#hair mask for dry frizzy hair
razzohaircare · 4 months
Rejuvenate Your Hair with Argan Oil Hair Mask
Achieve the hair of your dreams with our Argan Oil Hair Mask and Keratin Hair Mask! Say hello to hair that's healthier, shinier, and more manageable. Order now and unleash the power of natural beauty!
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pratsmusings · 2 years
Natural Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair
Natural Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair
Picture this – you’ve planned a day out with your girlfriends. You’ve made plans to hit the mall, have lunch and take lots of pictures together. So, you choose your favorite outfit, do your makeup and hair, and have a blast with the girls. Only when you look at the pictures later do you notice a halo around your head? No, it’s not the Lord’s special blessing; it’s frizz! In this post, we will…
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beautytipslipika · 9 months
Home Remedies for Dry Damaged Hair
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You might not know this, but dry hair isn't usually a sign of damaged hair. When the scalp does not produce enough natural oils to lubricate the scalp and hair shaft, dry, dull hair can result (and is commonly accompanied by white, flaky skin), as opposed to damage, which is typically brought on by external forces. Weather, improper or excessively frequent coloring, and excessive use of heated styling products and techniques like relaxers and perms are the most common of these. All of these factors have the ability to reduce the quality of the cuticles and even the cortex itself, which will cause a loss of shine and complete fiber breakdown.
Take one ripe banana and use a fork to mask it into a paste.
After mashing well use strainer to get a smooth paste.
Add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of Olive oil.
Mix everything well. Apply it to your scalp and hair.
Wear shower cap, Wait for an hour.
Rinse out with lukewarm water. Then use a mild shampoo.
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mohitjoshi041 · 3 months
Hair Mask Magic: How to Repair Dry, Damaged, and Frizzy Locks
Our hair strands need the same level of care as our skin, so we use millions of treatments to cure our skin issues. The worst period of our hair occurs when we use hot hair tools excessively, and the weather is unpredictable. Your frizzy and damaged hair, fried ends, and lifeless curls are all caused by pollution, UV radiation, and improper products. Hydrating and restorative hair masks, in contrast to shampoo and conditioner, deeply permeate the therapeutic components in the hair, producing noticeable benefits. 
Hair masks for brittle, dry hair provide your frizzed-out locks hydration, strength, and luster. Fortunately, you don't have to go to the store or add another hair product to your shopping basket. We're here to share the best hair mask for dry, frizzy hair recipes you can make using items you already have in your kitchen to give your dry, lifeless hair a much-needed boost of hydration. Budget-friendly solutions for cuticle healing are simple-to-make hair masks that may be tailored to your hair type and mood. 
Here are the finest hair masks for strengthening and nourishing hair. 
Yogurt and Coconut Oil Hair Mask for Frizzy Hair 
This ultimate antiquated hair mask with moisturizing super elements for dry, damaged hair will keep frizz away. This homemade hair care solution is perfect for dry and brittle hair because of the lactic acid in the yogurt. Fatty acids and vitamin E in coconut oil shield hair from the sun's rays and keep it from drying out. 
Damaged hair treatment with a banana and olive oil mask 
This hair-repair mask uses two ordinary products. Olive oil's healthy lipids and vitamin E shine hair, while bananas' vitamins and minerals hydrate dull, damaged, and dry hair. 
Hair Mask with Avocado and Olive Oil for Split Ends 
Because split ends result from weakening hair strands, avocado-infused hair masks are an excellent option for those with dry, brittle hair. While split ends are unforgiving and cannot be repaired—you must cut them off to get rid of them—the ingredients' proteins and vitamins in the hair mask for dry and frizzy hair nurture and soften the ends while adding additional shine. 
Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar Mask for Itchy Scalp 
The most expensive and well-known substance for a tingling scalp is A.C.V. This amazing hair treatment for dry, damaged hair works more like a spritzer to eliminate bacterial buildup, reduce itching, and restore pH balance to the scalp. Honey and almond oil antioxidants protect the scalp against toxins, chemicals, and surfactants. 
Lemon and Egg White Mask for Oily Scalp and Dull Hair 
Dandruff caused by an oily scalp often results in hair breakage. Protein enzymes included in egg whites help to eliminate excess oil. Lemon's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vitamin C qualities help to cleanse the scalp and provide essential nutrients. 
Honey and Mayonnaise Mask for Lifeless and Dull Hair 
You can get shiny, healthy-looking hair by using your favorite mayo. Mayonnaise's lipids absorb excess accumulation and nourish the scalp with fatty acids. Olive oil and honey's antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can revive your hair. For more luster, add an egg. 
