#gotta love his secret streams that are super secret
cultivated-man · 1 year
Markipliers secret tho-
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Well, as long as we're rafting the temporal streams, might as well head back to Dormont. Got some errands to run in the past.
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I'm like 98% sure you're trying to flirt with me but you're too nervous to actually go through with it. Would you please just finally ask me out so I can rock your evening?
Look, be glad I was tasteful enough not to go for the other pun.
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My guy, what could possibly compel you to think I'm not comfortable with basic human conta--
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...you know what, that's fair. I guess I do go out of my way to minimize any and all possible exposure of physical features, don't I?
Anyways, go on and get out of here while I chat with my Lemonfriend.
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Oh, I've always liked you. I'm just also creeped out by you. Two things can be true.
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...huh. If I can die here in Dormont, then... that does make things easier. I was planning on throwing myself on a Tear once we got into the House since you said I can loop forward as well as back, but dying here in town would save me some time.
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Oh shit yes. I'd love the ability to call you and chat about what I'm seeing while the rest of the crew looks at me like I've lost my goddamn mind.
Especially since the ultra-secret fourth sign is making a phone shape out of your fingers and then talking on it. That's hilarious.
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This is it.
This is the key to killing myself in Dormont.
I should probably wait until I've finished up here.
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I didn't realize you come up here after we're done. I don't have anything else to talk about but it's great seeing you up here.
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Didn't accomplish as much here as I expected to. But at least we can take another crack at that desk drawer.
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Okay between this and the rock switch, I no longer have any confidence in my own ability to do my job. It's distressing that each setback thus far has been the fault of a bad d20 roll on the primary reason that I'm with this party.
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Ha! Rock trap for the Rock key. I get it.
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Really? They're frozen in time right now but I am looking for a book. You think they might have set it out for me in advance? That would be awfully nice of them.
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Oh shit. There was a person in town who sometimes thinks they have a sister but can't recall where they moved to. That shit got super weird. This has to be related.
No idea how it's related to our current mission. But. It's gotta be related.
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Always trust in the puns. The puns are life. The puns are the secret of the universe. Those who do not heed their wisdom face the ultimate punishment.
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So the Rock Key was in a room guarded by a huge rock and the Paper Key is in the library. I am. Kind of. Terrified. Of where the inevitable Scissors Key will be found.
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And one Star Crest. Well. *heavy sigh* Shit.
Gonna have to temporally save-scum this one.
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Can't argue with that. Isa's my brofriend-maybe-more so his vote automatically weighs more than anyone else in this--
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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Okay. It's okay. We can work this out mathematically.
Isa, as previously noted, is worth a million points because he's a precious slab of adorableness who flirts with me in the cutest ways imaginable and I'm super feeling it.
Mira, meanwhile, is worth half a million points because she's also awesome and cool and she's our wonderful team leader and I adore her.
Bonnie is worth infinity points because they are a child whose hopes and dreams we are responsible for and I don't want to let them down.
However, Odile is worth zero points because she's mean to me and sometimes makes me want to cry. I still haven't forgotten that crack, Odile. Even though you have because it was in another time loop.
If we add them together, then Team Beauty is worth a million and a half points, but Team Age is worth infinity points.
However my sign is Scissors, and the shape of Scissors forms a multiplication symbol, not a plus symbol. Which means that Team Beauty is actually worth 500,000,000,000 points while Team Age is worth 0 points.
Thus, the objective and entirely unbiased answer is that Team Beauty wins.
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I'm sorry, Bonnie! But math never lies. We must go south. It is our destiny to go south.
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I know you will. It is my destiny to have a future filled with spuds. I accept my fate, but I do not apologize.
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dabisbratz · 1 year
idk man its just smth abt that Eren streamer!AU story that has me in a chokehold. no idea what crack you put into that shit but maybe its the potential for a secret relationship that i like. i've always had a soft spot for those.
like imagine that you and Eren live near each other and end up hanging out at each other's apts or even moving in 2gether. Imagine under the table bjs during stream, quickies before either of you go live, and maybe even a special guest appearance on your stream where they get to decide what he does to you... idk
craziest part is i've nvr watched or read aot. idek what this man looks like tbh, in my head is has black hair tho maybe a short haircut?
YOURESOSOSOSO RIGHTTT!! n whenever you’re on the other’s channel you gotta wear masks so your identifies stay secret.. (unless you’re under his desk, of course). it’s super cute to see you guys switch masks or kiss each other through them.. n sometimes during ren’s streams you come in to feed him n vice versa but his viewers only ever see your arm/hear you…. that’s so cute)): (not so)secretly in love fr!! sometimes one of you slips up when talkin to chat abt the other… (though i’d imagine you won’t really mention eren to your chat unless you accidentally moan his name or somethin) alsoalso!! rennie’s chat is so vulgar i can just see them typing nasty stuff abt y’all like ‘ik ur cumming down ur bfs throat under the table but can u stop being ass at this game’ n it leaves him flabbergastedejgejdhs cause howd they know???
you don’t…WHAT72?/? his hair is more brown than black!! n he’s had plenty of different haircuts… yknow how girls say hair is eyeliner for men? s’so true cause every hairstyle makes him look different. personally i like the infamous half up half down style he does with the few strands left out….. he’s so prettyehehsggegs paths!eren has cute hair too! s’kinda how i’d imagine nerd!eren’s hair would look if not similar to his other long hair era. buuut i won’t show you how he looks jus in case you have a certain image in your head!! ik if someone did that to me i’d be so mad):<
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callsign-foreigner · 2 years
You’re as Cold as Ice - Part 8
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader (Iceman’s daughter)
After a few hours of Nick’s constant questions and a some sand castle building, Bradley had suggested that they head to the Hard Deck for some food. Phantom didn’t argue. She wanted the night to continue. She didn’t wanna leave this moment and go back to the fast moving life around them. Her father and the mission were both weighing heavy on her shoulders.
Of course the rest of the group were also at the Hard Deck after the day of training they had all had. Nick wandered over to the pilots while Bradley and Phantom watched from a few tables over.
Bradley watched Nick and just sighed
“He is so amazing”
Phantom smiled and nodded “I know. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Bradley turned so he was now completely facing Phantom
“What exactly happened after…ya know”
Phantom’s heart ached at the thought of graduation day but she pushed past it and began
“Well, as you know, I took leave. I ran off to Washington to try and clear my head a bit, figure out what I wanted. I guess some rumors had spread about me possibly being pregnant, so once I was about 7 months along, I found Mav at my front door. He convinced me to come back home and tell my parents. Once I did that, my parents literally showered me with every baby device possible. They helped with everything we’re even there when Nick was born. After a whole year of not being in a cockpit, and the stress, I guess I just kinda snapped. I told my dad I wanted to re-enlist as soon as I was able and took the next flight the next morning to some base over in Texas. After that, I just kinda went everywhere. I tried to come home every couple months for Nick, and FaceTimed him everyday. And the more I FaceTimed him, the more I wanted to stay away.”
Bradley watched Phantom and asked
“What do you mean you wanted to stay away?”
Phantom smiled sadly at Bradley
“I wanted to stay away because he was starting to look so much like you.”
Bradley looked shocked and was about to speak but was interrupted by Phantom.
“He started to do that thing with his smile, where he would make it kinda of crooked. And his hair was going from straight to wavy and it was starting to turn a bit more brown and he kept on tryna play his toy piano and he has this small brown birthmark-“
Phantom pointed her finger on Bradley’s own birthmark on his neck, startling Bradley.
“-that looks just like this one, in the exact same spot.”
Phantom’s eyes began to water.
“And I felt so terrible for wanting to stay away. I was so angry that I couldn’t face my own son. So I went and became an Ace on some stupid mission and then decided that I was probably done. So that I could watch him grow up. But then I got this call about some super top secret mission that we might not even come back from and I couldn’t say no. And then I find out that you’re here too. So now I’m internally panicking because if both of us go on mission, there’s a slight chance Nick might be an orphan in a few weeks.”
At this point, tears were streaming down Phantom’s face and she was trying to stop herself from shaking. Bradley got off his stool and sat in the one next to her as he wrapped his arms around Phantom. She laid her head on his shoulder and couldn’t seem to catch a breathe as she began to sob.
“And my dad has cancer again”
Bradley only closed his eyes and hugged her tighter. How the world could be so cruel, he didn’t know.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen. But I promise you, I’m gonna do whatever I can for you guys. Just know that.”
Phantom nodded and looked at Bradley.
His brown eyes seemed to looked glassy as well. He suddenly didn’t care about time or what had happened. He wanted to tell her how he really felt, even if she wasn’t ready.
Bradley grabbed her face and spoke quickly
“You may not be ready to hear this but ima tell you anyway. I know I said I would wait for you and I will, but I gotta say this now that I have enough courage. I love you. I always have. Ever since the day we met, I have loved you. Every time you snuck into my dorm late at night, I loved you. And even that day I fucking tore your heart out and acted like a piece of shit, I loved you. I never stopped. When you went off and did all these amazing things, I wasn’t upset. I was so fucking proud of all the things you did, even if they were without me. You are so resilient and amazing. And when I found out about Nick, just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore, I fucking did. You raised out child on your own, regardless of the fact that I was a complete piece of shit to you. You raised him and also became an Ace. You are strong. You’ve showed me that. I know this mission is gonna be hard and and you’re scared, but know that every single pilot over there-“
Bradley looked away from Phantom for a second and pointed to the pilots behind him, S they played with Nick.
“- are also scared. You’re not weak for being scared. You’re so strong and I hope one day, if we both make it back from this, that I’ll have the pleasure of being by your side, everyday to see that. Because I wanna marry you someday. “
Phantom’s eyes darted into Bradley’s brown ones, taking in the vast amount of information he gave to her. She had always loved Bradley. Even when she hated him. She knew she would have to work on their relationship and how he had hurt her. But she knew he was sorry. She knew she was kinda stupid for letting him back in so quickly but she couldn’t help it. She loved him.
Maybe her darting eyes and silence was what made Bradley think that she freaked out. So when he went to drop his hands from her face, Phantom grabbed his shirt and smashed her lips to his.
