#he’s not equipped for this like he wasn’t prepared
cece693 · 3 days
Can you create another Bella Swan x Male Reader. Maybe a human reader, a new student in her highschool. Bella that stuck in her room for weeks after Edward leave her, finally went to school, she didn't expect talking to m/n is easy and making her feel better, but it did. And loving him is easy, no danger to her or charlie, no threat from his family for dating him. Idk if this make sense, but i hope for fluffy moments between them and maybe a little angst when Edward comeback, Bella choose m/n of course. Thx in advance🥰🥰
Second Chance at Love (Bella Swan x M! Reader)
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Sorry for the late delivery but I hope you like it. I tried to include everything you asked for, but I'm no magician :)
tags: depression, edward being manipulative, bella finally getting some sense knocked into her, charlie approves, human male reader
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Charlie stood outside Bella’s open bedroom door, his heart heavy at the sight that had become a permanent fixture. Knees pulled into her chest, arms wrapped tightly around them, it seemed as if that was the only thing keeping her from collapsing onto the hardwood floor. Lifeless brown eyes stared out the window, as if searching for something that wasn’t there, with only her shallow breathing proving she was still among the living.
Anger churned within Charlie, directed at the Cullen boy who had caused his daughter so much pain. It was his departure, along with that of his family, that broke her, leaving her alone to wrestle with a heartache she wasn't equipped to handle. The sight was eerily familiar to how he spent his days after Renee departed, leaving him not only an empty home but a heart. Stepping into the room, the floorboards creaking under his weight, Charlie stood behind his daughter.
“Bella,” he said softly, hoping to break through the fog of her despair, yet received no response. “You’re moving back in with your mother.”
There was a moment of silence, broken only by the sound of their breathing. Then, finally, Bella turned to him, her eyes filled with defiance and despair. "No." she rasped, her voice weak from disuse. “You can’t do that. I’ve built a life here—”
“Which you’ve abandoned,” Charlie cut in, rubbing his face tiredly. “When was the last time you spoke to Jacob, Angela, Jessica…? You haven’t been to school. You barely eat.” Clearly, he struggled to get the words out, his wish for Bella to remain in Forks being overridden by his desire to see her get better. “Perhaps a change of environment will do you good.”
“No, please.” Bella pleaded, her last connection to Edward about to disappear if she didn’t do something quickly. “I’ll go to school. In fact, today I plan to hang out with friends in Port Angeles.” It was an utter lie, but when Charlie looked somewhat relieved, Bella knew she had to commit to it.
“Alright. But if I don’t see a change, we’re calling your mom.” With that, Charlie turned and left for work, leaving Bella to prepare for school. Moving almost mechanically, Bella went through all the motions of getting ready—she showered, dressed, and grabbed her backpack, all with a sense of detachment. As she drove to school, the world around her seemed muted, the colors dull and the sounds distant.
The school day passed in a blur. She drifted from class to class, barely aware of her surroundings. She saw her friends in the hallways but avoided making eye contact, too exhausted to engage. Lunchtime came and went without her touching her food as she instead sat at the Cullen table, looking out the blinds as if they would appear at any moment.
Finally, Bella found herself in English class, seated at her desk with her head lowered, staring at her hands. The chatter of the other students faded into the background as she lost herself in thoughts of Edward. His face, his voice, his touch—they haunted her every moment, a constant reminder of what she had lost. The seat beside her was empty, until a shadow was seen from her peripheral and a new voice broke through her reverie. “Hi, I’m M/N.” he introduced himself, his voice warm and friendly. "Mind if I sit here?"
Bella took a deep breath, struggling to respond. "Sure." she whispered, after what most likely was a minute too long. Yet, M/N paid no mind, taking the seat to her right, his presence strangely comforting. He was the new student Bella had heard moved from [hometown/state]. His arrival created an uproar not only due to his mother, who was a Forks native, but also for his handsome features. There were whispers among students of him being related to the Cullens, but Bella disagreed. M/N was beautiful, but not like her Edward. 
As the days went by, M/N made several attempts to engage Bella in conversation—he would ask her how she was doing, talk about the latest assignment, or share stories about his life, yet Bella’s responses were always short, barely a sentence. He ignored Jessica’s warnings about getting too close to her, going on and on about how Bella became mute and unresponsive after breaking up with her boyfriend, yet M/N remained undeterred. Everybody needed a friend, even if they didn’t think so. 
“Good Morning.” M/N greeted after a month and a half of one-sided conversations. Sitting down at their table, the boy was surprised when Bella smiled and returned his greeting. She looked happier, shoulders not hunched into themselves and dressed in something other than baggy clothing. But it wasn’t just him who noticed, it was the school, but most importantly Charlie. He was glad to see his daughter turn back into herself, and although he didn’t know what exactly caused this, he was thankful for whatever or whoever returned the life to her. 
Bella couldn’t pinpoint where thoughts of Edward disappeared from her head, but as she got to know M/N further, they did. The dark cloud looming over her, asking why Edward would do such a thing, the hope of them returning, was erased and replaced with present thoughts regarding M/N. At this revelation, Bella was frightened. She was scared of falling in love again, only for it to end with M/N leaving, but a part of her was also relieved and excited. M/N had shown her he cared—who else would’ve kept trying to talk to her after such a cold shoulder? And even if he didn’t feel the same, Bella was content to keep him in her life.
Months have passed by and Bella was happy. After months of dancing around each other, she and M/N have begun dating. The transition from friends to something more felt natural, a gradual deepening of their connection. Bella couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so at ease, so genuinely content. However, her good mood soured when she entered the school parking lot and a familiar volvo greeted her.
Hands growing clammy, Bella turned off her engine and sat inside the truck for a minute—she didn’t know what to feel. If this was months ago, she wouldn’t have hesitated in walking towards them, but now only anger filled her veins. Why did they come back? What were their intentions? However, Bella couldn’t hide forever, so with a determined mind, she exited her truck. Feeling eyes on her, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and entered the school. 
The day passed by in a blur, with Bella effectively avoiding the Cullens. She ignored Alice’s attempts to catch her eye in the hallway, quickly changing directions whenever she saw the petite vampire approaching. Edward’s gaze was harder to dodge, but Bella managed to keep her head down and her focus straight ahead, refusing to give him the satisfaction of even a glance. When school ended, Bella immediately walked out. Sprinting towards her truck, she wasn’t quick enough when the hair on her neck rose, alerting her that someone was behind her. 
“Can we talk?” Edward whispered. 
Bella froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm. Slowly, she turned around to face him, her expression hardening. “There’s nothing to talk about.” she said, her voice steady.
“Please, Bella.” Edward pleaded, his eyes filled with regret. “I just need a few minutes.”
Debating with herself, Bella sighed before nodding. Edward broke into a smile, the vampire probably thinking she would jump into his arms once he said sorry, but he would be soon mistaken. “I know I hurt you, love, and I’ll regret it for the rest of my existence. But I still love you, Bella. Can’t we give each other another chance?”
“No. I’m with someone else.”
Edward's expression fell, the hope draining from his eyes. “Who?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
Bella hesitated, then took a deep breath. “His name is M/N.” she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. At this, Edward knew he needed to get more information—see if Bella was serious with this boy or just trying to make him jealous. 
“M/N.” he repeated, his voice neutral. “Tell me about him.”
“M/N is…he’s amazing.” Bella struggled to find a word that even began to describe M/N. “He’s kind, caring, and always there for me. He understands me in a way no one else ever has.”
Edward listened intently, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. “Bella, please.” He pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. “You can’t be serious about him. You deserve someone better. He can’t protect you like I can. He’s human, Bella. He’s fragile, and he can’t offer you what I can.”
Bella’s eyes flashed with defiance, her defenses rising. “M/N may be human, but he’s more than capable of taking care of himself.” she retorted, her voice firm. “And he doesn’t need to offer me protection, Edward. He offers me love, support, and understanding—things you couldn’t give me. You’re the one who made the mistake when you left me. And now, I’m choosing to move on with someone who actually cares about me.”
Edward’s eyes darkened with regret, but he refused to give up. “Bella, I love you.” he confessed, his voice raw with emotion. “I’ve always loved you. Can’t you see that my leaving was a sign of that?”
Bella didn’t answer the vampire, growing tired of his excuses and inability to accept her choice. Turning back to her truck, Bella opened the door and went inside. If Edward could leave her in the woods all those months ago, she could leave him in a parking lot. Turning the engine on, Bella drove towards Port Angeles. After all, she and M/N had a date planned to celebrate their two-month anniversary.
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haiii it’s the anon who forgot the prompts :3 let’s go with cages, comfort, and a smidge of angst. thank u!!!!!!
It's for your own safety
M!Kylar x Suicidal F!Reader
Closed Prompt Event: Caged, Comfort, & Angst
Words: 589
Tw: Suicidal reader, attempted suicide?, self-harm, knife, blood, angst, caged
Note: Of course!! I like exploring the more darker ones. I've been through some of this myself so I used that experience to write this :)
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The thoughts got louder and louder as I laid there in bed with Kylar. Between the loud thoughts and his suffocating grip, I couldn't get comfortable let alone sleep. I stared up at the skylight, looking at the beautiful night sky with my mind going a mile a minute. Despite the beauty, it couldn’t distract me from my thoughts.
It was hard, but I eventually slipped out of Kylar’s grasp and sat at the edge of the bed, staring at his knife on the bedside table. He always kept it near, and it was sharp enough for what I wanted to do. My fingers twitched at the thought alone. It’s been a while, but I needed to scratch that itch.
Slipping off the bed, I grabbed the knife and took it to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, not thinking to lock it. I leaned against the sink, staring at myself in the mirror with empty eyes. After a while I pulled away from the sink and sat on the toilet, staring at the knife in my hands. The light reflected off it and showed my reflection, a girl with dead eyes and nothing to live for.
I traced the knife against the skin of my left arm, thoughts getting louder and louder as I did. I teetered on the edge of hurting myself or going back to Kylar. Hurting myself gives me a few moments of euphoria, but Kylar holds me till the thoughts eventually pass. Impulsively I chose the former, putting pressure on the knife and cutting into my skin. I watched the blood run down my forearm and drip onto my bare thighs. Gripping the handle tighter, I prepared myself to cut deeper. The brief euphoria wasn’t enough, I needed more. 
Before I could plunge the knife deeper into my arm, it was yanked from my hands and thrown across the bathroom. I started to yell angrily but looked up to find a distressed and crying Kylar. “M-My love…?” I didn’t answer and he reached out to hold my arm, inspecting the fresh cut. “I have to clean it…” He gently put my arm down, afraid to hurt me, and started digging under the sink for a first aid kit of some kind. I kept silent, numbly staring at the wall while Kylar frantically searched. My arms hung limp at my sides, blood dripping and staining the expensive tile beneath me. 
He kneeled before me, equipped with a first aid kit. “This might sting.” He whispered and began to clean the cut as gently as possible, “I would have helped…I’m always here for you.” I stared past him, feeling numb to everything around me.
When he finished cleaning and bandaging my arm, he pulled me into his arms and held me close. “You can’t leave me, I’m nothing without you.” He cupped my face, “I love you, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t lose you.”
Kylar scooped me up and carried me back into the bedroom, placing me on the floor beside a cage. I looked up at him in mild confusion. I knew he had a cage, but I’ve only been put in it a few times as punishment. “I can’t take the chance of losing you.” He opened the cage and shoved me inside, locking it behind me. He sat on the floor staring at me with tears in his eyes, as if this hurt him more than it hurt me. “It’s for your own safety.”
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enbylucy · 1 year
nalu au where lucy’s a museum curator for the astronomy wing and natsu’s a firefighter and they meet cause a kid thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm at a field trip.
like they meet and they’re both in full uniform. natsu’s got the entire firefighter getup, even has the face mask on and is wearing the breathing apparatus. he’s got a badge that says fire captain. lucy’s in a lab coat that has dr. heartfilia embroidered on the left in dark blue and she’s got her museum badge clipped to the breast pocket.
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mooishbeam · 9 months
『♡』 In the Ring
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♡ featuring: boxer!wriothesley x manager!reader
♡ summary: its hard managing a boxer full time. maybe it's time you relieve that stress. wc: 6.8k+ (???>":>?)
♡ cw/tw: mentions of trauma, mentions of violence, rough sex, overstim, face-sitting, size kink, unintentional edging, hair pulling, mentions of choking, argument, confessed feelings, slow burn, kinda toxic?
notes: can u tell how down bad i am for wriothesley. also do yall like the smaller text cause I do. jing yuan fluff next :)) art by sxnalien on twitter! <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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For a second, the crowd stills. Bright intense lamps illuminate the sweltering squared circle, buoyant under the nimble movement of the boxers. They trade blows, bobbing and throwing each devastating hook with an even deadlier counter. No one took a hit for the past minutes, and the audience scoots to the edge of their seats at the sheer stamina of the two. Both dripping sweat, barely holding on between the merciless clock and their steadfast opponent. You can almost hear the breeze of swift jabs cutting wind against their jaws. The one with blue gloves can barely manage to guard himself, with a swollen face and wobbly legs, while the crimson gloves deal relentless punches. The crowd shouts. Unintelligible echoes, some that pray for the win, others grieving the money they’re about to lose. He’s caught on the ropes, and attempts a wild swing to save himself, to save his career. Red gloves weaves effortlessly and delivers a brutal crush to his bloodied nose and possibly busted mouthpiece. The crack is resounding, it makes the commentators cringe. His skull flies back, and he comes crashing down from his dizzying tower. The head-first fall vibrates beneath the feet of investors in proximity. 
Mass uproar ensues. They jump out of their seats, flailing their arms, joy and pain in equilibrium. 
“And he is out! It’s all over!” the commentator yells. Confetti floats golden dust from the ceiling. The victor stalks the ropes before hopping on them, his gloves raised in the air. Glistening, high off elation, but somehow composed in his attitude, akin to a wolf. 
“A savage knockout from the untouchable world champion, the king of the ring, Wriooothesley!” 
“Wrio, Wrio, Wrio!” they chant. You’re standing near the ropes, already identifying which joints you’ll need to observe after his victory lap. It’s hectic, and you’re jotting down the state of his figure. Past experiences sew through each deep scar carving his rugged biceps and abs, the bruises display early signs of discoloration. He’s tall on the unseen throne, it feels like you’re there with him. A million eyes in that vast stadium, and yet, those midwinter eyes ebbed in silver only look at you.  
Your beginnings as a manager were tumultuous. You could barely comprehend how out of your league you were working for a renowned agency fresh out of college. Though you found quick success in your ability to grab the attention of investors through public relations, you weren’t equipped just yet with the hindsight in preparing for scandals. The other athletes you worked with served no problem, and so you never had to worry about their appeal. Higher ups praised your extensive portfolio, and at such a young age, it was even more commendable. You earned it, fame and respect, interviews and gossip—a delicate dance. You were always busy, assisting your clients throughout the day and maintaining their presence while they slept. It was hard work, but you loved doing it. 
That was until you worked with amateur boxer, Childe. 
A snappy, overconfident lightweight fighter with no regard for anything or anyone. He had an unmistakable void in his eyes, but you fought for him ceaselessly, to prove that he wasn’t the cold person he portrayed himself as. You bore with his flirtatious compliments and innuendos, the need to focus him whenever you documented his afflictions, and he’d not-so-subtly flex his biceps. Childe was unnecessarily violent with underhanded tactics. The media knew this and did everything to amplify that bellicose story. You’d combat it, negate it, but he only fed the flames with threats of retaliation. Taking his phone wasn’t enough, and you couldn’t get through to him. It was only a matter of time before he went off the deep end.  
The day you slept, you discovered a restlessness you’d endure indefinitely. The flickering glow of your device woke you at midnight as hundreds of notifications congested your screen. 128 missed calls from your agency, 50 from news sources, and none from Childe. When you processed the damage from his deplorable stunt, you nearly hurled your phone out the window. He posted revenge porn, and evidently turned off his phone. Surely, there’d be a way to fix this. The chances seemed to dissolve with each text turning green. You started pacing, battling with morality and loyalty and anger. What he did was disgusting, but it’s your job to save him, right? Is he worth saving? You spoke with 4 managers at once, switching through motives and bickering until morning. As you flipped through the television, another emotion struck you. 
There he was, on a tasteless gossip channel. An interview you didn’t arrange, with a man you’ve never seen before. And he was...crying? The sob story emitting from his deceitful lips was almost impressive. Childe went on about how “demanding and horrible” you were backstage. The crocodile tears dried up through dodgy anecdotes, but it was enough to have people hooked. You were allegedly physically and emotionally abusive. He was too scared to speak up due to your position and he just couldn’t bear it any longer. Then he dropped the bomb; he blamed you for his post. You forced him to do it, jealous of his previous partners, emphasizing how enamored you were of him. The questionable tears began to fall again, but this time he covered his mouth, withholding the duping smile crawling on his face.  
You were filled with blinding rage, unable to control the fury at which your remote connected with the screen. It was everywhere now, social media websites booming with live opinions. He had no reason to slander you, and you couldn’t pinpoint why he chose to hurt you like this. You cried for him, shared stories of childhood and family. The knife you used to protect him was firm in your back, twisting and digging with each disgusting message in your inbox. You had no game plan to conduct, and no tears left to cry.  
Within a week, you finally understood how cruel this industry could be. Within a week, you were no longer on top. You lost clients fast. It spread like wildfire and not a single outlet spared an ear for your side. People you called friends, coworkers, hadn’t replied to your messages. When you got back to work, the rooms were silent as you passed. You could feel their judgement, whispers rattled with rumors and accusations. They waited for the tiniest slip-up and pounced like hyenas—you were eaten alive by their pitiful stares. You attempted to tell your truth multiple times throughout the week, but it was consistently rejected. The headlines were eye-catching: 
“Manager From Hell: Childe Tells All!” 
“He Cries: A Story of Love and Jealousy” 
Your stomach churned to the magazines being shown. Despite the great amount of loss you suffered, you were thankful for the one person that believed you, your boss. 
“Childe is a lying little snake. The media knows that, too.” 
“Then why is this happening?” 
“Money. That story is making bank right now. But I know for a fact you wouldn’t do this” he reassured.  
“Thank you, sir. But...I lost everything; I just don’t know what to do.” The weariness was heavy in your voice. 
“I have someone you can manage. It won’t be easy, but if anyone can do it, it’s you.” You were unsure of yourself now, and he continued.  
“You’re one of my best. If you want to climb out of this, now’s your chance.” Yes, you were unsure, drowning in doubt. But if the only way to get above water was to keep swimming, you wouldn’t give up so easily. 
Wriothesley wasn’t exactly known for his kindness. Crude, cocky, maybe even spoiled were descriptions that circulated in the tabloids. He had a knack for pissing reporters off by not answering questions or humming over their voice with a shit-eating grin on his face. Women loved him, however, throwing bras and phone numbers written on scrap as the condemned “bad boy” departed post-game. They screamed his name at once, and he’d done nothing to deserve it. He relished infamy—that way, it was much harder to pry into his private life. 
It had to be a coincidence that it was someone you fangirled over. In college, your eyes were glued to the screen every Sunday, waiting for Wriothesely’s post-conference and behind the scenes interviews. He didn’t speak often, but just the sight of those inky strands streaked with ash made your heart flutter featherlight in your chest. 
When you first approached him, he was just as arrogant as you’d expect. 
“Good evening!” you beamed. You caught him outside the gym, and he still had his headphones in. Full volume and blankly staring as you went on about the opportunity, silent under the blaring music. He took one earbud out when you finished. 
“Hm? Who’re you?” 
You were slightly annoyed. “Let me reintroduce myself, I’m (Y/N). Your new manager.” 
“No. Bye.” He began to walk past you without an ounce of care. You couldn’t lose it like this. 
“Ah, wait!” He turned half-heartedly. 
“Listen, I get it. You don’t want to be bossed around. But honestly, your reputation is shit. That can’t be good for business.” you persuaded. He towered over you, the figure of a Greek giant peeked through the compression top as he lazily watched you. 
“So? Why do you care?” he remarked. 
“I’ll help you. Sponsors, advertisements, whatever you want. You’re good, but you can be so much better. Let’s make money together.” You held your hand out, awaiting a handshake of approval. He merely glanced at your limp wrist. 
“Help? You’re obviously not doing this for free.” 
“Of course not. Give a little, take a little. I don’t do charity cases” you shrugged.  
He groaned, raking his fingers through his thick mane. At the very least, he hadn’t walked away yet. “I'd prefer for my life to be private.” 
“Then I’ll guarantee your privacy.” 
“Really?” he scoffed. “What can you give me besides empty promises?” 
“Anything you desire. Work with me, and I’ll make it happen.” That offer enticed him. No one had been this persistent with him yet, he scared off any manager that dared succor him. It was slightly entertaining, the way you burned ambition in your eyes, you were so easy to read. Most people wouldn’t look directly at him, and here you were, ready to follow him home if that’s what it took. He chuckled, and his massive hand reached for yours. 
You shook hands, and your fates were sealed.  
That was a year ago, and ever since then he’s been a thorn in your side. Nonstop drama and rectifying consumed your life. You didn’t think a man who spoke so little in public could talk so much around you. Whenever you argue—which is a frequent occurrence—his smirk grew wider at your frustration. You weren’t sure why you ever liked him in the first place. He only puts in effort when it comes to sparring, but you’re determined to ameliorate his standing, and in turn, yours.  
The minute you open the doors to the hall, the sound of pummeled sandbags, clanking metal, and sneakers skidding across the floor roars in your ears. Some men are dialed in on abusing the inanimate objects, the rest tense through repetitions of dumbbell curls with a hiss. You're in quick strides, the phone arm's length away from you as the sponsor on the other end screams. Another petty drama surrounding Wriothesley grabs the attention of the internet. Luckily, you have thorough experience remedying this. 
“What are you going to do? You’re fucking with my money!” you hear the faint voice. You bring the phone back to your ear. 
“Don’t I always deal with it? He fights, I make up for the other half. Give me a few hours.” 
“I’m not going to wa-” You hang up at the response. 
You propel the double doors free into a large room with a boxing ring in the center. A group of trainers swarm the perimeter, you can barely see through.  
“Don’t be scared!” one of them taunt towards the sparring partner, who has an unthinkable panic creeping in goosebumps dotting his skin. Each sloppy dodge tilts him more and more off balance against the strikes. Wriothesley has a powerful stature, with his back curving in a way that accentuates the rough muscle shaping his spine. You drone an annoyed sigh at the commotion and push yourself through them.  
“Move it, move!” you yell, before jostling your way to the front of the ring. 
“Wriothesley! Times up.”  He turns his head to the side, unintentionally sparing his partner and glares at you. 
“Two minutes.” 
“No. Now.” you command. He looks up at nothing, as if considering his options if he cusses you out. Then he begrudgingly drops the gloves and pulls himself under the ropes. The group disperses from the lack of action and he’s mere inches from you now. Sometimes you forget how to breathe in his half-naked presence.  
“What the fuck is your problem?” He mumbles while drying his head with a towel. His colossal forearms are raised over his head, highlighting the happy trail thick down his abdomen and tufts of hair on his armpits.  
“You. How many times do I have to tell you not to train during recovery?” you seethe. 
“Damn. Must’ve slipped my mind.” He doesn’t sound convincing in the slightest. 
“Well then, I’ll be sure to remind you hourly.” 
“Nah, I’m good. Hearing you once a day is enough.” He tosses the towel to you like his dutiful servant and grabs his water bottle. The liquid drips down his chin and on his shorts, hanging below his v-line. 
Your eyebrow twitches from withheld vexation. “If you don’t want to hear me twice, I suggest you do what I tell you. We need to talk.” A heavy sigh leaves him as he stretches, and he passes you the water bottle. If you had the strength to collapse the bottle with one hand, you would. “Lead the way” he goads. 
Wriothesley follows you through the backdoor of the gym to a secluded alleyway. When you get there, he immediately pulls out a cigarette you didn’t know he had. You were aware he smokes occasionally, but seeing it physically coaxed a strange worry in your gut. You twist your phone to him, to display evidence of him instigating an argument with Childe on social media. He reads in silence, briefly laughing at the recollection of his own comebacks, then lights the cigarette. 
“What’s this? Didn’t I say keep a low profile?” you reprimand. 
He drags in a deep breath of nicotine, and you eye the foul scent with distaste. He blows it above your unhappy face. “Calm down. Once a month thing. That fucker's testing me.” 
“This can’t happen again, Wriothesley.” He ignores you to continue his mumbling. “I should break his neck like a twig. He’s lucky he didn’t say that shit to my face, fucking punk.” he grouses. You're struggling to gather your thoughts, the cigarette compacted between his thick fingers irritates you. 
“We all appreciate your restraint, however-” you get closer, and yank the stick out his hand. 
 “No-!” Before he can finish, you promptly smudge it underneath your shoe. You aren’t sure how he’d react, but you didn’t expect him to sulk like a puppy. 
“You aren’t doing this shit while I’m here.” 
“Oh my god” he pouts, throwing his hands into his face and pulling them down.  
“You’re lucky I don’t report it to the doctor. None of this, ever again.” 
“Fuck, alright just...” he lets out a defeated sigh. “What do you want me to do about it? Apologize publicly?” You need him to do nothing; neither agency wants controversy, and it’d most likely be swept under the rug in just a couple days. You point his water bottle to him. 
“Nope, I’ll handle it. Just sit there and be pretty.” you reassure. He leans down to your height with a sweet smile and even sweeter gaze. 
“I do that well, don’t I?” he quips. 
“You manage.” He latches onto the water bottle, and drinks from it in your hand while looking at you. A soft heat envelops you beyond words that never reach your lips. 
“Listen to what I’m saying. Low. Profile.” Wriothesley comes up from thirst, dragging his tongue along the straw to the top, and licks his blushed lips. He delights in your flustered reaction. 
“Low. Profile.” he repeats in a sarcastic drawl. 
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Later in the week, you receive a call in your office. It was fairly busy today, with coworkers constantly “checking in”, more so to see Wriothesley sitting across from you. He had no reason to be here, and you were surprised at his arrival. Be it boredom or a certain longing, a dull swell pulsed in his chest once he saw your overworked smile. 
“Hello, this is (Y/N) of Boxe Association. May I know who I’m speaking with?” Wriothesley’s ears perk up at your sudden professionalism, and he mimics your cadence. 
“Good afternoon, it’s Isadora.” Isadora was an event coordinator you previously worked with before your controversy. You understood that she stopped communicating to protect her business, but the pain lingered. You twirl the phone cord around your fingers, and meet eyes with Wriothesley, who’s laid back in the chair, his arms behind his head. 
“Oh. Hey, it’s been a while.” you say. You turn your swivel chair away from him to continue the conversation. His eyebrow twitches slightly with an unconscious scowl, and he walks towards your chair. 
“It has. I’m calling because I have a proposition that might interest you. I believe a meet and greet would be appropriate for your client. A large chunk of his fanbase are young adult women, however, he’s also popular with children.” He spins the chair around with a firm hand and presses his cheek against the phone. 
“That’s true.” You side eye him, and without skipping a beat, mush his nosey face away. His hot breath on your digits makes your skin tingle. 
“Who is that” he mumbles. You'd never seen Wriothesley interact with children, and you have every reason to be hesitant. 
“Hmm...any positive activity with children is good publicity. I’ll consider it. I’ll let you know by tonight.” The second you hang up, you release his face. 
“Why are you being annoying-” 
“Who were you talking to” he chides.  
“Isadora. She’s an event coordinator.” His clenched jaw unwinds. “She wants to do a meet and greet with you and a few kids. If we go through with this, I’ll have a camera crew and some reporters there. It’ll be good for your image.” 
“Okay.” he agrees. That was quick.  
“...Are you sure? Kids are loud and obnoxious a lot of the time.” 
“So? Fine by me. I can teach them how to fight.” Your skin crawls at the thought of Wriothesley launching a child through a wall. “That won’t be necessary.” 
“It’ll be fun.” The more he assures you, the more uneasy you feel. 
“Wriothesley, I’m serious. Don’t screw this up” you plead. He holds his pinky out. “I won't.” His loose interpretation of promises was dubious at best, but you had no other options, and this might be your only opening. You curl to his word. 
After parleying the finer details, you broadcast a raffle for young fans to meet Wriothesley. The traffic to the website was overwhelming, and you quickly began sorting out tickets for the favored winners. 
 Fortunately, the next couple of weeks were par for the course. 
It’s the night before the event, and you’re getting ready for bed. You sit at your desk in a big T-shirt and do your daily review of personal data. As you're scrolling through and identifying what needs improvement, you get a notification on your phone. 
“Breaking News: Boxer Bar Fight!” Curious, you open the tab to a video. It makes your breath stall, sweating frantically. You can’t think clearly, and your shaky hands can barely increase the volume. Unidentifiable noises and wobbly camerawork made it impossible to catch anything besides those familiar inky black strands, throwing punches in a drunken stupor at a defenseless man. Your previous conundrum flashes through your memory in a horrific stop-motion; the duping smile on his face. 
No. It’s happening all over again. Why is he at a bar? You messaged him before he went to bed. He never goes to bars. Why now, the night before the event? It’s late, he doesn’t go anywhere without telling you. 
He promised. 
None of it made sense as you threw on any sweatpants in your drawer and ran out the door. You can’t wait until morning. Disaster punctures and tears any rational decision you contemplate. Shouting silently within your mind, a crashing rage—or sadness—boils in your nervous stomach. You’re tunnel vision in a taxi on the way to his address. 
When you get there, you bang on the door with a fury that vibrates throughout the archway. His home is extravagant, with two cars and an expansive driveway. You bang again. 
“Wriothesley!” He finally opens the door. He’s still half asleep, pajama pants low on his waist, groggily leaning against the arch.  
“(Y/N)? Uh, what’s up?” He slurs in a deep slumbering voice through heavy eyelids. You barge in without saying anything. “Make yourself at home, I guess.” 
The interior is just as opulent as the exterior, it almost looks untouched. Every corner has a case or shelf stacked with ornate trophies and medals of excellence. It was the home of someone who achieved peak perfection and reveled in it. He follows you to his living room, bewildered at your furious expression. You play the video in front of him, and he watches with that same puzzled attitude that makes you angrier. You try taking deep breaths to compose yourself, but they halt shallowly. 
“What the fuck is this?” you accuse. 
“What? I don’t know.”  “Like hell you don’t know, this shit is on every homepage. Are you serious?”  
The cranky boxer pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. You show up at his house, and it’s to badger him about a rumor. Your temperament only heats the smoldering ember fueled by incessant claims. He covers his mouth, physically stopping the involuntary response. 
“Okay” he says, and blurts a facetious chuckle. Your heart thumps in your chest and ears.  
“Oh, It’s a fucking joke? I bust my ass to save your career and you’re laughing?” you snap, voice increasing in volume until it reaches a broken peak. He returns with the same energy. 
“When did I ask you to fix anything? Did you ever think that maybe I don’t fucking need you-” 
“You can barely control your smoking habits you pompous ass-” 
“I would if you didn’t nag me all the time. Whining and complaining, it’s fucking annoying!” he yells. Neither of you meant the words spilling out the bubbling surface, but your tongues were solely seasoned with the next spiteful jab. 
