#he walked so blaze from love is blind could run
cxhleel108 · 8 months
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Oh y’all ain’t know a bitch plays Romance Club too did ya? I’m making a Deshawn appreciation post because he’s prolly my favorite RC LI so far. Baby they ATE with him like this man is too fine, too sweet, too sexy, too intelligent, too uughhjbffjkhg
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fawnindawn · 2 months
even at our worst, we know we'll still be okay (luke castellan x apollo fem! reader)
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summary: Where Percy's insistent pestering forces Luke to rethink on his possibly not platonic feelings for you, his best friend, and Percy's questions are answered for him with Luke's reaction to you being heavily injured on your return from your quest.
pairing: luke castellan x apollo fem! reader
a/n: i'm actually in love with this, maybe it's just the friends-to-lovers in me (where a love confession happens because one of them was near death's door-) but man.. also, i love including percy so much he's such a kid.
masterlist for this series next
"Face it, man. You're whipped."
Percy watched Luke choke on his water, coughing as he tried to swallow past the sudden accusation. Wiping at the excess that dripped past his chin, Luke raised a brow at Percy.
"Whipped? For who?" Luke questioned, eyes averting and staring straight ahead, beyond the training grounds towards the meadows in the distance, seemingly searching for something or just doing a poor job at avoiding Percy’s unimpressed stare.
“I’m not blind, as much as Annabeth claims, to this...love stuff.” Percy huffed, half in exasperation and half in exhaustion as he leaned forward using his sword to balance himself. “You’ve been depressed ever since she left for her quest.”
Luke doesn’t need to hear your name to know who Percy was referring to. It’s been weeks since you were chosen by your father, Apollo, to descend on some mighty quest to fetch back his lyre that had been stolen. It wasn’t supposed to be a dangerous quest, but Luke had felt his gut sinking when he first heard the news from you.
“Why does he need to send you out there, where you could possibly be tracked down by monsters to get back a musical instrument of all things?” Luke snapped, exasperated as he runs his fingers through his curls, pacing back and forth in the Hermes Cabin, while you laid on his mattress looking undeniably calmer than he was.
“Luke, my dad won’t purposely send me on some death trap. I'll be fine.” You tried to reassure him, waiting for him to calm down in his pacing before you extended your hands in his direction right as he turned to make another round through the cabin for the seventh time. “Hey, come here.” You gestured. “Sit with me.”
He hesitated, stopping in his tracks as he finally took the time to look at you, noting your concerned expression at him. As if you weren’t about to descend on some ridiculous quest to god knows where all because your father couldn’t pluck up the effort to collect the instrument himself.
The longer your hands stayed outstretched for him, the more his anger and frustration dissolved into the overwhelming need to be near you. One second, he’s standing and the next, he’s laying in bed with you, your arms wrapped around him to stabilise him even though he should be the stronger one. The one to look out for you.
Laying his head on your shoulder as he wrapped one of his fingers around your hair, curling it in his palms, he spoke again in a soft whisper only for you to hear. “I’m worried.”
“I know.” You responded, your hands tracing at the curve of his shoulder, stopping at his collarbone, before your finger moved to tilt his face by the chin to look at you. “You trust me, right?” You ask, knowing his answer but wanting to hear the reassurance all the same.
“Course' I do.” He replied immediately, his eyes intense as he made eye contact with you. That was without question. You could ask him to walk into blazing flames, and he'd trust you would ask for good reason.
“Then you can trust that I’ll make it back alive.”
“Alive can mean lots of things.” He muttered, his eyes growing distant, the ghost of blood and a stinging burn running down the half of his face appearing uninvited in his mind.
“I’ll make it back alive and unharmed.” You reiterated, a knowing look in your eyes as you unconsciously traced at his scar, leaving warmth where it resides, making him shiver instinctively. “It’s a promise, Luke.”
He stayed silent, before slowly moving his hand to cup yours that rested over his scar. “I’m counting on it, sunshine.”
That promise rested over Luke’s conscience, gnawing at the back of his heels, chasing him daily from the early hours as he forced himself not to break over the stress and anxiety before putting on his golden boy facade, to pretend that he wasn't constantly distracted and nauseous over the thought of something happening to you without him being there to protect you.
He would've snuck out of camp if he could, just to find you, but Chiron had been tight-lipped on your destination, his all-knowing gaze piercing right through Luke when he had tried to nonchalantly ask about your whereabouts.
"I wish I could help you, Luke." Chiron had told Luke a few days after you had gone. "However, Apollo's request was clear. Only she shall take on this quest. No one else." The pin-point gaze Chiron had locked onto Luke made it clear he was talking about him.
"I am not whipped." Luke denied. "She's my friend. Like how you're my friend."
"I don't think your friendship with her is normal though." Percy fired back quickly, sipping on his own water as if he didn't casually demolish the older boy. "I swear I caught you bringing her back after curfew to your cabin, a few times in fact."
Luke felt his cheeks flush at Percy's sudden interrogation, smashing facts after facts on an early Tuesday morning. "I've been having.. nightmares lately. She's the only one who keeps them away." He didn't know why he felt like he had to explain himself to the kid, but the longer his friendship with you went under fire, the faster he wanted to get out of this conversation.
"You don't think that's something you should think deeper about?" Percy muttered with a shrug.
Luke is left speechless, his mind short-cutting at the sudden implication of.. him feeling something more for you? His most recent memories flashed through his mind. You tucked under his blanket as you laid beside him for the last night before your quest, a sleepy smile etched on your lips before you whispered him goodnight and he pulled you into his chest so he could feel your heart beating against his to push away any tricks currently playing on his mind, bringing light to how you're the only person he believes could calm him down and bring him peace-
"She's my best friend." Luke replied, more to himself than to Percy. "I'm just worried for her. A quest like that shouldn't take so long, and I keep imagining-"
He stopped in his tracks, not wanting to say his fears out in the open in fear that his words would jinx it, but Percy knew where he was getting at. Percy inched closer to Luke, moving to pat him awkwardly on the back in an effort to comfort him. "It's normal to be worried. From what I heard from Annabeth, you two are really close. I didn't have much conversations with her before she left, but she seems brave, and smart too. I have no doubts she'll make it back. If she's half as good as you, there's no way she wouldn't."
Luke felt a real smile crossing his face, the corners of his lips quirked up at Percy's words. "She's not half as good- she is better than me." He turned to look at Percy, that shine in his eyes noticeable as he talked about you. "Don't let her hear that when she gets back though, she'll talk my ear off for ages."
Percy returned his own smile, elated to see Luke have some improvement in his mood, proof being the first genuine smile Percy's seen in weeks coming from him.
"So.. do you want to stop for today?" Percy attempted with a casual tone.
"Why? Backing out already?" Luke teased, a smirk playing on his lips as he inched towards the kid jokingly with his sword raised.
"No!" Percy denied frantically. "I swear I'm not using the sympathy card as an excuse to get out of training-"
The sounds of a horn cut off his words, groaning across the camp, reaching the training grounds in record time. Luke felt his heart palpitate, nearly crashing into his rib cage.
He barely had time to think, yelling to Percy with urgency flying off his tongue. "Catch you later, Perce!" Then, he was off, his legs carrying him up the hills and back towards the camp entrance.
He heard Percy yell his name in confusion, but he could apologise later for his sudden departure.
You had come back to him.
The journey seemed too long, his shoes scrambling for ground, barely scraping the dirt as he ran towards the front of camp. He didn't know what to expect, a celebration with cheers from the other campers on your arrival, a glimpse of your face with that smile he loves. What he didn't expect was the silence as he came towards a slow jog before ultimately stopping at what seemed to be a crowd gathering around something- or someone.
He pushed his way through, barely making the effort to apologise over the thought of seeing you. His eyes finally caught onto what the onlookers were staring at, and his heart dropped.
You laid on the ground, passed out with what seemed to be dark, angry coils covering your skin, ranging from your neck to the outstretch of your back that was exposed from the gash in your shirt. That stupid lyre laid not too far from you, its golden strings ripped apart.
The sound that tore from his throat barely sounded like his voice, yelling out your name as he pushed through the final barrier in the crowd before reaching for you. He nearly made it before someone dragged him back, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him away.
The curses that left Luke's mouth would make anyone wince, and he had to resist the urge to punch whoever was holding him back as he twisted his head to face his repressor. "Chris! Get out of my way." Luke hissed, still trying to make his way to you, fury twisting in his gut as he couldn't fathom why no one's helped you yet.
"Calm down, Luke!" Chris pleaded, desperation in his eyes forcing Luke to falter. "I know you want to help her but you have to listen to me. Whatever attacked her left something contagious on her body. Someone already tried helping her but it spread to their skin too!"
Wait? While whatever was attacking your body seemed to grow more intense by the minute, as Luke's gaze locked onto your form and watched the sickening, black coils spread further and further up your neck.
"Rodriguez, does it look like I care if it spreads to me?" Luke spat out, giving his friend a final push. "If she dies, I won't ever forgive myself for standing on the sidelines. Let me go now."
The cold venom in his tone made his friend loosen his hold just enough for Luke to rip himself out of his arms to drop his knees beside you. He grabbed hold of your shoulder, which still had shreds of your shirt to prevent him from being stung by whatever was infecting you, but his other hand which grabbed hold of your back did not face the same fate. The coils snaked onto his palm, and he gritted his teeth at the burning sensation.
Just as he turned you around so he could lift you up, he heard the familiar sound of hooves stamping against the soil and he looked up to see Chiron approaching with a grim expression. No words needed to be said as Luke met eyes with the centaur, a mutual understanding as Luke wrapped his arms around your torso and legs.
He pushed through to help carry you up, barking orders for the crowd to part way as he made his way to the infirmary. The longer he held onto you, the more every bone in his body seemed to scream to let you go, but he only focused on every step it took to get you closer to help, his eyes unable to look away from the paleness of your skin, the blue to your lips.
It seemed unfit for a child of Apollo, a child of the sun, to be dull and lifeless. You looked dead, and if it wasn't for the faint drumming of your pulse he could sense from your wrist, he would've struck the name of your father with such unbridled hatred, Apollo himself would descend from the heavens to condemn him.
"Please." He begged, holding onto you tighter despite his body's cries not to. Begging to who, he did not know, but if any being could save you from the fate you did not deserve, and pass it to him instead, he would gladly offer his prayers and worship. If it meant saving you, he would take your pain and suffer it tenfold just to see you open your eyes again.
It took you five days to recover. The infirmary had been quarantined and no one save for Chiron and Will, the main healer from the Apollo cabin, was allowed in. In those five days, no one dared approach Luke, who seemed near death's door despite having received his own small dosage of ambrosia to heal the coils that had managed to sink into his skin. He had begged Chiron to let him visit you, but Chiron deemed him too unstable to be near you, your recovery process a fragile thing that required tentative hands and patience.
Waiting to see you was a torture not even he could have envisioned for himself. He had been torn apart at the seams, of his belief in the gods and the scars that were immortalized onto his body. He had lived through days of water and nothing but false hope, hiding from monsters and other horrors before he made it to camp, arriving as a scrawny boy with eyes having witnessed events no kid his age should have to go through. Yet, no pain he had experienced could compare to his fears of losing you. If he-
He couldn't think of it without wanting to puke, but if he lost you somehow, he would lose his faith in this world. There would be no one to hold him back, no you, to stop him from letting go of the world that failed him and tearing it down.
It didn't help that in those five days, he had dreams. Of a different world, of salvation. A dark, ancient voice called to him, older than time, with whispers of promised glory and revenge. There was no you, none of your soothing touches or voice to wake him. In those five days, his strength faltered and he made a deal.
On the sixth day, he was woken frantically by a shake on the shoulder from his sleep. He roused awake, dizzy and still-half asleep to see Chris talking to him in rushed incoherent words.
"Awake- She's awake, sleepy-head!"
Luke was half-dressed, still fighting off sleep with aggressive rubbing to his eyes as he tugged on his t-shirt, rushing towards the infirmary with Chris hot on his heels.
He burst through the front door, holding his breath when he finally saw you, propped up on two pillows talking to Will. Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, blurring his vision as he rushed over to you.
You turned to him then, just in time to see him blink his tears away. "Luke." You called to him softly, and time seemed to stop just for the two of you, and he could only see you in his vision.
"Can you guys give us some privacy?" You asked politely, eyeing Will and Chris, but your eyes never drifted far before moving back to him.
"Of course." Will responded, quickly getting up from his chair towards the exit, dragging a confounded Chris with him with a tug on the back of his shirt. "Hey! I wanted to see her too-" "Give the two lovebirds some time alone, you idiot."
Luke inched closer to you, his heart beating so loudly in his eardrums he swears you could hear it too. You lifted your arms to him and he didn't waste time, taking you in his arms and embracing you so tight, and yet he felt he couldn't be close enough.
"You were dying. In my arms. I felt it when I carried you in here." He muttered into your shoulder, shaking as he finally let out the exhaustion and pain he had been feeling since the day you left.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." You apologised, rocking him back and forth as your voice croaked up. "All I thought of was you. When I fought against that beast, I kept repeating my promise to you. That I would come back to you. You saved me."
He shook his head, feeling his tears wet his cheeks as he pulled back to grab you by the chin, a gentle touch like he was afraid you would disappear if he couldn't see you talking to him, that your voice would be a hallucination he concocted. "I should've stopped you from going. I had a bad feeling since I heard about it. I should've protected you- prevented you from getting hurt in the first place-"
You stopped him with a kiss, desperate yet shy, before pulling away and pressing your forehead to his. "I love you, Luke. I was so scared I would never get to tell you and it would've been my biggest regret. I love you so much, Luke, and I'm sorry if this ruins anything between us but I can't hide it anymore-"
Luke cut you off the very same way you did, but with such intense hunger you gasped when he kissed you, sloppy and with even more desperation, tugging at your bottom lip and pulling you closer with his hand at nape of your neck. "I love you." He muttered through quick breaths. "I love you, it actually hurts because of how much I do." He admitted, grabbing your hand to place right above his heart, which is owned completely and only by you.
He leaned in once more, addicted to the taste of you, kissing you with one hand holding yours to his heart, the other pulling you close so that there was no space between the two of you. When he had to stop so you both could gasp for air, he pressed his forehead back to yours, the first smile stretching at his lips in days. "I never want to be apart from you ever again, you hear me, sunshine?"
You giggled at his words, nodding slightly. "Wouldn't dream of it."
Extra: Luke reappears with you the next day when you insisted on wanting to get out of the infirmary after being cooped up away from the sun for so long. ("You're such an Apollo kid." Luke teases, which you ignore with a roll of your eyes.) He's with you every step of the way, and now that your feelings are out for each other in the open, he doesn't hesitate to kiss you on the cheek or fawn over you without hiding his intensity.
When he makes eye contact with Percy over the room, the damn kid gives him a wink and a thumbs-up.
a/n: i want to expand so much more on this, with kronos taking advantage of luke's weak mind during your recovery and more, OMGGGGGGG. tell me if you guys want more pls and i'll make more parts. thank you for reading if you made it this far <3
update: I am officially making this into a series called ‘everything in between’. To those who want to follow more on their story, you can comment on whether you want to be added to the tag list for this series or check the masterlist!
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Jason but he was never claimed.
Everyone knows he's the son of Jupiter.
He's known his whole life.
From his mother's whispers to not cry in storms, for they were a sign of his father's love.
To Lupa's howls and harsh temperament that this was not behaviour fitting Jupiter's son.
But never was Jason ever claimed.
There was never a lighting bolt dancing overhead.
No fanfare.
No cheers.
Because Thalia had a use, and she was favoured.
The one he actually tried to save instead of turning a blind eye.
But Jason?
He was the bitter reminder of a mortal having sway over the God's.
Over Jupiter himself.
He was nothing but afaceless soilder raised to fall in battle when his time was up.
Why should the King himself care for one so... Pitiful.
So Jupiter never claimed him.
Didn't acknowledge him until Jason dare spoke out against him.
But Jupiter always knew exactly who that boy was.
He even named him.
He just didn't care.
Jason knew, had known but it was something he never shared.
It was a dark secret, a shameful one.
For you see without being claimed, Jason could never access his full power.
He heard the laughter, the mocks and the digs.
Of how could the Prince of the Sky's be so weak.
Luckily he'd never had another like him to measure up to at Camp Jupiter.
... Which lead him to the bittersweet reunion with his sister.
Thalia was every bit the striking daughter of Zeus.
She even looked like him while Jason shamefully resembled their mother.
Thalia never put him down, never even insinuated he was weak.
Even glaring down anyone she caught whispering at his expense.
But Jason could see the confusion on her face when he failed something she did like breathing.
He would just smile and try again to no avail.
He waited for the day she left him too.
It came to ahead one night when his friends were all there. Laughing and smiling till their cheeks went red.
"And the dress! Ugh it was so embarrassing." Cries Piper, setting off another wave off laughter.
"Oh man, I'm glad I didn't get a dress. I'd burn it off." Declared Thalia with a snort before lightly elbowing Jason.
"Lucky we just got the lighting treatment, ey Jason?" Jason paused, nodding immediately "right..."
Something must've shown on his face because Thalia frowned.
But the one to ask was Leo "hey yeah we never saw yours! Must've been something special for Mr Prince of the Universe himself. Sooo what it was like?"
Jason looked down.
He shouldn't say it, but they were all looking at him expectantly.
He didn't want to let them down.
... But what if they left him because of it?
Sure they fought a war together but Jason learned quickly that can sometimes mean nothing.
But lying to them almost felt worse.
"I... I don't know..."
"What? Sorry can you, say that louder? Can't hear you man."
"I don't...I don't, I wasn't..." He took a deep breathe. "I don't know what it was like because I wasn't... I haven't been claimed."
Dread filled his bones, Jason didn't dare look up to see the disgust on their faces.
"That bastard!"
Jason blinked in suprise, hesitantly looking up.
And finding anger.
But not aimed at him.
"How... How are you... How are you still alive?!" Cried Thalia, anger blazed through her eyes.
But there was very clearly fear alongside of them.
Jason didn't understand.
"Before I got claimed I couldn't use my powers without getting tired so damn easily...and that was just your run of the mill monsters..." explained Thalia, seething.
Jason had fought "run of the mill monsters" since he could walk.
Percy clenched his fist "I knew he wouldn't keep his damn promise but... This is low even for him."
His eyes widened in realisation. And gave way to more anger.
"He knew... He knew this whole time! And he didn't do anything! We were fighting Gaea and he didn't..."
No one wanted to add on that it wasn't the first war either.
Jason felt tears well up in his eyes, he'd never known it to be an injustice against him.
He always thought he had deserved it. And he was supposed to die anyway soo... Why waste your powers unlocking his?
.... And by the look of horror everuone was giving him, Jason had spoken that part out loud.
"Jase...you are not a waste of anything. None of this was your fault." Said Piper firmly, angry tears in her eyes.
"She's right, none of this is right...which is why I have half a mind to go ask him what the Hades he was thinking..." Seethed Annabeth.
Nico nodded, his anger was quiet but simmering along the surface.
"I don't get why your so mad at him though... I should've... I should've been better." Said Jason, he'd never experienced something like this before.
If he wasn't so useless maybe his father would've cared about him.
"Besides, I already knew I was his son, that he didn't want me...I always have."
That little admission broke of all their hearts.
"That doesn't make this right Jase, and I know deep down you know that." Said Thalia, gently pulling him into a hug.
