#guess who's still thinking about ben's childhood
roetrolls · 2 years
Special Day
It’s a quiet morning in the compound. Your room sits at the end of the northwest wing, isolated from the congregation’s normal quarters. You welcome the respite.
You asked once what the room was before they moved you into it, assuming it to be some kind of storage unit repurposed for your arrival. 
“Before?” your ancestor had laughed at the question, crouching to bring his face where you could see it. “The room was always yours, boy. It was only a matter of when you would come to occupy it.”
The room itself is massive, just like the rest of his domain. High ceilings, wide spaces… Enough clearance for the giant himself to move comfortably through your quarters.
It makes you feel small.
You are small. His legacy. A puppet, an heir, an animal to be tamed. 
With a heavy sigh, you take a lap around the room to draw the curtains for bed, blocking the light of the rising sun outside. It’s difficult, the monotony of this place, but at least the mornings bring with them the peace of solitude.
At least, they usually do.
You hear footsteps in the hall. Light, delicate. Elison’s. There’s no reason to come here beyond visiting you, but you can’t fathom why they would do so at this hour. Has the Dominion requested your presence?
Are they simply bored?
The lock turns on your door. You don’t know why it’s there. Your ancestor told you that if you wished for the freedom to move freely about the compound, you would need to show him that you could obey, but you’re not exactly keen on wandering the premises. You don’t like how his followers look at you.
The door drifts open to reveal, as expected, Elison standing in the hall. His hands, typically clasped in front of him, are noticeably tucked behind his back. They’re holding something.
You look at him with wide eyes, still grasping the curtain. He beams at you as he steps into the room, pushing the door closed with a foot.
“Hi, Benny boy. Special day!” They sing, practically bouncing with excitement.
You continue to stare, heart rising into your throat. You gulp, mouth suddenly dry, and wait for them to continue. When they don’t, you swallow again and force yourself to speak.
“What’s… What’s today?”
“Why, Benjiboo! You don’t know?” Elison gasps. “Someone in this room is turning five today!”
You almost think you didn’t hear him right, but then-- Your eyes dart to his hands, now proudly displaying the miniature cake and small wrapped parcel he had been hiding moments before.
You snap your gaze up to meet him, certain this must be some sort of cruel joke.
“That’s-- How did you--”
“It is today, isn’t it? Your wriggling day?” They tilt their head at you, unfazed by your hesitance.
You nod slowly, still waiting for him to reveal the punchline. 
He nods towards his offerings, eyebrows raised. 
“Well? Come on then! I need to wash this plate before the kitchen staff wakes, you know.”
Your head is spinning. They did this in secret? Why? What’s the angle? Still, you step forward and tentatively take the gifts from their hands, slinking back to sit on the floor and look at what he’s given you.
Chocolate cake. You like chocolate. 
It smells normal. Smells good, even. 
You peek up again to see Elison rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet, raising his eyebrows at you once again and nodding towards the present. 
“Are you going to open it?”
Wordlessly, you pull the package into your lap and tear the paper away with shaky hands. You can barely see what it is. Why is your vision so blurry? You wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your pajamas, then pull your arm back to assess it. Wet.
You’re crying?
“It’s… A camera.” You mumble, voice small.
Elison nods eagerly. “For your trips into town! No repeats of last time.”
“Last time…” 
Last time. When Erilee got upset with you for stopping, starry-eyed, at every bug and flower in your path. 
So upset that he cut your visit short and sent you, all alone, to explain to the Dominion why you had been asked to return home. You were meant to help Erilee surveil the town that day. Your ancestor was less than pleased.
Running a thumb over the box in your lap, you look up at Elison with wet eyes, trying to find your words. “Thank you…”
They nod, pleased, and gesture to the cake at your side.
“Go on, then.”
You glance at the treat, then turn your attention back to them. “Why…?”
“I told you, I need to wash the plate! You need to listen better, Benny.”
“No-- I mean… Why did you do this?”
“Oh!” he giggles, lowering himself to sit in front of you. Wordlessly, he slides the camera from your lap to his. Briefly, you think he’s about to take it back. Give you a gift, then snatch it away, just to hurt you.
Then he opens the box, pulling out the instructions and the device itself, and begins to set it up for you.
“What do you mean why? It’s your wriggling day.”
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daftmooncretin · 6 months
rip to rian johnson but star wars sequels would be way better if ben solo was just kinda cowardly and han solo coded so he defected from the jedi and went to be a fun swashbuckling anarchist space cowboy instead
and finn and poe have to find him and try to convince him to come back to the rebellion but hes afraid who he is and what he could become
also instead of luke trying to kill his nephew for NO REASON (so insanely out of character it boils my blood) he just realises after ben dips thats hes not cut out for teaching. and is living on a mandalorian colony as rebellion liason/ambassador with chewie and sometimes lando i guess (din djarin is there) he aids the rebellion (because of course he would fuck that plotline) but he wont stay on the rebel base because he doesnt like all the chosen one clout and mandalorians are very chill and mind their own business
han and leia are still together and play active parts in the rebellion because fuck that plotline too although they do disagree about the ben situation (leia is annoyed and han is understanding) poe and ben childhood friends and for what.
in this au, rey is raised in the empire and is a sith lord but she has doubts and isnt as abjectly disgusting as kylo ren because of course not. (appears slightly too interested in the rebellion when poe is captured and maybe??? possibly lets finn and poe escape but thats up for debate.) rey gets more evil over course of movies before turning to light for plot drama and a satisfying zuko arc.
force awakens timeline
prophecy that a new jedi will rise and take down the dark side. rey and sith lord (dk who but fuck snoke im writing him out) assume it is the missing ben solo (its finn and rey tho fr) and are intent on finding him. movie opens on rey being evil probably and capturing poe. also finn as a character actully needs no real changes hes great. and then next scene space pirate ben solo doing his thing (but without identity revealed so we dont know who he is yet he may go by kylo because funny)
instead of luke poe has a lead on missing almost-jedi before he dipped ben solo and is searching for him on leias orders.(rebellion also believe the prophecy is about him. but nuh uh) torture scene and escape scene doesnt need to change but show reys nuances and how lost she is.
in the interest of narrative poe and finn still crash on tatooine but finn manages to pull poe out of the crash. (finn still gets the jacket at some point because i say so) poe is too injured to fly so they seek out help and and meet ben solo who saves them from pirates or something idk. (but neither know who the other is)
finn and poe convince ben solo to be their pilot still thinking hes a random smuggler named kylo. they get along very well, especially finn and ben. rey by this point is tracking their whereabouts
they end up on that lightsaber planet and ben gets the weird darth vader nightmare and freaks out, (hes afraid of being evil or something idk) poe is getting suspicious now also finn feels the force and takes up the lightsaber. rey comes and finn trys to hold her off. finn get hurt and drops lightsaber. ben is forced to take it up and his identity is revealed as rebel reeforcements led by han and leia arrive and they see him fighting. rey and ben have a weird charged moment (yes i guess i am still making reylo a thing but its reyben now and its woke so shh) and in a dramatic desperate effort he manages to knock her lightsaber away with the force. poe crawls into a plane at somepoint and blows up reys ship. the rebels destroy the stormtroopers but rey captures finn and escapes in a stolen ship.
ben has a oh-shit-i-said-id-never-use-the-force-again related existential crisis which makes him freak out and leaves. a distraught finn-less poe calls him a coward. poe picks up the discarded lightsaber and the jackettm and sadly packs them up. leia tells him about the starkiller and poe volunteers to go on the starkiller and save finn. han and leia have a sweet moment and han decides to go with poe on the suicide mission, chewie goes too.(chewie arrived at somepoint i guess)
mid hostage situation finn blocks reys force attempt and shes shook up. he sees something in her (finn is a beautiful sweetheart) and he trys to appeal to her. she force chokes him and books it out of there. but it is clear she fears him a little. he escapes with mind tricks and runs into han poe and chewie on the deck. finnpoe moment fr. poe gives him his jacket back in order to get the keep it it looks good on you line.
meanwhile ben is back on his ship(i guess its the falcon?) and he thinks about finn and his mom and luke or something.. a dream maybe?? idk something emotional and motivational for his arc. and he goes to a box under the floor in his ship and pulls out a green lightsaber. he turns the ship around.
on the ship poe finn han and chewie are planting the bombs and escaping when they get stopped by stormtroopers ordered by rey. poe is about to be shot by a big droid thing when it is cut in half by ben wow big reveal hes here oooo ah. rey is shot in the shoulder by chewie and angrily orders more stormtroopers. they cant take them all. han sacrifices himself by blowing up the bridge. he tells finn and poe to find luke in the mandolorian colony ben is distraught him and han have an emotional goodbye he tells him to tell leia he’s sorry and that he loves him and he proud of him then he makes chewy get ben out of there and he blows himself up. leia senses it v sad rip man but he had to die to intensify plot drama
rey chases them onto the ice planet and another weird charged moment. mind link established??? this time ben is too angry and grieving though so its not a good match and she wounds him real bad all over hes v scarred now. poe shoots at rey and throws lightsaber at finn. he gets ben onto the ship and finn and rey have the big force awakens show down. finn uses the force v powerful all that jazz the good guys get away. on the ship finn mentions how he felt a connection with rey to poe and claims he sees good in her
movie ends with meeting luke on mandolore. ben is very traumatised wont really speak to finn or poe and avoiding luke. finn returns lukes lightsaber and rey has doubts movie over. movies ends with ominous rey ben mind link
final notes (on first movie and overarching rewrite plans)
finn is the protagonist of this movie so it would be much more character heavy on him them the original. more in depth on his stormtrooper trauma, how he always chooses the people he loves over the cause and his reluctance to join the rebellion. his friendship with poe and the han/leia parallel’s especially. relationships with han and ben important for his character exposition and he plays a key role in supporting both rey and bens character progression. possesses the strong sense of mercy and kindness at the heart of the star wars franchise.
rey is raised in the first empire and does not know anything different. when she meets finn who was able to rebel and escape from the same system she is trapped in she becomes plagued by doubts and projects all of her hatred and resentment onto finn to compensate, but it is clear she fears him. to escape from her doubts she fixates on finding and capturing ben solo imagining him to be a frightening and terrible adversary. however when she meets him they see eachothers minds, and she sees how plagued by doubt and fear he is, how he runs from everything and he sees her too. they connect and develop a strange mutual fascination/understanding. this is put askew by finns appearance at the end of the movie in defence of ben. reys fear of finn increases when she sees the true extent of his power. she fears and hates equally finns strength of character and easy goodness and by extension hates ben for his alliance with finn. she blames finn for “taking” ben from her.