“Yes, whining! Because all you need to do is be on the straight and narrow, but you take nothing seriously, Wriothesley, and that’s exactly why-” 
“Exactly why what? Why your career went to shit so you’re piggybacking off mine?”  
Your battle stops. You can’t find the words to rebuttal. All the opinions of your colleagues, the media, Wriothesley, and yourself coagulate into a lump that fills the tightening throat. Pride comforts tears brimming your eyes. 
He pauses, as though he came to reality. An apology attempts to form on his lips, but it never manifests. “(Y/N), I didn’t-” 
“See you in the morning” you choked. You walk to the door, and he reaches out to the infinite space thick between you two.  
You didn’t sleep the entire night. It’s morning, and you’re exhausted. You consistently replayed the quarrel in your head through the taxi ride home, and when you strived for rest, it plagued your mind. Your coffee is untouched during your morning routine, a movement comparable to zombies. You don’t bother to confirm if Wriothesely is at the building—either way you owe it to the event holders to be there. 
You arrive just before the children file into the training room. Thankfully, Wriothesley is there in the center. Live cameras from reporters and parents border the walls; if something were to occur, it would be irreversible. Your head suddenly hurts. 
Perhaps playing it up for his reputation, the smile stretched across his face is a sunny warmth you’ve never seen from him. He waves to them, and they erupt with screams. To your astonishment, he gets on his knees to be eye level with them. They all jump into his arms at once, and he topples over onto the mat.  
And he’s laughing. This grumpy asshole fighter is laughing. A hearty, genuine laugh as he wraps his sturdy arms around all of them and picks them up at once. He whirls them around and they orchestrate high-pitched giggles. “Ready to have some fun?” he chortles. They say yes to varying degrees of excitement, and the meet and greet proceeds. 
You can’t help but smile when he frolics with the kids. They chase him with boxing gloves, he pretends to fall dramatically. Dogpiling him, he lets out a shrill scream of defeat. He manages to work in proper defense techniques while they jump him like a test dummy. He tosses each kid in the air whenever they ask, and never tells them no. You receive another call from Isadora amid your admiration, and you step outside. 
“Hey! Good news, these views are off the charts and the internet is really in his favor right now” she congratulates.  
“That’s great...what about the video from last night? Did you see it?” you ask. 
“Video...oh, that! Don’t worry, it’s confirmed fake.” What? Oh no. Immediate regret stirs in your blood, and you force the phone away to catch your breath. You feel utterly stupid. 
“Hello?” You quickly bring the phone back to your ear. “Yea, sorry. I have to go; I’ll call you later.” you insist. You can’t facepalm any harder. You make your way back to the training room, where the kids decorate his gloves with iridescent stickers. Wriothesley occasionally looks at you, but you can’t bear to show your guilty face. 
When the event is over, you both make sure to hug every child on the way out and thank the parent for coming. You’re sorting through mountains of requests people made to see Wriothesley again, and you mute your phone over the influx of emails. Peeking at the broadcast, under the footage in bold letters:  
“(Y/N) Back from the Dead?”  
It wasn’t the most flattering title, but it proved that public perception was salvageable. You emit a sigh of relief, for you and Wriothesley. As you’re packing your things to exit, he blocks the door with his body. 
“Can we talk?” You were dreading this discussion, but agreed, nonetheless. The ride to his home is silent, you grapple with a proper apology. 
You lean against the kitchen bar, while he’s laxing on the couch. Sleep deprivation torments you, causes you to wander as you fill in papers from sponsors. You can’t see the way Wriothesley steals glances at your slack figure curving to the marble. He eventually spoke.  
“So, um.” 
“I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. You did a good job today Wriothesley, you should be proud.” You flash a meek smile. He fumbles with his thumbs uncomfortably. 
“I am. Aren’t I the best?” he boasts. 
“You are” you say. The lack of sleep beckons you to a spur of honesty as you scribble. “You have stunning form, perfect accuracy, and immeasurable talent. Not just anyone can do that.” you return. He gazes at you, that dull swell pumping in his veins again. The cozy radiance of lights brightens your tired eyes. 
“You’re a big fan, huh?” he chuckles.  
“Of course, I used to watch you in college. I had a major crush on you” you snort. “Everything you are is amazing, but you know this. So cut it out.” He sits on the armrest, swallowing your confessions. The room is entirely too hot, he needs alleviation—he needs you. 
“Sorry. For what I said.” 
“Forget it. It's my fault, I was careless. I apologize.” you admit. 
“You know I didn’t do it, right?” 
“I know.” 
“I didn’t.” 
“I know.” you reassure.  
“What if some other bullshit controversy comes out. Then what?” You stop writing to give him your full attention. 
“Then, I’ll trust you. We’ve gotten this far. Even if no one else does, even if for some reason I lose my job and I’m not your manager anymore, I’ll trust you, Wriothesley.” you reveal. He doesn’t move. Wriothesley knew he wasn’t deserving of trust, and he’d made a plethora of mistakes throughout your arrangement. You had every right to leave him long ago. Nobody gave him the time of day or cared for his wellbeing like you did, but he couldn’t reciprocate. Even so, here he kneels, at the feet of an angel that shows him undying mercy. 
Wriothesley stalks at you, but you remain. He looms over you, pinning you to the counter with both arms, inches from your face. It isn’t a threatening force, but one that begs for confirmation. That slated storm searches for a specific craving, you feel his chest rising and falling laden with yours. 
“You’re too close” you quiver. The bitter musk and vanilla enveloping your senses makes you foggy, it lingers through the whole house. 
“Tell me to leave.” His mouth slants to you, and he waits expectingly. You ogle his features, the scratches of a warrior celebrated across his hardy torso. His hair brushes against your forehead, imperfect and uniquely beautiful. Why were you mad, again?
“Tell me to back off, (Y/N)” he pleads. The pads of your fingers lightly caress his ear, then his jaw. 
“Please” he whispers. Your thumb grazes his bottom lip, and he succumbs to the urge. 
You collide fervently, lips coated in definitive desire. Dancing with rough, bruising kisses that don’t make space for air. It smears on your face, dips down your neck and swiftly returns to your lonely mouth. The pressure of the counter bar burns across your lower back from his weight, but those mind-numbing kisses soften any injury. You bite his lip when he pulls away, and he groans. Suddenly, he lifts you effortlessly with his hands on your ass, and you clash teeth and tongue in a passionate challenge. He demands entry, and you moan into the wet mass intertwining through sloppy kisses. It explores your mouth, sending throbs to your nerves and subdues any control you have left. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, but you yearn for deeper contact. He licks up the organ, and spots moist, hungry kisses on your jaw. You both take a fleeting breath before converging again. You find passage in his hair and suck staining rose-colored marks on his neck while he carries you to the bedroom. 
“You’ve been waiting for this, hm? Slutty groupie” Wriothesley moans. You drag kisses along the shell of his ear. He tosses you onto the fluffy bedding and haphazardly strips to his underwear. The wide mirror opposite his bed gives you a glimpse of his thighs and shapely bottom hugging the briefs. You’re supposed to be undressing, but that thronging bulge made for a titan makes you nervous for what’s to come. He palms the erection to soothe the ache and climbs over you. He’s somewhat gentle, careful with the bulk of his body as he cradles your face for more kisses. The way he looks at you, a covet softness or misted lust tantalizing the wetness pooling in your panties. He moves to your neck, French kissing down your throat and on your collarbone. You feel like a virgin again, heart racing from every graze of his fingers and lips. His calloused digits grope the plush fat of your thighs, and gradually reach the hem of your skirt. You snake your hands over his pecs and abs and read the muscles. Moaning into each other's mouths, indulging every part of your bodies as you’ve wanted to do for months. He pulls your skirt off and you hold your button-down over your exposed panties. Heat spreads in your body, and he amuses at your sudden bashfulness. 
“Oh…you’re shy?” he teases, before popping the buttons off with a brutal rip. “Wrio!” you yelp. That’s the first time you called Wriothesley a nickname; he must’ve died and went to heaven. The lace gift wrapped around your breasts taunts him, and he buries his face immediately. He nips the sensitive skin and snaps the clasp off. “Cute. Need to feel you” he husks. He twirls the bud in his mouth, while manipulating the other between his girthy fingers. Alternating among loving hickies and harsh tugs of his teeth on your nipple. You whine, and his laugh tickles your raw skin. He flips over on his back and steadies you on top of him. Discards the rest of your top, and let’s out a shaky groan.  
“You’ve never been this speechless” he says. You smile and kiss his puffy lips, your hands kneading his chest. “You’re so pretty” you coo. He huffs while rubbing circles on your waist, eyeing your inner thighs covered in juices.  
“Then come fuck my pretty face.” He slips under the waistband and tweaks the fabric, but you grip his wrists. “Wait! Let me shower first- “ 
“You said you'd give me anything I desire, remember that? Keep your promise." He yanks the thin material down your legs in your weak clutches, trailing a string of drool that sticks to your labia. “C’mere” he grunts and lifts you towards his face. Your thighs are soft on either side of him, and you still in his grasp. He lolls his tongue out, but you’re reluctant to fully sit. “I’m heavy” you murmur.  
“Shut up.” He embraces your body, and you have no choice but to settle in his warmth. He keeps you flush with his flat tongue, swiping up and down the squishy flesh molding to his mouth. You writhe in his grasp, but he continues to lap at your clit with a starving lust. Wriothesely soaks in your velvet skin and perfumed essence dribbling down his chin. He doesn’t come up for air, and your brain is mush over him, his lips slurping your quivering cunt. A buzzing intensity courses through your twitching stomach. You rut your hips against his mouth, and he maintains his position while you use him. You’re grinding on his tongue, absent-mindedly biting your lips and mewling endlessly as you bring yourself closer to climax. He hums while sucking the nub and the vibrations make you cry out.  
“Wrio, ‘m coming” you whine. You hump his mouth until you come undone in a pulsating finish. His hands restrain you, greedily devouring the newly found honey as it pours out. You ride it through while he curls the tip of his tongue at your opening. Without warning, you feel the pink muscle push in your recovering vulva. “S-Shit, Wrio” you whimper, trembling on him as he drives inside. He seizes the back of your thighs and begins to bounce you up and down the mushy appendage slowly stretching you. The sensation is overwhelming, his nose skims your oversensitive clit each time you drop, and you sob. Wriothesley moves faster, your hands entangle in his hair. You babble please’s repeatedly, gazing sensually at each other as the coil winds in your gut. More, more. Then it snaps, an abrupt shock, clenching on his tongue as you cream. He raises your lower half; the wetness collecting in your convulsing heat makes his cock strain more than it already suffered.  
“Such a cute slut” Wriothesley husks. Your numb legs can’t navigate on their own, so he places you on your stomach. “We’re not done.” He springs his throbbing length free. The veins are consistent, prominent up his shaft to the angry red crown—9 inches begging to be inside you. Fresh precome trickles down his tip and he sighs at the bloated pain in his hefty balls. You arch your back, presenting yourself to his awaiting size. When he doesn’t enter you turn to him impatiently and he smirks. 
“Put it in” you whine. Wriothesley spreads your backside, and watches you clench around the ghost of him. He glazes himself with your slick, and moans from the feeling of your puffy lips cuddling his cock. “It’s not every day a fan gets to sleep with me. Be grateful.” he teases. He pumps through your squashed thighs, the head prodding your nub while he forces your chest flush with the bed. After he thoroughly coats himself, he nudges the bulbous tip to your entrance. 
Wriothesley sinks into your sex. You’re gripping him like a vice despite the searing soreness of your body accommodating the scale. The fevered sleeve nearly makes him crash to the hilt, but he stutters gradually to relieve your discomfort. He hits the base and shudders. You feel unbelievably stuffed, as if it’s squirming in your cervix. Then he starts at a savage pace. He’s using you like a flesh-light, balls smacking your overwhelmed tender nub with a carnal impulse. His moans spill uncontrollably as he watches your rippling ass and viscous webs blend together, clinging to his cock and forming a cloudy froth at the base. Your knuckles turn white on the sheets; you can’t think or feel anything that isn’t him, core surging with intense want. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, gonna snap my dick off. Ah- gonna make sure you can’t walk t-tomorrow. Then- hah- then you won’t be able to find anyone who fucks you like this, who makes you come like this.” He’s rambling and stuttering, completely incoherent the closer he gets. He glances at the mirror, then at you. You feel your hair jerked back by his massive hand, and lock eyes with Wriothesley in his drunken haze. “Stop, it’s embarrassing!” you slur. You’re both sheened with sweat, disheveled bodies satiating the hunger in any way you can. 
“Shh, you hear that?” The squelching slam of passion echoes in the room, sopping down your leg through his pummeling thrusts. Your back bends unnaturally as though it were folded in half. “You’re so fucking hot, so needy for me.” His veins adorn your walls, you start to tear up from the mixture of pleasure and pain. He notices your tears and holds you up so that your back is flush with his chest. 
“It hurts?” he questions, stalling his movement. You feel him twitch. “No, feels s’good Wrio. More” you mewl. He chuckles, and gently wraps his hand around your throat before pumping again.  
“Too good? Am I the best you’ve ever had? Say it.” He moves faster, free hand rubbing your clit. Your knees buckle and eyes roll back to your skull, he takes in the scene of your convulsing figure in the mirror. “S’best I’ve ever had, please ‘m so close!” you rasp, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. He chases his high, panting animalistically in your ear.  
“Shit- look how desperate you are. Want me to come inside? Y-yea, I bet you fucking do”
“‘M coming!” you babble.
“Good. Make a mess.” he commands. Fire trails up your limbs, and you tighten before falling apart. Fluttering around him, taking him deeper while you come on his sack. Wriothesley pursues his sputtering hips, spurting thick globs that paint you white. He whimpers as you milk his spasming length dry and presses tired kisses along your shoulder blade. When he comes down from his apex, he turns you over on your back. It’s hard for him to not be proud of your boneless existence sprawled on his bed. You’re both breathing hard in silence, and he leaves for a couple minutes. You’re stunned when he returns with a damp rag to clean you up, and some dark substance in a mug.
You find the strength to sit up while he wipes your lower areas. “Where are my clothes?”
“...For what?”  he mumbles.
“To leave?” It seemed like common sense to you—boxers usually don’t go for long-term relationships, and so you assumed it to be a one-night stand. You dip over the edge of the bed and locate your skirt, but Wriothesely hops up and snatches it before you can. “I’ll put it in the wash. Relax.” 
“I didn’t know you were so hospitable. Do you do this for every girl?” you tease. He gets visibly upset, and shoves the cup from the dresser in your hands. “Don’t piss me off. Now, drink. I’ll order food.” 
Multicolored sunset flaking through the sheer curtains frames his stature while he’s on the phone. You sip the tea, it’s a vile grainy taste. For a moment you imagine what life could be like with him by your side—poor quality tea and an awful temper. In your pleasant aftermath, it doesn’t seem bad at all.
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eddiesghxst · 9 months
eddie throwing his back out giving you everything he has and ofc it hurts like a bitch the next day and he wants you again and again and again
the next morning eddie’s making breakfast and he dramatically groans whenever he reaches up to grab something from the cabinets until you finally crack and ask, “what’s wrong, baby?”
he just jokingly glares at you and goes, “you destroyed my back, that’s what’s wrong. the last time i had this much sex was in my twenties, i’m not equipped for this.” he grumbles, reaching back to rub at his lower back.
you roll your eyes, stepping forward to slink your hands around his waist, pressing your body up against his back and kissing the bare skin between his shoulders, “for what it’s worth, even though you’ve got a shitty back, your refractory period makes up for it,” you joke, patting his stomach and kissing his back once again, pressing a smile into his skin when he grunts in response.
“don’t have much of a choice, do i? i’ve got a succubus for a girlfriend.”
you hum, “that’s weird, last i remember it was you asking for one more round, wasn’t it?”
you stretch onto the tips of your toes to rest your chin against his shoulder to peer down at his skilled hands hard at work preparing your meal, and eddie doesn’t bother glancing at you as he responds, “not sure, things start to blur after the third big-O.”
you hum as a teasing smile spreads across his lips, “whatever you say, big guy.” you playfully nip at his shoulder and he hisses, batting you away as you giggle, turning to lean against the counter beside him so you’re facing him, “when you’re done with this, come and i’ll give you a massage for your achey old man back, hm?”
eddie glances away from his task to look at you, “that pretty little mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble.”
you tilt your head with a sly grin, voice smooth and sultry as you speak, “is that a threat, musnon?”
eddie let’s out an exasperated noise and looks at you with narrowed eyes, “can a man cook in peace, please? or at least without you trying to get in my pants like i’m some harlot,”
you raise your eyebrows and motion down to his crotch, the unmistakable print of his hardening length pressing against the seam of his sweatpants, “seems like he enjoys it.”
eddie playfully shoves you away then, muttering for you to get out of the kitchen and you giggle, yelping when he swats at your behind, “ow! what was that for?” you whine, rubbing at your sore cheek. eddie grins, dicing a few onions and dropping them onto the stove, “for being such a goddamn minx. get out of here before i accidentally set this house on fire.”
and even though his back hurts like hell, he still ends up drilling your shit, but you have to take over midway because eddie’s poor back really might just croak on him and he swears if that happens, you’re paying for his medical bill <3
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saintslewis · 3 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!journalist reader
summary: a lil joke thing i wanted to write because homeboy is bringing home the big bucks 🤭
warnings: just read 🫵🏽 this is a crack fic lol
saint’s team radio 🎀: don’t take this all too seriously 😭 hope y’all enjoy plus who know i’ll actually make it into a thing 🧍🏽‍♀️
tags: @alika-4466 @purplelewlew @exotic-iris13 @arshiyuh @mauvecherie-writes @yeea-nah @youre-sooooo-funny @louvrepool @queenshikongo3 @cherry2stems @httpsserene @motheroffae
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Being an independent journalist in this sport wasn’t easy at all but only within the parameters of any paddock around the world as most journalists rarely agreed with you, being neutral about anything in f1 wasn’t your thing.
Speaking your mind as the race went on was what set you apart from the rest, along with your humour and your honesty towards drivers and team principals. Not to mention you were extremely biased, keeping your liking to three to five drivers but only one occupied your mind every time you think about him.
I think you know who I’m talking about.
Your support for Lewis goes back to 2015, discovering the sport and immediately wanting to put your journalism skills to the test, aiming for the f1 paddock to at least catch a glimpse of the most talked about driver. Quickly building up a blog and several other social media accounts, you got to telling the world your thoughts and feelings for every race and your supporters rooted for you to achieve your goal.
Having the opportunity to attend thee race in 2020 as a guest of F1, you arrived at the Turkish Grand Prix with your head held high and a dress so gorgeous that it sparked rumours between you and the driver you were writing about. Not to mention the hug he gave you when you first met in the Mercedes garage, praising and thanking you for the support over the years. He’s been watching you and your work. That made your heart so warm.
Then he won his 7th world championship, breaking all records and that day, he deemed you his lucky charm.
And since then, it’s been a work wife-work husband friendship between you two. Fans constantly shipping you too, the clips of your shared interviews at the media pen of the intense eye contact and even off-track sightings once in a while such as a quick lunch.
yourusername • 13 mins ago
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The atmosphere in Australia was unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your career, the paddock was practically painted red, Ferrari red to be specific. Everyone eager for Lewis to arrive as his first season as a driver for the legendary team.
Deciding to subtly support him and his new team, you rocked maroon everything, not yet ready to fully embrace the extreme bright red. It just might be your new favourite colour, from your hair right down to the tips of your high heeled boots.
Whilst setting your camera equipment up (gracefully given to you by Ferrari themselves), you couldn’t help but reminisce back to the year before of when he told you he was leaving Mercedes, a single facetime call in the nighttime.
“You made me pause the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, this better be good.” You said, placing the popcorn bowl down on your coffee table. Giving him squinted eyes, he just smiled at you.
“Are you alone right now?” He asked and that set aback for a bit. “You tryna do something funny, Lewis? Because you’re in Monaco right now and I’m at my house.” You raised your eyebrow at him, hiding how nervous you were to even suggest that to him but thankfully, he took it as a joke.
“No no, I’ve got some big news and I wanted to tell you before it gets out.” He replied, seeing how you stood up and placed your phone on your kitchen counter to prepare for this. “Okay, I’m ready. What’s up?” You clasped your hands together, not prepared to hear what came out of his mouth next.
“I’m moving to Ferrari next year.”
“You’re lying.” And all he did was smile as he saw your face drop at this news. He shook his head and that woke you to run around your apartment screaming. Running back to your phone, he was still there but just laughing his lungs out.
“Give me the details right now or else I’ll fly there. I’m not playing, Lew.”
A small smile was plastered on your face as you racked through the memories of that night and till that day, you still couldn’t believe it even though it was right in front of you. The media pen became louder and louder as you continued to mic yourself up along with connecting the mic to the camera and you immediately knew who caused the stir.
He already had such an aura surrounding him so much so that you could feel him whenever he entered the room. You were aware he arrived earlier and most likely changed but seeing the official team shirt on him was odd but fitting.
Lewis had a simple routine whenever he got to the media pen: everyone else then you because his time with you could be lengthened and he was so damn grateful that it was a Thursday because it meant even more time just walking around the paddock pretending it’s an interview when really, you guys were just spending time together.
After all the drivers had their interviews with you, laughing as they walked away because of some joke you told or happy that you asked different questions than everyone else. The man of the hour strolled over to your section with a look in his eye that gave you a shiver down your spine.
“Do not give me that look, Lewis. It’s weird seeing you in that shirt.” You said as he leaned against the barricade, maintaining eye contact with you. “I’m just taking in the red on you, it’s your colour.” He smirked at the reaction from you, the slight shock from the tone of his voice.
There was always a tad bit of tension between the two of you, feeling that twinge of a spark whenever he merely touched you. As you worked with over the years, you wanted your crush on him to diminish because that would just be unprofessional but he did not seem to care. At all. Often being spotted at various places together that he claimed were just two friends hanging out but just one look from him could have you in the clouds of days.
“Uh..huh. Wanna get these questions done or you wanna keep staring?” You asked with sass, watching him tilt his head a little and maintaining eye contact. “We can go right ahead, Y/n.” Lewis replied and you knew this was going to be a long interview.
Several questions later with a bunch of tension that you were sure the viewers would catch, you discreetly turned the camera to ask one of your infamous unserious questions that you did with every driver and you were sure this one were to get a laugh out of Lewis.
Holding the little card in front of you, you grinned with your left eye closing slightly more than the other. “It’s one of my favourite parts of any interview, unserious question time.” You said. “How unserious are we speaking here?” He asked with the slightest grin on his face just admiring you do your job.
“Only if you promise to answer it.” You said, holding out your manicured pinkie finger and Lewis hooked his with yours, solidifying the promise. “Okay okay, the whole world was shocked on how much Ferrari wanted you so much so that they literally doubled your salary.” You started.
“It’s now sitting at a hundred million a year. My question to you is who you gonna share it with and will it be me?”
“If you’re being serious, then it can be you.” He smiled and in that moment, your stomach dropped.
“Carl Davidson, I’m not playing around. Are you being for real?” You asked, lowering your voice so that no one could hear a thing.
He leaned in a bit more to whisper his next answer. “As real as you meeting me later on for dinner.” Lewis faced you then winked, walking away with your face still in shock. After standing there for what felt like forever, you felt your phone vibrate with a text from the man himself.
lew <3
you look gorgeous in red btw
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liked by theestallion, f1wags and 43,747 others
yourusername “anything you want, princess” — lewis hamilton.
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user give me your game card
user you’re eating the red wig DOWN
spinzbeatsinc oh for him to buy me a g wagon
yourusername you already have one???
user you gold digging bitch
user no ways 😭
user not you using him for his money
user think about it, what is he gonna do with so much??
fan she got the chance and she took it, i gotta respect it
user i hope this is a hard launch because i’ve been shipping these two for YEARS
user me too!!
lewishamilton just say the word 🫡
yourusername 🤭🤭🤭🤭
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saint’s team radio (again) 🎀: hope you all enjoyed! again, this is like a crack fic lol. there’s so many stories that’ll be released soon i’m excited 🥹 okay bye!
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
A bomb threat (And how it got you a boyfriend) special forces!Konig x fem!college!Reader
Konig saves you from a bomb threat when you get stuck at your Uni. Based on his bio - presumably, Konig was a part of the Austrian Special Forces before joining KorTac. He is also a bit of a dork and we have a bit of an obsessive episode.
Tags: Fluff, Reader is a cringefailure, Konig is overstepping his authority, hurt(not really)/comfort Warnings: Bomb threats, mentions of terrorism Word count: 2450
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Someone called a bomb threat in your college. 
Well, at least, this is what the automatic email is telling you. The email that was sent to you, about especially avoiding the library on the second floor because the anonymous(not for long, since they have a knack for exposing who the hell is calling those threats each time) caller said that there is a huge chance of the bomb being placed here. 
You know, the same library that you were sitting in, right now, reading this exact email on your laptop. You thought no one was around because it wasn’t a busy day, just after the major finals, with most people staying on campus only if they failed first tests or just wanted to get extra credits for some extra curriculum. Even if you were staying here just because you wanted to work on campus’s newspaper – the library is a good place to scoop for some rumors about the dean of the uni being three raccoons in a trench coat, or the lunch staff posing as Polish mafia. 
The thing is – it seemed like you were the last fucking person to receive the email. The thing is, there are only a few weeks left before summer break, and the campus already started to turn off major announcement equipment since no sports or other events are planned. Are you going to die? Probably, there is a huge chance of you dying, as you can feel directly in your bones – god, there are probably some terrorists or uni shooters or that weird Christian suprematist who are going hysterical at the mere sight of religion other than theirs. You are going to die, you are going to die, you are going to…
— Scheisse! There is a civilian! 
You were never particularly religious, maybe only at the time of finals and work submissions – and in situations like this, where you are already mentally preparing yourself to get blown up with unfinished articles and forgotten hopes and dreams and everything and…
You were never particularly religious – so you have no idea why your pre-death auditory hallucinations suddenly included an angel’s voice with devil's timbre and some huge, tree-trunk-like hands wrapping around your waist, checking you for possible injuries or explosive device. 
These hands are really huge – and muscular, you can see how tense they are even through your black uniform, and they are roaming over your body in a way that would make you scream bloody murder and file sexual harassment if it didn’t belong to an obvious angel. Angelm in special forces uniform, an angel with a really nice boyish voice and warm hands that are sliding to your thighs, groping and checking for every possible outcome – for weapons, probably, because you are literally the only person in the room that was deemed as a bomb threat, and if you were this guy, you’d also think that you were the culprit. 
His fingers linger on your hips perhaps a bit too long – you can him patting you down like you were heading to a club – and then he lets you go reluctantly, not finding anything except for your phone which he also checked for possible timers. The interaction lasted…a minute or so, but you are already hot and bothered, getting off the strong hands holding you, even though he already let you go. 
— Are you alright? 
He must have noticed your worried face and international student badge – his English is a bit accented but nonetheless confident. You never thought that small traces of German in a speech can sound so fucking hot but, perhaps, you are just traumatized and high on adrenaline and weren't getting laid for too fucking long. 
He wears a badge – something something long German words, huge design construction that made you think he must be pretty high-rank – knowledge that you only had because of the movies and games you were playing, trying not to get off the military kink too much. Something in the situation told you that you’d spend the whole evening searching for porn with guys dressed in all black today. Maybe, a touch of cargo. 
— Y…yeah. Fuck, sorry. I’m fine, fine. Yeah. 
You are rambling and he tilts his head to the side. This large, looming hand goes to your face – you wait for either a harsh slap to return you back to reality, or a passionate and deep kiss from your fantasies and dirty novels. He slowly traces his fingers on your face, getting up, in the hairline, searching for something – perhaps, a nasty head parasite that got you acting so weird around this random guy. Random guy who is just doing his job, securing that you’re safe, sound, and not going to explode in the next few minutes. 
— No head injuries. Gut. 
You want him to touch your face some more. You want him to check for mouth injuries, to evaluate the status of your lips. Maybe do some chemical tests with that gloss you were using today. Check the reaction with his tongue. 
He twirls you in place and you almost want him to press you against the wall. Search you some more, maybe get his hands a bit deeper, pass the oh-so-modest pants that made you look like a little bitch boy – his hand goes to cup your waist again, checking for anything that might catch his interest. Nothing – and you were never this sad about Hot wearing a concealed weapon that might force him to pin you down or get you into a chokehold with those massive biceps of his. 
— What were you doing here, ma’am? 
Studying in Vienna, you never found an Austrian accent this sexy. Never knew that you might like being handled like this before – it’s not romantic, not even in the slightest, but you smile a bit shyly, a bit awkwardly, and look at him from under your lashes, trying to look as innocent as possible. You are innocent – you weren’t doing anything, you were just trying to study and write in the last few weeks. Concentrated enough, so you never even noticed a fucking bomb threat. Didn’t hear soldiers running through the building, securing each room. 
— I…study here? 
You gulp loudly, taking a few steps away from the soldier. Allowing him to examine the room, deem it safe – the bomb threat called on your university was probably fake. Maybe a call from a paranoid individual, maybe someone with nothing better to do than pranking colleges. You seriously doubt anyone would try to blow up this place while almost none of the students are actually inside – especially the library during the low season. Even you almost decided to ditch the traditional writing atmosphere and just do something in the cafeteria. 
— Oh. 
His voice actually sounds…nice. Funny even, that small remark also makes him cough and look at you more seriously. He has a mask concealing his face, some weird hood or net on top of it – you try to see his eyes, but you can only occasionally catch glimpses of ice staring at you. Mysterious, you like it. Too mysterious, that little journalist club member inside of you is itching to get a look at his face better – you tilt your head to the side, contemplating just yanking it upwards and praying that he won’t kill you. 
Although you wouldn’t mind being crushed in his hold. 
— Let’s get you out of here, ja? 
You don’t question him when he suddenly picks you up – when the world starts to spin and you are pressed against his chest, his hands are supporting you under your knees and back. Securing you in place, making sure you are nice and comfy in his hold. You don’t ask questions when he slightly adjusts your hold so he can touch more of your thighs – you think he is just getting you comfortable, and you appreciate just how thoughtful he is. 
You don’t ask questions when he holds you almost like a bridal carry, even though you are certain you aren’t injured, and someone like him probably has more interesting things to do than saving poor college students who decided to ignore bomb threats. 
His hands are warm, his chest is even warmer, and his muscles aren’t even slightly trembling. You don’t know what sort of training those guys are coming through, but it must work – his steps are light and decided even when he can’t press you firmly against him, vest standing in the way. You don’t know what to do with your hands and you don’t want to mess with the government property – you think there is a law against fidgeting with special forces soldiers on duty – so you just get them on your knees. Like a good girl. Polite girl. Girl who isn't drooling over the guy who is just doing his job. 
— Thank you. For saving me. 
