#he’s the tall party dude you’re honor
spawnscout · 2 years
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So . . . I am aware I made some controversial height decisions but have you considered: I don’t care. This is my own version of the boys and I love all versions of Tmnt an ungodly amount. I will probably do this sort of thing for the side characters to if y’all are interested
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lilislegacy · 4 months
everybody loves percy
someone just asked me about my earlier post: why would percy be crowd surfing? people only put in the effort to hold up a celebrity or a rockstar
why you ask?
the long answer:
because everybody loves percy. no i don’t mean that literally. of course his enemies hate him. but like… come on! it’s percy! everybody loves percy! he’s hilarious! he’s a goofball. he could win the olympics in the sarcasm section. he has the biggest heart in the whole world. he’s such a blast to be around. he’s fun and nice and constantly dropping comments that make people laugh so hard that they cry and pee their pants a little. he’s just that guy. he’s awesome. he’s the actual best.
everybody loves percy
he’s the umtimate hero. especially at camp half blood. everyone who went to camp with him adores him, and everyone who came to camp after he left hears his name everywhere they go. he’s a legend there. he’s a renowned warrior and sword fighter. he went on multiple successful quests. there were TWO great prophecies about him. he was offered and turned down godhood. he led the greeks into battle numerous times and came out victorious every time. he’s their leader. their soul. he’s the heart of the greeks. alongside annabeth chase, the man fell into tartarus and walked out through the doors of death. the son of poseidon is a greek hero.
all the romans at camp jupiter have such a high respect for him. i mean he was only actually there for like a total of 2-3 days, casually interacted with 2 major gods, successfully led a high-stake quest, saved the whole camp, and was raised on a shield and made praetor - the highest of honors. even after he gave up his position, he is still good friends with reyna, their long standing praetor, and bffs with frank, their new praetor. in fact, percy is franks hero. frank looks up to percy. so even if a roman didn’t witness percy save the camp and become praetor, you think they wouldn’t think incredibly highly of him after seeing how much of a deep respect both their current praetors hold for the former preator? plus everyone knows the stories. the son of neptune is a roman hero
loyalty for percy runs deep at both camps.
then there are the people who have no idea who he is. strangers. teenagers. college kids. but even then, everybody loves percy. he walks into a room, is immediately accepting and kind towards everyone, and starts saying the funniest damn things anyone’s ever heard. he’s a ton of fun. always playful and joking around. plus, he’s just a cool guy. even if you don’t know how awesome he is in the world of the gods, he’s a tall handsome dude with the absolute best smile. not to mention he has a lot of cool skills. he skates, he rides horses, he can ride a motorcycle (albeit illegally), im gonna take a guess and say he’s become quite a talented surfer since moving to california, etc. girls all have huge crushes on him and guys all think he’s the most chill dude ever. he’s the guy who walks into a party, makes friends with the dj, the bartender, and everyone he talks to. hes just that guy.
the short answer:
it doesn’t matter if you’re a greek, a roman, or a typical mortal. percy jackson is always the coolest guy in the room. whether you’ve known him for years and fought alongside him in battle, or if you met him 10 minutes ago when he gave you a big smile and said something that made you throw your head back laughing,
everybody loves percy.
so yeah, if percy jackson jumps (or is pushed) onto a crowd to crowd surf, every single person is happily holding up him
the previous post, if anyone if confused ⬇️
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
Bold Moves
Summary: You unexpectedly make a new friend at a party while Luke does his best to distract you.
Words: 2.8k
Pairings: luke patterson x reader
Warnings: teenage drinking and a few cuss words
You should’ve known better. But alas, here you were, at some party where you didn’t know anyone. Minus the band of course, but you hadn’t seen any of them in what felt like at least half an hour. Flynn had left an hour ago, you almost left with her, and you were currently wishing that you had. But a small part of you wanted to stay in case you got to hang out with Luke. You weren’t certain what you were thinking, it’s not like he would want to hang out with you. You considered going to go talk to Julie but she seemed to be having a good time, so you decided not to interrupt her; and instead you settled in the corner of the kitchen that seemed the least crowded.
After observing for a bit you decided that you needed something to dull the thoughts flowing through your mind. You got off of your stool to get some spiked red punch. You took a sip of it to find that it was more vodka than hawian punch. It burned your mouth and the back of your throat as it went down, but it would do the trick. You managed to gag down about half a cup before you noticed a girl around your age approaching you.
She had black straightened hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She wore a neon green two piece dress which nicely complemented the silver makeup she had applied to her dark brown skin. She took the other stool next to you.
“How’s the punch coming?” she asked with a widely toothed grin.
“Depends how low your standards are,” you remarked as you took another swing.
“Yeah, I noticed your first attempt,” she laughed.
You groaned internally about how you probably looked. “It was that bad?”
“Mhmm, I’ve seen worse tonight, so don’t sweat it.” She patted your shoulder in assurance. “I’m Allie by the way.”
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you,” you said with a smile.
Allie seemed to smirk at your introduction. “Oh trust me, I know who you are.”
You however, were certain you had never met this girl in your life. “Care to elaborate?” you asked.
“Your friend sent me over here to check on you.” She pointed behind her in the general direction of the massive living room, where you had last seen your friends.
“Please tell me Julie didn’t send you,” you groaned as you pressed your fingers against your temple.
“Yep, I believe that was her name,” she admitted.
You hesitantly looked over at her and made eye contact. “You really don’t have to hang out with me, you know that right?”
She shrugged. “I don’t have anything better to do, besides you don’t seem too bad.”
“You don’t seem too bad either Allie,” you agreed with a slight smirk.
“Well thank you, now your friend Julie tells me you’re over here moping about a boy?” she asked, though it was more of a statement. And it wasn’t a statement you could disagree with either.
“How much did she tell you?” you questioned.
“Not that much,” she answered with an anxious smile.
You continued to look at her, until she eventually sighed.
“Okay a decent amount, you don’t have to tell me anything, but would it help if I told you something about me to make it fair?” Allie suggested.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her proposal but you agreed nonetheless.
“Well I was talking to this girl earlier, and I was going to get her number, but then I think she left before I could get it, and I’m really upset about it,” she started.
You took another swig of your drink and you continued to watch her as she continued.
“And she was wearing this bright orange top, and she had on these tall black heels and-” You cut Allie off as you realized the outfit she was describing sounded very familiar. Suddenly, the pieces fell into place.
“Wait, her name didn’t happen to be Flynn, did it?” you asked.
“Yes, it was! Do you know her?” she exclaimed.
“Are you kidding me, she’s one of my best friends!” you yelled.
“Do you think you could pass my number along to her?” Allie timidly questioned.
“Of course! Flynn mentioned something about there being a girl she met, but she had to go because her mom was coming home,” you explained.
Allie clasped her hand to her mouth. “She mentioned me?”
You nodded your head, you briefly considered telling her that Flynn had called her pretty too, but you decided that you would leave it up to Flynn to tell her that. After she had calmed down you handed your phone over to her to write down her number, which you immediately sent to Flynn. Not even a full minute later, Flynn had texted her.
Allie let out a small screech of excitement. “You are my guardian angel y/n!” she praised you.
You giggled at her compliment, “I didn’t even do anything.”
She tilted her head down at you to glare. “You saved me from never being able to contact her again, I will not be accepting that as an answer.”
You raised your hands in surrender. “Alright, you’re welcome then, but I do expect to be the first person on your wedding guest list,” you sarcastically commented.
“If this works out, hell, you can be my maid of honor,” she remarked.
You laughed hard enough at her retort that you nearly fell off of your stool, but you managed to pull yourself together when you realized Allie was still trying to talk to you.
“But now you have to let me pay you back,” she insisted.
You raised your eyebrows in confusion.
“You got me in contact with Flynn, so now I want to help you with your boy troubles,” she explained.
You internally debated for a couple minutes before eventually agreeing to accept her help.
“Okay, so tell me anything and everything you want to about him.”
As you dived into your pity story, you felt your somber mood starting to come back. “His name is Luke, and we’ve been friends for a couple months now. We’re really close and we flirt all the time, but I think I’m only ever going to be a friend to him.”
Allie narrowed her eyes at you. “Did you just say you flirt all the time but you think he only wants to be friends?”
“You know that doesn’t make any sense, right?” she questioned.
“Well I think he flirts that way with everyone. I don’t think I’m special to him in that way,” you admitted.
“First of all, I don’t know how anyone could look at you and not see that you’re special, but what does your boy look like?”
You couldn’t quite figure out why that would help, but you told her anyways. As you finished, she opened her mouth to give her take.
“See that’s where I think you’re wrong, I’ve been here since your group got here. And I haven’t seen him look at anyone like he looked at you when you walked in.”
“And what way was that?” you questioned before taking another sip of your drink.
“Like he wants to fuck you,” Allie said seriously. You nearly did a spit take, but you managed to hold back your laughter long enough for you to swallow.
“Allie, I think you’ve got him pegged wrong.”
She opened her mouth to comment on your sentence, but you held up a finger. “I know I set myself up for that one, but don’t do it.”
“Fine, if you wanna take all the fun out of it,” she quipped.
As she was momentarily distracted by her phone, you glanced around the room. You quickly recognized one of the faces in the crowd, as none other than Luke himself. He soon turned around to see you watching him. He arched his eyebrows at you almost in challenge, and when you did the same to him, his lips quirked up in a smirk. You knew exactly what he had just started, and in turn, what you had agreed to.
It was a sort of unspoken game that the two of you played. Whoever was the first to lose their composure, lost. You had won a grand total of one time, by a means of which you would never tell anyone about. But that didn’t stop you from playing it.
You turned back to Allie who started up a conversation mostly entailing complaining about school. You tried to stay in the conversation, but your brain kept pulling you back to Luke. You shortly after gave in, and stole another glance from him as he was swaying side to side to the music coming from another room. He jutted his chin out with a satisfactory grin, but you refused to give him a win, and stuck your tongue out at him. You couldn’t hear him, but you could see him tutting at you and shaking his head. You rolled your eyes and gave him the finger. While you knew that would probably end up biting you in the butt later, it was fun in the moment.
“Earth to y/n,” Allie snapped, and you came out of your daze.
“What? I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“You’re fine, I just asked you what I should send to Flynn,” she continued. She tried to hand her phone over to you, but you pushed it back.
“Flynn will know it’s me if I help, that girl has like a sixth sense for when someone’s lying. How do you think Flynn and Julie know I like Luke?” you pointed out.
“Good point, I’ll think of something.” She went back to her phone as she puzzled at whatever Flynn had sent.
As you tilted your head up you realized that Luke was unmistakingly closer than he was earlier. You would’ve moved if it weren’t for the fact that you were sitting with Allie. Which was likely the reason why he had moved closer, because he knew you couldn’t move away.
As you locked eyes again Luke’s eyes quickly pulled downward as they trailed down and back up your frame. You fought hard not to smile but you covered it well by turning to toss your hair backwards. As you faced him again you could see him mouthing something. After he repeated it twice you realized he said ‘damn right’. You hoped you somehow could miraculously think of something to say, but your thought process had momentarily stopped because of him. Either he hadn’t noticed your loss in composure or you hadn’t done enough yet to lose, despite the fact that you were already in a flustered daze.
“Dude are you alright?” Allie asked.
“What? Yep! Definitely,” you stumbled out.
Allie didn’t buy your lie for a second. “Are you sure?”
You still weren’t fully present. “Yeah, sorry, I’m just a little bit distracted with the setting,” you said without thinking.
“The setting?” she repeated, and you realized what had just come out of your mouth.
“That was maybe a little weird,” you laughed.
“It’s cool, but can you help me choose what photo to send to Flynn?” She showed you her phone which had a handful of photos of her in various outfits and in different places. Your eyes flicked up from the phone for only a moment, to see that Luke had been waiting for you to look up. He never broke his piercing gaze as his tongue peeked out from behind his lips and scooped up to almost touch his tongue before rolling back down.
“Shit,” you hissed, looking downwards.
Allie finally started to connect the dots. She looked from you to where Luke stood, then back to you.
“Wait, that’s why you’ve been acting weird!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, but could you keep it down please? He doesn’t need to know that,” you whispered.
“Right, sorry,” she muttered. You realized you needed a distraction from the infuriating hot boy in front of you so you forced your attention to go back to Allie’s phone.
“Oh by the way, I think you should definitely go with this picture, your lighting is the best.” You pointed to the far left photo in the middle.
“Ooooh, good choice,” she agreed, as she took her phone back. “So what’s up with the boyfriend?” she absentmindedly questioned.
“Again not my boyfriend, but he’s being a little shit,” you loudly spoke the second part. You watched as Luke dawned his most innocent face as he mouthed the word ‘what’ to you. You scowled at him, but he looked at you with a rather satisfactory grin.
Allie watched your silent banter with amusement. “He is all up in your hair, isn’t he?” she teased.
“No he isn’t!” you protested. But as you looked back and he winked at you, you had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming, and you realized she may have had a point.
“Oh, he is so, but goodluck with that one, though something tells me you won’t need it.” She winked before standing up.
“Are you serious leaving me alone with him?” you complained.
“You know that’s what you want, and I’m pretty sure he wants that too.”
“Fine, you may have a point,” you conceded.
“But you better tell me all of the details by tomorrow,” she insisted as she made her way out of the kitchen.
“Same goes to you!” you called out.
Luke quickly came over to take your previous friends spot.
“It’s so weird how you never seem to win y/n,” he sarcastically commented.
You lightly slapped his knee. “Oh shut it Patterson.”
One of his eyebrows quirked up. “I thought that was my line.”
You knew you probably should’ve let it drop but you weren’t quite certain what he was trying to say. “Then what’s mine?”
“Make me,” he answered without hesitation.
You sharply inhaled and closed your eyes, before glaring. “You are so lucky you are hot.”
Luke’s eyes widened and his corners of his lips tilted up. “What was that?”
Truthfully, you hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but you were not going to tell him that. “Nothing that you need to hear a second time,” you retorted.
“But what if I want to?” he sweetly protested.
“Well then you’re gonna have to try harder than that,” you scoffed.
Luke swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “Can I kiss you?”
While the question momentarily confused you, you hungrily agreed, and in seconds his lips were against yours. He was just as starving for the taste for you as you were for him. The kiss quickly deepened as his hands clutched the back of your neck for support, and your hands were tangled in his hair. His tongue quickly took dominance over yours as your lips parted for one another. It felt like your whole body lit on fire as rainbows flashed in your closed eyes. You only pulled away out of the fear that you would pass out if you didn’t.
“That was better than I’ve imagined, and I’ve thought about it a lot,” Luke raspilly admitted.
After a couple deep breaths it dawned on him what had happened.
Luke scratched the back of his neck. “Did I just say that out loud?”
“Yep,” you giggled.
He looked at you pleadingly. “You have to promise me, you’re not going to tell anyone that.”
“Nope, I’m telling everyone,” you teased.
“Oh shut it.”
You looked at him with a certain type of fire in your eyes. “Make me.”
He spun you so your right ear was facing him as he whispered into it. “You know, I drove my car here,” he hinted.
“What are we going to tell the rest of the band?”
“We can figure that out later,” he assured you, as he took a hold of your hand.
As you felt his warmth pressed up against your skin, you knew that there was no part of you that wanted to say no. “Alright, but they can’t find out. Otherwise, I will never hear the end of it from Julie.” Luke grinned from ear to ear.
“You’ve got a deal princess,” he agreed as he led you to his car.
Unsurprisingly, they all did find out later, and the two of you had to endure their teasing and prodding for the entire ride home. But this didn’t bother either of you because you were both still too happy to care.
Taglist: @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cupcakesandunicornfarts @sunsetcurvej (feel free to click on my taglist link or comment to be added to the taglist. Or comment or ask to be removed)
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hanniiesuckle17 · 3 years
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Blue Skies Chpt 3: The Mexican Standoff
A/n: I know the title is hella weird so imma just drop a definition for yall. Mexican standoff- a confrontation in which neither party stands any chance of victory. (also this is not edited so sorryyy) Tag List is open <3
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @kodzu-ken​ @konenichi​ @yangs-jeongin​ @binniebutter​ @orangegyu​ @little-precious-baby ​
Blue Skies TL: @etherealyoonghwa​ ​
Summary: Y/n and Hongjoong were only acquaintances in college. They were on the same dance team but never crossed paths until one day both took notice of the other. One magical night after a party resulted in Y/n leaving with a guilty and angry conscious and surprisingly a blue stick. Three years later, Hongjoong is a hit producer and Y/n is a successful single mom. What happens when their paths cross yet again?
Hongjoong’s POV
The three of us walked down the street, hands shoved in out pockets. Yunho’s little brother had told him about this awesome bar he had been to the other night and now the six foot man was dragging both San and myself all the way to Sangsu-dong just to go to ‘The Tipsy Devil Pub’.
“You guys are so slow. Come one!” The giant bellowed, already several steps ahead of San and me.
The red neon sign glowed in the night. It was hard not to smile seeing the cheeky devil design illuminating the street below it. “This place better have amazing food.” San groaned as Yunho pushed open the door excitedly. A buzz of volume leaked out of the pub.
“It’s not like you’re going to eat it. You’re on a diet.” I said with a laugh.
“It could be my cheat day. You don’t control me.”
As we entered the establishment my ears were greeted with a familiar sound. The door shut behind me and I watched my two friends ahead take in the dimly lit and packed bar. From the speakers my song drifted over the heads of everyone in the room. 
Blue skies don’t stay when yours is the only smile in my mind
Lips on mine.
Legs entwined.
Little Miss Blue Skies will never see the sunrise.
Not with me.
Little Miss Blue Skies,
Come back to me.
Yunho smiled turning around to face me. His long finger point up as if gesturing to sound waves in the air. “Dude! They are playing Blue Skies!” I nodded, getting my own look around the bar. 
“You think if we are with him we can get free drinks?” San suggested, pushing to the back of the bar. A row of booths lined the wall, a maroon velvet covering the seats. 
“If you can afford that Chanel belt, you can afford your own martinis.”
“That’s offensive,” San paused, not bother to look back at me. “You know I drink Daiquiries.”
Yunho scoffed, sliding his long legs into the curved booth. “Like that’s any better.” I sat on the outside of the seat- my eyes scanning the crowded venue. My eyes fell on a certain figure sitting at the bar. 
He was a pretty lanky guy, but his features were soft and very attractive. One arm of his was wrapped around a young boy who couldn’t be much older than three. The boy sat in the stool next to the man, feet dangling over the edge. 
A nudge to my shoulder brought me back to the conversation which apparently had moved on without me. San tilted his head as if to ask what I was looking at. Not really knowing how to justify the fact I was looking at a three year old, I just pointed to the bar. 
“Who the fuck brings a child to a bar?” The handsome man scoffed, tossing a cashew into the air and catching it with his mouth. He grabbed another handful from the bowl on the table. Guess today was his cheat day.
Yunho followed where my gaze led and pouted his lips a little. “Oh- Gunho, told me about that. Apparently that’s one of the owner’s kid. Sometimes if they can’t find a sitter I guess one of their friends at the bar watches him.”
“So that’s his dad? The owner?” I asked, pointing to the good-looking man at the bar. 
My friend shook his head, stealing some nuts from San. “He said his mom runs the bar with her friend. I think she’s single.” He looked around all the moving bodies in the space before pointing to a woman behind the bar. She was turned away from us, but she gave off an aura that sent chills down my spine in a good way. 
“Single moms aren’t usually your type, hyung.” San laughed, flagging down a waitress to order some drinks. Tearing my eyes away from the girl’s back I turned to my friend, brows raised and questioning his teasing tone. 
“Hongjoong’s type are usually the ones who leave,” Yunho struggled to say without laughing. Seeing my glare he chose to sip on a glass of water. “I could have said you like psycotic bitches..... It’s really a toss up between the two.” 
I rolled my eyes, thanking the waitress and she handed us our drinks. After a few rounds of some random drink in a rocks glass (Never again was I going to let San order for me), I felt a tug on my sleeve. 
Thinking some drunk stranger just bumped into me I paid it no mind. Feeling a harder pull I turned, vision not quite keeping up with the speed of my body. Once my brain could decipher through the alcoholic daze I saw the little boy from before. 
“Hey, bud,” I put down my drink and saw that Yunho had a goofy smile on his face looking at the kid. Should have known the gentle giant liked kids. “Can I help you?” 
The toddler looked up at me with big curious eyes. “What’s your name?” The boy asked in choppy words. My brother had a daughter and she talked like that around this age. I smiled, leaning over to better speak with him.
“My name is Kim Hongjoong. What’s yours bud?”
The little boy smiled, revealing a toothy grin. “Mr. Kim you look like my daddy!” 
I blinked a couple times attempting to process what the young child just declared. The other two men with me froze as well. “Hyung- is there something you need to tell us?” San stuttered, looking from the boy to me. 
“I-I... I don’t think so....I haven’t had a girlfriend since.....”
“Blue Skies- we know.” Yunho interrupted. “Maybe you just look like the guy?”
I nodded, trying to convince myself that Yunho’s suggestion was probably the most likely one. There was probably a ninety percent chance I looked like the kid’s father. Wetting my now dry lips I said, “H-how do you know? Where’s your dad?”
The boy shrugged, completely oblivious to the panic on my face as most kids would be. “My daddy isn’t here, but my mommy showed me a picture of them together.” He stumbled over some of the bigger words and if I wasn’t freaking the fuck out I would have found it cute. “My daddy had dark hair though,” The boy smiled, pointing to my fading blue locks. 
Pushing past the lump growing in my throat I asked the question burning in the back of my slightly inebriated mind. “Where’s your mom?” 
Fully turning around, the little boy pointed to behind the bar where not only the man from before was staring at me, but also a familiar set of E/c eyes. Staring back at me was a face I thought I would never see again. A face I thought I lost. A face that left. 
She looked just as beautiful if not more than when I remembered her. Unable to stop myself, I stood up trying to see her better from across the crowded room. “Hyung... is that?” Yunho asked, probably not wanting to say her name just in case. 
“Yeah.....that’s her.”
Before I could say anything else or turn back to the boy, a woman sprinted across the bar and scooped up the kid. As she was running towards the bar, the toddler waved at me with a clueless and happy grin. Even if I hadn’t just drank three...whatever San ordered...I don’t think I would have been able to process what happened in those next few seconds. The woman shouted something to Y/n, who nodded not even batting an eye as the in my eyes, kidnapper, rushed out the door with a man who challenged even Yunho’s height. 
Shaking myself out of shock, I pushed through the rowdy mass of intoxicated young people, Yunho and San following me. I never took my eyes off of Y/n, not even when she yelled something to a man coming out the kitchen and bolted towards the exit. 
The second she got to the door I switched directions only to be stopped by the handsome man from the bar and the guy who basically Naruto ran out of the kitchen. 
“Hey! Big fan! I’m Wooyoung,” Naruto said, introducing himself all while keeping me from following Y/n. “I’m one of the owners and I just want to say how honored I am you came tonight. Can I get you a drink?”
“No. I just need to talk to that girl.” 
“Sorry, dude. That’s not gonna happen.” The other guy stated. He obviously wasn’t strong and the owner, Wooyoung was holding me back the most but I got the feeling I didn’t want to mess with this guy. 
I sighed, looking back to Yunho and San who were being absolutely no help. “I just need to fucking talk to her okay!” 
The two shared a look, before the skinnier one turned back to me, shaking his head. He was about to open his mouth and say something when the more excited one interjected. “You know....I can’t let you go talk to her....but for the right price....I’ll give you her number.”
“Woo, you devil spawn.”
“He’s not going to agree to it-”
“Excuse me, what.....” Wooyoung turned away in surprise from the argument he was having with his friend. 
At this point I was desperate. Wooyoung’s eyes turned to saucers as I started pulling out all the cash in my wallet (which was quite a bit). “How much?” The two of the just stood staring at the money in my hand. “Not enough?” I heaved an anxious sight before looking over my shoulder at my friends. “Yunho give me your wallet.” 
Not batting an eye, the tall dancer gave it to me and let me start taking cash out of his billfold. I handed them the thick stack of cash, looking at them expectantly. Slowly, Wooyoung reached out and pocketed the money before speaking again. 
“You know I was just going to ask for a selfie, but that works too.”
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Blue Skies M.List
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dazed ‘n‘ confused (part 3)
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A/N: 3500 fuckin’ words y’all lmaooo i am so stupidly invested in this dumbass and his hot neighbor.
Ship: Rodrick Heffley x OFC
Warnings: underage drinking / drug usage, dubious consent (both parties inebriated), swearing, etc.
Nicole shouldn’t have worried so much about what to wear. When she showed up in Rodrick’s garage, his friends Ben and Chris were there, both dressed in ripped jeans and flannel shirts paired over band t-shirts. By comparison, Nicole’s black skater skirt and combat boots felt almost fancy.
“Hey, I’m Ben,” the dark-haired one holding a red electric guitar came up to her and gave her a fist bump. She almost laughed, not having fist-bumped anyone since she was 13. “Nicole,” she replied, smiling.
“I’m Chris!” the blonde called over, waving, before turning back to adjusting his microphone and checking the settings on their audio.
Rodrick seemed to appreciate her style, at least. He came through the garage door, carrying a four-pack of Monster energy and whistled, giving her a quick up-and-down glance, “Hey, groupie.”
Nicole punched his arm as he walked by. “I came here to listen to you play, so… play.”
“Your wish is my command,” Rodrick said with a dramatic bow.
Nicole found a relatively comfortable spot as far from the speakers as she could get - this wasn’t a concert, but loud speakers could still be painful after an extended period of time. The clack of Rodrick’s drumsticks alerted her, and before she knew it there was a blast of noise and a blur of limbs.
Honestly, he wasn’t bad, Nicole thought to herself after they had played a few songs. He could use a little more control, but what musician didn’t get caught up in their music? Glancing outside, Nicole saw that it was finally growing dark out. The sky had turned a soft purple, and she could see a few fireflies flashing in the cooling grass. She checked the time on her phone - 9:15.
