#i guess they'd be wonder siblings huh?
finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #27
When Dick's parent's fell, his first thought was, "This can't be happening." His second thought was, "What's going to happen to me and my brother now?"
The answer? His brother was older than him, much older. Old enough that he could stay with the circus. But Dick? Dick couldn't stay with Danny. He was too young.
So Bruce Wayne took him in, offered to take Danny in too. Dick begged his brother to join him, but Danny didn't. He smiled at Dick, ruffled his hair, and told him he'd be waiting at the circus for when Dick returned. Promised to send postcards and letters.
Then he was gone. And Dick never returned to the circus.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 1 year
Welcome Back Wednesday
Wednesday X Reader
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Part 1
Wednesday POV
"You're what?" My voice was calm but the tone indicated I was anything but.
"They've asked me to take Larissa's position at Nevermore my little raven and your father will be teaching some courses as well."
I felt my jaw tighten at her words. I had just grown accustomed to attending the school they did.
"And Pugsley?" I glared at him. He shrunk under my stare.
"We don't think he's quite ready yet but don't worry my little viper, your Uncle Fester has promised to take good care of him."
I scoffed grabbing my bag and preparing to go to my dorm.
"Be sure to be on time for the special announcement in the quad!" I barely glanced back towards my mother and father. Seething as I realized they'd be here to monitor my every move as they tried before by sending Thing.
"Wednesday!" A ball of pink and blue stopped just a few inches before me.
"Howdy roomie." She winked.
I nodded preparing my side of the room as a knock sounded. Ajax coming in shortly to hug Enid nodding to me politely.
"Hey Wednesday, Xavier's looking for you." I rolled my eyes continuing my unpacking as Enid smirked.
"Maybe you guys can catch up when we all go to the Quad." Enid was practically bouncing in her spot as my bookbag opened itself.
"THING!" She began to talk animatedly with him signing furiously. I refrained from rolling my eyes for the third time in just as many minutes.
The two were acting as if they weren't FaceTiming each other on a weekly basis.
I walked out to the Quad once again hearing my name being yelled.
"Hey Wednesday." I looked up to see Xavier smiling at me as I nodded. "How's it going?"
I quirked an eyebrow at him.
Was that really the best he could come up with?
Someone else had run up to us and I felt myself almost smile at the sight of Eugene.
"Hello fellow hummer!" I almost cringed nodding to the short boy.
"Did you hear we're getting a new group of students?" I felt my eyebrows furrow wondering why my mother failed to mention this earlier.
A shrill bell rang throughout the quad silencing the crowd.
"Good morning students," my mothers voice getting the male crowd entranced as per usual. I even found some of the girls drooling. I looked over to see Bianca hitting Yoko before she glanced to me, her hand held up in a small wave. I simply nodded, hands clasped behind my back as my mother continued to speak.
"I will be your new Dean Morticia Addams," I felt a few pairs of eyes look my way. My intense glare sending them straight back to their business.
"It is with a bittersweet acceptance that I not only take the position of my late dear friend Larissa Weems but I also honor her with a statue to show our gratitude to a woman who was not into passionate but brave and selfless to our school." 
My mother gestured to my father who pulled a long skirt to reveal said statue it's shine reminding me of the odd way she seemed to see the best on everyone.
Larissa Weems was by far one of the most irritating individuals I had ever dealt with but she was also someone who was driven to seeing the best on everyone, and on some level I could respect that.
"We will also be integrating a new group of individuals into our group of Outcasts, so please join me in providing a warm welcome to the Ramirez siblings." The two teens stepped forward one boy and one girl. The boy was tall and lean, his sister around my height possibly a few inches taller. The boys green eyes scanned the crowd as the girls brown hid behind thick frames. He stood tall thanking my mother with a wide grin as his sister merely nodded.
"Please remember to be kind and to begin this semester with ambition and grace." I watched as my father held his hand out to help my mother down.
"Guess you won't be getting away with as much now that your parents run the school huh?" I glanced at Xavier scoffing.
"You're right I'll get away with a lot more."
I turned and began walking to the library when I had bumped into someone, my head snapping back as I felt paralyzed.
"I told you I didn't do it!" The Ramirez girl was being dragged into a jail cell, her brother watching from the outside. "LET ME GO!"
They had wrapped the girl in a straight jacket, the material far different than the usual cotton.
He turned to walk away my eyes catching sight of a burn on his neck.
*End of Vision*
"Sorry." He grinned down at me. I blinked at him. "I'm Elijah, but you can call me Eli."
He held his hand out to shake but I simply stared at it as he slowly lowered it back down.
"She doesn't really liked to be touched." Xavier towering over me as he spoke to the boy holding his hand out. "I'm Xavier Thorpe, that's Wednesday."
The two shook hands, I turned to go back to my room.
I glanced to see his sister sitting alone by a tree, feeling my stare she looked up at me.
I glanced to see the book she was reading
The Fall of the House of Usher
"How cool is it that your moms the new Dean?" I looked at Enid slightly annoyed.
"It's so cool." I deadpanned.
She grimaced before getting back to her usual preppy self.
"Come on Wednesday it won't be so bad besides she's announced that your father will be introducing a new class."
We walked to the first class of the semester to find my father standing in front of the chalkboard. The same room Laurel used with some slight modifications as I heard a hiss to the right of the entrance.
Enid and I sat down.
"Welcome to Herpetology."
My phone vibrating shortly after.
Welcome back Wednesday
It’s an idea I had please leave feedback if I should continue.🥺
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ninocence · 7 months
"There's my sis!" Linus blurts out, as usual far too loud but hardly caring. It felt like it'd been some time since they'd gotten to hang out, and what can he say? He missed his baby sister! They may not have been siblings for as long as Lloyd and him had, and they may not share the same blood, but that didn't really matter to Linus.
Of all the terrible shit that had come from his father's marriage to that viper, Nino had been an unexpected bright spot.
Linus had always been the little brother, but with Nino, he got to be a big brother! He may not have been a responsible person most of the time, but if Nino was involved, he looked out for her -- he still wanted her to have a fun time with him, but he made sure she was safe. Plus, he got to be soft on her and spoil her, and he loved to do it. Nino was probably the purest thing in his mess of a life, and even if he wasn't fantastic about outright saying it, he always tried to make sure he showed it.
"Guess what I heard, huh?" he grinned, tone turning conspiratorial, "One'a the stray cats had kittens! Wanna go see the fluffy li'l fuckers?"
It's a silly, selfish little feeling, Nino thinks, but she can never help the rush of surprised joy whenever one of her brothers names her as their sister in public. Not that she doesn't believe they were good at caring for her!! They were kind and good people and had always, always been nice to her. It's just... sometimes, she does wonder whether they really think she's a good enough little sister to spend time with them.
But one shout from Linus can always dispel all her worries, if only in the moment. Nino turns to him, already beaming, though her expression slowly morphs to one of awe as Linus makes his invitation.
"Ooh, the pretty golden one??" Really, it's more like dusty yellow, but Nino had taken one look at the visibly pregnant cat plodding around the monastery and fallen in love. She nods eagerly. "Yeah, let's go, Linus! Hey, I wonder if the mom cat will mind if we give her babies names..."
She takes one of Linus' big, calloused hands in her own, gripping it tightly as she runs along with his larger strides. She might have lots of friends now, but... in the end, no matter what happens, she'd still want to follow her big brothers where they go. They're family, after all!
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 13: The Witch Gets a Facelift
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Man they really didn't pull punches with their titles huh I hope we can bring that back
Oh shit Haggar herself is on Arus this time?? Shit's about to get REAL
Hunk is reduced to a fat joke Pidge is an animal whisperer! He calls over a carrier (messenger?) hawk after the boys see it land inside a potted plant in the castle
Allura got so excited that another kingdom on Arus had survived and ran out in only a towel, to which the boys laughed about instead of gawking at her (except Keith I think) Once she has a robe on Coran tells her it's from her aunt Orla, her mother's sister maybe her mother was a half sibling? Still trying to make sense of why she was buried outside lol
I know Allura is excited to see a possible relative but Coran is right, it might not be good news or her at all
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She looks cute! She's getting to the castle by carriage Except Haggar jumps them and steals her identity
"Orla" is found unconscious by the team and Pidge is yelling about someone being no good for knocking her out, but his heart eyes say he thinks she's pretty
Haggar can't hide that she's cold-blooded so when Allura tells "Orla" she's freezing she lies and says it's from shock When Nanny tries to kiss her hand she rips it away making her fall and getting a laugh from the boys, as they should
Man Haggar can't even fake being nice, she takes one look at the mice and yells about them being disgusting They walk off pissed that she insulted them like that
Now her cat is at the castle to get rid of the mice, but they're seen by Pidge and now everyone is on high alert And Keith being Keith, he guesses the plot immediately after being told Haggar is nearby
Allura obviously is pissed that they even think that, so she dismisses it Once again I get why she's so defensive but there have been like 2 other times at least that someone has disguised themselves as an ally only to be the enemy
Hunk yells for the cat, and then get s face full of it's claws I feel bad that he's almost always the punching bag
The floor is waxed in prep for the mice to lead the cat to the team, except when they get there, Lance Pidge and Hunk are dumbasses and slip on the wax Keith is the only one smart enough to use a rope to catch the cat
Honestly I don't think it was the best idea to expose Haggar in front of a group of people because imagine who she could if it wasn't any of them or Allura But that's what they do, and she reveals herself before Keith can through a bowl of punch on her Classy commander
See I was right! Nanny comes in to serve more food, but Haggar uses that chance to get a hostage! Guys please plan better ffs
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omg Pidge is so cute hiding behind Hunk like that
Haggar is doing such a great job fighting the team omg, she has two of them captured already, and she's taken the lights out so nobody can see Ah shit alfor ex machina strikes again, he's the reason the team is saved and Haggar runs away for the team to bring out their lions
Allura chases after her and almost gets her ass before obviously a robeast gets thrown into the mix and throws Allura into a nearby lake I noticed they've been calling the robeasts claw-beasts, that's an interesting different
Robeast defeated, Allura finds her real aunt, and now they can actually celebrate that another royal family member survived the initial war
Episode end! I wonder if because Orla is alive and already a queen, then she'd take over ruling Arus for a bit until Allura is of age Especially because they don't know how many other royal houses survived the war, so they'd have control over the planet basically Or maybe Allura's mom married into like The Royal Family and Allura is forever going to be the ruler until she has an heir
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sfc-russell-ziskey · 1 year
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
My family is...absolute chaos. Personified. Many times over. My home life with my more immediate family growing up was not great, to put it mildly. My older brother, Steven, and I spent a lot of time having to fend for ourselves, until we eventually had to go live with other family - mostly trading off between Uncle Harris and our grandparents. It was either that or foster care, and Zayde absolutely wouldn't hear of that, especially after we lost our little brother, Alan, Jr. when he was seized by child protective services for neglect. But, more recently, he got back in touch with us, and he's part of our family again. Our parents haven't been in the picture for a while. It would probably be more comfortable if it stayed that way. Not sure if it will, though. I was still a kid when whatever Dad was up to...happened. My brother, Steven, was old enough to know what went on, though.
It's a mess.
We're better now, at least. Steven's a big-shot Wall Street investment banker, and Alan runs a hardware store. Has kids now, and even coaches Little League on the side - or so I'm told. I guess he went to one of those fancy prep schools out East and played baseball there, so things really worked out for him. Lucky duck. I kinda lost track of Steven after I joined the Army. He was pretty mad at me, but he never much approved of John, or anything I did because of John. I keep wondering if he'll ever forgive me. I've done pretty well for myself since then, though. It would be nice if he were finally proud of me for a change.