You whisper it in his headset – you are worried about someone else also hearing you, but there is something intimate about tilting your head upwards and getting right into his face, your lips millimeters away from the edge of his mask. You don’t want to sound suggestive, so you sound weak instead. You don’t to sound ungrateful, so you sound pleading instead. 
His hold on your thighs gets stronger. You lick your lips nervously, chuckling to ease the atmosphere a little bit. 
Your leg brushes above his waist – and you swear that you can hear his breath hitching. It’s impossible, you think, he must be a tough and content little soldier, perfect to save damsels in distress just like you – but something in his posture, in the way his fingers twitch slightly at the edges of your body, makes you think otherwise. Maybe, you’re just dreaming. Maybe, you know nothing. 
Someone slams into the room. Another man – shorter than the one who holds you, by a large margin, but none less intimidating. Burly, muscular, dressed up in full uniform which is expected – and with his face covered up by a similar veil or mask or whatever this is – which is unexpected. You thought that special forces would have something less eye-obscuring, but what do you know? You would be dead if the bomb threat was real. 
— Other sectors secured. No bomb in sight. Commander. 
He almost hisses, the similar accent in his voice makes your cheeks heat up even more. You feel weird, dirty even, thinking of those two large, intimidating men in such an intimate setting while they are just trying to save your life – but you try to silence that little annoying voice, to convince yourself that this is probably just adrenaline, ovulation and sudden urge to procreate before you would die. 
You feel your entire body stir when the man takes a step closer, looking at you. You can’t see his face, not even the outline of it – but you feel the burning gaze on your scared expression and obediently folded hands. 
— Gut. Other civillians? — 20 civilians in the building in total. University workers, some students. Already evacuated. — Any casualties? You hear a cruel chuckle from a shorter man. — If they were, you’d hear about it, sir. No, the sector is clear. — Gut. Dismissed – we’re finishing here. — What are you doing with the civi…
— Kruger, dismissed. 
The man who holds you is surprisingly stern when he isn’t talking to you. He used a much softer, quieter tone when he was talking to you, observing if you were hurt or in danger – and he is much, much different now. A cold voice, serious tone, the image of the ruthless commander flying in your head – well, at least you were right about his patches meaning something important. 
A shorter man leaves, and the door behind him swings open. To your surprise, the man who holds you – a mysterious stranger, you can’t even seem to find a name on his uniform – doesn’t let you go. His touches feel like you’re burning alive, he is igniting and brilliant and fucking perfect and…
He lets you down to the care of the local police department and some of the uni workers. His hand brushes over your face again – you think he was checking for the injuries but, then again, why would he touch your hair ever so gently only to move it out of your face to take a good look at your lips before letting you go? You’re imagining things, you probably must be – the man is just doing his job, he isn’t trying to fuck you in the nearest hallway even if you wanted him to. 
— Sir. I…thank you, really. For the help. 
— I didn’t do anything, Schatz. Someone must been playing a joke on everyone. 
You are going to find the guy – or a girl, or someone else, you don’t discriminate, everyone is equally capable of calling on the false bomb threats – who informed the special forces about the bomb in the building, and then you are going to kiss them. 
— What kind of joke is this? 
— A dumb one. 
He looks over to his unit – a group of tall, burly men, with weapons and uniforms and everything a girl could ask for – already packing in the vehicles to move out. You brace yourself to ask for his number – for his contact, anything, everything, maybe the favorite tree in the park under which you could meet again. You know that those guys aren’t supposed to reveal their identities, that he is probably out of town anyway, special forces aren’t usually called off to false threats, you know that your attempts are futile and yet, you lick your lips for added confidence and…
— Goodbye, Scahtzen. Stay safe, ja? Don’t want to save you from a real bomb one day. 
— I…I…um, you mean you wouldn’t save me from a real bomb? 
He was already halfway to the armored car before you could say anything. You aren’t nearly confident enough to yell across the whole fucking campus territory to get a number of this hot special forces guy, and something in his hunched shoulders, twitching fingers, and slightly less social and more abrasive manners tells you that he would hate the gesture as much as you would. 
Just like this, your first even real-life military crush is driving away, leaving you bombless, hoeless, and, most certainly, more depressed than ever. Summer is going to be great, right?
*** — What do you mean calling a fucking bomb threat?! 
Your friend wasn’t happy about the pick-up strategy you wanted to use.
*** — Of course, sir, let’s raid a fucking college dorm room. 
Sergeant Sebastian Josed Krueger wasn’t happy about his commander’s newfound love for college girls. 
Mostly because König refused to fucking share. 
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theemporium · 3 months
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[4.1k] as promised, jack throws luke a belated birthday party before the season kicks off. except, luke gets more surprises than he bargained for. (smut)
series masterlist
“I don’t get why we have to do this.”
“I’m just following instructions.”
“I already know Jack is throwing a party, there is no surprise.”
“I know. You have said it thirteen times since we left the apartment.”
Luke shot the older defenceman a look, his face blank and unimpressed. It had been bad enough that Jack had barged into his room at an ungodly hour on their off day, rambling away so fast that it took Luke a few minutes to even realise what he was saying. He had clothes thrown at his face and told he had fifteen minutes to get out of the house before he was dragged out. 
He was only mildly surprised to find John waiting outside their apartment complex, two coffees held in his hands and looking just as thrilled as Luke to be awake so early. And just like Luke, he had been given close to no instructions on what to do, other than keep Luke out of their apartment until everything was ready. 
Whenever that would be.
“I don’t get why we couldn’t just hang out at yours.” Luke said, leaning back against the hood of the car as he shovelled the ice cream around the small tub he was holding. “Or why he demanded I spend the day acting like a seven year old.” 
“To say goodbye to your youth before you turn twenty,” John replied.
Luke frowned. “I’m already twenty.”
“Semantics,” John shrugged.
Luke stared at his teammate for a few moments, letting the silence envelope them. He got along well with John, probably better than some of the older teammates. He didn’t want to say it to anyone else—like Jack or Quinn or his parents—but it was a little intimidating. He wasn’t the youngest guy in the team, and he knew he had others his age. But sometimes, the older defenceman were just…a little intense. 
He knew they meant well. He knew they only wanted to help and guide. But it was hard to believe the words they were saying when it was still pre-season, when Luke still felt like he had to prove himself on the ice, even after playoffs.
But John was a nice middle. He wasn’t old but he was experienced. He understood it a little better than some of the others. Luke might have even gone as far to say that John had been the closest thing to an actual friend that he felt on the team, like somebody he thinks would genuinely hang out with him outside of team hangouts and post-game pub crawls.
Luke’s eyes narrowed in suspicion at the older boy. “Do you know what Jack is planning?”
He could see the beginnings of a smirk tugging on John’s lips.
Luke pointed his little spoon in accusation. “You do!” 
“Eat your ice cream, Luke.” 
“Surely I get birthday boy privileges or something.”
John’s face broke out into a full blown grin. “Thought you were already twenty? Not technically the birthday boy then, are you?” 
Luke only rolled his eyes as the boy beside him cackled, but there was the makings of a smile on his face too. 
He had made the mistake of underestimating a Jack Hughes’ party.
Luke knew what his brother was like. He knew how his mind worked and how he thought and how he acted. He knew just what certain words and phrases really meant. He knew the kinds of tricks Jack tended to have up his sleeve. 
He had ranted to John about as much all day. He had warned you about the same.
He was fully equipped to be prepared with whatever was on the other side of the door.
And yet, Luke still found himself standing frozen in shock when he opened the apartment door to so many fucking people screaming happy birthday at him. More people than he ever considered possibly fitting into their apartment. 
Every surface had more bottles of alcohol on them than he could count, there were balloons and other decorations taped to the wall, and he was pretty sure he saw a fucking keg hidden amongst the crowd.
It was the most Jack Hughes kind of thing to throw him a party that resembled a frat party, more than a fucking birthday party. He shouldn’t have been surprised and he still was because, honestly, he didn’t think it would be much bigger than the team and their partners and some extra friends. 
Luke didn’t think he knew half the people in his house right now. Maybe more than half. 
And still, staring at the large group of people, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over the crowd as if he would be able to spot you in seconds. 
But he couldn’t.
Instead, Jack was dragging him into the apartment with a shove and a big smile. He had a drink pushed into his hands seconds later, more people wishing him a happy birthday and the overwhelming realisation that his social butterfly brother was going to drag him around to meet every single stranger currently in his house. 
And as much as he wanted to claim it was horrible—and it kind of was, socially—Jack undoubtedly knew how to throw a great party. 
He was in the middle of listening to some retelling of a goal from a game that Luke didn’t even care about when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He glanced around him, everyone far too focused on the storytelling before he slipped his phone out. He wished he was embarrassed with the way his smile grew when he saw it was from you. 
cherry🍒: which room is yours? 
cherry🍒: please answer quick before i break into your brother’s room
Luke pressed his lips together, trying to resist the urge to smile or laugh.
hockey boy: is there a reason you’re trying to sneak into my room? 
It didn’t even take a few seconds after he pressed send for you to respond. 
cherry🍒: stop being a smart ass and tell me which one
cherry🍒: otherwise i guess jack gets your present 
And it was stupid, really. He didn’t know what you got him. It could be a card for all he knew, and he would be grateful for it regardless. But still, something about the implication of your words made his cheeks flush in response. 
And something quite possessive bubbled in his chest at the idea of anyone else being in his position. 
It was his gift, after all. He had every right to feel possessive over it. Or, at least, that was what he told himself as he quickly responded. 
hockey boy: second door on the left
He watched the bubbles appear on his screen, let the seconds pass painfully until your message came through.
cherry🍒: come and get your present, birthday boy ;)
He stared at the text for a lot longer than he cared to admit before he was snapped out of his thoughts, feeling someone’s pointy elbow digging into his side. His head snapped up, finding Jesper staring at him with a slightly concerned look.
“You good? Your face has gone red.”
He could almost feel his cheeks burn hotter in response. 
“Uh, yeah,” Luke cleared his throat and gave the older boy a slightly strained smile. “I must’ve drank a little more than I expected. I’m just gonna go splash my face and I’ll be back.”
Jesper’s brows furrowed together. “You sure? I can go get Jack—”
“No, no,” Luke quickly reassured him, giving his shoulder a small pat and squeeze before he took a step away from the crowd. “Promise I’m all good. Just need to freshen up.”
Jesper didn’t look convinced but Luke didn’t give him much time to say anything else before he rushed off. 
He kept his head down, trying to avoid eye contact and getting dragged into conversations as best as he could. He gave polite smiles when he could, pushing through the crowd of people without a second thought before he made it to the corridor that led off to the bedrooms.
It was quieter, which was expected with most of the guests in the main communal areas but Luke didn’t give much thought to them or anything else as he made a beeline for his room. 
His heart was thundering in his chest as he reached for the door, quickly sliding inside and shutting the door with a heavy sigh before he finally turned around. He leaned back against the door, taking in the sight of you casually sitting on his bed like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Maybe because, for some reason that was beyond his own understanding, it was. 
You sitting on his bed, leaning back against your hands as you grinned at him. Your white dress was a stark contrast against his navy blue sheets, resting around mid-thigh and it drove him crazy. Almost as crazy as the cherry red lipstick did. 
“Happy birthday, Hughes.”
His nose scrunched. “You can’t call me that when my brother is under the same roof.”
You snorted. “Aw, you know you’re my favourite.” 
Luke didn’t bite back his smile this time. “Is that my birthday present?” 
You grinned back, patting the spot on the bed next to you. “Why don’t you come find out?” 
He barely had a chance to sit on the bed before your hands were on him, fingers lightly tugging on his curls as you pressed a smacking kiss onto his cheek with a cheesy grin. 
“Happy birthday, Luke.” 
He huffed out a laugh, turning to look at you with an elated expression. “Thanks, Cherry,” he murmured, almost shyly as your fingers remained in his hair, playing with his curls like it was instinctive. “How are you enjoying the party?”
Your lips twitched upwards. “Your brother sure would’ve made a great frat boy.”
“It’s his true calling,” Luke joked.
“And you’re a popular boy,” you commented.
His cheeks flushed. “Oh no…I…I don’t know half of them, to be honest. Maybe even more than that.” 
Something glinted in your eyes and you smiled at him. “So I’m one of the lucky few people who actually know the birthday boy?” 
He swallowed. “One of the few, yeah.” 
“I’m honoured,” you hummed, tilting your head to the side. “I’m guessing you won’t be missed if I keep you up here for a bit, then?”
He blinked, staring at you for a few seconds before he remembered he had to respond. “Uh, yeah, no. We can…we can stay here for a bit. Or a while. Or however long you want.” 
You tucked your lip between your teeth. “Good. Get comfortable.”
His eyes widened a little. “Huh?” 
“Get comfortable, Luke,” you repeated, something quite like pride blooming in your chest as you watched his face blush in response. “Need to give you your birthday present.” 
“Oh,” he murmured before he realised. “Oh! Right, I—” 
Luke glanced at you for a second, seeing if you were going to give him any hint on what was happening but you just smiled at him. He cleared his throat, almost embarrassed by the way his dick twitched in response before he shuffled back onto the bed until his back was pressed against the headboard. 
“Is this okay?”
“Perfect, baby, always so perfect for me,” you murmured, not wasting any time as you began to crawl towards him. 
He gulped a little, watching you like he was completely entranced. He expected you to swing your leg over his lap, to feel your thighs on either side of him as you settled yourself on him. He waited for you to be close enough before he could reach out, before he could pull you closer. He itched to have his hands on you.
But you crawled until you were kneeling beside him, your knees brushing against his thigh and hand on his stomach—but it still didn’t feel close enough for his liking. 
Yet, when he opened his mouth to speak, you were already leaning forward to kiss him.
The way he moaned in relief the second he felt your lips on his was almost pathetic, but Luke couldn’t bring himself to care. You shifted in your spot before your free hand cupped his cheek, guiding his head so you could deepen the kiss with a swipe of your tongue against his lips. 
He parted his lips with no hesitation. 
“Hm, good boy,” you hummed, your breath tickling against his lips and it made his cock strain in his jeans. 
“Always for you,” he responded, almost like it was instinctive. It took a few seconds for his brain to catch up, for his body to flush in realisation.
But he could feel your smile widen against his lips and it made it worth it.
You pulled back, panting softly as your hooded eyes took him in. Your gaze glanced over every inch of his face before they lingered on his lips. Your eyes darkened and your lips twitched as your hand moved to cup his jaw, to let your thumb slowly swipe over his lips.
“Cherry red looks good on you, baby,” you commented, and it was only then he noticed how smudged your own lipstick looked. 
“Might give you a run for your money,” he retorted, his voice a little lower and rougher than it was moments ago.
“Hm, I bet you could.” 
He gulped a little, the blood roaring in his ears as he felt the anticipation of your next move crackle under his skin like lightning waiting to strike. He watched you closely like he was scared to miss something, like this would all end if he looked away.
“Relax, Luke,” you said in a softer voice, the hand on his stomach lightly fisting the material of his shirt. “You trust me, right?” 
He nodded.
“And you’ll tell me if you wanna stop?”
He nodded again.
“Good,” you murmured before you were leaning in again. “Then sit back and enjoy your present, birthday boy.”
And every other coherent thought Luke had in his brain went completely out the window as you leaned in to kiss him again. 
There was the distant thumping bass sounding from the main room that made him feel like he was back to the party just over a month ago. When he was in the small bathroom with you, feeling just as hot and flushed as he did now but for very different reasons. And if he didn’t have your tongue in his mouth, he was sure he would have appreciated how poetic it all felt.
But he really, really couldn’t bring his brain to do anything except focus on you, you, you.
A needy noise sounded from the back of his throat as your hand on his stomach travelled downwards, as the heel of your palm pushed against the bulge in his jeans. 
“So responsive,” you murmured between kisses as you continued to palm him over his jeans. 
He felt breathless, his brain feeling fuzzy and his body feeling overwhelmed as he desperately tried to keep up with you, to kiss you back, to not buck his hips like he desperately wanted to do.
“This okay?” 
He sighed, nodding his head.
You hand paused, and he almost whined in response, before your fingers paused at the button of his jeans. “Still okay?”
He nodded again.
“Words, baby. I know you can use them for me.”
“Yeah, still okay,” he managed to get out between gritted teeth, almost sounding wounded as he felt your fingers circle his button before slowly popping it undone. He let out a staggered, heavy breath as your hand slid into his jeans, until the warmth of your palm squeezed his cock over his boxers. “Oh, fuck.”
“Shhh, can’t be too loud, baby,” you murmured, watching the way his head slumped back against the headboard with a thump. “Not when they can hear you.”
“There’s music,” he defended weakly, his eyes fluttering shut as you slowly began to stroke his clothed cock. 
“Your pretty noises are louder,” you teased, unable to help yourself as you leaned forward to press a kiss to the hollow of his neck. “Help me get these off, yeah?” 
Luke could only find it within himself to nod and lift his hips to help shuffle the fabric of his jeans and boxers to pool just above his knees. “Please.”
“No need to beg this time,” you assured the boy, pressing another kiss just under his jaw. “Gonna give the birthday boy what he wants.” 
He blinked his eyes open, expecting to find you staring back at him. Instead, your focus was on his exposed dick, resting against his stomach. He swallowed a little, suddenly self-conscious and painfully aware that despite the amount of times you had made him come, this was the first time he had ever…well…it was the first time you had ever seen his dick.
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Nothing except a noise mixed between a moan and a whimper as your thumb traced over the slit on his head.
“Pretty boy, pretty cock,” you commented casually, like your thumb wasn’t spreading the small beads of precome over the head of his cock.
“Cherry,” he breathed out, fighting the urge to clench his eyes shut. “Fuck. Please.”
“I like when you say my name like that,” you confessed, turning to look at his flushed cheeks and glossy eyes that were already staring back at you. You never once looked away from him as you raised your thumb to your mouth, wrapping your lips around it.
He gritted his teeth together. “Shit.” 
The eye contact remained as you licked the palm of your hand before reaching down to stroke his cock again, no layers of fabric acting as a barrier anymore. Just your warm, wet palm slowly pumping the length of his hard cock, in his fucking bedroom when a whole party of guests celebrating him were just god-knows how many feet away.
“Fuck, yes,” he moaned out, slumping back against the headboard again as you continued to stroke his cock. His eyes fluttered shut as a small voice in the back of his head muttered about how much better it felt when it wasn’t his own hand. 
“That’s it, baby, just sit back and enjoy,” you whispered, closing the distance between your lips and his neck once again. Your breath tickled along the column of his neck, sending small shivers through his body as he tried not to twitch his hips.
“Feels good,” he managed to blurt out.
He could feel your smile against his skin. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded hopelessly, his hands fisting the duvet on either side of him. “So good.”
“Hm,” you hummed in amusement, your teeth lightly nipping a spot just before his ear. “You gonna last long, baby?” 
He shook his head, whimpering.
“Gonna be a good boy and come for me?” 
He nodded without a second of hesitation. 
And then he felt your lips against his ear, your breath warm and your voice sultry as you whispered, “then come for me, Luke.”
And he fucking shattered. 
White, hot pleasure exploded through him. He could feel it in every nerve in his body, from the tip of his fingers to the end of his toes. He could feel the rush down his spine, the spots dotting his vision as he tried to ground his bearings. He could feel his cock twitching in your palm as he came, as ropes of his come exploded over your hand and his thighs and stomach.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, chest heaving with soft pants as he took a few moments before he turned his head to look at you.
“Like your birthday present?” You asked with an innocent smile.
Luke snorted, not replying as he leaned forward to press his lips against yours. It felt like the natural response and you didn’t seem to push him away. 
When he pulled back, he reached for a box of tissues and handed you a few to clean yourself up whilst he did the same. It was only thirty seconds of silence before he opened his mouth to say something, his brain still fuzzy and the oddest urge to say ‘thank you’ on the tip of his tongue when he heard familiar voices on the other side of his door.
“Nah, I swear Jack said his room was to the right.”
“He said left, dipshit.”
“No, he definitely said right.”
Luke’s eyes widened as he turned to look at you, a sudden burst of adrenaline and panic ridding him of whatever post-orgasm brain fog he was experiencing seconds ago. “Get under the bed.”
You blinked. “What—”
“Get under the bed now,” Luke hissed as he quickly scrambled to pull his boxers and jeans up.
You listened to him, despite his confusion, as you quickly slid off his bed and crawled underneath the frame. You disappeared just as the door to his room burst open and Luke was met with three very familiar faces grinning at him. 
Despite hearing their voices, the shock of seeing three of his closest friends didn’t hit him until they were standing right in front of him. His heart was still thundering in his chest and his brain still felt a little delayed, but the smile on his face was genuine as he took in the sight of Mark, Ethan and Rutger.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Luke retorted, shuffling off his bed. He contemplated hugging them before remembering what had just occurred seconds ago and thought better of it. 
“You really think we were gonna miss your birthday?” Ethan asked with a scoff.
“I mean, it was a few weeks ago…”
Rutger lightly punched his arm. “Don’t be a dick, we just flew from Michigan to be here.”
Luke raised his brows in surprise. “You did?”
“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world, bud,” Mark replied, a softer smile on his face. “You may have hit the big leagues but you can’t get rid of us.”
He swallowed back the lump in his throat, an odd pang of homesickness in his heart craving to be a college student in Michigan once again. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I think the better question is why the fuck you are hiding at your own party,” Ethan spoke up, slapping his arm around Luke’s shoulders before he began guiding him to the door. “Your brother splurged on a shit ton of booze downstairs, we should be taking advantage of that.”
“And kicking their asses in beer pong,” Mark added with a grin.
“Let’s fucking go!” Rutger whooped, already the first one out the door with the expectation of the others to follow.
“Gonna embarrass them all,” Ethan grinned, turning his head to look at Luke before he frowned a little. “Hey, what’s that on your neck?”
Luke’s eyes widened as his hand instantly came up to his neck, as though he would be able to feel the lipstick staining his skin. “Uh…it’s…a rash.”
Ethan’s brows furrowed together. “Damn, really? It kinda looks—”
“Are you two coming or what?”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “We’re coming!”
“Hurry up or Mark’s my partner in beer pong!” 
Ethan scoffed, his mouth parting in offence. “Absolutely not—” 
Luke didn’t get much of a chance to say anything else before Ethan and the others all but dragged him back into the party. The guilt of leaving you in his room swirled inside him, but he waited until the boys were distracted before he managed to slip his phone out of his pocket. 
hockey boy: i am so sorry about that
hockey boy: i didn’t mean to leave you like that
hockey boy: i feel like a dickhead 
His lip was tucked between his teeth as the typing bubbles appeared. 
cherry🍒:  don’t worry about it, luke
cherry🍒: have fun with your friends 
cherry🍒: hope you liked your birthday present ;)
His cheeks burned but he grinned down at his phone.
hockey boy: don’t think anything can top it
He paused for a few moments, glancing up to find his friends still lost in some debate on who was gaining Mark as their beer pong partner before his focus shifted back to his phone. With some lingering confidence and the shots Ethan made him do as soon as they left his room in his system, he found himself typing and hitting send before he could over think it all.
hockey boy: next time i get to make you come
hockey boy: it’s only fair 
Luke watched as your response came in soon after. 
cherry🍒: maybe you can show me how good you really are with those hands of yours 
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explicit-tae · 4 months
V-Day Special
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You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special.
Word Count: 5.838
Warning: live sex, smut, degradation kink, dacryphilia, impact play, spit kink, overstimulation, breath play, impregnation kink, nipple piercings, sextoys, fingering, dirty talking, squirting, voyeruism, slapping, edging, oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie,
@whipwhoops @darkuni63 @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632
Valentine's Day Masterlist
You knock on the door, arms crossed. The cool air slices through your skin as you await for Taehyung to answer.
There’s nerves bubbling through you - you haven’t done anything with Taehyung in so long. You were surprised when he agreed to your request.
Being a camgirl wasn’t easy work, but it was rewarding. You’ve been doing so for a while now and have gained a following. You had regulars, and sometimes you’d do requests - some weird stuff, but never anything too weird that you couldn’t do.
Today, however, you had to spice things up. You were always alone in your room when you did your shows, always fucking yourself and never truly had a partner.
Today was Valentine’s day, and Valentine’s day was all about having a partner.
Again, you were surprised when Taehyung agreed. You and he dated about two years prior and things didn’t end sour and you and he remained friends. You could come to him for anything - he often lend an ear when you needed to talk and gave advice. Even if he didn’t agree, you would hope he would send someone your way.
“I’ll do it.” Taehyung had said - much to your shock - with such a cool, nonchalant attitude. “We can go to my house and do it for a change of scenery.” You had offered wearing masks, but he insisted that it was fine - another shocking statement.
Taehyung swings the door open, a wide smile on his face. “Y/N, hello.” he opens the door wider and steps aside for you to enter.
“Hey, Tae.” you say, jumping into the warm home with a sigh of relief. “You look nice.”
“As do you.” Taehyung responds. “Somehow, I sense you’re wearing lingerie under that long trench coat.” he says teasingly, eyes roaming your figure.
Your body flushes and slowly, you nod. “We have business to attend to. Had to come prepared.” you give a curt grin. 
“Indeed we do.” Taehyung licks his lips. “I’ve set up the laptop and everything already.”
You nod your head. The day prior, Taehyung had insisted on you giving him your equipment so he can set it up perfectly.
“I also decorated my room for the occasion.”
You already know the layout of Taehyung’s home and you scoff at his words as you walk towards his bedroom. “Decorated how?”
“You’ll see.” Taehyung’s voice is giddy as he follows you to his bedroom. You only snicker and venture towards his bedroom.
Taehyung has you open the door, and your eyes widen as you do. “Tae, you’re always so dramatic…” you sigh, but your body flushes at the sight. 
“It’s a V-Day special,” Taehying places his hands on your shoulders. “we have to go all out.”
Taehyung uses your words against you - you had said it to him back when you asked if he was willing to be on camera with you.
Taehyung had decorated his room and it’s only now that you realize how large it truly was. His bed sits in the middle of the room, bed made neatly. There’s balloons - red, pink, white and even a few heart shaped ones, littering the ceiling. On the far right of his room is your equipment that you’ve given him - but only now did you realize he had a ring light and you want to shake your head at how dramatic he truly was. 
“Rose petals?” you turn to face him with a laugh. “How much time did you put into this?”
And money, you want to ask, but Taehyung would never tell you. There’s rose petals leading from the door of his bedroom all the way to his bed.
“A few hours. Jimin helped me.” Taehyung admits, a light tint to his cheeks. Jimin had teased him about putting so much effort for an ex-lover - now friend - for a show, but it wasn’t like you and he weren’t friends. He was willing to help you with whatever you asked. 
“Gotta set the mood, don’t we?” Taehyung murmurs, closing his bedroom door. “How about you start setting up while I light the candles?”
“Candles?” you shake your head. “Tae-”
“Y/N, baby. All out, remember?” Taehyung winks, then ventures through his room and to his closet. He pulls out a small box and turns towards you. “Confession?” he asks and slowly you nod. It’s something you and he would ask when there was something that needed to be confessed and the other promised not to be upset - it started when you accidentally ruined one of his favorite pairs of designer shoes. “I subscribed to you a few months ago.”
Taehyung watches as your eyes widen slightly. “Oh, really?” you ask, a slight nerve in your voice.
Taehyung nods. “When you told me you were camming, I was curious. I finally caved a few months back.” he admits. “Does that bother you?”
You're hot at the idea of Taehyung watching you. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. Taehyung and you’ve been intimate before back when you two dated - but that was years ago. Now it made sense that he’d agree to be with you again, you think. 
“N-No.” you stutter, cursing mentally at yourself. You muster a strained scoff. “I do a lot of…stuff on there.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I know.” he murmurs. “I was going to take that secret to the grave with me.”
Taehyung grasps the box - a medium sized black box - and makes his way towards his bed. 
You swallow, Taehyung’s words ringing through your mind. You grab your phone and begin to notify your subscribers of your live cameshow in the next five minutes.
“What made you tell me?” you ask Taehyung. He was halfway through lighting the candles when you finally decided to speak up. 
Taehyung glances at you. “You seem nervous.” he responds. “As if you’ve had second thoughts about this. Are you?”
Your palms feel sweaty and you bite your lip. 
You were nervous. You have been fucking yourself for so long that being with another man was different - and this wasn’t just another man, but an ex that was now a close friend. 
“No.” you tell Taehyung honestly. “I am nervous though.”
“Why?” Taehyung snorts. He’s now setting the candles around his room and it flickers beautifully. “It’s just me.”
“I know but…we haven’t done anything in so long.” you murmur, your nerves causing you to glance away from him. “...I wasn’t sure if you still…feel attractive towards me.”
Taehyung sets down the last candle and turns towards you. “And that’s why I told you that I subscribed.” he says - and that was his point. “I think we should go over some things before we start, yeah?”
You nod.
Taehyung makes his way around his room. He dims his light low so that the candles are illuminating the majority of it. He then makes his way past you and to the ring light, again, dimming it so there’s just enough light towards his bed for the viewers to see perfectly. 
“Now, is there anything you want to do specifically?”
“I should be asking you that.” you scoff. “This is your first time.”
Taehyung stands directly in front of you. His hand places below your chin and he gently lifts it so he has a good look in your eyes. 
“There’s a lot I want to do.” Taehyung says, voice dropping and it shocks you. The reaction shoots straight to your core. 
You inhale. “You’ve seen everything I do already.”
Taehyung chuckles. He cups your cheek, thumb rubbing along your lips. “That’s true,” he admits. “I’m an Ultimate member.”
Your eyes widen. “Tae!” you hiss, hot sensation running through your body. 
There were only a dozen Ultimate members - they paid the most and had complete access to you. They could message you personally through the phone (a second phone you acquired just for them). You allowed one on one time, acting out fantasies they desired. They got private videos and pictures that the others didn’t - sometimes it didn’t have to be sexual. 
“What?” Taehyung asks. “Too much?” The last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
“N-No.” you say, but it’s not convincing. “Ultimate is just…a lot of money monthly.”
Taehyung snorts. “I’ve been paying for it, haven’t I?” he shrugs his shoulders. “It’s okay. I like supporting you.”
You sigh, nodding your head slowly. Licking your lips, you giggle. “This feels like a fuck-a-fan event.”
Taehyung chuckles along with you. “How lucky I am.”
“So,” you begin. “what do you want to do? Have you ever requested content from me?”
You try to think of what Taehyung’s name would be since there were only a few Ultimate members. 
Taheyung shakes his head. “I haven’t.” But there were times he wanted to, but there was still the thought in the back of his head telling him that this was wrong - but it was never enough to get him to unsubscribe. 
“Then we’ll do what you want.” you smile at him, so cutely. So innocently.
Taehyung groans lowly. “I don’t think so.”
Your smile lowers. “Why not?” Taehyung scoffs - because there’s things he wanted to do to you that would probably scare you away. “I’m your friend, Y/N. But I’m still a man. I don’t want to expose you to my perverse mind.”
Taehyung drops his hand from your cheek.
