#i know this is so petty and stupid even for my standards but that post was really. god. for real?
terzomega · 7 months
aight i guess i'm either blocked or legally not allowed to reblog that post again but we stay silly. in case they see this. hello
girl not the condescending tone just cause you're older ? a very narrow view of something as fluid as language...... i've been studying languages and how they form and grow for almost a decade between high school and university. not this. also you're like around my mom's age. language doesn't change so much in the span of 20/30 years that it'd make us disagree over what words mean ?? and while asking mom if back in her day vaffanculo had homophobic undertones was an exhilarating experience. of course she said "no i never considered it like that nor did anyone i've ever known" + very funny implications that only mlm couples can do anal to begin with ?? jskdkwkf
and for the records. age aside. sono terrona. stuff from veneto might obviously sound off to me. so yeah of course i compared notes before reblogging cause i'd hate to give incorrect information based on my specific location. i talked to friends from emilia-romagna & roma & liguria before even reblogging. one of my best friends is from veneto. they (and their parents, at least those who got involved) all agreed or else i wouldn't have replied at all. i don't need to ADMIT what vaffanculo means???? it just ??? has nothing to do ?? w anything ??? mostly it just feels batshit to me to put this connotation in the forefront of the brains of people who don't know the language and are learning words and phrases from you. it feels batshit to have them think that this has any relevance irl.
the sei pieno di merda bit truly baffles me cause everyone i talked to is confused and the emilia-romagna friend was actively as annoyed as me. the reviews say that at MOST they'd hear it used regarding criminally threathening implications abt stuff and Not to mean shit as in lie the way it's used in english
and sure i guess you don't call yourself an absolute authority but people come to you and ask you stuff as such. so it's insane to me i couldn'f fathom not making sure that what i'm saying applies to the language at large and not to my area. i don't answer in my dialect when people ask me to translate something from english to italian ?? and since as i said language has been a central part of my life for almost half of it this drives me up the wall. this gets a reaction from me. not that i was going for your jugular anyway. but i guess tumblr posts can be read however someone wants and i guess they hit people differently. @foxybouquet
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girlwithamissingpearl · 8 months
I understand things have been dry in Outlander land but even desert dry has me smh. Ladies, if you have to try that hard to shit all over SH, I’m not saying it makes you a hater but it sure as shit doesn’t make you a liker.
Back after a bit- admit it, we all need to occasionally take a break- I feel I needed to pace myself during the drought. But after a bit of scrolling, I felt compelled to dive right in. Isn’t this fandom about fun, entertainment and guilty pleasure? That’s why I’m here. So why the endless posts from the SH haters? Do people dislike SH, enjoy the snark or just think the man is stupid?
So just for fun (or insomnia) I thought I would play a short game of SH: Stupid, Smart or just SMH?
1. SH and Cons/Private events for $
Why do people have such a problem with SH trying to make a living? Most if not all actors part of a series or movie franchise participate. In my opinion SH is doing it now, so he won’t need to in his 60’s to pay the rent. While most fans are priced out of the more exclusive events, all I can say is the paying fans are the only ones that never complain. Supply and demand. If any charitable component is part of the deal, great. So can we finally put a line under this?
Verdict: Smart as hell
2. SH always “Shilling” SS to his Fans and on SM
Uhm, he is the brand. It’s his company. Can it be a bit much? Yes. Promotion to the fan base and the use of sm is marketing 101. In order for people to try the product they need to know about the product. We can disagree as to his methods or success to date, but fans are not the only ones buying bottles. As for the constant and consistent presence of AN with SH during events? Suddenly they are a couple? WTF. AN is a business partner. He owns part of the business. They both work hard promoting SS, and so far it looks like they will continue to release more SS. Ladies, don’t put your lawn chairs away yet!😉
Verdict: Smart
3. SH and boundaries with his fans
Regardless of the letter you attach to SH, he is a recognized actor around the world. Definitely a people pleaser, in imho, he will happily take a selfie with anyone. Obviously, he never wants to disappoint any fan, but his lack of boundaries and security at events can be cringe worthy at times. If a female actor was touched, mauled, or asked to sign fans boobs or t-shirts it would be a #me too moment. Someone, anyone in security or a handler needs to be bad cop if he won’t. How far is too far?
Verdict: Stupid with a side of SMH
4. SH as a Philanthropist and Charitable Causes
This one really bugs me. MPC has raised over $6m for charity. SH’s name attached to any cause raises awareness and $. The BS from the haters who discount this based on the fact SH apparently never donates his own money is petty nonsense. Gentleman’s ride is one example. Agree it was his female fans that made it happen. And? This is my only fandom but SH is held to an impossible standard. Apparently he is a hypocrite in his support for clean oceans because someone on his team had a catered lunch using single use plastics. Great topic for discussion, but the man didn’t throw the containers in the ocean. Also let’s not judge a person’s commitment based on sm posts. SH can literally, yes ladies literally never win. Thankfully the causes he supports do. I dare you to disagree.
Verdict: Smart
5A. SH’s dating life
According to an extremely ardent part of this fandom, SH has dated😉 every fit blonde 👱‍♀️ within a 250 mile radius of everywhere. I wish that someone would keep track of all the mysterious initials and lack of any literal proof of these women. This is where I separate the snark from the hater’s. While I’m in owe of the investigative skills of some, and enjoy the gossip-even though mom thought gossip was a sin, sorry mom- not all women aka initials welcome the attention. Any woman save CB that SH is remotely warranted or not attached to, has an avalanche of hate comments and 💩emoji in their future, welcome or not. Personally, I believe SH, goes out of his way to protect the people he cares about, and perhaps even those he may not. I think we can agree he is not a monk. However an actor is entitled to privacy. Ginger Jesus included.
5B. SH ‘s Sexuality
From the beginning, 3 years for me, I’ve read posts about someone who knew a friend of a friend of a bartender’s friend who knew for a fact SH had a boyfriend. WTF. You know the drought is real when this bullshit gets recycled. We all know the question has been asked and answered by SH. More than once. Next.
Verdict: SH keeping his private life private: Smart as hell.
6. SH and the use of all things Outlander related
If you don’t get it, I don’t have the time and am too lazy to explain it to you.
Verdict: Smart. Smart as hell
7. SH and CB
The only real problem here is obvious. And I don’t know why the fans or even the haters- btw, I use the term haters like I do profanity- perhaps not the best word, but like GFY, FU, MF, C, etc. I’m lazy and it saves time and no confusion to whom I address. So where the actual f&ck is the audition tape we all want to see? You know the part of which I speak. If only the fandom investigators could put aside any petty differences and uncover the SH, CB chemistry kiss tape? I’m not saying it will be a unifying and CTJ moment, but it would give SH fans something to make the drought less….thirsty.
No verdict necessary. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😚😉
And last but definitely not least…
8. SH and Thirst Traps
Ladies, because of Outlander and all things Outlander related, we’ve had the pleasure to observe SH from every view and lovely angle. Come on, if you 👀 closely it’s all there. Why the actual f&ck people in this fandom have a problem with his shirtless posts is beyond me. Not only is he promoting the results a good fitness regime can produce, he is literally, yes literally giving his fans something they want. And don’t even try me with- you’re treating him like an object. This is a 100% consensual relationship. And if the word “hater” seems harsh about the same gang that complains and shits all over his shirtless thirst traps, then please find me a better name.
Verdict: Smart as hell and thank you
So for those who may not get it, this post is silly and something for my handful of friends or any SH fan to have a laugh. If anyone has the patience to read the entire thing😉 So any comments are welcome, but to the people or person sending awful and cowardly anon messages: save your time. Or GFY. See what I did there?🤓
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 8 months
I wrote the following at 4am when pain was keeping me from sleeping. (No, not that pain. And no, not that one either. It’s my elbow now, and damned if I know why, but…OWWW!) I’m not disowning it, just explaining why it probably is a muddled mess.
I’m posting it as is simply because I hate keeping stuff like this in drafts, but also hate deleting them. I’ll put most of it under the cut ….
Sometimes the differences between how you think and someone else thinks can throw you.
I was talking to someone and in the conversation she said how she was concerned about some kids hearing bad but true things about their teacher. She said that this is because almost all kids love their teachers, so it might upset them deeply.
I was shocked.
She was shocked I was shocked.
I’m still baffled by the whole thing. Is it true that kids love their teachers?
I told her I dunno, maybe it’s because I always saw adults as human beings and not gods. I never believed any adult should be obeyed simply because they were an adult. Even my parents were never put on a pedestal but loved warts and all, and questioned when appropriate. Mom fondly says that as a toddler I would give her a “you’re sweet but stupid” look and, (though I hope that wasn’t what I was thinking since she is far from stupid) it does sort of say something to how I saw things. Grown ups were people too.
That said, teachers were even less likely to be loved than some nice old lady down the street or the delivery guy that always waved at me. At least they earned a bit of affection!
There were a handful I respected, some I merely endured irritation, many I had to be patient about by reminding myself they were merely human, and one went to open war with. Not a single one I ever loved.
Seriously, why would I love an authority figure that shows no love or respect for me, that controls my fate in a petty fist, and frequently displays no intellectual flexibility or imagination? Why would I love the guards in my prison? Why would I love people determined to shape and control me?
I had stupid teachers, cruel teachers, incompetent teachers, lazy teachers, hateful teachers, class room dictator teachers, status quo obsessed teachers, benign but going through the motions teachers, and so many more negatives I’m too tired to label.
A very, very few were pretty good teachers, but while I have a slight warmth to them, it was far from love, I was keenly aware that they didn’t reciprocate any affection I might feel, and that they were only good teachers if you fit. Odd kids out could be written off by even good teachers, with no time or interest in the ones that didn’t respond to their standard formula. And, TBH, how you treat those kids mattered more to me. I can never love someone that thinks someone “lesser” doesn’t matter.
But, as I sorta said, none if them loved me anyway. There was a peculiar tension with most of my teachers starting with kindergarten. Many actually openly delighted every time I got anything wrong, and would grin with pride if they tripped me up. They looked at me differently, with a strange wariness.
It was upsetting as hell. I hadn’t done anything.
Finally it was explained to me that I was seen “as a threat”. I was supposed to be smart, and apparently some had admitted I intimidated them. I have no idea why. Testing results and knowing stuff way beyond grade level I guess**. I’m not THAT smart!
Did they really think I was going to be correcting them in front of the class? I was no threat to their authority as class brains/boss. I’m so super sensitive to embarrassment that I always work hard to keep anyone else from feeling it. The fact I never raised my hand in class and was super well behaved in order to stay under the radar hadn’t helped. Never causing any trouble just made them more uneasy.
So I dunno, how the hell could I love people that treated me less like a little kid and more like a rattlesnake tossed in their classroom???
Look, if you loved a teacher and one changed your life for the better, congratulations! You won the true education lottery. But I can’t be the only one that only ever lost….
