#i have to be honest with you i’m doing my work these days and i DO NOT want to be but i’m doing it anyway
jiarkives · 3 days
can you babysit our child?
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — you ask nanami if he can babysit your child while you go out.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — nanami kento (jujutsu kaisen)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — fluff, ooc nanami (?), no pronouns used but kinda leaning towards fem
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — i just had an idea and wrote it,,, no edit whatsoever 😶‍🌫️
Recently, Nanami’s students showed you an application called TikTok and you had been hooked to it, to say the least. Whenever you had free time, you would scroll on the app for hours on end.
And while scrolling one time, you came across a certain video of a couple and decided to test it out on Nanami to see how he would react.
“Hey, Ken?” You called out to your husband from the living room as you played with your toddler in her playpen. “Can you come here for a sec?”
“Yes, hon?” Nanami stepped into the living room from the kitchen where he had been cooking your lunch for the past hour or so, his apron still tied around his waist and the sleeves of his sweatshirt folded haphazardly up to his forearms.
“So I have an appointment with my nail tech tomorrow, right?” You reminded. “And Shoko and I decided to go out for a girl’s day.”
“The one you told me about over dinner three nights ago?” God help you, he even remembered when you told him. “Do you need something, hon? You know you can just take my card, right? You know where my wallet is.”
“No, no, but that is a tempting offer, admittedly, but no.” You grinned. “But I was just wondering, since I’d be gone the whole day tomorrow, maybe you can babysit our child?”
His eyebrows were immediately drawn together at your words and admittedly, a part of you thought he would turn you down and so you spoke quickly, “It’s alright if you can’t though. I can just reschedule my nail appointment and with Shoko.”
“No, it’s not that. You should go, hon, you deserve a break,” he told you in assurance, but his brows are still furrowed. “But why are you saying it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Babysitting,” he said. “You asked me to babysit our child.”
“Well, yeah, because I’d be out tomorrow and someone needs to take care of our child, you know?” You said, feigning nonchalance.
“Honey, I want you to be honest with me. Have I been making you feel neglected lately?” He asked worriedly, stepping closer to you and even going as far as sitting beside you on the floor. “I know I’ve been working overtime the past few days. Have you been feeling lonely because of that?”
Now, it was your turn to be confused.
“No, why’d you ask?”
“You asked me to babysit our child,” he reiterated. “Hon, I am the father of our child. I will take care of them the way a father should, and not just babysit them like I’mm being paid to do so.”
You were about to speak, but he cut you off, “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately, but I’ll make it up to you two, alright? I promise.”
“Ken.” You giggled, throwing your arms around him. “It was a prank. I saw it on TikTok the other day.”
“Honey.” He sighed.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You jutted your bottom lip out as you pulled away. “But I love you so much, oh my god.”
“I love you too.” A small smile grew on his face. “But don’t ever do that again.”
He stood and moved to go back to the kitchen, but paused to turn to you, “And you’re definitely taking my card now.”
Well, your child is definitely going to have a new sibling soon.
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jedi-luca · 2 days
Avenger Lane Chapter 13 PT 1: Ignite The Love
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis
Previous Chapter
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“Santana what the fuck?!” Quinn yelped, holding her cheek.
“You lying cheating bitch! You let your mother ruin Y/N’s career and got with Berry?!”
“I- I tried to stop her-“
“Stop lying Fabray or I swear I’ll punch you and knock out those perfect teeth.”
“She wanted me to go to Yale, and she knew if Y/N went to MIT they would leave me and Beth.”
“You should know Y/N wouldn’t have just dropped you both. Especially Beth. You’re blaming your mom because you secretly wanted that too! You know what Fabray you’re a sorry excuse for a person. I can’t believe you did this to Y/N. B we’re leaving.”
Santana muttered in Spanish as she walked out of the house. 
“If you’re looking for Y/N they’re next door.” 
The two wives looked over to see Wanda.
“Pretty sure they need clothes.”
“B go pack a bag for Y/N I already stormed off I can’t go back in there without smacking Fabgay around again.”
Normally Brittany would roll her eyes playfully her wife and Quinn would fight all the time, but this was different. The blonde walked back inside.
“I’m getting Y/N some clothes.” 
“I’ll help you, I know they’re favorites.” Quinn muttered. She stood walking upstairs with Brittany. Quinn set your toiletries aside and packed your clothes thought not too many she did want to see you again soon.
“Why?” Brittany couldn’t help but ask.
Quinn began crying as she zipped the bag. “Because I’m a selfish bitch who keeps self sabotaging.”
“Y/N is one of the kindest sweetest people and you hurt them so much for so long.”
Quinn inhaled trying not to sob.
“Why Rachel?”
“I don’t know…”
“You seriously need help Quinn. You need to answer for your actions.”
“I can’t lose, Y/N.”
“You already did… you need to let them go. Let Y/N move on before this gets worse. Think of the girls.”
“I am thinking of them! They- We can’t lose Y/N.”
“Then you need to do some soul work and pray that Y/N gives you another chance.”
With that Brittany took the suitcase full of your things and made her way outside.
Quinn knew Brittany was right; she can’t just sit and cry about it. She needs to figure out how to win you back.
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“I’m sorry Y/N.” Santana said softly as you placed some shorts and a hoodie on.
“Don’t be, you didn’t ruin my marriage.” You grumbled. “Hell wouldn’t be surprised if she poked a hole in the condom.”
You didn't really think that but to be honest you don’t know what to believe anymore.
“Want me to beat Berry up?” Santana offered.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Nah.”
“What are you going to do?” Brittany asked softly.
“I- I don’t know… a part of me wants to take the girls and go back home…but I can’t do that. It’ll
crush my parents if they find out what she did.” you rub your head and groan you really wanted your mother.
Suddenly Leho jumped up and on your lap purring, getting you to pet her.
“If you want to go home you can and if not you can stay here for as long as you’d like. You have a lot to digest.” Natasha rubbed your arm trying to be of some comfort. Santana caught the way you squeezed her hand. She doesn’t know when but she knows in her heart you and Natasha will be together one day. She kind of hopes it happens.
Her focus went to her wife who nudged her. 
‘Tell them.’ She mouthed.
“It was- her mother that put the idea in her head.”
“Judy?” Your head snapped up looking at your friends for confirmation. 
“Quinn just admitted it.” Santana added.
“What a witch.” Natasha muttered.
You are so angry you don’t even know what to do anymore. You really wanna get so fucked up the whole day will be a blur, but you know you shouldn’t. You know that’s a slippery slope. 
“Thank you for telling me.” You mutter.
“If we knew we would have told you a long time ago.” Santana says softly.
You nod and turn to Brittany. “Did you happen to get my gym clothes?”
“Yes.” She says opting out that Quinn packed it.
“Thank you both but I think I’m going to go for a run and just the gym I need to let this out in a more constructive way.”
“Don’t overdo it like in high school Y/L/N.”
“Y/N ran themselves into exhaustion and passed out on the bleachers when they found out about Quinn’s first pregnancy.” Brittany explained.
“I’ll call you later and you better answer me.” Santana warned as she stood with Brittany they each hugged you goodbye. “Thanks big Red for taking care of Y/N.”
“Of course.” Natasha couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle.
Brittany hugs Natasha speaking near her ear. “I know you like Y/N but I wouldn’t try anything until the divorce is final. Quinn will stop at nothing to win them back.”
Natasha, stunned, nods her head as the blonde takes her wife’s hand as they walk out hand in hand.
You quickly shove your gym shoes on when a note falls out. You sigh angrily as you read it.
‘I know you need to be away from me but please come back soon. We can work through this. I love you - Q’
You roll your eyes as you stand up.
“I can come with you? Or meet you at the gym?”
“I think I need to be alone with my thoughts.”
“Of course.” She nods in understanding.
“Thank you Natasha for everything.” 
With that you shut the door and began jogging towards the gym.
Natasha sighs before taking your suitcase upstairs to the guest room. She sets it down on the bed before taking it out it’s contents. She set your toiletries in the bathroom, and began sorting your clothes in the drawers when she ran across a note from Quinn.
I’m sorry please come home baby we can work through this. Please don’t give up on me.
Natasha rolls her eyes and stuffs the note in her pocket. She’s more than sure you wouldn’t want to see it. Natasha makes her way back downstairs to the kitchen. She knows you’ll probably be starving by the time you come back.
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You were punching the heavy bag when your watch dinged.
‘If you’re ass is still at the gym I will call Natasha to drag you out!’ - Santana
You sigh it’s been at least 4 hours you need to call it before you can’t move.
“Hey Y/N.” Korg smiled, handing you a smoothie.
You reach for it but hiss in pain as you try to lift your arm.
“Yeaaaah, you’ve been punching that bag for an hours now. I figured that would happen.”
He led you to the ice baths and helped you in. You hissed sitting down in the tub. Once you’ve
gotten settled. He helped you drink from the straw.
“So cold.” Your teeth chattered.
“Yeah cold drink and an ice bath probably don't mix.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded, shivering, feeling the strain in your muscles fade away.
“So wanna taco bout it?” He asked. 
“Not really.” You shook your head.
“Okay, but you should probably talk about it with someone. Working out for 4 hours is probably not too good for the body. Just 30 more seconds and we’ll get you out.”
Once your time was up you got in some Revenger Bod sweats and a hoodie and Korg took you back to Natasha’s in the golf cart.
“Thanks Korg.” You say before getting out.
“Of course bruv remember to heat and ice your shoulders.”
You nod and make your way up the driveway to Natasha’s house.
You don’t even knock before she opens the door bringing you in a hug.
“I was getting so worried.” She said squeezing you. “You’re shivering.” She said looking you over. “Come on.”
You feel her lead you towards the kitchen table before disappearing and popping back inside with a blanket.
“Thank you.” You say softly as she wraps it around you. Leho jumps on your lap.
“Let me heat up your food.” She replies.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Her brows are furrowed as she heats your food up.
“Worrying you, bringing this drama to your doorstep.”
“Don’t apologize, I don't want it nor need it.” She brings your plate over, setting down one of your favorite comfort meals.
“You made-“
“I figured something comforting is what you needed.”
You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore you brought her against you crying against her taut stomach. She ran her fingers through your hair as the other rubbed the middle of your back.
“It’s okay detka.” She says softly as you squeeze her tightly. “Shhh don’t cry over her anymore. She doesn’t deserve your tears.” She grabs the cloth napkin wiping your tears away, and moves a chair right next to you.
She kisses your temple softly before whispering for you to eat.
You try to move your arms and they wobble as you try to use the silverware.
“Y/N please don’t do this to yourself again.” She says softly, taking your hands, noticing how red and slightly bloody they are. She walks over to the sink heating up a couple of clean rags. She rang them out before walking back over to you.
She wrapped them around your knuckles and began to feed you.
“Natasha please I can-“
“Y/N.” She warned, giving you a glare. You shut up and let her feed you. 
Once you ate and drank a couple glasses of water she led you to your guest room.
“Wanna get some rest? I know it’s still early, but I could put something on maybe-“
“Stay with me?”
“Okay.” She smiled and you both got in bed while she played one of your favorite comfort movies.
Soon you were lightly snoring away. She paused the movie about to leave you in your slumber when you wrapped an arm around her. “Please don’t go.”
“I’ll stay as long as you want me too.” She whispered as you pulled her close. She pecked your forehead before turning in your arms.
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Natasha woke in the middle of the night to your head on her stomach. She chuckled lightly seeing your feet off the bed. You seemed to be somewhat of a crazy sleeper. She lightly placed a pillow under your head before slipping out of bed and into the bathroom. 
When she walked in the bedroom she spotted you against the headboard.
“Hey.” She smiled making her way to the bed. “Did I wake you?”
“Hmhm.” You shook your head.
She raised her brow.
“Okay maybe a bit. Mainly my muscles they’re so sore it hurts.” 
“I’ll be right back.” She nods.
A few minutes later she walks in with a glass of water and some aspirin.
“Here this should help a bit.”
“Thank you.” You reply by taking the medicine when she pats a spot in the middle of the bed.
“Sit here for me.”
You comply scooching over when she hands you the remote. You can feel her sit behind you as you put on a nature show. “Ohhh fuck that’s good.” You groan as she begins massaging your shoulders and arms with some tiger balm.
She smirks hearing you moan in approval. She bites her lip feeling your muscles beneath her hands. She briefly imagines running her fingers down your back while you’re on top of her hitting her special spot.
“Your hands are magic.”
She smiles and begins working every knot and sore from your neck to your shoulders, arms and hands. 
“Lay down.” She says softly near your ear. 
It makes your abs twitch a bit. You quickly grab a pillow and lie down when you feel her hands on your calves.
“Ohhhh fuuuuuuck!” You shake under her fingers as she massages the soreness away. She works for a while on your muscled calves when she straddles your legs and begins working up your thighs.
“Ooooh God that’s good.” You moan against the pillow and you know you’re definitely got a semi right now. It’s hard not to have one when you have full body chills from this massage.
“Want me to work on your glutes?”
“Would it be weird if I said yes?” You chuckled looking back at her.
“No.” She smirked before grabbing your two cheeks. Soooo tight and firm she thinks to herself.
Your moan is so high pitched she asks if you’re okay.
“Yes sorry that spot just- you get it.” You clear your throat and she uses both hands to rub the spot on your ass that’s been killing you for ages. “Ohhh Natasha!” You moan jolting under her hands. You’re officially bricked and hope to God she won’t notice. You’re member feels very
smushed you can’t help, but reach below and try to rearrange yourself. 
“You okay need me to stop?”
“No, don't stop, I'm good just getting comfortable.” You respond.
She smirks knowing you were adjusting your large package. “Is it annoying sometimes having to arrange yourself all the time.”
You let out a deep chuckle that makes her twitch. “Kind of… especially in the summer.” You look up at a lioness mauling a buffalo hoping that will help your hard on go away.
She works on your back using her elbow to get that spot under your shoulder blade. After a few minutes you feel yourself start to doze off.
“Thank you, Nat.” You say half asleep. “You’re amazing.”
“Feel better?”
“Ready to go back to sleep.”
You nod and move back to your spot. 
She can’t help but notice the slight outline on your shorts. Natasha quickly averts her eyes, biting her lip.
“I should probably use the bathroom real quick.” You mutter making your way in. You quickly pee and feel your staff soften.
Natasha chuckles lying down as she hears the faucet running. Placing a hand against her aching pussy she rubs herself hard a couple times to relieve the ache between her thighs just a bit until she hears the water stop.
You walk to the bed and lay down next to Natasha who curls up next to you but only her feet touch you. You lightly rub her foot before speaking. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
“I’d do it again.” She says softly pushing your hair back and away from your face. “Now sleep.”
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You wake up to Natasha’s forehead and knees against your back, her arm loosely around you.
You sleepily move on your back and she automatically cuddles against you. “Hmmm Y/N.” She hums in her sleep.
Your brow raises looking down at her as she smiles in her sleep. She’s probably just as exhausted as you are. Normally you’d wanna get up and move around but you let yourself lay still as she sleeps.
A couple hours later Natasha wakes up to find you reading up on divorce steps on your phone and Leho meowing on the bed.
“Sorry.” She mumbles sleepily.
“Don’t be sorry.” You smile, setting it aside. “How’d you sleep?”
“Really well actually.” She yawns as she stretches, catching a glimpse of her abs. Her stomach grumbles and you can’t help but laugh.
“Want me to make breakfast?”
“You don’t have to I-“
“Nat. Let me. Please? I’ll feed Leho.”
“Okay.” She smiles, still waking up watching her cat run after you.
You were making your way downstairs when your phone rang.
You answered seeing it was Mike.
“Dude you and Quinn are separated and you didn’t call me?!”
“This all just happened yesterday. I haven't even really wrapped my head around it.”
“I had to hear it from Santana, Y/N, Santana!”
“I’m sorry man I just have kind of been out of it.”
“Santana mentioned you’re at Natasha’s?”
“Yeah she just took me in…. What?”
“Nothing, it's nice of her.”
“I feel like you have more to say?”
“I mean I don’t agree with Quinn whatsoever but was she far off from the truth?”
“What are you trying to say Michael?”
“Nothing nevermind. You’re upset.”
“Say it.”
“You think maybe you two are into one another? No one would fault you. Quinn is a terrible human being. Natasha is beautiful and she seems really into you.”
“I can’t think about that stuff right now Mike. I need to focus on my separation first.”
“And that’s great but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to test the waters? You’ve been with Quinn since you were 16. I’m not saying to jump into bed. Just maybe see how compatible you two are.”
“I better go, I'm making her breakfast, and she’s going to come down soon.”
“Talk later?”
“I’ll call you.” You agree.
“Let me know if you need any chonese you can borrow mine.” Mike smirked.
“You are not even close to my size Mike.” You chuckle.
“Rude. I’m a grower not a show-er.”
“Bye Mike.”
“Talk to you soon.” He responds.
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“Momma, where's papa?” Finley asked as she ate her breakfast.
Quinn felt her heart ache. She was just glad Val kept Beth for another day. “Daddy has some things to do today.”
“Aw.” Finley pouted. “I miss papa.”
Quinn shot you off a text.
Meanwhile next door
You sighed reading the text. 
‘Fin is asking about you… please come home. We can talk about everything. We can work through this, I'm begging you.’
“She texting you?” Natasha asked as she ate her breakfast you made her.
“I know this might be a little soon but you should use the divorce lawyer Bruce and I used she just so happens to be Bruce’s cousin. Her name is Jennifer Walters she does everything. She made it very easy.”
“Yeah, if you want I can see if she’d see you today?” 
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“Okay Y/N this is gonna hurt a bit.” Jennifer cringes as she sets an affidavit down. “New York state law has a no fault clause which means you have to be separated for at least a year, but if I have enough evidence of clear irretrievable breakdown of a marriage which I believe we have then you’ll only have to be separated for at least 6 months, see a couples therapist, annnnd Quinn has to agree to it. Do you have kids together?”
“Yes, two little girls.” You answer.
“Then you’ll have to also have discussions of custody, visitation, and child support. Which seeing as you haven’t had a job in a very long time shows she will most likely get custody. I feel I could get you full custody being as you were the full time parent as she was at work most of if not all of the time. Which would also grant you spousal and child support.”