“It’s a V-Day special.” you shrug. “I trust you. We’ve had sex-”
“Years ago.” Taehyung interrupts. “And that was casual sex. Nothing too perverted-”
“Do you want me to pee on you?” you snicker jokingly. You couldn’t think of anything too perverted and obscene that would have Taehyung hesitant. “I don’t think anything is as perverted as that.”
Taehyung licks his lips to stop himself from laughing at your words. “I’ll tell you what I want to do to you and you’ll just tell me if it’s okay or not.”
You nod your head. You realized, even after all this time, that you hadn’t taken off the coat. “Where do you want me to put this?” you ask, going to remove the long coat.
Taehyung swallows at your smooth skin in his view, the lingerie fitting the theme. It’s red and doesn’t hide much, the sheer lace showcasing your pierced nipples. It’s crotchless, he notes, and perfect - he doesn’t want you out of the lingerie just yet.
“I’ll take it.” Taehyung murmurs, grasping your coat and taking it towards his closet to hang it up. He needs a moment to breathe - there’s a twitch in his sweats that he has to calm down. “Okay.”
“Okay.” you nod your head, waiting for him to continue. 
You scoff in disbelief once more. “Tae…”
“V-Day special, Y/N.” Taehyung walks on the other side of his bed towards his bedside table. How you hadn’t noticed the bottle of champagne with two glasses is beyond you. He manages to pop it open, not caring if a bit spilled, and poured one for you and him. 
You grasp the champagne and smile, clicking your glass with his and take a sip.
“I want to lick the champagne off your skin.” Taehyung says, testing the waters - it isn’t something he actually thought about doing, but he wanted to test your reaction.
You choke slightly at his sudden words, but you nod. “Sure.” you swallow. “Anything else?”
Taehyung tilts his head. “...Overstimulation?”
You nod your head slowly. “I’m sure we can do that.” you agree. “Can I request one?” “Of course.”
“I want you to hit me.”
Taehyung stiffens. “Excuse me?”
You laugh. “Well, don’t knock me out.” you exclaim. “But slapping me is what I want. As long as I’m in the mood, a little pain shouldn’t hurt.” Taehyung has such pretty and large hands that you couldn’t not take the opportunity.
Taehyung swallows but nods. “I want to have control.”
“Want me to call you Sir?” you smirk. “Yes, sir. I like that.”
“You’re enjoying this more than I thought you would.” Taehyung hums, satisfied that he hasn’t had you running yet. “I think we should have a safeword. I don’t want to get too caught up in it and hurt you.”
“Oh,” you knit your brows. “You’re one of those.”
Taehyung raises a brow. “One of what?” 
“A dom.” you shrug. “Not that surprising. But okay, we can have a safeword. How about…” you rack your brain for something - anything. “...red squirrel?”
Taehyung blinks. “Red squirrel it is.”
“And if I can’t speak, I’ll shake my head aggressively.”
“Aggressive head shaking.” Taehyung nods. “I have a toy in that box I’d like to use on you.”
Your eyes fall to the medium sized box from early and you raise your brows.
“It’s only a vibrator.” Taehyung’s cheeks tint. “It’s um…actually from your wishlist.”
Your eyes widen once more. Taehyung was an Ultimate member and they also had access to your wishlist from various stores - even outside of sex. One member had gotten you an expensive water filter you wanted simply because you made him cum the hardest he’s had in months. 
“The rabbit one?!”
Taehyung nods. “Ugh,” you hang your head. “I love you so much.” you sigh dramatically, a tingly feeling coursing through your body at the thought of Taehyung using that on you. 
Taehyung gives a boxy grin. “A love confession already? I haven’t even made you cum yet.”
“Shut up.” you roll your eyes. “Anything else, sir?”
Taehyung licks his lips. “Just use your safeword if I do anything you don’t like.” he murmurs.
“Yes, sir.” you nod, smiling playfully. “I have to start now.”
You venture towards the laptop and make it towards the site. There were a few hundred people waiting already, the chatbox going crazy. “I told them I had a Valentine’s Day surprise.” you say to Taehyung. “They’re wondering what’s going to happen.”
You start the live, smiling into the camera as you read a few comments. “Hi, guys.” you say sweetly, your camgirl persona coming on.
Taehyung watches from afar as you speak to the viewers, walking backwards towards his bed. “I told you all I had a surprise.” your eyes glance to Taehyung. “I thought today we should switch things up,”
You watch from afar as the comments begin to rise as Taehyung enters the frame and you’ll make sure to go back to read them once everything is done. 
“I see you all are excited to see him.” you smile up at Taehyung. “He says he’s not shy to be seen.”
“Of course not.” Taehyung says, a soft grin on his lips. You know there’s girls that watch you, as well - they’d have to be excited to see Taehyung, if not see, then hear him. You release a breath. 
Taehyung lifts your chin and leans down to capture your lips. His fingers are gripping your chin now to get you in place, your lips moving along with his.
Taehyung breaks the kiss first, but proceeds to peck your lips a few times. You’re clenching around nothing, you note, anticipating for what's next to come. 
“I bet if I touch your pussy right now, you’ll be soaked.”
Taehyung catches you off guard, but you’re enjoying the switch. Your friends eyes are dark and filled with lust and you’re sure yours are, as well. 
“I am.” you widen your legs for him (and the camera) to see. 
Taehyung’s hand unclenches your chin to slide ever so slowly down your body. The crotchless lingerie made it easier for him to feel - and feel he did. It’s been so long, the both of you think.
Taehyung grunts at how wet you truly are, his long fingers rubbing along your clit.
“How long have you been this wet?” Taehyung questions, plopping his fingers inside his mouth to taste you.
You bite your lip at the sight, swallowing the moan in your throat. “For a while now.” you admit, especially since he mentioned the vibrator he’s bought for you. 
Taehyung dips onto the bed behind you. “Let’s show everyone how slutty you are.” he says, a swift hand wrapping around your neck to press yourself against his chest. “Not like they already don’t know.”
Taehyung’s free hand dips between your legs and slaps your thighs apart. He then proceeds to rub your clit aggressively, not bothering to prep you for anything  - after all, the safeword was there for a reason.
Your stomach churns and a loud yelp releases from your mouth. You’re sopping wet, squelching echoing around the room. 
“Does it feel good?” Taehyung questions - he knows it does. You’re moaning against him, legs widening with each rub of his fingers. 
You nod your head with a lip bite.
“Use your words.” Taehyung hisses, the hand gripping your neck slaps you suddenly, a throbbing pain against your cheek. 
“Y-Yes, sir.” you quip far too quickly, lust filling through you and shoot straight to your core. 
Taehyung likes the willingness in your actions to please him.
“Good girl.” Taehyung offers you a quick kiss to your forehead, his finger inching closer to your entrance. “You fuck yourself all the time…” Taehyung enters his fingers inside of you, long fingers reaching deep. “...and yet, you’re still so tight.”
Taehyung plunges his fingers inside of you, reaching farther than you ever thought imaginable. He was never like this prior and you pondered if he was truly holding back when you and he had sex. 
Regardless, you’re a moaning mess, no longer trying to hold anything back. Your eyes watch with satisfaction how deep his fingers are inside of you, the palm of his hand slapping against your clit aggressively as he strives to drive even deeper.
“Ah, there she is.” Taehyung chuckles darkly when his fingers hit a sweet spot that has your thighs quivering and moaning louder. “You know what I never see? You squirting. Let’s change that, baby.”
You aren’t sure you can squirt - you never felt like you had it in you. However, Taehyung did. He was determined, fingers hitting your spot aggressively, your clit being pleasuring with his palm as he does so for added pleasure. Your eyes begin to flutter close, your moans filling the room even louder.
“I know you can do it, baby. Let go.” Taehyung slaps your cheek again. He never knew you enjoyed being hit - something he wished he knew while the two of you dated.
And you do, juices spilling out rapidly and only when Taehyung removes his finger does it splash entirely onto the ground, so loud and messily that you stiffen in his grasp.
You were going to apologize, completely disregarding the live cam show you were on, but Taehyung silences you with his lips.
“Now let’s see how many times you can squirt for the viewers.” Taehyung speaks, removing himself from behind you to go towards the black box. He shows the camera him opening the box to reveal the vibrator. “Bought it new just for her.”
You lick your lips with anticipation as Taehyung steps closer to you. He turns it on, and the buzzing sound is so loud and aggressive - just what you wanted. 
Taehyung toys with you at first, pressing it against your thighs and slowly coming closer to you. “Look how slutty she is.” Taehyung turns towards the camera and laughs. “Clenching around nothing. She can’t wait to be stuffed.”
You make a disappointed sigh when Taehyung teasingly turns off the vibrator just as he presses it against your clit. He was such a tease that you’re positive your viewers would want him back.
“I want to hear you beg.” Taehyung’s demeanor changes entirely, the smile he sported now gone. “I allowed you to cum once already, beg for another.”
“Please let me cum.” You say, not up for any games Taehyung wanted to play. 
Taehyung snarls. Again, his hand is swift and a slap sounds across your face. You moan at the stinging feeling in your face.
“And here I thought you were a good girl.” Taehyung shakes his head. “But you’re nothing but a whore, right?”
“Yes, sir.” you squeak, lust filled eyes looking at Taehyung. “Please make me cum, Tae-.”
Another slap sounds on your cheek and you’re sure that you can cum just like this - the look upon Taehyung’s face and the dominance he’s instilling into you brings you great pleasure.
“S-Sir. Please make me cum, sir.” you beg. “I’ll be good.”
Taehyung hums. “Will you?”
You nod your head with wide, pleading eyes. 
“Let’s see.”
Taehyung doesn’t plan on ever giving you grace. He turns on the vibrator and it causes shockwaves to run through you. But, as if that wasn’t enough, he enters it inside of you, the rabbit ears pressed firmly against your clit as he thrusts.
Taehyung licks his lips, hooded eyes watching you closely. It’s as if the switch turned off and he was a whole different person and he’s experiencing this from outside his body.
Taehyung plunges the toy in and out of you, the vibrations sending shock waves through you. Your pussy’s glistening, the candle lights illuminating it to the camera perfectly.
“So wet and dirty.” Taehyung’s chuckles, but licks his lips. He wants to taste you, knowing you’d taste divine. “Right, baby?”
You nod your head, a moan bubbling out of you. “Yes, s-sir.”
Taehyung groans - such a submissive little thing. He couldn’t wait until he could fuck even more submission into you. Taehyung was a patient man, however.
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you, cackling at the sight of your pussy clenching and unclenching. “You’re just begging to be stuffed baby.”
You’re panting at the loss of pleasure, back slightly arching. You bite your lip, eyes blinking rapidly as they meet Taehyung. You never wanted to mount someone as much as you did right now. 
“Thank you, sir.” you say, your eyes staring right into Taehyungs. Your voice is so soft and meek - so willing. Taehyung only smirks at you.
“You’re so full of shit, baby.” Taehyung says, placing the vibrating toy back inside of you. The rabbit ears press firmly against your clit.
“F-Fuuuuuck….” your legs widened for more, quivering with pleasure. Instead of Taehyung thrusting it in and out of you, he keeps it firmly inside of you, thrusting only deeper and deeper, the vibrations shuddering straight through your core.
“Such a pretty pussy you have, baby. So wet and filthy.” Taehyung’s voice only sends you more over the edge - his voice so deep and sultry. “All for me, right, baby?”
You nod your head frantically. “Yes, sir.”
“So obedient.”
Taehyung thrusts the toy in and out of  you, the vibrating rabbit ears hitting your clit with every thrust inside and he does it just to tease you. Taehyung moves to the side slightly, his eyes turning towards the camera with a satisfied smirk. “Such a pretty little whore. She pretends to be so sweet and loving…but deep down, she just wants to be dominated.”
Taehyung turns back to you, a boxy grin on his lips. It didn’t reach his eyes. No, his eyes were so dark and filled with lust. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Yes, sir.” you nod, eyes breaking away from Taehyung’s intense ones.
Taehyung hovered above you, his mouth opening to spit directly onto your wet clit. 
You yelp loudly when your stomach stings, Taehyung having slapped you. He does so again and again and again - slapping your thighs, your breast to your face. Your skin is throbbing with the amount of times he struck you, but yet you cannot be upset. The pain feels good against your skin.
“My pretty little whore.”
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you to slap it against your clit harshly, your juices flowing out of you so beautifully. 
Taehyung continues to tap the toy against your clit teasingly and now you’re twitching, eyes fluttering open and close.
“Please, sir…” you beg Taehyung, widening your legs even more. “Please let me cum.”
“Aww…” Taehyung’s free hand slaps your cheek again, the slap echoing in the large room. You moan deeply, and Taehyung only slaps you again. “...such a submissive little whore.”
“Please, sir.” you plead with him - to give you whatever. His slaps brought you great pleasure as the toy did. 
Taehyung grips your hair and yanks you forward, pressing you against him like before. “Look at the camera.” Taehyung hisses, his hand - so beautiful and large - slaps against your cheek before.
Your eyes look towards your laptop, the comments coming in fast. You’re unsure how many viewers you had, but you’re positive that they’re increasing as the stream goes on. 
Taehyung hooks his arm beneath your right thigh to keep you in place, your leg hiking up to your chest. “Let’s see how much the whore can cum.”
The toy vibrates so loud that your stomach churns with anticipation as Taehyung edges it closer to you. He doesn’t tease you any longer. He presses it firmly against your clit and then dips it inside of you. 
“Ah-” your moans are interrupted by Taehyung. He snatches your head, placing his large hand over your lips and nose. 
“No talking. Just focus on cumming, whore.” Taehyung hisses. “Look at the camera.”
Taehyung fucks the toy inside of you deeply, his hand on your lips never moving. Your eyes begin to blur, feeling the moisture of your tears coming. The toy is so deep inside of you, hitting your g-spot harshly. Your chest heaves for air, but Taehyung is adamant on not giving you any.
You don’t complain - as sick as it sounds. Anything you did for yourself during your cam shows could never compare to how Taehyung was doing it - you couldn’t wait to go back and watch it, glad that you decided to record this session.
Taehyung is hyper aware right now, even if he does appear to be far gone in his dominant act. He’s waiting for you to shake your head aggressively so he’d stop - but you never do. Your could no longer keep your eyes open and watch the camera as he fucks you - your eyelids are fluttering as he does so. Your toes are curling and he just knows you’re going to cum the hardest you’ve ever had.
Your moans are muffled - more like choked - down in your throat. Your chest heaves for oxygen, but all you can think about is the pleasure building up deep in your core, as does Taehyung. He removes the toy from inside of you just as you’re cumming, your juices spilling all over his bedsheets.
You inhale deeply when your lips and nose are released, the oxygen feeling like an added reward. Your heart is beating outside your chest so rapidly that you’re positive it was going to explode.
“Get on your knees. I’m not done with you just yet.”
Your break is short lived as Taehyung’s hand is already gripping your hair. He yanks you off of his bed entirely and you fall onto your knees. Your eyes stare up at him - so slutty and dumb looking, he thinks, and so beautifully submissive. 
You lick your lips as Taehyung’s free hand releases his cock - already erect just for you to suck. Your mouth opens to take him in, but Taehyung slaps you away.
“You whore,” Taehyung hisses. “I didn’t say you could suck it just yet.” he spits. 
“Please, sir. Please let me-”
Taehyung presses the tip of his cock inside your mouth. “Shut up.” he scoffs, thrusting himself against your wet tongue. “Look at how desperate she is for a cock. I guess those dildos you fuck yourself with just isn’t enough.”
You hum with satisfaction with having Taehyung’s cock inside of you. His grip in your hair is tighter and he keeps you in place. He goes deeper into your mouth, fully intending on fucking it - and you had every intentions of doing so. 
“So slutty.” Taehyung hisses - so slutty and good for him. You’re taking his cock fully now, allowing him to be as rough as he wants. He knows you could take him in your throat, he’s watched you throat-fuck yourself with countless dildos (as requested by a few members).
Your thighs clench together when Taehyung slaps you yet again and you open your mouth wider. Your vision is blurry once more, tears streaming down your face rapidly, but Taehyung doesn’t stop fucking you. No, your tears aren’t going to phase him and the only way he’d stop is if you gave him the signal.
But like before, you never do. Instead, you look up at Taehyung with those eyes - eyes filled with beautiful tears and lust. You wanted him to treat you like a whore off the street. You like the aggression - his cock in your throat, one hand in your hair to keep you in place while the other slaps your cheek harder and harder each time. 
“Where should I cum, whore?” Taehyung groans. “Your face? Or should I cum in your throat.”
Your response is muffled, never truly intending on responding to him. 
“Your throat?” Taehyung asks, slapping your cheek for a response.
You hum, nodding your head slightly. Your hand grasps his outer thigh to bring him closer to you.
Taehyung groans - such a whore you truly were.
“No,” Taehyung releases his cock from your mouth. You cough, saliva connecting from his cock to your lips. “I’m not cumming anywhere but in your pussy.”
“Y-Yes, sir.” is all you respond with - and it’s the response Taehyung expects.
Another slap sounds on your cheek. It throbs with the amount of times Taehyung has done so, but you don’t care. “Get on the bed.” he commands. “Ass up.”
You comply far too quickly, the thought of being stuffed by him has you wetter than you’ve ever imagined. You never knew Taehyung could be like this - sex while you two dated wasn’t like this. But then again, maybe he was scared that he’d scare you away.
Quite the opposite.
You yelp when your head is shoved into the mattress and your legs are forced apart. Taehyung is beyond you, his tip rubbing along your folds. “She’s so wet.” Taehyung tells the viewers, a slight shudder going through his body. “The type of wet you don’t pull out of.”
Taehyung enters you with one thrust that has you gasping. Taehyung breaks character for a moment, twitching and shuddering at being inside of you. You hear a low “fuck” from behind you that boosts your ego.
Taehyung doesn’t waste time, however, and he begins to fuck you with everything he had. Every frustration he’s dealt throughout the week with is evident in his thrusts. His eyes are focused on the way your ass bounces off of him, a creamy white ring around his cock.
“Feels…so good…” you gasp between words and thrusts, opening your legs even wider if it meant you could have more of Taehyung. 
“Yeah?” Taehyung scoffs smugly. He releases his grip on your hair to wrap it around your neck. He hoists you up from the bed. “Pussy still tight even after I fucked you with the toy.”
The semi-new position has Taehyung hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
“You’re clenching your pussy as if you don’t want me to stop.” Taehyung chuckles darkly.
“I don’t.” you admit - because damn could Taehyung fuck good. Was it always this good or was he truly holding back when the two of you dated?
Taehyung groans animalistically. A hand grasps your clit and begins to rub the sensitive bud between his large fingers. “I missed your pussy so much.”
There it was, the switch dimming. Taehyung’s voice is lower, as if speaking to you and you only - not the audience watching. 
“Missed your cock, too.” your head leans against him, a long whimper sliding through your lips. You were going to cum again if Taehyung didn’t stop his assault on your clit. “I love the way you fuck me, Tae.”
It’s clear now that you two were forgetting about the camera and the audience watching. It was becoming intimate, you choosing to use his name - but Taehyung didn’t care. The sound of his name coming from your sweet lips - so needily and filled with passion - has a shiver running up his spine. 
“Should’ve asked me sooner.” Taehyung grunts, his cock twitching inside of you. “Wouldn’ve fucked you so good.”
“I know.” you respond desperately. “You…can fuck me whenever you want…” you’re cumming. You try to stop Taehyung by grabbing his wrist, but he doesn’t allow you to. He continues to aggressively rub along your clit until your juices are flowing out once more - his sheets were going to be completely soaked, but he didn’t mind. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Taehyung pushes you back against the mattress, still deciding to torture you by rubbing your clit even harder. He thrusts so deep and sloppy, your words getting to him. “Gonna cum in you, baby. I always thought about getting you pregnant.”
You’re so fucked out of it that Taehyung’s words don’t faze you - you even recall the times he told you how he wanted a big family. The breeding kink he was clearly exhibiting was understandable; expected either.
Taehyung swallows, closing his eyes to imagine how you’d look with child - so round and glowing, breast enlarged with milk for the child. “Oh, fuck…” he gasps, cumming right inside of you - so much that it begins to flow out of you and down your thighs.
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“You don’t have to pay me, Y/N.”
“But…the views tripled!” you try everything in your power to show Taehyung how much money you and he made for the cam show. “You’re the reason why.”
Hours had gone by and you remained at Taehyung's home. He had been the one to stop the stream - after several rounds - as you were exhausted.
“I’m not taking your money, Y/N. It’ll just go back to you anyways.”
You sigh, forgetting that Taehyung was an ultimate subscriber. 
“So,” Taehyung begins. “do we need to have the awkward conversation now or later?”
You closed your laptop and turned towards Taehyung fully. “What do you want to do?”
“What do you want to do?” Taehyung reverses the question back at you. He would be fine with whatever you chose - casual sex or the rough kind. Even if this was a one time thing, he would respect it. 
You glance away when you grow hot under his gaze.
“I want to do it again.” you murmur. “Even if it’s not for anyone else to see.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I’d like that, too.” he says softly. “So…does that make us friends with benefits?”
You shrug your shoulders. You didn’t need to have a label on whatever you and Taehyung were doing. You cared for him just as he cared for you - and after he fucked you so good, there was no going back to just friends. 
Taehyung hums. “My little whore.” he says jokingly, just to get a rise out of you. He grasps your hand in his own and presses a single kiss on it. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Do you think you can do a Neteyam x fem!teacher!Reader where shes Tuks teacher and Neteyam falls for her?
Status: Request By Anon
Genre: Romance, FLUFF. Just cutie's falling in love.
Parings: Neteyam X Y/n (Reader)
Summary: Tuk always speaks highly of her teacher, who is nothing short of perfection in her eyes. After Kiri is tasked a week's worth of training the duty to take Tuk to classes is put upon the sons. What’s to happen when a certain someone meets this ‘famous’ Y/n? How will he act when he realizes he to, is drawn to her like her students?
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: Thank you for your request!! I had so much fun, I hope I did you proud. It’s kind of rushed because I have a lot on my plate but I hope that didn’t diminish it's quality. Please enjoy my lovelies!!
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“What is that?” Neteyam asks, curiously peering over his little sister's shoulder to see what she fiddled around with. Her eyes furrow with concentration, her tongue haphazardly sticking out between her lips as she weaves the twine carefully. 
“It’s a bracelet” Tuk states, not moving from her position on the mat. Neteyam opts to sit beside the girl since it was Lo’ak’s turn to help Neytiri prepare dinner tonight. He decided to indulge in his little sister's affairs seeing he was free.
“Is it for me? That is my favorite color” Neteyam points out with a warm smile. He points to the shiny stone she had added to the bracelet. It wasn’t perfect, it had twine sticking out here in there making it look a little messy. The weaving wasn’t consistent as many parts were either too loose or too tight. But nonetheless you can tell it was made with love, and Neteyam felt his heart swell thinking Tuk was making him such a wonderful gift. 
Tuk snorts out, her eyes glancing at her hopeful brother. “No! It’s not for you!” She says, sticking out her tongue. 
Neteyam frowns scooting closer to her. He nudges her shoulder making her hide her bracelet in the process. 
“Not for me? Then for who?” Neteyam asks, a sting of jealousy running through him. Due to his rigorous training he hasn’t been able to spend much free time with his siblings. Especially Tuk. He had felt like the wedge was getting bigger in between him and his youngest sibling. He desperately wanted to mend their relationship . And her making a bracelet not for him only dampened his mood. 
“It’s for Y/n '' Kiri pipes up. She places the bowls on the mat while helping Neytiri and Lo’ak. Neteyam furrows his brows at the unknown name. 
‘Y/n….who is Y/n?’ 
“Who?” Neteyam asks as his entire family slowly situated themselves in a circle. Kiri helped Neteyam pass each bowl as they filled it up with food. Lo’ak sat down with a thump, his shoulders relaxing. 
“Tuk’s teacher? The pretty one.” Lo’ak adds, popping a piece of fruit into his mouth. He quickly swallows it when Neytiri glares at him for talking with his mouth full. Neteyam turns to Kiri, he knew of Tuk’s classes but he had never heard of an ‘Y/n’. He sometimes caught the end of Tuk’s incessant ramblings on how great her classes were but he never asked further regarding the subject.
“You’re making a bracelet Y/n? That’s amazing Tuk, Y/n will love it” Neytiri hums, her smile widening as she catches a glimpse at Tuk's hard work. The frown on Neteyam’s face deepens. Did everyone know of this Y/n? How had he missed her?
“I hope so, I used her favorite colors!” Tuk says taking out the piece, her family peering down at the woven bracelet. Lo’ak bites his tongue from letting a rude comment slip through. He simply nods, looking down at his food. 
“It’s beautiful”Jake agrees, delicately taking the bracelet that seems to disappear in his large hands. Neteyam looks down to his plate, picking at a piece of fruit. It didn’t help that he felt jealousy over a stranger he didn’t even know. But it was a stranger that the family was well equipped with. He felt left out. 
“Speaking of Y/n, I won't be able to pick and drop off Tuk for this week,” Kiri says, slowly chewing on her food. Neteyam and Jake both look at her in question
“I would like to shadow Mo’at for the week. She suggested it” Kiri adds, Neytiri nods in acknowledgement. 
“I can do it! I’ll pick and drop off Tuk!” Lo’ak is quick to pipe up, his tail swishing excitedly at the thought. Neteyam’s eyes widen at his brother eagerness. Jake groans, handing the bracelet back to his daughter who pouts. 
“No! When you drop me off you’re always late! Plus you never actually drop me off, you’ve never even introduced yourself to Ms. Y/n '' Tuk complains, causing Lo’ak to scoff. 
“Also may I remind you that you’re still grounded, son” Jake reminds him, his eyes boring into Lo’ak who looks away. He had been dying of boredom over the past week as he paid for his latest screw up. He desperately needed something else. Something to occupy his time and provide some sort of distraction.
And visiting a certain pretty girl with the excuse of escorting his little sister seemed like the perfect distraction. Even though he never really got the courage to actually even utter a simple greeting her way, always opting to stay a good few feet when he used to drop Tuk off. That didn’t stop him from watching her from afar though, always admiring her from a distance.
“But dad-”
“No buts! End of discussion” Jake says sternly. Lo’ak’s ears flatten as he glares at the bowl situated on his lap. His eyes twitch in agitation at his fathers decision. 
“Yes sir?” 
Neteyams ears twitch, his body turning to face his father who regarded him. Jake’s eyes wander around his family as he formulates a plan for the upcoming week taking into consideration what his eldest daughter had told him. 
“I’ll rearrange your schedule, you’ll be dropping and picking up Tuk for the entirety of this week '' Jake declares. Lo’ak scoffs loudly, munching  on his food with mild annoyance. Neteyam’s body stiffens. He felt mixed emotions run through him as he mindlessly nodded. He felt disappointment knowing he’d have to sacrifice some of his daily training and lessons to accommodate Tuk. But a part of him was curious. 
Very curious to meet this so called ‘Y/n’
Tuk jumps up and down giddily on her way to her anticipated class.She skips along Neteyam who walks with a smile. He enjoyed seeing her happy. He saw how she held a tiny pouch that Kiri crafted for her easily this morning to ensure the bracelet stayed neatly tucked away till she handed it off. 
Neteyam looks forward to the tent he was instructed to drop Tuk off to. Children around Tuk’s age surround a female Na’vi squealing in happiness. The figure who they crowded must have Y/n, her slender back facing Neteyam as he nears them pulling Tuk along. He knew he was a tad bit late today, he had forgotten his new duty when he woke up that morning. 
“Can we go to the river today Ms. Y/n?”
“No! Can we go to the flower beds? I wanted to finish the crown you taught me to make!!” 
“We did that last week Sa’ylu!! Let’s do something fun today!” 
The children chatter with their eager requests causing the female Na’vi to giggle, shushing them down. Neteyam smiles to himself. She seems to have a lot of patience, especially as some of the kids tugged at her for her attention.  He felt pity knowing this teacher had to deal with a handful of them on the daily. 
“Quiet down children, we have a big day planned ahead of us. Let’s just wait until Tuk gets here” the soft voice replies back patiently. Neteyam quirked an eyebrow in confusion as to why she sounded so young. She sounded as young as him, weren’t teachers supposed to be…older? 
‘She sounds….angelic?’
Upon hearing her name Tuk rips her hand from Neteyam’s grasp, running  a few feet towards her friends. She greets everyone with a huge smile immediately bringing out her punch to show off what she had made. 
“I’m here Ms. Y/n! I’m sorry I’m late, my brother had to drop me off today” Tuk informs before being swept away from her friends. They eagerly crowd her to inspect her handiwork. 
Neteyam throws his sister an unimpressed glare before turning to the teacher ready to apologize. He had forgotten about dropping her off earlier in the day which is why they were late this morning to begin with. He was ready to take the blame. 
Y/n turns around, a small smile placed delicately over her lips. Neteyam feels himself standing stiffly at the sight, a shiver running down his spine upon eye contact. He felt his jaw hang slightly ajar as he gawked at her beauty. Neteyam’s eyes widen as he realizes the teacher, Y/n, was around his age. She was far too young to be a teacher. And way too pretty, just as Lo’ak had claimed. 
In fact, Lo’ak’s words didn’t serve justice, she was beautiful. Breathtaking even. Her eyes shined brightly under the sun as she smiled politely at him. She had such a calming aura surrounding her, it made sense as to why children were drawn to her. As if she were a magnet. 
Neteyam couldn’t believe that he had missed her, never noticed her amongst the crowds. She looked hard to miss, her beauty striking and eye-catching. Neteyam slightly cursed himself for not getting involved with Tuk’s classes beforehand. 
“Hi there, you must be Lo’ak?” Y/n asks, her voice delicate as she steps closer to the gawking boy. She squints her eyes, her brows slightly furrowing as she realizes that the boy in front of her wasn’t the boy that usually stood far away when dropping Tuk off. 
Shaking his head he quickly clears his throat, he felt himself frown at her words. 
“N-no! I’m Neteyam…..your  Ms. Y/n?” He asks, his eyebrows still raised in question. Y/n’s eyes widen her face flushing purple at his words. Neteyam wanted to take a picture of her expression, he couldn’t even get mad when she looked so cute while embarrassed. 
“My apologies! I just assumed that when Tuk meant her brother, it would be Lo’ak” she admits, her eyes dancing around to avoid looking him in the eye. She felt horrible for mixing the names up, especially since she messed up the next Olo'eyktan’s name. 
“It's no problem, usually Lo’ak would drop her off when Kiri couldn’t. It’s just he has to pays his dues first, he’s grounded” Neteyam smiles at how easily he was able to talk to her. It was a miracle she wasn’t able to hear the rapid beating of his heart.  Neteyam held himself firmly against the ground as he held back the urge to wag his tail. He was enjoying the interaction greatly.
“Ah, typical of Lo’ak-” Neteyam frowns at her words. 
‘Typical of Lo’ak?’
Lo’ak did seem friendly when the family mentioned her, had the two become close? Lo’ak did call her pretty, he even wanted to drop off Tuk in order to see her. Neteyam felt that familiar gut feeling of  jealousy overcome him. 
