#i don't want to stoppp i want to write
gendervapor14 · 3 months
i have three writing modes.
the words are just Happening and only the devil can hold me back. in a sprint i'd clock in at like 50wpm. everyone fears me
zero words all day i sat there and just. stared at a blank document, had an existential crisis, contemplated deleting everything and probably went to bed at 4pm
lastly, what i like to call the "tug-of-war". an active battle between #1 and #2. writing is slow, painful, and conscious. at any minute i could slip into #2 and just give up. sometimes there is the chance the session will become good tho, and i 'll slip into #1.
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
Hiii I was wondering if you could possibly do a skz reaction to their s/o having angel fangs (like the piercing) like maybe they get them done without telling them or just them dating who has them if you're okay with it ofc, thank you for taking your time to read my request. I understand if you don't want to do it :] have a good day/ night
skz reaction to s/o with angel fangs
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genre: fluff, angst if you squint
content warnings: none
word count: 1.3k
This is my first ever time writing a reaction fic so I hope you enjoy it!! :)))
I really enjoyed doing this one! Hope you have a good day/night too my lovely <3
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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Bang Chan
Chan loved his sweet girlfriend so so much. He thought you were the kindest person in the world and all he could ever think when he saw you was how sweet you are. Next to your shy temperament, you stood out in a different way to him with your silver angel fangs piercing.
"How can you be so cool and cute at the same time?" he admired you from where you were both cuddled on the sofa in the recording studio.
"Channie..." you blushed, hiding your face. He thought you'd be used to his compliments by now after being together for two years but no.
"I'm serious! It's making my brain... malfunction," he said, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to gather his thoughts.
"That's a good thing, right?" you boldly asked him, smiling.
"I can't with you, you're going to be the death of me," he squeezed you tighter in his arms.
Lee Know
Your boyfriend has his own quirks, his own habits that you had noticed ever since you met him, and one of them was poking the tips of your angel fangs. He was always pressing the pads of his fingers into the spikes.
"My little vampire girlfriend," he cooed as he didn't even look you in the eyes but stared at your lips and the jewellery adorning it.
"I'm not little," you rolled your eyes.
"Okay, okay I get it, 'careful I bite' and all that stuff your normally say," he teased, ruffling your hair as you groaned.
"If anything you're the vampire, it's like you want your fingers to bleed or something you weirdo," you folded your arms and rolled your eyes at him jokingly.
"You're not scary," he simply smirked back at your attempt to pretend to be angry, and that caused you both to crack a smile, the admiration you had for each other clear to see.
He hadn't said anything yet. It had been 2 hours since you got back from the piercing studio and he'd said nothing.
"Sooooo, have you noticed?" you suddenly turned to him, making him choke on his glass of water.
"Of course I have! just didn't know what to say straight away..." Changbin said, deep in thought after recovering from the water incident.
"You don't like them?" you twiddled your thumbs awkwardly, sensing he didn't like them and he had kept himself quiet to not say anything that might hurt your feelings. At least he had your best interests in mind.
"No I love them... there's just too many words to describe how perfect you are," he turned you to face him, hand gently stroking your chin.
So he did like them.
"Well, we've got time," you shrugged confidently, causing his hand to drop from your face as he whined.
"Stoppp! I was being cute!"
He has just come back from dance practice and you were chilling in his room waiting to see him. You had just gotten the angel fangs piercing done today, and were expecting Hyunjin back anytime and wanted to see his reaction.
"Are we having a hotness competition or what?" he dropped his duffle bag with spare clothes on the floor, watching you relaxed on his bed.
"There's no competition, baby," you winked at him in an over the top way, making him giggle as he laid down next to you and admired them, caressing your cheek slowly with his hand as he analysed your face, like he was trying to burn it into his memory.
"You're staring," you whispered.
"Can't help it," he placed a chaste kiss upon your lips and pulled back to keep staring.
"You're like a magpie," you giggled, and he playfully whacked you on the arm as he rolled away from you and covered his face with his hand.
"You're such an idiot, Y/N!" he cackled.
You walked back into the dorms, ready to see your boyfriend and surprise him, yet he seemed to have spotted you before you could have seen him, his blanket bundled self on the sofa now flying towards you.
"Baby? What did you do?" he gasped, slowly walking up to after his dramatic rise from relaxation.
"Look! Aren't they so cool?" you bounced on your toes, grinning with your fangs peeking under your lip, yet he was still worried.
"Did it hurt?!?" he fussed over you, lightly touching his own lip and wondering how it felt.
"A little bit... but it's worth it," you shrugged, still smiling lightly at him, his concern over you only making you feel fuzzy and warm.
"Beauty is pain, I get it," he nodded, eyes fixated on the shining jewellery.
"We should be matching," you winked at him.
"Oh no, I'll let you keep your tiger status my love," he waved you off, now pulling you into a tight hug and appreciating you, though you couldn't fully rest your head against him as he just wanted to keep admiring you.
Before you could even breathe, you heard the squeals of your excited boyfriend.
"You finally got them done!" he embraces you and forced you to jump around with him.
"Yes! Don't you think it looks good!" you stood back and started doing random poses to show off.
"It's literally perfect, so you!" Felix gushed, rushing to grab his phone.
"I knowww, I love it!" you blushed, happy that Felix liked how it looked too.