It seemed as though their lips were made for each other. Bradley responded immediately and moved his lips with Phantom’s. She had moved her hands to his head and ran her hands through his hair as they continued the kiss. It seemed like ages before Phantom pulled away and rested her head against his.
“You’ve got a way with words, Bradley.”
Bradley smiled that breathtaking smile and wrapped his arms around Phantom as he picked up her up off her feet and swung her around just a bit. She laughed as he set her back down and hugged him, looking over his shoulder to see Nick and Phoenix staring at both of them, smiling.
// okay guys I’m sorry it’s like another filler chapter, I just have a few plans for the next few and I wanna keep it kinda chill for now with any action because as we know, mission is getting closer😉//
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acerikus · 11 months
Something I've noticed from watching people's streams of the pacifist/genocide runs in undertale recently is that even when people are only helping because the streamer asks, they're still doing unnecessary backseating or giving false info, so here's a summary of what's ACTUALLY required/not required for new players to do while trying for those runs! (Key word TRYING - don't try to make a new player take a certain route! A first run is a magical experience that deserves no backseating.)
This is probably gonna all sound like extremely obvious stuff to people who are super into the fandom (like myself), but there seems to be plenty of people who have played who don't know too!
(This is more for viewers than new players, and contains spoilers)
As long as they haven't killed anything, the player has NOT messed anything up. Missed an interaction? Didn't date papyrus or undyne? That's fine! That can all be done post-asgore. People will often figure this stuff out themselves if you let them anyway, and they'll find it a lot more satisfying!
Yeah, it's painful if they don't save the pie or the doughnut/cider. They're not required though, so let them.
Don't tell streamers how to spare a monster unless they specifically request help. A lot of pacifist battles are puzzles in themselves that are really satisfying to figure out yourself. Same for escaping undyne - they'll get there in the end!
As long as the streamer spares Flowey, he'll give them all the info they need - if you haven't dated/hung out with Papyrus, he suggests becoming better friends with him. Same for Undyne, and same for Alphys. If they kill flowey, THAT might be the only time you really gotta give input. You reload right before Asgore so it's still run-compliant!
Killing Asgore is fine, and killing Flowey doesn't kill the run either. As mentioned though, you might need to give them some hints about the hangouts if Flowey isn't alive to tell them.
It's okay if they pick mean dialogue options! Sans even says in the pacifist judgement dialogue that your lack of LOVE 'doesn't mean you're innocent or nïeve'. You can be as mean as you want as long as nobody dies - which also means pacifist players CAN use the fight option as long as they don't reduce any monster's health to zero. Eating the snowman piece also doesn't kill the run.
Destroying the ruins dummy doesn't ruin a pacifist run - for a ghost to die, they have to become corporeal. This wasn't the case here. Pretty sure the same applies with the napstablook fight! Devouring vegetoid is also okay - in 1.0.0 I believe it counted as a kill, but Toby changed it in every version after.
Don't tell blind players to backtrack before they fight Asgore! The game never hints at that beforehand and the only people who would know without backseating are those who have played before. Let them have the full experience - plus they'd miss out on a bunch of asgore and flowey dialogue, and the neutral pacifist ending!
No, they DON'T need to talk to all the shopkeeps, or visit Mettaton's house, or donate to the spiders. Do all these things give more lore or make things simpler? Sure! But they're not required. You can always tell them afterwards, but let them have their first run without too much guidance. (Ofc if they ask to be told about cool secrets/things they missed then you can, just use common sense lol. Respect whatever rules a streamer sets!)
You literally can't kill Papyrus unintentionally so don't be scared if a streamer fights him. The best weapon you can have at that point is the tough glove, and even if you land every hit perfectly it doesn't have enough damage output to kill him before the end of the fight. His name will turn yellow before he's in any real danger, and if they're pacifist they'll know to spare at the end.
No item is required. Absolutely none. (...I mean, except undyne's letter I guess lol)
Once a player triggers true pacifist, they're locked into the route. No matter what they do by the time they get to the lab, it's fine. Absolutely nothing past here can kill the run, so no more advice unless they specifically ask something. Fighting doesn't even work on anything from true lab onwards lol
Make sure they don't fight Toriel until the kill counter is exhausted. They'll pretty quickly get the hang of it after that. If they go to fight one of the bosses (Toriel, papyrus, undyne, mettaton) before the kill counter is exhausted, that's the only time to worry. If they don't know about the kill counter yet don't spoil it - the shock of realising there's no more enemies is always super satisfying. You could always give them a LOVE goal if you wanna be subtle!
Yes, that also means going to Toriel's house, snowdin or the core is fine before the kill counter is done. Just don't trigger the boss fights.
Sparing random encounters doesn't ruin the run. That monster is still in the monster pool and can be killed later. The only monsters this doesn't apply to are unique encounters like the bosses, dogs, shyren, etc.
Looking at the wordsearch is fine, but you might wanna assure them of that if they panic once the music goes back to normal (interacting with the wordsearch makes the music revert from the genocide version).
If they're about to spare sans, let them. It builds character.
There's not really much else tbh. As long as they're getting 'but nobody came' and killing all the bosses they've done everything right. Again, if they miss dialogue or a secret you can just tell them after the run :)
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S6 - Episode 14 (1 of 2)
Date with Elliot
NARRATOR: Welcome back to the shores of Love Island! Last time our Islanders answered the ‘booty call’ when Elliot and Chloe charged into the villa! I remember back when I used to get booty called all the time… or was that bum dialled? Now the Islanders are getting ready to look bootiful on their bombshell dates! But will sparks fly and heads turn? Let’s find out!
You and the girls burst into the dressing room to help you prepare for your date with new boy Elliot.
Chloe scours her wardrobe for an outfit to wow {0}.
BELLA_HAPPY: Two new Islanders! I’m so excited I feel dizzy.
GRACE_HAPPY: You’re not even going on a date with them!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Yeah, well don’t go fainting on us. This is {0} and Elliot’s moment!
BELLA_FLIRTY: Don’t forget Chloe and {0}’s moment too...
There’s an awkward silence as the girls don’t know how to react.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, ladies, I don’t bite… unless they ask me too.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: On a first date?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Depends how well it’s going.
GRACE_IDLE: What do you normally do on a first date then, Chloe?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I find small talk so boring, why waste both of our time?
CHLOE_HAPPY: I like to skip to the good stuff, find out what makes them tick.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And what turns them on…
CHLOE_HAPPY: Unless you want to save me some time, {0}?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I don’t suppose you know what turns {0} on?
*I turn him on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I know that I turn him on! We spent the night in the Hideaway together.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: You two have cracked on already?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s just say we got a lot closer last night.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yep. I learnt a lot about {0}, trust me. I know exactly what that boy wants. And he knows exactly what I want. We spent the night snuggled up in each other’s arms.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yep. It felt really intimate. I think he’s all about me. He’s been super into me since he first saw me.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: I didn’t realise his feelings were that deep.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Thought it was best that you know. It’ll take a lot to turn his head.
CHLOE_IDLE: I see...
Why would I tell you?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Why would I tell you that? I’m not going to give away my tips and tricks. He’s still my partner.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: It’s just a bit of fun, {0}.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Sharing is caring, you know.
BELLA_FLIRTY: I can share my turn-ons with you if you want?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I saw some of them last night.
BELLA_FLIRTY: You sure did.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You two got a bit closer last night then?
BELLA_HAPPY: That’s one way of describing it.
CHLOE_IDLE: Oh ok, good to know. Anyway…
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Let’s talk later…
I’m not actually sure
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I don’t really know to be honest.
CHLOE_EMBARRASSED: Really? I thought you two were coupled up?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Oh, well maybe I can find out for you.
CHLOE_HAPPY: I have a knack for finding out people's naughty secrets.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And always happy to spill the tea to my girls.
BELLA_HAPPY: Yes, please!
GRACE_FLIRTY: I wonder what Elliot’s turn-ons are…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I already know…
PLAYER_IDLE: He’s into ear stuff.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’s a gamer, you just gotta push the right buttons!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: He can push my buttons anytime.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Sounds like someone has a crush, Amelia?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: I think I’m just fan-girling a bit. He’s a big deal in the gaming world!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: He’s got a huge following too, loads of people watch his streams.
BELLA_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m sure they are all there to watch his gaming…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Nothing to do with the chiselled jaw and rippling abs.
AMELIA_SURPRISED: He’s a semi-pro gamer!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: And those arms…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You can stop drooling now, Amelia!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Just saying, you’re a lucky lady, {0}!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Well, {0} might not be into gamer boys?
BELLA_HAPPY: Better to have a boy who plays games than a game player...
AMELIA_HAPPY: What do you think, {0}. Could Elliot turn your head?
Yeah, he’s a bit of me
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think he definitely could. He’s ticking some boxes already.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Looks like it’s… game on?
Absolutely not!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There’s no chance of him turning my head!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Hmm interesting. So he’s not off the table…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Player two has entered the game!
I’m loyal to {0}
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m staying loyal to {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: I wouldn’t want to do anything to mess up what we’ve got.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So I don’t see anyone turning my head anytime soon.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Aw that’s so sweet, {0}!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Plus it means Elliot is still on the table…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Player two has entered the game!
Who knows?
PLAYER_IDLE: Who knows? I guess we'll just see how the date goes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Have to see if there’s a spark there first before I make any decisions.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Need to weigh up my options.
GRACE_SERIOUS: Well don’t wait too long, {0}.
GRACE_HAPPY: Don’t wanna lose Elliot and {0}!
Chloe shoots you a flirty wink.
CHLOE_HAPPY: What about you, Grace? Is Elliot not floating your boat?
GRACE_IDLE: I wouldn’t say that. I mean he defo isn't my type on paper.
GRACE_FLIRTY: And we all know that me and Ozzy are tight.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: But there is something interesting about him. Can’t put my finger on it yet.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Interesting as in I want to tear his clothes off or I want to study him?
GRACE_HAPPY: I’ll get back to you on that one.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And how about you, Bella, has the new bombshell got your heart racing?
BELLA_FLIRTY: That depends. Which bombshell do you mean?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Very interesting.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: And what does that mean, Bella?