** NOT a real accomplishment. I grew up in a smart, well educated, and eternally curious family. You just pick up stuff.
Like, the “wall” that separated my “room” from the rest the family was a book shelf filled with high level science books. The day I realized I could read and understand anything if I just kept breaking things down and looking things up involved pulling something from beside my bed that was probably more advanced than the texts my teachers studied in college. But that wasn’t me being smart, that was me just using what was around me.
It could have just as easily been some trashy novel if I’d grown up in a different household. That’s what people don’t get. My childhood “big” vocabulary was simply what I heard at home. Maybe I’m not smart at all, but merely average that happened to grow up among the very smart?
Add in a community on the other end of the educational spectrum from my home and it creates the illusion of intelligence. I ain’t smart, I just look that way in this light.
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freyjas-musings · 1 year
I keep seeing E/riels cite similarities between Gwyn “luring” Azriel to give her the necklace and Nesta having a realization about the trove when Gwyn is singing. I don’t like this way of thinking at all, but how adamant they are about Gwyn being a siren or light singer is giving me pause. I’m trying not to have Gwynriel bias when reading their arguments, but those type of theories just don’t sit right with me considering what we know about Gwyn’s trauma. Do you think SJM would do this? Still new to the series and just starting to read theories.
Hello Anon,
To start with ....
" Gwyn is luring Azriel to give her the necklace" ... Is that what they are saying ? Wow even their theories are shallow and lack common sense just like their ship preferences. What kind of low standard aholes are these they can't even think bigger??? Like lure the High Lord of the nightcourt to hand over his throne instead??? So she is now using her powers for petty shit like that sub-par necklace ?
🤣🤣🤣🤣... Sorry but they are such Clowns its just unfortunate , honestly doll you should just laugh at them thats all they deserve... don't dignify their shit with a response.
I don't like anyone associating Gwyn with luring powers and I have addressed the why in my previous posts but the main reason is these claims aren't backed by any Canon information.
I don't think the author would ever be insensitive in handling a character like Gwyn. At the least I trust her to give her a beautiful story especially given the fact that Gwyn is based on SJMs friend who is very dear to her. All of this is stemming from a stupid ship war .
People keep bringing back Nestas' reaction ... How can people forget, Nesta absolutely loves music ... she used to use it to drown out the noise in her head so music in general was meditative to Nesta .... so if she went into a trance, it was probably because that was an instance where Nesta could completely zone out... and Nesta accidentally sent herself into a trance. She also had started scrying, thereby opening up herself more ... see this lack of common sense of how hypnosis works is where they come up with shit theories ... that had nothing to do with Gwyn or the other priestesses it was the MUSIC
Coming to Azriel... the spymaster ... the shadowsinger whose shadows granted him someway around a high lords command (ACOWAR ) has mental shields weak enough for a siren to "lure" him ... especially for a spy whose job is to not divulge secrets .... can you see the big unfillable holes in that theory???
Gwyn has been singing in that library for a while ... how on earth hasn't clotho the high priestess observed it if she were to have luring powers ??? The high lord hasn't... the Morrigan hasn't... Amren hasnt? also, why on earth would she not have used her power to save herself and her sister ???
The fact is they only have two options ... they can either accept that Az and Gwyn are mates and that's why he is subconsciously drawn to her or they need to come up with theories that makes their horrid ship thats about to sink stay afloat atleast for a little while longer.
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saltminerising · 2 years
EXTREMELY petty drama that I'm still hung up about because, well I am. L from E (if that's the flight they're still in idk, I left the server, part because of them) on the FR discord is constantly just so condescending and comes off like "I know more than you :)". Constantly. So unforgiving of new users and questions they deem "dumb". And one time I proved something they said wrong. They said Undel didn't rip any of the FR art from previous sources (she did, and I posted pics as proof). 1/2
2/2 So do they apologize and say "oh sorry, you're correct", even after acting like what I said was just oh so stupid? No. They don't even acknowledge my response or the pictures. They ignore me. Even though by their standards, the fact that Undel reused old art for FR would probably be considered "basic information". It's on the FR wiki. If they knew that information and someone tried to say otherwise I guarantee they would've been like "um no sweaty :)) it says right here that…" UGH
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
It means so much if you read this
It's 4 in the morning. I'm off on of my meds so I think I know why I am the way I am right now, but that doesn't make me cry any less. I can't stop crying; I WANT TO MAKE MYSELF STOP CRYING- but I feel selfish just saying that. When I get like this, the worst possible thing is to tell me "you aren't bad actually I know it so; you can do this!" and any other positive-vibes like that. That makes me feel ignored. That makes me feel even more like a burden because it makes me feel like you(whoever) is just wanting me to shut up cuz I'm ruining your vibes. And, the fact that that's the first thing that comes to comes to my mind is what's making me feel worse.
I'm crying because I have what's called Imposter Syndrome. I'm crying because I know, in my happier moments I know NOT to beat myself up...and I'm sad because that means I feel weak now. I'm crying because I can't live without seeing myself as a bad person in order to counteract me actually being a bad person <- this isn't what being self critical actually IS, but it doesn't matter. I don't know how to stop.
I'm alone. I have no one in my friend circle w my condition and no faith in my comfort zone. I'm so scared telling anyone that because I think constantly about what they'll think of me, and how the "criticism is bad"crowd will look at me and use it to justify their media criticism -> self-harm pipeline. inb4 >"well SHE'S a critical person and she's clearly not happy so yeah; media critics and cynics are always just deeply unhappy and making the rest of us feel bad, ugh stupid 'Antis' :P :P :P" I know that's not true...but it doesn't matter. People like this, people who don't have ADD and want to put the blame all on one thing and call it a day- I can't do that. It never is just one thing. If I do that with things that bother me, it destroys me. It has in the past.
I want so much to talk to people closest to me but I will always feel like I'm going to hurt them. I feel I only talk about myself anyway. I feel I'm never there for anyone else.
I want to be comfortable in my own sexuality and lifestyle but I also want healthy criticism and I don't know how to separate the two- I don't know how to not see someone ranting about their problems and NOT apply it to me. I will always feel like I am their problem, like I am their abuser.
No one taught me to think like that. It's just how I am.
I want more than anything to be understood cuz I want to be understanding myself. It feels better just to type any of this out and it really feels better having you guys read it and know this about me. I don't know how to approach people to tell them how sad I am. I know it's something you don't want to be handed in from your friend even when you are capable of hearing it at the moment-
so thank you for really listening to that.
I don't like my posts being completely drabby. Let me end this by saying something petty that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things:
There's two songs at my work that I hate but hear all the time and they drain my soul out of me everytime I hear them!?!? The first is this one that I think is sung by Miley Cyrus cuz it sounds like her and the reframe is "he's one of the good ones". I hate that song so much. What is this "you aren't one of THOSE ones-types?"/TERFcel garbage? If this is about a man in a relationship it just sounds unhealthy to say as the woman. If this song were about a woman it would be deeply concerning. It's bent on double standards.
The other song is this clubby bs who's main reframe goes "In the name of looooove"x4 times, but then on the 4th time the singer turns into this dubstep clubby beat. I hate it. I hate it so much. Please put on the 80s tunes again. Just once.
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2n2n · 2 years
What do you dislike about Kou?
Disclaimer to start I do try to write my Thinking Posts with a neutral tone best as I can, and I TRY!!! to read events without a bias, but like, you know, I've got my own tastes and, I can't like everything equally. I hope you can find my feelings very funny. I'll finally lean wholeheartedly into my own petty and shallow personal tastes to drag Kou for you, anon. While we both understand he has an important place in this manga's design and will help take us places we need to go narratively..... ! He is... the vinegar in the recipe for me, the thing I know is essential, but that I do not like to consume or smell.
Ah it's as trivial as a sort of genre dislike. Kou really does fit the archetype of a stereotypical shounen protagonist, both in looks, personality, and character backstory/history. His demeanor of being very stupid, yelling reactively all of the time, pointing his weapon and standing on a pillar to declare something, swearing revenge (quickly and meaninglessly), and making epic promises (also quickly and meaninglessly), and his general life's goal of Become Strong And Prove I Can Do It, is like…. I'd just be reading a standard Jump Shounen if I wanted this character, you know? Yawn, yawn....
….. on top of it all he's just boring in terms of ah, not being extreme in any particular capacity-- he isn't as lonesome or troubled as Hanako, or even Mitsuba, he just has normal friends (extremely tedious to deal with such tertiary castmembers who mean nothing to the narrative at large). His life isn't beset by abuse and obligation like Teru, or Hanako. And maybe we're so full-up on those types anyway, we don't need more, so we do need Kou to balance out the cast.... but by gosh, so little going on. I can't pretend to be invested.... in some high school boy with a modest inferiority complex as a result of his cool epic brother. I guess inferiority complexes from dudes with cooler/stronger brothers in general do not interest me... I like Hanako's ego problem more looool ♥
Basically when he's center-stage I feel like I'm flung into a different manga, and a really rote one, at that. Guy going to swing his sword or stick around and promise to save everyone and talk about wanting to be strong and maybe cry about his dead mom, which is also boringly contrite, and I'm allowed to say that, 'cuz I lost my dad at a young age, and we were extremely close my whole childhood, so when this sort of event is ultimately used as The Sad Thing that happened to someone I get to feel like it's underwhelming. I've been there and I've also been at the 2,490,384,903,843 things using Dead Parent as Sad Event, I'm as Over It as anyone can get.
His lack of perception towards other's situations is also something difficult to respect in practice. He's so effectively manipulated-- even moreso than Nene, really-- which is very funny/fine, but then it's a little hard to care when he opens his mouth to have a 'take' on anything, 'cuz his perspective is almost always going to be the most shallow among what we have. He's sortof our barometer for the lowest possible threshold of observation, our benchmark if you will for "where we're starting with our understanding of any topic", but that makes him frustrating. SOMETIMES!!! He has a salient take, and I'll GIVE HIM THAT, I respect his Picture Perfect observations about kaii being quick to give up. I hope his brain expands. I feel like it's one step forward and another back, he's good for PP, then I'm asleep for all his level 1 feelings during the Sumire/Hakubo arc .......
… it's impossible to even find his relationship to Teru beautiful, to me, because his lack of perception and gullibility applies there in spades-- Kou has had no idea Teru is utterly miserable and slogging painfully at his duty, that Teru's personality front is a fake. He doesn't really know Teru's real self or motivations at all, and Teru doesn't even have to be an expert manipulator to pull that wool over his eyes. Kou is just quick to believe a clean/easy narrative and not look deeper into things by nature (obviously that's going to change ASAP)-- I mean-- that's exactly how and why Natsuhiko can charm him in 2 seconds, too. Comparatively, Nene catches on to Natsuhiko being 'off' really quickly…. When it comes to Tsukasa, I want to clamp Kou's mouth shut before he can even start.... I hope both Hanako and Mitsuba can come to Tsukasa's defense, some day....I think Kou is exactly the sort of person Hanako Doesn't Want to Hear It from, wrt a take on Tsukasa, or his situation with Tsukasa. The pinnacle of a moral high ground guy thinking its right or wrong to do this or that...... your mundane moral compass....