These are a few tried-and-true hair masks for dry and frizzy hair recipes that can really give your hair more luster and nutrition. Apply these masks once a week to showcase beautiful, healthy-looking hair. 
Hair masks restore dry, damaged, and frizzy hair from pollution and heat styling. Recipes for DIY hair masks utilizing yogurt, coconut oil, banana, olive oil, avocado, honey, and apple cider vinegar may hydrate, strengthen, and shine hair and treat split ends, itchy scalp, and greasy scalp. Regular usage of these DIY hair treatments may increase hair luster and nourishment. 
Resource Box: 
Many hair masks from Barcode Professional hydrate and restore hair for healthier-looking locks. Their line offers exquisite hair masks for various hair care requirements. 
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mylookie · 4 months
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styleonsofficial · 1 year
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affilate101 · 1 year
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
Natural masks for dry hair
New Post has been published on https://hazirbilgi.com/natural-masks-for-dry-hair/
Natural masks for dry hair
Dry hair can be a genetic inheritance as well as a result of dye and natural conditions. Hair dyes that are far from your natural hair color, sea or pool water that meet the sun in the summer period dry and wear the hair. However, you can repair and revitalize your hair with natural masks you can prepare at home. Apply one of these masks, or alternately, once a week if possible, or every other week if you don’t have much time.
Egg, green tea and almond oil mask
1 egg yolk
1 cup of green tea
1 tablespoon of almond oil
Mix the ingredients. Gently massage into your hair roots. Wait 20 minutes. Then wash with shampoo. Since the egg is cooked in hot water, you should wash your hair with warm water.
Honey and olive oil mask
1 teaspoon of pure olive oil
1 teaspoon of honey
Mix honey with warmed olive oil. Leave it in a place out of sunlight for a day. Feed it to your scalp with gentle movements. Then wrap your head with cling film. After half an hour, shampoo your hair and rinse with plenty of water.
castor oil mask
Heat 1 teaspoon of castor oil and feed it to your hair roots without pressing too much. Then wrap your hair with a towel dipped in hot water and wrung out. Wash it with shampoo after waiting for half an hour.
Argan oil mask
Apply 1 tea glass of argan oil by massaging your hair roots. Wrap it in cling film and wait for half an hour, then wash it with shampoo.
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bewby · 2 years
myhair is PISSING ME off rn
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elizais · 4 months
when you know, you know.
when they realise just how much they love you ft: dazai, chuuya, jouno, sigma content warnings: reader isn't a hunting dog for jouno's button divider by v6que, dog divider by animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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dazai knew he loved you, from the get go. but, it was a random tuesday when it hit him how much he loved you.
your favourite author was releasing a new book, you were buzzing about it all of last week and it would be released in your local bookstore on the same tuesday. you spoke about your excitement often as the day approached but when tuesday finally came, you were on an emergency mission in the neighbouring city.
you and ranpo were in kamakura for the day, ranpo solving a couple crimes and you stopping him from getting beat up by his lack of social cues.
when you found out you would miss getting the book, you were disappointed but masked it by saying "'i'll just order it and wait for it to ship, don't worry!" to your boyfriend, osamu. he saw right through it though and made a silent promise to himself to get it.
once his shift ended, he made kunikida drive him to the bookstore (you took the car to kamakura because of the mission). a long queue was stood outside the door but he knew he would have to endure it.
waiting the hour and a half to get in, he rushed past the crowd to grab the last hardback of the book that was beginning to drive him insane. when he stepped out after paying (with kunikida's card, of course) he saw it was absolutely pouring it down.
torrential rain all over yokohama. the paperbag he was carrying the before mentioned book in would not last a minute. checking his phone for how long it would take to wait it out, he saw that it was not an option. it would last all night and you would be worried sick about where he was when you get home in an hour or so.
so, he made the decision to take off his coat, and wrap it around the book. he began to run back to your shared home, it was on this run he realised how much he truly adored you.
his blue striped shirt clung to his body, his bandages so soaked they were beginning to fall down. he mentally cursed whatever god controlled the weather, joking to himself about making a mental note to get chuuya to pass on the message.
when he made it back, out of breath and drenched, he saw your car in the driveway. you were already home. you must have not been home for long because as when he opened the front door, you were only just getting changed. your hair was wet from the shower and you had the towel in your hands to partially dry it.
"hello, love!" he smiled, hair flat yet frizzy from the rain. his clothes sticking to his skin as his jacket was bundled in a ball under his arm.
"where were you, osamu dazai?" you pressed a kiss to his wet face, pretending to scold him by using his full name. you began putting a hand onto his hair and making it look even messier.
"well, if you must know.." he teased, "i had to pick something up." he watched your face light up in realisation at what he had done, gathering why he was soaking wet.
