#i had to edit this because it was too long for the character limit
blaacknoir · 2 months
Violet, Noirlander!
Violet: Watchfulness, modest
"Vought's teamed me up with someone I've idolized my entire life--my friend, and yours--Black Noir!" As you step out of the shadows, a voice cuts cleanly and clearly through the raucous cheering: --I've never seen this guy before in my life. You know without looking that it's Godfrey, but you flick your eyes back over anyway to see Buster give you a thumbs up and a big smile. You throw your arms up, basking in the cold light of the flashbulbs, glad for the tinted lenses on your goggles. You feel the kid's eyes in your back. *** Afterward, you aimlessly walk the hallways. You feel as though you're looking for something. For Mr. Edgar, to ask why he hadn't met his protege before now? (As though you'd ever say anything to him.) For Stillwell, to ask what the fuck that stunt was? (As though she'd bother with you.) For the kid, to ask if he's okay? (You saw him freeze up there.) You pause at an intersection, hearing voices and footsteps echo down a nearby hallway. "This was supposed to be your big debut. Your big moment. And he puts Noir up there with you?" You recognize Stillwell's voice. The footstops stop. The conversation does not. You stop at an intersection, noting how close they are. "You should be fucking upset about this!" she continues. "If Mr. Edgar believes Black Noir can teach me--" says the kid. Stillwell doesn't even let him finish. Your brow furrows under your mask. You don't like where this conversation is going or the way it's getting there. "Noir is not there to teach you. He is there to watch you. Make sure you follow the script, make sure you don't screw up and embarrass the company--" (That's not true, you want to tell her. Mr. Edgar told me personally that I'm to mentor this kid. And yet, you know on some level that Stillwell is right, and you hate her for that right now.) "--and bring you in if you do." (Good luck with that, you think to yourself. You've heard rumors that he's stronger than Soldier Boy. Maybe the strongest. And if that's true.... it took all of you to bring him down, it'll take more than you to bring this kid down.) The kid looks horrified--you can almost see his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. You feel yourself getting worked up.You move back into the shadows of your own hallway a bit, trying to think, but it's hard. Stillwell's voice still echoes. "And do you think Noir wants you in his number one thought? Not likely!" A pause. "Being on stage, all those people who wanted to be you, or be with you, or fuck you--" You can't resist peeking back out at that, and the smell of arousal hits you full in the face. You can see that she's got one hand on his crotch, and her mouth at his ear. "It felt good, right?" "Yes," the kid says breathily. Stillwell removes her hand from his crotch up to his face. It's almost tender. Almost. "That's the future I'm building for you," she says. Then her tone grows cold and she pushes him back. "But you need to take it. Don't let some murderous mute psycho get in your way." You cross your arms and set your jaw, glad you can't speak. He stands there, frozen, and you can tell he's trying to process all of this at once. He moves his hand in front of his crotch, attempting to hide his hard-on. You can't see Stillwell's face but you know her well enough to know she's smirking. She continues down to her office. You look down, beginning to get lost in your own thoughts. "We should drop the the," she says as if the last thirty seconds didn't happen. "Just Homelander is better." The kid stands there dazed, trying to sort through his thoughts, and you realize that he can see you. You stand where you are, knowing that acknowledgement looks more suspicious than staying still. You don't raise your head, but you flick your eye up to look at him. That's when you notice that the overwhelmed, naive kid isn't looking back at you. Instead, you're looking into the alert, watchful eyes of a predator.
I'm trying to get back into writing by writing out canon scenes.
Ask meme
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nc-vb · 1 year
My dear, I'm going to use this ask of yours as a catalyst... All of my personal favourite ASMRs, vids, etcetera... beneath the cut. Not all of them are only male moaning! Literally just all my faves I've collected LOL.
Links will not only be audios; a majority of them are videos.
Links will be from any of the following: Twitter, the Hub, Audiomack, Soundgasm, and likely other sites, so be prepared because they're not labeled, lol. And sorry if any of the links are repeated; my bad.
Links with sparkles are my personal faves.
Edited, more added July 21, 2023
CerberosVA Now, if y'all like your man extremely vocal, if you like whimpering, or lowkey, you like the whole subby bf thing, PLEASE, THIS MAN, I cannot recommend his shit enough. He's on twt, the hub, probably the mack; please support his official work on Patreon, if you can.
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
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softxwarm (hub) This guy does both asmr and stuff with his girlfriend, but his solo ASMRs are pretty coo'. I'll just share my top three since you can just sift through his videos, anyway.
one (video; solo) | two (video; solo) | three (video; solo)
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moonxx911 (twt) ANYTHING by this man. I won't even both being specific; I listen to his shit on repeat, rotated.
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Akiradubs (hub) He mostly does character dub audios, but he has some simpler ones that I enjoy, like this one.
one (audio, gn!; sub male, ig?)
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RedactedASMR I haven't gotten so deep into the lore of it, but Redacted has a whole series of ASMRs that tell long ass stories, so if you have the time, I recommend searching him out. I believe most of them are on YouTube? Personally, Lasko is my favourite (he's so cute with the stuttering, ughhhh). I'm just going to link my personal Redacted playlist I've started, rather than link specific ones. You can find him on more platforms, but I don't think his n/sfw ASMRs are on Youtube... idk.
ncvb RedactedASMR playlist (the mack)
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SeikyuuVA (hub; also on the mack) Look, Seikyuu isn't everyone's flavour... there's only a couple specific ones I enjoy, just because he really goes over the top with the sounds and aggression sometimes, LMAO, and it gives me second hand embarrassment...
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Lxvesickk (twt) Just found him, hehe. Just listen…
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WickLuvsU (twt) His audios are... immaculate.
X | X (play these both at the same time... you're welcome.)
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Video Links, general
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 ✨ | 19 | 20
21 | 22 ✨ | 23 ✨ | 24 | 25 ✨ | 26 | 27 | 28 ✨ | 29 ✨| 30 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 ✨| 36 ✨| 37 | 38 | 39 ✨| 40 ✨
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 (mmf✨)| 46 (aud✨)|
Video Links, mlm
I had to put these links in a separate post because I reached Tumblr's 100 link-per-post limit? Didn't know that was a thing. So, please find them here! There's about 80+ links.
Video Links, wlw
1 | 2 | 3
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Characters Like, the fake dubs. I dunno what they're called.
Hanma Shuji (hub, audio; Akiradubs) Zhongli (hub, audio; Akiradubs) Akira/Joker (hub, audio; Seikyuu) Take this Audiomack link, too; it's my other personal playlist that has a shit ton of character ASMR dubs on it, and then some...
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I'll have more to add along the way; keep an eye on the update date!
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impactedfates · 1 month
Letters Unsent - Genshin + HSR Boys x GN! Reader
★ Summary: After their death, you find a letter. A letter he wrote. A letter he wrote for you, a letter he wished he could’ve given to you personally. A letter describing his feelings.
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Diluc, Wriothesley, Cyno, Argenti, Jing Yuan + Gepard
★ Genre/Trope: Angst + Hurt/No Comfort
☆ Warnings: Major Character Death (Not the Readers)
★ Extra: Angst is fun, angst is nice :)) // Might make another part with different characters if this does well // Not fully proof read // Motivation came back cuz of sad tunes/hj
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He said he'd be back, that it'll be quick. Despite your worry, you knew he was strong, so he'd be able to protect himself right? So you trusted him. Trusted him so much that when his co-worker showed up to your door with an expression you couldn't exactly read, you were confused. It was about him but...he was fine right? Then why were they telling you he had passed? The injuries he sustained was...to much for his body to handle? The healers couldn't help him? But...he said he'd be back...you were snapped out of your thoughts when they handed you a letter with your name on it. "I think he knew he wouldn't be able to make it...so...he wanted you to have this...even if he couldn't hear your answer"
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"To My Dearest,
If I'd ever be lucky to even call you that. Although this isn't ideally how I wanted to do this. I believe I can only get these things on paper, it's much too difficult otherwise. I was never good with words so I hope this alternative is alright for you.
Ever since the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were different. Not in a bad way. It took me way too long to figure out the reason for this was due to the fact I loved you.
I loved seeing your smile.
Hearing your laugh.
Loved the small talk we had that would end up with me taking you home. You made me feel something I didn't think I would ever feel, and I'm unsure if I even deserve it.
If I even deserve you.
Whether or not you feel the same way, I hope we can stick together as long as time allows us.
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"To Y/N
Hope you're doing well, life in Meropide is still as dull as ever. Well, unless you decide to visit, you really do light up the room when you come by don't you? Or maybe that's just for me.
Anyways, preferably I would be telling you this in person, but more work has piled up. That's also why our little tea sessions have to be put on hold for now. Don't worry, as soon as this all clears up and I investigate this one area, then we can go back to the usual.
I have this one blend I think you'd really like!
Anyways, enough beating around the bush.
I like you.
Like like you.
I love you.
So much.
I can't even begin to describe how much I love you, and even if I did I feel you'd be gagging at how cheesy I was being haha!
But really, I love you so much. I want to be with you, of course I understand if you don't feel the same. But Sigwinnie would have my head if I postponed this confession any longer.
I hope to see you again after my work.
Yours Truly
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"Hello Y/N
I never thought I'd be writing this kind of letter in my free time. Unfortunately for me, it seems as though fate likes making things harder for me and whenever I want to even try to talk to you about this, it's much more difficult than it was when I practised in the mirror.
Practised to Tighnari.
We can ignore that for now though as I'm still trying to put this all together in words.
I would let you borrow my TCG set, you can use it as you please and I'd even let you touch my limited edition cards.
If that's not making any sense then how about a joke?
How does a fruit confess?
They say "Olive You"
Get it, because an olive is a type of fruit, and olive sounds like "I love"
I love you"
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"My beloved rose
As much as I'd love to tell you all these words in person, my search for Idrila is still ongoing and I am unsure when I'll be able to see your beautiful face once again.
Ever since my eyes laid on your beauty, I thought I had found Idrila herself, but once I got to know you. Even if you weren't the Goddess, you could almost rival her.
