#i made the moodboard and everything like three days ago and then forgot to do the rest i love night shift brain
aqpippin · 7 months
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you create little homes with others wherever you can 🥹✨🫶🏼🤍
this feels so right for the soft gal™️
tag game details !!!
1. do this cute lil uquiz
2. make a moodboard based on your results
3. pick a song that goes with it
4. enjoy + share !!
I was tagged by the lovely @thecollectionsof + @sexynetra — thank you for the tags my loves!!
I’m tagging @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney @goodemethyd @elmosticker !! (if you’ve already done it, pls ignore me 🫶🏼 have fun !!)
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brattyfics · 3 years
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— until we meet again, preciosa
PAIRING || bishop losa x black!ofc, miguel galindo x black!ofc (mentioned)
SUMMARY || She’s not his, and she won’t ever be, so he leaves her with words whispered like a promise. “Until we meet again, preciosa.”
TAGS || angst, unresolved feelings, not a hea, mentions of toxic relationships, sex (referenced).
WORD COUNT || 1.6k
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Shadowy clouds hang overhead, blocking out the warming glow of the Sun. Raindrops pelt the roof above, drumming a beat of their own before pooling down to the concrete paved streets below. Isis watches stray droplets gather on the tall windows for several moments before stepping out onto the covered balcony. It felt colder than usual inside the three-story, Spanish-style shophouse, but outside it’s the opposite-- balmy, earthy. The air is heavy with humidity, so she has to take deep breaths, but she doesn’t enjoy it any less. Invigoration comes with the rain, brings hope for new beginnings, renews faith for the hopeless.
Down below, people dart between vendors to continue their shopping as the rain lightens. Colorful rays spring from puddles up towards the sky. A pair of young siblings splash each other while their mother sells delicious smelling tamales wrapped in banana leaves. Another young woman peddles gold necklaces, praying candles, and other little knick-knacks to the tourists of Sonora. Everybody has to make a living, including Isis.
She spends her days stroking the strings of a guitar or the keys of her piano, helping patrons of the music shop in between. The ground floor of the shophouse boasts string instruments and an extensive collection of vinyl records. After hours, she makes money hosting private piano lessons. She performs at the Discoteca down the street on weekends, fueling her passion for music almost 24/7 except when Preciosa is closed for ‘maintenance’.
Overstock merchandise and whatever else the Mayans’ Motorcycle Clubs needs to store clutters the second floor. Don’t ask, don’t tell is her motto, so whenever they come to the shop, she simply flips the sign to closed. There’s no point in fighting it. Besides, El Presidente always makes it a bearable, if not pleasant, experience. Bishop had called ahead to warn her that he was bringing Hank, Angel, and the new prospect, Angel’s baby brother, along. She could hear them bumping around, a noisy reminder that her shop only thrived because of the illegal deals happening in the back.
“Why don’t you put all that time and energy into something that’ll get you somewhere?” Being a musician wasn’t an acceptable career in her mother’s eyes, so the woman took every chance she could to crush her daughter’s dreams. “Nobody wants to hear all that noise!” Staring out into the street, she can’t help but wonder where she would’ve ended up if her mother had been supportive. Maybe she could have been a star rising to the top of Billboard charts or someone who worked behind the scenes, writing songs, singing demos. She had the skill set. Yes, her path would have been much different.
Isis had stood front and center, crooning out an old school blues song at a hole-in-the-wall spot when Miguel Galindo first laid eyes on her. It was a chance meeting, one that felt like fate at the time because dive bars weren’t his scene. The owner was a business associate who decided to try his hand at being a restaurateur; Miguel had been kind enough to come out and support. When he caught sight of her shapely frame in a slinky, satin number, he insisted on being introduced.
Miguel stood out in a crowd, wearing a tailored button-down, dark dress pants, and an expensive pair of Italian leather shoes. His salt and pepper beard groomed to perfection, hair gelled so that no strand was out of place. The moment she’d looked into his eyes, she was caught in his web. His masculine scent drew her in like honey to a bee. His charisma held her attention. Miguel sweet-talked her all night, insisting Isis sit next to him, eat h’orderves, and drink overpriced champagne. She obliged. Who could say no to that face? He used their close proximity to reel her in like a fish on a hook, leaning down to whisper in her ear. You’re beautiful. He told her. You have such a smooth, seductive tone. You should be performing for bigger crowds. Have you ever thought about branching out? He told her everything her mother never had, so she was a lamb to the slaughter.
For months, Miguel had treated her like his very own LifeSize doll to play with. He took her on shopping sprees, kept her draped in silk and lace. Isis didn’t think of herself as materialistic, but she couldn’t deny being showered in gifts felt splendid. He was always so tender, handling her delicately as his newest prized possession. As time went on, she became more like an ornament. Something for him to marvel at when he felt like it and then hide away the rest of the time. But nothing was worse than him leaving her to harden after he was finished molding her like clay. She asked for more—time, commitment, only for him to do the opposite.
Thus, Preciosa was born. A way for him to placate her and later make it easier for the M.C. to make him money.
“Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be out your way.” Isis jumped at the sound, turning away from the street to see Bishop. She hadn’t heard him come outside; didn’t expect him to venture up into her personal space.
Isis’ smile rarely reached her eyes, Bishop noticed. He stepped forward, holding a velvet box that felt heavier than it was. Her fingertips tickled him as he passed it over. Diamonds surrounded in white gold gleamed as the clouds cleared away for the Sun. Even Bishop could admit the set was gorgeous, but she didn’t look impressed. He hated being Galindo’s delivery boy, watching the way her face fell when the gifts she received became increasingly impersonal with each week. Not long ago, he’d also been tasked with passing along handwritten love notes or antique music sheets that she caressed like she would a lover’s skin.
“Thank you.”
She couldn’t hide her disappointment from him. Not for lack of trying-- Miguel always reminded her, appearances were everything. Smile. Don’t make me look bad. But Bishop watched her closely, knew her tells. Despite every nerve in his brain urging him to walk away, he steps forward to stand next to her. His calloused hands rest on the balcony’s edge next to her delicate pair, brown in varying tones of sepia and mahogany contrasting against the white paint.
Bishop feels the heat of her eyes on his frame, but he doesn’t let himself respond. Sharing this moment, a quick breath of fresh air will have to be enough. But she’s all around him, smelling of florals and sweet spices. He can’t think. He fumbles with his pockets in search of a cigarette. “You mind?” She shakes her head but is otherwise silent. Still watching him as he smokes; the way he takes long, steady pulls, cradling the stick between his full lips and then between his strong, veined fingers. She would bet her last dollar that he was an expert at other things involving his fingers and mouth.
When his hand drops again, she links her pinky with his, hesitant but exploratory.
Bishop looks at her, really looks at her like he sees her. It’s nice to be seen, especially when you’re the princess locked up far, far away from everyone you’ve ever known. She’s a black girl from Texas living in Sonora for goodness’ sake. This is no life, and she knows it. Several moments pass where neither can look away, both weighing their desires with the potential consequences.
With a deep breath in, she musters up the courage to ask Bishop what she’s been wanting to for months.
Her heart feels like it might just explode while she waits for a response.
Bishop drops his head to his chest, cursing under his breath. “Fuck.” If Miguel ever found out… But he already knew what his answer would be. He’d been waiting for the invitation. The heated looks they exchanged, the way her fingers lingered on his when he passed her something. That damned pout she wore when Miguel forgot to send a flower arrangement-- she had no idea Bishop had been the one buying the flowers for some time now. No matter what mood she was in, fresh flowers always brightened her day. He loved watching that lonely look transform into something more lively, curious as she marveled over his choice for the week. He went for variety, slowly learning what she loved and what she just liked; her favorite color, favorite scent.
The subtle tension between them, he wasn’t even certain she noticed. The cash and the bling could’ve blinded her to all other men. But it didn’t.
When the Sun had gone down several hours later, and the guys were gone, Bishop redressed. Belt buckling with a clink, leather sliding over his shoulders easily. He let himself take one last look at her wrapped up in a poofy comforter set. The mustard-yellow velvet complimented her skin in the best way, bringing out a gold undertone. Her eyes seem to have brightened as well. He couldn’t resist leaning over to stroke her sweaty skin. Dark coils stuck to her beautiful face, frizzy in some parts from when she rode him, sweat escaping from her pores, flat in the others from when he laid her on her back and hooked her legs over her shoulders.
He wants to stay, to prop himself up against the intricately carved wood headboard and hold her in his lap while they whisper sweet nothing to each other, but he can’t.
She’s not his, and she won’t ever be, so he leaves her with words whispered like a promise. “Until we meet again, preciosa.”
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NOTES || This fic and the collage above was inspired by @isisafrofairy’s gorgeous moodboard! Also, the wonderful “Until we meet again, preciosa” line is hers as well. This is my thank you for the moodboard you made for me. I really leaned on the pictures you used for inspiration and I think I managed to capture/include each element. It was so hard not to ruin the surprise, but I was able to shut tf up for once 😂 I’m really proud of how this turned out, and hopefully you enjoy it just as much! Also, I realize the moodboard had nothing to do with Miguel but he lives in my head rent-free apparently 🥴
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GENERAL TAGLIST || @woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @sheeshgivemeabreak @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @angelreyesgirl @blessedboo @glimmerglittergirl @apantherinmypastlife @brownsugarcoffy @marvelmaree @starrynite7114 @scuzmunkie @thewarriorprincessxo @sadeyesgf @pearlkitten33 @imanerdychubbyqueen @literaturefeen @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @everyhowlmarksthedead @yourwonkywriter @trulysuccubus @sparklemichele @luckyharley1903 @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @amorestevens​
MAYANS M.C. TAGLIST || @cant-decide-at-this-moment
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jaesqueso · 3 years
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pairing: toxic boyfriend!hendery x fem!reader
summary: You finally decide it’s time to say goodbye and on the way you reminisce about how it all started. And how it ended.
word count: 2,074
warnings: angst, strong language, cheating, domestic violence, death
a/n: I originally thought of this for a music video but since I’m just a simple girl living a simple life I turned it into an actual story. do remember this a fanfiction, I’m not saying Hendery is this type of person! do give me some feedback please! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
You wake up as the sun shines in your face through the window. You get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. You don’t even bother checking the time, there’s really only one thing you need to do today. You get dressed in the darkest clothes you own that contrast with the bright day outside. You look in the mirror and take a deep breath. Today is the day you let go.
You grab your purse and as you open the door you notice the umbrella standing against the wall. You look at the window and there isn’t a single cloud in the sky. But you still take it with you. You walk down the street, sunglasses hiding your tired eyes. Your steps are not too fast, you know that you have to finally do this but you want to take your time. You know you’re not going to back down, as you’ve been doing for the last two weeks. Today it ends.
As you pass the park you remember when you first meet him.
Three years and two months ago
“Hey! Watch were you’re going-” You started scolding however bumped into you but stopped when you saw his startled expression.
“I’m so sorry!” He apologised as he removed his headphones. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You look down and check your camera to see if you at least got the shot you’ve been trying to get for the last twenty minutes.
“Wow, those look amazing!” He glanced at the little screen in your hands checking your work.
“Oh, thanks.” You awkwardly smiled at the nosy stranger.
“Are you a photographer?” He curiously asked.
“Not yet, I’m still finishing my degree. These are actually for a school project.” You explained as he was showing interest in your favourite subject in the world. You could talk about photography for hours.
“Nice! I bet you’ll the best in class with those pictures.” He genuinely smiled and you suddenly felt shy. “Are they going to be displayed anywhere?”
“Well, by the end of the semester there will be an exhibition on campus. You should drop by.” You gulped as maybe you’re being too straight forward with this person you’ve never met before.
“I would love to.” He smiled and extended his hand. “I’m Hendery.”
“Y/N.” You shook his hand returning the smile.
And he did came to the exhibition like he said he would. Until then you had exchanged texts, calls and even went on a few dates. At the time you were amazed by him, everything you learned about him just made you fall more and more.
Three years ago
“You made it!” You smiled and walked to Hendery giving him a warm hug.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He hugged you tightly before letting go. “This is for you.”
“For me?” You gasped as he extended a single red rose your way.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d like to receive a bouquet so I thought just one would spare me some embarrassment.” He scratched the back of his neck looking down with a shy smile.
“That is so thoughtful, thank you Hendery.” You took the rose as you felt your cheeks burning up.
You showed him around the gallery until you were in front of that photograph you were trying to take the day you met. He pampered you with compliments on your work the whole time and you felt like your heart could burst at any minute. Unfortunately a couple of hours later he had to leave so you accompanied him outside.
“Thank you so much for coming, it means a lot to me.” You bit your lip. “And for the rose of course.”
“My pleasure.” He flashed you a nervous smile.
“What?” You asked curiously.
“I have something I want to ask you but I’m afraid your answer will break my heart.” He mutters as he looks down at his shoes.
“Hendery,” you took his hand and squeezed lightly, “I would never break your heart.”
“Will you be my girlfriend then?” You gasped at his words. “I’m sorry, it’s ok if don’t like me back-”
“Yes!” You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to give him the first of many kisses you would share along the years.
You smile at the memory of what was one of the best days in your life. You always choose to remember the happy moments you spent with him. The dates, the smiles, the laughs, the I love you’s and the promises, even though they were bound to be broken.
In your relationship you loved and you hurt each other, but you would always find a away to make up and get back into each others arms. He proved to be more than you could handle but you couldn’t let him go because you weren’t perfect and also made a lot of mistakes. But you always forgave each other and promised to be better. Unfortunately some things never change.
You kept walking to your destination but stop as you pass by your favourite bakery. As much as you’d like, the memories you try so hard to forget always find their way back.
Two weeks ago
“I’ll take the pink one please.” You ordered a small cake in his favourite colour for your third anniversary together.
As the lady behind the counter carefully puts it in a box wrapping it with a silk ribbon you sigh. Yet again he forgot an important date in your relationship. You had been taken things easy on him as you’d been fighting a lot lately because he’s always working and never has time for you, so you just decided to surprise him with a nice gesture and maybe you could forget everything and have a nice evening with him.
You walked back to your shared apartment, cake in your hands and a smile on your face. It was a beautiful day as the last rays of sunshine lit up the streets. He wasn’t picking up your calls or replying to your texts but you wouldn’t let that affect you today, he was probably glued to the couch playing video games with his friends, lost in the virtual world.
You opened the door and was surprised when you didn’t see him in the living room so you tried the bedroom. As you walked through the corridor you heard muffled sounds but ignore them as you admire the pictures on the wall that decorate the hallway along with that one you took on your first encounter.
“Hendery-” You gasp as you open the bedroom door, dropping the cake on the floor.
You look up at the sky as clouds gather above you in all different shades of grey. You open up the umbrella you brought and open it over your head as the first drops of rain fall from the sky.
And in the blink of an eye a beautiful sunny day turned into a gloomy rainy disaster. Just like in that day.
“Y/N!“ He pushed the girl on top of him on the bed as he looked at you. “It’s not what it looks like, I can explain-”
“Fuck you, Hendery!” You walked out and headed towards the living room.
“Babe wait!” You heard him shout as he tumbled on his feet to put some sweatpants and a t-shirt on and go after you.
“Don’t fucking call me babe now!” You gathered your things and walked to the door.
“Please, let me explain!” He stepped in front of the door to block your exit.
“What is there to explain? I’m pretty sure I know what I saw!” You screamed. “In our fucking bed, Hendery! At least have the decency to take your whores somewhere else!”
“Like you do?” He defied you.
“Oh so I’m the bad guy now?” You walked back into the living room not wanting to look him the face.
“You are!” You shot him a death glare as he continued excusing himself. “You’re acting like you are so perfect but you fuck up too! You hooked up with my best friend of all people!”
“It was a fucking game Hendery! Don’t act like your seven minutes in heaven with that random girl where all that innocent!” You yelled.
“That was a year ago!” He walked in your direction.
“Oh you want something more recent? How about that fucking slut in our bedroom right now?” You pointed to the hallway.
“She means nothing, she’s just a co-worker-” He shrugged his shoulders which made even more mad.
“A co-worker?” You interrupted him, tired of his excuses. “So she’s the reason why you always stay late at work now? Shit, I should’ve know.”
“And who are you to talk about co-workers when you keep texting that fucking guy?” He raised his voice again.
“He’s my assistant! We need to talk about work!” You widened your eyes in disbelief.
“Your assistant, right. I bet he assists you in everything you need-” He stoped as you slapped his face. He took his hand to his cheek and looked you dead in the eye. He grabbed you by the neck and pushed you into a wall. “How do you fucking dare hit me?”
“You can hurt me whenever you want but I can’t give you a slap when you’re talking shit?” You muttered struggling as he restrained your breathing. A few seconds later he let you go off his grip and you dropped your hands to your knees taking in as much air as you could. “Why do we do this to each other?” You asked as you get back up.
“I don’t know.” He sat in the couch with his hands on his head.
“Why did you have to do this in our anniversary of all days?” You shook your head, as if him cheating on you another day would make a difference.
“Our anniversary?” He looked at you in surprise.
“Just another one you forgot. And to think I was willing to forgive you-“ You stopped as you saw the girl from before peeking through your bedroom door. “But I’m done Hendery, I don’t need this, I don’t need you.”
“You don’t need me?” He got up again, eyes filled with anger and fists clenched. “You have someone else to go to now? A fucking bitch like you will never find someone better than me.”
You were about to slap him again but he quickly held your wrist while his other fist landed in your cheek.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to do that-” He let go off your wrist and took a step back widening his eyes.
“Fuck you, Hendery! I never want to see you again! I wish you were dead!” And with that you stormed out of the apartment.
“Y/N, wait!” You heard him yelling as he came after you.
When you got outside it was raining hard which made your vision even blurrier as tears were already forming in your eyes. You ran, not really knowing where you were going but you knew he was right behind you as you heard your name being called over and over again.
You crossed a street not even checking for any cars but as you reached the other side you stopped your steps as you heard a car braking and hitting something.
No, it couldn’t be…
You stop walking and take a deep breath. This is it the place you’ve been avoiding but it’s time. It’s time to let go, it’s time to set yourself free. It was not your fault.
You enter the cemetery and search for his grave.
“Hi, Hendery.” You whisper as if you don’t want anyone to hear it, only him, wherever he is. Your eyes start watering as a single tear rolls down your cheek. “I’m sorry.”
You squat down and lay a red rose next to his gave stone.
“We were never good together, and we knew it. I’m sorry that we let things get this far. I’m sorry that I didn’t let go sooner and maybe you’d still be here.” You take a deep breath. “But it’s time to finally let you go. I forgive you for hurting me. And I forgive me for loving you.”
You lower your umbrella as the rain stops and the sun shines again through the clouds.
“Goodbye, Hendery.”
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jonah-aesthetic · 3 years
Gingerbread I Zach Herron
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Zach X Reader
Plot: Y/N’s successful boyfriend invites her to his to bake Christmas Cookies.
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: The last bit is a little rushed, this isn’t edited but I hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas my Lovelies! 
Rating: 16+ (do you guys like the spicy scenes or no)
Inserting the brass key into the lock with a click, you pushed open your door with your shoulder. Entering your apartment on the three floor, you flicked on the lights and tossed you keys on the counter not caring where they landed. 
The entire day was stressful, the corner store was out of your favourite creamer. Next you forgot you phone at home and had to run back. You were late to work cause your hair wasn’t participating. Not to mention that Asshole that cut you off earlier. You were annoyed and ready to throw on something comfy to watch Netflix for the rest of the day.
A yellow post-it note caught your eye, Remembering it not being on the fridge this morning. Plucking it off you read the words written upon it. 
 Hey Darling, 
@ 10pm meet me at my place, we’re baking cookies. Don’t call me saying no cause I blocked you. Also there’s a gift in the fridge for you 
xx - Z 
Smiling you shook head, only Zach would make the effort of blocking you on everything so you had no other choice then to show up. You had the worst habit of denying his invitation when you weren't in the mood for it. But you’d end up regretting it five episodes in of your favourite tv show. Zach always managed to make your day better, ever since the day you meet him. 
December 10th, 2019
The aroma of the coffee shop was filled with the intoxicating smell of coffee beans and Christmas music. Third  in line all you could think about how the guy you were talking to you ghosted you. He was the first guy who found interest in you since the breakup with you ex- boyfriend. The bastard used that to his advantage just to get laid. Knowing you were fairly vulnerable and desperate to feel any connection again. What- 
“What can I get you?” The leathery voice asked, 
Without realising you moved up on the line, slightly embarrassed you wondered how many times he had to ask you. “Just a large coffee, three sugar, three cream.” You spoke with a small smile, what could you say. you had a sweet tooth and hated the bitter taste of black coffee. 
“$3.78.” His bored tone was heard, 
Nodding you reached into your purse for your wallet. searching you found two quarters, one dime, two nickles and no sign of your back card. Of course not you left it on the coffee table after buying a book online. Your dumb ass never put it back home. 
“Fuck.” You say more to yourself, but you knew it was heard my others close by. Looking up you smiled apologetically at the barista. “Funny story- 
“Here, I got it.” a smooth memorising voice cut you off,  you watched as some guy reached over your shoulder to pay. Not just any guy with that perfect bone structure a fucking god, okay maybe that was too drastic, but you didn’t think it was. 
“No, You don’t have to.” You spoke trying to push him away, but it was too late his card reached the machine chiming happily. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s my pleasure honestly.”  His smile sucked the breath out of your lungs. His brown eyes were watching you, wondering what emotions were going through your pretty little head. Taking his hand out of the pocket of his slacks, reaching it towards you. “Zach” 
“Y/N” You smiled back at him, connecting your right hand in his. They were warm to the touch and significantly larger then your delicate one. The thing that intrigued  you most about him was his un-denying classic style he held. Wearing a beautiful button down, which had four different black and white patterns. Two buttons undone, just enough for his defined chest to peek through. Tucked into a pair of black striped slack as he wore black oxford shoes, pulling the entire look together. He was formal, yet he wasn’t and you found it fucking attractive. 
