#he heard till death do us apart and said: no way
shortnotsweet · 1 year
The Miracle Wife
[ Aemond gives him a house. The garden is good, but the deer outside has teeth. Sometimes, people do more damage by loving something too much, instead of not loving it enough. Aemond is one of those people. ] —elenoir on ao3
#unreliable narrator #dubious consent #unreality #possessive behavior #dead dove: do not eat #forced feminization
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Graphics made by myself for the fic linked above. Collection is currently incomplete, may be updated or revised.
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despairots · 2 months
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PIECE OF LOVE! — till ivan | alien stage.
till said he liked you, but he always looked at mizi whenever she walks past. maybe if he looked back, he would notice you. waiting, staring, wanting it to be your turn before you finally looked the other way.
content warning | character deaths, swearing, unrequited love, brief cannibalistic metaphors, love triangles, male reader but not mentioned (they/them prns).
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till never looked at you, if he did (which is rare), it would be because of you talking to him just to get his attention. despite him saying he liked you when you both were young, he never gave you anymore attention once mizi arrived. till never talked to her, always expecting her to look back at him without asking her for it.
maybe that’s what you felt when someone you love is looking everywhere but you. you were always there for him, he knew too, always comforting him in his darkest times, praising him when he did a good job at his practice, making him gifts so he can be happy, but not once did he return it.
does he appreciate it? yes. returns your love? no.
till doesn’t know it but maybe if he looked back, he would see who was waiting for him all this time. it was only a matter of time before they turned away from him too when he finally looks back, and you were just waiting for you to eventually give up on him.
praying, wanting, needing for it to happen. if only things could be that easy, you would’ve been a lot more free. instead, you’re bounded to be hopeless forever, no matter how many times your alien owners tried to cheer you up. gifts, clothes, toys, stuff you needed to live until this day, it would never work.
it was until recently, at the rip age of 17, that you finally grew up and matured. turning around and living the life of a young star, your owners busting their asses for you to live a life of a celebrity. it felt good to finally be free, maybe you missed being chained down to till, after all, you still cared for him.
you wanted him to be apart of you, you still wanted him carnally, sinking your teeth into him, almost like you could smell his flesh from miles away. all that you concluded that you wanted to let go so bad, was that you still loved him.
till never looked at you.
“ [name]? “
ivan’s touch on your cheek woke you up, realizing you slept on a couch, uncomfortably so from the neck in your pain when you sat up. his black pupils that had a hint of red stared right back into yours as he kneeled infront of you while cradling your hands.
“ivan..?” you trailed off before realizing he won his match, making you softly smile, “congratulations.” ivan nodded back in acknowledgment before he stood up, pulling you up with him to bring you into a hug, putting your arms around him as you buried yourself in his neck. you were lucky ivan was here with you, loving you like till could never bring up the courage to do.
now, as you raise up your platform, dressed in white with the boy you once called yours beside you, a look of concern glistening in his eyes, wondering why you weren’t looking at him like you used too. all you were doing is staring at the ground, like you lost the will to win.
till never looked at you.
watching ivan die, just to save till with no regrets while giving him a goodbye kiss as he fell to ground made you realize something, ivan looked at both till and you, just to die for both of you. when he died, you died alongside him, now till has to go up against you.
till watched you walk up the stage, wanting to get this round over and down before he followed you like a lost dog. he never heard you sing before, he never listened to your rounds or music, he was too busy with his but once he heard you live, you sounded ethereal, pulling him into your downfall.
he didn’t notice that he was being your back up vocals before you grabbed his hand, mic just inches away from your lips, did he start his singing part. till noticed how dead your eyes looked, how cold your skin felt, and how you harshly let his hand drop yours grasp.
his eyes kept following your figure, noticing how smooth and soft your movements were, aswell as how soft your voice was being when you looked at him whenever he looked away from you. despite everything, you could never hate him.
you, who didn’t wish him harm.
you, who wished he looked back at you.
and you, who didn’t want to win.
because of that, you grabbed his wrist to pull him into a short kiss, pulling away until he pulled you back in, shocking you more than anything. a part of you wanted you to believe that he was only doing it because he missed mizi, that you were just filling in the role of her until he pulled away.
a sad smile on his face as his lips moved, saying words that you weren’t able to hear, there was a ringing in your ears, the scoreboard showing that you won. till managed to catch the look of disbelief when your eyes went back to him, he was glad that the glint in your eyes were back, just not the way he didn’t want it to come back.
the tight feeling on his neck disappeared, reaching up to grasp at it did he realize you placed it on yours. no, no! he’s already lost mizi, ivan, and now, you? it’s like the world didn’t want him to be happy with the amount of blood splattered on his hands.
your smile, and ivan’s smile will now haunt his dreams, watching your body collapse onto the ground next to him with your blood on his cheeks did he yell out of despair, cradling your body close to him as the crowd watched in disbelief.
till never looked at you.
he always did, whenever you weren’t looking in that case.
“i’m sorry for not loving you enough.”
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
okk so for f1 and pjo you have max as hades so what if you made the reader nico from pjo and she was stolen from max/hades when she was child and max finally gets her back and starts gaining her trust?? (if you need more detail message me :) )
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Hades!Max Verstappen x Daughter!reader
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @vivwritesfics @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @toasttt11 @venusisnothere @vellicora @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hollie911 @dark-night-sky-99 @penwieldingdreamer @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dudenhaaa27 @sarahedwards16 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @laneyspaulding19 @bblouifford @csainzoperator
A/n— @toasttt11 trust the process I will have to do a short part two I know you have been waiting for ever for this and I apologize I’m feeling burnt out and not in a good way 😭😭 like I said please trust the process. I hope you do like it though
You never knew your father, hell your mother never talked about him. She would only say things like “You're just like your father”, and “Your father wasn’t an ordinary man he’s special that’s why he can’t be with us”. You hated the man who you never met but your mother loved him the day she was on her deathbed she tried reaching out to him but he never cared enough to show up. Growing up you had these strange abilities: you could see ghosts clear as day, talk to the dead and raise them from the grave (you did that once with your cat) and you could do other strange things. It was like your mother knew that you would have these abilities; they never frightened her.
You and your mother didn’t have much, just a two-bedroom apartment. It was pretty bare except for the necessities. It wasn’t exactly nice. The nicest thing your mom owned was this bracelet in the shape of a snake. It was silver and your mom had said it was a special bracelet that would be passed down to you one day.
The day after her funeral you packed the necessary things and left to find your father. You needed to know why. Why did he not care enough to see her one last time before she left this world? He didn’t deserve the love and devotion she had for him. You hated him that much you knew. You had a mission and you wouldn’t rest till you completed it.
Years later
You were trapped, time stopped, not that you noticed not that anyone noticed hell everyone was stuck here, stuck in time. You thought you had just arrived but that wasn’t the case six years have passed since your mother's passing. To you six hours passed in reality that wasn't the case at all.
Strange things have been happening recently, you’ve been feeling like someone or something has been watching you and your every move.
At first, you didn’t notice the hushed conversations and the way the so-called staff of the casino seemed like robots. You also didn’t notice how the guests seemed to belong to different periods or how they all seemed to be happy, almost in a creepy way.
Your head was pounding and you couldn’t keep your eyes open as the lights and sound were killing you.
“Would you like another lotus flower?” A wait staff asked, holding out a tray towards you. “Sure,” you said, reaching and taking a bite out of the lotus flower-shaped cookie instantly feeling better. You stayed stuck in time like that for another two years. You were sixteen years old when you first left after your mother's death. Now you are 22 years old and made it nowhere stuck in time.
Walking around the casino/arcade it felt more like being pulled into a trance like some invisible force took you by the hand and was leading you somewhere in the casino. Walking through the darkened corridors something made you stop in front of a cracked door where you heard two people talking.
“Stop worrying everything will be fine” you heard one of the voices say cockily.
“Don’t tell me not to worry, do you remember who she is? Who is her father? If he finds out that we kept her here trapped for six years he won’t stand for it.” A woman said she seemed more afraid than the man did.
“He won’t find out,” the man said
“He will find out”
“No, he won’t”
“Oh yeah, what about the lotus flowers they won’t keep her weak forever she becoming immune to them. We need to do something. Hades can’t know he has a daughter. It was bad enough when the son of Poseidon was claimed and then the daughter of Zeus came back to life. One of them is destined to destroy the world and it's her. She will be the downfall of the world.”
“When the time comes I’ll take care of it and if I have to I’ll kill her myself” the man replied calmly.
You gasped as you felt someone touch your shoulder snapping you out of your trance.
The door yanked wide open as you came face to face with the two so-called workers “What are you doing here?” The man demanded.
*Act naturally, a voice in your head says.*
“I’m sorry I got lost looking for the bathroom” you lied smoothly.
The man stared at you with a clenched jaw before sighing “Right of course mama Amra show Miss.l/n to the restroom”
“Right away sir” the woman Amara bowed her head and turned to you “If you would follow me please,” she said.
*Good you may live to see another day and a little tip don’t eat the flowers and start paying attention around here.*
Gulping you follow the woman
“Here we are. Anything else I can help you with?”
“No, thank you that’s all I needed this place is like a maze I get lost so easily”
“It happens,” Amara says, walking away.
You walked into the bathroom and waited a few minutes before walking out. You didn’t go to the buffet, the games, or the casino, you went straight to your room, closing and locking the door waiting. You didn’t know what you were waiting for. Deep down you knew that the place was a prison.
By the time you woke up the next morning, you felt awful, the withdrawals sucked and you hurt.
*Remember don’t eat the flowers and pay attention*
That voice was getting on your nerves but it did save your life. Okay just do what the voice in your says nothing can go wrong.
You did what the voice in your head had told you paying attention to the people around you did notice who the other guests didn’t belong to, some looked like they belonged in the 70s others well those looked like something out of a mythical book some weren’t even human and the workers they looked like demons and monsters.
They’re on to you they know you know
Go back to your room don’t stop and don’t look back I’ll help you get out of here
Getting back to your room you slammed the door barricading it. Looking around the room you see a tall shadow figure standing in the middle of the room looking at you. The figure points towards the closet door.
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me”
The figure drops its arm before raising it with more emphasis pointing to the closet.
The closet opens the door
This just keeps getting weirder and weirder
Hurry up
“Ok Jesus Christ dude chill out”
Open the door
You opened the door to the closet. It was darker than before with shadows leaking from the doorway. Looking back at the shadow man crossed his arms tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.
Step through the door trust me
Looking back at the closet and the shadow man who was now tapping his wrist the way a person would if they had a watch on. Taking a deep breath you stepped into the closet of shadows just missing the angry monsters busting into your room.
The shadowy closet portal opened up and dumped you into a dark cold alley. “Hey, shadow you didn’t happen to grab a jacket from the closet did ya?” The shadow man cocked a leg and hip out face palming in disappointment. “A thumbs down would have worked,” you said.
“Where do we go now?” You asked
The shadow shrugged his shoulders ``so you mean to tell me that we’re out here in the cold weather without money, food, or even a jacket? Great plan by the way.”
“Ok let’s go find a diner or something I need to sit and think for a minute”
After about an hour of walking, you finally came across a 24-hour little diner. Walking in the diner the bell above the door rang “I’ll be right with you in a minute honey go ahead and take a seat” an older lady says.
Nodding your head you walk in and sit down in a booth looking out the window you notice the sun is rising. It made you think how long you have been stuck there.
“Excuse me sir but do you have the date?” You asked an older gentleman.
“Yes it January 2 2024”
“Thank you sir”
“You’re welcome”
Six years you lost six years of your life. “Alright honey what can I get for you?”
Picking at the side of your thumb you look up at the waitress.
“I’m sorry I know i'm late I hope you can forgive me love”
Looking at the man who just walked in the diner he had tan skin short brown curly hair blue eyes.
“So love what will it be hmm?” He asked.
“How about some hot chocolate and chocolate chip pancakes.” You said
“Good choice. And for the gentleman?”
“I’ll have the same thing” he said
The waitress wrote down what we wanted and walked away.
“Ok who are you? And what do you want?” You asked a little bit on edge.
“Oh me, I'm Hermes, I'm a friend of your fathers,” he said. “But my friends call me Lando,” he added.
Brace yourself daughter your life is about to change
“Well shit”….
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
can i request where you and Colby have been friends since childhood and you have never gone on a ghost hunt with him until now. It's just you and him at one of the places he's gone to before. It's going great till you feel your neck scratched and you have a panic attack. Colby is super sweet and gets you out asap and makes sure you are ok
Ghostly Encounter
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Again, this imagine isn't written to entirely match the actual video of The Hospital Of Nuns
Mentions of rape, violence
Slight changes of the request, i think
Colby and i have known each other for a lifetime now. We've been friends for a lifetime, our parents used to go to the same college, later on becoming neighbours and when both our mothers gave birth to us months apart, they kept on bringing us to each other's house to play together. I've always supported him and he supported me and we even talked about getting into the same college program. But he decided he wanted to pursue another type of career, which i fully supported him into. No matter the choices we've made in life, it looks like destiny has another plan for us, because a while back I've been accepted at UCLA, which made things so much easier for Colby and i. We've basically never gotten apart from one another, which is wild to think about.
Today, him and Sam invited me to go ghost hunting with them and Nate at Hospital of Nuns. I got really exciting when they proposed this to me and i was eager to accept it and to also get there. It's also a very good opportunity to catch up with Nate, since i haven't seen this man in a minute.
"This doesn't look like a hospital", i say as i get out of the car and scan the building with wide eyes.
"I know right? It looks insane", Colby wow's next to me and scans the surroundings
"Insanely damaged tho", i scrunch my nose when we almost enter the building, the mouldy, dusty and cracked walls still trying to keep up the structure of the old hospital after a lifetime. Colby chuckles behind me and we get ready for the tour of the rooms. We walk from room to room almost, spending more time in the most active rooms in the hospital. "You heard that? They don't like guys with tattoos. I'm finally out of any ghostly danger", i chuckle and the boys laugh. However, the guide raises his two point fingers in the air to stop us from laughing, signaling he disagrees with me.
"Actually", he pauses to capture our attention, "there is a certain room that women seem to be targeted and there is also a reason for that.", he leaves the room for us to follow him. I gulp and give Colby a concerned look. He puts a hand on the small of my back to comfort me.
"You brought me to the wrong place, besties", i nervously laugh and i almost bump into Sam when we suddenly stop in front of a door. The room is down in the basement and let alone the fact that it's a basement, the whole way down here is creepier than the Chapel.
"Here, it's the priest's bedroom. It's said that he used to rape two of the nuns who ran this hospital-church, which later on found out they're pregnant. The priest wouldn't have allowed that to happen, so, legend has it that he was either violent with them until they lost the kids or he made the two women abort them, which led to the nuns' deaths. He's known to be a pretty violent spirit and a few days ago, this woman had her hair pulled and another one had a bruise on her hip."
I gasp and cross my arms at my chest, feeling discouraged all of a sudden. I left this morning with great vibes and eager to experience what the boys do all the time. Now.. I'm questioning my choices in life, but also want to live the most out of this ghost hunting investigation.
The tour ends shortly after and we take a break to make up the investigation plan. Who goes where, what we use and so on.
"I'll take the prison room with Nate", Sam says and we nod, Nate exhaling in relief he doesn't go alone.
"Thank you brother", Nate hugs him and we laugh.
"I'll take the priest's room", i blurt out, shocked by my own choice. I frown at how direct i was.
"What? No, you're not. You heard Eddie. He is violent towards women", Colby almost shouts at me and massages his temples with his fingers. "You can't go there, I'll go"
"Colbs, you can't go to a room where you won't get any answers from because you're not a trigger object", i say and hand him one of the spirit boxes.
"You're not supposed to be a trigger object, y/n, you're supposed to be safe", he takes the spirit box and i feel the anxiousness in his voice. Sam and Nate go to the car to get the equipment that's missing. Colby clears his throat and lowers his voice almost to a whisper. "I'm sorry, y/n, i just want you to be ok, not a target for tonight. You never kniw what can happen and i don't want anything to happen to you", he puts a hand on my cheek and pinches it. A heat of wave hits me and i clear my throat, taking a step back from Colby. He takes his hand away and clears his throat too, a soft shade of pink visible on top of his cheeks.
"I'll be fine, of there's anything wrong at any time, I'll shout.", i give him an assuring smile, but his face remains straight, concerned.
"So, all good?", Sam asks, holding dozens of equipment parts in his hands. I smile at the view and nod.
"I'll take the room where the nuns don't like my tattoos", Colby sighs
"You came prepared for a week of investigating, not a night", i say amused
"This is what Sam and Colby is about", Sam laughs and we enter the building. We go our separate ways and we all hug each other amused, like we're not going to see each other again in half an hour. I think this is our coping mechanism when it comes to fear. Colby stays a few seconds longer with me when the guys leave for their room. He hugs me tightly.
"You call me of you hear anything, if you see anything, if you feel anything. I'll run down those stairs if needed.", his voice is calmer, but it breaks when saying the last words.
"I'll be fine, i won't do any of those. I'm not a crybaby.", i say amused, still hugging him.
"I know, you're so stubborn", he chuckles and kisses the top of my head. "Good luck"
I smile and turn my back to him, heading down the stair with a flashlight. "Good luck". I enter the room and place the camera on a chair next to the bed, filming myself, half of the room and also lightning up my surroundings. I have a clear view of the hallway, which freaks me out, but i sit on the bed and start scanning the room. I hold the spirit box and take a few deep breaths before i start doing anything. I place my phone next to me on the bed, preparing to call Colby, just in case.
