#going to the next fictional character i want to look like by changing my hair to match them♡
lyxchen · 10 months
Should I... should I dye my hair red next for the Crowley vibes?
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"Defying the Default"- Skin Tones and the Presence of Black Characters
Okay, this one is going to be half lesson and half a thought experiment- it may get a bit frustrating, as conversations like this often do- but remember, discomfort is not always a bad thing! So I ask that you walk with me for this one.
It’s also interesting, because I’m going to direct this towards everyone (readers included!), but specifically towards my fanfic writers of media with no visual medium, as I’ve noticed this pattern there, and it makes up a good amount of creators on this site. Okay? Okay.
Behold! Many shades of brown!
I had to wade through a lot of colorism for this, and even this link is subtly racist in its introduction- the idea that brown is ‘unexciting’ 🙄.
Anyway, you know where I’m going with this:
"Chocolate and Coffee"
Even the link above pulled this! Writers who use this... they’re not ‘wrong’ per se but… often uninspired. It feels... Lazy. When you can tell an author has put no thought into the brown of choice, it makes Black readers feel like you believe these are the only shades of brown- that that’s all we look like. Even chocolate is more diverse (white, milk, dark, marbled, cookies and cream?) Coffee can come in numerous shades as well (light, medium, dark roast? Type of bean?)
My first direction to help with this: make it a point to know what shade that character is (whether canonically, or if you're the original creator, look at a reference and write it down) and find a name! Be consistent! Find similar browns to one another. If the canon Black character's skin color is done poorly, find something similar and use that! (I'll get more into this in the next lesson!)
Our skin colors may modify as we age, it changes over the seasons/presence in the sun, and some people even have vitiligo! But we're not gonna be “dark roast coffee” one morning and “light milk chocolate” suddenly. We're not chameleons lmao.
And you know what? That shade you choose might very well be 'coffee'! But it's not going to be because you didn't look and assumed we're all some random brown! That’s the intent showing! If we can find endless ways to describe the beauty of white/pale skin, we absolutely can for brown! Be willing to unpack why you may not believe brown to be capable of beauty, and work through unlearning that- it will show in your writing! One way is by pausing with yourself, and recognizing when you had a biased thought. Even by this, you’re learning!
Here’s where I want us to get into the thought experiment:
I want you to think about the description of characters in stories (as a whole). Challenge yourself- in the fics and stories you read, how often is anyone blatantly labeled 'White'? Read a story or fic; how long can you imagine them as not-White before it's ever clarified? Because not even 'pale' automatically implies a White person!
You know how I’ve mentioned before that 'Black people are not a monolith'? I can find you at least some examples of Black people fitting some of the common descriptions of white characters.
"Brunette with brown eyes"
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(Fun fact: I actually learned back in my Masters program that genetically no one has ‘black’ hair- our eyes are processing it as black, but it’s really just dark brown due to eumelanin. Regardless, if you stand us in the direct sunlight, you will see that our hair is usually just dark brown!)
"Red hair with pale skin"
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“‘tanned’ skin with hazel/green eyes”
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“blond hair" (period!)
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Now, I’m not saying that blond haired Black people or Black folk with albinism are overly representative of my people. What I AM saying is that it needs to not be taken for granted that a reader is automatically assuming a character is White in your piece of fiction- I can assume your character looks like anything if it's not stated! Especially if the OG source is a book or a podcast! We’re just used to assigning these features- and characters- as white until ‘proven not’! The default!
I am guilty of this too! Even still, I reread many of my works and go ‘ah, I didn’t clarify.’ And I have to work on doing better at it. This is having intent for your Black characters, but really, it’s having intent for all of them!
(This doesn't mean going “the Black man said,” the way sometimes people say “the Chinese said” (which…. Tbh we should all stop doing that anyway, it's weird and racist))
My Next Challenge:
Some people may disagree, but- Ahem:
Breathe lmao! Take the time to recognize that it's OKAY to introduce a character as Black, to say Black, it's fine! Obviously be sensitive about it, don't shove it in there to “win your diversity points”, but like… People are Black. It's not a bad word. What matters is the context in which you used it!
You don't even have to say it every single time. Really just the first, introductory sentence will do. For example:
“[Character A], a bright, young, Black girl with knotless braids to her mid back, glittering hair clips matching her bright green t-shirt, and a brilliant smile that shined against her bistre skin.”
I recognize that some might argue that by saying “bistre”, you don't need to say Black. But 1) you don't have to be Black to be brown or dark skinned, and 2) There's a social stigma behind even saying Black- of discussing race in general, because it leads to discomfort. Race (as a sociological construct) exists. When we say nothing about it, allowing Whiteness to be the default, we're still emphasizing race, however silently! If you're already doing it... Why not mention it? 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
(here's a good clip of Ijeoma Oluo discussing the difficulty of discussing race; while I highly recommend the whole thing, the relevant clip is 4:25-5:39)
Maybe they're in the Black student organization in a lead position, maybe they're in a Black main cast of a play- it's okay to have those things in the story to help develop the idea that your Black character is actively Black! Just do your research to make sure you’re not leaning into stereotypes!
“There’s no races in my fantasy/future world!”
That’s fair! But I want to give you an example of how people will still project these identities onto your characters anyway:
No one has an explicitly stated 'race' in Avatar: The Last Airbender (afaik); they’re all divided by element culture. YET, many people were offended that a mixed-Korean actress was cast in her role in the live action- they ‘just didn’t see it’, because subconsciously they'd imagined her ‘face claims’ as WHITE, despite it never once being mentioned in the canon! (there’s also a firm sexualization and east Asian fetishization argument to be made about it, but that’s not within the scope of this particular conversation.)
Point is, if you are including humanoid characters in your fantasy stories, fine. You don't need to say ‘Black’ outright. But, that just means that you’re going to have to be even more detailed in your description. Because if I were watching a TV show and a Black actor shows up as an elf… I know what features I’m seeing! Entire protests have occurred over the casting of Black actors in a role ‘meant for a white person’; so... everyone sees it!
This is another reason why intention in character design and writing is important! Context clues and socialization help me understand who your character is. If it works like this for white characters, it can work like that for everyone else! You just have to know enough about me to write it in (and that's where the social and societal bias lie, because how much do you really know about me?)
A way to better understand this is reading books by Black authors (for fantasy, I would highly recommend Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko and Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi) as well as Black literary classics! Finding and reading Black fic authors in fandoms with Black characters! By learning how we describe ourselves and our skin colors, you’ll learn and practice how to appropriately describe us!
Now I can't make you do any of this! But I do want you all- writers especially- to start noticing our bias, how we may default to the experience of whiteness- and how that affects the way we write. When we have Black characters, and really any character of color, we need to start paying attention to how often their features, culture, and activities are emphasized, even for what we may consider to be 'background' details. That’s how we normalize creation and understanding, and become better at writing!
It’s just something to practice; remember, it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
In addition, if you are interested in a simple read into why approaching race is so uncomfortable as a whole, I've attached Robin DiAngelo's book here! Thank you to the PDF guru @toiletpotato for the link!
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 3 months
Hey there could I request G!P professor!nat x shy!quiet!reader where reader goes to the school dance alone and feels like a loser for not having the balls to talk or join in with other people but then nat decides to keep her company because she can’t stand seeing her favorite student all pathetic just standing there like a lost puppy and then they sneak off to do “other” stuff
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Paring: fem!reader x prof!Nat
Warnings: SMUT, amab!Nat, top!Nat, bottom!reader, age gap (legal), taboo relationship, soft sex, p in v, brief oral, soft!Nat, virgin!reader, gentlewoman!Nat
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional. I do not own these characters!
A/N: I’m not dead yet and more active noe
I had always thought in college things would change for girls like me, the quiet ones, with a few friends, who you would only talk to to copy their homework. However it stayed that way or at least for me. I had found my small group of friends but I was far from well socialised in my college. But I wasn’t complaining about it either after all it left more time to study.
Most of the lessons I attended were boring except for one: Russians literature with Professors Romanoff, a tall, athletic woman, with red hair and the greenest eyes you had ever seen. You didn’t mind her talking for hours about poems and novels and what we were supposed to think of them. However you couldn’t care less about the words leaving her mouth when you’re eyes were only fixated on her lips.
Eventually more of the semester passed and soon it was time for the annual ball. Because of your low social status you didn’t even try to find a date opting on going alone instead, it wouldn’t be that bad right?
Once there you where alone, the few friends which you had didn’t bother to attend so you stood alone at the side of the large room your eyes fixated on the ground. You should just go, you thought to yourself. “Good evening, Y/N” you heard the familiar husky voice next to you. You looked up only to be greeted by your smirking professor. She looked gorgeous having picked out a matching suit to her eyes.
“Hi, Ms. Romanoff” she leaned against the wall next to me her eyes darting over my smaller body. “Where’s your date?” “I don’t have one” I answered truthfully, her expression stayed the same it was hard to read her. “And you’re friends?” I sighed she knew the answer to that already. “They didn’t attend.” She chuckled licking her lips like a predator who just found it’s helpless prey. “Poor girl, all alone and needs her professor to keep her company”
I let out a small laugh which sounded incredibly fake. Her words made my cheeks heat and I didn’t even know why. “Could be worse” I looked up in her eyes again “You’re a very pleasant conversation partner” “Am I?” She chuckled “That means a lot to me, hearing my favorite student say something like that” “I’m your favorite?” you stammered out “Trust me bunny a girl like you” Her hand trailed to my hip “You hardly get something like that every ten years. I’m very happy to have you”
Her words made my heart flutter and my head turn. I was special, Romanoff’s girl. “Do you mean that?” My voice was still a bit shaky. “Of course I do. We should go somewhere more private” I nodded her hand intertwined with mine she pulled me with her through the masses into the parking lot. Once seated in her expensive looking her hand never left my thigh before she started the car she leaned over to me our lips inches apart I tried to lean forward but her hands pushed my shoulder back against the car seat.
“Don’t do this to make me happy” She paused her eyes looking sensire “It won’t affect your grade no matter how you decide.” “I want this”
I breathed out our lips immediately finding each other. The kiss was passionate and heated until Nat pulled away to fasten my seat belt.
“I’ll drive to my apartment” She put her own seatbelt on “Is that okay with you or do you want to go to your dorm” “I’d like to join your tonight” Natasha gave you a cheeky grin at the response her plan had worked out perfectly.
Arriving at her apartment she seated you on her leather couch. She paced around her living room having two wine glasses in hand. “Do you want a glass?” I laughed I was extremely nervous but in a good way “Oh, I don’t drink but I’ll have a water instead” She just nodded accepting my preferences.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve met” She laughed slipping away from her wine glass. “And I’m not just saying that because of the wine.” She added she was sat next to her hand on your thigh. She had long forgotten about her crumpled up suit jacket on the ground though she normally was so precise about keeping everything organized.
“You don’t look bad either” You laughed she pulled you on her lap forcing you to but your legs on either side her crotch on yours. “Let me kiss you” she mumbled against you wet lips. You lips were pressed together so where your bodies and you could feel a bulge poking you. “Fuck you make me so hard” she breathed out on your lips making you moan out in response.
We were caught in the dance of our tongues when I felt her standing up her arms under my ass supporting my weight. I giggle and tighten my grip around her. “Let me take you to the bedroom”
She laid me out on the bed being careful with every item removed and making sure I was comfortable. She kissed everything inch of my skin paying extra attention to my sweet spots and I never felt so loved before. “Have you done that before” She breathed put against my skin.
“Never” I answer truthfully and suddenly I felt a dang of jealousy in my chest. “Is that- a problem?” My professor moved up again before kissing me “Of course not” She looked me in the eyes with her green eyes. “Will you let me be your first” She was being incredibly cheesy but Iiked that. It made me feel safe. “Yes”
She took one of my nipples in her mouth twisting and turning the other with her trained fingertips. She made me putty in her hands with each lick or flick she brought a new sound from my tongue.
My back arched which only made her increase the speed of her movements. After she seemed it to be enough foreplay she kissed her way down to my pubic bone, pressing her nose against my skin to take in the smell of my sweet arrausel. “Can I bunny?” She smirked and kissed your clit I was already wet but Nat was dying for a taste. She flicked her tongue over my now exposed bud. The pleasure was incredible better than any other toy I ever had and you tried to not lose my mind as she teased you bundle of nerves.
She pulled away shortly after ripping away my release in front of my eyes. I looked at her confused as she was already freeing herself from her boxer. She didn’t have a size to be ashamed of and her bush was well groomed too, like you would’ve suspected. She pumped herself a few times groaning until she was fully hard a little droplet of cum on the redden tip.
“Wait I’ll put a condom on” She reached for the drawer but you stopped her “I’m on the pill” Her lips formed a smirk as she positioned herself between my legs. “It’s not gonna hurt sweetheart” She reassured you kissing my neck.
She pushed inside and I making me scratch down her toned back making her whimper. Fuck her whimpers where hot. She bottomed me out looking down at where our bodies were connected she smiled up at you and you smiled back and after I nodded to her she picked up pace.
She was slow at first making me want more you could tell she being careful with you. “Faster” I moaned out making you hips buckle into her trusts. She moaned like a pornstar panting above me as she increased her speed the bed creaking. She made my back arch and my eyes squeezed shut as I released my quiet prayers for her.
“You close?” She panted and I nod “Fuck, your so tight” I grabbed on her shoulders scratching down as I came all over her shortly after she filled me up too. She pulled out the cum leaking down my legs. She climbed up my body flipping us over so I lay on her chest.
“You’re my favourite” She whispered and kissed my sweaty forehead
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thefiery-phoenix · 10 months
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Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to explode with rage and jealousy and act like clingy petty children to you
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Dick Grayson: If there's one thing he feels proud of in life is the amount of love he has for you. He feels like no one else can love you like him and he knows you better than you know yourself. Thr first time he finds out that you really like a fictional character was when you both were having a movie night with the other Titans as a day for rest and relaxation since you guys need some chill in life. The movie you guys were watching was Rapunzel and you really liked the movie. You told Dick that you've wanted to grow your hair as long as Rapunzel when you were a kid and he pretended not to know about it but in fact he already did know about it since this sneaky son of a bish here already read your diary that mentioned it. He feels like there should be no secrets between the two of you since you're destined to be with each other and you're soulmates and one person. He knew you liked Rapunzel which was why he made the suggestion of watching it that day but what he wasn't prepared for was when you suddenly said "Damn Flynn be looking good" and he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. What exactly did you mean by that comment? Garfield turned to you and spoke "Wait don't tell me you have a crush on him?"as he grinned in amusement as you shrugged your shoulders and replied "Believe it or not he was one of my childhood crushes" and Dick felt his hand twitch with irritation. ONE of your childhood crushes? So that clearly meant that there were more and he was determined to find out who the bloody hell were these pathetic sneaky pests who dared to steal the heart of his lovely angel when it was clearly reserved for him
"How about we watch something else?"said Dick as his eye twitched with irritation but you didn't want to change the movie so he ended up tolerating the damn movie for the next 2 hours for the sake of your happiness. But he swears to get rid of that bloody movie and make you forget about that damned Flynn Ryder because the only man you should be thinking about is him
Jason Todd: He doesn't become delusional and descend down the rabbit hole of madness and chasm of obsession right off the bat yet. There's still time for him to become delusional as hell and it all started when he first met you as Red Hood when he was patrolling the streets around Gotham. It was really late at night and you were coming back from the public library after doing some research for your Physics paper in college that would count for at least 50 percent of your grade. You really needed to work hard and up your game since your Physics professor was a hardass and had no chill in life whatsoever and you didn't want to flunk out of the class. You'd just gotten a headache after studying so much and you were looking forward to relaxing after you went home. You kept walking when suddenly you stopped in the middle of the road to rub your head for a few minutes and your eyes since your vision was starting to get blurred but that was a huge mistake on your part because a car was moving with a really high speed and the driver was honking at you to get out of the way. You'd have been literal roadkill had it not been for the Red Hood himself who pulled you out of harm's way. "W-whats going on?"you mumbled as he chuckled and replied "You're so tired you didn't even realize your life was in danger" and he offered to drop you off home since it was evident that you couldn't be trusted in such a condition. He made sure you were safe in your bed and felt bad when he saw you with no one else in your house. Was that why you weren't taking care of yourself properly and not sleeping early? Jason made sure you went to sleep and he wrote a note for you that said 'Take better care of yourself darling' and placed it near your bed table. The next morning when you woke up you saw the note and you smiled, it felt nice to have someone care for you
You were hoping to meet the Red Hood again the next day evening and sure enough you were lucky since you did end up meeting him. "I have a box of muffins with me that I made. Would you like some? You know, a way of saying a thank you from my side for saving me yesterday" and he was stunned. After all these years of protecting and looking after Gotham you were the first person who actually thanked him for his deeds. He felt happy since a really long time as he accepted it and thanked you for it. The next day you met Jason at the library but not as Red Hood, as regular Jason though and you both bonded over the books there. He offered to help you with some stories you were working on and he was like your second pair of eyes offering you constructive feedback of your works and he loved reading every line and word you've written
The two of you bonded over a period of time and you decided to have a movie night one day after your college's term finished. You invited Jason over and you already had snacks and drinks ready. Jason was just glad you didn't invite any of your pesky little friends over he despised them from the bottom of his heart. To him they were nothing but corrupt leeches who wanted to ruin you while he was protecting you from all the negative and bad things in the world. You didn't need to know all the dark stuff happening around you, and you can also thank him for the cancelation of your newspaper subscription. Who needs the news anyway, it's filled with utter nonsense and garbage these days anyway according to him
You both watched some movies and then this show called Supernatural popped up on your recommended list so you both decided to watch that. Jason actually liked Dean Winchester he thought he was cool and he could actually relate to his problems in a way. At first when you started gushing about Dean Winchester he didn't seem to mind. It was just a little fictional crush but when you told him that you had all the merchandise of his and you even had a freaking body pillow of Dean that's when things took another turn. Jason couldn't help but feel jealous and he knows it's silly being jealous of a fictional character but he can't help it. As selfish as he is, he wants you to think of him, the only man you'll ever need in your life. When Jason sees your body pillow of Dean Winchester his hand twitched with irritation and made a mental note to burn it to ash when you weren't noticing. He doesn't like it when you ignore him for your fictional characters, just pay him some attention as well and you're good to go but if you keep gushing about those fictional crushes of yours he might have to step in and when he does you'll have to say goodbye to your movie watching marathons
Tim Drake: I can imagine Tim actually vibing with you and your fictional characters that you're so fond of especially if they're anime characters. He really loves anime. You guys met online on Discord in an anime server when some random bozo was saying stuff like how Eren Yeager sucked in season 4 but you had a different take to that opinion and when you put forth your opinion you revived some major hate and backlash from that person calling you a dumb person and a bunch of other nasty names that made you feel pissed off. Fortunately for you, someone came to your defense and that someone was none other than Tim Drake himself. He called him out for behaving like a douchebag and basically started an internet flame war with that person. Then you thanked him for sticking up for you and you both chatted with each other for a while at a private chat room till you had to get going but you felt happy that you'd gained a new online friend. You both chatted with each other for a few weeks and you were ecstatic when you'd learnt that he went to the same school as you, Gotham academy and you were determined to meet him so you arranged for the two of you to meet at the music room of Gotham Academy too which he'd agreed
Truth was, Tim already knew who you were right off the bat without your knowledge. There's a reason he's called a whiz with technology you know. He was just keeping his identity anonymous to humor you and wanted to see your reaction when the guy sitting right next to you during your Advanced Calculus class was your online friend. You waited for your online friend to show up and sure enough he did and it was none other than Tim himself. Your eyes widened with surprise and you spoke "Tim, I can't believe you're the one I was talking to this whole time, this is amazing" you smiled and he felt glad you saw this as a positive scenario. The two of you had your lunch together and started spending more time with each other in person. The thing about Tim is that when he falls in love with someone, he falls in love really fast and hard. He loves someone with a lot of intensity and passion, words nor numbers couldn't describe the feelings he felt for you. He was also someone who believed in love at first sight and when he found out that you were his online friend from Discord he was extremely thrilled and his joy knew no bounds. Of course he had to keep you a secret from his brothers since they'd tease him and they'd try to flirt with you and steal you away from him which is something he doesn't want happening at all
He's so used to being the replacement in his life but for once he wanted to be selfish and have you for himself. He was growing obsessive over you and his affection for you might be deemed as suffocating for other people but you failed to notice the red flags in his behavior like him being clingy to you when you talked to someone else and when you you him about the guy who flirted with you during your biology lecture he got suspended for the possession of drugs that Tim may or may not have planted in his locker and anonymously tipped off a teacher. He was just trying to keep you safe in this dark and cruel world, and he should know how bad the world is because he's Red Robin
Your exams were done and you'd decided to have an anime marathon with him and he invited you over to the Wayne manor. Of course Dick, Jason and Damian were cocky when you'd shown up and started flirting with you just to tease and rile up Tim because watching him getting riled up was the amusement of the century according to them. Tim's face grew red and he 'accidentally' spilled some water on Dick and Jason as he stepped on Damian's foot and he dragged you inside to his room and shut the door. He could hear them snickering to themselves as Jason howled "Use protection" as he just rolled his eyes and you looked confused. "They're immature jerks, so should we get started?'' and you nodded as you watched animes like My hero academia, Haikyuu, Demon slayer, Bungou Stray dogs and many more. You wanted to watch Kakegurui as well but Tim didn't want you to taint your innocence and it was filled with some not so wholesome content according to him that wasn't suitable for your delicate eyes
You had some favorite characters from different Fandoms and the character you were really fond of was Daisuke Kanbe from the anime Millionaire detective balance unlimited. Tim could get why you liked Daisuke a lot and he vibes with your choice too. He will however get a tad bit jealous that you're not paying attention to him and he'll do something or the other to interrupt your anime fest and make sure you pay attention to him. Other than that he's actually pretty chill with you crushing over animme characters but like every other possessive yandere dude he will have to curb it and make you forget about your anime crushes if it gets too out of hand. He doesn't want to lose you to some Pixelated non existant 2D picture on a screen
BONUS: Damian Wayne: Oh boy, I can say for sure he won't be too happy about this whole ordeal of you simping for non existant Pixelated fiends according to him when you have THE heir of the Wayne family and the Al Ghul heir himself. It's been a few months since he's kidnapped you and taken you for himself and he had to do it you know. The first time he met you was when you were about to climb a huge rock ready to dive in because a puppy was drowning. As much as he was touched with your love and concern for animals he couldn't let you just endanger your life like that which was why he had to step in and do something before you'd ended up getting hurt. Damian raced to where you were about to jump and pulled you back in time and before you could say a word he dove in and rescued the puppy. The poor puppy had a bleeding paw and you let a soft gasp of despair when you saw its bleeding paw
You really loved animals and that sight just broke your heart. "I have a feeling someone must have done this to the poor thing, why else would a puppy intentionally go to the middle of the river if it doesn't know how to swim?" you asked Damian as you snuggled the little thing against you, the puppy grateful for the warmth it was receiving from you. "Take care of it and yourself too, I hope you don't do something as reckless as that ever again" said Damian with a serious note but you looked at him indignantly and replied "The poor thing would have drowned had I been a second late. Besides I know how to swim" you grumped a bit and Damian found it to be endearing and the two of you exchanged numbers and parted ways after that exchange took place. That night he wasn't able to forget about you and he made sure to visit the same place next day to make sure you and the puppy were doing all right. He didn't even know why he was so concerned about someone he just met but seeing you do something as reckless as that made him want to protect you and just wrap you with his arms so you couldn't endanger yourself. What were you making him feel?
