#hes been soo lonely on my keys for a while now Y-Y
autism-corner · 8 months
YIPPEE my rin keychain finally arrived <3
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
REQUEST: Before I ask can I just say HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG SJSGSGWJIWND THIS IS THE BEST HAIKYUU BLOG IVE EVER SEEN 💕💕ok but can I request tsukki and oikawa where whenever they’re around their s/o they get all lovey dovey and the team sees it for the first time and freaks out (probably teases them) and s/o gets really red? Sorry it’s so long I just love this-💕🥺
A/N: Thank you soo much anon!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing :DD Also. RAS in Bandori. I’m gonna go “DAKARA LONELY LONELY” for a week.
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A (Not-So) Secret Rendezvous w/ Tsukishima and Oikawa
warnings: none
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima Kei was a reserved man. A man without frills or laces. A man who doesn’t mince his words. A simple man who was a bit more of a piece of work than other first years. And that was what people fathomed out of him—
Until this.
“Crouch down, Ryuu, I want to see!”
Scuffling behind him, Karasuno’s libero craned his neck over the curve of the stucco walls. Nishinoya squinted at the private spectacle then gasped theatrically.
Standing too closely together to be modest were the seemingly pensive Tsukishima and you. Someone cute who either had the confidence or the lack of distaste to be holding his hands with a buddy-buddy swing. But you were smiling, and he was smiling, and that itself was like the world had suddenly decided to do a handstand.
“Kei-kun, are you sure it’s fine to be holding hands here? You only ever want to get close to me when we’re far away from school,” you muttered.
Kei-kun! the nickname etched itself into the second years’ beings. Did this brute put mind tricks on you or something? Tanaka felt veins popping out from his knuckles—what the hell did you see in this bespectacled jerk?! Aside from his annoyingly handsome face, once Tsukishima opened his mouth, everything was over.
Shaking his head, the man in question pulled the tips of your fingers towards his lips, gently kissing them. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you for so long. I hope you’ll forgive me.”
You gave him a toothy smile, enough to make the hearts of both your lover and your spectators melt. “‘Don’t mind’! That’s what you say in volleyball, right? As long as we can spend some time together like this once in a while, then I’m happy.”
Your boyfriend thought that it was plain luck that you were in school. If it were any place else... away from the prying eyes of his seniors and his clubmates, then who could tell how much longer he’d be able to hold himself back from you? Hiding his obvious blush behind the back of his hands, the quiet middle blocker looked away.
“Geez, you should be careful what you say to me, you know,” he murmured.
Meanwhile, you still hadn’t realized that your audience had multiplied. From the two zestful second-years who’d been passing by, to the two third years Asahi and Sugawara who’d gone out of their way to look for their juniors.
“Ehh... Tsukishima, that’s so cute,” Sugawara cooed, pressing down on Tanaka’s shaved head for leverage. “It’s like a panel from a shoujo manga.”
Hinata stuck out his tongue. “That’s gross...”
“Oi, Hinata, dumbass! You’re stepping on my foot!”
“Hey, you two... don’t fight, okay? W-whoa—!”
Losing their footing altogether, the boys of the Karasuno Volleyball Club came tumbling on top of each other like dominos. Groaning at the weight of the ace’s leg on his stomach, Tanaka turned as white as a sheet at the pair of demonic eyes that met his.
“How much did you see.” It wasn’t a question. It was a command, and when faced with someone who looked like he was about to eat you, Tanaka could only squeak a small “everything”.
You were beyond abashed. Rooted to the spot, you could only soak in the sight of your not-so-secret boyfriend boring holes through his clubmates with his steely gaze. But oh God, if you didn’t stop him, who knew what would happen to those poor souls—and he was just getting a little more motivated about the club too!
“I-It’s okay! If they keep this a secret, it’ll be fine, r-right?” you interrupted, getting redder with every word.
“Y/N, it’s not that,” Tsukishima griped. “They’ll only bug me about it me afterwards.”
It was your turn to squeak. Suddenly, just as the tall first year was about to coerce his clubmates into a knelt apology, a loud voice boomed from within the empty gymnasium.
“Hey! Where is everyone?! Get back here and practice!”
Tanaka, mid-way into pressing his forehead onto the ground, sighed. Thank you, Daichi-san...
Oikawa Tooru
Being in a relationship was hard work. Being in a relationship with the Oikawa Tooru was... an effort you had to double in with your tight schedule. That meant having to answer questions from his admirers about what color of underwear he was wearing today, eating the foods he didn’t like and making sure he didn’t stay up late before an important match or exam.
Today, it was bringing him the Classic Literature homework he’d forgotten to pick up from your teacher. And for the fifth time of the day, you wondered if you were his lover or a nagging parent.
“Excuse me,” you knocked on the open doors of the gymnasium. “Is Oikawa here?”
A ball tucked under his arm, the vice-captain approached you. Tall. Were all the members of the Volleyball Club so insanely collosal? “Yo, L/N-san. Oikawa’s out to refill his bottle, he’ll be back in a while.”
“In that case, Iwaizumi-san, could you give these to him? I need to—”
Whipping your head towards the direction of your boyfriend, you weren’t given a moment to spare as a pair lean arms swaddled you into warmth. Oikawa was already burrowing himself on the crown of your hair, smiling at the scent that weaved through his nostrils.
“Did you come to see me practice, Y/N-chan?” he giggled, spinning you around by your waist. “Aah, that makes me so happy to hear that...”
“O-Oikawa, let me go! I have Cleaning Duty to get back to!” you grappled for air, a twinge of freedom. But this stubborn mule of your boyfriend wasn’t called a service ace for nothing.
“C’moon... Let me kiss you, alright? You look really cute today~”
You almost forgot about Iwaizumi who was tugging on the back of Oikawa’s collar, which was proving to be just as fruitless as the saying goes. “Oi, Shittykawa! You’re gonna get reported for sexual harrasment!”
They’re watching. It just had to be your pure luck that fate bound you to this shameless exhibitionist. The warmth from Oikawa’s embrace added to the searing gazes of his teammates turned to a scorching heat that burst into red on your face.
There was only one way out of this vice-like grip, and you would rather eat cement than say it. But if it meant escaping from the unneeded attention from the public, then there was no other way. I want to crawl into a hole and die, you sighed.
