#i check every now and then when i remember but cute bags that fit a 17“ laptop are expensive online
peachydinosaur · 11 months
I'm tired of tasks. nearly done with them but very tired. at least i found a bag that fits my laptop that isn't black or camo. and it was on clearance for $4. I'll take a win where i can get it
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vivzzi · 7 months
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pairing: mike schmidt x reader
synopsis: the day guard and night guard communicating through notes.
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your shift starts the same way as every other day. you start by checking the pizzeria to make sure no intruders came in then you start cleaning the office. normally it’s full of empty fast food wrappers and cigarette ashes but this time you find a small bottle of sleeping pills with the owners name on the side of the bottle. mike schmidt. you remember vanessa telling you about the new night guard so you assume it’s his. grabbing a sticky note and pen you write a small note.
try and remember to take your pills home with you next time mike :)
- the day guard
you stick the note on the top of the pill bottle before sitting down and checking the cameras and taking small naps every now and then till the end of your shift. once the clock hits 11pm you grab your belongings before making your way out. while walking to the bus stop the sounds of your shoes hitting the ground with each step being the only noticeable sound throughout the empty street you start thinking about what the new night guard could be like. probably lazy since he brings his pills to work with him.
everyday starts the same. doing the same tasks around the pizzeria and checking on the animatronics every couple days. you walk into the office setting your bag on the ground taking your headphones off when you see a note attached to the security monitor.
Thanks for keeping my pills safe and not throwing them away. maybe you could tell me your name as well? i wish there was another way i could thank you.
- Mike
a small smile appears across your face before you take out another sticky note writing a small note for him.
it’s y/n and you keeping the office clean is the best thank you gift lol
- y/n
you place the note next to his old one before continuing with your job.
when you got to work the next day you didn’t bother with your daily tasks instead you were focused on reading the new note mike has left behind for you. instantly walking through the hallway and straight into the office your eyes see a tiny fort set up in the office which looks like it could fit a small child in before looking over at the desk and seeing another note.
Sorry about the fort my sister came to work with me since i didn’t have a babysitter available last night :/ i promise to clean it up once i come back later. please accept this drink as an apology gift
- Mike
you see a can of coke next to the note and you smile while picking it up. a small gesture which you appreciated.
no worries about the fort it’s kinda cute but thanks for the drink :)) please accept this i think you need it more than me
you walk towards your bag and pull out a can of redbull before placing it next to the note feeling proud of yourself. after that you start doing your tasks with mike being the only thing occupying your mind.
your routine has completely changed instead of doing what you used to do now all you do is leave notes and small gifts for mike as he does the same for you. this time you brought a gift for his younger sister who’s name that you learnt is abby. you place the gift in her fort. a small stuffed bunny before going over to see mikes new note.
This note thing can’t go on forever i may have to clock in early one night so we can talk in person. Abby would also love to meet you.
- Mike
the note was placed on a small bar of chocolate. mike has already shared his past with jobs and how he ended working here so you never really expected any type of expensive gift from him and to be honest you loved all the things he has given you so far.
the next day was different. the second you walked into the pizzeria you were greeted with broken glass everywhere, ripped posters and prizes all over the ground. you sat down in the main dining hall covering your face out of stress you couldn’t help but to feel guilty as if the place getting broken into was your fault. suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by a person running into the pizzeria.
the person runs up to you before pulling you into a tight hug whispering soft words of reassurance into your ear.
“vanessa told me what happened don’t worry about it- are you hurt?”
you finally look up at him as he gives you a small smile and hums to show you that he’s really there before you hug him back.
“i’m so glad you’re here”
“i cant believe this is how we meet”
he makes a quick joke to lighten the mood and it works as you let out a small laugh shaking your head. the rest of the day was spent cleaning up the mess with music playing in the background while you and mike connected over anything you had in common.
leaving him that note was the best decision ever.
you walk out of mike’s car and to his front door with him as he opens it. you see vanessa sleeping on the couch after babysitting abby. you ended up staying at the pizzeria with mike for his shift that same day which made him invite you over to meet abby.
as mike shuts the door you can hear footsteps approaching you guys. abby runs up to mike giving him a hug before turning to you slightly confused.
“abby this is y/n”
her confused expression slowly turns into an excited one as she runs up to you giving your figure a tight hug.
“thank you so much for the stuffed bunny i still have it. do you want to come and see my stuffed animal collection in my room?”
before you could answer her she drags you down the hallway and towards her room. you turn around giving mike a smile while following abby.
“already bringing her home mike? that was fast”
mike slightly jumps due to vanessa’s voice before rolling his eyes.
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a/n: might turn this into a mini series because i wanna expand their relationship but im still thinking about it and i lowkey hate this 😭😭
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summer-nights19 · 8 months
Hii! Can you make a Murasakibara x reader . Murasakibara calls his s/o by a cute nickname after his basketball practice is over and his s/o came to see if his practice is over so they both can go home together after school + the reaction of GOM when they get to know murasakibara is dating someone.? Bye, have a great day /night!
Hi anon ! Thank you so much, and this is really cute, thanks for the mental picture <33
Reading you guys' KnB imagines always makes my day, so please continue to send em in !
When his friends find out you're dating
Murasakibara x gn reader
(AU in which the GOM remain teammates after middle school)
@neoo you might like this one
You took your phone out of your bag to check the time as you walked towards the school gym. If you remembered correctly, Atsushi's basketball practice should have ended around five minutes ago. It was the last practice session of a very busy season, so he'd promised to take you out as soon as it was finished. When you asked where, he said it was a surprise and that he'd take you there after practice. The more you thought about spending the evening with your beloved boyfriend after a few weeks of barely seeing him outside of school, the giddier you felt. When you finally reached the gym and pushed the door open, you saw Atsushi talking with the other members of the generation of miracles as they walked out of the changing room. Even though most members of the generation of miracles were pretty tall, Murasakibara still managed to tower over them. He'd changed out of his basketball kit and into a loose fitting black shirt with short sleeves and grey sweatpants. His hair was also up- he knew that was a weakness of yours. You didn't mind that he dressed more casually- in fact, as you checked out his long, toned arms, you realised how much you liked it. As soon as Murasakibara saw you standing and starin at the door, he smiled slightly and walked over to you.
"Hey baby, you ready to leave after this ?" You opened your mouth to answer but Kuroko beat you to it.
"What ? Murasakibara and Y/N ? Why didn't anybody tell me ?" You tried not to laugh at the look of utter shock on his face as his eyes darted between you and Atsushi. Aomine cut in, frowning
"Yeah ! And why does he get to date someone that hot ? Y/N, if you ever grow bored of this dry ass man then you know where to find-" This time, it was Atsushi who cut Aomine off by shoving him in the opposite direction to you.
"Over my dead body," he said, glaring at Aomine. The latter simply smirked and raised his eyebrows
"Control yourself, Aomine. Anyway, you're all just idiots. This has been rather obvious for a few weeks now. Whenever Murasakibara has free time, he spends it with Y/N, and he always takes every opportunity to text them during practice. Akashi has noticed it too. While I normally wouldn't condone dating within a friendship group, their signs are perfectly matched," Midorima explained, a triumphant look on his face, while Akashi stood there silently. You hadn't expected much of a reaction from him, because you realised on some level he'd always known, and had given you and Atsushi small windows of time in which you could meet and talk all throughout the last basketball season. When you'd thanked him for all his help, he'd just nodded and smiled slightly.
You listened and tried to hold in your laughter as Aomine and Midorima began to squabble over his remark. These guys were idiots, but they were your idiots. They'd been your best friends since middle school and you were glad that you finally had the opportunity to share this with them. Kise finally broke the spat, smiling in your direction as he spoke.
"Yeah, you guys really weren't as discreet as you thought. I mean, Murasakibaracchi literally has a picture of you in his basketball jersey as his phone lockscreen. Anyway, though I agree with Aominecchi that this is slightly unfair, I wish you two all the best. You look really cute together, as well as being well matched,"
"Yeah," Kuroko agreed, smiling at you as you blushed.
"Aww guys... thank you so much ! We would have told you earlier, but we were afraid it would change things between the group,"
"Nah. No matter what happens, we'll stick together. We've made it this far, right ?" Aomine replied, and the others nodded in agreement. Atsushi put an arm around your waist and looked at the guys.
"Now that you know, I'd appreciate it if you stopped wasting our time. I'm taking Y/N on a date tonight. Also, keep your hands to yourselves. Y/N is mine," he said, glaring at Aomine and Kise. You smiled up at him, your heart beating faster as he revealed this new possessive side to his nature. He squeezed you a little before hoisting you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
"Wha- Atsushi ! What do you think you're doing ?" you asked, squirming in his grasp playfully.
"We'll get there faster like this,". He tightened his grip around you and you let yourself relax, breathing in his warm scent as he carried you out of the gym.
"Bye guys !" you said, smiling as Atsushi carried you out. The others smiled back at you, waving as they watched you and Atsushi leave the gym.
As soon as you'd left, Kuroko opened his mouth again
"So that's why Murasakibara was asking about where the rose garden was,"
Kise facepalmed and laughed a little
"Yes, it was. He wanted to surpris them with a truly romantic spot. God, you really are dense at times, Kurokocchi,"
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jaeminri · 1 year
dim lights
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synopsis. everyday, no doubt do you make your way to the café ten minutes away from your school and all because you noticed the cute barista behind the counter three months ago. and everyday, you pray he notices you too.
pairing. jungwon x f!reader
genre. fluff, college au, barista au, unknown mutual pining, strangers to lovers, sunghoons bi in this lol
word count. 2.8k
warnings. none! other than the fact the amt of fluff in this is so sickening u'll nvr c me write it ever again
notes. that one en-oclock ep! n the fact that i just love barista aus and yang jungwon. this was meant to be a drabble oops
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“Again? You've been ditching us for almost two weeks now!” Your friend whines.
With a sheepish smile, you hurriedly stuff your books into your bag, carrying some that couldn't fit in. “Sorry Yujin, but this event's really important so I have to be there!” You lie, tidying up your hair before waving bye to your friends and rushing out of the lecture room. You honestly aren't in a rush, but the excitement pumping through you made you feel like it. There is no event, but you feel like if you tell your friends the truth, they'd beg to tag along.
Just before you exit school, you quickly check on your appearance in the reflection of the glass doors, dabbing on some more of the lip tint that had rubbed off since morning and curling your lashes just a little more. People stare as they walk pass, but really, who cares? Then with fast steps, you make your way down left of your school.
It takes less than ten minutes for you to arrive at Whiskers. Your heart thumps loudly in your chest. You're nervous, you always are. You pull down on your sweater to calm yourself, straightening it as you heave a sigh and walk into the café. The bell chimes loudly and immediately, the fragrant aroma of coffee beans hit your nostrils and there is a tinge of sour lemon smell today. You figured you could have a slice of cake too. From the counter, cheerful voices of “welcome” echo in your ear and you turn to smile at the employees whom you've familiarized yourself with.
Your eyes wander about the café for a brief moment, then with a much more relaxed heart, you approach the employee behind counter, “Hi. Can I get—”
“An iced americano and a slice of lemon cake?” The boy behind the register finishes for you, a knowing grin plastered on his face.
Nodding as you fish out some paper bills to pay, you laugh, “Do I come that often? You even remember my order now, Sunoo.” The latter tears the receipt from the machine and hands it to you, replying, “Yes Y/N, you come almost six out of seven days every week. Do you really think I wouldn't already remember your order by now?”
“I suppose so.”
“Exactly. And it isn't even just me, you know? Sunghoon and Riki remembers it all too.”
“Wow, I must be your favorite customer,” you joke.
Sunoo scrunches his nose with a shake of his head, “Yeah, no. When you're around, we try to stay away from you. You're actually one of the customers we avoid most.”
“I'm kidding!” He laughs, “Go take a seat, I'll bring your order to you.” You do as told, finding the usual seat that gives you a view of the nature outside. It's autumn — almost winter — and as much as you hate the cold, you somehow still find yourself always taking a ten minute walk here, to Whiskers, just to have an iced americano that you can find at the Starbucks right beside your school.
There was only one reason for your doing, though.
As you let your eyes drift back into the café behind the counter, you finally spot him. The sole reason for you being here almost 24/7 for the past few months ; Yang Jungwon.
He's being pushed around by his friends, whom you know are Sunghoon, Jay and Riki. They're laughing and blabbering about something that makes Jungwon's ears go red as he shakes his head in a persistent manner. He seems flustered, you think, at whatever they were telling him. Whatever it was, it made you smile to yourself as you looked out again.
Yang Jungwon was simply a boy who worked at Whiskers. You had only noticed him one night after you had dozed off doing your assignment. It was embarrassing, really, and you thought he'd get annoyed like any normal café employee would, but he didn't.
Instead, Yang Jungwon (apparently) had let you sleep all the way till 10pm, 30 minutes after the closing time. You had awoke with drowsy eyes, slight drool gathering at the corner of your lips, slow to process your surroundings. The café was already dim, the only light on was the one at the counter where Jungwon sat. You had apologized profusely, packing your things in a hurry out of embarrassment. The boy, with no sight of anger or annoyance, told you to calm down and even offered to walk you home because it was late. While it was sweet of him, you had turned him down, already feeling burdened and apologetic. And without even saying anything else to him, you practically dashed out.
That was pretty much your first and last interaction with Yang Jungwon. Yet, when you had got home, laid in bed and replayed the events in your head, you realized the boy who sat underneath the dim lights of the café was so fucking gorgeous. He had a gentle grin, dimples so deep you could pour water in them and it would stay, and eyes so bright like they had stars in it. It made you giddy and you wanted to see him again.
So you did (and that's all you really, actually did).
The visitations to the café leading up consisted of you conversing with mostly Sunoo and sometimes another employee, (who wasn't working today) Heeseung. Other than that, all you ever did was sit at a corner and sneak glances at the cat-alike boy. You couldn't bring yourself to apologize or interact with him, and it seemed like he wasn't interested in doing so with you either. It seemed as if he was avoiding you every time you came in, or maybe he had simply forgotten about you. As discouraged as you were, you didn't force anything else. And today seemed to be no different, seeing as how it was Sunoo who took your order and also prepared it.
Hence, just like any other day, you pull out your books and laptop and begin on your almost due assignments. You do so until your order is served by Sunoo, as usual.
“Hello, here's your iced americano and your lemon cake.”
Eyes never leaving your laptop screen, you smile at Sunoo and nod, “Thanks, Sunoo.” There is a moment of silence and only then, do you notice that Sunoo still hasn't left your table, so you look up.
“Did you need...” Your eyes meet big wide ones, and your words trail off, “...something...”
Jungwon chuckles, “No, not really. And I'm not Sunoo, you know.” He says it like you don't know him, but you do. Why wouldn't you? You just assumed it was the other male because it had always been him and you thought today was no different.
“Oh,” is all you manage to say.
“No,” you shake your head, “I mean, I know.”
Jungwon has a teasing grin on his lips, as he scratches the back of his head, “You know? So you know me?” You realise how creepy you actually sound.
You blank out.
“Y/N?” You repeat.
He knows my name?
By now, Jungwon has a confused expression on his face. He rubs his neck, stifling a slight chuckle, “Are you okay, Y/N? You seem... almost out of it?” His sentence ends like a question, as if he isn't sure himself either. You feel heat creep up to your neck and cheeks, because God, could you embarrass yourself any more than this?
“Sorry, I'm okay. I'm just,” you pause, trying to form a sentence, “just shocked. How—How do you know my name?” Your question slips out with no hesitation and you slap your mouth at that. You suppose it's okay though, 'cause Jungwon laughs, dimples making an appearance again.
He is so cute, what the heck, you think.
“I mean, you come almost everyday. It would be more odd if I didn't know your name, right?”
“Oh... yeah, right.” That was what Sunoo said too, though he didn't mention anything about Yang Jungwon.
He noticed. He noticed your presence every time you were here. You didn't know if that was good or bad because on one hand it really flattered you — you came here for him anyway — but on the other, it was embarrassing because then, he basically remembers that night.
“Uhm, actually,” Jungwon's voice brings you back to reality again, “I was wondering, if you wanted to go out some time. To get to know each other?”
You stare up at Jungwon blankly, and he does the same to you, except his face is flushed and his cute as hell eyes are staring back at you widely. You can't seem to process anything. Your mind is empty, heart pounding, throat dry.
Did Jungwon just ask me out? Yang Jungwon?
Even as you watch his expression drop, you can't seem to get any words out. Only when he starts to take a step back to turn around and apologize for “bothering you”, do you say something.
“Wait!” Your voice is louder than you want it to be.
Jungwon gazes at you, expectant.
“I—sorry, I just...” You trail off and his wide eyes droop again, and you realize just how disappointing your words sound. “No, I mean, I'm not sorry. I'm just,” Your head is a mess. Because you simply cannot process the fact that Yang Jungwon — the boy you've basically been pining for for about two months — is asking you out. Like how? When? Why?
“You don't have to force yourself, Y/N. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"
You stop Jungwon from completing his sentence, “No! I-I swear I'm not forcing myself. I would love to go out some time. I just, am really nervous right now so I can't think. I mean I've noticed you for the longest time like since that night, you know? The falling asleep incident? Yeah, that. And I've always wanted to talk to you and just apologize but I couldn't gather my courage. So I just came everyday in hopes that I would be able to one day. And now that y-you're here talking to me, I cannot—”
“Y/N,” Jungwon calls softly, “breathe.” His words make you notice that you are rambling and only then do you inhale fully. He's laughing a little now, less tense and more relieved. It makes you feel better too. He clears his throat, glances back at the counter where his friends are watching and then looks back at you.
“Now, I would talk more but I have to get back to work,” he says with a grin, tilting his head cutely, “Would you, wait for me? 'Till after my shift?” And the way he looks, God, how could you say no? So you nod silently with a small beam and he nods back. As he walks back to the counter, you can see his friends chuckling and teasing him for his red ears and cheeks.
You know you look the same, yet somehow, you don't feel embarrassed.
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When the bell of the café chimes, it's an automatic reaction for all employees to welcome the customers. Even as Jungwon is busy restocking goods in the storage room, he still mumbles a “Welcome”. And even from inside, he can hear his friends making a ruckus from the counter. Something along the lines of, “Oh my God” and “Holy shit” and a very loud laugh, most likely coming from Sunghoon. He is almost done with his last pack of coffee beans when suddenly, Jay and Riki dashes in, chuckling and pushing each other. Jungwon sighs, “What is it? You guys are really noisy, you know? You're disturbing the customers.”
“No, Jungwon. You,” Riki laughs breathlessly, glancing at Jay then back at him, “you should come out and see this.”
“See what?”
Jay rolls his eyes, before urging him to the door of the storage room, “Just go out. I'll do the stocking up.”
Confused, Jungwon follows the Japanese boy, who has a suspicious grin on his face. He walks to the counter and looks at Sunghoon who stands beside the coffee machine, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” The older boy clamps his lips together, trying to prevent a giggle from slipping past his lips. He then tilts his head toward the register, gesturing at Sunoo. Jungwon's eyes follow his actions, and for a moment, he's still confused.
“What are you... Oh.”
Then he realises.
It's you.
He feels Riki pat his back, whispering “Go for it” in his ear. But he thinks he cannot hear anything right now. You haven't noticed him (you don't really ever notice him, honestly) but he thinks that's for the better, because then he has the freedom to steal glances at you every now and then. He watches intently as you pay for your drink, laugh and converse with Sunoo and walk to your usual spot beside the window. He watches everything you do.
“Jungwon, staring at her isn't going to really do anything. Just go talk to her.” Jay utters teasingly as he walks out of the storage room.
“I can't do that! No way!”
Sunghoon hums as he brews the coffee shot, “You've liked her for almost half a year now, dude. I can't even like a girl for a day.”
“That's cause you're fucking gay.” Riki snorts.
“I'm not gay! I'm bisexual!”
In the middle of their bickering, Sunoo walks up to Jungwon with your plate of lemon cake and hands it to him, “Just serve her her order. If you can't talk to her, then just don't. But just try, it won't hurt to at least be friends.” The latter takes the plate blankly, processing his friend's words. He's persistent in saying no, as he shakes his head again, about to refuse when Jay speaks up.
“She seems nice, anyways. You said so yourself too, that she was kind and sweet. So, I don't think you have anything to be afraid of.” Jay comments behind him, before gently pushing him toward your direction, “Serve it to her. It's your chance. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. Though I'm pretty sure it will, she comes everyday so you are given a shot everyday.”
Right. It is his chance. He always has a chance every time you walk in the café, he just never acts upon it. He's liked you for so long now, since the moment he saw you in the school hallways and when you kindly helped the school janitor aunty up because she had slipped and fell on your way out of school. He was walking behind as he watched you hold her arm and walk her to the infirmary to stick on band-aids on her bleeding elbow. On other days, he saw you most in the hallways because that was the only time he could ever see you. He didn't even know you, not your name, not your major, not your age — anything. But, every single time, he would go to work and he would talk endlessly about you to the boys, going on and on about how pretty you were and how kind and generous you were. He's sure the boys were sick of hearing about his immense crush on you.
You, on the other hand, probably didn't even know he was in your school. And he felt hopeless, like there was no point in trying.
But then you had walked into Whiskers on one fateful day, and you had smiled and greeted Sunoo and you told him your name for your order.
Y/N. That was your name. He never ever thought he would find a name so...elegant. So sweet and gentle.
You had ordered an iced americano and a slice of lemon cake that literally no one ever orders and sat at the seat beside the large window panel. You always, always, stared out into space after sitting for a few minutes before pulling out your books to study. It was the same old routine for you, and Jungwon noticed it every time. He had always been right in front of you, but you've never seen him at all. But like his friends always say, if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. And that's fine, as long as he knows he tried. He doesn't know why today though, he supposes he just felt good, confident. Or maybe you just looked especially pretty today.
So, as Jungwon approaches you with the tray and his heart in his hands, he thinks he'll just go for it. And if you don't reciprocate, then that's alright.
When he's right in front of you, he sets the tray down and he speaks to you for the first time since he's laid eyes on you in the school hallways.
“Hello, here's your iced americano and your lemon cake.”
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© JAEMINRI, 2023
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userholland · 2 years
idk if you’re doing blurbs rn but if you ever get to this can you do one of dad!tom where they’re taking the newborn baby home from the hospital and tom driving really cautiously on the way home and being really cautious in general 🥹 i saw something earlier about how the first drive home and dads drive really slow and it sounded like a really cute moment 🥺
pairing- dad!tom holland x fem!reader [parent + domestic au]
contains - nothing but fluff and protective, dad!tom in training!
word count- 602
masterlist | blurb requests open!
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"Geez, babe. Don't go too fast."
Tom didn't appreciate the sarcasm from your end, but you did just give birth to his child after spending a few hours of painful labor so, he could let it pass (for now).
"I'm making sure we get home in one piece." He trailed, his eyes glancing at the rear view mirror to check your newborn in their carrier.
"I don't think you'll get more than a dent when you're going..." You leaned over to see the speedometer, "Eighteen miles per hour."
It had only been two minutes since you left the hospital parking lot-a whole minute taken up by Tom trying to get out of it- and now you were taking your baby girl home and with every hair on her basically bald head in place.
"Tom, seriously. Just drive like normal, you'll have to eventually." You nodded, rubbing his tense shoulder. You noticed his knuckles were almost white from how tight he gripped the steering wheel.
"I am, or I'm trying. Just didn't think the protective dad instinct kicked in until they were like sixteen and starting to like boys." Tom shrugged, not even wanting to think that far into the future.
"Relax. Please. I promise you, the next two years of changing diapers will keep you more than occupied." You jeered to lighten his mood.
Tom cracked a smile, quickly turning his head to you, then glancing back at the road at his slow pace.
It's as if someone else had possessed Tom's body, not believing he was the same guy who loved turning corners on (what felt like) two wheels.
Every stop you made was a complete stop. Every yellow light was met with a slow and steady stop before it turned red. His head turned back and forth so much to see each side of a four-way street that it could make you dizzy.
All you could do is grin at how he was suddenly shifting into dad mode, only able to put your hand on his knee and let him do the rest of the drive the way he needed to. Eventually, he would ease up, but you would remember this moment only to, probably, tease him a lot later in life.
The rest of the drive was a bit better, even if he only got to twenty-five miles per hour as his maximum speed, but he carefully parked in front of your house.
After you got out of the passenger side, you slowly put your jacket on while Tom was in the back putting the strap of the baby bag on his right shoulder and holding the carrier with his left hand. Your daughter was peacefully asleep, her soft head rested back and her tongue peaking from her mouth.
Sleeps just like her father, you thought.
When you walk around, you cooed at the sweet sight of your two loves. Tom kissed your temple before you both headed toward the front door. He carried the carrier with great ease, carefully planting his foot on each step toward the door before you opened it to give him a clear path to the living room.
Once the two of you sit on the couch, a relieved sigh leaves both your chests as you happily glare at your sleeping baby, snuggled in a pink blanket and the cap perfectly fit to her small head.
"Thank you for driving slow." You teased Tom, wrapping your arm around his.
"I think the word you're looking for is carefully and you're welcome." He jeered back, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.
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iamborsh · 4 months
ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀꜰʟɪᴇs William Afton/OC
Tags: au, modelling, fashion industry, coquette!original character, violence, age gap.
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ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ʀᴇǫᴜɪʀᴇs sᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇ
Jennifer Christie is a 21-year-old girl. Beautiful, narcissistic. She grew up in a family of quite wealthy businessmen who gave their beloved daughter anything she wanted. Jenny grew up in luxury: dresses, bags, jewelry - for her these are just little things. Three years ago, she suddenly got wish to become a model, which her parents, of course, obediently fulfilled. Now Mrs. Christie is a popular model. Many agencies of that time would have liked to sign a contract with her, but the most of them were sent to hell by generous Jenny.
April 14, 1996, New York.
"That's not it! And this too!" with these words, the girl was sorting through her closet, which was literally bursting with lots of clothes from different designers. She had a contract signing with one of the agencies today. Of course, it didn't work out without persuasion, but Jenny decided to feel sorry for her manager and agreed.
This meeting means nothing to her, but you always have to look presentable.
Suddenly, the girl went to her tape recorder, covered with pink rhinestones. It was the first time Jenny had worked tirelessly, but the result was worth it. It would be a shame for a girl to have an ordinary gray tape recorder! She's not some kind of beggar.
Taking a CD of a song by a fairly popular band at that time, the room was filled with beautiful female voices.
Oh, say you'll be there ~ ♪
Jenny headed for the closet, but now moving to the beat of the vibing music.
I'm giving you everything ~ ♪
Jenny took three different dresses and threw them on the bed, they looked the best. And even though Jennifer still has a bunch of dresses, she still chose these ones.
All that joy can bring ~ ♪
Jenny danced around the room, darting past the mirror every now and then. It reflected the unearthly beauty of an African-American girl. Beautiful skin, gorgeous and lush curls, brown eyes, a few freckles, plump lips smeared with expensive glitter, which she probably bought abroad. She was wearing a white silk robe made to order, it fit her perfectly, and the image was complemented by yellow fluffy slippers.
This I swear, ow ~ ♪
The last line of the verse of the song sounded and the home phone rang.
"Oh, who is it now?" she went to the pink home phone. Her daddy bought it for her in Paris. It looked cute, elegant, a kind of curiosity that surprised everyone who came to visit Jennifer.
Picking up the phone, the girl held it to her ear.
"Excuse me, Miss Christie, they want to order an adver-" the man didn't finish his sentence.
"I'm not interested in it! How many times have I told you that I don't take ads? Or should I pay you a doctor to check your hearing?" the girl answered rudely. After all, who's he to be polite to him?
It was Jenny's manager, a man of 37 years of French descent, who helped her sign contracts. Well, although Miss Christie always decides for herself, and Mr. Martin is only needed for show.
The girl was just about to hang up when she suddenly remembered.
"Oh, yeah, you're picking me up today! I hope you don't have any problems with your memory and you haven't forgotten about my contract with Mr. Afton's modeling agency!" her voice sounded arrogant.
"Of course, of course, madam, is there something else?" Martin asked meekly in his French accent.
With a grunt, she put the phone back down. While they were talking, the song had already ended. Yeah, her mood to listen to music was gone now.
Her gaze fell on the bed, there were 3 dresses that Jennifer had selected.
Green with a circle, pale pink with lace bell sleeves and yellow with a black strap.