But, I have an absolutely eyewatering number of cousins. Two in law enforcement (Curtis and Norman), one dentist (Mort), a...uh...mechanic...pilot...something like that from...er...out of town I guess is the best way to put that (Zeke - he's adopted), one in environmental waste management (Elon), and even a Ghostbuster (Egon). And Moe, who's also kind of adopted, though you'd never know it. He's an accountant, but he's also been a lot of other things, including a station manager for a small town TV station, and a chiropractor. Whole bunch of aunts and uncles, and nieces and nephews. It's a pretty big family. Reunions are kind of a big deal, and are always at Zayde and Bubbe's place up in Ohio. They're the only ones with a big enough house to host us all.
I wasn't very good at keeping touch with my family while I was overseas. I felt like the family failure and thought they'd be better off just forgetting about me. I didn't even come home between re-enlistments. It wasn't until John was sent back stateside to attend Drill Sergeant Academy and I got stationed in Somalia that I started to rethink my relationships with everybody back home. It was kinda lonely over there without John. I'd had some letters while we were stationed abroad, mostly from Steven, but some from Bubbe and Zayde, too. And cards now and then from Uncle Harris. And tons from John, while I was in Somalia. So, when the U.N. took over there and I was sent back home, I figured it was my chance to actually reconnect with everyone.
Well, some, at least. Things are still a little rocky with certain areas of the family. And I keep wondering what's happened to Egon. But, he's usually busy with some project or another. I think I must have really ticked him off, or something. I don't know. It is what it is, I guess. I don't even recall very clearly what the tiff was even about....
Anyway, it's complicated, but family often is, huh?
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random thoughts on HTTYD RttE S4 (Ep1-7)
Halfway through RttE, wohoo
No time to waste, we're back into the thick of it
Snotlout has been having a very tired bitch face on constantly these last few episodes, hasn't he?
She's trusting them too easily, and this comes from someone who knows the Riders mean no harm
Mala gives me vibes of what future Astrid could be like
Yay for accidental save? And people say Viking helmets are a nuisance
Aw, Hookfang looked so happy for Snotlout up there
Gee, okay Mala, thanks for ignoring Astrid and Fishlegs there - are they not harmonious enough with their dragons for you? Hm??
Meatlug continues to be Best Girl
Snotlout's enjoying this too much
Poor Heather, having to be the only responsible one
Ohhhhhh, no you don't biatch
My new nickname for Viggo is biatch
Any ideas for a Ryker nickname?
Aw, the Eruptdon is actually really handsome
Is... Ryker planning to revolt against the biatch?
"We're not getting through that ballista! Astrid built it!" Okay, you know what, that's totally fair
Omg yes!!!! Meatlug is best girl, the absolutely bestest of girls
A hord of one of, if not the, best species of dragons just saved everyone's butts
All those Gronkles deserve everything
Hookfang puts up with so much, I love him
Ep2 - Of course they'd wake up the Edge like that
My prayers were answered!! Im meeting the twins' family!
Is it just me, or is Ruff not too enthusiastic about cousin Gruff?
Oof, so he's this kind of character huh? Also I'm guessing Gruff will use that for his benefit later in the episode, but the fact that he looks and sounds exactly like Tuff seems a little lazy, I dunno
Ruff showing her big sister vibes
Hiccup's a good friend
And Ruff is a gooder sister
Snotlout and Tuff take turns at being everyone's little siblings basically
You know, it's really nice to see the twins working separately for once - they're a package deal, you never see one without the other, but this time they're fighting from different sides; it helps in fleshing out their individual characters
He just wanted to see a rainbow you monster!!
I love that Hookfang and Meatlug listened to Chicken
Aw, he considers Tuffnut one of his best friends? Does that count for every rider?
Ruff knows what's up
"Flattery has no effect on me! Mostly because I never hear any!" Okay, anyone who's just read this, let's all praise Ruffnut right now, the girl's awesome and she freaking deserves it!!
While all this fighting is happening, Barf&Belch are getting a foot massage
It's really random, but I loved how Tuff tiptoed the length of Barf's neck to get to his saddle - it was really neat, and it eludes to him probably doing it a lot
That was sweet of the twins, letting Hiccup join them
And the way he was all awkardly standing and talking
Ep3 - Love Zack Pearlman's laugh as Snotlout
Ohh, a party? Nice, it's been a while since we visited Berk
The way they were announced: "Hiccup and the Dragon Riders" If i ever get a boy-band, that's gonna be its name
Astrid, as always, the voice of reason
Isn't this like, the 54th time one of the Dragon Riders is kidnapped?
Poor bounty hunters - they actually seemed like a cute couple
"Is anyone not after me?" You know, after searching a little bit on the httyd shipping tags, I'd say, no honestly - everyone wants a piece of you
So we are finally meeting this hooded guy then?
That chain around Hiccup's throat is giving me the creeps
Wow, he just, let him fall, damn
I swear these Hunters have the worst aim ever
Please tell me they are not letting Ryker go
Alright, guess today's not the day we meet hooded man
Ep4 - Oh no, not this man again
He's trying to turn Snotlout against Hiccup, da heck man??
Snotlout just looks so lost and confused
He gave him a nightmare - yeah I hate Spitelout
And lemme guess, the rest of the episode is gonna be Snotlout making bad mistakes left and right
I wonder, does this happen everytime Snotlout talks to his dad? Become insufferable and hurtful to the team - is this a part of a pattern? And if so, do any of the riders know? Or the dragons for that matter - how much does Hookfang know?
Everyone else deserves so much credit for not having thrown him off a cliff yet
Okay, I know it's supposed to be a serious moment here, but Snotlout's ¬¬ face when Hiccup was lecturing him, I can't
"Man, nobody loans me anything." You can feel the self-deprecation and resentment dripping from that sentence
Let's take a moment to appreciate Hookfang, who's been following Snotlout around the whole episode
And another moment for Fishlegs who openly, genuinely, gave him a chance
Hiccup's great, man, really. He's giving Snotlout every single chance he's asking, calming down the others, letting him win so he could get a confidence boost! These are amazing friends
And now he's panicking, oh my god
Not Hookfang with Spitelout's voice, anything but that!!
Have I mentioned how much I love Hookfang and Snotlout's relationship yet? No? Well, I do, and Hookfang is an amazing boy
Okay, yay, they gave him his little hero moment there, nice going
Ep5 - Shattermaster and Dagur yaaaaas, I've been thinking about you guys
Oh no, not this king stuff again
Yeah I don't believe Dagur is back on the dark side. He was probably captured by the hunters when he led himself and Shattermaster into that trap and then had to regain their trust somehow so they wouldn't kill him
Astrid got stuck with babysitting duty again, it seems
My guess is that he's gonna pass all three, and then chicken out with becoming king for some reason - or he's gonna lose right before he finishes the third trial
Okay, so the memory wipe was fake, he tricked me there too - but more importantly, Shattermaster!!!
Dagur calling him the most handsome Gronkle ever melted my heart
Oh yeah, we got Shattermaster back, that's it!
That was a sweet moment between Dagur and Heather
Snotlout's complaints are fair
Ep6 - Hey, Johhan! It's been a hot minute since we last saw you
Submaripper huh? That's a cool name, I like it
Please, don't die peeps
Snotlout asking Hookfang if he looks cool with the goggles and Hookfang hitting him with one of his horns back - small interactions like these between dragon and rider are my favorite
Hiccup obce agwin being able to do things no one from his era should be able to
I like the Submaripper's colors they're pretty
I swear, Hiccup collects near-death experiences as if they were Pokémon cards
Sweet ending, with Johhan telling them a story
Ep7 - Soooo, everyone is delirious? That's the episode
Seeing Astrid like that is kinda scary, ngl
Hookfang looked so scared with Snotlout's mood swings for a sec there
And the twins are just duttyfully noting it all down
"Keep my weight out of this." Pfff, poor Stoick
I have no idea what's up with those round-headed dragons, but they're cute
Of course Astrid and Snotlout would be besties when sleep-deprived
The little glances between the dragons - I'd pay to know what they're thinking right now
The Shadow Wings' formation is a bit ridiculous, but I like it
Hookfang blasting Snotlout away from him and Meatlug's weary glances towards Fishlegs - my god the riders must really be creeping them out
Tuffnut breaking into a hysterical fit of laughter over hallucinations is probably the most relatable of these symptoms for me
I don't understand why they didn't do this from the start, but I'm glad to see the dragons taking matters into their own hands for a change
Also, don't understand the meaning behind the A plot with Hiccup and Toothless but sure
They're all cuddling down there while sleeping but will absolutely refuse it when they wake up - also the dragons are gonna have so much blackmail material for the next couple weeks
I'm half-way through season 4, yayy
I'm really surprised, and immensely flattered people keep liking and reblogging whatever this commentary is that I'm doing. You're putting up with so much bad grammar and over all dumbassery I don't know how I can thank you except to continue
Anyway, hope you like another one of these
Have a nice day :>
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nishisun · 3 years
suna rintaro is NOT a genius.
summary: you loved the idea of soulmates. suna rintaro didn’t. it isn’t that hard to put two and two together to realize that maybe people with different opinions on things don’t belong together.
part 2
a/n: this was literally supposed to be a series, i gave up on it because i just didn’t like the way it turned out. it used to be called “out of my league” and this was the intro. i also renamed it. just emptying drafts!! please don’t get confused with the random timeskip, once again, this was a part of a series i never ended up posting😭
WARNING!!: suggestive themes, mentions of death, idk kinda angsty but tell me if i missed anything
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Soulmates. Whatever the hell that means. The idea of soulmates is something I truly don’t understand. It’s bullshit, honestly. It’s all-pervasive.
My mother always told me I'd eventually find "the one.” I used to believe that when I was younger of course. But in my opinion? It’s all cliches. It's unhelpful, and it's certainly not true. Destiny is an excuse for the weak. Why do you think most marriages end in divorce? It's 'cause people who believe they are “destined to be" assume everything will fall into place without any effort. I don't appreciate people pontificating bullshit like that just to make me feel better, especially if they haven't found their "soulmate" themselves. My sister once told me, “People who believe in soulmates are more likely to break up and encounter more difficulty in their relationship, which will lead them to give up on one another eventually.”
I sure do believe that.
My mother is a prime example. Fumeiko Suna, my dear mother. Well, she clearly hasn’t found hers. I found out when I came home after a tedious day of school in 5th grade and found my dear mother on the floor crying, with bruises all over her face and a busted lip.
Initially, I thought a burglar had broken into our home once again, but if that were the case then there would’ve been missing furniture. But there wasn’t.
In fact, the place seemed cleaner than usual. When I ran up to her and asked her what had happened, there he was. The devil himself. My father. He reeked of alcohol, and I could detect his shadow towering over me. It’s funny how that I think of it. I used to fear that son of a bitch. Now, I’m way taller than him, and hate his guts. I turned around to see a faux-sympathetic smile plastered on his face.
He explained how my mother was being “clumsy” and had fell and busted her lip on one of the corners of the kitchen table and when I turned back around to face my mother, she smiled gently and nodded in agreement. She didn’t say anything after that.
It was then I realized my father had beat my mother to a pulp.
Long story short, when I found it was my father, sure, I was frightened. In fact, I remember going into my siblings’ rooms to inform them, they shrugged it off and told me that dad had been doing it for a while now.