"Let me take photos for you, sweetheart," Felix took lots of photos, ones that you definitely posted on Instagram later, your favourite ones being where his head peeked into frame and kissed the piercings upon your lips.
A lot of Stays were shocked that such a clean cut idol, got with a girl who presented more of a punk image in her aesthetic. You were truly opposites, but that's what made you two work so well together.
The two of you were currently walking the streets of Seoul on a Sunday evening, hands clasped together.
"I'm getting weird looks again... I wish I never got these," you muttered sadly under your breath, feeling people's eyes dart to you, and it wasn't just your paranoia, you.kmew that this time.
"Why would you say such a thing?" Seungmin asked, upset on your behalf and feeling the same way himself that you were hurting.
"I just feel..." you trailed off, not really wanting to continue your sentence.
"Tell me," Seungmin insisted, pulling you over to a bench from the both of you to sit down on.
"I think people don't like me being with you and think I'm ruining your image," you sighed, absentmindedly tracing your finger against your angel fangs piercing in particular.
"If anything you're improving it, darling," Seungmin hushed you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and cuddling you to him, a delicate kiss on your forehead following the affectionate action.
You blushed and his your face, mumbling nonsensical words as you couldn't get a response out.
"Hahaha, don't go shy on me now," he laughed with a big grin on his face.
"You're too sweet to me," you smiled back up at him, peacefully taking in the city lights and basking in the warmth of your boyfriend's arms.
Wow, was the word most people used to describe the pair of you when they saw you together. Probably apart too.
You were a power couple plain and simple. Hot, muscular Jeongin, paired with a hot, pierced reader? Match made in heaven.
"What are you going to get done next?" Jeongin asked as you were both out getting coffee.
"Jeongin, I've literally had these for a couple of hours..." you facepalmed at your boyfriend, who although eager to see your new ones wanted to know how many more you'd get, already imagining all the different places available on your body where there was room.
"You're right, I need more time to obsess over these," he smirked and cockily raised his eyebrows as you from across the table.
"What am I gonna do with you?" you shook your head and lightly laughed at his antics.
tagged: @kiraisastay @skz-streamer @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain
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tokio-motel · 9 months
heyyy boo boo bear🥰🥰🥰
so i finally thought of smth(kinda did i alr send this) AHEM full band(separately headcannons cause aint nobody wanna write alat) with s bf who is a BIG ASS ppl pleaser(wait wait this aint the main idea)
imagine reader prolly always gets his back blown out but he's always giving the aftercare(like them mfs dont have a choice) and on one particular round or smth reader didn't tell them to stop when he started to feel lightheaded n shit cause he could hear them whispering how good this was etc etc so he was about to pass out or smth like that(he didn't he survived) yet he STILL offered to give aftercare like a mf idiot(me)
ANYWAY im in school but i had to give u this idea frfr
(contains nsfw themes so if you don't like that don't read)
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・He's 50/50 on noticing small things like this
・But he's in such a euphoric state, whimpers leaving his lips as he rams into you with his hands wrapped around your waist
・Listening to you tell him how good he is, but over time your words die down and eventually your silent.
・He can barley ask if your okay, nearly stopping his movements. He would've stopped completely if it weren't for you telling him to keep going. As long as he felt good, right?
・After climax (EWWWAHHH) he leans knto your neck, smiling as he hears you begin to ask that amazing question
"Wanna go show-"
・He just likes your fingers running through his hair, massaging his scalp as you rub the conditioner in.
・He's been itching to ask if you were really okay, he doesn't want to seem too worried or overreactive. He can already feel tears prickling his eyes as yo hesitate to ask at the startxbefore admitting to feeling ill.
・God fucking damn it..I should've stopped I-"
"It's not your fault, babe.."
・Cuddling you for the rest of the day (or night), not being able to take his hands off you as he tries to make it up to you.
・No like...literally can't take his hands off you. If you eat later that day he seats you on his lap.
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・He gets caught up in his own pleasure.
・Like he won't really notice it when you slowly stop responding, or when you go a little too limp
・He's in some sorta headspace 😭
・Whispering to you how good you feel around him, how perfect you are..
・After allat, he eventually snaps out of it and notices how your barley making any noise or aren't talking
"M/N? .. M/N you okay???"
"Hmmm..? Yeah I'm good..wanna take a bath with me.?"
・During aftercare he keeps asking if you're okay under his breath, kissing your cheeks as you rest in the tub together.
・If you actually confess to feeling ill or lightheaded his heart stops for a second
・Like he'd kinda try to hide it, but eventually emotions get the best of him and soon enough he's holding back tears apologizing to you kissing over your neck, ignoring you when you say you were fine.
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・Like Tom, he's not exactly the best..
・Telling you how good you are for him under his breath, not exactly noticing you slowly stopped responding.
・Can't help but feel concerned, unsure if he should stop or keep going
・He nearly did, but your hand gripped his thigh to stop him from pulling out so..
・Afterwards he puts on your favorite show/movie, snuggling against you as he leaves kisses on your forehead.
・Doesn't ease into it and just asks you flat out.
"Were you okay..?"
"yes or no."
・He feels a lump build at the back of his throat, yet he still tries to talk to you
・Asking when or what made you feel this way, making sure he would never do this to you again
・He feels bad about it a few days later, even with your constant worss that you were okay
・He's scared to have sex with you again for a little...THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD BUT IT'S TRUE?