“...T-Tooru...” you murmured into his chest, feeling Oikawa’s clutches go slack. “Tooru, just take your homework and let me go back to my duties, please? Tooru-chan~?”
Stifling their laughter, Matsukawa and Hanamaki who’d been watching the entire debacle go down into flames were now coughing in an adamant attempts to hide their shock.
Finally setting you down on your feet, Oikawa muttered lowly, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. “... Again.”
“‘Tooru-chan’! Please say that again one more time! That’ll be enough to keep me going for weeks!”
Slamming the papers into his chest, you scrambled out of the gym, blushing madly. “Oikawa, you pervert! I’m leaving!”
Ogling the lovestruck captain who was being mangled like a limp rag by Iwaizumi, Kindaichi put his fingers under his chin in a faux expression of deep thought. Kunimi, who was already considering bleaching his eyes after what he’d seen, perked up at his teammate’s low hum.
“Kindaichi, you okay?”
“Kunimi...” he said, digging the heel of his palm into his hips, “Do you think I’ll get myself someone as cute as L/N-senpai one day?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Shallot Head.”
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7soulstars · 4 years
Emerging of Kalon
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Request: I need some new johnny depp fics in my life where I want a reader with insecurities and johnny reassuring her that he loves her the way she is.Maybe she is a bit more chubby than his past gfs and she has to wears glasses.Abd thanx so much for accepting it.
Yooo this imagine is soo important to me. As a person who had a lot of insecurities and has suffered through depression.It is really important for me to spread a certain message to others like me. I have this belief that you aren’t born with insecurities,you are made to have them.Don’t point out things to people that would make them uncomfortable in the long term guys it becomes quite scarring for them and it also makes you a damn bully. Also it is normal to have stretch marks, tummy rolls ,acne, scars ,body hair and all that stuff, Man or Woman or any other gender you identify as.That’s what makes you human.If people can’t accept you for who you are please cut them out of your life.Ya’ll beautiful and I love ya’ll. Hope you like this !!
Pairing : Johnny Depp x Reader
Warnings : TW,Nosy people who like putting others down for fun, Signs of depression,Suicide attempt,Angst,Swearing, Fluff, Johnny being the absolute sweetheart he is.
Kalon ;Latin for ideal beauty in all, physical ,spiritual and moral forms
“I still can’t believe THE Johnny Depp went for you after his past ones”,said someone snapping her out of her trance.”Pardon ?”,she asked as if to confirm whether she heard him right . “I mean look at you....His exes were all supermodels weren’t they? Not a single flaw..”,the man guffawed.”Well you have have a micropenis why did your wife choose you?”,her bestfriend snapped crudely making her cringe.”Let’s go Y/N “, Y/BF/N said dragging she out of the restaurant .Well this wasn’t how I wanted college reunion to end up like,thanks Nathan she thought. “Are you alright Y/N ?”, Y/BF/N asked. “Of course”. No I’m not. “It doesn’t bother me at all.” It bothers me too much. “Nathan’s a dick .Don’t let it get to your head EVER”. But he’s right, his words are already in my head. “Yeah...”
2.The disquieting
“Hey glasses ! Looking ugly as always.”
“Look at her hogging like a pig, hey fatty you want more?”
“Darling why don’t you try going on a diet.”
“Don’t watch telly, you’re blind enough already”
“Jason what do you think of Y/N ?” “Damn man she was not even my type”
“Please Stop !”, Y/N woke up with a jerk, breathing in short gasps .”Johnny-”,she stops cutting herself off as she looked at the empty looked at the empty side on her bed. He isn’t in the country she remembered . Silence. She stared at the framed picture of them together on the wall. Plip. A tear fell. Plip Plip. Two more,before she couldn’t control it any more. The past wouldn’t change.She knew it would haunt her forever. But they had stopped for a while. But since Nathan ,it came back harder than ever. She didn’t tell Johnny, she’d never tell him , the last thing she wanted to do is to become a larger burden. So she cried herself to sleep every single day.
Y/BF/N frowned as she looked at Y/N’s lunch. “Since when do you eat salads ?Hell,that isn’t even salad it’s just *ugh* lettuce....”,she says looking at the leafy stuff with absolute disgust. Y/N looked at her as if she did not understand what she was saying “I love salads,you know what? I’m not that hungry.....better get back to work! See you later!”,she said leaving as she didn’t even let the other speak. Starving, Hurting, Looking into the mirror and hating herself. The cycle continued.This was going to be dangerous in the days to come and she knew that too. 
6 missed calls from Mom
19 missed calls and 87 messages from Y/BF/N
40 missed calls and 150 messages from Johnny 
3 notifications from Twitter. 
No one had seen her in 4 days .The telly changed channels at Johnny’s apartment .Things scattered around as a trembling hand set down the remote . Fat tears dampened the pillow as her eyes read the news headline. ‘Johnny Depp at a dinner date with ex wife Vanessa ? Is he finally done with his simple girlfriend ?’
5. Falling
This was it.She ended up the way she predicted she’d end up 10 years ago. Weak,Tired,Empty and Lonely. She stared at the bathtub as it filled itself until it was overfilled,water spilling out of its sides as it splashed onto her feet. She didn’t flinch at the coldness.She stayed robotically still, looking down at her palm. A blade. Without hesitating she got into the tub,the tap still running. She didn’t think anymore,tears wouldn’t fall even if they wanted to. She closed her eyes as she let her self go ,ignoring the frantic ringing of her phone and the banging on the apartment door.
6. Alerting
To say Johnny was concerned was an underestimation.Y/N wasn’t picking up his phone since several days .He was distracted, couldn’t concentrate and worry filled his entire existence.He didn’t know what to do,even going as far as asking his ex wife for advice.He decided to go back ,back to his girlfriend’s loving arms.
The moment he stepped back into the city he took his time.Picking out her favourie flowers ,the chocolate she always loved and a little something of importance. He ignored the notifications is phone was chiming with, his mind only full of thoughts of her....The thoughts were short lived , disturbed much to Johnny’s dismay by Y/BF/N’s call. He ignored once,ignored twice but after that he knew something was wrong.”Johnny !”, panicked voice spoke through the phone. A frown replacing the man’s smile “Did Y/N text you that absurd note too?” “No,wait Y/BF/N let me check”,he put the call on hold as his eyes skimmed over the words displayed on his screen. His phone now dropped on the car floor he wished all of it was a dream.They stopped as he stormed out, back to his apartment. He knocked wildly on the door but not a voice came nor a cackle. He threw his body on the door several times ,”Goddamitt Y/N OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DON’T PLAY WITH ME RIGHT NOW !”.In his panicked feat he had forgotten he had the keys until they dropped out of his jacket pocket.He didn’t wait a moment as he fumbled it into the key hole ,kicking the door open as soon as it opened.
