
You kept working his length, reaching up to cup his balls and massage them gently, and that sent Yoongi over the edge, shooting hot ropes of cum down your throat with a cry of your name, and you swallowed every last drop he gave you before climbing back up his body and pressing a kiss to his lips, parted with his shuddering breaths.
“Holy shit,” he managed to say between his panting, “that was amazing.”
“Mmm.. I’m glad you liked it,” you giggled, trailing your nail gently over his chest, grazing his nipple once more, causing him to shiver.
“Allow me to repay the favor,” he smirked, flipping you over so you were now on your back.
“As lovely as that sounds, I really just want you to fuck me.”
“Don’t I need to prep you first, baby?”
“Mmm.. no. I’m ready. I’m so wet for you, want you so bad, Yoongi...” you trailed off, biting your lip seductively and leading his hand down to your core to feel the juices flowing there.
“Fuck, baby, you’re soaked,” he whispered in awe.
“For you. Please, Yoongi.”
Yoongi wasted no more time, dexterous fingers ridding you of all clothing as quickly as he could, his naked body hovering over yours once more, skin to skin as he began to kiss along the swell of your breasts before taking a pebbled bud into his mouth, sucking gently and barely scraping his teeth along it while rolling the other between his thumb and forefinger. Your desperate whimpers fueled him on as he lined his member up with your core, giving you one last questioning look, but sliding inside your drenched heat when you sent him a reassuring smile, nodding slightly while tangling your fingers in his bed-head. 
Yoongi’s cock had felt large in your mouth, but you were in no way prepared for the delicious sting it would bring upon stretching out your walls, filling you up so perfectly that you swore you might actually faint. Yoongi let you adjust to his size before he started moving, pulling out until just the tip rest inside your inviting hole before plunging back in and building up a rhythm. 
“I’ve thought about this so many times,” Yoongi grunted as he worked his shaft in and out of your pussy, hitting all the right spots every time. 
“Me too,” you admitted breathlessly, clawing at his back to try and ground yourself, “love you Yoongi.”
“I love you, baby girl, so so much.”
A few more deep, precise thrusts had you digging your nails into the skin of his shoulder blades, clinging to him as though you’d float away if you didn’t.
“Yoongi!” you moaned, back arching up and your chest meeting his.
“Close, baby? You gonna cum for me? Let go for me,” he encouraged, coaxing you off the edge with a softly spoken “come on, be my good girl.”
You climaxed with a cry of his name, clutching onto his quivering body as he came with you, painting your walls white with warm spurts of cum, filling you up again in a different, but oh so wonderful way. Your body shook as you came down from your high, hiding your face in the crook of Yoongi’s neck as he held you close.
Moments passed in a comfortable silence before Yoongi forced himself to part from you, watching with rapt attention as his seed seeped from your battered hole when he pulled his softening member out. He licked his lips at the sight, before picking you up bridal style in his arms, ignoring your shriek of surprise. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, wrapping your arms lazily around his neck and snuggling into his embrace.
“We’re going to run a bath, get you all cleaned up. You do have work today, remember?”
“Oh. Ugh.”
“You know… you could… just call in… spend the day in bed with me…”
“Mmm.. that sounds amazing.” 
You called into work, using one of your personal days and took a relaxing bath tucked into Yoongi’s embrace while he tenderly ran the loofah along your back and arms, and possibly across some more erogenous zones a few times as well, which earned him a halfhearted swat from you. After drying off and putting on one of his larger t shirts, you spent the day snuggled up on the couch with Yoongi and Holly, watching movies, eating snacks, and basking in the beginning of forever with your best friend.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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Title: blood son [oneshot; filthy rich sequel]  Pairing: millionare!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au ft. kageyama tobio as your son] Genre: major angst ahead, thriller, yandere!au-ish
Synopsis: A full circle of madness finally comes to an end.
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Warnings: sexual themes, rape, yandere behaviorisms (just some obsessive and disturbing stuff), very dark themes, anxiety, trauma, depression, eating disorder, unwanted pregnancy/children (y/n hates her kid here), suicide,  gaslighting, and Y/N’s decent to madness
Notes: happy 800 due to a lot of uh people asking for a short sequel, here it is...for better understanding, please read filthy rich skskksks anyways onto the story…i cant write smut for shit sIKE also fuck men and women like this, if you see them chok’em and chunk’em in the basin.  yes tobio is ur bby boy here idk kageyama and sakusa have the same energy i just couldnt resist i swear sksks
Filthy rich // series masterlist
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A moan escapes your lips when you feel the hot liquid fill your hole, your expression is tantalizing and completely erotic. Something that he can’t seem to stop looking at, your body that was now a canvas of his marks, was a reminder that no one could have you. 
You're oblivious to it all, the things he did. The things he wanted to do to you, the dark thoughts, you were like a small rabbit in the den of a large wolf. Completely trusting, completely dumb and he’s taking advantage of it.
He stuffs and fills you up with his seed so that you’ll never leave him. 
He wants to breed you.
Your belly swelling with his children.
It was definitely a dream come true.
Your eyes snap back to reality as the bus stops in front of the new town, you had moved towns earlier since the town started to become a tourist destination. The idea of staying there would be too risky despite having the alias of Kageyama Miwa. You were still in hiding and you feared to even open the news despite it being eight years since you ran away.
“Okaasan, are we going to go down now?” a small voice asks.
You turn to find his son staring right at you, it had been a cruel reminder for him to look a lot like his father. You knew that he didn’t have any part in this, he was a victim just like you but you couldn’t help but be distant and not-so affectionate.
This was his kid.
His blood.
You couldn’t help but shrivel away.
“...Okaasan will just take her duffel bag on the overhead, just wait right behind me.” You say quietly. Tobio was a good boy, he was quiet and obedient. If the circumstances had been different, you’d adore him but every time you looked at him, all you saw was his wretched father and the unnamed things he did in the name of ‘love’.
To be honest, you didn’t know what else Sakusa did aside from trying to get you pregnant and holding you back from leaving. 
You didn’t even want to try to find out. If he was willing to go through such lengths to have you stay, it was more than enough reason to run away. You held onto your child’s hands as you made your way to your new home, it was smaller than the last one but this was alright.
It was clean and livable.
Tobio stays at the side, out of your way as you begin to fix up the house. The young boy isn’t social for his age towards his peers and you should be worried yet you can’t bring yourself to be, “Okaasan’s going to go to the grocery store, would you like anything?” you ask.
“Alright, just stay here okay?”
He meekly nods as you awkwardly pat his head and  tie your roughly chopped hair in a tight ponytail, over the course of eight years, time has not been kind to you. You had grown unhealthily thin, probably lost some hair due to stress, and the bags underneath your eyes due to the lack of good sleep was evident.
You tell yourself that he isn’t looking for you now.
That he probably found a new plaything but you couldn’t help but look behind your shoulder every time. You didn’t even expect to get this far away, last you heard whilst you were at the station towards the last town eight years ago, you were being searched up and down by the police all over Tokyo.
You really thought you’d be found out and you feared for the worse but the farther you went, the less news reports you saw.
They probably thought you had died.
Which was good on your part that time because you’d rather be dead in a ditch than be caught up with a man like him again.
“...-Kusa Kiyoomi is expected to marry the daughter of Akiko Corp soon…”
You tense up at the mention of the very familiar name as you pass by the appliance store, shakily you turn to the tv screen to find a video of Sakusa Kiyoomi with a woman who had the same hair color as yours. Everything around you is muted now as his cold gaze fills the tv screen, your heart is thumping quick. 
He isn’t here.
He isn’t here.
“...It’s quite the love story of the century, don’t you think? After the disappearance of Kiyoomi’s beloved eight years ago, he met her a few years back and he seems to be doing well.” The tv anchor smiles on the screen as she talks to her co-host but inside you were shaking, what did happen to your missing person report? Curiosity starts to gnaw your insides as you head to the internet café before going to the grocery store.
You didn’t have the guts to look then but after seeing that report, you pull up on the secluded part of the internet café and search up your case. Your mouth dries up, the search was still on-going much to your surprise. There was even a website dedicated to it, “...Y/N L/N might be suffering from hysteria and psychological problems, please contact us immediately when you see her.”
Your eyes narrowed at the report as you shakily cup your mouth and choke back a laugh, that bastard really had the audacity to diagnose you with that when he was the one sick to the head.
Once again, the bile on your throat starts to pile up.
It still wasn’t safe.
You’d probably live your whole life on the run.
On the run with his son that scarily resembled him, how fucking cruel.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi’s eyes glaze over the small town in discontent, apparently his bride-to-be wanted to get married here and who was he to refuse? All he wanted to do was get this over with so her father can shut up.
“Kiyoomi-san.” a small dainty voice calls out, he turns to his side to find (h/c) staring right at him. Akiko Hideyo is the daughter of one of the most powerful businessmen in Tokyo, he met her at a function a few years ago.
The very first time he saw her was from behind, it was a rather scary resemblance that he had to stop himself from approaching her by calling your name yet when he started to talk to her and hear her dainty voice, he realizes that she’s not even like you at all.
She was gentle and dainty like a deer.
Albeit his little bunny was gentle when they got together sometimes, he always recalled how you were filled with spunk. How you weren’t even afraid to put him in his place and how you were all over the place but seem to look beautiful whilst doing so.
He always recalled wanting to control you yet you never seem to succumb to it.
It had been eleven years since you first met, eight years since you had disappeared without a single trace and Sakusa is stuck with some third-rate look alike for relief. Every time they fucked, it was always from behind. Hideyo thinks it’s just his preference but in reality, it was because her back had such strong resemblance to you and he’d imagine every time that it was you.
He misses the roughness, the high, the erotica. 
The only things you could provide.
It was never enough, it was only you, you, and you.
“...Have you decided what flavor you wanted? Komori-san mentioned that you liked vanilla.” his fiancé meekly says.
Hideyo was boring.
Sometimes he wonders if he’s just doing this because he has never seen someone closely resembling you, “Anything would be fine.” He replied in a clipped tone. As the car comes to a halt for a moment because of a large truck backing from a driveway, his attention shifted towards a young boy bouncing a volleyball against the pavement outside his window. There are scratches on his knee cap yet the boy had a blank look on his face, he was sort of reminded of himself when he was younger.
As he was about to look away, he sees a woman approach the young boy and bends down to his level to check the scratches.
The woman’s small figure isn’t even the least bit familiar yet his attention can’t seem to go away. He watches her tuck the strand of stray hair and he finally gets a good look and it feels like the world stops turning at how the woman scarily resembles you. Albeit the figure was smaller and the hair was another color and unevenly chopped short.
It was no mistake.
“Y/N.” He mumbles yet as he’s about to open the door, the car starts to move. Kiyoomi’s fist tightens as he uncharacteristically yells at the driver to stop the car, Hideyo jumps on the seat and before she could say anything else, the business mongrel is out of the car, running to where you stood.
Yet just like a ghost, you were gone and so was the little boy who had oddly resembled him.
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These days you had even a harder time sleeping. Maybe it was because there was a little leak on the ceiling, or better yet, maybe it was because the heater wasn’t working, or maybe it was because you were at a new place which made it harder to adjust.
You sat at the side with your expense book on hand, your gaze on his son who was peacefully asleep. Tobio was growing older soon and he needed to settle down at one place for high school and college. A part of yourself ventured deep and dark in your mind, the thought of leaving him at an orphanage seemed better now.
He had a fake last name anyways, the bastard wouldn’t be able to find him. 
You’d be doing this boy a favor since you never saw him as your kid and he’d be away from his very messy world.
Your thoughts are immediately disrupted when you hear a brief knock on the door. This made you tense up, it was late, Why would there be a need for visitors? Your son is quick to be awoken by the second knock and you immediately press your hand on his mouth and while your other finger is on your lips to signal him to keep quiet.
Another knock.
Tobio looks worried, it wasn’t his first time to see an episode from you but this time, something feels different. You're shaking more and you look like you’re about to pass out any moment. “Stay quiet.” you mouth as you crawl towards the door and press your ear on it to confirm who was on the other side, too afraid to even take a peak on the window.
The only sound that could be heard was your thumping heart, Tobio had voluntarily placed a hand on his mouth to keep himself quiet.
Another knock.
You shut your eyes tight, praying to whatever god out there for this person to leave.
“...I don’t think anyone lives here.” You hear someone say on the other side, the voice sounded so familiar but you just couldn’t pinpoint who it was, this wasn’t Sakusa for sure,  “Are you sure that the information was right?”
Silence again.
“Hm.” The person hummed, knocking again, “Well, this place seems like a dead end. The landlady said that she’s not familiar with the tenants here so we could be wrong…”
The voice started to decrease and you feel yourself slowly starting to breathe easier. Tobio slowly put down his hand and there you saw it, the fear on his eyes. You breathe in and out, calming yourself, this place isn't safe anymore, “Tobio, take your bags. We’re leaving.” you only say.
You don’t even hesitate to leave despite it being the middle of the night.
Tobio is right in front of you as you go down your small apartment and you think everything is well, you really do yet luck didn’t seem to be on your side that night.
A dreadfully familiar voice calls out, didn’t they leave? Why? why was he here?
“O-Okaasan.” Tobio mumbles, grabbing your hand and hiding behind you.
Your head hurts, you wanted to just be selfish and leave Tobio here with this man, his father, the wretched, vile creature who had betrayed you. You wanted to run.
You didn’t feel safe.
Sakusa Kiyoomi didn’t make you feel safe.
“Y/N…” He repeats, slowly approaching you, “It’s me, bunny.”
Oh, how you hated that pet name. It sounded like you were his plaything, like you could never escape from his set-up. Before you could say anything else, he invades your personal space once again and envelopes you in a very,very tight hug.
“I’ve missed you so, so much.” He whispers on your ear and your shivering, not from pleasure but from fear, “Shh, it’s alright. I found you. It must’ve been hard to be alone out here.”
Get away.
Get away.
“Get the fuck away from me.” You yell, pushing him off of you as you stagger away from him. Tobio remains behind you, completely shaking.
“Now, Y/N-” he tries to shush you, “We should go home now, you’ve spent so much time away from me but I understand, you were probably just scared to tell me you were pregnant, right?” 
He cups the right side of your face and places a chaste kiss on your temple, tears are threatening to spill as you realize that this was all over. You couldn’t escape now, this lunatic wouldn’t let you have at it.
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The soft and plush bed is completely foreign to your back, Kiyoomi had you separated from Tobio because apparently you were still too ‘unstable’. It made you mentally scoff, between the both of you, he was the unstable one.
You wondered if they started to feed the small boy lies about you, Kiyoomi definitely milked it out to the press for sure. When he had found you, not only were your friends and family in a frenzy, the media was having a field day too. He had broken off the engagement and he used your ‘mental illness’ card on them and it worked.
Another story was weaved on papers, a love that transcended through time.
You let out a low sardonic laugh.
Mental Illness, you wondered if this could be a ploy for a suicide. After all, you’d rather be face first on the pavement than stay here with a son about to be fed on lies and a crazy bastard who sleeps next to you at night.
You stare out your window, the curtains were drawn as you looked at the free birds.
How envious.
“Y/N?” Kiyoomi comes in, a food tray in hand, “It’s time for dinner.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Y/N it’s been two days, all you ate was an apple-”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Y/N, our son-”
“He was never my son.” You harshly snapback, your voice sharp, “He’s yours through and through, a fucking incarnate of you and a curse. He’s not mine. He never will be.”