・Like I said- he doesn't want to put you through that again
・but likeeee you need that dick so you convince him and it all works out
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・He's quite good at noticing things like these.
・Stopping his movements when you start to look..off. Or when you just stop making noise completely.
・Ignoring your soft whine of protest, asking you "Are you good..?" ..no you're not. you're gonna say you're not and -
"Yeah I'm fine...keep going please..!"
・Hesitate before going back to his pace he was at before, kissing your chest and neck as his fingers go down your waist and tickles down your thighs
・Still concerned he can't really hear your moans or whines, but you said you wanted more so he should continue..
・He's sooxfucking tired after sex omg..hes surprised when you ask to give aftercare
"Are you sure? You don't wanna like..sleep?"
"No, no. Let's go get water or something."
・Giving you an aspirin and a water bottle as he gets a piece of candy, not being able to take his eyes off you as he contemplates if he should ask if your okay.
・he does. you answer.
・Like..he made you feel lightheaded? He made you nearly pass out? He made you sick?
・Can't even bother to look at himself or think about him, only focusing on you and your needs as he spoils you rotten.
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freminet-writings · 8 months
Could you write something like an AU for Catboy!Freminet x fem!Reader where she smells like other cats when she gets home from work, and he gets all jealous thinking he did something wrong??
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coming home to your boyfriend after a long day of working tirelessly, you expected him to sit on your lap, maybe wrap his tail around your arm and subtly ask for pets, but what happened instead...
the second you walked through the door his ears moved back, his nose sniffing the air intensely as his tail faced downward
"freminet..? is something wron-" he suddenly came closer with big sad eyes "you smell...strange" he sniffed you closer now, you felt a little awkward
he was pouting and looked mildly upset "another cat...you were with cats today? i thought you said you were working?" his tone was sad and disappointed
"of course i was...there are some stray cats outside our building, i was actually thinking about adopting on-"
"adopting?!" his eyes widened, your words only seemed to sadden him more "am i not enough anymore? or... you're sick of having a half? you want a real one?" he lowered his head and the little ears perched atop his head flattened
"wait, baby i-" he wouldn't even let you explain yourself, he was a jealous and insecure person at heart, with you as his girlfriend it was made worse
"i get it...who wants a catboy these days? I'm too high maintenance, even freshly born kittens would be better than me"
"that's not-"
he zoomed across the room into your shared bedroom, he was very upset, now you had to calm him down and reassure him, you grabbed a snack he liked and slowly walked into the room, you can tell he knew, his ears twitching at every footstep
you sat beside him and he tried to roll over but you stopped him "sweetheart...come on, I'm not adopting anything, okay?
he made a "hmpf" noise and refused to open his eyes
"you know i love you, right? you're the only kitty I'll ever love~" you giggled and went straight to his weakness, caressing the tip of his tail and he squeaked
"ah! stoppp..." he whined, his big sad eyes opening and he pouted "you don't have to try reassuring me...i get it, I'm too old and worn out now, right?"
"that's not it at all, sweetie" you dangled his treat in your fingers and his ears went back, his nose twitched and you could tell he wanted it "i love you, okay? I'm not replacing you with any cat, you're stuck with me"
he sighed and say up, looking embarrassed "a...alright, i believe you, I'm sorry...you know how i get sometimes" he mumbled sadly and you kissed him softly
he smiled and leaned into you as you leaned away, although the smell of another cat on you still upset him, he started nuzzling against your chest, rubbing his scent into you again
"I'm the only cat you're allowed around..." he mumbled, kissing your collarbone and hugging you tightly, its gonna be a long night of him scenting you...
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thenewausten · 3 months
Clingy drunk Quackity (maybe after a stream?)
Thanks for the request!
Quackity Imagine: Attention
Quackity finishes his stream, he was drunk as fuck because of a stupid bet with chat and all he needed right now was his girlfriend. He went to your shared bedroom, finding you reading a book on bed. "Hey, mi corazón." He'd say as he lies down next to you. "Hi, love. How was your stream?" You ask, don't giving him so much attention since the book you were reading was very interesting. "It was good, but I missed you." He whispers, approaching you to the point his head was on one of your shoulders so he'd read the words of a Ali Hazelwood book. "Aw, that's cute." You whisper, without taking your eyes off the book. Alex starts to give you lots of pecks on your neck, trying to catch your attention as one of his arms hugs your waist. "Didn't you miss me?" He whispers, looking to your face. "I did, baby." He groans frustrated with the fact you don't take your eyes off the book.
"What's wrong, 'Lex?" You ask, looking at your boyfriend for the first time. "I want attention." He whispers, burying his face on your neck. "Please." You smile to him as you put one of your hands on his hair, caressing his locks. He pulls you closer, his head on your chest now. You wait for a second to start to read the book again. "Y/N, stoppp. Give me attention." He protests. "I'm giving, baby." You answer. "I want full attention, amor. Please." He asks with his big brown eyes looking at yours, you smile and close your book, putting it next to you. "Thank you." He whispers as he hugs you tighter. "How much did you drunk, honey?" You asked. "I don't know." He answers, the hand on your waist now roaming through your body as he listen to the sound of your heart. "But it was just a little, I promise." He says as you kiss his hair. "It's okay."
