#i don't do well with bad stinky smells so i could imagine i would be entirely useless with that guy
ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "michael, what did we say about mystic flame in highly vegetated areas?"
please support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix!! 🙏🧡
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them part 4
Leave before you end up here as well,”
“I'm looking for someone to join my pirate crew,” Luffy ignored his warnings. The alpha in front of him was bloody and dirty but Luffy could still see the power and strength rading off of him. The way his gray eyes stalked him from under his black bandana as if Luffy was interesting prey. Ronora Zoro, demon of the east blue was more like a tiger who took human form and replaced his claws with a sword. He had two golden tear shaped earrings and one blue heart earring.
“Pirate? Heh, so you just gave up on life and became a crook huh?” The other alpha sneered at him.
“It's my dream! Thires nothing worng with wanting to be a pirate! To be a free man,”
“Don't tell me, you plan to ‘free men just to force me to join you crew,”
“Hmm, maybe,” Luffy shurged, he knew Zoro and Sanji would join. It was only a matter of convincing them. “Lot of people say your a bad guy,”
“A bad guy? Doesn't matter, I'll never join you. I have something that I need to take care of. I'll survive without your help, I just need to make it one month,” Zoro looked at him with stealy determination. “I'm going to do everything I can to stay alive and fuil my dreams!”
“Huh if it was me I'd starve in like a week,” Maybe less he almost always was hungry and could eat at any time.
“That's where were different, go find someone eles to join you becase it's not going to be me,” Luffy shurged and started to walk away. “Hey the rice feed it to me,”
Luffy held up the smushed rice, sugar and dirt and looked it at. It was such a shame Luffy had never had a dessert made from rice. It could have been delicious despite what the other blonde omega said. He could still smell his stinky clounge, he could still tell what he was even with the coulonge.
“You sure? It's more dirt than rice at this point,” Luffy looked between him and the rice.
“Just feed it to me!” Zoro demand from the post he was tied to. “We don't waste food,”
“Ok,” Luffy shrugged and stepped closer, he caught a good whiff of the alpha.
Overwhelmed by the aroma of freshly steamed rice, the earthly tones of the fields of water and mud that grows grain and oddly enough a sharp tang of iron and steel. Blood, blade or something completely blended and new to this world, his scent was strong and dominating. So this is the man married to my pretty Cook hm~? He knew that they both were HIS. He could only imagine what they smelled like together.
“Why do you smell like my husband, my Sanji?” Zoro growled in between bites.
“I met him, his food is really good, he's really pretty too,” Luffy grinned he would need to rework his stargdy if he was gonna convince Zoro to join him.
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egg-emperor · 9 months
What do you think Eggman smells like? Most people I've seen think of him as a stinky stinky man (which is fair, I think one of his moves in one of the riders games was to fart on his opponents) but personally I believe he takes good care of his hygiene and wears egg-scented cologne. Not rotten eggs, just... Egg. Scrambled, perhaps. Maybe even fried. It's not a BAD smell but it's definitely not what you expect a person to smell like.
I imagine he naturally is kind of stinky lol but hear me out- it's not a problem with hygiene. With the way those pristine pearly whites shine and he maintains such a big mustache that looks wonderfully soft, fluffy, bouncy, and well groomed, I have no doubt he takes great care of himself! After all, he adores himself and would definitely give himself all the best with luxury self care and pampering. Similar to how I like to imagine that part of why he's fat is because he loves himself so much that he keeps himself well fed with all of his favorite foods like he deserves 💜
But I imagine that it's not so easy for him to stay smelling as fresh as he does when he gets right out of the shower for long. It's the way he's a big guy that's always working hard or regularly overheating and working up a sweat, he's known to have a tendency to overheat in a bunch of official stuff. Plus the amount of layers he's typically wearing, with his main outfit being a full one piece form fitting bodysuit and leather jacket on top is a lot on top of that so it's no surprise. Though because of that it may trap some of his scent and make it a bit fainter but not by a lot.
I think Eggman would most often smell like the heavy scent of cologne of something spicy or earthy and very masculine. Strong so it seems like he's trying to use it to mask his natural scent but it's still faintly there, and I imagine it'd be a combination of the musk of his sweat and oil and metals or other chemicals if he's been working on stuff hands on. I haven't considered that he tries to smell like eggs deliberately, though that would be interesting. But I think his musk could perhaps be like eggs but not rotten, regular beautiful delicious eggs just like him hehe 😋
People that dislike the smell of eggs rotten or not could find it unpleasant and complain but people who don't wouldn't mind. And it's probably only faint with the cologne he tries to mask it with and his form fitting clothes he's wearing trapping it a bit. He smells his worst when he's gassy like Sonic said he can be in Colors and we have indeed seen that to be the truth with his level 3 farting attack in Riders. Then that Egg can be rotten and bad enough to kill a man and he sure knows how to use it to his advantage, the menace. Though I wouldn't complain, it's impressive! XD
It's nice to imagine him with a unique scent that makes you to "yeah that's Eggman". I like the idea that even his scent can be representative of parts of who he is. Like him smelling of high quality hygiene products when he's fresh out the shower which doesn't last long but he also applies a expensive heavy spicy or earthy cologne that lasts longer and both represent his wealth and self care. But then also like sweat and oil/metals/chemicals to indicate that he's a very hard working guy. And also his natural musk being kind of eggy to represent that he is The Eggman! 🥰
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snippychicke · 2 years
For the Sake of a Smile-- Short Five
Title: For the Sake of a Smile-- Short Five: Bedtime Cuddles
Fandom: Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun!
Summary: Hell on earth was your motto for your job. Granted, you were pretty sure earth really was hell, considering the shit you had seen. And the fact your coworker was a child. Suzuki Iruma, in fact. A kid who’s life was decidedly worse than yours, but smiled despite everything.
And you’d do a lot for his smile. Including summoning a demon and signing your life away.
But as it turns out, hell (The Netherworld, actually) was a lot better than living on earth. Demons were more humane than a lot of humans you knew.
And Iruma’s smile wasn’t the only one that would change your life.
Chapter Five | AO3 | mairimashitai! Simps Discord *NEW*
"... which only proves that next semester they need to be pressed harder. If these first years are capable…" Kalego trailed off, though Balam had stopped paying attention a few seconds earlier, distracted by the fact you had crawled into his lap and was in the middle of making yourself comfortable. "Is she… going to sleep?" 
"I think so?" Balam murmured, feeling his heart thump in his chest as you nuzzled against him before falling still. 
Oh. He… he was not used to this. Animals, yes, once he carefully gained their trust. But he never had someone else be so… cuddly with him. Of their own accord. Granted, you were usually more accepting of his skinship habit, but this… this was new.
"Well, perhaps I should retire for the night as well," Kalego said as he stood. Balam gave him a lost look  making the dark haired demon wink with an impish smile. "Have fun getting her to bed." 
Balam looked down at where you were curled up in his lap, your head resting against his chest as you slept. 
 He would happily just sit in the same place all night while you slept, if it meant holding you.bBut he could only imagine what kind of rumors would spread from that. And the last thing he needed was Lord Sullivan after his head. 
He grabbed his mask, fixing it in place before he held you close and carefully stood. You whined slightly and curled closer, wrapping your arms around his neck. He paused, taking a deep breath to try and calm his heart. "Just taking you to bed, little one."
"Oh, okay," you sleepily answered before asking. "Hey Balam?"
"I don't smell do I?" 
"Huh?" Balam paused, looking down at you. Your eyes were cracked as you rested your head on his shoulder.  
"Opera said they followed the 'strong pungent' odor of the masking cologne to find Iruma and me. Does that mean I stink? I mean, I haven't noticed anything, but is it just something demons sense? Do I really smell to everyone around me? Like-like stinky blue cheese?" 
You… you were crying. Or about to. He felt himself panic as he hurried to reassure your fears. "N-no! You don't smell! Well, you don't smell bad! You do have a very unique scent, both you and Iruma, but it's nothing bad!" 
You sniffed as you glanced up at him. "So… I smell nice?" 
"Y-yes. Very, um, nice." Yes, the cologne was very… unique. Not in a bad way, but he didn't know how to explain that it marked you as Lord Sullivan’s  kin. You and Iruma wouldn't have to say anything, and anyone with a nose would know you were a part of Sullivan’s  family. 
(You had explained once humans had no use for pheromones, which he still had a hard time comprehending. Pheromones were a basic part of communication in the Netherworld. So much of society was built on the inherentness of it. It marked families, large and small. Territories. When an evil cycle was approaching, or when one was interested in a mate…)
But, besides Sullivan's cologne was your own scent. It wasn't nearly as strong, but it still there and utterly unique to you. He found himself enjoying it more often than not. Warm, inviting, invoking feelings of being welcomed and loved. Like returning to his nest after a long, stressful day and just relaxing. 
It was as alluring, just like everything else about you. 
After little help from one of the hotel's attendant, he managed to find your room. It was just as richly decorated as the others, the bed large enough for even a giant of a demon, let alone a human such as yourself.
He set you down on the plush mattress, fussing to make sure the pillows and blankets were just right. Did humans nest? Burrow in their blankets like some demons? Curl protectively? Did you lay on your back in order to be able to see as soon as your eyes opened? Or did you sleep on your stomach to protect yourself better?
He watched, both to take notes on how humans slept, and because you were rather cute as you tossed and turned before you opened a bleary eye and held out a hand towards him, making a grabby motion. "Can you hold me a little while longer? Maybe until I fall asleep?? I-I really liked when you did that." 
You were going to be the death of him between your request and the blush if your face looking absolutely adorable. Yet he obliged without protest, sitting against the headrest of the bed, your head resting against his crossed legs as he combed through your hair. 
You fell back asleep within minutes. Yet he didn't move, enraptured by how you had snuggled into him, the soft noises you made with every breath, how peaceful you looked.
 He fell asleep shortly afterward, hand still resting on your head.
Chapter Six
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my-minds-attic · 7 months
I'm reading again
It's just recently that I put myself back into book world. Books were a big thing to me when I was a kid. I used to go to the library every Friday evening after school with my friends. We were not even 8 years old, running the 100 meters separating the school gates to our small village library. I remember these days like it was yesterday. I remember Enola Holmes making me hope I'd be as smart and courageous as her one day. I remember Goosebumps giving me, without me even realising it back then, the love, I still have, for horrific stories. And I remember Percy Jackson. Not only these books made me discover the beauty of greek mythology, but these characters kind of became my friends. That sounds lonely. I mean, I was lonely. But...not really.