"no you didn't! 'zai, you did not." you gasped, switching his last name into the nickname only you were allowed to call him - even if you were one of the only people to be able to call him osamu. osamu only chuckling as he moved to place his jacket on the countertop of the kitchen, unravelling the ball.
he handed you the book and analysed your face as it contorted through pure excitement. "oh my god! 'samu i love you so so so much!!" you placed the book down and practically jumped into his wet body. your arms found their rightful spot, hugging around his neck and his arms around your waist.
"i love you so much too, but now we are both wet.." he faked a frown, unable to hold back his smile.
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chuuya was always enamored with you. nothing less. but he particularly knew it when you were keeping an eye on elise.
he knew that this wasn't the most realistic thing in the world, her only being an ability after all. but even if she wasn't exactly real she always wanted to hang out with you, do your makeup, put hair clips in your hair.. and you never said no!
so when mori called chuuya to his office to discuss some paperwork, he knew you had been hanging out with elise as elise ran in to mori - dragging you along behind her.
"yes, and this was when-" chuuya was interrupted by two girls giggling after the sound of a door opening. "rintaro!! look at what [name] let me do!" elise smiled, urging you to spin around. you meekly smiled at chuuya in your dollified-by-a-child state. sheepishly spinning around, chuuya saw your new look.
hello kitty stickers on your face, bright blue lipstick smeared on your lips, sparkly barrettes throughout your hair and a dodgy braid to top it all off. mori chuckled at the sight, meanwhile chuuya stifled his laughter to not insult elise. mori nodded at elise, a silent 'well done' at her work, she took that as enough, but she wanted chuuya's reaction.
"mister nakahara? doesn't she look good?" elise asked your boyfriend, pulling you next to him. a shit-eating grin on the little girl's face.
chuuya smiled at the sight, "she's never looked prettier! you have done a great job, elise." elise put her arms on her hips proudly and smirked. "can i dress her up for your next date??? pleaseeee??" elise begged the pair of you.
before chuuya could answer, you turned to your boss, still a little bit awkward with barging in to his office.. "i'm so sorry, mori, please, let me get out of your hair!" you tried to apologise and leave with a bit of dignity before chuuya pulled you back. he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, an exaggerated "ewww!" coming from elise.
chuuya crouched down to elise's level, "sorry, you just made her look too pretty!"
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everyone knew of jouno as a sadistic man. but for you something was different. when you first met him, he treated you with indifference. just another witness for a case that you were brought in to speak to the hunting dog's about.
but soon after, god knows how, you both started dating. whilst the hunting dogs had only met you when jouno had, they had no real idea of what the two of you were like.
but then, you come to their HQ again for who knows what, you instantly start teasing the man who teases everyone. a truly odd sight for his comrades.
quick pieces of flirting disguised as banter are chucked back and forth,
"your heart rate is through the roof." ... "like your ego?".
if they didn't know any better, they would have thought you hated each other.
when you two eventually stopped poking jabs at each other, you explained why you were there and gave jouno his lunch. a teasing "aww" from teruko came from across the room before jouno pinched your upper arm. you instantly pinched his shoulder back before taking a few steps back, trying to stop yourself from giggling at his frustrated face.
it was an odd scene to say the least, somehow, somewhere, a person existed that snuck her way into jouno's heart that could snatch his hat right off of his head, slap him with it... and he wouldn't be angry.
a person that tugged on his cape when stood behind him to annoy him, and started pinching wars with him.
saigiku didn't know when it happened, but it did. and he knew he loved you when you would relentlessly tease him back rather than giving in and letting him torment you like everyone else.
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sigma had only been on this world for 3 years, yet he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his time on it with you the moment he saw you darting across the sky casino doing jobs on a busy week.
it was an abnormally busy time, and someone must have brought in a bug because sigma was not feeling well in the slightest. he was confined to his office and you promised him that you would get all of the manual/in person work done for him.
you had to beg him to let you do this for him, so he could rest. and it was all worth it when halfway through a day of signing paperwork he checked the cctv. a miniature, on screen you was helping out the customers of the casino, pushing boxes back and forth with your colleagues of course..
he realised just how much of a blessing you are. he felt as though his eyes were becoming heart shaped as he watched you, forgetting about the stack of papers he had to sign off.
an older woman approached you, too far away from the camera for him to make out what was being said but the both of you ended up sitting down at an empty table. the table was right by another camera so he could continue watching.
you reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out a deck of cards, sigma smiled to himself when he saw it was the fancy deck of cards you had stolen from nikolai as punishment for tormenting sigma. to be fair, nikolai must have stolen them from somewhere too.
sigma did begin to feel bad for watching you, even if there was no malicious intent behind it. he chuckled when he saw you demonstrating to the woman how to riffle shuffle cards, taking a break from your duties to entertain her.
he must have been enthralled by the scene for the better part of an hour as you patiently taught her magic tricks too. he could tell you had been learning from nikolai.
it was this simple moment that really made him fall for you, your kind nature being displayed perfectly.