Splosh . The sound of water hitting the ground from the bathroom echoed in the whole house.
“Y/N ?”, Johnny softly whispered as he pushed open the bathroom door. A horrific scene unfolded before him.
It had been two days and Johnny wouldn’t budge.He saw red that day and the site still wouldn’t leave his thoughts alone.He would neither eat,nor sleep as he sat beside his beloved girlfriend who lay on a hospital bed. Dark Enough by Amanda played on the radio. The text message, and the talk with Y/BF/N replayed in his head as if war replayed in a retired soldiers dreams. “I didn’t know you were hurting that bad”,he whispered, tears threatening to fall again. He place his head on her stomach as he let the silent tears fall,until her hand fell on top of his head.
Johnny jerked up ,his eyes as wide as saucers, as he froze with eyes full of pain and hurt.Y/N did not dare meet his gaze.She felt ashamed and disgusted. But those feelings were immediately replaced with shock as Johnny almost lunged at her,hugging her tight. “I was so scared I was so fucking scared when I saw that text and then you drowning in the red water filled in the bathtub ! I thought you’d left me ! I thought you died you weren’t breathing...How dare you think of yourself that way how dare you think you were not good enough !? You were the best fucking thing that happened to me since my kids goddammit !”. Y/N had never seen Johnny this mad.Hell, she had never even seen him cry. She didn’t know how to answer him, she was too ashamed.He wouldn’t break the hug, as if he would loose her if he did. He loved her too much. “Why ?”,he asked again,as if he was begging for an answer. Even a word. He just wanted to hear her voice. “I was scared...”,her voice cracked coming out much broken than she predicted. “ I didn’t think I deserved you, I thought I’d never reach the levels of those beautiful actresses and models.I was scared to tell you about my past..I was scared to bother you...”. Johnny’s heart broke. He never thought his Y/N would think that way. She was always smiling .Not even a little frown on her face. Always there for everyone. Yet no one comforted her. How could he never see it? Of course he couldn’t see it she was perfect to him.His Y/N was the most perfect person in the world. “I love you”, he blurted. He never said that.He was too shy. But he hugged her tighter ,” I love you so much. Even with scars,insecurities or that ugly face you make when you see things you do not like. You were, have and always will be the most perfect to me. Please....don’t do that again...”
Y/N was discharged from the hospital in a few days. Johnny wouln’t leave her side. All his attention would be on her to see if ate well, and loved herself. Y/N felt safe. And she wasn’t wrong . Johnny was everything she deserved.
They sat on the rooftop of a cafe in Paris. A calm silence passing over them. “Y/N ?” ,Johnny asked. “Hmm?”,she hummed along, silence entailing after. ”Marry me ?”,he asked. That was the day Y/N was the most happiest, and did the beautifully emerged Kalon say yes? you’d ask. She said it without a second to spare. After all our Kalon had found her wings.
“No one is born ugly, we’re just born in a judgemental society”~ Kim Namjoon(BTS)
----The End----
Whew ! After all the procrastination and time I took brainstorming this baby is done! This was requested by the wonderful @anycsirp​ I really really hope you liked this ! Also I meant what I said before the start of this oneshot . YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. PERIODT. Please do like and comment your opinions! I really hope to read em ! I’m not that great of a writer but I did my best ! 
~Love, Hri
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Encore - part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 8 - Uma
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“Hey (y/n)?” Uma called from her chair at the kitchen island, you turned from the pancakes humming to show you were listening “do you think I could come with you and harry to your world?”
You paused, locking your jaw in thought. “I…I don’t know? I would think you would need an anchor like I do” you gestured to your ruby necklace “because my world doesn’t have magic so you could possibly be in danger while your there?” uma hummed, poking a lone strawberry.
“that’s true, maybe we can call kore and ask her?” you shrugged, flipping Gil’s set of chocolate chip pancakes.
“maybe, KORE!” a swirl of teal, fuschia magic appeared and dissipated, leaving the spring goddess in its place.
“yes?” she asked, eyeing the pile of pancakes in the oven “is the something you need?”
“yep~” you chirped, shoveling Gil’s pancakes into the oven to keep warm “we were wondering if uma needed an anchor to visit my world?”
“well yes” kora muttered, stealing an apple “as she is mostly a magic-based being, unlike harry who isn’t, she would need something withholding magic to keep her energy and life force up, like her shell necklace”
You and uma nodded, uma lifting the necklace from her chest “so I could use this as my anchor?”
Kore nodded, smiling when you finally handed her a plate, giving in to her eyeing the pancakes.
“precisely, now, im going to go enjoy these, I will return the plate”
*poof* in a swirl of smoke she disappeared
You snorted, yelling out to the two still sleeping boys.
“BOYS! BREAKFAST IS READY!” you heard two thumps, the signs of the two taller boys falling off their beds and scrambling to get downstairs if the rapid thumps down the upstairs hallway was a told you anything.
“pancakes!” Gil appeared first, slightly drooling and hair a mess. you opened the oven, piling his five chocolate chip pancakes onto a plate, sliding it onto the counter for him to take.
“thanks (y/n)!”
“no prob”
Harry trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning “morning sleepy head” you teased, he hummed, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around you, burying his face into your neck, pressing his lips to it.
“mor’nin” he muttered, rubbing his nose into your hair “pancakes?” you sniggered, leaning away from him, scrunching your shoulder and chin together.
“y-yes, st-stap!” harry had realized what he was doing and began to blow raspberries into the crook of your neck. You dissolved into laughter, wriggling about trying to escape his grasp.
“harry staaaaap!!!” you felt him grin as he tightened his grasp on you, beginning to move his fingers against your sides.
“noooooo-aahhhH!!!” you screeched, reaching out to uma who was ignoring you.
“uma halp!!!” she continued to ignore you, eating her pancakes. “ill buy you ice cream!” she locked eyes with you, smirking.
“three scoops, extra hot fudge and caramel and rainbow sprinkles”
“de-deal!!!” uma flung her hand out, pushing harry away form you, letting you catch your breath.
