#i feel like it's the area that get fucked up by inflation the most
mrrharper · 1 month
1000+ followers / Commissions
What's up, everyone!
First of all, the follower count for this blog seems to be glitched, so I'm only 95% sure that the following paragraph is correct. But anyway...
This blog has reached and surpassed 1000 followers, which is kinda insane. Never really expected this collection of my weird little stories would get a large following, and certainly not this fast. And I'm so damn grateful for that.
Especially for all the positive messages you bros sent me. It's such a great feeling when you realize there's a whole community of people that share interests and kinks with you. Thanks for every DM, it's really cool to see a notification about a new message, appreciate that very much.
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So I come here with gratitude. Thanks for all the support bros, stay tuned for what's coming next! There are quite a few hot (in my personal opinion) ideas sitting in my drafts, there are sequels and longer stories and more musky jocks and soldiers coming.
I also come here with a proposition.
I am now doing writing commissions - if you would like me to write a story for you, you now have the option to make your wish a reality.
If you are interested, please contact me (through DMs) and tell me what you have in mind. We'll work together and figure out the details. But before we begin, please read the details below first.
What I will write about:
Of course, I am most comfortable with the stuff I've been writing about already - please check out my writing to see exactly what that entails. My interests include jocks, cops, soldiers as well as transformations, mental change, identity change, muscle growth or mind control.
But I am open to other stuff, although in that case I'd like for you, the person commissioning the work, to be more prepared to provide me with the kinds of details you'd like me to include in your story. I will not be able to help you figure the details out as well as with themes I'm more used to.
When writing to me, please be... fairly specific. Come with more than one sentence. If you want to give me a vague idea, you can just send me an ask. Try to also approximate the length of the story, check out my other writing to get a sense of how much detail and story can fit into 500 words.
What I will not write about:
These are my red lines - things, themes, kinks I will not write about because I'm not comfortable working with them. This is not a value judgement - I am not saying that any of those things are bad, that you should feel bad if you get off to stories that include them. With that in mind, the list includes:
Feminization/main focus on female characters
Bathroom stuff (watersports, scat, etc.)
Excessive violence, torture, rape etc.
Real celebrities
Underage (duh)
Inflation/excessive size
This list is not exhaustive, and I reserve the right to say no to your proposal.
And about explicit writing: for now I will not write stories that include explicit scenes, that is characters fucking, you know what I mean. The reasons for this are twofold: I'm not sure in my ability to deliver writing that will be satisfactory in that regard AND it is a grey area when it comes to taking payments for that type of content. So for now its a no, bros.
My base rate is 3 EUR for every 100 words. That translates to 15 EUR for 500 words, 30 words for 1000 words, and so on.
The payment is upfront, the size of which will be decided before I begin writing based on what you'll want and what we will decide your idea needs. The payment will be made through the "commission" section of my Ko-Fi page (https://ko-fi.com/mrrharper). You can also go there and see if I'm accepting new commissions (I will set the number of free slots there and update it).
Other information:
Please, take into account that I have a life outside of Tumblr. I have a family and friends to foster relations with, classes to go to, papers to write. Because of this I might not be able to answer within seconds or complete your story as fast as you would expect or want to, and I ask you to take that into consideration.
After the work is finished I will provide you with the full file containing the story in a format of your choosing (but remember that I'm not paying for any professional word processing software).
I might want to one day post your commission on my blog (with credit). If you'd like for me to not do that, or not credit you, please tell me.
That's it for now, don't be surprised if I add (or ask for) some more details as we talk.
The Ko-Fi page is also open to one-off and monthly donations, if you really want to support me. I will really appreciate every single donation, but please - DO NOT feel pressured to support me financially. You reading my stories, liking and following, is completely enough.
Thanks for everything bros! See ya soon and Fly Eagles Fly!
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athenawasamerf · 6 months
What's life in Egypt like?
This is a very vague question so I’m not sure how to answer, really. It’s kind of tense these days, anyway.
Ig the day to day is pretty typical. I’m not exactly the average citizen, most of my time is taken up with med school so I don’t explore or go out as much as I should. I live in Alexandria, and I love it here. Coastal, the old section of the city is beautiful, lots of greenery. It’s pouring down rain all through winter, driving is near impossible because everyone is fucking insane (which is typical for Egyptian cities lol), it’s pretty densely populated, the food is phenomenal. We have a ton of museums and historical sites, and the library of Alexandria is pretty rad. The economy is shit and getting shittier, we’re under a military dictatorship (again but worse than last time), inflation is insane and the country is in a ton of debt to the point that the central bank of Egypt has stopped all foreign currency transactions on debit cards, and credit cards have a foreign currency limit of the equivalent of $250/month.
From a feminist perspective, it’s not the best place to be. Alexandria is better than most of the country, but I still get harassed regularly. Egyptian men are paternalistic and have a weirdly entitled attitude towards all women, we have in-jokes in feminist circles about the fruit vendor from down the street being mad at you for coming home late. Tbf I’m fairly open about my feminist opinions and that hasn’t caused me any trouble, and basically all my friends and acquaintances know that I wear a hijab in front of my family and take it off at school/when I’m out with friends, and 4 of my cousins know about the hijab thing as well. Dating culture is fairly normalised in Alexandria, so everyone in my circles including two of my cousins know about my love life (but not my sexuality). In some places of Egypt, I’d be honour killed for any one of these things, so I’m grateful to be where I am. There’s still a line of chauvinism running in the country, though that’s the least of our worries as feminists. I have a post about marriage and divorce in Egypt under my Egyptian feminism tag if you’re interested in learning more about that aspect.
From an LGB perspective, unfortunately the little progress we’d made in the late 00’s and early 10’s has been receding quickly. We’d gotten to a point of live and let live in some areas, but the introduction of trans ideology in the west caused a massive recoil in perception of LGB people here, and there’s been a crackdown on LGB-sympathetic ideas. Every time it’s brought up, you get a look of disgust and ‘they’re teaching kids to change their sex’. It’s going to take massive amounts of time and effort to repair this damage.
And finally, from a religious perspective, well. Not much has improved re acceptance of atheism or non-abrahamic religious beliefs. Egyptian law technically protects your right to freedom of belief, but, crucially, not your right to freedom of expression of religious belief. National ID cards must have your religion listed on them, and the only options are Muslim/Christian/Jew. Contempt of religion and ‘violating Egyptian family values’ laws are pretty strict and are used to prosecute everything from girls dancing on TikTok to blasphemy. I don’t see this improving any time soon, though foreigners (non-Arabs) are given some leeway.
I hope I’ve covered the most important points, but please feel free to reach out if you have more specific questions!
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knight-lautrec · 21 days
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Finally got the platinum in this game after almost 140 hours. Review, maybe? Probably not but my thoughts.
Microtransactions: 21 unique mtx for things easily obtained in-game. Immediately left a bad taste in my mouth, but they'd already had my pre-order in by that point, sunken cost fallacy and all that. The game truly didn't need these mtx for any reason, and are hardly even worth an "early-game boost".
Anyway time for the actual game.
Combat is certainly more satisfying than the first game's, and all of the classes felt fun to play as. Even the Trickster, whose gimmick is pulling aggro and using illusions to distract enemies or cause them to hurt themselves, at the expense of dealing basically no damage directly. I do certainly wish the game had taken some inspiration from other popular action RPGs of the past decade, or even the Monster Hunter games. Sometimes in melee combat you might snap onto the wrong enemy and begin attacking them, and without a lock-on system, it seems that you just attack the closest target that you're next to.
The new and returning vocations are all pretty great, and I didn't dislike any of them besides my first few hours of using the Trickster class. I'd go more into what they do but I'm sure a quick reading of the in-game description could describe it better than I could.
Enemies in this game? Not really a huge improvement compared to the original game. The variety of enemies is artificially inflated by having different tiers of the same enemy. They might look or sound different, or they might have a specific gimmick or status ailment that they inflict. Dullahans are cool, though, until you encounter like 3 in one in-game night cycle.
Pawn AI? Not a massive improvement compared to the first game. They made them more helpful in terms of quests, for sure, but they'll also point out the same signs and ladders ad nauseam. There's not much you can do to really control what special moves they do, which can be an extreme annoyance when you want a Fighter or Warrior class pawn to launch you into the air outside of combat to reach something that is high up. They do this attack ALL THE TIME in combat, though. Nothing I love more than playing as a sorcerer or trickster and a pawn will decide to launch me into the air as I'm just trying to position myself. Just like the first game, they are hilariously bad with water hazards. Like, Lucatiel in the Sinner's Rise in Dark Souls II levels of tripping and drowning in the water. I've also had many close calls and deaths with pawns essentially shoving me out of the way when traversing a bridge or any narrow platform suspended above an abyss.
Traversing the world, once you get used to the oxcart system, is not nearly as bad as the original 2012 Dragon's Dogma release (before the game came bundled with the Eternal Ferrystone for infinite teleports). There's an oxcart travel network that essentially connects most of the major hub towns together, with a final area you reach much later in the game forcing you to travel by foot or by teleport. I guess they really wanted to double down on making fast travel a more premium thing in-universe, but fuck, why can't I even sprint forever out of combat to travel the world faster?
Story is, kinda just there. Probably about the same level as the first game, for better or worse. I don't really know what would work better in a game like this, but much of the main story is "guy tells you to go do this one task, you go do it, and return back to him". It very quickly feels like less of a grand adventure and more like I'm going through a list of chores. Because of this, I reached the end of the game before I realized it. I was quite shocked because I had spent an absurdly long time grinding to level up each vocation and also go on a 20 hour, 4 in-game day hunt of where I found my first collectable for a series of tasks in a sidequest.
Sidequests are okay, also about the same quality as the first one. A lot of varying ways to complete quests that often involve delivering items to one person rather than another, or delivering forged items to one person to keep the genuine article for yourself or another NPC. Vague spoilers below for both the end-game of Dragon's Dogma and Dragon's Dogma II. So, in the first game, there's a post-game after completing the final story mission that completely alters the game world. You can freely explore the world with much more powerful enemies and an entirely new area with enemies to fight and items to collect. In the original, there wasn't much of a story in this part, just enough to link the NG+ cycle to the gameplay loop, which imo was kinda neat.
In Dragon's Dogma II, there again is a post-game after completing the final story mission, but the method of reaching it is a bit vague and easily missed. Once you reach this post-game, the entire game world is changed in a more drastic way than the first game. You are now in an apocalyptic scenario with a time limit (think Majora's Mask but there's no loop or starting over while keeping some amount of progress). This section of the game is brutal if you haven't already read up on what to do or you've failed enough times to learn what to do. Basically, you cannot rest in-game, because that wastes precious time that could be used to stop the looming threat. Once you've stopped the threat, however, the time limit is removed and you are free to enjoy the endgame grind for the best gear and items, or you can end the cycle and start all over. Now that I've gotten the platinum, I'm happy to shelf this game for the foreseeable future. I might return to it someday, but I think I'm more like to revisit the first game before that. Taking everything into account, including the microtransactions and how few QoL improvements were made to an already kinda janky game from 12 years ago, it's really hard to recommend this to anyone unless you REALLY liked the first game and are dying for more.
I think I give the game a 3/5. It deserved a hell of a lot better, and so did the fans. Maybe they'll improve things with updates, but to be honest, I doubt it. Besides, the extra damage to Capcom's rep is already been done.
Rather than buy this for $70 USD, I say try the first game out. It's on most current platforms and it constantly goes on sale for like $5 to $10 USD, so wait for one of those to snag it. Otherwise, idk, play Elden Ring with some friends using the seamless co-op mod. Guarantee it'd be more fun than this.
I'm so fucking worried about Monster Hunter Wilds next year.
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classickook · 2 years
paper hearts (part eight): one step at a time
pairing: stephen strange x widow!reader
summary: things are going well for you at the sanctum as you master your knowledge of the mystic arts. not only that, but it seems that you and stephen are growing closer with each passing day…
warnings: swearing, mentions of depression and ptsd, awkward flirting, domestic fluff
word count: 6.1k
a/n: this is kind of a filler chapter of sorts? just some good stuff i think we all need from stephen and our widow <3 also shoutout to @singhfae for some of the ideas i included in here!
series masterlist | main masterlist
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another morning was spent in the kamar-taj training grounds to touch up on some protective spells and shields. you had found yourself spending an awful lot of time here, enjoying the fresh air and open landscape with miles upon miles of breathtaking scenery; you didn’t think you would ever get used to it, and you certainly didn’t think you would ever get used to possessing magic. 
you liked how the magic felt between your fingertips, like it was pure energy fizzling through your veins and moving outwards like an extension of yourself, stretching farther and wider than any weapon you had ever held could reach. 
it felt really fucking cool to put it simply. your abilities had grown the more you practiced at kamar-taj and spent time with stephen. he had been a wealth of knowledge and was more than happy to assist you in whatever areas you needed a bit more help with—primarily the spell aspect of the mystic arts. he was the smartest person you had ever met and you couldn’t think of a more suitable teacher… but you weren’t about to tell him that, his ego was inflated enough as it is.
as for you, shields, ropes, and portals were a piece of cake, barely requiring any thought or concentration; some spells here and there were pretty easy to grasp as well, but for the most part, remembering everything and the very nature of magic itself was challenging for you to wrap your brain around. you had grown up on order, discipline, and facts; fear, precision, and malleability. something as mind-bending and otherworldly like the mystic arts was no easy task, and you struggled quite a bit, especially with the stacks upon stacks of endless spell books and ancient texts documenting the very history of magic itself—yeah, it was a lot. but lucky for you, doctor stephen strange was practically at your beck and call. 
maybe not so lucky, actually. the more time you spent with the sorcerer, the more you fell for him each and every day. your crush hadn’t dissipated, no matter how hard you tried to tamp it down and deny how you felt. sure, you had threatened him a few months ago that you couldn’t stand him and that you would essentially require him to prove his love for you before you even thought of giving him the time of day, but now… it had only been a few extra weeks and you felt like a lovesick puppy, it was ludicrous. never in your life had you felt so helpless or vulnerable. it went against every rule and law that had been engrained in you at such a young age: do not form attachments, love makes you weak, allow yourself to fall victim to your emotions and your life will be at risk.
every instinct within you screamed and raged at you to cut it off with him—even though nothing had really happened as of yet anyway—but you just couldn’t stop. you felt at home at the sanctum, so unlike the familiarity of the compound. sure, that had felt like a home of sorts, but that was before this—your life with stephen and america and wong. the compound had still felt like work, cold and isolated and rigid. the sanctum, on the other hand, was warm and comforting and truly felt like a home that was filled with something that could almost be akin to a family. it was ridiculous, of course, enabling yourself to feel this way—encouraging it, even—but you simply couldn’t help yourself. you really, really loved it here. 
stephen had given you your own room and showed you some spells that would help you redecorate however you so wished, it was quite a lot of fun, actually. you had asked america to help you design everything: your color scheme, if you should have a canopy bed or a four-poster; if drapes would look better or if it might be a fun change to use fairy lights along the window frame. she had been a great deal of help, even adding an array of knickknacks and decorations from her own room to share a bit of her personal style to the space. it was nice, and you had felt more safe and comfortable and relaxed than you had ever felt in your entire life. 
you weren’t sure what to do or how to process anything. stephen had gifted you with the knowledge of this peculiar and underlying ability of yours, assisting you in honing your skills with each passing day, and provided you with a home and family to call your own—well, he hadn’t explicitly said he thought of you as family, and you were far too embarrassed to even bring anything of the sort up to him, but still, you thought of it as such and you were grateful. you didn’t think you would ever be able to repay him for what he had done for you. in a way, the ridiculous wizard in his funny little red cloak had saved you.
oh, god. you were turning into a giant sap.
you shook the thoughts from your head and returned to training. a much needed break had been spent admiring the view from the other end of the courtyard and sipping from your bottle of water. now, it was back to work.
before you could even turn around to make the trek over to your training mat, a familiar gravelly voice spoke from behind you.
“word around kamar-taj is that i have a girlfriend. you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that?”
your eyes widened as you faced stephen. all right, who spilled the fucking beans? “what?” you played along innocently. “no! who would’ve started a rumor like that?”
“what makes you think it’s a rumor?”
“because you’re not dating anyone.”
“i’m not?” he asked smugly.
“…no?” you avoided his gaze as you glanced across the courtyard, trying to meet nina’s eyes in a not-so-subtle attempt at getting you out of this situation. she just laughed and turned back to malachi as they practiced new fighting positions. 
thanks a lot, buddy.
suddenly a broad chest appeared in front of you, blocking your view of nina or any other distraction. stephen leaned down until you were looking back at him again. “nothing to say?” he added with a sly grin. 
“uh… who’s the lucky girl?”
he shook his head as a chuckle bubbled up his throat. “i don’t know… you tell me.”
you blinked. “…tell you what?”
“come on. i know it was you, sweetheart.”
there was that damn pet name again. while it had seemed like a mere slip-up the first time the term passed his lips, now it felt intentional, almost genuine.
shit. maybe playing dumb wasn’t your best option. “that obvious, huh?” you replied with a grimace.
“if anything, i’m flattered. never thought i’d actually get to this point, yet here you are declaring your love for me all throughout kamar-taj.”
“woah,” you said, holding up your hands, “pump the breaks there, lover boy. i never told anyone it was me. i just informed someone that you weren’t single, that’s all.”
“and why would you do that, pray tell?”
“all right, shakespeare,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “felicity was talking to me about possibly asking you out and i said you had a girlfriend, okay?”
“you’re still not answering the question, sweetheart. i want to know why.”
your eyes narrowed. “you’re getting awfully comfortable with that ‘sweetheart,’ aren’t you, pal?”
stephen’s face fell. “do you want me to stop?”
“…i didn’t say that.”
his lips twitched. “very well. i’ll end the interrogation for now. how about we head home for dinner?”
“yeah, okay.”
“what would you like tonight?” he asked gently as he led you to the farthest corner of the courtyard, raising an expectant hand as if asking you to portal the two of you back to the sanctum.
you did so with ease, slipping your very own sling ring onto your index and middle fingers before flicking your wrist in a circular motion that coaxed the telltale golden sparks into view. you noticed in stunned silence as stephen’s face lit up as you did so, pure elation and pride settling onto his features at your progress. you supposed practice did make perfect because you somehow managed to move up to the top of your class of fellow apprentices, creating a portal at a greater speed than any of the other students.
you didn’t know if it truly did come naturally to you, or if there was still some lingering component of your training from the red room that urged you to prove yourself, to be the best of the best as a means of survival. 
your hand dropped back to your side as the memories jumped to the forefront of your mind; you had been doing so well of pushing that part of existence away, burying it so far within yourself that you couldn’t stumble upon it at the worst of times or when you least expected it—like right now. god, when was this ever going to end?
a careful hand rested on your shoulder and you flinched away before grabbing said hand and twisting it away from you.
stephen’s sharp gasp snapped you from your thoughts and you quickly jumped back, guilt creeping up your throat until you were choking on it. 
you clapped a hand over your mouth. “shit, shit. i’m so sorry, doc. are you all right?”
his cerulean eyes were searching yours, quizzical and assessing. “i’m fine, sweetheart. are you all right? where did you go just now?”
you felt tears pricking at the corner of your eyes and blinked enough times to clear them away. forcing the memories and guilt down, you cleared your throat and readjusted the proverbial mask you wore when your thoughts became too overwhelming, and turned to face stephen. “sorry, nothing. i’m fine. let’s just go back to the sanctum, i’m starving and you stink.” you pushed forward and stepped through the sizzling portal and left a worried stephen to follow after you.
once you entered the sanctum, you swiftly escaped to the privacy of your bedroom, ridding yourself of your burgundy robes and stepping into the steaming shower that you had started with a simple wave of your hand—pretty convenient, if you did say so yourself. 
you went through the mind-numbing motions of washing your hair and lathering your body in suds of lavender and chamomile wash, a timeless fix to stress and worry, the scent of it immediately calming your nerves and allowing you to breathe again. it had been natasha’s go-to after long and arduous training sessions back at the compound. 
fuck, now you were thinking about her now. what was with you today? first, it was sappy thoughts about stephen, then memories of the red room, and now mourning over nat’s death again. when would this end? you were so tired of being sad all the time. you thought you were doing a pretty decent job of hiding just how awful you felt at times, and yet, that niggling feeling of hopelessness and loss reared its ugly head whenever you were alone. what? you suddenly couldn’t take a shower without taking a torturous walk down memory lane?
you released a weary sigh that caught in your throat before shutting off the water and wiping the wetness from your face, not knowing if it was purely from the showerhead or from your tears that had gotten mixed in. 
grabbing a towel from the rack, you murmured a soft heating spell beneath your breath that provided immediate warmth to the fabric, and then wrapped it around yourself, feeling slightly better now that you had washed away the sweat and memories of the last few moments. you ran another towel through your hair and then utilized the drying spell stephen had mentioned to you previously. honestly, this magic thing was a real time saver.
you dressed in casual clothes, just a simple t-shirt and loose cotton pants that flared around your ankles. it was a nice change to leave the tight-fitted material of your widow suit and training garb tucket away in the closet and wear something comfortable while you unwound for the evening. 
slipping into a pair of fuzzy socks america had given you that matched her own, you made your way down the massive staircase and entered the kitchen to find stephen hunched over the stove. the comforting scent of olive oil, garlic, and caramelized onion wafted throughout the room and brought a smile to your face. it seemed the sorcerer had been quite busy since you had parted ways upon returning to the sanctum.
you eyed his own clothing: a pair of dark sweatpants and cotton shirt layered with a soft cardigan. he looked warm and cozy… and kind of—no, stop that.
“huh,” you mused aloud. “i think this is the first time i’ve seen you without your wizard costume, doc.”
stephen snorted before turning around to face you, a teasing grin pulled at his lips that was bordered by a neatly-trimmed goatee. he must have taken his own shower as well because he looked fresh and clean and smelled faintly of citrus. 
“i’m not a wizard, y/n, and neither are you. you know that.”
you waved a dismissive hand. “yeah, yeah. tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to.”
he shook his head in playful exasperation before smiling softly. “how are you feeling?”
you gulped. why did he have to bring up your reaction from earlier? why was the man so infuriatingly perceptive? “fine.”
“are you lying to me?”
“y/n,” he pleaded, “talk to me. what happened earlier?”
“nothing. like i said, i’m fine.”
he eyed you closely, his brows pinching slightly in a probing sort of way, like he had x-ray vision and could see right through you, but then he blinked and schooled his features back into a pleasant expression. “if you insist.”
“i do,” you said, suddenly feeling hot and desperately needing to change the subject. “uh, hey. while i’m staying here, is there anything you want me to help out with? like cleaning or chores or something?”
he looked at you with an incredulous expression. “not really, no. why would you do that?”
you shrugged. “i just… don’t want to seem like a freeloader or anything.”
“that’s not how i see our arrangement, y/n,” he said, tone turning soft. “you don’t need to earn your keep to stay here. america and i like having you around, and we’re both happy that you’re learning the mystic arts in the process. i want you to feel at home here, okay? you don’t need to prove yourself, especially not to me.”
“okay,” you agreed quietly. 
“but, if you’re absolutely dying to do something, you could help me cook dinner? i could show you some spells that can help speed up the process, if you’d like?”
“i’m really not a very good cook,” you said. “i might accidentally burn down the kitchen.”
he chuckled warmly. “it’s all right, i’m pretty disastrous myself. that’s what the magic is for, it’ll help.” he beckoned you forward with a gentle motion and you hesitantly stepped further into the kitchen until you stood by his side at the stove. “here, i’ll show you, yeah?”
you nodded. “okay, sure.”
as stephen laid out a large cookbook on the countertop, you felt a soft pressure around your waist. you looked down to see the familiar red cloak that was usually displayed across stephen’s shoulders now tied around your form in a makeshift apron.  
a surprised laugh bubbled up your throat. “what’s this about?” you asked as you brushed down the fabric in a gentle sweeping motion.
stephen eyed you with an almost awed expression donning his features. “he likes you.”