After Zach requested his order and paid you both caught onto a conversation. Waiting for your drinks, he was funny and from what he was telling you talented too. Collecting your beverages he offered to take a seat with you, and you definitely weren't denying that offer. Talking with Zach you forgot all about Chase, or was it Chance? Who cared he wasn’t important anymore. 
You had no idea how long you talked before the barista who served you earlier kicked you out. You switched numbers and he asked if he could walk you home. It was dark and you didn’t necessarily want to walk alone down town.
Sticking the note to the counter you hopped in the shower washing away the filth of the day, changed into leggings and a hoodie that once belonged to him. Locking up the apartment you got into your car and began driving to Zach’s house. Feeling giddy you forgot about the candy bar settling inside the fridge. 
Arriving you walked through the front, glass doors sliding open like they always had for you. Reaching into the lobby you caught the eye of Julian who had been sitting behind the hostess’ desk. Green eyes staring he smiled, “Well if it ain’t little Mrs. Herron.” Greeting you with the nickname he gave you eight months ago. Nonetheless it still made your cheeks heat up at the thought of marrying the boy one day. 
“Hello to you too Julian.” You reply, heading straight to the white elevator. Pressing the silver key card against the scanning pad. It was a gift given on the same night you planned on offering your apartment key to him. You both laughed at how connected your mindset really was. 
Dinging the elevator opening speaking mechanically to you. “Good evening Y/N, and Happy Holidays.” Walking in you whispered a small thank you like you’ve always had. You still weren’t use to how luxurious the apartment-plex was, Only feels like yesterday was the first time you agreed to come over. 
Letting the elevator engulf you with hushed Christmas music. There were no buttons embedded on the side. All the information it needed was packed into the chip within the card. All that was plastered on the wall was a screen, counting down the seconds it took to reach his pent house.
Zach’s success as an artist never bothered you, never made you feel less then him. He’s never once made you feel that way with him, especially when you two fought in the dead of the night. He’s even asked for you to move in, but you liked you place. Liked your own space.The luxury of his life could be a little much for you at times. 
Dinging the elevator door exposed Zach’s apartment, lights were dimmed showing off the string of Christmas bulbs scattered about. Home Alone displaying on the t.v above the crackling fire place. Candles lit emitting of the scents of pine and peppermint mingling perfectly together. Christmas decor still intact from when you placed it with Zach’s help last week.  Staring at the atmosphere your boyfriend created you wondered where he was. 
“Zach?” Your voice travelled through the pent house like a maze. With no response you decided to look for him yourself. Entering his room you spotted pyjamas atop his silky black duvet, Another note rest a top. 
Just put these on for me 
xx -Z
Plucking the note you unfolded them, a white crop top and a pair of red pyjama bottoms. With all nine of Santa's reindeer’s names written in white all over them. You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot, he had a chill night planned for the both of you. Since he knew you weren’t one for big crowds, you were blessed to know he understood that. 
Stripping in the middle of his room you changed into the Christmas pjs. Tossing your clothes into the corner of the room you ventured off to find him. Wasn’t too long before you spotted him in the kitchen, in matching Pyjamas dancing to the Christmas music. That right there was the love of your life and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
“Hey hot stuff!” you holler over the music, he stopped instantly at you voice, looking up he breaks into a stunning smile. “ I didn’t here the elevator.” His brown eyes a little apologetic, “You also didn’t here me call for you. Too busy lost into the Christmas feel.” you tease him. 
“Here, I made you this.” Grabbing a red mug off the counter he stalks towards you. Towering over you small height, he places the hot coco in your hands. The hot beverage topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, and a candy cane melting into the side of it.  You didn’t think your words could manage the gratitude you felt from him. Placing you unoccupied hand around his neck bringing him to your lips. You kissed him, a soft and slow one. He tasted like hot coco and candy canes. 
“I could never get use to the way you kiss me in appreciation.” He says after you let go of his neck. 
“I Don’t feel like my words are enough, not like the way you sing them.” 
“Your words are everything to me, but I’d definitely prefer the kissing.” Zach winks, flirting with you like you two were still best friends. Walking backwards to the island he did a once over of your body, and a second time. His brown eyes travelled from head to toe drinking every inch of you in. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head a little. He always flirted with you, he never saw the reason to stop. Zach found you breathtakingly beautiful and wouldn’t let you forget it. 
Drinking the glorious hot coco he made you, your eyes watched at he started prepping the ingredients. His moments were sly and simple yet attractive, you still couldn’t grasp the thought of him being yours. The man practically got on his  knees till you said you’d be his girlfriend. 
“So are you just going to stare at me the whole time or help me?”  His eyes never lost focus as he caught you red handed admiring the way this hands moved. Your cheeks flushed, trying to hide yourself behind the cup of hot coco. The man could flirt with you but the moment he catches you staring you burn up like a tomato. 
“I wasn’t.” You mumble into your beverage, hoping it hide the quiver in your voice. It failed. 
Dark chuckle emits into the air, “I love the way I affect you.” Still trying to hide into your cup, you couldn’t see the way he prowled over to you. His brown eyes a little dark and his expression a little sharper. You gasped once his hands came in contact with your skin. Goosebumps arisen on your waist as he backed you up against the counter, lifting you atop it. 
You let him pull the mug away as he looked into your eyes, seeing every piece of you. Separating your knees he slide between your legs. Pulling you closer against him, you locked your ankles around his waist. He held your chin in his hands you felt every muscle, every vein, and every bone in his left hand. Placing his thumb on your chin he pried back your bottom lip. 
Your core throbbed between your legs feeling the sexual energy flowing in his blood. You were putty in his hands like you’ve always had been for him, only him. You released a whimper at the growing tension, wanting him to do something, anything. Moving closed to you, his mouth swerved past you lips and to your ear. Breathing against your neck sending shivered down you spine.
“I want to fuck you, but right now I want to make cookies with you.” He whispered softly and you could hear the teasing smiled on his lips. Just like that the burning in your core vanished like thin air and replaced with disappointment. That fucking brick, he’s done it multiple times before. yet you still haven’t learned. 
“Okay lets go.” You grab his hand, hopped of the counter and pulled him to the kitchen island. Showing no weakness, no emotion, no trace of the way he affected with his prickery.  Zach was bewildered by your response, nonetheless let you lead them. 
There was no effort needed into making the dough as Zach had measured everything out correctly.  While slinging along with the Christmas music you combined the wet ingredients and Zach did the dry. You’d never forget this moment with him, sneaking glances while you made gingerbread cookies with him.  
Wasn’t too long before combining both mixing bowls into a larger one, placing that one under the mixer. Watching the dough as it mingles everything together creating a beautiful brown and soft cookie dough. It was mesmerising to watch honestly. 
Distracted with the dough you couldn’t feel the tight hold of Zach’s eyes on you. Watching every muscle, the way your lips twitched with happiness. How your calm breathing expanded your chest. The motion of your fingers riming the brim of the mixing bowl. The way the light in the kitchen beamed off your hair, making the shade brighter. 
“I love you.” His voice sounded hazy, lost in the thought of you. 
Surprised you whipped your head in his direction, a giddy smile upon your lips. He leaned against the counter, sipping hot coco out of a forest green mug with ‘Merry’ written in white. You realised your mug and his had been a matching set, as yours had the word ‘Christmas. 
“I love you too.” It was as if the words were yanked from your soul. Maybe it was in the moment or you knew that you truly loved this man with your whole heart. But you let yourself say it and you didn’t feel the need to apologies. Zach responded with an ear to ear smile, no words and you were thankful for that. 
From there it didn’t take too long before the dough was plop on the island and rolled out. Gingerbread cookie cutters dug into it softly, before they were laid down on a cookie sheet. Then pushed inside the oven to be baked. 
“Speaking of cookies, I got you a gift.”  Looking into his doe brown eyes you held in a laugh. “How do those even connect?” You asked him, raising your eyebrow and crossing your arms accusingly at him.
“They don’t, But I got you one.” He pulls a small white box with a stunning red ribbon on top from behind his back . Small meant it was either a give card or jewellery, with him it always had been expensive. Which you were grateful for but you’d rather the small gift. Deep down you didn’t want to feel like a burden, Zach has done so much for you already.
“It’s not Christmas yet.” You managed to get out. 
“Does it have to Christmas for me to get my girlfriend a gift?” He asked his voice smooth and sounding like home. Shaking your head gently you say “No, I guess not.” It would making you feel less guilty if it had been. 
Taking the small box into your hands you watched his brown eyes light up. Starring at the little bow atop, you pulled the lid Revealing a gift that was neither what you assumed. Inside was a golden card sitting on green velvet, Not just any card, a card that was identical to his pent house key card. Grasping it into your grip you saw the small detailing. Matte background with a shinning luxurious car and letters that spelled your name. 
“What’s this?” You ask having a good idea, but you wanted confirmation.
“Key card for the parking garage.” You could spy the hesitation and anxiety swimming in his eyes. You wondered how long he’s had this tucked away. Waiting for the exact right moment to ask you again. 
“Will you move in with me?”  his words were forced from his lips like he was awaiting your denial. “I made my office into one for you, your own space. It’s all yours if you want it.” He continues not hearing your answer over his hammering heart. That explained why he kept it locked for the last two months, you never questioned it since this was his house.
“Yes” you smile, knowing you made the right choice for the both of you.”...but you didn’t have to do that Zach.”  He engulfed you in a hug and you latched onto him like it was the last time you would see him. Holding you tight to his chest you could feel his lips kiss the crown of your head. 
“Really?” His slow question vibrated against his chest where your head was laying. you moved to catch his eyes with yours, to make sure he heard you. “Yes, You’re my forever Zach.” 
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hs-devote · 4 years
1. I N E F F A B L E
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Erskine Limited. A well known multinational company in U.K. Is a home for 20,000 employees across the country. One of the prestigious companies.
This head quarter looks more extravagant than the branches. Of course.
Never in her wildest dreams she thought would be sitting here. Greyish, sleek and shine furniture. Looking around, everything look sophisticated, professional.. while daydreaming about how come this opportunity was offered to her. Until a smooth yet firm voice calling her up close.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
Turning her head, a woman smiled at her, offering warm gesture. She's tall, her short black hair look nice against her delicate brown skin.
“Yes, I am.” Smiling, Y/N shake the woman’s hand.
“Sanaa Martinez.”
“Y/N YL/N”.  
Now, sitting face to face with her made her nervousness increase. Well, sitting in front of your new boss surely makes your worries skyrocketed. But, looking how she welcomed her, she's positive this would be good.
“Firstly, apologies for coming late. Having small problem back at meeting and.. your boss ask me to meet you before we met him.”
Hold on, this gorgeous woman will not be her new boss? If Y/N remember correctly, Mr. Adams said she would meet the new boss directly.
“Oh, I suppose he would be so busy.”
“Yeah.. yeah, perks of being the man who hold the highest level .”
“Pardon?” Y/N could not hid her shocked face, until something she think inappropriate in this situation came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry. I have no idea, I will working with the....”
“The CEO? Yes. The Owner? Can be. The man is in both position. I believe Mr. Adams did not tell you that?”
“No, ma’am.”
She sighed while massaging her temples, “Poor girl. I think he a bit bitter of you moving here. But this is your good chance.”
“Honestly, I was quite surprised when the offering letter came. Did not think I have a chance here. I mean, I work in a small branch office in Swansea. Now, I’m here, in the head quarter, in London.” Y/N smile, keeping the eye contact while deep down in her heart, she tried to calm herself. How the fuck it could be? She never dreamt being work together with board of director, let alone the CEO, the Owner themselves.
She laughed, “Non sense. If your performance can offer something more, why not?”
“I guess?” Y/N mumbled, giving her shy smile.
“Well, I have your resume here. But, tell me about yourself.”
Day one went smooth.
Day two went alright.
Day three, four.. until a week being here in her new office, everything went perfect. Y/N got a week training before starting her task as Executive Assistant to the owner this company. Mrs. Davies, or Rita, the lady in her mid forties who was her tutor for the this past week, patiently taught her about everything will be done as a EA.
“I must admit.. that you are indeed deserve this job. I’m amazed how you could cope with these, Y/N” She said in her desk, while screening Y/N tasks in her screen. “Never thought  a young lady will filling the EA position. I’m impressed.”
She grinned, “Thank you, Rita. It’s all because of you could guide me well.”
“Not really. You learnt quickly and I think.. pretty little head of yours can memories everything perfectly fine.” She hummed, “I am still responsible for you until next month. So if there are complaints coming, of course I will see you again.”
“And oh, Madeleine just told me Mr. Styles is in his office right now. I think it’s good for me to introduce you to him before you move to your office in Monday.”
“His receptionist? Well, you will work with her too. Let’s go, Y/N. Your new office is quite far from here.”
Walking to her office was quite far because it was on a different level building, they separate the BOD’s building and general employee’s. Y/N eyes gawking around, admiring how people seem more professional doing their works.
“One thing I haven’t said.. be patient with Mr. Styles, he’s kinda having short temper.”
When the lift door opened, Y/N see a woman sitting behind her large desk. She must be Madeleine.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Davies.” She squeak, standing confidently. The moment her eyes move towards Y/N, she could see clearly her smile falter slowly. Weird.
“Hello Mads, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Madeleine.”
“Nice to meet you, Madeleine.” Y/N smile while offering a hand, think shaking hands is normal and professional, apparently not for Madeleine. She just nodded while giving they both access card, “I’ll let Mr. Styles know you guys are here.” Y/N take it awkwardly.
“An access card?” Y/N mumble, glancing at Madeleine was on the phone.
“Everyone require an access card to the his office. I’m sure Madeleine will prepare one for you.”
“He’s ready. Waiting on his office. He just has 30 minutes tops. ”
“Thank you Mads.”
“Rita?” Y/N murmured, while looking at her surrounding.
“Why Mr. Styles needs an assistant while he has a receptionist? Madeleine looks capable being an assistant too.”
“Well, actually Mads was once tested by us, but the results were not satisfactory. Everyone wanted to apply this job but.. you come with outstanding results. So, congratulations.”
They stopped in front of solid door that engraved Harry E. Styles in gold letter, Rita scanned her card until the door opened revealing a man focused on his Macbook. His gaze turned to Y/N for a moment.
The first thing caught her off guards was the green eyes, and the cheekbones. Sharp jawlines followed, with pinkish thin lips.
“Mr. Styles? I'm here with your new EA.” Rita said, introducing her to him.
“Have a seat, Rita. Don't standing on the door.” He smiled. For a second, Y/N was cursing at her ignorance for not asking her boss profile, so seeing a man look younger than she think, doesn't shock her at all. He must be no more than twenty-seven years old, quite a young man he is – she think.
“This is your new EA, she is from Swansea office. She will ready in Monday.”
“Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles.” He gave Y/N small smile, offering his hand.
“My name's Y/N Y/L/N.  Thank you for the opportunity. Glad to be part of head office.” Shaking his hand, Y/N could feel his firm grip yet skin was very soft. She glanced at small amount of glitter on his nails, was he wearing nail polish?
“My pleasure.”
“Well, that's it. We do not want to interrupt anymore. And oh, Harry. Please do not be hard on this one. God knows how hard to find a competent EA.” Rita teased while pat Y/N shoulder. Mr. Styles, or Harry, just laughed while escort they both to the door.
“I never know Mr. Styles is that young.” Y/ N muttered, letting the lift door closed, ready taking them to the ground floor.
“I think you know, no?” Rita frowned. Y/N sighed, shaking her head.
“Well, maybe I just forgot that part. He is young, just turning twenty-five last February. Running this company after his father death three years ago. But young Harry has been helping the company since he was in college. That's great because not many children are successful in continuing a family legacy.”
“He's great business person too, but like I told you before. He's temperamental. If you get his wrong side, he won't afraid barking at you in front of people. And that's not a sight to see.” She added.
Monday coming. Y/N woke up at 6 in the morning, like usual. When she was still in Swansea, she could wake up at 7 because her home just 10 minutes away from office by bus. Here in London, Y/N needs at least 30 minutes to arrive on time.
Arriving the North Tower, which office level that Y/N wil working in. Madeleine was nowhere to see when Y/N stepped on her floor. She had no idea where is her desk. Seems like Mr. Styles haven't arrive yet. It's only 8.30 am, no wonder the office is still empty. The cleaning lady still doing her work. She has 30 minutes left until work hours begin. Suddenly, Y/N's phone buzzed. A message from unknown number.
Y/N, it's Madeleine. If you arrive earlier than me, your office is next to Mr. Styles'. It doesn't need access card, except if Mr. Styles ask for it.
After replying a thank you to her, Y/N walked to Mr. Styles' office. Noticing a door next to his, that must be hers. Her office was pretty spacious, Y/N has her own desk, shelves. Quite surprisingly to find an iPad next to the iMac. Smiling happily, she turned on the iMac, running the email first.
1 new message from [email protected]
From: Styles, Harry <[email protected]>
Subject : Introduction To: [email protected]
Good luck on your first day. Your office, your desk, everything has been fullfiled for your needs. If you are wondering, you will often join me in meetings. I think the iPad will be more efficient than you try to bring the iMac. - I'm joking. I will send your next tasks separately.
Giggling, Y/N reads the message one more time until realise that was sent at 8.00 am. He arrived earlier than her, didn't he?
While retrieving another message to come, Y/N bring her tumbler to the break room, hoping to find coffee or tea at least. Madeleine just arrived at her desk in hurry, while her hand quickly opened her Mac.
“Morning Madeleine?”
Her head shot up, “Hi. Have you set your finger print yet?”
“Yeah, already set.” Y/N nodded, “Want something? Maybe I'll find tea or coffee in break room.”
“No no thanks.”
“Right.” Y/N mumbles, walking away.
The break room was huge. Y/N could find anything. Professional coffee machine, huge fridge, wine cellar, anything.. you named it. It was more to say the kitchen of a professional chef. Y/N decided to make espresso because she sure need caffeine to work first day with Mr. Styles.
“Jesus Christ!”
Turning around, Y/N was absolutely shocked to find Mr. Styles standing behind her the whole time, only few centimeters away. His eyes looking sharp, his green irises darker than usual. His aura was different, a bit sinister than Y/N first met him the other day.
“Mr. Styles?” She spoke quietly, gripping her tumbler tightly. But he didn't budge. He was so intimidating. “Do you want something, Sir? I can bring it to your office?”
He suddenly closed his eyes, shaking his head once. Now, his irises looks like back to normal, light green. But the greenest she ever seen.
“I'm sorry. Uhm, I didn't sleep much last night. Think need a coffee, yeah.” He mumbled.
“Need me to bring it to you?”
“No, but thanks.”
“Alright. Excuse me, sir.” Y/N smiles, leaving him alone. It was undeniable she feel a little bit strange with his behaviour. Leaving her desk for a while, there was already about twenty incoming emails with almost all of them have attachments. None other than Mr. Styles was the sender.
The clock ticking at 2.00 pm when Y/N look at her phone, didn't realise time passed quickly. Until someone knocked her door. Madeleine bring a small box in her hands.
“This is your stationery and and your personal business cards.”
“Thank you Madeleine.” Nodding, She take it and put it on the desk. She hummed, turning her heels towards the door. Y/N grab her paperwork, ready to dial Mr. Styles' extension but her office phone rings first.
Incoming call: 621 – Harry Styles
Speaking of the devil. It was Mr. Styles himself.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Styles?”
“Hello, Y/N. About the monthly report, please finish tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Because you have to focus on Barclays paper, they arranged a meeting this afternoon. I'm sorry for sudden notice.”
“Oh, it's okay. Actually, both are done. I might deliver to you right now?
“Already?” Y/N frown, somewhat confused to hear his shocked voice, “Err, yes?”
“Amazing. If you have the softcopy, it would be nice if you send me both of them. For the Barclays paper, you can keep it because you'll join me in the meeting. I'll see you in the lobby an hour from now. Thank you, Y/N.”
After he hung up, Y/N send him both of softcopy and rush out to grab lunch. This is her first meeting and she doesn't want to pass out in the middle of meeting because she was starving.
The trip to Barclays takes 20 minutes but seeing the traffic is a bit crowded, maybe they will arrive a little longer. Along the way, Y/N prepares meeting material while Mr. Styles busy behind the wheel. Surpising enough a big boss like him drives himself.
“Mr. Styles? Samantha from Barclays just emailed new adress for meeting. It won't held in Barclays office.” Y/N spoke lowly, not sure what she said. It's strange that huge company like Barclays suddenly change their meeting place without any apparent reason. From the corner of her eye, Y/N can see him rolling his eyes.
“It will take place at Shangri-La The Shard.”
“Please push back until 4.15 pm, I'm afraid we can't be on time because the traffic.”
“Right away, sir.” Typing away his request, Barclays team confirmed it in less than five minutes, “Confirmed at 4.15 pm, level 34, Yi Room.”
“You know, you will get used to things like this, sudden meetings, sudden change of place, hours. Event cliet. So, don't be surprised.” He said, one hand stay still in the steering wheel and the other touching the LCD screen.  Y/N just realised, his left hand's fingers filled with rings except thumb and ring finger. Ink sticking out of his wrist even though it's covered by his suit jacket sleeve. She wonder how many tattoos he had underneath. His pinky nail was polished with chipped black nail polish.
“Fancy listening some music? I'm not very used to driving in silence.”
Y/N smiled, “Go ahead. I don't mind.”
Get Up I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine roaring softly throughout the car. He hummed happily while tapping on the wheel. She doesn't expect, despite his appearance, he has this kind of an old soul. Staring at him from the corner of eye, his looks doesn't need to be questioned. He has a very beautiful face. His charisma is extraordinary, even when they were walking together in the lobby, she could feel it. Y/N swore there was many females who can't take their eyes off of him when he walks.
“Something wrong Y/N?”Y/N was caught off the guards, didn't think he was aware the whole time she was staring at him. Even behind his sunglasses, Y/N swore his eyes were wrinkled in humour.
“N- No. I just didn't think you have an old music taste.” Y/N startled, her cheeks heated.
“Oh, do you want to change the song? What do young people usually like? Ed Sheeran? Justin Bieber? One Direction?” He muttered, tapping the screen. He look like he was talking to himself rather than talking to Y/N.
