#i just need to not die between now and thursday and also clean and do my laundry. and take finals ig but they cannot save my grades like
iron-sides · 1 month
>:(( I Am Going Home Soon
#my thots#🐝#dad is coming up on tuesday for big things and then mom will be here thursday night and i will be in my bed at home by the end of the week#i just need to not die between now and thursday and also clean and do my laundry. and take finals ig but they cannot save my grades like#im failing everything regardless of how i do on those so like. whatever#stares at nie huaisang like hes the patron saint of bad grades KING HOW DID YOU DO IT#(the difference here is he did it on purpose because hes a little shit and i did it because my grandpa died and i reacted in the weirdest#possible way. but thats neither here nor there)#anyway! goal for today is to put literally anything in my body please GOD so options are:#doordash (i would go get food but i am NOT moving my car btwn now and friday)#pros: real meal rn. cons: idk abt full meals rn#go get caf food now when no one is there and they arent serving anything#pros: more likely to finish + cheap + less people#cons: it would be a meal of like. yogurt & maybe cottage cheese if its still out & Unknown Pastry. & either lemonade or ice cream. which#is less than ideal#or wait until 5 when they start serving dinner#pros: full mean + cheap#cons: full meal :| + have to wait 3 hours. + dinner rush#ok i think im going to start with getting smth to eat rn and see how i feel after#good talk tumblr#negativity#<- kiiiiind of? not per se but not a fun one either.#ok. steps one through eight: get food steps two through: watch hades gameplay & eat bc i dont have the brain for subs rn#ok lets rock&roll
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dont grow up
summary: It’s Will’s birthday! And we will never forget! (looking at you duffers)
WC: 930
warnings: none, just a delicate early morning moment shared between Will and Reader
A/N: definitely going to have different lengths for these in between stories. i did not look at the day march 22 landed on before i wrote this (it’s a thursday) so just ignore that and it’s saturday morning in this story. also reminder when i mention anything to do with being jewish, i’m pulling it from my own experience and some google knowledge. IM A BARE MINIMUM JEW
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March 22, 1984
You tread quietly as you open the door, trying to avoid any of the creakings it makes from the hinges. You dipped your head inside the small opening and looked around for your morning victim. The room was pretty clean, with just a few items laying across the floor, a jacket or two, a backpack thrown by the door, shoes resting by the closet, and a big lump on the bed. Bingo!
You pushed the door further open and crept in slowly, you probably could have been mistaken for the grinch with the posture of your body. But you weren’t stealing presents on Christmas morning, no, this day was a lot better than Christmas. It was Will’s birthday and he was 13 today. Now you weren’t able to throw him a bar mitzvah, well no one in your family was able to get one, bar/bat mitzvah. Money problems were one reason, another was that you didn’t go to a temple, and also there wasn’t even one in Hawkins, only churches. So you didn’t do the whole process leading up to the big day, but it didn’t mean too much to your family if any of you didn’t have one.
What mattered most was just making sure the special person felt loved and cared for on their big day, and they could do whatever they chose to for the day. Joyce would make sure that there was a big breakfast with all their favorite foods and after that is when you could decide what to do, you could be with your friends or you could stay with family or if you wanted you could be alone. Jonathan on his birthday didn’t want to do much, you just stayed with him as he went around places in town and tested out the new camera you and Joyce bought for him. Joyce takes the day off and spends it at home, you and Jonathan make the food for the day to give her a break. For your birthday last year, Jonathan got you tickets to go see a local production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show a city over, now because you didn’t have friends (Will’s words, and before Robin and everyone else) you forced Jonathan to accompany you. But you had the time of your life and you knew Jonathan enjoyed it as well even if he did look a bit shocked at parts.
When you approached closer to Will’s bed you slowly knelt onto the mattress and crawled in, and ever so slowly you fell against the sheets and threw an arm over Will’s sleeping figure. You pulled him in close and laid your head atop his and just enjoyed the peaceful and quiet moment until he woke up. The Byers were a pretty affectionate family, but not all the time. Everyone would give out hugs or just hold someone's hand when needed, but everyone also knew to not step over boundaries. You usually don’t just crawl into Will’s bed and hug him, but this birthday felt really special to you. Will was alive for another year, Joyce and Hopper were able to save him from the Upside Down thanks to El. You don’t know what you would do without Will, if he actually did die in the quarry like Hopper assumed at first, or if he died in the Upside Down and you wouldn’t have known, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.
Movement caught your attention. You pulled your head back and loosened your hold on Will and he rolled over with his face now just below your chin. His bowl cut hairstyle was a little messy and damp from night sweats, and the oversized plain white shirt that probably used to belong to Jonathan swallowed him up. He cracked an eye open to peek out and a smile grew on his lips when he saw it was you. He then shuffled closer and copied your earlier actions, he threw an arm over your waist and held onto your sleep shirt, and he laid his face against the warm heat of your collarbones.
You kept a tight hold on him, you thought if you even moved a fraction of an inch he would just turn into dust and disappear again, but he would never come back home, gone forever. You petted his hair in a rhythmic motion to lull him back into a quiet slumber, allowing yourself to just remember him this way, scared of him growing up and not needing you anymore. He may grow out of needing you, but you know you’ll never stop needing him in your life to function properly.
“(Y/n)?” Will’s sleep heavy voice broke through the thoughts.
You didn’t move your position so your reply was aimed at the wall you were staring at, “yeah buddy?”
He shuffled in closer, not leaving even a breath of space, “can we go to the arcade later? I was gonna meet up with the party there.”
Lips twitching at a smile, “yeah, we can do that. Let’s just go back to sleep for now.”
Will nodded his head against your chest and his breathing soon started to even out telling you he dozed off. You kept running your fingers through his hair to keep him asleep, then soon following in Will, your eyes started to become heavy and your lids were being pulled down by gravity.
Just before you let sleep pull you into her comforting grasp, you spoke one sentence into Will’s hair,
“Please don’t grow up, for me.”
taglist: @heartyhope​ / @preciousbabypeter​ / @dessmxsworld​ / @piper3113 / @animiacorn​ / @burn1ngw00d​ / @drxwstxrkxy​ / @m-rae23​ / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman​ / @yournan69​ / @thats-s0-ravenn​ / @ameliabs-world​ / @mayonesavegana​ / @gracella0709​ / @gengen64​ / @alecanimeposts / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl1​ / @agustdeeyaa​ /
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
The ABCs of Nick Vaughn ~ "T"
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Pairing: Reader x Nick Vaughn (Before We Go)
Summary: Children its time to learn your ABCs. And Nick Vaughn is here to teach you the lessons. 26 glimpses in the world of you and Nick Vaughn
Warnings: S-M-U-T!!!! (under 18 please leave the chat!) descriptions of sexual activity including some themes of BDSM, loss of virginity, fluffy bits, pet name etc...
The new upload will probably be Sundays and Thursdays. Have fun kittens! Also, the tag list is open!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: S ~ Stimulation
ABC Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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T ~ Tension
The limo ride back to the town home is evil.  Its torture. You might combust and die as how much Nick isn’t touching you. He can see how much you are squirming and still he does nothing. He taps his fingers to the remote, playing with the speed and the wave of the panties.  
You try desperately to keep your moans at bay but its getting harder.  Finally, you break. “Nicky,” you whine, “please.”  
“Please what, pretty girl?”  
“Touch me,” you whispered, your head leaning back in the car.  
“Can’t wait, can you?” 
"No, you’re teasing too much,” you sob. “I... I need you.”  A fat tear of frustration rolled down your cheek.  
Nick chuckled and reached for you, pulling you into his lap. Your dress rides up and he can feel the heat from your pussy right over his bulge. “Are you wet, pretty girl?” You nod as Nick swipes two fingers through your folds. “Oh, yes you are.  Lay back, beautiful.”  
Nick peels off the panties and tosses them to the floor. He undid his belt and pants and slid his pants down just enough to release his cock.  He strokes it a few times before hauling you back into his lap. “Let me fill you up, my good girl.” He let you sink onto him, the stretch was glorious.  
“Nicky,” you moan lowly. He starts to lift your hips as he thrusts up as the car continued through the streets.  You kept your moans low, aware of the audience driving you. Your body was a tight string that just needed to be plucked one more time.  
“C’mon baby, you gotta be quick,” Nick whispered as he placed nips and kisses on your neck. He pushed his hand between your bodies and slowly circled your clit with just enough pressure to set you off.  
Before you could scream, Nick grabbed the back of your head and swallowed your cries with his lips. He only needed a couple of more juts up and he met you in heaven.  All the tension from the romantic gestures, the sensation of the panties, left your body in a rush and you collapsed on top of him.  
“Did I hurt you?” Nick pressed kisses to your head as you tried to calm your body down.  
“No,” you whispered.  “I was just wound up really tight.”  
“Let me get you to bed, my sweet girl.  You did so good for me tonight.” Nick lifted your gently, used the handkerchief to clean you off before pulling your dress down. He scooped up the vibrating panties and put them in his pocket as the car slowed in front of your townhome.  
Nick smiled as he held his hand out to help you out.  He handed the driver a tip.  “Tell Chris I owe him one,” he said.  
“Yes sir, have a good evening.”  The driver smirked and you blushed.  
“An old student of mine. He’s famous now but still likes to visit me when he’s in town.  He loaned me his car for the night.”  
Nick ushered you in and you saw all the candles and flowers. “Oh my, Nick...” 
“I’m so proud of you baby.”  He kissed your neck softly. “You deserve the world.” 
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @atoosa22 @tinkerbelle67
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okayjokesover · 11 months
Hi guys
I feel like some of my close friends are only on here these days, so I think I should give an update on here as well; at some point on Thursday night my mum had a stroke. An extremely large one. I found her the next morning, and yes, I am going to go to grief counseling over how when I first saw her I just assumed she was very deeply asleep, & went out to breakfast, only to come home & find her in exactly the same position, unresponsive & barely conscious, because I will feel guilty about it for the next rest of my life despite literally everyone telling me there was nothing I could have done differently to change the outcome.
They told us today that at this point she isn’t going to get better; the entire left side of her brain was affected, & even if she doesn’t have another stroke or die from pneumonia, she will likely never walk, talk, read, write or do anything for herself again. It would be 24/7 care for everything, & based on the number of times she has told both me & my dad that she would rather die than be in a nursing home (the only option), & how excruciatingly bad her quality of life would be, we agreed with the neurologist & care team that our only option now is palliative care, & waiting for the inevitable with minor interventions to keep her comfortable.
Obviously this is a bit like the emotional equivalent of a frying pan to the face; she was up, talking to me like normal on Thursday night before I went to bed, we watched MasterChef & then some other cooking show & then I cleaned up the kitchen & said goodnight & went upstairs. Nothing weird at all, no warning signs, nothing. I have been crying pretty much continuously for 2 days on & off now, neither my dad nor I know what to do, everyone obviously wants to help but neither of us can say what we need (someone to force us to eat? A miracle cure for large brain bleeds? Someone to go to work for both of us as neither of us gets paid if we’re not at work?)
I think most of you that would want to talk to me have my phone number, but if not let me know because I’m not really talking on social media much & idk…I fluctuate between not wanting to discuss it ever because I’ll start crying again & needing to put the fucking weight of sadness & anxiety crushing my chest somewhere, so having a more private place to talk might be better?
Anyway, I figured you guys also deserved to know, because not all of you are on twitter, & we are friends, whether you fucking like it or not.
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diagonal-queen · 10 months
thungo thursday: prison break
jesus christ fyozai look *demented*. sigma is the only normie left
MYKOLA'S 'OH' OH MY GOD I CANT HELP HE'S FANTASTIC AND ADORABLE. i could seriously listen to him talk for hours he just has a silly ahh voice
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jesus fucking christ you two (i'm so turned on right now)
sigma: I'M NOT YOUR ASSISTANT sigma: *brings the trolley in anyway*
they even finish each others' sentences. we get it you guys you explored each others' bodies while in prison you don't need to rub it in
yall i think fyolai are bones' new favourites. there is NO reason to make them look this adorable and peggable especially when one of them is in the process of killing the other
when aya said she's the fastest sprinter in her class it reminded me of that scene from narnia where lucy is like 'and ACTUALLY im the TALLEST in my CLASS'
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THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE FOR A TODDLER (also not sigma like trying to fucking smack dazai in the face??? T-T)
one of my absolute favourite things about kolya is that his idle animation is just him spinning his cane around and i love it so much you guys don't even know it's just so GOOD yes mmm
it was absolutely unnecessary for that vampire to kick aya so hard she's literally a child with half a man strapped to her back
you guys literally will never comprehend how happy i am that kenji's here like ITS MY BOYYYYYYY MY LITTLE SUNSHINE BOY HE'S BACK IM SO FUCKING ELATED RN HE'S **HERE** AND HE'S KICKING ASS I LOVE HIM SMMM
sigma: hey stop dancing!! we don't have time for this sigma: *does literally nothing to stop dazai from dancing with him*
they're being so silley
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(i demand you all to make memes with this image and send them to me at once)
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SIGMA'S IDEA OF HOME IS LITERALLY AN 1800S COTTAGECORE DREAM omg he's literally me i am him we're the exact same person real not clickbait
okay so vampire chuuya, woohoo he's back and all that.
kenji be like 'my passion is FARMING. and my little side gig is saving the fucking world from terrorists'
LMAO not bram going 'hey don't die ok?? i needa commission you to plough my land later' to kenji asdajfkshkdssdkjghsgh
tachihara i would literally die for you i would do anything for you i will lick the undersides of your boots i will cook and clean for you i will do absolutely any single thing you asked me to
nahh not bones tryna trick the anime onlys into thinking kenji's dead T-T yall he's fully alive don't worry
i can't wait for the next ep also atsushi pls don't die i love u also jouno and tachihara i hope neither of you are dead because i love you guys too
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
Hii can I request a deleted scene for "if I could keep cool" that tells chapter 2 from Shouto's POV? I would absolutely love to c what was going through Shouto's head when he figured out that Y/N was just a cleaning lady and what was the moment that made him want to ask her out when he saw her at his house afterwards! Thank u!!
I accidentally got carried away, so this bad boy is 1.9k!! My apologies lol. I hope you like it!!
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It wasn’t every day that someone told Shouto Todoroki to go fuck himself. 
Particularly not quirkless civilians, and never those he’d rescued. 
There was usually a lot more breathless gratitude, some bowing and scraping, and—mystifyingly—a lot of phone numbers, handkerchiefs, and very unsubtle attempts to get a hand or two around his biceps. Shouto didn’t really know what his biceps had to do with it, but he’d seen the same thing happen to Midoriya and Kirishima as well—and Bakugou once, before he’d nearly gnawed the woman’s hands off—so he assumed it was just another social cue he’d never understand.
As little as he cared for social cues, however, he was certain that there was usually a lot more thank you and a little less go fuck yourself involved in the whole rescuing process.
But then, he’d also never told off a civilian for having been kidnapped before. 
A civilian who, he’d come to realize almost immediately afterward, hadn’t deserved it.
When he’d asked his mother her advice over the phone, she’d told him the best thing to do was to be honest and try to start fresh. “White flowers mean forgiveness—tulips new beginnings,” she’d advised him.
So Shouto had ducked into the nearest florist and brought back an apology in hopes that you would accept it. 
He might have known, however, that you’d manage to turn even a simple apology completely on its head.
The clatter of cleaning supplies in his kitchen on Thursday afternoon told Shouto you’d let yourself in for your usual shift. He followed the sound, only for it to halt at his approach, the kitchen seemingly empty as he drew nearer.
He stopped short, fighting down a surprised swell of amusement when he realized you’d ducked down, hiding yourself behind his counters as if anyone, especially a pro hero, might be fooled by that.
“I know you’re there,” he said, keeping his tone even.
He heard a muttered swear word, and then you were rising slowly to your feet, wearing a sheepish expression, and clutching a bottle of windex like a weapon.
You looked just as you had the day of your rescue, though obviously a little less harrowed by a kidnapping. You were dressed casually in jeans and a simple shirt, no indicator that you were an employee of a cleaning service—Shouto felt at least a little justified in his mistake from last week.
You were clearly a college student, the backpack dumped at his kitchen island was evidence of that much, overflowing with textbooks and notes as it was, and you looked just slightly disheveled, like you might have come straight from class.
It was part of some nebulous, unassuming appeal to you, now that he had occasion to notice. He’d remembered your features twisted up in disdain, but they were open in surprise now, your eyes wide, fixed on him. His own eyes were drawn to the scrunch of your nose, a little curl of embarrassment that he suddenly found himself unable to tear his gaze away from.
“I, uh, thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” you admitted to him with a visible cringe.
Shouto almost laughed. He didn’t know much about you, but it was clear to him now that you weren’t anything like a crazy fan. You looked like you’d rather be anywhere but here at the moment. In fact, you looked rather like you might bolt any second.
A strange feeling shifted in his chest, and Shouto cut right to the chase.
“I owe you an apology,” he said simply.
You startled so violently that you dropped the windex. “W-what?”
Shouto sighed, admitting, “My manager schedules the cleaning days. I didn’t realize that you were—that is to say, I thought you were a fan who had broken in and managed to get kidnapped while you were at it.”
You gaped, another confused little expression that Shouto found himself fixating on with an intensity that surprised him. The weird feeling in his chest shifted, burning a little hotter. 
He wondered absently what other expressions he could get you to make.
“Oh, I, um...nope. Not a fan,” you said, and the feeling grew more insistent. 
He paused over the phrasing—not a fan. 
It had never bothered him before, when someone was a bigger fan of a classmate than they were of him, or weren’t really a hero fan at all. Shouto honestly did not quite understand why hero work was so tied up in fandom in the first place, and only attended fan events because his manager’s temper was not a thing to be trifled with. 
He wanted to be a hero who put people at ease, but ease was the last thing he felt with people clamoring all over him. Fighting villains was infinitely more preferable.
So why did your admission that you weren’t a fan of his niggle at his brain, like a particularly insistent parasite?
Who were you a fan of, if not him? 
“...Well, glad that’s cleared up now. I’ll just, uh, go then,” you said, grabbing an armful of the cleaning supplies and shoving it back under the sink hastily.
Shouto had moved before he knew what he was doing, getting himself in between you and the door out to the hallway. 
“Wait,” he said, feeling uncomfortable. “I want to make up for what I said to you. You...didn’t deserve that, especially not right after you’d been kidnapped by a villain.”
He watched you eye the space between his hip and the counter, like you were considering making a break for it. As he watched your face, he felt some strange hope that you might try it, a certainty he would catch you. 
...Why did he want to catch you?
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. You saved me, we can call it even.”
Shouto’s mouth turned down minutely. He’d behaved badly, but surely you’d credit him better manners than that. “It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I’d like to apologize properly.”
Your face did something weird, then, another distracting little curl of the nose. “You don’t actually have to go fuck yourself,” you blurted.
Shouto stared at you, caught off guard.
“Uh, I mean. You saved my life,” you babbled suddenly. “And yeah what you said to me was super rude, but what I said to you was also super rude. So, um, I’m sorry too. And I really would just like to call it even and forget about it because it’s super embarrassing for both of us and I could literally die thinking about it.”
You stopped suddenly, looking self-conscious like you’d realized you’d been rambling. Shouto almost wished you hadn’t.
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” he said quickly.
“Hadn’t planned on what?”
“Fucking myself,” he clarified. You choked on a shocked laugh, and he let a small smile tug at his mouth—there.
Finally you looked a little more comfortable with him. 
Shouto tried hard not to look too pleased with himself.
“Oh, well that’s good, then," you said. Then you puffed up a little, adding, "That’s probably a job for your actual secret lover.”
Good lord. “Not you, too.”
You threw him a smile, and Shouto’s heartbeat tripped over itself. “But I have evidence. I saw that homemade soup in your fridge once with the love note attached.”
It took him a moment to focus on what you were saying, but Shouto recalled the soup in question. It had been quite good, even if Bakugou had spent almost a half an hour ranting about what a weak ass little bitch he was for catching a cold. It had almost been worth it, the soup was that delicious. “Ah yes. That secret lover.”
“Cute pet name, too,” you said.
Shouto let out a low laugh, recalling the note. “You fucking fuck, was it?”
You laughed too, tension easing from your shoulders. Shouto’s eyes hungrily traced even that small movement.
A dawning sense of what was happening finally settled over him as he pronounced, “As it happens, however, I did already plan more of an apology.”
You looked up at him, your brow furrowing. “You planned...more of an apology?”
He gestured to a tall vase of white tulips on the kitchen counter. Your eyes went a little rounder as you observed them. You looked like you weren’t sure if they were for you, as if there were another previously kidnapped cleaning girl lurking about, who might be in need of an apology.
What a fascinating thing you were.
“I’ve been told that they mean forgiveness and new beginnings. I had hoped that we might...start over,” Shouto explained. He couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.
“I didn’t bring you any flowers,” you blurted.
He covered up a surprised laugh with a cough, the feeling in his stomach burning hotter. “I hadn’t expected them.”
He watched you turn back thoughtfully to the bouquet, certain now.
Over the phone, his mother had also said white flowers carried connotations of honor and purity. Two notions, Shouto realized with a growing sense of curiosity, that may be entirely inapplicable to his feelings about you.
He didn’t know much about you, but he knew for certain that he’d like to know more. And as he watched you reach out to pluck at a petal, wearing a shy little smile, he thought that yes, honor and purity had very little to do with his intentions at the moment.
