#hope you all enjoy though
sneezydarliing · 1 year
The long-awaited fuku birthday celebration is here!! fic/art collab with @lycheeehehe !!!! 
vanilla blogs please do not rb!!
New Beginnings
words-  1,202
When Ranpo handed the small cat to him, he had insisted that she was “hypo-allergenic”- saying it in a way that made him think Kunikida had put those words into his mouth, and surely wouldn’t cause any problems with his allergies, and perhaps he would be right in normal circumstances, but Fukuzawa cannot help but think he is somehow allergic to the hypo-allergenic cat. He can’t bring himself to mind very much. 
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As Fukuzawa stares down at the kitten in his lap, he cannot decide what to think. He is delighted, of course, cats being his favorite, this gift being so kind and thought out by the agency, but a small worry, found in the itch beginning at the back of his sinuses, begins to nag at him. He brushes it aside. 
         Regardless, she needs food. He carefully transfers the cat onto the cushion next to him, heart aching as she looks up with sad, questioning eyes. He shuffles into his small kitchen, digging around for the materials he always kept around in case a situation like this ever arose, or he happened to find a small cat abandoned on the side of the road that he could take in, or possibly even just pet- but his thoughts are cut short as the dull tickle suddenly burns through his nose, leaving him gasping as his nose wrinkles and his brow furrows, clamping his hands to the lower part of his face as he pitches forward with a small flurry of sneezes. 
    “hngkt! hi'ngxt! hiiih.. ngT.. aH'tsChh!” He can't help but groan quietly, sniffling as he rubs the itchy appendage. He continues to move around the room, preparing food, water, and something for himself- among a handful of tissues, until he's got everything he thinks he'll need. The kittens spent the time quietly napping where he had left her, and as he sits down, he can't help but fall in love even more as she stretches, yawning and looking up at him, and Fukuzawa knows he can ignore the sudden roughness in his throat, the itchiness all over his face, the buzzing feeling in his sinuses if it means living with her. 
The kitten, smelling the food, hops down from her perch and onto the floor where he’s set the dish, stirring up fur that leaves him coughing roughly into his sleeve. When he recovers, wiping tears from his irritated eyes, she’s already finished, bowl empty and abandoned in place of his curtains. He watched diligently as she began to lower herself, tail flicking as she stalked the flowing fabric- then she pounces, rolling around with great joy. Fukuzawa remembers he had bought a small toy for her, as recommended by another customer, and with another odd sneeze he fetches it. 
The second he returns, the toy in is hand is viewed with great interest. Eagerly, he sits on the floor, flicking the ribbon around as she approaches and starts chasing it around. He continues to play with her, amused as she attacks it, but suddenly aware of the dull itch shoots through his nostrils, and he pinches his nose between his unoccupied fingers, scared of disturbing the kitten as his lungs fill with air. 
“nNgt-chhi! Ngxt! hIh-” the third is lost as his breath catches in his throat and he’s left coughing again. He takes a moment to recover, sniffling wetly, before his eyes return to the kitten. She seems unbothered, happily resuming play, but stops as she notices his loose sleeves, moving as he flicks his arm around, and changes her target, pursuing his arm instead. He laughs, but not wanting to ruin his clothes, he gently places his hands under her front legs and picks her up. She doesn’t resist, staring at him curiously as her paws dangle in the air. He brings her closer to his face, examining her fur pattern, his nose twitching with no ability to tend it. He wrinkles it in hopes of staving off the inevitable, but the action seems to interest the kitten, and she lifts a paw, setting it atop the bridge of his nose. The action sends him over the edge, and he’s thrown forward almost instantly, hands still tied with the cat, not trusting himself to put her down gently enough in time-
“sCHhiew! hiDt-schiew-a’Chht-uhh!” Fukuzawa blinks the allergic tears from his eyes just as the kitten begins to dislike her current circumstances. She begins to struggle, and he lets her, placing her back onto the floor where she scampers off- presumably to find something to play with. He sniffles and paws at his nose to little avail, forced to grab a tissue and clear his sinuses, giving a weak cough as he blows. He hears his phone ringing across the room, and picking it up is met with a “video call request.” He huffs. Ranpo had coerced him into giving up his flip phone in favor of a newer, modern one, and it had been nothing but confusion. He felt older than ever, fumbling with the controls to make it work. 
His frustration is forgotten when he’s meet with the smiling faces of the Agency members. Dazai seems to be in control of the call, fidgeting with it while others half idle conversations in the back, and he calls them all to attention once he’s satisfied with the controls. They all beam at him, asking how his day was- he’d taken the day off, though it was no choice of his own, discussing the kitten with pride, eager to hear of how he’d liked the present. He’s told the story of how they came up with the whole thing, and Dazai says that he came up with it but then Ranpo butts in with the same, and Fukuzawa does not care either way because he is so overjoyed. He involentarily tunes out the conversation after awhile, mind wandering to the itch that seemed to revive at any moment that would be inconvenient. He wrinkles his facial features, but starving off the inevitable was useless. 
"Bless you!" He half hears Dazai as his body gears up for another-
"NGch!" "Bless y-" "hid-schHhi!" 
"Bless you!" He says again, sounding mildly impressed, while Yosano and Kunikida share a slightly worried look behind him. Fukuzawa sniffles, rubbing at his nose with the back of his wrist. 
"President," Yosano begins, carefully choosing her words, "could you.. possibly be allergic to the kitten?" She's already gotten her answer, really, since his eyes have a tinge of redness to them and through the camera she can see a rawness to the underside of his nose where he'd scrubbed it with tissues. 
Fukuzawa sniffles again, wetter, and hums. "It's possible," he silently winces at the congestion in his voice, "But it's alright. I like her." It did not have to be explained to any of them that this was the highest compliment he would ever give anything. The agency members- besides Dazai, who seemed to hold a strange interest in it, had been brimming with guilt seeing the state of the president, but now felt a sense of joy, even pride, seeing his obvious love for this gift. Ranpo spoke up, fumbling for the phone,
"Happy birthday, Fukuzawa."
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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braisedhoney · 6 months
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fighting back? against who? they're so happy—they've been waiting for you.
you are wonderful. don't you know that?
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bonus: they play sims together :)
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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some rather strong first impressions were made.
required reading for the magical "voice" headcanon and another for starstruck's signature in particular. asked by @trainerbob23 !
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samglyph · 4 months
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Ghost Hunter Au Part 1/2
This is my entry for the Malevolent “write in your style event”, @malevolent-monthly!
