#howard hamlin headcanon
kidkubrick · 1 year
being trans at hhm would be so chaotic but in a good way bc like.
like the firm's definitely partnered with a notoriously conservative company before, but then also definitely been hired by a super super liberal company as well, so you dont know how theyre gonna react, but howard is like,,,,so supportive it's almost funny?
like. i dont wanna generalize obviously but it's always kind of a spooky thing to come out as trans specifically in a corporate environment, but u tell howard "im trans", "im nonbinary", or "im genderqueer" and that man is ready to support u. ive said this before but i'll say it again. like.0
bonus points if u dont even rlly know him like ur just an intern who needs a new name tag.
but also like. thinking abt the HHM dresscode and how howard would be like "i can recommend some good tailors" for like a suit or a skirt or whatever you're now going to wear.
howard doesnt care as long as it's professional and blue.
oh my god what if that man bought custom trans pins but the blue stripe is hamlindigo blue dont fucking tell me that wouldnt be something he would do.
maybe you havent legally changed your name yet so it shows up at your deadname on schedules and payrolls and stuff- howard always always always crosses it out and writes down your preferred name.
i could totally see him adding a little pronoun thing to his email, like a little signature that says like "howard hamlin, senior partner of HHM, he/him".
im a little bitch with daddy issues (sorry) and i think it would be nice if he went with u if you have to go to other partners to tell them, he's standing behind you like 🙎🏻‍♂️making sure no one gives you shit.
if ur in a meeting, ur voice cracks or makes a funny sound, immediately panicking, howards there like "no ur good keep going!!!".
the only time that man is ever picky about anything is if you follow the "mens dress code", and start to wear a tie and he pulls you aside and he's like "technically the proper tie to wear here at HHM is one with a Windsor knot, not a simple knot" and so ur like "i am so sorry- uh- i don't know how to-" that man is IMMEDIATELY taking you out for lunch on his lunch break and teaching you how to tie a nice windsor knot you can tear that from my cold dead hands.
also??? he's a king with pronouns. just like "he- excuse me- she filed all her paperwork today" like man just keeps on trucking. doesn't make a scene abt it or anything.
checks in every few weeks at the beginning of your transition (if that's something ur choosing to pursue) to make sure everyone's treating you alright and fairly, making sure you're comfortable and everything. like he's just super fucking chill and i love him
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finsterwalds · 3 months
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Thinking about better call saul if the action took place in france just because I wanted to see them in cunty robes lmao. More thoughts under the cut!
Obviously the action and the whole premise of bcs/brba wouldn't work in france (legal system aside, the whole cartel and walter white storyline would have to suffer major changes due to social security and the mexican cartel well. not existing here stricto sensu). But let's talk about the real Important Stuff : their names
I think Howard Hamlin would work well as Edouard Hamelin. He looses the cool HH initials yes, but it works really well as a genuine french name imo, and Howard/Edouard are pretty close phonetically
Chuck could still be called Charles without any realism issue, but he'd be nicknamed Charlie rather than Chuck because that's what a french person would go for... nicknames don't work the same, yeah
Kimberly Wexler and James McGill, I have no idea lmao. James when translated becomes Jacques, but it's such a boomerish uncool name that I cannot resolve myself to call my boy like that. It's also one generation too old. Jimmy being born in '60 could technically be called Jacques, but it'd be old-fashioned, as it's a name mostly given to the kids of the decade that came before him. McGill is an irish name, so something funny could be making Jimmy a breton with a funky last name like Gall/LeGall ? That's hilarious to me. But who knows.
Saul Goodman is a pun, so this is even harder for me to conceptualize. Saul's marketing would definitely not work in france at all, as no one would realistically hire a lawyer with a puny name and such chaotic displays (+ I think ads for legal démarchage are illegal mind you). However, let's have a crack at it. It would have to be a pun based off an expression similar to "it's all good man", or implying something positive and familiar... I need to think on that one.
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waltywhitey · 5 months
🌟🌟 How the Breaking Bad crew would react to you coming out as trans 🥰🏳️‍⚧️🌟🌟
Notes: hi!!!! I'm a new writer and I just wanted to start with some breaking bad and better call Saul headcanons! Hope you enjoy!!!
Warnings: none
✨ Walter White ✨
🔆 Apprehensive at first since he doesn't really understand gender
🔆 Grew up old fashioned but will eventually come around
🔆 He's a teacher so he has to be understanding and use your correct pronouns
🔆 He further explores LGBTQ+ issues and gender rights and is a proud ally
🔆 He attends Albuquerque's pride festival
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✨ Jesse Pinkman ✨
🔆 He's your best friend since moving to Albuquerque
🔆 Once you tell him, he gets really excited about learning this
🔆 He's so happy that he shows you his top scars in solidarity
🔆 Jesse never told anyone that he's trans too -- bonding you both closer together
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✨ Saul Goodman ✨
🔆 Doesn't understand pronouns or being gay
🔆 Admits that he was gay for a bit in highschool
🔆 He'll refer to you with your preferred pronouns so he doesn't lose you as a client
🔆 He will protect you against hate crimes
🔆 He will also fight for your right to gender affirming care
🔆 He also wears a trans pin next to his blue ribbon to tell other potential clients that he supports all the queers
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✨ Gus Fring ✨
🔆 You are one of his employees and confide in him that another coworker called you a transphobic slur
🔆 Gus does not allow discrimination in the work place and has the coworker fired
🔆 He consoles you in his office and asks what your preferred pronouns are and promises to make sure everyone refers to you as such
🔆 During June, Gus has a special trans meal that comes with a free trans flag and all proceeds go to an LGBTQ+ organization
🔆 Los Pollos Hermanos also has a float in the Albuquerque pride festival
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✨ Mike Ehrmantaut ✨
🔆 Silence
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✨ Skyler White ✨
🔆 You're best friends with her son, Walt Jr.
