#i definitely don't remember her voice anymore and i don't really remember my dad's much either... sad
barkingangelbaby · 2 months
listening to 311 and smelling N's weed (bc I can't smoke anymore </3)... yeah I am my parents daughter (but not a girl)...
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freakshowtwopointoh · 6 months
Marie ducks out of the gala, praying that no one will try to stop her. She can feel Cate's eyes on her, Emma's eyes, Jordan's eyes.
Did they tell the others about their past? Did they even care? The way they treated her in Brink's office, it was like they had no memory of her. Then the club, Luke, outside the crimefighting building, the interview... a collection of charged and confusing conversations. Never a confirmation that they even remembered her, but there was so much emotion in everything they said to her.
Maybe they thought she didn't remember...
But she remembers. She remembers everything. The games they'd play, the secrets they'd shared, the late-night playstation tournaments...
Her first crush, her first kiss. Of course she hadn't forgotten, how could she.
But she moved away. And then her life became a horror movie. And even if she'd been allowed to contact anyone, what do you say to your best friend after you've done the unimaginable?
So when she walked in and saw them at the desk for Brink's office, what was she supposed to say?
"Remember me, I'm the weird kid you were friends with until she moved away and vanished, who kissed you in her sister's princess tent in the backyard? Also, I found out I'm a supe and my schedule's fucked."
Yeah, no. That doesn't really work. So she played a bit dumb. But now... she sees Jordan leaning up against the side of the building, watching her.
She sucked in a breath through her teeth.
"I'm not in the mood, Jordan. You can attack me in the morning." She rolled her eyes, and attempted to walk away.
"I'm surprised you can walk straight, with everyone's tongue lodged up your ass."
"You don't know shit about me anymore, Li, so shut the fuck up." And she tried to keep walking away.
"So you do remember me." God fucking dammit. "And I do know you, and I know your type. Brown-noser. One-upper. Mommy and Daddy's perfect little hero." The words stopped her in her tracks. She spun on her heel.
"Yeah, well that's definitely not me. Because my parents are dead. Because I killed them." The words fell from her lips before she could stop them.
"Bullshit." They say, but they don't sound like they mean it.
"That answers a whole lot of your questions, now doesn't it?" She snapped. "Questions that I could've fucking answered, if you'd ever bothered to ask. It was just a few months after I moved. I... I had my first period, my mom came in and.... and the blood sliced right through her neck. Dad came in, same deal. Annab-" Her voice broke. She took a deep breath. "After that, I was sent to a facility called Red River. I didn't really have the option to email or anything for.... awhile. Happy now?" She was ready to storm off, but Jordan placed something cold in her hand. A flask.
"I always thought you just... forgot about me. And when I saw your name in the pile of incoming students, it wasn't hard to invent all sorts of reasons why you'd lie to me. And then... well..."
"Shit got complicated real fast." She said simply, after swallowing a gulp of the lukewarm rum in their flask. "I.... wasn't sure what to say when I saw you in the office that first day."
"You're telling me! I'd spent like 5 years being pissed at you and missing you at the same time, then all of a sudden you waltz into my office, demanding I un-reject you from his class, and at that point, I still didn't even know what your powers were." They laugh.
Marie looked at them, taking in their straight bob, their big brown eyes, their chiming laugh. God, she'd missed them so much. She'd missed her best friend more than she even understood until this very moment. They missed out on so much - so many late night chats and lazy weekends and... her eyes flicked to their lips. And before she's even registered what she's doing, her hand is on Jordan's cheek and she's pulling them in, and kissing them. Pouring years of pining, missing, loving, hating, everything, into this kiss under the moonlight.
When they pull away, there's a look she can't read in their eyes.
"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that." They said. And then their hands are on her hips and they're kissing again and everything is magical and beautiful and perfect and there are no words needed. And then someone coughs behind them.
"Uh, guys? I fucked up." Andre and Cate are standing there awkwardly.
~ au idea by @mariejordans
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a-aexotic · 1 year
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half & half. part 002. previous
warnings ; mentions of being hurt, abuse, and taking of pain meds.
main masterlist. obx masterlist.
You sat on the beach, letting the sun kiss your body. Sunglasses on your face, you were trying to get the best tan possible this summer before you leave, making sure to remember the OBX sun. You were sure that the sun didn't hit the mainland as well as it did here.
After last night, you tried your best to forget everything you heard. You'd never seen them fight like that with people around before. They always fought when guests weren't around. You wondered what couldn't pissed off Ward that much for him to lose his shit like that.
You kept reminding yourself that it wasn't your business and that you didn't know the whole story. Part of you wanted to defend Rafe. He was still very smart and charming (at times) like Sarah. Sure, he was an asshole but no one deserves to hear that from their father.
Hearing that fight opened up some memories you were trying to suppress and it was really hard pushing them away right now. You didn't want this whole thing to consume you but it was getting really hard not to.
You heard some footsteps behind you and then you heard Kie's voice echo, "Y/N, do you want some ice cream?"
"Yeah, sure. Can you get me-"
"Chocolate with sprinkles, I know your order, Y/N. Don't worry."
You smiled to yourself at her words. Kie was nothing if not observant, she knew you the best out of the Pogues, probably even more than JJ at times.
You heard some shouting behind you and you immediately recognized it as the Pogues. They always made a ruckus, everywhere they went. If the pogues were around, you definitely could hear them.
You felt Kie sit down in the towel next to you, handing you the ice cream. You sat up and took it from her, taking a quick taste before humming in approval.
"Best ice cream ever." You mumbled as you ate the ice cream.
Kie nodded with your words, "Yeah, it's my favorite."
You both sat in comfortable silence as you watched JJ tackle down Pope as John B recorded as if it was the most normal thing to ever happen. You felt the sun hit your face in the best way possible and tried to bask in it.
You looked down in your lap before at Kie, "Hey, um... How do you feel about Rafe?"
"Like, Rafe Cameron?" She looked over at you, interested in your words.
You nodded.
"Well, he's an asshole and I'm like 99% sure he's a sociopath. Why? Did he do something to you?"
"No, no." You said quickly, making Kie furrow her brows. "It's just... Um... I was at the Cameron's last night." You felt Kiara's mood shift and you tried your best to ignore it. "And I heard his dad say some pretty harsh things and he saw me and now I feel bad, I feel like I should've said something."
Kiara exhaled and laid back down. "No. Don't feel bad, it's none of your business and you couldn't have done anything to stop it. Rafe is a tough guy, he can handle himself."
You nodded at Kie's unhelpful advice. You sighed inwardly before sitting back down, trying to focus back up on tanning.
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You drove all the Pogues back home and you were just left with your thoughts. The memories of when you were back with JJ's dad had come back to haunt you once again, no matter how hard you tried to drown them out. Even after all these years they still have the same effect they on you.
"You stupid boy!" Luke grabbed 6 year old JJ by the collar and threw him on the ground. He had sent JJ to go get some cigarettes from the store and they said they couldn't sell to him anymore because he hadn't paid his tab in two months. "Useless boy, all you ever do is make trouble, huh?"
He landed a punch in JJ's stomach and Y/N had finally had enough, running from the porch to grab JJ. "Stop! Stop it, you're hurting him!"
JJ was crying at that point and you were trying your best to hold in your tears. Luke had turned to you and grabbed your arm tightly.
"You think you're all tough now, huh, little bitch? Just like your mother?" Luke spat as you looked straight in his eyes, trying not to break your faux confidence. He landed a loud slap to your face. He pushed you away and you landed on the floor, hitting your back really hard.
You saw that Luke had went to JJ again and you couldn't help but let out a loud scream, grabbing the nearest stick and started charging towards him.
You jolted back into reality once you heard a car beep and you looked at the stop light turning green. You stepped on the gas and drove away. You needed some time to think and decided going back to the beach was the best idea.
You sat at the beach for what seems like hours before you felt like you were tired enough to go back home. Plus, you had work early tomorrow morning and staying up late wasn't the best idea.
You start walking to your car and you see something moving in your prereferral vision, causing you to whip your head around. You see what seems like a person, lying on the ground.
Your heart dropped and you started weighing down your options: leave them or go and see if they need help. If you left, you could leave a hurt person all alone or maybe it's a scheme so that someone could hurt you.
You heard a loud groan and then you realized you couldn't live with yourself if you just left them. You walked towards the person and your eyes widened in surprise once you realized who it was.
He was on his side, holding onto his stomach in pain. You surveyed his face and he had a very prominent black eye. He smelled like liquor so you knew he'd been drinking, which was nothing new.
You immediately bent down to hold his face to see if he was concious and he looked like he was on the verge of passing out. "Rafe, hey, look. I'm here, just keep listening to my voice, okay? I'm gonna get you out of here." You assured.
You slowly turned him around to his back, causing him to let out another loud groan. He was deadweight at this point so you needed to get him conscious if you were going to get him out of the beach and to safety.
"Rafe." You spoke again, leaning down to face to look at him. "Rafe, hey, come on, wake up. Please." You suddenly felt the urgency and started to lose your calm. What if he was in a coma? It looked like he hit his head pretty hard.
"Rafe! Hey, come on, man. Wake up, Rafe. You're okay, just come on, come back to me, come back." You were babbling at that point, trying to get him to respond to your voice in any way.
He suddenly grabbed your arm and you yelped in surprise. Relief spread through your body as he slowly started to come back. He fluttered his eyes open slowly.
"Rafe, listen, I don't know if you rememeber how you ended up here but uh, let's just focus on getting you back home."
He started to shake his head profusely, "No. Not home, anywhere but home, please Y/N."
Your heart started to ache at the sound of that. You don't know what exactly happened but if you had to guess, it had something to do with his dad.
"Okay, Rafe. Not home. Just help me get you up, alright?"
He nodded. You got up and gave him your hand and he gripped it before dragged him up. He could stand but his legs were still wobbly. You then put his arm over your shoulder and you both slowly started walking to your car.
You helped him get in the passenger seat and you put on his seatbelt for him. You got in the front seat and started driving home. You hoped that you parents weren't awake or you would have a lot to explain.
You looked over at Rafe every few to make sure he was alright. He fell asleep slowly and silently hoped he didn't have a concussion. You arrived home sooner than you expected and got out of the car, helping Rafe to get into your house.
Thankfully your parents were asleep, so you quietly helped Rafe up the stairs. He seemed to be getting better, more conscious. You then opened your bedroom door and helped him in your bed.
He immediately laid down and sighed in content. You started walking out of the room before he stopped you.
"Where are you going?" Rafe's voice echoed. You turned around and looked at the boy; he was sitting up and he looked like he was wincing. You walked over back to him and shook your head.
"I'm gonna get some pain meds. You just comfortable, okay?"
Before he could protest you quickly walked away, walking out into your big home to try and find some ibuprofen. You found it in the medicine cabinet, you also grabbed a bottle of water and a banana before returning to him. He hadn't known if he'd eaten that night and you wanted to make sure the medicine went down easy.
You went back to see that Rafe was fully in your bed now, laying down with an arm on his forehead. He turned his head to you once he heard the door open.
You moved to sit by him and handed him banana, putting the water and medicine on the nightstand. He looked confused and held back a chuckle.
"Eat the banana first then we'll take the medicine, alright?" You explained. As he ate the banana, you found yourself wanting to ask what happened. You knew it was too early though, and again, it wasn't your business. Your curiosity got the best of you though.
"How'd you end up at the beach so late at night?" You asked and Rafe got visibly more tense as he shifted. He shook his head and looked down.
"Doesn't matter." He replied shortly.
That wasn't the answer you were looking for but you weren't going to nag. Plus, you already had an idea of what happened and that made you sick enough. After he finished the banana you gave him the water and he gulped down half the bottle.
You handed him two ibuprofens and he took them as well. He sighed in relief once he downed them. You examined Rafe; he was sitting on top the comforter.
"Hey, can you get up for a sec?"
Rafe shifted before nodding, getting up and grabbing a pillow. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What's that for?"
"I'm gonna sleep on the floor."
You shook your head, "No. I'm not making you do that, we can sleep in the same bed. It's big enough."
Rafe opened his mouth to protest but you responded with a look of reassurance. "It's not we haven't before."
Rafe smiled at the memory as you lifted the comforter.
The Cameron's and your family went on a camping trip a few years back and you, Sarah and Rafe had to share a small tent for the trip. It was the only time all three of you went along and Rafe wouldn't admit this to anyone, but it was the most actual fun he'd have in years. He didn't even have to drink or to smoke anything for it to be enjoyable for him.
Rafe got into bed and you did soon after him, closing the lights. You tried to fall asleep but you just couldn't, the thought of Rafe being so close to you made your heat speed up. You had no idea why it did that, it wasn't like you liked Rafe. That would be a nightmare waiting to happen. 'It's just because it's been a while since we've had a boy (other than JJ) in this bed' You reassured yourself but it did little to nothing to.
Rafe shifted so that his face was facing you. He was just as awake as you were; even after the chaos that ensued tonight he still couldn't manage to sleep, but that wasn't anything new for him. You felt him staring at you and you turned your face to look at him. You could see him quite throughly because of the moonlight that was shining inside from your window.