The sparkle in your eyes.
The pretty little smile.
Your wonderful personality.
All those things you think are flaws? I love each and everyone of them. They are not flaws to me and it pains me knowing you think of yourself like that.
Once we meet again, I want to make sure you know how deserving you are of these words, how your 'flaws' aren't flaws and how much I love every bit of you.
Though I am aware I find many things worthy of praise. I want to let you know that you're different.
I don't just want to praise you, compliment you. I wish to love you, hold your hands and protect you with my life, no matter what it takes.
I love you so much, and if I could be so lucky to call you mine. Well, I think I'd be the happiest man alive.
I will return soon,
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"Morning, Afternoon or Night
I'm not too sure when the Cloud Knight will give this to you, or when I'll give this to them. Whatever the case, I won't beat around the bush too much.
I love you.
Nothing could compare the feeling in my heart when I see you.
The smile that will never fade as long as you're there by my side.
You are just amazing. In all my years of living, never would I have thought to have met someone as perfect as you.
Even Fu Xuan herself can see just how enamoured I am for you, although for her. She's been using it as an advantage to do work.
'If you finish now you can see them quicker'
'How would they feel knowing that you're not working?'
'Stop dozing off or they won't come to see you ever again!'
I must admit, they all do work. Even if in hindsight, not only would I still see you even with work uncomplete, I'll see you plenty of times and more to come but I don't think you care all too much about my sleep.
But I digress.
I hope this letter finds you well, take as much time as you need to consider my words and think about your own feelings.
I'll be waiting where I always am.
Jing Yuan"
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"Dear Y/N
Aeons this is embarrassing. But it would be even more embarrassing if Serval kept teasing me about this. I've been putting this off for so long, worried about how you'd react.
Your answer.
And if this would change your view on me...but you're not that kind of person. I know you're not. And after a bit of thinking, to save me from stumbling on my words. I decided to write a letter.
Serval should be the one giving this to you, so I hope she didn't say anything to you, I would nearly die of embarrassment if she did. Anyways!
So...I know it's probably not much hoping Serval wouldn't say something actually, knowing her, she gave it away with one sentence but...
I like you, a lot. More than you could ever know.
And I'm more than happy to talk to you about this in full once I'm back from my mission.
I can only pray you feel the same, but even if you don't.
I hope we stay friends.
Until next time,
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Sorry if any characters are OOC, I tried my best with writing what I think they'd write in a confession letter, but I hope you enjoyed this anyways!
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kaziwi · 8 months
Don't Mention It
Character(s): Law
WC: 1,153
Summary: You and the crew celebrate Law's birthday...but not in the way he'd expect
Note: happy birthday law <3
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Law slowly opened his eyes, waking up from a good nights rest. It was rare for the captain of the Heart Pirates to get his full 8 hours, but after Bepo had asked to cuddle he couldn't say no. The soft fur and warmth radiating from Bepo lulled him to sleep, and now he lied awake, way behind his schedule.
He knew what today was. His birthday. Law just never liked the idea of birthdays...and the memories that came with them. Each year he begged the crew not to mention it, and treat it as a normal day, but they always failed to do so. He hoped this year would be different.
Law quickly changed out of his pajamas and made himself look presentable. He could already hear the teasing from Shachi and Penguin for waking up late. As he left his quarters, he noticed the Polar Tang to be surprisingly quiet. He made his way to the kitchen and was shocked to see a whole buffet of food laid across the table. And the best part...there was no bread.
"Mornin Cap! Never thought I'd see the day when you slept in," Ikkaku teased as she washed the dishes. He didn't even notice her here.
"This is more breakfast than we usually eat...is it for...special occasion?" Law obviously knew this was for his birthday, but for some reason he wanted to hear someone else say it.
"Hmm, I don't think so...unless I'm forgetting something."
Oh...that was kinda weird...Ikkaku didn't mention it was his birththday. No matter, someone else was bound to eventually.
Law sat down and began to take some of the food that was spread across the table. In all honesty it was probably the best breakfast he'd ever eaten. He handed his plate to Ikkaku and began to make his rounds.
He had expected to see Shachi and Penguin goofing off, or having to fix something that Bepo messed up, but everything was perfect. The ship was at top maintenance and all of the chores were completed. When he had gone back to question Ikkaku about where everyone was, she said they had all gone out to the island they docked at to explore.
It's not like Law didn't enjoy the quiet, he basically begged for it everyday, but it just felt strange. He decided to use this opportunity to go to his room and read a new medical textbook he got. Hopefully that would help to pass the time.
Knock Knock
"Captainnnnnn open upppppp!!!"
Law didn't even know how much time had passes, but it seemed Shachi and Penguin were back from exploring the island. Law reluctantly let them in, knowing that they were going to make a big deal about it being his birthday now.
"Cap you will never believe what we found," Shachi started.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands okay, trust us," Penguin said excitingly.
Law let out a long sigh and indulged their request. Something was put in his hands. It wasn't too heavy...but it wasn't light either. He opened his eyes, and his jaw almost dropped. It was the limited edition Sora Warrior of the Sea art book. He could see how Shachi and Penguin's faces beamed at his reaction.
"I knew you'd like it Cap! We saw it while exploring today and knew we had to get it for you!" Penguin said while Shachi nodded in agreement.
"Wow this is...," Law started, "Amazing, thank you both.."
Caught up in the excitement of his new gift, Law almost forgot that this had to be a birthday gift, there was no way it wasn't.
"So, what prompted you to get this gift," Law questioned, "Was it because it's a special day today?"
"Is it? We just saw it and thought you'd like it," Penguin said, looking at Shachi.
"Yeah, I mean we can return it if you'd like," Shachi chimed in.
"No! No you don't have to. I really like it, thank you again," Law said with a hint of disappointment. Was it really a coincidence that they bought him this gift, or were they lying about not knowing it was his birthday. He ushered them out of his room and sat back his desk. There was no way the whole crew forgot it was his birthday....right?
Throughout the rest of the day, each one of the Heart Pirates made their way to Law's room and gave him a gift. Even Bepo came in with a bouquet of flowers (they were actually weeds) that he has picked just for Law.
Law was very appreciative of all the gifts, but was a little sad no one had said happy birthday yet. He knew each year he begged them not to, but now that they hadn't acknowledged it at all....he almost missed the attention.
It wasn't till later that night, after they had eaten his favorite dinner, made only entirely by "coincidence", that he got his first happy birthday.
Knock Knock
"Come in Y/N-ya," Law said, eyes not looking up from his book. He could already tell it was you, since you were the only one not to visit today.
You walked in, holding something behind your back.
"Happy birthday Captain," you said with a big smile. Law looked up, a little shocked by your words, and stared into your eyes.
"You..said it.."
"I mean, I'm sure you realized that all of the gifts, the ship being in tip top shape, and the food wasn't all a coincidence. Everyone wanted to make your day easier and fun! We just didn't want to mention it was your birthday since you always tell us not to....but I'm sure by now you figured it out."
Law really hadn't thought that all of these acts were for his birthday. He had a small suspicion, but without anyone confirming it he didn't want to get his hopes up.
"I know my gift isn't as big as everyone else's," you smiled sheepishly, "But I still hope that you'll like it!"
You handed a small box to Law as he took it with caution. He opened it up and gasped at it's contents.
Inside was about 40 collectors coins, all ones he didn't have in his collection.
"Y/N-ya...how...I mean.."
"I started finding them a few islands ago and decided to get as many as I could for your birthday! Everyone else also pitched in a little and gave one to me if they found one!"
He dumped the coins on his desk. Each one with a new island's name on it. Sabaody....Water 7....Alabasta...and even some places he hadn't even heard of.
"Thank you," Law said, a soft grin appearing on his face, "Tell everyone else I said thank you too."
"Of course Captain," you said as you left the room, eager to tell everyone that operation "Celebrate Law's birthday and also respect his wishes by not mentioning it" was a success.
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sprout-fics · 7 months
Folks asked for a rewrite of the campaign, because frankly? Screw canon. I needed to do this for my own sanity.
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In light of the absolute fuckery that was this campaign, I’ve worked on a re-write for several days in an attempt to create an improved campaign. This is my personal interpretation, which others are free to disagree with and write their own, but is hopefully a more comprehensive and enjoyable plot that what Activision gave us.
General notes: 
Urzikstan is completely removed from the campaign. That no longer becomes a factor. Farah and her forces have allowed peace to come back to Urzikstan, and we’ll leave it there. (I adore Farah, but the competing amount of characters needs to be simplified, and she had an entire game so far)
The main plotline is narrowed down to Makarov and Shadow/Shepherd, with a sidenote of the team dynamics deepening as their resolve to stop Makarov strengthens
The missions are changed up so we see more of an interaction from the Soap/Ghost and Price/Gaz mission pairings
Many of the missions remain the same, but are edited to a better context to fit the plotline and cohesiveness of the game. Additional missions for this re-write are noted with a (*)
We did chemical weapons in MWI, and then long range ballistic missiles in MWII. The natural ante to these two themes therefore becomes a nuclear attack (Which we see at the climax of the game)
Makarov becomes less of a terrorist going around provoking mass panic, and more a mastermind as he was in the originals that is deliberately trying to set the stage for a war against the United States/The West. His part of the game is full of false flag operations, which heightens tensions between the UK/USA and Russia, which threaten to boil over
The game is limited to the POVs of Soap, Gaz, and Yuri. Too many competing POVs makes for a complicated and hard to track story. This simplifies it considerably.
Additional changes: Improved graphics, music score to match the story, additional missions to lengthen the campaign to match the previous games, and new skins for characters
The game starts the same, with and unknown team making their way through a Russian prison in search of a specific prisoner.
Mission: Operation 627 The prisoner is Makarov, and is rescued from prison by an unknown POV, which is then revealed to be Yuri. Makarov, Yuri, and the remainder of the team launch a prison riot to cover their escape via boat.
Cutscene: We cut to the introduction of the team on the plane. Laswell informs them Makarov has escaped before they could get to him. Price reacts angrily, and conveys the news to the team.