🔆 She's seen you grow up so when you come out as trans she's a bit shocked
🔆 At first she'll ask how you know and forbid Flynn from hanging out with you
🔆 Her son bashes her for being transphobic and says that he is going to run away
🔆 Skyler calms down and thinks things through
🔆 Eventually she promises to not be transphobic around you
🔆 At first she'll struggle with your preferred pronouns but she'll get it
🔆 Over time she'll become an ally and be accepting when Walt Jr. comes out as bi
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✨Marie Schrader✨
🔆 You come out to Marie and she is very supportive
🔆 Marie stole your goddamn estrogen pills
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✨ Hank Schrader ✨
🔆 You're one of Marie's coworkers and best friend
🔆 She invites you over for dinner where you admit to them both that you are trans
🔆 Marie is very supportive but Hank looks at you with a face of confusion and disgust
🔆 He doesn't believe in more than two genders and that you can be a different gender than what you were born as
🔆 He refuses to use your preferred pronouns and tells Marie that he doesn't want you back in his house
🔆 Hank tells his coworkers about you and Gomez gets on to him for being transphobic
🔆 After awhile Hank is indifferent to you at the least and tries to use your preferred pronouns
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🏳️‍⚧️💗 BOUNOS 💗🏳️‍⚧️
✨ Kim Wexler ✨
🔆 At first she'll be confused because she thought you were pansexual
🔆 You'll explain to her that gender and sexuality are different and she'll quickly catch on
🔆 Once you tell her your preferred pronouns, she'll immediately start using them
🔆 She'll research all about LGBTQ+ history and current issues and promises to fight against any hate crime related cases for you
🔆 As she furthers he studies of sexuality and gender, she later comes out as non-binary
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✨ Lalo Salamanca ✨
🔆 He finds you hotter
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✨ Nacho Varga ✨
🔆 You're a cousin of the Salamancas
🔆 You'll befriend him as he seems like the least menacing of Salamanca's men
🔆 After awhile, you'll come out to him and he'll be shocked at first but then happy
🔆 He congratulates you on this big step and that it wasn't easy coming out to a member of the cartel
🔆 He'll ask what your preferred pronouns are and uses them right away
🔆 He eventually asks you to join his polycule
✨ Chuck McGill ✨
🔆 Dies
✨ Howard Hamlin ✨
🔆 You work for HHM as a paralegal
🔆 Howard spots the paperwork for a name change on your desk and questions you
🔆 You come out as trans and he'll be gladly shocked
🔆 He'll ask what your preferred pronouns are and enforce them with the whole company
🔆 He'll even offer to drive you down to the court for you to finalize the name change
(Tumblr has a 10 images per post limit I'm sorry Nacho and Howard 💔)
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cillianmurphyfckme · 10 months
↳ ❝ [ignacio ‘nacho’ varga x f! reader ] ¡! ❞
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✧. ┊    fluff/angst ; i love nacho sm ; headcanons
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART ONE: falling in love
.ೃ࿐ you met nacho at your favourite restaurant ‘los pollos hermanos’. your friend set you up for a date, because she thought that you needed a boyfriend (she doesn’t care that he was a random guy from a gas station) she just wanted you to be happy, because all of your relationships were toxic and you were tired of being used by everyone. you didn’t want to go to this date, you just wanted to stay in your bed and watch some stupid movies. but your friend was so dear to you, so you decided to go on this dumb date.
.ೃ࿐ the date was horrible; the man was a total creep and jerk, and you felt anxious. but you had a rescue, and your hero was nacho. he was sitting at the restaurant with lalo, because he needed to do some business with the owner. he saw how uncomfortable you were, and he couldn’t stand this man, his attitude, or how he spoke to you. varga has respect for women, so he couldn’t just ignore this situation, because he would have remorse.
.ೃ࿐ after nacho told this guy ‘nicely’ to leave you alone, you felt how your muscles relaxed. you were glad that someone in this world actually cared about others, because you knew that you alone would never win with this creep. you thanked your ‘hero’ and introduced yourself, as he does the same thing. you were intrigued by his person and mostly his look, and because you had never met that attractive man, you knew that you would want to try to have something with him.
.ೃ࿐ it's been a few days since nacho gave you his phone number; you received a message from him asking if you wanted to come over to his house and probably get to know each other better. you agreed to this invitation, and you wondered if he was finally the right person to be with. maybe you have been kind of weird, but you cannot stop thinking about him. you didn’t know why; maybe you were just naive, and he is going to be another person who breaks your heart? maybe. but at this moment, you didn’t care about it.
.ೃ࿐ the little ‘date’ at his house was incredible; you couldn’t remember when you laughed as much as with him. you two were just talking about life. nacho was a great listener, and he preferred to listen to you talk about yourself, because he thought that you were more interesting than him. he was a charming but also very intelligent man, and you were glad, that he was interested in you. all your life, you have met dumb men, but somehow you were falling in love with them (even if they didn’t love you back), or maybe you never had been truly in love; it was the question you asked yourself for years.
.ೃ࿐ this fantastic date was only the beginning. you started to hang out with ignacio more and more, and your feelings for him started growing stronger. you admire everything about him, even the little things like how his nose wrinkles while he is smiling. you were in love with his smile. he admired you as well; he loved how innocent you were, and even if you were hurt by every person in your life, you still were positive, and he loved that energy.