…………..I admittedly also don't understand his expression of emotions towards Mitsuba. Mitsuba is someone with genuine tragedy in his own life-- not only a dead parent (Mitsuba's father is dead), but actual chronic loneliness and isolation, and some sort of personality problem that makes him utterly unlikable and beyond vulnerability. For Kou to shout insults at Mitsuba (even if it's in some sort of tsundere way……..) and be resistant to complimenting him or just being directly kind, I, it feels sort of egregious to me. Nene is nice to Mitsuba and is rewarded by Mitsuba's genuine friendship and concern, he is quite fond of her and wants to help her whenever he can. I find Mitsuba's feelings towards Nene, as his first friend after Tsukasa's reforming, who doesn't question his realness, to be very sweet!! I wish Kou would either fully lean into the nice puppyboy routine like he does with Nene (the SIMP trait is his best quality there), or I don't know, fully lean into being shitty-- being both excessively complimentary and obliging to Nene, and rude and belligerent to Mitsuba, it's the least of all things--it's frustrating. I don't even know why he's so shitty to Mitsuba. I know Mitsuba is shitty, but he has an excuse, he's a socially incapable person who can't change it even if he wants to...... Why does Kou just call him names and grab his face? Don't get me wrong, I love negging, I'm down for Hanako's shitty rudeboy routine of insulting Nene's ankles and calling Tsukasa and Nene dummy, buuuuuut that's also his entire emotionally stunted and arrested personality, which ties into all of his issues with emotional attachment and expression! It ties into his lack of friends during his living life, it ties into almost all the mysteries hating him, it ties into Hanako hating himself! So "I get it" and I'm pleased with Nene and Tsukasa's ability to stick it out and look past it, to see the vulnerability hiding under that. But WHYYYY is Kou shitty to Mitsuba? He's nice to his two goons Yookoo and Tookoo or whatever, he's polite as a general rule towards others, opposite to Hanako he's obliging towards honorifics. Mitsuba has a problem with rudeness, but whaaat does being rude back DO???? Nene's personality pleasantly contrasts Hanako's, she's a girl prone to crying, humble, emotionally raw.... I wouldn't like it if Hanako and Nene were going back and forth with gritted-teeth insults for the other. That just isn't the sort of romance I like ... or understand ..... I don't understand why Kou is willing to die for Mitsuba but isn't just his SIMP or something .... I would rather he be on his knees or something!! HE ISN'T.... OH WELL ......
Basicallyyyy, Kou has a long way to go in every direction, and he feels like he's starting from a negative position ffffar behind everyone else, and I'm typically sortof exhausted by it. Hanako and Nene and Tsukasa and Mitsuba have more unconventional narratives and unconventional worldviews/perceptions, so it's very exciting to watch them tackle a problem, or consider a new angle…. Kou feels like, narratively, he's there to BE the 'basic' guy having the 'basic' take, just for sheet contrast. TO ME!!!! Nobody has to agree, I think I'm legit biased against him.
Aesthetically he's also the least of everyone here…. the Minamoto clan have an effective design, being the only blondes/redheads with green/blue eyes, and that threads very well with them being electricity users…. it's a good device for making you immediately go, "Oh! This character must be a Minamoto!" the second you see them, even if they're new. BUT…. but…….. that also gives him suuch a Bleach or Naruto sort of aesthetic flavor. This isn't really an aesthetic common in AidaIro's other works either, so I…. don't get the impression even they find it particularly sexy, insomuch as Teru is meant to be visually an ikeman (with all those signifiers and design tropes) and Kou is meant to be visually a shounen hero. Teru however satisfyingly dismantles that 'first impression' by being completely insane, and that 'heel-turn' feeling is exhilarating and feels like it justifies the initial impression's basicness. Whereas Kou has never really surprised me, or done anything to subvert the tropes he's perhaps designed off of.
…. but I think Kou just has a longer way to go! I'm sure he's GOING TO BE MEANT to subvert these tropes as much as Teru subverts his. Really every character's 'first impression' gets spun on its head, Hanako and Tsukasa do that, too. Picture Perfect is an arc we suddenly have Tsukasa hoping Nene can escape, while Hanako is trying to shackle her in a dungeon. I know... it's all going to change....
Kou has a few traits that intrigue me that point to something bubbling under the surface-- like uh-- for some reason what he likes best about Nene is actually the sound of her screaming. . That's a thing he's revealed, and only to Akane. His habit of manhandling Mitsuba, just grabbing him by the jaw, is more in-line with what romantic partners do in this manga, so I appreciate him contributing to the vibes. In the Ghost Hotel AU, Kou even gets in on the hard vore tip, and is biting and shredding Mitsuba's limbs for his meals, and Mitsuba appropriately calls him a psycho in that AU. So that gives me a kind of hope that Kou could join the pantheon of crazy people in this manga with crazy desires towards beloveds. At the moment he's like The One Normal Guy and I'm like, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHO is reading murderer suicidal sexual harassment toilet ghost manga for a normal shounen hero boy who believes in a strict moral code of good and bad???? I've read dozens of shounens, in all my years, Kou is a dime a dozen, as he presently is. I trust AidaIro and I knoooow they can and will make an interesting story from his bones..... but uhm.... even when it happens... he will be.... so ugly </3 the whole time............ </3..............
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buttercupjosh · 3 months
Rant: I gotta say being blocked on here because I don’t tag my posts according someone else’s preferences is so silly to me. I do tag my personal writing fics but not for my fic recs list to their standards. That makes me feel so deeply hurt because I don’t like the feeling of knowing that I’m blocked by someone (which I take being blocked very personally), especially by someone who’s content I’ve supported through some of my own reblogs in the past.
(The person I’m talking about isn’t going to unblock me anyways because I don’t fit into their strict definition of parameters/boundaries on this site so if they see this somehow, I apologize in advance for everything that I’m saying throughout this chaos post.
Just know that you really hurt my feelings very badly over something so, so small according to such an extremely petty definition of curating your feed to your expectations and it made me extremely upset and pushed me over the edge/off the rails a bit because I was worried that I did something wrong to you or posted something bad to warrant being blocked so that’s why I’m ranting so intensely about it (I also have anxiety and can get overwhelmed easily but I don’t take it out by blocking people either, I just step away from what’s making me feel that way). I also think that the way how you’re curating feed is a bit extreme and a bit unnecessary in a sense for Tumblr or any social media site (yeah, tons of people post content about stuff or players I don’t like or want to interact with on here but I’m not blocking them for just existing. I just ignore it and move on). Also, because you blocked me, too bad you can’t see that I’ve supported you through some of my reblogs and I never used any of your gifs on any of my fics or other posts before so you cannot claim that I’m a content stealer by any means to justify blocking me either. I obviously can’t block you back since you already did it to me first but you don’t understand how much it pains me to see your content that I like come up and I can’t interact with it. It’s also funny to me, that on Tumblr, content sharing is greatly encouraged and you’re purposely gatekeeping people from that (you know that you make content for a player who is a bit underrated on here now) by blocking them because they don’t fit your tag standards.
Another thing, just because you tell people not to take it personally because being blocked doesn’t bother you, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to take it personally. You obviously don’t truly care about how other people would feel about your actions that you say you do for your sanity (Tumblr is known for being chaotic and this is coming from someone who follows thousands of blogs on here). Remember, you hurt my feelings and possibly others first so I suggest not crying to your followers that hurt feelings are coming back to you in a way. This rant and criticism isn’t bullying either because if it was, I would be saying way worse things or encouraging others to be mean to you. If this post hurts you, it hurts you and I’m sorry for being this petty, I get it, I’m clearly emotional about it and I have rejection sensitivity issues but just remember that you’re actively hurting other people much more with your actions than a post that’s subtweeting/throwing shade at your gatekeeping behavior in the name of blog management.
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jaythelay · 7 months
Fuck words, or "cuss words" are basically some fragile loser saying "you can't speak to me unless you speak to me the way I desire"
and to that I say, your limited experiences will lead you to ignorance and thus fear. People speak a variety of ways, accents, verbiage, and more. Stuff comes naturally when talking because it's how people operate, grew up, adapted and changed, nature vs nurture n such, to demand them to change is to deny their freedom to be themselves as their default relaxed self. Solely, to serve your selfish self-interests, self-image and ego.
At some point you should recognize that your own way of speaking isn't particular to another's, but to then expect them to demand you speak to them a certain way, is genuinely so intellectually lacking it becomes impossible to understand where to begin with your stupid fucking ass.
Actually, I do, you don't expect anyone to demand you change the way you talk to them, you expect to demand "others" to talk a certain way towards you. You expect the Entire Human Race to change how they operate, how they talk, for you. Your cringe ass.
And you're simply not important enough in their life to expect let alone ever selfishly demand they change for you. I'm sorry but you're just an overwhelmingly fragile narcissist who looks down on other's for not being you or reaching a standard very few find reason to bother with. It's a low bar, and it's a bar no one respectable bothers with because it's beneath them.
If I were to continue my elaboration, it would be to say that denying parts of language not because of it's inherent value but because of how you chose to perceive it, is a bias, one that serves nothing but to feed your fear to continue your ignorance.
I don't demand you to say fuck, I ask of you to adapt and improve yourself to an environment that isn't so sheltered and incapable of growth, one that doesn't inherently say you're better than others despite your utter lack of human experience. At some point you must recognize you're pushing away much of the human element for a petty squabble on a human invention.
I respect the dude who refuses to use G in any of his words. Because in that, I see someone who doesn't want censorship, but simply believes it to be a critically bad letter. Not because they think it should be censored, but simply because their own reasoning led them to dislike the letter, it's usage, and it's look. They'd prefer it gone yes, but they don't expect me to stop using it, or censor it on TV. They don't hate it because people use it, they don't hate it because they think people are dumb for using it. They just hate it for itself, not for a dumb squabble of a bias.
The idea of it protecting children is long gone in the internet era where we hear what Florida and Texas are doing, where republicans are discussing bringing god damn Child Slavery and Rape back, when schools are warzones with active training in what to do when shot, why the fuck, do we Beep/censor, Anything, on TV. Fuck's sake. The only idiots that pushed for it are the most sheltered egotistical losers on the planet who can't handle the MOST BASIC ASPECT OF HUMAN EXPRESSION.
Imagine if walking a certain way was so offensive we censored it on TV. That's exactly where we're at, there's no excuse, no reason, we just do it because losers are fragile. Can't even make a trauma based argument, it's Words. Cmon.
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freakin-edikan · 1 year
I was randomly reminded of the time my 10th grade English teacher forced my class to use cursive for a month or so but like really obnoxiously. She ended her blog two years ago so now I don't have to worry about being posted to it the way she posted about my brother. I will now make a post (taking jabs at her every now and then) about the time she made us all write in cursive because she thought we were all, like, fucking stupid? and refute the claims she made about our class, script handwriting, and why some of us write the way we do.