"ok guys, so this is my first investigation with the boys, also the first one ever of this kind-", a loud boom interrupts me from talking to the camera. "The fuck was that?", my voice shakes and i make silence when i hear shuffling coming from the hallway. "There's shuffling outside the room", i barely say something, just mimicking the words and pointing towards the hallway with my thumb. I stay in silence a few more seconds, a clicking sound coming from the corner of the room, behind the camera. "I'm so glad i can't see anything behind that chair, you have no idea.", i say outloud, amused, trying to cope with my fear. I turn on the spirit box and frown when the noise fills the quiet place. An uneasy feeling grows in my chest when i think i see something down the hallway. I inhale and concentrate on the spirit box.
Down with you
"You're down here with me?", i ask the deep voice that came through the radio frequencies.
>> Yes
"What do you want?"
This place evil
"I got chills, oh my God, how can the boys do it all the time?", i ask, looking towards the camera. "Do you mean the whole place or just this room specifically?"
>> i have power
"Am i talking to the priest?"
"Yes and no? Are you two different people getting in contact with me?", i jump when i hear the bedroom door creaking, but it doesn't move. I try to calm myself down and i shut off the spirit box. "Ok, so, what i think is that there's the man talking to me and also one of the nuns maybe? Because it also seems like these are two different voices.", i stay silent for a moment when the shuffling noise comes back and two loud footsteps approach the bedroom. I start shaking, but play it cool so i wouldn't lose my mind. I turn on the music box again.
Call for help
"Why should i call for help?"
He's evil, he hurts-
"Who does he hurt?", i ask and i feel a stinging sensation on my neck. I wince in pain when i turn my head around to look for my phone to check my neck. I open the front camera and put it to the side where it hurts and i drop my phone when i see three visible scratch marks and a fourth forming one. I start breathing really fast, getting up from the bed and grabbing the t-shirt I'm wearing in a fist, at my chest level. I feel like i don't get enough air in my lungs and that I'm close to collapsing. I kneel on the floor and grab my phone to call Colby. A shadow passes my peripheral view and i put a hand on the side of my face to block anything to come through. I call Colby.
"Are you -"
"Colby, please come get me, I'm so scared", i almost shout, my voice breaking, hands caressing my thighs as my body is rocking back and forth, still trying to catch my breath. I hear loud footsteps approaching me and i note in my head that if that's not a human being approaching me, I'll probably faint of i don't see anyone coming into the room. Luckily, Colby appears and gets on the floor instantly next to me. He grabs my face to make me look at him to calm me down.
"Breathe, slowly.", he breaths along with me, showing me the rhythm i should follow. We breathe in sync a few times and i calm down. My body shakes uncontrollably when he helps me get up from the floor. Colby hugs me tightly, as trying to stop me from shaking. My eyes are teary, but no tears fall on my cheeks. He rests his chin on top of my head and buries my face in his chest. He caresses my hair and my back and i grip on his hoodie like someone's going to take him away from me now when i need him the most. "What happened?", he asks and i try to talk, but my mouth is numb and i feel like i can't speak. I take another deep breath, but i turn my head around to show him, instead of speaking. His eyes grow wide. "What the fuck? Let's get you out of here", he grabs the camera, i grab my phone and the spirit box and then grabs my hand to get me upstairs.
"Get Sam and Nate, i need a break", i let go of Colby's hand and rush to get outside the hospital. I sit on a big rock a few steps away from the building. I hear the door open behind me and jump from the rock, my body shaking again.
"It's me, I'm sorry i freaked you out", Colby raises his arms in defense mode. We both sit on rocks.
"Did you get them so quickly?", i ask surprised, my mouth still numb
"No, i wanted to check on you", he offers a lazy smile
"I'm as good as i can be in a moment like this. I'm sorry i messed up your investigation", i shake my head, disappointed in me
"Never apologise for that. Who knows what would've happened to you if you didn't get out of there", Colby says in a grave voice. "I'm so stupid for putting you in this position, i am so sorry, y /n", he shakes his head and comes closer to me on another rock and sode hugs me, his arm around my shoulders. He brings me closer to his chest and i inhale the so familiar scent of his cologne and clothes.
"I want to come to more investigations with you, if you still want me to", i say and let go from his side hug. He still keeps his hand on the small of my back, as a comfort gesture.
"We would love to, you were great", Colby smiles and i take a moment to memorise his face in this moment. Big, proud smile, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. I smile back at him and give him a proper hug.
"You're the best"
"You had to find someone to match you"
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
Truly Yours-1
Mark Sloan x GN!Reader
By-Sandy <3
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-You and Mark Sloan have been together really since high school, you guys were on and off for a while at least till you went to college then things smoothed out and you and him have been together for the long run ever since, or so you thought. -You have known Derek and Mark since junior high you were a close trio of best friends, y'all were inseparable. "You are un..unbelievable!" You screamed as hot tears ran down your face.
You and Mark were standing apart from each other, he had a look of guilt and regret. You had just learned that your husband slept with Addison Montgomery-Shepard, your best friend's wife, you felt betrayed, used, oblivious, and foolish.
"Babe...I am sorry, I am truly sorry." Mark said with a look of guilt plastered onto that ridiculously handsome face of his.
You scoffed and took deep breath trying to compose yourself but as expected you failed..."I am sorry?! You have taken my heart out my chest, hit it with a hammer and threw it out the window!" You sobbed and said "You have thrown my love away like its nothing..." You sniffled and took a deep breath
"Y/N Sloan, I love you more than anyone could ever imagine..." He said softly walking up towards you.
"No, you don't." You said coldly backing away from him.
He froze and put his hands behind his head, you looked around seeing all the moving boxes in your new and fresh home. Y'all just moved in a month ago but haven't had time to unpack fully. Now you had a real reason not to.
"I am moving out..." You stated with a sniffle "We are over." You also stated wiggling your beautiful ring off.
You heard Mark trying to hold back his tears and he failed "Y/N, please..."
"Till death do us part, huh?" You said crying and putting the ring of your dreams on the clean marble kitchen counter. " I will have someone come and get my stuff tomorrow." You said looking him in the eyes one last time, the dreamy blue eyes that drew you in when you met him. You know he is the one. Sorry, that in past tense.
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice say.
"Huh?" You said coming back from your daydream, you turn to see your best friend, Derek Shepard, y'all have been friends since junior high along with Mark Sloan but he wasn't in the equation at the moment.
"You, okay?" He asked with a face of worry.
Derek met someone a couple of weeks or months ago, he got over the whole spouse cheating thing quicker than you did. You can't blame him he met someone new, someone who was better with him, they made since together. Addison and Derek only knew each other for a handful of years while you and Mark have been on and off since sophomore year of high school. You and Mark had history together, and Mark just threw that away.
"Yeah..." You said with a sigh "Just tired, didn't get much sleep last night.
You and Derek needed to get out of New York, you both got offers at Seattle Grace Hospital. For you it was Head Attending of Ortho (lets pretend Caliee stays a resident, okay?) and for him it was Head Attending of Neruo .
"You have been saying that since we got here..." He said softly looking through a chart of one his patients.
" Yeah Yeah.." You said looking off into a far wondering what your life would be like if Mark didn't tell you the truth, it would have come out one way or another, right?
"Y/N, you need to get over him." Derek said coldly closing the chart aggressively
"I am, on my time..." You said walking away.
You were on the elevator waiting for it to get to the surgical floor, you hated elevators, you don't like being quiet in one place for to long, you think to much about your thoughts. And right now, you didn't want to think about what you always thought about...that night.
"I am moving out..." You stated with a sniffle "We are over." You also stated wiggling your beautiful ring off.
You heard Mark trying to hold back his tears and he failed "Y/N, please..."
The elevator doors opened with a ping and you walk out to find Addison Montgomery-Shepard talking to Derek. You hate her with all of your heart no all of your body. Your heart, your pelvis, your spine, your aorta, your brain, your skeleton, and all of the above.
You walked over head high and confident this husband stealing bitch will not get the best of you. You aren't going to burst into tears. No. New Y/N would not. But new Y/N doesn't think about her cheating husband all the time. Thats when it hit you, you haven't officially divorced Mark. Then it hit you again. You had to divorce Mark, your Mark. The love of your life, your other half, your soulmate, the one, your husband, your partner in crime, your person, your best of friend.
You hadn't realized you were standing in the middle of the Surgical Floor, with a tear running down your cheek. You sniffled and tried to make your way past Addison and Derek without getting involved but then again you are involved in every bit.
You walked up to them and look her in the eye and said "What are you, doing here, Addison?" You said faking cheeriness.
She never saw you after the whole thing.
Her face turned white, and she said "Hey, Y/N..." with an apologetic smile.
"I asked, what are you doing here?" You said with a fake smile and saw Derek on the verge of a grin.
"Um..the chief-" She mumbled
"Huh?" You interrupted, Addison for some reason was intimated by you, which doesn't make sense because she let your husband cheat on you with her, sooooo?
"The Chief of Surgery asked if I would like to be the Head Attending of Neonatal Surgery (look it up, it's cool) here at Seattle Grace." She said a little bit louder and confidante.
"Interesting. Derek, we have patient." You said looking at Derek.
"Ah, yes." He said walking to the patient room with you following behind him.
It been a generous number of horrid weeks with Addison Montogomery, she has been on multiple of your patient cases. You're going crazy.
You were in the cafeteria with Bailey, she is your only real friend, because apparently Derek is giving Addison a second chance. Ridicloius.
"Thats the whole, story?" Bailey asked as she digged into her lunch.
"Yeah, the worst story that is happens to my life." You sighed biting into your sandwich.
"No. It's a horrible event that happened in your life, there's a difference. Neither is great but there's a difference." She said looking your eyes with seriousness.
"I know, just being dramatic. How are your interns?" You replied putting your sandwich do as you were no longer hungry.
"Their annoying and quite frankly a bit clingy whatsoever but they will most likely do fine."
You laughed at her reply, "They tend to be like that." You found your eyes at Derek and Addison at their own separate table, laughing, like nothing even remotely happened.
You sighed, "I can't watch that, sorry Bailey." You said with an apologetic smile, getting up and grabbing barely touched lunch to throw it away.
"It's fine. Go hop on a surgery, it will make feel better." She said.
"Thanks." You called walking out of the cafeteria.
You were looking over a new patient's chart to make sure you understand and knew the case well. You were on a gurney which abandoned in the halls. You heard some chattering from the front desk as you were hall that wrapped around it.
(By the way, you go by Dr. L/N-Sloan. You used to go by Dr. Sloan fully but...)
"Do you know where I can find a Dr. Sloan?" A distanced familiar deep voice asked.
A nurse at the front desk replied with "Dr. L/N-Sloan? They are in the hall over there."
"Ah. Thanks." He replied with a tone of sadness.
Then it clicked the familiar deep voice, you pondered and pondered who it belonged to...Mark Sloan. It made even more sense, when you and him made eye contact.
I have to get out of here, I have to get out of here. Is what you said in your head as you swiftly walked away but he caught up and grabbed your arm.
"Can I at least say hi, to my spouse." He said softly, turning you around to face him.
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iggy5055 · 1 year
Yandere Emperor Darth Vader x Reader Part 1
Suitless Vader, Vader uncrispy
Summary: (Y/N) is taken away from her remote home planet and forced to spend the rest of her life with the new emperor.
Warnings: death, fear, yandere, obsessed, manipulation, gore
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Peace, peace was a hard thing to come by now-a-days , close to non-existent and it was an even harder think to keep. The empire had completely taken over in just a few month, completely and total control over the inner rim and quickly making their way out to the mid rim. No one was safe and no one had hope, not anymore, but who could really blame them.
First the clone wars, long, tiresome, painful, always to risk to be caught in a battle, be killed by a droid or even taken as a slave in the aftermath. Then the final battle, all seemed to go well, hope started to swell in everyone who was apart of the Republic, Only for things to crumble horribly, first the rumours of the Jedi trying to assassinate the Chancellor Palpatine, a man beloved by many, then the rise of the Empire ruled by the newly anointed Emperor Palpatine. 
The thing is that my planet was as back water as you could get, if you wanted to hide then this was the place to do it, a down side to this though was that news as slow as heck so it was almost a month till we learned of the final battle that ended Count Dooku and the end of the war. It didn't take us long till we where told about the rise of the Empire with the rise of our Emperor and his right hand who no one had ever heard of. 
It was a good thing we had a lot of pirates, bounty hunters, and even just some travellers come here to relax and re-fuel their ships because without them we wouldn't get a majority of our information. But what shocked us all the most was when we heard that the emperors right hand had killed Emperor Palpatine and taken his title. 
Some where relived, some where scared. The former Emperor had been kind, not doing anything to warrant such hate but some though that he would have turned out to be a horrible man after a few years, many thought his right hand couldn't be any better.
I didn't really feel much regarding the constant changing of plans, I wasn't directly effected by it, none of us were really. We just whet about our days like normal, do our jobs, take care of our familys, on the days we heard about a a new innocent planet being taken over all we would just thought ‘oh, well that's to bad.’ and just moved on.
In my case I worked with my family in our little tavern/inn. we where always the first ones to get news, mostly by bounty hunters, they would come here and stay a night or two, usually waiting to get payed. Being the one;y daughter to my mum and dad I was the waitress and I would lead the people staying at the inn to their rooms, witch meant I was the first to ever get any information. Me or the man who owns the fuel depo. 
It was peaceful, but like I said peace is the hardest thing to keep.
It started like any other day, I woke up before anyone else, cleaned the tavern and started to get food ready for the hungry bounty hunters and travellers who stayed at the inn that night and that I could already hear getting up and walking on the wooden planks that make up my roof and their floor. 
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One of our regulars in the tavern, but never the inn, Cad Bane was alway one to enjoy a good meal. 
After a few minutes the food was warm and drinks where cold and tables where clean when my first customer came in, but not one I was expecting.
Really high up bounty hunter like him came around a lot since the rise of the Empire, being hired by said Empire to hunt their enemies and the Jedi, most of whom hid in the outer rim, so our planet just at the edge of the mid rim was a good place to stop, rest and fuel up. 
Bane was the best of the best but never took work from the empire, but his work did seem to move more to the outer rim now that wanted people needed to hide even more.
“Mornin’ kiddo.”
Despite me being twenty years old he always called me ‘kiddo’ but to be far he was in his mid fifties... I think.
His voice was modulated and gruff, definitely the voice of a bounty hunter in his fifties but regardless of how harsh and gruff he sounded his tone was still friendly, probably because I gave him alcohol. 
“Hi Bane. Usual?”
He sat down at the bar I was currently working at and nodded sighing deeply and leaning back into the chair, happy to be off his feet. 
I turned to the kitchen right behind the bar and grabbed a plate of nuna and water. He usually liked hard liquor but I imagine he never drinks water and even Duros need water.
I set down the plate and cup in front of him, He took a bite of his meat and when he reached for his drink he realized what it was and looked up at me un-impressed. 
“I would bet you never drink anything but hard liquor, hard liquor dosen't keep an old man like you at his top game.”
He barded his teeth, more like fangs at me, but took a sip none-the-less. 
Bane was harsh, I never would have done something or said something like that before when I first met him during the clone wars. I knew who he was, a bounty hunting Duros with two custom blasters and a hat with the biggest rim in the entire galaxy was easy to recognize. 
He came in the evening, luckily my parents where in the tavern with me. since I turned seventeen I was the one who took care of the inn and the tavern being a much warmer person then my mother and an extraordinary cook. Mum mostly cleaned and prepped the inns rooms, she was always a neat freak, a hard women who had a 'no one can do it better than me' kind of attitude. But despite her hard exterior she was very warm on the inside. My dad was also just like my mum, harsh outside sweet inside, he had a nack for hunting and growing, he would grow all our vegetables and fruits himself. You'd never think it to look at him but he had quite the green thumb.
It had already gotten dark, a few customers where still around when he came in, every conversation when silent and everyone shifted at the change of mood in the air. He came in, sat in one of the booths in the corners and waited for me to come over and take his order. For a solid five minutes of me shaking in fear once I realized who he was till my mum gave me a harsh shove in his direction forcing me to go over and take his order.
I fumbled over my own feet and my words, by the time I had gotten everything out, welcoming him and asking if he wanted anything to eat or drink I had already made a huge fool of myself. My cheeks red as a tomato.
He stared at me for a minute making me all the more scared. I shifted on my feet a little, never looking him in the eye. 
Finally he said something, well, he chuckled at me. Low and quiet but still plenty amused. 
“Don't worry girly’ I won't bite ya’.”
I relaxed a little, his tone was light and playful, besides he had no reason to hurt me.
I nodded but still didn't say anything.
“Get me some nuna and the hardest liquor you have.”
I nodded and when to get what he wanted. We had plenty on nuna but we didn't really have hard liquor. Most of the townsmen liked beer or ale but every bounty hunter seemed to like a wider variety of alcohol mostly different kinds of hard liquor. 
I got his meat and a mug of our hardest ale, I gave it to him, but before he could comment on his drink I spoke first, rather meekly but still loud enough he could hear.
“I’m sorry about the drink, we don't have any hard liquor, this ale is the hardest thing we have.”
I keep my head down, not wanting to piss him off in any way. to my surprise however he took sip and didn't hate it.
‘Not what I normally get but still good.”
I lifted my head and smiled out of relief, glad I wasn't going to get shot. I nod at him in silent thanks.
‘Thank you sir, we are getting a shipment of hard liquor soon because of all the bounty hunters like yourself who come here now-a-days, if you ever had to come back we will have a much wider variety for you.”
He nods and I turn to leave. He left after he was done eating and we didn't see him for another two months. When he came back again I was the only one in the tavern, mum prepping the rooms upstairs and dad out on a hunt. 