My older brother has always been a big part of my 'reading journey'. I never really said that to him but, I'm so grateful for the influence he had on my youth. Especially on pop culture. My love for video games, superhero movies, Harry Potter,... All him. Next time I'll speak to him, I'll thank him for asking mom to buy the Hunger Games and the Oscar Pill books. All that to say, I wouldn't be the same person I am today without him. I definitely wouldn't like reading as much as I do.
My teenage years have been punctuated by the different books I've been reading. You know, sometimes you associate a book with a moment in your life or a place. In my home in France, in winter, when it was snowing outside, I was reading Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by the chimney because my mom just gifted it to me for Christmas. I was trying to sit on the tiny protruding edge close to the chimney glass while reading it, and it was burning my back, and my butt hurt, and I heard the wood crackling, and it smelled amazing and I was the happiest ever. This book became my favorite for a long time, and I now wonder if this whole 'reading environment' wasn't a huge part of why.
I moved to Canada for university three years ago now. I had the great idea of making this life-changing decision during a global pandemic. As a result, you're now dealing with a girl who's ten times more anxious and has lost half of her, already low, self-confidence. I've had a year of online classes and wasn't going out at all, except for taking out the trash. I had traveled thousands of miles for this. Nobody could do shit about it though, so it made me feel a bit better. You'd think that all that time at home would have given me the opportunity to read hundreds of books. Well I didn't. And to this day I don't really know why. I guess I forgot for a while the happiness reading could give me. I wish I didn't forget.
I moved to another apartment at the start of second year. Uni was getting a tiny bit more normal. I mean, I was actually seeing people. But, I also had the worst roommates you can even begin to imagine. Crazy, dirty, stinky, drugged, the whole package really. Unfortunately, with the rise of apartment rental prices, I probably had the lowest rent in the neighbourhood. So I stayed. After a year like that, I thought I was going to go crazy, when my landlord finally managed to kick them out. I didn't know before moving to Canada how roommates can affect your day-to-day life. How they could put such a huge shadow on all your efforts to be more confident and positive.
Third year was last year. If bad roommates can darken your life, good roommates can save your life. I'll call them A and C. The first week, with two new guys on my floor, I got intimidated. I kept my old habits of eating in my room, and going into common spaces only when I knew for sure they weren't there. But sometimes they caught me off guard and I ended up getting to know them just enough to realise they were exactly what I needed. I know that's not what I was to them, but they kind of became my best friends. I went out more often, I was laughing like crazy every night, we were making burgers to each other, we had movie nights, and even got dangerously addicted to online casino at one point. C returned to his home in December after four months together. Me and A were scared the new roommate could never be as good as C. Well, let me tell you, the next four months were the best I had in a long, long time. Our new roommate, Alex, she's still with me today. She's just great. I had a really hard time when it was time for A to leave last May. At the airport, he sent me a text : "Thank you for probably the best year of my life". I'm still struggling now not to see him in every single corner of this apartment. Don't get me wrong, I know he's not dead, and that we'll probably see each other again one day. It's just that... him leaving marked the end of one of the best chapter of my life.
Thanks to third year, something finally clicked in me. I realised the old me was still inside. And that's when I found this out that I entered the library right up my street to buy a book. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, the most recent Hunger Games story.
Anxiety is still very much there, but it goes up and down, and I am somewhat certain I'll overcome it one day.
I missed reading so much guys.
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tweedstoat · 1 year
Ep 1: the Heirs of the Dragon
LOVE the shot of the burnt insides of harrenhal
"That's almost large enough to saddle two" my god these bitches gay
Ser Harold's pearl clutching when he saw Daemon on the throne
Aemma seems so lovely and sensible 😔 girl we are gonna get you out of there and you can stop trying for kids. Her speech about mourning all the dead children she can and failing in her duty to provide an heir 💔💔💔
Lord Lyman saying "Dear me" to Daemons gross rant about Rhea Royce. He's been a real one from day 1. I know a young lord lyman would treat me right.
You can really see the difference in splendour and size between this tourney and the s1 GoT tourney.
Daemons armor looks great. Totally impractical but great.
The crowd booing Daemon for his unsportsmanlike conduct dhalaidjssjsk hes entering his Elon Musk era
Loved Rhaenyra and Alicents little bitchy gossip sesh
Bby Laena gripping Laenors arm when the knight is getting beaten up 💔
The increasing tourney violence juxtaposed with Aemmas increasingly gory birth....
Daemon does have a point. Viserys is weak and I'm kind of happy he pointed that out.
I like that they showed Rhaenys looking a bit (imo) conflicted when Rhaenyra was named heir and the lords swore their pledges. It must've hurt for her.
Wish we'd seen more of the politicking at the great council :(. Especially the random lesser claimants like Saeras sons and the descendent of Daenys and Gaemon's second daughter who married a petty lord. Also can you imagine seeing Jaehaerys interacting with one of Saeras illegitimate sons? That may well have been what finally sent him off.
Daemon is annoying me. I didn't mind him in the books but this version is actively passing me off. Gotta say beginning his speech with insulting the city watch was funny tho. Having him say "our city should be safe for all its people" after he spent the night being judge jury and executioner was just audacious....so yeah textbook Daemon
Having the gold cloaks just be thugs terrorising the city like??? Why???? AGCAB tho (all gold cloaks are bastards)
WHY are they acting like absolute male preference primogeniture was firmly established by the great council? That happened after the dance my guys. Picking Rhaenyra over Daemon may have been kind of shaky because of the great council of 101 but it could be justified with andal law, or if daemon is so widely distrusted/disliked another great council.
Fights to the death being allowed in jousting. It's supposed to be an exercise for wartime not an actual war smh
Im sorry but Caraxes looked like one of the Jurassic park dinosaurs in the scene where Daemon lets Mysaria touch him
Not a fan of the prophecy being used by Viserys but if the dance ends with the prophecy being lost I won't mind it so much
Can they stop having everyone and their mother repeat the lyanna stark promise me line like please
I liked all of Alicents dresses but only Rhaenyras red tourney dress and heir dress. The first yellow/gold Rhaenyra dress was awful.
Rhaenyras heir outfit was *chefs kiss*
I liked Mysarias white dress in the brothel.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
What do dragons smell like if they're that stinky that you smell like them after a ride???
my man Corlys is rolling over in his grave cause one of his descendants is now one of those very pirates beggaring the realm
Interesting having Viserys be cut (or claim to be cut) by the IT in the first ep when it's taken as a sign of being unfit to rule in the books...AND THEN IT CUTS HIM FOR REAL.
"Bad humours of the mind can affect the body" Ok Sygmynd Fraeud
Bro Viserys' dream sounds just straight up like wishful thinking not dragon dreams 😭😭😭
If I were Otto I'd hate Daemon too "don't let him provoke you" like fuck you Viserys he just insulted the man's recently deceased wife
"You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes, wielder of dark sister, sufferer of plot necessary erectile dysfunction"
We deserve a spin off prequel where Daemon slowly works through every small council position and fails miserably while Otto tears out his hair
Otto you are going to hell along with Viserys. Imagine pimping your teenage daughter out to the king in one of her mothers dresses . Imagine not sending your teenage daughters best friend away when her father has placed her in this position. Viserys being this gross when he has a daughter Alicents age is atrocious.
Do they not have seperate rooms in Westerosi brothels?
The guy who paused mid-fuck to listen to Daemons heir for a day speech hdsldjwkajdjs
Daemon trying to play off the heir for a day speech as GRIEVING IN HIS OWN WAY my god
Is it just me or do all the candles around the dragons kind of imply the Targaryens worship them? I like that idea I'm keeping it.
Overall thoughts:
They should have trigger warnings on these episodes for pregnant people cause jesus christ
Viserys really loves threatening to cut people's tongues out eh?
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter five - On my own
[ series masterlist ]
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : this is sad i made myself sad
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" It was a pretty rough night not gonna lie .. She barely managed to fall asleep around 8 am . I woke up a few times to check upon her cause she had her nose clogged from all that crying . "
Victoria said over phone to Thomas .
It was around one in the noon . She was frying some eggs and vegetables for her and Y/N to eat .
" How did it went over there ? " "Jesus I wish I knew honestly . "
Thomas admitted sighing .
" When he came here last night he was crying . Like really hard . It took him 30 minutes to calm down and tell me what he did .. " " And ? " " I tried punching him in the face but I ended up hurting my hand more . " Vic chuckled upon the thought of Thomas hitting someone , especially Damiano .
" And I don't know he just continued to cry and smoke cigs . I swear to Jesus he smoked like whole 3 packs in one night . I am not sure when he fell asleep or if he did . But there was not much talking here trust me . "
Both of them went silent . Not being able to choose one side . Both Y/N and Damiano where their long known friends and dear people in general .
" Y/N is more than my best friend . She is my family . I would do anything that I can to keep her safe , just like with you . That's why I am feeling so guilty upon meeting her with Damiano. "
" Hon' it was not your fault remember ? " The other line was silent .
" Have you ever wondered how it would look like if they didn't end up together ? "
" Yeah .. I mean maybe .. You know I did often when I found myself in between their arguments . "
" Pft please , they where soft near you comparing to their usual . "
Thomas lighted up his cigarette , the sound of him taking a drag was pretty clear .
" I almost left the band cause of them remember ? At that period Damiano and I had lots of small fights and arguments . "
Vic turned off the stove placing the food in plates skillfully.
" Hold up I need to give Y/N breakfast . " " Aight I'm waitin' . "
" Babes are you awake ? " The blond girl called out for her friend . Y/N was laying on her side of the bed , all the sheets and pillows where thrown in the corner of the room . She didn't wanted anything that smelled like Damiano near her . Instead she slept on bare mattress , Victoria's traveling pillow and she covered herself with the blanket from living room .
" I am not hungry yet , can you just please leave the plate here ? "
" Sure I'll be downstairs . Just call . "
No respond , she just closed the door behind her after glancing at Y/N last time .
Vic was cleaning the stinky apartment whole morning , it was not bothering her in fact . She knew Y/N would do the same for her .
" Tom you there ? " She cooed once her phone was in her grasp again . " Yeah yeah I was talking to Damiano . " " Is he alright ? " " I am not sure really . I think not obviously , but now after this I am not expecting anything normal from him ever again . " " Oh come on it was a - " " If you just dare to finish the sentence I will kill you . How can that be an accident ?? Rape is not an accident ! He was fully aware Victoria !! " " Pshh be quite you idiot ! " She tried hushing her friend after turning around herself paranoid like someone overheard their conversation .
" He is showering now don't worry . We should not be taking sides on this one but Vic .. He is not good for her ... Neither is she for him .. This is lasting for 3 years .. Remember ? "
" Don't fucking remind me . "
Silence . Both of them trying to understand the policy of their friends relationship .