BELLA_FLIRTY: Let’s just say I think girls like you can prove to be a real test.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Well, I hope you all pick the right answer.
CHLOE_HAPPY: But for now I have another date to get to!
Chloe slips into her dress with elegance and ease. The girl’s jaws drop.
BELLA_SURPRISED: Look out {0}...
GRACE_SURPRISED: He won’t know what hit him. Sorry, {0}.
AMELIA_SURPRISED: Here comes trouble.
CHLOE_HAPPY: You girls are too kind.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I can tell we’re going to be a tight group.
CHLOE_HAPPY: I’ve got a bit of unpacking left to do, I’ll leave you ladies to it.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: See you on the dates, {0}.
The girls watch as Chloe glides out of the dressing room like it’s a catwalk.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Looks like Chloe’s not holding back.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: You’re gonna have to bring your A-game to this date, {0}.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Maybe I will.
AMELIA_HAPPY: First impressions are the most important!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Yeah and you better keep {0}’s eyes off Chloe!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Exactly! Make the boy jealous!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Or maybe you want to get Chloe’s eyes on you?
GRACE_HAPPY: Whoah! No one's eyes will be able to leave you!
BELLA_FLIRTY: The sun won’t be the only thing blinding Elliot.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I'm so gonna have to copy that outfit.
BELLA_HAPPY: Me too! Does it need anything else? Really make it hard for them.
Maybe a lil something
It’s good like this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think this is enough to grab their attention.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Get it, {0}!
BELLA_HAPPY: Chloe has a lush outfit. You should look your best too!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Get both Elliot’s and {0}’s eye’s on you. Two for one, yeah?
PLAYER_HAPPY: True! I’ll see what I have.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This should get some attention. How’s this?
GRACE_HAPPY: Whoah! No one's eyes will be able to leave you!
BELLA_FLIRTY: The sun won’t be the only thing blinding Elliot.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I'm so gonna have to copy that outfit. This is the one, yeah?
*TRYOUTFIT* I have to show this off
Maybe there’s another option
GRACE_IDLE: Oh, I loved you in that outfit.
GRACE_HAPPY: These dates call for the best.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Yeah, you sure you don’t want to go with it?
I’ll try it again
BELLA_HAPPY: Okay, girl!
AMELIA_HAPPY: They will eat this up.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Not a single crumb left. You have to go with this one, yeah?
*TRYOUTFIT* I’m date ready!
I want another look
There might be something else
No, this is what I want to wear
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I feel good in this.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Elliot won’t forget this date.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’ll be dreaming about you in this.
GRACE_HAPPY: I wish I could see his face!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Elliot won’t forget this date.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’ll be dreaming about you in this.
GRACE_HAPPY: I wish I could see his face!
PLAYER_IDLE: This is the one.
AMELIA_HAPPY: You’re ready to go!
GRACE_FLIRTY: I’m so jealous you get to go on a date!
BELLA_HAPPY: Elliot’s a lucky guy.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Can’t lie. I wish it was me on the other side of the dinner table to you.
BELLA_HAPPY: But I hope you have fun.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Just not too much fun.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Come on, {0}. Let’s make sure {1} sees you before he sees Chloe!
GRACE_HAPPY: Early bird catches the worm!
GRACE_SURPRISED: Not that {0} is a worm… or that you’re a bird!
GRACE_HAPPY: Oh forget it. It’s date time!
You and the girls make your way down to the villa entrance!
As you walk down the winding steps to the villa entrance you spot {0} looking up at you.
His eyes widen and his smile beams as he looks at you in awe.
{0}_HAPPY: Wow, {1}... I’m...
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Speechless?
{0} nods, a cheeky glimmer in his eye.
{0}_FLIRTY: You’re a vision in that outfit. Absolutely stunning.
{0}_FLIRTY: If only this was our date...
PLAYER_FLIRTY: If only is right.
As you approach {0} you notice he’s wearing an aftershave you haven’t smelled before.
PLAYER_IDLE: Someone’s making an effort for the occasion?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Got to, haven’t you? Chloe’s first day and everything.
{0}_HAPPY: Want her to feel welcome and all that.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ve not smelled that scent on you before?
{0}_HAPPY: Oh you haven’t? It’s my favourite.
PLAYER_IDLE: Defo not smelled it before.
{0}_HAPPY: Is someone getting a bit jealous maybe?
{0}_IDLE: You’re not feeling threatened by Chloe are you?
Yeah, a bit
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’d be lying if I said no. She’s not holding back that’s for sure.
PLAYER_IDLE: New Islanders always change things. Like a test I guess.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I just don’t want her to ruin what we have.
{0}_SERIOUS: Hey, {1} don’t worry I get it.
{0}_HAPPY: You know how strongly I feel about you.
{0}_HAPPY: Some fancy lunch isn’t gonna change that.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It’s not the lunch I’m worried about…
No! Chloe is threatened by me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Me? Threatened by Chloe? As if!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: She should be feeling threatened by me if anything.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’ll take a miracle to turn someone’s head away from this.
{0} looks you up and down and smiles.
{0}_FLIRTY: Your confidence is actually so sexy.
Should I be?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t know, should I be?
{0}_HAPPY: No! It’s just a fancy lunch.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s a date. And it doesn’t look like Chloe is going to hold back.
{0}_IDLE: That doesn’t mean I’m not going to hold back though.
{0}_HAPPY: I hope you trust me…
{0}_FLIRTY: You’ve got nothing to worry about, {1}.
Just as {0} says those words you hear footsteps approaching the top of the stairs.
Chloe’s heels click and clack as she approaches, {0} looks up, awaiting his date.
Then you see Amelia poke her head out from the living room! She whispers to you…
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Pssst, {0}!
Amelia puckers her lips, mimes a big smooch, then points at her cheek.
Chloe’s footsteps grow closer, descending the stairs...
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Show her who’s boss! Leave your lipstick on his cheek!
*Leave a smooch on {0}’s cheek!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Hey, {0}... you almost forgot something.
Turning his face away, you pull him close.
You plant a big, firm kiss on his cheek, making sure you get as much lipstick on there as possible!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Something to remember me by…
{0} looks giddy, he hasn’t noticed the lipstick mark.
{0}_FLIRTY: I won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.
Amelia shoots you a mischievous wink before disappearing again.
Let him look his finest
You shake your head and whisper back to Amelia.
Amelia rolls her eyes at you and sneaks away into the villa.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Well hello there, handsome…
{0}_FLIRTY: Hello there… erm...
{0} looks at you awkwardly and cuts himself off.
CHLOE_HAPPY: And hello there, beautiful!
PLAYER_IDLE: Hey, Chloe.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You look stunning in that dress, {0}.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Seems the competition is fierce in this place.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Can’t let you have all the fun. Thought I’d make things interesting.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Consider me very interested!
CHLOE_HAPPY: You’ve certainly caught my eye, {0}.
Chloe walks over to {0} and gives him a hug.
CHLOE_HAPPY: How do I look?
{0}_FLIRTY: Amazing!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I mean, lovely… good.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You scrub up well, {0}. Very dashing!
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And that cologne… nice touch. L'eau de Solche?
{0}_SURPRISED: How did you know?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I’m very observant, I appreciate attention to detail.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Not that observant clearly…
Chloe turns, noticing the lipstick mark on his cheek.
CHLOE_SERIOUS: Oh, I see. Maybe it isn’t me you’ve dressed up so nicely for?
{0}_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
CHLOE_SERIOUS: I’d have hoped you would be focussed on me today…
CHLOE_SERIOUS: With it being my first date here and everything.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know what you’re on about?
CHLOE_SERIOUS: Your cheek, {0}.
{0} checks his face in his phone camera.
{0}_SURPRISED: I had no idea!
CHLOE_HAPPY: Looks like you’ve been busy while I was getting ready for you.
Chloe looks at you with a cheeky smile, admiring your mischievous prank.
{0} starts trying to wipe it off but the residue remains.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, {0}, maybe we can add one to the other cheek later.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: It would only be fair.
You hear the tapping of shoes approaching.
You turn to see Elliot stood in the doorway. He smiles warmly at you with a confident charm.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Wow, {0} you look…
RYAN_FLIRTY: Beautiful.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: Smoking hot!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I was going to say angelic…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: But you’re not wrong, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Your outfit is out of this world.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I knew I made the right choice picking you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Glad you think so…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m definitely punching.
{0}_HAPPY: I was gonna say Elliot, did you get dressed in the dark?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Very good, {0}. The 1940s called, they want their joke back.
Elliot sniffs the air around {0}.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: It smells like a teenage boy’s bedroom in here… is that L'eau de Solche?
{0}_SERIOUS: It is.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You know it?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: All the boys would get it as a Christmas present from their Nans in school.
Elliot smiles, seemingly enjoying winding {0} up.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Alright now boys, let’s save the quips for the dates, yes?
{0}_HAPPY: That’s fine. I know where {1}’s loyalties lie anyway.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I admire your confidence.
Flirt with {0}
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well I think {0} smells good enough to eat.
{0}_FLIRTY: I could say the same about you.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And his outfit is almost as good as his one in the Hideaway last night…
{0}_EMBARRASSED: But I wasn’t wearing any… oh!
{0}_FLIRTY: You were looking pretty delicious yourself.
Flirt with Elliot
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t think you’re punching at all, Elliot.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Or maybe just a little.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: But I think you look good enough to eat.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Who knows, we might not need lunch after all.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You look like a snack yourself, {0}. Looks like we’re in for a tasty date.
Pie them both
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think you’re both acting like little boys.
CHLOE_HAPPY: Tell me about it.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Maybe we should go on a date instead, {0}?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Let the grown ups talk…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Are you boys gonna behave?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Of course.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You know it.
CHLOE_HAPPY: We don't want our food to get cold now do we.
Chloe links her arm around {0}’s and they head out of the villa.
Elliot offers you his arm as you step out to your romantic date!
You, Elliot, Chloe and {0} arrive at a stunning beach location.
The waves wash gently against the sand behind two beautifully laid tables only a few feet from each other.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: A perfect setting for a perfect girl.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Perfect? You don’t know me that well yet.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Call it a hunch.