“the cloak of levitation, that’s what it is,” he said. “i think he likes you. he’s never really gone to anyone else unless they were in need of saving.”
“oh, like when we were on that mission together with the gross monster-things?”
he chuckled. “yes, exactly like that.”
suddenly, a section of the cloak lifted to rest against your cheek in an almost human-like gesture. “it’s nice to meet you, too,” you said to the sentient fabric, a giddy smile pulling at your lips. what an odd thing this whole magic world was. it was full of surprises and you were never truly bored.
“mmm, what smells good?” america chimed in from the doorway.
the two of you turned to the teen as she took a seat at the counter. “chef strange here is teaching me how to make spaghetti,” you answered with a teasing grin as stephen leaned over to bump your shoulder playfully.
america watched with a knowing look in her dark brown eyes. 
before long, dinner was ready and plates of spaghetti and stacks of fragrant garlic bread floated along the countertop to land on individual plates for you, stephen, and america.
“where’s wong?” america asked as she dug into her plate, the corner of her mouth dripping with tomato sauce. you handed her a napkin and she took it gratefully.
“performing some ‘higher duties’ at kamar-taj,” stephen replied. “won’t be back ‘til late.”
“oh, should we save a plate for him?” 
stephen turned to you from his seat on the left. “yeah, i think he’d appreciate that,” he said softly. 
you smiled in response and returned to your plate, twirling a forkful of noodles into your mouth. “god, that’s good,” you said as the flavors swirled around your tongue.
“never had spaghetti either?” america asked, a hint of sadness creeping into her tone.
you shook your head and offered her a comforting smile. “but it’s okay, i’m glad i could try it for the first time with you.”
her frown morphed into a smile that mirrored your own and the two of you dug in. you felt stephen’s eyes on you—he always seemed to be watching you in moments like these when you shared tiny fragments of your past—but he didn’t say anything in return, instead, he continued eating in silence.
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the following morning, you awoke to the scent of freshly-brewed coffee, cinnamon, and maple syrup along with faint sounds of tinkering coming from the kitchen. geez, that man sure had a knack for cooking at all times of the day. when he wasn’t acting as master of the new york sanctum, he was either in the kitchen or the library. maybe he should think about switching professions…
you stretched your arms above your head, the slight chill of the air in your room kissing your skin as it peeked out from the warmth of your blankets. rising from bed you went about your daily routine of brushing your teeth, tying your hair back in an intricate braided bun that yelena had shown you, and dressed yourself in casual clothes before you needed to head off to kamar-taj for the afternoon. this morning, however, would be dedicated to pouring over endless spell books in the library. oh, joy.
before leaving your room, you briefly checked your reflection in the mirror that hung on the wall, setting a few stray hairs into place, until you caught yourself. what the hell were you doing? really, checking your appearance before going downstairs to see your crush? how old were you, twelve?
you groaned to yourself and then opened your door to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. 
“well, well,” you greeted. “what has the chef prepared for us today?”
you heard stephen’s deep chuckle from where he stood at the stove, shivering a bit at the sound as you sat down at the counter with your elbows resting on the cool surface. 
“good morning to you, too,” he said. “how did you sleep?”
“like a baby.”
“that’s good to hear,”  he replied before turning to face you, and you noticed how a section of his hair curled onto his forehead in the way that you liked, but would never voice aloud. it made him look younger and more carefree, so unlike the slicked-back style he wore on more serious occasions. as for right now, however, he seemed completely relaxed and unguarded as he shared his morning with you. 
a kind smile tugged at his lips in a way that reached his eyes, lighting up his face in a welcoming glow—what the hell? when did you turn so soft all of a sudden? 
“you look really pretty today,” stephen said quietly.
oh. you bit your lip as heat climbed up your neck and into your cheeks. god, you were never going to get used to his compliments. he was giving them out to you like they were candy. 
“thanks,” you breathed, looking down at the counter to hide your blush.
he cleared his throat awkwardly before moving about the kitchen again. a cup of steaming coffee slid in front of you and you quickly looked up to find stephen now turned back to the stove as if he hadn’t just given you your exact coffee order.
you took a hesitant sip and hummed happily at the familiar taste, and you wondered when he had learned how you took yours without having to say anything. you couldn’t recall ever mentioning it to him… was there a spell for that? could he read it on you or something?
without another word, stephen quietly plated up something that looked like soggy bread onto three plates and placed them along the counter.
america then bolted into the room as if summoned and took her usual seat next to you. “ugh yes! french toast,” she cheered.
“french toast?” you asked confused. “what makes it french?”
the teen tilted her head in thought, brows knitted together before she said, “i’m not sure… but it tastes really good. try it!”
stephen’s soft chuckle soon followed after your brief discussion of the origins of french toast. he watched in silent amusement as you poured maple syrup on top of your stack and cut the soggy bread into bite-sized pieces, lifting a forkful to your mouth and moaning softly. “wow.”
“wow?” he asked.
“yeah, wow,” you repeated. “you sure you weren’t a world-famous chef in your past life or something? is there a cooking whiz variant of you out there somewhere?”
suddenly, a deep and boisterous laugh filled the kitchen as stephen hunched over his plate. his eyes crinkled at the corners as elation painted his features. you had never heard him laugh like that before, like there was nothing holding him back, no reservations or restrictions—just pure joy. it sounded really, really nice, actually, and you couldn’t help but giggle yourself with america joining in soon after until all three of you were nothing but fits of loud, ridiculous laughter.
you couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this happy or carefree. what a pleasant change, you thought. 
a throat cleared from the doorway and you turned to find wong entering the kitchen with an arched brow rising on his forehead. “what’s so funny in here?”
“stephen and y/n are hilarious,” america choked out, the remnants of her laughter still spilling from her lips. “want some breakfast, wong?”
he assessed the three of you more closely before moving toward the stove and preparing himself a plate in awkward silence. 
stephen snorted to himself but it was loud enough for you to hear so you kicked him under the table to which he retaliated by bumping your shoulder and you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle the new laugh that was fighting its way up your throat. 
another sound of wong clearing his throat. “shouldn’t you be in the library studying?” he asked carefully, eyes flitting back and forth between all three of you. 
both you and stephen turned to him with matching expressions of pure innocence. “most definitely,” stephen responded coolly but you could still hear a hint of his usual snarkiness in his voice. “just making sure we’re properly nourished and fueled for our long day ahead. isn’t that right, apprentice y/n?”
you set your fork down on your plate as you played along. “oh absolutely, master strange. i can’t wait to see what mystical knowledge i’ll have the pleasure of learning today.”
america snorted into her orange juice, stephen pressed his lips together, and wong just shook his head in exasperation. “you two are nothing but trouble.” he then made his way out the door but offered a polite “thank you for breakfast” before exiting completely.
the three of you burst out into laughter again at how ridiculous the situation was and you clutched your side as your muscles pinched as if they were unfamiliar with this level of happiness you were feeling. 
“you almost got me into trouble with the sorcerer supreme!” you exclaimed before playfully shoving stephen in the chest but he swiftly clasped your hand in his and held it there firmly.
your eyes widened as he glanced down at you, feeling suddenly tense and uneasy at his close proximity, like you might jump out of your skin or kiss him—what?—but that was quickly shoved aside as your primary focus settled on the fact that stephen’s heart was pounding beneath your palm. was he affected by this just as much as you were? you swallowed nervously, not knowing what to do or say or look at. 
you didn’t have to worry about that for much longer as the silence was suddenly interrupted by america burping rather loudly.
“oops,” she said meekly. “where are my manners? so sorry,” and then she grabbed her plate and walked it to the sink before leaving the kitchen with a shit-eating grin on her face.
you cleared your throat before pulling away from stephen and rising from your chair. “so,” you started as if the last few moments hadn’t happened, “time for today’s lesson, yeah?”
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you poured over a collection of spell books and ancient texts, your eyes growing blurry as you scanned the pages in great detail. it wasn’t the various languages that troubled you, but the very concept of magic and the mystic arts as a whole. 
sure, you had seen a lot of oddities in your life, especially after joining the avengers, but the fact that magic actually existed was the one thing that continued to boggle your mind. 
your head dropped into your hands as you released a defeated groan. how were you possibly going to become a sorcerer if you didn’t fully believe in the possibilities and complexities of magic? this was hopeless. 
“having a bit of trouble, are we?”
you lifted your head to see stephen re-enter the library with another cup of coffee in his hand and more overwhelming stacks of books trailing behind him, his signature smirk already pulling at his lips. 
“oh, bite me,” you shot back. 
his chuckle echoed throughout the room as he took a seat across from you, books fluttering down to the table.
“this is hopeless, doc,” you voiced aloud. “how am i going to remember all of this?”
he tsked softly. “that doesn’t sound like the tenacious girl i know.”
your eyes narrowed at him. “yeah, well, not everyone can have a photographic memory like you, asshole.”
his only response was a mischievous pull to his lips before golden sparks sizzled into view beside him. you watched in silence, blowing on your coffee before taking a careful sip as he reached through the portal and pulled out another book from somewhere deep within the endless library. 
“another one?” you groaned. 
his lips twitched. “i think this one might help alter your perspective a bit.”
from there, the two of you poured over more and more tomes of endless knowledge for hours until your brain felt like it might turn to mush. you lowered your head to the table and let out an exhausted groan. “enough of this, doc. i can’t feel my brain right now.”
“nobody can feel their brain, y/n,” he replied with a snort. 
“yeah, yeah. whatever, mister neurosurgeon genius.”
he placed a light hand on your back in some semblance of comfort, and it did actually feel pretty nice to feel his warm touch against you. “why don’t you take a break for a bit before we head to kamar-taj this afternoon?”
“good idea,” you said sarcastically. “wouldn’t want my brain to forget how to move my muscles after you bludgeoned it to death!”
“don’t be so dramatic, sweetheart. this is nothing compared to what you’ll continue to learn in the future.”
“oh great,” you deadpanned.
“rest,” he insisted. “i’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.”
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the two of you were stood across from each other in the courtyard, going about your daily training session together and briefly discussing potential modes of attack in varying situations, calling upon helpful spells and shields to assist you along the way. the addition of magic to your previous training was really quite useful and provided you with a sense of power and confidence you didn’t know you could achieve. sure, you had always been confident in the physical aspect of fighting and surviving, but there was something about the magic running through your veins that increased this ability tenfold. you felt unstoppable.
as you continued to grow in your abilities, you gradually noticed that your magic began to adjust and evolve, incorporating pieces of you into each aspect of your magic. today in particular as you trained one-on-one with stephen, you noticed an unusual pattern start to weave itself into your shields that you had never seen before now… it almost had the appearance of spiderwebs. 
“incredible,” stephen breathed. 
“what? what’s going on?” you asked, confusion swirling within you as your hands dropped back down to your sides.
“your magic is evolving, like it’s communicating with you. i—i’ve never seen anything like it.”
you frowned. “really? that’s odd.”
stephen hummed in thought as he studied you rather closely, a crease forming between his dark brows. “well, i suppose i’m not surprised.”
“not sure if i should feel offended or flattered by that.”
he snorted softly. “it was intended to be a compliment, sweetheart. what i meant,” he said, voice lowering, “is that you’re special and that you’ve already impressed me in more ways than one, so it’s no surprise that you can do something so spectacular and unheard of like that.”
“not sure what to say?” he asked amusedly. “have i rendered you speechless?”
you rolled your eyes in an overly exaggerated attempt to hide just how affected you were by his compliment. the man seemed to have an unlimited supply of those for you as of late. stupid wizard with his stupid compliments and his stupid voice.
“whatever,” you huffed. “shouldn’t we move on to something else? more combat training, perhaps? i promise i’ll go easy on you this time,” you added with a smirk. “wouldn’t want you to throw your back out, old man.”
“funny,” he deadpanned. “i think we’re done for today, actually. let’s head back, yeah?”
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a few days later, you received a ping on your phone requesting your presence back at the compound. a new mission arose and they required your assistance. 
you weren’t sure how to feel about that, to be quite honest. sure, you were more than happy to see yelena again and catch up in person, and of course, sam and bucky would be loads of fun to be around, but you almost dreaded the thought of being away from the sanctum—away from the home you had been welcomed into here with stephen and america. 
for god’s sake, y/n, you scolded yourself. you’re not going to be away forever, it’ll just be for a week at most. 
you packed a bag of your essentials before descending the staircase and announcing your upcoming absence to stephen and america over breakfast, the two of them offering genuine goodbyes as you later opened a portal back to the compound. it felt different this time, creating a portal for yourself rather than stephen doing it for you like those times before. you smiled to yourself at the memory of those days and how far you’ve come since then.
standing in the entryway of the sanctum, you looked around you at all of the antiquated knickknacks and relics and oddities sprinkled about, already feeling a bout of homesickness settle in your stomach. why did it feel like this was goodbye? had you really developed such a close relationship with your friends here and the home that they had offered you? especially over such a short amount of time, would it really hurt to be away for more than a few days?
you pressed your lips together in a forced smile as you looked at the two of them standing together rather morosely. god, what a depressing bunch you all were. “guess this is goodbye for now, huh?” you said in a teasing tone, but it sounded rather bland, even to you.
“i’m going to miss you,” america pouted. “don’t stay away for too long.”
“i won’t,” you replied, leaning forward to rub your knuckles into her hair. “i could never stay away from you, kiddo.”
she offered a smile in return and lifted her pinky up to you. “promise?”
you nodded as you linked your pinky around hers. “promise.”
stephen watched the two of you in silence, never saying a word but you felt the heaviness of his gaze on you as you left this part of your world behind.
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the first few nights at the compound were fine. the mission was going exceptionally well and everything had gone as expected. you and yelena had caught up in your brief moments of free time over old movies and takeout; sam and bucky shot insults back and forth as usual, and you found yourself laughing at their antics as their boisterous arguments filled the kitchen—and yet… something felt like it was missing. 
you were currently tucked away in your room at the compound, tossing and turning with discomfort at the unfamiliar feeling of your bed. well, it didn’t used to feel unfamiliar to you, you had just grown used to something different—better—over time. you missed your bed and your room at the sanctum, america and stephen, and the food he would cook for you, showing you how to make your favorites and some new dishes you had never tried before.
you knew it sounded ridiculous but you almost… missed him. you missed his stupid sense of humor and the way he studied with you and helped you better understand the mystic arts. you were almost tempted to text him but had to hold yourself back. it wouldn’t be that much longer until you could return to the sanctum; the mission was close to being complete and you had already documented most of the details in your report anyway, so it wouldn’t take long to finish. but still… you actually really, truly missed him. you tapped anxiously at your thigh, weighing your different options.
“oh, fuck it,” you said as you reached for your phone on the nightstand and scrolled down to his contact name. it had been a while since the two of you had texted each other, what with the rift between you and then after you started living with him, there was no need for it. but now… being away from him for even less than a week was messing with your head and you just wanted to talk to him. you would much rather see him or hear the familiar baritone of his voice that you oftentimes felt more than heard instead of through the cold and detached words on a screen, but you didn’t want to seem too desperate or clingy. 
hi, you texted lamely and immediately felt like an idiot once you hit send, mentally smacking your forehead. that was really what you chose to start with?
it turned out that stephen didn’t seem to have a problem with your pathetic attempt at texting, as he quickly sent back, miss me?
you could practically hear the satisfied smirk in his text and rolled your eyes as you started to type out a snarky response before changing your mind, deciding to be open with him for a change. he had been far more open with his feelings toward you than you had with him, and it was probably time you reciprocated. i do, you responded. 
there was a pause, the three dots popping up on the screen and then disappearing in the next moment. you felt so stupid, and you probably did seem just as desperate and clingy as you were hoping not to.
your fingers danced over the keyboard in a quick attempt to backtrack your response, but then his incoming text slid onto the screen before you could hit send. 
can i come see you?
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taglist: @stygianoir @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @samisubi @seishoari @mischiefmanaged71 @pasta-warlord @elicheel @vesta-ro @luthientinu @torresbarnes @kikus-art @stanny-uwu @hospitaldaydream @loki-is-loved @slvtforstr4nge @sofi786 @glitterylokislut @faithinhome @mando-is-the-way @bobateadaydreams @singhfae @evelynrosestuff @lazysheepperfection @reinereinegoaway @preciousbabypeter @mayotsukia @lucimorningst4r @tis-vereon @talesofadragon @sleepdeprivedasever @wanderingfairy73 @strangelockd @cafeaueva @remuslupinwifee @kathanibennett @ironstrange1991 @strangeobsessed @strangesweetheart @lucywrites02 @kentucky-criedfricken @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @strangeions
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224 notes · View notes
croziers-compass · 4 months
44, 37, 33, 29, 28, 16 and 6 for that ask game. Also 18 if you'd like but I understand if not.
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44: A random fact about anything
Chocolate is not non-toxic to humans. The compound theobromine is toxic to all creatures that consume it, humans included. It can indeed kill humans if they consume enough of it, actually. However, the human body takes far less time to push it through their system which means the compound does not absorb into your bloodstream that quickly. If you have too much exposure to theobromine, it will actually kill you.
37: One of my insecurities
I am very aware that I have a rather abrasive personality, actually. I am quite straight forwards even if polite. I am flexible, though, and I am willing to provide courtesy to someone else. I am also very insecure about discussing my religious beliefs due to the strange reactions I get. It has a tenancy to make people uncomfortable.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
I like to tell myself that, at the end of the day, I am good at adapting. We'll figure "it" (whatever is going on) out no matter what. I've got a clever enough mind to navigate any sort of nuance. Things may get overwhelming but I am sure I'm clever enough to find a way through.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
To surprise them for their birthday.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
A disgusting human being with a way over inflated ego. This ego has grown so out of proportion that it has caused a cult following that believes this idiot is one of the most intelligent people on the planet and yet this individual fucks up even when spoon fed what they need to do. And it's not the fake tan ex-president orange fanta of the us.
16: I’ll love you if
You love yourself. (also pull my legs out of their sockets)
6: Age you get mistaken for
People often believe I am between 18-20 years old when I am nearly 30.
18: Most traumatic experience
I was shot with an arrow and it went right through my arm. I had been leading my horse patrolling a trail for bears. I got down to lead him up a hill that was narrow and steep. When I remounted him, I realised that I had, at some point, been shot with an arrow (adrenaline and shock theoretically). Right through my right arm and elbow area. I rode back down of course and rushed to the hospital where I was not allowed to keep the arrow because it was needed for evidence (much to my disappointment)
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ilaiyayaya · 5 months
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:) I really like this game.
Tbf that playtime is wildly inflated because I like keeping games open while I'm not actually playing them, but nonetheless this game is really good and one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. (the actual game I'm talking about btw is Touhou: Artificial Dream in Arcadia but the title is too long and awkward sounding to naturally fit it into a sentence without it sounding weird)
I used to really like Megaten, and then I stopped really liking Megaten, because I realized that I really didn't like 90% of the Megaten games I had played and that in reality I just happened to really like that other 10%. I have not played any kind of SMT game in years, I had pretty much completely lost interest in the series after playing multiple games back to back that I fucking hated and getting disillusioned with a few of the games that I had enjoyed. But now I kinda want to try it again, at the very least SMT 1 and 2, because I never played those to begin with and this game is such a blatant copy of those games in every way, and I mean that in a good way, a very very good way. This is one of the most passionate indie games I have ever seen, it is so incredibly clear that the creator of this game is such a massive fan of both SMT and Touhou, like it just bleeds love, it so accurately captures the essence of what makes SMT enjoyable while still feeling unique. It's super impressive how well this game replicates the style of SMT 1, the pixel art, the music, even down to the design of dungeon layouts, it's all so uniquely SMT despite this not being an SMT game and also being developed by a single person who has never worked on an SMT game in their life.
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Unlike with SMT, I know comparably little about Touhou, I've never finished any of the games, and I can only name a handful of characters. Playing this game with so little knowledge of the series it's based in, you would think would be a detriment, but in reality I think it made it a lot more fun, everything came off as new and interesting, and it's a surprisingly good entry-point to Touhou. I think a monster collecting RPG is possibly the best genre to put a series with hundreds of named characters in if you want to really quickly learn and remember most of those characters. Before playing this I could not name a single location within the Touhou universe, but now I know the differences between Hell, Old Hell, the Animal Realm (a location within Hell), and Makai (NOT Hell, but is filled with demons). Even without having a deep knowledge of Touhou myself, it's very obvious that the creator does, as I was playing I did some research into some of the characters that I thought looked interesting, and there is such a variety of allusions to Touhou as a whole, from forgotten mid-bosses from the 1st PC-98 game, to characters that have only appeared in obscure one-off doujin works. It's not a very dialogue heavy game but what is there displays so much personality, a lot of small lines are used really well to convey a lot about certain characters, and even things like movesets and stats sometimes feel like they tell a bit about that character's personality, or play into their visual design.
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I almost completely forgot to mention the bullet hell negotiation minigames that are used to capture sleepers, which is odd because it's actually one of favorite parts of the game, I absolutely loved these short little shmup segments. Every single sleeper has their own bullet hell style that's unique to them, and these too say a lot about the characters they're associated with, like for example when you try to catch Yukari, she wants you dead, filling your screen with bullets and lasers, but then a character like Koishi doesn't really throw much at you.
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There's so many memorable little moments in this game that I love, and I have little enough concern for cohesive writing that I just kinda wanna talk about a few of them. I really like how they often pair up encounters in areas with characters that are associated with each other, like for example whenever you encounter Joon, she'll always be alongside Shion because they're sisters, and there are a lot of cases of that, and I think that's really neat.
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By far the lowest point of the entire game, and the only time I can really say I thoroughly was not enjoying myself was the teleporter maze in the Moon Palace. I don't know why, but every SMT game feels the need to include at least 1 overly long and tedious teleporter maze, the one in this game isn't nearly as bad as anything in actual SMT, but I still spent at least 2 hours mapping out the entire room, and I am comedically bad at navigation in video games, so it got really frustrating.
I know I praised the dialogue quite a bit, and it is generally pretty good, but there are a lot of times where it's humor can be kinda hit or miss. There are a lot of memes in this game, and occasionally they actually are pretty funny and do work, but more often than not they feel kinda forced. Like a decent portion of the achievement names are memes, and those are fine, but like, some of the inclusions in game are really out of place.
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When I initially reached the end of the main game I was honestly kind of disappointed, the final boss wasn't really great, the 1st phase was against a clone of yourself and it was really bad, it kinda just felt like an RNG-fest, and the follow up fight against Yukari was fine but it kinda just existed, I don't have much to say about it. The stuff after the final boss however, is fantastic, the entire post-game takes place in Makai and it adds an extra 6 or 7 hours of gameplay with by far the best dungeons in the entire game. I love the aesthetics of Makai, all of the characters that appear in the location, the gimmicks of each of the dungeons, the music, it's all the best the game has to offer. The real peak of the post-game, and really of the game as a whole however, is the final boss against Shinki, it is a long, brutally difficult fight, but it is so satisfying to learn it's patterns and consistently counter every move she makes. The whole gimmick of the fight is that Shinki only has 1 weakness at a time, and that weakness changes every few turns, and on the turn that she changes weakness she also gives herself max buffs in everything, and max debuffs your entire party in everything. She also has 25,000 health, which means that it is a very long fight, my successful attempt took nearly 20 minutes, but that gives you a lot of time to learn and perfect a pattern of moves to make each turn, and after a while you start to notice a sort of cycle occurring between each weakness swap so she becomes more predictable and thus it becomes a much more manageable endurance test. I am not capable of conveying with text how much enjoyment and satisfaction I felt when I started understanding that fight, and especially when I finally beat it. It is now genuinely one of my top gamer moments of all time.