.ೃ࿐ nacho was confused by how easily you gained his trust; of course, you didn’t know about his specific business, because he wanted to keep you safe. but he felt comfortable with you, like he could finally be himself without being judged. he never felt that with anyone; even if he had his ‘girlfriends’ it just wasn’t the same. he doesn’t need to have sex with you to want to spend time with you. to be honest, he was happy just watching you sleep on his lap or hearing how you laughed at your own jokes.
.ೃ࿐ after almost two months of your relationship, you decided to confess your feelings to nacho. you were sure, that you wanted a serious relationship with him. you also wanted ignacio to know that he was your safe place, even if you had known him for only a few months. your confession wasn’t super creative; you just kissed him, praying that he would kiss you back (of course he kissed you back; he wanted to do this a long time ago). you & nacho could never have been happier.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART TWO: ‘betray’
.ೃ࿐ your relationship with ignacio was a dream come true. he was the first man in your life to treat you like a princess, and it was nice to finally have someone you deserved. he remembers every single thing about you, even the smallest ones. you knew that you were truly in love with him; only when you were with him your eyes have this beautiful sparkle. and you knew that nacho felt the same way; he just wasn’t this kind of person who would say that he loved you every second; his actions were enough for you.
.ೃ࿐ but even in paradise, there could be troubles. it was unexpected, because you thought that you could finally be happy. but the universe has another plan for your happiness. you hadn't seen nacho for a long time, and you needed to spend time with him, but you wanted to surprise him, so you didn’t send him a message that you were coming over. you knew where his house was, because it was the place where your first date happened. with a smile on your face, you knocked on the door and waited for nacho to open, but you didn’t see a nacho. you saw a brunette girl with only a t-shirt on her; she looked like she just woke up.
“oh, who are you? where is nacho?” you asked with a shaky voice.
“i’m nacho’s girlfriend, but he isn’t at home right now. and you are?” you felt a pain in your chest, but you forced a smile anyway.
“i’m no one important; say hi to ignacio” you said, and you went back to your car. when you was sitting in your car, you just broke down into tears. you cannot believe how he was lying to you.
.ೃ࿐ when nacho came back to his house and gave jo & amber weed, he headed up to his bedroom. all he needed at this moment was to hear your voice. he had been stressed all week, and you were his therapy. but you didn’t answer any of his calls. he got back to the living room, overthinking why you don’t send him any messages; he would be happy with even the stupid ones. he looked up at amber who was calling his name to wake him up from a trance.
“some weird girl was here; she was asking for you” nacho knows immediately that she meant you, but if you were at his house, you could just text him.
“and what did you tell her?” ignacio started to feel anxious about this situation, he knew about your trust issues and everything. he just hoped that amber didn’t say something inappropriate.
“i told her that i’m your girlfriend, and she said to say hi from her” amber shrugged her shoulders and puffed on her joint. nacho’s face started to be pale. he wanted to kill amber for these words; they weren’t even a real couple. now he knew that he had messed up.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART THREE: happy again.
.ೃ࿐ it was a few weeks after your meeting with amber. you were heartbroken. you cannot understand why every single person you felt safe with needs to hurt you. you thought that nacho was your soulmate, but you were just his casual, that was what you were thinking. but nacho loved you, even if he didn’t say it out loud. he needed you. the weeks without you, were a nightmare. he couldn’t focus on work, he wasn’t happy at all. lalo saw the change in nacho’s behavior, but he didn’t comment on it, even if he wanted to; they were here to work, not exactly to complain about privacy problems.
.ೃ࿐ nacho couldn’t just sit there and act like nothing happened; he needed to explain himself and tell you about everything he was hiding from you. he doesn’t expect that you would forgive him; you would be his only love anyway. he also wanted to see you; he missed your laugh and smile; he missed everything about you. so after work, he heads over to your house.
.ೃ࿐ when you saw nacho, for a few seconds, you just stared at him. were you mad at him? definitely. but did you miss him? so bad. and that was a reason why you hugged him and put your head on his chest; you didn’t even notice that tears started to fall down on your cheeks, wetting nacho’s shirt. he hugged you back, kissing the top of your head.
.ೃ࿐ after you sat on your couch, you didn’t say anything; you were just listening to ignacio’s stories. about who is amber for him, what is his real job (because suddenly he wasn’t working with his dad) you appreciate that he was honest this time. you weren’t scared of his job, because you knew his real side — this side that he was showing only in front of you. after hearing all of his explanations, you were no longer mad or sad. you loved this man, and you were happy, that he wanted to fight for your relationship.
.ೃ࿐ all you said to him was ‘thank you’. the rest of the night you spent making up every second you didn’t spend with ignacio. you were happy that everything was finally alright and that you could be happy again, with the only man you wanted in your life. with nacho.
“i love you, cariño, only you” ignacio said, kissing your temple.
“i love you ignacio”
the end.
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thank you for attention! i hope you liked this headcanons, it was so fun to write this!
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depressopax · 2 months
Hiii I saw ur brbcs masterlist and I was thinking on if you could tackle on Howard Hamlin if so, can I request on a cuddling scenario with him? It can be both sfw or nsfw (I’m ok with all of them ^^)
HII thank you sm for your request! I decided to do relationship headcanons too! Hope that works too!(Might be a bit OOC, I’m yet to figure out his character in the show lol 😭) Enjoyyyy <3
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Howard Hamlin relationship headcanons
Fandom - Better call Saul
Howard x gn!reader || HC'S
Pairing: Howard Hamlin x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content further down (titled NSFW), MDNI! Cuss words, a bit of possessiveness. Reader is gender neutral!  Words: 1.4K Summary: Dating Howard Hamlin would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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First of all… I feel like Howard is a cheesy mf lol
He saw you for the first time when out for lunch between meetings with clients.
