#french au
sibmakesart · 3 months
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part 1
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finsterwalds · 1 month
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Thinking about better call saul if the action took place in france just because I wanted to see them in cunty robes lmao. More thoughts under the cut!
Obviously the action and the whole premise of bcs/brba wouldn't work in france (legal system aside, the whole cartel and walter white storyline would have to suffer major changes due to social security and the mexican cartel well. not existing here stricto sensu). But let's talk about the real Important Stuff : their names
I think Howard Hamlin would work well as Edouard Hamelin. He looses the cool HH initials yes, but it works really well as a genuine french name imo, and Howard/Edouard are pretty close phonetically
Chuck could still be called Charles without any realism issue, but he'd be nicknamed Charlie rather than Chuck because that's what a french person would go for... nicknames don't work the same, yeah
Kimberly Wexler and James McGill, I have no idea lmao. James when translated becomes Jacques, but it's such a boomerish uncool name that I cannot resolve myself to call my boy like that. It's also one generation too old. Jimmy being born in '60 could technically be called Jacques, but it'd be old-fashioned, as it's a name mostly given to the kids of the decade that came before him. McGill is an irish name, so something funny could be making Jimmy a breton with a funky last name like Gall/LeGall ? That's hilarious to me. But who knows.
Saul Goodman is a pun, so this is even harder for me to conceptualize. Saul's marketing would definitely not work in france at all, as no one would realistically hire a lawyer with a puny name and such chaotic displays (+ I think ads for legal démarchage are illegal mind you). However, let's have a crack at it. It would have to be a pun based off an expression similar to "it's all good man", or implying something positive and familiar... I need to think on that one.
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mailamoon · 2 months
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Day 4 : modern day
Oups, double post for Sanji with his angry Ratatouille... But these two fanarts are designed to work together. After drawing the Parkour Sanji, I really wanted to draw entierly his Octopus tattoo.
Sanji lives in Paris, he works for Le Jules Verne (it's on his t-shirt "LJV"), a very expensive and high-standing restaurant situated on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. During his free time he enjoys doing Parkour on Paris rooftops (and every kind of extreme sports with his bf Zoro -they are adrenaline addict). He lives in a little room where he occasionally has arguments with a hot tempered rat... (Btw, I'm part of the croissant au chocolat team).
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doubledeehonkerz · 3 months
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* “go-to” doesn’t mean “only”! there’s a bunch of situational signoffs I haven’t put here, this is more about what you use by default
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r-aindr0p · 7 months
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✨Bon appétit ✨
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an-au-blog · 7 months
Sanji in the bi au is out, no one knows only because no one asks and he has a very obvious preference for women. So the first time Ace come on board and starts flirting with the cook, everyone is flabbergasted that Sanji so openly flirts back.
Luffy is used to having people come onto his brother so he's unbothered by it all. But Zoro is so taken aback he approaches him with it.
Zoro: So what, now you're into men?
Sanji: Have been for a while but he's the only man on this ship who flirts like a normal human being.
Zoro absolutely speechless: ...
Sanji: If you're done here I have dishes to wash. Go bother someone else
The next few days Zoro just stares at Ace like his life depended on it. On one hand to study him what he's doing that Zoro can't, on the other because how dare he??? Luffy catches him while he's watching Sanji and Ace interacting.
Luffy: What are you doing?
Zoro: Observing...
Luffy: Nami said you're jealous. But if you also want goodnight kisses from Sanji you can just ask
Zoro even more taken aback: Also???
Luffy: Does he not kiss you goodnight?... hm, weird...
After a few weeks Zoro gathers up the courage to ask for a goodnight kiss.
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William Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905) Femme au Coquillage, 1885
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fattributes · 2 months
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Coq au Vin
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beannary · 5 days
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So I named TLP after the book The Little Prince because I went to a French school so we read that book constantly so I thought it would be funny if I made little drawings of TLP Donnie if I had named au after different French books I read as a kid!
It was hard to think of some that were actually French and not just translations lol turns out a lot of the books that I thought were French were really just English books with French translations :P
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sibmakesart · 3 months
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part 2
im procrastinating on the time travel comic by working on the thriller bark aftermath one and im procrastinating on the tba comic on making this
with a bit of luck itll circle back around at some point
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finsterwalds · 1 month
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Got a very inspired ask inquiring about the villains in my Better Call Saul french AU so here's Gus aka famous chef Gustavo Faure and his main waiter Léo haha. More info under the cut as always...