Background So one day we're required to do a weekly writing assignment about an article in national or global news, and she says we have to do it in cursive because she randomly decided it would be better for us to have the knowledge. She had a number of reasons in favor of cursive which I will go through in ascending order of weird.
The arguments The typical argument for cursive is that it's comfortable and helps you write faster. In practice, cursive only helped two students write faster, and they both already wrote in cursive. The rest of the class had their work impeded by having to check their glyphs over and worrying that their script was even less legible than their print. Or they were getting cramps from trying to write cursive with ballpoint pens and HB pencils. It was also not faster for lefties such as myself and others. (More on this later)
But she actually opened with the "kids your age don't know/were never taught cursive." Factually untrue. If you wanna get technical, "cursive" or "script" refers to any handwriting with conjoined letters, which qualified a lot more students than the singular student who actually used proper cursive. But even not going for petty points, my high school class was specifically either the last or second-last 3rd grade class to be taught standardized cursive in our district. I don't disagree with the notion that more knowledge is a good thing but she was the kind of person to blame people for not being educated rather than the institutions that failed to educate.
By far the strangest statement she made was that smart people use cursive and that cursive is an indicator of intelligence, which at the time I found bizarre because my first thought was "I am the smartest person in this room and I don't write curisve." And then my second thought was "so why don't YOU write cursive?" But those are frankly not very strong arguments. So let's be a smart, cursive writer and think this through: is cursive a marker of intelligence?
Erm, of fucking course not?
Cursive is a marker of whether or not you write cursive and nothing else. Any and all links to intelligence I'm fairly confident can be linked to the other things that are "linked" to higher intelligence, like socioeconomic status, access to education and better schools, and availability of other resources like private tutoring. If cursive is dying out, what kinds of schools do you think would be the first to have it taken off the curriculum? There's also a strange patriotism peppered in the conversation about cursive and the "death" of cursive, with "America" and "the Constitution" coming up frequently enough to be concerning. But really, what was the point behind making a writing ranking? A cursive caste system? hierarchy of handiwork? Be serious. The two students with smart kid monikers who wrote cursive were a white boy and an extremely antiblack black boy, and there was an implication was that they were aspirational students. (But at the end of the year, she posted my, not anyone else's, AP scores onto her Facebook page---without telling me, of course.)
Why gen z no cursive :( If she wanted an answer for why people don't write in cursive, I have plenty. I HAD plenty, actually, in a written defense of print I made, which she dismissed out of hand when I gave it to her. I don't have that document anymore. Anyway.
Cursive is circumstantial. It developed because of the writing instruments available. When writing was done with quills, repeatedly tapping the tip to the page would wear it out more quickly and make it prone to breaking, and script helped preserve the tip for longer. The elaborate Copperplate and Spencerian scripts are beautiful but became increasingly impractical due to how laborious they were (as in how much pressure is required to write that way). So it was phased out in favor of scripts with little to no line variation. Then when HB pencils displaced 2B (which can get a darker line with less pressure) and ballpoints (over rollerballs, fountain pens, and, later, gel pens) became the writing implement of choice, cursive became more laborious. Many students returned to print because it didn't require them to maintain continuous pressure on the pen/cil, which cursive did.
Script and the way it is taught is generally not lefty-friendly. Every "pull" toward a righty's body is a "push" away from a lefty's. Combined with the fact that some left-handed folks have hooked or sideways grips to avoid smudging, cursive cannot be inherently more comfortable unless it is taught in a modified way for lefties. (There are a number of other things that can make cursive harder for particular individuals but I'm most familiar with left-handedness)
It was the STEM-worshipping Common Core that removed cursive from curricula around 2010. The students had no control over this.
Some people just prefer print, the same way she (a white woman) "prefers" to date Asian men, something she felt the need to admit in public
They still make you use cursive for your signature, forehead
Did she achieve the desired effect? Nope! Everyone who was forced to write cursive reverted back to print when her experiment was done! This is mainly because she didn't actually teach anyone cursive, just to look up the glyphs and copy them by looking at them. She didn't dedicate any time at all to practicing writing, let alone teach stroke orders or glyph pairings. When I learned cursive in 3rd grade we spent around 15 minutes every day for a chunk of the school year on practicing cursive. That's a small part of an elementary school day but a large part of a 50 minute class, so it's understandable that she didn't have the time, but it was very silly of her to think she did.
It was one of the things that made me realize after I graduated that I didn't actually like her (and another white woman teacher who also tried to pass herself off as being 'cool'). This woman was always wishing she were somewhere else while trying to be conversational with (but still superior to) literal teens. Hopefully after she ended her blog she realized she should also stop harassing black children with one-ups and zingers over stupid shit like rhyming and writing in cursive. Headass
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taconafide2 · 2 years
the irony of my friends complaining to me about any body issues they might have when they all literally just look. standard. in no way outisde of societal norm
#i don't necesarrily mind but something in me seethes inside. oh YOU think you're fat#how many people in your life have ever. told you you're ugly straight to your face.#maybe it's just me. i know it's never that easy but i can look at these people and think.#if that were me i would literally never have any insecurities again. but i know it's a matter of perspective.#but it bothers me. if you're so hard on yourself how do you see me?#i am tired of beauty being the only metric of one's worth. especially if i've never lived up to that metric in anyone's eyes.#if YOU of all people have problems with this what is there left for the rest of us? maybe i should just die if i am so undesirable#that or starve myself so i can fit in ahhah#i am petty. none of you would've survived a day in my shoes#i had this on my mind for months. years. u know.#the thing that keeps me going is.#i can be way uglier than any of you i can be way less charming with a ton of fucking baggage. but i swear#i won't let that stop me. one day i will be happy with myself out of pure spite.#i don't understand how most girls feel like this unless they're like stupid hot. and that still comes with it's own issuess.#if you cannot live up to a standard or living up to it makes you miserable. why even bother. just live your fucking life#that's what i'm trying to do.#i feel like i need to come with a whole ass disclaimer like you're allowed to feel shit about societal pressure no matter what uwu#but this post is about ME feeling like shit. thank u for listening
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tiredsadpeach · 3 years
Woke up and got immediately sad
#it feels so stupid to be sad about but I’m gonna tell y’all anyway#I sometimes tweet a lot on private and last night I was having a good time and made two edits and everything and shared them on priv and my#monkees twt and kpop twt because one overlapped and one was just classic rock#and like I posted them at 5am so I don’t expect my mutuals on Monkee twt to see that’s fine#but my friend has told me before that he reads every tweet and that sometimes it’s the first thing he does in the morning#and like idc when he does it I just want him to see my tweets because I see every single one of his even if I don’t want to#because idk if anyone else on my priv sees them but if at least one person does then it wasn’t for nothing if that makes sense#like on here I vent in tags and shit and I usually get a like on the post which at least to me means you heard me yknow?#being heard is such a huge thing to me and not being heard on top of my friend basically lying to me hurts so much#I worked so hard on that one edit too and not to mention the zine I made a while back and posted that he never saw#my other friend didn’t see it either but I went over to his house the next day so I just showed him no big deal#I just hate putting effort into something and posting it and waiting for him to wake up only to get no reaction#like I did my entire homescreen and he knew I was doing it that night and I posted the finished product but he only saw it yesterday when we#were on the phone because I was trying to help him with something so I screenrecorded me doing it and he saw part of my homescreen and got#excited and so I sent the photos but I didn’t mentioned I posted them on twt because I didn’t wanna sound petty but I just am#like I’m bad at texting directly so posting on priv is how I relay info most of the time and I know I’ve told him I’m bad at messaging first#idk I just hhh I wanna be heard I don’t wanna say shit and no one listen like I keep talking about being a Monkee historian and shit on priv#and he hasn’t seen any of it not a fucking word and I really think it truly is my dream job this time hhhh#I have like five priv followers and yet I only hold him to that standard but I know why it’s because I see every tweet of his on every acc#of his that I follow#I’ve said before that I see every tweet because I don’t always like every tweet especially if I don’t feel well#I feel stupid and annoying for being upset but also hhhhh I’ve watched him do it before and blow up my notifs it makes me feel so good why#has he just not done that lately why doesn’t he look at them anymore if I post while he’s asleep he just doesn’t see them anymore it hurts#so fucking much especially because my dumbass self keeps seeing all of his I feel stupid hhhh
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akiraink-no · 3 years
Empires SMP-Spirts/Fae AU
Hey! So I was watching Shubble’s stream(right after her first episode and as she was playing, I got some ideas for the Empires SMP!  Note: I haven’t watched everyone’s episodes on Empires, but I highly suggest that you check them all out. Pearl and Gem’s videos on Empires are some of my favorites, but I also love Shubble, Scott, fWhip, and Pixlriffs.
Initial World-building:  I like to think that the Empires SMP is a story of spirits/fae/royal courts. For example some of the players would be spirits or fae creatures. (Think Scott, Shubble, Jimmy?? And maybe Pixl), and the rest would be normal, human players that are royals. (Again, fWhip, Mythical, Pearl, Katherine, Joey, Gem, etc…)  I’ll start with the fae creatures first and if I’m up to it, I’ll post my ideas for the others. 
Scott Smajor: Ice/Wind
So in my head, I like to think that Scott is a fae creature from the court of ice and wind. (Mostly because ice powers are cool and because he’s in a mountain). He has explicitly stated that he’s building in an elven sort of style, which can still match with him being from a fae court. 
I would like to say he’s cold, calculating, and even ruthless or cruel at times (He murdered Gem after she died, guys, come on). He sees the people around him as assets that can help him, but he doesn’t form a real connection with any of them just yet. Everything is very strict and formal around him
I like to think that because wind spirits are pretty mischievous and free spirited, he has a softer side to him as well. He likes to pull pranks, but doesn’t know when too far is too far. His pranks can border on cruel and sometimes insensitive, but it’s because wind/ice spirits are probably the most detached from the other spirits
As for his appearance, I’m taking his skin as part of my inspiration. I like the idea of him in whites, blues, golds, and silvers. He has a crown of diamond shards that mimic ice and is held together with silver and gold that mimic branches. His robes are mostly white(representing snow) and there would be a trim of blue for the skies above his lands. He might have either arm bands, bracelets, or rings that are made of silver or gold(representing the times when the sun or moon hits the snow). 
Because Scott is an ice/wind spirit, I think it would be cool if parts of him would reflect that. Maybe his skin is super pale and cold to the touch. Maybe he doesn’t wear furry coats because he doesn’t get cold. 
The air around him gets colder when he’s angry or stressed, and if he gets really pissed, he could make it start to snow around him. When he’s sad, ice starts to freeze the ground under his feet or plants around him. Maybe it gets windy when he’s happy or dies down when something shocks him
I also think it’d be cool if he had like… frost walker(?) on his feet. Like the water freezes should he get too close and he doesn’t even realize it until someone points it out. It makes travel easy for him, but also an annoyance when he is doing a build or getting a bucket of water
Shubble: Nature/Decay
So Shubble’s kingdom/empire is called the Undergrowth. When I think of that, I think of mushrooms, soil, roots, and trees. It’s pretty close to what she’s planning right now. Her style of building gives me very cottage core vibes that’s very overgrown. I like to think that she’s a nature spirit because she has said that nature provides and that just seems like a very spirit thing to say. 