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razzohaircare · 5 months
High-Quality Hair Mask For Frizzy Hair
Are you tired of dealing with dry and frizzy hair? Our leave-in hair mask for dry, frizzy hair is the perfect solution for you. Infused with nourishing ingredients like biotin, shea moisture butter, and argan oil, it works wonders against frizz, split ends, and dull hair. 
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carmenberzattosgf · 3 months
Doing a self care night w carm 🥺 he gets home after the lunch shift to find you bought a bunch of face masks and scrubs for you guys. You giving him a back massage and washing his hair. Ofc you take one of those classic coupley face mask mirror selfies™️. He lets you sit in his lap and trim up his eyebrows 😭
Jesus I just want to take care of him 🧎‍♀️
Oh God you get it. You get IT.
The amount of times I have imagined doing my hair routine on Carmy… AH
Like walk with me here. He’s over at your apartment after work and you’ve convinced him to let you do all of your self care things on him.
You tell him the first thing you’re going to do is wash his hair. He’s already getting excited because he thinks you two are about to shower together, but that’s not what you have in mind.
“Come in the kitchen and lay on the counter by the sink. Imma go get the stuff I need from the bathroom.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m washing your hair in the sink. My mom did it for me all the time. It’s a lot easier this way. I already cleaned off the counter for you.”
You return from your bathroom with an arm full of hair products. Carmy is sitting on the countertop, waiting for your next instruction. “Okay, what is all of that for?”
“It’s hair products, Carm. I’ll explain it to you as I go.” You roll up a bathroom towel you brought with you and place it at the edge of the sink. “Can you lay down now?”
Once he’s settled, you turn the faucet on, feeling the temperature of the water with your finger. You use the sink sprayer to wet his hair. You begin by shampooing his hair. “This is a clarifying shampoo. It’s going to cleanse your scalp and your roots.”
“Are you saying my hair is greasy.”
“You do work in a kitchen, you know. Also let’s not ignore the fact you use two in one shampoo and conditioner.” Carmy doesn’t bite back, knowing you’re right. He closes his eyes while your fingertips massage his scalp.
“That feels really nice, baby.”
“Perfect. That’s the goal,” you reply, smiling at him as you rinse out all the shampoo. “Now I’m going to use a deep conditioning treatment. It’ll make your hair feel soft and healthy. It needs to sit for ten minutes, so why don’t you tell me about your day?”
Time goes by quick as Carmy tells you about work. Before you know it the timer on your phone goes off, and you rinse out the conditioner. “Thats it right?” Carmy asks.
“I gotta style your curls! I’ll be quick I promise.” You start to layer on different products, trying to be speedy.
“Okay what is all of this?”
“Oh, well I just put on a leave in conditioner. It does exactly what it sounds like. Right now I’m putting in a styling cream. That’ll keep your hair from being frizzy. Finally I’ll put in a mouse, which will help hold your curls without loosing any volume.”
“I’ve never used any of this before?”
“Carm, it’s a mystery to me how your hair looks so nice. If only you knew the daily struggles of a girl doing her hair.” You put the last touches on his hair, scrunching the product through his locks. “You’re all done now. It just has to dry. Ooo! Let’s do a face mask now!”
Carmy hops off the countertop and follows you to the living room where you already have a variety of sheet masks laid on the coffee table. “So do I just pick any of these?”
“Yep! Completely your choice.” Carmy instantly goes for the panda bear sheet mask. “I had a feeling you would pick that one,” you laugh.
You spend the rest of the night with Carmy watching his favorite shows while you do all of your skincare routine on him. He doesn’t even fight you when you sit on his lap to trim up his eyebrows.
I like to giggle and think that the staff notice the next morning that Carmy’s hair looks really nice and curly AND that his eyebrows are perfectly trimmed. He folds at some point and admits that it was all you, and he played zero part in it.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Beauty Playbook: Tips & Tricks To Feel Clean, Confident & Seductive Daily
Some beauty tips and tricks to feel your best daily.
Starting off with some miscellaneous advice: Coconut oil is the most versatile ingredient – for your hair, skin, nails, and even down there. Find your signature scent (apply it to your clothes instead of your skin whenever possible). Sugar scrubs are the answer to most flakiness or bumps on your skin. B vitamins, vitamin D, and omega-3s are essential to healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Hope this helps xx
Shampoo your skull, condition the rest: Focus shampoo on your roots and work it through your scalp; concentrate conditioner on the ends and work your way up until you reach the base of your skull - around your upper ear lobe.