CHLOE_HAPPY: This place is beautiful. Isn’t it romantic, {0}?
{0} looks over at you cautiously before replying.
{0}_HAPPY: It sure does.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Come on, let’s grab a drink! See you guys later!
Have fun you two!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Have fun you two!
CHLOE_HAPPY: You too, babes!
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, you too, {1}. I’ll see you later?
Behave yourselves!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: You two better behave yourselves.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry about us, you two have fun!
{0}_SURPRISED: I’ll see you later {1}, yeah?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Have fun you two!
{0}_HAPPY: I’ll see you later {1}, yeah?
Chloe blows you and Elliot a kiss before dragging {0} off to their table.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I finally have you to myself… kind of.
Elliot walks with you to your table, pulling out your chair as you sit down.
He sits down opposite, taking in a deep breath of the sea breeze and smiling.
The table is laid out with drinks and a beautiful dessert.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I still can’t believe I’m really here.
PLAYER_HAPPY: At the beach?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well yeah! But also on Love Island, on a date!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: In a setting almost as beautiful as the girl sitting opposite me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You think I’m beautiful, huh?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Why do you think I picked you?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You tell me…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Right, guess I have some explaining to do!
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Firstly, I wanna apologise if I’ve put you in an awkward situation.
ELLIOT_IDLE: I know you and {0} are coupled up and everything.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And it seems like you might have a vibe with Bella.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But there’s no one else I could have picked for my first date.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re the one I’ve come in here for!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ever since I laid eyes on you, I’ve barely been able to look away.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And I thought you deserved someone in here that was going to treat you right.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Well you deserve someone who appreciates how amazing you are.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And I haven’t seen anyone do that yet.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So I wanted to take you on a date.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: To show you what it’s like to be with a real gent.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Of course I would have preferred if we had this beach all to ourselves.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Are you happy that I picked you?
I’m so glad you picked me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m so happy you picked me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m looking forward to getting to know you better!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s a relief.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Just because {0} is here doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.
I’d rather you hadn’t picked me
PLAYER_IDLE: To be honest I’d rather you didn’t pick me.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: With everything going on with {0} and him being here…
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I totally get it, didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m just excited to get to know you and if sparks fly so be it!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But we’re here on a gorgeous beach in the sun! Let’s just have fun!
I don’t mind
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t really mind.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s good to get to know you! Even if {0} is here too.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s just lunch at the beach after all.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Exactly, no pressure. Let’s just have fun!
You hear flirty laughter from Chloe and {0}’s table.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sounds like they’re having fun…
Looking over Elliot’s shoulder you see {0} chit chatting and laughing.
Elliot smiles warmly at you and pours you both a drink.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Hey, I have a fun idea…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Wanna show them how well we’re getting on? Lay it on thick for them to hear?
Get your flirt on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s do it.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Ok, hold on. I’ll go first.
Elliot puffs out his chest and raises his voice slightly.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I don’t think I’ve met anyone quite like you, {0}!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re truly one of a kind!
Suddenly Elliot looks you straight in the eyes, his words sincere and direct.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Each time I look into your eyes all I can think about is kissing you…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh really?
You smile and raise your voice like Elliot.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh, Elliot! Finally a real gentleman in the villa!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s so refreshing after having all these boys!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I can’t wait to see what you can do!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I can’t wait to show you…
Chloe turns around and rolls her eyes, {0} can’t help but look jealous.
Elliot winks at you mischievously.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: That’ll show em.
It’s not a competition
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, let’s leave them to it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s not a competition.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re right. We have nothing to prove.
Elliot raises his glass in a toast.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: To us! And a magical first date.
You clink glasses and take in the scenery once more.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This all just doesn’t feel real! But I guess that’s the point.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you mean?
ELLIOT_IDLE: Well I’ve spent so long focussing on my streaming.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I thought it was about time to see the world…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Experience something different.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I hit the jackpot on the first try.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sounds like you’d already hit the jackpot. Amelia said you’re famous!
Elliot looks bashful.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know about famous…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m lucky to have an online following for sure.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re not just being humble? How many followers?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ah, I don’t like to talk about it really.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Go on! You have to say.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Wow! Sounds pretty famous to me! What’s that like?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: What’s what like?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Fame and fortune!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Can’t complain, I guess.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Means I’ve been able to give something back to my mum.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: She did so much for me growing up, it was nice to do something for her.
PLAYER_IDLE: What did you do?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Erm… I bought her a house.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: She deserved it, my whole family did! For putting up with me!
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I was pretty hard work as a teenager.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: That’s very generous of you…
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: It’s the only thing I wanted to spend the money on really.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: What would you do? If you came into a chunk of money?
Buy my family a house
PLAYER_HAPPY: Probably the same! Gift my family the perfect house.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m sure Amelia will be happy to hear that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: She better be!
Buy myself a house
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’d probably get myself a house to be honest.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Set myself up with a forever home.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that luxury penthouse I’ve always dreamed of.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that cosy cottage I’ve always dreamed of having.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that beach house I’ve always dreamed of.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Somewhere to settle down.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sounds like perfection.
Travel the world
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d use it to travel!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I wanna see every corner of the world!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So do I! It’s only recently I realised that there is so much I haven’t seen.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And now I want to see and do it all!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve just been waiting for the right person to do it all with.
Blow it all on a huge party!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’d spend it all on a wild party!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hire the biggest venue with a pool, dancefloor, dancers, cocktails!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Splash the cash on all my friends!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Wow, that’s a big party!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Work hard, play harder!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Hopefully I’ll get an invite.
Give it to charity
PLAYER_IDLE: Honestly, I think I’d give it to a charity.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Give it to a worthwhile cause, for people who need it more than me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I work with charities and know how much they need the support.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well that’s very selfless of you, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Maybe you should…
PLAYER_HAPPY: So what’s next for you then? You’ve got the success, now what?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: It’s a good question, one I’ve been asking myself a lot recently.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Truth is that the old saying is right. Money doesn’t buy happiness.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Not without someone to share it with.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I want to see the world and experience everything I can.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And then I want to settle down with the right person.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Someone I can share my life with and support them in their successes.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your Influencer career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team! We can promote each other.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your personal training career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe you can help me get buff too…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your engineer career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: We can build bridges in more ways than one!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career in the charity sector. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’d love to be able to support charities too!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your entrepreneurial projects. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career as an architect. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career as a fashion designer. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe you could help me with my style too…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: In everything that they do!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Anyway, I’m hoping this is the place where I can find that special person…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that something you would look for in a partner?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Someone to have your back and be part of a team?
Yes! I’d love that
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d love that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want my partner to be my cheerleader too.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Help each other get to the top!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I may have found my match…
ELLIOT_IDLE: I wonder if {0} feels the same way…
I work alone…
PLAYER_IDLE: I prefer to work alone.
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t really need any help. I prefer to be independent.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I admire that!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I guess I’ve been going it alone for a while now.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Starts to make you wonder what it would be like with someone by your side.
I’m not sure
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure, really.
PLAYER_HAPPY: On the one hand it’s good to have support.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I also like to be independent.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Not sure if I want to mix business with pleasure, you know?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I totally get it!
Lost in your eyes, Elliot leans forward and dips his elbow in his dessert.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Erm, Elliot. Your elbow?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Smooth move, Elliot!
Looking over Elliot’s shoulder you see {0} scoff at Elliot as he cleans his elbow.
Then he looks at you with a wistful smile.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I guess we shouldn’t let this dessert go to waste?
Give me a spoonful, Elliot!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Why don’t you give me a spoonful, Elliot?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: With pleasure…
Elliot gently forks some dessert and holds it out to you and you take a bite.
As you bite into it {0} looks at you longingly.
Chloe, noticing your eye contact, flirtily feeds some dessert to {0}!
Elliot takes a bit of his own pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
I’m diving in
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, let’s dive in. Looks delicious.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Absolutely.
You both taste the sweet pudding.
As you bite into your dessert {0} looks at you longingly.
Chloe, noticing your eye contact, flirtily feeds some pudding to {0}!
Elliot takes a bit of his pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
I’m good for now
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m fine for now, thanks.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sure, more for me I guess!
Over his shoulder you see Chloe seductively feed {0} some pudding.
Elliot takes a bit of his pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
You notice {0} and Chloe turn away and look at the ocean.
You have some privacy, if only for a short while.
Elliot looks at you seductively, his piercing eyes looking directly into yours.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: What are you thinking about?
Licking that chocolate off your cheek
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Right now I’m just thinking about licking that chocolate off your face.
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: What chocolate?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This chocolate…
With {0} still looking away you lean in towards Elliot.
Pulling his face close to yours you slowly lick the melted chocolate from his cheek.
Your lips practically touch as you pull away, leaving him in a daze.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: That might be the hottest thing a girl has ever done on a date…
This has been a great date
PLAYER_HAPPY: I was just thinking what a great date this has been.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s funny. Me too.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Hopefully it’s not the last.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I was actually thinking about {0}.
ELLIOT_SAD: Oh right.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: That’s understandable, he is right behind me.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Guess I haven’t turned your head away from him just yet.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: But hopefully I still have time to change that.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I wish this date didn’t have to end so soon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I feel like we’re only just getting into it!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: And the sea looks so inviting.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Would be a shame to come all this way and not dive right in.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Hey, how about we take a walk down the beach together?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Bet we could get a bit more privacy. Maybe dip our toes in the water too.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I feel like we have a lot more to learn about each other, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Plus I would love to find a way to thank you…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Helping me with the chocolate…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: What do you say? Fancy a romantic stroll to the water’s edge?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe we could continue where we left off, without an audience.
*Let’s go!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I love long walks on the beach.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that from your dating bio?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I do too, looks like we’re a perfect match.
Elliot stands and offers you his arm.
As you walk away from the table to the beach {0} and Chloe look on.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just off for a little stroll, catch you guys later!
Let’s end things here
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s best we call it a day.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We have to head back to the villa soon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Are you sure?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Just thought it might be nice to chat away from {0} and Chloe.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Could relax and be ourselves a bit more, open up you know?
*Ok, let’s do it!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok let’s do it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I do love long walks on the beach.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that from your dating bio?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I do too, looks like we’re a perfect match.