So I know I said decay, but when it comes to decay, it has an interesting look to everyone. Sometimes it’s bleached bones and withered grass, sometimes it’s spongy soil and mushrooms. I like to think that Shubble is the kinder side to decay(That’s saved for someone else). Something that must happen for the cycle of life to continue, she isn’t ruthless or cruel, she’s just trying to help the earth along.
Shubble would be very kind, sweet, and overall very trusting. That doesn’t mean she’s stupid or naive, it just means she’s willing to be kind to people first and give them chances to show their kindness. (I spent a long time in her chat during her streams and… yeah, wholesome energy). 
She doesn’t see the people around her as assets and rather hopes to make friends rather than enemies. I won’t say she forms connections quickly(mostly because I haven’t seen her interact with others just yet). But she is very trusting. (remember fWhips potatoes and Pearl’s shovel). During her stream after her first episode aired, she talked about hoping to be friends with Katherine from House Blossom and is aiming to stay as peaceful as possible during the time of the server. 
So I haven’t seen her skin yet(mostly because this is coming out before we see it.) But she’s using a lot of browns, yellows, greens, and reds. I would like to say that her outfit would sort of reflect that. Instead of a crown of precious gems and metals, it’s maybe a crown of twigs, branches, leaves, and maybe some smaller mushrooms. (Antlers would be cool, so… ) 
I don’t think a dress would work, since she does a lot of work around her base. (Her stream was having her working with trees, leaves, and mining), so I think maybe a pair of overalls (maybe a brown?), a yellow/red undershirt and maybe a dark green jacket. Her outfit would be perfect for her to get on her hands and knees and dig into the earth(Gardener! Shubble). 
I feel like because Shubble has this overall sweet and kind energy, I think mushrooms would grow from around her feet. Maybe she can sense when things are about to pass on and tries to make them as comfortable as possible. She can communicate with the earth below her(again, nature provides), and can speak with the animals to some degree
I would like to see spore blossoms react to her. Since spores are also the seeds for mushrooms, it’d just make sense in my head. Maybe she can coax plants to bloom or grow slightly faster around her if she’s happy. Maybe when she’s sad, things start to wilt or shrivel up. Her anger makes things die or age rapidly around her. Her touch can either harm or heal. Knitting the body’s wounds or it could tear into them, causing them agony. 
Jimmy: Ghosts/Decay
I like to think that maybe Jimmy started out human. Or maybe he’s half human. Like one of his parents was human and the other was a fae. (It would certainly explain his skin) 
So I haven’t watched a lot of Jimmy, but I wanted to get this off my chest because it’s been in my head for a while now. I think Jimmy, like Shubble, is trusting. Not as much as Shubble, but he does aim for friendship first and then enemy second. So, maybe he’s an opportunist instead. 
Another thing that he might be is petty or spiteful(see his and Sausage’s argument over a music disc). Another ruler might negotiate or bargain their way to what they want, but I think that either Jimmy is pretty young(for fae standards) or his mixed bloodline makes it hard for him to act with a clearer head. It’s pretty clear that he wants others to take him seriously, but at the same time, he can act very impulsive and rashly(See all of 3rd life). 
It’s pretty clear that Jimmy has that green tinge to his skin. But I think he would have colours such as green(for obvious reasons), browns, and maybe some greys(for clay in the swamp). He wouldn’t have a crown, instead, he’d have a set of gills on each side of his neck. Since I like to think that he swims around in the swamp to talk to the cod in his kingdom. 
For more formal events, he might have a brown cloak and pants with a rich green tunic. He doesn’t look the most royal, but maybe that’s okay because he doesn’t want to be seen as super royal to the rest of his kingdom. Maybe he feels like if he appears to be too royal, the people of his kingdom wouldn’t approach him. 
So Jimmy’s was pretty difficult. Swamps aren’t like ice and wind or nature. But he is a spirit of decay. A less kind version of decay, but not overall cruel. Maybe his decay strikes faster than Shubbles. Where she is understanding and aims to help those along, Jimmy is buried with memories, sunken bodies, and ghostly apparitions. 
So maybe he can see the dead, ghosts who haven’t passed on and simply wander his empire. His eyes glow a faint green whenever he talks to them and tries to aid them to move on to the afterlife.When he’s happy, he shines in the dark backdrop of the swamp, drawing more of the dead, eager to pass on. 
Maybe his anger results in ghostly wails or being dragged into the soft earth around his home. His sadness draws more of the dead to his area, even if they didn’t die there. His pain and grief is like a blackhole, pulling souls in and forcing them to stick around, stuck in his orbit. Maybe a certain few stayed because he was the first one who spoke to them, who reached out to them, who made an effort. 
So Pixlriffs has said that he wants to watch over the others deaths with his vigil and he lives in a desert, so I thought they would work with each other. When you think of time, you think of hourglasses, they have sand so that’s the connection I made. 
So Pix has shown an unhinged side to his overall calm and collected composure.(Example, Episode Ten, I think?) His: I sent five people to their deaths and they granted me wings(paraphrased) line is both chilling and is also perfect for a spirit of time/death. 
He, like Scott, is a bit disconnected from the others. Not by accident or nature, but by choice. As a spirit of time and death, he sees the clocks above everyone’s heads, knowing when their last breaths will be taken and when those clocks finally stop. 
It’s not that he’s apathetic to his fellow kings and queens, but rather he is scared. He doesn’t want to form connections only to see them disappear like a drop of sand in a desert. He wishes to honour the people who have weaseled their way into his heart. So he keeps the vigil to count their deaths and remind them that they will not be forgotten. Pixl is a watcher, an overseer that is afraid of the day his friends will pass on and leave him alone. 
The man calls himself the copper king, so I have to have those shades of copper in his outfits somewhere. Teal, brown(for bronze), and those shades between (for copper)are very good(both in builds and on clothes). I also think that pale yellow(representing the sand) is also a nice touch and green for his lush gardens is also a wonderful tone. 
He has a cape that is mostly teal(I’m thinking the shift between the third to final stage) with a bronze belt. The pale yellow would be his shirt and his pants would be a darker brown. Matching his boots. 
I think he would have a crown with pale yellow crystals(yellow zircon or topaz) with bronze wires making up the rest of the crown. Maybe there are pieces of turquoise or aquamarine, that would be cool too. 
The man is basically a watcher. He has wings and can see through time. Like I said before, he can see the clocks ticking above the other players’ heads. Seeing how long they have until their last breath. Pixl is equal parts chaotic and calm. So I think he has a good control over his emotions. 
When he’s stressed things start to wilt under his feet(another reason he lives in a desert), in his anger, he can cause death. Maybe he’s just an omen or something that draws in death. (See his end raiding attempts one and two). I like to think that maybe he has the ability to hold flames or make small ones(just for his candles), he isn’t violent or uses them to hurt others. He simply just uses them to light his candles. 
He’s more than capable with his other abilities. 
This is all I have for now. If I decide to do the others, I’ll add a link to this post. I’d appreciate some information or ideas for the other players since I haven’t had the chance to touch down on all of them. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them to me too!
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life-rewritten · 3 years
True Beauty; Problematic Bullies and Strained Friendships
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Can I just say that these two episodes of true beauty have left me again with so much anger and disappointment? I've just spent the last 30 minutes sighing and shaking my head and cursing some of these stupid, frustrating characters. Now it's not even Soojin I'm cursing surprisingly, I have a different bone to pick with her, and a different perspective, but it's everyone in that stupid school, society, just everyone who switched at the end of episode 12. Now I did see it coming, but the fact that it's the same video of Kyung being treated like an animal that is what got them to switch without any morals or understanding, or pity, is so disgusting to me. I'm left cursing all the people who were Kyung's friend, who supported her and then just left her by her self to deal with this because of pettiness and anger that she lied to them. Make it make sense. The characters in this show sometimes act like one-dimensional puppets just doing whatever is the status quo, robotically seeing someone as of less worth because of their looks, feeling cheated for no reason (like she's not even friends with some of these people) because someone 'ugly' is hiding behind makeup, like what? It doesn't add up. Anyway apart from the focus on bullying which I will be breaking down more, I'm glad to see the tag and social media is less focused on the love triangle and more understanding about Suho now, I mean why not, he's a good boyfriend, but what I actually wanted to praise was the depiction of friendship with Suho, Seyeon and Seojun, and Suho and Seojun's journey in reuniting their bond again. It made me cry a few times, and it was very heartwarming. But it's just depleting my energy, even more, when I have to contrast it with Soojin's downfall. Sigh what a depressing reveal as a villain. Anyway, I have a lot of thoughts so let's get to it.
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What I like about True Beauty is that it does these interesting foreshadows/mirroring to certain situations that the audience will soon see show up. In episode 11, Suho is broken down and haunted by the reveal of what happened to his best friend however the show fleshes out and gives us more information, and depth to Seyeon as a character and the intense friendship between the three boys. At first, I wondered where this flashback would lead us to; however, I started to notice the similarities, the foreboding trajectory of Kyung's storyline in episode 11/12 to Seyeon's own betrayal and downfall.
Seyeon's story of how he became framed by his bullies once they discovered he was famous is so startling and similar to how JK's ruin takes place. She got immensely known and was put in the spotlight, and then because of a bully and someone she calls a friend; she was also framed differently as being someone who she isn't. The same reasons why Seyeon was attacked was because he lied about who he was, he had a lot of people who loved and admired him, and his reveal betrayed them, he was set up because of coldness, callousness and manipulation. This is the same with Kyung by the end of episode 12.
Let's talk about how True Beauty shows bullying as a focus; We have different characters that are connected, affected and pushed to the brink because of bullying. We also have the bullies some surprising; some just disgusting and frustrating, but also society plays a role in this bullying as well. Let's look at the characters:
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Seyeon: Framed and Misunderstood 
First of all, it's heartbreaking to know more about what happened to Seyeon in the past, and it's even painful to know his story ended. From what I'm getting from his life story, Seyeon was quiet, shy, introverted but I think he also was a bully victim. He changed his name to Seyeon when he moved and found Suho and Seojun, and because of them, he learnt to fall more in love with his passion; music. (This is so eerily similar to Kyung changing her past, also finding her own passion and happiness which is makeup). Now he felt alone all his life before this because he was getting bullied and finally he got his debut as a star, and he managed to become more confident, successful and happy.
The problem is his bullies weren't letting go (like the frustrating harpies of Park Se Mi), they decided to make his life hell, so they posted a rumour, that Seyeon wasn't who he said he was (which might be true, he changed his identity probably to run away from the past) but they also made up more about him, they framed him instead as the bullies, and they twisted his story. Because of their actions, and Seoyeon feeling like his past was brought back, when he ran to Suho to ask for help, he felt like Suho believed the news and broke down in despair by himself in anxiety, probably PTSD and depression and he took his life.
