#i had a plush bee once
lanlishiba · 1 year
Hiya Dull, you are v. Cute!
I would love to gift you a fluffy plush bee :3 Hope you have a lovely day~✨
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Aww he loves it!! Tyyy!!
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slash-me-please · 8 months
Hi! Can I request a Fem!Reader x Pennywise Smut where pennywise uses his tounge to fuck reader?
Literallsfsdfsdfsdfsdsdsd yes you can. I haven't written for Pennywise in a GRIP.
I present to you:
Drops from a Nectarine
warnings: fem receiving oral, dub!con, cunnilingus
Sun pours in through the open shades fallen onto your bay window. Eyes fluttering open with an exasperated moan, you turn your head to the side to get away from your offender. They do not follow. Your head sinks into the plush, microfiber sheets of your full-sized bed and for once, you decide to stay. Your bliss isn't taken advantage of, dread filling your chest as the overwhelming feeling of an uninvited visitor overcame the morning euphoria.
"Good morning, Bee." He tumbled over his words. That fucking clown. You tense, legs curling up and away from the foot of your bed.
"Go away Clown..." You murmured, voice shaky and unstable as his gloved hands pressed down on your sheets. He was covered in a thick layer of grime, as he was always. The sewers were no place to live, and a sewer-dweller had no place in your room. But still, he insisted, mimicked knuckles spreading and pulling against your clean sheets and effectively ruining them from further use. You'd have to burn them later, it was the only way.
"Buzz... Buzz... Buzz..." His head twisted rapidly towards you, faintly jingling as he crawled up your bed with a twisted grin. Pennywise's puffy red lips dripped with saliva, you watched a little too long to be the perfect victim. "You always know where to sting." You turn away as he lunges, towering over your frail, be it in comparison, body. Your limbs begin to shake with fear, anticipation as he watches over you with a blank expression.
"Why are you here Pennywise." You ask, it comes as a plea, and you fall deeper into the plush safety of your dirtied sheets. He gives you a smile, a fake one, which has your stomach twisting with something evil. "I am... hungry." He replies to your question as if it had been a simple answer, not one you had tossed and turned for the last few nights. "I do not fear you."
Pennywise grips you by the thighs, claws breaking through makeshift gloves to rip apart your underwear to shreds. "I've had my fill on fear... I am satiated." He giggles, head tilting downwards to glare at your exposed cunt. "I need a different type of food." And so he leans, his claws pushing your legs backwards and into a position which had you gritting your teeth. One that would have him giggling his crazy little giggle again.
With that, his tongue extends and begins to lap at your swollen folds. He holds you down as he tortures you with a callous tongue. His head ducks further, spreading them open to reveal your aching clit- which he nudges with his large tongue again. Your hands find his hair as you arch against the bed, pushing your heat against his dripping tongue. He tortures your clit with a cruel precision, one that has you knowing he's racked up quite the body count in his thousands of years alive. You cannot bring yourself to care, a whimper falling from bitten lips.
"I told you not to come back!" You sobbed, legs involuntarily squeezing around his head. And his head drops further with that, tongue parting you to dip inside your warm heat. Pennywise moans against your cunt, eyes rolling back and teeth enveloping the lower part of your pelvis. It felt as if he was eating the soul inside of you, yourself slipping through the closed fingers of your spirit and falling into his mouth where you'd meet your sweet demise. His tongue pistoned in and out of you, sucking in your wetness with loud slurps and squelching. You'd never been eaten out in such a way, eaten like he wanted more than just your sex. Like he wanted you.
"God!" You cried, pushing against his head as his claws drew blood from your skin. It rolled down your thighs and into your sheets, the same ones you had ran your fingers through and grabbed. Pennywise jingled for a moment, tongue rubbing against the roof of your heat as you thrusted your hips against his mouth. "Mm close!" You gasp, fingers rubbing against his head as his hands hold you in place.
Pennywise chose not to respond, instead his chest rumbled with a feral growl as he pushed his tongue impossibly deep into your cunt, a gloved thumb moving to rub circles around your clit. And with a loud whine, you released into his mouth. He drank you in like you tasted better than any blood that had ever touched his tongue. Back curled over your pelvis as he held your heat flush with his face, his eyes were rolled back and his teeth had sunk deep into your skin. Fear erupted with the blossomed pleasure which ran hot through your veins and Pennywise audibly moaned.
"Let go..." You gasped, pushing lightly at his hands. You already wanted to go back to sleep. Luckily he obliged, pulling away from you and licking his lips with a lewd glare. It didn't take long before he dropped your legs and crawled over your shaking body. You pressed your hand against his chest and sighed. "You'll be back?" You mumble, and he slots his thumb between your lips. "Can't get enough of this cunt..." You release a hollow giggle, nipping at the tip of a gloved finger and pushing Pennywise away. He watches you slip underneath the covers and stays until you fall back into a restful sleep.
He'll be back.
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
I feel like Neige’s ideal type is a literal princess/prince.
Like he sees you in the forest and you’re sleeping or dozing off and animals and insects are just surrounding you. And they’re not hurting you, they’re admiring you.
And he’s immediately like, “I want them.”
Btw, can y’all tell that I love Neige??? And Vil?? Sorry I write about them sm, but GAGSGVS I love them!!!!
Also this definitely ties into my little imagine I did a week or so ago about Vil being super mad if he ever found out you were close with Neige. This is how you two originally met!!!!
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ᶻ𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓𐰁✰
You sigh as you step foot in the forest, feeling the wind blow through your hair.
You hear birds chirping and fluttering in the trees, and squirrels and rabbits skittering about.
Finally you get to hear something other than a boring lecture or Crowley.
Why are you here, you ask?
After some much needed begging from you (and your friends and teachers) Crowley is letting you have a week long break from school.
And thank the great seven for that, because god do you need it.
I mean, with 4 overblots back to back, and practically being the school therapist and Crowley’s lovely assistant…?
Yeah you’re definitely a little stressed. And you definitely deserve a break.
A break from school and everyone else.
Your goal today was to not talk to any of your friends. You love them but god, they can be a bit…obnoxious sometimes.
As you walk and think to yourself, you come across a clearing in the woods.
The clearing is covered in plush, green grass. Flowers of all colors grow around it, making it look like a bed meant for a fairy. The sun hits the clearing as well, making the grass just warm enough for a nap.
It looks like a scene from a fairytale!!
..a little nap wouldn’t hurt, right?
You stretch as you step over the flowers, not wanting to break or hurt them. And as you lay down onto the grass, you sigh contently.
This patch of grass was more comfortable than your actual bed back at Ramshackle!!
You close your eyes, listening to the buzzing of the bees around you as you fall asleep…
And as you snoozed away, animals gathered around you, looking at you as if you were some foreign being.
A butterfly lands softly on the tip of your nose, as a couple more cuddle up into your hair.
A rabbit nudges your hand, before cuddling up into your arm.
A doe lays at your feet, and a couple of cardinals and blue jays perch upon a branch by your head, chirping curiously.
You were surrounded and loved by animals and insects of all kinds, yet you didn’t stir from your slumber.
But suddenly, a twig broke, releasing a loud crack throughout the once silent forest.
The animals and insects turned their heads and came face to face with a boy in white.
The boy was young looking, short and had black hair. His skin was fair and well, to put it simply, he was absolutely gorgeous.
With big brown eyes and a round face, he looked as innocent and as sweet as can be.
“Why, hello there birdies!” He spoke softly, yet excitedly as the birds tweeted happily and landed on his out stretched hand.
“How are you guys doing today?”
The birds chirped in response, turning their heads towards you. Who, somehow, was still asleep despite the amount of animals around you.
“Oh..? And who..who is this?” The boy in white spoke softly once again, kneeling down and moving some hair out of your face.
He blushed softly, realizing that one, you’re sleeping, and two?
…you are absolutely ethereal..
“Who are you?..you look oh so..familiar?” You look like someone he’d see in a dream. A dream where he met a beautiful princess/prince and practically married them on the spot.
He touched your face with his hand. He touched you softly and delicately, as if you were made of porcelain.
Your skin was soft and flushed, a result of Vils skincare routine and the sun brushing against your face like a warm blanket as you slept.
Who were you?…
You stirred in your sleep, eyes slowly opening.
And as you began to wake up, the boy in white jumped up and ran the other direction!! Which startled a couple of the animals around you.
The first thing you noticed when you woke up is that your eyes were covered. And as you came more and more to your senses, you realized a butterfly was sitting upon your nose!!
“Well, good afternoon to you as well Mr. Butterfly.” You hummed, smiling as the butterfly flapped its blue wings happily.
“Here, I’m sure these flowers will be more comfortable than my nose.”
You picked up the butterfly gently and set it on a white flower next to you, giggling as it flew off the flower and instead found comfort on your head.
“Fine, fine. You may lay on me. But I really do think the flowers would be….more..”
You paused, looking around and seeing the surplus of animals surrounding you.
“Uh…when did I inherit a petting zoo?” You giggled to yourself, petting the rabbit softly.
The rabbit thumped the ground with its back paw happily as you pet it, leaning into your touch.
You stared up at the sky, realizing how late it was. Your nap was supposed to be pretty short, but it seemed it ended up a couple hours long.
You sighed, standing up and stretching. Paying no mind to the butterfly’s that flew out of your hair and onto the flowers surrounding you.
“It was nice to meet y’all, but I’ve gotta head back.” You spoke, scratching the doe behind the ear, “as soft as this grass was, I don’t think sleeping outside in the dark would be safe for me.”
You waved goodbye to your newly found animal friends, smiling softly as you began to make the walk back to Ramshackle.
“Oof!” “Woah!”
You bumped into someone, landing on top of them.
“I’m so-” You started, before realizing how close you two were.
One wrong move and you two would definitely…
Don’t think about that, this is a stranger!
You frantically scrambled off of the person, standing up and brushing yourself off before apologizing profusely.
As the person stood up, you realized it was a guy.
He was dressed in white, shorter than you, and, to put it simply? He was beautiful.
He probably rivaled Vil!!
(Never tell Vil that.)
He had black hair, a round face, and brown puppy dog eyes.
Overall? Total cutie.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going..” You broke the stare you two were holding, hands waving frantically.
“Oh please, it was all my fault!! Don’t worry. I’m fine. Are you okay?” He asked, his face twisted in concern.
“Of course I’m okay!! I landed on top of you, after all.” Oh My Goddddd why would you say that?!?!
“You probably took most of the hit.” You awkwardly laughed out.
“So, what’s your name? And are you sure you’re okay?” You questioned, breaking the silence.
You didn’t know who he was?
Neige wasn’t one to be egotistical, but he knew he was quite well known around Twisted Wonderland.
If anything he was expecting you to ask for an autograph or something.
But this? Someone who didn’t know him?
Now this was exciting.
And as he heard you talk more, he realized something.
He KNEW you.
No, no, not from a dream.
From the news!! From the papers! From Magicam!!!
“*ahem*? Hey dude, you okay? Maybe you did fall a lot harder than we thought…I can take you to the nurse if you’d like!” You interrupted his train of thought, waving a hand in front of his face.
“Oh!!! No, no, I don’t need a nurse. It’s nothing. Just got lost in thought.” Neige giggled out, grabbing one of your hands.
“I’m Neige, Neige Leblanche! Who are you?”
You’re Y/N L/N, you’re from NRA, and you’re the hero who’s been stopping overblot after overblot since the school year began.
He knows you. And he’s been wanting to meet you the moment he heard about you from Che’nya.
Neige stared at your eyes, getting lost in them as you spoke about yourself.
But he quickly snapped out of it when you asked him a rather interesting question.
“So, do you go to school here? I’ve never seen you around…if you were in a dorm? It’d definitely be Pomefiore. You’re way too pretty to NOT be in there!” You said, making his pale face turn pink.
The prettiest person he’s ever met just called HIM pretty!?!
Now he really thinks he’s dreaming…
“But you’re dressed in white. Kids at NRA don’t tend to wear white. Except for Kalim and me occasionally. And that’s only when Rook and Vil have some little outfits they wanna shove me in!” You joked, giggling to yourself.
“Oh no, I don’t go here! I go to RSA!” He spoke softly, ignoring the fact you knew Vil as he moved closer to you.
“That definitely fits you better,” you laughed again, “you look too nice and act too nice to be in NRA.”
“I could say the same thing about you too, you know.” He said almost immediately, the words slipping out of his mouth as smooth as butter.
Your face flushed, looking at him in surprise before looking away.
“I’d say you look even nicer than I do, Y/N.”
Your face darkened even more, not even daring to look him in the eyes.
Suddenly, you were hyperaware of everything.
Especially how soft his hand was on yours.
How long has he been holding your hand?
It’s so…tense.
Are you always this weird around pretty people?
“Anyways, it’s getting late. And pretty people need their beauty sleep, right? I think it’s time you head home, Y/N.” Neige smiled brightly up at you, moving into the next topic with ease as if he didn’t just fluster you to no end.
“But first!! Give me your number, or at least your Magicam. I wanna talk to you more!! You’re so interesting!”
You’ve told the poor boy practically nothing about yourself other than your name, yet he’s head over heels and ready to try and win you over.
You agreed, wanting to talk to him more too.
After all, there’s no harm in talking to a literal Prince Charming, is there?
“I’ll see you later, Neige. Goodnight, and sweet dreams.” You spoke tiredly, yawning as you began to walk away.
“Goodnight to you as well Y/N!! I’ll text you in the morning! Sleep well!!”
And as you walked back to Ramshackle, Neige couldn’t help but giggle in glee as he stared at your number and Magicam.
(You gave him both. You couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes:(((( )
He can’t believe he met his princess/prince, it was just like a fairytale he’d read when he was younger.
Now, he just needs to make you fall for him!!
But how?
ᶻ𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᶻ 𝗓𐰁✰
I always end up making people unintentionally obsessive/possessive:(((
But luckily, I think it fits Neige.
Bro NEEDS his happy ending and he needs it NOW.