“Ew no.. no. I'm fine. I just quite surprised. Didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry, sir.” Y/N laugh, massaging her temple. It didn't occur to her he could joke like that, many high profile people like him are always rigid and strict. He laughing along, letting Everything Has Changed go next.
“You not need to call me Mr. Styles or sir if it doesn't involve work, you know? I feel like an old man with big belly if you keep calling me that. Tell me, how old are you? You are no more than twenty-four if I may guess.” He asked.
“Uh huh, turned twenty-two last January actually.”
He nodded, “Well. Before we met them, one thing you need to know about Barclays, they're a bit sneaky, like to make their clients feel uncomfortable. Don't be surprised if they're too blunts. To be honest, I'm not comfortable taking you there.”
Y/N frowned, watching him from the side. “If you don't mind me asking. Why?”
He sighed, “ Just be careful with Mr. Higgins.” When he turned the wheel, Y/N could see The Shard at the end of the road. This is her first time setting foot in luxury hotel, she was ecstactic and nervous at the same time.
That meeting went well, even though it was tense up a little, Mr. Styles or Harry could soften it. He was so damn calm throughout the meeting, but Y/N was sure from the look of his eyes, he really want to end it quickly. Especially when Mr. Higgins kind of made a comment of her, Harry defended her well. Y/N really wanted to speak up herself, but it was better to be quiet, playing the good – obedient assitant.
Sending the agreement back and forth for almost two weeks, Erskine and Barclays finally found a deal.
That day, she was arranging Harry's meeting schedule for the next two weeks. Aware of number of meetings he has to attend, the more tasks awaits her. It's not that she was not happy, but her lunch hour was falling apart. Ring of her phone startled Y/N, without seeing the caller id, she grab it. “Y/N”
“I need you to come to my office right now, we have some serious issue to deal with.” With that, he hung up. Y/N frowned, Harry doesn't usually speak grimly like that. Rushing into his office, she found him sitting in his chair, one hand cupping his chin. His eyes blankly staring at some files on his desk.
“Is there anything I can help sir?” Y/N ask slowly walking toward him. Without looking at her, he nodded, “Have a seat.”
“Are you aware we have two contracts which are a little deviated from the absolute procedur?” He asked, his tone was low. “Well, it's really deviated.”
“No, sir.”
He sighed, not satisfied with her answer. “Both are big clients, and it has been going on for months.” He grab two big files, giving it to Y/N. “You read this, find and point out the mistake.”
While Y/N read the papers, Harry dialled Madeleine's extension. Asking someone who was unfamiliar to his office. 10 minutes passed, someone entered the office. Y/N dare to not looking, just focus on the papers and scribbled some points that she feel weird.
“You called me, sir?” A male voice. She could feel Harry stand up from his chair, hands resting on the desk. He whispered to Y/N to move to the couch.
“Did you drew up contracts with companies during 2018? All of them?”
“Only from April to September.”
“Did you know you messed up?”
“Pardon? I don't understand-”
“Two god-damn big companies could bail on us, Ethan. You didn't read it or didn't understand?!” For the first time Harry raised his voiced, you could see him trying to hold back his anger. This Ethan guy shaking in his boots, his head hang low, both hands tangled. Y/N glad Harry didn't scream a bloody murder, if he did, she was sure this room is soundproof.
“I'm sorry Mr. Styles, b-but it was under your knowledge. I asked you at that time but you shoo me away. Even I asked Carlton, he said everything has been discussed by you.”
Harry froze in his desk. He seemed shock, but shouldn't he not be surprised if the agreements was under his acknowledge?
“It was?” He asked, half unsure at what he said himself. Ethan nodded in confirmation. He excused himself after Harry told him to leave. In less than 30 seconds, the door bursted open revealing a man with fancy clothes, curly blonde hair, hands in his pants. Y/N never seen him in this company before. Harry sighed in disbelief, dialling Madeleine's extension immediately.
“Don't you know what function of the phone or fucking intercom is on your desk?! I didn't say I'd be available for another guests.” He hissed.
That blonde guy looking at surrounding, until his blazing blue eyes caught Y/N busy figure on the couch. He taking closer step to her, tilting his head. “I've never seen you before.” He spoke lowly. Y/N just offered a small smile.
“Hey, Harry. Is this your new birdie? You didn't tell me you got a new beau.”
What do you think? Let me know!
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strwberrytae · 5 years
Cat Cafe
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✦ characters: jungkook x reader ✦ summary: a romantic blurb about meeting a sweet boy when working together at a cat cafe [moodboard made by me] ✦ genre/words: just fluff. | 2.6k words
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There’s something so comforting and relaxing about going to work to be surrounding by delicious coffee based drinks and adorable cats that are eager for attention. Who wouldn’t love this job? It’s stress-free except for the busy atmosphere early in the morning or right around lunch. However, there’s a balance in the craziness. There may be a lot of people demanding coffee but every person has a kind smile because the magic of the fluffy kitties win over anyone’s sour mood. Going to work everyday was pure bliss and it couldn’t have gotten better. At least...so you thought.
You weren’t supposed to be here today. Honestly, you had a gut feeling that you would be called into work as a coworker said that had been feeling under the weather lately. They swore up and down that it was just a 24 hour thing and it would pass; three days ago. A text message came through late last night asking you desperately to cover for her - her last resort. Being the kind person that you are, you couldn’t say no. Besides, you didn’t really have plans for the day outside of the norm, so you obliged.
Walking into the cafe early Tuesday morning seemed like any other day. The sun had just risen by the time you got there. The smell of coffee still lingering from the day before and fresh pastries already being made by another coworker. There were two jobs to be down in the mornings - start the baking process and awake the kitties. Seeing as the baked goods were already underway, that left taking care of the little ones.
“Good morning,” you heard a happy voice chime from behind the counter. Ah. The owner was working today. She was always a bright and cheerful one. That’s another reason why you loved this job so much. Her personality radiated in the cafe. White walls, light wooden floors, peeks of bright colors like pink and yellow decorating the cafe beautifully; although none of it is overwhelming. It’s welcoming and inviting in every way.
“Oh, Y/N! There’s someone new starting today. You wouldn’t mind training them, would you?” The question ran through your mind. Covering a shift and you have to train someone new? It sounds like your friend set you up today really but again, what person would you be if you said no?
“Of course I don’t mind. Are they in the back already? I’m on my way,” you asked sweetly. She nodded with a bright smile; thanking you repeatedly. With your little backpack on your shoulder, you resituated it and made way to the back to help take care of the kitties. It’s not that you minded helping new people. It’s not a difficult job but anything that added any stress onto you made you uneasy - as it would anyone.
When you made it to the back, you set down your bag followed by your jacket. There was a presence in the room with the sound of meowing kittens and laughter. When you turned around, you found your new coworker on the floor, covered in little furry creatures. From the looks of it, it was a young man; although you couldn’t see his face. You couldn’t help but to laugh slightly and walk over to aid him.
“I see they’ve already taken a liking in you,” you said as you joined in the laughter. You took a tiny grey kitten that had walked over his face and lifted it off of him to set down. But when you saw his face, you gasped lightly at the sight. His smile was radiant and his nose scrunched in the cutest way. His skin looked silky smooth but what was most appealing was the little scar on his cheek.
“Ajumma said I could get started with waking them. I didn’t think it would so hard,” he said with a hearty laughter then started brushing the cat hair from his face. It was the cutest sight. His gaze met yours and there was a skip in his step as well. When he looked at you, his smile became softer. It was comforting yet it made your heart race at the same time. Even the sound of the kittens around you sounded distant in the wind.
“Hi,” he said softly, “I’m Jungkook.” The lump in your throat made it difficult to speak. Were you blushing? It felt like you were as you suddenly felt warm in the face. Shaking your thoughts, you looked down to continue helping with removing the cats off of him.
“Well, Jungkook. You did a great job in waking them. Next time, try with food maybe?” Your comments were light and timid. Even more so cute as you made the man laugh yet again; clinging onto your every word. Once the little ones were back on the ground, you stood and he followed suit. When he stood before you, he towered over you; making you weak in the knees. Looking up at him, you didn’t say a word. It was as if the skill suddenly escaped you. Jungkook tilted his head to look at you.
“Do you...have a name,” he asked with a affectionate smile. You nodded slowly and swallowed hard.
“Y/N…” Your name pleased him. Did he always smile like this - so radiant and childlike? He extended his hand for you to shake, which caught you off guard. You looked down at his hand like it was foreign. He laughed and took your hand to place into his, shaking it up and down animatedly.
“You’re supposed to shake hands. Someone needs coffee, I think. Will you show me how to make that next,” he asked eagerly. Two adult sized kitties walked up to your ankles and began rubbing against you. You looked down and smiled.
“First, we have to feed them or they won’t be happy today.” Trying to quickly change the subject, you moved to begin feeding the little ones; showing Jungkook where everything was in the process. Today wasn’t going to be an easy day.
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The first part of the morning was a little difficult. There was no denying that he wasn’t attractive. He was in every way. It wasn’t just his kind features or broad shoulders, or the way his arms flexed in every little movement he did, but it was also his gentle personality. Respectful to the owner as he should be but he was so sweet with her - making her giggle every few minutes. It wasn’t just her that he made smile but also the customers. He made everyone feel so welcomed and cared for, even if he messed something up. Every mistake he made, he did so with a smile. Every once in a while, you felt as if he was looking at you when you weren’t looking. Perhaps it was in your head but when you met his gaze, he would occasionally look away; other times he wouldn’t.
“Ah you’re such a quick learner, Jungkook-ah! Y/N has taught you so well!” The ajumma said in the middle of the day as Jungkook successfully made a rush of orders without a single mistake. You were assisting a girl at a table but close enough to hear. When you looked up, he was smiling at you.
“She’s the best, isn’t she,” he said with something hinted in his tone. The moment sent a shiver up and down your spine. The day should have gotten easier but it didn’t.
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By 2 o’clock, the lunch crowd was beginning to slow down and around this time, the nighttime person would arrive to relieve you for lunch. Looking at your watch, you wondered if it was moving too fast. It was already twenty minutes after. Jungkook walked over to you as you leaned back for a moment against the counter to catch your breath. He stood closely beside you. You could feel his arm brush against yours, making you shiver yet again.
“You keep looking at your watch. Do you have a date,” he asked with a gentle laugh. Although he seemed slightly nervous by his own question. You looked at him quickly, startled to say the least.
“W-what? No. We’re supposed to have lunch now but it looks like they’re running late to give us a break.” At the moment, the owner walked up to you two and bowed.
“Y/N, Jungkook, I’m so so sorry to ask. I forgot to tell you that there isn’t anyone to close tonight. We’re the only ones available to work today but...I have plans this evening. You wouldn’t mind working a double, would you? I’ll give you extra pay!” The sound made your heart sink. How does someone forget such a detail? Were you really set up for this day? There was hesitation on your face as you thought it over. Was there really a choice in the matter?
“I don’t mind staying. I didn’t have plans anyways. But...I haven’t closed before so I would need Y/N’s help,” he turned to you with the same delicate gaze as always, “would you mind staying with me? It could be fun.” There was no way you could say no now. So what, you have a little crush on him. It doesn’t mean you can’t function at work, right? After all, you two will be working together in the future, so now is the time to get used to it.
“I’ll...stay. It’s no problem,” you said timidly with a forced yet cordial smile. The owner smiled graciously and excitedly jumped to hug you both. She danced in place with you thanking you over and over.
“I knew you two would work well together! I’m so happy. Thank you, thank you!” Jungkook laughed lightly and you couldn’t help but to follow his contagious laughter.
After the ajumma allowed you to take your break, the rest of the day actually seemed to go by rather quickly. Jungkook needed less guidance but it seemed like the things he learned very well, he would occasionally need to hear the instructions again. He would stand close to you as you would show him for the third or fourth time. It didn’t make sense to you but any excuse to be near him didn’t bother you.
There was a moment when you were each helping customers. Both customers asked for a cappuccino. Jungkook reached for the espresso the same time as you, his hand brushing over yours. He lingered as if not able to move. Both of you simply looked at your hands as you felt you could hear your own heartbeat.
“Y/N,” he whispered to grab your attention. You looked up at him as his soft, brown eyes looked into yours.
“I need the coffee,” he finally said to emphasize his need. His tone was so soothing and hypnotizing. Ignoring the fact that you needed it as well, you moved your hand from beneath his slowly and waited patiently. To your surprise, when he finished making the espresso, he handed it to you to use.
“I’ll make mine next, okay,” he said as you stared at him with doe eyes. He could sense that you were confused but you thanked him and continued making the drink; knowing the customers were waiting.
Even after the owner left, things ran smoothly. It wasn’t a difficult business to maintain without her there. You just had to make sure the customers knew not to leave the doors open for too long and to be gentle with the little ones. Big cats, skinny, fluffy, and short haired; grey, white, and multicolored cats purring and playing all throughout the cafe. It was really the best place to work. It felt like home - now even more so.
It was only an hour until closing and it started to rain. It was a mellow rain yet a torrential downpour. The rain wasn’t planned and you didn’t have anything with you to get you home safely. Customers had stopped coming in but you knew you couldn’t close early. It was Jungkook’s idea to get the kitties back to their room in the back so they can try to rest during the rain without being too scared. It wasn’t like customers would arrive now, so why not? Instead, the two of you waited for the rain to subside. You sat in front of the counter in perfect view of the large window; watching the rainfall in the night sky.
Jungkook had just finished wiping down the counter. After setting down the rag, he walked out from behind the station and stretched. Raising his arms up high and stretching his neck, you couldn’t help but to notice the hint of skin from his stomach that showed. You quickly looked down and blushed, trying desperately not to look for too long.
“It doesn’t look like it’s ever going to end, huh,” he asked as he walked over to join you on the floor. You lifted your head to look at the rain and shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s hard to tell sometimes,” you said softly. He hummed under his breath.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” His voice was low but soft still; always so soft and gentle. Suddenly, there was a crack of thunder that pulled you out of your frazzled state. You yelped and jumped in your spot but surprisingly, so did he. The moment made him laugh; shaking his head.
“That wasn’t very manly,” he said with a slight blush in his cheeks. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously, he let out a sigh.
“You don’t think less of me now, do you Y/N?” His question wasn’t entirely serious. He was trying to lighten the mood, distract you from the thunder. It actually put you at ease. You shook your head, unable to look at him directly. When did he get so close to you? Your arms were touching, both of your legs extended and crossed in front of you. Even in the aggressively nature taking place outside, indoors with him seemed so calm yet just as terrifying.
Out of the blue, you heard a little meow. Looking to the side, a tiny kitten started trotting over to the two of you. A little greyish-blue kitten with bright blue eyes seeming lost and scared from the rain. You couldn’t help but to feel sorry for it, so you called it over. Without hesitation, it’s little feet stumbled over you, climbing onto your lap. With a love-induced smile on your face, you slowly pet its fur to comfort it.
Jungkook admired how caring and sweet you were with the little one. It made him smile. Everything you did made him smile. He reached over to stroke its head as well, leaning over ever so slightly. You were so engulfed in what you were doing, you didn’t even notice how close he was to you.
“Y/N…” Slowly, you turned your head to him. His face just inches from yours. His eyes fell to the shape of your lips, slowly leaning closer and closer towards you. Your hand on the kitten stopped moving; as did time. As if in slow motion, he lips pressed against yours; so velvety and tender. His pillowy, pink lips massaged against yours in a gentle kiss that seemed to end too quickly. He pulled away slowly and looked into your surprised eyes with a delicate smirk.
“Sorry...I really wanted to do that all day…” His voice came across as a whisper but was he really sorry? It didn’t seem that way. Did you mind? Not really. By the pleased expression on your lips and the pink tint in your cheeks, he took that as his answer. The kitten curled up on your lap to relax as Jungkook slid his hand behind your neck to embrace in another soft kiss. The rain had already stopped but neither of you had noticed. Suddenly, you were really glad you came to work today. 
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Ubbe-25th of December (1)
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MoodBoard done by the amazing @worldisadirtyplace, I love it so much, thank you!!
An anon requested a military!Ubbe. This is something new. Maybe it’s not my best work, but let me know what you think! Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot!
Plot: When Ubbe’s gone, the only thing you have left is hope.
For the second time that day, you put on the dishwasher. The electric bill would probably be a nightmare that month, but you weren’t thinking about that. Glasses, spoons, bowls and dishes were scattered around the counters, and more of them were in the dishwasher waiting to be cleaned. On the other side of the kitchen, food for almost a whole army was finished; the only clean part of the kitchen. The rest was a mess, just like your life.
Your hands, already raw from scrubbing so much, kept trying to clean the huge vase you had used to measure the food. Little droplets of blood were mixing with the soap and the water, making it seem like you had been cooking chocolate. In the back of your mind, a kind voice you knew too well was telling you to stop, to catch a break and to do what you had to do. But listening to that voice would mean admitting that there was a yellow letter waiting for you in the living room, with the official army’s stamp, that was still unread.
It had arrived the previous day, delivered by the mailman you greeted every morning. Who knew you since you were a kid, and who was a good friend of Ubbe. Maybe building your reasoning on his pained face was not logical, yet you couldn’t ignore it. You couldn’t ignore his pitiful stare as he gave you the letter, that seemed to chase you even in the kitchen. So you decided to ignore it and to stick to your original plan.
Ubbe was coming home that night and the whole family was going to celebrate it together. His brothers were already in your apartment, and his parents would be coming in a few hours. And you had to finish the damn dinner by then.
“Y/N!” Ivar’s scream made you turn your head, just in time to see Hvitserk taking a piece of the cottage pie you had made.
“Hvitserk, no!” he didn’t listen to you, and put quickly the food on his mouth. “It’s still-“
You were interrupted by his scream as he spat the food on the floor, moving his hands desperately and sticking his tongue out. Ivar and Sigurd laughed from the living room while Hvitserk stumbled into the kitchen and pushed you aside so he could reach the sink. He put his mouth under the stream for a few seconds, until he could feel his tongue again.
“Why is it so hard for you to listen?” you half smiled, crossing your arms. “You know I would have given you a piece later.”
“But it looked so good!” Hvitserk’s pouted like a little kid. Since you had known him, he had been your favourite brother. Ubbe had introduced you two early in your relationship, and while he was away Hvitserk had stayed with you. “You can’t cook something so delicious and expect me to wait! This-This is your fault!”
“That’s a shame” you shrugged, going back to your previous task. “I’ve heard of people who had lost the taste because of a burn.”
“Very funny, Y/N” he rolled his eyes, still very aware of his tongue’s pain.
“Hey, it’s true” Ivar said, and soon you heard the crutches against the wooden floor. “Uncle Rollo can’t know the difference between sweet and bitter.”
The three brothers started arguing and you decided to stay out of it, knowing that it was most likely to end up in a fight. Your smile disappeared when you thought how Ubbe would have tried to break them away only to end up in the middle of the fight. You took a shaky breath, remembering again the yellow letter in the living room. The brothers knew about it, and they respected your decision of not opening it. After all, it had been delivered to your house; and after more than one year waiting for him, you had the right of taking your time.
You felt a pair of arms taking your hands out of the water and turning you around. Hvitserk was looking down at them with a little frown, the screams and punches of Ivar and Sigurd in the background. He caressed your fingers and palms softly, and then tried to meet your eyes.
“How low have you been in the kitchen?”
“I don’t know” you shrugged, and it was true. Since Hvitserk ‘moved’ to your house, there had not been a day where he had gotten up before midday, and you had started in the kitchen when the sun wasn’t even up.
“I think that’s enough food” he said, looking back to the counter where all of it was. “We will be eating leftovers for a month”
“He’ll be probably hungry” you blinked two times, and waited three seconds to talk again. Avoiding thousands of tears to roll down your cheeks. “Who knows what is he eating there, in his last letter he told me that they only give him soup.”
Your attempted laugh came out as a sad chuckle, and that time Hvitserk didn’t try to smile or hide his pain. All of you were worried about him.
It had been five months and a half since his last letter, where Ubbe told you that things were getting messy and that he was being sent to another military unit. He was supposed to be home the 25th of December, the date where all the soldiers would be back to celebrate Christmas and New Year with their families.
You were tapping your foot against the floor, the cries of the baby beside you driving you mad. When you had first saw him, five hours ago, you thought he was the cutest thing alive. He had looked up at you, smiled and laughed until his mother had let you grab him. You had played with him and bounced him up and down for a while, enjoying his little face and hands. But you were tired of him already.
He had begun crying when his mother had taken something he was licking away from him, and he hadn’t stopped since then. People around you were glaring at them, and the poor woman had already taken the child for walks. Still, he kept crying and fussing. You had offered to hold him while she took a break and went to the bathroom, and the kid had taken delight in pulling at your hair as hard as he could. The scarf around your neck that shielded you from the cold of the airport fell to the ground, and you had to wait until his mother was with you again to pick it up. Who spends so much time in the bathroom? She did.
It was all worthy. For you and for the three boys sleeping beside you, it was all worthy. It didn’t matter the cold of that 25th of December, because you knew that two hours later you would be in your house with your personal heater beside you. It didn’t matter the uncomfortable chair you were sitting in or the annoying people around you. It all didn’t matter because Ubbe was coming back home.
Driving with his brothers had been a nightmare, since they didn’t exactly get along well, but you endured it anyway. When you saw the flow of green and brown uniforms coming out of the boarding gate, you forgot about everything bad that had happened to you for the last year. He was there.
You woke up Hvitserk, Ivar and Sigurd, and walked closer to the group of soldiers. Men and women kept walking out, some of them not even looking at you, just running to meet their families. The smile of your face was so big your cheeks hurt, but you didn’t care; you were shaking with excitement.
But he didn’t come.
Soldiers left the airport and soon there wasn’t anyone else in there, just the three of you. You kept looking towards the door with a smile, waiting for him to come home. To run to you. To be alive.
“Y/N?” you turned around and saw Alfred, one of Ubbe’s mates. “What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for Ubbe” you answered, the obvious reason behind his absence screaming at you. You chose to ignore it, and kept smiling. “When is the other plane arriving?”
“What other plane?”