“-Is everything alright with Kiri? She usually drops off Tuk. And on time” Y/n teases causing Neteyam to flush bright purple. 
“She had some lessons with Mo’at…I’m sorry about that. It won't happen again.” Neteyam informs, scratching his neck out of nervousness. Y/n flashes a kind smile at his apology before glancing back at the children. They seem to get more and more impatient as they wait for their favorite teacher. 
“Well, thank you. Will you be picking her up as well?” Y/n asks, peering up at Neteyam. Neteyam felt his heart surge, she looked so delicate he felt the sudden urge to pull her in for a hug. Looking all cute and small should be illegal. 
“Yes, I’ve been tasked to for the entire week” Neteyam explains, fighting the heat along his cheeks. He hadn't noticed her amongst his people before, she seemed calm and soft spoken. It made sense as to why she never caught his eye before, he didn’t notice anyone that wasn’t outgoing as he was always too busy training and aiding his father, he wishes he knew her before though, her presence seemed to scream out to him. 
“That sounds good, guess I’ll be seeing you around often?” Y/n says softly. Neteyam finds himself gazing at how her long lashes flutter as she blinks. He felt a lump form in his throat, and unexplainable heat talking over his body. Unable to form words he simply nods his head. The future of the clan turned to a puddle of mush at the mere interaction with a girl he never met. 
Y/n giggles before throwing  him one more smile. She quickly walks to her students who cheer at her arrival. Neteyam watches as she takes the kids with her towards the forest. 
Neteyam clears his throat before deciding to sprint away. He didn’t know why but something about her was really unique and eye-catching. He decided right then and there that accompanying Tuk too and  from classes wouldn’t be a bad thing. 
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The next few days Neteyam made it his mission to arrive on time every day. He woke up bright and early, his heart racing at the mere thought of seeing Y/n again. He would wait for Tuk, always having the breakfast ready to go. They would always arrive at least 30 mins earlier than the other kids, a perfect excuse to be alone with her. Neteyam would cherish those 30 vital minutes to converse with her and get to know her better.
From these interactions he's learned alot from her, and also realized why he never saw her around in the first place. She had a lot to do, a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. She had a little brother she had to take care of, who accompanied her driving her classes as a student. Other than that she spent the majority of the day foraging and hunting for herself and her brother. 
Y/n had lost both of her parents long ago and it's been just the two of them ever since. She has been so caught up in taking care of her sibling and teaching she barely had time for any leisure activities. Neteyam always found himself smiling at her, gazing at her face as she relayed her stories. 
He couldn't help but grow to admire her more and more, he loved how she cared for the children. How strong she was providing for herself and her brother from such a young age and the fact she was happy. She always looked on the bright side, her smile never weaving which only proves how strong the little girl truly was. Just as the saying goes, the saddest people have the brightest smiles. 
On multiple occasions Neteyam offered his help, during small breaks he would locate the group and approach them. Always offering to hunt for her, help her with the students. He knew he had great skills, something that should help her out.  Y/n always declined claiming she would feel bad for taking the the future clan leaders help without giving something in return.
But Neteyam would have done anything she asked in a heartbeat. Because he slowly began to realize what the fluttery feeling meant as their interactions grew. He was infatuated with her, he was in love with her. 
Neteyan immediately confronted Kiri regarding the realization when he caught he in between her classes. Kiri immediately became supportive, claiming he should start preparing courting gifts as many other Na’vi men have also noticed how amazing Y/n.
“Where are you going?” Lo’ak asks, petting his Ikran who cooes under his touch. They had just finished patrol and were getting ready to head home. Lo’ak noticed how Neteyam quickly began discarding his gear and how he hurriedly bid his Ikran goodbye. 
“To pick up Tuk” Neteyam says fixing his hair off the leaves that got stuck. Lo’ak frowns at his words, his gazing following his Ikran who flew away after he bid farewell. He clears his throat of the raspiness. 
“Isn't it early? They're not done till much later” Lo’ak informs watching Neteyam get restless answering his questions. 
“I know, but Y/n and the children are picking fruit today. I thought it would be nice to help them out?” He shrugged. He misses that flash of jealousy that overcomes his little brother's face. 
“Y/n? You call her Y/n?” Lo’ak spits, her eyes narrowing at his older brother. Neteyam’s ear twitches to his brother's tone. 
“Yes, were quite acquainted now so she wanted me to call her by her name. We are the same age after all” Neteyam turns to his brother, his broad shoulders stiffening at his brother's expression. 
“Ah I see…Well today is that last day right? You won't need to drop Tuk off anymore right?” Lo’ak asks, walking past Neteyam. He grits his teeth following after Lo’ak into the village. 
“Yes, but it's not like I'm not going to see her around '' Neteyam says, not realizing Lo’ak clenches his fist at his words.
“Is it true?” Lo’ak asks, turning to face his brother. Neteyam stops abruptly, tilting his head to the side in question. 
“I overheard you speak to Kiri…are you planning on courting her?” Lo’ak notices a deep blush spread across his older brother's features. Neteyam clears his throat, his eyes dancing around awkwardly. 
“Yes…yes I do” he says shyly. Lo’ak slumps his shoulders in defeat. He watches sadly at how happy his brother looked, the look of pure love and adoration that radiated off of him at the mere mention of the girl. He would be lying if he said he didn't catch how Y/n gazed at Neteyam when he could sneak nearby. He saw how her eyes filled with awe as he interacted with her students. That's when he knew. Lo’ak knew he didn't stand a chance. 
“Good luck brother, I hope it all goes well” Lo’ak says softly. Neteyam smiles wide at his brother encouraging words. Neteyam sees his warrior friend wave to him calling him and his brother. Slightly puzzled they walk to the boys who smile wide. Neteyam noticed how they kept glancing back at a forming group, his eyes widen noticing the familiar students crowding and chattering amongst themselves. 
“What is it? What's wrong?” Neteyams asks, his eyes dancing from student to student. He seems to drown out his friend's words as Tuk emerges from the group running towards her brothers in a hurry. 
“Lo’ak! Neteyam!” she calls, causing Neteyam’s heart to drop to his stomach. With his friend and brother he walks through the crowd, his eyes immediately falling to Y/n. Her leg was bangaed up in a cloth as she held a weeping boy in her arms. Cradling him tightly against her. Tasun, Y/n’s brother stood next to her, his eyes glistening with tears as well.
“Ms. Y/n saved  Ar’utey from falling from a great height! Isn't she amazing!” Neteyam overhears Tuk praising her teacher from beside him, but all he could focus on was the girl who smiles carefreely in front of him. As if she didn't have her leg busted. All she could focus on was the whimpering boy in her arms.
“Y/-n?” Neteyam whispers, stepping closer. Some of the students now take notice of the warriors around them including Neteyam. Some smile at his presence noting his worried glance. 
“Karyu '' Neteyam says louder, being mindful of his friend's eyes that are trained on him the entire time. Y/n’s head snaps up, her eyes shining with happiness when her eyes land on Neteyam.  Lo’ak gulped audibly at her stare, glancing around not to openly gawk at her. She had small cuts here and there including the injured leg, her hair disarray and she still looked breathtaking. 
“Well, if it isn't my oldest student” Y/n teases. She holds her student tightly in her arms as she rocks him back and forth. He didn't seem to have any visible injuries but looked terribly shaken up. 
“What can I do for you? You look worried?” Y/n furrows her eyes as Neteyam inhales deeply. His heart rate had been beating like crazy, the feeling of butterflies and fear mixing together. 
“Maybe I could help you out? What happened? Are you ok?” He asks frantically crouching down to her level. She smiles warmly, shaking her head. 
“It's nothing, I'm fine. Just a minor injury, nothing I cannot handle, mighty warrior” Y/n says teasingly, causing a small smile to break through on Neteyam’s face. He felt his shoulder relax as the commotion around them got louder. An older navi woman rushes into the center, her eyes falling on her son.
Neteyam gets up, giving them space as the mother couches down to check on both Y/n and her son. Neteyam leans back, his friend whispering amongst themselves. Lo’ak lets out a breath he's been holding. 
Neteyem's eyes bore into the girl a few feet away from him, his heart clenching at the sight. He couldn't seem to have found a more amazing girl. Such a kind spirit, filled with happiness. She was perfect, her love for her students, her motherly nature. It made Neteyam dream about her, fantasize about a future with her. And he couldn't think of anything else. She took up his entire mind, his entire  heart.
“Woah….who is that? She is…something” Neteyam overhears one of his friends whisper. 
Neteyam smiles softly to himself watching how Y/n comforts the child in her arms, she places a soft kiss on his cheek causing the little boy to giggle. It was such an endearing sight, something to treasure. Neteyam glances at his friends whose eyes are still trained on her. 
“That's Y/n, she's going to be the mother of my children”
A/N: I Hope you guys enjoyed!! Please comment and like, it really helps motivate me! Also, I love hearing feedback from you guys!! I'm sorry in advance, I didn't like this much. I feel like I could have done better, this cold has been really kicking my ass. I'll I hope to better in my next instalments!!
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multifandomgirl08 · 9 months
Day At The Karting Track [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: Nico starts karting. It opens a small can of worms.
Warning(s): Flashback, Mixed Media (Story + Social Media)
Words: 2k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Nico had been bouncing around all morning excited for his first karting race. It had been the highlight of his week after flying to Austria to watch Max race after Nico’s last day of daycare before the summer holiday started.
Although Max was excited for Nico, you also knew that he was nervous.
Nico had taken to sitting in the Kart that was gifted to him for his last birthday whenever he could, waiting for the day until he was able to drive on a karting track. The helmet that Nico wore was a replica of one of Max’s old ones. You had taken photos of Nico in his fireproofs after he had eaten breakfast, his racesuit hanging off his waist, the sleeves just barely touching the hardwood floor. He stood proudly against the wall in the entryway of the apartment, with his helmet under his arm. Looking every bit his father’s son.
Max was silent in the kitchen drinking his Red Bull while you packed up your bag with Nico’s little gloves and a pair of sneakers for him to change into for after.
Max hadn’t said much all morning, you had made breakfast for yourself and Nico while Max sat with you both. Nico had so many questions for Max.
“How long does the race last? How many other people are going to be there? Will I be just like you Papa?” Nico had asked one after another in between bites of his food.
Max had answered as many of Nico’s questions as he could, but he had kept his answers short. Although Max loved that Nico loved F1 as much as he did, he wasn’t sure if he wanted Nico to end up driving in motorsports at all.
It was a combination of things; it was hard, it was expensive (both you and Max could afford it), and Max wasn’t sure if he would be the best person to be Nico’s coach. It wasn’t just because Max was away most weekends.
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“I don’t want him karting.” Max had said to you late one night after Nico had gone to bed.
“Max, isn’t that his choice to make?” You asked as you lay with him on the couch in the living room.
“No, because… I’m the one who’s going to have to coach him. I’m the one who’s going to have to tell him when he isn’t doing something right. I’m going to have to do things like…” Max didn’t have to finish his sentence for you to know what he was going to say.
Max’s “father”, if you could even call him that, was a constant source of stress for Max when it came to raising Nico. From the media which you now knew how to handle, to dealing with the pressure of Jos Verstappen hanging over his head. It was a constant, never-ending battle for him.
Max wasn’t looking at you as his head was resting in your lap staring up at the ceiling.
“You don’t have to.” In reality, you didn’t know the intricacies of how Karting worked, and when it really started to matter if Nico took it seriously. Nico had been 3 and ½ when he had asked you and Max if he could try, and by the time he would turn four he already had all of the needed equipment sitting in the garage of the apartment building ready to be used.
“Yes, I do. Most kids have a coach by the time that they’re 6, and they start competing at the age of 8.” As Max started telling you about the facts, it made it more difficult for you to not think about Nico. He was a kid, he shouldn’t have to think about if he wanted to pursue this so young. “If he starts later, he won’t have a leg up on the kids who have been doing it as long. Starting him young will prepare him for-”
Max cut himself off before burying his head into your thigh. “UHHH!” He yelled in frustration. “This is exactly why I don’t want him karting. I sound like my father when I was Nico’s age.”
It had taken two more months and having Sophie over for dinner to put Max’s mind at ease with Nico karting. You were sitting at the dinner table with Sophie who had helped you cook. Max had his hand in yours gripping it tightly when you had brought it up.
“I know you're concerned about him pursuing this. When you started living with Jos, and he started teaching you about karting I didn’t want to let you go. I didn’t want you to be raised by him like you were. I wanted to protect you, like any parent would. Like you want to for Nico, but I also understood that I had to let you go. I knew one day that I would get to spend as much time with you as I wanted, I just had to wait.” She said before taking a sip from her glass that was on the table.
Both you and Max had glanced over at Nico who was sitting on the carpet in front of the TV with one of his books open. He was turning the pages, looking at the pictures of the characters on the page before Sassy made her way over, pressing herself into Nico’s space. He let out a happy squeal as the cat nuzzled herself under his chin.
“I know that you are concerned about turning out like him. But you’ve already shown your son more compassion as a parent than your father ever did when you were growing up.”
Sophie had walked over and kissed Max on the forehead as if he was still a child before looking over at you and giving you a smile that you read as a silent Thank you. You just nodded before offering to clear the table. Max was quick to get up from his seat and move all of the plates into the kitchen while you and Sophie chatted between the two of you about Nico and yours and Max’s plans for the mid-season break.
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Once you got to the track Nico undid his car seat before Max had put the car in park. He had jumped out of the car as soon as he could. Max had gone to chase after Nico while you went over to handle the forms you would need to fill out for him.
You quickly spoke to the woman behind the counter after paying the deposit for the day, and with the receipt, she started to collect a small stack of papers.
“You’re going to need to fill out a waiver today before the race starts.” The woman said. She gave you a clipboard and a pen for you to start filling out the information about Nico.
As you looked over it, you added in all of Nico’s info, like his name, date of birth, and then your eyes fell on the emergency information. Adding in Max’s was easy.
Parent 1
Name: Max Verstappen Relationship to Child: Father
Address: **, ****** ********** ********* Monaco, La Condamine, 98000 Monaco
Phone Number: +33 00*******
You saw the words Parent 2 printed on the paper.
As you stared at the paper you were quick to write down your name. You kept tapping the pen over where it said Relationship to Child. You quickly scribbled down Step-Mother without giving it another thought before copying the address and adding in your own phone number.
It wasn’t that you and Max had never had those conversations about the future. You knew that your relationship was long term and you knew that Max saw a future with you but you had never really talked about how that would affect Nico. Would you be his mother if things seemed to keep progressing the way that they had? Would you be his step-mother if Max ended up proposing?
You pushed the thought from your mind filling out the rest of the papers before you saw Max and Nico come back. You give the papers over to Max so he could sign where his signature was needed. You saw Max turn the pages back over, look at the first page, and then cross something out before handing the papers back to the woman behind the counter.
“Everything looks to be in order.” The woman said giving both you and Max a smile. “The race starts in about 30 minutes. You can have your son set up his things over there.” She pointed to a small set of tables where the parents were sitting strapping their children’s helmets on.
You and Max had helped Nico put on his gloves and his helmet before taking his kart over to where the start line was. The other kids were standing with their parents, some of them looking over at Max knowing exactly who he was. None of the parents had come up to Max to ask for pictures or anything like that but you knew it would probably happen when you were going to be leaving.
Nico sat down in his kart, moving around a little in the seat before you kissed Nico on top of his helmet and Max gave him a fist bump and a nod with a smile. You and Max walked back behind the gate to watch as the boys and a smaller group of girls raced around the track for the allocated time.
You had quickly posted something to your Instagram of a photo you had gotten of Nico earlier on.
ynlnusername added to their story
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Nico had ended up finishing the race in third. Max looked at you after it was over, probably blown away at Nico’s natural talent.
You had been at the track for another few hours, meeting and talking to some of the other parents. One of the little boys that Nico had raced against even had the courage to walk up to Max and ask for an autograph. Max at first said that he didn’t have a pen on him before you had pulled out a Sharpie from your bag. You had taken to carrying a few with you just in case.
Max had given you a look that told you everything that you needed to know. Afterward, you had packed up all of Nico’s things and put him in the car. You planned to give him a bath once you got back home. You found it astounding that he hadn’t fallen asleep on the drive back.
When you had gotten up to the apartment Max went with Nico into his bathroom and gave him a bath while you ordered an early dinner for the three of you. Nico ate his fill, and while you and Max had finished eating Nico went to watch some cartoons on the TV.
Eventually, Nico ended up on the couch asleep between you and Max. The sound of the TV gave off a light hum.
“So I wanted to know,” Max started to say after he put his phone down. “Why did you put step-mother on Nico’s emergency contact information earlier?”
You were a little taken aback by Max’s question.
“I mean,” He started again. “I know that we’ve talked about the future and wanting to eventually get married. Did you think that when I proposed you wouldn’t fully be Nico’s mother?”
You knew that in France, and other parts of Europe the process of “adopting” Nico would take some time especially given that you and Max weren’t married, heck you weren’t even engaged yet. Nico didn’t call you anything but Mimi or your name when he could manage to say it.
“I just didn’t want to assume Max.” Nico had a mother, a birth mother who had given him up, but she was still his mom. It was strange because you felt like Nico’s mother, you did everything that a normal mother would do for her son.
Max reached over to lay his hand over yours moving closer to look you in the eyes. You could see the turquoise of Max’s eyes swimming as if you were caught in the ocean. He moved his other hand up to cup your chin.
“You’re his mother Y/N, in every way.” Max leaned up placing his lips against your hair, pulling both you and Nico closer. “Never doubt that.” He muttered.
You nodded against Max’s shoulder before thinking, official papers be damned.
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @maximeverstappen
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whoahoney · 1 year
Eddie from Chili’s Pt 3
Waiter!Eddie x Shy!Reader
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Part 1 Part 2
Summary: After weeks of talking and texting, the stars (and schedules) finally align and it’s finally date night. Buckle up, baby. 💖
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mature language, slight angst, reader is nervous af but so is Eddie, allusions to smut, innuendos, weed smoking, lots of kissing and fluff!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie wasn’t a stranger to romance, by any means. He’d taken quite a few girls out on successful evening adventures and had done (close to) it all— dinners, movies, picnics, carnivals, festivals, concerts, rock climbing, you name it. He took pride in his creative ideas, most of them ending very well with a sleepover or quickie in the car with promises of second or third dates.
But no matter the passion and intensity that fueled their date, one of three things always happened; it would fizzle out, there’d be no real connection, or they couldn’t handle his schedule.
Eddie seemed to attract the girls that always wanted an adventure, the kind that wanted a fairy tale romance with extravagance and constant attention, which aren’t bad things to want, necessarily, he just wasn’t equipped for it.
So tonight, as he searched his closet for something to wear, he doubted his plan for the hundredth time.
You didn’t seem like one of those girls. Based off his impressions of you, you’d like to be cozy at home with a good book or a movie to watch. But if he’d asked you to spend the evening at his place to do just that, you’d probably get the wrong idea.
He sighed and dragged his hands down his face, sitting down on his unmade bed with shirts and pants thrown haphazardly around the room. “Dak!” He called through his hands. “DAAAAK” he cried until his door flew open with urgency.
“What?!” His older brother asked.
“Help me.”
“What?” He deadpanned.
“Help me.” He sat up and dropped his hands, his state somber as he help up two shirts.
“You’re not serious.” Dakota looked him over. “You’re not actually nervous right now, are you?”
“Sadly, I am deeply serious.” He shook his head at himself, in disbelief and almost disgust, “And that’s why I can’t dress myself right now.”
“Look at me, man.” Dakota crossed the room and put his hands on Eddie’s tattooed shoulders. “That girl has got it so bad for you already.” Despite his brothers assurance, Eddie rolled his eyes. “I’m serious!”
Eddie swatted away his brothers hands and walked over to the closet again, “Every time you look at your phone, you’re smiling.” Dak added.
“Not every time—“
“Every time it’s her, dumbass.” Dak rolled his eyes.
“So what?” Eddie grabbed yet another black band tee from the closet to look over.
“So! You act like you’re already in a relationship.”
Eddie scoffed, “How??”
“You haven’t been working your tables like you do!” Dak accused, and was already prepared with another reason before Eddie could roll his eyes one more time. “Those girls at brunch today! Two of them were making major eyes at you, one of them touched you and left a number and you didn’t do a thing!”
Eddie scoffed.
“—and I know you’re going out on the balcony at night to talk to her!” Dakota said with a smile, watching Eddie’s blush bloom.
“No, I just happen to be smoking when we decide to talk on the phone.” He shrugged and pulled the shirt over his head. “Thanks for nothing.” He pulled on his jacket and looked in the mirror.
Dakota rolled his dark eyes this time and sat on the bed, “Every night?”
“What? It’s not every night.”
“For the last two weeks, almost!” Dakota recalled quickly.
Eddie froze. It had been three weeks since you’d come back to the restaurant. Only three weeks had passed since he got your number and kissed you, actually kissed you. Since you’d started texting, the conversation hadn’t stopped.
You’d been great over the phone, your shyness only indicated by how long you took to type out a response, which he found very endearing, still. Your conversations ranged from the day to day of your work lives to why your favorite songs are your favorites, and who introduced you to your favorite snack and how you always have a bag in the cabinet. How certain books make you sit it down to take a breath and calm down and how you feel fictional things too viscerally sometimes.
Eddie loved that his phone was never dry anymore, finding himself lingering on every text bubble that bounced in wait for the next question you’d have for him. Girls seemed to ask the same questions, about his tastes and his history, but never why he still watches his favorite cartoon every night before bed or why he wears his moms rings on his right hand and not his left.
He hadn’t experienced this kind of infatuation before, so he tried not to count too much on it lasting—but it did.
“I like her! That’s not a secret!” Eddie says, sitting next to him to tie his shoes. Dakota smiles and looks down at Eddie’s glowing screen.
A notification from Snapchat with your name popped up, Dakota’s eyes going wide, “And you have her on snap?”
You’d added each other on snapchat before a week had passed, Eddie asking if you had one because he wanted to see your pretty face. You were thankful to not have to be the one to ask because you wondered about the same thing, he had the personality for it though, like he’d thrive on it or avoid it completely.
But Eddie liked snapchat. It wasn’t public, and his circle of friends were the only people he had on it. And now you were apart of that, too.
You loved watching his stories, the shenanigans he got up to at work and home were updated almost regularly. You’d seen him practice with his band, smoke in his car singing to music you’ve never heard, make drinks and salads at work with his hours in the caption and an invitation for his friends to “come see me, fuckers!!!!”
“My point is, little brother—
“Fuck offff—“
“—C’mon let me do my job.” Dakota looks at him pointedly. Eddie nods for him to continue. “No matter what you do tonight, she’s gonna have a great time. Cause it’s with you. And you guys already have a connection! I don’t recall you talking to anyone this much before a date.”
Eddie sighed and nodded. “You’re right.” He fought a smile by picking up his phone and opening the picture you took in a mirror.
‘Is this suitable? No scuba gear needed?’
Eddie chuckled to himself before he looked over your outfit in the frame and swallowed hard. You wore a fitted black skirt with a black knotted graphic tee, your legs covered by black sheer hose and black docs on your feet. You held a denim jacket in your hand and your hair was done the same way he’d seen it last.
He was thankful for the lack of time limit on the message, tempted to save it forever.
“My point proven.” Dakota stood and waved to the phone. Eddie groaned with a smile that Dakota returned.
“Stick to your plan, Ed, it’s a good one!” He called as he treaded down the hall, off to prepare for his own company tonight.
Eddie looked back down at the picture, at your lined eyes and glossed lips. He sighed and took a screenshot.
He flopped backwards on the bed, his arms flailed out and eyes closed before he had the idea to snap a picture of himself and draw x’s over his eyes.
‘So gorgeous you knocked me dead.’
He wanted to roll his eyes at himself, but he couldn’t because he had it on good authority it would make you smile.
And it absolutely did.
You fell into your couch, clutching your phone at the sight of him. His curls were perfect and his tattoos peeked out of the collar of his shirt. You groaned to yourself in agony—how dare he be so hot!!!
And funny!!!
He was always sending you something to make you smile—‘Avaca—don’t fuck with me” being one of your favorites he’d sent as he munched on chips and guac over his break one day.
But this one sent butterflies rushing through you, and they only multiplied when you saw he saved your picture.
You check the time, Eddie due to pick you up at 6:30.
It was 6:27, and as you get up to spritz some perfume, you hear a knock at your door. Your heart leapt, how long had you been sitting there looking at his face??
You grab your purse and shrug on your jacket as you run to open the door.
In the hallway he stood, 6’2” in boots that matched yours. “Hey, sweet girl!” His smile brightened as he greeted you, his heart quickening in delight when you threw your arms around him. He didn’t hesitate to bend down and hug you back. “I missed you.” He found himself saying into your hair.
“I missed you too.” You smile over his shoulder as his large hand rubbed your back.
He pulled back from the hug to let you lock your door and immediately offered his arm, “Right this way, milady.”
You chuckle and hook your arm through his. “So can you tell me where we’re going now?” You ask as you come to the elevator and he pushes the button. You’d brought it up a couple times in the weeks you’d been texting, determined to get a clue no matter how big or small.
But alas, Eddie was proving to be a good secret keeper.
He tsked and shook his head, “Nice try, sweetheart. But each location is highly classified and I’m not at liberty to divulge that kind of information.” The doors opened and he gestured for you to step inside first.
“But you literally are.” You say as he pushes the button for the bottom floor. He looks at you with mischief in his eye, one that sends your gaze downward and your cheeks blushing.
“Hey,” he says softly. You look up and find him closer, his hand landing on your shoulder, “No shy stuff tonight, okay?” He says gently. Not a demand, but an encouragement. “I want you to be comfortable with me.”
You nod at him.
“Yeah?” He asks in confirmation, to which you nod again. He takes your hand as the doors open and leads you outside to his car.
You should’ve known he’d drive a shiny blacked out camaro, the windows tinted darker than you thought legal. Eddie looked proud as he watched you take in his pride and joy he had detailed at his second job special for tonight.
You got to the door before he could, the man mentally scolding himself as he watched you buckle up while he climbed in and shut the door. He marked how pretty you looked sitting in his car, like that seat had been waiting for you.
Your skirt stretched deliciously over your thighs and rode up in the back as you settled, your fingers sat intertwined in your lap and picking at a hangnail absentmindedly as he starts the car, his music kicking on and the air conditioning blowing his air freshener through the vents, smelling like him.
“You sure you’re comfortable?” He asked, spying your hand and slipping his fingers between yours. Your hand relaxes into his and you give him a squeeze and nod, “Yeah!” You say, “I’m sure. Thank you.” You nod again.
Eddie narrows his eyes playfully, as do you with a poorly repressed smile. “You sure…” he says with suspicion in his tone.
You nod again with a soft smile, “Yeah.”
“…Can I have a kiss to prove it?” He asked, smiling when he saw you practically melt, your eyes dipping to his lips before you nodded and leaned toward him. “Thanks—” He mumbles before cupping your face and tilting you up to meet his lips for an innocent lingering peck. He pulled back and smiled at you when you noticed yours stayed closed for a few moments longer than his.
“Thank you.” You finally manage as he gently releases your cheek as if he didn’t want to, and chuckles at you, shifting the car into reverse and exiting the parking lot.
“Wait, locations? Plural? There’s more than one?” You ask suddenly.
“Aght! That’s all you get!” He says with warning in his tone before he takes your hand again. You giggle at his touch and he looks at you and then back at the road, “M’sorry! I just like you or something!” He says as he releases your hand and you’re quick to snatch his right back up.
“No! I think it’s cute.” You say, lacing your fingers with his and covering it with your other hand. You don’t miss how he smiles at the road, lifting your hand to his lips.
“I like affection, if you couldn’t tell.” He shrugged, his lips brushing over your skin as he spoke, and then pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
You smile at the feeling, “I thought it might be a possibility.”
“If you don’t like any of it, you’d tell me, right?” He asked.
You nod, “Yeah, I would.”
“You would?” He asks in clarification.
You nod again.
“So you like it?” He asked with a smile.
Your jaw opens and you can’t help but smile and nod again, “Yes!” You cover your eyes with your hands in embarrassment, “You just like to mess with me, don’t you?” You cross your arms and ignore your burning cheeks as you smiled at his own grin, really just taking him in after three weeks without seeing him in person.
“I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t so fun!” He remarked and patted your knee fondly.
You shake your head but say nothing back, knowing you liked it when he picked on you.
“And here we are, stop number one.” He says as he pulls into a restaurant. The building was white stucco and had two stories. There was outdoor seating with large black umbrellas for shade, and a sign sat atop the building with red neon lining the swirled letters that read, ‘LaDonna’s’
“C’mon.” He smiled, opening his door. You unbuckle and by the time you’re reaching for the handle he’s popped the door open and reached out for you. You smile as he pulls you to your feet and leads you to the door, your hand in his the whole way.
When you’re seated, a waiter bounds over with a smile set on you, “Hey guys, can I get any drinks started for you tonight?” He looked between you.
“I’ll have a coke.” Eddie said when you nodded at him to go first.
“Uh, me too.” You agree before the server hurries away.
“So… you think he’s cute?” Eddie winks at you as he shrugs off his jacket and then slides a menu to you.
“You jealous?” You chuckle and go to flip the menu over to view the entrees when he lays his hand on it to keep it flat.
“Absolutely.” He said easily, leaning forward, “Don’t tell me you have a thing for waiters.” He rolled his eyes with a teasing smile tugging at his lips.
You blush and shake your head no.
“Good, cause we’re gonna see a few tonight, and I’m not prepared to take a loss like that just yet.” You shoot him a questioning look just as he taps the appetizers, “This is the section you need to pay attention to—I want you to pick one for us.”
You glance down to the section of options and back up at him, his gaze set on you with gentle intensity that has you smiling and nodding. “Okay.”
You try to relax as you scan the menu with his eyes on you, fighting the smile on your face and feeling like that pathetic thirteen year old you turned into when you first met, the words not having any meaning as you read each dish and the description.
Last time, it was the possibility of Eddie watching you read the menu and having to decide in a timely manner, that made your mind blank, and then it was his proximity as your waiter that drove you stupid, not to mention the circumstances surrounding your anxiety now.
Eddie’s knee bounced eagerly, his chain lightly jingling every so often. He twisted his ring and smiled when he caught your eyes flickering up from the table to his hands and back down again. His grin spreads and you notice, sinking in your seat and nonchalantly lifting the menu to form a wall between you and his face, the measure actually helping your ability to focus a bit.
“Aww, c’mon now, sweetheart,” he tapped at your menu shield and peeked over, “—you told me no shy stuff.” He chided and snickered as you lower your menu with a playful scowl.
“It’s not my fault I lose my ability to read when I’m nervous.” You weakly chuckle and shove your hands under your thighs, dipping your vision back to the menu, spotting the words ‘chips and’ and then ‘fried’ when he tapped the table next to the menu again.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking— do you wanna g—“
“No!” You cut him off, finding his eyes soft and full of concern for you. “No, I’m okay.” You nod assuringly.