This time he came over to the bar. I turned around for the hot table we had just bought to replace a broken stove, it was much better then the stove and much bigger. Instead of just four elements to cook on now I had a whole table, it was awesome. I gasped a little when I saw him again but I wasn't scared or frozen in place, more just shocked, I didn't think I would see him again. 
He gave me a nod in greeting.
I nodded back.
“Same thing as last time, but with some real hard liquor.”
He gave me a smirk and I laughed a bit and turned around to cook him his meat and grab some hard liquor I think he might like, I got out a brandy, whisky and rum placing the bottles in front of him.
“Any preference?”
He pointed at the whisky.
I nodded turn to finish up his order.
After that he came in every other month till the rise of the Empire, know I saw him about three times a month.
I was polishing some cups, having nothing else to do, the food done being prepped ahead of time, i just needed to wait for it to heat up and having no one else in the tavern to serve I had to busy my hands with something.
“Empires getting’ ballsy.”
I look up at him and tilt my head to the side, he didn't normally chat with me aside from some important news and rumours, which if he was telling me weren't rumours but truths, Bane wasn't the kind of man to waist words on rumours or things he deemed unimportant.
He nodded again, swallowing some nuna.
“Yeah, some say the new Emperor going from planet to planet trying to find a women for himself.”
He looked up at me, I knew what he was getting at but I just laugh a little and shook my head head down and eyes closed, thinking what he was insinuating was ridiculous. 
“Bane, come on, if he is looking for a woman he's looking a noble girl or princess, do I look like either?”
My tone was playful and light, dramatically flipping my hair like I was some royal brat. 
He rolled his red eyes at my antics.
“No chance.”
He said gruffly. I laughed again going back to polishing the cups. 
“Even so, he won't come here, we don't have anyone royal, just a bunch of small farming and mining villages littered all over the planet, come to think of it, I don't think we even have a senator.”
He looked up at me again,
“You sure talk like a royal brat, just missing the royal part.”
I laughed again, this little banter with him was always fun.
“Mum made sure I had an education, learned lots of fancy words.”
He rolled his eyes again. I never know from his eyes, having a lack of pupils made it a little hard but his eyelids gave it away. Moving up a little every time.
He didn't say anything after that, just finishing his meal, a few more people started to make they're way down to grab some breakfast.
After I served a few people I went to go do some newly made dishes. Just before I made my way to the other side of the bar a big cold hand grabbed my upper arm. I looked up to see Bane staring at me silently.
“Be carful, kiddo. Girls like you are few and far between.”
I smirked and put my free hand up to my chest, face gasping in shock.
“Is that an actual compliment Mr. Bane?”
He rolled his eyes again and handed me some credits.
“Later, little lady. I expect to see you here the next time I'm back.”
Rolling my eyes for the umpteenth time I scoff at him.
“I don't have anywhere else to be.”
And with that he left. 
The rest of the day when on like normal, flirty customers and funny regulars, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing wrong. 
Most my age hated our lifestyle, alway wanting more, never having enough but I was happy. No one on this planet was ever hungry and we where always safe and we knew how to do hard work, that was more than most of the galaxy had had in hundreds of years. 
Little did I know my life would crumble in a matter of days.
I woke up early, just like everyday but today was different, Once a month we got a shipment of foreign food and alcohol. We didn't have a capital but our biggest city did have a port that we got our delivery's from. I had to go pick up our delivery today.
I got our our old speeder bike that wasn't all that speedy anymore and hooked our little trailer to it. But in all honesty I didn't really need to go very fast, and once I had my cargo if I went to fast it would spill all over the place. 
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My parents where still in bed, they both had me late in their marriage so while I was just twenty they where in there sixties and loved to sleep in, besides I did most of the work in the tavern, they needed the extra sleep, besides most oir patrons wouldn't be up till the afternoon so why wake them up?
I left a note and grabbed a sandwich for lunch later and hung a sign saying no food till the evening when I would be back. I wasn't too worried there was another food place in our small little village me and the cook there often shared recipes so we where always on good terms.
As I get closer and closer to the ‘capital’ something felt odd. nothing looked wrong, it was probably going to rain tonight, the sky was a light grey and you couldn't see the blue sky anymore but it wasn't the grey clouds that felt foreboding.
The trip to the ‘capital’ was scenic. lush trees and plant life, sun light coming down in beautiful rays making it seem like a fairy-tail. I loved the forest. Our planet was covered in them, that and our tall mountains to the north that we mined from. No dura steel or anything like that, but beautiful crystals and some coal. Nothing of real interest however. 
I ignored it and kept going, I was probably just being paranoid with the now darker grey sky dampening my mode, but I should hurry and get my cargo so that my mood is the only damp think.
I make my way over to the port, my shipping order in hand to give to the pilot. I was really early, people just starting to start working here, usually I stayed longer but with rain I should probably get back soon, guess the guests at the inn may get lunch after all,
Being so early I arrived at the port just as the cargo ship landed. I went over to the pilot Anthony, we never were able to talk long but he always knew who I was.
I smiled brightly and waved but he lacked his usual pep. He was always pretty playful and joking but this time he seemed, almost anxious.
“Mornin’ Anthony.”
He nodded but didn't say anything, I handed him my shipping order so he new what crate of stuff was mine. As we waited for the droids to bring out the crate I couldn't help but get more worried.
“Whats wro-”
Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by a scream and the sound of... an ion engine.
I look up, my face dropping completely. Right above us emerging from the clouds was three of the biggest ships I had ever seen. Clearly owned by the Empire the one in the middle much bigger than the others, I bet its shadow covered the entire town.
My hand covered my mouth, this was crazy, three giant ships? here? why would there need to be three? such a unpopulated planet like this, one of those ships would be enough to bring enough solders to cover the planets populated areas three times over. the solders would probably outnumber out whole planets population five to one. But three ships, the number would probably more like for every one person there would be fifteen solders.
The port was at the edge of the city, only having forest for hundreds miles, the closet other village being mine. We watched as the biggest of the ships landed onto the forest. Completely decimating it. Destroying it for generations to come.
I couldn't stop shaking. Why three ships? Why here? And for makers sake what would we have to offer the Empire?
I as frozen in place till Anthony shook me. I turned to look at him as the ginormous ramp to the ship started to lower.
“You need to leave. NOW.”
His words where hard. He was right whatever this was I needed to warn my parents. we might even have to leave. By the time I am able to move my feet again the ramp had already lowered to the ground with huge groups of stormtroopers marching down it, but that wasn't what scared me.
The storm troopers all wore white, but in front of them all was one man. he was impossible to not notice and impossible to not know who he was. pitch black armour, a mask that seemed to cut through your very soul, foot steps that seemed to shake the planet itself to its core and breathing as foreboding as you could get.
It was the Emperor, a man who possessed a demanded attention. Impossible to ignore, even more impossible to not be afraid. only a crazy man wouldn't be scared of him.
I was almost in tears, so scared and so confused, Why would he come here. Bane mentioned finding a women, maybe he was here for slaves.
Just before I could speed off I felt eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder to him. It was impossible to tell with his helmet and mask covering him, but I swear he was looking at me, burning a hole in me with his eyes. 
Before I could even think I was racing away as fast as the bike would let me, terrified.
The second I got home a few hours later I was still in tears, I couldn't stop them. I had never felt fear like this. the fear I felt now made the fear I felt for Bane when I first met him seemed like nothing. 
I rushed inside, not even bothering to hold in my fear. No one was in the tavern, most gone to their next bounty or finding food elsewhere .
“MUM, DAD!!!”
My voice was breaking, so scared I was just a sobbing mess, not knowing what else to do. I collapse on the floor shaking like a leaf when my mum came rushing in. 
She was worried, scared seeing me like this. She rushed over taking my trembling form in her arms and holding me close to her chest. Her heart as beating fast, but not as fast as mine. I thought it would explode from the stress and kill me before I could even warn her.
“Shhh, sweetheart, what's wrong, who hurt you?”
She started to look all over my body for any injuries but got confused when she didn't see any.
“H-he is he-here.”
My voice was hoarse from all my sobbing, I couldn't help my fearful stutter. 
“Who, sweetheart, who?”
I griped onto her shirt so hard I probably left holes in it my knuckles and most of my hand white, probably as pale as my face.
“The Emperor.”
Her eyes widened. She probably would have thought I was joking if I wasn't on the ground sobbing and shaking. thinking I was just playing some kind of sick joke.
Just before she could say something my dad came rushing into the room.
“The Empire Is here.”
Dads face was almost as pale as mine was, the colour slowly draining out of my mums face as it dawned on her.
“We need to leave.”
Dad started to run around grabbing things we might need.
“How, with what ship?”
“I don't know but it doesn't matter, we need to leave before more come, them being here is already to much, we need to leave, NOW.”
Moms face dropped even more, she must have known what that meant while I was still a scared shaking mess on the floor.
“You don't think that there isn't already a blockade of some kind around the planet they won't let anyone leave, and leaving right when the emperor gets here is much too suspicious.
“Well we have to try something!”
I couldn't make out their yelling after that, the ringing in my ears getting far to loud now. I have no idea how long it was till I felt my dad strong arms and calloused hands pick me up and walk out of our tavern only to freeze and go stiff as a rock, becoming as cold as one to. 
I look up confused, why were we just standing in the doorway. I look over at mum and she was just like dad, stiff and cold, frozen in place like she was ice, her eye unmoving but focused. I look up to dad again seeing his eyes the exact same way. I look ahead and almost screamed. Right in front of us was a battalion of black armoured stormtroopers and the Emperor himself, starting right back.
Still in my dads arms I could feel my breath catch in my throat. My eyes wide.
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Why? Why here. This planet was absurd enough for him to come to, but our small little village, only full of farmers or bounty hunters and travellers passing through. No one had moved here in the past almost thirty years so they wouldn't be hunting someone. 
The only possible reason would be he was looking for slaves. A weak planet, an even weaker village, we where a perfect target. Meek and docile and hard working. Perfect slaves. 
At the realization fresh tears slid down my pale cheeks. I would be separated from my parents and probable tortured. I felt my dad put me down to the ground. If he didn't hold onto my upper arms my knees would have buckled under me and i'd fall to the floor in tears. Dad handed me over to mum, her moving me behind my father holding me up, pressing me into her side.
Staring back at me was the Emperor. I didn't know how I knew but I just did. The mask made it impossible to truly tell but while the black stormtroopers where staring at my dad ready to take aim at the giant of a man in front of them.
My dad was huge. About six foot three and very wide. Years of work hardening his muscles. To look at he was very intimidating but in reality he was a gentle giant who get uncomfortable with the sight of blood. Feeling a little safer and a little brave I peered past him a little only to freeze in place again all that bravery disappearing in a second. 
Slowly the Emperor came closer, I felt like throwing up only to remember I never ate my sandwich so there was nothing to throw up aside from stomach acid. As he got closer I realized how tall he was Just a foot shorter them my dad, also a giant of a man in his own right, at least to me. I only came up to the bottom of my dads chest with the emperor I was the same height as his chest. 
The hight difference only made me more scared. He was also wide, ripped with muscles. Despite what looked like ridiculously heavy armour you could tell how strong he was. He was right in front of my dad now, it was all the more obvious he was looking at me now, his head tilted downward and to the side to peer around my dad to look at me. As we stared at each other I became aware of his loud breathing through his helmet.
I tried to back away a little, both wanting to put some distance between myself and the most powerful man in the galaxy, lowering my head in the process realizing it was probably rude to stare and not wanting to piss him off.
But as I try to move I found the second I moved one foot back and started to move my head down an invisible force seemed to wrap around me. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortably tight. It forced me to stay in place, looking up at him. 
I almost didn't register he was talking, so distracted by the invisible think keeping me in place. 
Everyone knew what a Jedi was and what the force was and that the Jedi are force sensitive and had a special connection to it. Being able to do extraordinary things. I had no doubt in my mind that this was the force, which only made me all the more scared. He could snap my neck with just his mind. 
His voice was so deep but not gravely like Bane’s, it was very smooth.
Realizing silence wasn't the best option with my new revelation I opened my mouth to speak only for dad to bet me to it. 
“My name is Dex, this is my wife Luma and our daughter (Y/N).”
For the first time he broke away from my gaze, opting instead to look at my dad but the force didn't pull away, it only seemed to get tighter when his gaze lingered on dad making me squeak in pain a little. 
The second the unwilling sound came out of my chapped lips the feeling loosened immediately. The Emperors eyes on my once more. Suddenly I felt a hand? Nothing was there but it felt like a hand was stroking my cheek lovingly, like mum would do when I got sick as a kid, I couldn't help but relax a little. 
“May I ask why you honour us with your presence my lord?”
Dad sounded so formal, clearly knowing not to piss him off and show him the respect a man of his station demanded. However the second he spoke a black stormtrooper came closer, his trigger finger clearly itching. 
“Do not speak to the Emperor unless spoken to.”
Their voice was hard, seething with entitlement and power. I realized I still couldn't move when I tried to grab the back of my dads shirt wanting to feel some semblance of safety. 
The Trooper had his gun against my dads head, all my dad did was stare at him. I tried to move to hug him, still unable to move, I cried out.
“NO! Please... pl-please don't hurt h-him... please.”
My voice was pathetic, pleading to whomever would listen to have mercy.
“Oh, (Y/N).”
I turned my head as much as I could to see my mum with her hand to her mouth and tears on her face. I hadn't even realized she was still here. It only made me more scared knowing someone else I loved was here and in possible danger.
I turned back to the Emperor and the trooper holding his gun up to my dads temple. If It wasn't too scary it would have been funny, the trooper being shorter than my dad so he had to reach up pretty far to have the barrel of the gun pressed to dads head. 
My voice was pathetic, broken from crying and fear, begging the emperor for mercy.
The Emperor raised his hand, signalling to the trooper to lower his weapon. Without hesitation the trooper did. Clearly loyal to his Emperor. I breathed a sigh of relief as he fell back into formation with the other troopers only for my breath to stop when the emperor pushed past my dad and towered over me.
Dad didn't dare make a move but mum tired to come close to me again to hold me, fearing for her only child's life. But before she could get too close the Emperor shot his left hand out using the force to hold her in place, much like he was doing to me.
I still couldn't move but I could still turn my head to see her. She wasn't completely forced in place like me. She was holding her neck, she was breathing but it was clear the grip of the force was pretty tight. Tight enough to keep her in place. 
I turned back to the Emperor, eyes brimming with even more tears I didn't even now I had, scared for my mums life. 
I opened my mouth to beg again only for him to raise his right hand to my face. I thought he was going to slap me, put me in my place for daring to speak to him again without permission. But instead I felt his pointer finger press gently to my lips silencing any cry or pleas for mercy. 
My eyes shot open, not expecting the gentle touch from the man I assumed would make me a slave. I gazed up at his helmet. The place where his eyes would be are covered by a very dark red, almost black visor. It would be impossible to tell if I wasn't so close to his face.
After a second he pulled away. His left hand still raised keeping mum in place and turned to dad, straightening a little. I didn't even realized he had to bend down to look at me. it only made me more scared. Everything about this man screamed power and intimidation. His heigh, his strength, his men, his ships and especially is ability to use the force. He was a man to fear.
“How much?”
My dad blinked, having been more focused more on his scared daughter and distressed close to choking wife.
“M-my lord?”
“Your daughter, I want her, but I will not leave you with nothing. How much do you want for her.”
I left out a sob, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out. If the force wasn't holding me up I would have colapsed onto the ground, my hands covering my face. 
My dads looks over at me, fear plain as day in his eye. He would never give me away, but at the same time this was the Emperor of the entire galaxy, who was he to say no.
It was silent for a while the only sound being that of the Emperors breathing, me trying to hold back my sobs and mum trying not to choke as my dad was forced to make an impossible decision.
He could give me away and get a good pay out, giving us all a chance to live or he could say no and have all of us killed for defying the Emperor.
I understood. If he gave me away I would never hold it against him, never hate him. How could I. We are only human. It hurt but I would be happy knowing that they had survived this terrifying ordeal and got enough credits to live lavishly for one hundred life times. 
“Dex... Dex no.”
Mums voice was hoarse from the force choking her, barely getting out the words.
Dad looked so scared, so conflicted and so mad at himself probably for entertaining the idea of giving away his only child for credits, ashamed he ever considered it in the first place. 
He looked over at me, my eyes pleading with him to just do it. To stay alive and too have plenty of credits to live happily and easily the rest of their lives, tears brimming in my eyes. 
The words rocked me to my core, my heart stopping for just a second as I almost screamed at him. Begging him not to do anything stupid.
Before the Emperor could even do anything the trooper from before came back over. Kicking the back of dads knees forcing him down to the ground. Shoving his face into the ground with his boot. 
I struggled against the force, trying to break free and run to my dad, wanting to shield him from the trooper ready to shoot him at a moments notice. Only to be held still, my effort pointless.
The man keeping me in place turned to me, staring at my tear stranded cheeks, not having anymore tears to even cry. Staring at my drained and withering body and I tried to break free. 
“How dare you, you dare deny the Emperor, even after he offered you more credit than a skug like you ever deserved”
I pleaded for the trooper to stop to have mercy even directly begging the Emperor saying I would do anything he wanted if he just let my family go.
He never stoped looking at me, just staring. I felt naked under his gaze, exposed and weak. Pathetic.
Finally he turned away, looking back at my dad who's face was so close to his boot dad was practically kissing it. 
“I’ll say it again, give me your daughter willingly and I will pay you handsomely, resist and I will kill your wife and make you watch, then kill you and take your daughter anyway.”
