bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
Natalia O’Shea - King’s Hunt
Когда становится чуть теплей Небо северных стран на пороге весны, И ночи гонят черных коней К востоку от солнца и к западу от луны...
Когда реки вздыхают в плену берегов, И небо дробится о камни порогов, И темные кудри лесистых холмов Вьются над бесконечной дорогой -
Брат мой, западный ветер, король облаков, Медом пахнет твой клевер росистых лугов, Но глаза беспокойных голодных богов Зеленятся бедой и тревогой...
Нынче утром разбудит песок у воды Легкий шаг темногривых серых коней; Ах, быстры те псы, у кого на груди - Полумесяц, как знак чистоты кровей.
И раскидистый дуб, и сумрачный тис Склонят головы пред королевской охотой, Овеваемы пестрыми крыльями птиц В этой скачке на грани полета;
Но смотри - на деревьях узорные шлемы, И смыкаются вереска жесткие стены, И зафыркали кони, почуяв измену, Или просто запахло болотом?..
А здесь мы жили, покуда могли; Ничего не забыли дети старой земли: Ах, как подносили вам, короли, Девы наших холмов кубки меда!
Но ты знаешь, ведь гончие взяли мой след, Твои серые гончие взяли мой след, Королевские гончие взяли мой след, И не знать мне ни сна, ни покоя;
И пока под копытами серых коней Не рассыплется мир на осколки из дней До конца, вслед за сворой болотных огней Ты будешь гнаться за мною;
Ах, твои гончие взяли мой след, Темноглазые гончие взяли мой след, Королевские гончие взяли мой след, И не знать мне ни сна, ни покоя...
Твои гончие взяли мой след...
Today is a long one. It is a poem from a fantasy book and also a song by folk group “Melnitsa”. It is inspired by Old English tales about Wild Hunt.
Advent challenge, 05.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
Marina Tsvetaeva - ***
Я тебя отвоюю у всех земель, у всех небес, Оттого что лес — моя колыбель, и могила — лес, Оттого что я на земле стою — лишь одной ногой, Оттого что я тебе спою — как никто другой.
Я тебя отвоюю у всех времён, у всех ночей, У всех золотых знамён, у всех мечей, Я ключи закину и псов прогоню с крыльца — Оттого что в земной ночи́ я вернее пса.
Я тебя отвоюю у всех других — у той, одной, Ты не будешь ничей жених, я — ничьей женой, И в последнем споре возьму тебя — замолчи! — У того, с которым Иаков стоял в ночи.
Но пока тебе не скрещу на груди персты — О проклятие! — у тебя остаешься — ты: Два крыла твои, нацеленные в эфир, — Оттого что мир — твоя колыбель, и могила — мир!
Today is my all-time favorite from when I first read it at 10 years old. I may forget about it, but when I read it again, it is still the one I feel the most. This translation, I feel, is not bad.
I’ve briefly wrote about the difficulties of translating poetry yesterday. I think it’s because every language has it’s own flow and melody. It’s like with music: you can try to play the same melody on different instruments, but it will sound different. There are some things that will sound similar, but some will be impossible to play at all. The ordinary translation is difficult too, but in poetry this becomes even more prominent, precisely because poetry serves to showcase the language, its sound, its structure.
Advent challenge, 04.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
Marina Tsvetaeva - My verse
Моим стихам, написанным так рано, Что и не знала я, что я — поэт, Сорвавшимся, как брызги из фонтана, Как искры из ракет,
Ворвавшимся, как маленькие черти, В святилище, где сон и фимиам, Моим стихам о юности и смерти, — Нечитанным стихам!
Разбросанным в пыли по магазинам, Где их никто не брал и не берёт, Моим стихам, как драгоценным винам, Настанет свой черёд.
What is really challenging for me in this challenge, is that the beauty of my favorite poems gets lost in translation. For this one, I couldn’t choose which one is better. I think the main problem is while I feel confident in my English, I still find it hard to appreciate English poetic language, as it is completely different in style to Russian.
Advent challenge, 03.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
Tatiana Khmelnik - Title Unknown
Ты слишком уверен в своих руках, Ты думаешь, хватит сил Нажатьем ладони бросать меня в прах Гостеприимных могил.
И ты уверен в своих правах Увенчивать и свергать. Ты хочешь быть богом хотя бы в словах, Огнем заливая снега.