“t-thank you” you were still slightly giggling, one hand on the counter, the other on your stomach
“ice.cream” uma said slowly, you nodded, reaching out your hand and shaking hers.
“yeah yeah, I know, for dessert tonight”
“alrigh’ “ Harry sat up from the floor, grabbing a plate and opening the oven door, naturally extracting two pancakes. “wha’ time do yeh want teh head back love?” harry asked, spreading butter on his food.
“well” you stared, opening your phone and looking at your schedule “auntie put me in for 12-9 today so I guess…10?”
Harry nodded, smiling before it dropped “wha’ are we gonna do about…ye know who?” you sighed, brushing your hair back.
“I don’t know, let's just hope they don’t blurt this out”
“who are you talking about?” uma asked, tilting her head
“Harrys actor..and yours, they found out”
Uma froze “shit it might not be a good idea for me to go with you guys then?” you shook your head.
“nah, China seemed like she wanted to meet you” uma nodded unsure but finished her food and placed her dishes in the sink.
“Alright, imma get dressed, 10 right?”
Both you and Harry nodded.
You nervously jumped your leg on the ground, staring at china’s DM’s, wondering if you should message her about uma.
You sighed, she would find out through the paparazzi anyway so.
Hey…its me? (y/n). The girl whos been seen around harry? Any way, uma wanted to come with us and I was wondering if u wanted to meet her?
If ur busy its fine, but was just wondering.
<China is typing>
Dude yesss, meeting my own character!? That would be soo cool
You breathed a sigh of relief, slumping on your bed slightly.
Sweet, so about 1130 well be at my aunt's bakery, if u wanna meet us there?
Sure! See you!
see ya!
You sighed and stood, cracking your neck, grabbing your clothes and house keys, smiling at the blue gemmed key with Harry's initials staring at you.
Tossing it in your bag, you stepped into the bathroom, quickly showering and getting dressed, drying your hair as best you could and making your way downstairs.
Were Gil and Harry already were playing video games.
“fuck ye gil!”
“harry that’s (y/n)s job ew”
“Gil what the fuck that’s nasty!”
“then don’t blue shell me!!”
You shook your head, walking up to behind harry and leaning down, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
“you almost ready hook?”
“aye” he muttered, smirking as he passed Gil, who groaned in frustration “on the last lap love”
About a minute later, Harry won, cackling as he finished the last lap.
“ahaha! I won, I won!” Gil pouted, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“Yeah yeah, whatever!”
“aww,” Harry cooed, pinching Gil’s cheek “you good sunshine boy~”
Gil smacked his hand away, sticking his middle finger up at harry. Who just flipped his right back.
“alright” you patted Harry's shoulders a couple of times, gaining his attention “it's almost 10, let's start heading out.”
Harry nodded, standing and grabbing his black converse, sitting back down to get them on.
“uma! We’re about to head out!”
“got it!” she yelled back, you grabbed your back, fishing your key out and sticking it in the back door lock.
Uma trotted down the stairs, harry moving forward to meet her and allowing her to use him as a steadier as she jumped off the last step.
“Alright let's go!” you turned the key, the portal behind the door opening, light bleeding from behind the door.
You opened the door, letting uma step through first, harry standing at the edge waiting for you.
“see ya gil! Jay, dude, and Carlos are gonna be here soon right?” gil nodded, waving you off,
“yep, see ya!”
You grasped Harry's hand, stepping through and closing the door behind you.
---end of part 8---
@dpaccione​ @Ibuck121 
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- Daisy and Jon being soft and friendly to each other? y e s. Y E S. Y E S. I so dearly hope Daisy is going to manage to keep her gentle side, she so clearly wants to, and I love it; both Jon and Daisy are fighting to stay soft and emotional, and i am SO HERE for this. Clearly their conversation with the coffin has been the best thing that could happen to both of them; there’s something fragile and beautiful developping here, and I just HOPE it’s going to stay alight. 
- I don’t remember who talked about the fact that Jon tended to build connection through knowledge --- but that’s exactly the feeling I got here. Jon reached out the way he knows how, by intellectually chatting, sharing ideas about the Statement at hands, and what it could potentially meant. Of course, he didn’t seem to realize poor Daisy doesn’t really WANT to be involved in the Hunt talk really, but Daisy herself doesn’t entirely shut him off either, she tries to help, and she gives good ideas and insights, and I mean, clearly? Jon sounded so GOOD here; ernergized; not quite happy but definitely not - tired or defeated or anything like that. he must have missed it so much? I doubt Melanie is up for that kind of talk still with him? so yeah. i just. 
- The concept of the hunt never being able to complete it’s ritual because the catching your prey is actually the least satisfying part of the chase is BRILLIANT. Honestly, genuinely brilliant, and I love the idea. Absolutely love Daisy’s point of view on this, and how she explains how it felt, and how it clearly relates to the statement, and the way the hunters sort of forgot about exactly what they were hunting, and just ---- kept enjoying themselves and moving anyway towards “it”. Frankly i just really really love it. 
- Were all the explorers like, caught in a bubble outside of time and space? I mean it seems to me that it was what was implied, but could it also mean, potentially, that being a hunter, or, or plainly an avatar, stops you from dying? After all, it seems to be what happened to Trevor, so? I’m just wondering if 1) it’s specifically for the Hunt 2) apparently they do keep aging in some capacity, so does the immortality would only happen if, like, you’re going to chase in the juggle? 3) if this does concern over Avatars, let’s say, some who actually became one by dying already once, COULD THIS MEAN Jon would potentially like, become sort of vaguely immortal? 4) my real question is: how old is Elias and could he be more than a hundred years old. the people need to know; and by people i mean me.
- Honestly better people than me are probably going to make much better meta about it; i’m just absolutely HERE for the drama, the way their paths are slowly but very, very obviously going parallels but different, and I love every single second of it. RATIONAL!BASIRA VS EMOTIONAL!JON THAT IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT THANK YOU JONNY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
- One note, though, first, about Basira/Daisy. Because this is heartbreaking. This is utterly, utterly heartbreaking. Here is Daisy, free at last, who dreads being alone, who’s lost, who needs support more than she ever has before in her life -- and who, obviously, obviously turns to Basira, who’s always been her anchor throughout, her key to humanity. But Basira --- Basira loves Daisy, but Basira expected that she could at last have the support she so desperately wished to have and couldn’t have among the current people in her life. She doesn’t trust Jon, her bond with Melanie has been severed and, besides, Melanie was a loose element for a long time, and not in the driven way Daisy was. Martin is notably absent (where are you martin T_T). 