The girl threw away two dresses, namely a green and a yellow one. Yes, she was definitely in the mood to wear pink today.
Pink louboutins, a lace dress, a bow in her hair and an elegant handbag were perfectly combined. Soft-pink lipstick accentuated the beauty of her lips, and blush on her beautiful cheeks.
The girl twirled next to the mirror.
"Not bad, it could have been better. I'll have to buy more clothes, otherwise these are already… Too old and not fashionable." the girl said petulantly.
Her gaze fell on the clock on a white bedside table next to a huge mirror. The time was 2 p.m., 15 minutes.
"Already?" she exclaimed with a gasp, of course, Jenny, you like to sleep until lunch, and then preen up for three hours. "Has this idiot arrived yet?" the girl asked herself with a note of disgust.
Looking out the window of her house, she saw Martin's black car approaching. He must have remembered, apparently, his senility hadn't begun yet.
The girl left her room, went down to the 1st floor and went out onto the porch.
The view was beautiful. There was a wonderful garden near Jenny's house, where white roses grew, a variety of which was personally brought by Jennifer's mother from Holland.
"Mello, Madame Christie." Martin bowed to the girl as she walked impressively to the car.
Glancing at her manager, she extended her hand to him, turning away and wrinkling her nose. This is just an element of etiquette, nothing more. Martin kissed the girl's hand, on the fingers of which was a mother-of-pearl with a gleam of white and pink, a neat manicure. The girl pulled her hand away and got into the car.
"You look great today!" the manager tried to make a compliment.
"I know." Jenny replied indifferently, turning her gaze away from the window.
It was quite bright outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. Jenny currently lived in a country house located near New York, and the road to the agency building took a little longer than if Jenny lived in an apartment.
The model turned towards Martin. He was not a particularly tall man with black hair, gray streaks flashed here and there, he wore round glasses, and also some kind of suit. He looked very ridiculous, as Jennifer herself thought.
"We arrived, madam." Martin said and got out of the car, walked around her and, like a true gentleman, opened the door for the girl and helped her get up.
The following picture appeared before them: a 4-storey light purple building with large windows.
"Not bad." having assessed the building, the girl concluded. "Even better than many similar buildings."
She'll probably never be happy with anything.
"Martin, follow me!" the girl commanded.
Martin really looked funny next to Mrs. Christie. Jennifer's elegant, feminine and graceful gait made passers-by turn around, while Martin walked unsteadily, trying to keep up with his "madame".
Martin was still able to overtake the girl and held the door for her. She didn't even say "thank you." For what?
The building inside also looked beautiful. Models and designers walked around the floor, carried plastic mannequins as makeup artists ran around. Jenny chuckled, looking at this, what a funny sight.
"Miss Christie?" a girl in a shirt and black trousers, standing behind the reception desk, addressed Jennifer and Martin.
The girl looked at the receptionist. Simple one, what to say.
"Well, yeah, me." the model replied with a haughty look.
"You must be at Mr. Afton's, come on, I'll take you there." with these words, the girl came out from behind the counter and headed for the 2nd floor. Jennifer followed her.
The receptionist looked somehow at home. Wrinkled shirt, oversize trousers, sloppy bun.
Picking up the rabble on the ad, Jenny thought with disgust. "If you work in a modeling agency, then at least look presentable."
"We're here, Mr. Afton is already waiting for you." the girl ran back.
The door was brown, and there was a sign saying "W. Afton."
"Martin, you're waiting for me downstairs." not waiting for an answer, Jenny entered without knocking on the door.
A fairly clean and well-maintained office appeared to her eyes. It contained a pair of mannequins, different from those that were carried around the 1st floor, a desk, a fluffy rug, like Jennifer's in the room, two sofas and a tea table in front of the desk. Everything was done in black and purple style.
"Hello, Mrs. Christie." a man's voice suddenly addressed her.
The girl turned around and was a little surprised. A rather pleasant-looking man of about 35 years old was sitting at the table. Long black hair, braided in a small ponytail, with a purple sheen in the light, silver eyes that Jennifer had never seen before. The man was wearing a purple shirt with a pin with the man's name on it: "William." Blue jeans with a yellow fringe at the bottom. He was wearing an expensive watch with a yellow strap at that time. As well as patent black shoes matching William's hair color.
If it had been worn on any other, then the girl would have said that he looked like a clown, but not in this case. Everything was so combined with each other that no image of any other fashion designer could compare with this. He was simply charming, it was the first time that Jenny fell in love with another person's clothes.
"Yeah, hello." no matter how surprised she was, confidence shouldn't be lost in any case.
"Come in, sit down, would you like some tea?" Mr. Afton kindly suggested, he also seems to be british, oh, how fascinating his voice sounds, just a delight to her ears.
"No, thanks." the girl looked around. The office was, of course, beautiful, but quite ordinary, except for one detail. Mannequins. They looked like real people. They werent just white, but all sorts of different colors. Both dark and beige, even with the effect of vitiligo disease. It's like they're made of real skin.
"So you like them?" the fashion designer suddenly asked.
The girl shuddered:
"Yes, yes… They're very, very beautiful." the girl answered uncertainly, this is the first time it's happening with her.
"I make them myself. Handmade, you can touch them." William said genially with a smile on his face.
The girl got up and walked over to one of the mannequins. She touched it lightly with the pads of her fingers. For real, like a real… Skin.
"I make them out of… Animal's skin. By coloring it in the desired color." why did he stumble on the word "animal's"? Oh, well, okay, it happens.
"It's impressive." she was still running her fingers over the mannequin. "What kind of animals do you use?"
Mr. Afton paused and then grinned hysterically.
"I make them from… Pig's one". his answer sounded as strange and uncertain as possible. As if Jenny had asked something she didn't need to. It's like she's asking too many questions. "Okay, let's move on to the contract." the man changed the topic.
The girl sat down on the sofa while William handed her a contract with a modeling agency. After reading it carefully, the girl picked up a pen and left her neat signature in a beautiful handwriting, and then handed the document back into the hands of the man.
He smiled.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you, I'll see you tomorrow." William said, returning to his desk.
The girl went out the door of the office. Well, tomorrow is her first day working for Mr. William's agency.
The dressing room was teeming with stylists, make-up artists and other staff. It was noisy. And Jennifer didn't really like noise, but she sat quiet as she didn't want to spoil her own reputation.
Instead, she sprawled impressively on an armchair while one of the makeup artists weightlessly applied powder to the already delicate skin of the model.
"Miss Christie, do you need anything?" the receptionist, whom Jenny and Martin saw yesterday, turned to the girl behind the chair.
"Yes, coffee." it was normal for her not to say "please", does she even knows about this word existence?
"Mrs. Christie, we're done." spoke the young makeup artist.
She, in turn, began to look at herself in the mirror….Yeah, could have been better. She'd do better one at home.
"It's terrible, but what can we do, you'll learn someday." Jenny criticized, taking her coffee from the receptionist's hands. Probably the makeup artist was hurt by her words.
The girl turned towards the rest of the room. Several of the same girls were sitting and waiting for them to be made up. Makeup artists swirled around them, applying powder, blush, foundation and other cosmetics.
The walls were painted a pleasant white color, wooden tables with lots of cosmetics on them, as well as upholstered chairs, on one of which Jennifer was sitting.
Suddenly, the main fashion designer, namely Afton, entered the room. He looked around the room and when he bumped into Jenny, he smiled.
Without taking his eyes off her, he said:
"The models can meanwhile prepare for the trial show, and I'll have to ask Mrs. Christie to come with me." Mr. Afton announced, nodding his head as if to indicate that she needed to follow him.
When Jennifer entered the office, she saw the same mannequins with different dresses, but one of them caught her eye. It was a beautiful puffy black and white dress… It was covered with artificial black butterflies, complementing the look. On the mannequin's head was a headband with the same medium-sized butterfly. The shoes were high-heeled.
"This is the dress that you'll wear for your first show at our agency." William purred contentedly, looking at his creation. "What do you think?"
The girl came closer. In addition to butterflies, the dress was decorated with thousands of small rhinestones.
"It's wonderful!" the model exclaimed. "you're really a true artist."
William grinned contentedly. He was flattered by Jennifer's attitude, although he's well aware of her character. He knows more about her than she would have guessed.
"How do you like it here?" William asked, sitting down at his desk and lighting a cigarette. "Do you like everything?"
"Well… Its much better here than in other agencies, except that…" Jenny walked over to the mirror in the study. "Though make-up artists should learn more." she tried to say it as politely as possible, but for some reason she wanted to impress William. This was the first time she acted that way, usually Jenny torn up contracts with other agencies with ease, without fear that it would change her life. But then something beckoned to stay here longer.
William looked at the model. He chuckled and said:
"I think I'll agree." he also needed to make a good impression on Jennifer, at least in some ways they are similar. "Is that all?"
No. Noise, annoying staff, disgusting coffee, according to the model's opinion and this is only part of it.
"Yes, everything else is fine." making innocent eyes, the girl said. "Can I go now? I need to get ready."
Letting the smoke out of his mouth, William nodded and the girl headed for the door.
Returning to the studio, she saw defiling girls walking along the catwalk, where the show will soon be held. They did well, of course, but not like Jenny. Its not surprising that she was made the main star at this show.
"Madame Christie!" the main director ran up to the girl. "You're just in time, you're going to be on stage now, go to backstage."
"First, explain they should do." the girl said irritably. "And what about me? Improvisation?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. So, look." the director, whose name is most likely George, began to actively gesticulate with his hands. "You go out in the middle of the stage, scroll through, and then all the model girls come out and together you do the crown pose. Is that clear?"
What an idiotic plan, but there's nothing to do.
The girl went on stage and began to act according to the director's plan with a model gait. All the girl's jaws dropped. Of course, anyone could envy such a figure, gait and grace.
The girl stopped and made a turn at the edge of the podium. Then she turned around and walked towards the other models who had already went out. A wave of the hands and the girls depicted a large crown. It was a pretty spectacular end to the show. Although, its rather strange that Jenny, as the main model of the show, was given very little time.
"Belissimo! Belissimo!" the director standing by the stage clapped. "Girls, you're great, everyone did their best, and you… Mrs. Jenny, especially beautiful." this man also had an accent, but it was Italian. Although, it was already obvious by his mustache that he's not exactly an American.
For the sake of decency, Jenny smiled and went to the dressing room.
Pretty boring and terribly long day. Preparing for the show was a tedious task, which didn't bring any pleasure.
After coming home and changing her clothes, Jennifer flopped down on the soft bed. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, but what? Nonsense. What could possibly happen in an ordinary modeling agency? Especially when there is such a handsome and kind chief fashion designer.
The girl was lying in her soft lace robe, which clung so pleasantly to her skin. Her bed was large, soft and comfortable. Silk pillows and blankets, there are even bedside curtains to shut out the whole world.
Suddenly, Jennifer's hand came across something fluffy and soft. Picking it up, the girl saw her old bunny Oliver from childhood, which her grandmother gave her. It was a white hare with a red tie. There were patches and scuffs in some places. It was strange that Jenny didn't throw it away, because it was surely worn and battered.
Memories from childhood flashed through her head.
October 27, 1985.
A little girl with thick afro-curls quietly entered the room and locked it. She looked to be 11 years old.
She walked lightly to the bed and climbed on it. There were various toys, dolls and much more on the bed, which all the girls dreamed of in childhood. But she picked up a white rabbit. Oliver. Her best friend.
"My parents have left again…" the girl began. "But they promised to play with me…"
Little Jenny always told her best friend everything. She trusted it like no one else.
"But I'm sure they'll come soon, right?" the girl assured herself with a note of sad hope. "Isn't that right, Oliver?… My parents love me, don't they?" tears flowed from her eyes, the little girl's face turned red and she hugged the toy to herself. "They love me! They need me, I'm their daughter!"
The girl didn't even notice how teary her eyes were. Did her parents need her? Or were they just buying her off? Yes, she has a luxurious life, but Jenny has never known what true parental love is.
While all the children were playing football with their parents and going on picnics, Jenny was sitting at home at that time and sadly drawing a portrait of her family. She wanted to make sure that her parents loved and cared for her. But instead, they're always at meetings, conferences or whatever.
And only Oliver listened to the girl's tears all these years.
"Okay, I'm crying because of a bullshit." with these words, the girl wiped her tears and put the toy back in its place.
After a while, the girl fell asleep.
Days, weeks, and then a month passed. Day turned to night, nothing changed. The day of the show was approaching. Jenny was 100% ready.
And here it is, the long-awaited x-day. Jenny had heard that the entire elite of the modeling business would gather for the show. Someone even said that some of them came only because of Jenny.
And the model itself was already wearing that black and white puffy dress. A headband and black heels complemented the look. It suited the model's face, as if it had been made for her specially. A light make-up to match the color of the dress sparkled on her face.
William walked around the dressing room and checked how the work was going. Of course, it is important for his agency not to screw up and meet the expectations of critics.
The models came out one after another. Cameras clicked and the audience applauded enthusiastically. The journalists were doing some kind of report and were trying to interview William, who was also standing in the hall and watching everything that was happening.
George was running around and saying something to the models who hadn't come out yet. Most likely, he was giving them some advice.
And Jenny was still sitting in the same chair and watching the painting. It's been a month since Jenny got a job at Mr. Afton's modeling agency. And every day she felt more and more uncomfortable around William. If before the silver eyes radiated calmness and kindness, now there is nothing but some kind of intimidation. His character hadn't changed, but his eyes spoke more.
A man's voice pulled out of his thoughts, which most likely belonged to William:
"You ready?" he put his hand on her shoulder, as if feeling her skin, or was it just her imagination? "Now it's your turn, you remember what you have to do?"
Jennifer nodded and headed towards the podium. George was standing very close to them, writing something down in his notebook.
"Madame Christie!" he turned to the girl. "Good luck."
Jenny nodded and went on stage. Hundreds or even thousands of cameras suddenly blinded her, some people clapped. Despite this, the girl didn't even blinked an eye and confidently walked to the middle of the podium. Jennifer's eyes darted. Maybe her parents came after all? The crowd of people was the same and almost merged, but the girl would have recognized her parents out of a thousand. They aren't there, however, it was no longer surprising.
The girl turned around and walked over to the other models who had already run up. They all looked different: orange, blue, light blue, pink dresses perfectly matched the black accessories on the them. Each of them looked beautiful in their own way. But tonight, the star of the night is Jennifer. But she also has every chance to go out today.
A couple of movements and the girls depicted a crown, which, as it turned out, was the symbol of the agency.
Enthusiastic applause, blinding the cameras again. The show was a success.
"Mrs. Jennifer, Mrs. Jennifer!" as soon as the girl went backstage, George addressed her. "You have met all our expectations! It was excellent." he spoke enthusiastically, even stammering a little.
"Thank you…" Jenny replied dejectedly, she wanted to rest.
"Mrs. Jennifer, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr. Afton appeared from behind.
Jenny and William moved away from the dressing room.
"Your performance was really amazing, I'm glad that you're working with us." for the first time, a compliment made Jenny blush, although the silver eyes were still frightening, but William's speeches were so pleasant… "How about dinner together?" that's… Is he asking her out on a date?
Jenny had always thought that William was married, as it was rather strange that such a handsome and promising man hadnt yet been taken away.
The girl had no plans for the evening, so:
"Yes, sure." the girl replied with a smile.
"Then you can go home, because I still need to talk to other fashion designers." it's a common thing after screenings at some agency. This was in the girl's favor as she would be able to dress the way she wanted. After all, the dress that William himself sewed was beautiful and elegant, but still belonged to the agency and was a little uncomfortable. "I'll pick you up at 8."
The girl returned to the dressing room to change clothes, and then go home with Martin. Her heart was beating in anticipation. Jenny liked William's attention. Now his eyes radiated not madness, but kindness.
"Martin, follow me!" Jenny called the man over and headed to the car. Martin and Jenny got into it and quickly drove to the girl's house.
And at the same time, a fashion designer was watching the whole picture, smoking next to the agency building. He knew that Jenny was an arrogant and spoiled girl who was easily manipulated, so he bravely took advantage of this without remorse, because beauty requires sacrifices, which William would do without doubt.
Jenny got out of the car and slammed the door. The white country house was illuminated by the streetlights and garlands that Jenny had hung on the house to make it look more cozy.
Martin's car drove off and Jenny headed home. Going into her room, the girl again chose what to wear. This is not just an interview, this is a date with Mr. Afton himself. Something about him attracted the girl so much, although she herself didnt realize that she was being controlled like a doll.
"Well, well…" Jenny was looking through the wardrobe, trying to find something that would suit her today. The choice fell on a white and airy dress. It was light, weightless. Jenny also wore lace stockings and small white heels.
It is worth admitting that everything goes for Jenny, even if she'd wear in a cellophane bag, she'll look breathtaking.
It was close to 8 p.m, the time when William would pick up Jennifer.
When the girl was putting on makeup, she heard the sounds of a car approaching. It was William, he stopped near the girl's house and waited for her.
Taking everything she needed, the model ran out of the house.
"Hello, Mr. Afton." the girl curtsied gracefully.
William looked at the girl and smiled.
"You look beautiful." Afton said with a wink. The compliment made her ears and cheeks burn. The girl gets hundreds compliments a day, but none of them caused such strong emotions.
Afton opened the car door and invited the girl. Jenny nodded "thanks" and got into the first seat. Afton walked around the car and got into the driver's seat.
The most amazing thing is that Afton, it turns out, lived very close to Jenny's house. A couple of minutes and they were there.
It was a 2-storey and quite large house. There were children's swings and toys in the yard. After all, he has children. The walls of the house were painted a shade of purple. Guess it's his favourite color.
Afton gently took the girl's arm and they went into the house.
The house looked even better inside. Beautiful, snow-white wallpaper, white wooden floor. The walls were hung with various beautiful sketches as there were also children's drawings.
Afton invited the girl into the kitchen. It was made in a rather fashionable style of that time called Baroque. No wonder, because Mr. Afton is still a fashion designer, after all. Everything was clean and tidy, all the appliances were in their places.
Jennifer sat down at the table and watched Mr. Afton's actions.
"What do you want for dinner tonight? This evening I'm your chef." William asked jokingly and with a touch of coquetry. The girl was embarrassed again.
"Since you are the chef today, I trust you." she put her elbow on the back of the chair.
"Whatever you say, Madame Christie." turning around, his smile changed to an annoyed face. He didn't like his own cheap show, which he himself put on. "Would you like some champagne?"
Jennifer doesn't drink, but since such an occasion…
"Yes, sure!"
Afton went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of expensive champagne. It finally came in handy.
"I'll pour it." he wouldn't let the girl pour it herself, because he only needs to add a pinch of magic powder to carry out his plan. Opening the lid of the bottle and taking out a glass, he began to slowly fill the glass. After making sure Jennifer wasn't looking, he took a small bag out of his pocket and just wanted to pour it…
"You have children?" the girl suddenly asked, startling William. He turned to her and took a deep breath.
"Oh, yes, i do… Michael, Elizabeth and Evan." Afton exhaled, looking at the portrait that Jenny had apparently noticed.
"And where is your wife?"
You know, sweetie, you're asking too many unnecessary questions that won't help you in any way.
"She left me with 3 kids." William was able to lie by looking into the eyes. Surely he wouldn't say that his wife had died a long time ago? It'll scare our little Jennifer away.
Jennifer began to feel sorry for William in her mind. How can you get away from such a smart, handsome and successful man? Even left him with three kids. She didn't know yet who she considered "kind."
While the girl was thinking, William managed to add the contents of the little bag to her glass. The powder quickly dissolved into the liquid.
The man turned to the girl and gave her the glass. Then he poured himself a drink. Slowly sipping the contents of his glass, he watched the girl. She drank it all quickly.
"It's too strong for champagne." the girl was getting sick.
"When you drink it for the first time, it happens, especially in one gulp." the man assured the girl.
The girl was dizzy and she was slowly losing consciousness. A minute later, she fell asleep.
William grinned at his new victim with his silver eyes.
Pain shooting through her whole body. The pain that made her want to scream, but something prevented from doing so. All the muscles were stiff and the girl couldn't move a single limb. Her vision slowly returned. The bright light of the lamp began to fill her eyes, making Jenny squint.
It was cold and only now Jennifer realized that she wasn't only tied up, but also almost naked.
"Are you awake yet?" a familiar voice, of course, it's William.
What the hell is going on here? Where is she? Why is she tied up? Little Jenny tried to say something, but only a mumble came out of her mouth, her mouth was taped.
"Are you trying to say something?" William spoke ironically. "Don't bother yourself, you can't, no one will hear you."
Jenny still didn't understand what was going on, but William, as if reading her mind, answered her question himself.
"You must be thinking what's going on, right? Let me explain."
William walked over to the table and took a syringe, pulling some substance into it.
"You remember the mannequins from my office, so that's it. You will become one of them!" Afton said enthusiastically. "You've always dreamed of beauty and fame, right? Then you must know the phrase: beauty requires sacrifice. I make these sacrifices, making people even more beautiful!"
Has Afton gone crazy? What he's talking about?
The girl remembered those mannequins… For real, are they all made of human skin? The girl had a gagging urge. She started kicking and trying to get out. No, she's too young to die. No, no, no!
William looked at this sight and grinned contentedly. He knew that Jenny couldn't get out, she was doomed.
"Don't worry, I'll make you into something more than just a worthless model." William spoke in a whisper, as if calming the girl. "You can't even imagine how wonderful it is to be a beautiful mannequin that everyone admires." he was a psycho who went mad, but he liked it.
He was sure he was doing people a favour by pulling their skin over a mannequin. He thought they were ungrateful if they kicked and tried to run away.
William slowly walked up to the girl and slapped her in the face to calm her down.
"And you….You're all ungrateful scums who don't understand that I'm doing this for your own sake." William grabbed the girl's hand and inserted a syringe under her skin. The girl tried to pull away, but unsuccessfully, it hurted her even more. But soon it became more difficult to make movements, her eyelids were closing, her breathing slowed down. William injected her with poison to make her agony easier. Although he could have skinned her for profit, he felt sorry for her.
William returned to the table and picked up a small surgical knife. He looked at the girl's lifeless body again. She will make a wonderful mannequin, she'll thank him again.
A knock on the door.
"Come in." William said without looking up from his papers.
Men in police uniforms entered the office.
"Hello, Mr. Afton, we have come to you about the case of Jennifer Christie's disappearance, do you know anything?" one of the men asked.
"Jennifer went home after the fashion show, that's it, I never saw her again." pretending that he didn't know anything, William answered the question.
"Did you see anyone suspicious around her?"
William pretended to think. Martin, for sure, he'll be able to divert suspicion from William.
"She left with her manager and as far as I know, she treated him pretty badly, so…." William gave a little hint to the police. Oh, poor Martin, he gave so much nerve to Jenny, and now he's going to jail probably.
"Great, we have a suspect, thank you, Mr. Afton." the men turned around and left.
"Have a nice day." William said goodbye with a smile.
His gaze turned towards the new mannequin with dark skin, dressed in the same black dress with butterflies.
"Guess what, they're looking for you." he turned to the mannequin standing next to William's desk.
Jenny dreamed of being a star. She became one thanks to her parents, who will never see her again, but not all stars are destined to shine forever, right? Jennifer became one of such stars.
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Laundry Days
(Dieter x horror loving female)
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Words: 1,039
Summary: it’s laundry day, and you catch Dieter looking
Warnings: Dieter being adorable and chaotic, really delicious food gets a mention, slight saucy suggestions at the end because it’s Dieter
Check out masterlist here
Laundry day, some may find it an unnecessary evil, you found it pleasant. Your apartment complex laundry room was empty but for you which in a horror film situation would spell disaster for the lonely female protagonist. But you may have scoped out the place since moving in and knew when it was free, like a smart horror survivor would. It’s not that you distrusted your neighbours, rather you wouldn’t want them hanging around your undergarments. Currently you were reading while waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle. Your phone, however disturbed your reverie. You smiled when you saw a familiar name flash on the screen.
“Hi Dieter.”
“Hey, honey cakes. What are you up to this fine day?”
“Oh, I’m doing laundry,” the machine had finished so you had to tuck your phone onto your shoulder.
“Laundry? I did laundry once.”
“Oh really? When?” There was a long pause, “Are you struggling to remember?”
Dieter groaned, “It’s hard to remember back that far.”
You chuckled while moving your clothes to the dryer, “Do clean clothes just magically appear?”
“Yeah pretty much. So, were you maybe wanting some company today? I could bring lunch?”
“Maybe. Depends on what you’re offering.”
“I can bring you an Eggslut Fairfax Sandwich.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
That brought out a chuckle, “Everyday honey cakes.”
You closed the door to the dryer, “I am Brucin’ for one right now.”
“Brucin’. ‘Cause you know, the shark from Jaws was named Bruce after Spielberg’s lawyer and I’m craving food like the shark craved man flesh,” you were rambling now, “Yeah it doesn’t really work because only I know it and I have to explain it every time so…”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
That brought out a chuckle, “I should be finished in about forty-five minutes. Does that work?”
“Yeah, gives me time to get food and everything.”
You both said your goodbyes and you were left alone with your laundry and your book.
Exactly forty-seven minutes later you trudged your way up your flight of stairs and was greeted by your boyfriend with a big bag of takeout. Your laundry basket got in the way of greeting him and opening the door, so he offered to carry it for you. You swapped him for the takeout bag and led him inside. The smell from the bag was too tempting so you opened it and took out your favourite sandwich. A huge bite revealed its glorious taste of egg, cheese, and caramelised onion to your tastebuds. Dieter saw that you snuck a bite by your happy dancing.
“Hey,” he looked upset, giving an adorable pout.
“Sorry,” you mumbled through a mouth of deliciousness and gave him a kiss.
“It’s okay, I know that sandwich is good. Which is why I got you two.”
That brought a squeal of delight from you, and you gave him a hug, avoiding getting any egg mess on him. “I’ll get plates, just put my laundry basket anywhere.”
You came back to find him staring at the pile of clothes in your basket, he jumped back as if he was caught doing something untoward. “I wasn’t looking at your underwear!”
You sat down calmly next to him, “It’s fine.” You passed him a plate. “So long as you don’t put them on, I’m fine with you looking.”
“They wouldn’t fit anyways.”
You both ate a little bit before he looked at them again and said, “They’re just so colourful, compared to mine.”
“Why don’t you get yourself some?”
“Ladies underwear?”
“No, some colourful men’s underwear.”
“Those things exist?”
After you had your food, you got your laptop out and showed him a few options. “See, they have lots of colourful options.” You scrolled through, showing him. “Oh, here’s some cute ones: doughnuts, pizza, animals.”
“Oh, there’s Disney ones!”
You left him to his perusal while you put your laundry away, an occasional gasp of surprise coming from his direction. You sat back down next to him, the excitement on his face evident.
“So, find any you like?”
“Oh yeah, heaps!” he showed you a few new favourites. “And I found some Halloween ones if you want me to...”
You grabbed his thigh in excitement and gave him that crazed look only Freddy Krueger would get before killing his next victim. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course.”
“Really really. If you want sexy Halloween themed underwear, then I will do that for you.”
“No one’s ever done that before.”
“Bought sexy Halloween themed underwear?”
“Well that, and also done anything like that for me. Go round in public with something that’s me themed.”
“You want me to go out in public with them?”
“No,” you rubbed his thigh where you suspected you may have squeezed him too hard, “If I bought a certain someone a horror themed t-shirt, they’d never wear it out in public because they don’t want to embarrass themselves with something like that and it would just be a waste of time and money, and so I never bothered buying things unless they were on a pre-approved list and…”
Dieter had to stop you in your ramblings with a tender little kiss, “If you want to buy me a horror themed t-shirt, I will happily wear it in public.”
“You will?”
“Yeah, you’ll just have to explain the whole film to me first in case I’m too scared to watch it.”
“You won’t be embarrassed?”
“I don’t think it’s possible for me to be embarrassed. You can try if you want to.”
“You’re just too adorable. Have I told you how much I love you?”
“You have,” he now drew close to you, “Can I show you how much I love you?” he kissed you deeply, “Your stomach is satisfied so let me satisfy the rest of you,” he kissed your neck, “Because I’d really like to.” He felt a slight hesitation in your body, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Well it being laundry day and all, I’m not wearing my best underwear, I’m a little embarrassed…”
“That’s okay, that underwear will come off so quick you won’t have time to be embarrassed.”