You suddenly feel the presence of the small boy behind the door and there stands his boy, staring right at your eyes yet you feel nothing for him. You never felt anything for him. The moment they placed him on your arms to nurse, there was no joy nor light.
All he brought was a painful reminder.
Kiyoomi places the tray to the side and closes the door behind him, Tobio’s blank gaze still on you, “...Those aren’t words a child is supposed to hear, Y/N. Especially ours…” he inches closer and you clench your fist tightly and he places his hand on your neck and lightly holds it. 
You aren’t scared of him anymore, the nicest thing this guy could do was kill you, really.
“Maybe we should have a girl this time, hm?” his hand trails upwards to softly caress the side of your face.
You’re immediately frozen by his sudden choice of words, no, no-
“Maybe you’ll learn to love Tobio even more when you’re pregnant with another of mine-” before he could finish what he was about to say, you raise a hand and slap him right at his face, it must’ve been hard since it left a mark, “Ah, Y/N. I didn’t know you still liked it rough-”
“D-Don’t, I-I can’t get pregnant.” You're shaking this time as you try to come up with a lie, “I-I can’t…”
“Oh?” He tilts his head, “Why not?”
“I’ll die.” You lied, “When I had Tobio I almost died, my body couldn’t handle it. T-The doctor had said that if I were to have another, I’d die…”
The lie didn’t save you that moment, really. He has become an expert at detecting your lies so instead of a reply, he harshly places his lips on yours and despite protests, he just pins you down.
He’s harsh on you that night, spilling and stuffing you with his cum, whispering that you’ll have it all and that you’d be his everything but all you could do was let a small hiccup escape your lips as you tried to hold back your cries.
‘Someone, anyone, please.’ you pleaded internally.
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You don’t see Tobio until a week later, the boy has grown a tad bit chubbier and is adorned with expensive clothes. Sakusa, on the other hand, has been force-feeding you to the point where you threw up right after meals (secretly, of course) 
You sit down at the couch as your son blinks at you, “...I’m sorry.” He breaks the silence and you shut your eyes tight as you recalled the harsh words he heard last week.
“I’m sorry too, Tobio.” you could only reply because genuinely, you did feel like you went too far this time. He didn’t choose to be born, a part of you should’ve saved him the misery and left him at the orphanage that time, “Do you hate me?” you ask.
“You should.” You say quietly, “You should hate your otosan too.”
Tobio remains quiet at your words.
“When you grow older, don’t end up like him. don’t end up like us. forget us when you have the chance.”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.”
“Good and If you ever get the chance to leave, promise me that you get out and don’t look back.”
Tobio may have been eight years old that time but he knows fear when he sees it and he knows promises aren’t meant to be broken. He remembers those words well because it was the last long conversation he has with you. 
The month of December rolls by and it’s cold, you’ve given up fighting back at this point. Your glassy eyes are directed to the window, not even wanting to look down at your bulging stomach. Kiyoomi doesn’t even need to tell you twice to not leave the house, you decide upon yourself to just stay at your room on bed the whole time.
You wonder, just how high is it from up here? Would it hurt?
“Y/N?” a dreadful voice calls out.
“You haven’t gone out of our room in two months. You haven’t even seen Tobio.” Sakusa points out, you were like a obedient doll now. So lifeless, so still, you wished he’d discard you already.
“I might say something again, I don’t want to bother.” You replied truthfully, gaze still avoiding his.
The raven-haired man starts to caress your plump face, you had grown chubbier since the beginning of your pregnancy, he couldn’t be anymore happier to finally be there for you.
This was perfect.
You were finally his.
You weren’t letting go.
“...Don’t you ever regret it?” You finally ask, turning to him, your blank eyes staring at his rather deranged ones, the eyes that you once loved was now just a reminder of your resentful life.
“Which one?” He asks, inching in closer to kiss your neck, your collarbone. You let out a meek sigh as you shut your eyes and internally prayed for this to be over quickly as he removes your ribbon that held your flimsy nightgown together.
“You killed people.” You uttered, “Took my life away, don’t you regret it?”
“Why would I?”
Right, how could a monster like him have such empathy? You feel his cold fingers brush against your folds, trying to stimulate it.
Everything except your body screamed no but you were just too powerless now. You wondered, how could you even end this all? Was jumping out the window the only solution now?
“...Right...” You let out a soft painful moan as he dips his finger inside. You’re under the idea that despite this happening countless of times, you’re body would be numb to it all yet each time it happens, it pains you even more,  “You even had to kill your ex-fiancé’s father for us to get married.”
You had come to realize just how deep his obsession was, the man was willing to kill to anyone who got in the way of your ‘love’. You remembered finding out about your ex-chief one night, about how he had chopped off his fingers and left him to bleed dry in the alleyway for the rats to feast on.
You remembered when a news came up that his supposedly future-father-in-law had died in a violent explosion during breakfast time and how he was nonchalant about it.
“...It’s all for you, Y/N.” He implores as he kissed your thighs and continue to stimulate your now wet folds, “All for you, Tobio, and my new little girl.”
“You’re sick.”
“Mhm. You smell good, I should continue using the soap from awhile ago when I clean you, right?” he hummed, ignoring what you had just said as he dipped his head in and take a kitten lick on your sex. You let out a small cry as your body betrayed you.
Your prayers for today are unheard yet again.
“...Y/N, you barely come out of your room these days.” Komori exclaimed, it turns out the visitor from last time who knocked on your door was him and as much as you wanted to knock his teeth out, you decide not to because you don’t see the point in doing violence these days.
“I’m tired.”
“Yeah, pregnancy does take a toll on your body.” He nods in agreement, it seemed like this was a casual thing for him, like you just weren’t repeatedly rape or mentally abused by his cousin, “Tobio certainly takes after his father, don’t you think?”
Your blood runs cold at the mention of the little boy, you had small hope for him either ways so you didn’t exactly cared for him anymore.
“I suppose so.” 
“You’ve gotten boring these days, Y/N.” Komori plainly pointed out, “It’s a wonder how my cousin gets to stick around ya. No offense.”
“None taken.”
Komori’s eyes narrowed at your hollowed response, you were so ungrateful. Here his cousin was, treating you with such delicateness and with all the attention that the other women wanted but you looked anything but happy about it.
If this was Hideko, she’d be elated.
But no, he had to be stuck with an ungrateful pompous bitch like you.
“How high up are we, Komori-san?” you suddenly ask.
He blinks at the rather weird question, “Fifty floors.”
“Hm.” You hummed, “That certainly is high.”
Komori would regret answering that question very soon though.
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When the winter dawned upon a new year and you finally snap, you decide to answer your own prayers and opt to salvage yourself from this madness and cruelty once and for all.
Sakusa Tobio is nine years old when you, his mother, six months pregnant, jumped out the bedroom window from a fifty-foot story building two months into the new year. Your face is flat on the pavement and completely unrecognizable, the last conversation you both had replays on his head like a broken record through the years and only when he’s old enough that he realizes that he was no one’s son. 
His okaasan didn’t loved him nor did he want to be associated with his father for all he did was bring pain and disgust.
The boy is eighteen, fresh out of the academy, right in front of his baby sister’s and your mausoleum. He makes it a habit to visit you both a day before your death anniversary,  not wanting to be in the same room as his father yet this year he makes an exception.
Recently, he had turned over some evidence and his own testimony about what his father had been doing. Everything, from illegal works to the people he killed to your tragic end. It’s enough to file a case and have him set to jail for life, even his fancy lawyers couldn’t defend him. 
His lips sting because his Uncle Komori had punched him in the face and called him an ungrateful bastard like you but it was alright.
It was all over.
He plans to change his name back to Kageyama Tobio (the haux name you had given him when you were on the run) right after all the fiasco, it’s a kind name and the first name you had given him, he likes to think that this was also a gift from you that time, a new beginning straying away from you and his father's cruel ties. He had also felt that it was too unkind for him to use your last name despite his grandparents' persistence (he was after all, conceived through forceful means).
And although he wanted to hate you for those words you said that time when he was eight. He couldn’t really bring himself to after hearing what you had to go through, you were a victim. He couldn’t dare imagine what his father did to you during the last few months leading to your death.
Yet, right now. It was finished.
You could rest now.
“I did it, Y/N-san.” He mumbles as he bows down. As he got older, he has also foregone the idea of calling you by the name you loathed and shriveled away from, “I got out and I didn’t look back. Thank you for everything.”
Kageyama Tobio never visits you right after again, as promised.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Tuning In Tonight
Present Mic x Reader (NSFW)
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(A 10k story because I have no self-control. Here’s a fic about a troubled cafe employee that turns into a Mic fan and later SEX)  
You soaked in the heat of your apartment after enduring the chilly walk back home from work. Wasting no time, you tossed your coat aside and kicked off your shoes before plopping onto the bed. Another week, another paycheck. Today was exceptionally busy at the cafe. Fridays always were, really, but today had put you to the test against quite the cast of characters. But even in the face of screaming kids with careless mothers, business people with absolutely no patience, and teens that didn’t think you were worth making eye contact with, you prevailed. You liked your job, even with the odd rough days. The staff was kind, the pay was fair, and the fact that it was smack-dab in the middle of the city means that it was visited by the occasional hero. Those were the days that filled you with joy, taking you back to the times when you dreamed of having the same career. But some things just weren’t meant to be. Your younger, more passionate self would chide you for accepting this life. For not using every breath in your body to ensure that you would one day become a hero that everyone remembered, but such persistence would only hurt you more in the long run. At least you were still able to find a comfortable living elsewhere. You settled with the cards you were dealt just fine, and yet that’s exactly what bothers you. Is it really okay to just give up and settle this after trying so hard? 'Nope, my mind’s not going anywhere near that rabbit hole today.' You sprang back up, heading to your room with extra pep in your step to undress and prepare a shower. The hot water soothed your tense body and cleared your mess of a mind. There was no room for any negative thoughts on a Friday night, the nights that you always look forward to the most, because it was time for the weekly radio show hosted by the lively pro hero Present Mic.
Your first experience with the show happened months ago, during a day where you were feeling extra exhausted for no particular reason. Turning on your old radio to lift your spirits, you happened to tune in just in time for the voice hero’s live caller segment. ‘Why not?’ you thought to yourself as you dialed the station's number and patiently listened to the rings. “Hey, thanks for calling, my dear listener! Hope you’ve been having a rockin’ day today!” There was something about having such an energetic and carefree voice directed to you that just brightened you up from inside. The conversation didn’t last very long, your sudden shyness being part of the reason why. It ended with you honoring the usual routine of requesting a song before disconnecting. As short as the encounter was, it left a strong impression, and you wanted it to happen again. Just like that, you became a loyal fan of Put Your Hands Up! radio. It was a great way to end work for the week, winding down and getting ready for the weekend as the station played a wide variety of tunes. And every time Mic was ready to take calls, your phone was ready to dial. You talked about whatever came to mind—how work was treating you, discussing his latest accomplishments as a pro hero, sharing silly events the two of you had in life. Whatever you discussed, no matter how mundane the topic, Mic always sounded eager to listen and respond with the boisterous voice he was known for. Even on the nights where you felt especially drained or under the weather, his unwavering enthusiasm never failed to clear the dark clouds over your head. In short, he was a lovable guy. So you relaxed and killed some time with the help of the internet and some phone games until that special hour arrived. You turned to the station and was greeted with the loud intro that took some getting used to. “Yeeeaaaahh! Present Mic here, and thank you for tuning in to Put Your Hands Up! Are they up? Because we’re about to get started!” And so begins the music that you swear is just a playlist of the hero’s personal favorites. You laid back on your bed and let your mind drift as the songs played. Your friends plan on meeting up for a movie tomorrow; can’t miss out on that. Maybe you’ll stop by the store afterwards so you can restock your fridge. What should you do Sunday? Meh, just make it a lazy day and hang around at home, you suppose. You returned to your phone and continued scrolling through your favorite websites. Time went by quicker than expected, Mic’s announcement of taking calls catching you by surprise. The first few calls were picked up by other listeners, doing the usual routine of sharing their day or talking about recent issues. Mic gave advice wherever he could, and his desire to help anyone who was willing to reach out to him felt so damn genuine that it made you smile. Another call was picked up before yours. Oh well. You listened to what ended up being a youthful male on the line. “H-hi, Mr. Present Mic!” The nervous yet excited voice was pretty heartwarming. A young teen, most likely.
Mic laughed. “No need for the ‘mister,’ listener! You’ll make me feel old!”
A bunch of frantic stuttering could be heard from the boy. “Ah, so sorry, sir—I mean mister—I mean Mic!” You giggled along with Mic as the poor boy tried to collect himself. “Deep breaths, little listener. What’s on that speedy little mind tonight?” “Well,” the boy had finally steadied himself. “I’ll be finishing middle school soon, and I’m ready to start training to be a hero. I just really hope I can get into U.A. and meet you! I wish you could be my English teacher!”