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This is actually one of my favorite games now, it's so good.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Plain Pain In My Ass
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Ah, for Mermay of 2022, I wanted to go all out and get freaky with some good ol’ fashioned tentacle smut. So micro-octo-mermaid and merman it is! Featuring the very venomous blue ringed octopus and the traditional tentacle porn with a splash of pegging for good measure. Also some cum inflation, and knotting because why the fuck not. If you go here, imagine his cock is number 17. But instead of it being an egg layer- it’s just a normal cock that shoots sperm but that tip is perfect for getting past the top of the vaginal canal and into a uterus. But number 17 is the shape that spoke to me the most, which you’ll see I referenced in the story quite a bit. 
So top left corner- is our girl- and reader- Zhanna. Top right corner- Pilane aka Plain Pain In My Ass. And their initial meeting did not go as planned where thus, Pilane gets that nickname by our leading lady. 
Also crab right under Zhanna is Winnie’s face (Isn’t she ADORABLE?! I mean just look at her precious big blue eyes and wittle claws!) And her body is to the left of Zhanna. She’s a red faced, porcilin crab which are technically false crabs because they have a set of feather like fins that catch debris and then thier second set of arms are pinchers or claws.  
Plain Pain in My Ass
Zhanna and Pilane. 
“Hello Gorgeous!” The boys hollered and whistled lowly as they were put into the mating tank with all the girls.
All the girls, including yourself- had already been put into this tank yesterday morning to become more comfortable in the space. And this tank was special. Because this was the micro-mermaid blue ring octopus variety. And while most tanks had lots of play areas- micro-mermaid octopus’ of all varieties liked to have a cave per female since octopus’ felt most comfortable in a cave. Usually. 
However after each one had selected a cave and had settled in, all of you had been fed a varitable feast of every prey item imaginable and ate until you were stuffed. All of you got a taste of everything. Even special foods like scallops, clams, fish, whelks, snails, more kinds of crabs than you had ever seen before, and of course a mackerel to sit around and feast on while you talked and befriended each other. And for dessert, each of you were given a whole strand bunch of delectable super sweet seagrapes. Which was a very sweet varity of umibudo as a special treat. Most of you had only had this last when you were getting microchipped. So to have it again was exciting. And then after a to digest all the food you ate- a party was thrown in the tank. Special speakers in the water pumped music to dance to into the water as even the humans outside of the tank danced with you and recorded all of you dancing together and talking and laughing and then special seagrapes were put in that had started to ferment, as the sugars in the seagrapes had turned to alcohol which gave you all a buzz and it was supposed to be the second best night of your lives and something of a bachelorette party because the next day, the boys were going to be put into the tank to mate up with you even though the boys were in another tank, having their own party. 
A blacklight bulb had been turned on over the tank which caused special stones and sand in the bottom of the tank to light up in beautiful colors and even yourselves. All of you had strobed your blue rings in the dark to the beat of the music and danced the night away while making friends to soothe over any hurt feelings and bruised egos that had been done that morning. 
Because yesterday morning- immediately upon being put into the mating tank- almost all of the girls had practically fought for the “best” caves in the tank that were in the middle island of the tank instead of out on the sides and in the corners. The largest and strongest females fought pretty fiercely with each other trying to get them. Because the bigger and better the cave, the bigger and better the male would be trying to get with the female who had it. 
But once each one had the cave she either wanted or settled for- she got pieces of soft coral and other items to decorate the caves and make each one her own and as comfortable as she wanted it. And usually immediately upon settling in a cave, she spun a curtain over the window and a blanket for her bed. And that usually indicated whether the cave was occupied or not. Most females knitted their names into the curtains themselves so that both the other females would know them and the boys would know the name of the female they were calling on. 
But right now- it was time for the boys to come in and try their luck. The bigger and better specimens competed to get their faces into the windows of the caves the girls were in the middle caves in the island of caves in the middle of the tank. 
You however- had not fought with the others yesterday because your mother had taught you and your sisters that there was a difference between what most considered “the best” caves that were in the middle island of the tank- and what really counted in this process- was getting the smartest caves. Not the biggest, not the “best”, not the most prominent. But the safest, most secure and fortified. Where you couldn’t just see potential mates only from a window where they would eagerly shove their face in. But caves that required more effort, and little tricks and actual brains and intellect to get into. You and your sisters had left the most prominent caves in the middle of the tank for those who wanted to fight over them. But you and your sisters- got- what was in reality the true best caves that were in the corners. Where you had two glass walls behind you and you could scope out potential mates as they swam around and could observe them before they would approach you. 
You had gotten- what was in your opinion. The greatest cave of all. Right in the middle- and right in the back corner. Your sisters in the caves above and below you. You could see your other sisters in the next corners in either direction- eagerly and a little anxiously- awaiting to be approached. Your brothers swam around to the corners first to check up on you to make sure to know where all their sisters were. Then your brothers tried their luck with the others in nearby caves with great success. 
You waited, and waited and waited as the other boys seemed to focus on the middle section of caves and then fan out from there. You watched as some of them outright refused to even try to talk to any girl who wasn’t in the main section of caves, despite some of their own sisters taking up the majority of them. Which made you frown and roll your eyes as you looked over and above you and shared a meaningful look of annoyance with your sisters who seemed to be thinking the same things. 
Which left two classes of males left- the ones with low self esteem or the cold and calculating who seemed to just appear to aimlessly swim around the tank and take it all in before deciding to choose a mate- almost at random. 
“Hi, hi, I’m Hyva.” You heard a nervous potential mate greet your sister above you as another approached your sister under you. 
“Hi, I’m Oran. You’re smart. You got the best and safest most secure cave in the tank. Bottom, in the corner- away from the fray and at the bottom where you’re protected on three sides with only a small but ideal window where you can observe everyone else. Very smart. So what’s your name?” He offered as he reached his hand into her cave and shook her hand. 
You looked out and saw that your other sisters were being approached as you realized- the more insecure males approached the top ones and the cold and calculating, but confident and direct were going after the bottom ones. You just hoped that whoever would approach you would be kind of in the middle.
Then you noticed a group of males gather just in front of your corner as they talked amongst themselves rather than approach a female as you noticed that there was a male who was actually very handsome and looked practically wild in coloring and pattern. He was a beautiful bright beige like perfectly clean pristine sand with the darker but brighter and more magnificent blues of his rings which he didn’t even have on! Oh when he would turn them on and pulse he would be so handsome and striking. Which got you to perk up and hoping that he would call on you.
And while he could see you looking at him hopefully, he gave you a small but polite smile as he turned his attention back to the other males. Which made you frown as you could see him pointing and gesturing to all the caves around the tank as you actually came halfway out of your cave's window to listen to what he was telling the others and see if you could at least beckon him over to you. He also had a foreign accent. Which meant he must have come from either an Aquarium or another breeder. There was a human woman checking up on him in particular and you could read the badge she was wearing. She was a Dr. of Marine Biology from the Sydney Aquarium from Sydney, Australia. And when she talked to the other humans, her accent matched his. So he had an Australian accent. Which meant his tank was in Australia. You must have not been the only one to be excited about him as other females, your sisters included started calling out to him- calling him “Aussie”. But he reacted to them the same way he had reacted to you- a polite smile but then turning his attention to the other males and talking with them. 
Was he homosexual? Was he not interested in a female mate? He must have been because he continued to talk to the other males rather than approach any female. It was disappointing and you quickly gave up on any fantasy of going on an adventure to the other side of the world with him and refocused on the other males. Hoping they would start to approach you. But the Aussie had practically half the males in his group! What was he greedy? Was he wanting to go through all of them and hand pick his favorite? Why was he holding up half of the males released into the tank?!
So you openned the door to your cave and pretended to fix your curtain in the window from the outside and inclined your ear and heard their conversation-
“See my mother told me that if we make the middle ones wait- they’ll be so desperate for a mate, they’ll accept the first one that approaches them because they’d rather be paired with anyone than left alone.” The Aussie insisted to the others as you turned your head to look at him over your shoulder and narrowed your eyes dangerously at him and those in his group. Then you went back into your cave, shut and locked the door and sat down on the soft coral that you had arranged into a seat and pushed it deeper into the cave so that you were mostly hidden as your brother swam by to check on you. 
“Hey Zhanna.” Allu greeted as he noticed his sisters above and below you were already halfway through the courting process with their prospective mates. 
“Hey Allu. Do me a favor- do see this group of males right there? I just heard the ring leader, the Aussie- tell everyone with him to wait to approach a female until everything settles down so that it makes those of us who haven’t paired up yet- desperate to take the first one that approaches us. Go over and ask why they’re not approaching the females. And if they confirm it, tell me and then make sure that none of them pairs with anyone in our brood. I don’t know who they think they are, or where the rest of them have come from, but I don’t want anyone from our brood to fall for it. At first I thought he was just a homosexual like our brother Killie. But it’s not that at all. Something is up because there are males whose sisters are in the middle who won’t even venture out here to the corners. I don’t know if it’s them wanting to make sure their sisters get paired before they do or if they too- are too good for us. And if it’s the latter- Make sure none of them get with anyone in our brood either. All of us can afford to wait for another breeding cycle for good and proper mates, not ones who think they can play us with their mind games or snub us because they think they’re too good for us.” You urged him. 
“Will do.” Allu nodded before he went and talked to the group that was between the main section of caves and the outer walls and corners. You watched as he talked with them. They beckoned him to join him but he excused himself as already having a mate but was just checking up on his sisters and wished them luck with their plan. Then he went to the other males who seemed to be hanging around their sisters and ask them why they weren’t trying to pair up. And once he got his answers he came back to you. 
“You’re right in both instances. That group wants to make unmated females wait and get desperate and the males in the middle both want to make sure that their sisters get matched before they find a match and also were hoping to match to a center cave female because they think those are the best females and want the best for themselves too.” Allu reported as you narrowed your eyes and scowled. 
“Then make sure none of them get with the rest of our sisters in our brood.” You urged him as he nodded and hurriedly went to your remaining sisters and warned them about it. And urged them to hurry up and get a mate before that group could make them desperate. Then he made sure to get his other brothers mated up too before he went back to his mate and helped her block the window before starting the next stage of courting-sexual compatibility. 
By nightfall you had not been approached once. And you could only glare at the pile of micro-octo-mermen in a sleep pile only a few jets of water away from your cave. Especially the Aussie who was sleeping the middle of them. This was all his fault. Shame on him for fucking up a perfectly orchestrated mating ritual. This method had been used by Ethel and others for countless generations with great success. And because his stupid Australian Ass was here and spreading that horrible fish shit of a mind game. Over half of the females in the tank were still unmatched and you could hear so many of the females around the tank cry themselves to sleep becasue of it. And instead of being sad, it just made you angrier. Oh you were going to expose that piece of a shit tomorrow and you were going to turn the tank on him for this. No one fucks with an Ethel Micro. No one. Not even ones from Australlia. 
You looked over to see that the brothers of the unmated girls in the center take refuge in their sister’s caves for the night as their sisters came to the largest cave to soothe and comfort each other as they all tried to squeeze into the largest caves to do so. Once it was clear everyone in the middle island of caves was asleep, you poked your head out of your cave to see your sisters that had also been in the middle caves in the corners were unmatched too. Then you took a chance and left your cave and quickly swam to your sisters caves to see how they were doing. 
“Why aren’t we matched yet? We got the smartest caves in the tank! We should have been matched this morning.” Your sister Mali sniffled and whimpered before you took their hands and led them back to your cave where all four of you could watch the sleep pile. 
“That’s why. That guy right there in the middle. The Aussie. He’s the ring leader of that group. He talked all the other males around him into holding off so that it would make us un-mated girls desperate to take any male that approaches. Take a good look at them and know thier faces. Tomorrow- when the lights are on- refuse them and don’t play their stupid mind game. All the males who stayed in the middle instead of at least trying to come out and meet us were either worried about their sisters or felt we weren't good enough. And those guys want to make us desperate- and the others that thought they’re too good for us. Ethel must have gotten these males from other breeders because they are not behaving like Ethel Micros. They can go back to whatever stupid breeder they came from. Steer clear of all of them. We don’t have to pair up right now. We can afford to wait for males who will appreciate our intellect and integrity and we won’t put up with his fish-shit.” You insisted. 
“Agreed.” They all agreed before they left and quickly swam back to their caves as the Aussie had cracked an eye open and overheard your conversation with your sisters and even watched to see what caves you and your sisters had come out of as he grinned before he fell back asleep. 
The next day you awoke to the sound of someone eating right outside your cave and the smells of a very juicy crab’s innards wafted into the cave. 
“Good’day Shiela.” The Aussie of the group offered as he was sitting outside of your cave with one of each of the food items offered for the tank- was in each of his tentacles. 
“First of all, my name isn’t Shiela, it’s Zhanna Visla Atwood. Second, is this your idea of trying to court? Eating the perspective offering instead of actually offering it?” You leveled against him in irritation as you pointed to your name on your curtain. All Ethel Micros had two last names, the last name chosen to differentiate them from others and Ethel’s last name to signify that they were an Ethel Micro. 
“No. In Australia, Shiela is what we call all the females that we don’t have the names for and I didn’t want to assume to call you your full name, just in case you had a nickname you preferred. Plus this is how I make a friend. You were up late last night. I wanted you to get as much sleep as possible before a barrage of courters came flooding into your window.” He answered between bites. 
“But now that you're up, what would you like for breakfast?” He asked before he showed you the still wriggling prey in his tentacles that he was keeping restrained but not otherwise unharmed since octopus’ micros liked living prey to eat. 
“Absolutely nothing if it comes from you.” You tossed back defiantly. 
“Why? You don’t even know my name, let alone anything about me.” He pointed out. 
“Oh I know plenty. I know you came in yesterday. And judging by your accent, you’re from Australia and judging by the Australian Doctor that keeps checking up on you- you’re obviously from an aquarium in Australia. And judging based on your coloring and pattern, either one of your parents or grandparents must have been from the wild.” You leveled. 
“Well you got that right.” He nodded with a too charming grin. 
 “And I know that all of either your brothers or your friends, or possibly a mixture of both, decided to not go after any girl in particular yesterday, despite several showing an interest in you. Even girls in the best caves in the tank did but you politely refused all of them. At first I thought you must have been gay, which is fine, I have a few brothers who are gay themselves and are perfectly happy.” You continued. 
“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong Zhanna, I’m not gay.” He countered. 
“I know you’re not. That’s why I said, “that’s what I thought at first”, I know better now.” You corrected, your anger and irritation coloring your tone as your blue rings got wider and started to pulse- betraying just how angry and upset you were as he saw that and frowned, wondering what you were so upset about. He thought you would have been happy and flattered that he was the first one to call on you. Especially when so many others had expressed an interest. He was singling you out. You shouldn’t be angry about that. 
“But instead I overheard you tell everyone in your little clique to avoid the girls all together to make them desperate. So that when they do finally decide to approach a female, she’ll readily accept him. That’s dangerous and extremely manipulative and it shifts the power from being balanced between the male and the female to much more on the males side. This is the mating tank where most of the ones in here will mate for life. And these precious first few days impact the rest of our lives and you and all those who agreed to your plan have just fucked yourselves over. I hope you and every single one who was stupid enough to listen to you- die alone. Now- if you’ll fuck off- I can get my own breakfast.” You insisted as you outright pushed him off the perch in front of your cave and swam and gathered up what you could before you returned to see him still nearby and watching you closely. But all the food items in his tentacles were gone. The stupid seapig must have eaten them already. Then you came back into your cave to see all the creatures he had previously in his tentacles were now bound by little strands of seasilk at the bottom of the cave. You looked at them and then back at him as he just grinned smugly and swam away to gather more.
You huffed out of your nose and decided to cut their ties free and set them loose out of the doorway of your cave. 
“Go- be free, try to hide before you get eaten by another.” You sweetly urged each one as you gently let them go out the mouth of the cave before you shut the door and ate what you had captured yourself. Then one of the little crabs decided to take refuge in your cave with you. It was a red faced porcilin crab. It was the cutest little crab you had ever seen! Then it seemed to look hopefully at the half eaten shrimp in your hand before you sighed and gave it the legs of the shrimp as the little crab happily let the legs it wasn’t eating, rest in it’s feather fanned like legs and took them and contentedly munched on them before it took up a space next to the window before you reached out to pet it and it seemed to lean into your touch. 
“Yeah, I always wanted a pet.” You giggled as you finished with the meat of the shrimp before you handed it the tail of the shrimp as it happily took that and ate it as you injected the small fish in your other tentacles with your venom as it wriggled for a moment before the venom paralized it for easy eating. Fish were hard to catch and it was the only offering from the Aussie, that you didn’t set free. 
Then you started eating that too- offering the fins to your new little pet to eat before you laid back on the soft coral that you had rearranged from a bed formation to a chair formation to wait and see who else would come. You inspected the seasilk that the offereings had been tied in. Micro-octopus-seasilk was extremely precious and this seasilk- despite coming from the Aussie- was actually very fine. It was thin but extremely tough, to the point you had to use your own venom spike to break it. And it seemed to shimmer and glow too almost like lure line. He must have learned how to make this from a wild ancestor because domesticated octo-micro mermaids simply pounced on thier prey. So you took the pieces and used your own seasilk gland to reconnect it all into one large rope before you coiled it up and simply hung it up nearby to use as you needed to. 
“So? Are you a boy or a girl?” You asked the crab before it showed you it’s bottom, showing that it was a female.
“Good girl. I’m going to call you…Winnie. Do you like that name?” You asked as the crab wiggled its eyes happily. Then it came over and laid on your lap and continued to eat the shrimp tail as you ate the fish before you offered it the skull and the intestines of the fish so you could eat the rest as it was happy to do so. You savored the eyeballs, heart and the liver of the fish since those were the fattiest and most prized pieces of it. Once you were both done, Winnie used her fine feather-like fan legs to clean off its mouth and your hands and even your face as you giggled when the fans tickled but you appreciated being cleaned nonetheless. 
“Thank you Winnie, such a good little crab you are.” You cooed to it as you pet it affectionately as it laid down in your lap with it’s legs out wide so that the point of it’s legs weren’t digging into your sensitive and soft flesh. Which you appreciated as you pet it affectionately. 
The Aussie was impressed by your attitude and spunk and defiance and your intellect and your compassion. He realized you preferred shrimp and fish to crab since you obviously just adopted a crab as a pet. He was actually undeterred and even more driven to think of something else he could do to impress you and court you. But before he could try again, others came by to try to offer food to you. 
“Hey, I think I recognize you from that group that slept in the sand pit over there. What’s the guy’s name who was in the middle? The one who corralled you all there? The Aussie from Australia?” You asked your next caller as you ate the head of the little shrimp he offered you first since the head was where all the fats and nutrients were before you offered the face and mouth of the shrimp to Winnie to eat as Winnie was happy to scarf down more food in the bottom of the cave so that it wouldn’t be seen and preyed on by others.  
“Oh that’s Pilane. He’s from the Sydney Aquarium, he flew all the way here with his caregiver just to be mated with an Ethel micro female. He’s guy who actually offered you all that stuff that you immediately set free and refused. Must not like the idea of travelling so far away from home and living an national aquarium huh?” He answered. 
“Pilane? More like Plain Pain in My Ass.” You muttered which got him to snicker a laugh. 
“Yeah. At first I thought he was a bit crazy but so far it’s worked.” He offered. 
“Has it?” You asked as you raised a curious and critical brow. 
“Well you took my offering and you’re talking to me instead of immediately dismissing me because of my weird pattern. So yeah.” He nodded as you realized all the guys who Pilane had gathered together were the oddballs and not so handsome ones who seemed to naturally be a little low in self esteem. You appreciated the fact that he tried to help them but you hated how he chose to do so. 
“Oh by Triton’s Throne and Aquaman Arthur’s Trident.” You groaned before you stuck your torso out and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head to bring his head to you as you stared poisoned daggers into him. Your coloring changed to a very vibrant yellow while your blue rings pulsed dangerously. 
“First off- no it didn’t work because 1. I only took your offering to get that piece of fish-shit’s name. Second. You aren’t successfully courting me because I will happily die alone before I mate with someone who is stupid enough to listen to Plain Pain in My Ass’s stupid ideas. And 3. All you’re really doing- is forcing girls who have fought hard for good caves to second guess themselves and pushing them to be so desperate to find a mate. Now they’ll take anyone whether there is natural affection or not. And finding a mate should be about finding a mate who is not only compatible but one that you’re drawn to and have natural affection for. And that shifts the balance of power- from equally between the partners and puts it all on the male’s side. And that’s no match for any self respecting mermaid no matter the kind. So go ahead and try again with someone else because those nasty little mind games aren’t going to work on me. And shame on you for listening to them and forcing good and confident mermaids into becoming desperate. I don’t know who bred you or who raised you. But frankly such an attitude makes me sick. You and all those who listened to that Plain Pain in My Ass’s stupid logic deserve to die alone. And you’re a disgrace to Ethel’s legacy. She’s worked for countless generations to raise micros who are better than this mind game manipulation fish-shit. And frankly you and all those in your group don’t deserve to breathe the same water as an Ethel micro. So, go back to your stupid little friends and go back to whatever inbred sewage basement water tank you spawned from and leave me alone! Because I swear to Triton’s thone I would rather die than be mated to the likes of you!” You growled before you stuffed the half eaten shrimp in his mouth and slapped him and shoved him away, the way you had Pilane. 
Then Winnie came out and gathered the half eaten shrimp and pinched his hectocotylus tentacle, which was in effect his penis tentacle and another one with both pincers. He yipped, crumpled up in pain and floated down the floor of the tank as he held the pinched tentacles to his body. His color shifted to yellow and his rings of blue began to pulse because of the extreme pain he was in. 
“And anyone else who was stupid enough to think that Pilane’s ideas were good ideas can fuck right off! I hope you all die alone for listening to such nonsense and think it’s a good idea. All of you bring shame to Ethel and her legacy! And if she knew that this was what you were resorting to- she’d pull you out of this tank so fast and dump you back into wherever she got you from!” You hollered as loud as you could before everyone looked at Pilane since you were pointing at him. 
“Wait? What?! What did he say?” The others asked you as they came out of their caves to look at you. 
“I heard him yesterday telling all his little friends that if they waited and held off from approaching any female yesterday- so that today if any female grew so desperate for a mate- she’d pick the first one that approached her! Whether there was natural affection or not! He fucked up our entire mating ritual and tradition!” You hollered out as there was a collective gasp among everyone else as your brothers chimed in that they had heard him say that too. 
“You what?! Do you have any idea how hard my sisters had to fight for these caves? These were supposed to be the best caves in the tank! So that the best males in the batches would want them first. And half of them didn’t even match yesterday! And this morning they’re all freaking out thinking that something is wrong with them! When nothing was wrong with them at all! It was you being a piece of fish shit!” The brothers of the girls in the center caves all corralled around Pilane and those who had been in his group.
Suddenly, the blink of an eye- those who had been in Pilane’s group suddenly turned on him too. To see the whole tank turned on them just by association had them terrified that they were about to be either beaten to a pulp or killed off. The group suddenly denied having listened to Pilane and his stupid idea. And they all apologized profusely to the girls in the center caves and tried catching every prey item they could just as apology offerings. And while the girls accepted their apologies. They wouldn’t hear of any courting with them as Pilane's group tried to go around to the other girls in the other caves and instead of being welcomed- they were all turned away. Before they turned on Pilane for fucking them over. 
“I knew this was a bad idea! I never should have let you talk me into going along with this idea!” Pilane’s previous friends spat at him before they avoided him altogether so that Pilane went from being Mr. Popular to the most hated merman in the tank. You sat in your cave and simply smirked and pet Winnie affectionately at how he was all alone now before he tried looking for an unoccupied cave to hide in from the others. 