Elliot stands and offers you his arm.
As you walk away from the table to the beach {0} and Chloe look on.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just off for a little stroll, catch you guys later!
I’m ok thanks
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m ok, really. We should head back now.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sure, thanks for an amazing first date, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’ve loved getting to know you…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Let’s do this again sometime.
Elliot stands and moves around the table to pull out your chair.
Chloe and {0} are still immersed in seemingly flirty chat.
You see Chloe place her hand on his and whisper something in his ear.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Time to go, you two!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Coming…
The two of them join you as you all start making your way back to the villa.
Chloe places an arm around {0} as they walk ahead…
You feel the soft sand under your feet as you stroll with Elliot along the beach.
The water gently laps around you and the sea breeze runs through your hair.
With Chloe and {0} out of sight, you sit by the water, looking out at the horizon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Not sure it can get much better than this…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Than what exactly?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Sitting on a beach with a beautiful girl, looking out at the horizon.
PLAYER_HAPPY: If only I had a beautiful girl to sit with…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ha ha… you know what I mean!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This is paradise!
Elliot holds out his hand for you to hold.
Take his hand
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, I suppose this isn’t too bad.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.
You take his hand, holding it tight.
Elliot looks into your eyes for a moment, then you both take in your surroundings.
Snuggle with him!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well one thing could make it better…
You take his hand in yours, holding it tight.
Then you pull yourself close to him, throwing your arms around him and falling backward into the warm sand.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You’re right, this is even better.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Told you so.
The two of you lie there, looking up at the clouds and listening to the calming sea.
Keep your distance
PLAYER_IDLE: Maybe we should just keep our hands to ourselves for now.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Oh, of course, no problem.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: We can just enjoy the view.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: There’s something about you, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve got that raw excitement… of when you meet someone amazing for the first time.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But I also feel like I’ve known you forever.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I feel so comfortable and relaxed.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Like this is where I’m meant to be. Have you ever had that feeling?
I’m having it right now
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I’m having it right now.
Elliot’s face lights up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So I’m not imagining things?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re not.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I think there could be something special here.
PLAYER_IDLE: Nope, never.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Oh, just me then.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe you just need to get to know me a little better!
Maybe once before
PLAYER_IDLE: Maybe once, not sure.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Clearly not now then. Doesn’t matter!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe you just need to get to know me a little better!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I just feel like I really get you, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten to watch you on the show before coming in.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah that doesn’t seem fair, you’ve had a head start.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re right, that’s not fair.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Tell you what, you can ask me whatever you like!
How many notches on your bedpost?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Ok, what’s your number?
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: Really? Straight for the numbers!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You don’t pull any punches, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on, a promise is a promise.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Alright! It’s twenty…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Mostly at uni, but I guess that’s what everyone says.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Two of those might have been the same night though… together.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: A threesome! What happened there?
What happened in your last relationship?
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, what happened with your last relationship?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ooph, straight for the exes. You don’t mess about!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on, fess up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well I’ve been single for about eight months now.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: But I actually met my last girlfriend online… in a game I mean.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Yeah, we were teamed up on this ‘battle royale’ style game.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You know, last one standing?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And she basically saved my arse throughout and carried us through to the win.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So we kept on playing together for months and chatting until one day we decided to meet.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And things just went from there.
PLAYER_IDLE: How long did you date for?
ELLIOT_IDLE: About a year. But we were long distance and just started to drift apart.
PLAYER_IDLE: You don’t still play games with her, do you?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: No! We decided it was best to cut things off completely.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: It all ended pretty amicably. It definitely wasn’t my worst breakup.
ELLIOT_IDLE: There was the big one… that was pretty heartbreaking.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What was that one?!
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, I want to know your most embarrassing moment!
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: Wow, straight for the lowest of the low!
PLAYER_HAPPY: A promise is a promise!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s actually a pretty easy one.
ELLIOT_IDLE: So one day I was streaming live to all my followers.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And then my girlfriend at the time came over by surprise.
ELLIOT_IDLE: So I say goodbye to my followers, hop on the bed and we start chatting.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: We’re kissing and stuff, you know normal girlfriend and boyfriend things.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Then all of a sudden my girlfriend turns all serious and says we need to talk.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And then she just broke up with me….
ELLIOT_SAD: I was heartbroken, she was one of my first loves.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Then she leaves and I start blubbering on the bed!
ELLIOT_IDLE: So I decide to go back to my game to cheer myself up.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: And when I open it I realise I never stopped the stream.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: And hundreds of thousands of people have just watched my break up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I know, on the plus side it went totally viral.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: It actually helped my account blow up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Kind of led to my success…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And I’ve had plenty of embarrassing stuff happen on streams since then…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve said too much! Gotta save some of the gossip for our second date.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re having a second date?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’d love to! Thanks for asking!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m only messing, but this has been a pretty special date.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I hope we’ll get to do it again.
ELLIOT_IDLE: I guess we’ll have to head back…
Elliot looks deep into your eyes, then down at your lips.
You can tell he’s longing to kiss you.
Kiss passionately
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, I can’t let you go without a kiss…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You read my mind…
You pull Elliot close for a long passionate kiss.
You hold each other close and roll around in the sand without a care.
His hand runs gently down the small of your back sending tingles up your spine.
As he pulls away, the two of you lie there, taking in the moment.
ELLIOT_SAD: I guess we need to head back.
PLAYER_SAD: I guess so.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This has been amazing…
Kiss his neck
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well I can’t let you go without a kiss…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You read my mind…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Close your eyes.
He smiles and follows your instructions.
Gently you plant a kiss near his collarbone.
Then you slowly work your way up, until you kiss just behind his ear.
You see him shiver as a tingle rushes up his spine. He opens his eyes and smiles at you.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You are something else…
ELLIOT_SAD: I guess we need to head back.
PLAYER_SAD: I guess so.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This has been amazing…
Not right now
PLAYER_IDLE: We should head back. They’ll be wondering where we’ve gone.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You’re right. Don’t want {0} thinking I’ve stolen his partner away.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Not yet anyway…
Elliot helps you to your feet as you head back towards the villa, arm in arm.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
SNW 2x05 Charades thought-stream
[15 July '23]
La'an: "Why aren't you practising with Mr. Spock?" Erica: "Oh, things are kind of weird between them." XD Erica knooows
"Explore new interests such as cooking." Awww
Una, Erica, Nyota and La'an all hanging out together - crew!
"It is good to see you Nurse Chapel." So so awkward.
He barely looks different as human, but it's still so strange!
I find it so funny they have 10 minute intros. Just put the titles whenever, y'know?
Spock's face cycling through his emotions so quickly, that's impressive!
Oh no, the second hand embarrassment about Spock interrupting tat meeting. Aghhhh
"Vulcans can be such jerks." *hug* "Did I read the moment wrong?" Oh, that's super sweet!
"Sometimes I don't cry in the shower. Kidding!" What is he like?!
HAT! It's now hiding human ears rather than Vulcan ones! I love love love this!
"You aren't a practised liar yet." Oh is this when he learns to lie?
Uhura is the only one who sounds like a Vulcan XD The others are so bad at it!
I thought they were going to do the Illyrian gene thing there, saying their medicine couldn't fix the genes.
Interesting that Amanda hides her ears with her hair
No, Spock, you have to tell T'Pring or you won't be able to hide it if she's not on your side!
The dad! "These are delicious!" Who said Vulcans don't show emotions?
Girls on tour!
"Yeah, I hate analogies." XD
"So what, I gotta be the one to vote against doing the crazy maneuver? Does that sound like me?" ERICA MY BELOVED I'm so happy to see more of you being you :3
Spock's expression while being interrogated - somehow so neutral but you can see him holding back
"The other being diverted shields away from himself to protect you." "(quietly) He what?" Oh. Oh.
"Oh my god. Christine, come on!" "Seriously you do know. Tell them!" It sounds like they've been waiting for this opportunity for too long XD
Ughhhh why does friendship have to not be a convincing enough reason on its own?
"Yes, uh, the very important earth transition of..." "-charades" HAH! I CANNOT, YES! I want to see this so badly. (I love how strained Pike looks. Poor, stressed dear XD)
"I have to tell you-" *stab* oh Christine!!!
Spock not managing to hold the secret in, even as a Vulcan, but he's doing it Vulcanly because Vulcans do have feelings ughh I cannot!
"You refer to my human side as a handicap, yet my mother is the most resilient, compassionate, tolerant person I've known." TOO CUTE. I LOVE THIS
"You can read about it in my paper when it comes out later this year." POWER MOVE GIRLLL
Chris is the most dadliest dad in this episode and I love him for it
When T'Pring said "time apart", I don't think she meant go and kiss someone else straight away! Spock! Seriously?!
Okay, I enjoyed that episode - though I think Spock Amok was better? I am miffed we did not get to see T'Prings dad doing charades though! We were robbed! How can you mention that and then not even show it a little bit? XD
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yolobegone · 10 months
Hey Melanie!
I'm one of those people who hopped on board because of your newest stream and I gotta say, I am sooooo impressed. You wouldn't happen to have any tips for an aspiring indie horror video maker would you? Totally understand if it's a trade secret or something, y'know, it's just everything I've tried looks so fake and corny and your arg vid looked super realistic so I thought I'd ask!
haha hi ante!! (great username btw def 1 of the best ive ever seen lol)
once again thank u all soo much 4 rhe support on that last video! like i said i wasnt even sure if a lot of the stuff i tried would work lol let alone get as much of a response as it did!!
im afraid i didnt really record a lot of my process (which is probably 4 the best bc let me tell u it was NOT the best idea lol dont b like me kidz)- im a bit messy and all over the place with it n honestly the best advice i can give u is to have an absoloutely super utterly foolproof plan lmaoo
that and to use real equiptment as much as u can!! real saws (W/ THE SAFETY FEATURES STILL ENABLED LOL. DONT SAW OFF UR ARM. THIS HAS BEEN A PSA B4 SOME1 TRIES COPYING ME FR) and real warehouses and the msot method acting u can possibly get (jus close ur eyes and pretend its real lol works every time) helps dfdistract a bunchhhh from the fake blood which is good bc you always ALWAYS need more than u think
thats the rule for injuries!! those bitches bleed mor e than u would EVER imagine. ik. i googled it. also on top if that dont try editing it too much?? its like w films- being able to do all ur sfx physically at the time helps ur acting and how real it looks-- bc trying to edit details in is like the no1 way of makin it look fake as helll. also i use like, windows movie maker. so. they dont even got a fake blood feature.
ohyeah advice no4. dont use windows movie maker. it sucks. also igot like so many viruses trying to download it in the 1st place fml
good luck w it and happy horroring!! id love 2 see how it goes!