Alfred’s confused face almost made your smile disappear, but you kept smiling. He was coming out of that door. Your Ubbe was coming out of that door the 25th of December, just like he had told you on his last letter. And you were going to spend Christmas together.
“Ubbe’s plane. When is it landing? Today?”
“Y/N, why don’t we sit down?” Hvitserk put a hand on your shoulder.
You turned around and saw Hvitserk’s teary eyes. Suddenly, you were aware that his brothers were not behind you; Ivar was sitting on the floor with his head down, and Sigurd was looking through the big window. You couldn’t see neither of their faces, but you could hear the quiet sniffles of Sigurd. You looked back to Hvitserk, who had one single tear running down his cheek. You also heard Alfred talking behind you, and Hvitserk answering him. The kind brother, probably your best friend in that moment, pulled you towards his chest, and held you there as he talked with Alfred.
The horrendous sweater he was wearing quickly got stained with tears; in the red and green fabric appearing round perfect drops of water. You tried to understand what was happening, why he was crying, why Sigurd was hugging Ivar when they didn’t get along. Why Ubbe wasn’t the one hugging you, because he was coming home on the 25th of December. Right?
The dinner was silent, not even the TV with the local news or the fights between the brothers making it any better. As you tried to swallow your food avoiding the lump in your throat, the memories reached you.
Your mind went back to that night, blocking your surroundings and instead listening to Alfred’s calm voice. He had told you that Ubbe was missing. Probably your most hated word since that moment. Not killed or captured, just missing. You spent a week trying to assimilate that word.
Missing meant that Ubbe could be dead or alive, in an enemy’s camp or lost somewhere in between. He could be hurt or recovering, you didn’t know; neither did Alfred. He was kind enough to give you his phone number, and in the first month you called him almost every day. Thankfully, he was the only person who didn’t think Ubbe was dead, and for you it meant everything. It was hope.
And that hope bought you to that dinner, the 25th of April. Since that horrendous day at the airport, you had made a routine, the only thing preventing you from breaking apart. Every 25 of each month, the whole family would have dinner in your apartment, and you would cook more food than necessary. Aslaug was the first one to support your decision, and forced the whole family into the tradition. Hvitserk was more than happy, because there was food around and he was already living in your house. The rest of the family didn’t want to do it as first, they thought it was a stupid thing.
But for you, it wasn’t. It wasn’t stupid because Ubbe was not dead, just missing. Because he promised you that he would be back the 25th, and you knew he was a man loyal to his word.
Because, deep inside, you knew he was coming back home.
A soft hand on your shoulder made you look up to Bjorn, Ubbe’s older brother who had also been in the army. You didn’t know him very well, enough to understand that war made him a quiet man, even around his family.
“Y/N, we’re finished” he half-smiled at you.
Suddenly you realised that the only thing unfinished was your dish. All of your ‘guests’ were gone, the table neat and Hvitserk sleeping on the couch. Lights were out too, the small lamp you had always on making you able to see Bjorn’s tired face. It must had been two or three in the morning, you couldn’t blame him.
“Sorry” you mumbled, chuckling a little. “God, I’m sorry. I did it again.”
“Don’t worry, you know we don’t mind” Bjorn took a step back so that you could get out of your chair. “Aslaug and dad are already gone, he has to wake up early. They took Ivar with him, and Sigurd is sleeping in your couch. Want me to take him home?”
“No, no. He can stay, his brother is always here anyway” you smiled, and tried to get up.
As soon as you put one foot on the ground, the world around you became blurry and you nearly lost your balance. You gripped the table for dear life and Bjorn hoisted you up, preventing you from hitting the floor. He sat you back on the chair slowly, and you sighed at his worried eyes.
It had been going on for a while, even if you didn’t want to admit it. You had this state where you would become unaware of your environment. It could be a few seconds, some minutes. An hour. Then, your body would grow weak and you couldn’t get up for a while.
Hvitserk had been with you every time luckily, and all his family knew about your ‘condition’.  They told you that you should see a professional, but they didn’t force you. The real reason behind your fainting was Ubbe’s absence. You weren’t sleeping well, eating correctly or having a normal life. Just waiting for another 25.
“Thanks” you smiled at him, as he kneeled beside you. “I think I’m gonna go to bed. It’s been a long day.”
“Do you want me to finish this?” he asked, talking about the kitchen and the table.
“I’ll finish it tomorrow” you said. It was another excuse to avoid thinking about the yellow letter, to busy yourself with something else; to deny the truth.
There were a few minutes of silence, where none of you looked at each other. It was a strange situation. You had never been so close or talked with Bjorn, but you had heard about him from Ubbe. He talked about his brother as if he was the greatest man alive, and you were sure he went to the army because of him.
If he had been there, he would have ambushed his brother his questions about anything, like a child searching for his father’s attention. If he had been there, he would have taken you to bed and gossiped about his family with you. If he had been there, but he wasn’t. Along with his brother and you, the letter was the only important thing in that living room.
“I miss him too” he broke the silence, and you looked down at him surprised. “I may not seem the most affectionate brother, but I love him. And it’s hard to be without him. For everyone.”
“Yeah” you mumbled.
“You-Maybe you should talk about it. About him”
“Bjorn” you sighed. “I already told you, I’m not going to the physiologist. I’m fine.”
“Not a professional, just me, for example. You’re building a lot of things inside you, and you need to let them go.”
“Ubbe’s not gone” you raised your voice, but lowered it when you remembered the two brothers. “I don’t need to talk about him, I need to talk with him. And when he-“
“Then tell me what you like about him. Anything, Y/N” he pleaded.
You fell quiet again, not knowing what to say. A car passed by your apartment and the soft lights let you see Bjorn’s wet cheek. Some tears were running down his cheeks, and you understood what he meant them. Ubbe was probably his favourite brother, and not having him was hard, not only for you.
You opened you mouth a few times, trying to let something out. Instead you gripped his big hand and breathed slowly.
“I don’t think I can’t go on without him” you mumbled. “I-I, we’ve been together always. We had everything planned. I can’t-This is the only thing I have left. The dinners, his family. This house. If he’s not here, it’s not enough.”
Bjorn sighed and looked to the ground.
You had met Ubbe when you were children, in school. The first day, with just six years, Ubbe found himself alone with some mean guys. They pushed him around and mocked him, and Bjorn didn’t come. He ran and hid under a tree, sobbing wildly; and that’s how you found him. You offered him half of your sandwich, that had peanut butter and caused an allergic reaction on him. And since that moment, no one knew how but you became best friends. Best friends who had their first kiss together, shared their first time and planned a life together.
Tears welled up in your eyes, so you turned away and walked to your room.
“I’m going to bed, Bjorn” you smiled again. “You’re welcome to stay here, Hvitserk room is free.”
“Torvi must be worried” he said, not moving from his spot. “Do-“
“Goodnight, Bjorn” you cut him off.
And just like that, you went to bed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
The first rays of sun hit your living room, hitting the glass surfaces and creating a comfortable scene. You had woken up later than usual, and decided to stay in bed until eight. Usually, you would be up since six or even earlier. But you needed strength for what you wanted to do.
In your hands, the letter seemed smaller than when it arrived. The envelop was pale yellow, with your address written in a messy calligraphy and the official army stamp. It was slightly wrinkled at the corners, and stained with a mysterious substance. You preferred to think that it wasn’t blood, but there was no human way to tell.
Your first attempt of opening the letter went bad, and it fell to the floor. You took it back with shaky fingers, and that time you did it right. The letter came open and you discovered that the envelop itself was the letter.
Hi doll, it’s been a while.
An ugly and happy sob left your lips when you read the first part of the letter. You highly doubted the high commands of the army would write to you like that. It was your Ubbe, who had put you that nickname since you were in highschool. He was alive.
I wanted to write sooner, I promise. I also wanted to be home for Christmas, to put up the tree with you and to drown you in gifts. But here it’s hardly made what I want anymore.
By then, some parts of the paper were soaked with your tears, and you had your hand over your mouth to avoid waking up any of the brothers. You would tell them, you were dying to prove them wrong. To prove everyone who doubted about your Ubbe wrong. But you wanted to enjoy each letter written in that awful calligraphy of your man.
Things have changed. Well, there are some that not, the food for example. Beside your beautiful face, what I miss the most is your cooking. I mean, I don’t think what we eat here is even considered food! Grey, sticky and thick dough? Damn, doll, I won’t ever complain about the vegetables again.
That’s not the worst part, though. And you know I don’t like, and I shouldn’t, talk about it with you, but after breaking my first promise of coming home I think I can skip a few rules. Just don’t tell Bjorn.
A month before my arriving date, I was transferred to another unit, farther from the main city, so the communication were shit. I wrote a letter, and I thought I would finish it once we arrived there. The safe point was attacked and we moved on, not staying too much time in one. We were in the middle of a recognition operation when shit went down, and I’ve been unable to contact you since then.
Luckily, my new mate (Daven, too talkative and his feet stink) and I have found an old army post. I hope I haven’t scared you with the yellow envelop, but this is the only thing I got! He got me a pen and we walked to the nearest village so that I could send the letter. It will probably arrive a few months later, here it is 8th of March.
Time is something we can’t waste, so I’ll sum up how much I love and miss you, and the things I’m going to do to you when I come back. You can read any of my other letters and imagine what I want to do with you. Our next plan is to find a way to come back. I’ll write whenever I can, and this is a promise I don’t intend to break.
But if I can’t, don’t get sad, doll. I’ll be trying to get back to you, whatever it takes. I will appear in our front door and hug you for hours. The only thing I need you to promise me is that you won’t lose hope, Y/N. Because I can and I will be back home.
Yours always, Ubbe.
When the final dot of the letter appeared in your vision, you were a crying mess. Not even your hands could prevent the sobs and happy laughs to leave your lips, and soon Hvitserk and Sigurd were running down the stairs.
They asked you what was wrong, looked around for anything that had made you cry. But just saw a small paper stained with tears. You shoved it in Hvitserk’s chest, and pointed with your head towards him.
As the brothers read the letter, you hugged close one of the cushions of the couch and cried harder. He was alive, your Ubbe was alive. All those dinner were worthy, and your hope wasn’t in vain. He was coming back to you.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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uglypastels · 6 years
The Wingman
(A/N) This is a story for @the-claire-bitch-project ‘s writing challenge. (Congratulations on the milestone!!!!! You are absolutely amazing!!) With the setting prompt: Switched Luggage. I had a lot of fun writing it, especially that I had never actually joined a writing challenge before (although now I’m signed up for three more - I think I might have a small problem). I hope it’s good.  Also tagging @andwhatdostarsdobest , because we had been talking when I started writing this and you probably forgot because it was ages ago, but still, here you go  <3 
word count: 9857
warning: swearing, fluff 
 Series masterlist can be found in my bio/regular masterlist. 
moodboard by me
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You ran around your house, looking for a hairbrush. How was it that anytime you actually needed it, it seemed to disappear into thin air?
“Yes!” You yelled out as you saw the black brush underneath a pile of towels. Proudly you walked back to your suitcase and put the hairbrush between a few shirts. You checked your list again, crossing off the bloody thing you just spend ten minutes looking for. You scanned through the list to see if anything still needed to be packed. Charger. But you’re going to put that one in your backpack, together with headphones, book, sunglasses… anything that you may need on the way to New York itself.
Knowing that there was nothing else that you needed to pack into your suitcase, you slammed the lime green luggage closed. The zipper just barely managed to go all the way to the other side. Then, you put the two sliders in the lock, mixing up the three number combination so it wouldn’t be deductible anymore.
Proud with your own packing skills, you sat down on your bed. The bright suitcase in front of you. The color was more vibrant than you remembered. At first, it seemed like a good idea, but now that you looked at it... The color couldn’t be more attention seeking. Especially at nine in the morning, when nobody at an airport is fully awake yet. Your suitcase would practically be a visual alarm.
“Fuck! Harrison!” Tom yelled out from his room. It was a mess. A complete disaster. Laundry was lying everywhere. Not a piece of floor visible anymore. And in the middle of it all, lay Tom.
“What’s up, Tommo?” Harrison stuck his head out from behind the door. Tom could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
“I broke it. I broke the bloody suitcase!” he groaned and sat up straight on the ground so his best friend could see him from behind the bed. He was pretty sure there was some underwear stuck to his back, but he didn’t care. They had to leave for a flight in less than an hour and his suitcase just exploded on him.
“What do you mean, you broke it?”
“I mean, I broke it! I must have overfilled it because the zipper broke off and when I tried to pick it, everything fell out.” Tom looked around. He saw a white dress shirt hanging off of the cactus in the corner of the room. “What the fuck do I do, Haz?”  
“I think we have another suitcase somewhere in a closet. I’ll go look.” Harrison left the room. Tom let out another frustrated groan and let himself fall back on the floor. His back hit the hard surface, but fortunately, his head fell against some trousers. He tried to keep his mind clear. If Harrison actually did have a proper suitcase, maybe they still had a chance on making the flight. He sat up for the second time.
Right then, Harrison came rolling in, with the biggest and brightest suitcase Tom had ever seen. It was twice the size of the luggage Tom had tried to fill before, so this should be no problem. Harrison pushed the luggage towards Tom who caught the handle as it reached him.
“How have I never seen this before?” He looked at his friend and the suitcase. He couldn’t believe it had been in their flat all this time.
“I had it in the back of my closet.” Harrison shrugged. “Now, go get packing.” He threw a shirt in Tom’s face. Then, still, with a bright smile, the blonde left the room also leaving Tom to pack on his own. Tom didn’t know where to start, the mess slightly overwhelming him. There was also the problem of time. He didn’t know where his phone was (problem numero 3) and he didn’t have a clock in his room, so telling time was not possible. Tom just assumed that he had around thirty minutes. If more, than great! If less, well, he had to hurry anyway.
Picking up stray pieces of clothing around him, he threw them back on the bed. Just to have some space to move around himself and to get all of his things in one place. Once he had given himself a proper range to walk around in, he pulled up the lime green suitcase and opened it next to his feet. Then, he threw everything on his bed, into the suitcase. He had no idea what all of it was, but he saw clothing and underwear, so that must be good enough for a few days.
“Tom! The car’s here!” Harrison yelled out from the hallway. Tom cursed under his breath as he threw in the last few items into his suitcase. He made sure that he had his phone charger in there before closing the two halves together and zipping them up. Then he put the case on its wheels and started pushing it out of the room. Harrison was already waiting for him in the doorway.
“Mate, have you seen my phone?” Tom checked his pockets, even though he knew it wasn’t there.
“Yeah, you put it in your backpack.” He wanted to ask Harrison if he had seen his backpack, but then his friend pointed down at the floor, where a black backpack was leaning against the wall. Tom sighed in relief. Pushing the lime green giant forward, he picked up the backpack on his way. Harrison walked ahead, towards the driver that was waiting outside next to a car with tinted windows. When Tom stepped outside, the driver glanced down at the neon yellow-green baggage Tom was carrying alongside him.
“You sure know how to stay lowkey, don’t you, Tom?” he muffled a laugh.
“Airport security is going to kill me. I know,” he said and greeted the driver with a handshake. “We didn’t have anything else.” the driver took the lime monstrosity from Tom to put it in the back of the car. Tom walked over to Harrison who had just opened the door of the car. He sneaked in between his best friend and the vehicle into the seat.
“You dick.” Harrison slammed the door shut in Tom’s face and walked to the other side of the car to get in himself now.
You were in the parking lot of the airport. The wind that seemed to come from nowhere was blowing your hair in your face.
“Well, I’ll see you in two weeks.” you hugged your best friend and roommate tightly. She hugged you back with a little wiggle. Still holding on to you she said: “Just promise me to get some, while you’re gone, okay?” You laughed at her request.
“You know this is a work trip. I won’t have time to be hitting on guys.”
“You don’t have to do anything. Guys will be throwing themselves at you. Just stay safe.”
“I will.” You hugged her again. Then when you pulled away, you grabbed your suitcase and started walking backward. “New York City, here I come!” You waved your best friend goodbye with a big smile. You probably shouldn’t have been doing this while walking backward in a car park, because a car stepped on its breaks only inches from you. The loud sound of a horn filled the otherwise silent parking.
“I’m sorry.” you apologized and ran off to the exit, waving once more to your friend who was rolling her eyes at you.
The ride to the airport was quick, yet boring. Tom took out his phone from his backpack and started scrolling through Instagram. It was just the usual memes, fan-edits and pictures of food. His attention was only brought back to the outside world when the car suddenly stopped. If it hadn’t been for the seatbelt, Tom would have broken his nose against the chair in front of him.
He looked up from the small screen of his phone. They were inside, in the parking of the airport, he assumed. In front of them, stood a girl. She looked a bit startled as she yelled out: “I’m sorry.” before rushing off to the side. The driver in front sighed and started driving again until they found a parking spot closer to the assigned exit to the rest of airport he and Harrison were supposed to take.
“Well, here we go.” the driver unbuckled his seatbelt, so Tom and Harrison did so as well. They opened their doors and the smell of gasoline and exhaust gases filled Tom’s nostrils. He hated it. The lighting in the garage was limited, a bit yellowish. Even the suitcase didn’t seem to be so bright anymore. But Tom knew that would change the moment he and Harrison would step into a hallway with proper light.
You had just gone through the security check when your phone rang. The face of your best friend lit up on the screen so you picked up.
“Hey, whats-” she didn’t let you finish though.
“Oh my god, you will not believe it!” She screamed out. You had to pull away from the phone from your ear.
“Won’t believe what?”  
“The car that almost ran you over.” She sounded extremely excited for some reason.
“What about it?”
“Tom fucking Holland was in it!” She screamed even louder. You made a sound that was somewhere in between a gasp and a squeak. A woman seated next to you in the waiting area looked over with a raised eyebrow. Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment so you tried to ignore the looks other strangers were giving you. You put the phone back to your ear and continued your conversation.
“How do you know he was in that car?” For some reason, your voice turned to a whisper.
“Because when I was driving to the exit, I, later on, saw him get out of the car...fuck, he looked hot.” She groaned. In the background of the call, you could hear the sound of cars honking.
“Maze, are you driving and calling?” you asked your best friend.
“Don’t worry, there's so much traffic I won’t move for the next five bloody years.”
“Right, well hang up when you start driving. I promised you to stay safe in NYC, so you better be in one piece too when I get back.”
“I promise babe. Call me when you land.”
“You’ll be asleep.”
“Call me, damn it! Oh, got to go. The assholes in front of me finally decided to move. Byeee!” And she hung up. You turned off your phone and just sat there on the chair for a moment, staring blankly at the black screen. Was Tom Holland really here? Right now. Exactly where you were? The idea alone was unbelievable. You shook your nerves off. Even if he was at the airport. Heathrow was big. The chances of you seeing him were minuscule.
When your flight number was called, you got up, hung your backpack over your shoulders and walked to the gate. There was already a long line so there wasn’t much you could do except wait. You should have gone for that coffee.
Harrison walked next to Tom. The airport security was around them, making sure that they had an easy access through all the people to get to their flight. Their flight that was supposed to depart in fifteen minutes. They weren't exactly rushing their walk. It was like an up-tempo jog.
He hadn’t even realized when all those people around him got there or even how, but suddenly he was surrounded by yelling and camera flashes. He had gotten used to it pretty early on in his career, but it was just too early today.
They reached the gate. All the other passengers on the flight were already gone, possibly waiting for the two of them to arrive so the plane could take off. Tom felt a slight touch of guilt in his stomach. All these people just wanted to get on with their flight, but because of him and Harrison, but mostly him, they had to wait even longer than what usually a person has to wait during preparation for a take-off.
You sat down in your seat. Thankfully it was next to the window. The only problem would be now if you had to go to the toilet, you would have to get past the other two passengers that would sit next to you. Whoever it was, they hadn’t arrived yet. You looked out of the window, down at the grey asphalt ground where people were still streaming into the plane, up the stairs to the entrances at both ends.
You could feel movement next to you and it made you look up. A nice looking lady stood next to the row of your seat. Next to her stood a boy that looked to be around the age of six.
“Good Morning,” she said. You repeated the words and looked out the window again. It was around eleven… in the morning? The sun was out and shining bright, at least you hoped so. It was a cloudy day, giving the surroundings that grey and gloomy atmosphere. The one that made everything look a bit sleepy. In the distance, you could make out the residue of the mist.
“Good morning, ladies and gentleman.” the voice of a stewardess sounded over the intercom. “We shall be departing soon.” You looked at your phone to check the time. It was already ten minutes past the original departure time. You wondered what was taking so long. All the passengers seemed to be seated. But then, you saw movement outside. Two guys were walking to the back of the plane. Around them a handful of security guards. You tried to get a better look at the two figures. Could it be them? As they neared the plane you almost screamed. Their faces were mostly screened by their caps, but you were pretty sure that it was them. You watched as the two men were lead to the back entrance. The closer to the plane they got, the worse angle it was for you to see it.
When it was not possible anymore for you to catch a glimpse of them, you unlocked your phone and turned off the airplane mode. You started writing your text to Maze:
They are here!
Tom & Haz are on my flight!
I'm gonna die
Ok g2g
I'll call you when I get there
You send the messages as quickly as you could and then turned airplane mode back on. A thought of your friends' reaction zoomed by in your mind. It was probably cruel of you to send them in a moment she couldn’t reply and then make her wait eight hours for more information.
You could hear footsteps behind you. Only a few rows away. They were there. You had to fight the urge of just turning around in your seat and screaming. You took a few deep breaths. The mother next to you noticed it.
“Nervous, dear?” You looked at her. She was holding her son’s hand. The kid’s eyes also were directed at you. He looked excited, but also a bit scared.
“Not exactly, no.” You told the woman. She nodded, unconvinced. Yes, you were nervous, but not because of the flight. And what were you supposed to say to the stranger? Oh, see those hot guys a few rows from us, yeah those two. I’m kind of in love with one of them, even though he doesn’t even know I exist. No, not the best way to start off an eight-hour flight.