It took a couple seconds of eye-contact and he immediately fell in love. 
Absolutely dumbfounded by your beauty, he watches you walk to the entrance of the restaurant
He can’t stand the thought of you slipping through his fingers.
Barely knowing what to say or do, he leaves the table (whilst his co-workers staring at him like he was crazy lmao)
When you look at him in confusion, he gives you a sheepish grin, trying to gather his thoughts.
He introduces himself, maybe tells you some damn cheesy pick-up line 
Lucky thing for him you find it adorable lmao
He successfully charms you.
Howard then walks back to his co-workers with a stupid grin and a note with your phone number on it.
He’s the person to take you out on fancy restaurant dates (his treat ofc)
Howard spends days before the date - He’s a perfectionist.
First date goes beyond expectations and he starts planning for a second date shortly after.
After a few dates and getting to know each other, Howard’s feelings for you grow stronger.
Luckily so do your feelings for him.
He becomes your boyfriend officially a while after that. 
He’s the first one to say “I love you”, which he’s known since the first date.
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His work takes up a lot of his spare-time.
Before meeting you, he didn’t care.
He’s a workaholic and working overtime was his way to escape the void of loneliness. 
Basically the man that says: “I’m married to my job”
But with you in the picture, he spends less time in the office, and more time with you.
He tries finding a good balance between work and love.
…But eventually he realizes that you are so much more important to him than work.
You make him feel things he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
Seriously, you’ll have to force him to focus on work sometimes or else he’ll totally forget about it lol
As for cuddling…
He  L O V E S  it
After long days of work, when watching movies, when sleeping, at restaurants… 
Basically - Anywhere, any time.
If you have long hair, he twirls his fingers through your hair or simply just brushes strands of hair from your face.
I feel like he gives the best hugs too 
If he’s taller than you he likes to hold against his chest and then rest his chin on your head.
Having you in his lap as he wraps his arms around you and holds you close.
It’s his way to relax after a long day at work
When cuddling in bed - Howard likes being the big spoon. 
He likes to think he’s protecting you from nightmares and the dangers of the world when holding you - his body being the shield.
Another favorite cuddling position being his head against your chest - the sound of your heartbeat makes him feel calm
He’s a good listener. And also good at reading people, especially you.
He knows if something is wrong and has learnt how to get you to talk without being to pushy about it
Communication is key to him. The worst thing to him is when you shut him out - he wants to be your rock. 
Same thing goes for him. When he’s having trouble at work, you’re the first one he goes to for support. 
He has a lot of anger and anxiety pent up and you’re one of the few people he trusts enough to vent to.
Howard is VERY overprotective.
He hates it when other people look/hit on you.
He trusts you, but it makes him insecure that you’ll find “someone better” than him.
One of the reasons to why he loves PDA
Holds your hand in public without shame.
Same goes for hugs and kisses.
…Alright, maybe it’s because he likes to brag, too. 
He likes it when people see the two of you together. He wants them to envy what he has, that they never can get. *cough* especially around Jimmy *cough*
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Like I said earlier… He is cheesy.
He likes buying you flowers and chocolate
Maybe even sending them to your office
He fantasizes about what your wedding will be like. 
If you want it too - he’d love to start a family with you one day. 
He wants to be a dad one day.
If you were to not want kids tho, he’d suggest getting a cat or dog instead lol
Random headcanon: He’s a cat-lover
To summarize: This workaholic to a man absolutely adores and loves you in all ways possible. Having you around makes him feel a bit more interesting and you never fail to make him feel loved and appreciated.
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As for the sex-life… 👀
Howard doesn’t have a preference when it comes to being dominant/submissive or top/bottom.
Very adaptable and keen to your preferences.
He doesn’t have that high of a sex drive - he honestly enjoys cuddling and sex equally (bonus points for combining the two)
He sucks at telling you he’s horny tho lmao
Not because he’s good at hiding it. 
You’ve learnt what the lust in his eyes means and knows when he’s in the mood. 
It doesn’t take much effort for him to get turned on either lmao
Just you doing the most simple things is enough for him to get turned on tbh.
He’s pretty vanilla tbh. 
Prefers the classic ol’ positions
Doggy, 69, missionary, cowgirl… You name it
He likes trying new things but also wants to keep it simple.
I feel like he lowkey is a service top 👀
He likes being on top, but merely to focus on your pleasure. 
Your pleasure goes before his own - but honestly? He gets turned on by being able to satisfy you
The type of person to come undone from making you orgasm tbh
Howards wants you to push him around a bit - telling what to do and how to do it. 
And he’s a quick learner ;)
He’s good at foreplay and knows which buttons to push to drive you wild. 
He can and will spend hours exploring your body with his fingers and lips
Make sure to let him know you enjoy what he’s doing tho.
He has a praise kink. 
Sure, hearing your moans and making you cum is rewarding enough, but if you praise him too?
Homeboy will be a flustered mess - and it raises his confidence too.
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When it comes to oral pleasure, he prefers giving.
There’s something about being on his knees for you, or laying down with his head between your thighs that excites him. 
He feels in control when he goes down on you. He can grip you however he wants, tease you for hours and have you completely at his mercy.
If you move and squirm too much, he can easily hold you to his liking.
He becomes more of a dom when he performs oral sex. 
Not that you can complain, you’ll be too busy screaming his name as he absolutely destroys you (in a good way dw)
He'll tease you about it afterwards too and not be shy to remind you of how good he made you feel. 
Turns into a smug mf after sex
When it comes to receiving head?
It’s one of his favorite things.
It’s satisfying to just lean back and have you take care of his needs. 