Sure enough the next day Damian saw you and the puppy and he was glad to see it doing okay. The both of you spent some time together and you liked spending time with him. Though he had a stoic expression most of the times you could tell deep down he cared for other people. He took you to a Cafe where you both ordered something and you went to see Titus his dog. Titus seemed to take a liking to you immediately and the puppy too. Titus kept wandering near your legs and Damian thought it was adorable when he tried to place his paws up on you as if he was asking you to lift him up like a child. The puppy was a bit shy around him but Titus didn't seem to mind
Soon it was time for you to go home and Damian didn't want you to leave. He wanted you to stay with him and with a heavy heart he had to bid farewell to you. However it didn't mean that his mind and heart rested though, Gotham was a dangerous place and in the little time he's known you he's already taken a liking to you which meant that he's appointed himself as your guardian and protector to keep you safe from this twisted world and so day by day he kept stalking you and kept an eye on you to make sure you were all right
Finally he reached a point where his obsession could no longer be contained and he needed you like a dying man needing air so he kidnapped you and took you for himself. Does he regret it? Not an inch because the way he sees it is that you both are destined to be together forever. He felt his heart break when he saw you crying your heart out, begging him to please take you back and even after he bought you your puppy for company you still avoided him like the Corona virus. However you just started opening up to him recently and that was something he felt immensely thankful for. You finally saw that he loved you with all his heart and he wouldn't harm you and besides you were tired of being alone all the time
Currently the two of you were watching some shows together and you decided to watch Austin and Ally after you'd insisted. You loved Austin and Ally since you were a kid it brought back so many memories and when you accidentally let the fact slip that Austin used to be your childhood crush Damian felt like someone had knocked the wind out of his chest. Just what EXACTLY did you see in that immature blonde haired Walmart Ken ripoff he didn't know but he needed to make sure you'd forget about this Austin fellow effective immediately. Damian doesn't care if he's being petty, he doesn't want your heart getting stolen by someone else. Your heart is reserved only for him and he'll have various tactics to make you forget about Austin. He'll either make sure you watch something else that's different or when you try to see Austin and Ally he'll just start bragging and boasting about how much better he is than him and pin point and nit pick EVERYTHING wrong with Austin. Like mentioned before no man can steal your heart as long as he's with you
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Ok, so I’m writing a novel involving paranormal investigation (no relation to you, takes place in a fictional town) and I’m on my third draft when the main character shows up behind me, grabs and turns me around to tell me of the “inaccuracies to his case”. Now I wrote them down and how I should change them. And when I looked up from my notepad, he was gone.
I want to continue, and most of these I feel like I can implement within the story, but what exactly happened? And if this becomes a series, will he continue to pop up, or was it one of those “one in a blue moon scenarios”?
And what do I do if it isn’t?
Hey Norm...
Hmm? Didn't you do a PSA about this exact subject in the nineties?
Oh, uh, sure. When I first started. Around '99. It's waaay outdated, now, you know, with the internet and everything, it's better to not even look it up. I don't think it was even digitized, really. I have no idea what happened to it.
Oh, Norm, don't worry! If there's one person who knows your filing system better than you, it's me! Let's see...H for Holmes, S for Sherlock...cross reference to P for Parafictional, 90s...HERE WE GO! "Dear Watson: That's Not Holmes, That's A Lure!"
Oh good, they put it on a disc so that a tech savvy person could find it, uh, twenty five years later. I wouldn't play it, I can't guarantee--
<An old, color degraded video begins playing. It's clearly shot on VHS, with a minimal budget, and had degraded somewhat before being transferred to digital. A man stands in a small, cinderblock room in front of a backdrop depicting a victorian study. He is wearing a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows and a pair of smart slacks. A deerstalker hat sits conspicuously on a stack of actual books, Sherlock Holmes novels. The man himself looks sort of like what you'd get if you focus-group-tested the only type of man Don Bluth knew how to draw, and has curtain bangs with frosted tips. The whole ensemble has the energy of a store-brand Milo Thatch. As he speaks, his eyes don't leave a fixed point behind the camera.>
So. You have encountered an entity from a fictional property. You're excited - maybe you wanted to talk to your favorite book character. Or. Maybe you are a writer and you are excited to talk to your protagonist. But...is that entity real?
<There's an extremely awkward camera change, and the man looks to it, his eyes following a point again.>
....or a lure?
<He leans back and there is a too-long pause before he continues.>
When encountering a parafictional manifestation, remember the three S's.
<The visuals change to a grainy blue background, white text appearing as the man's voiceover continues.>
Solidity: are you are this entity is physical and not all in your head?
Subjective: if it's real, are other people seeing the same thing?
Sentience: is this entity sentient, or merely approximating sentience? Is it answering questions like a sentient entity, or like how it would be expected to answer?
<It cuts back to the man, standing behind the chair with his hands on the back. There is a too-long pause again.>
If this entity doesn't pass any of these easy-to-remember checks, that's a red flag. Any number of malicious extranormal entities can exploit the human capacity for creativity in order to feed on our psychic energy, creating a non-sentient construct we call a "Chinese Room" in order to keep YOU from asking questions.
Remember next time you see Darth Vader, Spider-man, or Tarzan - are you so incredibly lucky to experience such a rare phenomena as true parafictional manifestation?
<He awkwardly puts a pipe in his mouth and blows a few bubbles.>
Or are you being lured?
<The video ends.>
....god, my hair.
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junniieesbby · 11 months
My Pretty Ginger Boy 🧡 |Choi Yeonjun
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Pairing: Yeonjun x F!reader
Genre: Established Relationship, Idol Yeonjun x non idol reader, Fluff, crack, A little bit suggestive.
WC: 1k
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Summary: Your boyfriend bleaches his hair for an upcoming comeback and you slightly mention he would look good with Ginger hair…only to see him with ginger hair two days later
Warning: There is swearing, Ass smacking, kissing, biting mentions of food. (Let me know If I missed anything”
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Nothing mentioned in this fiction represents any of the characters.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this little fluff I came up with last minute
Dedication: I would like to dedicate this to my amazing friends tagged below. Please if there is anyone at all you would like to show your love and support to it is them. They have made me feel loved and appreciated more times than I could count. My love for them will run forever. To my Besties this is it. Thank you for playing the game. Until Next time…Love Anon 🧡
You rolled on your boyfriend's side of the bed only to find it empty once again. It has been a week now that he goes to work early and comes really late. He had promised you some quality time today, and he wasn’t even here. Not that you were complaining; he is an idol with a comeback, and this wasn’t anything new. You just happened to miss him extra hard that morning.
You stayed in bed for around 15 minutes, then decided to get up and get ready for the day. You went in the shower and did your shower routine. As you got out, you heard the front door being opened and closed, and you ran as fast as you could to greet your boyfriend.
Only to stop in your tracks when you lay your eyes on him. He is standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers in his left hand and a bag in his right hand, which appears to be from your favorite breakfast place.
That isn’t at all what surprises you. What caught you off guard was his hair color. Last night, he came to bed with bleached blonde hair. Now…now he has ginger hair. Just two days ago, you told him how much you wanted to see him with ginger hair and how much he would rock the color.
Now you're standing there looking like a deer caught in headlights. You can’t move, you can’t speak, and you sure as hell can’t process what is going on.
"Good morning, beautiful", he tells you with an innocent smile. He acts like nothing is new or has changed. That gets you fuming.
"Good morning? Good Morning? CHOI FUCKING YEONJUN, ARE YOU SERIOUS?" you say, walking closer to him.
“Baby, what's wrong?" He puts down the items he got on the kitchen island and walks closer to you.
"Don’t ‘baby’ me, LOOK at your hair. Are you kidding me!!!"
"Do you like it? I did it just for you, baby," he said, planting his hands on your hips.
You were mesmerized by his beauty. He truly could rock any hair color. He knew he looked good, but every time you told him he looked good, he just felt this boost of confidence. He loved when you complimented him. It always meant so much to him when it came from you.
"Like? Like? No, baby, I don’t like it; I love it. Are you serious? I mentioned one time that I wanted to see you with ginger hair, and you convinced your hair stylist to dye it ginger. Oh my god, baby, you look so handsome and so pretty; it suits you so fucking well. I think I just fell in love all over again," you tell him while running a hand through it.
You could not help yourself. You grabbed his face, lowered it to you, and peppered his face with kisses. You kissed his eyelids, his nose, his forehead, his cheeks, the corner of his mouth, and his lips maybe 10 times. All he did was giggle and let you kiss him.
"That is the cutest reaction I’ve ever seen, baby," he says while peppering your face the same way you did to him.
Once he finished, you gave him the tightest hug and whispered how much you had missed him, which led to him rocking you back and forth and telling you how much he missed you.
"What are the flowers and food for baby?" You let go of the hug, turning around and facing the food and flowers.
"What is it illegal now to get pretty flowers for a pretty girl? I can’t spoil my baby with food now?" He questions you.
"It’s not that, you idiot," you slightly smack his shoulder. "How about you change while I plate up the food mmh?"
He nods, sends you a wink, and goes to your shared bedroom to get changed. As you are plating the food, you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around you. He also nozzled his face into the crook of your neck and took a deep breath.
Once you finished plating your breakfast, which was one of your favorite Toasted waffles with nutella, you turned around in his arms only to notice he was wearing a sleeveless shirt, which caused you to hyperventilate for a second time this morning.
Your instinctive reaction was to lean on his bicep and bite him. “Ow, what was that for? You little shit," he tells you while letting you go.
"For always looking sexy" that's when he leaned and also bit your upper arm, which caused you to shriek.
"YEONJUN Ow, that hurts you ass," He just laughed, grabbed you closer to him, and started smacking your ass.
“Yeah, well, I like your ass, baby." You guys both started to laugh.
"When we finish breakfast, can we have a marathon of High School Musical?" you asked, fully knowing the answer would be yes.
"Anything for my pretty girl," he says, taking your hand and leading you to sit on the island and eat breakfast.
You spent the rest of the day in his arms, watching and singing along to High School Musical. You both even got up and danced to "Can I have this dance".
He truly was a dream come true.
Thank you guys so much for reading 🥺🧡
Tagging the loveliest people I know: @kookthief @boba-beom @lovejoshua @robin-obsessed @baljinciaga @choistick @hanniejie @txt-yaomi @writingmochi
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 20: Testosterone and Truck repairs
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Tags: @itsmytimetoodream @f-1-maniac @purplesiren @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads
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“that would never happen” Paul said as he stuffed his face with Doritos, it was Saturday and Paul decided to stay in a watch Bones while Emmett was out hunting. Paul still hated the idea, so we just decided to never discuss it.
“good morning” bella said coming into the living. My head shot up confused, she never really spoke in such a bright tone in the mornings “what's that supposed to mean?”
“nothing...good morning” she repeated as Owen came shuffling into the living room, he plopped on to Charlie's favorite arm chair looking like he just woke up.
“mornin' sunshine” Paul joked, Owen looked at the TV and flipped Paul off while he watched his favorite character Angela do her thing on the show.
I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the TV show. Bella quitely sat down on the arm of the couch with me and took a sip of her drink. She cleared her throat and looked at me and Paul, we ignored her as i tried to finish the episode we were watching. “you look nice today... You too paul”
“I always look nice” Paul smirked, I rolled my eyes and hit his chest.
“What do you want?” I sighed, looking down at the sleep clothes I had yet to change out of, it was one of Emmett's black t-shirts and underwear, his shirts looked like a dress on me so there was no reason to wear pants.
Bella looked shocked. “What? I can't compliment my cousin?” As Bella failed to be suck up I sighed, she was always overly nice when she wanted something.
“suck up” Owen mumbled, Bella shot him a glare as he looked at the TV and not her.
“What do you want?” I said.
“m-my truck won't start... Could you guys look at if for me?” she asked, I signed and nodded. Paul who didn't look up from the TV slightly nodded. “after this, I need to see Booth and Bones catch the killer”
“they always do” I said, smiling.
Bella immediately jumped out of her seat. “t-thanks!” she's stopped and took a double take. “I'll be outside washing it while I wait for you”
The three of us nodded not taking our eyes off the TV. We didn't really notice she left until Owen spoke up and we gave him out undivided attention. “ya know, you certainly have a type sis”
I raised an eyebrow. “what's that mean?”
“you've been in love with David Boreanaz since the show Angel, he was indeed a big buff vampire with dark hair and in Bones he the same way just bigger and goofyer and minus the vampire” Owen explained.
“Buffy the vampire slayer was better... And had good tips” Paul added, I gave him a side eye. “sorry” he mumbled.
“I don't really have a type” I said with a nervous chuckle. “big, goofy buff dude” Owen pushed. “Seeley Booth and Emmett cullen are the basically the same thing, your fictional and real boy friend are very similar”
“why are we even talking about this?” I asked getting up and shutting the TV off. “I'm gonna change and we'll go help little miss. Main character” I said stretching.
After I got and old t-shirt and jeans on, I went out side while Paul and Owen got Uncle Charlie's tools. Paul sighed and droped the metal box on the ground as Owen climed into the bed with one of his my Stephen King books.
“put SpongeBob down and give it a crank” Paul said to Bella as he opened the hood. Bella climed into the squeaky vehicle and tuned the key. The truck made a sickly noise as Paul rummaged around. He sighed and wiped the grease off his hands onto his shorts.
“you got a battery?” he asked. I shook my head no. “we used it on the Impala were working on, remember?”
“let's try and jump start it then” he said as Owen handed him the jumper cables that lived in the bed of the truck.
