#danny and dick are bio bros
finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #27
When Dick's parent's fell, his first thought was, "This can't be happening." His second thought was, "What's going to happen to me and my brother now?"
The answer? His brother was older than him, much older. Old enough that he could stay with the circus. But Dick? Dick couldn't stay with Danny. He was too young.
So Bruce Wayne took him in, offered to take Danny in too. Dick begged his brother to join him, but Danny didn't. He smiled at Dick, ruffled his hair, and told him he'd be waiting at the circus for when Dick returned. Promised to send postcards and letters.
Then he was gone. And Dick never returned to the circus.
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
dp x dc
Damian's playboy brother
Damian's brother (and sister) found out something
Best say it, someone
Damian has a brother, an older brother. And he didn't tell them. They are fucking furious curious
They only discovered because he says:
"My brother is coming, behave."
With that the chaos started
Bruce choked with nothing, the table erupt in questions, screams and almost no one answer.
"Litle bird, why didn't tell us?" dick asks
"Yes, damian, why you never said it?" Bruce asks in a solemn tone, half angry half hurt
Damian looked away and said, "brother asks me to not, you should ask him the rest. He is coming to visit for a day, so, don't ruin it"
After that Bruce lock himself in the Batcave and didn't go out for all day
Tim wasn't nervous
He just was understandingly attentive
Damian's brother is coming, the brother of the brat who try to kill him before, he didn't try no more but still. You can't expect him to relax when someone who can probably try to kill you is coming.
"Timmy, chill. Damian says that his brother is a kind person, sure that he won't try to kill you as first impression"
"I never thought that a ten years old kid would try to kill me, but there is Damian" he can see how dick make a wince, then look like Jason was going to say something when-
"TUCK! I'm not that obvious!" Someone on the other side of the street scream
"Sorry Danny, but you are!" A teen respond this have black skin, glasses and dark brown hair. Opposite to his companny who had blue eyes, light skin and messy raven hair, he makes a pout and glare his friend(?). Then they talk a little more a 'Danny' give to other guy kiss in the cheek.
'A couple, huh..', nothing really relevant
Jason don't know what think
He was adopted by Batman slash Bruce wayne, became in robin, died, revive, became in Red hood, fight with Batmam, reconnect with Batman, get a new brat brother who is also Bruce bio son and then found out that they said brat have a brother. His life is a mess.
Dick dragged him and tim to a 'family reunion', more like the game of 'who can calm Tim'. Tim was nervous with reason, the brother of someone who try to kill you is not the best impression. It's not like he can talk though. His train of thought was cut off when someone collides with him.
"Oh-h, sorry man I didn't see you" It was the kid they saw before.
"No problem kiddo" The kid look like he was gonna say something before let it go and keep walking. He was with a girl now, a goth, short dark hair and purple eyes, they were holding hands.
'A plaboy' thought before keep walking
Dick doesn't know if feel happy or not
Damian has a brother, an older brother. By extension he has another brother of what he never knows about.
He never thought that Damian would keep something like this from him, he knows that everybody have secrets, more in his family but keep in secret that he have a brother
"ahh.." he sigh
They are in the manor now, Damian's brother text him and said that is on his way. Tim is tensed, Jason look curious and Bruce has a blank face.
Sometimes he forgets how hard can be read Bruce.
He was going to say something when a 'tok tok' sound from the door. Damian runs to the door and open it. His eyes lit up in a form that he has never seen before.
"Brother!" His voice sound happy and look like he was fighting a smile.
"Hi, Dami" Damian's brother said with a soft voice and warm smile before pull damian in a hug. He was going to take a picture when Jason yells.
Damian turns his eyes to Jason and glare him
"What did you said about my brother" Damian says, Damian's brother looks confused.
"Jay, why do you think that-" he turn his eyes to Damian's brother "Danny" " okay, why do you think that Danny is a playboy?"
"We saw him kissing a guy and after wandering around with a girl holding hands" tim respond
Danny looks ashamed before said " those were my partners, we are in a poly" then put his hands on his face "how my first impression to Damian's family was that I'm a playboy" Danny mumbled
Damian snort " Look like you catch father's genes, brother"
"That's means that you'll be a playboy too" Tim says, clearly trying to annoy damian
" I'll end you drake" dick's family it's too funny
Bruce day was a roller coaster.
But seeing his sons happy, playing each other, he couldn't help to let out a smile.
He can deal with the fact of having another son of what he didn't know about later.
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