Awww. “Shucks, little guy. First, good job on finishing up middle school. I hope your parents have a rockin’ party ready for you! Second, you’ve got guts for aiming for the highest! Make sure you study and prepare, 'cause U.A. only accepts the best!” There was a pause on the other end. “So, is there a chance that I won’t make it?" “My little listener,” you could tell that there was a gentle expression on Mic’s face as he spoke. “There’s always a chance, so I want you to promise me one thing. If that chance hits you, don’t give up on your dream. Get the most out of whichever school accepts you. You know how many amazing heroes I met who came from schools with pretty lame reputations? There’s a lot of them, trust me. I’ve also met my share of cocky young heroes who rag on others just because they don’t have the fancy brand of U.A. or Shiketsu on their resume. That’s all it is, kid. A brand. Just because you couldn’t strike a deal with a major record label doesn’t mean your music career is already dead.” “Music?” the boy said in confusion. “But I’m not talking about mu—oh…metaphor.” Mic chuckled lightly. “There ya go, listener! Your language is doin’ fine. You don’t need me! But if you think you do, you know where to call me for another chat!” “I do!” the boy said happily. “Thank you, Present Mic! I promise I’ll keep doing my best!” You listened to the two talk for a little longer. The boy had some real determination and you admired it. He’ll hopefully reach his dream. You won’t wish ill will on others just because you didn’t reach yours. Giving everything you had and still not being enough was something no one deserved to experience. The boy had requested a rather angsty rock song that was trying really hard to sour your mood, but you’re not going to give the depressing vocalist what he wants. On the next segment, you internally rejoiced when you hear Mic’s voice in your ear. “Hey there, Mic.” “Oh? Is that my favorite lady listener I hear?” You giggled at the flattering question? “Maybe? I didn’t know you had favorites.” “Ah, you’re right! Not very professional of me! Don’t worry, listeners! I swear I love you all equally!” He boomed. It’s moments like this that taught you to keep your phone a fair distance away from your ear when you speak to the great voice hero himself. “So how’s the cafe treating you?” After so many talks, Mic had learned a few personal details about you, including your job and the area you worked in. He’s commented on how humble your life sounds; you didn’t disagree. “It’s been the same. Nothing new.” Your plan was to share one of your experiences with the more unruly customers today, but something else was weighing on your mind now. “Come on, girl. You’ve gotta have something spicy to share with us, don’t ya?” “Actually,” the last call was really sticking to you for some reason, you couldn’t help but let it slip out. “I want to say that what you told that boy was very sweet. And I was wondering…” Your voice caught in your throat. “I was wondering…” ‘Is it okay to give up?’ You didn’t want to say that. ‘What if you sacrifice everything you have, but still fail?’ You don’t tune in to be a downer. ‘Did you know that I was like that boy once?’ You talk to Present Mic to feel good. “Wondering what? You still with me, listener?” Mic asked. The concern in his voice urged you to spit something out already. “I was wondering exactly which pro heroes you knew personally. You said that you’ve met a lot,” you lied. You weren’t wondering that at all. Still, you won’t mind hearing his answer. “Ha! Where do I even start? Now’s the perfect time for some free promotion for the awesome heroes out there that deserve some sweet limelight! Let me start with a cool guy named Koi. He’s pretty new to the scene and works on the coast.” He went on and on about many lesser known heroes you weren’t familiar with at all, but that made the information all the more intriguing. He spoke highly of each person, listing their accomplishments and how hard they worked to get where they are. As always, he managed to perk you back up. You made a mental note to look up these heroes later. “Whoa whoa, record scratch, guys! The lady’s got me rambling for way too long. Trying to soak up all the time, are ya?” He sneered in the most light-hearted way. You laughed innocently. “Of course not! You were being so passionate about every hero that you mentioned, I didn’t have it in me to stop you.” “Well, I’ll forgive you just this once! You know how to end it. Hit me with that request!” The rest of the broadcast carried on through the night as a drowsiness began to creep on you. You listened to the last of the songs while getting cozy under your sheets. “Time to finally put those hands down! It’s been a blast, listeners! I hope you’re ready to rock with me next time! Good night!” You switched off the radio and finally allowed yourself to drift off. ‘Good night.’ ——— The weekend had flown by. Before you knew it, it was back to business at the cafe. You were always thankful for not being part of the morning shift on Mondays, your co-workers sharing horror stories of the tired and moody zombies demanding complicated orders as quickly as possible. Your shift started at noon. The day was going by smoothly, no wrenches thrown into your usual pattern. Small talk with the customers, impressing the regulars by guessing their orders correctly, practicing your latte art, it was a meditative cycle for you. By the time the sun was down with no recent customers, you were ready to start cleaning up. The place closes in less than twenty minutes and the rest of the staff was sitting around patiently. A ring at the door alerted you all to the sight of a man briskly walking in, gripping at his overcoat as he recovered from the cold outdoors. “Welcome sir,” you greeted while heading to your position behind the counter. The other workers gave their own welcome and followed suit. “Hey!” He said loudly. “Didn’t mean to barge in like that. It’s cold enough tonight without all of this wind.” The voice made you pause. The man approaching you had blonde hair pinned up into a messy bun, some stray locks hanging freely. He adjusted his glasses as he flashed you a smile. That voice…and paired with his appearance…there was no doubt about it. 'Present Mic?' “Heh, looks like I’ve been exposed already!” Mic said with a chuckle. You placed a hand over your mouth, not realizing you had said his name out loud. “Sorry, it’s just really nice to meet you in person. I’m a fan.” You thought you saw him pause as well, eyes widening for a brief moment before asking, “Are you, now? And have we talked before, dear fan?” His voice was calmer than what you were used to hearing on his show. “We have, on the radio. Quite a few times, actually,” you admitted. And with that, his smile was enhanced to blinding levels. “My favorite lady listener! I thought I recognized that sweet voice!” Mic didn’t seem to respond to your blush and kept going. “I remember you said that you worked around here, but I sure didn’t expect to bump into you!” “Well, fate’s treating us both well tonight. I can’t properly express how excited I am to meet you while on the job. What can I get you tonight?” You hid behind your professionalism and waited for his order. Mic rubbed at his chin and pondered. “Well, I’ve been convinced by word-of-mouth that you guys have some yummy pastries. What do you think will go well with some hot cocoa?” Fortunately, the cafe’s menu was practically branded into your mind, so even the presence of a pro hero isn’t enough to make you draw a blank. “I’d personally recommend one of our warm treats. Maybe you’d like to try our filled croissants? The strawberry one is my favorite.” “Mmm, sounds delish. I trust you,” His grins were seriously trying to make you melt. “Hit me up with a cocoa and a strawberry croissant for here!” After taking his order, Mic seated himself at a table to wait for his sugary meal. As you prepared his chocolate and croissant, you couldn’t resist stealing an occasional glance at him. He was studying the cute decorations that littered the place and gently bobbing his head to the indie music playing through the speakers, but the two of you happened to lock eyes once, forcing you to immediately look away. Whenever you saw him in the media, his eyes were usually obscured by the orange shades that went with his hero outfit. Now you realize just how green they are, almost as if they glowed. It didn’t take long to prepare his order, and you decided to grant him the special treatment of delivering the food to his table. There was no one else to serve, after all. “Hey,” he said. “Would you mind sitting down with me?” Your heart fluttered. “Not at all, Mic.” You pulled back the chair opposite to him and took a seat. “Call me Hizashi.” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Present Mic is always too busy for a snack break.”   “Of course, Hizashi.” You listened to Hizashi’s compliments on the food and drink, trying not to stare as he ate. You were always so sure that he couldn’t possibly be as loud and lively as his hero persona, and you were mostly right, but even now as he dined at a simple cafe, he still somehow radiated a cheerful and positive energy. The warm feeling you got from hearing him on the radio was dwarfed by what you currently feel now that you are seeing him in person. He had eaten the last of the flaky bread before speaking again. “You know, now that you’re right here in the flesh, I gotta ask you something that’s been bothering me since my last show.” Lime green eyes peered into yours as he idly stirred the cup of chocolate. “Were you alright that night? You sounded…conflicted when we were talking.” A lump caught in your throat. You didn’t expect something like that to stick with him. Surely he had more important matters to worry about. “Don’t worry about it,” you answered. “I just had silly things crossing my mind at the moment.” Hizashi took a sip, his eyes not leaving you. “Alright, I don’t wanna pry. I know you’re a grown woman, but I do like helping people. It’s my favorite part of all three of my jobs.” His smile never faded since he walked in here and man, you weren’t used to him looking or sounding so soft. You sat there silently, fighting internally as you tried to decide whether or not to confess. The pro hero waited, drinking and showing no signs of impatience. Your hands gripped at your apron as you took a breath. “I wanted to be a hero.” The only sort of reaction you noticed were his raising eyebrows. “Ah,” he murmured. “Do you still want to be a hero?” A beat of silence. “…No.” Hizashi watched, probably waiting for you to say more, but you still didn’t know how much you wanted to share. “Does that bother you?” He asked. You nodded. “I’d like to hear why, listener.” Hearing the term you were so used to on his show lifted some of the pressure. Ironically, he was probably the best listener out of anyone that tuned in. You straightened your posture and swallowed. “Then I should probably start from the beginning.” And so you let it all spill. How you once had the same glorious dream as so many other children. You explained all of the time and effort you put into the tests and exams, but it was never enough, and your quirk always failed to impress spectators. You had family and friends that supported you for so long, had sacrificed so much to make this happen, but when you realized that your pursuit was leading you to homelessness, you accepted defeat. Hizashi paid close attention, only making a small comment here and there, but he waited for you to finish to say anything more. “I’m sorry you couldn’t get there,” he said sympathetically. “It’s fine.” You were looking down at your lap, unable to hold his gaze throughout most of the story. “I recovered pretty well. It’s nice here.” He hummed and leaned back in his seat. “That’s good! Not everyone can bounce back from that. Sounds like it’s still bothering you, though. Are you sure you don’t want to try again? I’m more than happy to help you out.” You shook your head at the generous offer. This man was too kind. “Thanks, but that’s alright. I’m happy where I am, it’s just that…” You paused as you tried to form the frustration you’ve felt for years into words. “I had put my whole life into this, gave up everything I had, and…and I don’t have anything to show for it, you know? Feels like the biggest waste.” “Yeah, maybe it was.” His blunt admittance surprised you. “But when you realized you weren’t getting anywhere, you stopped before you hit rock bottom. I know some students of mine who wouldn’t have that self-control.” He gave a soft snort at the thought. “Hell, when everyday is such a painful climb, you forget if there’s even anything waiting for you at the top. Maybe you would’ve reached the peak just to finally keel over.”  You nodded along with his feedback. It wasn’t anything new; you’ve comforted yourself with similar words, albeit with less metaphors. And yet, your pesky mind couldn’t accept such logic. “But people don’t like quitters.” Hizashi kept going, arms crossed and staring intensely at his empty plate. “Because quitting apparently means that you’re weak, not that you were smart enough to see that you’re just hurting yourself at a certain point. Man, you know how many people wouldn’t be stuck doing stuff that they hate if this mindset didn’t exist? I know a guy who finally won the heart of the heroine of his dreams, and I was like, ‘Awesome, dude!’” You watched with mild amusement as Hizashi’s volume was slowly rising along with his increasingly animated movements. “But surprise! Turns out that she makes for the world’s worst girlfriend! The poor guy is in his own little hell, but he’s wanted this gal for soooo long and he’s still soooo sure that they’re fated to be together. If I used my quirk to scream at the guy to break it off already, he’d still manage to ignore me!” A snicker nearby caught both of your attentions, turning to see the other staff members looking very entertained by his storytelling. Hizashi coughed out of awkwardness and shuffled in his seat. “You, uh, you get what I’m saying?” His voice returned to a calm tone. “Yeah, I get it,” You replied. “I never considered all of that. Sucks for your friend, but I understand the feeling. It must be frustrating to watch from the outside, too.” “Oh yeah, it is.” He sighed and rested his face in one of his hands. “I know they say that you can’t save people that don’t want to be saved, but it’s not gonna keep me from trying. Good to know that you climbed out of that hole yourself. Well, almost.” He finished off the now-lukewarm chocolate. “Your dream died, so handle it like any other death. Mourn and move on. Dwelling on it or thinking about everything you could have done differently is irrational.” You heard him mutter something under his breath, something about someone rubbing off on him too much. The gears turn in your head. Your eyes wonder to a small stain on the table as Hizashi’s advice breaks through your somber barrier. Mourn and move on.
“I’ll try,” You’re shocked by how dry your throat suddenly is. The sound of sweeping and chairs scraping across the floor makes you snap your head to the clock. It was past closing time! “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” You didn’t even know if you were apologizing to Hizashi or your co-workers. “I lost track of time! Let me get that for you.” You took his trash before he could respond and quickly joined the others to clean up. “Sorry about that,” one of your friends said. “I guess we all got caught up in your cute little talk.” “Do you have to eavesdrop on every table in this place?” You asked with no real malice. Pretty much the whole staff has a fondness for gossip; perhaps it was just a side effect of working such a job. “Oh, you know me. Why do you even ask?” she laughed. You focused on cleaning the tables as Hizashi stood and straightened out his clothes. You hoped that he wouldn’t leave just yet. His pep talk was appreciated and you wanted to thank him properly before your bus got here. Your bus that was scheduled to arrive ten minutes ago. 'Oh shit!' “My bus! I have to—dammit! I gotta go!” You dashed into the back to gather your belongings and grab your bag. Hizashi and the others looked too stunned by your burst of speed as you exited the cafe and rushed to the bus stop, the biting cold having little effect on your adrenaline-filled body. 'Maybe the bus is late too. Maybe I can still make it.' Your sprint slowed down the moment you saw your ride home already speeding away. It was too late to catch up. You could only watch as the large vehicle drove out of sight, dropping onto the stop’s bench as you caught your breath. Wonderful. This is what you get for getting too comfortable with one of your customers, hero or not. “Hey!” Speak of the devil. You turned to the sight of Hizashi jogging around the corner and toward you. “Man, you move pretty fast.” He caught up to you and took in your tired and defeated form. “And by the looks of it, you still weren’t fast enough.” A loud groan escaped you. “It’s no big deal, really. Another one arrives in about thirty minutes.” “Ah, think you can wait that long in this cold?” A shiver ran through your body immediately after his question. Wow, it really was freezing tonight. You shrugged your shaking shoulders. “I’ll have to. It’s still better than walking.” “Or maybe I can take you home?” Your head snaps back to him. Did you hear that right? “You…you want to take me home?” You repeated. That radiant smile returns to his face and adds another wave of trembles to your body. “I help where I can, and I’m kinda the reason you missed it in the first place. It’s the least I can do for such a loyal listener.” You hesitate, your still-harsh breaths forming misty clouds. You trusted him, no doubt about that. No, what was making you hesitate were his tender expressions that were illuminated by the nearby streetlight, and his lax and inviting posture as he waited for your answer with his hands tucked in his coat, and the realization that Yamada Hizashi was pretty damn handsome.   Pure hot red was rushing up to your face. Surely that was the cold’s fault. “That sounds great,” you uttered before you could even stop yourself. “Alright! Come on, then. I’m totally not dressed to be standing out here for long.” You followed him back to the cafe where an old-fashioned Ford mustang was parked. ‘Classy.'  Your co-workers were watching you enter his car, some with smirks or giving you a thumbs-up. ‘Perverts. It’s not like that.’ At least, you didn’t think it was. The drive home was calming. The radio played lowly as background music while you gave him directions to your apartment. You kept sneaking a peek at him from the corner of your vision, a peaceful look on his face as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. He seemed to be the type that hated complete silence; you didn’t mind. The streets were fairly empty, so it didn’t take too long to reach your complex. Hizashi pulled up and parked. “Welp, here’s your stop!” He announced as he hit you with another knockout smile. “Thanks for taking the Present Mic Express, listener.” You removed your seat belt, but made no further movements. “Thank you, Hizashi. For the ride…and the talk. You’ve helped me a lot today.” You say as you dare to look into his hypnotizing irises. He shrugged at your gratitude. “I’m just a customer who was in need of a nighttime snack and met a special gal that turned out to be even greater in person.” It took everything in your power not to cover your face like a flustered schoolgirl, instead breaking eye contact as you felt the heat return to your cheeks. “Thanks, you’re pretty great too.” You shuffled a bit as you both sat in silence. “I’m leaving now.”
“Okay.” You stayed where you were, staring at the door handle like it was the last thing you might ever touch. “I can’t wait to talk to you again on your show.” “Ditto.” “Alright…I’m leaving now.” “You already said that.” You squirmed some more. ‘Come on, you probably just look creepy at this point. Hurry the hell up and say something.’ “Is there something else you wanna tell me?” There was a small hint of amusement in his voice, and you gathered the courage to look at him again, shocked to see that his friendly smile had shifted into something a little more smug. It was probably safe to say that he’s reading the atmosphere pretty well. ‘Then just go for it.’