Paul hooked one side to Charlie's Cruiser, as he hooked it to the truck battery the truck rocked suddenly. I looked up and saw Emmett on the roof.
“can you act human, we have Neighbors” I chuckled, he jumped down as Edward rolled up in his fancy-pants Volvo.
“what's wrong with the truck?” Emmett asked.
“its not starting”
“none of your business” Paul said over me. Emmett's gold eyes looked towrds Paul with hate. I rolled my eyes.
“it might be the spark plug” Emmett said, examining the engine. “I can bring one over later tonight” he said shutting the hood.
“thanks” bella said quickly and turned back to Edward. “there's still a dent though” Emmett said, grabbing the red metel and popping it back into place.
“now, that's hot” I said nudging Paul, He scoffed. “I could do that”
Emmett chuckled while Paul gave him a death glare.
“gald Enzo Ferrari could be of service” Paul said rolling his eyes, Emmett ignored him and turned to me.
“you wanna come over tomorrow?” he smiled leaning against the truck. “Sure, I want Owen to come too. He doesn't like to be left alone anymore”
“Sure, Carlisle and Esme want to meet him” he smiled, our conversation was cut short when Billy and Jacob rolled up in his new truck.
“peace was made, what's the problem?” Emmett asked when he saw my face drop. I shrugged. “I don't know... I just feel like I've been walking on eggshells since the meeting”
“well if they really care about you they wouldn't make you feel that way” Emmett said loud enough for Paul to hear.
Paul and Jacob are the only two that had been acting normal since the meeting. Paul didn't care, I mean he hated the Cullens but he was one of my closest friends and he wasn't gonna ruin it. Jacob just didn't know anything about the supernatural world yet so he was completely clueless.
He actually liked Emmett, Jacob came over to the house the other day to help me and Emmett on my Impala, they got along great. Jacob couldn't figure out what the packs problem was, he even asked and I couldn't give him a real awnser.
“we should go” Edward said coming up to us. Emmett shrugged. “you can... I don't have to”
My best friend rolled his eyes and gave me hug before racing off in his Volvo. “What was that about?” Bella asked.
“I'm sure you'll crack that case too Sherlock” I mumbled as we watched Jacob hop out of the silver truck.
“Hey, Emmett” Jacob smiled as he pulled out Billy's wheelchair. Honestly, Billy got over the whole thing. I think he was just galde Emmett was respectful towards me and and wasn't a killing machine.
Jacob and Emmett did some kinda bro fist bump which was bizzar in itself, I worry what Jake will think when he knows the truth about it all. Would him and Emmett still be friends? Would he look past all the wolf and vampire drama?
“you here for the game?” he asked Emmett, he looked over at me and just prayed he'll say no. I hate sports.
“I'll be upstairs with y/n” he said as Charlie walked outside with a smile. He greeted his best friend and Jacob then turned to Emmett.
“your welcome to join us if you want Emmett”
Emmett nodded with a smile. “I appreciate the offer sir, but I promise y/n we'd watch a couple of movies together”
As we walked towrds the house Billy spoke up. “any luck on the Waylon case?”
“well, I don't think it was an animal that killed him” Charlie awnsered as he pushed Billy's wheelchair up the small stairs.
Jacob and Bella looked at me and Emmett while they spoke about the murder. Emmett gulped and took my hand while we followed the group into the house.
“so spread the word out at the rez, huh? Keep the kids out” Charlie asked. “will do, we don't want anyone eles getting hurt” Billy said looking directly at me and Emmett.
As the sports watcher filed into the living room, I pulled Emmett towrds the stairs. He jokingly stoped and looked at the TV. “ya sure you don't want to watch the game?”
“we can watch it if you really want to” I smiled. I quickly shook his head no. “na, let's go to your room”
As we walked up the stairs Uncle Charlie called out to us. “better keep that bedroom door open!”
“okay!” I said rolling my eyes knowing he couldn't see me.
When we got my room Emmett plopped on to my bed as I looked for a movie to watch. He rolled over onto his stomach and reached for the book that was on my nightstand. It was Christine by Stephen King.
“what do you want to watch?” I asked, Emmett shrugged flipping through the small book. “I don't care, as long as your cuddling me... I don't care”
I chuckled and looked over my shoulder at him. His eye brows were knitted together as he concentrated on the book. “you can read it if you want, it's not like the movie but it's good”
“yeah... I might give it a try” he said as tossed him a padd of red sticky notes, he pealed one off for a book mark. “now... Movie, what are we watching?”
“Pult Fiction or Bill and Ted's excellent adventure?” I asked, Emmett looked up, thinking for a moment. “Bill and Ted” he smiled.
I nodded a put the movie in before crawling into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me while I rested my head on his chest. I smiled feeling immediate comfort. “your like a big teddy bear” I said wrapping my arm around his waist, scooting closer to him. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.
The rest of the day we stayed in bed, Owen came in about two hours later and watched Lethal weapon 3 with us. When 6 'o'clock hit Emmett got a call from Alice to come home, He promised to help get supplies for tomorrow. He said his goodbyes and kissed my goodbye before going outside to his jeep.
A/n: man, sorry this took so long, hopefully I'll post more regularly with this story. I'm so happy you all enjoy this story and want to read more.
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fayes-fics · 11 months
It Had To Be You: Chapter 5 - This Was Never The Way I Planned
Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma, Modern AU
Summary: A double date with an unexpected outcome...
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artwork credit @colettebronte
Warnings: discussions of sex, swearing, public sexual acts.
Word Count: 3.0k
Authors Note: Unbetaed. A multi-chapter modern rom-com retelling of When Harry Met Sally. In this chapter, Benedict and reader attempt to set each other up, but it does not go at all to plan. This chapter is dedicated to @musicismyoxygen84 and published today to commemorate the birthday of Mr Thompson, the man who plays this titan of a fictional character. Enjoy <3
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18 months ago (3 months later)
“Your face is naked!!”
“Not quite the greeting I was expecting,” he laughs and leans in to give you a quick hug.
It’s New Year's Eve, and Benedict has shaved his beard off since you saw him a few days before Christmas. He looks younger and older at once, somehow, without it. Very handsome, though. His strong jawline is even more apparent now. Bastard.
You’re at some fancy rooftop party somewhere on Shoreditch High St., agreeing to be each other's plus ones, both of you not wanting to stay home and get maudlin about how your lives have changed since the last New Year celebrated with other halves.
“I like it,” you offer, “I can see more of your face.”
“This is indeed my face,” he laughs. “I figure new year, new me,” he shrugs, and you completely understand his reasoning. You briefly considered dying your hair for a similar reset.
A few hours later, you’re both quite a few drinks in, sitting at the bar. Most people, by this point, are dancing. The music has a hypnotic, heavy bass that makes you sway subconsciously on your bar stool.
“Come on, let’s dance then,” it’s almost a defeated sigh as he hauls you to your feet, two large hands landing on your hips as he walks you forward from behind. The touch surprises you, but it’s most definitely not unwelcome.
“You don’t dance,” you laugh over your shoulder as he propels you towards the dancefloor. Then gasp as he grabs your hand and expertly spins you away and back, your body curled into his—a warm solid mass.
“Don’t I?” It’s silky, murmured into your hair, and your mouth drops open in surprise. 
“Benedict Bridgerton!” You admonish as he starts to lead you expertly in a salsa-type dance. “How dare you keep this from me!”
He spins you away again with a devilish grin, then back into his arms, your bodies swaying together. Something in your tummy flutters as he leads you in a dance, his hold always respectful but the moves undeniably sensual. You can feel the latent power in his body as it flexes around you. It makes your thoughts scatter in directions they shouldn’t—like when you got a preview of his sexual prowess, although for comic effect, in the restaurant weeks ago. The way he growled ‘look at me’ has occasionally popped into your head at the most inopportune moments since, making you squeak self-consciously. Last week, you dropped the gravy at Christmas dinner when it happened.
“TEN SECONDS TO NEW YEARS!!” the DJ yells, cutting into your abstraction and turning down the music.
There is an awkward moment where you stop dancing but stay holding each other as if you are, as everyone around you starts counting down. Your gaze falls from his eyes to his lips unconsciously.
“Do you want to get some air?” he blurts out, and you nod, grateful. It suddenly feels too hot on the dancefloor.
He releases his tight hold and slots your hand into his, leading the way, weaving through the crowd until you are out on the terrace. It’s so cold and crisp that few other people brave it. You stand awkwardly, half facing each other as party poppers go off inside, people yelling, and couples kissing. 
His eyes cut to yours as you share a slightly awkward smile, uncertain, even tipsy, about what you should do.
“Happy New Year,” Benedict says softly.
“Happy New Year,” you reply, a flutter in your gut as he moves in for a hug and a friendly kiss.
It’s just a peck on the lips, but your stomach leaps regardless. His lips are warm and soft in the cold night air. You long to linger, grab his clothing and draw him in for more, bow your body into him, and let him plunder from you. The want for much more is electric. However, it’s over in a second, and when you pull apart, something in his expression looks thoughtful, almost puzzled. 
Just as you go to say something to cut the tension of the moment, someone very drunk stumbles out of the party and projectile vomits right next to you both, narrowly avoiding your shoes.
“Seems an apt metaphor for the year we’ve just had,” Benedict comments drolly. And just like that, the odd spell between you is broken as you share a laugh and quickly move away.
“I’m not sure about this,” Kate wavers as you drag her down the pavement with your arm looped in hers on a cold Thursday evening the following March.
“Ben is a great guy; I really think you’d like him. It’s just dinner; where’s the harm?” you cajole.
This is a plan you and Benedict had hatched over dinner last week. He softly admitted he thought he might be finally ready to start dating again and did you know of anyone single. Your first thought was, of course, Kate, wanting her to find a good man to pull her out of the toxic thing she has with that married man. The idea of your two closest friends potentially finding happiness together gives you such a warm glow. You suggested a double date, a safe way for you to introduce each other to people you know. That’s when he lit up and said he was confident you’d like his older brother Anthony.
So now you are marching towards the restaurant to meet Benedict and his brother. 
“I still don’t understand why you are trying to set me up with this guy if you have deemed him not good enough to date yourself,” she grouses.
“Kate, that's not it at all. He’s a fantastic guy. Definitely good enough to date. We are just friends, that’s all,” you insist.
She shoots you a side-eye.
“Listen, I’ll admit, this is going to be his first date since his marriage breakup,” you hold up a silencing hand when you see her go to protest, “but that’s a good thing. He has taken the time to heal and is finally ready to date again. He is a nice guy and available, unlike someone you know,” you conclude pointedly.
She sighs.
“He’s never going to leave his wife, Kate,” you add, knowing where her thoughts have run.
She slumps her shoulders. “You’re right; I know you’re right. Okay…” she concedes.
“Explain to me why you’re trying to set me up with the woman you are in love with,” Anthony drawls as their Uber crawls through Soho traffic.
Benedict splutters. “I’m not in love with her!”
“You talk about her ALL the time,” Anthony says pointedly, looking at him sceptically.
“She’s my best friend; of course I do,” Benedict frowns. “And you just said you wanted to meet someone who isn’t - I quote - so dumb you want to smack yourself. She’s smart, and I think you’d get on really well.”
“Fine,” Anthony capitulates, “but you’re paying for dinner, and if it goes tits up, remember, this was all your idea.”
“Guilty as charged,” Benedict concedes, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender.
Twenty minutes later, you are sat around a circular table, close to Anthony, opposite Benedict, who sits close to Kate. You wouldn’t deny that Anthony is a handsome man, and you can see the family resemblance, even though his eyes are brown to Benedict’s blue. He’s different in personality, though, no-nonsense, forthright and every inch the CEO he is. Very different to Benedict’s more laid-back temperament that you are so used to. It’s obvious Anthony runs on a schedule, whereas Benedict lives in the moment. 
How different they are preoccupies your mind, to the point it overshadows your listening to him as he speaks. Too caught up in your own analysis. The conversation is one-sided as he waxes lyrical about the things he loves - apparently mostly sailing and investments so far -  topics you struggle to contribute to.
“Kate,” you pipe up when there is an awkward lull after you have all placed your orders. “Benedict used to live in France, just like you,” you offer as a conversation starter for them.
“Oh, where did you live?” she asks him.
“Paris. You?”
And they sort of both look at you askance, wondering what else you can do to assist. It’s obvious there is not much chemistry there, and they are struggling even to make small talk.
“Anthony,” Benedict leaps in, seeing it is quiet on your side too, “y/n here’s parents used to live in Twickenham, right by your beloved Harlequins,” hoping that will help you.
“Urghhh, Harlequins. Really?” Kate cuts in, unable to school her disgust. You forgot about her somewhat incongruous love for rugby—what started as something about wanting to see thick thighs morphing into a whole pastime for her.
Instantly you see Anthony bristle. “What's wrong with the Harlequins?”
“Umm, I think you mean, what’s right with them, don’t you?” Kate shoots back over the table, tapping a painted nail on the surface. “Your team has been shit this year,” she opines, forthright, tossing her hair.
“What do you know about rugby?” Anthony leans in, his whole demeanour changing, suddenly looking very engaged for the first time this evening.
“More than you ever will, probably,” Kate raises a challenging eyebrow and leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
Before you know it, they have launched into a heated, complex debate about the sport, gesturing wildly and arguing back and forth. You’ve never seen Kate so animated. And while you don’t know Anthony, anyone could read from his body language how invested he is.
Your eyes drift across the table to Benedict and his to you. Realising what is happening, feeling guilty, the person you have brought for each other is not a good match for either of you. A little shocked at how instant Kate and Anthony’s connection, albeit antagonistic, is. 
As the meal is served and the wine bottle content diminishes, conversation flows easier between the four of you than your pairs. But it seems like, at every opportunity, Kate and Anthony find a reason to challenge each other on everything from what should be included in a full English breakfast to the state of politics. As your dinner plates are taken away, they are fighting about Netflix.
“You are saying people should be able to share accounts, ad infinitum? Do you have any idea how much that is abused?” Anthony decries, very much in businessman mode.
“Oh yeah, poor little rich boy Netflix. They are so impoverished they were only able to spend, what, $20 million per episode on the last series of Stranger Things? Positively bankrupt. Pass me a tiny violin,” Kate sneers rolling her eyes.
Benedict's gaze cuts to yours, concerned, but you just shrug. It seems like they are getting pleasure from riling each other up; you see how Kate’s eyes flash, and it's not in annoyance. She is stimulated by it, sparring with a handsome man who can actually keep up with her for once. It’s more than a rare thing; it’s the first time you’ve ever seen it.
So when Anthony’s phone rings and he insists he needs to take it, Kate uses the break in their bickering to head to the loos.
“Bloody hell,” Benedict blows out his cheeks as you are left alone together at the table.
“They either hate or adore each other, I think maybe both,” you opine, taking a gulp of wine.
“I’ve never seen him like this,” he confesses, shaking his head disbelieving.
“It's a long time since I've seen Kate be quite this animated, I’ll admit,” you shrug.
As dessert arrives in their continued absence, you and Benedict chat amiably, shifting your seats closer to sit next to each other. In fact, it's only as you put down the spoons after sharing a creme brûlée that you notice Kate and Anthony have been gone for quite a while now—fifteen minutes or more.
“Where are they?” you frown.
“Ant headed that way when he took his call,” Benedict states, nodding towards a corridor.
“I think that's where the loos are,” you hum, thoughtful.
You exchange looks.
“Do you think they bumped into each other and continued arguing outside? I think there’s an outdoor space back there,” his tone intrigued.
You shrug. “Maybe?”
“I need the gents anyway. Let me go check,” he smiles.
“Okay,” you nod, reaching for your phone to text Kate.
Y/N: Where are you?
You've barely scrolled through a few Insta posts when Benedict is back with what you can only describe as a haunted look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” your question is a reflex to his expression.
“Yeah, uh, they’re not fighting,” he stutters.
“What happened then?”
“Uhhh, they are umm…” you've never seen him look so awkward and embarrassed. 
Then the penny drops.
“Fucking hell!” 
“Yeah…” his eyebrows shoot up.
“I have to see!” you stand up.
He reaches out and grabs your elbow. “No… you really don't.”
“Are they actually fucking?” your ask is a whisper.
“Pretty much,” he exhales, “I walked away when I saw… movement.” 
“Wow,” you utter, then after a few minutes of silence. “Still sort of want to see,” you murmur, and Benedict looks at you with intrigue. “What?��� you add, defensive.
“Never took you for a voyeur…” he comments, an element of gravelliness there.
“Oh, come on, our best friends are fucking on some outdoor dining tables. We should at least check they are okay,” you answer in a playful tone; you cant help.
“That's my brother,” he reminds deadpan.
“OK, fine, you stay here,” you stick your tongue out fractionally, feeling his incredulous gaze as you stalk down the corridor, shooting him a wink over your shoulder as you go.
At the far end of the hallway is a glass door, and as you pull up, you survey the outside space; over to the left, there is an outdoor deck filled with outdoor dining tables. The light is low, but there indeed is Kate, perched on a table edge, her shapely, beautiful legs wrapped around Anthony, her skirt pushed up around her hips as they kiss hard. If they aren't doing it, they are doing an excellent impression of it, him rocking against her slowly, everything concealed by the expensive dark wool coat he wears. 
Somehow you linger, almost hypnotised by how good they look together. Part of you is so very pleased for your friend, completely unsurprised she would just go for it like this; when she wants something, she grabs it with gusto. Apparently, that includes one Anthony Bridgerton. If you are being honest with yourself, an even more significant part of you is jealous. It’s been a while since you shared a passionate moment like that.
Taking a deep breath, realising there could well be CCTV of you peering at them, you turn around to return to your seat. At the other end of the corridor is Benedict, watching you. He looks mildly troubled, to the point you feel self-conscious as you walk towards him.
“You watched them for a while,” he comments with a slightly uneven tone, a little vein in his neck pulsing.
“They look good together, not going to lie,” you offer with a neural shrug as you pull up next to him, and something makes you look up into his eyes. His pupils are slightly dilated. It's a very beguiling look on him. You don’t seem able to look away.
“Do you often watch other people have sex?” It’s an odd cadence like he’s attempting nonchalance and failing.
“I don’t make a habit of it,” you respond truthfully, keeping your voice low, not only not to be overheard but also to ensure he has to stay close to hear it, enjoying the proximity when he seems so flustered. “I was trying to figure out if they were actually doing it or just something else.”
“Something else?”
“Maybe just hand stuff?” you suggest.
“Yeah…I shouldn’t have asked,” he admits, pulling a face. “I don’t want to think about my brother doing.. that. Or anything really.”