Over time, when my dad had found out that I was aware, he didn't mind beating the absolute shit out of my mother in front of all three of us. This was when my burning hatred for that man started. Nobody in the house even attempted to stop him. I did a few times, though. He took all his anger out on me. At least my mom had a break for the day.
I almost pitied my mother. Almost. Maybe if she was strong enough to leave him, then yeah, I’d feel bad. But she still decides to stay with his sorry ass. It’s pathetic. It’s unrequited love or whatever you call it. How could she still love that asshole?
I mean, I’m not even going to lie, I’m an asshole too, but I’m definitely not my dad. I would never want to be him. He’s not someone I looked up to, he doesn’t do anything inspirational. He’s a businessman. He travels the majority of the time, and I’m pretty sure my mom invites men over when he’s gone. I don’t care enough to find out. But if I ever hear some guy rearranging my mom’s guts, I’ll kill him. I don’t even blame my mother. What she’s doing is wrong, she knows it and so do both of my older siblings. But they don't seem to care so why should I?
Who knows why she just won’t leave him. Maybe it’s cause they don’t want to ruin how people view our “picture perfect” family. I wonder what they’d say. “I thought the Suna’s were the ideal family? I guess not.”
My dad would probably lose it if he heard that.
Both my mother and my father are the cause of this broken family of mine. They never fed me or any of my siblings the love we always desired when we were younger. They never came to any of my volleyball games when I was younger. They never applauded me for the little recitals we’d have in class in primary school. They were never even here for most of my childhood. They always put money first and left us with the housekeepers. Hell, the housekeepers probably know me better than my own parents.They failed as parents. I despise them for it. They’re most likely the reason I am the way I am, but to be honest?
I don’t give a fuck.
In fact, I should thank them! Because of how they “raised” me, i’m extremely blunt, which is why people respect me. I use the hatred I have for my family and take it out on people and no, I’m not proud of that. I may be a heartless asshole, but I like that people fear me. The hell? Does that make me a sadist? Either way, people know to never fuck with me cause I’d fuck their shit up. I’ve overheard many people say it’s ‘cause of my privilege. It probably is. Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy you many other things.
If my parents were broke, I’d probably be expelled from school by now. Abuse of alcohol and drugs are forbidden on school property. I don’t even take them at school, I somewhat care about my education and health, but sometimes I just need to blow some steam. Even if I did, nobody’s gonna say shit since my dad is the head of Japan’s board of education. How did his ass even get there?
Call me lonely or cynical. Maybe I am. But how is that a bad thing? Why do people need a significant other to rely on? What, a soulmate is just going to turn my life upside down then suddenly bring me happiness? Pfft, I’m gonna need actual proof that shit like that still happens. I’ve only seen shit like that in fairy tale movies. It’s whatever, though. I can live with being alone. I’ve basically been alone my whole life and it isn’t as bad as people make it.
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You loved the idea of having a soulmate. The thought of meeting someone who just understood you, accepted you for who you were, and most importantly, loved you excited you. You couldn’t wait to meet your soulmate.
But recently, you weren’t sure soulmates existed.
When your older sister, Akira, came into your room and burst into tears, it frightened you. Your older sister, the one who’d always provide you advice on relationships and how to keep one was in your room sobbing hysterically because hers hadn’t worked out.
“I just can't believe it,” she sobbed.
You couldn’t believe it either. Your sister had recently gotten engaged to her boyfriend of 9 years. They started dating at the age of 15 and managed to make things work out even after high school, and out of all those years of dating, they never broke up. Not even once.
They’d go on romantic dates on Saturdays and they’d always write love letters to one another every day, just to remind one another of how grateful they were to have each other in their lives. On Halloween, they’d dress up as fictional characters from TV shows and books and take cute selfies and bake a bunch of sweets. They’d invite you to come bake with them, but you would politely deny. You knew they were only offering so you wouldn’t feel left out, which you appreciated.
Of course, they’d argue every now and then, but at the end of the day, they always managed to talk things out. Oh to have a relationship like theirs. They were everything you wanted to have in a relationship and more.
“I really thought he was the one for me, y’know?” No, you don’t know. But that doesn't matter. What mattered was cheering your sister up.
“Maybe he wasn’t ‘the one’ Akira, and that’s okay! People come and go all the time, soulmates come and go all the time as well-”
“You still believe soulmates are real, huh?” she let out a humorless laugh and sniffed her nose, “What If I missed my one shot at love, Y/N? What if I lost my soulmate?”
That’s some deep shit.
Now that you think about it, were soulmates real? Soulmates come and go, yes, you’re aware of that, but even though they leave, it’s always temporary. Soulmates always find a way back to their other half, the piece that completes them.
Your dad never made it back to your mother.
He died in a car crash 5 years ago. Your mother and father had been arguing because she claimed your father was cheating on her since he wouldn’t let her check his phone.
You were 13 at the time. Your sister Akira was accompanying you in your room, listening to them arguing back and forth with one another. There was furniture flying across the room, glass breaking, and both of them throwing curses at each other. You were scared. They never argued in front of you and your sister. They'd bicker sometimes, but it was never anything too deep.
Eventually, your father had enough of your mother’s false accusations, and out of anger, he packed his things and left home. For weeks. It wasn’t until one of your uncles called your mother and broke the news. She didn’t take it very well.
Late 2012-early 2013.
Not many people came to your father’s funeral, his family didn’t like the fact that he and your mother were together, they said your mother was trouble, but your dad still stayed with her, even if that meant it would completely destroy the bond he had with his family. Now that’s true love, you had thought. Only your mother, Akira, the Sunas, your uncle, and you, of course, attended the funeral.
It hurt a lot. It hurt when your mother informed both your grandparents on your mother and father’s side and all they could do is put the blame on her. It hurt how they had claimed you, Akira and your mother were a hindrance to your dear father’s well-being. How could they be so cruel at a time like this?
That was the first time you ever questioned if soulmates were real. Maybe they fell in love at the wrong time? Who knows.
After your father’s passing, Fumiko Suna, your mother’s best friend, was there to help your family out financially. Your mother couldn’t even find the motivating to go to work. Your mother and Fumiko have been best friends since junior high, they’ve literally been inseparable ever since. In fact, after they both got married, they decided to live right next to each other.
Your mom didn’t cope with your father’s death very well; none of you did. But your mom had it the worst.
She would cope with alcohol and clubbing which would always result in her bringing different men home almost every night. You didn’t say much about it, you thought it would be selfish to since that’s what seemed to make your mother feel better about herself, but your sister hated it. She was already 19 and in college at the time, but when she visited and found out that your mother had basically been neglecting you, she was furious.
“Seriously, mom? This is what you’re gonna do while your 13-year-old daughter is in her room having a literal mental breakdown because of your childish behavior?” Your sister had barged into your mother’s room when she thought you were asleep, she was screaming loud.
“You’re interrupting something important, Akira. You know better than to-”
“Oh, shut the hell up mom. You’re the last person on earth to be saying shit like that.”
“Well, if you’re done, you can leave my room now. You’re being disrespectful, and this behavior is not tolerated!” Your mother was screaming now. The man in the bed covering his body under the covers and looking back and forth between Akira and your mother.
“Sakiya, maybe you should hear your daughter out-”
“Not now.” your mother scarcely interrupted the man, eye contact never leaving Akira. “Y/N has never complained about this when you were in college. She knows this is my way of coping, why can’t you understand that too!”
Akira scoffed. “So what, getting fucked by random strangers you find on the filthy streets is your way of coping? Getting wasted every damn night to the point where Y/N has to drag you up to bed is okay with you? Do you even know how much this is affecting Y/N? Did you even bother asking her how she felt? I hate breaking it to you mom, but you need serious help.”
“You selfish child!” Your mother screamed, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body, getting up from the bed. “How dare you say that to your own mother?”
“I’m only telling the truth! If you’re the mother, then it’s your job to be taking care of Y/N, not neglecting her. When’s the last time you’ve engross in an actual conversation with her when you were fully sober?”
Your mother was silent. She quickly walked up to Akira and grabbed her by the hair and slammed her headfirst against the wall.
“You’ve got a big mouth! Maybe I should wash it with soap like I did back in the day, hm?” Akira was attempting to push her mother away, but she wouldn’t let go of her grip. The man that was still on your mother’s bed was in panic, yelling her name, which didn’t have any effect. He might as well stop.
"Look," Akira mumbled, struggling to get away from your mother's grip, "I know it's been hard ever since dad left-"
“Mom! Let go of her!” You cried from the door of her room.
All 3 adults froze and looked at your glassy eyes, mouths wide open.
“Hey, kiddo, I thought you were asleep?” Akira playfully said, your mother let go of Akira and crossed her arms then looked away from you.
“Well, I can't really go to sleep when there’s a bunch of adults yelling about my well-being,” you muttered incoherently. You quickly wiped the uncontrollable tears off your face and sighed.
“Honey,” your mom started, she walked slowly to you, carefully examined your face, and attempted to hug you, but you didn’t accept the offer which made your mother frown. She stopped walking until she was almost face to face with you and placed a hand on your shoulder gently. “Baby, your sister told me that you weren’t happy. Is this true?”
You looked away from her and stared dully at the floor, subtly shifting your feet, then you softly shook your head “no.”
“See Akira, Y/N is happy. So please stop stressing her out.” Your mother said through gritted teeth, then faced you once again. “Y/N honey, how about I go tuck you into bed, hm? I’m so sorry for the excessive noise that was caused.”
“Mom, how clueless can you be? Y/N looks miserable! It’s unhealthy for Y/N to be living-“
Your mother just slapped Akira on the face.
“I know what’s best for my daughter! I am her mother! You are not the one who should be telling me how to take care of my own kid!”
“That’s enough, Sakiya.” a familiar voice said from the door.
“It’s fine. Sakiya, we need to talk.” It was Fumeiko Suna, your mother’s best friend, also known as your next door neighbor. She had been standing in the hallways the whole time, you didn’t even know she was there. Akira was the one who called her over.
That night your mother agreed to get help for her drinking problem. She was gone for 6 months. During those 6 months, the Suna’s took you in since Akira would be in college and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
You and Rintaro were the only kids in the house, being that you both were the same age and the others were in college. It was okay, they were all very polite, dinners were awkward, you could feel some sort of tension between the family but you didn’t pay any attention to it.
When your mom finally came back, it was awkward at first. She still seemed the same, loving and caring, just sober and free of alcohol. It was nice. You two spent the weekends bonding at the mall, watching a movie, or even getting your nails done. Eventually, she gained your trust back, and you couldn’t have been happier.
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January 2017.
“Akira, don’t say that. You may not believe me now, but you are such an amazing person, don’t ever think you’ll never find love again. It’s all about having a positive mindset!” you said, thoughtfully stroking her hair as her head laid on your chest.
“I told you that.”
“You did,” you chuckled, “you should take your own advice.
“Oh, shut up!” you both laughed, and Akira let out a shaky sigh. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Of course, you don't need to thank me. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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— so this is one of the writings that i wrote in January 😭 it’s been in my drafts and i re-read it once and instantly hated it right after. if there’s any typos please tell me!!
— also i wanna apologize again for putting gmds on hiatus,, i feel so bad 😭 i wanna make it up to you guys but idk how so if you have suggestions pls tell me
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luminari-mc · 3 years
TW bodyshaming
Thoughts on the Devilgram “Strongest Of Them All” where Levi gets bodyshamed by his brothers?