Films referenced: Jaws (1975), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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peachy-yan · 2 years
Death Warmed Over
Ren x Reader
⚠️Warnings: Yandere behavior, sick reader
A/N: This is meant to be like. The flu or a really bad cold. It occurred to me while writing this that nowadays is maybe Not the best time to write a sick fic 😓 but I was reading a manga with the “taking care of the sick love interest” scene/trope and I was like “I should write that with Ren!” and anyway here we are
Synopsis: You’ve got a really bad cold and the cute guy from the library comes over to help take care of you after you send him a text asking for help.
“Ughhhhh” You rolled over in bed, finding it impossible to get comfortable when you felt this bad. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this sick. Your head hurt, your body ached, you felt freezing cold but boiling hot at the same time, and your nose was so stuffed you could barely breathe.
You hadn’t left your bed to even make a cup of tea or check your temperature. Not that you needed to. You could tell you had a fever and that it was a high one. The only thing you could really do was curl up in the fetal position under every blanket you owned and send a semi-coherent text to Elanor letting her know you were sick today.
Eventually you would have to get food or use the bathroom, but eating was the last thing in your mind right now and you weren’t sure you could leave the bed without collapsing into a puddle of sick goo. Everything hurt and you couldn’t even get the energy to pick up your phone and ask for help.
It could have been minutes or hours after you sent the texts to Elanor when you were woken from your hazy half sleep by a noise coming from the kitchen. It sounded like… the tea kettle? Sleep tugged at you like waves on the shore but inbetween dozing you thought you could make out the sounds of dishes being rattled and stuff being moved. Well. If someone had broken in, that was that. Maybe they’d put you out of your misery. Another wave of sleep washed over you and you forgot about the noises coming from just a room over until your bedroom door opened and someone stepped in.
You blinked.
“Har…uko..?” You must still be asleep.
“Y/n! Y-you’re up! It’s- it’s me! Ren. From the library!”
“Ren? Ugh cough what are you doing here?” You tried to sit up but fell back into the bed. You heard Ren set something down before you felt him next to you, gently propping you up with pillows.
“You texted me. Don’t you remember? T-the door was unlocked s-so I thought it would be ok to come in! I-I can leave if you want me to! But here, I made you some tea! And soup!”
“I- I did?” Your vision is swimming a little and your head hurts so much it’s hard to think. You start to say something but a coughing fit stops you and before you know it, you’ve got a cold washcloth on your neck, a cup of tea in your hands and an open bag of cough drops next to you.
“May I take your temperature, Angel?” Ren asks and you find yourself nodding, taking a sip of the tea which happens to be your favorite with just the right amount of honey added to it.
Ren’s hand gently smooths your sweat coated forehead and he takes the cup of tea from you before putting a thermometer in your mouth.
You start to doze off and the beep of the thermometer wakes you up to see Ren’s concerned face startlingly close to your own.
You stare at each other until your eyelids feel heavy again and Ren pockets the thermometer he was still holding.
“…fever is really high…” Ren is talking to you, you think, but it’s hard to focus. His hands are on you and he gently repositions you so that you’re laying down again. You feel the washcloth on your neck being taken away and you groan slightly. It was cold and it felt good, why was he taking it away??
Instead of a response, you feel the feather light touch of lips on your forehead and a hand stroking you hair. Or maybe you’re imagining it. Maybe Ren isn’t here and you’re having a fever induced hallucination of the cute guy from the library.
“Eep!” A colder, fresh washcloth was placed on your neck and you made a very undignified sound.
“You’re so cute, Angel.” Ren chuckled, and you felt him climb into bed next to you, holding you gently. Something tugged at the back of your mind, that maybe a virtual stranger shouldn’t be in your bed, holding you like this, but he was warm and it felt so nice to be held, that you ignored it. For the first time since you had woken up, you felt comfortable.
When you finally woke up, you felt a lot better. You vaguely remembered that Ren had come over to take care of you, and a hazy memory of tea and cough drops drifted by just as you noticed the arm around your waist. Ren was still in bed with you. Ren was still in the bed with you.
“Um. Ren?” Tentatively you gently tried to move his arm, but instead, his grip tightened and pulled you onto your side so you were facing him. You held your breath and saw his eyelids flutter open as awareness flashed into his bright eyes.
“A-Angel!” He breathed, still holding you. He scrambled backward maybe a moment later than was comfortable. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep! You were just so cute I couldn’t help myself…” He murmured the last part to himself.
“What? N-nothing! I was just staying with you to make sure you were ok. D-do you want some soup now?”
“Oh.” You suddenly became very aware that you hadn’t eaten all day. “Yeah, soup would be great actually, thank you.”
“O-ok I’ll go get you some!” He leapt off the bed, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
I should check my phone. No new messages, but you saw that a conversation with Ren had been started. By you. Huh. You didn’t remember that, but he had said you’d texted.
Y/N: Hey, I’m really sorry to bother you but I’m super sick and could use some help.
Ren: I’ll be right over!
Y/N: Thank you so much! The door is unlocked so just come in :) I’ll send the address to you ^^
You didn’t remember any of that but you had been really out of it, and here the conversation was, right on your phone. You saw that you’d also sent a message to Elanor about missing work. That one you remembered. Though it was… less coherent then you had intended.
“Chicken noodle soup!” Ren came into the room with a bowl of soup. It looked suspiciously like he had microwaved one of those plastic travel soups and dumped it into a bowl. There was even still a piece of red plastic in it which he hastily pulled out.
“Oh! Thank you!” Ren set the soup down and you politely took a spoonful. Somehow it tasted slightly burnt.
“Well, I’m feeling a lot better now. Thank you so much for coming over, Ren. It really helped a lot. I thought I was dying this morning haha.”
“Of course, Angel! I would never let anything happen to you. In fact, I should probably just stay here to make sure you really are better.”
Earlier that day
Elanor felt her phone go off in her purse, and after several minutes of searching for it, (did she leave it at home? No, it had gone off so it was here) she fished it out of her purse. A text from y/n! They were a few minutes late today. Maybe this would be an explanation and an ETA for when they were getting to work!
Y/N: Suck toasty
Another text popped up.
Y/N: Sirru /(
Elanor reread the texts several times before giving up and putting her phone away. She’d just ask you tomorrow…
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
Honey-Sweet and Heavy
3zun extra for Tales From Jianghu Shopping Center - some of y'all were interested in how Meng Yao / 3zun fits into this universe and now, months after I answered the ask about it (I just scrolled to check, it was mid-July holy shit) I'm answering that question with fic! And I'm definitely not procrastinating my schoolwork, nope nope nope!
[Masterpost] [AO3]
As is unfortunately common for Meng Yao’s Wednesday nights, the first thought he has at roughly 8:47pm is hands, hands, hands in a sort of… mildly obsessive loop that only ends when he forces himself to tip his head back enough to instead see (and think) shoulders, shoulders, shoulders . It feels like he has to tip his head back as far as it can go before he finally sees the guy’s face, but unfortunately he’s handsome enough that that’s not much better than drooling over his stupid massive hands, or his even more idiotically broad shoulders.
“Hey,” Gym Guy says, friendly enough around the way he can’t seem to ever talk like he’s isn’t two seconds away from getting pissed off.
“Hey. The usual?” Two loads for the wash. Pre-soak, hot wash, hot rinse, extra rinse on cold, spin dry. One load for the dryer, 80 minutes, extra-dry. No soap needed, he brings his own. Dryer sheets, yes, he never remembers to snag them from his house on his way out.
Meng Yao has the change – in quarters, of course – for his $10 bill (minus a buck) and a couple of dryer sheets ready to slide across the counter before Gym Guy even pulls out his wallet.
“4 and 5 are free if you want, and you can throw it all in dryer 1 when they’re done washing. The others aren’t running as hot as they should, you’ll probably end up with some stuff still damp otherwise.”
As usual, Gym Guy thanks him with a gruff little nod (that Meng Yao tends to ride the high of for the rest of his shift) before he turns and hauls two enormous canvas bags of laundry through the dingy laundromat like they don’t weigh anything at all. Meng Yao watches him and wonders if the guy could bench press him. He definitely looks like he could, anyway.
Meng Yao allows himself roughly four minutes to watch Gym Guy as he bends over and loads armfuls of towels and a few random odds and ends of clothing into the two industrial-sized washing machines conveniently located straight ahead from the counter behind which he’s perched. Any longer than four minutes and he knows the likelihood of him being able to look away (preferably without getting caught) decreases dramatically, so he never allows himself to look longer.
When his four minutes (and extra forty-seven seconds, he’s had a hard day okay?) are up, Meng Yao regretfully looks away from the shift of Gym Guy’s muscles through his gray t-shirt advertising his gym and goes back to the busy work he’d assigned himself for the night, expressly for the purpose of distracting him from Gym Guy. Not that he doesn’t typically end up doing way more than his job description entails, of course, but Gym Guy is distracting enough that Meng Yao has to actually assign himself something in order to avoid making a fool out of himself.
He settles in to go back to his project with a little creak of the wood-and-vinyl stool underneath him, the clanking of quarters dropping into the metal collection boxes followed by the hum and slosh of first one machine and then the other helping to soothe some of the adrenaline-spiked energy humming under his skin.
So long as Gym Guy stays on the other side of the (admittedly very small) space and minds his own business, Meng Yao can usually tune him out about halfway through the wash cycle, if his task is engrossing enough. This late on a Wednesday night they’re usually the only ones in the laundromat, though every other week one of the nurses from the hospital in town comes in off her back-to-back graveyard shifts to run all of her scrubs through the same sort of sanitizing wash Gym Guy uses for his stuff. She’s cute, Meng Yao has noticed, and she’s always nice, if a little tired around the edges. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t noticed that Gym Guy never bothers flirting with her even when she’d shown tentative interest in him at first.
He’s having a harder time ignoring Gym Guy’s presence tonight, but that’s got more to do with being unable to concentrate as well as he usually can than anything else. Gym Guy is sitting where he always does in one of the too-small plastic chairs by the front windows pretending to pay attention to QVC playing on the small TV up in the corner, perfectly within the usual respectful distance he always keeps. Meng Yao’s just tired tonight, having interrupted his own sleep schedule, such as it is, to finally go and visit his father just on the other side of town earlier this afternoon before the start of his shift. The twinge in his ribs and his hip remind him that he should have probably decided to do it on one of his few days off, but then again he hadn’t exactly expected his father to have him thrown down the front steps without even letting him in the door of his house, either.
At least, he muses in relief, he hadn’t tried to go see him down at Golden Carp. Of course he knows now that his father probably wouldn’t have made such a spectacle out of him if he’d had so many witnesses around that aren’t his immediate family, but then again…a man willing to kick his own son down the stairs where anyone out walking their dog might have seen probably wouldn’t care who sees it anyway. (He supposes that if he had gone to Golden Carp at least there wouldn’t have been any stairs to send him toppling down, but hindsight’s 20/20 and all that.)
It’s just past 9 when the jangling of the phone ringing at the other end of the counter shakes Meng Yao out of his less-than-pleasant contemplation on his sorry lot in life. He winces as he stands from the stool to pick it up, the quiet clatter of the plastic handset against the base barely audible over the sloshing and chugging of Gym Guy’s wash cycles.
“Fitz’s 24-hour Coin-op Laundry,” Meng Yao answers through a hitching breath as his ribs – most likely fractured, he thinks – resettle. “How can I help you?”
Meng Yao has less than a second to brace himself and jerk the receiver away from his face for the sake of his poor eardrum before the owner of the laundromat starts shouting loudly enough at him that he senses Gym Guy’s attention shifting from the TV to him. Great.
He lets the tirade go on for as long as he can stand before he attempts to cut in and maybe, if he’s lucky, defuse the bomb that is his boss’s notorious temper. This time of night he’s probably at least a full 12-pack into his usual 24-pack night, though, so Meng Yao’s hopes aren’t high.
“Mr Jameson - Mr - I didn’t - Mr Jameson I promise it won’t happen again -”
Meng Yao sighs well away from the receiver and turns his back to the rest of the laundromat, the cord stretching across his chest with the movement. He tangles his fingers between a few of the tight curls in it and clutches hard enough that his knuckles ache ever so slightly.
Finally, there’s a long enough break in the vitriol for Meng Yao to hurry and attempt to explain, “Mr Jameson. As I said this afternoon, I apologize for being late. I understand that it created difficulties for Anne, it was not my intention to make her late to pick up her children from daycare. I had a..a family emergency that required medical attention, it won’t be happening aga-“
Meng Yao gives in and hides his eyes behind his free hand as his boss gains a second wind and resumes shouting, something about how that’s no excuse, that unless he’d broken bones himself there was no reason not to be on time (as if on cue, his ribs and hip protest the fact that he’s currently upright and standing on a hard tile-and-concrete floor). Meng Yao attempts several more times to cut in to apologize further, but in the end it’s useless.
He sets the phone down carefully on the countertop and takes two shallow, grounding breaths before turning back to the room at large. It is, mercifully, still only occupied by Gym Guy. 
Unfortunately, Gym Guy is looking right at him – glaring, actually – and Meng Yao ducks his head quickly rather than face that head-on. As quietly as he can he drags his stool and his filing project closer to the phone and settles down again, lips pressed tightly together around the possibility of a pained noise escaping his control. Meng Yao keeps an ear out for convenient places to demur a quiet, “Yes, Mr Jameson,” in between all the slights to his character and his (impeccable, unnecessarily driven, unusual) disappointing work ethic, but for the most part he turns his attention back to his project for something of a distraction.
Eventually, Mr Jameson’s tirade peters out enough for Meng Yao to lift the phone to his ear again and actually get a few words in edgewise. “I’m sorry for my…unsatisfactory behavior, Mr Jameson,” he lies through his teeth, “But please rest assured that I will not allow this to happen again. If you’ll excuse me, I have customers to attend to.”
Meng Yao returns the phone to its cradle before Mr Jameson can rally enough to start again and he closes his eyes in relief, hand still resting on the receiver as he exhales, long and slow just like Meng Shi taught him.
“That happen a lot?” Gym Guy’s voice is a low rumble under the sloshing of the washing machines and a too-chipper bottle blonde on the TV espousing the many benefits of a Casio label printer (“Look how easy it could be to label all your folders in just a couple easy steps!” If he had 90 bucks he’d buy the thing in a heartbeat).
“Me being late or Mr Jameson yelling?”
“The yelling. You don’t seem the type to run late.”
“The yelling, pretty regularly, yes, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. As for running late – I don’t. Ever . Today I just…”
“Family emergency.” Gym Guy nods like he gets it, like he knows exactly what happened despite Meng Yao not breathing a word of it to anyone at all. “No explanation needed as far as I’m concerned, especially if it’s not something you make a habit out of.”
Meng Yao blinks and tries to think of something clever to say, but between such a long stressful day and Gym Guy’s close proximity outside of their typical routine when he first arrives and Meng Yao can be prepared for it, Meng Yao’s thoughts are feeling a little too scrambled to be very clever at the moment.
“Right. Yeah. Thanks..?” Meng Yao trails off a little with a bit of a leading tone in his voice, and finally - after a frankly embarrassingly long time - Gym Guy seems to realize that they don’t actually know each other. He hurries to stick out one of his stupid enormous hands that Meng Yao has his little weekly crises over, and Meng Yao can’t be sure but it looks like his cheeks might be just a touch pink in the unflattering glow of the halogen lights overhead.
“Nie Mingjue.”
Meng Yao slips his hand into Nie Mingjue’s and absolutely does not have a second, slightly smaller crisis over how small his own palm is in comparison. That’s just the same crisis in a different flavor, it barely counts.
“Well thank you, Nie Mingjue.”
Gym Guy – Nie Mingjue, he mentally corrects himself, though he’s pretty sure he’ll always be ‘Gym Guy’ in his head – goes back to his seat by the TV set, Meng Yao returns to his filing, and just like that their usual weekly pattern resumes.
Right up until Nie Mingjue leaves a business card behind on his way out, with what seems to be a pager number scribbled on the back with the same shitty blue ballpoint pen Glenda down the street uses for her crosswords every Sunday evening.
“Let me get this straight,” Lan Xichen begins, poorly concealing a laugh behind his indulgent smile, and Nie Mingjue grumbles at him as he focuses on flipping a massive pancake with an expert flick of his wrist.
“Must you?”
“Well yes, darling, because it’s a bit unclear. You went to do the gym laundry on Wednesday evening like usual, yes?”
“Yes,” Nie Mingjue agrees begrudgingly, with the feeling that he’s walking into a trap.
“And the same young man who always mans the counter was there, but he seemed like he wasn’t feeling well?”
“No, he looked like he was injured . He wasn’t moving right.” Nie Mingjue ignores the amused little hum Lan Xichen offers in response to that. (It’s not weird to know how someone moves! It’s his job to make sure he keeps an eye on how people are moving, to make sure that he can prevent injuries before they happen or else prevent existing injuries from worsening. It’s normal!)
“So he was injured, but you didn’t ask about it because it would be rude and possibly a little…alarming to tell him that you’ve noticed him moving differently than usual. That much I understand. And then he got a phone call?”
Nie Mingjue grunts an assent before he elaborates. “Sounded like it was Mark Jameson. Fucking hate that guy.” The pancake takes the brunt of his irritation as he flips it perhaps too aggressively onto the plate waiting next to the griddle. He places a few sliced strawberries beside it much less aggressively and turns to set the plate in front of his boyfriend where he’s perched at the bar counter, and the kiss to his cheek Lan Xichen gives him soothes him only a little.
“And this would be the Mark Jameson who makes a nuisance of himself at every City Commerce Board meeting, and is generally belligerent to anyone and everyone no matter the circumstances?”
“That’s the one.”
“I see. So Mark Jameson, the belligerent drunk who owns the laundromat whom you hate, called to yell at this very polite and wonderful young man whom you quite like – who always knows precisely what you want without you having to say it anymore after having only told him once before, nearly a year ago. And Mr Jameson berated him for upwards of 20 minutes within your hearing?”
Nie Mingjue glares daggers at the new circle of batter bubbling sluggishly on the only functional hot spot on the griddle, mildly pissed that it isn’t ready to flip yet so he can’t vent his anger that way again so soon.
“Yes. And then like I already said , Meng Yao told me that Jameson yells at him all the time despite the fact that every time I see him he’s doing exactly what it seems like he should be – and more! He’s always doing something to keep himself busy, not just reading a magazine or watching the TV to pass the time, even when it’s just the two of us in there and I clearly don’t need anything.”
“And so you offered him a job instead…to get him away from Mr Jameson?”
Nie Mingjue huffs and feels his neck heat up because, well…Lan Xichen does have a point in not being able to follow the thread from there. Because no, Nie Mingjue hadn’t.. quite ..offered him a job.
“I left my card,” he mutters and flips the pancake even though it’s still too early. Almost half of it sticks to the griddle he’d forgotten to grease between pancakes, but since he’ll be eating this one he doesn’t bother caring. “With my number on it.”
“The landline at the gym?”
“...My beeper.”
There’s a beat of silence save for the quiet sizzle of his pancake, and then Lan Xichen bursts into delighted giggles so infectious that Nie Mingjue can’t even be upset with him. It is fairly ridiculous after all, especially since he hadn’t even given Meng Yao the card directly but had instead just left it on the seat he always uses, the one with the best view of the TV up in the corner as well as the farthest from the counter to avoid possibly making Meng Yao uncomfortable when they’re alone late into the evenings.
He flips his pancake onto the second waiting plate and lets Lan Xichen douse it in syrup and whipped cream for him – their shared tendency to eat healthily is nowhere to be seen when they eat breakfast together at the Nie house (and need the extra calories anyway) – and thankfully then Lan Xichen is too busy kissing whipped cream and sugared strawberry juice from his lips to bother him anymore about his awkward attempts at getting Meng Yao out of what’s clearly a tough spot.
But then, come Monday morning, he discovers that for some reason it actually worked .
“Nie Mingjue,” Meng Yao greets him when Nie Mingjue shows up at 6:30am on the dot to start getting the gym ready to open at 7. He’s standing in front of the doors, hands clasped tightly together in front of him, anxiety written into every line of his body as Nie Mingjue approaches.
“Meng Yao.”
They stare at each other for a moment in the clammy early June humidity already clinging to the small of Nie Mingjue’s back before Meng Yao sucks in a sharp breath and sticks a hand out between them, Nie Mingjue’s business card pinched neatly between his first two fingers.
“Nie Mingjue, I’m flattered and everything but-”
“Come work for me.”
Nie Mingjue blinks as the half-finished rejection registers, and Meng Yao blinks up at him looking both similarly startled and just as uncertain how to proceed.
“Excuse me?” Meng Yao finally manages with his usual smile pinched into place. Nie Mingjue clears his throat and comforts himself with the fact that the Unclean Realm is the earliest business in the strip mall to open, so no one in this gossiping little micro-community he has to see on a daily basis is present to witness him already blundering his way through something that should be so simple.
“I can tell you work hard, and your memory seems pretty fucking good. Jameson’s an asshole who can’t see a good thing when he’s staring one right in the face, let alone appreciate what he’s got, so..if you’re interested…”
“A job,” Meng Yao repeats in a way that should probably be a question. Nie Mingjue nods just in case it was meant to be one even though it didn’t quite sound like it. “Here. Doing what, exactly?”
Nie Mingjue shrugs a bit and crosses his arms over his chest, though he drops them again instantly (Lan Xichen has told him it makes him look intimidating, and the last thing he wants to do is scare Meng Yao off). “Front of house? I run a few courses throughout the week, but it’s hard to find time to do all the administrative parts of it when I’m also running the classes and doing personal training sessions in between them. Members can pay their dues any day throughout the month, which can get tough to keep track of amongst everything else. I’ve got electricity bills and rent to pay, documents from the last…oh, ten years or so? that should really be filed properly…”
Nie Mingjue trails off into amused silence at the downright dreamy look that’s crept over Meng Yao’s expression. It takes a few long seconds – in which a single rustbucket car passes by on the main road off to the left already blaring something loud and grungy despite the hour – before Meng Yao seems to give himself a little shake and the dreamy expression is gone, replaced by his usual polite smile.
“I was under the impression that your brother assists you?” Meng Yao asks, and Nie Mingjue is once again impressed with his ability to recall even the most insignificant details he’d probably mentioned in passing months or more ago.
“Stick around and try it out for a week and you’ll understand exactly why I need you instead.”
That dreamy look slips back in for a fraction of a second before it’s gone again so quickly Nie Mingjue wonders if he imagined it. Between one second and the next, though, Meng Yao is once again holding out his hand, although this time there’s nothing caught between his fingers. Cautiously, mildly afraid of spooking him, Nie Mingjue reaches across the distance between them to shake Meng Yao’s hand a couple times.
“When should I start?” Meng Yao asks. Nie Mingjue can’t do anything at all to stop the smug smirk that twitches at the corner of his lips at the thought of telling Lan Xichen he didn’t actually fuck this up at all.
“Soon as you want? I don’t think Mark Jameson is the kind of bastard who deserves a two-week notice and it’s not like I’ll be calling him for a reference anyway, but I’ll leave that up to you.”
“I’d like to not burn bridges if I don’t have to, so I’ll at least work out a week’s notice, if that’s alright?” Meng Yao hedges, nervous around the edges. “And I’m assuming this isn’t another night shift gig-”
Nie Mingjue winces just a little and shakes his head, abruptly remembering that while his day’s just beginning, at this time of morning Meng Yao must be practically ready to pass out after a full shift through the night at the laundromat.
“Days, yeah. You don’t have to come in as early as I do if you don’t want to, though.”
Meng Yao hums without comment, but Nie Mingue thinks he can safely assume, even from the little that he knows about the other man, that he’ll be there every morning at 6:30, on the dot, just like him.
“And next week works just fine,” Nie Mingjue adds to be on the safe side. Meng Yao’s shoulders relax a little more and Nie Mingjue finds himself feeling a little smug about that too. It’s a nice feeling to know he can actually make someone feel relaxed (besides Lan Xichen, everyone else tends to get a bit…wary when he’s around. Even [or maybe especially] his own brother).
“Will you need an extra day or two after to get your sleep schedule switched around?”
“I can fix it quickly. I’ll be in a week from today.”
Meng Yao leaves just like that with a sweet smile up at him in parting, seeming…lighter than he has every other time their paths have crossed. Nie Mingjue watches him go with something like satisfaction tugging at the corner of a little smile of his own.
Lan Xichen’s poorly-concealed surprise (and his fond amusement) when Nie Mingjue tells him the news is only surpassed by the betrayed glare Nie Huaisang gives him when he tells his brother he’s being replaced (but that it does not give him an excuse to stop showing up at the gym entirely!).
It somehow always manages to catch Lan Xichen by surprise that the hottest days of summer are so late in the year. When June sweeps in on thunderheads and blistering winds after the cool rains of May it seems like that must be the hottest the days will become, sticky and threatening with rumbles off in the distance, felt more than heard. Or when July burns hot enough to turn the sky white and the asphalt cracks apart between puddles of shimmering heat, and the kids from the apartments down the street all dare each other to see if they can really fry an egg on the blacktop before Madam Yu or Lan Qiren chases them off with a round of scolding – surely those days are the peak of summer?
But then August comes, with its golden days that melt into molasses evenings, the sun rising in a flurry of hot winds and lingering high overhead for long hours, refusing to set properly until well after the fireflies have settled back into the rustling yellowed grass for the night and the trees are holding their breath, waiting for the brief respite of a hot sticky night before the sun burns overhead again.
Lan Xichen stands at the front windows of Cloud Recesses and looks across the foreboding expanse of the parking lot – that reminds him of nothing today so much as the griddle Nie Mingjue makes them pancakes on every Sunday morning – towards the squat bulk of the Unclean Realm Fitness Center with a sort of restless itching under his skin that he doesn’t think he can blame on the thin layer of sweat-salt dusting his back and arms.
“I’d like to have dinner at Lotus Pier tonight,” he tells Lan Qiren when his Uncle finishes locking up the safe in the back for the night. “I heard from Wangji that they made a big batch of liang mian for lunch and offered the leftovers to anyone who wants them for dinner tonight.”
Lan Qiren just nods and glares out at the heat mirages winking in the cups and dips of the parking lot that’s badly in need of re-tarring it’ll probably never see. “I’ll make some tonight with cucumber and sesame for you and Wangji to eat tomorrow, you shouldn’t eat anything hot with the weather like this.”
“Thank you, Uncle, that would be appreciated.”
“Hmph. Be home by midnight.”
“Yes Uncle,” Lan Xichen agrees easily. Perhaps most would think he should chafe at being in his 20’s and still beholden to a curfew, but anyone who would think such things wouldn’t have had Lan Qiren for a guardian as a teenager and known how short the leash could be. (Besides, he knows his Uncle can’t sleep until he and Wangji are both home safe, and the curfew is more out of courtesy to him and his sleep schedule than it is any desire to control Lan Xichen’s freedom too much.)
Lan Qiren offers another nod and allows Lan Xichen to open the door for him, heat billowing into the cold vacuum of the shop and heating Lan Xichen’s face. They live close enough to the Jianghu Center to walk to and from work, and so Lan Xichen lingers there at the windows until he sees Lan Qiren disappear across the street and around the corner, headed for their tree-dense neighborhood, and only then does he turn his attention back to the windowed front of the Unclean Realm – where he spots Meng Yao’s teasing glance through the door over the sign he deftly flips over to ‘Closed’ with a smile.
Lan Xichen does not, as a general rule, scramble . Lan Qiren raised him and Lan Wangji to carry themselves with dignity. They even both took ballet lessons as children to help with such important things as grace, and balance, and giving Lan Qiren free time three evenings a week to gossip with the aunties who run the Asian market down the street.
He does, however, hurry (gracefully) to finish locking up the shop and head across the parking lot to that beckoning gaze, the lingering heat of the day settling under his skin like the pleased flush already darkening his ears.
“Hello A-Yao,” he greets as warmly as the air outside as he shuts and locks the door to the gym behind himself.
“Hi Er-ge. You’re so…prompt,” Meng Yao teases him with a smile and a pointed tap of a sheaf of papers on his desk to align them. Lan Xichen can’t even remotely deny it, so instead he shrugs (gracefully) and offers up an unapologetic smile.
“Where’s A-Sang?”
“Jiang Cheng took him out for dinner and then they’re going to the arcade, I believe.”