“Let’s get out of here then?” you offer, moving towards the table and picking up your coat from the chair back.
He glances back towards the glass door and then nods. “I already paid. We could,” he comments. “Do you think they’d be okay with it?”
“I doubt they even remember we were here tonight,” you comment dryly.
You and Benedict retire to a pub a few doors down, grabbing a drink and sitting in a quiet corner. Just as you go to take a sip, your phone pings.
Kate: Where did you go?
“Looks like they emerged,” you inform him as your fingers fly over the screen, composing a reply just as his phone pings too.
Y/N: We left. We saw you guys…
Kate: Oh… you dirty little pervs 😉
Y/N: Says the woman fucking on a public dining terrace
Kate: We weren’t fucking!! I gave him a handjob, and he fingered me at the same time.
Kate: I did it to shut him up, tbh. It worked. 😌
Kate: Such an arrogant twat.
Kate: Fuck, he has a nice cock, though.
Kate: Oh God… I really like him. 🫣
You chuckle as you watch your friend unravel in real-time. You glance up and see Benedict is head down in his phone, too, probably texting with Ant.
Kate: Fuck it. I’m going home with him. He just asked.
Kate: I can’t say no to a cock (all senses of the word) like that.
Kate: Ciao Bella xx
Kate: if you don’t hear from me in 3 days, send an SOS. I don’t want a pussy prolapse…
Y/N: Wow, the ✨romance✨
Kate: No joke, I think imma marry this one.
Y/N: 🤣🤣🤣
Kate: Bitch I’m serious. You’ll see…
“They are going home together,” you mutter to Benedict as he puts his phone down.
“So I hear,” he raises his eyebrows with a twisted lip.
“What does it say about us that we thought they would be a good match for you and me? When it seems they were a much better match for each other?” You ponder aloud, almost vulnerable in tone.
“Shut up and drink your wine,” he grumbles.
That is an entirely fair suggestion.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @Mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau
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chifuyusun · 2 months
Negai no Astro Chapter One: Thoughts
I am late, in 3 days we will have chapter two, life has been too busy but I planned to share my thoughts on every chapter as the manga goes, so i will write them down here anyway
I have not read chapter 2 leaks nor do i plan to so these are all based on whatever info we got from chapter 1
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Overall, Wakui never fails to intrigue me with his concepts. A lot of people online who enjoy hating on his works just because they didn’t like Tokyo Revengers and wanted to board the hate train kept calling it tr 2.0, but to me, it is a unique concept, the only thing it shares with tr is its art style (obviously, both are drawn by Wakui, he was not going to magically change his art just because it is a new work, besides, his art is precious and comforting to see, why would we want it to change?) + the concept of gangs and brotherhood which are prevalent in Tokyo Revengers. Other than that, this story is set out to be different. I love space, supernatural elements, family stories, angst and drama, and this story seems to blend all together. With a family of adopted siblings and a biological son, it makes me wonder, do any of the adopted ones harbor any hatred in their hearts for Hibaru? Who is close to whom? Who hates whom? There seems to be a lot of tension, like royal family children fighting for the throne, they would fight for succeeding their father.
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Starting with Shio, could he be the main antagonist of the story? The panels seemed to focus on him whenever they were mentioning the succession. It seemed he had his eye on it, considering he is the first adopted son, he most likely expected he would be the next leader. In the second panel, his rage is apparent when Hibaru announced that Terasu was chosen. Perhaps he would try to “dethrone” the two, to speak in kingdom terms. Also, Kou did tell them to stay out of Shio’s way, it seems to me each siblings will have their own squad, and it will be a family feud. I am expecting lots of battle, and knowing Wakui, angst and bloodshed.
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Hibaru my beloved! I am so attached to him already. Wholesome mc with a brave heart, count me in! Like Takemichi, he is dedicated to his goal, and to looking after his loved ones, as it was his will to save Terasu that gave him strength (+ the memory of his Father guiding him) I can’t say much about him, but he seems to be a golden retriever type of boy, with a pure soul and a strong will, and he most likely does not want the family to fight, as he does his best to avoid that. (but he also does not take sh*t from anyone, as he almost attacked Kou and had the cutest little angry face) Hibaru was always shown to be excited when his father brought new siblings home, and I do not think he dislikes any of them. But anyway, I will support my son’s rights and wrongs.
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And these two seem to be the gossipers of the family who attend to talk sh*t about everyone else lol. The pretty boy with the colored hair gives me Hanma vibes, he seems to be quite chill, just wanting to see how it all goes down (or not, just an impression based on his vibe, but either way, I love his energy.) as for blondie with the scar, he caught my attention the most out of all the siblings, aside being beautiful design wise and looking like Kokonui, his sarcastic personality and just overall aura definitely interested me. He also never opened his eyes once during the whole chapter, and his scar goes through his eyes, could he be blind? I need to know more about him and his backstory, how he got this scar..and can he see..perhaps, his new power could make him see? (If he is blind)
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What made me love Tokyo Revengers so much was not its plot (yes, Wakui cooked, he is a good author, Tenjiku arc’s plot was phenomenal and one of the most memorable in all works of fiction Ive read), but what engraved tr into my heart, making it something so dear to me, a story I’m way too attached to, is the bond between its characters, and the relationships between them, whether i saw it in a platonic or romantic sense, and all the various sibling relations, how Shinichiro changed the course of destiny itself for his brother, how Mitsuya raised two little sisters on his own and protected them, how Naoto loved his sister so much he meddled in time for her, how Yuzuha put her own safety on the line and endured endless abuse for her brother, etc. Wakui writes all types of relationships so beautifully it moved me to tears so many times, and that is why the sibling bond between Terasu and Hibaru is so dear to me.
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Like?? Absolutely precious. Their love for each other is already so evident only from one chapter. Cant wait to see more of them and hopefully it stays pure and untainted…(Wakui im looking at you.)
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However..I can't help but think of this. Terasu's parents were defeated (k*lled) by Hibaru's dad, and Wakui never adds details for no reason. Everything in tr was carefully planned since day one even if it was rushed at the end, so, could this turn into a "Judas" sort of situation, where Terasu is faced with a difficult choice to make? Could he betray Hibaru? They are so dear to me, I would hope not, but also...angst...
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Random thought: Code Geass is my all time favorite anime, and this part reminded me of the very first episode of Code Geass, where CC speaks to Lelouch, giving him the power of Geass, which brings me to..her
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Again, i have not seen leaks, idk if it is revealed who she is in chapter two, but we have not seen her yet in chapter one..is she part of the family, or could she be similar to CC in a way, related to the "astro" power? I am keen to know more about her
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Another random thought: I am obsessed with her and I don't even know her name yet, but she is gorgeous. All the girls Wakui drew in tr are stunning but she just..stands out, her design is unique to all ladies Wakui drew before, she reminds me of a femme Manjiro mixed with Koko, and Betty Boop
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Lastly, the whole adopted siblings, each with a unique super power, is reminding me of The Umbrella Academy, and I'm sat. I'm a sucker for such stories lol, I am excited to learn more about what each power does and what each sibling got, especially that which looks like a third eye. Since astro grants the heart's desire and what they wish for, I am curious to see what each of them wants the most, and to learn more about their character. Can't wait for my new journey with Negai no Astro, it is a promising start! (Won't ever leave TR behind though)
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wolfs-archive · 16 days
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"So what? Does that change my love towards you?" Part 3
Masterlist || Part 1 || Part 2
Summary: A casual day to the coffee shop makes Hyunjin fall in love with barista Y/N who is also a student but with a different major at the same college, hiding his identity he catches up casually and they fall in love initially. What happens when Y/N finds the true identity about Hyunjin. Read more to know what happens.
Pairing: Student!Hyujin X BaristaFemaleStudent!Y/N
Genre: just fluff, suggestive, mentions of marriage, mentions of pregnancy.
Note: This is Part 3 to the "So what? Does that change my love towards you?". The Hyunjin or the other members mentioned here are no where related to the idol Stray Kids and are just a fictional character. Minors DNI please!!!
AN: I dunno why, but this is exactly how I want my husband to be. I was just crying while writing it 🥲😭😭.
"Mommy, where is Daddy? When will he come home?" asked little Hye In to her mother. "Daddy is busy working baby, if you sleep properly now then you can see daddy later." replied Y/N. Putting Hye In to sleep reminded her of her loving husband. As she was patting her to sleep her past engulfed her.
“Hyunjin is going to cry seeing you in this white gown!" exclaimed Lily who was Y/N’s bridesmaid. Either way she could hear the commotion going on the other side of the hall. ���What are you guys doing? Yelling here on my wedding day!!” asked Hyunjin with his sassy eye roll. “We were betting on if you would cry seeing Y/N walk down the aisle.” said Seungmin. “Who all are on my side? How much did the others bet?” Asked a curious Hyune. “All of us bet that you’ll cry” retorted Han. “The question is we don’t know whom to bet with now that all of us are on the same side” Felix said. “It’s almost time guys, shouldn’t we go take the front seats?” asked Lee Know looking at his watch.
As Hyunjin walked down the aisle in a white coat with hair falling freely till his neck, he looked amazingly stunning. Y/N never felt this lucky to meet the man of her dreams. The thought of spending the rest of her life with him made her emotional as to how lucky she was and just felt what would have happened if her parents didn't give her the talk which made her to rethink her decisions. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. Either way, the opposite side of the hall, when Hyunjin saw Y/N walk down the hall, he never regretted asking her first. The way she walked aadorning a white gown with the veil flowing back from her head with a bouquet of white roses felt like he just saw an angel. The angel who would spend the rest of his life with and grow his family. Simultaneously, he started to tear too.. "Seems like this couple would be the iconic teary eyed couple, I guess" commented Changbin. "It's so cute to see them here, seeing how a few years ago both were on the verge of breakup. I've never felt this happy for them" said Seungmin. As both of them exchanged vows, and kissed each other, the boys cooed flustering the newly married couple. When Y/N threw the bouquet, Lily caught it, giving Chan an eye roll intimidating him. As he gulped, I.N mockingly said, "Seems like Chan will be the next to hand us wedding candies" he said. Lily came forward to Chan. "How many more days are you gonna make me come behind you. Just 6 more months, if you don't plan to make me yours, I'll plan to make you mine somehow. By somehow, I don't mind doing unholy stuffs to you. Mind it." she said and left. A flabbergasted Chan was speechless, not knowing what to reply, leaving the others laugh at his pathetic situation.
"Jagiya...." Hyunjin said as soon as he saw Y/N enter their bedroom. The couple who had their tiresome wedding decided to just sleep and save the rest for another night. "Where do you want to go to honeymoon?" he asked. "Hyune, it's not just me, both of us have to go together. It's a place where we both have to decide together." she responded. "Okay, I'm tired, I want some kisses and cuddles, let's have this topic tomorrow please. I want my Hyune baby now" she said. "I'm all yours, highness" he said and they drifted off to sleep.
The couple went to Venice to enjoy their honeymoon and as the days began to loose count the distance began to decrease. In the mean time as they had enough fun teasing each other, they had their intimate moments. The last particular few days had the couple cancel out their plans and just enjoy themselves in their room. After all the intimacy, Y/N started to tear out, "I'm sorry Hyune, I really feel bad even if I think of what I had done previously, I'm feeling guilty. I know that you'll take care of me, and I'll too make sure, no promise to never hurt you, you'll always be mine and I'll make you cherish your each moment." she said. "Y/N, if not for that day, we wouldn't have had the guts to face each other knowing our situation. It's okay, I too promise to not hurt you and you'll always be my muse" he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her. "If anything you to do to make up for it, then let's get into the bedsheets again" he said pulling her closer. "Sexy dynamite Hwang, you definitely do have a lot of stamina, just hours ago didn't we have a few rounds? Not one or two, but a few. I'm tired. How are you not tired? she asked. "Y/N when it comes to you I'm never tired" he said with a seductive gaze.
A few months later, one Sunday morning, when Y/N and Hyun were sleeping cuddling each other, Y/N got up and ran to the bathroom only to realise why she was vomiting. When Hyun came to check on her, her eyes tried to convey him what it could be. And 20 minutes later, the duo were sitting on their bathroom counter with the pink stick, hoping for a good news. "Hyun, I'm very scared" Y/N said. "Baby, it's okay if it comes positive, we become parents, else we try another time" he said and when the alarm went off, Y/N and Hyune stared at it, started hugging and tears started to flow then, the thought that she was going to grow a whole human inside her for the next 9 months, made her feel a bit restless. The human who was a part of them, whom she dearly loved all her life. Hyunjin comforted her saying he would be with her and that it was their kid, it was made out of love.
9 months went just like that, Hyunjin helping Y/N with all her cravings, with her morning sickness and her pains. He had no words when the scan told them that their first born would be a girl. Hyunjin had all smiles when he had the news shared with his friends, the thought that a mini Y/N, was just too sweet to think about. Y/N on the other hand made fun of Hyunjin saying that they were going to have a girl version of him who would throw side eyes and be just as sassy as him. "So it's baby Hye In" said Seungmin over the phone. "How does Kim Seungmin know? I have even not told about it to you?" asked Y/N. "Didn't you want them to be named as Hwang Hye In if it was a girl and Hwang Ho Jun if it is a boy?" he asked. A shocked Y/N was replied with, "Don't you remember, the commotion you made after getting drunk during the first party you were invited? To Chan's party? Everyone now knows our kids name Y/N" he said chuckling. An embarrassed Y/N just covered her face not knowing what to do, "Why are you telling this to me now, after a few years." she asked. "Coz you never asked" he said smiling." the couple then decided Hye In as their daughter's name. The last few days were really hectic for Y/N, the way the baby kicked her, the was she started having labour pains. The moment Hyun had to drive to the hospital and the others made it a point to accompany Hyunjin. Inside the operation theatre, Hyunjin was about to faint seeing Y/N in tears and the pain she faced through. He almost bawled his eyes out, when he saw the cute small girl who was in his hands crying at the sight of the new world around her. The members started pampering her the moment she was taken out. Hyunjin just felt lucky to have 7 wonderful friends, a wonderful wife in addition to his world, his baby daughter. He had the best days of his life, helping Y/N to grow their kid. Hye In had the best time of her life growing up with loving parents and being pampered by 7 uncles.
"Hey, baby" what's running in that small head of yours, that you didn't notice me coming inside?" asked Hyunjin as he hugged Y/N by her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck. " I was just thinking like how life had changed for me" she replied. "Wanna have dinner?" she asked. "Of course" he said. "But before that, I want you to have something sweet" she said. "Why?" he asked. "Baby Number 2 is on the way" she said.
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cozage · 1 year
The Meaning of Justice
The Meaning of Justice: Nanohana (Alabasta part 1)
You’re a Marine who’s always been taught to trust the process. And you always have, until you meet a certain pirate who won’t stop pestering you to join his crew. 
Loguetown < | > Alabasta pt 2 | All Chapters
Characters: female reader, Strawhat crew, Smoker, Tashigi, Portgas D. Ace, Vivi
Word count: 5.2k
Cw: Alabasta Spoilers, kind of Ace x reader a bit but it’s meant more as platonic
A/N: Alabasta became VERY long VERY fast, so I’m breaking this up into two or three parts. Part Two will be released next week. Also – this storyline will be going along with the anime, so Ace is with the Strawhats while they travel through the desert, rather than leaving them after destroying the Baroque ships. (I’m sorry you guys I just love Ace so much)
You didn’t meet Luffy again for three weeks. The Strawhats were quite good at evading the Navy when it came down to it. Once it became clear they were heading for Alabasta, your ship took a more direct route and managed to beat them to the island. Now, it was just a waiting game. 
You spent your free time studying the wanted posters for Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro, as well as going over all the notes and reports of their known accomplices. The tangerine-haired firecracker Nami, the blonde cook Sanji, and the long-nosed liar Ussop were the individuals who made up the Strawhat Pirate Crew. If you ever got the chance to meet him again, you would shackle those sea prism stone cuffs around his wrist and send him straight to Impel Down to pay for his crimes of piracy, destruction of property, and several other offenses that seemed to grow by the day. Justice would be served.
Tashigi and Smoker had gone onto the island to do more reconnaissance with about half of the navy crew. Apparently there were rumors of an even larger bountied pirate on Alabasta, and Smoker had wanted to sniff out fact from fiction. You had stayed aboard the boat, having the men watch for any sign of other potential problems in the port or at sea. 
A young man rushed in, startling you. He looked frantic and nervous, which made your skin tingle with alertness. “There’s a report in! Strawhat was seen leaving Nanohana on a ship heading west.”
You muttered out a few curses in frustration. That crew was so damn slippery. “Get ready to set sail. Let’s follow them.” You led him out, ready to give the command to the other members, when you realized that you could see the Strawhat ship sailing past you. It was cruising at an alarmingly quick speed, and you knew you would never catch it with a clunky old ship like this one. Whoever their navigator was must be exceptionally skilled. 
“Change of plans,” you told the kid next to you. “I’m taking the Wind Viper solo to track them. Let Tashigi and Smoker know when they return. Have them follow my vivre card.”
You could hear the kid start to object, but you jumped over the side of the ship and landed on the single person boat before he could say much. You knew you were probably making a decision that would end in a demotion at best, but you refused to lose Monkey D. Luffy again. You had sailed solo boats like this since you could walk, and with some luck, you’d be nimble enough to catch them and follow them without them ever being any wiser. You quickly unknotted the Wind Viper, freeing it from the mothership, and grabbed the ropes to adjust the sails. 
The wind was in your favor today, you could feel it in the tension on the ropes. The Strawhats capture was inevitable with this kind of luck. You would just have to hope that Smoker would be able to look past you abandoning your post once you were able to lead him directly to the Strawhats. 
You managed to catch the wind perfectly and close the gap between you and the sloop the Strawhats were on. You remained a practical distance away from them, enough to watch the ship but not be noticed by its crew.
You had to keep reminding yourself that your goal was to follow and track them, so that your crew could capture them together. It would be highly unlikely any one person could capture all the Strawhats at once. Even Smoker would have difficulty with that. But if you could lead the fifty members aboard your ship to the Strawhats, you estimated your chances were closer to 95% success.  
Suddenly a fleet of ships appeared on the ocean from behind a haze, blocking the Strawhats from advancing any further. Unsure if they were friend or foe, you pulled out your spare set of binoculars to look for identifying information. 
You barely have time to make out the “BAROQUE” wording across the sails before a giant flame pierced and splintered the ships into pieces, crumbling into the sea. 