" He threatened to kill himself so many times if she leaves him .. "
" She was so heartbroken each time that she was the one actually considering suicide . "
" I remember one time they had some huge fight as always and she came to my house in like 3 am crying and talking some nonsenses . "
" They never had a filter , especially around us , sometimes it gets just too tiring ya know ? "
" They made me and Ethan cry so many times Jesus Vic you have the biggest nerve here . " Her friend admitted with chuckle.
" Should we like ... talk to them each day and convince them to break up ? "
Deadly silence .
One was sure . Y/N and Damiano shouldn't ever be together again .
" Are we bad friends for doing this ? " " Pft please , we are doing service to everyone . "
" I am so confused and so worried for Y/N , I will talk to Damiano later and then call you to see if something improved and to update you . How is Y/N feeling now ? "
" Not so good bro , I think she is considering that breakup as well . Everything is still so confusing and not in order . "
" Alright Vic , gonna call later , bye love you . "
" Love you too bye . "
* meanwhile in Thomas house *
Thomas hanged up his half hour long conversation with Victoria . He rubbed his eyes hardly throwing the cellphone on the kitchen table where he was standing smoking .
To be honest he was also crying with Damiano last night . He couldn't imagine the amount of pain Y/N was suffering . His still pulsing bruised hand started to feel a bit better . He regretted only hitting Damiano , but they all knew he was the weakest out of all boys in the group .
Damiano was laying in his bed dressed in his chlotes fresh out of shower.
Crying again .
It was slowly starting to make Thomas mad .
' Why didn't he cry last night when he abused her? '
" Oi , whats the matter now ? Why are you crying again ? Cause you are an asshole or complete idiot ? " " Thomas shut the fuck up . I am not capable of having that conversation . " Damiano's voice was raspy and cracked .
" Well we are gonna have this conversation , in fact right now . Where where your tears last night when you raped her ? " " It wasn't ra -" " It was ! You fucked her without her consent ! What the fuck where you thinking ! "
He stood up from the bed crying his bottom lip shaking .
Thomas was in slight shock . Was Damiano really that dumb ?
" Are you serious ? I can't actually believe how selfish and egoistic you are . You raped my best friend because you got mad at her that her ex was there ? "
This was actually the first time in 3 years someones words affected Damiano about his behavior towards Y/N . He sat back on the bed holding his head in his hands .
" I took you in cause I care about you . You are my friend . But I will never forgive you this . You can stay here as much as you want but don't expect any special treatment from me . "
" Should I call her ? I must apologize . "
Thomas snorted .
" No . You must not apologize , you must beg her on your knees to forgive you . You must beg her to even look at you . I know I wouldn't if I was her . No matter what you do she will love you forever and that is the problem . "
Damiano was highly affected by his friends words. In his mind he was only picturing whimpering Y/N whose head he was holding down with his hand , her tears where soaked up on that backseat .
'I will rather die than look her in the eyes again.'
* meanwhile in Y/N's house *
" Are you sure I am not bothering ? I can always ask Thomas to stay with him ? " Y/N asked Victoria while both of them where packing some of Y/N's stuff in the suitcase .
" Yeah absolutely , we are going to spend some quality time healing and having fun . "
Y/N made her final decision , she was going to break up with Damiano this time for real .
She didn't have that much of her stuff , all the clothes , jewelry , letters , poems and all the other gifts she received from Damiano she placed in on huge box and left it on the center of their bed .
" Can I tell Thomas you are staying with me ? "
"Yes but alarm him not to tell Damiano .. I do not wanna hear a word from him . "
Vic simply nodded and in a less than an hour they where all packed leaving the past behind .
* three weeks later *
Things where only worse for our lovers .
Damiano heard no word from Y/N and neither did she from him .
She was expecting it to be honest .
Everyday was same as the other . Too long , too cold and filled with cigarette smoke .
All Y/N did was sometimes leave her room when she didn't wanted to offend Vic after putting effort into preparing the meal , she would listen to whatever record Victoria had , smoke all the cigarettes till she vomited , drink vodka away from her roommates sight and cry herself everyday regretting her whole relationship .
' He never fucking loved me .. I cheated on Michael with him just so he could fuck me over .. He never loved me .. He was just obsessed and he wanted me in his possession '
The fact Damiano didn't try reaching her was painful , it was providing sharp stings in her chest and it gave her headaches .
She saw him in every song , he was always on her mind . She wished she could delete all the memories and feelings just like she deleted the pictures . . .
Damiano was not much different than her .
He was also crying a lot , smoking a lot , not drinking but overthinking . He didn't knew Y/N moved out .. No one understood why it took him 3 weeks to try and reach her .
He didn't understood either .
He was trying to come up with the perfect apologize . He wanted to show her he was willing to do better . Willing to change . To prove her he was ready to change . He was sure that Y/N wouldn't return his calls . She understood her . He expected her to be mad and stubborn she had every reason to be .
Thomas was barely speaking to him . Only some formalities . Måneskin was put on hold their rehearsals , Vic and Thomas being very strict in their communication with Damiano while Ethan was very confused and unsure of what is going on .
Damianos mom and Y/N's parents also weren't included in the situation .
The day he planned on returning home , so sure that he would be greeted by her embrace , came .
He shaved his face for the first time in 3 weeks , he changed his underwear for the first time in 3 weeks , he wore simple suit and he drove all the way into the depths of the town to buy the most glorious flowers that his Y/N loved .
He wasn't planning on just winning her over with some flowers and gifts , or the dialog he practiced in his head and in front of his mirror .
Upon reaching the yard of their house he frowned . There was something different . Something wrong . .
He was walking slowly , looking all around himself , gripping the bouquet of flowers in his sweaty palm .
He stood in front of the door .
It was wrong . Something was wrong .
His mind scream . He hoped he was very paranoid once again .
His hand rose up to ring the door bell . He was nervous and afraid .
You are being worried for no reason .
He kept reasurinf himself.
So he rang .
Four times . Four long times .
No one opened .
Was she home ? After all he came unannounced . Maybe she is sleeping ?
" Y/N! Y/N it's me ! Please open the door ! "
He was starting to sweat .
He searched with his shaking hands through his pocket to find the house keys . He unlocked the door . The house was empty and cold .
It was not smelling like her . Cause there was no one , she wasn't home . Not for an hour , not for the day , not here in a while .
He kept calling for her . " Y/N ! " He dropped the keys and flowers on the kitchen table .
He started roaming the house in panic . Even trying to sense some sort of smell . He was afraid she killed herself so his nose searched for the rotting corpse smell.
Every bad scenarios possible went through his head .
He ran towards their room . Empty .
Even their pets weren't there . She was gone .
Y/N left him . For real this time . For good .
He started to breath heavily . Tears forming in his eyes . The big box on their bed .
Inside of it all his gifts to her . All his clothes she loved wearing . He took one hoodie she often every time she was cleaning . He placed it under his nose . It still held her scent . Her ghost was there , in the shape of the memories one cardboard box held .
He was crying , repeating her name , calling it out . Kissing her dresses and watering them with tears .
He was on his own . There was no one he wanted more than her . He realized what he had once he lost it . He was alone for the first time .
taglist : @ella-nordstrm3 , @urskaa , @lovelysaltyland , @littleachaos , @whoreforhenrycavill , @13journals , @onceuponparrilla , @21nell , @davedace101 , @vainbimbo , @aliyeaz , @vandafabryova , @miriampraez , @foggyhottubcandy , @daringovangel , @inr89
253 notes · View notes
worldsover · 3 years
No More Drowning ft. Olivia Hye
length ✦ 7138
genres ✧ drunk hookup; outercourse; roommate!Olivia
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Perspiration deluges your white Taekwondo uniform. You make it fit loose so that it doesn’t stick to your skin. A refreshing breeze now annoys you as it whistles through your damn window that never sealed completely shut. At least you didn't need to turn on a fan today.
“Hey Captain,” you greet the commander of none. Hyejoo lies on a small blue couch, the only pristine spot in the living room. Her outfit suggests that there would be the usual cool air expected of the season but the fall is humid and stuck in the climate of a couple months past. It’s incredible that there is not a bead of sweat formed on her face. You study her and somehow she’s handsome in your eyes which is probably not a word others would use to describe the stunning woman reclining with her feet up.
“Wassup,” she says.
“You gonna-”
“Clean up?  Yeah, yeah, lemme finish this round.”
Her face is welded to her screen though her eyes dart around maybe holding a hint of remorse at the clothes that litter the cramped living space and the dishes in the sink.
“I’m not an impostor! Ahhh!” Hyejoo shouts into the screen. Certainly none of her actions follow through on that guilt.
“How'd this even happen? You got pyjamas on the floor, shirts on the chairs. You a camgirl or something?"
"I'm a camgirl? I can see your tits dude.” Cover your pectoral cleavage in faux shame. ”Yo, I swear I just saw green-"
"And all these energy drinks? Come on Hyejoo, no way your heart lasts more than a year.”
“Wow, meanie.”
You look at your watch. “It’s like 9:40.”
“Shit, right, the marketing test.” Hyejoo’s fingers show no pretense that she’ll stop playing. She definitely didn't see your disapproving face. “Oh relax, I still got time,” she says anyway.
Finally, she looks up at you and her brows crease. “What?” you ask.
"You look good today."
Your heart floats just a little. You always appreciate the little compliments she gives. They were just ones that friends, good friends, would say but you’ll take anything to keep you going. Well, it’s enough to get you to clean up for her again.
“It’s gonna be a long shower by the way.” She giggles and you step over empty cans and bottles when you walk to the bathroom.
“No prob, I’m heading out soon,” Hyejoo says.
“Sure you are.”
Her exaggerated yawn seems not so exaggerated by how she stretches her entire being before putting her phone away.
“Oh, soon means now. How long’s it going to take?” you say.
She shrugs her shoulders. “One, two? I dunno.”
In a rush to get all her supplies in her bag, a series of metallic clangs sound out when finished beverages fall over like dominoes.
“Fuck. I’m so sorry about that, I really am. I can buy you lunch if you want something?” Hyejoo starts picking up a few of them to set aside in the corner and you help her.
“Nah, I’ll still be in the shower by then.”
Hyejoo scoffs. “If I'm addicted to caffeine, you're addicted to water. A sandwich sound good?”
“Yeah sure. I got a lot on my mind, Captain.”
“That include me?” A dismissive puff of air exits your lips. No, no way. She walks up to smell your uniform. Your acute awareness of her distance or lack thereof causes you to ignore her pupils' subtle drift downwards.