I wasn’t initially planning on participating since this is a writing event and not an illustration one, but the prompt immediately inspired me so I got the go ahead to make a little comic! Part two out soon.
ID in Alt text provided by @shadow0haven
If you like what I do and want to see more, consider donating to my ko-fi!
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sheepwithspecs · 4 months
i don't normally make posts about things myself but i keep thinking about how the whole point of EW was that the strength you needed didn't come from a god, or a supreme being, or a primal or anything: it all comes from you
your love for this world and your friends and everything that you allow purpose and meaning- that is what gives you the strength to climb to your feet, even when you feel utterly alone at the end of the universe
In Shb we had Ardbert who gave us the strength to take that next step, but in EW we are alone (save for Zenos i guess but this ain't about him). That's why even though I agree that "it was the ancients" is becoming an extremely stale take, I still forgive MotR and the Twelve because it's hammering in EW's theme of being enough to handle what life throws at you without needing to rely on something much larger than yourself
EW's plot- and even the Omicron quests -point to the fact that dynamis alone does nothing. It has to be moved to action by feelings/emotions for it to work. As N-7000 says, "all [dynamis] requires is for us to ask "what if?""
Zodiark did not save the Ancients. Hydaelyn cannot save Her Children. The Twelve do not answer your cries. Primals are bound to the prayers of those that summon them.
The Warrior of Light is an imperfect being. More talented than most, but imperfect yet. EW does not make you a god. It shows that change can be wrought by anyone, at any time. You need not do it alone: there are others willing to come to your aid. But when you are alone, at the end of your rope, facing insurmountable odds: the strength you need can only come from within.
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How They are Handling your Disappearance Pt. 3
MC Returns
Ahh you guys i'm so glad you are enjoying this little series! I wasn't expecting so many of you to like it! But as requested by many, here is part 3 where MC returns to the present day timeline and reunites with the 7 brothers. This is a bit of a lengthy one because like... we are home! It's a little less angsty, a little more happy this time haha. Anyways, please enjoy! Reblogs and feedback are appreciated as usual!
Read Part 1: Brothers
Read Part 2: Side Characters
Word count: 3,057
Rating: T, slightly suggestive.
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @siofrantic @todothedodo @ihatecorns @exrellian @vernith @sus0daddy
Fill out this form if you want to be tagged in my work!
rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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It feels like it has been forever since the day that you went missing, but the brothers never gave up their search. How could they when you were out there somewhere, possibly alone and scared? The thought of their little human wandering around the unknown gave them the motivation they needed to keep going. But after a long day of once again searching the Devildom up and down with no results, the brothers are settling down for the evening.
The Avatar of Pride is in his room getting ready for bed after a long day of searching for you. 
His wings are terribly sore from flying all day, so he lays on his bed sprawled out on his stomach, allowing his feathery wings to stretch out behind him.  
He rests his head in his arms, and sighs.
Yet another day of searching, but no results. 
Suddenly, he begins to feel a familiar tingling sensation of magic in the air that brings goosebumps to his bare arms. 
Before he had time to process what was happening, a flash of light filled his room, practically blinding him. 
After a few seconds, the light dissipates and there you are, standing in its place. 
Lucifer forgets all about his aching wings, and jumps up from the bed. 
At first, he hesitates, terrified that you’ll disappear again at any moment. 
“M-MC…? Is it really you…?”
His crimson eyes are wide as he takes in your appearance. 
You appear the same, but he's confused by the horns that now rest on your head, as well as a few other demonic attributes.
Just where did you disappear to?
Your face scrunches up and your eyes fill with tears. “L-Luci… yes, it’s really me.” 
Suddenly, his arms are around you, a million questions in his throat but unable to speak.
You whimper, taking in his scent. He smells freshly showered, the smell of his soap sending a wave of comfort crashing over you. 
“Luci… I missed you so much…I’m so sorry…”
His shoulders begin to tremble and he tucks his face into the crook of your neck. 
You feel wetness on your skin as he begins to cry. 
Have you ever seen him cry before?
Just how much have they all suffered while I was gone?
Your arms wrap themselves around his neck and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You stand there in his arms, his wings wrapping themselves around the two of you protectively. 
He will never let you go again. 
After a few moments, he pulls away, staring into your eyes.
“MC, the days I've spent searching for you were endless… but never once did I give up. I’m very glad that I didn’t. Every second was worth my time.”
Suddenly his lips are on yours and you accept his kiss greedily. 
Kissing him was the confirmation you needed that you were home. 
“MC, please forgive me. You can tell me the details later, but right now I just need you. I need to know you are here and…real.” 
He spins you around, guiding you to his bed so the back of your legs hit the edge, causing you to fall back. 
He hovers over top of you, his crimson eyes full of love, adoration, and desire. 
You giggle through your tears, placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you so much, Luci.”
He smiles, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Words alone cannot express my love for you, little one.”
You give him a peck on the lips again. “We have a lot of time to make up for you know… where should we start?”
Lucifer gives you a mischievous grin. “I have just the thing in mind, darling. Something that has been long overdue.”
Mammon returned to his bedroom shortly after arriving home. 
He had to check on his ravens who were also out searching for you while they were gone. 
His wings were sore as shit, and all he wanted to do was shower and go to bed. 
But you are more important. 
Throwing open his window, one of his ravens glides down to greet him. 
“Damn, ya didn’t find anything did ya?”
The raven hangs its head sadly, and Mammon sighs.
“Thanks anyways, I appreciate the help.”
Suddenly the raven begins to flap its wings wildly, cawing at something behind him. 
Mammon spins around, and his golden eyes widen in shock when he sees just who is appearing in the middle of his bedroom. 
It was you, clear as day. 
He’s speechless, unable to find the right words even though he’s been playing them on repeat in his head since the day you left. 
“Mammon!” you shout with tears in your eyes. You begin to run towards him, but he meets you halfway, scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around.
He sets you down again, and hugs you snugly to his chest. 
“MC…I… Shit. I-I missed ya so damn much…” he says with a shaky voice. 
You inhale his scent as he hugs you, which smells of sweat and leather. 
You’re home. He’s your Mammon. Finally…
“Mams, I’m so so sorry… I’ll explain everything I promise…”
He pulls you away from him, his golden blue gaze staring intensely at you.
“Damn right ya will! But for now…I don’t care..I just… I need ya so bad… I mean this can’t be real, right?”