Serves him right. 
“Don’t even think about it.” You warned as he swam around your cave looking for another. 
“Are you happy now?” He asked. 
“That you got what you deserved for being a piece of fish shit for putting such foolishness into the minds of young and naive merpeople? Yes.” You grinned. 
“It wasn’t…it wasn’t foolishness.” Pilane growled.
“Really? Because it looked like it just blew up in your face like a puffer fish.” You hummed with a smug smile on your face. 
“It wasn’t foolishness, it was brilliant!” He insisted. 
“Stupid mind games are never brilliant.” You argued. 
“It wasn’t stupid! It worked perfectly!” He bellowed. 
“No it didn’t! Half the tank is still unmated on day two of the mating cycle when at least 80-90% of us should have been mated already by the end of day 1! You have brothers still in defensive mode over their sisters- instead of trying to find a mate themselves. And all your friends are now your enemies. Is that how the plan was supposed to work?” You asked rather rhetorically as you gestured around the tank as all his previous friends gravelled to everyone else and were desperately trying to at least befriend others as they all swore off all association with Pilane and apologized profusely. 
“What the plan was supposed to do is differentiate the stupid from the clever and the weak from the truly strong!” He barked back. 
“That was already decided before you ever came into the tank! The strongest females all have the center caves and the smart ones have the corner caves and everything in the middle is already somewhere in the middle. All it would take is some sense to see that! Or do they not have any sense to give micros from the Sydney Aquarium?” You snapped snidely at him. 
“Not strong physically, strong mentally. Just because a female is strong enough to beat off others for a cave that appears ideal- isn't necessarily strong where it counts, and that’s mental fortitude. Strong females both in mental fortitude and cleverness see that the fight for the center caves is pointless. And is better than to fall for the “stupid mind game”. Because she would already be confident enough in herself and her self worth to fall for it.” He insisted as he came to your window held fast to the window pane and smacked Winnie in the face when she tried to approach and pinch his hands as the two of you stared each other down. 
“Pinch me and I’ll eat you.” He pointed at Winne before she shrunk back.
“Don’t you dare lay a hand or a tentacle on my Winnie or talk to her like that! She’s defending me from the biggest moron in the tank!” You yelled as you took Winnie into your arms and soothed her face where he hand smacked her to make sure he hadn’t really hurt her before you kissed where he had smacked her and then gently put her behind you before you met Pilane face to face. 
“Now go away! You Big Plain Pain In My Ass!” You ordered as you pointed away from you. 
“Oh  you want me to be a pain in your ass? I’ll be the biggest one ever!” He roared back angrily. 
“Oh big talk for a little micro from half way around the world, all alone in a big tank full of other micros who hate you! You wouldn’t know how to even befriend a female, let alone how to please her or appeal to her with anything other than your accent and wild coloring. You may look all big and bad but you’re just a stupid micro that should have stayed in the wild rather than corrupt good micros and fuck up an entire mating process! You have nothing to offer anyone! And you may be a pain in my ass but I’ll gladly take it if it means that you can’t be a pain in anyone else’s and pass on your stupid genetics to anyone else! Why’d you come all the way out here to the U.S? Needed to infect Ethel Micros’ with your stupidity? Was the Great Barrier Reef not big enough to contain it?” You taunted him. 
“Oh that’s rich coming from you. Especially when you just proved me right.” Pilane taunted right back as he smiled smugly. 
“Excuse me?!” You asked as you came out of that window and stared daggers at him as your rings were pulsing brighter than the lights in the tank as others were watching you with interest because it looked like you were about to kick his ass into the gravel. 
“You just proved that you’re the best female in the tank. You’re the most clever and the strongest both in body and more importantly mind.” Pilane said as he folded his arms over his chest and didn’t bother to puff up or pulse himself but just smiled wider as you just stood there and stared in angry confusion at him. 
“First of all, I’m not the only one who feels and thinks this way. Second of all. Don’t you ever put others down to raise others up, not even me. And third…” You began before you smiled back at him dangerously and just as smugly as your pulsing began to die down and stop. 
“Third?” He asked.
“You should really watch where you put your tentacles.” You almost purred to him before Winnie clamped her pinchers down on his penis tentacle and another as you immediately picked Winnie up as she let go and water-jetted her and yourself back to your cave and put a piece of coral in the window to keep him from coming after you or Winne.  
Pilane screamed in agonizing pain and crumpled up just like the first guy did. Others in the tank cheered and applauded you before chanting Winnie’s name and your name. Pilane just groaned and fell back, clutching his two pinched and bruised tentacles in his hands and against his chest before he just laid in the sea grass and glared up at everyone before the chanting stopped and everyone dissolved into giggles before going on with their lives. 
Then Pilane- out of spite, went around and collected pieces of the tank and made his own cave right on the face of the glass, using his own seasilk to secure and anchor it all in place which was unfortunately right outside your own cave. You realized he wasn’t going to come after you and pulled the piece of coral down and put it back as the headrest for your chair of soft bubble coral. 
Then you got approached by the other males that had slept with in their unmated sister’s caves. But everything they tried to say- Pilane seemed to loudly interrupt them and “translate” what their true intentions were. And what faults each one had. Which really embarrassed them and you grew more and more irritated with each intrusion. He reminded any and every male that you officially had food for a pet who you had “trained” to snip penis tentacles and ‘if they wanted their penis tentacles snipped off, to keep approaching you and talking to you’. He was fucking up your own mating ritual. 
“You should have snipped it clean off.” You grumbled to Winnie as no other male would then approach you. Mostly out of fear of Pilane ripping them apart verbally, or fear of Winnie actually doing what she had already done to two others- to them. Everyone else soon was matched up- leaving just you and Pilane still unmatched. 
“That bastard.” You grumped as you moved the coral around in your cave to make a bed again for the second night. You could see Pilane working on another contraption in his cave as you laid back and watched out of the little crevice that afforded you a clear line of sight from your cave to his. 
“What is he working on?” You whispered to Winnie as the two of you laid on the bed and you continued to pet her affectionately as you rolled over and laid on your stomach with your chin resting on your folded forearm under your head as you tilted your head one way and then another as you watched him work, wondering what he was working on. 
The lights were shut off but he managed to keep a few rings on one of his arms glowing to illuminate his cave so he could keep working. 
Your curiosity got the better of you. 
Before you knew it, you had left Winnie to sleep on your bed. You quietly got out of your cave and silently ventured over to his cave as you peeked in from above to see what he was working on. It looked like a weapon of some sort. With a strand of seasilk tied on both ends to the curved but springy cartilage like rib bones of a fish. He had pulled the string taut so that the bone curved even more but didn’t break. And once he was done, he was going through the straight but sharp teeth of another fish and the striaght dorsal spine bones of a fish as he attached the teeth to the bones. He seemed to separate his collection of teeth and he made a pile of specific ones that were not just straight but who’s attachment to the jaw had ended in a notched nub. Then he spun and weaved a special silk string to the end of each one attached to a straight dorsal spine bone. Before looping the the silk into a coil of varying lengths. 
His fingers were moving at almost dizzying speeds as he seemed to spin the silk around his fingers. Like using his own fingers to weave and knit a pattern you could barely make out because of how fast his fingers were moving. Then he hung each one up. But just as you were clinging to the outside of his makeshift cave- one of the fanned sea worms was tripped off by your presence, and in a rush- retreated. Which made you gasp softly in surprise and jet off to your cave again just as he paused when he heard the sounds and looked up before he stuck his head out of his cave just in time to see the tips of your tentacles retreat back into your cave which made him grin triumphantly again. 
The next morning you awoke to the sounds of Pilane using his weapon to strike down a fish as he notched the end of the dorsal spine bone into the string of his weapon. He pulled it and the string back, aiming the tooth and bone- at his target and letting go as the tooth tipped spine bone took off as if it was harpoon and stabbed his pray before he injected his venom into the string itself and like a jellyfish- the string suddenly grew spikes just like a jellyfish tentacle when it’s cnidocytes deployed their nematocysts like little harpoon shaped needles. You gasped in astonishment. That was brilliant! How had he made his seasilk to be like that? Ok, so he wasn’t completely dumb. That weapon was awesome. 
“How did you do that?” You asked him as he seemed to suck the venom out and spit it out into the water, making the spikes retreat into the line of seasilk as he pulled in his fish and the other fish nearby that had been struck by the spikes in the line. 
“I thought I had ‘nothing but stupid ideas’,?” He posed as his tentacles took up the fish that paralyzed by the toxin from the harpoon like spikes on the string before he got his true victim into his hands and pulled the tooth from the fish with a smug grin as you just stood there slack jawed and frowned at him. 
“Ugh, yes, your ideas about emotionally manipulating the others and playing mind games with the others is stupid. But this is brilliant. How did you make this weapon?” You clarified as you gestured to it. 
“It’s a simple bow and arrow. Isn’t it obvious? Or are you not that clever enough to understand it?” He asked as he wiggled the bow in one tentacle and the arrow in another as he spoke and sat down and started eating his well caught breakfast as you scuffed at his remarks. 
“Bow and arrow huh? You obviously used a flexible rib bone as your bow. It has enough bone in the center to be rigid yet enough cartilage to be flexible and not break. You pulled the seasilk strand on both ends to build tension on the string. And then for the arrows, you took a straight tooth with a notched end to attach to the straight dorsal spine bones of a fish and then attached a spiked cord out of seasilk to the end so that you could not only kill your target, but kill everything from you to it in one strike. Ance you applied the notched dorsal spine bone to the bow’s string you can aim the whole arrow at your target and kill them faster than you can approach it in person. I understand the bow and arrows and thier basic mechanics. What I don’t understand and want to know is how you made your seasilk to mimic a jellyfish’s cnidocytes when they deploy their nematocysts like spikes with just the injection of a bit of your own venom.” You clarified as you gestured to the string he had coiled up on his shoulder. 
“Wow, such big words for such a cute little dirty mouth.” He grinned.  
“Don’t be condescending.” You chastised him. 
“Here, if you’re so smart, you figure it out.” He urged you as he put the tooth and the spine and it’s cord- into your lap. As he continued to sit and eat, pulling more rib bones and dorsal spine bones out of his kills to make future bows and arrows with with as you felt the string and felt little finger length like sections before you actually pushed your finger into it and the pressure made another one push out. 
“You made a pressurized cord. It’s not just one single strand of seasilk. It’s several, all woven together to form a cord. And different sections have been very carefully spun in a spike pattern onto the cord itself. How long did it take you to make this?” You asked as you hooked your finger to pull the spike towards the surface of the cord as the pressure pulled the second one back into place. 
“The first time my parents showed me how to make one? It took me a few days, now? I can make one in just a couple of hours.” He answered proudly. Happy that he finally found something to impress you and bring you in to him. 
“So you grew up with parents who taught you how to make weapons and effectively hunt beyond your own physical limitations.” You gathered. 
“Yup because physical limitations are just that- limiting. But the mind, that’s the most lethal weapon anyone can have. Because the mind only knows the limits you set in it yourself. If you don’t put limits on your own intelligence, then it doesn’t have to have any limits at all.” He explained before other couples woke up and left their caves to hunt their breakfast in pairs. 
“Here, now you try.” He offered as he put a fish’s rib into your lap as you were still inspecting the cord. 
“...ok.” You hesitantly and reluctantly agreed as you put the cord down and got the rib and tested it to see where it was the most stiff vs. the most flexible. Before you found it’s true center point and point of balance and used your ink gland to mark a section that was in the middle and where you should attach the string to either end. 
“Don’t, he’s fine.” You urged Winnie who had started to carefully creep over to you and was pointing her pinchers towards Pilane. Before you used your other tentacles to pick her up and put her under your webbing that connected all your tentacled arms together and gave her your leftovers to eat while you worked on your own bow.  
Pilane just sat next to you and grinned widely to see you work so intently and impressed by your immediate aptitude. Although he wished you hadn’t torpedoed him already. Because despite everything, he was practically smitten. But he knew if he expressed any further interest, you’d shoot him down. Which was why he had to shoot down every other suitor you had. 
“What are you doing?” Your sister Mali asked. 
“I’m making a bow.” You answered. 
“Why?” She asked before you took the now finished bow and the provided arrow from Pilane and fired it at your target, the force and speed of the tooth hitting the shell of another crab clean through which caused everyone to gasp and freeze. 
“That’s why.” You answered as you reeled your catch back in before you split it it up and gave Pilane the other half and his little arrow back. 
“Triton help any tank either one of you gets put into.” Mali offered before she and her mate and the others swam away. Which got you to smile and duck your head bashfully in to keep yourself from laughing gleefully at the unintended praise. Then Pilane handed you the arrow and it’s line back to you. 
“Why are you giving this back to me?” You questioned him. 
“So you can use it as a prototype to make yourself some. Or even improve it. That’s just the basic design. You can reinvent it and improve it as you see fit.” He offered. 
“As a friend?” You questioned narrowing your eyes a little suspiciously at him. 
“As a friend.” He nodded as a way to placate you. 
“Thank you.” You immediately smiled before you took the base of it and realized it had a bit of a cap to it with a single opening meant for a poison barb to be injected into it. Then you carefully untied it and opened it up to see the amazing design of how it was weaved on the inside and how one tube connected each of the spikes in a spiral all together. 
“So did you weave this the way it looks or did you weave it inside out and then pull it right side in like a sleeve over an arm or a tentacle?” You asked as you looked it over. 
“Why don’t you try making one both ways and see which way works best for you?” He suggested. 
“Ok.” You nodded before you sat down next to him. You made a little harness for Winnie to wear around so that others would know she was your pet and not a food item. And then a leash to keep her close but let her have some freedom of movement, so she could at least filter feed the water around her and sift some sand while you worked. 
Pilane went and got you more supplies, the perfect teeth to make the arrow heads out of. and spine bones to make the arrow shafts out of. Mostly from the teeth of mackerel put in the tank that morning as he pulled both cheek pieces from the head and hunks neck of the belly meat since that was the fattest pieces too. Then he offered you one of the cheek meat pieces and half of th belly piece he took off to eat between working on the chord. And kept you distracted as pairs were taken out of the tank as you were too focused on making the cord to notice. 
“And I see you found a mate after all Pilane. Good job Mate!” Ashley smiled happily as she put the net in the tank for you and him to swim into. 
“Wait. What?!” You looked up and noticed that it was now almost deathly quiet in the tank as a quick look around and noticed you two were the only two left in the tank. 
“But…but…but…” You stuttered as you looked around in bewilderment before you looked at Pilane and scowled again. 
“You tricked me! You distracted me! You kept me from pairing up and mating with any other just to keep me to yourself? Even when we hated each other and are barely friends?! How could you?!” You demanded angrily as your coloring changed yet again to show how angry you were as you walked on the sand and shoved him in the chest to get him away from you. 
“I’m sorry. I haven’t been completely honest with you. You’re right. I did trick you and distract you. And I’m sorry. I’m not an Ethel micro and I shouldn’t have used the others to accomplish my mission.” Pilane began as he slowly raised his hands in a submissive posture. 
“Mission? What mission?!” You demanded. 
“So Ethel and my owner Dr. Ashley Miles here- have been working on the surrogate re-introduction program. And it was my job to find the right mate to help me. My father was an Ethel Micro and my mother was wild caught. And she was injured and my father nursed her back to health since she was protecting a clutch of eggs all alone. So she got sent to Dr. Ashley at the Sydney Aquarium and my father was chosen to be her mate because he was highly capable and the most patient. And so myself and my siblings have had the best of both worlds, both from the wild and from an Aquarium geared towards re-introduction. I needed a mate who was not just intelligent, but creative, protective and had a lot of fighting spirit while also tempering that with a willingness to help, adopt, and teach others which you demonstrated very well with Winnie.” He confessed as he gestured to her and kept himself and especially his tentacles out of her pincher’s reach. 
“And you were honestly my first and only choice. I purposefully singled you out and specifically all those in the corners out on purpose. I wanted to test to see whether or not you could withstand less than ideal circumstances and fight fire with fire so to speak. And your response was exactly what I was looking for. Because not every micro has had the luxury of being an Ethel Micro and not every micro will have the luxury of good owners. And frankly we need more individuals in the wild that will have your tenacity. ” Pilane added. 
“You Plain Pain in My Ass, why didn’t you lead with that yesterday?! Why didn’t you start off with that yesterday?! Why didn’t you use that as your excuse to explain what you were doing and why you were doing it? Or better yet do all of that on the first day?!” You asked. 
“Because I didn’t want you to be scared off by the potential assignment.” He answered sheepishly. 
“So you purposefully gave me something to focus on and distract me until you made yourself the only possible mate for me? Is this why you kept any other from trying to court me?” You asked, hurt and heart broken and betrayed as your big blue eyes welled with tears. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry Zhanna.” He admitted. 
“Oh by Triton’s beard, you idiot!” You cried as you finally stopped pulsing in anger and just sat on the seafloor and pulled your tentacles up around you and started crying. 
“Look, you don’t have to mate and pair bond with me if you really hate me. And if you do- I get that, I unintentionally hurt your family and threw off an entire mating process just to single you out. And I’m sorry I tricked you, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry. I should have been honest and upfront with you. I’m so sorry. Please, let me try to make it up to you. If you hate me, at least give my other brother brothers a chance.” He admitted as he came over and sat on the seafloor with you and tried to speak with you but you had your webbing up over your head like a skirt. 
“So you have brothers?” You asked him between sobs. 
“Twenty of them. But only 5 are unmated and the other 4 went to other places to get matched but if they had the same luck as I did, then you will have your pick between us.” He answered. 
“Zhanna, please, I’m really sorry.” Pilane apologized as you just turned away from him. 
“Zhanna, if you would prefer to wait for another mate here, you can do that too. You can stay in this tank for the week that it will take them to mature enough to be put in here and try again then. And you can use that week to stake a claim on any cave in here, and get the very best one in the middle if you want to. Now granted you’ll have a week on them but it’s an option too. You don’t have to come with us. But I need your decision becauase we need to leave for the airport soon.” Dr. Ashley offered. 
“Ok, fine, let me get my stuff, let me at least meet your brothers.” You caved in defeat.
“Come on Winnie, we’re going on a trip.” You beckoned her as you picked her up via her harness and swam back to your cave and got the previous length of rope and your blanket and your curtain that you used as a scarf.
Pilane got his other weapons from his own cave as he used sign to tell Ashley that it didn’t work with him and you but that you agreed to the program before you both to the net as you put Winnie between him and you and the net as Pilane sighed and hung his head in defeat as he was put into a special bag with you. Each of you taking opposite corners before you had to be vaccinated and tagged for the trip as you were given a few bunches of sweet seagrapes to eat for your journey while Pilane was only given one bunch as you were more heartbroken and resigned to your fate to even bother to feel the needles prick.
"Zhanna, if you truly do not like Pilane or any of his brothers or any of the other surrogates, welll try to find you a mate who you do like ok?" Ashley tried to assure you as you just stared at her but rolled over away from her as her hopeful smile faded as she looked at Pilane who looked just as downcast as you did. 
"Maybe it's the sixth's time that's the charm." Ashley tried to say encouraging to Pilane who nodded but continued to sulk as neither of you were eating as you used your curtain and your blanket to cover yourself up to keep yourself hidden. 
You laid down on the bottom of the bag and used Winnie as your pillow as you laid down and idly spun more of the chord, not really paying attention to how you were doing it, just staring out of the bag before the bag was filled with super rich oxygenated air and then tied off and put into a special carrier.
"So I take it I'm your fifth attempt to find a mate for the program? if she just told you that ‘the sixth time is the charm’." You finally murmured quietly.
"Yup." Pilane admitted. 
"What happened to the previous 4? Did you trick all of them too?” You asked. 
"No. The first time I matched with a girl and actually got to mate with her before she found out and she immediately ejaculated all of my sperm before she could use it and fled into the arms of the closest male." He admitted as you hummed in response as you refused to look at him and just kept idling spinning a chord, just to keep your hands busy as you started to feel more and more numb and stupid for being the fifth victim of this half wild plain pain in your ass. 
"And the second time, when it was announced who I was and what I was there for-I was immediately shunned and not even the most desperate female would even talk to me. Third time there was a willing mate but she was dumber than a sea cucumber. And she couldn’t even catch her own food, she had to have her siblings do it for her. Any child of hers would get eaten the first two seconds they would get released into the ocean. And the forth time, the perfect candidate was taken by another before I could get to her. So this time I purposefully tried to make sure that the most ideal candidates wouldn’t be taken by another before I could locate them and try again. I didn’t mean to throw the whole match process off for an entire generation but I was really hoping that because you were so interested in me the first day that you would give me a chance to explain myself and my situation before you shot me down. And then you kept shooting me down before I could tell you. If you’re mad at me for ruining your own matching process, I understand that. I was…I was just hoping for a different outcome this time.” He admitted as you took time to think that over. 
“Me too.” You whispered as you wiped a tear from your eye.
“So are we going to the Sydney Aquarium then?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Pilane answered. 
“Great, other side of the world. Then we have a long flight ahead of us. We should conserve our strength and energy and get some sleep while we can.” You urged him before you used what bit you had spun to make yourself a pillow before you rolled over and got comfortable and tried to take your own advice as he did the same. 
Within just an hour- you could feel the bag being carried as you got used to the sloshing of Ashley's steps as she walked before the bag was opened and you were lifted out and shown to airport security. Then Dr. Ashley put you back in and was still disappointed to see you and Pilane still on opposite ends of the bag and not really talking as you had already fallen asleep and had taken a nap and woke up briefly when the lights from the airport got shown into the bag. 
Then once you placed back in- the noise from the ruckus of the airport woke you back up as rolled to lay on your back and glared up into the loud darkness around you as you huffed. 
“The noise bothering you?” Pilane asked when he heard your irritated huff. 
“Yes. I’m…I’m not used to it. It’s humans in their environment. It’s so loud. I don’t understand how they aren’t all deaf.” You muttered in irritation. 
“Well then you’d hate the ocean. It’s always loud, all the time. But there’s a bit of rhythm to it at least. But you also learn to drown certain sounds out while being alert and always listening to others.” He appraised. 
“I take it your mom had a hard time adapting to the calm and quiet of a tank compared to the ocean.” You gathered. 
“She did. Instead of feeling safe, she was always on high alert at first because the only time it was ever that quiet on the reef was when there were predators out. But she couldn’t be released back into the wild because of her injuries, that and my father didn’t feel up to the task of living in the wild either. And it wasn’t until my father actually went with her to inspect every bit of that tank- that she knew she was safe. But then to realize that there was glass and that she couldn’t just flee to another part of the reef- then she felt trapped.” He admitted. 
“I know exactly how that feels.” You muttered which only made Pilane’s head drop farther down. Here he worked so hard to impress you and try to befriend you despite pissing you off and leaving the worst first impression and you still hated him. He felt so hopeless, and helpless too. Like he was never going to get this right. 
“I’m sorry.” Pilane apologized again. 
“Me too. I should have given you a chance to explain yourself so you didn’t feel you had to trick me and trap me against my will. It sucks being betrayed. And it sucks being paired up with a mate who you had no other choice from. Which is I’m sure how your mother felt when humans took her from the wild and being put with your father too. I take it she didn’t choose him, but he was chosen for her right?” You ventured.  
“He was.” Pilane admitted lowly as he could now see and understand how rather poetic the irony was. The very circumstances that made his mother so unhappy were the same circumstances he just unwittingly coerced onto you and it made him feel like a idiotic monster for doing it. You had every right to hate him. In fact, looking at it like that. He would think something was wrong if you didn’t hate him. 