"We're gonna fix this, because you deserve it. You deserve so much and I'm going to spend every day of my life proving that to you."
"Me two."
"Me three."
They all began chiming in.
Tears spilled from Jason's cheeks, and for once Lupa's yells of them being weakness fell on death ears.
He was loved.
Jason rested his head on his sisters shoulder as everyone began brainstorming, threathing and maiming.
It was the most loved he'd ever felt.
Jason had always known Jupiter hadn't loved him back.
Would never love him back.
Jason had given up on anyone truly caring about him... And now he knew that he was loved by his little family.
It was worth more than his father's praise ever could.
"You think re-stealing the master bolt might do it?"
"Let's try to make sure we're still alive after this."
"... So that's a no?"
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Fallen Angel!OC
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, smut, mythological talk, violence.
Summary: "Blinded by a fear of feeling, these are the kings we chose. Lost and looking for the meaning, I've been searching high and low" It came crashing down on him. This is the story of the highest banished angel from where she came only to find home in the arms of a mortal man. This mortal realizing he'd face Lucifer himself to keep her.
Lethia: Archangelus Oneironaut also known as Archangel of Dream Walking. Across worlds and dimensions, she walks within. Uncovering dangerous secrets, leaving her cast out, isolated- that is until she begins to learn what it means to feel.
Authors Notes: So I pulled a lot of ideas from my favorite fallen angel romance series, Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick! I hope you all enjoy!
Tags[OPEN]: @thescarlettvvitch @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @cookiesupplier @lyschko666 @shilohrosechicken @thebadchic @iknownothingpeople @sammyjoeee @malice-ov-mercy @collapsedglasshouses @klutzy-kay24 @iamamatus @lma1986 @bngurngheart @happi-goth
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I sat in the middle of Noah’s bed with my knees pulled to my chest and rested my chin on top of them. My mind continued to replay the conversation with Maraxa and her parting words had been etched deep within my soul. I feared that maybe I brought darkness and death to not only Noah but all of his friends' lives. They were innocent bystanders in the battle for my alliance. Stay on this Earth with mortals or fall into the depths of Hell with the light bringer. 
Lucifer. He wanted me alongside him to lead his army of darkness. Against what? I wasn’t sure. But the love we shared wasn’t what it used to be and my heart didn't covet for him any longer. Not when there was someone else who seemed to have filtered into this newfound life without warning. 
Those almond eyes captivated me from the moment I had Noah pinned against the door. His scent was different from most mortals and for the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why. The way we always seemed to run into each other or that anytime I dream walked, it was his dream.  
Why was it Noah’s face I saw moments before my fall? 
Why did we have the same tattoo? His on his neck, mine on my ribs? 
None of this made any sense and it only angered me more as to why I was stuck here. 
As I was staring at the length of my black nails, there was a gentle knock on the door of the bedroom; me humming in response to it. When it opened slightly, Noah poked his head in, the long strands of his hair falling into his face. 
“Hey,” his voice was gentle. “I’m just checking to see if you’re settling in fine.” 
“Yes,” I nodded. “I’m sorry for having Maraxa show up here. I assure you, it won’t happen again.”
You don’t know that. 
Noah leaned against the wall next to the door, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s alright. Is she an old friend?” 
I scoffed while laying my legs straight on the bed to lean my back against the wall. 
“She is far from a friend. More like an acquaintance that always wanted my position.” 
If he could hear the venom in my voice, Noah said nothing and simply nodded. 
“Are you hungry?” He asked instead. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” I ran a hand over the black comforter. “I must say, I do feel terrible making you sleep on the couch when your bed is quite comfortable.” 
“Seriously?” Noah chuckled while walking farther into the room to sit on the bed next to me. “I’ve had this mattress for years and it's anything but comfortable.” 
An eerie silence fell between us, something that made me shift in my spot next to him when the warmth from him radiated around me in flames. I could feel his essence all over my skin while not feeling his actual touch. Bumps rose at the back of my neck when I felt his gaze linger there, lighting me a blaze. 
My eyes caught sight of something hanging from above his window so I pointed to it. 
“Are you religious? The rosary?”
Noah peered up at the wooden necklace hanging from his curtain rod. “Oh, that. It’s kind of a long story.” 
Crossing my legs, I rested my elbow on my thigh to rest my chin in my hand. “And I have time. I’d love to know your view on it.” 
With a tender laugh, he nodded before turning toward me so we sat facing each other. “Well, I was raised in a very Christian Baptist household with my grandparents; when I wasn’t staying with my mom. That's another story but it’s not important.” 
Immediately I picked up on the way his eyes cast down at his hands at the mention of his mother but made no effort to acknowledge it. Instead, I urged him to continue with a nod. 
“I’d go to service with my grandparents and help out in the church any way I could. Painting, setting up for service, things like that. I was exposed to a lot of religion growing even though when I was younger I didn’t buy into it as much. Despite having a lot of questions and doubts about it now, I still think there’s a lot to learn about it through religion, spirituality, and faith. Which is why I write about it metaphorically.” 
He ran a hand over his chin for a moment. “I never try to push my own beliefs or agendas on people. I want people to think and believe in things on their own, without having my choice influence them in any way.” 
“I think that’s marvelous,” I hummed. 
Noah smiled. “The whole lore and stories in religion really interest me. I’m currently reading a book about The Fall.”
My mouth ran dry when my body went rigid. “Th-the Fall?” 
“Yeah, fallen angels. It’s actually quite interesting.” 
I ran my hands over my thigh and cleared my throat. “Do you believe in them?” 
“Angels?” Noah asked with furrowed brows. 
All I could do was nod, afraid that my voice would give way to how nervous I was for his answer. 
He ran a hand over his mouth, almost deep in thought. “It’s hard to give a definitive answer because I haven’t seen proof of angels. I thought that angels didn’t exist at first but something changed my view on it. My grandma told me a story about fallen angels when I was younger. What about you? Do you believe it?” 
“You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve seen,” the tone of my voice dropped drastically as my fingers brushed along the softness of the comforter beneath me. 
Flash images of what I’d done under the King’s command plagued me. Death by my sword was ordered to anyone who disobeyed him. Which rarely happened but when it did, I was the one that dealt with the end of the traitor's life. The familiar feeling of ripping out their wings weighed heavy on my hands as I stared down at them with sheer disgust. 
How could the creator who was supposed to love all of us equally order me to do such vile, horrendous, things to his creations? 
“Lethia,” the softness of his large hands rested on my shoulder, fresh off a kill. “You’ve done well my child. Your allegiance is greatly thought of.”  
My jaw clenched at how foolish I’d been. Following a King who cared so little for us in the end. The amount of wings I ripped out was too much to count. The amount of angels I dragged my blade into cut deep into my gut, causing me to revolt in disgust. 
At myself. 
Since I fell weeks ago, I questioned so deeply why my appearance changed and I always thought it was because of my love for Lucifer. But it could be to pay for all of my heinous crimes up in the Kingdom. Crimes ordered by Him. 
“Hey,” Noah’s tattooed knuckle lifted my chin. “Are you alright?” 
I nearly sobbed when yet again I couldn’t feel his touch; another repercussion. 
“No,” I choked out. “I did horrible things back home and how could I ever be allowed back? Why would he want me back?” 
The screams of my victims were loud in my mind, their bloody wings lying at my feet, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the vision. 
“You don’t have to go back there. You can stay here with me. Whatever you did can’t be that terrible,” his voice cooed in the silence of his bedroom. 
The words died on my tongue, it not being worth it to explain myself to him because Noah wouldn’t understand. 
My heart's racing faltered for the briefest of moments, only for it to double in pace when Noah’s eyes studied me, assessing every inch of my face. I tracked every movement of his tongue when it darted out to wet his pink lips. 
My name was all but a hushed whisper that hung on his bottom lip and when our eyes met, some kind of light danced behind his. I raised my fingers to his mouth to drag the nail of my pointer finger along that bottom lip. Noah’s breath hitched in his throat but remained still as I glanced up at him, dying to know what it would feel like. Facial hair peppered his chin and above his mouth, and I couldn’t help but smile at how good he looked. 
There was no way he wasn't like me. Noah was too eternal, the aura that radiated around him shone bright and pulled me in every time he was around. 
The long locks of his hair fell into his face when he tilted his head towards me, closing the distance slightly. The divine scent of him filled my senses and I let my eyes flutter shut to pick apart each of the different smells. Noah smelled woodsy with a hint of Bergamot and Nutmeg. It smelled like his bedroom. It smelled like him. 
“Noah,” I breathed, now dragging my nails over the tattoo on his neck. 
I couldn't feel his touch but I did notice my hair being brushed away from my face. 
“I can’t explain it,” Noah swallowed. “But I feel this strong connection to you.” 
All of my actions were unknown to me, along with this feeling in my chest that burned with such a good ache. Noah silenced all of the voices in my mind, easing away the guilt and hurt that weighed heavily on my heart for my actions in the Kingdom. I was resistant at first with him but I think it was only because this feeling deep inside of me scared me to the ends of the earth. 
“Me as well,” I admitted quietly. 
My hands rested in my lap now, shaking with nerves, wondering what Noah was going to do. We were so close now, with almost no space between our lips, and before my brain could catch up on what was happening a sudden surge of warmth exploded inside of me before seeping into my veins. My skin pricked with electricity when Noah’s hand glided through my hair and it was then that I noticed his eyes were closed but his lips were on mine. 
He was kissing me? 
I nearly cried and cursed the King for bestowing me with this curse of not being able to feel human touch. All I wanted was to feel Noah’s lips on mine, taste him, devour him. Although I couldn’t feel him, the feeling that was coming alive inside of me was almost too much to handle and I let a quiet moan be swallowed by Noah, who hummed in delight. 
It felt like fireworks being shot off inside of me. It felt like that first flight I took when I realized my wings kept me upright. It felt like the wind blew through my hair and the softness of the clouds encased me just as Noah’s arm did. 
Something spread my lips apart and now all I could feel was the sudden wetness in my mouth and between my legs. I clenched them together while grasping at Noah’s shirt, trying to feel anything. 
He pulled away to glance down at me, briefly searching my eyes for any emotion I couldn’t give off in the kiss we just shared. 
“I mean this with genuine curiosity but have you never been kissed before?” Noah wondered while his hand cupped my cheek. 
I shifted on his bed and kept my gaze cast down on my lap. While I lay with other angels up in the Kingdom, we’d never kissed; Noah was my first kiss, ever. 
“I-,” my shoulders slumped. “No. Was I that bad?” 
Now while I couldn’t feel his touch, that didn’t stop me from meeting his kiss with the same amount of gentle caress that he led with. 
A low noise rumbled in Noah’s chest. “Not at all. I’d actually like to kiss you again if that’s alright?” 
Unbridled heat expanded deep within me as I nodded quickly and then his lips were on mine again. I let the passion in my heart guide my lips, doing my best to mimic Noah’s actions, and he let out a moan when I climbed into his lap to run my hands through the waves of his tawny hair. Even if I couldn’t feel any part of this physically, I could feel it in my heart, and to me, that’s all that mattered. 
“Lethia,” Noah groaned when I pressed my hips into his. 
Something in my heart told me that he was brushing his tongue along the side of my neck before his teeth grazed over in its path. That same feeling told me that Noah’s hands were sprawled over my lower back before slipping underneath my shirt to claw at my skin, digging his nails in. 
My spine tingled with fire, starting from the base and shooting straight up into my neck before spreading through my entire angel essence. My head fell back as my jaw went slack when the familiar feeling of ecstasy crept its way into me.
Only this wasn’t the kind of ecstasy brought on by a man's kiss or touch.
The skin on my shoulder blades began to peel away an opening for my wings to protrude from and with a gasp of fear, I scrambled away from Noah and nearly stumbled over my feet as I stood in front of him. He lay back on his elbows, hair a mess from my fingers running through it, and lips were swollen from our kiss. The rise and fall of his chest was uneven as he tried to catch his breath. I dared a glance lower and sucked in a breath when I noticed how hard his cock was in his gray sweats. 
“Hey, are you alright? Did I do something?” Noah asked while rising to his feet and taking a step towards me. 
I took a step back. “No, you didn’t do anything. I-I can’t explain it but-.” 
How could I explain it? 
Oh hey, Noah. I was getting so turned on by our kiss that my wings almost came out.
Yeah right. 
I dragged my hands through my hair and let out an aggravated groan to which Noah gently grasped my wrists and held them against his chest. My gaze bounced back and forth between his eyes, my erratic heartbeat calming. 
“If I went too far, I apologize,” he said. 
“No,” I hastily shook my head. “You didn’t do anything. I just needed a moment to clear my head, that's all.”  
He hummed. “I know the perfect thing to help with that.” 
Before dropping my hands, he left a gentle kiss on them, and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread to my lips as I watched him gather the extra clothes on his desk and towels.
“A shower always helps me clear my head,” Noah said while leading me out of his bedroom. 
“A shower?” I asked, slowly treading behind him. 
“Yeah,” he nodded as we stepped inside the bathroom. “Hot Water. Soap. Shampoo.”
“Naked. I know the drill,” I crossed my arms over my chest with a raised brow. “Are you trying to get me naked, Noah?” 
Nervously he rubbed the back of his neck and a red tint painted over his cheeks. “N-no. I just want to help you.” 
I took the things in his hands with a nod of thanks. “You’ve already done enough for me. Giving me a place to stay.” 
The space between us was small in his bathroom due to his tall stature and he gazed down at me with a slight up curl of his lips as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. 
“I help the people I care about.” 
I cocked my head at him. “You care about me?” 
This word, care, was foreign to me; unheard of in the Kingdom. So to hear Noah utter it made a weird feeling stir inside of me. 
“I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t,” Noah’s voice was low as he took a small step towards me. 
However, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I nearly dropped the clothes and towels. I always tried to avoid looking at myself because of how evil I looked. My red eyes matched the red lights from under Noah’s bed and my short onyx hair barely reached my shoulders. Thankfully my jacket and jeans covered the tattoos that were drawn on my skin; etched in deep with my transgressions. 
I despised how I looked now. Revolted in the darkness that I become. 
“I never used to look like this,” I admitted with a long sigh, letting the things in my hands fall to the bathroom counter. 
Noah stepped behind me to stare at my reflection in the mirror. “Really?” 
“This look?” I pointed to my reflection. “It’s a telling of everything wrong I’ve done. I can’t even look at myself without disgust.” 
His face fell at my words and he rested his hands on my shoulders. “Lethia, that’s the farthest thing from the truth. You look beautiful.” 
That was another word I hadn’t heard before. 
“Beautiful?” I raised a brow, staring at his reflection still. 
Noah rested his chin on top of my head and I couldn’t help but giggle at the size difference between us. I wasn’t exactly short but with Noah’s length, he easily towered over me so to rest his chin on my head he had to bend down a bit, encasing his arms on either side of me to grip the bathroom counter. 
My eyes raked over the tattoos that covered the entirety of his arms, various designs and colors. 
“Well for starters, the length of your hair suits your face structure and the color compliments your olive skin tone,” he left a kiss on the side of my head. 
“I used to have long, almost white hair,” I said. 
“Oh,” his face scrunched up. 
“You don’t like it?” I teased with a chuckle. 
Noah shrugged. “You look beautiful either way but like I said this look suits you better.” 
His hands grabbed the collar of my jacket to slowly pull it down my arms, letting it fall to the floor at our feet. I now stood in front of him in my jeans and white shirt, arms exposed to show the darkness of the tattoos that covered them. 
“Your tattoos are made for you,” he breathed in my ear, fingers trailing up the skin of my arms. 
Our eyes locked in the mirror, the deep crimson of mine paled in contrast to his bright almond ones; however this time when I looked into them, they weren’t cold and vacant. Not like I’d see in my dreams. 
“Your eyes,” Noah breathed. “I think your eyes are one of my favorite things about you.” 
He brushed away the hair from my neck so he could press kisses along the skin there. I watched in the mirror as his teeth grazed over the shell of my ear before sinking deep into the crook of my neck. Straight heat shot through me again and I let myself fall into his embrace with a sigh that sounded more like a moan. 
“I’m afraid,” my bottom lip trembled as I cast my eyes down from his. 
Noah turned me in his arms so I had no choice but to look up at him. His eyes were filled with worry as they searched every inch of my face. I grasped at the front of his shirt, fingers trying desperately to feel the material. 
“Afraid of what? This?” He pointed between us. 
“No,” I shook my head and then let out a shaky breath. “I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me.” 
Noah’s hands were on both sides of my face because he held me firm. Then when the light sparked inside of me, I knew that he crashed his lips on mine, tongue slipping inside of my mouth. Although I couldn’t feel his touch, the feeling I had deep inside of me was telling me everything he was doing. 
One hand cupped my cheek while the other slipped inside my shirt, grasping at the skin of my lower back. His lips and tongue explored every inch of my mouth, dragging his teeth along my jawline and neck as he went back to leaving small marks along my collarbone. 
His name came out just below a whisper when he lifted me onto the bathroom counter, digging his nails into the thick material of my jeans to spread my legs open for him. Noah stepped between them as I brought our lips together again in another fiery kiss, needing to bring Noah even closer to me by any means. 
“Lethia,” he murmured against my mouth. “I need-.” 
Just as the skin on my shoulders began peeling away, someone walked into the bathroom, causing Noah to jump away from me slightly. Glancing at the now open door, I noticed his roommate Jesse’s eyes bouncing between Noah and me. 
“Shit, I should have knocked,” he muttered while rubbing his face. “I just saw the door was cracked open and didn’t think.” 
I wiped away the saliva from my lips and turned my head away from the two men, feeling this unusual burn on my cheeks. 
“It’s alright,” Noah ran a hand through his hair, still keeping a wide distance between us. “I was just letting Lethia take a shower.” 
Jesse nodded. “Yeah sure, no problem. I’ll just use the bathroom downstairs.” 
When it was just Noah and me yet again, I peered over to him who was leaning against the wall with a wicked smirk. 
“What?” I asked with a slight up curl on my lips. 
He said nothing, only adjusting himself. I dared a glance downward and sucked in a breath when I noticed his cock pressing hard against the front of his sweats. All the warmth in my body shot down to my core and I squeezed my thighs together, hoping it would curb the itch.
How did this mortal seem to set all of my senses ablaze like this? 
“I’ll give you some privacy,” Noah motioned to the shower. 
As he began walking out of the bathroom, I dared a glance at the shower but tilted my head in confusion. 
“Wait,” I spoke while reaching for his wrist, my black nails grazing his skin. 
Both of us reacted with such a shock, nearly making me rear back in surprise. Noah’s eyes bounced from my hold on him to my face; a spark of something behind them. 
“How do I turn it on?” 
“The shower?” His brows creased. 
All I did was nod, some things on this planet still confused me but I didn’t want to tell him that. 
With a chuckle, Noah walked over to the shower, sliding the door open then turned the dial left. 
“Left is hot. The right is cold. Adjust how you need to. There’s already some shampoo and body wash in there for you,” he said when he stepped in front of me. 
Steam began to fill the bathroom, dancing above our heads like the clouds in the Kingdom. Reaching up on the tips of my toes, I laid a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. 
“Thank you, Noah.” 
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I stifled a yawn behind my hand as I poured myself yet another cup of coffee, stirring the dark liquid as I leaned against the kitchen island. Craning my neck far to the left, I groaned when it popped in a few different places. Sleeping on the couch did a number on my back and neck but I didn’t want to verbalize my discomfort knowing that Lethia was comfortable upstairs in bed. 