“Hey, do you guys know Caitlin?” she asked the group. They turned to look at her.
“Caitlin Irving or Caitlin Peters?” Ben asked, taking an impressive gulp of Monster before burping loudly. The boys fell into fits of laughter. Nicole couldn’t help laughing, too.
“I don’t know her last name, she works at Starbucks, though.”
“Ohhhhhh, Caitlin! Yeah, we know her. Why?”
“She invited me to a party tonight, but I don’t really know anyone but her. Would you guys wanna be my plus-three?”
Ben and Chris high-fived each other, and Rodrick saluted her with his drumstick, whacking himself in the head in the process. Nicole hid a laugh behind her hand, not wanting to embarrass him. “For sure, Nikky. As long as there's drinks, we’ll be there,” Chris said. 
“C’mon, we can take my van,” Rodrick said, shoving his drumsticks in his back pocket and running inside to grab his keys. The other boys started down the driveway toward the white van, garishly painted with the band's name on the side in bold, black letters.
When Rodrick returned, Nicole gave him a smug look. “I thought it needed repairs?”
Rodrick stopped walking mid-stride, looking like a puppet caught on its strings. “Uh. Yeah. Well. My dad helped, when you were over at your house. Getting ready. It’s fine now. He’s the best mechanic I know.”
“Uh-huh. You sure you didn’t just… want to ride home with me from work?”
Rodrick scoffed. “You wish.” But as he rounded the front of the car to the drivers side, you caught the scarlet color of his cheeks against his tan skin. As if he could be any more endearing, he even offered Nicole shotgun. Chris grumbled the entire time, but begrudgingly gave you the seat he had worked so hard to acquire. 
“First stop - Capital. Ben has a fake, so we can BYOB,” Rodrick said, practically peeling out of the driveway. Nicole clutched the seat for dear life, heart stuck in her throat.
“Are you sure this thing is secure?” she squeaked, feeling the seat shaking a little in its bolts.
“No one has been ejected yet, Nikky,” Rodrick laughed.
“Go-go gadget get me the fuck out of here,” Nicole groaned, planting her feet on the floor to try and stop herself from flying forward as Rodrick squealed to a stop in front of a seedy looking liquor store.
Ben barely avoided taking the sliding door off its tracks when he opened the door. Chris lit a cigarette in the back, the acrid scent wafting to the front of the van. Nicole didn’t mind the smell much - honestly it reminded her of her Grandmother's house - but she hoped the smell didn’t linger on her clothes. That would be hard to explain to her mom. Speaking of, she sent off a quick text to her parents telling them that she’d be back late. Luckily, Nicole had always been the responsible type, so her parents trusted her to make good decisions and as a result, let her have free reign of her life (especially now that she was 18).
Ben returned after a few minutes, carrying a 24 pack of Natty Light and lighting his own cigarette.
“You have the address?” Rodrick asked, and you showed him Caitlins text.
“Yo, that's in Heather Hill’s neighborhood. Maybe we can tee-pee her house later,” Rodrick said, already zooming off again.
“Heather Hills?”
“Major bitch,” Chris called from the back of the van. Rodrick shrugged. “She’s not a bitch she’s just… not very nice.”
Nicole laughed, “You don’t have to defend the honor of all women by not calling her a bitch. If she’s a bitch, I believe you.”
Rodrick looked at you out of the corner of his eye, thinking briefly.
“Yeah, she’s a stone-cold bitch. She ran over my foot once. With her car.” 
Nicole grimaced in sympathy.
“Last year, we played at her Sweet Sixteen party, and Rodrick broke her ice sculpture bust. It was awesome,” Ben said.
“Oh, so you aren’t always perfect?” Nicole teased. Rodrick flipped her off.
Soon, they pulled up in front of Caitlin’s house. Nicole could already hear loud music from outside the house, and there were rainbow strobe lights flashing in the windows. Swallowing her nervousness, she followed Rodrick, Chris and Ben up the front walkway.
As they walked in the house, Nicole was hit by the fragrant, herbal smell of weed. From far away, the music had seemed loud, but coming in the house the music seemed to vibrate her ribcage - it was something with a repetitive bass, stuff Nicole didn’t normally listen to but she enjoyed it nonetheless. She followed Rodrick further into the house, trying to find the kitchen, weaving between people dancing and couples making out.
There were people surrounding an island in the center of the kitchen, decorated with colorful bottles of liquor and sodas to mix with. Nicole spotted Caitlin talking to a tall black guy, drinking out of a red solo cup. Nicole gave her a wave, and Caitlin excitedly came over to greet her.
“Hey! I’m so glad you made it.”
“Yeah, me too. I haven’t actually ever been to a high school party.”
Caitlin’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Well, you’re gonna have one hell of a first high school party experience, girly. Let's get you a drink.”
Caitlin turned to the kitchen island and poured about four shots of rum and filled the rest with coke in a red solo cup. Nicole took a sip. She could barely tell it was spiked, so she took a few more chugs and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Caitlin asked, and Nicole nodded before following her back to the living room. Already, the rum was making her limbs feel looser and her brain fuzzy. She finished the rest of it in one go, enjoying the feeling of her nervousness and insecurities fading away. Nicole had never been unpopular, per say, but she tended to stay to herself and only had a few close friends at her old school, anyway. It was refreshing to feel included, and she couldn’t help feeling that this was the way her teenage years were supposed to be - loud and exciting and living moment to moment.
As they danced, Nicole swaying in place and occasionally spinning around, she couldn’t help but feeling a little awkward. Caitlin was actually a really good dancer - she knew how to move her body in all the right ways so they hit on beat with the music. Nicole envied her easy grace, but was quickly relieved when Caitlin accidentally bumped into someone, causing them to spill their drink. Nicole stifled a laugh, not at Caitlin’s expense, just at the irony of the timing. At least Nicole wasn’t the only clutz. 
They had been dancing for only a few minutes before Nicole felt a hand on her waist, making her jump slightly.
“Hey, the guys and I are gonna smoke some weed in the backyard. Do you wanna come?” Rodrick said. His voice was almost in her ear, close enough that she could hear him over the blaring music, his breath tickling her sensitive skin. 
She turned around to face him - in the dim light of the house, he looked much more appealing than usual - she hadn’t even noticed he had put eyeliner on, but it made the dark of his eyes look even more obsidian. Nicole nodded, giving a thumbs up, and pulled Caitlin along with her.
“I need you for moral support,” Nicole said, making Caitlin laugh.
“Have you ever smoked weed before?” Caitlin asked.
Caitlin raised her eyebrows and pulled her closer as they walked to whisper in her ear.
“Okay, take a small hit the first time, don’t try to impress anyone. But breathe it fully into your lungs - I like to start by pulling it into my mouth first, and then inhaling fully. And if you cough, don’t worry, almost everyone does their first time.”
Nicole gave her a grateful look as they approached the circle of people sitting on lawn chairs in the backyard. Ben and Chris were already there, with two other girls Nicole didn’t know. However, there seemed to only be two more lawn chairs available to sit on.
Nicole was about to plop down on the grass before Caitlin grabbed her hand.
“You should sit on Rodrick’s lap,” she whispered, and Nicole almost choked on her drink.
“Dude, he’s totally into you - I don’t know what your sitch is, but I think he’s probably a little nervous about making the first move. Just do it, and if he asks, say ‘sorry, there weren’t enough seats and I don’t wanna get bug bites from the grass.”
Nicole stared at her, mouth agape. The alcohol in her brain was telling her it might not be the worst idea ever. And you know what? Fuck it. You’re only young once. Nicole made up her mind, and squeezing Caitlin’s hand, she walked over to where Rodrick was sitting before primly making herself comfortable on his thigh.
She felt him tense beneath her immediately, before his hand came up to her waist to steady her. Before he had the chance to say anything about it, the joint was passed to him, and he took an impressive hit, the cherry glowing red at the end for several seconds. Nicole watched him with interest, hoping she wouldn’t mess up too badly and embarrass herself. 
Rodrick looked up at her as he exhaled the smoke, holding the joint out to her. Not paying attention, and entranced by the eye contact they were holding, she reached out to take the joint without looking and promptly burned her hand on it.
“Fucker,” she hissed, shaking her hand to try and get rid of the pain. Rodrick just laughed.
“Do you want help?” Rodrick asked, before taking another hit of the joint. He reached up behind Nicole’s head, threading his fingers through her hair, before pulling her down close to his face, their lips inches apart. Nicole instinctively opened her mouth, half from surprise and half in anticipation of being kissed. But Rodrick simply blew a steady stream of smoke into her mouth, - their lips didn’t make contact. Belatedly, Nicole realized she was supposed to be inhaling, so she did quickly, trying to hold the smoke in her lungs for as long as possible. 
Somebody wolf-whistled in the group. Nicole was pretty sure it was Caitlin.
Eventually, she ended up coughing it out, Rodrick rubbing her back but still laughing.
“You’re a green at the green, huh?” Rodrick asked, and Nicole rolled her eyes.
“That obvious?”
“Yeah, but it’s cute. I’m glad you’re having your first high with me,” Rodrick said, smiling sweetly. Nicole’s stomach fluttered. Already, she could tell that this wasn’t alcohol she was feeling anymore - the buzz she had been feeling earlier was replaced by something much slower and velvety, like the world was moving through maple syrup.
“Dude,” Nicole said after a minute, realizing she had been staring at nothing. Rodrick looked at her. She looked at him. They both started cracking up laughing.
“What are we laughing at?” Nicole hiccuped through her laughter.
“No idea,” Rodrick said, wiping his eyes free of tears of mirth.
“Rodrick, pass the J,” Ben called out, breaking the two of them from their trance. Without thinking about it, Nicole leaned back onto Rodrick’s chest, enjoying the warmth of his body. It wasn’t a cold night, per say, but Nicole was only wearing a skirt and a t-shirt, and she had always had poor circulation. She shivered involuntarily.
“Do you want my flannel?” Rodrick asked, already taking it off. Nicole sat up, ruffling his hair playfully.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you just want to show off your arms,” Nicole said, slipping on the warm blue flannel and resting her hand on Rodrick’s exposed arm, once again in a cut-off tank top. Rodrick gave her a funny look.
“What do you mean?”
Nicole suddenly found herself tongue tied. “Uh. I mean. You just wear a lot of tank tops.”
Rodrick raised an eyebrow, but said nothing else. Nicole leaned back against him again, feeling simultaneously self-conscious and exhilarated. They had never touched for this long before. She wasn’t sure exactly what was happening between them, but she liked the direction it was going. Even though they hadn’t known each other long, Nicole felt more comfortable with Rodrick than she did anyone else - even though most of the time she had known him, he had been a nuisance to her. Well… maybe not a complete nuisance.
It was funny to think that only a few days ago, Rodrick was just an annoyance she dealt with at her job and admired from afar, and now she was sitting on his lap, wearing his flannel. She leaned her head back, looking at the stars. She hadn’t noticed that Caitlin had left, but suddenly she appeared over her line of vision, grinning.
“Do you want a beer?” she asked, holding a cold can over Nicole’s forehead. Nicole reached out to take it, sitting up before cracking it open. She wasn’t in the habit of enjoying beer for the flavor, so she’d rather get drunk off it quickly. It tasted like wet cardboard, but Nicole managed to chug it down.
“Damn, girl, where’d you learn to drink like that?” Chris asked, laughing as Nicole belched loudly. 
“Years of rigorous practice and intense concentration, young padawan,” Nicole replied.
“Do you wanna shotgun one with me?” Chris asked, half-joking, but Nicole was feeling overly confident from the buzz she was feeling and readily stepped up to the challenge.
“Whoever spits it out owes the other ten bucks.”
“Fuckin’ deal,” Chris grinned, Ben cheering him on as he threw a beer toward Nicole. She (surprisingly) caught it.
“Wait, gimme one,” Rodrick said, making grabby hands in Ben’s direction, who threw him a beer.
“On three, okay?” Ben counted. They all started to crack open their beers, Nicole with her house keys, Rodrick with his car keys, and Chris with his pen knife.
“One.. twoooooo…. Three!” Ben yelled, and they all tipped their heads back, drinking from the hole in the side of the can. Nicole’s eyes watered, but she was too competitive to back down now. Foam spilled out of the side of her mouth, but she kept drinking. She could hear people chanting her name as she finally threw the beer can down on the ground, raising her hands in victory. Both Rodrick and Chris were covered in beer foam, but Nicole somehow stayed relatively clean, minus the beer she wiped off her face.
“Ten motherfucking bucks, Chris,” Nicole slurred slightly, grinning at him as he pulled out a crumpled bill from his pocket and threw it at her. 
“Rodrick, how the fuck did you lose, dude? You were the one who taught me how to shotgun,” Ben said, causing Nicole to throw her head back in laughter, before letting out another massive burp that lasted for several seconds. The whole group dissolved into laughter. 
Eventually, the joint got finished, and people started to move back inside. However, Rodrick and Nicole stayed outside, talking about whatever came into their heads.
“Were you ever into Greek mythology as a kid?” Nicole asked, watching Rodrick’s eyes go comically large.
“Does Percy Jackson count?”
Nicole pretended to consider it deeply for a moment, before shaking her head. Rodrick pouted. 
“I only got into Greek mythology because of Percy Jackson. So, I think it still counts.
“Fine. But do you know shit about the constellations they’re associated with?”
Rodrick pointed at the sky, at a random cluster of stars.
“For sure - that's Dingus Humongus, he was a Greek hero with the fattest ass known to man.”
“Sounds like my kinda guy,” Nicole replied, sticking her tongue out as Rodrick squawked in indignation.
“Besides a fat ass, what do you look for in a guy? Not, like, that I care. Just. Wondering.”
“Very good English, Rodrick,” Nicole laughed, “I guess my type is… someone kind. And funny. Someone who tries to be cool and is actually a huge dork. And musical, that's always a plus,” she said, feeling very bold as she looked directly at him. It took Rodrick a moment, but eventually his mouth formed a small “oh” as he realized who she was talking about. His eyes flicked down to her lips. Then he frowned, “I am not a dork.��
Nicole rolled her eyes, “And I’m totally not waiting for you to kiss me right now.”
Nicole watched as the color slowly rose in Rodrick’s cheeks, turning them rosy pink, visible even in the shadow-drenched backyard. Nicole decided to pull yet another risky move, and adjusted herself on Rodrick’s lap so that she was facing him, her thighs on top of his arms around his neck. For such a seemingly confident boy, Rodrick seemed more nervous than she had ever seen him, even when he asked her to come to band practice earlier. Hell, he hadn’t even been that nervous to shotgun the joint into her mouth.
“Sorry, I just… I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. I don’t wanna be bad at it,” he confessed. Just as Nicole thought she couldn’t be any more endeared by this boy. She slid her hands into his hair, thick and soft. She leaned in and gently nosed at his jawline, placing small kisses against his warm skin. Right at his jugular, he smelled like cologne and nighttime and boy, the right mix of clean and sexy. Seemingly gaining his courage, he grabbed Nicole by the back of her head and brought her up to his lips.
It was soft, at first, merely a press of skin to skin, but the two gradually deepened the kiss, moving against each other like they were made for it. Nicole felt like her heart might beat out of her chest - or maybe she was just that high.
Feeling emboldened by Rodrick’s enthusiasm, she slipped her tongue between his lips, gently tangling their tongues together. He let out a low moan, and Nicole could’ve blacked out from how turned on she was by that simple sound. The warmth of his body against hers and the slickness of their mouths together caused a rush of liquid heat to form between Nicole’s legs. Goddamn, he was good at this. Nicole wasn’t sure how many girls Rodrick had kissed before this, but if he was a rookie at this she was damn impressed.
Rodrick’s hands, which had been resting on her waist, slowly moved down her ass and under her skirt, causing Nicole to gasp as he started to knead and grab at her cheeks - not hard, but enough to get her even more hot and bothered than she thought possible.
“Is this okay?” Rodrick asked, his voice low and rough. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” Nicole replied, running her fingers through his hair and scratching her nails down his neck. She felt him shiver beneath her, sending a heady rush of power to her stomach and lower. He pulled her closer to him by her ass, so that their crotches pressed together. Nicole was taken aback by the sensation of his bulge pressed against her, but didn’t pull back, instead grinding down on him.
“Are there still people out here?” Rodrick asked shakily. Nicole pulled back and looked over her shoulder - the backyard was empty, thank god.
“No, just us,” Nicole said, turning back and bringing her lips to his ear, biting and licking the sensitive flesh. Rodrick whimpered, grinding up to meet her, and Nicole almost lost it then and there.
The alcohol and weed in her system were slowing her reactions, but also kept her from thinking too much about what she was doing - all she could think about was how much she wanted this. Sober, this might’ve never happened - she was too nervous about what he would think if she ever made a move, constantly overthinking her every word and action. This dumb boy, who rode with her to work, who stayed to the end of her shift and bought her slushies, had wiggled his way into her every thought and every beat of her heart. She knew she was fucked.
She only wished it was literally.
Nicole opened her eyes briefly to catch Rodrick’s gaze, and out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed the red-and-blue flash of police lights. Rodrick caught sight of the lights at the same time.
“Oh, fuck.”
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Silver Nights With You~
ꕥPosted: 12/18/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Christmas Imagine, Fluff, Angst & Smut (You know it’s gonna end happy, I’m a sap)
ꕥPairing: FemReader! x Mingi
ꕥSummary: You get stuck in a cabin with Mingi and shit goes down( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ꕥWord Count: ~4.9k (Holy shit I’ve never written this much before I am so sorry)
ꕥWarnings: Angst, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it my dudes), Praise (m & f receiving),
ꕥA/N: This is the most angst I will ever write, I was genuinely on the brink of tears while writing this because I honestly can’t stand people being sad. Anyway this literally took me days to write and I really hope you all like it :)
ꕥTagging: @raysanshine​
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“It’s fucking cold.” I took a sip of my hot cocoa, burying myself deeper in the mountain of blankets on my lap, glancing at the snow falling outside.
Wooyoung scoffed and spread his arms along the back of his couch, “It’s December, of course it’s gonna be cold.”
I turned back to him, “Okay, yeah, but I’m still gonna complain about it.”
“You complain about everything.”
“That is a gross over-exaggeration that portrays me in an unfair light and, frankly, you should be ashamed.”
My closest friend smiled, showing his slight dimples. His eyes drifted to my own, smile fading slightly. “What do I have to do for you to join us? Even for an hour or so?”
I sighed. Wooyoung had been bothering me about coming to our friend Yunho’s annual Christmas party for days now, but I simply wasn’t in the mood.
“I’d rather not go at all.”
“You know why.”
A year ago at the same party, my boyfriend Mingi broke up with me. It wasn’t a bad breakup, but it still hurt. He was set to study abroad for the next year and it just made the most sense to him, he told me. So who was I to stand in the way of his dreams? We decided to cut contact shortly after, it being too painful for us to even have small talk. We hadn’t talked since.
I’d spent the following year in a limbo, trying my hardest to enjoy my newfound independence, but ultimately failing, my thoughts somehow finding their way back to Mingi. Everything reminded me of him.
Rainy days made me think of the way he loved to dance with me in the rain, spinning me and smiling wide, warm raindrops messing up our hair. Sunny days made me think of the times we’d both take off work to have picnics, making wishes on dandelions. Stormy days made me think of how we’d cuddle up to one another and watch a trash movie, making fun of the characters’ bad choices. He was a part of me. He always would be. I suppose two years of dating does that. I suppose they take a part of you with them, too.
I told myself I healed. I told myself I was over him. But deep, deep down I knew I wasn’t. Part of me never would be.
“He won’t be there this year, if that helps at all.”
I remained silent, refusing Wooyoung a response, looking down at the carpet.
“I get it. I know what you’re going through. It really wasn’t that long ago that Aisha broke up with me.”
My eyes darted up. Wooyoung hadn’t talked about their breakup with me yet. I refused to push him, knowing he was still in pain and that he’d tell me when he was ready.
“It was for the best but I can’t pretend like I’m gonna move on soon. We were dating for a year and a half for god’s sake.” He let out a bitter laugh and turned to me, “I know it’s tough, but would you do it for me? Please come.”
The high shrill of a female voice rang out through my phone, leading me to pull the device away from my ear.
“I knew Wooyoung could get you to change your mind!”
“Arin I get that you’re excited, but I’m gonna go deaf if you keep yelling.”
“Ack I’m sorry! I’m just so excited to see you! It’s been, what? Five months since I saw you last?”
“Yeah something like that.”
“Well anyways, I know it’s probably tough for you but I really appreciate you going. I know everyone else will, too.”
I tried to push down the longing I felt for Mingi, remembering the previous year in far too much detail.
“Yeah it’ll be nice to see them.”
“Okay I hate to cut it short but my boss might actually fire me if he finds me on my phone again.”
“You’re literally dating him. There’s no way in hell he’d fire you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“Shh not so loud!”
I rolled my eyes, knowing I was speaking no louder than usual.
“Alright. Take care then. I’ll see you at the party.”
“Yep! Love you, girly!”
“Love you, too. See ya.”
My phone beeped, signaling the end of the call.
I checked the calendar hanging on the wall of my bedroom. Three more days till the party and I was dreading it more and more.
A knock at the door startled me and I made my way over, opening the door to find Wooyoung standing before me with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“What are you doing here?”
“What? Can’t a guy just drop by to say hello to his best friend?”
“He can, but you only do when you’re up to something. What is it this time?”
“Nothing! Scout’s honor!” He lifted a hand to make the famous three-fingered salute. 
“You were never a boy scout, dumbass.”
Wooyoung brought a hand to his chest, mocking offense, “I’ll have you know that I simply brought flowers over as a thank you for agreeing to come with us.”
“Aww really? Do you wanna come in?”
“Yeah, really. But nah I can’t stay, I just wanted to drop them off.”
“You’re sweet.”
A cocky smile formed on his face, “I know.”
He passed the flowers over to me, giving me a hug and saying his goodbyes. I watched him walk to his car, a little skip in his step, wondering how anyone could let him go.
I grabbed my warmest jacket and walked out to my car. Today was the day I’d been dreading for weeks. Today was the day I’d have to put on a brave face and pretend I was alright. I mentally hyped myself up as I slid into the driver’s seat.
You’ll be okay. You’re strong. You can do this.
Snow was already starting to fall and I made a mental note to be careful. After all, Yunho’s cabin was roughly an hour away.
As I drove, the snow began to fall much faster, leaving me no choice but to feel concerned. My car didn’t have four-wheel-drive and what if my car got stuck? I was only fifteen minutes away but in snow like this with such a low temperature, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk the rest of the way.
The sun had already begun to set and seeing the road becoming much harder. Only four more minutes with the current speed I was going. I could make it.
Of course, the universe wasn’t having it and my car broke down almost immediately after I had the thought.
I panicked for a brief moment, trying to start up my car with no success.
Wait. My phone.
Grabbing my phone at rapid speed, I found it out of battery.
“I literally just charged it what the hell?”
I tried my best to cope with the fact that I had no choice but to walk the rest of the way. Taking a deep breath, I opened my car door and braced for the cold wind.
Trudging through the snow storm, I felt my ears and hands begin to hurt from the cold. I could barely see where I was going, having to rely on remembering where the cabin was based on the times I had been there prior.
Eventually I spotted a cabin in the distance and kept going, feeling myself lose heat with every step.
Finally, I climbed up the stairs and reached the main doorway.
I knocked loudly against the large wooden door, silently pleading for someone to answer. After waiting a few seconds with no response I tried to turn the door knob, grateful to find it unlocked. 
I pushed the door open and entered, quickly closing it behind me. Warm air rushed over me and I never felt so thankful for indoor heating. The inside looked the same as it always did; the main door lead to the living room which had the same snow globes above the fireplace as always, the same Christmas decorations scattered throughout, and the Christmas tree in the same corner as usual.
I shivered and moved to find a blanket when I saw a tall figure enter the living room. I looked up, feeling my heart drop. Standing before me was the one man that I didn’t want to be here.
Mingi’s eyes widened and mouth opened, looking at me with surprise. It seemed both of us were frozen, unable to do anything other than look at one another.
His rich chestnut hair was longer than when I saw him last, it was parted in the center, reaching his eyes. He was wearing a fitted green sweater that complimented his honey skin and tight ripped jeans. I refused to allow myself to acknowledge how attractive he truly looked. I refused to tell myself how much I missed him and how I wanted nothing more than to jump in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” I managed to say, hating how timid my voice sounded. It’s because of the cold, I thought.
He seemed to come out of his trance, “I could ask you the same.”
“I’m here for the Christmas party.”
Mingi gave me a confused look. “The party isn’t until the twenty third.”
Annoyed, I narrowed my eyes, “It is the twenty third.”
He raised a brow and took his phone from his pocket, turning it to me, ‘December 19th’ it read.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” I huffed, moving to sit down on the couch while running my hands along my arms for some sort of warmth. Mingi noticed immediately and left the room only to bring back several thick blankets.
I removed my jacket and wrapped the blankets around me as tight as I could.
“My car broke down a while back and my phone is dead. Is there anyone here that could give me a ride?” I didn’t want to spend more time with him than I had to. It hurt too damn much.
Mingi gave an apologetic smile, “I’m the only one here, actually.”
I gave the man a confused look, “Why are you here?”
“My second semester ended so I’m no longer studying abroad. I came back to visit friends but didn’t have a place to stay so Yunho has let me stay here for a few days.” He was silent for a few seconds before adding, “I was gonna leave before the party I-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself. It’s fine.”
“I would take you home if I could, but my car is being fixed right now so it isn’t here. We could call someone maybe if that-”
“Yeah that’s fine. Can I borrow your phone?”
He nodded and handed it over. I didn’t notice it when he showed me his phone before, but his lock screen was different. It shouldn’t have hurt to see that it changed from a selfie of us to a picture of him with friends I assume he made abroad. It shouldn’t have. It had been a year, I should be over him.