So at first I thought about making Gus a fast-food owner like his canon counterpart, but it just doesn't fit really well if you wanna frenchify it all with nuance. We have fast-foods ofc and we do enjoy fried chicken lol, but Los Pollos Hermanos has this very distinct "patriotic" feeling that wouldn't translate as well in France, as fast-foods are american in conception. I thought about making Gus the owner of some cheaper chain like Courtepaille lmao, but it feels too memey and doesn't have the prestige that his character has canonically. Gus assimilates perfectly into american society with his brand, and caters to the people locally, so I thought it would be fair for him to do the same in France. And if you wanna cater to lovers of chic, gastronomy and prestige, what's better than being the chef of some fancy restaurant, right? It felt cliché af and looses the "close to the people" part but it honestly fits his character well, imo...
He would be extremely respected locally but still friendly and approachable due to him crafting some kind of tragic backstory for himself and his restaurant. Basically he would play the "Chilean refugee that climbed to the top of foreign cuisine" card and everyone would buy it. French people love to eat and are fond of mixing their culture's meals with more international food, so yes: I think he would serve a fusion of french/Chilean food!
He'd also be an entrepreneur as famous french chefs often have side businesses like bakeries or published books, which I think respects his canon personality pretty well. Fancy french chefs also like to hang out outside their kitchen to greet their guests and I can totally imagine Gus do that. He'd still be able to conceal his shady side nicely. He's canonically seen to like fine wine, good products, and cooks Paila Marina for Walt, so congrats to Gus for already being french in conception and not making this idea feel like a stretch lol.
I have no idea about his exact role concerning drug traffic in Europe, as I said I'm pretty ignorant about that… But he'd use his business and image to form connections and launder his money. His backstory with Max stays the same in the AU aka Max was his business """"partner""" who died killed by the Salamancas.
I don't think changing his first name was necessary, but his last name sounding american I thought I would just frenchify it a bit lol. I don't know what the name of his restaurant would be, but definitely something short, spanish, and aesthetic/poetic. Maybe a reference to Max to allude to the Hermanos part.
Bonus : I know they don't canonically meet, but in my AU I think Chuck, as a rich lawyer, would eat at Gustavo's often. They'd be acquainted :) And maybe Jérôme aka Jimmy meets him thru his brother and later discovers Gus' shady side, when the events of BrBa start.
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mailamoon · 4 months
Pour bien finir l'année, voici une petite fantaisie inspirée par l'AU Lyon de @sibmakesart. One Piece dans la capitale de la gastronomie française, Sanji alsacien, Zoro breton ❤️
Pour les francophones qui passent par ici, je vous invite à aller visiter son Tumblr, elle est super douée et son délire sur Lyon est absolument délectable (moi je plonge dedans les yeux fermés !).
C'est parti pour une petite soirée lyonnaise avec nos pirates préférés !
Un soir à Lyon...
Au cœur de la nuit, dans la ruelle, une porte s’ouvrit, laissant de la lumière éclairer la rue sombre. Un jeune homme en franchit le seuil en s’allumant une cigarette, un sac en plastique à la main.
- Hé, l’aubergine, tu sors cette nuit ? Lança une voix autoritaire depuis l’intérieur.
Le jeune homme se retourna en soufflant sa fumée.
- En quoi ça t’intéresse vieux shnock ? Fit-il d’un ton ennuyé.
- Encore ce breton ?
- C’est pas tes oignons.
- Ah, claqua la voix, fais gaffe à toi !
- C’est ça, bonne soirée, àbgenutzdi.
-HÉ !
Le jeune homme referma la porte sans attendre de savoir ce que l’autre voulait répondre. Il regarda autour de lui, visiblement à la recherche de quelque chose, mais la ruelle était déserte. Un soupir bruyant quitta ses lèvres et il grommela quelque chose qui ressemblait à « encore en retard dawer säckel de breton ». Il donna un coup de pied à une cannette qui traînait tristement sur l’asphalte. Une sonnerie retentit de sa poche et il en sortit son téléphone.