The voice of the flight attendant boomed over the plane again: “Ready for departure. Please turn off all devices. May I have your attention for a moment as my colleagues demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft.” You listened but none of the words actually came through. Your mind was in complete overdrive. The idea of Tom and Harrison just sitting a few feet away from you made your hands shake. You could feel your eyes begin to sting because for a moment there, you forgot how to blink. You were frozen. Only snapping back on when a flight attendant walked up to you: “Are you alright, miss?”
“Huh? Yes, yed. Everything’s fine.” you laughed nervously. Everything was so far from okay. You tried to keep calm. You didn’t want them to think you were a lunatic. The man’s eyes lowered to your backpack.
“I’m sorry, miss, but I must take your backpack into the overhead compartment.”
“What? But it’s small. It fits under my seat.”  You had stuff in there that you needed through the flight and you had no exact pleasure in walking back and forth any time you wanted something.
“I’m sorry,” he replied, “But only handbags and laptop cases. It’s a regulation.” You sighed as you took out your book and headphones from your backpack and then handed it over to the man. He smiled apologetically and walked away to put it in an overhead compartment. Most of them were already filled to the brim, so you watched him walk to the back of the plane. That’s where they were. The flight attendant put your backpack in an overhead compartment that was a row or four behind you. You turned back around to face the chair in front of you and sank deep in your seat as the plane started to move.
Tom sat down in his seat next to Harrison. It was the last row of the plane. A few people looked at them, slightly annoyed as they had walked in. he didn’t blame them. They had caused an, at least, twenty-minute delay. The whole plane probably hated them.
Even though he had been on a thousand of planes and knew the safety features by heart now, he still watched the three flight attendants show how to fasten the seatbelts and the locations of the emergency exits. He heard Harrison laugh.
“What?” He turned to look at his best friend, who was apparently laughing at him.
“You’re doing it again, mate.” Harrison laughed even louder, causing a few people to turn around and give them killer looks. Tom had not even realized what he was doing. Unconsciously, his hands went along with the movements he saw in front of him. He had heard those instructions so many times. He had seen air hostesses and hosts perform the little routine over and over again in the last few years. Sometimes there was some variety in it, but it was always the same basics. After some time he had quickly learned most of the things that were told and just for fun he would go along. Harrison had caught him a few times before doing it unconsciously, just like now.
“Oh, shut up,” Tom said. Harrison started laughing even more at his weak response. This was gonna be a great flight. A flight attendant was walking in their direction. Tom thought that maybe he would tell Harrison to shut up, but nothing of that came true. He was just putting a backpack in the head compartment above.
Then the plane started to move, indicating that in a few minutes they would be hundreds of miles in the air. Tom put on his headphones and picked a playlist he could fall asleep easily too.
This sucked. You had taken out your headphones and book, but now you just wanted to sleep. But with everything going on around you, it was almost impossible. Yes, you had sleeping pills but those were still in your backpack. The backpack that you would have to get up for, walk through that small aisle and then stand in front of some random person’s seat while you tried to get your carry-on that most likely was jammed in the compartment by the steward, that you could barely get it out.
With a sigh, you excused yourself to the woman and child next to you as you tried to get out of the row of seats. The shimmying down to the passage in the middle wasn’t so bad, with neither you or the other to passengers taking a lot of space. Finally free, you walked to the end of the plane. You thought you had seen the man put your backpack in the last compartment so that is where you were headed.
Before you reached it though, you stopped in your tracks. Your eyes widened and you were pretty sure you were about to faint. You forgot how to breathe.
There he was. Tom Holland. His head rested on his head, his eyes closed. He was probably asleep. He was asleep! You couldn’t go now. What if you woke him up? You just wanted to disappear… a sudden chill went through your body as you thought about the scene from Infinity War. It had been months, but that movie was a traumatic experience.
Still a bit shaky, you walked on, as quietly as possible. When you reached the row he and Harrison were sitting in, you tried not to look at them. Just keep your eyes on the luggage compartment. You opened it with a soft click. You looked inside. Yes, your backpack was in there. Unfortunately, the flight attendant thought it was a good idea to shove it all the way back there. You cursed your short limbs as you stretched out your arms and tried to reach it. No luck.
Harrison had been on his phone and only noticed you standing there when you jumped up to get it. You could feel the strap of your carry on with your fingertips. You looked down, defeated, and were met with his gorgeous blue eyes. He was smiling. Your whole face heated up and immediately looked away. This was too embarrassing.
Suddenly, you could see Tom stirring in his sleep.
Tom woke up when he felt some sudden movement around him. It felt like his seat was shaking. He stirred in his seat and slowly opened his eyes. For a single moment, he had forgotten where he was. It especially confused him when he was met with the view next to him.
Only inches away from him, stood a girl. Her chest was parallel to his face. A dark zip-up hoodie unzipped, showing a light blue shirt. When it hit him what he was actually looking at, he turned away a bit flustered.  Harrison smirked. Tom moved as far as he could to the side of his seat and looked at the girl again. Her arms were stretched out, reaching for something in the compartment above them.
“You need help with that, love?” He asked. She looked down from what she was doing. When their eyes met, he smiled, not knowing what else to do. Seeing him do that, the girl froze. Her arms still holding on to the bottom of the receptacle.
“Uhm, yes, if you don’t mind.” She finally huffed out. Tom undid his seatbelt and got up. The girl moved aside so he could stand next to her and take out the bag for her. “It’s the uhm, the black one. In the back.” She said. Tom looked inside the compartment and indeed saw a black backpack shoved all the way back. It was the backpack he saw the flight attendant put in there before he dozed off.
“There you go, darling.” he pulled it out and handed it to her. She smiled sheepishly.
“Thank you.” It looked like she wanted to say something more. Instead, her cheeks turned even more pink and she turned around. Tom watched her get back to her own seat. When she looked back at him, he quickly sat down, embarrassed he was caught.
“She was kind of cute, wasn’t she, mate?.” Harrison commented.
“Yeah, she was.”
You sat back down. Your arms were still clinging onto your backpack. Your mind was blanking and at the same time you couldn’t concentrate on a single thought. So much was going on.
That actually happened. Tom Holland helped you with your luggage and then you actually caught him staring at you. You played the moment over and over in your mind. You were walking back to your seat. Asked the woman in seat A is you could pass her and her son. While they were moving their things around so you could pass through, you could feel someone looking at you. You turned in the direction from where the feeling was coming from. Tom was still standing there, where you had thanked him. When he saw you looking at him, he immediately turned away and sat down. His body language screamed embarrassment. You could see that from the distance between you.
Now you were back in your seat. Your whole body warm and a bit shaky. With trembling hands, you opened your backpack and pulled out the strip of sleeping pills. You weren’t sure if it was actually a good idea to take them now, but you needed some sleep. Right when you were about to pop out a pill from the packaging, you remembered an article that said that it could be dangerous to take pills on a flight. Something to do with disorientation during crises. With a small groan, you left the pill packaging undamaged and dropped it back into the dark void of your backpack. This was going to be a long flight.
Still wanting to sleep, you leaned yourself against the wall of the plane. Using your backpack as a last minute pillow you put on your headphones, pulled up the hood of your sweater and tried to fall asleep.
Tom tried to go to sleep again, but it didn’t work. The girl had left a bigger impression on him than he had expected. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wished he had said something more to her. Or maybe just wished he hadn’t looked away so soon when she caught his glance. He wanted to see her again.
He got up, Harrison didn’t even notice him moving. There went all the minutes in which Tom tried to come up with an excuse for his friend. He sighed and walked to the row he thought he had seen her walk back to. He walked up to the row. A woman, probably around her 30’s was sitting in the aisle seat. Next to her a young boy. The girl Tom was so desperate to see sat in the seat next to the window. He couldn’t see her face. It was concealed by the hood of her sweatshirt. She was leaning against the backpack he had handed her. From the way she was sitting faced away from the rest of the plane, Tom assumed she had managed to do what he wanted to: sleep.
The passengers next to her hadn’t noticed him yet. The woman was reading a book while the boy was watching a movie on his iPad. Maybe they were traveling with her. He decided to take a shot.
“Hi, excuse me,” he caught the woman’s attention. She looked up from her book and so did her son. He looked Tom up and down and then his eyes widened when he turned back to his small screen. Then back at Tom. Tom looked at what the boy had been watching before. He had to hold in the laugh as he realized it was Spider-Man: Homecoming.
“You’re Spider-Man!” He yelled out excitedly. A few people looked around confused, but Tom decided to ignore them. He smiled at the boy. In his American accent, he whispered: “Yeah, but would you keep it down. People aren’t really supposed to know.”
“Right, sorry.” the boy giggled. His mother smiled and turned her attention from her son to Tom: “You were saying.” she smiled sweetly. For a moment Tom had forgotten what had brought him there, being too excited to meet a fan. Then he saw the girl near the window stirr in her sleep and it brought him back.
“Oh, yes,” he cleared his throat, “Do you know her?”
“Sorry, no.” She looked over at the girl, “We just happen the share the seats. Do you want to talk to her?” The woman was ready to get up. Tom stopped her immediately. Talking not too loudly so he wouldn’t wake her up. “No, no, that’s okay. Let her sleep. I’ll, uh, I’ll catch up with her when we land.” he smiled and walked away, in the direction of his own seat. He didn’t dare to turn around. Too embarrassed about what had just happened. It was strange. He normally never got nervous or awkward like that around people. But this girl, she was something else. She made him a mess… And he didn’t even know her name!
You woke up at the touch of a small tap on your shoulder. You wanted to shake it off, pretend it wasn’t happening. But it continued. Then you heard a hiss: “Luke, stop that!” It was the woman sitting next to you, telling her son off for waking you up.
Still a bit drowsy you turned around to face the two. The boy stopped moving, probably a bit scared of how you would react. The mother seemed to think the same.
“I’m so sorry sweety. He just didn’t want to listen.”
“It’s okay.” You rubbed your eyes. “What time is it?”
“I don’t know, but we’re already descending..” And as if on cue, your ears popped and the horrible pain shot through your head. No matter how many times you flew, it always hurt and you hated it. But it was also a good sign. You were already landing. You managed to sleep through the biggest part of the flight.
“Mommy, do you think I can get a picture with him?” The sound of the boy’s voice sounded through the pain. You knew it wasn’t any of your business, but you were curious what your neighbors were talking about. The mother sighed.
“I told you, Lukey, you will have to ask him. I’m sure if you do, he will be glad to take a picture.” The boy clearly didn’t seem to be happy with his mother’s answer. Suddenly he turned to you. You were a bit startled by the action.
“Do you think he will go on a picture with me?”
“Uhm, I don’t know who you’re talking about,” you said apologetically. To the boy as well as the mother.
“Spider-Man of course.” He whisper-yelled enthusiastically. You were confused. “You know him right?”
“I do?”
“Yeah, he was here, before. He was looking for you.”
“He was?” You looked at the kid's mother who just raised her shoulders. Could it be true? Was Tom Holland actually looking for you? No, don’t get too excited. You tried not to raise your expectations too high. Maybe something had fallen out of your backpack and he just wanted to give it back. But nothing fell out, though.
The boy, Luke, was still looking at you, awaiting an answer to his question. You didn’t know what to say. The kid truly believed Tom was Spider-Man. Well, he was, but…
“I don’t know him that well. But I’m sure that he would love to take a picture.”
“I knew it. See, mom!” he turned around to his mother, who was reading a book now. She just nodded. You had the feeling that this conversation had happened before during the flight.
The voice of a flight attendant boomed over you: “Ladies and gentlemen, we shall be arriving at JFK airport shortly. Local time is 3:12 pm and the temperature is 69 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign.” Then the voice-over went quiet again.
Tom was excited to be back in America. It felt like ages since he had been to the country of Freedom. Especially in New York. Maybe this time he could finally go to the Empire State Building…
“Please check around your seat for any personal belonging you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.”  They had almost landed and Tom barely even noticed the descending of the plane. Had he really been so occupied by that girl?  This was crazy, he knew it. He barely knew her, no he didn’t know her. Literally, the only thing he knew about her was that she had a backpack. He had to get over this. She could be lesbian as far as he knew. Then he would never have a chance. Oh, so now I want a chance with her? He was so confused by his own thoughts.
Or what if, actually, she was just a horrible human being? That’s the thing about strangers, you can both smile at each other, but in the end, you don’t know who they are. And he couldn’t go up to her and ask: “Hi, I was just wondering, have you ever kicked a dog?”
“Hey, you alright, mate?” Harrison bumped him in the shoulder. It was like a small awake call. “You’ve been staring at the chair for a while.”
“I have?” Tom blinked a few times to help his dried out eyes. How long had he been staring in front of himself?
“Yeah. You look a bit tense.” Harrison glanced at him with worry.
“Nah, I’m fine.” The plane suddenly hit the ground, making everything shake a little. “Got lost in a thought, I guess.”
“That’s a first,” Harrison scoffed. Tom punched him in the arm, adding a “You prick.” behind it. The two of them laughed a little before the seat belt sign vanished from the small panels above them, giving them and everyone else the sign they were good to go. Tom quickly got up and pulled his and Harrisons bags. He wanted to be ready to leave before everyone else started to walk around. Being in the last row, meant that they had easy access to the exit in the back.
Tom sat back down, backpack in hand. He looked like all the people around him did what he had just done, just a bit slower. He had almost forgotten about the girl, almost. A minute later, when the doors were opened from the outside, people started to hustle their way over to the nearest exit. The girl was walking to their side. Tom wanted to move but the sight of her made his whole body freeze. She was walking slowly, through the crowd of tired people. Her hoody was looked so big on her it was, Tom thought she looked adorable. But a small punch of anxiety hit him. That sweater wasn’t her size. What if it was her boyfriends? Of course, I girl like that would never be single. He was so stupid to think otherwise. He wanted to slam his head in the chair in front of him.
“Tom, get up!” Harrison pushed him. Tom got up, still a bit paralyzed by the girl that had just passed him. He had just noticed the small smile she gave him before disappearing into the back of the plane and walking out.
The man standing in the aisle in front of them, let him pass. Tom thanked him and he followed the people in front. Not like he had much choice. The stewardess standing next to the door smiled brightly at Tom. He noticed that her smile was much wider towards him than the rest of the passengers. He just responded with an awkward smile and kept on walking. The moment he stepped outside, the hard cold wind blew in his face. From the top of the stairs, he could see the girl walking by the wing of the plane, like the rest of the passengers. Tom’s legs again failed to move. Only when Harrison almost pushed him down did he start to walk again.
“Honestly, what is the matter with you today?” he asked once their feet touched the solid ground.
“Nothing,” Tom glanced to the front of the people, where he could see her. She had taken her hood off, so her hair blew in every possible direction. Harrison apparently had followed his gaze.
“Is it that girl from earlier?” he chuckled lightly.
“What? No!” Tom rolled his eyes.
“So, I can assume it is.” he looked at her again. “You should go and talk to her later.”
“Are you crazy? I’m not doing that!” His hands were shaking in his pockets.
“Yes, you are. As your assistant and wingman, I am making you.” Harrison grabbed Tom by the shoulder and started to push him in the direction of the girl. Tom groaned and tried to get himself out of his friend’s grip.
You had been pretty quick with getting out of the plane, so you also managed to get by the control without a long of a wait. That, however, compensated when you got the luggage belt. It had already been ten minutes since you got to the conveyor belt and it still had not started to move. You were one of the first people of your flight to get there, so you chose yourself a nice spot at the beginning of the line. Slowly it started to fill up with people you recognized from the flight. As nonchalantly as possible, you tried to look around, for that one specific head or brown curls. You hadn’t seen him though.
It would have been weird if he was here, you thought too. You had already been surprised that he was taking a normal flight, and not some fancy jet like any other big celebrity.
The conveyor started to move, thankfully. Bags poured out onto the belt. All different shapes and sizes, but most of them still in the range of black and grey. Sometimes there would be a red one or an even a suitcase with some nice print on it, but yeah, mostly just black.
Then you saw the big, lime green suitcase of yours. You walked up to the conveyor and grabbed the handle on top. For a moment you were scared that you wouldn’t be able to pick it up and it would drag you along. But you managed. With a groan, you pulled it off and put it on its side, wheels on the ground. You started to push it forward when you heard fast footsteps behind you and a: “hey, wait!”
After their passport check, Tom said to Harrison that he had to go to the toilet. He didn’t really, but he hoped that if he stayed there long enough, maybe the girl would have already left and he wouldn’t have to be forced by his best friend to talk to her.
If only people could see him now, standing in front of a sink in a public bathroom, hiding from - basically - a beautiful girl. The last time he was this nervous to talk to someone was probably when he was twelve. This was pathetic.
Before Harrison would walk in and check up on him, Tom splashed some water in his face and then walked out. His friend had been on his phone. Next to him was a luggage cart that he had probably picked up while waiting.
“You took your time, mate. Okay, let’s go.” He pushed the cart towards Tom. he grabbed it by the handle and continued pushing it in the way where the conveyor belts were located. When they got there, the belt was already running. Tom looked at it for his own bag, but after half a minute he remembered that he had a different suitcase than normally. He had taken Haz’ horrible green one. He couldn’t see it on the belt. Maybe it hadn’t come out yet. Then he saw a blur of green neon on the other side. He ticked Harrison on the arm. He wasn’t really thinking, his mind completely blank. He was just looking at who it was that was currently rolling away with his things. It was the girl!
Harrison finally looked up from his phone. But Tom, was still mindlessly slapping him on the arm. His eyes wide and his mouth almost agape.
“You absolute idiot. Go!” But Tom still didn’t move. “Before she runs off with your stuff.” that should have done it, but it didn’t. Tom could hear Harrison groan as he threw his backpack on the cart that Tom was still holding on to with one hand. Before he knew it, his best friend was already almost behind the girl. He heard him say: “Hey, wait!” The girl turned around. This was the sign for Tom to move before Harrison could say something to her that would make Tom want to get snapped into dust by Thanos.
As he neared the two, the girl watched him with a horrified face. He didn’t know what to think of it.
You turned around. The person behind you was much taller so you had to look up. You were immediately met with a pair of beautifully piercing blue eyes. More steps could be heard behind the gorgeous blonde and you looked in that direction. You almost fainted right there. There he was. Tom Holland walking to you. A luggage cart in front of him. Even in a simple white shirt, he still looked hot as hell.
You felt your eyes widen and your cheeks heat up as the two boys looked at you. Tom reached the place where Harrison was standing, only one step further away from you.
“Hi, sorry love, but I think you got my friends suitcase,” Harrison said, pointing at the luggage next to you. You looked down. A bit confused. Did you have Tom Holland’s suitcase in your hands? The urge to just run away was really big. But no, you had to control yourself. You didn’t want to get kicked down by a bunch security guards.
“What? No. I don’t think so. This is mine.” You laughed nervously. Your hand gripped the handlebar tighter.
“You sure about that, love?” Harrison raised an eyebrow. You looked at him, at Tom (who was still standing behind his friend), at your suitcase, then back between the two men in front of you.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Unless your friend also has a neon green suitcase with a neon blue name tag with my name on it”
The girl showed them the name tag attached to the suitcase. On the small piece of paper inside of it, Tom could read her name: (Y/F/N). Next to it was her number and email address. He had an inner battle with himself. Should he ignore it or remember it? His second thought was to kill Harrison after the girl would walk away. He knew he shouldn’t have walked up to her.
“I’m so sorry. We’re gonna leave now.” Tom pulled Harrison by the sleeve of his t-shirt. Away from the poor girl who still looked startled at the exchange she just had with them. His friend wanted to object, but she was quicker.
“Wait!” Tom turned around at the sound of her voice. He saw her glance to the side for a second and smile, then she asked: “Do you mind taking a picture?” So she knew who he was. Just great.
“Uhm, no of course not.”
“Great.” She smiled. Then she looked back in the direction Tom saw her look at before. “Hey, Luke.” A lot of emotions had gone through Tom in those five short seconds. At first, he was excited. He wanted to hug her. Try to do without making it look so creepy as it sounded. Then, when she said that name his heart sunk. Was Luke her boyfriend?  Would he have to stand next to them? It hurt to think about it. Then all that sadness disappeared when he saw who Luke actually was. It was that boy sitting next to (Y/N) on the plane.
The boy was running towards them as fast as his short legs could manage while he was still holding on to his mother’s hand. He looked so excited.
“Hi, Luke,” Tom said in his American accent. “Nice to meet you.” He was still holding his mom’s hand. The woman smiled nicely at Tom and then lowered herself to look at her son.
“Go on, ask him.” She whispered. Luke turned back to Tom and very softly asked: “Could I take a picture with you?”
“Of course.” Tom got to his knees too as his mom took out her phone to take the picture. Right before she did, Harrison interrupted. “Sorry, I see our things. I’ll go get them.” Tom’s legs were shaking from the position he was in. He gave Harrison a look that this wasn’t really the time.
“Okay. Go.”
“Right,” he wanted to take a step, but took one backward instead, “Do you have a pen, maybe?”
“I don't know. Maybe in my backpack.” Harrison nodded and walked away to get the suitcases. Tom apologized to the boy and his mother. Then with a big smile, they took the picture. The mom wanted to walk away again.
“Do you know my Spider-Man move?” He asked Luke. the boy nodded and moved around quickly, holding his arm forward and pretending to press the web-shooter. Tom did the same and the boy’s mom took another picture.
“Thank you so much.” She said.
“No problem.” Tom smiled and got up. “Always a pleasure to meet fan.” He wanted to do a high-five with the boy, but to his surprise, Luke went on doing the whole Peter and Ned’s handshake. Like an instinct, Tom managed to follow along. He had practiced it so much with Jacob it was easy, but the boy went much faster and he had never expected him to do it. “A big fan, I see.”
“Thank you, Spider-Man.” the boy said went back to his. But he didn’t grab her hand like she had expected him to do, instead, he almost immediately walked away again, towards (Y/N). She looked as confused as the mother.
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything.” she smiled.
“But you’re friends with Spider-Man. That’s still cool.” Tom furrowed his eyebrows and smirked when he shared a look with her. She wanted to say something to Luke but he already walked away with his mom.
“So, we’re friends?” Tom commented, back in his normal voice, once the two were far enough.
“Uhm, last time I heard, Luke said I was friends with Spider-Man.”