“You’re a weirdo, you know that?”
"Get to your shower stinky."
You wave Hyejoo off then enter the bathroom. The scurry of little steps and a slam from the front door echo the whole apartment. Never any privacy in here. These sounds give way to the jet engine of your shower with its pressure betraying the bargain rate of your rent. Soap washes away your muscles' ache and the sun’s beating on your skin. It's been unusually warm since the leaves turned brown. Water builds up in the tub.
Something's not adding up. There it is again. That plunging in your heart. Sparring always helps a bit after your early morning manual labor carrying bags of sand. However, it does not stop the resurfacing of your every mistake as there's nothing but your mind in the shower. You don't have a plan and your future is void because money and work hours kill you as much as school. You're not even getting all the wages you earn and there's nothing you can do about it. Past choices bubble up in that unkind way. The cup fills and clear blue liquid engulfs you.
Lift yourself out the tub to catch a breath that you don't deserve. Deliberate respirations do nothing to slow down your heart rate. The only thing that can is a captain. You could wander the ocean on a raft with her alone but you have no idea if she felt even close to the same. Maybe she's just the most important friend you've ever had. Light from the small window hits the tiled floor. Unplug the drain. Right, you left your clothes in your room so wrap yourself with a green towel you find hanging from the doorknob.
Shit! There's not a mouse in sight but you shriek like there is one when Hyejoo materializes in the confined kitchen. Hyejoo expresses no surprise herself as she sits cross legged on the miniature wooden dining table playing yet another mobile game. Laundry baskets and garbage bags hold all the previous mess. Your surprise at her appearance transforms into surprise for her proactiveness. You want to give her thanks but no words escape your lips.
"You gonna put on some clothes? Perv. That’s my towel too."
Your hands push off invisible blame. The hands of the wall clock reads five minutes before noon. "Woah, woah, wait a sec. What happened to the midterm?"
"Walked out in the middle of it. Couldn’t deal. Dropped."
"Wait, what about the refund?"
"Sunk cost dude.” Hyejoo sniffs a wide white shirt hanging from a chair next to her. “This yours or mine? Ehh, it's clean either way."
You catch the shirt and smell it. A little vanilla. It's hers. “Thanks Captain.”
“Even sniffing it? Really a perv.” You almost forget a single piece of fabric separates full exposure of your genitals but the realization makes you blush anyway.
“Nah, you smelled it first and. Whoever smelt it, dealt it.”
“That’s not what that saying means.” Hyejoo gets up from her awkward seat.
Incredible how many new ways she can throw you off like when she bumps into you with her eyes are still on her phone. Hyejoo's clumsiness will be your death as the towel slips down and hangs solely from your half erect dick. Cool, you're just a clothing rack now. She turns you around with one hand and snatches the large shirt with the other. Your bare moon is in full view.
"You gonna put this on or just stand there?" she says with no qualms about the absurd sight of your newly cleansed rear. You scramble to wrap the towel tightly around you to tame your erection but there's no way she hasn't noticed by now.
"Y- yep, I, I will do that, for sure." Turn back around and take the shirt to put it on carefully. It’d be oversized for her but it fits you snug. Your ears must have joined your cheek’s redness because your nipples poke through the thin white fabric.
Hyejoo takes a single glance away from her screen at your makeshift towel skirt and laughs. "Actually, you look cute like that. Just keep the towel on, it's less to clean."
Wide-eyed, you say, "What if ahjumma barges in?"
"What if? Whatever, no fun." She sticks her tongue out then gets comfortable on the couch while her diligent and nimble fingers peck at the screen.
Return to the restroom and deal with your erection before it becomes a problem. You’ve seen hints of her comely body before and it helps you undress her layered attire in your imagination. Instead of the black button-up long sleeve and track pants she wore just moments ago, you picture a crop top, her hair tied up and white panties, and it's that latter image that affixes to your mind. On a particularly balmy day, Hyejoo wore only her underwear because she had nothing else to do but game and it hasn't stopped plaguing your fantasies ever since. Your hands are Hyejoo’s, soft and loving just for a moment.
"You taking another shower in there or what?" Hyejoo shouts, “I’d definitely hear from here!”
Reality smacks you in the face. She had no fear of you, no worry that you’d take advantage of her. Were you even a man? Stop your jerking and get up. 
Open the bathroom door absentmindedly and thump. It smacks her head. You don’t even think about why she was standing right next to the door, instead sweeping aside her hair from her face. Red doesn’t come from where you hit her.
Simultaneously, you and Hyejoo say, “You okay?”
“Um, I’m, look-”
Her blush grows but she interrupts your blabbering, “I didn’t hear you respond and thought you, uh, died in there or something.”
Nearly reached la petite mort if that counted but instead you say, “No, I just. Had a lot to consider.”
“Sure.” You’ve never seen her this flustered since it’s enough for her to scurry back to her room. Hopefully things wouldn’t be too awkward.
“I fucking hate you!” Hyejoo yells.
“Oh yeah? Same!” you retort, probably too loud.
Her tone goes down. “Were those the lines?”
“Ehh, as long as we get the gist of the argument down.”
Hyejoo and you stand on the stairway up to your rooftop apartment in your rehearsed spots. She looks a little confused on how to start what she wants to start but you poke at her when you see the landlady walking towards the stairs.
“Chill out!” she yelps.
“Chill out, you’re telling me to chill out?"
"Seriously, oppa," that's about as strained as a human can say a word, "You’re such a slob!”
“Shut up, look at me straight in the eyes and tell me you’re not just as bad,” you say, trying not to laugh but Hyejoo’s punch knocks the wind out of you. Your pain is only half acting. Her sympathetic look does nothing to soothe you.
"Ya!" The elderly woman interrupts and forces you two apart. “That’s enough! I get you’re cousins but even I don’t fight this badly with my family.”
Hyejoo whips her pupils towards you as though to ask the same question you had, if you sold the illusion too hard.
“I get that living with your kin is tough but at the very least, no murders on my property. Not until one of you graduates.” The old lady squints and turns to each of you saying, “Promise me. No hitting. Not in my sight.”
You nod then Hyejoo’s sigh becomes an assenting nod when the landlady smacks her wrist nearly black and blue. Satisfied at her hard work reconciling family matters, she walks back down her stairs to do her usual wandering around the neighborhood. Hyejoo and you take a second to stretch and relax.
“Ha. Do as I say, not as I do,” Hyejoo says as you both sit on the concrete steps.
You caress your tender rib. “Or don't do at all. Ow. You wanna be a Youtuber? They do boxing and gaming, and you'd kill doing both." Hyejoo's laugh is rich and all that it takes for you to forgive her. You exhale. "Hopefully that gets her off our backs for a while.”
“How do you even manage Taekwondo? You’re so fragile and-" Her sentence is interrupted when she looks at your built arms.
"No way they hit as hard as you, Captain." You miss her carnal look when you close your eyes and think about the nickname that you aimlessly threw out one day.
She stands up. Your eyes violently spread open at her “Kya!” Hyejoo’s fighting stance and shouts masquerading kihaps are totally off. As much as Hyejoo could kill you, a Taekwondo fighter since your childhood, she could also be incredibly cute too.
You tsk. "All that power and no technique."
Hyejoo sits back down none the more ashamed and scratches her head. "You think it would’ve been easier if we came clean?”
“Ahjumma could never allow two strangers to live co-ed. No way. I’m still surprised you came up with that so quickly.”
“It just came out so naturally, oppa!” she says in a deriding high pitch. “Yeah right I ever call you that again.”
Ring ring. You answer the call and Hyejoo's quizzical stare turns concerned at your breathlessness from the words that drill into your ear. They slam, they crash and their volume could break your eardrums even though they’re said as calmly as possible. The hole in your raft grows bigger and leaks more so even when you reach the abandoned shore, you're marooned.
"Fuck, fuck, god."
Sprint for the next bus. Pay no heed to the girl chasing you. Dammit, this can't be happening. Every problem gets fucking magnified because you can't have anything good and if you did, never could it last for more than a goddamn millisecond. You embark on the most anxious ride of your life even though you already know exactly what's going to happen. Transfer buses. The skyscrapers hover over you and gloat about how you’ll never enter their doors. Asphalt and glass swelter you when they reflect radiation down the sky. Your skin hurts. You get off the bus and arrive at the headquarters of the construction company. At the front of the building stands your boss.
Slap. "Did you not get the message? Were you under a tunnel?"
You get on your knees and bow. "Sir, I'm sorry."
"No one else is going to hire a goddamn delinquent like you."
"Please. I thought you understood." You nearly prostrate yourself
"I have no idea what you're talking about. There's a lot of assault on your record."
You stop yourself from blurting out that you fucking know. Defending yourself from bullies is assault? He already knew this was bullshit since that's why he hired you in the first place but now he's backtracking like a rat. 
"I'll do anything to work here." He shakes his head while you hold back a tear. "Please. Just. Just tell me why?"
"You got greedy."
"Greedy?" You raise your head and then your tone. "Getting paid for the work that I do is greed?"
"You're on your knees and wanna talk back? Get out."
Bang. A closing door. Your head slumps back down and not a single person on the bus would misunderstand your emotions. You take the longest way home, unsure if you even deserve to go back. Any time, you could give up.  Ponder your choices. Never going to get a job again. Never going to school. Never will have a chance to learn or a chance to improve. Never going to have money and never will have a place to live. Never going to see Hyejoo again. You have to give up.
One missed phone call from your polar opposite. She can do so much better. The longest way home turns longer when it goes straight to the sea as you decide to live life as a fisherman with your uncles. You were always invited. You wasted your time in the city. There's no stress here.
There's no happiness either. Weeks passed even though only days passed. That’s life on the water. Everything spins. Fortunately, you manage to keep your stomach in not wanting to inconvenience the bus driver, the only other person in the vehicle. 
You look at your watch as you near Hyejoo's home. She must be asleep by now but you carry each foot heavily when you walk up the steps anyway. Apologies, excuses and petitions that you wrote in your head blank away when you open the door when you see a woman asleep on the couch with earbuds on. Her unconscious head bounces to a slow rhythm. Your lungs fail your mouth's movements to form words because of all that creamy skin covered only by a green towel that creates an outline of her captivating curves. Hyejoo's legs beg to be licked and her collarbones direct your gaze to the bulging flesh poking from the top of the towel with her nipples an inch from your sight. Any other day and you’d ravage her on the spot. Stupid brain tells you to leave and stupid you follows.
You're outside when you hear Hyejoo say, "Hey! Motherfucker, where'd you go you son of a bitch?"