Possibly naked, lying in my sheets. 
Shaking the thoughts from my head, I took a large gulp of my coffee, it slightly burning on the way down, when Jesse walked into the kitchen. His eyes raked over my disheveled hair and skewed clothes with a smirk. 
“Rough night?” 
I grumbled in response. 
“I’m sorry about interrupting you and Lethia last night,” Jesse apologized while reaching for a cup in the far right cupboard. 
“It’s alright,” I set my cup on the counter next to me. 
It seemed as if there was something on the tip of his tongue so I urged him to ask his question with a nod. 
“Are you sure you aren’t moving fast with her?” Jesse was hesitant to ask. “You don’t know a lot about Lethia?” 
Even though I was growing tired of the same conversation with my friends, I took a deep breath to ease away the annoyance. I knew they were only coming from a place of love. 
“It’s hard to explain,” I rubbed a hand up and down my arm. “We feel this strong connection between us and no matter how hard I tried to stay away, it seemed as if something kept pulling us together.” 
Jesse nodded with a faint smile. “She seems like a great girl, Noah. We just don’t want you to fall too deep and end up getting hurt.” 
I reassured him with a pat on his shoulder just as Jolly, Michael, and Orie came bounding into the kitchen, all of them going about to start their typical morning routine. It was a rare Saturday that we all had off so earlier in the week we talked about going for a hike today. 
“Still on for today?” Orie wondered. 
“Yeah,” I answered. 
Jolly took a sip of his coffee. “Did you ask if Lethia wanted to come?” 
My lips parted to speak but there was this tingle at the back of my neck, making the hairs there stand to attention, and when I turned slightly, my heart shuddered in my chest. 
Lethia stood in the middle of the kitchen, rubbing a hand on her elbow. Her hair was a mess from a night of sleep and I could make out the faintest of a few purple marks across her neck. My cock twitched in my sweats when I remembered our kisses from last night. But that’s not what made my heart stop. It was what she was wearing. 
My blue and white star shorts and my Jesus playing basketball with the devil t-shirt. It drowned on her, barely covering the shorts. Not only were her arms covered in tattoos but so were both of her legs, the black designs standing out amongst the sunlight that brushed in through the patio door next to her. Lethia looked absolutely breathtaking. 
Like an angel. 
“Hilarious,” she pulled at the picture of the shirt. 
I smiled. “Did you sleep alright?” 
“You guys were going to ask me something?” 
She averted my question with one of her own and Orie spoke up. 
“We were going for a hike today. Would you like to join?” 
“A hike,” Lethia repeated the words slowly. 
Michael rolled his eyes. “You know, walking up a mountain. Fresh air. Scenery. Exercise.” 
Crimson eyes sliced into him. “I know what a hike is.” 
“Cool, so are you coming with or not?” He crossed his arms. 
“I’m touched you want me to tag along, Michael. I knew you secretly had feelings for me,” Lethia teased with a playful smirk. 
Peering over to Michael, I noticed a red tint covering his cheeks before he hid his face in the fridge, rummaging around for something. 
“So,” I began while closing the distance between Lethia and me. “Do you want to come with us?” 
She peered up at me through dark lashes. “You want to spend time with me?” 
“I think after last night that it’s pretty clear,” I said while taming her sleep-tousled hair. 
Lethia leaned into my touch, her eyes fluttering shut with a peaceful sigh. 
“Okay,” she agreed after a beat of silence. “Give me a few minutes to get dressed.” 
“Take all the time you need,” I said, trailing my fingers down the side of her neck. 
Lethia slipped away from me and trotted back upstairs to get ready and when I turned around, I ignored the looks from Michael, Orie, and Jolly. Instead, I walked into the living room while hearing Jesse fill them in on what happened last night. 
“You kissed her?” Michael asked as he followed me into the living room. 
Slipping my black jacket over my hoodie, I shrugged. “It sort of happened. We were in my room talking and I asked if I could.” 
He hesitated and I knew, like Jesse, he had some reservations. 
“Look, I appreciate you guys looking out for me, I do. But if I didn’t trust Lethia, she wouldn’t be here. So can we please make her feel welcome?” 
I directed the question towards Michael, who raised his hands. “I didn’t start it.” 
“I think the reason why you two seem to butt heads is because she doesn't take your shit,” Jolly chuckled while tying up his hair. 
Michael grumbled under his breath as Lethia came bounding down the steps, yet again taking my breath away. She was dressed in biker shorts, showcasing her long and toned legs, and a black fitted crop top. Her white tennis shoes stood out as she came to a stop when all eyes fell on her. 
“Do I have something stuck to me or something?” She asked, doing a full 360 turn, and I briefly saw a tattoo peaking on her shoulder through the straps of her shirt. 
Some kind of bird. A crow?
“No, you look great,” I smiled. “Ready?” 
“Shit, my jacket. Let me-.” 
Before she could run back upstairs, I handed her an extra sweater of mine I grabbed from the front closet. 
“Your leather jacket is looking a bit worn so here, you can have my sweater for the day,” I said. 
She hesitantly took it, fingering the material of my yellow sweater. “Thank you, Noah.” 
The drive to our usual hiking spot seemed to go by faster than normal as we all piled in Orie’s SUV; he and his dog, Harper, up front; something Michael gave him shit for when he tried to call shotgun. 
Jolly and Michael were in the middle. 
Me, Lethia, and Jesse were in the back seat. 
My knees were brushing with hers, heat spreading throughout my nerve endings and I suddenly wanted to feel all of her all over me. Memories of our kiss last night flashed in my mind when I found myself staring at her lips while she talked with Jesse. 
I remembered how they tasted; like every dark thought I’d ever had. There was something about her that kept calling to me, to a side that I forever repressed. I needed to know more about her and to know who she was running from so I could protect her from them. 
Once we all stumbled out of the car, Lethia bent low to Harper so the dog could sniff her fingers. With a faint smile, she scratched Harper being the ears, something the dog appreciated with a wag of her tail. 
“You’re a beautiful creature,” Lethia mused before rising to her feet. 
With Orie taking the lead, we all followed up the usual path, Lethia slowly trailing behind. I let her take her time alone, figured something was bothering her, but when we made it about halfway up the trail, I finally turned to face her. Her hand was moving in an orbit as she studied the long black nails; sharp as a blade. 
“Come on slowpoke!” I called out to her with a smile after pulling my hood up.
Her eyes barely lifted to mine, something still clouding her mind. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, coming to a stop. 
When Lethia finally looked up at me, it was a few seconds too late as she crashed into me, not realizing I stopped walking. My arms wrapped around her to keep us upright while her hands sprawled over my chest. I was still so nervous to have her this close to me that I knew she would be able to tell when she’d feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. 
“What’s going on in here?” I asked again, tapping her forehead. 
She didn’t even flinch. 
“Nothing,” Lethia said. 
I knew she couldn’t see the look I was giving her through my sunglasses so instead, I squeezed her hips; once again not reacting to my touch. 
“I’m fine, Noah,” she reassured me with a gentle caress to my face. “We should move along before the others wonder where we drifted off to.” 
I glanced over my shoulder, noticing that Jolly was at the top of the hill about ten feet ahead of us; stopped and waiting. 
“The first one to Jolly wins,” I said. 
This made her raise a brow. “A race?” 
“Yeah,” I dropped my hands from her waist. “If I win, I get to sleep in my bed with you. The couch isn’t the best place to sleep on my back. If it makes you feel better, we can put a wall of pillows between us.”
“What do I get when I win?” Her hands replaced mine on her hips. 
I snorted. “Someone’s confident.” 
It was her turn to snort. “There’s no way you can beat me. Now, what do I get when I win?” 
“Whatever you want,” I shrugged. 
She tapped a finger to her lip as if she was really thinking about her decision. 
“If I win, I’d like for you to kiss me again.” 
My cock twitched in my joggers while my heart hammered loudly in my ears. 
“Lethia,” my voice dropped. “You don’t have to make a bet for me to kiss you again.” 
Cocking her head to the side, she stood taller to close the distance. I felt the warm breath fan over my bottom lip and I almost captured her tongue with mine when it darted out to wet her lips. 
Suddenly, her laughter erupted through the trees as she took off in a sprint toward Jolly. Chuckling under my breath, I whipped around to begin running after her, amazed at how fast she’d already closed the distance to Jolly. She was less than five feet from him as he watched the two of us with a smile. 
Suddenly, her steps faltered briefly, just enough for me to pass her in such haste that I didn’t see that she stopped running completely. When I reached Jolly, I tapped his shoulder before raising my hands. 
“I win!” 
Lethia slowly caught up to us with a smile painting the features of her face, not even working hard to catch her breath from the race. It was as if she wasn’t even winded. 
“You did, fair and square,” she agreed while tying half of her hair up into a bun. 
Jolly looked from me to Lethia, a knowing look on his face. “Really?” 
My shoulders fell when I saw the look the two of them shared. 
“Wait,” I pointed to her. “Did you let me win?” 
“No,” Lethia dragged out the word and shrugged. “Why would I do that?” 
When she slipped between Jolly and me, she patted my chest and winked. “You better not be a blanket hog, Noah.” 
I watched her walk up to Jesse, the two of them picking up the conversation they had in the car. 
“You know Lethia let you win, right?” 
Jolly’s voice made me snap my gaze over to him. “No, she didn’t.” 
Now it was me that gave that knowing look and I shifted on my feet. 
“Why would she let me win?” I asked. 
“She wanted you to share your bed with her,” Jolly said as if it was obvious. 
I stood there for a long moment after he left to catch up with everyone else, letting his words settle within me. Lethia let me win because she wanted to share my bed. A fire burned in my gut with that knowledge as excitement filled my veins with the thought of going to sleep tonight. 
When I reached the group, they all were standing on a cliff edge staring down at the city of Los Angeles. This was one of my favorite spots because you could see everything up here but hear nothing of the hustle and bustle of the city, only your thoughts. 
I took note of Lethia who was a few feet away from all of us, in her own little bubble, letting the wind blow through her hair and my sweater that was tied around her waist. Her eyes were closed, a look of peaceful bliss on her face almost as if she belonged in the breeze. Her arms were outstretched as she tilted her head back.  “Lethia.” 
One eye cracked open as she looked at me when I snapped a quick picture of her with a smile. 
“I’m glad you invited me with you guys,” she breathed while dropping her arms. 
“Yeah, you’ve been alright company,” Michael admitted with a grumble. 
She came over and ruffled his hair. “You’re not so bad yourself.” 
Hooking an arm around her back, I pulled her into my chest, breathing my question over her lips. “You let me win the race?” 
“Now why would I do that?” Lethia hummed, playing with the strings of my hoodie. 
“That would mean I secretly want to sleep in the same bed with you.” 
Something mischievous sparkled in her crimson eyes as I lowered my head to her, capturing her lips in a soft kiss. Her body relaxed in my embrace, lips molding against my own, while my hands roamed up her back. 
Pulling away, Lethia dragged a finger over my bottom lip. 
“Looks like we both won in the end,” she respired. 
“How sweet.” 
Lethia’s body went stiff in my embrace when she peered over my shoulder toward the unfamiliar voice. Following her gaze, my brows creased when I noticed a man standing a few feet away from our group, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his dark Levis. The top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, showcasing a golden chain. For someone walking outside on a dirt-filled mountain, he looked clean; pristine. Not a single strand of his blonde hair was out of place on top of his head. 
“Uriel,” Lethia forced out through gritted teeth.
“Do you know him?” I asked when I looked back at her.
“Unfortunately,” her jaw ticked, never removing her eyes from the stranger. “He’s an old friend. Give me a few minutes?” 
I swallowed the jealousy burning deep in my gut at the way she said old friend but nodded, letting her slip from my embrace. With the guys flanking in a line a few feet behind her, we watched with careful eyes as she moved out of earshot from us. 
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“How did you find me?” I questioned, the soles of my shoes scraping along the rocks beneath my feet. 
Uriel smiled with his lips but not his eyes. “I must admit, your scent was a bit harder to find now that you mingle among these mortals.” 
“What do you want, Uriel?” My hands shook at my side so I rolled them into fists. 
Bright gold eyes flicked over my shoulder towards the guys before they fell on me. 
“I come with a message from the King.” 
I swallowed thickly, nearly faltering my stone face at the mention of the King, but remained calm. 
“I’m surprised he let you leave his side; you were always the one to be up his ass any chance you could get.” 
Uriel’s eyes sliced into me. “The vulgarity of your speech, Lethia. A few weeks here and you’ve changed; in more ways than one.” 
“What’s this message?” I asked with a sigh, ready to end this surprise meeting. 
“The King is welcoming you back into the Kingdom.” 
My heart stopped in my chest as my jaw dropped. I couldn’t ignore the way relief flooded me for the briefest of moments. 
A way back home? I was allowed to go back home. 
“That seems too good to be true. How can I believe your word?” I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. 
Uriel held out his hands. “I am an archangel, Lethia. We’re known for our word.” 
“When the fuck has your word ever been good enough? I sneered, countless memories of how wrong his word had been in the Kingdom. 
“Do you want to be granted a way back or not?” Uriel clicked his tongue against his teeth. 
“Surely the King has a catch,” I reminded him. “He always did.” 
Uriel pointed to Noah. “Erase that mortal’s memory of you, renounce him and everything you’ve done together. Never look his way again and you have your way back home.” 
My heart fell to the depths of my stomach at this demand. Even though there was a tiny sliver of hope of being granted access back into my home, there was no way I could erase Noah’s memory of me. These feelings we shared were still unknown to me but that didn’t mean I didn’t understand that we were important to each other; the feelings were real. 
“I’m not interested,” I spat while spinning on my heels, ready to walk back over to Noah. 
“He will allow you time to think about it, but not for long,” Uriel spoke. “I suggest you accept because the stench of humans is beginning to rub off on you; especially that mortal.”
Both of us glanced over at Noah who was watching us intently while talking with Jesse. They were still a good distance from us so I knew none of them could hear mine and Uriel's conversation. 
“Hm, he fancies you, Lethia. Tell me, how often do you walk in his dream? Quite often I suppose since he has those vulgar thoughts of you,” Uriel breathed against the back of my neck, fingers grazing over mine. 
My head snapped up to Uriel, creating distance between us by snatching my hand away from him. It was clear that I still was able to feel the touch of fellow angels, just not mortals.  
“You don’t know anything! He’s a good man offering me a place to stay away from Maraxa and Lucifer,” I seethed. 
His eyes darkened, almost as black as my wings. “You must not heed to their demands. If you even think about joining Lucifer's army, any chance of you getting back into the Kingdom will be long forgotten. The King is only allowing you one chance. Erase that mortal mind or stay on this putrid planet and walk among these disgusting creatures.” 
“Trust me, I have zero intention of joining Lucifer. It’s because of him I fell into what I am now. But the thought of joining a Kingdom that banished me also isn’t quite appealing,” I scoffed and walked a few steps away from him when his next words gave me great pause. 
“What if I sweeten the deal?” 
Turning slowly on my feet, I held out a hand. “I doubt it but go ahead.” 
Uriel pursed his lips before running a hand through his already perfect long, golden hair. “It is known that Lucifer is looking to revolt and he’s trying to find other fallen to join his army; for example, you.” 
I shook my head. “I already told you, I have no interest in joining him.” 
“The King can be quite lax with this upcoming war. He thinks he has enough soldiers for it but if I’m being frank, without Oblivion, we have no chance.” 
Every part of my body chilled to the bone as all the breath was snatched from my lungs at hearing that name; I hadn’t heard it in so long. 
“I’m not that person anymore,” I stated. “I haven’t been for a very long time.” 
“If you come back to the Kingdom, you can bring him with you. But still would need to erase his memories of you.” Uriel nodded behind me. 
To Noah. 
“What?” I stood tall. “How would that work? He’s mortal, he wouldn’t survive in the Kingdom. Not to mention, the King would never allow it.” 
That’s when something sparkled in Uriel’s eyes. 
“You two will dethrone the King.” 
I laughed out loud at his words. “Dethrone the King? Show up to the pearly gates so we can spit in his face?” 
“Think about it,” Uriel stepped closer to me, running a hand through my short locks. 
“If you accept to dethrone the King, lead the army in victory against Lucifer, you can bring the mortal with you and rule the Kingdom. However, he would have to be a mere peasant there. He cannot remember who you are. Think of him as a mere pawn for you to play with.” 
I stood frozen under his touch as he twirled a strand of hair around his finger. “I’ll even return you to your old physical state. Which you should be thankful for because this one doesn’t suit you.” 
The promise of not only going back home in my old form but being able to bring Noah with me made something inside of me light with the life I’d been searching for since I fell. But it wouldn’t be easy to bring a mortal into the Kingdom; there was only one way to enter. 
Being an eternal being. 
“I’ll think about it,” I muttered under my breath. 
Uriel smiled as he removed his hand from my hair. “I suggest you do because the longer you try to hide your true form, well I don’t need to remind you of what will happen.” 
No, he didn’t. 
My wings will deteriorate. My powers will weaken. Slowly over time, I will lose myself in my mind. 
With a scowl, I turned my back to him and finally sauntered back over towards Noah, who met me halfway, quick to pull me into his embrace. 
“Everything alright?” He brushed away some stray hairs from my face. 
“I need to get far away from that man,” I begged, parts of me that I didn’t want to remember coming back with force. 
“Did he hurt you?” Noah’s hands were on both sides of my face, almost mute against my skin. “Are you alright?
“Please,” I grasped at his arms, digging into the material of his jacket. “Can we leave? Seeing him brought up far too many memories I’d like to forget”. 
Noah nodded while wrapping an arm around my shoulder to begin leading me back down the hill, Uriel’s voice calling after us. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Lethia!”
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“This place is called what?” 
Noah chuckled at Lethia’s upturned head at him with furrowed brows. “In-N-Out. They’ve got great burgers here.” 
“Burgers?” She said slowly. 
I watched as Noah explained the menu to her, what’s good and what to stay away from. Revealing that she wasn’t particular to any kind of food, he took it upon himself to order her a cheeseburger, fries, and a large chocolate milkshake. 
“Oh, that milkshake sounds delicious,” Lethia mused with a bright smile.
There was a faint smile on my face as I continued to watch the two of them, Noah sliding his hand on the lower back of Lethia as they waited for their food. She had slipped on his sweater on the way down from the mountain, the sudden change in the wind causing all of us to feel a frigid chill.
After Lethia spoke to that old friend of hers, something shifted with her. Noah could tell instantly because he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, not wanting to let her more than a few inches out of her sight. 
“Something doesn’t feel right about this guy,” Noah muttered to me as we watched Lethia and her friend converse. 
I held him back with a grip on his elbow when he nearly stomped over there seeing Uriel run his hands through Lethia’s hair. 
“Jolly,” he warned through gritted teeth. 
“Just give her some time alone, like she asked. If she’s uncomfortable, she’ll let you know,” I said. 
I could practically see all the worry leave Lethia’s body when Noah’s arms wrapped around her not even a minute later. 
I couldn’t explain it, and frankly, I don’t think Noah could explain either how Lethia entranced him since he found her in our driveway all those weeks ago. He claimed there was this undeniable pull between them and almost as if it was fate that they kept running into each other.