Sorry but def a head-pusher 
…And very sorry and ashamed about if afterwards 😭
Besides that, he trusts you fully and is not picky about how you use your mouth to satisfy him. 
As long as it feels good AND he can see your pretty face he’ll love it.
He prefers slow and passionate sex.
That’s why he wants to do it in the bedroom.
Only exception is doing it on the couch or maybe shower if he’s horny enough. 
That AND his office for a quickie.
But sometimes, after a long day at work or when frustrated about something, he likes rough sex.
One of the best therapies is thrusting into you with power ;)
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Aftercare KING
He makes sure you’re ok and not hurt.
This is also where his bad confidence/insecurities shine through.
“Was it good for you?”, “Did I satisfy you?”
He helps you clean up afterwards and brings you something to drink etc.
Also likes massaging you and bringing you comfort.
He cuddles up to you afterwards, holding you close to him whilst whispering his love and devotion for you. 
He falls asleep soon afterwards, but only when he’s sure you’re ok and about to fall asleep too.
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Me: Hmmm idk about Howard... This will prob be a short fic! 1.4k words later: Ohh shiii- Also had to fight the urge to spell his name "Hamling" instead because apparently that's what my brain thinks his name is?? 💀
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don’t know if you’d even be into writing this, but howard definitely has a breeding kink. something about it man idk the thought won’t leave my brain. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
im down to write breeding stuff!! im fine w/ it in the context of rp/sex scenes but i won't write about like going through a pregnancy or birth if that makes sense
anyway so true bestie he definitely does 🥹
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vanilla boy sweet milquetoast baby absolutely loves hitting it raw 💖 it's a guilty pleasure of his bc it just feels so much better!!! he can really take his time and appreciate you, how warm and wet you are when there's nothing in the way, how tightly you squeeze him, it's too much for him to handle and he loves it 🥺
he actually won't be the one to initiate it though. it's almost like... shameful for him. he thinks he's not supposed to like it bc it's unsafe :( but he does >:3c
you'd be ready to get down to business and he'd pull away almost frantically. he hates to pause the action even for a moment.
"just, uh, just let me grab a condom. i-it'll only take a second, i promise."
you lay your hand on his chest to stop him. “do you have to?"
poor baby's brain short-circuits 😭 "wh... what? are... are you saying i can... uh...?"
you just smile and pull him back down. you don't have to tell him twice.
he's way louder when he does it raw btw, in terms of both moaning and whining about how good you feel dirty talk.
he probably wouldn't be able to last very long in all honesty, and he'd be sure to let you know when he's almost there.
"oh, my god. oh my god, you... you feel so good. so tight... i... i'm so close..."
you'd let him know what you want. "please, howard, fill me up."
he almost can't believe what he's hearing. he wants to. he really, really, wants to, but he needs to make sure you do. "what? what if you... what if i get you pregnant?"
you'd have to reassure him. "do it. do it, do it, please, i don't care. knock me up, please. please fill me up. cum inside me. put a baby in me, please."
he gives in once he gets the green light. "i... okay... i'll do it. i'll knock you up, sweetheart. i'll put a baby in you, i promise."
after that, he just gets PRIMAL. digging his nails into your hips and pulling you back into him bc he just needs to get as deep as he can and fucking breed you.
tell him he's gonna be a good dad if you want him to bust immediately and whimper 💖
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toiletdesytr0ya · 10 months
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Howard headcanons because i know him better than the creators do
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
ugh christ dude bcs characters with an s/o who has chronic migraines i am in so much genuine pain
that shit sucks im sorry. here, some special things i whipped up quick just for you! along with a howard gif i've been meaning to send you
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Have you seen this man's pill cabinet. He probably has the cure to the bubonic plague somewhere lurking in the corner of. That being said, you can count on him to have a glass of water (or your drink of choice) at the ready with some sort of medical relevant. Probably rushes to the other room at least once durring one of your migrane spells, just barely noticing he accidentally almost gave you viagra instead of Tylenol. What can I say though. Jimmy's scatterbrained like that
—KIM ☆
I feel like Kim gets migranes a lot. Another headcanon of mine is that she needs glasses but is so caught up with work that she doesn't make time to schedule a doctors appointment for a prescription, so she just resorts to squinting. Which often leads to migraines of sorts. So Kim would know where your coming from.
Sets you in a room with the blinds closed, sets some snacks on the side table, and maybe turns on a TV a few rooms over; just so that way the silence is filled by something without increasing your pain. If you'd allow it, she'd probably even crawl into bed next to you, reading a book of some sorts while making sure you didn't need anything else at the moment.
Just like Kim, Howard definitely isn't a stranger to earth shattering headaches. In his case—his very very wealthy case becuase let's be honest Howard has a bit more pocket money than the average citizen—a hot bath with good smelling salts usually takes a bit of the edge off.
Keeping aware of your hypersensitivity to certain textures and smells at the moment, he'd let you pick out a certain type, like lavender or ocean breeze, and then place a soft kiss to your temple before heading off to run you a bath. Which he may or may not join you in depending on how you're feeling at the moment. All you'd have to do is ask though!
One of the things you won't have to worry about with Nacho is him being too loud. The man already has a softer, more gentle voice that it won't really be a problem for him to speak to you. It's definitely a good thing once you consider how he could talk to you until you fall asleep. To shake off the migrane and all. He'll read you any book you'd like, as long as he has it available. And if that's not your thing he's content to shut off any light sources and hold you until you feel better. Not an overly touchy guy but he always makes an acception for you
Catches onto how you're feeling before you even do. Lalo tends to be very attentive and observing to lots of things and that includes you. Especially you! He just can't help but make sure things are going alright in your world.