ben solo
kylo ren is a disgusting blight on the star wars names so ben solo is being completely reclaimed by me into a different character because i fucking hate that stupid pretentious eboy. instead ben solo is an incredibly han solo coded character with a heart of gold and deep love and loyalty to his friends and family. his main weakness as a character in this rewrite is his fear and lack of self belief. ben is terrified of being a jedi and of his own power. he fears his own nature and was so afraid he would become his grandfather that he ran from the jedi altogether. ben solo is a runner that wont face his problems, he runs from the jedi and from his parents to avoid failing or becoming something terrible. finn and ben recognise the need to run in eachother (although important distinction finn runs because he doesn’t want to fight for a cause. and ben runs because hes afraid he will be the reason the cause fails) and ultimately encourage eachother to break the cycle and stand their ground (well finn motivated ben in this movie, finns not fixed yet.) Bens arc in these movies is about learning to live with his own nature and fighting for what he believes in despite his fear. also dealing with mommy issues (ben is kind of jealous of poe and leias relationship the son she wanted or something blah blah blah etc) and being a malewife to his murder girlfriend. his job is kind of to support and fight with finn and later rey and help them save the world
finnpoe (will be a gay couple)
their friendship will be front and centre in these movies because they represent duty vs personal loyalty. poe puts the cause above all else and values his own life and personal relationships little. finn on the other hand is disillusioned with establishment cause of stormtrooper trauma and wants to protect himself and others from it. poe is the first person that finn truly bonds with and loves. he puts poe above everything, including being a jedi and the rebellion. this leads to a lot of fighting and discord between finn and poe as finn doesn’t understand how important the rebellion is to poe and poe doesnt get why finn is trying to protect him from it. ultimately though poe teaches finn faith and belief and finn teaches poe to accept love and value himself. (also many hanleia parallels) the two of them are the harbingers of a new age. poe as future leader of the new republic and finn as the jedi messiah or whatever. in terms of romance, im thinking slowburn. baity first movie, kiss at the end of the second and established relationship by the halfway mark of the third.
also when rey eventually joins the light in the beginning she refuses to talk to ben (cause of romantic drama i havent thought of yet but centres around some sort or betrayal in the second movie) or finn (because hes her narrative foil and slow burn best friend forever) so her first friend is poe and she kind of follows him around in her first few months before she eventually bonds with finn 4eva. her poe shadowing has lots of cute friend moments where they fly together and he tries to talk her down about finn and the ben drama but also more importantly it foreshadows her leadership ability and tactical mind as she gives him advice and aids him with the rebellion behind the scenes (also leads to leia taking rey under her wing probably because poe is her surrogate son and mirror) which will eventually lead to her and poe leading the republic together because in my mind rey is a jedi but actively a member of republic government because ben can’t do politics and finn won’t but shes great at it so she’d be a perfect jedi liason and vice president to poe. meanwhile finn and ben lead the jedi. finn as a knight travelling across the galaxy and ben as a teacher. (luke is happy in retirement rn on mandalore but leia is still probably an advisor in the republic because retirement is definitely not for her) and everyone is happy the end. force ghost han solo is clapping.
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bosbas · 7 months
Chapter 3: best believe I'm still bejeweled
series masterlist previous part || next part
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 3.7k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love being idiots in love
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You're struggling to find someone you're as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
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May 19, 1814 - Today marks not only the birthday of our illustrious Queen Charlotte but also the grand event eagerly awaited by all of London's high society: the splendid Queen Charlotte's Ball.
The air is thick with excitement as the ton awaits the debut of our beautiful new bachelorettes for the season. Rest assured, dear readers, this author shall be your eyes and ears throughout the evening, ensuring you are privy to every scandal, dance, and whispered secret that unfolds at this momentous celebration.
The air was, as Lady Whistledown had said, thick with something, although you weren't quite sure it was excitement. Your stomach was tied in a complete tangle of knots, and said knots were doing cartwheels all over the dressing room you were currently in. Looking over at Cass and Eloise eating biscuits and giggling together on the other side of the room, you desperately wished you could stay with them rather than go to the ball.
Until this morning, you had been cautiously optimistic about the whole affair, excited about being courted despite your strong reservations about marriage, knowing it would most likely be a significant loss of your freedom. But at least in the beginning, when you didn't have to immediately think about the greater implications of courting, you could pretend that getting to know people and dancing and receiving flowers could be just fun. But now, with your mother and Lady Violet excitedly chattering around you as your lady's maids rushed to and fro, grabbing your makeup and jewelry, you were less than ecstatic.
Just as the claustrophobia was getting to be a bit much and you were quite ready to jump out of the window into the garden and take off running, Daphne entered the dressing room. Shooing the lady's maids away momentarily, Daphne offered a sympathetic look and sat beside you. You shot her a grateful smile, immediately letting out a breath, slumping your shoulders, and resting your chin on your gloved hand.
"Oh dear, I know that look very well," Daphne laughed. "It's not all bad, I promise."
Rubbing your temples, you confessed, "I know. I was excited until this morning. It's all rather overwhelming now that I'm actually experiencing it, though. What do you even talk about when you're dancing? What if no one wants to speak to me at all?"
Upon hearing the distress in your voice, Daphne quickly interjected. "Honestly, I was much more of a wreck than you were and I am frankly impressed by how well you're holding it together. My best advice would be to not think about it too much. It's harder to do in your position, I know, but you are so brilliant in every way, and everyone is dying to get to know you. It's a wonderful advantage to have. You get to be selective. So just be yourself the best way you know how and try to seek out the ones who make you feel the most comfortable."
You responded with a small laugh, "I guess it's a good thing Ben isn't here then; otherwise, I'd be spending the whole evening with him."
An indecipherable look took over Daphne's features. "It truly is beyond me why he would miss such an important day. Men being men, I suppose. But it's alright. You have the entire Bridgerton clan in his stead, not to mention your family. And speaking of Benedict, he did leave a note with me he wanted me to give you today." Daphne handed you a small rectangular envelope with your name in Benedict's scrawl across the front. Daphne reached over and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "you look absolutely stunning. You have nothing to worry about."
Giving her friend a final kiss on the cheek, Daphne stood up and joined the excited mothers on the other side of the room, allowing you a moment to carefully open the envelope in your hands.
Y/I (your initial), 
Hopefully, Daphne will manage to deliver this on time. I'm dreadfully sad I can't be there with you today, but I know you will impress absolutely everyone in attendance. Send Lady Danbury my regards. Or perhaps don't. Whichever makes it less likely I have to dance with her at the next ball I attend!
Yours, B
Smiling to yourself, you felt just a tad more prepared to face the queen in a short time, Ben's note filling you with confidence and Daphne's reassuring words soothing your anxieties.
An earlier conversation with Hyacinth had left you terrified of falling flat on your face tonight, so you were intently focused on completing each step as smoothly as possible. As the last debutante to be presented to the queen, your goal was to draw as little attention to yourself as possible, but you found the opposite. The room hushed as you entered, which you were worried about until you saw everyone's warm smiles and eager gazes. Newly filled with confidence, you gracefully completed your journey to the throne, where you curtseyed before Queen Charlotte.
Upon receiving the queen's enthusiastic approval, you heaved a sigh of relief. Now, you could enjoy the ball and take in all the new experiences of being out in society. The ballroom was a dazzling display of candlelight, silk gowns, and a polished dance floor as the orchestra played a lively tune. However, the moment of peace was quickly interrupted by many people rushing to talk to you at once. Gracefully moving from one conversation to another, you were enjoying the whirlwind of your debut. Invigorated by your earlier conversation with Daphne, you embraced the attention, excitedly introducing yourself and exchanging pleasantries as you attempted to move toward your mother a few yards away.
After talking to quite a few eligible bachelors and a not-insignificant amount of their mothers, you reached Countess Beaumont and the dowager Viscountess Bridgerton. "Oh, Y/N, your dance card seems to be full! Not even five minutes after you've been presented, no less! That's quite wonderful. I was worried I'd have to send Colin and Anthony to dance with you," your mother exclaimed, cheekily winking at you.
Violet laughed and shook her head. "They should be so lucky! All everyone is talking about is how beautiful you look, dear. Not news to us, obviously, but it's nice to see other people recognizing it."
Truthfully, you were over the moon. You loved to dance, after all, and looking out toward the ballroom, you could see all three of your brothers, your father, Anthony, Colin, and Daphne, scattered throughout. You felt oddly comfortable being in such a new environment, and perhaps Daphne was correct: you could be selective. You had even turned away a few gentlemen who asked you to dance before your card was full, opting to wait for the ones with kind smiles and kinder words.
Just then, Lord Marcus Thornfield approached you, having already been one of the people on your dance card, and you were once again taken aback by his piercing blue eyes. He bowed elegantly and offered a boyish smile and his gloved hand. "It's lovely to see you again, Miss Beaumont, still looking completely stunning. Would you do me the honor of sharing this dance with me?"
You could feel your face getting a tad hot, overwhelmed by the flattery, but at the same time soaking it in thoroughly. You curtsied slightly and placed your gloved hand in his. "Mr. Thornfield, I would be delighted," you replied.
Then, addressing the other two women in the trio, Lord Thornfield said, "If you don't mind, I'd love to borrow Lady Beaumont for a dance."
Thrilled about your first dance at a ball, your mother and Lady Bridgerton enthusiastically assented, clasping their hands together and waving at the pair of you as you approached the dance floor. Sporting a broad smile, you allowed Marcus to escort you away.
As you glided through the dance floor with Marcus, making soft and sometimes flirtatious conversation, you found that you much preferred him before speaking to him in depth. Although he was a complete gentleman, you often found his conversation topics tedious at best and boring at worst. Of course, it was unreasonable for you to expect in-depth and completely captivating conversations like the ones you had with Benedict, but you felt like the chat with Marcus could have at least been engaging. You could not recall a single question he had asked you throughout your interaction, opting instead to talk about himself and occasionally compliment your appearance that night. Surely, there was more to life than hearing a man drone on endlessly about his own life. Toward the end of the dance, you were glad to reach your mother once again, practically begging for an excuse to slip away from Marcus.
Your next dance was better but by a slim margin. The man, Earl Ashton, was nice enough, but you didn't quite feel a connection with him as strong as you would have liked. The following two dances and three conversations that did not involve dancing were mostly the same. The most common question you received, which often was the only one you were asked in the entire interaction, was the reasoning behind your delay in coming out. You took this opportunity to talk about literature, sometimes delving into your latest read. However, save for two or three of them, most of the bachelors you spoke with were not interested in further discussing your studies. After yet another boy refused to engage in real conversation, opting to talk about his upcoming hunting trip, you saw your mother raising her eyebrows at Violet and casting an inconspicuous disapproving look toward the man you were speaking with.