She steps out with no regard to her state of dress and you spin around watching for any witness. You notice her hold back when she hits you but her consecutive punches send a message anyway as each strike punctuates her words, "What, makes you think, you can worry me, like that?"
"Woah, you should. You should get back inside your house," your voice breaks and you back away.
"Hold on now, you're really about to go? Like this?" Hyejoo says.
"You. You look busy. I have to go."
"I'm sorry, I was just messing around with you. Come on, you're really telling me-" She notices your tumultuous expression and sighs. “Fuck it, we'll worry about it tomorrow. First of all, come in. With me. Into our home.”
You follow her into her apartment. She quickly returns from her room in a simple white tee and red gym shorts revealing the supple shape of her ass.
“I'm not gonna ask, okay? Tell you what. When you have a problem, the only answer is late night soju, beer and?” she says.
“Chicken, it’s gotta be. Come on, I see the bones right there.” You point to the countertop dishes. “I’m surprised this place isn’t messier."
"I can handle myself, thank you very much. And that. That was leftover, dry, sober chicken. We're going to munch down on that good crispy skin and we're doing it goddamn wasted." You can't help but match her smile, more radiant and genuine than yours.
Hyejoo pulls out all the alcohol from the small fridge while you call for delivery before both of you step outside the home. It’s night but the heat would make you believe the moon disguises the sun with how it shines on the green roof. What a weird fall. Only the trees remind you of the season. A short plastic table as the only furniture easily moved outside means that you’d have to sit close together on the floor, not that you minded.
Her silence confuses you but she becomes her usual self after you both down glasses of mixed beer and soju and especially after she sees the delivery man bringing an absurd amount of plastic bags for two people.
“Let’s. Go!” she shouts sloppily.
The poor worker looks at you so you give him a knowing nod and point to the beer and soju cans strewn about. His thumbs up as he walks away beguiles you. You look at Hyejoo and realize all the cleavage she’s showing with the shirt she chose. It's as revealing as the towel she wore earlier. Did she not put on a bra? Stand up quickly and search for the guy but his motorcycle revs and he’s already out of sight. That fucker probably saw something he shouldn’t have. You’re never gonna order from that chicken spot again. You bite angrily into the spicy crispy wing. Alright, maybe you just won’t order at this hour or whenever that dude works. Hyejoo chows down with drumsticks on each hand and it’s clear she’s responsible for a majority of the finished carcasses. The stains on her shirt would not make her look any less goddamn cute.
“Cheers!” Glasses clink. How many drinks, how many, burp, were you down? She burps too, you burp together. It’s funny. There was a lot of conversation but it slips you.
"I said I wouldn't talk about it, but Doyun and Michael, worried sick. They came here, everything.” Hyejoo garbles her words.
"Just ‘cause I don't show up to the club for a few days?"
"I'm telling you, a lot of people care. For you. I know I do."
It’s been a while since you started your little escape. All the food’s gone. You’re more sober now. You swear. The nighttime is so comfortable that Hyejoo brings out her blanket to lay on, along with a spoon and a watermelon.
"You're gonna have to wash this later," you say.
“Alright fine. Don't. Don’t rest yourself besides a pretty lady.“ Stab. ”On a perfect starry night.” Stab. “And don’t have some of this delicious watermelon."
One more stab at the watermelon she splits it open. Her devilish look suggests she might do the same to your rib cage if you don’t acquiesce. Lie down next to Hyejoo on the flimsy layer of cloth. You share pieces of the fruit and notice water spilling down her mouth. Definitely sober by now. She’s maybe half a meter away.
"Starry's a strong word to use.”  You twirl your finger at the scarce lights in the black backdrop. “Lady too with the way you eat-" She playfully covers your mouth and flicks your forehead.
You don't know when your laughter and banter slow down, or when you start inching closer to her. It doesn't matter.
“Fishing is boring. They make it look all dramatic on shows and you’re just waiting. The night sky’s much clearer though.”
“You gotta. When you do something like that, gotta lemme join in at least.”
“You’re really fine on going on a trip with a man, alone, faraway on the sea?”
“If it’s you.”
“I don’t count, not much of a man at all. I just run away from shit and-”
"Shhh,” she shushes you loudly. “You can count on me.” Hyejoo says and you don’t let her voice project into empty space.
“I will.” It sounds a little forced from you.
“You will,“ she sounds so sure of herself, ”you’ll be okay.”
Your head lays in her neck. A finger in a cup, breaking surface tension so a drop escapes past the rim. You have no outdated sentiments on displaying emotion but you held back often pretending your tenacity was as strong as your body. Not this time. Your cup overflows.
Only moonlight refracts on your tears and Hyejoo wipes them away. You have no idea what she’s thinking as she gazes into the few stars visible in the city. Turn on your side and Hyejoo does likewise to face you then puts a couple of fingers in your hair. Cup her face in return and it wears many emotions, such as impishness, meekness at a few times, and an often impenetrable focus, but above all it’s the standard for beauty in how it assumes no blemish. Her triangle mouth is distinct, welcoming, but you hesitate. Her minute sugary fragrance overwhelms the variety of smells in the air. Crickets and distant occasional traffic. Hyejoo’s head tilts forward then places her lips light on yours and your world is silent. Your heart’s pulse slows so it doesn't interrupt.
“Captain,” you exhale out when she finally retreats her mouth. The name sounds ridiculous in this setting. “Ma’am?”
“Whatever sounds right to you,” she yields, though the subdued caresses on the definition of your arms, and less subtle grabs on your black shirt, convey that she’s in charge even if it’s a gentle direction. "Just Hyejoo is fine."
It's like she’s teaching you how to spar for the first time though neither of you are virgins. Hyejoo gives another kiss then turns you recumbent. You could not and would not stop her now especially when she straddles your denim covered thighs. Take off your shirt and her hands rush to aid you.
“But I’d prefer we don’t think at all.” Is she drooling?
“That’s what got me into trouble. Thoughtlessness.” Your eyes somehow wander away from the woman and her sumptuous yet clothed ass grinding on you.
“What do you think of me?
“Huh?” you say and your eyes snap back to her.
The underside of her shorts warm your groin. “I said, what do you think of me?”
“I think, ugh,” her weight striking a sensitivity in your pants makes you moan, “I think, you’re the most beautiful woman I know.”
“What a player. Well, that’s all you need to think.” Hyejoo rocks back and forth. “Fuck, this is going to be good.”
Lay your hands on her hips and Hyejoo takes your right one, lifting herself just enough to let your dick breathe.
“Why do you need that hand?” you say.
“Feel this.” She takes your hand to knead the thin cloth under her mound and you feel just the tiniest hint of moisture build on your palm.
Pull away to take a base whiff of your slippery fingers. It’ll be a new addiction. The smell of alcohol and the most delicious fried chicken in the world couldn’t compare.
"It's been like this around you since the day we met." Hyejoo bends down and etches every word of the confession into your eardrums, her tone even raspier. "This is all for you."
“Really?” You give her a peck and it turns frisky when tongues join the mix and teeth nibble at lips. 
“Mhm.” Her lips vibrate on yours. Hyejoo gropes your crotch over your jeans. “I know it's going to be perfect.” She unzips and pulls down your pants to your knees. You take them off your legs completely and she searches for your wallet.
"I just lost my job and you're gonna rob me?" She breaks her serious character with a snicker. You sniffle and your mood lightens, “And how’d you know I had a condom in there?”
“Just had a feeling.” She winks.
Not an implausible cold reading but you can't count out the possibility of her snooping through your personal effects. You don't mind her proclivities this time. Hyejoo traces your every muscle’s curve with her index and middle finger and focuses especially around your pecs.
“I have to concede. I love these muscles of yours. Ever since that first day I met you at the open house. Maybe I’m just a simple woman.”
“Simplicity is sophistication.” Her fingers draw a line down your torso.
"Indeed. But I'm most interested in this hunk of meat right," she frees your cock from its confines, "Here." Hyejoo licks her lips.
“How is it?”
You’re already hard but Hyejoo's hands deftly work your shaft stiffer. “It’s so thick and this vein right here. It’ll hit just right.”
"Fuck, Hyejoo," you utter when she spits a little on your cock before she unrolls the condom on your erection. Hyejoo slips aside her shorts.
You don't get a view of her pussy with how she sprawls herself on top of you, but the slickness of her lips and the warmth that she emanates from between her legs immerses your senses enough. The missionary with her on top lets her control by the way she guides your cock and presses down on you.
“Oh god, I was right, fuuck,” Hyejoo proclaims when she sinks herself carefully into you and, on the next bounce, smacks her butt right into your waist. Her snugness clenches and quakes on your cock. Willowy arms share a similar hold of your body when she embraces you. You need her as badly as she needs you. You take heavy breaths, especially through your nose. Even her sweat is so alluring. The velvet texture that surrounds you keeps taut on your dick no matter how forcefully she rides herself on top of you. Squelches and quiet moans to a higher power pepper the warm night air.
Hyejoo removes her shirt and slings it away before bowing back down to lick your ears "God, your tits are perfect," you say even though your hands squeeze her buttcheeks in time to her thrusts. Her perky breasts recoil back and forth as they rub your chest while hard nipples juxtapose their softness.
No chance someone would come up to this little rooftop at this hour or have a good view though your cheeks flush at the thought. What if you had extra chicken coming? Or what if the landlady decided to check in on you two late at night? What if-
Hyejoo nudges her forehead against yours. She knows your habits. Your worried face is too familiar for her not to react so she nuzzles your neck and surrounds you with kisses.
Her husky voice vibrates your whole face. "Just focus on me." She makes out with you before her tongue dips into every crevice of your face the same way your cock does in her pink pussy.
Your dick slips out for a second and you take the time to admire her beauty and your fortune. 
“Telling me not to drown and you’re going to inundate me,” you say in between her smooches, "With all these kisses."
“Well. Mwah.” Another peck. "You're so delectable.”
“So I’m just chicken to you then.” This deep kiss is probably to shut you up. You’re fine with that.
Regret on her mouth that she pulls away from you. One of you rips off her shorts, the last piece of clothing obstructing you two from total symmetry. Who cares who sees. You’re both fully naked with not a woe for the surrounding world. Delicate hands splayed across your upper body grasp tightly and again, your pecs get particular attention while she fondles your nipples. 
She adjusts her back straight up and now she’s on her knees seated on your erection. The cowgirl stance allows her to find a new cusp of your cock head inside her. Hyejoo gyrates on you and you notice the understated lubrication of her pussy begins to overpower everything else in existence. Her musk vaguely reminds you of the ocean while its pheromones have you just as wobbly. It’s enough that, even though you're on your back, you have to hold her waist to avoid keeling over. Nails dig into your chest.