"Thank you."
His voice was soft but it made your night to hear it. You smiled, "Of course."
He turned back around on his back and you both laid in silence. You tried to fall asleep with no avail. As Rafe began to drift to sleep, you felt something move from inside the sheets.
Rafe's hand moved on top of yours, lacing his fingers with yours. He gave your hand a heartening squeeze. You didn't try to stop it, just let it be. It was the comfort he needed after a long night.
You couldn't stop your heart from speeding up, though. His hands weren't as rough as JJ's, you note to yourself. They were soft but big and warm. The more you focused on his hand, the more tired you became. And before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep.
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dckweed · 2 years
okay babes, y'all asked for it and as a people pleaser i can't help but to deliver..idk if y'all are ready for this no, no...y'all are ready,but are y'all deserving? everybody say 'thank you kara' bc this has been literally the only thing on my mind for days, and if im being quite honest with you, i 100% have plans for part three and four already. y'all im doing a whole series lmao.
p.s. bob newby did not deserve that death. also i am officially on stranger things 3 as of last night!! also omg tumblr in dark mode?? so much better! also p.s. my whole family is sick, started with my one year old, then she took out her daddy, my sister, my brother and myself. my mom is the last one standing. we're 95% sure it's covid for the third time (me and her have extremely weak immune systems). also i love this gif of him dacre is literally so pretty.
warnings: MINORS DO NOT OPEN! sexual plot, meet the family plot, dad!hopper, honestly ngl billy is 100% about to be super 'i want to make love to you' bc he is 100% lovesick for reader. please use condoms, this is for fictional pleasure only. definitely AU where all the weird freaky shit doesn't happen after the first and second seasons bc idk what's going on in the third yet. reminder that i don't usually edit/proofread.
PART ONE. part three
'..SIR, THATS MY FUTURE WIFE..' billy hargrove x female!hopper!reader
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It had been a few weeks now since everyone had found out about you and Billy, you had decided that you would let everything cool down about the situation. The two of you weren't the only thing that the entire student body of Hawkins High could talk about anymore, and you felt like your father could finally look you in the eyes again. You were trying to plan a nice family dinner between you, your sister and your father. It wasn't quite going according to plan, somehow, you had managed to burn the pasta noodles just a tad.
"Um, Y/N," Your dad said after taking a bite of his plate, he was wearing his work uniform, about to do another night shift. "I think you bu-" You glare at him and he shuts up. "Nevermind, it tastes great."
"Thank you, dad." You say, taking a chunk out of your garlic bread. You gave Eleven a smile, she was eating across from you without a complaint but you could tell that it must have tasted bad by the look on her face. "..is it really that bad?"
"No-" The girl had started to say, though your father's voice interrupted her. "How about I order a pizza instead?" You sigh, slumping back in your chair, closing your eyes for a brief moment before you got up to clear the table, washing the dishes and disposing of the burnt mess you had accidentally concocted.
After a while you heard the doorbell ring and you heard your father's heavy footsteps on his way to answer it. You faintly heard a brief conversation and turned off the kitchen sink just as the door closes, finishing drying the last dish just as he makes it to the table, two boxes of pizza in his hand. One for him and El to split, one for you because he always remembered your favorite, just like Billy.
You sit wordlessly, giving the two of them clean plates for their slices before you open your box, your mouth watering. If you were being honest, this was definitely more appealing than what you had made. You had been stressed the past few days, trying to work your dad up into a really big step in both of your guys' lives and you couldn't help but crave one of your comfort foods as a way to help ease your overwhelming discomfort with this new part of your life.
After a while, and just as your dad sits back in his chair, arms stretching behind his head in a way that you knew to mean that he was stuffed, you decide that now is as good a time as any. With a shakey breath you drop your pizza crust into the box and turn in your seat to face him.
"Dad, can I ask you something?" You ask, head cocked to the side, what you hope is a charming smile on your face. El continues to eat her pizza, curious as to what was about to happen, though secretly she was ready to get to her sleep over with Max at the Byers' house, you had made the arrangements, wanting an evening to yourself and she had readily agreed, tired of hearing about you go on and on about how in love with Billy you were.
The chief looks at you almost suspiciously, his mustache damn near twitching in nervousness, because that was what you did hear lately, make him nervous. God, he knew you were a teenager, hell he knew you were an adult now really, but you terrified him now that you were out in the world experiencing..things. "Yes?" He replies tentatively, almost as if he was unsure of his own answer.
You close your eyes taking a deep breath and you can almost feel him tense, and you can practically feel his dad brain yelling at him run away, to abort mission and go straight to work.
"It's been a few weeks now, and I know you're not exactly fond of the idea of him," You say, and fuck you were ready to run away yourself, abort mission and hide under your bed for the rest of your life, but you don't, you just cringe and shoulder on. "but i would really appreciate it if you would please let me have Billy over for dinner tomorrow night."
Your father is silent and you look up at him, his mouth is working but no sound comes out. You can see the red in his face, just underneath the stubble on his face and god you knew your face was just as red.
Eleven looked between the two of you, eyes wide and confused, what the hell was going on? He was never this awkward about Mike coming over, and why were you suddenly so awkward? Her pizza was abandoned at this point as she took mental notes to ask Max and Joyce later this evening.
"Daddy, please." You beg, turning to face him completely in your chair. You give him the big, begging doe eyes that used to get you everything you wanted as a child and he can't look away from you, though he still wears the pained expression. "I don't ask you for anything, ever, i take care of you and El and i cook and i clean and i don't ask you for a thing, except for this..would it really be so bad for you to meet him face to face? Man to man? He's really not so bad dad, I think you might actually get along." Okay so maybe you were really laying it on thick, but you knew you were making a valid point, you took care of three of you, and you kept up your grades at school, you were a good girl and you never asked for too much, so why couldn't he just give you this one thing?
You seem him make an almost angry face and he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face as he lets out a loud, almost terrified groan. "Okay, okay, dinner, tomorrow." He says and you squeal excitedly, though he holds his hand up to stop you. "His ass is here by five-thirty or he isn't allowed inside. Understood?"
You nod vigorously, standing from your chair and wrapping your arms around your dad, hugging him tightly. You feel him pat your back and you give him a kiss on the cheek and you feel him smile. "Thank you, thank you!" You say, jumping up and down. "I love you!" You look up at the clock on the kitchen wall. "Shit, you guys better get going."
You see them both out, giving El a hug and your father another kiss to his cheek, you watch them drive off before happily closing the door, headed towards the kitchen to finish cleaning up.
After an hour or so you settle yourself into your bathrobe, putting your hair up and away from your face as you put on a facial cleansing mask, all of the stress of the past few weeks had made you break out in a string of pimples and you wanted to get rid of them before they became so much of a problem that you needed makeup to cover all of them.
You hummed to yourself in the bathroom mirror, the shower water heating up behind you. There was nothing better than a self care night, and personally you had gotten used to doing them with your sister but you did enjoy having the evening alone.
You're so engrossed in what you're doing that you don't even notice the front door opening and closing, because stupidly, you hadn't locked it. It was Hawkins, what really went wrong here? And you certainly don't notice the sound of boots coming down the hallway, your the man humming along to a tune, finishing off a piece of your pizza crust.
He finds you in the bathroom and leans against the doorway, watching you for a moment. He couldn't help the small smile on his face, just something about watching you doing something so simple as putting whatever the hell that was on your face brought him so much happiness he didn't know how to describe it. Honestly, he knew he was in love with you, he was one hundred percent gone for you. He knew that weeks ago, hell, he knew it over a month ago when he had just looked at you and wanted nothing more than to tuck up into his arms and never let you go. He knew it when you had taken him into your arms and held him, letting him know that you were there for him, taking care of him and the bruises his father had left silently, though he could see the hurt in your eyes that it brought you, the sadness. He knew he was done for right then and there because he had felt safe, he had felt safe and loved and protected.
"You really should lock your door, sweetheart, you never know what kind of creep could just wonder in." He sees you jump, but immediately relax as you recognize his voice. He can't keep the chuckle from coming out.
"Says the creep that walked into my house." You say, turning around to face him. You lean against the counter, taking him in. You smiled, happy to see him, no visible bruises either, and he seemed like he was in good spirits by the grin he wore on his devilishly handsome face, it was one that you absolutely adored, the kind of grin that reached his eyes and lit up the whole room, the kind that looked like pure unfiltered happiness. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugs, moving from the doorframe to make his way to you. "Well, I dropped Maxine off at the same time your dad dropped off El, i thought I'd come by and see my girl while she was alone.." He says, before gesturing towards your face. "What's going on here?" He pokes your forehead, and you roll your eyes batting his hand away as he rubs some of the substance between his thumb and forefinger, curious.
"I have stress pimples, I need to make them go away, face masks help." You say turning back to the sink. You were just getting ready to wipe it away when he startled you. You reach over to get a clean rag, wetting it with warm water.
"What's got you stressed,?" He asks, actually curious as he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he settles his chin on your shoulder, watching you. "hmm, baby?"
"My dad. I finally asked him to meet you." You say, wiping your face off as you lean back into his embrace, totally relaxed in his presence. He raises an eyebrow at you in the mirror. "He says you better be here tomorrow night for dinner, five-thirty and not a minute later or he won't let you in."
Billy chuckles, kissing your neck gently. "I'll be here at five then, surprise him." He says and you hum happily, finishing with your face before you sef the rag down, turning around in his arms before placing a slow, gentle kiss to his lips. He hums, his arms tightening around you, resting his forehead against yours when you finally pull away. "I missed you.."
You give him a love dopey grin at his words, suddenly remembering the shower running behind you guys. "Want to get in with me?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
Billy laughs, but happily shrugs off his jacket and slips his skin tight tshirt over his head, watching as you take your robe off, already completely naked. He can't help but watch you, admiring your body as you step in to the tub, the water already the perfect temperature.
After a minute or two he gets in after you, his arms going back around you as you let the warm water run over you, and now him as he stands behind you, your body pressed against his, erection he didn't even realize he had pressing against your ass.
You hum appreciatively at the feeling, turning around a small smirk on your face. "You really did miss me, huh?" The two of you hadn't had much time for each other, your dad had briefly grounded you for sneaking out, and though you'd seen Billy throughout the school day, you couldnt risk getting in trouble again, though that didn't stop you two from sneaking in a quickie in the back of his car again, and a few days ago the two of you had fucked in the boys locker room, Steve had almost caught you guys too, though thankfully he was completely oblivious and just needed to grab something from his locker that was one row over from where you two were. It didn't stop Billy from fucking you the whole time he was there though, your back pressed against the lockers, his hand over your mouth as his cock slid in and out of your sopping wet pussy.
God the memory had you fucking squirming.
"Baby, just looking at you gets me hard." He sighs, running his hand through your hair, tilting your head back so it would get wet. "But to answer your question, I miss you to the point that I crave you..I want nothing more than to have my cock buried deep in your pretty fucking cunt," He says, his voice that husky low sound that you just loved so much. You rubbed your thighs together at his words, feeling your face flush in response. "but im not going to fuck you in the shower, infact im not going to fuck you at all tonight.." You whine almost sadly at his words, pouting up at him. "tonight i want to make love to you, slow and sweet in your bed, wrap you up in my arms and let you know how much i care about you, let you feel how deeply in fucking love with you i am, because i am so very, very in love with you, y/n.." He didn't feel scared to say it, admit it out loud, because he already knew so deep down in his soul, he knew it and so did Maxine because as much as the little shit annoyed him, she knew him too well.
You're taken aback by his words, looking up at him. Of all the things that had ever come out of his mouth, that was not at all what you were expecting to hear in that moment. You knew he loved you, you had known it for a while now in the way that he listened to you, and let you talk, in the way that you unabashedly had all of his attention twenty four fucking seven, but god, to hear him say it? Fuck, you didn't think you'd ever been more turned on by him.
"Billy," You say, voice soft, he looks almost scared of you in that moment, of what you're going to say. He looks like a child that knows they're about to be told that they couldn't have the candy they wanted. "baby, i love you too, ive loved you from the moment you first smiled at me.." You say, standing up on your tip toes to plant a sweet, loving kiss on his lips.
He relaxed at your words, your touch, and melts into your kiss, letting it become one of passion and heat. Before you know it he's reaching behind you and turning off the water, his hands going to the back of your thighs, squeezing as a way to tell you to jump, you do so immediately mouth still moving against his.
Billy carefully steps out of the tub with you, planting his feet firmly on the floor, grabbing your towel off of the hook before wrapping it around you, drying off your back as he starts walking out of the bathroom and do the room across the hall, he had known it was yours by the two beds, and he knew that yours was the farthest closest to the wall in the back of the room, the bigger bed.
He lays you down gently, breaking the kiss to slowly climb on top of you, reattaching his lips to the skin of your jaw and working his way down, leaving soft, gentle hickies below your collarbone, even going so far as to plant one above each of your breasts, which he then subsequently spent time sucking on, taking each nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them, biting them ever so gently with his teeth.