It’s so tragic, because it’s all about - two people who loves each other so much, but are clearly at two different points in life where they cannot help each other like the other needs to. Neither of them can support the other properly, because Daisy just lived through the most traumatic experience of her life, and Basira has felt like she had the fate of the world on her shoulders, all alone, for MONTHS, and still does. And the fate of the world, in basira’s eyes, has to come first.
- and here’s the thing; the biggest, biggest tragedy. It’s that Jon did a good, beautiful thing. He saved Daisy. It’s a victory. But it’s not; because no matter how happy Basira might be to get Daisy back, she didn’t get her rock back. Before she may have hold on to the hope that she may not have to do this alone, if she could free Daisy. But now Daisy’s back, and Basira just got her last hope for “proper support” just - disappear. And so she is going to help Daisy, but she is not going to be slow down by Daisy which might mean, which already means, really, leaving her behind. Unless, of course, Daisy loves Basira too much to let her go, and decides to give in to the hunt again, to help her, when she understands. It’s still a possibility. And it would be all the more heartbreaking, that Basira who helped her once kept her humanity, is the reason why she loses it entirely one day, by choice. To help her.
(other possibility, of course, is Daisy rejecting the hunt so violently that she “loses her purpose” and starts to fade, and Basira has to watch the woman she loves die slowly, cutting off Basira’s last thread of humanity as well) (i’m employing “humanity” on a very broad spectrum here) 
- ANYWAY. I love Jon Sims. I love him. There is absolutely nothing more beautiful than to watch his growth; to see him having learnt from his past mistakes; to sound refreshed, determined, eager to communicate, to promote communication. This is so beautiful and it makes me so emotional. I swear to god i had tears in my last on my second listen. He is so, so so good. If anything - and pardon the selfishness for an instant - saving Daisy has clearly had such a positive impact on him. More so than Melanie, perhaps? so, y’know Jon, now it MIGHT VERY WELL BE TIME TO GET CURIOUS ABOUT THE LONELY. I AM JUST SAYING
- Emotional!Jon: "You’re not happy Daisy is back.” 
Rational!Basira: “Of course I am! I would never leave Daisy behind, but right now, she’s dead weight.” 
Basira is happy Daisy is back. But it’s not what’s important to her, though it was what was important to JON. Like, he’s friend with Daisy now, and that’s good, but he didn’t get into that coffin for her. He did it for Basira. He did for Basira, and it backfired.
How long before it’s not just happiness that is the priority? How long until one life can be sacrified for the good of thousand, billions? 
- Jon’s mention of Tim? Broke me. Let my boy grieve for god sake. Can’t he adress them a bit, directly?
- Jon’s “I don’t care if don’t trust me, but at the very least I proved that I was useful, so use me” . Oh. Jon. Jon. He has spent so long almost begging for her trust. But it seems like he’s got such a clearer vision now of how things are, I guess. He is reaching for the possible now. He is attacking Basira from her angle. “I am an asset, keep me”. It might even work. But by making himself an asset, he entirely loses the potential of ever being her friend.
- Because at the end, Basira says “okay” and i don’t doubt she will use Jon, for a while. But she won’t confide in him, like she did just before leaving. She stopped herself, at the end. Clearly she has many, many, many conflicting and sad feelings about Daisy’s return, but she won’t share them. She’s done sharing any emotional part of her. Because emotions are not what’s important. Emotions are dangerous, faillible. 
she knows her mind is not. 
(also, Basira: “you got kidnapped three times so uh, shut up jon” jon: “well you went away from three weeks and came back with nothing soo. anyway, doing things on your own is stupid.” basira: “you literally just fucking went on a coffin without telling anybody!!” jon: “yeah??? and i almost DIED, DO YOU WANT TO GET TO MY LEVEL BASIRA DO YOU REALLY???”) 
(that “case on point” was perfect, Jon, if you weren’t made for martin, i’d marry you.)
anyway, i have. feelings. lots, and lots, and lots, of feelings. I cannot wait for more basira&jon. I really can’t. BUT ALSO SOMEONE UPDATES US ON MARTIN OR I AM GOING TO DIE. 
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Jimin scenario to fighting with you and breaking up.
(Credits to gif owners) 
So I really don’t know why but writing for chimchim is soo hard, it’s always chimmy maybe it’s cause he’s such a tiny little puppy. I don’t wanna hurt his ass, but I have to write this so here goes nothing. Anyways enjoy~~~ 
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 You always seemed to find a way to twist things, somehow you always made him feel bad, honestly you were never the jealous type before you started to date jimin. He was perfect, even his flaws were loved by many, but you, you compared to him was nothing, so it was inevitable that a situation like this would occur. You were happily having dinner with your boyfriend, you knew how much he still had feelings for his ex, it was the classic love story, a boy falls in love with a girl who only wants him for his fame, and then when she was done, she broke him to millions of pieces and that’s where you picked him back up, you knew the reason he only said yes was because he needed a rebound, with that feeling still in mind, when he broke into a giant smile at the sight of his ex, it made you sick to your stomach.
You had been sitting there for the past 4 hours, listening to them reminisce about their past, and how happy they used to be, you tried so hard to ignore the feeling of hurt, after the 2 hour mark, you didn’t even exist to them, you took your mind off of them and scrolled through your phone, your best friend wanted to see you, he was in korea, you lit up with a smile, “Hey chim, I have to go, my friends in korea, I’ll catch you later” He just sat there and nodded, not sparing you a single glance, while his ex just smirked at you, as if to say ‘he’s still all over me’ 
 You ran as fast as you could toward your best friend, “KIM JOON!” You yelled his name, with a bright smile on your face, you ran up and hugged him, “Hey, y/n I can’t breath, let go dude, I’ve missed you too” 
“Oh sorry, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you” You walked to a nearby cafe, while he told you about his boyfriend, and how the two of them would be getting married soon. 