There’d been this light in Noah’s eyes every time he looked at Lethia, shining brighter now knowing and witnessing they kissed. He’d become transfixed ever since that first meeting even when she had her hand wrapped around his throat. We all should have been terrified of the strength she possessed when she tackled Folio to the floor or with how tight her grip was around Noah. But if he didn’t feel harm when he was around her, the least we could do was trust her. 
“What do you think?” Noah asked. 
She nodded with a mouth full of food then once she swallowed, Lethia took a large gulp of her milkshake. “Delicious.” 
While I ate my food, I continued to carefully watch them as the others around me had their own conversations. I didn’t miss the way when Noah muttered something in her ear, Lethia’s cheeks turned a deep crimson, like her eyes. 
She had her milkshake halfway to her lips when her body stilled, a painful grimace crossing her features. Those eyes scanned the entirety of the restaurant, almost looking for someone. 
“Are you alright?” Jesse questioned. 
“Uh,” Lethia winced, nearly doubling over in pain when she grasped at the ends of the table. 
A small gust of wind bristled by our table, tickling the back of my neck, and as I rubbed there Lethia quickly rushed to her feet. 
“I need a moment,” she grumbled before rushing out of the restaurant. 
Noah wanted to go after her but decided against it, knowing she needed time to herself. 
“Anyone else think she does that a lot?” Michael questioned. 
Noah sighed while running a hand through the long strands of his hair. “Lethia has a lot going on right now. She needs help.” 
“What do you mean?” I asked while tossing my garbage on the tray in front of me. 
There was slight hesitation from Noah for a long moment until he eventually divulged to us that he believes Lethia is running from an ex who wanted her back, even though he kicked her out of their house. 
“Oh, right. Lucifer,” Michael snorted. “Are we sure she doesn’t have this obsession with the occult or some shit? The only Lucifer I’d heard of is the supposed devil. 
Orie smacked him upside the head. “Dude, Lethia is not dating the devil.” 
“She’s not dating anyone,” Noah’s eyes sliced over to him but they softened when he realized his words. “Lethia’s not dating anyone.” 
“Then what do you call what’s going on between the two of you?” Jesse wondered. 
“I don’t know,” Noah shrugged. “I like her but I don’t want to rush her into anything she doesn’t want.” 
“From what I’ve seen, you’re not. Whatever you’re giving her, she’s reciprocating it back. Lethia feels the same, Noah. You don’t have to worry about that,” I assured him. 
All he did was nod as he kept his gaze on the door of the restaurant where Lethia stormed through minutes before. 
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“Come to me, Lethia. My queen. I need you by my side to rule.” 
I clawed at my ears, digging out Lucifer's voice, and continued to run into the woods behind the restaurant. My body ached with the pain of my wings nearly forcing their way out of my back. It’s been a few days since I let them out and it was beginning to crush me. 
“I miss you, Lethia. I need you again.” 
“Stop!” I cried while falling to my knees in the leaves and dirt, hands covering my ears. 
“I’ll never stop until I have you in my presence. You are mine, Lethia. Not his.” 
All but ripping Noah’s sweater off of me, I tossed it to the side just as I let out a sheer groan of agony mixed with ecstasy when my large wings exploded from my back. The force of them caused the branches of the trees around me to falter, some falling to the ground around me like drops of rain. 
My jaw was slack as I peered up to the gloomy grays of the sky, an upcoming storm about to ravage through the city. All the pain I felt inside the restaurant was long forgotten, replaced with the intoxication of my angelic being. My powers began to slowly fester low inside of me and with an open palm, I watched the bright light slowly begin to grow into a baseball-sized orb then with a flick of my wrist, I sent it to a tree far off into the distance, incinerating it completely. 
My body vibrated with all of my senses. I could hear the chatter of people miles away, feeling the slight creep of chills against the skin of my back when my name came out from the chatter. 
Before, it was Lucifer speaking in my mind. But now, that voice that uttered my name was the same that spoke when he was kissing me last night. 
My left wing came around to the front of me, blocking me from anyone who dared to venture into the woods and a broken sob fell from my chattering lips. They were deteriorating at such a rapid pace. While they were still large, dark, and caused fear to any mortal who saw them, my wings were a pathetic excuse to any other angel. A few feathers drifted into the wind, the weakness from hiding who I was taunting me. 
“There she is. I knew you couldn’t hide who you were. The darkness lies inside of you, begging to awaken.” 
I sucked in a gulp of air when Maraxa’s voice crept into my mind now; the cold and monotone bringing a chill to my bones. 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head when a vision slammed into me. 
Noah and the guys sitting in the booth of the restaurant, smiling and laughing with a group of girls that sauntered up to the table. One of the girls was standing a bit too close to Noah, as he signed something for her. When he handed it back, their fingers grazed over the girl’s. His almond eyes snapped from her hand to her face, gazing at all of her features.
“No!” I screamed while rising to my feet. “Stop. I know what you’re doing!” 
“Oh, sweet Oblivion. I’m doing nothing that your mind is already thinking.” 
The way Maraxa uttered my other name made me whirl around, thinking she was here with me. 
“I’m not Oblivion anymore. I haven’t been for a very long time,” I spat, eyes scanning my surroundings. 
“You should see yourself. Looking like a mad angel who lost her mind.” 
Uriel’s warnings were right. My wings were deteriorating and now, I was losing myself in my mind. Were these voices even in my head? Or had I been imagining them since my fall? 
My head snapped up to just outside the clearing of the woods, Noah’s faint outline slowly closing the distance. 
“Oh, you’re thinking of letting him see you in your true form. Surely, he will think you’re even more of a freak than how you look. He wouldn’t understand.” 
The voices wouldn’t stop, no matter how hard I smacked my ears to drown them out. 
“This mortal will never understand you. You’re mine, Lethia. Mine and no one else's. I will have you in my arms once again.” 
“Stop,” I cried while falling to my knees again, my wings wrapping around me in a protective barrier. 
“Dethrone the King and all of his kingdom will be yours.” 
“Lethia? Are you okay?” 
Snapping my eyes open, they landed on Noah who was now a few feet away from me. With a roll of my shoulders, I stood to my feet, appearing just as I had moments before leaving his presence. 
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“Lethia, are you alright?” I questioned as she appeared through the clearing of the woods. 
I felt Lethia brush past me as she walked back toward the car, not uttering a word at me. My heart sank slightly but I did my best not to dwell on it because of our moments together in my bedroom and the bathroom last night. The unbridled passion between us was burning over into undeniable attraction. 
With a sigh, I tied my hair into a low bun, ready to go back home after this long day, but a flutter of movement at my feet caught my attention. It was a lone black feather, just like the one I'd found that first night Lethia appeared in my life. 
Bending at the knees, I reached for the feather, and then with a gasp of breath, I felt my vision being yanked away from me at the edges, darkness encompassing every part of me. I felt my soul being dragged away into another dimension, tumbling into a brighter vision of pure peace and eternal life. 
A woman with white golden hair stood in front of me, even brighter wings protruding from her back, as she held onto less fragile wings from the man who kneeled at her feet. 
"Oblivion," he cried. "Don't fall into the true meaning of your name, please." 
The woman; no angel cocked her head to the side with a slight wicked smile. 
"The King bestowed this name to me for a reason," was all she said before the man's cries of death and pain erupted but were overshadowed by the sounds of his wings being ripped from his back. 
With a gasp of breath, I was dragged back into the present, nearly stumbling onto my ass. Looking around my surroundings, I noticed I was back in Los Angeles, Jolly and Jesse slowly walking towards me. 
"You alright?" Jolly wondered. 
Ignoring him, I twirled the feather in my fingers and locked eyes with Lethia, who gave nothing away from her face except the slight flicker of light in her red eyes.
This vision didn’t feel like it was one of my own memories. It was as if I was dragged into someone else subconscious as I watched from the outside looking in. Something about watching the angel get his wings ripped away from him felt wrong, especially with the wicked smirk the female angel had on her face when she did it. 
I couldn’t ignore the way my mind vibrated with the familiarity of her. I knew who she was but she didn’t look familiar. Her presence was the only familiar thing about her and with a flick of my gaze to Lethia, there was a small part of me that knew who it was. 
With a sigh, I carefully pocketed the feather in my coat pocket and nodded over to Jesse who asked if I was ready to head back to the house. When I climbed into the car, I noticed that Michael and Jolly sat in the back with Lethia, so I retreated into the front seat of the car, while Jesse lounged in the middle with Harper. 
“Everything alright?” Orie asked as he pulled the car out onto the main road. 
Glancing over my shoulder, I watched Lethia for a few beats as she stared straight out of her window, not bothering to meet my gaze. I knew she could feel it burning into her but whatever happened to her outside in those woods rendered her speechless. 
“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully before turning back to face forward with a sigh. 
As soon as we arrived back at the house, Lethia nearly jumped out of the car to run inside once Jolly opened the door for her. She locked herself away in my bedroom for the rest of the afternoon well into the evening. Part of me wanted to check on her if she was alright but it was clear she wanted to be left alone. If she needed me, she would let me know. 
Would she? 
With a shake of my head at the thought, I bid a goodnight to Jesse and Michael as we watched a movie together in the living room and slowly retreated up the steps to my room. The door opened a crack but before I pushed my way through, I noticed Lethia standing in the middle of my room in front of my mirror. She was only wearing a pair of black panties and a matching bra. I knew I should have averted my gaze to anything else but I was mesmerized by her. 
Lethia showed me her back, hands slinking up her spine towards the hook of her bra, the material falling to the floor at her feet. My breath caught in my throat when I noticed the large crow tattoo on her right shoulder blade. But it wasn’t just the sight of it that gave me great pause; it was the large upside-down V scar on her back. It wasn’t an old scar. It looked new; fresh. 
“What the?” I muttered, slowly pushing away from the door to stand in the middle of the landing above the stairs. 
With a glance over the landing, I noticed that Jesse and Michael were still sitting on the couch, and knowing Jolly and Orie retreated to bed earlier, the computer in the studio was free. As I came back downstairs to head into the studio that was off the den, Jesse raised a brow at me. 
“I thought you went to bed?” 
I motioned to the room in front of me. “Late-night inspiration.” 
Shutting the door behind me, I dropped down into the chair in front of the computer with my fingers hovering over the keyboard. My mind was full of different words, I wasn’t sure where to start. 
Black feathers. 
Vivid dreams. 
Crows in dreams. 
Upside-down V scars on a person's back. 
Fallen Angels. 
The last one made me freeze ever so still, a memory of my own past creeping into the front recesses of my mind. 
“Noah, dear! Come on. It’s time for your bedtime story!” 
Eight-year-old me ran down the long hallway of my grandparent's house into my bedroom there and hopped into my bed, where my grandma sat on the edge with a fond smile. 
“Lord of the Rings?” I asked while climbing under the blankets. 
She chuckled while tucking me in. “Now, what did I say about those books? Aren’t you a little too young for them?” 
I rolled my eyes. “Ok grandma, what’s the story tonight?” 
“Fallen angels.” 
“Like from heaven?” I asked with furrowed brows. 
“Now I won't bore you with all the details but there’s something special about them,” my grandma began while patting my thigh over the blanket. “When an angel falls from heaven, people think they’re automatically stripped of all their powers but sometimes that's not the case.” 
She continued. “There’s this story of a great angel that fell, her feathers scattered all over the world. Whenever a human touched them, they would be sucked into memories of the angel.” 
I gave my grandma a “you can’t be serious” look but she only cupped my cheek in response.  
“No one believed that angels walked among us until someone saw the scars on the back of one.” 
“Scars?” I said, sitting up straighter in bed. 
“Large ones on their back. In an upside-down V.” 
I choked on a breath nearly falling out of the computer chair but gripped the handrests to keep myself steady. When I was eight years old, I figured my grandma was blowing smoke out of her ass, telling another one of her many stories. But now, everything seemed to have a bit of truth. 
Biting my bottom lip, I clicked on Google and quickly typed the words into the search bar before I doubted myself a second longer. 
Fallen Angel.
I clicked on the first website. 
“Fallen Angels are angels who have been exiled or banished from Heaven. Often such banishment is a punishment for disobeying or rebelling against their King,” I read the words out loud. 
I scrolled down the page a bit farther, still muttering the words out loud as I read them. 
“If a fallen angel is impaled or struck in the scars created when his or her wings were ripped out usually spanning from shoulder blades to kidney area, he or she will be temporarily immobilized. Some angels still have scars even if they haven’t lost their wings. It’s easier for the skin to peel away for the wings to slip from.” 
I shivered at the phantom feeling but then froze when I read the next section. 
“A fallen angel is unable to feel physical pain or sensations.” 
Scrolling down a bit farther, it was then that I realized how right I’d been about this feeling festering within me; almost begging to be let out. 
“A fallen angel's feather holds a lot of power. It holds the memories of the angel and whoever touches them can find themselves in those memories. A fallen angel's biggest weakness is one of their feathers. If a feather is burned, the original owner of the feather will be chained in Hell for eternity. Otherwise, fallen angels are nearly as indestructible as Angels and Archangels.” 
I fell back into the chair and rubbed a hand over my mouth, letting everything I read process in my mind. Everything correlated to what I’ve noticed with Lethia especially the part of her not being able to feel anything. 
There’d been a few times when it seemed like my touch meant nothing to her. But when we kissed, it seemed as if she could feel that. 
The feathers. 
Even though I tried to deny what I’d seen when I picked up the feather today, I knew that it was true what I’d seen. 
But how come I hadn’t seen anything when I picked up the first feather? 
Hunching back over towards the computer screen, I read more into the section about fallen angel feathers. 
“The more fallen angel feathers you touch, the stronger your connection to their memories is.” 
With a purse of my lips, I rummaged around the desk looking for my lyric book where I had stashed the first feather, using it as a bookmark. The other feather was still in my pocket, weighing heavily with the fear of what I would see next. My heart was pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears and feel it in my throat. It was suffocating, this feeling clawing its way inside of me, threatening to pull me under. 
Did I want to do this? 
Was I ready for what I could potentially see? 
Granted, I had to take everything I read online with a grain of salt because it could have been a bunch of made-up bullshit. But with it correlating to not only my grandma’s story but things I’ve noticed about Lethia, there had to be some truth to it all. 
“Fuck it,” I muttered while grabbing the feather in my lyric notebook at the same time I grabbed the one in my pocket. 
Darkness lingered at the corners of not only my vision but my mind as well. It dragged me under with no warning to the dark depths of what I could only assume was Lethia’s mind. 
My body landed with a thud to the cool wetness of the grass below me and quickly scrambling to my knees, I took in the vast empty field that went on for miles. Brightly colored trees lined the edge of the field and it was so quiet here that I could hear my blood running through my veins. 
“My love. I've been waiting for you.” 
Whirling around on my heels, I took in the sight of a tall man with skinny but large white wings extended from his back. His black hair was a mess of curls in front of his eyes and the dark levis hung low on his hips. The sheer brightness of his green eyes was almost eerie and I felt as if he could see straight into my soul. 
But he didn’t. It was as if he didn’t see me when he walked past me, over towards a lone figure lying in the grass a few meters away from me. 
Long golden, almost white, strands of hair fell around her shoulders as she sat up, bright eyes staring back at the man who was slowly closing the distance. I swallowed thickly when I recognized that face. 
It wasn’t the way I knew her but it was still her. 
“Lucifer. You know you’re not supposed to be here,” she quickly rose to her feet, taking a step back from him. 
He stood in front of her shirtless, the defining muscles of his chest and stomach tightening as he stuffed his hands deep into his pockets. 
So her ex actually was Lucifer. 
What the fuck did you just step into, Noah?
“I snuck away from the King for a moment. I needed to see you,” Lucifer tried to reach for her. 
Lethia smacked his hands away before running a shaking one of hers through her long hair. I then noticed she also had her wings exposed; large and as white as her hair. 
“We cannot be seen together! If the King finds out we’ve been together, he will banish us; or worse.” 
Lucifer chuckled darkly then pulled Lethia into his arms; her going willingly. 
I gritted my teeth at the jealousy that coursed through me, trying to tell myself that it was a very long time ago and it didn’t mean anything; not anymore. 
“My sweet Oblivion. The King wouldn’t banish his number one soldier. If he lost you, who would tear out the wings of the ones who went against him?” 
My blood ran cold at Lucifer's words. I knew that the first memory I saw had something to do with Lethia but I never put two and two together. She was the one who ripped out the angel's wings.
“I did horrible things back home and how could I ever be allowed back?
Her words from the last night made more sense now than they did when she first uttered them. 
“I cannot,” Lethia tried to fight against his grasp but ultimately gave in. 
“One more night. After tonight, I’ll let you be,” Lucifer’s fingers linked behind her neck, tilting her lips up towards him. 
“We both know we cannot stay away from each other,” she uttered before pulling him down to the grass with him. 
My eyes snapped open with a gulp of air and I gazed around the room of my studio, making sure that I was still alone. It took me some time to get my breath back to normal and my heart back to a steady pace. 
I slammed both of the feathers in my lyric book and hid it in the far back of the closet in the room, hoping no one else would find it. Those feathers held too much power and if I lost them, the looming fear of what could happen taunted me. 
“If an angel's feather is burned, they become changed to Hell for all eternity,” I reiterated the words I read earlier. 
Whether or not that part was true, I couldn’t risk it. 
Letting out a long breath, I shut down the computer and slowly slipped out of the studio, going upstairs to my bedroom unnoticed by Jesse and Michael who were still watching the movie. This time when I stopped in front of my room, I noticed the door was shut so I was quiet as I stepped inside, finding a sleeping Lethia cuddled under the mounds of blankets on my bed. 
I stood there for a long moment, staring at her back as it faced me, wondering what the scars looked like again underneath her shirt. 
My shirt. 
I had offered her to wear anything of mine and it seemed like she took me up on that offer. 
It was clear who she was running from. Lucifer. He wanted her back for reasons unknown to me but it was clear she didn’t want to go with him. 
I moved around my room quietly to change into a pair of sweats, opting not to sleep in a shirt only because it got extremely hot in my room during these summer nights, even with the air conditioner on. 
Softly, I got into bed behind Lethia as the faint breaths coming from her filled the air. For the first while, I laid on my back and stared up at my ceiling but when I noticed she didn’t move away, I turned to my side but still kept space between us. The heat from her body radiated around me, pulling me into her aura and I found myself never wanting to leave. 
Even though I knew what she was now, I wouldn’t tell Lethia I knew. This was something she needed to tell me when she was ready. 
Instead, I wrapped my arm around her midsection and pulled her into my chest. Although she might not be able to feel my touch, that didn’t stop me from running my nose along the crook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her. She must have showered because she smelled of peaches and a hint of something familiar. 
I faintly smelled my shampoo in her skin and I hummed in pleasure. 
“What happened to the wall of pillows?” Lethia’s tired voice broke through the silence. 
I knew she was teasing when I heard her smile with her words. 
“This is much better than a wall of pillows,” I mused while I caressed her neck with my lips.
Lethia relaxed in my arms as she gave herself over to me and linked my fingers that rested on her stomach with hers and I wrapped my leg over hers, locking her in place. 
“Goodnight, Noah,” she murmured into the pillow. 
“Sweet dreams, Lethia,” I pressed a kiss to her head, finally letting the long day falter away with the darkness that swallowed us whole. 