Briefing: Laswell does have information that Konni group is regrouping north of Urzikstan, and that Makarov may be gathering his men there. The group agrees to infiltrate the complex in a capture or kill mission.
*Mission: Kill Switch (Soap POV) The team lays siege to a fortress in the Caucasus mountains, one that is heavily defended. Team banter, with a reminder from Price to stay focused. The group finds that the fortress itself is a diversion, one that is rigged. Soap is barely able to disarm the bomb in time - saving the team. The team laments that Makarov is already two steps ahead of them, but finds information inside the fortress that gives them a lead- and a chance to turn the tables.
Cutscene: We see Makarov reunite with his forces, introducing Milena. He then goes on to proclaim that his intent is to start a global war which will lead Russia to glory. Yuri is disturbed by this, and even more so when Makarov makes a comment regarding innocents in Verdansk being the beginning of this path of blood. The idea of involving innocent Russian citizens in this- a mass slaughter, does not sit well with him.
*Mission: Traitorous Intent (Yuri POV) The scene begins with Yuri sneaking around the Konni compound, looking for details regarding an upcoming attack. He reveals a photo of the Verdansk stadium. Makarov finds him snooping, and Yuri questions Makarov, trying to encourage him not to pursue this plan. There are several dialogue options where Yuri can directly challenge Makarov, or play stupid. Either way, Makarov shoots him, and gestures to his soldiers to dump Yuri’s body somewhere. Unbeknownst to Makarov, Yuri survives, and we see him struggling to safety, only to be captured by Russian loyalists. 
Briefing: Meanwhile, the team goes after a lead revealed from the fortress on the Konni group, who are sniffing around an abandoned nuclear reactor formerly belonging to General Barkov. Laswell sends the team in. 
Mission: Reactor (Gaz POV + Price) Soap and Ghost secure the perimeter, while Price and Gaz infiltrate. Gaz makes a comment about General Barkov leaving a hell of a mess. They find Konni group extracting canisters from the reactor, which begin to leak as they’re extracted. Gaz manages to get a tracker on the chemicals. The reactor room seals, trapping Gaz and Price inside. The team manages to extract them via a rope and ascender. Price forces Gaz to go up first, but in return is briefly consumed by toxic fumes. Price tries to stay with the team, but passes out as Ghost calls for med-evac
Cutscene: We find the team on board exfil, with the same banter as shown in game. Price is angry that Makarov is still ahead of them, and that they’re just chasing his tail.
Briefing: Laswell is able to get a hit on the location of the chemicals, a compound near the Black Sea. Strangely, there also appears to be missiles involved. The mystery of how Konni group got those missiles remains unknown, for now. Laswell sends in the team, and announces she herself will be rendezvousing with Nikolai to get in touch with a valuable contact. Price, who witnessed Laswell getting captured before, refuses to let her go alone, and sends Gaz with her.
Mission: Payload (Soap POV + Team) The team attempts to stop the missile launch, firing upon Konni forces. They discover that the missiles are topped with Barkov’s gas. Soap manages to rig one of the missiles to explode inside the silo, and has a timed mission to escape from the silo/blast radius. Upon succeeding, he RVs with Price and Ghost. Unfortunately, they are unable to stop the other missile from launching, and find it is headed towards Laswell and Gaz. Price tries to warn them- but there’s no response.
Cutscene, several hours earlier: We see Laswell and Gaz meet up with Nikolai. Gaz is excited to see an old friend. Nikolai gives them a warm welcome, and shares that one of Makarov’s men has defected, and has valuable information regarding Makarov’s whereabouts and his plans. They will need to infiltrate a Russian loyalist base to find him. Laswell and Gaz go to find the man of the hour: Yuri
Mission: Deep Cover (Gaz POV + Laswell) Laswell and Gaz stealth mission, where they are able to infiltrate the base and the prison complex to go find Yuri. Laswell uses overwatch to direct Gaz to steal a keycard and RVs with him outside the prison area. Yuri says he’ll only talk if he’s freed. Gaz protests, saying this could be a plant by Makarov, but Laswell agrees. As they free Yuri, Gaz and Laswell get a dispatch from Price- warning them too late of the impending attack. Gas fills the compound, and Yuri, Gaz, and Laswell must escape to higher ground. Laswell becomes unconscious during the escape, and Gaz carries her to safety. Nikolai manages to extract all of them via a rooftop.
Briefing: Gaz reports their status to the team, and conveys Laswell was injured. Laswell comes online, declares she’s fine, makes a comment about the gas being nasty stuff. “Tell me about it.” says Price. Laswell then goes on to share information given to her by Yuri: That Makarov is planning a slaughter in Verdansk. The team has only hours before the bloodbath begins.
Mission: Flashpoint (Soap POV + Team) Soap and the team try to intervene in the coming massacre at the Verdansk Stadium. This level begins with Soap trying to blend in. We get the easter egg of Riley the dog. Soap notices a suspicious amount of Russians disguised as Americans speaking English. It’s clear that this is a false flag operation intended to frame the United States. As Soap realizes this, the attack commences. In the chaos that follows, the disguised soldiers open fire on civilians. Soap RVs with the group and gears up. The team tries their best to sweep the area in search of Makarov- at last finding him disguised as a paramedic. He gets a passing shot at Ghost, who is injured. Soap encourages Price and Gaz to pursue, declaring he’ll stay behind with Ghost and defend him from the stragglers. Price and Gaz go in pursuit of the ambulance Makarov is in, we are left on a cliffhanger of what happens to Ghost
*Mission: Bait and Switch (Gaz POV + Price) Car chase scene where Gaz and Price go in pursuit of Makarov and his men. They must navigate the chaotic Verdansk streets and avoid civilians getting caught in the crossfire as Makarov and his men open fire. Yet the chase is just a distraction. As they cross a freeway in view of the airport, the airport explodes. Gaz and Price are stunned, but continue to chase Makarov. Makarov gets across a bridge, and then blows it up behind him. Gaz and Price screech to a halt, and escape the car before it crashes into the river below. Price rages at their failure, but is more concerned that Kyle has been injured. The team checks in with Soap and Ghost. Ghost is also injured, but alive.
Cutscene: The team reconvenes, injured but otherwise whole. Unfortunately with Makarov’s escape, the narrative is currently that the Verdansk massacre was indeed an attack by US forces, now pushing Russia and the US to the brink of war. Soap is visibly agitated by the carnage that happened, rankled more so by the injuries of his teammates. In the background we see Gaz tending to Ghost’s injury, sporting a bandage of his own. Price pats Ghost on the shoulder as he approaches Soap. Soap paces with frustration and tells Price that they should have killed Makarov when they had the chance. We then get a view of the past…
*Mission: Left Behind (Soap POV + Price) We see the team several years in the past, trying to avert another Makarov led disaster- an attack on the British embassy in Moscow. Makarov and his men intend to take the embassy hostage for ransom. We are introduced to a character in the past, who at first appears to be no one, but then Soap claps him on the shoulder and introduces him as Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson. The mission begins as a sniper mission, but quickly devolves as the attack commences. As things escalate, the team is forced to decide between capturing Makarov and rescuing Roach. They have to leave Roach behind, and Gary is presumed KIA.
Cutscene: Back to the present. The team discusses how it was the right call to not kill Makarov, but Soap protests that if they did, maybe Roach would still be here, and Gaz and Ghost wouldn’t be injured. The others step in, and cooler heads prevail. Laswell announces they have one last lead on Makarov- Milena
Mission: Oligarch (Soap POV + Ghost) Ghost and Soap go on a stealth infiltration mission to Milena’s private island fortress, silently taking down the guards as they go. There’s a fair amount of banter involved. “Just like old times, ey LT?” “Oligarchs and cartels are a little different, Johnny.” (There’s a small note of ‘I wish Roach were here to see this to the end’) Inside, Ghost and Soap manage to corner Milena
Cutscene: Ghost and Soap interrogation tactics. They manage to access Milena’s accounts, and take the laptop with them. Milena tries to plead that Makarov will kill her, but Soap and Ghost aren’t in the mood for it. “Should have thought about that before working for a terrorist.” Says Ghost. As Soap and Ghost ex-fil, Laswell says she has a hit on Makarov. However, there’s also mysterious activity to off-shore American bank accounts revealed by Milena’s accounts. She’ll pull that thread while the team is busy.
Cutscene: Makarov and his men. Makarov says they got to Milena, and orders his men to kill whoever comes to the safehouse. He makes mention of a friend named ‘Shadow’. He then escapes.
Briefing: Milena’s intel shows a safehouse in St. Petersburg where Makarov and his forces are. Laswell sends Gaz and Price to clear the area, with the addition that Nik will ex-fil them via skyhook. They have full execute authority on Makarov.
Mission: Highrise (Gaz POV + Price) With Price on overwatch, Gaz infiltrates the building through the basement. It’s clear Makarov isn’t there, but his second in command is. Gaz, with Price’s sniper support, manages to get the second in command, and they exfil successfully. However, Andrei, Makarov’s second in command, makes a comment towards the captain. “Just how many more men will you lose to kill him, Captain Price?” Price punches him to unconsciousness.
Briefing: Price interrogates Makarov’s second in command offscreen, who reveals a prisoner transfer happening in Siberia. It could very well be the hit on Makarov they’re looking for. The team goes in pursuit.
Mission: Frozen Tundra. (Optional Gaz/Soap POV + Team) The team ambushes the convoy under the ice, and manages to save the prisoner who is drowning. Yet when they surface it becomes clear that it isn’t Makarov, but Shepherd- Shepherd, who had been missing since the end of Las Almas. The team exfils, taking down Makarov’s men along the way, and takes Shepherd into custody. This level allows you the choice of being Soap or Gaz, and each option offers unique dialogue options with the rest of the team.
Briefing: Celebrations have to wait. Unfortunately, Makarov is still in the wild. Now absent of many of his forces, his resources, and his finances, he manages to play one last card- nuclear attack against the United States. The team must stop him before he launches a global war. The team splits up. Price and Soap go to stop the nuclear missile from launching, and Ghost and Gaz go to kill Makarov once and for all.