You thanked him for the flowers, and Shouto made it clear to you that he hadn’t meant what he’d said about you being unwelcome here. He wanted—no, desired your return now. 
“That’s good to hear, thank you,” you said. Then your smile went a little mischievous. “As you can see, though, it didn’t really deter me.”
Shouto let himself smirk. “If I hadn’t seen the cleaning supplies already on the counter, I would be concerned that you’d come back for revenge.”
“There’s still time,” you joked. “Maybe I was going to play the long game and fill all the bottles with Sprite.”
The mulish statement surprised him into another laugh. “I hope the flowers are enough of a deterrent.”
You looked over the flowers again, then smiled up at him. His eyes caught on your mouth.
“The bribe has been accepted. Your countertops are safe from me.” You paused, then added, “For now.”
The hot feeling was everywhere now, simmering just underneath Shouto’s skin. He left himself lean towards you, relishing in the way your breath caught in a tiny hitch. “Be warned that I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my countertops.”
You complained that he hardly used them, but complied nevertheless. Then you bullied him out of the kitchen, that tiny little scrunch back on your nose.
Shouto let you have your way, making his way over to the couch and settling on it with a book he had absolutely no intention of reading. Instead, as he watched you clean, he considered things.
He had always been straightforward about his goals. Once he’d chosen heroism as his dream, he’d let nothing stand in his way, working diligently all through UA, shooting nonstop through the ranks before breaking into the top five this year, one of the youngest to have ever done it. 
He was deliberate about what he wanted. He worked hard for what he wanted.
And as he wandered back towards the kitchen, questions ready in his mouth, he knew what else he wanted.
He wanted to know more about you.
He wanted to spend more time with you.
He wanted…
Well, he rather thought he wanted you.
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I was going to edit this but every time I went to touch it, I made it worse. I hope you liked it anyway!
Garbage Fest masterlist & schedule.
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That’s it, I’m doing it, I’m writing that stupid meta I’ve had in the works for two and a half years, I’m sharing it with the world. I promised it for last Thursday, my poll was forever ago, but whatever! I’m writing that freaking thing.
(super duper long post, press j to skip)
Enter my rabbit hole.
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First thing to establish: the Box makes no sense whatsoever in-universe.
((EDIT: Something I forgot to mention. IRL, the premise of a giant murder cube and the aesthetic - wall patterns, light designs, etc - of the episode come from the 1997 horror movie Cube, (see the episode’s wookieepedia page). However, while the two are very closely linked visually, the Box does not follow the movie structurally or narratively, as you can verify by simply reading the movie’s summary.))
Recap of the context for the "Box" episode (s4e17): Palpatine is planning his own kidnapping. It was never meant to succeed, and while the plan would obviously benefit him (making the Jedi look bad, pushing Anakin closer to the Dark Side, making Republic citizens more afraid -> more docile, etc...) his actual goal is never explained, and it’s weird that he’d go to such extreme lengths for results so minimal that we’re never told what they are.
So Palpatine asks Dooku to kidnap him at the Festival of Lights on Naboo. Dooku hires Moralo Eval to design a giant box-thingy to test bounty hunters to hire the best of them to kidnap Palpatine. Moralo then gets arrested to alert the Republic that something is afoot, and hires Cad Bane to break him out. Obi-Wan - undercover to learn Moralo’s plan - goes with them. They evade capture and go to Serenno, and Bane and Obi-Wan have to pass the box-thingy test. The level of brainkarked logic here... Truly on par with Megamind, Gru and Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
Setting aside the insane plot holes and utterly nonsensical behavior of the villains, the Box itself is moronic from a plot perspective. It’s insanely complex, obviously incredibly expensive and would have taken months (more like years but it’s a short war) to make when it’s not even needed for the dastardly plot! Just hire some guys who have already proven themselves against Jedi! Throw cash at Bane and Embo and a few others! Maybe attack them with your saber and see how they do! 
And after all that, Dooku still ends up trying to kidnap Palpatine on his own. I can’t even... 
So why does the Box exist? Well, apart from being a nerdy callback to Cube, giving us a good thrill and being generally awesome to look at, it has actual narrative purpose within the SW universe.
The box is Naboo.
What the Box lacks in plot relevance, it makes up for with its heavily symbolic meaning. It very closely follows Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s experiences on Naboo - but only certain parts, which I’ll explain later.
We start with clean, sterile environments, SW’s favored way of showing villainy.
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Then we have the protagonists locked in a room as dioxis, a poison gas, pours in.
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And then they escape... this way.
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(Okay, here the shaft is down, not up. And it’s not a ventilation shaft per say, it’s the designed escape route. Same difference).
We then skip most of TPM (namely, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon discovering the droid army, finding Padmé, leaving Naboo, landing on Tatooine, going to Coruscant, etc, etc) to come back to Naboo and go directly to the lightsabers and catwalks.
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(Note: in both scenes, Obi-Wan has to propel himself from a catwalk.)
In TPM and TCW, the catwalks are immediately followed by ray shields
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And we finally end with the last scenes. Now, they don’t look the same but they are structurally identical. 
Obi-Wan is faced with a challenge unsuited for his abilities (facing Darth Maul // shooting three moving targets when he’s far more skilled with a blade than a blaster) on a narrow space above a melting pit/pit of fire. 
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He first watches someone die failing to complete the task...
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 ... and has to do it himself, faring much better than expected (holding his own against Maul // shooting all the targets easily). 
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He then almost falls to his death and gets saved unexpectedly.
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And then there’s the final showdown.
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In both scenes, Obi-Wan is angry. And in TCW Dooku eggs him on, banking on his anger. (More on that later.) In both cases though, he centers himself and is able to overcome both his opponent and his own unbalance. But in TCW, he doesn’t go for the kill, because he doesn’t need to. 
The Box, as a literal character-explorator ex-machina, thus shows us Obi-Wan’s growth.  
In TPM, Obi-Wan follows Qui-Gon’s lead. In TCW, he is the leader. He identifies the gas, makes the plans. He doesn’t fall from catwalks anymore - he runs atop moving ones. He doesn’t stay stuck behind ray-shields, he finds the solution. (Btw, how did Moralo know what blood type Derrown the Exterminator was? There was a 50% chance of him dying - thus killing all of the bounty hunters. Was that an acceptable outcome? TCW I need answers!) He doesn’t slay his foes, because he’s become powerful enough, skilled enough and wise enough to survive (and win) without needing to kill.
He’s grown - and, even more interestingly, he’s also stayed the same. In the previous episodes, we see some of the dark aspects of Obi-Wan. How he - like all Force-wielders, all people - could lose himself if he stopped maintaining absolute control.
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But in the Box, surrounded by the worst criminals of the Galaxy, the most ruthless, worthless people, he’s still kind and tries his best to keep them alive.
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The Box is a reminder and a reassurance for the audience that Obi-Wan Kenobi is still there under Rako’s face. He hasn’t lost his compassion, his restrain. He’s still a Jedi. And he’s an awesome, badass one. 
And now, for what it tells us about Dooku! 
It’s much shorter, don’t worry. Basically, Dooku considers that the best way to pick “the best of the best” of the deadliest people in the Galaxy is making them go through what killed his Padawan. There, I’ve broken your hearts, you’re welcome. 
More seriously, Dooku is a manipulative ass. It’s pretty clear that he knows Rako is Obi-Wan, or at the very least suspects it. 
He has an interesting reaction upon learning Rako’s identity, he keeps praising him despite his usual distaste for low-lifes, he smirks secretively after Eval says “I’ll show you who’s weak” (not included there because it’s a close-up of Dooku’s lips and no one wants to see that) and he tells Rako he’s very disappointed when he doesn’t finish off Eval.
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(Dooku... why...)
Now obviously Dooku couldn’t have made the Box specifically for Obi-Wan, because it would have to have been designed months before the Council ever decided to send Obi-Wan undercover, but he has no qualms trying to use it to push Obi-Wan to the Dark Side. Ffs Dooku, making your spiritual grandson relive one of the most traumatic events of his life on the off chance that he’ll join you (and desecrate his Master’s memory in doing so) is not okay!
Final tidbits of analysis: I mentioned that not all of TPM is mirrored in the Box. What’s omitted is the droids (even though Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fight B1′s and droidekas between the dioxis and the ventilation shafts) and anything pertaining to Sidious (all the political stuff on Coruscant). You’ll also note that the fake lightsabers are orange.
=> The Box distances itself from anything that connects Dooku to Naboo. Red lightsabers are the trademark of the Sith, so they’re not used. The bounty hunters will be facing Jedi, so logically the fake sabers should be green or blue - and yet they’re orange, the color closest to red without being red. It fits with Dooku’s special brand of dishonesty - he always tells bits of the real story but twists them just enough to absolve himself of any fault and to justify his choices. 
(”We can destroy the Sith” -> could maybe destroy Sidious with Obi-Wan, but fails to mention he’s a Sith Lord himself; “the Viceroy came to me for help, that’s why I’m attacking the Republic” -> political idealism is a small part of it, but fails to mention he’s Sidious’ underling and is playing the Viceroy like a fiddle; “Qui-Gon would have joined me” -> maybe, still fails to mention he’s working for the man who ordered Qui-Gon’s death; “I told you everything you needed to know” -> debatable, never said that Palps was Sidious; “Sifo-Dyas understood, that’s why he helped me” -> partly true, doesn’t admit to killing Sifo-Dyas right after getting his help)
So we have a twisted version of Naboo, droid-free (as droids are now irrevocably associated with Dooku, even if that wasn’t the case in TPM) and with sabers that aren’t quite red. Keep in mind that Dooku had already fallen by TPM. (We know this because he killed Sifo-Dyas and created the Clone Army - part of Sidious’ plan - when Valorum was still Chancellor, as per the episode The Lost One.) That means Dooku was (in)directly complicit in Qui-Gon’s death. And the Box doesn’t (=refuses to?) acknowledge that. 
(Also omitted in the Box are the Gungans and Tatooine. It makes sense, because Dooku probably wouldn’t have the full details regarding those parts of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan’s missio as they weren’t as public, and would see them as irrelevant if he did. He utterly despises Anakin, and Gungans are the type of people he always dismisses out of hand). 
Anyway, that’s my two cents about the Box. To quote Lucas...
“It’s like poetry. It rhymes.”
Thanks to @lethebantroubadour @impossiblybluebox​ @nonbinarywithaknife @ytoz​ and @kaitie85386​ for voting for this one. Next up is a compilation of the Jedi being casually tactile with each other (because they’re a warm and affectionate culture, dammit).
Also thanks to @laciefuyu​ for giving me gifs I ended up not using ^^; you rock anyway!
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es-kay-zee · 3 years
Lust | Lee Know x Reader
I had plans to make this kinky as all hell, but I somehow ended up going the opposite direction with this. oh well, it was still pretty fun to write. I’m also sorry if there’s parts of it (or all of it?) that don’t make any sense. I didn’t proofread it at all and my head was just empty while writing it.
I was kinda liking it at one point, then I overthought about it and now I think I hate it but I put in all this time so it’s getting posted. I just feel like it kinda went all over the place
 Warnings: officemate! au, sexual tension (maybe? Idk, i tried), fem! reader, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), protected sex (yay!) there’s like a split second of softdom! Minho, but other than that moment there’s not really any dynamics.
Requested: Yip
Word count: 4.6k
It didn’t take a genius amongst your co-workers to be able to tell what was going on between you and Minho. Everyone could see the way you looked at each other. They could see the way you took extra time at the printer, considering it was right next to his desk. You would stand there for longer than necessary, just watching him work. How his fingers would type away on his keyboard, the sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows. God, what you would do to have his fingers inside you.
No, you can’t think like that. He’s just your co-worker. He may be hot as all hell, but this is a professional environment, right?
It was also painfully obvious to everyone how Minho looked at you the same way. Just as you would spend extra time at the printer, he would spend extra time at your desk whenever he had to hand you some files. He would try to make some idle chit-chat with you, but really, he was just staring at your lips the whole time. While you would admire his hands and arms, he would admire your lips. He often found himself wondering just what your mouth was capable of.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t only see you as some pretty thing around the office. He also admired your dedication and work ethic. He loved how much effort you put into your job to ensure you produce the pest quality of work. But he wasn’t stupid, he could see just how hot you are.
But he’s not allowed to think of you in that way. He’s not allowed to spend many a night imagining your hand, your mouth wrapped around his cock instead of his hand. After all, you’re just co-workers. And it’s all professional, right?
That’s what you both keep telling yourselves. 
It’s a normal Friday, not long before midday, and you’re zoning out at your desk, trying to figure out what the hell you were going to do over the weekend. You’d originally had plans to meet up with a few friends, but they all cancelled on you, leaving you with nothing to do on the approaching Saturday and Sunday.
You’re dragged out of your thoughts by someone waving a small folder in front of your face.
“Hey, earth to y/n?” You snap your attention onto the figure in front of you, quickly realising that it is, in fact, Lee Minho who’s standing at your desk. You hurriedly fix your posture, sitting up straighter and clearing you throat quietly before responding.
“A-are those some more files that need doing?” The way you stutter over your words has you internally cringing, hoping he can’t tell the effect he has over your body.
“Yeah, they’re the latest invoices that have come in. These ones need to be paid by Tuesday and then these ones need to be paid by Thursday,” he explains to you, holding up the two separate folders in his hands.
Reaching out your hand for the folders, you feel your fingertips brush against his once you grab them. You withdraw your hands as quickly as possible, feeling your heartbeat pick up slightly as the subtle contact. Your gaze lingered on his arms for a moment, his sleeves rolled up just the way you liked. Minho is so effortlessly attractive that it’s unfair.
You pry your eyes away from his forearms, away from the veins you can see running along his arms, instead looking at his face. The moment you look him in the eyes, however, you can’t help but think that maybe staring at his arms would have been the better option. His eyes were just as pretty as the rest of him, but the way he was looking at you right now, the way he was staring so intently at you, had you cowering slightly under his gaze.
“So, you had lunch yet?” he asks, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you, resting his hands in his pockets.
“Not yet, was just about to head up to the cafeteria shortly,” you reply, your eye focus being caught by his stance. You can picture it, him standing over you just the way he is now, hands in pockets, forearms visible, smirk on his face. Just imagining him standing there like that, looking down at you like you’re some sort of prey while you’re on your knees for him. Slowly undoing his belt and-
“Well, I was gonna head up now. Wanna join me?” you are once again pulled from your wandering thoughts by Minho, but the damage had already been done. You could feel your neediness throbbing in your pussy, your slickness slightly coating your underwear.
“Uh, sure,” you say, quickly locking your computer and grabbing your lunch.
You walk with Minho back towards his own desk so that he can pick up his own food before making your way up stairs to the third floor. Once you both make it to the cafeteria for the shelves. You grab your mug before making yourself a coffee, Minho doing the same next to you.
You both head towards a back corner of the large room, finding two seats at a small coffee table. A small conversation begins between the two of you, somewhat awkward, but not uncomfortably so. The occasional silences weren’t left empty, instead being filled with lingering glances at one another.
You make it through all your food and just over half of your coffee before it happens. Disaster. Minho has looked away from you for just a moment and the sunlight cascading through the enormous floor-to-ceiling windows hit him in just the right way. It made him glow in the light, distracting you while you took a drink from your mug. You weren’t focusing on anything but how delicious he looked in front of you, ending up with you tipping your mug up to far and spilling it all down your front and onto your lap.
Your small yelp snaps his attention back to you and you both just stare down at your soiled clothes. Heat rushes to your face when you realise the exact repercussions of what’s just happened, and the heat spreads when you notice that Minho has also realised it. Your white blouse drenched in coffee; the material becoming see through. Minho’s gaze lingers on your chest for a moment too long for between normal co-workers, your bra entirely visible through the now coffee-coloured fabric.
Minho clears his throat before speaking. “Uh- I’ll g-get something to help clean that up,” he stutters out, standing up as quickly as possible before rushing off to grab some napkins. It’s not long before he returns, a whole stack in his grip.
He places them on the table, taking his seat again. Picking a couple napkins back up he turns his whole body towards you. Your breathing stutters when he leans in close to you, your eyes looking deep into his as he freezes in place.
He’s torn. Torn between wanting to help you for your sake, wanting to help you for the sake of being able to touch you, and not wanting to overstep any boundaries. He can hear his heart hammering in his ears, and he wonders if you can hear it too. Especially with how close the proximity currently is between you two.
He takes a deep breath before making a decision about whether or not to help you clean up. He reaches his hand out, carefully beginning to dab at the spilled drink on your lap, fully expecting to be told to stop.
You tense under his touch, but not out of discomfort. It’s the way his hand moves along your thigh that has you frozen. Your thigh. One of the more sensitive parts of your body, and his hand is rubbing back and forth along it. The contact causing your brain to short circuit as you feel the heat begin to pool in your core.
“Um… Make sure to soak these clothes before you wash them. That should help get any stains out,” Minho says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh, yeah, thanks. I’ll be sure to do that,” you reply, his voice snapping you out of your stupor. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to ignore your growing arousal.
Minho has to fight back his own increasing need at the sight of you nibbling on your lower lip, wanting little more than for it to be his own teeth tugging at the soft flesh. But what really gets him, is you taking a few napkins and beginning to dab at the coffee on your shirt, unintentionally pulling his gaze back down to your chest. Now he was fighting back groans, trying desperately to let the sounds die in his throat before you get the chance to hear them. That would be too embarrassing for him to handle.
It’s not long before you sigh a heavy sigh, giving up the hopes of being able to save your outfit and keep your presentability for the workplace, accepting it as a lost cause. Minho stops his own wiping at the sound, looking at you instead, waiting for you to speak.
“You know what, this is a mess. I might as well just head home for the rest of the day. There’s no point sitting here at my desk all day like this,” you say, looking down at your clothes. “Besides, most of my work is done for the day anyway.”
It’s only when you lift your head up when you finish speaking that you realise just how close Minho’s face is to your own. Close enough for you to feel his breaths against your cheek. Your eyes dart down to his lips, but only for a split second, not wanting to make your arousal so obvious. Minho, however, notices. But luckily for you, he decides not to say anything about it. Yet.
“That sounds like a good idea. Uh… here,” he says, removing his blazer jacket and holding it out to you.
You reach out and grab it, your fingers once again momentarily connecting with his as you take the item he’s passing you. You both rise to your feet and you give him a confused look, wondering why he’s handing you his blazer.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to walk around with a see-through shirt,” he explains in response to your unspoken question.
The heat returns to your cheeks at his statement, quickly pulling the clothing item on and buttoning it up, making an attempt to cover yourself.
“Thanks,” you say. There’s some part of you that doesn’t really want to cover yourself, that wants Minho to see you. But you push that part aside. After all, you’ve got to maintain some sort of professionalism. “We should probably head back down now.”
You both gather your belongings, taking your mugs over to the dirty dishes rack and placing them in along with all the other dishes. Yet another silence befalls the two of you as you make your way back down the stairs to your floor, the quietness neither comfortable nor awkward. Something in between.
Finally reaching your floor, you make a beeline for your desk, aiming to grab your bag and get out of here as quickly as possible. But before you grab your things and head into your boss’s office to say that you’re leaving early, you pause, turning back to Minho again, stopping him before he gets too far away.
“I’ll get your jacket back to you on Monday if you want. I’ll even get it cleaned to make sure there’s no coffee on it.”
He takes a moment to think, once again torn between options. One being just saying okay and letting you just bring it to work with you on Monday. And the other option… Well, if the way you were almost whining when he was touching your thigh earlier is anything to go by, then the second option might just work out for him. Fuck it.
“Or you could bring it over to my place? Tonight? I-if you want to,” he says, making sure to keep his voice only loud enough for you to hear, not wanting any nosy co-workers listening in.
Your entire body feels like it’s on fire as you think of the possible outcomes of you going over to his house, albeit under the guise of simply returning his blazer. You can already feel yourself growing wetter at the thoughts running through your mind. You blink rapidly, shaking your head slightly to yourself, remembering that you have to answer him instead of just standing there daydreaming all day.
“You’re in luck. I was gonna go out for a few drinks tonight, but my friends all cancelled on me. So, it turns out that I’m available,” you say, fighting hard to keep your voice steady and to not let on just how needy you were.
“Well, you could always have those drinks with me while you’re over,” he offers, stepping closer to your desk.
“I could.”
You both smirk at each other, knowing exactly what the outcome of tonight will be. Minho searches around your desk for a moment, eventually finding and grabbing a sticky note and a pen. He scribbles something down before handing it to you.
“That’s my address. See you at 7?”
“Sure thing, see you then.”
He smirks at you again before finally heading back to his own desk and you finally head off home, being sure to stop in and let your boss know you’re leaving.
Before long, 7 o’clock rolls around and you’re sitting in your car, parked on the road-side, opposite Minho’s house. Checking yourself in your rear-view mirror quickly, you make sure you look presentable before getting out of your car, his blazer draped over your arm. You’re somewhat nervous as you approach his front door, reaching up and knocking. It only takes a short moment before the door swings open, revealing Minho. He steps backwards, holding the door open as he gestures for you to enter. You step past him and into the house, taking in his appearance while he closes the door behind you.
His outfit is simple, a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but to you he looks damn fine. His jeans are tight enough to show off his thighs while not being too tight that it would create any struggle to remove quickly. That’s handy. And his shirt leaves his delicious arms on display. You look up at his face just to see him staring at you in the same way you were just starting at him. Like you’re the single best thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Hi,” you say, bringing his attention back to the current moment. He blinks a few times, taking a moment to recollect his thoughts.