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hyewka · 1 year
I was reading soobin's only voice live translations and when he read the comments, one of them said "come on soobin don't be shy, it's okay come closer to the microphone" and he answered saying "um no, if I come closer I might sound like a pervert so I'll pass" and i was like 😩😩
I find it very interesting the way he has said the word pervert referring to himself before, not just in that live, he knows HE KNOWS HE IS ONE
Ok that's all lol I'm not that good on expressing my feelings in English bc it's not my first language but i tried😩
btw good night!! hope u are okay 🥰
- 🦇 anon
warnings; perv!soobin, panty stealing, masturbation, breeding kink because...duh LOL, mentions of hentai, humping a body pillow, not proofread
a/n; he has no filter lol but soobin as a perv is sooo real might as well be a headcanon 😂
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soobin who often kept to himself, his shy reserved nature not doing much but push people away from his circle. he's okay with it, came to terms with the fact that it was hard for him to reach out to others over the bare minimum, and therefore he'll naturally stay a loner.
so when you first tried getting close to him, starting small talk just because you sat by him, he expected the usual. most people gave up trying after his third unintentional curt response but you... didn't. not in the bombarding questions way but more like the next day, the same good morning, with a genuine chirpy tone. like you actually had a good morning.
you were the total opposite of soobin, it was proven time and time again- he brought black coffee to lectures, you always always brought caramel frappes- soobin was undoubtedly awkward, and then it felt like being charming came easily to you, like you were genetically coded to have people swarm around you like a bee with a flower's nectar. soobin being no exception.
soobin who found that a good morning from you seemed to always assure him a good mood. not long before he succumbed to finally asking for your number, which you happily, though a little caught off guard, provided him with. who knew that he would've been the first to make an advancement?
you got close very quickly- to you, soobin was a sweet guy who just had such a pure image, the freshness of his personality was endearing, so you liked being around him.
all intentions were pure, or at least that was what soobin chose to believe at first. the first time he thought of you as more than a friend was when you begged him to go to the frat party on thursday, oh just how fun it'd be to get trashed- all your reasons were unconvincing, but you were unrelenting, so he ended up going, meeting you at the kitchen where you texted him to find you. through what felt like a million sweaty drunks he had to maneuver, he finally found you.
soobin whose relieved instinct is to shout out your name over the music quickly die down, instead, your name coming out as a small whisper by the last syllable, his eyes honed on your dress, horny bunny can't help but look down at your cleavage, cupped and full in your bodycon, gulping at the way they looked so plush. it got even worse when you spotted him, excitedly waving him over to you- then worse when as much as he tried tuning into your ranting, people eventually crowded the kitchen, meaning you had to get closer, and closer, and then finally, he couldn't help his eyes trailing down.
poor boy who ends up sporting a boner, so anxious as he begs you to let him go home, you worriedly thinking he got too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people, so you usher him to go, patting his back as you tell him to call you when he gets home.
he never ends up doing that, too ashamed that the moment he got home, he had his back pressed his door, too impatient, bunny's dick so hard it's painful, frantic pace on his shaft as he heaves, shut eyes picturing your cleavage once more, then the slight bounce he caught when you walked over to get another drink, oh what he'd do to see them bare, just a little peek seeing you undress-- his hand already soiled with his warm seed,, the fastest he came.
he hoped that this was a one time thing, how awkward would it be talking to you if he jerked off to you every now and then? yeah, he swore the reason he got so worked up that day was because of the drinks he had.
you often stuck to a specific wardrobe anyway so he wasn't counting on this happening again.
soobin who's right for the first few weeks, until he casually checks his feed, seeing that you posted a picture on instagram-- you had a sinister red lipstick, low cut black top, seated in a dining area, posing with the prettiest smile.. and oh god, he's reaching down his pants again, hands so hesitant and slow as they finally hold his dick, phone on the other hand, swiping left for the last slide-- a selfie.
all of a sudden, he's quick, pulling out his swollen dick in a swift motion, heavy breathing as he stared down at the picture, jerking off like crazy, your tits practically out on display-- who could blame him? pervy soobin who ends up spurting his slimy cum all over his phone screen, a strained final exhale, finally feeling the guilt pool in his chest.
soobin who now replaces the content that gets him off, often of anime girls dumbly bouncing on cock, getting their tummys filled with cum, over and over again-- dirty sight that he gives up just for an innocent selfie you took with soobin a few hours ago at the usual frozen yogurt place you hung at.
soobin who's under the protection of his sheets, his room pitch black as he bites down painfully on his lip, frantic breathing, jerking his poor dick to overstimulation at the picture on his phone screen-- it didn't even have to be of your cleavage anymore, just your face did it for him, eyes with a flutter rolling to the back of his head just at the thought of fucking your mouth.
pervy soobin who convinces himself that this was normal, he's sure tons of guys with female friends have done this, he wasn't weird. it was in his nature, right?
soobin who finally gets invited over at your flat because you were tired of always going out, preferring to stay in this time with some pizza. all is well, no pervy thoughts seeping into his rotten brain, until he asks to go to the bathroom.
"oh! you'll find it, it's like to the left-- right of you. it'll be to the right of you." you had your black frames, similar to soobin's, blanket over your legs with a pizza slice on your hand-- he knew you weren't going to abandon the comfort to show him around.
"don't take too long!" he hears you shout behind him, and he huffs out a laugh. you always seemed to get him smiling, for whatever reason.
soobin who mistakes the laundry room for the bathroom, opening it to spot the washing machine, and almost closing the door before he sees through the creak of the door the basket full of clothes. your clothes.
pervy soobin whose feet are still, staring at the abundance of clothes. his dick twitching in his pants, thinking of whether a pair of your underwear was buried in there, but then he immediately slaps himself out of it, shutting the door with a large bang. so flustered as he quickly tries to find the bathroom.
soobin who swears he has morals, who swears he'd never do it, he'll keep his dirty thoughts of you under his blankets at home, without having to raise suspicion.
he doesn't hold onto his set of morals for too long, too far gone at the thought of how you'd smell, how he'd feel to have your panties wrapped around his dick as he did his daily jerk off-- once those thoughts were in, his hands were less controlled.
when you told him that you might be late getting ready, he suggested to wait for you at your living room. which you naively didn't think of much, saying why not.
he didn't have ulterior motives, he swears. it doesn't matter, he ends up in front of your bedroom door, where you were changing, obviously locked, so his eyes trail to the sinful room.
he slowly turns the door's knob as to not cause any sound, seeing that the basket full of your clothes was still there. it's like treasure, dirty boy who's like a thief, anxiously rummaging through the basket, and finally, his hands grip onto a pink lace-- your underwear. there's a few, but he decides he can do with just one, you wouldn't know if he only took one.
hurriedly, he crumbles it in his big hands, getting up from his knees as he quickly stuffs it into his pockets. it's okay, it's just a one time thing.
his hands are sweaty when he gets home, the entire time he was hanging out with you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, holding onto your underwear in case you somehow spot it, or it falls out- both unlikely situations. but this was his first time doing this, the anxiety building up to the brim.
soobin who lives out his fantasy, the irony of him thanking god for such a sinful wish- he had hoped the laundry basket were dirty clothes waiting to be put in the machine.
the pair he picked up was in fact unwashed, just a deep sniff and he smelled you, such a scent that immediately makes him grow a boner, legs spread apart on his couch as he continues taking a whiff, moaning out your name, palming his dick over his sweats, too impatient to fully get it out, so needy, tears brimming at the shame the closer he gets to cumming, finally stuffing your underwear into his mouth in attempt to drown out his moans, but he still ends up saying your name through the restriction of your underwear, muffles as he chants your name the more he chases his high, his drool staining your cute panties, oh how dirty he was when he finally soils his pants at a flash of you on your knees, just for him.
perv!soobin who uses the pair of your underwear all night, masturbating like a sex crazed addict, spilling his seed all over them, dried cum under yet another load, then another...then another.
soobin who humps his anime girl body pillow, your underwear stained with his cum stuffed in his mouth, eyes rolling back at the imagination of having you under him, stretching you out, slamming his dick into you, with each thrust, your breasts bouncing up and down, so lewd, your mouth hung open dumbly, spit all over, begging him to give you his seed-- oh, how soobin dreams, "you wanna have my babies? y/n you wanna carry my babies? h-hah, g-gonna breed you-- gonna- gonna cum!"
hips getting more unrelenting against his poor pillow, with a final cry muffled in your underwear, thinking of spurting his load deep in your tummy, "fuckkk.." he groans, filling you up so well, the image of his seed seeping out your pussy when he pulls out gets soobin's hips to grind against his pillow just a little more before he finally gives out, so exhausted for going so long, your underwear still loosely in his mouth, drenched with his spit, as he flutters his tear stained lashes shut.
soobin who deep washes your panties, so guilty the next day, trying to scrub off with his hands the scent of his cum, but with all fail, he ends up trashing it. he won't do this again, he can't, he'll never.
2nd a/n: ok. wow. i really am in my soobin thought dump lol beomgyu's position getting threatened 😭 i might actually do a version for all members im so into this whole perv thing
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ghouljams · 7 months
im so curious.... what wouldve happened if bee knew those were königs bugs? like does he go full kidnapper? saying she just up and left to the people who ask, meanwhile shes barely waking up tied nice and comfortably secure to a bedpost in a somewhat familiar bedroom
im always down for some darker content<3
OK UH problem here is that Bee is insane and reads exclusively dark romance. I wanted this to be dark but she is so silly, and charming. König is charmed. That's why he kidnapped her. You know, once again you're not trapped with him, he's trapped with you. This isn't canon...
If you'd put the pieces together, if König had said something a little more suspicious, what other choice would he have had but to take you home? You try to ask him why he bugged your home, who he's working for, but he's fast and something sharp stings your neck.
You wake up in a room with bars on the windows and a nasty hangover. The sun is too bright through the gauzy curtains. You snuggle deeper under the heavy blankets, hug your arms tighter around your pillow and try to remember what you drank last night. Except you didn't drink anything you remember with a start. König hit you with something. You force your eyes open and sit up to take in the room. It's nice, cozy. Heavy blankets cover the bed, plush throws and old quilts. Thick carpets hide the wood floors you know flow throughout König's house. There's art on the walls, a bookshelf, an armchair.
This place is way nicer than the cells the leads in your favorite books get thrown into. You sniff, rub at your sleep laden eyes, as you take stock. This is just like when Rebessica got kidnapped by Dextros in "Kidnapped by a Crime Boss". You should probably be more panicked than you are, but the splitting headache makes it hard to think that far ahead. They never mention that part in the books.
You know if König wasn't a fed this might be hot. You always wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped by a guy who was so in love with you it bordered on obsession. You knew it was too good to be true, a handsome cowboy living next door to you, doting on you. You should have known he was a CIA plant. Weird they'd make him German, but you suppose it works for him. There's a button next to the bed, right next to the lamp. You hardly hesitate before pushing it.
König opens the door a second later, you wonder if he was waiting for you. "Can I have some asprin?" You ask, "And do we have time for coffee before you give me to the cops, or..." König blinks at you. You can see the gears turning behind his eyes grind to a halt.
"What? Why would the police be involved?" He makes no move to get you anything for the headache. Cruel and unusual punishment.
"You're a fed? I assume?" You pick at the bedspread, "Tellin' me you're retired, getting me to lower my guard, bugging my house, I thought you liked me."
"And I want my phone call. I won't say a word without my lawyer present." You cross your arms over your chest to stare him down. König looks like he's completely lost.
"I am retired." He tells you, picking up at least part of your griping.
"You're holding me prisoner," You remind him, in case he forgot. His eyes dart away from you, glancing at the room before landing on you again.
"A very cute prisoner." He tries. You're not buying it. His expression changes, hardens into something cruel and unreadable. You shiver, some sick excitement dripping down your spine. "This is for your own good Schatz, it's dangerous for you to be on your own, and I couldn't have you trying to leave me after you found-"
"Oh I wouldn't leave you over that," You cut him off. König deflates a little, stalks into the room so you're forced to tip your head back to look at him. He looms over you, menacing.
"Bugging me, you're not with any government or police force, right?" He nods slowly. "Then I don't see what the big deal is, I bugged you."
"You what?" The tone in König's voice is dangerous. You really don't thin he should be so upset about that, turnabout is fair play.
"Put a worm on your phone, keystroke tracking, location tracking, app usage, battery data-" König holds up a hand to stop you, taking a deep breath.
"Ok," He feels out the word, absorbing the new information. You take the moment to push the blankets back, he put you in pjs, they're cute. This should not strike you as romantically as it does. It's just like one of your books, awww. Your forum friends are going to freak over this. You watch König process, as much as you think this is kinda hot you really should feed your cat.
"Can I go home now, or do you want the worm off your phone?" You ask, as sweet as you can manage. König hums.
"You're not mad."
"You like me enough to kidnap me," You giggle, kicking your feet, "it's kind of cute." The look of horror on König's face is quick but noticeable. He pinches the bridge of his nose and heaves a sigh.
"We need to talk about the books you are reading meine Liebe," He shakes his head, "Ja, alright, run along home. I'll be by later to check on you."
"I know," You grin, "You have it on your calendar, including walk time."
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
Radio Chatter
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Knightverse Bumblebee/Human Reader, AFAB!Reader, GN Pronouns, First Time, Fluffy Smut, lots of sweet radio communication from Bee
Welcome to the first of my sporadic Kinktober Transformers fics I'll be posting over the upcoming month. If I run out of ideas I may take requests in the future, but for now I'm pretty well-stocked on concepts.
"I'm okay, I just… Need a minute to adjust."
"I'll be careful! -KZZSH- Take your time to get it!~"
Even sprawled out beneath his massive frame, spread achingly, impossibly wide by his spike, Bumblebee still found a way to make you laugh. Up until recently he had tried (and failed) to think very little about potentially interfacing with you. Mainly because he wasn't even sure if his "equipment", for lack of a better word, was compatible enough with you to really attempt anything. But the way his thick digits were finally able to caress your bare skin with a reverence he'd craved for far too long? It was currently making him wish he'd asked for this cycles ago. 
Warm metal fingertips traced featherlight along the jut of your collarbone and further down, mapping the rises and curves of muscles and bone in your body with a curious admiration. Bee's antennae flicked and fluttered with each new discovery, each dip and scar and freckle. But as he ran a hand down each of your sides, fingertips trailing over your soft squishy spots above your hips, you couldn't fully stifle your laughter.
His optics widened, digits scribbling back up and along your soft sides in the same area that had pulled that adorable little sound from your lips. You squeaked again, wriggling slightly beneath him as his servos squished into your plush skin.
"Bee! Hahahawahahait! I'm ticklish!" 
Ticklish. Of course, he himself was pretty sensitive around the transformation seams of his armor. But you didn't have any seams along your sides here, just soft, squishy warmth. Could humans be ticklish anywhere? He continued his poking and prodding, not enough to have you squealing like you were before, but enough for you to whine and wiggle beneath his grasp, powerless to escape him. Your chest heaved, whimpers and giggles you couldn't fully stifle eking past your smile even as you pawed weakly at his exploring digits.
"Plush, comfortable, and oh-so-soft! -KSSZH!- Can't take my eyes off of you… -KZZT!- Beautiful, just beautiful."
"Oh, Bee." Bringing your hands up to cup his helm, you pressed a languid kiss to the front of his mouthpiece. His antenna fluttered as he let out a pleased churr that rumbled through his entire frame. Even after you pulled away from the kiss he nuzzled further into you, tucking his faceplate as far into the crook of your neck as he could, absolutely thrumming with affection. Absent-mindedly Bee wished that humans could read EM fields as easily as Cybertronians did. Then you would be able to feel the palpable desire he had for you as more than just a static charge that put your hair standing on end. But he would have to settle with his frame and whatever words his love-addled processor could scrape up from the local airwaves instead. Not that you really seemed to mind either way.
He trailed his digits down your sides once more, fondling that particularly soft area right above your hips with just a touch more intensity. Your giggle sounded closer to a stifled moan this time as you squeezed around his spike, one hand cupping the back of his neck and toying with the cables at the base of his helm.
"Feels -ZZT- …good?"
You nodded frantically, gasping against his neck cabling as he shifted so, so slowly, spike dragging along your burning hot inner walls before pressing carefully back in. He had to be careful, the last thing he wanted was to risk hurting you. But still, your little fingernails scraping at his paint job and your wet, shuddering gasps made it near-impossible to keep any composure.
"Good, it's good. You're just so big."
He let out an all-too-pleased sounding chirp, antennae fluttering in amusement.
"Don't let that go to your head, I swear Bee." You tried to give him a disapproving look, but you just couldn't keep the smile off your face. So he nuzzled his faceplate further into you, staring up at you with big, hopeful, baby-blue optics.