“Well, you… want some help?” He shrugs.
You cock your head but before you can ask he explains, “I could read them off to you and you tell me what sounds best! Half of my job is helping people pick, anyway.” He said as he picked up your menu and acted like he was straightening out a newspaper.
“R-Really?” You ask.
He nods as if anyone would think to do that for you—you hadn’t even thought of it.
“So we got chips, queso, guac, wings?” He looked at you like he’d cracked the code, but you scrunched your nose and shook your head. “—that’s okay— cheese fries, fried mozzarella—“
“—Cheese fries?” You ask.
“Yeah? You like bacon on them?” He asked brightly.
You nod, “And jalapeños, too.”
“Oof, so you like it spicy.” He said observantly, another blush painting your cheeks before he nodded at the approaching waiter and gathered the menus.
“Have we decided?” The guy asked after he set down your drinks, looking at you again.
Eddie answered, “Yeah! We’ll take a large order of cheese fries with bacon and jalapeños.” He handed the menus back and smiled at you simply while the waiter went back to the kitchen.
“So, how did that assignment turn out? That summer camp booklet thing.” He asks with a sparkle of interest in his eyes.
“The brochure?” You giggle, your cheeks heating as your heart swells at the thought of him asking about it.
You’d mentioned it one night when he FaceTimed you. He was outside on his balcony, his torso bare and covered with ink you hoped to inspect sometime soon. You noted where his shoulders dimpled and the way the city lights reflected in his eyes and hoped one day you could join him on that very same balcony, having the same kinds of talks about everything and nothing.
He nodded as he sipped and replaced his drink back on the coaster, “Yeah! Did you end up liking it? Was it what you wanted it to be?” He asked.
You smile and nod and take out your phone to show him the video you took of the finished product, an actual, cohesive, design that captured the vibes you’d felt when you’d initially received the assignment. The book was beautiful, in your opinion, and Eddie seemed to think so too as you told him about when you saw it printed and stapled you felt all giddy and lame.
“That’s not lame though, you’re proud of your work! I know I am! I remember you showed me when it was just the template and the color picker— it looks so good! Y’know I used to be fine with never going to summer camp, but now I’m jealous!”
You let out a hearty laugh and set your phone to the side along with his, “Eddie it’s not a real summer camp, I just made it up.”
“Oh.” He chuckles with a blush, “Well, you convinced me! The vintage kinda look you gave it feels very… authentic.” He nodded as he decided his final word, his assessment making your heart soar.
“Thank you, I got an A, so I guess my teacher agrees.” You shrug bashfully. “But what about you? How’s that song coming?” You ask before unwrapping a straw and plunging it in your drink.
Eddie smiles the same way you had when he asked about your project, “It’s getting there!” He said humbly, in a way that made you know he made great progress on it despite his words, “—inspiration struck fairly recently, you could say.”
You nod, “That’s great! What’s it about, again?” You ask, wondering if he’ll give you the run around again like when he’d first mentioned it.
“Well, i-it’s about a lot of stuff,” he nods, fiddling with his own straw but not yet tearing the paper off. “Like, where I come from and where I’m at and where I see myself going—what I’m looking forward to the most… etcetera etcetera.” He nodded thoughtfully.
You smile with him, “That sounds beautiful. I’d love to hear it when it’s finished.”
“Oh, I plan on you being the first to hear it.” He said with wide eyes that filled you with anticipation.
“Well I must be something special.” You tease softly.
He nods, “You must be.” He bites the inside of his lip to contain his smile, feeling like an idiot when he felt his heart speed up merely at the way you looked at him. Your eyes round and set on him like he was a dream. Your shoulders wanted to curl in on yourself, your shyness was lingering but you were peeking out from behind the curtain. And he loved what he saw.
You were smart, and despite your struggles with anxiety, you had a lot to say. He was determined to hear all of it, especially if it came out of your smiling mouth. He loved that you were figuring out how to play with him, but didn’t make it feel like a game. Eddie was used to flirty banter but nothing that made him feel like the way it felt with you.
Your shy nature really topped it off for him, your tentativeness making it that much more fun to mess with you.
He’d never forget the way you sounded on the phone when he called for the first time. Your trembling sighs were full of nerves, the phone picking up soft chuckles, and a shy lilt to your voice that clenched his heart to the point it ached.
You’d come quite a ways since then, though part of him hoped you’d always be a little shy.
The waiter brought over your heaping basket, mozzarella, sharp cheddar, Colby Jack, and American cheese all melted on the top of the extra crispy fries.
Eddie’s eyes were bright as he beheld the food, and then looked up to find you unfurling your napkin and silverware, your bottom lip in your teeth as you spear your fork into a measly section to pull onto your tiny plate.
“Oh, I should’ve known you’d be one of those.” He teased as he pulled a fry from the top, the cheese stretching an impressive distance before snapping.
“What??” You ask, welcoming his banter with pink cheeks you suspected wouldn’t be leaving any time soon.
“Don’t tell me you eat fries with a fork.” He deadpanned and took a bite.
“I don’t, but when I’m sharing an appetizer with someone I try to be polite.” You jab your fork into another helping to plop onto your plate. “Thought that’s something you liked about me.” You quip before cutting into the cheese fries and sticking a bite in your mouth, your lips sliding off the fork as you hold eye contact with him.
You barely notice how his gaze dips to your mouth, how he swallows before he smiles and speaks again, “I do. There’s a lot of things I like about you.”
You shake your head as you chew and swallow, “That was an easy one.”
“What??” He asked as he grabs another clump of fries, carefully stacking a jalapeño on top and biting into it.
“You and your lines.” You roll your eyes.
He smiles though he puts a hand to his chest in offense, “You think I have lines??” He asked.
“How can you not? You always know what to say, how to… I dunno… stun me?” You shrug at your loss of words.
Eddie almost cackles and wipes his mouth with a napkin, “Stun you??”
“You know what I mean!” You take a bite, taking care to get the perfect amount of bacon and jalapeño on top before taking a large bite that made Eddie a little proud. You chew and appraise him as he does you, strong jaw working and his eyes waiting for your next sentence. “I just feel like you’re too smooth for it to be real, y’know—I keep thinking this is going to turn out to be one big joke.” You chuckle weakly and shrug.
Eddie deflated a little and reached his hand across the table, resting on top of yours that held your fork. “Sweetheart,” he sighed and you felt a pang of guilt swim around in your chest when you saw the hurt in his eyes, “I… I know what that’s like. Believe me, it’s—“ he sighed again, “—I can’t ever stop thinking about you.” He squeezes your hand. “I’m not used to a girl doing that to me, taking over my every thought.” He chuckled in disbelief, “I like you. A lot.” He assures with a nod and you mirror it, feeling bad he had to do this already.
“I’m sorry.” You drop your fork and wrap your fingers around his. He shakes his head, as if it were no bother. “I…” you take a deep inhale and slowly let it out as you talk, “—kinda have trust issues, if you couldn’t already tell.” You avoid eye contact until you hear his chuckle.
“I get it, I really do.” He nods before meeting her eye again, “But my interest in you has nothing to do with a joke and everything to do with the fact you’re interesting. And sweet. And cute. And smart— I honestly have no idea what you’re doing out with me.” He said it as if he believed it and took a bite.
You shake your head, “You’re so full of it.” You chuckle and prepare to take another bite, though the smile on your face told Eddie you were flattered and ready for more back and forth.
“It’s true! You know how many people see me coming and cross the street to avoid me?” He seemed pleased with himself and with the face you made, genuinely confused. “—Cause I look mean and scary.”
Your eyes widen, “Oh! Well, I don’t think you’re scary cause you’re mean.”
“You think I’m scary?”
“I think you’re scary cause you’re so… pretty—I mean handsome!”
Eddie lets out a laugh so hearty it turned a couple heads, but all you did was blush and smile at the reaction you were able to pull from him.
“You’re too cute—wow.” He grabs a clump of fries and takes a bite through his lingering smile. “So you wouldn’t cross the street if you saw me coming? Shy little thing like you?”
You shook your head, “Would you cross if you saw me coming?”
“If I’m across the street on 8th and caught a glimpse of you walking down 7th, I’m jay-running to come introduce myself.” He said without missing a beat, “I’d change direction just to walk with you.”
“You really can’t help it,” You laugh melodically, full and with your belly, your eyes practically closed in your amusement.
“When it comes to you? Not a bit.” He smirked as you collected yourself with a deep breath and continued eating.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“No way. I don’t believe you!” You chuckle madly as he nods.
“Oh, but, I did, I read every bit of it— and from the sound of it, you did too.” He looked at you with his bashful grin as you nodded quickly.
“Look at me and tell me it isn’t obvious that I’m a TwiHard.” You say pointing to your face.
The conversation had turned to reading, Eddie asking about your reading goal for the year you’d set yourself and balking when you said you were on book twelve in the month of May, and then reminiscing on his days as a bookworm when people were waiting in line for the newest additions to the Twilight Saga.
“I guess there’s only one thing I need to ask.” He said as he leaned forward. “Team Edward or Jacob? You should know that there is a correct answer, and if you respond Team Jacob I’ll l have to La Push you into traffic.”
“Of course I’m Team Edward! Jacob can keep his idealized version of Bella and shove it—“
“—La Push.” Eddie teased.
“My mistake.” You chuckle and take another bite. “So did you read them or watch them first?”
“Oh, I read them.” He urged and shook his head at his past self, “I wanted to be a Cullen so bad.” He scoffed and smiled when you nodded in agreement.
“Who’s your favorite?” You ask.
“Hmm… back in the day I’d say Edward. But now I think my real favorite is Carlisle.”
You look impressed with his answer and nod for him to elaborate, “I didn’t have the finest of upbringings.” He cleared his throat, preparing to be vulnerable. To let himself be known. “My brother and I didn’t meet til we were teens—his mom and my mom didn’t get along because of the old man, but we both landed at our Uncle’s house around the same time and—“ he shook his head feeling way off topic, “I like the found family thing. You know? The people that don’t have to love you but still do anyways.” He chuckled.
When he looked up at you, he found your eyes soft and your hand reaching out for his again. The feeling of your hand in his was becoming familiar and he liked that he knew how you’d fit together.
“And you found yours?” You ask.
He nodded warmly, “Yeah. I did. I count Dak as found family since I haven’t always had him, y’know, sometimes it still doesn’t feel real that we’re brothers and not just friends. But brothers aren’t exactly supposed to show up on your doorstep one day and never leave, right?” He chuckles at himself and you give him a weak smile as you wonder what else you’ll learn about him.
“Do you have any siblings?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No. It was just me and mom, mostly.” You say almost tensely. “Things were… a lot different between us back then. It was hard living with her without my dad.“ you nod and your eyes flicker up to his, finding his gaze on yours, his lingering smile gone for the first time. “Reading helped. Still does.” You smile.
Eddie’s smile came back at the sight of yours and he nodded, “Agreed. Though I must say, I can’t find anything I wanna devour the way I consumed the hunger games trilogy—“
“Oh my god, yes!” You hastily agree and lean forward.
“I wasn’t that big of a fan of Gale.” Eddie sighed in thought as he sat back.
“What do you mean?! He kept her family alive while she was gone at both games, despite the mixed signals she was always sending him.” You explained and he shrugged.
“Mockingjay really showed their differences, though. They were each others first love, y’know? Best friends, most importantly. But he wanted her to be something she wasn’t. He became more desensitized to the violence and Katniss needed… I dunno… a softness, and m’boy Peeta knew exactly what she needed. Til he was hijacked.” He rolled his eyes and took a sip from his now empty drink.
You bite the inside of your lip as you come to realize you agree with him. “Okay. You got me. Katniss is softer than she lets on.”
“Kinda like how you’re braver than you let on.” He winks at you and you blush down at the empty basket. A waitress drops the check by the table, which Eddie quickly swipes up and places his money inside.
“C’mon, cutie,” he stands and hold out his hand, which you take without hesitance. “Time for the main course.”
You happily take his hand and follow him out the door, wondering if he would always wanna hold your hands so firmly in his. His grip reminded you of the way your mom held your hand in the stores as a child, like he’s afraid to lose you in the crowd.
You’re appraising him in the car as he fiddles with the radio, connecting his phone and playing a song you sent him a week ago. “Now you’re just trying to get brownie points.” You roll your eyes even though you blush.
“What? It’s a good song! Much like you, it’s been stuck in my head since I first heard it.”
“Have you always been like this?” You ask.
Eddie looks taken aback by your wording, “Like what?” He looks over at you incredulously, thought you can’t tell if he’s being serious or not.
“Charismatic and laid back and outgoing and, and, and!” You shrug and he scoffs. “I just wanna know if it’s a god given gift or if there’s hope for me, cause damn. You could charm the socks off anyone.” You shake your head and look out the windshield.
He chuckles and turns the wheel, getting settled in the new direction and lane of traffic before answering, “Just the socks?” He smirks over at you and you roll your eyes for the hundredth time and blush for the thousandth.
“Honestly, Eddie, I’ll la push myself out of this car if you don’t stop doing that.” You pry your eyes away from him and cross your arms though the playful smile lingered at the corners of your mouth. You loved it though it was growing immensely aggravating.
“Aw, c’mon, sweetheart, look at me.” He pleaded with a sorry tone, one you’d give a child in a sour mood. You didn’t comply, choosing to watch the traffic lights instead.
Your silence is ringing louder than a gong in Eddie’s ears as he drives, and before he knows it, he’s pulling over onto the shoulder and turning on his hazards, “What’s going on?” You ask, looking over at the gages on the dash for a check engine light or something. When you find his eyes on you, you flinch back in confusion.
“Now that I have your attention.” He smiled. You can’t help your grin as you swat at his shoulder and he turns to you. “I was the town pariah until I left at 21.” He sighed, his eyes looking more and more puppylike the longer he spoke, his eyes darting away like yours had the day you met. “You know how it is—small town America, everyone hated me for the music and stuff I liked and how I dressed, it’s dumb. Me being me caused a lot of trouble. And I had to learn to overcome their bullshit or let it get the best of me, which it didn’t.” He nodded assuringly. “I made great friends there. Most of them are here with me in the city, now. College and all. But I really found myself when I left Hawkins. When I figured out the world really was so much bigger. And that the people at home are the real weirdos, not me.” He scoffed and you nodded in agreement.
“Point is.” He sighed. “It’s a coping mechanism—my charm.” He shrugged, looking at you from behind the mask, his smile weak and eyes looking almost sad. “I’m sorry, if I come on too strong—“
“No! No.” You shake your head. “You’re great, Eddie.” You assure and your heart swells with his smile, “I’m so glad you shared that with me.” You accidentally rasp as you try to be quiet, “I know what it’s like to not belong… I wish I could’ve seen you back then.” You chuckle.
“Oh you would’ve hated me.” He rolled his eyes. “Couldn’t keep my mouth shut.” He tsked.
“Oh I can’t imagine that!” You tease and lean closer as you grab his hand and he smiles down at it.
“I’ve never been so nervous about someone.” He admitted as he flickered his gaze up to your eye just for a moment before looking back down at your intertwined hands. “No one’s ever treated me like such a big deal before. Or wanted to know me the ways you do.” He smiles up at you again before kissing your hand. “With you it’s like I wanna…. keep being the cool guy, y’know?”
“Eddie, you can’t actually be saying you’re nervous… because of me.” You shake your head, “It’s me, remember? Chicken fingers?” You shake your joined hands to jostle him like a friend getting a pep talk. “Y’know I don’t just swallow my tongue for anybody, you must really be something special! Plus have you looked at yourself lately? It’s intimidating how hot you are!”
He rolls his eyes, “Can I take my girl out to eat now? Or are you gonna ignore me again when I flirt with you?” He asks.
The term strikes somewhere eager in your chest, your eyes flying to his as he turns his blinker on to merge onto the road, “Mhm.” Is all you’re able to manage as he grins in satisfaction and takes his opportunity to join the flow of traffic, all without dropping your hand.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The walk through the parking lot was quiet but the silence was warm. Eddie had brought you to a place called ‘Black Barn Reserve’ and from the outside, it looked very rustic and cozy. The dining area was dim, candles illuminating the tables, and a large bonfire at the front of the open room, the large glass doors swung open to the outside for more areas to eat and lounge.
“You ever been here before?” He asked, his eyes taking in the scene and looking for a familiar face.
“Oh, gosh, no— I’ve heard of it though. It’s beautiful! I wanna curl up and read over there.” You point to an over stuffed armchair in the corner, adjacent to the bonfire.
Eddie smiles at the mental picture of you curled up with a book and a blanket next to a roaring fire, until he spots the familiar head of hair he’d been searching for. “Steve!” He stuck his hand up in greeting as Steve pushed through the crowd, shoving his order book into his apron as he approached.
“Its so good to see you!” The guy pulled Eddie in for a quick hug, and released him before looking over at you, “And you! Eddie has told us so much about you—“
“S’enough of that Steve,” He turns to you with a smile and introduces you by name.
“Steve Harrington— Eddie’s best friend.” The guy smiled and shook your hand before looking to Eddie, “It’s all set up for you.” He released your hand and patted Eddie on the back before darting off in the direction of a set of booths.
Eddie smiled at you bashfully and took your hand, leading you through the room to a secluded corner by a bay of windows. The booth was small and round, three candles at the center of the table smelling like warm and spicy herbs.
“I used to work here, with Steve.” He chuckled as you sat and began scooting to the other side, finding him following close by and capturing your hand under his. “That’s far enough, sweet thing, come closer.” He teased. You oblige him and scoot so close your leg almost pressed against his.
“Comfy?” He asked, placing his hand on your knee. You smile and nod, opening the menu with few options and tiny writing.
“I thought you had to have a reservation to get into this place.” You smile and look up at the ornate ceiling, the chandeliers barely glowing with light.
“Uh, usually you have to! I just got lucky that Harrington still works here and the shift manager still likes me.” He shrugged, looking down at the menu before looking over at you with a smile. “I’ve always liked this spot the most. Thought it was the best seat in the house.”
“Why is that?”
“Cause you get to enjoy every part of the place sitting right here. Bonfire,” he gestures to the fire a few feet away just outside, “People watching,” he motioned to the loaded dining room before you. “Plus the food is fantastic.”
“I’ve heard!” You chirp, trying to make out the font and find the word ‘entree’. Eddie’s finger comes into view when he points it out.
“The menu changes every night, so you can choose from the steak, pasta, or soup.” He drapes his arm on the booth behind you, looking off your menu instead of picking up his own.
You sigh in relief, nodding and automatically deciding you wanted the pasta. “You mean they don’t have chicken fingers?” You ask casually.
Eddie chuckles through his nose and leans closer. “If the pasta sucks, I’ll personally get you your chicken tenders.” He squeezes your knee before stroking the round of it with his thumb and draping his other arm around you.
“How’d you know I wanted pasta?” You ask.
Eddie freezes before his smile blooms, “Oh, uh, well, I remember your mom saying you liked that pasta—the first time you came to the restaurant.” You cover his hand with yours, brushing against his rings with careful fingers.
“I think it’s really sweet you thought of that.” You giggle, lighting up his world, “And for the record, I wanted that pasta. I just said chicken fingers because it’s all I could remember.” You put your face in your hand.
“No!” Eddie tsked, “so you don’t like chicken fingers?? Is that why you didn’t eat them??”
“No, I do! Just couldn’t eat them when my stomach was in knots.” You laugh it off and find Eddie’s smile waning.
“Is it-is it always like that?” He asked gently, “Your….?”
“Anxiety? Yeah.” You chuckle as the waitress approaches, a black dress and pearls around her neck like the rest of the female presenting employees. Her French twist was elegantly loose, and her lips were the perfect shade of mauve.
“Good evening, my name is— Eddie?” She questioned.
Eddie’s eyes fell away from yours and met hers with what seemed to be hesitance. “Monica! Hey! I didn’t know you were working here again.” He said tensely, making no move to stand like she seemed to think he would.
“I just started back about two weeks ago!” She informed him as cheerfully as she could before directing her attention to you, “I’m Monica, Eddie’s friend,”
“—old friend.” He clipped.
“Old friend.” She added, her eyes looking you over.
“This is my date, Y/n.” He put his arm around you, looking back to you, “Monica and I used to work together.”
“You could say that.” She scoffs, looking down at her leather bound book, “Can I get you some—“
“Two cokes, please.” You cut her off to get her out of the way, feeling quite shitty about it until she walked away and Eddie relaxed. You hadn’t noticed how rigid he’d grown when Monica arrived, the hundreds of questions swirling through your mind like an endless loop-de-loop.
You swallow before you meet his weary eye, flashing a closed mouth smile that was supposed to be encouraging, but for Eddie it hit him deep in the chest, like he’d already fucked up.
“Monica and I didn’t date.” He blurted.
You nod, the sentiment settling in. “I get it.”
“If I’d known she was working here again, I wouldn’t have brought you here, I’m so sorry.” He held your hand in both of his, “It wasn’t even a thing y’know, but she wasn’t… exactly… interested in me so I made a clean break and she…” he blew out a breath, “—was not happy.”
You nod again, the tension releasing in your chest. “Do you want to leave?” You ask, ready to give him an out and continue this date somewhere else.
“No, absolutely not.” He chuckled. “I’ve been wanting to bring someone special here for a while. Not gonna let anything ruin it.”
You smile and nod, happy to be wherever he is. Your eyes close in bliss when he leans forward to plant a kiss on your forehead, as another waiter brings your drinks and asks to take your order.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“That was literally the best pasta I’ve ever had in my life.” You groan in satisfaction as you leave the restaurant under Eddie’s arm, leftovers in the other hand.
“And now my question is, are you ready for dessert?” He asked with a glimmer in his eye, “too full?”
You shake your head, “Uh-uh, desserts the best part!” You insist, ducking into the car.
“Good. Cause the next stop is my favorite place to eat, like ever.” He smiled over at you and started the car, handing you his phone and the aux cord. “Play me something good, DJ.”
You racked your brain, searching for something he’d like, something that would impress him. You decide to go to your messages and play the song he sent you the most recently. “What?” He croons in disappointment as he joins the night traffic.
“What?” You chuckle.
“I said play me something good, not play me my music I listen to every day! Put on something you like.” He urged. “Let me in that pretty little cranium of yours.”
You bite your lip and nod, “You like the Warning?” You ask tentatively as you search them up.
Eddie shook his head, “I haven’t heard of them.”
“Well we’re gonna fix that.” You smile as the beginning of ERROR fills the speakers.
Eddies face lights up, when he hears the thudding bass lead the drums in. “Oh, shit! Okay!” He bobs his head to the beat, “I like it!” He says with a look on his face that shows you he’s impressed. “You’re gonna have to play DJ more often!”
You blush at the idea of being with him often.
You hoped you would be at least. And something in your heart to you, you would be.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Why are we parked in front of Chili’s?”
“Because! I have a to-go order.” He smiled, unbuckling his seatbelt. “Sit tight, I’ll be back.”
You nod as he steps out of the car and bounds up the sidewalk to the door where he’d shown you his ‘hiding place’ the day you’d come back for him. Your heart beat madly in your chest, the first moment you’d had alone since the start of the date and you finally realize how out of breath you are.
Over nothing.
You take a few steadying breaths and press your hands to your hot face, the bitter sting of your cold skin bringing you back down to earth a little bit. He’d been practically perfect— the whole date was. You didn’t want it to end, to live in this warm, giddy feeling forever.
You check your makeup and are pleasantly surprised when you see it hasn’t budged or caked or creased, with the exception of your lipstick worn off from eating and drinking. As you spot the familiar bouncing strides turning the corner you slap the mirror shut and busy yourself queuing music on your phone.
The lights come on when he pops open the door and he smiles as he hands you a to-go bag containing a single box. “Miss me?” He asked with the playful smile you were growing fond of.
“Of course.” You chuckle and look at the bag, unsure if you should open it or not.
Eddie shuts the door and settles in his seat and turns to you with a smile, as if he were taking you in after a long trip.
“What?” You giggle.
He shakes his head, “Nothing. Just looking pretty kissable over there.” He smirks and put his hand on your knee, stroking in soft circles before glancing up at you again.
You smile and huff a gentle laugh before leaning forward and letting him kiss your lips, the energy bordering between chaste and something eager. You wanna deepen the kiss, tempted to put your hands on his face, through his hair, however you could keep him close— but he pulls away.
“Good girl.” He purrs and you stifle a gasp by clearing your throat and smiling. He nods at the bag. “Open it up for us.”
You unwrap it from the plastic bag and pop open the styrofoam shell to find a chocolate lava cake, a scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce drizzled across the top, and two silver spoons. You couldn’t help but notice the heart swirled in the chocolate on the bottom of the container and blushed madly as you look back up at him.
“You didn’t take a single bite—when you came with your mom. I even made sure you had a spoon in case you changed your mind and you didn’t! But… now that I know you a little better now… I assume you weren’t up to eating at the time. And everyone loves lava cake so…” he trails off as he purses his lips to the side.
You bite the inside of your smile and shake your head at him. “You’re—“ you try to find the words. Unbelievable? Amazing? Perfect? A dream come true?
He seems to realize your struggle and holds up a spoonful of cake and ice cream. “It’s still warm.” He whispers.
You take a bite and try to ignore the lump in your throat as you chew and swallow, or the tears prickling at your eyes at his tenderness. You loved how he made you feel and hated to think this could all be a trap. That he could give you this kind of love and take it away as soon as he grew bored.
And it made you feel so pathetic and weak and even a little naive all over again.
A tear slides down your cheek and he turns you by the chin to face him. “What’s wrong?” He says just above a whisper.
You meet his eye and wipe your face with a shaking head, “Literally.. nothing. I just—wow, I’m so sorry—“ you smile and sniffle and shake your head at yourself as you wipe your eyes, “—no one’s ever made such a big deal out of me. Not like this. Or—paid attention to me in the ways you do.” You shake your head. “I feel pathetic around so many people because my brain can’t handle life happening. I’m frazzled and scatterbrained and painfully shy, and I constantly feel like.. like a burden. Like it’s asking too much to be understood, Y’know?” You sniffle again as more tears fall.
Eddie nods and holds your hand and wills you to finish. His strong girl.
His brave girl.
“So, thank you.” You shrug. “Even if it doesn’t last I’ll always remember this.” You say candidly.
Eddie caresses your cheek and you lean into his touch, “Where have you been, sweetheart?” Is all he can ask. You scrunch your brows together in confusion and he leans in to kiss you again. Your lips are cold against his, tasting temptingly sweet, but he keeps this kiss innocent before pulling back and wiping away your tear with his thumb.
“I’m not going anywhere. Not until you tell me to fuck off.” He said with only a hint of playfulness in his soft tone. You scan his face to find a sign that he was just speaking empty words but his eyes— his deep amber irises soft with the warmth of the sentiment he spoke between you.
You sigh and nod profusely, unable to string the words fighting at the forefront of your mind to be placed together properly, to form a sentence that articulated exactly how full and wonderful he made you feel. Instead, you lean for ward and kiss him, a hand resting on his stubbled cheek.
Eddie chuckles against your lips and you feel his smile as he moves. You break the kiss and you linger so closely your noses brush. He takes it upon himself to nuzzle his nose against yours and you let out a giggle.
You pick up the other spoon and scoop a bite to hold up for him. He chuckles and takes the bite, his eyes on yours in the dim car light.
The intro to Fade Into You by Mazzy Star comes on, and your eyes dart to his to lock in an eager gaze, “I love this song!” You both say at the same time.
You can help but share a laugh before Eddie serves you another bite, “We should’ve been doing this all night, how romantic.” He teased, though he meant it.
You blush and roll your eyes before you hold up your spoonful to his lips, and as he takes a bite, you pull it away and eat it yourself with a smile.
“Ohhh! Is that how it’s gonna be, now? We were having a moment!” He chided with an amused smile. You swallow and serve him an extra big helping to make up for it, which he’s happy to accept.
“You are forgiven.” He says through a mouthful and smiles as he scoops a bite of ice cream into the spoon and holds it up, offering it just in front of his mouth.
You lean in with closed eyes and a gaping mouth, only to feel his lips slot against yours sensually. Warm and firm and languid, the heat both physical and energetic, the passion rippling between you.
You thought back to that movie Pretty in Pink, when Iona talked about Duckie’s kiss setting her thighs on fire— that’s exactly what this felt like. The fire consumed you, licking up your legs and hips, his daring little nip at your lip rendering you utterly thoughtless until he lifted the haze like a blanket, pulling back from the kiss just as you really needed it most.
“Now, we’re even.” He winks.
“Oh, no, we are not.” You say through a scoff.
Eddie’s eyes light up at the challenge, “You took a bite, so did I.” He shrugged.
You cross your legs and shift your hips slightly, your jaw clenched and your eyes narrowed at him and his antics. Luckily, Eddie knew exactly what all of those things meant. He placed his hand on your knee and stroked in an agonizingly slow circle. “Isn’t that fair?” He asks.
Your brain begins churning into mush as he looks at you in the way he did the first time you saw him, like you’re the most interesting person on the planet—the sexiest most interesting person on the planet. And you only just now realized.
You smile in a way he hadn’t seen before as you looked him over, “Absolutely not, you practically, freakin’ mouth fucked me!” You accuse with a smile of disbelief.
Eddie’s jaw drops as he laughs, “What?!”
“You heard me!” You giggle, “You’re just gonna juice my brain and pretend it was no big deal like I’m not gonna have to take two days to recover.” You push his shoulder playfully as he keeps laughing.
“Oh my god, you’re- you’re—“ he shakes his head at her, and instead of finding a word, he brings her in for one more brain juicing kiss.
It was hot and slow, it had you whimpering without any care or notice and arching your back into him despite the console between you, his tongue moving against yours and his teeth nipping at your lip every once in a while to make you moan for him, hoping he’d soon find out how to play other parts of your body to create louder sounds.
When the kiss finally broke, Eddie pushed your hair behind your ear and smiled at you. “I wanna ask you—properly— if you’d… be my girlfriend. A-And we can get together like this whenever we can, Y’know? I kinda like how we have the same crazy schedules. And you’re good at phone tag! You make it fun.” He smiles and swipes his thumb over your cheekbone. “You make my days exciting again, you know that? He admitted. “I’ve never liked phone calls—ever! But every time you call, I wanna drop my whole life to speak to you.”
You nod, but in a way that tells him you share the feeling because of him.
“Y’know other girls, they like the whole ‘bad boy thing’ I have going on and think I’m good for a fun night and a motorcycle ride, but none of them wanna deal with my hours, or my life. They’re not actually interested in me, you know? And here you are.” He nudges your nose with his. “Wanting to know my deep dark secrets and my favorite color.”
“Favorite colors aren’t deep dark secrets! And it’s not a secret if you wear it exclusively.” You give him a pointed look and he chuckles.
“Like my own pocket sized comedian, I swear.” He holds your face in both of his hands like a child having cute aggression and shakes his head with an affectionate smile.
“What do you say, chicken fingers? Feel like bein my girlfriend?” He asks.