*Mission: Launch (Gaz POV + Ghost) Gaz and Ghost after Makarov, fighting their way through Konni forces. The missile signals it is ready to launch, and Soap yells over the comms that Gaz and Ghost need to make it to the control room to override the sequence. This becomes a timed mission, and as Ghost and Gaz finally arrive and stop the override, they find that Makarov is absent. They realize too late he’s headed for the missile silo.
*Mission: Cataclysm (Soap POV + Price) Soap and Price fight their way through several challenging juggernauts, and manage to stop the launch in time but receive Ghost and Soap’s warning too late. We see Makarov come and attack Price. Price manages to disarm him, and the two engage in a knife fight. Price barks at Soap to continue stopping the launch. He’s successful. However, he turns to find Price bloody and beaten, and Makarov standing over him, ready to put a bullet between his eyes. Soap launches himself at him, and manages to wrestle the gun away. “I’m not losing anyone else. Not to you.” grunts Soap, only for Makarov pull a knife and stab at him. Soap screams in pain. He goes blind in his left eye and falls as he fades in and out of consciousness. At that moment, Gaz and Ghost arrive, and Gaz manages to get a shot at Makarov, who retreats. Ghost bends over Soap in distress, yelling for him. Soap is still alive but fading fast, and we see one last blurry vision of him and the team before Soap falls unconscious. 
Cutscene: We see the team gathered around a gravestone, absent of Soap. Ghost kneels down next to the gravestone and wordlessly runs a hand over it. We then zoom out to see the name on the stone: Gary Sanderson. It’s at that moment that the perspective shifts. We see Laswell from behind, and the team looks up at her, and then the second person beside her. It’s Soap (We can tell from the mohawk) We see the relieved faces of the team, but do not yet see Soap’s face. The team makes comments about how they’re glad he’s survived and in one piece. Price echoes the sentiment that he wishes their other member could join them. The team looks once more to Gary’s grave. At that moment, Laswell clears her throat. She then says this is perhaps poor timing, but she has news. She reveals information given to her by Yuri, handing Soap a folder of several papers. The camera rotates, and we see Soap’s face for the first time: sporting the same scar as the original Captain Soap MacTavish. He looks inside the folder, which reveals the location of Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson, previously thought KIA, now a Russian prisoner. He’s alive.
After credits scene: We see the remainder of Makarov’s men assassinate the Russian president. Makarov ascends to power, now in control of Russia. The world is set for the stage of World War 3.
Bonus scene: We see Shepherd under house arrest, waiting trial. The guards outside are quietly removed. Shepherd finds Price sitting in his office. Price confronts Shepherd, who is unrepentant. Price kills Shepherd in retribution for the injuries and wounds suffered by his men, as well as the frustration of Makarov getting away. Price declares his loyalty to his team in the face of any enemy, even if they were once an ally. We see Price enter a new stage of brutality, where he goes forward with absolutely no regrets.
This is just my interpretation. Frankly in my head this is canon. These blorbos now belong to us and not Activision and I'm going to write them a happy ending, goddammit. I hope this was of some comfort to folks shattered by the campaign. Writing this really helped me get over my feelings for this game. I hope you enjoyed.
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doobea · 9 months
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contents: some suggestive in oliver's, overall super fluffy, like domestic fluff its insane but i love it, gn!reader characters: sae, oliver, isagi, rin a/n: hehe im throwing this out just to have something but also i love coming up w hcs and its been a WHILE since my last one
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Because of his constant travels, it was his idea one night that there needed to be something physical to keep himself reminded of you at night. Which led to him bringing you to a build-a-bear store the very next day. You took your time deciding which animal to choose from, scents, cute outfits (obviously you had to pick the soccer jersey), and recording your voice memo. He keeps the plushie by his bedside, sending you pictures of it every night, and even buys a small bed for it. You can't help but feel slightly jealous that he's treating a toy better than you.
The sounds of him brushing his teeth and gurgling mouthwash wakes you up every time. He doesn't mean to be so loud about it, Sae can't exactly control the volume of his electric toothbrush and he has to make sure that his breath smells nice before he goes in for a morning kiss.
"My hands are cold." and proceeds to touch your face. Will chase you around the house to make sure you warm him up. Don't even bother running away because he's a literal athlete. Probably refuses to wear gloves when it's cold outside just so he can stick his hands in your pockets too.
Karaoke nights with Oliver are like no other. He has a nice voice, but will purposefully sing terribly just to hear you laugh. With the combination of alcohol and old-school tunes, the two of you will test the limits of the so-called 'soundproof' rooms.
He's the type of boyfriend who loves to test physical boundaries in more ways than one. Walking in public, he'll 'accidentally' brush his hands against your bottoms or your chest. If you're taking a shower, he'll try and poke you from behind the shower curtains. Leaves his mouth a mess when he's eating food and specifically asks you to lick the sauce away.
Sadly, he eats your leftovers when you haven't touched them after a day. He tries to be super sneaky and tries to help you look for it after finishing the whole thing. And yes, he gaslights you just a tiny bit - "baby, are you sure you didn't eat it yourself?"
Under the condition that you have a lot of plushies, Isagi will either neatly place them around your shared apartment or send you videos of him punching them across the room - there's no middle ground.
Mentioned this before briefly but he'll show you all the highlights of his games. But not the professional videos - he'll go out of his way to find videos that are edited poorly (he thinks they're cool tho) and will force you to watch them with him. The videos with dubstep outros and intros, like and subscribe for more, and Roblox figures flying across the screen.
If you're not paying attention to him, Isagi will literally pull out his phone, take a picture of you with 'HEEEYYY' as the caption, and send it to you despite being within arm's reach. What's gotten your attention that's more important than him?
He definitely sleeps with a blanket that he's had since he was like five. The type of blanket that has holes in it, design and color faded by how much he's used it, and he was super embarrassed when you found it stuffed underneath his bed when he first invited you over. After suffering an endless amount of teasing, he brings out the blanket when he wants cuddles.
Facetiming with Rin is always so endearing yet so awkward at the same time. His face is never fully shown, only the corner of his head, and there are long periods of silence just because Rin hates having conversations on the phone. Expect a lot of "oh so what are you doing right now" every ten minutes - he's trying his best!
His favorite pastime is laying in bed with you in his arms and scrolling aimlessly on the phone. Whether it be reading a funny thread together, scrolling through TikTok, or watching a movie on Netflix - he finds it easy to relax with you and easily falls asleep within an hour.
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merrycrisis-if · 3 months
So I just want to say that I'm definitely not a suspicious person sending you a suspicious link - suspicious people wouldn't say that outright, right? I just tried to send an ask, hit the character limit, then tried to send a message, and uh, hit the character limit again. Haha. Anyway, here's what Qiu has done to me: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcQ_-WQ635cSrgWtEWX1gz7Xv9GbzopT_A5MpvRZA64/edit?usp=sharing
THIS MESSAGE IS THE BOMB!!! I love that you created a google doc just to gush about / psychoanalyse Qiu because of Tumblr asks's character limit, that's so hilarious and amazing!!
OK, now to reply to the message :D
[Re: Qiu] ...They're NOT EVEN AN ADULT YET. It's easy to say "just give up on the only structure you've known all your life because it's toxic" but reality is not always kind; even ignoring any kind of emotional support (which we unfortunately don't really get to see one way or another. Maybe Qiu would have been better off just running off and taking a leap of faith and relying on MC but it's not wrong to feel that the unknown is far more terrifying than the known and there was no way for them to know that choosing MC would have been better. The love of her parents - in whatever form, whether or not it's actually love, is what Qiu has known for most of their life - is a constant as long as they meet expectations.
Exactly, this!! Like, we first meet Qiu when they're still very much finding themselves / figuring out what they want in life. It's definitely a 'coming-of-age' story for them — as much as it is for MC. So their relationship with MC takes place at a point where, like you mentioned, they are still a teen(!) and their parents' expectations and (conditional) love is all that they know. It's never easy to distinguish between what one's own desires, dreams etc. are, and what's simply fed to us by society, by the people we trust/care about (in Qiu's case, it's their parents).
So I think one of the greatest joys of writing Qiu (and their relationship with MC) is acknowledging the imperfection, the growth, and their initial failure to 'do right' by each other back in high school (and the potential to re-visit that and make different choices the second time around).
There are probably bits of “it would be entirely way too selfish of me to ask MC to give up on their opportunity and stay”, among other things, but I’d like to think that feelings of “I don’t deserve to ask this of MC” are also there... Asking or hoping for Qiu to ask them to stay - I get it, I really do, but there’s also a part of me that feels like god DAMN if that isn’t fair, putting the choice on Qiu... Just as Qiu could have stood up for MC, could have shouted their love for MC from the rooftops, could have asked MC to stay; MC could have CHOSEN to stay, could have CHOSEN to prioritize their relationship with Qiu. Could have written emails, snail mail, video calls, flew back for visits, could have given long distance a shot. Maybe it was just the wrong time, wrong place. Maybe back then, neither of them could have made those choices, said those things.
And you bring this up beautifully here, where I think I was really interested in portraying MC's hurt (from MC's perspective) regarding the way Qiu never fought for them, even when they were so ready to throw it all away for Qiu — but then also slowly unpeel the layers of Qiu's perspective as well, i.e. that MC expected grand gestures from Qiu, but truth is, reality was tugging them in opposite directions, and perhaps Qiu did fail to jump off a cliff the way MC wanted them to, but they both failed to try to figure out a more mundane, less grandiose way of keeping in touch, staying in each other's lives etc.
MC back then had been seeing things in a very 'black and white', 'you do or you die' kind of way (as most 'first love' stories go), but I think now that they've had years to mature / grow, there's space for both MC and Qiu to appreciate the nuances of what had happened between them, how things fell apart etc. and acknowledge that in some ways, they were each incapable of doing the things they needed from each other, but nobody was truly at fault.
