#gosh i just love the glitch effects
stonebelyash · 3 months
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can't get myself to draw an actual full art, so it is what it is ':) cutie Em from hazbib hotelb хазбик, wanna know more about her bc she is just so sweet :3
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weebsinstash · 1 year
GOD I am a slut for an entire yandere spider society; like not all romantic, and clearly Miguel being the alpha romance, but can you imagine?
Like your prompt where readers dopple was causing issues the way yandere society would react? Trying to find you, bring you home? A mile morales level chase lmao
Miguel: --and that concludes today's meeting on the recent anomalies. Now, are there any matters any members would like to present before we adjourn?
some rando running up the the stage with a bunch of materials: I've got one, I've got one!
Rando: *sets up a whole ass projector and suddenly a picture of your smiling face is up on the wall*
Rando: this is just a really good photo I got of them when we were hanging out the other day :) I thought they looked super cute and they said they were feeling happy
The crowd: *resounding 'ooo's and 'ah's*
Miguel, nodding in approval: excellent, agent OBT, keep up the good work
Absolutely obsessed with the idea that YouTwo was only able to basically steal your entire identity because the Society is so infatuated with you that any weird changes in your behavior are completely brushed off because they already like you so much that you'd have to do something like super outrageous and hurtful for them to like, really start getting suspicious. You're getting extremely depressed because you think you're being replaced by this impersonator when, in truth, the only reason everyone seems to instantly like them is because they literally look and sound exactly like you, and the SECOND it comes out that that ISNT you? Well. I mean. It's an entire society of Spiderpeople from across the multiverse. There's definitely at least ONE murderer who's going to 'take care of them' or at the very least they're kicked out of Nueva York and never allowed to travel the multiverse ever again
Like. I just. Cannot even imagine like. On one hand you think they would be so obsessed and observant kf you that they immediately know when theyre speaking to you or your double, i'm sure SOME people are suspicious, but, the idea of them just being so crazy for you "oh gosh yesterday I hung out with Reader and they kicked a puppy for getting dirt on them and the next day when I asked them about it they started crying about 'why is everyone accusing me of shit I didn't do' and said they hadn't hung out with me in weeks. They must just be really stressed from work, you know they push themselves so hard, we should tell Miguel to give them some PTO :(" like they would basically be willing to make excuses for almost anything you do because "oh that's just Reader aren't they great 🥰 they're a lil quirky sometimes but we love them"
YouTwo would honestly be such a nasty little manipulator and genuine threat to your safety because once they realize holy shit they really could have ANYTHING, they dont want to give that up. Imagine you start having situations like, oh your double accidentally bumps passed you so hard it knocks you over and basically no one reacts because they thought YOU were the extra. Things randomly falling on you from higher levels. Them pretending to be you and "creating scenes" in public where you're getting publicly berated. They start fake crying and saying you're being mean to them and suddenly you're being asked to leave?
It's this vicious back and forth of them treating you well and like they normally do and then suddenly treating you awful and you don't even realize it's because that two faced POS is literally stealing your costume or mask and any other personal effects to impersonate you. I can only imagine the PANDEMONIUM when they realize you're GONE gone or even worse, started becoming suicidal. I keep thinking back to my idea of Reader needing to wear one of their dimensional watches to help keep them tethered down so they don't glitch out and potentially taking it off and it just makes them blink somewhere else instead of, like, die. And, like, there's just some public incident where a bunch of them become aware Oh Shit You're Not Doing Good.
Like. I have a draft started and I started getting down like a specific scene I couldn't get out of my head. Reader is needing to be needed and the Society has this project where they're trying to make a big large scaled elevator sort of platform for like, older and disabled Spiders so they don't all have to swing everywhere and can still be included, and just for Spiders who may be tires after a long day and don't want to swing and climb, and there's some massive incident where it's starting to break apart spring construction of you rush to help because you NEED to be helpful again, you NEED to feel like you matter, and everyone is trying to band together to keep all this debri and rubble from falling below and you're literally like, have one arm hanging on to a tether and your other arm holding up this massive like bus sized piece of the elevator shaft that had started to fall. And people are literally screaming at you to just let it drop, but you're saying they have no idea if everyone below was evacuated, and this elevator is so important, everyone's been working so hard, you can't just let it break, even as trying to hold it up is practically tearing you in half
You manage to create a calculated array of webs that supports it from completely falling but some falling pieces and rubble still break apart and you're so worn down that you just knocked off a platform and fall, landing hard and even having shit fall on top of you. You're just pinned by a massive piece of concrete and you're too exhausted from pushing yourself to hard for the last few weeks that you can't lift it off. You smacked different surfaces on the way down and somehow your bracelet came off and you're glitching. You can see the bracelet caught on a piece of rebar thats far away but close enough to grab if you shoot a web. But. Suddenly you cant find the motivation to. The rescue team and other Spiders and most important Miguel finally arrive on the scene to find you basically about to completely fade away or teleport or whatever and everyone is freaking out, trying to pick through the debris for the watch, lifting the construction materials off of your body (but I imagine you probably broke something, fractured a femur or something similar) and Miguel notices you keep glancing behind him, but. He doesn't miss how resigned you look, how tired and deflated you sound as you ask if the elevator is ok to which almost everyone responds hey yo FUCK the elevator you're about to like DIE??? And you just. Kind of laugh and say "at least i helped and did at least one good thing in my life" which freaks them all out, and eventually Miguel turns around to look where you keep glancing at and sees the bracelet just in time and his heart breaks as he realizes, holy shit you could see it was hanging there but just. Wasn't going to tell them. You were just going to die.
But hey, only he really makes that realization and you only have to deal with him having that knowledge, right? Wrong. He goes to put it back on you and countless Spiders can see and hear as you shake your head and close your eyes and whimper "just let me go. I don't belong here"
So now basically EVERYONE knows AND now you're straight up in a fucking wheelchair and Miguel tells you, obviously you'll be having no more work until you're completely healed up, and even though that's to help you it actually makes you more upset because like, imagine they give your job to your double. So now, in your mind, you have no reason to be here. You feel like you're completely alone and now your "purpose" is gone and you're BEGGING HIM not to do this to you, that you can still do SOMETHING, and this man is looking at you literally injured in a wheelchair being, by no exaggeration, HYSTERICAL, and thinks "yeah no, poor Reader DEFINITELY needs a break, obviously being so obsessed with being useful isn't healthy, a break from their responsibilities will help them rest" and, like, kind of true but it also just makes you feel so much worse
I imagine YouTwo would HATE you being in the wheelchair too because now people can definitively tell the two of you apart and the imposter can't suck up all the perks of you being the local darling and they're even angrier than before because YT is like "wow so even after all this time, I still don't compare" and vows to basically fucking kill you (and hey maybe they were even behind the elevator collapsing?)
But you finally decide you can't take it anymore once you're out of the chair, those constantly watching eyes and people hanging around you --which really is the whole yandere thing but also them wanting to keep an eye on you so you dont get hurt-- you interpret it as them thinking you're stupid and incompetent and I imagine you just kind of. Blow up. Get triggered. Reach your breaking point. You had just been insisting that you do a certain task alone or visit a certain place by yourself without having an extra shadow or two or twelve and you're just, you've had it, your stress from EVERYTHING is coming out in this moment and you're just SCREAMING, "Leave me alone, just give me some FUCKING SPACE" and you just TAKE OFF and that's when we get a massive chase. Obviously given that they're you know yandere and you're so extremely upset and have had mental health issues they IMMEDIATELY take after you and someone is phoning Miguel and at some point you're literally like, swinging in between traffic to try and lose your pursuers and you can hear Miguel behind you and it's just unlocking this insane sense of fear and panic and fight or flight inside of you. They're making it so much worse by chasing you and in THEIR minds they're just worried about you and think you're just having a panic attack? Which you are but like, from your perspective, you're literally being smothered and you ask for some time alone and now you're being hunted down and now you're just upset and panicking
You have to be literally tackled and at this point you're just getting angry and belligerent. Some rando is like "Reader this isn't you, we had so much fun last week at the mall when I bought you all that stuff" nd you're just like "I don't even know who you are, what the fuck are you talking about, ove barely left home in the last 3 months except for work" and suddenly so many people are popping up in the crowd,
"Wait so it wasn't you I leant 50 bucks to last Tuesday?"
"But you and I went out to the mall yesterday?"
"You mean when I was sleeping at home all day?"
"Weren't you with us when we stole a bunch of stuff from the British Musuem with Pavitr?"
"Who the FUCK is Pavitr?!"
Everyone starts absolutely freaking the fuck out and clamoring amongst themselves, comparing stories, and they quickly realize, oh holy shit they've actually barely seen you around for months, almost NO ONE has actually spent time with the real you. Your doppelganger was so efficient and on their toes at never getting caught that the Society never even realized you were basically gone and now they're all kicking themselves as you lay there crying "you guys didn't even notice I was gone? You can't even tell us apart?"