A tad frustrated by your experience, but not enough to dim the glow you were feeling, you decided to take respite at the refreshment table. You were sipping on lemonade and attempting to decipher what was missing from your previous interactions. Partially, you recognized that you were to blame for having set such high standards with Benedict. You knew meeting someone and getting to know them was not the same as speaking with your best friend since childhood, but it seemed instinctual to compare the two. Most of the men you talked to were leagues better than Marcus Thornfield, though, who, you noticed amusedly, was speaking with another debutante who looked positively disinterested.
You were brought out of your musings by the familiar voices of Colin and Anthony. "Well, hello, Miss Y/N Beaumont, diamond of the season and center of the ton's attention who is looking absolutely radiant tonight, according to possibly every single person I have spoken to tonight," called Anthony, reaching your side in a few strides.
Laughing into your cup, you smiled up at the boys. "Well, if it isn't the two most eligible bachelors here tonight, according to every eager mama. How has the ball been for you?"
Colin feigned offense, putting his hand to his chest, "For us? Who cares about us? How has the night been for you?!"
As soon as you opened your mouth to respond, Lord Reginald Harrington bounded over to your group and bowed. Very courteous, Lord Harrington asked you for a dance. Still, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, after seeing Harrington very pointedly staring at another debutante's bosom instead of her eyes while having a conversation), you did not have any space left on your dance card. Anthony barely had time to throw out a good-natured joke about the ton's demand for you before another young man approached the trio. Quite unfortunately, Mr Geoffrey Huntington was on your dance card, so you let yourself be guided to the dance floor. As you spun and twirled with Mr Huntington, you once again yearned for something more. You did not know what, exactly. But a pleasant conversation (he asked questions about you and even made you laugh a few times!) still did not completely satisfy you.
Off to the side, Colin and Anthony were intently observing the dance between you and Geoffrey. "She doesn't quite look like that when she's talking to Ben, though, does she?" Anthony observed.
"Well, clearly not, but I do rather think she's having an alright time of it with Geoff, nevertheless. I've heard he's one of the better ones, actually showing interest in the girls." Colin responded, recounting gossip he had heard through Cass and Pen, though heavens knew where the girls had gotten that information.
Anthony looked on thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. "I suppose that's alright, then. I'm still going to make fun of her when she returns," he grinned. "As much as I love poking fun at her, though, I wonder how Ben would feel about Y/N getting this much attention. I still can't believe he missed her debut. I can't believe Mother let him!"
"Oh, I can. I really can believe it. Surely you see it, too? The way he looks at her? I've no doubt he'd be fuming in the corner right about now. Seeing his best friend talk to someone else would send him spiraling," Colin responded, sending a pointed look his brother's way.
Before Anthony could respond, you had returned to them, looking slightly winded. "Well, that was quite the dance," you laughed.
Immediately upon seeing you free to talk, or at least free from anyone that wasn't your immediate family or the Bridgertons, another young man approached you at the refreshments table, handing you a glass of lemonade. Slightly annoyed but able to keep your composure, you gracefully took the glass. "Oh, Mr. Howard, you are too kind. Unfortunately, my dance card is full for tonight, but I would love the opportunity to dance with you at a later ball if that's a possibility."
Mr. Howard, for his part, was left with his mouth agape. "Oh. Yes. Yes, of course, Miss Beaumont. Thank you very much, and I look forward to speaking to you then," he responded, swiftly turning away in search of another young woman who had space left on her dance card, or at least the desire to speak to him at all, really.
Colin and Anthony could barely contain their laughter, leaving you slightly embarrassed by how forward you had been but happy to have some time without speaking to potential future husbands, nonetheless. At that moment, you would have taken Colin and Anthony's teasing ten times over talking to another man hoping to woo you.
In the early morning quietude of your room, you took up your quill and parchment, eager to recount the whirlwind of the previous night for Hyacinth. Of course, you could only accept when the young girl earnestly asked for a detailed recounting of every ball you attended, so you were putting in as much detail as you could remember, including but not limited to your mind-numbing dance with Marcus, as well as Bastian's comical near-fall when trying to escape a potential dance with Lady Danbury.
A knock on your door interrupted your writing, and you saw your father and Cass poke their heads in. "Good morning, darling. You've got a congregation of callers downstairs, quite the assembly. Shall I send them away?" your father inquired with a hint of exasperation. "I'd prefer not to entertain a throng of young men with no discernible connection to the Beaumont or Bridgerton names this early in the day."
You interjected swiftly, "No, Father. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll go downstairs to meet them."
With a nod, Earl Beaumont withdrew, muttering under his breath, while Cassandra, bubbling with excitement, seized your hands. "You have callers! A whole bunch of them! Y/n, this is so wonderful! Who do you expect to see downstairs?"
A tad flustered, you were scrambling to put away your half-written account of the night and making sure you had no ink stains on your hands. "Truthfully, I was not expecting this so early on. Oh, Cass, I'm dreadfully unprepared. I really didn't think I had that good of a connection with anyone last night, let alone as many people as Father said!"
Cass rolled her eyes and responded, "Obviously you didn't think you had a good connection with anyone. But if you were to forget that Ben existed for about three seconds, would that alter your perception?"
Groaning, you replied, "Cass, I don't need this from you today. Yes, maybe I compared these gentlemen to my best friend initially, but I promise I moved beyond that. Most men, like us, have ambitious mamas keen on securing advantageous matches, which might explain their early-morning presence."
"Well, perhaps. But you are in high demand either way," your sister declared, gently ushering you out of your room and toward the grand staircase. "Y/N Beaumont, if you do not hurry up and get downstairs, I swear I will start to talk to these gentlemen myself," Cass threatened, earning a laugh from you as you made your way to confront the eager line of callers awaiting your presence.
Amid the afternoon light filtering through the drawing room curtains, you found yourself the center of attention. The room was adorned with fresh flowers, their sweet fragrance lingering. Seated gracefully on a chaise, your vibrant eyes sparkled with curiosity and trepidation as you faced the seemingly endless line of suitors vying for your favor. You were enjoying seeing suitors more than you had enjoyed the previous night, even though you had loved dancing at the ball. Today's tête-à-têtes seemed to unfold more leisurely, offering you the luxury of time and a touch more intimacy, save for Lady Primrose and Cass' discreet presence. You discovered a certain joy in these extended conversations, different from the hurried introductions of the ball, giving you the tiniest glimmer of hope once again.
Currently, you were listening to Mr. Archibald Roxbury recite a poem he had written that had been, in his own words, inspired by your radiance at the ball, and he couldn't resist putting his sentiments into verse. The poem was sweet and not half bad, but you had been seeing suitors for several hours and were now quite exhausted.
Your brothers had been out for most of the day, but you could hear their loud voices echoing through the halls past the open door of the drawing room, questioning the queue of suitors inside their home. You almost breathed an audible sigh of relief when Alex stepped into the room, directing his attention toward you. "Y/N, a word?"
Offering a brief apology to Mr. Roxbury, you eagerly followed Alex's lead. Leaning down, Alex spoke lowly, "Quite popular this afternoon, aren't you?"
"I guess so. It's been hours! I can't believe there are people still here. I'm so tired, Alex; I need a cup of tea or something! I can't keep doing this right now," came your exasperated response.
"Y/N, these men are here for you, not the other way around. I can make them leave whenever you would like," he responded with a hand on your shoulder, surveying the amount of people in the Beaumont home.
You followed his gaze, remembering the vast number of people you would still have to speak with if you were to talk to every single young man in your home that day. "You're right. I suppose it would be nice to have a bit of a break from it all," you said, uncertain.
Wasting no time, Alex left the room, and you returned to your previous spot, where Archibald continued his recital. You wondered when your afternoon would be over. Thankfully, you did not have to wait long. A few minutes later, all three of your brothers and your father entered the drawing room. Clearing his throat, Earl Beaumont addressed the crowd of young men in their home, "Thank you all very much for coming today, but Miss Beaumont will no longer be seeing any suitors today. You are welcome to come back another time."
Amidst the disappointed faces of your suitors, you saw Theo wink at you. You played your part, gracefully feigning disappointment, thanking the remaining suitors for their gifts, and bidding them adieu. Truthfully, you just wanted to leave the drawing room and have a few moments to yourself, but etiquette called for you to wait until all the guests had left your home.
You skipped over to your father once the last suit-clad man had exited. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought it would never end," you said gratefully. The earl chuckled at your theatrics but agreed, "I had been waiting the whole day to send them away. Far too many people in my house!"
Ever the comedian, Theo suggested, "Perhaps try being a tad more unpleasant next time, Y/N." Chiming in, Bastian added, "Or maybe don't put as much effort into your appearance at the next ball; that way, we won't have to deal with this again."
"Great suggestions, as ever, boys," you responded sarcastically. "Now, if I may be excused, I need to not see anyone for the next three years."
A candle lit your room softly as you leaned against your door, relishing the memories of the lively afternoon. Your fingers traced the edges of the letters, flowers, and tokens scattered across your dressing table—a testament to the whirlwind of introductions and pleasant conversations you had the first day after your debut.
Yet, a shadow flickered in your eyes as you settled into a more contemplative mood. A silent ache enveloped you as you remembered Benedict, whose absence cast a subtle but palpable pall over the festivities. Amid all the excitement, you found yourself yearning for the comfort of his presence, the familiar cadence of his voice, and the reassuring touch of his hand. You were lost between the allure of newfound admirers and the unspoken yearning for someone who already knew you like the back of his hand.
Confusion crept in as you internalized your feelings. Even if Ben had not gone to the countryside at the same time as you were due to make your debut, he wouldn't have been present when you saw suitors, only the night before at the ball. So why did you miss him when he wouldn't have been there logistically? Lost in contemplation, you gazed out the window, the night sky adorned with stars that had no answer to your question.
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dyns33 · 7 months
Here a little rz Michael Myers x reader for Halloween !
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Of course Y/N had heard of Michael Myers.
Not because she was a fan of sordid news stories, but because his had appeared in the middle of all the search results associated with that name when she had typed it online, after receiving the name of her soulmate.
Y/N had read the story. She had seen the photos of a young Michael, ten years old, who had killed his stepfather, his sister and her boyfriend.
But there were other Michael Myers in the world. It wasn't a very common name, but there were several.
So she considered it possible that he wasn't her Michael.