Always comb, never brush, your hair when wet: Gently use a wide-tooth comb, from root to tip, on wet hair to prevent breakage.
Use a special towel to dry your hair: My favorite is from Crown Affair (pricey for what it is but worthwhile in the long-term), but a Turbie Twist from the drugstore works infinitely better than a regular towel that weighs down and causes frizzy, damaged hair
Always use a heat protection spray before blow drying or straightening/curling your hair: (Briogeo and Oribe products are my love for all haircare products, including their blowdry creams – also love R +Co. for a heat protection styling mist).
Choose your hair ties wisely: Use seamless or silk hair ties exclusively to prevent breakage or awkward creases on your hair. Wear a silk scrunchie if you prefer. These hair ties from Amazon are my holy grail (only $7 for 100 hair ties!), and they come in a portable ziplock bag.
Always use a disposable cloth when washing your face: Regular towels store bacteria and can cause breakouts too easily. These facial wipes from Amazon are my holy grail.
Wear sunscreen daily: Yes, even when you spend all day indoors. UV rays can interact with your skin through windows, too.
Niacinamide, Vitamin C Hyaluronic Acid, & Tea Tree Oil are among the few skincare ingredients almost everyone should consider incorporating into their skincare routine.
Learn the correct order to apply the products in your skincare routine: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Eye Cream, Spot Treatment, Moisturizer, Sunscreen (or Retinol/Skin Oil at night).
Remember: From a dermatologist's perspective, your face starts (or ends) at your nipples. So, ensure you're cleansing, exfoliating, and applying sunscreen daily to your neck, chest, and décolletage to keep your skin smooth, youthful, and well-hydrated.
Vaseline is a great (affordable) alternative to traditional eye creams.
Sugar scrub your facial hair for a more gentle alternative to waxing (Combine sugar, lemon, and water). Laser hair removal, especially under your arms and your arms/legs is life-changing.
Follow up a warm shower with a dry brush and coconut oil for smoother, firmer skin.
Always apply a hydrating lip balm, mask, or Vaseline, hand cream, and moisturizer to your feet before going to sleep.
Layer complementary scents. Ensure the scents of body wash, lotion, and perfume work well together and don't clash.
Learn your skin undertones and educate yourself on color theory (I can share a post on this on the Post+ feed if you want some more educational content on these types of topics – I write about them for a living!).
Test any foundation, concealer, or face powder on your wrists, too.
Don't forget to color-match your bronze and blush: They can appear orange or muddy if you don't find a product with the correct shade or undertones for your skin type.
Invest in products that go on your face, brow products, and eyeliners. Great mascaras and lip products are easy to find at a drugstore or relatively cheap (I suggest Covergirl and d NYX, respectively).
Apply concealer in a triangle; don't dot it around your eyes for better coverage.
If you have oily skin (or it's humid outside), apply powder before your liquid/cream products. Set them again with a light powder to lock the color in.
Apply mascara from tip to base for the best lashes of your life: One coat on the tip, another from middle to tip, and the last coat from base to tip.
In a pinch, use a fragrance-free moisturizer and a q-tip to remove excess makeup (no more raccoon eyes).
Use a light nude or white eyeshadow underneath your brow to make them appear more defined.
Apply face powder under your eyes to help the eyeliner on your waterline last longer.
Create a simple daily makeup routine formula: 1 skin coverage (foundation/concealer), 1 skin color (a favorite blush or bronzer), brows, mascara, an eye-definer (eyeliner or shadow), and a signature "your lips but better" lip shade (1-2 shades deeper or lighter than your natural lip color): This formula provides you the basics, so you never have an excuse not to put yourself together for the day (5-10 minute routine here).
Discover your day-to-night hero product: Always keep a slightly deeper lipstick, a smoky eyeshadow, or liquid liner in your bag to transition your day look into the evening with one portable product.
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Evening routine with könig!! Showering together - him being so so drunk on how you’re so small like a fairy to him, both helping each other with washing your bodies and hair. Slowely, calmly - showing him that there is no need to rush anywhere, help him to get used to this pampering. Later on, when könig is on his one knee in front of you and drying you with fluffy towel and you doing the same and after this you both lay down in your bed, maybe your head on his chest, you looking at him, both relaxed in this lovely bubble😭😭😭😭
He’s been gone for over five months. He’s got a huge excitement bubbling inside him, excited to go home, reset, and see you. 
He’s used to quick showers, he’s usually done in eight minutes tops, but if he lingers he makes it out to be ten minutes. If he’s being honest, he used to despise showering because it felt like it was just one more thing he needed to do. 