“I don’t need spousal support, we may need child support but I can get a job.”
“We’re going to get it regardless, especially after cheating and taking away your chance at M.I.T., but I do think it’s a great idea to get a job. It’ll show the judge you can take care of yourself and your girls. I also suggest getting a place of your own, but we’ll get to that when we
get there. One step at a time it’s a grueling process and sometimes can get very ugly.”
“I really don’t want this to be messy or ugly.”
“No one ever does but it happens, I just don’t want you going into this thinking she’s just going to sign. 90% of the time they don’t. She could drag this on for years if she wanted.” Jennifer cringes.
“So what’s the first step?” You ask looking at the stack of papers.
“I’m going to draw up divorce papers, and custody agreements papers. I’ll need you to send in everything you want from the divorce via email, and I’ll work it in the papers. In the meantime I would suggest staying separated.”
You nod as she stands to take your hand.
“It’s going to be a helluva ride Y/N.”
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Natasha was driving you both to her house when she broke the silence. “How’d it go?”
You sighed, rubbing your head. “It all sounds so tedious. I need to talk to Tony about that job and maybe see about finding a place nearby but it’s so hard because our kids are involved. They’re gonna be broken up about it. Children of divorce.” You groaned holding your head feeling a headache coming on.
Natasha pulled over in a parking lot and turned towards you, placing a hand on yours.
“I’ll be here for you through it all. Anything you need. If  you want, you can live with me? I have room and the girls are right next door. You wouldn’t have to worry about rent; the house is paid off.”
“Really? You’d let me stay?”
“Of course.” She smiled with a light chuckle.
“I’m really lucky to have you here.”
“Stop it.” She blushed. “How’s take out sound?”
“Sounds good.”
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After eating you got a text from Quinn. 
‘Fin wants to talk to you… can I let her call you?’
‘Yes.’ You respond.
The phone rings and you hear your daughter.
“Hi papa!”
“Hi sweetheart!”
“Whatcha doin?”
“I just had some dinner. What about you?”
“Mama made me take a bath.”
“That’s good you don’t wanna be a stinky baby.”
“Nooo stinky baby papa!” Fin giggled.
“Did you have dinner?”
“Yes mama made sghetti.”
“Papa, where are you?”
“…I had to come visit your grandma and grandpa I’ll be home in a few days Finny.”
“Ohhh.” Fin sighs. “I miss you papa.”
You feel yourself wanting to cry. “I miss you too Fin.”
“I see you soon papa?”
“Soon my love.”
“Night papa.”
“Good night Fin.”
“You okay?” Natasha asked as she dried her hair.
“I miss my kids.” You say clearing your throat.
“I know.” She whispers, taking your hand. “Why don’t you pick a movie and I’ll get the popcorn?”
You nod and stand up making your way to the living room. You mindlessly chose as you thought about how to get custody of your kids. You need to talk to Tony first to get that job he’s been offering you. Start saving money you already had a good amount from Burt’s Garage back in Lima you were going to use that money for Beth and Fin’s college fund but you may need to use some of it for what’s to come.
A few minutes later Natasha walked in with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of drinks.
“Thank you.” You say snapping out of your head.
“Uhhh you chose a horror movie?”
“Oh yeah…” you smirked. “You're not a big scary movie fan?”
“Uhhh I mean I’m good if you are.” She muttered.
“Nat it’s okay I’m here. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
She gave you a half smile remembering you saving her not that long ago. “I know… I just have bad dreams is all.”
“Gotcha. What’s something you would want to watch?”
“How about The Notebook or Fried Green Tomatoes?”
“Ugh sad romance movies? Gross.”
Natasha laughed, throwing popcorn on you.
“How about your favorite movie?”
“What if one of those is my favorite?” The redheaded challenges.
“Those aren’t your favorite.” You smirked, catching a piece of popcorn in your mouth.
“Oh and what is my favorite?”
“We've been over this 007: Moonraker.”
She grinned as you put the movie on.
“You get romance and I get some action….. annnnnd I just realized how that sounds.” You chuckled, making her slap your chest.
“Shut up and start the movie.” She huffed.
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You kept secretly watching Natasha as she mouthed the words in the scenes.
She only caught you a couple times.
“Stop it!” She giggled, her face flushed in the glow of the tv.
“It’s cute!” You argued. She kicked you as she laid down her legs now in your lap making Leho jump off. “Rude.” You chuckled.
“She had her turn.” Natasha chuckled.
You returned to watching the movie as you rubbed her legs. Soon you felt goose bumps on her legs. You reached behind you grabbing the blanket on the sofa and placing it over her body.
“Thank you.” She said she wiggled her foot.
You chuckled and began rubbing her feet.
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When the credits rolled Natasha stretched and said “I still believe I’d make a great spy.”
“Oh I believe it.”
“Yeah?” She grinned looking over at you.
“Yeah you’d be the Ballerina to my John Wick.”
She chuckled as she scrolled through the movies. 
“I am John Wick, you killed my dog and stole the gift my dead wife gave me. Prepare to die.” You growled.
She cackled at you and you turned to her with finger guns. “dos vidaniya.” You smirked.
She laughed even harder sitting up. “It's do svidaniya you idiot.”
“Alright fine miss KGB you do it!” You huffed.
Natasha sat up straightening her back. “I am Natalia Romanoff. Thank you for your cooperation. Prepare to die. do svidaniya”
“Chills. Literal chills.” You chuckle. “Wow, have you been hiding that accent?”
Natasha laughed and smacked your arm.
“No seriously, do you hide it?”
“I feel like I lost it… I definitely watched movies and shows to have an American accent because kids thought I was weird, but if I’m around my family it comes back.”
“I’m not gonna lie if I met you in school and you had that accent I would totally wanna be your friend.” You nodded.
She smiled. “Too bad we were an hour apart.”
“Hmm, I think things would have been a lot different.”
“How so?” She asks. 
“I think you would have kept me from making a lot of stupid decisions back then.”
“I definitely would have.” She chuckled. 
You also think it would have been Natasha you went after, not Quinn. That thought made you pause.
You were now deep in thought when you felt Natasha tickle your side.
“What are you- are you trying to tickle me?!” You laughed.
“What is wrong with you, why aren’t you ticklish?!” She huffed.
“Oh I’m not ticklish but now I know you are.” You smirked and she took off running. You bolted after her upstairs. She was laughing and screaming as she tried to get away from you. You stopped the door from closing and she ran on the other side of her bed.
“Oh my God Y/N stop.” She warned as you began to corner her.
She squealed as she tried to hop over the bed but you caught her.
“No!” She laughed as you pinned her down, tickling her sides. “No! Stop! Oh my gosh!” She cackled even snorting as she lost her breath.
“Oh Nat, you shouldn’t have tried to tickle me.” You laughed. “You showed your hand.”
“Okay! Okay! I give! I give!” She laughed.
You stopped and quickly realized your positions here she is beneath you her chest heaving as she catches her breath occasionally giggling.
You reach down gently, moving her red locks out of her face. Her eyes are twinkling and her plump lips are parted. You look into her eyes and lower yourself gently rubbing her nose against yours. Her hand locks behind your neck and just as your lips meet the doorbell rings jolting you off of her.
Natasha clears her throat and looks over at her security pad as the doorbell continues to ring. “It’s my sister.” She says softly.
You nod, touch your lips and you can still feel her breath against them.
“I’m going to kill her.” She mutters as she rushes out the room. “Stop ringing the fucking bell!” She shouts to Yelena.
You snap out of your haze and make your way downstairs as she opens the door.
“Hey sis!” Yelena giggles.
“Hi Nat!” Kate grins lazily.
“Are you two drunk?”
“Maybe.” Kate squinted.
“We went back to the apartment and had some mac and cheese but Kate burnt it.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“Anyways then I remembered those amazing piroshkis you used to make. Can you make them?”
“Yelena it’s like 12 AM! No I can’t!”
“Ohhh hello.” Kate waved to you slyly.
“Y/N? Ohh we’re we interrupting an affair?” Yelena smirked looking at you.
“No!” You and Natasha said in unison.
“Hmhm.” Kate smirked.
“Both of you shut up and just go eat our leftovers.”
“Hm, I am hungry and a bit tipsy but I wanna know what is going on over here.” Yelena smirked, pointing between the two of you.
“Nothing is happening I’m separated with my wife right now-“
“And you thought you’d just shack up with my sister?” Yelena raised her brow.
“Whoa no that’s not-“
“Listen up Y/N Y/L/N. I can do a lot with a knife so I’d tread lightly if I were you. No one hurts my sister.” Yelena pointed her knife that she had somehow taken out and into your chest lightly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You say pushing away her knife gently.
“Yelena, give me that now!!” Natasha yelled. 
Yelena huffed and whined before giving it to her sister.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Take her to the kitchen and eat something.”
Kate pulled Yelena in the kitchen, Leho trailing after them.
“Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”
“I’m okay.” You chuckled.
“Really because she poked a hole into your shirt.”
You looked down and Natasha flicked your nose.
“Wooooow. Nice. The Romanoff’s are straight up bullies.” You grin.
“I am really sorry though.”
“Don’t be, I wish I had a sibling like that.”
“You do; her name is Santana.” Natasha smirked.
You chuckled with a nod.
“I’m sorry she’s eating our leftovers. I know you were excited about them tomorrow.” Natasha takes your hand.
“Don't be they need to eat something. I’m gonna go to bed. I'm pretty tired actually.”
“Okay.” She nods sort of wanting to know what that almost kiss meant as she looks at your hand.
You leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.” 
She nodded letting your hand go as she watches you walk up the stairs.
“Hmm nothings going on my ass.” Yelena chortled.
“Stop. There really isn’t.”
“Eh, that didn’t look like anything. Kate?”
“That was definitely a ‘we’ll fuck later kiss on the cheek’” Kate muttered.
“Okay I just wanted you to say that definitely looked like something not that gross Kate. She’s my sister, show some respect.”
“Sorry Nat.”
“Well wanna tell me why a married person with kids is in your house?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Natasha sighed as she poured herself a shot of vodka.
“We’ve got time.” Yelena raised her brow.
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“Wow.” Yelena sat back.
“Wow is an understatement.” Kate muttered.
“What a fucking cun-“
“Yelena.” Natasha grit pointing upstairs.
“But it’s true!” She whispered harshly.
“Well yeah but we can’t say it when Y/N is right upstairs. What if they get back together?” Kate shrugs.
“They’re not going too… Y/N is clearly into my sister. They’re going to get together, get married and give me more nieces and nephews.” Yelena smiled lovingly.
“Yelena, it’s not that simple.” Natasha sighed.
“How? Y/N is going to get divorced then you two can finally be together.”
“Lena divorces take a very long time. Especially if you have children.”
“Kate, stop being logical and help me keep Nat delulu! You totally like Y/N right?”
“Sooooo much.” Natasha groaned, laying her head against the table.
“If it’s meant to be it will be.” Kate shrugged. “Ow!” She huffed after Yelena smacked her arm.
“Cestra I’m telling you the way Y/N looks at you says everything. They clearly want you too.”
“One of Y/N’s best friends told me they knew we liked each other but that I needed to wait until the divorce is final. That Quinn is relentless and always wins.”
“Maybe, but she hasn't been against you.” Yelena smirks.
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Natasha woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. Her eyes widened realizing you were probably alone with her sister. She quickly got up brushing her teeth and changing before rushing downstairs.
“Well there she is sleeping beauty herself.” You grinned spatula in hand.
“Cestra you didn’t tell me Y/N can cook!” Yelena smiled, eating her breakfast you made her.
“Oh my God it’s so good.” Kate moaned.
“I got yours right here.” You winked.
“Some nice sausage.” Yelena smirked, earning a glare from her sister.
“Take a seat, I'll make you a cup of coffee.” You nod towards the table.
Natasha nodded dumbly and sat down as you brought her a mug and her breakfast. “Thank you.” She said softly. You gently squeezed her shoulder before going back to the stove.
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“No way.” Yelena chuckled.
“Yes wayyy.” You smirked.
“Prove it!” Kate hounded.
“How? There’s no space for the Jubie Slide.”
“I think you may be forgetting a certain new dance studio.” Natasha smirked from behind her mug.
“Wait what?!” Yelena gasped.
“It was supposed to be a surprise but this is to good to pass up. I spoke with Thor and Val they’re letting me teach ballet at the gym.”
“Cestra that’s fucking great!”
“You never said when you can move in.” You add.
“Pause!” Yelena held up her hand. “You knew?!”
“Well yeah.”
“Y/N is the one that made me talk to Thor and Val.”
“Wow you told Y/N but not me.” Yelena shook her head.
“I told you it was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to fix it up first.”
“Well let’s go look at it.” Kate smiled.
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“Oh hey Nat!” Thor waved as he helped a scrawny string bean squat lift.
“Thor!” The man huffed, falling the barbell nearly hitting his foot. “You idiot that almost got me!”
“It’s just the barbell stopping being such a baby Loki!” Thor rolled his eyes and walked towards you guys. 
“Oh I didn’t mean for you to leave him.” Nat chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him, he's just my brother.” He laughed.
“I take it you’re here to check out your new studio?” He grinned playfully.
“You got me.” Natasha chuckled.
“Come on, I'll show you the way.” 
He led the way towards the other side of the gym leading down a hallway to the locked door.
Natasha opened it only to find the room full of dust, and old gym equipment.
“It’s perfect right?” Thor beamed.
“Uhh yeah I’m trying to picture it.”
“Thor, what about all this old equipment?” You asked, walking inside gesturing around.
“Right… well the new equipment we bought from the manufacturer didn’t want to take the old equipment back so we just stored it in here.”
“So it’s trash?”
“Well- yeah… yes it’s trash. I just haven’t gotten rid of it yet.”
You and the girls raised your brows.
“I’ll do it now.” Thor said carefully before rushing off. “Loki! Korg! Help me clear this room out.”
“I’ll help him.” You muttered looking at all the crap laying around. “Might call a friend to help us.”
“Same if we all pitch in the faster we can prove you can’t dance.” Yelena smirked.
“Psh.” You scoffed dialing your best friend's number.. “I can dance.”
‘Hey Y/N!’
“Suuuure!” Yelena smirked.
“Mike, I need your help. Also tell these girls I know how to dance!” You whined.
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After an hour of cleaning everything out of the room you all were really taking in the space.
“What do you think Nat? Can you vision it?” You grinned, waving your arms.
“I can! The mirrors will be here on this side, and I want rails as well for stretching.”
“Oh you need a shoe box!” Yelena smiled pointing to the front of the room.
“I can do all of that and polish the floors.”
“You don’t have to Y/N I can-“ Natasha smiled at you.
“I want to.”
“Well then I’m helping you.” She grinned.
“Couldn’t have asked for a better helper.”
“Wow, I came all the way down here.” Mike huffed.
Natasha smiled watching you measure the walls, and telling Mike as he typed the notes in your phone and took photos.
“Okay that’s actually very hot.” Kate whispered towards Natasha.
“Back off my future in law.” Yelena hissed.
“Let's check out the supply house.” You grin.
“Ugh that place is so boring Y/N!” Mike whined.
“I’ll buy you those hotdogs you like out front.”
“Fine but hotdogs first.” Mike pointed, handing you the keys to your truck.
“Was Quinn-“
“Asking me a billion questions? Yes.”
“Did you get to see the girls?”
“I only saw Fin, Beth was at school.”
“She said they miss you and I said you miss them too but that you need some more time.”
“Thank you Mike.”
“Of course.” 
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After eating a couple chili dogs and eating a handful of mints you were now walking around with Natasha as the girls ran to the garden section with Mike.
“I think this would look perfect with the hardwood floors.” You said pointing to the plank.
“I trust you.” Natasha smiled.
“Hi congratulations on your new home! Need any help getting some paint samples?” One of the employees asked happily.
“No thank you.” Natasha smiled
“Okay but might I say you two are just so beautiful together, absolutely beautiful! Congratulations and please let me know if you need anything I’ll see if I can knock off a few bucks.” The employee winked.
You put your arm around Natasha. “Thank you so much we definitely will!”
The employee walked off and you and Natasha chuckled as you let her go.
“That’s not nice.” Natasha smirked.
“Hey I’m helping you save money.” You smirked.
“Oh by the way Mike gave me a number for his mirror guy so I already sent off the measurements. Should get them in a couple days. Also said he’d hook you up with some speakers.
“Mike has a mirror guy?”
“Yeah he and Britt have their own dance studio back in Brooklyn.”
“Oh yeah Mike is killer on the dance floor.”
“You never said how you knew how to dance.”
“Well when we were kids we were obsessed with You Got Served and mimicking dances on music videos. Then Glee club happened and we got to dance everyday with our friends. Brittany is probably the best dancer out of all of us. She danced on tour with Beyonce right out of high school.”
“Wow! I never would have guessed that I mean she has a dancer's body. I just never put two and two together.” 
“Yeah Britt and Mike were the best I'd say Santana, Quinn, and myself were just behind them.” You moved up in line.
You rented out a floor polisher as you ordered the polls of wood.
“Oh great we’re done here?” Mike asked, relieved when you nodded.
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After finally giving the studio a deep clean
You and Mike finally did the Jubie Slide.
“Pay up.” You smirked at the girls.
“Okay you got me I didn’t think you could do it. Kate pay Y/N.” Yelena cackled. 
“Here’s $20 bucks.” Kate muttered.
“Nice.” You grinned before Jubie sliding around the trio.
“I’ll take that for my labor today.” Mike smirked, snatching the $20.
“Wooooow.” You glared. “I bought you 2 hotdogs, nachos, and 2 sodas!” 
“This is intrist.”
“Okay you’ve gotta teach me that.” Kate asked.
You stood next to her as you instructed her on the first step with Mike.
“I like this one.” Yelena nodded towards you.
“Same.” Natasha winked towards her.
“So are you going to tell them?”
“I don’t know. I want too and I’m more than sure Y/N knows but-“
“Y/N is still married.”
The redhead nodded.
“Yelena look! I’m doing it!” Kate giggled.
“Not even close, Kate.” Yelena replied.