“So it wasn’t a surprise when she got really depressed. And while she was a voracious eater in the beginning, her appetite eventually waned.  At first she ate every food item put into the enclosure-  because in the wild, you have to take advantage of every opportunity to eat because you never know when another will come around. But once she realized that no matter how much she ate or didn’t eat- food was always going to be provided. Then she felt cheated and defeated. Because what use was it to become a good hunter when the prospect of being fed all the time was always there? And while she appreciated having challenging prey and the thrill of the hunt. Having true hunger or the desperation of starving to death- or having your own brood starve to death if you weren’t successful- not be a motivator made the victory of a kill more hollow for her. Like preying on a crab just to find it’s only the molted shell of one.” He explained. 
“And by the time she was healed as much as she could be, to be denied of going back into the wild and not having a partner with the same hopes and goals. Threw her into an even deeper depression. And it didn’t matter what food my father brought to her, how big and how much like the wild the tank could try to immitate. She was never happy. Once she was healed though, Ashely tried to pair her with other specimans from the wild, but because of her injuries and deformities from them, no male from the wild wanted her either. And it took everything my father had to convince her not to kill herself. To just hold on long enough for the eggs to hatch so that she could at least teach them all the lessons she had learned from the wild so that even if she couldn’t go back, maybe they could and she could find a measure of happiness and contentment if they did. And Ashley swore that any and all of her offspring who wanted to go back, would be released into the wild. And that was the only thing that my mother lived for.” Pilane explained with a sniffle as he cried in his corner at the memories.  
“What’s your mother’s name?” You asked him. 
“She didn’t have one when she was on the reef. And it was hard for her to call my father anything other than “mate”.” He answered. 
“So what did your dad end up calling her? Or did he just stick with Mate and call that enough?” You asked. 
“He ended up calling her Sydney. Because that was the name of the city and also the name of the Aquaium. And he was the one who ended up naming us when we hatched. And while my mother liked us having names to tell us apart. My mother taught us how to live in the ocean and how to stake out good caves or make caves if we were in an area where good caves were either non existent or weren’t naturally occurring. She taught us how to make weapons and hunt and survive and that in the wild, there is no such silly things as affection for a mate- that you took whichever mate was the biggest and strongest because that meant that they were good hunters enough to feed themselves successfully. And that if the mate didn’t provide for the other well or was selfish and didn’t share their food, or were too rough in mating or forced mating…” He began. 
“A rapist and abusive and all around bad mate.” You supplied. 
“Yeah, if they were those things, then you should never put up with that and find a better mate.” Pilane continued. 
“So what did you learn from your dad?” You asked as you sat up and leaned back into the corner, facing him as your own special night vision allowed you to make him out in the darkness which was helped by his own ring glowing to illuminate the space which you appreciated as he seemed to continued to weave a bigger blanket for himself too. 
“My dad tried to teach us how to live contentedly in a tank. How to care for a mate, even one as wild and even unwilling and depressed as my mother still is. How to be a good parent and mate. How to be patient. How to be kind. How to help others, even at the cost of your own wants, desires and dreams.” Pilane answered. 
“Like any good Ethel Micro should. But I take it your mother didn’t agree with those lessons.” You ventured. 
“At first, no she didn’t. She was solely focused on teaching us how to survive and then thrive in the wild. Because while she couldn’t be released back into the wild. She always hoped her children would be. So my mother taught us all how to live on our own. My father taught us how life can be better when it’s shared with someone else and how to take being confined to a tank well.” Pilane murmured softly.  
“Some of my siblings couldn’t take- living in a tank. They did everything they could to escape and actually succeeded a few times and when they couldn’t, they outright destroyed the tank and nearly killed the aquarium staff because every time the lid was opened, they outright attacked the hands of the caretakers trying to bite and sting and invenomate them. So they got released into the wild. I have no idea if they’re still alive, I hope so. My parents tried to live in the wild on the reef. But my father couldn’t take it and was super stressed out the whole time and after a week, when Ashley came back to check on them, he swam right to her and tried to get into her wet suit with her so she would take him back to the home tank and my mother- without my father- couldn’t survive without him so she reluactantly came back too. There’s only thirteen of us that decided to stay. Five of my brothers wanted to pair with other potential surrogates and only three of my sisters did. Everyone else decided to try to rehabilitate others that were found injured in the wild in the hopes of reintroducing the mated pairs into the wild instead of just individuals and hopefully they’ve been successful.” Pilane revealed. 
“So is the hope that either most, if not all of your future children would be versatile?” You ventured. 
“How do you mean?” Pilane asked. 
“That they could be surrogates, or help rehabilitate the injured, or could even be re-introduced out in the wild?” You specified. 
“That was the plan.” Pilane answered. 
“Ashley was hoping that I would either be housed into the huge aquarium that mimics the wild the closest. So that the brood could be taught what creatures could be predators, which ones could be prey. But because it’s the big aquarium, it would mean that there would be tourists constantly during the day and then the staff and watchmen and of course we would have neighbors because there are already clownfish micros and other kinds of mated micro pairs among the other fish too.” Pilane explained. 
“Ah, I see. So you were looking for a mate that could both be territorial but still play nicely with others while being on display.” You concluded. 
“Yup.” Pilane nodded before Dr. Ashley lifted the bag and began walking again. 
“She must be boarding the plane.” Pilane ventured, judging by the way she was standing and then taking a step and waiting and then taking another step and then waiting again. 
“She’s in the line to board the plane.” Pilane explained as you held your stomach because you weren’t used to the stop and go movement. 
“You ok?” Pilane asked as you clamped your hand over your mouth. 
“I’m getting sick.” You admitted. 
“Here, you feel it the most if you’re on the bottom or hanging onto the sides of the bag, if you suspend yourself in the middle, it’ll feel like a current in a tank.” Pilane urged you as he gently reached out his hand towards you as you took as the two of you did your best to float in place, occasionally and softly getting up to the top and then floating back down. 
“Better?” Pilane asked as he noticed you pull your hand away from your mouth as you took a few calming breaths. 
“Yeah.” You nodded as you kept holding onto his hand for balance as the two of you synced your movements. 
“It’ll come in real handy when the plane takes off and lands or especially if there’s turbulence.” Pilane offered. 
“Turbulence?” You asked. 
“I’ve done this a few times already, this is my fourth flight. The first time I threw up everything in my stomach and then I just kept throwing up when the vomit soon consumed every bit of water. So do your best not to throw up.” He urged you. 
“Yup, don’t throw up, got it.” You nodded. 
“Have you been to the big tank at the aquarium?” You asked. 
“Yes. It’s wonderful. But if you like peace and quiet, you’d probably hate it.” He answered with a soft chuckle. 
“Well this is my first…everything. So let’s wait to see how I like anything until I get there.” You offered before you felt the bag swing back and forth as Ashely must have been trying to carry it in front of her as she got into her seat which made you giggle as you watched Winnie struggle to stay standing on the bottom as she slid along the bag’s bottom. 
“Don’t throw up Winnie!” You laughed before you went down and picked her up so she didn’t have to struggle and wouldn’t chance accidentally popping the bag with her spiked feet. 
“I gotcha Winnie. It’s ok. Just rest.” You urged her as you wrapped your arms under the shell of her head and her legs. She folded her legs in on herself. 
“Although Winnie wouldn’t probably last two seconds in the big tank.” Pilane admitted. 
“And any who would hunt her can get a taste of my venom.” You frowned at him and turned your back on him to use your body to shield Winnie from his sight to keep him from getting any other ideas. 
“Why do you love that crab so much?” Pilane asked. 
“Because she chose me and my company over all others. So I will repay that loyalty in kind. I know, I know, loyalty doesn’t make any sense at all in the wild. But I don’t give a fuck about what is natural in the wild. Too many micros have been lost because of the humans sticking to the scientific method of not intervening. I know nature is cruel and mother nature doesn’t fuck around or care if you live or die. Because of the survival of the fittest and all that. But shouldn’t you and I be grateful that Ethel raised micros who are above that and give nurture a chance over nature? Because if it was completely up to nature, you would have died in the egg in the ocean and would have been another’s lunch and so would your mother. But maybe it’s the humanity in us that makes us keep trying and keep getting back up when life beats us down. So yes, I have a pet and yes she may be a crab, but she’s mine. And if you pose a threat to her, I take that as you posing a threat to me. And I will use whatever force necessary to keep her safe.” You insisted. 
“I don’t mean her any harm, it was just a question. I’m not going to eat her or anything. I was just curious.” Pilane excused. 
“Oh.” You frowned. 
“Are you just used to having pets?” Pilane asked when he realized you were really defensive about the subject. 
“Yes I am. In my tank, my parents had pet algae eater snails.” You answered. 
“Snails?” He asked with a curious brow raised. 
“Yes, snails. Big dumb delicious things in a spiral shell. About as dumb as the algae they eat, maybe a peg higher. But they kept the tank clean and picking them up and breaking their own seal so you can set them down in a spot that really needed cleaning was important. My mother trained them to respond to a series of taps on their shells so they would release on their own so she could move them easier. At least Winnie is smarter than a snail and much more responsive and actually shows intelligence, and empathy and a measure of protectiveness.” You defended. 
“Delicious? Like how delicious? Like mackerel delicious? Scallop delicious? How delicious are snails?” Pilane asked curiously. 
“Well snails and whelks and things like that have a peculiar taste that doesn’t really compare to any of that. Similar to clams or mussels or something like that, because they’re all mollusks. Not quite sea slug, or sea worm, much more dense. Once I got to try a little baby one, it was all over. You have no idea how hard it was to not hunt and eat those suckers, even as big as they were. But their eggs? Ooh, man were they delicious. My parents let us eat the baby ones and the eggs to keep the population of them under control. Because each snail is both a male and a female and they fertilize each other’s eggs and will lay hundreds and up to thousands of eggs if given long enough and in good conditions.” You admitted as you slowly turned to face him and talk to him again. 
He made mental notes of what and how you responded to different approaches and tones and implications. His wild instincts were screaming at him to eat the damn little crab. And then the other more “domesticated” side, that sounded a lot like his father’s voice in his head, told him that if he wanted a chance to at least befirend you and hopefully, one day, someday- mate with you, he would have to grow to like what you liked. And if befriending a little crab was what it took, he would have to do so. As he looked at Winnie and repeated ‘friend not food’ over and over in his head. That and your scent in the water was also trying to kick his other instincts to go ahead and mate with you, becoming stronger by the minute the more you jet yourself  in the water, trying to remain stationary. 
“Really?” Pilane noted and grinned lopsidedly. 
“Oh yeah. Now for snails, you have to pierce their shells just the right spot on the spiral to get them out. Or just smash them on a rock depending on how small they are and how thin their shells are. But the eggs? Oh they were like fatty, meaty seagrapes once you get through the goo they are laid in. Now granted you had to climb out of the water to get at them because the eggs are laid in a cluster of goo that floats to the surface or some snails will climb out of the water to lay the clusters outside the water and the goo itself is sticky and tastes horrible. But if you also have cleaner fish or shrimp, they’ll clean it off of you. Because they were laid on the underside of the lids. And you had to get strong enough to move your body in the air because your weight in the water is much less than it is in the air. But once you were strong enough to climb out of the water and your suckers were strong enough to hold your weight out of the water. And hold you upside down, you could just grab and eat as many- as fast- as you could because you can only hold your breath of water for so long. But by Aquaman’s trident, was it worth it every time.” You recalled with a fond smile that Pilane found rather enchanting. 
“Huh, I’ve never had snails or their eggs. The most um, well, “domestic” thing i’m used to eating is krill cubes.” Pilane admitted.  
“Oh those are good. Really cold because the humans keep them in the freezer. Which if the tank is a little too warm, is a nice treat. But if you ever see the snail eggs, just do yourself a favor and just try to get an egg and eat just one. Depending on when it was laid- the flavor and consistency changes. But the freshest laid eggs are just pure fatty liquid. The farther along the egg in development- the bigger the snail embryo and chewy they get.” You dictated before the bag stopped moving. 
“Oh good, she’s sitting down now. It’ll be a while before the plane starts to take off.” Pilane informed you before you let yourself float down to the bottom in the middle as you pet Winnie and let Pilane sit close. 
“Can I pet Winnie?” Pilane asked before you looked to Winnie who wiggled her eyes before you set her down and she hesitantly crawled from your lap to Pilane’s. 
“Hi Winnie, don’t pinch me ok?” He requested before he hesitantly started to pet her which made her melt and lean into his touch that was now much more tender. Then she laid flat in his lap so her feet weren’t poking at his webbing or tentacles. Then she used her fan legs to clean his hands 
“Thank you.” You thanked her graciously. 
“See? Isn’t it nice to be clean?” You cooed as you reached out and pet Winnie yourself before you felt the water in the bag swirl. 
“The plane is getting ready to take off, here, lay on this side of the bag.” Pilane directed before you both laid back, side by side on the bag of the bag with Winnie between your lap and his. 
“Now when the plane takes off it’s going to feel bumpy but the gravity will be much more intense. On my first flight, I smacked face first into the side of the bag during take off and had to be that way for the whole thing and it lasts several minutes.” He explained. 
“Ok.” You nodded. 
You heard the engines outside of the plane begin to roar to life as you nervously yet excitedly reached out and held his hand while the other kept Winnie in place as he squeezed back reassuringly as you took a few deep breaths. But the more you did so, the more you could taste Pilane in the water. And damn your body’s reaction to him. Because your tentacles seemed to reach out and twist around his before the suckers stuck to the side and bottom of the bag for support. And the more you did that, the more his own did the same. And it was almost like hugging him and his body even tasted good from the sensitive feelers on the suckers of your tentacles. And before you knew it, the force of the plane racing down the runway seemed to glue you both to the back of the bag as you couldn’t help but squeal and giggle in delight at the new sensation and you could hear Pilane’s laughter mingle with your own in your ears as you laughed even harder as the sensation became even more intense before the roughness fell away. 
“And lift-off!” Pilane crooned before you felt both glued to the back of the bag and just a touch weightless before the feeling subsided the higher the plane climbed into the air before the sensation of you being glued to the bag subsided completely and the weightlessness returned and was even more poignant now than ever before. You let go of Pilane to roll and twist in the water, almost drunk and overwhelmed by the sensation as you just continued to laugh and enjoy it. 
“Is flying always this fun?” You asked. 
“Usually no. But I think I’ve been doing it wrong.” Pilane answered. 
“How can you do it wrong? By riding the bag face first?” You asked with another giggle at the mental image as Winne floated down the bottom and wedged herself in the corner to feel a semblance of being anchored as Pilane and yourself continued to roll and twist in the water and around each other, savoring the weightlessness as the plane did little arcs in the air, providing extra bounce in the water. 
“Because I was doing it all alone.” He answered. 
“This is the first flight that’s been fun. And I think it has everything to do with the company.” He ventured. 
“Aww, likewise. If I didn’t have you giving me heads up about what was about to happen and how to ride it out, I would be too stressed to enjoy it myself.” You ventured. 
“So thank you for that.” You thanked him graciously. 
“You’re welcome.” He offered before you grabbed him and hugged him before there was a bit of turbulence and both of you got pushed to the bottom of the bag with you on top of him. 
At the first sign of the turbulence, Pilane seemed to wrap all his tentacles around yours to that his own tried to smooth and bundle together to curl as much of himself around you to protect you and shield you from it. 
“Oof.” You both huffed as the feeling of being pushed into each other as he held you tighter. 
“Turbulence?” You guessed as you used your hands, braced on either side of his ribcage to sit up just enough to look him in the face as his arms loosened their hold around you just enough to let you do so as his arms went down to still hook around your waist.  
“Turbulence.” He nodded before there was more and you let yourself curl around him even more. You head nuzzled into his chest as your arms wrapped around him tightly to keep yourself tightly anchored to him. 
“Is it scary?” Pilane asked you worriedly as he started to pet your head and your hair which you found you liked quite a bit. 
“No, just different. Will the whole ride be like this?” You asked. 
“No, it should even out.” Pilane answered before it did but neither of you let go of the other as both of you were content to just lay on the bottom of the bag, holding each other before there was more turbulence and it shook you violently in the bag as you couldn’t help but yelp and cling to him harder before you slammed into his corner and one of the teeth from his arrows poked your back as you cried out in pain. 
Pilane immediately used all of his strength to pull both of you away from the corner as he then twisted you so that he was between you and the weapons in his corner. 
“Zhanna!” Pilane called out as his rings began to glow and pulse but more out of worry and alarm rather than anger. 
“One of your arrows poked me in the back, I’m bleeding.” You cried and whimpered as you reached down to feel the wound on your back. 
“Shit. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I thought the bag I put them in would have…” Pilane began to excuse before both of you heard the unmistakable sound of water running. 
“Oh shit!” You both exclaimed as you both rushed to the corner to see that the arrow heads and poked multiple holes into the corner before Pilane didn’t think, but stuffed the tips of his tentacles into the holes to stop them up and took the sack gave it to you and then used his own webbing to try to seal off the corner but he didn’t have enough tentacles to stop up all the holes. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!” Pilane cursed as his tentacles, in a panic- tried to find the biggest holes and stop them up with his tentacles as both of you were glowing and pulsing in anxiety. 
“What do we do?” You asked. 
“There’s more holes than I can stop up, I can feel the water slipping around my tentacles.” Pilane answered
“But if your tentacles dry out you could lose them!” You pointed out. 
“But without water to breathe we die! I can regrow all of them if I have to.” Pilane insisted. 
“Then we’ll regrow them together.” You insisted as you stuffed your own tentacles past his as you felt the water leaving and every hole you found that Pilane wasn’t plugging up himself and stuffed your own tentacles into the holes as another leg counted how many holes there were. 
“There’s ten holes. Each of us should get five of them.” You urged him as three of your tentacles were pulling at his own to get them out of the holes to stuff the holes with your own tentacles. 
“No! My weapons put the holes in the bag, it’s my tentacles that should cover the holes.” Pilane shook his head no. 
“And how many months will it take for you to regrow all of them? If you share half of the holes with me, each of us will only have to regrow five. And instead of me only regrowing two and you regrowing all of yours. We are in this together now, for better or for worse. I got into this bag with you and I’ll leave it with you. Now get your tentacles out of the holes. Especially this one. Cause you’re gonna need it.” You urged as your tentacle wrapped around his cock tentacle and pulled it out of it’s hole and stuffed it with your own before he could reinsert it.
“But you’re already injured!” Pilane argued. 
“Winnie! I need you to clean a wound on my back!” You called out as Winnie quickly scurried over to you as you laid down on the bag aso that Winnie could use her father like arms to clean the wound of your back. 
“My mom always used her seasilk to cover wounds. Get a handful of seasilk but cover the gland with your hand so that it doesn’t touch the water and get firm or hard. And then when you have a handful of gooey seasilk, once Winnie cleans the wound, smear it with your silk. It’ll keep me from bleeding any more.” You instructed Pilane as Winnie used her delicate fan legs to clean the wound as best she could as you felt whatever was on those teeth that Pilane used as arrows had started to infect the wound as you couldn’t help but chuckle softly at how ticklish Winnie’s feathered fan arms were on the rest of your skin. But also at the irony of it all. 
“Does her fan arms tickle?” Pilane asked worriedly as he worked on doing what you had instructed him to do. 
“It does, but I’m also laughing because I told one of the other males who had listened to you at first that ‘I would rather die than be mated to the likes of him’ and everyone else who listened to your bad ideas. I swore on Triton’s throne. He must have been listening and is holding me to it.” You laughed a little harder at the absurdity of it before you hissed in pain as Winnie backed away so that Pilane could apply the seasilk to the wound as you grunted and clenched your jaw and tried not to cry when it stung a little. 
“I’m sorry, this must hurt like hell.” Pilane whimpered as he covered your wound with his seasilk but was amazed when it stuck to your skin and sealed off the wound. 
“Not nearly as much as my pride has been hurting. It’s ok. I’ve gotten scraped and banged up worse. Losing five tentacles will hurt though, probably be one of the most painful experiences we’ll have.” You said.
“I’m so sorry Zhanna, I should have wrapped them in thicker seasilk.” Pilane apologized profusely as you could tell he was starting to cry. 
“Pilane?” You asked as he pulled his hand back and cried into his hands as you turned and faced him. 
“It’s ok. It was an accident. It wouldn’t have punctured the bag if it didn’t have the weight of both of us pushing on it. I just got poked and scratched a little. Once we land, I’m sure Ashely can give me some antibiotics if the wound gets infected. And with us stopping up the holes, we’ll be ok. It’s not like they’re huge gushing holes and the water is falling out faster than we can stop it up. We’ll have to keep an eye on the water level but we’ll be ok.” You soothed as you pulled his hands away from his face and held his face in your hands. 
“But I put you in danger and I never wanted to…” He began to cry before you shook your head and kissed him to keep him from spiraling. 
“I know you didn’t want to put me in danger or see me get hurt. Which is good, mates are supposed to feel that way about each other. That’s what affection is all about. But I have an idea. If we can try to stop up the holes with wet gooey seasilk. Maybe we won’t lose any tentacles at all. Let’s try ok?” You urged him. 
“But you’re not my…” Pilane shook his head before you kissed him again, much deeper this time and smiled into the kiss as he fisted his hand into your hair and clung to you as his hand that had covered the wound was splayed over it protectively. He kissed you like a micromerman starved before you broke apart to breathe again as your instincts were screaming to screw the holes, use your last minutes to fuck like crazy. But your intellect won out. If you could stop up the holes, you could mate as much as you wanted once the threat on your lives was lifted. 
“We might as well be. If we can get through this flight, I’ll bet you anything, we’ll find a way to get through anything and everything else. We just need to work together ok?” You encouraged him as he nodded and then kissed you again before you the bag was openned up and the bright light made you both pull away and shield your eyes as you adjusted to the light. 
“Shit!” Ashley screamed in horror to see multiple holes with both Pilane’s tentacles and your own sticking out, trying to keep the water in. 
When there was turbulence and she felt her lap get wet and ripped open her backpack to find her worst fears realized as stewardesses rushed over to her. 
“Help! I need help!” Ashley cried out as everyone on the plane turned to her and gasped to see what she was holding and the bag that was leaking water. Multiple people immediately started to record the incident on their phones. 
“If they run out of water they’ll die! The bag popped in the turbulence! Please! I need help saving them!” Ashley pleaded with the stewardesses as everyone looked to you and Pilane in the bag in the corner since both of you were still pulsing and glowing out of fear and anxiety and pain.  
“Oh gods! What do you need? How can we help?” The stewardesses asked. 
“I need the largest bottle of water possible! And salt! We need to make more salt water for them!” Ashley insisted as she got out of her seat and she and the stewardesses rushed to the front of the plane before a stewardess got on the speaker. 
“Ladies and gentlemen we have an emergency on board! Anyone who has large bottles of water and any who have salt packets please raise them above your head so they can be collected. Dr. Ashley Miles is transporting micro-octo-mermaids for the Sydney Aquarium and they have somehow punctured their transportation bag and if we can not replicate salt water they will die. Please!” The stewardess announced over the intercom before half the passengers immediately held up bottles of water and salt packets they had collected from their food. They held them up as the stewardesses took a fresh trash bag and quickly took up a collection as others in first class, began recording the scene unfolding in front of them. 
“How much salt do we need?” 
“35 grams of salt for every 975 grams of water making a total weight of 1000 grams.” Ashley replied, recalling that ratio from her studies.  
“Ok, I have a liter bottle of Figi water, so how much salt do I need?” A stewardess asked as she got the bottle out of what was collected. 
“Oh gosh a liter is um….” Dr. Ashley’s brain drew a break as she watched Pilane sign what had happened to her. 
“The weapons that they made themselves, that’s what poked the holes. Right now both are filling the holes with their legs but if the legs dry out, they will lose the legs. Oh gods this is a disaster!” Dr. Ashley cried. 
“A liter is 33.814 fluid ounces. And 35 grams, according to my conversion calculator is 1.2 ounces and 975 grams of water is 34.4 ounces. So if a liter is 33.8 grams. How much salt is in the salt packets?” A kid asked as he had his school math book that had a conversion table on it as he was finishing his homework on the way to his vacation before he grabbed a salt packet and found that each packet was roughly three quarters of a gram. 