“But, love, I am Spider-Man.” Now that he was finally talking to her properly, all the nerves seemed to have gone away. He had not suspected it to be so easy to talk to her.
On the inside, you were freaking out. You didn’t know how you managed to talk to Tom so casually. Or how you managed to stay on two feet when he called you “love”.
“Yeah, but it’s not the same, is it?” you crossed your arms, trying to look a bit unimpressed. You had no idea if it actually worked. But if you had your arms crossed at least, he wouldn’t be able to see how much your hands were shaking.
“How come?” He had taken a few steps towards you and put his hands in his pockets. The fact that he was just standing there, talking to you made you weak at the knees and now you were expected to answer him. You were done for. Fortunately, Harrison walked back with their suitcases on the cart. One of which, was indeed, just like yours.
“We should probably go, mate. People are waiting for us.” He patted him on the shoulder. Tom knew this was a sign for just ask her, dammit! but he couldn’t do it.
“It was really nice to meet you, both of you.” she looked at him and Harrison.
“Yeah, you too.” he took one hand out of his pockets, but not really sure why. Now he had no idea what to do with his hand. “Uhm, really nice.” Tom could practically feel the eye roll Harrison was giving him in his guts. He just hoped (Y/N) didn’t see it.
“Would you like a picture?” Harrison asked. Tom turned around to his friend and looked at him to make sure he was serious. What was he thinking?
“No, no. I’m fine. Meeting you guys is already more than I can ask for.” she said blushingly.
“C’mon I know you what a got shot of Tommo here. It’s the least he can do after we basically harassed you back there.” Harrison threw his arm over Tom, who just wanted to become one with the ground and melt from embarrassment. He appreciated what Harrison tried to do here, but this wasn’t really the best scenario.
“Harrison, piss off,” he said through gritted teeth. “I want to remind you, that you were the one that went up to her. I didn’t do anything.”
“And that’s why I will be the one taking the picture.” He let go of Tom’s shoulder and walked to (Y/N). She was holding her phone in her hand. A bit unsure, she handed him the phone. Harrison looked at it and smiled: “Nice cover.” She just smiled. Then Harrison walked back to where he was previously. In that short moment, he gave Tom another look. GO! Do not screw this up!
Tom answered with a look of You know I will! as he walked over to her. He felt like he shouldn’t be looking at her. So, looking at the ground he said: “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t the only sound he heard, though. Because at the exact same moment, she had said the exact same thing. He didn’t understand what she was sorry for, but it did feel a bit reassuring.
With a big smile on his face, he draped his arm around her. He could feel her eyes on him, so he returned the look. (Y/N) looked away, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You know what, that green thing is ruining the whole composition.” Harrison jogged over and wheeled her suitcase over to his side. She had put her backpack on top of it, so when he pushed a bit too far it was on the verge of falling to the ground. At the last minute, Harrison caught it and put it on top of the cart with their own luggage.
“You’ve been spending too much time with Harry, mate.” Tom laughed.
“I’m just trying to take a nice picture,” Harrison replied seriously.
Tom’s arm was around your shoulders this whole time. He could have just let go of you, but he didn’t. It was nice, you had to admit. He was much taller than you, so the height difference made it easy to lean on you a bit. But it wasn’t a lean that put pressure on you. It was comfortable.
“Smile.” Harrison pulled up your phone into the air, making your Iron Man phone case very visible to the boy next to you. You had no idea how many pictures Harrison took, but when he thought it was enough, he turned around and put his arm in the air. He already had the phone on selfie mode. In the screen, you could see he had his tongue stuck out, so you did the same. You went with your standard selfie pose, without thinking, which was a peace sign.
“There you go,” Harrison handed you your phone.
“Thank you. I don’t really know what to say.” Tom took his arm off you and, even though it was a literal weight off your shoulders, you missed it from the moment he let go.
“No problem. The pleasure was all mine, love.” Tom smiled at you and you could feel your heart flutter. Your phone buzzed and you looked down. The notification didn’t really matter to you anymore when you saw the time.
“I think I should get going. I cab is waiting for me and I’m pretty sure a hundred people are waiting for you to walk through that door.” you pointed backward, where the exit of the baggage hall was located.
“Yeah, we should. Well,” Harrison walked up to you with your luggage. You were pretty sure it was yours because the blue tag on the suitcase gave it away. You hadn’t even noticed him walking away and getting your things. “there you go.” Putting your backpack on the same shoulder Tom’s arm had just been, you thanked them once again and slowly, wishing this moment would never end, walked away.
“I can’t believe you didn’t ask her out.” Harrison hit Tom on the back of his head, proving his annoyed tone even more.
“C’mon, I couldn’t ask her out.” Tom tried to defend himself.
“I know, that’s why I did it for you.” Harrison started to push the cart to the exit. Tom stood in his spot, dumb-founded. Had he missed something? Did he have another blackout of overthinking and completely missed how Harrison had asked (Y/N) out in his sake? But no, if he did, she would have said something.
“What are you talking about?” Harrison ignored the question. He kept on walking. Tom looked at the backpack on his back. “Haz, whose backpack is that?” It wasn’t his, it was way too clean. “Harrison!” Tom ran over to his friend. Only stopping when he was in front of him and pushed the cart back into him. “Did you seriously steal her backpack?”
“No. I just gave her mine.”
“So, you stole it. What is wrong with you?” Tom couldn’t believe it. He was friends with an absolute idiot.
“There is nothing wrong with me-”
“Yes, there is. There is something missing in your head and it’s called moral sense. You can’t just switch your backpack with hers.”
“Well, she has your number.” Harrison pushed the cart forward with a little more force, giving Tom no other choice but to jump to the side to not get driven over.
“No, she doesn’t.” They were now walking to the exit. Around the corner, they could hear the loud voices of the paparazzi and fans. He didn’t want to have this conversation around all these people. “This is not over Harrison!”
You walked out to the greeting hall where literally hundreds of people were waiting. You knew they were all here for Tom. It was already very loud and you could only imagine how much louder it would get once he was there.
You made your way through the crowd. Soon after you saw a man in his forties hold a sign up with your name on it.
“I am so sorry.”  You said when you got near him.
“Problems with the conveyor?” He asked with a low voice. You smiled at the thought of what had actually happened: “Yeah, you could say so.” The man looked a bit confused at you, but you ignored it. He then told you to follow him to the car. He had offered to pull the suitcase for you.
“No, thank you.” you declined, not even sure why.
At the car, you finally had to let go of your trusty green luggage. The driver put it in the trunk and then opened the backseat door for you. He got into the car after you. You told him what address to go to and sunk back into your seat. Now finally having a little moment to comprehend everything that had happened. You met Tom Holland. You met Harrison Osterfield. They talked to you. Took pictures with you. Tom called you “love”... it was all getting a bit too much.
The silence in the car was getting a bit unbearable. Being too awkward to ask the driver if he could turn on the radio, you reached out for your backpack on the seat next to you and that is when you noticed it. There was something wrong about it. The backpack was dirtier than you remembered, more worn down.  You picked it up and put it on your lap to take a closer look. It was also lighter.
Yeah, this wasn’t your backpack. Just like yours, it was a black Eastpak, but there were small changes in the design, so probably an older model or something. You were freaking out a bit. Now you had no wallet, no ID, no phone charger! This was not good. You were thankful that at least you kept your credit card in your phone case so you could pay the driver.
But if this wasn’t yours, who did this backpack belong to? You tried to think when there was a possibility that they could have been switched. You only let go of it twice today. The first time when on the plane, when Tom gave it to you. But then it was still your backpack. All your things were still in there.
The second time was when Harrison took it away to take the picture. You gasped. The driver looked in the mirror at you. This was their backpack! Tom or Harrison. You were freaking out now. Why would Harrison give you his or Tom’s backpack? The whole situation was getting too weird for you.
Then you noticed the front pocket of the pack was open. What if you lost something on the way to the car. You checked if anything was in there, so you could put it in the other part of the backpack. Fortunately, there wasn’t anything in it except for a piece of paper. You pulled it out. For some reason, your name was written on it. Did this give you the right to read it? You hoped so because that’s what you did. With slightly shaking hands, you unfolded the paper. In small scribbles there was written:
If you’re reading this, it means that poor Tom failed at asking you out himself. You forgot how to breathe for a solid minute after that. Continue reading the message, you had to keep reminding yourself: in, out, in, out.
You have to excuse his incapable ass. The point is, he really likes you. Sorry for hijacking your backpack. You’ll get it back if you call him:
You looked in disbelief the small row of numbers. You were staring at Tom Holland's number. How on earth did you come to this point in your life? There was one more thing written on the paper. Even smaller than the other words. You had to be honest, it was impressive how he had managed to cram everything up on this small piece of paper.
I hope you can manage to forgive me after your date.
Go to my bio for part 2 
Request/Feedback/comment or if you just wanna talk, DM me 
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yellow looks good on you
group: wanna one, nu’est member: hwang minhyun
genre: fluff, ceo!hwang minhyun summary: you work as an assistant creative director under minhyun’s wings, your ceo who is undeniably charming and smart
gender neutral! reader
word count: 1.4k
part two
you’ve been working at warmth, a boutique for like three years now
but you work at the headquarter as the assistant creative director
basically you help the creative director design or portray a collection or concept for the company
you work your ass off to achieve such high position in a short time
the atmosphere of your workplace is great
everyone is so kind and laid back, but still work hard at their job
you know, laid back doesn’t mean they neglect their job
now, onto hwang minhyun
you guessed it, he’s the ceo of the company
honestly you think he’s the reason why the atmosphere at the office is great
when everyone is tired they’ll just look at him and regain their energy and focus
it’s mainly coffee but, ceo hwang helps too because this man is one fine specimen
he’s what people call prince charming
like this person is really handsome and and also smart can anyone be more perfect than him??? the answer is no
to say you don’t have a crush on him would be a lie, but it was just a harmless crush where you admire his face and talent
despite being the ceo, he’s only five years older than you are
apparently, his first business started when he was in his last year of high school
and he first found warmth as a project in business school
it was an online shop at first but now has developed into a company
you were compiling the moodboard for this month’s collection that released about a week and a half ago when you felt a tap on your shoulder
it was marco, your boss, the creative director
he was like ceo hwang wants to see you
and you were like oh shit am I in some kind of problem???
you swear you did nothing wrong
then you went to knock on his door like five minutes later
“come in”
it was your first time being in his room and it was
like really clean
everything is in place
the minimalist white interior made the room looks even cleaner
“you called me mr. hwang???”
“oh, yeah come in and sit down for a second I need to discuss something with you”
you were so nervous at this point
the man looked calm, as always
and you were freaking out inside but you sat down anyway, fumbling with the hem of your blue shirt
“you’ve done a lot of great things for the company, it has been great but –”
you can’t bear to hear the rest of the sentence so you blurted out an apology
“I’m sorry if I did something wrong but please don’t fire me. I like working here tell me what I did wrong and I’ll never do it again I promise”
you said all of that in one breath but the man in front of you understood every single word you said
and he chuckled
“no, no I’m not firing you I’m sorry if it came off that way” and he explained that he really liked your inputs and works with your boss in the past years but he wants to see more from you
and so he assigned you to design a whole entire collection for next month
is this real life??? you asked yourself
you have a lot of ideas piling up inside your head over the past few years
but you forgot everything at that moment because you’re too excited
you were only the assistant of creative director, so your job is to go along with your boss idea and give inputs
but now you’re going to have a collection, it would be based on your ideas
you asked him to give you a few days, two at most to think about those ideas and he was like I believe you’ll do great so don’t get pressured and overthink it just work like how you always do
and you kept smiling since he announced you’re designing a whole collection
you thanked him enthusiastically and left the room
your co-workers are so happy for you
and so, your brainstorming begins·
and after a whole day of scribbling and scratching ideas, you finally found a collection idea unique enough
you decided the theme would be” “the amazon rainforest butterflies”·      first because you think those metallic blue butterflies are just beautiful·      and the amazon rainforest because you think that including nature is a great idea
you also want to raise awareness about the rainforest with this collection, so that’s another purpose
you presented the in front of the whole creative team and of course ceo hwang and everyone loved how you try to include meanings like that instead of putting out a collection just because it’s trending
also you didn’t notice this but ceo hwang was smiling the whole time, he knew you’d do a great job
fast forward a month
your collection launched and you couldn’t be any happier·      so you decided to wear yellow
you never wear yellow except for special days when you’re feeling really good
you decided just to wear a yellow beret that has a rose printed on it ·      the sun is bright today, congratulations!” your co-workers said when you entered the room
you continue to smile brightly
suddenly ceo hwang came from his room and announced that you guys are having a company dinner tonight
he also added that it would be a celebration for yesterday’s release since it was your first collection
during the company dinner, your co-workers kept encouraging you to drink
“it was your big release yesterday, you should definitely drink the whole jar”
you don’t mind drinking but you’re a lightweight and you know you’d be drunk in no time and you hate being drunk mainly because you can’t be in control of your own body and you’d forget everything the next day
also the hangover sucks
anyways your friends told you that you’re really hyper and excited when you’re tipsy but a crying mess when you’re drunk
you cry about everything when you’re drunk. one time you saw a cat trying to find food near the trash bin and you cried because you thought someone threw it there
you were so close to tear down the bin
if only your friends weren’t there
anyways, your limit is four shots and you already had two so you’re already a little tipsy
minhyun, who sat on the table across yours noticed your face getting swollen
this man didn’t even sip a drop of alcohol, he knows his tolerance and it’s zero alcohol
one sip and he’d be out
so to save the embarrassment, he doesn’t drink
he told everyone to not mind him and enjoy the night
ok back to you, he noticed your co-workers trying to shove more shots down your throat
and he saw you trying to refuse but they kept pressuring
he went to your table
and cleared his throat and was like uh can i speak to y/n please
you were a giggly mess but you still understand what’s going on
you excused yourself from the table and followed minhyun outside
“yes mr ceo can I help you”
“nothing I just wanted to get fresh air and I saw you kind of need that too”
you gave him a huge smile and slurred a thank you
but you can’t help but think was he paying attention to you
why did he though
you can’t help but wonder if he has any interest in you
but before you could erase that thought from your mind, your tongue betrayed you
“do you like me, mr hwang?
and minhyun stared at you for a good five seconds before saying
“yes, I do like you”
and honestly, you didn’t see that coming
you were expecting a laugh, or a new topic
“your beret, yellow looks good on you, especially when paired with your flustered expression”
oh, so he was joking, you thought
you felt a little pang on your chest
but you laughed it off
“of course you like me as your employee, I make a great assistant creative director”
he smiled as he said “I’m not joking, y/n. I really do like you. I see you more than just an employee. I like you how a person like a person”
you were trying to process what he said
and by now the alcohol already kicked in, so you basically have zero filter now
you stared at him and said,
“I probably won’t remember this tomorrow, but I like you too.”
tell me if i should do a part two i like it like this but if you want more, i’ll do a second part
don’t forget,
request is open
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sveasauvageon · 4 years
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Yours is not to wonder why, yours is to do or die!  || GW
☾♔; March 21, 2018 ☾♔; sotd: idk ☾♔; comedian otd: JOHN FU.CKING OLIVER* ☾♔; GW NPC Audition II ☾♔; {G} https://goo.gl/XSTtMc ☾♔; mod(s): @themadmonarchist @maybones et moi
*oh yeah, he's gonna be comedian of the day all fu.cking week long. As of this moment, his book (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo) is number ONE on Amazon's bestseller's list, outselling not just the Pence's Marlon Bundo book, but James Comey's upcoming tell-all or whatever book about the crazy sh.it at the Trump white house and his firing, and the audiobook version of the Last Week Tonight book is number FOUR, the kindle edition is number FIVE, and all three are ahead on the list than the Pence's book (which is number 7). Guys, I don't have much faith in humanity, we as a species suck (case in point, Trump won the US presidency and so many other problems), but sometimes, like this moment, I love us!
Title: said by Blair Waldorf (my role model in life tbh)
Me: *petty af* Also Me: *passive aggressive af* Thus Me: *manifests pettiness in my oc's*
Preamble Ramble: FINALLY! I've finished one of my auditions! Next up, hopefully Svea, but probs Nika, I'm on a Russia kick, my Swedes will have to wait.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Vladimir Vladimirovich Sokolov, (17)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Изучаю тебя нежно-нежно ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Убиваю тебя ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Назови меня эгоистом! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀-⠀Эгоист by Дима Билан ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(Dima Bilan, aka my one true love)   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀https://goo.gl/VkQMN3
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ THE BASICS
Nickname: Volodya, Vova (but only people with special permission can call him either, call him "Vlad" and he'll end you) Gender: cis-male Date of Birth: May 7 Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia   Nationality: Russian-British   Ethnicity: eastern Slavic (he's also of anglo-saxon and Karachay descent) Accent: Russian   Blood Status: muggle-born
Profession: Student
Face Claim: Jon Kortajarena
Hair: dark brown, positively luscious and better than yours could ever hope to be.
Eyes: green
Height: 1.88m
Weight: idk
Body: tol, fit, and ridiculously handsome.  
Any Scars/ Marks?: - a long horizontal scar near his right 4th rib. Looks to be from a knife wound or some other blade type weapon, but refuses to explain where it came from (was he stabbed? Sword fight? You don't know! I don't know. Mostly because my answer will be lame compared to the "cool" way he refuses to explain it)
Any Tattoos/ Piercings?: a crowned double-headed eagle on his left shoulder blade and an ouroboros, but as a dragon instead of a snake on the inside of his right arm, near the wrist, around half the length of his forearm (there's a picture of it in his moodboard).
Quirks/ Mannerisms: - uses terms of endearment sarcastically for everyone, such as "darling" or "dear" - identifies the nearest 6 exits every time he enters a room - makes weirdly, somewhat threat-like jokes like "don't move to England if you're a professional traitor, people tend be hanged, thrown out of windows or are poisoned" and "those who serve us with poison will eventually swallow it and poison themselves."
Style: expensive (of course). It's quite preppy, and classy, when not in uniform he prefers well-tailored suits, waistcoats, blazers, has a collection of designer watches. Kind of modern Victorian (well, my view of victorians is endless suits and prefect ettiquette, plus many moral values that contrast my liberal views, but their style was, eh meh. Like, their male style was pretty cool, but I'm not really into around 98% of their female style).  
Additional Information: n/a
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ PERSONALITY:
Head cannon: Vova is a rather intimidating person, in the terrifying sort of way. He carries an air of malice and death everywhere he goes, when he does act "warm and fuzzy", it's always jarring and seen as completely out of character, and possibly the sign of an illness. He is generally seen as the restrained, the quiet kid in the back with a perpetual "plotting your murder" expression on his otherwise handsome face. However, he is also seen as a rather extravagant, and somewhat suspicious person, he always seems to have access to illegal things (in both wizarding and muggle worlds), and seen as impervious to consequence, as regardless of what he does (or is suspected to have done), never gets in trouble.  
Personality (+ 5, - 5): Ruthless and shrewd, if you're not careful, he'll screw up your life. He's incredibly manipulative and self-centered, a true stereotypical Slytherin through and through (well, minus the pureblood thing. He's a muggleborn). Definitely overdramatic and decadent af. He is alluring, very much in the evil way, he's attractive, but he does nothing to hide how dark he (seemingly) is. Like, I guess you could say "bad boy attractive", but he's borderline murderous, and possibly a psychopath, so calling him a "bad boy" is not really all that accurate. He's a very proud and arrogant individual (especially about Russia), and quite malevolent, and vicious. He's patient and holds grudges for a long time, and never forgets a slight. He will legit back at you for something said years ago, he doesn't forget that stuff. He's both a great friend and not, he absolutely provides for his friends, buying them things, etc, but cross him in the slightest, he'll ruin you. And on that note, he also doesn't really have "friends", because if you're depending on him for his wealth, you're not really friends, and he's aware of that, he looks at such people more as "minions" than buddies. They're job is to agree with him and do as he commands, otherwise, what's their point. For people who hang out with him whom he doesn't support financially, it's more like tolerable existences, he's a difficult person to like anyway. However, he is capable of befriending people, usually under the guise of "I hate people, but you, you're cool", luring them into a false sense of security and making them feel special at the same time. However, having said that, he is not a pure psychopath, so he does have feelings. He genuinely cares about his family, animals in general, himself, and select few friends whom he does actually care about, but struggles with expressing that to them, since differentiating with people he pretends to befriend and actually considers friends is difficult since "I hate people, except you" is something he says to both types. It'd probably only come out in a life and death situation, since he'd put himself in harms way for people he genuinely gives a sh.it about, and wouldn't bother for the minions.  
Any mental health issues: He's probably something between a sociopath and psychopath, like, he does have actual emotions, as limited as they are, so he's not a true socio/psychopath. The argument is made (and a theory that I personally prescribe to, as a shi.tty psychology/sociology student, so don't put any weight or authority behind my opinion) that a psychopath is simply a more extreme and refined sociopath, so under that logic, Vova is basically a less extreme sociopath. (also, also, I have a problem with socio/psychopaths, I make too many of them, and they turn out to be my favourites. This is really worrying guys.) Anyway, under DSM IV (or possibly DSM III, I forgot which one changed the classification), he'd have what was called "an AXIS II Personality disorder", they've gotten rid of that classification now, but it basically listed narcissism, anti-social, sociopathic, and psychopathic personality disorders.
Favorite Quotes/ Sayings that your character would use: - "the fact that you need that explained is just so fu.cking sad." (literally said to anyone who doesn't understand any concept, whether it's something as simple as 2+2=4 or complicated as "imaginary time" -- don't ask, it's one of Stephen Hawking's theories and I don't understand it, I know my son would make fun of me.) - "what a fool" - "don't be attempt to be a comedian fool, you'll only embarrass yourself." - "darling, you have no idea what's possible." - "want to see what true power really looks like?" - "urg, don't be such a pleb/plebeian." - "of course I love Beyoncé, I'm a human being who lives on this planet." - "when better to have truffles and tiramisu than at 3am in Milan on a Thursday?" - "that jacket looks fine." - "dear, when will you learn? I know everything." - "Mudblood? Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? I don't have any of those, so what else are you going to do?"