“God, yes, you, your cock, everything, just fuck into me.”
Hyejoo relaxes her body weight and relinquishes the rhythm to you. Pick up a new wind in your sails when you hear her gasp as you pinch her nipples. The momentum has you use all your stamina as though your rigorous fitness had one culminating purpose. You would make Hyejoo cum with only your cock. Rotate and circle your pelvis in pursuit of her most tender spot and an uncharacteristic high pitched wail confirms the location of the treasure. It’s difficult holding yourself up to reach the sensitive wall but she realizes your shared interest.
“That’s, that’s the spot. When I touch myself and think of you, it’s right there, fuck, it’s right there.” There’s no speed or power in your movement, only deliberate jabs and graceful nudges at the softest flesh. Sure it’s work, but damn did you get paid for it since she somehow sops even more between her thighs. Truly the reciprocating delight of friction and silkiness on your dick’s tip is worth it. Your name mixes profanities and wet slapping noises as Hyejoo bucks her hips in climax. Prized juices cascade all over your lap. Her highest vocalizations pierce your ears and her pussy tries its best to milk you but Hyejoo keeps as still as she can to hold your cock’s ideal positioning. Smear the fluids that coat her thighs slick with your hands and lick at your fingers, thirsty like you’re stranded.
Those thighs, by smothering your cock and removing your condom, soothe the pangs of when you pull out. Hyejoo is still in her cowgirl position reeling from her climax and her contorted face is yet more polished than any art you’ve consumed.
Seize the opportunity. Bend your dick forward. The topside of your shaft now rubs on her well-formed ass cheeks, moisturized by the wetness on your cock. Its cradle is different from her pussy's with perfect round cushions in her buns and a tight asshole that greets and tempts your shaft every time you thrust. It’s a siren call you’d have to answer another day. Fucking her bare buttcheeks satisfies you plenty enough.
She lifts up to let your erection return to its idle upward stance and you fuck her thighs in response. Her labia gnaws away at the bottom of your shaft and it begs you to shove it back in especially with how its liquor intoxicates your dick. You don’t forfeit, already overwhelmed by the thickness of her legs and her saliva dribbling from her mouth to help her juices. Hyejoo squirms as you repeat fucking her ass cheeks and fucking her thighs, and it makes the both of you feel heady. Alcohol and lack of sleep would probably do that too.
“Please. Hyejoo,” you implore, flexing your cock to scrape by her pussy lips.
“You want to?” She teases your bare tip but even just the spread of her satin pink on your head makes you shoot just a little. “I. I dunno.”
“Can we?”
“No.” You regret your loud sigh and feel selfish since you already had more satisfaction than one man could ever experience in his life. ”No, not no. No, as in no thinking.”
Plunge back into her wetness. Your cycle in and out continues with you eager to make her climax a second time. Maybe it’s the third time? The only thing you can recall is that this round, you can feel every corner of her pussy on your shaft tensing and relaxing without the latex protection. All of everything is a blur. Hyejoo could be clutching and ogling your muscles. She might be kissing your neck or maybe she’s bobbing up and down to show off her tits and her tummy. God, that midriff would look perfect coated in your cum. You could live forever with Hyejoo mounted on your cock and riding. A ringtone interrupts forever once again. It’s from that number. What was that number? Fuck it, no thinking. Her bouncing tits hypnotize you away from substantiality.
She snaps her fingers. “Hey! Hey. This is, fuck that feels so good, god your cock is just right. Ah fuck, I really think you should answer that.” You take an eternity to slow your boat. Hyejoo points to your phone on the table next to you. Work. She’s right. Both of you take a second to stabilize your breathing. Try to push her off but she refuses, shifting her mass onto your lap and keeping her pussy’s hold tight and warm on you.
“Really?” You groan, “You’re the one who told me to answer it.”
“It’s so late and they haven’t stopped calling.” She rests her head on your chest and yawns. “Your cock is sooo big in me. Don’t even need to move.”
Channel your practice silently jerking off to keep your cool though years of doing that couldn’t prepare you for this. Your hands certainly tried but never could imitate her pussy’s plush tightness. Really wish you didn’t have to but finally, you answer your phone after minutes of ringing. The voice on the other side mumbles a greeting. Didn’t expect to hear him. “Joonho. Why the fuck are you calling now?”
“It’s me! Joonho.”
“Yeah, I know. The hell you calling for?”
“Now that’s no way to speak to your boss, is it?”
“I said that’s no way to speak.”
“I got that!”
“Hyung. That asshole, management fired him.”
“You telling me-”
“Yeah, they caught him stealing.”
“How the fuck?”
“Dude got too big for his britches and aimed up with his theft too. Mr. Son really didn’t like that shit.”
You cheer in your head. It wakes up the girl resting on you. Guess that wasn’t in your head. “Fuck man.”
"I know right. Fuck him!" You're not on speaker but Hyejoo must’ve heard him say that. You massage your ringing ear.
“Ow. But thank you. Seriously, it’s so late. You could’ve called me tomorrow.”
“I’m drunk as shit man. Sounds like you are too.” You don’t even realize how much you’re slurring your words. “Should I pull up, maybe we drink a little more?”
Stare at the woman still holding your cock in place, fluttering her lashes at you. Hyejoo mouths if you’re gonna take much longer. “I. I don’t think I will. We’ll have to meet up some other time, okay?”
Understanding that you’re winding down your call, she gets back upright and starts bouncing again. “You gonna pass out or something?” Joonho says.
“Something like that” Hyejoo teasingly drops her waist into you and waits, then lifts herself. You purse your lips. “Listen, ah.” And again. Purposeful slams into your cock too loud not to be picked up by a phone. “God. I gotta go, I’ll text you again tomorrow aight goodbye,” you rush your words.
She holds her hair up in pleasure and her profane cries let everyone living below know that you’re fucking the most gorgeous girl with more energy than you’ve ever had. For all the pressure on your sensitive nerves, it’s that image of Hyejoo satisfying her need with your cock that brings you closer.
“I’m almost there! Fuck, fuck.” You pull out and despite her drowsiness, Hyejoo diligently takes your dick with both hands, scoots back and bends down, slobbering on it with her mouth while her fingers stroke the skin of your shaft.
Hyejoo’s lips pop when she releases your cock’s tip. “Where do you wanna-”
“Those fucking perfect abs,” you shudder.
She takes advantage of your previous thrusts’ zeal on her thighs and repositions herself in cowgirl one last time to bend back and choke your cock with her toned legs. One single motion is all it takes. A tsunami and a storm clash. Didn’t remind her that you hadn’t cum at all away at sea as you explode. You call out, “Hyejoo, god, yes, fuck, Hyejoo, yes,” at every wave of pleasure. Shove desperately and Hyejoo’s eyes grow big at how much semen streams out of your slit because the volume of cum nearly rivals the fluid she ejected from her wetness. Her inner thighs, her lap and her stomach all soak in stickiness. She holds onto your arms as she finds enjoyment not only from your cock’s throbbing on her clit, but at your biceps and other curves. An inquisitive pinky takes a sample of your cum to lick up then, to your surprise, she collects all the cum she can with both hands and swallows it down.
“Ahh,” she presents her tongue to you.
Finally, you sit up and no amount of exhaustion would stop you from nibbling her neck as thanks.
“Relax, you hungry beast. You just came all over me and now you’re trying to tell the world we just fucked.” She gives you a little suck on your lips instead.
“I don’t mind.” You clash at her mouth and your teeth click. She smiles and gives you a deep but final smooch. Both of you breathe stiltedly and take time to readjust into the world once again.
“Me neither, if I didn’t have a presentation tomorrow.”
You fall back and feel everything aching in a good way. “Ah shit, school.”
“What did I tell you earlier?”
Hyejoo falls flat next to you and clasps her hands into yours. “You will be okay. I called them with an excuse. Speaking of which. You’re gonna find out sooner or later that a certain cool as fuck girl blew the whistle on that son of a bitch.”
This whole thing feels like it should be temporary, like a one-time thing. Any more and it’d be weird, yet her confidence makes you reroute all that anxious energy in your heart’s pace into something good. It’s not love but, “Thanks. I just. Thank you.”
“You are always welcome.” Her lips curl up.
“So. You a snitch now, huh?"
"Relax,” she hisses the end of the word. ”Maybe I snooped through the construction company records, maybe I didn’t. You didn’t hear from me, ‘kay?" She nudges your side with her elbow.
“Hey!” You laugh a little, ticklish in that spot. “Okay, okay. How’d you manage that anyway?”
“Joonho didn’t mention it? Well, I have my connections,” Hyejoo says.
You breathe out and you deserve it. “You really are the Captain.”
“Damn right. Guess you’re stuck on this boat a little.” Yawn. “Longer.” Her eyelids slowly descend.
Watch Hyejoo fall asleep and realize she’s nude and still a little sticky. You decide to make a smart decision just once by putting away all the garbage in your apartment. She giggles reflexively when you clean her up and you struggle but manage to put on her previous outfit.
After you get dressed yourself, you lie next to Hyejoo and watch the few lights in the sky all distanced from each other. You feel a little reticent but the old lady shouldn’t fret if the outdoors is a better bedroom for one night. Close your eyes. Drift away into the best sleep you’ve ever had even if it’s only you and a blanket separate the hard concrete rooftop from the atmosphere. Dreams of water are gracious for once. The ocean lacks bounds and you smile for it. Who cares about tomorrow? It’s made of sticks and rope fashioned from whatever bamboo you could find but the raft holds two. That’s all you need.
"A college roommate scenario where the male reader is living with LOONA's Olivia Hye and she's attracted to him sexually since he moved in due to his physique. Then one day, he got home all stressed and the two hooked up eventually." - @optimisticwritersworld​
Pretty sure this was supposed to be all casual but then I started adding to explain the co-ed living scenario and the stress, so here we are. Watch out for more LOONA though no promises on timelines
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adleryoung · 2 years
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Yeah, that's right. I can hear you out there, mulling it over. Calculating the risk. This might just be the year you would have gotten that, uh, that steam calliope you've been hoping for. That's a thing you weirdos like, right? Or a croquet set! Or that monogrammed curling stone that's been on your wish list for years. Or a genuine Vulpitanian Baglute. Just imagine not getting that because some crummy elf wasn't at his post!
Even if you don't know where King Adler the Smelly is hiding, you could still help me look for clues.
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From inside the chest: "No! Don't be tempted! His Majesty took you all into his confidence and trusted you enough to share his life story! This is the highest honor any of you could ever receive! Show yourselves worthy of his trust! Don't betray him, please!"