“Practice makes perfect.” You chuckled.
“What other moves do you know?” Natasha smirked.
“Oh I know a lot of moves.” You smirked.
“What’s your favorite one?!” Kate asked.
“Mike let’s show’em how it’s done.” You chuckled.
“Oohhhhh here we go.” He chuckled while putting on his old playlist.
Sirens began wailing from the speakers.
“Ohhhhhhh!” You grinned as you and Mike began dancing Shmoney.
“Running through these checks 'til I pass out (pass out) And shorty give me neck 'til I pass out (pass out) I swear to God, all I do is cash out (all I do) And if you ain't a ho, get up out my trap house!”
“About a week ago! Week ago!” You and Mike clapped hands before the next clip began. That old familiar sound of the steel pan.
“Soulja Boy off in this, oh, Watch me crank it, watch me roll, Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, Then super man that, oh, Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy)”
“I think I know this one!” Kate pointed just as the playlist switched songs.
“But aye do me a favor call me jerk one more time(your a jerk!)
I know, You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know)”
“Y/N is always throwing me curve balls.” Natasha muttered with a smirk on her face.
“They be like smooth (what?)
Can you teach me how to dougie?
You know why? Cause all da bitches love me (aye) All I need is a beat that's super bumpin' And for you, you, you to back it up and dougie!”
You laughed as the next song started.
“Come on ladies you gotta know this one!” Mike laughed.
You waved Natasha over showing her the steps as Mike taught Yelena and Kate.
“Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah)”
“Alright Y/L/N you can dance.” Yelena chuckled as you and Mike kept going.
“One more!” Mike begged.
“Alright alright.” You chuckled.
“At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you. At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you”
“So Y/N can fix things, cook, and dance?” Kate looked at Natasha. “I don’t know how you haven’t immediately jumped their bones”
“Ugh Kate!” Yelena huffed.
Natasha smiled at you as you danced with your best friend.
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“We definitely need to have a dance party like we used too.” Mike grinned as you both chatted by his car.
“Oh for sure Brittany is going to school the hell out of us
“Always.” Mike chuckled watching you look over at Natasha who spoke with her sister. “I think you should go for it by the way.”
“Huh?” You asked looking back at him.
“Natasha… she’s obviously into you pretty sure she has been since you’ve met.”
“I like her Mike… a lot, but I feel like it’s just too soon. I’m not divorced yet I feel like any move I make will be refuted.”
“Well you are separated, granted you probably need to move out but there’s no harm in having some fun.”
“Natasha’s not that kind of girl and I’m not that kind of person. Especially with her. She’s the type to marry and whisk away, and I don’t know if I can do that again. I trusted Quinn for so long and she completely broke my heart time and time again.”
“Then I’d tread very lightly or just tell her how you feel and see if she’d wait? I don’t know I’m not the best at relationship advice.”
You chuckled and hugged him goodbye with the promise of reaching out to him more.
You walked over as Yelena was saying goodnight to her sister. “Thanks for everything you do for my sister Y/N.” Yelena smiled, giving you a side hug.
As you and Natasha head inside the house you finally feel exhausted.
You yawned as you walked through the threshold.
“Tired yourself out?” Natasha smirked.
“I’m beat.” You smiled sleepily.
“Well you did feed my sister, Kate, myself and you. Then cleaned the studio, polished and waxed the floors and gave us a show. Thank you Y/N for all your help.”
“Of course it’s the least I could do.” You shrug.
Natasha went in for a hug but you stopped her. 
“I am very gross and sweaty. I should probably hop in the shower.”
“Well I wasn’t going to say anything.” Natasha cringed.
“Wooooow! Burn on me!” You chuckled before heading upstairs. “I’ll see you in the morning, Nat.” You smiled down at her.
“Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.” She smiled watching you walk in your room Leho purring against her leg.
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Even though both you and Natasha were exhausted from the previous day you both woke up to a wet dream at the same time.
“Ohhh fuck!” Natasha moaned, waking up to her fingers against her swollen bean.
“Fuck.” You sighed tiredly feeling your cock soften. You grumbled as you got out of bed to wash up. You looked at yourself in the mirror feeling guilty and lost. You have never wanted another woman so badly in your life until now. You rubbed your head wondering how much longer you and Natasha can go on tip toeing around these unspoken feelings. You’re so over the wet dreams and the almost kisses. 
You were walking out of the room just as Natasha was walked out of hers.
“Morning.” “Hi.” 
You both chuckle.
“I was just about to start breakfast.”
“Stop, you've done enough. Let me.” Natasha smiled before heading downstairs. “How’d you sleep?”
“Uh good.” You gulp hoping you weren’t moaning in your sleep. “You?”
“Good.” She nods also hoping you didn’t hear her moaning. “Sooo I was thinking maybe we should take it easy today. You did so much yesterday, maybe we could just relax?”
“But your studio?”
“It can wait another day.” She said softly, "You worked so hard yesterday, let's just relax today.”
“You sure? The wood is ready.”
“The mirrors will be in tomorrow we can do it then.”
“Alright if you insist.” You chuckled.
“I do, now, do you wanna make the coffee and I’ll make breakfast? She asked and you nodded.
Leho meowed.
“Yes, I’ll make yours too.” Natasha smiled, petting Leho’s head.
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“That was so good.” You say standing up to collect her plate taking it to the dishwasher.
“Thank you.” She stands taking your hand as she leads you upstairs to her room.
You hadn’t been in here since your kiss.
“Figured we could watch something in bed.” She spoke turning on the tv.
You stretched a bit before rubbing your lower back.
“Your back still hurting?”
“Yeah it’s an old football injury I flare up from time to time.”
“Well yesterday didn’t help. Massage?” Natasha smirked.
“Maybe? If you don’t mind?”
“Turn around.” 
“Yes!” You grinded and turned over.
Natasha climbed on top of you and began massaging your back.
“Ahhhhh yeah!” You groaned.
She giggled and continued massaging your back. She stopped and said: “Take your shirt off, I'll rub this oil on your back.” She moved to grab some soothing oils and you took off your shirt.
“Ready?” She gulped seeing the veins leading down your waistband.
“So ready.” You smirked lying down on your stomach.
Natasha poured some of the oil on the spots you said were hurting and began massaging you.
“Your hands are magic.” You mumble against the pillow seeing her in the mirror of her dresser.
She chuckled, moving to your neck and shoulders. Admiring the muscles you have that make you look like you were carved out of marble by a Greek God.
“What happened to you? From the football injury?”
“I got tackled pretty hard in the end zone in my last year. I ended up in the hospital for the night, nothing too bad but I fractured my lower spine. So I get flare ups every now and then.”
Natasha could only imagine how scary that must have been for your parents. Even for Quinn. Natasha on the other hand probably would have killed the player that hit you in the first place.
She could imagine herself now seeing you on your back ball in hand in sheer pain. She would have rushed to your side.
“That must have been scary.”
“At first I remember just seeing him in my face saying something and the next thing I knew I was in so much pain. I could hear Finn and some other guys fighting in the field. Quinn was by my side and then I saw my parents. I remember crying and then feeling the paramedics take me to the hospital.”
“Did the player that tackled you get in trouble?”
“He did cause I already made the touchdown. I think the guys got him pretty good too if memory serves correctly. He ended up in the room next to me with a broken knee cap and some broken ribs.”
“Yeah there were a couple bullies on my team that didn’t take kindly to what happened to me.” You chuckled.
“I think if I had known you during that time I probably would’ve done the same thing.” She chuckles.
“You would have been at my games?” You asked looking back.
“Every single one of them.” Natasha replies, booping your nose.
You smiled holding the pillow imagining what it would have been like seeing her cheer you on. Even better what winning would have been like after the game.
“Would you have taken me out for a victory beer or ice cream?”
“Excuse you Y/L/N I was a good girl in high school. No drinking, no drugs, no sex-“
“No sex?” You asked flabbergasted.
“No!” She huffed.
“I was too busy trying to make ends meet with the Maximoffs to be a bad girl.”
“Bad girl.” You chuckled. “Alright I get it.”
“Is that what you did?”
“Not all the time I had Beth at 16 remember?”
“I always forget you were a teen parent.”
“So you didn’t really party?”
“Neh not really, sometimes my parents would have mercy on us, and take care of Beth on Friday nights.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah it really was.”
Suddenly you flipped your positions causing her to help as you laid her down.
“You’re turn.” 
“Oh you don’t have- wow… Oh that’s good.” She muttered as you worked on her back. She arched her back as you massaged her spot. “Fuuuck that’s good!” She groaned unintentionally arching her backside into your pelvis.
“Damn Nat you’re so tight.” You sighed and gulped realizing what you said. You could feel yourself growing.
You bit your lip feeling her ass raise against your bulge.
“Can you do my shoulders?” She asked sweetly.
“Uh sure of course.” You gulped realizing your cock is definitely getting harder with every sigh, groan, and moan she lets out. You leaned over her, reaching for her shoulders.
Natasha’s eyes opened feeling your bulge pressed against her cheeks. She smirks, wanting to laugh feeling like a tease. She really wants to drive you crazy she knows you have to like her after the brief kiss. She sort of wants to drive you to the point of ripping her clothes off and turning her into a pillow princess.
Little did she know that’s exactly what you wanted to do as images of her pussy came to mind. 
“Ohh Y/N that’s sooo good!” She moaned, feeling you completely harden. ‘Easy.’ She smirked
She reached out for the headboard.
You left one hand around the back of her neck as the other rubbed her lower back. Her gasps are making you impossibly horny. You desperately needed to touch yourself. You let go of her back and began moving your cock you felt so dirty for it but fuck you just need it out of the way. 
“Can you go lower?” She asks innocently.
“Yeah like lower back or lower legs.”
“I was thinking more of my glutes.” She smiled.
“Yeah.” You gulped she pushed back a bit causing you to straddle her legs as you massaged her ass.
“Ohhh that’s good.” She moaned.
‘Fuck.’ You bit your lips this was torture in the best fucking way. You finally get to touch her ass and God was it glorious.
“Like this?” You asked, watching as your hands massaged her ass.
“Just like that.” She sighed.
You worked on the same spot for a few minutes before pulling a bold; very bold move. First you began rubbing her area where her thighs meet her glutes. Her little shorts barely hid little to the imagination. You rubbed up and up until your thumbs were dangerously close to her pussy.
“Hmmm.” She hummed practically vibrating. Are you finally going to do it? God she was so wet for you she began to grow frustrated.
Your thumbs slightly rubbed beneath those damp little panties.
“Y/N please.” She sighed, pushing her ass into your hands.
And so again you took that as a sign to push forward.
Your thumb pushed inside gently earning a mouth watering moan from the redhead beneath you.
“Ohhh fuck you’re so wet.” You groaned, falling forward against her back as your thumb began to move inside of her.
She turned rubbing your nose against hers when you took your thumb out bringing it in your mouth.
“You taste so good I need to really taste you.”  You mutter.
She nods and you both meet in an embracing kiss as you dry hump her ass. You couldn’t help but bite your lip imaging what your covered cock with look like sheathed inside of her. Fuck just being able to dry hump Natasha Romanoff was almost enough to get you to cream your boxers.
She turned over beneath you to bring you down against her.
“Fuck I want you Natasha. I want you soooo fucking bad.”
“Take me!” She groans as you rip her shirt off and tug her shorts down along with her panties. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long now.” You breathed her in, making her whimper from the
soft kisses you left on her thighs. The fact that you had been aching to taste her made her want you even more. You were a little surprised at how bare she was. You were so excited to see tuffs of ginger. Now you know. Natasha likes it smooth.
“You are such a sight to see.” You say kiss her bud lightly causing her to jolt. “It’s alright baby girl, trust daddy.” You smirk.
“Ohhhh Y/NNNNN!” She moans as you begin licking from her tight hole to her bud.
“You taste soooooo fucking good dollface.”
Your hands roam her body as her eyes are locked on the sight of you licking her cunt. Her fingers run through your hair tugging you right where she wants you. No one had ever made her feel this way.
“That’s it daddy right there. Oh God, don’t stop, ohhhh yesss Y/NNnnn!” She groans her abs flexing as she feels a burn in her core.
You hum feeling her juices run down your chin. You can’t believe this is really happening as you play with her nipples.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” She mewed. “Just like this. I can’t wait until you’re inside of me.” She spoke breathlessly her eyes drooping but always staying on you.
Your tongue is working overtime swiping left and right and up and down until she presses your face against her pussy as she cums.
“Ohhhh fuck! Ohhh fuck! Ohhhhhh!” She groans loudly and you lift her ass up a bit letting your tongue like the very very tight hole beneath her vagina, and let your fingers take care of her rosy bud and aching pussy.
“Ohhhhh my fucking God! Ohhhhh!” She moans and gasps feeling completely filled. “Yesssssss! Yesssss! Yesss daddy fuckkkk!” She moaned meeting your fingers with every pump.
“That’s it baby you’re so close let go.” You say feeling the burn in your forearm before diving back in.
Suddenly she gasps as her walls clamp down around your fingers. Her pelvis humping your hand and face as she cums. You can’t help but moan against her bud looking at the sight of her chest heaving trying to catch her breath.
“Oh fuck that was sooooo good.” She sighs.
You wipe your mouth before kissing up to her neck and smooching those pouty lips.
She mews against your lips tangling your legs.
“Daddy’s just getting started.” You smirk against her lips.
She bit her lip pushing your hair back.
“You taste so good Natasha I wanna taste you again.” You go back down but she tugs you up.
“What if I wanna taste you?”
You groaned as she palmed your hard on.
“Off.” She demanded as she snapped the waistband of your shorts.
“Yes ma’am.” You grinned, shoving them off letting your cock finally breathe.
“Fuck you’re making my mouth water.” She took in the length and girth of your member. “Lay down.” 
You laid next to her bringing her in a kiss.
“You really don’t have to do anything. This can only be about you. I’d go down on you all day if I could.” You say lightly running your fingers down her spine.
“I’ve been wanting you for so long now, and I want you in every way.” She husks, reaching down and wrapping her hand around you. “Don’t you want my mouth daddy?”
“Hmpf.” You grunt feeling her warm soft hand wrap around your dick. She kisses you once more as she pumps you lightly in her hand. “I can’t wait until you’re inside of me, but first I want you inside of my mouth, maybe down my throat. I wanna gobble you and swallow you whole.”
“Oh fuck.” You whisper as she moves wrapping both her hands around you.
“You’re so big daddy I can barely wrap my hands around you and just two isn’t enough you’re the size of my forearm.” She’s a little glad you can’t notice the fact that she’s drooling just a bit and her eyes have become crossed eyed.
But you can see her pussy it makes you twitch seeing her juices dripping down her thighs.
You can’t help but reach out and palming her peach. She smirks looking back at you.
“I can’t keep my hands to myself.” You admit.
She chuckles her breath hitting the tip of your cock. Natasha watches as more precum seeps out. Of your member. She leans over more laying her tongue down against your head licking up your honey. 
You moan just as she wraps her lips around the tip. You can feel her tongue swirling around as she begins to choke you down. 
Her breath hitches feeling your fingers playing with her pussy. She breathes through her nose as she makes it half way down before bobbing her head.
“Oh baby.” You whisper feeling her hand rotating as she sucks your cock. Her other hand is playing with your sack. “That’s so good baby. Can you go deeper?” You ask as you sit up slightly to hold her hair back.
She nods against your cock pulling her mouth off of you so she can breathe before engulfing you in her mouth descending down past her gag reflex to the base of your cock.
“Fuuuuuuuck that’s it baby girl.” Your abs tighten, she moves her throat like she is swallowing you down. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You groan it’s honestly not gonna take long at this rate. She hums letting the vibrations of her throat tingle your cock.
“Oh shit oh baby! Natasha!” You moan. “Ohhh I’m gonna cum where do you want it?”
She sucks you even hard, her tears running down her face. Her pussy is throbbing when she feels you move your hand away from her hair back to her ass as you rub her ass. She moans feeling some relief and you moan finally shooting your cum down her throat. 
“Fuck!!!!” You grunt as your cock twitches in her mouth she lets go and you gasp for air as she pumps your ropes of honey down her throat.
“Oh my God.” You say breathlessly seeing her red hair sticking to her sides of her face due to saliva and sweat.
You sit up pushing her hair back, wiping her mouth. “You’re a fuckin sight to be hold Natasha.” You say before pulling her on top of you kissing her roughly.
“Was that good?” She asks, pulling back from your kiss.
“Was that good?” You chuckle in disbelief. “That was the best head I’ve ever had.”
She smiles shyly and you roll her to the other side of the bed beneath your body. She instantly spreads her legs for you to fit between them.
The redheaded beauty can feel your cock harden against her pussy as you kiss her softly with no hurry to be inside of her. She said she’s wanted this for so long, and though you have questions you really wanna live up to her imagination.
Your hands begin to wander lowering from her nape to her thighs running your fingers up and
down sending chills down her spine.
You steal one last kiss before leaving a trail of open kisses down her chilled body before you get to your target. You inhale her pussy before tasting her again.
“Y/N.” She sighs feeling your tongue swiping up and down as you savor her. Her pussy is soaked and throbbing for you and only you.
You sit up getting between her legs you let your cock play with her pussy a bit biting your lip at the feel of her hot cunt against your cock. You lean over and reach for the nightstand grabbing your wallet to take out a condom. She reaches out to stop you. “You don’t need that.” She says softly. “I haven’t been with anyone and I can’t have…” she gulps.
And you toss the condom laying down against her body you kiss her softly. “It’s okay baby.” You whisper. “Do you want to stop?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Do you?”
“Not if you don’t.” You whisper back.
You kiss her once more. Letting your staff slide against her wetness. “You’re so wet baby.”
“Only for you.” She responds.
You sit up and she reaches out rubbing a hand over your abs memorizing the creases of your six pack down to your cock.
You rub your tip up and down gathering her wetness before slowly pushing the tip in. She sighs gripping the sheets and you grip her hips gently and slowly pushing the rest of the way inside of her.
“Relax baby daddy’s got you.”