Satan and Asmo, then Mammon essentially tease Levi for not being as fit as them and even resort to pinching his stomach…
I hadn't completed this Devilgram yet so I went and looked at the last three parts, but it turns out most of the teasing is in the first part. Though having read it again, ugh, yeah... It really comes out of nowhere huh.
You have Levi, enjoying his comic and having a good time, and there comes Asmo and Satan (quite the powerful team) suddenly going "damn you're really the most out of shape of all of us huh?", pinching his side and calling him "flabby". Let me tell you, I actually knew someone who once pressed their finger on my thigh to compare my weight to theirs, and of course it's just plain ass rude. No wonder Levi got offended on the spot.
I guess it's not really surprising that sometimes the brothers attack each other like that, the main "excuse" being because they're demons. Even if they love each other, they're always bound to be less tactful around each other (something that siblings do as well), especially when it comes to their weak points. I mean, you see this plainly in Mammon's Devilgram "One Too Many Insults", where he gets accused by all of his brothers for trying to steal Beel's wallet when he really just wanted to warn him because it was about to fall off his pocket (and he didn't even know it was a wallet in the first place). No matter how hard he tries to say that he didn't attempt anything, they just retort that he's always been a thief and that he shouldn't deny it.
So having them speak lowly about Levi's body is of course really bad, but unfortunately not surprising. It's also weird how on one side we have this Devilgram saying Levi is flabby, then on the other we have Levi's sprite that has a six pack, combined to the fact that he used to be a general back in the Celestial's Realm army, and now the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy. I mean, what are we supposed to believe anymore lmao.
I guess Asmo first pinched Levi to prove his point to Satan, but then saw the opportunity to annoy Levi by going further into the teasing and just went for it. And then Satan and Mammon joined in because, why wouldn't they? It's funny for them to annoy each other. I guess they've always been used to do this with one another? Even if you were to call them out on it, they'd probably go "but it's true though", shaking their head at you, and not get why you'd also be annoyed.
And obviously, them doing this often doesn't excuse their behavior, because no matter what Levi's body shape is like, he doesn't deserve those kinds of comments.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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leighlim · 3 years
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I had not expected to be watching again! It's...been....how long?
The ads were everywhere (I catch three shows on Ten: 'The Graham Norton Show', 'Have You Been Paying Attention', and 'The Cheap Seats' --- so there was a lot of opportunity for the programmers of the network to get my brain to pay attention)! I wouldn't say I was worn down, but more due to the content of the extended ad. It promised increased inclusion. I didn't know what was happening at first when I got a nudge (classic 'Blink' in action) while skipping over the minutes during an ad break.
My mind was going: "Huh? What was going on?" Which prompted me to look up this Season's instalment of 'The Bachelorette' it was a bit of a struggle to find what I was looking for as Brooke Blurton had already appeared on two 'sibling shows' of the dating franchise. So I was wondering if the ads were pointing to the American version when I got results from 2018.
Then when I found out what was happening (Osher Günsberg opened the first episode noting Brooke's queer identity) I thought back to a conversation between Celia Pacquola and Luke McGregor during an episode of 'Have You Been Paying Attention?' --- and of course the teaser (I was busy munching on popcorn so I just sat through it) that comes with this particular brand of Reality TV (actually...I guess that would be how you'd separate a 'Reality Show' from a docuseries).
Decades ago...I did invest quite a bit of time on the franchise and caught a lot of (I'm not sure if I caught all of them) the debut airing of this specific series (I'm not specifying by country anymore...) that had Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter. If you had me in your team during trivia night, I would have crashed and burned if the question was: "Name four 'Bachelorettes' and participants." Those two are the only names I would likely remember.
Why? I'm guessing that it was because their connection came across as real. At one point during the final two, Trista popped on her glasses while spending time Ryan. It's not the ideal I would have wanted (being a fan of 'practical wardrobe items') yet somehow that stayed with me: Guys like Charlie Maher may dazzle, but its important to look for the Ryans. The person who makes you feel comfortable in your own skin when you're around each other. That person spells 'life partner'.
My hesitancy to invest my dwindling hours to another reality show (the only one I would consider would be 'Married at First Sight' due to the personal development revelations) plus the revelation from an episode of 'Reputation Rehab' how heavily manipulated the interactions are (with the goal of mining as much drama as possible to keep viewers glued).
The biggest thing that made me a little bit more open to staying (at least until the end of the first episode) is the introduction to Brooke which mention the circumstances of her exit from 'The Bachelor' (Nick Cummins was the one doling out the roses) was mentioned. I thought that (Brooke sticking to her guns and walking after she found out that Nick really couldn't verbalise what he wanted) was a good example to show the viewing public.
I know it's actually not a significant reason to keep watching, because I can rest easier that popular culture now has included an important ingredient in relationships: You must know what you want before starting to date. The whole idea of just jumping in and seeing what's out there before taking the time to get to know oneself is basically (in my opinion) the first step when considering starting a search for 'the one'.
The biggest surprise was that there was equal distribution between men and women! I would have thought that at the most...they'd be...maybe 3-5 women (since those who openly identify as queer are in the minority). I know that this is a show that has a pretty high viewership and is reflective of most of the people I'd probably bump into when catching the train to the CBD, so...I guess I am delighted too...that maybe it'll be the end of only the blond doll being chosen as the representative 'look' of Australia.
Yes, there's a bit of discomfort that Brooke comes across (again...it might be the editing!) as someone who is bent on looking for that one person (Brooke uses the phrase: 'my person'). Because it potentially perpetuates the myth that there is that 'one person' for everyone. I know that you're probably yelling at your screen: "But... Leigh! She actually didn't say that. It's likely Brooke meant that the person she is looking for changes...because people change. A specific person may be right for a certain season of your life...but not the next!"
To that...I'd say: I understand. So we shall see how much the show feeds (or drains) my mental energy. It also helps that Osher is quite an authentic human being (yes...he comes across as slightly stilted because the show works on 'formula' so we're seeing more of his work persona than his home one --- but when more relaxed...I find myself quite easily able to watch documentaries where he is the main driving force).
PS: If you are currently putting a list of Romantic Comedies that have either the protagonist or her love interest being clear on relationship expectations...then I would vote for 'Saving Face'. I appreciated that at least one of the film recap podcasts, there is a mention of how clear Vivian Shing was in terms of her expectations (healthy communication, meeting family and friends...).
Episode Rating: 6/10
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keith-claes · 3 years
Again my writing skills airnt that great this will possibly be more than one chapter too depending how well it does.
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(Girl from the future)
*Chapter 1*
One week before Katarina started work at Ministry of Magic with Maria, Katarina walks around her family gardens alone wanting alittle time to her self, once she starts her new job she wasnt going to be at home that often and wanted to visit some of her favourite hang outs, before checking her veggie garden she took a trip to her favourite tree she likes to climb, she walks over and spots something or someone passed out up in the tree.
Katarina: "is that a girl? She doesnt seem to be moving, I better check if shes okay"
She runs over to the tree as she climbs up, shes gets a good look of her, she appeared to be breathing still which was a good sign, she takes her hand as she checks her over, she looked awfully familiar to her, she has the same blond hair as her brother, so she wondered if perhaps this is a relative of Keith's possible cousin maybe that's why shes at the Claes mansion.
Katarina: "hey are you okay, you shouldn't sleep here, you might fall"
The girl slowly opens her blue eyes same shade of blue as Katarina's, luckily she was sat up in the tree, she places he hand behind her head as she winces out in pain"
Katarina: "hey are you okay"
???: "my head hurts... where am I, last I remember I was kidnapped and dark magic was casted on me by one of my uncles"
Katarina: "dark magic?, where are you from?, maybe I can help what's your name?"
Alice: " my name its Alice Claes, but um its werid now I look at you cause you look alot like my mom"
Katarina: "Claes? I never meet you before, oh you must be one of my cousins.... wait I look like your mom?"
Alice: "yeah my mom is Katarina Claes"
Katarina: "oh my name is katarina claes too, that's pretty cool"
Alice: "that can't be right... if your Katarina and you look like my mom..... what year is this?"
Katarina: "2021?"
Alice: "Wait what! But how, it can't be unless..... I was sent back to the past.... which means...."
Her body starts to tremble with fear, katarina holds onto her stopping her from falling.
Katarina: "time travel! Wait I think I studied about that in class, theres black magic that can send someone to the past or future, if that's the case then...."
Alice: "I have to go back home, I can't say anymore with out changeing the future I've said enough"
Katarina: "from what you said does that mean your my future daughter!"
Katarina wasnt expecting this, she was in shock, but remained strong for Alice who was scared, thoughts ran threw her head, if this really is her future daughter then who is her father and who sent her to the past like this, was this part of her future doom flags. Was someone going to target her threw her future child.
Alice remained silent not wanting to talk anymore about where she came from, one wrong word or move she makes could change the future.
A voice calls out to Katarina taking her away from her thoughts it had also pulled Alice away from her thoughts too. They both looked down the tree and see Keith calling.
Keith: "hey sister we've all been looking for you, Anne has tea and sweets prepared"
Alice: "I know him to he looks alot like someone I know...."
Katarina places her hand on her shoulder.
Katarina: "why don't you join us, are you able to climb down?"
Alice: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"
Katarina: "nope, your eatting sweets with me and Keith, I guess that would be your uncle Keith right"
She teases her as she Pat's her shoulder.
Alice: "I can't say anymore, I've gave too much away already telling you your my mom"
Katarina: "wait so he might not be your uncle?, hmmmm well I will stop asking, let's go down shall we?"
Alice nods and gives her a sweet smile, she follows Katarina down the tree, Keith watches both girls coming down but was curious who this other girl is.
Katarina: "wow you really can climb trees"
Alice: "yeah my mom taught me, through my father doesn't like me doing it he thinks it's to dangerous so I get into trouble alot.... hes pretty stricken and to over protective of me"
Katarina: "sounds alot like someone I know, my mom scolds me too for climbing trees"
She giggles as Keith runs over to her.
Keith: "sister dont tell me you've seduced another one!"
Katarina: "oh no it's nothing like that Keith! Shes lost right Alice"
Alice: "yeah...."
Katarina: "hey you know, now that I look at you both you guys could be twins"
She couldn't help but laugh at there reactions as Keith and Alice look at each as there faces flush red.
Keith: "sister what are you talking about, I dont have a twin, we look nothing alike either"
Katarina: "oh that's right Keith, this is Alice Claes, shes been sent from the future and she needs help to get back home, isn't she so adorable!"
Keith: "wait what.....future! Is that really possible, I didn't think time travel was possible"
Katarina: "yeah, someone casted dark magic on her and she ended up here, oh shes also my future daughter, how cool is that Keith!"
Keith: "wait did you say daughter? Shes your future daughter?"
Alice remains silent not wanting to interrupt them. As Keith looks at her.
Keith: "if that's true then how do we send her back to her own timeline, and who's her father?"
Katarina: "who knows she won't tell me, something about changing the future?"
Alice: "if I say anything about the future it may change things..... as for who my father is, I thought maybe you might of worked that out by now based on who I resemble most"
Katarina: "hold on not twins you guys ain't twins, woah hold up, for real! I know who it is, it has to be you keith! She has my eyes, and she's clearly resembles you in looks and same hair colour too!"
Keith's faces flush red as she points at him.
Keith: "wait what!"
Alice nods as they both look at her.