Hey, pipe down in there, you dumb broad! Do we have to put the Christmas Sweater on you again?
From inside the chest: "Eek! No, it's so tacky!"
All right, I'm done being nice. If nobody's gonna spill the beans, maybe someone will feel more talkative if I just start tearing pages out of this dumb, boring story about badly dressed elves. Or maybe-
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What the heck? A communique from headquarters! Hang on a sec and let me read this.
No kidding?
Well, crud. Time to pack it in. There's no point now. Looks like the Krampus got to him first. If King Stinky Stinkersson thought making toys was bad, well now he's going to find out firsthand where all the coal comes from. If he's lucky. I wouldn't worry though; either way he'll probably survive.
Oh well, maybe we'll bag him next year. As for me, it's time to blow this popsicle stand. There's a certain kangaroo dame who thinks she's a football star that has some payback coming to her.
From inside the chest: "Aren't you going to let me out?"
In your dreams, sister! You'll be fine. There's plenty of eggnog and candy canes in there. Maybe someone will let you out next week.
Meanwhile, I'm outta here. Smell ya later, losers!
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
He left X Reader X Damien Haas
So after a long time of staring at an empty page I have finally wrote something again. This request: Hey! I don’t know if you’re taking requests, but if your are then could I request an imagine where reader and Damien Haas break up and they’re sad and stuff, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together, please? @lula132 
I’m so sorry it too so long.. but here is one of two ideas I had. I can post the other when I finish it. I finally got over my writer block. 
You were lying face first on the sofa yet again. In the background you could hear some anime show playing but you had no energy to move and actually watch it. Swimming in your own thoughts the sound of your front door opening made you jump.
"Jesus Christ!" Courtney's voice boomed across your open plan living room.
You lifted you head revealing two wet patches from your tears. "Hey." You sniffled.
"Awhh buddy." She pushed your gross tissues off the sofa with a pen and sat down next to you. "How you feeling?" She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
"Erm.. I'm gonna be honest, not so great." You sniffled again "I feel like my heart got shit on."
"I don't understand man.. None of us do." She squeezed you tighter.
"He just left.. No reason, no sorry, just gone."
"He's in Japan at the moment."
"I know, I saw his instagram." You snuggled closer into her "Maybe he met someone over there the last time he went. That's literally the only thing I could think of."
"I never thought he would ever do that to you man... Did he leave any of his things here?"
"A few hoodies, some games, not much." You pulled on the jumper you were wearing "I swear this one stills smells like him."
"No offence dude, but you straight up smell like beer and Cheetos."
You half smiled at her "You're an asshole."
"But Ian said you were coming back in tomorrow."
"Yeah, I am. I can't stay away forever."
"Okay then, " She pulled away from the cuddle "Lets sort your stinky ass out. Get a shower, clean up this place, get you outside, fresh and ready for tomorrow."
"Christ." You sighed as you stood up "I guess I have to."
The beeping of Courtney's car snapped you out of you day dream, almost spilling your coffee. You picked up your work bag, placed your mug in the sink and headed out. She sat in the car smiling and waving like a mad man as you locked the door.
She wound the window down and music blasted out. She sung at the top of her voice, while you prayed none of your neighbors were watching you.
"Oh jesus!" The creepy old lady that lived next door popped up from behind her fence scaring the life out of you. "Good morning Mrs Kersh."
"Nice to see you out of your pajamas, not crying."
"Thanks!... You nosey old bitch." The last part was under your breath.
You jumped in the car, "Who the hell is that?" Courtney tried looking around you at the old lady.
"One of the noseyest old bags I've ever met." You slapped your knees "Anyway, lets do this.. I'm ready to go back to my shared office, that I share with the man you broke my heart."
"No!" Courtney shouted at you "You got 3 days before he's back from Japan. None of this sad shit. We are all coming together to cheer you up."
"Fine." You smiled at her.
The first thing you saw as you pulled into the parking lot was Shayne’s smiling face. You jumped out the car and he ran to you squeezing you as tight as he could.  "Oh" he spoke into your jumper "I wanted to come see you.. but I didn't want to upset you."
"It's okay man. I understand, he's your best friend." You squeezed him a little tighter till you both let go.  
Walking into the office everyone was smiling at you but in such a weird way. You walked to the ballpit and sat at your desk. You were faced with a photo of you and him just smiling your dumb faces off. "Ugh jesus." You put your head on your desk.
"Hey." Noah's sweet little voice came from behind you "I made you a coffee."
"Oh thanks.. That’s super sweet."
"How are you?"
You smiled "I'm fine man.. yanno its a break up. Yeah he broke my heart but I'm not dying. Everyone is just looking at me super weird."
"Yeahhh, they just don't want to upset you. It's a difficult situation."
"I'm just going to get my head down today, got so many emails and scripts to look at at."
"Good, if you need anything." He gently patted you on the back.
"Thanks Noah." You smiled as he walked over to his desk. You put your head phones in and focused on your computer.
Only a few minutes had passed and you were trying to ignore the commotion going off behind you. Usually it was just Shayne doing something stupid. But then again you could do with cheering up a bit. You took your head phones out and spun in your office chair. Looking across the office everyone was stood in a group. That's when your heart fell out of your ass. He was stood there smiling as though nothing had happened. Your mouth was dry and you felt cemented to your chair. 'I gotta get out of here.' You thought to yourself. As you stood you felt as though the whole room had shrunk and everyone was looking at you. It wasn't true, you grabbed your mug and ran to the kitchen as fast as your could.
While the coffee machine did it's thing you stood with your hands on the counter, just staring at nothing. Your heart was pounding out your chest when someone in the door way made you jump "I'm making coffee!" You almost screamed it.
"Okay dude.." Luckily it was Courtney.
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out..." You looked at her "Like bad."
She ran over to you and hugged you  "Awhh, I didn't know he was going to be back today. I'm sorry."
"Its okay." You hugged her back. "Do you reckon I could sneak out the window?"
"This is your work as much as it is his." She put both her hands on your arms holding you in place "Now, get out there, flip that hair and show you are a strong woman!"
"Sir yes sir.." You mocked her. She kicked you as you left the room. You ran back into the kitchen.
"What! Do I need to walk out there with you?"
"No, I forgot my coffee." Taking the mug you left again. You took a deep breath and held your head high. Making no eye contact with anyone you sat at your desk.
"Jesus.. I swear like 5 people have made me jump today." You turned to the person on the desk next to you and your smile dropped.
"You look nice." Damien tried to smile at you.
You took a breath to gather some courage "What are you doing?"
"Y/N I'm sorry but.."
You cut him off "You don't get to say anything, look I don't want to argue or even talk about this while we're surrounded by all our friends and colleges. But I know we have to talk so.." You looked around "I know Smosh games is empty because Mari said she won't be back for a few days."
"Okay, I'll go put my lunch in the fridge and I'll meet you there."
You had been waiting for around 10 minutes and you were getting more and more wound up. Going over all the things you wanted to say to him. The door opened and the look on hias face just stopped all that anger instantly.
You groaned "This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be."
"What?" He sat in his gaming chair.
You sat in yours that was of course right next to his. "Well, we had this whole life together. A house, cats, we wear each others clothes, we work basically on each others knee everyday, we even have the same friends." You sighed "How can we possibly live normally with out being together? And I know we did it before but..."
"Y/N" He cut you off this time "Stop talking... Just for a second and breathe." He took both of your hands in his, you wanted to pull away but your heart was aching for him "I know I messed up really bad but I still love you."
"How can you say that?" A tear fell down your left cheek "You left me alone in our house, went to another country with out even a good bye. No explanation, nothing." You sniffled and looked at him dead in the eye "You broke my heart Damien."
"I am so so sorry." His voice was low "I panicked and I wish I could change what I did. I know how much I hurt you and it hurts me knowing I was the person to make you feel like this. But I pray deep down that one day you can forgive me for leaving you."
"What do you mean you panicked? Damien... We've been together for 4 years. Nothing new was going off."
"The day before I left I bought this." He reached into the front pocket pf his bag and passed you a small box.
"What the flying fuck is this?" You opened it and was faced with a beautiful engagement ring. "Are you serious?"
"Look.." He sounded panicked "I don't want to to answer but I bought this then I freaked out and I just fucked up big time. I don't even know if we're actually together right now but just hold onto it and I stay in our spare room for now."
"Okay.." You put the ring on your pocket "I suppose I'll think about it." You walked over to the door and pulled the handle down but the door was locked "What the hell?" You pulled on the door a bit to no avail.
"Sorry guys!" Courtney's voice came from the other side of the door "You're not coming out till you sort this out."
"You were made for each other so fix it!" Shayne screamed at you.
You turned and smiled and Damien "Fuck."
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yaboymercury · 6 years
Ripping 9 to 5 - Butler
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Jeremy had enjoyed his first term at university but was looking forward to getting home for the break. Especially becuase he would get to see Adrian again.
Jeremy was really hoping to finally make progress with some guys at Uni but he was still held back by his massive crush on Adrian. It had been holding him back pretty much since he moved in.
The short of it is that Jeremy's family is rich, and Adrian's family went broke when he was a teenager. Being friends with Adrian's father, Jeremy's mother offered to let Adrian live with them. And being the good person he is when he turned 16, a couple years before Jeremy, he offered to be a butler for the family not wanting to be a freeloader. Resistant at first, Jeremy's parents insisted against it, but not wanting to be a freeloader Adrian was adamant.
Jeremy didn't mind as long as it meant that he could still spend time with Adrian. But it did change things. Jeremy found Adrian being more private with him, being more formal, more professional. Jeremy still harboured a crush on him and he still got warm energy from him, but their relationship had changed.
Going away to Uni was his first time not living with Adrian for a while and he missed him. Which is why he decided that when he came back for break he would make an active effort to reconnect with him. And now they were both fully adults he wouldn't have any restrictions.
Walking back into his large family house he said a brief greeting to his parents and had to pry them off him to get to his room for some privacy. Lugging his suitcases up the stairs he could call Adrian to help but he wanted to surprise him.
Getting back to his room for the first time in ages Jeremy felt happy to be back in his element, everything was the same except for the fact that the window was wide open leaving a cold breeze chilling the room, so he quickly closed it. He began to clean himself up in preparation for his reunion with Adrian.
About to leave the room satisfied by his lathering of deodorant and combed hair, Adrian walked towards the door. But before he could arrive he could hear pounding footsteps getting louder from outside. Getting closer to the door so he could get a better hear of it, the door was swiftly pulled open from the other side.