“Hey, you look really good.” He gestures towards your dress. You chose one that was simple, yet effective at its job. You wanted to wear something that showed off your legs, something that would get his attention. And judging by the way he kept looking you up and down, it was working.
“Here’s you blazer,” you say, holding it out for him.
“Oh yeah, thanks,” he replies, having already forgotten that he’d even let you borrow it in the first place. “I’ll just go put that away. Feel free to make yourself at home.”
He dashes off down the hallway, presumedly towards his bedroom. To take the moment alone to take in your surroundings, noting how Minho’s house had a very homely feel to it.
You take a seat on the couch while you wait for him to return. And it doesn’t take him long to do just that, already walking back up the hallway towards where you are. He heads to the kitchen first, grabbing a couple of glasses.
“I have some wine here. Want some?” he offers.
“Sure,” you say, knowing that soon enough the drinks will be abandoned in favour of other activities.
It’s not long before Minho approaches you, two glasses of wine in his hands. He hands one to you before taking a seat in the spot next to you on the couch. Directly next to you. He’s so close that the side of his leg rests against yours, but you’re not complaining.
“Try not to get too distracted by me again,” he says, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. “We wouldn’t want you to spill another drink.”
You both laugh at his teasing statement, but your mind focuses on the word again and you realise that he did know the causing of today’s earlier mishap. Well, that’s a bit embarrassing.
The next short while is filled with more idle chit-chat, a measly attempt at wasting time before getting down to business. The entire time you’re talking, Minho’s arm is resting along the back of the couch behind your head and he’s very shamelessly eye fucking you. In his defence though, you’re doing the exact same thing to him.
“Do you want another glass?” Minho asks when you finish your wine, placing his hand that’s not currently resting on the back of the couch on your thigh. You let out an audible breath as his hand softly caresses the flesh, the feeling sending pools of arousal directly to your heat. As his fingers slowly trail further up, beginning to disappear under the skirt of your dress, you know that he’s not really offering you another drink. It’s his way of moving the conversation along, of asking you if you’re ready to do what you truly came here for.
And you’d be damned if you weren’t ready.
His fingers continue to travel higher, skimming along your inner thigh, avoiding where you desperately need him. You bite your lip, trying to stifle a whimper. It doesn’t work, and it instead draws Minho’s focus to your mouth. And he’s back to thinking about your mouth, how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. The idea alone has him growing painfully hard in his jeans. Hell, he’d do anything to have your lips on him, in any way.
“M-Minho, please,” you whisper, wanting him to stop his teasing caresses and finally touch you the way you want. The way you need.
“Please what?”
“Please t-touch me.”
“Touch you? I am touching you,” he says, stopping his hand’s movements and instead just resting it in place.
“No, please touch my p-pussy,” you say, your hands coming up to cover your face, embarrassment coursing through your body, causing your face to heat up.
Normally, Minho smirked at you, getting a kick out of how flustered you are.
“Ah, I see. Well, if you want that to happen then you have to prove to me how much you want it.”
And that has you whining.
You quickly manoeuvre yourself so that you’re straddling Minho’s lap, tired of waiting for him to provide you with some much needed friction. Your hands rest on his shoulders, his own flying to your hips when you slowly, experimentally grind down on him. Your actions get the best reward, in the form on a shaky moan from Minho, and that’s the moment you can tell that this whole thing is affecting him just as much as it’s affecting you.
When he told you to prove it, he was expecting you to just get more flustered. He certainly wasn’t expecting you to make such a bold move. You roll your hips against him again, this time drawing a moan from yourself. One of his hands slides up your back, grabbing the zipper for your dress and slowly sliding it down. Once he has it undone, he pulls the dress up and off your body, revealing your lack of bra underneath. Shit, he hadn’t even noticed earlier that you weren’t wearing one, he was too distracted by your legs. He looks up at you, his own lust-filled eyes meeting yours, watching you lean in closer to him. Closer, and closer.
And then your lips – those oh so pretty lips – were on his own, moving together in a rush of adrenaline and lust. There was no delicacy in the kiss, only pure wanton desire as your hands roamed each other’s bodies. You’d both been waiting for this for so long. Craving it.
His hands slide down to your ass, kneading the flesh. He’s quick to stand up, keeping you held up, your legs wrapping around his torso. He carries you down the hallway, only breaking the kiss for a split second at a time to make sure he didn’t bump into anything, before he would dive back into your lips. Your kisses were intoxicating, addicting. Minho just couldn’t get enough. Even when he finally made it to his bedroom, dropping you down onto the bed, he still doesn’t pull away. It’s only when you pull away for breath that he stops, you both panting deeply from the lack of oxygen for so long.
Your hands glide across his linen-clad chest, the fabric warmed from his hot skin. He groans lowly at your touch, desperately wanting more. One of his own hands finds it’s way to your breast, his thumb rubbing over the hardened nipple.
His touch is soft, gentle. He’s testing the waters, wanting to figure out what you like, what touches really get you going. He knows he’s on the right track when your back arches slightly at the contact, and he grazes his thumbs over the nub again, harder this time.
You can feel how soaked you are, your underwear beginning to stick to you uncomfortably. You buck your hips upwards, trying desperately to get some sort of solid friction going, the aching between your legs bordering on painful. Sensing just how strong your need is, Minho pulls away from you, moving down the bed until he’s laying between your thighs, his fingers already dipping into the waistband of your underwear.
He wastes little time in pulling the fabric down your legs and tossing them off to the side. And now, finally, after so long of wanting it, he’s able to gaze upon your pussy, glistening with your juices.
“Holy shit, you’re so wet you’re dripping,” he exclaims, looking up and making eye contact with you. And it makes you clench around nothing when you look at the man that’s remained on your mind with his head between your thighs.
“Only for you,” you reply, even your voice dripping with need. Minho looks back down at your soaked cunt and, in the split seconds before his touch, every nerve in your body and mind comes alive with electricity.  He licks one long stripe along your entrance, and the moan you let out is obscene. And he loves it.
Minho is filled with a new determination, a determination to make you moan over and over again. To have you feeling so good that you’re screaming his name.
He circles his lips around your clit, working the nerve bundle with his mouth while he brings a hand down to work your entrance. He slides a digit it, immediately curling it in search of your special spot. He quickly adds a second finger, continuing his search for your g-spot. He knows he’s finally found it when your hands go flying to his head, threading into his hair, tugging hard. He groans at the sensation, loving the way your hands feel in his hair. God, everything you do just turns him on, and he begins to unconsciously rut his hips into the mattress. He continues working your core while you moan uncontrollably.
“F-fuck, Minho. I’m s-so close,” you manage to whimper out, but he already knows. The way your walls tighten around his fingers over and over tells him everything he needs to know.
“Do it, baby. Cum for me,” he says, and you don’t have to be told twice, your orgasm washing over you with more force than you expected. He finger-fucks you through your high, only stopping when your body stops convulsing in waves of pleasure. He pulls his hand away from your core, a whine escaping you at the empty feeling. If he could make you cum that hard with just his fingers and mouth, how on earth are you going to survive cumming on his cock?
He crawls back up your body, placing his arousal-coated fingers at your lips. You open your mouth with no hesitation, immediately sucking the digits in, swirling your tongue over them as you sucked. The sight alone almost had Minho cumming in his jeans. For so long, all he’s wanted is your lips around some part of him, and while he also wanted to be graces with the visual of you sucking on his cock like your life depended on it, he was more desperate to just fuck you.
He wastes no more time in ridding himself of his clothes until he’s completely bare, reaching into his bedside table draw for a condom. positioning himself above you once again. He’s about to open the condom packet before you stop him, taking it from his hands opening it yourself. He moans when you slide the condom down his length, your hands feeling better on his cock than his own ever could.
The moment you lie back down, he lines himself up with your entrance, not wanting to go another moment without being inside you. He pushes into you, not stopping until his hips rest against yours, the room filling with moans as your bodies finally connect. His cock stretches your walls so perfectly, like two puzzle pieces made for each other.  
After a brief pause, he slowly pulls back you, only to thrust back into you. He repeats the motions, gradually settling into a solid pace, not to fast and not too slow, a perfect balance of the two.
He drags his lips up the soft skin of your neck placing sloppy kisses as over, being sure not to leave any marks. As much as he wanted to mark you where it was visible, he couldn’t. He didn’t want you to have to go through the hassle of covering them each day at work while you wait for them do disappear. Instead, he opted for sucking bruises into your collarbones and along your chest.
Your brain felt like static, unable to string together a single coherent thought as Minho continues to thrust into you, pleasure radiating throughout your entire body. The knot in your stomach grows tighter for the second time during the night, and from the way Minho’s thrusts are getting sloppier, you can tell that he’s close to his own end as well.
He slides his free hand in between the two of you, fingers finding your clit. He rubs circles into the bundle of nerves, and you feel yourself unravel, his fingers being the final to push you over the edge. And it’s your fluttering walls that has the same effect on Minho. You both ride out your highs together, him spilling into the condom and you around his cock. Your loud moans are music to his ears, while his are the same to yours.
Once you both come back down from your highs, Minho pulls himself away from you, quickly disposing of the condom before coming back to lay next to you.
Your body feels heavy, your brain foggy and distant, a tiredness falling over your entire being, exhausted from your orgasms. You groggily roll onto your side, curling your body up into Minho’s and almost instantly drifting off into sleep. He wraps an arm around you in return, feeling sleep approach for him as well. He rests his face against the top of your sleeping head, placing a chaste kiss to your hair. And just before he let himself fall asleep, he made sure plan out in his mind what he was gonna cook you for breakfast in the morning; pancakes.
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Snow White (Ms Venablex reader)
i made this 4am lol..google translate yk? Here is pt 2
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“What are you still doing here?", The sharp voice of Ms. Venable made you startled.
You must be really tired if you didn't hear her coming with her cane.
You turned to her uncertainly.
"I couldn't sleep and had a cup of water .. I'm sorry Ms. Venable .."
Ms. Venable lifted her chin and came up to you. The click of her cane was the only sound that filled the hallway at that moment.
"It's 4 am Y / N .." she said when she was standing in front of you.
You didn't know exactly what she was trying to say, so you just nodded.
"I'm sorry .." you repeated, looking away.
"I'll take you to your room .." she said firmly.
"You really don't have to-" you started, but she was already walking past you in the direction of your room and ignoring you.
It wasn't that you didn't want to. The problem was, you acted like an idiot around her.
Reluctantly you trotted after her.
"So .." Ms. Venable began.
"Why could not you sleep?"
"Actually, it's nothing .." you mumbled.
"But?" She asked, looking at you sideways.
"It's the silence that bothers me .." you whispered.
"Before the apocalypse, I lived in a very rainy area. And it feels weird to fall asleep without hearing the rain pounding against my window .."
"I see .." she said simply.
"But as I said, actually it's nothing. I've been living like this for almost 19 months .. while almost the whole world is no longer alive .. So it's okay .." you added.
"You don't have to apologize .." she started.
"Just because Hell is out there doesn't mean Heaven is in here .."
You nodded.
You and Ms. Venable were silent the rest of the way, but the silence was in no way uncomfortable.
Ms. Venable stopped in front of your room.
"I can come in with you if you want .." she said casually, looking down at her cane.
"You really don't have to .. go to bed and be happy that you can sleep ..", you smiled at her.
"To be honest, I can't sleep either .." she said, narrowing her eyes.
"Oh .." you exclaimed.
"Then come in ..".
You opened your room door and went ahead.
Behind you you heard Ms. Venable follow you and close the door.
It wasn't the first time Ms. Venable was in your room.
Like many rooms, yours had a fireplace that served as heating.
You sat down on the sofa across from the fireplace and Ms. Venable sat down next to you.
Not a word was spoken. You and Ms. Venable just sat and stared into the fire.
And that was okay.
Ms. Venable's mind was on the reason she couldn't sleep.
Tomorrow's day, Halloween.
As much as she loathed and hated all these people, she was by no means a murderer. No matter how condescending she'd been to her employees, no matter how cold she'd been, murder was a whole other league.
Worse was the thought of the anti-christ sitting in her outpost waiting for whatever.
Ms. Venable hated him.
But she hated herself much more for letting him humiliate her so.
Worst of all, you saw her like that ...
You were after her the one for the interview.
Ms Venable left the room with her dress half open.
"Ms Venable I-", your voice faltered.
Her jaw dropped when she heard your voice behind her.
She stopped and closed her eyes, it was all a disaster.
Behind her she heard your quick steps as you walked towards her.
"What did he do to you?", Your voice was trembling.
She turned and looked down at you. Tears glittered in your eyes.
And when she saw the way you looked at her she couldn't stop more tears from running down her face.
You reached out your hand to wipe it away.
"Miss Y / L / N .." bellowed a voice behind you.
You winced and quickly lowered your hand before turning to Michael Langdon.
Ms. Venable was brought back to the present when your body fell into her lap.
"Y / N ..", she exclaimed in shock and lowered her eyes to see that you had fallen asleep.
At this point, her body stiffened under you.
It felt kind of weird how you lay there and Ms Venable couldn't tell if she liked it or hated it.
But she didn't want to wake you up, which is why she didn't move at first.
And while she watched you sleep in her lap, she couldn't help but feel guilty.
You too would die tomorrow because of her. And somehow she didn't want that, because you didn't deserve it.
She reached out her hand and started combing through your hair.
You were the only one who hadn't complained about the circumstances of the outpost.
When you came into the room for dinner on the first evening, you sat between Timothy and Coco.
You looked curiously at the small cube on your plate.
"What is that?" You asked without any disgust in your voice. It was curiosity.
"It is not possible for us to cook properly .." explained Timothy.
"And that's why these cubes exist, they contain everything you need to be full and to eat healthily .."
"Fascinating .." you mumbled and poked the cube with your fork.
"Fascinating .." Ms Venable repeated quietly at the end of the table as she watched you.
"With these dice you could have helped so many people who were starving ..." you said.
The others seemed to be making fun of why you blushed. You didn't even notice the brown eyes staring at you.
Ms. Venable smiled when she remembered it.
"Fascinating ...", she repeated your words again.
Unlike the others, you were grateful; thankful for your own room, thankful for the clothes, thankful for the warmth, and also thankful for the cubes, ...
just grateful to be alive.
And even when the sun wasn't shining, you had become the sun of Outpost 3.
Mallory gave you 4 more books to put on the shelves.
Coco came into the library, followed by Mr. Gallant.
"I don't understand why you always help the Grays ..", Coco sighed and let himself fall on the sofa.
"I don't know how it is with you, but a parents taught me to clear away my stuff myself .." you answered annoyed.
You didn't really like Coco, she always treated Mallory like shit, even though she did so much for Coco.
"We didn't pay $ 500 million to clean up now .." said Mr. Gallant, sitting next to Coco.
You shook your head blankly. What was the meaning of money now?
The tactful knock of Ms. Venable's cane made your head wander towards the door.
You did not go unnoticed how the bodies of the other people in the room stiffened at the noise.
You never really understood why everyone was so afraid of her.
Sure, the way she treated others wasn't exactly moral and how proud she walked despite her disability was a bit intimidating, but still she was only human.
And somehow you found her attitude interesting and you made it your business to find out what was behind the rock-hard shell that she showed everyone.
"Ms Venable ..", you were happy when she entered the room.
She raised her eyes to you and raised an eyebrow, which made you blush.
"What are you doing up there?" She asked, giving you a disapproving look.
'Up there,' meant the ladder that leaned against the bookcase so you could help Mallory sort the books.
"Uhm..I-" you stuttered.
"Yes?" She asked sharply, making Coco and Mr. Gallant giggle.
"I don't know what's so funny about that .." she hissed and stared at the two who immediately fell silent.
"I help Mallory sorting the books .. I had nothing to do and wanted to help her .. We're almost done anyway .." you said and her attention was directed back to you.
"Didn't I explain that the Grays serve the Purples and not the other way around ..?"
"You did, but-"
"Your place is not with them, you wear purple .. Or do you want to wear gray from today? I don't think anyone would have a problem if we had another servant from today .."
"But that's bullshit .." you snapped.
"For my whole life I was told that all people are worth the same, no matter how rich, no matter what gender, no matter what skin color. And I am sure that you were brought up under these standards, Ms. Venable. And only because the world is dying, social skills and sociability do not have to die with it .. "
When the words left your mouth, you immediately regretted it. Your eyes widened and you clapped your hand over your mouth.
Ms. Venable's eyes sparkled with anger.
"You'd better watch your loose mouth, Miss Y / L / N .." she began quietly.
"Or you end up like Stu ..."
That was the last thing she said before she left the room and the tapping of her cane continued to recede.
Ms. Venable knew the way she sat here wasn't right.
But she knew she could never be this close to you again and that was why she couldn't leave.
She had never met anyone as selfless as you were.
You seemed like the only one at the outpost who wasn't n place in the sanctuary argued.
And Ms. Venable also knew that it wasn't easy for you, even though you were always so nice to everyone.
How many times had she stood at your door and heard you cry?
You too had lost family, friends and everything else, but you were afraid of looking ungrateful, which is why you didn't show your grief to anyone, but she heard you. And every time she just wanted to open your door and make it stop.
The idea of ​​you curling up on your bed and sobbing inside made her sick.
But she knew it wasn't right. At least she felt like she was crossing a line when comforting you.
„What I miss most is the weight of full shopping bags in my hand .." said Coco and made you snort at the statement.
"What do you miss most Y / N?" She asked when she noticed your reaction.
It was evening, you didn't know exactly what day (Thursday? Friday?) And everyone was sitting in the library talking about their lives before the apocalypse and what they would miss most.
You thought about it for a moment. There was so much that you missed: your family, your friends, your job, ...
"I miss breathing .." you said.
"Breathe?" Dinah asked and grinned.
You blushed when you saw their amused faces.
"Yes .. so breathing real air, we have been breathing artificial oxygen for a year, because the air outside is supposed to be contaminated .. And I would like to breathe fresh air again .."
Your gaze fell on Ms. Venable when you noticed her watching you.
"Uhm .. what are you missing, Ms. Venable ..?" You asked her.
"Me?" She asked in surprise.
You nodded.
She looked away from you and looked into the fireplace. She was kind of embarrassed, but she didn't miss anything.
She liked being in charge of Outpost 3. And it was a nice feeling to be feared.
She had her own rules in this outpost: the Victorian dress code, the separation of the Grays and the Purples, and the lack of modern technology.
And she loved being the dictator of this outpost and everyone played by her rules.
"Family .." she said curtly without looking up from the fire.
You were surprised to hear that she had a family and you wanted to ask her about it.
Ms. Venable got up and left the room, your eyes fixed on her.
"Did you know she has a family?" Whispered Mr. Gallant.
You just shook your head.
Ms. Venable had never spoken about her life before the apocalypse as if she hadn't lived properly before.
You turned in her lap.
Ms. Venable instinctively lowered her gaze back to you.
There was no way she wanted you to wake up.
Again she remembered that she was going to kill you tomorrow.
You weren't allowed to die, you were too sweet, too innocent.
You were too important. Too important to her.
And Ms. Venable couldn't admit to herself that she was in love with you. From the first moment she saw you, a confused and crying mess with endless feelings of guilt for leaving your family behind, ever since she was in love with you and she wanted you to be hers.
But she had never felt this way before.
Ms. Venable was completely alien to any feelings of love and affection.
And how should she pass something like that on if she had never found out herself?
Her fingers traveled over your face and landed on your lips.
You woke up at the feeling and immediately opened your eyes.
Ms Venable immediately withdrew her hand as she stared into your sleepy eyes and wanted to jump up, but you were still on top of her.
"Ms Venable .." you whispered confused and sat up in her lap.
"I am sorry..".
She mumbled and picked up her cane.
"No ..", you cut her off and put your hand on her left hand, which was resting on the stick.
"It's okay.."
She slowly raised her right hand and brushed your hair back from your face.
Her brown eyes stared up at you as her hand lingered on your cheek.
There was a moment's hesitation before you leaned over and pressed your lips to hers.
At that moment, you were so scared that she would push you away and yell at you in disgust.
But she didn't, because she too was afraid, but much more of what she was feeling at the moment.
She just sat there, hand frozen on your cheek, her lips sealed with yours.
You are weak, Wilhemina
You shouldn't be here
That's wrong
Stop it!
The voice in her head screamed at her, but Ms. Venable ignored it. You would die anyway, it didn't matter what she did now anyway.
"I love you ..." she whispered against your lips.
"What?", You withdrew and looked at her in disbelief.
In the light of the fireplace you recognized the tear streaks that adorned her face. Like then you reached out your hand to wipe away her tears, but you hesitated because you were unsure whether you could touch her.
When she noticed this, she took your hand and placed it on her cheek.
"I love you, Y / N .." she said aloud this time.
"Oh Ms Venable..I-" you started but she put her hand on your mouth.
"You're not allergic to apples, are you?"
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
Caught by the Storm
idk how many people actually wanted a sequel to the Franklin piece but here you go anyway.  A kinda soft thing except not really
Part 1
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Warnings: gaslighting, hints of stalking
On Thursday nights you were the one in charge of closing up the cafe. The doors closed at 9, and it usually took about an hour to wipe down everything and make it all presentable again for opening the next morning.