“Didi’s been running his mouth off for weeks about getting the highest score in Dragon’s Lair, so Jiang Cheng told him he has to either do it again to prove it or else shut the fuck up,” Nie Mingjue calls through the open door to his office behind the front desk. “And we’re all very grateful.”
“I see,” Lan Xichen laughs with a lift of his chin and Meng Yao dimples up at him so sweetly that Lan Xichen doesn’t resist the urge to lean over the vinyl counter displaying the gym’s name and logo to press a shy kiss to his cheek. This… thing that the three of them are apparently doing for real – for the long haul – is still new enough that it sets his stomach fluttering each time he remembers he’s allowed to show such little affections, and judging by the way Meng Yao blushes he’s similarly shy but equally as pleased to be doted on.
He leaves Meng Yao tidying up his workspace for the evening and continues on into Nie Mingjue’s office to give his other boyfriend a kiss to his cheek as well, one that’s more comfortable, like coming home at the end of a long day, but no less thrilling for the mundanity of it.
“Hi,” Nie Mingjue greets, happy and soft around the edges, so Lan Xichen kisses him again on his forehead and lingers long enough to taste the salt on his skin. Their air conditioner has long since been fixed, of course, but Meng Yao’s administrative skills (and eagerness to help with any other tasks that need doing) means that Nie Mingjue is now able to teach classes all day long, and no amount of AC in the world can completely combat the sort of rigorous workout Nie Mingjue now gets on a daily basis.
“Hello darling. Will I go get things set up out back?”
“Yeah sure, but there’s not much to do. The chairs are still set up from last time, just need the noodles from next door. A-Yao’s already got the Igloo under the desk stocked up, I’ll take it out when we’re done in here.”
Lan Xichen, pleased to have a task that’ll help keep him from distracting either of his boyfriends as they finish up for the day, heads over to Lotus Pier to snag the noodles Jiang Yanli had at some point this afternoon portioned out nicely for everyone in the shopping center in a small army of takeout containers topped with paper-wrapped chopsticks, and he makes sure to thank her as he snags the containers labeled for his family, the Nie brothers, and Meng Yao. She gives him a wave and a sweet smile from over the sizzling wok she’s dutifully manning despite the heat of the day, but in the interest of not distracting her during the start of the dinner rush he doesn’t linger for a chat like he otherwise might. As he crosses back over to the gym he’s pleased to hear the rattling and creaking of the deck chairs Nie Mingjue now keeps stashed outside the utility door for evenings just like this.
Lan Xichen rounds the corner of the building and smiles to see Nie Mingjue just getting settled into his preferred seat, a lounger that someone (probably the Jiang brothers during an ill-advised nighttime spree with Nie Huaisang) stole from the local pool. Wherever it came from, it now serves as a perfect place for Nie Mingjue to stretch out his tired muscles and soak up the honey heat of the evening to relax. Lan Xichen lingers just out of sight to watch Meng Yao smile at him as he perches in his lap to pass him a beer, the brown glass bottle already covered in citrine crystals, droplets of condensation reflecting the same sun that limns them both in late-summer gold.
“Ah, our beloved hero returns,” Meng Yao says happily when he spots him. “And with enough noodles to feed an entire army, Da-ge!”
“They’re not all for us, but I figured it’s no use bothering them twice during the dinner rush to fetch everyone else’s,” Lan Xichen answers magnanimously with a little slap to Nie Mingjue’s grasping hand reaching for the container marked ‘Teacher Lan’. He doles out the proper containers quickly, sets the rest safely out of reach of Nie Mingjue pinned under Meng Yao, and settles into his creaking chair with a happy sigh, more than content to enjoy their presence as they eat together in companionable silence.
Unsurprisingly, Nie Mingjue finishes his portion first. Lan Xichen watches in amused silence as he sets his container aside, drains his beer in a few long pulls with swallows that make his pronounced adam’s apple bob, and then sets that aside as well to leave his hands free to start feeling up Meng Yao almost lazily. Lan Xichen settles in with one leg crossed primly over the other, elbows on the hard metal arms of his pool chair, and smirks around his next bite to see Meng Yao pout and swat half-heartedly at Nie Mingjue’s shamelessly roaming hands.
“I’m eating , Da-ge,” he scolds, his wrist in front of his lips to attempt to stay polite while talking with his mouth full, and Nie Mingjue’s happy chuckling settles something deep in Lan Xichen’s chest. He’d worried when they’d started this that he would grow jealous after spending so long pursuing his best friend and having really only just caught him for keeps, but so far he’s only been happy that there’s one more person in Nie Mingjue’s life who can make him laugh and feel as adored as he deserves (and who laughs and allows them to adore him in return, as well). 
“I’m not stopping you from eating, A-Yao, and this is your fault for flirting with me all day when I couldn’t do anything about it anyway.”
“I was not flirting , I was picking up after your class of heathens left their pads and foam blocks all over the floor!”
“And how did you know which incident I was talking about specifically if you weren’t sticking your ass out on purpose to rile me up, huh?”
Lan Xichen laughs out loud then and leans forward, stands up just enough to duck in and press a conciliatory kiss to Meng Yao’s cheek while he grumbles half-heartedly and stabs his chopsticks into his noodles with more viciousness than they deserve.
Nie Mingjue doesn’t stop his wandering hands but Meng Yao doesn’t protest again, he simply finishes his dinner quickly and sets his container aside to turn and lounge back against Nie Mingjue’s broad chest properly with every visible effort to get comfortable, sinking into him and cracking open a water bottle to sip on carefully as dusk falls soft and purple-blue around them.
“Xichen, c’mere,” Nie Mingjue eventually mumbles when he finishes his own portion. There’s no question anymore about how they’ll all fit together – Meng Yao parts his legs enough to give him room to straddle Nie Mingjue’s thighs just above his knees, and then Meng Yao brings his legs back in to drape them over Lan Xichen’s thighs in turn, the three of them tangling together easily to the tune of the complaining creaks from sun-bleached vinyl straps and the metal frame of the chair. 
Lan Xichen ignores the furniture’s protest in favor of leaning in to kiss his partners indiscriminately, lips catching on and skating across sun- and blush-warmed skin. Meng Yao’s delicate ear. The tip of Nie Mingjue’s nose. Nie Mingjue’s lips first, then Meng Yao’s when he turns his head to seek him out for his turn.
He and Nie Mingjue have fit together seamlessly since the day they both realized they want to, but there’s something special about having Meng Yao between them like this, soft and warm and trusting in the hazy dark. The streetlamps out in the parking lot and down by the road click on with their low electrical fizzing buzz, but here behind the gym, among the plumbing pipes and their new hulking AC units now silent for the night to save electricity, there’s none of that harsh orange glow. There’s only the three of them in the slowly-oozing night, comfortable in their shadows and the sticky August gloaming, too hot to be so close but unwilling to part for long enough to let the breeze cool them into getting comfortable again.
Nie Mingjue’s hands skate up and down Lan Xichen’s back, his sides. Meng Yao’s hands tangle in his hair, cup the back of his neck. Lan Xichen kisses them both with lazy appreciation, his entire world narrowed down to the two men underneath him that he hopes know how much he loves them, even though Meng Yao is such a recent (but vital) addition to their relationship.
True night falls as they make out and they pay it no mind tangled up together, trading kisses and quiet laughter and anecdotes about their days all with the same ease in their first perfect August together.
“It’s alright, A-Cheng, I promise,” Nie Huaisang wheedles as he unlocks the door to the gym and drags his newly-minted boyfriend (!) into the dark, absolute except for the squares of dull orange cutting through the gloom from the streetlamps out in the parking lot. He drags Jiang Cheng quickly, eagerly away from the front windows and further into the darkened building, more than confident in his ability to wend his way through the obstacles of machines and equipment without injury.
“You’re sure your brother isn’t here?” Jiang Cheng asks, dubious, and Nie Huaisang wishes the lights were on so his boyfriend (!!) could see him pouting at him over his shoulder for his lack of trust.
“I told you, he always goes straight home after he locks up! He’s always talking about responsibility and duty and ‘eating a hearty dinner’ and ‘getting enough rest’. So boring! But good for us now, I suppose, so maybe I can forgive him.”
“How kind of you,” Jiang Cheng says dryly enough Nie Huaisang doesn’t have to be able to see him to know he’s rolling his eyes at him.
“I know! I’m the best didi, aren’t I?”
“You’re something alright,” Jiang Cheng mutters under his breath, but he squeezes Nie Huaisang’s hand tightly and then brings it up to his lips to kiss his knuckles, which is just so unbelievably sweet that Nie Huaisang can forgive him his sass. (As if it isn’t part of what he likes so much about Jiang Cheng anyway.)
“Come on, we’ll just grab some soda and head out back, okay? No one’ll look for us out there, even if Da-ge does happen to come back out here for some reason tonight.”
“Sure,” Jiang Cheng shrugs easily, so trusting. Nie Huaisang squeezes his hand back and guides him through the gym, steals a few cans of Coke from the fridge under the front desk by feel, and manages to sneak a kiss when he straightens back up. He tows Jiang Cheng through the gym while his boyfriend (!!!) recovers from such a devastating surprise attack, and Nie Huaisang is so busy being pleased with himself that he wouldn’t have even stopped at the back door had Jiang Cheng not tugged on his hand and hissed a frantic, “ Wait, stop, A-Sang! ”
“What’s wrong?” he asks, bewildered, and then his eyes make sense of what he can see through the glass-paneled back door and he barely manages to stifle his yelp in the back of Jiang Cheng’s hand still laced with his own.
The space behind the gym is as dark as he’d expected it to be – he’d brought Jiang Cheng here for a reason after all – so the tangled mess of limbs and disheveled clothing looks a bit like some sort of eldritch Lovecraftian monster before it crystalizes into the distinct forms of his brother making out with not one but two men, who he quickly identifies as Meng Yao by his gray Unclean Realm t-shirt and Lan Xichen by his white Cloud Recesses polo practically glowing in the dark.
“Whoa,” Jiang Cheng breathes from over his shoulder, and Nie Huaisang finds he suddenly understands how Nie Mingjue feels every time he’s confronted with Nie Huaisang’s interest in erotica. There is nothing chaste about the way Nie Mingjue has his hands hiked up under Lan Xichen’s shirt or the way Meng Yao is rolling his hips in between the two of them, and Nie Huaisang feels like his face is on fire.
“Oh my god. Oh no,” he breathes, despairing. “A-Cheng…I think my brother fucks .”
Jiang Cheng snorts at that and releases his hand to swat his ass lightly. “Clearly. So…what now? Your place is clearly unoccupied considering what we’re looking at.”
Nie Huaisang swallows and tears his gaze away from the spectacle he wishes he’d never seen and momentarily tables his fantasy of burning the deck chairs Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian had stolen for him when he’d complained about having nowhere to sit outside to hang out with them.
“A-Cheng,” he whines, pleading. “This is a crisis !”
“A-Sang, you’re the horniest person I’ve ever met,” Jiang Cheng snorts, and now that Nie Huaisang has turned to look at him he can see just how hard his boyfriend (!!!!) is trying not to laugh at his torment. “What’s the big deal? That he fucks more than you?”
“Oh and if you walked in on your parents like that -” he jams his thumb over his shoulder towards the three out back- “You’d be totally cool and ready to do it with me two seconds later?”
Jiang Cheng’s expression twists in distaste and Nie Huaisang knows his point has been thoroughly made, so there’s no need to gloat about it.
“Ugh. Ew. Take me home, A-Cheng, my delicate constitution can’t handle this. I’m in shock. Shock, I tell you. Come take care of me.”
“You’re so weird,” Jiang Cheng mutters but takes his hand again anyway and they hurry to leave the gym – and Nie Mingjue’s shocking sex life – far enough behind them for Nie Huaisang to pretend he never had to witness it in the first place.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
Ommmmg a vday event! I’m so excited to see everything you do! I love all your writing! ❤️
May I pleeease request some smutty Gohan + 💜💘 with something starting as something casual that turns into realizing feelings?
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Gohan | love found skin deep
content: ( established friends with benefits. implied safe sex. obliviously in love gohan. flirting. realizing feelings. kind sorta implied gohan loses his virginity to reader ) warning: ( M / 18+. MINORS DNI. explicit language. )
Your expression is tellin' me that you've been thinkin' the same thing. - "So Anxious"
Your phone appeared to buzz every minute. You could barely put it down long enough to finish up the remaining tasks around your home. Seeing the little nickname pop in your notifications compelled you to check what came through, a light smile reflected in your features for each message. Even without looking at his face you can see the fluster in his replies and hear that clumsy tone, the ability to still bring that out of him continues to make you eager for his arrival. The invitation was long overdue from your usual get-togethers but you can't compete with aliens coming to try to destroy the world or, god forbid, a book signing with a favored entomology professor.
You could argue he was using your home for the better internet service you got here in the city and teased him for it regularly, but it was a mutual exploitation by now and that was the last thing you would hold against him. Just another benefit of being friends. Gohan has been nothing but a kind spirit since you met him back when you were both in high school. He had his awkward moments, but he naturally grew on you and like a lot of high school friends it was lost in the time after. Though, growing up to end up inviting him over to fuck you regularly was definitely the last expectation you had in rekindling your friendship. You just happened to run into him one day while out and just like back then, Gohan naturally grew on you all over again. Every bit as awkward as you remembered, but it was endearing of him to remind you of those good times.
Friendly, platonic gestures turned to curious what-ifs that divulged into the casual attraction you held toward him now.
You continued to make your home cozy, stumbling across things that belonged to him left from previous visits. By now you simply stored them with your own things to prevent them from getting lost as you tidied up. Gohan let himself in when he arrived, announcing his presence as he stumbled through the threshold with his hands full. A couple of books tucked under one hand and his laptop bag and overstuffed duffle bag, draped around his body, secured with the other, looking overprepared for a night you envisioned none of those items being needed. You sense he may try to "cute" his way into staying a little longer for your wifi as usual but that was part of the deal. You met him halfway and helped take a few things off his hands as he immediately started to catch you up since the last time he was here.
The lighter his load became you noticed something different about his figure. The outfit wasn't anything you hadn't seen before but Gohan typically wore clothing that fit loosely around him. Doing his actual physique a great disservice, however you couldn't help but linger on the cling of his layers to the muscles underneath.
You grinned at the slight bit of skin revealed when he pulled the straps of his luggage over his head. "Have you been working out?"
"A little, yeah. Just uh...trying to keep in shape, is all." Gohan sheepishly laughed. Another hint of the exciting part about who he really is you only get in bits and pieces, but the less you knew the safer you felt about the world, and you took comfort knowing Gohan was around to beat back anything looking to disrupt that.
"Oh? Sedentary life starting to get to ya?" You cooed playfully running your hands up his side as he flinched making you laugh, still ticklish with all these formed muscles. But you wanted more than just to flirt and tickle whereas Gohan just seemed more interested in catching up with you as he made himself at home. He was coming off as trying to be a gentleman about your arrangements and not seeming too eager to jump into it but you weren't having it, not when he's been intimate with you for a while now. And not when he's been improving that hot body of his and getting you excited about it!
You took the initiative and decided on a bold move. You waited for Gohan to head to your bedroom to set up his laptop as he went on about a webinar he wanted to participate in, coming back to the living room to find you in your matching bra and panties posed with the condom you fished from his bag between your lips. You caught him like a deer in headlights, stunned silent with bright eyes wide behind his glasses and face filling with color. You were thrilled again that you could still have this effect on a man who can turn your legs to jelly. And capable of so much more if you let him. You motioned him closer with a finger and like an obedient, enchanted thing he moves towards you where you pulled him in further by his shirt.
As you started to lift it off, your eyes lowered to take in the defined sculpt of his waist leading to his prominent abs. You can't imagine what feats of labor help to keep a body like Gohan's in shape but you're grateful for it. You couldn't resist filling your hands with his exposed chest and smoothing his torso over when he took over stripping himself, your gaze consuming all that was revealed of his upper body up to his naked eyes when he removed his glasses as well. Emboldened by your admiring hands, Gohan slips the condom from your lips and you feel the shift in his posture, sparking a smirk between you at what was to come next.
You briefly played with each other, warming up as the remainder of clothing was shed. Widening your legs, you worked yourself onto his cock when the anticipation grew too much and held him by the small of his back to roll your hips into him. Even with being used to handling his size, you had to pace yourself taking all of him in. But that was only the start. Once Gohan fell into your rhythm, he pressed you back against the flat surface and held one of your legs around him to set his own pace. When your luscious gasps filled his ears he answered by snapping his hips into yours until your voice broke free from your throat. A thankful plea for more as you grew closer and closer and wrapped your other leg around him. Gohan leans further on top of you, groaning into the skin of your shoulder at the pulse of your insides around him.
The first wave of your orgasm around his sensitive cock tended to make him cum with you but not this time. Gohan slowed in response, worked you through it with even, long thrusts meeting each flex around him and his tip kissing at the sensitive button inside over and over the deeper his movements could go. Then he drove into you with strong, quicker thrusts, rutting into your body with a focused possession. Your hands frantically grabbed what they could find whether pulling at the surface around you or digging in the taut flesh of his body to brace yourself under the pleasure coursing in your body. His mind filled with the hefty desire to leave your insides hot with his own essences, but under the squeeze of your stimulated nerves only able to fill the condom instead.
He wasn't done just yet and you were prepared to satisfy all of his needs. You secure your legs around Gohan as he lifts you to hold against him. He walks over to his bag and takes out another condom before carrying you to your bedroom to continue your playdate. Here, he could really get into you the way he wanted. Gohan lies you on the bed and uses the weight of his own body to pin you down and push your legs back. He can lock your hands in his own for a while and touch his forehead to yours as you moaned to each other. Then he kisses you, the frail sound of his pleasure meeting yours and he melts into the warmth of your mouth when you involved your tongue. It only seems complete when he has to let go of your hands to not hurt you and rattles your headboard under his grip instead while you desperately pull yourself into his thrusts. Watching you arch and swear in bliss beneath him couldn't compare to his other great appreciations for you.
How you made this seem so easy where he was originally apprehensive of the less traditional approach to sex amazes him every time he's with you, he just doesn't want to come off as being the only reason he shows up for you. Gohan almost wishes he was more enlightened at the start of your friendship so he didn't feel so inexperienced most of the time but your praises through every session keep him convinced to just go with the flow and it'll be alright. And you will be beautiful. Feeling your limbs tangle around him while you melt under each other's heat makes him want to linger in this single existence. The nature of your friendship was uncommon from those he's had before, so warm and comforting until you pull away from each other and then it mimics what he's used to. He feels in his heart he wants to trust you with more without interrupting the delicate balance, but perhaps it was how this was supposed to be between friends who weren't dating.
After getting comfy in your bed, you both just picked up on where you left off in catching up with each other.
"So you were telling me about this girl you like."
"M-Me, like? Did I say that?" Gohan blinked his brights eyes, confused.
"It's implied." You teased playfully.
"No, no she's nice, I mean- she has to be to ask to treat me for ice cream. But I don't think I want to date her or anything like that. I-It's nothing against her of course, anyone would be lucky to date her- I'm just too busy for that." He tried to explain, thoughtfully scratching at his head.
You laugh a little and turned further on your side to face him. "Yeah, yeah. I've heard the story. Just like Erasa and Videl. You really got 'em falling at your feet, Gohan. And you won't be busy forever." You pointed out, Gohan answering with a modest laugh and a shrug. "Fine, have it your way. By the way, that new buffet place up the block is about to open up soon."
"That's great! When are we going?" Gohan cheerfully asks you. You blinked at him, then sit up as you held your blanket against your chest. You assumed he wanted to be nearby when it opened up and since you lived so close he would want to hang around your home.
"Oh, you don't have to wait for me to try it out, Gohan. Hey, maybe you can take that coworker." You encouraged, nudging his chest with your elbow and wiggling your brow at him. Gohan sits up beside you, taking what you implied and giving you an odd look for it.
"What are you talking about, of course I'll go with you. We've been waiting for weeks for their grand opening." He insisted, excitingly clenching his fists in front of him. "It'll be fun!" Before you could open your mouth, Gohan swung himself around toward his laptop and you hear him type at the keys rather quickly. Then he turned back to you with the laptop in his hands to share the display and directed your eyes with his finger tapping at the screen. "I just looked it up, the grand opening's on Valentine's Day and it says there's a special discount for couples."
"O-Oh. Valentine's day." You stiffly replied, your eyes flicking between the colorful webpage and Gohan before settling on him. "So... You would make time to go with me?"
"Yeah, definitely." He casually answered and nodded his head without hesitation. Gohan set this laptop down and cuffed his own chin in thought. "If it makes it easier, I could probably come over the night before and breeze through all my assigned tasks while I'm here. If I focus myself at least, then we can walk over together the next day and be there before it opens. Does that work for you?" He lowers his eyes to you and your bewildered expression.
It didn't all add up right away as Gohan, not five minutes before getting to that conclusion, implied dates were not in his schedule. But in the spur of the moment he could run through a plan to ensure he would be with you on Valentine's Day? As a couple? That is a date.
"Please (Y/N). I can't imagine going there with anyone else!" Gohan pleaded when you didn't answer right away, the delivery punctuated by the puppy dog look in his eyes. Then it all came to you at once, your heart skipping over in your chest. You pursed your lips trying to contain your grin.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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LV 1854
Following up yesterday's Shizuka is today's LV model Gong Jun!
I actually adore Louis Vuitton. Many, many, (many) years ago, when I got my first bonus check at work, I was so proud of myself that I bought myself a LV handbag. A ridiculous use of money, especially at that time, but I wanted to reward myself for working so hard with a fancy purse. I still have the handbag, and every time I look at it I remember how it felt to hold that check in my hands, and feel that sense of accomplishment and joy. I still love it as much as I did then, after all these years. So I can't tell you how delighted I was when Gong Jun became the ambassador for LV!
I'm not saying I necessarily like all their fashion looks, because I don't, but I don't think the point of high fashion is to necessarily like the looks. I think it's more about appreciating the artistry. Some outfits, I must admit, I am just too artistically impaired to appreciate. But put Junjun in LV, and suddenly my artistic appreciation goes way, way up.
The inspiration for this fig is Junjun's pics from one of his photo shoots for LV on his Weibo account on August 17 last year:
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This is the exact inspiration pic for the fig! See how his leg is kicked up like that and his arm is alongside his crossbody bag?
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I love those flowy white pants on him! Also a big fan of that crossbody bag, it seems a lot bigger and more functional than the one he was wearing at the concert. Which I love for obvious sentimental reasons, but it's the smallest and most impractical thing in the world. I can fit my phone and the world's tiniest wallet in it, and that's literally it. Well, and a lip balm, Junjun was right about that when he showed it off at the concert.
There is a LOT going on with this jacket. For fig comparison purposes, I tried to find this jacket on the US LV site, but was unable to. So I went to their China site, and found it! It is the Multi Patches Mixed Leather Varsity Blouson Jacket, for a cool 46,500 RMB (roughly $6,700 USD).
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The patch saying LV 1854, the year the house was founded in France, is of course the name of this fig. Huh, wizards. Go figure!
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And another 1854 patch on this sleeve! Two patches, I guess, if we count the #54. So much detail on this. Alright, on to the fig!
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Ahhh he's so cute even all packaged up for traveling! His perfect little face, and the beauty mark on his ear right there.
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Unfortunately, his cute little kicked-up foot pose means that he can't stand up at all, even for a single glamor shot. So on he went onto a standee. I don't typically like to do this, but I glued him down immediately. He's really heavy - that head of his is solid! My experience with heavy headed figs with any tilt to the side has been that the weight of the fig will topple them over. I have learned this the hard way as figs have gone careening down my display shelves! I was not going to risk his precious little self, so out came the glue, and he's not budging now.
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Since this is a light colored outfit, I figured I'd put him on a non-white background for better contrast. Wow, his hair looks incredible from this angle! I love this hairstyle on him, and fig-wise it's perfect.
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The detail here on his coat is fantastic. You can also see how his foot is totally lifted up there off the base - it's not resting on the fig stand at all.
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Ah this is a good angle to see his foot kicked up too. He looks long and lean from this angle - definitely Junjun's proportions.
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Again, really fantastic level of detail on the jacket here. It's hard to see all the patches clearly Junjun's photos, but if you scroll back and forth on the actual jacket photos you'll see this is an excellent rendering at this small of a scale.
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You get a little bit of the flowy look of the pants here, while still preserving all the detail on his white and blue shoes. This fig maker does a phenomenal job!
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Speaking of the shoes, this is a great angle for the detail on them.
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Ahahaha, I see the wizards! And of course, instead of the name of the maison, we have Gong Jun's English name.
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Here you definitely get the flowy lines of his pants, and please note the little fold line in his ear, so cute (wow, never in my life did I think I'd be commenting on a fig's ear fold, life really is stranger than fiction). His eyes are expressive and beautiful, and his hair is absolutely perfect! This is another great angle of those fancy shoes, too.
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Here's a zoomed in pic of the front so you can see the really incredible level of detail.
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I made sure to get a bottoms-up photo before I glued him on the standee!
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The top down pic is not too exciting, I admit.
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A+ box cards from this fig maker. Just like with yesterday's Shizuka card, she uses the actual background from the photo.
I can't believe I forgot to mention how much I love his rascally little quirked up smile there. My favorite! Junjun you cutie!
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Thank you fig maker for literally listing out every piece of the inspiration for this fig on the box card! Even down to the time stamp. Amazing.
There wasn't any box art - these all came in plain white boxes, but no matter when the card art is this lovely.
Come back tomorrow to see the last fig in this series of releases!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 346
Scene Count: 24
Rating: A varsity jacket has never looked so good!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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kpophubb · 1 year
Morning sunshine~ ✉️ ( you got a new delivery 🚚 ) 😌😍
~ 🐁
Hi my love 🥺💗 gonna make a super long letter (if it doesn’t fit here ima make another post)🤭☀️ *loving the delivery sm that I rush to my delivery box*
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First of all baby boo, here is my Pinterest acc link (the personal one) incase the link doesn’t work, the username is @ mzr__ those are my initials lol. 🤭
Okay so, let me start replying, I love love the slow jazz music you suggested, it’s so chill I feel so relaxed. All it makes me wanna do is play it, go to some vintage coffee shop, read books and do journaling to my heart’s content. It was such a fresh breather I love it. 🥹
Yes yes, I took those pictures of 🌙⭐️ I really love taking pictures sm I always take pictures and capture my memories and feelings. Here are 3 pics of some of the most beautiful places I’ve seen (I have more but there’s a picture limit here sadly) the marina bay sand and gardens by the bay sg and inside masjid al haram in ksa, mecca. 🥹 I took them obv.
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Chu anonie 🐁 would you like to talk elsewhere with me? Like maybe on discord or telegram, you don’t even have to use or share ANY PERSONAL INFO W ME, you can create a username like hyunnie or sth hyunjin related and use his dp. I’ll search you up w that username and talk there. The SOLE REASON I’m proposing this is cause you sometimes ask me personal questions like where I live, and I REALLY WANNA TELL YOU BC I TRUST U SO MUCH!💖 but on here, everyone can see them and I don’t feel safe sharing personal info online. I feel like I’m shutting you out when I don’t answer those question of yours that’s why I’m saying so. But ofcourse baby love if you don’t want, we can keep talking here as usual!! <3 just the pic and personal content will be less sadly bc of other audience reading our convos 💔
I also really like aesthetics and aesthetic people so so much, you can see my personal Pinterest , I’m obsessed w aesthetics lol. Idk artsy and aesthetic people ARE SO DAMN ATTRACTIVE, I love hyunjin’s artistic side it’s honestly so admirable. Art museums have so much passion in them, I’d love to visit one. I love artists the most in this world, bc damn, their minds are one captivating museum themselves.