"Can you kiss me?" He asks after a few minutes of cuddling, you giggle and nod. "Sure." You say as you pull his face up so you can kiss his lips. Alex holds your face with one of his hands as he kisses you, the other one on your waist, putting you even closer than before.
"Satisfied?" You ask him with a smile on your face. "Give me one more and I can answer it." He says as you laugh and leads in to kiss him again.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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coco-hun · 2 months
He cute...a little weird but cute!
Crona the mf Grogan x Chubby!Black Reader
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A.N: (Ok sooo ive never seen a fic with him and a black girl which is crazy because i feel like he like DOWN BAD for black and what black? we therefore we must write 🤭)
" He cries like alot'
" yeah, it's kinda sad because of Medusa if you think about it
" yeah, but still, he too creepy and he cries? that's like a serial killer code gone wrong"
Two people I call friends talks about the new boy at school, his names Crona I think? I dunno but, he was one of Medusas pawns for taking down the DWMA; which to me I knew the bitch was crazy when she came in with a bob and twists in her hair...BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! So, as they talked I just tune them out listening to music and drawing some doodles when out the corner of my eye, I saw him for the first time.
"Wow..is that a girl or boy?" I lean over and asked one of the girls to which they shook they heads no, Crona sits by Maka and a small smile glows his face; he's beautiful like REALLY pretty, I just stared at him a bit and when my friend tapped me to ask about something i saw he looked at me too..HE WANTS ME BAD LIKE HA!
*Two class periods later, now it lunch because we are big and hungry*
" Thats just nasty..." I say in utter disgust, BlackStar ass is putting cheese, meat, pickles and for some reason mixed milk and Soul dared him to eat it! Niggas are like weridddd, but as I was looking I saw Crona making the same face I was it made me giggle at how he looks utterly disgusted yet curious.
Me and my little group of friends sit down, and we eat some chips and snacks when Maka and Soul's group of friends came over. We look up and smiled since we all are familiar with each other, Liz and Patty sat across from me and Crona and Maka sat beside me on my right since my friend was too my left; Crona just seemed nervous and jittery so I whispered what was wrong? He just shook his head and then some bald black monster thingy came out of his back?
" Ouch! Stoppp I don't know how to talk to girls! Och Ragnarök!"
I watched in a confused manner and turned to Maka who was just getting ready to throw her book, Soul was just staring at BlackStar who was groaning in pain from his earlier concoction with Tsubaki shaking her head in disappointment. I look at Crona who now is sitting covering his head and I don't knew i just felt like comforting him.
" Ok na, that's enough, now go on back to where you came from"
" CLAM IT DOWN OFFBRAND VEMON, keep it cute you saw him smiling and giggling all happy now you gotta mess with him? Thats sad"
Me and off brand get to arguing and I'm not gonna lie he ate me up a few times, but I kept up with him! As we argued the group was laughing egging me and black slimeball out; soon he just went back into Crona and Crona thanked me smiling, I told it wasn't big deal.
" I've really stood up to him...he's cool during fights, but I don't like when he yells at me"
" I don't either, you were all shy earlier now you crying! Here let me help" I get out a toilette from my bag and wipe his face off and he stares at him with wide eyes, I didn't know grey pinkish eyes could sparkle but his did; we started talking again except, Crona was more talkative really to me and Maka.
The bell rings and we all go to our classes but, me and Crona walk together to the courtyard.
" T-thank you for being nice tome when he came out, it not a lot of people who would argue with him"
" It's fine Crona plus, it made steal some of his comebacks" I laughed off, Crona had a small smile on his lips when I talked, he's a good listener. We mainly talk about interests and what he wants to do at DWMA, he told me about how Marie was helping him get over his past and Maka helping with making friends and even though he just got here I feel like I've known his story. As we're walking we both look at the creepy sun it almost time for our next class and I take a tiny snack.
" Want one? " Sure" Hès very simple, we eat a bit of the chips and continues our convo when I see my friends skipping; they called us over and Crona saw Marie, we parted ways wuth goodbyes and i walked over to my friends who are smirking.
" What's the smirks abo-"
" You like him!!!"
" Omg reader! You got a crush on the serial killer non killer dude!?"
They giggle and tease me for my little, tiny, molecular crush on Crona; even though they are right it still doesn't me they get to talk about it!
"I wouldn't say crushhh, more of a I think he's cute."
" But he like textbook definition of werido"
" Well, he's gonna be my werido! I'll talk about Pokémon cards and if Goku is better than Naruto any day if it with him!" I say with my head held high.
" BYEEEE NOT HER IN LOVEEEE" they say in unison, and I speed walk away from them with a smile, and the thought of cutesy Crona Gorgon with flowers and the title ' my werido' engraved in my mind.
Yeah, he may have crybaby, whine a lot, and is kinda serial killer but doesn't kill traits but its cute on him! He's weird and I'm gonna be weird with him!
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A.N: ( OMG THIS IS SOOO ME CODED AND SOOO CUTE, and i know it isn't describing the body type but I'm chubby so Imma write it like that because we don't have nothingggg with him, but yea! Let me know if you like it!
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pandoramyst · 1 year
More neteyam x human reader pls 😭 like him introducing her to certain aspects of his culture (like a festival) or whatever u want to write ab💕💕💕 I love ur writing sm and the way u write for jake and neteyam <3
I love love love when yall request stuff, makes my day fr <3 here's some crappy neteyam bae x human reader for yall.