Miguel calls for an emergency meeting with every Spider in the super secret We Love Reader club as everyone irons out their stories and gives their personal accounts while Miguel reviews it with security footage and they start to fully grasp just how BADLY this-this IMPOSTER has-has-has DEFILED their bonds with you and drove you into isolation and self doubt and they're all raving, lynch mob mad. And obviously unless they're like, completely out of their minds, they can't KILL your faker, but, like.... they can beat them half to death though. Like could you imagine that some of these Spiders have been deadass giving like really significant meaningful gifts they intended to you and it was given to A STRANGER? Some Peter Parker finds out, oh shit he gave that old token from Uncle Ben to THEM, not YOU? So many of them confronting the faker and finding out they've just been stealing tons of gifts and money and favors and shit and they've GOTTEN RID OF some of the things that were meant for YOU. These are some seriously pissed off stalkers at this point.
But Jesus. The absolute mayhem if they didn't find all of this out until you've already snuck off to a normal, Spider free section of Nueva York or another dimension entirely and you've just been GONE. Their guilt and realization that they drove you away amd you left to never have to see any of them. You're just like trying to live a normal life in an apartment somewhere and suddenly at least 5 costumed pursuers are suddenly in your living room with Miguel checking you all over and making sure you're not hurt anywhere, hell maybe he even finds self harm cuts, some new, some clesrly older, and they make it abundantly clear that you're NOT staying here by yourself. You're coming back to the Society HQ in Nueva York and you're getting an even better (and bugged) apartment than you had before and they're gonna make sure they pay more attention yo you this time, right? No more crazy stunts, and definitely no more trying to leave.
Ok. Ok I know this post is getting long but I have one last bit. What if the alternative to YouTwo getting exposed and them having to come after you is, YouTwo actually manages to "switch your places" or something, maybe they even switch their costume wirh yours while stealing yours so you're walking around dressed as them, looking for them to get your costume back, and suddenly you're being confront by Miguel and a ton of other Spiders because that evil little rat ran to them fake crying saying that "the other me impersonating me" and, you're kind of being deliberately trapped in a scenario where you look kind of guilty. Like imagine YouTwo is escorted away and suddenly Miguel and the rest are being rude to you and when you try to tell O'Hara "I'm not lying, I'm the REAL--" and he just slaps you and tells you to leave the city and never come back, and AFTER they treated you so deliberately terribly, THAT'S when they realize what happened
I'm definitely not like hyperfixating on these guys and this concept and Spider Reader stuff, what, that's crazy lmao
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anya-chalotra · 1 year
hi! first of all i wanted to say i'm obsessed with your shadow and bone gifsets (all your gifsets tbh, you're super talented!), i was wondering how you were able to get the glitches on this gifset to be green & yellow like that? i just can't figure out how to change the colors like that using my normal method of using the rgb channels and i love the way the green and yellow works: /post/712882007539171328/and-yet-they-hesitated-the-knowledge-that-they
Gosh, thank you so much. You'd think after years of doing this, I'd be a little more equipped to handle compliments, but I still get flustered like it's the one of the first times all over again.
The set in question for anyone else wondering or trying to mess around with 3D/glitch effects and changing up the colors. And here is another example.
Hopefully this makes sense (and feel free to reach back out if it doesn't!) but I don't actually touch the RGB channels at all—or, at least, not later on in the process to actually shift the colors around. First, I do the default setting for the basic 3D effect, which is just the channel for reds activated:
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And then this is where the Hue/Saturation adjustment comes in handy. Because red and cyan are already such isolated color points, it means it's a piece of cake to shift both around as you see fit. I knew the final products (with the film and light leak overlays) were going to be orange-yellow and green, so I shifted my Reds to the right to be more yellow and my Cyans to the left to be more green.
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As another example, here's pink and purple:
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Keep in mind that working with a B&W base also makes things exponentially easier and that won't always be the case. Obviously, when your base gif isn't black and white, there are going to be reds and/or cyans (or greens and purples, if you tick off the G channel; or blues and yellows, if you tick off the B channel) so it requires a bit more effort and work in making sure that only your glitch layers are affected.
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children-of-subcon · 2 years
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FINALLYY the ghost squad has been completed as well >:D I know that I’m a few days late to making it for November but in my defense I’ve been really busy and I got the main part of the ref done in November at least ;w;
I have waited so long to get to this guy... His first design was absolutely abysmal but I’m pretty happy with the final version! Oh gosh I’m gonna have to go back and edit every post I where he was hidden aren’t I o,_,o
ANYWAYS lore under the cut :DDD
The Tricky Merchant, also known as TM or just Timmy, is a notorious salesghost who mainly sells Magnets! Be careful when dealing with him, though... there’s always a 50% chance between him actually giving you the Magnet you asked for, or a completely useless one instead!
He can be found most anywhere, and as such, has quite a wide customer base! His best friends are Captor and Bowthreader, although at the moment he’s a bit closer to Bow. Still, he does hang around Cappy quite a bit, and has helped her with a couple of Magnets of her own :)
TM’s arms can be...rather wonky. He’s able to touch magical objects, but physical objects evade him. Usually this doesn’t bother him, though, since he can just levitate them instead! Too bad he can’t levitate himself u_u
He comes from the Twilight, a place for lost souls that have managed to get even more corrupted, even after death. With the help of someone else, he managed to escape– the glitches are a side effect.
Timmy loves “ligma” type jokes, and is ecstatic when he meets Prince because he’s stupid enough to fall for every single one of them ^^ Luckily, when Prince finally manages to catch on is when Duke comes around, so TM gets a new target :D !
Although not as frequently as Captor, TM does eat souls! Usually it’s those of annoying customers or people who try to get out of paying, though. Don’t try to scam the scammer, folks! Outside of these he probably gets them from animals.
Despite his upbeat and mischievous demeanor, Timmy has a deep-seated fear of being forgotten. It’s the reason that he goes around meeting so many people, and uses his rather...unconventional business practices. Yet, while he has many acquaintances, he doesn’t have many friends. Perhaps some certain aliens can help with that...
His theme would obviously use some motifs from the Badge Seller’s, as well as maybe the Main Theme and Spaceship Theme? I’m not sure if it would fit, but I think it could involve some nods to some of the music from Vanessa’s/Muriel’s Manor as well, since he originally was supposed to live there :D
Also, he claims to be a demon. He is not.
Alllright, that’s all for Tricky Merchant! Will I make another ref for December or just count this one? Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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darthpastry · 6 months
This isn't really much of a question but I'm not really sure how else to phrase this. Give me all your Glitchtrap and Mimic head canon and AU ideas. I don't care how dumb or trivial you think they are. I wanna hear them. I just really love hearing people pour their hearts out about stuff they're really passionate about. Especially if it's something super niche like this.
Oh my gosh I accidently deleted the reply to this... but I have so many and this time I can do better formatting lol
Not entirely Glitchtrap, but kind of a mix of the Mimic program as well as Glitchtrap that has resulted in something just as violent as Glitchtrap, but not really malicious. Not saying it has any sense of morality, but more along the lines of "huh, weird, that fleshbag I just attacked isn't moving anymore. Oh well." It has a bit more of a childlike nature at times, like with the costumes.
Glitchtrap doesn't care much for having all the different characters that Mimic has come up with, as opposed to just having one alter ego, but enjoys the sadistic side of using a person or character someone cares about to lure them to their death. Finds it funny and all.
Speaking of the characters, the Mimic loves coming up with all sorts of characters and making costumes to "play pretend" with others before killing them. It doesn't have a lot to do after it got sealed away, so it spends hours drawing and making costumes.
Also, Mimic is not Burntrap. From my understanding, Burntrap and the Blob only exist within the "true ending" of SB that was effectively retconned via the comics in Ruin. The again, perhaps "the Blob and Burntrap aren't canon" is on the same level as the "Golden Freddy isn't real" video on Game Theory.
Where do I even start with Glitchtrap? To anyone affected by the Glitchtrap virus, it can visually appear. Not entirely a hallucination, but not visible to anyone else, of course.
It can also create objects out of nowhere that only it and those infected with it can interact it. Mostly because these objects aren't actually real, and it just convinces the subconscious of the victims that it's real to the point of them being able to interact with the objects. These objects always look purple and glitchy. Kind of like a glitched game texture.
It can also pull objects out of the digital world and bring them into the real world. Such as, if Help Wanted was left open on a VR headset, it could reach into the headset and pull out a basketball, making it real. It could then take the basketball and toss it to Vanessa, who could toss it to anyone else. More likely take over Vanessa's body and then use the basketball to brutally murder someone, but you know.
Glitchtrap will also move around either with an absurd gymnastics routine or by teleporting. The teleporting is it disappearing and then reappearing wherever it wants in a cloud of the same purple glitches that appear on the objects it creates out of nowhere.
It understands morality a bit better than the Mimic, but just sort of understands the fact that morality exists, and people find murder unacceptable. But it also doesn't understand why they see it this way and will continue to make jokes about murder and torture to Vanessa and Gregory.
For how Gregory got Glitchtrapped, my headcanon was that Glitchtrap forced Vanessa to adopt him, since she was a beta tester, she would've been able to steal a copy of the game. Glitchtrap can also mess with computer systems, of course, so it was able to prevent her from getting in trouble.