Dads eyes widened, even more scared now.
“No, no plea-.”
Mum begged again, only to be cut off by the force squeezing around her neck to tighten lifting her slightly off the ground, really choking her now.
“No, no please, please my lord have mercy on them, please. I’ll do anything... please.”
The last please was almost inaudible. Barely even a whisper. 
Clearly tired of the silence from my dad his left hand that was still extended towards my mum went from a pincer shape to a closed fist, followed by a sickening snap.
Everything when silent, my eyes wide and my mind blank.
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I looked over to my dad. His hand where tied behind his back with binders as he screamed and struggled, three more troopers having to come over and help hold him down. I saw he was screaming but I couldn't hear any sound as he fought tooth and nail to get out of the troopers grasp.
Suddenly I felt very light, the force had released me, Contrary to my thoughts I didn't fall, I just stood there. My brain had completely stoped working, not registering anything but the need to turn around. Something had happened and I needed to see. 
I turned slowly I kept my eyes level but when I didn't see anything behind me I looked down. 
There, about a foot away from me lay the body of my mother.
Suddenly all the noise hit my at once, my dad shouting profanity's at the Emperor who had just killed his beloved wife and at the troopers holding him down.
Her neck was twisted at a sick angle. Her once beautiful blue eyes open and dull. Lifeless. 
I felt to my knees, crying out as I crawled over to my mum. I reached out for her, cradling her body in my arms, holding her close to my chest. Begging for this to be a bad dream. That I could wake up any second and be in my bed, my parents still safe and sound,
It took me a second to realize but I couldn't hear dad screaming anymore and I was cooler, like I was in a shadow, The only sound being that of my soft hiccups and loud breathing that didn't belong to me. 
I look up at the Emperor. He was looming over me and my mums lifeless body, staring at me again.
I didn't dare say anything, just stared back, getting ready to beg for mercy again but the Emperor spoke up before I could.
“One last chance. Give me your daughter, I pay you and let you live or I kill you in front of my poor girls eyes and take her away anyway.”
He clearly wasn't talking to me but he never took his eyes off my trembling figure still wrapped in his shadow.
I look past him to see my dad completely restrained, unable to move with a gag in him mouth making it impossible to get any words out. How was he supposed answer?
Unable to answer, dad fought against the troopers and his binders with all his strength, a fury in his eyes I had never seem before. 
The Emperor crouched down on one knee in front of me. Without a word he pried my cold hands away from my mums body. I struggled against him as much as I could, not ready to leave her. But my fight was pathetic, I was frail and weak from all the crying and fear, exhaustion hitting me all at once. 
My weak attempts to get away from him and back to my mum was nothing to him. 
He pulled me away from my mum. Lifting me in his arms like I weighed nothing. Hoisting me up to his hight with one arm. I grip onto his shoulders holding tightly onto his black cape, my hands shaking uncontrollably. 
He lifted his free hand up to my cheek, stroking it lightly with his gloved thumb.
“You had your chance.”
I look at him in utter fear, snapping my head over to my dad trying to push away from the evil man holding me trying to run to my dad only for the hand under my thighs to tighten and the hand that was once on my cheek to wrap around me tightly keeping me pressed to his chest. Before I could do anything the sound of a blaster bolt rang through the air and my fathers body went limp with a burning hole in his skull.
I scream as loud as I possibly could. pushing as hard as I physically could trying to get to my dads limp body.
“Shhhhhh, little one, I have you... relax.”
And with that everything went black.
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When I woke up I was surrounded by warm blankets, I breathed a sigh of relief, a bad bream, it was all just a bad dream. I almost let out a cry in relief, but I hold back, not wanting to wake up mum or dad. I curl up a little more, enjoying the feeling of my bed a bit more till I got up and had to work for the day. I move my head further into the pillow snuggling close only to freeze.
I started to shake, this wasn't my bed. My bed was comfortable, but not this comfortable.
I refused to open my eyes. I didn't want to admit where I probably was, and how my life had been shattered. I kept my eyes shut like they where vaults holding the most precious treasure, because if I opened them it felt like I was really saying goodbye.
Even with my eyes closed so tightly it didn't stop my tears of mourning slipping past my eye lids, my thoughts couldn't help going to my parents, I think of all the good times and the bad, all leading up to their brutal and cruel deaths by a mad man. I was all alone now and to make matters worse I have no idea where I am and I wasn't brave enough to open my eyes to find out.
I herd the whooshing of a door open behind me. I wanted to curl up even tighter in the foreign soft blankets, the atmosphere seemingly getting cooler. Not freezing, but enough to rase a few goosebumps.
I heard heavy foot steps coming over to me. I tried to calm my breathing to make it look as if I was peacefully sleeping but it must have been a pretty poor try considering I had tear stains on my cheeks. Once they left I would open my eyes and look around, figure out where I was and collect myself but I didn't want anyone in the Empire to see me like this, weakness wasn't something I wanted to show right now.
It was so quiet, too quiet, it had only been a few second but it was so quiet I almost forget he was there. How could someone be so quiet. The only reason I knew he was still there was because I didn't hear his heavy footsteps leave or the opening and closing of the door.
I lay as still as I could, not daring to move as the figure made its way towards me, standing right in front of my 'sleeping' body and just stood there, unmoving and still as stone.
The silence blanketed us, I started to break out in a cold sweat. If this kept up pretending to sleep was going to fail me if the look of me didn't already the stains on my cheeks and I was probably too stiff looking to seem peacefully asleep.
After what felt like several minutes of unbearable stillness -but was probably just a few seconds- I finally heard the shuffling of fabric followed by a heavy weight placed beside me. The stranger had sat down beside me.
I was still laying in a kind of fetal position, my knees where bend and tucked a little but not touching my stomach with my hands resting beside my head on the pillow. The stranger was right beside my stomach almost pressing against it
I stiffen a little as he sits not expecting him to do that, but I immediately relax as much as I can and try to get my breathing under control, hoping the stranger just thought that it was his siting down on the bed that jostled me a little.
After a few more moments of silence, what felt like a hard gloved hand finds its way into my hair. His hand lightly brushed through my hair, stroking my head gently. But despite the gentle calm touch I still flinched. Bad.
I had no Idea where exactly I was but I did know I was with the Empire after Emperor Vader had murdered both my parents in front of me. That was enough to want to gather my bearings alone and try not to freak out with someone from the Empire in the damn room.
A deep chuckle came from the man, It was powerful and even sexy, sending an unwilling pleasant shiver up my spine. His hand was clearly gloved, feeling leather like and hard, almost like the hand of a droid. It was a gentle and kind touch but hard none-the-less.
"I'd suggest you stop pretending, little one. Pretending to sleep won't work with me."
The voice was light in tone almost playful but his voice itself was deep, it sounded vaguely familiar yet so different at the same time.
I slowly open my eyes, know that I had been figured out. I rub my eyes a little trying to prevent any tears from falling. The mans fingers were still wrapped in my hair, I brushed my fingers on his arm a little accidentally. I bring my hand back down to my chest as quickly as I could. I shoot my eyes over to the man who sat beside me and I freeze.
My eyes where met with a strong torso, and the pitch black armour of the Emperor who killed my family. This couldn't be worse, I was in a room with the Emperor himself. This wasn't some random imperial officer it was the Emperor of the entire galaxy who ruined my life.
I couldn't help my shaking, a sob coming from my dry lips as salty tears wet my cheeks. I look further up, seeing his right arm extended to me, his hand in my hair to his broad chest to his face.
He didn't have his helmet on, that's why his voice was different, his vocalizer wasn't twisting his voice. Thats why it sounded vaguely familiar.
He had curly hair that went close to his shoulders, and amber eyes with red around the rim of his irises. He had a scar going down his right eye. He was very tall and clearly strong but he was also very young looking, close to my age, probably just a few year older.
He tilted his head to the side a little, a grin on his face. It wasn't mocking or insulting, more like looking at a scared kitten, which to be fair probably is what I looked like right now. He tsked at me, still running his fingers through my hair.
"No need to be so scared, little one. You are safe with me I swear."
His comforting words where lost on me. I only saw red. I grit my teeth and steel myself. All my fear disappearing. This man killed my parents in front of me and he calmed I was safe with him?
In a fit of anger and temporary bravery I hit his hand away as hard as I could ready to scream at him, but the back of my wrist was met with a ridiculously hard surface as I try to swipe him hand away.
I yelp and cradle my wrist in my right hand, holding it to my chest.
He tsk's as me again. I try to move away from this evil man only for him to grab me by the waist and yank me into his lap. I keep my hurt wrist close but I pound on his armoured chest with my uninjured hand. In hind sight, not a good idea. him being so well armoured, not like without his armour I could do anything to him but in all my grief I could think of nothing else to do.
"Le-t me go, you b-bastard let me g-go."
My voice was shaky from my tears but still clear.
You would expect someone so powerful like him to hit me back, yell and tell me to be quiet but he didn't. He held me close, wrapping his large arms around me holding me to his chest.
After a minute or two of beating on his chest he seemed to realize that I was hurting myself. I didn't care I didn't even notice the pain. Too angry to even realize.
He grasped my hand, his completely covering mine and my wrist.
"Come now, little one. You're hurting yourself."
He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly all over. My hand was in a hard fist and was covered in little bruises from hitting his armour.
"Your only hurting yourself, calm down, little one."
I didn't want to, maker I didn't but the second he spoke his words I felt something wash over me, a feeling that wasn't mine but controlled me regardless.
I relaxed completely, the Emperor kissed my bruised hand a few more times till I slipped it out of his grasp. It wasn't a hard hold, it was actually very light. I cradled both my hands to my chest and let silent tears fall.
'What's happening to me?"
I wasn't stuttering in sobs anymore, now I was just very quiet, quiet and pathetic.
The Emperor moved his hand to stroke my hair again, rocking back and forth lightly making sure not to make any sudden movements.
"You know of the force, yes, little one?"
I nod silently, I didn't want to give in, I really didn't, but what choice did I really have. I had no idea where I was or how to get away and my parents where know dead. I didn't have any other family so I had no where to go. Best to just play along till I could escape by myself.
"I am a force user, I can do many things with it, including coxing my beloved little one to calm down a little bit."
I felt calm, yes, but I was shaking like crazy. I was a scared lamb in a lions claws. I cling to my clothes only to realize they weren't even mine. I wasn't wearing my usual work clothes I was earlier, old and tattered from years of work but still as comfortable as ever. Now I was wearing a black gown. it was also very comfortable and very fancy but if felt so wrong.
It was long, going down to my ankles with a slit going up to my upper thigh. It had an open back, I could feel the cool leather of his arm on my back. It had thin straps and a dip in the chest that didn't leave much to the imagination. The straps almost looked like they would snap if I moved my shoulder too much.
I curled in on myself a little, feeling much more exposed than I wanted to, feeling all the more vulnerable. The gown wasn't very thick, it was very thin and flowy. It didn't hug my body tightly but being curled up in the Emperors lap made the fabric fold around me more then it would have.
I could feel my eyes well with tears but they wouldn't fall, no matter how much I wanted them too, like the force wasn't letting me cry, forcing me to feel 'calm'. But these emotions are not mine, it felt wrong, but it was too hard to resist. It was like a hand had wrapped around me, controlling everything I felt.
"Please... stop."
My voice was still so small, but in his presence it was hard to not feel pathetic and weak.
He hummed down at me in question, his lips resting in my hair as he continued to rub my back. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good, it became harder and harder to remember what he did to my parents and feel the anger and sadness that accompanied it. Now I just felt odd, I was scared to be with the damn Emperor of the whole galaxy but It was like I was slowly forgetting them. I figured it must be his use of the force, the thought sent a wave of fresh naked pure fear through me. I didn't want to forget, it felt like a betrayal to forget them by the hands of their murderer. I wouldn't let that happen.
I forced myself to seem more confident in my words, Pressing on his chest trying to get up, to put some distance between us, hoping that it would weaken his hold on my mind with some distance or even just my resistance. I didn't know much of anything about the force, just that force sensitives could do things with it like put words in your mind and lift things.
I pushed a little harder. If it came to a fight I would clearly lose but he may be willing to give me a little space.
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My poor little one, I could feel her fear, her resistance even her confusion rolling off her in waves. She was so scared, scared of me, the force, she didn't want to give in and by no means was she weak minded but she didn't understand the force nor did she know how to fight it.
She was pushing away from me, I could feel how stressed she was, she felt so many emotions none of them the ones she should feel in my arms, just fear. She needed her space, but I didn't want to give it to her.
From the moment I saw her I knew she had to be mine, she looked so vulnerable, so weak and so scared with confusion, having no idea why we had come to such a small insignificant planet. But from that first moment I saw her I knew I would have her, no matter what, she was mine.
I knew killing her parents would have a negative effect on our relationship, but I wouldn't let something as insignificant as them get in the way of having what was rightfully mine.
I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt another push on my armoured chest by her small hand, calloused from all her days of hard work, She would never have to work again, I didn't want to let her go, but giving her some space would be beneficial to gain her trust.
I let her go reluctantly. She stood up, a little wobbly after taking a few steps away from our bed. The second I saw her shake as if her knees where about to give out made me want to rush to her, pull her in my arms and never let go again.
She pulled her hand up to her head, her head down and eyes closed. She knew I was using the force to keep her calm and I could see she suspected that I was easing her parents out of her mind. She was smart, my sweet little girl, but she didn't know the force well, and while she wasn't weak minded her thoughts where loud and very clear to a master of the force.
Her voice was so weak, she really was so scared. Again, I wanted to hold her to my chest and never let go, make sure she knew that she was safe with me, but all good things come to those who wait and she was a sweet thing I would wait for and give her her space, within reason, of course.
"What do you mean, little one?"
I knew what she meant, but step one of making her mine would be coxing her to tell me what she wanted, what she needed, even if I knew
"My mind... s-stop toying with I-it."
I could practically hear the tears in her voice, but with my use of the force they wouldn't fall. She must have felt so pent up, unable to get her emotions out, cry like she needed to.
I loosened my hold on her mind slowly, enough to let her feel her fear but not enough to let her truly focus on the memory of her parents.
The second I did fresh tears spilled from her face, I hated it. Hated seeing my little one cry and hiccup softly, her hands unable to keep up with all her tears, some one them falling to the cold floor.
All I could think of was how much I wanted to hold her shaking form, how much I wanted to comfort her. But she would only push me away.
I reach into her mind again, not to control her emotions but to see what she was thinking. But she wasn't even really thinking anymore, she was just scared and confused. Not knowing what would happen to her next. I realized she didn't even take the time to look around, see where she was.
She kept shaking, she was mostly shaking because she was scared, she didn't even notice how cold she was. Space was a cold place, and in a metal ship with bare feet and a thin gown that showed so much of her skin it must have felt that much colder, my poor little one.
I wanted to pick her up, tuck her back into our warm blankets, take off my armour pull her into my warm chest and watch as she slowly drifted off into sleep.
Instead I walked over to the fireplace. It was a few meters away from the foot of the bed with two couches and a table between them where I often did work when my office was no longer suitable.
I start a fire and strip away some of my armour leaving me in a pair of pants and a lose black tunic. it felt good to be rid of the heavy armour, It worked well for intimidation and making me seem inhuman, it made people fear me all the more, but my dear little one is not someone that should fear me.
Once the armour is put away and the fire is large and burning brightly I move towards my little one. She was still crying, her hands still trying to wipe away all her tears that just kept on coming.
I was much taller than her, she only came up to my chest, if that. she was so small and frail and in need of protection, my protection.
I stand close to her, I wanted touching her, my hands where outstretched to her. her head was held down as she tried to cry as silently as she could, my poor baby girl.
'Come little one, you must be so cold, come sit by the fire."
She looks up at me with puffy cheeks and red eyes and swollen lips, she must have been biting them trying to keep quiet.
She was very hesitant, backing away a little, albeit shakily.
Despite wanting to grab and hold her close, I resist the urge, it would only scare her more. I hated having to take things slow, but she would give in eventually, with a little assistance.
I slipped into her mind again, she was trying desperately to think of her parents, any memory at all, scared to lose them. it was sweet how much she cared for them but now they where gone, I would have to teach her how to rely on me now.
I use the force to project some of my feelings, making her feel that I wouldn't hurt her, that she was safe and that I only had her best interests at heart.
She was so tense, it hurt me to see her this way.
I step closer, she tensed even more, her hands now at her chest clutching the hem of the gown with shaky hands. I place my hands on her upper arms, rubbing lightly, smiling lovingly at her.
She jumped a little but not out of fear, She looked down to where my right hand was placed then over to my left and my right again. I chuckled lowly at her realization, she didn't seem to notice before that I had a fake arm. For a moment all her fear washed away, replaced by her curiosity.
I loved the look on her face, not scared, not confused, nothing but a good healthy curiosity and the want to ask questions.
She kept staring at my mechanical hand, wide curious eyes that I longed to get lost in, but first things first.
I rub my right thumb grabbing her attention again. her head whips up to me so fast, I think she might have gotten whiplash, but then looks down again with red cheeks, ears and shoulders, embraced at her staring.
"I'm sorry."
Again, her voice was soft, but this time she wasn't scared. I chuckled at her.
"No need to apologies, little one. Its quite the interesting thing to see. I assume it's safe to say you've never seem anyone with a missing limb before?"
In her more calm state I was able to slowly lead her to the couches on the edge closet to the fire, she slight shaking stoping completely now that she was warming up by the fire.
Once she is sat down, I sit beside her. Her back faces the fire and her front faces me but her knees as tucked into her chest, her arms wrapped around them.