Aww pink shades?🥺 those are such cute lip shades baby!!💗 pink shades don’t suit me however 🤡 bc of my Asian golden skin, nude browns suit me the most!! My most fav lipstick is sand storm by wet n wild bc it appears a brown nude on my face, and I use another lip liner by another brand I can’t remember ;;-;;! Those are my go to, tho I always end up eating my lipstick w food AND MAN, THAT IS SO UN-FEMININE and lame of me istg😭
I heard the song by Rihanna! I really like your very diverse music taste, it’s attractive honestly! You have such a diverse, exploring and adventurous mind that I always get fascinated by it. I just love hearing you talk in general. You feel like it’s always a mess but to me, they aren’t at all. When you talk, it’s like you’re splashing colours from every direction, diff colours bc you change topics and share feelings abruptly but know what that leads to? AN ART PIECE. A FASCINATING ART PIECE with different splashes that capture your feelings that over all lead to a precious and artistic masterpiece. 🥺
Keshi is my fav singer atm istg!😭 his songs are my comfort songs, the low voice always gets me and I love his lyrics. They’re never super direct and you can’t understand if he’s referring to a certain someone or certain feeling, I find it so cool!! Other than skeletons, I also love angel, 2 soon, less of you, beside you, understand etc. <3
Gabi?!😭 PLS I WAS OBSESSED WITH NIKI AND GABI when I was like 14? I loved their what’s in my bag videos, night routine and shopping hauls so much ahah cause those were the trends back in those days. But I haven’t seen them in a new while, I’ll be sure to check out how gabi is now! Vintage stuff? Ok that sounds interesting🤩
About Valentine’s Day~ I didn’t feel like dressing up and pls people always raise the price of flowers and cake during ocassions🤡 so I don’t buy em at all. But if you’re gonna talk to me on Valentine’s Day, can I dress up for you?🙈 I love dressing up for my loved ones, should I wear a red top and get loose curls and surprise you with pics? 🙊 if you say yes, I’ll ofc try our date~🌹
Omg anonie I love red & black and then baby pink so much too!!😭 wow we’re a match! Light baby pink and white are like my comfort colours I swear.. feels so relaxing !
Also age I feel like is just a number. You don’t really get wiser or mature with age for some people. Some people are so immature and mean even in their 40’s while some people are so mature and calm when they’re 17. As you said, it’s in the way you’re raised, in the people you surround yourself with. And personally me, I get along w everyone starting from aunties to 5 year old kids😭 I’m way too friendly, I only have romantic age preferences but when it comes to making friends, I’m open to having any aged friend. 🥰 when it comes romantically, I just really like same aged people (I mean not the same year but preferably a year older or two.) that’s why, Jake is like the best person for me hahah. I’ll tell you why I prefer that tho If you’d like to know.
And omg who’s troubling you😡 he’s such a creep!! I’ll come beat him up!! 🔪 pls try to stay away from creepy people, men are just so scary ffs😭 I don’t even talk to them bc I’m genuinely frightened and always question their intentions. Ofc good men exist, but I am a bad people magnet smh so yeah🤡
You do journaling? Omg I’d love to see🥺 and move out next month love. All my work is done now, I just need to rent an apartment and they won’t let me do it this early since my semester starts from March 27. Foreign students can only rent an apartment right before their classes start.
About your and my anniversary hmm🤭👩‍❤️‍👩 I forgot too bc I have trouble remembering dates!! And no, wonie’s bday is the day after i.nnie’s it’s on 9th. As for our belated anniversary gift, I have a surprise to make it up to you! Face reveals for you?🙊 (yea those pics will probably be from the ancient times I dressed up for Jake’s bday lol🤡) but anyway! Surprise at the end of the ask. 💗
One time I sprayed perfume in my eyes too!! Happens omg💀 but I hope the burning sensation simmered down baby!! Be careful next time. And omg yes pls, I watched titanic and the ending T-T but I’m like a huge sucker for tragic romance, forbidden romance so yes I LOVED IT!!
Anyway, I’m so sleepy it’s 11 pm here only tho but I’ll BE WAITING DESPERATELY FOR YOUR REPLY WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING bc your texts really brighten up my day! And first thing in the morning really feels like the first warm ray of light peeking through my window!🥺💛 I’d ofc love to show you my poetry and what not, but like I said I can’t really post em here!!
Sooo, wrapping it up with an 𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖔 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 💛☀️
Your anniversary gift 🎁 (that I’ll be removing right after you see from this ask ) sorry for disappointing you bc you really think I’m like an angel, but no I’m sadly just a mere girl! </3
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eleteo125 · 3 years
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Naughty Wolf (m)
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Wolf!Baji x Red Riding Hood!Reader
18+ fic minors dni
Red Riding Hood is a title given to those with the duty of delivering food, crops, livestock, etc. to the wolves in exchange for the protection of the village. But what if you met one of those wolves?
CW: Sexual Content, biting, hair pulling
Word Count: 15,010 (yeesh haha)
A/N: I haven't written anything in a loooong time haha. Also forgive my smut scenes they aren't my forte when it comes to writing. English is also not my first language so have mercy if I made any mistake haha. And lastly @kazutoraholic here's the result of that little thirst post you had about Wolf!Baji hahaha hope you enjoy this too.
In a map of a far away kingdom, there is a dense forest that not many have travelled to. There have been so many sightings of large monsters and predators out for prey. Beasts so strong even the strongest knights cannot defeat. Said beasts has been observed to only reside in the forest not wandering outside so they just left it be. But in the middle of said forest resides a quaint village. As most would assume how could this village survive in such an environment where beasts of great magnitude reside? Well they don’t. They’ve enlisted the help of the “wolves” of the area whom have taken the responsibility of protecting the villagers from outside intruders from entering the village.
Mighty generous some would say but alas, their services are not for free. They have demanded to be provided some crops and livestock from the village every two weeks. And that’s where Red Riding Hoods enter. They are responsible of dropping off said supplies at a certain drop off inside the forest. Red Riding Hoods must be able to easily navigate through the dense forest for faster delivery of the supplies. They don a red hood as an indicator that they are allies to the wolves so as to not to mistakenly attack them.
One of those Red Riding Hoods happens to be your grandmother. She would be leaving for quite a while and come back with great stories of her adventures through the forest. It could be as great as catching sight of the mightily beasts or as mundane as finding a rare herb, you soaked it all up earning you a great curiosity what’s beyond those dense forest. She even mentioned coming across a wolf pup who wouldn’t let her go until she gave him some food. You both laughed at the story while also telling you not to tell anyone and it’ll be your little secret. She emphasized how the wolves are very private creatures and doesn’t really like interacting with humans. She brings life and wonder of what’s beyond the forest and not just a habitat of dangerous beasts.
But one day, your grandmother never made it home. She disappeared. She never came back from delivering the supplies. There’s a rule where once a Red Riding Hood haven’t returned in a week, they are presumed dead and a new Red Riding Hood is titled. A rule some would say is absurd, but considering how dangerous the forest is it seemed to make sense. And most cases where Red Riding Hoods not returning, they either end up found dead or still missing.
Your grandmother’s disappearance could be enough to drive you away from the forest, but you still have hope that she’s still out there. So you resorted to ways where you could go into the forest without trouble. Become a Red Riding Hood.
The only knowledge you have of the forest is your grandmother’s stories which does give information but not enough to get you to be a master navigator. SO you spent the rest of your teenage years studying about navigating and studying the on the forest that is available. After years and years of studying, you finally find yourself fit to be a Red Riding Hood. Teachers and Professors are willing to put in a good word for you when you applied to be a Red Riding Hood. And after going through a tedious process of paperwork and testing, you finally did it. You are now a Red Riding Hood. You may be doing it because you want closure on your grandmother’s disappearance, but you still felt that childlike giddiness now that you’re just like your amazing grandmother.
And here you are at the village gates waiting for the gates to open to enter the forest. Nervous and excited, that’s what you are. You’ve always been a curious little bean, so seeing more of the forest beyond just illustrations and books is beyond exciting. But you’re also nervous because who wouldn’t be when the most dangerous forest in the kingdom is right there where wild beasts could maul you anytime. So yeah, nervous and excited. To calm your nerves, you resorted to count the supplies and double…well triple check in this case.
“Nervous?” a man in knight uniform approached you.
“Atsushi! Yes. Seeing the forest up close like this is…”you looked up and took a view of the forest “pretty intimidating”
“Ah I told you Akkun is fine. Might as well get familiar with each other since I’ll be escorting you to the gates from now on. And if it’s any consolation, this is my first time being near the forest too.”
You chuckled at his nervous face when gazing at the forest which you can definitely relate too. Knowing someone else might relate to you comforted you a little.
“Welp! Off I go then!” you said cheerfully trying to ignore your nerves.
“Take care okay. And thank you for your service to the village.”
“An honor to serve the village. See ya!” you said before taking off.
You’ve been travelling for two days and you came to one conclusion. You were definitely being followed. You don’t really have any evidence you were being followed but you can just feel it. You barely slept last night, but at least you’re already at the drop off point. So you quickly did your tasks so you can travel back home already and hopefully not get mauled by a beast.
Just as you were thinking of that, you heard leaves from a branch rustle. Your face paled and your body was paralyzed. ‘Not on my first day please not on my first day” you pleaded with your eyes closed. You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head towards the direction of the rustle.
You came into eye contact with a guy. No wait, uh, he has dog or maybe was it wolf ears. He must probably one of the wolves. But when learning about the wolves you assumed they would look more…wolf-like and not human-like.
“Hey.” The guy? Dog? Wolf? Said trying to get your attention
“Uhm, can I- can I help you?” you hoped you said that loud enough for him to hear you still were shocked of what you came across.
“Ya got food on ya?”he asked and stepping out from the bush.
“Yea, I just locked it in the drop off point.”
He looked at the drop off point and looked back at you. “That’s great! But what I mean is a spare food you guys have a lot of those right?” he said with somewhat an excited look on his eyes. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail behind him.
“Well the food on me is for me while I travel.” You explained while patting your bag.
“Aww. How about a bite then?” he asked stepping near your bag and sniffing a little which caused him to drool a bit.
“No can do, sorry”
“A nibble then?” he asked crouching down next to your bag and looking up at you giving you the puppy eyes. You almost cooed out loud because admittedly he looked cute looking like that. You shook your head “N-no” you faltered.
As you said that, his face turned into a frown and his ears started to droop down. ‘Oh no not the ears, not the ears! Hhnnggg those cute ears and those fluffy hair aagghh!’You sighed and reached for your bag “Alright, fine”
“Hell yeah!” he stood up and took the sandwich you handed him with bright eyes. It isn’t a problem really; you made extra the amount of food for your travels to gauge how much you’ll need for next time. As the guy devoured the sandwich, you started to observe him. Long dark hair one of the noticeable trait of his after his ears. Sharp canines which he made great use of while eating, and amber eyes which were now looking at you. ‘Oh’ how long have you been staring at him? You felt yourself blush at the thought of getting caught but brushed it off.
“So, I hope you enjoyed it!”you tried making conversation
The guy gave you a smile that showed off his canines. “Definitely! It was just as good as your grandmother’s haha.” He said while patting his tummy.
“Wait-huh? My grandmother’s?”
“Was she not your grandmother? There used to be a nice old lady who gave me food all the time when she goes here.”
‘Could it be?!’
“A-are you by chance talking about my grandmother?!” you asked enthusiastically getting close to him in the process…well maybe too close judging by the fact that he stepped back a little.
“Yes…” he said now the one thinking you’re strange
“H-h-how do you know my grandmother and I were related?” your thoughts were going a mile a minute that turning those thoughts into words is a bit of a struggle.
“Well, you both smelled similar.”
“Your scent.”
You stared at him before backing away and covering yourself “Have you been sniffing me?!”
“Wha- I was sniffing your bag I just got a whiff of you!”
“And how were you able to do that?!”
“I’m a wolf!”
“Oh” you realized feeling a little bit dumb. But at least you got a confirmation of what he is.
The guy in front of you sighed and said “Why don’t we start over. I’m Baji Keisuke, one of the wolves defending you village from the forest a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand for you to shake, which you accepted. “Gotta say, didn’t expect for you guys to change the Red Riding Hood so soon.”
Feeling like some tension was taken off, you decided to be friendly. “What can I say, I guess I impressed the village head with my top notch navigating skills.” you giggled at your faux arrogance which also earned the now named Baji a chuckle.
“So… you knew my grandmother?”
“I knew her as that nice lady with good food, other than that I don’t really remember much, was just a pup after all.”
Ah, you remember now. You recall your grandmother telling you stories about a wolf pup always bothering her until he gets food. With how he acted earlier, you definitely can connect the dots now.
“So how is she? Haven’t seen her for a long time.”
At that you felt yourself get sad for a bit. “I was hoping you would know something about it actually.”
He raised his brow at that statement “What do you mean?”
You looked at him before saying “She…she went missing. Here in the forest.”
“Oh. I see.” He said while looking down having a guess on what happened
“Don’t look so down, I still have hope that she’s still somewhere out there!” you declared full of confidence, you were determined to get to the bottom of your grandmother’s disappearance and Baji could sense that.
“Mind if I join you in that little quest of yours?”
You looked at him in surprise and delight you grabbed his hands and looked at him with bright eyes “Really?! You would do that?” you asked brimming with gratefulness.
Baji blushed a little bit at the sudden contact and proximity but you were just so excited to get help from someone that has a connection to your grandmother outside of the village that you failed to notice his flustered face. “Of course. Consider that as payment from the snack you gave me.”
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that.”
He smiled at you at that “Still, I would love to help you. She’s been a part of my childhood too albeit not as much as yours.”
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!” you said while continuously bowing.
“H-hey save your thanks for later once we actually made progress.”
“Oh r-right, ehehe”
“You better get going. You’ve got quite a long journey back home.”
“That’s true. I’ll take my leave then! It was very nice to meet you!”
As you were about to leave you felt him tug at your sleeve prompting you to look at him “Hey what do you say I escort you back to your village?”
“Really?” you asked though you find it hard to say no to a little extra protection from the forest’s dangers “Would that be ok?”
“Of course! Besides I like you!” he declared which made you blush heavily “No-wait uh, that didn’t come out right. What I was trying to say is that uh, your grandmother talks about from time to time so I kind of got an idea of what you were like so yea.” He let out a nervous laugh and though ‘The hell was that explanation, did it even make sense???’
“W-well I’ll be in your care then!” you tried to change the subject since this conversation is making you more and more flustered.
“Right!” he gave you a mock salute and went off to lead the way.
Through your journey, the sunset came about you. Baji stepped forward and held his hand towards the setting sun. He seemed to be gauging something before saying “We got a an hour or so before the sun completely sets. Let’s settle right here and set up camp.”
“Ok ok, I’ll grab some firewood not far from here.”
“Hmm, got a tent with you? I can set it up while you’re gathering.”
“Yes! Yes I do.” You answered handing it to him “Thank you very much.”
“Not a problem. Off you go now make sure to gather enough before dark.”
“I’ll be right back then.” Just as you said that, Baji noticed something move in his peripherals.
Finding firewood wasn’t that difficult and you find yourself content with the amount you have gathered. As you were finishing up, you heard a rustle to your right. “Ah Baji you didn’t have to come here I was…just…” it wasn’t Baji. And judging by the fact that this creature was eyeing you up as its next meal, it was safe to assume that it wasn’t gonna be as friendly as Baji was.
You tried to keep steady so as to not provoke the creature, but that didn’t matter since it started to approach you sizing you up. You’ve had training where you were taught how to defend yourself from these beasts and escape quickly but facing off with the real deal like this caused you to have a mental block.
You tried slowly reaching for your weapon—which is a measly knife—but it’ll have to do. But even the smallest of movements is enough to provoke it and was now charging at you in full speed. You were about to run but in the blink of an eye the beast’s head was crushed. And right on top of that crushed head is Baji’s foot. You were about to approach him but then he started stomping on the beast’s head flattening it to the ground. He then went towards its body and started to slash at it with his claws that you didn’t notice until now. He slashed and diced until all that’s left was just minced meat.
He took out what looked to be a handkerchief and wiped his face and hands before turning to face you. What he saw wasn’t exactly pleasant. You had a pale face with your trembling hands in front of you. He hopes he didn’t scare you too much, but what he did was necessary lest the creature go limping without its head. He took cautious steps towards you and you seemed to be rooted where you stand.
Who wouldn’t be intimidated at such a display? You knew it was necessary for both your survival but that was just too much for you to handle right now. On your first day no less. When you noticed Baji stepping towards you, you didn’t know what to do so you just stayed there. You were so lost in thought that you were surprised when you felt warmth around your hands. You looked down and saw him holding your hands. It was so big and warm and so…comforting.
Baji held your hands tenderly trying to calm you down. Once he felt your hands stop trembling, he asked you softly. “You doing ok now?”
His deep voice was enough to ground you to reality and be at the moment. “Oh I’ll….I’ll be fine. Just trying to process everything really.” Seeing one of the said protectors of your village in action is a lot, add on the fact that you were just in grave danger it’s a lot to take in. And he understood that.
“Why don’t we head back to the camp and rest there for a while then?”
So that’s what you two did. Seated by the campfire while you both stare at the bonfire, both of you not really knowing how to break the ice. You decided and went for it though so blurted out “That was impressive.”
“What is?”
“You overpowering something thrice your size. Didn’t even had a chance against you, you just stepped on it like a small bug.”
“It’s technically our job to get rid of those guys fast and efficiently.”
“Was mincing it really necessary? I mean you destroyed it’s head surely it must’ve died by then.”
“It’s mostly just a precaution really. That thing found us quite near our camp so I didn’t wanna take any chances.”
“I see.” As soon as you said that silence overcame the two of you once again. It wasn’t a comfortable silence nor was it an awkward silence. Just silence.
Baji got tired of it though. He looked at his surroundings before letting out a grunt as he stands up. “Come on, I wanna show you something. It’s not far from here.” He said as he offered you a hand to help you up.
You let him lead the way. You two walked for about two to three minutes until you ended up in a grass field where he stopped in his tracks. Was this the place, there isn’t much to see around here.
Baji suddenly bolted and ran through the fields in different patterns. You looked at him incredulously wondering what the hell he was doing. Before you could ponder on what purpose of his running was, you suddenly see a trail of gold light following after him. It didn’t take long for you to realize “Fireflies!”
They looked oh so beautiful with the moonlit night. As beautiful as they are your attention was on something completely different. Seeing Baji jumping and hopping around somehow made your heart skip a beat. ‘I don’t know maybe it’s his handsome mug?’
“Hey! Come on run with me!” Didn’t have to tell you twice. For the next ten minutes all you two did was run around while also trying to catch fireflies and letting them go not long after. It’s a cute activity except when Baji started to catch them with his mouth asking if it makes him glow. Which you firmly said no and proceeded to scold him, except it happened more than once so now you’re chasing after him to free those poor fireflies.
You managed to tackle him down but when you looked at him there was nothing in his mouth anymore. So here you are lying on top of him. You blushed at your position and quickly got off him for you to then lie down beside him. He was still laughing from the experience doing his best to calm his laughter down. You two are now staring at the stars while lying down and surrounded by fireflies.
“Beautiful place isn’t it?”
“Yeah” you sighed in contentment
“The forest is a scary place. It’s full of dangers and predators ready to pounce on its prey. But at the same time it can also be beautiful. It’s little wonders like these that give life to the forest. What you experienced earlier is a terrifying experience, but I ask you not to let that incident define how you view this place after all, it is my home. And maybe…your grandmother’s too.”
You sat up from your position and turned to look at him. “Thank you.” You chuckled after saying that “How much did I thank you just for today?”
“Don’t know wasn’t really keeping count. Besides,” he sat up “nothing wrong with being grateful.”
“We should take our rest; we still have quite a lot of land to travel through tomorrow. Especially you, you just went berserk just earlier.”
“Are you kidding I could easily take one of those guys again right now with ease.”
“Don’t jinx us.”
“Hahaha my bad, my bad,”
Your two day trip was shortened to a day and a half. And now the village walls is in your view already.
“Woah! Thanks for the help and of course for escorting me all the way here.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. Managing to trek through these forests to the drop off point in only two days is commendable. You’re a Red Riding Hood for a good reason.”
“Oh come on you’re making me blush from those praise.” You muttered while holding your cheeks.
“Oh you got a thing for praises then?”
Baji cleared his throat and said “Well uh looks like we’ll be seeing each other quite often huh.”
“Oh yeah yeah.”
“Until next time then?”
“Of course!” you answered quite enthusiastically
“Save me some snacks for next time then!” he waved at you before disappearing in the forest.
A very interesting first day you must admit.
You’re currently at your home taking your rest until the next excursion in the forest. You’re gonna have to set a routine and a new lifestyle so you can get used to your new job. As you’re taking your rest, your mind started to wander to that wolf you just met. He’s very energetic but you had a feeling you haven’t gotten the full experience just yet.
Now that you think about it, was it normal for wolves to escort Red Riding Hoods? It would make sense since they’re carrying something that the wolves need but that doesn’t explain the continuous disappearances of them. Maybe it happens occasionally. When you were studying, you haven’t come across any accounts that states they’ve been escorted by a wolf before. The only explanation you could think of is that since wolves are private creatures they don’t want them talking about how they are. Well the best way to find answers is to ask someone who’s been a Red Riding Hood before.
“Who did what now?” the man in front of you asked, shock written all over his face.
“A wolf escorted me home and I was wondering if that were normal for us.”
“Y-you came across a wolf?” he asked still in disbelief. He then stood up instantly “Do you realize what this means?! No one has seen any of the wolves for decades now!” The man then started to mutter and spouting details you couldn’t really make out so you just slowly backed away. Well now you know it’s definitely not normal. He was probably just helping you out cause he was familiar with your grandmother…and the food, can’t forget about that.
After all that deliberation here you are again nearing the drop off point to of course drop off the crops and livestock. You’re sat beside a large tree near it taking a little bit of rest before travelling back home again. When you felt well rested enough, you reached for your bag to take off only to find out it’s not there. Well that’s worrisome, but said worries were set aside when you heard someone clear their throat from above you.
“Looking for this?~” Baji asked while holding out the bag as he sits on a tree branch.
“Baji! Come on give it back!” he lowered the bag to you but pulled it out of your reach went you went to grab for it which made you chuckle. You tried to grab it from him multiple times jumping up and down. “Hardi har har Baji, now give it back or else I won’t be able to give you your snacks.” You persuaded which surprisingly worked on him as he jumped down from the tree branch.
He held out the bag to you but went to a sprint before you could grab it. “Catch me first! Hahaha” run after him you did. You figured that he wasn’t running in his top speed as you were able to easily catch up to him. No way were you able to outrun a wolf and you weren’t exactly the fastest either. Just as you thought you were close to him, he jumped up and onto a tree.
He turned to you and held his hand out “Upsy daisy!”
That caught you off guard “I’m not exactly a tree climber.”
“Don’t worry I got you!” he smiled at you with that wide smile where his sharp canines were on display. With such a charming smile, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no so you took his outstretched hand. You were much surprised when he was able to lift you up with just one hand.
He then handed the bag to you and climbed up higher and reached his hand out again. “We’re going higher?”
“Yeah I wanna show you something”
“How will we get down?”
“I’ll carry you down.”
You gave this a thought if it would be a good idea. You concluded that seeing the forest from a bird’s eye view can be very helpful especially in travelling. “Alright then.”
The higher you two get, the tighter the grip you had on Baji. He couldn’t help but silently smile at the thought that you trusted him in such a situation. Not long after, you two were at the top of the tree where the view of the large dense forest came to greet you. “Wow!” you gawked at the view while Baji basked in viewing the wonder in your eyes. “Look! I can see a little glimpse of the village’s gate from here!” you exclaimed pointing at its direction.
“They are pretty tall.” He acknowledged
You continued to sightsee and take in the large display of trees. You were taken out of your attention when you heard howling. You turned to Baji whose back was on you. You saw his flattened ears on his head, so you adjusted yourself to look at him and confirmed that it’s him who’s howling. “What are you doing?” you asked curiously
He turned to you and gave you a smirk. And that view got you blushing, his smirk along with the wind blowing his hair back with the large forest as the backdrop. After giving you the reassuring smirk, he continued to howl towards the forest for a few more seconds before pausing, waiting for something. Suddenly you heard howling coming from different directions of the forest.
Baji barked out laughter when he heard them. “THOSE ARE MY PALS!” he declared proudly. “You wanna meet them someday?”
“Can I?!?!” you asked excitedly. The idea of getting to know more about him and his friendships excited you.
You realize that your spot right now is a nice place to eat. So you fetched the food that you prepared for him. You decided to cook two servings of stir fried noodles since you figured that this man most likely had a gigantic stomach judging by the fact with how he devoured your sandwich last time.
Baji being the ever vigilant wolf that he is, smelt the food you took out and quickly sat beside you waiting to be handed the delicious smelling food. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail.
You held out the container to him but quickly pulled it back as he went to grab for it laughing at his pouty face paired with droopy ears. “Payback time.” He went and grabbed for it again but you managed to swipe it away from his reach. He tried again and again until your entire arm was outstretched while he was leaning on you as he tried to reach the container. It didn’t take long for you two to realize that he was basically hugging you with both his hands stretched out to reach the container and you in between his arms.
Both of you were quick to separate and sat there a little embarrassed flushing at the thought of how close you two were. “Here” you placed the container on his lap.
A few moments has passed and you heard him starting to eat. Baji thinks that it’s delicious! It even reminded him of a certain food he loves back home but his mind is currently at how close they were earlier. You felt warm he could cuddle you all day just stay in your arms basking in its warmth. “Do you like it?”
“Mmfff!” He answered while also nodding his head. “We have something similar back home too!”
“Glad you enjoyed it. So uh,” you looked down from the tree “How exactly are we gonna get down?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ll just carry you down.” He offered you his back “Just hang on to me and I’ll do the climbing down.
You appreciated that he was willing to do something like that but the thought of hanging on his back at such a height makes you scared that you’ll accidentally let go of him.
Baji sensed the anxiety you were currently having and thought of something else. “Th-then how about hanging from my front then.”
“You clearly didn’t like the first idea and this is the only alternative I can think of.”
That was quite a smooth move whether it was his intention or not didn’t matter. Nevertheless clinging or basically hugging him until you get down didn’t seem like a bad idea. And you like being in his arms from earlier.
“That’ll do then.”
“Alright! Come on over here then.” He opened his arms with a wide smile trying to hide his fluster.
As you two got into position, both of you couldn’t help but focus on the breathing that’s right next to your ears. You give a pretty tight hug too. He lifted your thighs and guided them to wrap around his waist. The position was admittedly quite suggestive but he didn’t have any complaints and as he’s observed it seemed to be ok with you too. “Hang on tight.” He said as he started his descent.
As he was descending, you couldn’t help but pay attention to the breathing and grunts coming from him. You felt shame for thinking such thoughts so you just focused on the wind in your hair as he jumps from branch to branch and in no time at all you’re both back to the ground.
Once your feet were on the ground, you leaned back from your embrace with Baji. You still had your arms on his shoulders and his hands on your waist with you two just looking at each other. You caught a movement from his head and saw a caterpillar on his hair which made you giggle.
“What?” he asked concerned if he somehow looked silly.
“Nothing you just got a friendly guy hanging on you.” You reached for the caterpillar and let it crawl to your hand. As you wait for it to get to your hand, you felt how soft Baji’s hair actually was. You only assumed when since it looked like it, but getting to feel it it’s even softer than you expected.
The whole time Baji was just admiring you since he didn’t usually get a close look at you so he’s making the most out of this situation. He watched you place said caterpillar on a nearby bush letting it go in its merry way.
After that little encounter, you both agreed to start your journey back to the village. And thus another delivery as a Red Riding Hood has finished.
The both of you developed a routine where every time you are to do your duties, he would meet you at the drop off point, eat whatever you had prepared for him, and then show you a part of the forest he believes you would like. He never failed to bring a smile on your face when touring you through the forest. Then he’ll be on his way when you’re near the village. You’ve had this steady lifestyle for months until one day…
You were waiting for Baji because you just know that he’s on his way to get his precious snack. Your relaxed stated was disrupted when you smelt something burning. ‘That’s not good’ you thought It definitely wasn’t the smell of burning bonfire. You immediately rushed towards the direction of the burning hoping that it wasn’t the start of a forest fire.
Arriving at the scene, you were relieved it wasn’t a forest fire, but that relief was short lived because what you saw was somehow just as bad. There Baji was holding down a beast which is burning. “BAJI?!”
Your call made him turn to look at you. The sight of you made him widen his eyes in surprise “Stay back! I’ll handle this!” he said as he smacked the beast with a flaming torch before jumping away. He grabbed you in a hug and hid behind a tree where you only heard the flames getting bigger before silence.
You tried to look behind the tree but Baji only tightened his hold on you. The sound of something blowing up then overwhelmed you as you buried you head in his chest. A few more moments after that, Baji then loosened his hold on you. Once again you tried looking behind the tree only to find ashes everywhere. Nothing in the surrounding seemed to be burnt; the only evidence of there being a fire was the ashes and a missing patch of grass.