Why would fate have linked her to a killer ? According to his psychiatrist, he was evil. He had killed a nurse at the asylum, for no reason. He was very dangerous, he had no soul, no consideration for others, no love to give.
Y/N hadn’t read Doctor Loomis’ book. She had read enough, and she didn't want to think about this story anymore, moving on with her life and waiting to meet her soulmate.
The name of the asylum should have been familiar to her when her friend Daryl told her about it, but she wasn't really listening to that part. A childhood friend had suffered a violent breakdown, attacking his neighbors, and now he was locked up there.
"His family isn't going to see him from what I've heard. No one is going to see him. I thought… I thought it would be nice to visit him ? If you want to come ?"
She wasn't as close to Ben as she was to Daryl, but Y/N agreed, because it was indeed a charitable act, and if something similar happened to her, she hoped someone would do the same for her, not leaving her alone in such a place
. Everything was going pretty normally. Ben was calm, helped by his treatment and visibly happy to see them. Sitting together in a sort of drab canteen, they were chatting, while other patients were outside, tied to pedestals in the middle of a courtyard.
Y/N didn’t pay attention to them at first. Then a doctor rushed into the room, going towards the windows until he reached the one next to their table. He then turned towards them, then back towards the window, before settling his gaze on Y/N.
"It's you."
"… What ?"
“It’s you he’s looking at.” the doctor murmured as if fascinated.
Not understanding what he was talking about, Y/N looked at him for a long time, then at the window. No one seemed as agitated as the doctor. Everything seemed normal.
There was only this giant man, with long dirty blonde hair and an orange mask, who was turned in her direction. He actually seemed to be looking at her, but Y/N didn’t see why. She wasn't even sure if he could really see her from where he was.
The doctor had started talking again as she looked at the huge patient, but she wasn't listening. She only came back into the room when he placed a hand on her shoulder, which made her jump. Very slightly, almost imperceptibly, this also seemed to irritate the patient on the other side of the window.
"I know he's very impressive, don't look at him. Look at me. What's your name ?"
“Uh… Y/N, but I…”
"Y/N ? Y/N Y/L/N ?"
"Yes, why ?"
The doctor seemed crazy. As crazy as the patients. He looked at her like she was one of them, while Ben and Daryl were completely lost.
Not Y/N. She didn't need to read the doctor's name to understand his reaction, nor to guess how he knew hers. Even if he had never given it in his interviews or in his book, Doctor Loomis must have known the name of his favorite patient's soulmate.
The patient was still in the courtyard, watching them intently, his fists clenched.
But that didn't make sense, because he had no way of knowing who she was. They had never seen each other before, and she hadn't given her name at the door, just following Daryl. It was unlikely that Ben would have talked about her.
"He knows a lot of things. Would you like to talk to him ?" asked the doctor.
Y/N decided in that moment that he was really crazy. He could have reassured her, apologized, given her explanations, but his first instinct was to want to organize a meeting, to study Michael's reactions. Nothing else mattered.
She wanted to refuse. This didn't seem like a good idea. She could still leave and pretend she didn't understand what was happening and run away from here, never to return. But even without looking at him, she felt the eyes hidden behind the orange mask on her.
She had the feeling that his eyes would follow her everywhere from now on.
It was after she had given her consent that Doctor Loomis seemed to consider that he should promise her that she would not risk anything. Michael hadn't had an accident in years, he would be tied up, and several guards would be in the room, he wouldn't hurt her.
Very reassuring.
Michael Myers was already chained to a chair when she entered. The doctor invited her to sit opposite him.
It was hard to watch him. Not because he was huge, and scary, and weird with his mask. No, it was hard to think that her soulmate was right there, and that this would be the only interaction they would ever have, her tetanized on one side of the table, and him tied up on the other.
“Michael, do you know who this person is ?” the doctor began with a soft voice, too soft, as if he were speaking to a child.
"He knows." Y/N answered for him, still feeling his eyes on her.
She didn't turn to Loomis when he looked at her in surprise, wanting to know why she said that, how she could know. It was hard to escape those eyes.
"Good. So Michael, we often talked about Y/N when you were a kid. You couldn't wait to meet her. How do you feel today ?"
The scene was as sad as it was painful. It was obvious that Michael wouldn't speak. He hadn't spoken in years. But the doctor insisted, again and again, asking him lots of questions, making stupid remarks.
Then he wanted Y/N to speak. She didn't know what to say. She had often imagined this moment, but the meeting never happened like this. What could she say to Michael ?
"I'm sorry." was the only thing that came to her mind.
Michael didn't move, but she thought she saw something in his eyes. Loomis was not pleased, putting a hand on her shoulder to shake her and force her to say more.
As soon as his fingers touched her, Michael was on his feet, his chair falling behind him and his chains making a dangerous noise, indicating that they could break at any moment if he pulled on them a little more. The guards pointed their weapons at him, but the doctor ordered them not to move, immediately withdrawing his hand.
"Sorry, Michael. I didn't mean to make you angry. But it's very good. You reacted, it's very good. We'll do it again another day."
Y/N had no intention of doing it again another day. She didn't tell the doctor even though he asked her to leave the room.
As she passed him, Michael grabbed her hand. The guards were tense again, and the doctor became a bit more panicked, asking his patient to remain calm and not do anything stupid.
He could have hurt her badly. Y/N knew it, and that was why she had the intelligence to b afraid. But he didn't squeeze hard, just holding her hand so she would stay a bit longer, breathing hard and movingas close as possible to her despite his chains.
"… I'm sorry." she repeated, freeing herself and leaving quickly.
She hadn't given Loomis her number or address. Ben had understood that she did not want to be contacted by the doctor, promising not to give any information about her. He didn't like the doctor anyway. He had no way of finding her.
There was only one thing Y/N had forgotten. If the doctor couldn't, Michael could. He knew a lot of things, even though it seemed impossible.
He had known right away who she was, and now that his eyes had landed on her, he wouldn't leave her.
As she could not be contacted, no one called to tell her he had escaped. The media had not yet been alerted, so that the population would not panic for nothing.
Maybe Y/N could have had a doubt, noting that it was Halloween. Michael Myers was killing on Halloween night.
However, she wasn't as surprised as she might have been when she found a man in her living room. Huge, with a white mask and a mechanic's outfit. Staying in a dark corner, breathing hard and staring at her.
It was harder to see his eyes with this mask, but she could feel them. It had been over a month since they met, but she hadn't forgotten that feeling. She had often dreamed of him, waking up with a start, because these dreams often turned into nightmares.
Y/N had no idea if that would be the case now.
"… Good evening Michael." she said slowly, staying near the door.
He didn't answer. She didn't expect him to answer, so she didn't ask questions, even though she wanted to know what he wanted, if he was going to hurt her, kill her, or worse.
He didn't have a knife. It didn't mean anything, his huge hands were like weapons.
A sob escaped her without her realizing it, and Michael tilted his head to the side, watching the tear that ran down her cheek.
Then he approached with a slow step, a deceptive step, because Y/N knew very well that she couldn't escape him and that if she tried to flee, he would catch her without difficulty.
Trembling, she watched him stand in front of her, his hand touching her face to wipe away the tear. The gesture was almost gentle, like when he had stopped her in the asylum.
Maybe Loomis wasn't entirely wrong, maybe he wouldn't hurt her. The only person in the world he didn't want to hurt.
“Sorry…” she said again stupidly, continuing to tremble.
In response, he gently patted her head in a reassuring gesture, indicating that he was not angry. He must have known the effect he had on people.
He then put his hand in the pocket of his suit and took out something which he handed to her. A candy. Michael only seemed satisfied when she accepted it and put it in her mouth.
Then he left through the back door, without a word.
It was Halloween night. He had things to do.
Then maybe he would come back for her.
Y/N didn’t know. She didn't know whether to call the asylum or the police. He was a killer, a dangerous madman, the devil, the boogeyman you couldn't escape, but also her soulmate. The one she had waited for her whole life.
So she remained motionless in the living room, crying until she was exhausted, and heard the sound of the door opening again.
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potterandpromises · 8 months
3x09 liveblog (the nostalgia! the whores! the cinematography! Were the twists too obvious or do I simply deserve a good grade in mystery television viewing?):
Mabel’s white room is a lot odder then Charles’ white room.
Yeah, no, I agree. They’re really breezing past that heart attack.
(Although I do sort of appreciate the gray space they left; good for fics.)
They’re back 🥲
And now it’s the trio standing on the edge of the roof in the intro.
The mystery of the wedding dress!
I just need a moment to process Charles’ comment about Joy's childhood dog.
This scene of them on the couch questioning Dickie is so nostalgic.
Ben’s five weed smoking girlfriends.
I love Ben’s whores.❤️
I really like the style of this whole timeline scene.
See, yeah, that does make his behavior in the moment more sympathetic. But at the same time, you reap what you sew, dude, which you should know, being a sewist. He was just generally a dick, and so far his only redeeming quality is that he was suffering, as apposed to, say, Bunny who really cared about the Arconia and it's residents, or Tim who’d been working for years to bring down the Dimases. Hankies just don't hit the same for me.
Oh, and it makes sense now that the dress had to look like it was made in the 50s, because it was Joy’s mother’s dress.
“I still have no place to live.” Well, you could just stay right where you’re at, Mabel.
The producers… saw that one coming. (It could still turn out not to be, but) my question is, was it just the producers or were there additional killer(s)? I think there's at least one more killer. (We still don't know what Tobert's probably hiding, and it would be unsatisfying for them to frame him as suspicious only for it to be literally nothing.)
It took them six episodes to figure out what so many people guessed immediately.
Paul Rudd genuinely giving the performance of his life with that cookie.
This feels the same (similar camera work) to the scene with Donna and Loretta in the bathroom.
Donna does make a pretty good villain.
The dress! This is how the dress happens!
Not a bad life at all <3
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 11 months
What I think of you based off your favorite creepypasta
Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion !
Jeff the Killer
Anger issues much? And is that hot topic merch? Definitely an emo, but your music taste is amazing! You don’t back down from anything and you defend your friends a lot. Your also very opinionated, nothing wrong with that I guess. You definitely had a major crush on him and read those fanfics about him coming to your room and taking you to live in the slender mansion. Are you ok, mentally? I believe you like spicy food (every JTF fan I’ve met likes spicy food, so it’s now a stereotype). Also, your loud.
BEN Drowned
Fun fact : you cant cut everyone off and then expect to be mentally ok. You play video games not only because you like them, but you use them as an escape from reality. You probably hate it here on earth most of the time, but believe that there’s some good and something worth staying here. You had a weird childhood (FNAF, creepypasta, etc.) and might have been bullied for it, but now your cool and still like all that stuff. Your music taste is also great, but stop running from your problems. Honestly, I feel like if your a BEN fan, then you’ve been a fan of him for a long time now.