Your heart sank and you instantly put slack on the ropes to the sail, letting your speed die down. You knew you needed to keep as much distance between yourself and the Strawhats without letting them get away. You knew of only one person who could make devastation that quick. The rumors of his presence in Alabasta were true. Whitebeard’s second division commander was here, and he seemed to be allied with the Strawhat pirates for some reason. Questions spun in your head as you tried to process the information you just received. Was Fire Fist recruiting them? How and why did the Strawhats already trust him enough to have him on board their ship and sail out to sea?
You were broken from your thoughts when the Strawhat ship turned into the mouth of a river and headed up stream. You waited a few moments, and then continued to follow them cautiously. By the time you found their ship, it appeared to be docked and, after a stealthy sweep, you realized it had been abandoned by the crew. You considered waiting by the ship for backup, but an empty ship wasn’t really something worth getting demoted over. You grabbed a few snacks and water from the kitchen area and jumped onto land to try and track the missing pirates. 
Is it really stealing if you're stealing from pirates? You could feel the internal battle of taking food that doesn’t belong to you begin in your mind. They probably stole it anyway, so it’s fine. When you found them, you would ask. After they were in handcuffs, of course. 
Amid your internal war, you almost failed to notice the kung-fu dugongs that were now charging at you, fists raised and ready to fight. They were squeaking at you, pointing between you and the ship, and a few of them had various items they were holding onto. 
“No, no! Stop! It’s okay!” You were trying desperately to get the dugongs to stop threatening you, but they just kept shaking their fists and pointing between you and the ship. 
“You know the Strawhats, right? Luffy?” His name seemed to calm them down slightly, but you could tell they were still angry. “Hey wait! Luffy, I know him! We’re friends!”
You hated to ally yourself with a pirate, even if it wasn’t true and the only witnesses were these animals. “We got separated a while back.” That wasn’t necessarily a lie. “I’m looking for him! Can you tell me which way he went?”
The dugongs exchanged glances and chattering noises, and then one member came out and pointed in the direction of the endless desert. Of course. Leave it to the Strawhats to take a daunting excursion through the desert for no reason. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” You gave him a spare rice ball you stole off Strawhat’s ship and started walking in the direction the creature pointed. 
After only a few minutes of walking, you looked around and realized you had probably made a fatal mistake. You couldn’t see or hear any sign of life around you, and the wind had covered your tracks. The only thing you have to guide you is the sun, which is still beating down harshly on your uncovered skin. You didn’t exactly plan for a trip to the desert. You didn’t even have a hat to shade your eyes, just a short-sleeved shirt and flowing pants, paired with your closed toed shoes.
You resisted the urge to take a drink of water, knowing your resources were extremely limited. But you couldn’t turn back now. This would be an even greater failure than the boat. You recalculated the trajectory of the sun and the direction the dugong pointed you, and kept trekking forward, certain this was the only path you could take now. For better or worse.
After an hour or two, you noticed the first sign of life that you’ve seen since you left Nanohana. Buildings, now turned to rubble, lay strewn throughout the sand, and you found the first piece of shade that you’ve seen since you entered the desert. You laid down in it, curling up so no part of you was touched by the harsh sunlight. You’d stay here until Captain Smoker found you. Perhaps it was better to be dishonorably discharged than to be dead. You dozed off, exhausted from the walking, and decided you’d be content with either outcome at this point.
“I think she’s still alive!” The feminine voice was hushed and urgent, laced with concern. 
“Chopper! There’s someone here! She needs help!” The second voice was louder, unbothered by the possibility of you waking up.
Your eyes flicked open, searching for Smoker’s signature look of disapproval. But he wasn’t there. “Smoker,” you started, assuming he must have been behind you. “I’m sorry about this-” You sat up abruptly, still searching, and your sudden movement caused the two girls close to you to scream out in fear. Their screams prompted other bodies to appear around you almost instantly. 
“What is it, Nami?” The familiar voice sent ice through your veins, despite the heat in the air. “Did you find something good to eat?”
A small animal approached you holding a medical kit, and he reached out his hoof to you. He looked concerned, and when he spoke, you could tell it’s genuine. “It’s okay. You’re safe now. How are you feeling?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Your head was pounding from dehydration, and the world seemed to be tilted at the wrong angle. You couldn’t help but feel an equal amount of excitement and dread from the whole situation. You were surrounded by the Strawhats, all of them were right here with you. And yet, you had no way of letting your captain know he’d be walking straight into a trap when he finally found you.
You did a quick headcount. Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Ussop, Luffy. They were all here. Plus a blue-haired girl and the…was he a reindeer or a raccoon? Neither of them were in any reports you had read. Perhaps they were hostages, or new crew members.
“Hey wait…” You caught Luffy eying you curiously from afar, studying your face. “Don’t I know you?”
The girl named Nami spoke up before you could respond. “Luffy! How the hell would you know her? Vivi would be more likely to know this person, given that it's her kingdom!” 
Vivi. You recognized that name. She was the princess of Alabasta who hasn’t been seen in a few years. And now that you looked at her, you could see the similarities from the photos of her as a child. The princess must’ve been held captive or formed an alliance with the Strawhats. Based on the group's demeanor, you’d guess the latter of the two. 
“Nuh-uh. I know her” Luffy shook his head in stubbornness, addressing you now. “Hey, how do I know you?”
“Whoever she is, she’s gorgeous!!!” The blonde man’s eyes practically became hearts looking at you. “Is there anything I can get you, my dear?”
This definitely wasn’t how you imagined a crew of such notoriety to act. It almost pissed you off how carefree they were acting. 
“Don’t help her.” A deep voice came from above you, and you could see a figure perched on some rubble. You hadn’t realized anyone else was in the vicinity. “I don’t know how you know her, Luffy. But she’s a marine.”
You felt a shiver down your spine. You had forgotten about the Baroque ships, forgotten about Fire Fist. You feel the tension in the air skyrocket, the various sounds of each member shifting into a fighting stance.
Luffy smacked his hands together and shook them in triumph. “Direction girl!” He proclaimed. He either hadn’t heard Whitebeard’s commander or was electing to ignore him. “You gave me directions to Gol Roger’s execution platform in Loguetown!” 
Luffy jumped over to you without a care in the world, extending a hand to help you to your feet. “You know, if you wanted to join my crew, you could’ve just asked in Loguetown. You didn’t have to follow us all the way here!”
His complete obliviousness took you by surprise, and your mouth opened in shock. “Wha-”
Nami interjected before you could even finish the word. “YOU IDIOT!!!” She screamed, knocking him on the head. “She’s here to capture us! Not to join the crew!”
“Ouch, Nami! That hurt...” Luffy rubbed his head and looked down at you, scowling. “Are you sure you’re a marine? No offense, but you don’t exactly look like one.”
“She’s been following us since we left Nanohana.” Fire First jumped down behind you, and you could feel his warmth from a few feet away. The rest of the crew exchanged glances with each other, shocked by the information. 
Nami was the first to recover from the news. “Nanohana? And you’re just now telling us this, Ace?”
So, the Strawhats were on a first-name basis with the fire user. You would have to put that in your report. If you made it out alive. 
“Sorry,” Fire Fist shrugged. “I just really didn’t think she’d make it this far.”
Everyone stood where they were for a long while, nobody sure what to do. You couldn’t help but feel like they were all waiting for a decision to be made. A decision to let you live or to kill you. But nobody was making the final call.  
“Well?” Luffy was looking at you expectantly, as if he were waiting for you to act.
You stared back at him. “Well, what?”
He had the audacity to look at you as if you were the stupid one. “Are you gonna try to capture us?”
You hesitated and looked around at the members you faced. Roronoa Zoro had his grip on one sword, ready to unsheathe it at any moment. Usopp was holding a loading slingshot, and you got the feeling he wouldn’t be missing. Nami and Vivi were keeping their distance, but were staring daggers into your soul. Sanji was lighting a cigarette, sitting on some rocks nearby. The small creature that helped you earlier was attempting to hide behind some rocks behind the cook. You could feel heat radiating from behind you, indicating that Fire Fist would blast you before you even got a chance to move. And Luffy, that idiot pirate was staring at you with his big, curious eyes. 
“No.” You finally answered, and you hated yourself for being a coward, for not fighting until the bitter end like a true marine should. “No, I’m not going to capture you.”
A grin spread across Luffy’s face, his eyes lighting up. “So you did come to join my crew!”
“Also no!” You spat out the words at him, and you heard a few people chuckle. “I just want to get out of this damn desert!”
It was partially true, but if the Strawhats kept you around as a hostage, Smoker and the others would be able to find you. You’d just have to trust that Smoker could evaluate the situation and make the right decision when it came down to that. 
Luffy laughed, and you found yourself smiling along with him. He had a laugh that was full of warmth and kindness, one that was contagious to those around him. You didn’t want to admit it, but you could see why someone like Luffy had amassed so many crewmembers in such a short amount of time. 
“I wouldn’t trust her, Luffy.” The others had relaxed with their captain, but you could feel Fire Fist’s eyes on you from behind. “We should tie her up if she’s going to travel with us.”
“Nah, it’s fine Ace. If she said she’s not gonna capture us, then she’s not gonna capture us.” Luffy turned his attention away from you and towards Sanji. “Hey Sanji, when’s lunch?”
“Tch. You’re too trusting, Luffy.” But the heat from behind you receded, and Fire Fist passed you to regroup with the Strawhats. His Captain’s jolly roger displayed proudly on his back made your eyes widen at the site, but you said nothing. 
Sanji blew out a puff of smoke before answering his captain. “Lunch isn’t for a while, we still have a lot of distance to cover.”
“Awwww,” Luffy moaned. “But I’m hungry now!”
You pulled out your small stash of rations, picking out a rice ball and holding it out for him. “You can have this, if you’d like.” Technically, it was the Strawhats food anyway. It’s not like you were losing out on much.
Everyone’s eyes widened in panic, but before anyone could object, Luffy was next to you.
“Wai-” Zoro reached out to his captain, knowing it was already too late.
You could see that his lips were around your arm, and you could feel the wetness of his tongue against your fingers, but it still took you a second to process exactly what was happening. 
“DON’T EAT ME, YOU MORON!” You kicked him in the stomach, which caused the rubber man to cough, and you pulled your hand out of his mouth as he fell to the ground. You scrambled backwards and pressed yourself against a rock, desperately trying to get distance from the boy who just tried to eat you.
Ace and Zoro rushed toward Luffy, who was still recovering from being kicked in the stomach. “Hey Luffy, spit that out!” The two pirates fell to their knees next to the strawhat boy. “Spit it out!”
“No…way.” Luffy was on his hands and knees, still coughing from your blow. “It's all…mine.” 
“It could be poisoned, you idiot!” Zoro slapped his captain’s back, trying to help him catch his breath. 
“I wouldn’t be so dishonorable that I’d poison food.” You wiped the slobber off your hand and finally stood up. “I didn’t even kick you that hard, Strawhat. Don’t be dramatic.” Fire Fist and Zoro both shot you irritated glances, but they seemed to relax a little bit.
By the time you finished repacking your supplies, Luffy had finally recovered from your stomach kick. Luffy stood next to you again, eyeing your pack. “Those were really good! Do you have more?”
“Not for you.” He frowned at you and sulked away. You felt a twinge of guilt at the harshness of your words, but you quickly shoved it from your mind.
“If you’re going to be traveling together,” Nami said, looking at you unenthusiastically. “We should probably all know each other’s names.”
“Right! I’m Luffy! That’s Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Vivi, Chopper, and Ace!” Luffy pointed at each member of the circle as he introduced them, but you had already known everyone’s name except the raccoon.
“And I’m a reindeer!” Chopper shouted, as if he had heard your thoughts.
“Got it. Chopper the reindeer.” You see the small reindeer blush as you say that, and he ran to hide behind Zoro as you introduced yourself to the crew.
“We really should get moving.” The Princess’s words were laced with concern as she looked out to the horizon. "We're running out of time.”
Her words hold the weight of a country, and you can feel the heavy burden she’s carrying for just a moment, though you’re not sure why the weight is so heavy.
“Princess Vivi,” You began walking alongside her after a little while of walking. “If I may ask. What exactly is going on? Why have you allied yourself with the Strawhat Pirates and Fire Fist?”
Her words were full of bitterness as she replied. “Because they actually want to help me save this country, unlike the Navy!” The harshness of her tone startled you, but she regained her composure after a moment. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault. It’s just…” she searched for the right words.
“It’s what I’m a part of.” You could feel the others listening in on the conversation, a mixture of caution and curiosity.
“What you’re a part of,” she echoed. Her eyes stared intensely at the ground below her as she searched for the words to say next. “The Navy has known about the issues in Alabasta for years, and they’ve never done anything to help its people. They claim it’s not their business to get involved in country affairs, but...” she paused, and you could hear her voice starting to become thick with tears and frustration. “It hasn’t rained here in three years. It’s not a natural phenomenon. Someone is sabotaging Alabasta! Someone is hurting my people! And the Navy won’t even lift a finger to help! The only reason they’re even here right now is because of Luffy and Ace!”
You knew you weren’t the one who made any of these calls. You knew that decisions like these came from far above you or Tashigi or even Smoker. Decisions like these come from people who have been in the Navy for far longer than you’ve been alive. Yet, you can’t help but feel shameful on its behalf. Because Vivi was right. The only reason you were in Alabasta in the first place was because you were tracking down Strawhat Luffy. You hadn’t even known that Aaabasta was on the verge of a war.
You had no words to give her, and you knew even if you did say anything, it wouldn’t sound genuine anyway. The silence was as thick as the desert air, and you could see Vivi wiping furiously at her face to dry her eyes. You decided the best thing to do was gather information instead of making empty promises. Your voice came out gentle, showing you were asking out of curiosity rather than hostility. “So what led you to join up with the Strawhats and Fire Fist?”
She was silent for a while, trying to regain her composure. You thought that she hadn’t heard you, or was too ashamed for her reasoning, and you left the question hanging in the air.
“Because they wanted to help me.”
It was such a powerful answer in such a few words. Her voice was so small, and you knew the princess trusted these pirates with her life. And the Strawhats trusted the princess too. You could feel the winds shift, seeing the Strawhats and their captain in a new light.
“Yeahhhhh!” Luffy raised his arms and shouted into the sky. “We’re gonna beat your ass, Crocodile!!!!”
“Crocodile? What does he have anything to do with Alabasta?” Confusion set in once again. You felt like every time this group answered a question, you had another three questions rise.  Crocodile was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, sanctioned by the World Government. Technically, you were supposed to assist, even protect, the warlords when it came down to it, but you never cared much for that system. It didn’t make much sense for the government to sanction some of the worst criminals on the sea just for the appearance of authority. A pirate is still a pirate, as Smoker always said.
You heard Fire Fist laugh dryly and mutter something indistinctly behind you. You couldn’t make out what he said, but you could tell from his tone that he’s criticizing you in some way. 
Even Vivi looked disappointed that you had asked such a question. “He’s the one who’s behind all of this. The drought, the rebellion, Baroque Works. Everything that’s happening in Alabasta can be linked back to him.”
Her answer has once again brought more questions to your mind. But there’s one that comes to the forefront and quite literally stops you in your tracks. Vivi stopped too, looking back at you curiously.
Your voice came out pained when you spoke. “Why haven’t we helped you?”
Your question made her eyes well up with tears again, and she was about to answer when Fire Fist interjected. “Because the Navy doesn’t care about Alabasta.” He walked past you, unfazed by the whole thing. “Think about it. The Navy sanctioned Crocodile. If they stop him now, they’ll have to admit they were wrong making him a Warlord in the first place. You’d rather save face and let a country burn than admit you were wrong.”
You flinched when the hate in his voice switched from being directed at the Navy to you. You realized the words he spoke stung so badly because he’s right. Maybe not about you personally, but he had accurately described all the things that were famously flawed about the Navy as an overall system.
“Hang on, Ace,” Luffy scowled in confusion at the fire user. It was clear the captain’s brain was working overtime trying to process this entire conversation. “Don’t blame Y/N for this, she didn’t make any of those decisions.”
Fire Fist sighed and chucked at the naive young captain. “I suppose you’re right, Luffy. Still,” his eyes flicked back to you, his tone becoming serious again. “If you’re going to stand for something, you better know what you’re standing for.”
You sat alone, watching the Strawhats fight over Chopper’s warmth from a distance. The night air was chilled, and millions of stars shone in the sky. Vivi said you all had made good time, but you still had a long way to go. You weren’t sure how Vivi knew exactly where you were, but you trusted her and her navigation skills within the desert.
The cool air and sand brushed over your skin, sending a shiver up your body. You sat curled up into a ball, trying to retain any warmth you could. You weren’t sure how you were going to be able to sleep, or if it was wise to even attempt to do so, surrounded by a group of notorious pirates.
Fire Fist sat down next to you, breaking you away from your thoughts. He was still shirtless, his warmth radiating out from him. Whitebeard’s symbol displayed prominently on his back had shocked you at first, but you had grown used to the sight since this morning. “Must be nice to be warm like that all the time,” you muttered, jealous of his ability.
He laughed at your comment, watching the Strawhats engage in their shenanigans. “You know, I forget what it’s like to be cold. Or hot. Even in the Alabasta desert during the day, the heat isn’t intolerable. It’s just warm and bright.”
“Like you,” you teased, and he looked at you inquisitively. He grinned as he watched your face fall at the realization of what you had just said. You had meant it as a joke to his devil fruit power, and your face turned red when you realized how it could be interpreted.
“Well, if a lady of the Marines says so, then it must be true!”
“That’s not what I-”
“Too late to take it back now,” he retorted, puffing out his chest. “A Marine called me ‘warm and bright’! Pops is gonna love that.”
Your eyes widened. “You have no proof I said that!”
“Just my word.”
“A pirate’s word is-” You stopped mid-sentence when you caught his eye, his face beginning to fall with anticipation of how you would finish that sentence.
“A pirate’s word is what?” He goaded, suddenly defensive. His freckled smile was gone, replaced by a pained grimace. “Trash? Scum? Dishonorable?” He put more spite into every new word.
“Not as good as mine.” You corrected, and you saw his face flicker with surprise. It wasn’t the sentence you grew up saying, but you liked this new answer better.
Your response caused Ace to laugh. A good, hearty laugh, paired with a few slaps on his knee. You couldn’t help but smile while watching him. It reminded you of Luffy’s, contagious and full of complete genuine emotion. The others looked over, briefly pausing their fight over the reindeer before starting back up again.
Ace wiped tears away from his eyes once he calmed down.  “Your word is that good, huh? Better than any pirate?”