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keefwho · 11 months
July 17 - 2023 Monday
8:27 PM
I had decided to password protect this blog to make it totally private but the truth is I don’t want to do that. I hate talking to myself. I’d rather it be public even if no one is actually reading it. I feel better having things out there. I do wonder about the harm it could do though if people close to me see such unfiltered thoughts. I wouldn’t have to worry about that if I hadn’t linked it to my other Tumblr awhile back. Maybe I can change the URL, unlock it, and maybe shake the graphics up to not clearly be me. Maybe it would be nice to almost be incognito despite the fact that I say enough personal things on here to probably figure out who I am. Maybe the goal will be to intentionally be more vague and secret. 
11:06 PM
Today was okay. Breakfast was potstickers and spicy ramen which was good but I did worry slightly if it would be okay on my tummy despite eating it before. I did well with work today, I like what I’ve been doing using color in my sketch sheet. I drew the first porn of my newest pony OC Avena today. After this I have one last big commission to do this month from the guy that pays double to have it done. I did my leg workout but I don’t think it’s enough so I planned to fill my 2 workout-free days with small leg workouts. I just really want that ass and know I gotta work hard to make it happen. Lunch was a hot dog and a macaroni cup. I think I did a good job on today’s request and made just a little more progress on my bathroom world. I spent some time in my friends server as usual and had fun, I’m just starting to make more consistent conversation with more people there. I still don’t know if I feel it clicking but I will give it more time. It will at least hold me over until I find people that do click better. After work was done I felt inspired to draw a little bit more. After THAT I started to feel lost as usual. I had trouble figuring out what to do that would bring me meaning. I know I like VRchat so I hopped in for a bit to try and socialize. I did have a happy little conversation with this brand new player. He is a 31 year old guy who got his Quest 2 days ago and was hopping worlds. I thought he was a furry because I joined a public “Verified Furry” group instance but he was not associated with that. He just happened to pick this cartoony goat avatar. He was nice to talk to, socially adept unlike the few furries that joined and crowded our conversation. He didn’t stay on for too long though because of his headset’s battery life. I told him he could join me whenever, especially if he gets his Quest hooked up to his PC like he plans to on Wednesday. After that I tried hopping to find more people but had no luck. Another friend joined on me that I didn’t quite want to put up with and as usual he tried fucking the first people we met. I was honestly just super hungry at this point so I got off to make dinner. I watching Twitch until my bestie called and we chatted just a bit before she fell asleep. Ever since I’ve been watching someone stream Novel AI to write a funny little story. I thought about using it myself to write smut just for me even though I stand against using AI for creative means. In this case though it would be totally private for my use. Not sure I will actually put the time into that though. During this time I also made a happy little graph on my time tracking sheet to visualize how much I work per day compared to the rest. I love data like that.
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th-ramblr · 2 years
1, 13, 14, 20
accepting ;;
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
{--This one’s a bit tough to answer. So I think I’m gonna break the question down a bit.
My favorite muse to play on tumblr specifically has to be Lavi from D.Gray-Man. Gonna have to go with Lavi because when I was playing him and made a blog, DGM was still a fairly active community. Hallow had come out that year so there was a huge boom in activity that the fandom hasn’t seen since, and in a search for some good blogs I just happened to start writing with someone in the fandom who was super popular because I really liked their characterization (and unfortunately turned out to be a nasty narcissistic abuser who grooms minors given a few months’ time, oof).
I had so many awesome interactions though and at the time there was also a lot of other events being organized with a good 20-30 regulars at all times. IC movie streams, Cards Against Humanity, Epic Mafia, Chatzy games... I have a lot of good memories from then and it was a lot easier I feel getting interactions back then. I’ve been struggling to get a feeling like that back but I’ve only really had two other times I got somewhat close and neither were on tumblr.
I had a bunch of crossover interactions too, like with the inFamous and Walking Dead fandoms, among others. I was a little bit of a big deal for a while, which was awesome, and I still have a couple of really good friends from back then. I had so many headcanons and awesome threads and AUs...
Unfortunately the fandom is sort of dead now and a lot of the people I liked seeing have moved on for a combination of reasons, from the fandom, some from the site. A lot of it was because of stupid drama and popularity contests. Upsetti.
Outside of tumblr, I’d have to say Alekt and Kytes. I’m actually working on a webcomic that involves both of them (still in the super rough stages tho), if that tells you anything about how much I like them as characters. I like them for entirely different reasons though.
Alekt is one of my “genius” characters. Dare I say, a little on the OP side. He’s generally secretive and mysterious, knows what he wants, and is loaded full of useful skills and talents. He has a way about him and personality however that’s easy to work with, and people tend to like him most of the time.
Kytes is basically the opposite. He’s not “stupid” but he is average intelligence with a lot of handicaps. He’s generally physically weak, he doesn’t really have any big aspirations and doesn’t think he could achieve any anyway, he possesses only a few real skills and most aren’t something he can brag about to anyone, and he has a shithead personality towards most people that makes him difficult to like unless you’re one of the few privileged enough to get his “soft side” (which is like, maybe two other muses total). Kytes is fun to play though specifically because he’s a train wreck and he’s constantly having to learn new things he should’ve already known if his life hadn’t been shit.
Idk, I’m gushing a lot more than this question probably warranted XD--}
13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (In the rp community or otherwise)
{--Just five? Sorry, nah, I’m cheating this list and you can’t stop me.
One of the biggest ones has to ofc be @noctiilvcent‘s OC “Reno” / Rune (not to be mistaken as the same Reno as FFVII). He’s just an incredibly complex character that’s seen a lot of character development over the years and I’ve gotten a first row seat seeing how he’s developed and changed which is awesome. Also I just gotta appreciate some unapologetic baddies.
Canon-character wise, besides Lavi ofc:
Richard B. Riddick from Pitch Black/Chronicles of/Riddick. Big time fave.
Qrow Branwen from RWBY. My best bad luck boy. Honestly pretty relatable.
James Ironwood from RWBY. I know there’s a lot of people who hated his descent into “villainy” in v7 and v8 but god damn I loved it. I really did. Obviously not in a defending-what-he-did kind of light, but just how his whole arc was written was brilliant. I wish we got to see more good-guy-turns-evil arcs like his. The fact that people have to sit bitching and whining how they “ruined” James as a character honestly just speaks to how well written it was, because lbh, we all wanted James to make the right choices and we were rooting for him before Salem beat his door down. And then he didn’t. Other people see that as a failure of the writers, but honestly it was the best written volumes in the whole show imo. Yes, even better than v1 through v3. No you can’t change my mind.
Also from RWBY, Winter Schnee and shitley Whitley Schnee. Marrow is pretty neat too. And Neo. Looking forward to what they do with her next volume. Also Torchwick.
Chuuya from Bungo Stray Dogs. He’s such a feral gives-no-fucks bastard. I love it. His ability is pretty neat too. Also his design is just #aesthetic.
Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan. Do I even need to explain this one?
Thorkell the Tall from Vinland Saga. He's batshit insane and its great. Even my family likes Thorkell and let. me. tell. you. My family HATE anime. So god damn much.
Revy from Black Lagoon. You might be noticing a trend here by now. I like the crazy ones.
Road Camelot, Bookman, Komui Lee, and Yuu Kanda from D.Gray-Man.
Daisuke Kambe from Balance Unlimited. He's such a little shit.
Shibuzaki from Terror in Resonance. This man needs a god damn vacation.
Fai D. Flowright from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Forever mad they didn't animate his arc when they made Spring Thunder Chronicle.
Yuliy from Sirius the Jaeger.
Shikamaru Nara, Omoi, and Darui from Naruto Shippuden. Shikamaru is my spirit animal (joke). Omoi’s constant anxiety is a god damn mood. And Darui is just badass, nuff said. And ofc the real star of the show Kurama.
Yuu Nishinoya from Haikyuu.
Also literally just everyone in 91 Days, Wolf's Rain, and Tower of Druaga.
Final Fantasy characters... Reno, Rude, Tseng (FFVII), Auron, Rikku (FFX), Balthair, Basch, Larsa (FFXII), Nyx, all 4 Chocobros, Aranea (FFXV).
Fetch / Abigail Walker from inFamous Second Son.
Ellie from Last of Us Pt 1. (We don't talk about Part 2)
Zegram Ghart the Black Wolf from Rogue Galaxy.
Waka from Okami.
Kurow from Okamiden.
Negan from Walking Dead.
Sorry but I just can't pick five.--}
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
{--Oh thank god something easy to answer x’D I had to actually sit and think for a hot minute just to find five and some of these are specific to particular friends only.
I don’t have a ton of ships tbqh.
Lavi x Lenalee from D.Gray-Man (main otp tbh)
Lavi x Road from D.Gray-Man
Lavi x Fetch (inFamous)
Faunus!Prompto (FFXV) x Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Prompto x Gladio (FFXV)--}
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
{--Be nicer to people and you’d make more friends.--}
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weenwrites · 2 years
Can you write something where tfp Knockout or smokescreen (whoever you want to write for) their human s/o turns out to be spidergirl. (They kinda have like a Miles Morales backstory/past) I had ideas for the reveal if you want to use them or not. Im just putting this out here:
smokescreen falls off a cliff or the nemisis during a fight and s/o catches him with webbing and pulls him up to safety revealing her spider persona.