Now let's pause there for a minute because we now know how this affected Suho significantly, but this is how True Beauty emphasises the amount of pain, suffering and anxiety Kyung ends up in, in episode 12. The same heartbreak, the same fear, the same worries, and the same comments and people dragging her down because of her looks. Now with Seyeon, as much as I hate cancelling nature, and social media bullying, the reveal that he was a bully, despite it not being real, I can understand some of the reactions people would have against him because as we're seeing, bullies in Korean Culture aren't cute, they're worse than other bullies, they drive people to take their lives with the extent of physical, emotional and psychological harm they inflict on someone. People thinking Seyeon was one of those people is quite shocking and should be called out; however compare this to Kyung's own situation.
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Whilst Seyeon was being attacked for a valid reason from society, Kyung was being attacked for being ugly. Like compare causing harm to people by psychologically and emotionally abusing them to not having the perfect face structure, having acne because you were born that way, like compare that to what Seyeon was being blamed for. Does that make sense? And the frustrating thing about it is Kyung has a right to hide if she wants to under makeup, it's not like people have really given her a choice to avoid taking things this way. The upsetting thing about this is it's not just a picture of Kyung's face that is causing this uproar of feeling betrayed. It's not a picture where she seems happy and safe, and her life is unbothered by these things she has to hide. But it's a video of her being treated as less than a human, a video where she is being taunted and spoken to vilely, a video where she's having trash tossed on her, and she's breaking down psychologically and emotionally. A video where she's genuinely being denounced for being born.
It's unsettling. And it's ironic because Seyeon was being attacked and talked about by righteous teens about bullying and being woke about people who do this, but really society just stands by idly and judge someone because they're ugly. Being ugly is apparently enough reason for why bullying is okay, it's enough because she apparently shouldn't be allowed to live her life how she wants, it's so sick, they'd throw pitchforks at Seyeon for being the bully of people but also turn a blind eye and join in with bullying a girl because she doesn't fit their natural standards of beauty? It's sick.  It's unsettling, and it calls out the hypocrisy of people, people who just want to see people lower than them suffer. What gives them the right to speak about Kyung this way? What makes them superior to her? Because they're pretty? Because they don't have acne? Like what is the problem? Why are they so butthurt by her hiding her face with makeup and looking good. I just don't understand it. I'm very emotional about this as you can tell, so I'm going to have to move on, I just wanted the parallel of Seyeon and Kyung's storyline to be noticed.
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Kyung; Ignored and Betrayed
Let's focus on Kyung in episode 11/12. She goes through her normal anxiety and worries, and at first, she doesn't communicate her fears to Suho. But I have to say that Kyung was starting to realise that she couldn't be paralysed by her PTSD. Actually, she bravely goes to Soojin to confess about Suho which I was so proud of her for, but she also goes back to save Hyemi from her bullies despite her anxiety and worry she'll get found out. Her concern was valid, stopping Semi was going to put a target on her back, and also Hyemi betrayed her before, so she has every right to feel some kind of way towards her. However, despite that, Kyung stood up for someone else in her position again. And it's something that I love about her, and I think she'll probably find her dream job doing, later on, we've seen her do this with Gowoon and help her come of her anxiety and depression and put makeup on her to get confidence and sing in front of people.
We saw her protect Hyemi this episode; I'm sure that's what she'll do in the future is help girls like her who feel the same broken, fear, and pain at how they were born. She'll be someone who stands up and helps them regain their confidence like Selena did for her. It's really inspiring and wonderful to see her find that passion slowly and make her dreams come true in that way. Kyung helping Hyemi shows her character, and she could have been like these slimy people and try and get revenge or be annoyed at her forever, but she just walks away and lets her be and prevents her from ending up in the same state she was in, in episode 1.  The sad, painful truth is Kyung has been proven right, why she was so afraid to trust people, to tell people about who she really was, why she struggled with trusting Suho with the information, people are fickle, and they switch based on shallow things, like appearance, popularity, money etc. Kyung's friends proved to her that she was right to not trust them with it, even Soojin who was meant to be her helping hand sat there (I mean she's the person who caused it) but she sat there and watched Kyung deal with her break down. It's just so messed up.
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Hyemi; Forced and Tormented
Speaking of Hyemi, Hyemi also showed the same reasons for why Kyung has been so scared and worried about everything; these bullies are so weird, they make it their life goal to keep someone as their victim under this messed up of form of slavery and ownership. Hyemi ran away after feeling guilty of what happened to Kyung, she reported Semi and her harpies and tried to restart her life. Like Kyung, however, she got caught immediately, and we see what would have happened if Kyung hadn't leaned in heavily to makeup at the start. She won't be able even to walk the streets without those bullies finding her and getting her back under their abuse. And it's so disgusting. Semi is so worrying as a person; sometimes I feel like she deserves jail for all the pain she causes to people. She takes pleasure in breaking people down because she's afraid they'd take away her spotlight? I don't really understand this type of need for power, but it's disgusting. As much as Hyemi disappointed me in episode 1, she has no choice like Kyung but to betray her friend because it's soul-crushing the type of bullying, her and Kyung go through because of these girls. She has no choice in the matter because even when she tries to do good, they find her and they make her life even more hellish, and because she's 'ugly' as people keep saying, no one helps her, like with Kyung. They sit by and watch and say she deserves it. And the one person who does help every time has also been transformed because of her own bullying situation. And it's again heartbreaking.
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Soojin; Regressed and Transformed
So remember how I said that Soojin is not who I'm cursing by the end of this episode. I'm so angry and upset at her; I was also disappointed with the writing because it's basic and I detest girl hate. Soojin's character has now been ruined officially; there's no way she can come back from her actions this episode. She's become essentially like Semi, and it's painful to watch. First of all, she tried to pretend things were okay in episode 11, she did try, but her feelings and her reliance on Suho was more critical, and as much as I hate her, I can understand her desperation.
Suho is the only person who knows and can help her with her own bullying situation. She's being even more bullied harshly by her own father, she's also being psychologically, emotionally and physically tormented and she can't escape this person. It's haunting. And it's heartbreaking because she doesn't truly have friends (apart from Kyung) because she's always the one people rely on (like Suho), she's put in this state of always being the person who defends, and fights, and protects and does what's right. Her life is seen as privileged, and great, and wealthy, and she has everything even the looks that Kyung desperately suffers because of. She's always had to rely on her strength and her self and her brains, but when she's broken and exhausted and needs someone to run to; Suho was that person, and now Kyung was making Suho not be able to be that person.
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Her mindset is ruined because she can't find anyone else to turn to, her father is just as influential as Suho's father and the school won't protect her from him and need her good grades to stay with the reputation they seek, no adult can defeat her father, and so she's stuck. It's so worrying, watching her run into her room and she couldn't escape him because he was pounding on the door determined to enter and hit her more. And her mother is spineless and lets it happen, so Soojin is the most broken character and the most alone out of everyone in the show. Kyung is going through a lot of trauma, and her situation is so messed up but Kyung at the end of the day has Suho, she has Seojun as well, though she doesn't know the extent, she has her family even though her mum is not the best, she has her dad, her sister etc. Soojin has no one to run to. Kyung can't do anything to help her with the situation, and Kyung is taking away the one thing that probably could help her in her opinion.
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Everyone is quick to hate and judge Soojin but her character arc makes sense because at the end of the day there is really no other place to run to, to avoid regressing into self-harm (washing her hands till they bleed and crack) but to put that pain on others, to feel resentment, jealousy, anger and desperation to get rid of an obstacle. Sadly, she had to endure this torment and become a shell of her self because she's now going to take it too far and it won't be forgivable if she keeps on making Kyung feel like she shouldn't be alive. It won't be right no matter what. And we see how far she can go by her actions in episode 12. She may be the typical second lead female we wanted her not to be, but she's written well, and her trajectory makes sense. I just hope she reforms before it's too late.
So bullying is a big deal in True Beauty, it's what's really causing all our characters to spiral into the trauma and pain they are in. Suho and Seojun may not be bullied, but they're co-products of it, by losing Seyeon they also had to suffer because of what bullying does. In a world where the adults aren't truly dependable, are more distracted by the need for reputation, status and fame, and act inhumanely when it comes to the suffering of these teens, who could really help our characters? They're all going through their pain and trauma alone and being pushed to the point of seeing life as futile and empty. Everyone in true beauty is a victim of this callous society and adults. And it's unsettling.
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But this post is also about friendship. One thing that also was mirrored was the importance of friendship; if the teens all join together to protect their peers, if they all show unity and love and understanding to someone, they could save a life. Friendship apart from Kyung's was really great to see. However, there was a parallel with Suho and Seojun and Kyung and Soojin. I also wanted to say the annoying implications that women friendships have to always to be this way is frustrating; women aren't always conniving and manipulative and fickle when it comes to love, it's sad to see Suho and Seojun discuss so happily and calmly about liking the same girl and in the same episode watch Kyung break down and be brutally betrayed because Soojin liked the same guy as her. Like what message are you putting out? More on the bromance of Seojun, Suho and Seyeon. I find it fascinating because for so long, I wondered why this friendship was so important, like why these three are so tied to each other. But after episode 11 to 12, it's obvious. Like I said these three had had their own volatile situations that made them feel all alone and empty even Seojun actually and finding each other was what ignited their passion for life and brought them happiness and joy. Let me explain more in each character's pov.
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Suho; Neglected and Withdrawn
Suho had struggled with a father figure and resentment at the whole world, he had to become self-providing basically and had no emotional support. It's so lonely to hear him talk about how alone he was from a very young age, his father was already distant from him (neglectful probably couldn't handle the mother's death but he also was cheating, so it's a bit ironic), he had no one to live with, and he had to take care of himself alone. But also there was resentment for his father because of the paparazzi tormenting him when he was younger, he felt suffocated by the reputation, popularity and status of his father and his father wasn't there to help him with that. You could say it's because Suho pushed him away, but no it's still a duty as a father to fight to come in and spend time with your son, to ask how he's doing, to check in on him in his house like how has he never once tried to force Suho to spend time with him and communicate their differences? Sigh.
So anyway the reason why Suho needed Seyeon and Seojun is because it was the first time he had people to run to and talk to, and it ignited this passion in him to do something he loves. Music. It's actually depressing when we see his phone in episode 12, he has no contacts apart from Kyung, his father, and maybe the high school guy—like Suho had no one for a long time until he met Kyung again.  But we also see his transformation in this episode, because he's more animated, lively, happy because yes Kyung and him are in love but also because Seojun is back into his life. Seojun and him basically reunite. Despite teasing and acting gruff and emotionless with each other, (because they've been separated for a while) they finally have each other again, they're still close. They still care for each other immensely; they're each others priority. And it's so sweet to watch despite the one painful thing about Seojun having feelings for Kyung.  But even then Seojun staying over at Suho's house and them laughing, and fighting and acting up, even Kyung noticed how different Suho had become. And I don't know it just made my heart warm. So that's what friendship was for Suho, he had two people who he was devoted to, who made him want to have something in life and be trusting again of people. They cared for him and nurtured him in their own way and helped him feel not alone. So congrats to Suho and Seojun reuniting.