He watched you, the way that you bucked up against him, your hands grasping onto any part of his skin that you could get to. He felt his cock grow somehow even harder as he heard your soft, breathless moans and met your eyes, he winks at you, making his way even farther downwards as he spreads your legs, both hands planted on the insides of your thighs as he dipped his head down to your glistening pussy.
He hums at the sight, letting his thumb rub up and down over your folds, groaning as it comes away glistening in your arousal. "Always so fucking wet for me baby girl.." He groans out, voice deep and husky. "So fucking perfect for me.."
You moan at his words, his touch, bucking your hips up ever so slightly towards his face, begging him to give you something, anything to release the pressure building up inside of you, fuck you just wanted to feel him. "Please, baby, please..do something.." You groan out, your voice embarrassingly whiny, but he seems to love it as a smirk crosses his lips.
It must be what he had wanted to hear because almost immediately his mouth is on your pussy, his long tongue running up and down, circling your clit before sipping inside of you, it was agonizingly pleasurable, your toes curling, hands gripping his curly hair tightly as he suddenly takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it with fervor.
Your hips buck against him wildly and he tightens his grip in your thighs, digging his fingers in before he lets one side go, bringing one of his arms up to rest across your lower belly, holding you in place as he uses his free hand to push one of his fingers into you, moving it in and out slowly.
You let out a string of moans, each one becoming louder and louder, each chant of words becoming a little less understandable as he added a other finger, and then another, curling them inside of you as finger fucked you, still sucking on your clit with a passion.
Within moments he has you cuming, your body shuddering against him as he holds you in place, groaning as your yank on his hair harshly because fuck he did love it when you played with his hair.
Once you're settled he crawls back up towards you, hovering above you. He takes your face in one hand, bringing the other one up to your mouth. "Open." His voice is gruff, but eagerly you do as told, taking his fingers into your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around them as if they were his cock. He has to close his eyes, keep himself from cuming all over you right then and there because fucking hell he hadn't ever seen a sexier sight than that before. "Taste good princess?"
You nod your head, looking at him. "So fucking good, baby." You say, your voice throaty from moaning like you had been. He moans, the hand that's gripping your face tightening as he leans down to kiss you, moving so that he's between your legs again, though this time you feel his cock brush against your still throbbing pussy, and involuntarily you moan, your body pressing up against him. "Please, Billy, I want to feel you..please baby.." You beg again, though you knew you didn't really have to.
He's quick to oblige, his own need to feel you around him, to fuck you until he can't anymore taking over. Though he keeps to his word, he's not rough like normal, he glides in and out of you with short, deep thrusts shifting so one of his arms is wrapped around your body, holding him into his chest. You cling to him, legs wrapped his waist and arms wrapped around his torso, a moaning mess under him once more.
You moan his name repeatedly and he can't take his eyes off of you because you just looks so fucking beautiful underneath him like that, your face flushed, relaxed, you look like you're in total fucking bliss with that dumb little smile you get and he can't help but to fall in love with you more, after a good while he feels you start to come undone again, your legs tightening around him as your hips meet his with each thrust.
You groan a string of words as he rides you through it, his pace steady and unwavering, though three words from you is suddenly all it takes for him. You look up at him, eyes meeting his, your hands in his hair and fucking hell you really do look beautiful. "I love you, Billy.." It was a whisper, but fuck within a second of it leaving your lips his pace faltered and he was cuming inside of you, hot thick spurts hitting you so hard that you could feel it start to drip out of you before he had even pulled out.
He lays on top of you for a few minutes, wrapped in your embrace as you both calm yourselves down. He plants slow, sweet kisses to your cheeks, slowly moving all over your face as he tells you he loves you over and over again..
You woke the next morning to a pounding on your door, scaring you awake, Billy even jumping next to you, lifting his head up to look around wildly. He had slept hard with you wrapped up tightly in his arms, pressed against his chest, and at some point during the night you had gotten up to get his things from the bathroom and to close and lock your door, hoping your father would be so exhausted that you'd be able to sneak Billy out without him noticing in the morning.
Clearly you had been wrong.
He pounds again and Billy gives you a panicked, wide eyed look.
"Y/N Hopper, you've got five minuets to get your ass up out of that bed, out of this room and get it into the kitchen, am i understood?" You heard him say, his voice thick with some kind of emotion. You weren't quite sure if it was anger or something else. "You too, Billy!" He gives one last pound to the door and the two of you share a wide eyed, terrified look.
Quickly you throw Billy his Tshirt that you had thrown on last night, and he catches it, shrugging it on before pulling his pants up over his boxers. You shrug one of your night gowns on over your head, before pulling your robe over top, trying to make it look as if you hadn't been doing anything, though you knew he was too smart to fall for that.
You give Billy a quick kiss before opening your door and leading him out to the kitchen. Your father sits in his chair at the table, arms crossed as he stares at the two of you, you feel his eyes boring into yours for a few minutes, the silence radiating off of him terrifying you to your core, and you could tell Billy was nervous too. Your father's gaze moves to him next, and after another moment he finally speaks.
"Go get dressed, Y/N, give us a few minutes together." He says, dismissing you with a stern look. You give Billy's hand a reassuring squeeze, and do as told, not wanting to cross him any farther.
He waits until he hears your bedroom door shut before gesturing to the chair closest to him, your chair. "Sit down, Billy." He says. Billy does as told, not wanting to fuck this up and end up even farther on his bad side. "Now look, I wasn't exactly expecting to see you until this evening and boy was I surprised to find your car in my driveway and my daughter's bedroom door locked." He stayed quiet, not wanting to yell because he had gotten the sense from you that Billy's home life was a constant battle, and he knew that yelling would most likely make him defensive. He wanted to speak to Billy like a man, like you had asked him to. "The whole time I was working I was thinking about what I was going to ask you, and i had it all figured out finally..I figure now is as good a time as any.."
Billy looks up at him, nervously, quietly.
"Now look, my daughter hasn't come out and said it yet, but she is head over heels in love with you, Hargrove, and that's fine and all, but you seem like the type of boy who likes to break little girls' heart's.." He says, and Billy's eye go wide, he didn't think the man would know his reputation, boy word really traveled, huh? "So, Billy, are you planning on breaking my little girls heart?" Your father knew at the end of the day that he couldn't stop you from being with him, he had raised you too head strong for that, but he wanted to know what he was going to deal with if or when this thing went sideways.
Billy shakes his head, looking at him. He shifts in his seat, trying to think of the words to say. "Sir, I know what my reputation says about me," He says, keeping his voice quiet so you wouldn't hear. "but only I know how I truly feel, and as far as im concerned, that is my future wife in that bedroom back there." He sees a change in Hopper's face, he hadn't expected that level of an answer at all. "I know it's sounds crazy, and I know that we're young, but when im with her, it's like..it's like i feel like an entirely different person, a better person and i want to be a better person in every fucking way because i want to be everything that she wants me to be and more." Billy says, the truth just spewing out of him in ways that he didn't even know, but he knew that he meant every word. "And when I'm not with her? It's like i can't even breathe properly, like very part of me is being broken down bone by agonizing bone until I see her again, even if it's just passing in the school halls and she gives me that beautiful little smile of hers, it's enough to breathe life back into me until the next time that I see her or until I get to hold her in my arms again..sir, with all do respect, I am completely, irrevocably in love with your daughter..and i will never, ever break her heart, infact she could break mine and i would still feel the same way about her at the end of the day."
Hop is silent for a moment, and Billy continues on. "And if I do mess up, if i do hurt her in some stupid way, i will gladly let you beat my ass to a bloody pulp, I would welcome you with open arms and a smile on my face because i would probably fucking deserve it for doing something so stupid as to ruin what I have with her." He finishes, glancing back towards the hallway. He meant every word of what he said, he could feel it in his soul.
Hop stares at him for a moment longer before nodding in approval, sticking his hand out for him to shake. "Then I guess we have an agreement." He says, Billy grips his hand firmly, nodding. "Sweetheart, come in here please!"
You come within a moment, staring at the two of them. "Yeah?" You ask, fidgeting with your hands as you stare at him, unable to read either of their expressions, but you can feel the emotions in the room and if made to nervous.
"Billy here is going to spend the day since it's the weekend," He says, giving him a look that says he has no choice. Billy breathes a sigh of relief, shooting you a small smile that makes you visibly relax. "He's going to help me clean the junk out of the spare room, if he's going to be staying over I'd prefer you have your own privacy away from your sister."
You had told your dad in few details about what was going on at Billy's house, and you knew that this was stemming from that, and the fact that he seemed to like him, you could tell your father was more at ease than he had been in weeks, you knew this was an open invitation for Billy to stay as often as he wanted, and you wondered if he was taking it as such.
"We'll leave your old bed in there, I'm sure Max will want to spend the night with El eventually.." He stands from his chair, tossing you his keys. "Speaking of, why don't you go they the two of them, bring them back here, she can stay for dinner too, I'll call your parents, I'm sure they won't mind hearing from me."
@dakotazzzzz @annoyingexboyfriend @ttsbaby01 @rainwritesworld @angelbbygrl @peakascum @meltedcandiedacid
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what-if-nct · 1 year
Hiiii!!!! I. Have. Talked. To. My. Crush. She. Likes. The Owl House. And. I. Promised. To. Draw. Something. For. Her. Birthday. And. She. Is. So. Nice. To. Me.
BUT SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND 😭😭 Although I'm really happy for her they look so so so cute together!!! She's so nice to me tho, tho we dont have anything much to talk about anymore. I befriended her and thats enough. I hope they have a happy life together and that she'll always be happy!!!
How are you doing? Are you feeling alright? I hope you're feeling okay!!! ( I love your style so much, even more than anything I've loved in my life. You're too cute and pretty and nice and kind for this world. ) For the colors, every except gold( ish ) I don't feel comfortable flirting with you, but I really really really love you! Hope life treats you well!!!!
I'm going through a minor Wang Yibo addiction right now. His voice sounds so good and him and Xiao Zhan ( platonically ) are better than the world. Yeah I watched the untamed and I am going through another phase. Xue Yang. Also there's this character who's name is Wen Ning and he's shy. And sells radishes. And he's a dead man. A very kind dead man. He is really kind and I love him way too much. Just seeing his face just cheers me up tho most of the time he's staring into my soul.
Today I showed my Haechan ( ♡ ) photocard to my dad to see if he could guess the age, and he guessed it right. So my dad is a boomer, such a boomer, but somehow, he knows some stuff. I sang 'I wonder how' once, and then he sang 'I wonder why' I was fucking terrified. Seriously I had not expected that. Also the song Bamboleo once trended in a community I was in, and he knew that too. He still is very much a boomer, he doesn't know who Justin Bieber is. He only knows the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. He probably doesn't even know Queen.
I went to my new school, and ran away with a panic attack day one. I got chased by the same teacher thrice. She terrifies me now. I hate her for how she acted. I said 'leave me alone' everytime and everytime she was like 'okay.' And then she came back with 'i only wanted to check if you're on the right side of the train station' and 'maybe it'd be better if your dad came picking you up' you know what? Fuck off. I hate her now and nothing will probably change it 😭
— sneeze ♡♡♡
Hiii! Oh yay I'm glad you were able to at least become friends and get to know each other. I think a friendship would be just as fulfilling. I hope you get to have more things to talk about in the future. And it's so sweet you're going to draw her something for her birthday I'm sure she'll just love it.
I've heard Wang Yibo's name before but I don't remember where he sounds so familiar. I just went to check and hes been on shows with Yixing that's how I know him of course. I figured it was through my husband Yixing. Also Yibo has the same birthday as me! The only person I know with my birthday is Yungblud and I love him. Also Yungblud and Yibo were born same day same year I love finding birthday twins.
The older generation does tend to know at least a few things from later generations. But not much but a few unless you have a mom who used to be a groupie for white snake or guns and roses or a grandma who was a hippie who went to Woodstock clearly they are the coolest people of their generation. Also Gen X are automatically the coolest generation of them all. Like Millennials honestly an anxious mess of a generation as one I can say that we're a mess. Gen Z still finding their footing mostly teens but definitely seem the most tame compared in the since there's this puritanicalness I haven't seen in my generation or in Gen X it's fascinating.
I kinda understand maybe her intentions but within the situation chasing you down multiple times isn't the right way to go about it would have been best to let you be and calm down cause she's just adding fuel to the fire and frightening you there's definitely better things she could have done. I'm so sorry it was a hard first day.
And I'm feeling fine I've had an odd obsession with cashews lately I've bought four containers of cashews this month and one of them was a pound so far this month and they're all gone it's all I want to eat. I have this thing where I will just eat the same food over and over if no one stops me. And you're so cute! Oh my gosh. Thank you! I've actually been having a fashion crisis just where I have clothes that don't match. I turned one top into two tops. It was a long sleeve top with big sleeves so I was able to get two tops out of it but I don't have skirts the right color or the prints are too busy. But I'm so picky that I can't find exactly what I want till Loey Lane, a YouTuber posted an outfit and I looked up the store and I finally found clothes I love in my size. There's one skirt I love it's sequin but its a micro mini skirt and I love it but there's a front slit and I just know it'll be too short I only have one micro mini skirt and it's just long enough to be decent. Can't bend over but it's decent. But I want the sequiny one. But.