Before Baji could say anything, you smacked him upside the head. “What were you thinking?!?! You could’ve started something disastrous doing something like that!”
“But I didn’t~” he said before letting out a nervous laugh.
You went up real close to his face and said “You better NOT do this again or no more snacks for you!”
“Yes ma’am!”
You sighed and decided to take his word on it for now. “What even drove you to burning that beast?” you asked rubbing your temples
When you looked at him, he was guiltily looking down at his lap his ears droopy too, a clear sign of his guilt “I was hungry.” He said while in a pout.
“Come again?”
“I was hungryyyy” he whined “I easily get riled up when I’m hungry. That beast just attacked me at the wrong time.”
You sighed again not wanting to explore the topic any further. You took out a handkerchief and proceeded to wipe at his face “Look at you, you’re covered in soot.”
“So are you.”
“You know a place where we can wash up?”
Baji was silent for a moment trying to think of any. After a few moments, his face lighted up “I remember, there’s a river near hear with a small waterfall. I remember taking a bath there once.”
“Let’s head there then. Besides, a meal is much better after a bath after all.”
It wasn’t that long of a walk until you two came about the river he was talking about. The water in the river was crystal clear and the breeze around the area was refreshing thanks to the waterfall. You dipped your hand in the water to gauge its temperature which was just right it’s cold enough to be refreshing but not too cold that you’ll freeze. Maybe a little dip won’t hurt.
Unbeknownst to you, while you were observing the river, Baji was already shedding his clothes and was now running towards the river taking a dive. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a splash near you. You instinctively tried to cover yourself from being splashed. It doesn’t take a genius to deduct what was the source of that splash. “Baji!”
Baji resurfaced from the water and pushed his hair back all while laughing at your reaction “My bad, my bad.”
“You have to be mindful of others…around…you…” you drawled out after seeing Baji’s shirtless figure. Thank goodness for the sun’s reflection on the water or you would’ve gotten a full frontal view.
“You like the view?” he said with a big smirk on his face while also raising his eyebrow fascinated at how you were ogling him.
You were quick to turn your back to him to prevent yourself from staring. “Wh-why yes, this river is wonderful.”
“Not exactly what I’m referring to.” He teased
“Oh would you just shut it.” You blurted out in frustration. You were flushing so hard right now; you can’t bring yourself to face him like this.
“Oh well, it’s your decision to not take a dip. I mean it would be a shame for you not to experience the very cool river.” He sarcastically said while swimming over to the waterfall and washing his hair thoroughly through it. “ Ahh~ feels like I’m washing my problems away.”
You tried your best to remain firm but you find yourself turning to look at him curious as to what he was doing. And the sight of him washing his hair underneath a waterfall was such an enticing sight that you wanted to join him right then and there, but you were still embarrassed. You haven’t been naked in front of anyone, but the thought of being naked in front of Baji didn’t really bother you, you just felt shy.
Baji finished washing his hair before turning to look at you again. When he saw you still rooted in place, he swam over to you. “Come on take a dip, the water’s great. And weren’t you the one who said that a meal is much better after a bath?”
Few moments has passed of you just pondering the situation before answering “T-turn around.”
“Huh?” he asked in disbelief
“I said turn around. Don’t really feel comfortable being watched while getting naked.”
“Oh, OH right right! Uhh ok!” you heard a few splashes before you turned around to make sure. And there he is, his back turned to you—goodness even his back is such an eye candy.
You quickly make work of your clothes before taking a dip. In Baji’s opinion, the sound of your clothes rustling is much worse for him instead of just outright watching you get naked. Imagination is a powerful yet troublesome thing.
The soft sound of the water rippling as you stepped into the water rang in Baji’s ears refraining himself to look at your direction. “You should give the waterfall a try. It’ll also speed up the process if need be.”
Step under the waterfall you did. And to quote what Baji said, it really does feel like all your worries were being washed away. Baji then went back to washing himself once he was sure that you were settled nicely. Him minding his own business was quickly thrown to the side when he heard you let out a squeal. He quickly turned to look at you and he low-key regretted it. The sight of you and your pretty figure with water running down your body was more than enough to rile him up even more. He wanted to pounce on you right then and there. He clenched both his hands and his jaw trying to maintain what little is left of his self-control. But try as he might, he can’t make himself to look away from you his eyes stayed glued to you and you only, he was starting to have tunnel vision.
That tree branch sure did surprise you, now you felt silly for reacting such a way. You brushed that little incident off and went back to washing yourself which was paused the instant you felt an intense gaze on you. You turned to look at Baji since he’s the only person you knew who could be looking at you.
“Eep!” you squealed—yet again—out of embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction to how you look so you quickly swan to the other side of the waterfall where he couldn’t or vaguely see you.
The second squeal you let out was enough for him to break out of his aroused stupor. Now with only concern in his mind, he swam near the waterfall but didn’t cross it. “Hey you ok in there?”
“Why’d you squeal earlier then?”
“You were looking at me earlier and I was embarrassed!”
There was a pause from his side “S-sorry about that I didn’t mean to. I was just concerned. Are you ok by the way?” he asked. You can hear the worry laced in his voice, and he did apologize so you decided to let it go.
“O-o that I was just-uh” you paused a little embarrassed to admit “A branch brushed my leg and I was startled. N-nothing to be concerned about.”
“That’s good.”
There was a pause once again. You only stared at each other’s figure albeit being distorted from the waterfall between you. “You’re beautiful.” Baji blurted out
“Huh?” you blushed at the sudden confession.
“I’m sorry, you were so irresistible to me I couldn’t help but stare I-I…” you saw his figure hold his face in his hands as if in shame “You’re a grown woman, surely you have an idea on what I’m feeling right now.”
You didn’t really have any words, you were speechless. But that’s not to say you disliked the knowledge that he saw you that way. In fact, it excited you. You reached out your hand to his side and took hold of his hands which were still holding his face. “No need to feel ashamed, I’m flattered actually.” You said as you then cupped his cheeks “Besides, you weren’t the only one staring.”
That admittance caused Baji to tense up. The thought of you looking at him the same way as he was looking at you was enough to rile him up again only this time, you were only a step away from him with you touching him. Once again he clenched his fists and jaw to maintain what’s left of his self control “Stop that. You don’t know what you’re doing.” He said with a slight tremble at his voice due to him trying to keep himself in place.
“What if I do know what I’m doing?” right now at this moment, you wanted to be as close to him as possible let him hold you close and do whatever he wants.
You felt some sort of vibration on your hands on his cheek. Was he growling? “You sure know how to rile a man up.” You heard him say through clenched teeth.
You realized you’ve made him wait long enough. You pulled your hands away from him and stepped back further in the waterfall to make room for him. “Come on over, must be lonely out there on your own.”
At first Baji was worried that he scared you off when you pulled you hands away, but you inviting him over excited him even more that he just knows how dilated his pupils were. Good thing the water was above the waist too or you would’ve gotten a view of his tail wagging aggressively.
You watched as he slowly stepped through the waterfall between you and seeing him all wet with some of his hair sticking to his in his naked glory brought you to arousal already.
Baji could say the same too. The sight of you all wet shyly covering yourself out of shyness from him was too much for him that he ended up caging you between his arms and the wall.
You two were close, too close with just a few inches between you as he pinned you. And yet it wasn’t close enough to your liking so you decided to fix that yourself. You threw your arms around his neck and brought your lips together with his which he gladly reciprocated. You felt how he was still trying to be gentle on you so you decided to rile him up. In the middle of your kiss, you gave his lips a long lick making him suck said tongue in turn. He then went to focus on your lips again sucking and biting which made you moan. Said moan turned Baji on even more as he shoved you further into the wall and dove to your neck giving it a hard bite pulling yet again another moan from you. The bite was hard but not hard enough to break skin yet hard enough to leave a mark that’ll be there for days. He gave the bite mark a lick before trailing butterfly kisses from your neck all the way up to your ear.
“I should’ve warned you earlier.” He said kissing your ear “I bite” he then proceeded to nibble at your ear while his hands were now roaming all over you feeling you up.
You didn’t want to be the only receiving end, so you proceeded to feel him up as well. You hands going to places you’ve always been curious about. First being his hair. You ran your hands repeatedly through his hair feeling how soft it is despite being wet. The next is his back; you’ve wanted to feel it ever since you caught sight of it earlier. You traced your hands on every muscle you could feel on his back starting from his shoulder blades and lower. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’ll be like when he’s thrusting into you. Third is his ears. You’ve always wondered if they were sensitive since it always seem to react to the tiniest bit of sound that not even you could pick up. You gave it a tentative touch and watch it twitch. You played with it for a while until you felt Baji’s nibbling to go harder.
Baji pulled away from your ear and dove for your lips making out with you as you both felt each other up. You were indulging in Baji’s kisses too much that you didn’t notice his hands going for your chest until he started playing with you nipples, pinching and twisting it while also squeezing your breast from time to time. The whole time he was doing so, you’ve been whimpering at the sensation. Baji was quick to put your breasts into his mouth sucking and nipping. As he does so, you started to feel something hard between your legs.
Naturally, you went and grabbed for it giving him slow strokes which earned a growl from him. A very welcome surprise for you, so you gladly kept doing it while his bites on your chests grow harder and harder. Eventually, Baji had enough of it. He grabbed your hand that was busy and pinned it to the wall next to you as he buried his face to your neck. “Careful now.” He growled
“Careful of what? I’ll welcome anything you have to offer, Baji.”
He gave you a tender look before going to kiss you again. As he was kissing, his free hand snaked down to your private parts and began to rub at it. Your moans from the action were swallowed by Baji as he kept kissing you. “You’re quite wet already aren’t you.” He said in between kisses.
“You sure it’s not just the water?” you teased
“Why don’t we find out ourselves.” He said with his signature smirk while inserted a finger in you making you gasp in surprise which he took advantage of tasting every bit of you through the kiss. Baji started to pull his finger in and out of you feeling your very slippery walls.
“I don’t know, it seems to me that the wetness is from you not the river.”
You didn’t even bother to answer, only focusing the feeling of Baji’s finger in you. You waited in anticipation as a second finger went up in you pulling a loud moan from you.
“Was two fingers too much for you, babe?” he swirled his fingers in you that made you squirm against him. “How are you going to handle me then?”
“B-baji please!” you pleaded as you looked at him with glossy eyes.
Baji would’ve loved to tease you more, but the sight of you begging and being putty under his hands is the straw that broke the camel’s back. He pulled out his fingers from you and grabbed your legs to lift you up against the wall. While in this position, you can feel his tip rubbing against you. Baji not wanting a moment to go to waste, entered you waiting for you to signal him to enter more until he is fully sheathed within you.
For a while you two stayed like that, basking in this very intimate embrace until you get used to the feeling of him in you. Once you felt ready, you called out to him.
“Take me.”
Baji gave your lips a peck “Anything my lady wants.”
He then pulled out from you leaving only the tip before slamming back in you. The act caused you to moan and squirm against him spurring him on even more to do it again. The first few moments he gave you slow and heavy thrusts but over time his hips started to move faster and faster leaving you a moaning mess against him. You can hear him growling and snarling as kept thrusting into you bringing you bliss every time. Baji only seemed to get turned on even more as he make love to you. The combination your sounds the feeling of your body against him and the feeling of your insides was driving him over the edge.
He dove for the space between your neck and shoulders and bit you his primal instincts taking over. The feeling of him biting you caused you to grab hold of his hair as you clenched around him.
In turn, the feeling of you clenching around him and pulling his hair only caused him to bite even harder. The act making you clench around him again. And thus it became a cycle throughout your session with his thrusts only growing harder as you two came near your climax. All you could hear was his muffled grunting and growling against your neck, his mouth still occupied by biting you. Not long after the familiar feeling of climax came upon you.
“Keisuke please! I-I”
He paid no attention to your words as kept his pace steady already knowing what’s going on. It didn’t take long until he heard you moan out his name out loud and feeling you cream all over him. He paused for a bit letting you take a breather. He went for a kiss making out with you before continuing to thrust in you again. You let him have his way with you as he chased after his high. A minute or so has passed of him just thrusting up to you until you hear his stuttering moan before feeling him pull out and rubbing himself before shooting out his load. You mimicked his action from earlier and gave him a kiss after his orgasm.
He let you down from your position before pulling you into a hug which you gladly returned. Being in his embrace after such an intimate endeavour felt romantic for you for some reason.
“How are you?” he asked as he strokes your head with so much tenderness you just wanted to melt into him.
“Amazing. I don’t know how else to word it.”
“I wasn’t too rough on you was I?” he asked looking at your bit marks in concern.
You noticed where his gaze was before smiling at him. “I would’ve smacked you upside the head if I didn’t like anything what you were doing. And I told you I’ll take everything you had to offer.”
“That’s good to hear.” He sighed in relief before kissing you. Said kiss started off innocent but eventually grew in fervor where he was now nibbling at your lips.
He pulled away and asked you “I know it’s too much to ask of you, but can you handle one more for me?” while caressing your waist.
“H-huh? Already?!” you gaped at him in surprise
“I told you, you’re irresistible to me. And I’ll only do it If you’re ok with it.” He emphasized
You were tired and winded from your first round, but the thought of a second round only aroused you despite what your body feels. You were definitely lying to yourself if you told yourself you didn’t want more.
As an answer to him, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him again which he swiftly caught. “I’ll be in your care.
Baji definitely lit up hearing your answer. He gave you a deep kiss and said “I promise I’ll take good care for you the whole time.”
And just like that you were once again overwhelmed by the sounds of waterfall, your moans and his grunts inside the shallow cavern from behind the waterfall.
Just as he promised, he took good care of you drying you off, and dressing you up before cuddling you in a soft patch of grass beneath the shade of a tree. His arms felt so warm around you that you couldn’t help but fall asleep.
When you awoke, you realize you were lying down on his lap. The view that greeted you was Baji eating his serving of stir fried noodles. He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking “Hope you don’t mind me eating while you slept. After all that I got hungry.”
“It’s ok you don’t have to worry about it.” You said as you slowly sat up “Besides better that than waking up to you burning yet another beast. And whose fault was it I was this tired?” you teased
Baji only laughed at your teasing before holding your chin and guiding you to him to give you a kiss. “I’d gladly do all it again if I’m being totally honest.”
You looked at him and said “No one is exactly stopping you.”
He went near your ear and whispered “Is that an invitation?”
You playfully pushed him away “Not right now you doofus.” You said chuckling.
Baji scooped you into his arms and onto his lap hugging you tight “I just wanna gobble you up all day.” He said nuzzling his face on your neck before looking up and giving you another kiss. After having a taste of you he just couldn’t get enough. He wanted to go back for more and more. Baji’s feelings were translated into the kiss where he continued to deepen it while also beginning to nibble on your lips.
You knew where this was going you wanted more of him too, but unfortunately you decided against it tapping on his shoulder before pulling away saliva still connecting you both. You wiped your lips before speaking “Very tempting really, but we should rest. We still have the journey back.”
Baji’s face turned into a pout before burying his face in your neck again his droopy ear tickling your cheek. The sight was too adorable you couldn’t help but pet said soft looking ears. Baji hummed in content as his ears perked up again, taking pleasure in your attention. “Come on, Baji up we go. We still have to set up camp before nightfall.” You coerced while patting his back.
He let out a low whine before standing up picking you up with him which made you giggle while giving him a kiss on the cheek. Once your camp was set up, you two settled for the night, lying down next to each other. It didn’t take long before you’re all over each other again. Both of you agreed not to go further than kissing tonight, after all you still need energy to go home. Who knows how long you two were kissing until you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Baji holding you close and you holding his fluffy tail.
As you enter the village gates, Akkun happily greeted you “Welcome back! I hope it’s been a safe jou- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!” he looked you over in concern
“What’s wrong?”
“Look at your neck! You’ve got bites on you! You have to go to a medic right away!” he frantically said while pushing you to a carriage that was supposed to drive you home.
Oh goodness gracious. Baji’s bite marks didn’t even occur to you. You stepped away from his pushy hands and tried to reason with him “C-calm down Akkun. This isn’t anything fatal; otherwise I would’ve been rushing here. It didn’t even break skin, look just bruised.”
Akkun only looked at you in disbelief “A-are you sure sure? Those look pretty gnarly. Might be safer to get it looked over.”
“I’ll be fiiine~ It’s just some troublesome creature that didn’t let go until he was satisfied.” You said looking back at you and Baji’s intimacy. He really didn’t let you go until he was satisfied. You only chuckled at the memory.
“Sorry if I’m a little bit pushy, but are you sureyou don’t want that looked over?”
“I’m sure. It’ll disappear in a few days.” You then remembered how hard Baji was biting you and concluded that a few days might be too short “…maybe.”
You opened the carriage door before turning to the knight “Thanks for the concern Akkun, but I’ll be fine.” You said before boarding.
“Take good care of yourself. I wouldn’t want the reason for a new Red Riding Hood to be appointed because the last one died.” He jokingly said before closing the carriage door and signalling the driver that everything’s ready.
Akkun watched as the vehicle went off still a little bit concerned. Just then a knight came near him and said “I sense that our little Red Riding Hood has been having fun in the forest.”
Akkun gawked at the statement before giving said knight a light punch to the stomach “Get your head out of the gutter, Makoto!” he scolded one of his subordinates.
“I don’t recall any creature that can give such a bite and not break skin.” A knight with glasses stated.
“Not you too, Yamagishi! Takuya help me out here!” Akkun turned to the person who seemed sane along with him in their little team.
Takuya only turned to him and shrugged “I’m somewhat of a biter myself and those looked familiar to me.”
Akkun gave up, these three can be stupid in their own way at times, even more stupid than Yamagishi.
Seasons come and go faster than we realize and before you knew it, winter is upon the land. Since winter is a very harsh weather for travel, Red Riding Hoods are only required to deliver supplies once a month. As much as you’re happy at the little break from your job, you can’t help but be sad too. Seeing Baji less brought your spirits a little down, but a job is a job and you must see through it if you wanna live comfortably.
So here you are the lone red in a backdrop of a harsh white, like blood in snow. It’s not supposed to be there. You hope that thought coming to your mind is not some kind of bad omen.
Sadly fate followed through with that omen. You being the only red thing among the snow, you are very noticeable and a winter beast has been eyeing you for a while now. You noticed that someone or something has been following you, but you assumed that it was just Baji, but when he didn’t turn up you figured that it wasn’t him and now you’re extra vigilant.
As much as you would’ve loved to run, doing so in such a situation can only provoke what’s been following you into chasing you so you did your best not to make any sudden moves.
You were too focused on not spurring whatever’s been following you that you didn’t notice that you’ve already arrived at your destination. You make quick work of locking in the supplies in the drop off point since you suspected that whatever is following you is after the food.
Just as you were locking up, you heard a loud roar which likely came from the beast that’s now making a beeline towards the place containing the food. You tried to jump out of its way but it was still able to reach you and pushed you out of the way quite harshly. You ended but getting scratched by its claws but at least you landed on the soft snow.
You looked at the beast trying to claw at the container, but failing to get it to open. You took that opportunity to run away and put some distance between you and it. The beast having found the container futile, decided to go after the running prey. Just as you think you have lost the beast, you heard it coming near you. So you continued to run away trying to think of a way to shake it off you tail. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t see the branches that you ran into it. You were quick to get up but wasn’t able to run away since your red cloak got caught. You tried to make quick work on it, but you noticed that the beast is gaining on you. You pulled as hard as you could to your cloak that when it was free you stumbled back and hit your head to a nearby tree.
Now feeling a little dizzy, your run was slowed and a little wobbly. You eventually ran into a dead end. The wall didn’t seem to be too high; you know it’s within your abilities to climb it. But with your dizzy state, you were seeing double and that climbing said wall can result to even more injury.
You looked back and saw the beast slowly coming towards you. All you could do was close your eyes and hope that it won’t be painful. And so you waited…
And waited…
Until warmth envelopes you. You didn’t know what’s going on but you welcomed said warmth. It reminded you of the warmth Baji provided whenever he held you close to him. Oh how you so badly wanted him to be here right now.
You opened your eyes and was greeted by red against white. It was the blood of the beast flowing down onto the snow. You processed that someone was holding you and you were greeted by the comforting dark locks and amber gaze of Baji. He looks at you in guilt as if blaming himself of what just happened. You couldn’t stand the look of him bearing the sins of a mindless beast.
You reached out your hand to cup his cheek and gave him a grateful smile. “Baji, thank you. You saved me you have nothing to be guilty about.”
Baji tightened his hold on you and kissed your forehead. “I know, I just felt responsible since you’re very special to me and I want to protect everything that’s special to me.” Baji leaned down and pecked your lips “You’re one of my treasures. I can’t bear to lose you.” He said his eyes on the verge of tears.
“And I’m still here thanks to you. You protected your treasure.” You returned his kiss before hugging him “Baji, I’m tired. Can I go to sleep?”
“Not yet, we have to get you looked over.” He said worry laced in his voice as he gently stroke your head as if trying to push your dizziness away.
“I’ll be in your care.”
You didn’t remember much that happened after. All you could recall was the cold wind against you as Baji rushed through the forest, the sight of a cave above you along with a lilac haired man with matching ears before everything went to black.
Once Baji is sure that you’re settled, he put on his coat and started to head out.
“Where do you think you’re going?” the guy tending your wounds asked.
“Don’t stop me, Mitsuya. That beast’s body is still intact; I’ll go finish it off.”
Mitsuya stood up from beside you and took hs coat. “No you won’t, I’ll handle it. You watch over your precious. She’d be more comforted if she saw a familiar face when she wakes up.”
Baji clenched his fist, his eyes full of vengeance. “I’ll destroy every bit of that beast. I’d make its soul suffer if I could.” He muttered in clenched teeth his rage leaking out.
Mitsuya knew that Baji being in this state will only be bad for him in the end, so he decided to slap some sense into him. Mitsuya grabbed hold of Baji’s face and made him turn to your sleeping state “Look at her! You want to leave her here just so you could satiate your hunger for revenge?! You already killed the thing, she’s already in a safe state now go take care of her. I’ll handle the beast’s body.”
The sight of your peaceful face was enough to soften Baji’s intense anger and admittedly he really didn’t want to leave you here. If he could he would stay with you forever to protect you from ever being harmed again.
Mitsuya sensed that Baji has calmed down and let go of his face. “I’ll be off now. Take care ok?”
Baji only gave out a nod before kneeling down next to you. Mitsuya smiled at the sight of this Baji not having seen it often. But he’s glad that he has someone special that he can be himself with. No wonder he’s been in a good mood lately. And like that he’s off to the forest to leave the two be.
Morning came, and you roused from your slumber taking comfort in the warmth next to you. It was so familiar that you’re sure that it was who you thought it was. You looked up and saw Baji’s sleeping face his hair cascading across his face that he looked to ethereal. You wish you could burn the image into your mind. He’s as handsome as ever. You lifted your hand and slowly pushed the stray hairs on his face to behind his ears, but the action caused him to stir awake.
You waited for him to open his eyes, before flashing him a big smile “Sorry for waking you.”
Baji stayed silent just looking at you before his eyes widened and sat up quickly and leaning on to you. “Y-you’re awake?! Are you feeling ok, you feel anything unusual, hungry, thirsty?” he bombarded you with questions in concern.
Before you could respond, he dove for the bag right next to him and pulled out a canteen and handed it to you. Now that you’re looking at it, you did felt thirsty so you gladly took it and took a big gulp sighing in relief after quenching you thirst. Baji took the canteen from you as you were finished and handed you a container filled with food which you gladly devoured.
Baji only watched you closely trying to see if there’s anything to be concerned about. So far, you’ve been fine but he couldn’t help but worry after yesterday’s display. “How’s the cut on your arm?”
“Hmm?” you swallowed the food still in your mouth and felt around the bandaged wound. “It feels just fine. It’s like it’s never been there in the first place.”
Baji smiled at the information and gently grabbed your arm. He started to remove the bandages causing you to pull your arm in surprise “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” He held out his hand waiting for you to place your arm there. You trust Baji so you gave your arm to him.
He continued to remove the bandage and you were expecting to see a nasty wound, but what greeted you was your clean smooth skin which caused you to stare at your arm incredulously. Baji chuckled at your surprised face finding it cute. “A friend of mine patched you up. He’s no medic, but he’s very well prepared for situations like these.” He explained while caressing your healed arm. “He had an ointment on him that medics back home created made from herbs found in the forest. With a forest so big, there are a lot of things unexplored.” He looked up at you “It would seem that your village hasn’t discovered such a thing just yet.”
“That’s amazing!” you said still looking at your completely healed arm.
“I’d teach you to make it if I could, but sadly medicine isn’t a field I’m very knowledgeable with.”
“Then how about your friend? I wish I could’ve met him too.”
Baji chuckled “He doesn’t know how to make it too. He only carries it around because the rest of us can be muscleheads sometimes.”
“Well I get to learn it someday.” You said leaning into him as he hugged you “It would be a great asset to our village.” The thought of your village made you realize something. “How long was I out?” you asked concern written in your eyes.
“You’ve been out for a day. Why, is something wrong?”
“I-I have to get back home quickly!” you said quickly standing causing your vision to swirl. You wobbled but Baji caught you.
“H-hey calm down. Why in such a rush?”
“I have to get home quick!”
“W-why you shouldn’t even be moving too much. The ointment may have healed you but your body is still recovering from healing external wounds. You can’t be out and about right now especially in this cold weather.”
The reminder of the season caused you to shiver, suddenly feeling the cold. Baji tightened his hug when he felt you shiver. “I have to go home.” You said
“That sounded like there was an ‘or else’ was supposed to follow it.”
“I have to go home or… or I’ll be declared dead.” Baji tensed at that statement.
Baji pulled away from you to look at you but still close enough to hold you. “You’ll be declared dead?” he stared at the distance trying to figure it out but came to no reasonable reason “Why?”
“Being a Red Riding Hood is a dangerous job. We’re aware of what we’re getting into. They have a rule set in place where once a Red Riding Hood has not returned in the designated time, they will be declared dead.” You looked at Baji to see his reaction and he is infuriated. You could see his jaw clenching and his body tense ever since you started to explain the situation.
“Why don’t they send out a search party to look for missing Red Riding Hoods? Surely some of them only got lost.”
“Think about it Baji, you yourself are very familiar with the dangers of the forest. Do you think that those who went missing only got lost?”
“Then how about your grandmother, do you believe she’s dead too just because people who are too lazy to look for them declared that they’re dead?” he raised his voice which caused you to flinch a bit. He reached for your hand and you let him “I’m sorry, but you yourself have experienced the loss of someone out here. You still have hope to find your grandmother remember?” he reassured recalling one of your first conversations.
The rule has always been stupid in your eyes, but after years of studying of being a Red Riding Hood, they must have somehow buried that thought deep in you. Brainwashing you into thinking that said rule is a reasonable one. But thinking about it more, said rule is the reason you’re not with your grandmother anymore.
Too much emotion was going through you that you held on to Baji for comfort. In fact, it was too comforting that you ended up falling asleep in his arms. Baji gave the crown of your head a kiss before laying you back down and letting you rest. You need all the rest you can get because he just knows that you’ll insist on getting home once you wake up. He might even just carry you all the way there.
By the time you woke up, it was already evening. You smelled something good and saw Baji roasting something over the fire.
“Well rested?” he asked when he noticed you sit up.
“Like I could run a marathon!”
Baji sweatdropped and tried to reason “M-maybe not to that extent.”
“Well I technically have to run for a long time until I get home.”
“No need for that, I’ll just carry you. You can just enjoy the ride.” He said with a smirk no doubt confident in his abilities.
You chuckled at him “You know, when you say it like that something else comes to my mind you know.” You said blush slowly forming on your cheeks.
There was a slight pause as Baji processed what you just said just staring at you with wide eyes. He then smirked and said “There you are again riling me up.”
“Do you not like it?” you asked teasingly returning the smirk
“Never said such a thing.” He said as he took out whatever he was roasting off the fire.
You stood up and walked over to him not playing around. You lifted your leg over him and sat on his lap facing him. “Getting bold now are we.” He said his smirk growing bigger anticipating what will happen next.
“Are you still taking me for a ride?” you felt up his chest lacing your voice with a sultry tone trying to get him in the mood.
Baji placed his hands at your waist caressing it and occasionally wandering down to your butt. “In what context.” He teased
“You know…ride you.” You went close to him and gave his lips a kitten lick.