To my surprise she shakes her head.
"There was an old traveler that came to the tavern once, he had lost his left arm in some freak accident when he was young."
I tilt my head a little, a silent suggestion for her to continue.
"I had just never seem anyone with a working moving prosthesis before... I-I didn't mean to be rude."
At her last statement she turned her head away, not wanting to look at me with her embarrassment.
This was perfect, I got her talking, I just had to keep her that way. it was the perfect distraction for the time being. That and my slight use of the force helped keep her parents out of the forefront of her brain, she was much more calm now.
She curled up into herself more, hugging her knees to her chest tighter than before, I knew I couldn't expect everything to be prefect from the get go but I hated seeing her like this, too scared to even sit openly with me. It broke my heart.
"Ohhh no, little one~ it wasn't rude."
I moved a little bit closer to her, she didn't seem to notice with her head down. I wished she would look me in the eye so that I could see hers. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
"Its quite the engineering marvel, It was custom made from me during the clone wars but I added modifications and designed the gold and black design it has now. I can even feel with it a little, not like a real limb but if I wasn't looking and someone touched my hand I would know."
I hold my right hand out to her for inspection, hoping she would grab it. Giving her the option to do or not do something was a good first step in making her feel more safe and secure.
I hold my hand palm up, a clear invitation to hold it. She lifts her head up to get a better look at it, clearly interested. I could feel her curiosity with the force but I could also feel her fear. She just needed a little nudge.
I was already manipulating her mind a little, keeping my force signature weak, she may not be force sensitive but she knew I was and a random unknown feeling in he brain that one had never felt before is a pretty big give away.
I strengthen my hold on her mind a little, just making a wash of calm run over her, Making sure she always felt calm and safe around me would be important and with a little help from the force it made the process that much quicker.
After a few moments she slowly reached out, she wasn't as hesitant but her hands moved at a snails pace.
I almost grabbed her and pulled her in my lap when her soft hands grabbed mine. I couldn't feel it very much but I could feel a light buzzing, the hands sensors going off. I wish she was holding my real hand, I could feel my fingers twitch at the thought as it rests on my thigh.
Her hand moved mine around, feeling much more confident now or maybe she was just distracted now that she had something to fiddle with.
Her fingers gently prodded at mine, curling them and un-curling them. She moves to my palm, tracing the design of it for a second then moving up to my wrist to my forearm. Finally after what felt like an eternity her fingers made to where my fake arm meets my real one right underneath my elbow.
I closed my eyes in bliss when her fingertips gently brushed my skin. I loved being able to really feel her, If only for a few moments at a time.
I opened my eyes again to stare at her lovingly. Her eyes where full of curiosity, being able to explore something she had never seen before. It just made me all the more obsessed.
My fingers kept twitching with ever touch she gave me, feeling the need to hold her more. Keeping her still with the force earlier was good, the feeling of holding her like that felt amazing but it wasn't enough.
Even while caring her back to the ship my heavy thick armour was in the way, not allowing me to really hold her. I only wore the armour for intimidation proposes. No one alive had seen me without it now that Sidious was dead. The anonymity and emotionless feel that suit gave me made me all the more intimidating.
As I take in her features I was brought back to reality when I heard a grumble.
(Y/N)'s hand slipped away from mine and wrapped around her knees again, her head to the side trying to his how red her face had gotten but her ears and bare shoulders gave her away.
"Hungry, little one?"
She nods embarrassed. I couldn't help chuckling at her, my outside appearance playful but on the inside I was seething. On her planet it would be around ten at night, of course she was hungry, how could I have been so neglectful to not take care of her needs.
I get up, brushing my fingers lightly on her knee. She didn't flinch this time, instead looking up at me shyly, this was improvement.
"Ill be back with some food, till then feel free to roam about, this is your room so you have a right to everything in it, alright little one?"
I felt the need to tell her that everything in here was hers. I didn't want her to be shy about her exploring, the more she got used to her new surroundings the better. One problem however was that our rooms on my ship was different to the rooms on Coruscant. That would be a whole new place to get use to, but I would cross that bridge when I get there. We still had time before we jumped into hyper space and several hours in hyper space so I had plenty of time to think on it. That is, If I can keep my mind off my little one.
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The second the Emperor left to get food I fell forward shoving my face into the cushions of the couch, I felt so embarrassed. First I blatantly touch and explore his hand but then my stomach growls.
After a few seconds of not being able to breath with my face shoved in the cushions I decide to get up and explore.
The room was very large, a king sized bed with now unmade blankets was right by the fireplace, the fireplace facing the foot of the bed with couches and and a coffee table on a carpet then went under both couches as well.
To the left of the fireplace was the door the Emperor left out of, it was very big but I guess it had to be considering how tall he was but the door was also really wide, about the width of two doors. to the right of the fireplace was another door, just as tall but only the width of one door.
I walk over, getting goosebumps immediately once my bare feet touch the cold metal. I walk over to the door and open it with the button panel on the side. It was a refresher with a door to the left. the fresher was pretty standard. It looked very clean and fancy. Like the main room it was mostly black. I assume that it was just his colour of choice but both rooms did have come colour. The sheets, pillows, carpet and towels in the freshen are a dark bloody red.
I go to the door on the left, it was a wardrobe, filled with all black clothes. the room wasn't very big but it didn't really need to be either, what scared me was the full set of armour at the end of the room. In my head it solidified the fact I was with the Emperor, without his suit it was easy to forget, seeing a living face and not an emotionless mask. the only clue that it was a person and not a droid being the sound of his breathing.
I could feel my tears well up, thinking about my parents again. The second I think fo their dead body's I feel like a fog has been lifted from my brain, Like I was remembering something I had forgotten for years.
I start to dry heave, not having anything in my stomach at the time, especially because I never got a chance to eat my lunch I packed. I feel my knees shake under me, threatening to give out any second.
I look up from the floor while I leaned against the door frame of the fresher. I feel my stomach drop. I never noticed it before. I don't know how I didn't, now that I see it its painful obvious its there. To the right of the bed it a window. The whole wall was the window but it was pitch black until I cared to actually look at it.
I slowly make my away out of the refresher, my hand over my mouth trying to ground myself and not throw up stomach acid.
before It just seemed like all the other black walls in the room, but now that I take a closer look it was a window. The sky was pitch black, like it was in the dead of night but now I could see little dots in random order all over. I walk closer, placing my hand on the window just to conform it was one.
I fall to my knees for the umpteenth time, fear racking thought my body as the realization hit me. I knew I wasn't home that much was obvious but know seeing the large never-ending expanse of stars that was space really hit me.
I wasn't home, I was with the emperor on a giant ship in the middle of space going maker knows where. I wasn't home, and I would probably never be able to go home again.
I crumple up into myself and sob uncontrollably. The tears seeming never ending as I cry my heart out.
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As I walk down the hall to my little ones room I find myself more rushed then I normally would have.
I could feel my little ones distress, I pulled away for a few minutes getting distracted by my chefs incompetency and when I realize I had pulled away I gently eased myself back into her mind only to find her in pain.
She wasn't physically in pain, but her head was a mess of sorrow and trauma. I was a fool to leave her when she was still so emotanally fragile. Even more of a fool to be so carless as to pull away from her mind.
I couldn't get to our room fast enough, opening the door only for my heart to break a little. There on the floor leaning against the window was my poor little (Y/N) crying her little heart out.
She looked as broken as her mind felt. Huddled close to herself, her hand clenched tightly to her chest as her sobbed uncontrollably. Her cheeks and eyes red and puffy, her eyes shut so tightly that it looked like she would not open them again.
She didn't even seem to notice my presence yet, I quickly set her food down on the coffee table and rush over to her. I fall to my knees and wrap her in my arms pulling her into my lap. She was cold as ice despite the fire burning. She didn't even acknowledge my holding her, just sobbing in my chest as I hold her as close as I possibly could, slipping back into her mind in an attempt to ease her pain and her parents from her mind. It would be much harder now, she was focus on them, their faces, how they died.
My force signature was heavy in her mind, she seemed to notice what I was doing. Her parents slipping from her mind regardless of how hard she tried to hold on. Finally acknowledging me she pushed against me, her hands shoving on my chest trying to get out of my hold only for me to hold on to her tighter.
"Shhhhhh, little one. Relax, let me help you. I will make it stop hurting."
My voice was quiet and calm, my lips brushing her ear a little. I was happy to have her in my arms but this wasn't how I wanted it to happen.
Her hands where shaking, all of her was shaking really, trying to get away. She seemed to think that if she got out of my hold my hold on her mind would also leave.
"No- no let me go."
"Shhhhh, (Y/N) I need you to calm down. Let me help"
She pushes harder but I wouldn't let her go, not when my little one was in so much distress whether she wanted me to or not.
She was clearly adamant about not letting me hold her or help her so I guess I have to do this the hard way. It would be easier to work with her mind without any resistance anyway.
I sigh deeply, I didn't want to have to do this but it was my best option.
Before she could push on me again I grabbed both her wrists in one of my hands, she was so much smaller then me, her wrists where so small that my fingers overlapped as I held her.
My other hand shoved her face into my neck, holding her by the top of her neck and the bace of her skull. She struggled as hard as her little body could still shaking uncontrollably.
"Shhhhhhh, little one~. I promise by the time you wake up everything will be ok."
With that I force her to sleep with he force. She would wake up with a hell of a headache, her mind was so active and in distress, being forced to sleep wouldn't be pleasant.
I pick her up and tuck her back into bed. I look over at her forgotten food. She will be starving by the time she wakes up, I'll make sure some food is waiting for her when she wakes up.
I walk over to the fresher, It had been a long day for us all.
I figured have a few minutes to let her mind calm down and relax fully would be good before I go rooting around in there. I strip and have a shower. Enjoying the feeling of the water wash over me I allow myself to relax knowing my love was waiting for me in our bed.
I never thought I would love anyone the way I loved Padmé but my love for (Y/N) put all out time together to shame, I knew the second I saw her she would be mine. I had to have her and this time I would make sure nothing ever happened to her.
Once I was all dried off I put on some loose fitting pants and made my way to bed. I make my way under the blankets for behind her and pull her close to my chest. With the open back on her dress I could feel her skin pressed up against mine. It felt so good having her so close. My arms wrapped around her stomach holding her close.
I slowly reach my hand up to her forehead pressing it into my neck. I slowly start to work her parents from her mind, sealing away her thoughts and memory of her parents, making the memory of my taking her very foggy. I couldn't give her memory's that weren't hers but I could make sure she wouldn't think about them.
I take my time, if I went to fast her headache would be ten times worse when she wakes up, but already its going to be pretty bad. Messing with someones mind was never a comfortable thing for the victim.
I would give her some pain meds when she woke up too.
Once I was done and was sure she wouldn't remember anything I make sure the blanket was pulled up to her shoulders and tuck her close to my chest, intertwining our hands As I breath her in, finally able to relax with my little one safe in my arms.
Soon we would be home, and our new life would begin.
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y0urm4m · 3 months
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Summary: Matt begins to question whether he deserves your love and time.
Warnings: none just a breakup story.
(Couldn’t find a perfect song to go with so I picked this one)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
╰┈➤ ❝ 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝓌𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 ❞
- 𝓳.𝓫 [𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓼]
I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the sudden sunlight that blinded me. Rolling over my back now facing the light peeking through my window, grabbing my phone I was happy to see 1 new notification from Matt.
Matt - Hey when you’re up and ready why don’t you come over
I smiled to myself, sitting up. I had to brush my teeth, hop in the shower, get dressed and then I’d head over to Matt’s. I walked over to the bathroom brushing my teeth then turning the shower on. Quickly washing my hair and body so I could spend more time with him as we hadn’t seen each other in at least 2 weeks due to him being busy all the time recently. After I was finally dressed I rushed to put my shoes on and head out of my apartment, practically speeding over to matt’s.
Once I had finally reached the house I slowly knocked on the oak door, to be greeted with Matt. He had bags under his eyes and looked like something was on his mind. “Hey..”I said smiling. “Hey.” He replied smiling slightly. It was nice to see his smile in person after two weeks.
We made our way to his room. As he returned to the position he was in before I had turned up. “Soo.. how’ve you been?” I asked looking at him. “Good.” He mumbled looking back down at his brittle bitten nails. I just nodded looking around the room that I’ve been in many times before, nothing was new. The silence was almost deafening, but he suddenly spoke up. “um y/n I’ve been thinking, I know you’ll probably be confused and I will completely understand but I think we should take a break.” “What?” I said in utter shock. Me and Matt had never even argued where did this come from. He swallowed. “I don’t want us to end on an argument but I think we’re just not meant to be.”he said whispering the last part. “Matt.. please don’t do this we can work it out I promise, where did it all go wrong?” I asked as my voice cracked and vision blurred trying to fight back the tears forming in my eyes. He didn’t reply instead picking at his nails and biting the inside of his cheek, I slowly arose from the bed not knowing what else to say, grabbing my things and left his room making sure to be quiet as I didn’t want to make a scene in front of his brothers.
Matt pov:
I sat there like a coward watching her leave as I felt the lump form in my throat, wishing I could bring myself to tell her but I just couldn’t find the words. As I heard the front door close, I sat soaked in my own guilt regretting everything that just went down. I hate myself for knowing I hurt her but I know it’s for the best.
Reader pov:
I slowly slid into the drivers seat letting the tears that had built up fall, wiping them away with the sleeve of my jumper. I took a slight glimpse in the rear view mirror at my mascara stained face, I was a state I need to go home now. I quickly started the car pulling away to drive home. Where did i go wrong? Did I do that had upset him? I had so many questions but no answers. I eventually arrived at my apartment rushing inside before my neighbours could see me like this, I didn’t even have the energy to change into pyjamas I just slid under my covers curling up into a ball crying myself to sleep. He was perfect all I could have ever asked for, the person I wanted by my side forever till death do us apart.
He was the one for me, but I guess I wasn’t the one for him.
Matt pov:
I bit my nails staring into the abyss of room, thinking the events that occurred not even hours ago. Just thinking about her makes me realise how much she deserved to be with someone who could be there for her whenever and forever through all the ups and downs. I wish I could be that person but I can’t. If I had the time I would have married her someday possibly even had kids. I know she’ll be upset but she’s a strong woman and I know she’ll find the one.
Although She was the one for me, I wasn’t the one for her.
A/N: 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬! And I wanna say a big thanks to my friend who helped me go over this lyl
Taglist: @patscorner @mattisthehottest @mayhem-72
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bones4thecats · 7 months
Okay if it's okay could I please ask for Buddha and Adam and Eve and Poseidon but how would they react to Kianna Being forced to become a God and her mental health getting worse realizing she can never die and have to watch the Mortal people she's friends with grow old and die while she stays forever young
I read a bit of lore and diabolic lovers
Where someone would become Adam or in other words become
And in her character lore she ends up becoming a god
Sorry if this is a bit dark
A/N: This is basically all one story looped into one, I may end up making a story based on this, depending on what may ensue in the future. Thank you @nunezs-stuff for the very fun request! Enjoy~~
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🍭 This guy became a god throughout his basic will (in a way)
🍭 But when he met you, you were torn in half
🍭 You had become a god against you will, thanks to Zeus of course
🍭 Buddha was one of the first to approach you after your change
🍭 He had comforted you when you cried about losing everyone you had cared about, he always said he understood, but you and him both knew he didn’t understand exactly
🍭 You killed vampires that killed your sister, and now you became a god, the God of Blood-lust and Revenge
🍭 He was one of the people you were seen alongside the most
🍭 He helped you get through all the depression and anxiety you felt
🍭 Buddha and you were amazing friends, and eventually, after getting over your guilt, you and him would fight in Ragnarok alongside one another
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🔱 This guy did not understand you at all
🔱 When he first met you through his youngest brother, he just glared at you, another ‘half-blood’ it seemed
🔱 Poseidon never really acknowledged you until his brother, Hades, brought you back from Helheim, claiming you had tried jumping into one of their death rivers, he had frozen in place
🔱 He knew you had some problems, but he never knew how bad they were
🔱 Afterwards, he tried to act more attentive
🔱 In other words, he was less gruff around you
🔱 That was what made you two connect, it may not have been a very strong one, but it was a bond nonetheless
🔱 You had hid yourself as you softly wept for the loss of another friend after the third round, knowing you shouldn’t have given so much trust into someone as arrogant as him
🔱 His downfall was inevitable
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🍎 You had just relayed a message to Brunhilde from Zeus when you heard the footsteps of Adam behind you
🍎 You obviously knew who he was, you were a catholic alongside Yui when humans
🍎 Adam just stared at you before speaking
“ You’re that god that Zeus has at his beck and call, am I right? You used to be human, Y/N, I presume. “
🍎 His blank face whilst saying that made you gasp
🍎 He knew who you were, a traitor to human kind, you knew this was a bad day to relay messages
🍎 Damn it Hermes
🍎 Adam smiled while patting your head
“ Don’t worry, I do not hate you for anything. You becoming a god is their fault. Hope to see you around, my child. “
🍎 Watching him walk away was hard, but you knew what was gonna happen, he was gonna lose, so you spoke up as he left
“ My father, Adam, if you lose, I will take care of Eve and your sons for you, till the end and beyond. “
🍎 He knew he could trust you with anything
🍎 It may have been a brief meeting, but you both knew you cared for one another more than words could ever describe
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🍃 Eve was the final one you had met here
🍃 She was crying in the hallway about the loss of her beloved husband of hundreds of years
🍃 You had remembered the promise you had given her late husband and took the leap
🍃 You feared Eve would hate you, you were apart of the beings that killed Adam
🍃 When you introduced yourself, she seemed to recognize you and she smiled
“ Yes, I’ve heard of you. Adam couldn’t stop raving about how amazing you are. He even said that you swore to protect me and our boys, thank you. “
🍃 She hugged you and you began to tear up as both Cain and Abel joined in
🍃 You may not be able to bring back Adam, but being there for the broken family was good enough for the moment
This was what Adam spoke of when he said you were meant for something more than just being Zeus’ messenger alongside Hermes, you were meant to help humanity defeat the tyrant, and you would, no matter the cost.