There was Adrian in his typical butler uniform, in those same tight trousers which contributed highly to Jeremy's sexual awakening and that same glowing face. But something was different. He was sweating on his forehead, squirming uncomfortably and had a hand on his stomach, and a shocked expression on his face obviously not expecting the sight of Jeremy.
But Jeremy didn't mind and if he had the element of surprise he could easily reconnect with him. He leaped forward and gave him a tight hug which was responded to with a grunt. Again he didn't care bring so close to him again was contorting. He pulled himself off the butler and gave him a proper look over grinning.
"You miss me?"
Finally breaking a warm but formal smile (yet still looking physically uncomfortable) he replied:
"Yes Master Jeremy very much so."
Putting on am exaggerated frown Jeremy punched him in the arm saying:
"God how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that, it's just Jeremy," Pausing a moment he looked back again at Adrian winking "or whatever you want it to be." With a giggle.
Ignoring Jeremy's advances he walked into the room still looking restless "So um, Jeremy, why are you home early?" He couldn't really make eye contact but he sat down on the bed rubbing his stomach.
"Oh yeah sorry, I gave you the wrong date, thought I'd surprise you" Still smiling Jeremy was happy he was finally seeing a more human side of Adrian.
His butler pondered this for a moment gulping and then looked back to Jeremy with a desperate look. "Jeremy please do me a favour, could you please vacate this room?" It was said with urgency, but obviously not more urgency as Jeremy had to reconnect with Adrian.
"Oh trying to kick me out of my room now? Gosh did you develop an attitude when I was gone?" It was all said playfully and Jeremy wanting to make some contact gave Adrian a weak shove on his side as he sat next to him on the bed as a mock punishment.
But obviously the push caught Adrian off guard and he fell onto his side onto the bed away from Jeremy and grunted what sounded like 'Crap not now'. Surprised by the relatively bad language from the man he didn't hear the rumbling from him, but he certainly heard what came next.
Never in his years of knowing Adrian had he ever imagined him farting. And now all of a sudden Jeremy's nose was being assaulted by a rancid stink exiting his asshole. Adrian was a red panting wreck on the bed after letting the fart out.
"Master Jeremy, I'm so sorry I never meant for you to see that..."
Jeremy wasn't exactly enjoying the smell gagging on it a little, he was surprised that Adrian could produce something so stinky. But seeing him with his guard so down for the first time in years overjoyed him, so he thought he could take advantage of it.
Putting a hand on one of Adrian's he leaned towards him. "Don't worry I still like my Butler, even if he does have a smelly ass." Jeremy joked but it seemed to only make Adrian blush harder.
Adrian leaned up and stood up from the bed pulling his hand out from under Jeremy's and used it to attempt to waft away the lingering smell of his expulsion. "Again Jeremy I'm sorry you had to experience that I really am, and I'm glad to see you are home safe, but I have things to do so I'll see you soon."
Jeremy couldn't have this, Adrian being his same old cold butler self. Especially after ripping the worst fart Jeremy had ever smelt. As Adrian began to exit the room Jeremy grabbed his hand holding him back, making Adrian give Jeremy a sad look back.
"Adrian what changed with you?" Getting serious for a moment Jeremy was able to grab his attention. Adrian took a deep breath sighing and closing the door in front of him. He turned back to give Jeremy and earnest look.
"Back when I was sixteen a lot of changes began happening, with me especially," this time she sat voluntarily close to Jeremy "I became you're family's butler as you know and I've always been in debt to your family..." He took a deep breath "Which is why I knew that when I developed feelings for you I could not follow through on them in case of being unprofessional." Jeremy's heart was pounding not knowing what to say so letting him continue. "Also around the same time as all this was when I started developing my gas problems, in fear of being even more unprofessional I isolated myself from you even more so neither you nor your parents would discover this. I also took the opportunity of your unused room when you went to university as a room to relieve myself, I'm sorry if that sounds crude and I'm sorry if you feel violated but there is no point lying about anything anymore. Feel free to tell your parents as much as you want I'm sure I can find another job..."
Jeremy had enough of Adrian's negativity so he made sure to cut him off with: "You're not going to have to quit!" Which gave Adrian an excuse to smile weakly. "And why didn't you tell me you liked me did you never suspect that I liked you as well?" All Adrian could do was look down in shame. "And why didn't you tell me about your gas problem it really wouldn't bother me it can't be that bad?!" With that last statement Adrian cringed in response.
"Believe me Jeremy it can, and I'm desperately sorry but could I please relieve myself outside or in the hallway I would never want to subject you to that again." He began to try and leave the room again but once again Jeremy pulled him back. Seeing Adrian uncomfortable hurt him so he decided that he would fully accept that side of him.
"Adrian I really don't mind, please don't leave"
Adrian just looked at him then covered his face with one hand embaressed and leaned over a little.
I did stink, it was disgusting, it reeked. Jeremy wasn't going to pretend it didn't. Maybe he even played up his reaction to play with the mortified Adrian even more but just so he could surprise him more afterwards. After suitably gagging on the rotten stench filling the room, Adrian looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown.
"Jeremy I'm really sorry, I know how much I stink, I really can't help it."
Right as he finished the sentence Jeremy decided it was time to strike. He practically tackled Adrian to the ground and gave him a moment to reject him and then followed with a kiss. It was a great moment for Jeremy lifting a weight from him but he knew he had to explain himself to Adrian.
Pulling himself off Adrian's mouth he ran his hands along the body underneath him.
"Adrian I think I can put up with your stink, especially for you, I tried to forget about you at university but I couldn't so I know I can put up with a little gas."
Adrian looked shocked but happy "Thanks Jeremy, I'm not sure where we can go from here with all these crazy bloody circumstances," Jeremy was happy to hear that he accepted that they could go somewhere "but believe me when I say it's more than 'a little gas', how can you be sure you can put up with it?"
Jeremy didn't exactly expect the conversation to be going this way but he wasn't exactly willing to give up. "Test me, give me the worst you've got! And if it let's me get more well acquainted with that bum of yours then I'll be more than happy!"
Shocked at the crudeness of Jeremy's offer Adrian managed to break a smile but was still worried on Jeremy's behalf. "Are you really sure I don't want to hurt you?"
The warning only made Jeremy laugh. "Dude it's only a few more farts how bad can it be?" All Adrian could do was respond with a sigh knowing he wouldn't be able to get Jeremy to give up.
Adrian just stood up in front of Jeremy arching his back a little, feeling a little happy he's finally able to show off his ass which he is so secretly proud of, knowing the complimentary his tight trousers have on it. Jeremy wasn't complaining having to resist full on spanking the man choosing to only lightly rub the cheeks.
It hit hard, surprising Jeremy even though he expected it. The rotten winds blowing out of the butler's ass blew back his hair and made his nostrils flare. The fart seemed like it would never end and it seemed like Adrian was making no effort to stop it spreading his cheeks out with his hands.
The gas finally subsided and Jeremy tried to catch a breath of fresh air but the oxygen around him was fully tainted. Looking back at him Adrian asked:
"Do you see what I mean now?" He looked at the pitiful sight of Jeremy sitting agape his eyes watering from the stink. It was sad for Adrian knowing that man he loved couldn't put up with his gas. "I'm really sorry Jeremy..."
But of course despite the stench intoxicating Jeremy's brain he still had his priorities straight. He grabbed Adrian and pulled him down into another surprise kiss making them both smile again, but Adrian still had doubts.
"Okay so maybe it's a little bit worse than i expected but do you really think that will put me off you?"
Finally giving Jeremy one last serious look, "If you can put up with this one, you can have whatever you want okay?"
Jeremy nodded in response gulping but ready for any challenge. Adrian stood in front of him again but this time he slid down his trousers and underwear displaying his bulbous shining cheeks spilling out his trousers. In spite of their beauty they did come with a natural stink but Jeremy could handle that but it reminded him of what was to come. But mainly Jeremy was focused on finally getting a good view of Adrian's uncovered ass, he was practically drooling. He was so distracted that he barely registered Adrian say:
"I'm sorry for this Jeremy..." And without warning he pulled Jeremy's head into his ass fully smothering him. Jeremy would resist but the cool sensation of being inside Adrian's cheeks was amazing. With a grunt and a rumble inside his rectum, Adrian let loose.
Jeremy could hear Adrian moan in relief letting that one out. A shitty odour attacked Jeremy's nostrils unfiltered by any clothing, this would have repulsed him more if he wasn't in such a heavenly ass. It hurt him to smell but the feeling of Adrian's hole winking on his nose actaully aroused Jeremy which surprised him. He could tell Adrian was about to apologize for his stench again so Jeremy thought he would surprise him, maybe even punish him for forcing his head in his ass.
Adrian began to feel the orgasmic sensation of an explorative tongue invading his hole. The sensation was amazing making him buckle over more, he was certainly beyond the realm of unprofessionalism so he couldn't exactly ask his master to stop. The pleasure on his hole was getting so good that it began to tempt more gas out of his ass.
Rancid farts began further stinking up Jeremy's engulfed face, but Jeremy had gotten to a point of the smell of Adrian's anal pheremones was beginning to turn him on. Still rimming the butler he decided to put his hands to use using one to unbuckle his trousers and begin rubbing himself and the other to rub Adrian giving him a hint of where this is going. Adrian noticed the shift in atmosphere and smirked realising just how kinky his master is. He unzipped his own trousers giving Jeremy's spare hand more freedom to explore.
The smell only got more intense filling the room with a scent of ass stink. By this point both of them needed release, their dicks throbbing. Jeremy pushed himself out of Adrian's ass gasping for breath.
"Adrian!" He pulled the man down to face him by his tie in a less serious but still commanding tone he said: "I demand that you put your flatulence to good use and release those winds on my member!"
With a sadistic grin Adrian gave him a quick kiss and said with a more sadistic smile "As you wish..."
He slid his body down resting Jeremy's shaft in-between his cheeks and letting his own push up against Jeremy's chest.
The gas began deep and rumbling, blasting hot gas vibrating against Jeremy but also the gas which escaped managed to instantly cloud both of them filling their nostrils with the rancid cheesy stink making them both moan as it overwhelmed their senses. When the fart reached a crescendo Jeremy thrusted against Adrian stimulating both their dicks enough to prompt climax shooting ropes onto eachother leaving Jeremy's chest and head and Adrian's ass soaked, and the room reeking. Jeremy knew the room was old but he didn't remember the paint peeling off the walls before.
Both men fell into eachother giggling over the insanity of their sexual experience but also in relief that they can finally be with eachother.
In that moment Jeremy was hoping that Adrian's new butler services would extend to putting him to sleep with his ass gas every night, but he was sure that he could persuade the gassy butler somehow.
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