You give him a small smile, taking his hand in yours. 
“I’m real, Mammon. I promise.”
His tanned skin is flushed as he pulls you with him to sit on his bed, hoisting you up onto his lap. 
He can’t hold back anymore as he plants a firm kiss to your lips. 
You accept it eagerly. 
Your tongues intertwine briefly before he pulls away, breathless. 
“I love ya MC, I’m so sorry I couldn’t do a damn thing…” 
You silence him with a kiss to the forehead. 
“It’s not your fault, Mammon. Please don’t cry…”
He notices your own lip quivering, and let’s out an amused snort through his tears.
“Don’t you go cryin’ on me either!”
His long, slender fingers run through your hair and you sigh.
His lips are on yours once more, a low growl rumbling in his chest. 
You can sense his overwhelming desire threatening to take over.
“Mammon’s got ya now, treasure. You’re safe with me. I’m never letting you go again.”
Throughout the search, Levi has been exploring every inch of the Devildom waters. 
From seas to lakes, he still could find no trace of you. 
Levi heads back to his room, a towel around his waist after Lucifer forced him to strip in the hallway so he didn’t track water through the house. 
Once he’s dried off and dressed again, he sinks down in his gaming chair, sighing as his aching limbs are finally able to rest. 
Tears welled up in his eyes, disappointed that he let everyone down again. 
Especially you.
I’m so useless, he thinks. 
A stray tear rolls down his cheek, and he wipes it away with his arm. 
A flash of light appears before him, and it sends a tingling sensation up his body. 
Wait a minute…that’s…!
His eyes are wide and his mouth gapes open as he looks up to see you standing there right in front of him.
“M-MC, I-Is it really y-you?!” Of course he’s a stuttering mess, but he can’t believe it.
He doesn’t know when he stood up, but suddenly you are slamming into him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“Yes, Levi. It’s me.” you sob, burying your face into his chest.
Your voice has him melting in your grip. 
He finally fully embraces you, burning his face into your hair. 
Your scent is slightly different,  and he can smell other demons on you. 
This sends a wave of envy over him, but he ignores it. All he cares about is that you’re home.
He, however, smells of the sea. 
“Levi, I'm so sorry… I promise I’ll explain. I just really need you right now. I’ve missed you so much…”
Leviathan only nods, his shoulders trembling from the sobs that are escaping him. 
You stay standing there wrapped in his arms, gently rubbing circles on his back. 
After some time, he calms down. 
His eyes are red and puffy and his face is swollen. Your heart aches for him. 
Suddenly, he grabs your hand, leading you over with him to his bathtub. 
You climb in together, and you sit in his lap. His tail curls around you, holding you in place. 
“M-MC…can I um, k-kiss you?” he asks, his tear stained cheeks becoming flushed. 
You nod eagerly, and he places a soft, gentle kiss to your lips. 
Your lips are the same as ever, soft and sweet. 
Levi is overwhelmed with affection for you. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you…” he mutters, rocking you gently in his lap. 
He peppers your face with kisses and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I love you so much too, Levi. I’m so glad to be home…” 
He rests his head on your shoulder, purple strands of his hair tickling your cheek. 
“Please don’t leave me like that again, MC. I-I was so scared…”
The tremor in his voice causes fresh tears to form in the corner of your eyes. 
“Never again, I’m staying right here with you.”
Satan steps over the pile of books on his floor before flopping down onto his bed. 
His bedroom is in quite the disarray due to his last tantrum. 
He can’t help that he’s just so damn frustrated!
They’ve practically searched the Devildom inside out, and still… nothing. 
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares out the window, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. 
He almost doesn’t notice the burst of light filling his bedroom. 
The air was practically vibrating with magic when he spun his head around to see the silhouette of a figure in the blinding light. 
He squints, trying his best to make out the form. Once the light dissipates, an unfamiliar feeling washes over him. 
Satan thought he’s finally experienced every emotion in his lifetime of being in the Devildom. 
But what he feels when he sees you standing there in his bedroom is indescribable. 
He gasps, immediately jumping up from his bed and hurrying over to you. 
Your eyes are locked on him, and he thought he noticed you flinch the moment he approached you. 
“MC… are… you okay? Where in the Devildom have you been?”
His voice is soft, but it trembles slightly.
He doesn’t expect answers right away, of course. 
Not when you are standing here in front of him for the first time in what feels like an eternity.  
You nod, trying to wipe away your tears. “Satan… It’s me. I-I’m home.”
The sound of his name leaving your lips after so long pushes him over the edge. 
He pulls you into his arms and he squeezes you tight, finally allowing his tears to fall. 
“M-MC… I'm so glad you’re home safe… I was so worried about you…”
You relax against his chest, finally processing the fact that this wasn’t the past version of himself.
After a few moments, you sniff, pulling away from him to gaze into his eyes. You notice a scar on his cheek, still healing from a recent fight he must have had. 
You gently trace your fingers over it, and he winces. 
“I’m so sorry Satan…the pain that I must have caused you all…” 
He shakes his head, glancing away. 
“I’m just so relieved you are home, MC. I don’t believe that whatever happened was your fault.” 
His fingers run through your hair and he kisses your forehead. 
“Can I…kiss you?” you ask, your cheeks flushing slightly. Normally you wouldn’t ask, but it’s been awhile. 
“Of course, kitten. But just know if you do, I may not be able to hold myself back from you much longer.”
You give him a smirk, and press your lips firmly to his. 
To finally kiss your Satan once more. 
He slips his tongue past your lips, and you groan. 
When you pull away, his emerald eyes are shining with passion. 
“Every book I read told me how to find you, but they never mentioned how to handle your return.” 
He moves you to his bed with him so you are straddling his lap.
“But I don’t believe I need any instruction as to what comes next. I love you, MC. Please allow me to express the longing I’ve felt for you all this time.”
Asmo had made his way to his room for the evening with the overwhelming urge to climb into his silk bed sheets. 
But first he really wanted a bath. The thought of the warm water soothing his aching joints was very pleasant to him right now. 
He had made his way into the bathroom to start the water, the noise of the faucet drowning out the sound coming from his bedroom. 
Asmo thought he heard something, and he lifted his head to the door that connects from the bathroom to his room. 
He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. 
Was that a flash of light just now? Is it storming?
He furrowed his brow in confusion, and stepped slowly over to peek through the door. 
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. 
There you were, standing right there in his bedroom. 