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hanasnx · 7 months
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darth vader x f!reader
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SUMMARY: you live to serve your sith lord. WORD COUNT: 1.3k | CHARACTERS: darth vader NOTES: as a former christian child, this song speaks to me on a level i cant explain. it is not a testament to my current religious standpoint, this is not pro or anti anything. merely a song analysis format in the perspective of a darth vader smut writer. "hosanna" by hillsong united. @xstarkillerx heavily influenced this fic WARNINGS: heavy religious themes | sexual content | coitus | unprotected sex | virginity loss | objectification | worship | size difference | mentioned: blood, suicide | no y/n
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Heal my heart and make it clean.
“Please, my lord.” your desperate croak echoes against the floor as you press your forehead to the stone in your kneel. You beg not for traditional mercy, but rightful extinction. To bask in the company of the Sith Lord can only mean one thing. Finally, your mistake will be remedied. You’ll be scorched from the face of this planet by his righteous fire, fit to continue your spiritual journey with the help of his guided and generous hand. When it raises to clench around your neck, to squeeze the life from you, your soul will escape your wretched and human body.
Open up my eyes to the things unseen.
Sights you cannot fathom, planes you cannot reach, heavens you are unallowed to cross all become possible in the benevolence of his presence. A great exhilaration, the cathartic rush you’ve been bound to chasing your entire lifespan is at your fingertips. They prickle in anticipation, driving you to near tears over the discovery of divinity. To be at his feet overwhelms you, and you’re wracked with sobs. The pilgrimage you’ve been tasked with is at its end. Darth Vader stands before you, and you cannot bring yourself to utter another word in fear.
Show me how to love like You have loved me.
You’re brought to stand. His hand cups your chin, and you burn from his touch. By his grip, he raises your gaze, and you scan the ample length of his imposing form. Cloaked in black, shrouded in terrifying mystery, your weeping is quieted in the presence of his glory. The image of his expressionless mask in front of you runs your blood cold. You’ve seen his likeness etched into your planet’s culture, yet that awe is incomparable to the one that roars through your veins now. Legends depict his dark figure as a hunter. An insatiable pursuant that stops at nothing until the galaxy is cleansed. His abysmal love for all things is shown through his relentless protection of it. With a step, he shakes the very crust of the terrain he walks upon; with a wave of his mighty hand, corrupt civilizations fall and armies stab themselves so as not to face him; under his leadership, his empire thrives and spreads to the untouched and the perverted in his name. Dry mouth struggles to swallow as he remains silent, doubtlessly counting your sins as he scrutinizes you. You always knew you were to be judged, and here it is. Yet, you’re stupefied. His thumb against you does not feel like you thought it would, pinching your skin coldly.
Break my heart for what breaks Yours.
“Do I displease you?” you whisper. A single tear breaks from your eye in your tremble, grazing your cheek as it falls. A knuckle comes to dab at the moisture, and you flinch. His encasing is to hide his unseeable majesty from the galaxy. It is said a single look upon his true self will devour you whole, tearing you to shreds where you stand, and blaze your eyes from their sockets. If you survive the encounter, you’ll live out the rest of your blackened life consumed by his image as the last thing you saw, in blind search of it through endless deserts. Already you condemn yourself, cursing your own household for its transgressions against him and his vision, your appearance is unsatisfactory, your soul has been dipped in gold to weigh down the scales. You’ve been too prideful, vain, greedy. How could you have ever hoped to be here with him when you’re a demon in skin? He senses it, he must. You will atone.
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause.
There is nothing you won’t do in his name. There is nothing that will keep you from him. Your boundless devotion towards the Sith Lord cannot be bought, cannot be measured. You are his vessel, a path to reach others, your eyes are his eyes. Can he see himself through you? If he, a being of endless power, were to attempt to inhabit your body, would you combust into ashes under his boot? Still, you try. Storms bend to his will, mountains bow by his word. What could you offer to him that is not within his scope? “Anything.” you plea through a broken voice, your hands hooking into your outerwear to pull it off your shoulders. His hand releases your jaw, and you step back for any offense you may have caused. Since his command suspends, you continue. Your straps are tugged down, and your knees buckle, dropping to the ground. Desperately, lovingly, you bare yourself to him, you crawl to his feet in worship.
As I walk from earth into eternity.
There’s nothing you don’t give him throughout the night. Anything you can comprehend is surrendered to him. You’re afraid. While he’s inside you, you’re afraid. Rooted deep, sheathed inside your purity, touching sacred parts of you that has never been offered to anyone else. You’re afraid of him. He’s said nothing, exhalting himself using you as you’ve invited him to, but in your eyes he’d need not ask. You are his. Large hands grasp your torso, bunching up the fabrics of your clothes, ripping seams more and more with each thrust. The pain of consummation is one you thank him for with lachrymal essence dripping down the corners of your eyes, wetting your hairline. The sins of the flesh are a stranger to you, until he breaks your virginity, fucking you through the blood. So as not to surprise him, you swallow your cry with a palm over your lips. Disillusioned with your surroundings, focused on the heat where your bodies meet, you notice how he’s changed his pace. A gentler angle to his hips as he caresses your insides with his member. Regardless of its stiffness, the velvety outer layer is sweet against your walls. True rapture introduces itself to you, growing in pleasure with each stroke. His cape veils your nakedness to the outside world, shielding you as he presses you to him in a surprising demonstration of humanity. Symbolically, your forehead kisses the crest of his headpiece, a stark contrast from the stone you’d bowed on, he is showing you forgiveness. Humility. He is grateful. The sensation of being filled by him becomes not only bearable, but welcome. Your wails are no longer wracked with the despair of ache, but of staggering passion. Newfound life flows through you, rejuvenating you, manifesting in the beads of sweat on your brow, and the tears of thankfulness as they stream from your blurring gaze. On the edge of your peak, you take pride. He wants you. He wants you. He wants you.
Hosanna, Hosanna.
You can’t see yourself, but you’re outside your body. The warmth of existence embraces you, curling around you like smoke. There’s nothing but comfort here. Nothing but a stretch of unconditional love and acceptance. Finally, finally you’re here. You’ve reached your heavens. You can feel it all around you. It is the light. It is eternity. It is. It is. It is.
You are. You are. You are.
As you open your eyes, the fleeting feeling dissipates. The prickle softens, your breathing evens out, the white hot sensation of your orgasm passes over you. No. No. No. It was right there, it was in your hands. You’re alerted as he pulls from you, the wet sounds of your joint pleasures spill from your spasming entrance, pouring down your body that still remains. Your body that drew your soul back in from salvation. Darth Vader does not realize he’d given you a taste of the Force in his ecstasy, entwining your souls to see through each other’s eyes for one honored moment. Nor does he foresee the future of you begging for him over and over again, just for a mere taste of it at your climax.
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happy-beeeps · 10 months
for the prompt list you just reblogged, what about "i didn't sign up for this" with either obi-wan kenobi or the bad batcher of your choice?
I’m on the run (with you my sweet love)
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Pairing: obi-wan x reader
WC: 1.2k
Summary: after hearing that obi-wan is living in exile, you do your best to find him, determined to live out your lives together as you’d dreamed.
Suggested listening: Chemtrails over the country club by Lana Del Rey
A/N: IM SO BAD AT ANSWERING OH MY GOD. Thank you for the request I’m so excited!!! tbh, I struggled with this so hard because I physically cannot give Obi-Wan an angsty situation but we made it work hehehe. Obi-Wan is both my fav Star Wars man (which surprises people sometimes) and one of the characters I write the least, so this was SO fun! Sorry it’s so short, but I plan on writing much more for him soon!❤️🫶🥰
The house was small, really just a small kitchenette and living space with a bed nook off to the side. Like all houses in the dune sea, it was low in the ground, slatted windows up high on the walls to offer light with as little heat as possible. You wouldn’t call it nice by any means, not compared to what you’ve lived in before, but it had a certain coziness that had excited you. You had flushed out your credits just as soon as Bail had told you of Obi-Wan’s exile, and gotten yourself on the first ship to Mos Eisley that you could. The house had been easy enough to find, there were plenty of people in Mos Eisley eager to sell property to someone, particularly when that someone came with a sack of credits.
The hard part was finding Obi-Wan.
You spent the morning in the center of Mos Eisley, gathering supplies and what small furnishings you could transport for your new home, listening intently for anything. Any word of a newcomer, any whispers of the fall of the Jedi. Unfortunately (or fortunately) no one said anything.
Beru and Owen were the obvious next choice, and they came with much greater information than you had anticipated. You hadn’t met Anakin’s brother and sister-in-law before, but you had seen holos of them during your nights in with Padmé. Owen had been… reluctant to talk to you, but Beru had quickly pointed you in the direction of the cave Obi-Wan had been hiding out in the past few rotations, not terribly far from your home or the Larrs homestead.
Which is how you found yourself here, at the mouth of a cave, a fabric shawl draped carefully over your shoulders to protect as much of you as possible from the blazing Tatooine suns.
It was easy to walk into, and the dark walls and open space gave the whole space a chill in the air that hung itself uncomfortably around your shoulders. He wasn’t here, but there were signs of him present. A rucksack with some rations and credits, his robes and tunic–carefully folded in a pile resting on a large stone, and a small lamp. You ran your hands down the soft fabric of the robe, before picking it up and bringing it close to you. It smelled just like him, and for the first moment in what felt like a millenia, you let yourself ache in your chest. You had missed him something awful, worried something awful. When Padmé had explained what had happened, what he would have to do, you had feared the worst.
When none of them came back, you had all but accepted it.
“Don’t move.”
The voice that came from the cave mouth was cold and cautious, strong and intimidating. It was also home.
“Ben,” you whispered, using the nickname you had given him some night who knows how many moons ago, hoping to show him you were you. You were here.
You removed the shawl slowly as he stepped out of the mouth of the cave, his form no longer silhouetted against the blinding sun. His hair was looking slightly ragged, the tunic he wore now hung awkwardly on his frame–it must’ve been a loan from Owen you decided.
“Is it really you?” he asked, walking up to you cautiously, moving slowly as if you were made of mist that would simply vanish if he got too close. The sun had already begun to bring out even more freckles across his skin, growing ruddy with exposure.
“I’m here to take you home with me,” you murmured, closing the gap between the two of you and pulling him close to you, one hand cradling the back of his head while he pressed soft kisses into the crook of your neck.
“You can’t, I have to stay here. I can’t return to Coruscant with you.”
You pulled back for a moment, brushing the hair away from his face, “who said anything about Coruscant?” Before he could answer, you pressed your lips to his, capturing him in a kiss meant to soothe yourself and reassure him. He was alive. You were here. The rest you could figure out together.
* * *
You hadn’t said much on the walk back to your home, hadn’t been able to. Obi-Wan refused to let go of you, his hand lingering on a spot on your body at any moment. It was as if he was finally allowing himself these open, semi-public touches at last, though you knew the price of this freedom had been costly.
When you approached your home, you led him down to the living quarters and quickly worked at getting a small iced tea ready while he settled in. Well, attempted to settle.
“You bought this? Here?”
“You think I’d rent? In this economy?” You scoffed, and he gave you a lighthearted smile in return as you guided him towards the small sofa in the middle of the room. “I’ve only been here a few rotations, been looking for you,” you moved to settle beside him, knees clinking into one another with a familiarity you had been longing for. “You’re a hard man to find Master Kenobi.”
“I didn’t realize you’d be looking,” he reached over to place a hand on your cheek, steadying himself against you for a moment. It had taken you the better part of the afternoon to get from the cave to your home, and your living room was now painted in the orange and magenta hues of the setting suns, low light making him look even softer than you had imagined. “To be quite honest, I feared you’d assumed the worst.”
“Then you don’t know me at all.”
He pulled your head closer to him, bringing his forehead to yours in a sweet, intimate gesture. “I cannot put you in danger, I will not. You’re a senator, you cannot give up your life for me. You didn’t sign up for this.”
“I’m more than just a senator you know,” you breathed, your eyes fluttering open to look into his while his breath hitched in his throat, “as per that night on Chandrila, I’m your wife. You think I don’t want to be here? That I didn’t sign up for this? I said "till death”, Kenobi, and I meant it.”
“I couldn’t contact you, I’ve had to close myself off to the Force since arriving. I’ve lost so much. I cannot lose you dearest.”
You moved closer to him to bridge the gap between your mouths again, breathing a simple, “you’ll never have to,” as you did. This time you kissed him with the fervor and passion of a woman coming home, and he drank you in like a man lost in a desert. Which, you suppose he was. Here was your Obi-Wan, your Ben, wrapped in your arms and in your home for as long as you’d like. You were free to press yourself against his freckled chest and trace the starlight colored scars across his skin. You could live in the serendipitous bliss of him, his smell of caf and leather and something woody, the kind way he carried himself.
It had cost you both everything, had cost the Republic, but at last you were free to be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s wife in more than just secrecy, your sanctuary guarded by the twin suns of Tatooine.
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A/N: This is such a fun idea I love it and I'm doing it <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Clay x male!reader x Branch
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Summary: Reader has attracted the attention of Clay AND Branch, neither brother knows that the other likes reader. Clay tells Viva that he likes reader, and Branch tells Poppy, both Brozone members are to nervous to tell reader on their own, so Viva and Poppy go to each other to ask for help planning a blind date, just to hear that the other was trying to do the same thing. This starts a problem, because both Viva and Poppy think that their respective Brozone member is the perfect person for reader and they will not budge, so they go back to Clay and Branch and tell them the news.
Warnings: Two people in love with Y/N, Clay n Branch are shy, Y/N has to make a decision on who he wants to date, slight ooc trolls (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
Extras: I will write two follow up fics on where you choose Clay, and where you choose Branch. If you guys want, I can also write a follow up fic on where you choose neither of the two brothers who are fighting for you!
A/N: Now let's begin!!
Clay was staring. Not just at any random thing, he was staring at him. The man of his dreams, the one he's liked since not even Viva knew when. Y/N. He was reading, something that he did pretty often, it was some action or romance of mystery book that Clay couldn't care less about. But... It was Y/N, the man he did care about.
So he offered to read the book too so Y/N could have someone to talk to about it, and Y/N was less to say, over the moon about it. And that's what Clay wanted, so he watched as Y/N read the book. The two agreed to read up 3 chapters every week and talk about them every Saturday. Clay already blazed through them, but Y/N liked to take his time, noting every detail he found amusing, or sad, or anything of the like, in a notebook. He then rambled on and on about them every Saturday.
With Branch, on the other hand, they go on walks, or just do anything outdoors. They go on hikes together, sit by the water, sit in trees, sit BY trees, basically anything outdoors, Branch and Y/N enjoy them together.
That's not even necessarily saying that they talk every time they go out, or that the two even interact after the "hi" when they first meet up, and the little small talk they make before falling into a silence.
The tree leaves rustle from side to side, the ground crunching under their feet, the smell of fresh grass or the salty sea. The beautiful views the two see. It calms Y/N down tremendously to see the views, and he gets enjoyment from spending time with Branch. So it was no surprise that Branch had fallen for him not long after they started their little adventures together.
Now the problem was, neither brother knew that the other likes Y/N. And when the two brothers told their respective sister about it, the sisters vowed to set them up on a date with Y/N. Here's how those interactions went.
"So you're telling me that you..... Like, Y/N?" Viva raised a brow as she repeated Clay's words back to him. She wanted to be completely, 100% sure about what she heard.
Clay just nodded, his face turning a deep shade of red (or teal if you want to imagine them as actual trolls!) Viva stared at him for a couple seconds; silent, blinking. Then her smile grew wide.
"That's amazing, Clay!!! You two would be like, such a perfect match!" Viva spoke way to cheerfully, "Me and Poppy will come up with the perfect date for you two!!"
And before Clay could object, Viva ran off to find Poppy.
Branch started at Poppy while she took in what he had said, that he liked Y/N. Poppy was to silent for Branch's liking, and he opened his mouth to speak but Poppy cut him off.
"That's amazing, Branch!! I'm so happy for you, can I set up a date for you and him? Please, please pleaseeee!!"
Branch blinked before sighing softly and nodding. Poppy jumped up and down with joy before running off to go find Viva.
When Poppy and Viva found each other, the two of them tried to speak at the same time.
"Branch likes Y/N and I need help setting up a date!"
"Clay likes Y/N and I need help setting up a date!"
Then there was silence between them. Poppy and Viva stared at each other for a good couple seconds before Viva spoke up first.
"Well, Clay is closer in age to Y/N, albeit a couple years older... But Branch is a little young for Y/N.."
"But Y/N and Branch spend a lot of quality time together, and Clay only meets with him when he's not busy, Branch drops everything he's doing for Y/N."
Poppy and Viva went back and forth arguing about who would be better for Y/N, and the two of them were getting fed up that the other always had something to say after they finished their argument.
"Ugghhh! I'm so done going back and forth with you, I love you Poppy, I really do. But I think we should just go to Clay and Branch and figure this out."
"I agree, even though Branch is the better candidate..."
Poppy and Viva went and found Branch and Clay sitting down and chatting, Poppy slammed her hands down on the table with anguish.
"You two have to solve your own problems, you both like Y/N and we need to figure out who's going on a date with him because Viva and I are done arguing about it."
Clay and Branch sat in shock, blinking. Branch's mouth gaped open as he stared at Poppy. Clay looked over at Viva, who had a look of disapproval and disappointment on her face as she looked at Poppy. Viva's gaze turned to Clay, and her gaze softened.
"Wait, Branch... You like Y/N and you didn't tell me..?"
"I mean, I told Floyd that if you asked he could tell you.. I didn't.."
Clay looked dejected, and for a while, Branch just sat and stared at him. "How come you didn't tell me that you like Y/N?
"Well I just, I mean, I was busy and we don't really hang out. And when we do hang out the topic never really comes up and I-
"Enough!!" Viva shouted, moving Poppy aside so she can stand beside Clay and Branch. "You two seriously need to figure this out because I'm not setting up a date between both of you and Y/N. What happens if the first date goes really well and he doesn't want to go on the second one with the other brother? I'm not making either of you upset."
Branch and Clay sat still, then they started to make a plan to go up to Y/N when he woke up later that day from his midday nap.
Y/N woke up later that day and stretched, got off from his bed and made himself some coffee. Then he walked outside with his book and sat down in his rocking chair. Then there was four pairs of footsteps.
"Y/N! How was your nap? Lovely I bet!" Y/N glanced over and saw Poppy waving at him. She was the one talking. He also saw Viva, Clay, and Branch walking behind her.
"Oh uh, my nap was good? Do you need something?" Y/N raised an eyebrow and Poppy nodded.
"These two have something they want to tell you!" Poppy spoke with a wide smile as she pointed at Clay and Branch; who both turned a bright shade of red.
"Oh! Uhm, ok! What's up guys?"
Clay immediately got nervous and looked everywhere but Y/N. "Uhm, so basically both me and Branch like you and we both wanted to take you out on a date but we weren't sure if you want to go on a date with both of us so we wanted to give you a decision!" Clay spoke rapidly, and then he looked at Y/N for a couple seconds before he turned away again.
"I- Oh!" Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, and he set his coffee and his book down. He wasn't sure what to say, so he asked if he could have some time to think about it. Clay and Branch left Y/N to think about it, but Poppy and Viva stayed there.
"If you choose one of them, please try not to break the other's heart o bad.." Viva spoke softly, looking over her shoulder at the brothers who were walking away.