Again, thanks for the lovely message <3
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ataraxixx · 8 months
AJAX 1K DTIYS!!yayyyyyyyy
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(flats under the cut btw)
hey guys. heres that dtiys i promised for 900 followers and waited so long to make i ended up getting 100 more followers. so this is a 1k follower dtiys now. sorry. anyway. THANKS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS? you guys are awesome i appreciate the support for my insanity. to honor that insanity i have made a dtiys of the 3 characters i am most insane about(shocking nobody) lets go papaya nation👻⚙️👹!!!!
> draw morro harumi and echo together.....idrc if theyre watching tv like in the drawing tbh i just did that because i wanted to draw it. feel free to use the drawing as inspiration for your own artwork but dont feel limited . just make sure to include those 3 interacting at minimum! you can include other chars if u want too idrc but the focus is this trio
> umm that being said no morro x harumi. thanks. i dont care in terms of anything else if u wanna make it platonic or romantic but keep that one out of here pls🙏
> doesnt have to be my designs! feel free to use ur own designs for the characters as long as u include all 3 of them. u can do a mixture or something too idgaf. get silly with it
> tag me & include #ajax1kdtiys on the post because tumblr sucks a lot sometimes
> EDIT: entries due november 15th now bc i had a couple ppl ask for an extension and also im really busy rn lel💀
guys i foyght for my life in the trenches last time trying to decide winners so we're doing it a different way now. im just gonna assign every entry a number and draw straws if youre cool with that. its much easier i think..
so basically i am just gonna pull 3 random names out of the hat and all winners will get 1 fullbody drawing of their choice!! no first second third etc thats too complicated 4 me. i mostly just want this to be for fun for anyone interested in participating:)
FINAL NOTES if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me or send an ask. the flats for the drawing are included below for reference. byeee
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xonavia · 21 days
hi, i saw your post about Dan Heng with a Female! Idol! Reader and i really loved it! <3
if you could, can you do a second part to that Dan Heng post? he’s one of my favourite characters and it would make me really happy! only again, because i loved it!!!
what i would like to request is…
Dan Heng gets nagged by March 7th to get her one of these sweets in Penacony because they’re ‘limited’ so he goes for her, with the location of the place in his phone. he pays attention to his phone to not realize in time that somebody crashed into him, he looks to see his favourite idol and he gets flustered. not only expecting him to see her, but to gain slight physical touch out of her and he finds out she’s been chased by a bunch of fans. he acts unconsciously and takes her to a nearby alleyway, hiding her close to hide her with a bunch of fans running around, looking for her and once its clear. in exchange, she takes him around Penacony to the nicest places since she is a VIP basically everywhere due to her fame and Dan Heng may have accidentally forgotten to get March 7th her ‘limited’ sweets, in which she blows up his phone but he doesn’t bother to respond.
please and thank you! <3
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-> of course! The first part was so fun to write and I’m glad you enjoyed it so much!! I’d be happy to write Dan Heng as long as somebody requests it! This is the link to part one if anybody wants to read it! - Part 1!
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March 7th. The girl he was cursing now, but the one who he would soon learn was a blessing. She had a tendency to be scrolling on any sort of social media when they were just relaxing on the expressing but never did he think he would all of a sudden be pulled out of his research and be dragged out into Penacony trying to find some limited edition sweet that she "needed". It was even worse since they had no idea where they were going since she had only seen a promo online about it, but it didn't have an address or anything on the page. Luckily with the little knowledge they had, they soon had an idea where they were supposed to be going and thank god for Google maps (or any sort of name you wanna use lol). Too bad he was so busy looking down at the directions not only did he lose March who ran off somewhere, but he had bumped into somebody. Great, now he actually had to speak to somebody. Just as he looked up to apologize to the person, he stopped. There she was. That Idol he's been researching and almost fainted when he realized that Caelus had gotten tickets to her concert, The (Name). He's never apologized faster in his life, of course a blush growing on his face, I mean he just made physical contact with the girl of his dreams!! She seemed a little fractic, looking around as she told him all was fine and that she was in a rush, and that's when he noticed all the people who were also looking around frantically. That's when he put it together, they were looking for (Name). Ignoring the buzzing of his phone he quickly pocketed it and took her hand, trying to blush any harder, and pulled her into a small little alley. He tried to explain that, no, he wasn't trying to do anything bad but make sure those people didn't see her, with a quick laugh from her end she thanked him before waiting out a while, both ignoring the obnoxious buzzing from his pocket. It was about 15-20 minutes before Dan Heng poked his head out and looked around before he gave a thumbs up, and just as he was about to pull out his phone and text March and ask where she was you spoke up. "Hey.. um, so I wanted to thank you, and I know you haven't explored all of penacony with all the issues and stuff happening so how about I take you on a little tour? I can get you into all the VIP areas too!" You asked with a smile, which in response he also slightly smiled back before leaving his phone in his pocket and following behind you as you walk out of the alley and start pointing things out. It definitely didn't feel like only a couple hours before you two were done and just strolling around the city as the sunset was slowly turning into the dark blue of the night. Eventually the two of you made it back to the alley where you started and since it was already night you both decided that it would be a good idea to go your separate ways, and with a quick kiss to his cheek and another thank you, you hurried off back towards your house. He was lost in his train of thought for a couple seconds with a blush that made him look like a tomato before he was broken out of it with a loud voice calling his name. Right. March.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Obey me! brothers handwriting headcannons
gonna rank them best to worst by what I personally think!
1. Lucifer
He must have the world’s nicest and most gorgeous looking handwriting ever. Absolutely effortless. This man is constantly doing paperwork. He probably has a very nice, enchanted pen that never runs out of ink so he never had to worry about the pain of ruining something because he ran out of ink halfway through writing. His signature must look like a fancy font. Mc definitely asks just to watch him write because it’s so pretty and watching the magic happens makes it more real and believable. When he’s in a rush, his handwriting probably looks like a doctor wrote it.
2. Asmo
He works on his penman ship in order to have multiple styles of writing and a cute signature. He dots his I’s with hearts and connects his letters into hearts. How is he supposed to give out autographs if it isn’t exactly how he likes it? He uses this style of writing in class and on simple lists at home. The only time Mc has ever seen him not write super cutesy was when he was half asleep, which is rare on its own. It was worse than Beel’s handwriting, meaning he probably actively worked on his handwriting for so long. It was barely legible. Asmo made Mc promise to never repeat what they saw and burned this note after he has copied it down in his usual handwriting.
3. Satan
His handwriting is probably looks effortless, but it actually took him thousands of years to perfect it. Not that it was bad before, it was gorgeous actually. Almost too gorgeous, too much like Lucifer’s. After Belphie pointed it out in his drowsiness, he vowed to change it. So he did. I have to admire his dedication. While Lucifer’s is much larger and loopier, his is small and clean with very straight letters. If you asked really nicely while at someone like a cat cafe, he might show you what it used to look like, which is what Mc did. Satan can’t say no to you. He writes love letters often, where can can admire his penmanship and his sweet words.
4. Belphie
Despite always being in a state of rest, his handwriting is actually alright. It would be much better if he tried, but he rarely does that. The natural way his writing slants to the left and the way he connects most of his letters is endearing and feels very homey. If he actually tried, however, his handwriting would be better than Lucifer. I personally think both he and Beel and ambidextrous but prefer to write with their left hands. Belphie also seems like the kind to be very good at mimicking other’s handwriting and signatures, which is ideal for pranks. Mc once caught him writing a note as Diavolo to Lucifer to get him out of his office so they could prank it. You would have never guessed unless you saw him writing it.
5. Levi
At first I though his handwriting would be the worst, but I should never underestimate the power of an otaku. He can probably mimic his favorite character’s handwriting for short periods of time, and has definitely entered and won a contest that needed lots of handwritten letters for limited edition merchandise. Normally, when he needs to write things, his handwriting probably isn’t too bad, probably like a high school boy who just wants to go home. Most of his notes, if any, are digital anyways.
6. Mammon
I mean, his handwriting isn’t great, but it’s usually legible. When he doesn’t want something to be legible, he usually makes it so it’s impossible to read by writing nonsense quickly, usually to try and fool Lucifer into thinking he finished whatever paper task he assigned him. It never works. Lucifer has even tried giving him handwriting lessons but they didn’t work out, meaning Mammon tried something stupid enough for Luci to just give up.
7. Beel
Let’s be so fr right now. His handwriting is chicken scratch. It’s to the point where only Belphie and Mc can tell what it says. He also exclusively writes in uppercase with the occasional lowercase thrown in at random. Even though he can write with both hands, that doesn’t change the legibility. He can read his own handwriting, which is all that matters to him. It’s nice that a few other people can too. If he needs to leave any kind of notes, he just doesn’t because he knows nobody will be able to read it. He has Belphie do it, or he just sends a text. Poor baby.
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roseglazedlens · 9 months
i love that new bubble tea fic how did u know i was craving some - what do you think leon's and rebecca's bubble tea order would be?
⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐛𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⦒ [ part one ]
read part two here (ethan winters, jill valentine, jack krauser, claire redfield) read the 'boba tea date' fic here (leon kennedy x gn! reader) characters: leon kennedy, rebecca chambers, chris redfield, ashley graham, carlos oliveira & ada wong a/n: funny you asked, because i had a convo ab this with my friend hahha! also added some other characters too ;) what other characters should i do? content: SFW
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Ever since that date, he sneaks off when you're not around to try all the flavours.
He would be a sweet tooth (despite how passionately he will deny this), and orders the limited edition seasaonal tea with extra foam on top! Always 100% ice and sugar.
He's a closet sweet-tooth (especially RE2 Leon, he looks like he pretends to like coffee, inspired by this)
When you find an empty cup in the bin, he will act nonchalant and say "Oh I happen to pass by for work".
But you already know he's lying when you found a membership card in the frontest pocket of his wallet - probably eligible for a few free drinks at this point.
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Caramel milk tea with pudding. Extra sugar and standard ice.
She likes sugar, and she's not afraid to admit it!
Always get the large size since she works long hours in the lab, so she sips away her drink throughout her shift.
Probably hyped up the shop to all her colleagues already, hoping to find a companion to join her.