Your eyes were wide and looking around, still processing where you had appeared. 
Asmo gasps, forgetting about the bath and hurries over to you. 
“M-MC?!” he shrieks, pulling you into the tightest hug he’s sure he’s ever given. 
You begin to cry, tears falling down your cheeks and onto his shoulder.
“Shhh, MC. Don’t cry now, darling…” he coos, but his own tears are escaping him. 
He holds you close as you cry together. 
“Asmodeus…is… it really you? My Asmo?” you whimper. 
He’s confused by what you mean, but he doesn’t question it for now. 
“Of course my little lamb, it’s me. You’re home now…”
You sniff, pulling away from him slightly. “I’m so sorry Asmo, I swear I didn’t mean to leave you guys like that…”
Taking your hands in his, he shakes his head. “No no, hon, don’t blame yourself for this. I know there’s a very good reason, but you can explain later to all of us, okay?” 
You nod, wiping your eyes. 
“I was just about to get a bath. Would you care to join me, MC?”
The thought of taking a bath with Asmo right now feels…unreal. 
You couldn’t believe you were finally home with him. 
Smiling, he leads you into the bathroom. 
First, he steps out of his robe, and your face flushes. 
You’ll never get over how beautiful he is. 
Then it’s your turn.
You shiver as he begins to undress you, his fingers brushing over your skin. 
He smiles softly as he notices the goosebumps that begin to form on your body. 
“I’ve missed this so much. Let me get a good look at you, darling.”
His eyes tear up again as his eyes travel over your body, still in disbelief that you were standing right there with him again after so long.
“I need all the time I can get with you right now before my brothers find out you’re home.”
He takes your hand and helps guide you into the bathtub. 
You sigh as the warm water envelops you and he places you in between his legs with your back to him. 
You feel his arms wrap themselves around you and you blush.“I’ve only been dreaming of this moment with you, MC.” Asmo murmurs, attaching his lips to your shoulder. 
You whine as he continues to kiss up your neck. 
“I love you so much, Asmo…”
He smiles into the crook of your neck as he holds you close. 
“My dear, if anything came out of your disappearance, it’s how much I realized that I love you. Please, allow me to show you…”
Beelzebub and Belphegor
The twins were always together nowadays. 
They were both getting ready for bed in their room after their long day, neither of them wanting to speak about the disappointing results of the search. 
Belphie hugged his pillow to his chest as he climbed into bed beside Beel. 
He was struggling to stay awake, but he had a peculiar feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Of course, being his twin, Beel felt it too. It wasn’t hunger, or anything like that… It was…
“Belphie do you feel…”
Before he could finish, a burst of light filled the room, temporarily blinding them both.
The sensation of magic through the air sent shivers down their spines. 
Once the light dulled, they glanced up through squinted eyes to see… you. 
Wait, is that really…?
Despite the dull ache in their bodies, they both jump up.
“MC!” their violet eyes are wide as they gape at you, still trying to decide if this was real or a cruel hallucination.
But you seem just as surprised as they are. 
Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled into a strong embrace. 
Belphie is squeezed into the hug next to you, and you both glance up to see Beel with tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“B-Beel… Belphie…I’ve missed you both so much…”
You sob, burying your face into Beel’s chest.
Belphie finally allows his tears to fall. I’m so lame, he thinks.
How dare you make him cry like this?
But he’s so happy. So relieved. 
Beel begins to move you both towards his bed, placing you right between him and his brother. 
You whimper as you feel their arms wrap around you. 
The thought of being able to do this again with them never even crossed your mind. 
You feel Beel nuzzle his face into your hair. 
You smelled…different. But there was no denying your familiar scent and it made his mouth water.
Belphie yawned, burying his face into your shoulder. 
“Beel and I had each other, but MC… you are our missing piece.”
His twin nodded, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Belphie is right. It feels right again with you here in between us.”
Your heart was so full. 
You smiled wide as you kissed both of their foreheads. 
“My boys…I love you so much.”
As you laid together, they took turns littering you with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
The feeling of their lips and their hands on your body has your head spinning, and you whisper their names between breathless gasps. 
After sometime, Beel turned towards you, a glint of mischief in his eyes. 
“I’m feeling a bit hungry…but for something different. How about you Belphie?”
Belphie immediately sensed where his twin was going and flashed him a smile back.
“I’m all of a sudden wide awake. What do you say you join us, MC? We want you to ourselves before we have to go back to sharing you.”
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
can you draw erisol idc if its the sprite or the ship
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I’m not familiar with their dynamic like at all, but I tried. Forgive me if this is some kind of crime
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svtskneecaps · 3 months
i'm still stuck on the purgatories so here's a list of purgatory 2 moments simply off the top of my head that deserve to be remembered:
aimsey ducking all of axolotl team alone in a cave with literally half a heart
goose gang fucking descending on the raccoon base and absolutely wrecking shop
ethan crankgameplays clutching up for team panda during the capture the flag game by being the only one hanging out in the center and periodically checking the chests, earning them a shitton of flags and clutching multiple rounds
crow team's egg taking 0 damage
pac doxxing goose gang's egg in the last second
shelby shubble as the last member of her team online writing a letter to aimsey and sharing the world's most devastating ten minutes before her team was eliminated with one of the eye creatures (coco? i forgot lol)
badboyhalo absolutely fucking DEMOLISHING the battleship event on like 2 hours of sleep and a dream
wuant(?) stealing a tv from the battleship event and then playing portuguese ice age on it for the crows lmfao
tubbo djing for his team while waiting for the time for a goose gambit
theguill CRASHING THROUGH THE FUCKING CEILING of the raccoon team's hidey hole like the fucking kool aid man in a last effort to save his team and 4v1 or 5v1 ing team raccoon; he lost but that was such an epic fucking moment
theguill and etoiles pvping and each hyping the other's skills the entire time
seapeekay escaping cellbit and baghera and then stealing their boats and rocketing past to tease them about it; that shit was iconic
kenny going mad with power collecting sand on literally day 1
the english speaking squirrels taking actual physical notes on portuguese phrases (i think)
i may add more this is an off the top of my head list but like got DAMN i like these events :D i like them a lot
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crystallizsch · 4 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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violetscanfly · 7 months
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Vampire Wei Wuxian & (Ex)Vampire hunter Lan Wangji
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orionsangel86 · 2 months
Lucienne/Lucien - How the Librarian Became the Chief.