"Oh yeah, I would never dream of doing that, they're two of my best friends.." Y/N spoke as he grabbed his coffee cup and book.
"So since you had time to think about it, who did you choose?" Poppy asked, jumping up and down.
"Poppy!" Viva shouted, and she lightly punched her sister in the shoulder.
"It's alright, and I didn't need time to think about it, I just didn't want to make the decision right then and there.. I choose..."
And the story ends!!! I'll have upcoming stories about who you choose later on 😊
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siremasterlawrence · 5 months
Crushing My Dream In To Reality
Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction/Drama
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Alan Ritchson is one hot ass motherfucker I need to covet as mine so go figure one day on set of a major motion picture created for me and all I had to do claim him in one big foul swoop.I snuck in to his dressing room trailer hiding behind the desk as his massively tall white muscular body walks in with a huge sigh and looks at his own reflection before he is dropping to the couch.
I see him fully spreading his body over this gigantic size couch made to fit him I can see his eyes slowly begin to flutter close slowly and tightly when his head drops to his chin.I smirk a bit crossing behind his couch my palms are landing on him letting my hands do some exploring as I massage them nice and carefully watching him fall my power without even knowing.
The silence is killing be literally so I unpack my bag reaching for my headphone I place them on to his head precisely so their is no interruption or distraction to wake him up from his nap.The plug connects in to the virtual reality like giggle I slip on to his ears covering his eyes and the show begins blazing bright causing him to wake up before he could even react the spectacle show starts.
Alan Ritchson is finally introduced to a truly beautiful spiral starts to shoot in to his eyes as a expression of utter shock and surprise covers his face and his back is now laying with his arms spread at mass.He smirks proudly as I sat next to him I can no longer hold myself together pressing my hand on to his belt letting my hand slip right under his shirt and begin to feel him up to his pecks.
With no effort I snap my finger forcing him in to total submission as he is slipping in to a deep Hypno slumber and his body falls back to the floor and I knew he is all mine now for the foreseeable future. Alan wakes up or se he thinks in his own mental space at the inner mind level of his brain a complete empty space to which he cannot escape and in frustration he panics running around.
His hands hit the wall as he makes any and all attempts to find an escape route he could possibly run too but to no avail he is at a loss and kicks the chair laid for him in the center of the room.Something is off as the light blast on quickly flooding the room with light almost blinding him as he cover his face and blinks to help his eyes adjust when the screen appears to turn on.
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“What is this nonsense? Let me go?” He yells
“Hello Alan Ritchson!”
“Who are you?”
“The correct voice in your head”
“Your conscious “
“Release me and let me go”
“State your name “
“My name is Master Lawrence “
“Alan no need to worried”
“I am not worried”
“Yes you are “
“I can see you already understand”
“Your loins can feel it”
“You love me”
“I am always right “
“Fighting me is a useless tactic “
“I am your lord and master “
“I am your King”
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“You surrender yourself willingly me”
“Call me Master Lawrence “
“Yes, Master Lawrence “
“Kneel at my feet”
“Yes Master”
“What are you thinking?”
“I am at a loss “
“You don’t need to comprehend anything “
“I am in control now”
“All that matters is my word “
“I fully succumb “
“You are madly in love with me”
“I am all you can think about “
“Yes! My God”
“You are my love “
“The love of my life “
“My very existence “
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“Stare in to my eyes “
“That’s is focus “
“Let all of Alan Ritchson fade”
“You are my protector”
“Lover “
“Slave “
“Property “
“A reflection of me”
“My puppet “
“Slaves do not need clothes “
“No! Let me strip “
“Woohoo! Go Boi!”
“Oh Master!”
“Use me please “
“Make me your everything “
“How may I serve you ?”
“Take ownership of me”
“Bow at my feet”
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The end
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Nobody's Fool: Chapter 5
Pairing: EddieXReader
Summary: You have bartended for years after you were forced to drop out of college due to family circumstances. You have dated your fair share of musicians, had your heart broken by one particular one, and have learned they are not be trusted. You have sworn off of them for the rest of your life. Then, one night, a new band plays at the bar, and against your better judgement, you can't help noticing the lead singer and guitar player. Could he possibly be different from the ones who came before him?
Warnings: 18+ Only due to eventual smut and language. There is also a toxic family relationship with a narcissistic mother if that is triggering for you.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28
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The blazing afternoon sun was glaring through the blinds, interrupting your much needed sleep. You groaned, smashing your face into the pillow to try to hide from the light. You loved summer, the long days, the extra sunshine, but it made working a night job and trying to sleep in difficult. It was particularly difficult when you didn’t even go to bed until it was already morning. 
You couldn’t stop the smile that formed on your face as you remembered last night, burying it in the silk of your pillowcase, a secret just for you. Eddie’s smile, those eyes the color of coffee with a splash of cream that you just wanted to drown yourself in, those full lips gliding over yours. Jesus, you were going to need to get a grip. Eddie was going to be the death of you if you didn’t. 
You'd always had a thing for guitar players. You put a guitar in a man’s hands and his sex appeal just skyrocketed. That was basic math. Guitar plus man equaled sexy rock god. There was something about watching a man manipulate the strings on that curved wooden body that led to you contemplating what they could do to your body. You imagined those fingers working you as well as they worked that instrument. You just couldn’t help it. 
And okay, you also had a thing for long hair on a man. It was no secret that you were in love with Eddie Van Halen, Jon Bon Jovi, Nikki Sixx, and the list went on. Add denim, leather, and a motorcycle and that was a done deal. You were a lost cause. So, you could argue that your libido was just in overdrive right now as Eddie checked off all those boxes and then some.
But this felt like more than simple lust. Absolutely you had wondered what that man’s hands would feel like running across your body without the pesky barrier of clothing getting in the way. Obviously, you had imagined what those talented fingers could do other than strum a chord. And, the things that tongue did in your mouth, well, clearly you had thought about other ways to put it to good use. Could you blame yourself? The man was skilled. No woman would be powerful enough not to think about those things.
Shit, you had to stop. This was going to get you nothing but misery. Sighing, you sat up, your feet settling on the hardwood floor. You rested your head in your hands, reminding yourself that this was bad news, the worst news, like a zombie apocalypse coming to devour her. Eddie was a bad idea. It was all kinds of wrong, everything you'd promised yourself that you wouldn’t do again. This could end no other way but with your heart broken into pieces all over again.
He seemed so different though. You knew you were treading into dangerous territory, but there was just something about him that made you want to walk past all the warning signs and leap right off the cliff. He was sweet, yes. They could all be sweet if they wanted to be, but he seemed genuine. And the way you found it so easy to talk with him, to just be with him. He seemed genuinely interested in listening to what you had to say, not just wanting to hear himself. That was definitely a refreshing change for you. They had laid next to each other for hours, chatting about the most inconsequential things. 
You had told him about your goldfish that you named, Bowie, that you won got at the fair when you were seven at one of those throw the balls into the bowl games. He had died and when you found him floating upside down, you had insisted on a proper funeral for him. Your dad had used a cigar box and you had buried him under the azalea bushes. You had demanded that he play “Heroes” by David Bowie because that was his namesake. 
He had told you about a turtle he found in the woods by his trailer when he was six with a broken shell. He had named it Freddie after Freddie Mercury. He had nursed it back to health, keeping it for a few weeks, hidden in his room. It had become his trusted friend that he looked forward to seeing every day after school. But then his mom found it and made him put it back in the woods. Eddie had been devastated to lose his friend but you both had laughed that you named your pets after androgynous rock stars. What a weird thing to have in common.
“Girl, are you finally awake!?” Jen yelled.
Jen was your roommate. You had become friends after you moved here. You hadn’t known anyone and Jen lived two apartments down from you when you and your mom moved in. It was definitely not friendship at first sight. You actually hated each other for a while, avoiding the other whenever you could. But then one day you had been sitting outside, smoking and crying after a horrible phone call and Jen had come walking up. You'd expected some snide remark from her but she just sat next to you. She hadn’t asked what was wrong or said anything. She was just there. From that point on, she had become the one person you knew you could depend on no matter what. 
“Yeah,” you grumbled, heading out into the living room. 
“I was going to check if you were still breathing,” Jen stated. “I know you’re a night owl but are you aware it’s four in the afternoon?”
“Yeah, I know,” you replied, moving to the coffee maker. You placed a filter in the basket, filled it with grounds and water and hit start, anxiously waiting for the caffeine you so required at the moment.
“What the hell time did you get in?” she asked, sitting down at your small kitchen table.
Your apartment was tiny, but it was plenty for the two of you and it was what you could afford. That was the most important thing. You were running off a bartender’s and a waitress’s wages combined. You both did pretty well, pulling in decent tips. The apartment had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living area, and a small kitchen. You had to go to the basement to do laundry but at least you had access to one and didn’t have to haul your clothes to a laundromat. Your building was also in a decent part of town and you could both walk to work if you needed to. All in all, it was a pretty good deal.
“I didn’t get in until around eight,” you answered, pouring yourself a cup and adding cream and sugar before joining your friend at the table, wishing you were still curled up under the covers.
“In the morning!”
“Yes, in the morning, obviously. I don’t even get off work until almost two.”
“What were you doing?” Jen asked.
“I was out with a guy,” you muttered into your mug, taking a sip of your coffee. Oh, praise the gods. Caffeine was everything. It was like a jolt of adrenaline to your soul. The best part of waking up was definitely Folgers in your cup.
“What guy?” your friend demanded and then slapped the table loudly in front of you. “Damn it! Don’t tell me you hooked up with one of the band guys again? You said you weren’t going to do that anymore! You know it’s a bad idea.”
“I didn’t hook up with anyone!" you yelled, offended that was what she immediately assumed. "Shit, calm down. I just woke up and I haven’t even finished one cup of coffee. I am not alert enough for this decibel of scolding.”
“If you didn’t hook up with someone, what were you doing until eight in the morning?”
“Jesus, okay,” you sighed, draining your coffee and heading for your second cup. “There was this guy, Eddie. His band, Corroded Coffin, played a set last night at the bar. He was waiting for me after I got off, with his motorcycle, so I hopped on and we…”
“You just jumped on some random guy’s motorcycle?” Jen asked in disbelief. “Are you out of your mind? Haven’t you seen enough movies to know that’s a sure way to get yourself dead? What if he was a psycho serial killer?”
“I’m clearly alive and well so he was not a psycho serial killer.”
“Well, you might not have been,” she scoffed. “You had no idea who this guy was!”
“I had a good feeling about him.”
“A feeling?” laughed Jen. “Yeah, because your feelings about guys have always led you in the right direction. Good lord, you’re lucky you are okay. What in the hell am I going to do with you?”
You rolled your eyes. You understood your friend’s concern and yes, if you were being fair, your judgment about guys had failed you on more than one occasion in the past. But Eddie wasn't like them, and you couldn’t explain why. You just knew, maybe it was those beautiful doe eyes, maybe it was the warm smile, maybe it was the way he just made you so comfortable. 
“Yes, I am well aware of my track record,” you grumbled. “Thank you for the reminder that I am a massive idiot.”
“That's not what I was saying," Jen assured, holding her hands out with a deep sigh. "Okay, so what did you and this Eddie guy do all night if you weren’t hooking up?”
“He drove us out to the middle of nowhere.” You caught the look on Jen’s face and shook your head, sighing. “Yes, I know, shame on me. Can I move on?” Your friend sat back, crossing her arms, and you took it as a sign that it was safe to keep going. “He laid out a blanket and we looked at the stars. Jess, I have never seen so many stars in my life. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Just utter darkness with hundreds or thousands of twinkling lights.”
“You laid there all night, looking at stars?” 
You heard the disbelief in your friend’s voice, and you got it. You did. It sounded crazy. It was absolutely crazy, bonkers, insane. Meet some guy for the first time and then spend the whole night just lying on a blanket, doing nothing but gazing at the sky. It sounded like something out of a movie, not something real people did.
“We did,” you said, smiling. “I know it sounds nuts, but it was probably the most amazing night of my life. We talked and we watched the sky until the sun rose. Then he took me out for french toast at this cute little 24 hour diner. It was this retro place, you know, the ones that look like you stepped straight into the 50s. The floors were black and white checkered tiles. It had teal leather booths and stools at a chrome counter. The walls were plastered with musicians and actors from the 50s like Elvis, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe. And then he drove me home.”
“And you two did nothing but talk, look at the stars, and eat?”
“I mean, we kissed,” you admitted, shrugging. There was nothing wrong with a few kisses. You hadn't technically broken your vow to yourself. You hadn't slept with him. 
“And this was the most amazing night of your life?” Jen asked, smirking at you. “So, you’ve told me about the night. How about you tell me about the guy?”
You began tapping your nails on the table, an annoying habit you had when you were nervous, one that Jen knew all too well as she raised in eyebrow in interest. You didn’t know why you felt so wary of sharing with Jen. You told Jen everything, but you weren't sure you wanted to openly admit what you were thinking about Eddie. That would make it real, and real terrified the shit out of you. Real meant you were making a big mistake.
“He’s…I mean, oh, he’s just…” you began, struggling to find the words. “Eddie is, well…he has…”
“Oh my god!” Jess yelled, causing you to jump. “You got it bad. You can’t even talk and normally I can’t get you to shut up. You spent one night with this guy and he’s got you all tongue tied.”
“He does not,” you argued, annoyed at how well she could read you. “I just met him!”
“Yeah, and you can barely string together a coherent sentence when asked about him.”
“Well, he’s hard to describe,” you insisted stubbornly. “He’s just…” You trailed off, unsure where to go from here without giving away how much you liked him.
“Just what?”
“Fuck, he’s just about the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” you admitted, biting your lip and groaning before laying your head on the table. “He’s got this hair…I mean, it’s great hair. Long, soft brown waves that fall so perfectly and feel amazing in my fingers. And his eyes, they’re like molten pools of chocolate that I just want to dive in and stay until I drown in them. And his lips, they’re so full and lovely and soft and god, they felt so good against mine. And he plays guitar, and I mean he could rival Eddie Van Halen when it comes to skill.”
“Damn…now I know you have it bad,” Jen laughed. “No one tops Eddie Van Halen for you.”
“I know! I barely know the guy. It’s ridiculous,” you sighed. “I don’t know what the hell is happening. My brain was on board with the plan. Keep my distance. Have a good time, kisses are fine, talking is fine. Have fun. Just one night of hanging out with a cute guy. That’s it, but my body, that dumb bitch just betrayed me. It’s like he has this goddamn magnetic pull and no matter how much I was thinking, keep your distance, my body just kept gravitating toward him.”
“Are you seeing him again?”
“I have no idea!” you exclaimed. “He basically told me I am going to fall in love with him. Then, he jumped on his bike and took off. I don’t know where he lives. He was probably just all talk and I'll never see him again. You know what, it’s best this way anyway. I don’t need this. I told myself I wasn’t doing this again.”
“You know, not every guy with long hair, a guitar, and a motorcycle is Sebastian,” Jen offered. “I know you’ve had a bad track record with guys who play music, but that doesn’t mean all of them are dicks. I mean, maybe you should give him a chance? It seems like you had a really good time with him.”
“Maybe, but I didn’t think Sebastian was like that at first either,” you said softly, that familiar ache throbbing in your chest. “I don’t know. He seems different. He didn’t even try to make a move beyond kissing all night. I kept waiting for it, thinking it was inevitable, but he didn’t. He seemed to genuinely just want to get to know me, but he could just be putting on a nice face for the moment.”
“You won’t know if you don’t at least try.”
You looked away, staring out the window at the clear blue sky. Maybe you were jaded, but who could blame you after what had happened. You had more than earned the right to be jaded. You didn’t trust men, particularly men who looked like Eddie because you'd never been given a reason to.
“I’ll probably never see him again anyway,” you stated, not wanting to admit how much that bothered you.
@tlclick73 @bebe07011 @emma77645 @corrodedcoffincumslut @babeyglo @kimmi-kat @bblunuh
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Day 271: NFWMB
(Bro, I love Hozier. What a vibe. Thanks for thinking that I can do this!)
When Harry won the war, no one expected the Ministry to become the thing that needed to be overthrown next. People were so blinded by their preconceived notions and their relentless desire for safety, that they ignored what was right under their noses.
Draco had always known what the Ministry was like. His father had worked for the Ministry for years, had trained Draco to be ready to join the political sphere, after all. He was under no delusions that the Ministry was concerned with one thing and one thing only:
He'd watched as Harry had tried to correct the Ministry's path from within, watched as he failed over and over and over again. He'd been patient; he hadn't wanted Harry to leave for his sake, but he knew it was only a matter of time.
And Harry had left in a righteous blaze of glory, burning the flags off the Ministry and destroying that horrendous statue on his way. He'd thrown off the magic-dampening cuffs the Ministry had slapped on him in order to make him appear more ordinary, and his magic flowed freely from his body. Harry gave a moving speech to the press that Draco was certain would be censored, then he wrapped an arm around Draco's waist and apparated them away before the aurors could mobilize fast enough to get to him.
That had been six months ago and it had been war ever since.
It had also been the most time Draco had ever gotten to spend with Harry, which he certainly wasn't complaining about.
"The southern border needs reinforcement," Harry said as they walked the perimeter of the old castle they were turning into a safe space for people standing against the Ministry and trying to make the world better. "And we're going to need more people working on kitchen duty since we got those extra thirty people running for their lives last night."
(read more below the cut)
Draco hummed and let his fingers trail along the stones of the castle wall in question.
"Are you listening?" Harry asked, his magic reaching out to poke at Draco and get his attention.
He laughed, couldn't help it, Harry's magic always felt good on his skin, eager and clean, beautiful like him. "I'm listening," he affirmed, letting his own magic brush against Harry's, a skill he'd only recently started developing because he hadn't known it was something he could do before Harry. And even then, Harry's magic always had to reach out first, to actually bridge the gap between them.
The other man's breath caught and Draco felt his magic give a pleased shudder before entwining more fully with Draco's magic. "Draco," he murmured, sounding dazed and delighted, making a pleasant shiver slip up his spine.
"I'm always listening to you," he murmured, relaxing even more into the feeling of Harry's magic strumming through him. "You feel good," he murmured.
Harry groaned softly and Draco turned to look at him where he was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, mouth open slightly. "You've no idea," he replied.
He was about to reply, about to step into Harry's space, and hoped that Harry would finally read his intentions and kiss him, but a twig snapped in the distance and Harry was on high alert, magic abandoning Draco as it zoned in on the sound.
"Shit," he breathed. "Don't cast at them," he said before casting a wandless shield around Draco that was strong enough to make his ears pop.
"What do you mean don't cast?" he asked.
Harry glanced at him, "I don't have time to explain," he said. "Please, just trust me."
He nodded once and Harry turned back toward the woods, watching and waiting.
"Could you work on strengthening the wards on this side while we're here?" he asked, "I think they're targeting this side for a reason."
Draco started casting, drawing runes into the walls, and waiting with baited breath.
It was only a few minutes before a small group of aurors appeared in the clearing and Draco's heart stopped at the sight of Ron Weasley standing front and center.
"Ron," he called in greeting, "Andrews, McCoy, Daniels, Hook," he said, nodding at each of the aurors in turn.
"Don't make us do this," Weasley called. "Come on, mate," he said, lifting the golden cuffs that would dampen Harry's magic in the air. "Just come away easy. No one has to get hurt."