Very close with the shop manager since she goes there daily - will chat and banter with them
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He would just get plain black tea, no sugar and less ice.
To keep up with his physique and body fat percentage low, he doesn't usually drink unless you drag him there.
Raves on about the antioxidants in black tea and how it's good for you (such a health nerd)
Starts complaining 'it's too sweet' everytime he sips on any of your drinks - apparently even a hint of sugar is too much for this old man sometimes.
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Matcha with fresh milk, extra sugar, cream on top, and mini pearls!
I think she will start drinking mango fruit tea/fruity with popping pearls but eventually branches out to matcha.
She probably thought of doing a bottomless bubble tea stand for her dream wedding ceremony.
I think she would get along with Rebecca with their mutual love for bubble tea! I think they'll be such good friends if not their age differences!
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Normally, Carlos orders a very normal coconut green tea with no modifications.
Until one day he decides to be really cheeky and order it with every topping the shop has to offer
Rainbow jelly, pearls, pudding, grass jelly, etc. (yes, even red beans)
So many toppings that only half of the cup is liquid and the other half is a concoction of chaos
Bobarista is terrified, but Carlos is grinning widely
Still inhales the whole drink in less than an hour anyway
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She will go for a warm brewed tea (thinking between oolong or earl grey), no toppings or sugar.
Don't think she enjoys iced drinks in general, rather have warm/hot drinks or just plain water.
Something in the bubble tea gives her acne breakouts so she avoids it. Plus her job is so busy that it doesn't allow her such luxuries.
Might indulge in extra sugar if she wants a treat, but suffers the consequences later.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @carlosgf @sporeghost @femnedy @emilzke (not sure people tag for headcanons? but here it is anyway xd) © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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bravelyartbooking · 3 months
little known bravely default series facts
I noticed a couple of comments about the Bravely Series on Twitter last night that made me realize some folks didn't know some of what I consider common knowledge of the series (like why the ba'al theme wasn't on the Bravely Default soundtrack).
Contains spoilers for all three games. Also this got longer than I thought, thanks in advance if you make it to the end and find something you didn't know! I'm sure most of this seems obvious to long timefans.
Here is a compilation of what I know that may or may not be common knowledge to newcomers?
I had to split this into three parts because of Tumblr's character limit and I'm honestly too tired to fix the numbering. A much more readable version can be found on Google Docs here.
First part:
The version of Bravely Default that was received in the West is the second version of the original Bravely Default game, released in Japan in Dec 2013. This version, called "Bravely Default: For the Sequel" came with a massive (80ish) amount of improvements based on player feedback, such as: additional sidequests for the Asterisk Holders in later parts of the game, difficulty and encounter settings sliders, battle speed, redrawing the cities, and the Bravely Second mechanic itself.
This means some tie-ins to Bravely Second didn't exist with the first version - the Adventurer being green when you first encounter her, the end AR movie with Magnolia, the Ba'als and their theme. All this was added later.
The Japanese version does include different languages, including English, so if you can't understand Japanese you can still easily play this version of the game on a hacked or Japanese 3DS!
The first release in Oct 2012 was called "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy" and a lot of JP folks still use BDFF to refer to it.
While BDFTS and BD: Where the Fairy Flies (the Western release) are functionally identical, some changes between JP and West include but are not limited to:
Costumes were censored (such as the Vampire having a bodysuit under the belts and the Bravo Bikini)
The ages of Agnes, Tiz, Edea, Alternis and the Venus sisters was bumped up 3 years in their journal entries (or anyone whose age is written out instead of written as numerals).
Japan had merchandise that had codes for the extra costumes. The extra costumes made it into the Western version of the released game for in-game currency with the exception of Tiz's Dimensional Officer, Edea's Military Cadet, Agnes's Bravo Bunny, and Ringabel's Wakoku Warrior.
You can summon friends from Japanese versions and those costumes will be visible EXCEPT the Bravo Bunny is censored (the cut-out is covered) and Wakoku Warrior is replaced with Freelancer.
These codes expired after like 2 years.
There are 4 novels called "Pocketbook of R" (2 books) and "Pocketbook of R Second" (2 books). I'm including all the translation information I currently have.
Pocketbook of R is a first person journal from Ringabel in what is commonly dubbed "Infinity World" between the events of Bravely Default and Bravely Second.
Ellen translated the first book here (note that she did largely 'summary' translations as she hated the writing in the novel).
Bill translated most of the second book (page 70+) here. (Bill's native language is French and while I did some proofreading, there may be some clunkiness of translating from a third language into a fourth.)
Ellen started translating the third book here. This and the fourth book take place at the same time as Second, for the most part.
No solid English translations of the fourth book currently exist though I know the gist of it thanks to an older Tumblr fan who gave me the rundown. I'm sure RNT will make a video.
Second Part:
There are an additional 2 novels that are based on two of the spinoff games.
One is "Bravely Default - 200 years later" based on Praying Brage that was released in the Japanese Bravely Second collector's edition ONLY.
One is "Bravely Default Fairy's Effect - Rinne's Miracle" based on Fairy's Effect that was released as a standalone novel.
Very little information has been released about both. One day we'll have a summary/translation.
There are (currently) 4 spinoff games, all currently shut down.
Praying Brage (Nov 2012 - Apr 2017) was a browser game and was based on the premise of Edea going 200 years into the future to save Agnes. RedNovaTyrant has a great video on it here!
Bravely Archive: D's Report (Jan 2015 - Oct 2017) was a mobile game that centered around an alternate/future Luxendarc with crystal memories and a new main character who is revealed to be Deneb
It released in Australia for about 6 months in 2018
Bravely Archive Fairy's Effect (Mar 2017 - Aug 2020) was a mobile game released after Bravely Second that took place simultaneously 8000 years in the future and between the events of Bravely Default 1 and Bravely Second. There's a lot of lore for both games in FE that can be seen in various videos on the internet (such as info on the Kaiser/Glanz Empire and Agnes's transition into Pope, Ominas having a role in saving Mahzer and the newborn Edea from Eternia during Braev's coup), but Bill translated some of the remaining website summary here.
Bravely Default Brilliant Lights (Jan 2022 - Feb 2023) was a crossover mobile game in a new world that combined Luxendarc and Excillant characters and setting. It lasted 13 months and I archived as much video as I could on Youtube but as of now, first person "reports" can be found here that summarize each board of each story.
It explains why "First Born" Ba'al was a thing in Bravely Second.
An 'offline' version was released but pulled from the app stores in July 2023.
There are 2 audio dramas for the first game!
First one is called "Festival of Reunion" and a translation of all four tracks can be found here.
Second one is called something like "Bracelets of Eternity" and so far no English translation seems to exist (though I know the gist of the first track).
The Ba'al theme was released with the first audio drama.
There's a Luxendarc / Linked Horizons concert that took place in Japan in 2013, you can find video of it on Youtube and Amazon Prime Video, and they released music CDs specific to it.
Square released an X-mas Collections Music CD that has wintery remixes of some of the Bravely Default music.
There is a Bravely Default 4 volume manga that's a retelling of the first game. Red made a video about it here. You can find scans online and most of the translations were done by Ellen.
There is also a manga anthology that serves to tie together Bravely Default and Bravely Second (released around the same time as Second, if not earlier). Red also made a video about it here. Ellen scanslated the third story in the anthology, I reuploaded it here after her imgur account got nuked.
Bravely Second was changed between the JP and Western releases based on feedback from Japanese players:
Sidequests were streamlined so that players could get a "good ending" based on their decision even if they chose the opposite Asterisk after the time reset
The Black Mage/ Ranger sidequest had its endings completely rewritten, as the Japanese version ends with either Bahamut being eaten or the wounded NPC dying depending on who you sided with.
Some costumes that were DLC were added to be bought with in-game currency (same as Default)
Fort Lune was made more easily available instead of being locked behind a SE Member account (along with some other things like costumes).
Some of the writing was tweaked as there were complaints about the memey/modern references/references to other media like Dragonball.
Aimee/Hawkeye costume was changed (there was also minor censoring of other costumes, like adding a bra to Ranger for Magnolia).
The fox companion was moved to different locations instead of sitting next to the Adventurer, lessening some complaints of "mood whiplash" between tent scenes and serious story events.
Some JP preorder-exclusive weapons were excluded (as far as I can tell, some weapons were just very hard to get).
The controversial apology for Bravely Second was in regard to the large amount of negative feedback the team received from the JP fans in regard to Second (though some Western fans also had a lot of negative things to say, it was largely only because of the costume censorship to the point at least one mod was released).
Third Part:
Magnolia and Pope!Agnes had large plushie prototypes made of them that were never released.
There's an official MMD figure of Agnes from Second.
2 types of large Edea plushies were released, one with closed eyes and one with open eyes.
Only 200 of the open-eyed Edeas were made/released but now there apparently there's only 199 in existence because I tried to buy one and the seller told me she was damaged in by a wild animal getting into the warehouse, rip Edea...
Large plushies were released of Edea, Ringabel, Agnes, and Tiz based on their Default appearance. Tiz's plush had an unfortunate hair style in the prototype that they changed in the final version. Images of this bowl cut have been lost forever.
Gloria got a smaller plushie that's in the JP SE Store.
A set of even smaller Default 1 cast plushies, among other things, are in the 10th anniversary set.
The European Collector's Edition of Bravely Default Where the Fairy Flies included this unfortunate figure of Agnes.
The Bravely Second artbook has three versions:
Original Japanese version, scans of it exist online
Bravely Second (Western) collectors edition version, which removed several images - sketches/concept art of Agnes tied up in the ribbon and a couple of images of Geist as well. This version had translated captions but any text on the images was not translated.
The fully English translated version which also restores the images removed from the CE.
Sales data has indicated that the Bravely Series reached 3 mil in Nov 2021. No word on 4 mil or 5 mil, but maybe we'll find out this year?
Bravely Default 1 (all versions) hit 1 million in July 2014 (21 months from initial BDFF release)
Bravely Second (all versions) hit 700k in April 2017 (2 years from BSEL release)
Bravely Default II (all versions) hit 1 mil in Dec 2021 (10 months from BDII release)
So much JP only merch was released through the years, especially in the years before Second.