“So if each salt packet is .75 grams, and we need to salinate 33.814 fluid ounces of water in a liter, that means we need…..” A quickly calculated it as another stewardess was using a white board to do the same match equation to make sure that it was accurate. 
“We need 26 salt packets!” He announced. 
“Yup, 26 salt packets! Ok! Get the lid off and lets get the salt in the water.” The other stewardess quickly grabbed the handful of salt packets as they quickly counted 26 of them as everyone was in in the aisle and coming up and zooming in on their cameras, getting the best angle on both you and Pilane.
“Is this what being in an aquarium is like? Humans all around you?” You asked Pilane as you laid on the bottom of the bag where Ashley’s hand was as you were grateful for her warmth at least. 
“No, not nearly as stressful or life threatening.” Pilane answered. 
“Well, that’s good.” You nodded as you looked up and saw the water level drop by the minute. 
“So what kind of micro’s are they?” Another passenger asked. 
“These are blue ringed octopus micro’s they’re part of the surrogate program. The male- his name is Pilane and his mother was rescued from the wild, she was guarding her clutch of eggs and had already lost a few arms and half of her jets on her webbing. Her male had abandoned her or been eaten, we don’t know. But we took her in and rehabilitated her at the aquarium and gave her another male to help heal her and help nurse her back to health. His father Sebastian was a special micro from Dr. Ethel Atwood. Who breeds especially caring and nurturing micros. And Sebastian succeeded. He kept her from dying, he helped her heal and regrow her missing tentacles just in time to hatch her brood. And this male is special because he’s had a really hard time finding a mate. This was his fifth time to find a mate. And I had to go back to Dr. Ethel Atwood who is the premiere micro breeder in the world and she had this beautiful beauty. Her name is Zhanna and see how she’s filling half the holes with her own tentacles? And that crab in there? That’s what separates an Ethel micro from any other. That crab is her pet and her name is…Winnie. And she told him that…” Ashley began as she deciphered what Pilane was using sign to tell her. 
“They were in this together and that if they entered that bag together they were going to leave together.” Ashley smiled through her tears as Pilane and yourself held hands. 
“What’s your name?” Ashley asked the kid. 
“Blake.” He answered.
“Thank you so much for your help Blake, I’ll have this pair name a kid after you.” She thanked him as he and the stewardess were emptying the salt into the bottle before they put the cap on it and shook the bottle vigorously to get all the salt to dissolve. Pilane and yourself watched as the water level continue to lower as water continued to overflow Ashley’s hand. 
Blake laughed in delight at the thought of an octo-micro-merman being named after him but kept working diligently. Ashely held the pair in her hand in the bucket that they usually had just for ice to keep the water from making a huge mess on the floor.  
“You’re welcome.” He answered as he shook the bottle has hard as he could to make sure the salt dissolved. 
“Ok, there.” He said just as the water was pretty low in the bag. 
“Ok, I’m pouring you guys in, get your things.” Ashley insisted before Pilane and yourself pulled your tentacles out of the holes, as Pilane grabbed his bag and yours and your blanket and his as you grabbed Winnie and both of you slid down the plastic into the bottle as Pilane shoved his bag of weapons down in first and then your things and then you pushed Winnie into the bottle, happy she was still small enough to fit in the mouth of the bottle before you squeezed yourself through the mouth of the bottle, which was harder to do because your eggs were still developing, making you thicker than usual as Pilane helped you squeeze through and held his breath to make sure all of you got into the bottle and once you were through, you turned around and used your suction on the inside of the bottle to reach out and grab Pilane’s hand and pull him in. And the bottle overflowed from the displacement of your body and Pilane’s. But he squeezed through the mouth much easier. And once both of you were in, Ashley screwed the cap back on. 
“Is the water ok?” Ashley signed to Pilane who used his sign language to sign that it wasn’t perfect but it would do as you and him both clung to the sides of the bottle and caught your breath as Winnie and your things were on the bottom of the bottle. 
“Are they going to be ok?” Blake and the other stewardesses asked hopefully. 
“Yeah, they’re going to be just fine.” Ashley smiled as she wiped away the last of her tears. 
“Ladies and gentleman, we just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help. Thanks to your generous donations of water and salt we were able to turn a bottle of Figi water into salt water to save Pilane and Zhanna the blue ring octopus micro mermaids for the Sydney Aquarium! And a special thank you to Blake for doing the math and conversion to make sure that we put enough salt into the water to replicate salt water!” The stewardess announced over the intercom as everyone on board cheered. 
Ashely came back to her seat and showed Pilane and yourself off to all who wanted to see you and talk about the conservation effort. You both smiled and waved to the people she showed you off to. Especially the little kids on board who were eager to see you as you put your hands to the bottle where people would put their fingertips as so many people were moved to tears that you two were saved from a potentially life threatening situation. And Dr. Ashley got to talk all about Dr. Ethel Atwood who was the Jane Goodall of micro mermaids and about the aquarium and it’s conservation program. 
Once everyone on board got to see and meet Pilane and yourself, Ashley returned to her seat and carefully put you back into her bag so that Pilane and yourself could get some privacy. 
“Oh thank Aquaman’s trident.” You breathed in relief once Pilane and yourself were given some privacy as you went to the bottom and wrapped the bags of weapons into the blankets Pilane and you had made before you secured it into the corner as Winnie was happy to snuggle into another corner which left the other two on the other side for Pilane and yourself. 
And you didn’t know if it was the brush with death or what but the moment neither of you were on display- Pilane and yourself couldn’t keep your hands or your tentacles, much less your mouths off of each other. Pilane had you pushed up into the opposite corner that Winnie was inhabiting as his third tentacle, his hectocotylus, his cock tentacle unsheathed itself. 
And the really wonderful thing was that while it looked and acted like a normal tentacle. It hid a delightful surprise. Because sheathed within was the cock of your dreams. The head was large and bulbous and ribbed. And it was big enough to make you feel perfectly stuffed yet not so big that it was an uncomfortable stretch but when it moved in and out of you, at the base was not just another bulbous bulge. But a whole knot that was trying it’s hardest to seat into you. And another flap that was a flange that was like a ribbed tongue that massaged your clit. You wrapped your arms around Pilane’s neck and shoulders as he suckled at your breasts. While his hands were firmly grasping your hips and pulling you down onto him while his own hips were hiking up into yours. Thanks to his other tentacles were suctioned up beside you so that his whole lower half would hike up into you while he had your own other tentacles suctioned to the bottom of the bottle so that it was a stretch and really anchored you down and only added that much more power into the strokes. 
“Oh gods!” You keened as that knot was starting to ease into you as your canal opened up in excited anticipation to take it. You were so close to your sexual release, you could literally taste it since there were so much pheramones in the water being released from both of you and it was literally intoxicating and you wanted his cock fully seated and in you and filling you fully and stuffed to the brim. 
“Come on, stuff me full of that amazing, wild seed of yours.” You purred as you kissed him and bit his lip just hard enough to make him whine and groan before he grabbed your hips so hard you thought he was going to bruise them, before he pushed that bulbous knot at the base into you and the feeling of that knot seating itself into you and then to feel that tapered head breach the base of your womb and the ridges on the head locked it into place at the top of your canal while the tip filled your womb with seed. Your womb fluttered, coating all the eggs that were lining it in the sperm as your orgasm filled every fiber of your being. 
The water was practically a pheromone soup by now. There was wonderful, heady haze overwhelming your senses and his. His whole body tensed as you could feel that tentacle pulse as his sperm pumped down the channel of his cock tentacle. He must have been saving it for a very long time because your belly started to bulge even more as your womb was stuffed with almost as much of his cum as it was your eggs. You rested your head in the crux of his neck and shoulder as you clung to him as you both rode out the rest of your orgasms before both of you seemed to go lax as he let go with his suckers of the tentacles above you as he moved you down so that you were both sitting down in the bottom corner. 
“You still with me?” Pilane asked. 
“Oh I’m never leaving you.” You insisted as you nuzzled your head into his chest as he started to pet your hair and comb though your silken tresses with his fingertips, marveling at the fact that the most fiercely loyal, brilliant, defiant and beautiful micro mermaid he had ever met in his life was happily sated and at peace in his arms and hopefully didn’t hate his guts still. 
“Likewise.” He grinned before the knot began to deflate and the ridges also laid down and the tip exited your womb as the base of the womb closed tightly once it had left, keeping every drop of sperm in your womb as you got after shocks as he gradually pulled out of you. 
“Wait, no come back.” You complained as you reached for it with another tentacle to wrap around it to keep it from resheathing itself in the tentacled arm before trying to guide it back to your center. 
“You wanna go again?” Pilane asked in pleasantly surprised amusement. 
“Do you not want to go again?” You returned. As you teased the head of the cock by swirling it around in your entrance as his eyes got dark and filled with lust again. 
“No I do, I just didn’t think, that um that you liked me enough to go again. Cause I thought I was a ‘Plain Pain in Your Ass’?” Pilane admitted. 
“Pilane, look at me. I like you. I have great affection for you that will grow into a love that will burn as bright as the sun one day. I’m genuinely attracted to you. You are everything I never knew I always wanted. You’re brilliant and clever and tenacious and have honor and were willing to dry out and lose all of your tentacles, including your cock just to keep me safe. Why wouldn’t I love and adore you for trying to sacrifice yourself like that? Even when I made your life miserable, and even when you gave me a taste of my own medicine. Which I needed. Ethel Micros have been told for countless generations that we’re the best micros in the world. And it gives us egos that are too big. So thank you for popping it, otherwise I never would have been able to get into this bottle.” You teased with an easy smile that made him chuckle. 
“Well in that case you’re welcome.” Pilane offered. 
“See, if you had been more forthcoming and told me all about you and your situation on day one, we would have been doing this on day one. And then you never would have felt the need to test me out and single me out and pissing me off by interrupting the marital bliss of my sisters. And honestly, if you had told more girls the truth about you, discretely of course. There would have been a fight over you that I gladly would have competed in. You’re a wild type, remember? And we will happily give our children the best of both worlds. Both the wild instincts coupled with almost countless generations of breeding for nurture instead of pure nature. And our children will have an overabundance of choices for what they get to do with their lives. And that’s the best thing a parent can provide for a child, a choice and intelligence and instincts to choose the best path for themselves. All of that might as well have been super sweet seagrapes to a youngling at the rate I would have eaten it up if you had just been more forthcoming with me. I’m sorry you had bad experiences in the past when you were honest and it backfired on you and it led you to believe that no one would love you or want you because of your circumstances. Because nothing could be farther than the truth. And frankly, while I’m sorry you’ve had a hard time in the past, it just means that you’ve gained more experience for the future. I’m really happy and relieved it didn’t work out the four times before you could meet me though. Because now that I have you, I’m never letting go. I’m much too stubborn for that. Which I’m sure you’ve gathered by now.” You reassured him as you held his handsome face in your hands again. 
“You may have given that impression, yes.” He shrugged with a lopsided grin. 
“Yeah, so I don’t know about you but it might as well be pheromone soup in here and we have several more hours of flight left right? Isn’t it a long flight to Australia?” You prodded. 
“It is.” He nodded.
“Then let's not waste another moment. Besides, let's see just how big of a pain you could be in my ass if you’re keen on trying.” You offered. 
“Oh you mean like this?” Pilane offered before he stroked down your sides, held your hips in his hands and canted your pelvis before he sheathed his cock into your womanly canal while another tentacle prodded your anal pucker once the flap that covered both was relaxed and flipped backwards. 
“Oh yeah, just like that.” You moaned before the other tentacle finally wriggled deeper into you as you laid back onto your own back tentacles while your forward ones wrapped around his waist in turn. 
“Do it to me.” Pilane pleaded as he laid over you.
“Gladly.” You giggled before three of your tentacles reached under his webbing and poked at his own anus with your own tentacles. He shivered and shuddered before you managed to squeeze the tip of one tentacle into it and then another and then used your purchase to spread it wide before stuffing it with the third. 
“Oh gods!” Pilane whimpered and shuddered and started to pant as he held you even tighter. 
And you then reached up and anchored the suckers at the tip of the tentacle deep inside and then used that suction to shove the rest of the arm into him and he keened and cried out in ecstasy. Then he mirrored you before he put two tentacles into your rear and between his already very large cock in your womanhood and the the other two in the rear, you were overwhelmed and stretched to the limit. As an octo-micro- you were used to squishing and squeezing yourself to get into tight spaces but this was stretching you to your body’s limit. Then you seemed to sync up your movements with his so that you were fucking each other in tandem. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Pilane panted, keened and moaned as he rested his head on your upper chest before nuzzling with both of your breasts as his arms wrapped around you to hold you close as you threaded your fingers in his hair to hold his head there. Your breasts started to grow larger and heavier immediately upon insemination as your body was already preparing to become a mother and to nurse your brood that was becoming fertilized inside you. 
You swirled the tentacle inside of him and he nearly came undone before you added a second to the mix. Both tentacles twisting together like a corkscrew as Pilane pounded into you so hard, the knot squeezed and popped in and out of you with more ease than it had the first time as you body welcomed his. 
“Pilane!” You keened as your body reached it’s climax but it seemed Pilane wasn’t done and continued his onslaught as your body was just over the edge of being overstimulated and overwhelmed in pleasure and ecstacy. 
There was nothing outside of you and him in this bottle. You surrendered yourself completely to him while your tentacles continued to stroke into him before a third joined in and finally Pilane slammed his cock and his other tentacles into you. He was overstuffing your womb with his old seed seeping out, past the ridged head and past the glorious knot at the base to make room for new seed to be pumped with as much force as your jets over your webbing of your waist and lower body. All while your fingertips clawed at the muscle of his back and shoulders, trying to get as much of his body touching yours as possible. 
“I didn’t think…I hadn’t realized…I couldn’t have imagined…oh gods, that was epic and awesome. I had no idea that was…a thing.” Pilane panted as he clung to you as he tried to catch his breath as you did the same. 
“Yeah, one of my older brothers from a previous batch prefers to have a male for a mate and together they’re in the surrogate program and look after clutches where the female didn’t make it through the incubation process. And they’re in the tank right next to my parents. And that’s how they mate and it looked sexy and I was hoping for a mate who was into at least trying it to see if it felt as good as it looked.” You admitted. 
“I see, yeah, it felt, gods, it still feels amazing.” Pilane admitted. 
“So you’d be up to trying it again?” You asked hopefully. 
“Oh I’ll gladly be the biggest pain in your ass that you can stand.” Pilane teased which got you both to laugh. 
“Only if I can be just as big of one- in yours.” You grinned cheekily. 
“Yes Ma’am.” Pilane nodded before he kissed you softly before the kiss morphed quickly from sweet to needy and wanting again before you went several more rounds until both of you had completely exhausted each other. 
And by the time the plane landed and Ashley got off and went through customs, when she opened the bag and pulled out the bottle to see Pilane and yourself practically tied yourselves into one big knot but sleeping blissfully away in the bottom, she smiled happily as she realized your belly looked way bigger and the water was cloudy from all the sperm and pheramones in the water that was rising up to the top and had a film of milky white at the surface. 
“Wow, you two have been busy.” Ashley giggled. Then she got her passport stamped and once she was through customs and picked up the rest of her luggage, she went straight to the Aquarium to put Pilane and yourself into quarantine and had to cut the mouth of the bottle off so you could get out of the bottle. But once Winnie and your things were in the quarantine tank. She fed you both a meal fit for a king which you both hungrily devoured most of it as Winnie was happy to eat all of the leftovers and you had barely enough time before you needed to lay your eggs in the nest provided to you. Pilane and yourself methodically pierced each egg with your venom spikes so that the babies had both your strain of venom and his as they would grow and develop. 
The eggs were in the middle of incubation by the time you got to go into the big tank after quarintine that Pilane had told you about. Pilane, yourself and Winnie went around the tank to meet your neighbors so to speak. And even his parents. His father was so happy especially to meet you and happy to know that Ethel was still alive and still doing her thing. Ethel even came to see you both moved into the tank. And meeting his mother was something else. And you could see so much of her in Pilane but you could feel so much of his adopted father in him too. Sydney was actually delighted that you had effectively stood sucker to sucker up to Pilane and had fought with him and didn’t go down without a fight. And that you had made your own weapons and even made your own new style of “killer cord” that you had spun into a pillow. But once it was undone, had twice as many spikes as Pilane’s and two lines for venom to go into. She loved the fact that an “Ethel Micro” was as “wild” as you seemed in personality. And was very proud of Pilane for holding off to find the perfect mate for himself. And to see your eggs made her cry tears of joy that she had held on long enough to see them and thank her husband for helping her stay along long enough to see it with her own eyes. And especially to hear that you were going to be teaching them everyting they would need to know to either be surrogates, re-habilitators or even go back into the wild made her unbelievably happy. 
And of course it made Pilane so happy to see his mom so happy for one of the few times in his life. And from that day on, she never seemed to be unhappy. She had her son and his mate and their brood incubating so close to her. Just like they would be in the wild since family members tended to stick close together in the wild and form tight knit communities as opposed to the solitary lives the blue ring octopus’ did in the wild. And to have you be her latest pupil of learning how to live in the wild on a reef and even off of a reef made her so happy, especially since she knew you were about to be repeating such lessons to your children soon. You introduced snail eggs to her and Pilane as his father had almost forgotten how good they could be as you helped keep the snail population in check and in balance in the big tank. 
And while Sydney didn’t necessarily understand your relationship with Winnie, she respected you enough to respect Winnie as your pet and went around with you as you visited your other neighbors and requested for none of your neighbors to eat her. But considering you were one of the deadliest and most lethal of all the other micros, your request was of course accepted. Because most of them didn’t want to piss off the lethal new neighbors with the potentially violent mother in law. You made sure that through every molt Winnie had, you made her a new harness that served to identify her as yours. 
And before you knew it, your children hatched from their eggs about the same time other micro’s children were hatching too and Sydney of course was overjoyed to be a grandmother, almost as much as Pilane was happy to finally be a father and his father to be a grandfather.  And of course, introducing your brood to the others in the tank, to make sure that specifically your children would not accidentally invenomate their playmates and neighbors was a big responsibility. 
And to see so many tourists come just to get pictures of you and Pilane and your brood and his parents. Especially since the video of the two of you almost dying on the plane went viral and got put on so many ‘restore faith in humanity’ video compilations and even made the news. It caused quite the sensation. 
And the Aquarium saw a spike in visitors just to see Pilane and you and your kids. Especially as you both played with them and taught them how to live on a reef, how to surrogate, how to cohabitate with others, how to rehabilitate, how to live in a private tank and, if possible, live on a reef in the wild. Because you wanted each and every single one to be armed with knowledge about how to live in any and every condition and circumstance and to adjust and to be happy and content with those circumstances and choices that they would have the chance to make. Choices you could only dream of and dreams that had never truly died in Sydney either. Who was happy and content to live vicariously through her children and grandchildren. 
But yet Pilane had already given you more than you had ever imagined possible for yourself. You were happy to call this huge tank with all kinds of neighbors home, because it was where Pilane called home. And while you could get used to the noise and the tourists and the general background noise that this huge tank always offered both day and night. You were still very happy, with your Plain Pain in Your Ass for your mate. Who only made life that much richer and that much more fun and interesting. Because your life never had another dull moment. 
Because just as one brood had grown up and were ready to become a mate to someone else, and start families of thier own, you were happy to start the process all over again with Pilane. Over and over again, for as long as the two of you lived.
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 2 months
Let's Talk About Inflation (the unsexy kind)
Okay so, before I go into this, I wanna first preface this by saying that no one is under any obligation to listen to me or implement a single goddamn thing I say here. If you don't like what I'm saying, you're not required to do any of this. I'm not your editor. I'm just some weirdo on tumblr who thinks too hard about a show that is arguably super badly written and pays no mind to any sort of logic. It barely keeps a coherent timeline. This is just one of my pet peeves.
And that pet peeve is I think people should stop putting actual dollar amounts in their Stranger Things fanfiction because so many people just put wildly high numbers for things and it just immediately is jarring to me. And below the read more, I'll explain why in way too many words and way too much detail.
So the bulk of the canon of Stranger Things takes place between 1983-1986 currently. There are earlier dates in books and plays, and there are also flashbacks in the show, but the bulk takes place in the 1980s because the Duffer brothers can't jerk off to completion unless they're thinking about the 80s and explosions.
And of course because the show is so badly written that you can drive a tank through the plot holes, it attracted fanfic writers. Including me. And so you get people writing about these characters going about their lives, except then they say shit like a character spends 50 dollars at a convenience store, and I'm left going, "No, he fucking didn't."
Because the thing is that economics are extremely complicated and there is a difference between inflation and relative buying power. So you can't actually take the price of a thing today and then plug it into an inflation calculator and then go 'tada, here's the price for 1986'. There are items that have, in fact, in terms of pricing, progressed below the inflation rate, and then others that went way way way above the inflation rate.
And that's also not taking into account the ever shifting prices of things depending on time you're buying it and also location you're buying it. Also the store matters. For example, a gallon of milk from walmart is more expensive than getting a gallon of milk from my local chain. Shockingly, buying from Aldi in my area is the most expensive for buying a gallon of milk. But also walmart in a completely different state has milk for cheaper than the walmart in my area.
So already for the same item on the same date in 4 different stores, I've got 4 different prices. And the price would still be different if I compared it to how it was 6 months ago. And go back further and that's even more true. Especially with Aldi since Aldi used to be the affordable store to go to. And now it's absolutely not. So you can see how trying to figure out the relative buying power of a small fictional town in Indiana in 1986 could be extremely complicated.
One of the reasons beyond just relative buying power being complicated is that Ronald Reagan fucked the economy so hard it literally never recovered. And during Stranger Things, they aren't yet feeling that. The economy actually won't fully show signs of this kind of fuckery for another decade. And then 9/11 made things even worse. That's not to say that no one writing fanfiction of Stranger Things was alive pre-9/11, but most of us weren't keeping track of prices of things outside of like, gum and candy. Or at least I wasn't. RIP to cheap Baby Bottle Pops. You are missed.
But that's just words and opinion, right? So where's my fucking proof?
What up, it's moneynotmoney.com and specifically their extremely detailed analysis on how the price of coca-cola has evolved over the years. And I'm really excited that it's coca-cola because the show loves to jerk that beverage off.
Here's their graph for the absolute price of coca-cola per year going from 1970 to 2022.
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And here's their graph for the prices of coca-cola for those same years adjusted for inflation.
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So can you accurately put a dollar amount on things for a fic set in the 80s? Sure. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Do I recommend it? No. And I'm gonna be real with y'all, this isn't to call out any individual person, and I'm not blaming anyone for doing this, but literally every single time I've seen someone list a dollar amount for something in your steddie fic, y'all do come across as:
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Like even the show avoided putting actual prices on things for most of their run. The only times I remember actual prices being listed being in season 1 when Joyce is buying all the string lights in town multiple times. And a new phone. Like this is a thing I've put way too much thought and research into and I just straight up do not put prices in my story because it's not necessary and also it's way too complicated for my taste. No one's ever asked me to put a number on what 'barely scraping by' means, nor have they asked what having 'enough money to comfortably live the rest of his life without working' means. Even though those are two things that are never stagnant. That's not to say you have to go my route. Once again, I'm not your teacher and I'm not your editor. I'm not your fucking keeper. Do what you want.
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vivalasigh · 1 year
Hey tumblr void. I had a really hard 2022- especially the second half. It's probably the hardest year I can remember since 2017 (when I had the worst depressive episode of my life, when I was closest to the veil).