But tonight had been particularly chaotic: three people had called off sick and left the wait staff shorthanded, and when you had finally reached the end of dinner service the kid who was supposed to help you clean up the cafe had skipped out early, claiming that his mom needed him home earlier “for something”. When you'd asked him what exactly that was, he couldn't answer, but with the legalities of such things being what they were and the fact that he had gotten permission from the manager, you also couldn't really keep him from leaving. You were just another one of the wait staff like him and even though you'd worked there longer, you had no authority to order him around. The bell on the front door rung out as it closed shut behind him, a grin plastered on his stupid face as he left you with all the work in the messy dining area.
As nice as it would have been to beat him over the head with your broom, that wouldn't get the dining room clean.
It was after 11 when you were finally done. After turning out the lights, you left through the back entrance, double-checking to make sure that the door was locked before you started the walk back home.
Depending on how your shift had gone, this was either a relaxing walk back as you winded down, or it was a final kick to the stomach before you could reach the safety of your apartment. Tonight it was the latter: your legs felt like lead, your feet were aching from running around for hours, your back hurt from moving around the chairs and tables, and you were exhausted from keeping up that cheerful server persona for the sake of unpleasant customers. It was also frustrating how unreliable your coworkers could be, like that kid who'd abandoned you, but you knew that if you tried bringing it up to the manager you'd just get blown off. He didn't like you, and he went out of his way to make that clear. You were certain that he wanted you to just quit.
And honestly, you really wanted to.
The issue was there was no other job that was close enough to your home that you were qualified for. Not having a car made getting around to places that were further away difficult and trying to save up for something like that was easier said than done. Until you completed your studies and could get a better job, you were stuck in the purgatory that was your current life. All you could hope for was that it would be worth it if you worked hard and stuck it out. Good things come to those who wait or something.
In the midst of the inner pep-talk you always gave yourself after a hard shift, you felt something small fall on your head.
A drop of water?
You glanced up, noting the dark clouds that filled the night sky that hadn't registered when you had walked out earlier. A few more drops fell, some landing on you again.
Crap. You couldn't recall seeing any sort of weather report about rain tonight, and you didn't have an umbrella on you.
As much as the muscles in your legs protested, you picked up the pace as you continued down the sidewalk, hoping that you could make it back to your apartment before the rain came down harder.
'So much for that,' you thought as you stood beneath the awning of a small business while the rain poured down around you. You had barely made it to the little shelter when the rain had switched from a drizzle to a downpour, and even now the wind was still blowing some of the water in your direction, your shoes and socks slowly becoming soaked. But you tried to stay positive. At least you had even this much as a shelter so you could avoid being completely soaked, right? Just wait it out until the rain lessened a bit.
So you waited.
And waited.
And waited while the water pooled in your shoes and your cold wet socks clung to your feet, the sensation becoming worse whenever you would adjust your footing and caused the water that had filled up in the soles of your shoes to be forced out.
And the goddamn rain was not dying down.
The idea of braving the storm and entering your apartment building looking like a drowned rat wasn't appealing, but you really needed to get home. It was already so late and you couldn't stay under the awning for the rest of the night. Better to just hurry back as fast as you could and hope that you wouldn't get pneumonia.
Adjusting the contents of your bag so your electronics were positioned where they were the least likely to get wet, you took in a deep breath as you prepared yourself to run out into the storm.
But a voice that called out your name made you stop.
Turning around, you blinked in surprise when you recognized the man who had called out to you, standing only a few feet behind you: Franklin, the man who had quickly become your favorite regular at your job. He was far different than anybody else you served at that cafe; not just in appearance, but in terms of how he treated you. Even though he didn't spend much time there whenever he did come in, the little conversations you managed to have with him were usually among the highlights of your work day.
He was dressed in his normal attire, holding a large black umbrella that, despite its size, was unable to keep him completely sheltered from the downpour, the edge of his shoulder sticking out from underneath it and the fabric of his white jacket clinging to him. Franklin seemed to be just as surprised as you, and he walked closer, closing the umbrella as he joined you under the awning.
“What are you doing out so late?” he asked.
“Trying to get home,” you answered, sighing as you looked out again at the rain.
“I guess I missed the weather reports because this took me completely by surprise. Although I probably could have made it back fine if I had gotten out on time,” you added bitterly, more to yourself than him.
“I see,” said Franklin.
A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed overhead, followed by a loud peal of thunder that made you jump. Was it possible that this storm was only getting worse?
“Would you like me to walk you home?” he asked.
Franklin motioned to the falling rain.
“It doesn't seem like it'll die down soon, and with how dark it is now, going back on your own might be dangerous,” he explained, “although it might not protect us too much with how bad this storm is, I do have an umbrella, so we won't get completely soaked. It's better than nothing, at least. So let me walk you the rest of the way.”
It was a nice offer, and even if his umbrella didn't give you much protection – you weren't sure how the two of you would fit under there together – anything would be better than going off alone. But despite his offer, you were worried that you might be inconveniencing him in some way.
“Are you sure? That won't be too out of the way for you?” you asked.
“Not at all. I'm heading that direction anyway. It makes more sense if we go together, right?”
You hummed an affirmative, and he smiled at you, stepping forward to open the umbrella and motioning for you to join him. Smiling back at him, you did just that. The two of you needed to squeeze close together to fit, and just as expected, a majority of the rain was still hitting you both. But like he had said, it was better than nothing, and Franklin did his best to angle the umbrella in the right way so it faced the direction that the rain was coming in from to protect you as much as he could.
His arm hovered around you as you began to walk forward, seemingly trying to shield you further from the elements while also trying to not make you too uncomfortable with the physical contact. You smiled up at him, offering a small “thank you.”
He smiled back in response, but said nothing as the two of you went along.
“So were you working late, too?” you asked after a few moments of relative silence, the rain still pounding against the pavement.
“A meeting ran late,” he explained, “what about you? You mentioned not getting out on time. Is this not normal for you?”
“No, not usually,” you sighed, “the guy who was supposed to help me clean up ran off early, and things were crazier than usual at dinner service because of some call-ins. So there was just a lot to do after we closed, and I can only go so fast.”
“Your coworker just left you?”
“Can't you complain?”
“I can, but it won't do much. The manager signed off on it before I even got in today, and since he likes that kid more than he likes me, nothing would come from it,” you explained.
“Hmm. And this is the same manager who dislikes me?” he asked.
“Yeah, that's him. I really am sorry about him,” you said, “you'd think someone who managed to get to that position would act better towards customers.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” said Franklin, “his behavior isn't your fault.”
He looked ahead as the two of you walked.
“By the way, where exactly are we headed?” he asked.
“Ah! That would be helpful, wouldn't it? Sorry,” you said, scratching your head, slightly embarrassed.
“We have to walk straight a little more until we come up to a stop sign, then we'll take a right. There'll be some turns we need to take after, but I can explain when we get there.”
You looked back to him, asking “you're sure this isn't too much trouble?”
“I'm sure. Besides,” he chuckled, “I'm not going to leave you halfway.”
You smiled at him.
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
Despite the dreary, dark atmosphere the storm created, things felt peaceful between you two as you made your way down the sidewalk, eventually turning a corner as you had instructed him. It was nice to talk to him outside of your job where you didn't have management breathing down your back, and you made more chit-chat as the two of you continued, only ever being interrupted whenever the thunder sounded out especially loud or when a lightning strike in the distance startled you. Unlike you, Franklin appeared to have nerves of steel as he barely reacted to the things that made you jump. But given that he said he worked as a security guard, you supposed that made sense.
“Do you normally get out late on Thursdays?” he asked suddenly.
“Yeah, I close, so I'm supposed to be out by 10.”
“So still pretty late. Aren't you worried about walking back by yourself?”
“I mean, this has always been a pretty safe area,” you said.
“For now, at least. But all it takes is for someone to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I guess,” you conceded, “but I don't really have much choice, so it's just a risk that I have to take.”
Franklin looked as if he wanted to say something, but he instead chose to hum in acknowledgment. His eyes then turned upward and he straightened slightly when he noticed something.
“This is your apartment, isn't it?”
You looked to where his eyes had gone, and sure enough, your apartment building stood not too far from where the two of you were. That had seemed faster than you anticipated, though it was likely due to you being distracted when you were speaking to him.
You two were already heading to the building when a thought occurred to you.
“Did I give you the rest of the directions after we passed the stop sign?” you asked him.
Franklin blinked in surprise, then looked at you quizzically.
“Of course you did. How else would I have gotten you here?”
You felt slightly stupid again as he said that. Of course you had given him the rest of the directions: there wasn't any other way he could have known where to go.
“Sorry, you're right. I must have forgotten,” you said, trying to laugh it off, “I'm more tired than I realized.”
“Don't worry about it,” he answered.
Both of you were fairly damp by the time you reached the shelter of the building, Franklin shaking out his umbrella while you retreated further towards the front door, leaving your wet footprints on the dry concrete that had been protected by the cover over the building's entrance.
“I guess that could have been worse,” Franklin commented as he joined you by the door.
“I'm happy to not be completely soaked, so thank you for that,” you said.
He chuckled as he looked you over.
“It is late, so I won't keep you any longer,” he said, turning back towards the rain that continued to pour down, “I'll see you sometime later.”
“Ah, sure.”
A pang of guilt shot through you as he started to walk back out into it. He didn't need to walk you back, but he had anyway even though it had possibly kept him out in these bad conditions longer than he needed to be. Letting him go back out into that didn't seem like the right thing to do.
“Wait,” you called out.
Franklin paused, turning back to look at you.
“Would you, um, like to come in for a bit?”
There was a certain unsteadiness to your voice, you could tell. You weren't one to really invite anyone into your apartment, much less men that you really didn't know all that well. But it felt different with Franklin; you could trust him.
His eyebrows raised in surprise.
“I thought you were tired,” he said.
“Yeah, but it's still pouring out. At least stay until it dies down a little. As a 'thank you' for walking me back?”
Franklin looks between you and the rain, contemplating his options. At least, that's what it seemed like he was doing. There was a certain intensity in his gaze that you'd never seen before, and you weren't sure what that was about. Maybe you were being too forward? He didn't seem like the type to get uncomfortable easily, but maybe this was the exception.
You were about to tell him that he didn't have to if he had somewhere else to be when he answered you, saying “it might be nice to wait this out for a little.”
Beaming at him, you waved him back over as you opened the glass door of the building.
He'd needed to side-step through your front door in order to fit his wide shoulders through. While it was hard to miss that he was much larger than the average person, the fact that your apartment may have been too small for him wasn't something you had factored in when you'd invited him up.
“Sorry if it's cramped,” you said as he wiped his shoes on the mat.
As usual, he took everything in stride, telling you to not worry about it.
You pulled out one of the larger towels from your bathroom at his suggestion, placing it on the couch so he could sit without soaking it too much with his damp clothes. There was no way you had anything that could remotely fit him, so you needed to settle with handing him another towel after he sat; hopefully he could dry off at least a little bit.
“Do you want anything to drink? I have tea,” you offered.
“That sounds nice,” he said, nodding at you, “but shouldn't you do something about your clothes first?”
It had somehow slipped your mind that you had yet to change out of your wet work clothes. Today's shift really had run you more ragged than you'd thought; you weren't normally this forgettable.
“Sorry, can you give me a minute to change?”
“Go ahead.”
You hurried back to your room, closing the door behind you and pulling off your work uniform before throwing it into the hamper. Maybe not the best place to put it since it wasn't dry, but you'd deal with it later. Even though you weren't normally a host, you felt bad for leaving Franklin alone, and you worried that perhaps he perceived you as being some sort of careless idiot for managing to forget something as obvious as changing out of wet clothes. Not to mention the thing with the directions earlier.
Slipping into a loose-fitting shirt and a pair of leggings, you stepped back out into the living room area where he sat patiently, and you hoped you didn't look as flustered as you felt.
“Sorry again,” you said, making your way to the adjoining kitchen, “did you want anything to eat? I've got some snacks.”
“Just the tea is fine,” he answered.
Nodding, you turned away from him as you entered the small kitchen.
And then you paused.
In general, you wouldn't say you had that sense of being able to tell if someone was watching you. And yet when you turned away it was like a weight had fallen on you. A pair of eyes were roaming over you, scanning your form and taking in everything about you. And with there being only one other person in your apartment, there was only one possibility of who could be looking at you like that.
You glanced over your shoulder to see that not only was Franklin's gaze was not on you, but he wasn't even facing you. His eyes were closed, actually, and he continued to wait, the now damp towel he had used earlier folded up and sitting on his knee.
With a barely-audible sigh of relief, you relaxed a bit. It was the exhaustion that was making you feel weird; hopefully the tea would wake you up a bit and save you from any other embarrassing situations.
The largest mug in your pantry was still a bit small for Franklin, but you hoped it was slightly better than the mugs that held his coffee when he went to the cafe. Even if it wasn't he accepted it without complaint, thanking you and taking a small sip as you sat down on the chair adjacent to the couch with your own mug. Outside the storm continued, but while it didn't seem to have died down much, you at least no longer heard any thunder.
“So you live alone?” Franklin asked.
“Yeah. It's a bit more expensive this way, but I figured it's better than moving in with people I don't know and might not get along with,” you explained.
“What about family? Do they not live close by?”
“No, they live pretty far from here,” you said, “it was kind of scary when I moved out, but part of the young adult experience is living on your own, right?”
“I suppose,” he said, taking another sip of his tea.
“What about you? Where's your family?” you asked.
He set his mug back down, humming to himself as he considered his answer.
“In terms of biological family, I don't have any,” he said, “or if there are any out there, they've never come around looking for me.”
“But,” Franklin continued before you could get out an apology for bringing it up, “it's not something that's really bothered me. I'd say I've done well enough for myself, and I'm not interested in seeking them out.
“Besides, I have a stronger bond with the people I work with.”
“Your coworkers?” you asked.
“Yeah. A lot of us started working together around the same time a few years ago. If I were to have any kind of familial bond, it'd be with them.”
He paused as he brought the mug up to his lips again, his thoughts distracting him.
“Maybe not all of them,” he added, somewhat hastily.
“That still sounds really nice. I wish I had that kind of close relationship where I worked,” you said, then added jokingly “is there a chance the place you work at is hiring?”
He let out a brief laugh, shaking his head as he smiled.
“Even if we were, there are some basic requirements you wouldn't be able to pass.”
“Ah, I see. I guess I'm not intimidating enough for a security job,” you said, laughing a little.
“That could be part of it,” he answered, chuckling.
“That's too bad. Guess I'll have to suffer with my current job until I can find something better.”
“You don't want to stay there?” Franklin asked.
“God no. That job is just to pay my bills. Eventually I'll find something better, I just need to figure out what to do with my life before that,” you sighed.
Franklin hummed, draining the last of his tea before setting the mug back down. His gaze went to the clock on the wall, and your own gaze followed, noting that it was now well after midnight.
“I should leave,” he said, “there are things I need to get done in the morning, and you should get some rest.”
“As long as you're sure – it sounds like it's still going pretty hard out there,” you said as he stood up.
“It'll be fine,” he assured you.
Walking back to the front door of your apartment, he collected the umbrella he'd left next to the entrance and then turned back to you.
“Thanks for the tea.”
“No problem. Do you want me to walk you back downstairs?” you asked.
“No, that's not necessary,” he said, “but that does remind me of something.”
“You said earlier that you walk back on Thursdays at ten?”
You nodded, remembering what he asked before and how he seemed worried at the idea of you walking alone at night.
“Would you mind if I walked you back after you get off work on those days?”
In the moment you weren't sure what to say, and you just stared at him with some surprise. It was very kind of him to offer something like that, but part of you worried that maybe you'd be taking advantage of him a little.
“I know you said this was a safe area,” he continued, “but you never know what might happen.”
That's true. There had been more than a few times when making the journey back to your home that a dangerous-looking person on the street made you feel nervous. Not that anything had ever happened.
“I guess,” you began, “I won't stop you if you really want to? But I don't want to inconvenience you.”
“You won't,” said Franklin, “I don't mind making sure that you're safe.”
This sort of attention wasn't what you were used to, and all you could do was thank him again for his kindness, hoping that it didn't come out too awkward. You still didn't really feel like something like that was necessary, but ultimately, you couldn't see how it could hurt. Franklin just smiled at you again.
“I have some business to take care of over the weekend and at the beginning of the week, so I won't be in the area. But at the latest, I'll see you again next Thursday,” he said.
“Sounds good.”
The two of you exchanged your goodbyes before he side-stepped out the front door, you giving him one more wave before he entered the stairwell. When he left the building a few minutes later you watched a bit from your window. By this time the rain wasn't coming down as hard as it had been earlier, but with how that umbrella didn't protect him completely, he would still have the issue of his clothes being soaked by the time he got to his destination, probably. At least he didn't have another person to worry about.
You spent what little was left of your evening by cleaning up a bit before getting ready for bed, burrowing under the warm sheets after. But before you were able to drift off to sleep completely, another thought occurred:
Franklin seemed to have known where you were headed even before you had given him your directions. Almost like he had some idea of where you lived.
…... That's dumb. You probably told him what way you were headed and you just couldn't remember again.
What other explanation was there?
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
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pairing: demon!tendou satori x fem!reader 
rating: 18+ 
word count: 4.1k 
warnings: child abuse, religious trauma, mentions of blood, seizure, religious taboo, degradation, public sex (?), oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected intercourse 
a/n: ahh here’s the first one shot of my 1k halloween event!! this story is VERY NSFW so please do not read if you are a minor. this also have mentions of child abuse and religious trauma and is VERY taboo. each story is partically inspired by a song, this one is “under your skin” by jukebox the ghost, which i have linked below. otherwise, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it!! 
✁ ✂ ✃ 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖐𝖎𝖓 ✁ ✂ ✃ 
Growing up in a small town had its pros and cons. The cons were plentiful. Limited things to do, small minded people, and the conservative mindset of the looming church steeple that shadowed over the town. The pro, however, was Tendou Satori.  
You had met Satori when you moved to this godforsaken small town at the age of 8. Your parents moved there for work but insisted on sending you to a private school to ensure a “morally correct” upbringing. It was an ancient Christian school made of brown brick stacked up like a castle. Inside you would meet the son of the pastor, Satori himself. You were the same age, but he looked younger, paler and more shriveled, with cuts and bruises adorning his legs, some covered up by his uniform knee socks. It was common knowledge that Pastor Tendou beat his son, but it was his right after all, it always appeared to him that his son acted out with the persuasion of the devil. You feared your new surroundings and Satori feared the home he lived in. You had found solace in each other quickly.  
As you grew older and closer, some things never changed. Satori often came to you crying, a new injury on his skin from his father present and so you spent the night nursing him back to health. Other weekends were spent helping him clean the tombstones of the graveyard behind the church. Once you two would finish scrubbing the moss and dirt from the stones, you’d have a picnic in the cemetery. It was oddly peaceful, laying upon the ground with each other laughing and ignoring the corpses beneath you. Picnics in the graveyard were calm, but not when your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. Satori had a habit placing his head on your lap as he ate whatever was in the basket for that day. He’d look up at you with wide eyes, passionately talking about whatever was plaguing his mind that day. It was normal for his face to be bruised or cut. And you often kissed them after treating them, but when he looking up at you with such a bright smile, squinting at the sun above just enough for the cuts to break and bleed once again, you wanted to kiss them again, but differently. It felt different, you were different.  
This had to be a sin.  
It felt like you were being eaten alive by the thoughts that ran amok in your head. Satori was this beautifully pained angel with no escape from the constant terror that was his father. Pastor or not, he believed that Satori was filled with hellish intentions of the devil himself. And what father could be proud of a son who was the devil incarnate? Yet here you were, falling slowly, madly, deeply in love with your best friend. While his sole mission was to survive until graduation, yours had become to be able to kiss more than just his cuts and bruises.  
This was definitely a sin.  
You were halfway through your senior year when it happened. When you lost Satori. Every Thursday, the school held liturgy. You and Satori were the altar servers alongside Pastor Tendou. It was surprising how quickly you two could form such serious faces the moment you put on the white garments. You sat in the cushioned chairs beside Satori as his father gave a sermon. Tendou listened attentively, taking in any clue to take as an advantage to possibly get his father to love him. To prove he wasn’t a mistake or a demon.  
“Now a days... the devil presents himself in many ways. From that damned technology to that blasted music...”  
Pastor Tendou was known for hateful sermons. Yet, in such a small town as this, it was normal. He was so adamant about the devil in our everyday lives that felt that there was more hatred and death than the possibility of mercy.  
“And the devil is within us too! We must be willing to cut off his clawed hands from us, and crush his soulless entity that hovers within-”  
A throat ripping gasp cut off Pastor Tendou as his son lurched from his chair and collapsed onto the floor. You jumped back in your chair, watching as his back arched so high it didn’t seem physically possibly; a blood curdling scream filling the church coming from him. The church froze, watching in fear as the pastor’s son began to convulse. You watched in horror as his body slammed back onto the floor and he began to shake viciously. Frothing at the mouth, his eyes rolled back, and it look like his veins were about to rip through his flesh. You looked to Pastor Tendou for any sign of instruction of what to do. He was dying, you were watching him die.  
Before you could shout for help, Pastor Tendou took the glass of Holy Water that was stashed in the tabernacle and poured it on Satori. The water caused his skin to sear, smoke rising from his skin like he was burning alive. More screams fell from his lips, his face only readable as pure pain. You looked away as tears streamed down your own face at seeing him in such agony.  