"I'll make love to you, like you want me to…~"
That got you. You let out a strangled guffaw of laughter, cupping your hands over your mouth as you burst into giggles. He tittered with mechanical laughter as well: small, amused buzzes that you could feel down into the tips of your toes. 
"You dork." You gave him another kiss, this one pressed to the side of his helm. "Mmh, you're lucky you're cute."
He gave a questioning buzz. "Just -ZZT- cute?"
"Alright! And strong."
"Zrrrrr?" He made a vague, teasing vocalization with an upwards tick at the ends that only made you want to laugh more.
"And brave, and fast… and sexy?"
"Bingo, sweetheart! -KSSH- Right on the money!"
You held in your laughter this time, but the goofy, amused smile you had on your face made him feel like you were reaching both hands past his chest plating and cupping his spark directly in your palms. A near-overwhelming flood of affection surged through him as he curled his frame over your small, soft body, thrusting into your perfect heat. The punched-out moan you let out only spurred him further, both servos scooping you up from beneath and cradling you off the rough ground as he rocked into you.
"It must have been love…~ -ZRRT- And I can't fight this feeling anymore!~ -KZZST- I am not a smart man. But I know what love is… -ZZRT- …Am I talking too much?"
"Oh, Bee. No, no Bee. You're perfect." You cradled his face in your hands so gently, with such brimming, overwhelming care and kindness and love that Bumblebee was certain he was going to melt into a helpless pile of energon and cables and liquid metal beneath the warmth and affection in your gaze. "I love you too. I love you, Bumblebee."
He tried to vocalize, but it trilled up into a sharp, staticky wail as pleasure punched through him like a stinger shot. Frame shivering where he curled over your own, the feeling of his transfluid spilling into you seemed to be just enough to push you to your own release as well. He whined again as your nails scratched at his perfect paint. He knew you wouldn't be able to leave a mark, but Primus be damned if he didn't want them.
He kept you cradled in his grip even as his spike depressurized and you both groaned at the feeling of his fluids drooling from your aching core. You let out a startled 'Woah!' as he rolled over, placing you draped across his chassis with his hands cradled around your back to keep you close to him.
"Could've given me a heads-up." You joked.
"Heads-up." He parroted your own voice back to you, breaking into more amused buzzes at the scandalized look on your face and the teasing slap you gave to his hood.
"You're so lucky I love you."
"I love you." He parroted again, hoping the subtle expressions on his faceplate were as easy to read to you as your soft eyes and warm, dreamy smile was to him. It must have been, or you probably wouldn't have pulled him in for another kiss.
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
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A/N: I was making myself a cup of tea earlier this evening and the idea blossomed from there 🥺
for @morallyinept Valentine’s Day masterlist 💗
~word count: 1.3k~
Summary: it’s Valentine’s Day and Dieter Bravo is alone and missing you
Pairing | Dieter Bravo x f!reader
Warnings: mature, fluff, angst, language,implicit smut, one mention of dieter giving himself a handjob, mentions of alcohol and ouid, fwb’s, pining, assumed one-sided feelings, two idiots in love without realizing it, typical dieter behavior, reader has no physical descriptions, readers nickname is petal, +18 minors dni!
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On the long, lonely nights where Dieter Bravo is away from you, his solace, his person, he always finds himself struggling to sleep. An hour here, and an hour there, but it can never compare to the deep, dreamy, snooze he gets when you’re laying next to him, tangled up in his legs, under his sheets.
He knows deep down he’s got it bad for you. So bad, he can hardly think straight on most days. Dieter, you missed your cue, again.
He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose and shakes his shoulders to relieve any pent up stress he’s feeling and to get back on track.
Did you even read the fucking script, Bravo?
He scoffs, jaw ticking under the harsh studio lights that buzz in his ear like a swarm of angry bees. Course I did. He lies through his teeth.
How could he even think about reading his lines when he spent hours of his night staring down his phone as he deeply contemplated the pros and cons of calling you up.
If I tell her how I feel, it makes everything fucking weird.
Or you get to live out your very own rom-com!
Or she never wants to speak to me again
Or she also confesses her deep, profound love for you.
Or..she doesn’t feel the same way and breaks my fucking heart into a million tiny pieces!
Or your dreams come true, Dieter.
You met Dieter Bravo through a friend of a friend at one of the movie star’s infamous parties. Dieter was drunk, a bit of a stumbling mess, but when his warm, and slightly clammy palm wrapped around your own, you knew you were donefore. And how was it possible for a scruffy man such as himself to have the kindest, softest, warmest brown eyes you ever had the pleasure of gazing into?
No, you were not in love with Dieter Bravo. He was just your friend..with the occasional benefits. Nothing more, nothing less.
When Dieter finds himself alone in his too big of a house for another night, he packs a bowl, and then another, and another. He takes a relaxing bath, alone with nothing but the comfort of his own fist wrapped around his cock. His lashes flutter shut, plush lips parting as he sinks further into the chamomile scented bubbles.
You told him once that chamomile should help him sleep better. He sent his assistant out the next day to buy chamomile tea, and literally any and all the chamomile scented products that she could find.
You took a bath together once, and he vividly remembers dragging his nose across the base of your neck, inhaling the sweet aroma while you nearly dozed off in his saccharine grip. Muscles relaxed, limbs pliant under the soapy water.
But you weren’t here. You were thousands of miles away on a girls trip with some of your single friends. It was the trip that finally made it out of the group chat, and it happened to fall on the week of Valentine’s Day.
Wait, that’s today, right? Shit. How pathetic. He thinks to himself, stroking his cock faster, creating ripples in the sudsy water.
Yeah, so fucking pathetic. Alone on fucking Valentine’s Day, and higher than a goddamn kite.
He doesn’t come, and while that in itself should be frustrating, he accepts his fate of misery while the temperature of the water becomes too cold to bear and he’s forced to retreat.
He packs another bowl, yanks his leftover Taco Bell from the fridge and eats it cold, like the feeling of his heart.
His king sized bed feels even larger than usual, and he chuffs a laugh, taking another bite of his half eaten crunch wrap supreme.
That’s because I’m fucking alone on Valentine’s Day.
He knows he’s not really alone. But on a day that is all about love, he sure as hell doesn’t feel the love.
He misses the way you would roll over mid sleep and drape your arm across his bare stomach. Your fingers would play with the dark, soft hair that led down to his happy trail while you drooled into the crook of his neck, soft snores escaping past your parted lips. He found it endearing. You were like a koala, and he was the tree branch of your choosing.
He so badly wanted to be your tree branch right now.
Was that lame? Probably. But Dieter could give less of a shit about any of that. He missed you, and the feeling ate away at him, carving a hole in his chest and yanking his heart right out.
He didn’t mind that you would accidentally kick him off the side of the bed, or steal all the covers. He loved it when you would talk in your sleep, babbling about pure nonsense that somehow to his ears made perfect sense.
Okay, so he missed you…a lot. He wasn’t the only person to miss someone this much. Hell, maybe even his neighbor was going through the same feelings and emotions as he was.
Love. Yeah, that’s what he was feeling. He was in love with you, and you had no fucking idea how he truly felt.
He tossed and turned, fluffed down his pillows, scrolled on his phone, watching his favorite saved tik toks, and he even tried listening to the soothing sounds of a thunderstorm through a podcast on Spotify. None of it was working. He couldn’t sleep, and you were to blame.
That’s how Dieter Bravo found himself in his kitchen, fully exposed sans some fluffy slippers on his feet that had seen better days. He dug through his pantry till he found the familiar box of chamomile tea. He let out a sigh of relief and tore open the silver foil with his teeth.
His phone screen read 2:30a.m as the kettle on the stove whistled loudly in his eardrums.
The familiar scent of chamomile coated his senses in a warmth that could only be described as you as he let the tea bag steep in his favorite chipped mug.
His knuckles drummed along the countertop nervously as he stared down his phone once more. He let out a huff, bringing one hand to scratch at the patches in his scraggly beard.
As steam billowed from the mug next to him, he finally picked up his phone and dialed your number.
He chewed on the tip of his thumbnail, eyes dancing nervously as the dial tone rang, and rang. He was ready to hang up and toss his phone in the garbage disposal when you finally answered.
His heart skipped a beat and his weed-hazed mind couldn’t keep up with the rate that words were flowing past his lips.
“Petal? Hey, happy Valentine’s Day. Well—er, happy belated Valentine’s Day? ‘Suppose it’s already over. Uh—hope I’m not bothering you, I just couldn’t sleep, so I’m in my kitchen having a cup of chamomile tea, like you suggested. Fuck, I’m rambling, aren’t I? I smoked a few too many bowls so my brain is a bit scrambled. Anyway, I miss you, baby. I’m so lonely, and I wish you were here.”
His stoned rambling continued on as you listened silently, holding your phone close to your ear and swatting at your friend's arm when they asked who was on the phone. The club music was booming at the same rate that your heart was pounding in your chest.
“Hi, Dee. I miss you too. I've been thinking...when I get back, can we grab dinner sometime?" You warmly suggest.
His pupils are blown wide like two shiny marbles illuminated under the soft glow of the moonlight trickling in through his tall kitchen windows.
“Fuck yes. I’d fucking love to grab dinner with you sometime, Petal.” He rasps softly through the receiver.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic notifications and updates!
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Cinderella | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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You awoke to the kneading of a suited cat against your chest. Slow to wake you let your head fall back into the plush of your bed only to be called by a peeved meow. 
“I know. I know Luci. I’m coming.”
Not even bothering to change out of your pajamas you slipped into your cat-themed slippers and followed behind the cat bee-lining it to his feeding tray. You took out the pre-plated meal as quickly as possible and heated it. Lifting yourself off the ground onto the adjacent counter you saved yourself from the anxious pawing that Lucius was doing on the floor parallel to the activated microwave. Hearing a familiar tune play you opened the mini door to promptly bring the feisty cat his meal. You sighed, satisfied as you heard the wet and determined sounds of a feeding house cat. 
Looking out from the kitchen and foyer you spied the moving shadow under the door of the study. You skipped across the threshold being sure to quiet yourself to tiptoe as you creaked the door open. Within the crack, you watched your stepfather move across the bookshelves, eventually turning so that his back was to the door. Fighting giggles you let yourself be careful of where you stepped to avoid the creaking floorboards, doing your best to creep up on the old man. 
“Good morning to you as well (Y/n).” 
You sucked your teeth, sitting on one of the many plush armchairs. 
“Awww man I thought I caught you good!” 
The old man let a ghost of a smile on his face as he made his final selections. 
“What did I say about talking like that? At this rate, you will say whatever comes to mind.”
“You already know I do, old dude!”
He turned with a shake of his head carrying the stack he’d made out of the room; you followed suit. Up the stairs and down the hall past the doors of the ones who still had yet to wake. Past the bathroom, the powder room, and into the music room. It was a big room with only two instruments in the corner, two stools, and a flimsy podium to match. He said it was for better acoustics but you guessed he just wanted a room without the clutter that seemed to follow those two. 
Setting his books down on a faraway coffee table, he only bought one over to the podium. Adjusting it until he deemed it perfect he stopped to see his dear cat enter the room. Scooping him up, he walked over to your leaning form against the door. 
“Thank you for feeding Lucius. I’ve been diving…into some old texts. You know how I get so distracted with that.”
“It’s fine. I know you struggle with the microwave, anyway.” The snide comment has Mozus bristling with embarrassment.
“I don’t struggle with it…I’m just…learning as I go along.”
“Sure. Sure. But we know the truth, right Lucius?”
You laugh, hearing a hushed ‘traitor’ as you make your escape headed back to your room. You wonder if it is too soon to make a wish, that you’ll be back in bed before they wake.
“Oi oi Frog what are you doing up without waking me!?”
Too late. You traipse tiredly toward the redheaded misfit seeing that he’s dressed for the day and already sporting a mean face.
“Well sorry,” you dragged the word with a roll of your eyes. “Next time you want to wake up this early leave your cat door unlocked!” 
“Eeegh!? And let the furball go through my stuff!? No way!”
“Then don’t come out whining then.”
“Hey don’t you tell me how to-”
“Good Morning you guys!” 
With a yawn, in came Deuce with a kinder disposition than Ace. You gave him a ‘morning’ to which Ace only scoffed before letting his eyes land on you. Seeing as they were both up and dressed you guessed you’d deliver the news.
“Guess who’s having lessons today?”
“You?” Deuce tried. 
“Ha no, flute and piano! Plus whatever’s in the ‘old texts’” 
They groaned once again letting their eyes fall on you and staying there before you shooed them off. Letting them pass you, you watched as Deuce walked robotically down the hall followed by Ace who was slow to leave. With a smirk on his face, he turned to you.
“Feeling cold in just your jammies, huh?”
You squinted your face in confusion before a look down had you crossing your arms around your chest. You shot him a disgusted look as he skipped into the music room; another roll of your eyes and you retreated to the comfort of your room. 
Dressed for the day you wandered back to the music room; peaking in on the instruction they needed. They were huddled around Mozus as he instructed movements with his pointer stick, you compared it to that of a wizard in a book of fiction. The looks on their faces were serious–a rare thing for the idiots that never grasped anything. You leaned in only to catch snippets of what they were saying.
“...protect them…whatever it…takes…”
“... even…?”
“Yup, I mean who wouldn’t?”
Before you could listen any further they quieted upon someone’s alert of your presence. The cat meowed loudly at you through the crack of the door; you shushed the cat as you let yourself in giving him the pets he probably wanted. It wouldn’t be odd if it weren’t for their immediate actions to look as if they were doing something else. Mozus and Ace played it easy either looking at a book or blowing a raspberry before writing something. Deuce was the dead giveaway; eyes widening and darting across the room as he flailed to read a book upside down. 
“Sooo what’ya doin’?
“We’re about to begin a music lesson if you’d like to join us?” 
Ace was at the piano cracking his knuckles and hands as if he were about to do manual labor. Deuce was turning red as he practiced harsh blowing techniques into the air before bringing the flute to his lips.
“No no! I’m good.” You frantically spoke. You’d been cursed to hear their harmonies before and you would not let yourself be tortured in such a way again. You began to back out of the room only for Mozus to call for you. 
“(Y/n) if you’d be willing would you mind running some errands?”
“Sure!” You liked to go on errands, it was the only thing you were really allowed to do.
“Make sure to take Lucius with you!”
The cat was already meowing at you down the hallway going into your room. He had the right idea the moment they touched those instruments.
“Thanks again, Trey! You know how much Trein loves your bread.”
“Oh? Is he the only one?” Trey teased as he placed the wrapped loaves into your basket.
“Well…maybe…I’ll help myself to a few slices if there’s any left. Ace and Deuce are ravenous.”
Behind his frames, you could see his eyes glaze over in a disgruntled haze but as quickly as it came it left; letting a smile spread across his face. 
“Then maybe I’ll give you an extra loaf. Just for you to enjoy.” 
Lucius gave a pensive meow.
“Ah, I don’t know…I have other errands to run and I don’t have anything extra.”
“No worries, I’ll give you an extra for free… it's a…creme special…”
You tilted your head in thought genuinely trying to think of what wouldn’t leave you in a bad light. 
“But I wouldn’t want you wasting product on something yer givin’ for free.”
“No worries it was going stale anyway, just wait here just a second.”