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“Careful,” neteyam pointed at the branch that had fallen on the floor, ordering you to jump over it. hand in hand, you walked through the forest, until loud cheering was heard from the depth of the woods. He dragged you in the midst of chaos, where sweaty bodies, slide across one another as if there was no friction between them.
He guided you towards a colossal tree, the branches providing shade for everyone and helped you climb up with him. From the food table, he caught a bowl of fruit in his hand before joining you. Sat on one of the tough branches, he took out his knife and started to slice open the ripe fruit.
"what is this?" you scooched closer to him, pointing at the fruit in his hand.
"utumauti, typically the ones that find the fruit gift it to a loved one or a guest, but I think ill keep it for myself" he hid it from you, quickly pulling its flaps open to reveal the juice.
You stood on your knees, extending your arm out to grab the fruit. "stoppp, I wanna try it"
"fine, you brat. Here" he brought the fruit up to your pouty lips. You placed your hands under his big one and guided it towards your mouth.
"mmm" a sound of satisfaction left you as the juices swirled in your mouth. Neteyam nodded while smiling.
"Good, huh?" he chuckled, taking a bite out of it himself. His free hand came to wrap around your torso and pull you closer to him. His lips pressed against your cheek and he kissed the soft skin before whispering,
"You be a good girl so I can get you more, m'kay?"
As you walked in the Tsahik's marui, you squeezed Neteyam's hand and wrapped your other hand around his arm.
"Who's that, nete?" his head fell to the side so he could whisper to you.
"That's the Tsahik. She's the mate of the Olo'eyktan, and is deeply connected to eywa. Mo'at always said 'an olo'eyktan must wait to hear eywa, a tsahik is always listening'" you nodded while observing the woman carefully as she ran her hands through the young boy's back.
"What's she doing?" he rubs the knuckles of your hand, slowly walking with you around the marui.
"Our clan relies on her to guide us spiritually through the will of eywa, this young man came to her for help" your eyebrows furrowed and eyes softened at the boy's sniffling.
"poor boy," you pout at Neteyam and he raises his fingers to rest them under your chin, squeezing it lightly.
He leans to this side to kiss your cheek.
"He'll be alright, don't worry"
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Hii!! 👋🏻 I just read the lee Han fic during their predut era and it's the cutest thing ever😫🥺 And it got me thinking, so the boys went to the met gala right and they looked super nervous, esp. Seungmin and Chan. And then I saw those jerk photographers comments and I had a thought. 🤭😙What if after the event, when the boys go back to their hotel rooms to rest, they sort of finish their night time routines and just gather in one room and then everyone sort of has a tickle fight to sorta get rid of the nerves and lift the mood. And like what if they all go crazy and just tire eo out and play games and have snacks and pillow fights and stuff and end up sleeping in a big pile together 🤭🥰 I really love your writing style and did love it of you could write something with this but it's okay if you don't want to as well. Hope you have a great day/afternoon/night Sana❤️❤️
Also can I please be 😛 anon? Or 🐰or 🪼?
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙖𝙡𝙖 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙝:
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 1.1k
𝙖/𝙣: i put two random members for the header okay, also the photographers at the met gala what the actually fuck it made me so angry 😡
𝒍𝒆𝒆: skz
𝙡𝙚𝙧: skz
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee @moony-9
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s 🐾
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“Those photographers were fucking jerks!!” Felix growled, shaking his head in disapproval.
Everyone watched in fear; it wasn’t often their brownie boy was upset. 
“Calm down, Lixie. I think we just need to rest.” Chan sighed, Felix sighing before setting his coat on the couch of thier private hotel room. 
Everyone filed into a line to place their coats gently over each other, throwing off their gala outfits and replacing them with tees and tank tops. 
Changbin sighed. “Finally, these are way more comfy. I loved our outfits, though.” 
Seungmin nodded in agreement. “I feel so stiff and upset about those photographers, though.” He grumbled. 
Jisung nodded, pulling his shirt on. “I hated it. They were so rude. Emma was nice, though.” He smiled, and everyone began to talk and laugh. 
After eating, Chan pounced on Seungmin on the bed. “Stop being so upset. I’ll cheer you up!!” Followed by fingers slipping under his shirt and into his belly button, earning a loud shriek from Minnie before loud laughter filled the room. 
“AHHAAAHAAA!! HYUHUHUNG!! DOHOHONT!!” Seungmin whined, twisting around with a wide grin on his face. 
“But we should.” Minho replied with a fond smile, leaning over to blow raspberries onto Seungmin’s neck, causing the vocalist to scream and thrash crazily. 
“You shouldn’t be talking!” Jeongin announced bravely, pulling Chan off of Seungmin and digging into his hips immediately, causing Channie to bark out a laugh. 
Of course, Chan was stubborn and kept his lips shut, trying to keep himself from laughing. 
His strength was zapped from the effort, making it so much more easy for Hyunjin to pin him down. 
Seungmin was still laughing crazily as Minho blew raspberries onto his belly, Jisung and Changbin helping to hold down the thrashing vocalist. 
“Tell us your worst spot and this will be easier, hyung!” Innie grunted, slipping his hands underneath Channie’s shirt to tickle at his sides. 
Then the dam broke. 