I opened his phone without needing a password and tried to hide a smile. He never had a password in all the time I’d known him.
Good to know some things never change.
I dialed Wooyoung’s number and pressed the call button.
“We are sorry, but at this time your service provider is out of range. Please-”
I handed back his phone, “You don’t have any signal.”
“That’s odd, we always have service here...Do you wanna charge your phone? Maybe you’ll have better luck?”
He left the room and I placed my head in my hands, trying to process seeing him for the first time in a year. He was devastatingly handsome and still as kind as always.
I really miss him, don’t I?
His voice started me, “Hand me your phone, I’ll plug it in for you.”
I passed my phone over, accidentally touching his warm hands and I felt a spark run through me which I did my best to ignore. With almost comical timing, just as Mingi reached a plug-in, the lights went out.
“Uhh...that’s not supposed to happen.”
I scoffed, “No kidding. Do we have a generator?”
“Honestly, I don’t think we do.” Mingi gave me a sad look, “It’s been snowing hard outside for hours so there’s no way we’ll be able to leave now. Even with a car.”
“Awesome. I love to hear that.”
“At the very least we’ve got food to last us a few days. We should be okay-”
“Do I look like I want to spend several days here?” I snapped.
He looked taken aback at my words and I felt a pang of regret in my chest.
“I’m not sure we have a choice.”
I hated to admit it, but he was right.
“Do you want any food?”
“Huh?” I asked, confused.
“Are you hungry? I could make you something if you’d like.”
I thought for a moment. “Yeah, actually. If you don’t mind, anyway.”
Mingi shook his head, walking to the kitchen. I didn’t realize how hungry I really was until he mentioned it, so I didn’t care what he made for me.
Minutes later he placed a plate and cup on the coffee table in front of me.
My favorite sandwich and chips. He remembered.
It should have been considered kind, but it just broke my heart a bit further. It was a simple act, but it proved that he stored it in his memory.
He remembered.
“I hope it’s still your favorite. I got you your favorite lemonade, too.”
I nodded, trying to prevent tears from spilling.
“I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure what to do.”
“Lighting the fireplace would probably be a good start.”
He laughed, “Ah you’re totally right. I’ll be back with a lighter, call out to me if you need anything.”
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
Stuffing my face with the sandwich, I hummed. I always loved his sandwiches. There was something special about them, knowing that he made them for me, and this one was no different.
Mingi once again returned, this time with a lighter and a blanket, lighting the fire and sitting down on the couch across from me, wrapping himself in the blanket.
I couldn’t help but wonder how I possibly ended up in the current situation. Maybe the universe was out to get me. Who knows?
I took another bite of my sandwich, hoping I’d be able to leave soon.
I briefly glanced over at Mingi to find him on his phone.
Lucky. I wish I had mine so I wouldn’t be so damn bored.
The crackle of the fireplace was the only noise for what seemed like an hour. Neither one of us spoke. Growing tired of not doing anything, I stood and walked towards the fireplace to admire the snow globes. I noticed that behind the globes rested a photo album. I debated whether or not I should open it for the span of a few seconds before my curiosity got the best of me.
Opening it up, I saw pictures of all of our friends from the previous years of Yunho’s Christmas party. I began to walk back to the couch with my eyes on the book when I tripped, some of the pictures falling out. Mingi noticed and quickly rushed over to my side.
“Are you alright?” He was careful not to touch me, I noticed, but he was still right by my side.
“I’m fine, just help me pick these up.” I motioned towards the pictures scattered across the floor.
“Of course.”
We resumed our silence, picking the photos up and placing them back in the book. Noticing Mingi had stopped helping me I looked at him, prepared to make a quick jab at him for not helping, when I saw why he stopped.
In his hands he was holding a picture of the two of us kissing, dated two years prior.
I let out an empty chuckle, devoid of all humor, “I don’t know why that’s still there. Here,” I reached out to take the photo, “I’ll throw it away-”
“Don’t.” His response was immediate, taking me by surprise. He shifted awkwardly, clearing his throat, “I’d like to keep it.”
My heart felt like it stopped for a moment, hoping he missed us as much as I did.
“Why?” I asked.
Mingi smiled, still looking at the frozen image of the two of us. “Do you remember this day?”
“Of course I do.” My eyes began to water without me realizing, “That day was the first time you told me you loved me.”
His eyes found mine, sadness within them, “Yeah. Yeah it was.” His voice became horse as if he was fighting back tears.
“I didn’t want to let you go.”
“Then why did you?”
His eyes drifted down. “I was traveling halfway across the world for a year. I guess part of me thought you would meet someone else. I wanted to save myself the heartbreak in case you did.”
“I would’ve gladly stayed with you if you had asked. I have no desire to meet anyone else. Ever. You are the only one for me.” I froze, the realization of my words hitting me.
Mingi looked at me, “When I was abroad, I missed you every second of every day and I have missed you every second of every day since.” His hands cupped my face as if I was made of glass and a single tear fell down his cheek, causing my own tears to spill.
I was no longer able to speak, and so I did the only thing I could think of: I kissed him.
I kissed him with all the hurt that I felt after he left me. I kissed him with the deep love that I still felt for him. I kissed him with the fear that I’d lose him once again.
Our kisses soon grew heated, the photo album quickly forgotten, and I found my arms wrapped around his neck, hands running through his soft hair while his found their way to the bottom of my sweater, toying with it.
“Do you want this?” He growled, voice much deeper and raspier than before.
With that, he pulled my sweater over my head, eyes scanning the red, lacy bra I was wearing.
His favorite.
Mingi chuckled, “This is still my favorite bra of yours.”
“I don’t know, I’ve got some new ones that are pretty hot.”
He let out a groan and began to leave kisses down my neck, setting my skin on fire.
I stopped him, needed to know one thing before we continued, “Did you...have you...since we last...?”
He smiled, “How could I? I’ve only ever been yours. Have you?”
I gave a slight smile, “No. No, I haven’t.”
I kissed him again and lifted his sweater, tossing it across the room. He had slightly defined abs when I was with him before, but they were far more prominent now. His arms were much more defined and it took all of my concentration to keep from drooling.
“Like what you see, doll?”
My voice was a borderline squeak, “Yes.”
“You still into praise, sweetheart?
I nodded, pulling on his jeans. Only slightly embarrassed with how eager I was.
“Not yet, baby.” Mingi easily lifted me to the couch and helped me remove my jeans. He grabbed my hips and placed me on his thigh, tightening his muscles as he dragged my clothed core across his own jeans. In mere seconds I became a quivering mess. I realized how truly long it had been since I’d been with anyone like this, and I had to admit I was needy.
“What a good girl you’re being for me. Aren’t you? You’re doing wonderfully, my love.”
I whimpered and pulled myself closer to him.
“Are you close, baby?”
I nodded, maybe too quickly, and felt my orgasm wash over me. I panted, already out of breath.
“Good girl.”
Bringing my lips to his I reached for his pants again and this time he helped me remove them. As I grinded down against him, he let out a deep growl.
“Let’s rid you of these, hmm?”
He eagerly removed my panties and bra and stared at me for a minute.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
I blushed fiercely. “You’re so incredibly handsome. Somehow even more so than when I saw you last.”
Mingi looked at me with a shy smile then resumed his actions. He removed his underwear and ran his length across my slit, teasing me slightly.
“Mingi, I need you.” I begged.
His eyes darkened and he entered me without hesitation. My back arched as he reached a steady pace and littered my neck with kisses, most likely leaving hickies, marking me as his.
I pulled his hair, bringing him closer to me. Mingi was always fairly vocal, but he could never get enough of me pulling his hair, always moaning in response.
He reached down and toyed with my clit, causing sparks to fly through me.
“Fuck—babe don’t stop.”
“Wasn’t—shit—planning on it, doll.”
Both of us quickly reached our high, cumming at the same time. I pressed a hand against his chest as I caught my breath.
“You’re still really, really good at that.”
Mingi laughed, “You are too, sweetheart. Oh wait-”
He got up and returned with a warm towel, cleaning me up and looking at me fondly.
“You’re cute.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mingi smiled, placing the towel aside,“Now, how about we get under some blankets? We’ll feel cold soon enough.”
I nodded and began to put my undergarments on, reaching for my sweater.
“I think not.” He said, now with his pants on, handing me his own sweater which I gladly took.
“You look hella good in my clothes, miss.”
I giggled at his choice of words, feeling happiness bubble in my chest for the first time in a long time.
“You look hella good without a shirt, mister.”
Mingi raised a brow and ticked my sides, making me squeal.
“I’ll fight you!” I yelled.
He stopped and rubbed his nose against mine, “Sorry I can’t help it. Your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world.”
“Shut up.” I laughed, feeling shy.
He placed arm around me, nuzzling my neck.
I turned to him, worry in my eyes, “I’m really sorry for lashing out at you earlier. That’s not like me.”
He smiled, “I know it’s not. But don’t worry about it, I understand. It’s a defense mechanism I guess.”
I cuddled up to him then realized I needed to use the restroom. I tried to get up when he pulled me closer to him.
“Please don’t leave me.”
“Silly, I just have to use the restroom. I don’t want a UTI.”
He laughed aloud, “Fine but you better come right back.”
“I will,” I told him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before I walked away.
I soon looked in the mirror of the bathroom, observing my flushed cheeks and the wide smile I couldn’t seem to wipe off my face.
This girl looks happy. I think I can get used to seeing her in the mirror.
I returned and was instantly pulled back into his arms.
“I love you.”
I felt a tear run down my face, feeling beyond happy, “I love you, too. So much.”
I wasn’t sure when, but I felt my eyes began to droop, slowly falling asleep in the arms of the man I loved.
The day following, Mingi’s phone recieved signal and I was able to call Wooyoung. Apparently the power lines had fallen, everyone in the immediate area losing power. The nearest roads had been somehow cleared overnight and he’d be able to come pick me up.
“Wooyoung’s on his way over, apparently everyone lost power.”
“Hmm. well I, for one, am glad we did,” Mingi pulled me into a tight hug.
“Yeah, me too.”
A silence fell between us, but it was comfortable this time.
Mingi spoke up, his voice becoming playful, “I’m taking you on a date soon. There’s nothing you can do about, I’m afraid you cannot refuse.”
“As if I would refuse.”
“Mmm.” I didn’t think he could, but he pulled me even closer to him.
“Mingi you’re literally gonna break my bones.”
He let go of me, eyes wide, “Did I hurt you? Gosh I’m so sorry I can—”
“You didn’t hurt me you goof.”
“Oh good. You scared me.”
The honk of a car horn scared me and I jumped, Mingi hiding a smile.
“Call me if you need anything, okay? You’ve got my number.”
“Of course.” Giving him one last kiss before I bid him goodbye and left the cabin, hopping in Wooyoung’s car.
“Holy shit are you okay? Was anyone even home? My god I feel so bad—”
“Mingi was there.”
Wooyoung’s face froze, quickly turning into a scowl, “I swear if he did anything to you—”
“No, don’t worry about it. We’ve made up,” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.
He didn’t say anything, he only stared at me before he spoke again, “You two totally fucked, didn’t you?”
“Wooyoung!” I slapped his arm in shock.
“You didn’t deny it!”
“Oh shut up. Just take me home.”
He playfully rolled his eyes and put the car in drive.
“Just so you know, I’m happy for you. I get why he did it but I am still a little pissed. I swear to fucking god if he breaks your heart again I will actually break his knee caps.”
“Oh I don’t doubt it. I wouldn’t worry to much about it, though.”
“If you insist, okay.”
“I do.”
December twenty third. The day that I had been dreading once, now one that I had been very much looking forward to. I checked my makeup and outfit once more before texting Mingi.
Me: I’m ready whenever you are!
Mingi Mango: I’m outside :)
Me: Shit, already?
Mingi Mango: Language
I scoffed, grabbing my purse and running outside to meet him.
“Babyyyyyy!” Mingi yelled as he saw me.
“Mangoooo!” I yelled back, jumping into his arms.
“How are you? I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Mingi it’s been two days.”
“But it feels like forever! You look absolutely stunning, by the way.”
“You cheese. You look really good yourself.”
“You know it,” Mingi winked and opened his passenger car door for me, “My lady.”
I was unable to keep from smiling, giving him a little kiss on the cheek and climbing into the car. The entire car ride was filled with lighthearted conversation, not a single silent moment between us.
“We’re here, doll.”
“Yes I see the cabin in front of us.” I teased him.
“Well just in case you didn’t I thought I’d let you know.” He laughed, eyes disappearing into crescents, and I felt my heart swell.
We held hands as we walked into the cabin, finding several pairs of eyes turning to us, then to our intertwined hands. I was pleased to find smiles on my friend’s faces, feeling happy that they were happy for us. Arin came running towards me at a seemingly inhuman speed and wrapped her arms around me.
“Ahhh how are you, girly? I’ve missed you so much! And you look gorgeous! I love that sweater on you! And your makeup! Wow! How’d you do that? Have you been eating well?”
“One question at a time, Arin.” I smiled.
“Sorry! I’m just so happy!”
"Me too!” I looked around, “Do you know where Wooyoung is?”
“Oh he’s out back with San. They’re having a competition to see who can build the better snowman.”
I shook my head with a smile.
At that moment she took a step back, looking at our hands. I had told her about Mingi and I dating again over the phone and she seemed happy for me, but I had to admit I was nervous to see her reaction in person.
“You,” She pointed a finger at Mingi, “If you hurt even a hair on her head I will actually fight you.”
Mingi’s eyed widened, assuring her that he would never hurt me.
She clapped her hands, “Well, good. Now that that’s over, do you all want a drink?” Arin cocked her head, the change in mannerisms throwing me a little.
“Yeah that’s fine.”
“Okay! I’ll be right back! Catch up with everyone you two!”
As if he was a ghost, Yunho appeared next to Mingi, scaring us both.
“Christ, Yunho. Give a man a warning first.”
“Sorry,” He chucked, “How are you both?”
“We’re doing well, thanks.”
“We’re happy.” Mingi turned to me and looked at me with heart eyes, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
“You all are cute. Speaking of, you haven’t met Mia, have you?”
Mingi and I exchanged confused looks.
“No, I don’t believe so. Who’s that?”
“She’s my new girlfriend. We’ve been dating for a little over a month but if I’m being honest, I’m already head over heels for this girl.” Yunho turned, calling out to a girl surrounded by people, “Mia, can you come here?”
The short brunette walked over, a smile plastered on her face as she made eye contact with Yunho.
“I’d like you to meet my friends from high school.” He introduced us and she nodded, fully invested in the conversation.
“I’ve heard a lot about you both! I’m so excited to get to know you all better!”
I smiled at her enthusiasm, “Aww you, too!”
Arin walked over and handed Mingi and I our drinks, skipping off to meet another friend.
Yunho and Mia wondered off soon after, greeting more people coming in.
“Hey I’ve got something I wanna show you.” Mingi whispered in my ear.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
���Come with me.”
Before I knew it, Mingi was pulling me into a bathroom and locking the door.
“I know what you’re doing, Mango.”
“And what’s that?” He asked as he leaned down to reach my neck, kissing me gently, arms resting on my hips.
“We’re at a party.” I said, whining at him but doing nothing to stop him.
“I saw that couch when we walked in, you know? I’m never going to be able to look at it the same.”
“Me either.”
My head eventually won the fight I was having with myself, and I promised that if he could wait till he dropped me off I’d be all his. It seemed to appease him as he gave me one last kiss and led us out of the bathroom. Somehow, no one noticed and I was grateful, sure that my flustered expression would certainly give us away.
“Hey, look at this.”
My eyes moved in the direction Mingi was pointing, seeing a mistletoe directly above us.
“Oh you definitely planned that.”
“And if I did?”
“I’d kiss you all the same.”
Mingi bent down to kiss me, a hand on my face, another around my waist. As I wrapped my own hands around his neck, deepening the kiss, I couldn’t help but think that this was what true happiness felt like.
Thank you, Mingi. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of your love. Merry Christmas, my love.
78 notes · View notes
kisafavi-17 · 3 years
- football star
- quarterback
- friends with newsies in middle school
- openly bisexual
- he/him
- seems scary but is really nice
- had a small fling with sarah
- average student
- creator of blog
- junior in high school
- just turned 17 in february
- teachers love him
- massive flirt
- loves horror movies and will put them on to have background noise
- lives with medda
- straight A+
- honor roll gate kid
- taking 5 AP classes
- gay and on the ace spectrum
- major social anxiety
- new kid
- met jack first
- closeted/didn’t know
- tutor to most newsies
- has a older sister sarah (by 1 year) and younger brother les (10 years old)
- he/they?
- editor of the blog (once joined)
- mentally ill
- scared of spot
- sophomore taking junior classes
- 15 years
- reads romantic novels to understand women
- has feminine products on him at all times
- has sensory issues
- pothead
- always has nic of some kind
- always horny
- flirts with all
- attracted to few
- very openly gay
- gets bullied a lot
- on-scene reporter for the school news blog
- barely passing
- he/they/she (doesn’t care really)
- swears A LOT
- met spot in 4th grade
- sophomore (got held back a year) 16 years old
- is down for anything
- lives with jack at medda’s
- is the meme lord
- does. not. sleep. (or sleeps all the time no in between)
- has dyslexia and reads wattpad or redit
- either really rich or really poor
* Rich:
- daddy’s money
- old family friends with jack
- arranges interviews with people for the blog
- on baseball team
- picks on boys
- lowkey feminist
- internalized homophobia
- drives a porsche… a BRIGHT RED porsche
- he/him (says nor/mal like a douche tho)
- takes “performance enhancing” pills
- secretly hangs out with the newsies
- junior but really young
- david is his tutor
- lowkey really dumb
- refuses to read anything. ever
- he’s like 5’10 (says hes 6’0 tho)
- real name is thomas
* Poor:
- wears zip-up hoodies with black skinny jeans
- beat up black vans
- emo
- also a really young junior
- hot topic is his ✨home✨
- everyone is scared of him
- the “quiet kid”
- he/him
- closeted bi pref men
- race is his only friend
- occasionally smokes weed
- oldest sibling of 3 (twins one of each. 5th grade)
- has a job no one knows about
- works as a waiter at a dinner an hour from school
- HE. IS. LIKE. 5’11.
- gets into fights and never looses
- secretly simping for race
- protects the newsies
- writes anonymous articles for blog
- ✨black eyeliner✨
- always has painted fingernails
- B+ average
- real name is sean
- book worm
- she/they
- loves the book worms
- reads anything and everything
- does photography for school blog
- definitely does theater/choir
- owns wattpad
- writes on wattpad
- definitely simping for fictional characters
- has tried a vape once
- lightweight
- tall
- like 5’8.5
- mamma mia fangirl
- loves DC movies
- has every girl/boy crushing over her
- therapist friend
- always has everything you need somehow
- met jack at a party
- doesn’t allow ANYONE to pick on david along with jack
- cottage gore ascetic
- loves disney
- drives a blue subaru
- is on the high school dance team
- hates the term “UwU”
- is a 16 year old junior
- on football team
- still has eyepatch but no one cares
- gayyyy
- dating mush
- funny af
- is a really old sophomore
- 16 years old (a january baby)
- camera man for race for blog
- besties are bumlets, mush, and jack
- only one without family trauma
- has twin sister
- has the funniest laugh ever
- volunteers at homeless shelters
- cinnamon roll🥺
- real name is dylan
- hornyyyyy
- has smexy pics on snap
- harry potter fan
- griffindor
- starts beef for no reason
- watches horror to freak mush out
- it works
- hates horror movies
- is dating blink
- is on the wrestling and dance team
- people tease him for being on the dance team
- 15 year olds sophomore
- wants to be a veterinarian
- owns a chicken for some reason
- no one knows how he got a chicken
- chickens name is Kentucky (hehe)
- is a cinnamon roll 🥺
- body dysmorphia
- has eating disorder
- nicknamed sunshine (brought to you by blink)
- has braces
- has mainly girl friends and everyone thinks he’s dating them
- he/him
- pansexual
- civil rights activist
- hates when blink gets hurt
- is a crackhead some times
- is a vegetarian
- works lighting for blog interviews and reports
- PDA is not his thing but he doesn’t mind it
- people think he’s a crybaby when in reality, he rarely cries
- loves disneyland and disney in general
- friends with everyone
- is the matchmaker
- cuddle bug with blink
- mostly C’s and B’s on his report card
- real name is aaron (hehe)
- is a romantic so… mush
- emo vibes
- on dance team
- is secretly good at soccer
- gamer boi
- has only been in one long term relationship
- is broken hearted
- keeps to himself
- they/he
- pansexual
- had a crush on blink for a bit
- has crushed on every newsie at least once
- is pretty chill
- 15 year old sophomore
- currently single
- taking AP classes with david
- is like really smart
- reads AO3
- doesn’t like wattpad
- plays CoD and halo
- rages when he games
- scary dog privilege (owns a pit bull)
- pit bulls name is kiara
- knows how to ballroom dance
- romantic boi
- doesn’t open up easily
- knows how mush got his chicken
- friends with poor spot
- is a writer for blog because he can actually spell
- real name is lucas
- has depression hence “bumlets”
- surprisingly really strong
- ✨flexible✨
- one of the oldest newsies (terms of joining)
- only talks to bumlets and jack
- doesn’t like david to much
- has a RBF
- is 16 (turns 17 in august)
- is a junior
- smokes cigarettes
- doesn’t have social media
- is on the varsity water polo team
- ✨rings galore✨
- tries to be cool
- has 2 cats
- cats are cheesy and monica
- has an older brother in college
- works at 7 11
- is not looking for a relationship
- he/him
- straight ally
- tried being gay but didn’t work out
- drinks white wine
- always stressed
- decent student
- A- average
- friends with all the coaches
- headphones are his lifesaver
- is a very numb human
- always has cold skin for some reason
- even in like 100 degree weather he is still cold to the touch
- had facebook then deleted it because hack found his account and spammed it
- historical fiction type of dude
- is the one who finds all of the info to give to writers/reporters for blog
- loves bumlets dog
- drives a toyota prius
- real name is jefferson
- no one but jack knows how he got the name skittery
- was in a car accident
- real name is charles
- has social anxiety and dyslexia
- should get picked on but jack doesn’t let that happen
- soft boi
- technically isn’t a newsie but shows up to the meetings
- is a emotional support teddy bear
- is the assistant director for the school plays
- best friends are jack, sarah, and mush
- only has instagram
- terrified of heights
- occasionally sleeps over at meddas
- adults love this child
- they/them
- gay
- loves disney
- knows the entire hunchback of notre dame movie by heart
- is 14 years old
- freshman. the only freshman newsie
- child of the group
- goes to all of his friends game or competitions to cheer them on
- is really short
- says “rawr” a lot
- jack and races mother
- is a voice actress
- has been in disney films
- “if you’re going to drink id rather you do it in the house” mentality
- hates the idea of nicotine
- on the PTA
- has annual passes to disneyland
- loves all the newsies
- wants to adopt poor spot
- is in her late 30s to early 40s
- she/her
- straight… kind of
- she says she’s straight but by definition she’s pan
- civil rights activist
- has an ACAB sticker on her car
- if the sexuality/gender exists in the lgbtq+ community, she has their flag
- likes gardening
- will never use the wrong pronouns
- doesn’t really eat at chain restaurants
- not afraid to kill someone who hurts one of the newsies
- i’m serious
- she’s tried
- ….
- in 5th grade; 10
- friends with poor spots siblings
- is friends with the newsies
- loves medda
- is like another crutchie without the trauma/depression/anxiety/etc.
- asks david if him and jack are dating
- he knew david was 💅 before david did
- loves it when one or all of the newsies picks him up from school
- everyone loves him
- got picked on for having a “looser brother”
- spot (both poor and rich) picked him up one time with david. said “if you have a problem with les, you got a problem with me!”
- les was never bothered again
- gets lifted onto the guy’s shoulders all the fricking time
- loves feeling tall
- wants to play football like jack
- is very smart
- is ridiculously fast
- he has the fastest mile time in the whole grade
- teachers pet
- doesn’t have many friends his age
- brags about the newsies to his classmates
11 notes · View notes
mayraki · 4 years
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“where it all began: in prision”
who is max belinsky?
concept boards for the new characters
summary: Max Belinsky and JJ Maybank are the two troublemakers of Outer Banks. Going to parties, getting into trouble, having an attitude and being the two people you don’t mess with are the perfect ways to describe them. What would happen when the two people who seem to have trouble follow them around meet? One thing is fore sure, they didn’t expect this outcome.
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What are the perfect words to describe Max Belinsky? Well, there’s many. The first thing that people think when they see her is: here comes trouble. Her attitude, humor and the ways to get into trouble gave her that reputation. Sometimes, she wasn’t even tying to get into trouble, but somehow it had it’s ways and it would always find her. She would be walking and then around the corner, there it was; trouble. But she got used to that life, she started to love it, always wishing for that feeling of rush it would give her. She learnt to carry the fame that the people gave her on her shoulders, with pride.
Living in the lovely Outer Banks had it’s ups and downs, more downs than anything else. For example, downs? It was far from everything. And you had two options, living in a huge mansion, having everything handed to you without moving a finger, or working your butt off every single day to have a decent meal on your table. Ups? It’s paradise on earth! Or at least for some people. But Max liked living there... well, it’s not like she had the money to get the hell out of there. But, in the meantime, she had her best friend, an island that she knew like the palm of her hand, and the desire to have the best summer of her life.
She made that pact with her best friend, Sam, since the two of them walked outside their classroom the last day of school. But, it had it’s consequences, for example, ending up on the back of a police car after a accident in an abandoned building. That’s specific, because that’s where Max was on that lovely night of Saturday.
“Max, there has to be a last time where I have you on the back of my car.” Officer Presley said while watching Max on the driving mirror. She was looking at the trees passing and then a little laugh came out of her mouth once the memory came into her mind.
“Well, it’s not my fault that Officer Johnson can’t keep himself straight.” Max tried to hold on a laugh while the face of the Officer was going on and on in her head like a broken DVD.