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In The Sandman Netflix adaptation Lucienne is a stand out character and second only to Morpheus in importance, screen time, and centrality to the story. Lucienne is Morpheus's loyal Librarian, second in command, ruler of the Dreaming in his absence, and often times a voice of reason and advice for our dutiful King of Dreams. She is so well respected in her position that the other castle residents consider her their boss and would rather go to her for guidance and command than Morpheus himself. She takes care of Dream's ravens and even appears to have the power to create new ravens from newly deceased mortals like she did with Matthew. She is clearly extremely close to Morpheus, and is one of very few people he seems to actually listen to and trust. Lucienne's role in this story can not be underestimated.
So it may come as a surprise to any fans of the show who haven't read the comics to learn that Lucien (as he is called in the comics) is afforded very few of the above traits. In fact Lucien is no where near as close to Morpheus even by the very end of the story, as Lucienne is at the beginning. It is this difference that has fascinated me since I first started diving into the comics after falling in love with the show, and its something I view as extremely important when considering how the story is being adapted into a kinder, more sympathetic universe surrounding our central protagonist.
Lucienne's role is expanded greatly from her comic counterpart, and her relationship with Morpheus is shown to be much deeper. This is evident practically right away at the end of episode one when Lucienne comes to greet Morpheus upon his return to the Dreaming following his escape.
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The way she runs over to him as soon as she realises he is back, and lovingly takes his hand and is so pleased to see him is a far cry from the comic where the first thing Lucien does is bow.
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So right at the start we see a very different form of relationship here. Where Lucienne is already displaying a level of care and devotion beyond the expectations of a servant, Lucien however, is exactly that.
The servant thing has caused a bit of contention among fandom in the past. I think the confusion could come from whether or not you see Lucien or Lucienne first. Lucien IS a servant of Dream. Lucienne is more like a vice president and royal advisor. Those are two very different things after all and that difference only becomes more obvious the further you go into the story.
Lucienne accompanies Morpheus throughout his return to his crumbling kingdom, helps him as he attempt to repair the damage, follows him to Cain and Abel, and watches over his meeting with the Fates. She is by his side from the moment he returns until the moment he leaves again for the waking world to begin his quest to recover his tools, and she is responsible for Matthew's reincarnation as the new Raven and instructs Matthew to stay with him because of her concern for Morpheus's wellbeing on his quest.
I cannot stress enough how much none of this is in the comics. Lucienne shows a level of care towards Morpheus that just isn't present in Lucien in the comics. After the first meeting with Lucien at the gates of the Dreaming, Lucien doesn't appear again until he is instructed by Morpheus to conduct the census of the Dreaming. He only appears again in the Doll's House very briefly and has no involvement in Morpheus's decisions during that arc, which takes place very rarely in the Dreaming.
That's not to say that Lucien isn't a very trusted servant of Morpheus. He is the closest to Morpheus of all the residents of the Dreaming except only Matthew. But I think a lot of what we see in the show of Morpheus and Lucienne's dynamic is inspired by much later in the comics. I also think that it speaks loudly to the change in Morpheus as a character. Show!Morpheus has people almost right away who care about him and want to help him, whereas comic!Morpheus is extremely isolated. It is clear in the early comic stories that comic!Morpheus keeps himself at arms length from basically everyone. He does not have a bond with Lucien, he did not have Jessamy, and at that early stage, he didn't even have Matthew. All of this of course was primarily to make show!Morpheus a more sympathetic and likeable character - you gotta give your protagonist people who care about them, it helps raise the stakes after all.
Taking Charge - Lucienne is the real boss
One of my favourite parts of the Dolls House episodes in the Netflix show is the conflict between Morpheus and Lucienne due to the other residence and Dreaming servants going to her for advice and instruction first rather than Morpheus. Bearing in mind this only takes place less than a year after Morpheus's return from imprisonment, it speaks volumes as to how Lucienne has taken the role of leader of the Dreaming in her stride.
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But it also indicates how Morpheus' change in the show is coming at lightening fast speed compared to the comic. In the comic, Mervyn doesn't make these observations until the Brief Lives arc, and this is indicated at that point to be a very new thing - triggered by several years post fish bowl of having to face his past decisions and mistakes (and a string of scorned ex lovers one after the other ending in a horribly matched rebound relationship with a murderous witch that subsequently rejected him and triggered him literally seeking out destruction). Lucien was only put in charge of the Dreaming when Morpheus left to go on his trip with Delirium. It is during that trip that Morpheus realises how competent Lucien is and capable of running things without problem in his absence.
Mervyn's insights are made clear here:
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This is the only time in the comic that anyone dares mention that someone other than Morpheus might be the boss - and it is in no way as directly spelled out as it is in the show. "You're practically running the place" and "you secretly run this place" are quite different statements. The first only makes an observation about Morpheus's current lack of interest (in Brief Lives) in actually running his realm. It implies that Lucien is doing Morpheus' job for him, but does not go as far as to outright call Lucien the boss. Whereas in the show, that's exactly what Mervyn does.
In the comic, Morpheus overhears Mervyn's speech and immediately points out his reasoning for leaving Lucien in charge, for promoting him and giving him more authority.
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Because no one ever technically undermines Morpheus in the comic, there is no conflict here. Morpheus trusts Lucien as his loyal servant and gives him the power to rule in his stead (but only when he is absent) and there is no "secretly report to Lucien first" attitude among Matthew and Mervyn. We can perhaps interpret that this might be happening behind the scenes by this point in Brief Lives, or even just before the BL arc when Morpheus was distracted by his rebound murderess, but it is never actually directly stated that this is going on.
The tension between Morpheus and Lucienne in the show is born out of the conflict over Lucienne's position and Morpheus feeling undermined by his subjects, and its storytelling gold. But the only reason such a story works in the show is because Lucienne is so important to Morpheus in the show, because their relationship goes so much deeper than the relationship in the comic. Lucienne is not a servant, she's his god damn vice president and she knows it, and he knows it too. Throughout episodes 7 and 8 specifically he reaches out to her for her opinion and advice on the Vortex situation. He talks things through with her and seeks out her guidance. It is clear that he relies on her and it is only at the end of episode 8 when Lucienne disagrees with his punishment of Gault, that in his anger, he dismisses her.