Но, знаешь, твоя рука не сильней Той, что хранит меня. И я, повинуясь одной лишь ей, Стою, не боясь огня.
И я, лишь ей покоряясь одной, Спокойно встречу твой взгляд. Мне жизнь возвратят за той стеной, Где вечный сияет сад.
As the call-back to yesterday’s poem, this one is mainly known because together they are combined in the song lyrics by band “Surganova and the Orchestra”. They work together surprisingly well. Tatiana Khmelnik is contemporary poet from Saint-Petersburg, but I couldn’t find her works with a quick search, so I’ve did a quick translation myself, though it certainly lacks in style:
Your hands are too sure, You think that you can Push me with your palm To the welcoming ashes of the grave.
And you are sure about your rights To crown or overthrow, You want to be called a god And rain the fire on the snow.
But, you know, your arm isn't stronger Then the one that protects me. I am obeying only it, So I stand and don't fear the fire.
I submit just for it, So I am calm before your eyes. I will be gifted a life behind that wall Where the eternal garden shines.
A little late in the day, but here it is.
Advent challenge, 02.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
Анна Ахматова  «Путник милый, ты далече»
Путник милый, ты далече, Но с тобою говорю. В небесах зажглися свечи Провожающих зарю. Путник мой, скорей направо Обрати свой светлый взор: Здесь живет дракон лукавый, Мой властитель с давних пор. А в пещере у дракона Нет пощады, нет закона. И висит на стенке плеть, Чтобы песен мне не петь. И дракон крылатый мучит, Он меня смиренью учит, Чтоб забыла дерзкий смех, Чтобы стала лучше всех. Путник милый, в город дальний Унеси мои слова, Чтобы сделался печальней Тот, кем я еще жива.
English translation here.
Advent challenge, 01.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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bucketlistlanguages · 3 years
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Welcome to my first challenge!
This is more of a langblr challenge than a studyblr challenge but whoever wants to participate can!
So, I don't know how many countries have the tradition of Advent calendars but essentially a Advent calendar consists of one treat per day, starting on the 1st December and ending on the 24th. The treat can be a cute picture, sweets, makeup, whatever. My challenge shall be a kind of Advent calendar.
And this is the challenge:
Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, you post a poem from any artist you like - as long as you are permitted to post it and give credit - in your mother tongue. It can also be a poem from yourself! And if you feel very diligent and able to do so, you can translate it into another language you know as well.
For me this means I will post a total of 24 German poems and maybe will translate some of them into English.
What is the goal of this challenge?
So, first of all, everyone can get to know poetry in other languages. Many of us are learnes of foreign languages and I personally love reading poems in my target language and even if I do not understand all of it yet, I love the sound and melody of them.
Also, not everyone has an Advent calendar or can afford one. This a way to have a free one, multiples even. Everyone who does this challenge provides a free lyrical Advent calendar for our community!
1st December until 24th December
Tag me if you plan to take part or take part and please also reblog (even if you do not plan on parttaking) so others can see and join! ✨
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bucketlistlanguages · 5 years
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Day 1/100. Did three hours of studying, some of the time spent on setting up (like making color-coded excel file for logging progress). Read/translated 1 paragraph (8 sentences, 1 of them very long).
The book is “Pink and Gray” by Kato Shigeaki, bought in 2013 (I also have Senko Scramble from the same shopping spree, and several manga volumes). Actually, one can argue that manga is better at my level, but I get distracted by pictures - and can vaguelly understand the story - so it doesn’t work for me. With book I am forced to really read the text. I’m also bored of textbooks and anki-type apps.
What I decided to do this time is called “intensive reading”, which is a method of reading when you take notice of every word and grammar point you come across, and try to really understand the text. It is usually used in contrast and complement to “extensive reading” which is more about a speed and amount. (Well, I can’t do that one yet.)
As I’ve written in the beginning, I only managed 1 paragraph, but the process was actually enjoyable. I also written it down by hand, and looked up every unknown kanji, word, and grammar point. Tomorrow I will reread the text and check my understanding, then continue.
Also will think about posting some vocabulary or grammar lists...
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bucketlistlanguages · 5 years
Quick update / revival
Oops, I did it again, or The Story Of My Life...