“So, hows jimin?” Your friend questioned, reminding you of the past few hours, you frowned for a split second, and then smiled “He’s doing great, I think” your friend raised his eyebrows in question. “What do you mean you think, weren’t you dating him?” You looked down, not knowing what to say or do, a few sheds of tears dropped. “I don’t know honestly, I don’t even feel like his girlfriend anymore, I don’t know what to do” “Shh.. come here” your friend tucked you into a hug, he didn’t know what to do, but all he knew was you had to talk to jimin and sort this out, “Just try talking to him, and if he loves you, he’ll truly care about what you have to say” At that you suddenly stood up, “You know what, your right, we’re dating and I can’t be afraid to speak to him, thanks joon” 
 You beamed him a smile and walked to your shared apartment, you waited and waited, it seemed so long, but at last at 5 in the morning he decided to show up. “Jimin? God your home so late” you looked at him worried, you walked closer to him, the stench of the alcohol was coming through the roof, 
“Jesus, jimin how much did you drink?” He didn’t answer, you followed him to your shared bedroom,
 “Jimin, can we talk?”
 “Not right now, I’m tired” You grabbed his arms, determined to talk to him today, “Jimin,” he shoved you off, 
 “I said not now, what do you not get about not now” You closed your eyes and nodded, maybe after he washes. It took him 30 minuets to wash up and come out, 
 “Jimin, can we talk now?”
 “Gosh, y/n your so naggy today, what do you want?” You looked at him, in disbelief,
 “Is trying to talk to my boyfriend that bad?”
 “Do you want to know what I liked about dating yuna, she was never this needy and naggy, she was never this noisy” You looked at him, now sure that you were just his rebound, no, now you knew for sure that you meant nothing to him, when he said yes, it was just to fill his void and empty yours. 
 “Jimin, I...I just wanted to talk, and now all the questions I had in mind, I’ve found the answers to, I won’t bother you anymore” He still didn’t know what you were talking about until he saw your tear filled eyes, 
 “Oh come on babe, don’t cry, come here” he stood to hug you, you took a step back each time he came close to you, 
 “Don’t touch me, what do I even mean to you? I’m nothing but a rebound, nothing”
“Y/n that’s not what I meant, please I’m sorry” 
“Jimin.... let’s stop, I won’t bother you anymore, and you can go back to the yuna that you love so much” 
“What’s that supposed to mean, you know me and her ended ages ago”
“Well it surely didn’t seem like it, jimin, you can’t keep me trapped when you still have feelings for her, it’s not fair on me” You shoved past him, grabbing your jacket and your car keys and bag, you walked out of the house, you drove for almost an hour, reaching the airport, you quickly texted your best friend.
“Joon..... I’ll see you back in england, I can’t do this anymore. See you soon” “Y/n? What happened” You didn’t respond, you brought a ticket, and waited, anything to get over him, anything would do. It had been almost 2 years since you left jimins life forever, the day he received a call from best friend to say you had told him something really stupid, he was afraid. 
2 years prior~ 
“Hey, this is y/n’s friend joon, I just received a text from y/n saying something about seeing me in england, did something happen between the two of you?” 
“We had a little fight, she said she was gonna take the plane to England right? Do you know which airport?” 
“Well y/n only knows the incheon airport, so she’s probably there” 
“I’ll go find her, don’t worry too much, I’ll make sure she’s okay” 
“Alright tell me how it goes,” Before you got on the plane, it didn’t feel right, your friend probably already told jimin knowing him, so you decided to just leave the ticket and your car, but instead take the bus down to busan, when he arrived at the airport it was more crowded than usual, that’s when he saw the big screen that announced a plane crash, that’s when he could hear all the cries and all the screams from relatives of the people on the plane, he screen read 
 ~all families of passengers that took the 6:30 plane heading towards England, London, there was a sudden storm, that caused the whole plane to crash into the sea, we are sorry to announce that all the names of the passengers on screen, have passed away.~ 
He read it over and over again, grabbed a guard and questioned them, he searched for your name, and it was on there, his heart sank, the last memory of you was how lonely you looked and how he made you cry. 
End of flashback~ 
Of course you saw the news but you didn’t tell anyone, apart from your family, even your best friend still believed you passed away, you heard from your mother that he was married and they were thinking about adopting kids, you stayed hidden, needing time to heal and forget, in that time, you worked on singing, by now in busan you were known for singing, you heard that big hit was recruiting, feeling like you needed to now come forward and tell everyone the truth, you went for the audition, When you got to the venue, hundreds and thousands perhaps millions of girls and guys with the same dream as you stood outside, you were auditioning for a new unisex group of 4 people, there was a very slim to no chance of getting through, but you kept hoping. When it got to your turn, you sang stigma, stigma was your favorite song, it got you through the toughest times, and then danced to the ark the light, you thought dancing to a bts song would be too classic and decided on the second best, (btw I love the arks the light, I’m so sad they disbanded anyways continuing with the story) they seemed a little startled, you knew you were probably one of the only ones that didn’t dance to bts. 
“Do you know how to dance to our top artist bts? “ 
“Yes” you said proudly 
“Then why did you choose this song to dance to?” 
“Because I knew everyone else would dance to bts, and I thought you wanted someone that was more unique, and I like this song a lot” They all nodded their head in approval, you knew even before they called you, that you were getting signed. 
 “Miss Y/L/N you have automatically passed all of our auditions, you will be the first female for our group hope, congratulations” 
“Really!” You exclaimed, 
“thank you so much” 
“You’ll have to be here by 10 am today, and make sure you bring your passport and things” 
“Okay thank you” You showed up infront of the company building, you walked into a room of all the producers and people with a hidden importance. You signed the contract and you would start training with the other members in a weeks time, you would share a whole home with them starting in 4 days. 
 Time skip~ 
You had settled in, and your group members were amazing, they all loved you and you loved them, it was inevitable soon you would run into bts, you were practicing your debut choreography, when your dance instructor came in and said 
“So, your sunbaes, bts will be visiting today, just to say hello and get used to the new family, is that okay?” You all said in unison 
“Yes” except you, you knew that they all knew you, and they all be very upset at you. Sure enough as soon as they walked in they all looked at everyone and then you and almost chocked to death, 
 “Y/n? Is that you? Wtf we thought jimin said you passed away?” Exclaimed Hoseok They all looked at you questioningly, Just then jimin walks in, he looked so bad, like he hadn’t seen daylight in the past 2 years, your heart started to clench around itself, he looked up at you and teared up, he slowly walked towards you 
“Y/n? Are you y/n?” You looked up at him, slightly pushing him off of you, you stepped back towards the rest of your members You nudged them to say their hellos, so you didn’t have to explain to them about what happened, Jimin stares at you, and so did everyone, so you had no choice but to explain.