Ace hummed in response. You could tell he was weighing a decision, but you didn’t press it any further. The two of you sat in silence for a long while, and you realized you were enjoying both his company and his warmth. You both watched the Strawhats all curl up and slowly fall asleep one by one.
“Since your word is so good, can I have it on something?” Ace’s voice was low and serious, and you knew he had finally made a decision on whatever he was thinking about earlier.
“That depends on what you’re asking me to do, Ace.” It’s the first time you had called him by his name rather than his title. You liked him more as Ace anyway.
Ace chuckled lightly, recognizing that your response was a valid one. “You see, Luffy’s my brother.” You stifled back a shocked gasp, trying not to react, but you could see a smile dance over his lips at your response. “I want you to protect him. Make sure he doesn’t die.”
You stared at him, unsure how to respond. Ace had just given you a treasure trove of information and had simultaneously asked you to do the very thing you vowed against.
“I know that’s a very non-marine thing to do,” he said, reading your mind. “But Luffy’s special. He’s going to be King of the Pirates.”
“I think that proves even more that I shouldn’t protect him.”
“Oh, right!” He smacked his forehead. “Ignore what I said then. Everyone wants to be King of the Pirates. Luffy isn’t special.”
You laughed at his back pedaling, and then sighed. “I’m sorry, Ace.” And you really were. You wanted to promise him and help make him feel more at ease. But it would be going against your direct principles. Against everything you knew and fought for. “I can’t give you my word on that. I’m a Marine, and I’m not abandoning my post to become Luffy’s lacky.”
“No, no, I’m not asking you to!” Ace quickly corrected. “You can still be a Marine! You seem like you might actually be one of the few good ones left.” The compliment made you blush, his words in such stark contrast to what he was saying earlier.
“Just, whenever your paths cross,” he continued. “Make sure he doesn’t do something so stupid that it gets him killed, if you can manage it. Please?”
There was a saying amongst the Navy women about the man sitting next to you. “Better watch out, Fire Fist Ace can melt hearts in more ways than one!” It was a joke, a silly warning they used whenever people went out on missions involving pirates, but now you were beginning to see the truth in the sentiment.
“I’ll…” You hesitated. You wanted to say yes, but for the sake of duty, the sake of justice, you couldn’t bring yourself to agree. “Can I think about it?”
Ace smiled at you and nodded once, satisfied with your response. He looked like he’s about to add something, but he changed his mind. “You should turn in for the night.” His eyes scanned the horizon. “I’ll keep watch for a while.”
You laughed at the thought of him keeping watch alone. “Ace, how am I supposed to trust you with my life when you fall asleep at completely random times?”
Those dark eyes flicked back to yours once again, and he tilted his hat back so you could see his face better. “Is that the only reason you don’t trust me, Miss Marine?”
You rolled your eyes and laid down without answering him. In truth, you actually did trust him to keep watch. If he had wanted to kill you, he certainly would’ve done it by now. Plus, with a heat source this close, you might actually manage to fall asleep in these conditions.
It was some of the best sleep you’ve had in a while.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 12 days
Send to the mha omegaverse
Am I dead?!? Ch.1 ch.2 A03
A/N: This story is a self-insert x shigaraki if you don't like self-insert, y/n and dark theme content this isn't for youuuu!! It's for me personally since I thought about it for a while so I finally wrote about this, I hope y'all don't find me too boring in this story. 18+ no minors or antis, maps interact with my contacts GO AWAY!! I'll post this every Thursday not this Thursday but the next one!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。*edit* I changed my quirk a bit so it's not a touching type of quirk but eye contact means that the reader can't look at people in the eyes so I do apologize for anyone who got confused by it.
✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。 ♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *
Living a boring life as a 26 year old woman, I would wake up to feed my cute dogs as I sat down to watch YouTube on television. It's like a hamster running on its wheel, everything repeats and it's the same. 
My life isn't as perfect as the others, it's like a roller coaster sometimes. I enjoy my time alone by watching anime and gushing over fictional characters online.
Most importantly tomura shigaraki, I couldn't help but smile whenever I see him on screen while I scroll on YouTube. I would gush over his voice and the way he talks in it.
I giggle whenever it's shown a video of him talking in his gaming references.
Man I love him so much, I thought to myself as I scroll away to see crochet Tiktok or tutorials on how to make cute items.
I pouted as I thought about it. Maybe I should crotchet outside and make a cute little bag with flowers, I smile happily.
I get up to walk into my room, I bring my bag that has my material as I went to get the yarns that I want to use.
Once I get a good handful of yarns, I begin to walk outside to look at the sky. It's a bit cloudy then usually as I walk towards a chair with a nice shade underneath my tree.
I begin to crochet quietly and watch the neighbors do their work. It was calm and relaxing weather today.
Suddenly I feel a drop of rain on my hair as I look up, maybe it won't rain as bad.
I continue to focus on my project as I ignore the rain. It was getting a bit bad as I quickly put my project away and started to run towards the door.
A sudden flash of light hit my view, costing me to close my eyes tight and ringing in my ears… Am I dead?!? as I fell over onto a cement… weird, I should feel the hard ground of dirt why is it hard and why am I hearing people talking?!?
I slowly raise my head up to witness a group of people standing around me. What I notice off the bat is that it's not realistic but it's like something that you feel is uncanny.
Everyone looked like cartoon characters and I noticed there was a mall that had a hero merch.
I immediately recognize the hero as it has all might… could this be.. no it can't be, I sat upwards as I began to look around my surroundings.
There were heros rusting in and asking me questions, it felt so surreal and it hurt my brain.
How… Can a simple thunder send me here in their universe!? I started to breathe heavily, feeling like it's a twilight zone.
I grip my hair as I curl into a ball, this isn't happening but this is what you wanted right?
You get to be someone in this universe then your old boring life, I begin to blink a few times to notice my belongings aren't with me.
What the hell? Where is my bag and everything??? Then I hear a familiar voice coming in, he has a concerned gentle voice.
“ Are you alright ma'am? ” I immediately look up to see izuku midoriya standing in front of me. It feels so bizarre, there is no way in hell. I can't look him in the eyes, everything feels and looks weird as I try not to freak out.
I slowly get off the floor, I clean myself off as I said.” I-I’m okay thank you young man.” is this the first season?? because izuku looks like he's wearing a black outfit and golden button as I witness the hero taking down a big villain that has deep brown hair as people were gathering toward mt lady while kamui woods looks a bit annoyed by this.
“ y-yeah you fell over on the ground costing everyone to be worried about you. ” he awkwardly put a hand on his neck as he chuckled as I stood still. Does this affect the story of this universe? It feels so wrong talking to him and knowing what happened in the manga.
“ yeahh… I'm doing fine-.” wait do I have a quirk in this universe, I gotta have a quirk.
Hopefully it is useful, people are more interested in the hero than a random stranger falling to the floor as I try anything.
Izuku tilts his head a bit confused by what I'm doing as I throw hands in the air or something like a power move..
“ What are you doing? ” I stop as I look at him but not directly as I think of something that isn't crazy.
“ uhh… I'm trying to see if I have a quirk but nothing is working. '' his eyes widened in an optimistic way.
“ oh!! Maybe you have something to do with contact kind of quirk?? Are you quirkless? ” I tilt my head as I think, it could be like a normal quirk or it could be like shigaraki's quirk. Where I accidentally hurt someone and that is izuku as I try to stay calm.
“ uhh I'm not sure… to be honest. ” I don't know how to tell someone that I'm not in this world or don't belong here.
“ Uhhm do you have a paper or pencil? ” he nodded his head as he pulled a piece of paper out.
I put my hand out as he put the paper on my palm, nothing happened okay so it's not like decay quirk as I sighed in relief.
“ mhmm how about you use it on me ma'am? ” I tilt my head with confusion as he begins to wave his hands fast.
“ no.. I meant to use my hand. ” I shake my head as I apologize to him, I hold my breath.
“ What if it hurts you? ” I had a worried look as izuku has a hopeful expression. 
“ I mean it didn't affect the paper, it would be-..” he started to mumble as I forgot he does this sometimes as I waited patiently and he started to apologize quickly.
“ oh my goodness I'm sorry miss, I-I tend to have a habit of doing that. ” I smile gently as I said.
“ you're fine, I tend to have it too when I'm hyper focused about something. ” he sighs in relief as he puts his hand out.
“ Whenever you're ready, miss.” I begin to hold my breath as I put my hand on top of his..
Nothing works, alright I'll try looking at him-... As we make eye contact as I pause for a second as I look at midoriya.
He looked at me strangely as he had a doopy silly smile and pulled me close into a hug as I gasped out loud.
What the hell?? Why is he acting like this so suddenly?
“ I'm in love with youuuu ma'am~!! ” oh… does this mean my quirk is.. something to do with love? Or maybe it's a yandere lovestruck type of quirk.
I shake him out of it and he blink a few times.
“ uhh w-what happened? ” I feel my cheeks getting red from embarrassment as I awkwardly laugh.
“ I think my quirk is lovestruck because you hugged me and said that you're in love with me so I can't make eye contact with anyone.”
“ in l-love?? That…” he gasps from this as he writes it down in his notebook fast.
“ incredible!! That quirk sounds so interesting and puts people in a mindset where they can't remember anything afterwards-. ” hearing him mutter about the possibilities of my quirk as I start to feel nervous so I can't make eye contact with others, this is gonna be a challenge .
I start to think about the possibilities as I put my thumb on my lips. A lovestruck quirk sounds harmless to others but I can't imagine if I accidentally look at the wrong person, will it be a dangerous individual or…
I widen my eyes as I pause for seconds since I know shigaraki and every character exists. What if I accidentally stare at him, will he be fully yandere towards me?
No that's possible, this is crazy… Everything feels so bizarre, I need to get home asap.
“ ma'am? ” I don't look directly at Midoriya but with confusion as I noticed him holding his nose as if I smell bad, I don't think I smell… okay now I feel self-conscious about it.
“ you should get patches on your neck, you don't want an alpha to bite your neck..”
Not only I'm in my hero academia universe but it's an omegaverse, this couldn't get any better..
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kuraitsune · 2 years
Hello! I'm a fans of ur work, thankyou for give me serotonin supplies!
Maybe can I request luxiem hc with a s/o who's suddenly disappear, become difficult to trace and just leave a message "lets break up" without reason but actually hospitalized? Their s/o always perfectly hide the fact about often being hospitalized bc congenital disease, s/o want to make the boys hate s/o and sacrifice all of the feeling. All is just s/o doesn't want become a burden to them. I have almost same situation and need some comfort, you can ignore this if not comfortable, okay 😉, thanks!
Sorry if too long 🥲
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PARiNGS - ...Luxiem(seperate) x GN!reader
MENTiONS - ...just luxiem~
SUMMARY - ...of course, you knew it'd make him confused and worried for your well-being but you absolutely do not want to be a burden to your boyfriend. he says something else though...
READER'S PROFiLE - ...you have a disease that causes you to be hospitalized frequently, and you were able to hide that fact perfectly well. you're in an established relationship with the boys seperately!
DiSCLAiMERS - intentionally lowercase. in no way am i a professional writer, i just like english lol. please know that these writings are a work of fiction and are the appearance and persona of the character! not the person behind the screen.
iMPORTANT A/N - won't be going into specifics of the reason why the reader is hospitalized. and don't worry if the ask is too long, anon, i hope this helps you at least a little! (also i have never wrote hcs myself before but i hope this still helps!)
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i imagine shu to search everywhere for you when you sent that text
he just wants to know, why?
he'd eventually find you after calling several places to see if you were seen anywhere near the places. he would run to the hospital to see if you're absolutely fine.
when he saw you laying there peacefully, chest heaving up and down, he relaxed his tensed muscles after maybe several days of searching high and low.
he would stay by you whenever you can until you open your eyes to his amethyst ones.
you were shocked to say the least when you saw shu sitting next to you.
"why'd you text me that?" he would ask at last.
you would hesitate to explain but reassures you.
"i... just didn't want you to worry about me as much..." you said once you explained everything.
he let out a breath of relief with the knowledge of why you suddenly disappeared.
"you'd never be a bother to me."
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ah, the detective himself.
mysta would definitely be terribly insecure, confused, and worried with your sudden text and disappearance.
he obviously worked on missing people cases, but he never knew how the feeling was when somebody you knew dearly just straight up disappeared with a text of "let's break up" without anything else to explain.
he would try to sniff out the last places you've been, but to his dismay, there was nothing to go off of.
eventually, he received a call from the hospital that his s/o was hospitalized
oh boy you know that he'd get in the car a second later
he might've went over the speed limit? but he's fine.
i think-
finally, when he saw you there, sitting up and reading a book, he absolutely wanted to hug the shit out of you. but he didn't know if he should?
so he just said something, "hey... why'd you just leave me without a trace?!" he'd pout.
you looked up from the book to see his iconic fox hat and ashen hair, "i knew it wouldn't take long for you to get here."
"but i'm being serious, i really feel like it would be better for us to break up."
he'd look at you shocked, "but why?"
"i don't... don't want you to be worried about me all the time, i'd just be... more of a burden and weight to you," your voice had shook slightly.
"not a chance! you're mine... and only mine... okay? don't do that again to me."
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softest boy. and you can't change my mind
ike would call you several times and when you haven't picked up after maybe 6-8 times, he'd get extremely anxious.
he'd explain the entire problem to luxiem and all
then everyone's trying to look for you and eventually either himself or another one of the members found you there in the hospital.
you were sound asleep when ike visited, and he stayed there all night just to see you speak to him again.
he'd probably be reading a book as he waits(ah yes, all nighters. couldn't agree more)
you would wake to ike's voice, softly humming a tune as he read.
or you would see ike right next to your bed asleep, with his book in his lap, forgotten.
"good morning, dear. how are you feeling?" he'd tiredly ask
"w...why did you come here? to see me?" you ask, staring in his golden green irises. "i thought i said..."
"shh... i know you don't actually mean that. if you think you'd just be a burden, think again."
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so i haven't written for luca at all so i hope this is still to your liking!
when luca found your text, he rushed to your house and found that... you were missing.
he'd definitely get some search team in the mafia to find you
i mean, can't really argue with that. you might've been kidnapped or something of the like by the rival mafia.
eventually, some of the agents in the search team found you and reported where you were to him.
and so, he arrived by your ward door. but apparently the hospital staff didn't let him in so you could hear him trying to reason with the staff.
he failed, sadly. but the next day you awaken to luca's face very close to yours.
"AHSGADSJKAH- oh. luca? why are you here..?" you softly pushed his face away after realizing.
"you left without anything behind except that text."
"i expected you to find me eventually but not this early," you already predicted that he'd find you anyways. i mean, it's luca kaneshiro for what we know
"i will keep on coming back, whether you like it or not"
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vox is going to speed around your shared house.
when he realizes you're not anywhere in the house, he notifies his fellow genmates.
everyone is panicking to find where tf you went
until a few days of failing to locate where you are. kinda sad tbh
suddenly, he gets a feeling that you're in the general direction of the hospital.
bringing along some of your favorite snacks in a bag, he asks the receptionist if they have you in the building
they say yes and told him where you were, luckily he was right with following his intuition.
you were scrolling through twitter when he entered, tilting your head at the demon.
"darling, i've been looking for you."
"vox... i thought i already texted you about this."
"you did, but i do not think that's what you want in the slightest," he hands you a bag of [favorite snack] as he spoke.
he would probably still be flirty as you stay in the hospital, sending you a message every morning and night. even during his afternoon visits, he's still flirty with you.
"as much as you want me to leave, there's simply no way to let go of me."
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NOTE - there's probably an obvious answer of which boys i fall hard for. unless it isn't? but this is the first actual writing that has all of luxiem written for. hope this helps with comfort~
DO NOT: repost or copy any of @kuraitsune's works! sharing is fine with credits.
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 2 - The arrival.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS (demons) x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!reader
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: Arriving in new, unknown place can be scary or anxious. Thanks God that welcoming is suprisingly warm and nice.
Author's note: please note that the whole place even if idea was based on Canadian town, is pure imagination. Also it's fiction so the same goes for all court and some procedures. Again if you are struggling to imagine a mansion, please search for Croft Manor from Tomb Raider games - Legend and Underworld mostly. A lot of its changed (we don't need this big pool and training area) but still I will try to describe and elaborate everything. English isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Taglist will be in the end of chapter.
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In the less than week Y/N was ready for a trip. Whole thing was discussed in details with officials. She'll arrive around 11 a.m local time and will be picked up by someone, then they'll drive to Grand Hillsam, this can be long drive around two or three hours. She searched the information about the town - it's not big, around 10.000 people is living there between mountains and forest, lake was nearby. In the area there are couple of really old wood cabins which were hunting/vacation houses for rich people from big city around one hour before - Welland where population was way more bigger, around 150.000 people and it had big car fabric and some high tech instances. Grand Hillsam was first a small village, but the rich people didn't want to live among common people or wanted to be closer to the nature so they started to build houses and mansions there. Y/N looked at the photos, yes the view was stunning, but leaving deep in the forest? Now it was easier with phones and Internet but then? Her distant family had to be crazy.
Her research told that indeed aunt Elizabeth, like she liked to say about late, last family member was part of old lineage, which was very powerful in that area their good luck ended unexpected around three hundred years ago and then they didn't come back to their greatness and before the IIWW family left the city. By the information given by the court, her aunt was living in London since the beginning and till the end of her days.
Y/N closed her notebook with little sigh, the plane was just about to land, so she put everything down, waiting for the end of a fly. Everything later went smooth, passengers were transported into airport from deck, than all the controls and taking bags. Someone was meant to wait for her, but honestly how they'll find each other. When she left the depart rooms, a lot of people were leaving with her and small crowd formed. There were persons holding signs with names and Y/N found herself looking at them in search of her's. Almost in the end of a crowd she found it, a tall man with black hair tie into manbun, leather black jacket and black jeans. A simple paper with Y/N written in the middle. He smiled, when she stopped and approached him carefuly.
"You have to be Y/N." He smiled and they shook hands gently.
"Yes it's me, nice to meet you." She smiled a little flustered.
"Welcome, I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"Y/N L/N."
He was tall and well built, but had cute face with sweet bunny smile. He screamed handsome and she felt little uncomfortable when a warm feeling spread in her chest, then on her cheeks.
"Let's go, the trip will take a little." He said and reached for her bags." And let me take those."
"Thank you."
Looking closer Y/N noticed the pierced lip and tattoos peaking out of sleeves. He walked confidently and her things didn't seem to be heavy for him.
"How was the flight?" Jungkook asked when they were leaving the airport and went into parking.