“You ran towards him! You jumped and that made him fall into the floor.” Officer Presley let out a big sigh to calm herself. She knew Max too well, and she understood a while back that arguing with her was not going to get her anywhere.
“It was an accident!” Max said defending herself. “I was running away, and then I tripped making me fall on top of him. It was not on purpose! That was not my intention in the begging, but, my plan worked and my friends are safe from you guys. So...” She let her back rest on the back of her seat satisfied with her actions.
“Still doesn’t make it right, Max. You’ll get in serious trouble one of these days, and it’s going to be in your record forever. You want that?” Officer Presley always tried to guide Max on the right path, which was keeping her away from getting into trouble, but Max never listened. She would always ask something to change the topic.
“How’s the wife, Jennifer?” Max asked with a smile. But when Officer Presley was about to say something, was cut off by her little radio.
“Officer Presley?” The voice spoke. Max recognised Deputy Miller’s voice and started to listen to the conversation carefully.
“Yes sr?”
“You have Miss. Belinsky with you?”
“Yes, ready to head back to the station.”
“There’s been a call about a young man showing a gun at a party. He’s in the main beach with Officer Johnson. Pick him up.”
“Yes, sr.” The car made an U turn and now they were facing the beach.
“You know, that Miller, I don’t like him. He seems like a douche bag. Is it that hard to say ‘please’?” Max said while slowly shaking her head left and right.
“He’s my boss, Max, he doesn’t have to say please.” Max rolled her eyes and then let out a big sigh, making Officer Presley look at her in the driving mirror.
“You can do better, Jennifer. Being boss around by a man that doesn’t know how to be a decent human being? Fuck that.”
“Language, Max.”
“I’m just saying! You’re so much better than those guys.” Officer Presley pulled the car over once they were on the entrance of the main beach.
“Well, you better keep that to yourself since Officer Johnson is coming.” Max turned her head to the window next to her and noticed two figures walking towards the car. It was dark, but Max was able to figure out that the tall man was the cop, and the one next to him was the freak who showed to a party with a gun.
“You want me to say to Officer Johnson what I really think? Because you know me, I will.” Max said after looking back at Officer Presley.
“Max, don’t.” She said before getting out of the car.
Max shrugged her shoulders and then went back to looking out the window. She was trying to figure out who was the guy next to Johnson, but the light outside wasn’t enough. All she could see was that he was wearing some old boots and a sleeveless shirt. Max lifted her eyebrows once the guy stretched and a piece of light made it possible to see it his arms perfectly.
“Well... damn.” Max let out a little laugh once the thought of her being attracted to a guy with a gun appeared on her mind.
Officer Presley got inside the car and Max turned to her. “Be nice.”
“What? I’m always nice.” Max said in her defence but Officer Presley gave her a serious look. “Alright, I’m going to be nice to the dude that waved a gun to a bunch of people at a party, sure!” Presley caught her sarcastic tone and then added;
“That’s not what happend.” Curiosity hit Max’s body, but couldn’t ask anything about it, since the opposite door to where Max was opened, letting the mysterious guy enter the car.
JJ Maybank. The other famous troublemaker, the one who would get himself into fights, ending up drunk and having tourons around his arms. The both knew who each other were, their reputation amongst the police and the Pogues didn’t pass unnoticed by anyone. But they didn’t say anything to each other, they turned to the front seats once Officer Johnson got inside the car and his head popped out and looked to where JJ and Max were.
“I should’ve seen this day coming, we have the two most famous teens that fuck things up in our car tonight.” Johnson said and then a little laugh come out of his mouth. It was like he was making fun of them for finally being caught, and that made Max roll her eyes. Presley got annoyed at that comment and Max let out a little smile once she noticed.
“It’s nice to see you on your two feet, Johnson.” Max said and he rolled his eyes.
“This two have been causing me headaches since they started to think for themselves.”
“Aw, I’m honored to be recognised for that.” Max said with a proud smile.
“Yeah, we should get a price or something.” JJ said and Max turned to him with a smirk. He winked at her, but she just turned back to the front seats, ignoring the wink completely.
“The only price you two are going to get are community service hours. Now, shut up and let the adults talk.” Johnson said and then closed the little window they had between the front seats and the back.
“What a lovely man.” Max said sarcastically. She turned to see the street passing on her window, but when she felt JJ moving on her side, she locked eyes with him.
“The famous Max Belinsky...” JJ said and Max furrowed her eyebrows.
“It’s nice to finally meet the other supposed ‘troublemaker’.”
“Supposed?” Max asked. She felt a joking tone on his voice.
“Well, people like to call us that. But I just see two hot teenagers trying to have fun while they’re on this boring ass town.”
Max lifted an eyebrow once she heard the word ‘hot’ coming out of his mouth. “You think I’m hot?” Max expected JJ to get nervous and shy when she caught him calling her hot. But it was the opposite, JJ let out a smirk and then nodded.
“Unbelievable. You’re flirting with me on our way to the police station... I guess your reputation it’s not a fairytale.” Max turned her head to her window letting JJ know the conversation was over, but when she heard him laugh her head never turned so quickly. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing. I’ll just wait to see you in action, then.” He said and a little smirk appeared on her face. Like Max expected to see JJ nervous earlier, JJ expect the same thing once he started to flirt with her, usually that’s what the girls get when he does it on them, get all blushed, but Max rolled her eyes and then looked the other way, making JJ get even more interested in the girl he had next to him.
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“Looking good Kelly!” Max yelled once Presley let her get out of the car and she locked eyes with the old lady that worked next to the police station. “Nice earrings!”
Kelly gave Max a little smile and then waved at Presley, but she was giving Max a serious look witch Max responded with an innocent smile.
They carried on walking up the stairs to the police station, and once they were inside, Max gained a couple of stares from the multiple people in the room, they all knew her too well, more than they would all like to. But once Jennifer took Max to the cell at the end of the long corridor, Max was out of their sight.
“Ah... the smell of fresh coffee. I’m never going to get tired of the smell in this room.” Max said to Presley, but she locked the cell and then walked away, without giving Max one of her famous lectures.
Max sat down on the bench at the side of the room and then let her back rest on the wall. She let her eyes went over the room, she saw it a couple of months ago when she ended up there after getting caught stealing some alcohol from some Kooks. The dark walls and the cold feeling the room gave off, even if it was one of the hottest days outside. She started to let her feet go back and forth out of boredom, when she heard the cell door open again and JJ Maybank appeared in front of her.
“Behave, or I’ll add you more hours to your community service.” Officer Johnson said and JJ saluted him, wich led to Johnson rolling his eyes and then locking the cell door once again.
“Well... I guess we’re going to be here a while, I guess it’s time for us to get to know each other.”
“Do we have to?”
“C’mon, you’re my cell buddy, we do!” JJ sat down on the floor across to where Max was.
She let out a little sigh and then crossed her arms around her chest. “What do you want to know?”
“Why are you here?” As soon as JJ asked that, the memory of Officer Johnson came into Max’s mind and a little laugh escaped her mouth.
“I went to the old building on the side of the road with a bunch of my friends, and I was the distraction once the cops came.” JJ gave Max an approval nod. He indeed was. He was starting to see the girl that everyone was talking about, even though they were already in a cell.
“Being the hero, nice bro.”
“Thanks.” The opportunity that Max wanted on the car came. “And I guess you’re here for waving a gun to a bunch of people?” She didn’t hesitate asking, since the words came out of the mouth faster than she intended.
JJ let out a little laugh and then looked down. “I didn’t waved the gun. It feel from my backpack after some annoying Kook pushed me.”
“Ah, the Kooks...” Max slowly nodded. “They never fail on making us angry.”
“Exactly. They are all a bunch of rich brats.”
Max pointed at JJ with a smile. “Now, the first time we agree on something.” JJ nodded and a little laugh came out of his mouth.
“Well, that’s not right though. We both agree that the other one is pretty hot.” He said and Max shook her head confused.
“I don’t think I ever agreed on that, dude.”
“C’mon! You were totally into me when i flirted with you on the car, don’t lie.”
“You’re not that good at reading people, bro.” A little laugh escaped Max’s mouth and JJ pretend to be offended.
“For your information, I’m pretty good at this stuff.”
“Mmm? Really? I don’t think so.”
“Are you coming to the Kegger tomorrow night? I can show you there how good I am.” JJ said quickly.
“I’m usually don’t impressed.”
“Well, you haven’t met me.”
“I just did.” Max pointed at herself and then at JJ. “And... I’m still not impressed.”
JJ nodded and then a little smirk appeared on his face. “Playing hard to get. Alright, I like a good challenge.”
“Don’t call me challenge, dude.”
JJ lifted his hands into the air. “Sorry, my bad. But seriously... are you coming to the party?”
Max lifted an eyebrow and a little smirk apoyos her face. “Do you want me to?”
“See now, you’re the one who’s flirting with me.” JJ said with a smile but Max shook her head.
“This is not how I flirt, believe me.”
“I can’t believe you, it’s really hard for me, why don’t you come here and show me? Like a demonstration.”
Max let out a fake smile. “Ha, ha. Very funny.” She said sarcastically and JJ shrugged his shoulders.
“Worth the try.”
Once both of them heard a couple of steps coming from the other side, they both turned their heads to the noise, finding Deputy Miller walking towards them with a arrogant smile on his face. “Having fun you two?” He said after opening the cell door. “Ready?”
After walking inside the Deputy’s office, Max and JJ sat down across his desk. Officer Presley walked into the room followed by Johnson.
“It was time these two got what they deserve.” Johnson let out a big laugh and Max rolled her eyes. She hated watching him so happy and proud with himself.
“Johnson, calm down.” Presley said annoyed.
Deputy Miller walked into the room and then proceeded to sit down on his desk. He wasn’t taking his eyes away from some papers he had on his hands, Max started to get impatient, but she didn’t want to show it. She had her natural little smile on her face and was looking around the room, but once she stopped on JJ, he turned to her and gave her a wink. Max gave him the ‘seriously?’ look, making JJ let out a little laugh.
Deputy Miller looked up from his papers and then sighed, taking his glasses from his face and then looking back at JJ and Max.
“You’re not going to get bored of this lifestyle, aren’t you?” They both looked at each other trying to figure out who he was talking to. “I’m talking to both of you.”
“Oh, that’s good to know.” Max said and Deputy Miller shook his head disappointed.
“We have two different cases here, but we’re going to handle them equally. You two are going to do 24 hours of community service. We’re talking cleaning beaches, docks, the water...”
“24 hours?” JJ asked surprised at the amount of hours they were giving them. Deputy Miller nodded.
“I have to work, man. I can’t do 24 hours.” Max said with the same expression as JJ.
“You should’ve thought that before going into that private property.” Johnson said but Max didn’t turn to him, she kept looking at Deputy Miller, trying to figure a way out of that situation.
“Is this or it’s going to stay in you record forever.” Miller said and then turned to Max specifically. “Now, Belinsky, I don’t think your parents are going to like this... am I right?” That seemed to had hit Max on the inside, since she straightened her back and then looked down. That caught JJ’s attention, for the first time since he knew Max, she didn’t respond, and that made JJ intrigued, but when Miller turned to him he looked away from her. “Maybank. I can say the same thing for you?”
JJ cleared his thought and Max looked up to him. “Yes, sr.” They both locked eyes but then looked away after a couple of seconds.
Maybe they had more in common than just their reputation.
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“Dude! I seriously can’t believe we’re doing community service. This sucks!” Max said once they were out of the police station.
JJ followed her once she started to walk away. “That’s what you get for being the hero.” He said. She was about to say something but when JJ sat on the floor and proceeded to take off his boot, she stood there confused.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She asked looking down at him.
JJ smiled once he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the blunt and Max felt disgusted once she saw the little white roll on JJ’s hand.
“That’s disgusting man!” Max said, but JJ didn’t bother, he grabbed the lighter he had on his back pocket and then proceeding to light the blunt.
“It’s better than being caught with weed.” He shrugged his shoulders and then continued walking away. But then turned around to see Max still standing in the middle of the street. “You want one?” He let the smoke come out of his mouth.
“I’m good.” Max reached the back of his shorts and took the blunt out from her pocket. JJ let out a big smile after she showed him the roll, and then walked back to where Max was, handing her his lighter which she took gratefully.
“I guess we’re going to see more of each other now.” JJ said after they were both happy with their blunts and continued walking.
“I guess.” Max let the smoke come out of her mouth and she enjoyed the feeling of the slight wind that was blowing on her face. JJ turned his head to see her and noticed a little star tattoo behind her ear. He wanted to ask her about it, but the words weren’t coming out of his mouth, like he was mesmerised by her. “I’ll see tomorrow, then.” Max said before crossing the street.
“Tomorrow?” JJ asked confused.
“Don’t you want me on that kegger you’re throwing?” Max asked with a little smirk.
JJ took the blunt to his mouth and then nodded. “I’ll be looking for you!” He yelled since Max was now far away.
This time, she was the one who winked at him, leaving the poor boy with a head full of questions about the famous Max Belinsky.
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here’s the first chapter of Don’t mess with the troublemakers! I’m so nervous to post this because I worked so hard on the story and I’m so proud of it. I hope y’all like it and let me know what you think of the first chapter! that would mean a lot :)
@iamaunicorn4704 @onceinagenerationrage @lasnaro @k-k0129 @x-lulu
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S3 E1
- The jalopy ride in the summer sun, the Main Four looking young and carefree and sexy and pretty, all together!  This scene is a litmus test for people who know how to enjoy Riverdale and people who can’t get into the spirit of the thing.   I especially loved Veronica’s choice to tie her hair up in a scarf.  And the car ride to say goodbye to Archie at the end of these people’s childhood in a couple years made this even more poignant.
- Josie and Sweetpea!!!   The more I pay attention to Sweetpea, the more attractive he gets.  He loves and follows alpha women - Toni for leadership, Josie as a girlfriend - and he’s the best looking boy in Riverdale. He smiles with his whole face at Josie, and Josie’s devotion to music is more commitment than I’ve ever felt for anything in my life because how can she resist this?  I think it’s the contradictions and tensions of his features and persona that makes Sweet Pea so arresting.  Strong nose, sharp eyes, round cheeks, a shy smile.  A goofy younger-brother type when he’s at ease, ready to knock heads together when he’s in a mood.  He’s the type of dude that all macho dude bros pick out as the one to defeat but then he goes for the alpha girl types! 
- Archie is excellent at making the most of a moment in a way that registers like extreme high functioning emotional intelligence. He can lay aside long term worries and be truly in the moment, and give love and offer fun to his friends no matter what else is going on.  A person who can carry out a determination to have a good, special day is so valuable.  Instead of whinging about Why Me and Woe, Archie tries to take care of his girlfriend and his dad while he can.  I’m into Archie again.
- Bughead are (is? what is grammar?) so beautiful.  I both love and resent this about their chemistry.  I object to a lot of what’s going on with Bughead, because they intensify the worst tendencies in each other (Jughead equating devotion with suicidal self-erasure, Betty’s extreme self-absorption), but whenever they look at each other and do that thing where they make the air go pink and fizzy, I just can’t resist.  Betty!  How angelic she looks with her hair loose! (Me doing the creepy Penelope Blossom voice from the S3 Finale - “Betty~ Pretty~”)  The tete-a-tete by the campfire made me think of what Clark Gable says to Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits:  
“You're a real beautiful woman. It's almost kind of an honor sitting next to you. That's my true feelings.” 
This is how Jughead feels about Betty, and I agree. Boy has good taste. Goddamn. And the way Jughead appreciates Betty is a magical combination of puppy-love starry-eyed idolization tempered with a capacious ability to both see and forgive all her many, many flaws.   Oh and randomly,  I really love what I think of as Jughead’s Amish outfit - black pants, blue shirt, black stripe suspenders.  
- This episode is narrated by Jughead, and it’s got so much bright sunlight.  Fangs, Sweetpea and Jughead, in the sun!  The pool party at Cheryl’s!  This seems kind of heartless, because no matter what is happening to Archie, Jughead is in fact having a good summer.   I did appreciate all the bright light, because it allowed  me to see all the beautiful faces in this show very clearly, but still. 
- Sidebar to ask: What would we do without Cheryl?  Bright red bikini top and jacket against snow white skin, looking like she never sweats because she has no pores.  We need to all aspire to be Cheryl, who in her mind looks fantastic in Cheryl Slo-Mo, and always accompanied by some triumphant song.   Also, Cheryl is a witch and accurately prophesies that Archie will not be graduating with them. 
- Betty as Serpent Queen was a huge mistake, and the extraordinary amount of second hand embarrassment I felt at her pronouncement of Serpent Queen = Warrior Queen was affirmed by the smirk that threatens to split Toni Topaz’s face in two.
- Jughead v Penny.  Just realized that Penny P is quite tall. Jughead is not a short boy, and she looks him right in the eye, while wearing flat heeled boots (I checked) (Say you’re short without saying you’re short.)  Penny is still mad that she’s dealing with Jughead (Jonesy~) and not an adult like FP or Tall Boy..
- I keep seeing Prince Hal (Henry IV Part 2) in the Jughead -as- Serpent story and I was rewarded in this episode with a direct (mis)quote by FP from the play. “Uneasy sits the crown”?    Cheryl loose canon, Penny attacker, Betty is a target - all of Jughead’s problems are women!
- I forgot that Mary Andrews almost wins the case (hung jury! and mistrial!) and it’s Archie that decides to throw himself into prison. 
- Is there a timeline somewhere for how long Jughead and Betty have hung out and known each other?  The three of them used to hang out all the time at the Sweetwater swimming hole, got covered in leeches... but Betty had no idea how Jughead celebrated his birthday?  I’m going with my headcanon, that their interactions ended around 5th grade (because that’s when my own puberty started in earnest) and didn’t see much of each other until 10th, at the start of S1.
- Veronica is now fully Mija Veronica who needs to be protected from her father by Hermione’s heroic (?) under-the-surface sacrifice (?), but this then robs Veronica of the thing that all the other kids in Riverdale have, which is that they are not in the control of their parents.  How we ended up here after the thrilling Mama V start of Season 1,  I don’t quite know because I was too busy with ... well, The PLOT, but I’m sad.
- Random Summary Thoughts:  Betty needs a better security system for her diaries!  Veronica puts in a summer at the Chocklit Shoppe!   When did Jughead develop  his gentle older-brother-ish relationship with Dilton, where he sweetly invites him to wait and rest at the trailer when Dilton is obviously freaking out?  Also, Dilton has wonderful art skills, too bad he died immediately. 
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yukipri · 4 years
On the Baratie, Part 2 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Tonight I bring another humble offering of a text story, this time a continuation of the Baratie story that y’all voted to see more of!
This was posted in advance on my Patreon several weeks ago ^ ^
Continues off of Part 1, but can be enhanced by reading the Prologue as well!
Links to previous parts:
👒🐟On the Baratie, Part 1
👒🐟On the Baratie, Prologue
Sanji and Gin jolt when they notice the mermaid draped over the rail above them, her tail gripping the wood like an anaconda.
"Glad you got food!" she says to Gin, who is too busy staring to hear her words. "And you!" now directed at Sanji, "You're cool! Join my crew!"
Sanji can't really judge Gin, because he's staring too. It's hard to tear his gaze away from the stunning goddess who has seemingly materialized out of thin air to be within touching distance, but he manages, and--it appears she's alone. The pirates are nowhere in sight.
"Are you alright?" his words leave in a soft whoosh, in case the pirates can hear, and Gin finally snaps out of it to look at Sanji with concern.
"Me? I'm great! The food here's awesome! I'd be more awesome if you joined my crew!" She grins, and her mouth is full of gleaming pearls, and Sanji struggles not to swoon.
"Your...crew?" Sanji's impressed he managed to catch that, he's so entranced by her voice. It's lower than he expected, but rich, and bright, and boyish in a way that matches her wind-tousled hair.
"Yeah, I'm a pirate!" She announces proudly, slapping her flukes against the wood in emphasis.
"A...pirate," Sanji repeats. "Those people who came in with you..."
"They're my crew! They're awesome!" The pearls flash again.
Sanji's inclined not believe her; he has no clue what the pirates have forced her to say, and even if that's not the case, she has this innocent air to her that suggests she may have been tricked into believing herself a willing member of the crew--but he stops.
There's something about her, the way her big, wide eyes sparkle and her smile shines down on Sanji warmer than the sun, that convinces him that she's telling the truth.
The mermaid really is a pirate. Which means she doesn't need to be rescued.
"I see," he manages to say, and slowly forces the tension from his shoulders. He'd be lying if he said there wasn't a small part of him that's disappointed that he won't be able to act as her shining knight. But a much larger part of him is relieved, relieved because he honestly wasn't sure how he'd get rid of the pirates without the shitty old man and the Baratie suffering, and relieved because it means his princess isn't in distress. As much as he'd love to be her hero, Sanji doesn't think he could bear to see her in tears.
They talk some more, and Sanji's once again impressed with his ability to maintain a normal conversation with the mermaid, whose name is Luffy. Gin blanches at her announcement that they're going to the Grand Line, but he'd seen the members of her crew too, and reluctantly nods.
"Just be careful out there, monsters live on the Grand Line," Gin warns as he prepares to set off.
"It's okay, we have monsters too!" Luffy grins, carefree as can be. Gin and Sanji believe her, though neither at the time suspect that she includes herself among her crew's "monsters."
Zeff comes out as Gin's leaving, and Sanji cheerfully destroys the evidence of having fed the starving pirate before the restaurant owner's eyes. Luffy blinks at the exchange, before something seems to click.
"Oh, you're the Zeff dude!"
Zeff's eyebrows climb into his impossibly tall hat. "Oh? And you must be our first ever mermaid customer. The cooks were in quite an uproar over you." His eyes flick to Sanji knowingly, well aware that Sanji had shoved the other cooks aside in order to claim the honor of cooking for their party personally.
Luffy seems weirdly pleased. "Hey, Zeff dude, I found you! Thatch wanted to talk to you. So you should go talk to him!"
She's clearly very satisfied at having relayed her message, and Zeff harrumphs. "Thatch, eh? Well that's a name I've heard before...let's go see the brat."
Zeff disappears back inside, leaving Luffy alone with Sanji. He feels his heart pounding weirdly again, now that they're by themselves.
"You should really join our crew," Luffy says, and her persistence is endearing. She's picking her nose now, and with anyone else, Sanji would complain about how unsanitary it is, but anything done by her is charming. Sanji notes that her nostril seems bizarrely stretchy. How absolutely adorable.
"Is your crew in search of a cook, milady?" Sanji allows himself to briefly imagine what it would be like, to travel the world with such a lovely companion. The rest of her pre-existing crew fades to the background, until it's just her and Sanji, leaning against the rail of a beautiful white ship, seagulls soaring through brilliant clear skies as he pulls back the veil to kiss the bride--
"Oh, nope! We already have a cook!" she says cheerfully, shattering the fleeting vision of their wedding. "But, that doesn't mean we can't have two! And your food looks great! You should be our cook too!"
Ah, they already have a cook...Sanji suddenly remembers seeing the pompadour man, the one that had tickled his memory. He frowns, because that niggling sensation won't leave, and something tells him it's important that he remembers where he knows the man from.
"I should get back now, or Ace will be mad," Luffy announces, and shimmies up the rail back towards the door that Zeff had left from. She glances back at Sanji expectantly, and Sanji follows, unable to deny his princess's summons.
The rest of Luffy's crew is still lounging in the back VIP section, surrounding the most lavish table in the entire restaurant and given a degree of privacy from outside with the help of thick curtains. Sanji had assigned them to the table in case they need a nasty confrontation, but it seems like that won't be necessary.
Sanji jolts when he realizes that the pompadour man has risen from his seat to stand in front of Zeff, and the two are talking animatedly. Sanji doesn't remember the last time Zeff looked so pleased to speak with an outsider.
"So yer now the Head Chef of that old man's fleet, eh," Zeff is saying, and the pompadour man looks weirdly bashful. "You woulda been a fine addition to our crew though, kid."
"Possibly," Pompadour agrees, "though my place is with Pops."
"And what about now? You change your mind about that, or taking a vacation all the way out here?" Zeff snorts, and Sanji acknowledges the affirmation that yes, these really are Grand Line pirates.
"Something like a vacation, and to spend some time traveling with my dearest--Luffy!" he exclaims.
"Thatch! I caught a Zeff!" Luffy announces, smacking her tail hard on the ground to bound up onto pompadour man's vacated seat.
All of the food at the table has been consumed, and Luffy looks sadly at the empty plate as though she had been expecting something to still be there. Sanji wants to immediately return to the kitchen to refill it, but then he notices that Luffy is now licking the plate. Her manners are absolutely beyond atrocious. It suits her though, and Sanji wouldn't want it any other way, because he hasn't ever seen such blatant appreciation for food that he'd cooked, and it's making his entire body buzz with barely contained bliss.
Before Sanji can make his offer to bring more, the pompadour man, Thatch, interrupts. "Lil Seastar, you don't need to do that, I'll make you seconds back on the ship," he says, fluffing Luffy's soft hair and Sanji seethes in jealousy.
"It was really good, you were right about the Zeff dude cooks," Luffy says mournfully at Thatch's plate. "Though Thatch's still the best!" She butts her head into Thatch's large palm.
Zeff laughs at her words. "High praise, to be compared to you, Whitebeard's lil cook, if you've grown as much as you claim. This meal was prepared by my Sous-chef. Come here Sanji," he says and Sanji jolts at suddenly being addressed.
Sanji's distracted by Thatch's hand on Luffy's head, but forces himself to look up at the tall pirate, who's now scrutinizing Sanji intently. There's something about the man that's really bothering Sanji, like he should really, really know him. Sanji thinks Zeff just said Whitebeard, and if that's the case--those are BIG pirates. Like, the Biggest actually, which is kind of insane. But, Sanji doesn't actually recall being familiar with any officers, other than having heard about Whitebeard himself, so it really doesn't solve the mystery of familiarity.
