#i love their sibling dynamic sm
drieddpetals · 6 months
kaz: *walks into nina's room, walks to the foot of her bed, and stands there*
nina: *looks up to find him standing there, hands on hips, star shaped sunglasses on, with the right lense missing*
kaz: *turns and walks out without a word*
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karamielo · 2 years
do you think that will and el bond over the fact that they both had an abusive "papa" and had a good dad (hopper and bob) once they escaped that abusive papa but then they lost that good dad. like they both felt like they lost everything during their respective mind flayer encounters.
i can see them both crying during fathers day, not having anyone to do something for, before realizing that they both had something better, a big brother. so they saved up something for johnathan because he was the only older male figure they could look up to.
i also really like the idea of both of them being gay and comforting each other about it. will ends up coming out to el (after she and mike break up because their relationship just isnt that healthy), el realizing that theres nothing wrong with liking someone of the same gender as more than a friend, and admitting that she feels that way with max. bonus if will ends up having powers, because they could help each other through their struggles together. + el being excited about will and mike dating while she goes out with lucas and max. (max has two hands for a reason)
on a light hearted note, i like to think that the three have miss matched shoe laces. like johnathan wears the shoelaces that were originally on will's shoes, will wears the shoe laces that used to be on el's, and el wears the shoe laces that johnathan's shoes used to have.
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tarobii · 1 month
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brother shenanigans 🤌
(based on this post by @darkacua)
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smokbeast · 12 days
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you know, the rock classics
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marsconer · 4 months
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this one has a little kick !!!!
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wishesofstars · 11 months
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i believe in siblings jesper and inej
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blaithnne · 3 months
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Menaces when they team up. Need to find a dynamic name I can tag them with that doesn’t sound shippy. Does Kaisen work
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toriavissu · 4 months
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thinking a lot abt this thing. "he felt jealous and inferior and i responded to those feelings by coming to hate him"
at first i thought that it's kinda strange to start hating a person who feels smth like this about you but then i suddenly inderstood
kusuke was jealous of kusuo's powers and him being loved by their parents, him being the special one, but kusuo didn't want to have all these things. from kusuo's point of view it was like a mockery, like kusuke wants to have things kusuo hates, kusuke and other people who knew about kusuo's powers thought about them as a blessing while for kusuo they seemed more like a curse. to my mind hatred was a logical reaction to such situation
also there's one more thing. kusuke is what kusuo wants to be: a normal human. yeah he's a genius and he's not an average person but he's still not a god or superhuman, he's not a monster and not a disaster. and kusuo is what kusuke wants to be: powerful, recognized and outstanding. kusuo has too much power and doesn't like it, kusuke also has not enough power and he isn't satisfied with himself too
and the older they became, the worse their relationship was, kusuke talked about kusuo as a monster/god/someone powerful/someone who can change the world but never as a normal human and child. and kusuo used his powers to make kusuke stay in this feeling of defeat forever and they like. they didn't allow each other to live peacefully, touching each other's sore spots intentionally or not
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the-arteest · 1 year
tmmt sibling moments lol
wanted to doodle my guys so here we are
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drama queen leo is my favorite thing
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raph totally tickles them on the daily for being little bastards
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3proutboy · 1 year
The newbie Alliance yayay!
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rainyraisin · 1 year
@cupcakeslushie 's Sep!au is super cool!!! And I literally adore Three with all my soul he is so freaking amazing!!! So what did I do?
(Words underneath each panel, I gen forgot my handwriting is awful, apologies!)
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"Donnie, you have to stop hanging out with the purple dragons."
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"Why? We're frien-"
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"No, you're not! They're using you!"
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"What would they have to use?! Come on, April!"
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"You're searching for something that isn't even there just to get mad at me!"
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"No, *you* come on!"
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"I care about you, Dee. I don't want to see you get hurt."
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"No, you only pretend to care cause one tries to!"
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"Look, I get it. You hate me, and... I hate you too. We don't have to be anything more than that."
I had to cut it down a bit to make sure it was only ten panels but I hope you still like it!!! I tried to keep it as true to the characters as possible. I really wanted to include Three's hallucinations in there somewhere but with the limited amount of panels I didn't get the chance. I hope to draw something related to that in the future!
I dont remember if this has been stated or if this was a hc but I honestly feel like even though Three is grateful to be apart of a family, given his faint memories of Draxum actually giving a crap about him prior to being affected with emperium, he'd be afraid that they don't actually care and they're going to rip it all away from him. Also I remember it being said that Three kinda tests the boundaries of their patience to see if that's going to happen? So that plus the purple dragons ask kinda culminated in this! Along with the idea that part of the reason Donnie doesn't get along with April is because since she argues back, she must hate him, so if she hates him then why shouldn't he hate her back? He doesn't see that she's trying to have a (platonic) relationship with him. Also I feel like he totally distances himself from her so what happened to Tim doesn't happen to her cause he knows his brothers care about her and they're already doing enough for him, he can't be even more of a burden to them. (This is all hcs ofc!!)
Also completely unrelated but hc that Three had paint all over his hand and touched the back of his mask but didn't realise and had that stain on there for months until somebody pointed it out to him-
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taintedcigs · 1 year
jonathan to will: i don't want you to forget that i'm here. and i'll always be here. no matter what. because you're my brother. and i love you. and there is nothing in this world, okay, absolutely nothing, that will ever change that.
mike and nancy:
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I really want a fic where Azula and Zuko have like an 8 year age difference instead of 2 years, and Azula just gets to be a super annoying little sister and we get to see Zuko pretend to be all bothered about having to babysit but still ferociously protective of her
Imagine an 8 y/o Azula sneaking out of her classes to follow 16 y/o Zuko around whenever he has to meet with potential suitors to be annoying but also giving him an easy and polite escape if things start to go south
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eimikomii · 1 year
I saw a fanart of kamisato siblings fighting over who gets to be accompanied by Thoma and I used to hc that too but after a while I realized in canon it's different and more wholesome.
since Ayato is super busy and away from home most of the time, it's mostly Ayaka whom Thoma accompanies (or he just cleans the estate as always if both are not home) so whenever Ayato is indeed home, Thoma is ALWAYS by his side, takes care of him and accompanies him in wtr he wanna do (play board games, talk gossip, drink tea etc.)
I just think that's beautiful and why Ayato really trusts Thoma to be there for him. Even tho yes that's Thoma's job yata yata, you don't just casually have fun with your employer bcuz it's their day off 🤡💅✨.
And Ayaka too whenever she also has time. We gotta have that kamisato siblings bonding moment that hyv isn't giving me yet (like tf I want them to both go shopping in-game >:[ )
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nakedmonkey · 7 days
I actually...don't think Kathy was that wrong to walk out on Deb tbh.... I know that's not like. The popular opinion. But I would have left too.
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clonegirlie · 3 months
Spoiler Bad Batch SO3 Ер04
I just finished the episode (cause I couldn't see it sooner) and I'm literally sobbing
IM NOT OK 😭😭😭😭
And please please let us have a Hunter and Crosshair hug too that's all I ask
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