For Knockout I see something heavy for a human falling off a table in the med bay and wouldve landed on spidergirl s/o, but she flips out of the way and webs it to the wall out of reflex. Knockout sees this happen. Sorry for the long ask/entry but anyway do with this what you wish. if you just want to write their reacts or have completely new ideas I’ll be excited to hear what you have to say 😋
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TFP Knockout and Smokescreen W/ A Spider Vigilante S/O
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Pairing - Romantic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - None
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OH??? You’re a superhero? He may or may not have heard rumors of a spider vigilante swinging from here to there, saving the day and such… But he’d never figure it was you—though he has noticed you pack something away in your bag at times and found it rather odd that you’d at times have to go in a hurry—but still, he’d never guess that you were the hero.
He is interested about your hero vigilante persona and asks you a couple simple questions about it, but if you explain that you’re fine if he asks you any and every question he has, he’ll gladly ask away. Of course if your powers are some sort of mutation, he does his best to keep you away from Shockwave. Knockout is well aware of the fact that the other Decepticon scientist would love to get his claws on a rather unique human specimen such as yourself, and since you’re his partner he would hate to see Shockwave string you up on his lab table for experimentation, science, and research. If your powers aren’t a mutation, and say a neat gadget you made yourself, he’ll ask if he could examine such a fine piece of technology. Perhaps he could improve it a little because he may know a thing or two about weapons…
Whenever you’re out doing your hero work, he frequently checks the news for any word of you. He needs to know if you’re alright, but he doesn’t want to possibly distract you during a crucial moment by giving your phone a ring, and so the next best option apart from checking up on you himself is to look at the news. If there happens to be anyone streaming you fighting some super villain, he’ll unfortunately get distracted from his work and spend as much time as he can watching. He’ll be rooting for you all the way, and whenever you’re dealt a painful looking blow or whenever things don’t look all too well for you, his spark will drop and he’ll look away, fearful for what happens next. Of course if you return alive, albeit battered and bruised, he’ll quickly rush in to treat your injuries to the best of his ability and express how amazed and worried he was. All in all, he’ll be relieved that you’re alive and mostly alright.
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WHAT?! You’re a super hero?! That is SO awesome! Do you have an awesome hero costume? Or an awesome hero name? Y’know he’s sorta like a hero in a way, he fights cons and saves the Earth from time to time, you fight villains and criminals and save the city. But mostly, why didn’t you tell him?! Right… Right… Secret identity… Gotta keep it a secret… But c’mon he’ll keep it! No one but the two of you will know!
With all this excited buzz about your secret identity, you’re not sure he’ll even keep it a secret, or if it’ll even end on the other hand. He asks you all sorts of questions about your secret identity, such as: How did you get your powers? Why did you become a hero? How’d you get your awesome suit? Do you have a hero name? If so, how did you choose or get it? The list goes on and on for miles, but if he’s bothering you with all these questions he’ll apologize and try his best to tone it down. Then an idea hits him and he asks you if you know about how Batman has his batmobile, he asks if he could be your ride, and it’s up to you to accept or decline his proposal.
Nowadays he’ll ask you all about your super cool adventures as a super hero. If he catches anything about you fighting some criminals or some super villain, you can be sure he’ll ask you all about it afterward, wanting to know all about the details. If you happen to get out of a pretty rough fight with someone, he’ll definitely ask if you’re alright and offer to take you to see Ratchet or Nurse Darby to see if they could fix you up.
Depending on how strong you are and if you allow the rest of the team to know, he might just want to take you along with him on missions. The two of you could be a power couple! A duo of doom! Smokey and Spidey! Of course he knows that he can’t put humans in danger, especially you. Sure he knows you’re capable of handling your own, but would Optimus really approve of taking you out to fight Decepticons with him? Nope. So for the time being, his fantasies of the two of you being a power couple that beats up bad guys and saves the world together remain dreams.
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cultivated-man · 1 year
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lieblingbitte · 2 years
karaoke w the bloomic LI's (+ onion + 2two)
pairing: bloomic boys headcanons, theres no reader character in this but U can Like... Imagine ur there prompt: hcs about doing karaoke with the boys! :D tags: headcanons, foul language, alcohol mention(s), no pronouns or gender-specific language, fluff!!!, not proofread bc this was very stream of consciousness in my notes app
enjoy!!!! :DDD
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XYX song: Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
only sings funnyman songs
eg: all star, country roads, the pokemon intro...
does NOT take it seriously AT ALL
the first song he sings is a rickroll (obviously)
but annoyingly is not a bad singer
(because he's good at everything apparently...)
(he goofs around but his voice really suits those like frank sinatra, johnny cash esque songs...)
enjoys himself A Lot he likes listening and making fun of everyone's song choices
has the most fun singing together w everyone! (you did wannabe by the spice girls one time and he swears those were the best three minutes of his life)
song: Dancing Queen - Abba
VERY shy about it
doesn't wanna sing at all at first but xyx forces encourages him to (and he has a bit to drink)
when he does end up singing he picks very classic karaoke songs so everyone can sing along!!!
(their face is FLUSHED afterwards but they did have fun)
not a bad singer per se but they struggle w melody and tone and stuff
(+ he doesn't sing seriously because he Is Embarrassed)
also the type to forget the lyrics (even if they're on the screen right in front of them)
prefers listening to the others sing and provide backup vocals/instrumental
the guy with the maracas/tambourine
song: Gotta Go My Own Way - High School Musical
the Musical Theatre guy... Or like really trashy 2000s pop
sings duets by himself.......
the one that suggested you all do this LOL
hes suuuuper high energy.. hes having so much fun
his neighbours ring his doorbell like Seven times and ask him to Shut Up
(he does not)
bad singer and he owns it
(his charisma makes up for it)
puts on a whole performance, jumping around, using a hairbrush for a microphone and shit
song: Take On Me - A-ha
this guy.. he sings old songs.... like queen maybe billy joel stuff like that
probably the best singer out of all of them .. but he doesn't take the compliment
loooves karaoke.. loves suggesting songs you all do loves listening.. Hes just a karaoke guy
he needs a couple of drinks to get out of his shell fully but then hes unstoppable
hypes everyone up SO much full on cheering and shit
likes singing romantic duets... ;-)
in general, he does like Ten Minute Long ballads but no one minds because hes a good singer... and hot guy privilege
song: Mr Brightside - The Killers
does NOT want to sing
but nightowl picked a song and now he HAS to.. tch
(embarrassed but he is a good singer... and hes probably cocky abt it...)
"Ugh, can I go now." when the song is done (doesn't go.) (doesn't want to go)
probably judging everyone's song choices ("Pff, nightowl. Britney Spears? Really?")
he literally listens to Like mcr and shit in secret But OK!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
("Their lyrics are poetic." OK emo boy.)
does end up having a little fun Maybe but hes being all tsundere abt it -__-
song: I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry
the music guy
not a singer but his mum probably made him go to choir or something so he can hold a tune
another hype man! loves singing with his friends! and loves telling them that!
picks songs from every category probably, like he will sing the beatles and avril lavigne right after
has fun no matter what... likes singing by himself, listening to the other, singing together.. he is just a little guy
knows Literally every song ever... I feel like he has super broad tastes
notes: had thoughts. me and friends did a little discord karaoke thing recently and i was like yeah this is cool but what if Blooming Panic LOve Interets. loads of thoughts abt the li's tastes in music btw send me an ask and i will talk about it more ;-)
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
hii dear! I’m sorry for requesting again but everything you write is just *chefs kiss*
so my idea is a bucky barnes fluff one shot where reader takes him to a record shop and then for ice cream afterwards with the prompts
‘Please don’t leave me alone.’ and ‘It’s just an ice cream cone.’
thank you for considering dear !! thanks again xx
Saturday Afternoon
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: N/A, just super fluffy <3
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so glad you enjoy my writing, thank you so much - i hope I did this one just as well!
“A record shop?” Bucky asked as you two walked hand-in-hand down the street. “Those things really still exist?”
You giggled, "You had record stores back in your day?"
Bucky shrugged. "There were a few in the area. I haven’t been to one since then but I read they’ve gotten quite popular over the years."
"They’ve had their ups and downs," you said. "But I’ve always adored them."
You two continued your way down the street, hands connected and arms swinging. You hadn’t initially told Bucky that morning where you were dragging him, opting to wait until you were already on your way. All you had explained was that you wanted to go shopping and thought he might enjoy it as well. A bit suspicious but he eventually agreed. When you eventually revealed it, your assumption on his excitement was correct.
It was no secret to you that Bucky enjoyed music — well, music from his time. He’d tolerate the alternate and rock vinyls you liked to play but when it came down to it, the man could sometimes be stuck in his era. You had learned, though, that he was having a hard time finding the music he remembered.
You tried showing him streaming services like Spotify but he claimed it didn’t "sound the same" — you just about rolled your eyes at his old-fashioned talk and instead turned your attention to tracking down records from that time. After a bit of hunting via the internet, you were surprised to find the record store you frequented carried albums from back in Bucky’s time.
So, that’s where you were dragging him now on a lovely Saturday afternoon. You thought you could make a whole day of it: browse some records then stop in at the ice cream shop next door. They hand-churned it all and everything, it was delightful, and you were quite surprised you had never thought to take Bucky to this area. From the looks of how he took in the rows of shops with a fascinated gaze, you could tell he was already enjoying the trip.
"You already look pleased and we haven’t even made it to our destination," you commented. Bucky shot you a smirk.
"I’m always pleased when I’m with you, doll."
You just about snorted at his cheesiness. You had quickly realized anything you said could be turned into a line by Bucky and, well, it did sometimes did something for you.
You two rounded the corner and came upon the record store. You opened the door and pulled Bucky in with you, having a hard time hiding your own excitement. Bucky just happily followed, looking around at the miles and miles of records. You knew it could be a bit overwhelming at first so you tried giving a laydown of the outline of the shop.
"Okay," you said as you stopped at one aisle. "It’s separated by genres but there’s also a section for decades. That’s where you’d find like the eighties, the fifties, et cetera. I guess that’s probably where you want to start." You turned to him. "Do you know what you’re looking for?"
You watched as Bucky nodded and pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket. "At least what I can remember," he chuckled at the sour joke as he motioned towards the paper. You just gave him a small smile and led him down the rows.