It also talks very enthusiastically; random capitalized letters and an exclamation point at the end of at least every other sentence. Lots of dramatic, exaggerated motions while talking and almost never staying still.
Glitchtrap also likes using planners and calendars. Not necessarily to fully plan things out, but just because it likes hoarding both demented and childish ones. For example, the blood eagle calendar mentioned in the Special Delivery emails, but also made Vanessa get a daily planner with sparkles, rainbows, and unicorns.
Once MXES, who Gregory and Vanessa created after the 3-star ending, comes around, MXES and Glitchtrap end up have a sort of Lego Batman and Joker relationship. I say sort of, but it's exactly like that. Glitchtrap being mildly upset about being its plans being messed with, but also excited about having a worthy opponent that isn't some child (Gregory). In a "HEY! How's my FAVORITE nemesis doing?" sort of way. Meanwhile MXES very rarely talks and usually just does what it was made to do and disappears again, occasionally with a judgmental look at Glitchtrap's antics.
Glitchtrap also thinks of Vanessa as a friend, knowing but not understanding or caring that that's definitely not what friendship looks like. It sees the whole Vanny moniker as a fun nickname and will casually chat with her about anything and everything. It's also genuinely confused why she's not happy about the whole situation but doesn't particularly care.
It's also influenced by William, but not really. Maybe something of a caricature on how William saw himself, but certainly not the same. William would never be so intentionally goofy or enjoy dancing and gymnastics that much.
Glitchtrap also loves music and has questionable taste. While in the game it listened to the unused showtime file a highly questionable number of times and has given Vanessa a ton of terrible music recommendations. But at the same time enjoys watching ballets, one of the few times it'll sit still. Same with cartoons, it adores cartoon violence and absolutely takes it as suggestions.
It also is incredibly cheerful, no matter what it's doing, and will act like the most horrific things are complete normal and maybe pretend to be annoyed by people disagreeing.
I don't have a ton of AUs, but the one I'm working on, the timeline sort of got stuck in the blender and made a very weird but also fun smoothie. If that metaphor makes any sense. But the main changes are that no canon characters have died, and the timeline is far more compressed. As in, Help Wanted and SB both take place in the 90s and that technology can exist at that point in time just because sort of compressed. Cassidy also ends up playing a major role, she's the one who created the Princess Quest games in the AU. I'm also a firm believer in the "BB's Balloon World was Gregory's PQ" theory, so in the AU she ends up making that game as well. With some help from the Afton kids and Charlie, since they're her friends and already involved in the situation. Another major difference is also that William never got springlocked, adopted Vanessa to try and raise the perfect assistant and serial killer after abandoning his own kids, and then invented Glitchtrap when she turned on him. Then Henry ends up building the Pizzaplex because he was thinking of expanding anyway and it can also be used as a way to try and get Vanessa closer to the PQ games.
I also think it would be epic if MXES and Glitchtrap just got into a street fight, but that's neither here nor there.
I think that's everything I have, thank you so much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to answer!
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monsterfloofs · 1 month
Floof, that art of agnoy is INCREDIBLE. I love the use of the glitch effect! The perspective!! The unhinged expression!!! The beautiful coloring!!!! Though the pov is from above, it still makes you feel small and in danger (like a fly) looking down! I am going insane over this considering from all your collection of wonderful wonderful creations Agony, Whispers and the Nightmare Collector became my absolute all time favorites so any content featuring them have me bouncing in my seat. Thank you for the feast...
EEEEEE!! THANK YOU!! 8//Dc Adding a lil bit of movement to the image wasn’t planned, but it added unexpected depth to it, and made the piece it so fun!! I really love the fog on the glass, that was a fun touch. 8^] Thank you for noticing the little details! That means a lot to me!!
Actually, I made a small video over on instagram, with a music clip of the song that inspired this piece! If you wanna take a listen, it’s a great song! 👉👈 It’s also my favorite line from the song, and it really gave me Agony vibes! I have also been working on revamping Agony’s human form too… so there is more art to come! =//))c
He and Travesty (Whispers new name) both have these… not quite right looking human-esque disguises they run around in from time to time. (But it’s preeeeetty obvious something is wrong with them, just like how the Nightmare Collector’s disguise is! 8//Dc ) Thank you again for the kind words! And for letting me ramble about my beloved beans 😭😭😭 I am sososososososo glad you enjoy them and SKDJDJDJDD A FEAST?! OH GOSH YOU FLATTER ME AAAAAAAA THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Q////A////Q I am… so glad folks like my silly characters. ;; )
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atwas-gaming · 10 months
Spoilers for Axiom Verge under the cut.
This boss is about as far as I've gotten in the game, and so far, it's my favorite part. For one thing, I love the gameplay setup on the boss battle. It's honestly hard to tell who you're supposed to be playing as, and I feel like the battle was half over before I realized I was actually controlling the big plant-faced, flying green thing. To my knowledge, and from watching other videos of this mock boss battle, there's no way to kill the human-looking Trace.
And you've just come a rather long way from the last save room, and along the way, Trace and Elsenova are talking about how the pathogen seems to be affecting Trace. You cannot leave the pathway between that save room and the boss fight (in normal gameplay, that is- I would be surprised if no one ever figured out how to glitch out of it), which pushes you along the path of increasing sickness and hallucinations. Before you enter the room, you're wondering if you're gonna see Trace's doppleganger. You're wondering if you're gonna have to fight him. You're wondering if anything you're seeing is real- the hands reaching out to grab you, the ghosts that suck the life out of you, the monstrous, skeletal Rusalki faces in the walls. You wonder if your doppelganger is real, because Elsenova swears she can't see him.
And if you're like me and you've gotten invested in Trace's character, you're worried about him. "Oh, my gosh, he's so sick, is he gonna make it? How is he- how am I- gonna get through a boss battle when he's hallucinating so bad?" Smart move on the devs' part to make it a mock battle.
It's even worse if you die numerous times on the way, because the wavy heat effect remains at the same level of distortion as when you died. It doesn't start out too bad in the first room on your first time through, but it gets worse- wavier and more distorted, flickering back and forth from grays and greens to everything being red- as you progress through each room. So if you die on the way, the distortion level stays the same even after being healed in the egg, so you have to watch Trace's fever dream grow and worsen for longer and longer each time.
But it's even better from a story perspective.
All of these hallucinations are just Trace's fears are coming to life as you play. An hallucination of Ophelia tells him that Ophelia isn't real, because Elsenova says Ophelia is his one chance at a cure, and if he doesn't reach her, he's dead. Strange things, both machine and human, are trying to kill him in various ways, by shooting him, by sucking him dry, by simply beating him up- fears built up by him having dealt with this all along, plus some possible references to the explosion that left him blind and crippled so long ago.
But the worst part, I think, is the guilt. I may have some (or all) of the following wrong, but this is my interpretation based on what I've seen so far (like I said, the hallucinations and the conversation with Ophelia afterwards are about as far as I've gotten).
There are hints all through the game up to this point that Trace may actually be Athetos. When you get the lab coat, Trace says it looks just like his old lab coat and wonders what it's doing in the middle of nowhere (a seemingly throwaway line at the time, but it turns out to be foreshadowing). The scorpion boss seemed about to say that Trace looked like Athetos, but it didn't finish its sentence (this, btw, was about the time that I started wondering if Athetos was some kind of evil or dark Trace). And in Elsenova's explanation of the Breach and how Athetos trapped the Rusalki, the picture of Athetos looks like Trace- same long, brown hair and long face, but it's hard to be certain because Athetos has a mask over his face and he appears to be slightly older.
And then we see the doppelganger. And when the doppelganger first appears, we don't know that it's actually the first sign that the pathogen is affecting Trace. It effectively convinces us that yes, Athetos is Trace's dark double. And we think we're about to meet him and possibly fight him.
In the cutscene between after the mock boss, we learn what really happened in the accident, and how Trace published a new rewriting of physics and was branded "Athetos" by the scientific community. Trace forgot all about that until he passed out and had a fever dream. But this memory was still locked away in his subconscious.
In addition, it wasn't until we fought the scorpion that Elsenova finally told us, "Oh, btw, these are all mutated humans." News that appears to trouble Trace immensely. He's a decent person. He didn't like having to kill anything, anyway, but now he finds out that he's been killing people?
So he started seeing ghosts, and hands, and other body parts. The people he's killed coming after him, punishing him for the harm he's done- not just as Trace, but as Athetos, because somewhere, his mind remembers that HE is Athetos. This is also why the Rusalki faces in the walls stare at him with such hatred- Athetos trapped them, Trace is Athetos, they hate him for what he's done.
Like I said, I may have all of this wrong, but if even a part of this is correct, it's a really good look at how the subconscious screws with us even when we don't know or remember what it's talking about.
Another thing I found interesting: at one point during the hallucination run, Trace accidentally called Elsenova "Athetos." Could just be a slip of the tongue, but I wonder if it's also a fear that he's being manipulated. Elsenova seems to have been honest with him so far... but she waited through 4 boss fights and countless smaller enemies to tell him that he's been fighting humans. And he still doesn't know why he's here or how he got here.