Jokes aside, did I mention I am mildly bipolar and even was officially diagnosed? Eventhough I didn’t continue my treatment. It mainly shows in fast burn-outs and long depression episodes. Somehow hypomanic stages are short and often at night. Well, life interferes too. Also I feel unmotivated and unwilling to socialize when depressed. It is not my only excuse. I also had some family stuff this year - which was also mildly depressing and too much socializing 2in1.
Some 10 months later I feel maybe alright and relatively free again, so I’m trying to ride this wave while it lasts. In the time I was away I learned some kanji and vocabulary sporadically, and collected some resources, but didn’t touch a thing of grammar.
I’m trying to change methods again, but I’ll do it tomorrow.
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
Busy day
Day 4/100. I did some study in memrise and duolingo. Kanji are hard, especially as I get bored with learning and want to speed up through them. Didn’t find the “miracle method” that would work for me, as neither Heisig or WaniKani worked as is. I do use mnemonics, but only when forced to (by confusing similar ones, and forgeting repeatedly), and then elaborate “stories” are too cumbersome, and simple ones are hard to implement.
But mostly i spend time helping my sister with course work. Did a conspect about Russian National Corpus and some graphics about Petrified Forest National Park. Spent way to much time reading about this stuff. But well, still some kind of education, and corpus one even language related, (but forest one comes with pretty pictures ^-^).
Also did housework - which is somehow always in need of doing, no matter if I am diligent or neglectful.
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
(rebloged this on the wrong one earlier)
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I’m on a roll today, so I bring you, my personal recommendations for Korean language learning! Most of the stuff/links here are what I used myself, and for me, it’s quality over quantity. (Though quantity over quality comes to when you actually have to learn it, in which, repetition is key, etc.)
So, here we go! And yes, all of them are free!
First of all, learn hangeul. 
90daykorean (a hangeul pdf)
busyatom (hangeul-learning yt playlist!)
how to practice your hangeul/kana (on my wordpress blog)
personally, I forgot how I learned or what site I used, but I think reading kpop idol’s tweets (or fanart artists’ twitter) helped a lot. So once you get a gist of how to read hangeul, just try your hands (or eyes?) on reading the simple tweets! It doesn’t matter if you can’t understand most of it yet, but learning the alphabet will help you a lot in the long run. ^^
Romanizations don’t always sound the same with the Korean pronunciation when you read it, so hangeul is the answer, alright? 
if you have any recommendations, feel free to tell me!
Next, my favourite, grammar. Most of these are downloadable PDF files.
TTMIK lessons (it seems intimidating at first but trust me, you won’t know unless you try! the lessons are bite-sized and straight to the point and i find them very helpful! also, i have the full pdf until level 8, so if you guys want me to upload it in bulks then do tell me~)
Monash University textbooks (book 1, book 2). //my fave!!! (the actual website is down, so the download links are mine, for now.)
Korean From Zero! (you can also learn hangeul in this pdf)
I’m not a fan of online lessons but you can try koreanclass101!
I used to hoard almost EVERY online pdf for language-learning, but when I think again, “when the hell am I going to use these?!”, so yeah, stick with quality over quantity ;)
Aha, vocabulary! 
LearnWithOliver (flashcards, helpful flashcards, neat flashcards that are not in flashcards form. haha.)
Anki (I don’t use this but it might be helpful for you!)
Naver Dictionary 
Google Translate (though a full sentence translation is usually bullshoot and I don’t recommend it, the pronunciation function and one word translation are very helpful.)
My method: Learn a grammar lesson from any of the pdf files, make my own notes, then use post-its/sticky-notes for new verbs and put it where I’ll see them. 
You can also learn from hearing a vocab multiple times in K-pop songs/K-variety shows. You guys know what ‘사랑’ means, right? ;)
Videos to aid your learning (though I prefer reading than watching, but these are the ones I really recommend!)
BusyAtom (also has hangeul lessons huhu.)
TTMIK (see how much I love them)
GO! Billy Korean
Websites/Blogs you gotta check out, for language exercises and helpful tips!
ohmykorean (omg i love this, though you have to have a firm grasp of hangeul first and bits of vocab here and there.)
TTMIK also have free workbooks for the first few levels. 
Not to forget, motivational/useful tips posts!
Language hacking tips on fluentin3months
10 effective language learning strategies
10-ways to language learning success
not improving? wrong. 
25 ways to stop feeling overworked and overwhelmed (because I think this is important as well)
Also, my personal language-learning methods: 
When studying, I read the whole grammar lesson, try to understand it, then write down the notes word by word as I pronounce the vocabularies along the way. I understand better after making notes as I process the lesson in my brain. (well, since I’m a read-write learner hehe.)