Cooks for you! Any comfort food you want and he's off to make it. Wants to help you in any way he can. Plus, the additional joy he gets out of cooking for his lover helps distract him from the fact you're hurting; a fact that never sits well with him.
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inkybinkyboink · 1 year
better call saul headcanons
lalo smells like every masculine scent (im talking sandalwood, palo santo, bergamot, teakwood) and smoke and fucking taco spices. i do not know and will never know what lalo salamanca smells like because he fictional, and yet, i feel dysphoric just thinking about it because i know i will never smell as good as him
nacho also smells really good, but like he burns a lot of incense and a lot of its very floral. 
wow dude i get SHIT at writing when im stoned god fuck ok
kim was 100% a book worm in grade school. her favorite book was definitely either a rainbow fairy book or like a geronimo stilton book. she would still be a bookworm but never has time to read anymore.
mike ehrmantraut sleeps like a fucking board. on his back, hands at his sides, facing up to the ceiling and he does not move for 8 hours straight.
nacho knits nacho knits nacho knits.
lalo drinks like a motherfucker but does not get drunk. that mans tolerance is sky fucking high.
saul is oddly limber. this man has never done yoga in his life but he can do the splitz like nobody’s business
contrast, howard starts his day with yoga and meditation. it does not work.
nacho lives off of warm environments. he went to vermont once in january and vowed never to go further north than colorado ever again.
saul is a sucker for keeping things clean. he needs to have things clean all the time. spotless.
kim and jimmy have movie night dedicated purely to picking out all the continuity errors they can find.
gus has never had a los pollos meal in his life and does not plan to
mike spent an afternoon once covering kaylee’s ceiling in glow in the dark stars
lmao what if howard has asthma. im making it canon rn howard hamlin has asthma what a loser i have asthma
jimmy mcgill sold burner phones for a living but man cannot for the life of him work a phone made after 2015. gene takavic is CLUELESS when it comes to technology
mike has one of those solar powered flowers on his dashboard in his car. yknow the little ones with the petals that go up and down in the sun?
lalo fucking salamanca can cook anything on the goddamn planet but is from a different galaxy when it comes to preparing anything pre-packaged. he burns kraft dinner. he sets the kitchen on fire trying to make a microwave meal. 
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iorekbyrinson · 3 months
thoughts on bcs characters and their pullman-universe daemons
James McGill - Weasel or stoat family. The long sleek shape of the mustelid can squirm through any hole after its quarry, taking down prey several times its size. Folklore associations with being untrustworthy, unscrupulous, despite its diminutive size. Also known as the family from which Pantalaimon, daemon of Lyra Silvertongue, heralds from - associations of the protagonist.
Kim Wexler - Jackal. A desert animal with associations of the howling prairies, independence, a looming threat in a familiar canid form. However, jackals have a little known quality of centring the majority of their social behaviour around a monogamous relationship; marking out territory together, forsaking packs mostly for the pair bond. Cunning, determined, opportunistic.
Chuck McGill - Porcupine. Like all Rodentia, porcupines are intelligent and frugal, not carnivorous by nature but certainly with enough natural advantages. Unusual tree-dwellers that live far above the rest of the creatures on the forest floor, the porcupine's most notorious trait are its barbs, shaped so that they stick in the skin and cannot be pulled out.
Howard Hamlin - Golden retriever. Exactly what it appears to be to a fault, the ubiquitously loved animal has a few significant traits; it is above all a retriever, an animal that works in tandem with a master to seek out prey and skilfully return the prize, and any attempts to isolate this intensely social breed go awry - the animal withers away.
Nacho Varga - Rusty-spotted cat. The smallest wildcat in the world, to mistake this feline for its domesticated counterpart is a mistake; it is a predator of its lands, feeding on rodents and any creature beneath it, and has the hallmark of being one of the most successful predators relative to its size in the world. However, this elusive, nocturnal little wildcat has its weaknesses as a daemon; it will not stop until it is at the top of its food chain, even if it exists in an ecosystem where it will be swallowed alive. It has the typical feline traits of aloofness, independence, and particularly beautiful eyes.
Lalo Salamanca - Vampire bat. Largely associated with the handsome, deadly supernatural creatures of mythology, vampire bats do, in truth, hold blood as the superior tonic above all, and are also vastly social creatures; grooming, feeding, and raising families within a group that has strong ties to family members, but also makes room for non-relatives too. They hunt entirely in the dark. Like most of the bat family, their need to communicate means their high pitched chirps are constant when flying through the night sky. An unusual daemon for an unusual man; be watchful of his reflection in mirrors. It may not always be there.
Gus Fring - Coati. A daemon can sometimes settle in the appearance of an animal of meaning to an individual; and the mercurial and mysterious Gustavo Fring has inferred the coati's importance as much in his fateful recollection. However, the coati is also no insignificant animal; it is preyed upon by nearly every major predator in the Americas, but the coati has a tough hide attached to its underlying muscles, making it extremely difficult for teeth to get a hold. It is a contained and somewhat elegant looking small mammal with a handsome pair of spectacles around its dark, round eyes, and a reputation for intelligence rivalling that of its opportunistic cousin, the raccoon.
Mike Ehrmantraut - Badger. Whether of the European badger flavour; forest-bears of quiet and solitary pursuits, devoted to the burrows of their families, or of the American type, the fearsome ratel or honey badgers that face down mountain lions without a second look, badger daemons carry the traits of strength, perseverance, and an undeniable aggression that make them the animal that never backs down. Badgers construct setts that go deep below the earth, a vast underground system of resources that belies the staid, unemotional appearance of these creatures. Man + mountain indeed.