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I love short skirts but I just know it's too short but it's so pretty. I'll think about it. But this is what I already decided one.
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Kinda obsessed with wearing bikini tops as regular tops it's so cute and I just needed a little cardigan cause all I have is velour zip hoodies. And I just need a plain skirt and I like getting longer skirts cause I can hike it up shorter to a length I like.
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 1 year
I’ll Be There For You
a 911 young!Buck fic that’s been plaguing my mind for ages
All his life, Evan Buckley had an imaginary friend. Some of his first memories were with his imaginary friend. He was three, left in his crib, tired from crying but too distressed to sleep, when a voice to his left made him turn. 
The face was kind, the voice familiar and yet strange. The hands reached but could not touch. But the soothing, loving tone was enough to croon Evan to sleep.
That voice was the only happy thing that he could remember. His parents didn't pay him much attention and when they did, it was weary and angry. Maddie gave so much love, but she was usually sad and Evan didn't know how to fix it, only that he loved her hugs. Nothing was better than snuggling up next to Maddie while that kind person who no one else seemed to notice was talking to him.
When he was five and words began to mean something to him, he spoke back. "Who are you?" But he only got a smile for his troubles and more kind words. You're special, kid. You're gonna grow up to be amazing some day, just you wait.
Like with everything in the world around him, Evan was all questions. "What should I call you?" And unlike his parents, his friend would answer. Whatever you want. "Why doesn't anyone else talk to you?", asked right after a tense dinner. They can't see or hear me, Evan. Just you.
"Can I tell them about you?" Evan asked as he brushed his teeth carefully, just the way Maddie had taught him. Next to him in the mirror, he noticed how much his imaginary friend looked just like him, except maybe a little older. His friend shook his head.
When he was six, his first grade teacher read a book to the class about imaginary friends. Evan was delighted, and raised his hand to tell everyone about his friend, but the teacher shushed him and kept reading. "...Of course, all imaginary friends go away as we get older. Then we make real friends and don't need them anymore."
Evan ran out of the classroom in a panic. He ran until he was in the empty schoolyard where no one else would see him turn toward his friend, tears streaming down his face. "You won't go away, will you? Please say I won't grow out of you! You're my only friend!" His friend reached out again, untouching hands hovering over Evan's cheeks. I'll stay as long as I can. As long as you need me.  "You promise?" I promise, Evan.
Evan cried himself into an exhausted sleep in the schoolyard, leaning against the slide. He was awoken by his friend's frantic voice. --van! Evan! Wake up, they're looking for you! 
He looked around, disoriented, before noting his mother, looking annoyed and angry, running toward him. "Oh no." He was definitely in trouble now.
It'll be okay. She's just worried about you. "She's mad. I hate when she's mad." Evan stalled in place, waiting for her to arrive and no doubt scream at him about how dangerous the world was, how stupid he was for staying here. "If I ever need to talk to you, what should I call you?" I said you can choose whatever you want.
"Evan!! That was irresponsible and dangerous of you! What on earth were you thinking...!" Evan's mom continued her tirade and Evan shrank back into the slide, leaning as close to his friend as he could. His friend reached out a non-corporeal hand and sat closer to Evan's side through it all.
She doesn’t mean it. But you don’t deserve to hear this either, Evan. 
Later, after he’d been dragged home and deposited in his room to think about his actions, Buck turned to his friend. “I hate the name Evan. It just makes me think about Mom or Dad yelling at me.”
His friend sighed. Makes sense. If you could pick a name, what would you choose?
“I dunno.” Evan shrugged. “Oh wait! Sal in class’s name is Salvator, but he hates that too, so we just call him Sal! I could do that too!” He hopped up and started pacing his room. “Okay, help me choose one!”
Hmmm. His friend’s forehead wrinkled as he thought. Evan’s already pretty short, so you can’t really shorten it more, unless--we could call you E? What about Buckley? You could be like James Bond, how he sometimes goes by his last name!
“Buckley.” Evan looked into the mirror. “Mmm, it’s just not as cool as Bond. Too long and clunky...”
What about Buck? It’s short and it’s still you.
“Buck,” Evan said into the mirror. He felt a grin spread on his face. “Yeah, I like that. I’m Buck.”
Hi, Buck.
“Now you pick a name for yourself.”
You can--
“I know, you already said that, but I’ve thought of so many names in my head, and none of them are right, and I just want to know what you want to be called. Everyone has a name. You should have one too.”
His friend hesitated. But not like he was thinking of name. More like he’d already chosen one and was debating whether or not to share. Finally, he spoke. 
Daniel. You can call me Daniel.
Tell me if this is something you’d want to keep reading!
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parttimepuff · 1 year
Who’s gonna tell him the problem.
I mean he already knows the problem he raised her but who’s gonna expand the context of that problem and explain the extent that this problem has reached?
Landing on the ground out in front of the Starcutter, he tensed. "Do not fucking call her that." He hissed, glaring at them. "Beep is wonderful and funny and kind and caring and so much fucking more than what people have against her just because of how one bastard screwed her species' reputation. Don't you dare call her a problem ever again." Reverie demanded.
Seething as the comment had made him, he tried his best to calm down as he walked up the short ramp to the front door. Just before he got there, Beep stuck her face through the door causing him to jump. "I have something that’ll make you feeeeel betteeeeeer~" She told him in a sing-songy voice, a wide pointy grin on her face. It wasn't hard for her to tell, or even just guess, that he was upset, but she was clearly intent on changing that.
Recovering from the surprise and relieved to see her, the Dream Fae was able to smile back. "Oh, uh… Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks, Beep." Reverie replied, relaxing. "YEAH!!!" Beep shouted in excitement, slipping back inside. A moment later, the door opened up. "Welcome back>" Lor greeted him as he stepped inside, sighing. "Glad to be back." He responded. There was a lot to tell everyone about, but he couldn't help but wonder what Beep had for him first.
That question wasn't left unanswered long. Holding out both her hands wide to display them like a new sports car, Beep presented Hermit while absolutely beaming. Reverie stopped in his tracks, going dead still. A million thoughts raced through his mind at once, too fast to give any one more than a cursory glance. The new addition to the family half-hid behind Beep, despite being nearly twice her size, and hesitantly waved to him.
After what felt like a long time, he found his voice. "….my god, you multiplied…" Reverie mumbled, dumbstruck. "No! Rev, it’s Hermit! They found us!!!" Beep exclaimed, gesturing to them again. "One of your grey friends led them to us>" Lor added. The Dream Fae's eyes widened. The Matter they'd been searching for had found them first after all this time. "Hermit!! I-welcome!!" He enthusiastically greeted. He could put aside his panic about yet another person to care for and hide for the moment.
"Thank you…" Hermit replied, false eye trained on him. Reverie couldn't help but be a bit surprised by their rumbling, deep voice, almost like they were speaking with extra bass. "Hermit, this is Rev, he’s my dad." Beep introduced. "Dad..?" They asked, looking to her for answers. "Dad! It means he’s part of my family and he takes care of me and Orbee and Wiz and hes super nice and good!" She explained. The other Matter looked to the ground in thought. "…family..?" They muttered quietly.
Shaking their head, Hermit turned to face Reverie again. "Hello Rev…" They greeted in turn, coming out of hiding more. Crouching down so he was closer to their eye level, the Dream Fae smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you!" He added. "Nice… yes nice…" They agreed. "Hermit doesn’t talk a lot, but they found us! It’s not just me and Wiz anymore!" Beep gushed. Remembering how worried she'd been before he left to meet Kirby, it really warmed his heart to see her so overjoyed.
"I see. This is great news!!! Should I say congrats? I'm just, really happy for you!" Reverie expressed. Inching forward a little, Hermit met his eye. "…Rev friend..?" They asked. "Yeah, of course we can be friends!" He assured them. "ah…" The Matter breathed. They seemed, maybe not happy, but definitely relieved. "Rev friend, and Orbee and Lor!" Beep chimed in, still grinning wide, speaking the way they did for clarity. "Everyone is friends…"
"So many..!" Hermit thought aloud. Starting to lean against her, they added, "Safe…" Reverie expression softened. How hard must they have had it on their own? "Aww… yeah, you are safe here." He echoed. Leaning into them herself, Beep nodded. "I promise…! I’ll keep you safe too…" They all would.
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soullikethesea · 2 years
Oh man, I still feel really awful. My whole body hurts and it feels like I'm getting sick. Yesterday I kept getting shivers and crying. I feel emotional and vulnerable.
I want T.
She hasn't replied and I should be okay, I'll see her sometime next week and also she wouldn't really be able to comfort me anyway. But yeah, attachment cry is there.
I don't have words for my experiences. It's as if I'm remembering something general, rather than specific. It's definitely about my dad, probably when I tried to share my perspective on something / tried to be seen/heard. That was almost certain rejection. And then more.
Lucas emerged that night when I begged my godmother and mother if I could please stay with one of them instead of my father. They said no. And my heart was broken. I was disillusioned. No one would save me.
I lay awake in my cold bed and tried to get over myself. It felt like I was suddenly heaps older and harsher. When the time came to go back to my mother, I wasn't happy to see her anymore. I couldn't be happy like that when I realized that she kept sending me back. I wasn't the same person anymore.
I think that's when I lost the strength in my voice. I cannot describe how afraid I was. It's unbearable when I feel it now, all those shivers and cries. The feeling of wanting the Earth to swallow you: please let me no longer exist so that I can be safe. The pressing fear of knowing that *you* are wrong - your existence is wrong and offensive. You are taking up space that you don't deserve and it's offensive for you to even consider that you have a right to anything.
Lucas dealt with it by aligning with my father. He would focus on getting everything Right. Find out what the rules are and follow them exactly. Hurt parts inside if they break the rules, so that you're one step ahead of getting hurt by other people.
He is so alone and abandoned, but really the girl with the attachment cries was too. The wish to be seen and heard - such a dangerous thing.
And the body keeps the score. It's too much for me to be able to cope with.
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
Attempt 1 (part 17)
*later that day*
Now, after the assassin suceeded, Scarlet took a short rest in her hidden residence. No one knew where she was hidden, the police looked up every corner but she was still nowhere to be found - an advantage for her. She had something like a little apartment with a place to sleep, a place to eat, a place for making plans like what to do next, who to kill, where to kill, how to kill - and a place for watching the news every day to see how Theo is trying to achieve his target.
"So T, my dear friend," Scarlet let herself fall into the couch with a lot of comfort and a relieved sigh "Let's see what you have to self-praise today. Or how you need people to warn about me. Or how you will save Gotham from all the evil" She snickered for herself, taking the buzzer to turn the TV on.
"Theo Galavan, the hero of town, lately announced he wouldn't run for major. He decided to stay in the back. The question why though, stays unanswered. Now, why does he renounce his candidature? Especially after our big rescue from the horrific Jerome Valeska? Eventually, this question can be a-..." Then she turned the TV off.
"This question can be answered by me easily," Scarlet chuckled darkly, "Little Theo is scared of the publicity since me, the great Scarlet Patel, wants to chase him like a little deer! Hes scared of all the upcoming consequences that brought Jerome's death!" Then she turned the TV on again.
"More of Theo Galavan, we will see when he will later be honored with the medal of Valor and Bravery. At 2pm we will stream that live at the parliament." And again, Scarlet turned the TV off. She heard what she wanted - she now had an opportunity to kill Theo.
"Perfect!" She almost yelled loud, spreading her arms in the air "That's just excellent! I don't even need a plan, I'mma kill him right there!" She cackled in euphoria "But," then she stopped instantly "I need men, maybe 5 or 6. And I need guns, maybe assault rifles or snipers." Then she started thinking "Hmmm, but where do I get all this in this short time? I cant just ask any stranger to help me. That would be ridiculous. These people would attack me or even call the stupid cops."
"But hey," suddenly an idea came up her mind "Why do I have to think so complicated? I already have people who can help me! I just need to contact them!" She thought back about her dad's coworkers who helped her killing several people after her parent's death. They promised to help her whenever she needed them - even though it was through blackmailing. It's been a long time indeed, she thought, but surely they would never break their promise, would they? They wouldn't dare it, would they? They're too clever to dare it. The consequences would be too big for them. So immediately, she grabbed her phone and and immediately called one of her old friends - Bryan. He was one of the coworkers and her father's best friend. He always did what Scarlet wanted, he was too scared of her and he respected her too much. He knew what she was capable of. He knew he'd die if he didn't fulfill her wishes.
"Hello?" She suddenly heard a male voice through the phone. He sounded annoyed, but at the same time a bit confused who was calling him at that time.
"Bryan, my old friend!" Scarlet chuckled "It's me Scarlet! Long time no see, right? How are ya?"