Harry swallowed and Draco could feel his magic pulsing and swelling, crackling around them. "If you think you can cage me, you're wrong and we both know it."
Weasley pulled out a box and Harry's body stilled. "They've been working on this for ages."
"I know," he replied, voice cold and steely. "I helped them."
"Don't make me use it," Weasley said, pleading. "Harry come on, this isn't you."
He shook his head, "It won't work, even if you try," he replied. "I've exploded dozens of them. As you know."
Weasley glanced at the aurors at his sides, "Harry, please. What if this is the one that works?"
"I guess you'll get what you want, then," he replied the hurt and the anger a palpable thing in his voice.
Weasley shook his head and pointed toward Harry, "Take aim-"
Draco raised his wand but Harry turned quickly to glance at him, "Do not cast." he hissed and Draco lowered his wand. "No matter what."
He lowered his wand and waited. It was only a moment before the aurors were firing at Harry and Harry was deflecting and firing back. It was always a thing of beauty, watching Harry duel, especially without a wand, and Draco absorbed the give and take.
Weasley opened the box and Harry let out a pained sounding shout, left hand clenching in pain even as his right cast a spell that knocked one of the aurors off their feet.
Draco started to draw his wand again but Harry shook his head, "Don't cast," he repeated through gritted teeth. His magic started to shimmer in the air around them as the box sucked it in and he could only watch in horror.
After only a few minutes of dueling, Harry was starting to look worn down; his bronze skin dull, body shaking, face drawn in concentration.
It was almost too much for Draco to bear and he watched as a stunner hit Harry's shoulder and he stumbled a bit, crying out in pain. Just as he was about to start dueling, Harry's words be damned, the box in Weasley's hand imploded and a wave of magic knocked the auror team off their feet and left them lying unconscious on the ground.
All except Ron Weasley, who stood there holding the box.
Harry gasped as magic flowed back into his body, coughing and shuddering at what Draco imagined to be an uncomfortable feeling. "Fucking hell," Harry grunted, staggering toward Weasley and pulling him into a fierce hug.
To say Draco was confused would be an under statement.
"You really had me going there for a minute. I don't know what I would have done if it drained your magic," Weasley said, handing the box over to Harry before digging around in his bag and producing a second. "When Hook got you with that stunner, I almost lost the part-"
"Thanks," Harry said, taking the box from him, "I'm alright." He held up the new box, "Mione thinks she'll be able to find a way to overload them faster if she has one to study. Stupid fucking things."
"Sorry," Draco said, "Would someone like to explain to me what is going on?"
Weasley glanced over Harry's shoulder, "There's not a lot of time before these idiots wake up. Short version, I'm helping destroy things from the inside. The Ministry has made a box that sucks normal wizard's power. And we're trying to dismantle it before they can weaponize it against Harry."
One of the aurors on the ground stirred slightly and Harry shook his head, "I've got to knock you out. Ready?"
"Let me lay down first," Weasley grumbled, "I hate waking up with bruises."
Harry laughed but waited.
"Tell 'Mione hi for me," he added. "Tell her I love her."
The other man nodded, "She loves you too."
He closed his eyes and gave one tight nod before Harry cast at him and knocked him unconscious. Quickly Harry tied all of the aurors together and snapped a portal onto Ron's robes before activating it and making them disappear.
"What the fuck?" Draco ground out.
Harry turned to him, magic reaching for him, probing gently as though it was seeing if he was okay.
"I'm fine," he said, trying to hold onto his frustration when the other man was being so sweet. "Did you plan that?"
"Not exactly," Harry said as he started casting disillusionment charms on the castle. "I knew he'd show up with the box eventually but didn't know when. And the boxes do get better every time, so," he shrugged.
"And why wasn't I allowed to cast?" Draco asked as they continued their security loop.
Shrugging, Harry replied, "I didn't want them to take your magic. It's fairly painful, honestly."
He huffed and half heartedly punched Harry's arm. "So noble."
Magic flooded over him, delighted and amused, and so terribly fond that it made Draco ache.
"I couldn't bear it if something happened to you," he confessed.
Harry glanced at him and shrugged, "All of you would be alright. You've got a lot of really strong wizards-"
"Harry," he said, stopping the other man and pressing him against the wall. "Not because I'm worried about the cause. Because I am worried about you. As a person, not a machine."
"Draco," Harry breathed and his eyes dropped down to Draco's lips before flickering back up again, magic skirting all along Draco's body.
He closed the distance between them and kissed Harry first, his lips moving against the other man's as their magic spiked and connected, flooding the space around them with light and heat and sparks.
He moaned into Draco's mouth, arms pulling him in closer as they kissed. "So good," he groaned into Draco's mouth when they broke apart to gasp for air. "Fuck. You feel so good."
"You too," Draco murmured, rubbing his nose against Harry's. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Me too," he replied and Draco's heart kicked in his chest at the tiny proclamation of self love, so rare when it came to this tender-hearted savior. "Let's finish our patrol," he said. "Then there are a few things that I'd rather be doing. Inside," he added.
Draco grinned at him, "Took you long enough."
"Shut it," he said, nipping at Draco's bottom lip before pulling away and beginning to walk again, his magic plucking at Draco's as though he couldn't bear to be separated. "I've had a lot on my mind. And you're very intimidating."
"I'm intimidating?" he asked incredulously, slipping his fingers through Harry's and helping to cast wards. "You're the most powerful wizard on earth."
Harry shrugged, "But you're gorgeous. And clever. And funny. And wicked good at magic. You're out of my league, if we're being honest."
He laughed, "Agree to disagree," he replied as they made it back to the main entrance.
"I have to drop this off with Hermione. Meet me in my room?" he asked, a little shy.
Draco pressed a kiss to his cheek, "I'd like nothing better."
And the world may be turned upside down, they may be fighting for their lives and their future, but Draco hadn't ever been more sure of anything in his life. He and Harry were going to be just fine.
(Read more of my Ficlets)
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caffernnn · 1 year
haru, makoto, and rin: soldier, poet, or king. who's who?
OOH this is fun hold on!!
For the soldier, I chose Rin. For him, there is always another battle on the horizon that he’s gearing up for — charging onward, teeth bared, because with dreams like his he knows he has to be ready to fight. He wields resilience in a death grip because he doesn’t know a life beyond fighting or dying trying. It gets him through a lot of battles, his attitude a valiant armor that propels him forward, but it doesn’t protect him from everything. When he’s left vulnerable, faced with the reality that his heart is still a soft and expanding thing shared (and stored in pieces) with people who can’t survive fighting on the same battlefields forever… He feigns blindness to it all or cracks down the middle. There’s life outside of duty, he knows that (acknowledges it in pieces), and part of why he fights is to give others the freedom to do that, but is that… allowed for him? Who is Rin if he doesn’t have a mission on the mind, a blade in his hand? Would anyone stay around long enough to find out? To think too much about the people closest to him choosing a different path would mean entertaining such questions, and he can’t afford another crack in his shield. So he trudges forward brash and bright and full (of dreams, of passion, of grief) for as long as he can.
The poet to me is Makoto. He is someone who is observant, especially of the people he holds close, and his duty has always been in support through translation, calls-to-action through gentle suggestions. In conversations, his words and sentences are carefully crafted, anecdotes and questions made to probe in politeness and subtlety, pauses and breaks thrown in when the branching thoughts or sentiments are meant to linger. He carries the precious feelings of those around him like a blazing torch, proud to share the light of those sentiments in a way that’s comprehensible, manageable, and words are his way of doing that. That’s what he’s good at: being the artist, crafting in an endless pursuit to convey and bolster all of the beauty and wonder and hope stored in the world around him. The harder part, a new way to wield his words that still feels foreign in his mouth, is acknowledging that he is as much a precious thing in the world worth the careful consideration of a poet or a reader as anyone else. He’s comfortable in the home of someone’s heart and can walk the halls happily until he’s stopped by the sight of a mirror.
Haru, for better or worse, is stuck as the king. It’s a position, whether earned or imposed, that leaves him on a tall throne with duties overflowing from his hands. Power is a funny thing, really — he’s expected to shine, to inspire, to lead, but there are rules to the whole thing, expectations on how he’s supposed to be that hero or that vision for everyone. He’s meant to be watched and listened to, viewed with reverence from afar, but not always understood. He loves his people and his kingdom but can’t help but hold his crown with ire at how everyone is bound to defer to its presence before acknowledging humanity, humility. It’s a feeling he doesn’t believe he’s fully allowed to express (and wouldn’t properly know how to if he could), because his desires for freedom are not to run from his community or the world, but to have the chance to join it. Haru wants connection, wants joy, wants to love who and what he loves with the freedom to make missteps and be messy, wants to know he can step away from all the noise when he needs to but is still reachable and tangible right after. For now, if wearing a crown is his way of loving his people, honoring their bonds by sticking to what he knows, giving them a reason to find their own dreams (and not leave him completely rejected or alone), he’ll do it.
The neat thing about these three is that they all have something to learn from the presence of each other. Rin sees the strength in others that they might not see in themselves and isn’t afraid to ask others to rise to the challenge of having a dream that ignites them. Haru, on the other hand, serves to show others that you can step away, change your trajectory, find purpose outside of constant battles and confusing obligations by looking to small joys and caring people. Makoto is the voice to remind them both that above all else they are still human, living beyond a dream or a sword or a crown with hope and grief etched into them, and getting to connect with that exact humanity is what makes them truly cared for and admirable to others. They all balance each other out, delivering these messages and lessons as they grow together, and reflecting back what they’ve learned when the other gets lost along the way. The three roles blend into each other, weaved together by complex duties and hopes/fears of life beyond them.
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sweetrabbit · 2 years
on a rainy day ‘’
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⌕ pairings : pitcher! Kim Seungmin x gn! Reader
⌕ genre : fluff, established relationship
⌕ synopsis : baseball season and a kiss under the rain with your boyfriend !
⌕ warning/s : mentions of getting sick/cold
⌕ a/n : happy girlfriend and stay day!! can you tell i bias seungmin? /hj time out seungmin has been running through my head ever since the mv came out
some quotes in the fic aren’t originally mine!
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Walking along the campus pavement, a bright smile on your lips. The thought of seeing the light of your life after a long day in the library trying to get studying done — it was hard to do without your personal tutor, Kim Seungmin — the cold gatorade in your grasp slowly watering down. 
And the weather seemed to have clouded, was it going to rain later? Hopefully not, no one wants to get a cold before the big game; it had only meant going by your down to grab an umbrella and 2 bento boxes. Once you’d picked up the polka dotted canopy, you’d been on your merry way to the baseball field. 
And the weather seemed to have clouded, was it going to rain later? Hopefully not, no one wants to get a cold before the big game; it had only meant going by your down to grab an umbrella and 2 bento boxes. Once you’d picked up the polka dotted canopy, you’d been on your merry way to the baseball field. 
Right when you’d sat on the bleachers, you hadn’t missed your boyfriend sending you a big smile and a wave. But not only you, his teammates also didn’t miss it, going to tease the both of you turning into a flustered embarrassed mess, they turned back to the game.
Training had gone the same as per usual and break would consist of handing him the gatorade or water with a quick peck and a “You’re doing great baby!”.
He’d call you his lucky charm or pure motivation to always do his best, even after telling him not to pressure himself for you it seemed you were truly his lucky charm, even if the day had gone badly on his end, your mere presence refreshes him. 
And before you knew it, the training had ended and everyone was free to go, you and Seungmin tidied up the field after reassuring the other’s you two could do it, and everyone was free to go.
Suddenly, light pitter patters of droplets fell atop your skin; you had tried to grab the umbrella you picked up but arms had wrapped around your waist completely restraining you from any movement. 
“Minnie~ I don’t want you to get a cold, please let go.” a pout formed on both your lips as you turned to face your highschool sweetheart. 
A quick peck on the lips and a hum was what he responded with “No.” 
No one could stop the unconscious smiles that appeared on your features and you admired one another, the stars slowly reflecting in your eyes. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He asked in such a loving tone “Have I ever told you that you're the north star that strays me away from despair and the sun that shines my moon. The same way the Sun illuminates Earth, Y/N, you blind me.” 
“When did you become such a sweet talker?” You teased, and suddenly the warmth that surrounded your body disappeared when Seungmin let go of you. Yelping at the sudden coldness that blazed throughout your body.
“Hehe, I’m just messing with you, Min. I love you to the moon and back, in every universe, in every life I’ll always find you. I’ll always love you, in this life and the next, for however long our souls remain, mine will always find yours. If ever we were to drift for even just a day I’d miss you forever. Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky” his lips met yours in a slow kiss that filled so many emotions, he held you as if you were going to disappear. 
Once you’d let go your foreheads rested on one another staring at each other's lovesick faces for what seemed like the millionth time — but that’s what love did to you, even if you’d been together for 2 months or 7 years, the spark between the two of you seemed to never go out, it had only glowed brighter, ready to see what the future would be like to have your soulmate by your side. 
You grabbed his hand leading to the bleachers, his head on your shoulder while you two ate the now cold food in the bento box you had prepared, staring into the dark landscape that portrayed ahead you two.
Everything seemed so right at that moment, no more worries about school or his upcoming game. Just the two of you, and that’s all that mattered.
He is half your soul as the poets say.
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taglist: @i2abella @hwaranghae
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 2 years
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Role - Reverse AU : Demon Moons Version
So the last one got out of hand. Surely, this one won't as well-
(Jk it's gonna be long asf)
But I managed to fill all the spots HELL YEAH
Upper Moon One : Himejima
I mean, do I have to say much more.
He's 7'2" I mean come on
Plus he's canonically one of the strongest Pillars (COUGH Demon Moons) in the series.
Physically, he’s just as buff as his human counterpart, with kind of the only difference being that he has what looks to be cracks running down his arms and fingers. His eyes are still white and he can’t see, but the kanji for ‘Upper Moon One’ is engraved into them.
His Blood Demon Art would resemble Earthbending, to be honest.
Not exactly like it, but it is a martial art. It takes a lot of strength to do, and since Himejima is blind, he sees based off of vibrations and the like (not with his feet like Toph no-)
He’ll kill any human but children. He refuses to kill children.
Still religious despite it being kind of hypocritical.
Upper Moon Two : Uzui
Step out of the way it’s DADDY
Still hot as fuck
His eye makeup isn’t makeup anymore, it’s his demon crest.
As an Upper Moon, he’s slightly paler than his human counterpart, but still likes to drip jewels and other expensive items.
He had three human wives before, now he has three demon wives that he loves very very much. More than you would think a demon could love somebody else.
His Blood Demon Art obviously deals with sound. With it, he can charm any human into doing his bidding (killing themselves / each other, etc). They don’t even have to see him for it to be effective.
Btw he uses a harp to make his music, and sometimes his voice.
He only gives the time of day to opponents that will wow him. If they aren’t flamboyant at all, he won’t fight with all his strength. He’ll just kill them.
Impress him, and you may even be able to walk away with your life
Upper Moon Three : Kyoujuro
Certified does not wear a shirt
Somehow a very jubilant demon. He feels hella adrenaline when getting into fights
Battling him is a cross between trying not to fucking die and trying not to listen to him while he compliments your strength
Doesn’t often kill civilians. His only true enemies are Demon Slayers, so until they’re eradicated he won’t hurt innocent people
He uses a katana in battle, and his Blood Demon Art deals with fire of course.
It’s a close-quarters ability. Any injuries he leaves on his opponent will begin to leave burns all over their skin, stemming from the point where his katana contacted their skin.
Very pretty demon crest. A bright red flame that starts just below his left hip, and blazes an interesting trail diagonally across his chest, wrapping around his neck and right shoulder.
In a way, he’s charming. A respectful opponent, and one that shouldn’t be underestimated.
Upper Moon Four : Sanemi
One word to describe ‘Nemi
Always covered in blood somehow. He’s decorated in it by the time his opponents are dead
He has no qualms in killing civilians, whether they be women or children. The only reason he avoids babies is because he doesn’t like how they taste, but everything else is fair game to him
He has big, big wings that protrude from his back, similar to that of a hawk’s. He doesn’t use them to fly often, seeing as that would draw attention to him in largely populated areas. They are usually tucked away. During battles, they are unfurled, and used to sense the locations of his enemies, as well as how many of them there are.
His wings can produce gales of wind so strong they would peel the skin off of an average person. He is fast, but not quite the fastest out of all of the Demon Moons.
He has a disadvantage in close quarters, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t strong. He could just as easily snap someone’s neck if they got too close to him for too long.
Upper Moon Five : Giyuu
Loner boy isn’t often seen. He lets Demon Slayers seek him out instead of the other way around. Most of the time, they walk straight into his trap, and are never seen again. Not even a drop of their blood is left behind.
He hides in the same area most of the time; the ocean. A port village that often sees sailors lost at sea. Giyuu doesn’t usually eat civilians, but just enough for it to be seen as off.
Resides in the sea, right under the docks. A half-submerged cave is where he makes his home. Demon Giyuu is equipped with gills, as well as eyes that can see clearly through the dark water. He is at his strongest in the water, and rarely goes onto land unless he absolutely has to.
Because of his reclusive nature, Giyuu goes mostly unaccounted for by the Demon Slayer Corps. Unless he accidentally puts himself out there, you wouldn’t be able to track him easily.
His demon crest looks like dozens of splotches of blue water, all over the right side of his face and neck. He has no particularly special ability, aside from his lightning reflexes and agility. That’s usually all he needs to make an easy kill.
Upper Moon Six : Obanai
 Obviously part snake
I’m gonna go off on a limb and say he’s very similar to the snake demon we see during his backstory, but not quite so chummy with humans. He has no worshippers.
Lives in a hole in the ground oop-
Very attached to Lover Moon One. He was the one that turned her into a demon, after all. Perhaps they were lovers...
Being a snake, his fangs secrete a poisonous venom. When injected, humans will die within days or minutes, depending on the dosage. There is a limit to how much he is able to produce at one time, though.
Should anyone so much as try and hurt Lower Moon One, he would probably rampage. Nobody, and I mean it when I say nobody, messes with her.
He has no qualms in killing whoever he wants. He doesn’t really feel anything for humans, so he doesn’t care who he kills and eats.
Lower Moon One : Mitsuri
Beautiful girl
She absolutely loves humans, but her beauty is an uncanny one. Even laying your eyes on her will leave you with an eerie feeling.
And yes, she loves humans, but her love is so aggressive. Oftentimes, she ends up killing those humans she’s decided to turn her attention to
It’s all on accident. She hates leaving a mess, though, so she has no choice but to eat them. Her strength precedes her, and even though it makes her very sad, she’ll make that mistake again no matter what.
She and Upper Moon Six are very attached to one another, but she’s less defensive about it than he is. He’s stiff and hard to get along with, but he melts in her presence
Mitsuri doesn’t exactly have a Blood Demon Art, per se. Her strength speaks for itself in volumes
She’s strong and agile, and although she loves people, she’s more than willing to defend herself when attacked. Approach with caution, if you have that chance
Lower Moon Two : Muichiro
Another quiet demon, much like Giyuu in nature
Lives where it’s dark; his eyes aren’t equipped to change depending on the light, and his pupils are always dilated to the farthest extent. Even the moon is a little bit too much for him
Because of the problems with his sight, his appearances are rather sparse. You’ll only ever fall prey to him if you wander into his domain, or if you’re out during a new moon
EXTREMELY volatile; under NO circumstances do you approach, especially on bright nights like the full moon. He won’t attack if you don’t get too close, or if he’s actively on the hunt. Your best option is to turn around and run as fast as you can, and pray he won’t try and chase you
If the mist sets in before you notice it, just hope he isn’t hungry. Once you’re already in the cloud, he can feel all the movements you make, and your chances of making it out start to plummet
Lower Moon Three : Shinobu
Despite only being Lower Moon Three, she’s as ruthless as they come, and enjoys the bloodshed twice as much.