She moaned loudly and you felt more wetness come through. “Yeah that’s it. Hmm…You are so fucking tight.” You whispered, feeling her walls clamping down around you. You stayed still for a minute peppering her with soft kisses as she adjusted to your girth.
“You’re so big daddy.” She sighed, opening her eyes. She pushed your hair back bringing you down to kiss her. She whimpered as her hips bucked into you giving you the go ahead.
You slowly pumped in and out hearing her whining grow.
“Oh my God!” She moaned out as your lips left hers to nibble on her neck. She shook in your arms cuming around your cock.
“Naughty girl cuming with daddy.” You tsked.
“I’m sorry daddy.” She twitched from an after shock as you continued your strokes.
“That’s alright Angel I’ll let that one go.” You smirked, kissing her softly.
“You just feel sooooo good daddy.” She hummed letting her nails take down your back.
“You’re doing so well.” You groaned out as you continued your rhythm as she whimpered beneath you. Your eyes fluttered closed as you paused your motions pushing in deeper. “I never thought this would happen.” You sigh feeling your abs twitch.
“I hoped it would.” She admits before gasping at your cock stretching her out.
“Look at my cock baby.” You run your hand over the bulge and she gasps.
“Oh my God.” She whimpered. “I need you closer.” She says and you obliged gently lying down against her body one arm holding you up and the other caressing her cheek.
“You are the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this Earth.” You say studying her features.
She brings you all the way down in a kiss, her arms wrapping around you.
“I’m gonna move now a little harder and faster now baby is that okay?”
“Please do.” She gasps as you back to pump in and out.
You begin nibbling her neck and she wraps her legs around you.
“Natasha you feel soooo good baby.” You groaned.
She whines as she claws your back. “I’m so full daddy.” She husks.
“Oh fuck.” You groan thrusting harder. 
She bites and sucks on your neck causing you to thrust a little faster. She is determined to mark your body and stake her new claim.
“Oh daddy you’re dick is big it’s so good baby it’s so fucking good inside of me!” She moans in your ear. As she meets your every stroke.
You both keep the rhythm going, occasionally locking eyes before locking lips once more.
“You feel sooo good.” You say gazing into her emerald eyes. 
“I can say the same.” She brings you down in a kiss bringing your weight down on top of her.
Her moans are growing as you pick up the pace. Her velvety walls are clamped so tight around you that you can barely pump in and out.
“Fuck you are so tight I can’t move!” You kiss her once more before sitting up. Looking at her red hair splayed across the pillows. Her breasts bouncing and the way her hands can’t not be touching you as she grips your arms.
“Choke me.” Natasha moans.
You use one hand to wrap around her throat as you thrust harder and faster.
She grips your arm, her face turning a blushing red as she feels herself getting higher and higher.
“Fuck Natasha! God damn!”
She gasps and you reach below rubbing her swollen little bud.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck!” She moans as the bed creaks and, the headboard bangs against the wall. Her pussy is squelching with every stroke just as her hips are meeting your every motion. “Cum with me daddy!” She pants.
You throw your head back afraid to cum before her but her hands pull you back to her. “I’m cumming! Fuuuck I’m cumming!” She whines as her cunt twitches and clamps around you. It's a wonder how you're hitting her spot.
“Arggghh auhhh!” You grunt pulling out half way feeling your seed shoot out. “Ohhhh fuck!” You both moan as you pull out your creams spilling against your twitching cock.
“Hmmm.” She hums watching you use your staff to pick up the cum spilling on you and lathering it against her pussy before entering her once more.
“That’s it baby that’s it.” She says softly as you pepper kisses around her face. She kisses you lazily, her fingers trailing your jaw as you continue your strokes.
You kiss her fingers softly as she groans in appreciation.
“Yessss daddy yess yesss.” Her accent is coming through her sex hazed mind. You lift her legs against your shoulders, and you begin to hump up halfway hitting her spot over, and over again, and again. 
*Hisss ahhh hisss ahh* Her moaning grew. Natasha could feel a deep coil inside of her ready to burst at any moment.
You grinned lazily seeing your second head bulge in her stomach with every stroke up.
“Natasha darling; how are you feeling?” You ask as you continue.
She all but moans in response, her hands reaching for your forearms.
You thrust a little faster until she’s quivering. You smirk as she cums again and finally you feel that rush of pressure you were aiming for.
“There it is.” You thrust even faster making her twitch and wiggle against your cock as her orgasm shakes her to her core, and finally when your cock is being pushed out you pull out.
“Oh my-!!! daddy daddy- YYYYY/NNNNNNNN!!!!!!!” your name spills out as a booming moan, her pussy is spasming as a rush of liquid squirts against your abs and cock.
You slowly enter her once more once the squirting stops, kissing the sides of her legs against your shoulders as she catches her breath. “That was so good baby you did so fucking good for daddy.” 
“Oh my God.” she moans, making grabby hands so you bend her legs slowly until she’s filled to the brim and your abs are against hers. She kisses you with so much passion she almost utters those three little words. “What? How? That’s never happened before.” She says in shock.
“Well not to toot my own horn but baby you didn’t have daddy.” You bite her lip before pulling out once more, gently lowering her legs.
She giggles as you kiss her belly inhaling her pussy once more. 
“Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I love this pussy.”
You open wide and begin eating her out.
“Ohhhhh fuck! No daddy, I'm sensitive.” She moans with a smile.
“Turn around for daddy then baby let me eat that ass like groceries.”
She bites her lip rolling over on her belly before going into child’s pose. Stretching her back out.
“Oh that’s it. I can’t wait to play with you more. See how flexible you really are.” 
She looks behind at you and smirks as she twerks her ass. You grab ahold of her spreading her cheeks as you lick her little hole.
“Fuuuck that feels so good daddy!” She groans, stretching her arms out.
You slap her ass cheek and sit back up as you align your cock with her tight cunt.
“Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about this moment.” You slowly enter her. “Having you bent over for me just like this.” You bit your bottom lip moaning loudly as you pushed all the way in. “Fuck yes!”
“Now you have me.” She husked sitting up wrapping her arms around your neck from behind.  
“Hmmm.” You hum kissing her as your body’s move together. “Yeah that’s it Natasha…. You’re so fuckin’ sexy baby.” You say cupping her cunt and rubbing her clit.
She moans moving back down on the bed as you thrust into her from behind.
“Gorgeous.” You sigh letting your hands wander her back. Your hands grip her butt massaging her before slapping it again.
Your thrusts were fast and rough hearing her groan against the pillow. You groan hearing the sounds of the room. The head board banging once again you may have to fix it later but it’s worth it. The sounds of her soaked pussy and of course moans you were bringing out of her.
“Yesssssss daddy fuuuuck that’s so good!” Her voice was muffled. She lifted her head when you slapped her cheek.
“That’s it use my dick baby.” You say as she pushes back against you. “Aag fuck I’m close.” You flex and hold your hands behind your head as Natasha fucks herself on your staff.
“Me too daddy.” 
“Let go baby!”
Your body flexes as you stop her and thrust faster and harder you can feel the spring being ready to pop. 
She whines and moans not being able to wait without you she’s cuming around your cock.
You let her enjoy herself for as long as you can until you abruptly stop deep inside of her and pull right out pumping your load against her back.
You hiss as your dick convulses. “Natasha.” You groan as she looks back at the cum falling down her spine.
“Feed it to me daddy.” She smirks seeing your cock twitch.
You swipe your fingers down her back gathering your seed and lean over to feed it to her. You groan as she sucks on your fingers.
“Delicious.” She smirks. 
Your eyes roll back as you bite your lip and move to lay beside her.
She immediately snuggles up to you kissing your cheek.
“Wow.” You breathe out letting your arm wrap around her with your hand on her upper thigh.
“I don’t think I’ve ever orgasmed that many times in my life.” She said softly.
You smirked eyes now closed.
“Yeah you get to get away with that smirk Y/L/N.”
“I love your accent by the way.” You smile peeking down at her, rubbing her ass.
“You do?”
“Very much so.” You sigh. “My Russian mommy.”
She leans up kissing your lips softly.
“Princess Romanoff.”
“I’m not Anastasia.”
“You could be.” 
“Baby they were brutally murdered. They were stabbed with bayonets.”
“Aww let me have this.” You frowned with your bottom lip out.
“Fine.” She sighed. “Anything for you… daddy.” She smirked feeling you twitch against her knee.
“Stop playing with fire Natasha.” Your voice is raspy.
“I like playing with your fire.”
You chuckle and she pecks your chest letting her nails graze your abs. Your fingers trailed up her thighs massaging her beautiful luscious mound of an ass.
Her nails send chills around your body luring you to sleep.
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nexysworld · 6 hours
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Summary: Your boyfriend surprises you with a vacation. Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Fingering in public, Unprotected Sex, Finger sucking, mildly dubious consent, Fluff and Smut, Toji is Toji, Established relationship. (This fic is not a joke for once 😭) A/N: This is a belated birthday fic to a super cool cat and fellow Toji lover. ♥️
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“You’re not serious.” You said, irritation already bubbling up inside of you. “Vegas? For a week? You’ve barely been home for a day after your last bender. I’m getting really sick of this To -”
“Woah, hold on.” He said, putting his hands up defensively. He rolled his eyes, that stupid handsome smirk of his stretching across his features. “You didn’t even let me finish, the best part is you’re comin’ too.”
“Huh?” There was no way. Not in all the time you’d known the man, much less the time you spent dating him, had he ever taken you anywhere. “To vegas? You’re taking me with you to Vegas?” You repeated, testing the words out. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch, sweetheart. I just wanna do somethin’ nice for my special girl. That a problem?”
“What’s the catch, Toji?” You repeated.
“Why do ya always have to act like this?” He kept his eyes averted as he scratched the back of his neck. “There’s no catch, I promise. The Luxor package was an extra tip tossed in by our last client. Shiu’ll be there too.”
You raised a brow at him suspiciously. “Your client.”
“That’s what I said.”
“And what kind of client could afford something like that?” There was always a feeling that Toji hadn’t been honest with you about his line of work. He didn’t like questions about it, and you’d already ignored enough red flags in the man, you figured, why not a few more? But this had alarm bells going off.
“A fancy one.”
“Uh huh. And are you finally going to tell me what kind of clients you work with?”
“Nope.” He said with a shrug. “Just gonna spoil you rotten ‘til you stop askin’.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Get packin’.” He added before giving a slap to your ass and walking off as the surprised squeak left your mouth.
You should’ve known better. There was a catch. There was always a catch when it came to Toji. “How’s your night been?” His heavy arms wrapped around you from behind as you sat before the slot machine. A slight slur to his words told you he’d been drinking, odd, it wasn’t usually his thing.
“M’good. Won a few times.” You said, leaning back into his warmth. He was like a human wall, it felt nice against the freezing AC blown air of the casino. “What about you?”
“Tch. Ya even have to ask?”
“That bad?”
“Worse.” He was resting his chin on the top of your head, you closed your eyes for a moment, relaxing against him.
“You need more spending money, don’t you?”
“It’s not my fault. I was hittin’ it good at the black jack table….until I wasn’t.”
“Toji…we haven’t even been here 24 full hours yet.” He responded by kissing you on the neck, sucking a bruise into the soft skin. “St-stop! We’re in the middle of the casino!”
“Mm, so?” He gently brushed your hair out of the way so he could do it again, right above the second one. “No one’s lookin’ anyway.”
“Wait til we get back to the hotel room, at least.”
“Don’t wanna.” You squirmed on the little stool, making it creak. “‘Sides, not like I got anythin’ else to be doin’ right now.”
“It’s not my fault you blew all the money in only a few hours. I’m not giving you more until tomorrow.”
“Fine by me. Means I can just sit here and keep ya company all night.” You could feel that bastard’s smug smile, like a sixth sense.
His game was easy to see from a mile away, and you weren’t going to give in this time. “If you want to sit there and watch me win, be my guest.” You shot back, putting another coin in the machine before pulling the lever.
Cherry. Cherry. Seven.
“Damn.” It rattled out a sad noise at the loss before resetting for another round.
“What was that about winning?”
“Shut it, you’re just bad luck.”
He snorted in response. “Am I?” His hand came down, dipping under your top groping at your chest. You hissed in response, pulling the lever again.
Seven. Seven. Lemon.
He tweaked your nipple, making you gasp and jump in your seat. “You’re like a child, you know that?” He replied with a hum, moving the same hand down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your pants. “Don’t even think about it.”
“What? I’m not doin’ anythin’.” The feigned innocence in his voice made your eyes roll so hard you thought they might pop out of your skull. When his hand remained exactly where it was for a few moments, you finally decided to accept his response. Again, you slipped a coin into the machine.
Ten. Ten. Ten. Jackpot!
The machine lit up, lights dancing around as the winning noise blared. “Holy shit!” It wasn’t the big winner, but you’d at least made back what you put in. You didn’t hear what he mumbled against your cheek, but you felt his hand finally dip lower, pressing at your clit through your panties.
“Toji!” He clamped his hand over your mouth with his free hand, the other using two fingers to rub gently at that sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Shhhh. So loud, everyone might just hear ya over the slot machine.” Murmuring against his hand, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but there was no use. “Go on, play again.” He commanded, slowing his hand down enough to let you better focus. You couldn’t stop the groan that worked itself out of your throat, or the way your hips rolled slightly to get more pressure to alleviate the aching need you were beginning to feel. The asshole.
‘Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.’ You told yourself. ‘He’s acting like a damn child. Don’t give in and he’ll get bored and leave.’ Despite that mantra, your arm shook a little making you miss the coin slot the first time, dropping it onto the ground.
“Clumsy.” He teased, adding firm pressure before circling your bud. He nipped at your ear before blowing on it. You held back the heady whine that wanted to escape.
Not acknowledging him, you pulled another coin from the cup, this time managing to get it into the coin slot.
“Come on…come on…”
Seven. Seven. Cherry!
“Too bad, sweetheart.”
“You’re distracting me!”
“Distractin’ ya’ from pullin’ the lever?” He chuckled, pulling his hand away for a moment. Much to your dismay, you realized it was only so he could work it down your panties this time, the direct heat from his fingers feeling like heaven.
“Sh-shut up!” He was getting to you, and that wasn’t good. A man coughing the row over made you stiffen, looking around to see if there were any other bystanders.
“Don’t worry ’bout it sweetheart. No one’s around. And even if they were, they wouldn’t see a thing…” He pinched your clit between both fingers before massaging it between them. The sensation had waves of tingling heat down your legs, and earned him a poorly muffled moan. “they would just hear it.”
“Toji…” You flopped your head back against him, reeling from the pleasure. The thought of someone seeing you was a little thrilling, you couldn’t lie. But you weren’t gone enough that you’d lost all of your self-preservation. ‘Don’t give in. Don’t give in.’ “I’m still not giving you any money tonight.”
“That’s ok. I’m havin’ fun.” He sped up the movements of his fingers, an erratic, quick pattern. It was intense, drawing pleasure from you while not letting you settle into it, really feel it. Despite that, you were so close now, white knuckling the slot machine to keep yourself grounded. Then, just like that, he stopped again. “Tell ya what. Hit another jackpot for me, and I’ll let you cum. Be an extra good girl for me, and I’ll even help ya stay quiet.”
You could feel his own arousal poking into you through his pants, hard against your back. “And, if I don’t play along at all?”
“Then I guess I’ll just bend you over the craps table, make ya scream my name so loud the rich assholes on the top floor could hear ya.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“Try me.”
He said the words so smoothly, confidently, you honestly couldn’t tell if he was being truthful or not. Something told you not to try and find out.
“That’s my girl.” He pat your head with the hand that wasn’t still stuck in your panties.
He began slowly again, massaging you with his fingers. That scorching heat fanning over your entire lower half. You took a moment to breathe before focusing on the task at hand. Another coin. Another pull of the lever. He sped up the movements again, you rocked your hips to meet his, grateful his foot on the bar at the bottom kept the stool from moving with you.
“So close.” He commented, as the red lights indicated another loss, and the loss of his movement.
Frustration and pent-up need coiled within you. An irritated hiss, another coin. Another loss.
“Toji, please.” He’d cracked the shell of your willpower now. “Wanna cum.”
“Guess you better hit that jackpot then, huh?” He pressed a loving kiss to your cheek.
“Why are you being like this?”
“I’m not being like anythin’. Just spending time with my woman.”
“I’ll give you the money.”
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest. “Too late for that. This is way more fun.”
He pinched at you a little too roughly this time, making you squeak. Your panties were soaked and uncomfortably sticky. The wood stool was beginning to make your ass sore from pressure, and all you wanted to do, was cum all over his fingers before riding him back to the hotel room.
“Come on baby, I know you can do it.” He cooed so sweetly, you thought you might melt.
Dollar sign.
“Oh fuck!” You were grinding against his hand again.
Dollar sign.
You mewled, but he muffled it, sliding two fingers into your mouth. Eagerly, you sucked on them to focus.
Dollar sign.
The excitement of the jackpot was overwhelmed by the feeling of your looming orgasm. White heat exploded from your core, legs shaking and kicking against the stool. He pressed the fingers in your mouth down against your tongue, forcing you into silence. His other hand slowed down, but didn’t stop, gently working you through the oncoming waves and aftershocks.
The quickness in which he pulled away from you nearly gave you whiplash, a small trail of saliva lingering on your face. Then you realized why.
An attendant had come by, all smiles on his face. “Congratulations, Miss.”
“Th-thank you!” You sputtered out, knowing you probably looked like a mess.
“I can take you to the front to cash you out, I just have to verify the winning ticket. Per company policy.”
“Right of course.”
As he bent down to yank the ticket from the machine, you quickly patted yourself down, let out a few breaths to try and make yourself look more put together. If not for Toji wrapping a supportive arm around you, you’d have dropped like a sack of potatoes onto the floor, legs too wobbly still.
“Follow the nice man, baby.” He said, all but dragging you along behind the attendant.
Cashing out was like a blur, your brain on autopilot. Your ID, some signatures. How much had you even won? Not a clue, but it was enough that Toji seemed more than pleased.
Despite your earlier release, it wasn’t enough, that asshole had you craving more, and it didn’t take long before you were jumping his bones. The high of winning, the high of release. It had your brain all out of wack. Lips attached to his, arms around his neck the moment the elevator door closed.