"Peaceful. I slept a little and read some documents send to me." She responded honestly.
"Actually my condolences." He smiled bitterly.
"Thank you, but I didn't know aunt Lizzie." Y/N shrugged a little.
The officials informed her that person which is going to pick her up will know why she is there to avoid any mistakes or being lost in foreign country. It was a good point. They reached a big, black pick up and he put her lungage in the back then opened door like a real gentelman. She thanked in small nod. Inside car strangely was smell of chocolate, when Jungkook got inside, he adjusted her seat and helped with belt.
"If you wish to sleep again it's okay." He showed his bunny smile. "But later road can get rough. I don't also mind a comfortable silence."
"We'll see." Y/N smiled plesantly shying away from his gaze.
Jungkook nodded and turned on engine which came back to life with a loud roar. He was driving smoothly and confidently, Y/N found herself glancing on hid hands and arm from time to time, but the view was getting prettier. When they left the airport town they drove into mixed forest.
"Sometimes during evenings or night it can be colder, especially with thick clouds and rain."
"Is it common here?"
"Well it can happen two or three days in a row. Sometimes there is a big storm and none is actually going outside, we had it last year."
"Thanks God I packed variety of clothes." Y/N giggled a little. "View is stunning."
"Wait till we reach the hills or mansion." He smiled cutely.
"You know where it is?"
"Yea... it's kinda hard to miss it, even that far and in that small town. I sometimes go for trips into wild and mansion is a little away from the main town. It's on the hill."
The drive went peacefuly, sometimes Y/N was asking questions about the town. It turned out Jungkook is local traveller and has known this place since birth. He's enjoyed all trips into forest and mountains.
"Would you like to stop by to eat something?" He asked glancing at her .
"Yes, it would be nice."
"We'll stop in Welland outskirts, I want to avoid car traffics and I know a good place here."
"Very well then."
As he promised they've stopped in bar which was near the road. Y/N ordered nuggies and some fries when Jungkook took whole ass two sets - burger with fries and chicken leg with fries. Well he was a big, built man probably he needed that much food. After eating he drove through back roads in Welland, as he said earlier to avoid car traffics. When they left town for good, she again started to admire the view. Road suddenly went up and seemed w bit challenging, but he was a skilled driver.
"Are there any wild animals?" She asked looking at thick, mixed forest.
"Shit I should warn you. Yea there are wolfes and bears along with deers and mooses. But don't worry I didn't see them that close to town. Your mansion is on the hill and surrounded by high wall with a gate. Nothing should come inside. If you would want to go deeper in the forest which is around manison - because actually it's the farest point in town, you can meet maybe something. Especially if you will go down to the lake." He said with a little frown.
"The town and area around must be very beautiful." Y/N said and smilled a little.
"It is." Jungkook replied glancing at her for a second.
Unwanted blush crept on her cheeks, so she turned head to again look at the forest. The drive was filled usually with silence, sometimes she was asking some casual questions, but didn't want to distract him, when road seemed a little difficult. Y/N played a little with a necklace, well the reason of the trip wasn't very plesant but she enjoyed it anyway. She didn't noticed how Jungkook's eyes traced the necklace and it's chain. He bit his lip and tried to focus on a road again.
Around the 4 p.m the have arrived in town, which was indeed was smaller and placed deep in the forest and mountains. It was stunning and Y/N could spent there a lot of time if circumstanced were different. He stopped on central square, which was surrounded with some shops, restaurants, big supermarket and town hall, in front of which Jungkook stopped.
"I believe mayor will have all the info you need. I'll wait here." He said putting on sunglasses, because the sun started to be a problem.
"Thank you." She flashed him beaming smile and got out of the car.
In her backpack were all the files she needed so, she entered the building. In reception she got to know, that mayor will be aviable in five minutes or so. She felt little anxious of her case, but after all assistant asked her to come in. Inside the room, behind the desk was older man maybe around his sixties, he got up and shook her hand firmly.
"Good morning miss L/N, how was the flight and drive? Mr Jeon didn't bother you too much?"
"No, he was very nice and helpful."
They both sat down and she took out the docs and her ID. He checked everything once again then lean on chair.
"So... the case is kinda important and complicated." Man sighed. "According to law, you'll inherit the mansion, but there is a lof of buts."
"Actually I didn't know that I had distant family." She sighed unsure.
"Mrs Elizabeth Balfour didn't know too. She only got to know, when she was working on her last will. Around year ago she got diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, she wanted to clear things before passing away. She meant to make an mansion a museum, actually she gave away most her things with historical records, rest went for charity." He said looking at his files.
"So why I have been called to court if she wanted mansion to become museum?"
"Well... it's about the general Balfour lineage will. Mansion is always passed to last family member, that will is above Mrs Elizabeth's will. It's going to become a museum only if it's proven that last family memebr can't afford to take care of mansion." He explained slowly.
"Well, it's kinda obvious. I don't know how rich the aunt was, but by the search and files I can tell that she was richer than me." Y/N smiled nervously.
"Yea, I understand that." Mayor nodded.
"So... now I need to give up on mansion officialy? It'll become museum and it's all?"
"I wish it would be that easy." He giggled. "Now the mansion need to be inspect and everything inside need to be write down and cataloged, unfortunately you have to be present during the whole process."
"Oh..." Y/N's eyes widened at the news.
"Don't worry, actualy Mrs Balfour cared about the mansion, it had general redo three years ago, the sweres, electricity and heating system was modernised. Also we have Internet here and good signal finally. The rooms aren't damaged or something. Mrs ordered to clear one of master bedrooms, when she decided to make it museum, so you can stay in the mansion not in motel." Mayor stated with encouraging smile.
"Sir are you sure? I won't destroy anything?"
"Well, it'll be difficult with those old, wooden furnitures. And you don't seem like some clumsy person." He joked a little.
"Well, I'm sometimes clumsy, but actually I love history and old staff like those." She admitted little nervously.
"Oh perfect, maybe staying in the mansion wouldn't be that bad? Actually I know it's kinda troubling, you are probably working but I can arrange some official files to prevent you being fired."
"It's all right I have already talked with my boss, I can do homeoffice. If Internet is good here, I can work."
"That's nice to hear actually. I hope we will make it work..." he sighed. "Another issue is that we need a specialist, which goverment must find and send here, only he or she can start cataloged things in the mansion."
"So now we have tied up hands?" Y/N asked with sigh.
"A little. We have old list of historical heritage, but the specialist need to describe their state and what it exactly is. We as common folks can only point that 'this' thing is in the mansion."
"How much is there?"
"A lot." Mayor frowned. "The list include all books, statues, paints, furnitures etc."
"Yes, there is a huge librrary."
"Oh my." Y/N huffed. "It looks like tough work, but I think, I can help."
"Thank you Miss L/N. I'll tell higher ups tomorrow about everything and I'll send you the list too. You need time to rest and accomodate yourself in the mansion."
"Thank you Sir." She smiled a little.
They both stood up and he lead her to exit, outside Jungkook was waiting in the hall, sitting in armchair. Mayor smiled at him.
"Can you take miss L/N to the mansion young man?"
"Yes, that's why I'm waiting." He also stood up.
"Great." Older man took off a two sets of keys from his pocket. There were more than fourty keys in total. "Those with red ribbon are keys for garden and cellars, blue is everything in mansion. A black key decorated with a rose is a main garden, silver key decorated with a crescent moon is the key for mansion and a golden key decorated with sunrays is for main gate."
Y/N took them looking at sets with little surprise, she touched the necklace. "What a coincidence..." she muttered.
"Let's go." Jungkook encouraged.
She nodded and they went outside, then into a car. He drove to the north, soon the view has been covered by trees once again. Road was still going up, after around fifteen minutes the mansion emerged from the corner, really the wall around was maybe six or eight meters high. There was some space in front of the gate but behind was a proper parking. They stopped and Y/N took the golden key and opened the gate slowly with Jungkook's help. It creaked just like in the movies, once they entered inside, green but a little neglect grass welcomed them. Right under the wall were parking places, on left side the stone road was leading to a mysterious garden with high hedge on right side was a nice space with big, spacious tree and old swing. The middle stone road was leading to mansion and probably once in time was decorated with flowers. A lonely nightingale was sitting on a tree, whole scenery was stunning, just like from an old tale.
"It's beautiful." Y/N whispered with shining eyes.
"Let me take the suitcase." Jungkook ofered with bunny smile and he went for that.
Mansion was big, probably had two floors except ground level and it went all the way back. The windows seemed to have all glass untouched and actually it didn't look as neglected as she thought it'll be. Jungkook came back with her bags. Actually she found it amusing how he was looking like total bad boy, but seemed to soft inside. The smile which mayor gave him in the office was genuine and he had to help in town a lot.
"Thank you." She said sincerely.
"Come on I'm lifting way more heavy things."
She lead the way inside and with silver key opened the mansion doors. Strangely the lock was very heavy to flip. Inside greeted them smell of old things and a lot of dust.
"I'll come if you want and oil all the locks in the mansion." He offered putting down the suitcases.
"If it won't be a problem. This on main door was a little challenge. I don't want to break the key."
"Do you have that much of strength little one?" Jungkook teased.
Y/N bit the lip and looked away. Currently they were in a little vestibule, on left were solid, heavy doors probably leading to cellars or working areas, on right decorated, wooden doors. In front of, separated by old, classic columns was a very big space, reaching the high of the main roof with fire place, coffee table and two couches. Some painting was above the fire. In the wall in front of them were two door on right and left side. In the middle on left wall were stairs, parting on left and right and those lead to first floor, which was also separated by railings and agains columns, but it had only four doors on both sides and next stairs leading to the second floor. So there was in count eight rooms on left on both floors and eight rooms on right. Through big window there was view on the garden, the closed part.
"That's a big space." Y/N turned around and looked at first floor.
"Yes I agree... that's bigger that I"ve ever imagined." Jungkook also looked around.
"One of the bedrooms should be usable." She went carefuly up by the stairs, which sometimes were creaking too.
Y/N opened the first door, he followed her but the bags were left down below. It come out that it was a nice little office with huge desk, big bookshelves and couch with coffee table, everything in old style and wooden pretty furnitures.
"Well it looks like place to work." Jungkook summed up.
"Yeah, I might end up using this."
They enetered the next room which came out as cleaned master bedroom. It also was giving the old mood. There was another desk, couch with coffee table, on left smaller room serving as old wardrobe, kingsize bed on little platform with canopy, on the right entrance to spacious bathroom, which was remade for sure not long ago.
"All right we found it." Jungkook smiled widely.
Y/N nodded looking around, she really liked how the mansion looked, the old vibe, a little mystery that it was kinda hidding.
"Well the rest of the mansion probably needs big vaccuming... I also need to figure out if everything is working and where are certain rooms." She said with little sigh." Not gonna lie, I am excited a little."
"Do you need any more help?" He asked honestly.
"Oh no, no please I took too much of your time."
"Well, for now I don't have too much to do, I might just help." Jungkook offered scratching his nape.
"I think, this oil will be fine." Y/N giggled nervously.
"Let me take the suitcases."
When he left the room, she looked closer at furnitures, well it could use some clearing. There was still some dust and wiping. He came back fast.
"Can I get your number if something would happen?" He asked a little awkwardly. "Also we don't usualy have a guests here, so I might be helpful with navigate through the city."
"It's good idea." They exchanged the numbers. "Also maybe you'll know then if I can rent a car?"
"Oh yes, I think I know someone who can rent a car."
"It'll be a difficulty to go to the town by feet..."
"Good, I'll talk to them, we'll see maybe tomorrow it'll be done." Jungkook nodded in excitment.
Y/N smiled at his energy and cute behaviour. He really was a good boy with bad boy looks for now.
"Won't you be scared to stay here alone?" He asked concerned.
"Now when you asked I might be." She looked around nervously. "I can lock the door here and when we saw the dust I can assume none was there in long time."
"Yea, I mean who would climb up the wall?"
"Yeah..." Y/N giggled nervously.
"See you tomorrow and remember to check the door and gate later." Jungkoom said and high fived her.
She walked him to the doors, he left waving to her. When door closed, silence started to ring in her ears. She decided to open all doors in sight and it came out that those on first level near the entrance - solid ones were leading to small storage probably once for servants and further to cellar. Decorated were leading into old fancy dining room with long table, big window and chandlier, also there was door to the kitchen, which was also modernised and working, after turning on fridge it started to get colder. Opposite doors in main hall were leading to big library - on left and ballroom on right. She decided to explore it later. It came out the rest of the rooms are bedrooms except the first one of the each floor - those were offices. Y/N came back to her room and started to unpack, the called her friends and boss. Signal was strong and net was working pretty fast.
When she ended the things in the room, her stomach get itself known and the night has fallen upon the city. The mansion was plesantly silent, it seemed like she got used to it pretty fast. Luckily Y/N packed some sandwiches and decided to eat them as supper, but deffinitely she was going to go on shopping tomorrow. She grabbed the small fleshlight in case and went to close the gate, in the main hall she kept smaller lighting on wall, but didn't use fake big chandlier on the roof and some fancy lightning on railings. The whole mansion didn't need to be lit up for now, so in some corners were dark spots and shadows. Y/N didn't seem to noticed when sometimes they would fade out when she was closer and darkened when she was far away. For sure she didn't noticed some shadows shifting. The gate closed with the same creak, she checked also all rooms, but they were closed and came back to master bedroom and started her night routine. Sleeping in such big building will be strange for sure and probably will include some small lamp being turned on the whole time, but nobody was going to know. When she entered the shower the shadow shifted outside the mansion, Jimin jumped out straight from it and landed quietly on stone path. He turned back looking at buliding, smirked and jumped again, turning into nightingale, then felw out into the dark night.
DOWN BELOW LIL SILLY PIC OF MANSION ROOMS PLACEMENT (you are allowed to laugh only three times at this so be carefuly with those.)
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@hadesnewpersephone @lalavione1309
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my-own-walker · 7 months
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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note: italicized text is a flashback
Our night ended with Kyle dropping me off outside the apartment, punctuated with a small kiss. A goodbye kiss. On each other's lips. At that moment, I didn't care where we stood, or what we were. I just accepted the small act of intimacy and went on my way. I was dizzy, blindsided by the onslaught of emotion. 
I had to see him the next day in class, or at least, that's the way Hannah of the recent past would have viewed it. It was more like, I got to see him the next day. I had the privilege and pleasure of seeing him so soon after everything went down. The forced proximity sent me into a frenzy.
I took extra care in choosing my outfit, putting on makeup, and making sure my hair was brushed for once. I looked so presentable, in fact, that I got the third degree from Lily as I was on my way out.
"You look...nice," she remarked from her seat on the sofa, hesitancy in her voice. She sat criss-cross-applesauce with a bowl of cereal in her hand. Her pretty blonde hair was thrown up into the messiest of buns, mascara smudged down her face.
"You're skipping class again," I shot back, trying to rush out the door, mimicking her tone.
"Hey, hey, no need for all of that," she called out. I stopped and spun around to face her. "I just mean, like, why?"
"I happen to think I look nice every day," I snarked. "And does there have to be a reason for it?"
"Well, I dunno, Han," Lily shrugged, putting a spoonful of Cheerios in her mouth. "I mean, you disappeared for hours yesterday, I barely got to talk to you when you came home, but you seemed happy, and now you have a sick-ass outfit on."
I stepped closer to her and rested my weight on one foot, popping my hip and crossing my arms over my chest. "None of that correlates."
"Defensive, defensive, Hannah," she tutted. "I'm just a best friend taking an interest."
"Okay, I'll take an interest, too," I returned. "Where were you last night, Lily Davies?"
She put her bowl of cereal down in her lap and covered her face with her hands. "A whore never reveals her secrets," she murmured, muffled by her palms over her mouth.
"Well, I love you," I laughed, changing the subject, "but I must go if I want to make it to class on time."
Lily lifted her face and smiled at me. "Bye, Han," she replied. "I love you most."
The lecture hall was empty when I arrived, just the way I liked it. I took my usual seat and pulled out my materials, sitting in wait for Kyle's arrival. I looked at some things on my phone to pass the time and I tried really hard not to stare at the door each time it squeaked open. 
Professor Edwards arrived and began leafing through his papers, preparing to hand back Friday's quizzes. The hall began to fill up pretty decently. I shifted anxiously in my seat.
Finally, I felt the air next to me change in the way it does when someone takes up the space next to you. I inhaled deeply and took in the unmistakable scent of Kyle. 
"Hey," he breathed, putting a hand on my arm. I breathed out and looked up, meeting his eyes. He smiled softly at me and laughed. "I'm always late, I know."
"I never noticed," I giggled, sarcastically.
He reached for my hand and laced his fingers between mine, squeezing for a moment before releasing it to grab his things out of his backpack.
Water came as a welcome bounty, spilling onto my skin from the shower head. The warmth spread over me like a welcome hug. I felt my life wrap gently around me as well, the sweet joys of new endeavors and passions. A small hum rose from the depths of my throat. 
It had been two weeks since our date, or, well, it had been a little long. It was September 27 when I stood in the shower, reflecting on him and me, whatever we had going on. 
For more than fourteen straight days, Kyle and I found reasons to see each other. Every single day. As far as Lily and Archie and every other person in our lives were concerned, we were getting a hell of a lot done on our "math project." We worked on it, sure. So much so that we were practically done, but no one needed to know that.
Most of our time spent together, though, was spent stealing glances, making each other laugh, learning about each others' interests, and curating the perfect joint playlist. We met in the library, at coffee shops, and on park benches between classes. I spent time on Thursday nights at his, like usual, but then, also, Tuesday nights.
Those nights got later, as in, I would stumble home in the early hours of the morning. 
"Stay the night, please," Kyle pleaded, tone seeping with worry. We both lounged on his sofa, Kyle sitting upright against the side of the sofa, legs outstretched across its length, and I in between his legs, head resting back against his chest. His arms rested lazily around my form. I could feel his voice rumble through his chest as he spoke.
"Are you coming onto me?" I snarked, turning my head to make eye contact.
"What? I-" he stammered, blush rising to his cheeks.
"You know I'm kidding, Kyle," I assured.
"I just mean like," he stuttered, "like, it's really late. I don't want you walking back this late." As he spoke, he wrapped his arms tighter around me.
I relaxed into him and rested the back of my head against his shoulder. "I know. I gotta get home, though," I contended. "My wife will worry."
"Lily can last one night without you," he laughed. "You can sleep on the couch. I just want you safe."