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hihoace · 11 months
Other species seem to have a problem with being able to tell human males and females apart.
"Do you remember Helle?" Ga'al asked resting his head on one of his feathery hands while making a drink with the other three.
"Helle?" Fe'ek raised raised one of his eyebrows. They were in their own quarters of the ship. Humans called them rooms, but they liked to call it their nest.
"Yeah, the fidgety human from the third floor."
"Oh I liked her! What about her?" Though Fe'ek seemed to like all humans he ever met. Maybe because they looked similar to them. Minus the feathers and two arms and they were shorter.
"Yeah she's gotten a new role after the incident... Seems all humans did. She will be working with us from next week..."
"As a merchant basically?"
"Bodyguard, but yeah." Ga'al nodded.
"I mean it makes sence after how much help she was with the intruders last week. But everyone? Human engeniers are one of our best? Why?"
"They work a little too well... Do you remember when two weeks ago the engine got completly blasted by those pirates?" His blue feathers ruffled from the memory. He really though they will fight till death that day.
"Humans fixed the engine but somehow made it better... But the current build of the ship is not stable enough to basically operate with the engine and it would be a lot of money to make it work. But humans took it on themselves to solve the problem so now most of them are working in strengthening the ship. Or at least that's what I heard from them... I don't really understand this engineering stuff, that's why they pay me to hit people..."
Fe'ek nodded in agreement. Neither of them were really good at understanding tech. "Wait! If all of them are working on the ship, why did Helle got a job with us?"
"Long story short, she's a good engineer who is bad at following instructions... She is also good at hitting things so she's more beneficial fighting threaths while left to build whatever she wants... At least that's what the captain told me..."
They heard two knocks on the door than a feminine voice. It was kinda hard to tell females and males apart when it came to humans but their voice seemed to be a stable indicator of it.
"Hey, I'm Helle! Can I come in?"
Ga'al put the drink down he was working with and got out from behind the kitchen counter to be able to properly welcome their new teammate. "Of course, come in!" he said as he sat next to Fe'ek on the couch.
"Hi!!" the girl seemed to be exited. Thanks to their similarities they could read eachother's moods quite well. "I'm Helle, but you know that..." Helle could tell from the colours of the two Madarianans that they were both male. Both of them had black feathers, Fe'ek had a green hint to it and Ga'al had a few blue rows. The females of the species were always brownish colours.
"I though I will be-"
"With other women... Yeah. We can tell that you are not a male but based on that Xair at registery can't." said Fe'ek laughing.
"Oh for the love of God I knew he didn't believe me when I told him that I am a girl... I'm so gonna report that..."
"Good news is that we knew and we already put the report in. Bad news is that they can't give you a room till next morning so you goot spend the night here."
She nodded but seemed frustrated. "That happens way too much lately."
*should I continue this? It would kinda be about how humans are kinda weird and are afraid of the creatures that look like spiders but completely harmless but not afraid of the poisonous dragon like creatures. They are wanting them as pets.*
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onginlove · 10 months
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pairing: 1610!miles x black!fem!reader
summary: you win some you lose some.
warning: mentions of death, death, angst, survivor’s guilt
a/n: this was another shower thought. i swear all the good ideas come when ur in the shower 🤷🏿‍♀️
masterlist | taking requests for 1610 miles
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you and miles were best friends. you liked him but you never got the chance to tell him. now, you never will.
it started when you were called to help out on a mission at the spider society. you, miles, miguel, jessica, and gwen were all participating in the mission.
“there’s a anomaly in universe 2531B.” LYLA pointed at an orange dot on a screen in front of everyone, showing where the anomaly current location is.
“alright, let’s move it people.”
a orange hexagonal portal opened up and everyone went inside of it, ready to get business done.
“anyone has eyes on the anomaly?”
“i do.”
“sent us your location.”
“copy that.”
you starting swinging towards miles’ location to see a vulture flying in the air. this vulture didn’t look like the others, actually, he looks more advanced than the others.
you quickly got into action are tried to swing on top of him, only to be flung off. 
“please be careful y/n!”
“miles, don’t be stupid, im literally fighting a bad guy.”
you got back up and saw people also getting flung.
“we need a way to slow him down!”
“or maybe get him on the ground.”
you waiting till his back was turned and quickly shot a web to his wings, launching you on the back of the vulture.
“get offa me!”
you were tearing the vulture’s wings apart with sparks coming out of it. he was quickly taking out of the sky and onto the ground with you.
you whine in pain from the sudden impact and tried to get up.
you saw miles going towards you to try and get you up, only to see the vulture with something in his hand, a bomb.
“miles back away!”
the bomb went off, making everyone get launched back.
you had ringing in your ears, heard slight coughing, and almost went unconscious. you tried to get up but with all the pain you were dealing with you barely could.
after a few minutes, you were able to limp around to where you needed to go. you saw miguel trying to help jessica up and gwen getting back her consciousness, but you couldn’t find him.
you looked all around screaming his name but no response.
“miles?! miles can you hear me?!”
you finally saw him, laying on top of a pile of ruble with some on him. you quickly removed the ruble off of his and tried to sit him up with your arms.
“hi y/n.”
“are, are you ok?” tears started to swell up in your eyes as you saw how badly wounded and injured he was.
your watch opened a screen that said “INCOMING CANON EVENT” but you didn’t even dare to look at it, for you were too busy trying to make sure miles was ok.
“it hurts.” was all that miles was able to say. you held onto him as tight as you can, not wanting to let go.
“im sorry.” 
his body was still, no breathing, no movement of any kind. the tears that was swelling up went down your cheek as you continued to cry more.
“miles..?” you choked as you saw his lifeless body in your hands. 
“i-“ you hiccuped as you tried to speak
“love you.” as the sobs continued, you placed his body down in the ruble gently, trying to see through the blurry vision.
you looked up to see miguel, jessica, and gwen surrounding you and the body. you didn’t care about them, you cared about him.
that’s how you ended up here, in a black dress surrounded by people close to him at his gravestone.
you knelt down infront of it and placed a flower.
“it should’ve been me.”
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stephstars08 · 8 months
Monster ~ Chapter Three
Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, Mention of Death, Angst, Fluff, Past Trauma, Anger Issues, Mention of Murder, Murderous Rage, Dark Themes, and Possible Grammar Errors.
Word Count: 2,032
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! So sorry for the late post! I’ve been so busy today so I totally forgot to post till now! SORRY, HOPE YOU ENJOY!
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It was the next night, and it was a little pasted midnight when Y/N finished her shift at the diner. Lately she’s been having the closing shift. As she was walking home it started to rain which made her curse. She put up her hood that was attached to the zip up jacket she was wearing.
Before Y/N could walk past this one alley way she hit the brakes when she heard yelling coming from it. She was going to turn around and take another way, but she let her curiosity get the best of her. She peaked her head into the alleyway to see a man wearing a red helmet that hid his face, blue jeans, a gray under armor shirt with a brown leather jacket over top it. Y/N could see a red symbol on the masked man’s shirt but since he was holding a smaller guy by the shirt up against the wet brick wall, she couldn’t see what the symbol was.
“I should be blowing out your fucking brains for disobeying my orders!” The masked man hissed as he pushed the drug dealer further into the wall if that was even possible. “I’m sorry boss. I promise it won’t happen again!” The drug dealer sad in a frightened tone. “You’re damn fucking right about that!” The mask man snapped throwing the drug dealer down onto the cold and wet ground.
“Because if you do sell drugs to another kid.” The masked man started to say as he grabbed the drug dealer's hair with his gloved hand. He pulled the drug dealers head up, so he was looking at him. “I will haunt your fucking ass down and kill you!” The masked man told him which made a shiver go down the drug dealer's spine. “Do I make myself clear?” The masked man hissed with warning in his voice. “Yes sir!” The drug dealer answered with some pain in his tone because of the tight grip on his hair. “Good!” The masked man hissed letting go of the drug dealer's hair which earned a sigh of relief from the shaky drug dealer. “Now get the fuck out of here!” The masked man ordered in a strict tone.
The drug dealer quickly got up into his feet and ran out of the alley way taking Y/N by surprise. She tried to get out of the way, but she wasn’t fast enough since the drug dealer knocked into her knocking her onto her ass on the cold and wet cement sidewalk. “Hey.” She heard someone say. When she looked up, she saw a gloved hand offering to help her up. She noticed that the hand belonged to the masked man. She finally was able to see the symbol on his shirt. She put her hand in his and let him help her up off the ground.
 “You’re the Red Hood.” Y/N said letting go of his hand. “Surprised you’ve heard about me.” Red Hood said. He went to walk away but she called him back. “You were pretty rough with that drug dealer.” Y/N said to him. “It’s the only way those prices of shits will learn.” Red Hood told her in a stern tone. “You should get home. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out here this late.” Red Hood told her walking back into the alley way. She watched him use the fire escape connected to one of the buildings to get to the roof top. Y/N’s heart fluttered when he called her pretty.
 She let out a little sigh and made her way back down the sidewalk. Even though he was out of her sight, she wasn’t out of his sight. He followed her from the roof tops to make sure she makes it back to her apartment building safely.
It was the next night and Y/N again was working a late shift at the diner, but she was working with Jennifer which made her feel better since Jennifer is her only other friend besides Jason in this town. It was a little after ten o clock at night, so not many costumers were in the diner.
Y/N was wiping up the counter when Jennifer walked up to her with a tray of empty saltshakers. “So?” Jennifer asked her in a curious tone putting the tray down on the counter. “Huh?” Y/N asked in confusion as she stopped wiping the counter and looked over at Jennifer. “How are things going between you and Jason!” Jennifer asked her. “Oh, um okay I guess.” Y/N answered with a shrug. “Just, okay?” Jennifer asked with a frown. “I mean we’ve texted, but I don’t know he just seems busy since it takes him awhile to answer back.” Y/N explain to her. “Does he have a job?” Jennifer asked her. “I think so, when we caught up the other night, he didn’t talk much about himself.” Y/N told her. “Don’t worry Y/N, he probably has a job and is just busy with it.” Jennifer reassured her as she grabbed the big container of salt from under the counter. “Yeah.” Y/N said in a soft tone and went back to wiping down the counter.
 Silent went between the girls since Y/N was cleaning the counter and Jennifer was refilling the saltshakers. When Y/N finished wiping down the whole counter she put away all of the cleaning products.
“Hey Jen.” Y/N said breaking the silence. “Hm.” Jennifer hummed as finished filling up the last saltshaker. “You’ve heard of the new vigilante named Red Hood, right?” Y/N asked her in a curious tone. “Uh yeah! He’s been all over the news.” Jennifer told her putting container of salt back under the counter. “What do you think about him?” Y/N asked her. “I think he’s good I mean he’s actually doing something about these dumbass drug dealers.” Jennifer told her putting the lid back onto the saltshaker. “Also, the suit he wears is so badass. I bet he’s got a good body under it.” Jennifer said in a flustered tone putting the saltshaker back down on the tray.
 “Right um well I ran into him last night when I was walking home.” Y/N said looking down at the floor ignoring Jennifer’s last comment. “You did? What is he like?” Jennifer asked in a surprised tone as her eyes went wide. “I don’t know I mean it was only a thirty second conversation.” Y/N said with a shrug. “This is going to sound strange, but I feel like I know him.” Y/N added looking back up at her friend. “I don’t know Y/N, he seems like a loner.” Jennifer told her picking up the tray of saltshakers and walking away.
Y/N let out a heavy sigh since she knows he seems familiar to her, but she can’t disagree with what Jennifer just said.
The past couple of days Jason has been gathering information about the Joker. He was in his bedroom taping a bunch of newspaper articles about the Joker and his many crimes onto the wall. He doesn’t give a shit if Bruce gets pissed about him going after that clown. If Batman won’t stop the fucking madness, Red Hood will stop it.
As Jason went through the different newspapers, he came across one that immediately made his blood boil. In bold black letters it read ‘JOKER KILLS ROBIN’. Jason let out a growl as he ripped up the article into shreds. He thought ripping the article up would calm him down, but it didn’t.
Every time he thinks back to that night, he hears these voices in his head telling him to kill the Joker. He feels like when he hears those voices, he’s losing control of himself, but he eventually gains control back. However, he doesn’t know how long he’s going to be able to stay in control.
He heard his phone ring on his bed which made the voices stop. He walked over to his bed, picked up the phone and answered the call without looking at the caller ID. “What!” Jason snapped into the phone. “Jason.” He heard that familiar sweet voice which made him quickly cool down. “Y/N, um hey. Sorry for snapping.” Jason apologized as he ran his other hand through his hair. “It’s okay.” He heard her tell him in a reassuring tone. “Is this a bad time?” He heard her ask. “No, of course not.” Jason reassured her. “Are you sure? I can call you some time tomorrow.” He heard Y/N asked her with concern in her voice. “Y/N, I promise I’m fine. Just been a stressful day.” Jason said into the phone. “Yeah, I know that feeling.” He heard her say with a sigh.
 “What’s been going on with you? Sorry I haven’t been texting back much.” Jason said. “Don’t worry about it.” She reassured him. “I was calling to see when you are free to hang out.” He heard her say which made his heart flutter in his chest. “Oh, um when are you free?” He asked into the phone trying to keep his nerves under control. “Im free Friday night. You can meet me at my apartment.” He heard her say which made his lips curve into a small smile. “Sounds perfect.” Jason said into the phone.
“I get off at six thirty so does seven sound good?” He heard her asked in a curious tone. “Sounds good.” Jason agreed into the phone. “Great! I’ll see you Friday!” He heard her say. He could hear the excitement in her voice. “I’ll see you Friday.” Jason said to her.
Fingers crossed that nothing Joker related happens Friday night.
It was finally Friday night and right when the clock stuck six thirty Y/N clocked out of work. She was in the back room grabbing her purse and keys from her locker. She’s so excited to get out of these nasty clothes and get ready for her night out with Jason.
Right before she could walk out, she heard someone call her name. When she turned around, she saw it was Jennifer. “Hey Jen.” Y/N said. “Hey, are you doing anything tonight? A couple of the other waitresses and I are going to go see a movie and they were wondering if you wanted to tag along with us?” Jennifer said with curiousness in her voice. “I would but I have plans with Jason tonight.” Y/N told her which made Jennifer’s lips curve into a smirk. “Ooo, is this a date?” Jennifer asked her. “No, it’s just two friends hanging out like old times.” Y/N told her with a stern look in her eyes. “Okay, have fun.” Jennifer said with a wink which made Y/N roll her eyes. She said her goodbye to Jennifer and made her way out of the diner.
It was almost eight and Jason still hasn’t shown up to Y/N’s apartment. Y/N was sitting in her living room when saw her phone light up on the coffee because of a phone call. It was Jason so she picked it up and answered the call.
“You’re not coming.” Y/N said into the phone before he could say anything. “I’m so sorry Y/N.” He heard her say in a sad tone. “Something came up that I thought would only take a couple of hours but turns out it’s going to take me all night.” He explained to her. “It’s okay Jason. Don’t worry about it, shit happens.” Y/N reassured him.
 “I promise I’ll make it up to you.” She heard him say which made her smile. “I’m free Sunday if you are.” Y/N suggested to him. “I’ll pick you up Sunday night at eight.” She heard him tell her. “That’s good for me.” Y/N said trying to hide her excitement but failed since she heard him let out a light laugh. “I’ll see you Sunday, Y/N.” She heard him say which made her heart skip a beat.
After they said their goodbyes, she ended the call and decided to call Jennifer seeing if her and the girls are already seeing the movie. It’s been weeks since she’s had a Friday night off, so she knew she has to take advantage of it.
🏷️ @calicocat45 @deimks @k0m0rixminttea @greeniegreengreen
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elvisslut · 10 months
Grades and results|| pt.2
Warnings-death of a loved one, depression, crying, mentions of neglecting father, Elvis being a dick (he gets better later)
A/n: this is a shorter chapter just to get us started in the angst but i hope you like it
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You never would have figured the day of your first f would lead to so much more. So much..chaos.
Your meeting with mr.Presley did not go smoothly he yelled at you multiple times as you begged for a redo. Telling you 'no ya learn from your damn mistakes: You ended up leaving the room tears flowing down your face.
Once you got home everything..everything. Fell apart. You're mother was on the living room floor. So pale and lonely... "mama?..mama!" You rush to her side and try to pull her to your arms her weight too heavy for you. Getting up and going to the phone calling 911 spitting out your address and your emergency. In no time they were there so were the police seeing as most of the police officers knew you and your mother. Tears streamed down your sweet face police comforting you as your mother is sent away in a ambulance that they didn't allow you in.
You still had school tomorrow..how were you going to live..how were you supposed to do anything.your mama was your best friend. Stripped straight from you. The police soon had to leave. Leaving you alone with a empty memory haunted house. You couldn't even cry anymore the pain was just..so much. Getting off your porch step you go back inside and look down to where your mama laid. Stepping past it you sit back on the couch and look at the wall.
Sleep didn't come to you that night. All you did was look at everything till you had to leave for school. Not even remembering to grab your bag, not paying attention to where you were even going. It was like you were a robot, a robot with eye bags red eyes a red nose and pouty lips.