“Easy now, mamas.” He pet your hair gently, prying you away from him as more people filled into the tiny metal room. You didn’t want to wait, you’d have him in the elevator itself if you could. Before you could resume your attack on him, the little ding trilled inside the box as the doors open. Within a second, he hoisted you up and over his shoulder, carrying you with one arm like a child.
“Toji!” You kicked about lightly, embarrassed slightly by the witnesses who caught a glimpse of him toting you away as the doors slid closed behind you.
“What? You didn’t seem to mind people watching when you were ready to pounce in there.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re too cute, I should take you on vacation more often.”
“Toji, just fuck me already!” An elderly woman gasped at you, clinging to her husband’s arm as she yanked him down the hallway towards where the two of you came from. You hadn’t the care to be shameful.
“Alright, alright. I’m gettin’ to it.” He dug in his pocket for the key card.
He had you on the bed within moments, back to the sheets, clothes strewn about the room. You weren’t even sure if he’d closed the door. You didn’t care, pulling him down on top of you by the cottony fabric of his shirt. “Faster”
“Who the hell you think you’re bossin’ around?” He asked, pulling your legs up. He squeezed your thighs together, rutting his wet cock between them, the leaking tip bumping against your overly sensitive clit with each movement. “I brought ya here on vacation, make ya feel real nice on my fingers, even helped ya win the jackpot. And instead of a thank you, what do I get? Faster. Quicker. Hurry up. Tch. Brat.”
“’M sorry.” You whined, lifting your hips up to try and get more of him. “Just want you so bad.”
“I have half a mind to just fuck ya like this and cum all over those bratty lips, then take half of my earnings back down to the slots.”
“W-wait!” You reached up for him making grabby hands. “Don’t, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, just want you to fuck me. Please.”
“How bad you want it, doll?”
“I’ll give you more than half.”
“That right?”
“Y-yeah, swear it. Please.”
The answer seemed to please him as he sunk himself inside of you, burying his length so quickly the wind was knocked out of you. No matter how many times you took him, that familiar burn as he stretched you open never went away - he was just too big. You loved it though.
“You got a deal, baby.” He leaned forward, folding you in half as he went. Ankles over his shoulders, your knees almost to your face. You leaned up to press a peck to his lips, before he pulled out, slamming back in so hard you saw stars circling your head.
“F-fuck!” You whimpered, circling your arms around his neck. He didn’t slow down, rabbiting his hips into you as the bed rocked and slammed against the wall. Hopefully you didn’t have any neighbors, but if you did, that was a problem for the later version of yourself that could feel embarrassment again.
“Suckin’ me in, shit.” He groaned, not letting up. “Could fuck this tight little cunt the whole vacation.” Where you were caged between his thick arms, he leaned back, detangling your limbs from him.”Touch yourself for me. Wanna feel that pussy clench when I fill her up.”
You followed his command, snaking your hand between you where your bodies were connected together, desperately pawing at your clit. The mix of both your arousal making it easy to pleasure the slippery bud. Still sensitive from earlier and the added sensation of his cock hitting every angle inside of you just right, it didn’t take long until you were spilling over again.
“Shit!” His hips lost their rhythm, his breath was uneven. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as rope after rope of sticky cum coated your insides. He wrapped an arm around one of your legs, using it as leverage to gently keep thrusting as he worked himself down from his high, not quite ready to pull out yet. “Too fuckin’ good, baby.” He complimented, finally pulling his softening cock out, and dropping your legs to the bed.
“You don’t have to say it.” He cut you off, laying down next to you. “You wanna cuddle, I know.” He pulled you close to him, letting you catch your breath.
You humphed in response. “Was gonna say, ‘I love you.’”
“Love you too.” He played with your hair as he looked down at you, taking in your features. You were always the cutest like this, disheveled, tired, clingy. He brushed some hair out of your face, kissing your forehead then your lips. “Y’know, this could be a good opportunity for us.”
“Huh?” You asked sleepily, more focused on his heartbeat than his words.
“The money. I’m not gonna blow it all this time, I swear. Gonna play some on that lucky machine, the rest? I’m gonna spoil you. Get ‘Gumi back. Make sure neither of you want for anythin’ ever again.”
“Really?” You asked, falling closer and closer to unconsciousness.
“Yeah, gonna marry ya too. ’S time for a new last name anyway. New beginnin’s and all that.”
“You’re silly Toji.”
“Bein’ serious, sweetheart.”
“Ok. I believe you.” You didn’t.
But it was nice to hear anyway. “Well we’re in Vegas……you know what that means.”
“Hmm? Nah, doll, no way. I ain’t dressin’ up like Elvis just to marry ya.”
“Aww, c’mon. You’d look handsome.”
“No. No way.”
“Finnneee….we could still do it you know. They have non Elvis weddings.”
“We’ll see.” He cooed, pulling the blank over you both. “Get some sleep.”
“M’kay.” He didn’t have to tell you twice.
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atelierlili · 1 day
Katniss, Peeta, and the messy in between.
For a while I've been seeing the sentiment of blaming the distance between Katniss and Peeta after the 74th games on Peeta entirely and I think it's rather unfair. It's a messy situation involving two teenagers who are both valid in their feelings at this point in time.
There's multiple things going on at the end of book 1 in regards to Peeta's relationship with both Katniss AND Haymitch that it feel unfair to blame him, when Peeta, like Katniss, more often than not, is the last one to find out other people's intentions/plans, even from his own allies.
Now before I start, I feel like I must preface this by saying I'm not bashing anyone in this analysis so if you're gonna say something rude and mean about my babies, make that U turn cause I aint having it. Also I'm a yapper so this is gonna be really long lol.
It begins on the train tracks. Katniss and Peeta are walking along the tracks when Peeta picks her a small bouquet of wildflowers as Katniss is struggling to convey the kind of danger they are in, while also being paranoid that they're being watched. At this time, she also connects Gale to the wild flowers Peeta has picked for her and its adding her anxiety to the point where she can't even pretend to be happy at Peeta's gift. And that's something he picks up on.
When the train makes a brief stop for fuel, we’re allowed to go outside for some fresh air. There’s no longer any need to guard us. Peeta and I walk down along the track, hand in hand, and I can’t find anything to say now that we’re alone. He stops to gather a bunch of wildflowers for me. When he presents them, I work hard to look pleased. Because he can’t know that the pink and-white flowers are the tops of wild onions and only remind me of the hours I’ve spent gathering them with Gale.
“What’s wrong?” Peeta asks. “Nothing,” I answer. We continue walking, past the end of the train, out where even I’m fairly sure there are no cameras hidden in the scrubby bushes along the track. Still no words come. -THG - Chapter 27
Its not until Haymitch appears and drop the bomb and bows out that Peeta finally catches on that Katniss and Haymitch are still playing up the lover act without his knowledge.
Haymitch startles me when he lays a hand on my back. Even now, in the middle of nowhere, he keeps his voice down. “Great job, you two. Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone. We should be okay.” I watch him head back to the train, avoiding Peeta’s eyes. “What’s he mean?” Peeta asks me. “It’s the Capitol. They didn’t like our stunt with the berries,” I blurt out. “What? What are you talking about?”
“So, what you’re saying is, these last few days and then I guess . . . back in the arena . . . that was just some strategy you two worked out.” “No. I mean, I couldn’t even talk to him in the arena, could I?” I stammer. “But you knew what he wanted you to do, didn’t you?” says Peeta. I bite my lip. “Katniss?” He drops my hand and I take a step, as if to catch my balance. “It was all for the Games,” Peeta says. “How you acted.”
-THG - Chapter 27
The truth comes out. Uh oh. It seems this star crossed lovers act when on longer than Peeta expected. Granted, I don't recall him or Katniss ever making their status official, but somewhere between the cave and now, Peeta thought both him and Katniss were on the same page about their feelings. He's not wrong for thinking Katniss liked him back, she does, what he didn't account for is Katniss not knowing herself that she liked him back.
I think Peeta learning the truth through Haymitch and not Katniss starts them on the wrong foot. Because she isn't honest with him for a majority of the time in this scene. Yes, Katniss was worried if the capitol could hear them, but even after Haymitch lets them know they can talk freely, she's still isn't 100% honest with Peeta.
Now here comes the big question.
“It was all for the Games,” Peeta says. “How you acted.” “Not all of it,” I say, tightly holding on to my flowers. “Then how much? No, forget that. I guess the real question is what’s going to be left when we get home?” he says. “I don’t know. The closer we get to District Twelve, the more confused I get,” I say. He waits, for further explanation, but none’s forthcoming
I'd be more than happy to dump all the blame on him for being a pissy baby after the revelation if it weren't for that last part at the end.
Peeta's hurt, yes, but he can rationalize that Katniss had to play lovers for the games, but here, right now, he's asking what he should be expecting when they get home. The words aren't there, but the subtext is loud and clear.
This is a confession. I'm hurt. But I still like you. Do you like me? Will we have something when we go home and the cameras are gone?
Katniss gives him her most honest answer yet. She doesn't know. She's confused and she's getting more confused as they get closer to home. And that's it. That's her answer. But it isn't enough.
Peeta explicitly waits for more of an explanation from Katniss. He hears nothing about her thoughts, feelings, fears. He only knows what she tells him. And when he doesn't get it, there's no other way to take it as a rejection.
So now what?
“Well, let me know when you work it out,” he says, and the pain in his voice is palpable. -THG- Chapter 27-
“No, I ate at the Hob,” I say. “But thank you.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own, it’s so formal. Just as it’s been every time I’ve spoken to Peeta since the cameras finished filming our happy homecoming and we returned to our real lives. -CF- Chapter 1
The camera crews and reporters packed up and went home. Peeta and I assumed the cool relationship we’ve had ever since. -CF- Chapter 2
And this is why I feel like it's so unfair to solely blame Peeta for their distance between THG and CF. This distance came from both sides.
Peeta ends Book one asking Katniss to be honest with him once she figures her own feelings out. But she never does. She just picks up her life and tries go back to what it was before the games.
Was he waiting for an answer? How long did he wait? When did he give up and accept that whatever was the 74th was something his mind made up while he lying half dead in a cave?
Katniss has a valid list of a million things that are clouding her feelings for Peeta. We know them because we're stuck in her head. But Peeta isn't. And to be honest, I don't think he ever knows all of them throughout the trilogy.
I want to tell him that he’s not being fair. That we were strangers. That I did what it took to stay alive, to keep us both alive in the arena. That I can’t explain how things are with Gale because I don’t know myself. That it’s no good loving me because I’m never going to get married anyway and he’d just end up hating me later instead of sooner. That if I do have feelings for him, it doesn’t matter because I’ll never be able to afford the kind of love that leads to a family, to children. And how can he? How can he after what we’ve just been through? -THG- Chapter 27-
And this isn't a silly little fling for Peeta. He's liked Katniss since forever. Has there been other girls that caught his eye? Yes, maybe, but Katniss Everdeen has always been a soft spot for him.
Now, there is a part of him that now as to wonder WTF was going on in the Games, in the Cave and the Interview that followed after. You know the one, where Katniss cries into his chest, buries her face into his chest and practically sits on him the entire time.
Unlike Katniss, Peeta now has to question everything because the rug has just been pulled from underneath him. Yes, he's aware about the lover act and playing it up for the audience, but he isn't aware that Katniss and Haymitch have some crazy telepathic connection to each other that was guiding how Katniss would act towards Peeta in the games. He was even delirious half the time. How far did that go? When did it even begin? He knew that Haymitch was sending packages to Katniss instead of him.
I'm not making this shit up because it's the one thing that Peeta outwardly expresses frustration at (especially) Katniss and Haymitch.
“This has to stop. Right now. This — this — game you two play, where you tell each other secrets but keep them from me like I’m too inconsequential or stupid or weak to handle them.” “It’s not like that, Peeta —” I begin. “It’s exactly like that!” he yells at me. “I have people I care about, too, Katniss! Family and friends back in District Twelve who will be just as dead as yours if we don’t pull this thing off. So, after all we went through in the arena, don’t I even rate the truth from you?” - CF - Chapter 5 -
So what is the point i'm making here? Oh right. I think Peeta is 1000% justified in withdrawing from Katniss after the train tracks. What else is he suppose to do? This isn't something he can bounce back and recover from right away. Taking a step back is the most mature thing to do in this situation. For his sake and hers.
I dislike the notion that his apology denotes complete wrong doing on his part. He's having a human moment and he navigates it better than most would. Yes, he freezes her out, but he doesn't berate her, blame her or is mean to her. He just fucks off and deals with his own emotions and only shows up to play the perfect boyfriend. (And when he does, he never does it with malice OR resentment, at least to from Katniss' obervation.) What other alternative is there? He's genuinely hurt and I feel like expecting him to be comforting and supportive on and off camera when he's hurting inside to be unfair.
We sympathize with Katniss because we're in her head 24/7. We can get to hear her yearn and pine for Peeta after the train tracks. But Katniss also just doesn't mention her every trying to fix her relationship with Peeta between books. She lets the ice freeze over until Peeta comes back to ofter friendship instead. Yes, she has trauma and more hang ups than the average modern day person, but so does Peeta. Trauma is an explanation, not an excuse. If Katniss is allowed three books to figure out her feelings for Peeta, Peeta should be allowed the in between of Book 1 and 2 to figure out his with Katniss.
There should be more nuance when we look at this point in time where Peeta and Katniss' relationship is estranged. Peeta has a lot of reasons why he might want distance from her and I think it's unfair to blame him for it. From him questioning the games, Katniss and Haymitch's involvement with each other and Katniss non-answer of a rejection to his feelings, there's a lot of things he needs to sort out himself. Yes, she saved his life, but she also doesn't answer a lot of questions he asks of her. Katniss doesn't owe him a relationship for what happened in the games, or even her reasons why she's not ready for a relationship. But in turn, we shouldn't blame Peeta if he personally needs time to pick himself up, to figure things out himself. And this is just one thing on top of the trauma that follows both of them after the games. He also just fucking lost his leg LMAO
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Any predictions for the next chapter, or from this wrap up in general?
I’m gonna be honest; with Shigaraki dead, who knows how many of the League with him or soon to follow, and most of Class 1A ending their arcs as a disappointing collective carbon copy of the last generation, I’m not too interested. And that may hinder my ability to predict what little we have left, let alone to any enjoyable capacity.
The only real prediction I can make is about how the wrap up will take every implication or consequence of the kids’ failure to save or change and…continue to ignore them, brush them under the rug that is this feeling of how much the ‘day has been saved’ we’re being given.
I’m talking zero mention of corruption in the hero industry, no talk about the folks heroes aren’t around to save despite inspiring complacency & dependency, nothing to make us think villains won’t be treated worse after how Twice, Machia, and Shigaraki were treated, and you better believe they won’t bring up the Singularity Doomsday.
(Or, potentially more infuriatingly if it’s done poorly*, they actually will bring up some of the League’s old talking points…most of which no one on the heroes side have ever been shown caring about and weren’t really brought up in the final arc at all…and it’s all to talk about how they’re handling it the right way tm, which we learn is super easy for them. Turns out Shoji really can solve all of quirks racism by just being super inspiring at bigots, maybe with some finger wagging at them if he’s feeling daring**; don’t know why Spinner’s mob thought they needed to riot like that. And Shoto just made a few calls, gave a speech maybe, and now heroes abusing their power and/or families is a thing of the past; sure makes the lengths Touya went to seem silly.
Ugh, I’m getting a migraine just typing that out.)
And it’ll all end with future Deku saving some kid lost in the streets like Tenko Shimura, and we’ll be asked to just pretend that means every kid like Tenko Shimura gets saved from now on…even though that’s not how his backstory or criticism of the system worked at all. Remember: ‘the day is saved, so don’t think about it too hard.’
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*Which I expect it would be.
**Which he will not.
If, after seeing me say that I don't want an ending where they do nothing but also don't want an ending where they do everything, you're wondering what ending I'd be satisfied with…I honestly couldn't tell you.
I should want an ending where they change and improve things; but after spending a sizable fraction of MHA's total length effectively fighting against change and improvement because it was villains trying to shepherd it in while the heroes were always talking about rebuilding it all back to normal to the very end (including just last chapter), I don't know how Hori could pull that off without it feeling like bad writing. And unless that writing gets bad enough for Tomura to return from dust, I don’t much care for that idea either.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 hours
Pretty Young Thing: Angel Reyes x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @trhett21 @annetje @infinity-mars @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @thatonesexycancerian @weiwei02100 @anime-weeb-4-life @harperdoodle @cheyrenee @fanfic-n-tabulous @deliriousfangirl61 @@daydreaming-belle @est1887 @thanossexual @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @wnbweasley @spookyboogyuniverse @skyesthebomb @spaghettificationandpretzels @joyfulfxckery @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @bonsaijoons @justreblogginfics
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It’s Taza’s fault.
Ever since the other man had revealed that he preferred ass over pussy, Angel can’t stop thinking about it. He’s done anal before, but he’s always been the giver, never the receiver. What makes it worse is that Taza refuses to any of his questions.
“What does it feel like?” He’d asked the other man as he slide into the seat across from him and Taza had laughed before saying.
“Why don’t you talk to that pretty, young thing of yours and find out?”
He broaches the topic whilst the two of you are doing the dishes in the kitchen. Felipe’s playing with Valeria in the living room, so he knows he won’t be overheard.
“I can’t get it out of my head.” He mutters, his hip bumping against yours as the two of you lean back against the work surface. “What if I’m missing something? I mean a lot of guys do it right? So, it must feel good.”
“Do you want to try it?” You ask him, drying the last plate before handing it to him.
He bobs his head from side to side in indecision, it’s a big step even for Angel.
“Let’s experiment a little first.” You suggest. “Go slow, see if you like it.”
It starts with a finger. The two of you are getting hot and heavy later that night, trying to keep things quiet because Valeria is in the next room and Felipe down the hall. You’ve become savants at it at this point, your trysts stifled by hands and pillows. You’re a tease tonight, it’s becoming more and more frequent over the last few weeks because since you’ve been shot you need to regain some assemble of control and if Angel’s honest, he needs to lose it.