“Jackpot!” Jeonginnie crowed happily as Chan shrieked and burst into loud, uncontrollable, crackly laughter. 
“NOHOHOHOO!! AHHH AGHAH AHH STOPPP AHAAAHAHAAA!!” Channie screeched desperately, suddenly whipping his head around when he heard a high-pitched squeal. 
Hyunjin screamed dramatically as Minho found his next target, taking a deep breath before finding the ferret’s sides, blowing out as hard as he could. 
“STAHAHAHAHA—!!” Hyune begged desperately, cackles pouring out of him in an uncontrollable rate. “AHHAAAHHAAHHA!!”
Jeongin finally let up on Chan, causing the leader to jump onto Jisung, pulling him off of Hyunjin.
Felix attacked Innie’s side promptly, causing the maknae to dissolve into a puddle of messy giggles. 
“Wahahait! Hyuhung—AH!!” He squealed and fell desperately back into Felix’s arms, the small raspberries on his neck making his laugh squeaky and cute. 
Minho immediately realized the next target and left a limp Hyunjin to recover on the bed. 
“HAAHAHAHAHA!! WHY AHAM IHI BEHEHEING GAHAHAHANGED UP ON?! CHEHEHEATERS THIHIS IS SO UHUHUNFAIR!!” Jisung could barely get his words out, three pair of heads (Chan, Minho, Seungmin) pushed into his belly and blew the most torturous raspberries he had ever felt onto his tummy. 
Hannie screamed desperately as more heads joined, sending him ballistic. “STAHAHAHAHAP OHOHO MY GAHAHAHAD!!” He shrieked. 
Jisung managed to get the strength to push his fingers right into Minho’s belly button, causing the dancer to jolt aggressively and squeal, causing half the group to pile onto him and reduce him to a laughing puddle of hysterics. “AH!! HAHAHAHA GUHUHUYS AHH!!” Minho screamed. 
“AHHHH AHHAHAHAHAA!! STAHAHAHAP NOHOT MEHEHE!!” He shrieked when Changbin pushed his head onto his v-line, blowing out as hard as he could. 
Minho scratched and slammed at Binnie’s shoulders and back, screams clawing their way out of his throat one by one. 
Minho slipped his hands around and found the edge of Changbin’s shirt, slipping his hands up and drilling into the rapper’s ribs as fast as he could, leaving Changbin’s eyes to widen in surprise before a loud scream filled the room. 
Binnie fell over immediately in a fit of ticklishness, hands fighting with Minho’s as the older got onto his lap, hands still scribbling everywhere under his shirt. 
”EHEHEHAHAHAHA!!“ Changbin screeched, kicking around and screaming when Minho gained his strength back and threw his shirt up, pressing his lips to the small pudge on Binnie’s tummy. 
”You ready, Bunny?“ Minho didn’t even let the rapper respond before blowing a buzzing raspberry onto the sensitive spot. 
“NO!! NOHOHO NO NAHAHAH NOHOT THEHERE PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Changbin was hysterical immediately. 
“Oh? This spot gets you begging in no time!” Minho exclaimed, leaning back down and blowing raspberry after raspberry, causing tears of mirth to slip down the rapper’s red cheeks. 
Meanwhile, Chan narrowed his eyes, catching a certain brownie boy trying to escape the situation by hiding behind Hyunjin, who was the least likely to attack him. 
“STAHAHAHAHAP!! HYUHUHUHUHUNG!!” Changbin’s screams echoed through the room as Chan chased after Felix, the brownie boy’s squeals lost over the black-haired rapper’s howls of laughter. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE!!—I cahant!! I CAHANT HYUNG NO!!” Binnie managed to pull Minho’s head up for a few seconds, but the dancer was merciless, latching onto the boy’s belly like glue. 
“NOHOHO NONO!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASEEAAHHAHAHA!!” Changbin let out a howled bout of exhausted laughter, cackles pouring out of him endlessly. 
Chan managed to pin Felix and slip a finger into his belly button just as Minho let up on Binnie’s pudge, the rapper slumping underneath him in exhaustion. 
Even Binnie’s head turned at the screech Felix let out, grabbing at Chan’s wrists as the leader dug into his clothed side. 
His thin shirt offered very little protection, not that it mattered considering the black-haired menace was pulling up at it to get the sensitive skin. 
“Hyung…DOONT!!” Felix screeched as Chan ducked his head near his belly button. 
“Everybody got raspberries today, except you. I’ll fix that!” Chan giggled, blowing out into the little button, causing Felix to let out an ungodly scream before descending into the loudest laughter Chan had ever heard from him. 
“STAHAHAHAP!! YOUHURE SO MEHEHEHEHEAN!!” Felix whined, bucking up with a desperate cry when another raspberry made its way to his side. 
“OKAHAY OKAHAHAY!! CHRIHIS PLEASE!!” Felix finally gave in, slumping under the leader and drumming his heels into the floor, throwing his head back and laughing and laughing. 
“Okay, okay. Big baby.” Chan laughed, everyone breathing heavily for air. Binnie fell off the bed and onto the pile of giggly men on the floor. 
Minho rocked the bunny to sleep, whispering sweet nothings in his ear while the others snored softly. 
Their backs aching the next morning was either because of their sleeping spot on the floor or from the aggressive wrestling coming with the tickling. 