"Sc-Scarlet" You heard him gulp in shock and surprise, you definitely noticed he wasn't pleased about her call. He wished she would have never called because he knew she wanted him to do a favor now. And a favor always means someone needed to die. He hoped never to kill someone again, he felt so horrible for the times before already, why can't she stop finally? "You don't need to start the small talk. What do you want?"
"Oh, you know," she paused "Remember the promise you made me?"
"Forget it! I won't help you! Not again!" Bryan instantly said " I have a family now. I need to take care of them! I cant play the killer for you! Not anymore!" He really didn't want to. He needed think of his little daughter and his girlfriend. Should his little daughter grow up with a murderer father? Should she know her father is a bad guy because he's scared of a teenager? No, definitely, so this shit had to end instantly! He wanted to end this relationship with Scarlet or whatever you call it. He wanted to erase her out of his life.
"Too bad," Scarlet smirked "You have to help me, though. I mean, I could just kill your whole family. How about that?" Scarlet offered "And don't think I wouldn't do it. I would. I know where you live, where your family is, what they do minute by minute...It's all up to you" That Scarlet knew everything about them was not the complete truth. She didn't know a thing about them - and she didn't care about it anyway. She just loved to blackmail people when she didn't get what she wanted.
"God, I hate you more than anything..." you heard Bryan hissing through the telephone. He knew he was fucked now. He had to help her now, he couldn't bare to risk his family's lives "How can I help you?"
"You're such a good boy, Bryan, I'm proud you" Scarlet literally grinned through the phone "I need men, I need weapons. Assault rifles or snipers, you can choose. But I need them quick. Now would be the best. I need someone to kill just in time and time is running very fast." She beheld the clock for another time. It said 11:45 am - so approximately 2 hours were left until Theo Galavan should be killed "You need to hurry up"
"It's Theo Galavan, right?" Bryan let out a loud and kind of despaired sigh "It's because of Jerome? You wanna take revenge on him for Jerome's death."
"Yeah, it's Theo," Scarlet said "He's been a very bad guy to me and now he needs to pay the price for it. You think you can arrange that until 2 in the noon? I wanna surprise him at his glorious moment!"
"Sure," Bryan sighed, he couldn't believe he was really doing it again. He actually swore to himself he would never ever do it again, not even for millions of dollars "I call the boys and tell them what to do. They should arrive at 1:30 or so."
"Tell them they meet me one block prior the parliament in a little dark lane... and they should come with big cars!" And so she hung up. She grinned for herself as if she just got the biggest gift in the whole world. She could now Theo Galavan, she could see how bullets drill through his body, how the blood splashes out of his wounds. It will be marvelous! She a,ready could hear the gasps for air when he was about to bleed out. She could see his desperate attempts to speak when the blood fills his throat that he could do nothing but spit it out.
She knew it will be a glorious day for her.
And she couldn't wait for it.
It was 1:30 in the noon now.
Scarlet already stood in this certain lane, she wore a black gown that nobody would recognize her in the public. People should think she was an old lady who just looked for some useful trash in the bins. They should she was a normal citizen as all the others were - it worked so far. Every time she saw people walking past the lane, she pretended to root for something like old bread or anything that didn't seem rotten.
It didn't take a lot of time until she heard some cars driving to the lane and parked right there. She saw some men getting out of the cars with some assault rifles in their hands, some black masks on their faces and wearing some protections vests. These men had to be the ones Bryan used to call 'the boys', Scarlet thought. They seemed very strong and awing with their muscles and their appearance at all. They seemed like monsters or heavy criminals - wonderful! Exactly like Scarlet's thoughts ands visions!
"Bryan said she has to be here, where's she then?" One of the guys wondered, looking around, he didn't even pay attention to Scarlet since he probably thought she was any poor lady searching for some food or trash she could sell.
"Maybe it's the wrong lane?" Another one shrugged.
"It has to be this one! There's just this lane near the parliament." The other one insisted, he became a little impatient. Probably because he was pissed that he couldn't see Scarlet anywhere. He obviously hated tardiness, especially in situations like this one where timing was highly important.
"Oh, are you searching for me?" Scarlet smiled, putting her cap down, showing everyone that it was her and not any old lady from town "Tadaaa! I was just waiting for you. I needed to hide my identity because, well, everybody's looking for me."
"Scarlet," one of the men took his mask off, he was a blonde guy with blue eyes and a beard "It's been a while" He didn't directly seem to be pleased about her appearance because he actually didn't want to do this either. He shared the opinion with Bryan. He had family to take care of, he had a new job, a life he needed to live. There was no time for cruel things like that. There was no time for forced criminalities.
"Thomas!" Scarlet happily embraced this 6 feet tall man "You've grown up, man! How's your wife Kendal? She good? Does she know you're here with me after the last time?" What Scarlet was talking about, was that one time Thomas tried to flee from Scarlet during an assassin and broke the promise to always serve her whenever she needed him. Scarlet noticed that, of course,  so she decided to pay him a visit and there, she almost killed his wife and his little daughter.
"She doesn't. She's not in town momentarily." Thomas grumbled for himself. He was glad his wife didn't know about this. She would have killed him instantly since he needed to promise her never to be in contact with Scarlet again. Knowing that he broke the promise would drive her insane.
"Aww what a shame," Scarlet pouted a little exaggerated "Maybe I'll pay you a visit next time. I promise I won't try to kill her - maybe" She chuckled about her own joke "Anyways, the reason why I need y'all is: I wanna kill Theo Galavan. Not only that he killed Jerome, you know, I just realized that he used me for his own goods. He manipulated me, he played with me - so now, he has to pay the price for it. You understand that, right?"
The men didn't answer her but kept looking at her. They didn't know what to say since they actually were all a fan of Theo. They couldn't believe he was using her for his own good. He would never do that, would he? For what would Theo use her any way? He was a good guy, he surely just wanted to bust her in Arkham!
"Ugh," Scarlet rolled her eyes in annoyance, she hated silence in conversations like now "In a conversation you need to interact with the other. Did your parents not teach you manners?" But still there was silence between the men and her as if they were either scared of her or they didn't want to interact in this conversation at all "Oh, c'mon guys. You know me! I'm not any stranger!"
"We understood" finally another guy said that Scarlet was satisfied. You clearly noticed on him that he just wanted to get over that.
"Good," Scarlet had a little smile on her face "Now to the plan: One of you walks down the street and watches Theo up to the moment where he gets the medal. Then you give a sign and me and some others drive with the car in his direction and shoot him in the head!"
"We've got Walkie-Talkies. Makes it all easier." Thomas shrugged.
"Perfect!" Scarlet cheered, she didn't even think of Walkie-Talkies, yet, she has planned things  way more complicated "You" she then pointed at some random guy of the team "You walk down the street"
The guy nodded and did what she said immediately while the others got in the cars already - their guns were loaded.
Scarlet cheered for herself before getting in the car. She was so excited for this to happen, she couldn't express it in words. She just felt her adrenaline was rushing through her veins, she began to sweat everywhere, she was edgy through her nervousness and stir. She couldn't wait to shoot Theo a bullet in his body, she already heard her crazy laughter after this, she heard the screaming people in the background, she had visions of her being the most dangerous criminal in Gotham - that all sounded so wonderful to her. It was like heaven for her, or he'll which she preferred more. The more she waited for the perfect moment, the more her heart was running, the more she was sweating, even shaking a little, the more she behaved like a child who couldn't wait to open the presents.
But then:
"For your acts of courage in the face of overwhelming uncertainty. The city of Gotham would like to give you this token of appreciation. The medal of Valor and Bravery" Through the Walkie-Talkie, you heard the Governor announced with pride, facing Theo Galavan who had a huge smile on his face from ear to ear. He was glad his plan to kill Jerome to reach fame worked. Everybody loved him now, everybody would vote him as major of Gotham. No matter how he decided things, they all would agree with  him - they wouldn't even notice whether he would take advantages of Gotham through his decisions. They would just think that everything would be fine.
The crowd applauded euphorically, they all agreed Theo deserved the token more than anything. He was their hero, the white knight, he was their second messiah. They treated Theo like a God, they even talked about him like that. Now Gotham was in good hands, now everything would be better, he would defeat the evil - they just didn't know that Theo Galavan was the evil.
Theo smiled for himself, looking at the token, he knew he deserved that token more than anything, then he walked up to the podium to hold a speech.
"Now" Thomas said through the Walkie-Talkie and kept watching Theo.
"Mr. Galavan," A reporter was about to ask him a question but Theo interrupted her already. Mr. Galavan sounded so old, as if he was her grandfather or anything. He wanted to
"Uh, please," he said with a smile "Theo" he immediately tried create a smooth atmosphere to show people he was the buddy-type of man. He could deal with everybody.
"Theo, for Pete's sake, why aren't you running for major?" The reporter finally asked her question. For him though, this question was a little unpleasant. No one should know that he was actually a little scared of Scarlet and her eventually plans torturing him. No one should know the great Theo Galavan was terrified by a young female adult. That would sound ridiculous for everyone.
But before he could answer the question, he heard some mysterious tire screeching as if someone was in a hurry by car. When he watched closely, he saw someone with an assault rifle, standing in the car through the open roof. He couldn't say whether it was a male or female person. He just saw this person appealed to Theo with his gun and was about to shoot.
"Get down!" Theo screamed hiding behind the podium as this person shot at Theo and the crowd. The crowd started screaming in fear and tan around to find a good hiding place. The gunman kept shooting, he still tried to shot Theo while the car was driving past the people, he had a clear line of fire.
But he failed.
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dadddybangtan · 1 year
Suck Torture | 06
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cw: alcohol consumption, mentions of abvse, derogatory language, brief violence
word count: 1.4k
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We ran deep into the forest with our hoodies over our heads. All we had was a bottle of wine to hydrate us. It was silly and we were wasted. We tumbled down into the snow as we laughed hysterically at ourselves.
"God, it's hard to keep up with you." I said.
"Ah, then stop trying." He huffed out a laugh and a small cloud of fog followed his words.
I took another sip of the wine as I sunk my back into the snow.
"This was probably the best Christmas ever."
I looked over to see Taehyun's radiant smile. Only it flashed for a moment before becoming pursed and concerned.
"Beomgyu, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while," He started, keeping his eyes on the trees above, "I didn't know how to ask, but it might be easier now..."
"That first day you were here, you had a black eye... What happened before Kai found you?"
A breath was taken away from me. I blinked at him in disbelief. I hadn't thought about that day recently. Building a new routine here didn't leave much room for dwelling on that day.
But when he asked, I could feel all of the memories flooding back. I could feel his hands around my neck. I felt his skin crashing under the weight of my wild fists. I tried to blink away the feeling of dodging a knife to the head.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." His voice brought me back to reality.
"I ran away from home," Was the simple answer, "My mom told me to leave to save me from my dad."
"What did your dad do?" For the first time, Taehyun sounded timid. Scared.
"He gave me the black eye." I didn't need to tell him about the other shit. He only asked about the eye.
"Fuck." He muttered.
"But it's okay," I breathed out, "I met you guys."
"I forgot about something," He finally looked over at me, "Your Christmas gift."
"I don't need anything else, Taehyun."
"Not even a key to the apartment?" He asked rhetorically before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a small brass key.
"That's ironic." Was the first thing that came out of my drunken mouth.
"Remember when you left the door unlocked that one morning. Just in case I changed my mind about breakfast?"
"Yeah, so?"
"So you gave me a key. You don't have to leave it unlocked anymore," I chuckled to myself, "I still have the key to my parents house."
I pulled the keys out of my pocket. They were attached to a ring with other keychains. I sat up as I tore the house key off. I dug a small hole in the snow and dropped the old key inside.
"You don't think you'll need that."
I shook my head.
"I had some hope that my mom would call me and tell me to come home. But it's her favorite holiday, and she didn't call or text at all..." I said, "I don't need the key. And I don't think I want it either."
I fastened the new key to the ring before my hands became completely numb. Taehyun took another sip from the wine bottle and passed it to me. I took a sip too, realizing it was the last one.
"I'm glad you got away from him. I couldn't imagine living with someone who hurt me like that." His words almost slurred together.
"The funny thing is... My dad punched me because he thought I was a cross dressing queer." I chuckled. The alcohol started to make the memories seem somewhat funny.
"Well are you?"
"Kinda. I don't cross dress or anything. But, I'm definitely queer." I said honestly. The skirts in my closet were merely a piece of fabric. It didn't represent a gender or sex.
"Yeah, I know a lot of people who are queer."
"Really? Like who?"
"All of my roommates." He laughed.
I didn't consider their sexualities much. Maybe because they didn't talk about it openly. From what I remembered, they didn't have anyone over in a romantic sense. Then again, Yeonjun kissed Soobin all the time, I just thought it was a friendly thing.
"Are you?"
"That's a little personal."
"So is asking about my abusive dad."
"Fair enough... I don't know if I can label my sexuality yet," He said, "It's rare that I find someone attractive or interesting enough to want more from them..."
"I can understand that." I had a friend long ago who thought like this. He said he was asexual and aromantic.