Eyeless Jack
Similar to BEN, you can’t just cut everyone off. Also books are not a substitute for people, go outside. Your definitely some kind of “special” student (like you know those gifted classes? At my school we called them special classes but they were the gifted classes it think. Anyways you were in those) and your burnt out. You probably want to go into medicine, or something really complex like that. Also, you thirst over this man so much, it’s a little concerning. Take a break from everything, just chill. Your music taste is ok, but you’ve got great taste in men. You might be a mom or therapist friend.
Ticci Toby
ADHD? Autism? Your somewhere on scale. How are those sensory issues? You seem like the kind of person who was “special” or “gifted” and you sat alone at recess picking at grass. Your competitive and enjoy the party when it’s people you know, but if it’s people you don’t know your not cool at all. Your awkward, but it’s ok! You probably had some kind of emo phase and at one point you kin him (that’s saying you don’t right now). Your music taste is cool. Also stop feeding the raccoons on your back porch and trying to justify it, I know your trying to build an army and it won’t work.
Tim / Masky
Two words : Daddy Issues. Like bro, take a chill pill. Your anger is violent, you probably have a hole in your wall where you punched it, but your working on it. You possibly smoke, or think smoking is hot. Your definitely a Marble Hornets (SlenderVerse in general) fan and have been for awhile. Your also really into the trope where the proxies have the personalities of the Heathers and your Veronica. You also really like true crime, like to a scary amount. Your music taste is cool, could be better I guess. Also, stop trying to hide from your problems, it’s better to face them.
Brian / Hoodie :
Your quite, but really cool. Similar to Tim, a big Marble Hornets / SlenderVerse fan. You like photography and urban exploring, as well as ghosting hunting. I feel like you had a Sam and Colby and/or Buzzfeed Unsolved phase at some point. Another true crime fan, but you enjoy fictional stuff like slashers more than real stuff. Speaking of, stop trying to hide from reality. It’s better to face it, but your smart and I’m sure you can figure it out. You find yourself in holes a lot, but you manage to get yourself out of them. Great music taste, your the dad friend, and overall super cool.
Jane the Killer
Your either thirst over her or kin her or both. You have great taste in just about everything, music, fashion, anything. Your probably some kind of goth, but if not goth then metal head. You had an Evanescence phase and don’t even try to tell me you didn’t because I know you did. A lot of people fall for you, and you have so many people on a leash, but you sometimes find yourself using them for your gain. I think this is something you don’t mean to do, and when you do it you feel terrible. Your an over-thinker, but don’t worry, your cool and look great.
Nina the Killer
Was invader zim your favorite childhood show? Or was it the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy? Either way your emo and scene, and your very proud to be one! Your proud to be who you are, and that’s amazing! Sometimes you get insecure, but I promise you looked great. Honestly, you strike me as the kind of person who either looks emo and listens to emo music, or the kind of person to look cute and soft but like to like grindcore and black metal. You hide from your own problems but jump head first into small issues. Take some time to yourself and just settle down. Don’t let anyone fuck with you or your style either, I love you and nobody should diss on the scene Queen.
Horray! Post! Sorry it’s longer than my normal content, I felt like writing more. Can you tell who my favorites are?
Request are currently Open !!!
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Cake Boss
Also on AO3! A little something I wrote for Tony's birthday! Only this is more focused on Happy and Peter, lmao. DO NOT SHIP PETER AND TONY OR PETER AND HAPPY. P/ROSHIP DNI.
“What is going on here?!”
Peter yelps, dropping the burning cake pan, obviously just worsening everything.
“I leave you alone for thirty minutes and you”– Happy groans –“what did you do this time?”
“I-I’m sorry! I just… I was trying to bake a cake thanks to this Youtube video but I think I messed up the ingredients and I didn’t realize it was burning until–”
“A cake? What for?”
“For Mr. Stark’s birthday!”
Happy’s glare softens a little.
“I just wanted to do this one thing for him, after… after everything he did for me. But I screwed up. I just know how to screw up, huh?” Peter sniffs, but he doesn’t want to cry in front of Happy. “I’m really sorry. I’ll- I’ll clean this up. Just promise me you won’t tell him? I don’t want him to know.” I don’t want him to get mad at me for messing up his things again.
Peter decides to grab the broom which is somewhere in the kitchen, but Happy stops him.
“Kid,” he sighs. “I’m sorry I yelled.”
“I-It’s okay. I guess I’m just not good at baking.”
Happy looks around the kitchen, the ingredients still on the counter, the dirty dishes flooding the sink, the smell of burnt chocolate…
“... We’ll fix this,” he reassures.
“I’ll help you clean this. And… we can try again.”
“Try what again?”
Happy rolls his eyes. “The cake.”
“Wait… you’re gonna help me?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Because you have a big heart, kid. You want to do this for Tony, and I appreciate it. So, I want to help you.”
Peter blushes, still not used to Happy complimenting him.
“Um… o-okay.”
“Just follow my lead. You’ll do fine.”
Happy grabs an apron. Funnily enough, it’s written “Cake Boss” in it. Peter has never seen anyone wearing that before.
Peter just wanted to bake a chocolate cake. Tony seems like the person who enjoys it, and Happy confirms it. Thankfully, there are still enough ingredients, so they won’t have to buy more. Happy mostly tells Peter to hand the ingredients, such as flour, sugar, eggs and butter. The man manually mixes them with an eggbeater. He does it with so much ease, without letting anything slip out of the bowl. Meanwhile, Peter preheats the oven the way Happy told him.
When he’s done, he watches Happy.
“Since when do you bake?” Peter wonders.
Happy just shrugs.
“Have you ever baked Mr. Stark anything?”
“Yeah. It’s been a while, though. His birthday cakes are always ordered. But I’m sure he’s going to love this more than any other fancy cake he’s had.”
Peter hums, a bit uncertain.
“Sometimes I feel like… nothing I do will be enough to thank him.”
Happy stops stirring.
“Peter, you don’t have to owe him that. Just you being here already makes him so happy.”
“I just wish I could at least bake.”
“You’re learning. And even if it’s not for you, I’m sure you’re good at other things.”
“You like building things, right?”
“I guess.”
“Maybe you could build Tony something.”
“... I actually did that as another gift.”
“Not telling you what it is.”
Happy smirks. “Sure. Again, Tony is going to love everything you give him.”
Peter might feel some more confidence.
They actually divide the cake into two. It’ll take about 20 minutes for them to be ready. Peter washes the dishes while Happy dries them. They have plenty of time left. It’s not yet night and Tony might return at 8 PM.
The smell of chocolate is nice. It might remind Peter of his childhood. Uncle Ben knew how to bake. It was fun when he, Peter and Aunt May baked together and played around with the baking mix.
Then, Happy takes off the cakes and leaves them to cool. After that, he tells Peter it’s time for the buttercream. Peter offers himself to chop the chocolate, but Happy does that instead. After heating it in the microwave, Happy now instructs Peter to handle the buttercream, by gradually adding the other ingredients. Peter mixes it repeatedly. He doesn’t feel tired doing it but he might be doing it too fast since Happy tells him to slow down a bit.
After that, Peter does everything well. Even if it’s just the buttercream, Happy praises him.
“Yeah, you’re getting it,” he says.
Peter blushes, smiling shyly.
With it ready, they kind of sandwich the two cakes together. Part of the buttercream fills the middle, while the other is on top. Happy even drizzles it with some chocolate shards.
It looks amazing.
“Wow, Happy… you saved the day,” Peter tells him.
Happy pats Peter’s back. “We did it together.”
It’s quite rare seeing the man living up to his name at all.
Peter takes a quick photo before Happy puts the cake in the fridge.
Indeed, like Happy said, several gifts and a big birthday cake were previously provided.
Only this time, there aren’t a lot of people. Other than Tony, Peter, and Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, and even Vision are present.
Tony looks happier than ever before.
And his eyes sparkle when Peter and Happy grab their smaller cake, singing the birthday song.
Tony makes his wish, blowing out the candles.
He looks like he’s going to cry.
“You really baked this for me?” Tony asks.
“Ah, you know, Happy is the cake boss.”
“It was Peter’s idea,” Happy ruffles Peter’s hair.
Tony cuts the first piece…
And he hands it to Peter of all people.
“What? Me?”
“Yes, you!”
Everyone cheers. Peter is red like a tomato.
He tries the cake… and unsurprisingly, it’s delicious.
They give Tony all the gifts they personally chose. Some are big, others are medium-sized…
Peter’s is inside this little box.
He already feels lesser than everyone.
That is, when Happy gazes at him and winks, encouraging him to give his gift to Tony.
Peter is the last one to approach his mentor, trembling a little.
Tony doesn’t even care about the size, he’s so excited.
He carefully unboxes it…
Everyone is taken aback by the heart-shaped, glowing blue light.
“W-Well, uh, it’s not as good as yours… and this is more decorative… but I hope it makes you feel safe the way you make me feel safe,” Peter says. “Happy birthday, Mr. Stark.”
Everyone awes. Tony is legitimately shedding tears.
He squeezes Peter in a hug.
“Kid, I love you so much,” Tony tells him. “You’re literally the best.”
Peter laughs. “I love you, too.”
He really feels… home.
And he’s so glad that Tony feels at home, too.
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stonegoldsxcrxt · 9 months
ppl argue that Vader is “redeemed”— I guess I can see where they’re coming from, but really I think Vader is forgiven by Luke, and the narrative is kind enough to forgive him too. This is helped, of course, by the prequel storylines and our extensive understanding of Anakin’s character, which is that rarely was Anakin presented with very many choices, and he often chose wrong when he was, sometimes out of anger but mostly out of a very intense love and desire to protect those around him that he cared about. They don’t say that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” for nothing, after all. Luke seems to understand his father at one point thought he was doing what was right, and has the kindness to forgive him, but not absolve him of all crime. The original trilogy, being largely about Luke and generally following Luke’s feelings, offers Vader a lenient sentence for a lifetime of crime. For example, you might expect that if Han was the ‘main character’ you’d be presented with an entirely different point of view. Even Leia at the end of rotj— knowing full well her father is Anakin/Vader and her brother is hosting his funeral pyre— doesn’t seem to care, laughing and enjoying the Ewok party, and she doesn’t have to care. We aren’t mad at Leia for presumably not feeling the same way about her father that Luke does. Thus my argument is that Vader is forgiven by Luke after a selfless act which saves the latter’s life, not washed of all sin and guilt from the narrative. Anakin and Vader are the same person, condemned to death to deal with the sum of his choices, but forgiven by a son who loves him, who he died for.