- Allo ?
- Allo, Sanji ? Fit une voie féminine.
- Nami ! T’as pas vu Zoro ?
- Beeeeh si, justement, c’est pour ça que je t’appelle.
- Il est avec vous ? Demanda-t-il en entendant Usopp et Luffy se disputer derrière elle.
- Non il est pas… TAISEZ-VOUS ! Putain, j’essaie de parler au téléphone ! Je te disais, non il n’est pas avec nous. Il m'a dit qu’il devait passer te prendre à la fin du service mais il a fait tomber son portable dans le Rhône cet après-midi. Je sais que t’avais enregistré les coordonnées du bouchon dedans…
Sanji leva les yeux au ciel.
- Donc il est perdu ?
- Tu le connais, il n’est pas capable de distinguer sa gauche de sa droite. Bref, je voulais juste te prévenir, pas que tu l’attende et… VOUS ALLEZ VOUS CALMER ! LES VOISINS VONT ENCORE APPELER LES FLICS SI VOUS CONTINUEZ ! Pardon Sanji, je te laisse.
La communication se coupa.
-GOPFERDAMMI ! Cria Sanji en donnant un coup de poing dans le vide. Il tira rageusement sur sa cigarette. C’était GRAND Lyon, qui sait où ce connard de primate avait bien pu aller ?!
Sanji se mit en route, la nuit promettait d’être longue.
C’est au petit matin que l’alsacien retrouva enfin le breton. Après avoir parcouru la ville de long en large et en travers. Après avoir espéré que non, non, non ce bon à rien ne s’était quand même pas aventuré dans les sous-sols de Lyon… Il avançait enfin vers lui.
Zoro était accoudé à la rambarde de Fourvière en train de contempler les rayons du soleil qui commençaient timidement à pointer le bout de leurs nez sur la ville.
Après de longues heures de recherches, Sanji sentait une certaine fatigue gagner ses jambes. Il s’avança sans bruit derrière son petit ami.
- Hé, nixnutz !
L’homme aux cheveux vert ne sursauta même pas. Il tourna la tête vers Sanji. Malgré ses yeux cernés, un sourire éclaira son visage.
- Te voilà enfin cuistot !
Sanji roula des yeux. L’autre lui sortait ça comme si cette fichue basilique avait été leur point de rendez-vous depuis le début. Il appuya son dos contre la rambarde en frôlant le coude de Zoro.
- Tu m’as encore fais courir, fit-il en s’allumant une cigarette et en soufflant sa fumée dans l’air cristallin du petit matin.
- Genaoueg ! Je savais que t’arriverais à me retrouver.
Sanji lui tendit le sac qu’il avait transporté avec lui la moitié de la nuit. Zoro l’ouvrit pour y trouver une bouteille de chouchen et des bretzels enveloppés dans un papier kraft. Il prit la bouteille et sortit de sa poche un couteau suisse pour la déboucher.
- Pas de verre. Constata-t-il.
- Non, pas de verre. J’ai pas envie qu’on en casse d’autres. Le vieux va encore criser si les stocks continuent de diminuer.
Zoro porta la bouteille à sa bouche pour boire au goulot. La saveur lui rappelait sa région. Il passa ensuite le chouchen à Sanji qui bu à son tour.
- La prochaine fois j’amène du schnaps.
- C’est quoi ça ?
- C’est plus fort, ça devrait te plaire. Même si je préfère un bon pinot gris vieille vignes…
- Qu’est-ce que tu marmonne ?
Le blond lui sourit et, sans un mot, s’avança vers lui pour l’enlacer en collant son corps au sien. Ils s’embrassèrent puis s’appuyèrent de nouveau à la rambarde, coude à coude en se passant le chouchen et les bretzels. Ils restèrent là à regarder le lever de soleil sur Lyon en savourant ce petit déjeuner alcoolisé improvisé.
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zu-is-here · 11 months
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romantic,,, ♡
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zeldabecameaqueen · 3 months
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The back of the signs Richas designed, I know it'll probably change over time but I love these ones
I didn't put Gegg's one because well too many images for tumblr
screenshots from badboyhalo's stream
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insanityfall · 1 month
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Dead Plate- Priest and Demon au.
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