“I’m gonna need you to be more specific, darling.” He said before diving into your neck licking you there before giving you the first hickey of the night while also giving your butt a light smack.
“Please Baji! If you don’t take me right now I won’t be feeding you for the next month!”
“You treat me as if I’m some food motivated animal.” He said kissing you
“You sure act like it sometimes.” You responded in between his kisses.
Baji pulled away and looked at you with very dilated pupils. “Oh really? Then…” he lifted you up from where he was sitting and laid you down on your makeshift bed in the cave. “how about I eat you up. You’ll be my delicious meal for tonight.”
He went in to kiss you and took comfort of his tongue intertwined with yours. He indulged himself on your lips for a few more minutes before working to undress you and himself. Not long after, you two were passionately making out in the nude his hair cascading around you acting as sort of like a curtain, your only privacy.
Baji then slowly trailed kisses down to your neck where he placed a few more hickeys before proceeding to your chest. He took hold of it appreciating the feel of it against his hands before suckling on your nipples alternating between the two. After a few bite marks were given to your chest, he gave your tummy kisses.
You gasped when you felt Baji’s breath near your private parts. He adjusted himself and made room to slowly spread your legs. Guess you really were is meal, he looked starved when he caught sight of your glistening folds. Baji sat up and took a hair tie from his clothes and tied his hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way of my feast.” He placed your legs over his shoulders, held you down and gave your thighs a few bite marks.
Moans came out of your mouth as you felt his tongue give you a long lick tasting. Oh how he loved hearing those sounds knowing that he was the one to cause those. Baji gave her repeated licks savouring the taste of her burning it to his mind because he couldn’t get enough of it.
Baji was relentless, his tongue overwhelming you with sensations completely new to you. His pliant tongue a completely different experience from his thrusts back when you two were behind that waterfall. He was precise and you felt him everywhere, well it felt like it because the feel of him is the only thing you could feel and focus on.
After spending a while tasting your wetness, indulging himself in your taste. He figured he has tasted you enough that he should pay attention to your needs now. But you’d have to disagree as just his curious exploring was pleasurable as it is. Baji went to look for that bundle of nerves, and as soon as he came in contact with it, he felt you squirm away. Baji took hold of your legs on his shoulders and pulled you back and pinning you down. Now you’re a squirming and moaning mess underneath the mercy of his tongue. The stimulation was too much as you tried to squirm away once again but his tight grip on you prevented you from moving even a single inch from him.
The cave you two were in was filled with your moans and his slurping echoing across it which brought you an ounce of embarrassment and arousal. Just hearing those sounds excited you more, there’s something primalin the act of doing it in a cave, the thought bringing you excitement.
You felt around you trying to look for leverage to hold on to ground yourself from these sensations, but you settled at grabbing his hair and pulling occasionally. Since you couldn’t do anything but receive Baji’s actions, you were curious as to what he looked like and so you propped yourself on your elbows and peeked. What greeted you were Baji’s amber eyes staring at you intensely. The sight of Baji staring at you as he ate you out caused more wetness to gush out of you thoroughly aroused at the thought that he’s been watching you from the start.
Baji has been watching you, anticipating every single reaction he pulls out from you. He must know everything about you and how like to be pleasured, learning every single thing that brings you pleasure and excitement and exploiting them. Maybe even take advantage of it for the next time you get intimate. Everything about you just drives him crazy. He was in a daze he couldn’t stop and before he knew it a loud moan greeted his ears as fluids gushed out from you. He licked off every single drop off you clean before sitting up and licking his lips. He admired you and your limp and heavy breathing form, taking pride at his work.
As you were trying to catch your breath, you felt Baji lean over your figure and placed a kiss on your lips. Soon you felt something prodding at your entrance, but not right now. Not just yet. You sat up and pushed Baji into a sitting position with you leaning close to his face.
“That can wait. I have a different plan for now.” You said as you reached your hand behind his head and pulled his hair tie off his hair. You showed the object to Baji before using it to tie your hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way.” You quoted Baji from earlier which earned a chuckle from him.
You started to mimic how he went down on you. First kissing his neck and also leaving your little hickey before going down to his chest licking and tasting him. You took your time at his abdomen admiring it while also teasing him making him think that you’ll finally go down on him only to lick upwards again. You gave in after hearing him growl. You looked at him and his size seemed to lean on the bigger side. You weren’t sure if you could take all of him in your mouth, but might as well try.
You gave his tip a kiss and a lick before putting it in your mouth, swirling your tongue around just his tip. Trying to tease him more, you licked from the base of his cock all the way up slowly and flicking your tongue as you got to the tip. That seemed to be what caused Baji to snap. He grabbed you by the hair and shoved himself in your mouth. You giggled at his desperation before you started bobbing your head up and down your tongue still working in action.
Baji moaned loudly, throwing his head back as he indulged in the feeling of your mouth sucking him off. But he wasn’t one to pass up the sight of you and your face stuffed with his cock. He looked down and the sight almost made him come. He would’ve been done for if you were looking at him. Baji was quick to pull you away from him and kissing you. All the while kissing you, he pushed you down and hovered over you just appreciating in your beauty.
You could never tire of the view you have above you right now. Dishevelled hair around you both, his glistening lips, and the warm light of the bonfire made him appear even more sexier. It’s like everything around you was adjusting to you and Baji. Nothing else mattered except this moment between you two.
“Be a good girl for me and lie on your stomach, would you.”
Anything for him. You repositioned yourself and waited for Baji to make a move. You felt him kiss the small of your back his loose hair tickling you and made you squirm a little causing your butt to brush up to something hard.
Baji chuckled “Eager now, are we.” Ah, looks like he mistook it. No matter, you’ll both feel good later on anyway.
Baji’s hands explored your smooth back appreciating the feel of it against his hands and how you react to his every single touch whether it be a slight twitch or a whimper out of you, it excites him even more.
He leaned down to your ear “You ready?”
Once he saw you nod in response, he bit at your neck whilst inserting himself inside you. The feeling of each other’s closeness had you two letting out hot breaths, calming yourselves and letting you adjust to him. When you gave him the go ahead, he started ramming his hips into you. He couldn’t help himself from ravaging you, he’s been holding himself back ever since from the start.
You felt him lean down and felt his chest come into contact with your back as he continued to thrust into you. His pace started to quicken even more so you grabbed the nearest thing to you as leverage which happened to be Baji’s coat.
As soon as he saw you clutching at his coat, it sent him into overdrive standing on his knees and elevating your hips and holding your head down. He gave your butt a few smacks then proceeding to drive his hips into you once again. Baji pulled your hair up causing you to be on all fours.
“Look at you taking me so well.” He moaned out biting your neck once again “This is the third time I’ve been in you, right? You took me so well all times. Made me feel real good I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that.” He said between grunts.
Just as he said those words, he felt you clench at him “A-ahn~ you r-really do like praises huh.”
“You remember that? When I brought you back for the first time. You liked it when I sang you praises. Guess it carries over here too huh. Agh!” your insides clenched at him again. He grabbed your chin and made you face him “Driving me crazy here.” He kissed your lips tongue never failing to explore you.
After a few minutes of you two going at it, you eventually arrived at your climax which had you plop down on the makeshift bed ass still up. Baji rubbed himself a few more times before covering your back in white letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Your back covered in his cum aroused him again; it makes him want to cover you with even more. But he knows he can’t, you still have to rest for tomorrow’s journey. He leaned down at your shoulder and bit down as his last ditch effort to satiate his current hunger, but sadly it only turned him on even more as he heard you moan in response to his bite.
You can tell that Baji is still raring to go but is holding himself back. “Keisuke,” you called in a breathy voice still trying to catch your breath “What’s stopping you?”
“Tomorrow, you need rest for tomorrow.” He kissed you again finding your dazed look to be irresistible.
“I thought you offered to carry me all the way home.” You teased
“I did say that.”
“And speaking of rides,” You sat up and sat on his lap, your cunt sliding against his already semi hard cock “I haven’t gotten my ride for tonight.”
Baji relented, grabbing your waist and guiding you to hover over his cock. “Do as you please.” He said with a smirk licking your collarbone.
Slowly, you sank yourself onto him with Baji’s arms stiff on your waist restraining himself from just slamming you down on him. It’s your ride, you do as you please. But goodness you sure are a good way to train his self-control because you keep testing him. By the time he’s fully in you, you caught sight of his knitted brows and a few droplets of sweat on his forehead.
You decide to spare him and slowly bounced yourself on him with Baji groaning in pleasure in response. You felt his hand on your waist go tighter. You can tell that he wants more, but you decide to just go at your pace going slowly. You low-key anticipate the impending rough treatment of you when he gets fed up with your ‘teasing’.
It didn’t take long before he’s biting on your neck and is now the one bouncing you on his cock. Baji laid on his back and continued to thrust up into you. You were glad he took initiative in this situation because you weren’t sure if your thighs could hold you up any longer considering his treatment of you in your first round.
Soon enough, you billowed out a moan your body twitching ever so slightly before collapsing on his chest. Baji pulled out of you and closed your thighs together and thrusted in there instead. The feeling of your soft lower lips and thighs rubbing him was what brought him to his second climax of the night. He felt you slowly dozing off on him. He pulled the blanket over the two of you before repositioning you into a much more comfortable sleeping position. He made sure to clean up the both of you before going to sleep himself.
You were woken up with Baji shaking you. When you woke up you were already dressed. “Time to go.”
You yawned and stretched before getting up preparing to leave. Travelling through the forest on a wolf’s perspective is a very new experience. You can’t help but close your eyes in bliss as you felt the wind in your hair blowing against you from the speed Baji was running. You vaguely remember this feeling when you were still injured after he saved you from the beast. You’re just happy you get to experience it again more clearly.
Baji suddenly came to a stop and when you looked ahead there are the gates of your village. On a normal circumstance you’d be happy at the sight of your home, but right now you’re only filled with dread. The gate lock was adorned with a red ribbon.
You hopped off Baji and approached said ribbon. “We’re too late.”
“What?! But you still have the rest of the day to return!”
“I know. They sure are quick to claim my death. Guess that’s that then.”
“You’re just gonna let them do that?!”
“Baji, once the ribbon is set there’s no way they’ll let me in anymore. It’s another one of those stupid rules. I’m not welcome here anymore.”
After all the work you did for them, they’re gonna dispose of you just like that??? Hell no, fuck those bastards, you’re not going back there. “You still have another place you’re welcome to go home to.”
Baji held his hand out to you “Come home with me. You’re more than welcome there. The pack would love you!”
You immediately took his hand. ���If I’m being totally honest, I would prefer to be with you rather than stay in a place where not a lot cares about me. I missed you a lot when I couldn’t see you.”
Baji pulled you in for a hug and kissed you. “You’ve always been in my mind too. Now we don’t have to be apart anymore. We can be together whenever we want, wherever we want.”
“Let’s go to your home then.”
“Our home.” He corrected
“Yes, our home.”
And with that the two of you ran into the forest ready to start a new chapter in your lives where a new companion is by their side.
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starsandsoulmates · 3 years
Bedwars God
Dream x Reader
Request - So this is a dream x reader in real life the reader is a Minecraft youtuber, so I want their personality based off of LDshadowlady, basically like a soft girl, very friendly that can build cute stuff but know hot to pvp etc etc. And dream is like the biggest simp every. Anyways hope you have a good day bai bai
Summary - You are a twitch streamer and Dream donates to you asking for a 1v1.
Word Count - 1.6k
A/N - I’m a little bit rusty with my writing skills but I hope that you guys enjoy this! Keep the requests coming in so I can keep working on my characterizations!
When the Twitter notification had popped up, you honestly hadn’t been expecting it. You stared for a few moments at it before it fully registered. Dream, the Dream, had just followed you on Twitter, the manhunt, Dream smp, Dream. After a brief moment of intense freaking out, you decided to draft a tweet, and a  few failed attempts later you finally sent the tweet.
Dream followed me so I’m basically in the big leagues now. I’ll remember all of you once I’m famous. 😎
You smiled a little and scrolled through the replies of your fans freaking out about this news. They honestly were almost as excited as you were about this new development.  
Dream had been a huge inspiration to you when you had started streaming only a few months ago. Seeing the success he was able to achieve just by having fun with his friends was enough to push you into finally pressing the start stream button on Twitch. Of course, it had been a rocky start but now you had gained a following and were averaging about 10,000 viewers per stream. Your streams consisted of anything from Bedwars to building on your Minecraft world that you started the day you started streaming.
After a bit more time of scrolling through the replies on your tweet, you decided to finally get up and start to set up your stream for the day. You sent a quick tweet about streaming in 20 minutes and started to get ready. You checked all of your devices to make sure that they were running properly before turning on the stream starting soon screen. The chat exploded to life when the stream went online. It was filled with hellos and disbelief about the Dream follow. You giggled a little as you read through the chat before unmuting your mic for a moment.
“Hey guys just finishing up setting some things and I will be on. I’m going to drop a poll in chat on what you guys wanna see today,” You said happily as you booted up Minecraft.
You muted the mic again and started the poll before turning back to opening up Minecraft. You glanced at the poll and saw that Bedwars was winning by quite a bit so you decided to just log into Hypixel now. Once you were in the Hypixel lobby and you had nicked yourself, you finally let the stream see your screen. You turned on the camera and unmuted your mic.
“Hello, guys! How are you guys doing today,” You paused for a few moments to let your eyes roam over the chat, “I’m doing good, thank you so much for asking!”
“Okay let me do the donos I missed when I was setting up…” You read out all the donos you had missed and the gifted subs as well thanking your viewers and finally, you joined the Bedwars lobby.
“Okay so I think we are going to start off with some Bedwars today and then we can decide what to do after. How long am I going to stream?” you read from the chat, “I’m not exactly sure yet at least an hour or so we’ll see how long I can go before I get tired.”
You started to play Bedwars and got a mixed bag of good clutches and the inevitable failing at speed bridging. The stream was going perfectly with your viewers interacting with you and you having fun as well. At least until the dono came in that made you walk off the bridge you were in the middle of constructing to Blue’s base.
The monotone voice readout, “Hey, love your content we should definitely 1v1 sometime.”
The dono wasn’t particularly unusual but the fact that it was $100 and from dreamwastaken was the part that made you fall off the bridge.
“DREAM! You didn’t have to donate that much,” You paused to collect yourself and reorientate in the Bedwars game. “I would love to 1v1 you some time, I mean I think I’m pretty good at pvp but I don’t think that I’m that good at pvp.”
The chat was going absolutely insane at the dono and they were also calling the both of you simps. Dream for even donating in the first place and you for falling off the bridge when he donated.
You laughed softly at the chat, “Chat shush I am not a simp, it just caught me off guard that’s all.”
The stream from there on out was relatively normal with a few more Bedwars victories in the bag. After almost two hours of streaming, you decided to wrap up the stream.
“Okay, guys I think I need to head out and get some work done. I love you guys all so much and thank you for being here today. And an extra thank you for anyone who donated, subbed, or gifted subs. Remember to follow my Twitter it's the exact same as my twitch name. I usually announce when I’m going to stream on there as well as any other updates. Thank you guys so much and I will see you next time,” You said with a huge smile covering your face as you ended the stream after sending all of your viewers over to Tubbo who had started streaming towards the end of your stream.
Once you turned everything off and pulled up the latest video you had been editing, the notification ding distracted you away from your computer. For the second time in the day, you stared in disbelief at a Twitter notification.
Dream - Hey, I would really like to 1v1 you some time. I have been watching your content for a while now and I am a huge fan of what you make. Let me know when you want to do the 1v1. We can do it for a stream or a video. It's you to you :)
You - It means so much to me that you have been liking my content, I am a huge fan of yours as well. I am honestly free pretty much whenever. I need to make a new video so if you want to record a couple of rounds of pvp and maybe some bedwars with me then I can upload it to my channel.
Dream - Yeah that sounds good, I am actually free right now if you wanna hop on Hypixel and record now?
You - Yeah that sounds good I just sent you a discord friend request.
Your hands were practically shaking as you booted Minecraft back up. Dream was going to make a video with you. You were going to play with Dream. Your anxiety was only heightened when Dream accepted your friend request and added you into a VC. You took a slow breath and clicked on the VC and joined.
“H-hello,” You stuttered out softly as you tried to calm your nerves.
“Hey! Sorry if this seems out of the blue I really have been a fan for a while and I thought a 1v1 challenge would be fun,” Dream said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice.
“It’s fine, I just didn’t expect it. Like I said, I’m a huge fan so I’m just a bit shocked,” You chuckled a little feeling your nerves relax, “I’m on Hypixel now if you wanna get on, I say we do some 1v1s first.”
“Sounds good, are you recording now?” Dream asked as you glanced down at your recording software.
“Yep, but don’t worry I’ll send you the video before I post it so you can make sure you don’t mind any clips that I add,” you said as his character in the game ran towards you.
“You ready?” Dream asked with a smirk in his voice.
“Don’t get cocky yet green man, you’re going down,” You quipped back.
You and Dream 1v1ed a total of 11 times with Dream winning 6 and you winning the other 5.
“I told you not to be too cocky,” you giggled as he yelled about how you had managed to beat him 5 whole times.
“No! I only challenged you because I thought I would destroy you,” He said jokingly with a loud laugh accompanying the statement.
You laughed as well before rolling your eyes, “I told you not to get too cocky Dream, now let’s play some bedwars because I am going to destroy you.”
Dream scoffed a little and joined the party you had created. The beginning had been a little awkward but now the two of you were slowly falling into a rhythm. You started to feel more and more comfortable with the man and the teasing had only been heightened. The taunts during the bedwars game had both of you in stitches with Dream’s iconic kettle laugh only making you laugh that much harder.
“Oh sorry did my beauty distract you?” You laughed as you watched Dream fall off of his bridge.
“Oh shut up,” Dream countered weakly which only served to make you laugh that much harder.
The two of you ended up playing 4 rounds of Bedwars with Dream winning only a single round. He had raged for a few minutes after you had finished up the final round.
“Sorry Dream but Bedwars is my territory. You should have known better than to play with me,” You said with a huge smile.
“Oh come on, you were definitely using hacks. That was like a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance,” Dream said which sent you and consequently him into a fit of laughter.
“You’re so stupid,” You said with a smile before turning off the recording software. “Thank you for playing with me today, it’s always good to help people practice their bedwars skills.”
“You’re so annoying,” Dream whined before chuckling softly. “But yeah I had a really good time today, we definitely need to do this again.”
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Running Away With You
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*Image Credits to rightful owners*
Bang Chan x reader; non idol AU; established relationship; fluff; midly suggestive at places
Word Count: 4.25k
A/N: A huge thank you to @youn9racha, for this super cute request. I am as much a sucker for road trips as I am for Chan, so I really enjoyed writing this!! I hope you like it as much as I did.
"Do you ever just want to pack your bags and run away in the night, without telling anyone?," you ask your boyfriend, Chan, as you both lay in bed one night. "That's an interesting question," he says, playing with your hair, "Though first I'd like to know what made you think of that." "Pfft. It's nothing too complex, Christopher. It's just a random thought that popped into my head," you say, while rolling your eyes at his inquisitive nature.
"Y/N, I know you, and I can sense that you've got something bothering that pretty head of yours, and making you want to run away. So tell me, what is it?," Chan speaks in a soothing tone, making you snuggle into his chest even more, while letting out a sigh. "It's just, work has been so crazy these past few days, and the pressures of the real world are getting to me. You remember when we were back in college? Whenever things got too hard, we used to go on road trips to clear our heads. Even a couple days away from the harsh real life were enough to rejuvenate us. I guess I just miss those times, now that real life responsibilities are wearing us down."
Once you're done with your little rant, Chan pulls your head up a little, making you look at him. He softly says, "Aww baby, I'm so sorry I didn't realize you've been struggling these past few days. I guess I've been too busy with my own work tonoticee. I know we're no longer in college, but I promise to you, that whenever the going gets tough, I'll do everything in my ability to help your through." "I know Channie, I know. I have you, and it's more than enough."
You give in to sleep after a while, and so, you fail to notice that Chan takes a little longer to fall asleep that night. He keeps thinking back on what you said earlier, carrying out an internal debate with himself. "Y/N is right. Work and responsibilities have taken a toll on us, and a road trip may be just what we need. But can we really afford to just 'run away?' There are too many projects, too many commitments. And we owe it to our colleagues to tell them that we will be away for a few days," he thinks to himself, before slowly drifting off to dreamland.
The next morning brings with itself a fresh hustle, but your face doesn't betray any sign of the frustrations you let come to the surface last night. But Chan knows better, and, seeing his reflection while getting ready for work, he realizes that his own expression mirrors yours. A thin veil to hide the fact that it's getting too much. At his office that day, he can't seem to focus on his work, since his mind keeps drifting back to your words. By the time the evening rolls around, he has made up his mind. He's going to run away with you, for a week anyway.
But a road trip needs some planning, and Chan wants this vacation to be the perfect little surprise for you. So, on his way home, he stops by at the convenience store to buy some essentials. Instant noodles, a few bottles of beer, disposable utensils, rental DVDs, he collects quite a few things, being reminded of your college days with each item he adds to his cart. In a moment of impulse, he even purchases a tent fit for two, and once he's done shopping, he hides everything in the boot of his car. You don't need to know of his plan, yet.
The following day, he leaves his office early, calling in a week's leave of absence due to some made-up reason. Instead of going home, he first drops by at your office. Not to meet you, but to get a similar application for leave approved on your behalf.
He finally heads back home to pack and ready a couple of things for your trip. "Y/N wanted to run away in the middle of the night, and that is what we'll do," he smiles to himself. When you come home, he remains tight-lipped about his little surprise for you, even though his excitement is trying to get the best of him.
Once the clock strikes twelve, he brings you out to his car, without telling you the reason. "Just please, come on! Don't you trust me?," he says, pouting. On his way out of the house, he picks up your phone from the couch, along the house keys. You don't notice this, however, as you're busy pestering him with questions. "Chan, why are we going out so late at night? What's going on? Tell me!" "You wanted to run away, right? Well, how about running away...... to the convenience store?," he smiles cheekily, making you giggle. "Gosh you're such a cheesy idiot," you say, getting into the car, still blissfully unaware of his intentions.
"Yeah, but I'm your cheesy idiot," he laughs, pressing his foot on the accelerator.
It doesn't take you long to realize that instead of driving over to the 24/7 close to your house, Chan has pulled onto the highway. You turn to look at him, only to see him smiling brightly, his eyes trained ahead. "Chan, what are you doing?," you ask, though feel like you already know the answer. "Running away with you," he says, taking your hand in his his, and bringing it up to his lips.
"What? But that was just a random rant! And what about work? We can't just disappear like that," you exclaim, to which, he only replies by giving you a knowing look. "Let me guess, you already informed our offices?" "Yes, and no," he quips. When you look at him quizzically, he elaborates, "I submitted applications for leave, making up some random excuse. So we have a whole week to ourselves." "But, what about essentials and supplies? We don't have anything to eat," you try to reason. He counters, "Babe, I've been planning this for two days, and I already stocked up on all our favourite snacks, drinks, and movies. I even got us a tent for days we want to sleep out in the open. I've got it all set, so don't you worry. The only thing I need you to do is to promise me that for the next seven days, you won't check your phone. I've already downloaded tons of songs and created at least 20 different playlists. You won't be getting any work-related messages, since I've taken care of that as well, and for directions, we'll take the traditional way, and ask around."
"Directions? Where exactly are we going anyway?," is your next question. To your surprise, he simply shrugs, before telling you that he doesn't have any specific place in mind. "Let's just wander away, going wherever the road takes us," he says, rather poetically, to which, you can't help but laugh. You then let out a soft sigh, making him look at you. "Sounds like a plan to me. Chan and Y/N, running away together, with no destination in mind," you smile, before reaching over and kissing his cheek.
"Let's play some music, shall we?," you ask, before hitting shuffle on the first playlist that pops up on your phone. You both settle in a comfortable silence, and soon enough, you begin to get drowsy. Chan notices this, and tells you to rest your eyes for a bit. "Promise to wake me up in like, two hours, so that I can take over the wheel," you yawn. "Okay fine bub, now sleep." Chan continues driving, occasionally stealing glances at your sleeping form. "How did I get so lucky?," he wonders, just like he does every day.
Morning finds you to be the one behind the wheel, as Chan naps contently in the passenger seat. The brightness of the sun finally wakes him up, and he realizes that you've left the highway, and are now driving through what appears to be the countryside. "I wonder where we're headed," he says while yawning. "Well, a signboard I saw earlier told me that we are somewhere in Jeonju," you reply. Instead of words, Chan's reply comes as a grumbling from his stomach. "Hungry," you quip, making him nod his head vigorously. You hit the breaks, before preparing some instant ramen for breakfast.
You eventually continue on your trip, and after a few hours, you find yourself in the midst of traditional Korean buildings, which seem to be from the Joseon dynasty. "Is this perhaps a tourist location?," wonders Chan loudly, making you reply, "Only one way to find out." You both get out of the car and do some asking around. You find out that the place where you houses the residences of the noblemen of old, and has now been converted into a shooting-cum-tourist spot. "Tourists can get traditional hanboks from that store, to complete the experience," an old woman tells you.
You turn to look at Chan, your eyes shining. Twenty minutes later, you exit the store, dresses from head to toe in a light blue hanbok. Chan's eyes nearly pop out when he sees you, and when he tells you the same, you can't help but blush.
You continue to hang around the place little while longer, and have dinner at a small eatery nearby.
"I feel like I'm 20 again. Thank you Channie," you say, holding his hand across the table. "Anything for you love," he winks.
Evening eventually comes around, and you guys hit the road once again. Around dinner time, you notice that you are crossing by a wood and supplies shop, and an idea strikes your mind. "Let's buy some wood and grill our meat!," you say excitedly, making Chan coo at how adorable you are. "Great idea babe. Let me park."
You quickly exit the car and visit the shop to buy some wood, then get started on your mini bonfire. It proves to be more difficult than you had thought, given how inexperienced the both of you are. In the end, you manage to get the fire going enough for the meat to be grilled, and turn around to ask Chan to bring in the eatables, when you see his face. It's completely covered in soot from his failed attempts at lighting the flame, making you double over in laughter. "You look so funny," you say while gasping for air. "Wouldn't be so funny if I got this soot on your face now, will it?," he retorts, coming after you. You try to run, but it's obviously in vain, as Chan grabs hold of you in under a minute. You both laugh harder than you have in months, and when you finally calm down, you give your boyfriend a tight hug. He hugs you back, and whispers, "I love you." "I love you too, Channie," you say, "Now go and get the meat, I'm hungry." "Way to ruin the moment, Y/N," he grumbles as you push him away.
After dinner, you walk up to the shop owner to thank him, and ask his permission to camp nearby. "It rained a few days ago, so the ground is still wet, and will be uncomfortable. But you can rent a room here for the night if you'd like," he offers. "That'll be great sir, thank you for the help." Chan says, coming up behind you. The shop owner gives you the keys to a room, and before leaving, says something that leaves you both red at the ears. "No funny business here, please. I know you both are young, and controlling yourself is hard. But I'd rather you didn't 'play around' unnecessarily on my bed."
You get changed and climb into the bed, snuggling up to each other. "First day down, babe," you smile with your eyes closed. When Chan doesn't reply, you open them, only to find your man staring at you with love in his eyes. "This is pure healing for me, thank you for suggesting this trip, love," he says. You talk about anything and everything for a while, and then suddenly, you feel Chan's soft lips pressing against yours. He gives you a sweet kiss, and pulling away, says, "About what the old man said earlier.....," while smirking. You shove his chest, saying, "We shouldn't," making him pout. "Although, making out doesn't count as 'funny business,' does it?" And that's enough to make him press his lips back to yours, moving so as to hover over you.
You wrap your arms around his back, pulling you closer to him. He licks your lower lip, making you part your lips and allowing his tongue to enter. After a while, you break away, only to grab his T-shirt and take it off his body, before wrapping your hands around his bare back. Needless to say, the two of you didn't get much time to sleep that night.
You get started on your way again the next day, and around mid-day, you see a milestone telling you that you are entering Iksan. The small town seems a lifetime away from your hectic lives in Seoul, and you spend the day going from shop to shop, buying small trinkets and stuff that are reminiscent of the country life. The residents welcome you with open arms, and more than once, you find an old couple telling you how cute you look together.
"He's a keeper, that one. Don't let him go," a lady says to you, pointing at Chan, who can be seen playing with some kids. "I won't," you smile.