Alice: "yeah he's my father, I cant say anything else about the future, enough has come out as it is, I may of damaged the future enough as it is coming face to face with you both...... I just want to go home to my mom and dad"
She clings to Keith as she cries into his chest, Keith really didnt know what to do at this point, he was shocked, but yet happy too, hearing he will one day win Katarina's heart.
Keith: "dddddd daughter, I have a daughter with........"
Katarina: "I'm shocked, Keith! I know you confessed lately but this, I never expected"
Keith: "I think we should talk about this later sister, shes really clinging onto me in tears, we should do something"
Katarina: "I know what to do!"
She goes over placing her hands on her shoulder .
Katarina: "hey, it's going to be okay, let's eat some sweets then we can go and see a friend of mine, he knows alot about dark magic, maybe he will, know how to send you home"
Alice: "uncle Raphael and uncle Sora?"
Katarina: "yeah, through maybe you shouldn't call them uncle when we see them"
Alice: "yeah your right, I don't want to mess anything up, dad will be super annoyed with me if I mess the future up, I call all my mom's friends aunt and uncle, it's a habit I have, I will try and not say it if I see them"
She let's go of Keith as she wipes her tears.
Keith: "makes sense I'd be annoyed if you messed up the future, what's been said today stays between us three for now, lord and madam can't know about this either, for now we tell them your a guest staying for a few days till we can find away to get you home"
Katarina: "oh man, wish I could tell everyone I have a really cute furure daughter"
Keith: "no sister, bad idea if Geordo and the others find out, don't you think they'd end up hurt? That could most definitely change the future, they can not know about her"
Alice: "he's right, they can't know, if they ask just tell them I'm a distant cousin, its okay to tell sora and Raphael, the rest is to stay between us, through I'm finding it real hard to call you both by your names, I mean your both going to be my parents one day"
Katarina: "hm then why dont you just call us what ever makes you feel comfortable, but only when where alone? I don't mind if you call me mom"
Keith: "Sister!"
His face turns red with embrassment from hearing her say that,this was all a shock to him still, he never expected to run into his future daughter and here's Katarina acting all normal with this situation.
Alice: "sure if you don't mind me calling you mom"
Alice smiles at her, causing Katarina's heart to flutter she has that same cute innocent smile as Keith did as a child.
Katarina: "your so cute! Hey how old are you"
Alice: "I just turned 15, so um i dont want to sound rude but, I'm getting pretty hungry"
Katarina: "yeah me too, hey Keith or should I say dad"
She nudges him in his side with her elbow as she teases him.
Keith: "hey! Sister don't call me that, its embrassing!"
Katarina and Alice both giggle at his reaction.
Alice: "he hasn't changed a bit, he even calls you big sis still"
Katarina: "what for real?"
Alice: "yeah, I asked him about it once and he said it's a bad habbit of his"
Keith: "you really are from the future huh? Which means you weren't making it all up, your really my daughter?"
Alice: "sure am, I have two younger twin brothers and another sibling on the way, you will have your hands full future dad"
She playfully winks at him as she links onto Katarina's arm. Keith's face couldn't go any redder than what it was already.
Keith: "that many, lots of kids? With sister!"
His heart was racing in his chest to the point he felt like he was gonna pass out. What struck him the hardest was being called dad, it felt kinda nice to him but also made him feel weird.
Katarina: "hey hurry up Keith, or we will eat all the sweets with out you"
Alice: "yeah hurry up dad!!!"
Keith: "ah! I'm coming sister..."
He mumbles alittle something to him self not wanting them to hear.
Keith: "does she have to call me that, I'm not prepared to be called such things...."
To be continued.
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shinyrockalaska · 3 years
December birthday party
I planned to post it on December 22 but i forgot... Either way, here's a fanfic in honour of Charlie and Rowan's birthdays that are in December.
Summery: Mc and the friends are throwing a birthday party for both Rowan and charlie
Word count: 1.8k
"Listen up, everybody! Charlie's birthday was last week and- I always forget the exact date, but- Rowan's birthday will be soon since it's close to Christmas! We've gotta get going!"
"With what exactly?" Asked Jae. He was always suspicious with whatever plans MC came up with.
"With the surprise party, of course!" They said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We need to decide on a theme, place, time, the people we'll invite, who's in charge of the decorations and cake and snacks.. so pretty much, everything."
"We've still got like, almost a week to prepare everything.." Tonks complained. MC gathered all of them right before bed time and she wanted to go to sleep already.
"Anyone have any ideas for a theme?" MC continued.
"Toads!" Tulip yelled.
"Bowtruckles!" Barnaby chimed in.
"Fashion. It should definitely be about fashion." Andre added.
"Hmm.. cowboys..?" Talbott suggested.
MC did a face-palm and groaned, "no, no, no, you just proposed things you like. We need to think what Charlie and Rowan like!"
"Dragons and books, then," said Penny hesitantly.
"See, that's much better," MC agreed, "maybe dragons and trees? Or just.. fire?"
"It'll be lit!" Tonks snickered.
"Great! So who wants to be in charge of the decorations? It has to be fire themed!" MC continued
"I guess.. me? I'm already experienced, after the celestial ball.."
"I can help," Chiara and Liz said in unison.
"Perfect! Now let's decide on a time and place.. I think we can do it on the 22 of December.. any ideas for a place?"
"The Gryffindor common room," said Jae.
"The duelling club!" Diego added.
"The artefact room.." Ben tried to suggest.
"Seriously, guys! Don't propose places you like! How about the three broomsticks? Then Bill can come too, and we'll have butterbeers."
"Yes! And I can get more sweets from honeydukes," Tulip volunteered.
"Jae, I put you in charge of the cake," MC told him, and he tried to oppose, "why me? Can't Penny do it? Or literally anyone else?"
"After years of detention in the kitchen, I think you'll do great," they winked, remembering their adventure together, when they tried new recipes for Hagrid and Jae turned to be really good at cooking and baking, but made them promise not to tell.
"Fine," he murmured in respond.
"Can we go to sleep now?" Ben asked the question everyone wanted to ask.
"Not yet, we just have to decide on the most important thing.. how and who will keep Charlie and Rowan busy while we prepare everything, and then bring them to the three broomsticks?"
"You? You're the best at stalling, no offense," said Andre.
"I'll take that as a compliment.. alright, everyone knows what they're responsible for?"
"Yes.." they all groaned, wishing to go to sleep already.
"So don't forget.. we're meeting up in the three broomsticks in three days! I won't be there because I'll be with Rowan and Charlie so, Penny, I'm putting you in charge of making sure everything goes as planned, goodnight!"
There was a sound of tired whispers as they all walked back to their dormitories, aside from MC, who went straight to the owlery, to write and send a letter to Bill, asking if he could pass by for Rowan and Charlie's surprise party.
The next three days passed fast and strangely enough, uneventfully, except for that one time Ben almost exposed the plan.
Finally, the 22th of December has arrived, and at 4pm, when the rest of the group got together at the three broomsticks to prepare everything, MC walked with Rowan to meet Charlie at the library.
"You sure I'm the right study partner?" Charlie asked with honesty, "I'm not really good at studying.."
"Nonsense! You're my best friend, of course I'd rather study with you no matter what!"
"I thought I was your best friend?"
"You're THE best friend, Rowan. Everyone else is just my best friends, without THE.."
"Yeah, I'm not sure about that.."
"Anyway.. let's study!" MC shouted, causing Madam Pince to threaten to kick them out. Charlie still didn't felt like studying, he and Rowan exchanged looks, before Rowan spoke up, "But, we don't have any exams? Why would you want to study all of a sudden?"
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."
"Quoting Rowena Ravenclaw won't help you get away without an answer!"
MC stood up, with their hands still on the table, and said, "you know, I just realized I never saw the both of you at the quidditch field... isn't that weird?" MC smiled nervously.
"I watch all of yours and Charlie's and Andre's matchs, what are you talking about?" Rowan tilted their head, the way they always do when they're confused. Which happens frequently around MC.
"But I never saw you together! You have so much to talk about, I mean, Charlie's an expert in quidditch and you're an expert of trees.. don't you want to talk about it?"
"That's a strange topic to discuss.." Charlie mumbled, "and the quidditch field is taken for one of the teams practice right now.."
"But if you insist," Rowan continued, "we can go around and look for broomes.."
"Wha- no! We can't! Because.. I umm.. promised Ben I'll help with that thing uh-"
"We saw him leaving the castle on our way to the library," said Rowan, "he said he's going to buy a new quill."
"Uh, right. I forgot. Do you want to help me pack my bags then?"
"I thought you're staying in Hogwarts for Christmas like always?" Rowan smiled, and MC panicked, what if they somehow know about the party?
"It still shouldn't be messy, and you know how my side of the dorm looks like, hehe.."
"I'm sorry, what's happening?" Charlie had zoned out half of the conversation and was now confused.
"Just MC acting mysterious all over again.." Rowan stared at mc with a suspected look.
"Aren't they always, though?" He shrugged.
"You know me.. the mystery of Hogwarts," MC laughed nervously.
Rowan and Charlie again looked at each other and then at MC, who still giggled.
"Anyway, do you need help packing, Charlie?"
"No, It's fine, I already did! I'm really excited to go back home and see my parents and Ron and Ginny again, and of course Bill! And the best part is I'll get so many presents! Christmas presents and birthday present, what can be better than that?"
"Yeah it's so nice your birthdays are close to Christmas, isn't it?" MC said, finally stopping Rowan's suspicions. "It is!" Rowan cheered, "I get to celebrate both Christmas and my birthday at home in the tree farm with my family! I miss mum and dad and my brother of course! He suppose to go to Hogwarts next year, isn't it exciting??"
"You have a brother? How come you never mentioned it?" Charlie wondered if he somehow missed this piece of information about his friend.
"Yes, and you'll meet him next year, I hope!"
"With your brother, Penny's sister and my brothers we'll have so many younger siblings here next year!"
"It's going to be a challenge," MC snickered, "I mean, we can barley keep them out of trouble now.." They all laughed, because it was true.
"So what time is it?" MC asked when the laughs faded.
"4 and a half.. why? Are we in a hurry?" Rowan asked.
"No no, I just remembered I told Ben- I mean, Penny, I'll meet her at the three broomsticks at 5 so.. hehe.." they chuckled.
"Why don't we just go and wait for her there, huh?" Rowan smiled mischievously, and MC gulped nervously.
"Rowan, you're too smart for this world," they patted them on the back, "let's kill time with a game of gobstons instead, okay?"
"Fine," Rowan finally gave up on trying to discover what MC is hiding from them.
They all walked to the courtyard and played gobstons for a while, just laughing and smiling until their stomach ache.
"Is it 5 already?" MC asked after a while, right before Charlie's turn.
"5 and a half actually," said Rowan, and before they could say anything else MC shouted, "what?! It's been a hour already?!"
"Time does fly when you're having fun.." Charlie mumbled, while thinking what can be the right move.
"We have to go! Now!"
"At least let me finish my turn!" Charlie whined as MC dragged with him and Rowan.
"Why do we even have to come with you to your meeting with Penny?" Rowan asked when they were near honeydukes.
"Well you know.. because.. it's just.. you see-" MC stalled, trying to earn some time while they're getting closer to the pub, "just get inside, alright?"
Rowan glared at them with one last suspection look as Charlie entered the pub without a doubt.
The friend's usual spot at the three broomsticks was filled with people. Friends, to be accurate. There were two dozens glass of butterbeer on the table, with a diverse selection of coulorful candies. The celling was decorated with paper dragons, flying around, roaring quietly, surrounded by trees, and you could notice some tiny paper books flying around above with brooms on their side, as well.