“Do you…do you want to come inside me—” FUCK. “Come inside with me! Do you want to come inside with me?!”  You were practically shouting the invitation in a feeble attempt to hide your slip-up. Hizashi threw his head back and cackled. “I’d love to, sweetheart! No need to be shy about it. I don’t bite.” You still sat there as the car turned off, his casual acceptance putting you into a stupor. Which version of the question was he even saying yes to? Whichever one it was, he had just accepted your offer to sleep together. You hadn’t been with anyone in years, and now you suddenly do this? A rush of cold wind hit you when he opened his door. “Come on, unless you planned on doing it in the car?” He laughed when you furiously shook your head.  “Good. As much as I love my old girl, she’s probably not very comfortable for something like that.” You only shivered in response as you finally stepped out of his car and joined his side to guide him to your place. All it took was an elevator and a quick walk down the hall to reach your door. It was a little embarrassing to bring a pro hero into your small single-bedroom apartment. It had all of the essentials for a comfortable living, but there wasn’t much room for luxuries. You both kicked off your shoes at the entrance before you hurried to organize some stray clothes and bags. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting guests.” “No worries,” Hizashi didn’t seem to mind as he got comfortable on a chair near your kitchen area and scanned the place. “This is nice.” You snorted at the comment. “I suppose,” you murmured. “It’s nothing worth praising.” “What, finding a place to stay after running yourself down for years? I think that deserves some praise,” he says so matter-of-factually.  That was a really admirable way to put it. “Thank you.” “Mmhmm,” he hummed, watching you finish replacing your things. Now you’re just standing here, not sure what to do next. How do you even start this? Your only experience was a clumsy one with a friend way back. “Well, we can’t do much at this distance, can we?” He says lightly as he gestures you to come closer. You comply and take his offered hand, letting him gently tug you down and onto his lap. He positioned you sideways, your legs laid out over his and making you look and feel like a nervous child. His face was so close, those green eyes looking shinier than ever. “You’ve done this before, right?” His warm breath brushes against your face as he speaks. “Yeah, I have,” you paused and wondered if you should tell him more. Hizashi was getting to know you more than you ever intended. “With a friend some years ago…it was a mess. Two virgins that had no idea what they were doing.” You laughed at the memory. “Heh, I feel you on that one. My first wasn’t the most dignified moment either.” You felt his body shake with his chuckle. His hand was still holding yours, thumb pressing against the space between your knuckles in a sort of massage. The feeling soothed you as his free hand came up to remove his glasses, your body shifting with his as he set them down close by. “In fact, your boy used to be a one pump wonder!” He smiled at your bewildered reaction to the information. “Hey, it’s not my fault sex feels so awesome!” You giggled into his shoulder. He spoke to you with such familiarity that it was impossible to stay anxious. It was why you enjoyed talking to him on the radio, but you never imagined it being the same during a scenario as intimate as this. “Hey, Don’t laugh at me! I’ve gotten better!” He said in mock anger. “And lucky for you, you get to see just how much. Welcome to my private show, listener.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a way that was more comical than seductive. A hand gently held the back of your head, and you let it pull you in to press your lips against his. You closed your eyes and savored the feeling, his lips softer than expected. Your kisses were timid, giving little more than lingering pecks, and Hizashi patiently returned them, slowly adding more pressure and passion as encouragement. The feel of a tongue swiping against your lips made you squeak in shock, getting a chuckle out of him. “That was adorable,” he teased, his voice suddenly at a lower pitch that made you shudder. “You startled me,” you retorted before returning to the kiss, this time with your lips parted to grant him entry. He caught you off guard again by sucking lightly at your lips instead, forcing a gasp out of you before slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your own muscle shyly met his, stroking each other in a lazy dance. His hands moved to hold your face and he’s doing it so tenderly. A hot desire is flowing through your veins from his kisses alone; you can only imagine what else he has in store for you. After a few more wet smacks, the two of you finally parted to catch your breaths, you especially. “Wow,” you couldn’t help but gasp. Hizashi gave a breathless laugh. “Getting overwhelmed already? We haven’t even taken any clothes off yet.” He wasn’t as composed as he let on, a red flush spreading across his face. The hands holding your face moved down to wrap around your waist as he moved his kisses down to your jaw. You sighed and tilted your head back to give him access to your neck, burying your fingers in his hair as you felt him lick and suck at your pulse. Beneath the smooth locks you felt a pin that held his sloppy bun together. “Hizashi? Can I-ah,” a hard suck on your sensitive throat forces you to pause. “Can I…your hair?” You tapped at the pin to get your point across. “Go ahead,” he groaned against your neck, not even slowing his assault as you pulled the small clip out and watched his golden locks fall to his shoulders. He purred to the feeling of you combing through his hair like fine threads. “It’s really pretty,” you whispered, still shivering from the love that he was showering on your skin. He pulls away from your neck. “Are you saying my hair isn’t always pretty? Trying to hurt Mic’s feelings?” He said with a pout. He looked all the hotter with his long hair draping the sides of his face. “Not at all! I think Mic makes for a handsome cockatoo,” you jest with a smirk. “Heh, you got jokes, huh? We’ll see who’s laughing once I get these annoying clothes out of the way.” He double tapped your thigh. “Up.” You stood up and watched him follow instantly, noticing the bulge that was beginning to grow beneath his pants. You quickly tore your eyes away from it. “Hold on a minute, I know what we’re missing.” He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved his phone. You waited, wondering what he could possibly need on his phone right now. A few taps later, a smooth melody began playing from the device. “Oh yeah, I’m feelin’ it already.” He set the phone down and shut his eyes, getting a feel for the beat of the sensual R&B song. This man was unreal. “You have…a lovemaking playlist?” You uttered while watching him get into a groove. “I’ve got a playlist for a lot of things, baby. Nothing sets the mood like a good tune. Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll go first.” And so he began his slow movements, swaying and bouncing in rhythm to the music, pulling his coat back and shrugging it off in a steady and seductive manner, tossing it aside. Watching a personal strip show of one of your favorite heroes was both hilarious and hot. On one hand, he was giving you playful and goofy faces while lip-singing to the sensual vocals. On the other, ‘I’ll be damned,’ you thought, because he really did know how to move his body and was successfully captivating you. His hips were moving in slow circles as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up and revealing his impressively lean torso. ‘Oh, his hero outfit doesn’t do his body justice.’ You were so impressed by the chest and the abs that were just thick enough to be visible, you didn’t notice him struggling to pull the shirt off of his head. With his top completely bare, he smoothed a hand down his hair and leered at you with a slow lick over his lip. “Liking what you see, baby?” How the hell did his voice get so deep? Why was he being so sexy right now? Your throat was dry all of a sudden, so you simply nodded. “Good.” His hands ran over his chest, making sure you were watching them before they began an agonizingly slow descent, tracing over hard lines, his muscles rippling with the mesmerizing thrust of his hips, a sight so erotic that you wanted to look away, but just couldn’t. With the buttons and zipper quickly undone, his thumbs hooked beneath his pants and began to pull down and oh shit he was pulling at his boxers too. You were really about to see it and you didn’t know if you were ready, but your eyes remained glued to his waist as his masculine v-line and a neat trail of blonde curls was revealed, your breathing getting heavier with the knowledge that he was only centimeters away from revealing his… “Naaaah, I’ll leave these on for now.” Just like that, his voice returned to his loud and cheerful pitch, pants readjusted and no longer on the brink of revealing his manhood. Confused, you look back up to see an infuriatingly innocent face staring back at you. A pang of disappointment hits you hard; Hizashi had just teased you big time. “Your turn.” You stood there awkwardly, having no idea where to even start. “I…uh…” You try to get into rhythm with the song and already feel like a fool. “I’m not much of a dancer. Can I just undress?” You felt a little bad. You didn’t want to kill the mood just because you didn’t know how to be as light and silly as him. Hizashi casually approached in all of his topless glory. “Don’t stress, girl. The stage and spotlight ain’t for everyone,” he empathized. Slender fingers took hold of the bottom of your shirt, and he looked into your eyes for silent permission. You gave a slow nod of approval and lifted your arms so that he could smoothly remove your first article of clothing. He discarded the shirt quickly to lay his hands on your bare waist, tracing over your soft and sensitive skin, making you jump slightly. “That tickles,” you snickered. “Sorry, sorry.” His hands went higher until they reached your bra, fumbling with the clasp at your back. “Mind helping me out? I still haven’t mastered these contraptions,” he asked through gritted teeth. The fully concentrated face for removing an undergarment was a real hoot, but you showed mercy and joined his hands to undo the fastening and pulled the straps down your arms. With how hard he was staring at your exposed breasts, it took everything in your power not to cover yourself, keeping your arms at your sides. “Damn. You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He spoke softly, giving feather-light touches over the mounds of flesh. “Can’t believe you’re giving me the honor of seeing you like this.” You warmed over at the praise and his touch, a thumb brushing lightly over your nipple. “You…look really good too,” you complimented back, your own hands coming up as you considered exploring his body. Hizashi noticed your hesitation and took a hold of your wrists. “You can check me out with more than your eyes, babe,” he says with a wink, and then places your hands right onto his hot and hard chest. ‘Woah.’ You swear that your heart stopped for several seconds. Hands slightly trembling, you run them slowly over his firm pecs, listening to his quickening breaths as you went lower to feel his abs. Present Mic was never really on your list of sexy heroes. You never bothered to imagined what the rowdy guy looked like underneath that superstar getup. ‘Shame on me, I suppose.’ The hero quietly reveled in your touch as he returned to your breasts, kneading them gently to bring out soft moans from you. There was something extra close and affectionate about just feeling each other, hands caressing and pressing every inch of both of your bodies. Your first time wasn’t this slow and steady; you and your partner were too embarrassed by so much clumsy fumbling that you ended up rushing to the main act. An arm wrapped around you and pulled you closer, a pair of lips speaking right next to your ear. “To the bed.” The song currently playing had a much more raunchy vibe to it, matching the growing intensity of the room as Hizashi gently pushed you back onto the mattress so that he could peer down and take in your body from above. You felt even more vulnerable in this position, but the man’s gaze, although lustful, was still gentle and nothing to be afraid of. You had enough courage to take his face and bring him down for another kiss, lips moving more boldly this time. Hizashi smiled behind the kiss, but had other plans and trailed downward, picking up where he left off during the first make-out. He licked a wet trail across your neck, wasting no time in reaching your breasts and peppering one with kisses, the slightly ticklish sensation filling you with pleasurable tingles. Too modest to watch him shower your body with love, you instead closed your eyes and focused on the feeling as the naughty music played on. The wetness of a tongue was flicking across your nipple, making your breath hitch, but it was the complete engulfment of wet heat that made your eyes fly open to the sight of him hungrily sucking at you like he was being nursed. You could still feel his tongue swirling around your nipple in the wet cavern of his mouth. It felt so good, bringing forth an ache within your lower body. “Ah, Hizashi…more…” Your plea came out as a shuddering moan. “Patience, babe,” he panted before switching to your other breast and giving it the same delicious treatment. Soon he continued his trek downwards, kissing at your stomach and playfully dipping his tongue into your navel. “Alright, time for these pants to go.” You lifted your hips to help him pull them off, nervous but so desperate to feel him touch you more. Surprisingly, he left your panties on and placed his lips right on your hipbone, making you twitch. The kisses wandered to your thighs, taking his time in enjoying the texture of your flesh as he licked, sucked, and gave the occasional nip to make you jump. You can feel the hot desire in your core building up as he got closer to your mound, your insides throbbing in anticipation, ready to be probed and explored already. Finally his face was right at your clothed pussy, a sinful grin forming as he observed the very damp spot. You were ready for him to finally remove the last barrier that prevented your bodies from joining. What you weren’t ready for was the shock of his tongue pressing against the thin cotton and licking at you like it wasn’t even there. Even with the shaky gasp that escaped you, you felt mortified. “H-Hizashi? What are—that’s—ohhh.” His lips managed to close right around your protected clit, the feeling muted but still powerful, but this was all so new to you. It’s one thing to fantasize having someone put their mouth there, but to actually…! Hizashi halted his ministrations and looked up at you. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?” The panic in your breathless voice probably worried him a bit. You didn’t want him to think that he screwed up, it’s just that…ugh, you didn’t even know! “I, uh, you don’t have to do that, really,” you stammered. The pure confusion on his face was unexpected. “What? Go down on you? I love doin’ that, babe. You don’t?”