That night, you stay over at a family's house, who were nice enough to allow you to sleep on their futon. You have dinner with them, during which the kid's ask Chan, "Are you two married?," making him choke on his food. "I'm sorry for that, they are learning about families and marriage in school these days," says their mother. "It's all right," you smile, "But no, we aren't married." "But do you plan on getting married soon?," the kids persist.
You and Chan look at each other and smile, before saying in unison, "Yes. One day."
The next morning you take the wheel from Chan, and the both of you drive of in silence, as High School Musical plays on your dashboard screen. After a while, you say, "What is it, Channie? You've been staring at me," "It's just that, you seem way too quiet. You've been like that since last night, after dinner," he replies, "What's the matter? Are you okay?" "I'm fine, just been thinking." "About?" "About us," you begin, elaborating when you see him looking at you expectantly. "When those kids asked us if we were married, it got me thinking.....I love being with you, I love waking up next to you. We live together any way, and share all the burdens that come with it too. So I guess...getting married to you wouldn't be so bad after all," you say softly.
"Is this your way of proposing to me?," giggles your boyfriend. "What? No! I mean, I did say it would be nice to get married, but I don't have a ring right now. And I meant it when I said 'one day,' but it's not today," you hurriedly say. Chan bursts out laughing at this, "I know love, I'm not ready yet either. But yes, if I have to get married, I'd rather marry you than anyone else."
Around noon, you decide to set up camp in a forest clearing. It takes you a few hours to get the tent up and ready, as you keep getting delayed because you can't stop fooling around. Amid Chan getting himself wrapped with the tent instead of unwrapping it, and you assembling the rods the wrong way up, you spend some not-so-productive, but enjoyable quality time in each other's presence, something you didn't know you had been craving for.
Evening rolls by, and you have a light dinner with ramen, some roasted chicken, and beer, following which, you lay down on a picnic mat, with your head on Chan's arm. "The stars look so beautiful, don't they Channie?," you softly ask. "Not as beautiful as you," he says cheesily, making you hide your face into his side. "But yeah, you're right. I really wanted to go stargazing with you, but we never got the time," he sighs. "I'm so happy we came on this trip, love." You open your mouth to speak, but just then, you notice a star shooting across the sky. "Channie! Channie get up, it's a shooting star!," you squeal, before closing your eyes and praying. Once you open them, you notice Chan looking at you with a gaze full of love. "Didn't you wish for something?," you ask. "I did," he smiles. "But what about you? What did you wish for?"
"Come closer Mr. Bang, I'm not about to announce my wish to the whole world," you whisper slyly. He leans in closer to you, only to have you say, "You don't tell others what you wished for," before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He smiles into the kiss, before breaking away and hugging you tight.
The next day turns out to be the last before you have to turn back homeward, and so, Chan suggests you make the best of it. "From what I know about the country's geography, we should be close to a beach somewhere here," he says, making you look at him with your eyes shining. "Too bad we're not going to get help from the GPS, but I'm really enjoying the phone detox," you smirk. "Who needs GPS when we've got people? Look there, we're gonna enter a city soon, so let's ask our way around," he replies. An hour and a half later, you come across a milestone that tells you the beach is a mile away. Once there, you look for a deserted spread of sand, keen on not getting stuck in an unnecessary crowd. "We face enough of that in the city, I just want to be alone with you," you whisper, taking his hand in his.
When you finally succeed in finding such a place, Chan giggles, "Good thing I packed our swimming gear as well, right?" "You did well sweetie," you say, booping his nose softly. After getting changed, you spend the next few hours playing in the water. Suddenly, Chan pulls you flush into his chest, and whispers in your ear, "You look so hot wearing that, and with water dripping down your body, I'm really finding it hard to stay away." "Then don't," you say, biting your lip. One thing leads to another, and you're thankful for the changing shack nearby.
By the time the sun starts to set, Chan has pulled you out of the water, and is making you dance with him on the sand, after bringing your phones and portable speaker from the car. Waltzing to the music, you shyly say, "I love you Channie," making him blush and reply with an "I love you too, my cute baby."
After dinner you climb atop the roof of your car, talking about your younger days. "You remember when we got into a huge fight once, back in college? And I was about to break up with you, only to have you whisk me away on a road trip, just like you did this time," you say, laying your head on his shoulder. "It did get you to stick around with me though," he replies, laying his chin on your head. "And you remember how we first met? You spilled your latte all over my T-shirt, and then took me to the infirmary to check for any burns," he reminds you, making you throw your head back in laughter. "You kept whining for a year over how you missed out on being the 'campus heartthrob' because of that incident, when in reality, you still were the most popular freshman," you jab a finger at his chest, smiling.
"Okay, I've got a secret. I wasn't actually sad about the campus heartthrob thing, since I already knew everyone was head over heels for me," he grins, making you punch his arm. "Hey! Let me finish first. I knew everyone loved me, but I only had eyes for you. And whining was just a tactic to get you to feel sorry for me and go on a date with me." You fake gasp at this, exclaiming, "Treachery! And here I thought you were genuinely sulky about that. do you have any idea how guilty I felt that whole year?!" When he simply states at you, unamused, you add through a pout, "I'm planning on revoking your cuddle privileges."
All of a sudden, you realize that Chan is moving over to lay on top of you, trapping you between him and the roof. "You know you can't resist me, babe. So don't even try," he says. "You are right about that," you say, pulling him for a kiss.
You both end up remaining awake till dawn the next day, and decide to start on your journey home around mid-way, after having napped inside the car for a few hours. You get started on your way just after noon, with Chan behind the wheel, and you eating (and feeding him) from a packet of gummy bears in the passenger seat. You re-enter the city you had seen earlier the previous day, and decide to spend some time roaming around. It's a fairly big city, but still much quieter and more peaceful than Seoul. You pass on visiting the mall, reasoning that you do so too frequently back home.
Soon enough though, you come across a store that displays a signboard saying, "Free wine tasting session for couples." You both look at each other, and with a smirk, Chan says what is on your mind. "Can't pass up on sophisticated wine for free now, can we?" You giggle and say, "Nope, absolutely not." And so, in you go. The session proves to be equal parts fun and educational. From the Chardonnay to the Pinot Noir, you go through with the tasting of at least 20 different types of wines. While you actually stick to the literal meaning of the word "tasting," drinking no more than a sip per drink, Chan goes all out, and not too long after, he's totally drunk. "Hey there beautiful, mind telling me your name?," he tries to act smooth with you, making you facepalm as you say, "I still get surprised about how low your alcohol tolerance is for your size," you shake your head.
Once you leave the tasting, half dragging, half carrying a wasted Chan who continuously tries to flirt with you, you decide to take the wheel and hit the road to the outskirts of the city, and cover the remainder of the trip once you're fully sober. When you cross over the city's borders and re-enter the road in the wilderness, you hit the brakes. You let Chan sleep, knowing that waking him up will only give him a hangover. Getting out of the car, you get yourself something to eat from the boot, and once you're full, you snuggle up to him, throwing a blanket over the both of you.
You wake up around nine at night, and as you had predicted, you see Chan holding his head in agony. You nurse him for while, before putting him back to sleep, then continue down the road. You keep sneaking glances at his sleeping form, smiling to yourself when you notice how peaceful he seems, something he hasn't looked like in ages. "We really needed this. Thank you for always knowing what I need, and for always taking care of me. I love you," you thank him silently.
When he finally wakes the next morning, he sees you huddled up in the driver's seat, and he can feel his heart swell with love for you. He gets out of the car, then picks you up and softly places you on the backseat so that you can rest well. Looking at your expression, he can easily see how content and truly happy you are. You are his reason to keep going, and if this little getaway idea of his could help you find your reason to keep going (unbeknownst to him, he himself is your reason to endure too), his heart is at ease. Sure, your week off is going to end soon, but he's positive that you will have rejuvenated yourself and would have gathered enough beautiful memories to last you a while.
Sure, going back to Seoul would mean going back to the hustle and bustle of your lives, but hey, he knows that that you by his side, he'd be ready to run away from home again any day, because his home is with you. But even more than that, he knows that with you by his side, life will be just a tad bit easier. Because you will always be there to remind him of who he was back in college. You will keep the young, carefree boy who loved you to bits, alive in him. And he'll do the same for you. And with that thought, he drives off into the distance, back to where you started from, with a smile on his face.
Because at the end of the day, you both have each other, and that's all that matters.
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stariwrites · 3 years
Part One
Red: An Underground Hero Deku x Crime lord fem! Reader
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18+ Minors DNI or else I’ll revoke your kneecaps
Author’s Note: All characters are aged up and this fic is a monstrosity so I figured I’d split it up into two parts this is part one and I’ll link part 2 as well when I post it
Tw: fem dom, corruption kink, praise kink, biting/marking, club setting, dry humping, slight choking, alcohol is mentioned (Izuku doesn’t drink it) use of the pet name baby boy, semi public sex
Thank you to @chaos-night for beta reading, I appreciate it!!
For @yixxes I hope you like it!!
Do not repost or share
“None are known to be good, till they have an opportunity to be bad”-Benjamin Whichcote
Summary: From the day you laid your eyes on Izuku Midoriya you knew you were going to be drawn to him. 
From the day you laid your eyes on Izuku Midoriya you knew you were going to be drawn to him. There was something about the way the college student stood in front of you with his arms drawn into himself as if he shrank far enough he would disappear. You couldn’t help but smile softly at him. 
The man in front of you was impressive to say the least even though he didn’t look it. He was able to track your group for days without your people even knowing. He documented everything in notebooks he carried with him. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed the more he stared at you. He was trembling slightly, but his eyes never wavered. They held a fire behind them, one that you couldn’t even begin to describe. 
“Midoriya, right?” you asked, folding your hands in front of yourself.
“What do you want with me.” 
It wasn’t a question. Part of you grinned at the challenge. You had to give him credit, his voice only shook a small amount. Anybody else wouldn’t have been able to have the courage to do so, much less to you. 
Standing up from your chair, you signaled to the guards on either side of the door to stand down when they tried to move closer, weapons raised. 
“Do you know who we are?” you asked peering down at the streets below you. All Might was battling a water quirk user. You scowled at the scene before you, it was only a matter of time before he beat them to a pulp. 
“I know,” he said slowly in an attempt to keep his voice level, “that you’re an organization dedicated to uprooting false heroes.” 
Without turning around you gestured for him to continue. You watched his reflection in the window, he took a deep breath almost willing himself to talk once more. 
“You took Endeavor down and made a deal with Stain.”
“Very good,” you clapped, turning back around to face him. He was focused entirely on you. ”Now do you know who I am?” 
He didn’t hesitate, “The Woman in Red, heroes and villains alike haven’t been able to catch you. Nobody knows what your quirk is or if you even have one.”
You nodded to yourself, he showed promise. If you could use it to your advantage there would be no way your plan would fail. With his help you could uproot the fakest hero of them all.
“Tell me, what do you think of us Midoriya?”
It took him a couple of seconds to register what you said judging by the way his green eyes were transfixed on the destroyed All Might poster off to the side of the room. 
“A reminder,” he jumped at the sound of your voice while his eyes fixed themselves onto you. “All Might isn’t the hero that everybody believes he is,” you watched his eyes widen at your words. Part you assumed it was from shock at the way you said them so carelessly, but there was something else there. It was swimming under the surface almost begging to be unleashed.
Before you could place it, he coughed and straightened his posture. He could’ve looked confident when he stood like that if he didn’t shrink into himself at the last moment. With the proper training he’d stand to his full size without feeling insecure.
“Why am I here?” his voice was softer than before, concealed. It made a vicious smirk cross onto your face. You couldn’t wait to help him unlock his true potential. The thought alone almost had you pouncing on him, but you refrained. You wouldn’t scare him away just yet.
You moved closer to him, allowing your nails to drift across the wood over your desk before using one of them to tilt Midoriya’s face closer to yours. He didn’t pull away.
“Because, Izuku Midoriya,” you refused to leave his gaze, “I want you to join Chimera.”
He gulped at the proximity, “And if I refuse?” 
You couldn’t help the breathless laugh that escaped your lips. He was too cute for his own good. You flicked your eyes to his before locking them on his lips. 
“Then, I guess I’ll just have to find a way to persuade you,” you emphasized the words by moving closer until your lips brushed against his. You watched as he unconsciously closed his eyes and leaned into it, but before your lips fully touched you turned towards the door. 
You didn’t miss the pout that crossed onto his face when you broke away, but he missed the sadistic smile you wore as you gestured for the guards to file out. All you received in return was a nod from them until they headed out the door. 
When it was your turn you held the door open, but before leaving you met his gaze one last time.
“I’ll give you two weeks to make a decision, until then I look forward to our next meeting,” you purred and leaned against the open door in a way that rivaled Jessica Rabbit, “Izuku Midoriya.”
After you spoke those final words you left with a laugh while he stood in the dark room wondering what just happened.
“She wants you to join, huh?” Aizawa said from where he was perched on the rooftop. His eyes were scanning below, from the lights of the buildings Midoriya could make out the bags under the man’s eyes. It had to be a late night that was for sure.
Part of Izuku felt guilty pulling the man away from much needed sleep, but being an underground hero he needed allies and the only one with enough experience was Aizawa.
“What should I do?” he asked, moving out of the darkness and closer to the man. He watched the capture scarf blow in the wind slightly while he shivered. It was becoming colder even in Spring, he’d have to get warmer gear. 
Out of the corner of his eye Aizawa seemed to notice because a soft smile slid onto his face, “I told you to bundle up problem child, but you never listen.” 
Before Midoriya could say anything a jacket was flung his way, he jumbled it until he was able to hold it steady. Peering down his eyes widened with disbelief.
“Are you just going to stand there or put it on?”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Stumbling out a yes, he wrapped the jacket around him and zipped it up. It was sleek, light fitting but also warm. Izuku couldn’t help but sink into the feeling. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been hugged, but wearing that coat he felt like he received the biggest embrace in the world.
A peaceful silence fell over the two of them while they stared out at the streets below. It was a quiet night, the only sounds were of the cars driving by and an occasional group of friends walking past. Their voices echoed off the buildings and were burned into Izuku’s ears. 
He wondered what that was like, having friends. He knew going down the path he was on would be dangerous. He couldn’t have time for them if he was going to save people, especially since there was a chance they could become targets.
Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if his life would’ve been different if he’d had them when he was younger.
“I think,” Aizawa began, causing Izuku to fix his eyes onto his mentor. “That you should do it. You can get into their organization and gain intel, be a double agent of sorts.”
Izuku’s heart stopped. “Me?” he sputtered, “Do you really think I could pull something like that off? Half of the pro heroes have tried to take Chimera down and they’ve come up empty handed everytime! And besides the only reason I followed them was to bring the information to you!
How do you know I won’t end up like the others?”
“I don’t,” came the response. Izuku expected that to be it and for Aizawa to leave, but instead he turned to Midoriya and placed his fist on his protege’s chest, “But if there’s one thing I know it’s that if anybody could take down Chimera it would be you.”
Izuku focused his gaze onto the ground until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Aizawa shot him a look of genuine faith. “She went out of her way to try and recruit you. I doubt she’ll want to hurt you, but keep your guard up.”
With a nod of understanding followed by an “I will”, the man took that as his cue and began to walk towards the edge of the building.
“You don’t have to of course, but if you do, don't try to do everything on your own kid. You’ve got me. And it’s about time you actually started working on the front lines rather than behind the scenes.”
 With that he was off, a sigh left Midoriya’s lips. He’d been told time and time again that he wasn’t cut out for field work. Not with college he was juggling as well as the fact that his lack of a quirk was always taken into account. He stared up at the sky, he couldn’t remember when he became like this. 
He thought back to the earlier times where he constantly believed he could be a hero. He still believed, but it was subdued. Sad even, but he’d try. If he could take them down it would mean helping more people. 
“I wish you were here, mom,” he said to the stars while tears began to slide down his face, “I’m a little lost right now.”
The two weeks seemed to crawl by. Izuku was getting restless. He knew his decision, but he couldn’t find Chimera anywhere. He checked every back alley, store, restaurant that the members usually went in and came up empty handed. Even when he did find the members and tried to follow them shouting wait or slow down it was like they’d disappear at the last second. 
After running around for nearly three hours he found a bench next to a nearby park and took a seat. He tossed his head back, attempting to get all of the air he lost back. His clothes stuck to him uncomfortably while his forehead was making his hair stick to it. 
They sure can run when they really want to, he thought in between puffs of air. He didn’t know how he’d make it through patrolling, especially now. He dreaded the thought, clutching his side at the reminder. He managed to take Muscular down but not without the villain getting a few hits in. It was worth it though, considering Koda’s smile once he was discharged from the hospital. 
Yeah, he thought looking up at the sky with a serene smile. It had been worth it. 
After catching his breath, he was about to get up from the bench until a person sat down next to him with a note. They didn’t look at Midoriya, instead they were focused straight ahead. The shades made it difficult to see their eyes, while their hoodie and jeans made them look like an ordinary person.
“An invitation,” the person grumbled out, “Don’t be late.” 
Izuku didn’t watch them go, flipping the envelope over he noticed neatly scrawled out cursive. The envelope itself was red with a wax gold stamp. A chimera was in the center while the cursive was in gold. He didn’t open it until he was safe in his apartment.
His breath hitched as he read the words over and over again to make sure he had them right. Once he realized he did, he texted Aizawa on the burner phone they used specifically for underground work and buried his head in his hands.
“What am I getting myself into?”
The neon lights bathed everybody into an ocean of colors. People were swarmed into the center of the room, dancing and grinding on anybody close to them. The bass caught in Midoryia’s chest as he navigated through the crowd. He glanced around, taking all the strobing lights in. The letter said to meet at The Tavern, but it never specified where.
After bumping into several people and almost being roped into dancing, he finally found the bar. He took a seat and checked his phone as he waited for his nerves to calm down. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to one of these. He thought back to freshman year when he first started out he’d gone to a local club to see what it was like only to realize he wasn’t really fond of it.
“Not exactly your scene is it?” a bartender asked, sliding him a drink. Midoriya looked up at the woman with a sheepish smile. She looked to be about his age, her short hair framing her face. Earphones were dangling  from ears. Must be her quirk, Izuku thought with excitement. Her pierced brow was raised as she stared at Midoriya.
“Is it that obvious?”
She hummed for a moment, studying him before she nodded, “Nobody wears a shirt that says ‘Club Shirt’ on it. It’s an interesting pick.”
He flushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. He knew he should’ve gone with something different. 
“Yeah,” he said trailing off until his eyes landed on the drink.
“I don’t—”
Before he continued the woman stopped him, “It’s on the house, you’re waiting for her aren’t you?” 
He was about to ask how she knew when you sat down next to him with a smile, “I see you’ve met Jirou, my most trusted friend.” 
Izuku watched as the woman, Jirou’s face turned bright red. He almost thought he heard a don’t mention it before she went off to serve more drinks, leaving him with you. 
He was nervous, that much was easy to tell with the way his eyes kept jumping from corner to corner. Poor thing you thought while his leg bounced up and down. Part of you cringed, he felt out of place.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?” 
The sound of your voice over the music snapped his attention back to you. Taking his blank stare and furrowed eyebrows as a sign, you huffed out a laugh and repeated yourself. He joined in albeit nervously.
“It’s okay,” he said, stirring his drink with the straw, “You planned to meet here. I don’t want to cause any trouble,” he took a deep breath, “Boss.” 
You turned to him with wide eyes before waving him off as you leaned closer to the table, “You don’t have to call me boss you know,” you said nonchalantly, “Not even the guards call me that.” 
He couldn’t help but stare at you in awe. How you were able to be so calm in a place like this was beyond him, but it helped him relax. With furrowed brows he focused back on his straw. The ice clanked against the glass, but he couldn’t hear it over the song playing. 
“What should I call you then?”
Just like the first time you met, you used one of your fingers to tilt his head up, he could feel your breath mingle with his while his face turned a vibrant shade of red. He silently thanked the lights for making it almost impossible for you to see it. He watched as your eyes clouded over while a sinister smile fell onto your face. It made him feel small underneath it. 
Before he could say anything, you leaned in close to his ear. 
“I have a couple ideas,” your words sent goosebumps to ripple against his skin while his mouth felt dry. He wanted to know what they were, wanted to ask. What was going on with him?!
He didn’t have much time to dwell once he felt your breath ghost against his neck. It was warm and sent shivers down his spine. He briefly felt the touch of your lips against him, part of him hoped you wouldn’t pull away. 
“Please,” he rasped before he could stop himself. Your lips curled into a grin, one of your hands snaked from the table to bury itself in his green hair. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
The cool air of the outside clashed with the warmth from the club. Izuku barely processed your lips meeting only to find that in the next minute he was up against the brick wall behind the club. Your hands tangled themselves into his green curls causing him to whimper against your lips.
“Fuck,” you muttered, pussy clenching at the sound he made. You wanted to hear more, wanted him to scream. You placed your knee in between his legs, he instantly started to grind down on your thigh. He tried to pull away from you, but that only made you hold his curls tighter before letting him go. A string of saliva was all that left the connection until you wiped it away with the back of your sleeve. 
Izuku’s face was flushed as he tried to catch his breath. Everything about you was intoxicating, especially the way you looked him up and down like he was your prey. He was still grinding against you, his puffs of air were visible in the night. It wasn’t until you touched his side that he flinched.
You pulled your hand away in concern, but he was quick to shush you with the way his lips latched back onto yours. He could tell you about the wound later, you thought. His lips were soft against yours, when you met for another kiss you opened your mouth. Catching the hint, he opened his mouth enough for you to snake your tongue into his mouth. Judging from the way he was grinding faster against you with broken moans you could tell he was enjoying himself. 
You pushed him further into the wall, it was surely digging into his back by now, but he made no sound of pain. You made sure to avoid his waist, instead you grabbed a hold of his belt loops and yanked his lower body into an arch.
“Oh my god,” Midoriya groaned, tossing his head back against the wall. He needed more, you were everywhere, breathing into his neck, sucking and biting the skin there. Weakly he went to push you off.
“No marks-can’t ah-can’t ngh cover them.” 
A grin casted onto your face. He was so cute like this, all sprawled out under you just as you knew he’d be. You kissed the skin close to his pressure point before staring directly into Izuku’s eyes. Your lips brushed against each other. His eyelashes fluttered as he went to close the space, but you held his neck with one hand and pressed him back.
“I don’t think so baby,” you whispered. Your voice lower in pitch. You didn’t miss the way his pulse jumped under your fingers. Your eyes widened in shock until you gained back control. This was more interesting than you thought. “Does the little hero like this, hm? You like being helpless?” To emphasize your words, you guided his hips with one hand and ground him against your thigh once more. 
A high whine escaped his mouth before he could prevent it. He knew this was wrong, that he should stop this but the way your hand made him dizzy around him and the pressure against his cock caused his mind to become fuzzy. What Aizawa didn’t know didn’t hurt him anyway.
“Please,” he whimpered, meeting your leg. He wanted more--no he needed more. “I’ll do anything, I’ll do anything just please.”
“Such a needy little thing aren’t you?” With a huff you slowly stop moving. Tears sprang into the corners of Midoriya’s eyes as he thrashed in an attempt to bring some of the pleasure back, but you only moved your leg away. Broken no’s spilled from his lips and into the cracks of the brick wall. He’s a mess of babbles and pleas. You wait a second longer until you lick a tear from his face, starting at his chin and stopping just below his cheek bone.
He’s about to thank you when you send him a devilish smirk and drop to your knees in front of him. The sight alone causes him to reach his high. You let him calm down, rubbing his thighs through his jeans. You whisper soft encouragements that he can barely decipher. 
Looking up at him you can see that his pupils are still blown wide while his chest is heaving up and down. Under the neon red light he looks perfect. You want to devour him, but you hold back. Soon he’d learn how to get hard just by your words alone, but first you’d have to train him.
It isn’t until he comes down from his high that he realizes what he’s done. Mortification falls over him faster than you thought from the way his face flushes even further. You wished he wasn’t in so many clothes, you could almost bet that the same would be found on his neck leading to his chest.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to, I tried holding it in but-”
Slowly, you rose to your feet and before he could stumble over more excuses you kissed his cheek whispering “Good boy,” into his ear. If Midoriya hadn’t just cum he would’ve from those words alone. 
You laughed softly at his body’s reaction before breaking away from him fully. You don’t miss the pout that formed on his face when you stepped away. At first it was cute, but now seeing it after this made something snap. You quickly grabbed him by the jaw and traced your thumb over his bottom lip. 
“Such a sweet little mouth, making all those pretty sounds earlier, but I think I have more uses for it rather than just pouting,” you locked onto his wide eyes. “Wouldn’t you say, Midoriya?”
He could only nod against you, completely trapped under your gaze. You had him right where you wanted him. “Well then baby boy,” you said detaching yourself once more. “Get to work.”
Midoriya woke up in a cold sweat for the umpteenth time that week. He fell back into the pillow with a groan. It had been weeks since that encounter and he was desperate to do it again. He couldn’t escape the sound of your moans echoing in the night or the way your nails dug into his hair just right to send waves of pleasure zipping down his back. And the way you tasted, he craved feeling you against his tongue, drowning in you. 
However now that he was officially part of Chimera after being tested the night after he was able to taste you, it had been pretty standard. There was nothing out of the ordinary, the organization ran just like how any other underground facility would. Midoriya had his own jobs that he had to handle such as keeping track of shipments and making sure nobody was caught. He didn’t have much to report back to Aizawa which caused the older man to worry.
Izuku huffed at the sound of his phone vibrating on the nightstand. Speak of the devil. Why couldn’t the man just leave him alone? He knew what he was doing and what he went there to do. Even if his mind was preoccupied with you, he would still put Chimera down first and besides you weren’t serious about him either. 
Without looking at the contact he put the phone up to his ear. “Look Aizawa I’m fine I don’t need you checking up on me every second of every day so please just this once don’t contact me on my day off.”
Izuku expected to hear the gruff voice sigh into the other line and promptly begin telling Izuku why checking in is important because it could mean the difference between life and death which, being an underground hero, the lines tend to blur. 
Instead, there was a delayed pause followed by a low whistle, “And he lets you talk to him like that? I’m impressed.”
At the sound of your voice, he instantly shot up from the futon. “Boss, hey um why are you calling?” His blood froze for a second. “I didn’t miss anything, did I?!” He tossed the covers off of him and was about to head to his dresser to change when his foot got caught in the sheets causing him to crash to the ground.
You heard the loud bang on the other line causing you to snort. There was a heavy sound of stomping followed by another brief crash that caused you to look out into the city with a smile. You were reminded in that moment that he was still a college student, so full of life. 
“Nope, I was just calling to check in.”
Midoriya scowled on the other end of the phone. “You and Aizawa both. I’m fine if that’s what you’re wondering. I have all my body parts intact and none of them are broken,” he even wiggled his hands and sat back on the futon to swing his feet even though you couldn’t see him. “Thank you very much,” he said dryly. 
You hummed, mulling over his response. Ever since he joined he’s been more sure of himself, capable. It was an accepted change, after all he needed to be strong. Especially if your plan was going to work. After all, the stronger they are the more fun to break.
“He and I are alike then. You do realize that there’s a very fine line between life and death, right? People like us have to stick together.”
“How are you both the same person?”
That question alone had you laughing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Midoriya, but I do have something you can do for me.”
He perked up at that. “What is it?”
“I’ll pick you up, how does noon sound?”
“Yes-” he said all too fast before coughing. “I mean yeah sure, whatever works for you.”
“Good, be sure you’re ready early, I always come on time.” 
With that you hung up the phone and spun back to face your office desk. Phase one was complete, now you could move on to phase two. Leaning your head on the desk, you could feel rather than see Jirou’s eyes boring holes into your forehead.
“Why aren’t you worried about Midoriya?”
You cocked you head to the side. “Why would I need to be worried?”
“He’s working with Aizawa.” It wasn’t a question, but it didn’t need to be. You knew Izuku was working with the man for years before he even discovered your group, but that didn’t matter. You thought back to his confidence, how he was able to give orders and stand up for himself now, but still looked at you to make sure he wasn’t speaking out of turn. It caused a fire to burn in the pit of your stomach.
“Rest assured, Midoriya won’t be a problem. After all,” you said interlocking your hands on top of the desk. “I have him wrapped around my finger.”
tag list: @chaos-night​ @yixxes​ 
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