Rowan looked as if they were about to faint and Charlie was too ecstatic to talk.
"Wha- it's so- I-" Rowan eyes were filled with tears of joy, they never thought they'd have so many caring friends who would want to throw a birthday party just for them.
"This is so cool!" Charlie shouted, "are those dragons?!" He looked at the celling with an excited look.
"Just wait until we get home for Christmas.. mum's going to cry and hug you so much," Bill laughed, "seventeen is the most important age!"
"You can do magic!"
"You can apparate!"
"You're practically an adult!"
Everyone laughed and cheered. Rowan and Charlie were so far from being like all the adults they knew. They didn't changed much from that sweet anxious behavior they had in their first years at Hogwarts.
Bill raised his glass of butterbeer, "to Charlie, the best brother and the greatest quidditch player and the most dragon-excited person we know!" He laughed.
"And to Rowan!" MC snatched the glass of butterbeer out of Bill's hand, and raised it as well, "the best friend anyone could ever have. The loyal, ambitious, kind and smartest person I know!"
"Whooooohoooo!" Tonks applaused and they all drank their butterbeers and started to chat with each other.
Maybe it was the butterbeer, or the heat inside the pub, or maybe it was the fact that all their friends were together with them in one place, just laughing and smiling, happy for their friend's birthdays.
Whatever it was, it made both Charlie and Rowan feel warm inside.
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement | Part Two- The Meeting
Chapter Summary: It's finally the weekend for (Y/n) so that means its time to meet this suitor of hers...but also the Number one hero Endeavor. Could things be any worse ??
Authors Note: I am so sorry for the late update !!! I have been having troubles with writers block, and a few personal things, but I am going to try and stay in this writing habit !! I am even working on a denki fic !! Anyways, enjoy !
Part One
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"(Y/n), our guests are here, come greet them," your mother called from the front room, where you were dreading to go.
"Coming! Just a moment!" You called, smoothing down the skirt that you had bought earlier this week. You took a deep breath, taking a moment to send Maiko a quick message about how you were about to meet with Endeavour and his son.
As you made your way down the stairs, you could hear your father already laughing and making conversation with Enji Todoroki, but those were the only voices you heard. 
"Ah, there's my daughter!" He proudly beamed, most likely fake as he was never proud of you...not like this. 
You forced a smile onto your face, bowing your head slightly as you approached the two figures.  When you looked back up, you first made eye contact with the pro hero. 
He was intimidating, somewhere around six foot.  Though it wasn't his height, or sturdy build, or even the scar across his face, that made him fearsome. No. 
You found that it was the look in his eyes, they held very little emotion as he looked to you. If anything, they were scrutinizing and mean. The same that you had seen in your own father's eyes at times. 
Quickly, you averted your eyes, now looking to his son, the guy who you were going to be forcefully placed into a marriage with. 
After Maiko and you found out that Shoto was the son of Enji, and that you'd be meeting with him, your best friend had asked her coworker, Kirishima for his phone number, as they were classmates. And the redhead happily gave it to Maiko, who in turn, gave it to you. 
You had tried your best to make the first text quick, and explain everything, but the dual haired boy had never responded. 
You smiled politely to him. After being able to text him earlier this week, you hoped that Enji didn't know about the milkshake incident, or that you had tried talking to his son. But hey, luckily you were skilled at acting. 
"It is a pleasure to meet you both, my name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N)," 
"This is Shoto, and my name is Enji, but I'm sure you already know who I am," 
You nodded, "It is an honor to have you in our home, Im sure that my parents have already asked that you both make yourself at home here," 
Together, the four walked into the main living room, where Tea and some light snacks were readily made and kept warm by a maid. 
Once seated, your mother began to speak.
"Tell me, Shoto, how are your studies? I heard that you attend UA!"
He looked up to her, thinking for a moment, "It's good. By now, the weaker students have been weeded out. I'm actually one of the top three students there currently," 
You perked up, wanting to see how much he'd tell about UA, what it meant to be in the top three, and whether or not it was anything like your father said.
"Really? Tell me more! I've heard a lot about that school, and I've always wished I had been able to attend," you started, but stopped shortly as a hand was placed firmly on your shoulder. 
"(Y/N) Now don't bombard him. I'm sure that he doesn't want to speak about school on the weekend, " Your father gave you a side eye, in which you only nodded as a response.
It was silent for some time before you mother spoke up once more, "(Y/n), why don't you show Shoto to our garden, while your father and Enji talk details," 
"Yes mother," You said, masking your emotions with yet another fake smile, holding onto it until you and Shoto reached the backyard, where your mother's prized garden waited. 
Upon closing the door behind you, you sighed heavily. 
"You too huh?" Todoroki glanced over, his eyes reflecting the same amount of disdain for the situation. 
"Yeah...this isn't quite how I'd like life to go," you shrugged, knowing that you didn't really have a choice. 
At first, he didn't say anything, letting you lead the way further into the garden, and in the conversation. 
"Oh and again, I'm really sorry about my milkshake...and for having to get your number from that Kirishima guy, I know that it isn't polite," 
As he stopped to hold the bud of a blooming flower between his fingers,  Todoroki shrugged, "It's fine. No one was home to question me about the stains on my clothes, and Kirishima gave me a heads up," 
"Oh! It stained your clothes! Please let me make it up somehow!" You turned to face him, eyes widening some as you realized that he had been wearing a white shirt that day. 
"But I already said it was fine? It's just a shirt, by now my sister probably cleaned it fairly well," 
"Oh…" you nodded once, rocking backwards onto your heels, "I guess that's okay then…" 
He straightened out, "We should talk about the rhino in the room," 
You paused, "Uhhh...elephant," 
He stared at you, blinking slowly, then looked around, as if he was wondering if you and your parents had enough money to manage an elephant.
"The saying goes that there's an elephant in the room..not a...rhino?" You pause for a moment, "But uh yes, I agree…" 
With that, Shoto nods once, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you also don't want to go through with an arranged marriage," 
"That's correct…but I really have no choice. I'd be facing my father everyday, met with a wall of un-forgiveness. I don't think I'd be able to handle it," You let out a long sigh, walking more until you found the bench put in by your mother.
He followed you, taking a seat after you had sit down. He wore a pensive look on his face, as if he was thinking about some past memory.
After a few moments he said, "But, it's your life…" 
You looked away from him, holding your hand out, watching as you activated your quirk.
Around you, loose dirt and sand raised from the ground, coming together into hard clumps of dirt. As you closed your fist, the shot forwards and fell as their energy died out. You could do this with most organic substances, but sand, dirt and rocks always worked best. 
Your father however, could do it with whatever he wanted. Object propulsion was what he had always called it. Brought things up, and then forwards at alarmingly fast rates. 
"It's never been my life. If it had been my life, I would have attended UA, I would be in control of how I act and how I want to decorate things. What I say and how I express myself. " You dropped your hand, shaking your head, "As much as I wish to defy his rules, I know that I'd only be a bigger disappointment to him and the rest of my family. I'd bring shame to our name and unwanted publicity," 
He didn't answer as first, as instead, memories flashed in front of his eyes. The sports festival being the most prominent. How long had he repressed using his fire. How long had he resented his own reflection.  
As he gazed at you, he could almost see some of the same traits. 
"Well, if that's the case. I suppose that by accepting this arrangement, I would only be helping you." He stood up, holding his hand out to you, "In which I want to get to know you better, that way, a marriage in the future won't be just to merge two hero alliances, but so we can enjoy ourselves," 
You faced him, taking his hand and standing up, the two of you now shaking hands for a short moment. 
"I'm looking forward to that," You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
For the next half an hour, you and Shoto walked around your garden, taking turns talking about your interests and your lives. He told you about his siblings, and his mother. He talked about his friends, his classmates and his school. 
You in turn talked about your best friend, your mother, what it was like at your own school, and your want to have a puppy. 
"A puppy?? What kind? What would you name them?" He asked, stopping by some lavender colored roses, which weren't normally that color, but with your mom's quirk, the ability to change certain aspects about organic life,  like color and size, made it possible. She always talked about the significance of this certain color but you couldn't remember. 
"Any kind! If it was a boy, I'd name him Haku...and for a girl...maybe something like...Kiyo!" You beamed, a little proud of yourself for thinking of names on the spot. 
Shoto nodded, never having thought much about getting a pet, but the idea seemed to grow on him more and more as he doted on the idea of seeing you with a puppy. 
Before you knew it, both of your names were being called by your respective parents. Their meeting must have finished. 
As the two of you walked up, Enji spoke, "The details have been set, once you finish this year, you two will be engaged, and half a year after, the marriage date will be set."
Then your father took over at that point, "From there, our hero agencies will be joined into one, making us all stronger together," 
You caught your mother's eye, she looked a little distant, but still gave you a warm smile, the best one she could afford at the moment. 
Together, the five of you walked to the front door, and watched as Todoroki and his father got into their car, and drove away from your house. 
You waited until you could no longer see their car before turning and walking inside, your father and mother following suit. 
As you turned to walk up the stairs, your name was called once more, it was again, your father.
"(Y/n), do not forget what this means for us," 
"I...I won't" You didn't turn around, only continuing up the stairs and into your room, quietly shutting the door behind you, and sliding down it until you were sitting, knees hugged to your chest. 
While the event had been surprisingly nice, Shoto definitely seemed a lot nicer now that he wasn't covered in a strawberry milkshake. And you two even got along pretty well. 
But, his father and yours...they'd never understand.  To your knowledge, your own father had married your mother to take over her mother's hero agency. Never for love. You weren't even sure if they had come to love each other. 
After some five minutes you stood back up, moving to your bed and flopping down onto it, pulling your bunny plush to you, hugging it tightly.  
Supposedly, now that the details have been set, you'd be seeing more of Shoto and his family...and that almost didn't seem so bad. Maybe, since you wouldn't be alone in all this, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. 
You then pulled out your phone, hitting the power button and watching as the screen turned on, notifications filing in one by one. 
There were some from your group chat, and others from the few youtubers you watched, and then a few hidden text messages. 
When you unlocked your phone and opened the text app, you of course had a few from Maiko, asking how the meeting had gone, and then surprisingly, one from Shoto.
You typed out a response to your best friend first, recounting how everything played out. From seeing how scary his father really was, to the walk in the garden. You kept having to delete things and rewrite them, trying to make it so you seemed more enthused than you were, though she'd definitely catch on either way. 
Then, with a deep breath, you looked to the message from Todoroki. 
It read, "Hey, (Y/n) today wasn't actually too bad. I look forward to actually being friends."
At first, you didn't quite know what to say.  But as you pulled up the keyboard, you found yourself comfortably responding with, "Hey! Me too! Together this won't be terrible!" And hit send without even a second thought. 
Not even a moment later, your phone buzzed, half expecting a text back, you were surprised to see that it was actually a call from Maiko. Well, not too surprised.
"Mkay tell me everything, and not the half hearted 'it was so much fun' stuff because I know its a lie," 
You hummed, giving a soft laugh a moment later, "okay, okay, it wasn't exactly the best! His dad is really...really scary. I mean, even without the flames sprouting from his face. Not to mention, Endeavour in the same room as my dad?? I felt like the room drained of any good vibes." 
"Ah so they didn't pass the vibe check," you could almost hear her shaking her head sadly.
"Oh definitely not, " you chuckled, rolling over onto your back, still holding the bunny, "But Shoto isn't actually that bad?? He seemed really nice...not at all like the pictures or how he was at the mall!"