Ignoring all hi's in the halls on your way to mr. Presleys class. You were late. Opening the door you see everyone in there, the bell just then ringing. Everyone looks to you and frown's watching as you go to your seat. Youre late" mr. Presley says. "Sorry" you mumble looking down at your desk.
Davis scoots his desk closer to you and give mr.presley a look making him stop what he was doing and cross his arms. "I heard..my dad..he..he said you..im sorry y/n.» he says trying to find a way to word it. You look over and look him in the eye. Oh that look. That look was pure hurt and mourning. "Mr.Cross." Mr.Presley bellows. "will you wait a fucking minute!?" He shouts. "Office. Now. Get your ass there. Ms.l/n. care to explain why ya were distracted the class" he grumbles.
"No" you short earning a huff. "Yall go out to the commons let me have a word with ms.l/n here." Everyone shuffles out at his word you just keep your head down. "Now why the hell did ya interrupt my class so damn much? Is it the f? I told ya god dammit ya learn from your god damn mistakes i ought to call your mama and tell 'er" that broke you tears streaming down your face immediately so much worse then him yelling at you yesterday.
"God damn its just a bad grade.” He huffs. "My-my mama..s-she…she..died…she died last night..i-uh. found her..when I got home.. from school..i-im sorry for i-interrupting but i-..l can't..i cant be-be normal for everyone. not for- for a while." you say through struggling breaths. *Y/n. oh lord..i must seem like the world's biggest ass." he leans down by your side and shows you for the first time His soft side. *M sorry darlin' I know how it feels to lose your mama.i lost mine when i was in the army.i can't imagine how ya must feel havin' to find her. he says with such a soft tone you could melt. "You did? Im sorry." he chuckles and reaches back to his desk grabbing a tissue bringing it up to your cheek and wiping the tears.
"Why are ya here doll..ya should be home with your daddy." he grabs your hand and gives you a soft smile. “My daddy left when i was 10..i don't have a relationship with him." Elvis' lips part realizing that meant you was all alone. You look too innocent to be touched by this world now your stripped straight from the innocence of it all. Elvis just wanted to hold you and protect you. knowing the pain of losing a mother he knows his earlier actions didn't help. “Plus..i gotta keep perfect attendance.get that award at the end of the year..that my mama always hung on the fridge" you chuckle a bit and sniffle. “‘M so sorry for how I treated ya yesterday an' today..I know it probably aint helpin' ya...” his words were sincere but you didn't care you just needed someone close.
You looked at him and fell to him hugging him. He stays still for a moment before wrapping his arm around your waist and laying his hand on your head. “Ya need to go home..take some time to yourself honey." he speaks softly in your ear. "My home is in a morgue." You bluntly tell him. He understands. He really does. "I cant go back to that house. you add nothing would hurt worse then going to your house.
"Doll..ya can't..ya gotta stay somewhere" he pulls back and pushes some hair behind your ear. "Im 18 mr. Presley. it's difficult to stay with friends or go anywhere i cant work because of school..im stuck" he sighs and shakes his head. "No.i got a ranch.ya can stay there i don' stay there i stay at my other house. ill..ill come by and get ya for school every day and make sure ya got what ya need okay?" Damn this man had two houses? You think for a second and frown. "I-..I don't want to intrude..or be a issue..im okay i can figure it out mr. Presley" he shakes his head and gives you a smile.
"I insist. ‘Ieast stay till ya figure somethin' else out" he says, you sigh..you really didn't have much choice. "Okay." you mumble. "Ill take ya there after school okay?" You nod and let go of him. "Thank you. you say sadness coating your tone. He hums and gets up. ‘m goin' to get them wolly boogers ill be right back"
The rest of the day elvis cut you slack so did the other teachers the news spreading so fast around the school it was like wildfire.
Once school was over you headed to mr.Presleys room seeing him with his sunglasses again as he signed papers. His attention goes up to you giving you a warm smile that made butterflies in your stomach. "Ready honey?" He asks, you nod and go to his desk. "need any help?" your voice is quiet and hash from all the crying. "nah honey thank ya. tell me where your house is so i can go in and get ya some clothes" he wasnt even going to make you go into that horrifying house? "uh.its the first house on bearver avanue" you answer starting to walk with him towards most definitely his car.
He goes onto pass a black stutz but grabs the handle of the passanger seat nodding for you to get in. He owns a stutz too? God his pockets must be loaded. You genuinely chuckle a bit at the thought as he rounded the car. You look over to him as he gets in. *thank you again mr.presley" you say with a soft sad smile. "no problem honey..an' please we're outta school its elvis. he starts the car and heads to your house. Its quite quiet on the way there just each others breathing.
"what do ya need?” he asks opening his door. "uh. you really do-“ “what do ya need?” he cuts you off. "uh. just anything is good. m-my room is the last past the kitchen. Thank you.” you bite down on your lip trying not to cry again. He nods and goes into your house, he opened your closet to see all the cute doll outfits you had.. God those would look so good on you. His thoughts ran wild before he shook his head and grabbed underwear and bras for you holding all the stuff in his arms as he headed back outside.
He opened the truck and laid everything back there, getting back in and smiling at you. "Ill give ya a tour when we get to the ranch.” He says, you nod softly and look to the road as he starts to drive again. There was a moment in the drive you ended up falling asleep and once at the ranch elvis didn't know what to do. So much for the tour but You probably needed it. He knows he didn't sleep when he lost his mother you probably didn't either so he just got you out of the car and took you inside to the main bed, covering you up and getting your clothes out of the car and put up.
He decided to stay for a second to make sure you didn't wake up and need anything but he ended up sleeping as he watched the tv.
It was around three in the morning when you woke up frowning at the unknown room slowly stepping your feet down and searching the hall the kitchen then the living room frowning as you see Elvis. "Uh…mr.presley?" you hum in your sweet voice. Rounding the couch and seeing he was asleep. That position he was in was probably uncomfortable. "Elvis..” you say softly ,shaking him. He hums and blinks his eyes open. "oh..hey kid.” he grumbles in a tired voice. "go lay down In a bed.” you say, elvis shakes his head and sits up.
"no...no i gotta get home..damn its 3?” he checks his watch and stands. "ill see ya in the mornin" you did not want to be alone but you knew he probably didn't want to be here right now.
"Bye elvis." you say bringing your legs up on the couch and hugging them to you watching the tv station that was on of course it was past midnight so it was just replaying the news. With a sigh you lean over and turn the tv off with the remote.
Tags- @elvisalltheway101 @emma181873 @elvispresleygf
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the-eternal-maiden616 · 5 months
Our Flag Means Death has been canceled and will not be renewed for a third/final season.
I cannot explain to you how devastated i am right now and how this is completely unfair to everyone who helped make this incredible show.
If you haven't heard yet, early today it was announced by David Jenkins that his successful show Our Flag Means Death will not be renewed for a third and final season and that this is the definite end of the series. And it was better explained by comicbook on Insta that the series was actually canceled by HBO Max.
This wasn't entirely explained in detail with why the decision was made to not make another season but David Jenkins said on Twitter that he and Taika Waititi were really going for creating the third season and that it was originally the plan for the entire series to have 3 whole seasons. Unfortunately this has changed and OFMD has at the moment officially ended as a continuing series.
I am so heartbroken at the moment and all us fans of the show are mourning as well and venting our full anger online wondering why the hell was this very successful series was canceled.
Before i joined the Good Omens community/fandom i was apart of the wonderful OFMD community and this community helped me eventually learn about GO and the similarities with these two stories. Most especially the archetypes of the blond haired boy, ie, Aziraphale and Stede falling fall the dark brooding boy, ie, Crowley and Edward.
HBO Max is absolutely ridiculous and horrible for doing this and i feel so badly for all the cast and everyone who helped work on the show. Not being able to see the proper ending to Stede, Edward and their amazing crew of 'The Revenge' is just absolutely horrible to experience.
Our Flag means death was one of the first queer shows i have ever watched on my own after coming out as Bisexual three years ago now and i cannot thank David, Taika, Rhys and everyone who was in this show for making it so fucking entertaining to watch. And especially Taika being a mixed Indigenous Māori like myself portraying himself as one of the most feared pirates of all time while also showing off a side to the infamous pirate that isn't fully known about, and even though the real life Blackbeard may of not been as queer as the show displays Taika did say the reason why the choose to make Stede and Ed a homosexual couple was infact to pissed off the homophobic historians.
Much isn't known about the true relationship between Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach when they were working together, they may or not have had a friendship or romantic relationship besides being workmates and Captains of their own ships, and i am certainly not praising the real life historical figures, because they were still bad people, i only praise this loosely based adaptation of their real life relationship.
Either way lastly i just want to say farewell to OFMD, i will keep this show near and dear to my heart, for the rest of the life, farewell Taika Waititi's Blackbeard and Rhys Darby's Stede Bonnet, you guys were beyond amazing for doing this. I will continue praising this show till the day i die and i now only have Good Omens to worry about and wait for now, so i will go and do that. BYe bye for now and Goodbye OFMD i love you very much and thank you for the memories.
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x0xqzra · 10 months
✐BOTH❦ - Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader x Hanji Zoe
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TW: sexual topic, yelling, crying, pregnancy, blood, angst, my own version of timeskip Levi and Hanji (that means this may not be connected to the manga/anime plot-- but may contain some spoilers)
(Y/N)~your name
(L/N)~last name
(F/C)~favorite color
(A/N)~author's note
P.O.V~point of view
Y/N's P.O.V
My name is (Y/N)(L/N), I am the girlfriend of Levi Ackerman .
We have been in a relationship for 3 years now.
I'm currently pregnant with Levi's child, 2 months to be exact.
I've been keeping my pregnancy a secret.
I didn't tell anybody about my pregnancy yet, even to my best friend Hanji.
I want Levi and I would be the first person to know about this exciting news, I am so excited and nervous to tell this to Levi because of his behavior recently, he would always come home late and drunk, and he is been more cold towards me.
I know, titans had been extinct so it's rightful for him to take some rest and loosen up, but I think his behavior is too much.
It's 12:35 at midnight and I still haven't slept because I want to eat dinner together with Levi. The food is getting cold but I still waited and did not eat. I will only eat once Levi come home.
Yeah, I know this is bad for me and the baby but I really don't want to eat if Levi was not here to eat with me.
I heard the sound of keys and the door knob being opened. When the door is finally open, there I see my boyfriend Levi, drunk again.
"hey levi are you okay?, did you eat already?" I ask him worriedly even though he act like this I still love him. I know I should be tough sometimes, but I just can't find it in my heart to be tough on him.
We used to be a happy couple. I don't know if it's just me, but once the titans have gone extinct, everything seems to fall apart.
"shut up!" Levi screamed to me "you're so f*cking annoying, no wonder I only use you for pleasure"Levi said to me, I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. I try to not cry and think that he only said that because he is drunk, he can't really mean it right?
"I-I'm sorry, let's just sleep"I said stuttering. I just wanna hug him while listening to his heartbeat... Like we used to do... that would surely make me feel better.
I then feel him slap my cheek so hard that make me sit on the floor while holding my cheek,the tears that I been holding finally escaped my eyes.
Wait no... This isn't the levi I know, he's just under the influence right? Am I too blind? Do I really deserve this?
I look up to see levi going to our shared bedroom to sleep, I just sob there thinking what did I do wrong. Why did we end up like this, Am I a bad girlfriend, is there something I didn't give him?
I then hear a phone notification sound indicating that there is a new message.
Since the titans have gone extinct, people are focusing on creating things that will make life easier, one of those are smart phones.
I slowly enter our shared bedroom to see Levi sleeping, I grab Levi's phone in the table beside our bed, I open the phone to see this;
hi babe, where are you? are you busy?,come to my apartment let's watch some movies
Yeah sure babe but I don't think where only watching movies I'm on my way, don't wear any underwear, that's an order.
*picture of petra naked*
Good girl wait me there
*new message*
Hey babe did you arrive safely?and babe don't forget your promise that you're gonna break up with that slut
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
I can't believe Levi was cheating on me... Am I really that blind... For love?
I don't even know who this Petra girl was.
Levi, the father of my child... The man that promised me he'll love me till death...
I quickly put all of my clothes and stuff on a duffle bag, yeah I love Levi but I love my child more... I'm done packing every single thing. I put my things in my (F/C) car and got back to our house to write a letter for Levi ;
As I gather the pieces of my shattered heart, I come to terms with a painful truth - your love for me has faded into the abyss of uncertainty. I question if you ever loved me at all, the echoes of doubt gnawing at my soul. In this moment, I find the strength to sever the ties that bind us, to walk away from what was once our shared world.
I want you to know that I will no longer intrude upon your life. No more texts or calls to disrupt your days, no more attempts to bridge the chasm that has grown between us. I promise to step back, to let go of the dreams we once held dear.
Yet, as I bear this burden alone, there is something I must share with you. Levi, I am carrying your child, and I cannot contain the mix of emotions that consume me. Amidst the heartache, there is a glimmer of excitement - the prospect of being parents together. But I fear that my hope is misplaced, that you will not share the same joy upon hearing this news.
I find myself torn between love and heartbreak, holding onto a love that may never return. As I bid my final farewell, know that my love for you was real, genuine, and raw. I cherished every moment we shared, and I will cherish the memory of what could have been.
Farewell, Levi. I loved you, and perhaps I always will.
I entered my car with a red nose and eyes. Sniffing on the way, I drove to Hanji's house sobbing and hoping she is still awake at this time.
I arrived at Hanji's house at 1:58 at midnight. I knock at hanji's front door several times trying to wake her up.
The front door opened revealing a bedhead hanji, I came in and hugged her tightly while sobbing.
"(Y/N)? ohh my gosh are you ok? Why is my baby crying?" hanji said rubbing my back as we hugged.
"L-Levi was cheating on m-me" I say stuttering while sobbing and hiccuping.
"shhhh shhh calm down (Y/N) this stress is not good for the baby" hanji said, I back away a little bit shocked that she know that I'm pregnant. I paused for a few seconds.
"How..." was all that is able to come up to my mouth.
She hugged me again while massaging my back.
" Oh come on (Y/N) I'm a scientist-doctor. Do you really think I wouldn't notice your weird behavior recently? Mood swings, cravings, vomiting, and many more weird things you've done recently? " she said smiling at me.
"y-yeah I kind of forgot about that " I said still sniffing slightly.
" Come on (Y/N) let's sit on the couch and talk about this" hanji said dragging me to the couch.
We sat on her couch. "so what exactly happened?" she asked me with furrowed eyebrows and a soft voice.
I told her what happened. Levi cheating on me, Levi slapping me, and me leaving... so practically... everything. I began to tear up again while she hugged me trying her best to comfort me.
"you can sleep in my room, if it is okay with you, we can share the bed, but if you don't want to sleep together, I'm fine on the couch you go to sleep in the bed" she said.
" Sharing the bed is f-fine" I said still stuttering because I just finished crying.
Hanji gave me one of her T-shirt and shorts that are oversized to me because I was short and she was way more taller than me, she let me wear it because she says that it will look good in me (sorry if you're tall A/N)
I entered Hanji's bedroom to see Hanji with red sports bra and black sweat pants, I don't know why but the sight makes me blush
'no this is wrong she is a girl and I'm also a girl, we literally just got cheated on' I mentally scold my self for blushing.
I am so confused of what I'm feeling, I shouldn't feel this way... Right..?
"oh (Y/N) come on let's sleep it's already 2 am" Hanji said glancing at the clock on the table beside her bed.
I lay down facing away from her.
I soon felt Hanji lay beside me, and before I drifted to sleep I felt Hanji's hand slip in my waist...then I fall asleep...
Continuation in my WATTPAD BOOK
Feel free to ask, my vamps
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
Dedicate Your Heart
Okay, since I’ve been seeing a lot of people bring up the ring collaboration with AoT featuring the famous “Dedicate your Heart” panel, I wanted to talk about it a bit more.
As most of us have figured out, the first time Levi had ever done the salute was when he was bidding farewell to Hange. It had always been something cheesy to him and out of character for him to follow with, but he still decided to dedicate it to Hange when they sacrificed themselves for the cause. A lot of us assumed he dedicated his heart to Hange here since he put his fist on Hange’s chest instead of his own- as the normal salute is done. Not only did Levi give Hange his first “Dedicate your Heart” salute, but it seems he gave Hange his heart as well. As he said the words and put his fist on their chest instead, right above their own heart. A metaphorical way of saying their hearts were now beating together in Hange. And I’ve heard the idea that the way we visualize the heart we see (like the emoji), represents two real human hearts put together to form the caricatured heart shape we know. Which to me means that Hange and Levi joining their hearts together created one.
I’m sure others have noted this too, but it’s something I just noticed for myself is the fact that Levi used his left fist instead of his right one. And you all know what the left hand entitles? That’s right, the hand that you exchange rings on when you marry. Because the left hand, and specially the ring finger is the one that has a vein that connects directly to the heart. One can pretty much interpret this scene not only as Levi dedicating his heart to Hange, but also promising himself to them from then on. So Hange pretty much took his heart with them to their final fight. This pretty much puts a new perspective to the whole “Till death do us part” part of wedding vows exchanged. Death literally brought them apart and Hange held onto Levi’s love to the end.
Bringing this back to the whole ring collaboration: the left hand with the ring finger, the vows indicating loving each other unconditionally to the end of life, and the connection of their hearts together through the “Dedicate your Heart” war cry, this pretty much sums up the fact that Levi and Hange were as close to marrying each other as possible. The collaboration pretty much indicates that they dedicated their lives to each other.