Lucien/ne the Royal Advisor
Where Morpheus in the show seeks out Lucienne's advice and opinion frequently especially during the Doll's House arc, I have to stress that this never happens in the comic. Comic!Morpheus just does not have that kind of relationship with Lucien and does not seek his counsel at all, even though Lucien does try to give it on occassion, usually when Morpheus is about to do something extremely stupid and probably damaging to himself and the Dreaming. To name a couple times:
Season of Mists - before Morpheus returns to Hell:
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Brief Lives - before seeking Destruction:
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You'll note that in both these times Lucien's words of caution are completely ignored.
You'll also notice that in both times Lucien is taking a path of polite caution. Lucien very rarely speaks his mind to Morpheus, because he knows it won't get him very far to do so. The only time Lucien truly loses his cool and speaks freely is in The Kindly Ones (spoiler alert)
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At this point in the comic story Morpheus has basically all but given up and accepted his fate and its fucking depressing AF. Lucien is well within his right to shake the bastard HARD and snap him TF out of it. I STILL think he was too restrained here tbh!
My point here is that Lucienne already speaks her mind quite freely around Morpheus in the show. She expresses her opinions and thoughts and gives him her advice. This is such a well established dynamic by the point of the argument that it is clear that Lucienne is offended by Morpheus's dismissal of her.
Take this exchange from episode 9:
Lucienne: "Rose is weakening the walls between realms" Matthew: "You gonna tell the Boss?" Lucienne: "No." Matthew: "No?" Lucienne: "It's none of my business." Matthew: "Er, since WHEN?" Lucienne: "Since Lord Morpheus reminded me that I'm merely a librarian and should concern myself with my books from now on." Matthew: "He said that?! What's wrong with him!" Lucienne: "Nothing is wrong with him. He's always been this way. He's just been away so long I'd forgotten. He's determined to deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself. Without anyones help. So any news must be reported directly and exclusively to him."
It's worth pointing out here that whilst this is framed as Morpheus being a stubborn idiot, in the comic, he does in fact deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself mostly and is not so much helped but saved at the last moment by Unity Kinkaid who realises what is happening in a dream and goes to save Rose, which also saves Morpheus from Desire's trap.
In the show, Morpheus has people who care enough about him and his realm to want to get involved and help him, not out of a desire to undermine him, but simply because they care about him. That is a drastic change from the comic at this point. Morpheus in the comic is constantly shown to be struggling under the burden of his own responsibilities and this is highlighted by the fact that he doesn't really get any support or assistance, and is far too prideful to ask for it. Lucien gets the promotion and chance to rule in his absence, but it is never framed as a job he shares with Morpheus - at no point does Lucien take the burden of his responsibilities off of him. This is no Samwise Gamgee "I can carry you" moment unfortunately. Lucien does not have the power nor the bond with Morpheus to undertake such a task because Morpheus keeps him at arms length throughout the comics - but Lucienne? Well, time will tell how that may change.
An Apology from the King
In a shock horror twist that comic!Morpheus would sooner die than do himself (ha) the great emo King of the Netflix universe gives Lucienne an apology for his behaviour (sort of).
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Episode 9 displays the tension between Morpheus and Lucienne following their "break up" perfectly. Morpheus is clearly in the wrong, and Lucienne is clearly hurt by his dismissal of her support. Yet even after the fight, he still seeks out her advice in determining the cause of the disturbances in the Dreaming. He goes to her first before investigating himself (something that comic!Morpheus wouldn't even consider doing) and is surprisingly capable in swallowing his pride here even though it is clearly a struggle for him.
Later in the episode, once he realises that Lucienne was right about the disturbances, he seeks her out to tell her so, and to confirm that she was right and he was wrong. This is again something that I can't fathom comic!Morpheus doing, even nearer the end of the story I don't believe he does so, certainly not to Lucien. Fiddlers Green drums this point home when he says this:
Fiddlers Green: "... still his time there appears to have changed him as it has changed me." Lucienne: "How so?" Fiddlers Green: "Lucienne, he came to you and told you he was wrong. It was very nearly an apology. The Morpheus I knew was incapable of that."
This further reinforces not just how much Morpheus has changed in a short time, but also how much he respects and cares about Lucienne and their continued relationship.
Platonic Life Partners? Co Ruler and Closest Confident of the Dream King
When I set out to write this meta, it was with the aim to highlight Lucienne's elevated role from her comic counterpart. To try to stress the importance of her character in the show and what this means for the future of the story in the show. By the end of the last episode, Lucienne is practically granted co-ruler status of the Dreaming while Morpheus works on his creations. He asks her if she can "take care of things while he works" which she agrees "with pleasure".
I just... I can NOT stress ENOUGH how much comic!Morpheus needed this person in his life. Even though Lucien looks after the Dreaming whilst Morpheus is away in Season of Mists and Brief Lives, it is always as a last resort with Morpheus continuing to check in on Lucien during Brief Lives as if he expects trouble, and he always seems a bit confused when Lucien tells him all is fine. As if he can't quite understand how the Dreaming could be okay without him there (and I mean, after the trauma of watching your realm which is also technically a part of you crumble to dust I suppose you would be a bit attached to it!).
Comic!Morpheus constantly struggles under the weight of his responsibility. His entire thing is that he is desperate to step away and not be who he is but he simply does not have it in him to do that. He is far too bound by his rules and responsibilities. For Morpheus in the show to be given someone to support him in his rule as King and assist him with the burden of his responsibilities is actually a hugely mindblowing change to the comic, and could honestly have huge repercussions on the story going forward. Not only that, but the Morpheus in the comics is painfully lonely. He desperately needs companionship but he keeps everyone at arms length. He never allows his subjects to get too close to him, even Lucien. Even Matthew isn't afforded the same level of closeness in the comics as he is in the show. In the comics, the ONLY character who Morpheus is close to is Death. Which says a lot by itself. The second character he gets closer to as time goes on is Delirium. Which also says a lot. Think of the characters in terms of their concepts. Morpheus has no close friends in the comics (even his relationship with Hob Gadling in the comic doesn't have half the impact it does in the show) and keeps all those he interacts with at arms length except for Delirium and Death.
But show!Morpheus? He has a Matthew who is already so very devoted to him, a Hob Gadling who waited an extra 33 years on hope alone that he would return to him, and a Lucienne who rules by his side, offers him support, guidance, counsel, companionship and probably a good helping of love. How can this Morpheus possibly carry the same deep loneliness as his comic counterpart? How can this Morpheus be buckling under the weight of his duties when he already has his Samwise Gamgee right there by his side? It poses an interesting question for how the show will handle future story arcs, though it could all prove to simply make for a much more painful story, where we happen to have many more characters to react and show the deeply painful grief that we all feel at his eventual passing - or maybe, just maybe, this is a universe where Hope never died...