Some notable challenges in 2022
- I got covid while finally taking the European vacation I had to cancel in 2020, coughed up blood, didn't get to go clubbing in Berlin or get my scheduled tattoo
- my childhood cats, Otis & Magick, died
- I gave the car my parents had gifted me back to my dad because I couldn't afford to keep it after the catalytic converter was stolen twice in six months & attempted stolen another 2 times (my insurance premiums went up to $115 a month)
- I had to find a new roommate after my former roommate broke the lease, it took 10+ interviews and 7 weeks to find a replacement roommate, left me with a lingering feeling of not being supported by my community
- my parents announced their divorce and separated in early Novemeber
- my brother was was hospitalized in December due to a intense manic episode with psychosis. We had not been getting along for pretty much the whole year, in part becuase his roommate made me feel unsafe and he did not care
- my job continues to be a site of stress and an impossible amount of work for a human being to do/perform (lol plus the fallout re: students coming to my apartment & also a student wanted to dress up as me for Halloween *sigh*)
- inflation especially fucked me as someone who probably can't really afford to live in the bay area anyway. My groceries are probably twice as expensive as they were this time last year.
Some highlights in 2022
- When I got to Granada, I had fully healed from covid, it was beautiful, I loved the teterias and the Alhambra, had a magical moment, sitting on a warm stone outside a church, listening to a street musician
- I saw a lot of great shows- notable highlights include Ethel Cain, Tamino (the free show in NYC), and the Alvaays show with a silly mosh pit. Saw Charli XCX twice, saw Mitski again.
- I traveled the most I have in one year ever- I went to Los Angeles, Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Berlin, New York City & Vancouver
- taking the ferry to San Francisco, only did so twice, but really the WAY to travel
- Similarly, shout out the high-speed trains in Spain!
- I started the process of applying for poetry MFAs/following my DREAMS. I've applied to 4 programs so far & have 5 more applications to complete.
- My first poems were PUBLISHED, baby!
- I ended up getting a new tattoo at the very end of 2022 & I really adore it (strawberry w/ eyes)
- I made some new friends! 2 new poet friends & a DJ (who I have a crush on but I am too busy/overwhelemed to do anything about it)
I honestly can't remember much from January-May of 2022 I know I had just moved to the apartment I live in now, I cut off all my hair (again), I finally got over my ex, went to LA fro Spring Break, but I think it was slow, I went to work, I saw my friends. Not like the storm I've been in since June (when Otis died). I am proud of how I've handled all these challenges. I feel alone in a way I hadn't before, like there's no safety net to catch me. Still, hopeful, I believe my life will be better this year.
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feartheoldblog · 2 years
Soulsborne asks!
15 19 20 (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)
15. Do you have any unpopular opinions about any of the games?
Not so much an opinion but I never really realised that ‘always’ playing co op is generally frowned upon within the community (until I jumped on Souls Reddit looking for some memes). I just always assumed it was the more fun way to play if you had friends to adventure with. Sure, I’ve done a solo run or two but streaming it to my friends just wasn’t as entertaining.
I actually got put off the Souls games for a good couple months after someone (did not ask for his opinion whatsoever) scolded me for playing co op. Apparently it wasn’t the ‘correct way to experience the games’ and I was freeloading on my friends. This person was an over competitive dick in most games though so I did hit them with a ‘fuck off, you’re just pissed you have no friends to play with’. Still ruined the games for me. I ended up playing a bit solo, realising how much I missed the shenanigans and got back into them with a vengeance as a sort of ‘fuck you’ to that dude. We don’t talk to him any more for other reasons though, so my ER experience was spared the same fate.
19. Do you play PvP? 
I’ll sort of combine this and question 20. Yes, but for the most part of my Souls shenanigans, reluctantly. It’s part of the co op side which I’m super fond of. I do co op for the social aspect more than anything so being distracted from a classy discussion about how Freddo’s are the best measure for financial inflation because of ‘Scorched Soul has invaded your world’ (the name got us in both BB and DS3… a bloodthirsty edgelord that hunted us across games). I am quite fond of participating in some wee duels with my friends on occasion. Mostly in DS3 where I quickly learned that my friend was a strength weapon god (Smough’s hammer goes BONK, never seen anyone as good with a strength build as him). For ER I practice PvP with my bf (more on that in 20) and hopefully my strength build friend once he returns from abroad.
20. What are your thoughts on PvP?
As a co op player, DS3 and Bloodborne? Annoying. Interruption from the limited time we have for co op (our work schedules barely synced so it was like 2 hours at most), resetting areas (on top of us being dumbasses and baiting enemies bc it’s funny and inevitably dying), wasting precious embers and madman’s knowledge, me not standing a chance because I’m stupid and don’t put my stats in correct… I was not a big fan.
Skip to ER though, and I’ve began to enjoy it. More so for satisfaction. For the start of the game I was still as pissed off about the invasions, all the glass cannon, wacky builds, until I had a turning point… I CAN USE THOSE AS WELL. I’ve now got a strength/faith bleed build and zero losses to invaders in about 40 invasions so far (my controller is dying so not done it for weeks </3) We typically try and do duels (3v1 with skilled players extremely doesn’t feel fair in ER) with invaders to make things a bit fairer because it makes it more fun, gives us a break from stabbing snack men and a chance to practice our skills in a more challenging setting. Sometimes we do gank if we’re low on time but it feels kinda dirty on ER. DS3 and BB it was probably a 3:1 win to the invaders so it was pretty much hit or miss, mostly miss no matter what we did.
Plus, there’s a sick satisfaction in game clipping invasions where I absolutely destroy an invader or they die in a silly way. My personal favourite is the Blasphemous Blade L2. I thought someone running down a thin corridor towards me and getting one shot by it would be a sweet one off incident. It happened again. Someone trying to hide behind the tree avatar in the Haligtree got hit when I was killing the thing (didn’t know they were sneaking around), another person ran straight for me as I was killing the one in Caelid… met the same fate. I don’t know what it is about invasions and tree avatars.
I’m just… bored of seeing the same invasion builds over and over again (especially if it’s the same area). I think the most unique thing I’ve seen so far was a poison build in Morne Castle (unfortunately not very viable for them but I applaud their creativity). A gravity build in the Haligtree to try and pull us off the edge was also pretty fun to deal with. Magic blast cannon that does 1200 damage and can travel through walls? Gets pretty tiring. I just wanna see more creativity, learn how to deal with different issues. I’ve seen way too many bleed builds and hosts/phantoms just know how to deal with them by now: better bleed builds (half-joke). Or following them around as a mimic veil object (sometimes right behind) until they finally notice us.
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pepprs · 2 years
all my life i wanted a dragon plushie and now i have one!! 🐉🥰
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#i was depressed and then i was like ykw fuck it. im going to the spring carnival (on my campus) and then i went and i was by myself and i#went around to all the areas and looked at stuff and there was this like throw a football in the hole challenge and i went up to the prize t#table and saw this dragon and just like instantly knew that it was mine. so i went thru the line like 5-6x and earned enough points to grab#them and now they belong to me and i do kinda wish i had looked at the other dragons bc the blue ones seemed cute but this one was the first#one i laid eyes on and i just knew right away that i was gonna keep trying till i won. and everything abt them is lopsided and crooked but t#their paws are on my stomach now and it just feels so right and like perfect. idk not to get all deep abt a stuffed animal but im really#glad i did it bc this guy represents me saying ykw fuck it im gonna make the most of things and try to get out there and try new stuff and m#meet new ppl and it may not be perfect but it’s mine and im gonna put my all into it. so yeah i need a name idea for them that represents th#this so if anyone has suggestions… 👀 but i do feel less alone having them now and im glad i went to the festival. i also tried being in this#giant inflatable bubble backpack and i was having fun doing flips and gently bumping into ppl but then someone hit me so hard i collapsed an#and my glasses got flung off my face so i had enough and went back to my room LOLLLL but yeah it was good!! and i made friends w someone in#the football line that i’ll probably never see again but they were rly sweet and cheered me on when i got the dragon :’~)#purrs#dess
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opalesense · 3 years
Dick headcanons for Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Zhongli? 👀
dick headcanons
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kaeya, diluc, childe, zhongli & gn!reader (NSFW)
1.1k words • ~9 min. read
warnings: cockwarming, blood mention, size difference, liyue arc spoilers
notes: SUPER delayed response (i’m so sorry) because i genuinely took a couple days to think about some fictional characters’ dicks??? i think it’s time to touch some grass?? ANYWAY i hope i did this request justice, i’ve never thought about this stuff in detail before :0
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i’ve always imagined that kaeya really has some LENGTH. he’s slightly above average so it’s not monstrously large, but he can definitely hit your sweet spots with ease or no effort at all.
it’s to the point where he can easily make bulges in your throat or your stomach. he absolutely loves watching his entire length disappear inside you and will either tease you about how he fits inside so well or how he’s so big that he can’t fit in you. just depends, of course.
cockwarming!!!! especially if you take his entire length in so well, expect him to ask if he can bury himself in you when the opportunity presents itself.
not super related to the topic but he’s the type to “fake bang” you if you’re bent over just to tease you. also the type to discretely grind his bulge against you when he’s in the mood, whether you’re hugging, cooking a meal, or even in the middle of a conversation with someone. he will not hesitate to let you know he wants you by letting you feel how hard you make him.
i don’t think many people talk about this but i imagine he’s uncircumcised... it’s going to sound so stupid but the “always hiding something” characterization... i’ll stop talking, you probably get it now HAHA
very well groomed down there! he truly does care about appearances and cleanliness after all. you never have to worry about poor hygiene with him in general. even though he loves doing dirty things with you there’s no doubt that he will always keep his dick as clean as possible. (shouldn’t everyone, though?)
he loves feeling tightness around his cock. whether it’s your hand pumping him or his form fitting pants restricting his bulge, firm pressure against that area can make his heart race. sometimes he can just be so needy for his cock to get attention.
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despite being around average size he really has some girth on him! his cock is deliciously thick, that’s for sure.
twitchy! you can learn what he loves by the way his cock or his hips will twitch in excitement, almost as if it has a mind of its own. sometimes he can get so lost in the feeling and become speechless that those twitches would be your only indicator to keep doing what you’re doing.
his tip is so sensitive... if you lick that specific spot underneath his head or use your fingers to squeeze his tip, he will absolutely lose his mind. he also likes to shallow fuck you sometimes, loving the feeling of penetrating you over and over again.
that being said, expect him to usually take things slow and steady at first. he loves seeing the way his cock stretches you out, and especially loves seeing your hole gaping open to match his thickness. the feeling of pushing your walls apart because of how thick he is is always enough to make him weak at the knees.
he loves when you inflate his ego a little by using two hands to jerk him off rather than one. he especially loves when you use one hand to massage his balls, another sensitive spot of his. seeing you so eager and dedicated to please him will always send his heart pounding.
i like to imagine he has big, thick loads too to match his fat cock... he would definitely love dumping his cum inside you then letting it spill out so he can fuck it back inside again, penetrating you until your entrance is sore and covered in his load.
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this man is packing. he’s huge. nothing anyone can say will change my mind. out of this entire boy band group, this man packs the most. even his in game model has been proven to have such a fat cock that his bulge can literally be seen from behind???
it can tear you apart! hell, maybe it could make you bleed if he’s a touch too rough with you. but we all know that’s secretly what he would love to see... his bloodthirst might extend to intercourse too.
despite this, of course he would make sure your comfortable with his size first and would adjust accordingly in normal circumstances. he’s aware of how big he is and doesn’t want to make you feel genuine pain. maybe in other circumstances where he needs to take out his frustrations, he might not be so considerate...
if you gently touch or lick the veins that travel on the underside of his cock he goes a little feral! his veins are his weakness, just imagine the shaky moans he lets out as you tease him by tracing your finger along those veins... god help me
i believe in size kink foul legacy childe supremacy... his cock is already above average in size when he’s his normal self, but when he transforms you often tremble in borderline fear wondering how he could fit inside you. it’s mind boggling how the size difference is humanly possible.
(un?)fortunately, he can’t keep this form up for very long but rest assured he loves seeing the look on your face when he fucks you silly on such a fat cock, even if it’s just for mere moments.
that being said, expect childe to be super cocky about his size. his ego swells whenever you swoon over how big he is and he’s definitely the type of person to use this to his advantage by teasing and pushing your buttons.
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several sources have stated that rex lapis was able to change and alter his form freely... surely if zhongli could still do this even with his gnosis taken away, he would change his size to your preference if needed.
if you wanted his cock to rip you open, just say the word and he will do so accordingly. but if you’re feeling a little more mellow and wanted things to be gentle, he would gladly alter himself to be average size, or even smaller if you wanted.
but when i say he can alter his form, you best be sure that he can make it so he has two cocks at once. yes i believe in double cock zhongli supremacy... do with that information what you will.
since zhongli isn’t exactly human, his cock doesn’t exactly match that of a human’s either. in his most natural form without any changes being made, his cock is tougher and firmer than a normal human’s muscle. it doesn’t squish easy to the touch, but it’s not completely rock solid as you’d expect, which is quite ironic coming from a geo god.
you notice his veins on his cock, just like the rest of his body, are golden. they only actually show up when he’s reaching his climax where they’ll glow brighter if he’s getting closer to his orgasm. finally, with each pump of cum he lets out, these veins start pulsing with light until they eventually dim when he’s calming down from his high.
weird, huh?
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dangercocktail · 3 years
Late Night Television
Tossing and turning for the better part of the night, Isaac glanced at his phone with the dryness of an insomniac’s eyes. Somewhere after 3 am and he was failing miserably to fall asleep. Sighing in annoyance mostly at himself for not taking edibles or something stronger before bed, he roused himself and threw a pair of basketball shorts over his underwear. Isaac wandered out of his bedroom to the rest of the house. 
Stopping briefly to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, Isaac scratched his relatively flat stomach as he made his way to the couch, scrolling through images on his phone. Flipping on the TV, he began highlighting his favorite streaming service when the screen distorted and the input changed. The television had switched to basic cable channels.
“These still exist?” Isaac thought as he took a sip of water. The flashing lights of the television illuminated the room in brightness that almost hurt Isaac’s eyes. On screen, a workout video demonstration was in progress as an extremely fit man insisted viewers call as soon as possible to order the program. 
“No thanks,” Isaac said out loud, pressing the input button on his remote. The flashing lights disappeared and the cool black of streaming channel icons returned. Guiding the remote’s button through them, he began to select one when the screen distorted again. The fitness instructor was back and the volume on his TV began climbing up on its own.
“You there at home!” the man bellowed. “You’re thinking to yourself, how did I get like this?”
Isaac looked at the remote in growing frustration and muttered, “No, I’m thinking what the fuck is wrong with my TV?”
“Well I’ll tell you, it’s because you’re always on that couch,” the television fitness instructor said. “Lazy, feet up, never going for the goals you know you should be!”
As the man said ‘feet up’, the recliner in Isaac’s couch sprang open, leaning Isaac back into the couch and suspending his feet in the air with such speed that it made him audibly gasp.
“The fuck?” Isaac uttered, slightly unnerved. He chalked most of the weirdness he was feeling to being exhausted. As he started to lean forward to push the leg rest down, he heard the man on screen continue.
“And that’s why you’re soft, you’re practically glued to that couch. You lack the discipline that my program can provide. Sure, sure, it started with a few pounds, some extra cookies here, another slice of pizza there, and you started getting soft in the stomach,”’ the man said as other fitness models behind him began doing pushups. Isaac stopped attempting to close the foot rest and immediately leaned back into the couch. It physically felt impossible to not do so. As he sank into the cushions under protest, his stomach began slowly swelling, starting with his lower belly pushing out then wrapping around his belly button like a doughnut. In the span of about ten seconds, he had gained fifteen pounds of belly fat. 
“What the hell?!” Isaac panicked, grabbing at the small ball of fat in his lap. The man on the screen continued.
“But it didn’t stop there, did it? Bad habits breed more bad habits, they’re like rabbits that way,” the man said, his onscreen fitness models moving into sit ups. “Those extra cookies and slices of pizza turn into daily routines; you found yourself seeking out the worst kinds of food that turned that initial fifteen pounds into fifty.”
While Isaac still marveled in shock at the small belly doughnut of fat in his hands, it began swelling through his fingers. The doughnut blossomed and spread around his sides as it moved like a bag filling with pudding. Love handles wobbled into existence and began inflating as the fat moved up his ribcage laying a foundation of frosting-like fat across his torso. It reached his chest where his nipples, tingling with the movement, widened slightly and became puffy. His chest itself developed a slight pudgy layer but then the growth stopped. 
“How is this happening…” Isaac murmured in mounting disbelief, looking down at his larger body. His legs and arms were slightly thicker and his belly now rested like an overinflated basketball in his lap. He grabbed his belly and shook it, the jiggle and wobble of it shaking his love handles and sending slight vibrations through his chest. He tried scooting forward with force to escape the couch but couldn’t get the momentum, his tubby belly making it harder than before to lean forward.
“And ladies and gentlemen, I know it didn’t stop there for you. It’s all too common. Once you’ve gotten a little weight on, you feel like the game is over. That you’ve lost. And that’s when you really binge, because why not? That’s when you become one of those sad people at the buffet, plate after plate after plate, because you’ve given up completely…”
“No…” Isaac uttered as he heard his stomach gurgle again. With a strain and then tear, he felt his ass inflate rapidly, ripping through his underwear and then his oversized basketball shorts. Isaac felt his body rise on the couch several inches as his butt grew, expanding beyond the expanse of the one cushion he was on and starting to lap onto either side, one cheek wedging up against the armrest. As he felt the growth of his behind begin to slow, the mammoth momentum picked up in other areas. 
Isaac’s belly began inflating again, his lower belly stretching and swelling as it began overlapping his crotch, deepening his belly button as it rounded further from Isaac’s view. As his midsection grew to the size of a bean bag chair, Isaac’s chest also began inflating, his nipples puffing up further and widening in a circular motion as his chest jiggled into their own bags of teardrop shaped pudding, rising in the air atop his belly and wrapping around under his armpits. Isaac frantically grabbed at all parts of his body in some vain attempt to hold the fat back but everything was growing unrestrained. As he grabbed and prodded, his own fingers swelled up, the knuckles and individual portions of his fingers disappearing into swollen hot dog like appendages. With a final glance before his belly swelled too big, he saw his feet begin taking on a bee stung appearance as they filled with fat as well.
As all the rest of his body settled into its now obese proportions, Isaac felt a heaviness enter his neck. 
“No no no…” he exclaimed, putting two fat hands on either side of his face. Isaac’s cheeks inflated with fat, merging with a roll that had already started on his neck. As he moved his hands all over his face, he could feel his jawline slowly disappearing as it officially merged with his still rounding neck roll.
The man on the TV continued.
“Now I don’t want to alarm anyone right now. But I seriously believe that if you don’t call this number right now and start this program, there’s no telling what your future may hold. You might end up one of these people so lazy and big they can’t get off their couch, a huge caricature of the potential they once had, a literal ball of fat,” the man said as Isaac looked on in horror. The man seemed to be staring directly at him through the TV screen.
Isaac scrambled to grab his cell phone and call the number. Casting about wildly with his eyes for his phone, he saw the edge of it wedged between his thigh and belly, almost completely obscured. With a heavy huff and a push of effort, Isaac leaned forward to grab it.
His hand fell over a foot short. Issac couldn’t reach the edge of his now massive belly nor touch his own belly button, much less the phone resting on his thigh. And that was when what the man had said fully sunk in. With another gurgling in his stomach, Isaac’s eyes went wide as his body began expanding again, the couch creaking under his massive form as he felt himself expanding in all directions, the fat of his neck melding into his shoulders as he began to grow into a human sphere. His thoughts turned quickly though, as his brain underwent its own change as his body inflated. The horror of his bodily change slowly drained from his mind as a new thought began to take over...‘I’m hungry.”
“So act fast folks, this offer won’t last….”. 
With that final statement, the TV clicked off.
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verdantmoontruther · 3 years
d’you know the more i think about it, the less i think you can compare draco calling hermione a mudblood to snape calling lily a mudblood. the situations are completely different and no, i don’t actually think snape’s came from a place of blood supremacist hatred.
a friend of mine told me a story of when she was maybe 13, a kid she knew started hanging with the wrong crowd. he was 50% jewish, 50% something or other, and 100% lonely, and he started hanging with the something or others.
and you know how it goes - kid feels like he doesn’t belong here nor there, grew up in a predominantly jewish community but gets poisoned or manipulated into thinking those people - you know, the ones he grew up with, his neighbours, his teachers, his mother - they’re worse, they’re below them (and he’s now a part of the them, he has a definitive identity, and isn’t that alluring to a lonely kid like that). and the kid desperately wants the approval of these something or others, wants it like he’s never wanted anything before.
i don’t really remember the details because they was recounted to me later piece by piece, but long story short - he calls this other guy a yid. a sheeny. a kike.
that’s what i’m getting from snape - this is a poor, lonely, scared kid that was just humiliated (and essentially sexually assaulted) in front of half his school. he retreats to doing what he thinks will bring him the most comfort, get the most people to fight FOR him in HIS corner.
he weaponises his own self-hatred by projecting it onto someone else in order to win the approval of the few people that he truly believes may stick by him.
see, it’s really important that we remember that snape was half muggle himself, and loathed it. when he self-identified as the ‘half-blood prince’, the ‘half-blood’ was a reminder of his belonging to wizarding society. that’s why he took his mother’s name, too. when he expresses his hatred towards muggles by calling lily a mudblood, i think it’s moreso a reaction towards how unsafe and alone he felt in that situation, and it’s a callback to his father (a muggle), who was canonically abusive and neglectful. it’s a callback to muggle society, where he lived in abject urban poverty in the industrialised midlands in the 60s and 70s during increasing inflation and taxation, unemployment at the same height it was at during the fucking great depression, the ira bombings in birmingham, and miners’ (and other blue collar workers’) strikes, of which his father would have been a part, and which would all have become part of a cycle he couldn’t escape from had he not been a wizard. it’s a callback to, ironically, his own future, and how he would have probably continued his father’s line of work, however loathsome it was, because poverty is often cyclical, but the wizarding world gave him something to excel at (potions) and put his brilliant mind to work (he was 15 inventing his own spells).
there was a whole blow up over my friend’s situation, because it was a major dick move, but it also came from isaac who lives with his mama and bubbe across the street from the beit tfila, and you see every so often at the deli, and whose bar mitzvah you ate cake at. and it hurt because it came from isaac down the block, but it also hurt less coming from isaac down the block than if it had been tanner and makeighleigh and their billion dollar mansion.
this shit is so fucking common in minority communities, not just with mixed kids but with self-loathing full kids, as well. the amount of times i’ve had to check my own self-directed antisemitism, growing up in a predominantly non-jewish area (coincidentally, the same industrial midlands that snape and lily grew up in), is unreal.
draco calling hermione a mudblood, though? doesn’t compare. he’s a snooty pureblooded rich kid talking down to a 100% muggleborn girl for no reason but his own (or, at least, his parents’) convictions. vile loathesome evil little cockroach
so, tl;dr - was snape calling lily a mudblood a dick move? yeah, nothing can cover for that. but do we have to consider context, including the fact that that slur applies to him himself, too? yes. don’t be silly. furthermore, do i even think that snape ever held to any blood purist ideology? ... no. i don’t.
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devotion · 3 years
say it right → t.h
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summary: you show a little contempt towards something tom loves. maybe somehow coaxing you into liking it will change your mind. in other words, he fucks you.
prompts: college (uni), porn without plot (?), small town.
warnings: fluff? + smut 18+ minors dni!! extended warnings below the cut.
notes: this ticks my boxes for the prompts on @rosyparkers’s fic bingo! also, no hate towards anyone studying history (i love it) just !! got stumped a bit with the plot but you'll see ;)
word count: 3.2k+ | masterlist
ex. warnings: mentions of alcohol, dom!tom, bratty behaviour, a bit of ice play, fingering, slight degradation, dirty talk, kitchen (unprotected) sex (be safe!), one orgasm denial, pussy slapping, creampie.