This is where the sequels fail to convince me I should offer the same treatment to Kylo Ren. In a film trilogy that largely ends up being about him (much to my and many others chagrin), I rarely find myself understanding why he repeated chooses evil. Perhaps in tfa the lines from Leia about snoke whispering to him as a child were meant to imply he’s been being corrupted since birth, but in theory when snoke is killed in tlj, shouldn’t Kylo’s behavior also become altered? As in, he should be able to think more clearly about his decisions? There’s wobbly logic throughout— in tfa Leia says it’s snoke, in tfa Kylo claims his choices are largely motivated by the fact he worships his grandfather, then in tlj the narrative tries to push us to sympathize with him by telling us Luke tried to kill him (at 23, btw— common misconception that the incident happened in his childhood, which it did not).
Arguably, if I were to be led to believe snoke corrupted “Ben”, then the events of tlj— wherein Kylo kills snoke yet remains Kylo instead of reverting to Ben— suggest Kylo actively is choosing evil of his own volition. If I were to believe Kylo is acting out because he idolizes his grandfather, Vader, then Kylo is actively seeking to chose evil of his own volition. If I were to believe Luke attempting to kill “Ben” caused Kylo’s fall, I would still believe Kylo is choosing evil simply to choose evil, seeing as how an attempt on your life is scarring, but not grounds to murder others. Where Anakin’s misguided actions were motivated by fear of those he loves being hurt, Kylo… kind of just seems like he wants to be bad. All of this would be fine, compelling even, as a villain, but outside of tfa, the narrative absolutely refuses to let Kylo be what he wants to be— a villain!
For some reason, starting in tlj, the audience is repeatedly expected to excuse Kylo’s behavior. Sympathizing with an antagonist isn’t always bad, per say, but it generally comes with some sort of buy-in as to why we should care. Absent that, it kind of just seems like the narrative is bending over backwards to forgive a guy who doesn’t really seem to want forgiveness. Mutilating Rey’s character in particular to have her insist there’s good in him when he never hesitates to stalk, physically or emotionally torture, or gaslight her any chance he gets becomes baffling. Unlike Luke with Vader, she really has no reason to care this much about Kylo, or even believed Kylo IS CAPABLE of earning her forgiveness— so the narrative starts spewing more ridiculous premise to try and force a reason for her to forgive him, when he’s done nothing to indicate he WANTS to be forgiven. Though subtle, even Vader visibly has hesitation when confronting Luke— he deals him serious blows, but no where near what we know is the extent of his power. Kylo doesn’t hold back from hurting Rey any chance he gets.
Also bizarrely in comparison to Vader, Kylo is weirdly absolved of his responsibility regarding the devastation the first order has caused and allowed to revert back to “Ben” before actually facing any consequences in terms of story. It comes down to this: he is stabbed, hallucinates his father (who canonically CANNOT be a force ghost— Han in tros is NOT a force ghost, supported by both his lack of glowing blue appearance and the fact that Han doesn’t have the force), hallucinates his father forgiving him and thus forgiving himself via Han’s imagined proxy, then is suddenly Ben again. He has made no choice up to this point which allows us as an audience to understand why he deserves forgiveness from others— just an abrupt 180 in character. It comes off clunky and gauche because it is; Kylo, after a lifetime of choosing evil willingly, using his autonomy to hurt others and gain power for himself, suddenly thinks better of it for no reason. We as the audience are suddenly also expected to do a very quick 180– see! He’s good now! It is no where near as natural as seeing Luke’s journey with Vader because there is no realistic way to interpret the scene; we are forced as the audience to accept this random new “Ben” character as if he’s a different person— an affliction I might also add that doesn’t befall Anakin until he dies, meaning we see a broken Anakin still scarred and wheezing in the Vader suit— again, lasting, permanent effects of his behavior. Where as Kylo is just suddenly “Ben”— new wardrobe, no facial scarring. As if woken from some sort of trance that narratively speaking, if you wanted me to be more compelled, he should have woken from a whole film ago. It’s as if nothing he did as Kylo mattered at all, which is nigh impossible to accept when it involves literal genocide. It’s implied at the end of tlj that he Made. His. Choice. by not only remaining with the first order after snoke is slain but becoming the supreme leader!
In fact it’s the entire opposite of Vader— Vader rises up against his master and chooses to save his son. Kylo rises up against his master and chooses to clench power for himself.
I could only dream of a world where tros was brave enough to allow Kylo what he wants— to be truly corrupted and evil. I could only dream of a world where the sequels explored the impact and importance of that choice, and how to confront an evil that is no longer forgivable
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mirukutchi · 4 months
Attempt 2 at writing this lol bc the first one got deleted by accident
I wanted to add my experience to that last post I rbed, bc it resonated with me, particularly the first part where men will call eachother 'girl' or 'feminine' as an insult(this is the only part im commenting on as i am not a transwoman so i have no input on that part of the post. )
I have pcos. I always have. I have a very strong masculine face/jawline. I always have. Ive always had a deep voice, as someone who was born a girl and identifies(at least in part) as a girl. I want this to be known bc its context lol
Guys are not the only ones who misgender as an insult, or to dehumanize others. Girls do it too.
When i was in elementary school i didnt have female friends bc all of them would laugh at me and say they didn't want to be friends with an 'ugly boy'
When i would go to the bathroom in-between classes, other girls would push me out, or yank me out physically and say that 'ugly boys' are not allowed in the girls bathroom.
My mom always made me have short hair, and she always made me wear jeans(and boy shirts bc they are more durable than girl clothes. This part was. Okay. I guess. I liked pokemon and ben 10 so my little brain didnt understand.) I was not allowed to have long hair and i was not allowed to wear dresses or skirts(ever since i was little ive wanted to wear only dresses but i was not allowed to...)
I talked like a baby(high pitched voice) for a good part of my childhood bc i knew that my voice was ugly and deep. When i started to go to speech therapy, i started speaking ""normally"" and my voice got so deep... i remember one of the last times i used my baby voice it was with a teacher and another student, and the student said "hey teacher, listen to (deadname?)'s REAL voice, she sounds just like a boy!"
That was a defining moment in my life.
In middle school, when i still wasnt allowed to have long hair and dresses, girls in my health class would look at me and laugh and whisper about how im actually a boy, and that i shouldnt be there. My face started changing too, my jaw got stronger... my voice got deeper.
I think in highschool people were too focused on other things to really bother me too much, plus people *generally* by that time knew me as a sweet and quiet person, not to mention i was the 'art kid' so that gained me some friends lol, also by highschool i was allowed to grow my hair out, down to my butt almost! And i was allowed to wear dresses and skirts and leggings(mostly leggings at that time bc i was still super skinny lol)
After highschool i had a crisis and shaved my head and tried out being a guy(ftm) but it was, personally, an identity crisis. I didnt know who i was, i had been abused, emotionally and sexually, all through high school by a guy i thought was my friend(i wish i had left sooner...) so i was struggling with what was 'me' plus i thought to myself 'everyone calls me a guy anyway so fuck it' but it gave me advanced dysphoria to be a guy :/
My hair is long now. Past my butt, i can sit on it. I only, exclusively, wear skirts and dresses. I wear a skirt to work bc i begged them to let me(i have autism and pants are a sensory nightmare but also i hate the way i look in them also i will look more like a guy)
Do you know how often i get misgendered? Admittedly not often, but it still happens. Usually its kids, but sometimes i get people calling me 'sir'. I want to scoff and be like 'how can they mistake someone with long braided pigtails and a dress for being a man' and then i remember my childhood.
Also im not writing this to detract from trans experiences, im writing my own experience as a woman-thing with pcos(if you dont know, it basically means that the cysts on my reproductive organs cause me to produce extra testosterone and not enough estrogen) who has frequently been misgendered by other girls
I want to clarify that im also only responding to the first part of the post, im not trying to say my experiences are in some way comparative to trans experiences!
Terfs do NOT touch this post ill shoot you on sight!!!!! Pew pew!!!
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niccerooniererer · 6 months
Since I did say like, I kinda wanna make my own AU of sorts for btd6, some stuff about it!
- really only btd6 focused as I wasn’t really there for older stuff so I don't feel much about them
- bloons are very much still an invasive specie, seeking to chase away the monkeys
- the bloons mainly invade by just. There being a lot of them. Though not all of them are this passive, as you'll note... some bloons are more than capable to hurt monkeys
- Churchill and Adora are childhood friends.... like <3 this is what birthed the AU idea in general, of course they are, if I am asked, I can talk about how that went....
- while in reality, Quincy wasn't the first hero, he was the first popular one. Play the telephone game a lil too much and you're suddenly taught that he was the first!
- Sauda and Brickell knew each other before being heroes
- Quincy had a bit of prodigy child moment, carrying that all throught highschool, tho he wasn’t too happy that his BASICALLY graduation gift was being made a hero to fight the bloons on the frontlines, which especially made him a bit sad in the beginning, not being able to keep up with some very important friends
- also can't not mention Lady Aviery, an old old hero who was there to witness the first time it really started to get bad bloons wise, losing a loved one to it all
- she's also very much connected w the undead, although in a protector way, not in a necromancer or commander way, as she is a powerful spirit too, being the, as she said, Phoenix of the Undead (perhaps more on that later on hihi)
- Ben and Etienne also knew each other before becoming heroes (I think it's the case in canon too?)
- Obyn travelled the world by himself when he was younger, learning a lot by that, it also played part in his road to becoming a hero
That's all for now, I guess (though I'm obviously not gonna just spoil every single thing so this being all is kind of a lie oops)
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cantquitu · 1 year
Why do you think Harry ended up being closer to Ed than Louis did? I'm thinking about James Corden too. He started as Louis's friend and he introduced Harry. I think there were others too
Well, why do any two people become closer friends? There are countless reasons and we can't possibly know them all. But from what we do know from their interviews etc it seems clear to me that Harry was far more present and invested in building friendships in London than Louis was. Meanwhile, Louis was invested in his new relationship with Eleanor (and her new friends), and maintaining his friends group from Doncaster.
And this is not specifically directed at you, Anon, but let me go off on a tangential thread about how conspiracy theorising in this fandom skews discussion of things like Louis' and Harry's friendships. Because the Larrie conspiracy theory colours everything.