Pastor Tendou looked down at him with narrowed eyes as his son soon stopped shaking. And then his body went utterly limp, his chest no longer rising and falling with breath. You wanted to scream, he was dead, he had to be dead. You were about to reach out for his body when his eyes shot wide open. He gasped and sat up right, looking around frantically around the church and down at his hands. His face broke into a smile as he looked at his father.  
“H-he left! I’m free!”  
Satori jumped up, hugging his father tightly as they both rejoiced that the devil had finally left him. It was true, that after years of never-ending abuse Satori believed that he indeed had a devil inside of him.  
Pastor Tendou cupped his son’s face and kissed his head in pure joy. He let go and turned to his laypeople who watched from the pews in shock.  
The people stood up and cheered, shouting amens and hallelujahs, kneeling and bowing. Satori had finally been saved. You couldn’t believe your eyes. This fake demon that was beaten into belief had suddenly up and left? And Satori needed to go to a hospital, he just had a seizure after all.  
“Sato, we should get you to a hospital-”  
He turned to you, swiftly taking your hands in his. It appeared that all of the cuts on his knuckles had magically disappeared. Before you could process the thought, he kissed your hands and smiled at you.  
“God has saved me Y/N. I don’t need a hospital.”  
You gaped at him. You knew Satori was religious because there was no escape from it in his life, but he never made outright claims about it in front of you. And now he spoke as if he was indeed possessed and was exercised.  
Mass eventually ended. When Satori’s mother had gotten the news, she also leapt for joy, however, with the thought of her son having a seizure ingrained in her mind, she insisted that he go to a hospital. Once you got the okay to visit him, you took your parents car and sped over. You were frantic, worried beyond belief of what could be wrong with Satori, enough for him to proclaim freedom from a demon.  
You walked into the hospital room. It had only been a day since the incident, but the room was filled to the brim with bouquets. The whole town had come to learn of Satori’s freedom. You looked at the red-haired boy sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. It was odd. HIs skin was free of his previous bruises and cuts. He was free, but maybe of physical pain, not a demon.  
You sighed and moved a vase of flowers from the chair beside his bed and onto the floor, taking a seat and reaching for his hand.  
“Sato,” you hummed, hoping to gently wake him up. He didn’t.  
You frowned and took in his features. He looked peaceful but, paler than usual. He had always been pale, but now he simply looked sickly. The veins in his face were apparent, he looked almost translucent. Almost as if, if you tried to look hard enough, you would see the blood moving in veins. Before you could reach out to touch his cheek, his eyes fluttered open, a smile spreading across his face as he saw you.  
“Y/N,” He said softly. His eyes were bright, happy to see you. Yet, his brown eyes almost had a red gleam.  
“Sato!” You beamed, standing up to hug him tightly. He hummed in your embrace and held you. You sighed lightly, just glad that he was okay. “You really scared me.”  
He let go and gave you a frown.  
“I didn’t intend to. I’m sorry.”  
“It's okay,” you mumbled, ruffling his hair. He chuckled softly and leaned into your touch. Was his voice deeper too?  
“It seems that you’ve gotten quite popular Sato,” you said referencing to the room filled with flowers. He grinned and looked up at you.  
“I guess people like you more when you’ve seen God.”  
You froze and pulled your hand out of his hair.  
He nodded and looked at you blankly. He was very serious.  
“Yes. I saw him. He-” Tendou paused, carefully deciding his words, “he’s inside of me.”  
“God...God is inside of you?”  
You scoffed and stood up.  
“Sato you sound insane.”  
He glared at you.  
“Don’t speak to me like that.”  
You looked at him incredulously. He was so stern, brows furrowed with anger.  
“Listen to me,” He said getting up from the hospital bed. He stepped towards you, placing a firm grip on your neck with his cold hand thin hand, trapping you between the wall and his grip. You gasped; your face filled with shock. You watched as a smirk spread across his face, as he pressed his nails into your neck. You whimpered in pain, they were sharp, pointed almost.  
“Y/N... God is in me, and I am God.”  
You froze, watching as his eyes were undeniably crimson now.  
“T-this isn’t you Sato-”  
“Shut up,” He snarled.  
You were right, he was paler. You could indeed see the veins in his flesh pulsing, but they were not red. They were a deep inky black.  
You winced as he dug his nails further into your neck, tears prickling your eyes. Under the dim yellow lights of the hospital room, you had shrunken, like trapped mouse beneath the claw of a lion. Satori saw your tears and quickly let go.  
“I-I’m so sorry Y/N...I didn’t mean to!” He cried, falling to his knees and clinging to your thigh. He sobbed into your leg and shook hard. You blinked, looking down at your best friend who had just choked you against a wall and was now sobbing against you.  
“Sato get up, please...” You mumbled, afraid of what his next action would be. This was so unlike him. He was usually so bright and goofy and now he looked like something was eating him from the inside out.  
He looked up at you with tear stained cheeks, trembling. You sighed and helped bring him to his feet.  
“Get dressed, I brought you clothes, and I have a basket with food in the car.”  
He gave a weak smile.  
“Yeah,” you nodded. You pulled the clothes from his bag, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel from the many times he had stayed over at your house after his father beat the pulp out of him. You set them on the bed and turned to leave. A firm grip on your arm stopped you from walking out.  
“Don’t leave me,” He whispered. His voice sounded fearful and broken, like the many times he cried as you cleaned his cuts.  
You bit your lip, unsure of what to do.  He wanted you to stay as he changed out of his clothes. That had to be a sin. Didn’t he know that? Didn’t he know that you were burning with desire for him? It was all too much. You pulled your arm from you grip.  
“I’ll just be in the hall Sato,” you said with a weak smile. His face fell and he nodded as you turned back to walk out the door.  
You waited patiently in the hall, your feet tapping as you tried to collect your thoughts. In the past 24 hours, Satori had apparently had a seizure, claimed to be freed from a demon, now claimed to be God, and physically hurt you. It didn’t make any sense.  
You turned your head at the sound of the door opening to see Satori, relishing in the warmth of the flannel around him.  
“Picnic?” He asked with excitement.  
You chuckled and nodded, walking out to your car with him.  
You eventually arrived at the cemetery, your usual spot you both had found comfort in. Any stranger would call them crazy, eating among the dead. But to them, this was pure peace. They were among those who were at rest, simply waiting for their own time. You pulled into your usual parking spot, the 6th on in from the right. You grabbed the basket and walked alongside Satori to the spot in the cemetery that was open lush grass. The day was gray, but it was rare that the sun came out in your town. The spot was surrounded by 6 statues of crying Virgins. It was eerie, but to you it was a simple normality of your graveyard picnics.  
Satori helped lay the blanket as you set down the picnic basket. Today you brought sandwiches and cut fruit. He gave you a bright smile and followed your cue to sit down on the blanket and get comfortable. You handed him a sandwich and he thanked you, taking a large bite. You froze, looking at his teeth and how they gnashed through the bread. They were sharp, pointed like an animal. You swallowed your bite and wiped your mouth. You had known Satori since you were 8 years old, had you truly never noticed his red eyes, sharp nails and pointed teeth? HIs paleness and inky black veins? His sudden strength and rage?  
“How many people do you think could fit under your skin?”  
You blinked, being brought out of your daze by your friend’s sudden question.  
“I think I could fit at least two people under my skin. Physically. However, emotionally, plenty of people get under my skin realistically.”  
“Sato...what are you talking about?”  
It was sudden and unexpected, the way he jumped on top of you. He knocked the wind out of you with how forceful the impact was of your back slamming against the ground. You coughed and looked at him in terror. This was not the meek and gentle Satori you had grown up with and this surely wasn’t God either.  
Satori pinned your wrists to the ground and used his own legs to keep yours down. You didn’t bother struggling, he was too strong. And the sinful part of your mind had envisioned this position one too many times for you to fight back.  
“I said, how many people do you think you could fit under your skin?”  
“I-I don’t know,” You whimpered in fear. This fear felt wrong though, this fear caused your legs to try and pinch together. Sinful.  
“You’re pitiful,” Satori growled, his eyes gleaming a deep red. The frown quickly turned into a smirk as he watched you begin to squirm under his weight. “Do you think I’m stupid, Y/N?”  
“N-No, Sato-”  
He narrowed his eyes and licked his lips.  
“Are you sure? Cause you’re a terrible liar.”  
You froze, fear crippling you in your spot. Satori’s smirk stayed in its spot as he let go of one of your wrists, only to grab a firm grip of your thigh. You yelped and looked at him with wide eyes.  
“You’re a sinner Y/N. That’s why we need to cleanse your soul.”  
“Cleanse my soul?”  
Satori nodded; clear he was being completely serious.  
“Oh,” you mumbled, unsure what ‘cleansing your soul’ would entail. He gave you a gently smile and let go of your thigh to softly stroke your cheek.  
“I can save you.”  
He smiled brightly, it looked like it was supposed to be caring but, with how he had pinned your body to the ground, you couldn’t be sure. But apparently you did, since the next words that came out of your mouth were,  
“Save me.”  
The way Satori handled you would lead you to believe that he had done this a billion times. You knew he hadn’t, he couldn’t have.  
“You need to show yourself to God in your purest form.”  
You shivered as his cold fingertips touched your skin as he helped undress you, the weeping Virgins were the only ones watching your nervous form besides Satori himself. Besides God himself.  
Shortly after he undressed you, He took his own clothes off, his translucent skin and inky black veins more prominent in the grey sunlight. You had never seen him so exposed, and the same went for you. You curled up shyly, remembering that you sat naked in front of him.  
“Stop,” He said gently, placing a cold hand on your knee, pulling your limbs away from hiding your body. “You’re perfect,” He breathed out softly. You felt heat rush through your body at his comment. “Such a perfect vessel,” He mumbled, continuing to eye you up and down.  
“V-vessel?” You prompted, only to be cut off by the sensation of Satori sucking down and kissing your neck. You gasped, your hands gripping his shoulders as he towered over you, nipping at your skin and sucking harshly. You cried out softly, embarrassed at the wetness pooling in between your legs. You were brought out of your distraction when you felt Satori’s sharp teeth dig into the flesh of your neck. You whimpered and tried to pull away, the new sensation too much to bare. He pulled away to look at you, his lips swollen from kissing your neck and his eyes looked like ruby’s, mesmerizing gems.
“Sato,” you whispered. He looked ravenous and wild. HIs cheekbones looked sharper, the blank veins pulsing rapidly under his skin. He grinned madly, and now you were certain. You had lost Satori. The monster in front of you was a demon. You had fallen in love with demon.  
“Hush,” He purred, placing a icy finger against your lips to silence you.  
You stared, horrified at his next move, what this demon would do to you, with such heavy lust overtaking your vision. You really were a sinner. With unexpected force, he pushed you back down against the ground, the fluff of the blanket cushioning your fall. With iron-clad strength, he opened your legs and buried his head between them. You gasped, Satori’s mouth instantly latching around your clit without warning. You shook under him and he reached up and grabbed your throat, gripping it tightly to quiet you. You whimpered, unable to handle the strength he was sucking at. Your breath hitched feeling his cold finger slide inside you, curling rapidly. It was too much too fast, your vision blurring as you felt tightness coil in your tummy.  
“S-Sato, please; it's too much!”  
You cried, fearing the heat bubbling up in your core. You felt Satori roll his eyes against you as his tongue darted inside of you, sucking and leeching your folds as he slipped a second finger inside. You’d never felt like this, flush and needy and desperate for his touch. He let go of your neck and your arms launched forward, pulling at his hair and attempting to get some form of leverage as you bucked your hips against this mouth. You were so close-  
“Pathetic,” He growled sitting up, his pale face covered in your slick. It was lewd and sinful and quite possibly the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. “You were going to cum just from my mouth? You’re too easy.”  
You frowned, embarrassed that he was right. He chuckled and gently placed a kiss on your lips. You blinked.  
There it was the moment you had been longing for for so long. He had finally kissed you. It took a demonic possession but at last, he finally kissed you. It was just a peck, so he began to pull away. You wouldn’t let that be, you couldn’t. No no no, your mind screamed as you grabbed his face and pulled him back to you. You kissed him hard, every lingering touch filled with needy. You gasped softly when he bit your bottom lip, he pointed teeth puncturing gently. You pulled away, completely aware of what you were going to ask and to what you were asking. There was no longer who inside of Satori’s body, but a what, a demon.  
“Sato, I-I know I’m a sinner and I know this is wrong, but,” You sat on your knees, begging him, taking his icy hand and placing it on your bare chest. “If you can save me, do it now.”  
Satori’s red eye’s sparkled, clearly hearing words he liked.  
“What a beautiful perfect little sinner you are.”  
You sat on your knees, continuously begging for him to do more than just look down on you, until pushed you back, knocking you down onto your back. It seemed this domineering position was his favorite. You watched with wide eyes as Satori positioned his length at your entrance.  
“Beg for my cock.”  
“W-What? Sato that’s so vulgar-”  
“I SAID BEG,” He growled threateningly, there was no softness in his voice, just utter lust and malice.  
“P-please, Satori, I need your cock! Please, I need it so bad-” You cried out when he forcefully shoved his entire length inside of you.  
Your head fell back, your vision blurring from the tears of pain and pleasure. Moans fell from your lips at the sins that were happening before you. Not only were you fucking the pastor’s son, you were fucking the pastor’s son who was possessed by a demon in a graveyard. You blinked several times, the tears rolling down your cheeks as you were able to focus your vision. Staring back down at you, was one of the weeping Virgin statues, crying just as you were.  
You were brought back to focus on Satori when he thrusted harshly into you, hitting your cervix. You groaned, the pleasure becoming too much to handle, the heat bubbling up inside of you once more. Satori grunted with every violent thrust, growling and sounding absolutely animalistic, your legs now sitting on his shoulders to go deeper into you. The moans bounced and echoed against the tombstones in the yard the Virgins watched the scene in front of them.  
“I’m close Sato,” You whimpered, digging your nails into his back, scratching hard as to cling onto him. He moaned, and you knew you were drawing blood. You pulled your hands away, only to see that it wasn’t blood, but the same black ink that ran through his veins. You gasped, unable to deny now that Satori was a demon. You cried out, an unexpected thrust hitting your g-spot directly.  
“Praise your God and I’ll let you cum,” Satori hissed, his pupils slitted like a snake.  
You had realized now that you are Eve. Bewitched by the serpent, Satan, in the garden by the fruit.  
“P-Please o-oh God! I want to cum, please!” You wailed, begging for him to fill you with the same ink that now adorned your fingers.  
“What a good little sinner,” He purred, quickening his pace and bottoming out in you. You arched your back, crying out as you unraveled underneath him. He growled lowly in your ear as he came inside of you with you. He slowed his pace, letting you both ride out your highs. You panted, looking up at him, as the pulsing veins that trailed his cheekbones faded back into his flesh.  
“Sato...” You attempted to catch your breath as you weakly sat up. “I-I love you,” you blurted, praying that somewhere inside, the true Satori could hear you under the weight of the demon that consumed him.  
“I know,” He smiled softly and cupped your chin in his hand and pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “And now I own you.”  
taglist: @mixfi​ @melanimed​ @batwrangler​ @kac-chowsballs (taglist for event is still open)
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Ezequiel “Ez” Reyes x Coco's sister!reader
Anon asked: if it’s okay for you could you write a ez Reyes x coco’s sister!reader ?
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: soft physical abuse and smut.
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. The gif isn't mine.
Thanks to my lovely @starrynite7114 for helping me reading it before posting, looking for mistakes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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When Coco founds you and told you he killed your mother, you started to laugh uncontrollably. You couldn’t believe it was true. That bitch, and never better said, forced you to ‘work on the streets’. Besides, every dollar you earned, she kept it. Your brother had a serious gesture in his face, telling you without words that he wasn’t joking. Your eyes started to cover in tears, setting up a knot in your chest. Hell was over. You hugged him, putting your arms around his waist, letting all the pain out of your body. Took some seconds to Johnny to do the same, holding you in his arms next to his body. It was time to go back home.
You slept non-stop for the next two days, getting up off the bed only when you were needing to eat something or go to the bathroom. Coco took care of everything. He paid the debts your mother left in your name and also gave you some money to buy decent clothes to wear. While Letti was recovering her life too, going to high-school as a girl of her age, your brother found you a new job. It wasn’t your favorite thing on earth, but it was a decent job.
Felipe was Angel and EZ’s father. An old man with a strange past, like Coco said, who needed some help with his carnicería. From Monday to Thursday, he hired you to serve the customers in the morning. At first, you thought that could be boring, but that man was really funny, kind, and intelligent. When everything was calmed and there wasn't any client to attend, he used to talk to you about books and the kind of poetry his deceased wife loved. An old and wise man who understood that you were forced to destroy your life, and now you were looking for a second chance.
After some months working there, Felipe trusted you more than his children and for that he asked you to close the shop Friday night. You didn’t asked, you never did and you’ll never do.
It’s almost ten when the last customer left the place, closing and locking the door, sighing as you did. You leave the apron hanging in the wall coat rack, before washing your hands with soap and disinfectant. Then, you’re ready to count the money and keep it safe in the warehouse. You write down in the notebook an orders summary of the day and how much was the total, as your boss showed you to close the day. After leaving everything clean and changing your clothes, you go out through the back door to the alley, locking it with the keys he gave you. Coco told you to go to the MC where they’re having a party, but the only thing you wanna do is go home, eat something, watch a movie and sleep.
You walk down the empty avenue with hands inside your pocket and your eyes looking straight ahead, but you’re not paying attention to anything that is happening around you, thinking in your own business. Because of that, you don’t see it coming. Long fingers grab your hair, pulling you back. The scream, that you utter falling down to the floor, finishes when your head hits it. A sharp beep settles in your ears, when you see blurry. A man lays on top of you and starts to punch you. One fist goes to your cheek making it burn in pain. You try to set yourself free, moving desperately behind him. The second fist goes to your mouth, breaking your inner lip and leaving the metallic taste of blood runs down by your throat. It hurts. It hurts too much. You ask for help, but you know how Santo Padre works. If a chulo is hitting one of his bitches, anybody is gonna separate him from you. But you’re not that shit anymore. And you try to fight.
When you’re pretty sure the third fist is gonna leave you knocked out, the arm stops raising in the air. Coco is there. Angel, Gilly, Creeper and EZ too. The youngest Reyes helps you to get up, wrapping in his strong arms guiding you to his bike. The guys are fucking up the man that dared to mess with you, after being paid with a huge amount of money. You’re crying harder, hiding your face against EZ’s chest till he makes you sit on his motorbike.
“Hey, hey… Look at me.” He took your cheeks between his big hands, having a look of your face to know if you’re okay. But they’re not gonna bring you to the hospital, they’re gonna take care of you by themselves. He hugged you again in the warmest way, giving you a kiss on top of the head, before Coco could walk next to you. He kisses you too, feeling protected when the men stuck around you.
“Probably will send some of his men tomorrow.” Creeper said looking at the guy laying on the ground unconscious.
“Eh, boy scout, could she stay with ya’ tonig’? She will be safe in the roulotte, near the ' ‘clubhouse”. Coco doesn’t want him to do it, he wants to protect you. But Johnny knows he must burn the fucking place where that man locked you once.
“I’ll take care of her. Rest is yours”. EZ nodded, helping you to fasten the helmet, before driving away.
He presses the wet cotton in alcohol against your inner lip, after cleaning the blood that was running through your jaw and neck. He’s doing it softly without wanting to hurt you more, while you're holding a bag of frozen peas on your check. The pain is fading, but you know well that tomorrow you’re gonna have some bruises in your face. EZ is very concentrated in his task, doing it slowly till seems better.
“I’m sorry”. You finally say with your eyes down, trying not to cry again.
“Why?” He looks confused, putting apart the cotton. He gets up off the small bed to bring you some water.
“You were having fun, I just… I ruined it”.
“No, you didn’t, (Y/N)”. He shakes his head, taking a seat in front of you, more close than you can really notice. “Coco thinks that should be fun if you come with us and Letti. And Angel was worried about you closing the shop alone. He wasn’t wrong.”
EZ simply shrugs. He knows you. He knows you well, ‘cause the time he isn’t with the MC, he visits you and his father in the carnicería. He also is always recommending you books to read in your free time, to talk about them after you finish them. He was kind to you since you met him, everybody is, but he does the most. So, you’re not sure when you decided it was a good idea to kiss him. But there you are with your hands supported in his knees, pressing your lips against his. At first, he can’t react, keeping his eyes open. And you’re about to put yourself away when he pushes you into him with his hands on your waist. Sitting on his lap, the kiss goes deep. Even the pain in your mouth doesn’t stop you to receive his curious tongue looking for yours. It feels good. It’s not your first one, but it’s the first time you do it ‘cause you want it without being forced.
As the seconds go by, it gets more passionate and needy. You two have been avoiding it because of Coco, but you’re about to die or something worse. His hands run over your hips, your back and your breast, letting him strain a hand under your dress looking for your panties. When he slices it down your legs, the next move is put down the zipper. He's hard, more than you could feel when your hips were dancing on top of him seconds ago. You do when he rams you without expecting it. Your groan meets his roar in your pressed lips against his. He doesn't make another move, waiting to you to feel comfortable with his hardness invading your narrowness. It's not your first time, he knows. But it's been a long time since your last and, of course, it's not the same.