“Do you have any idea, how much I’ve resented myself, how much I’ve hated myself, for loosing you” You looked down 
“No, I don’t, you didn’t care when I was alive, so I didn’t see why you would when I’m gone” 
“Y/n..... i was drunk” 
“You were drunk and not in love, stop trying to make yourself the victim, we ended things, I didn’t have to tell you anything” 
“Can you guys leave the two of us for a bit, I have personal things to talk about”
“No it’s fine, don’t leave us, we need to practice anyways, sorry jimin, our debut stage is near, I can’t loose anymore time” With that you stood up, with your members right behind you, you started the music and joined with the rest of your group, this choreography had a lot of touching, jimin standing there dumbfounded, wondering when you got so good at dancing, and why you were so close with the guys, he waited for you, he was going to wait his whole life for you, waiting a few hours was nothing 
“Okay let’s take a break” the leader said, You went to grab water, but jimin already had you covered, wiping your sweat away, 
“You dance better than I do” You looked at him, 
“Thank you...... jimin why are you still here? You should go and practice with bts, you guys have a comeback don’t you?” 
He sighed. 
“Did you know, that today would’ve been your 2 year anniversary, this morning i woke up, from a dream, of when you still smiled with me, when you were still there next to me, I hated myself for not going after you that morning, I’ve had countless nightmares, where I relive the moment I saw your name on that screen, and is it that bad of me to want to be by your side when I see you right here, when the past 2 years seemed like hell, but your here now, I’m still not sure if this is a dream or not, I’ve begged to wake from this nightmare for 2 years, am I that bad, for wanting to be with you, just for a bit?” 
“Im not saying your bad, I’m just telling you to go back, to go back to when you didn’t care, I’m not used to this, chim, I mean jimin oppa, please, I’m trying to forget the past, I’m trying to forget you, can’t you just pretend I’m not here” 
His eyebrows scrunched up, you hated when he did that, it created wrinkles and you knew how much he cared about that, and as you travelled down his face, he was crying, you looked at him shocked. 
“Y/n, you don’t need to love me, that’s not what I want, I’m just so happy, that your still alive, please don’t tell me to think that your dead again, I can’t, I won’t, Not this time, I won’t last, I just really missed you, the amount of nights I’d cry into anything that indicated that you were once next to me, I just, can’t we go back to what we were before, how you’d Just cradle me and how you’d whisper random things anything, any random thing, that would make me smile” 
There were now tears in your eyes, remembering the times that he made you so truly happy, the times he’d smile, you thought to yourself 
‘why are we like this? What made us part so much?’ You stepped closer to him, you hugged him, and whispered 
“I’m sorry”. 
Even now, many months later, he still had nightmares, of you not being there, he would wake up, panting, crying, screaming sometimes, and if you weren’t next to him in bed, it was so bad, he would search the house frantically for you, 
 “Jesus, jimin you scared me” you turned around worried. 
 “What’s wrong, did you have that nightmare again?” 
“Please tell me your here, tell me your still here, tell me your not just my imagination” You removed the hair that was sticking onto his forehead, you caressed his cheeks, and moved your thumb side to side to clear his cheeks of tears. 
 “I’m still here, and I’m not your imagination” He would pull you into a hug or more like a protective stance to reassure him that your actually there. 
“Don’t leave me, I was so lonely, I didn’t have anyone to comfort me like you do, please I’ll be better, I won’t ever let you feel lonely, ever again” 
you sighed into his neck, you took his hands and led him back to bed, so he could peacefully sleep in the embrace, when his breathing become slow and steady you whispered. 
“I love you, have sweet dreams my prince” 
 So this is a first, leaving the ending speech to the reader, I personally really like this one and Hoseok’s one, hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did And request away~~~ Byeeee.
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Yes. A thousand times.
Authors Note: Hey everyone, soo I have kind of been slacking with writing blurbs and I apologise for that, I just haven’t had much inspiration to write. I feel like I say this with every blurb I right, haha. But sorry!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one! Hope everyone is having a good week… and bless Harry for his damn tour that gives me life. :) xx Harry Masterlist found HERE 
He was more than you ever deserved, he was your right hand, your heart, and essentially your everything. You thought he was the one, the one you’d spend your life with until you were both grey-haired and grumpy, you thought in years to come you’d watch him from the kitchen while he plays outside with the children, chasing them around the garden, teaching them to play catch or tea party. You believed he was the only one you’d bring home to Mum and Dad, the one who would ask your Dad permission for your hand, the one who would stand by you even through the darkest storms. But lately, all the high hopes and vision you had assumed would become a reality, seem too far-fetched, they’re nothing but a figment of your imagination.
He has been distant lately, travelling for work and for unknown reasons, not giving many explanations each time he leaves. He gives you the bare minimum for where he is going and what he is doing, which wouldn’t bother you if it wasn’t just out of the blue for him to become secretive and shady. For four years, the two of you have built on your relationship and became an open book with each other, always managing to keep each other updated on the events of what’s going on, but now, now it feels like you are both living two different worlds that are miles apart from each other.
You stand towards the back of the bar, the smell of beer and overly applied cologne lingers the area as everyone pays attention to the mellow music playing, introducing someone that is destined to embarrass themselves with karaoke. This isn’t the type of scene you appreciate being in when it comes to Saturday nights, but you were hauled along when one of Harry’s friends invited him and it was too much effort to even attempt to try to get out of it. 
You scan the crowd for the familiar green eyes of your boyfriend, your eyes skimming over the crowd until they lay on him. He’s sitting at the bar with Nick, having a good gossip— so you presume— while entertaining a few of the other mates you have yet to be formally introduced to, for what reason, you do not know. You stare at him from a distance, observing how he is smiling widely and laughing, seeming completely unaware of the fact you have strayed away from him and settled into the crowd of half-drunk individuals who have no idea they’re getting laughed at when they hit the karaoke stage.
Your eyes extract away from their stare when a bitter liquid embeds itself into your dress, your eyes glaring up at the man who has managed to spill his drink on you. Your eyes stare at him like daggers ready to pierce his soul. The poor guy looks like a deer in headlights, frozen and scared by your distinctive glare. “I am so-” he begins but you cut him off and shake your head.