"So you're Zeff's best, hm?" Thatch says, and even though Sanji can only sense genuine friendliness from his smile, he still feels oddly awkward, unsure how to react. It's not often that Zeff holds another chef in such high regard, and one so much younger than him too. Sanji feels like he ought to be polite, at the very least.
He once again doesn't need to speak, because Luffy beats him to it. "Yeah! He's a good guy! And if he made our food, then he's good at food-making too! I pick him, I've decided. He's gonna join our crew!"
Sanji feels his cheeks burn at the praise, but being invited in private is a bit different from having it made into an announcement to an audience Sanji doesn't personally know. "Luffy, darling, please wait--"
"Lu, what'd we say about inviting people without consulting me? We're both captains here, we need to agree," a voice says lazily from Luffy's other side, and Sanji's gaze jolts to the man who unfolds himself from the shadows like a lethal big cat.
He'd somehow forgotten the others except Thatch, but this is the man who'd carried Luffy in, the dangerous one. He gives a careless nod in Sanji's direction, giving him a cursory sweep with dark, sleepy eyes even as he opens his arm. Luffy, pouting, slides onto the man's lap, and the arm settles again to wrap around her waist.
The move looks intentionally provocative, Sanji thinks, struggling to keep his scowl inside. It's hard to watch them pressed together, the man's bare, rippling torso to Luffy's revealing top and the soft flesh bulging from within. Luffy wraps her lovely coral gemstone tail around the man so it loops behind his chair, making their contact look very mutual. Throughout it all, the man doesn't break eye contact with Sanji.
The man's sending a message, and Sanji gets it loud and clear: Hands off.
Sanji decides he doesn't like the man.
"But Ace, he's a Good Guy, we want him on our crew," Luffy says, staring up at the man with enormous eyes and a wobbly lip that has Sanji clutching his chest.
The man, Ace--why does that sound vaguely familiar too?--has the nerve to look bored, even when exposed to the full blast of the gorgeous mermaid's luscious pout, and at this point Sanji has to conclude that the man isn't human, because what mortal could possibly resist her?
"Mm, a Good Guy, huh," Ace says, he gives Sanji a slow, knowing smirk that forces him to hold himself rigid to avoid stepping back. "I dunno Luffy, he's looking at you like you're meat."
His gaze gets colder then, and Sanji's indignation dies on his lips.
The moment's over when Luffy looks down at herself contemplatively, and her stomach growls. 
"I take that back," Ace says hastily. "You're not meat, you're fish, and made of rubber at that. Bad idea, Lu."
"How about I get you something, and I can let Zeff see for himself if I've improved while I'm at it?" Thatch slides in. "That is, if you don't mind me borrowing your kitchen, Zeff?"
"Outsiders don't play in my kitchen, boy," Zeff snorts, and Sanji's relieved at the sudden return to normalcy, but it's short lived. "But for you, I'll make an exception. Let's see it."
Tbc in Part 3...?
And so I write longer and longer Mermaid AU stories ^ ^;;;;
Thank you so much for reading!! If you liked it, I’d love to hear any comments or thoughts ;A;
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Read the next part: On the Baratie, Part 3
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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parismemes · 4 years
“you touch my baked beans, i put dog shit in your pillowcase.” “every other person in this miserable place is literal garbage.” “books on tape? what's the appeal of that? don't the pages get stuck together?” “when in doubt use a confusing acronym. military types love acronyms.” “FML. that stands for fu--” “i’ll bend down and kiss your boots, how’s that?” “i wanna know every step you take and how much shit gets stuck on your shoes and in-between your teeth.” “you know, i think i'll probably move to LA, but that's like what everyone does. i mean, what do you think?” “i’m gonna skin your cat for this.” “i’m actually thinking of adopting a stage name.” “i’m gonna smash cut your empty skull against that rock if you don’t shut the fuck up!” “i wanted to call it desert titties, but that shit was taken.” “ah, there goes the bechdel test.” “you should interview the illuminati!” “real talk here: i'll be your genie in a bottle, i'll do whatever you want, but after i grant you your three wishes, you gotta do something for me, whaddaya say?” “my ceaseless existence is an eternal torment!” “next time he calls you please, just, let it go to voicemail. don't transfer to me. okay?” “i can’t even hear myself think in this blizzard of idiocy!” “did you attempt to witness any other particular individuals in the general vicinity of the area in which the crime scene was alleged?” “i just wanna be included!” “funny, the vultures usually show up after the slaughter.” “you’re a little bit crazy, aren’t you? i like that.” “consequences... don't always take the shape we expect them to, do they? they're funny like that.” “...are we still married?” “people are quick to jump to conclusions. they see something, or hear something, and fit it into a preconceived emotional box.” “please don’t make me regret what i’m about to tell you.” “whoa, hold up--i just realized how much i don’t care.” “SUCK IT, NEWTON!” “we said we wouldn’t talk about that!” “help me be the best at being lazy.” “it was a simple mishap with my vanilla-satin scented candles!” “why is he naked?” “HOW DO YOU BURN DOWN A WATER PARK, ___?!” “we’re definitely not just saying that because she could kill us.” “for far too long our people have been oppressed, crushed, under the weight of ourselves! if we don't start standing up to our mortal foe gravity, by god, who will?” “we’ve never needed intelligence before!” “why doesn’t anybody die and stay dead?” “oh, cool! foreshadowing.” “who wants a poisoned pumpkin frappuccino?” “i quit. i’m not going. i’m staying here.” “you’ve always been selfish, but this is bullshit!” “you know, i liked them better when they were funny.” “it’s a bop-it.” “sleep. means. death!” “i know ___ said we should split up, but i was thinking maybe we split up together, you know, because it's scary!” “you talk about ___ a lot.” “this is a big city. so many places for snakes to hide. they could be everywhere all around us. watching us... licking their snake lips...” “jesus, doesn’t anybody speak esperanto?” “err is not a word.” “why do you look alone?” “why don't you tell us what's going on, and we can decide whether to kill you or not?” “looks like we've got quite the sticky mess on our hands!” “oh, i know all about sausage parties! uh, wait, that came out wrong.” “when I least expect it: whambo! you pry open my mind prison and suck out my brain beans!” “i realize now that i’ve just spilled all my brain beans.” “we're just a bunch of dumb rejects hurling ourselves against impossible odds.” “i’m only saying something because i’ve been used enough times in my life already.” “nice! super awesome of you guys! that was sarcastic.” “don’t care. just help me with my dramatic exit.” “that's a great idea! i was just about to suggest it.” “i always say a marine without a code is like a car without a road.” “i always say the best defense is a really tall fence.” “i always say a good soldier is like a rollin’ boulder.” “i always say a mantra a day keeps death at bay.” “i've grown soft around these uncultured philistines.” “goddamn, i can’t believe i have to hear this shit in stereo now.” “you two look cozy.” “i didn’t realize you two were close.” “you’re being too hard on yourself. you’ve changed over the years, i’ve seen it myself.” “i've grown from being a dishonorable killing machine to an honorable killing machine. that's quite the journey.” “i changed my mind. you are evil.” “you don’t have to destroy the past to have a future.” “strategizing can wait until breakfast, at least.” “i killed them. i MURDERED them. i set my vengeance free upon them and it felt so good!” “are we gonna do some snooping around?” “have you ever considered a life in showbusiness?” “try harder, fuckface!” “can we please just bury the hatchet and focus on what's important?” “your mother’s lasagna is mediocre!” “if you guys had to get shot somewhere in your body, where would you do it?” “i can't hear you because some idiot shot my ear off!” “this whole situation is garbage enough to begin with, but... at least we're in it together.” “no plan survives first contact with the enemy.” “the only thing that would make this better is some music.” “we were pawns in their game. but the thing that I love about chess is that sometimes pawns kill kings.” “no, actually, i was raised by wolves. in the forest.” “sometimes i feel like people barely acknowledge my presence.” “something weird might be going on around here.” “anyone who's acting that squeaky clean must have some deep dark secrets.” “ha! gotcha! that's exactly the kind of things bad guys say!” “they used us, they destroyed our lives, and they haven't been made to pay for what they've done.” “you obviously love the sound of your own voice, so why don't you use it to tell its where the fuck our friends are?” “i’m going to kill you so hard, you’ll wish you were dead.” “we fought alongside each other for fucking years. how can you just turn your backs on us like this?” “you don't get to give orders if you're on the bad guys' side!” “now I have gonorrhea and a dead friend.” “stop. touching. my face.” “buckets! oodles! oodles of noodles and toaster strudels! tiempo de mucho. mucho de tiempo!" “yeah, well, i don't remember you being anything but a huge dick, but here you are being cool, so people change.” “yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers!” “but.. i never got to say goodbye. or thank you for being my friend.” “i'm gonna need a week at the chiropractor when we get out of here.” “is it possible to hallucinate with your ears?” “i’m not here to kill you.” “uh-oh spaghetti-o’s.” “fuck me! fuck all of this!” “you should totally kill me if it strikes your fancy! no pressure!” “the world's best swordsman doesn't fear the second best. He fears the worst, because he can't predict what the idiot will do.” “i can't imagine us doing anything but making this all worse.” “shit, dude! you’re the best we’ve got!” “i like pushing small children down wells.” “can we please settle on a consistent denomination? are we using cardinal directions or are we using clock positions?” “i'm so sneaky. they don't even know what's happening. you can't even see me right now, ___. you're so confused.” “shut up and help me punch this fucking tank!” “as far as days to die go, it's a little overcast. so let's check our corners and make these bastards pay!” “let's light the fires and kick the tires!” “let’s dance with these monkeys and give ‘em what for!” “let's put the pedal to the metal and the rubber to the road!” “let’s get jiggy with it!” “let’s shoot this monkey full of heroin and put it on youtube! actually, let's not do that, it sounds completely horrible.” “let’s teach these midgets how to tango!” “honor, schmonor.” “scout's honor! except I was never a scout because I'm afraid of badges.” “why are we here?” “we don't know why we're here. it's still one of life's great mysteries, isn't it?” “i’m sorry i tried to kill you, it wasn’t personal!” “you'll be stuck between a rock and the frying pan.” “if i said that i would weep for them, would it make you feel any better?” “best friends should be able to say goodbye.” “i think you are cool. like, super awesome, amazing, cool and... i, i always felt like really awesome too, when we were hanging out together.” “i know with my other friends--who, even if you add them all up together aren't really cool as you--i know we're all gonna be okay.” “if you kill me, you'll just perpetuate this never-ending cycle of revenge and retaliation!” “he asked us to deliver an important message to you all. but then he just sang the ducktales theme song and fell back to sleep.” “you know i’ll never forget this, right? i mean, PTSD is forever, isn’t it?” “it’s not the sum of your parts that makes you who you are.” “these people have shown me that real heroes are not born, they're forged. a friend told me once that there's no fate but what you make. and i think he's right.” “alright, well, i'm just gonna try to forget that ever happened and never bring it up again.”
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 6
First of all, as I gained a lot of new followers, just an FYI: This is me watching Word of Honor for the first time and writing down my thoughts as I go. Mostly it's me being confused as hell and giving all the characters weird names, because I can't remember the real ones. If this is not your thing, feel free to skip these posts and maybe blacklist "smirklord"
If you do choose to read along, please know that these are the most important characters:
Zhou Zi Shu = Baby Zi Shu/ Zhou Xu lord guy/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy Wen Ke Xing = Smirky Xing/Smirky fan guy Gu Xiang = Purple Girl/my Purple Love/my Purple Queen Smirklord is my personal ship name for Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing.
Previous episodes are here.
To anybody who was here before: Sorry that it took me so long to continue this. I accidentally came across a spoiler about my purple queen and I was pretty bummed about it. So I stopped watching for a while. Also, the show is getting more complex and I'm having a harder time remembering who everybody is. But anyway, let's go!
Episode 6:
LOL, Smirky Xing called Baby Xu Mom and wants to be carried. He's so cute when hallucinating.
Anyway, I'm glad Smirky Xing saved Baby Xu. Now, what's the thing he captured?
Baby Xu is hurt, thankfully he's also like a travelling pharmacist.
Oh, Smirky Xing, can I just point out that I have never before seen anybody accuse another person of being a serial killer with such a lovestruck expression on their face. And why do you keep insisting that you’re a good guy when nobody accused you of anything?
Oh, so the zombies and mummies weren't dead, but... living people controlled by someone? What?
LOL, "Do you have a dagger?" and Smirky Xing instantly pulls one out of his sleeve like it's no big deal, and who knows what else he keeps in there.
Ewww, is Baby Xu going to go stabbing at his own wounds? Please no.
Ewww, ewww, ewww. Oh, he's sucking out the poison I guess.
Waaah, what is Smirky Xing going to. - Oh. OMGOMGOMGOMG, eww, but also YESSS, you go for that shoulder kiss, honey, YES!  (Sorry, I had to rewind that moment a couple times). Let's rename Smirky Xing to Kissy Xing.
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Oh, and this once and for all gave Baby Xu's diguise away. He didn't put make-up on his shoulder.
'Can you show me your real appearance' my ass. He wants to see you naked. And Baby Xu reminds him of consent. I mean, trust. But, really... consent.
OMG, "you can touch it." Yes! Touch it Baby Xu! Touch it!!!  Kissy Xing gave his permission!!!
Oooooh, they're dancing again!!!
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OMG, they're going to the lake. Is this gonna turn into the dirty dancing lifting figure scene? PLEASE?
I don't even care, this 100% counts as the lifting scene.
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Dude, what? Can you not swim? Baby Xu? You okay? He fell into the water, okay. But why doesn't he get back to the surface?????
Does he want to be saved? Please tell me he's not drowning. :O Kissy Xing looks so worried.
Whoa, where did his mask go? :O :O :O
Okay, okay, okay. Clothes on the drying rack, they're basically in their undies. And kissy Xing can't stop staring at Baby Xu's real face.
Real face baby Xu looks so much softer. Still pissy though, did he seriously just wipe the bottle neck? Come on, man. You had his lips suck on your skin already. I'm sure you can take his spit.
So kissy Xing's name is really Wen Ke Xing. And his face is really his face. I do wanna trust him so much. His voice is so soft all of a sudden. Wahhhh.
Oh, so the item they captured was from hanging ghost? But not the real one?
Kissy Xing, you killed the ghost guy while Baby Xu wanted to interrogate him. You say it was a mistake cause you were worried, but you could still very well be nuts guy and make sure nobody gives you away!
I feel a bit like Brad Pitt in Seven. WHAT'S IN THE BOX???!!!!
Zhou Zi Shu! Kissy Xing said the name. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! He recognized him!!!! He knows who he is. But he doesn't say so to his face. Why is everything so confusing???
Should I call Baby Xu Baby Zi Shu from now on?
Noo, don't cut away from smirklord, I wanna keep watching smirklord!
Meh, some stupid guitar guy doing a Jimmi Hendrix impression and lots of dead guys, who might not actually be dead standing in line for the concert tickets.
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Some tall hat guy. Who is he? He gets VIP acess.
Is it just me or do you also find it annoying when they're playing instruments and the music doesn't match the finger movements?
Ok, Hendrix guy is scorpion king. Is he related to the scorpion assassins? Anyway, he's got really cool hair. Total rockstar vibes.
Tall hat guy is trying to be charming and coming across like a record label manager.
Okay, so they both don't know what happened and who killed the other ghost guy. Oh, wait, is tall hat guy the one who stole the glazed armor from uncle Zhao? Is the item that Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu captured a piece of glazed armor??? :O
Ok, tall hat guy is changing ghost.
Back to Smirklord! YES!
Okay, Baby Zi Shu figured out the item box thing? Is the blue glass thing the glazed armor??? Tbh, it looks a bit like the plastic part of some kid's braces.
Yooo, Kissy Xing coming in hot with the rabbit dowry.
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Whoa, Baby Zi Shu just throws the glazed armor over to Kissy Xing, like it's no big deal. He really really doesn't want it. Nice return gift, though.
Okay, what is this flirting? Baby Zi Shu keeps stating that he's a bad guy you need to be terrified of, much like Kissy Xing kept saying he's a good guy. And now he's calling Kissy Xing a trouble.
LOL, Kissy Xing agrees on the gift idea. He wants to carry it on his body. Nice.
K, k, it's uncle Zhao's glazed armor. The kid must have his own armor somehow. And the ghost guys are trying to play all the other parties and make them doubt each other. I see.
Kissy Xing is so whipped, wow. He'll do anything, including gutting the rabbits.
LOL, they're trying to give the kid food. Like that EVER worked before at all. No, uncle Zhao, you dimwit, he does NOT have a good appetite, lol.
Why is everybody giving the kid a hard time about crying. His family got murdered, his two adopted dads left him all alone with the two weird uncles... Of course he's gonna cry. Duh.
Ah, geez, Uncle Shen, just shut up. You know nothing. (he's not smart enough to be called a-hole guy anymore, sorry)
Okay, so, three glazed armor pieces have been stolen from their owners. But Uncle Zhao still has his? Then whose piece was stolen the other night? What? And who is brother Lu? Was that the kid's dad?
Now there's two more older guys, who are they? Oh, one is Lord of Broken Sword Manor. Wait, wasn't that magenta guy? Or was that his son? Somebody PLEASE fill me in here.
The other one is brother Yu, whoever that is.
Seriously, every time pleated skirt soldier boss jerk uncle shen a-hole guy opens his mouth I wanna slap him.
Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu are wearing new clothes. When and where did they change? Were they together when they changed? Hehe, I need to know. For science.
They are returning to the bamboo woods and the bodies from the previous night are gone. Kissy Xing asks why Baby Zi Shu had the antidote to the hallucination drug. Actually, good question. Baby Zi Shu, why DID you have the antidote? Oh, it's a Window of Heaven thing?
WHATWHATWHAT? The illusion makes people see what they WANT THE MOST? And Baby Zi Shu drops this knowledge just like that while WE know that Kissy Xing called him by his real name, i.e. saw HIM, whilst under the illusion??? WHAT???
Nooo, Kissy Xing, why are you lying? Why won't you tell what you saw when you hallucinated? I wanna know too, gah!!!
Yo, Baby Zi Shu DEVELOPED the illusion drug? As a sleep remedy, lol. Nice.
K, who's the guy in the carriage at Sanbai Manor? Han Ying. Who is that? Have we seen him before?
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Did Baby Zi Shu just tell Kissy Xing the truth about himself killing people, setting them on fire etc.? That came out super smooth.
They're talking about this heroes conference that was mentioned before, but I have no idea what it is, and what it relates to. I'm so bad at remembering TV series plotlines... I'm assuming that this conference is where the uncles take the kid to.
Aww, Baby Zi Shu keeps close by and watches over the kid.
Kissy Xing wants 30 copies of the glazed armor piece. And he is freaking rich, man.
Waaaah, my purple queen! I've missed her so much. And she's kept the other girls around. And they're playing strip mahjong, apparently, lol. Yes, good for her! Also, Bechdel test passed! Nice.
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Where are they anyway? Which town is this? Was this mentioned, did I miss it?
K, so Kissy Xing wants to pay the two girls out so they'll leave (very obviously), but they don't want to. Is he going to make my queen kill them after all? And she gives him nuts in return. Hmm. I mean, seriously. He MUST be nuts guy. There were SO MANY hints.
Oh, he lets them stay and become My queen's servants.
What? What is this secret plan? What are they gonna do with the fake pieces of glazed armor?
Noooooo, don't end here!!!!!
Okay, what have I learned: Baby Zi Shu's real name! And that Kissy Xing knows him from somewhere. Also learned what glazed armor pieces look like. My queen loves playing strip mahjong. And people are meeting up for some heroes conference.
Goals for future episodes: Find out how Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu know each other. Finally finish that name chart thing and add all the new people, omg.
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mfingenius · 5 years
Halo! Can you please write fic where like a random character is new to the school and they befriend Draco and are like aww, isn't he the most innocent person ever. And then they find out that this literal angel is dating this other dude with a really bad reputation which is of course Harry. And then D keeps trying to introduce them but the newbie is making up excuses becuz hello, scary person alert. Until one day they do end up meeting each other and their reactions could be up to you. Thanks!
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“And that’s the music room.” Draco says, shifting from foot to foot nervously. 
Hermione considers herself to be kind looking - not harmless, by far, but certainly not intimidating - but Draco Malfoy, the Honor Student who’s showing her around, has been anxious the entire tour.
“It’s really nice.” She says, and sees Draco smile, a little relieved. He’s been anxious the entire time they’ve been together, and she gets the feeling that he was forced to do this rather than volunteered for it. “How long have you been here?”
“Three years.” Draco says. He’s wearing a jade jumper with a silver H on it, three sizes too big on him. Hermione’s curious as to why, but she doesn’t think she can ask yet. 
“What’s your favorite place here?” She asks. Honestly, the school is so big that she’s already half lost - and most of the places she’s seen are too crowded for her taste. She wants something else; a library, or maybe a quiet spot in the gardens where she can read. If her first impression of Draco - he’d arrived at the Headmistress’s office with his clothes and hair ruffled and carrying four heavy books - is right at all, she thinks he’ll know where she can find peace and quiet.
“The library.” Draco says immediately. He chews on his lower lip as he rebalances the books on his arm with a frustrated huff. “I’ll show you.”
“Thank you,” Hermione says. “I hear the classes here are interesting. Do you enjoy them?”
That had been the main reason for her transfer. Hogwarts is a prep school for either incredibly smart people - with scholarships - or incredibly rich ones. She’s almost entirely sure Draco’s the former, just like her. 
“I like most of them.” Draco says as they walk into the library. He says hello to the librarian and then leads to Hermione to the back of it, around a corner and to a lone, sunlit table. He spends a lot of time here, Hermione can tell, because of the familiarity with which he sinks down onto the chair nearest to the wall. “I can tell you about the classes, if you’re interested.”
“I am,” Hermione says, sitting down in front of him.
They begin hanging out a lot after that. Draco seems to enjoy being in the library as much as Hermione does, and their time together mostly consists of reading in silence or voicing out loud incomplete thoughts. Still, Hermione finds herself thinking of him as her friend, and she thinks he feels the same way.
They spend so much time together - between classes, and homework, and free periods - that it’s impossible not to notice some things. The first thing Hermione notices, is how often Draco gets flirted with. The second thing she notices, is how entirely oblivious he is to it.
It’s endlessly amusing.
“You keep doing that.” Hermione says, when Draco pushes up the sleeve of the jumper for the fifth time in an hour. They’re working on a project, outside this time, because the day is nice. “Why don’t you just wear tighter clothes?”
“It’s not mine,” Draco says distractedly, fingers typing quickly on his laptop. They’re working on a research paper for their Biology class, and it’s taking a ridiculously long time. “It’s my boyfriend’s.”
“Harry, right?” Hermione asks distractedly. It hadn’t taken too long for Draco - or other people - to bring Harry Potter up. Hermione has never met him, but she’s heard plenty about him, seen him from afar.
He’s taller than Hermione - and she’s tall - and has a motorcycle, and a leather jacket that used to be his godfather’s. Hermione hears that he has six tattoos, and one of them is Draco’s name - she doesn’t know if it’s true and is too polite to ask - and that he once hospitalized a guy who grabbed Draco’s arse. 
Hermione has no idea how they ended up together.
“Yeah.” Draco says. “He’s having a party on Friday. You should come, he wants to meet you.”
“He what?” Hermione’s head snaps up, alarmed.
Harry Potter is exactly the kind of person she wants to avoid. He’s filthy rich and the epitome of careless, two things which Hermione is the opposite of. He’s also scary as hell. Hermione doesn’t want to meet him.
“Wants to meet you.” Draco repeats, thinking Hermione hadn’t heard him. 
“Right,” Hermione says faintly.
Draco continues working, entirely oblivious to her inner conflict.
“Are you ever going to stop stealing my clothes?” Harry asks teasingly, one of his hands on Draco’s thigh and the other on his back, underneath his jumper.
“I don’t steal them,” Draco pouts, upturning his nose. Harry’s sitting on his bed and Draco’s straddling his lap, hands knotted in his boyfriend’s hair. He smirks lightly and brushes his lips against Harry’s jaw. “And you like how I look in them.”
Harry smirks lightly and tightens his hold on Draco, moving the hand on his back down to his arse, squeezing lightly. 
“I do.” He says, pressing their lips together teasingly. Draco frowns lightly and chases his lips when Harry pulls away, causing him to laugh. “Fuck, you have no idea how much I want to kiss you.”
“So do it,” Draco is not whining, he’s really not. 
Harry smirks lightly. “I’d love to, but I’m pretty sure my dad and my godfather are both outside.”
“We’re not!” Sirius says from outside the door. Draco’s cheeks immediately go crimson. His mother is a very private person, and he’s never had any extended family; it had been quite a shock when he’d met Harry’s and realized how nosy and intertwined they all are. 
There’s fumbling outside the door, along with not-very-quiet whispers, and then the door opens. James peeks his head in, Sirius right below him. Harry’s hand immediately leaves Draco’s arse and comes up to rest on his hip.
“We’re leaving.” James informs them. “But we’re going to be watching movies downstairs, and you’re going to keep this door open!”
“Don’t do anything indecent.” Sirius sing-songs, and then they both disappear.
“And use a condom!” Lily yells from outside. 
Harry groans. “My mom, how did I not see that coming?” 
Draco laughs, face still burning, and rubs his nose fondly against Harry’s.
“Next time, we can go to my place.” He says teasingly. “We haven’t made out in my bed yet.”
Harry laughs and kisses his forehead fondly, squeezing at his arse one more time before rolling sideways so they’re face to face and their legs are tangled together.
“Next time,” He agrees. “For now, we can just lay here.”
There’s nothing that Draco wants more.
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
What about domestic headcanons for our best captains, Daichi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Oikawa? Just lie how they’d be as a husband and dad and stuff...
thank you for this request! on with the HCs :) hope you enjoy!
fun fact: i actually worked in backwards order for these so i started with oikawa and i tried to match the same amount for everyone else hehe (i also put this in a perspective of a female reader!)