Some through the SE Cafe collab with BDII
Some through Artnia (here's Default and Second's collabs)
10th anniversary stores with Hakabanogarou in person and online (now closed)
10th anniversary collab with Super Groupies for watches, Agnes's pendant, a stole with Airy's pendant.
Stuff on the SE JP store
Limited edition rubber stamp sets for Default and Second
Linked Horizon branded BD merch was released with the concert like pins.
Magnolia figure.
Official D's Journal
The messaging Line app released Bravely Default/Bravely Second stickers drawn by a fanartist made official artist named Satokivi! I think they were like 3 dollars per set.
She also drew the mini series of 4koma called "Praying for Miko" for Praying Brage
Physical versions of these stickers are on the JP SE Store.
There's a vinyl record
Pop-up Parade figurines of the main four were released in 2023 for the 10th anniversary of Bravely Default.
Bravely Default II had two demos, the first one specifically made difficult to get feedback from the fans. They implemented some feedback to change the final version of the game (but not everything). This was the first time they have asked for feedback from the West instead of just Japan.
Team Asano has released Lunar New Year art every year except 2016 with Bravely characters and the zodiac animal
They do Christmas cards every year, and it seems that this year they included a special card for a special fan with an extra character in the dragon art. If you know you know.
The woman on the cover of Bravely Default II isn't Gloria.
Bravely Default II has several secrets in the names of Chapter 5, 6, and 7. Spoilers for BDII below:
Twin AGES refers to both the first initials of the known Heroes of Light (Adelle/Gloria/Elvis/Seth and Aileen/Godric/Emma/Sloan) as well as the repetition across the two eras of Heroes. Also, you’ll notice that the initials are shared between the folks who inherited the same blessing from the crystal (assuming Emma got the Earth Crystal and Godric the Water Crystal). This is most noticeable in the final fight against the Night’s Nexus when the spirit of the old Hero of Light is standing behind the new to help them. - Adelle/Aileen - Gloria/Godric - Elvis/Emma - Seth/Sloan
Twin CAGES refers to the ‘cage’ that Adelle locks herself into, and the ‘cage’ that Elvis is forced into without her
Twin PAGES references back to the twin eras of the known Heroes of Light, but now with the Player - whose help is needed for the cycle to end. This is why “P” is the last letter to fade in the ending credits when the player is thanked.
I'm sure there's a lot more I'm forgetting, and this isn't even including the Bravely Default original concepts that were revealed in a booklet in the 10th anniversary exhibitions.
If you made it to the end, I applaud you, and I hope there was at least one or two things you didn't know!
Also one day I'll finish the video on the English fan survey.
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laughingogre · 1 year
The Recluse and The Huntsman
Teaser/chapter 0 for the fic I’m writing since I have Miguel ATSV brain rot and I can’t keep all this good stuff to myself anymore. This wasn’t edited or anything like that so expect possible changes to both the characters and the plot in the future. Okay byeeee! EDIT: I made a playlist to go along with this story, the first 3 tracks accompany this chapter.
Premise: Miguel has always felt like an outcast in spider society because of the way he got his powers. But after meeting Saanvi, he’s never felt more proud to be one-of-a-kind.
Pairings: Original character x Miguel O’Hara, anti-hero x hero, enemies to rivals (it’s complicated) to lovers
Warnings: Violence… and that’s about it for this piece of the story but this list is going to get much longer very quickly.
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Driving rain and the slight fog that followed with it brought a neon haze upon Nueva York tonight. A fusion of colors so outstanding that memories of another life were starting to shake off dust in her mind. Flashes of memories from an annual fireworks festival sparked a little warmth in Saanvi’s heart. Less than thirty seconds went by before she snuffed it out, leaving herself icy; instincts sharp and ready. Long, slender fingers on sure hands opened the heavy black case that lay next to her on the rooftop. Satisfaction curled her lips into a small smile as the new and improved rifle looked back at her, gleaming in the neon haze.
Hellooo beautiful, she thought. While assessing all the upgrades, the multi-functional scope and walkable trigger she requested had her grinning maniacally. She made a mental note to give Drago a little more praise for his gunsmithing as she set up a stand in the darkness of the alcove. Cycling through the scope’s options allowed for eight different modes of visibility and detection, with heat-seeking sensors that stood up against even this night’s hellish weather.
Scanning the city for a few minutes allowed Saanvi’s dark eyes to adjust to the new level of detail the scope afforded them. Once her senses were fully immersed, the hunt was on. A den of data pirates had been having way too much fun with the identities of over half the city’s even-remotely-wealthy citizens. Ever the champion of fair play, she was going to bring that fun to an end by leveling their ranks. A glance at the watch face on the inside of her left wrist showed it was just before 02:00 AM. If the intel she scrubbed was accurate, a 12-person heat signature would pop up in less than 60 seconds.
Rifle loaded and ready, she took aim and waited. Intel was good—a warehouse four klicks away lit up with bodies. Once she had a count of twelve, her finger slipped into the trigger guard and onto the trigger in a swift motion. It didn’t leave the trigger until none of them were left standing. Smoke drifting from the barrel caught the light of an ad for aphrodisiacs and coiled pink and red against the shadows of the alcove. A smile cut across her face again as a leap off the building’s edge plunged her into the deluge.
Broken glass and rubble crunched underneath graceful steps as she leisurely filled a bag with data drives, cash, and whatever valuables her victims had stashed away. Once their warehouse was picked to the bones, Saanvi took a few photographs of the scene. Horrific images of bodies that were all bloated and bruising from the new ammunition she and Drago had developed. She knelt down near the worst-looking of the bodies, preparing to take a sample. As she pulled out a small vial and tool kit, the incoming presence of another threat sent her up the wall and into the ceiling’s vent system. Damn… intel must’ve been bad… there’s more of them. Sight limited by the vent grates, alarms went off in her head to escape as she felt the intensity of the aura peaking. There must be at least five more people about to walk into this room. Morbid curiosity won over her senses, so she repositioned herself in the vent to catch a glimpse of the intruders. Footsteps that seemed almost deafening from the intensity with which she listened for them indicated it was only one person. Good strategy, sending a scout. Eyes glued to the vent, she saw a massive silhouette peel around the corner. Her senses flared up at the sight of the figure beneath her: a man standing at least six feet tall, clad in a form-fitting suit that was dark blue with pulsing sections of red. The mask on his face had a menacing symbol on it that seemed to move the way facial expressions would. It started to stir a memory inside of her but an old emotion bloomed before recall could happen. For the first time in years, fear filled Saanvi’s veins. Thoughts only of escape and safety pinging in her mind. Run. Hide. Home. Run. Hide. Home. Go. Her head became a glitched mp3 but she couldn’t take her eyes off this predator. While the hulking figure below spoke in a low, annoyed growl to someone she couldn’t see, she stilled her mind and listened for the sound of pouring rain. The sound that would lead her away from this thing beneath her as fast as possible. Her crawl through the ducts to safety began with bated breath, a silent prayer that finished only after putting two klicks of distance between herself and whatever anomaly was in that warehouse.
Once back on the rooftop where her night began, her body shuddered hard, trying to fight off every feeling of the last few moments. She failed, senses made raw and primal by a hit of animalistic fear. Suddenly she could feel everything—single drops of rain and the chill that was trying to rob her of every last iota of body heat. Memories of another life came to her again, this time in echoes of her mother’s voice bewaring her of those made to be like her but not born as they were. ‘The universe is wide and more wild than our forest. You may meet something made to be even deadlier than you or I.’ The steel in her mother’s voice at that moment wasn’t lost on her then or now.
Saanvi had finally crossed paths with Miguel O’Hara that night. Only she didn’t register him as such. To her, she had come face to face with her mother’s fear made flesh: an unnatural union of arachnid and human.
It had been two weeks since that night and the nightmares weren’t letting up. Tonight was no different. Having been woken up by her own fearful thrashing yet again, Saanvi migrated from the bedroom to her studio. A pot of Cuban coffee brewed in the corner, filling the air with a pleasant smell. Fingers rapidly gesturing at holo-screens that were returning more of the same useless information. She knew everyone called him Spider-Man. She knew everyone (or almost everyone) considered him to be a hero. But she wanted more than just news articles and conspiracy theories from bloggers. What she wanted more than anything was to find out what Hell he came from so she could send him back to it. There was only one way to do that where he wouldn’t be pointing his fangs at her. Before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep at her desk, Saanvi had pinged a few connections. By the time the sun shone on the city again, she had unofficially launched an infiltration and intelligence gathering mission against Spider-Man.
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lilacknights · 2 years
Obey Me Headcanons: What Your Favorite Demon Brother Says About You (but make it too personal)
ALTERNATE TITLE: I judge you based on your favorite brother but I'm not very good at it
CHARACTERS: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As much as I agree with all the other similar headcanons out there, I also want to write my own take on the “what your favorite character says about you” HCs. So I shall be using my very limited knowledge on psychology, personal development, and how to attack people where it hurts.
WARNINGS: (Edited) As the title already states, these HCs might or might not be on a personal level. This is not angst but please read with caution. But please don’t take any of these too seriously. I’m mostly basing on my own analysis of the characters and their representations.
✄ ——————————————————–
You’re used to sacrificing. Whether or not you get the recognition for it, you still continue to give and give and give to people.
However, it makes it harder to address your own lack of emotional support because you don’t know how to ask for help.
Do you really favor this character because he’s “dominant” or does it bring you comfort that someone else is taking the lead and you finally get to take a break?
And do you really just want him to eat and sleep well, or are you projecting towards this character as if he was you? Maybe, just maybe, you’re taking care of him the way you would have wanted people to take care of you?
Just in case no one had told you this today: You’re doing great, pal. I promise you won’t lose your value just because you stopped working. You deserve a break, too.
Ah yes, the classic black sheep of the group.