In the cutscene where he remembers the explosion, he says that Elsenova knows he's Athetos, but she thinks he doesn't know. In the conversation with Ophelia immediately after that, he asks if they're leaving something out. I think he was trying to fish for them to straight-up tell him, "oh, btw, Athetos is your evil twin." He doesn't fully trust any of them. And I think he's losing trust in himself now that he remembers he's Athetos. Because what could have happened to turn him into such a monster that he would release a plague and trap the Rusalki in the Breach?
Since the doppelganger was an hallucination, I'm still not entirely sure whether Athetos is a dark Trace or not. But Trace seems to think so:
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For a so-called "Metroid clone," this game really makes you think.
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Understanding Gyro Gearloose
A fair day in Duckburg, the sun was shining and the air was warm on the face a perfect day for a perfect date, thought the ever so brilliant Fenton Crackshell Cabrera who was meeting up with Huey outside of a small coffee shop.
“Fenton!” Huey says, “You asked me to be here, why?”
“Huey! You and Dr. Gearloose know eachother..” Fenton murmurs not making eye contact with Huey when his face begins to warm.
“I’d say so, is there something wrong?” Huey asked.
“No! Gosh there isnt, I was just...wondering if you’d help me...Please dont tell anyone else, but..I want to surprise Dr. Gearloose with a date.” Fenton explains, stammering as he started to sweat.
“Well, then you have come to the right place, oh boy this is exciting! Where do we get to start?” Huey asked.
“Well, if there’s one thing I have to remember about Dr. Gearloose is that I can’t do anything too dramatic, he stresses out easily.” Fenton explains. “Do...you have any advice?”
“You’ve come to the right place Fenton, I know exactly what you need. Sit down my friend!” Huey says.
Fenton smiles, “Oh thank you Huey, youre the best!”
“Of course Fenton, now the most important thing is it to set the mood, you said that Gyro gets stressed easily, so plan for something small.” Huey explains.
“That’s easy! We can watch a movie in the lab, thats his comfort place.” Fenton says.
“Perfect. No big surprises, just a good movie, and some snacks, you guys could get hungry, every good date has snacks.” Huey said.
“Hm, light snacks, Dr. Gearloose doesn’t eat snacks very often, but i know what he likes so I will provide that.” Fenton says.
“Mood lighting. That’ll be everything for your date, warm colors, make it comfortable. Blankets are a must.” Huey says, getting excited for Fenton.
“Yes! I have plenty of those! I’ll use as many as I can to create the most comfort for Dr. Gearloose..” Fenton says.
“What movie do you think will set the tone?” Huey asks.
“Darkwing Duck! I just know Dr. Gearloose will like it.” Fenton says,
“Great. Now we have all the elements for your perfect date.” Huey says.
Fenton smiles. “This is perfect. All I would have to do is get Dr. Gearloose out of the lab so i can decorate it, Boyd can help! He can fly, oh, it’ll be perfect!” He starts to get excited about his little date.
“I know exactly how to get Dr. Gearloose out of his lab, I’ll act like I’m interested in one of his new inventions, and then Ill suggest we show it to Scrooge, he will leave the lab with me and then you can swoop in, decorate it with Boyd, text me when your done and Ill take Gearloose back, and it’ll be perfect!” Huey says, he smiles happy for Fenton.
“I knew I could trust you Huey, thank you.” Fenton says. “You go get Dr. Gearloose now, Ill need as much time as I can get, I have something I want to show him as well.” Fenton says/
“Huey is on it. I wont let you down Fenton!” Huey says.
“This means so much to me, I hope it works.” Fenton says, only a little nervous now.
“Don’t worry Fenton, Ill make sure it works.” Huey says while the two make their way to Gyros lab, Fenton hangs back so that Gyro doesn’t see him sneak in, there would be no way for him to lie about what he was up to, not to Gyro.
Huey walks up to the lab door, knocking on it awaiting Gyro.
Gyro hears the knock, walking over to the door, he opens it. “Red Nephew?”
“Yes its Huey here! I was interested in knowing more about your inventions!”
A rare smile forms on Gyros face. “I never figured any of you would be so interested in my work!”
“You’re the coolest scientist we know! Of course I am.” Huey says while Gyro lets him in his lab.
Gyro adjusts his glasses while he walks to his workspace ready to start information dumping on Huey.
“Can you tell me more about your cool shrink ray?!” Huey asked looking in awe at Gyro.
“Of course!”Gyro picks up the Gearloose Microphone, “The Gearloose Microphone! The microphone that can make tiny voices loud, and of course shrink you to a microscopic size.” He starts to go on in even more depth, gesturing wildly as he spoke. “You see my work is very well crafted Red Nephew, you are smart for taking such an opportunity to understand my inventions. All of the accusations you’ve heard are wrong, my inventions are never evil just wildly misunderstood.” Gyro speaks while lil bulb peaks from his hat as he says ‘evil’.
Huey didn’t quite expect Gyro to talk so long. They were there for a long time before Gyro finally stopped talking to take a breather, Huey took the opportunity to ask Gyro to take his presentation to the manor.
“Can we go up to the manor? I bet Uncle Scrooge would love to hear about the Gearloose Microphone.” Huey gasp, “everyone would love to see it!”
Gyro looks at Huey; “You really think that?!” He sounded hopeful.
“Of course.” Huey says, he smiles “Lets go!” He takes Gyro by the arm running him out of the lab.
Gyro screams, breaking free as soon as the two left the lab. “Never touch me again.”
“Finally.” Fenton says sneaking into the lab, he was starting to worry that Huey was going to be unable to get him out of the lab.
“Hey! Psst Boyd I need your help.” Fenton calls to him.
“Fenton! What do you need?” Boyd asks.
“I’m planing a date with Dr. Gearloose, i need you to help decorate the lab a little bit.” Fenton explains.
Really?! Ill help decorate!” Boyd happily said.
Fenton and Boyd begin to look for some decorations. He took Hueys advice and decorated with warm colors, making the lab a comfortable place to watch a movie in.
“This is going to be a perfect date.” Fenton says while he strings up some lights over the large window in the lab. He continues to tidy the lap, ensuring it will be looking its best when Gyro comes thru the door. Boyd flies putting up little paper lanterns.
“Wow. The lab looks fantastic!” Fenton smiles, the lab nicely decorated, comfortable for Gyro. “Now to just set out some snacks.” Fenton looks all over the lab for food, Gyro didn’t keep to much at the lab, but Fenton was able to make due with what was there. “Perfect!”
He takes out his phone and Texts Huey that has done all that he had needed to do.
Huey gets the message all the way back at the manor, to his luck Gyro stopped talking as he got it.
“And thats the Gearloose Microphone!” He says with pride, while Huey and Scrooge clap for him.
Gyro looks over to the time, “I should really go back to the lab now.”
“I will take you down!” Huey says, walking to lead the way.
Gyro found it odd Huey suddenly liked him so much, but he was enjoying him, not that he would ever admit that.
The two walked to the lab, Gyro opens the door to Fenton standing by it with a rose.
“Dr. Gearloose.” He smiles, handing to him.
“What is the meaning of all this…” Gyro asked, as Huey just winked, leaving while wishing Fenton good luck.
“Well, Dr. Gearloose, you are always so busy working and all...I planned this, very not date to watch a movie!” Fenton explains.
Gyro looked puzzled for a moment, looking at Fenton and all the lights around the lab, sure looked like a date to him.
“Come on! I set up the movie over here in my laboratory!” Fenton takes Gryos hand walking him over to his tiny bathroom lab. “Here we are.” He opens the door, the two enter the small space. “Sit down! I set us up some blankets.”
Gyro didn’t say anything, he sat down while Fenton started up the movie for them, once he was set up he joined Gyro on the floor.
The lights dim and the movie starts, Gyro was still quite confused about what was going on, and why Fenton would put so much effort into something for him, it wasn’t like he deserved it, least he didn’t think so. He sighs, when Fenton looks over at him, smiling.
Gyro suddenly felt warm inside, in the moment he was glad it was dark, because he was in fact blushing, something that he would not have wanted Fenton to see.
The movie goes on, Gyro found himself getting closer and closer to Fenton the longer that they sat and watched Darkwing Duck, before he knew it, he was wrapping himself around Fenton, resting his head on Fentons shoulder; he hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages, it was a weird feeling for him, but he liked it. Fenton was warm, he was cold, the heat felt nice to him on his body, he almost didn’t want whatever it was he had to end. He in fact, had feelings for Fenton whether he wanted to admit it or not, he sure couldn’t deny it now, he smiles admiring Fenton and the movie.
It ends, the two were still quite quiet, not speaking a word, that was until Fenton spoke.
“Doctor Gearloose I would like to show you something...I have been working on.” Fenton says.
“Are you s—I mean of course, what do you want to show me?” Gyro spoke, he didn’t want to admit that he wanted to just stay on the floor snuggling to Fentons warmth.
Fenton smiles. “Behold! This is Gizmocloud.” He says while turning on his computer. “Here, put this on.” He hands Gyro a VR helmet.
Gyro puts it on his head; as Fenton joins him.