It was like his body had been on constant alert, rushing, using some god awful bar of soap that was too tacky to touch and some 3 in 1 shampoo that he figured would work. When he came out, his hair was a bit frizzy, dry, and crunchy. He smelled like pine and Irish spring, but he felt dry and tight.
Until one morning you had slipped inside the shower with him, made him enjoy the water and the temperature a little more. He was about to step out, you grabbed his hand, telling him to stay a little longer.
“It’s too crowded.”
“Oh stop it.”
You had rinsed yourself, hugged him, kissing his chest, and leading the trail of kisses down his stomach.
“Schatz…” He had begun complaining, saying that he was going to be late.
“Relax,” you turned around and started putting shampoo on your head, then bringing him closer, putting your conditioner on his head.
“I already showered”
“I know, but a little conditioner never hurts.”
You then remembered his elbows and how he was complaining that they were rough from crawling around. You took out your body scrub that smelled of eucalyptus and vanilla, rubbing it on his arms, chest, and focusing on his elbows. 
Once you were all done, you gently patted him out.
"See? You're not late." You called out to him.
The entire day, he felt different. He even smelled different. Whenever he came to fidget with his hands, they felt smoother, softer to his touch. When he ran his fingers in his hair, it wasn’t dry or brittle like before. It even stayed down and didn’t stick up all over the place. 
He had realized what little you can do in the shower to come out feeling and smelling wonderful. 
So this is why he’s bouncing up and down on the plane, excited to come see you, and relive this moment of peace with you. 
You had been sitting down waiting for his arrival mindlessly scrolling on your phone. You already knew what he wanted when he first got home so you had brought some new scents, a towel warmer, and lotion.
You can hear the footsteps outside his house, the lock clicks, he’s already dropping the weight of what he’s carrying on his body down. He sees you around the corner, running in your socks, about to leap into him. He pulls his mask off, grabs you into a deep kiss, walking you backwards towards the bathroom.
You help him undress, pulling away the black shirt he’s got on, unbuttoning the cargo pants he loves to wear. He swifty removes the t-shirt you got on, and you bend over to turn the water on. You’re running your fingers underneath the tap, adjusting the temperature before you hop in and reach out for him. 
Once you guys are inside, he grabs your face and hunches over to kiss you, both hands on your face. The water is hitting both of you, rinsing away the day. You turn around to grab his new shampoo, a pricey shampoo that you picked up for him, with japanese yuzu and bergamot notes. 
He bends over, you pouring the shampoo into your hands and then scratching and rubbing it gently into his scalp. You make sure to get into every spot of his red-blond hair, and behind his ears. It suds up, goes everywhere, dripping down his neck.
He complains that it’s getting to his eyes and you laugh, switching positions having him rinse off. You tenderly wipe his eyes, standing on your tiptoes to reach, remove the suds, washing away the soap towards the back of his head.
You grab his body wash, lathering it up under the water waiting on him to finish rinsing the shampoo.
You start on his shoulders, kissing along his spine, reaching forward to scrub his chest, arms, and legs.
He lets out a small sigh of relief, your small hand softly working out the tense muscles on his shoulders, letting the hot water rinse away the soap swirling down the drain.
You softly remind him that you love and miss him. 
He bends down to lather you up, as you do your hair. 
You two stand there, engulfed by the warmth of the shower, the hot water hits his back, melting away the hard stress of the months he was away. Kissing you softly, nuzzling his nose with yours.
Stepping out of the shower, you wrap the towel around your head, as you try to grab the other one for your body, he’s got it ready, wrapping it around you, placing small kisses on your shoulders.
He takes you to the room, where you’ve taken out the lavender lotion. You put some on yourself, as he puts on his underwear, then have him sit down on the bed, where you massage the lotion into his back, neck, shoulders, and legs.
He’s telling you there’s no need, but you gentle place kisses on his neck and shoulders reassuring it’s just one more thing you want to do for him. The smell of lavender fills his nose, bringing a comforting warmth and sleepiness to him. You got down on your knees, rubbing his legs, ankles, and feet.
He gets shy, but the way you dig your small hands into his tense muscles, makes him feel so much better, makes him feel loved. You put on the cute lingerie he’s picked out, lather yourself up, and settle into bed, warmth embracing you both, as he wraps his arms around your waist.
Sleep both hovers over your eyes, he’s pushing away the hair from your face, placing kisses that your lips that he’s missed so much.
The two of you lay there, watching each other, memorizing the familiar faces that have been away for so long, just happy that you can be back.
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peachy-panic · 7 months
BBU: Hollywood
This idea took root and wouldn't let go. Can't say for sure if this will be A Thing, or just a one-off teaser of a thing, but here it is nonetheless.