She paused, "Really?? Because I could have sworn that he was ready to kill one or both of us back then," 
"Surprisingly it's true. He spent like ten minutes talking about his siblings and how they all had dinner the day before." 
You both went on to talk about things for some time, passing the time away as your conversation drifted from Todoroki to the upcoming week of school, and the week in general.
At one point, you went to check your calendar app, and was met with another message from Todoroki.
"Ooooh Maiko I have a favor to ask…"
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
Kaito may have been a documented idiot, with a good heart might I add, though he'd have good intentions in mind whenever a fruitless and rash act was made by the man who lacked a few parts of his cranium,
It shouldn't have come to a fucking shock to anyone that this fucker didn't read a LICK of the student hand book. Probably hadn't even bothered to skim through the darn thing just a bit. Now here they were, dumbfounded and annoyed at the man's decision.
Of course, Kaede didn't show her frustration.
"Well, then Anya is safe and.. Kaito just was taking.. Precautions-"
"Just say he was being dumb,kid." Ryoma interrupted, the man not having been afraid to state the obvious.
".. Okay he didn't do the smartest thing but! It's fine! I'm sure Kirumi and Tenko are handling this. How about we all just move to the dining hall for now?"
"I suppose that'd be the best decision until that love sick astronaut comes to his senses."The long haired boy agreed(?),a slightly bothered tone resonating between his words. This day had been both stressful, confusing.. And beautiful of course. A human denying death and battling the lingering effects wasn't something the Anthropologist got to witness daily, but today it came at the cost of his patience and energy.
Well, his patience just fine. Energy was of short abundance.
"I agree without our history fanatic! I and the spirits wish to rest after this long day! In fact, I'll meet you all there!Bye-onara!"
And as quick as her sentence was spoken, The silver haired artist left before Kaede could tell her no. She didn't NOT like Angie but.. She was rather insistent.
"Shouldn't we go get Koki-"
"Nope. There's enough headaches in this room already, don't need another!Whatever or wherever that grape flavored condom went to isn't my concern. "
"Hmph. Funny, coming from you, Miu."Ryoma decided to retort, the inventor glaring at him before flipping him off and follow behind Angie.
The arguing between the two wasn't really good for Anya's senses.. Like,
At all.
While Tenko had been right about Anya not belonging to anyone, the way Tenko and Kaito had been arguing kinda went against quoted statement. They'd been fighting like 2 siblings battle royaling for a teddy bear. It was humiliating and most importantly,
Annoying and headache inducing.
Anya was a coward yes but, if the ringing in their head didn't stop soon, they'd been sure about to retract back to becoming a corpse again, missed or not. When she'd been 'asleep' there was no yelling.. Sleep.
She really wanted to sleep but.. She needed to be tended too.. But,
'I'll..ill just take a nap. Yeah.
Just a... Little..
Nap. '
Breathing softly, Anya went noticeably limp in the astronaut's arm, her snores soft and blocked out from the Akido master's and Astronauts childish war.
"Hmmmnnn... Bunny.. Taro."
Shuichi watched in slight admiration as Kaede seemed to hold a lot of patience, even for idiots like Kaito. Shuichi wasn't one to judge others, either for their intelligence or otherwise but; it was clear Kaito hadn't been the sharpest tool in the shed.
Something uneased the already uneasy detective the moment everyone seemed to dismiss the purple-haired boy. Kokichi often tormented everyone with his honest lies and false truths, causing everyone to distrust the short boy. A part of Shuichi considered the possibility of Kokichi being the culprit, but... Was it really something he'd do? The identity of the culprit remained a secret, and that simply just didn't sit right with him.
Shuichi had yet to discuss what this meant for the killing game; Anya... surviving. Even that still contained millions of questions with no answers to; thanks to Kaito kidnapping the small girl. He hoped, despite not enjoying Monokuma's company, that the stuffed bear would at least clear up some things.
Maybe he should've just enjoyed the peace at that moment, but something in his gut wouldn't let him, and he despised it.
"Kaede." Shuichi tried catching her attention before they made their way to the dining hall too. "Don't you think it's weird that... Anya survived? I mean, the Monokuma file said she was... But I guess it's not all that reliable, huh."
He continued, "But she lost a lot of blood, and the ice, not only that but w-" Shuichi bit his tongue, realizing he may sound strange for not celebrating Anya's revival like the others. "I don't know... I may be reading too much into this." He nervously laughed, keeping all of his noisy thoughts internal.
“She’s dead!” Tenko paled as she suddenly caught the green-haired girl going limp in Kaito’s arms. “Oh my god! You killed her! Again!” Tenko nearly tripped over her feet as she began screaming. 
“Relax! She’s not dead, she’s just-” Kaito looked down. “Ohmygodshe’sdead!” A blood-curdling scream escaped his throat.
“You idiot! How could you!?” Tenko shouted in terror, pointing an accusing finger at Kaito.
Neither of them had thought to check her breathing; perhaps idiocy was a contagious disease.
She couldn't help but let her eyes analyze his stance, wondering what attack should be used to safely switch who had been carrying Anya; because it was quite obvious Kaito wasn't a very good suitor.
Not like Tenko was any better.
Kaito swallowed and pushed down his incoming panic attack, legs suddenly going faster in urgency, startling Tenko as he finally made his way to the dormitories. Tenko watched in panic as Kaito looked to be ready to slam through the fucking door,
so before he could get millions of glass shards all over Anya, Tenko hurriedly opened and held the door for him. Despite alarms going off in her head for serving a male — even something as simple as opening the door for him —, multiple other alarms rang out in her head too, and successfully drowned the first one out.
Tenko slapped Kaito on the arm as he raised his foot in front of Anya's dorm.
"Damn it Kaito, don't break a woman's dorm door down! That's private! Give her to me!" Tenko refused to allow this man in Anya's room, somehow dismissing the fact that Rantaro slept in Anya's room as routine.
"Why!?" Kaito countered, a muddled and slightly disgruntled expression contorting onto his face.
Tenko opened her mouth, a smug look on her face as she began listing things in her head, counting fingers.
"Okay- no, just- Fine!" Kaito begrudgingly handed her over.
"She can stay in my room!" Tenko said a little too chipper.
"Tenko, you little- Give her back!" It was ridiculous. One second they were screaming in terror about how Anya was fucking dead, and now they were tossing her back and forth like a bag of potatoes.
How respectful :)
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
(As the three of them leave, Maple puts a finger to her lips and motions for the group to follow her. They make their way to a nearby forested area, and once they're out of earshot Maple breathes a sigh of relief before waving the fan to clear away the smoke around them.)
Maple: Okay. You can talk now that nobody's nearby.
Dochi: What WAS that?
Maple: A spell, obviously. One that made us invisible.
Ube: Man, you think fast. I was like, two seconds away from taking out my sword if that guy took another step towards us!
Vanilla: Fritter? Hey, you okay?
(Fritter clings to her and sniffles, crying while holding her tightly)
Fritter: That was the killer, 'Nilla! He was right THERE! If he'd seen us, he would've...
(The others immediately go to comfort him, putting a hand on him and making a big group hug)
Ube: Hey, it's okay! Look, we're all here and we're fine thanks to Maple. We're not gonna let you and Vanilla get hurt by any bad guys.
Fritter: What about you guys? I don't want you to get hurt, either!
Dochi: We'll be alright. Big brothers and sisters are tougher than most people. It's why we're...you know, BIG brothers and sisters. We're big and strong! (Flexes her arms)
Maple: And we're smart, too. Which is why we're not going to stand around here, in case some of the townspeople come near here. Look, there's an old pathway up that hill that looks like it hasn't been used in a while. Why don't we go up there and try to set up camp on the mountain?
Fritter: Um...okay. (sniffs and wipes his sleeve) That sounds like a good idea.
Vanilla: Ooh, I think I can see a roof up there. Maybe we can spend the night in there instead of sleeping outside.
Dochi: If the path looks like it hasn't been used in a while, then what's up there? If it's an abandoned house, then it'd be easier to stay there without anyone noticing us.
Maple: It might be abandoned for a reason...But it's the best option I can think of. Come on, let's start walking; the more distance we put between that murderer and us, the more comfortable I'll be.
(The five of them climb the winding path up the mountain, and are more quiet after their close encounter with the murderous ronin. Dochi, Maple, and Ube take turns carrying the younger two kids whenever they get tired, and after a while they arrive near the top of the mountain. The building Vanilla saw is now fully visible; it's the crumbling ruins of an old castle. Near where they're walking is a set of gravestones along the path leading to the castle's entrance.)
Fritter: Hey...Hey, hang on a second, we gotta stop walking.
Dochi: You need me to carry you again?
Fritter: No, we have to be good guests. If we're gonna stay at this house when we don't live there, we need to be nice about it.
(Maple seems to realize what Fritter's getting at and nods slightly. She sets Vanilla down and takes a few items out from the knapsack she's carrying, and motions for the others to do the same.)
Maple: For the spirits of the people who used to live here. Fritter's right, we need to leave them a gift as payment for staying in their home uninvited.
Dochi: Ohhh, right. Mom says that you should be kind to your host--even if it's a ghost host!
(The siblings each take out some spare food and place them near the four gravestones. Vanilla tugs on Maple's sleeve and points at her pipe.)
Vanilla: Can I do the flower spell? I wanna give the ghost hosts flowers as my present.
Maple: (smiles) Go ahead. You remember the words?
Vanilla: Yup!
(Vanilla takes the pipe and quietly murmurs to herself as she holds it out in front of the grave stones.)
I summon the boun-ti-ful jewels of spring, bloom here for me and make the earth sing.
(The marks on Vanilla's cheeks glow faintly as smoke billows from the pipe and settles on the ground, thickening and swirling until a handful of seedlings begin to sprout and grow at a rapid pace. After a few seconds, a cluster of flowers bloom and sway gently in the breeze. Maple takes the pipe back and pats Vanilla on the back.)
Maple: Great work, 'Nilla.
Ube: Hey...Maple, Mom's used magic to talk to ghosts before, right? Has she ever taught you to do it?
Maple: A little bit. I mean, she won't let me study necromancy until I'm older, though...I have taken a peek at some of her spellbooks on it. But speaking with spirits is something we've practiced together.
Ube: So could you speak to the people who lived in this castle? That way we can actually ask permission to spend the night.
Maple: Hmm...I guess I could try. I wonder if they could tell us more about Wano's history. It'd be a rare opportunity to learn about it. I mean, there aren't any books about Wano you can just pick up and read.
(She reads the names on each stone before taking the pipe out and blowing a swirling trail of smoke that circles around the graves.)
Echo of life, shadow of death. Kin'emon, Momonosuke, Raizo, Kanjuro...Let your echoes reach us, let your shadows appear to us.
(The smoke continues to circle around the graves, but nothing else happens.)
Fritter: Did you say it right?
Maple: I'm sure I did. Once you say the incantation, you should be able to sense a spirit and then it'll take shape. With the pipe, it should be easy for them take a form we can see with the smoke.
Vanilla: Maybe they don't like smoke. Should we try something else they can use as a shape, like the flowers?
Maple: I...I don't understand, I've done that spell perfectly before. Why isn't it...wait a minute. (She peers intently at the smoke circling around the grave, watching it slowly begin to fade and drift away) I...don't think anyone's been buried here.
Fritter: Maybe they're shy and don't want to talk to strangers?
Maple: No, that can't be it. Even if they didn't want to appear, I used enough power to summon them here. They would have started to take form before leaving if they didn't want to speak to us. I don't think there's anything here to be summoned.