“It’s a virtual reality system I have been working on, heh, It’s still in beta. There’s glitches I dont know how to get rid of.”
Gyro was looking in awe, barely listening to Fenton, “This is...impressive F-er—intern.” He nearly slipped out Fentons name, but he couldn’t let Fenton know he liked him that much.
“You really think so?” Fenton says, while slyly turning on the sunset; setting the mood he thought.
“I do! This is incredible….oh forget it, Fenton.” Gyro smiles at him.
“I-I have a name.” Fenton smiles, he looks into Gyros eyes, taking his hand.
“Ah, well..” Gyro blushes, his feelings for Fenton growing stronger the longer they stood looking at each other.
“I think we have really good chemistry, Doctor Gearloose.” Fenton carefully kisses Gyro on the cheek, Gyro, now possibly overwhelmed by all these soft feelings he’s never felt for Fenton before, starts to tear up.
“You...mean all that..you did this all...for me?” Gyro asked.
“Of course, who else would I be doing anything for Dr. Gearloose, nobody is worth any amount of time or effect, just you are.” Fenton says, while Gyro unexpectedly hugs him tightly, his now very warm face touching Fentons.
“Fenton...thank you..” Gyro says, keeping his tight hold on Fenton.
Fenton smiles, overjoyed he couldn’t have asked this date to go any better than it did, quietly thanking Huey as well for all the help that he had provided making it possible.
Gyro then returns a small sweet to Fentons cheek, “Consider us even now.” He says, while he in reality also wraps around Fenton, kissing him softly.
While soft music begins to play, thanks to Boyd, the two return to reality.
Gyro is quiet again, looking at Fenton fiddling with his own thumbs.
“You ...don’t want this to end do you?” Fenton asked, he was starting to understand Gyros body language a lot more, understanding what he wanted without actually outright saying it.
Gyro shook his head, making Fentons statement true, he didn’t want it to end, not ever, he wraps himself around Fenton, causing the two of them to fall to the floor.
Fenton smiles, his date a larger success than he could have ever asked for.
The two of them laid snuggling for a long while until Fenton had fallen asleep, Gyro still wrapped around him admiring him, he couldn’t believe Fenton went thru all of that, just to have a simple little date with him. He didn’t realize how often he was pushing Fenton away until this point. Part of him felt guilty, but also lucky that Fenton had never once given up on him. He was greatful for him, truly he loved Fenton, he just never knew how to say it, until Fenton showed him how, just now. Gyro smiles, for once as he falls asleep wrapped around Fenton, where he could stay, forever.
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onecanonlife · 3 years
gosh i almost feel bad for asking this but in 'careful son' what do you think would have happened if the eggpire won, through whatever means? have a lovely day!
okay so i had to sit on this for a couple of days and really think about it. and my conclusion is that you should feel bad, this ask is cruel and unusual /j /lh
but let’s get into it
so, first of all, on the most basic level, a lot of people would die, and the people who didn’t would join the egg. some i’m not sure about, but techno, eret, puffy, and tubbo would die. i think the fiances would die, and george would join the egg. sam, in ‘careful son,’ was vulnerable enough after losing a canon life and dream escaping that he’d join the egg. phil would also for sure join the egg, and that’s actually something i hinted at once. it was a super super minor detail so i’m not surprised nobody picked up on it, but from chapter eleven:
“Feels a bit scuffed,” Phil agrees, voice slightly distant. His eyes are fixed on the Egg, his fingers absently fiddling with his sword hilt.
phil was 100% hearing the egg in this moment
regarding the fiances, i think that sapnap specifically would refuse to join the egg after seeing what it did to bad, and quackity and karl (if he was there) would side with him. the egg would then have them killed. would this be enough for bad to break free? maybe, but then again, maybe not. he’s in deep at this point, and skeppy’s still in the egg, his lifeforce being fed from
tommy, dream would keep. put in the prison, maybe. not really sure i want to eleborate on this one. he’d also keep ranboo firmly under his thumb
and i think eventually, the corruption of the egg would be the destruction of the entire server. the void would claim it all, and the egg-- or rather, the entity that presented itself as an egg-- would gorge itself on the remains, and then find another server to creep into. leaving the remains of the dream smp to fade into static and glitching distortion, a hole in even the void itself. a graveyard with no graves
and dream, being at this point far more dreamon than person, would go with the egg. and i think he would take tommy with him, the sole survivor of his friends and family and the place he called home. again, not feeling super like i want to elaborate there
and then there’s wilbur
wilbur’s fate would really, really depend on the point of divergence. maybe it happens in that first confrontation in the egg room. maybe wilbur joins the egg then, thus dooming the server. or maybe it’s the second time, when dream breaks out, and maybe everyone gets overwhelmed. i don’t think i ever brought this up in canon, but after techno’s death, the egg only needed one more person’s blood to be spilt on it in order to hatch. if it hadn’t been so determined to get wilbur specifically, it could’ve won fairly easily. but maybe things go wrong in that second fight in the egg room, maybe everyone gets overwhelmed, maybe the eggpire wins that conflict and thus the war. in that scenario, wilbur dies
maybe wilbur can’t convince dreamxd to help. maybe the ambush on eret’s castle is more silent, more effective. again, wilbur probably dies
but the worst possibility of all is that wilbur gives in to the egg in that final confrontation. allows himself to be killed. because not only does the egg hatch, but wilbur never has that realization. never realizes that what he wants and what he thinks he deserves and what he actually deserves are all very different things. never realizes that he wants to live after all, and that he’s always been worthy of it
the worst possibility is that wilbur dies again, still not understanding that he’s loved. and then the rest of the server follows
it should go without saying that i never would have written that, of course. even considering the possibility is... ouch. just. ouch. but you wanted to know what would’ve happened if the eggpire won, so those are my basic thoughts
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blackidyll · 3 years
New neotwewy trailer dropped!! Neku glitching thru the streets oh no D: he better be ok!!! Also the new twewy anime ep made my whole day, Neku's fanboying over CAT was SO wholesome how's this cuteness even legal
i finally had some time after work hell deadlines to look this up and it’s the opening movie right?? for a two minute clip it packed in so much i’m kind of still breathless after watching it. two of my favourite things about the original game was the super distinct artstyle and the unique soundtrack and literally this trailer/movie had ALL OF THAT DIALED UP TO THE MAX and it just makes me smile so so much omg. and that ten second sneak of twister. and the lyrics 
neku neku neku they’re just going to keep slipping us glimpses of him huh? so i’ve absolutely missed this memo somewhere but is it true that neo is set three years after twewy??? (i know a lot of japanese gaming mags + the ntwewy japanese twitter release snippets/trivia but i can’t keep up). so it’s true then that neku does seem older than fifteen here. the glitch effects and the fact that he’s been in (and surviving) the freaking game/UG for three years is convincing me more than ever that he’s playing a secret report/acting behind the scenes type of role for this game. like at this point, has he even managed to reach some unique form of noise, kind of like minamimoto in his taboo form? the original game has always emphasized how unique neku’s abilities were (the fact that he can use all the psychs, and can even call on rhyme’s noise form from a pin despite not being a reaper) so it won’t surprise me at all if he’s managed to transcend the frequencies and become a new unique kind of entity in the UG............. especially if the composer and the producer are actively backing him behind the scenes. or even if they aren’t, I mean, aren’t noise/players/UG/alive people in the RG/all the way to the angels all just a matter of tuning to different frequencies? gosh who knows maybe even shinjuku’s destruction has messed up the frequencies so much that neku is able to take advantage of it on his own (but i like the idea that he’s supported by at least someone, whether that’s the composer/producer or whoever, since twewy was all about -trust your partner- and opening up to others, so i like to think neo!neku is living that principle loud and clear, and not lone-wolfing it). 
(i am dying to know what is going on with the composer and the producer. i know we’re not going to see any hint of them at all in the neo trailers, because spoilers! but ahhhhhhhhhhh) 
i haven’t had time to catch up with the latest anime episodes (i watched all of shiki’s episodes up to the end of week one!) so once work hell improves (i’ve been dying since labour’s day which IRONICALLY I HAD TO WORK ON) and hopefully deadlines will end by next week I can binge watch all of joshua’s episodes! i’m really excited for those and your previous message about them having ice cream makes me all \(*u*)/ because i love them and having more little moments between the characters will be excellent (i love the little hangout sessions we saw of shiki/rhyme/beat/neku in the anime that we didn’t really get in the game ahaha) 
thank you as always for keeping me updated with twewy news!! and letting me hype about the series as a whole!!!!!! 
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
thoughts on loki ep 3: lamentis
under cut for your convenience
my first thought when i saw C-20 at the beginning was the Framework...i might be a bit too obsessed with an aos/Loki crossover...