WARNINGS: BBU, implied noncon, implied noncon drug use, the fucked up film industry
He doesn’t realize the cameras have stopped rolling until the shrill ring of the bell jolts him back into his body, and out of the one he’s been inhabiting since the last call of action. He doesn’t move, doesn’t blink for a few moments, still caught in the blurry line between characters. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to remember which mask he's wearing.
There is a flurry of movement around him; PAs rush past, murmuring into their headsets, toting plush robes and glass bottles of sparkling water. Hair and makeup swoop in to invade everyone’s space, making their minute adjustments before rolling begins anew. 
When he returns to himself, Henry's cheeks are cold with drying tear tracks, and his heartbeat pulses lightly in his lips. 
His scene partner is already turned away, her attention attuned to the phone in her hand while a woman with frizzy hair attends to her smudged lipstick. Distantly, Henry knows if he touches his fingertips to his own mouth, they will come away in the same shade of red. Seconds ago, they were locked in an embrace, their tears mingling in the neckline of her silk gown, whispered words of affection spilling between them, and now Henry doesn’t exist. He won’t again until the cameras are pointed at him. Only then does he become alive.
A cold, acrylic nail hooks his chin and turns his head. His personal makeup artist is a woman named Kat in her late thirties with a sleek, blonde bob and smile lines around her eyes. She’s worked on every one of Henry’s films, and she has never spoken to him directly. On instinct, Henry lets his eyes fall shut, slipping back from the surface as she goes through the familiar routine of touching him up. 
From behind the wall of his own little world, he allows himself the indulgence of tuning into the conversations around him. A couple of new production assistants—not much older than him—talk about the food truck that production ordered as an end-of-week treat. (This doesn’t apply to Henry. He is on a strict diet of kale and boiled chicken while he's filming. He is always filming). The wardrobe team talks about grabbing a drink at Stanley’s after wrap today. (He knows that Stanley’s is everyone’s favorite spot because it’s less than a mile from the studio, but he’s never seen it for himself). The assistant director comments on her third cup of coffee of the day. (Henry wishes he could ask for some).
The voices fade and flutter until one cuts through the rest.
“One last take, and we’re calling it, David.”
Henry opens his eyes, and Paul stands directly in front of him.
His sleek, black suit stands out among the crew's workwear, and probably costs three times as much combined. It’s hard not to notice the ways everyone’s demeanor changes the moment the Executive Producer steps onto set. In a way, it’s almost reassuring to know Henry isn’t the only one who shrinks in this man’s shadow. But that’s where the commonality ends. They may fear him, too, but at the end of a fourteen hour day, they are not the ones who return home to Paul Maxwell’s bed. 
“Our star needs to be red-carpet ready in an hour-thirty.” Though he’s addressing the director, Paul stares directly into Henry’s eyes. “Be sure that he is.”
He doesn’t need to nudge the makeup artist away so much as she instinctively pulls back when Paul lifts a large hand and touches the tips of his fingers to Henry’s jaw. Henry keeps his eyes where they’ve been beckoned and pretends not to notice the assistants in his periphery who duck their faces away from the display of ownership. Paul’s thumb swipes across the corner of Henry’s mouth, taking with it a smear of Eliza Darling’s expensive lipstick. Then, wordlessly, he releases him. 
There’s a renewed sense of urgency as Paul retreats from the chaos, but also one of relief that comes with the last shot of the day—for everyone except Henry. 
He was up before the sun, and he knows he’ll be out long after it has set. The worst part about interior days: he doesn’t get to see daylight once. Normally, even the call of his Keeper’s bedroom feels like a reprieve after this many hours of shooting. But tonight, his previous film is set to premier on the other side of Los Angeles, and there is no premier without Paul Maxwell’s shining star.
More importantly, there is no after party without him.
There is no time for exhaustion, not for him. When the caffeine pills have run their course, he’ll be given something stronger, and he’ll take it. Whatever it takes to get through the night that will inevitably become a very long weekend.
“You heard the boss,” David says, running a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair. “Let’s make it a good one. Clear frame.”
The makeup brushes make a few last frantic swipes across his skin before they scurry away. Liza Darling tucks a blonde curl behind her ear and presses her phone into a nameless PA’s hand. Henry closes his eyes and slips into another man’s skin.
People tell Henry all the time that he’s lucky to lead the life that he does, in his position. It is only in these fleeting intervals of fiction between reality that he might just agree with them.
For the next three minutes, he does not have to be Henry, nor is he the boy with the name from a life he is not allowed to remember. For the next three minutes, he is Brock Layton: twenty-three, rich, and madly in love. 
For the next three minutes, he is as free as he’ll ever be again. 