You want please EZ and he wanna do you the same. Maybe it's not about love or maybe it is. But you two feel the desire running in your veins. And you want to do it before Coco arrives and kills you both. You start to move your hips, from up to down, slowly. Enjoying for the first time with your hands on his nape and his on your waist. You move faster according to, to feel more pleasure, forehead against forehead, with his light brown eyes on yours to not miss a single detail. He loved the way you whispered his name, moaning against his lips, once and again.
“You like it… uh?” He asks in a whisper, knowing what he is referring to.
“Ye-Yes. I really do, EZ”. You nod with your chin before get kissed slowly than the moves of your hips do by inertia.
The youngest Reyes smiles softly, feeling how the heat begins to focus in his cock. He doesn't know how he should ask you, but you were with more men that you wanna remember and you feel it. No words needed. You want him to do it, so pull him out it's not an option. Moving faster, your moans meets again, you can't avoid it. Both are sweating and you're tongues are fighting inside his mouth. Feels so good. And you think you can touch the sky when he finally cums inside you, with a fury roar drowned in his throat. Your orgasm comes too a few seconds later with his full name going out your lips.
The only things that break the silence inside the roulotte are your heavy breathing and some complicit laughs.
“Do you... know is the first time someone… ‘do it’? You whisper with a low tone in your voice, trying to make him know that never before anyone cum inside you, nor make you come to an orgasm.
His proud smile appears from nowhere, giving you some short kisses without moving an inch.
“When I get the patch, I'll ask Coco for you”. He confesses laying his back against the wall to have a better view of you. “Will you wait for me?”
It's a question you don't expect. At least, not in a moment like this. But, yes. You're going to wait as long as it takes.
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aescapisms · 4 years
everything is blue [b.barnes]
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader word count: 6k ??? warnings: violence, death, the usual prompt: Gang leader White Wolf had his shipments stolen from him, and you were the prime suspect. You did steal something, yes that’s true, but it definitely wasn’t the shipments.
happy birthday hoe @bluerorjhan​ 
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“Bullshit Barton.” Bucky’s voice echoed around the room, papers were flying everywhere. He was pissed and nothing was safe from his anger. Clint let out an exasperated sigh, he had explained it to him five times now and Bucky still hasn’t accepted it. “How the fuck does our shipment just fucking disappear like that? Do you know how much we have riding on this?” 
Clint wanted to answer him that he knows, how could he not when Bucky had already told him about it six times in the last 30 minutes. Clint knew better though, he knew not to further agitate the boss. 
“Bring in Parker.” Bucky said to Barton after a few minutes of silence. This cannot be happening right now. How could Barton be fucking careless? Bucky already told them how important this shipment was and how people would be gunning for it but they still messed up the security. There aren’t enough papers to throw across the room that would appease his anger. He needed to punch someone, he’ll probably do that later but right now he needs to handle the missing shipments. 
“Mr. White Wolf, Sir?” The kid, Parker, quietly said as he entered the room. “Y-You called for me?” Bucky nodded and asked him to sit down. Peter Parker, the young hacker was recruited in the gang at the age 15 after Rogers found him beaten up in an alleyway somewhere in his neighborhood. “I need you to pull up all of the CCTV footage from the night three days ago.” 
“Is this because of the robbery, Mr. White Wolf sir?” Bucky nodded, “I want all of the CCTV footage from the moment the truck left the building until it reached T’Challa’s place. That truck left here full of guns and ammos and arrived in the warehouse empty. Figure out what happened in between.” Parker nodded and left to work on his new found assignment. 
This is the first time that this has happened. He founded this gang nine years ago and began the business of supplying people weapons, ammunition and services. Everything can be taken care of for a price. They were the best in the business, that was until this. And in this world, one mishap can cause you your credibility. Luckily, T’Challa has always been a friend and was willing to keep the issue quiet on the condition that it had to be resolved by the end of the week. 
“Hey, you want some beer?” Rogers asked as he handed Bucky a can then sat down on the couch. “Parker is already working on it, we’ll find out what happened and resolve this matter quickly.” His words of encouragement didn’t really do Bucky any good. He still felt miserable and hopeless and angry. Bucky grabbed the beer and sat on the chair opposite Steve. Silence enveloped the room until Sam appeared holding four more beers and a shit-eating grin. 
The three of them sat there in silence drinking until Sam finally asked, “Do you have any idea who took the shipment?” 
“A lot came to mind.” Bucky replied, crushing the now empty beer on his left arm before grabbing a new one. “But I have a feeling that it was the other gang. Hers.” That last word escaped Bucky’s mouth with such poison that it sent shivers up Sam and Steve’s spines. 
“If it was any other gang, they wouldn’t be able to one up Barton like that. But if it’s her. It may be possible.” 
No one inside or outside of the gang has ever heard Bucky call you by your name. He always referred to you as ‘her’ or ‘that person’. No one ever really figured out why. 
Your gang, or as other people unofficially  call it ‘Shadows’ was only established three years ago but you have swept every other gang on the map. Winning fights, races, gambling, and even escaping the police were just child’s play to you. You quickly earned your place as the gang to be feared and not be messed with. 
Bucky had met you twice, first was in a fight two years ago. A subordinate of yours stepped into Bucky’s territory and caused trouble for quite a few of his people. Every gang has a different territory. And crossing territories is an offense in your world, causing trouble while you’re at it is worse. Loki did both. 
Loki was sort of unhinged yes, but he was a valuable asset to you and so you personally came to collect him from Bucky. 
“I heard you have one of my people.” were the first words you ever said to him. “I’m here to take him back.” 
Bucky heard a few things about you. People called you names, one prominent one was that you were an insufferable bastard. “So you’re the one causing trouble back there huh.” You smiled at him and bowed “I’m surprised that the infamous Wolf is keeping tabs on me. Consider me flattered.” There was something wrong with your voice, you were smiling at him but your voice was completely cold and monotonous. Lifeless. 
“Your subordinate crossed my territory. What should we do about that?” Bucky asked, dismissing your previous statement. You looked at Loki who was bound on a pillar with ropes. “I would like to offer my sincere apologies, he still hasn’t learned the customs of this world and he is also, frankly, very stupid. I will pay for the damages and teach him a lesson myself.” You sent Loki a glare which got him to stop making faces at Steve. 
“Why should I accept your apology?” 
You smiled “Isn’t it customary for gang leaders to give each other a gift?” Bucky raised his eyebrow “Yeah, if you’re the gang leader of your territory which I believe that you are not.” 
“Huh?” Bucky asked.
“Not yet. Give us six months, and once we become the gang leader we’ll consider you letting this matter go as your gift to us.” 
Bucky hated arrogance, but he hated hollow arrogance even more. “You’re nothing but a small gang and you really think you can take over that place? Don’t make me laugh.” 
“I’m not trying to make you laugh. If I was I would’ve brought you to the fucking circus.” Ah there it was, Bucky thought. That’s why they called you a cold heartless insufferable bastard. “If you believe that we can’t do it’s fine. It’s your  right to be wrong. But if we do become the gang leader, it would be very awkward for you.” 
Bucky has had enough and pulled a gun on you. “What’s stopping me from putting a bullet into your brain?” 
“Nothing really,” you smiled as if taunting him to pull the trigger “but I can just hear the whispers now. Oh you know that Wolf? Yeah, he killed Y/N because he was afraid of what she’s capable of. What a fucking pussy really.” 
Bucky’s finger slowly moved away from the trigger, and you smirked. “C’mon Loki. Let’s go. I know you’ve already released yourself from those ropes hours ago.” 
Everyone looked at Loki who smiled as he let the ropes fall to the ground. Before the two of you left, you looked at Bucky who still had his gun pointed towards you and gave him one last smile and before disappearing into the night. 
The next time he saw you was at the gang leaders’ meeting. He was surprised to see you there, although to be fair, everyone was. A clan meeting was held every six months. He wasn’t expecting you here. You said you would take over the territory in six months, but you managed to do it in three. 
Bucky noticed the change in you though, you were quieter and if it was even possible, even colder than you were before. He wondered what were the things that you went through in those three months for you to change drastically. How was it possible for your little gang to take out Erik Killmonger, a notorious killer with a thirst for blood and wipe his gang clean. 
“Do you really think that it’s her?” Sam asked pulling Bucky back to reality. Bucky shrugged, he had a gut feeling but that was all there was. A gut feeling. Movies and TV shows portrayed gangs as chaotic with no regard for the law but they’re wrong. Gangs are lawful, only they follow their own. And one thing that you cannot do is accuse someone without any evidence. You do that, and you will die before you can even say the words I’m sorry. 
Bucky stood up and went to where Parker was to try and see what he had dug up so far. “What do you have?” 
“Nothing yet Mr White Wolf Sir. All the CCTV footage was deleted and I’m still trying to get the files back but it’s going to take a while. But I feel like I know this work…” 
“Well, you know how hackers like to leave their own tag?” 
“Yeah,” Bucky answered, “To let people know that it’s them. It’s common in gangs and in hacking. You found something?” 
“Yes Mr. White Wolf, Sir. I found this.” Peter Parker blew up the screen with a single word. Death. “Now, I checked if there are gangs out there called Death or even a gang member with that codename but I came up empty. That;s when I realized that this wasn’t a part of the code. It’s an image, so I checked it in photoshop and brightened the image and there it is.” 
Bucky’s suspicions were confirmed, because the image showed a shadow behind the word Death. You did this, and you were going to pay. 
“Rogers, gather up everyone. We leave in 5 minutes.” Bucky was pissed. He never thought that you would do such a thing. Was this payback? Maybe, he just hasn’t figured out what for. Or maybe it wasn’t payback. Maybe you just really like fucking with people. 
“Should I inform them that we would be coming?” 
“No. We’ll pay them a surprise visit.” 
It was a Thursday night, which meant it was a gang game night, and gang game nights are easily the highlight of your week. 
“No we are not playing that magic trick game again, Scott. You always win.” Wanda complained as she pushed Scott from his chair. 
“That’s why I always suggest that we do it.” Everyone grabbed their empty beer cans and chucked them all at Scott. “Oh come on, just because you all don’t know how to do magic doesn’t mean it’s not fun for me!” Scott took a five second pause to understand the words that just came out of his mouth. “Oh shit that really sounded bad”
Everyone laughed, “It really sounded bad you dumbass. Everyone get up and go to the firing range. We’ll do archery, since you guys suck at archery. Lowest score becomes the designated driver for two months.” 
Everyone rushed to the firing range and grabbed a bow and arrow. “Are you not going to join?” Scott asked, and you just laughed. “Please note that I said, ‘you guys’ suck at archery.” Which wasn’t true. You might have an advantage, but you still very much suck at archery. 
Once you said go, arrows started flying out and they mostly hit the target, if the target was the wall. God they are hopeless, you thought. They were on their 7th arrow when the door suddenly opened wide and all you guys saw were guns pointing at you. It was Bucky Barnes and he looked like hell. 
Questions started forming inside your head. Why was he here? Why is he handsome as hell? What does he want? And more importantly, why are your friends pointing arrows at them as if those arrows will go right at their intended target?
This is the third time that Bucky met you. “Everyone put your arrows down. It’s not like you’ll be able to hit them accurately, you’ll just ruin the walls.” Your voice was playful, but commanding. Bucky saw everyone lower their bow but grabbed on to the arrow to just chunk them at people. 
You walked towards him with your arms wide and welcoming. “You know, if I had a dollar for all the times that you pointed a gun at me I would have 2 dollars. Which isn’t a lot but it’s really weird that it happened twice.” You grabbed the barrel of the gun and put it down.
“I highly advise that you guys put your guns down. It’s very rude.” Everyone almost instantaneously put their guns down just by the sound of your voice. They all looked at Bucky and he just nodded. “Take a seat, and speak. You’re interrupting our game night. Everyone get out. Mr. Wolf, you stay.” 
“But--” Loki wanted to speak but you just interrupted him. “I know. We’ll continue game night after I talk to him. Just go prepare for the beer pong.” 
“I will be civil about this--”
“Civil? Mr. Wolf, there was nothing civil about you crossing our territories without informing me. And then just showing up and pointing guns on our faces. Plus you interrupted our game night.” 
“Game night? Why do you even have game nights?” Bucky asked, a question he’s been meaning to ask since he walked inside the building. 
“Well, someone’s jealous.” Bucky rolled his eyes “Anyways, tell me. Barnes why should I not put a bullet between your eyes right now.” 
Bucky felt something that he hasn’t felt in a long time. Excitement. No one has openly refused and dared to talk down on him before. Or even had the courage to use his real name on him. He wasn’t at all confused as to how you knew his name. He knew that you had the means to get all the information about him. 
“I have been informed that my shipment from three days ago came upon its destination empty.”  
You just looked at him, uninterested “Rip to your shipments but what does that have to do with me? Why does my game night have to suffer just because you guys were careless in handling your packages?” And then it dawned on you, “Unless you think I did that?” 
“I know you did.” Bucky said confidently, “Your hacker is careless, and arrogant. He left a signature when he deleted the security tapes and we were able to track it down to Shadows. You should really get rid of your hacker, he’s useless.” 
“You’re wrong.” You answered and leaned back on the couch. 
“Excuse me?”
“You’re wrong. We didn’t do that. Our hacker didn’t do that. We don’t give a shit about your fucking shipments. So unless you have a solid proof that really ties this incident to us. Leave my building because you’re totally bumming out my mood. Unless you want to join a virtual Cards against Humanity with us later.” “I just handed you the evidence. Your guy slipped up and was too arrogant---”
“I’m the only hacker in Shadows and I won’t be that fucking dumb to leave a fucking signature that could be traced to me.Do you even use your fucking head? Jesus christ, you’re lucky you’re handsome.” 
That did it for Bucky, he quickly stood up from the couch and leaped towards you grabbing your shirt and pulling you close to him. “Don’t fucking mess with me. Give me back my shipments or I will burn your place to the fucking ground.” 
“Not gonna lie,” you said as you looked up at his blue eyes “this is kinda hot.” 
“Give me back my shipments.” 
“I’m sure that you have already searched through my place.Did you see any shipments, dumbfuck? Just because you messed up doesn’t mean you can use me as your fucking scapegoat.” This was the first time that Bucky saw you get mad. You grabbed his hand that was still holding your shirt and then pushed him away, “Now, I didn’t do anything when you barged in my territory without telling me. Didn’t do anything when you pointed your guns at my people. And didn’t do anything when you accused me of this bullshit without any hard evidence.”
You were right. All three of those warrants an instant death, it doesn’t matter if you’re the gang leader or not. Tarnishing the reputation of someone else for the sake of doing so warrants death. Because that indicates that you don’t respect them. Respect is important in keeping the harmony between the gangs, and Bucky just violated that. 
“I suggest that you leave now, before I lose all respect for you. You have disrespected my gang, my family. You’ve been in this business far longer than I have, and I know the rules better than you. Get out of my sight, because I will not be merciful the next time.”
“Okay so game night still back on?” Loki asked as soon as he entered the room. 
You smiled “Yes, new game though. It’s called find the culprit. It’s anyone’s game and whoever wins will get to choose the next job.” Everyone immediately went to work, after explaining to them what happened everyone just got fired up and did every†hing humanly possible to track down the bastard that wants to implicate you.
You lied when you said that you were the only hacker in the gang. Everyone in here has a background in hacking but no one would be that stupid as to steal from Bucky Barnes. Not when they know that he's the person you're hopelessly in love with. 
"Boss! Something just arrived, it's a box and it has a drawing of a wolf on it" Sam announced as he entered the room, clutching the said box. “Don’t worry, we already scanned it for bombs, it has nothing. We just didn’t want to open it because we thought that it was addressed to you.” And Bucky Barnes hates when people touch the things that are his.
Bucky grabbed the knife that he carried with him at all times, and opened the box. Inside the box there was a note, with a single drop of blood. “Take this to the lab. Check whose DNA it is. We’ll go to the address, just message me if you figure out who it is.”
In the car, Steve finally asked “Do you know who sent the note?” 
He knew of course. It was the same writing as the one on the blackboard from the building that they went to three days ago. The building that they rudely barged in, and interrupted the game night, and spoiled the mood for everyone. 
The address brought them to a warehouse on the far side of the town. And when they got in, his missing shipments were there along with tied up people from the gang from this town. And on top of his shipments there was another person there, one he recognized. “Rumlow, you betrayed me?” 
So that’s why it was so easy for this gang to be able to intercept their shipment and how they were able to delete all the records. They had a man inside. Bucky told them to take the shipments straight to T’challa and took Rumlow back with them. 
Rumlow already looked like he was beaten the shit out of. Blood splattered across his shirt and he just smiled. “Wondering why I did it?” He asked Bucky. 
Bucky didn’t really care, he always knew that Rumlow was up to something and he was also at fault for being too careless. “Don’t try to act high and mighty, Rumlow. You’re already done for. Blood is splattered across your face and your face. You don’t have the upper hand.” 
“This isn’t my blood.” Rumlow replied, “It was from that fool who thought that she could take me down by herself.” There was a deafening silence that enveloped the room. “You know, that girl that you like? Yeah, this is her blood.” 
Bucky took out his gun and in an instant, Rumlow was lying dead in the middle of the room. 
“Clean this up. I have to go.” 
Rumlow got you good and you know it. That fucking bitch didn’t play fair, and even dared to use a knife on you. You were surprised to figure out that there was an actual rat inside Wolf’s gang, and you couldn’t help but think about your own people. Your family. It  was obvious that Bucky treated his subordinates well, but if he could treat his subordinates like that and still have those people turn against him. You began to wonder what that could possibly mean for you. It’s not that you won’t be able to take them down, it’s just going to be hard to punish the person you considered your family for the past few years. 
“Look at you.” A voice suddenly spoke behind you, “You’re wounded.” 
It was him, and suddenly you  felt calm. Too calm. 
You fainted in Bucky’s arms. 
It was a good thing that he was able to find you when he did because you would’ve been devoured by the people lurking in the dark. Everyone who was lurking knew who you were, and every gang leader has a price on their heads. Yours was the highest, but Bucky had an inkling that if you found out how much you were worth you would be furious and demand that you’re worth more than that. 
And in a way you were. Maybe that’s why Bucky has always been different when it came to you. Maybe that’s why he always made sure to keep tabs on the things that you were doing so that if something were to happen, which thankfully it didn’t, he could lend a hand and help.
He didn’t know how to form friendships. All he ever had was the gang and being the leader all that they gave him was the respect as a leader. Yeah, Sam and Steve were there and they try their best to make it seem like they’re friends and they are but there’s still that wall separating them  and Bucky. 
Everyone treated him differently. Except you, you quickly made an impression on him as someone who doesn’t give a shit about other people than her own.  You made the other gangs mad, but you made Bucky curious. Curious if you had any idea what this world is truly made of. This world is full of monsters and demons and your idealism and unorthodox ways would not be tolerated here. He was curious about what this world is going to do to you. 
“Go get a doctor, quickly.” Bucky ordered as soon as the car stopped in front of  the warehouse. He carried you up and took you straight to his room. “Your wound isn’t that deep, but you bled a lot.” There was still no response from you. 
“I know you’re awake. You can stop pretending.” Then he hears it, your laugh. It was  something that he  wasn’t expecting to hear  but he was glad that he did. 
“You were carrying and  cuddling me from the car to this room. How  could I not take advantage? It’s not everyday  you get to be wrapped up around the arms of the White Wolf himself.” You said and tried to sit up and leaned against the headboard. “Is this your room? Kinda plain isn’t it?” You said and looked around. Bucky was about to say  something along the lines of ‘Can you just worry about your wound first.’ Until he realized that you were trying to distract yourself from the pain stemming from the wound on your side. 
“Why? What’s wrong with my room?” Bucky asked, indulging your statement. Might as well help you forget about the pain, even if it's just for a little while. 
“I think it lacks soul. It’s lonely.” 
“Rooms don't need to have souls. They just need to have a bed to sleep in.” 
“Ah, it really is true what they say. Someone’s room can tell so much about the person sleeping in it.”  
Bucky was about to ask what kind of room you had but a frightened doctor came into  the  door.  “S-Sir?” Bucky  pointed at you and he got the  hint. 
“Who is  this guy?” 
“Sorry  sir, Thor is currently dealing with a surgery and he can’t come. So we had to take the nearest doctor that we could find.” 
“Sam, what did I say about kidnapping people.” Bucky asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.  He just looked at him and shrugged “That it’s okay if it’s for love?” 
That moment Steve knew better and just dragged Sam out of the room without giving Bucky the time to punch him in the face. 
The doctor cleaned up your wound and bandaged it up, then left after prescribing some antibiotics and some medication for the pain. 
“I’ll get someone to get you some of these meds.” Bucky said as he grabbed the note that the doctor left on his bedside table. 
“What you’re in a gang related business and you don’t have any pain medication. What kind of sorcery is this?” You asked laughing, Bucky just rolled his eyes. “Are you going to leave me? Can you not leave me. I may not look like it but I’m actually really afraid of being alone.” 
Bucky’s heart did something, but he didn’t know what. So he just shouted for one of his subordinates and asked them to buy the medication as he stayed inside your room. “Why are you being so nice to me?” 
“Take it as an apology. I was wrong for accusing you like that, and for ruining your game night.” He confessed, which was another first thing for him. 
“Aww, can’t believe that you’re a big softie, like a teddy bear. Yuck. Disgusting, get out of my room. I want to rest.”
“This is my room.” Bucky reminded you, “And you said that you hated being alone.” 
“And you’re the dummy who fell for it. Just leave, send a message to Shadows tell them no need to panic and that I’m going to be sleeping over.” 