Additional Information: - never on time. He's always late. You will literally start crying before he shows up he takes so long. - Loves crushing people's dreams (basically his hobby) - has an uncanny ability to suck the joy out of anything (his ex has said "unfortunately, he is a vampire", but in a muggle jokey way and basically the dracula stereotypical view muggles have of dracula, as in dark and not fun, and not an actual vampire) - Chess (muggle and wizard -- a proper, "normal" person hobby) - Has a bit of a smoking habit   - has an endless list of blackmail material on people (a lot of which is infuriatingly revealed by GW at various times), and also has a tendency of taping people doing various things which he uses as part of his blackmail library. Seems to have cameras' everywhere and claims to "know everything" about everyone.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ BIOGRAPHY
Relation to your OC: classmates, housemates (possibly more, formerly, I'm still developing him)  
♣️ Family Background
Vova comes from a largely muggle family, however, he is not the first wizard born into their family in recent history, so it wasn't completely a left-field shock when he started displaying magic. The first wizard in their family in the last few centuries (approximately) was Vova's uncle; Ilya Dmitriyevich Shostokov, who attended Koldovstoretz. Vova was the second in recent history, and his younger sister made third. Whilst virtually unknown in the magical world (with the exception of Ilya Shostokov, who has a rather dark reputation in the wizarding world), the Sokolov's are very prominent in the muggle world, particularly in Russia. Vova's grandfather is an Oligarch, who in Russia are effectively businessmen who run the country, the only curtail on their power and influence being the Russian President, and even then, the Russian administration is extremely corrupt, in the last presidential election, the incumbent president was able to literally choose his opponents (not a joke, btw. Putin actually did that in the recent Russian election). Anyway, the Sokolov's have a monopoly over the media industry in Russia, most of which run state-friendly stories, and shut down anything that could potentially insult the presidency. Their family, specifically the current patriarch, is also often accused (mainly in rival papers, magazines, shows, etc) of not only being corrupt, but having involvement with the Zima Bratva. As whole, they maintain an unfavourable public image (as most oligarchs do in the eyes of the Russian public), but are close with the Kremlin, so they remain influential with the government.
Family Members: - Vladimir Yakovlevich Sokolov // Marc Lavoine // Father // 47 // Politician // alive - Catherine Elizabeth Sokolova née Olivier // Emilia Fox // Mother // 46 // Socialite/House-wife // alive - Yevgeniya "Zhenya" Vladimirovna Sokolova // Antonina Vasylchenko // younger sister // 16 // student at Hogwarts // alive - Yakov Lʲvovich Sokolov // Charles Dance // paternal grandfather // 71 // Oligarch/suspected Bratva leader // alive -  Ilya Dmitriyevich Shostokov // Nikolaj Coster-Waldau // paternal uncle, once(ish) removed // 43 // dark wizard // alive  
♣️ Family Affiliation: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Slytherin House, Russian Government (the muggle one, as a fam they support United Russia, because Vlad Sr is a member. Personally? Who knows whom Vova supports), other Kremlin-close Russian Oligarchs  
♣️ Socio-economic status: rich as fu.ck. The exact number and position is actually quite shadowy though. They are amongst the wealthiest muggle families in Russia (Vova's grandfather is an Oligarch), but the retainment (definitely not a word) of their wealth also depends on how friendly they remain with the Kremlin, additionally, their family (mainly Vova's gramps) has been accused of having Bratva ties, and money from that alleged connection is definitely not counted on tax forms.
Quick facts: + Born May 7 in a Moscow Hospital, first son of Vladimir Sokolov, an emerging Russian politician (who eventually made it into the Federation Council). After his sister was born just about a year later, their mother, British-born Catherine Sokolova née Olivier, obtained dual British citizenship for them via "lex sanguinis" (which is a british citizenship law, giving to people who are born abroad is one of their parents is a British citizen by birth. I could've left this out, but I googled this sh.it and I like rambling).
+ Whilst close with his family, Vova was a solitary child, he liked to read and spend time on his own in a corner, or stay at their various Dacha's without anyone else. He never seemed to require any oversight as he never did anything bad (or least, he was never caught). However, he is closest to his grandfather, and would enjoy sitting in on board meetings, just silently observing from a corner. Some of his grandfather's employees (or Minions as Lev calls them, where Vova also got the habit from) found his silent starring creepy and unsettling.
+ Being a muggleborn, he is well-versed with the muggle world and has interacted with them from birth, his parents and grandfather all being muggles, and attended muggle private schools as a child before his letters came. Whilst they employ muggle servants (because they're muggles), his uncle (the first wizard he ever met) employs a house-elf (yes, he pays the house-elf, they might be part of an oppressive government and basically an organized crime family, but they don't do slaves).  
+ Vova first discovered magically abilities on his own, when on a trip in Australia with his mother, he discovered a large snake in their hotel room one morning whilst she was still sleeping, being around 3 and not fully comprehending the danger, he just walked up to it and started talking with it. It later slythered (see what I did there) away of it's own accord when Catherine walked in and freaked out about a massive crazy Australian snake (because you guys have scary animals) coiled near her son. As he aged, he noticed he could do other things, such as making things float or disappear.  
+ Vova first publically displayed magically abilities (as well as control over them) aged 7, when a board member of one his grandfather's companies was throwing a hissy fit about a child sitting in, and his tie suddenly tightened and started choking him. The man survived, at that instance, died suspiciously at a later date. Anyway, he survived that instance when Lev ordered the meeting to be over and broke Vova's angry glare at the dude. The two immediately then went home, and Lev called Ilya to arrive in "his" way (apparition) and had Ilya introduce Vova to magic and talk about whatever, Lev didn't know the specifics.
+ When his sister discovered powers (shattering all the windows in their Dacha in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky via screaming, she was told she couldn't keep a Siberian Tiger as a pet), he gave her the "magic talk", and they caused quite a bit of trouble for annoying students at their school, as well as a nearby "plebeian" school (who disliked the children of oligarchs, for very obvious reasons, Oligarchs rule Russia, and they kind of suck). Anyway, they would mess with their things, frame them for crimes that children their age literally could not commit. What 8 year old has cocaine their locker and why does another 8 year old know what it is?
+ He received a letter from both Koldovstoretz and Hogwarts aged 11 (because he's a dual-y), chose Hogwarts since no one in his family had ever gone there before (like, there's only one person in recent history whose ever been magical anyway, but still), also might have had something to do with the Zima bratva's recent (at that time) expansion into the British criminal landscape, who knows?
+ Although he denies any connection, Vova runs effectively a youth branch of his uncle's business, which itself is a branch of the Zima Bratva. Ilya is basically a magical fixer for the Zima Bratva, who, for a very hefty price, uses dark magic to assist/fix the problems of the muggles and magical alike. Vova does basically exactly the same, but for the students at Hogwarts, and for a different price. Instead of money, he collects information and favours to be repaid immediately at any time he demands. He also maintains an iron fisted rule over his "organization", whether they be customers or minions, snitches don't get stitches, snitches get buried 50 feet beneath the ground.
Additional Information: - he is a parselmouth, a trait inherited from a distant magical ancestor (like from back in the Kevian Rus days of his familial ancestry), his sister also inherited the trait, though their uncle did not.  
Is your character a student of Hogwarts?: yeppers If so, which house and year: Slytherin, Seventh Year If not, which house did they belong to while they were at Hogwarts?: n/a
Best Class(s) at Hogwarts: defense against the dark arts
Worst Class(s) at Hogwarts: none
Any Pets?: an ooc, cute af owl (tawny, spotted, he doesn't know. Okay, I don't know, but as a consequence, neither does Vova), it's smol and got big round eyes, it's name is Harold and yes, it is his best friend, and yes, he did get it at diagon alley at his sister's instance, and accidentally got attached to it. He does like animals though, the Solokov Dacha in the outskirts of Yakutsk has effectively become a cross between an animal hospital and habitat for, welp, animals. Vova spends most of his holidays there (often alone, not including servants, as it's cold AF. Yakutsk is the second coldest major city in the world, after Norilsk, but it's winter's are colder than Norilsk's), he's ability to visit has increased since he learned how to apparate. He's also really interested, invested, and active in wildlife conservation, and often goes tagging Siberian tigers and polar bears etc with various animal protection organizations in Russia (the muggle ones).  
Reputation at Hogwarts: Volodya has a largely dark reputation, he's more infamous than famous. He's known for messing with people, and not in a fun way, and he's generally seen as some kind of criminal. His uncle is well known is the magical world as a "Jack of all trades of villainy", and Vova definitely fits that villain mold too. He probably wouldn't be too close to the elites, they're sort of glittering in their ivory towers, and his tower is dark and gloomy, and lacks joy because he finds it annoying. Although, he and E probs might've gotten along in her pureblood bully gang days, or actually would've been antagonistic, he's basically as evil as them, but he's a mudblood, so meh, maybe rival bullies? Idk, I'll leave that for plotting. Anyway, he's not got a "bad boy" rep so much as a "omg, he's literally the worst person alive, why are you trying to be his friend, does he have a incriminating evidence on you?" type rep.  
Additional Information: n/a
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ INDIVIDUAL MAGIC
Wand: yew Wand Core: veela hair (acquired by his uncle through unknown means, there was a report of a veela going missing right around the time Uncle Ilya got that hair so...) Wand Length: 13½" Wand Flexibility: inflexible
Patronus: Eurasian brown bear
Boggart: appears as the corpses of his family, killed via poison/nerve agent. His fear being a government revolution and his family getting caught up in that or his family losing the Kremlin's favour. The result would be the same in both scenarios tbh.
Amortentia: citrus, gun powder, and mint
Affinity to any particular magic? - I dunno if you'd call it an affinity, but he is waaaay too into the unforgivable curses and it's waaaaaay too easy for him to perform them. - dark magic/dark arts (you guys know exactly why he has an affinity for it XP)
Additional Information: - whilst he loves magic, he also has a deep fascination with muggle weapons (particularly the ones developed by his country), and has been experimenting with magically evolving them, particularly poisons and nerve agents.  
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ USER INFORMATION
Username: @drownedinmoonlight Activity Level (Scale 1-10): 8
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ OPTIONAL Playlist: Moodboard: https://goo.gl/R7DVjp Social Media (instagram, facebook, snapchat, twitter, etc): Storyboard: https://goo.gl/h6DJfB Aesthetic Collection: Wardrobe/Style Collection: Plotting Set: Story:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
When you have completed the audition, please tag the mods: @drownedinmoonlight @themadmonarchist and @maybones and use the hashtag #GWnpc
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vixxpirational · 7 years
Inspiration: @velvethoseok‘s AMAZING MOODBOARD here Warning: N/A Words: 1,100 Note: Fluff | AU memory fic where you first met NJ as a photography student and he’s taken by how amazing you look | Gender neutral 
Kim Namjoon waltzed into your life like a dream. One day, you were in the park reading your favorite book and the next day, a thin man with dimples as deep as his soul had your heart fluttering. One day, you were content with your life and satisfied with where you were in your journey—and the next day you found the one person you could never live without.
“I’m sorry to bother you. I was just curious what you are reading.” His voice was deep, soothing, but you were still annoyed that someone dared to disrupt you while you were laying out on a blanket, surrounded by buttercups and buzzing bumble bees. You were flipping through the pages, unable to stop, lost in an adventure, a world far away, with characters from another realm. And someone had to rip you away.
But then you looked up to see who dared to bother you. His face was soft, cheeks plump in all the adorable places. His lips were plush and distracting, spread into a smile you only read about in books. Around his neck hung a camera, his long fingers holding it as if it were an extension of his hand, as if he were touching the world through the images he captured.
You held up the book so he could see the cover, unable to do anything that involved words. “Inkheart, good book. One of my favorites, actually.” You nodded and managed a smile. “I’m sorry for bothering you, again. I’m a student at the university, studying photography and the lighting over here is perfect and you look… stunning.” Your heart raced to a stop and you were sure he could see the way your insides liquefied under his gaze, honey dripping from his eyes. “Would it be okay if I took a few photos of you reading?”
You nodded again. You cursed at yourself for being so awestruck with a complete stranger that way. He still has the same effect on you, years later, but it was extra embarrassing the first time.
“Stay where you are. You look perfect.” His smile widened and your heart fell into your stomach. How could someone be so handsome? He raised his camera and pointed it to you for a moment. You could feel his stare through the machine, making you feel vulnerable.
“May I touch you for a second? If I could just straighten your shirt over your shoulder, it won't be so shadowed and will make your skin glow in the sunlight.”
“S-Sure…” You managed to say a word to that surreal being and you couldn't even say it right. He fell next to you, his presence more graceful than his knees, and it made you feel at ease. You chuckled to yourself as he smoothed your sleeve, the noise hiding the fact that his touch was hotter than the sun blazing over you.
“There. Just go back to reading and doing what you were doing. Just be natural and ignore the camera and me.” He stood again, but you didn't miss him stumbling a bit as he regained his balance.
You went back to your book as he asked, letting yourself get lost in the story again, of Moe reading the gold out of Arabian Nights for Capricorn and his goons. You imagined Moe’s voice to be the ethereal creature that moved around you, solidifying you in a two-dimensional world forever. He should be the one in front of the camera is all you could think as the words of the novel washed over you. He must have been read out of a book about a prince, a handsome prince, a prince that saw the world through a lens that made the simplest things, like you reading on a blanket in the park, beautiful.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” You look up from your coffee cup and into the same handsome face that stole your heart three years ago. “You look like you're a million miles away. Is your head in the clouds or are thinking dirty things?” He winks with a playful smirk.
“Clouds.” You chuckle and reach for his hand. “Thinking about when we first met.”
“The day you forgot how to speak. A day I miss because you haven't stopped talking since.” He laughs when you hit his arm playfully, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“I don't talk that much…”
“I love that of all the things that make you speechless, I was one of them.” You bite your lip and look into your coffee again. Damn Namjoon for having a way with words that make you feel like that kid in the park all over again. You bring the cup to your lips and finish the last at the drink, hoping it hides the blush on your cheeks.
“We should get going. We’ll lose the sunlight if we don't hurry.”
“Do we have to do this? You didn't get enough pictures the first time?”
“I'll never have enough photos of you, babe.” He stands and holds out his hand. You set your empty mug down on its matching saucer and collect everything together. You hate to leave a mess behind, even if it's “okay” to. You finally take his hand and his fingers wrap delicately around yours. He holds you like he holds his camera, like his entire existence depends on whether or not you're safe and secure with him.
“Fine, fine. But only because I love you will I let you take pictures of me.” You swing your hands as you bow to the cafe workers in thanks. He holds the door for you, the same way he did on your first date here—a gentleman then and a gentleman now. You kiss his cheek as you pass through.
“Does that mean you loved me then?” He smiles, his chest puffing out with pride.
“I loved you the next day. I was annoyed you disturbed me reading my favorite book.” His laugh is light like a spring breeze and soothing like crashing waves. He pulls you against him and kisses your temple.
“I was in love the moment I saw you. An angel with a book. You were a dream. You are dream.”
You scrunch your nose at the line but your heart beats loud in your ears. You stop walking and pull him in for a kiss, deep and uncaring of the stares from others around you. Three years is enough time to forgive someone for interrupting your reading time, especially when he still leaves you speechless.
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noonachronicles · 7 years
Angels and Demons Pt. 7
Choi Seunghyun/ TOP X Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: Mafia AU
Warning: Language, Violence
Authors Note: Quick, funny story before we get started. Part 6 was not initially a cliff hanger. I just thought it would be too long to put 6 & 7 together. SORRY. >.<
Tumblr media
Moodboard by @memoiresofaneternaldreamer
The early morning dock reeked of fish guts and sea water, but all of the boats were out catching the fish of the day so at least it was private. Seunghyun leaned back against his black car, his thick wool coat the perfect protection from the harsh winds coming into the bay. Smoke from his cigarette bloomed from his lips.
“He’s late.” he said without bothering to even look at his watch. Jiyong said one in the morning it was nearing two.
“You didn’t really expect him to be on time did you?” Daesung asked lightly.
Seunghyun chuckled, “No, I suppose he thinks it’s a power play keeping me waiting.”
They watched together as the headlights of five different cars approached from the other end of the dock.
“Always so flashy.” Seunghyun muttered with distaste.
Four black suvs pulled up surrounding Jiyong’s notorious white Lamborghini. He killed the engine before stepping out looking as superfluous as ever. An oversized fur coat was draped over his shoulders his hair slicked back with so much product that his hair glistened in the moonlight like an oil slick.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, hyung.” he said cheerfully, “I spent the evening with the most beautiful woman. I almost forgot all about our little date.”
“You mean the one that you requested?” Seunghyun asked unenthusiastically.
“Ah, not a morning person?” Jiyong joked fruitlessly. “Maybe a gift will cheer you up.”
Jiyong snapped his fingers, never taking his eyes from Seunghyun. One of his men pulled a latched box from the backseat of one of the suvs. He walked in between the two leaders and dropped the box unceremoniously onto the concrete. Whatever the gift was rattled against the box with several thuds.
“Now, before you open your present, I have a little something I would like to say. It’s speech really, I practiced it very hard and I think it’s pretty poetic and I’m proud of it, so hear me out. I know I said I didn’t want your hand me down lackeys, and I don’t, truly. The problem with that, however, is that I have to assume that anyone who isn’t with me, is against me. You understand. I was going to ask you one more time, just out of the kindness of my own heart, if you might change your mind. I wanted to extend the olive branch. I wanted this to work out between us on a business and a personal level. Obviously, that’s not going to happen because you have a really shitty attitude…”
“Are you going somewhere with this?” Seunghyun interjected.
“See? Shitty. Here’s the shorter version. I have to assume that anyone that refuses to work with me based on loyalty to you has lost their goddamn mind because what I’m planning is genius. So, and this is where it gets poetic, I have decided that from here on out, anyone that doesn’t want to work with me and my clan, is going to literally lose their mind.”
Jiyong watched Seunghyun with so much enthusiasm, a comedian waiting for the perfect time to drop the punch line. He rubbed his palms together and nodded down to the box.
“Go on. Open it. See who- I mean, what’s inside.”
Seunghyun felt sick to his stomach already. He didn’t want to open the box. He didn’t want to know whose family would be hurting because of the role he played as leader. After losing his father he never forgot the reality of this lifestyle. He knew from the moment he found out his father was dead what it was going to be like when he stepped up into his position. He knew the burden of being the man that had to tell families their loved ones were gone before he ever put on a suit. He’d seen it in Youngbae’s father’s eyes that night he’d come over and sat him, his sister, and his mother down in the living room. He knew these moments happened, but it never made them easier.
“Alright, fine. I’ll open it.” Jiyong said impatiently squatting down next to the box and unlatching the lid.
He looked up at Seunghyun before opening the lid. The older inhaled deeply, the only reaction he let escape his face. Jiyong made an overdramatic, faux shocked face. It was a joke to him. Everything was a joke to him.
Anger rose inside Seunghyun and he lifted his foot, the heel of his designer boot colliding with Jiyong’s chest. As he fell backwards into a muddy puddle his face finally changed from amusement to rage. Three of his men stepped forward but Jiyong quickly lifted his hand to stop them. When he stood up muddy water dripped from his fur coat. He tried to smile but it wavered too much. Slowly he turned around and examined his ruined jacket. Jiyong turned back quickly, surprising Seunghyun with a jab to the face, the heavy fist sliding across his cheek. The rings on Jiyong’s hand slicing through the skin.  
Seunghyun lifted two fingers to the cut, smearing the droplets of blood as he pulled them away to look at them. He shrugged his jacket off and handed it to Daesung.
“He bleeds.” Jiyong smirked.
“I am so fucking tired of you. Before I thought you were just young, but it’s apparent that you’re stupid too, not to mention reckless. You’ve started a war.” Seunghyn said pocketing his cufflinks and rolling up his sleeves as he spoke.
“What’s all this now? Are we going to fist fight for power? How vintage, just like your friend here.”
“No. We’re not going to fight. I’m going to beat the shit out of you in front of your own men for murdering a founder of the clans. And because your men, unlike you, have some respect for how things are done in our world, they’re going to let me.”
Jiyong scoffed and lifted his chin, “Hit me. See what happens. I won’t stop my dogs this time.”
Seunghyun threw a hard punch square against Jiyong’s jutted chin. There was an audible pop as he stumbled backwards. Seunghyun looked up at Jiyong’s men, daring any of them to take a step towards him. Nobody moved. Seunghyun threw an uppercut that threw Jiyong backwards into a couple of his own men. He ripped his still dripping coat from his shoulders and threw it to the ground. He sped towards Seunghyun, ramming him in the stomach with his shoulder. Jiyong lifted Seunghyun into the suv behind him. One of the side mirrors dug into his back, cracked and fell to the ground at their feet. Jiyong got a few punches into Seunghyun’s ribs before the older slammed his elbow into the younger’s back. He found himself locked into place by Seunghyun whose knee lifted up into his gut.
Seunghyun threw Jiyong’s limp body to the ground and squatted down next to him, pushing his shoulder so he rolled over to his back. Jiyong’s face was covered in a mess of blood and muddy water.
“I was trying to give you the chance to make your mistakes on your own. I think your plan was a mistake and you would have failed miserably, but I was going to step back and let you fail on your own. Now? Now, I’m going to end you. I should have done it months ago, I should do it tonight, but you’ve fucked up, big time, and for that I want you to really suffer.”
Jiyong coughed, blood splattering across Seunghyun’s white dress shirt. He grinned, even still, and reached behind him pulling a phone with a glittery gold cover from his back pocket. Her glittery gold covered phone. “You can try and make me suffer, hyung, but I’m not the one with a weakness. Go. Run to her. Make sure she’s safe and sound before someone takes her away from you. It’s easier than you think.”
Seunghyun’s face was like granite. He snatched her phone from Jiyong’s grip and climbed into the car without another word. Daesung directed the other men to leave before getting into the driver’s seat, their entire entourage taking off, leaving Jiyong in his puddle.
He waited until after the cars were all out of sight before standing up and facing his men. Underneath the mess on his face he was red with rage. “If I didn’t need you assholes,” he began calmly, “YOU WOULD ALL BE FUCKING DEAD.”