I use Memrise for vocab. 
I read Korean manhwa raws (manga, but Korean version. you can google these.)
I try to form my own sentences like, “She has a cat”, “I have three brothers”, since I don’t have any language-learning partners (sadlyfe) but if you’d like to, let’s be friends and practice together!! 
Always, always pick up bits and pieces from songs and k-variety shows. (2d1n gives me lyfe!!) 
Scheduling language-learning into your life is the way to go! Even if it’s as short as 30mins a day or 2hours full of concentration, as long  as you do it continuously. There will be days when you think you can’t make it, so it’s fine to take a break once in a while! 
Last but not least, my personal tips/motivation: 
Language-learning doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s something you should enjoy! I remember stumbling over the pronunciation of words like ‘후회할‘ and ‘되‘ yesterday and I laughed at myself, but it was fun! So take things one step at a time, okay?
“Don’t learn too fast for the sake of finishing the textbook.” 
If you think you’re slower than everyone else at reading hangeul or even remembering grammar, don’t worry. You’re NOT dumb nor slow, you’re a wonderful human being! Even trying to memorize one letter/verb a day shows that you’re working hard on it, and I’m proud of you! Good things come to those who work hard! ♡
Always remember to pick yourself up again. Take your time, and believe in yourself! If you really want it, go and get it! You can do it!!!
Even a session of Memrise course a day goes a longgg way, you know. ;)
Shia LaBeouf’s “JUST DO IT” because we all need it. 
I’ve been learning Korean on and off for almost three years (wow even i cannot believe) and although it’s hard, I’m getting there. It’s never too late or too early to start what you love, you know. It’s your life, so you decide whatever you want to!!!
Also, instead of looking for more resources and motivation, I think you should really start on opening that textbook/pdf/memrise course, you know. ;) Eheheh. 
I remember the moment I read a whole tweet of an idol (Red of M.Pire, I doubt you guys even know him aha) and actually understood it. The joy!! brought tears!! to my eyes!!! 
If you have anything else to add, then please feel free to do so! You can also drop me a message if there’s anything you’d like to know, or if I’m missing something, etc. I can also do a Japanese resources masterpost (lol nadia pls) if someone asks for it. But anyway, hope this post has been helpful, even if it helps just one person! 
Stay positive yall, and remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!!! Thank you so much for reading my first masterpost, byeom~!
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
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Day 3/100. Handwriting practice. Also crammed kanji and vocab in memrise. Resisted the urge to watch Hwayugi, though barely. (Go, me!)
Apparently, it’s too dark for photos in my room, but - I usually use half the lights, and find it enough to read/write.
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
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Day 2/100.
Did some studying in memrise, mostly revised Tae Kim chapters I learned yesterday.
There are good courses for Japanese on memrise, very organized.
On the whole, day was not very fruitful, but not spent uselessly, either.
I also did grocery shopping and baked muffins - wich counts as productive in my book!
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
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Day 1/100. Made some grammar notes from Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide (from the beginning, again). 
Multi-tasking is hard for me, I am slow to change gears and lose the sight of what I was doing easily. Here is reading, writing/note-taking, and color-coding. Mistakes abound ^-^ 
Hand started hurting some 20 minutes into the session (from all the writing, lol). Tried to take breaks, studied for about 7 hours today.
Book is in english, so the notes (explanations) which I write down are in english too - it’s too bothersome to translate them (and one more task to juggle).
Curiously, when writing, I do not switch from russian to english randomly, like some people, but switch between alphabets, which is not so cool. Imagine some “exпlaнатиons” monstrosity!
You can’t really see it here, but my japanese handwriting requires some work - and I have already planed to. 
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
langblr introduction
So, it looks like I am back. Got motivated again, thanks to @lovelybluepanda, @lilidoescriticallanguages, @orenjisupeesu, @languagemadness, @slowpokestudies, @heyemmateach, @justamessylangblr, @polishyourpolish and other wonderfull people here, in no particular order to be fair. These here are some langblrs I follow.
About me: 
I spent few hours writing an “about me” page (here), which turned out to be somewhat emo, like all my writing, but the short version is this. I am native russian speaker, my english is good. I spent some time dabbling in french, japanese and polish. Currently I am focusing on japanese. “Someday later” languages are korean and most slavic languages.