"But with you," He muttered, causing me to whip my head toward him, "I- I just-."
Say it, Taehyun. I silently begged. I felt my eyebrows pull together in want.
"I'm just really glad you moved in."
Just then, I hear a swift wind cut through the trees. I jumped in shock. Even Taehyun was afraid. He didn't stop laying there. His big, brown eyes looked around aimlessly for a source. Only to settle on me again.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. Very close.
"You said it wasn't dangerous."
"It's not."
"Then why are you scared?"
He stared at me with a blank look in his eyes. His lips moved but nothing came out but a cloud of fog.
"Because I think," He paused, glancing down at my lips for a moment, "I think I might like you."
His honest uncertainty is a bit unsettling. But, like he said, it's rare that he experiences attraction to another person. It's hard to know how to express something so unfamiliar.
I reached my arm around his neck and let my hands rest in his soft, black hair. His hands slowly crawled up my arm. He stared at my lips once more and squeezed my arm as his eyes met mine again. He was telling me something, maybe asking.
He abruptly pecked me on the lips. It took both of us by surprise, as his eyes were widened by his own action.
I kissed him back, this time deeper and slower. I guided him with my lips and my hand. As the kisses became hungrier, his grip on my arm tightened.
I pulled away for a moment, but when I fluttered my eyes open, I saw a blurred glow of two red dots in the distance behind his head. But when I blinked they were gone.
"Is something wrong?"
"No," I said, straddling Taehyun, "I think I might like you too."
We both smiled into a series of kisses. Another sharp gust of wind hit us, but I tried not to let it scare me. I wanted to enjoy that moment with Taehyun.
His hands that wrapped around my back slowly descended to my hips. He took the belt loops of my jeans into his grip and pulled my hips even closer to his.
I broke the kiss to look down at my crotch, but all I could see was dark fabrics blending into an abyss. I looked up into Taehyun's bedroom eyes that sparkled in the faint moonlight.
To my right, in my peripheral vision, I saw the red glow again. That time it was much closer. There was a silhouette of a man accompanying the glowing lights which started to look more like eyes on a man.
The moment Taehyun turned his head to look, the figure vanished with that sharp wind again.
"You wanna go back to the apartment?" He asked, causing my gaze to snap back at him.
"Sure." I said, carefully getting off of him and checking the area for the mysterious figure again.
He got up quickly and said, "Come on, let's go."
"Y-you go ahead," I shivered, "I gotta take a piss."
"Okay, but I'm running back. So just use the key and meet me in my room."
I nodded as he ran off. It probably wasn't best to be left alone out here, but I didn't want Taehyun to see the creature I saw. In the chance that it was all my imagination, I didn't want Taehyun to see me losing my mind.
I looked up at all the trees surrounding me, trying to find those red eyes again. I felt a bit of wind kicking up behind me. But when I turned around, I was tackled to the ground by a red-eyed, winged man.
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Mini review/thoughts on Zombies 3:
This is not what I expected to be watching the night before my 21st birthday but here we are🤷🏻‍♀️
The aliens and the rest of Seabrook having the dance off in the opening song was giving me "CAMP ROCK" meme vibes
Zed hyping up Wynter for the football game 🥺
The aliens beaming down to Earth only to tell everyone that it's a 1 star planet and everyone else is too emotional
"We're old enough to know we're in love" "But we're 17" SHE'S SELF AWARE 😂 "You can't marry a man you just met" vibes
"We're gonna be fine, so fine" "We're not worried, definitely not worried" what I tell myself to my anxiety
Okay but the bossa nova music that's associated with the aliens 😂
"He ran crop circles around you" NOT THE CROP CIRCLES😂
"I'd be happy to dunk on you Zed" I WHEEZE-
Not the trade off for the aliens getting info from Zed being for Zed to have aliens help him get an application for college- does no one remember the SAT scandals?
The mascot Shrimpy going full FISTICUFFS/I will fight you mode at Eely/the other school's mascot 😂
Bree: "Bonzo is so not available" "Hold my glasses Addie" 😂 yess I love her once again stan Bree
"Now that they're distracted, we can-" "Get the moonstone" "VAPORIZE THEM" There's always one in every friend group 😂
Okay so if I had to correspond the aliens to other characters- A-spen is definitely the alien to Willa and Eliza, A-Li is definitely the Bonzo and Wynter of the group, and Zed, Wyatt, and A-Lan are bros.
Imma say it- I think the wolves have some BOPS for songs.
The running gag of Addison punching Zed in the face
"I'm not angry, I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way" 😂😂😂
Addison having to be told for like the third time she doesn't belong and then Zed having to help her through the fallout 🥺 oh I just want to give them hugs
Okay but like I can relate to Exceptional Zed- the pipeline from Scream in High School Musical 3 to Surface Pressure from Encanto to this
Disney said "and don't forget how it feels to be under pressure all the time/suffer from gifted kid burnout/feel like you need to seek approval/validation from others"
"Eat my stardust Seabrook" "Did I correctly talk trash?"
Addison having to put on those rubber kitchen gloves to stop herself from electric shocking Zed
Wyatt and Eliza's dynamic- Wyliza endgame
"You lied to me?" "I thought that was the best way to protect you" HMM NOW WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS TROPE BEFORE?
I love being a wlw reading into things 😂
Wait why Disneyyyy why did you have to do us like that and make Addison choose one or the other😭😭
"I don't want her to go" "No matter how far she goes she'll always be part of our pack" 😭😭 SOBBING
"I love you to the end of the universe" "Maybe we'll meet again somehow" "Someday" WHYYYYYYYYY 😭
ZEVON WINS BEST DAD AWARD. And Zoey best sister, obviously.
I understand why, but I wish Eliza was in person with the rest of the group for most of this movie.
A-Li breathing deeply and going "Awooo" and hitting the console of the ship- she learned from Zed and Wyatt 😭
Ah yes, I should have known the aliens were going to come back.
AWWWW the animation coming in at the end of the movie this time instead of the beginning oh we've come full circle 😭😭
Well, I didn't expect this movie to make me as emo as it did. Since I watched the movies pretty much all in a row, I didn't have to deal with waiting for another one to come out. But it really felt like I went on a whole journey. Nothing But Love was a good conclusion- a good closing song.
Also I wish A-spen and Willa a wonderful day, that is all. NON-BINARY ALIEN WINS
(one final note: I do kind of wish we got to see Addison in a scenario where she would have turned into a zombie- I just think since we got to see what werewolf!Addison could have possibly looked like, and we got alien!Addison in the end, I would have been curious just to see an idea of zombie!Addison)
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Credit to muppetmagic for the GIF
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Chaotic DBD Annotations: Episode FOUR!
My dad just compared Niko to Yukio from Deadpool 2 XD
honestly I thought the letters were from a man the first time I watched, at least partly because the song playing when she reads it is about a guy
"I don't have anywhere to be but right here" I mean I know she means it literally because even if Crystal went to school, she wouldn't remember, and because she lied about her age, but I wonder if this is an allusion to the books, because Crystal was only ever enrolled in school when she felt like it.
"soulmate"? Really??
actually, can I make a case for ^^this being autistic black and white thinking?
"A pretty big leap" I see what you did there
If Crystal got her hands on the envelope, she might have seen Maxine doing something stalkerish and have to explain her reaction to Niko with Jenny in the room
Jenny can't even be nice without compulsively being mean right after lmao. I mean it's sad.
what is that stick?
I guess it's been days or weeks, bc apparently Monty has been a Thing for awhile now.
Is Dagfinn sexist or does he just want to only explain himself once?
He's dead and all he wants is to be alone and do the one thing he's interested in. Dagfinn is autistic.
Who would make a toy like that, and why/how did old Daggy get one??
I have never heard of such fishsticks.
Period medical term for depression, go off Edwin!
"probably high" UH WHAT!?
and she was so dismissive of Asha
what is Asha playing at? she believes the kids imagined it then randomly brings up pranks??
grinning ghosts
of fucking course he has to be ominous about it
why IS he acting weird?
did she hear that from her own house??
why are they still under the spell as ghosts when they don't even hear the call anymore?
kill him
I think he meant "old" in a different way but okay
why is Monty "fun" just like Charles is "fun" for Crystal? in both scenes that wird had a weird amount of emphasis
random cat yowls lmao
CK is standing on some sort of elevated platform methinks
make your case to who?
"way off" my ass
yknow for someone who works with children she kind of sucks with them
my eyes are squinting :(
ph wait the bigass fish kites are foreshadowing
mushroom teacup?
what do you mean "where did you go" you didn't see him leave you left first
*quirky sting*
the sun is blacked out in the Lillith one
why are mermaids and sirens conflated?
I was so excited when I first watched bc I immediately recognized that image as the Irish folktale, the Washerwomen, of whom my memory is admittedly lacking, but I still like that there is one incorporated with the show.
blood magic, bloody linens. for an episode about positive connotations to red, there's sure alot of blood references. Thankfully, due to color theory,
red boat??
Did Asha do all those paintings or just the Washerwoman?
haha stuffed seagulls
lots of shell crafts, a wholeass intact jaw of sorts.
setup for the commonplace book!
what are her voices normally? Iris??
if those two weren't supposed to know, why was Niko allowed to know?
when did they explain to her who the cat king is??
she's so worried and wants Crystal to go home :(((
he's mad you aren't letting him take care of you and protect you like normal or something????
why does she thinks it's real??
Does she know personally, or from manga?
Also there is definitely logic behind the love in this show
also Edwin instantly realized Niko meant him and Monty, rather than herself. I wonder how much thought he's given that.
well, the pink book and the pink lights were both to do with the Sprites, so I wonder if it is used in the show to signal attention as well.
Niko color coordinates her own fits on purpose, the pink when she knows there's love involved and the red for her first official case, but she also wears pink before finding the letter writer, if I remember. I'm getting ahead of myself.
he can't even say "kiss"
the small "I don't know" awww
he lives his little rock
I don't think that is a prism
tf you mean "you can see the future too" !?? WHO ELSE SEES THE FUTURE
that scream. there's two screams layered together but if you Korken coddling one sounds like a slide whistle or howling animal and one sounds like a tire screech sound effect
but WHY is it 'your' burden?? Also are those ropes bloody too???
but. everyone dies at some point. and Angie will feed again one day if she stays alive, or she will die and you're responsible for her.
Washerwoman is sitting right in the same spot as Niko was before.
OH THAT'S what makes the storm plot-relevant.
I wonder what about that specific moment helps her look within. I mean besides the missing powers plot.
tiny coffin??
typewriter with missing keys is. not very useful.
there's a lesson on there somewhere. about Maxine's MO being in the shop. idk.
Jenny doesn't just look at her reflection. she sees it in a cleaver. with the red lights.
her red lipstick is so much brighter than the rest of her outfit.
Good on Jenny for not volunteering information!
forgetting spell and compulsion spell. interesting.
"Not that it's my business" feels like an important line. like he doesn't deserve to know if he never saw the Washerwoman?
Also Charles has a funny triangle hand pose rn
several empty jars on the shelf
this music reminds me of Lost in Oz show
why "long" pig?
is reading funny now?? Charles, what is funny?
ah yes, the 1960s modern masterpiece.
Also, I haven't read it so I don't know how committed the author is to the "dolls" thing, so this "over (Ed's) head" business might just be another Molly situation now I think of it.
MONTY he's so cute
"where did you come from" *stares in wtf* go off Crystal
what IS the peach pit?
lots of kite festival posters
"tells" and "told" mean pretty different things, man. tells like often and told like once, or tells like once and told like irrelevant?
maybe she DOES have powers, Charles!
so they're assuming it is Crystal's mom, and Charles is now being an optimist because she cares.
also it is kinda funny in retrospect that all they know is that she has red hair and they're like Yup. Crystal's Mom.
since I was in that coma WOAG thar sounded intense, not that. since I woke up,
I already made a post on the rest of that quite but I had to include it bc he's adorable
I💀know 👀ghosts 👻don't 🚫drink🍻 coffee☕️but✨️
😬🥺I apologize for being coyyy
he's a detective!✨️✌️🌈😀🥰
this whole interaction LMAO
Also I'm more convinced that Monty has only been around for the times we've seen him. Charles what do you mean they spend a lot if time together
Do they expect the pork to *stick*?
why not put it in like a bag?
aww she wants their help!
unfortunate 😒but I don't 🙄have time 🕑🕖🕕for your 🤏trivial🤏 human🤏 emotions✨️✨️🌈👻
okay but seriously what IS that
CHARACTER LORE: Night Nurse edition
Niko's face when TNN says "the both of you" ???
Like Crystal just looks at the boys to see where they're at and Niko just had this expression of "oh my fuck"
✨️Edwin knows where he's going✨️
she literally tried to convince Charles to betray him!
wait did they think she *didn't* know their names? I feel like that'd be weirder.