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Seojun; Responsibility and Pressure
  And now Seojun is a fascinating character. I tend to avoid analysing him because he's always happy, has a comfortable lifestyle; good friends, a good mum, a sister who cares about so much, etc. His life apart from the angst with Seyeon is so problem-free. He doesn't need to be jealous or sad, or traumatised because he's in a suitable environment mentally and he also is a good person. But let's go back to the past before Seyeon's demise. Seojun probably also felt alone and empty. Let me explain Seojun mentions that he used to envy Suho because of his wealth, his father in his life and his reputation. This makes us realise what Seojun thought he lacked, he apparently struggled a bit with poverty and not always having everything; he also didn't have a father figure in his life. In fact, we praise how good he is as a son, but it must have been so difficult to become the responsible man of the house as we put it when he was younger, one he had to worry about his mum's health, and take care and provide for her, two, he had to take care and protect his sister hence why he's so protective, he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders to deal with.
And I think the one time he felt free and happy at first was probably when he made music with Suho and Seyeon. Because he doesn't have to think about responsibilities, or how to help his mum and more, so that's probably what he gained from their friendship a place to just be a teen and have fun. Obviously it's revealed, Suho helped his mom when she was ill, and that was heartwarming again to find out because these three were so protective and caring for each other, so loyal and bonded, and I think it's precious to see that. Obviously, after Seyeon's downfall, Seojun was resentful, angry and frustrated and he joined his gang of new friends, and they're so sweet, and just as devoted to him, it also made him more rebellious and more prone to fights because he had anger to let out but also his mum started to get better, so he was still frustrated and depressed about the circumstances but he had somewhere else to fall on, his new friends and his taking his anger out when he could. The only thing that probably was very hurtful more than just Seyeon was choosing to give on his dreams for music. However now he and Suho have reunited I think his music will come back, that passion is between him and Suho, and it's their dream.
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Seyeon; Alone and Afraid
And well from my analysis you know what these two meant to Seoyeon, his letter is so heartbreaking and also beautiful because like they were all he had. And they just helped him find that confidence, that passion for life and companionship that he needed. And it's so sad he's not still with them. However Seyeon was truly a victim, and because of his influence on both Suho and Seojun, it's why they'd be able to help Kyung deal with everything she has to deal with in the next episodes. Because of Seoyeon, and also because his sister is the same as Kyung, Seojun is very protective and determined to prevent more losses in his life. Suho was at the rooftop and helped Kyung, stayed by her side and understood her when she had no one else making her feel loved for who she was because of Seyeon's effect on him. He also was determined not to have someone else end up in that situation. Because of this, they both will be able to help her get through it, and that's why I'm not as frightened or worried about her because she has these two great guys who won't stand back and let her do this on her own.
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As much as true beauty is about a love triangle  between these three, it's also a really touching friendship between all of them. Kyung becomes like the weird replacement (not really) for Seyoeon because she brings back that passion and zeal into these two's lives, and she provides a companionship to them that is different from others, they also do the same for her. So I'm delighted despite the heartbreaks and loss that they found each other, I'm glad they're friends at the end of the day, they care about each other a lot, and even if Seojun somehow ends up the third wheel and the one that's left out a bit, I'm glad that his friendship with Kyung and Suho is still more important to him than vindictiveness or jealousy. Then again, like I said Seojun compared to Soojin is in a different headspace, environment and has more from life than she does. Her mistakes and her betrayal hurts, but it makes sense, I just hope she grows and changes before it's too late. I hope she finds love, peace and happiness someday. Everyone deserves that.
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Do you have a robot master OC (of the eight plus Drum) that you’d say is your favorite? If you haven’t done an infodump for them yet then you should do that one next
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i couldn't choose a favourite if i tried, i love them all, but since you mentioned drum i thought i'd give her some new art and a proper dedicated post too! infodrump [ayyy] under the cut
drum, serial number SWN-002, is my take on the popular [????? i'm still a bit of a mega man fandom newbie i don't know hjdfn] 'wily equivalent to roll' oc template! she keeps things running at the various castles and fortresses and hideouts and whatever else her dad holes up in, whether that's by doing housework, planning schemes, or dodging taxes. whenever wily is trying to take over the world, drum acts as his second-in-command, ensuring that everything goes according to plan and ordering around the latest group of robot masters
she's every bit the edgy mid-00s teenager she looks: sarcastic, apathetic, and always talking back to her dad. she's more obedient than bass is, but she doesn't care for her job at all and will resort to any flimsy excuse or act of malicious compliance she can come up with to slack off. due to her purpose as an organiser and commander, she's a bossy control freak who's quick to anger when things don't go exactly her way, although when she's off work the worst of these traits recede in favour of more conventional teenage apathy. she sees herself as above the time and effort it takes to go out of her way to be mean to people like wily and bass tend to do, but she's equally uninterested in being nice on purpose and her default attitude is squarely on the nastier side
when she doesn't have work to focus on - and sometimes when she does anyway - drum is the lead vocalist and guitarist in a garage band, of which she is [currently - a friend's ocs get involved later, but that's a whole different post] the only member. i'm not good with music terms but she's into whatever genre stuff like wake me up inside and crawling in my skin is [i know those aren't the names hdfjf it's just the words i know people will recognise]. the sort with the crunchy guitar and the very loud lyrics about being sad and/or angry. playing or blasting music helps her to calm down when she's in a bad mood, which is pretty much all the time. the first warning sign of a new wily plot is a spike in search popularity for my chemical romance
i haven't gotten around to designing it, but drum has a non-armoured form like most of the other more explicitly kid-like robots, which she mostly uses for loitering around malls when she has an excuse to not be at home. she rarely buys anything, just hangs out and radiates an aura that makes suburban white women hurry their three kids into the next shop. drum often ends up hanging out with like-minded teens in the same vague area of the goth/punk/emo venn diagram she occupies, and makes a bit of a game out of seeing how honest she can be about her life without revealing that she's one of the world's most wanted robots. she tells herself that it's just something she does out of boredom and curiosity towards humans, but it mostly stems from loneliness and the desire to have literally any friends that aren't her brother's dog
as a sort of contrast to the healthy and positive relationship between their lightbot counterparts, drum and bass absolutely DESPISE each other and make no secret of it. each of them thinks of the other as an insufferable prick and they'll get into petty arguments over just about anything, from whose turn it is on the xbox to who treble loves more. [for the record, it's drum. she lets him hang out in the kitchen while she's cooking and sneaks him food scraps when bass isn't looking. he's the only family member she has an even remotely positive relationship with.] pretty much the only thing that can get them to stop fighting is mutual hatred of a bigger prick, and so far the only person to consistently get them to put their differences aside like this is wily himself - as much as the wily kids hate each other, they hate their dad just a little more, and have a history of teaming up just to mess with him. sometimes mega man can spark that spiteful cooperation, but drum's total apathy towards the light-wily family rivalry means she usually sees him as not worth her time and just finds bass' obsession with beating him even more annoying
drum wasn't made for combat, and as such she doesn't have a signature weapon or any fancy tricks like the copy chip. usually she just orders other robots to do the fighting for her. however, she is equipped with a standard arm-mounted buster, and can hold her own in battle with a 'fight smarter, not harder' approach if she has to. she's also outfitted with the same treble adapter that bass has, so if she's backed into a corner she can call on him for a power boost. treble is capable of supporting both adapters simultaneously, so as an absolute last resort they can all combine into treble-boosted drum & bass, who theoretically has all the combat power of bass plus the strategic thinking from drum and the boost in power from treble. in practice, though, drum and bass are so at odds with each other that they can barely hold together in the same body without either fighting for control or outright splitting apart to argue harder. again, it takes a lot of spite to get them to work together, but if something draws their combined ire and convinces them to cooperate they're an utterly terrifying force to be reckoned with
the game idea i vaguely have in my mind would feature drum as the final-not-final boss before wily reveals he was the mastermind behind it all and surprises absolutely nobody. she was put in charge of the latest world domination attempt, probably as the result of a 'why don't YOU take over the world if you're so smart' conversation, and in true drum fashion she follows a standard wily plot outline to the letter - including the blatant flaws, like all eight of her chosen robot masters forming a rock-paper-scissors wheel just begging to be exploited by the copy chip, and making a clear path from just outside the death fortress to her base of operations. after she's defeated in combat, she sarcasically wonders aloud how mega man could have possibly bested her plan and then helpfully points rock directly to wily's castle. she didn't wanna do the stupid scheme in the first place
again, i love all my ocs too much to possibly choose a favourite, but i'd say drum was the most fun to come up with if only because i had the help of some mates in a discord server. someone was like 'hey if there's bass is there a roll equivalent called drum or something lol' and i SPRINTED to microsoft paint to rough out a character design and the next entire day was just a constant stream of all of us bouncing ideas off each other and creating the meanest girl in the universe. her design changed a little bit from the initial sketch, most notably she used to have the half-shaved hairstyle that every gay person tries at some point before that changed to a midpoint between phoenix wright and sonic the hedgehog, but overall everything about her as a character flowed really well from the start. while she's fallen mostly into my hands since the initial brainstorm, she absolutely wouldn't exist without those friends' input and i feel that that's important to mention!
i'm very tired and i've been working on this on and off for the past day so i'm gonna call the infodrump finished here - thanks for giving me the excuse to talk about her! unfiltered and transparent versions of the art below as always
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loverboystyles · 3 years
Twisted Attraction
Pairing: Loki × Reader
Summary: Y/N and Loki have been enemies for as long as anyone can remember, but when Y/N’s parents host a special dance to find a suitor for them, they unexpectedly finds feelings for the younger Prince of Asgard
A/N: hii! so i havent posted anything in a good few months but hopefully this makes up for it? idk, but I hope you like it. also, i imagined this dress for Y/N. also, i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, so you can change the dress into a suit or jumpsuit or whatever you’d like!
Warnings: Maybe some typos, and fluffy Loki?
Word count: 2.5k
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"Do you think he'll be coming to the dance tonight?" your maid asked, waiting for you to finish changing behind your folding privacy screen. 
"Oh," you pondered for a moment, your mind trailing away for a moment to picture him. 
The person you were thinking of was Loki, Prince of Asgard. Sometimes better known as Thor's adopted younger brother, or even the son of Laufey, the former leader of the frost giants. Although you hadn't seen him in years, his image was still engraved in your mind. 
His pale skin. His long, black hair. His soft, blue eyes. The stupid, sly smirk he always had on his face. You hated him. Yes, hate may be a strong word, but you meant it with every fiber of your being. 