The baker disappeared behind into the kitchen; in the meantime, you rocked on your heels. Shushing the cat that seemed to get antsier by the second, making you internally plead that Trey hurries it up. As if to answer your call the baker emerged looking flushed but proud he handed you the clear-wrapped piping hot bread with a white glaze on it. Adding it to the other loaves of bread you dismissed yourself with an honest curtsy figuring it’d leave you less in debt to him.
“Thanks again, Trey! Though I doubt this was going stale!”
“Please it was on its way out! Have a good day, (Y/n)!” 
“You too, man!” 
You waved, walking out the door of the bakery straight to your car gingerly placing the bread basket and Lucius in the backseat. You made sure to give the needy kitty a rub before driving to your next destination: the tailor. Ace and Deuce had a nasty habit of somehow destroying everything they owned within a twenty-hour period; suits were no exception. So for your last errand of the day you were collecting an order of suits for them. With Trein’s name, you let the stuttery attendant disappear into the backroom before letting your eyes wander in wait. 
“Ooh, that suit…”
Speaking to no one you eyed the mannequin sporting a character of a suit. Exaggerated points and a tail that gave it a regal feel; you imagined yourself fitting snugly in its place. You imagined a jealous scoff of Ace and the awe on Deuce’s face as you posed next to their plain, irresponsible suits. You smirked to yourself, nodding to the ceiling as you imagined the scene so vividly.
“You should get it.”
Your eyes snapped open to someone new, a boy with lilac hair and soft features. His short stature leaned against the counter as he stared in your direction. You straightened yourself out crossing your arms as you got a read on this dude’s emotion,
“Excuse me?”
“You like the suit, don’t you? And we both know you’d look good in it so just do it.”
Your eyes drifted longingly to the suit before darting back to the man or rather in his general direction.
“Hey?! What do you–mean by that?”
Before you could search for the mysterious complimenter, the attendant returned with two wrapped suits letting you carry out the transaction. You let your eyes roam the shop once more before asking the fidgeting attendant. 
“Hey, who was with you today?”
“T-the the little man, he was trying his best to sell that suit over there. Is he a new employee or–?”
“Uhm I’m the only one on staff today..did someone come into the shop?” She murmured as she looked to the distance in thought,” Maybe the bell rang and I didn’t notice?”
You shook your free hand in an attempt to calm her down, “It's fine it’s fine, I’m probably just hungry. Welp thank you and have a good day!”
You dismissed yourself going back to your air-conditioning car with Lucius sitting in the front seat as if waiting for you to return. Thanking the cat for not honking your horn, you draped the suits on the passenger seat; scooping up the cat you took the car out of park. Sending one last look towards the tailor before driving off. 
For a good half of the ride, you kept going back to the strange fellow in the store. He did have a different kind of energy around him…it felt almost…sparkly? That aside you decided to forget about the whole encounter and instead focus on the road. Speaking of, your feline passenger was being especially quiet; a far cry from the usually vocal meowing as he tries to sit in your lap. Waiting until a stop light you let yourself look in the rearview mirror to spot Lucius pawing at the opening of the bread basket.
“Lucius, please don’t touch that.”
You cursed yourself for not bringing a toy for him; focusing on getting home fast enough before any damage could be done. When you pulled into the driveway you could already see the vehicle of another one that represents the royal convoy. You hurriedly grabbed everything you’ve gathered leaving the door open to let Lucius run in himself. The cat did just that with a certain loaf in tow.
“Lucius!? Hey! That’s my bread, Lucy come on!” 
You struggled to follow the cat inside as you juggled the suits and the bread basket hanging on your arm. Nonetheless, you made your way in completely unaware of the company your family was entertaining. 
“-as I was saying we will not be needing any more invitations.”
“And as I see it you will be needing more invitations.” The determined voice came from who you assumed must’ve been the owner of the royal vehicle. “Ruggie if you please.” 
Peeking out from behind your little pile you spied the royal colors of orange and black worn by a beefy guy with dark skin and white hair. You quickly averted your eyes when his amber eyes stared intensely into yours, disappearing into the kitchen you fanned yourself to fruitlessly calm the heat that enveloped your face; missing the dispute your father and the knight seemed to have with your father. 
“I will repeat..that is but a servant: someone who best stays with the house for our livelihood.”
“So you insist…” The amber-eyed knight sneered in disbelief looking at his confidant who reentered the room with a framed photo in his hands. 
“Well, it doesn’t seem like this…servant of yours…is all that depended on to sort your house.” Snickering to himself Ruggie flung a decorative globe from his pocket leaving Deuce to lunge as he caught the item. “Which is the house of an upper-middle-class family that can certainly afford a night on the town. Though I get why you’d want to keep them a secret they are quite the…catch.” 
On the last word, the royal attendant threw the frame in Mozus’ direction which he caught gingerly holding the frame to his chest as the knight further glared at him. The royal envelope was also shoved in his direction dropping it at his feet when he made no moves to receive it. 
“His Highness expects all to be there. Good day.”
“Hishishishi, bye-bye.” 
Both knight and attendant left with a glare and smirk respectively before leaving as swiftly as they came; leaving their hosts in a dreary position. Ace and Deuce entered the foyer both cradling various pictures and artistic decor. Exchanging dark looks with one another as you finally entered the foyer, awkwardly swinging your arms back and forth as you picked up on the  tense atmosphere.
“Sooo you guys want to tell me about what happened there? Did Ace finally get caught for some stupid crime?” You tried to lighten the mood as you poked fun at Ace. But he didn’t react to you simply looking away as Deuce caved.
“Well no it's more like we have something to tell you–what?”
Elbowed in the ribs the boys begin something of a glaring contest which has Mozus intervening. Sending them away with a look you and your step-father are the only ones left in the room as the two grumbles to their rooms. 
“So what’s this all about?”
“The prince is holding a banquet..in hopes of finding a spouse.” Mozus sighed as he moved towards the study; sitting in his chair. “His employees were adamant that we all make an appearance.”
“All of us?” Sitting across from him you looked into his tired eyes.
“Yes. I’m under the impression that they believe us to be…abusive to you…so they were insistent that you attend.” 
You sucked your teeth in annoyance. “Can’t we like makeup an excuse…like that my formal wear got destroyed or something? I mean if they had any doubts I could just back it up.”
Mozus let out a weary sigh as he stared into the distance. 
“But I doubt that would work, they are royalty after all.”
“Royalty Shmoyalty we pay our taxes and as such, we should be allowed to marry who we please. And not be forced to play bachelorette with this prince-guy.”
He laughed at your statement, settling into the chair as you do the same. Smiling at his ounce of joy that settled into a look of trust. 
“So…will you be alright not to attend…under such circumstances?”
“Yeah of course!  Lucius and I can have a ball of our own…all under a happy accident.”
“Told you they’d be slippery.” Prince Leona laughed as he listened to the feedback of the conversation. Amused by the way his knight and attendant’s eyes widen as they listened in. As he predicted his prey and their herd were a slippery bunch; collectively united to make his hunt that much harder. While he did prefer to nap rather than hunt he didn’t mind the means all that much when the end would be so fulfilling.
“Uh, you sure you really want this one? I don’t know if it’s worth marrying into a family brave enough to defy the crown.”
“I- ’ll have to agree with Ruggie-senpai on this one. Would you really want to mate with someone with so many…admirers.”
The knight spoke frankly, having tailed the auspicious character that everyone couldn’t help but swoon over. Too often had he watched the citizens sink into the darkest depths of depravity all in pursuit of this…(Y/n)-character. For all, he could deduct it wouldn’t be bizarre that those with more sway in nobility or even other kingdoms may come to desire them the same way. They could use their power after being exposed to them either through violence or diplomatic servitude. 
(Y/N) Trein was a dangerous specimen, to Jack, for someone so unaware of their effect on people they easily captivate anyone that so much as glances at them. He didn’t know what scared him more the prospect of many endangering the life of his prince or the pull of his own desire for you. It was shameful but he found no solace in running from his emotions. All he knew is that it’d be trouble if his master decided to wed you…
“Heh. Don’t you think that’s a good enough reason anyway?” Leona snickered at his subordinates’ blinking in confusion. 
“Who else will have the resources to keep such a snare, locked up tight?”
“Then what about the bigwigs? Won’t they want to see them?” Ruggie tested, hoping to catch the Prince off-guard. Leona only laughed flashing his canines in a toothy grin. 
“I doubt you’d two would let that happen,” He laughed at the shocked look Jack would make as he turned to see Ruggie’s expression of panic. “Don’t think I couldn’t tell, they are practically irresistible.”
“A-aren’t you…worried that we’d steal them from you?”
Leona leaned back with his hands behind his head, letting his legs cross on the center console smirking to himself.
“Tch steal them and face the entire fleet of my brother’s kingdom? Fat chance. Jack’s too uptight and Ruggie’d run out of money,” the two shrugged and turned away in affirmation.
“Besides we’re all quite good at sharing with one another. Right, Jack?”
 Jack’s cheeks dusted with heat as Ruggie snickered, bashfully putting his arms behind his head. Letting the hyena calm his laughter, the knight cleared his throat already paging the royal tailors.
“I’ll go ahead and place the orders. One for a simple delivery and the second one for their untimely incident. 
“Ooops the outfit I just got from the royal family ended up in the furnace. Oh—ACE! Are you paying attention!” 
He looked up at you with the residue of whatever he was eating on his face as he gave you a stupid dumbfounded look. You sneered and rolled your eyes resisting the urge to pull at his ear or smack him upside the head but since his eyes were on you you continued. 
“Ace. Look at what’s happened to my outfit from the royal family, I’ve accidentally thrown it into the furnace. See?”
“Uhhh okay? You wanna medal of somethin’?”
You just needed a witness. You just needed a witness. Carrying what you could ‘save’ from the furnace you put it in a metal bucket as you carried it to your father who sat dutifully writing a letter to the prince’s staff. You sweatdropped at his old-fashioned style as you set down your evidence for your computer already typing the beginning of his letter. 
“Hey, it might arrive in time if we email them a picture..”
“...I guess that would serve our cause just as nicely.”
While you weren’t worried about informing them of your absence so early you didn’t want your Father who was guaranteed to possibly run into those intimidating lackeys to be accused of not even attempting. With hours until the banquet it would put the royal family in the impossible position of producing a tailor–made masterpiece in time. You left him to type awkwardly at the computer, hoping to save him from the embarrassment of your pity.
“Well, then I ought to get ready for the night.”
You had grand plans to enact a night full of debauchery as you relished in the emptiness of the house. Which consisted of finally going through the steamy selections Trein believed to be a pile of ash. Along with preparing to prepare for the turf war of pranks that Ace and Deuce seemed to endlessly rule. It would be glorious! That being said, you wasted no time bugging the duo to prepare for their departure as well as protecting their suits from whatever disaster seems to follow them. 
Trein was also kept busy not only preparing his email but steeling himself as he slid his wand into the undercoat of his suit. Despite your attempt to help he was certain the prince wouldn’t take kindly to this…incident. He was prepared to lose the battle himself but his sons were the only ones he needed to keep safe. Anyone would carry out his will, should the worse come to be, it’d be them. 
“Y-you don’t think we’ll have to use these…do you?”
Deuce’s breathless whisper weighed heavy on Trein’s heart but he steeled himself. They need to be strong and as their only role model left he needed to embody that. So with eyes cold and distant, he encouraged them to be prepared. 
“I won’t cry for you old man because you’re not dying. And (Y/n)’s not going to end up with that pompous prince anyway! Not if I have anything to say about it!” 
Could a father be more proud? His hugs were tight and firm, a silent reminder of his love before facing you. You have always been a joy to nurture. Prideful and loving it hurt not to warn you of his possible end but he couldn’t bring himself to worry you now. So with an ache in his heart, he smiled a woeful ‘farewell’ as you giggled something unread. But he couldn’t have asked for a better send-off. 
“Yes! Now that they’re gone I can be an absolute menace!” 
And your night of menacing would begin as you begin your plans for the night. Completely unminding of the sun setting as you continued to enjoy your time in an empty house. All was well traps were set, and treats were had but then an ominous knock at the door had you shooting off the couch. 
“Delivery of the royal family.”
The sound of steps quickly receding and the sound of tires skirting off. You rushed to the door, opening it to find a dreaded copy of the outfit you destroyed hours before. Were you wrong? Was the royal family truly so prominent that they were fast enough to prepare this!? You took it inside and began to pace…surely they shouldn’t expect you to show up with your family’s car already gone? But if they were so adamant about something as small as this perhaps they would send a car. Or some form of transportation so that your father would not be at fault, right? Right?!
You stuck your head out into the dark and chilling night, looking down the street across the estate. Alas, no car or limo was in sight nor the sound of any vehicles on the street. With a heart full of anxiety you turned back into your home, closing the door. You kept your eyes trained on the wooden floorboards as you wracked your brain for some solution. 
“Well, that’s convenient.”
The sultry voice has you snapping in horror to the living room where a man or rather three were hovering around. In the armchair facing the door was a man with blonde hair and purple tips that curled at the sparkling surface of his purple suit that’s back curtained into a tuft half-skirt. He wore a full face of makeup, sporting a knowing smolder and a raised chin giving a look of refinement. The other man with blonde hair in a bowl cut stood just behind the same chair dressed in a matching tail suit that reached dramatically at his calves. He tipped his hat with a widening smile as you met his emerald gaze.
“Bonjour mon cheri, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.”
You were slow to join them in the living room despite their unchallenging demeanor. Only moving forward when the third male with soft features was lackadaisically rifling through the frames of your family on a nearby coffee table. You ran over taking it from him to put it back in its place, the lavender-haired male shrugged returning to the side of the man with folded hands in the chair. You scratched at your head as you took in the odd throuple.
“So what are you? How did you get in here? Why are you–”
“We don’t have much time (Y/n) so I’ll make this short. Rook!” 
The blonde with the hat stepped forward, “Yes My Queen!” 
Clearing his throat he opened his hands as he presented each of them. 
“We are your fairy…helpers. This Roi du Poison: Vil and this is Monsieur Crabapple: Epel and as you’ve heard I am Rook! We are at your service for the night!” 
You opened your mouth to respond, stopped by Vil’s raised hand. He sighs and shakes his head.
“I’m certain you have questions (Y/n), but we don’t have time for that. At this moment Mozus Trein is ingesting the poison that will kill him at the stroke of midnight.”
“What–! Why didn’t you say something sooner!” 
“I’m telling you now so hush. We’ll give you the antidote but-”
Rook excitedly chimed “You must be back by midnight! Otherwise–” 
This time it was Epel who spoke in a hasty tone, “Or we’ll be forced to collect a form of payment from the life that was saved.”
“Do you accept?”
His made-up smile was unreadable but his eyes smiled with curiosity. As though you’d have any other answer to their proposal.
“I accept.”
Rook cheered while you unraveled the gaudy garments that matched the kingdom’s colors. Vil grimaced and gagged. 
“Oh no, I am not letting you arrive in that! Especially not late!” 
As if he was gliding he stood up from his seat to stand nearly chest to chest with you. You pulled away when he moved his hand to your face, flashing you a look of solemn sarcasm before materializing a wand in a flash of sparkles. 
Smiling at your dropped jaw he waved the wand over your head. Just like its appearance the wand sprinkled sparkles all over your lounge clothes transforming them into a magnificent outfit, with frills and folds that added a new type of elegance. You even felt a tiara appear on your head before Vil slapped your hand away. The final touch was a stylish pair of sneakers, you flashed him a curious look while he sighed. 