Sawamura Daichi
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Daichi—model citizen, model son, but when it comes to you, y’all might as well call him a goner because he doesn’t really know what the heck to do with his feelings.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s an awesome boyfriend, but that’s after you get over the hump of mutual crushes and “what do we call ourselves?” talk.
He definitely took his time in proposing to you. After like, what, six years of dating? He seems like the type. He knew that you were the end game for him, but he wanted to make sure you knew he was the end game for you. (If you catch my drift.)
He doesn’t like to attract attention, so he proposes to you in a really lax way, which you prefer actually.
You’re probably cooking breakfast one day, and this man has had this ring in his immediate vicinity for weeks, but this is the moment he wanted.
You turn around and he’s on one knee and you start crying before he can even say anything.
“(Y/N), I haven’t said anything yet.”
“I know.”
“Will you marry me?”
It’s a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful reception held at a small park. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
He is, of course, the textbook companion. If you had to nitpick, you’d say that you wish you had your honeymoon at a destination, but hanging out in your new home, something just for yourselves, is pretty special.
Well, your home didn’t stay for just two people and you purchased it for that specific intention. You both are the type that knew you wanted children. It takes you a while to conceive, but it’s not a big deal because eventually, your daughter is born!
Again, literally the best dad from the get go. Your daughter is such a daddy’s girl, but hey, she loves him just as much as you do and you couldn’t ask for anything more. She’s a little spoiled, but she gets it from you. You’ve been spoiled by the best.
“(Y/N), can we get a dog?”
“Who’s asking, you or your daughter?”
With the largest eyes ever, “Both of us.”
How could you say no?
He’ll do anything for his children (assuming you’ll have more in the future).
The Karasuno boys come over often, with their own kids or without. Their lives aren’t complete without the other crows and their kiddos.
Kuroo Tetsurou
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Kuroo and you meet in college. Although you are in the same year, he already places in courses meant for third year college students.
You probably swooned the first time you met him. Like c'mon, a guy who is tall, hot, athletic, and has a brain? Signing you up since yesterday.
You found your ways to him and he eventually brought you on a date!
One date turned into hanging out, being there for his intramural volleyball games (because let’s face it, he’d probably want to focus more on school rather than playing professional college volleyball), and definitely study sessions where you don’t necessarily talk, but you like to keep each other company!
He wants the proposal to be more private, so he’ll do it at a family party! He picks this mostly because your parents are a large part of your life and he wouldn’t want them to miss this for the world! (To be honest, you don’t quite realize that this party is technically for you. Your parents suggested that he hold it on an important date, so that you wouldn’t have any suspicions. I’d probably do the same thing.)
Kuroo literally chooses the moment to surprise you with his proposal right as you’re about to dip into some chips lololol
“You can finish your chips later, but can I ask now if you’ll marry me?”
Probably a really shit way of asking you to marry him but it’s endearing, you know? Of course you say yes, how could you not? You’re so in love with the dude that even the dumbest things that come out of his mouth are adorable.
It’s also a small wedding because how will you be paying for a 100+ reception in Tokyo? No thank you! The list is cut down to about 50 people and it’s a lot more intimate and your style.
Your honeymoon…let’s not talk about it right now. Let’s just say that even though the two of you planned for kids down the road, you had one nine months after those days of the two of you by your lonesome.
It’s a girl! Kuroo hoped for a boy, but he literally falls in love with her from the moment she’s born.
“(Y/N), she’s so beautiful. You did that, you gave birth to her.”
Two years later, a son comes along. He treats his children the same and he has a lot to teach them about everything! Of course, volleyball is an important thing in your household, so don’t be surprised if you hear the three of them yelling over a volleyball match on the TV. (One of them has a different favorite team than the others and it is not the boys.)
“Are you kidding me? How is that out?!”
“Dad, what do you mean, that was out by a long shot!”
“Yeah, dad, you know I don’t like this team as much as you guys, but that was out for sure.”
He’s domestic by the definition and he loves to take care of you and his family.
Bokuto Koutarou
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Bokuto’s plans for proposing to you are simple: dinner at your favorite restaurant and propose at the end.
Most of his schemes are sweat-proof, but he couldn’t shake the idea of you potentially declining his proposal.
“Akaashi, I love her so much—”
“She’ll say yes, you don’t have to worry.”
When he arrived to pick you up, the sun is beginning to set so you are literally shimmering as you step outside.
“(Y/N)…you look so beautiful. Like a goddess! I look so, agh, I don’t know—”
“Don’t finish that, you look handsome, Koutarou,” you seal his lips with a kiss.
As the dinner progresses, his fidgeting is more prominent.
“Koutarou, are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m doing just fine! Maybe you’re the one that’s a little off!”
Dessert has you living in bliss and when he rattles off things he loves about you, you can’t help but to grin at your love.
This all makes you more surprised when he gets down on one knee and proclaims, “I love you, (Y/N)! I want to be your husband and the father to all of your babies. Please let me be that to you, so will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
An eventful wedding and honeymoon go by and you’re back home, living your lives together.
He actually wants to wait to have children until he establishes a career after his professional volleyball days are over. He just doesn’t want to spend all of his time away and have that hurt the family dynamic.
It’s rough when he’s away for long periods of time, but your alone time is something you cherish, as well as a clean house, because once he takes one step in, the house is dirty.
You two raise three children: a boy and a set of twins, a boy and a girl.
While Bokuto attempts to raise the boys on volleyball, it is actually the girl who gets hooked on the game.
“I can’t believe my little princess is playing the game I love so much!”
Bokuto tries to defend his daughter from the boys of the guys he used to play against. (In other words, Oikawa and Kuroo’s sons.)
Oikawa Tooru
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To me, Oikawa is the type to propose after an important college game of theirs, after you’ve been dating since high school.
“We’ve been together for the longest time, so will you do me the honors of being mine for the rest of our lives?”
This is the one moment you’ve seen him at his most vulnerable.
Your wedding day is a big production, and after you are off to the honeymoon, it’s just a good time to relax and be in each other’s arms and company.
Even though he’s gone for some business trips, he likes to make the most of the days he’s with you—breakfast in bed, beach days (with volleyballs in stow), candlelit dinners.
Scratch only one moment. His second was when your son is born two years after you are married. It is a brutal birth, but you two came out healthy and happy.
With the birth scare, he is nowhere to be found because he’s off crying at the prospect of losing his wife and his son in one go.
“Iwa-chan, w-what if they both die?!”
“They won’t.”
When your son becomes old enough, Oikawa definitely teaches him how to play volleyball.
Oikawa also brings back little souvenirs from every business trip he returns from.
Upon looking back on old photos, “Dad, where is this one from?”
“This one is from our high school volleyball games. See, that’s your uncle, Iwa-chan, but don’t call him that. He’ll be upset at me.”
“And that one?”
“A business trip! That’s where me and mom went for our honeymoon too, but we don’t have any photos for you to look at from that.”
“How come?”
Oikawa chuckles and pats his son on the back. “Secret!” He exclaims as he winks at you.
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XIV : Who’s a Liar?
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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“Yeonjun, I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“Baby, please, wait. Please, take 3 deep breaths and try to calm down. Hear me out. Please.”
“Yeonjun, no. I can’t do this. I don’t know how I can possibly get past this. I don’t think I could ever let this go.”
“So what do you want to happen now? What do you want me to do? Tell me anything, and I’ll do it. Baby, I’ll do anything for you. Just please tell me how I can make this right.”
“You want to know what I want to happen? I want this to stop. This, us, this evening, this pain, this nightmare, I just want this all to stop. I think the best thing you could do for me now is just let me go, don’t make this hurt any more than it already does. Just let me go. Yeonjun, please, just let me go.”
“Baby, please, don’t.”
“This is goodbye, Yeonjun. I’m breaking up with you.”
3 weeks before… The past couple of weeks have been difficult for Soobin.
First, the Fall Ball was coming up, and as Student Council president, it was a bit of a burden on him. The Fall Ball was one of the biggest social events at MOA, and it was the first of the 3 annual school dances that took place at the school every year, followed by the Winter Formal and Prom for the Seniors. The Student Council, along with the respective committees in charge of the Fall Ball, had been meeting at least thrice every week now.
Second, he’d been trying his best to keep his distance from Yeonjun and B. Knowing what he knew about what happened the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party 2 weeks ago, he felt as if there was a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. So far, Yeonjun had showed no signs of recalling just how far things with Rose went that night, and B hadn’t shown any signs of remembering the conversation that she and Soobin shared in the utility closet while she was crying her eyes out, which ended with him admitting that he currently had feelings for her, which he was really struggling with.
And third, he just seemed to be falling more and more for her everyday. No matter how much he tried to keep her at a distance, the little smiles she’d send his way and the mere way she said his name just made his heart flutter every damn time. The butterflies in his stomach were inescapable.
He felt guilty for thinking it, but on more than one occasion he’d fantasized about having B as his date for the Fall Ball. He’d imagined what it would be like to drive to her apartment on the night of the ball, and how breathtaking she’d look as she’d greet him at her apartment door wearing the most gorgeous dress, how her eyes would sparkle when they’d take pictures at the photobooth before the dance, how tender she’d feel in his arms as they slow-danced in the middle of the school’s event hall, and even the things that they could do after the dance, which may or may not have included the tantalizing thought of him unzipping her dress to reveal her slender bare back and more.
His imaginations of everything that he wanted to do with B’s bare skin made Soobin feel guilty, but he couldn’t stop the fantasies from playing in his mind from time to time. He found that the best way to shut them down was to remind himself that Yeonjun had probably already seen or done everything that Soobin could only fantasize about, which effectively made Soobin feel sick to his stomach. He didn’t know just how far Yeonjun had taken things with B, but he had definitely insinuated that they’ve done more than just make out, and frankly, Soobin didn’t want to know just how much more.
Besides, Soobin was well aware that his thoughts were nothing more than fantasies, that Yeonjun would be taking B to the Fall Ball, and that his reality would probably end up with him ensuring that the event would be running smoothly the whole evening, too busy to actually dance with his date, if he’d even have one.
Taehyun had tried, on more than one occasion, to suggest who he should take as his date to the Fall Ball.
“How about Tyuzu, that shy girl in your Maths class? She seems really nice and graceful, and with her height I’m sure you 2 would look amazing together.” Taehyun suggests. It was lunch time, and the 6 of them were sitting at their gazebo. Yeonjun and B were busy feeding each other and giving each other googly eyes, while Beomgyu and Kai seemed to be laughing over a video Kai had seen on Twitter.
“Chou Tzuyu? She is really nice, kinda shy, and I have to admit that she’s very pretty.” Soobin says, considering Taehyun’s suggestion. “But I don’t know if I can ask her, we’ve never had any conversations before so it would be a bit weird, she might say no.”
Kai lets out a snort. “Yeah right. Soobin, do you know how many girls at this school would go crazy if you asked them to be your date to the Fall Ball? Have you forgotten who you are?” he says. “Heck, remember that one year when a couple of girls asked you to be their date? I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again this year.”
Beomgyu nods in agreement. “That’s right, you’re Choi fucking Soobin! President of the Student Council, Ecosave club ambassador, president of the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of MO Academy’s elite Basketball team, a main vocalist of the Jazzed club!” he exclaims, holding his hands up in the air as if there were a billboard with Soobin’s name on it. “Choi fucking Soobin.”
Soobin laughs, embarrassed. “Thanks you guys, but I don’t think I’ll be taking a date this year.”
“No, what about Tzuyu? I’ve been thinking about who the perfect date for you would be, and after much consideration and deliberation, I know she’s the one.” Taehyun says.
“And she seems great, Tyun, and thanks but no thanks. Why don’t you ask her instead?” Soobin suggests, politely turning down his suggestion.
“I would, but she’s too tall for me.” Taehyun grumbles. “Plus, there’s already someone else I wanna go with.” he says, subtly shooting a look in Beomgyu’s direction. Noticing this, the ever-so-confident Choi Beomgyu looks flustered for a moment, not expecting the sudden interaction.
“Oh? Our Taehyunie actually has a date in mind?” Kai says excitedly. “Finally! Who’s the lucky date?”
“I haven’t asked them yet, so still no date for me.” Taehyun backtracks. “What about you, Hyuka? You got a date in mind?”
Now it was the younger boy’s turn to be flustered. “I, uh, I’m kinda dating Yuna, and we already agreed to go to the Fall Ball together.” he mumbles.
“Whoa, you asked Yuna out? Why didn’t you tell us!” Beomgyu exclaims, surprised.
“I’m sorry, I thought I did!” Kai says defensively. “I definitely told B about it though. Right, Baba?” he says, turning to B.
B breaks out of the little love bubble she shared with Yeonjun and nods. “Yup, and I think you 2 are adorable.” she says. “Yuna, Ryu and I will probably be going dress shopping this weekend. Do you have any preferences? Anything in particular you wanna see her wear? Any color or style in mind?”
Kai starts to blush. “N—Not really, I think she’d look great no matter what she wears.”
The whole group in the gazebo collectively goes “Aw.”
“Sounds like our darling boy is in love.” Soobin says affectionately, ruffling his hair. “Yuna’s a lucky girl! No wonder you seem like you’ve had your head in the clouds lately.”
“Oh stop it.” Kai huffs, his cheeks heating up as he tries to brush away Soobin’s hand. “At least I have a date. Really, Soobin, you could ask literally any girl in this school and she’d say yes.”
Except the one girl I actually want to ask, Soobin thinks to himself, his eyes sneaking a quick glance at B, who currently had Yeonjun’s arm casually wrapped around her shoulders as he absentmindedly scrolled through his phone and she continued to tease Kai about his new relationship.
B was pretty, but it wasn’t like she was the prettiest girl in the world. Heck, he knew that there were a lot of other pretty girls at MOA, so he didn’t know why he was so captivated by her. Soobin had never considered himself to be the kind of guy who’d have a type, so he didn’t know what exactly made someone attractive to him. He just found himself attracted, and he had no idea why. Out of all the girls at MOA, why did she have to be the one to catch his attention?
At that exact moment, B turns her head towards him and their eyes meet. She breaks into a giggle, causing Soobin’s heart to skip a beat. He starts to panic as he realizes that she had caught him staring.
“Soobin? Do you want my help in the date department?” she asks teasingly.
“Ah, nope, I think I’m good. I really don’t think I’ll be asking anyway to be my date this year.” Soobin says, flustered by her catching him staring at her.
“Dude, it’s our last year and it’s our last Fall Ball. Are you sure you want to do it solo?” Yeonjun pipes in.
Soobin shrugs. “I don’t mind, really. I’ll focus more on organizing it and making sure everyone has a good time, so being dateless is alright with me.”
B sighs. “What a shame, you could’ve made one very lucky girl at MOA really happy.” she says. “But whatever you say, Soobinie. Just make sure you let yourself enjoy the Fall Ball as well instead of just focusing on everyone else having fun, alright?”
Soobin nods. “I will, don’t worry.”
Once that was settled, the school bell rings then, signaling the end of their lunch break. The group pack up their stuff and walk back to the main building, going their separate ways to class.
2 weeks before…
“Hey Tyun, do you have a date to the Fall Ball yet?” Soobin asks absentmindedly, his eyes on the screen and his fingers expertly smashing buttons on the controller as he did his best to beat Kai at this round of Tekken. It was Saturday, and the guys had come over to his place to play video games.
Taehyun sighs, scrolling through his phone while the boys focused on their video game. “No, Soobin, I don’t. I haven’t had the chance to ask yet.” Which was true. It was only when Taehyun had started seeing someone in their friend group when he realized just how hard it was to be dating someone in the same friend group, especially when they he and Beomgyu had both agreed to keep things lowkey. He could see now why Yeonjun and B hadn’t told anyone about their relationship when they first started dating.
He thought it would be easy, since he and Beomgyu saw each other everyday, ate lunch together everyday, hung out at his family’s café after school everyday, and even got to hang out during the weekends. The problem was that the 2 could never find time to themselves, the rest of the friend group always seemed adamant on hanging out together, and if both of the boys would say no to hanging out at Soobin’s place on Saturdays, then it would come off as suspicious. Whenever they were together, they could hardly sneak in some quick hand holding, much more a few private words between them.
His eyes dart to Beomgyu, who was sitting in the middle of Soobin and Kai on the sofa. He looked adorable between the 2 giants of the group, sitting with his legs tucked under him, making him look extra tiny. Taehyun’s heart fluttered when Beomgyu meets his gaze and gives him an understanding smile, which he returns.
Taehyun knew that he could just ask Beomgyu to be his date through text, but Taehyun was a bit of a romantic. For the past year, he could only ever fantasize of what it would be like to kiss Beomgyu, of how soft his hands would feel, of the warmth of his body if he were to embrace him, of dancing with him in the middle of the floor at one of MOA’s school dances. Now that it was all a reality, he wanted everything to be perfect, or to at least be able to ask him in person.
“What, why haven’t you asked yet?” Soobin exclaims, surprised. “Kang Taehyun, are you…nervous?”
Kai bursts out laughing at the thought. “Taehyun? Nervous? Please, I bet that word isn’t even in his vocabulary.” he says, keeping his eyes on the screen. “If anyone should be nervous, it should be whoever Taehyun plans on asking. No offense, Tyun, but you are intimidating as hell. Even as your friend, I would probably pee myself out of nervousness if you wanted to ask me to the dance.”
“Lucky for you I don’t want to ask you, then.” Taehyun replies dryly. His brows furrow together with worry. “Am I really that scary?” He knew he had a reputation at MOA, that everyone had him on a pedestal as this perfect untouchable being, that most students were afraid to speak to him unless he acknowledged them first, but he didn’t think even his friends would feel that way.
“No, I don’t think so. Hyuka’s just saying that cause he’s scared of you but I don’t think you’re that intimidating, but that might be cause I’m the oldest one here.” Yeonjun pipes in, his eyes on his phone. “What do you think, Gyu? Is Taehyun scary or is Kai just a scaredy cat?”
Kai lets out a “Hey!” in protest, but Taehyun’s focus is on Beomgyu now, who tapped a finger on his chin as he thought of his response. “No, I don’t think Taehyun’s scary at all. In fact, I think he’s adorable. Like a cute little squirrel, with his big eyes and his fluffy hair.” he says thoughtfully, smiling fondly at the said boy. “In fact, contrary to what Kai thinks, I’d be ecstatic if I knew that Taehyun would like to ask me to the dance.”
Taehyun feels heat start to creep into his cheeks, flustered by Beomgyu’s opinion. “Really? You’d be ecstatic?” he says, not really knowing what else to say.
Beomgyu nods. “Definitely. I would say yes, without a doubt.” he says, his smile growing.
Without a second thought, Taehyun suddenly says “So do it, then. Be my date. Go to the dance with me. Say yes.”
Once his words register, everyone goes still, their heads all turning towards him, as if he had just transformed into a squirrel in front of them. Taehyun didn’t think he’d just blurt it out, but the words came out of his mouth before he could even think about it. He knew they were all looking at him as if he were crazy, but he only had eyes on Beomgyu, who was looking at him with wide eyes, caught by surprise.
After a moment, Beomgyu’s smile grows even wider as he says “Yes. I’ll be your date. I’ll go to the dance with you. Without a doubt.”
Taehyun can’t stop himself from smiling upon hearing this, his jaw stretching out to its limit and his eyes crinkling with glee. Meanwhile, their friends suddenly unpause, jumping out of their seats and staring at the 2 boys.
“Oh my god! What just happened?” Kai exclaims, covering his mouth with his hand to stop himself from smiling.
“Wait, Tyun, when you told me you’ve been in love with someone for like a year now, was it Beomgyu this whole time?” Soobin says, the realization hitting him like a truck.
Taehyun nods. “Yes, but there’s no need to talk about that.” he says, trying to politely tell Soobin to keep his mouth shut. Now, he was shy.
“In love, hm?” Beomgyu says teasingly, standing up as well to walk over to Taehyun. “For a whole year? Didn’t know you had it that bad for me, Tyun.”
“Don’t let it get to your head now, just cause you’re my date.” Taehyun says casually, trying to hide his giddiness. Beomgyu was his date. He was going to the Fall Ball with Beomgyu.
Yeonjun walks over to the 2 and envelops them into a hug, squishing them together. “I’m so, so happy for you two.” he says wholeheartedly.
“Thanks, YJ.” Beomgyu says, laughing as Yeonjun squeezes them even tighter.
“Congratulations you two! I’m so happy!” Soobin squeals, joining the group hug.
“Congrats! I’m happy, too!” Kai says, trying his best to wrap his arms around the 4 older boys. “What should we call you now? Beomhyun? Taegyu? Tyugyu?” he says playfully.
“You’ll call us Tyun and Gyu cause that’s who we are.” Taehyun responds. “Look, I love you guys, and I’d like to thank you all for being happy for us, but I can’t feel my ribs so please let go now.” he manages to say, trying his best to wiggle his way out of the group hug, which was impossible since he was right in the middle of it.
“No, I want this moment to last forever. So happy for you guys.” Kai coos, squeezing even harder.
“Hey, please don’t crush my date!” Beomgyu laughs, attempting to protect Taehyun from being squeezed to death.
“You heard Gyu, hands off his date!” Soobin says, stepping away from the group. The 2 other boys hesitantly follow suit, leaving Beomgyu and Taehyun standing together in the center. The two boys look at each other, their eyes both sparkling with joy as Beomgyu reached out and took Taehyun’s hand in his.
“My date.” Beomgyu says, keeping his eyes on his boy. Once again, Taehyun can feel his cheeks go red, and it takes his entire willpower to stop himself from leaning in and kissing Beomgyu right then and there.
Their 3 friends coo and squeal in awe, amazed at what they were seeing.
“How are you 2 so sweet? How did this happen without any of us suspecting anything?” Soobin asks curiously, looking at the 2 with a bit of jealousy. Why couldn’t he have what they did?
“Actually, yes, I think we all want to know how exactly this happened.” Yeonjun agrees, taking a seat on the sofa.
“Will you tell us? Please? I wanna hear a love story.” Kai says, plopping himself down next to Yeonjun and giving the 2 boys puppy dog eyes. Soobin soon follows, seating himself on the couch, and looks at the 2 pleadingly.
“Alright, children, settle down.” Beomgyu says, taking over. “Allow me to tell you the story of how Tyun fell head over heels in love with me—”
“Oh shut up, you’re the one who kissed me first.” Taehyun says, making the 3 boys gasp.
“B—but, no! That was a game!” Beomgyu interjects, referring to the game of Kiss or Tell at Yeonjun’s birthday party. “I panicked and kissed you cause you were gonna tell everyone about that one time we tried this new Ramen place near the subway and I ended up shitti—”
“You know that’s not the kiss I was talking about.” Taehyun cuts him off, echoing the exact words Beomgyu had said to him when they first talked about it at Kang’s café. Beomgyu’s face goes red as the 3 boys practically die of curiosity.
“Oh my god, Gyu kissed Tyun? After the game?” Kai screeches, unable to stop his dolphin-like squeals from coming out due to his excitement.
Taehyun nods. “There’s not much to it, really. He kissed me during that game, then he kissed me again after, we talked about it. We started kissing and talking more, and then I asked him to be my date today in front of you guys.” he says matter-of-factly.
“Don’t forget the part where Soobin said you’ve been in love with me for a year now.” Beomgyu butts in, recovering from his flustered state.
“Soobin, you’re lucky I like you and consider you as one of my closest friends.” Taehyun says, looking at him pointedly.
Soobin laughs nervously, knowing that he was referring to the fact that he told Taehyun practically everything about his feelings for B. “Yeah, thanks, Tyun.” he says sheepishly.
Taehyun simply nods at him, signaling that his secret was still safe with him. “Now that we’re all caught up on me and Gyu’s history, can we let it go and move on now?” he says, not really used to being in the spotlight for anything other than his academic achievements or extracurricular talents. And he definitely wasn’t used to being fawned over for his love life, which had been nonexistent up until that moment.
The 3 boys nod. “Okay okay, let’s talk about something else. How about the Fall Ball? What will you guys be wearing?” Kai asks, gamely changing the topic.
“Yeah, I mean, a suit? What else?” Yeonjun says. “I have like a hundred suits just waiting to be worn, I just have to pick one out.”
Beomgyu nods. “I’ve got some suits at home too.”
“I don’t have a suit yet.” Taehyun says quietly, as if he were a bit shy and embarrassed. “I—I kind of just rent a suit every time I have to attend an event that requires it because…” Because I can’t afford to buy it, he wanted to admit. Even with the scholarship, it was hard to maintain his lifestyle as a student of MO Academy. He did his best so that it wouldn’t be a financial burden to his family. He walked to and from school everyday, brought packed lunches, recycled notebooks and used textbooks, and worked part time at the café so his family wouldn’t need to pay for an extra set of hands.
Being one of the school’s scholarship kids never bothered him much, especially since he knew his performance as a student was exemplary and he knew he deserved the honor of studying at such a prestigious school, but he couldn’t stop himself from those moments when he just couldn’t afford to live as lavishly as his friends did. But when he saw his friends’ faces showing that they understood, he felt like he didn’t have to say it out loud.
Beomgyu clicks his tongue, looking at him playfully with disapproval. “No way, my date deserves to own a suit. The most handsome guy at MO Academy, apart from myself of course, should definitely own a suit.” he says, smiling at Taehyun thoughtfully. “What do you say, I take you out shopping tomorrow? We can go to the shopping center near that subway station, I could meet you there for lunch?”
Taehyun beams at him then, nodding his head. “It’s a date.”
“Our first one.” Beomgyu says, winking at him.
“But the fact still stands that I can’t…afford to buy a suit.” Taehyun says sheepishly.
“Darling, don’t worry about that. I’ll get you a suit as pretty as your face, which is impossible because you are the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, but I can sure as hell try.” Beomgyu says, lifting a hand up to cup Taehyun’s cheek, making him blush.