You have the tinhat hate bloggers saying dumb shit like, "Harry targeted rich and influential people from the very beginning because he is ruthlessly ambitious and only cares about money and fame blah blah blah", and the just plain nasty hate bloggers saying, "Nobody successful wants to be friends with Louis because he's a dull chav who's of no interest or benefit to them blah blah...". And then you have the OG-style Larries saying, "Well actually, Ed and James and Adele ARE friends with both Louis and Harry because they're a couple, they're just very discreet about it because Reasons"
Meanwhile, the truth is probably way more mundane than any of that. And it almost certainly conforms more to the (limited) info that we fans have been privy to.
I would guess that Harry and Louis' friendships were shaped by personality, age, priorities, personal circumstances etc....same as it is for Normals.
Harry's friendships with people like Ed, James, Grimmy, Ben etc all started forming in 2011 when he was 17 and living in London, away from his family and childhood friends (who were still at school! Because they were 17!!) I don't think it's a coincidence that these new friendships really took off when Louis started dating Eleanor in September 2011. But of course all the conspiracy theorists can't accept that Louis was actually besotted by Eleanor, so this is dismissed as a key factor.
Until then, Harry and Louis had a super intense new friendship. They were touring with the X Factor tour, going to Sweden to record their album, they'd moved into their shared flat, they were going to gigs and music festivals and meeting new people together etc.
Louis met Eleanor at exactly the same time as 1D launched. From then on, all the 1D boys were constantly travelling and working. They had hardly any time off at all, and it's clear that Louis prioritised spending as much of that free time as possible with Eleanor. He went to visit her at Manchester Uni or they were hanging out in London.
Harry was single, wasn't an adult yet, and totally unmoored from his old life. All his old friends were living at home with their parents and going to school every day. He spent about 90% of his life, 24/7, with the four other 1D members and their team. When they weren't working, what was Harry going to do - sit on his ass? Zayn and Liam had their best friends living with them. Niall's mum was living with him. Louis had Eleanor and his mates back home who were all at uni or starting work.
Harry was on his own! It's not exactly like he could call one of his mates from Holmes Chapel and say, "Come down to London and we'll go out on the piss!" They were probably doing homework!
Louis' friends were in a totally different stage in their lives. All age 19 or 20, they had the freedom and autonomy that a schoolkid doesn't have. Although their lives were completely different to Louis', they could at least join in on some of the madness. Louis' first years in 1D coincided with his friends' uni years, and I think that really contributed to them maintaining the strong bond which is so important to Louis. Harry's schoolfriends' lives were unimaginably different to his. Like, for H&L's New Year's party in 2011, Louis got a bus-load of mates down from Doncaster. Harry had some childhood friends there too, but think about it - they would would have had to ask their mums for permission to go :)
So it's no surprise that Harry built a friendship group around him in London. Many artists who become successful young do not manage to do this and have spoken about how isolated and alone they were when away from the screaming and the stage. It seems to me that Harry is lucky to have the type of personality that enabled him to build friendships easily. It appears he was extremely proactive in doing so. Ed has said Harry would text him and ask did he want to hang out, Grimmy said the same, Dermot O'Leary did too. It's clear that Harry was invested in those relationships, that he put time and effort into them, and that's how those friendships grow. Louis had other priorities - he was in a brand new relationship with his girlfriend whom he adored. It's the most basic story in the book, but it's one that tinhats don't like to think about.
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parkersbliss · 2 years
Hello! May I request an umbrella academy x reader (platonic) where the reader is the 8th Hargreeves sibling? The reader loves their family and does what they can do make their family safe (even at the risk of their health) but has an awful inferiority complex and often feels like an outsider in the family, thinks that none of them care about them (even if it’s further from the truth) and often distant themselves in family bonding moments/cute family moments. Maybe the all siblings (or some, whatever you feel is better) find out about this and try to comfort them. Perhaps you can set this during season two? Please and thank you!! :D
Invisible | Umbrella Academy
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pairing: tua x gn!reader (platonic)
warnings: none
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list 
requests: CLOSED 
being a hargreeves was hard
your siblings all had their own lives and crazy cool abilities
and that’s not to say you don’t but
you always felt like the outsider with them
which was hard bc like
you just tried to save the world 
only to discover it was vanya who caused it
vanya who was probably more of an outsider than you
but they were quick to accept and that hurt a little
I mean you’d do anything for your family
like almost dying when allison’s throat was slit 
or the time when vanya almost blew up the moon and you tried tackling her to the ground and earned a pretty nasty blast
perhaps it was the time when those masked crazies attacked the academy and you took the chandelier instead of luther
and yet somehow you still felt like you could never live up to them
or that they even liked you
and you spent your whole childhood with these people
then ofc, five accidentally scatters you across all of dallas
and that really screws with you
bc you thought maybe that was supposed to happen and you weren’t meant be a hargreeves
maybe they were all together and had forgotten about you
you couldn’t blame them
this was far from the truth 
five eventually finds and reunite all of you and you’re not sure what to do
“oh wow. I know this is impossible… but did we all just get sexier?” 
that’s what Klaus said when he entered the room
you made your way down the stairs, watching the reunion 
you hung back as allison hugged vanya
klaus joins in after being hassled by diego 
five asks if ben’s here and klaus tells him ghosts can’t time travel 
“hey diego… can’t stay hi to nobody?” 
diego begrudgingly says “hi allison”
“what was that” 
“thank you” 
then there’s the whole world ending thing again
and oh yeah dad’s gonna assassinate the president no big deal 
and then vanya asks if anyone’s done anything to screw up the timeline and that ofc starts an argument
everything is an argument with them
“okay and (Y/N) has… wait what have you been up to?”
several pairs of eyes turn your way and you look up
“guys, it’s (Y/N). they literally wouldn’t hurt a fly. I have doubts they’ve done anything” 
“well maybe they have and we just don’t know it yet”
obviously, the reasonable conclusion is that you were sent here to save kennedy
accordion to diego that is
and that brings up argument number two
you opt to just leave at that
turning yourself invisible and walking out
but then klaus grabs you
“wanna get some tacos with allison and vanya?”
what the hell
you do 
it was fun honestly
klaus accuses allison of being in love with luther
and vanya points out the obvious, being you were all siblings
“well technically—,” 
“If you have to use the word technically, something is already very wrong” 
you giggle at that
then there’s talk about everyones love life
and then you all get drunk
“hey (Y/N)” klaus slurs
“why do you never have fun with us” 
allison nods “you always hang in the back!like I know you can turn invisible but you don’t actually have to be invisible” 
heavy silence
“I guess it’s cause you guys are so much better than me… and I feel like I don’t know. that you don’t need me? like I’m useless compared to you guys” 
klaus gasps, “oh my god you did not just say that” 
“that’s so not true!” allsion chimes in 
“yeah,” klaus agrees “if anything, you keep this family together”
“I agree with them,” vanya spoke up “I mean you haven’t said much and I don’t remember you but you’re just as important to this family as anyone else” 
klaus raises his wine bottle “really! I couldn’t ask for a better set of siblings”
“cheers to that”
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dragons-and-magic · 3 days
I got more questions now, lol!🤣🤣🤣
Which type of dragon is critically endangered?
What’s the dynamic between Edward and James?
What’s Thomas’ backstory?
What’s the most common cause of death to the dragons? :(
Is there any dragons that can fly into space? lol
What type of dragon is Edward?
Are Frankie and Hurricane redeemable?
Who will most likely annoy others with dumb jokes or puns?
I know it’s weird but what zodiac sign do you see in James?
How do dragons age?
Awesome! Let's see now.
1: Which type of dragon is critically endangered?: Pretty much every species. Humans don't like dragons much. Some species are literally extinct.
2: What’s the dynamic between Edward and James?: Hm, I guess Uncle/Nephew kinda? Co-workers?? Clan mates??? I've never really been able to place their type of relationship. So it's kinda weird.🤔 They seem, friendly toward each other. At least in the newer episodes. I don't know really. Sorry.😅 Definitely gonna have to work on that one.
3: What’s Thomas’ backstory?: SAD STORY INCOMING! In the early days, when Henry, Gordon, and Edward had just become the new guardians of Gold Stone, they went out on missions to find and retrieve fleeing dragon trying to escape from humans. Thomas's mother was one of these.
Thomas's mother was running away from humans, trying to carry her newly hatched cub to safety. A hunting party was close on her tail and had already injured her wing. In a desperate attempt to escape, she leapt off a cliff into the ocean, and swam all the way to an island near Sodor. That's were Edward found her. Unfortunately, by the time he made it, the poor dragon had already succumbed to her injuries on the shore and was dead. But, underneath her wing, curled up and afraid, was a little dragon cub. It was Thomas. Edward was heartbroken her couldn't rescue the mother. But as a way of making it up to her, he adopted Thomas as his own.
This story is subject to change, but this is what I have so far.
4: What’s the most common cause of death to the dragons?: Humans. :( MORE Sad Stuff incoming! You have been warned! The situation between humans and dragons is weird. While they were always hunted, they are less known about now and less threatened. Dragon legends were more easily believed in the old days. And while humans sometimes take them down by mistaking for space craft or enemy planes, the dragons usually aren't found and simply succumb to their injuries far away from humans. Because even when dying, no one can allow what happened during the dragon hunting crusades. Not again...
5: Is there any dragons that can fly into space?: I actually talked about a dragon species that can here! But they are more or less supernatural entities that may or may not be real. In that case, no mortal dragon can fly in space. Because even if they're magic, they still need air to breath. Lol.
6: What type of dragon is Edward?: The working title for his species is a Lunar Moth Knucker. If you don't know what a knucker is, here's a handy chart of dragon types! You'll see it towards the bottom.
A few interesting things about his species is 1) they are said to be direct descendants of Lady, 2) their unusual deer like antlers help channel magic and manifest it in glowing swirls on the prongs or a small orb in-between them, and 3) their wings sport a eye-like pattern that can reflect light and is used for frightening off enemies. It's similar to the wings of a Lunar Moth, their namesake.
7: Are Frankie and Hurricane redeemable?: Absolutely! They'll get a redemption arc for sure!
8: Who will most likely annoy others with dumb jokes or puns?: Most likely? Thomas for sure. And he would do it annoy James and Gordon. And so would Bill and Ben. To annoy everyone.😂
9: I know it’s weird but what zodiac sign do you see in James?: I had to look up Zodiac signs for this, because I knew nothing about it. I still don't quite understand everything, but I'm going to say Capricorn? I don't know. Lol.
10: How do dragons age?: This one is complicated to answer, because I have yet to find a way that works well with the story. I have established though that Dragon can live up to hundreds of years old. And possibly age much slower than humans. I'll have to figure out a more definitive answer, but for now that's what I got.
Thanks for the questions! This was an interesting one!