He dabbed at his cheeks and forehead with the sleeve of his shirt before getting into his car and peeling off. One of his men grabbed the box, closing and latching the lid before walking it over to the edge of the dock. He sighed and shook his head before dropping the box into the bay, where it landed in the water with a splash. It wouldn’t be until hours later when the boats returned that a young fisherman’s son would pull the box from the water, opening it to find the head of Namji. By breakfast every family in every clan of South Korea would know what had happened.
Seunghyun burst through the door of his home with a wrath that Daesung had never witnessed in his life. Minho and Jiwon were standing in front of the desk in his study with their heads bowing low and their hands folded in front of them. Children ready to be scolded. Taking long smooth strides into the study Seunghyun pulled his gun from the holster under his jacket. He grabbed Minho by the hair and pressed the gun to the boys temple.
“Give me one good fucking reason I shouldn’t kill you right now.” he hissed through his teeth.
“I-I d-don’t ha-ave one, hyung.” he stuttered.
“Jiwon?” he asked pressing the cold metal under the other boys trembling chin, “What was so important that you failed the only task I have ever given you?”
“D-dumplings.” he whimpered as tears streaked his cheeks.
Surprised by the voice behind him he pulled his gun around, pointing it at the center of her chest. She didn’t even look down at it, she kept her eyes on his, watching the rage drain from his face. He stepped forward wrapping his arms around her so tightly she thought she might suffocate, but then she thought, what a wonderful way to go. He pulled away without warning and examined her face, her neck, her arms and hands for damage.
“When I saw your phone I thought you were dead. I thought he had you. I thought…”
“I’m not, and he doesn’t.”
“What did he do? What did he say?”
Her gaze wavered at the fresh memory. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter. Just don’t punish them okay? They didn't do anything I didn’t ask them to do.”
He ran his thumb over her cheek before turning back to Minho and Jiwon. Both of them were back to staring at their toes. “Go home and count your fucking blessings, before you do that make sure you thank the angel that just saved your life.”
“Thank you, noona.” Minho said bowing low and taking off out of the room.
“Thank you, noona. We’re sorry.” Jiwon followed.
“You’re hurt.” she said quietly as he turned back to her.
“You should see the other guy,” he said searching her face. “Jagiya, what did he say to you?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“When we said no lies, no secrets, did that apply only to me?”
She sighed and grabbed the collar of his jacket, “I don’t want you to more upset than you already are.”
“Then tell me what happened so I don’t have to imagine the worst.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “He kissed me. He put his hands… everywhere. He told me all the ways he was going to make me his once you’re…”
“Jagi…”he could barely breathe, he was between rage and guilt.
“I really don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to remember it. I’m really fine. Just let me take care of you.”
She took him upstairs to the bathroom and fixed him a bath. He leaned against the counter watching her fill the hot water with salts and oils. He drew the line at the bubbles. Once the mirror was covered in steam and the tub was filled with water she stood up and looked him over.
“There is so much blood.” she whispered as she started to unbutton his blood stained shirt.
“It’s not all mine.” he shrugged.
“Oppa…” she gasped dragging the shirt off his shoulders to find a growing bruise on his rib cage.
“It’s fine,” he said honestly as she ran her fingertips gently around the coloration, “I feel better already.”
She looked up at his face like a disappointed mother, “Take your pants off and get in the tub.”
“Feisty,” he smirked.
She rolled her eyes and went over to the cabinet to pull out some medicine for the cut on his face. She gasped again when she turned around, “Holy shit.”
“What?” he said looking over his shoulder at her.
“How many times have I seen you naked?” she asked.
He chuckled, “Um, a lot.”
“So, how have I never seen this before?” she said stepping forward and placing a hand on his back.
“Well usually when we’re naked, you’re in front of me.”
“Smartass.” she said pinching his hip. “It’s beautiful.”
He closed his eyes as her fingers trailed over the design that covered his back. The storm clouds and the lightning. The wings, the fire, and the horns. He winced slightly when she found the spot where he’d hit the mirror on the car but other than that it felt like heaven.
“Is this meant to be Lucifer’s descent?” she asked.
“I like to think of it as a self portrait.” he joked.
‘You tend not to think very highly of yourself, Seunghyun.”
“You tend to think too highly of me.” he replied quickly.
“Get in the bath, Lucifer.” she said shoving him forward.
He sunk down into the warm water. He could already feel the soreness in his muscles easing away. She balanced herself on the edge of the tub and cleaned the wound on his face.
“This feels really nice.” he murmured, “Did I have all of this bath stuff here?”
She scoffed, “No. I went home last week to pick up some things and figured I might need some thing’s for relaxation. I bet you wish you had the bubbles.”
“Not really, but there is definitely something else I would like to add to the water.” he looked up at her cheekily as she applied the liquid bandage to his cut.
“Seunghyun, you’re injured.” she said reaching over to put the medicine on the edge of the counter.
“I know, I had a really terrible evening. Don’t you want to cheer me up?”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” she argued but the look in her eyes said he had her convinced already.
“You’re hurting me right now. If you don’t get in this tub with me, it’ll break my heart.” he smirked.
She stood up and dropped the sweatpants she was wearing and kicked them over to where Seunghyun’s discarded clothes were. He looked up at her as she stepped into the bathtub in just the button down shirt she’d been wearing. She had one foot on either side of him and sat down on his lap.
“Is this my shirt?” he asked watching the fabric absorb the water. She nodded. “Are you going to take it off?”
“I want you to take it off. I like watching your hands work.” she said running her wet hands through his hair.
“Jesus Christ.” he chuckled and started to unbutton the shirt as best he could with wet fingers. “You could read the dictionary and it would still sound sexy.”
She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead, “I love you.”
He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug, soaking the shirt all the way through. He sighed with a mixture of relief and content before pulling away and going back to unbuttoning her shirt, “See? Sexy.”
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chara-killer-bear · 7 years
You seriously have no #chill
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
Just a few moments ago tbh–
Since when did I not ever sing to myself–
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Hmm– Honestly, if Jesus Christ was real or who was the first person to celebrate Valentine’s Day
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Be alive this far
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
If I said it, it would be too cheesy~
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
Basically buy myself an airplane ticket and spend the whole year with the bae :”)
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
- That fancy ass sweater that they keep posting on my dashboard that’s either the one with a little giraffe on the front of the coat or the one where it has cat ears and– just basically look at my wishlist
- A I R P L A N E T I C K E T
- I don’t want too many things tbh– I’m already happy with what I have as long as there’s internet
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
let’s see-
- he the bae
- he’s a big ball of sunshine + cheese
- he’s a huge nerd 
- lowkey kinky 
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Not really??? Considering that I mostly forgot all of my childhood and the only things I remember are random moments in history and the 6th grade incident up to now???
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
Honestly last year-
Because around March, on the day when I broke up from ex from hell, hours before the breakup I was a mess, and basically my “mom” witnessed it all as I kept crying on her shoulder–
I guess you can say rainy weather is not my cup of tea because it reminds me so much of that day–
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
the bae because honestly it’d be a precious moment to share with them uvu
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
nah that’d be weird 
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
can I plead the 5th–
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
Pretty common to see for me, but still beautiful all the same 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“Women are made of a pancreas, spleen, and something keen.” - English teacher
Honestly it’s because my English teacher submitted himself to the Dating Game with his friends as a joke when he was a teenager but actually got accepted, and the girl in the show asked this question “Girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice, but what are women made of?”. The guy in front of him took his answer so at the top of his head he blurted out “Women are made of a pancreas, spleen, and something keen.”
One of his students actually made it their senior quote, so that’s my goal atm :”)
You can watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/brian.day.902/videos/770963163023707/
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
“What a Memeingful Life”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
- go to the bae
- get a cottage in the mountains
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I’m not even sure myself :”)
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
“a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self”
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
what do I use these for
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
I wear chapstick every day, and occasionally lipstick, but that’s all the makeup I ever wear.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
Can’t really answer that because I never been to a concert :”)
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
honestly the bae or any member of my dad’s side of my family would be nice
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
text the bae until I pass out :”)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
a whole bunch of things really
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
turquoise or light pink streaks at the ends of my hair
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
- Blake
- Jessica
- Carlos
- Glend
- the bae ewe
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
- go to the bae
- happy life
- bae doesn’t die from cancer and lives a long life :”)
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
nothing ‘cause I don’t do that shit :”)
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
burn a butterfly
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
Listen to one song for the rest of my life because I can never really get tired of singing to Caravan Palace Lone Digger :”)
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
P L E A D T H E 5 T H 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
honestly, I have never really had short, short hair– So in conclusion, I don’t think I would look good in that style :”)
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
the bae B)
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asksansweredpdf · 5 years
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself? i feel like it was teenage rebel - chameleon circuit hahaha
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? well, i often do tarot spreads for this. but i guess i would ask - you know. i’m not sure
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? literally just surviving it all
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise? maybe a few work ones, or the time not long ago i was put in a group assignment for uni. we all decided to meet up after our group presentation for drinks and hang out and i had a really fun time making new friends and hanging out with people
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? oh man i would have WAY less anxiety about everything. knowing that nothing i do will matter in a year would be so freeing and liberating. i’d probably get a new job and actually get my motorbike license and go for rides 
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things? i don’t have a bucket list but i’ll try to think of 3 things i’d like to do before i die -
this has been in my drafts for days and i honestly can’t think of a thing. 
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood? nope
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person? honestly i can’t remember. oh! i think maybe 6 months ago i got high and started over thinking and got sad and started crying. my roommate walked past because i forgot i had the door open and hugged me and then left after a bit
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them. ideally, it’d be a close friend. but i dont have those. so maybe if i could go back in time and stargaze with an old friend. otherwise, my current friend hj is cool! actually, i’d love to get high and stargaze with him.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? i have before. but no, i wouldn’t now. i’m not like that anymore
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? it was 4 months ago, with my old best friend’s ex-boyfriend (i think they broke up? i dont talk to either of them anymore). i used to be close to him anyway, like we were also best friends. and we used to be roommates.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom? i’d love to look my mother in the eyes and say “i’ll never forgive you” but. it doesn’t feel right as much as i mean it. i guess i’d like to say it to both my parents. but i have to pick one person. .... i guess i would get my old best friend who i havent spoken to in 6 years and say “i’m sorry. i missed you for years. i’ll always love you” or something equally dramatic
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? i have them and i love them. they’re so beautiful
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally. i’m picking a few because fuck the police “being human is a condition that requires a little anaesthesia” was from the bohrap movie. relatable mood. reminds me of my mother which makes me uncomfortable “fall down 7 times, stand up 8. higher, further, faster” from captain marvel. i’ve been through soooo much fucking shit in my life. and i feel like it just keeps coming (well. the shit keeps coming and it don’t stop coming and it dont stop coming and it dont stop coming and it dont stop coming) and sometimes i wonder what the point of it all is. like what’s the point of trying to be happy when i’m just going to be let down again. and so it’s encouraging to change perspective from that to, we get up higher, further, faster
“my skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel” - sansa stark  it ties in with the captain marvel one. in that shit just keeps happening. and i feel the same way. i used to be so free and naive and i’m not that person anymore. i guess it makes me feel less alone. 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? “
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars? buy a house for myself, buy a few investment properties so that i know i’m always secure financially. put a couple million in the bank. buy houses for my friends and family, donate the rest
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? yes and yes. i feel like i’m really understanding, and so i forgive people when it’s understandable. but once it’s past a certain point, i’m not at all forgiving. i hold grudges too. i like being this way
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self. “hey kid. happy birthday! well, this is where things start to get really hard. you’re going to go through a lot even though you think you won’t. people are going to leave you and treat you despicably and betray you. almost everyone you love will completely screw you over. you will have no one to count on except yourself. i’m not saying this to scare you. but i want you to know that even when you feel like it’s too much to handle, you’re so much stronger than you’ll even realise. you have so much turmoil ahead of you, but i love you so much. you’ll come out the other end with anxiety and so scarred. but you’ll survive it. all of it. you’ll survive. there’s no lesson or greater purpose. i’m not going to tell you that it all happens for a reason, because it doesn’t. just trust that you have what’s in you to face anything. once day this will all feel like a bad dream and you’ll start to feel like yourself again. best of luck. ps there is no god”
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? punk
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. love them both. they’re hot and cool
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? nah, i only wear make up to work. and that’s because i work in sales. part of getting people to like you is being attractive. make up makes you more attractive. when people like you, you have more influence over them and you make more sales
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. runaway by pink. that song just. what a mood. and family portrait. i relate to both of those songs so much. even when i was going through shit, i had that song that i could sing and even though things were never okay, they made it bearable
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them. be kind to each other?
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel. 1st was a pink concert i went to when i was 15! we were super poor so this was a major deal. i waited in line for ages and my back started hurting real bad. but as soon as she got on stage everything went away. it was electrifying and she performed my favourite song. and i had eyeliner on which i cried off because she was my idol and it was amazing. her dancers were also super hot and i re-affirmed my bisexuality because i was like. wow. yes 2nd was lana & borns. my sister made me go with her to see lana del rey who i dont really give a shit about. she’s cool but im not like a major fan. borns however, i adore with every fibre of my being. borns was the opening act which was cute. i was one of the only ones in the crowd who knew him and everyone behind me was like gasping and talking about how cute he is. which also re-affirmed my sexuality. up until that point i thought that maybe i was a lesbian because i didn’t tend to find men too attractive. but borns? nope, i knew i was bi. then lana came on. it was okay. i knew a fair amount of the songs and apparently pissed everyone off by singing? i just thought that’s what you did at concerts dsjgdslkr but i had fun.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say? i would love to get a letter from an old best friend of mine saying sorry & that we should catch up. i feel like i havent had a friendship as full of connection as the one we’ve had. it’s been years and i still dont have anyone that could possibly replace her. but i worry that if we ever did try to re-kindle things it just wouldnt work out. which would lead me to ask myself if there was ever going to be anyone else who i’ll have that connection with. but it’d be nice at least
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised? i don’t have a desk! i had one for about 3 months and it was organised. i was always too poor to afford a desk and it just wasnt a priority when i used my bed
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? go upstairs, lay in bed, read .... words, stay up until my eyes are closing for me. sleep
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? my parents opinion literally means nothing to me. i wouldn’t care what they do/don’t know. i guess id prefer if they didnt know about the drugs because my mum did them a lot and it led to her being abusive. so they’d be suuuper judgy and probably take them off me and shit. but once im moved out, i dont really care. they wont be able to do much about it
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? i’d love to have a shaved thing. my hair’s already short. but my dad’s homophobic and doesnt want me to get it short. i dont give enough of a shit about it to argue with him so i leave it. but if i could, having a cool shaved thing would be nice
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do? i dont think i even have 5 friends, and if i do, we certainly don’t have fun together. i’d just go by myself. i’m lots of fun to be around when it’s just me
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. i wish for a job that has stable income, consistent hours, a kind staff, and is something that i’m not constantly fucking up. - i wish for this because i feel like getting up every day to do something that doesn’t give me panic attacks (that i might even be able to enjoy) is such a dream. and if it gives a stable amount of money and hours, i’d be able to plan things and have a life instead of worrying about them calling me at literally any given moment and asking me to work. which means i’d either have to work or stammer out an excuse on the spot & have the managers be mad at me i wish for a living space that i can afford & is either by myself or with people who aren’t terrible. or with people who can’t fuck me over if they get mad at me. this would step 2 of being happy for me. having a job that doesn’t make me anxious = job that could make me happy. living space that is secure and mine and that no one can take away = reduction of anxiety and security = potentially being happy.  i guess i’d use the 3rd wish on having a car or motorbike. being able to get around without relying on anyone or public transport would be nice. i can go to places whenever it suits me and i’d be independent. i can just decide to go to an art gallery without it having to be a major planning thing or something that would take 2 hours to get to and from. it’d be very liberating 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. omg! last halloween. i borrowed an old friend’s witch costume. it was this cute corseted dress with a mini skirt & suspenders that attach to stockings. i bought a matching wand and witches hat. i looked super cute
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high? i havent done terrible things under the influence hey. i mostly just have fun and keep to myself.
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars? i dunno man. one million dollars is a lot of money. surely any of my usual morals would fly out the window. murder would become questionable. like it’s $1 million. i guess maybe not murder because if i went to jail then i wouldnt be able to spend the $1m. mass murder of like children and innocent people i probably wouldnt do. even if i got away with it
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why? 1 song would be maybe americans - janelle monae. it’s a tune and you can listen to it for any mood really 1 person? i’ve purposefully gotten rid of any person i would want to only see for the rest of my life. not in a murder way, i just cut ties with them
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love. many a time. it’s a really nice thing! not just romantically. but for me, i just suddenly can’t stop thinking about them. like every spare second i have i’m wondering what they’re doing, thinking about our inside jokes, planning what i’ll say next, wondering what to wear to impress them next, planning how i’m going to work this funny story i want to tell them, etc. and i won’t be able to stop smiling whenever they’re around. the worst giveaway for me is when i can feel myself excessively talking to other people about them. and i can’t stop.  it gives me something to think about that makes me happy. something that makes me happy to distract from usually the shitter things.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? i am a girl and i have really really short hair. i rock it. i also rock black nail polish
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? i hate coffee. so i usually order a white hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. i’d trust anyone to order it for me. as long as they didn’t screw up and get me the white chocolate mocha, which has happened a few times 
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? alcohol. music! probbaly music before alcohol. i love music. cigarettes. and my phone
0 notes
foreveregyptian · 7 years
DO ALL OF THE AESTHETIC ASKS (but not the ones you're uncomfortable answering)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
last monday in the gameroom a little louder than i should have
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
any moment i’ve spent with people whose company i enjoy
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
I would increase my voluntary salah, make some more dua, probably pray my salah with other people instead of alone, and go back to jumuah (i havent been going and i miss it). overall increase my rememberance of Allah
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
things id like to accomplish in this life inshaallah (based on first thing that comes to mind)
-memorize the Quran
-get married 
-travel with my future husband everywhere (inshaallah inshaallah)
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
my mom honestly. sometimes we go on little adventures (thrift stores, short walks, cafes, or even grocery shopping) and she gets excited over the cutest things like teacups and stuff and she works so hard for her business and she balances so much on top of her normal responsibilities mashaallah shes such a great role model may Allah protect her and reward her for everything she does ameen
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
I would say my childhood was average, there were a few times where ive gone through rough patches but theyve made me who i am today and I’m thankful for that. 
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
a couple nights ago in front of my mom, i got overwhelmed with a bunch of things that stressed me out and she knew something was up and she asked about it so i kind of cried a bit. 
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
my future husband (inshaallah). I dont know why, but it just seems that it should be him. stargazing seems like a really peaceful activity that requires comfortable quiet and that was the first thing that came to mind. 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
not really.... considering the fact i’m kind of awkward at first meeting people. 
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
with maryam, shes one of my best friends and im thankful for her
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
To anyone in the room, my shahaada (bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is His servant and Messenger)
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
They’re calming to look into! 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
Its a verse from the Quran that I feel like has affected my life alot, from surah Hashr ayah 59, the translation being “And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient.” along with surah Ra’d ayah 28, “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”. Lately ive been feeling alot of anxiety for issues of this dunya, and at the same time i have to be honest but I wasnt 100% with remembering Allah. I was doing it, but it wasnt with the best intentions, and I’m trying to fix it. Alhamdulillah my chest is a bit lighter and I feel calmer, as if my heart is at more ease than it was before, subhanallah. 
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
probably donate it to my community school, they really need the money for repairs. 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I didnt used to be. I used to hold grudges for a long time until i realized it wasnt healthy and also it wasnt good. and then i was forgiving to people who had harmed me, but if anyone did anything to my friends i would stay mad at them even when my friends had forgiven them (at this point i was like okay tasneem chill). now i can say (alhamdulillah) that i have an okay level of forgiveness (better than what i used to have before).
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Dont worry about what other people think about you because none of it matters in the end. You are beautiful. You will go through fake friends and one sided friendships and they will leave but you will find gems that will help you grow as a person and will be there for you and call you out on your mistakes for your sake so grit your teeth a bit more and ride it out, verily with hardship comes ease. drill that in your mind, repeat it, because you will go through so much difficulty and emptiness but none of it is in vain. You did not go to umd like you wanted but youre much happier here alhamdulillah and you’ll see why. 
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
pastel! definetly pastel
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
I’ve been exposed to cultures where nose piercings are normal, and i have my ears pierced. for myself i wouldnt want to go past either of those but people are free to pierce whatever they want. Tattoos mehhhhhh i wont judge anyone who has them but theyre not allowed in Islam. personally i prefer henna. 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
i wear whatever im in the mood/energy for on each given day, but if its a big even i do a full face (what i consider full face is foundation/concealer and my eyes/eyebrows, plus occasional highlight) I dont have time in my routine for eyeshadow or learning how to do it. On class days that i do wear it it’ll range from fresh face to eyebrows and eyeliner+mascara. 
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
Donald Trump, you are the shittiest human being in the world. (not changing this) 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
(has not been to a concert)
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
red bc its cool
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
zaynub, maryam, hibaaq, afraah, and raneem and maybe somewhere in dc or an art museum or a city with cafes OH YEAH A CAT CAFE 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
i saw this fanart of a hijabi airbender and it was so freaking cool i wanted to do a costume party and do a hijabified avatar character bc thats sick as heck
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
lol the most high ive been was at the dentist office off of laughing gas and my limbs were falling off the chair and i was laughing my head off 
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
kill someone
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
i’d rather only listen to one song because i love the people i surround myself with and i cant choose just one. 
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
for me it was kind of heart painful. my heart would miss the person a bit after they passed by and it would go on for months... wishing for another way to see them even if its just a few seconds, the feeling that you’ve met before and wish to meet again, and after a long time when you think you’re over them, they show up and it all starts over. 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
i’ve been told id look good in short hair and ive always wanted to try it?
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
honestly my drinks vary but i usually like eating the turkey egg white sandwich. not even myself bc i never know what i want from there *nervous sweats*
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
making it to Paradise via pleasing Allah (SWT)
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