“Judging by the time,” He flashed a look at the clock. “You’ll need to move fast, ballroom wear isn’t exactly what you need.”
Rook appeared from behind him with a mirror in hand showing the unfamiliar reflection of you in stellar makeup. 
“You look like rêve dans la vraie vie!”
“Uh, thanks?”
Smoothing out the outstanding frills and floof you hurried to the door before returning to Vil who shook his head again before handing you the vial with a color-changing liquid. You held it close, finding a secure pocket to store the vial before once again heading to the door to make a hard stop with sunken shoulders.
“Guys! I don’t have a car!”
Vil deadpanned, “Not my department.”
“It’s mine!” Epel shouted, smiling widely as he took your hand with his leading you out the door. Holding you behind him, he enthusiastically pulled out his wand and waved it wildly around, much less precise as Vil had done. 
Similar sparkles popped wildly about to reveal a coolish blue and purple vehicle. Screaming slim and sleek it looks like the latest edition of motorcyle. Noting how it matched your look, you jumped as the engine revved animatedly as though it was calling out to you. Turning to Epel who was proudly smiling at your shocked face. 
“B-but I don’t know how to ride–”
“Don’t worry! It’s magic! Now go! go!” 
He pushed you along to start running towards the bike. You leaned forward, gripping the handles feeling a warm urge rush over you as you reeled your right hand back to try the engine. Booming loud and spiking your adrenaline you almost missed the warning he gave as you kicked up the stand. 
“Once you get closer to the time limit it’s not going to work the same.”
“Okay got it! Bye, and thanks!” 
You hurriedly waved to the three who were standing on the front door steps, each waving to you with their varied levels of energy. Jetting off you let what must’ve been the magic course through your veins as you mindlessly turned through the empty streets towards the castle banquet hall. 
“I’m coming, Dad! Just give me time!”
Deuce could barely stand to sway with the woman who had asked him to dance. He was too busy keeping his eyes on his father. Engaged in conversation with the prince’s guard looking especially terse as he smoothly sipped at his champagne glass. 
“Hey, boy!? Are you paying attention or am I just that nice to hold?”
He hurriedly released his hold on the woman, quickly wiping his hands against his suit before scampering into the crowd of beautiful people. Baby blue eyes searched frantically for his brother, feeling the burning weight in the pocket close to his chest. His searching proved fruitless as he lost his tact in maneuvering between the giant dresses and tailcoats.
Breaking out of the crowd he found himself in the darker section of the garden. Away from the floating lights and mingling guests. Collapsing on a bench to clutch at his heart that was beating a mile a minute. How could he be so useless? His father was possibly having the biggest confrontation of his life and all he could do was search for his brother in hopes of intervening. He couldn’t recall when he became such a coward. Maybe it was the day he lost his new mother? Or when (Y/n) was almost abducted? Or that time Ace left him in that closet? But what did it matter? To blame any one moment distracted from the outstanding major point–that Deuce was a coward that might be losing someone soon. Two if he didn’t get up soon. 
He tried to stand but was cruelly returned to his spot when he felt his body trembling. Could he take on anyone with such fragility? Without Ace’s loud presence to hide behind? 
Deuce shakily inhaled and exhaled.
“What are you doin’ out here?”
The voice was gravelly and deep as if its owner had just awakened. Easing his fear with curiosity the ravenette looked to the bush across from him. The owner of the voice was yawning and stretching from out the previously neat shrubbery. Dark-skinned with cat-like eyes and unruly hair, Deuce thought he looked familiar but couldn’t place his face. Leona on the other hand, let a fanged smirk spread across his face, and recognized him right away.
“Uh, what are you doing…sleeping in a bush…at a party?”
“Probably the same reason, you’re out here crying.”
“I-i’m not crying!” 
Leona chuckled, leaping out of the bush to tower over the still-sitting Deuce. With sly intention, the prince sat next to him feigning sympathy as he probed further.
“Oh? Then what are you doing? Did you just get dumped, maybe?”
He sighed, “No…I’m just getting over an…insecurity, I guess.”
“I just…get kind of anxious and recently I’ve just been scared.”
“Yeah. I think I’m just worried because my Da–father’s life is kind of in danger and I’m just not–”
Leona was mentally rolling his eyes. This guy just kept going on and on. But perhaps if he could show a little sympathy it’d help smooth things over in the future. After all, it'd be helpful to have his brother-in-law willing to speak well in his spouse’s ear. 
“Well, I think you should focus on getting some security.”
“Yeah, whatever option certifies your status and family’s well-being no matter how small.”
“Wait what was tha–?”
Deuce’s question was interrupted by the crux of gasps from the party guests. Who all seemed to be gawking at something deep within the party hall. Deuce stood up, wasting no time to fight through the crowd; praying it wasn’t shock from someone’s untimely death. On the other hand, Leona sauntered, slinking around the crowd to watch what caught everyone’s attention.
In the sea of guests dressed in the earthly colors of the kingdom, you were sure you stood out. Your outfit was a macrame of blues and purples, sparkling beyond any normal amount. This is why you couldn’t fault the entire gaggle of guests guffawing at your wear and if looked under a speculative scope could be considered a direct protest of the crown. It might have been an unintentional perk but you’d take it nonetheless. 
Almost immediately you spotted Mozus looking shocked with his drink in hand. Still panting from running up the steps, you strode with confidence purposely taking—whoever this man was to the prince—by surprise as you guided your father away. 
“Excuse me, I must speak to my father for a moment.”
“Uh, y-yeah–I mean, yes.”
You didn’t wait for his response while you led your father away, sneakily slipping the drink out of his hand. Finally coming to terms with you being there, Mozus spoke trying to keep his composure as you started to waltz, joining the still-staring crowd as you spoke.
“(Y/n) you look–”
“Stunning? Dazzling? Remarkable? I know.”
He smiled and shook his head at you.
“But what are you doing here? I thought we agreed you’d stay home.”
He twirled you and you responded, “We did. But they sent another.”
You two followed the steps, both of you taking a look at the non-dancing folks. The prince is among them. Sucking your teeth, you took your father’s hand dragging him off the dance floor to the table holding drinks. Pulling the vial out of your pocket you didn’t bother to hide it as you frantically dumped the vial into a glass before holding it out to him.
“I don’t have much time. You need to drink this.”
He looked at you like you were Ace–stupid. You leaned in keeping your voice low as you laid it out for him.
“I got a tip that you have been poisoned,” you put your finger up as he looked ready to argue.
“ You did drink? Didn’t you?”
His embarrassed silence told you everything you needed to know.
“Which is why you need to drink this cure and I have to leave before we’re in debt for it.”
Mozus opened his mouth and closed it, finally taking the glass from your hand. Holding it to his chest as he looked at you.
“Are you certain?”
“Of what?”
“Of this…being a cure.”
“Please! I don’t want to take the chance…”
He couldn’t resist the way you looked at him with those pleading (e/c) eyes, so much like the toddler he’d fallen in love with from day one. Mozus Trein would always have a strength weakness and you were one of three.
He downed the champagne like a madman, going back to his stoic expression. He raised an eyebrow as you continued to stare at him as if expecting some immediate change to happen.
“Don’t you have to leave before we’re in debt?”
“Ohhh! You’re right!” 
You hugged him before sprinting through the crowd, unfortunately on your way out you could already see the stuttering man and another running to catch you before you reached the door. In your dash, you took a detour using the crowd to stifle their chase, looking around for those familiar pair of troublemakers. 
“Oi! I said we’re dancing, didn’t I!? LET’S GO PRINCEY!” 
It was Ace dragging the scowling prince to the dance floor away from the position that would have been your doom. You silently thanked him as you spotted the night sky, about to jump down the steps you stopped because of the burly man guarding your exit. 
“I apologize! But per my prince’s orders, I can not let you through!” 
Before you could retaliate you were stilled by the increasing cry of Deuce flying by!
Crashing into the man his momentum sent the both of them tumbling down the stairs. You ran behind them passing by to get to your magic motorcycle. Shouting behind you, you stuck your thumbs up.
“Thanks, Deucey!”
Instead of words, you were met with the continuous grunts and fleshy sounds of being punched. You stopped yourself from looking and instead focused on mounting your ride once more. But something wasn’t sitting right, wasn’t there another–?
“Hi, there!”
Standing right in front of you was a leaner male, smaller than the prince, and the guard smiling mischievously as he blocked your ride. 
“Where are ya goin’ so fast?”
“None of your business!”
“What? Don’t you want to–” 
His smile became a smirk as he raised his hand toward you. You felt like you were having an out-of-body experience where you couldn’t control any of your movements.
“Laugh With Me?!”
At that moment a flash of sparkles seems to sprout from your outfit shooting into the man’s face. He reeled back, falling to the ground and curling into himself as he clutched his nose. Recognizing the sparkle you sent a kiss to the sky before zooming off on your motorcycle. 
Riding off into the night you let yourself breathe. One hurdle at a time. The next one is getting home in time which should be fine. As long as the prince and his goons are occupied at the very least you’ll get home in time.
“Are you sure that was okay?” Epel asked as he worriedly watched you ride on the motorcycle he had spent months crafting. 
Vil didn’t respond, watching with mixed feelings as he zoomed in on your determined face. Setting the mirror down he leaned into the armchair as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Technically yes. Usually, the fairy godparent should have done everything within their power to assure their success…”
Epel grimaced, “But we don’t want that, do we?” 
At Vil’s silence, Epel went on grazing his fingers along your face on one of the framed photos. 
“We…don’t keep them if they make it back, right? So we should want them to fail…so we shouldn’t help right?”
Vil exasperatedly sighed as he looked at the decor of the home. He scoffed lightly, threading his gloved hands through his hair as he let a defeated smile grace his face. 
“But we love them so dearly, we can’t help but want the best for (Y/n). That little Minx.”
Playfully cursing at you as he watched you through the glass of his all-seeing mirror. Epel returned to his side looking over his shoulder with a look Vil couldn’t pinpoint.
“But what if–the situation with the prince, right? It’s not going to get better, right? Then maybe we can have them then?”
“In exchange for saving them from a forced marriage and protecting their family?.... That’s incredibly dubious Epel. It breaks every rule in the fairy book.”
The petite boy smiled playfully wagging his wand. 
“But we’re not fairies are we?”
Vil couldn’t help but cackle laugh alongside his junior’s snickers. Before turning back to the mirror with a settled mind and a happy smile.
“Then it's settled, we'll let them return home in time. Successfully complete the payment and we collect our darling during the next tragedy. Are we all in agreement?”
With vigor, he’d never had towards Vil before he shouted, “Yeah!” 
“Hold on…Where’s Rook?”
You should have been in the clear, a straight shot home would be the end of this night. But whatever small objects whizzing by you on your ride might be telling a different story. You took the backroads surrounded by the woods to keep your pursuers off your trail. Looking in your rearview mirror, you found no lights that said otherwise, and yet why did it feel as though you were still being chased? 
You didn’t want to turn off the road but when you felt the break of wind again, you heard the hissing of one of your tires. As quickly as you could you turned back to the main road, finally coming to a stop when you made it to the shopping square. 
Getting up from the toppled motorbike to inspect the flat tire expecting to find some small puncture. Instead, you dug through the larger hole to pull out an arrowhead. Immediately you stood up, frantically looking around until you witnessed a flaming arrow landing on your fallen bike. 
Backing away from the growing inferno you could finally see the faint outline of a shadowy pursuer. In the darkness of the night, they reeled their arm back and released after another arrow seemed to fly by you. Without another thought, you took off ducking under closed stalls and parked cars as you made your way to the only place you could think of where you could hijack a motorbike. 
“Sorry, Trey!”
You quite easily rigged his motorcycle to run after locking the door of the bakery’s private parking lot. As the banging against the door intensified, it had you working fast and you couldn’t help but thank Deuce for his bad egg era. Mounting the motorcycle you waited until your assailant broke down the door, before firing away through the door and over the guy. 
You didn’t bother looking for the identity of the masked individual or if they were getting up again. Continuing on your route you flashed a look at the radio clock on the motorcycle, speeding as much as you can. It was a small window but you could make it! 
With minutes to spare you, crashed the motorcycle into the cobblestone of the estate’s entryway climbing your porch and quickly unlocking the door to your home. Stumbling in, you hardly noticed your disintegrating garments returning you to your comfy attire. Bent over and heaving on your knees you took a minute to compose yourself.
“...Congratulations (Y/n). Saving your step-father and returning all in one night is no easy feat.”
“Good job, (Y/n) we knew you could do it!”
Light-headed and heart still beating erratically you gave a lopsided smile to them both, puffing your chest and putting your hands on the backside of your hips.
“All…in…a day’s work. Whoo.”
Suddenly feeling a wave of tiredness come over you, letting your eyes droop and your shoulders sag. Looking down in a startling realization you could feel the light quake of your legs whether from fear or exhaustion from holding you up; you decided on one thing. 
“I’m really tired.”
Vil gave a knowing smile as he stepped toward you, putting a warm hand on the middle of your back he let you lean into his touch. Holding you against himself, he let his arm curl around holding you close as he guided you up the stairs and to your room. It didn’t matter to you then that there was no hesitation before opening your door. 
Laying you delicately into the mattress, his face brushing against yours raised no alarm only vaguely tickling your nerves as you welcomed the plush of your pillow. Vil was speaking to you, something important indeed but your body didn’t care. Already filling your vision with splotches of black and your eyelids filling the space; you melted into the warmth of your bed. 
“--When that time comes all of you is mine.”
 Waking to the muffled angry cries and pawing of a frustrated cat, was a jarring start to your morning. It didn’t help that your body ached and throbbed with the unprepared tension of the night before. With great struggle you raised your lead-heavy limbs from the bed, dragging your feet as you dressed quickly. Just a brush of your teeth, a wash to the face, and putting on your robe—far too tired to change out of your comfy clothes. When you opened your door the cat sped past your slippers; hissing at the state before rubbing himself all over the surface. 
“Why are you so miffed it's not like I…had anyone over.”
When you woke you were too caught up with the pain to recall the madness of the night before. Fairy helpers. Magic clothes and a motorcycle. Antidotes to poison. Escaping royalty. A hunter with arrows. It was a timeline of an action movie all of which you didn’t have time to register before now. 
“Oh gosh, Trey’s bike!” 
Forgoing feeding the cat you ran down the stairs and out the door, dreading that’d you’d find the wreckage you vaguely remember. To your horror the motorbike was twisted in an odd angle, scrapes all over its details, and a concerning amount of arrows lodged into the tires. 
“Trey I am so sorry.”
Already preparing for the shifts at the bakery you’d be willing to pick up or any outlandish favor he could come up with in exchange. Letting out a defeated sigh you waved a dismissive hand before heading back inside. Looking for anything out of place you took your time scanning the living room trying to spot a stray footprint or glitter coming up short.
“Hey!” You looked to the stairwell seeing an angry Ace, trailed by Deuce stomping his way down the steps.
“What d’ya think you were doing?! Trashing my room like you did and then showing up to the ball you not to go to!?”
“I didn’t trash your room. And it was an absolute emergency.”
“Well, couldn’t you have an emergency quietly?! You literally wore the craziest outfit—”
“I thought y-you looked really nice.”
“Thanks, Deuce.”
“And got the prince’s attention! The exact person we were trying to avoid!”
“I told you: it was an emergency!” “Oh yeah?! And was getting Deuce beat up worth it?”
“Sorry but yeah. And what about you Casanova you got to dance with the prince?”