“Alright, but nothing too extravagant, and definitely no designer brands.” Taehyun says, giving in. “And I’m buying you lunch.”
Beomgyu beams. He didn’t think Taehyun would say yes, but he was set on buying him a suit whether he wanted it or not anyway. “Deal.”
The 3 boys watching them from couch squirm, trying their best to hold in their awe, but upon seeing that, Kai couldn’t hold it in any longer.
To everyone’s surprise, Kai lets out a squeal, making them all jump and stare at him. “You guys are so cute, I wanna cry.” he says, making them all laugh fondly at the youngest boy.
“We are adorable, aren’t we?” Taehyun says, wrapping an arm around Beomgyu’s waist.
“Couple of the year.” Beomgyu agrees, kissing the top of his head. “So what kind of suit do you want?”
“Just a standard black suit, so I can wear it to any occasion.” Taehyun says. “I mean, it’s not like there’s a wide spectrum of styles to choose from anyway.”
“This topic would’ve been more fun to talk about if we were girls.” Soobin pipes in thoughtfully. “It’s kinda boring how guys just wear the same thing for every formal event. Meanwhile, girls can pick any dress color and any style of dress they want!” he says, suddenly going on a mini rant. “It seems so fun in movies when girls go dress shopping and fix up their hair and do their makeup before a big event. I wish guys could experience the same thing. Shopping and getting all dressed up and excited for a big night sounds so fun.”
“Speaking of girls going shopping, I’m pretty sure Baby, Yuna and Ryujin are doing exactly that right now.” Yeonjun says, taking out his phone and tapping it a few times before holding it up to his ear. “Hello? Baby?”
“I—I was talking to her, not you, Gyu.” Yeonjun says, surprised when Beomgyu responded. The boys in the room snicker, and Taehyun smacks his arm.
“Baby? You there?”
‘Hey there, yes I’m here with Lia and Ryu.’ B responds over the phone.
“Hey Baby. Ah, dress shopping, I presume?” Yeonjun says knowingly.
‘Yup! We’ve been walking around and trying on dresses for what feels like decades. I think this is the 5th shop we’ve been in. I’m exhausted.’ B says, and she did sound tired.
Yeonjun pouts. “Oh no, is my baby tired? Want me to come over and help you girls? I can carry all your bags and stuff.” he offers.
B giggles. ‘Thanks, but I think we’re good here. I don’t want to interrupt your time with the guys, plus I kind of don’t want you to see my dress until the Fall Ball. I want it to be a surprise.’ she says mysteriously.
“Oh, you have a dress already? No fair, I wanna see it! Send me pictures please.” Yeonjun says pleadingly.
‘Well, no, but I’ve tried on a few dresses that I might end up buying so I have a few prospects. And no, I want it to be surprise!’ she laughs. ‘I gotta go, we have to finish this by 6pm and we haven’t even thought about looking at shoes yet. See you later, and say hi to the boys for me!’ B says quickly before hanging up.
“Was that Yeonjun?” Ryujin asks as B puts her phone away.
B nods. “Yup, he was just checking in.” she says, going back to scanning the clothing rack for any dress that would catch her eye. “God, I hate shopping. I’m so tired, and I haven’t even bought anything yet. This feels hopeless.”
“Hey, lighten up, this is supposed to be fun!” Ryujin laughs. “Why haven’t you bought anything yet? I thought that blue dress you tried on at the shop before this one looked amazing on you. The one with the thigh high slit? It was gorgeous.”
B bites her lip. The dress was gorgeous, but she didn’t feel gorgeous when she wore it. The truth was, the closer the Fall Ball was getting, the more self-conscious she was growing about her body. She had strived to maintain her slim figure. She had always watched what she eats and tried her best to get in some exercise whenever she could, but ever since she moved away from her home, she hadn’t been able to find the time or the equipment to exercise, and she felt like it was starting to show. “Honestly, I thought I looked a bit fat, but I’ll keep the dress in mind. I think I can lose a few pounds in 2 weeks, right?”
Ryujin’s jaw drops as B says this. “Fat? Please tell me you’re joking.” she says, horrified. “B, no offense, but you could use a few extra pounds. I love you, I love how you look, but sometimes when I hug you I feel like I could snap you in half.” Ryujin admits.
“Ryu, no, I just feel like if I lost some of this fat right under my belly button, any dress would look just right.” B says, pinching the nonexistent fat.
“Please don’t.” Ryujin says. “If I see you dieting, I will force feed you. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if you don’t see that, then maybe you just need a little nudge, or a gently shove.”
Just then, Yuna calls the girls to the dressing room. “Guys! Come look, I think I’ve just found the perfect dress!” she squeals.
As the 2 girls head over to the dressing room, Yuna pulls aside the curtain and steps out of the booth dramatically, giving a twirl and a pose. “Ta-dah! What do you guys think?”
Ryujin and B looked at her in awe. She was wearing a satin gold slip dress that elegantly hung off her frame, highlighting her delicate shoulders and accentuating her long legs. The dress was held up by thin straps and fell down right above her knees.
“You look amazing.” B says. “Kai is going to love this.”
“Yes. Absolutely yes.” Ryujin says, howling with approval. “Damn, I wish I could pull off a slip dress. It’s like the right amount of chic and sexy.”
“Ryujin, please, you’d slay anything you wear.” Yuna says, blushing from their compliments.
“Easy for you to say, I’ve got man shoulders and thick thighs. Not exactly the right body fit for a dress.” Ryujin groans.
“Don’t say that!” B says. “You look good no matter what you wear!”
“Ha, and now you know how I feel about you saying the same thing.” Ryujin says, referring to their conversation earlier. “Let’s just agree that we’re all gorgeous and that we’re all gonna rock whatever dresses we buy today, alright?”
B giggles, realizing how Ryujin had cleverly turned the tables on her. “Alright. But Yuna, you definitely have to get that dress. It’s perfect.”
“Only if you get that gorgeous blue dress you tried on earlier.” Yuna sing songs. “The one with the slit. I can’t believe you didn’t get it right then and there. You looked amazing! Like the Greek goddess of the sea or something.”
“Yuna, the Greek god of the sea is Poseidon.” Ryujin informs her.
Yuna simply shrugs and cheekily says “God is a woman.” before turning back to her reflection in the fitting room.
B laughs. “Fine fine, after you buy that dress, let’s go back to the previous store and I’ll buy the blue dress. I guess it was perfect. The only thing I didn’t like about it was that I couldn’t unzip it on my own. My arms couldn’t reach the zipper.” B huffs.
“That won’t be a problem when you wear it for the Fall Ball since you’ll have Yeonjun to unzip it for you.” Ryujin says teasingly.
B blushes bright red. “Ryu! Don’t say that in front of our baby.” she shushes, motioning to Yuna, who was too busy twirling around and admiring her dress in the mirror to notice what the 2 girls were talking about. “We agreed to keep our discussions PG in front of her.”
“Don’t worry, when you put her in front of a mirror, she could stare at herself for hours.” Ryujin says dismissively. “Also, yes we did, but things between you and Yeonjun definitely aren’t PG anymore.”
It was true. Over the past few weeks, things with Yeonjun had advanced faster than she realized. They quickly went from kissing and caressing to, well, let’s just say that the kisses have gone below the neck and that the caresses have gone under their clothes.
B’s cheeks burn even hotter as the non-PG moments she shared with Yeonjun began to play in her mind. “I—well, yeah, but we shouldn’t be talking about it in front of Yuna.” B says, trying to steer away from the conversation.
Ryujin decides to steer them away from Yuna instead, leading B out of the fitting rooms and back into the racks of dresses, out of earshot. “Okay, now that Yuna’s out of the way, I want to talk to you about this.” she says, trying to maintain eye contact with B. “I know things with Yeonjun have been going great, and although I have an idea of just how far things between you two have gone, there’s just something I wanna say.”
“Alright then, what is it?” B asks, ready to hear whatever sex advice Ryujin would tell her.
“I just want to say, be careful. Your first time should be special, with someone special, and if you decide that going all the way with Yeonjun on the night of the Fall Ball will be the way to do it, then I’m 100% routing for you. But I just want to make sure that you’re 100% sure about it too.” Ryujin says, completely sincere. “And you don’t have to tell me whether or not you decide to do it, you don’t have to let me know because that’s between you and Yeonjun, but I want you to know that I’m always here if you want or need someone to talk to about it, okay?”
B blinks a couple of times, surprised by Ryujin’s sudden advice. She always pegged Ryujin to be the supportive friend who’d bring out the inner hoe goddess in her, but seeing how genuine and concerned she was made B feel a newfound fondness for her.
“Aw, Ryu, you’re so sweet.” B says, unable to stop herself from wrapping her arms around her friend. “Thank you. I promise, I’ll only do it when I’m 100% sure and ready. And I promise I’ll let you be the first to know all about it, not because I feel the need to, but because I want to.” B says, winking.
Ryujin chuckles. “Alright, but I don’t want to hear any gorey details.” she says. “Now, let’s pull Yuna out of the dressing room and to the cashier so we can buy our dresses and get the hell out of here.”
1 week before…
“Soobin! Soobinie! Hey!”
Soobin turns to look back, stopping his tracks in the middle of the hallway. He was on his way to meet up with his friends at their gazebo for lunch when a familiar voice called out his name in the hallway.
As he turns around, he’s surprised to find his cousin, Choi Arin, waving at him. He smiled and waved back, not noticing that she had a friend with her. He stays still as the 2 girls approach him. “Arin, hey, what’s up?” he asks politely. Even though he and Arin were cousins and grew up seeing each other on family occasions, he never seemed to see her around MOA. They never shared any classes together, they didn’t have any mutual extracurricular interests, and they had completely different social circles. Arin’s friend group consisted solely of girls, and until recently, Soobin’s friend group was composed of all boys. He had mentioned before that he had a cousin who studied at MOA, but he never really got the chance to introduce her to any of his friends.
“What’s up? I feel like I haven’t see you in forever!” Arin says, playfully hitting his arm. “I guess Mr. Student Council President is too busy to check up on his cousin?”
“Ah, I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to see you around campus lately. Senior has been hectic, especially these past few weeks with the Fall Ball coming up.” Soobin says apologetically. “I promise, when the whole Fall Ball thing is over, we’ll hang out, alright?” he offers.
Arin laughs lightheartedly. “Lighten up Soobin, I was just teasing! I do miss seeing you around though, and maybe we could hang out even earlier? Say, the night of the Fall Ball? I have you don’t have a date yet, is it true?”
Soobin rubs the back of his neck, flustered at the topic of his date, or lack thereof. “Um, yeah, no date for me, but it’s completely fine with me. I didn’t really have anyone I wanted to ask to the Fall Ball anyway.”
“Oh is that so?” Arin says mischievously. It’s only then when she steps aside and pulls her friend forward, introducing her to Soobin. “Soobin, this is my friend Yiren. She also does not have a date to the Fall Ball.”
Ah, so this was where this was going.
“Hello, Yiren, it’s nice to meet you.” Soobin says politely, putting on a charming smile. Yiren blushes visibly and says hi back.
“Now Soobin, I was wondering if you could help my friend Yiren here about her dateless situation?” Arin says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Soobin knew that she wanted him to ask Yiren to the dance now, but he didn’t have the heart to force himself to go to the dance with someone he didn’t know. It wouldn’t be fair to Yiren to spend her evening with someone who was too busy wishing they were dancing with someone else to even pay attention to her.
Instead, Soobin quickly scans the hallway for any familiar face, until he spots one. “Oh, Jangun!” he says, spotting the boy walking out from one of the classrooms along the hall. “Jangjun, come here!” Soobin calls, motioning him over. When the boy notices Soobin calling him over, his face lights up and he waves back, quickly making his way to meet them.
“Soobin, hey!” Jangjun says excitedly. “You called me over?” Soobin had always thought that Jangjun was a nice guy, he was one of the students at campus that Soobin considered as his friend outside of his friend group. Jangjun was always willing to help in any way he could, and boy could Soobin sure use his help now.
“Jangjun, yeah, I just wanted to know if you have any plans for the Fall Ball. You taking anyone?” Soobin asks.
“Oh, no, sadly I was too busy dealing with some family business these past few weeks. I didn’t notice that the Fall Ball was getting closer until it was too late. It’s 1 week away and I still don’t have a date, so I thought it seemed hopeless to try to look for one now.” Jangjun admits, genuinely bummed out.
Soobin deliberately lightens up, straightening out his posture and tilting his head up, as if he was hit by a stroke of genius. “Ah, it’s never too late! Jangjun, this is my cousin’s friend. Her name is Yiren, and my dearest cousin Arin has just informed me that she doesn’t have a date yet either.” he says, stepping aside as he introduces the two to each other.
“Yiren, yes hi, I’ve seen you around. I think we had Biology together last year.” Jangjun says, smiling brightly at her. “I’m Jangjun, nice to meet you.”
Yiren smiles shyly at him. “Hi Jangjun, I’m Yiren. It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Well, it looks like we’re being set up here.” Jangjun says lightheartedly, laughing nervously. “I don’t mean to be too straightforward, but is there any chance you’d like to go to the Fall Ball with me?”
Yiren’s face lights up as she smiles at him and nods. “Yes, I’d really like that.”
“Great! Uh, can I have your phone number? And let me know your social media accounts too so I can add and follow you.” Jangjun says, enthusiastically giving her his phone.
As the pair walk off and get to know each other, Arin turns to glare at Soobin.
“You know I was trying to pair you and Yerin together, right?” she huffs.
“Yes, I could tell, I’m not that stupid you know.” Soobin chuckles. “Sorry cous, I just really don’t want to ask anyone to the dance. I’ll be too busy making sure that nothing goes wrong to even entertain a date anyway.”
“Oh, Soobinie, when will you learn to put yourself first.” Arin says, shaking her head. “Well, although my plan to set you up with Yerin failed, at least she got a date out of it anyway.” she says, amused as she watches her friend giggle at her newfound date.
“Don’t get me wrong, she seems like a great girl, I just… I’m not interested in taking anyway to the dance.” Soobin says. “Speaking of, who’s your date to the Fall Ball?”
Arin smiles with a glint in her eyes. “Hwang Hyunjin.”
“Wow, Hyunjin?” Soobin says, impressed. “Great catch, cousin. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your evening.” he says, knowing that Hyunjin was one of the more popular guys in their grade, and that he was always great company judging by the amount of people he was constantly surrounded with.
“Thanks, cous. I was thinking of asking you to introduce me to your student council buddies since I’ve been dying to meet them since you became president, but then Hyunjin asked me and that was that.” Arin says.
“Ah, really? Sorry, I can’t believe I haven’t introduced you to my friends yet. They’re all unavailable though so even if I had introduced you to them, you wouldn’t have gotten a date out of it.” Soobin laughs, making Arin snort. “But I’ll introduce you to them soon, I promise.”
Arin sighs. “It’s fine, Soobin. Just make sure you come find me at the Fall Ball and say hi, alright? I’m sure you’ll have the time to do it, since you won’t be glued to a date all night.” she says, playfully pinching his cheeks before walking away.
4 days before…
“The more I think about it, the more it hurts. I don’t know what to do, Binnie. I just wanted to get away.”
She moves closer to him, her ass sliding against the cold hard floor, closing the gap between them as she leans her head on his shoulder. She feels him go still for a moment, before he takes a deep breath, her head rising and falling along with his shoulders as he does so, as he takes one of her hands in his and starts to trace gentle circles on her skin.
He speaks, and she sees his mouth moving, but no sound seems to come out, the words lodged deep down in her memory.
When he finishes speaking, she sighs and says “Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.”
B wakes with a start, her whole body visibly tensing up as her eyes fly open. She instantly lifts her head up and sees both Yeonjun and Soobin looking at her with concern.
“Baby? Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” Yeonjun asks, putting his hand on top of hers. She looks around and realises that she had fallen asleep during class, Creative writing, their last period for the day.
B squeezes her eyes shut before she lets them meet his. “Yeah, a bad dream I guess.” she says. “Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep in class in the first place.”
Yeonjun smiles at her fondly. “Sir Kim’s just letting us discuss ideas for our projects, and since my partner’s not here, I’m hanging around with you and Soobin.” he says, and that’s when she remembers that Soobin was seated next to her on the other side.
She turns to him, unable to meet his gaze just yet, still confused by the dream she just had.
“B? Got any ideas you wanna share?” he asks, his dimple popping out as he gives her a small smile. “It’s alright if you don’t, you can just sleep if you want. I’m sure we’ll come up with something.”
What was up with her dream? And why did it feel so real? She remembers the feeling of his hand on hers, of his thumb tracing circles along the surface of her skin, she felt is as clear as day now.
“Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.”
Why would she tell him that in her dream? Was it possible that she had some underlying feelings for him? What should’ve been him? What was her subconscious mind trying to tell her?
“B?” he asks again, his smile faltering.
She finally meets his gaze then, and she plasters on a smile. “No, I shouldn’t sleep in class. I guess we’ll just go along with what we’ve been doing so far. We can just take random pictures of each other whenever we hang out and make stories out of them in our posts.”
Soobin nods. “That’s what I was thinking. It shouldn’t be too hard since we’re stuck with this until the end of the term.”
“Yeah, it’ll be a breeze.” she says, feigning positivity. The truth was, the dream she just had was worrying her and was very confusing.
Why would she and Soobin be in that position? Why would she say that to Soobin? She knew it was just a dream and probably just her subconscious mind making up scenarios, but why did it feel so real?
1 day before…
It was Friday night, the night before the Fall Ball, yet B still couldn’t get the strange dream with Soobin out of her head.
It constantly replayed in her head, like a broken film reel, and the more it played, the clearer the picture became.
Although some parts were still hazy and some words still came to her memory as muffled sounds, she was able to discern that she and Soobin were alone in a small space, that they were sitting on the floor together, that she was wearing the dress she wore the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party, that she was very very drunk, and that she was crying.
Now her main question was why.
Why was she alone in a small space, sitting on the floor on the night of Yeonjun’s party, very very drunk and crying…
...with Soobin?
Letting her curiosity get the best of her, B decides to send Soobin a text, wanting answers once and for all.
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Upon seeing her final question, Soobin froze. He could feel himself start to sweat as he contemplated what he should do next. Although B’s recollection of the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party was clearing, it was still painfully clear that she had no clue about Yeonjun locking lips with Rose later that evening. What Soobin didn’t know was if Yeonjun’s recollection of that evening was coming to him as well.
Soobin found himself facing the very dilemma he wanted to avoid.
Should he tell B the truth, the whole truth about what else he saw that night? Or should he lie and let Yeonjun deal with the problem of telling B about the kiss?
Soobin had a method of dealing with such dilemnas. He simply closed his eyes, took 3 deep breaths, and made a decision.
He typed out his reply and hit send before he could second guess his decision.
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His heart ached as he realized that he had just lied to B, but he knew it was the right, or rather the less evil, choice. She didn’t need to know that he had practically confessed to having feelings for her that night, nor did she need to know that she had wondered out loud about the what ifs between she and him. He didn’t mean keeping those parts of the night in the dark.
But what he truly felt awful about was the one thing he witnessed that he didn’t have the authority to tell her. As he texted B goodbye and wished her a good night, he quickly sent a text to one more person.
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19 notes · View notes
kmomof4 · 4 years
State of Emergency: Code White
Here is the third and final part of my State of Emergency universe, originally inspired by the 1997 Tommy Lee Jones movie, Volcano. This picks up about six and a half months after State of Emergency: Future Glimpse, Part 2 of this series. All the love and thanks in the world to @profdanglaisstuff​ for her beta services, @thisonesatellite​ for sharing her earthquake knowledge with me, and @hollyethecurious​ for her listening ear and her assurance that this idea wasn't garbage. And last but certainly not least, @searchingwardrobes​ and @stahlop​ for their help in deciding on a title. I hope you enjoy this conclusion and let me know what you think! Read more link after the first scene, unless Tumblr ate it.
Tagging my peeps: @hollyethecurious​ @winterbaby89​ @snowbellewells​ @stahlop​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @jennjenn615​ @kingofmyheart14​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @branlovestowrite​ @thisonesatellite​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @flslp87​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @let-it-raines​ @shireness-says​ @kymbersmith-90​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @bethacaciakay​ @searchingwardrobes​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @aprilqueen84​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @superchocovian​ @artistic-writer​ @donteattheappleshook​ @doodlelolly0910​ @seriouslyhooked​ @tiganasummertree​ @lfh1226-linda​
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Ao3 link
Also muchos love and flails to @captainsjedi​ for her picset for this fic!!! It is so perfect, I can’t even!!!!
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August 28, 2021
A squeal that was nearly loud enough to break the windows drew Emma’s attention away from where Killian was checking them into the Hotel Casa del Mar for Graham and Ruby’s wedding the next day. She turned just in time to hold out her arms before Ruby barrelled into her nearly nine months pregnant belly.
“Emma!” she exclaimed, “Look at you!” She grasped Emma’s shoulders and held her away from her, scrutinizing every part of her with an eye that only a best friend of many, many years could accomplish. Apparently satisfied with what she found, Ruby pulled her close and rubbed her tummy all while murmuring to her honorary niece or nephew.
“Hello there, my darling,” she cooed, “How is my little angel today? I hope you didn’t make the drive down too difficult for your mom. I can’t wait to meet you in just a few more weeks.” She ended her questioning monologue with a kiss to the top of her belly. If it had been anyone else, Emma would have introduced them to her fist long before now, but this was Ruby. Her best friend since junior high. Certain privileges came with that kind of longevity.
“I’m fine, too,” she laughed, “Thanks for asking, Ruby.” Ruby rose up laughing at her sarcasm and drawing her close again.
“Ohhh,” she breathed, “I’m so happy to see you! We cannot go three months without seeing each other ever again.”
Killian turned away from the counter with a wide grin before Ruby released Emma and greeted him with an enthusiastic hug as well. “You hear me, Jones?” she asked, pulling away, “Emma and I cannot go three months between seeing each other ever again.”
“Duly noted,” he replied. “Where’s Graham?”
Ruby turned away as her tall, sandy haired fianceé sauntered over to where the three of them still stood. The men greeted each other with a firm handshake before embracing.
“It’s good to see you, mate,” Killian greeted his best friend as Graham returned the sentiment. They moved away from the check in counter, toward the elevators finalizing plans for dinner in a couple of hours. Emma was happy to see everyone, but she was really looking forward to a nice long soak in the whirlpool tub in their room and maybe a nap beforehand. The ride down from Sacramento had been brutal. The whirlpool jets on the tight muscles in her lower back where the achiness had settled would feel like heaven. The normally about five and a half hour drive had taken them nearly nine, with her bladder demands every hour or so and needing to stretch her legs.
They all rode the elevator together, Ruby and Emma keeping their arms around each other the entire way. Finally making it to their rooms, the men had to nearly peel the ladies away from each other.
“Come on, Swan,” Killian cajoled, “that whirlpool tub is waiting.” He waggled his brows suggestively, earning him an eye roll.
“All right, fine,” she whined, releasing Ruby. Ruby immediately stepped into Graham's arms and they turned back toward their worn out friend.
“We’ll see you downstairs at 7:30,” she said. “That should give you enough time for a bath and rest for a little while. Have to make sure you’re taking care of my niece or nephew, ya know.”
Emma and Killian both grinned. “We’ll see you then.”
Emma entered the elevator and stretched her back with a grimace on her face and a soft exhale at the achiness there. Killian was by her side instantly, his hand rubbing circles into the small of her back.
“Are you alright, darling?” he asked. “Need another soak in the tub when we get back to the room tonight?”
Emma turned to him with a smile on her face at his concern. “Those jets felt wonderful. Another soak after dinner may be just what the doctor ordered. All those hours in the car, just…” she trailed away with another stretch and quiet groan. “I know you love that car, but we are NEVER traveling out of town in it again.”
The elevator doors opened and they stepped out to find Killian’s brother Liam and his girlfriend, Elsa already waiting. Liam was an Anglican priest and would be performing the ceremony the next day. Elsa, while not a bridesmaid, had been welcomed into the group when she and Liam had started dating last spring and so she was invited to enjoy all the festivities with the wedding party. They were still sharing hugs and greetings when Mary Margaret and David and then the bride and groom arrived.
They moved the party to one of the best seafood places in Santa Monica. Right on the water, it served steak and fresh out of the ocean seafood. It had been a favorite when she had lived here and she had informed Ruby that she was resigning as Matron of Honor if they didn’t eat there sometime over the weekend. She may not be able to eat any shellfish, but she could still have her filet mignon.
The evening was filled with good food, good drinks, laughter, and stories. Emma got to share the story about when she and Ruby had tried to fake-ID their way into a hot new club on the beach back when they were in high school. All Ruby’s idea, of course. But then, in retaliation, Ruby had to tell the story about the first time Emma got completely hammered, after their college graduation.
“Single mom, graduating summa cum laude,” she shrugged, with a smirk, “I was entitled.” Her smirk softened into a more genuine, grateful smile. “I couldn’t have done it without Ruby, David and M’s.”
“Damn right!” Ruby exclaimed, toasting Emma’s raised glass with her own. Laughter broke out from around the table and more toasts were raised to Emma’s success and to the happy couple. Finally, Graham stood.
“Who would have guessed that one of the greatest natural disasters that California has ever seen would lead me, lead us here.” He smiled down at Ruby, affectionately. “Killian and I have been friends for a decade. Ever since he hired me right out of college to work at the Geological Survey. When he was promoted, he brought me along with him to work as his assistant. And it was that position that led me to this beautiful, wonderful woman by my side this evening. The woman that I am so blessed to be marrying tomorrow.” He looked back down at his soon-to-be bride, as she fanned herself dramatically, trying to hide her blush. He leaned down and pulled Ruby’s chin up and captured her lips in a tender kiss as whoops and hollers from around the table were directed at the happy couple. He sat down and draped his arm around her shoulder as she snuggled into his side, red lips smiling widely.