"Seventies, sixties, fifties… Here!" You exclaimed as you came to a stop in front of rows of albums labeled with ‘30s’ and ‘40s.’ "Hopefully you can find them."
Bucky smiled down at you. "Thanks, honey," he mumbled as he placed a kiss on your cheek. You blushed, disconnecting your hands.
"I-I’ll be just a few aisles over," you said, motioning towards the second labeled ‘alternative.’ "If you need help or anything I’m sure we can talk to someone—"
"Go do your own shopping," Bucky chuckled, practically shooing you away. "I’ll be just fine."
You raised your hands in surrender and headed to your own section of the record shop, watching the excited, focus gaze that came across Bucky’s face as he flipped through the records. Your heart warmed at the sight.
Just under an hour or later, Bucky finally came and found you, cradling a whole stack of vinyls in his arms.
You giggled, taking in the sight of your boyfriend wrangling with the items. "Someone hit the jackpot, huh?" You teased as you looked over the different covers and names. To be quite frank… You didn’t recognize any of the music. But that also just means that Bucky would get to show you his music like you had been showing him yours.
Bucky shrugged as if this was nothing. "They had a great selection, I had to narrow it down."
"This was narrowing it down?"
Bucky playfully rolled his eyes, a little smirk playing on his lips. "Yes, believe it or not, this was."
You shook your head and reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I’m just kidding, Buck," you said. "I’m glad you found what you wanted."
"I did," he nodded, "thank you so much. You don’t know what this means to me."
You had to look away as Bucky’s loving gaze became borderline intense and your blushing could not be controlled. You took his arm and began leading him to the cash register. "Let’s get these paid for and then we go for ice cream."
"Ice cream?" Bucky perked up. You nodded.
"What date would be complete without ice cream?"
"Oh," Bucky hummed. "This was a date."
You lightly pushed his shoulder as he placed his albums on the counter for the cashier to begin scanning. "You say that like we’re not already a couple," you laughed.
"Couples still need to go on dates," Bucky shrugged. "I feel like I should’ve been informed." He paid for the albums then took the bag from the cashier. In his other hand, he grabbed yours as you two begin exiting the shop.
"It’s nothing special," you insisted, steering him towards the ice cream shop.
Bucky scoffed. "Any date with you is special, sweetheart."
Gosh, he was such a sweet talker. You had to ignore it now or else you’d walk into the ice cream with a face looking like a tomato. It was becoming your permanent state around Bucky. Despite you two being together for a good amount of time, he was the king of making you squirm.
You two quickly found a table in the shop. Bucky sat down and placed his new collection of music on the floor beside the chair. He looked up at you, noticing you weren’t sitting down.
"What would you like?" You asked, motioning towards the menu. "I’ll get it for you. My treat."
Bucky frowned, dramatic and silly. "Please don’t leave me alone."
You couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculousness. Bucky loved pulling these teasing stunts on you, acting like you were leaving home forever when you’d just be going to the bathroom or getting a snack.
You shook your head, "You’ll be fine, I’m only leaving you for ice cream. It’s just an ice cream cone."
He sighed. "Fine, if you must." His eyes roamed the menu for a moment before they lit up like a light bulb had gone off. "Well… Instead of just an ice cream cone, we could share a banana split?"
"Oh, how romantic," you smiled. "You trying to use one of your old moves on me, Barnes?"
"You started this, doll, you said it was a date," he said with a cocky smile. "I gotta pull out all the stops."
"You’re absolutely ridiculous," you mumbled as you placed a quick kiss on his lips. He hummed, happily, almost even sneaking a hand around your waist to keep you against him but you quickly shooed him off.
You yelped. "Do you want your ice cream or not, mister?"
"I don’t know, honey. You seem so much sweeter." Your jaw went slack.
"I’m walking away now," you declared and stuck to your word, marching away defiantly but with a silly little smile playing on your lips. You could feel Bucky’s eyes roaming all over you as you went to get the banana split.
That man was going to be the death of you.
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what random hyperfixation aside from their cannon interests do u think the obey me brothers would have? like i could totally see satan be one of those people that is super into fragrance and knows what every single note smells like or beel being very informed about brand marketing lol
The idea of Satan being like every fanfic character and being able to pick out all sorts of smells from anything is hysterical lmao
I’m only at, like, lesson 39, so if this is either disproven or comes up as canon in the later lessons, Oops. So some of these will be more random/Vibe based, and some might have some justification I pull from canon like aspects of the characters’ personalities or canon interests bc, well, even when extrapolating/taking a canon character and saying “mine now”, I tend to like to refer to the source material.
So without further ado!
Random Hyperfixations/Interests the Brothers Have (At Least, According To Me)
No, not birdwatching
What is birding, you ask? Well it’s basically birdwatching but much more meticulous and aggressive
Birdwatchers tend to just kinda chill somewhere or set up a bird feeder and admire whatever shows up, maybe look up some local birds to better identify them when they see them
Birders(?) are like mf Pokemon trainers: Gotta Spot Them All! Birdwatching is a much more active hobby for them, they will literally drive out a couple hours just to see a bird they’ve never seen before and record it
I think this fits Lucifer because he is absolutely the kind of person who would try birdwatching and get super competitive about it
(No shade to birding, I just find it really funny that there’s a name for what is basically “INTENSE BIRDWATCHING”)
Anyway, Lucifer has probably been responsible for several discoveries of new bird species in the Devildom, and is well-known amongst ornithologists, who may or may not stalk him on his bird-ventures because the odds of him finding something new and exciting are quite high
Idk why exactly but I feel like he’d be big into drumming? Most kinds of percussion, really
There’s something really tactile and stimmy about a drum set that I think Mammon would appreciate
I don’t know a lot about the technique of drumming, but I love a good beat, and rhythm is the foundation of music
Plus he could totally do streams and take (paid) requests every now and then
But mostly I think this would be something he just does himself
To relax, to have fun, to vent out any pent up Feelings
His drums are kept in a separate music room that is magically soundproofed tho because he has a tendency to get the urge to play at odd hours
And that has caused Problems in the House in the past
Okay, we all know Levi is into collecting, especially fandom merch and the like
But I think he’s also into Swords
Don’t get me wrong, he probably has some decorative and/or nerdy swords
But I do also mean like Actual Historical and Modern Swords
Cursed swords, enchanted swords, ordinary swords that are just Really Cool looking or have an interesting history behind them…
He can’t display them all at once, but he has a comprehensive organization system for them as well as a giant binder with all the information about them
A lot of his finds come from his underwater explorations of Devildom and human world seas and oceans
Like Lucifer, he’s got professionals who occasionally stalk him because of this
But they’re gonna have to be faster than him at actually finding the weapons bc once he’s got it in his sights, he’s not exactly keen on letting someone else take it
The Devildom Royal Museum has been in deep negotiations with him for centuries about displaying parts of his collection in personal exhibits but he’s been pretty stubborn
It’s not fair, he’s the one who found them, why do they get to take them away?!
However, as space becomes increasingly limited, Levi might have to concede some ground...
Straight up amateur archeology/whatever the Devildom equivalent of urban exploration would be
Satan’s a huge nerd, so it stands to reason that he’d be into visiting old ruins in the Devildom and see if he can find anything interesting
Archeology is basically like uncovering the mysteries of the past, and he’s big into detective stuff already
He probably finds the research afterwards just as interesting too
He has definitely let his grades slip a bit while following up on a particularly promising trip
Unlike Levi, if he finds something of value/interest, he has no problem handing it over to actual historians and the like, but he wants to be involved in the Process
He refuses to call the emotion he feels when seeing his name on an exhibit’s plaque “pride”, but...
Heavy metal :)
It absolutely Does Not fit with his pastel pink softboi sex kitten image
So very few people know
Lots of people have heard Asmo sing, and a few have heard him scream for… certain reasons
But practically no one has heard him really scream
Part of him is slightly insecure about liking something that some might find unbecoming
But mostly he likes to keep it secret because he finds it deeply amusing to drop small hints about it and see people’s reactions
There may or may not be an underground Devildom metal band with a suspiciously charming singer who can go from the most primal growls to the crispest cleans without a hitch
I just really like the idea of Asmo dressed like a metalhead okay? He has the range!!
This one is totally random, I have zero justification for it
I just think it’d be neat
Big things, small things, decorative things, functional things
Woodworking is a very physically and mentally involved process (unless you wanna lose a finger), so I imagine it’d be very grounding for Beel
Plus, bringing food into the woodshop would likely end terribly so if he’s looking to beat his cravings without emptying the fridge, that’s a plus
Now, my sleep-deprived brain supplies, has he ever tried to carve something with his teeth like a beaver? Well
I’m gonna say yes, but only once and it went poorly
He probably also does, uh… idk what it’s Officially Called, but when you burn/engrave stuff into wood with a heated metal stick
For some Sad Boy Hours, he’s definitely made something in tribute to Lilith and placed it at her tombstone
I’m gonna cheat a little bit bc while I don’t think it’s been brought up in canon, we do see it in his dance battle sprites… Ballet
It is the One Single Physical Activity Belphie’s into, and no it’s Not because ballet is easier than other activities
That is a bullshit lie fed to you by sexism, since ballet is perceived as more feminine than say, basketball or wtv
If ballet’s the base of your dance knowledge, you can do a lot of different styles with it, using a variety of techniques
But I imagine Belphie’s style is more classical leaning
He will literally do exercises in place to stay awake, his core is excellent
He can go on pointe, but because he sometimes takes long breaks from dance it may take him a while to build his strength back up to do it safely
Also it is now my headcanon that one of those breaks did not take place during his attic-captivity, because what would piss Lucifer off more than the THUNKS of Belphie’s slippers at odd hours?
THUNKS, you ask? But ballet shoes are so delicate lookin-
Toe shoes, my friend. Toe shoes.
They contain a wooden box at the toe which help support a dancer’s feet when they go on pointe. At shows, the music drowns it out, but if you’ve ever heard a pointe dancer practice in person, it is Loud. Not actually as graceful as it looks lol
Also also, does this mean Beel could have repaired Belphie’s shoes at some point? I dunno, i have no clue how ballet shoes are made. But i think it’d be sweet if he did ^-^
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