When your lubed up fingers trace around his hole, he’s surprised to find he likes it. It’s a sensitive area and you’re an expert at reading him, you can tell he wants a little more from the way his hips arch trying to take your finger. The sound he makes when you enter him, it’s loud and you have to clap your free hand over his mouth to silence him. He gets off on that because his Reina, she always takes care of him, she knows exactly what he needs.
“Touch yourself.” You command and fuck, if he doesn’t obey.
You take him apart slowly, adding another finger, stretching him as you brush over that deviant little spot the one that makes his hips buck and his dick twitch. You can tell he’s close, his movements become more frantic, his breath more ragged. The ecstasy, it’s intense, more intense than Angel has ever felt before. It tears through Angel like an IED exploding through his synapses. Your palm presses down over his mouth even harder as Angel becomes completely untethered.
“You liked that.” You murmur after you’ve washed up, your lips brushing over the corner of his mouth.
The two of you are tangled up in one another, your fingertips ghosting along his cheekbone as he holds you close.
“Felt good.” He mumbles drowsily. He feels so relaxed right now, so loved so cared for. It reminds him of the days before the shooting, before Valeria, when the two of you were just a little wild. It’s been a while since he’s had that feeling, that he hasn’t felt burdened by the weight of his responsibilities.
“You want to try a little more next time?”
He smiles against your mouth, his lips claiming yours.
“I’ll book a hotel.”
It feels like the first time that Angel took you to bed. You take care of him the same way as you did back then, with teasing caresses and heated lips that chase over his erogenous zones. It leaves him relaxed and wanting, his dick leaking as you kiss him everywhere but the one place, he needs you too. He whines when you pull away, unwilling to relinquish the contact. You shush him, your lips brushing over his sweetly as you smear lube over the black strap on you’re wearing.
“Don’t worry my Angel, I’ll give you what you need.”
You love seeing him like this, so wanton, so desperate. You enter him slowly, and he takes you inch by inch until the toy brushes over his prostate and he moans like a fucking whore. You dip your head low, your mouth covering his as your thumb ghosts along the line of his jaw. It grounds him, anchoring him in the moment as you begin to move in languid strokes, each one leaving him breathless.
There’s a relief in the sensation, to be the one taken, instead of taking. He didn’t realise how much he needed it until this moment, how much he craved it.
“Harder.” He mutters. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
“You’re sure?” You ask him and he takes your hand, guiding it up to his throat.
“Remind me who I belong to, Mi Reina.” He whispers. “Make me believe I’m yours.”
You absolutely ruin him.
You fuck him hard, your hand squeezing his throat until the edges of his vision turn black and his cock throbs. Everytime, you release him he whines because he can taste nirvana, it’s there just out of reach but you won’t let him touch it.
“Please…” He pleads as the ecstasy surges up through his veins, setting every single one of his nerve endings ablaze.
“Oh Angel, you beg so pretty.” You tell him, that sinful smile crossing your features. “How can I deny my good boy anything?”
Those words…
He feels the flush creeping up his cheeks because Angel, he’s never been the good anything. It taps into something deep inside his psyche, heightens the intimacy as your hand drifts down to his cock, your thumb spreading pre-cum over the tip. You jerk him off in time with your thrusts, each one taking him right to the precipice.
The air rushes out of his chest as the pleasure hits him, it overwhelming, the way it tears through his synapses like a wildfire burning up his sanity. He’s loud when he comes, so fucking loud the guy in the next room bangs on the fucking wall. Angel doesn’t give a shit because the euphoria that’s racing through his system, it’s like a narcotic.
He whines as you withdraw from his body, he feels empty and overwrought in the moment but then you’re back by his side in an instant, the toy discarded. He moans as your hands trail over his sensitive skin, soothing and tender. You kiss his lips and he’s flooded with a sense of security that he has never felt with any other person.
The next day he sits down across from Taza as the other man flicks through a newspaper with his reading glasses on. He glances up, taking stock of the expression on Angel’s face, before a smile ghosts across his lips.
“You tried it.” He says, turning the next page.
“I owe you a beer.” Angel mutters, sliding one of the two bottles he’s brought over towards Taza. “You know for the advice.”
“Why don’t you talk to that pretty, young thing of yours and find out?”
Taza smiles before he picks up the beer and takes a sip.
“Honestly Angel, you don’t owe me a damn thing.”
Love Angel? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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i-am-baechu · 1 day
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Chapter Eight
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Author's note: I worked really late in the past two days and I had to stay longer! I’m sorry this is late but something big happens in this chapter to make up lol 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
There’s something about the silence that's comforting. It’s this unspoken feeling that makes you feel at home. There’s no one to take it away and it's something that never changes. It’s always there. No matter how hard you try. Even in moments when you're with people that make you feel something, silence is always there. You're the one to blame for the silence and you have to take responsibility before things get worse. Before things get worse...
Y/N stared at him and it was a look that he never wanted to see, “Y/N...” 
“You lied to me...You’ve been lying to me.” 
“I did it-”
“Don’t repeat it. I trusted you...all this for what? To make me look like an idiot?” 
Yoongi shook his head and brought her into him as she tried to push him away, “You're not an idiot...don’t ever say that about yourself.” He glanced down at her to see her standing still and he wiped the blood off of her forehead, “Y/N, I couldn’t tell you.” 
“Let. Me. Go.” 
“I won’t...I will never let you go...Never.” 
Four Days Ago 
Y/N watched with amusement and waved at her. She walked towards Yoongi with her arms over her chest, “Déjà vu.”
“At least I know your brain works.”
“I wish I could say the same about you.” 
Yoongi shook his head and glanced at Namjoon, “We’ll talk about it later.”
Y/N watched Namjoon walk away with annoyance in his step. She turned back to Yoongi and frowned, “What’s wrong with him?”
“Nothing, let me take you out.”
She raised her eyebrow and pursed her lips, “Taking me out?” 
“That’s what I said right, Bambi?” 
She snickered at this and sighed, “Fine, if I must. Where are you taking me?” 
“Seeing Lana.” 
The two walked side by side and this time Yoongi was the one that grabbed her hand. She glanced down and she couldn’t help but smile at the scene before her. Yoongi saw the smile and he couldn’t help but smile to himself. He rubbed her knuckles as the fall winds guided them to Lana’s restaurant. He opened the door and he raised his eyebrow, “If you're going to do that, lock the doors.”
“What’s happening?”
Yoongi moved his body to cover the scene from Y/N. Lana was on one of the tables with Hoseok on top of her. It was clear they were kissing with the lipstick stains on his lips and his flushed face. He was thanking god that he still had pants on. Hoseok let out a small cough and helped Lana off the table as she gave him a shy smile, “H-Hey...Why are you here?” 
“You're a restaurant owner, what do you think?”
He felt a small punch to his back and he glanced behind to see Y/N frowning at him, “Be nice.” 
He rolled his eyes and glanced back at Lana, “I wanted to eat with my Bambi.”
Yoongi moved to the side and Y/N smiled at Lana, “Good afternoon.” 
Lana glanced at Hoseok who was just as surprised as her. She looked back at Y/N and waved, “I was wondering when I would see you again.” 
“I’m glad I made a good first impression.”
Hoseok glanced at Yoongi and saw a look he had only seen once. He watched Y/N going towards Lana with excitement and he turned towards his boss with a smile, “Happiness looks good on you.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at him and shook his head, “Don’t say stupid things.” 
“It’s not stupid when it's the truth. You called her “My Bambi”, or am I hearing things?” 
Yoongi let out a small cough, “Get back to work.” 
Hoseok let out a laugh and glanced at Y/N, “Where there is love there is no darkness...remember that.” 
Yoongi looked towards Y/N who was laughing with Lana and it felt like a freeze frame from a movie. All he saw was her smile and compassionate eyes. Something he wasn’t used to and never will be but he wants to be especially with her. He looked back at Hoseok with a frown, “With my darkness, it will just suck her up...and then what?” 
“You’ll save her.” 
“Hoseok are you leaving?”
Hoseok turned towards Lana and frowned, “Yeah but I’ll come by tonight.”
She nodded her head and walked towards him with a smile on her face. She leaned towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Yoongi glanced at Y/N who was watching the scene with a smile and Yoongi could sense the feeling of wanting. She walked towards her and pushed some hair off of her shoulder, “What’s with that look?” 
“What look?” 
“It's a look of wanting.” 
She frowned and glanced at Lana and then back at Yoongi, “Having someone sounds nice...that’s all.” 
“Am I invisible now?” 
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, “You know what I mean.”
“Do I Bambi? Use your words.” He pushed some hair from her forehead and she glanced up but he ignored her eyes, “For someone that likes to talk, you're silent.” 
“So....do you guys want ramen?”
Yoongi moved away from her at record speed and nodded his head, “Yeah, can we have what we had last time.”
Lana smirked at him and nodded his head, “Of course.” 
Yoongi wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist and headed towards the back. He glanced down when he felt her head leaning on him. It was a nice feeling. They sat in the booth and he placed his hand on top of hers. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and he continued to play with her knuckles, “You want someone?” 
He felt her stiff and he looked up to see her flushed in the face, “I think everyone wants someone...to love.” 
“Have you ever been in love, Y/N?” 
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “No...never. Have you?” 
He looked her into her eyes and smirked, “Slowly.” 
She was confused and went to open her mouth but it was stopped by ramen bowls. Lana placed the bowls and smiled, “If you guys want any drinks just let me know.”
“Thank you so much, Lana.”
Lana smiled at Y/N and winked at her, “Anything for you Bambi.”
Yoongi glared at Lana, “I’m the only one that can call her that.” 
“Yes, Mr. Min.” 
Yoongi turned back to Y/N to see her smiling as Lana left, “What’s with that smile?”
After eating, Yoongi took her to something he never showed anyone. Not even Namjoon. The walk was long and he offered her a piggy-back ride but she denied it (with a red face). He unlocked a gate and he felt her eyes on his back but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise. He grabbed her hand and smiled, “Do you trust me?” 
“I trust you.” 
They entered the small garden and he watched her eyes brighten up at the sight. There was a variety of roses blooming with lilies in the mix. He let go of her hand and placed his hands in his pockets as he watched her go towards the flowers. He smiled when he saw the excitement in her eyes. She turned back and was shocked at the sheer amount, “What is this?” 
Yoongi leaned against the wall and took a deep sniff of the garden, “It’s the last thing I have of my parents. When they died, they left a notebook with an address and the address is this. It was their garden, they wanted......they wanted me to show someone I care about.” Someone I love...
She glanced down at the lilies and smiled, “White lilies....”
He walked towards her and picked up the flower. He placed it in her hair and she stared at him with those wide doe eyes he came accustomed to, “Purity.” 
“They can also mean rebirth...fitting for you.”
He raised his eyebrow and creased her hair, “How so?”
“You don’t even realize that you're changing with me.” 
“Everything comes naturally with you.” He picked up a purple rose and placed it in her hands, “Everything.” 
“Purple rose?”
“A purple rose, Bambi. Decipher it.” 
She glanced down at the delicate flower and then back at him, “You tell me...” 
He leaned down and their forehead touched as she kept her eyes on his. He saw her eyes craving for an answer but he was a man that didn’t talk all that much. He leaned down and placed his lips on his and he let his actions tell her. He tilted his head and she followed his actions. The kiss wasn’t sexual like how he was used to but it was like the white lilies, pure. But it was also like the purple roses, love. 
When they leaned away, he placed his forehead on hers and she looked up at him, “A tyrant that’s poetic...how rare.” 
He chuckled and creased her cheek, “What’s rare is finding someone like you.” 
He watched her enter her house and he couldn’t help but feel like a teen again. A teenager who got his first kiss. It made him want to kick his feet up in joy. He started to walk back but stopped by Y/N’s school. He walked into the yard and looked around with full caution. He heard rumors about the school and how they had cases of gang action. The rumors were about a girl named Ana Jeon. Her father is a well-known mafia leader but her mother is a famous painter. They used the mother’s job as a cover-up. He just hopes that Ana isn’t involved with Y/N in any way.
He continued to walk around the campus and his eyes landed on an opening. A door that was left open. He raised his eyebrow at this, for a rich school their security should be better. He quietly went through the door, without touching the dark wood and entered. It looked like he was in a hallway and he tilted his head. There was a light at the end of the hall. His hand immediately went to his knife as he made his way slowly. 
He overheard a familiar voice and bit his lip, “The party is in two weeks. Remember that.”
He heard an annoyed sigh as he kept his back to the wall, “Why her? Out of everyone, her?” 
“She’s a L/N. The amount of power and money she has is more than any of you, Jessica, Ana. Remember your role.”
“Whatever Eunwoo.” 
Yoongi glared at the ground and had to hold back a curse. Y/N is too involved with this case and he didn’t like it. His only job is to protect her and protecting her is what he will do. He made his way out of the hall and quickly made his way back to the headquarters. 
He slammed the door and tossed his knife on the coffee table. Everyone looked at him with confused eyes but no one dared to say anything. It wasn’t until Jin left the kitchen to stand in front of Yoongi with worried eyes, “What’s wrong?” 
Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Jin with pure anger, “That son of bitch Eunwoo...”
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and then back at Yoongi, “What about him? We’re still collecting information on him.” 
“He wants...” Yoongi bit his lip and for the first time, his emotions took over him. He let tears appear and looked at Jin, “He wants Y/N. I-I don’t know what he wants but he wants her....fuck he wants her.” 
Yoongi dropped to his knees as Jimin made his way towards him in worry, “Yoongi...”
Namjoon watched with a frown and looked at the rest of the team, “Taehyung, keep a close eye on Y/N. Jungkook, you're going with him in case anything happens.” 
Yoongi looked up at him and let out a mocking laugh, “Why because she’s evidence?”
“No, because my brother is in love and the woman that he's in love with is in trouble.”  
“I never said I’m in love-’
“Let’s come up with a plan.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
He heard the familiar piano playing in the large music hall and he felt at ease. The delicate music sent warmth to his heart and he slowly walked towards her with a cigarette in his mouth. He let out a puff of smoke and smiled, “Your music sounds happier.” 
She turned around and smiled, “I have many reasons to be happy.”
He raised his eyebrow and leaned against the piano, “Want to tell me the reason?” 
“I think you can figure it out.” 
“Can I?” 
She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh, “If one can figure it out then another can.” 
He smirked at this and put out his cigarette under his foot. He sat next to her and glanced down at the keys, “Do you know someone named Cha Eunwoo?” 
She raised her eyebrow and nodded his head, “Sadly. I’ve known him since I was a child...why? Do you know him?”
I want to kill him, “No, I just heard his name through other people.” 
She nodded her head at this and he could tell that she did not like Eunwoo, “That makes sense. He's talked about by everyone.” 
“Why is that?”
“Rich and popular. I like his dad more, his dad is friends with mine. He was nicer and not weird at all.” 
Yoongi played two notes and then nodded his head, “Eunwoo was weird?” 
“He’s always been weird towards me. My mom wanted me to marry him because of how close he was with my dad. My dad never said no but he also never said yes. He’s always trying to capture my eyes...it’s annoying.”
Yoongi stopped playing and turned towards her with seriousness in his eyes, “Stay away from him.”
She let out a small laugh and turned towards him. Her smile dropped when she saw the seriousness in his eyes, “Is everything alright? And don’t say it's nothing, your eyes tell me otherwise.” 
“He’s trouble.” 
“I already knew that...You don’t need to tell me to do something.” 
Yoongi sighed and placed his hand on top of hers, “I know just be safe.” 
“I will.”
“That party you’ve been talking about, when is it?” 
She raised her eyebrow but answered, “It’s in two weeks. Why?”
He reached into his pocket and placed a red lily in her hand, “Y/N, I would like to be your date.” 
She laughed at this and raised her eyebrow, “It’s my event. You do realize I should be the one asking you.” 
“Never traditional.” 
“Clearly...I was going to ask you but now I don’t want to answer you.”
She rolled her eyes and looked away from him, “I guess I’ll have you as my date.” 
“You guess?”
“Yeah, I guess. I have a question for you.” 
Yoongi turned towards the piano and started to play, “Sure.”
“Why did I see Taehyung and Jungkook near my house?”
He stopped playing abruptly and looked at her, “What do you mean?” 
“Yoongi, I saw them. I also saw them at my school. Why? Tell me the truth.” 
Yoongi bit his lip and didn’t know what to say. The truth can hurt her but a lie can be agonizing. She was the beautiful garden with the different colors and he was the fire. Everything he touches turns into ash, everything. Maybe Namjoon was right. He shouldn’t be near her because look at where she is. In a problem that could cost her life and for what for selfish reasons. If he continues to see her then he's just as selfish. He wished this was another life with no problems and it was just them. That’s all he wanted. 
He swallowed some spit and let out a small cough, “Watching just in case they come and hurt you.”
“So they're doing your job?” 
“It’s extra security for you. It makes me feel better to know they’re there when I can’t be there for you.”
She looked away and he knew that it was because she was flushed in the face, “Why?” 
“Because I will always be there for you. No matter what.” I just have to be strong enough to walk away from you when the time comes... 
Tag List:
@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir @amberpanda99
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cam3lliaw · 1 day
Catching the eye of a prince
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-crownprince!gojo x maid!reader
Who would’ve thought getting caught reading a book during work hours one random day would not only make you good friends with the right hand of the crown prince, but also end up making the said crown prince be interested in getting to know you.
contents/ warnings: might be ooc, insecurities( some implied), mentions of stealing, a bit of angst at times to eventual fluff, friends to lovers trope, the main characters are all in their early 20s, tba
word count: 0.7 k words
series masterlist
notes: I've read a lot of jjk royalty au recently and I was inspired to write one as well :) this is the prologue and I don't really know how long this will turn out to be but i hope you enjoy it !! (fic under the cut)
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“Need any help with that?” a gruff voice could be heard from behind.
You didn’t need to turn around to know that the voice belonged to none other than Geto Suguru, the crown prince’s right hand, his one and only best friend, and last but not least, your occasional thorn in the side.
“You really like that joke a lot, don’t you, Lord Geto.” you said, still not turning to face him as you continued to hang the sheets on the clothesline.