“Shut. It.”
Ace continued to complain but you stopped listening looking around for the one this was all for. Pushing past those two to open the doors of Trein’s study. For a moment there was fear, that the poison was not cured or that the antidote was the opposite of what you’d hoped. That you’re dearest stepfather would not be standing there. That he’d be in the coroner’s office having his case dismissed on the Royal family’s behalf.
But he was there. Standing healthy and firm as he looked at something small nearly invisible. Having heard you come in he squashes it between his fingers turning to you with fondness.
“Judging by the bike outside you had quite the night.”
You chuckled, “I did? I don’t know about that, I wasn’t the one whose life was on the line.” 
Mozus gave a look of disbelief before accepting a hug from you. You were happy the night had gone the way it did if it meant saving your dearest dad.  Neither of you pulled away as Ace barged in pointing his finger as he was still attempting to berate you. Stopping when he saw neither of you pulls away.
“What is this? A fluffy party? Don’t think just cause you're hugging him doesn’t mean I’m going to get all fuzzy with you!?”
“Don’t get all pissy just because I’m getting hugs!” 
“I’m not–” “Did you say hugs? I want in.”
Trein opened the hug, extending a hand to Deuce. Who eagerly pushes past his brother to accept the invitation.
“You may join us, just watch your strength. It would be problematic if you injured (Y/n).”
“He doesn’t want to say it but he’s scared you’ll break his broken back even more.”
“I promise to be gentle pops!”
“I’m not made of glass.”
“...Whatever. I’m only coming over because you sad saps won’t stop looking at me like that.”
In a suffocating heap, you hugged your family; relishing in the asynchronous beating of their hearts. It was comforting–their obvious signs of warmth even as they all departed on the pretext of it being too hot, brought a smile to your face.
You did it. They were safe.
The startling knocking on the door broke the moment causing all of you to snap your heads toward the source. With a pensive sigh and shake of your head, you went for the door giving a guilty face to their curious looks.
“No doubt probably Trey who's about to hound me for his bike.”
So sure you swung the door open fully expecting to see an angry green-haired baker. Only to be overcome with dread as you recognized the royal colors decorating the uniforms of the prince and his entourage.
“You’ll have to excuse us (Y/n) (L/n). We have some business with you.”
In no time at all the prince had lazily sprawled himself on an armchair and his guards on the couch, leaving Mozus to take the only other chair in the room. After closing the door on the growing crowd of onlookers you stood dutifully next to Ace and Deuce who stood on both sides of the armchair. Mozus spoke with a pensive bow.
“Your Highness it's an honor. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
The prince was still leaning comfortably in the chair, resting his boots on the coffee table in between. The scrawnier attendant spoke, who you vaguely recalled somehow attempting to stop you.
“His Highness is more than captivated by the daisy, who left the celebration all too soon.”
Their hungry eyes were all on you to which you fumbled your rebuttal. 
“A-are you by chance talking about Ace?”
Deuce caught your wandering gaze, shaping his lips into an ‘o’ before joining you. 
“Oh yes, I-i saw that His Highness shared a lovely dance with our precious Ace. Did you perhaps fall head over heels in love with him?”
You held in a snicker and so did the slim attendant, doing a terrible job silencing his amusement behind his hands. The prince seemed to growl as he sent a glare in Deuce’s direction who immediately shrunk back in some sort of reprimand. As if intending to break the tension the burly attendant spoke, who you now recalled was the one Deuce tackled for your sake.
“Who we are referring to is (Y/n) (L/n) and as you’ve deduced His Highness is formally asking for your hand.”
A strong silence fell over your family. A collective horror gripping your hearts.
“What if…I planned to refuse?”
Deuce and Ace released a gasp and Mozus turned to look at you, heart aching at the sweat that beaded your brow. The attendants sent a look toward one another before looking to the Prince who sat unbothered, before laughing out loud. It was a scornful laugh. A laugh that made your cheeks burn with stupidity. As if what you had proposed was so outlandish that you might as well paint your face, wear bells on your head, and become a jester. 
His laughing stopped as he brought his feet off the table; placing his elbows on his knees and carding his fingers to rest along his chin. Emerald eyes narrowed and challenging he spoke with a rumbling authority.
“Do you think it's a good idea to refuse me? I know you’re not stupid (Y/n). Would you rather be married without any family, prospects, or a clean record? Or would you rather come happily into the royal family without our behest?”
“But you're still threatening me–”
“And? I’m being nice with all the running you’ve been doing from me. I love a good chase but I’m about tired of pushing past these obstacles. And I’m about to knock them down. Permanently.”
The message was clear. 
Your family’s protective streak for you was being tested. And so was your own will. More than anything you would have loved to hide behind your father and brothers. But that would be folly against someone who truly had no problem getting rid of your family. It wouldn’t do much to refuse…even if it killed you to lose your freedom to this. 
Mozus stood up, angrily gripping the armrests of his chair as he dangerously turned red. Ace and Deuce mirrored his actions more than ready to be thrown into action. So were the attendants who seemed to be waiting for the chance to spring into action.
You have to diffuse this.
You need time to think.
“Dad… it's okay…please.”
With a hand on his shoulder, you guided him back into his seat before turning to the smirking prince. 
“I…will…need a minute.”
You didn’t wait for him to answer dashing past Deuce and Ace as you ran into the nearby room: the study. Having half a mind not to cry you began to pace. What could you do? What could be done? The cards have been set and you had the losing hand. All you could do was to give in. And after all, you’d gone through? For the hero you were before, it would all mean nothing. 
Even with the force of magic that you’re family had, you couldn’t expect novices and one senior to protect against an army. No. If it was magic you’d need something stronger. Something that has proven to give results. To be a definite victory for you and your family. Kind of like…your fairy helpers.
“I had a feeling you’d need me.”
You turned to see Vil in all his radiant, glittery glory smiling as pridefully as he did before. You ran up to him with a conviction and helpless plea, fully prepared to beg on your knees if you had to. 
“Vil…the prince he– he said if I didn’t marry him willingly he’d hurt them–but I really don’t want to sign my life away to that horrible brainless—Do you have anything that can help me?! Or just some way where I can guarantee that my family will be safe?”
A warm hand rubbed against your back and the smell of cedar filled your nose. It reminded you of that one fellow…
“Ohhh~ pauvre biche, Vil we must offer our help!” 
There was something about the way he said it. The sing-songy tone that was typical for him had a hint of mocking nature. But surely that was out of understanding perhaps it was something of a minor problem for fairies such as them or that it was all an act in the first place.
“Yeah, Vil, (Y/n)’s our friend we’ve got to help them.”
Epel was on your other side letting his shoulder touch yours in a form of support as he looked to Vil. Seemingly convinced Vil pulls a vile from his pocket. The solution glows a sparkling purple that flashes gradients of green. It was alluring to simply glance at.
“Alright then (Y/n) I have a proposal for you: you drink this and your family will be safe from any others who may wish to harm them,” You opened your mouth to agree, stopping when a gloved finger pushes against your lips. 
Vil continues, “But you must agree to accept the journey that comes with it. “
Your eyebrow rose with a question on your tongue only to be stopped by more fingers on your lips. 
“I can’t elaborate on that further. All I can say is that we’d be with you the whole way and no one. No one will ever threaten you again.”
It was your choice.
“To concede or thrive? Mon filou, what will you choose?”
“You’ll make the right choice (Y/n)~! I’m sure of it.”
You held your gaze on the swirling solution in the vile. 
It was up to you.
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sunboki · 1 year
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including: ot8!<3
notes: Minho reading It Ends with Us :’((
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BANGCHAN was anything but calm. him and the kids had been practicing endlessly in preparation for Stray Kids’ newest stage coming up, but Chris couldn’t help but feel nervous. somehow, the uneasiness that he simply wasn’t good enough was eating him alive. “welcome home baby.” you greeted as he dropped his bag on the table, surprised to see your lover back so early—having expected him to be cooped up in the studio instead. you didn’t need a reply, the exhausted look in his eyes told you enough. opening your arms for a hug, he practically melted into your warmth, even picking you up to carry you to the couch. “you’ve worked so hard lately.. come here.” the sweet lulling of your voice entranced him as his head rested comfortably on your chest, now snuggled on the sofa. the leader was out once your fingers found their way into massaging his scalp, already heavy eyes finally closing with a satisfied sigh. “..love you so much….” he mumbled ever so quietly, but you heard it.
MINHO happily took time spending his lazy Saturday reading a book, the glasses sitting on his nose so refined was driving you crazy; who was currently gawking at just how attractive your boyfriend looked. he had to have seen you from a distance, but hasn’t spoke up just yet. taking the opportunity, you snuck behind him, head peering over his shoulder. “what book?” yet an unfazed Minho hummed, “It Ends with Us.” to which you sport a pout—no less scanning the words on the page. “such a romantic.” the grumble apparently goes unnoticed for a moment, carding your hands through the soft brown locks you adore oh so much. well in summary, your words didn’t go unnoticed. your boyfriend leaning his head back suddenly with curious eyes. “what was that?” you gulped, the close proximity catching you off guard. however it didn’t take you long to break into a grin, switching to hold his face. “i said, you’re such a romantic.” his dark orbs seemed to light up at this, plush lips puckering to ask for kiss. you lean forward, but jerk back at the last second, running away. “yah! Y/N!~” the pitiful whine causes laughter to echo in the household, that big baby.
CHANGBIN lay sprawled on the studio’s couch, deep asleep whilst you were doing the same—cozied between his legs while the rapper snored quietly. what’s exactly the story to this predicament? easy. 3racha was editing a track, the three busy-bee’s accompanied by you who wanted to watch the process even after being warned it was tiring by your beloved boyfriend, Changbin. he wasn’t wrong, and as time passed you found yourself obsessing over your boyfriends hair. so moldable and cute. a perfect fit for him. moving into his lap you busied yourself tying pig tails with soft pink hair ties, squealing with glee. this was another kind of happiness only achievable when Changbin was involved. by the fourth hour everyone was void of emotion, absolutely smoked. you’d already fallen asleep against Changbin, head tucked in his chest and he couldn’t help but follow along soon after. marking the end of the story, and sleepy 3racha + Y/n dozing in the studio. rest assured Leeknow had quite a few pictures to use against you later.
HYUNJIN’s lives had you by the throat. lives as in vlives, the app where you stumbled on an old live of Hyunjin tying his black locks into two pigtails. your hand flying to cover the massive smile adorning your face, stretching at your cheeks. Hyunjin, who happened to be sitting beside you taking a break from his practicing leaned his head down to gaze at your face due to the sudden gasp—adorable brows furrowed with confusion. that is, until he realized you were smiling. being the weasel he was, he couldn’t help but be curious. “what is it?” peering over your shoulder, his face gradually became as red as the thunderous m/v outfits. just as he anticipated, puppy-dog eyes stared up at him, “can i…?” you wiggled in your seat excitedly, unable to contain your grin. with a heavy sigh, your boyfriend hunched in his seat, allowing you to do whatever you’d like with his hair. nonetheless, the pout on his lips when Han walked in and started laughing maniacally was priceless.
HAN stumbled through the doorway with 3racha following behind, eager for a chance to relax at your place after a long day of producing. “You know the drill boys, eat what you want but you have to clean up after yourselves.” Changbin huddled himself in your arms, whispering a cute, “hi noona” before Han hogged you to himself. Chan only graced you with a smile and coddled the dwaekki to your living room, giving you and Jisung time. “Hi Jisungie, how was your day?” Whatever he answered was muffled as he shoved his face into your chest with a soft sigh—stirring giggles. Now seated atop the counter with Jisung smiling up at you, you couldn’t help but run your fingers through his messy locks, round eyes gazing up at you with adoration. “My day was great since I get to admire how pretty you are when I get home.” The precious moment suddenly interrupted by “ewww!!!” sounding from the other two occupying your flat. “Yah!”
FELIX was always a hard worker, you knew that of course—but watching him practice helped prove that point ten-fold. When he’d walk towards you with sweat-dappled skin and a squishy grin, you voluntary readied the hair-band on your wrist. As if on instinct the bbokari would kneel down so you could tie his growing hair into a cute ponytail from your place on the couch. God, you were definitely his favorite part of practice. “Do you need anything else?” You asked, eyes dancing to read his facial expression. “A kiss.” The sly boy puckered his lips teasingly, leaning down to capture your lips momentarily. No less the cock of a brow Chan sent you made your face red along with the wolf whistles by none other than Han and Hyunjin. Thankfully Jeongin patted your head reassuring, but that shit-eating smile made you think otherwise.
SEUNGMIN continuously spent his time soaking in your highly focused face, seemingly amazed by him getting his hair dyed for Stray Kids’ new comeback. Your open mouth and unblinking eyes reminded him of a toddler entranced by cartoons on TV. “Interested?” His silvery voice dragged you from your dreamscape, blinking repeatedly. “‘Looks soft.. I wanna play with it.” Your response immediately dissipated the snarky comment he was preparing, utterly breaking his heart. He knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it if the members saw his heart-eyes while staring at you. Clearing his throat quickly, he corrected, “It’s probably rough from dying it.” Seungmin watched you rise from your chair, hands curling into his dark roots—leaving a kiss there. “No it’s soft. Seungmin soft. Plus, it smells like you.” His brows knitted, ignoring the flush climbing up his neck to his ears. “What do I smell like?” Oh no. Not that smile. “Seungmin.”
JEONGIN is a pouty baby. Even his hyung’s agree. Well, considering today’s festivities. Walking into JYP’s building should not have caused such chaos, at least on a regular day. However today was not a regular day. His pink hair, resembling that of an apple stem sat perched comfortably atop his head. Much to your delight. “BAHAHA—Chan hyung come here!” Leeknow cackled, unable to continue working on their choreo thanks to the blessed sight. Naturally, Chan came, along with the others(much to Jeongin’s dismay). Therefore, Jeongin’s new name was now apple head(사과머리) as Felix filled you in through FaceTime. Further more, his hyung’s might’ve just died when Jeongin told them his real reason for showing up with his hairstyle. Apparently you’d tied it like that this morning before he left, looking too proud of your work just for him to take it down. Basically wife him up.
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all rights for this work are owned by @sunboki
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
whassup love. i’m obsessed with your fics. plz plz PLZZZ could you write a dom!abby x fem reader where they’re just like sweetly hanging out in the library together and reading but abby can’t keep their hands off you 😩 please i need filthy abby smut in my life ily
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut, fingering ( r! receiving ), oral sex ( r! receiving ), kissing, use of 'good girl', reading while doing the devils tango(? is that a warning idk but here u go) dom!abby, sub!reader
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! STARTING OF HORRIBLE WITH THIS MESS. my eyes burn and i've been writing this for 2 months cause i kept wanting to cry in between. life sucks, go do something fun... just dont get arrested plz.
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"The castle.. was- was like no other place she'd ever bee- ah!"
You didn't even try to look at her, knowing what sight would behold you and what consequence would follow.
But you could feel her.
Her warm tongue lapping over your clit again and again as she ate you out like she'd been starving. Fingers fucking themselves in and out of your hole, running against your walls and every spot that made you want to scream.
Your body ached with anticipation of the release that wouldn't arrive. Rutting your hips against her face but she counteracted, smacking your ass and gripping the plush of your thighs to keep your lower half down on the cushion.
Every limb and inch of skin that was a part of you glistened from the perspiration of your activities. You were so hot, overwhelmed, but you couldn't get enough.