You were tempted to grab a pillow and hide your face. “I…don’t know. No one’s ever done that to me.” “Oh?”  He tilted his head, resting on one of your thighs as he watched you curiously. “Well this guy would love to do it to you. May I?” ‘Yes. Yes, please do it.’ You just couldn’t be as shameless as your inner thoughts, so the most you could do was squeak, “If you want.” Hizashi rubbed soothing circles around your inner thighs. “I’ll just give you a sample, alright? You just lie back and feel it. Actually…” He raised himself and took a hold of your hips, tugging you to the edge of the bed. He was now kneeling on the floor with your legs hanging over his shoulders. Even with your panties still on, you never felt more exposed. His mouth was back on you in an instant, licking long stripes up your covered womanhood. You could feel your heated lust, could feel your juices seeping out to mix with the saliva that was coating your ravaged underwear. But it didn’t look like Hizashi planned on letting up on his assault anytime soon, pressing his face against you as if he was craving your nectar from the source, but insisted on holding himself back. As you whimpered from the wet grazes and your growing arousal, you realized that this just wasn’t going to be enough. “Please,” you whined. “I need more.” “More?” The hero’s voice was husky, and the wicked look he was giving you wasn’t helping matters at all. “What do you want more of?” Your knuckles were turning white from how hard you were clutching the sheets beneath you. “You! Your mouth! Please, take them off!” “You like what my mouth does, baby?” He gave you a quick lick. “Yes.” “You wanna feel more of it?” “Yes, please!” You begged. “Wanna feel my tongue push inside your pussy?” The sudden vulgarity of his words made you clench. “Y-yes.” A finger runs up and down your slit, the cloth’s texture doing nothing but irritating you at this point. “Good, because your taste and smell is driving me wild.” His fingers hooked around the lace and, thank the gods above, finally pulled them off, sticky strands of your arousal being pulled along with it. Repositioning himself, he used his thumbs to spread you open and take a good look at you. ‘Oh God, that’s a bit much.’  You shut your eyes to avoid his invasive ones that were looking straight inside of you. Just before he dove in, a new track began to play. “Oooooh shit, I love this song!” You looked to see Hizashi on the verge of jumping up in excitement. After being so turned on, you managed to forget that he’s a dork. “They’re just asking me to go all-out on you, aren’t they? Get ready, sweetheart. I’m about to send you to heaven.” Your breathing quickened as he leaned in, suddenly understanding that his teasing was just to make you extra sensitive to the real deal, because his breath alone was sending pleasant shocks through you. The first long lick up your sex already had you moaning loudly. A pair of hands held your hips down to prevent you from bucking too wildly, thighs quivering on his shoulders as he hungrily lapped at you. Among the indecent sounds between your legs, you also noticed the song’s lyrics were describing the very act Hizashi was performing right now, his mouth working more vigorously whenever the singer expressed the desire to lick a girl, to make her cum all week. He was avoiding your clit, giving full attention to your sopping folds, sucking on them loudly before deciding to plunge his tongue straight inside of your pussy. The intruding muscle had you squirming against his hold, rubbing against your walls and pushing into you as far as possible. You noticed that Hizashi’s eyes were closed in bliss, giving soft moans as if this was bringing him just as much pleasure. Whatever the case, the sight of him enjoying himself so much was something you’ll be seeing in your erotic dreams for weeks, maybe months to come. You lost control of the sounds leaving your body as the pleasing heat grew, tongue thrusting in and out of your body, his nose pressing against your neglected clit. The thorough tongue-fucking was bringing you so close to the edge. Hizashi released a long and deep moan and…you don’t even understand what happened next. The sound sent the mother of all vibrations bouncing throughout your insides, forcing you into a violent convulsion of an orgasm. You didn’t hear your own scream, the music, or see Hizashi’s amazed expression when you tightened your legs around his head in a vice-like grip. Everything was suddenly muted save for the tremors wracking your entire being without mercy, pleasure pouring over you so strongly that it was frightening. Your surroundings slowly took shape again as you came down from your high, panting and waiting for your limbs to become responsive again. A hand brushed stray hairs away from your face, and you saw a very pleased hero laying beside you. “You alright, baby? You know where you are?” He asked jokingly. “Yeah,” you breathed. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Shut up.” You swung your weak arm and smacked him in the chest. “What the hell did you do to me?” “Sometimes I use my quirk to add a little kick,” he explained while rolling onto his side, giving your damp face a quick peck. “All it takes is a bass boost to soak the dancefloor, am I right? Though maybe that was too much. I didn’t know whether to be turned on or scared with the way you were spazzing out. Hope your neighbors didn’t think you were being murdered.” You shrunk into yourself. “Oh. Sorry,” you mumbled. You watched his hand casually explore your sensitive skin, catching a glimpse of the bulge in his pants that was more prominent than ever. “Your…” You gestured to his groin. He looked down at his stiff predicament and huffed. “Ah, yeah. It’s kinda been killin’ me. You good to keep going, babe?” How could you possibly say no after the ride he’s given you? “Yes, of course.” You moved to get up, but he gently pushes down on you. “Stay right here. I just need a minute.” The bed shifts with the loss of his weight and you watch him grab his discarded coat, fishing for something in its pockets and mumbling about something that he always keeps around, until you hear a little “a-ha” as he triumphantly holds up a condom. “Safety first~,” he says in a sing-song voice. Wow, he’s a prepared guy. Disobeying his orders, you raised yourself to sit upright. “Can I do the honors?” You asked. Honestly, you were just curious to see what he had in store for you down there. Hizashi looked surprised but pleased. “Be my guest!” he said excitedly, removing the wrapper while approaching you. The tent in his pants just sat there in front of you, begging to finally be released. “So, do you want me to finish my little show, or do you want to be the one to take’em off?” He watched your face intently as he thumbed at the band of his pants. You gulped loudly. He clearly wanted this night to be all about you, but he deserved some attention. “I’ll do it.” You whispered, taking a delicate hold of his pants to pull them down and revealing an intricately designed pair of boxers. Colorful urban-style shapes and characters covered the underwear, art that you would expect to see on the city’s walls. Any other time, you would take a moment to appreciate the impressive work, but you had a horny man to take care of. With a shaky tug, his final clothing was removed and the freed erection sprang out and smacked you in the face. The horrified ‘eep!’ and the utterly offended look you were giving his cock had Hizashi cracking up. “Shit, I’m sorry, babe!” He choked between breaths. “I guess I should have given you a heads up!” You were too embarrassed to even respond or look him in the eye. “Hey now, I promise he won’t hurt you again.” He gave you a pat on a head like a grumpy child and held out the condom to you. You silently took it and observed his manhood with a cautious look, as if it would somehow lash out and strike you again. He was pretty long; while his girth didn’t look too intimidating, you doubt that he can fit all of his length into you. It twitched when your fingers wrapped around it, rubbing up and down the soft yet firm organ and earning some sharp breaths from Hizashi. You finally attempted working with the music, stroking to match the same slow tempo. You took the lubricated protection and placed it over his swollen head, your other hand keeping up your rhythmic pumping as you pulled it down, stroking every uncovered inch until he was fully sheathed. “Fuck, girl. That was sexy,” Hizashi had watched your performance with lustful wonder. “You really don’t give yourself enough credit.” The praise excited you in more ways than one. His hands were on your shoulders and pushing you back down with him climbing on top, returning you both to your earlier positions. One hand reached between your legs and slipped a finger between your folds, dipping inside to sample your wetness. “Are you ready for me, baby?” His voice returned to that low raspy tone that had you throbbing for him all over again. Your nodding was so frantic that you made him laugh at your eagerness—your want has overpowered your doubts. He takes hold of himself and places the tip right at your entrance, your heart racing in anticipation to be filled. A sudden kiss distracts you. It was the deepest kiss he’s given you, lips practically holding yours prisoner while his tongue curled around yours. Breathy moans left both of your mouths. You were being effectively distracted until you felt the sharp burn of being stretched, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck while he pushed inside as slowly as he could. He drank up your whimpers and you consumed his growls of restraint. Every inch felt like it went on forever, hot and pulsing and overwhelming, yet your greedy pussy clamped down and sucked him in until you were completely filled. Hizashi stayed there, finally detaching his lips so that he could study your face. Those green eyes that enchanted you at the cafe for their warmth and kindness were now glazed over with something raw and insatiable. Such a look made you tighten around him, savoring the groan he gave in response. Your legs wrapped around his waist as the signal to start moving, and he complied with a slow and shallow pace. The friction was already creating another burning knot in your core. The other time someone was inside you like this…there was pleasure then as well, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to a partner who knew how to properly prepare your body and keep your mind at ease. Hizashi’s hair was draped all around you, creating a romantic enclosure of just him and you, everything else in the room feeling so far away. His thrusts were getting stronger, your heat and tightness making it too difficult for him to keep things slow. You didn’t protest and took every electrifying stroke with a helpless cry. Even with all of the sounds you were making, you dare say that the man above you was being even louder. “Ah…fuck…oh, baby you feel so fucking good. Oh yeah, fucking squeeze me just like that,” his language also became a lot more colorful, apparently. Concerning volume aside, his words only added to your pleasure. Your heels dug into him, pushing him deeper inside and brushing against that spongy bundle of nerves that had you writhing. “Shit, thanks sweetheart. Been lookin’ for that spot.” He pants with a mischievous smile across his sweaty face. With a particularly hard slam that makes you see white, he slows down and starts a deep grind. “Ah! Hizashi!” You weren’t prepared for such powerful stimulation, his dick hitting your sweet spot while his pelvis rolls against your clit. He elevates himself for a better angle, forcing you to disentangle from his neck and instead fumble desperately at his arms. The hot tension was tightening at an alarming rate with the pleasure he was giving to both of your most sensitive spots. Your gaze constantly switched between Hizashi biting his lip in a sexy focused expression to his contracting muscles as his hips press and rub against every inch of your cunt. Your nerves could only handle the sensual onslaught for so long—it didn’t take long before they were all set ablaze and reduced you into a trembling mess with your back arched and mouth hanging open in a silent scream. Sure, it wasn’t a heart-stopping climax like the one he gave you with his mouth, but the simultaneous spasms of your clit and innermost walls was its own amazing experience that had you melting into a blissful puddle. “Mmm, that’s it. That’s a good girl,” Hizashi groaned in approval. Your orgasm was still rippling through you when he buried his face into the crook of your neck and returned to his rutting, now at a much faster pace. Tears pricked at your eyes from the overstimulation. Your own choked sobs were smothered by the most intense moans you’ve ever heard sounding right in your ear. “You’re so amazing, baby…so damn beautiful.” How the fuck did he sound so sweet even when he’s on the verge of nutting? This hero has given you more than he even realized. He’s given you his company and joy every Friday, he’s given you kind words at your job, and now here he was giving all of himself to you. The emotions, the hypersensitivity, the closeness, it was all too much for you.
You came a third time, the sensation toeing the line between pain and pleasure as you clung to him tightly. He gave several more thrusts before reaching his own peak with a howl that might encourage a file complaint or two. You just held him, feeling every shiver run down his limbs and every shaky breath expelled from his powerful lungs. Both of you rested in each other’s embrace. If only things could just stay this way; Hizashi never failed to make you feel so good, in more ways than you even dreamed of. “Woah woah, you alright?” Said man’s panicked voice startled you. Before you could ask what he was talking about, you felt the moisture running down your cheeks. When did you start crying? “What’s the matter?” He tried again, his troubled eyes breaking your heart. ‘It’s nothing,’  that’s what you wanted to say, but your throat felt constricted as more tears fell. Hizashi didn’t need to hear you—he simply pulled you up into a proper hug, saying nothing as you cried in confused frustration. The music had stopped at some point during the sex, the only sound present now was your soft weeping. You let the soft rubs along your back soothe you, his other hand cradling your head. The tenderness of it all just made you want to cry more, but you held back and calmed yourself down and spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” “Nothin’ to be sorry about, listener,” he returned to using that term, making this feel like another one of your friendly night talks. “It gets pretty intense sometimes.” He pulled you into a kiss, this one much lazier than the others. This was it. The kissing. It was too sweet, too sincere, the warmth of it blossomed something inside your chest that felt too earnest to be simple lust. Was he aware of what he was doing to you? Were you just overthinking this? Weren’t one-night stands supposed to have boundaries? Hizashi pulled out of you, leaving behind a sad emptiness that wanted him back immediately. He rose to his feet and headed to your bathroom, most likely to dispose of the condom. You heard his voice sound out of the room. “I’ve got little angels and devils to teach tomorrow, so I probably shouldn’t stay for long.”
Your heart felt like lead. “Okay,” you muttered. There really was nothing more to this. He was putting his boxers back on when he continued. “But…if it’s not too much to ask, maybe I can come by again?” What? Was he messing with you? “You’re serious?” You didn’t mean to sound so disbelieving, but your emotions were such a mess right now and you won’t appreciate having them toyed with. His pants were pulled up next. “One hundred percent serious!” He exclaimed with, dammit, that smile that lit up your entire being. “Maybe I’ll visit the cafe some more too. You were right about that croissant!” He returned to your side on the bed, wrapping an arm around your waist. “What I’m saying is, I think I like my favorite lady listener more than I thought.” Your heart was freed from its petrified state and swelled. Your arms swung around him before you could even stop yourself. “Hizashi…that’s so great but…you’re such a busy pro hero…I’m just a…how will this work?” You were rambling into his chest. “Easy girl, it’s nothing complicated. I’ll visit you whenever I have the time, alright? Ready to give you some support and…attention.” There’s that silly eyebrow wiggle again, making you laugh. You just kept on cuddling him, enjoying his presence for as long as you could tonight. A few minutes passed when you felt him shrug and break the silence. “Ah, what the hell.” He took hold of you and fell back onto the mattress with you now laying against him. “I guess I can stay for the night. I’ll just have to deal with waking up extra early tomorrow.” You snuggled into him and smiled. “Thank you,” you whispered. It’s unclear what kind of relationship you just formed with Hizashi; maybe this was only something temporary. All you knew is that you had him by your side, and you were going to cherish every minute of it and waste nothing. You’ll never waste a second of your life again.
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The Video
Alrighty, so as promised, I listened-slash-watched-slash-backtracked the video over making and eating dinner, with a break in between to take a phone call from my sister, so I may have missed and misunderstood/misheard a few things and may need another rewatch to fix any presumptions I make in this mini (?)-review.
Two things I do need to correct from my last post:
One is that I actually was sent the video to pre-watch before it was posted; I found it in my emails two days later but because I was swamped with day job stuff (as in I was working until 11 PM both days, and I didn’t even sit down until 4 on Saturday), and my fandom email is NOT a primary address so it’s not hooked up to my main Mail server on my MacBook (limited space), I hadn’t checked my emails since Thursday afternoon. So yeah, technically I should’ve known it was out, so apologies: technically I knew it was coming out; my sorry arse just didn’t check my emails.
Second, is that meta I did send her did get referenced and used; some of it word for word (like the discussion about the difference between Johnlockers and TJLC) so meta was read, my bad on assuming it wasn’t before watching.
C’est ça on that front.
A few things that ruffled my feathers and maybe I misheard, but I’ll mention them as I remember it:
I did find it slightly bothersome that the assumption was that Johnlockers that we were a bunch of teenagers (we weren’t – most of the people I talked to were in their 20′s and 30′s and many were academics of varying sorts). SZ was younger than many of us in our little corner of the fandom, I think, and it was filled with amazing meta and university-level papers on queer history, ACD canon history, subtextual writing and literature.  EDIT: I did skim back over to a bit of the beginning since I missed it over making dinner, and I guess a lot of the people who contacted SZ were teens at the time of the airdate, so again, my little bubble and all that and apologies for assuming. :P
This is a totally biased view and probably indicative of how deep down the rabbit hole I was: A bit annoyed at the implication in our belief that Mofftiss weren’t trying to deliberately imply the Gay Sherlock / BiJohn thing especially paying special attention to it during Q&As and meet and greets and interviews; That the cues weren’t there. Though she did point out the queerbaiting aspect of it. I don’t know. Maybe I misunderstood since I was stuffing my gob with pasta and wishing I had a cheesecake.
I think SZ should’ve worded her Twitter callout post a LOT better, because the cons were only mentioned for about 10 minutes, and in only in relation to the drama. She did praise the cons as a positive experience for people, so I’ll give her that.
The Twitter stuff pre-vid-posting still rubs me the wrong way.
Still feel that selling the shirts is tasteless. Mug is cute, though.
Things I did find interesting / good / stuff I didn’t know:
I know I’m a minority in this regard, especially since I am a fence sitter, but I feel... relieved? sorry I can’t think of the word... that SZ essentially did accuse Mofftiss of queerbaiting by the end of it – that it’s not just us who see it. I’ve always said without an S5, it IS queerbaiting, and given that S5 probably won’t happen anytime soon... well. Like I’ve said in the past, I hold out a glimmer of hope. Not holding my breath though.
The mentions of some of the fandom theories and speculations were done tastefully, light jesting but not mocking them.
The discussion section about AA / Mary... Yikes. I forgot it got THAT bad.... I guess because I was always in the “Mary’s a kickass villain” camp so I was blissfully ignorant about that stuff until a few years later. 
The ace stuff, 100% true, and I’m glad it was brought up.
The term “Ragnalock” got a chuckle out of me, will admit that. First time I’ve heard of it.
I had no idea the ARG theory was anything more than thelostspecial website. Somehow I missed that whole thing about it being part of the series itself.
And, a lot of things, in hindsight: just an overall, “yeah. :|”
And some additional notes I can’t really classify one way or another:
Cringing at MYSELF because of some of the post-S4 theories that, looking back: oof. Apple Tree Yard specifically. 
AND cringing at myself because I know I perpetuated a lot of the “IT WILL HAPPEN” in my corner of the fandom pre-S4 because I wanted people to be excited for a new season. For that I am very sorry to everyone who were hurt by my belief. S4 was a brick wall and I hit it hard, thought I do enjoy theorizing about how fake it was. It’s the only way to cope for me, LOL.
Ooof the drama stuff, a lot of it I didn’t know the entire deets about, only about the PPG being involved. I tried to stay out of it when I could and focused mainly on meta writing, my own healing processes, and making people feel welcome. It’s what a few bigger bloggers did for me when I joined by interacting with my posts and offering their kindness, and I wanted to return the favour. Inevitable it had to be covered, but yeah, dark times.
LOOOOOOOL the critique about TFP. Literally stuff that we’ve talked about in our “something’s fucky” tag. 
And to address the elephant in the room: Yes, I DID give SZ meta, but it was the link to fandom meta that is essentially on the header of my blog on desktop, just as I do with anyone interested in the fandom.
Overall, it was a thought provoking vid, a bit of a nostalgia hit to be honest. I thought that it was a good video, interesting in that strange way where you relive strange moments of your past. I feel it was a fair analysis of the fandom, but please, please remember: I can’t speak for those directly involved in the events mentioned, because I WAS NOT THERE. Not my place to disregard their feelings if they have a different opinion than I. 
That said, I think it’s worth a watch if only to see what the fandom WAS. But it’s informative and respectful, I think. Though, I think she could’ve left out the bit at the end just before the credits.