Another post I’ve seen on twitter (link), talks about how the anime depicted Hange walking down the boardawlk towards Levi for their final conversation is similar to one walking down the aisle to meet with their future spouse. And once you see it it’s hard to ignore the similarities. I think it just makes the whole Hange and Levi being in love and devoting their hearts to each other just that much more realistic.
And isn’t it fitting how the scene right after they bid each other goodbye, Hange is seen to use the ODM gear to latch onto a structure that resembles a church? When in the mange there isn’t anything similar to that structure seen? We all know that Hajime had a fair share of input in the anime creation for this season, so I’m wondering if he had brought up the idea as one of the changes he made.
I’m now going to cry myself to sleep since this made me all emotional again. I really hope they meet in the afterlife and get the happy ending they deserve together.
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Dusk till dawn (End)
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A/N: As always the warning that English is not my native language and I use an app to make it English.
A/N2.0: This is the very first time that I write out sex. So please do not be too hard on me.
Summary: The end of a long journey, but is it good
Aemond Targaryen x sister!reader Words: 3.6k
Unholy Masterlist / Main Post / House of Dragon Masterlist
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
" ´Cause I wanna touch you baby And I wanna feel you too I wanna see the sunrise On your sins just me and you Light it up, on the run Let´s make love tonight Make it up, fall in love, try ( Baby, I´m right here) But you´ll never be alone I´ll be with you from dusk´til dawn" - Zayn
With her face twisted in pain, Y/N sat down on the edge of her window. Her gaze was directed at the ship, which disappeared on the horizon. "He will come back, you know that, don't you?" Daemon stood behind his niece. "Aemond left only because your father wanted him to. He will return to you with Vaghar." Knowingly the young woman nodded. " And yet nothing will change Daemon." Laughing , he sat down next to her. Confused, Y/N looked at her uncle. " What's so funny?" Daemon shrugged his shoulders. " It's the two of you. Two young people who love each other , torn apart by those who only have their own goal in mind and now you can't find your way back to each other . Although it is obvious that you belong together and need each other." Y/N raised her eyebrows. "Dīnilūks naejot ñuha mandia iksis daor sȳz syt ao uncle , iksā becoming iā poet (Marriage to my sister is not good for you uncle , you are becoming a poet)!" Lost in thought, he nodded. " Maybe you are right. But remember it was I who witnessed everything.Ēlī ziry ignored ao se regretted ziry. Sir iksā se mēre pushing zirȳla qrīdrughagon, ignoring zirȳla se regretting ziry tolī. Bisa vestragon naejot sagon iā annoying se exhausting cycle hen lanta hen ao (First he ignored you and regretted it. Now you are the one pushing him away , ignoring and will regret it. This seems to be becoming an annoying and exhausting cycle of the two of you)."
There was a silence in which Y/N looked away again and Daemon used the time to observe his niece more closely. He smiled slightly when he saw himself in her. The second born who tries everything to be remembered and loses herself in the process. " You were right. " She murmured after a while. " I'm right about a lot of things , what exactly do you mean." A tired smile settled on Y/N's lips. " You Daemon Targaryen are more father than Viserys ever was to me." Her uncle's eyes widened. " You heard that?" The young Targaryen turned her head to Daemon. " Why do you think I did not die? You didn't give me permission." Laughing, Daemon threw his head back. He moved closer to her, putting his arms around her. Daemon pulled his niece close and placed his chin on top of her head. While Y/N wrapped her arms around his middle.
" I am no longer the girl he once loved." Y/N murmured against her uncle's chest. Daemon closed his eyes. He had hoped that she would think differently, but unfortunately she was a Targaryen. "What I'm about to tell you, you have to understand, Y/N." The two broke away from each other. Daemon placed his hands on her cheeks. "Bona īlē injured gaomas daor nūmāzma bona īlē erntash! (That you were wounded does not mean that you were defeated!)" "Pār skoro syt gaomas ziry feel hae bona? (Then why does it feel like that?)" A tear made its way down Y/N's cheek which Daemon caught. He knew no matter what he said to her now , nothing would change how his niece felt. " You have seen more death in your life than any one of us. You've won more battles than any one of us and each time you've done it alone without your family by your side. But Y/N this is a battle you do not have to fight alone. While neither I , nor Rhaenyra can help you , there is someone and you know it." Daemon stood up , kissed the younger girl on the forehead and made his way out of her chambers. "Aemond can help you Y/N , you just have to let him."
" She doesn't want to see you anymore Aemond. You saw it on Dragonstone." Alicent quickened her steps to be right up with her son. " Aemond let her go! You two are just not meant to be….." Aemond stopped and turned to his mother with his face contorted in anger. " We are just not meant to be? You forget mother , the person who stood in our way was you and you always will be . The hate , the sadness and all the emotions that Y/N and I had to go through was because you couldn't admit that there is truly love in this world!" Alicent looked at her son hurt. " She almost died and it was because I let her go. That's a burden I'll have to carry with me for the rest of my life, but I won't make that burden any heavier by turning my back on Y/N now that she needs me." Aemond turned away again and continued on his way to his dragon so he could get back to Dragonstone.
So he could go back to her.
" She doesn't want to see you." Rhaenyra stood at the entrance of the castle and looked sympathetically at her half-brother. " She locks herself in her room and won't let anyone come near her." Rhaenyra continued. Aemond looked at her closely and lowered his head. " Are you sending me away or may I at least try to talk to her?" Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow and laughed. " As if I could stand in your way when it comes to our sister. I just wanted to warn you and let you know that we've already had a room made up for your stay here." Smiling, Aemond followed Rhaenyra in. Daemon nodded to his nephews and disappeared with Visenya in his arms as quickly as he had come. " He still doesn't like me does he?" " He tolerates you, is more than most can expect from him. Still, he will probably never like you."
They both stopped in front of Amond's room. "It's directly across from Y/N's room." Aemond nods and wanted to turn to the other room door , but Rhaenyra stopped him. " Arrive first and then you can try to talk to her." " Is it that bad?" Rhaenyra just nodded sadly. " Before I forget we are going to Driftmark in three days. Since Y/N doesn't want to come with us I guess you don't want to come either?" Aemond shook his head. " I don't want to leave her alone." Again his sister nodded and disappeared.
" Y/N I know you're in there…. Please let me in." Aemond had been standing outside Y/N's room door for thirty minutes, begging her to let him in. But his sister ignored him. Giving in, he leaned his forehead against the cold wooden door and breathed in and out audibly one last time. "Do you know that I didn't get married?" Y/N got up from her place by the window and quietly made her way to the door of her room, where she slid her back down the cold wood. Aemond flinched slightly when he caught the barely noticeable shaking of the door. He knew what this meant, his sister was there and listened carefully to what he said. Aemond, like her, slid his back down the door. "The night you left, I went straight to Father. He knew what I wanted from him and that's why he refused the engagement. He said he had done enough." Aemond laughed bitterly. "You should have seen my mother… we all thought she was climbing the walls. I don't think I've ever heard Aegon laugh as hard as he did at that moment."
Y/N had to smile. She could well imagine how Alicent must have looked. Her favorite son disobeys her because of the woman she hates the most. "I missed you, you know? I wanted to follow you, to be with you, but our last conversation made me think." The elder Targaryen closed her eyes. Over the past two years, Y/N had often seen the moment in her dreams. She had heard Amond's voice over and over again, telling her that he loved her, and she had also dreamed of the look on his face when she left. " I thought it would be better to let you go first and give you some time to think…." Aemond dropped the back of his head against the door. " If we are honest with each other, I was just afraid you would send me away. When after three months I finally had the courage to send a raven to Winterfell, it came back with a message that you were no longer there. All I knew from that point on was that you were out there fighting battles that weren't yours, thinking that I was married."
Y/N heard the break in Aemon's voice, but she ignored it. She could not open the door. The young woman did not even know why she could not. Maybe it was the years of not having a home or the constant running away from what she felt, but just at that moment she felt guilty for not staying with Aemond. Weak because she just ran away instead of fighting for her love. Broken because she couldn't bear him seeing her like this and worst of all defeated by her own feelings.
Aemond stood up. He knew he would not get her to open her door today. " Daor matter skorkydoso qopsa ao sylugon naejot indigon nyke qrīdrughagon mandia, kesan gaomagon trying. Kesan daor tepagon bē va īlva arlī (No matter how much you try to push me away sister, I will keep trying. I won't give up on us again)!"
Drenched in sweat, Y/N jolted up from her bed. Her hands wandered on their own to the closed wound on her belly. Y/N dreamed the same every time. How she was wounded, how the man stood over her and how he asked her with a grin if she had any last words. She could remember that her last thought was Aemond and how she fought her attacker with the last remnants of strength in her body.
Y/N was pacing back and forth in her room. Aemond had left her hours ago. Since he arrived three days ago, he had been sitting outside her room door every night, talking about the time she had missed in his life. The silver-haired woman debated with herself whether she should go to Aemond or to her sister. But Rhaenyra was away with the rest of the family and even if she were there, the two sisters would know that it was not her that Y/N needed at that moment.
With one last long exhale, Y/N quietly opened the door to Aemond's room. She stepped inside and looked around the dark room. Her gaze lingered on his bed. It was empty. Puzzled, she looked further around the room, where she spotted the open door to the balcony. The wind blew the curtains into the room, giving Y/N a view of Aemond. The latter was leaning with both elbows on the stone wall, looking out over the sea. Her brother had only his sleeping pants on and no top, but he wore his eye patch as always. Slowly, without making any unnecessary noise, she stepped out onto the balcony. Aemond still didn't notice her and Y/N wondered if it would be better to just turn around and leave. She decided against it. Instead, she walked up to him, and once she reached him, wrapped her arms around the middle of his torso, nestled her body against his, and buried her face between his shoulder blades. Aemond flinched in shock and looked down at the arms against his body.
Aemond relaxed again as Y/N spoke. "Nyke missed ao tolī valonqar (I missed you too, little brother)." Y/N had not said it back three days ago, but she wanted him to know how she felt. Aemond closed his eye. He hoped so much that this was not a dream. Slowly he turned to her in Y/N's arms and opened his eye again. Aemond placed both hands on each of Y/N's cheeks and began to wipe away her tears. Both just looked at each other silently for a while. Enjoyed the closeness of each other. " I watched you die. Y/N you were dying in my arms and there was nothing I could do about it but watch!" Y/N's hug grew a little stronger. " I am here. I'm alive Aemond." But her words were no longer enough for Aemond. He leaned forward and joined their lips together, which Y/N immediately returned. "Gaomagon daor henujagon nyke arlī ( Don't leave me again)" Whispered Aemond to Y/N's lips , as they broke away from each other. " Dōrī arlī, nyke kivio ñuha jorrāelagon ( Never again I promise you my Love.)!"
Aemond again pressed his lips to hers and immediately deepened the kiss. Surprised, Y/N moaned when her brother moved his hands from her cheeks to her hips and squeezed. As he did so, he pulled Y/N even closer to him. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up against him slightly. Aemond and Y/N separated. Placed their foreheads against each other while trying to control their breaths. " Aemond…" , Y/N voice was nothing more than a breath. " Nyke jorrāelagon ao ( I need you)." Shakily, Aemond exhaled as he looked into her eyes. His hands released Y/N's arms from his neck. Confused, she looked at him and was about to ask if she had gone too far. The words stuck in her throat, however, as Aemond gently slid his finger up the skin of her arms to the buttons of her nightgown, which were buttoned up just above her breasts. " Skori īlva lentor returns, kesan mazverdagon ao ñuha ābrazȳrys. Dombo jāre arlī, dombo dakogōre qrīdrughagon hen īlva feelings (When our family returns I will make you my wife. No more going back , no more running away from our feelings)." Y/N let out a surprised cry as Aemond ripped open the buttons, dropped the dress from her body, placed his hands back on her hips and pulled her close. The siblings' lips met again in a kiss that was full of desire. Aemond lifted his sister up by her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. They both moaned as Y/N hit his hardening cock.
Aemond winced and tightened his grip on Y/N's skin as she rubbed her hips against him repeatedly. Not removing their lips from each other, he lowered the older Targaryen onto his bed and bent over her. Y/N moaned louder as Aemond let his hands move to her breasts and began to knead them. Lightly she bent her upper body into her brother's touch. " Aemond." Grinning, he kissed his way down to her neck where he left several bruises. When he got to her breasts, he took the nipple of the right one in his mouth and sucked on it. Y/N began to tremble under her brother and Aemond enjoyed it. As he continued to take care of both of her breasts, he stroked circles in his sister's skin with his free hand, letting his hand travel further and further down her body. Arriving at her pussy, his fingers slowly began to stroke circles on her bundle of nerves as Amond's lips let go of Y/N breasts. " Kostilus valonqar ( Please little brother)…" Y/N's moans in Valyrian made Aemond look up at her. He couldn't help but groan at the sight he was presented with. His sister's silver hair lay on his pillow and surrounded her face like a crown. Her eyes were closed, her mouth twisted into a soundless moan, and her upper body arched slightly upward as her hands gripped the sheets.
Aemond settled down between Y/N's legs. He replaced his fingers with his mouth. One of Y/N's hands rested on her mouth, while the other tangled in Aemond's hair. Her hips began to push towards him on their own. But Aemond stopped when he saw the hand on Y/N's mouth. "Take your hand away Mandia (sister). No one is there to listen to you, only me." She shook her head. " What about the servants?" Aemond sucked hard on her clit once, which made Y/N cry out. " Shall know how good your little brother makes you feel." Aemond wrapped his arms around Y/N's hips to spread her further and began to move his tongue over her clit more intensely. He repeated this until his sister's moans grew louder and louder until they resembled crying. Aemond let two fingers go inside Y/N and moved them at a fast pace. When he added a third finger, Y/N noticed a knot begin to form in her stomach. " Aemond… I…" She couldn't even finish as the older reached her climax.
Aemond bent over his sister again and was about to say something, Y/N stopping him with her lips on his. Her legs wrapped around his middle one more time and with a jerk she turned them both over. Aemond looked up at Y/N dumbfounded and sat up. Leaning his back against the headboard, he gripped Y/N's hips again. Both were aware that the Targaryen woman would be covered in his marks in the morning, but neither really cared. Y/N leaned forward and kissed Aemond again. This time the kiss was slow and more sensitive. Aemond broke away from her moaning as his sister began to lower herself onto his now hard and pulsating cock. To steady himself, he spread wet kisses over the crook of her neck as Y/N dug her fingers into his shoulder. Aemond hissed out and reached into his sister's hair to bring her face back to his. His lips moved more intensely , more aggressively against hers. Y/N moaned out, letting herself fully sink onto Aemond.
" Fuck…." both groaned at the same time. " Mandia..sīr ȳrda (so tight)! " Aemond buried his face between his sister's breasts, moaning. He left feathery kisses there, causing Y/N to quicken her movements. " Jurnegon rȳ nyke Aemond ( Look at me)!" Aemond looked up at Y/N momentarily. A tortured whimper escaped his lungs as his sister slowed her movements. Y/N hands rested against his cheeks , while his guided her hips. The slow pace brought an intensity that seemed to drive Aemond insane. Briefly, Aemond froze as Y/N's fingers settled against his eyepatch. The movement of the two paused. His hand clasped hers, " Don't…" , he murmured softly, not daring to meet his sister's gaze. " I want to see everything from you Aemond. Let me love everything of you and make up for my absence these years." Startled, he looked up at her. His hand fell back to her hip.
Y/N loosened the eye patch and her eyes widened. Aemond, who took this as a bad sign, was about to push against his sister to get her off of him, but he didn't. Y/N bent down and kissed every inch of the scar as she began to move her hips again. She leaned down to his ear. " Blue is my favorite color, you knew that right?" She increased her pace and moaned as she felt Aemon's cock twitch inside her. He thrust his hips towards her. " That's why I picked this rock." Amond's hands traveled up her back and pulled her closer. It was almost as if they were one and the same body. His sister's lilac eyes did not leave him for a second and all Aemond saw in them was love and admiration. Something in Aemond changed. He spun them both around, grabbed Y/N's wrists and pinned them into the pillows above her. " Oh gods…" she moaned as her brother spread one of her thighs with his free hand and quickened his pace.
Y/N began to tremble. " Please Aemond!" He grinned down at her. " What? You need to talk to me so I know what you want from me Mandia." Y/N's eyes rolled back slightly as she raised her upper body from the mattress and slammed it against her brother's. " Let me touch you… Aemond please!" " I love it when you beg me!" The silver haired woman, wasn't going to let this go and although she couldn't feel her legs from pleasure, she hooked her still free leg around her brother's waist and pulled him closer. He groaned loudly and hissed as his sister's walls tightened around his cock. Aemond released her wrists, slid between their bodies to her clit and began putting some pressure there. Y/N's fingernails clawed into the skin at his back. The movement of both became more irregular and uncontrolled. Y/N began to shake all over her body now and as she came with a loud cry of his name. Her walls tightened around Aemond so that he followed right behind her.
Out of breath, they both lay next to each other. Aemond turned on his side and pulled his sister into his arms. Both enjoyed the closeness of the other. " Did you mean it?" Questioningly, Aemond looked down at his sister. She looked up at him. " Are we going to get married?" Aemond raised an eyebrow. " You don't expect me to ever let you go again, do you?" Y/N laughed and punched him in the chest. With an disgusted snort, he flipped her back onto her back and leaned over her again. " What are you doing?" Y/N murmured and moaned as he took her sensitive nipples into his mouth. " Showing you the rest of the night how serious I am."
" Avy jorrāelan ( I love you)" , Aemond whispered against her lips. " Avy jorrāelan tolī!"
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