The way they show the dad before you see the scene??
his mom is so sad and scared I will literally cry
so TNN clearly has an understanding of abuse, bc she gets that Charles couldn't "make it better" bc his father was the one at fault, but she is certainly being a dick for someone who is trying to be seen as the savior. Saying that when you have forced someone to relive their trauma in first person, then saying they can only be happy in your afterlife, is ALSO taking away their power. nobody will want to fucking listen to you if you do that.
"even when you try your best, be your best self, this world beats you down for it. Frankly, anywhere is better than this place."
Well first off you did just gloat that you would send his boyfriend to HELL, so you're argument is not ask that sound.
How is he running like that while dying?? holy shit????
"I STILL HAVE A PURPOSE. I'M A DEAD BOY DETECTIVE" is both a sweet and sad line.
All he wants is to help people 🥲
I love the visual design here!! go off, Angie! specifications the above shot.
he told the night nurse he won't leave the agency even for a good afterlife but the moment Edwin has something to say all of a sudden he hates being dead. yknow ik *why* he's doing all that and I'm not mad at Charles but. I can see why Edwin felt hurt by this.
case closed, I guess 🤷 Niko you're so funny
aww Mick. ofc Niko is the only one to see him.
early kitefest arrivals!
she's so me (I wanna not think for the remainder of the night)
"thanks for saving my ass today" UNDERRATED LINE. she didn't wanna think about her day and the stress, but she can't just let Niko NOT know she is appreciated!
"aww you too" is Charles' ONE default response to Edwin trying to show support. "you can talk to me" "I love you" SAME DAMN THING
I wonder if he believes it. either of them.
She's so mecore (autistic)
the lil braid in her hairr
I love how Niko progressively ties her hair up more as she gets less shy.
Wanting to do something personal while keeping someone in the room without speaking to them during is SO REAL
oh I never noticed that lil lip glance when she says that. Is he taking her cue??
I always laugh in this scene because Charles' pants are JUST short enough not to cover his socks
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rachentp · 3 months
Dear Amelia,
I have been asked on occasion if my profession involves writing and it does. Just not creatively or with the purpose to entertain. As an auditor, if anything it's quite the opposite. But really, who even reads for fun anymore?
Anyways… I had an interesting conversation with a stranger a few weekends ago and I guess that's where this all starts. She sweetly complimented me and said I have a way with words and even though I don't professionally write creatively, if I happened to write something, she would most definitely read it. So, Sweet Stranger (who I'll recall fondly now as Amelia), this one's dedicated to you.
Having gone to an open house nestled in the suburbs near California State University of Sacramento (CSUS), not that I'm in any position to buy a house right now, I was on a kind of in-and-out mission. So when Amelia started to tell me about the features of the home, I was a bit standoffish. But she caught my attention when she said something to the effect of, "Can I give you some X advice?". I don't remember the word she used or even the phrasing exactly, but it was mostly her tone that gave me pause. It was, I don't know. Frank. What I intuited was, "You probably don't want to hear this, but if you're open to it, I'll tell you and not for any other reason than to be informative".
Because of this intuition, I later told her in passing conversation the exact reason why I am not in a position to buy a house right now: I was still waiting for the house that I primarily owned (with my ex-husband as the co-signer who is henceforth referred to as "Schad") to close and would be receiving a sum of monies at that time.
Naturally, we bonded through conversation as women may about the audacity of the the modern man. We heartily laughed about the nuanced way they can gaslight and manipulate us into doing pretty much anything under the pretense of "normalcy". Our voices got softer as we talked about how they use our children as leverage without any seeming thought about how it would affect our family dynamic. I sardonically mimicked classic, hysterical court hearing scenes between the ex and I, "But I have spousal rights! Even though I make more than her, she needs to continue to support me living in the house I kicked her out of".
What broke my heart about this conversation is that Amelia told me she observed their child (after their dad left) laughing wholeheartedly for the first time. To the point where the child had stitches in their side. Apparently, she had never seen them laugh like that before… Only after the toxin was removed could a child feel free to laugh so hard that it hurt.
And oddly, I am laughing deliriously - similarly to Amelia's child, but different - at the fact that I could ever imagine this, silver-tongued-Prince-of-the-literal-Family-Court-room to have any modicum of empathy. Schad says, "I am an ISTJ… like 100%, which suits me just fine", and I literally roll on the floor laughing… as if the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator used by the CIA to identify potential suspects would conceal his also 1,000% abusive narcissism and in all probability clinical sociopathy. If Schad were to ever take an honest look in his mirror, he'd break psychotically into a million pieces. He'd realize the litany of abuse he's inflicted not just on the three of his ex-wives (I am the third). Like Dracula, he'd realize the truth - he is a fucking vampire. Thousands of lives lay at his feet ruined, destroyed, forever changed… deranged. Except this one…
Because at this point in time, I don't regret it. Any of it. Ultimately, all of this made me (us) a Van Helsing. I will hunt his kind till the end of my mortal life. I recognize the signs now. I can see it so clearly. Where other people see a charming, charismatic, even desirable man, and bend to his every whim… I know what his kind really fucking is. I don't have stakes and I don't employ the Lord to protect me. But I do have words and independent thought. And those can be just as, if not more deadly. Honestly, the best way to eliminate the Schads of this world is to forget them. To heal from them. To not waste another thought regarding them.
They showed us happiness and rainbows, but they also showed us beauty in darkness. And at the end of that darkness… "a new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why."
Thank you, Samwise. I understand now.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Twenty-one years since 9/11, huh. That's... that's hard to process. I remember it pretty damn clearly. I was in English class, in high school. We had some assignment where we were supposed to like... write an essay based on a news article or something, I don't remember the exact assignment. We went to the computer lab. You know, the old one with the CRT monitors because they hadn't switched to flatscreens quite yet. The library computers had, those were the fancy Dell towers, but the old building still had the light grey CRTs. I remember fucking around, not wanting to do the assignment, and my classmate Vinny came over with a printed sheet of paper showing Breaking News from CNN - I think. It was about a passenger plane that struck the World Trade Center. This was back when they still thought it was a civilian plane, like a private plane. I remember he joked about "how did they not see it?!"
The next memory was from the next class - which was an elective class called Science in the News. We had two TVs in the classroom on and we were all glued to it as it was unfolding. I remember panicking and trying to find maps of like population density and shit to try to identify their pattern and where they would be invading next. It felt like this was the opening volley for a full-scale war, I expected land invasion. Things were cleared up slowly over time as news stations started getting reliable information, but I remember that pretty vividly.
This was right after I joined up in the video program, where we had a really sick state-of-the-art news center. My old teacher used to work for CNN, so he got us the hookup. We even had a live Reuters feed coming in to the studio at all times, the same raw feed the legit news stations got. Right as the Iraq War hit. I saw some shit, but I guess by today's social media standards, it wasn't that out of the norm. Which, in my opinion, is not a good thing.
It's pretty crazy how I just happened to have an English assignment that had me looking for news sites. And I just happened to be in the next class, Science in the News. And just happened to be going to the news room later that day. Even my spiritual side can't really make sense of what that would mean... why I would need to be close to that. I mean, my Dad used to work there... so... maybe that's it? He used to commute there. Until we moved away, and we moved away... I guess like 4 years before that? He probably didn't commute for like a few more years before that but yeah, that was probably pretty fresh in his mind. That's gotta spook ya. I don't know.
This is pretty dark, I don't really like lingering on stuff like this. It's just upsetting things that powerful people do to try and punish and deter other powerful people. On all sides, regardless of factions. It is just depressing and sad and I don't want to linger on it. I just wish we were better than these kinds of things. That's all.
I'm going to pee. Kitty got hyper and circled my ankles again. I quickly sought out her toy - a clear plastic bottle ring from a cranberry juice bottle tied to a piece of high gauge fishing line. She's been playing with bottle rings since she was a baby, it was always her favorite. She definitely wanted to play. She has been so talkative since my pup passed. We've grown much closer. When she was a baby - I've had her since she was like... able to sit in the palm of my hand... a few weeks old at most - she would squeak, but after she got fixed I just didn't hear her voice anymore. She was always very quiet. The past few years, and especially the past few months, she's just started talking constantly. I'm guessing it's because I haven't been conversational with her. Not in a very long time. It makes me sad. I bet this is what parenthood is like, but on a much more impactful scale. The regret. The "I could've done better", "I could've been better", "If I only knew then what I know now." That shit is like... it really fucks people up. Myself included.
I feel like I've gotten much better with it over the years. Being branded as a fuck-up has really helped me get acquainted with regret. I still feel it extremely deeply, it shocks the system and drains me, but I have kinda learned how to accept it. And how to turn it into a learning experience, and a demonstration of how far I have come. How much I have grown. It took a LOT of work to get here, and it's far from perfect, but it's been a very big factor in me growing. I need to stay connected with that ability and lean into it as much as possible. That feeling that goes "holy fuck, I've been streaming since like... 2015. If I had just stayed on Twitch, and streamed consistently, and done YouTube and uploaded consistently and stayed on Facebook and linked stuff consistently... then I would be just like the people I watch on Twitch right now." I need to take that feeling and go - welp, I can start today. I can get back up, dust myself off, and start making that life a reality. I need to get that attitude back in my life. I need to start skating again! That's where that attitude came from. Riding up, trying to boardslide a rail, getting hung up and falling, getting back up, doing it again. Again and again and again until you land it. Every time, learning and getting used to something new. That force is what will drive me to success, that force is why Rodney Mullen gave two TED Talks. I need to keep it strong within me, I'm afraid lately it has been fading.
Winter is gonna bring some really cool shit if I get the right crowd. Even if not... I'm going to snowskate. A lot. And I want to film. And do YouTube, or even stream skate sessions, if possible. It would be so much easier to do with people to film, but I'm gonna work with what I've got.
I streamed tonight. The first time since last September. 3.5 hours. It was good. The highschool kids were there, but he wasn't as bad as I made him sound. At least this time. My old regular was there, he went back and revisited my old YouTube series that I busted my ass on. That warmed my heart so much. That series meant so much to me that as I was streaming the end credits, I broke out into tears live on stream. It was 5 months of my life at the beginning of the pandemic. Streaming 5+ days a week, releasing two videos a week on YT - until my therapist insisted I dial it back to one a week so I didn't burn myself out. He subbed and got a gift sub for the highschool kid. It was a heartwarming night, and I got to share my favorite game with people that legit were invested in the story as much as me. I missed it so fucking much. I've been around too many really negative people who just don't like their lives.
Nothing brings me more pleasure than to share my passion with people, my "ooOOOOooo oh oh oh check this out, this thing over here? This is really cool because of blah blah blah". To show them the way I look at the world, with wonder and amazement, curiosity and intrigue. They look at computer code and they just go "I don't know what this is, this is nonsense, move along". I look at computer code and go "oh shit, this is like a puzzle, okay, I wonder what that weird lookin chunk over there does..." And if my passion and creativity have latched on to that concept, I will deep dive on it for actual hours. I will listen to lectures on coding to start to learn the basics, jump to pet projects. I will actually engage with it. It doesn't seem like others do. Maybe it's because I have the freedom to? Fuck it, let's use the really filthy word people keep saying hatefully nowadays, get ready to need a shower. Privilege. Maybe it's because I have the privilege of being able to pursue curiosities and passions.
But honestly, I think if you took some of the people I've met and gave them every tool they need, every resource they need, took care of everything, and put them in front of things like that... they still couldn't find the passion. They still wouldn't be into it. I think the pandemic kinda proved that to a lot of people. I hope so, maybe then they can stop shit-talking people who want to pursue hosting, narrating, podcasting, exploring for a living.
I mean, look at how fucking long my posts are! How many other posts this long do you see? Maybe I don't dig around enough, but... I mean... that's pretty unique. And people will try to paint it as a bad thing automatically, right? Instinctually. "Oh my god, I don't have time to read all this!" So you'll browse and scroll 200 posts for an hour, but you won't read one post that would take... maybe 20 minutes to read? Do the math, cowboy.
But my point with my post length is... I don't know if the people in my life (I really need to start correcting this phrase to "in my past") that would shit-talk how much I ramble and rant, how much I just go on-and-on. I don't know if they would be able to write this much. I doubt they'd care enough. I doubt they have anything they're passionate about enough to write like this. And I do it every fuckin night. So... who are they to judge? It's weird.
Anyway, big tangent there, but a bit more uplifting than revisiting 9/11, yeah?
I'm going to get to sleep before it gets fully light, I'm getting too used to going to sleep with the sun already up. Back in the streaming saddle, it feels good, ready to build some habits, make a schedule and start takin some goddamn leaps. :D
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console.log('Oh, honey, don't read that.');
Dear Journal,
my race to the future is in crises. I certainly wasn't born to good at something the life, and to be honest it never bothered me. I'm lazy. And I am not talking about a common laziness that makes you sleep without brushing your teeth. I just don't know do anything without looking for shortcuts. Think about how... I’m writing this diary to practice English, but guess what. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V all the time. Anything I can automate, I will. Anything I can give an excuse not to do, I won’t do. Well, come on, whose fault is that? Ok. I adminit, it's my fault. Though, to be fair, the world has always liked to reward sluggards. And it's not an excuse... yes - since I was 2 or 3 I knew. And yes, I've been making the most of it ever since I can remember.