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autisticempathydaemon · 6 months
If you're still doing the matchups, I'd love to get one, thanks. This is such a cute and fun idea, and I've loved reading them. Thanks for doing this!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Queencard by (G)I-dle. It's mostly in Korean, so I can't understand most of the lyrics, but it just makes me feel so happy.
What is your Enneagram type?
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends if it's something I'm vaguely interested in or not.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
I don't remember, and I asked my mum and she can't remember any details either
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Get waaaay too tired because I've stayed up too late 😭
Aside from that, my fave Redacted sleep aid
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
Daisy maybe, I like the sound of it.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
Anything Adam. Something about him just scratches that weird little itch in my brain just right.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Sam maybe. I haven't listened to most of his audios, so haven't got really invested. Also the overhype for him in the fandom has kinda made me sick of him.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
None really, I don't rewatch stuff a lot, and my memory isn't great, so that doesn't help lmao.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Guy, maybe. He's so fun and I love him so much, but I don't think I'd want to date him.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Nope, I just get really quiet when I'm sleepy.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
A slurpee and a sweet pastry of some kind, probably.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
I've made one that I add all my musical hyperfixations to as they occur. It's sooo good (imo anyways).
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
I try not to feel guilty about anything that I really enjoy. I guess boyfriend asmr could count, since it's not something I'd discuss with anyone unless I knew they were also a fan.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
Idk, I'm just a person at war with their brain (ADHD) and their body (gender dysphoria)
Thanks again! ❤❤❤
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Type Fives seem to be characterized as independent, thoughtful people in their own heads and thoughts. That tracks with what I know of ADHD and your quiet temperament when you become tired, and because of this, I like Huxley with you.
I feel like people can take Fives, like Honey, and mistake their stoic or introverted nature for misanthropy or arrogance; Huxley would know better. He strikes me as a very chill, flexible ambivert, nature thriving in clamor or silence, you know? He’d be a supportive, steady presence by your side- your rock, if you will, which all neurodivergent people could use (I say from experience).
Being with Huxley would be just so perfect, as perfect as a relationship could realistically be. He’s so thoughtful, considerate, and empathetic; he’d be a great person to have around when suffering from dysphoria, always willing to listen and knowing what he can do to help. Since he’s also so chill and so nice and so genuinely interested, he’d love to hear you talk about boyfriend asmr or whatever you might be hyperfixated on. He’d be one of those people who sincerely listens to infodump and becomes an expert on those subjects just to engage with you and what you love.
Ooh, who said it's true/ That the growing only happens on your own?/ They don't know me and you/ I don't think you have to leave/ If to change is what you need/ You can change right next to me
I’m a sucker for Huxley and songs with growing/nature-centric word choices; what can I say? Huxley strikes me as a chill, acoustic, indie kind of guy who loves some solid, stellar vocals, so this Ben Platt song works well with that. I also love that this is a really realistically romantic song that has a sentiment I could see Huxley expressing, you know? It has this imagery of two people like vines or trees in a relationship, growing together, becoming intertwined, supporting each other over them.
Lasko is a runner-up because I’m a Lasko kinnie, I’m autistic so Lasko is autistic, and there’s no cuter ship than the ADHD/Autistic ship, you know? They work! Ollie is a runner up for more legitimate reasons in that he has a lot of the same supportive, sweet traits as Huxley- just not as much.
note: thank you so much for waiting and playing~!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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hubby-wubby · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy Season 3 was um... Well it was something I'll give them that. Spoilers warning.
I felt like all the Umbrellas became really annoying like they just become the worst versions of themselves. Luther feels like he got dumber or poorer at making decisions, Five got more egocentric, Klaus even more irresponsible. Also speaking of that, the amount of stupidity that they display is astounding. Like they kept asking Ben stuff that only their own Ben would know and expects him to get it, well of course he's gonna be mad. They also kinda provoked the Sparrows into the first fight by saying stuff like this was their house and whatever as if they don't understand that changing stuff in the pass changes things in the future. Don't get me started on how Allison still expected to find Claire and even how she managed to get in to Patrick's house in the first place. The cherry on top was also her downward spiral to villainy (yes, even as an Allison fan in the previous seasons, one has to admit that she is the Villain now and I'm guessing also the villain for season 4). She became extremely unlikeable. Not to mention *that* horrific moment.
Also the Sparrows were such a wasted potential. They were hyped up only to have half die off by episode 5 or 6. I don't get why people like Sloane so much. She's the most generic 'nice girl next door' with a Juliette complex ever. Her personality is mostly just being nice. At least she's really smart. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate her, I just don't live for her. And I find her and Luther's love story to be extremely rushed and two dimensional. But hey at least it's not as problematic or toxic as Allison and Luther. Jayme and Alphonso have cool concepts, but they also had problems. Idk if it's the acting but Jayme feels so robotic in any scenes that are not fight scenes. Alphonso is also pretty unlikable and his powers are inconsistent (but was never explained in the show why it's not consistent so it just makes it seem like plot armor). Marcus is... I don't even know what to do with this one since he got like 17 seconds of screen time. The only ones I actually like is Fei. She actually has a distinct personality; cold, calculating, smart, but underneath that veneer, someone who cares about her siblings. Also Christopher was alright, but cmon people, let's be real. He was a floating cube with no dialogues who got barely any screen time.
On top of that, I feel like most of the conflict in the series could easily be resolved by simply talking to each other. If Five told the family his plan, most of the fights would've never happened. Now don't get me wrong, I love me some dysfunctional family dynamics and I get that years of childhood trauma leaves a significant impact on your adult character, but it's been 3 seasons, at some point they gotta show some progress to character development. Why are they still so bad at communicating after 2 apocalypses?? Here they kinda feel like their Season 1 selves, slightly better or worst at that.
I love this series and I want to love this season but I just have so many gripes with it, well mostly just the annoying character regressions and a couple of 'this happened because it needed to happen don't ask questions' moments. Viktor Hargreaves being trans is like the least of the season's problem (also I don't get why people keep saying that the show makes a big deal of Viktor's transitioning when it was literally covered in like a couple minutes of dialogue). In fact Viktor's character is, dare I say, one of the ones that I actually like. He became reasonable but still compassionate. A perfect contrast to Allison's arc.
The season's not all bad. I think there were some touching moments and the Sparrows, as much of a disappointment they are, had awesome powers. Glad to know Reggie's motives and why he build the hotel etc. Idk I have mixed feelings about this season. Hopefully season 4 would be better.
Edit I can't believe I forgot arguably the best highlight of the season; the footloose dance sequence 👁👄👁
TL;DR season 3 was definitely *something*
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
How did the Sparrows control their powers? Were some powers more difficult to manage than others?
I haven’t really considered it that much and I can really only guess, but here are some quick thoughts I have on them all, listed from who I think had the easiest to hardest time dealing with their powers.
Jayme’s power seems the most tame, I don’t think she ever struggles to control it, and I doubt it’s caused her much angst beyond maybe being jealous that she doesn’t have a particularly brutal power- Though I could see that genuinely being a real issue for her.
Her power is weirdly most similar to Allison’s in that it’s not that hard to avoid if you know about it, but once she’s used it she’s won. We see she doesn’t get the chance to use it on Ben during their spar, so she could of potentially ended up in situations like that often where her power was pretty much rendered useless and she had to rely more on her wits, her character description did say she was ‘smart and sharp as a knife’.
So apparently Marcus and Luther have the same power, Marcus is just better at using it. I like to imagine that both of them had to work really hard just to get to a point where they don’t break everything they hold or seriously injure people with basic physical contact, though as neither of them are cautious about getting rough with people I don’t think either had any major power related accidents.
Marcus is superior now because of his speed and technique (which I choose to believe he got through his own dedication rather than Reginald just training him better), but considering how clumsy Luther’s powers make him, I assume that’s something Marcus did struggle with at one point as well.
Sloane seems to have the best relationship with her power out of anyone, she’s at the point where she can just have fun with it, using it to sit on her bedroom roof for instance. Seeing as she seems to be a pretty sensitive person I assume she didn’t have any childhood trauma associated with her power if she’s so comfortable with it now.
Like her umbrella counterpart Five, Sloane also has a lot of physics knowledge so I do wonder if she also needs to do the same kind of calculations and things as him to best use her powers, I don’t think thats really implied but it’d make sense and flesh her out.
Alphonso is interesting for being the only sparrow that isn’t in peak physical condition. Alphonso’s appearance implies that besides the pain his body still experiences the effects of any hit it gets, which I assume would take a toll and really wear him down overtime and could definitely be the cause of that sluggishness of his, and maybe even his need for an inhaler.
I don’t think he could accidentally use his power, since it looks like he needs to consciously activate it (and struggles to do so when exhausted), so I’d say he has an easy enough time managing his power, though he might of had a hard time developing the stamina and concentration he seems to need to use it effectively.
I’m a little confused about Fei’s power honestly, specifically where her vision is concerned, all the scratches over her eyes seem to indicate that her birds were the ones that blinded her, but throughout the show she’s always perfectly in control of them, they don’t seem to have free will.
I have a half-baked theory that she blinded herself. Something along the lines of her being so overwhelmed when she starts to see out of all the different birds eyes that she has some kind of mental break and blinds herself in a panic while trying to make it stop. But it could also just be that there was a time when her birds had more agency but she’s tamed them overtime.
Anyway, Fei seems to be in (I’m assuming physical) discomfort when her birds are hurt, which is a pretty big weakness. It was probably quite a burden trying to keep them all relatively safe mid-battle, which could play into how she became so calculated.
So Christopher’s actual power, that ability to induce this paralysing fear, tends to get overshadowed by the fact that he’s a cube, which doesn’t even seem to even be relevant to his power. But yeah, he appears to be incredibly powerful, he’s able to incapacitate half the umbrellas (including Viktor) seemingly effortlessly, and he’s strong enough to temporarily contain a kugelblitz, so I assume it’s not easy for him to hold back which could of been a problem for him when it comes to things like sparring with his siblings.
If nothing else I’m positive that his inhuman physiology would of caused him a lot of angst throughout his life even if he’s comfortable with it now.
I am so curious about how Sparrow-Ben ended up with such better control over his powers than Umbrella-Ben. It could be a dominance thing, as number one this Ben was trained to be in charge and maybe that carried over towards the monster inside him. Umbrella-Ben also seemed to have a much lower tolerance for causing people pain, so maybe sparrow-ben and the horror were more in sync as opposed to umbrella-Ben fighting against it, which could of made dealing with it easier.
Regardless I still think Ben must of worked really hard to get the control over his tentacles that he has.
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