Is it a family thing? Or maybe you’re the forgotten member of your friend group? The one constantly left behind? The one who is only asked out at the last minute because you weren’t really part of the plan and they just needed someone to fill in the spot?
Or maybe you’re the one whose efforts are always thrown under the rug because someone is always better than you.
Like any human being, you have made mistakes throughout your lifetime. Which would be fine if only people would stop focusing on your shortcomings and forgetting about your achievements.
You want to support this man and be there for him when the whole world is against him — because that’s also what you’ve always wanted. To have someone. Someone who would stop looking at you for what you aren’t and start seeing you for what you could be.
Maybe, just maybe, you have a savior complex… but not exactly in a bad way.
It’s more in the “I’ve always felt ashamed of myself but this man doesn’t have to be.” kind of way. This makes you a good person if I do say so myself.
You have your own particular special interest at one or several points of your life but no one ever reciprocated the same excitement you have towards it, making you question whether it was even worth the attention you gave it.
Have you ever had an interest on an instrument, a sport, or maybe something with arts or writing? But because none of those are “real jobs”, you had to let go? Have you been asked something along the lines of “would that be able to pay the bills?” when you tried to introduce an idea to people?
A part of you probably still longs for that encouragement that never came. And so you’re doing it for someone else.
How’s the life of the "second best" treating you? /lh
Somewhat similar to those who favor Mammon, you were probably used to having someone else take all the credit for who you are.
Ever had a family member brag about your achievements as if they are the sole reason behind your success? Or maybe you’ve had an older sibling or a senior that everyone thinks is your “inspiration” and it made you feel like your own actions are never your own?
You also probably have a type and that type is a man who does the bare minimum. I don’t know what to tell you but this is most likely the case. (If it’s not, then good for you. /gen)
“He’s not being an asshole towards me and he respects my boundaries and he reads??? Sign me the fuck up.” - You, probably. If I’m wrong, good. But if I’m right, then you and I need to have a proper talk.
Your attachment and abandonment issues are showing, bud.
People say that those who favor him are the horny fans but it’s not all there is to it, isn’t it?
Is it possible that you find comfort that this conventionally attractive and well-known individual chose you? Is it possible that, out of all the people he could have had, you’re finally the first choice?
Tell me, how many times were you just an option? How many instances did family, friends or potential lovers didn’t put you first?
Or maybe you’re the introverted little bean in every room that needs someone else to remind you that you’re actually liked. You need that one person to explicitly tell you that “yes, you are wanted.” before your intrusive thoughts take over and make you believe that you’re just a waste of space.
I don’t know what to say except you probably just want to take a break from all the physical, mental, or emotional bullshit going on in your life.
You probably need a hug (preferably against soft tits) and want to live the quiet life with little to no stressors once in a while.
He reminds you of peace and simplicity, and that’s a good thing.
Not sure what you all think but this man is probably the healthiest brother to be biased towards.
I do hope real life for you finally settles down and you get the peace of mind you’ve always wanted. You got this.
Holy shit, you’re fucked up. Are you okay? For real?
Because if Mammon or Satan are kind of the “neglected guy” representation, this one is the forgotten left-in-the-attic version. The difference with this though is that you’ve probably became numb at one point.
Something inside you probably died a long time ago and you just stopped giving a shit. It could be a good thing or a bad thing, mostly depending on your attitude towards it.
You probably weren’t exactly given the biggest responsibilities growing up but, unfortunately, no one expected big things from you because of this — and neither did you.
Also, you’re either a degradee or a degrader. There’s nothing in between. I also believe you’re pretty chill but would be willing to set a building on fire when given enough reason to.
——————————————————– ✄
I haven't written in forever! I do hope you all enjoyed this because I DIDN'T. Asmodeus and Leviathan were basically me attacking myself LMAO — 🌷
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ratnix · 6 months
I love Percy Jackson. It's the series that got me into reading and helped me go through life. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that it's flawless or that's it's absolutely incredible and the best thing in the world. I didn't notice or realize some things when I first read or reread the series bc well I was 13 and 15 with the thinking capacity of mitochondria but with me rereading the first books and with the show coming on, I think it's time to acknowledge the problematic and questionable aspects of the series. And there are plenty stereotypical, problematic things that Rick has written that several creators have spoken about such as age gaps relationships, portrayal and descriptions of characters but I want to focus on one thing now that I've been thinking for a while
One of the things that I didn't notice when i was younger was how American/anglocentralized PJO is - hell, Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase too.
"The flame of civilization moves west"
I didn't realize how self-centered this "trope" was bc I was a kid and had an idealized view of the US as a Balkan person. Everything around me was america centered -movies, books,shows,music,food everything to the point where I didn't question for a second why would there be a camp for Greek demigods in Long Island.
Yes, I know, Rick was writing the story for his son, for an American audience, whatever, but what would happen to a demigod or a magician that was born outside of the US?
I think this is kinda resolved in MC where Valhalla's above mortal ground and there are einherjar from other countries as well but it specifically bugs me about PJO and KC because it would have been great seeing Rick acknowledging the roots of the mythology he's writing about.
He could have just put the characters transport magically or something to a camp in Greece or school in Egypt where the old flame and spirit, the origins of that mythology's civilization was born and not limit it to the west and especially the US
Please, let me know your thoughts on this.
EDIT: Okay lmao I have completely erased TOA from my memory bc it was so boring and an unnecessary series but thank you to the reblogger who pointed that in TOA they bring outside of the US kids in the US and the different nomes in KC
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fahbee · 9 months
Theory: Why did Aziraphale agree to the Arrangement?
There's two moments in Aziraphale's and Crowley's history together that we haven't seen yet, that I think have the potential to change the way we see them and their relationship to each other.
They are: The Fall and the Arrangement.
This post is about the latter.
[Slightly edited because I completely forgot the Good Omens book states that the Arrangement began "somewhere around 1020".]
Here's what we know about the Arrangement:
It started around 1020.
By the time of 1601 it had been in place long enough for them to have used it "dozens of times". I take this to mean at least 30 times, but probably closer to at least 50 times. I assume that the upper limit is likely under 200, else I would have expected Crowley to say "hundreds of times" rather than dozens.
The parameters of the Arrangement are that they "stay out of each other's way" and "lend a hand, when needed." It involves both of them performing blessings and temptings.
Crowley proposed the Arrangement under the justification of convenience. No sense for both of them to be uncomfortable in damp places only to cancel each other out, etc.
Aziraphale rejected the Arrangement because he didn't want to lie to Heaven. This was centuries after Aziraphale already lied to Heaven in order to save Job's children, so we know the problem isn't with the act of lying itself.
From this, we can deduce that Aziraphale is willing to lie to Heaven/other angels when he considers the matter important and/or righteous enough, and that sparing himself inconvenient travel and accommodation, etc does not rise to that standard.
By 1601, we know that Aziraphale no longer worries about lying to Heaven ("dozens of times now") but that Aziraphale does worry about the risk to Crowley if Hell were to find out what they're doing. "They would destroy you." Yet this protest seems more like a routine warning than a truly serious objection, and Crowley rolls over it easily. "Nobody ever has to know."
While it's possible that Aziraphale could have changed his mind about the Arrangement solely due to decades (centuries?) of Crowley asking him to reconsider every time they encountered each other while on the job, that would be a boring waste of an opportunity for character and relationship growth. IOW, I don't see Neil choosing to write that Aziraphale finally decided to go along with the Arrangement just because he got tired of Crowley asking.
No, the better, far more satisfying choice is for something to have happened that changed Aziraphale's mind. And it couldn't have been something to do with the actual work of the blessing and tempting. In 1601, the job involves a few minor blessings and tempting a clan leader to steal some livestock - nothing at all like the life-and-death, killing-children-to-win-a-bet circumstances which led Aziraphale to lie to Heaven for the first time.
There has to be some other reason then for why Aziraphale grows comfortable enough with lying to Heaven that it doesn't even warrant a mention as a token protest in 1601. But what does merit a mention? "If Hell finds out... they'll destroy you." Crowley's safety.
So what could possibly be so important, so righteous, as to justify not only lying to Heaven on the regular, but also risking Crowley's very existence? What could have possibly happened to make the Arrangement, with all its attendant deceit, risk, and danger, something that Aziraphale willingly participates in, over and over and over again, for centuries?
My theory? He does it for Crowley's happiness.
We know that as far back as 3000 BC at the flood/Noah's ark, Crowley had no stomach for the death of children. 500 years later he defines himself as a demon who goes along with Hell as far as he can and killing Job's kids (both human and goat lol) is going too far. He not only refuses to kill them, he performs miracles to save them and return them safely to their parents. And before Aziraphale figured out the trick with the goats, Crowley was clearly determined to keep his actions secret from both Heaven and Hell.
I think Aziraphale finally agreed to the Arrangement in order to give Crowley an excuse to do good. I think something happened in 1020 to make Aziraphale realize that Crowley sometimes needed to do good, but couldn't allow himself to do good unless he had an excuse for it.
The Arrangement is just another dance between them, another ritual they perform for seemingly plausible reasons but which actually has a much deeper meaning behind it. On the surface, the Arrangement allows them to cut down on redundant and/or unpleasant tasks. It's true purpose though, in my opinion, is to give Crowley the excuse he needs - even if it's just to himself - to balance out his demonic work with good deeds. Either Aziraphale does his tempting for him and he's spared from having to do evil deeds at all, or he does his own tempting but gets to cancel it out by doing blessings on Aziraphale's behalf.
Does Crowley realize it, though? I don't know. Prior to s2 I would have said of course he does. But we know now that Crowley has a huge blind spot when it comes to Aziraphale. He didn't even realize how clearly, obviously in love with Aziraphale he was until Nina bashed him over the head with it. Aziraphale's motivations and feelings, especially as regards Crowley himself, seem to be a complete mystery to Crowley. It would not surprise me to learn that Aziraphale made up some flimsy excuse for why he changed his mind about the Arrangement, and Crowley simply accepted it and never questioned it further.
In conclusion, I think Aziraphale entered into the Arrangement for Crowley's benefit whether Crowley realizes it or not.
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