atwas-gaming · 6 hours
It was supposed to be Guardian Tales, but ended up being Backpack Hero because my Switch pulled crud and I have no idea why. I haz a mad. It better work tomorrow.
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atwas-gaming · 16 hours
Another teaser of the Knuckles series was found today, aired on Nickelodeon. Credit goes to ToonystheToon on Twitter for finding this!
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atwas-gaming · 1 day
I almost made it to the final boss of the worst ending. Didn't do too bad, considering I've never seen most of these levels before.
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atwas-gaming · 2 days
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Silver the hedgehog in Sonic R
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atwas-gaming · 3 days
With Yoshi: just goofing around and having fun
With Blaze: showing off, big-time
With Shadow: "Yeah, whoo-hoo!... Oh, right, it's you...."
Shadow: "The feeling is mutual."
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i didn’t feel like changing sizes or anything but i gifed silver’s special animations for heg!
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atwas-gaming · 3 days
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atwas-gaming · 3 days
Everybody talks about how Tails helps Sonic because Tails does stuff to help Sonic, but I rarely see any in-depth analyses of how Tails helps Sonic emotionally. Because Sonic is not emotional. He hides EVERYTHING. He never talks about how he feels, and he rarely exhibits extreme affection for anything but a chili dog.
Tails is the exception.
Sonic hugs Tails, even intiating the hugs, sometimes even spins him around while hugging him. Sonic sounds like he's about to cry when the Zetis capture Tails. Sonic never insults Tails (teasing a bit, but nothing that would be considered a putdown). Sonic entrusts Amy to Tails' care (which also says something about how he feels about Amy, but that's a different topic). Sonic outright states that he's worried about Tails, which throws Knuckles for a loop because Sonic doesn't worry about anything.
Tails is the one person who can bring true emotions out of Sonic.
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atwas-gaming · 3 days
Metal: Oh. It is only you.
Shadow: Me? The Ultimate Lifeform, startled? No one saw that, did they?
Silver: Where'd he go?! I'll smash him!!!
In Generations, if Sonic boosts past, suddenly jumps in front of, or quickly walks up to Metal Sonic, Shadow, or Silver, they will react with surprise!
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atwas-gaming · 4 days
You know what I havn't heard anyone talk about yet?
The fact the Rito use what look like their own simplified version of compound bows.
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So - for anyone who doesn't know archery, there's different types of bows you can use. The type you'll usually see in media is a long bow. (There's also flat bows, recurve bows, crossbows, etc.)
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A compound bow is a more modern bow - and the most common type you'd probably use now days if you joined an archery club.
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You can see the familiarities - the wheels, the supports, the shapes. The Rito bows are like a wooden version.
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So why is it interesting? Well - they made the design choice to chose a more modern bow style rather than a more traditional one like a longbow dispite the fact the enviroments aren't modern. So this was a very specific design decision they made. Why are compound bows more commonly used now days? Because they take less strength to pull and fire. Simple as that. To shoot a long bow, you need very good upper arm strength. Compound bows distribute the pressure to make them easier to wield if you don't have that.
Birds have hollow bones so that they can fly, and the Rito warriors seem to mostly have slender builds for dexterity. The liklihood is that they don't have incredible muscle strength. So using compound bows makes perfect sense. They can also be lighter, because a long bow or a flat bow must be made of a solid piece of wood so it can bend without breaking, but a compound bow is usually made from hollow pieces of metal (though theoretically could be made from wood), because they don't have so much pressure on them. So they'd be able to be flown around with much easier.
This probably isn't of any interest to anyone, but it was something interesting I noticed that I wanted to share!
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atwas-gaming · 4 days
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atwas-gaming · 5 days
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Not sure why, I just really like this line. I guess because of the irony: this is a guy who lives in a hole in the trunk of a giant tree, in a fantasy world of dwarves, elves, mermaids, and the like- things that we humans consider to be "barbaric."
It reminds me of how we, as a modern society, tend to think of ancient cultures as "crude barbarians," yet we're still baffled by how the Egyptians built the pyramids with stone hammers and dirt ramps. Who's really the primitive, barbaric race here, anyway?
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atwas-gaming · 5 days
DO NOT SPOIL ME! I want to try at least one time for a good ending without walkthrus. I have no clue if what I'm trying will do anything or not, I'm just doing the only thing I could think of.
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atwas-gaming · 5 days
Now THIS is how Tails' gameplay is SUPPOSED to work!
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atwas-gaming · 6 days
You know a Sonic mod I would love to see? For any of the classic games where you can play as both Sonic and Tails: anytime Tails dies, Sonic reacts. It can be brief, but just a momentary sad face or something.
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atwas-gaming · 6 days
Ran a bit long, but I was late to start, so it worked out okay.
Satchel's gameplay is, um... interesting. I think perhaps I might like Satchel's gameplay better than Purse's.
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atwas-gaming · 6 days
My addition to this:
I feel like Frontiers did a lot more justice to his character than what we've seen in ages. He's a war general with cool abilities that he uses to the fullest extent. He's hotheaded, but not to a point where he won't listen to reason. He's Sonic's friend and even defends him from one of Sage's attacks. If you watch Divergence, his being trapped in Cyberspace suddenly isn't laughable anymore- he was investigating. All the dialogue on Ares paints Knuckles as an amateur geologist and archaeologist. One of my favorite lines is, "What do you call it- a satellite dish?" He picks up on stuff about modern technology pretty quick for a guy that lived all alone on an island for 16 years.
There's a few cringey lines here and there, sure, but it's better than anything we've gotten in a decade. And yes, he's still ignorant about many things, but not enough to call him a meathead anymore. His ignorance is only the result of his having never been exposed to the outside world before meeting Sonic and Tails.
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atwas-gaming · 7 days
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Sonic Archie 44
!!! They knew each other?!?
(Also, nice touch in the top right panel.)
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