You smirk playfully and shrug, “I may have to take a couple days to think about it, y’know? Had a great time though.” You try to stay serious, but the second he looks fearful and the gooey tenderness leaves his eyes, you’re shaking your head, “I’m just kidding! Just kidding, I’d love to be your girlfriend—are you kidding me?” You scoff.
Eddie barely has time to smile before you’re kissing him again, his laughter a mere mumble against you before it’s snuffed out by your kiss, his lips melting against yours.
As he’s running his fingers over your hair and relishing the feeling of your soft lips against his, he can’t help but wonder what date you’ll go on next, before this one’s even over.
You pull away, “Do you, uh—“ you shake your head at yourself.
Eddie nods at you, hoping he knows what you’re gonna ask him. “Go on, brave girl.” He whispers, keeping you close.
You blush and look down, “Uh, do you wanna—maybe, take me—“
“What, you want me to take you home, now?” He asked, quieter than before.
You freeze and bite your lip bashfully, “Or… home with you?” You meet his eye before darting away and chuckling at yourself, “I’m sorry, too much? It was too much—“ you don’t get a chance to ramble on before he turns your face back to his.
He’s got a cocky, pleased smile on his lips when he says, “I will happily take you to mine. Or yours if that’s what you want.” He looks you up and down for any signs of hesitation.
You nod, “Yeah, yeah, wherever you want. Just not… ready for this night to end.” You chuckle nervously.
Eddie beams at that and scoops up another spoonful, “One more bite and I’m taking my girl home. We can finish this later,” He smiles as you take a bite, “Late night snack, maybe?” He whispered in your ear as you chewed, and smiled when your eyes went wide and your skin burned pink.
“Where-where are we gonna—?” You ask, closing the container and putting it back in the bag.
“I’m taking my girl back to my apartment,” he said as he shifted the car into reverse, “—spending the rest of the night with a movie on the tv and my lips on yours.” He smiles over at you. “How’s that sound?” He takes your hand in his and kisses it as he slows to a stop at a red light.
“…Will you take me out on the balcony?” You ask shyly. His eyes widen and he balks, your brain needing a second to catch up, “Wait, no that’s not—“
“Too late, baby, it’s already out there—and the answer is yes, absolutely—anything you wanna do on my balcony, consider it done.” He says as he eases forward with the flow of traffic and you bury your face in your hands and giggle madly.
You peek open your eyes to see Eddie still smiling at the road ahead, turning into a parking garage. He held his lip between his teeth, carefully maneuvering into his reserved spot and looking over at you eagerly as he threw it in park and turned it off. “You ready? Sure you don’t want me to take you home?”
You nod, “Mhm, I’m sure.”
He nods back at you and opens his door, “Sit tight.” He says before shutting it and walking around to open your door for you.
“Oh, special treatment?” You ask as he helps you out.
“Oh, yeah, being my girl has its perks.” He pulls you up and wraps an arm around your waist before leading you to the elevator. He slides his hand across your back and grips your elbow before grazing down your arm to lace his fingers in yours.
You catch the doors going up with one of Eddie’s neighbors, an older woman named Nadine that wore an ornate silk scarf on her head, giving a warm toothy grin as she greeted you both. Eddie eagerly introduced you as his girlfriend, the woman shaking your hand with a warm pat before joking about Eddie’s appetite.
After she’d disappeared behind a red chipped door, Eddie fumbled with his keys as he explained, “Miss Nadine makes amazing dumplings and noodles, she’s always giving me leftovers since her husband passed away.” You watch her door as he unlocks his own, “He was great too.” He adds as the door opens and thuds the wall lightly.
“Home sweet home.” He says as he closes it behind you and you scan the area. “—sorry if stuffs a little…” he says as he snatches up some food wrappers and dirty cups. You giggle and spot the place on the counter where all the mail was dropped and torn open, Amazon boxes and shoes piled by the door.
Movie and band posters hung on the walls, along with some personal pictures that dotted the spaces here and there. “It’s okay, I like it. Clean houses can feel… sterile. Y’know? You live here, it’s supposed to look like it.” You chuckle as he successfully clears off the island and smiles at you.
“Well don’t you know how to make a guy feel at home.”
“In your own home?”
“Yeah!” He said as if it were simple. “Y’know… you aren’t the first girl I’ve brought back here…” he takes your jacket off your shoulders, you swallow thickly, wondering just how much he was used to in the bedroom, if you could deliver the kind of intensity he’s used to, “—but I was always really nervous about… I dunno, their judgement? Y’know they’d make comments sometimes and I wanted it be nice the first time you came and I dunno, just hearing that from you…” he shrugs with an easy smile, “C’mon. My rooms over here.”
You follow him, your heart thumping it’s way deeper into your chest. He pushes open the black door and you’re hit with the smell of him. His cologne, his detergent, the stale cigarette smoke, and a hint of skunk wafting over from the open grinder on his desk. “Fuck!” He mutters before shutting it and shoving the tray it rested on into the drawer.
You giggle and look around his room, at his messy bed covered with shirts and pants and jackets, several pairs of shoes strung about the floor. “Don’t worry, I kinda figured it came with the bad boy territory.” You turn to him and watch him pick up the clothes and stuff them back into their places to clear the bed.
He smiles and takes off his jacket, laying both yours and his on his desk chair.
“Ah, so.. do you…?”
You nod slowly and his face lights up, “Well… in that case..” he turns back to his desk and roots around for a minute before producing a blunt with the end barely smoked. “Care to ‘joint’ me out on the balcony?” He asks with a wink.
You practically snort, “That was awful, but yes, I would love to.” You smile and follow him to the double doors overlooking the street and horizon. He has it between his lips and lit by the time he turns to face you and leans against the rail, becoming a part of the gorgeous city view.
You tuck a leg under you as you sit in his chair, and wait patiently as he takes a hit. He looks over at you and smiles before reaching out to hand it to you, watching as you take a small hit without coughing, “Look at you, sitting all pretty in my chair, smoking my weed.” He said admiringly.
“Like what you see?”
“A little too much.” He smiles as you hand it back. “Been wanting to bring you out here since you first asked to see the view over FaceTime.” He blushed before taking a drag. “No one ever.. cared to, uh, come out here with me before.” He shrugged.
“Really?” You ask as you look into the blackness illuminated by the lights of night, stacked buildings and neon lights outlining and dotting the distance as far as the eye could see. “It’s like… a giant Christmas light show.” You mumble as he hands it back and you finally look at him.
“Think you could get used to it?” He asked.
You smile at him and his hopeful eyes, his knee bouncing with his nerves. “No.” You shake your head. He freezes for a second before you speak again, “It’s too pretty to get used to. I swear I just keep finding things to look at.” You shake your head in disbelief and then look back over at his smile set on you.
“I know exactly how that feels.” He whispered before squatting down to your level and stroking your cheekbone as you take one more hit.
“Do you?” You ask, turning the joint around and sliding it between his lips. He smiles at the intimacy and takes a drag as he nods.
“Mhm,” he says and exhales through his nose, “I thought this was beautiful, but now I got you out here and it’s just…” he shakes his head and you lean into his palm as his fingers find your hair, “You make it breathtaking.” He whispers, his eyes heavy with warmth and admiration.
You scoff and blush before looking away at the scenery, but a ringed hand turns you to face him by your chin, and he kisses you deeply, a warm palm on your cheek. It’s firm and deep as you move together, lustfully slow.
He pulls back from the kiss to whisper, “I wanna see you out here more, yeah?” He asked, kissing you once more, “—get you your own chair and everything.” He offers as he rests his head against yours.
You smile and nod the best you could, “My very own? More perks?” You say just as quiet, the street noise below barely even noticeable in this moment together.
“Not to mention the super comfy place in my bed… yours if you want it.” He whispers.
You stare at him for a minute and grab his wrist to lift the joint to your lips as he held it, your eyes on his the whole time had him gulping. “Can I… try it out?” You ask daringly.
Eddie’s eyes go moony and glazed as he nods eagerly, “Good girl.” He says before he’s bending over and flopping you over his shoulder to rush inside and drop you on the bed. He takes no hesitation in crawling over you and showering you with kisses that have you giggling the most you ever had.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hours later, when the moon was full and high in the sky, and both of you were well sated in your desire for one another, you laid in Eddie’s arms, in his shirt, eating from the same spoon as you finished the lava cake and kissed the stray bits of chocolate and vanilla from the corners of each others mouths.
You’re nestled between his legs, against his chest, and he ducks down into your neck to inhale deeply like he’d been dreaming of since he first caught a whiff of you and your fancy perfume. You giggle when he presses a kiss there and when you turn your attention back to the Simpson’s, he checks his phone.
Despite the notifications littering his Lock Screen, he’s marking the date below the time, knowing deep in his heart this is how he’d wanna spend it every year forever.
Or until you tell him to fuck off…
Which is never happening.
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scriveyner · 9 months
the places we'll go
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Akutagawa wasn’t certain where’d he taken the wrong turn, but it came up quickly. He glowered at an unfamiliar street full of pedestrians, hands in his pockets as he stalked forward, intent on a mission. It wasn’t like him to get lost, but he was distracted as he often was these days, ruminating on the most creative way to eviscerate that miserable self-healing weretiger.
Continue on AO3 or after the jump:
The autumn air was crisp, not quite cold yet; but most people around him were dressed in long sleeves or pants, bundling against the inevitable drop in temperature when the sun finally sank past the horizon. They paid him little mind, which he preferred; but something just seemed off. The city streets around him had transitioned into more housing than commercial, and he had little business on this side of town.
Akutagawa went to turn a corner, intending to double back the way he’d come when he was nearly run down by an errant child swinging a toy sword.
Rashomon rippled, irritated from his shoulders as Akutagawa stared, surprised, at what looked to be the spitting image of the weretiger, only in child form.
“Oops, sorry mister,” the child yelped without even looking at him, even as an all-too-familiar voice shouted from along the road, “Acchan! Watch where you’re swinging that-!”
Akutagawa turned, taken aback but already preparing a snide remark about the weretiger’s secret lovechild when he locked eyes with Atsushi and froze in place. The weretiger’s stride faltered as well as they stared at each other, the moment stretching interminably long as Akutagawa’s gaze flickered from Atsushi to the small dark-haired child whose hand he was holding, and then over to himself, holding the child’s other hand and looking just as startled.
Time sped up, and everyone was in motion. “Acchan!” Atsushi roared, and the small version of himself turned, clearly startled by the tone, and finally looked up at Akutagawa, eyes wide.
“Dad?” he said, confused.
He caught the movement from the corner of his eye as his other self scooped the second child into his arms; Akutagawa turned to face them, coat spinning out behind him as Rashomon exploded from his coat in defensive tendrils. Before he could react one entire enormous tiger landed on him, taking him to the ground, teeth bared to his face.
Rashomon stabbed into the great white beast, through limbs and sides, drenching them both in blood but its weight was enormous, he couldn’t free himself from beneath its paws.
Blood splattered past his face and onto the concrete, and he felt his ribs crack under the weight of the enormous white tiger; he tried still to dislodge him—however, not even Rashomon deterred him, the growl echoing in his chest, hot breath blasting through his hair.
Black pulled at the edges of his vision; from the left he saw himself, holding the dark-haired child who looked like them both; this other him put his hand on the tiger’s bloody shoulder and said something softly.
Akutagawa coughed wetly, unable to parse the words through the blood rushing in his ears, and finally succumbed to the darkness pulling him under.
Everything fucking hurt.
Akutagawa took a deep breath, took note of two cracked ribs that complained horrifically, and assessed before he even opened his eyes. He wasn’t restrained; heard no soft hum of medical equipment, and figured if he was dead, he wouldn’t hurt so goddamn much. Finally he opened his eyes and discovered, to his surprise, he was laid out on a couch, tattered black trench coat laid over him like a blanket.
Two pairs of eyes, one set dark gray and the other achingly familiar violet-gold, were peeking over the back of the couch at him. When the two sets of eyes realized that they had been spotted, both disappeared and two pairs of footsteps went thudding away, out of sight. “Dad, dad, dad!!!”
Akutagawa pushed himself upright, coat sliding off. He was shirtless, bandages wrapped securely around his chest—presumably to help with the cracked ribs—but they were not so tight as to restrict his already labored breathing. He pulled his coat around his shoulders as he sat up, Rashomon’s presence an immediate comfort, and the only thing familiar in this moment—until a second, enormous, red-eyed black Rashomon head hove over him from behind the couch.
He turned and saw himself, the two miniature versions of himself and the weretiger hiding safely behind his legs. Akutagawa stared at the children, perplexed, for a moment more, before raising his gaze and meeting his double’s eye.
The other Akutagawa said, “Upstairs, both of you. Now.”
“What?” the tiny Atsushi said. “No! I want to know—”
“You heard your father,” the weretiger’s voice came from out of sight, and after another long look at Akutagawa, both children slunk away.
Akutagawa took a deep breath, heart thudding in his chest like he’d run a marathon. “What the hell is going on,” he croaked, throat and mouth dry as the desert. “Who the hell are you?”
“I think that would be plainly obvious,” his double said shortly. “What’s less obvious is what you are doing here.”
The weretiger entered the room then; he was wearing different clothes from before but otherwise looked completely undamaged. His gait was strange, too; different from what Akutagawa was accustomed to, and it took him a moment to recognize it was that this Atsushi moved with an easy confidence. He wasn’t even bothered that Akutagawa was sitting here. He wasn’t seen as a threat.
Akutagawa hated him.
Atsushi was carrying a tray with tea on it, he set it on the low table in front of Akutagawa. “I made tea,” he announced unnecessarily. Akutagawa did not move, continuing to stare at his own twin, silent. Atsushi slid up beside his other self, but Akutagawa noted he did not present his back once. “Do you remember this happening?” he asked the man he stood beside in a low voice; as if Akutagawa could not hear them speak from this proximity.
His twin shook his head once, sharply, not taking his eyes off Akutagawa. “Not at all.”
“Do you think an ability…?”
“Why are you conversing so casually with the weretiger?” Akutagawa snapped suddenly, eyes alight, interrupting their conversation. “What is he even doing here, and who are those children?”
Atsushi stepped forward, eyes flashing with something he’d never seen in his own weretiger’s eyes. “I’m here because I’m meant to be,” he said, sharply. “The children are not your concern, don’t speak of them.”
“Weretiger,” his other self murmured, admonishing, and Atsushi tilted his head slightly in acknowledgment but didn’t look back.
“He tried to kill me in front of them,” he said, anger brimming brightly in his voice. “They’re going to be sleeping in our bed for a week.”
“Your what?”
Akutagawa watched his other self catch the weretiger’s elbow and pull him back. His touch was clearly a familiar comfort, not even a hair adversarial. It felt wrong to even see it, and Akutagawa shuddered, pulling his coat tighter over his shoulders. “If he’s me,” the other Akutagawa said, voice soft and firm, “he’s not stupid, Atsushi. Go sit with the kids, they need reassurance. Let me talk to him.”
Atsushi sputtered and looked between Akutagawa and his double. The look he shot Akutagawa was one he was familiar with and Rashomon acted without guidance, rippling in a red tinge from his shoulders, prepared for a fight.
Instead of engaging, though, Atsushi looked away. He took a breath, looked the other Akutagawa in the eye, and then walked back the way the children had disappeared. His twin watched Atsushi leave, and when he turned back to face Akutagawa his face was dark.
“You had best come up with a reason for me not to take your head for threatening my family,” his other self said in a low, cold tone.
“Why are you with the enemy?”
“The weretiger has never been our enemy,” his other self walked forward, looking down at Akutagawa with eyes that seemed lighter than his own. “I don’t care if you’ve figured that out for yourself or not; but as I have no memory of this encounter that means you are not my past.” He slid his hands into his pockets and leaned forward, threat written all over his face. “Which also means it will cause my life no harm if I were to allow yours to end.”
Akutagawa rose from the couch, facing his twin, Rashomon looming large from his coat and matching the threat display with one of his own. “Try it,” he urged, voice hoarse. “Shall we fight here, make a mess of this nice little home where you’re kept like a pet?”
His twin’s eyes grew hard. His own Rashomon almost overrode the impulse to do precisely that, but he stood firm. “If you are manifested from an ability, or are here because of one, it will simply take Dazai-san to reverse it,” he said finally. “You don’t want to be here, and we don’t want you here. Can’t we find an accord until this is resolved?”
It was a reasonable enough request, although Akutagawa wasn’t particularly interested in complying. “An accord,” he repeated. “I have no need to agree to anything with you, or with anyone. What benefit do I have to an accord with you?”
“The benefit,” Akutagawa’s twin said, slowly, enunciating, “is that I keep my husband from tearing out your throat for even the shadow of the threat you just posed to our children.”
“You’ve gone soft to not do it yourself,” Akutagawa hissed, Rashomon darting forward to engage—but that tendril was severed by a black as night Rashomon blade; almost faster than he could see. Startled, he took a step back, legs banging into the coffee table and spilling the tea across the tray. 
The other Akutagawa covered the distance between them, coming around the couch quickly. He got his hand in Akutagawa’s coat and their abilities thrummed together. Akutagawa froze, electricity prickling his skin, but his twin didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.
“Make no mistake,” he hissed, “I do not cower behind my weretiger. But I made him a vow, and I keep my word.”
They stared, eye to eye, breathing hard—and then his twin released him, took a step back, and folded his arms. He exhaled a shaky breath before meeting Akutagawa’s eye again. “Besides,” he said, the ghost of a smirk appearing. “I know you do not appreciate it now, but there is something delightful about him covered in someone else’s blood.”
The two Akutagawas stared at each other silently for a long moment as he turned the option over in his head. Finally, Akutagawa folded his arms and looked away. “An accord,” he said. “You shall answer any questions I have, and I shall not bring harm to the children?”
His other self nodded, pose mirrored, arms folded.
The quicker he got out of this absurd situation, the better. “Fine then,” he said. “You have your accord. Take me to Dazai-san.”
This request turned out to be more complicated than he anticipated. “Dazai-san’s phone is off,” Atsushi said, seated across from Akutagawa on the couch and holding his phone in front of him with one hand, irritation plainly evident in his voice. “Again.”
“Chuuya-san just got back from France,” his twin said from across the room. He was standing at the table, supervising the two children working on homework. They kept sneaking furtive glances at Akutagawa, and then looking back to their father. “What did you expect?”
“How is it he’s never around when we need him?”
“Dazai-oji is going to be at the party tonight,” the small version of himself said, his gaze darting from Akutagawa to Atsushi. “We’re still going…right?”
“Absolutely not,” Atsushi said, distracted, at the same time that the other Akutagawa said, “of course we are.”
They crossed gazes, amusingly, and Akutagawa took a sip of his tea, watching the silent conversation composed entirely of glares. Finally, Atsushi sighed, looked back at his phone, and said, “Yes, we’re still going.”
“Party?” Akutagawa enquired, although he didn’t properly care, the question was disruptive enough that it amused him. His tiny self’s head came up immediately.
“It’s a Halloween party,” he said enthusiastically before he could be shushed. “I’m going to be a detective, like father!”
Akutagawa raised an eyebrow. “Ryuu-chan,” Atsushi said in a warning tone, but then the other child’s head came up, holding his pencil in his hand like a weapon.
“And I’m gonna be Zorro! Did you see my sword?”
“I’m gonna show him my sword!” Before he could be interrupted or stopped, the small version of Atsushi went straight over the table and dashed around the corner, striped tail trailing out behind him. Bewildered, Akutagawa looked over to Atsushi, who now had his head in both hands.
Akutagawa wasn’t certain how to phrase the question he wanted to ask, which rarely stopped but before he could the tiny Atsushi known as Acchan had returned, a familiar toy rapier in his hand. He bounded over the back of the couch with ease and sat next to Akutagawa fearlessly, proudly wielding his toy.
Atsushi’s head shot up, and he could see his other self start to move from out of the corner of his eye; as if he intended to remove the child from Akutagawa’s proximity. “See?” Acchan said, showing off the weapon. “It makes a whippy noise if you swing it around real fast but isn’t pointy at all!”
“I…see,” Akutagawa said, dryly, uncertain how to handle this.
“Acchan,” his twin said sharply, and Acchan’s enthusiasm wilted slightly. “If you wish to go to the party this evening, your homework must be completed.”
“Okay,” he mumbled, sliding off the couch cushion and retreating back to the table, sword still in hand.
“Where…?” That wasn’t the question he wanted to ask. Akutagawa inclined his head toward the table, as his other self leaned over and answered a question from Ryuu-chan. “How?”
“An ability,” Atsushi said, correctly interpreting his confusion. “Ranpo-san said it seemed like they were us, brought from another reality. When Dazai-san dispelled the ability, they stayed. So, Ryuu and I…” he shot an undisguised, fond look at the other Akutagawa that made his skin crawl, “we decided to raise them. Make sure they grew up safe and protected from anyone who’d try to use our abilities to do harm.”
Akutagawa turned this over in his head for a moment. He could at least see the weretiger doing this, but himself? Ridiculousness. “And you didn’t at least change their names?”
When the weretiger shrugged at him, he snorted. “Incredible that I would be so taken by you, do you have nothing but fluff between your ears?”
“You’re the one who put a ring on it,” Atsushi said smartly, holding up his left hand, but was distracted when his phone vibrated on his lap. “Oh, good news at least. Dazai-san will be at the party. They just might be late.”
“What’s the over/under on the appropriateness of his costume this year?”
“I don’t take bets with you; we share a bank account.” Atsushi glanced up at Akutagawa, who was watching the conversation with detached interest. “Last year Dazai-san came wearing only bandages,” he explained, and then shook his head. “Most people at least wear shorts under the bandages if they’re dressing as a mummy….”
“Most people also don’t attempt to fling themselves out the fifth-floor window when left to their own devices and the liquor unattended.”
“This is also true.” Atsushi scrolled through his phone for a second, clearly looking for proof that Akutagawa did not request but then got distracted, pulling up a picture and showing the phone to Akutagawa. It was a picture of the children, wearing their school uniforms and standing in front of a gate, looking proud of themselves.
Akutagawa stared at the picture and then looked at Atsushi, who was clearly beaming; and felt a weird twinge. He sat back in his seat, arms folded.
“I’m hungry,” Acchan complained from the table. “When are we gonna eat?”
Atsushi looked across the room at the other Akutagawa, and they did that silent communication thing again. “I forgot,” Atsushi said. “We were supposed to pick up groceries after we were done costume shopping.”
“I mean,” the other Akutagawa said, hands on the back of Ryuu-chan’s chair. “Things did take a turn on us.”
There was a pause, and Acchan said in the most dramatic, horrified, I’m dying voice a child had ever mustered, “No dinner!?”
Akutagawa remained seated on the couch while his twin ordered dinner, Acchan circling his legs like a cat that hadn’t been fed in days. “He would eat us out of house and home if we let him,” Atsushi commented, noticing Akutagawa watching Acchan. “He’s never had sleep for dinner, though he tries to make you believe otherwise.”
That strange twinge again. Akutagawa looked at Atsushi, who was also watching Acchan, a fond, amused look on his face. Acchan had stopped circling Akutagawa, grabbed his toy rapier off the table, and zig-zagged it through the air.
It was, Akutagawa hated to admit, fascinating to watch this dynamic. As much as he loathed the weretiger he could respect that they at least worked well together, but to see that teamwork employed in something as mundane as wrangling kids to clean up for dinner was…something he’d never imagined.
Atsushi walked past, shouting something to the other Akutagawa, who was out of earshot through the kitchen. Now alone, Ryuu-chan took the opportunity to sneak over, staring at Akutagawa all the while.
Akutagawa stared down at this tiny version of himself; well-fed, in clean clothes, groomed and healthy. A proper childhood lay ahead of him, and he felt a small spark of envy for this child.
“Who are you?” Ryuu-chan asked him solemnly, grey eyes sharp.
Akutagawa stared imperiously down at him, but the child didn’t flinch from his gaze. He instead studied Akutagawa closely. “You look just like me and Dad,” he said. “But you’re not his brother, and you have the same ability as us. No one has the exact same ability.”
Akutagawa’s mouth quirked. “So who is it you think I am then, boy?”
“You’re me,” Ryuu-chan said it with no hesitation, a frown on his face while he contemplated this. “But you’re mean, and you made dad bleed.” His green sweater rippled with color, his own Rashomon rising from its threads, and his tiny face twisted, eyes flashing with just a hint of red. “Don’t hurt Dad again.”
“Ryuu-chan!” An enormous black Rashomon head plucked Ryuu-chan up by the sweater, scruffing him like a kitten. His green Rashomon collapsed into his clothing immediately, abashed. “Leave him alone,” his twin said severely, and Ryuu-chan darted another look at Akutagawa before nodding obediently.
Dinner was chaotic and loud, a spectacle all on its own. Akutagawa remained on the couch and observed from afar, a barely touched plate sitting by his knee on the table as he watched the family eat together at the table.
If he so wanted, he could strike at them easily, unguarded as they were. Atsushi’s back was to him, distracted by arguing with the other version of himself. He was more concerned with making sure Acchan didn’t inhale all the food before anyone else had their fair share of the portions; Atsushi said something in aggravation and his twin laughed. It was free and joyful and as unguarded as anything else happening at the moment.
He could strike at them, but he found he didn’t want to.
Akutagawa looked away, down at the portion of food on his plate he hadn’t touched. Atsushi had handed it off to him casually, unafraid, more concerned with the children than their uninvited guest. He despised the weretiger immensely but couldn’t bring himself to act upon it. He had struck an accord with himself, and like the man said he kept to his word. It was the fact that he didn’t want to that disquieted him the most.
Acchan had finished his vacuum cleaner impersonation and emptied the boxes of leftovers and now zeroed in on Akutagawa’s plate. He bounced over to the couch, put his hands on Akutagawa’s knee, and said, “If you’re done, I’ll take your plate!”
“Have at,” Akutagawa said, and Acchan sprung upon it. Atsushi sighed and got up from the table, and Akutagawa looked at him. “Tell me, are you a bottomless pit as well, weretiger?”
“He is,” his twin confirmed. “He just hides it better. Can’t keep anything in the refrigerator overnight, it’ll be gone by morning.”
“Hey,” Atsushi said, insulted. “I have better self-control than that.”
“Do you?” both Akutagawa and his twin said at the same time, and they looked at each other, surprised—his twin exhaled in amusement, while Akutagawa was horrified.
Atsushi ignored them both, touching the top of Acchan’s head. “If you’re so intent on cleaning everyone’s plates, Acchan, you get to do the dishes tonight.”
“Mwha?” Acchan’s dejection was muffled by his mouth full of bread.
“I can wash dishes,” Akutagawa said before he caught himself. Atsushi looked at him, startled, but Acchan put both his hands in the air, victorious.
“Yes! Thank you, ‘niisan!” Acchan ran his plate into the kitchen and disappeared up the stairs, presumably to get changed into his costume.
Akutagawa awkwardly stood in the kitchen with his twin, still entirely confused as to why he volunteered for this. He didn’t end up doing the washing but drying instead, while Atsushi stepped away to supervise the children changing into their costumes.
“Is it always like this?” he asked finally, tone strangely subdued. He didn’t know what this was, but when he looked up from drying the plate in his hands it was to his own face, looking softly amused.
“Never a dull moment,” his twin said, with a fond tinge to his tone that Akutagawa didn’t recognize, as he’d never used it. He rinsed another plate and handed it to Akutagawa. “I hope one day you’ll find your own peace, with the weretiger or otherwise. It is hard to achieve, but it’s worth it.”
Akutagawa shook his head, still drying the plate and refusing to look at him. “It’s nothing someone like me deserves.”
“Maybe not.” Akutagawa’s other self turned off the faucet, draining the sink. “But those kids deserve safety and security. I can’t atone for everything I’ve done, but I can be a better person for them.”
Akutagawa finished drying the drinkware as his twin left to go change as well, leaving him alone in their house for the first time since he’d arrived. Akutagawa lined the cups on the counter and stared at them for a moment; four different cups, two hardy plastic and two dinged but well-used glasses.
He looked around the kitchen, at the appliances and cupboards; scuffs and dents, a small chunk of plaster missing from the drywall around child-height, a faded scorch mark on the wall behind the stove.
Then he folded the dishtowel he’d been using for drying over the edge of the sink and returned to the main room.
Acchan was already there waiting, in a cape and a mask on his face, wearing a large-brimmed hat with a rakish tilt. “Look,” he said, drawing his toy sword from the red sash around his waist and flicking it around in the air, before jumping on the couch.
Rashomon reacted before Akutagawa did; but instead of tendrils darting out to skewer, they were blunted, batting at the toy sword, giving Acchan something to fence. “Acchan!” Atsushi yelled, seeing Rashomon’s movement—but halted just around the corner, a hat in both hands. Akutagawa looked at him impassively, allowing Rashomon to collapse back into his coat, and Atsushi squeezed the hat, giving Akutagawa a long look.
“Dad, you’re yelling a lot tonight,” Acchan said, one hand on the back of the couch, feet firmly on the cushions.
“Yeah, well, you know you’re not supposed to jump on the furniture,” Atsushi said, waving the Stetson at him like he was a misbehaving farm animal. “Come on, leave him alone, we’re almost ready.”
“But ‘niisan doesn’t have a costume,” Acchan protested.
“I do,” Akutagawa said dryly. When Acchan looked back at him, eyes wide, Akutagawa tugged on his collar, making it stand up properly. “I’m a mafioso.”
“Chuuya-oji is a mafioso,” Acchan said dismissively. “That’s not a costume.” Atsushi choked, covering his mouth with one hand to not laugh out loud and ignoring Akutagawa’s glare as he moved past. “Oh! I know!”
Acchan disappeared back the way he’d come as Ryuu-chan and his father emerged from the stairwell. Ryuu-chan was wearing an Inverness cape and a deerstalker, clutching a comically large magnifying glass; while Akutagawa’s twin was wearing a dark cape with purple lining over regular clothing and a tall, soft-looking floppy hat with a wide brim.
“Wizard?” Akutagawa asked, and Ryuu-chan shook his head negatively.
“Father’s a witch,” he said forcefully, and his twin gave Akutagawa a pained look, having clearly been through this many times.
Acchan tumbled down the stairs behind them, a blur of motion and holding aloft something in one hand. “Here, here!” he said, waving it before Akutagawa could identify the object. “You can be a vampire since you look like one already!”
The other Akutagawa covered his mouth and started coughing obnoxiously loud, clearly trying to stifle straight-up laughter. Akutagawa ignored him as Acchan deposited the item, now revealed to be a set of flimsy plastic fangs, into Akutagawa’s open hand.
“You know,” he said, pointing at his twin, “he used to dress like me.”
Acchan turned to his father, eyes wide. “Really?”
“Well, duh,” Ryuu-chan said. “We have pictures, ‘niisan.”
This response did not in fact help clear up the other Akutagawa’s coughing fit. Atsushi reappeared, now wearing the cowboy hat he’d been carrying and looking a goddamn ridiculous sight in his fringed vest and chaps. “You okay?” he asked, clearly concerned at the other Akutagawa’s coughing fit, and touched the small of his back. His twin nodded, finally getting his reaction under control.