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Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Vol. 3 Chapter of the Last Quarter — Short Story Translation
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A short, sweet, and comedic tale about the Mukami brothers being supportive siblings… and nearly committing accidental fratricide in the process. Meanwhile, Yui watches with increasing concern as the disaster unfolds.
Please refrain from using or reposting the translation anywhere without my permission.
[Note: The story is written in Yui's POV.]
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"Uh...something's wrong..."
Kou-kun groaned as he stared down at the pot.
"Should I help after all?"
"Eve, you mustn't get involved...okay? Just quietly watch over us."
Even though he said that, an increasingly terrible smell was spreading throughout the kitchen. Despite being told not to interfere, I was starting to get a bit worried.
"Maybe it needs some sugar-chan!?"
Before I could stop him, Yuma-kun dumped several sugar cubes into the pot, filling the room with a foul stench. I felt a sense of despair.
The whole mess had started when Ruki-kun injured his hand.
"Ruki-kun always cooks for us, so let's all pitch in today!"
And so, Kou-kun's plan of making dinner ended up as disastrously as I had feared.
"...This is...?"
"Well... It's supposed to be curry..."
Kou-kun glanced at me as if pleading for help. When I looked at Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun, they averted their eyes. In short, something horrible had been created. Its color was... to put it nicely, pitch black. After tasting it, Yuma-kun commented nonsensically that it was "bittersweetsalty". Dubbed "Mukami Brothers' Style Curry" it had transformed into a mysterious substance resembling anything but curry. Just by looking at it, anyone would instantly recognize it as inedible.
Yet, Ruki-kun was peering at the plates lined up on the table with a happy look on his face.
"Maybe it's better if we don't eat this..."
In spite of Kou-kun's uneasiness, Ruki-kun scooped up the substance with a spoon and brought it to his mouth.
". . ."
"It's disgusting."
We all shared the same fear. That even though he's immortal, Ruki-kun might die from this.
Despite his words, Ruki-kun's expression suddenly relaxed. We stared at him in amazement.
"Ruki...! Damn it! Yer such a...!"
The three brothers, seemingly drained, collapsed to their knees on the spot. Ruki-kun simply watched them in silence as he continued to eat.
And then, afterwards—Ruki-kun was bedridden for three days and nights. Even though Vampires aren't supposed to get sick...
Seeing this, his brothers made a firm vow to themselves. They would never try to cook again.
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
"give me a fandom and a prompt and i'll give you at least five sentences"
Ok then.
Jazz, Danny and Bruce are in the same age range, and Bruce has been harboring a massive crush on 7'foot tall Jazz since just after he began his training journey.
His kids know about and are mercyless. Danny thinks he's a bit of a fruit loop and 100% knows Bruce has a crush on his sister.
Into the future his coworkers find out that batman has been quietly pining after the Ghost Kings sister for years.
love that this reads as a challenge. Ok then. Write it. i will, let's goooo!
(sorry i kinda took it so that Jazz, Danny, and Bruce were all old friends but in that horrible adult way where you can only hang out with each other once in a blue moon when your work schedules miraculously align)
"Respectfully, Batman, you can take your "it's not necessary" and you can shove it up your arse. There's a demon the size of a skyscraper heading towards Metropolis and we need reinforcements."
"Superman can—"
"Superman can't. You do remember the part of the report I made telling you this, right? Or did your stubborn little bat brain just shut down when I mentioned magic?"
"Actually," Nightwing interrupts from the side, a shit-eating grin on his face, "I think his brain shut down when you mentioned the Ghost King."
"Nightwing." Batman growls in warning, his jaw clenching so hard Constantine can swear he hears the bones creaking.
Nightwing just snickers, and turns away to press a finger to his ear, no doubt letting the rest of the bat brood in on what's happening here... Whatever that is. All Constantine knows is that Batman is standing between him and fixing this mess for no God-forsaken reason.
Luckily, some of the more reasonable members of the League step in to try and talk some sense into Batman. It gives him some time to calm down.
"Batman. We need him. I know you dislike working with unknowns, but he's our best shot."
It actually looks like Wonder Woman might be getting through to him, Batman even opens his mouth to actually explain some things—a huge step forward for this incredibly emotionally constipated man.
Instead, Nightwing snorts and beats him to it. "Unknowns? More like—"
"Nightwing, please."
"Oh, for Pete's sake, get your head out of your arse and let me do this. The Ghost King is our only hope. I'm summoning him, no matter what you say."
For a long second, Constantine thinks that he'll refuse and he might have to resort to more violent methods of persuasion—which, honestly, Constantine has fantasised about many times during the more boring JL meetings—but eventually, Batman relents and steps out of the way.
"Fine. Nightwing, go check in with Red Robin."
Nightwing has the kind of devious smile that makes John glad he doesn't have kids.
"Oh, don't worry about it, B. Red Robin's coming here. So's Red Hood, I don't need to go anywhere."
"Sh, it's starting." So saying, Nightwing then very obviously ignores Batman's protests with a poker face that even Constantine envies. What he wouldn't give to be able to shut the bat out like that.
The summoning goes quickly, thankfully. The lights flicker, the temperature drops, and the chalk circle erupts in green flames. Standard summoning practices, sure. Even the impromptu appearance of Red Hood and Red Robin—"Did we miss him?", "No, not yet! I got 2:37, what about you guys?"—doesn't throw him off.
It does pique his interest, though. Just what the hell is going on with them? Constantine's weighing up the pros and cons of asking them once all of this is over when the ground splits open and the clawed hand of the Ghost King begins to pull himself out of the ground.
John's a seasoned summoner. It's practically his job, he's done it countless times.
The icey fear that grips his heart, that freezes his breath in his chest, is new.
Pure, unadulterated power floods the area and he feels small, so, so small, like a child playing with things he doesn't understand. When he finally tears his eyes away from the portal, he catches a glimpse of the other magic users in the room, the same horror he feels clear in their faces. Even Captain Marvel stares slackjawed.
The pressure rises, death magic screaming in his ears, almost forcing him to his knees, and suddenly he's not so sure this is a good idea.
Too late to back out now, though.
Sickly green light pours from the crack in the ground, growing brighter and brighter as the giant figure rises, until Constantine has to close his eyes and look away. The last thing he sees are eyes, teeth, horns, a crown so bright that it burns an afterimage into his retinas.