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somethin-stupid-67 · 1 year
BCS HC's because I've been up all night and the brain rot is unreal
(More Saul?) Loves himself a cocktail, the sweeter the better. Fruity cocktails for a fruity little man. Only thing he can’t stand about them is how overpriced they are, no matter where he orders them.
Very strongly considered buying rings when he married Kim. Something about the symbolism stuck with him and really wanted their marriage, business arrangement or not, to present as more “socially official.” Would’ve definitely had them engraved with Wexler-McGill on the inside of the bands, too.
Eventually became pretty good at the guitar. Still struggles with tuning it and has, on more than one occasion, had a meltdown while attempting to replace broken strings.
Loves his white Cadillac, but definitely misses his Esteem.
Smokes whatever cigarettes are on hand but is a ride-or-die menthol enjoyer.
The only person allowed to call her “Kimmy” is her mother. Jimmy tried once and wound up in a long,  long conversation about her distaste of the nickname.
Similarly, she doesn’t go by her full first name (at least professionally) because she feels it’s too preppy/thinks Kimberly Wexler sounds too much like the name of a ditzy blonde side character in a John Hughes movie.
Talkative drunk. Will have a conversation with anyone about nearly anything. Out for drinks and there’s a game on TV? She’s chatting up the nearest patron about every. single. play. Song she recognizes comes on the radio? She’s breaking down the lyrics, symbolism, and the artist’s motivation for writing it. Will apologize profusely the next morning for “talking too much.” Jimmy, naturally, finds it absolutely adorable and insists she shouldn’t feel bad.
Extremely shy as a child!
Grew up listening to/singing along with classic Mexican love songs and sings them softly to himself when completing any sort of task that doesn’t require a lot of focus. Very few people have actually heard him sing, but those who have all tell him he has a lovely voice.
He’d be lying if he said he disliked Lalo calling him “Nachito.”
Huge fan of an ice-cold Coke Zero.
Easily cries at tv shows and movies, most notably if there’s a trope pertaining to a father and son. Less than five seconds into a commercial for the ASPCA/Humane Society and he has tears in his eyes.
In the rare instances he’s able to sleep more than an hour or two at a time, he snores. LOUD. Like, keeping the house up half the night loud.
If it wasn’t for his responsibilities to the “family business,” he would have pursued work as either a professional chef or professional hitman. Yes, the two couldn’t be farther from each other. Yes, they somehow both make total sense.
Would’ve 1000% slept with Nacho or Jimmy if the situation presented itself.
Opposite to Nacho, he was an extremely outgoing child. He was the type of kid to wander off with other children or walk up to total strangers and introduce himself.
Initially bothered by how quickly his hair went grey, but once he found out women (and men) thought it made him more attractive he never gave it a second thought.
Strong aversion to water. He’ll get into a swimming pool and that’s about it, but even then he won’t go out farther than he can stand. His fear of drowning is the only thing preventing him from becoming a triathlete.
Keeps a photo of his parents in his wallet.
Definitely has anxiety. His tells used to be much more obvious when he first became an attorney (leg bouncing, shakiness in voice) but he has since been able to control it, most of the time. It’s a part of what keeps him up at night, why he’ll always opt for tea, and why he picked up boxing and cycling. It almost never interferes with his work the way it once did, but every now and again he can be seen swiftly pacing around his office or picking the skin around his fingers.
Despite his agility/flexibility, he’s an absolutely terrible dancer. Even in a bout of romance, an after-dinner slow dance in his own home proves he has two left feet.
Mailroom Era Jimmy definitely called him “Pretty Boy” to piss him off. It made him blush and/or stutter every time without fail and it took both Chuck and his father to convince him that Jimmy was insulting him and didn’t mean it as a compliment.
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eurekavalley · 1 year
You mentioned Howard and George/Jimmy and Chuck parallels a few days back, politely and no pressure asking for more on that
Yeah, I think Howard's relationship with his father must have looked a lot like Roger Sterling's on Mad Men - son of the founder brought into the business who has allll the privileges but not all the talents or natural drive. It's what's expected, he eventually molds himself to the role. There is a blindness to his own privilege and power, in part because he does feel he earned it.
So re: Jimmy and Chuck, I can only guess that Hamlin Sr. always intended to pass the business on to Howard, where Chuck wanted to keep Jimmy under control and never was interested in giving him a pathway. Unhealthy dynamics can be perpetuated to different ends (sorry to the Howard did nothing wrong ever squad - he's not a villain but I am still not on your side) - either way, it's trying to dictate someone else's future. No one is saying to Howard or Jimmy, "I support you finding your thing."
I imagine Hamlin Sr. was harsh and rather public with it at work (not even appropriate to do with his son and way less so, when Howard perpetuates it on people like Kim) - yelling and being heard through the office walls, making passive aggressive comments in meetings that no one gets to react to, holding him responsible him for things outside of his control. You only have to spend a little time with Rich Schweikart and Cliff Main to see that, No, All (Work) Families Are Not Like That. There are knowing looks and cryptic jokes, but the underlings have to keep their mouths shut about the family dysfunction in the executive suite. And I think Chuck stays quiet too, following Hamlin Sr.'s lead where Howard is concerned, so that when Chuck brings Jimmy into the mailroom, the Hamlins in particular can't say a thing about it. The Chuck/Jimmy power dynamic strikes a more uncomfortable chord when the good people of HHM stop to think about it, or when Chuck or Jimmy makes it weird, but mostly they just keep their heads down and their resumes up to date.
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ambafaerie · 2 years
RIP Howard Hamlin. You would have loved what is currently happening in One Piece.