“If you’re going to sleep here, where am I supposed to sleep?” 
“Aww, does the big softie want to sleep beside me? Maybe get some cuddles as well?” Bucky just smiled and walked towards the door. “Didn’t think so. Such a shame, I’m a very good cuddler. Good night boobear.” 
Something inside Bucky snapped, he shouldn’t do it but he did. He looked the door and climbed on the bed which prompted you to shout “What the fuck are you doing?” 
“You were right. I wanted some cuddles.” 
Never in your life did you imagine that Bucky, the White Wolf, the most feared gang leader in your area, would say something as corny and as cheesy as that. To be fair, Bucky didn’t think it would be possible as well but here you guys were. 
Bucky only wanted to tease you, that was all. But the moment you wrapped your arms around him he felt so giddy and so happy that he felt as if he would burst. 
That was the first night that Bucky slept peacefully. 
And the night that he fell in love with you without him knowing it. 
Something changed between the two gangs after that night. 
There was an unspoken rule that people from your gang aren’t to be messed with and would be given priority access each time you cross. The gang community quickly took notice and followed. Few weeks later they realized that they couldn’t afford to offend either one of you. 
The Wolves made a good example to one gang that decided to cross Shadows. It wasn’t the fact that Shadows couldn’t handle it, it was more on showing them that they had their backs. That Bucky has your back. 
It was almost as if the Shadows and Wolves decided to merge into a bigger gang. And that would be the most terrifying thing to ever happen on the goddamn planet. 
“So you’re telling me, you’re not going to attend game night?” You asked Bucky who is currently on the phone with you. 
“Yeah, I have some things to take care of.” 
“Okay, but you’re missing game night. Game. Night.” Bucky rolled his eyes. And gestured for Sam to drag the guy away from his sight. 
“I know. Sorry.” 
“You can shove that sorry up your ass. Don’t talk to me. We’re cancelling the pizza we ordered for you guys. Bye.” 
“I told you---” 
But you ended the call before Bucky could say anything. 
“Lover’s quarrel?” Steve asked, “You can go. We can take care of this motherfucker.”
“You really think that, that would solve it? Game night means you all should be there as well, she’s going to kill me if I just show up there alone.” 
Bucky had planned to go. How could he not? At first he thought that game nights were useless but seeing the look on your face and the laughter that echoed around the room. It felt like home. It didn’t feel like they were in the world full of guns and blood, but instead it felt like they were normal people just enjoying each other’s company. 
Bucky laughed at the thought of you. You were probably cursing him right now, wondering why you ever invited him to join your game nights if he was just going to ruin it. 
But this was something that he needed to take care of. Because this man, Pierce, was the one behind Rumlow’s betrayal. The reason why you were hurt. 
And Bucky couldn’t forgive him for that. 
You ignored Bucky after that. Didn’t bother returning his phone calls, so instead he just leaves you a voice message every night without fail. 
It made you happy of course. Made you think that perhaps it wasn’t a one-sided love affair after all. That maybe there could be a love story between the two of you despite your past, despite the present and despite the future that the two of you have so little of. 
You were worried about the meeting today because Bucky would be there. You wonder if you would still be able to keep this act up and continue to pretend to ignore him when he’s standing right beside you looking like a god sent by the heavens. 
“Pierce was found dead.” 
“WHAT?” You shout in disbelief, “What the fuck? Who did this? Pierce--” 
“I did it.” Bucky confessed after you calmed down, which prompted you to shout again. “Pierce was the one behind Rumlow and he was scheming against every single one of us. Including you. When I found out I had to take him out. In this folder, you can see all of the evidence that I have gathered the past few months. I’ll see myself out.” Bucky stood up and tossed the folder that he was clutching so tightly that you wanted to ask him earlier what that folder did wrong. 
Turns out the answer was a lot. After skimming through the contents it all made sense. 
While Pierce was indeed a scheming son of a bitch, it still didn’t change the fact that he was the one who helped you, and treated you like his own daughter. 
“I guess i just didn’t want to believe that he would do that to me.” Your sad eyes made Bucky’s heart hurt. Betrayal isn’t something that you were used to. “Did you ever figure out how he was able to control Rumlow?” 
Bucky knew, he had the matter investigated a week after they knew about Rumlow’s betrayal. “There was a girl.” Bucky didn’t need to say any more. You figured it out. How pathetic, how could you almost forget the situation that you are in? 
You’re not some teenager who’s free to love whoever they want. You were a gang leader who had duties and responsibilities. What this incident taught you was a cruel lesson, but one that you should be taught early on. 
“Love really is a disadvantage huh.” You muttered, “I never want to be in that kind of place.” 
“At a disadvantage?” Bucky asked. 
“Yeah.  Love is cruel and messy. And it would ruin everything that I have worked for.” 
“So, you don’t want to fall in love?” 
Bucky asked, and he waited for an answer that never came. Oh well, maybe that was an answer too. 
A visible strain in your relationship intrigued everyone but they decided to stay quiet and not meddle in your affairs. After all, the two of you were the highest ranking members and should not be messed with. But one particular afternoon things got heated after a job that the two gangs took. “I just don’t fucking get it. I had the shot.” You huffed as you threw your jacket on the couch. “Yeah. A shot to his leg, he has a clear shot of your head. You were going to die.” 
Bucky decided to jump at you earlier, effectively throwing the both of you on the ground and wasting a precious bullet meant for someone else. 
“It’s none of your fucking business. I could do it.” 
“You would’ve died.” 
“What is it to you?!” 
Ah, there it was. The question that Bucky hoped you never would ask. To be honest you didn’t think that it was a question that would escape your lips as well. But you were just so pissed off that you lost all of your rational thoughts and were left with these stupid ones. You never wanted to ask that because you were afraid of what his answer would be. 
No, you weren’t afraid that he would say that you didn’t mean anything to him. That would be a relief. You were scared that he would say that you meant a great deal to him and you don’t know if you can handle that. Love is a dangerous disadvantage. And you would not hesitate to move the mountains and part the seas if Bucky asked you to do so. 
You were scared because you loved him so much. 
And Bucky just sat there wanting to tell you the truth. To tell you how much you meant to him. How much he loves you and how far he is willing to go for you. How he could kill anyone who looks at you wrongly with his bare hands. 
And instead of being honest to each other, the two of you sat there. The truth stayed inside of your hearts, desperately trying to claw their way out. 
But the truth will prevail. One way or another. And if the two of you knew that this is what’s going to happen. You would’ve confessed when you had the chance. 
You wouldn't have cared. Because right now, Bucky is bleeding in your arms and you couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your face. “Bucky, stay with me. Okay? Stay with me. Please.” 
There had been an attack in the warehouse that you owned and Bucky went to help, but no matter how strong you guys were you were still outnumbered. It wasn’t like how it was in the movies where everyone just miraculously survives no matter how many opponents they were faced with. And so Bucky was shot trying to protect you. 
“You fucking idiot. Don’t fucking close your eyes.” Bucky smiled because despite all of the curses that you were saying, your voice still sounded sweet. It was a good thing that the sense of hearing is the last to go before a person dies. 
‘This is alright,’ Bucky thought, ‘I was never meant for a long life anyway. And what better place to die than in the arms of your loved one.’
Bucky tried to open his eyes, to remain conscious. But his strength is leaving him, he tried to lift his arm up to wipe the tears from your eyes but he couldn’t. He could only listen to your sobs, until he couldn’t hear anything at all. 
There were so many things that you weren’t able to say to Bucky. 
So many things that you wanted to tell him, so many things that you wanted to do with him. But you weren’t able to do so because you were scared. “Bucky, please wake up.” You cried as you grabbed his hand. He still hasn’t woken up ever since his surgery and Thor said to not get your hopes up but you can’t just give up on him without him knowing how you truly feel. “Please don’t leave me alone. I promise you I won’t let you go. So come back to me okay?” 
Twelve days have since passed, and there were still no signs of him waking up. Thor was already talking about preparing for the worst, and so you punched him in the face. 
You grabbed some blankets from the other room and went back to your room where Bucky was, “You were right. You can tell alot from a person by their room.” 
You dropped the blankets that you were holding and just ran up to hug him. “I was so scared that you were dead.” 
“I’m sorry. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Bucky I--” But he just smiled and said ‘I know.’
He knows. 
But that wasn’t enough for you. You had to let him know. You had to let him hear it. And there was only one way to convey these feelings properly. 
“James Buchannan Barnes. Marry me.” 
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Drug Bust
My Jake Peralta imagines could either be read alone or you could think of them together with “Welcome to the 99!”
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Thursday 10:15pm; A drug bust gone wrong
There was a blinding white hot pain going through your body. You don’t remember where the pain started and you didn’t care, all you knew was that you were bleeding in your abdominal area, laying on the ground trying to keep your tears at bay.
You just wanted Jake to be by your side at that moment, you knew you weren’t going to die because if you think you're going to die then you're going to lose hope and you didn’t want to lose hope, there was still so much you wanted to have happen in your life.
Days Leading Up to the Bust
Tuesday 10am; Briefing
“There is a new drug being spread around the streets of Brooklyn called-“
“Taxi!” You yelled out in the middle of Captain Holt’s sentence causing people to look at you.
You just slightly blushed from all the sudden attention and apologized to Holt for disrupting the meeting, you just dropped your head slightly toward the table to try and ignore the eyes on you.
“Yes Detective (L/n), it is called Taxi because it is the color yellow and also it is a new type of speed that has recently been brought to our attention. So we are going to need two detectives to go undercover on a drop.”
Without even looking behind you, you knew that Jake and Charles turned towards each other with their stupid little grins on their faces showing the pure excitement going through their mind of having the chance of coming up with some undercover identity’s for a drug bust, but-
“Diaz and (L/n) you too will be our dealers for this case.” Holt said erupting a gasp from Jake and Charles.
“Captain! Why would you choose Rosa and (Y/n) out of me and Charles!” Jake pouted out.
“Actually it’s Charles and I” You turned around to fix Jake’s grammar.
Jake just looked at you a little weird and you were just a little confused on why he was, so you just turned back around.
“What are you another Amy?” Jake said under his breath.
You tensed just a little and then relaxed choosing to just focus on the rest of the meeting as Captain Holt was giving off instructions for the drop that was going to happen on Thursday in a hotel.
“Everyone is dismissed now, go do your jobs and keep Brooklyn safe.” Holt said, closing the meeting.
Everyone got up from their seats going their separate ways. As you got up from your seat you turned around to try and talk with Jake about that passing comment about being another Amy. There was nothing wrong with Amy, she was a sweet, kind lady even though she’s barely in the bullpen where you are stationed because you took her spot and became Jake’s new partner, but that’s not the point. You just want to make sure that Jake isn’t angry with you in any way because you guys are partners for most cases so to have any type of bad blood towards each other whether it be a tiny thing or a big problem it’s always good to clear it as soon as possible. 
When you turned around, Jake wasn’t there so you guessed he was back at his desk working on some paperwork for one of his cases. As you were walking back to your desk that was Amy’s desk before you, you turned to look at the Captain’s office real quick and noticed that you saw Jake in there talking with Holt, throwing his arms about like he was trying to argue a point that didn’t seem like it was going to land anywhere, and with Holt sometimes they don’t land.
So you got a little curious and walked up to Gina’s desk where she was just texting on her phone, or was on twitter (sidenote: Gina’s tweets are so random, but they bring you some type of entertainment to your life).
“Hey Gina what’s happening?” You asked, stopping to the right of her desk, the side that was closest to Holt’s door which was currently closed.
“Oh yea I’m just having twitter beef with some random person from Florida arguing about the rights of endangered animals, you know those types of Florida people.” Gina replied mindlessly not looking up from her phone, just smiling to herself at this new development in her life.
You just cocked your head to the left out of questioning if you want to look into this twitter beef later and also because you're trying to see if that angle will allow for you to hear Jake and Captain Holt’s conversation. You weren’t able to really hear anything so you just decided to go back to your desk and do some work for the meantime.
After about 20 minutes of you doing desk work you finally see Jake walking over to his desk out of the corner of your eye. You looked up when you heard Jake sigh out as he sat down looking glum for some reason.
“Hey, Jake are you okay?” You asked him quietly not wanting to try and draw unwanted attention towards you both. 
Jake just looked up from his desk towards you. He looked sad and tired, you wonder if it has to do with the fact that he wasn’t chosen for the undercover cases, Jake always loved a chance to come up with a new identity.
“Are you a little upset about the case? Honestly I would be fine if you were on the case rather than me. I’m not the best on undercover drops, I get nervous.” You started to ramble out, stopping when you noticed that Jake obviously didn’t care what you had to say that the moment.
You just sighed to yourself and went back to doing your work; getting paperwork in order, getting evidence ready for a court case, talking with Rosa about the drop on Thursday.
As you were talking about the drop your eyes slightly looked towards Jake who was just doing paperwork at the moment and his face kinda just looked...blank?
“Hey Rosa, does Jake usually act like this when he isn’t assigned a certain case he hoped to work?” You whispered to Rosa.
Rosa looked up from the case information in your hands and looked towards Jake and then she took a quick glance at you.
“Eh, it’s Jake. He’s sometimes still childish with his work.” Rosa just said.
You just nodded slowly and decided it was none on your business anyway.
Wednesday 9:05am; Bullpen
“Hey Jake, hey Charles.” You greeted your partner and friend as you walked to your desk.
Jake looked like he was in less of a mood, so that’s all that kinda mattered in your books.
“Hey (Y/n) nervous for the drop tomorrow?” Charles asked you, turning around in the seat that was placed next to Jake’s desk.
“A little, but I’m also excited at the same time. The precinct that I last worked at wasn’t the best place and also I was always given crappy cases, so this is going to be good.” You exclaimed, smiling to yourself.
“Well we just know it’s going to go great, don’t we Jake.” Charles said trying to bring his friend into the conversation since he was being so quiet. 
Jake was just kinda looking at you, it looked like he zoned out or something his face was...blank. You kinda just looked at him back taking in his facial features. He always just had a kind smile whenever you saw it, it’s barely pointed towards you though so it always brightens your day when you get just a small glimpse of it. 
You wish it was pointed towards you everyday.
“-I mean Sarge is always going on about his yogurt.” You heard Charles’s voice causing you to snap out of your thoughts.
When you were brought back to Earth you saw that Jake was gone from his desk leaving you with Charles rambling about Sarge and his yogurt.
“Hey Charles where did Jake go too?”
Charles said Jake was in the evidence room so that’s where you went to go looking for him.
“Oh hey I was looking for you.” You stated as you saw Jake’s back.
No you weren’t stalking Jake, you just have been wanting to talk with him and every time you try and start a conversation something would randomly come up stopping you in the process.
“Oh hey (Y/n).” Was all Jake said to you when he turned around to see who came into the evidence room.
You just cocked your head a little to your right wondering why Jake was kinda just being weird around you.
When you came to the 99 Jake was acting completely civil and his normal goofy self, but lately he's kinda just been a little reserved you could say, but it was just around you which annoyed you to death.
“Hey Jake I was just wondering if I did something to bother you these past few weeks. If it's just my mere presence then I’m sorry about that, but I’m not just gonna leave the 99 because-”
“Woah, (Y/n). No it has nothing to do with your presence; I like having you around. You're one of my new friends here, it's just with this drug bust I’m scared something could happen to you.” Jake said quietly, but you were able to catch the very last bit causing a slight blushing on your cheeks.
You were looking at Jake as he was looking towards the ground finding his shoes very interesting, when you noticed his head was coming back to your level you glanced to the floor real fast.
‘What am I, a school girl confronting her crush?...Actually that could be what is happening.’ you thought to yourself as you were staring at the floor.
You brought your head back up to meet Jake’s eyes.
“Well thank you for your concern Jake, but this is our job and if something bad happens then at least I was just doing my job to try and clean the streets of Brooklyn.” You said timidly with a shaky smile on your face.
Jake was just staring at you, his eyes darting everywhere over your face almost like he was trying to take in certain details and remember your face in this moment. It looked like Jake was about to say because he looked slightly hesitant.
“Um (Y/n) I just want to say-” and then the door opens bringing in Charles.
Charles was looking between you and Jake with a weird look on his face, but then again Charles is just a different kind of guy so you don’t try and pay much mind to it. 
Since you finally got to talk with Jake you see that you should leave now and probably talk with Holt, going over the plan for tomorrow.
“Well thanks for the talk Jake, I’m gonna go and talk with Captain Holt about the bust tomorrow to make sure everything is all good, so I’ll see you later. Bye Charles.” You said as you walked past him waving both Jake and Charles good bye.
Thursday 8:40pm; getting into position
“So...what was going on with you and (Y/n) yesterday in the evidence room.” Charles singed, wiggling his eyebrows at Jake.
Jake just pulled a creeped out face, because this was something Charles does most of the time when he opens his mouth. Jake just stayed silent in the driver's seat of his car looking forward towards the building where the bust was going down. 
“So Charles, how's your life going.” Jake blurted out wanting to avoid talking about himself.
Obviously Charles didn’t notice so he just went on a rambling spree about random things going on in his life at the moment.
Jake just started to slowly zone out because he knew whatever Charles was saying he would rather not know about it.
“Man this is taking forever.” Jake sighed out.
It’s been probably almost two hours of just sitting in the car with Charles going on different tangents about something random. Jake was just hoping that nothing bad was happening, as long as there weren't any type of radio calls. 
It seemed like it was going fine until…
“All units go in! Now!” Captain Holt’s voice sounded through the coms yelling at everyone to rush towards the building where loud gunshots were heard.
Jake’s anxiety spiked, worried that something happened to either you or Rosa, two of his friends and one that was starting to be just a little more.
Jake and Charles ran towards the doors of the building, the same ones that you entered just a while ago doing your job.
Jake and Charles held their guns up, sweeping the perimeter for drug dealers with weapons. Jake told Charles to split up to sweep the building faster, so Jake went right and Charles went left.
As Jake got to one room he started to hear loud gasps, almost like someone was trying to catch their breath. As Jake walked further in, he saw that there was a body on the floor with crimson liquid spilling around them. 
Jake ran to the person, dropping to the floor on his knees and turning them over so he was able to see their face; and when he saw your face draining of color his heart dropped to his stomach.
“(Y/n)...hey (Y/n) come on, stay awake for me; You’re gonna be okay.” Jake whispered close to your face making sure your breathing was still there.
Your breaths were coming in shallow not wanting to waste what little energy you had left at the moment. You turned your head slightly, leaning into Jake’s body wanting to feel his body warmth since yours was dropping fast causing you to shutter. Blood was spilling from the corner of your mouth staining the path red.
“Jake...Jake please don’t leave me.” You whispered out with a glimpse of fear coming forward.
Jake just quietly shushed you telling you everything was going to be okay, just slowly petting your hair.
He cupped your face making you keep your focus on him and only him at this moment.
“(Y/n), look at me. Everything is going to okay, the ambulance is coming and they are going to take you to the hospital and fix you up. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Jake choked out.
You smiled at Jake, feeling the tears spill out of your eyes causing a choking feeling to get stuck in your throat.
“I’m really happy that you’re my partner Jake.” You whispered to him, feeling your eyes become heavy.
Jake must have noticed the way your eyes were dropping that he needed to keep you awake because he started to shake you and call out your name, but everything just started to sound like you were underwater.
Friday 8am; The Hospital
The beeping of machines slowly brought you out of your deep slumber. Your eyes felt like they weigh 100 pounds causing you to strain a bit just trying to pry them open. They also just felt gross, you probably had eye boogers and maybe tear stains on your face from when you were crying in Jake’s lap.
Slowly, but surely you were able to get your eyes to open up to the fluorescent lighting of your hospital room. You moved your head around to look around your small hospital room and when you looked toward the door you saw that someone was sitting in the one chair close to you. 
“Jake.” You called out, but your voice was basically gone, just a tiny squeak came from your throat. 
Jake was asleep in the chair, which probably wasn’t very comfortable especially with the weird position that he was in. You saw that he was close enough that you could probably poke him or something to grab his attention. You were moving your fingers very slowly so as to not bring any unwanted pain to your body.
As you slowly go, your fingers moving to grab onto just a bit of Jake’s shirt to tug it; you moved a bit too far or fast it didn’t matter to you all you knew was that a white hot pain shot through your body causing you to cry out in pain.
Jake probably heard your cry because you felt his hand on your shoulder asking what happened.
“I was trying to grab your attention, probably just moved too much.” You spoke out.
You looked up and saw that Jake was just staring at with a slight smirk to his mouth. His eyes looked like they had tiny stars in them with the way they twinkled across your facial features. You moved your left arm up slowly allowing for you to rest your hand on his cheek, moving your thumb back and forward over his smooth skin.
“Thank you...for saving me back there.” You croaked out of your dried throat.
Jake smiles down at you, moving his right hand to be placed on top of yours.
It’s finally pointed towards me for once.
“No need to thank me (Y/n); I’m your partner after all.” Jake stated without any hesitation.
That one word caused you to be brought back to reality; making you tense for a moment, but long enough for Jake to notice.
“Um...where is everyone else?”
“Oh, um they’re at the station right now. I came here first before stopping at work. I wanted to make sure that you were okay and awake, and since you are I should probably go to the Captain so that way everyone else can stop by.” Jake spoke, starting to back away, causing your hand to slip away and fall back on your bed.
“Okay well, I hope to see you again soon Jake...at the precinct.” You replied startled.