C-20 was sorta able to find out something was wrong. from what Sylvie said, that's pretty impressive.
i wonder if Sylvie uses magic similar to Wanda's. like if Wanda just uses it on a bigger scale. the mind illusions thing checks out. and i saw on youtube that another patron looks like Evan Peters, so maybe they're connected? but most likely they just hired a dude that happens to look like Evan Peters.
going back to that, the glitch in C-20's illusion was like the glitches in WandaVision
if this really is similar to Wanda in canon, that means Sylvie and other Lokis might be nexus beings (y'know, the very thing i shout about in tags because i want)
Okay, so Sylvie tried to enchant a minuteman, which means she must have assumed the TVA operates on the same physics as the timeline. So neither Lokis thought magic could possibly be impeded.
good action sequence with Sylvie and minutemen and Sylvie and Loki
dudes...Renslayer can't fight. she literally did a horrible job.
Sylvie really thought the TVA valued Loki and that they really wanted/needed him to stop her. so she threatened to kill him, just for Renslayer to give the go ahead. shows how little the TVA cares and it echoes Odin.
Lamentis 1 sounded cool because that is a very sci-fi-ey name. It means the star the planet orbits is called Lamentis and the planet is the closest planet. That's how we name lots of planets outside the solar system. so i appreciated that.
okay, lamentis is literally just the bi flag. but still lots of purple so i will claim it as ace as well.
teleportation! and actual magic! yay!
okay, are they setting up a Loki/Sylvie romance? the way they framed the two when Sylvie tried to enchant Loki was how it's often done with kisses
Sylvie said with strong minds she has to do what she did to C-20 to enchant them, but she couldn't even do that with Loki. Which shows how powerful Loki is and how powerful the mind stone is.
i will die for more of Loki and Sylvie being chaotic together
Sylvie she said is an alias. Does this mean she is genderfluid but is female more often than male? i'm told some genderfluids are one gender more than the other, and i've considered Hiddleston's Loki to be predominantly male. Could Sylvie be the other way around? & born Loki but haven't changed her name? or have different names for different genders? and doesn't want to be called Loki when she's female because that's not her name as a woman?
literally i can't tell if they're setting up romance or sibling stuff.
i never thought i'd hear the word "savvy" from Loki. but, hey, if Jack Sparrow can say it, i'll allow it.
the effects for the gun that woman used look similar to Daisy Johnson's quakes. for a second i hoped for an aos crossover, but then i remembered that marvel hates it's non-Disney+ series.
i like the differences between Loki and Sylvie. Loki is less confrontational and more likely to mischief his way when Sylvie is more likely to rip the bandaid off and get it over with, if that makes sense. i think that Sylvie might just be so tired from living on the run, only going to apocalypses that she just wants to get it over with.
love is a serious theme throughout this episode. again, are they setting up a Loki/Sylvie romance? or will it be platonic or familial or something else?
Loki is very clearly not okay with the fact that so many people are being left to die, and i'm here for it
so the whole thing to get on the train i think is setting those two up to be a good duo. between illusions and enchantments, they can do a lot. and Loki was able to get them part of the way, and Sylvie the rest. i think it could be foreshadowing both of them needing to use their skills to work together.
never have your back to a door, i guess
Sylvie's reaction to Loki saying he wasn't told he was adopted. man, she was worried. she knows that that is messed up and i think she feels bad for Loki. she's probably imagining how her life would be different if she didn't know she was adopted.
sounds like Odin and Frigga weren't the adopters of Sylvie. Maybe the Lushtons? i don't know anything about them, just that Lushton is Sylvie's last name in the comics. so, yay for her for not having trash parents. unless they were, then sorry for Sylvie. at least they told her she was adopted. but if the Lushtons adopted her, how did they fall across a frost giant? especially the daughter of Laufey?
i've seen suggestions that the post man Sylvie is with could be Stan Lee since a couple cameos were of him as a post man. Maybe a younger post man, but he has less of a lifespan (if he is actually human in universe. i still like to think of him as the One Above All who just really likes to see the drama of things) than Sylvie, so she could be with him for a long time. maybe that's why Stan is always cameoing. he's just trying different things to try to find his love. and maybe he has a longer lifespan (he was in First Avenger) but not as long as Sylvie's so she still was there for most his life but he's dying soon. I actually like this headcanon a lot, i think it's sweet.
YAS BISEXUAL LOKI YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM! but i'm also scared my parents will find out. they're anti-queer. my siblings saw it, & they aren't supportive either but they operate on an "ignore it" policy, so they don't really care as long as it isn't a big deal.
also it is heavily hinted Sylvie is bi as well.
yes, i will continue to headcanon Loki as greyromantic and asexual. deal with it. i will change my language from panromantic to biromantic since the director specifically said he was bi.
also, it sounded like the director might be bi as well. good for her, taking a character she saw as bi and literally making it canon.
i knew Tom could sing, he was on Broadway. but i had never heard him sing i don't think. he has a good voice. petition to make a musical with Loki. watch the episode "Duet" of The Flash. i want something similar to that. can Sophia sing? throw her in too if she can!
translation of the norwegian suggests romance between Loki and Sylvie
was i expecting an "ANOTHER" reference? no. am i glad we got it? yeah, that was a nice touch.
turns out "full" means drunk in Norwegian according to a youtuber? but don't quote that. Loki says he's full, not drunk at one point.
what were they serving on that train? Thor couldn't get drunk on Earth. heck, Steve couldn't. so it must've been a heck of a drink they were serving
ok, the dagger metaphor i actually really liked. could be a shakespeare reference?
the fireworks thing with Frigga was cute
okay, i don't like Frigga much, but this has confirmed that Frigga was, maybe possibly, better than Odin. Frigga at least believed in Loki. but then her betrayal was so much worse.
wait, i just realized. Loki gets a fight scene on a train. a superhero genre staple is a fight on a moving vehicle (bonus if it's a train). yay! Loki hasn't had this trope yet in any of his appearances. off screen before Infinity War, and i don't count his attempt to murder Thanos on the Statesman. but we can add that to his list of superhero tropes.
i feel like the TVA needs to make stronger tempads...
okay, Loki threw the dagger horribly because he was drunk, right?they aren't saying he has horrible aim, are they?
falling out of a moving vehicle is also a superhero trope...at least it went better for them than it did Bucky
i relate to Sylvie screaming in the middle of nowhere
Loki being gentle with Sylvie and letting her talk to him. gosh. i love it. was not expecting to see Loki from my fics make an appearance.
Sylvie explained the enchantment to Loki, which i think was a poor decision for her.
she said C-20's mind was hard to navigate to her original memories. maybe the TVA does something to the TVA agents that join them. maybe if Loki proved useful, they'd do it to Loki.
or maybe variants lose memory over time. Sylvie says something about her memory being like blips of a dream, but I don't remember the context. maybe over time variants lose their memories and only retain a few things. Sylvie is well down that process, Loki has had hardly any change, and those working for the TVA only have a few things to remind them.
Mobius absolutely was a jet ski enthusiast in the '90's when he was arrested, and he loved Josta.
Casey liked Boku juice, a sign he was from the '90's.
whoever makes the uniforms is from whatever period that style of suit was popular ('80's?).
if anyone isn't a variant, it's Renslayer. she knows more than she should, i'm sure of it.
C-20 likes margaritas now, i'm sure of it.
Mobius has an interesting relationship with Renslayer. I wasn't sure if it was romantic or what. Maybe Renslayer looks like his lover from the '90's so he is flirty with her because of the faint memories he has.
Loki immediately catches on to the TVA agents not knowing they're variants. they think the Time Keepers created them. he knows that, Sylvie didn't. this immediately tells Loki that the Time Keepers are messed up.
possible redemptions for Mobius? B-15? C-20? when they find out they're variants?
so does C-20 know now? she kept saying "it was real" when Mobius found her in Roxxcart. maybe she had dreams of her life before, and Sylvie showed her that they were real?
the whole scene in the city was wild. so much color, lights, people, action, it was wild
Loki being protective of Sylvie, helping her up and wrapping his arm around her, i'm here for it.
loved the bit where Loki used telekinesis to stop the tower from falling on them.
there was a bit where Loki and Sylvie fought & their moves mirrored each other and gosh that was a nice touch.
Loki's reaction to the Ark's destruction. standing there in defeat while Sylvie walks away. wow. Tom. you are amazing.
and what the heck why did the episode end there?
can't wait for the next episode
more of TVA being evil being shown, loving it.
really, is Loki/Sylvie a thing? i have a hard time seeing romance some times, so let me know.
can we please get a Kang tease?
great lighting & cinematography. beautiful. lovely. also good action. shout out to the stunt doubles since they don't get enough credit.
okay let Loki & Sylvie be friends (or lovers, i'm fine with that) and let them burn the TVA down together.
aaaaaaaaaaa how are we half way through?
also, have the TVA fixed all the messed up timelines yet?
oh wait i gotta talk about this. the minutemen don't remember their names. i doubt Mobius's name was Mobius Mobius Mobius. Casey is probably not his real name. The Clone Wars fan in me was already screaming, but now it is even more.
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sirtadcooper · 3 years
🎨 (ah i just saw this! if it’s not too late!!!)
Nik, thank you so much for sending this! It’s probably escaped everyone’s notice by now but this ask game actually expects me to pick one of your latest ten edits. I just thought that was worth pointing out because that is not happening with anyone else and it’s certainly not happening with you. I also usually try to put them vaguely in order of preference but not this time because they are all my preference.