Or it’s because Chan’s old now—
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m3ntaleel · 7 days
I genuinely love Hypnos and Apollo, they're so sweet, but pls stop I'm already crying abt my problems stop making me cry with your messages pls
I just felt upset all day, feeling overwhelmed for tomorrow and just kept crying nonstop even though I didn't want to cry, for some reason, I just kept crying
I decided to talk to them with my pendulum and since I didn't have a pendulum board, I decided to write the alphabet with crappy writings, and the moment I was done writing, I pulled out my pendulum and Hypnos wasted no time and immediately started spelling out his message
I kid you not I was already crying mid word because what
Like what do you mean by "Y O U C A N D O T H"
and then basically like you guessed, he said "you can do this!" UGH STOPPP but ilysm and thank you sm that actually made me feel better. Felt lik3 a dad cheering you on in the crowd :')
Then Apollo did the same except he said "Don't feel sad :)" UGHHH I HATE YOU BOTH THAT ILYSM THANK YOU
Yes they both made me cry i love them
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hischierswhore · 1 year
ugh i miss puli, can i get an imagine where the reader goes to his game for the first time and he trying to impress them but gets a red card 😂. his snubbed off and she’s close enough to be able to talk to him on the bench and she’s roasting him about it
red card
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pairing: Christian Pulisic x Reader
TW: cursing // suggestive content // if i missed anything pls let me know
A/N: i want to say a thank you to @chelseagirl98 for helping me figure out what to write with this request <3
It was your first time going to one of Christian's games. You didn't know much about football, but you knew the basics. Like you knew that a yellow card was basically a warning and that a red card meant the player was ejected.
You were a bit lost with what was going on, but you saw the match official hold up a red card, and you attention immediately zoned in on trying to figure out who was now ejected from the match.
As you looked around, you saw a very aggravated Christian walking off the field and straight to the changing rooms.
Christian stared at you as he slowly walked past you.
You were able to sneak your way into the changing rooms to see him.
"What the hell happened out there?" You asked.
"Goddamn official gave me a red flag for an accidental studs up tackle" Christian answered as he looked up at you.
"Was it really an accident, Chris?" You crunched your eyebrows together as he laughed and shook his head. You knew him too well.
"I wanted to impress you, so I did a studs up and hoped it looked like an accident so I wouldn't get a red flag"
"And look how that turned out" He rolled his eyes as you let out a slight laugh.
"You didn't have to try to impress me, babe. I know you're a good player, I've seen you play on the TV before" He blushed at your comment before mumbling a 'stoppp'.
"You're gonna be out a few weeks" You teased as you poked his shoulder.
"If you carry on, I swear to god" He said as he grabbed his bag from his locker.
"And what are you gonna do? Punish me?" A sly smirk appeared on your face after you made the comment. Christian turned around, his shoulders suddenly tensed.
"Don't test me, princess" The stern tone you heard was nothing compared to the venom on his lips. His nostrils flared slightly, and his pupils became dilated, darkening his brown eyes even more.
He clenched his jaw as if he was seconds away from letting go, ready to pounce and pin you down against the wall. Your stomach started fluttering when you realized he had all this pent up anger and frustration.
Just as he was about to speak, the changing room door opened, players now entering the room. You smirked at him as he whispered.
"Wait for me outside. I'm not done with you" You nodded your head and waited outside for him just like he asked.
It was gonna be a long night for you.
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moremaybank · 11 months
stoppp imagine jj being so in love with how his gf is so gd with children and he’s just like i want a baby with you RIGHT NOW🤭🤭🤭🤭
hi i went a lil fluffier with this so pls don't hate me. i'm def down to write another jj breeding kink fic (i'm trying to write one rn) so lmk if you want sum smuttier ;)
you've always adored kids, and jj has known that for awhile. you're so good with them, so caring and nurturing with your big heart, and all jj can think about is starting his own family with the love of his life. between your huge heart and his lifelong dream of creating the family he'd always dreamed of as a kid, it makes him dizzy. one day, you offer to babysit for one of the kooks on the island, and since you're more than well-loved on the island, your peers tend to trust you entirely with their children. by the time the parents take their kids home, and you've showered and gotten ready for bed, jj can't help but admire his perfect girl. you notice his eyes on you, and you give him a suspecting look. "what's up with you? you've had that glimmer in your eye all day." and jj looks at you so tenderly as his hand runs down your side, cupping your hip and stroking the bone there with his thumb. "i just can't wait to start a family with you. i watch you with the kids you watch and the thought of you being that way with our own children...it makes me crazy, baby." you raise a brow, "are you saying what i think you're saying?" jj smiles, dipping his head down to kiss your stomach. "let's start trying. i wanna give you a baby, give you a family," he breathes. and how could you ever say no to your perfect boy, looking up at you with his sparkling, oceanic eyes and dimple that sends your heart into overdrive?
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honnelander · 8 months
Hello darling ♥️ can I just say I absolutely love you and your fics and that you are an amazing writer? 😭 I come here daily to check on your blog, I love your content, especially the ine about Sanji, and you are so cute!!