I was too lazy to interact with people. As the first time the I read a book, "My Sweet-Orange Tree". I was only three years old when it firt happened it. I decided to take the time to grab any book and lie down on the cool floor behind the living room door, without a care in the world. I would use the book as a pillow. My mother used to attend Reverend Marcos's church at unusual times and dragged me to every wet and heavy place in the countryside of São Paulo which she strangely frequented. But in that moment, she advertised to my father we were going out. He settled into his couch and opened his book, "Marianne in Black and White". He focused and kept his eyes forward. "She is reading it" he saind calmly.
– this is certainly not true. - he got very impatient with him- this girl is a worthless. Our childer was too lazy to read anything.
– Wel, I saw her take one of the book.
She didn’t even hear it anymore. Moved all the furniture around frrrr trrrrr frrrr "You don't even know her. " frrrr trrrrr frrrr "Don't believe her." frrrr trrrrr frrrr "This girl is a bitch liar" frrrr trrrrr frrrr "No matter what happens, I WILL FIND YOU, GARBAGE CHILD! frrrr trrrrr frrrr "She lied to you." The steps drew swifty nearer, and of the street.
My body ache and my stomach was in so much pain I couldn't stand it any longer. I have this sort of... pain in my stomach when I think of her. Always. And feel it now as I type. frrrr trrrrr frrrr knock "I found you, craling around on the floor like a worm. " thump, thump I felt as if my heart was going to burst when I saw them and they saw me.
– I'm reading this book, mom. I was again forcing laughter, faking smiles. I don't know, maybe she was right. I guess I'm just another bitch lier. I wouldn't read. I couldn't read a word.
– How can you if you can't read?
– I have learned from books. Dad looked closely at me.
– Good, let's hear it.
– What?...
– Let's hear it. Isn’t that what you said? You can read, right? I heard a definite tinge of satisfaction in your voice. My mind was briefly occupied thinking what she was going to hit me with. I just kept thinking about how then he would be climbing on my little body and everything would be wet. While all this is going on, to think about her reasons, she washed all the dirty cassocks while he was hurting me. I never understood that. His leap on the floor, it brought me back. "Let's hear it".
– to - tó - c.. c... ca. totóca.
– You know there's no such thing. That is not a word.
– ll right, baby, let's see this is book. Dad say softly.
– Totóca. Yes, there really is a Totóca. Nickname, apparently. She's too young for to know how to read... I didn't hear you say that, that moment, I knew that laziness is rewarded. My mother was alone that night and I stayed at home reading as much as I could, enjoying my newfound discovery. My father, super proud. I knew it! I knew my dad was a superhero! But there was an abyss between us: he thought I was a gifted child, but I was just a little liar. #trigger alert
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
ATEEZ as your neighbors:
Kim Hongjoong:
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before moving in your own house, the landlord said that you have a neighbor right beside your place
you were always ready to greet him
even baked cookies to give him as a present
but you never see him in his home
pretty sure that he comes home super late and goes to work even before the sun comes up
you finally got to meet him
in a bar (and you didn't know that it was him of course, you still haven't met the man for goodness sake)
apparently their group is celebrating a close friend's birthday tonight
you learned that his name is hongjoong
he works as a producer in this small yet famous company
you conversed and drank all night
when you had too much alcohol in your veins
you became bolder, kissing him and getting all touchy
his raspy "let's get out of here yeah?" was the last straw
let's just say that things got too spicy that night
the next day you woke up with a stubborn pain in your head
and soreness in between your legs
you realized that you are in someone else's home and bed
you can't remember much of the events last night
but you sure as hell remember that curtain you're seeing outside his bedroom's window
the man beside you stirred and opened his eyes, immediately smiling at you
"goodmorning beautiful"
"goodmorning neighbor"
Park Seonghwa:
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shock is an underrated word for what you're feeling right now
because why on earth is a prince mowing his lawn?
at like, 8:30 in the morning
it's too early for that (or maybe because you're just too lazy to even stand up in your couch)
but not too lazy to gawk and stare at the pretty man
your landlord is definitely gonna pay for this
how dare she not tell you that you have an ethereal af neighbor
but no, you're shy, you don't have enough guts to approach him
and maybe because you're also scared that you'd make a fool out of yourself in front of him
don't you worry tho
he approached you first
because he saw your trash has been piling up in your backyard and that you have to recycle it
what a handsome clean freak
you grumbled words like 'ugh, so tiresome' bc you weren't really in the mood that day
he definitely heard that
and he reprimanded you like how a mom would when her child doesn't listen to her
basically, you have no choice but to do it
he helped you because cleaning is his lifetime mission
you formally introduced yourselves to each other afterwards
"well Seonghwa, thank you for your assistance. I owe you."
"well Y/N, as payment to my kindness, will you go on a dinner date with me tonight?"
Jeong Yunho:
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he was coincidentally outside his house when he saw you move in
and being a social butterfly, he went to you and immediately told you that he'll help you carry your packages
at first you declined, because damn were you awestruck by this man, your heart palpitates whenever he smiles at you
and his voice is just UGH
ultimately you accepted his offer bc you really do need it
before he went back to his home for the day, he turned to you, told you his name before claiming that he will come back everyday
because he wants to help you until you're done and settled down
you smiled, told him yes and that you appreciate it so much
you watch him enter his house
then you squealed like a teenager in love, feeling giddy that someone like him is your neighbor
he saw your little ritual
thinking that you're adorable and that he's lucky to have you as his neighbor
and not some snippy old woman that would give him shit if he didn't give her food as a greeting
the next day, he did come and helped you with whatever you needed
the next day as well, and the next, next, next-
okay, that lasted for about a week
within a short span of time, you became accustomed to his sweet deep voice and addicting laugh
his warm hugs and dad jokes becoming all too familiar with you
damn, now you want to marry him (dw he wants to you to be his wife too)
but sad, cuz you don't have any reason for the two of you to hang out anymore
"please do tell me when you need me, I'll be there asap.
"well, I need you right now to be with me so-"
Kang Yeosang:
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well well well
you didn't expect to be neighbors with this man
and you don't like it at all
you have beef with him like 3 years ago
but eh, you're not gonna move on bc you're petty like that
and that you were pretty devastated by his past actions and words
you see, the two of you went to the same college
typical bestfriend to crush scenario but it's one sided (the feelings arise from your end)
during a pre-graduation party, you confessed to him
and he rejected you, not only that but he completely humiliated you
he purposely made his voice louder to make sure that everyone can hear
"I befriended you because you're great in academics. And I needed that so I can pass. Now that we're graduating, you can now fuck off"
your self confidence and esteem were lost that day
you cried yourself to sleep everyday after that but then you decided to step up and change yourself
now here you are
rich, intelligent, drop dead gorgeous
any man would worship the floor that you just walked into
and that change is just what made Yeosang's jaw drop
you made eye contact with him (and shit he's still so pretty that it made your heart go one two one two)
"Y/N, hi, how have yo-"
"fuck off, Yeosang"
looks like he has to do a lot of making up to you
everyday a gift would appear at your doorstep
you are chill about it, not until you see that god forsaken strawberry milk that you two would always drink in your school's rooftop back in the days
you knocked furiously on Yeosang's door
"what do you think you're doing?!"
"making you forgive me, because I was an asshole back then. too scared to commit to the perfect woman. and now I want to get her back"
Choi San:
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it's too early for this bullshit c'mon
why the fuck is there a dog poop in your pretty bermuda grass
whoever let their dog run amock in the middle of the night must be the suckiest dog owner of them all
you swallowed the disgust and cleaned that brown evil existence in your lawn
the next day, you woke up with an another bullshit
but make it worse
your precious plants were all torned into pieces, shredded like cheese
you were about to cry because of too much anger in your soul
but you're not gonna do that, you will do it a rational way
that night, you didn't sleep, not a wink
you waited for the perpetrator
at 11:16 PM, a cute shiba inu puppy got inside your garden using the space in between your fence
you cooed at first, then cursed when you saw the dog pee all over your garden
you watched as it exits your place, going back inside the house that is RIGHT NEXT TO YOURS
oh, you are so gonna give your neighbor a piece of your mind
the next day, you went to the house next door, knocked on the door and put a fake smile in your face
suddenly, a man (a charming one at that) opens the door and gives you a death defying smile
you almost forgot the reason why you're here in the first place (keyword: almost)
"hi neighbor, I'm Y/N, what's your name?"
"oh hello! we've never met before, I'm San!"
"well San, I am gonna bleed you dry"
the next few weeks, you made the man buy you new plants
not a problem on his side since he has a damned black card
and even made him tend to your garden
of course you helped him, you're not that heartless
you actually enjoy being with this adorably hot man child
after all the hard work, your garden is finally restored
"listen, I'm sorry that I made you do this but please, raise your puppy right so he won't terrorize any gardens anymore"
"it's kind of hard being a single parent you know, and since you told me that, would you like to help me raise Shiber?"
Song Mingi:
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being patient is one of your forte
your line of work requires you to do so
being a medical worker is difficult, but seeing people be healthy again with smiles in their faces is truly worth it
one day, a man went to you for a check-up
you thought he was a gangster and was ready to call the guards
but then he smiled and asked you if he's gonna die soon
your main priority now is his safety and well-being
you asked him what happened
he told you that he accidentally choked when he was eating a darn lettuce
and now his throat is hurting like hell
you got worried bc what kind of sickness is that?
you've never encountered a patient like this before
you told him that he needs to get his throat checked
he's diagnosed with pharyngitis (which you think is not caused by the lettuce)
man's just relieved that he won't die
you prescribed him medicines and told him that he will feel better soon in no time
he came back after two weeks
now he's diagnosed with tonsilitis
you are now genuinely concerned with the man
bc what kind of shit is he putting in his digestive system for him to experience things like this
you found your answer soon
apparently, the baby sickly giant's your neighbor
you never saw him before and you thought that maybe your schedules don't fit enough for you to meet each other
then you watch him gobble ice cream up like there's no tomorrow
oh hell no
you ran to him, grabbed the ice cream, and threw it on the ground
he was gonna yell at whoever did that
but he saw your fuming face instead
he still thinks that you're adorable even when you're about to lose your mind
"stop eating cold ass foods! that's the reason why you always end up sick!"
"then can you please take care of me?"
Jung Wooyoung:
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the handsome midget with an adorable smile is making you snap again
where on earth does he get the audacity to play rock music at 3 in the morning
it's set in the loudest volume, mind you
and you never really appreciated it when someone pulls you away from your dreamland
you get up from your comfy bed and went to your window
opening it and was about to yell
when you saw him dancing in his room
his curtain is swept to the sides, giving you a full view of his performance
it's a good one really, if it wasn't for his corny outfit
a bright idea dinged in your head
you went to grab your phone and recorded his mini concert
smirking to yourself when you got enough footage of his abnormalcy
you went to him the next morning and showed him the video
man pleads for you not to show it to anyone and even supported it with his knees
so you negotiated with him about your problem (now solved)
you are able to sleep without disturbance all night
one day you saw a poster for a dancing competition
you immediately thought of Wooyoung
when you asked him about it, he told you that he was getting ready for that contest
you felt bad for making him stop
so you told him to practice again, as a compensation you will stay with him and even accompany him at the d-day
you did all of that, and skip skip surprise! he won the competition
"congratulations Wooyoung! I'm so proud of you!"
"if you really are, then will you give me a kiss right here, in the lips"
Choi Jongho:
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you love hearing your neighbor sing
it became your background music when you're cleaning
your lullaby when you have trouble sleeping
but you don't love it when you're studying
because you can't concentrate
all you can hear is his melodic voice singing ballads or belting out notes
"dEeP iN mY HeArT, DEep In mY SoUl"
so you went out of your way to buy earplugs that you can use to block the (angelic) noises
because you're kinda scared to approach your neighbor and scold him for disturbing you
you have seen him a handful of times
tall, intimidating and overall buff af (and incredibly handsome as well)
even saw him break an apple with his bare hands, squeezed an orange for juice, and break a watermelon in half by punching it
so yeah, you don't want your fate to turn out like those poor fruits
and yeah, you didn't expect your door to be taken down that night
by the one and only, lo and behold, the great Choi Jongho in all his glory
glory means him with only a towel in his waist, soap in his body, and shampoo in his hair
your brain malfunctioned and all you can do is stare at his well defined muscles
but he cut your fantasy short when he said that he needs to use your shower ASAP bc his suddenly went out of water
so you guided him to your bathroom
while he was busy rinsing, you on the other hand is busy making your heart calm down
but he's not gonna let you chill, no way
he saw the way you stared at him and that made him smirk, thinking what other effect he has on you
that night you realized how much of a tease your neighbor is
fresh out of the water, only a towel in his waist (again) he leaned in and whispered a 'thank you' in your ear while droplets of water dripped on you
"what the fuck?! oh god, please put some clothes on!"
"pft, stop acting like you didn't like it. don't worry, you'll see more of this from now on"
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