“Sound speed,” the mixer calls out, raising the boom pole over his head. 
“Rolling,” camera echoes back. 
“And, action.”
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river3000 · 4 months
An overview of Rachel Elizabeth Dare’s hair, and her hairbrush (and why the hairbrush should be appreciated more)
I’ve seen lots of people saying that Rachel bringing a hairbrush is unrealistic, and people with WAVY hair (which is way different from curly hair) saying it's unrealistic too, so this post is telling them why they’re wrong. So I LOVE Rachel, not just because she looks like me (same pasty, easily sunburned skin, and plethora of freckles; her poor bank account, spending so much on sunscreen), but also because I relate to her so much! One reason I relate to her is that HER HAIR LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MINE, HER OFFICIAL ART HAIR LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY HAIR, way too curly, way too frizzy, and easily tangled. So, for all the straight-haired people reading this (also I will be showing this to all my friends, all of whom have straight or wavy hair, except one of them has two waves down the back of her hair and is delusional because she thinks her hair is curly) this is my hair brushing routine and other things about my hair so you understand what I mean when I say that taking care of hair like that is HARD:
I take a shower and use curly hair-specific shampoo (which is expensive)
I also do a wash-out untangle thing to make it easier to brush
I use curly hair-specific conditioner, a detangling spray, and two hair mask things to make the brushing easier
I use either a WET brush or a detangling brush, but usually the WET brush
I keep a spray bottle on hand to keep it wet the whole time
It takes at least 30-45 minutes for me to brush my hair
I wash my hair out again to get the conditioner and hair masks out
I use a wide tooth comb after that because water makes it a little tangled
Sometimes after that, I use a leave-in conditioner, but not often
If I brushed it for a fancy event or something then I use my diffuser to dry it, if not I braid it and go to bed because I take night showers unless it's a fancy event or sometimes a weekend
I sleep in a silk bonnet and use only a silk pillowcase
I can only brush my hair wet
I can’t run my fingers through it a lot
I have to go to a haircut place that specializes in curly hair
I can't brush it in the morning or casually
I brush it every three days because I can’t get it wet lots because that's bad for it
To get the Frizz™ that’s on the top of my head every morning to calm down when I put it up I wet it with my sink water
The only hair ties I can use in my hair on a normal basis are scrunchies
I only wear my hair down the day after or after I brush my hair
I wear it up every day
My friends can't do my hair a lot of the time unless I instruct them or find a tutorial video of a style of curly hair like mine, and they call me controlling when I do that
My friends with wavy hair say that wavy hair is harder to take care of than curly hair and I hate it because they don’t know what they’re talking about
If I don’t brush my hair it all becomes one giant matt on the back of my head and if that goes on too long it becomes painful and I get a scalp rash
Buying products is an expensive necessity
One I hadn’t brushed my hair for a week and when I took it down to redo my bun my friend looked at me in Horror™
Only one of my friends actually puts in the work to do my hair and helps me with it because she enjoys styling it and understands it’s hard to take care of after helping me brush it a few times, surprise surprise she’s my best friend
No hair clips, they get stuck in my hair
Once I was brushing it and my hairbrush just broke in half
I have an undercut that you can’t see with my hair down, just to make it easier to deal with; it’s an inch-or-half-an-inch-idk-which-one-thick, inch tall stripe that’s right above the back of my neck, at the base of my skull
I shed like a fucking dog
My hair also becomes so frizzy it looks like I brushed it dry when it's humid, and I live in a humid and hot place
Ginger hair makes you sunburn easier (and unable to tan)
I got bullied in school for being ginger because there’s something wrong with that in the minds of middle schoolers (I was also bullied for being gay and not ashamed of being queer but that’s not the point)
I would be called a leprechaun a lot as a kid, Saint Patrick's Day was and still is hell
Every time someone with straight hair complains about their hair being frizzy, I die a little more inside
Being pale an ginger, doing makeup, dying hair, and literally buying clothes is hard
especially makeup
I use the palest concealer they have at Target (it's called porcelain)
That’s all I can think of right now but I know there’s more. It’s entirely realistic that Rachel would bring a hairbrush because she has experienced all of this, and all of this started to happen to me when I was years younger than her. I said that I couldn’t brush my hair dry and Rachel could have had to, or maybe she would have waited for a part of the labyrinth with water to wet it and then brushed it, or had Percy use his water powers to wet it (Platonic Perachel is amazing, and I need more of it, they’re one of my fav brotps). So anyways guys, respect Rachel and stop questioning her hairbrush, they were in the labyrinth for a while, she needed that thing and it had done its fair share of service. That hairbrush has done more than being thrown at Kronos' eye.
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