I was also thinking 👀 I wanna throw a suggestion about a fic you could write, I don't know if you write about actors but what about a Taz x reader who is an actress who plays a character in One Piece, they have a PR relationship and at first they are just good friends but slowly fall in love?? Idk I think it'd be cute and you'd write it perfectly ❤️ SENDING YOU LOTS OF LOVE DARLING
why thank you SO much 🥹🫶🏼 a daily checker?! how sweet! what an honor, fr 😭 and stoppp, YOU guys are all cute 🤭
as for your fic suggestion, normally I don’t write for actors bc it’s hard to learn or figure out their personality than it is for a fictional character and I don’t want to be disrespectful or come off as weird…..BUT TBH i really think I might just say fuck it and write it! 😩 the idea sounds so fun and challenging creatively, and I’d like to try to write a little fic about him….it sounds kinda cute 🙊🙈
and I think writing reader as maybe a stunt actress for One Piece, who helped train Taz for (what- years I think??) the role sounds really cute! and fake dating trope?? so cute 😩 I like it! thank you for your suggestion 😜🫶🏼
(disclaimer: if you don’t like real life actor fics, I’m sorry 🥲🥲)
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wcndcr · 2 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ? 2016, i was travelling, this was a pairs rp and i joined it to stop being scared to ship with strangers. obviously i failed because i still ended up only shipping with people properly after getting to know them. @ laura & julie thanks for putting up with me.
which characters have you written over the years ? anton, rohan, johanne, nadya, kaspar
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ? please don't hate me, i cannot remember.
what about other people's plotlines ? valias forever. also the olimbiel wedding sry it's not canon anymore
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ? anton. i feel like it's self-explanatory.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ? ebhan before they became ebhan, it was funny and i had naomi in my inbox every two seconds having a meltdown.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ? bro stoppp.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ? the old people squad (they had a name and i forgot it)
what is your favourite ooc memory ? this is probably not the favourite because my brain has erased the last 5 years clearly, but when ya'll thought kaspar and wiebke were fucking.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ? at the bottom of a river.
what else would you like to say ? it's been real. thanks to the admins, j, e, evy. byeee
irenton + their nextgen task happen obv, anton gets a duchy but i forgot which one sorry
ebhan goes through two coronations they are me. they are tired.
nadya dies an early death, in the ice. sorry
i have nothing to say about johanne
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yesimwriting · 20 hours
just wanted to say that even if you think it's "too late" to update final girl, its one of my favs that you've written!! You write so eloquently its insane.
stoppp this is so nice :) i don't like saying things that could sound like i'm bragging,, but i'm fr proud of final girl
idk what it is but there are some characters that i can "feel" their voice in my head when i write and i think that really makes a different and i could always "feel" billy and stu's voices in terms of writing/being able to see what they'd do in my mind's eye if that makes sense lol
i think i'll write a final girl verse drabble/one-shot to stretch the muscle and then see where we go from there :)
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dailytwsttweets · 1 day
Alright I sent in my favorite ships time to send in my least favorite !! (I like or tolerate almost all ships basically this is just me shaming proshippers)
-Any 1st year with a 3rd year because that's nasty. On a technicality it's not illegal for them to date each other but the SECOND it turns sexual it is. But IDC about the law because a 16 year old dating an 18 year old is gross get that away from me.
-Any 1st or 2nd year with Leona. Do I need to explain?? ESPECIALLY not Ruggie because that whole dynamic is fucked and he is SEVENTEEN and Leona is TWENTY !!
-Why do people keep shipping Yuu with Crowley or any of the teachers. BACK AWAY PEDOS !!!!!!
-Any ship with the minors that's set in a sexual light because wtf
-Why do people ship Jade and Floyd. Huh. Pardon. YUCK.
-I'm fine with Silver x Sebek but any other ships with the Diasomnia crew feels weird because Silver and Malleus are siblings and Lilia is their Dad, and Sebek sees Lilia as an authority figure. Not to even MENTION the age thing regarding Malleus and Lilia.
-Why do people like to ship siblings so much because wth is Idia x Ortho i'm terrified. Not only are they siblings but Ortho looks and seems to be mentally young, like maybe 13 in my opinion. YUCK.
-This is more personal preference but I don't really like Riddle x Ace because Riddle is his Housewarden (weird power dynamic) plus he's a grade older. I don't really mind 1st years x 2nd years but combined with their dynamic plus the Housewarden thing... it feels icky to me.
Oouyghhh boy hold on let me read for a bit
I personally don’t like 1st x 3rd year cause they feel more like brothers/mentors than lovers (I hate Vilepel.)
No cause I saw Leona X Jamil once and I wanted to throw up. I keep seeing Leona X 2nd/1st year shit like can we not?? Also dude, I will never get how Leoruggie is more popular than Floyrid and more accepted like?? Leoide and Kalirug solo tbh
Stoppp I hate that sm. Or imo, Leona X Yuu. Like I think we forgot that there’s a chance Yuu is a minor.
“But minors can have sex” okay but it’s not legal to write about it or portray it especially if you’re a grown adult.
EUUGH I HATE LEECHCEST. I REMEMBER SOME BITCHASS TRIED PULLING “it’s their most popular ship in Japan” AS IF JAPAN HAS GOOD MORALS. Japan literally has to have the shutter sounds on to prevent girls from being preyed on
I personally don’t like Silbek at all tbh, all Diasomnia x Diasomnia ships are so odd. Like?? Dude this one grown ass woman on this app drawing Sililia like??
Same woman also draws Shroudcest like stop leave my boy Ortho alone. Stop portraying Idia as an incestous pedo
I see Ridoace as more or less brothers tbh 😭
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