When the light dies down and he opens his eyes again, a humanoid man floats in the centre of the circle. The ground is whole, nothing is burning, the man doesn't even have a crown. Instead, other than the wispy white hair, slightly green skin, and the—you know—floating, the Ghost King appears pretty normal. Huh.
Constantine blinks, rubbing his bleary eyes, and checks around to make sure everyone's okay. Most of the League are doing the same as him, taking fortifying breaths and trying to appear as if they've not just been completely blinded.
Most of them, that is, aside from the Gotham vigilantes.
Batman himself stands upright, arms crossed, looking completely unbothered by the whole thing and John's got to admit, he wishes he could do that, too. That was... a hell of a show.
The others, however, are waving frantically with huge smiles on their faces.
There's a brief, taut silence, as everyone else tries to catch their breath.
As much as he would rather take a bit of a breather, John should probably start making introductions. Unfortunately, he only gets as far as opening his mouth before the Ghost King beats him to it.
"Oh, Ancients, hey guys! It's been forever, how are you? Look at you all, so grown up, wow—Nightwing, buddy, do a flip!"
It doesn't take much to get Nightwing going, and he certainly doesn't leave it at one flip. The whole of the Justice League and Justice League Dark watch with open mouths as Nightwing performs for the Ghost King.
What, and John can't stress this enough, the fuck?
As soon as Nightwing rights himself, Red Hood swats him across the back of the head and calls him a show off.
The Ghost King just laughs as he claps. "There's my little monkey, look at you go! And I'm loving that leather jacket, Hood, is that new? Looks good on you, really your colour. Brings out the red in your helmet."
"Thanks, Uncle D. At least someone around here appreciates fashion."
"Are you kidding me, you know I breathe fashion, need I remind—"
"Need I remind you of the Discowing incident?"
"That was era-appropriate and you know it! Uncle D, tell him it was era-appropriate!"
"It was era-appropriate, but so are crocs and it doesn't make them fashionable." The Ghost King—and holy shit, is this actually the Ghost King? Or did Constantine just accidentally summon a deceased family member, what the fuck is happening here?—turns to look at Red Robin with a smile, resolutely ignorning the argument he created. "How you doing, Double R? You get that tablet Tucker made for you?"
"Yes, thank you! It's so cool, how did he—"
"How's Tucker doing?" Batman interrupts, his hands now hidden underneath his cape.
As soon as the question leaves his lips, everyone groans. Red Robin makes a show of lifting up his wrist and staring at it intently.
"Incredible," Red Hood mutters with a shake of his head.
Even the Ghost King seems put out, rolling his eyes and answering in a flat tone as if he knows Batman isn't interested in what he has to say.
Not for the first time, Constantine feels like he's missing something.
"Tucker's doing very well, thank you for asking."
What follows is the most awkward silence Constantine has ever had the pleasure to be a part of.
All three of the Gotham vigilantes, including the Ghost King, are staring at Batman, waiting for something. Batman's cloak shifts as if he's moving his hands, fidgeting. If Constantine didn't know any better, he'd say he was nervous.
"Good. That's good, I'm glad to hear it."
Instead of saying anything else, the Ghost King just raises his eyebrows and continues to stare at Batman. Has he offended him in some way? Are they all going to die because of this?
After what seems like an agonising few minutes but could only really be a few seconds, Batman's shoulders dip and he takes a breath. "And Jazz?"
They all erupt into shouts, the Ghost King being the loudest. The only thing John can make out is when the Ghost King throws his hand in the air to point at Red Robin with a shout of "Time!"
"1:30.91, we got 1:30.91 on the clock, who's closest?"
"Did you even try to hold it in at all, old man? I'm so disappointed in you. People think you're cool. People think you're suave, I don't understand how they could be so wrong."
"Thank you for that, Hood."
"No, thank you, I won. Again. Because you're so predictable. Actually, I had one minute seventeen, so you held out longer than I thought you would."
Batman pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs loudly.
Constantine feels like doing the same thing.
Whatever. He's going to have to interrupt... whatever this is. There's still a rampaging demon heading their way that they've got to bargain for. He can untangle Batman's personal connection to the Ghost King later. Or he could leave it alone and forget everything about it.
Yeah, he'll do that one.
But before he can actually open his mouth to say anything, the Ghost King, again, beats him to it.
"So, B-Man, did you summon me here for a particular reason, or was it really just so you could ask about Jazz?"
There's a beat of silence before Batman mutters, "I asked about Tucker, too. We've not seen each other in so long, it's only polite."
"And I'm sure you meant it, you're the paragon of manners." The Ghost King nods slow and wide-eyed as if he doesn't believe him at all.
At this point, even Constantine doesn't believe him.
"It has been forever, though." The Ghost King muses, bringing his hand to his chin and folding his legs underneath him. "We should all get together sometime! If you get Alfie to make some of his cookies again, I'll get Clockwork to lend us a pocket dimension where we can spend as much time as we want, deal?"
"It's a deal."
No hesitation at all, incredible.
Hold on. Wait. John has to fight the urge to pinch himself, because this has to be a dream, right? Is Batman actually smiling? He didn't even know he could do that.
An itch niggles at the back of John's mind. He's starting to get an inkling of what's going on here and it's... weird, to say the least.
"Oooh," Nightwing singsongs, like a child in a playground tickled by the very idea of romance.
But then, who's he to judge? John's no stranger to strange bedfellows, that's for sure. Whoever this Jazz is, she must be something incredible—she'd have to be, if Batman can't even go two minutes without asking about her.
"Batman and Jasmine sitting in a tree," Nightwing continues, with both Red Hood and Red Robin joining in for the rest. "K—I—S—S—I—"
"Stop," Batman growls, completely drowned out by the Ghost King's laughter, but...
It all suddenly clicks for John.
The Ghost King Phantom.
Her Royal Highness, Princess Jasmine Phantom.
"Holy shit, mate," John breathes, unable to stop himself as everyone looks his way. "You have the hots for the Princess of the Infinite Realms?"
The Justice League meeting room has never descended into chaos quicker.
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loopyarts · 10 days
Day 7 free day Aceichiji
For my free day slot, I went insane and made a short scruffy kiss animation for them. :3c
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
it’s probably full of mistakes and fucks with even our own fanon but you lot seemed to enjoy the last one so have fun with this 🧡
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