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suidi4com · 2 months
dating Howard Hamlin headcanons(Howard Hamlin x fem reader)
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-He leaves you for a men
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howie-g · 1 year
Ya'll, can I have your head canons about Cheryl Hamlin? I may or may not be writing a fic that requires some characterization of her, and I'm very interested in your thoughts.
My headcanons -
She either has a medical or psychiatric background (based on a couple things in canon).
She's not a superficial charmer like her husband, and is more direct.
She has a similar socioeconomic background to Howard, but is Canadian and moved down to the Southwest United States for whichever career she may have (taken from Sandrine Holt being Canadian in real life if I remember correctly).
@odekirk @howabhwmwn @cherylhamlin
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depressopax · 2 months
Hii I hope you dont mind me requesting Howie again, but could I request a hurt/comfort scenario of him taking care of a sick fem!reader (she’s having a cold) I hope you have a great day and thank you againn :]
HIIII thank you for requesting again!! <3 And dw about it! I'm just glad you like my stories and want to request again :)) So if you have ideas lmk! :D Hope you like it!! Sorry for the wait! But here it issssss (The plan was to make all the characters on my BrBa/BCS masterlist but my brain is fried atm 😭 But I also added Nacho - because Ignacio Varga brainrot <3)
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Taking care of sick reader | Scenarios
Fandom - Better call Saul
Pairing: 1. Howard Hamlin x gender-neutral reader 2. Nacho Varga x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): - Words: 0.7k Summary: How would they take care of their sick partner? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 » Masterlist || Request «
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“Morning, sweetheart! Ready to start the day?”
You grunt in reply and puld the blanket over your cold body. Howard is already up, enthusiastic as always. But today you’re too tired for that. 
“Come on now… You’ve been snoozing for 20 minutes!”
“I don’t want to…”
His smile fades and he sits down on bed next to you.
“You alright?” He reaches out to stroke your cheek and notices how cold-sweaty you are. “Hmm… That’s not good.” 
“I don’t feel well.”
“I know, sweetie, I know…” 
I feel like he’d be like: YOU’RE SICK??? 😰 at first
But then be like: You’re sick… 💔 If that makes sense LOL
Probably scared of catching a cold etc
But he loves you - so it’s worth the risk 😌✨
Howard is the guy that helps you with everything once sick
He fixes food, makes sure you keep warmth and makes warm tea etc
He basically acts like a maid for you until you feel better lol
But he doesn’t mind, at all <3
He likes taking care of and spoiling you 
“Are you cold, darlin’?” he asks, proceeding to wrap a blanket over your shoulders.
“No, I actually feel quite warm” He looks concerned and feels your forehead “Your fever is not going down… Do you want something cold instead? Water, ice cream… Are you laughing?” “Sorry… You’re just so cute when you’re worried!”
Also… You being sick gives him an excuse to just sit back down and cuddle you
He allows himself to be “lazy” (aka taking a break and not overworking) when you’re around
He loves to set you down in the couch and put on some movie to watch together
If he can’t be at home with you - he texts or calls you at least once throughout the day to check on you 
It doesn’t matter if you only have a simple cold, he’ll take care of you until you feel ok again 
He probably would end up sick too 😭 “But at least we can stay home together now!” he says after waking up with the same cold you had. “...But Howard, I need to go back to work today” “...Oh ☹” But you’re of course there for him too until he feels better <3
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Also - I found these two Howard out of context screenshots on my PC LOL, thought you might like them!! 😭
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“You’re burning up” Nacho mutters, still having his palm pressed against your sweaty forehead. “I’m fine, Nacho”
But the fever thermometer says otherwise.
“Yea… Fine, huh?” He scoffs and strokes the hair that's glued to your forehead, tucking it behind your ear. “Rest.” 
“Rest.” His voice gets softer “Let me take care of you, ok?”
He smiles at this.
This man… (God, I love him, I need him <33)
He’ll be all 😐 towards everyone, all the time
But not with you.
Whenever you’re doing poorly, he’s right there. Whether it’s mentally or like in this case - when you’re sick.
He’s the guy that will grimace and be really judgy if someone sneezes or coughs in public, but he tries his best to not be a baby about it for you.
And he’s good at it
Truth is, he somehow likes it when you’re sick
Just because he’ll get to take care of you 
And have you all dependent on him
It takes his mind off all his troubles, and he can focus on you only.
He brings you tea, soup, painkillers… Whatever you need - whenever.
He also appreciates cuddling up next to you and watch TV, letting you pick out whatever
It’s just comforting to him - somehow - to feel your fever warmth against him.
Basically - he’s already a sweetheart, but becomes the most caring (and worried) boyfriend ever when you’re sick. <3 “Nacho, don’t be so close, I don’t want you to be sick too…” “I don't care.” he murmurs
…And eventually he ends up sick too lol
He’s really overdramatic about it 😭
Before meeting you - he’d overwork himself and not give a damn about resting
But since he takes well care of you - you of course do the same for him.
So when he eventually catches a cold, you’re there for him “Well look at that… Told you that you’d get sick.” “...Shut up.” “Will you let me take care of you?”
And of course… He lets you
Homeboy gets overdramatic af when sick 😭
He likes seeing you all worried for him - it’s cute lol
Nacho makes sure you’re cuddled up next to him all day 
And now it’s his turn to choose movies/series for you to watch with him
“Hey?” Nacho whispers after you’ve both shut the lights off for the night. “Hmm?” “...Thanks for taking care of me.” “Of course, Nacho. I love you” “Love you too”
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If you guys liked the concept of this I can make a part 2 with the other BrBa/BCS characters! Lmk and thanks for reading <3 Been feeling down lately but I have plans on some stuff I wanna post this weekend :)) Looking forward <3
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