Killian rose then. “I’ll keep this brief, since we still have the Dudes Day Lunch tomorrow,” he began, as loud guffaws broke out over the name. “Hey!” he exclaimed, “don’t laugh at me! It was old man Liam’s idea!” He pointed at his brother whose face flamed red at being outed for coming up with that ridiculous name. “Anyway, Graham fell for Ruby nearly as fast as I did for Emma. And I could not be happier for the both of you. But I have to say, mate, I made better use of my time.” More laughs came from the gathered friends as he waggled his eyebrows salaciously at his wife as he sat down.
“Well, you were on more of a time clock than I was, mate,” Graham reminded him. “Had to fit the wedding in once the Governor decided he wanted you in Sacramento.”
Killian nodded in agreement before drawing Emma into his side. He couldn’t help but rub his hand on her swollen belly before kissing her on the temple. Now that the speeches were over, the dinner party quickly wound down. They made their way back to the hotel and all went their separate ways, wishing each other a good night and reiterating the plans for the morning.
Emma came out of the bathroom over an hour later, hair and body scrubbed clean until it glowed in the low light of the lamps of the room.
“How’s your back, darling?” he asked, quietly, “Still aching?”
“Yes,” she yawned, climbing in the bed. “But I think that soak and more than an hour in this bed will go a long way to helping it feel better. I’m really looking forward to the massage in the morning. I’m sure I’ll be right as rain after that.” She snuggled as close as she could into his chest before looking up and drawing him into a kiss.
“Hmmmm,” he hummed against her lips. “I’m sure you will be too. Goodnight, Swan.”
She turned in his arms that tenderly cupped their unborn child. “Goodnight.”
Killian couldn’t stop the grin that spread his lips as he caught sight of the female portion of the bridal party exiting the elevators that brought them down from the spa on the top floor of the hotel. Emma was radiant, hair and makeup done to perfection and appearing to be even more relaxed than she had been when she left their room that morning. Apparently, a good night's sleep in a very comfortable bed plus a facial and pregnancy massage did wonders for his beloved wife’s countenance.
“Swan,” he called, approaching her as the party made their way toward the hotel restaurant. She turned toward him with the most beautiful smile on her face, she nearly took his breath away.
“Hi,” she replied, meeting him halfway and turning her face up to his for his kiss.
“How was the spa, darling?” he asked, rubbing circles into the small of her back. “How does your back feel?”
“Amazing,” she gushed, “Rose was my therapist and I nearly fell asleep under her fingers. I have had a couple of twinges since the massage, but nothing like yesterday on the way down.”
“Good,” he replied, “I’m glad to hear it. We’ll be at the oyster bar if you need me,” he said, pointing across the lobby. The smile she graced him with was full of happiness. He leaned down and brushed her lips with his own again. “I’ll see you after lunch.”
She hummed as he let her go. Emma couldn’t hide her appreciative smirk as she watched her husband saunter away before she caught up with the other ladies at the matré d’s podium. “Bridal luncheon for four under the name Jones,” she informed the man.
“Right this way, ladies.”
He led them across the gleaming marble floor toward a beautifully appointed table only a few feet in front of the floor to ceiling windows that looked out on the beach where Ruby and Graham would be exchanging their vows in about six hours. The ladies oooo-ed and ahhh-ed over the view and the richness of their surroundings. Settling themselves in their chairs, their server appeared pouring water in their glasses and taking their drink orders before disappearing again.
“Ruby,” breathed Mary Margaret, “this is absolutely beautiful!”
“I know!” their friend agreed. “Isn’t it? They had a picture of the restaurant on the website and when I saw it, I knew this is where I wanted everything to be.” Ruby sighed, happily. “I’ve always dreamt of a sunset wedding on the beach.” From where they sat, they could see the area where the wedding coordinator and her crew were already hard at work getting ready for the nuptials that evening.
“Don’t I know it.” Emma rolled her eyes, good naturedly. “I’ve been listening to it for years.” She drew her best friend into a side hug as the other ladies looked on, wide smiles on their faces. “And I couldn’t be happier for you both.”
Their server returned with their drinks and took their orders for lunch. Once he withdrew, Elsa raised her glass to the bride. “I know that I’m not as close with all you ladies as you are to each other, but I’d be remiss if I neglected to tell you all thank you first for including me in your festivities and second for welcoming me into your group with such open arms. I know that Liam is so thrilled and honored to be joining you and Graham in marriage this evening, Ruby, and we both wish you every happiness and blessing in your union.”
Tears glistened in Ruby’s eyes as she rose from her place at the table and came around to gather Elsa into a warm hug. “Thank you, Elsa,” she choked out. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be marrying Graham. And having you here to celebrate with us makes it that much better. There are truly no words for how happy it makes me to see Liam so happy. How happy you’ve made him.” Elsa’s lovely face flushed at Ruby’s words. “When I met Killian, he, and then Liam, joined David as the brothers I’d never had. So it does my heart good that you’ve found each other.” Ruby let go and returned to her seat just as their lunches arrived.
“Hear, hear!” The four men raised their pints and toasted Graham’s happiness after Liam had spoken a few words that if the ladies had heard, would have earned them all eye rolls and playfully indignant slaps at the raunchiness of the teasing. Well, except maybe Graham. Ruby would have been just as likely to laugh and raise her glass with the rest of them.
After taking a sip, Killian rose from his seat. “As Best Man, and the reason that Graham met Ruby in the first place, I have a few words to say.” The laughter among the men died down as they all fixed their attention on him. “Graham, words cannot express how happy I am for you that this day has finally arrived. I knew the moment I entered the control center two and a half years ago that there was something different about you, and when you smiled at Ruby I could immediately see what it was.” Graham’s face broke into a soft smile as his eyes took on the dreamy quality of pleasant memories. “There’s nothing like a disaster of epic proportions to drive people together. You were smitten with Ruby that very first day. It has been a joy and privilege to watch you fall in love with the wonderful woman that you will make your wife in just a few hours from now.” He raised his glass high again in a toast. “To Graham and Ruby.”
“To Graham and Ruby,” the others echoed, raising their own glasses.
“May you find every happiness in life together, for you certainly deserve it.” Killian took his seat just as their server approached with their meals.
The ladies had enjoyed their lunch and were waiting for their Death by Chocolate desserts when Emma rose. Stretching her back with a grimace, Emma placed her hand on her back and waved away M’s concerned face. She looked down at her best friend and smiled gently.
“Ruby, you’ve been my best friend in the world since we were twelve years old and you moved into my school district. I’ll never forget the first time I saw you. You came into our 7th grade Theater class like a whirlwind.” Ruby chuckled at the memory. “You sat next to me and didn’t let my natural shyness and ‘prickly-ness,’” Emma placed quote signs around the word that Ruby had undoubtedly used many times in referring to her, “deter you. You were gonna be my friend if it killed you to do it. You were my closest friend in no time flat and I am so grateful. It’s been my joy and privilege to grow up with you, to travel the ups and downs of life with you up to this point, that I’ll now be handing off to your husband in just a few hours. And also to watch you fall in love with the love of your life. There are no words to express my happiness for you both.”
A gasp broke from Emma’s lips as a tightening in her back that radiated around her front caused her to hunch over and grab the table before her. The silverware and glassware rattled as the ladies exchanged nervous glances.
Emma laughed, breathlessly, “That really hurt,” she gasped, trying to sit down again. “Guess I don’t know my own strength.”
The tableware continued to rattle and Emma followed M’s and Elsa’s gaze upward to where the large chandelier hanging over their table was swinging back and forth.
“Earthquake!” M’s cried, “Everyone under the table!”
Emma got down on all fours and made her way under the table along with the others. Terror overtook her as the shaking continued. Thoughts of Killian on the other side of the lobby and Henry still in Sacramento raced through her mind as she prayed for their and her own and her baby’s safety. The shaking was beginning to subside when the table collapsed on the four of them, forcing Emma to flatten herself on the floor, her face buried in Ruby’s lap. The pain that ripped through her caused her to scream in agony before everything went black.
The shaking had finally subsided, but the scream and sudden silence from Emma terrified Mary Margaret more than the earthquake had. “Emma? Elsa? Ruby? Everyone okay?”
Ruby, her back facing M’s and bent over from the table on top of them was the first to answer. “I’m ok, but Emma’s unconscious. Her head is in my lap.”
“Okay, we have to get the table off of Emma. On the count of three everybody push as hard as you can. One, two, three!”
Groans from the others filled her ears, but she was barely aware of them as she pushed with all her might against the heavy surface of the table above her. Suddenly, the table gave way as it and the chandelier that had fallen on it flipped off of them. The sunlight nearly blinded her and it took a moment of furious blinking before M’s was able to scan over the others before she scrambled to a still unconscious Emma.
“Emma? Emma!” she cried, checking her pulse and respiration before noticing the wetness that was spreading out from under her sister-in-law. “Ok, I need everyone to surround Emma to help me turn her on her back. Very carefully. I think her water’s broken.”
A gasp broke from Ruby at M’s speculation. M’s eyes met Elsa’s pain filled ones as she realized that she was holding her left arm across her chest. The darkening bruise that took up most of her forearm clued her in that Elsa’s arm was badly broken and she wouldn’t be much help in moving Emma.
“We have to get Emma on her back so I can see exactly what is happening with the baby. As soon as I’m done with that, I’ll get your arm splinted.”
Elsa nodded. “Making sure that Emma and the baby are okay is more important. I can wait.”
“Okay,” she agreed, “Ruby, can you get Emma’s shoulders turned to the left? I’ll handle the torso.”
Ruby nodded and took her position. “On the count of three. One, two, three.” With a mighty heave they were able to get Emma on her back as she let out a low moan at the action.
The front of Emma’s dress was soaked. Mary Margaret wasted no time in shucking the maxi dress she wore up around her waist and removing her underwear. Ruby was gently shaking Emma’s shoulders and murmuring in her ear trying to get her to wake up as Mary Margaret checked to see how far along in labor she was.
“She’s six centimeters,” M’s announced, with obvious relief. “The baby’s coming. Ruby, I need you to get to the front of the hotel and find some paramedics. Hopefully there’s some nearby and you won’t have any trouble getting out there or getting them back here. If you see any employee’s on your way out, tell them we need water and towels here, ASAP.”
Emma was finally starting to come around as Ruby was maneuvering out from under her. “What happened,” she mumbled.
M’s moved to Emma’s head. She placed both hands on her cheeks and held her attention. “Emma, I need you to look at me. Do you know where you are? Do you know what’s happening today?”
“Uh, we’re at the hotel? And we just finished lunch? Ruby and Graham are getting married.” It was really more of a question than she would have liked, but at least there weren’t any memory gaps.
“Yes, that’s good!” M’s exclaimed, “Very good! There was an earthquake and we were trapped under the table. We’ve gotten the table off of us, but your water has broken. The baby is coming.” The calm that normally characterized her in an emergency situation descended on Mary Margaret. She may not have expected to deliver her niece or nephew, but she was far from inexperienced in matters such as these.
“The baby is coming?” Emma cried, “I’m not due for another five weeks! Will he be okay?”
Looking into Emma’s eyes, she could see that panic threatened to overtake her. She infused all the confidence she could muster from the less than ideal situation into her smile before she shared her expectations for the situation.
“At thirty-five weeks, the baby will almost definitely be fine. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby is mostly gaining weight and preparing for delivery. Our only concern is the setting. This is obviously far from ideal.” At that moment their server arrived with an armful of towels and two water pitchers.
“Thank you,” M’s said, taking the supplies from him. Turning back to Emma, she continued. “You are six centimeters dialated and I expect you’ll be ready to push here in about an hour.”
Emma nodded, trying her best to find some measure of comfort that M’s was with her and would do everything she could to ensure a safe delivery of her child. Wanting nothing more than for Killian to be at her side, she closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. She could feel the tightening in her back again spreading around to the front that she had become familiar with since yesterday. She should have realized that the pain was early labor and not just uncomfortable seats in Killian’s beloved classic SS Chevelle. But there was nothing to do about that now. She could only pray that Killian was unhurt and making his way to her and their baby.
When the earthquake finally stopped, Killian and the other men came out from under the bar where they had taken cover when the shaking began. It was all he could do to breathe as terror filled him as he looked around the restaurant and out to the lobby beyond. It was obviously a major earthquake, but the damage he could see was relatively minor. He knew that it would take him some time to get to Emma, however. He looked over to his companions.
“Everyone alright?” he asked.
A chorus of “yesses” and “fine” met him. “I’ve got to get to Emma,” he blurted out, picking his way around the debris as he headed toward the lobby.
“Hold on, brother.” Liam approached and grabbed him by the arm.
“Don’t you try to stop me,” Killian yelled, jerking away from him. “I have to make sure she’s safe. She and the baby.” The terror rose again and tears filled his eyes as the possibilities played out in his mind.
“I’m not trying to stop you, Killian,” Liam agreed, “I’m simply telling you that we’re coming with you. We all want to make sure our ladies are safe.”
Killian deflated. “Of course, brother,” he replied, chagrined. “I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“They’re safe. They’re all safe. I have to believe that. Everybody, here? Okay, lets go,” Liam called.
BREAKING NEWS scrolled across the television screen, drawing Henry Jones’ attention away from the comic book he was looking at. He was hanging out in a gift shop at the airport terminal before his flight to LAX started boarding. He stared at the monitor in horror as the newscaster was reporting on the 6.7 earthquake that had just hit Los Angeles. Footage of the destruction took his breath away. He hadn’t seen anything like it since the volcano erupted in LA two and half years ago.
A helicopter above the carnage was relaying live pictures as the anchor scrambled trying to report on the disaster. He looked over at the screen where his three o’clock flight was listed. A red CANCELED already flashed next to it. He could feel the fear rising up within, threatening to choke him. He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer for his parents and friends. Especially his baby brother or sister.
Taking a deep breath, he could hear his dad’s voice in his head telling him to stay calm. He was a smart kid and to think about what he needed to do. Feeling at least a little less agitated, he pulled his phone out and texted his friend Thomas to come back and get him due to the cancellation. Thomas was his section leader in the trombone section of his high school band. They had a long rehearsal yesterday to learn the new halftime show for this Friday’s game that he couldn’t miss, not if he wanted to maintain his place in the show anyway. Arrangements had been made with Thomas’ family and for him to fly down on Sunday instead of driving down with his parents the day before. Once that text was sent, he texted his mom and dad. He’d lived in California all his life, so he knew with the level of destruction he was seeing that cell towers weren’t going to allow him to get through if he called.
Moments later, a text from his dad came through. Henry released the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding as he was assured that he and the other men were all safe but that his mom was at the bridesmaid’s luncheon when the quake hit and he was still trying to get to her. Henry could feel the panic rising in him again as he read through the rest of the text of his dad promising to contact him as soon as he got to her. He slipped his phone back in his pocket to wait. It was all he could do.
Killian put his phone back in his pocket after texting Henry the gist of the situation. The men were making progress out of the oyster bar, but they still had about a hundred yards to cover to get to the entrance of the restaurant that the ladies were at. Killian could only hope for the best when they got there. As they entered the lobby, Graham let out a cry so full of joy and relief that Killian immediately knew who Graham was calling for.
The tall brunette turned toward them, and even from that distance, they could see the way her face lit up. “Graham!”
“Where’s everyone? Is Emma okay?”
“The baby is coming,” she called. “We were trapped under the table. Emma lost consciousness for a few minutes, but was coming around when I left. M’s sent me to find paramedics and get them to her. Her water broke and M’s said she’s about six centimeters dilated.”
Killian could feel the blood drain out of his face at Ruby’s report. A strong hand grabbed his bicep, grounding him and his own hand covered it in thanks. “She’ll be alright, brother. We’ll get there in time.”
Killian nodded as he scanned the carnage in front of him, keeping him from his wife and child. Determination filled him as he pushed the panic back and looked at his brother. Nodding again and making sure that David had caught up with them, the men forged ahead into the ruin before them.
M’s mopped Emma’s head from the sweat that had gathered there as another contraction eased. Emma’s exhausted body rested up for the next contraction on the bottom of the upended table.
“I can’t do this,” she sobbed.
“You can, Emma,” M’s cajoled, “You’re almost there. It’s almost time to push.”
Elsa murmured her own encouragement as well, her good hand firmly grasped in Emma’s. Once M’s had gotten Emma as comfortable as she could, she had turned her attention to Elsa’s arm. She had been able to break off one of the chair legs and fashioned a splint and sling out of it and one of the towels their server had brought.
“I want Killian!” Emma cried, head thrashing back and forth as another contraction started. “What if he’s hurt? What if he can’t get to me? To us? What if he’s dead?” The thought that she hadn’t let herself even think of to this point poured out of her in her excruciating pain and despair. She was dimly aware of movement around her when suddenly strong arms enveloped her pushing her up so that she was nearly upright and the voice that she longed to hear was in her ear, telling her to hold on. She melted into the embrace and wept with joy.
“Come on, Emma. You can do it. I’m here,” Killian whispered in her ear. He slipped behind her so that she could recline against him as he held her to him, assuring himself of her safety.
“Killian,” Emma sobbed.
“I’m here, Swan. You can do this.”
She shook her head, vehemently. “I can’t. I can’t. It’s too much. It hurts too MUUUUUUUUCH!” She ended on a scream as another contraction ripped through her.
“Ok, Emma,” M’s looked directly into Emma’s face as the contraction subsided. “It’s time. It’s time for you to push. Can you do that for me?”
Emma shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t do it. I’m sorry.” Her chin trembled and her face shone with sweat and tears as she looked at her doctor, her friend, her sister-in-law. M’s just beamed at her.
“You can do this, Emma,” she stated, confidently. “You really don’t have much choice in the matter. Your child is depending on you.”
Killian whispered in her ear. “You can do this, my love. You are so strong and you have never been more beautiful. Our baby needs you. You can do it!”
Emma sobbed again as she nodded and pushed herself up on Killian. “Emma, when the next contraction comes, I want you to push with everything you have in you, okay?”
Emma nodded again as the next contraction hit. She could barely hear M’s counting to ten between the blood rushing in her ears, Killian’s harsh breathing, and her own screams creating a cacophony of sound that completely overtook all other senses.
“I can see the head, Emma,” M’s cried. “Our little prince or princess has a head full of dark hair! Just like their Daddy! You’re almost there! One more big push for me!”
Killian pressed his lips to Emma’s neck. “You’re almost there, my love. One more push and we can meet our child.”
Emma nodded once more, too worn out to speak, as she prepped herself for one more push. The pain rolled over her and with a mighty cry, Emma pushed through the burning and tearing pain that felt like it was ripping her in two. As she collapsed against Killian, a new sound broke the silence. The cry of a newborn baby.
“It’s a girl,” Mary Margaret announced. A cheer broke out around them as the small gathered crowd celebrated the safe delivery. Emma turned her face to meet her husband’s lips while M’s went about the business of cleaning up their daughter.
Releasing her lips, Killian pulled out his phone to text Henry that he had a new baby sister.
“Did I miss it?” Ruby’s voice shouted, indignantly. “What do you mean, Emma? Having this baby without me?”
Emma laughed weakly and a chuckle rumbled through Killian’s chest at Ruby’s pique. The rattle of a gurney reached their ears as the paramedics arrived. M’s rose to speak to them after placing their baby girl in Emma’s arms.
“She’s beautiful,” she breathed. “Isn’t she beautiful, Killian?” she asked, turning towards him.
“Aye, beautiful.” He placed a kiss to Emma’s temple and reached out to touch his daughter. She caught his pointer finger in her own tiny fist, filling him with an unspeakable joy. The tears began to fall as the realization that in the midst of destruction, injury, and even death, he had helped bring life into the world. Hope filled his heart as he held his wife and daughter tightly, thanking God that they were safe.
The paramedics loaded mother and child onto the gurney. “What do you want to name her, love?”
“After all this, what do you think of Hope? Hope Margaret?”
He couldn’t stop the grin that broke over his face at the similar thought he had just had. “I think that’s perfect, darling.” He pressed a kiss to her lips as the EMT’s started to make their way through the chaos around them.
Once they arrived at the ambulance in front of the hotel, he was informed that they only had room for Emma, Hope, and Elsa inside the ambulance. Elsa tried to hand off her place to the new father, but he wouldn’t hear of it.
“I’m sure that M’s took good care of you, lass, but you need to get to the hospital before I do.” He smiled gently at Emma and Hope as they were loaded in the vehicle. “They’ll want to get you all checked out, and we won’t be far behind you. We’ll see you soon.”
Elsa finally agreed, and after a parting kiss with Liam, climbed in just before they shut the doors.
Killian turned to M’s and David before gathering M’s in his arms. “Thank you,” he whispered, choking back tears. “I owe you everything. They are everything to me.”
M’s hugged him back just as tightly. “I know. They’re fine. They’re both fine.” Letting go, she grasped him by the shoulders and leaned back so she could look him in the eye. “Let’s get to the hospital and see our family.”
Nodding, Killian turned to David with his hand outstretched. Ignoring it, David gathered him into a bone crushing hug of his own. Killian could no longer keep the tears at bay. As a father himself, David knew exactly what Killian needed. He held his friend tightly as he sobbed out all the fear, panic, and joy this day had brought. After several minutes, Killian’s tears abated. Releasing him, David patted him on the back, expressing all the love and support without a single word. Then it was Liam’s turn. The brothers embraced before Liam let go with a teasing twinkle in his eye.
“My little brother is a father,” he exclaimed. “What am I gonna do now?”
“Stop calling me ‘little brother’ for one,” Killian groused, “and second, get a move on yourself!” Everyone laughed as Liam’s face flamed in embarrassment.
Graham, his arm around Ruby with matching grins on their faces offered their congratulations next. “I can’t believe she had the baby without me. But I’m so glad she’s here and safe.” Ruby’s expression sobered. “This could have been bad.”
“It could have been,” Killian agreed, “but, it wasn’t. Thank God.”
“Amen to that. Now let’s get to that hospital. Make sure everyone’s okay.”
Picking their way through the torn up streets, it took nearly an hour before they finally made it the block and a half to Cedars. By the time they got inside, Emma had already been moved to the Maternity floor and Hope had already been cleaned up, checked out and given a clean bill of health as well.
Once everyone had been assured of Emma’s, Hope’s and Elsa’s well being, they all settled in to discuss what to do next. Emma and Killian were texting back and forth with Henry, sending pictures of his new baby sister.
Ruby sat down on Graham’s lap with a pout on her lips. “There’s no telling when we’re gonna be able to get married, now,” she very nearly whined. “It will take months to rebuild enough to rebook everything.”
Elsa threw a questioning look at Liam. “What’s stopping you from getting married here? Now?” she asked. “It’s not a sunset wedding on the beach, but isn’t ‘getting married’ the whole point? No matter where it is?”
Liam raised his eyebrow at the couple as they looked at each other, silently communicating their desires.
“We’re fine with it,” Graham said, never taking his eyes off Ruby.
“Well then,” Liam exclaimed, “Let’s have a wedding!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Emma exclaimed, “We need to Facetime Henry. He was planning on being here, too, after all.”
Everyone agreed and waited patiently while Emma connected to the hospital wi-fi and called Henry.
Graham had entrusted the rings to Killian before they had left their rooms for the Dude’s Day lunch. He may have forgotten about them in the excitement of the afternoon, but when he patted his pocket, he found the box safely containing both rings. He removed them and handed Graham’s ring to Emma.
With a beaming smile on his face, Liam began. “We are gathered here today, in the presence of God and in the aftermath of an earthquake and a birth, and with an assist by technology, to join together Graham Humbert and Ruby Lucas in Holy Matrimony.”
The joy on the faces of the bride and groom and all the people in the room could not be contained. Emma couldn’t hold back her tears anymore as Graham said his vows to Ruby, promising to love, cherish, protect, and honor, before placing a beautiful white and rose gold twisted vine ruby ring on his bride’s finger. Thinking back on all their years growing up, dreaming of this day and all the love and happiness that awaited her best friend, it was all Emma could do to keep from sobbing instead of just happy tears rolling down her face.
With as crowded as the room was, and Emma confined to the bed, Liam, Ruby, and Graham stood at the end of it. Emma handed the ring to Ruby, but she had eyes for no one but her groom as she spoke her own vows of love, fidelity, and honor, and placed the matching rose gold ring adorned with small rubies on his finger.
“It is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you, husband,” he looked at Graham with a smile, “and wife,” Liam intoned, beaming at the happy couple. “You may kiss the bride.”
Ruby let out a whoop and launched herself into her husband's arms. The cheers that rose around them startled Hope enough that she added her wails to the delight being expressed by everyone in the room.
Emma couldn’t help but laugh as the nearly inappropriate PDA continued between the newlyweds. “Let’s keep things PG in here please,” she called.
Henry joined in as well, covering his eyes. “Teenager in the room, guys! Young eyes don’t need to see that!”
“Old eyes don’t need to see it either,” Killian grumbled, drawing his wife and daughter into his arms. Ruby and Graham finally broke apart, both flushed and breathing heavy. “It’s time for you two to find a room.” Graham at least had the decency to blush as he drew Ruby into his side.
M’s came over to Emma and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “We’ll get out of here and let you rest. You’re definitely gonna need it.”
Emma cooed to their daughter as Killian wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gazed lovingly at the two loves of his life. He placed a tender kiss to his wife’s temple then the crown of his daughter’s head before rising to see everyone out of the room.
Smiles, hugs, and murmurs of congratulations and relief were exchanged as everyone bid them goodbye and left the room. Killian turned back toward the bed to see Emma sound asleep with Hope laid down in the crease between her legs. He smiled and came back to the bed, picking up his daughter and sitting down in the rocking chair next to Emma’s bed.
Staring down into his daughter’s grey blue eyes, he was overwhelmed with the blessings bestowed upon him. The love of his life had just given him a daughter in the middle of an earthquake. Yet another state of emergency. A profound sense of gratitude filled him as he raised a short prayer of thanksgiving that they were both safe. He laid his head back, shut his eyes, and began to slowly rock. It was no time at all before father and daughter were sound asleep.
The End
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