Poison is the name of her game. She’s the fastest Demon Moon to date, to the point where catching her is almost impossible. It’d take a stroke of luck to find her cornered, and not even that promises you victory
She’s the most knowledgeable of human anatomy and how they function, so she knows exactly how to concoct her poisons to target different organs, depending on how she wants someone to die
When she’s hunting, she uses the poison that causes the least amount of pain - the one that’s going to kill the quickest. She’d rather not have any of her victims scream when she finally attacks
For taking on demon slayers, though, she uses the weakest one, that’ll draw out their pain the longest, until they go into shock and die, or they lose too much blood. She doesn’t care either way
Lower Moon Four : Kanao
If you find flowers in cold climates, like mountain peaks or valleys during winter, RUN. Run as fast as you can. She’s already there
Usually she doesn’t ever leave the mountains, and certain ranges are avoided like the plague for the amount of missing travelers that pass through them
Those flowers are a part of her Blood Demon Art - she spreads them out over several square miles, even covering the entire mountain with them. Over time, her flowers begin to release a deadly toxin, though it’s incredibly diluted and won’t care significant harm if you’re only in the vicinity for a short amount of time.
But naive or ignorant travelers who get caught walking through the flowers won’t have time to escape before the poison begins to fill their lungs and paralyze them, starting with their muscles and ending with their heart
After it’s all said and done, Kanao will come and collect the body, and after a few days or weeks, the flowers will be gone. It’s as if nothing ever happened
Lower Moon Five : Inosuke
The boar head is - it’s his - it’s his head
He’s quite ghastly. There’s nothing alluring or inviting about him. Even the bravest of fools, or the most naive of men, would turn tail and run for the HILLS at the sight of that beast
It’s not like it’ll matter, anyways. Once he has your scent, he’ll catch you, even if it takes the whole night
He likes Lower Moon Three a lot, and he isn’t sure why. It’s a feeling he can’t quite place
Very loud. Very loud
He’s the type of demon who will challenge a Hashira, so it’s a miracle he hasn’t been killed yet
Lower Moon Six : Zenitsu
Another loud one, but the crybaby type
He spends most of his days and nights hiding, so good luck finding him if you’re really trying to go after him
Even though he’s the weakest Demon Moon, he’s somehow the hardest to find on most occasions
The only time he’ll be out and about it during thunderstorms, where the sounds of his attacks will blend in with the surrounding ambience
He always gets nervous around pretty girls
The embarrassment usually means he kills them faster, or before they can ever set their eyes on him
He’s harmless most of the time, but if you get caught by him, you’re either hella unlucky or hella stupid
Demon Progenitor : Ubuyashiki Kagaya
Almost nothing is known about him, other than the fact that the Demon Moons would protect him with their lives
He can certainly take care of himself, though. It’s the entire reason he’s been around for thousands of years, and it’s the whole reason he hasn’t been found since then
You may think he’d be equally cruel to his Moons, but he treats them gently, and with respect. It’s what they deserve, for following him so blindly
The only time he truly ever gets upset is when one of his Moons is killed by a Hashira. You’ll never see fury like that ever again
Ubuyashiki isn’t the kind of demon who hungers quickly. He can go years without eating
But if he’s truly ravenous, nobody is safe
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nore-lacroix · 10 months
Event: Titans War
Core: Nore was minding her business when the first bomb went off, the floor shaking beneath her feet. Her heart started to pound in her ears and she widened her stance so she wouldn't topple to the floor. When she realized the stacks were going to fall, the Elysian used her speed and managed not to get crushed by the falling shelves. Breathing hard from adrenaline and fear, she then turned to Leone her blue eyes wide. Where did they go from here? And what the hell was going on?
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Control: She was helping the injured outside the library when the second bomb hit. If only she hadn't agreed to go outside and help the wounded. This time, however, she wasn't scared for her physical well being and before she could even utter a word, she felt herself start to change. She felt her features start to shift, and from deep inside of her came a hunger like none she had ever felt before. Being an Elysian hadn't been easy to adjust to after being human, but it had never felt quite like this. As someone walked by her, her feathered ears shifted, her talons reached for them and pulled them close and before she knew what she was doing, her teeth had sunk into their flesh and their life force flowed into Nore. She felt it in every inch of her body, the power. She didn't care that she was hurting someone, killing them, even. All she knew was a deep and intense need. She let the body drop and closed her eyes, basking in their life force.
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Senses: The blindness came on suddenly and completely. She screamed and raised her talons to her eyes, feeling there to see if she'd taken damage, afraid it was permanent and she would never see again. She hissed as her arms reached outward, hoping to find something, anything or anyone to ground her in her darkness. When her talons caught someone, her blue eyes turned silver, ready once again to take whoever's life force was in front of her. But she didn't get the chance. The person was able to wrench away and run from her. Because Nore was completely blind, she couldn't run after them. There was no way to know which direction she was going. Even in her feral form, she stumbled until she found a building and sat down, knees to her chest, her arms hugging her knees. The blindness made her feel lost and helpless.
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Power: Nore had always been a handful. Even as a child people had trouble wrangling her, and that had been when she was human. That had been the only life she knew before awaking the hospital a 32 year old woman and an Elysian. The bombs were making her attributes as an Elysian times infinity. She clutched at her head and rocked back and forth for the moment, not understanding why the blindness had overtaken her or why she'd had the compulsion to hurt so many people. But when the next bomb went off, all that guilt started to subside and her feral side came back around. Blind or not blind, she needed more. She needed to run, she needed to fight, she needed to feed. With a wicked scream, she ran into the fray, even through the blackness.
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Elemental: Nore was nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the next bomb. She'd run so far and fast away that the blaze didn't tackle her. She was leaving devastation in her wake. Her talons were stained with blood and her teeth were stained with whoever she'd managed to sink her fangs into. She was high on other people's lives, and absolutely loving the feeling that was coursing through her veins.
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Hunted: She let out a howl as her sight came back to her and she dropped the man in her talons. He had the good sense to run as soon as he hit the ground and Nore didn't even seem to care. She simply shifted her gaze to the sky, a smile exposing her fangs. She heard a commotion and a loud yell. "For Northern Light's City!" It screamed. And then it happened. The next bomb. With her Elysian speed she was able to dodge each and every bullet, every single projectile that came her way. For her, it became almost like a game of keep away...but then the blast caught up with her. Unfortunately, she couldn't escape it and felt herself fly through the air. Her arms and legs outstretched, a silent cry on her face. She felt the moment she made contact with a glass window, felt the shards pierce her skin and lay embedded there. And then her body hit the something large and she felt her body crack in two. As she lay there, she realized it was a counter top. She'd been thrown through a business. She wriggled a bit, trying to get up and run, but couldn't move her legs. She tried to call out, but nothing was able to leave her lips. Silent tears fell from her eyes as she lay there. "P-please..." She managed, before she passed out from the pain.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
When Ram Dass Met the Moonies
Excerpted from the Rolling Stones article Ram Dass Rides the Holy-Man’s Circuit (2019) by Richard M. Levine
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One thing Ram Dass didn’t need, however, was more fruit, and so the next day, when he had promised to have dinner at a Christian commune in Berkeley, he brought along the basket as a gift and made a quick stop at Wholly Foods for good measure. “This is going to be a little goody-goody,” Ram Dass said on the way there.
The commune, it turned out, was affiliated with the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church and was presided over by a Korean woman known as Mother. Ram Dass was met at the door by Charity and a half-dozen other pink-cheeked young people — the men in ties and jackets, the women in long dresses, all of them wearing Perma-Prest smiles on their faces — who had been delegated to take him to meet Mother in her private residence.
Ten minutes later we arrived at a kind of Japanese-style ranch house in the Berkeley hills — a low-slung building with translucent glass ceilings, sliding paper panels for walls and a large swimming pool in the central courtyard. It was owned by Dr. Mose Durst, an English professor at Laney College in Oakland, who greeted Ram Dass at the door. Everyone changed into terrycloth slippers in the hallway and Dr. Durst, a short balding man who served as a kind of Dutch uncle to all the brothers and sisters, showed us around. “It must be hard to think of the formless with all these beautiful forms out there,” Ram Dass said, looking out the dining room window at a panoramic view of San Francisco Bay. “Yes,” Dr. Durst admitted, “sometimes we have to close the blinds to reach inward.”
Mother walked in — shuffled, actually — from the kitchen, an attractive woman in a tight pink silk kimono. She looked at Ram Dass sternly and said: “I have a message for you. This is a turning point in your life. You can choose to serve God more fully or you can go on as you have been.” Ram Dass, who had a pretty good notion of what Mother had in mind, answered noncommittally: “Many people come to me with messages and I honor them all.”
During dinner Dr. Durst talked about the commune. Its members supported themselves by running a flower business as well as a maintenance and custodial company. “Our purpose is to serve perfectly,” he said, “because we realize that as we lift others up we lift ourselves up.”
“We’re so anxious to serve,” a fellow named Matthew added, “that we wake up in the morning and jump out of our sleeping bags.”
“We sing all night when we clean a building,” his friend Jeremiah said. “People are always telling us they’ve never seen happy workers before.”
“I always knew the Buddha could come in all forms,” Ram Dass said, glancing down at his red T-shirt with the sage’s face stamped across the front, “but I never figured him for a janitor.”
After dinner the group adjourned to the living room, which was dominated by a framed photograph of the Reverend Mr. Moon, his dour face and conservative suit making him look like the owner of a successful funeral parlor. Before a blazing fire we held hands, exchanged loving looks and sang “You Are My Sunshine,” “America the Beautiful” and “Onward Christian Soldiers.” On a nearby coffee table I noticed a mimeographed sheet headed “Prayer Requests.” The third item read: “Please make Dr. Durst dean of Laney.”
At the first available opportunity Ram Dass announced that he had something to do very early in the morning. Our hosts helped us change back into our shoes at the doorway, where we hugged and said long goodbyes. By the time Ram Dass got the van started, they had followed him out and surrounded it. Holding hands and circling the van so that everyone could have a moment in the headlights to wave a final farewell, they sang “So Long, It’s Been Good to Know You.” Sitting there somewhat impatiently, Ram Dass muttered, “After all that I guess we can’t run them over” — and then added hopefully, “Or can we?”
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ladyramora · 2 years
Hi um first timer, I want to say Iove your works. Um may I request for the Elezen husbands ( Aymeric, Haurchefant, Estinien) hc for wherein WoL gets hurt and goes into a coma for a few days. I am curious how will they act during the coma and when the Wol wakes up
"Estinien, please," Aymeric sighs on the third day of the Warrior of Light's ongoing coma, rubbing his temple with two fingers as he nursed a strong cup of heavily syruped tea in his other hand. His head obviously ached something fierce and Estinien's constant back and forth pacing was only agitating him further.
"Why haven't they woken yet?" Estinien growls, ignoring Aymeric's plea and he practically wears a hole in the floor with his boots still on that Aymeric had told him more than three times now to bloody well take off if he was going to walk back and forth like that.
Haurchefant, sat by their hero's sickbed, ignores the bickering of the other two elezen. His focus solely for the warrior that lay still and quiet under so many layers of blankets with pillows stacked plump and high under their head. He gazes into their face and feels wretched that he had not been by their side when this happened.
He holds their hand in his, his fingertips grazing the scars that still lingered on their palm and fingers — scars that matched his own where a blade of aether had pierced him—and lowers his head to kiss along their hand. "Dear heart," he murmurs pleadingly, "will you not wake soon?"
His hero had moved so quickly that day in the Vault. He'd not even seen them move when his shield had given under the strain and ultimately broke. The warrior catching and holding fast in their hands that deadly blade of energy — with all that force and power behind it — just as it grazed him. Haurchefant had watched, shocked and with blazing light blinding him as his friend, his hero snapped the blade in two and tossed it aside like rubbish. It had looked effortless at the time, but Haurchefant knew it had not been. They'd still the scars to prove it even after being seen to by so many capable healers. Twas a miracle it had not sliced clean through their lovely hands.
"Will you stop it with the kissing?" Estinien grouses. Done apparently with his pacing and come now to stand over the bed to stare at Haurchefant and the unconscious champion. "This is not some faerie story. Your kiss won't wake sleeping beauty."
Haurchefant does not bother responding negatively to the azure dragoon's words, knowing that the man was only lashing out because of his overwhelming feelings. Estinien embraced anger and used it as a weapon more readily than taking a long look at his own feelings. Feelings that he, too, must have for the hero who had yet to wake for the third day. Haurchefant could not blame him for such, but he would not respond in kind. The days of letting his anger control him were behind him now, best left in his childhood where he had control over nothing, not even himself.
"Should we try taking turns, then?" The Lord of Camp Dragonhead says with mild humor, sitting upright and stretching his aching back against his less than comfortable chair. Estinien scowls at him, but Haurchefant only chuckles. He turns his head to look at the lord de Borel who was stationed at the only desk in the room, diligently doing paperwork even as he stayed here along with them to keep watch over the Warrior of Light.
"What say you, Ser Aymeric?"
Aymeric glances up, the feather of his quill pausing where it was brushing thoughtfully over his bottom lip. His eyes are tired, the artful arrangement of his gently curling hair mussed from running his hands through it. "Hmm? What was that, lord Haurchefant?"
Haurchefant musters as mischievous and cheeky a grin he could manage after three days of fretting at their hero's bedside. "Will you not kiss sleeping beauty awake? If any of us is closest to a prince, surely it must be you."
Aymeric arches his eyebrows up, shaking his head even as a smile quirked at his lips. Being friends with lord Haurchefant's eldest brother Artoirel, he was well used to the oddities of the middle Fortemps brother. "Nay, I would not dare to take such liberties as stealing a kiss from someone I hold so dear. At least, not without first asking their permission."
Haurchefant inclines his head thoughtfully. Stroking his thumb along his dear, sleeping friend's hand. "I suppose you have the right of it. It would be unbecoming of a knight to act so uncouth. I should ask their forgiveness when they wake."
Aymeric only smiles. "For how taken they are with you, I doubt they will mind at all." It was quite a common sight to see lord Haurchefant reach for the hero's hand, and they never did deny him. Aymeric wished he, too, could be so bold as the Fortemps knight. Propriety had been ingrained in him from a young age, unfortunately. Though he and Haurchefant were cut of a similar cloth as bastard sons, House de Borel had been as strict in raising him as they had been kind.
Estinien is the one who seems to reach the end of his tether first. The other two knights taken entirely aback as the Azure dragoon leans over the hero, his pale hair hanging loose to curtain around them as he grasps their shoulders and shook them less than gently, "Wake up!"
Aymeric leaps from his seat, appalled. "Estinien!"
Haurchefant, too, lurches upright. "How dare you? Unhand them, Ser Dragoon," he says in a voice like sharpened steel.
Their worry unnecessary, it seemed, as the hero groaned and... turned over. Burying their face in a luxuriously plump pillow as they grumbled at the azure dragoon in an exhausted almost whine, "M'tired, Estinien!"
The three knights gazed at them, mouths agape.
Then Estinien barked a laugh, proceeding to shake them more by bouncing the bed around them, "No more sleeping. Get up! Get up, hero!"
They mumble something into their pillow not suited to polite company that sounds suspiciously close to, "You suck! Piss off!" but they do raise their head to blink at the knights all gathered around their bedside blearily. "...Am I dreaming," they ask in a sleep raspy voice, "Or are you all in my bedroom?"
Haurchefant cracks a painful grin. Relief blooming warm and bright in his chest, the swell of emotion so much that it moved him to tears. "Oh, dear heart," he murmurs, teardrops glimmering on his eyelashes. "Fury be praised! You're awake!"
The hero blinks. "Good morning? What are you all doing here?"
Haurchefant laughs. "Yes, well, good afternoon 'tis more like."
Surprise shows on their face, plain to read. Afternoon? Had they slept so long?
Aymeric comes to join the others at their bedside, sitting down beside them with a regal swishing of his blue cloak. "You have been sleeping here at de Borel Manor for three days, my dear," the lord de Borel informs them gently as he reached out to smooth the wrinkles in their bedding that pooled over their lap. Naught more than an excuse to reach out and make contact. With Estinien sat on one side and Haurchefant with a chair pulled up at the other, Aymeric situates himself near their legs.
They stare blankly, blinking owlishly. "Three days? Oh..." Their hand raises up to touch their head, then presses to their body where they were certain they had been wounded. "I was fighting, and then..."
"—You almost died," Estinien interjects. "Zenos had you on your knees. What happened?"
The hero frowns. "It was that voice again. Calling out to me."
Haurchefant frowns. "The same one that affected the Scions?"
The Warrior nods. "The very same. That voice... It pierced through me, I felt as if it was pulling at everything I am. It was agonizing. No matter how I tried to make my body obey, I could not move."
Estinien tsks, raking a hand roughly through his hair. Looking like he wanted to jump up and resume pacing. Or simply sink his lance into all of the Warrior of Light's foes.
"I see," Aymeric murmurs, frowning deeply. He reaches out and squeezes their knee. "Full glad am I to see you awake, my friend."
The hero looks between them all, a smile lurking at the corners of their mouth. "Tis good to see your faces."
Haurchefant reaches again for their hand, his blue eyes earnest. "Far better to see yours, dear heart. Why, I feel it has been a veritable eternity since last I have had the pleasure of gazing upon that lovely face."
The hero looks to Haurchefant fondly, their smile widening with obvious affection as the lord kisses their hand. "I missed you, too." They glance towards Aymeric and Estinien, too. Meeting their eyes each, their expression soft with the same affection as they held for Haurchefant. Of course, they had ever possessed such heart. "All of you. It has been too long since we have all been in the same place at the same time. Will you not stay a while longer?"
Haurchefant is the first to answer, "But of course. I have put in charge a knight most capable at Camp Dragonhead in mine absence. You have me for however long you desire, my dear."
Estinien sighs. "I cannot stay for long, nor can Aymeric. We are needed at the front. You, however, will stay. Your wounds have not yet fully healed. Do not make me carry you back here again."
The hero's face falls. Knowing that they could not jump out of bed straight away to join them. One on one, perhaps they would win that battle to return to the fight. But against all three? Nay. 'Twas best they stay abed a while longer to mend lest they want the guilt of three worried elezen men weighing on them.
"However," Aymeric cuts in, casting Estinien a mildly reproachful glance. "We can stay a while longer to keep you company. Is not not so, Estinien?" The lord prompts with a diplomatic smile, oozing charisma.
Estinien crosses his arms and grunts, but does not deny his friend. He supposed they could stay a little longer.
"There you have it," Aymeric says with satisfaction. "We will stay a while yet. Ah, but... Pray, do stay abed, my friend. You need your rest."
Haurchefant chimes in, "Indeed, indeed. Will you not allow us to fuss over you for a bit, my dear?"
Under the gaze of three Ishgardian men who cared so very much in all their own ways, how could the Warrior deny them. "...If that is your wish."
Haurchefant claps his hands together. "Splendid! Now, you must be hungry...."
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