"fucking finally."
tom groans, tossing his backpack to the side after greeting you in the kitchen. settling back into the sofa, he exhales loudly; 'mentally drained' would be putting it lightly and the only reason to explain his pain is because university is stabbing him in the gut lately. however, it's fortunate that it was his last day of term; almost a month of no classes to deal with. and the smell of food wafting in the air is enough for him to forget his worries for a while.
luckily, you took your time walking back from the same uni an hour or two ago, having finished class earlier. tom was at a trip at the time you told him, the slightest bit of upset now that you couldn't get ice-cream on the way back home; only a little custom you both arrange at the last day, and to start the break on a high note.
with a text saying he was almost home, you prepared him some tea─just the way he fancies it. he'd be lying if he said he didn't notice the littlest things, one of them right now being the frequent clink of your ring when you pick your cup of tea. being married and in a six-year long relationship does that. and it subtly makes him smile at the thought of how far you've come. together.
after placing the mug in front of him, you see tom extending an arm around your midriff and before you know it, you're on his lap, his mouth brushing your hairline. then, your lips─meeting them in a sweet kiss. his grip on your bare leg tightens only focussing on how soft he feels against your mouth, how addictively you invade all his senses. like every other time, that same carefree warmth permeates his senses as you're within his hold.
once you hear the timer go off, you pull away, pecking him on the nose. tom releases you, nose ticklish and feeling almost intoxicated after such a short kiss.
"did you have wine?" tom asks you, tongue swiping his lip, savouring the flavour, "can taste it."
you wink in response. "m' mate gave it. left some for you if you want." at that, you head into the kitchen.
"what you making?"
"you know that extra pizza you made a few days ago?" he inclines his head in understanding at your reply as he gets up. "got it out the freezer and popped it in the oven. and can i just tell ya, smells fucking amazing."
he chuckles. the cooking class as an extra-curricular activity works then.
tom tags along behind you, shrugging his blazer off on the way there and hooking it on the coat hanger. he rolls up his polo shirt too and disregards it, the material making him feel stuffy. he feels under-dressed anyway, with you in just a silk robe and no bra─which is normal.
switching the oven off, you spin to see tom only in his slacks and black vest─a perfect fit, for sure. though you don't see a difference if he went shirtless; it's been a while where all of his tank tops, shirts included, have just been showing every crevice and defined structure of his abs and chest.
every time he comes in the room shirtless─now because of weeks of training with his mate, harrison─you've been left in somewhat of a dizzy state. he looks far more than sexy when he arrives home from the gym, in a way you can't particularly describe. you haven't mentioned it in fear of slacking due to the exams you had these past two weeks, knowing full well what would happen if you did. though, you admit it would've helped if you pointed it out, instead of him coming in front of you every now and again like... this. it's like he just wants you to say it.
as if his ego isn't inflated enough.
you roll your eyes at the thought. unbeknownst to you, he catches it, smirking.
it's working, he thinks.
but immediately the buzz of his phone effaces the thought of prompting you further. he'd have to leave flexing his biceps later in the evening.
tom gets distracted by the photos he's taken earlier on in the day, rather than harrison's text. you're taking the pizza out of the oven when tom asks you, making you whip your head around, "wanna see where i went to today?"
tom raises an eyebrow at you, waiting for an answer.
you hum, knowing briefly what he's talking about. he had mentioned it a week ago saying he was to go to a place nearby─somewhere in cirencester─as a treat from the history department and studying your market town.
"c'mere, look," his eyes light up, phone in front of your face as he explains, "this building, right, is the 'cirencester lock-up' where the criminals were kept back in the day."
you sit atop the table as he moves to come stand in front of you, examining the pictures-- for almost a minute. then, compelled to do anything but frown, with both your hands, you tilt his head with your forefinger so he could look at you. mindful of his love for the subject, you question him, "this... is the place you went to on your trip, is it?"
"yeah," his ruffled eyebrow furrows, "why? is it not what you expected?"
"well... thought it would be more... grand is all. looks a bit, dunno... shabby─"
you hear him gasp before you have the chance to continue. "─this is history!" he exclaims, before shaking his head at you; he couldn't believe his ears. "big or small... it means so much to this area. sure, it looks old, but they're literal gems of time's past."
the distress on his face is evident - that you can see. it's beyond him why you feel like this. but then again─the drama gcse he took in secondary school offered him the ability to stress a light situation far too much. up till the point, it looks a bit silly when he's being dramatic. to you, this was one of those times.
meanwhile, when you stare tom down, eyebrow raised, the brief aspect swims in the forefront of his mind─that being, you have a tendency to become a puddle whenever he hopes to cajole you into anything, regardless of what he wants. right now, either due to his boredom or you underrating history, it doesn't matter. tonight he decides that it's just going to be about you and him. with a little fun twist.
"i'll just pretend you didn't say anything for my sanity..." he trails off, a slight teasing tone present in his voice, "for now."
"thank god," you mutter. the light of the sun outside reflects on tom's rolex, the same one you gifted him on your anniversary, almost blinding you as its redirecting near your eyes; it's dusk, and the blinds aren't closed yet─also revealing a really beautiful sunset outside which you haven't had time to admire yet because of him. "can you also not blind me? much appreciated."
advancing towards you, he laughs dryly, head coming in level with your own. his happy demeanour from the moment he came home has changed: he's biting his lip, gaze boring into your own with his jaw tight shut.
but then, what really gets to you, the most poignant sound that makes your heart drop is that... he tuts.
you swallow; knowing tom, you feel like it's not really the end. with that in mind, you're not prepared for what's to come. yet immediately, your thighs squeeze together because of the electrical-like current that passes through your body─all the way to where you want him.
in short, you know you're his. heart, pussy and soul - his. and he certainly acknowledges that. your legs slightly go apart at the thought, ready to give any indication for him to bury his head where it rightfully belongs. it's hard not to - especially with the warmth that's radiating from him, his breath hot as he's a few centimetres away, as if luring you already.
the sudden change in atmosphere brings a chill to your spine. the control within his hands is powerful. and you're his victim.
tom gets the message. yet, he doesn't give in all at once. he wants to enjoy you, savour you, adore you. to simply rush would ruin doing all of those things.
"let's focus on how good you've been for me these past few weeks, yeah?" he starts, retreating back to the freezer. he dives in and then, shuts it, an ice cube at hand.
the confusion on your face doesn't go unnoticed; firstly, only one? second, he doesn't use ice except with gin. and there's none of that in the house. unless...
placing the ice cube on the table next to you to stop it from melting, he continues, "maybe after, i can fuck that attitude out of you."
it takes seconds for you to remark, "just because of history? seriously?" you resist the urge to roll your eyes, turning your head to the side, "for the love of fuck."
he shrugs his shoulders, "yep, that's me. i love to fuck," his arms come on either side of you, "any excuse to fuck you."
"so you're basically admitting that you're being a dramatic bi-"
at once, your bottom lip is captured with tom's, swallowing your words altogether when you deepen the kiss yourself. pulling away a little, his voice is raspy when he speaks, "my girl is always so ready for anything."
he knows you're wet, you suppose. it only burns the fire within you moreso at your implication. just as the belt of your robe is untied, your breasts are being caressed by tom's large and callous hands.
tom moves to kiss the underside of your neck, "my woman," a nip at your sweet spot, "my wife," another kiss at your clavicle, "my everything." the primal desire in his kisses grows with each kiss and the affection in his words is sufficient for you to bring him closer, crying out to him for more.
you plead, "tommy-"
"always ready for my cock," he starts again, making your breath hitch in an instant. you bite back a moan at his brazen choice of wording.
"what was that?" he presses, "you can't take it can you? my pretty girl can't take it."
"'course i fuckin' can't."
tom brings the ice cube from earlier over your clothed pussy, grateful for the cold weather. the extreme difference in temperature makes you hiss in delight, body quivering. already, water drips from tom's hands, and it's hard to tell whether it's your arousal or the melting ice.
after moving your navy blue panties to the side, he swirls it around your bundle of nerves again, hips jerking upwards. not only do you notice the cheeky glint in your husband's eyes, but the absence of the ice cube too as his own thumb replaces it.
"already melted?" tom chuckles, "this─" his middle and forefinger slaps your clit with a slight force that makes you yelp, "─warm for me, yeah?"
he doesn't give you a chance to respond, a finger entering your wetness in a heartbeat. whilst his thumb circles your clit, he adds another digit, starting to move in and out in a slow manner─watching you unravel before him.
"you feel so good for me, princess," he coos, leaving a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
darkness soon prevails the room, though not fully, as the street lamp outside only grants tom the pleasant view of your yearning state. a few minutes go by with your chest heaving─letting out aching breaths of air that sears the walls of your lungs. the only thing that treat tom's ears is the squelching sound your cunt produces. his cock twitches at the noise, feeling it pulsing the more the seconds tick by. he feels restrained in his boxers; it's a shame you're not witnessing how hard he is as your eyes are shut tight.
but it's not too long when he feels you convulse around him, because he starts going on a pace that would be considered merciless at this point. whines turn into loud moans, the pressure building up.
owing to this, your legs are shaking, unable to lay off the climax that's approaching. instantly, when at the same moment you become so close, the coil inside you on the borderline of snapping, your attention is averted towards tom's ridiculous belief. again.
"history is what makes us today, don't you believe that?" he pants.
you knit your eyebrows together, trying to focus on cumming first. yet, you snap your eyes open, to see him licking his lips, "t-tom, please─" you falter, chest heaving.
"no," tom responds bluntly, ceasing his movements then and there. his fingers─wedged deep inside your pussy─tense as you somehow suck them in further at his disapproval. you were so near to what you wanted. he goes on, "say it─"
"─gosh, you're insufferable, tom."
he responds by pressing his thumb harshly on your throbbing clit, making you whimper.
"i said say it," tom repeats, "say it right so you get what you think you deserve."
"say what, tom, huh?" you snap through gritted teeth, "history is great?"
"yes, for crying out loud."
"do i get bonus points if i act like i care?" you prompt, seeking to provoke him further; if irritating him will get him to fuck you, then so be it.
he flares his nose, reluctantly pulling his fingers out your dripping cunt. you gulp as you see him remove his trousers as well as his boxers, his cock springing out bold and unbound. you're enticed at his length, no matter how many times you've seen it─stiff and thick and his tip leaking pre-cum. tom catches you licking your lips and you're now more aware than ever of the hunger that lingers in his gaze.
as he strokes his cock, tom's eyes darken as he scans your figure. your body yearns for more, and it shows; the way your body arches up, the way your hands clutch the edge of the counter so tightly─you look so beautiful under his torture.
"just have to prove it to me, darling," he draws closer, "scream my name," he growls, his tip prodding your entrance to which you shakily gasp at the familiar sensation, "when i stretch your walls, i fucking want people to know that i make you feel good,"
"you gonna do that for me, princess?"
his free hand grips your hip, sliding behind to your ass to bring you closer towards the edge of the surface. after squeezing your bum, he slaps it─evoking a sharp jolt of your hips to move forward. the abrupt action causes the aching tip of his cock to slip inside your warm hole whereupon you both groan at the contact.
"reckon i could make you cum in five minutes?"
you shake your head, smirking, "two."
he grins, shutting his eyes and sinking in ever so slowly. he breathes out, "fuckin' ell."
your head falls back, moaning in agreement. fucking hell, indeed; he feels so snug, your pussy accustomed to his size easily as he reaches further. like it was made for him.
whilst your fingers claw into his shoulders, tom moves down to kiss you, mouth hot and wet as it explores every inch of your own and tongues moulding each other repeatedly. you take the chance to clamp around his hips, placing your foot below his ass─allowing him to drive into you deeper.
tom recedes, grunting, "oh."
forget seeing stars─you feel like you can picture planets as he rocks into you. it goes to show how long you've gone without fucking. long enough for your orgasm to be building so soon. two minutes it is. or maybe tom understands your body too well, bottoming out as soon as he sees your jaw going slack. the angle that he's pounding in at is beyond perfect.
soon enough, the shockwaves that edges nearer in your stomach compels you to shove your hips, meeting his strong thrusts without thought. tom's name rolls off your tongue over and over again, the volume of your voice amplifying the more he hits that spot deep inside you─up till the point you're screaming. just like he asked you to before. and there you are, cumming, clenching around his dick as you fail to remember your surroundings. and unfortunately, your neighbours, too.
it's rather quick when you hear tom crying out your name into your neck after you. his thrusts become sloppy, given that he's draining as much of his cum inside you─spending of what he has in him. eventually, he comes to a stop, as well as the harsh bite of his teeth below your jaw. you feel turned on again but not adequate enough for your body to want to come again; you're absolutely spent.
"were you teasing me the whole time?" he mumbles into your chest a minute or two later, still inside you, creating circles with the pads of his fingers on your waist.
the answer you give him lies in the glimmer of your eyes when he looks up at you. "of course i love history, babe," you tease, "glad i pissed you off, though."
"this is why we can't have nice things," he whines, "you're always fucking my feelings over."
"awh no," you murmur, "you know i love you and your inner-nerd of history."
a blush appears on his cheeks. "forget it, now the pizza's cold," he pouts, head resting onto your shoulder.
"your fucking fault, babe," you remark, palms smoothing over the sides of his head, "now eat it."
he has different plans. "wouldn't mind eating you out actually. much better," he murmurs, hands coming to sit on the inside of your thighs. he stretches them again, cock slipping out of your cunt. the whimper you let out is because you feel empty.
you crave to feel stuffed again.
"you really know how to change the mood very quickly. innit, tom?" you ask.
he ignores you; once he's in line with your core, his eyes lock with yours, your breath hitching at the prospect of him giving you head. even after fucking you senseless, you feel like you won't be able to take it.
tom's tongue is already prepared to dive into your hole─some of his cum he's dumped inside moments before decorates your thighs and dribbles onto the floor, though more of his seed seems to still be confined inside you.
it looks heavenly. all his.
"may i?"
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well! So. Ok. So I'm on my pms. I'm in pain and I'm horny af at the same time so fml 🤦‍♀️ . I need some Kakashi smut x fem!reader. I'm sucker for this cold-blooded bastard, who thinks he never finds love and then he is melting in her embrace 🥲
Luv ya 💗
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Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n L/n. The women that everyone wanted, until Kakashi got his hands on her. To this day, he still couldn’t fathom the things she made him feel.
Warnings: nsfw!, overstimulation, squirting, intended for mature readers only
shawty! this? THIS??? 🖐🏼🥵🥵🥵 this is probably some of the hottest stuff i have ever written lmao 😭 for reallllll. as always feedback and reblogs are appreciated 😊
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He was completely enamored with her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her being. Everything about her was just so hypnotizing. From the way she spoke, plump lips morphing around each syllable, to the way she walked, frame held beautifully as her hips swayed with a natural rhythm. Her skin, delicate and smooth under the touch of his own calloused hands. Her eyes holding so much emotion and so many secrets, drawing in people with just one glance.
Typically Kakashi Hatake wasn’t a man to brag about the things he had or skills he owned. However, with her by his side, he couldn’t help but smirk under his mask knowing that so many other people had pinned after his beloved.
Y/n L/n.
A notorious name known to the hidden leaf and beyond. One of the best kunoichi to ever come from Konoha. Praised and loved by all. Often set as example for many of the young ninja in training. Sought out by both men and women for friendship, love, sex, and other things.
Yet after years and years, she never gave in to the countless offers of love and devotion. Only resorting to giving the lucky person a single night of ecstasy. Leaving them in the morning, only to return home with a stronger yearning for one man. For years she had eyes for him. Growing up and honing a sturdy friendship that lasted decades. Along with their growing bond, grew their feelings for one another.
Quick glances turned into lingering stares. Stories being told whenever they locked eyes, not a single word spoken. Simple touches seemed to last longer than they usually did. A deep desire and passion behind each one. Only up until recently had they come to terms with one another, finally being able to confess after all this time.
Now, Kakashi sat in the hot spring’s warm waters, his gaze trained on his girlfriend relaxing beside him. The mission they had been sent on, now completed early and taken care of. They figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay for one more night and enjoy the hot springs.
His eyes ate up the sight of her. The way her skin held a thin sheen of sweat and condensation, shining in the moonlight. A few strands of hair sticking to her forehead, cheeks, and neck. Lips parted slightly, head tilted back, chest rising and falling gently.
It was ludicrous, really. The way he was looking at her with no shame at all. Eyes raking over ever dip and curve of exposed skin. Focusing particularly on her breasts, the water moving around them, bobbing to become accustomed to their shape. His lustful stare was intense as his eyes continuously absorbed the sight in front of him, yet the whole time she could feel it. With his eyes trained on her, she peeked open one of her own as a shudder ran up her spine, catching a glimpse him.
His hair dampened by the steam, chest glistening in a way that drove Y/n to new heights. The defined muscles accentuated in the moonlight. Nothing but a single, small towel was covering his face, replacing his usual mask. Y/n had insisted that it was alright for him to take it off, yet he still felt obligated just in case some lone stranger decided to stroll in at the dead of night.
“My eyes are up here, you know.” Y/n teased, lifting her head to look straight at Kakashi. The eye contact sending a strike of arousal through both of them. The ache between their legs only getting worse.
“Yeah,” Kakashi mused, eyes flickering down for a second before coming back up with a smirk, “You just look so good like this. I seriously don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like you.” His voice hung in the air like a song, Y/n melting at his words with an adorable giggle.
The water rippled around them as Y/n shifted to settle herself over his lap. Her thighs sat snuggly over his, chest to chest as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her breasts against him teasingly, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, a tall tell sign that she wanted him.
“I think....” She began, shifting slightly in Kakashi’s lap, “That we should head back to the room for a little while.” Her words coated in desire as she spoke, looking deeply into his eyes, telling him exactly what she wanted.
Kakashi hummed in agreement as his hands moved to rest on her bare hips, squeezing instinctively as she lightly swiveled her pelvis. All the while the water swayed around them in rhythmic movements.
Without a single word, Kakashi removed the towel covering the lower half of his face, slowly pulling her in for a kiss. Lips slotting together comfortably like so many times before. In a way that if anyone saw, their jealousy was guaranteed. Kakashi really was a lucky man, and he knew it.
The kiss was hot, full of lust and passion as their hands roamed over wet, warm skin. With parted lips, their tongues danced sinfully. All senses heightened, being stimulated simultaneously.
He was like putty in her hands, shivering whenever her fingertips danced over certain spots on his body, blood rushing to his length by the second. Never did Y/n think Kakashi’s body would be so reactive to her touch. Soon she felt his length press against her lower abdomen, chuckling lightly.
“Come on,” She pulled away reluctantly, feeling him resist slightly, “You’re the one who insisted on wearing a mask even though there’s not a single soul here besides us.” A smile teased on her lips as he held her impossibly closer.
A playful sigh left his lips, groaning, “I suppose you’re right....” A flirty tone laying underneath his words, “But we’re already here. To go back to the room we would need to get up, put our clothes back on, only for us to take them off again seconds later.”
The moment he spoke those words, a mischievous smirk etched onto Y/n’s plump lips, an idea blossoming in her head.
Not even a minute later, two of the most respectable ninja of the Hidden Leaf were dashing down the hallway of a lone motel, completely naked, clothes slung over their shoulders as they tried their hardest not to burst out into loud laughter.
The door swung open as the couple rushed in, the air becoming thick with tension as they caught their breath. A small thud could be heard as they threw their clothes elsewhere. Now standing in the middle of the room, eyes locked in an intense gaze, chests raising and falling as they reciprocate from the antics they just partook in.
This feeling of lightness as well as lust swirled around in Kakashi’s chest, something he lived for. The way she made him feel like he was on top of the world with every passing moment was something he craved. The high he gets whenever he was with her was addictive. Something he never thought he’d get to experience in his lifetime. He didn’t ever plan on stopping either.
Within seconds, they has stumbled their way onto the bed in a tangled mess of limbs. Kakashi situated over her frame as his hands moved to wrap her legs around his waist while they were captured in a heated kiss. With this proximity, their skin was warm to the touch as arousal pooled between Y/n’s legs. Now his lips ghosted over her jaw and continued further on to her neck and collarbones.
A delighted sigh fell from her lips as Kakashi ran his tongue over the area he just marked, lips soft as he sucked on the spot that he knew made her go weak in the knees. All the while she managed to snake a hand between their bodies, taking hold of his member, grazing her thumb over the tip and pumping it a few times. His cock felt heavy in her hands as the veins throbbed under her touch. Kakashi wanted nothing more than for her to cast her magic spell and drive him wild.
“Kakashi...” She whispered, bucking her hips up, “I need you.” Her hand trailed up his abdomen, the muscles going taunt under her fingertips as they continued up and into his hair.
“Anything for you.” He mused, his chest inflating, knowing what he was getting himself into. He ran his length through her folds, a pretty moan falling from her lips as he did so, collecting her wetness.
Kakashi hissed at how tight she was, squeezing around his tip mercilessly, almost enticing him in. Y/n’s mouth fell open, eyes rolling back as her walls stretched to accommodate to his size.
It was euphoric, the way she felt. Velvety walls clamping up whenever he withdrew to thrust forward again. One hand gripping the bed sheets beside her while the other was clasped onto her hip.
As his pelvis continued to snap into hers at a steady pace, her breasts bobbed with each thrust. A sight Kakashi would never get tired of seeing.
“Fuck....” He sighed, hand releasing the sheets to take hold of one of her breasts, “You feel so good.” His lips brushed against her with each word, colliding soon after in a messy kiss, consisting of teeth and tongue.
He could feel her orgasam starting to build. The muscles in her lower abdomen contracting as the coil in her core tightened, Kakashi hitting just the right spot. That spongy little spot that held the key to a mind shattering orgasam.
“Kakashi, please!” Y/n whined, teeth grinding as her eyes were squeezed shut, “Fuck, I wanna cum! Make me yours.” With those words, something snapped inside of him, completely gone and focused on only one thing.
Kakashi made quick movements, shifting so he could grab the back of her thighs and press them to her chest. At the new feeling the position change brought, they nearly lost their minds. Y/n’s walls growing impossibly tighter as Kakashi thrusted into her even deeper.
Y/n’s legs dangled in the air as Kakashi held her thighs, pistoning his hips into hers with incredible speed. The squelching of her wetness echoed in the room as she creamed around his cock. Hot tears running down her cheeks as the intense orgasam rushing over her. Incoherent babbles and words leaving her mouth as he worked her through the high.
“Come on, baby,” Kakashi praised, “Just hold on for me for a little bit longer, ok?” He leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek, licking the tears his lips picked up when he pulled away.
With that he worked quick, taking deep and strong strokes as he paced for his own climax. While doing so, Y/n felt another one quickly creeping up on her.
“Fuck, Kakashi! I’m cumming again.” She cried out, the ballon in her core bursting. Her tight cunt spraying all over his thighs and stomach, squeezing him so tight it was almost painful, triggering his own release. He pressed her thighs down, closer to her chest, holding his hips as close as he could to her hot skin. His tip kissing her cervix, painting it with pretty white strands of his cum.
He gently let down her legs, hissing as he pulled out. Y/n whining quietly at the empty feeling, the mixture of their cum leaking out of her cunt and onto the sheets below.
“You did so good, babe,” Kakashi sang, a tired smile etched on his face, arms moving to wrap around her midsection, “You’re the only woman in the world that could make me feel this good.” His words sweet, sounding like music in her ears as she chuckled softly, pulling him in for a gentle kiss.
“I love you, Kakashi Hatake.” She mused against his lips. Running her fingers through his messy hair, eyes now blown with love and admiration.
His smile grew even wider, hand coming up to caress her face, “I love you too, Y/n L/n. More than you know.”
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