And finally: to anyone who are coming here from the vid: I have been here since S3, joined because of LSiT, and later I wrote villain Mary meta and TAB meta. These days, I primarily have focussed my attentions on curating content, offering my advice on stuff, introducing newbies to the series, and trying to spread positivity, all peppered in with the random theory from time to time, and trying to atone for my... “enthusiasm”?... in the past. I like promoting community and open discussion from all viewpoints, as long as it remains respectful. So yeah, I do have some meta you can check out, just let me know what you’re looking for, and I do lots of fic recs, so if you’re looking for something, hit me up.
Cheers, all. I’m going to bed. 
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isthisthingeven0n · 3 years
further down the line : d.d
brief summary: breakups are never easy, especially when your ex is half way across the world. 
word count: 1.6k requested: nope, it’s something i wanted to try out (thanks hormones) warnings: none that i’m aware of, just angsty and kinda sad 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
m y  e t s y  s h o p
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“Are you ready?” David sits down beside you, a cushion resting between you both as you glance up to the lens as a shaky breath escapes your lips.
“I guess.” You mutter as you tear your eyes from the viewfinder, seeing the pair of you together on camera for the last time. “Just feels,” You start, unsure where your sentence was supposed to end.
David nods along, resisting the urge to reach out and take your hand in his. “We’ll be okay, Y/n.” David tells you with a small smile. “Right, let’s do this.” David exhales deeply whilst you swallow back the lump in your throat, trying to present yourself in the best light as David looks to you.
“Is this how we start it then?” You ask him quietly. “I mean, I’ve never filmed one of these before.” A short laugh escapes your lips, a harmonious sound of David joining in.
“Never thought I’d film another,” David comments, his voice cracking ever so slightly as his eyes remain locked with yours. “come on, we can do this.” His eyes begin to gloss over as you reach out, unable to stop yourself squeezing his hand lightly before averting your focus back to the camera.
“Well, we broke up.” You state bluntly. “Thanks for watching, bye guys.” You wave to the camera as you rise to your feet, David’s laughter echoing in the room as you quickly return to your seat.
“But for real, we erm, we’re not together anymore,” David explains as you rest your hands in your lap, listening intently to his voice as he repeats the story you’ve shared countless times now with all your friends and close family members. “it was completely mutual, no one cheated, I don’t hate her, she doesn’t hate me.”
“That’s what you think.” You interject with a joke, easing the heaviness in the room as David flashes a smile to you. “We’re still on good terms, we’re just not together.”
“And well, we haven’t been for three months?” David questions, looking over to you as you nod. “Shit, I mean go us for keeping it together this long.” He raises his hand for a high five which you reciprocate.
“I mean, I’ve been a mess behind the scenes.” You hold your hands up in defence. “But it’s expected, especially when you go online and there’s thousands of cute edits and all.” You wipe your eyes as tears are now threatening to spill over.
“It’s a good thing though, I promise.” David adds. “We’re both in better places, and it doesn’t mean that I don’t still care about you,” David turns to face you, tears now falling from his eyes setting you off.
“Why did you have to go and cry you know it makes me cry.” You whisper, wiping your eyes as a watery laugh leaves your lips.
“Let’s take five.” David mutters as he reaches up and turns the camera off, allowing you to have a quiet cry as you bring your legs to your chest whilst David leaves the room.
As David turns the corner from the podcast room, Ilya greets him with a sincere smile whilst Natalie bypasses him and walks into the podcast room to comfort you.
“How’s it going, Dave?” Ilya asks as he rests his arm around David who sniffs loudly, nodding to himself.
“It was always going to be hard, you know?” David mumbles to himself as Ilya guides him over to the couch, trying not to fixate on the distant conversation between you and Natalie.
“It’s fine, just weird being back.” You explain to Natalie as your eyes wander over the studio, remembering all the times you sat in the corner whilst David recorded the podcast with Jason or the late nights you found yourself falling asleep whilst David edited a vlog beside you. “But it’s good to see you, Nat.”
Natalie smiles as she wraps her arms around you. “You don’t have to be a stranger, Y/N/N,” Natalie coos as you sigh against her shoulder. “we all still miss you.”
“I miss you too, but I should get used to it.” You half laugh as you wipe your face, just as David reenters the room.
“Love you.” Natalie blows you a kiss which you catch and wave as she exits the room, leaving you and David to film what is going to be the most difficult segment of this video.
With red eyes, David takes his seat after pressing record on his camera.
“A while ago, well, four months ago I was offered a job which I’ve been dreaming of for years.” You start, rubbing your sweaty palms over your thighs. “If anyone follows me, you’ll know that this was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down, but,” You glance up at David who watches you with such pride. “it’s in London.”
“And could be a permanent placement, leading to more.” David adds and you silently thank him for carrying on. “This isn’t the sole reason why we broke up, but I want what’s best for you, and this is what’s best.” David sniffs, and you choke on a sob as you cover your mouth, reliving the break up all over again.
“I guess by the time you’re watching this, I’ll have gone?” You question, and David nods in agreement. “But we’re doing okay, we still care about one another, but we’re just not together.” You finish, and David leans over and kisses your temple.
“If you could please be respectful and yeah, thanks guys.” David gives the camera a thumbs up before walking over and ending the recording. “Thanks, Y/n.” David speaks up as he turns back to face you, watching as you wipe your face.
“Of course,” You smile sadly to him as you grab your bag. “take care of yourself, Dobrik.” You chuckle as you rise to your feet and wrap your arms around his neck tightly, making the most of your last hug.
David rests his chin on the top of your head, wishing he didn’t have to let go. But all good things come to an end, and this was your ending.
“Bye, Y/n.” David mutters as you pull away and walk out from the podcast room, knowing there is no turning back now, you can only go forward.
Eight months later.
It wasn’t something he intentionally did, but whenever it happened David found himself in a rabbit hole, unable to find his way back to the surface.
You’d posted a photo of you and some friends, out for dinner in some fancy looking resturant and you just looked happy.
Sure, David had posted photos of himself and others with bright smiles, but behind the scenes part of him still longed to hold you close.
“Hey, Dave?” Natalie peers through into his room as Taylor stands behind her.
Pausing, Natalie watches as David lowers his phone before wandering over and sitting on his bed. “What’s up?” David asks, locking his phone before the girls can see what he’s up to.
“We’re going to get some food, want anything?” Taylor speaks up as Ella yells for her. “Just text me if you do!” She calls out as she exits his room, leaving him and Natalie alone.
Yet, Natalie is wearing that look, the one she mastered when she was a teenager with David. “What is it, Nat?” David huffs, and before he can stop her, Natalie reaches out for David’s phone, unlocking it revealing what she already anticipated.
“You know you can just call her, or text her, right?” Natalie suggests, but David shakes his head as he reaches back for his phone, glancing down at your bright smile before discarding his phone.
“She’s happy, Nat. She’s moved on.” David states. “And, and I’m trying to.” He mutters before running his hands through his hair, resting them amongst his curls as he sighs deeply into his chest.
“It’s okay, Dave.” Natalie shuffles across David’s best until she’s sat beside him, resting her back against his headboard as Ilya wanders in. “You’ve still got all of us, Y/n isn’t gone forever you know, you can reach out.”
“I can’t, Natalie.” David reiterates his point as he looks up to her with tired eyes. “If I do it’ll just remind me of what I can’t have, of everything I let go and won’t ever get back.”
“You don’t know that for sure, Dave.” Ilya adds, but David forcefully shakes his head.
“I’m not doing that to her, she, she’s happy in London, living the life she wanted and has dreamed of.” David moves past his two best friends as he climbs off his bed, grabbing his phone and keys. “I’ll never do anything to ruin that, I just, I’ll be fine.” He mutters under his breath before leaving his bedroom and the faint sound of the front door slamming causes Ilya to jump.
Silence looms over the pair until Ilya speaks up. “Do you think she’s really moved on?” Ilya asks, glancing over to Natalie who hums to herself.
“Looks that way.” Natalie sighs as she pulls out her phone, showing Ilya the photos you recently sent Natalie of you with a guy by the London Eye, bright smiles as his arm rests around your waist. “His names Fred.”
“Stupid name.” Ilya mutters. “Does David know?”
“He hasn’t said anything to me, but Y/n hasn’t posted anything of him online yet, it’s a recent thing, early days, you know?” Natalie explains.
“Damn.” Ilya whistles as he leans back. “I miss her, you know?”
Natalie smiles sadly to herself, nodding in agreement. “Me too, Ilya.” She shuffles to lie down beside her best friend. “Me too.”
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dorki-c · 3 years
Characters: Dabi and reader
Relationship: Dabi X Pro-hero! Reader
Quote: “Metanoia”
Gift for: @glitterfreezed (Aka photoshop goddess) THANK YOU for being one of my very first moots on this crazy platform! I really hope you enjoy this one shot (as I spent way too much time on it XD) and for anybody reading this: GO CHECK OUT GLITTERS PLAYLISTS!! They are honestly amazing!
Tw: Kidnapping, Use of Guns, Slight nudity
Going on patrol lately has been boring.
Sure, (y/n) wouldn’t pass it up for helping little old ladies get across the road or helping itty bitty children find their parents within a crowd.
But besides that, there was little to nothing to do- no paperwork, no criminals terrorising the streets, or vigilantes on loose- the streets were cleared and scrubbed down from any crime lately.
It was strange.
Nothing has been the same ever since Kamino ward as well.
The moment you found out your lover was a villain; you took great lengths to create distance from him. Not sparing him a second glance or another phone call- let’s not forget you blocked his number- although doing these things made you seem like an asshole; you are a hero.
Heroes do not date Villains.
Its absolutely forbidden.
Though should you have stayed with him, something could’ve happened- he could’ve used you for blackmail, ransom, and maybe trafficking- as terrifying as it sounds, at least your far from your old apartment.
At least your away from that freak. That sadistic freakshow, with his stupid smirk and (beautiful) weird ass scars.
Luckily, the clock had ticked to the hour that announced your release from countless wasted minutes of scrolling through your phone as two feet laid disrespectfully on the hero agencies desk where nobody pointed out the blatant rudeness she was showing.
Even if she wanted to stay here, the female should get home soon. Even if there was no problem during the day, that doesn’t reassure that there will be trouble when walking through the evening.
Where you had the inkling of protection that is provided to you by your muscle memory, nobody should rely on themselves to do a simple task like walking home when there is such a thing as societies creepy-crawly insects withering across the nooks and crannies of cities and flooding the deepest rabbit holes with their sickening ideals.
Just thinking about them brings revolting nausea into the churning acid within the insides of your body as it screams out to stay aware of the footsteps you take, of the glances you throw out, and of your hands gripping the cheap handbag- that you bought on a whim from that one charity shop around the corner of the apartment building- when a hand of yours dipped inside the bag to grip the weapon that laid unaware of whose blood it could spill today.
The three walled mirror room moved down from whatever floor it was on and when opening the doors, a small (and annoying) ping was heard through the (also) small lobby area.
When approaching your apartment door with your guard up and one of your hands swiftly opening the rusted door handle allowing a small gust of air to run into the vacant apartment, the eyes of a human watchdog sporadically darted from one place to another.
Making sure she can securely (slam) open the door, the pro hero steps in one footstep at a time like one of the cliché spy movies before throwing her bag down and yanking the heavy weapon out of her bag.
Its matte black exterior elongated to show the vertical and horizontal bits and pieces of the weapon as (Y/n) rested one of her fingers on the trigger whilst fiddling with the safety lock to make it unlock.
Once unlocking the safety lock of the gun, she leaned it towards the ground, turned around for a brief second to retrieve the key from her apartment door, then kicked said door shut with the heel of her foot.
Even when she investigates her almost empty apartment three times without a peaceful resolve at the end, the female is already sitting on her couch scrolling through another apartment renting website for herself.
It’s pathetic.
She’s on the run from her ex-boyfriend because she knows that if she gets caught by him, there will be a low chance of her escaping from his grasp again. It was quite evident from his group’s little broadcast that if anyone “tries to catch us, you’re going to be caught first.”
What if that applies to people wanting to escape from them?
Stripping herself of the day’s tiredness, the female wore the loosest clothing within her wardrobe and ventured out to the shit-tip of her kitchen- the sink only had a few dishes in it, but, otherwise the trash looked like it got taken out once a year and there were so many letters scattered in piles over the counters.
Sighing at the sight, letting a hand of hers travel up her shirt to soothe an itch on her back, (y/n) shook her head at her own mess and still continued to go towards the fridge to dig through it in order to find the cheap- most definitely shitty- microwavable food she bought from the store only three days ago because to be completely honest, she’s saving up for buying a ticket out of this shit country and living in another one.
Ripping the film cover off of the food’s plastic container, she shoved her shitty food in the microwave and let the annoying beep sound through the apartment while (y/n) went into the small living room, grabbed some shorts that were sunbathing under the flickering yellow bulb and put them on in order to take out the trash.
When entering back into the apartment however, a flash of darkness alerted her body to go limp.
What was this feeling of restraint around her arms and legs? Moving one of her wrists- in an attempt to pull them out of the bindings- a harsh rub of a frictional material bit across the sensitive layer of the underside of your wrist, where it elicited a hiss to very subtly slip from your lips.
That seemingly helped beg a question in your curious mind. “Are my eyes covered?” Although when opening your eyes, a flurry of white blinded you causing a multitude of red freckles to dance across the pale illumination.
Whoever thought not putting a blindfold on you was a smart idea, it seems clear to me that they didn’t watch enough spy movies.
Okay, time to take a look of your surroundings.
First of all, Y/n glanced down to see if she had any major injuries- nope, the only thing missing from her body was her clothes and if that didn’t count as being kinky, then (y/n) doesn’t know what it counts as- along with her feet barely touching the carpeted floor, her ankles were tied to what she assumes to be a wooden chair.
Looking off to the side after shifting her gaze from her feet to her forearm her eyes picked out the surroundings behind her and the type of seat she was sitting in. Wow, whoever kidnapped you, really knows how to do it inefficiently.
Though, if they’ve used cheap ass rope and tied you up to a wooden chair- out of all the chairs in the world, they choose a wooden chair- along with forgetting to put a blindfold on you, they probably didn’t take any precaution when kidnapping you because the criminals probably have back up on hold.
Meaning there was more than one culprit involved and that they don’t expect you to get out of this area due to being outnumbered.
Moving your head upwards once more, the outlines of what seems to be a closet and a drawer were all that you could observe before some sort of jiggling sound was emitted through the silent room.
It wasn’t till the door opened that it revealed somebody that (y/n) didn’t expect. A hitch lodged itself like a six-foot down corpse where only grave looters would be able to find it. Was she seeing a ghost? Perhaps. Did she care? Maybe, however she was trained to not overreact in a situation like this.
“Well, look what we have here…” The metal contraptions that held the person’s tough layer of skin nudged a little in the direction of the muscle’s movement. “…A squirming itty-bitty hero.” The venomous hiss of their voice slipped real close to her ear as the lamp pointing obnoxiously into her right eye was turned off.
“So, this was your doing?” Snapped the hero as the villain sat down on her lap and gently grasped her chin- just like the old days- where his fucked up (handsome) grin shone brighter than the hero on her first debut. Dodging the question, the male let his weight lean onto the female’s thighs as she harshly craned her jutted out facial bone away from his hold.
“Oh, and it looks like your still as feisty as ever.”
“Yeah, I am. Got a problem with it, villain?” The hiss made the patchwork villain only recoil an inch backwards before narrowing his pupils at the nickname and gripping the very first thing his eyes land on, your neck, where the surface of his skin was smouldering to the touch.