My goal for 2018 is to take JLPT and Cambrige Test. After that I plan to study french, polish and korean.
I am thirtysomething, so I would appreciate some same age langblr recommendations, as the croud here is young and sometimes makes me jealous for the time lost.
My other interests include books, cooking and things like sewing and knitting. Of course I also want to travel, watch TV and listen to music ^-^
What else should I write here? I hope I can be consistent in my studying and improve a lot
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bucketlistlanguages · 6 years
English Resources
@keentreedetective asked for some advanced English resources so my time has Come 
For advanced-level learners, the biggest thing you should focus on is building your vocabulary.  Grammar is the foundation for effective communication, but having an expansive enough vocabulary is the back-bone of effective communicating. Knowing grammar is good, but not knowing enough words to properly express yourself makes all your grammar knowledge useless. You can understand, “dog no fly, dog walk” just as well as you can understand “dogs can’t fly, they walk”.  That said,  I’m going to give you some grammar and vocab resources, as well as share some interesting novels with you. 
Firstly, my all-time favorite resource for English grammar is the Grammar Sense series by Susan Kesner Bland. I own the series and they’re just amazing. Here is a link to Book No. 4 (the most advanced book. also sorry it’s an American amazon link) Here’s Book No. 3 as well. Book No. 4 is suggested for advanced students, and No. 3 for high-intermediate students. Grammar 101 by Kathleen Sears is also another really great, extensive book on grammar.  Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Azar is a really good book for advanced learners, as well. Check out other books written by Azar, too, she’s a really popular writer. 
The Big Book Of Words You Should Know To Sound Smart: A Guide for Aspiring Intellectuals 
The Big Book of Words You Should Know: Over 3,000 Words Every Person Should be Able to Use (And a few that you probably shouldn’t)
Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Students: Helpful, Descriptive, Precise Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Terms Every High School and College Student Should Know How to Use 
Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary 
Another good way to build vocabulary is with mind maps. Here’s an in-depth post on mind maps, what they are and how they’re used. I highly recommend memrise to anyone who’s trying to learn anything. Here is the list of advanced English courses on the site. There are hundreds of courses, and you can also change the settings to your native language if you’d prefer. The link I provided is set to English speakers learning English.
Here is a google drive folder with PDF files of a few of my favorite books, along with a document that has short little descriptions of the books and language-difficulty-scores. I compiled this list a looong time ago, but I might try to update it if I’m able.  Another thing, here is my GoodReads account if you’re interested in looking at the books I want to read, plus the ones ive read (and my ratings of them) Feel free to add me as a friend!!
Alternative Resources
Listen to English music, watch English movies, videos, etc. At this point you just need to expose yourself to as much English as you can. Another good idea is to modify advice/resource posts here on tumblr to cater to your needs.  Here’s a pretty generic post I made about post-duolingo studying. Hope this helps you!! If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask. I love helping people with their English (it’s my job after all lol)
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bucketlistlanguages · 8 years
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This started out as a Google Doc for personal use, but I might as well share it with you since the internet is awesome and chances are there are other lit freaks like me out there! + Masterposts are the best
Beginners (old but gold tbh)
Novel Guide
Grade Saver (I’ve found some rare XVIII century plays explained here!)
English 101 (English lit)
English 102 (American lit)
Tips to Analyze, Write, Interpret literature (College level):
English 103: Analyzing and Interpreting Lit.
Literary Analysis Guide - Goshen College
Literary Analysis: Using Elements of Literature
How to Write an Analysis of Theme — Teaching College English
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature | CLEP
How I Plan and Write Literature Papers by notaperfectstudent​
Very Useful (misc.)