“And you really like to call me that, even though I tell you all the time that Suguru is just fine. And besides, I wasn’t, and never will be, joking when I ask you that question, [name].” he chuckled.
“You know that my answer will always be no, Suguru. There are some lines that even I won’t cross, and to be honest, it’s absurd to even consider I’ll let you help me.”
“And why is that?” he asked, even though he fully knows the answer already.
“Well for starters, I’m not that stupid not to be aware of the difference in our status, friends or not, it still matters to me. And secondly-” you turn to face him as a smile stretches on your face “You don’t see me coming to your office and telling you how you should do your work.”
“I wouldn’t oppose to that, you know.” Suguru smiled back.
“Like I’m smart enough to even step into a place like that.” you huffed jokingly.
At that he grimaced slightly.
“Come on, [name]. We both know you are way smarter than a lot of the people that work in this palace.”
“Reading a few books here and there only get you so far, Suguru. You, out of everyone, should know that well.”
It never gets easier, admitting that you wish for more. In another universe, you would read all day, study literature properly with someone who actually knows what they’re doing, not only from damaged pages of stolen books from the royal library, books that are about to be disposed not only because the years have left them in a horrible shape but sometimes also because the concepts explained are so old that they aren’t even right anymore.
“You know I could always bring and lend you newer ones right? I told you that on multiple occasions already and I mean it every time.” Suguru said as he approached you and stood by your side.
You also know Suguru would never make fun of you, he really wants to help. But it’s hard enough to get and hide the books in the maids’ chambers before you finish reading them and returning them to the library's unofficial “trash” section. Imagine what trouble you would get in if you get caught with fancy new books. It hurts only to think about it.
“I know…I’ll let you know in case I need anything. I promise.”
Saying this is clearly better than admitting the truth. As much as you don’t want unnecessary problems for yourself, dragging Suguru into all of this mess is even worse.
“This doesn’t look very…straight.” Suguru changed the subject to lighten the mood, as he tried to lightly stretch one of the sheets.
“We both know that’s a bold-faced lie! Don’t mess the laundry! If it ends up falling down and I’ll have to wash it again, I won't talk to you anymore, Suguru.”
“We also know that’s not true.” he chuckled as he gently bumped his side into yours.
You returned the action.
And he did it once again but a bit more forceful.
And the cycle repeated itself for a few more times until you literally shoved him, but before he could fall on the grass, he grabbed your hands and dragged you down as well, falling down a step away from the dark haired man.
“You’re acting like a child!” you exclaimed as you started laughing.
“Says the one who shoved me!” he started to laugh too.
“You started it!”
“Oh that’s such a mature argument, [name]. Impressive, really.” the male continued to laugh as he got up and helped you up as well.
Unknown to the both of you, this whole exchange was watched from afar by none other than the crown prince, who was initially looking for his best friend, but it seems like he found something else instead.
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end notes: i hope you liked it! :)
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myredrainbow · 11 hours
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~ Vox x fem Reader ~
Scenario: Vox tries being a sugar daddy for a day ( or not)
( I tried my best to make Vox more like Vox but for the sake of this fic it may not seem like it- apologies ^^)
~ Of course, Valentino complaining to Vox how tiring being a pimp can be. Vox rolling his eyes, not really caring much about Val. “Oh, c’mon Val! How hard can it be?” Valentino smirks, “Oh yeah? How bout you try being one for a day?”.
~ Vox waving his hand in front of Valentino, “As a pimp? Not a chance”. Valentino’s smirk remained on his face, “ What about a Sugar Daddy?”. Vox’s eyes widened, “What??”. Val nodded, “It’s nothing like pimping but it’s more paying off someone to be a ‘campion’ so to speak”.
~ Vox and Valentino agreed as Valentino went to work, Vox went online to search for his first ever sugar baby.
~Later he found one willing to let him be her sugar daddy, Y/n. A fellow sinner, but living decent in the pride ring.
~Vox arranged a meet up at the studios, waiting for her. Y/n was given access to the studios from a code off her phone, once at a door she lifted up her phone as a small ring chimes. The door opening as she stepped in, Y/n’s heart nervously pounding in her chest.
~ At first there was Val’s workers, of course doing there jobs. Y/n tried her best to look away at most of it, but a voice yelled out. “Well now! Look who I have here? Vox’s little sugar baby, welcome! Hermosa~” he greeted.
~ Y/n nodded as she looked at her phone, a text reading:
V: Head to the back of the room, look for a blue door.
V: Head inside and tap in this number : 89201
~Y/n then excuse herself as I headed towards the door. Opening it with her phone as she tapped in the number, the door closing as a low humming sound came out. “ Oh, it’s an elevator” Y/n spoke, Y/n looked to her right and noticed that the wall had a mirror. Y/n stared at herself..
~ She came wearing a dark blue dress reaching her thighs, black heels, jewelry, her hair in the perfect style that she loved and a small bag. Gulping in anticipation, “I hope wearing this was ok”.
~ The elevator ding as the elevator reads “ LV: 13”. Y/n takes a breath as she walked out, As Vox was sitting on his chair. A large table in front of him as he holds a drink, his face kind of in a scowl. But it changes as he eyes meet her presence, he clears his throat.
~ “Y/n, please sit” he spoke, Y/n nodded. Sitting in front of him, the table large enough to keep him at a good distance. Vox stares at him, “Now.. I’m going to be honest, This is my first time doing this.. So if you do anything funny I will hurt you”. Y/n nodded her head, “Yes sir”.
~ Vox liked the sound of ‘Yes sir’, it made his heart pound. Kinda.. Vox continued, “Y/n. As you know I’m an overlord but you were the only one that accepted my proposal out of hundreds, Not that I care..”.
~ Y/n rolled her eyes, “Y/n. I would like to know what you would like from me. Money ? Power?” He questioned, “I would ask for money, safety and um.. some sort of companionship?”.
~Vox lifted an eyebrow, “ Hmm”. Vox mind was going all over the place, but he nodded. “Very well, but I also want few things from you too. My dear”. Y/n’s heart pounds, she gulped.
~Vox stared at her, “ I would like for you come be Available whenever I ask you to come over to accompany me, two- there will be times where I want to have intercourse with you, three… I will be working most of the time so I will ask for you to be with me during those times too”.
~Y/n eyes widened as she pressed her thighs together, as she felt a warmth in between them. ‘ Huh.. not what I was expecting’ she thought, she can deal with this. “Sir, I do have a part time job” Y/n brought up, Vox stared at her. “Which is?” He asked, “I work at a demon coffee shop”. Vox nodded, “Hmm. Very well”.
~Vox sighed as he patted his thigh, “Now that we take of care of that.. come here..”. Y/n blushed but obeyed, the pit in her stomach growing warmer. She walked up and carefully sat on his thigh, she heard a low groan escaping his mouth..
~Y/n exhaled as she felt his arm around her hip, Vox still staring at her..
~Through out the day, one could say for Vox- that the day went smoothly. Y/n accompanied Vox through out his day, him making more things on Vox Tech, so Y/n got invested into his work and asked him a lot of questions, Vox seemed to enjoy those conversations.
~With half of the day left Vox seem to dread the fact that this will end in 4 hours.. he didn’t want it to end, he would hate to admit it to Val but he enjoyed this very much..
~At the moment right now, He and Y/n were enjoy an expensive meal. A treat from Vox, Y/n enjoyed her meal, the finest she’s ever eaten. Her smile bought Vox to smile too.
~ Vox sighed. “Y/n I would like to ask you something” Y/n looked up as she swallowed her bite of her meal, “Yes? Sir?” She asked, Vox continued. “You may call me Vox, dear. No more ‘sir’, but I would like to be intimate with you later” Y/n eyes widen.
~Vox cough, “ I’m not going to force you too”. Y/n stare down at her lap, she then place her hand on her thigh. Gulping, wishing it was Vox’s hand.. She then breathed in..
~“Yes” Vox, eyes widened. But then he smirked, he then stood up. He picked her head, “I’ll pay the bill. You finished up, dear”. Y/n smiled as Vox went to the counter to pay, Y/n happily ate the rest of her meal.
Returning to the studios, Vox led her to his bedroom. Y/n heart was pounding but Vox hugged her from behind as he held her hand and lifted it above her heart, with his other hand playing with her zipper.
Vox breathed softly against her neck as Y/n gulped, the heat starting to pool out of her stomach and onto her panties. Y/n softly hummed as she heard her dress falling down onto the floor, a small electric pulse shocking her.
“Now, I want you to relax” he whispers, he hands softly playing with her breast. Y/n now letting out small moans, as Vox continues…
“ I’ll try being gentle but once I’m not.. you may have to stay the night my dear~”
Part 2??
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th3-3d3n-g4rd3n · 1 day
hi!! I love your writings, I was wondering if you could do a sub zuko fic where the reader edges him? If you don’t mind ofc :D
UH YES I CAN (i was waiting for someone to request my boyf - i love you!!!!) and i'm sorry it took so long for me to replyyyyy, you're so sweet whoever you are i feel so bad 😭
sub! Fire Lord Zuko x fem!dom! reader
(no anatomy described for reader, referred to as "pretty girl")
all characters are 18+
cw: edging (obvi), teasing, punishment type thing, nipple play, masochism (kinda… zuko rec.), tying zuko to a chair, zuko doesn’t actually get to cum in the fic (oops), begging
507 words
Zuko was a tease. All day he had been teasing you and to be honest, it was working. Stretching so his shirt lifted up, ‘accidentally’ bumping into you from behind (TWICE), putting his hand on your thigh when you were having dinner with your guys’ friends and family. He never stopped.
“What are you doing?” you whispered in his ear after you felt his hand drift further and further up your leg. All he did was smirk at you and turn back to his friends, he must be on something if he thinks that he’s going to get away with teasing you all day.
So, here he was. Naked, his ankles tied to the legs of his throne and his wrists tied to his throne arms. Squirming and writhing under your gentle touches up and down his body. Ball gag in his mouth to keep him quiet.
“Do you regret your choices yet, Zuko?” you ask him teasingly as he glared down at you, as you were on your knees, embarrassed on how much your slight touches were affecting him, meekly shaking his head no and smirking up at you. “Don’t worry…” you pinch his nipple, making his back arch from pain, “I’ll make sure you will.”
You trace your fingertip around his tip, wincing at the feeling of your nail on his sensitive head. You let out a menacing chuckle, basking in the feeling of power this boy gave you with how at mercy he was for you. You take out the gag to hear the pathetic boy's once-muffled pleas.
“Please… just touch me…” he whispers out gently. You couldn’t help but blush as you felt yourself get aroused at his weak begs. Of course, you couldn’t tell him this or he’d start getting confident. “You’ll sit there quietly and take what I give you, okay?” you say, to which he looks down defeated and stays quiet.
Startling him, you start to pump his dick quickly, so quickly that he doesn’t have enough time to adapt. He squirms under the new intensity, “slow down! slow- I’m gonna cum!” he blurts out, you stop. “No you’re not.” you say and smile at him innocently. "SHIT. No no no no pleaseeeee don't do this, I need it, need it so bad, pretty girl, please." You smile at how desperate he is, tracing your fingertips up and down his thighs to keep teasing him.
You repeated this process a few times, jerking him off and stopping once he got close. At this point, he was begging for mercy, squirming and writhing around as to try and finally cum, you were about to let him too. That was until you heard a pounding at the door and a shout, "Lord Zuko! Are you there? It is time for your meeting with the other Leaders in 10 minutes!" You chuckle at the unfortunate timing and start untying the ropes, "Well, go on then, Fire Lord. Your city awaits you," you mock.
Let's just say he didn't speak much during the meeting.
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
The Entertainer II - Track 07 - With Bells On
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Summary: What if it wasn’t the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky’s story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Track 07 Word Count: 4k+
Read The Entertainer
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“Nobody gets too much heaven no more It’s much harder to come by, I’m waiting in line…”
I hummed along mindlessly to the Bee Gees as I sifted through a rack of dresses.
“Sky. Hello, Earth to Sky Jones!”
I took a deep breath and blinked, turning towards my friend, her hand waving in my face.
“Sorry…um did you say something?”
“Jesus, Sky,” scoffed Halo. “Are you in Harryland, or what?”
“Sorry,” I blushed. “I guess I was.”
“And have been all morning,” Halo chuckled. “Boy, you got it bad.”
Harry had left my apartment early that morning, just five hours after he’d arrived. He’d left me in bed with a kiss, whispering that he had some things to tend to and errands to run before rehearsal for tonight’s show. I’d drifted back into dreamworld for maybe an hour until I had to get up myself to meet Halo for our shopping day. His scent lingered on my sheets, the feeling of his warm mouth on my body as I’d tried my best to step down from the cloud I was on.
“Donna says I daydream at work, too,” I remarked, draping a dress over my arm. “I guess I need to snap back to reality.”
“That’s the beauty of it though, isn’t it?” remarked Halo. “This is your reality now. You’re actually dating him.”
I followed Halo into the dressing rooms where I tried on my one dress that I really had no interest in. Halo had five.
“Did I tell you about Greg?” I heard her ask through the wall.
“I don’t think so. Who’s he?”
“Greg Cassio. He’s one of our artists we showcase at the gallery. He’s smoking hot, and I’d been dying to find out if he’s gay or married or anything. Anyway, he came in this week, and he was totally flirting with me.”
“So…what did he say?”
“He was leaning over the counter, checking out my rack, and I asked him when we might be getting any new pieces from him. He winked at me and said I could get a piece whenever I wanted.”
“Okay, so maybe that doesn’t mean anything, but did you catch the double entendre?” Halo asked.
“Yeah…kinda creepy if you ask me,” I remarked.
Halo and I had been friends long enough that we could be honest with each other. She knew I wasn’t crazy about her new preference in men, but she also knew I would stick by her.
I heard her exasperated sigh just before her door opened.
“Alright, tell me what you think of this,” she called.
Opening my dressing room door, I saw her standing before me in a stunning black strapless dress.
“Oh, Halo, so pretty!”
“Yes!” I sang. “You look like Princess Diana.”
My best friend laughed and twirled around. She was going to a holiday party as well, but one a bit more formal than mine.
“Okay, it’s your turn to find something,” she announced. “Are you getting that?”
I looked down at the simple frock I’d chosen, more like something I’d wear to work.
“Nah,” I shook my head. “I want something sexy.”
“Atta girl! Let’s go have lunch, and then hit Rodeo.”
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With a huff, I pushed open my apartment door and heaved my haul of shopping bags onto my kitchen table. Halo soon followed, closing my door with her elbow.
“Every year I say I’m not going to wait ‘til December to do my Christmas shopping, and every year I lie,” remarked Halo with a sigh.
“We got some good deals, though,” I said.
“I say that every year, too.”
With a laugh, I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
“You got anything harder than that?” Halo asked as I ran the tap.
“It just so happens, I do have a little of that scotch left from your birthday,” I nodded.
“Oh goodie!”
“Harry and I had some, but there’s still plenty left.”
I took down another glass from the cupboard and poured some for Halo. Then I added a splash to my water.
“What did he think of your apartment?” she asked me when she took a sip.
“He liked it. He said it was very me. And he laughed about me not having the itchy couch anymore.”
“Oh God, he remembered the couch! What a guy!”
I didn’t tell her all the other things he remembered. Some things I enjoyed keeping to myself.
As if he knew we were talking about him, the phone rang. Already knowing it was him calling, I answered with a smile.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hi.” I must have either said it in a certain tone or with a look that gave me away, because Halo rolled her eyes and leaned back against the sink, her arms crossed.
“How was your day?” I asked.
“Great, how was yours?”
“Good. I just got back with Halo. We’ve been shopping all day.”
“Oh yeah? Did you-”
“Hi, Harry!” Halo called into the phone and grabbed her glass from the counter.
Harry chuckled, “Hi, Halo!”
“He says hi. And he can’t wait to see you,” I told Halo.
“Hey, babe, I just wanted to make sure you know where to go tonight.”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
“I don’t want you to get stuck in the queue to get in, so I’ve put you and Halo on the list,” explained Harry.
“On the list?”
“Yeah, remember that bouncer out front? His name’s Tommy. Just tell him you’re Sky and Halo, and he’ll let you in.”
“Oh cool. Thanks, baby.”
“Oh! I get a ‘baby’ now?” Harry asked.
“Sure, why not?” I shrugged.
Harry made a sexy sound before he mumbled something that sounded like “so fucking cute.”
“Nothin’ babe,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you tonight, yeah?”
“With bells on,” I sang.
Harry laughed harder. “I’d love to see that. Bye, angel.”
As I returned the receiver to its spot on my kitchen wall, I heard Halo groan, “If you two were any sweeter, I might gag.”
“Help me, Halo, I’m in love.”
I said it matter-of-factly, but also as an honest plea for help. Catching the look of desperation on my face, Halo embraced me like only a best friend could.
“Oh, sweet Sky,” she said as she rocked me back and forth. “You didn’t have to tell me. This is Harry Styles we’re talking about. The only guy I’ve ever known to make you feel this way.”
“Kinda pathetic, huh?”
“Not at all! I love teasing you because you’re my friend. But in all honesty…I find this all incredibly romantic.”
“Yes. Now, let’s go start getting ready for this gig tonight. We’ll get you all dolled up so he can’t stand to look at anyone but you. And we’ll make the other girls jealous like we used to do.”
I gave her a huge squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks, Halo.”
“That’s what friends are for, right?”
I turned on my stereo and we sang along to every song while we got ready.
“When will you see me, my salamander Don’t try to tell me, oh no don’t answer…”
“What do you think that means?” I asked Halo. “My salamander?”
She laughed as she danced. “Who the hell knows? I think Paul McCartney is one of those people who can just get away with making up rubbish and it still sounds good.”
“You’re probably right,” I giggled.
“Harry’s like a Paul, isn’t he?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, besides being incredibly handsome, and British, he was in a successful band, and now he’s trying out the solo thing.”
“Yeah, good point,” I nodded as I slipped into my shoes. “But the other Beatles have solo albums too.”
“True,” Halo agreed, then paused as she brushed her hair. “But he’s definitely a Paul.”