They seemed to have decided that Akutagawa posed them no threat, as they walked in front of him. Rashomon had emerged from his twin’s cape, loosely wrapped around Acchan’s chest like a harness since he wasn’t interested in holding hands, and instead ran ahead, sword at the ready.
Atsushi and the other Akutagawa walked hand in hand, and Ryuu-chan held Atsushi’s other hand. They looked just like any family out for Halloween; dressed up in costumes and keeping track of excited kids, and they were holding hands. Akutagawa kept staring at that casual touch and wondering why it made his throat ache.
It didn’t matter why it made his throat ache.
They’d meet Dazai-san at this party, Dazai-san would negate this ability that was affecting him, and he would be home. It would soon be over, and this weird little family could go on and he could forget this ever happened, ascribe it to a bad dream, and move on with his life.
Akutagawa stopped walking.
Neither Atsushi nor the other Akutagawa seemed to realize, talking quietly with each other, in their own little world. Ryuu-chan noticed, though—he looked over his shoulder at Akutagawa, but didn’t say anything to his father. He waved his free hand, and Akutagawa found himself raising his own hand in acknowledgment, as the small family turned the corner and walked out of sight.
The park that overlooked the bay wasn’t that busy after dark, which was fine. It was Halloween, there were events all over the city, it kept people busy and indoors, out of this frigid night air. Akutagawa folded his arms and looked out across the water, waves choppy.
He didn’t know what he wanted, now. He wanted none of this, but the way it felt like the first clean breath of air after drowning for so long kept haunting him. This wasn’t meant for someone like him, it never would be.
Akutagawa sat on a park bench and wondered if his absence had finally been noticed. Would they look for him? Or had he already been forgotten, the fragment of another life already lost?
He folded his arms, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.
“Did you sleep out here?”
Akutagawa opened his gummy eyes to see Atsushi standing in front of him, looking disgusted. He had both his hands on his hips and that accursed belt was jaunted out at an angle as if it were telegraphing its wearer’s emotions. Akutagawa blinked at him and scowled, then turned his head and coughed.
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on my accommodations, weretiger,” he said, folding his arms again.
“Yeah, and I thought you weren’t a bum that slept on the streets,” Atsushi snapped back. “What the hell are you doing out here, anyway?” He paused, the irritation dropping from his voice for a moment, the concern he carried for others emerging. “Is everything…okay?”
Akutagawa’s eyes darted to his hands, but he was wearing his fingerless gloves. Akutagawa exhaled and slid forward on the bench, standing and refusing to let show how stiff he was. “I just had the strangest dream, is all,” he said. “It was a peaceful world. You weren’t in it.”
“Oh ha ha,” Atsushi said, but there was still concern in his golden-violet eyes. “Are you sure that you’re okay, Akutagawa?”
Akutagawa slid his hands into his pockets and managed to maintain his neutral expression when one touched a set of plastic fangs. Surprised, he curled his hand around them and rubbed his thumb over the blunted plastic point of a tooth, before letting out a vocal scoff.
“Don’t waste your concern on me,” he said, tilting his head back. “There are more important things for you to worry about, weretiger.”
Akutagawa glanced out at the pink-grey skies over the water, hand still clasped tight around the plastic toy, and headed home.
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velvetures · 10 months
Vulnerable pt.1?
A/N: A not-so-little thing I've had for a few weeks, and wanted to see if a part two was something anyone would be interested in reading. If so, please let me know. Summary: You try and get Ghost to relax after a harsh mission and find a bit of a quiet moment. T/W: not proofread :)
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Bad intel led to you and your Lieutenant being nearly hunted down and killed by a not-so-small group of arms dealers who caught on quickly to the pair of foreigners lingering just a little bit too close to their sheltered storage garage right in the middle of a market district in the South East. The task force assumed sending in an entire squad would be overkill just for some simple recon information and decided that you and Ghost would be the perfect pair for the job. ‘In and Out…’ Price had said quite offhandedly, sliding the prepared information in two files across the table to you. Only Price’s sources hadn’t double-checked if the area was secure enough for them to enter without full backup on standby. Not necessarily a lethal kind of mistake when bringing you and the Lieutenant into the equation, but there were too many close calls and stray bullets that were clearly heard for either of you to feel super confident in getting away unscathed.
Your only savior was a small farmhouse that had been recently abandoned due to the illegal and dangerous activity that had been surrounding the small city. Modest in size with two bedrooms and running water. Perfect for a makeshift safe house to keep the trackers off your asses until an extraction could be arranged and put into motion. Contrary to belief, the 141 didn’t have the bottomless pit of resources everyone believed they had at their disposal. Which included access to evac and trained air-support teams. This wasn’t a big mission that had a lot of working parts and multiple organizations involved that had enough liquidated funds to through out for a helo and heavy gunners to rescue two operators from the middle of who-the-fuck-knows-where.
That means with busted equipment, inoperable comms, hardly enough ammunition to fight out of a wet paper bag, and zero way of knowing when and if you’d be rescued, there was nothing left to do but try and relax in one of the most difficult predicaments. It left you searching through cabinets for maybe some kind of food to keep the both of you while Ghost did one of his favorite things. Pacing the house from window to window looking for the slightest bit of movement. The trouble being, there wasn’t anything for at least two miles in any direction. The people who owned this place were farmers of some sort, and had placed their home right in the middle of crop fields that gave a very advantageous sightline. While that information gave you quite a bit of comfort, it was not effecting Ghost positively in the slightest.
Your relationship with the Lieutenant was complex, to say the least. When you were first introduced it was for a succession of short co-op missions that were nothing if not brief and very impersonal leaving you with more questions than answers about the man who stayed hidden under the mask. Through some talks that you hadn’t been privy to being in the room for, John Price decided that your skills would be more useful to Task Force 141 than for the U.S. Division of Clandestine Service and offered you a position that you couldn’t possibly decline.
By day-in and day-out contact with Ghost, you got a lot more comfortable with him and learned much of his little idiosyncratic behaviors. Maybe a little too well…. He didn’t particularly act much differently towards you in the grand scheme of things, but something in you felt like trust had been developed to where he could depend on you when the situation called for it.
“Go hit the rack, I’ll take first watch.” He called gruffly from the living room where he had moved a chair from the kitchen to sit facing the front door head on with his MP5 resting lazily on his chest.
You couldn’t help but notice just how damn tired he looked under all that gear and through the black smeared around his eyes. He couldn’t be carrying less than one hundred pounds on him right now; even sitting in that chair with it wasn’t a good enough solution. Let you take a moment or two for yourself, stripping out of your tac vest and heavily weighted gear to drop it on top of the kitchen counter with a little grunt. Two days ago you both got the luxury of sleeping, and since then it’s been nothing but being on the run.
This would be the safest place for you that wasn’t in the belly of an evac bird, and the thought of Ghost not taking the time to sleep sat in your mind like a lead sinker. Leaning against the doorway and watching him for a long moment, you start having thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Ones that normally wouldn’t surface if you’d been able to separate working with Ghost from the more personal aspect of literally sharing almost every part of your life with him. Thoughts about how you could make him feel better… even if just for the night. That no one was around for miles and whatever happened could safely stay between the pair of you.
By utter carelessness of your position with the team or lack of fear about how the Lieutenant might respond, you walk into the living room and kneel down right in front of him with your fingers reaching out to unlace his dusty boots. Off instinct alone, you expected and watched as his foot flinched away from you. His whole body jumps and stiffens at the contact and sight of you kneeling on the floor. He quickly pauses and collects himself, taking several moments before his gravelly voice breaks the silence.
“What’re you doin’ Sergeant?” His eyes grew heavy and showed more expression than the rest of his massive body as they flashed with confusion and a little swell of anger. That aloofness didn’t hide that slight guardedness of something that made him uncomfortable in one way or another.
“I’m perfectly capable of takin’ care of my fuckin’ self.” He adds with zero discernible sign of either offense or gratitude. You can’t help but smile tiredly, feeling like you’re attempting to soothe a feral wolf into letting you pull it’s paw out of trap.
“I never said you couldn’t L.T.,” You reply gently, reaching back to start unhooking the laces from their claws on his left foot. “Just thought you couldn’t use some affection.” Smirking to yourself, you can’t help but think something this small being considered ‘affection’ didn’t fit anyone save for Ghost. He was just too hard to approach. Walls so thick and tall that it would take someone with patience beyond that of a human to break through and see what rested behind all of that brash posturing and icy disposition.
“You know affection is something I’m averse to,” he utters, watching yet making no effort to stop you. “What you’re doin’ is unnecessary.” A small sound close to a growl escapes from behind the mask when my hand reaches to the back of his leg to help aid my effort of pulling his boot off.
Chuckling softly and sitting the boot down at your side you respond, “I know you don’t like affection,” You’re already working on the other one, purposefully moving slowly as not to overwhelm or spook him. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it, L.T..” You can’t help but look up at him almost exhaustedly yet still trying to be reassuring.
“M’fine without it.” He spits out quickly, looking away from your face back down to your progress on the laces, his masked face otherwise unreadable. “Didn’t ask you for this shit, Sergeant.” Tinged with an undercurrent of irritation his deep voice sounds near the bridge of turning to anger.
“Mothering me isn’t in your best interest.” He growls low and threateningly in your face as he bends down to grab the boot sitting next to you and giving it a quick look of observation before sitting it back down closer to him. You just finish taking off his other boot and sit it down next to the other without much more of a verbal fight and put a hand on his thigh to steady your sore legs as you get back up to your feet.
“I’m younger than you Ghost, I can’t mother you.” You reply, holding out your hand for him.
He doesn’t make note or stop you from using him to help yourself up, however, Ghost follows your movements carefully… closely. He’s doing everything in his power to hide his emotions, but there’s still a faint twitch of his lips when he looks down at his boots sitting at his side. You’d done something very unusual, and he knew berating you was what he should’ve done. Yet a flinch of a smile was what really moved Ghost’s mouth. It’s gone before it even surfaces, pushed down by the sight. of you holding out your little hand in front of him. The sounds of his deep breathing fill the quiet house as you both sit there unflinching of each other. The Lieutenant shifts in his chair, readjusting his rifle on his chest.
“Go to bed. It’s late.” His repeated command felt softer now. Wavering a bit with you hand still held out and your fingers wiggling a little.
“Come on,” You hold steady and patient.
Reward comes in the form of feeling Ghost’s heavy and large hand falling into yours and gripping just hard enough to allow you the phantom sensation that you’re actually helping him up from the chair, hearing a short grunt as his back straightens up. Without explanation, you lead the Lieutenant through the small house back towards the only bedroom in the house with an actual bed left behind by the owners, pulling him to the center of the room and turning around to face him.
“Put your arms up for me.”
“Excuse me?” Ghost’s frown can be heard from behind the mask. Despite his apparent bewilderment, he hesitantly obeys, extending his arms above his head with an exhale of a tense breath, looking down at you with dark and questioning eyes. “What are you doing now?”
You just smile and hum to yourself softly, reaching out to begin unclipping and unzipping the sections of his tac vest holding it on his upper body and the multiple ammo belts. Carefully draping them over you shoulder as you release his body from them one by one. Seeing the way Ghost’s body sinks into itself with the weight being pulled off after days without rest. You feel his eyes scan over you, over your hands finding ways to take off his gear for the first time in your life, feeling your way through sunch an unusual yet careful act.
“Bein’ fuckin’ ridiculous…” He growls, covering up the feelings of not being so concealed by barking at you a little.
“Shhh.” Your hush does enough to stop his quiet and brooding complaints.
Long enough for you to kneel back down at his feet and work at the thigh straps over his pants and even remove the ankle holster you’d left alone while taking off his boots. He doesn’t resist this part, just watching you undress him bit by bit with half a mind questioning just what had happened for you to start acting so strangely. You’d always been sweet. Much nicer than your job allowed for. Yet even this was quite off the edge of the character Ghost had built for you over the years. This felt downright intimate for just two operators to be doing.
Then again your shared situation wasn’t exactly one of professionalism at this point. You’d been improvising for nearly a full day just trying to stay alive. Once back on your feet, you take hold of his hand again, this time with a little less caution since you’d already touched him there, and begin pulling at the fingertips to slide his sand and dirt-cakes gloves off. Even seeing his bare skin under his gloves be seen in the dim lamplight of the house, Ghost doesn’t do more than flex his fingers once you’ve rid him of the stiff material.
Purposefully avoiding his mask, you get Ghost down to nothing more than boxers and a t-shirt, even with his help at certain parts without him growling more or acting like you were irritating him. While he still gave off a feeling of all-around grumpiness and more than a little confused as hell, you paid it no mind as you led him towards the edge of the bed and pointed to it with a short yet polite command for him to ’sit’. Right away you noticed his hesitation and the way that his shoulders and arms tensed, his attention solely on you, flashing between your eyes and mouth like he was trying to reassure himself that he’d heard you correctly. But with one small tug on his hand, he turns around and sits on the bed with his feet resting on the floor and his arms braced on both sides of him a little stiffly.
“Now what?” His voice held a bit of rasp to it as he tracked your movement from his side, seeing you climb up into the bed and position yourself on your knees behind him. The close proximity didn’t go unnoticed by the Lieutenant as he cleared his throat, once again interrupting the calm silence in the house. His tension filled the small space between you, heating the gap of air, almost electrifying it.
“Just relax Ghost.” Easily touching his shoulders, you begin working your palms flat against the slopes of his muscled neck.
Purposefully but gently rubbing at the stiff cords of muscle and introducing the sensation to him as easily as possible in the case that it was a bit too overwhelming for him all at once. You knew you’d pushed the boundaries with him much further past anything you’d expected to achieve in one night. But now that he was sitting here in front of you, it was hard not to smile brightly that he was trusting you so much. Allowing your hands to be on him. Accepting that you had positioned the both of you in a very vulnerable position that could lead to a lot more violent options than affectionate ones. Torture and nightmares had given more than a fair share to Ghost, yet he was patiently staving off his own clear hesitation so that you could play out whatever this was turning out to be.
Your command went unacknowledged just like all of Ghost’s from earlier had; His breathing steadily slowing down into a deep and rich, relaxed sort of rhythm. Power of your hands and calming attitude worked faster than you anticipated, leaving the massive man sitting between your thighs begin to release. Tension falling out of his body not only under your hands but by sight of his jaw loosening. You’re even lucky enough to spot him trying to take glances at you from the corner of his eye, only to look back ahead since you were in quite the blindspot. Taking your thumbs in a sweeping motion from the edges of his shoulders inward, you apply pressure on the back of his neck and experimentally reach higher up under the hem of his mask. A dangerous game to play. Rumbling sounds of appreciation filling your ears are better than any sort of medal you could earn or bet you’d ever cash in. His head rolls back slightly with each small circle of your thumbs and fingers, pushing against you. Silently asking for more pressure.
“Feel good?” You ask at just a whisper, not wanting to disturb the warm sort of feeling the room has right now by speaking too loud.
Under the safety of his mask, Ghost’s mouth curves into a smile hearing you. He rolls his head back again, arching slightly to accommodate your small hands struggling to find good purchase to keep working at the intensity he’d been hinting at. A much less controllable sound escapes his mouth when you begin working at a very sore spot he didn’t even know was present right at the base of his skull.
“Keep going,” His sleepy-sounding mutter makes your chest ache.
Grinning at the feeling of his harsh accent and sudden domestication you work away diligently down his back carefully and methodically so as to not miss a single thing. And while it’s not necessarily going to help him much, you go ahead and use your fingernails to gently scratch up and down. It’s then a groan interrupts your focus and you see Ghost shift on the edge of the bed. Believing you’d found the end of your time, you leaned back on your heels and expected him to get up and leave you in the bedroom alone. Watching him tug at his t-shirt and pull it over his head to toss it somewhere across the room was how you were told that Ghost did indeed want more. Only his shirt was getting in the way of something he wasn’t getting.
Hearing him give a deep sigh when your fingertips returned to his now bared skin gave you a rush of adrenaline and nearly caused you to wiggle happily that you’d been able to share this with Ghost. He leans back into you a little more, letting your hands and arms take more of the weight as he groans out;
“You’ve done this before.”
“Yeah, but not for a long time.” You answer, eyes smoothing over the muscles rippling as your hands work at them.
“You’re good,” He grunts, closing his eyes and zeroing in on how to focus his attention between your small hands working so efficiently and the conversation he’d begun. “How’d you get so good at it?” His head turns a little, trying to get at least one good look at you. He keeps shifting now, allowing him to keep you just in the edge of his periphery.
“Had a good teacher for a few years,” You answer, working in tight circles over a large ball of muscle fibers all collected just at the edge of his shoulder blade, earning another growling sound from the Lieutenant.
“Teacher? When?” He asks, giving a slow release of a deep breath giving a short indication that the muscle you’d been working to release was getting a bit uncomfortable. Pulling back for a moment just to give him and your hands a break, you hear him make a noise then lean back a little further, pressing his back against you almost like a dog wanting to be pet more.
“Don’t stop.” He requests in a husky tone. You chuckle aloud, returning your hands and taking a less aggressive approach by smoothing your palms over him in less-than-planned patterns, just enjoying feeling his tattooed and scarred skin under your hands as you think about how to answer him.
“A woman in London taught me,” you start, using your nails again on his skin softly. “In the year or so between my U.S. military discharge and acceptance into the task force with you.” You see the effect of your touch on Ghost as it takes him longer to respond and the way he keeps leaning more and more weight back into you, unable to keep himself from subconsciously trying to get closer. Wanting more whether he’d ever admit it or not. There’s no mistaking it between either of you, he’s enjoying this.
“I assume she was special to you.”
It was your neighbor just across the hallway from you. An older woman named Sarah. Eccentric in modern times, you’d always believed she must’ve been a force to be reckoned with when she wasn’t hindered by an aging body and an even more ailing mind. A massage therapist by trade, and a pianist by heart there wasn’t much that Sarah could accomplish without someone helping her once she became limited in movement living on the eighth floor of the apartment building you shared. Back then you didn’t have much in the way of contacts after leaving the country, and it led to a friendship with the old woman living across from you. Sharing stories, eating dinner together, grocery shopping together when she felt like going out, and trading some skills between each other. After telling Ghost this much with your fingers tracing out letters and shapes over his back, you can sense he’s listening carefully. And Ghost is feeling a slight fuzzy sensation building in the back of his brain, spreading out in a warm wave down to his fingertips and toes.
“She taught me massage since at the time I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my life.” Your head falls to the side, examining how the lamplight shines on ghost and deepens the already significant definition in his physique.
Ghost falls against you even more, and this time he lets his head fall back against you. Trying to counterbalance his weight and keep both of you from falling backwards with just him limp he’s becoming, you wrap on arm around his neck and hold his head in the bend of your arm. He gives another sigh, and settles against you heavily. He. looks at you in silence out of the corner of his eye listening to your explanation.
“Why was she your only friend?” You can’t help but chuckle at his question, resting your chin on his opposite shoulder and bringing your other arm under his to begin scratching and rubbing at his chest, feeling deep and puckered scars littering nearly every inch of him.
“I didn’t know anyone else. And you know me well enough to know that I’m not exactly extroverted.” You smile, tracing lightly up and down his well-defined arm. Ghost couldn’t be more comfortable laid against you.
“Sorry to hear that.” His voice low and husky with his mouth so close to your ear. “She must call or ask about you…”
You shake your head. “No. She died just before I joined you all. Her mind was… failing her. And there was some kind of accident in the middle of the night The police told me she was likely trying to get to the bathroom and fell. She apparently died on impact… they didn’t say what, but I think her head hit something.” You explain quietly. “And you and I both know that means lights out. So she didn’t suffer.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he answers as softly as he can manage after hearing the darker part of your happy memories. “How did it become… intimate, like this?” He asks, nodding to the way you were leaned up against his back with your hand tracing over every inch of him that you could reach. The longer you’ve both let this go, the more boundaries get pushed further out of reach, making it hard for either of you to really know where it could end.
You smile with a blush creeping up your neck onto your cheeks, thankful you’re somewhat hidden out of sight. “This isn’t really what she taught me,” You mutter a bit quiet. “When i was massaging you… yes. That I got taught. But this, it’s… just me.”
Out of your sight Ghost’s face flushes slightly as well, his cheeks a warm rose-color. You’re touching him in a way that he’d never expected. But hearing that you’re not just doing it for… relaxation, it’s a heavy but welcome thought. And Ghost can’t help that his body reacts to it with chills raising all over his skin despite the house being perfectly warm. He lets out a deep breath focusing on your words, repeating him over just to ensure that you’re not saying it one way and him interpreting it differently due to your hands being all over him, making him feel so good. Mind racing, heart pounding, he truly realizes just how vulnerable he is under you at this moment.
“I can stop if you’d like?” You offer, preparing to move away from him.
“No,” His hoarse voice gives away his sudden dry mouth. No matter how much your touch is affecting his body, he’s not willing to stop you right now. You’ve crossed into a level of trust that he can’t think to make you abide by anymore. It’s a foreign feeling for him, but he wants to push through it. Hoping he can feel more of you if he just holds on a little longer to this.
“Don’t stop."
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dark-frosted-heart · 25 days
The Owl’s Sweet Judgment - Matias
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Matias and I were lovers…
Matias: So this is your home…
After having a fun date with him while he visited Rhodolite, I dragged Prince Matias to my house.
While he was distracted by my room, I locked the door and peeked out the window.
(No one’s following us. That’s good…)
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Matias: A woman’s room should smell nice. ……Ahhhh, it’s better than I imagined.
(Just what were you imagining…You know what, let’s not think about that)
Emma: Since you’re here, I’ll go prepare some tea.
Matias: I’ll help.
Emma: No, don’t worry about it. I’m the one who dragged you to my home.
Matias: I see... Then I’ll take you up on the offer.
Even though I was treating him, Prince Matias followed me to the kitchen.
It was like he didn’t even think about making himself at home, and his earnestness had me smiling.
Emma: As you might expect, this is rose tea.
Matias: Rhodolite even uses roses for tea? You’re very consistent.
Emma: We’re the Country of Roses. It’s delicious.
(I’ve never seen it in Achroite so I’m sure this is the first time Prince Matias has been offered this drink)
After retrieving the tea set from the shelf, I started preparing the tea.
Meanwhile, Prince Matias just stood and watched.
Emma: …Isn’t this boring?
Matias: Not at all.Your every movement has my interest. Moreover, should you spill the tea and stain your clothes, I’ll need to take action. Or perhaps you’ll need my help retrieving equipment from a high place. I’ve fantasized about such situations happening and I’m confident in my ability to deal with those incidents.
Emma: That’s promising.
(...Just how many ideas unfold in Prince Matias’ mind?)
There were 100 questions I could’ve asked, but I kept them to myself.
Matias: By the way, why did you invite me to your home? That wasn’t part of our plans…
Emma: I’m sorry…There wasn’t a particular reason, I just suddenly felt like wanting you all to myself.
Matias: You always have me. I only have eyes for you.
Emma: I don’t want to get too greedy.
(Prince Matias really hasn’t noticed)
While we were walking around town, all the women we passed by would turn and look at Prince Matias.
They were like butterflies lured by sweet nectar—
It seemed like the tremendous amount of charm Prince Matias unconsciously gave off affected women left and right. 
(I had no choice but to escape because his charm was turned up more than usual)
I didn’t want other women to share the same experience of having my heart race and body heating up, and feeling charmed just by being around him.
That selfish pettiness what brought us to our current situation.
(...I lied, but I don’t want him to know my true feelings)
Matias: …Sorry.
I took out the necessary amount of tea leaves and was about to put the jar back on the shelf when Prince Matias, who was standing beside me, grabbed my hand.
Matias: I always thought I was focusing my efforts on conveying my love, but… I guess I haven’t been doing enough to make you greedy for me.
Matias pressed his lips on the back of my hand and his sex appeal was unleashed with a bang.
(And here I was thinking about going outside again when this overflowing sex appeal settled down)
He nipped at my index finger and the charm increased in proportion to my racing heartbeat.
(This is dangerous…Very dangerous!)
Emma: Prince Matias, you show your love well…Really well.
Matias: Is that so? I was considering unleashing the rest.
(The rest?! This wasn’t all?!)
Emma: Don’t do that or I’ll die!
Matias: Wha…You’ll die?!
Emma: That’s right, people die when they get too excited!
(I haven’t actually heard about that being a cause of death, but…!)\
It wasn’t a lie, and it could happen if Prince Matias’s villainous sex appeal grew stronger.
Matias: Is that so? I wasn’t aware. I need to show how I love you without making you worry…That’s truly a challenge.
(I’m sorry, Prince Matias)
Instead of apologizing, I wrapped my arms around Prince Matias’ waist and hugged him.
Since he was a former soldier, it was obvious his body was well-trained, even with all those clothes.
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Matias: Can I hug you back?
Emma: Of course.
When I nodded, Prince Matias gently wrapped his arm around me as if holding a fragile item.
Matias: You’re still so small… But I think you’re hiding something in this small body of yours.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: What exactly are you hiding?
Emma: I’m not h-hiding anything—
As I looked away, Prince Matias played with my hair.
Matias: Since we entered your house, you’ve been acting suspicious and haven’t stopped looking around. That’s usually how liars react.
Emma: …
Matias: If you’ve been lying in any way, then you’d be guilty of fraud. Are you really not hiding anything from me?
He placed kisses on the ends of my hair and I got dizzy from the sensuality that reaped my sanity.
(It’s not good…I can’t hide it)
(I wasn’t planning on saying anything…)
Emma: …I really want to have you all to myself. I couldn’t stand the suggestive looks you got from the people we passed by…
Matias: That happened?
Emma: It did.
Matias: Is that so? I didn’t notice. I was only looking at you.
(This guy…)
Matias: No wonder you’ve been acting strange the whole day.
Emma: …Are you disgusted?
Matias: Why would I?
Emma: I thought I was acting petty…
Matias: Really? If you call that being petty then I’d like you to be more petty. So much that there’s no place for anyone but me.
Emma: Prince Matias…
It was like that sincere smile before me saved me.
Matias: …However, fraud is fraud.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: You lied by hiding your true feelings, didn’t you? I’m the Guardian of Law…Therefore I need to punish you impartially.
Sweet, dewy eyes the color of shadow on snow, completely different from those aimed at criminals, approached and I closed my eyes.
The sensation of the savory kiss and feeling of his palms caressing my waist added on to the suffocating charm.
(...I’m going to melt like ice)
Matias held me up as I was about to collapse.
The wet sensation on my lips raised my body heat a bit more.
Emma: It’s a punishment…but it’s very sweet.
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Matias: You’re special.
(Ah…I’m feeling more intolerant)
(With Prince Matias, there’s no limits…)
It doesn’t seem like we’ll be leaving my house any time soon because of the Guardian of Law’s sweet judgment.
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haikyu-mp4 · 16 days
Sly foxes
word count; 950 – f!reader
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Not usually favouring sports, you’re in the journalism club to make use of your great eye for design and writing. After watching one of your school’s volleyball team’s official games last season, you took notice of the boring brochures they handed out with the players’ information. You hadn’t yet chosen what to do for your project this semester and decided to lend your talents to making a better representation of the team’s charms and talents. What you didn’t expect to get out of the project was a date.
You received permission from their coach and captain and set up some equipment to take your photos in a room adjacent to the gym during practice. Hopefully, you can encourage them all to pose confidently. In order to not disturb their whole practice, you ask one grade to join you at a time, starting with the first-years and ending with the third-years. Good luck!
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Honestly, the coach was the least of your concerns going into this project. Everyone knew that Inarizaki’s volleyball team’s biggest defence was their captain, Kita Shinsuke.
You met with him for a lunch period, giving him a detailed explanation of your project and how you would like to proceed with it. He gave you some suggestions and rules, also making sure you knew that they couldn’t spent too much time on it.
Kita really liked how detailed you were and how you clearly came prepared to meet with him. You arrived at the precise agreed time and spent even less time than he expected, despite including all the necessary details. After he gave his two cents, he happily approved the project and asked you to spend the rest of the lunch period with him. Of course, you wouldn’t say no after he so kindly approved your project, but that wasn’t your only motivation. Their captain is really quite pretty up close.
D-day arrived and you started off with the first-years just like planned. Most of them were very sweet and seemed to appreciate a bit of attention even though they weren’t starting players. The problem arose when you got to the second-years. The ones Kita warned you about, even though he didn’t have to. You definitely heard of the Miya twins before.
Starting with Atsumu. “Yer taking up my practice time, pretty. Better make it worth my time.”
“I can skip you if you want, leave you out of the brochure,” you answered, not giving him much of a reaction. He begrudgingly posed for you and tried to casually flex his muscles, definitely not giving up on his first try of charming you. Still, to no avail.
Then there was Osamu. He was nice enough, trying to ask you about food you like, to which you answered normally. It was disturbing the picture taking and you wanted to stay on schedule. Unfortunately, the food talk made his stomach growl, so he ended up blushing and giving up his attempt so he could finally finish and leave to get a snack.
After the twins, you tried your best with Suna. When walking past you, he ghosted a hand over your hip as if on accident, and leaned down so he didn’t need to speak too loud. “How do you want me?” he asked, hoping to send some chills down your spine when his deep voice hit your ear, breath curling around it. You pointed to his spot and asked him casually to look like an intimidating middle blocker. Kita gave you a rundown of the positions beforehand.
“You look a little… bored,” you said with a careful smile, hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way. Suna deadpanned and sighed, realising his flirting didn’t work on you and he just couldn’t be bothered putting in too much work. So he sharpened his eyes and got the photoshoot over with, complaining to Atsumu about how stale you were and he totally agreed.
The rest had realised by then that there was no getting to you, and they all decided the bet was off. Yes, the second-years bet on who you would be most charmed by.
That’s why you sighed with relief when you got to the third-years. Kita smiled softly and patted your shoulder, reassuring you that your process was well planned and executed, which in turn means the result will be as well.
All the pictures came out really good, though you did have a special vision for Kita’s that made them your biased favourites. He had his jacket resting over his shoulders and you and Akagi agreed he looked pretty cool. After packing up your stuff and going back into the gym, you turn to the team with Kita by your side. “Everyone, please thank y/n for the effort. I’m sure this will help us show off our best sides at nationals,” he said, looking at you while your cheeks flushed red from his compliments. The team all bowed, but the second-years looked at you and their captain with a suspicious squint.
“Thank you guys for your cooperation! And thank you, Kita, for allowing it,” you said, bowing to the captain and then the team before finally taking your leave.
“Did Kita just smile at her?” Atsumu whispered in shock.
“Did she blush? He just said thanks?” Suna whispered with disbelief.
“What just happened?” Ginjima threw in there.
Aran huffed a laugh and hit Suna hard on the back, as he stood the closest. “What, you guys don’t think our captain has game?”
Kita had already asked to take you out for tea outside of school and looked forward to your date this weekend. The second years might just have gained even more respect for their captain.
the Flyer Series ║ masterlist
/taglist: @cottonlemonade @dira333 @cosmiicdust
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