Despite the risk of being caught in the very public 'library'.
"Keep reading, baby."
Her voice cut through your hazy mind like a sharp knife. You blinked once, then twice, focusing back on the blurry words while trying salivate your dry mouth and sore throat.
She was sweet at first, cuddling with you on the couch you were now spread open on. Kissing and massaging you while you read to her, and you still were reading to her, but this time it was a lot harder.
"No hou-house could ever top- th- the place sh- Abby!" You whined and babbled, squirming and jerking away from her mouth. "-she stood in now."
A few more sentences and the chapter would be over.
"What happened next?" You knew she'd already read this book before, she knew what happened. But you had a prettier voice, especially when you cried.
"There was someone on- on the- the-" You paused, rubbing your eyes, a soft whimper escaping but it instead earned you a light smack your clit, your entire body jolting in surprise.
"Keep going baby.. you can do this." Her voice had a sickeningly sweet comforting tone to it. It was a true promise with a false lure.
"Now." She then added, looking up at your face that was peering just past the side of the book in order to see her. You pouted but nonetheless looked back at the paragraph, her fingers moving in and out at a slower pace now.
"... the throne. It was a woman.." You continued to read to her, Abby's tongue quickly returning to trace figure eights on your little clit again and again.
"She was gorgeous.." Voice quiet as you began, soft and light moans following, "...and had long braids cascading down her shoulders onto her- oh my God Abby!" You accidentally dropped the book, letting it fall onto your bare chest while your hand covered your mouth.
You grabbed at the back of the couch, your other hand grasping at her arm. She'd added another finger, slamming into you at full force before curling her fingers against your special spot.
"Oh yeah?" She asked, tilting her head, pieces of hair that had fallen from her braid framing her face. "How's that baby?" You looked down through your haze of desperation.
"Really good Abby." Her smile curled up at your statement, her head leaning back down towards your cunt. "Pick it back up, you're almost done."
You wanted to cry, eyes unfocused on the words again, sniffling softly as your thighs tried to squeeze around her only for her to push them down once again.
"...onto her shoulders. She had golden armor. Looking at her, it was obvious to-to anyo-one she was the-" The loud muffled squeal you let out was almost as obnoxious as the squelching, sloppy sounds of your girlfriend between your legs.
"What was she, babe?" Abby teased, taking her mouth away for only a second before returning to her earlier motions. "-the- the princess."
You had finished. A cliffhanger you didn't care about and a page you wouldn't and couldn't remember was where the book was left. Abby plucking it from your fingers as soon as the final words were muttered from your lips.
"That's it..." Abby muttered, setting it aside before her bruising touch returned to your sore thighs. "Ready?"
Your high had fallen away for umpteenth time as she paused to admire your face. Your body pained and sweaty whilst she tilted her head innocently.
"Answer me with words, not nods." You took a second to hear her voice before making a noise as you tried to speak. Your hips bucking towards her mouth.
"Mhm. Please."
"Please what?"
Now she was just cruel.
"Abby please make me cum, please.."
"That's my girl.."
But you loved it.
You didn't get a warning but you doubted that you wanted one. A scream erupting from your throat when the tip of her tongue flicked over your clit. Her lips soon wrapping around it while her fingers quickly found themselves a home deep inside your cunt once again.
"Oh- mmph-" Your head hit the cushion of the couch when it flew back, one of your hands falling to her shoulder while the other held her head. "Oh my God!"
Your face was so hot and again your belly coiled up, legs shaking and you began to believe she'd let you go again. But there she stayed, fucking her fingers in and out while toying with your bundle of nerves.
"Abby m'gonna-" She smiled at what you were saying, but didn't even look up. "-please can I?" Ever the good girl you were.
"Go ahead, baby." She muttered against your wetness, continuing to eat you like you were her last meal. And it showed in your shaking calves and thumbing heart, your eyes rolling back until they squeezed themselves shut.
And just like that, you came with a moan, dipping your nails into her skin until crescents formed. The vibration from her groan in reaction against your clit nearly made you scream. Though, your hand fell over your mouth before your vocal chords got the chance to alert everyone in a mile radius.
"You did so good.." She finally spoke up, lifting her head from your middle but still kept her grip. "How about another?"
You practically cried, shaking her head as she played with your hole, moving in and out slowly. Agonizing almost, but you still managed to try and push her away only for her the chuckle.
"I can't Abb... you teased too much.." She scoffed at what you said, raising herself over your body to kiss your lips. Smiling at the sound of your whine when she pulled back. "Since when has that been a problem?"
You hummed dramatically, playing with the end of her messy braid.
"I was trying to read and you took my pants off." She snorted, licking her lips while feeling your body shift against her own. "In my defense you looked really fucking good." "Abby!"
She held onto your knees while she sat up, looking over your shape. Thumbs rubbing circles onto the fat of your thighs.
"Just one more?" You stared as she asked, a cocky grin on her lips. "I dunno…" "Oh c'mon... please? For me?"
Staring into her gaze, you quietly debated in your mind.
"That's my girl."
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A/n: my eyes burn
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
We localized the names of all the Super Mario Land enemies, too!
Yeah! If you don't remember, a few years ago, we came up with localized names for all the Super Mario Land 2 enemies as a sort of Christmas gift from us to you! But did you know? There's a Super Mario Land 1 also, and very few of its enemies have localized names either...! With another holiday upon us, we're making this the gift that keeps on giving, with a whole new set of clever enemy names just for you! I hope you enjoy!
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Goombo -> Goombie the Shroom Fish
While "Goombo" has always been a fine name, it lacks a certain je ne sais quoi that other localized Goomba relatives like "Galoomba," "Goombrat," and "Goombud" have. With this new name, which is a clever homage to Hootie & the Blowfish, now it should fit right in!
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Bombshell Koopa -> Koopie the Boom Fish
Another enemy that technically has a localized name already, but once again, this fairly boring name lacks the ceci n'est pas une pipe that truly great localized names have. It might seem weird to call a turtle a fish, but when you think about it, all tetrapods are fish, so it's fine!
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Bullet Biff -> Shootie the Bullet Fish
You know the drill by now! A name that lacks Allouette, je te plumerai turned much more memorable by one simple yet effective reference! Bullets look kind of like fish, you know!
Since we've spruced up all the enemies with actual localized names, now it's time to Get Creative! The rest will be under the cut!
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Fly -> Fruity the Fly Fish
While not explicitly a fruit fly, we figured that for the sake of the homage, this name gets the job done. And don't worry, I checked. He's allowed to reclaim it.
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Bunbun -> Stabyoutie the Bee Fish
The Japanese name is an onomatopoeia for the sound a bee makes, but because we couldn't think of an English equivalent, we decided to name it after what it does instead. Watch out! It's gonna stab you!
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Gao -> Mewtie the Lion Fish
"Mew" is a common onomatopoeia for a cat, which fits Gao pretty nicely, given a lion is a type of Big Cat! Of course, to remind people this is a lion rather than your typical housecat, we've appended it with "the Lion Fish" for good measure.
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King Totomesu -> Roary the Zebra Turkeyfish
I'm pretty sure one of my siblings once had a plush lion named "Roary the Lion" so I've decided to rename King Totomesu in their honor. And see what we did with the descriptor, eh? Eh? Pretty clever, huh?
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Honen -> Hootie the Bone Fish again
Yeah, I know we used "Hootie the Bone Fish" for Honebon during our Super Mario Land 2 project, but can you blame us for the repeat? It's a good name! And since none of these names are official, either one can have it. I don't mind.
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Yurarin Boo -> Hottie the Blow Fish
Yurarin Boo is a seahorse that blows fire at you, and you may not know this, but fire is Hot! I know it's a seahorse and not a pufferfish, but since it's a fish that blows fire, I figured "Blow Fish" would be a good pun still.
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Mekabon -> Rebootie the Bot Fish
As an enemy in the Muda Kingdom (the game's signature water world!) with a fish-eyed stare and arms that look more like flippers than anything else, this enemy's fishy appearance was not lost on us, and we figured we should reflect that in its name.
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Torion -> The Blue Fish
I know I said some of the already localized names lacked omelette du fromage or whatever, but some enemies really do just deserve a name that's simple, straight, and to the point. Torion is one such enemy.
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Yurarin -> Nottie the No Fish
As a relative of Hottie the Blow Fish without the ability to blow fire, we decided to give it a similar name, but this time specify it can't really do anything special at all. Serves as a nice parallel to the Yurarin/Yurarin Boo naming convention, huh?
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Gunion -> Octootie the Blue-Ringed Fish
"Oh, those rings are clearly yellow!" I hear you say, but consider: Super Mario Land was in black and white. Or. Dark green and lighter green. Maybe the official art made a coloring mistake, huh? Huh??? Some people would object to me calling it a Fish also, but at this point it's been well-established that every sea creature is some kind of fish.
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Tamao -> Tammy the Jelly Fish
See what I mean? The English instruction manual called this thing a jellyfish, and I'm sticking by it!
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Dragonzamasu -> Haughty the Boss Fish
As the boss version of Hottie the Blow Fish, I figured to give it a name that parallel's Hottie's as well! As a boss, you'd expect it to be pretty haughty, huh?
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Bataon -> idk man give me a break the Flying Fish
this is really hard you guys
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Ganchan -> Cheeky the Stone Fish
What a Cheeky fellow we have here! I think it's fun they decided to give this rolling rock a personality with eyes and cheeks, and we've decided to emphasize that with the name we came up with for it!
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Tokotoko -> Scooty the Dude Fish
Tokotoko looks like it's running very fast, but it doesn't even have legs, so it kinda just. Scoots all over the place. And I'd be foolish not to call this guy a Dude, what with the Cool Cool Glasses! And since Batadon is a Fish, Scooty shall be too. Simple as that!
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Suu -> Suutie the Arachno-Fish
Decided to stay pretty faithful to the Japanese name with this one, but I figured a clever reference to Hootie & the Blowfish would make it more relatable to the American youth of today.
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Kumo -> Kumootie the Arachno-Fish
oh man do i really have to name two separate spiders in a row
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Hiyoihoi -> Brutie the Rude Fish
Hiyoihoi has always had sort of "cool delinquent" vibes to me, hence calling him rude, and as a boss, you gotta assume he's a bit of a brute. The name also rhymes with "Scooty the Dude Fish," which this is the boss version of!
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Pionpi -> Spooky the Boo Fish
This frightening fishy fiend is sure to give you the heebie-jeebies!
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Pompon Flower -> Rootie the Grow Fish
Plants are pretty well known for having roots and growing, and thanks to Hootie the Blue Fish helping us learn that plants can, indeed, be considered fish, that makes every part of this name legally Clever!
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Nyololin -> Spewtie the Blow Fish
Look, I know this is the second enemy that we've named "the Blow Fish," but it blows poison at you, and on that note, it is poison like a real blowfish! It all comes together flawlessly!
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Chicken -> Tweetie the Crow Fish
Yeah, I know we technically changing its species, but it looks nothing like a chicken! Can you blame us? And the Mario franchise has a long-running tradition of connecting birds and fish (see Cheep Cheep!) so calling it not just a "crow," but a "crow fish" makes it fit in better.
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Roketon -> Grutie the Banana Fish
minion joke
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Chikako -> Floatie the Glow Fish
Hi the Mod formerly known as Mod Chikako! I hope you like your new legal name going forwards...!
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Pipe Fist -> Punchyoutie the Pipe Fist
This one may seem like we're grasping at straws, but being a big hand, I think Punchyoutie the Pipe Fist can grasp straws very easily, thank you very much.
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Biokinton -> Cumulootie the Atmosphish
This one's self-explanatory.
And last, but certainly not least...
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Tatanga -> Evil Mario
That's it for Super Mario Land! "Like" and "Subscribe" and "Hit the Bell for Notifications" if you want to see us localize the names of every enemy in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3!
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minxiiwrites · 3 months
Wouldn't it be funny if Yoru, a grumpy, angry, gtfo of my face typa guy, literally dating an ADHD s/o...haha.....so funny....(not self indulgent slash es ar es)
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: Yoru(Valorant) x gn!reader 💮 Fluff, Headcanons
: Yoru who has an s/o that had ADHD and is super hyper
: Light swearing if you squint
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Opposites attract cliche (barf /j)
If Yoru is crushing on you then it's super obvious because he plays favorites
You can barge into his room, wake him up at 3 am because you wanted to eat his noodles and he'd just sigh, call you stupid, and get out of his bed to get you noodles as you jump around in giddiness
Yet whenever Jett teases him about his not so hidden crush for you, he gives her the most nastiest glare that screams bloody murder
"You're lucky we're on the same team, otherwise you'd be dead."
Yk I don't even know how yall got dating but oh well it happened and Yoru is kinda loving it (he won't admit it and call you stupid though)
Whenever you have any sort of hyperfixation on anything he'd definitely sit quiet and listen
He has that face where it seems that he's just trying your words pass through the other ear which kinda made you insecure and just stop talking so that you wouldn't be a bother
but in reality, he's just socially awkward since he's not used to talking a lot and is actually listening to every word you say. He just doesn't know how to act
"I was about to check my phone for new messages from Brim but found this TikTok that made the most cutest cat crochet plush and then I saw this huge bee plush so I maybe wanna try crochet one day and.."
"...and? When are you gonna start crocheting?"
"!!! Oh my gosh okay so—!"
He can find himself smiling just by observing your random antics and silly actions but immediately cuts himself off cause he's in public (and Jett's teasing exists)
Probably has a specific drawer in his room that has all of the random stuff you give him
A rock you found on the street which you drew a :P face on it. A small yellow balloon filled with water that can be used as a stress ball. A shiny candy wrapper you randomly found in your pocket yesterday. And yes, you named all of them.
He's always >:( and you're always >:)
One time the both of you were on the same mission which required you to go to Japan and once you got there you immediately started running around staring at everything you found pretty
And he's just walking, trailing behind you from a close distance, sighing an amused smile
His way of speaking is also different between you and literally everyone else
He's more chill, quiet when he's with you since he likes it more when you initiate the conversations (and he likes your voice AYIE)
And when he does talk, it's mostly joking and teasing you for literally anything
Compared to others though, he's super snarky and has a cocky attitude. A huge difference to his more soft approach with you
Phoenix calls this out once which made Yoru roll his eyes, called him a dumbass, flipped him off, and walked off like nothing happened all while looking like a grumpy cat
He loves it when you fight back with his teasing
When you playfully roll your eyes at his jab and retort back with your own tease makes his heart beat hard at the fact that you're willing to play along with him
Definitely is smug and smirking all the way whenever you talk back with your own playful grin
He seems like a bitter food liker, probably downs black coffee and plain solid matcha like it's the most normal thing ever
Or maybe he has a hidden sweet tooth :/
Some times whenever you forget to eat because of hyperfixation, he drags you by the ear and forces you to eat </3
Even though you insist you aren't hungry he'll still call you a dumbass and force food down you're throat
When you walk into a room and suddenly forget what the hell you were doing in the first place, he always manages to understand your mannerisms to remind you what your objective was
It's cause he stares at you a lot hehehe
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This was like...two years ago idfk why I didn't post it LMAO
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millerscoffee · 9 months
Hiii bee 🐝 congrats on 500 followers!!