“I wouldn’t say that if I was in your position.” He proclaimed as the slimming of her lips straightened out to a thin line, “Now, I’m here to offer you a position and…” From somewhere on his body, he pulled a gun- one of the many similar pistols that you hoarded in your apartment for safe keeping- then pointed it straight at your thinly protected heart where the brush of stainless chilled metal tingled the very fabric of your body.
“…it would be wise of you to listen.” Sure, a gun was pointed literally at her chest- lets not forget that she’s being forced into this position of unwillingness- but hopefully, some otherworldly deity will let (y/n) live one more second.
“Okay, good girl?” You’ve never committed to metanoia before, but at this point, you might as well.
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 10: Better than the Day Job
Kinktober Day 10 Prompts: Prostitution (actual) ~ Hairbrush spankings ~ Over the-knee spanking Fandom: Bright Tags: Exophilia, Prostitution, male escort, spankings, first time, bdsm, reader fic Pairing: Orc/Human, Nick/Reader
[Author’s note: Look. I don’t know why I am like this, I just am. I am why we can’t have nice things. It has been a while since I have done a reader fic, so please excuse any issues with tense.]
The world was a strange and scary place sometimes. You lived your life, kept your head down, worked to keep yourself afloat, took freelance jobs where you could just to make some extra cash, and tried to stay out of trouble. The neighborhood you were in wasn’t the best, but it also wasn’t the worst. It was, however, all that you could afford. The best you could do, an apartment above a shop. The noise wasn’t so bad late at night, the weekends were a bit stressful though as it was crowded and sometimes leaving your place made you nervous with all the people hanging around.
After time, you had begun to recognize the jerseys and the jackets. That specific color of orange, it was the local orc clan turned gang. You didn’t really know much about the Fogteeth, you knew enough to know to just leave them be. They really hadn’t been in your area when you moved in, now you couldn’t throw a rock without hitting one. Not that you would, you weren’t eager to get shot for throwing rocks, plus it was kind of rude. 
You had never had any issues with orcs in the past, and gang or no gang, you weren’t about to start now. You figured if you left them alone, they would leave you alone, and so far that had worked out beautifully. They still made you nervous, but the reality was that almost any group or crowd kind of did.
It took time to get used to all the staring, hearing them speak their own language, knowing they were probably saying things about you as you walked by. Or maybe you were paranoid, maybe they were just talking about their days, or sharing recipes. Still, when they stared and then spoke to each other, it felt like it was about you and you just had to pretend not to notice. 
Life was weird, but it wasn’t unpleasant. There were still some things missing from your life, and while you could ease some of the loneliness with online chat and meeting up with friends, they couldn’t really help you with all of it. You didn’t have a friend with benefits option to go to, and even if you did, what you were seeking was something you weren’t sure you wanted your friends to even know about. 
Again, you blamed the internet. Reading erotic stories had always been a pleasant way for you to spend some alone time, but the further down that rabbit hole you fell, the more interested you became. The kink stories had slowly, over time, become your favorite and you had been fantasizing for months about strong hands holding you down. Of orders being given and rough sex. Spanking in particular had gotten you to squirming more often than not, even your dreams were filled with it. While you had no practical experience, your mind was happy to try and fill in the gaps, which was how you ended up where you were now.
There were some things in life you had never done before, lots of things actually, but the one thing you thought you would never actually do is hire an escort. Which really was just a fancy word for prostitute, but it still helped the idea go down a little better in your head. This was much easier than cruising down the street, and the website promised discreet sessions with trained professionals. You felt that going through a service was going to be safer than trying to pick up a stranger and hoping they weren’t a murderer in disguise. 
Their website was nice, professional looking, and quite well organized. You could search by a variety of criteria based on what was most important to you. Skipping over gender and race, you looked for anything that would filter by kink. It took a bit to find what you were looking for, mostly because you were still learning the technology. Each profile had a picture, though because your internet was being a bit slow, not every picture was loading or loading fully. At the end of the day, looks didn’t matter, you wanted something specific and that was what was important. 
Scrolling through the options you wavered back and forth between a nice female domme, and a male dom. Both had their advantages. A woman might be a bit more understanding of your first time, but that wasn’t guaranteed. In the end you went with male, because that's where your fantasies had gone. You wanted big strong hands manhandling you. Filtering on just the male profiles you had narrowed it down to two. After removing the sadists, as you just weren’t ready for that much pain. You were stuck between two that listed themselves as sensual dominants with the option for daddy dominant scenes. 
All in all it was a little confusing, you had no idea what all the different types of dominants really meant, and at the end of the day, sensual sounded right to you. You didn’t want someone that was too much into pain, this was your first time after all. After flitting back and forth you flipped a coin, random was better than no choice at all and since neither picture would load you couldn’t use appearance as a tie breaker. 
Jak Blackburn it was, which was a strange way to spell a name but it was probably supposed to be Jack and ended up being misspelled or was just an unusual spelling. It was likely that this wasn’t this guys actual name. Chances were he wanted some privacy. If you were an escort you certainly wouldn’t use your real name. 
Now you just had to book the session and hope you didn’t chicken out and cancel it. Which you almost did the moment after you saw it processing which forced you to step away from your computer. It only took a couple of minutes to receive a notification on your phone confirming that your payment method was valid and offering a list of scheduling options. You were surprised to see a block of time available later this evening. Were you really ready so soon?
Surprisingly, you guessed you were since you clicked it and confirmed it. Your method of payment would not be charged until after the session. You would have to provide confirmation of services received, but they required a valid payment method on file in the event that someone might try to get out of paying. You weren’t too worried, though you hoped the charge showed up as something discreet on your bank statement. You really did not want to have to explain that if anyone should ever see it. 
Feeling nervous you decided to clean up your place, in a mad panicked rush. Not that it was crazy messy, but it was a little cluttered and you were embarrassed by the thought of some stranger judging how you lived your life. After that you decided on a shower to freshen up, that would leave you only a few minutes to get dressed, but you weren’t worried about what to wear as you assumed you wouldn’t be wearing it long. Or that seemed like it would be the plan. 
Settling on an oversized tshirt and some shorts you sat on your couch sipping a drink as you stared at your phone. Part of you hoped he cancelled, part of you were afraid he might. You were excited and nervous, so much so that when the doorbell rang you almost tossed your drink across the room. As it was you only spilled it a little bit. Setting down the glass you got up and went to the door opening it. 
Of all the things you had been expecting, the tall orc in a suit was not it. There was something about him, something unusual but also familiar. It nagged at you, tugging at your mind, but you couldn’t quite place it. Realizing you were just staring you stepped aside and gestured him in. Your face was flush with embarrassment. 
“You seem surprised?” 
His voice was deep, quiet, gentle sounding. Closing the door you turned to him and nodded. “Sorry,  I didn’t mean to stare. I have been having issues with my internet and the pictures on the profiles weren’t loading for most of them.”
He looked surprised and his body language changed. “We can cancel at no charge. You should have informed them of the issue. I fully understand.”
He was so polite but you were a little confused. “I don’t need to cancel. I didn’t go into this with any kind of ideal in mind. Looks really aren’t what is important to me. Would you like to sit down so we can discuss?”
The orc nodded and sat on the chair near the couch. He set his bag on the floor and looked at you, his expression guarded, but gentle. He didn’t look angry, more confused than anything. You smiled awkwardly at him as you sat down and pulled your legs under you. 
“So, um, this is something I have never done before. Uh, hiring an escort I mean. Well I haven’t really done any of it before and this seemed like the most logical course? I know that sounds weird but I felt that going through a website and trying to hire a professional was safer than trying to meet some rando off the internet from some dating app or chat room and hope he actually knew what he was doing, and wasn’t a murderer or something.”
“That makes sense. You chose a good site. Everyone on it has to go through a vetting process. If you are concerned I have some credentials here I can show you.” 
Shaking your head you smiled. “The profiles were pretty thorough and linked to several pieces of documentation. I am certain that you can do what your profile says you can do, or I get my money back.”
Jak nodded and braced his forearms on his knees and leaned forward. “Since you didn’t know I was an orc, I know this isn’t that. So what am I here for? I don’t want to make any assumptions, but I brought enough of a variety of items with me that we should be ok, but I can also improvise.”
“Um, well, see.” Now you were feeling shy and nervous all over again. “I um. I want someone to spank me. I mean I want other things, but I feel like maybe I should start there before I get too crazy you know?” Well it was out. The cat was no longer laying comfortably in the bag. 
Jak smiled, a soft smile. “I see, I can do that. Are you wanting any kind of sexual contact or just the spanking?” 
“Oh.. uh.” Well that was not the question you thought you would struggle with. You looked him over and found that he was attractive to you. Not that you had ever really looked at an orc that way, but you hadn’t exactly not looked either. They tended to be tall, muscular, strong, those were ideal, but with Jak, it was simply his eyes. Despite the situation, his eyes held genuine kindness. Part of you wanted to know him, the real him, and not what you were paying for.  “Do I have to decide right now?”
“It would help. There can be a sexual aspect to spanking and it would help me to know if you want any kind of sexual contact at all, or just the spanking with no other kind of touch.”
“OH. ok, I thought you meant like penetrative sex type sexual contact. Um. I don’t know? I honestly don’t even know if I will like being spanked.” You shrugged looking a little embarrassed. 
Jak rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath. “Ok, we will need to take this very slow and keep it simple. Instead of a safe word we will use color code. Red means full stop, the scene ends and does not continue. Yellow is pause, green is good to go after a pause. I will need to warm you up first. That means clothing stays on, and I will strike you gently through your clothes before we work up to clothes coming  off.” The orc paused. “Would you be willing to tell me the rest of the fantasy, or what made you decide to finally try?”
“Oh, well I guess I just have been having these dreams for the last few months and they have been making me a little crazy. I don’t want to be in control. I want to be held down, to feel strong hands touching me. I want it rough and to feel maybe a little bit helpless.” Your face was bright red now and you were fidgeting a bit while not making eye contact. “I know, it is probably super cliche and silly, but that is what brought me to this decision.”
“I don’t think it is weird, and I am flattered that you chose me, even without seeing me. I hope that I can help you fulfill some of your fantasies and needs.” Jak leaned down and grabbed his bag. “Would you like to move this to the bedroom?”
Standing up you lead Jak to your bedroom and sat on the bed looking up at him. He really was quite tall and built. The suit somehow just made him look more imposing and while you still couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe you knew him, you also weren’t sure you cared. He didn’t seem to recognize you, or if he did he hid it well, so whatever this familiarity was, it wasn’t going to be an issue. 
Sitting on the bed with you he reached out and grasped your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “Jak is the name I use for this, it isn’t my real name. Normally I don’t give my real name out, but you seem like a trustworthy person and I would actually like to hear you using my real name if you are comfortable with it.”
This was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. Somehow you had made him feel comfortable with you and you were now curious what his name could be. Maybe that would give you the clue you needed to know who he was. “Of course, and I will keep it confidential, along with everything else we do tonight.”
“My name is Nick, and I appreciate the discretion.” 
Nick, well that really didn’t narrow anything down. It didn’t really help at all, it only made that feeling that you should know stronger. Deciding to ignore it you squeezed his hand. “Well it is nice to meet you Nick, you can call me anything you want to.” You laughed and blushed covering your face with your free hand. 
“Well then, I suppose I will just have to call you princess.” His voice was soothing as he pulled you closer up into his lap. His large hand rubbing your back in a soothing motion. “Would you like to lay across my lap for this sweetheart?”
You nodded swiftly, not trusting your voice and squeaked a bit when he easily flipped you onto your stomach and draped you across his legs. He hadn’t even strained himself, and you weren’t exactly a waif or light. Your thighs squeezed together at the thought of just how strong he really was. 
When he said he would start slow, he clearly meant it. The strikes were slow and gentle at first. He seemed to know how to control his strength well enough that at first it barely felt like a tap. Soon enough you were feeling warm and squirming in his lap. So far it had been rather pleasant and your mind was running away with possible scenarios on how this night could go from here. 
“I think we are ready to remove some clothing don’t you princess?” 
“Yes sir?” Your voice was hesitant, you weren’t sure how to respond or if it was even right to call him sir. He did make an almost growling sound so you couldn’t gauge off that, but maybe it was a good sound. 
You wiggled off his lap and stripped down to just your shirt and underwear. “Is this ok?”
“If that is where you are comfortable, then yes it is perfect.” Pulling you back across his lap Nick began again with gentle taps.
Now with only your underwear as a barrier you could feel those strikes a little more now. The pain wasn’t  uncomfortable, it didn’t even really hurt. There was more of a warm feeling than a feeling of pain. When his tempo increased you felt the first sting of a real strike and it made you jump a bit. The sound you made surprised you, a moan was not what you expected, but that was what came out. You were beginning to come to terms with how much you actually liked this. 
Nick continued to spank you, slowly, gently, increasing the speed and strength of the strikes as you wiggled and moaned on his lap. The more he hit you, the more you began to like it. The wetness between your thighs was noticeable now, at least you noticed it, and you were certain he did too, how could he not. 
You weren’t the only one aroused. You could feel something hard pressing into you, and there was really only one thing that could be. If what you were feeling was any indication, Nick wasn’t small in that department and that just made you squeeze your legs tighter. This time when he spoke, his voice was more gruff, deeper, husky in a way.
“Are you ready to take off the rest sweetheart?”
Standing up on shaky legs you nodded as he braced you while you tried to remove your clothes. It took a few tries, but you were naked in front of him now. You wanted to be shy, but you were far too aroused to care, and he wasn’t being paid to find you attractive. That alone made things a little easier. Though you had almost forgotten you were paying for this.
“You are quite beautiful. I can tell you are aroused, so I will ask again. Would you like any form of sexual contact?”
Well he was certainly not beating around any bushes and you hesitated before nodding slowly. “Maybe go slow?”
Nick nodded and pulled you back down into his lap. His large rough hands caressed over your bare bottom and you felt a thrill go through you. Again he started with small strikes, but this time he started a little harder than before. It didn’t take you long to get worked up again as his strikes fell faster and harder. The sound of skin hitting skin rang through the bedroom and you felt yourself clenching and throbbing. A desperate noise in your throat somewhere between a moan and a whine. 
“You are so beautiful like this, so very beautiful. Can you handle more? I have a paddle with me, or if you have a hair brush?” His voice had a deep growl to it when he spoke.
“Hairbrush.” You panted and made a tiny sound of distress when he lifted you with one arm and lowered you onto the bed. 
He came back from your bathroom holding your brush. It had an oval shape and was made of wood. You had never looked at it that way before, as an item you could use in a sexual way. After this, you might need to buy a new brush because you weren’t going to be able to see it as anything but a paddle. 
Nick lifted you back onto his lap, again using only one arm, and if you didn’t know better you would think he was trying to show off. Of course any thoughts in your head disappeared the moment the brush impacted your bottom. You cried out, loudly, as he began with slow deliberate strikes. He was more gentle than when he had been using his hand, and that was a blessing as this stung. It hurt a lot more, but it still felt good. 
Your core clenched desperately around nothing as you moaned and begged, you didn’t even know what you were begging for, but you needed something. There was a moment when you felt nothing the brush no longer hitting you when you felt Nicks hand press against your back holding you harder to his lap. His other hand pushed your thighs apart and his thick fingers slid over your clit and folds. Your cries became more desperate as pleasure shot through you. 