SUN and MOON - Only the first edit I am going to review and already a Masterpiece. The gif layering! The animation! The use of colour! It’s all so pretty and well thought out. The first gif is probably my favourite of the four, it’s just so neat. The falling snow with the yellow filter over it almost looks like sparks, it adds to the pretty.
DIN DJARIN + Troubled Birds Memes / GROGU + Troubled Birds Memes - There are memes and then there are Memes and both of these posts definitely fall into the latter category. When I saw that gifset of Din and the troubled birds for the first time I was laughing so much, I was so tickled by the idea and how well chosen the quotes were. You have managed to have gifs with impeccable comic timing! The way that on some of them the whole quote doesn’t appear until just the right frame... ugh, it’s perfect.
I want more... and I know I shouldn’t. - I love the text effects in first and last gifs, the unexpected use of pastels in association with Darth Vader of all people! It works! The big letters in the boxes are really neat. The layering of scenes is perfectly done. They both bookend that glorious middle gif with the rippling water. I... I don’t know how you did that but it’s incredible.
KELLY MARIE TRAN - Oh how I love this! The way that you’ve picked a colour palette and stuck with it is fantastic. The second panel with the TVs is great and probably my favourite part, just such a clever idea and it’s coloured so well. The first and last panels with the torn paper to tie them together are really pleasing and how could I not mention her gorgeous angel wings and halo in panel three? This is just wonderful. It’s what she deserves.
Day 7: Free Choice - The way these panels are all so different in style and yet they go so perfectly together... I’m in awe. You just have a great instinct for positioning things within a space and using colour to its full potential. You’re amazing.
“Beopero? That’s how they say Pedro… on Mars?” - As usual I don’t know how you did this but I love how it’s animated. Just takes this post to a whole other level! The little “like” heart that pops up, the incredibly realistic swiping animations, and the cute videos! Excellent choice of posts as well and I love how you have coloured them.
Escalating degrees of laughter/wheezing - Gosh this gifset makes me smile so much! I love that I have something in common with Pedro, and that’s the wheezing and rocking back and forth when I am really laughing. I love that you have told the story of Pedro’s laughter, it’s not just a random collection of moments of him laughing, it’s in order of his self control. You’ve really thought about this. That’s very galaxy brain of you.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Agent Whiskey) - Sometimes on Tumblr.com an edit is so good, you remember the first time you saw it no matter how many more times you come across it. This is one of those times. This was my first time seeing rotating text like that and it blew me away. You know the best part? It’s seamless. These boots are made for walkin’ just goes around and around and Whiskey in the background just goes around and around and you don’t know where the gif actually begins. That’s brilliant. The text animation on all of these gifs is inspired but it’s the first gif that lives in my mind rent free.
“How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy?” - You... *through tears* made this. I love that you have used a more muted colour palette this time around - I associate a bright blue with Whiskey so strongly, it’s refreshing to see other colours with him. The ye olde Western style just works so well here. Each of these posters has clearly taken a lot of time and effort. I think my favourite is the first, it was just so unexpected but wonderful!
“They all hate you, Mando, because you’re a legend.” - This colour palette! The little animations! The glitching helmet! Wee Grogu and Din with shadows that overlap... oh the Symbolism. This is just perfection.
“Sometimes you gotta do bad things to catch bad people.” - Your poster series is beautiful! This is another favourite of mine. I love that the colour palette is the colours of the Columbian flag. His own words on his skin on the fourth one as he struggles to carry the weight of them... really powerful. The colourful silhouettes on the third, the way they move! And the relatively simple first one with that bright red. The use of black and white and shades of grey throughout, like Javi’s morality... Yes. This is the good stuff.
Purple Rain - Fun fact! This was the first edit of yours that I ever saw (on 11th March, please write down our anniversary for future reference) and I loved it! It was so creative, I thought. Using the photo of him in the water was very clever. I naturally have a soft spot for this one. :)
If you don’t accept me for who I am with my frog then… go away. - This post baffles me. Where are the notes!? I thought this was funny! Din loves him despite the warning signs frog. The frog in Tom Holland’s mouth has mysteriously disappeared recently... Grogu has declined to comment.
trust me, i went to college - Just a big “YEAH!!!” for this post. You have captured my thoughts completely. Why he so broaaaaaad? I love his floof. His happy crinkles. This!!! Yeah, this is a Good Post.
So, Nik, I have made it to the end of your creations tag. I have written this very long essay for you. Your creations here, what you can do with Photoshop, is just incredible. I barely mentioned how perfect your colouring always is but that’s because it constantly gets overshadowed by the creativity you pour into each of your posts. You’re always experimenting, trying something new, surprising us. You have just got a talent for this. You’re an inspiration to me and, I’m sure, many others. I wish you and your Photoshop program a very good day. :)
creators send me 🎨 and i’ll tell you my favourite of your last ten creations and why
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starstress · 4 years
MCC Aqua Axolotls Live Commentary!
Hello, as said, I will attempt to write down my thoughts and reactions during the MCC. 
Stream links!!
False: https://www.twitch.tv/falsesymmetry
Ren: https://www.twitch.tv/rendogtv
Grian (yes, he’s streaming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjkgnEi4t9g
Pearl: https://www.twitch.tv/pearlescentmoon
Updates will come as edits, so be sure to check this again every once in a while if you’re interested or just curious! 
To all fans, please be kind to everyone, no matter the team or who you wish would win. You will only embarrass yourself if you harass others or act immaturely and will gain no brownie points with those you follow and watch.
For now, may the games begin and the best team win!
Edit 1: Peeps are running a bit late, apparently, Ren is the only one on the team with no aqua colour XD Grian recoloured the headband that Smajor had made for him last stream XD
Andddd, we’re kicking off!!
Edit 2: The gong makes an appearance!! Also, the story of the gong!! Grian had bought it as a gag for whenever he and Mumbo record! The team loves it!
Countdown has finally started!
Edit 3: The first game is Skyblockle(?)!! Team ain’t feeling too confident about it, but we’ll see! I think they’ll be okay at this. Gri is reading the instructions and getting nervous XD
From now, everything will be under the cut. Warning, it’s really long.
Oof, wood fell in the lava. They still have more :)) They’re sharing tasks pretty nicely, I have to say, but they keep changing plans. Things will heat up quickly, tho, and I’m glad this game is gonna be out of the way soon.
First death in Skyblockle for the Aqua Axolotls: False! Second: Grian!
Doom is on the horizon XD
Rip, Ren has died too, and Pearl has gotten a couple of kills!! 
And the Axolotls are out!
First gong after a game. Rn we’re all watching the other teams. Dream team is holding up well. Techno’s team is out too. Last bid!
Endgame: Pearl has won the most coins, team is a bit disappointing by last place.
Edit 4: They have the Uno Reserve card as they were the worst team. 
Game: Bingo but Fast!
Gri is reading the instructions again. Someone in Pearl’s stream is watching 25 streams holy dandelions.
The team is again sharing tasks. This is pretty speedy!
Hearing Gri lament how speedy it all is is so funny. Also, they’re all like headless chickens and a lot more disorganized now. Poor team.
Endgame: Ren’s sweating in unspeakable places lol, but they’re not last anymore!
Pearl’s game just crashed, oh goodness.She’s back in, wooo!
Edit 5: Game: Battle box!
Gri is going for the middle. Pearl got so many kills!
First round won!!
Second round lost!
Third round won!!
Ren’s having a hard time breathing, and I gotta say same! 4th place rn.
Game was paused to stop the animations of the NPCs and we got another gong! we chilling for a few mins lol.
WE’RE ON AGAINST THE DREAM TEAM. Aww, the game needs to be reset or smt. 
Oh wow, draw for every team. Fourth round was skipped.
Fifth round - uh SERVER CRASHED
Wowie, the map looks really strange without the resource pack.
First hiccup in 7 event, dang. 
Starting again. Resource pack might no re-appear again. And now I’m laggy, lol
Round 1: lost!
Round 2: won! Gri with the tnt :D
Round 3: lost! tnt did not work this time
Round 4: unknown due to lag, oof.
Round 5: lost
Round 6: unknown 
Round 7: unknown
Round 8: unknown
Round 9: unknown (prob lost)
Place: Last.
Everyone’s laggy, including me lol.
The viewers are being encouraging, which is really great and wholesome!
Edit 6: Game: Big Sales at Build Market!
Team is confident about this one, wooo!!
Grian ended up in plants lol. Ughhh, diorate. Communication is key, and it’s very well done!!
They’re building fast and getting resources pretty fast, that’s good.
Grian listing what they need is *chef kiss* False being alert is *hearteyes* and the chats are the real mvps 
Endgame: Place 7. It was pretty intense indeed.
Break time!
Edit 7: Audience takeover!! Pearl wants Rocket Spleef, so does Techno. Dream wants Hole in the Wall.
Game: Rocket Spleef!!
Grian’s reading instructions :))) 
This will be intense as all heck. Countdown has stopped, huh.