CRITICAL THEORY: Introduction to Literature
Literary Theory Links
Voice of the Shuttle (great humanities research page)
Warwick English Page (bunch of links, exams, essays, etc…)
Consciousness, Literature and the Arts Archive: Articles and Essays
Online Lectures
Terry Eagleton: “The Death of Criticism?” - UC Berkeley Events
Modernism Undone: T.S. Eliot’s Literary Revolution
A Reader’s Guide to T.S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” (Lecture by Thomas Howard, Professor Emeritus, Gordon College)
Arts One Open: on The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot (Lecture by Kevin McNeilly for the “Monster in the Mirror” theme)
Introduction to Literary Theory - Yale
Harold Bloom on Shakespeare - Yale
Harold Bloom on Walt Whitman
Noam Chomsky on Linguistics
Keio Linguistic Colloquium SYNTAX SESSION Professor Noam Chomsky (MIT)
Open Courses
ENGL 220: MILTON - Yale
Fantasy and Science Fiction: The Human Mind, Our Modern World - U- of Michigan (took this, it’s great! Course starts October 2015)
The Fiction of Relationship - Brown (no open sessions rn but I took this and it is also great, so stay tune for when the course re-opens)
Victorian Era
Literary Genre, Mode, and Style during the Victorian Era (so many sources, essays and papers!! <3)
Nostalgia and the Victorian Novel
Getting On C.19th Lit
Tess and Wuthering Heights
Female Relationships
Foreign Spaces
The Romanticism Blog (posts concerning scholars and students, here you will find great ideas for essays!)
The Romantics: Nature (bbc doc)
The Romantics: Eternity (bbc doc)
The Romantics: Liberty (bbc doc)
Lord Byron (bbc doc)
Romantic Circles
Romantic Chronology http://www.english.ucsb.edu:591/rchrono/ The Voice of the Shuttle, Romanticism pages  http://vos.ucsb.edu/  –> literature (in English)–> Romantics–>  a wealth of links to many resources
The XVIII Century
Skin as Surface in Swift and Pope
Public Opinion in Swift and Gay
The Female Body in Swift and Pope
Bawdiness in Cleland and Sterne
Voyeurism in Cleland
Narrative and Progress in Tristram Shandy
Reading Shakespeare’s Play
Introduction to Shakespeare’s life and works
Featured Essays and Book Excerpts on Shakespeare’s Plays
Shakespeare Mag: Education and resources
Introduction to Shakespeare (so many links!):
Humanist Grammar School
Problems with Shakespeare’s Texts
Shakespearean Verse and Prose
Dramatic Plot Structure
Figurative Language and Rhetorical Devices
The Histories
Revenge Tragedy
Establishing the Text of Hamlet
The Romances
Blackfriars Theater and Audience Expectations
Hamlet performed by BATHS (for me this is a great representation tbh!)
Synopses of Shakespeare’s Plays
Shakespeare Resource Center
The Shakespeare Authorship Page
Internet Shakespeare Editions
Robert Teeter’s Shakespeare Links
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Virtual Tour
Interactive Globe Theatre
Shakespeare Timeline
The Folger Shakespeare Library
Shakespeare Illustrated (Emory University)
Steven Marx’s “Triangulating Shakespeare”
“But I have that within that passes show”: Hamlet’s Soliloquies as an Expression of Shakespeare’s Loss and Transformation (essay)
Medieval English Studies A GUIDE TO MIDDLE ENGLISH
Translatio studii et imperii
Medieval Attitudes toward Vernacular Literature
Courtly Love
Medieval Allegory
The Alliterative Revival
The Three Medieval Estates
Arthurian literature
Arthurian Studies Links & Essays
Arthurian Resources (Thomas Green)
Arthurian Links (Thomas Green)
Labyrinth Arthurian Links
The Camelot Project (Medieval to modern texts and images)
King Arthur links (Medieval History site)
Britannia Arthurian Links
Holy Grail  links (Mary Weidenhaft)
Women of the Arthurian Legend (Camelot Project–modern)
Arthuriana (International Arthurian Society journal)
Arthurnet (Listserve)
A scholarly discussion list for King Arthur
Arthuriana/Camelot Project Bibliographies
Princeton Charrette Project (Manuscript images of Chrétien de Troyes’s Lancelot romance)
Yale MS 229, Prose Lancelot (Illuminated manuscript images)
The Camelot Project Artists Menu (modern)
Essay writing tips for poetry
Poetry Foundation: Lectures
Essays on Poetic Theory
British Poetry 1780-1910: a Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
The American Poetry Full-Text Database
English Verse Drama: the Full-Text Database
The English Poetry Full-Text Database
Online Exams
Romantics Exam
Eighteenth Century Literature Final here
Medieval to Renaissance English Literature Examen (Warwick)
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bucketlistlanguages · 8 years
Finished Polish Tree!
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So, it took some effort in the last few days (and I almost forgot on Sunday, playing games instead), but I finished my polish tree on duo, keeping it golden (and didn’t loose my 56 days streak, which is a big one for me).
Onward is some grammar cramming...
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