“I’m getting closer to your heart…”
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Not wanting to have to worry about parking, Halo and I took a cab to the club. When it dropped us off in front, I noticed a line had already formed down the street.
“Jesus,” I muttered as I stepped out onto the curb.
“Sky, look!” Halo, poked me in the shoulder and pointed up at the marquee that read HARRY STYLES.
We made our way up to the front where I remembered Tommy being the last time. Relieved when I spotted him, I half hoped he recognized me, though I was sure he wouldn’t.
“Line’s back here, sweetie,” I heard a woman call, but I just smiled and pretended I didn’t hear her.
“Hi,” I said nervously when I approached Tommy. “I’m Sky, and this is Halo. My boyfriend said we should be on the list.”
“Your boyfriend, eh?” Tommy smirked. Then he picked up his clipboard and scanned it. “Oh yeah, Sky and Halo, I remember now. Harry did give me your real names because I gotta see some ID.”
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot about that, sorry,” I cringed, digging into my purse.
“Just standard policy, sweetheart.”
“I understand.”
I handed Tommy my ID and passed Halos along as well.
“Alright, thanks,” Tommy grinned. Then he lifted the velvet rope. “Have a good evening, ladies.”
“Thanks, Tommy,” I waved as I crossed the threshold.
“Oh, Harry told you my name, did he? Nice kid, that one.”
I beamed with pride as Halo and I made our way through the club.
“He was nice,” she yelled into my ear.
“Yeah. I wish they were all like that.”
“Helps to have boyfriends in high places,” Halo laughed.
Just like Harry and I had done, we stopped at the bar to grab drinks. Halo had just taken a sip when a Billy Squier tune came on.
“Shit, I love this song!” she screamed, her arms in the air.
“Lonely is the night When you find yourself alone Your demons come to light And your mind is not your own”
I smiled as I watched Halo sway on her stool. How I’d missed sharing my love for music with her. She would have had fun with me at the Journey concert. The last time we’d done anything like this had been well over a year ago.
“One glimpse’ll show you now baby What the music can do…”
“I missed this,” I commented when the song ended.
“Me too,” Halo agreed.
I knew that she knew I meant her, but also Harry. And anything else that had to do with music. Music was in my veins, in my blood. Although I’d never really let it go, I had allowed myself to step away from the lifestyle a little bit, thinking it was no longer for me.
“You didn’t like Alan, did you?” I suddenly asked.
“What?” Halo leaned towards me. “Alan? He was a dick.”
“I thought so,” I nodded.
“What made you think of him?”
I shrugged. “I was thinking about how wrong he was for me. Not just because he was kind of a jerk. But because at the time I’d thought he was what I needed.”
“He was dull as hell,” groaned Halo, making a face.
“I know,” I laughed.
“Look how Harry lights you up. Alan never did that, Sky.”
“You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
Just then, a short, bald man tapped me on my shoulder.
“Excuse me. Is one of you named Sky?” he asked.
“I am,” I replied.
“Hi miss, I’m Carl Peterson, I’m the manager here,” he offered his hand.
“Oh, yes, hello,” I shook his hand nervously.
“Mr. Styles reserved a table for you over here, if you’ll follow me.”
My jaw open, I slid off my stool and grabbed Halo’s hand, following Carl to the same booth Harry and I had sat in the week before.
“Thank you,” I told Carl as I slid into my seat.
“Thank you ladies for coming,” he smiled. “If there’s anything you need at all, please let me or one of my waitresses know.”
“Look at you!” Halo exclaimed when Carl was out of ear shot. “This is the big time now! VIP!”
I shrugged out of my jacket, feeling warm already. I wore similar jeans from last time, but paired them with a cute off-the-shoulder peasant style top, gold sandals and a gold belt.
As I looked around the room, I quickly noticed how much more crowded it was than the prior weekend. All the tables were taken, and within just a few minutes, the rest of the area was filled with people as well. The waitress had to squeeze through to get to us, but she managed to bring us fresh drinks right before the lights went down.
As soon as the overhead music came to a halt, the crowd began to cheer. Carl took the stage, a spotlight on him. Already, I got the idea this was a much more special event than Stargazer had been.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he announced. “Thank you all for coming tonight. It is my honor and privilege to present to you…Harry Styles!”
I felt my heart leap from my chest and into my throat. The noise in the room grew thirty decibles when the band walked onto the stage. I caught a glimpse of the new bass player and drummer; I smiled when I saw Mitch take the guitar pick from his mouth and begin to play. But then my eyes zoomed like magnets to the tall, long-haired rocker at the microphone. Just as if I’d gone back in time to 1976, the sight of Harry Styles singing in front of me hit me in the chest like a bolt of lightning.
He addressed the crowd at the start of the song, like he always did, waving and getting them to scream louder. By the second verse, he seemed to search the audience, seeking out someone particular. That’s when our eyes met, and he gave that amazing smile that was only meant for me.
When the first song ended - a hit from Wildfire's first album - the band went straight into “Only Angel”. I screamed and cheered just like before, but it was even more exciting hearing him sing it with his own band, and not Hunter Howe’s. And just like before, Harry singled me out, pressing his hand to his chest, as if to say I was his. I caught a few heads turning and eyes glaring at me, but I didn’t care.
“Make ‘em jealous, girl, make ‘em jealous,” Halo yelled in my ear.
I turned and looked at her, a knowing smile on her face.
“He loves you,” she mouthed.
I simply nodded, returning my focus on Harry. He strutted on the stage like a rockstar in all his glory. I cheered like I used to, like he deserved.
During the middle of his set, Harry sang the acoustic ballad that got me emotional. I felt myself tremble, wishing I didn’t let music affect me so much. But Halo, being the good friend she was, held my hand and swayed with me. When it was over, she was the first to stand and hoot and whistle, enough for both of us since I could barely move.
The band didn’t give me much time to wipe my tears before they kicked into the next track, but I was grateful it wasn’t another heartbreaker. Afterwards, Harry introduced the rest of the band - Danny Mercedes on bass, Bret Alkin on drums, and of course Mitch Rowland on guitar.
“And I’m Harry Styles,” he grinned and the crowd erupted once more. “Thank you so much for coming.”
Harry turned back to the band, said something, then addressed the audience again.
“This is something new.”
Wide-eyed, I stared at Halo who stared back at me. Something new? Harry hadn’t told me he was working on any new songs. But, then again, I hadn’t thought to ask.
It was a fantastic song, a rocker. I didn’t take the time to really listen to the lyrics, however, as I was more focused on how amazing Harry looked. He was the perfect showman, completely in his element. The audience loved him, and he loved them.
“Um…Sky?” Halo nudged me in the middle of the tune. “I think this song might be about you.”
“What?” I glared at her incredulously. “No!”
Halo raised her brows, nodding her head to the melody as the chorus came around again and sang along to the line…”she’s all I want, and I can’t get enough. I’m drunk on her.”
I made a face. “That could be about anybody.”
Halo side-eyed me. “If you say so.”
She continued to dance in her seat, clapping her hands to the beat. I had to admit, I started paying more attention to the lyrics after that. But I couldn’t really find anything that was obviously in reference to me. It just sounded like any rock song about a guy who had flipped over some woman. I really liked it though, regardless of who it was about.
The audience cheered louder than ever as Bret ended the song with a flourish and Harry bent back, giving one of his signature rockstar moves. When he stood up straight again, his hair had fallen over his eyes, and I instantly felt that little twinge in my stomach.
“Hell yes!” screamed Halo, rising to her feet.
I joined her, yelling for my boyfriend - my favorite front man. As he combed his fingers through his hair, I caught the lopsided grin I loved so much. When his eyes met mine, he smiled even brighter, then blew me kisses. As I blew some back, he pressed both hands to his chest and mouthed “I love you so much.”
The band kicked into another hit from their last album as I stood dead in my tracks. Had he just…?
“Oh my God!” Halo yelled in my ear, grabbing my arm. “He said he loves you!”
“You saw that too, huh?”
“I told you!”
“No…” I furrowed my brows and shook my head. “No, that…that wasn’t for me. It was for us, right? Like he does with fans? He was just saying he loves his fans.”
“He was not looking at me,” Halo laughed. “Or anyone else. That was straight at you, Sky!”
“No,” I argued again. “I don’t think he would have done that. Not in front of everyone. That was just a love for his audience thing.”
Halo shrugged, clearly in disagreement. “Maybe so, but…it sure didn’t seem like it.”
Letting it go for the time being, Halo and I continued to enjoy the show. The band ended with one of their bigger hits, and we both stood and danced along. Then Harry gave one more round of waves and kisses, and expressed his thanks into the microphone.
“You’ve been absolutely incredible,” he said, getting a bit choked up. “I really truly appreciate this. It feels so amazing to be back. Thank you.”
The crowd cheered, whistled, hooted and hollered as the band exited the stage, and the noise continued long after they’d left. It wasn’t until the stage lights went out and the club lights came back on that everyone began to disburse. Halo and I stayed in our booth as people walked past us to get to the door. I saw several sets of eyes glaring at me, some curiously and some just plain jealous.
“Wow!” Halo exclaimed, throwing her head back. “That was so fucking fantastic! I’m kind of bummed we didn’t go see them on tour.”
“Tell me about it,” I muttered.
“But who’s to say you’d be here now,” my friend added with a shrug. “Maybe it was for the best.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself.”
“Hi, ladies, did you enjoy the show?” I heard a male voice ask.
“Oh my God, Mr. Irving!” I squealed.
Irving Azoff chuckled as he approached our table. I quickly slid out of the booth, ready to give him a hug. Then I worried maybe that seemed too presumptuous.
“Do you remember me?” I asked hesitantly.
“Of course I do, dear. Well…I didn’t at first. But Harry refreshed my memory.”
I smiled at the idea that Harry and told Mr. Irving about me.
“This is my friend Halo,” I gestured.
“Yes, I remember now,” he nodded as he took Halo’s hand. “You two came to a lot of shows when Wildfire was just starting out.”
“That’s right,” Halo and I sang in unison.
“Harry thinks a lot of you, and I can appreciate that,” Irving nodded.
My face flushed with pride. Just then, Carl walked up and addressed Mr. Irving. When he noticed us, he smiled.
“Let me show these ladies backstage, Mr. Azoff, and then I’ll be right with you.”
“Of course. Have a good evening, girls.”
“Bye,” I grinned as he patted my arm.
Halo and I followed Carl to a side door that led backstage. Before I was halfway in the room, I heard his voice.
“There she is!”
“Who, me?” I beamed as Harry walked up to me.
“Who else?” he replied, sliding his hands around my waist. I squealed when he pinched my behind.
“Damn, I thought you were talking about me,” I heard Halo mock behind me with a giggle.
“Halo! C’mere love!” Letting go of me, Harry embraced Halo in a tight hug. “You look bloody fantastic. How’ve you been?”
“Thanks, I’ve been great! You guys were so good!”
“Yeah?” Harry looked from Halo to me and back. “Did you like it?”
“God yes, the new band sounds incredible, Harry.”
With a smile, Harry eyed me, though he was talking to Halo. I merely nodded. “What did you think of the new song?”
I heard Halo say something at the same time I murmured, “loved it.”
“I’m glad,” said Harry.
His hand found mine by my side, and he tickled the back of it with his finger, his eyes still staring at me. My chest rose and fell as I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding, and I heard Halo clear her throat. Casting her a glance, I caught a glimmer of knowledge on her face as she raised her brows at me.
“I don’t believe it!” a voice called from our left.
Halo turned with shriek.
“I thought I recognized that voice,” said Mitch as he approached. “I knew it had to belong to the one and only H-A-L-O.”
“Mitchell Rowland, come give me a hug!” Halo yelled.
“You didn’t tell him?” I whispered to Harry.
“Nah. I reckoned I’d take the piss.”
I shook my head and laughed at his British phrase. After Mitch gave me a hug as well, I left my best friend and Harry’s guitar player to begin their reunion. 
“Oh Sky, let me introduce you to the new members of the Harry Styles band,” he announced proudly as two other guys entered the room.
With a smile, I graciously shook hands with Danny and Bret. Because I had been so focused on Harry during the show, I hadn’t really gotten a good look at them on stage. Danny was tall and dark with a mustache. He reminded me of Tony Orlando with long, curly hair. Bret, a little shorter than Danny and Harry, had blond hair that kissed his shoulders, and a smile that could rival Harry’s.
“Damn, Styles, you didn’t tell me how gorgeous she was!” he exclaimed when he took my hand.
“I’m most certain I did,” Harry chuckled, cleverly sliding his hand around my back.
“Ah well, y’know,” Bret said with a wink, “you don’t always believe it ‘til you see it.”
I looked up at Harry who merely rolled his eyes, making me feel a little more at ease. But as Bret and Danny moved on to greet Halo, I couldn’t shake the strange way Bret made me feel. Maybe I just wasn’t used to being ogled over by someone else.
“Sorry about that,” Harry leaned into me. “Bret is…kind of a flirt.”
“I can see that,” I nodded as I watched the drummer introduce himself to Halo.
“He’s harmless though. And they all know how I feel about you.”
I widened my eyes in question. “How you feel about me?”
“Yeah,” he said, as if there was no doubt.
As he leaned in for a kiss, I thought about how he’d confessed his love on stage, and whether or not it had been meant for me alone. When our lips touched, however, I decided not to ask him about it. At least not yet.
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Songs mentioned:
Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven
Wings - Getting Closer
Billy Squier - Lonely Is the Night
Taglist: @fkinavocado, @daphnesutton, @freedomfireflies
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tsuchinokoroyale · 6 months
Quickish brush test I did today for fun ft. My fave misguided, misunderstood baby boy from Lies of P
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“I’m glad you came back, buddy”
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yourbleedingh3art · 6 months
Hi tumblr
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johndonneswife · 2 months
someone really should be talking about how difficult it is to plan a wedding - a gay wedding - when both of your families fucking suck
#who is talking about this!!!! let me know#idk i have 0 expectations for my family but they still somehow always manage to let me down which#i was anticipating#and i didn’t think i would care because i have never cared before#but liiiiiike.#i wasn’t expecting to feel sad rofl but my family is so fucking flaky. again i KNOW THIS i know i cannot rely on any of them#it’s annoying when i have given them a year and a half to make plans and i have had so many people tell me they would be there#just to back out or ghost or come up with some excuse#like do you know how expensive weddings are 😭 JUST fucking be honest with me and rsvp no#anyway i was very intentional with the few family members i did invite#and specifically invited people i have a rapport with / had a good (ish lol) relationship with growing up#people i have bent over backwards trying to please!!! and dropping everything to help them out#and they can’t even be bothered to communicate with me lol it’s fine. like. i do feel like it’s internalized homophobia at this point#or maybe they have hated me this entire time which is totally plausible#but they KNOW how much ayesha means to me and knows that no one from her family is coming to our wedding#at the end of the day it’s going to be like. 5 people from my family 1 from ayesha’s (her brother) and like 30-40 friends#which i am so grateful for obviously#i sound like such a brat but it’s also like - watching your family continuously choose drugs/alcohol over showing up for you - lol#AGAIN i’m used to this and expected as much but i’m still feeling bad#just rsvp so i can move on with my life please. stop telling me you’re trying to make it work when we both know you aren’t#i have so much more to say but i’m going to sound crazy even though i knooooow it is homophobia like i Know it#i think there are certain people i will finally go no contact with for good after this#which is a freeing thought but i only invited v few family members to begin with. there’s abt to be no one left lmao#probably for the best#ugh whatever#again i can’t help but feel a certain way when they have done more/traveled further for relatives they hardly know#meanwhile i was forced to spend so much of my life living for these people and for them alone#AAAAAAAA i just want to scream#text
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tariah23 · 2 months
They’re calling my baby Gojo, Joseph Joestar now
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#rambling#the diff is that Gojo did apologize after being called out and face to face with his racism whilst Joseph literally befriended nazi’s 😵‍💫#and there was never any explanation from araki as to why he’d even wrote German soldiers in the shit in the first place like that was#absolutely jarring as hell to read for the very first time back when I’d gotten into jjba#well I watched it first but you know#like Joseph really thought fondly of Stroheim as this stand up guy even though he’s first of all#a Nazi#and second#the first scene that we were introduced to was of him sexually harassing a Woman#it’s……. 🗿#still to this day I wonder if araki had ever addressed this because lord#Joseph was just happy to get the help I guess but that felt so ooc for him from what he’d seen 🗣️#happily receiving the help of a Nazi and calling them a nice guy ahhh Joseph-#Gojo would never sjjsaj#my boo boo is a little prejudice but he’s working on it 🗣️#I still think that gege was trying to have a ‘racism is bad’ moment but again#the execution was pretty awkward and it felt out of place considering what had been currently going down in the manga#like the Racism was pretty random but it was swiftly put to a stop which I can appreciate even if it shouldn’t have been a point of#conversation to begin with since why couldn’t Miguel just exist as a character instead of him being the now token negro#who everyone sees as instantly more frighteningly powerful than everyone else like this didn’t even need to be brought up wllssldk#idk gege was trying to be ‘woke’ 😭. sorry nbs and wp ruined the term for me but like basically lol#gojo’s pretty intelligent and extremely gifted but he’s never been perfect lol#it’s just that idk why gege chose to talk about antiblackness in Japan out of nowhere about the only black character on screen hehhhhhh#like gege tried but lmfao#this is so funny to me#at least it didn’t drag on putting Miguel in an even more awkward situation than he already was and it was nipped in the bud quickly#Gojo isn’t one to dwell on things but when he’s face with new information and is taught something he does try to reflect and do better and#I’m sure he probably started to become even more aware of what he’s saying especially when talking to Miguel in an honest way since that’s#always been the kind of character who he was despite the horrors#the only ppl who’ve been kinda annoying about this are nbs and white people as always 🗿
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cyncerity · 2 years
i have fallen back onto my karlnapity nom hyperfixation help me-
(aka if anyone wanted to send asks about karlnapity noms rn i would love you forever)
would i draw something based on it? write a short thing based on it? just post it with a keyboard mash and an ungodly amount of heart emojis? your guess is as good as mine.
it doesn’t even have to be noms i’m just stuck in a state of mind rn-
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