Oof, apparently it was supposed to be Hole in the Wall, but can’t change. Gri’s prob not gonna have as great of a time as I’d hopped :P
Round 1: Rainbow map, False is out! :o The very first time! Team’s out right before tnt time! Place 6, nice.
Round 2: Uhh, Atoms map?? Grian and Pearl are struggling. Pearl’s out! Gri’s out! Ren’s out! False’s still going.
Round 3: Grian’s finally got the rocket jump. Jump and then launch :D Or maybe not XD Tnt time! Pearl is waiting down at the bottom. She fell, oof. Grian’s having cramps in his hand and, in his words, he’s ‘a goner.’
Endgame: False’s the master of Rocket Spleef! And place 6! Team really enjoyed it, I’m so glad :D
Edit 8: Team’s hoping for Ace Race, and it looks like it might be!
Game: Ace Race!
Grian is narrating for all of us, nice! “This is totally Sonic!” he says!
“’Your first time will probably suck’. Yeah, that’s been happening about the entire time!” lmao
Omg, the map is so cool!! Def a fan favourite!! The entire team is having so much fun yesss
All of them are really doing good, Grian and False are placing good.
“Techno, get outta my way!!” -  Gri, and I have to say, mood.
Grian got place 15! Right behind Techno, nice!!
Pearl is 32!
Ren is 35?
False is somewhere behind Gri, but way before Pearl.
Endgame: Everyone had one heck of a time and now they’re trying to find out how to make it in Vanilla Minecraft XD
Place: 9 
Edit 9: They dunked the Lime Llamas XDD
Game: Sands of Time
Oof, this one’s gonna be a maker or a breaker.
Oh goodness, they have no one watching the time D:
They’re banking coins, thankfully. 
Oh no, Pearl!! Sand is needed. Grian to the rescue!
Phew, three sand left, thank you Pearl for topping up!!
Intense, gosh, i’m really nervous about the sand!!
Oof, Pearl’s stream froze. It ended, oh no. Actually, it might just be me that has enormous lag (not smt new lol). 
There we go, slow but it’s something.
The sand!! Aww man, right as Pearl got the sand!! They’re out! At least they banked a lot of their coins.
Endgame: We got a nice gong. Place: 5! Overall place: 9!
Edit 10: My wi-fi is beating me up with a stick, and it’s unrelenting. Lag is my life now.
Last game: Hole in the Wall
Ren’s gonna have a bad time XD
Round 1: Pearl’s fallen, from what my laggy video will show me. Gri as well. They’re out!
Round 2: Pearl’s still alive, woo!! Glitched right through one, so cool XD
Round 3: lag.
Endgame: Ren’s raging, Grian is really amused by that XD Nice game!! 
Edit 11:
Overall place: 9
Time for the final battle!! Gong! Ren wants the gong as stream sound effect :D
Green Guardians vs Orange Ocelots! 
Grian supports Techno bc Techno said he liked him lmao!! The others are Green. 
Also fun fact: Grian could coach a match of dodge ball!
Round 1: Green wins!
Round 2: Orange wins!! Techno’s taking them out!
Round 3: Orange wins!
Round 4: Orange wins!
Grian: “It’s like one of those anime moments!”
Round 5: Green wins!
(Gri went off holy heck)
Congrats to the Green Guardians!!  
Last edit of the night!
That was extremely fun to watch!! The lag and my own wi-fi made it a bit irritating at times, esp since I had to split my focus, but it was pretty good nonetheless.
It’s really sad that the Championship itself lagged so much, I have a feeling it left both a lot of viewers and players feeling frustrated as well. 
However, the new mini game was lots of fun and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing it a lot in the future. I really hope we will.
The team was really good, they managed to coordinate very well, but like many groups who’ve just started working together for the first time, there were times where they could’ve slowed down a bit and reconsidered their plans. Still, the important bit was that they all had a great time together.
Overall, I really hope Grian and Pearl will participate again, even if not on the same teams. I also hope that there will be more Hermitcraft members joining in, even if only for one Championship. I had tons of fun writing this as well, but I think I’ll switch back to occasional posts about amusing things that happen during the games, as it really took a lot of my attention from the mcc itself.
Hope whoever kept up with me or reads this later enjoyed/enjoys this. I’m off to bed now, I’m sleepy and I’ll prob wake up, read through this, and find 10 million little mistakes that I’ll die over. Future me, I deeply apologize, but, uhhhh, no regrets!!
Starstress out!
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willows-horde · 4 years
Mostly just played 7 Days again. Though on Saturday my brother joined us and played it with us. This is actually the second time he’s played with us but the first was just before the big update. It was fun. I love having more people than just my husband and I. Though, in a different way, it’s nice just the two of us because it’s just the two of us; we know how we operate already. I can’t wait till my brother gets it all figured out and we can play with ease. But on the other hand I just hope we can play more often...
The game was super glitchy though. For one example it would take forever for the game to let me do anything. I would check a trash pile and have to wait a full minute before the menu pops up showing me what’s in it. Or I’m running around my house and open a door than finally, when I’m three rooms away, it finally signals the sound effect. We had a bout with glitchiness when there was a bear. It was stuck on nothing and I was firing my bow then suddenly I was dead. I’m sure the glitches are just due to the update and will be fixed soon enough but my gosh are they annoying...
Oh right I also played Slay the Spire last night. I was playing as the Silent and almost beat the third boss. There were two of them, both with 250 health, and I used corpse explosion on one of them. Got their health down to 50 I think before it killed me. Though disappointed I was also super happy cause that’s the furthest I’d ever gotten. I also had a bunch of useful relics. It was one of the best runs I’d ever had.
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beerecordings · 5 years
THANK YOU, people have been acting like mark is the whole reason jack does things with ego stuff
lmao dude honestly it seriously makes my blood burn when people act like Jack’s stupider or less capable than Mark, or like Jack’s just trying to steal his ideas. Seriously, did you guys see Say Goodbye? Mark said he was inspired by Anti content and I UNDERSTAND WHY CAUSE THAT VIDEO WAS WILD. It was so unique!!! Like, who would have the guts?? to have their own, community-inspired villain show up and slit their own throat??? Only fucking Jack. I love him so much lol. And the way he presented Anti was COMPLETELY novel!! the hints, the glitches, the final appearance, blood effects and incredible acting combined with bad-ass editing and a fantastic idea. First time I saw that video I absolutely lost my mind. Incredible.
Jack did absolutely new stuff with ego content. Jack started a story and I would argue he was the first to do that through the medium of “an ego universe” or whatever. Plus, even now that Mark’s come out with this incredible universe of his own (oh my gosh did you guys see Damien??? fucking fantastic guys I’m so happy) Jack is still completely capable of doing his own thing and he doesn’t need to steal ideas from Mark or even be inspired by him.
So yeah tldr, don’t treat Jack like a baby youtuber who’s toddling along after Mark. They’re friends and equals and they can do their own things without either of them relying on the other. Okay I’ll stop ranting now haha sorry
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thelazyhermits · 5 years
Oh my gosh Hi! Its been a while since I've asked anything and I hope you have been well! I was rereading your The Glitch story and suddenly this question popped up. We know the feelings of the Actor! Sanses and Papyruses, but we never asked about the Actor! Gasters! (aka Sci, Dings, Doc and WD) how do they differ from their Game Counterparts and how do they feel about Actor!Gli-chan? Sorry if this was super out of the blue lol
It has been a while! Hi! ^^ I’ve been doing well! I hope you have too! ^^
You’re right about me never discussing that. It’s mostly cause I never got around to thinking up the actor Gasters’ personalities lol So, unfortunately, I can’t give anything as detailed as the others, but I can try to come up with something ^^’
I feel like Actor Sci is a lot like his counterpart, just a little more arrogant like his brothers due to all the media attention. However, he’s the easiest to deal with out of the three brothers since he’s more mature about his work. He keeps his distance from most people, thinking they’re not worth his time. Actor Gli-chan would first gain his attention when he notices the effect she’s had on his brothers, but it would still take some time before he gained more than a superficial interest in her.
Actor Dings is the most flirtatious of the four. He enjoys flustering Actor Gli-chan and loves all the scenes where he gets to carry her. However, despite how he comes across, he is actually capable of getting serious about a love interest. It might seem like he’s playing around, but he’s serious about Gli-chan cause of how she helped his brothers. His brothers are extremely important to him, so anyone who treats them well is good in his book. However, he really falls for her charms after spending more time with her. 
Actor Doc is the prince charming type who’s always a gentleman no matter the situation. Despite this, his fans love him in the bad boy roles since they love the contrast between how he normally is and how he is on the big screen. He’d start falling for Actor Gli-chan once he realizes he can be himself around her and just relax without having to worry about what everyone else thinks. He’s the type to put others before himself, so it’s nice to be reminded that he doesn’t always have to be like that.
Actor WD is shy when he’s not in front of the camera. He doesn’t like dealing with large crowds and prefers keeping to himself when alone. However, like Actor Black, he can put up a front for the sake of his fans. He basically has two personalities where he’s confidant and friendly when on the job but the opposite once he’s done with work for the day. Like with Black, WD would take a liking to Actor Gli-chan once she accepts both sides of him. 
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