Jake grabbed his jacket from the chair putting it on and walked towards the door of your room until he stopped and turned around looking at you.
“Um...I’ll make sure to come by after work to see how you're feeling; if you're okay with that.” Jake asked you.
You smiled to yourself, having to resist a full blown grin splitting your face.
“Yea, that works for me!” You almost shouted.
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inkperch · 3 years
Lady Bird and Magpie, C1D1
I’m in a Lady Bird and Magpie mood, so have a sneak preview of chapter 1! It’s only half finished, gotta write the fight-y parts still and then go back and clean everything up, but here you go! (also, finally figured out how to do Line Breaks!)
Winter Schnee woke up, and immediately wished she hadn’t. It couldn’t be later than seven, her alarm had yet to go off, yet already Kay and Robbie were at each other’s throats, Rose hesitantly trying to mediate. In her half-asleep haze, she vaguely tried to follow, catching a few stray words as she tried to drift back to sleep for a few more moments of plausible deniability regarding her team. Of course, even considering it was massively irresponsible- she was the leader, it was her job to break up such disputes, even if they happened with irritating frequency. And besides, now her alarm was ringing, if nothing else she needed to turn that off.
“What are you two arguing about?”
Kay and Robbie both whirled to face her as she sat up in bed with a stretch, with a guilty smile and an annoyed glare respectively.
“Sorry Win, we just had an… uh… academic dispute?” Kay tried, scratching the back of his head nervously.
For once, Robbie didn’t take the chance to rat him out, simply scowling at everyone and throwing herself onto her top bunk, above Winter’s own. Hopefully, she’d be done sulking by the time classes started, Winter didn’t have the energy for another fight this week. She’d already had to start two, and it was only Thursday. Kay dropped onto his bunk, picking up a discarded book and starting to read as though nothing had happened. Rose looked between her two friends, hesitantly trying to speak before awkwardly meeting Winter’s eyes. Taking that as a cue to leave, Winter grabbed her uniform from the closet and headed into the bathroom to change.
When she was done, instead of lingering in her dorm and finding a way to kill and hour, as her team was no doubt doing, she headed out. The library was only a short walk from their dorms, so if she were quick, she may get some light studying done before class. Maybe she’d even treat herself, and pickup a recreational book for study breaks? She was feeling particularly whimsical today, despite the rough start…
So lost in thought, she nearly didn’t notice the old man crossing her path until it was to late, forcing her to rapidly push herself out of the way with her glyphs, sending her over him in a perfectly executed front flip.
“I’m so sorry sir! I didn’t see you there!” Winter said, head bowed, “What are you doing on Atlas Academy’s campus so early, today? Can I assist you in any way?”
“You’re a polite one, aren’t you?” The man said, a small smile gracing his face, “I’m just going for a stroll. My son attended here in his youth, and… well, I heard there’s a memorial to… former students on the grounds.”
“Oh.” The old man was on the wrong end of campus for the memorial. It was the centrepiece of a garden on the opposite end of the dorms, Winter often went there to study in peace. “I can escort you there, if you wish?”
“Oh, I’d hate to be an inconvenience, I’m sure I’ll make my way there eventually,”
“You’d be no inconvenience, really,” Winter lied, “I owe you besides, for nearly running into you before,”
“No harm no foul, really,” The old man insisted, “But, if you insist… I think I’m a little lost?”
“Yes, very- this way sir.”
Robyn stood up and stretched as her final teacher of the day dismissed the bored Grimm Studies class. Well, Robyn was bored. Fiona had seemed pretty attentive, despite May and Jo arm wrestling right next to her. Speaking of Fiona- Robyn gave a quiet ‘thanks’ as she scooped all of team RGMT’s books into her Semblance. Robyn waved her team on ahead with a smile and headed off to the library. She had an assignment to complete for her Weapon Maintenance class, on the maintenance of the Atlas Military’s regulation weapons. So, utterly useless to her, but she still needed a passing grade in the class, so to the library it was.
At least, that was the plan- as she was walking across the campus a giant thing seemingly made out of paper charged into campus and started smashing buildings.
Okay. So it was that kinda day.
Like most of the students lurking around campus, Robyn pulled out her crossbow and started blasting. Presumably, some idiot had let a Geist get into the library or something for a dumb prank, its shell seemed to be entirely paper, so Fire Dust was the way to go, right? That seemed the general consensus, as an honestly impressive volley of flaming projectiles flew towards the Geist. Still, somehow, the paper didn’t light, and not one student got a lucky hit on its mask. Wait. Where was its mask? It should be visible- if not when they started, it should’ve whirled to face them by now. Where was the mask?
Why did it seem bigger than when they started?
“I am Payback! Turn over the Schnee and the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous, or die!”
…the courtyard was silent enough you could hear a pin drop. This- this wasn’t a Grimm. It couldn’t be a Grimm- it was talking! Whatever the giant fire-proof-paper monster was, it wasn’t a Geist. It had to be... something else! A semblance, or a robot, or... or some weird experiment! And, just in case that wasn’t enough to fuck someone up, it threw an arm out and sent a wave of fire back into the stunned crowd. So, the giant fuck-off paper monster wasn’t a Grimm and could deflect their shit. Just perfect.
Luckily for the stunned students in range of the attack, a giant glyph appeared and, through it, a massive, white, Nevermore took the brunt the wall of fire, disappearing in one hit. Winter Schnee stood proudly, sword aloft.
“If you want a Schnee, here I am!”
Ok, so, the Schnee heiress has a death wish, good to know. Robyn was about to run forward to help, because of course she was, when an ominous cracking sound came from behind her. Turning around, she saw a tall old man, with a cane just out of his reach, underneath an ominously leaning statue. It looked like it had been hit by a stray spout of fire, knocking it off balance on its pedestal. She dashed forward as the statue came tumbling down- shit, she wouldn’t have time to grab him and leave, this was gonna hurt. She unfurled her weapon into its shield mode and held it above her head, catching the large statue more on her aura than her arms.
“Run!” She yelled, kicking his cane into his reach. Not the most tactful approach but fuck it she had a massive statue on her back, she could apologise when he was safe. The old man grasped his cane and dragged himself from under the statue. As she shoved it to the side with a pulse of her aura, he stared at the Schnee morosely, before turning back to her.
“Miss Hill, was it?” he asked, blue eyes piercingly sharp.
“…yeah? You ok, sir?”
“I was not. I have you to thank for my saving. A humbling experience to be sure.” His hand hovered over his earrings, two plain black studs. “…this experience has reminded me of something a dear friend has been trying to tell me for a long time.”
“Um. Ok.” Robyn nodded, and accepted that random information. The old man was probably slightly in shock, if she’d been a second slower, he’d be a goo right now. “Where can I take you to be safe?”
“No where, if that Akuma isn’t stopped.” He pulled out his earrings, which… changed colour? They turned from plain black studs to bright red gems. That… didn’t look like Dust? His semblance, maybe? “Your semblance… it shows you whether the other party is speaking truthfully, does it not?”
Robyn couldn’t help but feel like she was making a massive mistake as she nodded, and followed his beckoning gesture into the covered garden, casting anxious glances to where the Schnee was fighting. He turned back to face her, hand outstretched. She took it.
“What is your favourite Fairy tale?”
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
if i could keep cool | 2
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto / Reader
length: 20,322 words / 6 chapters
summary: A villain attacks Shouto Todoroki’s apartment and kidnaps what he apparently believes to be Todoroki’s secret lover. The bad news—for both you and the villain in question—is that you’re just there to clean the place. That’s how it starts.
tags: romance, reader-insert, accidental sugar daddy shouto, misunderstandings
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut
You spent the next week with your stomach in knots.
Why had you told Shouto Todoroki to go fuck himself? He was being a total asshole, sure, but couldn’t you have kept your cool for like thirty seconds? He was going to call your boss at the cleaning service and tell her exactly what you had said to him, and then not only would you be dismissed from service at his apartment, but then you’d be so fucking fired from your entire job. You could kiss more than your Netflix subscription and fresh vegetables goodbye--your whole food and rent budget was going to hemorrhage and bleed dry.
You’d clocked into your next few shifts with baited breath, just waiting for the moment your boss demanded to speak with you in her office, shock and disappointment twisting her matronly features. Only, the entire week passed, and the call never seemed to come.
Even more confusingly, no guidance had seemed to be issued at all about the fact that you weren’t welcome in Todoroki’s apartment anymore. Your manager never said anything, never spoke to you about reassignment or a schedule change, had only asked if you felt well enough to continue to pick up your shifts in the week after the incident. She’d made a little quip about hazard pay, but hadn’t even acknowledged the incident beyond that.
So when the next Thursday rolled around and your morning lecture let out, you had no idea if you were supposed to head over to Todoroki’s apartment or not.
You stood outside the lecture hall, considering. On the one hand, you could call and ask your manager exactly what the expectations were. On the other, however, if she didn’t already know, then you telling her was going to surface the fact that he’d fired you, and that was going to lead to a more uncomfortable conversation about your employment overall. But maybe she did know, and just hadn’t mentioned it to you? What if Todoroki had just assumed that you would tell her, though, and they would send someone else in your place? If no one showed up to clean, he was going to call, and then you were going to get fired.
You started a slow path towards his apartment. Maybe you could just show up to check and see if any of your coworkers had been sent in your place. And if they hadn’t, you could finish out your last shift there. Besides, the schedule had been set specifically for when he was supposed to be out of the apartment, so it wasn’t like he was going to be there to see that it was you who was doing the cleaning. You could grab the last of the hefty tips and store that up for when you had to switch out with someone in the next week. And then all would be solved, and your Netflix subscription was the only thing that would really suffer for it.
You tapped your foot nervously as you rode the train further into downtown where he lived. Come to think of it, no one had asked you to pass off the keys to his place. Had he really not told your manager that he’d given you the boot?
The flames of your suspicion were fanned when security in the lobby of his building seemed unphased by your presence, and were confirmed when you took the elevator up to his floor and unlocked his door to peek through--none of your coworkers were in sight.
He hadn’t told anyone.
You took a few nervous steps into the apartment, shutting the door quietly behind you. You shouldered off your backpack, dumping it on one of the high stools at the kitchen island and looked around curiously. The glass from the shattered windows had been swept up, and the windows already replaced. Nothing else appeared out of order, no other evidence that the last time you’d been in here, you’d been kidnapped and almost killed.
The thought sent a shiver down your spine. You’d clean this place at lightning speed, grab your tip, and peace the absolute fuck out before anything more could happen.
You ducked down under the kitchen sink to fish out your usual supplies, pulling on a pair of gloves and grabbing the duster, a microfiber cloth, and a couple of the disinfectants and solutions. You had just piled it all on the counter and were reaching down to grab more when you heard the soft snick of a door opening.
You immediately ducked down behind the counter, and your arm shot out to grab a bottle of windex like it would do anything to protect you from whoever was approaching the kitchen with quiet footsteps. Maybe you could spray it in their eyes and make a run for it.
You stared in the direction of the footfalls, heart beating wildly in your chest.
There was a pause, and then a deep voice issued from over the counter top. “I know you’re there.”
You bit back a swear. You knew that voice, and this was even worse than encountering another villain in his apartment.
Slowly, you climbed to your feet, stomach sinking. That pair of two-toned eyes fixed on you unblinkingly, and a carefully-crafted mask of blank stillness slid over his handsome features. It was too deliberate, and your last hope that maybe he wouldn’t remember you was snuffed out like a candle in the wind.
“I, uh, thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” you said by way of explanation, cringing. You were so absolutely fucked.
He considered you carefully. You noted he was wearing a deep blue button up over white trousers, which was decidedly not his hero uniform, and any hope of him being on his way out to patrol was similarly extinguished.
“I owe you an apology,” he said quietly.
You startled so violently that you dropped the windex. “W-what?”
His eyes tracked you closely, and you felt like you might burst into flame from the intensity of his focus. “I was...mistaken about who you were.”
You stared at him incredulously. How could he be mistaken about who you were if he had no damn idea in the first place?
Your confusion must have shown clearly on your face, because he sighed. “My manager schedules the cleaning days. I didn’t realize that you were--that is to say, I thought you were a fan who had broken in and managed to get kidnapped while you were at it.”
You gaped. He’d thought you were a crazy fan? Suddenly, his comments about your stupidity and you invading his privacy made complete sense. Maybe just after being rescued was not the time for him to have made those comments, but you could see why he had, if he’d thought you had forced your way into his home and had been in the process of going through his things before you were surprised by a villain.
“Oh, I, um...nope. Not a fan,” you managed. Well, yes a fan, but not in a breaking and entering kind of a way. And not a fan in the last week. Your twitter, which had previously featured the occasional retweeted shot of his abs, had now been filled with a lot of anti-Todoroki content, including one truly horrible picture of him photoshopped with a half ice, half flame beard, looking horrendously like his father.
Todoroki let out a slow breath, and you thought you could see it mist in the apartment air. Was his quirk acting up? He must still be annoyed, regardless.
“Well glad that’s cleared up now. I’ll just, uh, go then,” you said, grabbing an armful of the cleaning supplies and shoving it back under the sink hastily. When you stood back up, you almost had a heart attack, as he had rounded the counter so quietly that you hadn’t heard him, and was now standing in between you and your escape.
“Wait,” he said, looking uncomfortable. “I want to make up for what I said to you. You...didn’t deserve that, especially not right after you’d just been kidnapped by a villain.”
You eyed the space between his hip and the counter, wondering if you should make a break for it anyway, and if his hero reflexes were fast enough to stop you. The air in the apartment was growing increasingly discomfiting and it was clear Todoroki hated this.
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. You saved me, we can call it even.”
Something flashed behind his eyes. “It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I'd like to apologize properly.”
Your own sense of shame slowly crept up on you and your face burned as you suddenly remembered the way you’d told him to go fuck himself. He’d been a douche to you, yes, but he’d literally saved your life and you’d told him to go fuck himself.
You accidentally blurted as much. “You don’t actually have to go fuck yourself.”
He stared at you, and your cheeks heated. Jesus Christ, you needed to leave.
“Uh, I mean. You saved my life,” you babbled, suddenly desperate to put conversational distance from the phrase go fuck yourself. “And yeah what you said to me was super rude, but what I said to you was also super rude. So, um, I’m sorry too. And I really would just like to call it even and forget about it because it’s super embarrassing for both of us and I could literally die thinking about it.”
You could admit, now, that you knew it had been extra embarrassing for him. Even though it wasn’t your fault, in the past week, you’d seen nothing but headlines exploring the rumors that Todoroki had a secret lover. Luckily your name had been kept out of things, but even you could tell it was costing his agency a lot not to just throw the real story out there and the contact details to your cleaning service to calm the media firestorm.
You could only imagine how uncomfortable things could get for you if all of Japan got wind of what had happened, and just what you’d said to him afterwards.
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” Todoroki said, and you tilted your head in question.
“Hadn’t planned on what?”
“Fucking myself,” he clarified, looking serious, and you choked on a laugh.
A small smile tugged at his mouth, then, and some of your discomfort with him evaporated. So the hero had a sense of humor.
“Oh, well that’s good, then," you said. Then you added, "That’s probably a job for your actual secret lover.”
He raised a white eyebrow. “Not you, too.”
You threw him a smile. “But I have evidence. I saw that homemade soup in your fridge once with the love note attached.”
It took him a moment, but then Todoroki smirked. “Ah yes. That secret lover.”
“Cute pet name, too,” you said.
Todoroki let out a low laugh. “You fucking fuck, was it?”
You laughed too, tension easing from your shoulders. Maybe Todoroki wasn’t all bad, then. He had a sense of humor, it seemed, and he’d apologized to you for what he’d said. Maybe you wouldn’t be fired after all, and you could just peacefully transfer your shifts without any blowback from your manager. You could probably weasel your way into a friend’s Netflix account anyway. You’d miss the vegetables, though.
“As it happens, however, I did already plan more of an apology,” Todoroki said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You looked up at him, your brow furrowing. “You planned...more of an apology?”
He gestured to a tall vase of white tulips on the kitchen counter. They hadn’t been there any of your previous shifts, but you hadn’t really taken note of them when you’d walked in today. You’d just assumed they were sent by a fan or something.
“I’ve been told that they mean forgiveness and new beginnings. I had hoped that we might...start over,” he said. He looked a little self conscious again.
“I didn’t bring you any flowers,” you blurted.
He coughed suddenly, like he was stifling a surprised laugh. “I hadn’t expected them.”
Your eyes were drawn back to the tulips. They were pretty, their petals thick and full like they had just been about to bloom before they were picked, and they were stark white, like fresh snow, or the right half of Todoroki’s distinctive mop of hair. You hadn’t ever been given flowers before, except for the time you’d graduated middle school. Flowers from your aunt didn’t really count, though.
“Thank you,” you said, looking back up at Todoroki. He was watching you closely, and you felt embarrassment prickle over your skin at being stared at with such intensity. Was he always this intense? Various twitter memes had suggested yes, but it was one thing to know it abstractly and another to experience it in real life, especially when he was even more overwhelming to look at in person.
Now that your anger with him had burned away, you could admit that Shouto Todoroki was way too handsome for anyone’s good, least of all yours. He was tall, leanly muscled, and broad across the shoulders with a trim waist and impossibly long legs. His face, too, was almost unreal, so carefully and perfectly structured with a high-bridged nose, a soft, sensuous mouth, and bright, intelligent eyes. Even the scar only added interest, and did absolutely nothing to detract from the striking beauty of his features.
It was honestly a surprise that you’d managed to get any words out around him at all. You supposed you had the novelty of the situation you’d found yourself in to thank for that. If you’d met him under any other circumstances you probably would have choked on your own tongue and tried to disappear as fast as you could manage.
Pretty boys were not your area of expertise.
“I also wanted to make it clear that I didn’t mean what I said,” Todoroki added in his low tone. “About your being unwelcome here. I don’t intend to interfere with your employment.”
You considered him in surprise. Did this mean...you weren’t resigned to ramen for the next two semesters?
“That’s good to hear, thank you,” you said. Then you smiled, feeling charitable. “As you can see, though, it didn’t really deter me.”
Todoroki smirked. “If I hadn���t seen the cleaning supplies already on the counter, I would be concerned that you’d come back for revenge.”
“There’s still time,” you joked. “Maybe I was going to play the long game and fill all the bottles with Sprite.”
He let out another surprised laugh. “I hope the flowers are enough of a deterrent.”
You looked over the flowers again, then smiled up at him. “The bribe has been accepted. Your countertops are safe from me.” You paused, then added, “For now.”
Something strangely like a challenge glinted in his eyes. “Be warned that I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my countertops.”
“You don’t even use them,” you complained, “I can tell. But message received, I’ll spare them.” Your eyes searched back over them, and it dawned on you that you hadn’t been fired, and should probably actually be cleaning them if you intended to keep the job after all. “Now clear out, I do actually have to clean them now.”
Todoroki allowed himself to be bullied out of the kitchen fairly easily, though he didn’t go far.
He took a seat in the living room, which thanks to the open floor plan of his modern apartment, allowed him to supervise you easily enough. He pulled down a book from one of his shelves, but either it was super boring or he wasn’t any good at pretending to read, as it stayed flipped open to the first page for a very long time, and you thought you caught more than the occasional flash of curious grey and blue from the corner of your eye.
He didn’t last long past the first hour of pretending to read, however, and eventually wandered back over to sit at the island while you worked. He launched into a series of questions about you, and seemed genuinely curious about you now that he’d confirmed for himself that you weren’t a crazy stalker fan.
You couldn’t understand why he seemed so interested, but you found yourself telling him anything he wanted to know, detailing your classes, your cranky roommate, your job at the cleaning service to feed you during the semester, the fattie deal on broccoli you’d scored at the grocery store last week, and finally your hobbies including your love of reading, though you hadn’t had much time or budget for books since the school year began. You made sure to steer clear of any mention of your twitter, though, and the multitude of ab shots and recent slew of anti-Todoroki content on it. There was only so much of your life that could be shared with a celebrity hero.
Eventually, you’d covered all your usual ground, and had shouldered on your backpack to leave for the night, but Todoroki stopped you, and insisted on calling you a car home as it had gotten dark. You tried to decline, but on this point he seemed adamant, and not long after you found yourself bundled into the backseat of an agency car, vase of white tulips clutched in your hands.
It was only after you’d let yourself into your apartment and set down the tulips and your bag that you discovered a much thicker bundle of a tip than usual tucked into the side pocket of your backpack. You blanched as you unfolded the bills, staring somewhat stupidly down at the amount. A slim note had been tucked into the fold of the bills, and though you weren’t familiar with the neat handwriting and hadn’t even seen him go for a pen and paper, the note for vegetables was so clearly from Todoroki.
Worse, it told you that Todoroki had actually been listening to your ramblings, and you wondered what other weird things you’d said that had caught his interest enough for him to remember. You hoped nothing else, and that he’d forget it all soon enough anyway. You’d made nice now, but it wasn’t like you guys were going to be fast friends or anything.
You considered the money for a long while, then picked out the amount that was usually left out for you and added it to your wallet. Torodoki had admitted earlier that his manager handled the cleaning service scheduling, and it was likely she was typically responsible for leaving a tip aside for you as well. Todoroki probably didn’t know how much she usually left, and as much as you desperately wanted to pocket the rest of the cash and make a break for the nearest vegetable aisle, you felt weird accepting it.
You could return it during your shift early next week, and that would close out the weird fever dream that the past week had been.
And then, you could finally get back to normal.
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