How about....Joel Miller with “Breathe through your nose.” for the prompt?
thank you SOOO much mari ♡ what a life hehe. oh i think i can do that
all for you
1042 words | joel miller x reader
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rating: 18+ MDNI
warning: established relationship, face fucking (m receiving), blindfold, um erotic asphyxiation for a blip - oops!!!, after care, sharing a bath, size difference, size kink, dom!joel but soft!dom joel yknow, the L word is said
A/N: this is part of my 500 followers celebration running until 9/9 ♡
This was messy.  Joel had you flung across the bed with your head dangling, and the blindfold over your eyes made it impossible to tell where he was.  But you can hear the heavy thud of his footsteps as they come closer to you and your thighs squeeze together in an attempt to find any sort of purchase.  You were already getting dizzy.
“This for me?” You don’t mean to jump when his thumb circles your mouth, but you can’t see and your senses are on overdrive – everything going to your center.  You swiftly invite him into your mouth, hot and wet and a vice for anything he has.  He knows that, and utilises it skillfully.  He pulls his thumb back, stifling a grunt when you pop off of him.
“All for you.”
It starts with the sound of metal, his belt unlatching.  Then the unzipping of his jeans.  You swear you hear the sound of skin slapping skin, but any thought is replaced by the salty taste of precum that covers your lips like gloss.  You rapidly lick over your lips, making contact with the head of his cock and you borderline coo at the mix of feelings inside of you.
Then, he paints the head of his cock back and forth on your pliable lips, mutters praises of the plush set of lips in front of him before exploring your mouth – slowly at first, then all at once.
And to feel him, to taste him, with the blindfold is intense.  Your mouth pulls wider than you think it does when he’s buried to the hilt of your throat, and you have to flare your nostrils out to get a good breath, to not completely sputter all over him.  But he doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, he’s more in favour of using you and asking questions later.
So his hips jut forward, slow at first, then a steady fast rhythm and you cough a little – needing to adjust and you push him a little, enough for him to fall out of you as you gasp for breath.
“Nuh uh, you ain’t doin’ that, I’ll tie you up,” he warns, but you kinda like the threat.  Maybe you push harder next time.  You don’t get the choice to think anymore because he’s got your throat again, cock right in the back of it.  “Such a hot fuckin’ mouth for me.”
But really, he’s so big, stubbornly so that your body is rattling to take it.
Not that Joel cares, it makes him more deplorable.  Makes him meaner, to see you struggle.  He takes his hand underneath his balls to clamp your nose shut teasingly.  Your thighs shuffle on the bed and his trifling ass chuckles. 
“Aw, breathe through y’er nose, baby,” he’s so menacing – so mean as you struggle for air, your senses overcome by the sawing of his cock down your throat and an inability to breathe through your nose because of his strong clamp.  And god, you love it, you love being used like this, but it’s getting to be too much – you tap his thigh and he’s quick to let go and even quicker to pull out of your mouth.
You’re gasping, drooling, practically drowning in precum and saliva.
“Colour, darlin’”
“Green,” you choke out, and before you can even get your bearings he’s shoving inside your throat again, his hand overtop of it as he fucks you.  You’re gagging, spit spilling over your eyes under the blindfold and you can sense he’s close just by how he tastes.  By how the swell of his cock is getting bigger, if you could imagine it.  Your jaw burned deliciously.
“Shit – so fuckin’ good for my cock.  M’right there, sit tight.”  your eyes roll back behind the cloth now that you’ve adjusted, now that his hand tightens around your throat as he uses it.  All outright, yet symbolic – he owns you.  Owns this throat, owns you enough to use you when he wants.  And you, you want to be good for him.  You want to lie still enough so he can work himself in the suction of your willing mouth, but hum muffles praises to send vibrations all throughout the length of him.
“Fuck – fuck, honey!  I’m cummin’, perfect… fuckin’...,” Joel is too busy, too preoccupied to even finish his sentence because before you know it his hot seed is spilling inside; strong and bitter, right down your throat.  You swallow repeatedly to quell it from coming out of your nose, and once he’s done, he pulls out of you.  You can breathe again.
Once the blindfold is off, Joel runs a bath for you.  Picks you up and strips you bare.  His eyes are soft as they dance over your figure, his large hand folds out of your to take and you step inside the tub.  The perfect temperature, filled with scents you told him you liked.
He may not use them for himself, but he pays attention.  He wants to be a part of what you like.
“S’this okay?” And fuck, for someone so determined to be dominant earlier, he looks so shy.  So soft, his curls sticking to his forehead.
“Wish you were in here,” you mutter, blinking with wide eyes at how fucked your voice sounds – you both giggle your reaction, though yours is a little more hoarse.
“Y’think we can both fit in there?”  he raises a brow at you, and you look over his broad frame.  The length of his shoulders, his body so firm and solid and you nod.  “We’ll make it work.”
So you shift your body forward, and he scoots behind you once he strips naked.  It’s slow, and the water tempts to spill over, but he eventually can rest back and you lean back in response.  A deep belly hum comes over him and you do the same.
“S’nice,” he whispers, palming broad strokes over your petite shoulders in comparison.  Water sloshing, you rest your head back on his shoulder.
“I love you, Joel.”
“I love you,” he noses your hair, arms around you protectively, “my whole world.”
You know he means it.  You close your eyes, letting the warmth of the water surround you both.
You’ve never felt safer.
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callmeoncette · 11 months
Hobie s chubby reader
I can just imagine him going crazy for someone with a fuss
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Hobie x black!chubby!reader
There’s some implied sex but like there’s no actual smut
I love a good chubby reader idc idc!!!! And I love the arach-kids and imma always love them!!! Those are my nieces and nephews fr y’all I just got cut out the movie😔
You stood next to your boyfriend and your honorary nephews and nieces as you got chewed out about something during a mission. You couldn’t care less about whatever Miguel was shouting about. You were burning up and your Spidey suit only made it feel worse. Like a wearable sauna.
Your mask was off and you started to fan yourself with your hand sighing loudly. Miguel cut his eyes at you making you return the attitude. He relented and pinched the bridge of his nose knowing he didn’t have the energy to argue with you, “dismissed…” he grumbled walking off as Lyla popped up to tell him something.
“Thank the lord! He see me sitting here burnin’ up and just keep talkin’ bout absolutely nothin’ like…” you tapped away on your watch. When the portal opened you turned to the others, “hey y’all wanna go swimming? My apartment complex has a pool but like nobody be out there cuz it’s full of old people.”
Margo, in person instead of her hologram, agreed quickly, “I love me a good pool, girl!” She said pressing buttons on her watch. The others also agreed excitedly. “I haven’t been swimming since I went with Gayatri.” He said in a love sick tone. Miles quirked a brow, “why’d you say that like it was forever ago it was just last week?”
You laughed, “just get changed and head to my dimension!” You say starting to step through.
Once through you quickly started pulling off your suit revealing your plush, chubby body. You let out a sigh of relief as you bend down to get the suit.
“Enjoying the show Bee?” You pop back up and turn to see him sprawled out on your bed. His eyes low as they study you with a familiar glint in them, “very much so.” His tongue running over his lip ring. You smirk and go to your drawer pulling out your swimsuit. You make your way to the bathroom and hear your bed quietly creak. Once inside you turn around and smirk up at the tall dark skin male leaning against the doorframe.
“Is there somethin’ you need sir?” Your arms crossed. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to him. His head dipped and his lips brushed over yours as they traveled to your neck where he peppered kisses. He then went and kissed your jaw and then your cheek before eventually moving back to your lips. He pulled back his thumb pulling at your bottom lip as you looked up at him with excitement shining in your eyes. His hand gently went around your throat to hold you in place, “gimme lips, yeah?” he pressed your lips together. Your giggles and mewls bouncing off the wall as he closed the door.
You and Hobie had a certain glow after your shower. Both of you smiling without actually smiling.
You were dressed in a white bikini when Margo and Gwen came through bickering. Margo wore a violet and teal one piece with a cut out on the stomach. Gwen wore black and white swim shorts with a teal top.
“[name] doesn’t she look like a girl kisser? She keeps tryna deny it!”
“I never said I wasn’t a girl kisser I just said you kiss girls too!”
You snorted at them and went to record a few videos of yourself in the mirror looking good.
The boys came at the same time with Miles gracefully tripping as he came in when he saw Margo and Gwen who giggle. His red swim trunks had small anchors on them that were black and gold. Pavitr was very smooth with his entrance as he flipped hair and showed off his blue and gold trunks, “you guys like? They match with Gayatri.” His smile practically blinding.
“You two have matching swimsuits?” Gwen asked with a quirked brow.
His expression fell, “well no. She said it was too cheesy, even for her…” he then perked up, “but I bought them and that counts for something!”
You pouted at ‘your’ kids, “awww so sweet Pav! Now come along children. Come get in your favorite parent’s video so I’ll have memories!” You say opening Snapchat and starting to record you all in the mirror. As soon as you started you noticed your pudge stuck out a bit more than usual, “hmmm my fupa really fupa-ing today.”
Just then Hobie strolled into the room dress in patriotic trunks he stole and made his own with tears and safety pins here and there. He got in the video and looked in your reflection in the mirror. He licked at his lip ring and shrugged.
“Good pum pum deserve shelter.”
You could hear a pin drop as everyone stood frozen, except for the punk who went about getting a towel. The video then stopped recording and continued to replay what he said, taking up the silence.
Everyone stared wide eyed. You broke the silence first.
He looked at you and shrugged, “did I lie?”
You sputtered and Pav started laughing in the back.
“Honestly you’re lucky I didn’ say tha first thing I thought.”
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
In the UK the Public Schools (extremely prestigious private schools) had a system called fagging, in which young students would act as servants for the upper years. It was rife with sexual abuse.
Tim becoming the pet of the Wayne family at Gotham College, an extremely expensive public school in England. They’re in the same House, and Dick is head of his house, and he sees this kid join and just decides ‘he is mine now’ — and so Tim becomes his personal valet, he had to spend every moment outside of class with Dick, serving his every whim.
Can’t think do much more detail, just Tim being the free use boy of the Wayne family at this school, all of them using him — and when Dick graduates he’s still used by Jason, and when Damian joins and Tim’s one of the upper years now, he’s still Damian’s pet to be used however he wants.
Also maybe Bruce is headmaster? His sons bring Tim for them all to use at the same time?
i LOVE the idea of dick having singled tim out, that he'd seen him along with all the other sweet and pretty cheeked new students and decided in that moment to make him his. more than a few other boys in dick's year had their sights set on tim but being head boy and the adopted son of the headmaster meant no one tried challenging him for the sweet boy that looked like a trembling rabbit as he stood beside his bed with red eyes, staring forlornly down at his trunk full of clothes.
by breakfast the next morning dick has learned everything there is to learn about the sweet boy picking at his breakfast. it's apparently his first time in a boarding school, his parents were businesspeople and his father had political aspirations that had been steadily growing over the past few years. all alone, no siblings, and having to make new friends at an entirely new school. no wonder he was such a trembling little thing. dick could see the misery that painted his sweet face all the way from his end of the table.
the poor thing. all alone. scared. far away from home. he looked like he could use a friend. a friend like dick.
dick is right.
the boy leaps at the opportunity to have dick's company. and his protection because a few of the other boys that were interested couldn't help pinching and cornering the boy- he was just too sweet. or at least that's what they said and dick had to admit- for once, those other boys were right.
tim is a soft, plush in all the right places. dick doesn't even mind kissing him on the mouth because tim tastes like candy. the best surprise of dick's life had to be when he worked tim's pants off and was greeted by a pink, peachy little cunt. dick didn't even try to hold back, shushing tim's whimpers and kissing his soft cheeks as he grunted and fucked deep into the hot, welcoming seam of tim. tim doesn't hold grudges and forgives dick easily when he apologizes to tim for his roughness but doesn't swear to not do it again.
not only is tim a nice fuck, he's obedient. he carries dick's books for him, follows him class to class like he's a honey bee and dick is a flower. he hangs onto dick's every word, believes everything he says.
you don't find a boy like tim everyday so dick is absolutely unwilling to lose him. even when he's set to graduate soon, dick is not willing to let a gem like tim get tossed away. he may want to come back to see him and that tight little cunt afterall.
thankfully dick has a brother. he's two years younger and in a different house because he and jason would fight like cats and dogs much to bruce's exasperation.
dick decides to introduce jason and tim to each other because its like adopting out a pet. you can't just dump it out on a stranger or else they'll start scurrying back to the original owner. acting out. peeing on the goddamn carpet and shit.
luckily for dick the meeting goes smoothly and he whistles, happy sipping on a can of contraband soda his sweet younger brother deals out of his dorm while watching timmy whine and arch and gasp under jason who is holding tight to his hips and fucking him with every bit of effort he has stored in his body.
dick goes away to university. of course. but he always makes time to return to his old school to visit dear old daddy, jason, and tim who is one of the small number of students who lives at the school even during breaks.
dick tracks tim down to the headmaster's office and is greeted by the sight of tim, laid out on the desk he's been yelled at across from endless times. bruce doesn't seem to notice or care dick's presence, too focused on fucking his cock into tim's wet hole, slamming into him with thick, wet, 'slaps' and playing with his little baby tits by squishing them in his hands.
oh sweet timmy doesn't look the slightest bit different. his head is hanging off the side of the desk, mouth open and gasping as he gets sharply fucked. he's making little whispers and moans that dick quiets up when he presses his cock to the open mouth, rubbing the head against tim's wet, twitching tongue.
when jason finally graduates their relationship has vastly improved. to the point they can both travel in the same car back to the school to visit bruce and their youngest brother.
their youngest brother who may very well be the most possessive of them all. tim is head boy this year (leaving your pussy open for the headmaster and his sons tends to earn you some privileges) and damian is just a puny little kid attending his first year at a boarding school.
its almost a comical sight. a teenager so much smaller and weaker than tim frantically fucking into his wet, twitching cunt. if damian weren't bruce's son he might very well be in tim's position.
but it seemd like poor sweet timmy would always be on the bottom of the hierarchy. not that he seemed to mind.
tim's hips arched and pressed back against damian, moaning as damian shot off in him again.
teenagers. tim was lucky damian came like a million time in two minutes because barely a few mintes later damian was cumming again, panting and squeezing both of tim's reddened little tits in his palms.
tim's pretty pussy just twitched around damian's cock, swallowing every bit of his load while dick and jason watched, each of them palming their own cocks because it had been too long since they'd fucked their sweet timmy.
their lovely timmy. their beloved little pet.
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***Time Skip: 4 Months***
Husk: Angel, where's Rou's stuffie?
Angel: *holding a bee plush* Right here. Do you have Dom's paci?
Husk: It's in his crib.
Alastor: *now 6 months pregnant* My, you two seem to have your hands full!
Angel: *using a second pair of arms to rock Jade* The triplets' energy just seems to be non-stop.
Husk: *getting Roulette and Domino down for a nap* When they finally do go down, it's like a blessing from Heaven.
Alastor: Well, they are almost a year. *Touches his rounded midsection* And with Lucifer's little one on the way, it's going to be quite the full house in here.
Husk: Once the kids are settled, do you want Angel and I to give you some pointers?
Alastor: Oh, no need! Lucifer had Charlie, I'm sure we'll be covered!
Angel: *putting Jade down for her nap* Well, sure, but Charlie is a grown woman now....not to mention it sounds like she and her Dad didn't see much of each other for quite awhile.
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Alastor: I assure you, we'll be fine! *Walks off*
Husk: Oh yeah. He's stressed.
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