You don't exactly remember when the rivalry started between you and Loki, but everytime you two were in the same room, it was like you were reliving a war in your minds. Always giving each other death glares, always exchanging petty insults, always bickering about something, always imagining what you would do to the other if you ever got the chance. 
The pet names always infuriated you the most, though you couldn't tell why. Perhaps it was that he always used them in compliments? Most of them were backhanded, but still, they were compliments nonetheless. 
"Keep your head up darling, you wouldn't want anyone thinking you're shorter than you already are, do you?" 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at your dainty little hands. Thank God you're a princess love, or else you wouldn't be able to do anything." 
"Oh, what a shame. No wonder your parents haven't been able to find a suitor for you! No one wants to marry a sassy little girl with a plethora of attitudes, sweetheart." 
"I... I don't know," you almost laughed, thinking back in all of the trivial rivalry as you stepped in front of your privacy screen. "I mean it's been years." 
Your maid shook her head, singling that the dress you had tried on wasn't the one for you. You nodded and went back behind the screen, waiting for her to give you another dress. 
"Maybe he forgot me." you added, just a smidge of sadness in your voice. 
"Don't get your hopes up." your maid handed you another dress. "He won't forget you that easily." 
You smiled and thanked her, then slipped into the dress. 
It was pastel pink in colour. Not that you were a big fan of it, but you thought that it went well with the dress. It was form fitting, until it got to the basque waist, where it went out and flowed to the floor. It was decorated with pastel blue, yellow, and green flowers. You adored the sleeves, they weren't too big but not too tight at the same time, and they were just the perfect length. It was comfortable, gorgeous, and stunning. 
"I love it," you announced, spinning around so your maid could see. "Thank you." 
She had a bright smile on her face, and quickly helped you tighten the corset in the back. "You must hurry, Princess. You can't leave your could-be-suitors waiting!" 
"Oh yes, I completely forgot." you sighed, hoping you didn't sound too rude. 
It wasn't a lie, you did forget. You were very excited for the dance, just not the reason. Your parents organized this dance in hope of finding a suitor for you. You've tried to convince them that you don't need one, that you'd be perfectly happy being unmarried, but since your parents were quite traditional, they decided to host it anyway. Now, people (not just princes) from all over the nine realms were here, and you weren't looking forward to it. They never fulfilled your standards. 
"Thank you," you said to your maid, smiling at her. "I'll be fine from here." 
You scurried to put on your shoes, and headed out of the room, where you heard the faint sound of the orchestra bless your ears. 
Taking a deep breath in to calm your nerves, you half wished Loki would be here. 
What? Y/N, no. You're supposed to hate him, you thought. You walked gracefully to the ballroom, one hand in the railing and the other lifting the skirt of your dress just a bit so it'd be easier to walk. The orchestra played quietly, letting the people gathered here tonight mindlessly chatter away. 
"Oh, here she is," you heard your mother say, pointing to the top of the stairs, where you were standing. You felt all eyes shift onto you as the talk faded away, but the orchestra was still playing. 
Taking a deep breath again, you looked down the stairs and thought 'It'll be fine.' 
And then you saw him. 
He was clad in all black; black suit, black shirt, black tie, you know it. His hair was slicked back, and just like always, he had that stupid smirk plastered on his face. The smirk you wanted so badly to wipe off his face. But at the same time, you couldn't help to have a certain attraction for the tall man. 
You scoffed and walked stepped gracefully down the stairs. You watched as he eyed you up and down and held out his hand for you. 
You accepted it, and watched suspiciously as he gently grazed his thumb over your knuckles, as if asking if you trust him. You just stared at him, curiously wondering what he was up to, but all he did was bring your hand up to his lips, and place a soft kiss on it. 
"You look ravishing, darling." Loki complimented you. "I like the way your hand fits perfectly into mine." 
"What's up with you?" 
"Nothing!" he replied, feigning sadness. "May I have a dance?" 
"I don't know, can I trust you? You're acting awfully nice." You teased, half meaning it. 
Loki nodded, and led you to the center of the ballroom. You heard shifting around you, you assumed that everyone was also getting ready to dance. You just knew that your parents were watching you like hawks, no doubt wondering why you haven't gotten with Loki when you've had so many "chances''. 
You interlocked one of your hands with Loki's, while your other one was resting his on your shoulder and his was on your shoulder blade. The ensemble started playing some waltz music, and every person started moving with their partner in sync. Mesmerizing movements filled the room, as the gents swirled around in circles with their lady partners around you and Loki. 
You actually danced quite a while with the tall, dark haired male. But everything you two did was in silence. There was eye contact, even some sexual tension, but both of you were silent. By the third dance, you decided to break the silence.  "Bloody hell. You can't dance." 
"Oh, can't I?" He hand slid onto your waist and he tightened his grip and pulled you closer, enough to touch your nose with his. "You should've told me you wanted to put on a show." 
"You don't have to be so rough," you whispered. The music swelled and felt as if it could deafen you. Your face was cross and your eyebrows were furrowed together, the desire to punch him square on the face growing on every step. "Your hand is supposed to stay on my shoulder blade." 
"Same thing" 
"Not even close." 
"Well, I'm sorry." 
"Please, that wouldn't even fool the dumbest baby." 
Loki laughed through his gritted teeth, blue eyes staring right into yours. "Fine, but can you keep up with those adorable little dancing shoes?" 
"Try me." 
You could feel the vibrations of the orchestra's music swimming in the air, attaching strings of gold onto your wrists and carrying you through the ballroom like a graceful marionette. The other dancers began to clear, far too mesmerized by your synchronized movements to focus on their own. The crowd formed a circle and allowed you to take over. 
Loki was light on his feet. You'll give him that. 
"You could at least try to pretend to resent this," Loki chuckled. "Careful now. Don't stare too deep into my eyes, otherwise you might fall in love." 
You scoffed, "You wish." 
"You're right." He spun you around and had you tripping on your toes. He swiftly caught you in his arms before you could fall to the ground. "I wish." 
The dance ended with everyone erupting in applause. The two of you stayed there, out of breath and staring into each other's eyes. 
After what felt like eternity, he let you go. You politely faced him and curtsied, then excused yourself, stepping away from the crowd and making your way up the stairs. You were suddenly aware of your own frantic hearts which seemed like it was about to burst out of your chest any minute. 
Loki's voice rang in your ear. "I wish," repeating over and over and over again, like a broken record. 
You finally made your way to your room and went out to the balcony. You realized it had felt so suffocating in there, with hundreds of people gathered around you. You let the fresh air clear your mind, but it wasn't working today. 
His voice kept ringing and something, somewhere, deep inside of you told you that you felt the same. But why? You were supposed to be enemies, you were supposed to hate each other, but it was the opposite now. 
The same thing that told you it was attraction, also told you that it made sense. The pet names, the charming looks, the mysterious personality, it attracted you. 
"I- I have feelings for him, don't I?" you whispered to yourself, almost out of pity. "I could've chosen anyone in that room, but no. My pathetic heart chose him. Him, of all people!" 
You faintly laughed, resting your forearms on the railing of the balcony, your head hung low and your eyes were shut. "God, this is laughable." 
"May I ask what's laughable, princess?" a familiar voice startled you. 
You spun around and supported your weight by having your hands on the railing behind you, as you looked up to the tall prince. "Nothing," you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Why are you here?" 
"I wanted to see if you're alright." Loki replied after hesitating. "And to apologize, I feel like I made you uncomfortable." 
You tilted your head to the side, and simply stared at the man. "Why are you so polite?" 
Loki stayed quiet and stood beside you. Both if you were looking up at the beautiful night sky, at the complex constellations, and the bright full moon. 
"Is it true what you said?" you decided to break the silence for the second time. 
Loki simply looked down at you, his eyebrows furrowed. 
"When you said 'I wish,'" you added, looking up at the man beside you. "Did you mean it?" 
"Well..." he sighed, looking down, then back at you. "Yes. I just never knew how to tell you until now." 
"With all my heart." 
You two simply looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Your head was swarmed with thoughts like '’Oh my god, he just confessed'  and 'What do I do? Do I confess as well?'  and 'Y/N, you're so stupid, just kiss him already!' 
It all felt like a fever dream. You were just standing there, in complete shock. Your enemy since who knows when just confessed his love for you, you felt the same way back but you just couldn't open your mouth to speak to save your life. 
"May I have another dance?" Loki held out his hand. 
You nodded, accepting it. His left hand held your right fingers intertwining. His other, however, wasn't at your shoulder blade like they were supposed to be while waltzing. Instead he let his hand rest on your waist, pulling you in close, but not enough to make our noses touch like in the ballroom. That stupid smirk returned to his face, but this time you didn't feel like punching it off if his face like you usually did. Gradually, Loki started leading the slow waltz as you followed along, looking down at your feet and avoiding eye contact. 
"Do you feel the same?" He asked. You could've swore you heard a tinge of hopefulness is his voice. 
"Yes, actually," you replied, finally making eye contact but looking back down again. "I didn't realize it until tonight." 
"That makes the two of us." He chuckled. 
The cold breeze of the dark sky made faint goosebumps on your skin. You barely shivered, but Loki pulled you in a bit closer like he was using his body as a shield to protect yours. 
You slowly started humming a tune to steady your rhythm a bit, and Loki joined in, knowing exactly which piece you were humming. You smiled and let your head rest on his chest, the tiredness of the night finally getting to you. 
"Tired already, angel? It's not even midnight yet." 
"Oh, will you ever shut it? We were having a nice moment for once, if you couldn't tell" Both of you went into a hushed fit of laughter. 
Loki felt like nothing else mattered but you at the moment. He studied your face, memorizing every detail, as if this was the last time he'd ever see you again. The way your eyes would crinkle at the corners, the way your nose you scrunch up when you laughed, the way your lips always looked so kissable. He admired you, the way you always had snarky comebacks to his comments, the way you would scoff whenever he annoyed you, the way you would always seem so nonchalant which always kept him wanting more. 
In short, to Loki you were his whole world, even if he only realized it that very same evening. 
Loki took the hand that was entangled with yours and cupped your face, his thumb rubbing back and forth on your cheek. He pulled you closer by your waist, making you look up at him. Your free hand hinges around Loki's neck, playing with the ends of his hair. 
He slowly pulled you in, but stopped just before his lips met yours. You could feel his breath fanning over them. You could smell his cologne; you could get intoxicated off of it, you didn't know it was like a drug for you until now. You saw that Loki's eyes were half closed, they were staring at your lips, almost like he was unsure of what he was doing. 
You pushed your boy onto his, your lips colliding, and you gently tugged on his hair, while he cupped your face lovingly. You could stay like this for eternity, but you ran out of breath and pulled back. The two of you were quietly gasping for air, your foreheads resting against each other. 
"I care for you Y/N," he murmured, barely loud enough for you to hear. No one else was there, but he wanted you, and only you, to hear it. "deeply." 
"If that was your way to say 'I love you' Loki, I love you too."
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