“It is fine,” you mutter through your teeth, the whole situation far from fine. You fake a smile before stepping away from the deer in headlights and manoeuvring your way through the crowd to get to the bar, the bar that has probably seen more lonely nights than you can imagine.
“Hey, love, havin’-” Harry begins with his subtle smile, one that would usually melt your heart with its charismatic charm, but tonight, tonight it just infuriates you further.
“No, I am not having fun,” you mutter, “I don’t enjoy smelling like a damn brewery,” you gesture towards your dress. You take a breath, not wanting to start something in public and in front of his friends, so you stick with calming your voice as you speak, “I am going to head home, be careful,” you inform him as he studies you carefully, his brows knitting into a frown before you lean down and kiss his cheek.
“I’m just going to say bye and then we can leave, here, I’ll meet you in the car, if you like,” he dangles his car keys in front of you, taking you by surprise. With how shady he has been recently, you expected him not to give a damn that you were more than delighted to get a cab home while he stayed and did whatever with his friends. You take the keys into your warm hand, giving his mates a small smile before walking away from the bar and making your way out.
The drive home was quiet, no thanks to you. Harry tried to have a small conversation with you but you weren’t too interested in a half-ass conversation.
You step out of the car and close the door before making your way towards the doorstep of the house, your heels sounding against the concrete as Harry’s footsteps travel behind you. You step out of his way so he can open the door, but his hand doesn’t reach for the door, instead, he turns to face you.
“Care to tell me what’s going on?” He questions, taking note how something is unquestionably wrong but entirely unaware that something has been ‘wrong,’ for quite a while.
You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest as the wind begins to pick up and whistle around the two of you, Autumn leaves falling at your shoes and dancing around the pavement. “I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong,” he presses as he turns to the door and begins to unlock it, “And don’t tell me nothing is wrong because it is clear something is wrong, so you might as well tell me.” He continues, subsequently pushing the door open and allowing you to step foot into the house first. You ignore his attempts at a conversation about what is wrong.
The door closes behind you as you turn the lights on and walk down the hallway, “Y/N,” his voice travels down the hallway behind you before his touch meets your arm, “This isn’t like you, you’re always open with me, what’s going on?” An unrelenting stare narrowing down onto you.
“Look who’s calling the kettle black, Harry.”
His forehead puckers in a thoughtful and irritation expression while frustration crinkles his eyes. “And what do you mean by that?” He questions as you shrug his hand away from your arm.
Your eyes flash with fury, “Exactly what it means. You talk about me always being open and yet you’re closed off and shady as hell.”
“I am not shady and closed off, Y/N.” He shakes his head, defending himself.
You scoff, rolling your eyes at him. If how he has been acting lately isn’t shady then you don’t know what shady is. “You were gone for two weeks without much detail, you are barely home and when you are I get one worded answers out of you, it seems like you are just not interested. And quite frankly, if that is the case, then go ahead and tell me right now.” You raise your voice slightly, tears already threatening to fall from your eyes as the words leave your lips.
You love him, you do. You don’t want things to an end, you don’t want all the future plans to go down the drain like they were nothing, but if it is what he wants, it is what he will get. There’s no point fighting for someone who is already gone and has already lost interest.
He shakes his head, “Y/N, no. You have it wrong.”
“How so? Even tonight you didn’t even realise when I strayed away from you. You were more interested in your friends, which is fine, but you invited me to go out with you and then just disregarded me.” … “If you want to end things, just tell me. Don’t make me think you still love me.” You let out in a whisper, mentally praying that he doesn’t want to call it quits.
Harry’s body stiffens at your remark and he grows quiet for a moment before he breaks the silence. “Is- is that what you’re wanting?”
You lift your shoulders into a shrug as you look down, no longer what to stare into the eyes that you fell for so many years ago.
“Can you look at me?” He questions, his hand resting under your chin and lifting it up, his eyes meeting yours, “You have it entirely wrong..”
“How? Explain how.”
He takes a breath and his hand moves to his pocket, resting itself in the warmth of the space, “If I have been shady, it has been for good reason. When I was gone for two weeks, I wasn’t on a business thing for the album, I uh, I was Niall.” He begins and you cut him off,
“So you lied.” You immediately challenge, your mind swirling with one-hundred different reasons why he would have lied about his whereabouts. Was he cheating?
He nods, “But, for a good reason, I swear.” … “There was this place in Ireland that had something I needed and I had to go down and get it, well, when I got there, they had screwed up the entire order so I had to stay and make sure it all got fixed.”
“And you couldn’t have just told me?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “I-I was trying to make everything special and a surprise. But, it is ruined now. It was all for this… This is why I have been distant or whatever.” He murmurs, his hand pulling a black box from his pocket. He lowers himself down onto one knee, his finger flicking open the box to reveal a beautiful diamond shining brilliantly with the lighting. Your heart races instantly, tears cascading down your cheeks as the realisation of him proposing becomes a reality.
“This isn’t how I wanted to propose, I had hoped to make it special. But, from the moment I met you, you have been the light at the end of the dark tunnel for me, you have lifted me in more ways than you will ever know or understand, you have helped shape me into being a better man. Y/N, I love you with all my heart and every fibre of my being, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. It has been a few years of ups and downs and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. You’re the best thing to have walked into my world and I pray to God you never leave. I’d be honoured to have you as my lover for the rest of my life, I want to be there for you, to hold you, to cherish you, to love you, and to be the man you have wanted. I want to raise kids with you and show them what it is like to be loved, I want out kids to look at us and see how much we love each other and I’d like to have you as my wife if you’ll allow me.”
You gaze at him as he’s on one knee, your breath hitching in your throat as more tears fall from your eyes. You hadn’t thought he would be down on one knee moments after an argument, in fact, him proposing hadn’t even been on your mind until now. “Y/N? It’s your cue, what do you say?” He smiles up at you, waiting for your answer.
There’s no other man you’d want to spend your life with, nobody else you would want to have children with, he’s the one, the one that you want to wake in the middle of the night when you hear unknown noises, he is the one you want to cry into when things go wrong. He is the one you want by your side, he is the one you want to always love.
Without much effort, your answer slips from your lips, “Yes,” .. “Yes a thousand times, Yes.” You whisper as he stands to his feet. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, the kind of kiss the silences everything and creates a reality where it is just you and Harry….
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