Whimpering and whining you continued to beg as you finally felt one of his fingers push into you, his thumb rubbing circles over your clit. It was embarrassing, or it would have been embarrassing if you had two brain cells to rub together, how quickly you came from just that stimulation alone. 
Laying across his lap limp, panting, shaking slightly, Nick lifted you up and cradled you in his lap. You snuggled into him and now that the pleasure was fading could feel just how much your ass hurt. 
“I have some lotion I can rub on you. Just lay here, I will get that and some water for you.” 
Nick laid you gently onto the bed and moved out of the room into the kitchen to get some water from your fridge. He set it on the nightstand and dug through his bag producing the lotion. First he rubbed it on you, making sure it soaked into the skin before helping you sit up and holding the water while you took sips. 
“What about you?” your voice came out in a croak. 
His arousal had been, and still was obvious. How could he make you feel so good and not have the chance to feel good himself. 
“You are sweet, but that isn’t what you are paying me for. This is about you, not me.”
“You are right Nick, I am paying, and I want you to feel good too. Show me how?”
There was something fragile in his eyes as his expression softened. You still couldn’t place who he was, but in that moment, who he was, was someone you wanted desperately to know better. 
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the-homicidediaries · 3 years
Chris Benoit
I am so excited to talk about this.
Not because of the context, but because this is one of the reasons I love wrestling so much; there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes that people have NO CLUE about.
There have been several professional wrestlers who have killed people or been killed themselves and the rabbit hole goes deep.
(Rey Mysterio accidentally killed a man on live tv and they still have the video up on YouTube.)
(Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka murdered his girlfriend in May of 1983. Who is Jimmy Snuka? Jimmy Snuka was related to The Rock, Rikishi, and The Uso’s.)
But today, I want to talk about the Daddy of them all, Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit’s crimes are so heinous and unforgivable Vince McMahon has swept his name under the rug and removed him from The Hall of Fame.
Benoit’s crimes also changed the dynamic of professional wrestling forever.
Chris Benoit was born in Montreal, Quebec to Michael and Margaret Benoit on May 21, 1967. He and his family resided in Edmonton, Alberta, however.
During Benoit’s childhood, he idolized Tom “Dynamite Kid” Billington (a British wrestler who competed in the 1980’s and had ongoing feuds with Hart) and Bret “Hitman” Hart (a Canadian-American wrestler and a member of the notorious Hart Family. He is a personal fave of mine as well).
When Benoit was 12 years old, he attended a local wrestling event where both Dynamite Kid and Hart were competing and he knew right then and there that he was destined to become a wrestler.
He trained in The Hart Family “dungeon” and was coached by none other than Stu Hart (Bret and Owen Hart’s father. If you don’t know Owen Hart, you should google him as well because he died under bizarre circumstances on live tv as well.)
When Benoit fought in the ring, he channeled both Dynamite Kid and Hart, even adopting Hart’s signature move, “Sharpshooter” as his finishing move.
Chris began wrestling in 1985 in Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling promotion. He was quickly recognized as a force to be reckoned with and received his first title, the Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Championship, on March 18, 1988.
(This dude has a very extensive history or wrestling in New Japan Pro-Wrestling, World Champion Wrestling, Extreme Champion Wrestling, and World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment, but I just.. I cain’t get into all that, please forgive me. Haha! We are talking 22 years here! So I am humbly skipping to his family life.)
-Okay, so. I would love for this to be a romantic love story for the ages and the deaths resulted in crimes of passion, but that didn’t happen. At. All. Not at all.
You’ll see soon why this was all brushed under the rug.-
Benoit was married twice.
His first wife, Martina, and he had two children David (who is a wrestler as well) and Megan. By 1997, their marriage had broken down and Benoit and Martina decided it was best to end it.
Benoit began living with his girlfriend, Nancy Sullivan, who was the girlfriend of Benoit’s frequent opponent, Kevin Sullivan.
(It started off as an on-screen relationship for views and it led to a real-life affair. Many people joke that Kevin Sullivan booked his own divorce.)
On February 25, 2000, Benoit and Nancy’s son, Daniel, was born.
On November 23, 2000, Benoit and Nancy were married.
This 👏🏼 was 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 a 👏🏼 good 👏🏼 marriage.
In 2003, Nancy filed for divorce from Benoit, saying he would break and throw furniture and was cruel to her. She later dropped the suit as well as the restraining order she had set against him.
Benoit became good friends with fellow wrestler Eddie Guerrero, (a beloved and incredible wrestler, one of my dad’s faves), following a match in Japan, when Benoit kicked Guerrero in the head and knocked him out cold. This started a friendship that lasted even after Guerrero's death in late 2005, in which Benoit had written diary entries to him just ten days after his passing.
(I’m only mentioning this because Guerrero’s death has been rumored to be one of the reasons Benoit did what he did.)
Here’s where it gets gory.
So we know Benoit and Nancy did not have a good marriage, but things seemed to be okay because she dropped all the charges against him.
Benoit and Nancy were living in Fayetteville, GA, with 7 year old Daniel.
On June 25, 2007, police entered the Benoit home after Benoit’s WWE employers requested a welfare check after Benoit missed weekend events without notice.
(Benoit was actually scheduled to win another title during these weekend events.)
Upon arriving at his Georgia home, authorities found Nancy wrapped in a towel. She had died from asphyxiation.
Their son was also found, also dead, apparently strangled. Benoit placed a Bible next to each of their bodies.
Benoit’s body was the most disturbing to be found. The wrestler was hanged on a lat pulldown machine, with a Bible lying on the weight machine beside him. There were also allegedly 10 empty beer cans and an empty bottle of wine.
Autopsies concluded the murders and suicide took place over the course of three days.
On Friday, June 22, Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy in an upstairs bedroom. Her limbs were bound, and her body was wrapped in a towel. A copy of the bible was left by her body. Injuries indicated that Benoit had pressed a knee into her back while pulling on a cord around her neck, causing strangulation. Officials said that there were no signs of immediate struggle. Toxicologists did find alcohol in her system, but they were unable to determine if she had been drinking prior to her death or if it was a product of decomposition.
Daniel was suffocated and killed in his bedroom, and a copy of the bible was left by his body. Daniel had internal injuries to the throat area, showing no bruises. Daniel's exact time of death is unknown. The reports determined Daniel was sedated with Xanax and likely unconscious when he was killed. Daniel's body had also just started to show signs of decomposition but was not as far along as his mother's body, so they were able to determine he was murdered after his mother.
(It was later alleged that Daniel had Fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder that is characterized by mild to moderate intellectual disability. Physical features may include a long and narrow face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. About a third of those affected have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech. Males are affected more than females. Daniel also had needle marks in his arm and it’s alleged that these were the result of growth hormones given to him because Benoit and his family considered him to be undersized.)
Chris Benoit committed suicide by hanging. Benoit used a weight machine cord to hang himself by creating a noose from the end of the cord on a pull-down machine from which the bar had been removed. Benoit released the weights, causing his strangulation. Benoit was found hanging from the pulley cable.
(On a podcast called The Talk is Jericho in 2016, Nancy’s sister Sandra Toffoloni divulged some more information. She said Benoit’s internet search history showed he had searched “the quickest and easiest way to break a neck”. Benoit had a towel wrapped around his neck when he committed suicide and his neck was broken instantly.)
A suicide note was not discovered, but a note written in one of the bibles Benoit had said, “I’m preparing to leave this Earth.”
A few possible motives I’ve seen people mention have included:
•CTE - Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative disease caused by repeated head injuries. Symptoms do not typically begin until years after the injuries and can include behavioral problems, mood problems, and problems with thinking. During his autopsy, it was concluded that Benoit did suffer from CTE after wrestling for so many years. (Back when they threw people from tops of cages, hit each other over the head with chairs and ladders, etc.) Autopsy experts say Benoit’s brain was so severely damaged that it resembled a 85 year old Alzheimer’s patient.
•Nancy’s abuse and filing for divorce - In February 2008, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Benoit was having an affair with a female WWE wrestler and Nancy found out. It was also speculated they argued over life insurance policies.
•Benoit’s alcohol abuse - Benoit abused steroids, but many people believe it was his alcohol abuse that led to these horrific murders. Many of Benoit’s colleagues attested he would drink more when problems with Nancy occurred.
•Eddie Guerrero’s death - Benoit and Guerrero and Benoit were very close. When it came out that Guerrero has died in his hotel room in November of 2005, Benoit was devastated. WWE held a televised memorial for Guerrero and when Benoit was giving his testimony, he broke down in front of the camera. Some of Benoit’s colleagues say, “he was never the same” after Guerrero’s death.
But at the expense of sounding completely heartless, (mind you, I’ve been suicidal myself), why didn’t he just commit suicide?
Why did he have to murder his wife and seven year old son? If we go with the CTE theory, it makes sense because he was not thinking rationally.
I wish Nancy had had the strength to leave him when she tried.
The night after Benoit’s body was found, WWE Raw had a televised memorial for him and his family with Vince McMahon standing in the middle of the ring breaking the news and a video montage.
No one knew he was the one who had killed his family.
When it was later revealed that Benoit had committed these crimes the episode was removed and WWE made the decision to remove nearly all mention of Benoit from their website, future publications, video games, merchandise, DVD/Blu-Rays, and future events.
Like I said.. swept him under the rug.
Benoit is now the “He Who Shall Not Be Named” of professional wrestling.
In ending this, I’d like to quote Stone Cold Steve Austin now.
“Well first and foremost, what I think about Chris Benoit is that guy was one of the most nicest guys I ever met in my life. He’s one of the most talented, hard working cats I’d ever seen in the squared circle. Anybody who knew Chris would tell you those exact two things. That guy loved the damn wrestling business, he was born to be a wrestler and was absolutely phenomenal. Drawing a lot of his influence from The Dynamite Kid, he blazed a path as the Pegasus Kid and his legacy as The Crippler Chris Benoit was just one hellacious career.
“One night, Chris ended up killing his wife and his kid. That is an act so terrible and horrible I can’t even comprehend or guess as to what happened in that house. That will always overshadow any accomplishment Chris had in the ring. He’ll never be in the Hall of Fame, it will just never happen. His career will speak for itself but his record as a human being, his first and foremost, and those actions will never be forgotten. That’s my feelings on that, we don’t even need to talk about the Hall of Fame. Speaking for myself, Chris Benoit as the person I knew, loved him. Chris Benoit as a wrestler, loved him. Chris Benoit as the person who did what he did, unforgivable. Bottom line.” – via NoDQ.com.
Pictured below are Chris and Nancy Benoit, their son Daniel, and their home in Fayetteville, Georgia.
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companionjones · 4 years
Fandom: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I guess Lenny Bruce?
Pairing: Lenny Bruce x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are a Broadway star in the 1950s. You used to be together with well-known comedian Lenny Bruce, but he left you years ago with little explanation. One night, you run into him when he does a set at a club you visit. Can you convince him to come back to you?
Warnings: Sad reader, the end of a relationship, cursing
Please take some time to sign some BLM petitions! Remember not to give any money to change.org because the money goes to the website, not the cause.
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    1955. So far, you’d been in the game for five years. You’d starred in huge Broadway shows. The people loved you. They all saw the untroubled starlet of the stage. The truth was, you were miserable.
    You met Lenny while you were in rehearsals for Guys and Dolls in 1950. That was back when you were much less known than Lenny. The two of you fell in love, and the relationship was more than marvelous.
    However, both of your careers were growing. In contrast to Lenny’s crass, vulgar image, yours was pure and untouched. Only Lenny seemed to see the problems developing due to the two of you being together.
    He left you in 1953. Your manager framed you to be the hero after getting such an apparent terrible influencer out of your life, but you were devestated. You missed Lenny more than anything.
    So, there you were. Two years later. 1955. You were in rehearsals for a musical called Damn Yankees, and you were exhausted. You’d decided to go to a little hole-in-the-wall club to unwind.
    Suddenly, he was there onstage. You realized you’d been unconsciously looking for him. You frequented lesser known places like that, and it wasn’t only to avoid getting recognized. You wanted to see Lenny. And there he was.
    Lenny noticed you about ten minutes into his set. The lights weren’t too bright, so he was able to spot you in your little corner seat.
    He stopped midway through a sentence. “And it was odd, ‘cause I--uh...I, um...You know what, folks? That’s, uh, actually all I have for you tonight...Um...Make sure to tip your waiters, because that’s where I’ll be after skipping out in the middle of this gig.” Lenny couldn’t get off the stage fast enough. He disappeared behind the curtain.
    Out of shock, you stayed in your seat for a moment. You’d seen Lenny bomb before. You’d seen him bomb many times, actually. But never, not once, did you see Lenny Bruce get nervous on stage. You followed the comedian into an alleyway.
    “Are you running away from me?” you questioned, flabbergasted, when you saw him.
    Cringing, Lenny slowly turned around. He was yards away from you. “Would you be hurt if I said I am?”
    “Yes!” you seethed, “Yes, I would, Lenny, because you’ve been running away from me since I was in fucking Can-Can, and I don’t know why!”
    Lenny cocked his head. “Oh, really? You don’t know why? Little Miss Sunshine of the Stage can’t figure out why the dark and scary comic left her?”
    “No, I can’t,” you pushed back. “Because we were fine! You and me, we were happy. And if I know you at all, you were just as wrecked as I was when you left.”
    To that, Lenny didn’t respond.
    “I miss you so much, Len...Dammit, I wish you would at least come over here and talk to me about this like a normal person.” Tears were starting to sting your eyes.
    He shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
    “Why not?” You were at a complete loss.
    “Because if I come anywhere near you right now, I won’t be able to leave again.”
    Silence filled the air.
    “Why’d you go, Len?” you asked so quietly that, for a moment, you wondered if he heard you.
    Lenny glanced to the ground. “I’m no good for you, Y/n.”
    “You mean, you’re no good for my image,” you corrected, “Who I am to them. We both know I’m a big girl, I can handle my booze better than most of this city, and I can say things that can make the whole Navy blush.”
   Lenny chuckled. Under his breath, he agreed, “Yeah, we both know that.” His eyes were still on the ground when he continued, “But that image, that’s important to you too. That image pays your bills and gives you your dream. It killed me to get in the way of that. I can’t do that to you.”
    “Fucking hell, Lenny. Do you know what you’re saying? Lenny, look at me,” you urged to get his eyes off the ground.
    When he complied, you saw he had tears to match yours.
    “I don’t care about the fucking image. I can change it however I want, and nobody can say shit about it. You know why? Because it’s my image. And if they think they can use that against me and not give me roles because of it, I’ll just grab them by the balls and show them that I can do whatever I want ‘cause I’m the most talented person in this town.”
    He laughed, “You got that right.”
    “So, please,” you begged, “Come back to me.”
    Lenny scoffed as he stood up straight. “You see, we keep talking about your image when you’re the one making me as soft as a rabbit.” Lenny made his way over to you in long strides. When he got to you, he tilted your head up so he could kiss you.
    The kiss was firm, stable. Lenny was telling you he’d never leave you again. As you snaked your hands under his trenchcoat to feel him there in front of you, and as you tugged hard on the lapels of his jacket, you were telling him that you’d never let him go anywhere else again.
    Down at the end of the alleyway, a crowd started to gather. “Is that Y/n L/n and Lenny Bruce?” “Holy shit, I think it is!”
    “And so it begins,” Lenny whispered in a jokingly ominous tone against your lips before pulling you even closer to him.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’s Lenny Bruce over on my page. You should go check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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