Ube: Then why are there graves here?
Maple: That's a good question.
(As they stare at the graves in confusion, the sound of voices causes them to freeze up. The people approaching sound as if they're coming from the path the kids had taken from the bottom of the mountain by Okobore, and the siblings immediately see their clothes and recognize them as the adults from the town.)
Luffy: Why did you want to come with us to this castle, anyway?
Kiku: I'll explain once our allies have all arrived.
(The adults see the children near the graves, and both groups stare at each other in surprise for a moment. The one in the red robe looks even more familiar to the children, and they wonder if they'd seen him before they had ever come to Wano. The green-haired swordsman is the first to speak up.)
Zoro: Oh, it's those kids from earlier.
(When his gaze lands on Fritter, Ube and Dochi immediately raise their weapons while Maple takes her youngest brother's hand. Vanilla hides behind Maple and grabs Fritter's other hand.)
Ube: Stay back, murderer!
Dochi: Don't take another step towards my siblings, or I'll cut you in half, right along that scar on your chest!
Law: Murderer? I told all of you to keep a low profile!
Luffy: No, Zoro told me that was just a misunderstanding. He didn't kill anyone, he just slashed the guy who framed him and ran off!
Kiku: You really do have a talent for causing a ruckus...
(Vanilla steps out from behind Maple to get a better look at the man in red.)
Maple: 'Nilla! Get back behind me, we don't know who these people are.
Vanilla: But... (she peers at Luffy, and when she recognizes him she beams at him) That's not a stranger! That's Luffy, he's Papa's friend!
Ube: Wait, what? Oh. Ohhhhh, you're right! It is!
Dochi: Holy crap, it is!
Law: You know these kids, Luffy?
Maple: We haven't actually met, but we know OF him. (She relaxes a bit, but is still holding Fritter's hand as she walks up to Luffy and holds out her other hand in greeting) We're Katakuri's children. Um...we first saw you when you ruined Aunt Pudding's wedding and caused our Grandma to have a mental breakdown, but I doubt you noticed us during all of that.
Luffy: Ohhh! I didn't know Katakuri had kids. Huh, you even have his mouth marks. (He shakes Maple's hand.)
Dochi: Also, we don't blame you for all that either! I mean, we were mad at first. But then Papa told us you did it to save Sanji. So wait, are these guys part of your crew too? (She glances at Zoro, Law, and Kiku)
Ube: Oh, whoops. (He smiles sheepishly at Zoro) Sorry for threatening to kill you, mister. We thought you were a crazy killer or something, but if you're with Luffy then you can't be too bad.
Kiku: Wait, what are you all doing here in Wano? And why are you by yourselves?
Vanilla: Oh! Dochi and Ube stole mama's magic scissors and made a portal, 'cause they wanted to meet up with our aunties and uncles and grandma here. But then Maple saw us and tried to take them back, and then the portal ripped, and we all fell through it and now we're here!
Kiku: That...isn't what I expected.
Law: Wait, your grandmother...Big Mom's already in Wano?
Maple: That's--um, confidential. We can't reveal where our family is to another pirate crew. (She looks sternly at Vanilla, who pouts.)
Vanilla: Yeah, but they're friends with Luffy! And Luffy is Papa's friend, so we won't be called traitors if we tell them, right?
Law: We're ALLIES, not friends.
Vanilla: Huh? Aren't those the same thing?
Luffy: Yeah! We're friends, Law.
Law: I don't want to have this conversation again...So. You five are lost in Wano, and nobody in your family knows that you're here.
Dochi: Mama and Papa probably know by now. Papa's got really good Observation Haki, and Mama knows how to use magic, so they should've figured out we're gone and where we are. They'd probably want us to stick with Luffy, since he's Papa's friend; we dunno where our aunts and uncles are, so he's the only grown-up we know that we can trust here.
Ube: OH! Let's be allies! Me and Dochi can fight, Maple's the best of us at magic, 'Nilla is good with healing spells and knows some stuff about medicine, and...um, Fritter's a really good cook! I mean, he's 7, and he's really good for a 7 year old.
Luffy: Hmm...Alright!
Maple: This is NOT going to go over well if our family finds out. Look, if we're really going to be allies, we need you to keep this a secret from them. The only one who wouldn't call us traitors for this are Mama and Papa, and Big Mom would KILL us if she found out we were allies with you of all people. Um, no offense.
Luffy: No problem! I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.
Law: You're joking. Please tell me you're joking.
Kiku: I admit, I normally wouldn't approve of involving children in this. But...we can't just leave them on their own.
Ube: Plus, we wouldn't take no for an answer and we'd just follow you guys anyway. My mom says we're "tenacious to a fault."
Law: You'll fit right in with Luffy, then.
Luffy: Hey, since you guys got here before us, have you seen some of our other friends? A guy named Kin'emon, a kid named Momonosuke...
Maple: (frowns) Wait...you mean...them? (She points to the gravestones.)
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dxm-novel · 2 years
1 - a very good place to start
"Hey man, you awake?"
Keith awoke with a start, snapping upright and blinking in the harsh, blueish glow of the library basement's fluorescents. He could feel a hand on his shoulder, and quickly realized that he'd spent the past few hours slumped over a desk. He wasn't sure how many hours, exactly, but the ache in his neck told him it was probably more than he'd hoped.
"Dude, it's morning. We should probably wrap up here and get to class, if we want your mom to feel like she's getting her money's worth out of this whole 'sending us to college' thing."
"Rose, it's Saturday," said Keith, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes to try to clear away the grogginess.
"Shit, is it? Huh. Never mind, then, I guess. I'm gonna go get breakfast--" Rose looked at her watch, eyes widening in surprise.
"Er, lunch. Brunch. Whatever. Food. Do you want anything?"
Keith shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. He'd spent most of his life with Rose, but Keith still didn't understand how she could stay awake all night and still be chipper enough in the morning to act like he was the odd one for falling asleep.
He looked up at her, adjusting his glasses. Despite presumably having spent the whole night working, Rose was energetic as ever. Her straw-colored hair was tied at the base of her neck; she removed the hair tie with a flourish and ran long, pale fingers through her mane in order to coax it into some semblance of put-togetherness. She took off her own wire-rimmed glasses and polished them on the hem of her sweater, pushing them back onto the bridge of her nose with her index finger. Keith could see the bruise-colored hollows under Rose's eyes, but the glint in her eyes told him that her excitement over the work they were doing trumped any sense of fatigue that Rose might be capable of feeling.
They'd always been opposites, even after living together as pretty-much-siblings for the past eighteen years. Of course, Rose wasn't actually Keith's sister - his mother had taken her in after discovering the girl, no more than a toddler, sitting unattended on a gurney with a hospital bracelet around her wrist. Upon closer examination, it had one word written on it in thick black marker: "Rose." No last name, no parents to speak of, and no family members the girl was willing to recall. Dr. Monica Lubinsky-Yang (Keith's mom felt very strongly about keeping her maiden name, at least in a hyphenated capacity) had walked the little girl to the admitting desk, sitting her up on the counter to speak to the front desk agent directly. Rose was surprisingly well-spoken for a three-year-old, and was able to answer the agent's and the doctor's questions without much prompting.
"What's your name?"
"And how old are you?"
She thought for a moment, and then held up three fingers.
"Do you know who brought you here, Rose?"
"Mommy did."
"And where's Mommy now?"
"She left. She said to stay on the bed until one of the doctors comes by."
"Did she say when she was coming back?"
And that was that. Rose had no more to say on the subject, and the front desk agent informed Dr. Lubinksy-Yang that no three-year-old called Rose appeared anywhere in the hospital's patient log. After several days of fruitless searching for Rose's fabled mother, Monica realized that the little girl on the gurney wasn't going to be picked up anytime soon. The doctor had a child of her own - a son, just about Rose's age - and couldn't fathom the possibility of leaving him alone in the hospital to picked up by whomever and taken god-knows-where. Looking at the girl caused her to feel a twinge of guilt, and Monica resolved that she wouldn't just leave Rose to fend for herself like her mother had done.
And so it began - on November 3, 1979, the Lubinsky-Yang family gained a new member in the form of one apparently-abandoned little girl. Rose herself seemed to be doing pretty well, all things considered. Monica frequently found herself wondering how the girl could cope so quietly with the loss of her mother, but three-year-olds are remarkably hardy creatures. Rose and Keith bonded almost instantly, and Monica's husband Tom overcame his initial hesitation about the whole endeavour upon seeing how well the two got along. "Well, we've already got one," he laughed, "what's one more?"
Keith and Rose didn't really think of themselves as brother and sister; Rose's atypical introduction into the family prevented her from developing any kind of sibling rivalry with Keith, and the obvious differences in their looks caused Rose to stick out like a sore thumb when compared to the rest of her family. Family pictures often resembled a game of odd-one-out; three tall, friendly-looking, dark-haired folks and one skinny blonde kid caught mid-blink.
But the two Lubinsky-Yang kids were almost inseparable nonetheless, and both regarded their relationship as more akin to longtime friends than siblings. Now a junior in college, Rose had developed an intense interest in computer programming, and had declared a major in information technology. All the idiosyncrasies of programming eluded Keith, who preferred to spend his time writing. Genre and format didn't matter, Keith felt most secure with a pen in his hand. He'd always liked to write out first-drafts by hand, often filling the margins with little doodles that came into being whenever he got hit with a particularly bad bout of writer's block, which, by his own admission, was often.
"Remind me again - what is it, exactly, that you're working on?" Keith asked. He knew Rose had some hare-brained idea about using computers to streamline medical processes; her appreciation for the medical field was no doubt inspired by her adoptive mother, but all the blood and guts kind of grossed him out.
"It's a program that tells a robot arm how to do appendectomies without the need for a human surgeon in the room. It's not that complex of a procedure, and they don't even have to cut you open anymore. If a robot could do it, then people could get in and out of the hospital faster, and they're a lot less likely to fuck it up than some middle-aged surgeon who waltzes into the operating room three whiskeys deep." Rose chuckled at that last sentence, having seen far too many of her adoptive mom's coworkers be let go for on-the-job drunkenness to be comfortable with the thought of them performing surgery on anyone she knew.
"Oh, that's neat. Wait -- how do you know how take out somebody's appendix?"
"Medical textbooks," she said matter-of-factly. "They've got tons of 'em down here. Look!" Rose shoved a book at Keith, which was opened to a page displaying an image of an abdominal incision - the fact that the image itself was in black-and-white did little to dampen its nauseating qualities.
"Ew, that's disgusting! Get that away from me," he exclaimed. Rose let out a laugh, and Keith couldn't help but join her. Their amusement was met with a harsh "shhh!" from a nearby librarian, but the interruption only served to make them laugh harder.
"We should probably go before they kick us out again," Rose suggested, slinging her backpack onto one shoulder.
"You're gonna get banned from this place for life if you keep this up," said Keith. "You're gonna have to start studying in the electrical closet 'cause you disturbed the peace too many times."
"Hey, at least it's warm in there. I went in there once last year to get away from Matt Cartwright, and it was so toasty that I ended up falling asleep," Rose said with a chuckle.
"Oh my god, Matt Cartwright? Didn't he know you were dating Trina?"
"I don't think he cared. " she shrugged.
"Ugh, what a tool. Come on, let's go get lunch-brunch-whatever." With that, Keith and Rose walked out of the library and into the bright afternoon sun, ready to embrace the weekend with open arms.
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