"I will be safe, Kyle," I muttered. I couldn't tell him the truth behind my rush. The truth being that Lily had no idea about the two of us, and she had been blowing up my phone for the last hour, begging me to come home to talk about her boy problems. Studying shouldn't take this long. was the last text she sent. She was right. And that's because we weren't studying. We were making out.
"Can you at least kiss me again before you leave?" he bargained. 
Without a word, I turned my body and laid a long, passionate kiss on him, before standing to gather my things.
I thought about him constantly, and I wanted to be near him always. When we weren't together, we were texting. Lily definitely knew I had something going on, but my pride refused to let her know the details. She didn't press me on it.
This shower had a purpose. The warm water washed over me, preparing me for my first Friday night out since becoming a "thing" with Kyle. Tri-Delta was hosting and I knew Kyle would be there. He knew I would be there. It was agreed upon by both of us that we would play it cool and not make anything obvious.
I got dress in a white tee, a black skirt, and a pair of beat up converse. I did my makeup and my hair and threw on a jean jacket just before walking out the door with Lily. 
The party was insane, as most were. It was packed from wall to wall with bodies and smelled of liquor. Lily grabbed my hand and dragged me through the crowd, searching for her sorority sisters. 
As we weaved around bodies, I took in who was around us. My gaze landed on Archie and Kyle, standing huddled together against the wall. Archie looked up and locked eyes with me, a strange look on his face. Lily tugged me forward and I continued through toward the Tri-Delta house's kitchen.
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anti-romantico · 2 years
[unethical relationship] ateez yunho P A R T O N E
warnings: therapist!reader, sexaddict!yunho (?), oral (m & f), unprotected sex (do i even have to say it?), dirty talking, uses of: [slut, baby], yh being bossy, hair pulling (f recieving), mouth fucking, over a desk, yh getting turned on by the thought of reader not being on the pill, creampie, fingering, sex tape, cum eating and then they kiss so they share it, riding, spanking, belly bulge, choking
A/N: I'm going to say this ONCE. I don't care if "that's not how therapy sessions works", I don't care if you are/were a therapist and are bothered by the uncountable mistakes this fic has. If there is at least one thing in this fic that bothers you, it's your choice to keep reading or not, but if you keep doing it and then feel the need to go to my ask box to tell me all the mistakes I made I'm telling you right now those asks will be deleted. Some of the mistakes here are intentional to emphasize that THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. You're not forced to read it if you're not comfortable.
Also, I'm sorry for the multiple "the receptionist", I didn't really think of a proper name for that character, I'll see if I can change it in the future
words: 5.1K
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2nd Session
The receptionist received Yunho with a sweet smile, just like last week, and told him to wait a couple of minutes for you to arrive. Yunho sat down and studied the place once again. This time his appointment was at midday, he didn't receive much explanation, just that another doctor uses your office some days. There were another three patients waiting, all of them looking close to his age.
— You're new here, aren't you? — A female voice got Yunho's attention.
— Uh, yeah, today is my second session. — The girl sat next to Yunho.
— Let me guess, Dr. Lee it's your therapist. — Yunho nodded. — I've come enough time to know why she took your case.
— It's just anxiety. — Yunho tried to dismiss the conversation, but the girl continued.
— Yeah, anxiety causes it. Don't worry, I won't tell your secret. — The front door opened, sending a wave of relief to Yunho when he saw it was you.
— Well, nice to meet you. — Yunho gave back his attention to the girl, but she was already walking to the other side of the reception.
After five minutes, the receptionist called Yunho to go to your office.
You seemed tired and even upset, but Yunho was too scared to ask, it wasn't his business.
— Take a seat, Yunho. — You said, noticing he didn't move from the door. He just nodded and quickly sat down on the blue couch. — You had breakfast? Can I offer you something?
— I'm fine, my roommates didn't let me leave the apartment without eating.
— Perfect — You grabbed your notebook and glasses and sighed. — Tell me about your week.
Yunho swallowed and took a deep breath. — I only got recommendations for better hygiene, fortunately I'm clean. — You nodded, but kept a straight face, making Yunho feel nervous again. — I also got condoms, the doctor was really generous.
— I was expecting that. — The smile you tried to give him was awkward and forced. — How many times did you have sex?
— U-uh twice, w-with the same person. — Yunho cleared his throat.
— You used condoms, right? — Yunho nodded. — Was this person someone new or...?
— No, is... the girl of the other week.
— Is she still a... "booty call"? — You carefully asked.
— I think so... — You leaned your head to the side, waiting for him to continue. — I'm physically attracted to her, that's for sure, but I don't want to think about anything romantic while I'm in the process of... healing?
— Well, that's perfect, Yunho. — Your wide eyes made Yunho giggle. — So, you said just two times, is there any difference now that you use protection?
— The first time, yes, that's why we tried it a second time. I don't know if I liked it, but it wasn't bad, I guess I just have to get used to it.
— How about watching porn? You still did it?
And that's the question he was scared to get. — I... I've been distracted lately, I didn't watch one full video. — And it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth, and you could realize.
— Yunho, I know getting therapy for this can be considered weird, but you're progressing rapidly, — You got up and walked to Yunho, not helping him at all. — if you're as open with me as you've been, then I can help and maybe in a few weeks you won't have to come anymore.
And Yunho didn't like the sound of that. — I... I was looking for a specific thing in those videos, but I didn't find it.
— Well, I'm sure that's progress, not saying you should stop watching, but if you feel like it doesn't satisfy you anymore, then we're getting somewhere. — You sat down on one of the chairs in front of your desk, you weren't exactly close to Yunho, but he could feel the closeness. — Can I ask what exactly you're looking for? — Yunho's eyes opened wide, scaring you a little. — Ok, you don't have to tell me, I do consider we should have some secrets between us, as long as we don't affect your progress.
You went back to your chair behind your desk while Yunho tried to catch his breath. — I'm just looking for the female actress to look a certain way. — "What are you doing? She will ask!" That voice again.
— That's completely normal. — You paused and started to tie your hair. — Now, do you masturbate?
— Yeah, I'm not proud to admit I did it every time I wanted to have sex.
— Oh, that's fine, you still went to run, right?
— Yep, not at 4am, but I guess it's part of my progress. — Yunho scratched his head.
— Now, let's talk about your usual routine. I know you said you get anxious if you don't run after sex, but did you do it in those two times you had sex with this girl?
— Only the second time, the first time I was too distracted, none of us... finished.
— Before meeting with her, what did you do? — And for the first time in maybe 20 minutes, you started to write.
— I went to work, mostly I work from home, but Fridays are busy days, sometimes I have to go to meetings and do paperwork.
— Do you consider work stressful or a way to clear your mind?
— Both. If I didn't get to have sex I would lock myself in my room and only go out to the bathroom and eat. And if I had too much work and need to get some... relief, I would see who I can call.
— So this week you mostly were locked in your room?
— You could say that.
You got up again, rounded your desk and sat on the edge. Yunho studied your outfit; some tight black dress pants, light blue shirt with two buttons open, a silver necklace and black high heels, and if he remembered correctly, your blazer was also black.
— I'm sorry, but I have to ask; why were you so distracted? I don't want to think therapy is the reason, but...
Yunho interrupted you before you could finish your sentence. — No, it's not... therapy.
— Then, what is... — Her phone interrupted, making her roll her eyes. — I'm sorry. — She aggressively grabbed her phone and entered the room she did last week. But that was useless, Yunho could hear the conversation.
"I told you I was working, don't fucking call me" "Good, it only took you two months and some balls to finally leave" "I don't care what you take, I want you out of my house now" "Do you think I fucking care? You cheated on me, own it and disappear"
Yunho was debating whether to leave and come back next week or stay there and pretend he didn't hear anything.
"You know what, how about you call that bitch and ask her to give you a ride since she likes those a lot" Yunho couldn't stop the chuckle. "Yeah, I want to see if any of them answer the phone. Those are my friends, let me remind you" "Just fuck off, and if I see you close to my property when I'm back I'll call the police" And all went silent, but you stayed there. It wasn't until Yunho heard you sobbing when he got up and knocked on the door.
— Dr. Lee? Is... everything ok? — He heard you trying to clear your throat.
— Give me two minutes, Yun. — Yunho felt shivers down his spine.
— Those answers were pretty badass if you ask me. — You laughed, opening the door. Weren't you crying? You seemed like nothing happened.
— I think we should continue this next week, that was really unprofessional of me. — You wanted to walk, but Yunho's body kept you inside the small bathroom.
— I think you need someone to talk to. — Yunho's voice was soft, and now it was your turn to feel shivers.
— I have friends for that, thanks, Yunho.
— I mean, I still have, what? 20 minutes more? I think we can work that out. I'll pretend I didn't hear your badass conversation with that asshole. — You laughed again, Yunho smiled at that sound.
Both of you went back to your seats and continued with the session. — Oh, I gave you a book of activities, have you done something?
— Yeah, I hid that from my roommates and forgot about it.
— Well, now you have homework. I want at least three pages of that book done for next week.
— Yes, ma'am.
Yunho arrived at his apartment, remembering it was empty. Seonghwa was on a double shift and would come back until midnight and Mingi said he would be back until 9pm, so the apartment was for him until then.
Yunho sat down on his bed when he suddenly remembered the book. "I want at least three pages" he smiled at the memory of your voice. God, he didn't like the effect you had on him, you were his therapist. "you pay her to care about you, big boy, relax" the voice in his head streak again, making him feel like shit.
When he finally found the book, he began to read it, math problems, riddles, etc., what actually called his attention was that the book had your name in the back "[Y/N] Lee". The book was yours? Why did you give him a book you use? She mentioned something about kids not doing their homework, maybe she was also a babysitter? "Or she has kids" Yeah, definitely he didn't need that image of you. Wait, she had an argument with someone over the phone, something about him cheating on her. What if she did have kids and now she will be a single mom and also a therapist... When Yunho realized, he was standing up and squeezing the book in his hand. "Ok, I think that's too much, big boy, sit down", this time he did listen to the voice.
It was until 5pm that Yunho felt hungry, so he closed the book and grabbed money to go buy something. He didn't even know what he wanted until he arrived at a convenience store where he just took his usuals and paid. His diet was the only thing he didn't change, but it wasn't like he had the energy to cook.
— Yunho! — A familiar female voice called from afar. Sohee, his infamous booty call. — Why haven't you answered my messages? — She said as she got close to him.
That's where Yunho remembered he didn't grab his phone before leaving his apartment. — Uh, I've been busy.
— Are you sure it has nothing to do with what happened? — Sohee fixed her hair. — I know it was kinda embarrassing, but it happens to a lot of people.
— I've been busy, So, I haven't had the time to think about... that. — "Wow, that was rough"
— Oh, it's just... I thought we could maybe try it again? — And Yunho was about to tell her he was still busy, but all the thoughts he had earlier went back to his head.
— Fine, but I have to eat something first, I'm really hungry. — Sohee laughed and followed Yunho to his apartment.
Moaning and body slaps were the only thing you could hear when you entered that apartment. Her face was squeezed against Yunho's bed as a way to keep it a little bit down, but Yunho couldn't control his growls and moans. Yeah, he definitely needed this, it wasn't awkward anymore, the feeling of the condom was more than familiar now. It was their 3rd round now and Yunho successfully kept you out of his mind for a few hours, until the memory of your outfit, that conversation with your ex, your laugh, god why was it so hard?
And then, Sohee's moans weren't hers, Yunho only could see half her face, but he was sure it wasn't her face anymore. It was you he was fucking. He instantly started to thrust harder, making Sohee moan louder and try to completely hide his face, but Yunho grabbed her hair, pulling it hard enough for her back to touch his chest. This was new and Sohee wasn't complaining.
— Wow. — Sohee said when both of them cum. — That was... different.
Yunho was trying to clear his mind, now he was seeing things. — I didn't hurt you, right?
— Oh, babe, I hope you keep doing it, that was so hot. — Yunho chuckled. Keep doing it... But would he still think about you while doing it?
It was almost 4am and Yunho couldn't sleep. His mind kept repeating the images of you in his bed. No, that wasn't you, that was Sohee. God, but it wasn't her body. It was yours. It was your face. He could still hear you moaning in his ears.
His hand traveled down his bulge and shamelessly started to stroke it over his boxers by the thought of you riding him. God, you would look like a goddess bouncing on his cock. Now it was you, sucking hard, letting him guide your head, pulling your hair, moaning around him, swallowing every drop he gives you. He would return the favor, making you ride his face until you couldn't take it. Then, he would fuck you so hard not a single coherent word would come out of your mouth. Fuck, just the thought of cumming inside you made him actually cum. He looked at his boxers, he had to change now.
When Yunho's breath went back to normal, he remembered, he didn't run.
3rd Session
— Glad to see you again. — The girl from the other week sat down next to Yunho again. — I'm Ryujin, by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself last week.
— Oh, don't worry. I'm Yunho.
Ryujin was about to say something when the receptionist called her. — Well, I guess I'll see you next week. Bye, Yunho.
Yunho waved back at her and waited for his turn to be called. "You have to tell her, big boy, the best for you is to change therapists" The voice said. Since when was it the voice of reason?
— Yunho, Dr. Lee is ready to see you. — Yunho nodded and cleaned the sweat of his hands on his jeans.
— Come in, Yunho. — You said when you saw his head slightly peeked in from the door. Yunho closed the door behind him and slowly walked to the blue couch. — Ok, tell me about...
— I had sex with Sohee the whole week. Multiple times. — Yunho said in a hurry, surprising you. "good job, big boy, you scared her"
— Sohee is... the booty call. — Yunho nodded. — At least you used condoms?
— Every time, and it didn't feel uncomfortable anymore. It felt good even.
— Well, that's good, totally a process, but I'm confused, what was the urge to tell me? — You crossed your arms and leaned on your desk.
— Because every time I fucked her I thought about another girl. — "smooth"
— Oh, did you tell her? — You got up and walked to Yunho. He freezed for a moment when you sat down next to him.
— I didn't know how to. We both enjoyed it. I didn't know I could last more than two rounds until now. — Yunho looked at the floor, he was now oversharing.
— And don't you think you could enjoy it more if you were honest with her?
— No. — Yunho cleared his throat and looked at you. — It's like I need the image of this girl in my mind to enjoy it.
You were even confused. — The image? Is this girl real?
— She is. — Yunho studied your face. You were frowning and noticed the quick look he gave to your lips. — I know it's fucked up and Sohee don't deserve it, but when I tried to not think about this girl, my dick would go immediately soft. — "too much information"
— And the reason you kept trying it with Sohee was because you are familiar to her touch or because it was easy for you? — This wasn't the first time you heard something like this.
— A little bit of both. — He covered his face with his hands. — God, I'm pathetic.
— You're not pathetic, Yunho. It's completely normal. A lot of people think about their celebrity crush when they have sex.
— This is not about a celebrity crush, Dr. — When Yunho looked at you again. All the thoughts he had while masturbating came back.
— I still think you should talk with Sohee, it's... unfair. — You were personally speaking, this conversation reminding you about your now ex boyfriend fucking his bother's friend in your bed when he thought you would be back late.
— I'll do it, I just need to think carefully about what I will say. — His voice took you out of your mind.
— Is there anything else you are so desperate to tell me?
— After the first day, at night, I masturbated at the thought of her. All the things I want to do to her and with her. I thought it was because I didn't go to run, but I had the same thoughts the next few days.
— And why don't you talk to her? See if she's also interested.
— I can't, I don't think she's interested.
— How do you know? Have you told her?
— She... — "she is in front of us pretending she doesn't know you're talking about her" There is no way, — She's engaged.
You took a deep breath and nodded. — Are you sure you're telling me the truth? — "told ya'"
— I am.
You nodded again and went back to your desk. — What about your diet?
— I'm too lazy to cook.
— You need good nutrition. Believe it or not, what we eat also affects our sexual lives. You might be lacking some things for you not being able to focus on other things than this girl while having such an intimate moment with another girl. — Yunho threw his body to the side and laid down on the couch. — Did you do your homework?
Fuck, he forgot the book.
— Fuck, Yunho, wait. — Sohee said, stopping herself from bouncing over him.
— What? Did I hurt you? — Yunho said out of breath.
— No, it's just... What are we? — Sohee brushed Yunho's sweaty hair out of his face.
— Sohee, my dick is hard inside you, let me cum first and then we'll talk, yeah? — Yunho gave Sohee a quick perk and kissed her neck, making her whimper. — Please, baby, I need to cum so bad, I know you need it too. — Slowly, Sohee rotated her hips, making Yunho bite his lip. — That's right, baby, do it faster, god, squeez me a little.
— I want to be your girlfriend. — Sohee said in a moan, throwing her head back.
Yunho didn't answer, he didn't want to. He rolled their bodies and kept thrusting hard. When he looked at Sohee's face, it was yours there.
— Yunho. — God it was also your voice.
— I know you're close, baby, come on, cum around me. — Yunho played with her clit, making her squeeze his dick harder.
Sohee cummed and kept moaning while waiting for Yunho to also cum. He looked desperate, his hips moving fast and hard. Once he cum, he pulled out and laid down beside her. He smiled when her lips went to his neck and felt her hand taking out the used condom.
— I don't think I can cum one more time. — Yunho said, buckling up his hip when Sohee's hand started to stroke his dick.
— Let's find out. — Sohee went down on him and immediately took him in his mouth, making him growl.
— Fuck, [Y/N], like that... — "and the inevitable, happened"
Sohee raised her head so fast her neck almost cracked. — Who's [Y/N]?
Yunho's eyes opened wide, what did he do? He looked at Sohee and her eyes were teary and red. — Fuck, sorry, Sohee, I...
— I know I don't have any right to be jealous, but who's that? — Sohee dried one tear and waited for Yunho to answer, which he didn't. — I told you I wanted to be your girlfriend, I know I should've waited, but I thought we were going somewhere after two weeks of you calling me every day.
— Sohee, I'm sorry, I don't think we should be together. — Yunho grabbed his boxer and only covered his erection. "How's that thing still hard?"
— Oh, so we should still fuck every day while you think about another woman? Fuck you. — Sohee started to get dressed while trying to fight her tears. — Please, don't call me again.
Yunho watched Sohee leave her room and just seconds later the door slammed.
Seonghwa peeked his head, not caring Yunho was practically naked.. — What happened?
Yunho shook his head and laid down. — Lock the door, please. — And once Seonghwa left, Yunho threw his boxer to the side and stroked his cock.
Your lips were on his neck, you were bouncing on him with his help, you nails leaving marks down his back. He needed you. God, he can't believe he was going to do this. He grabbed a pillow from the floor and positioned himself over it. He didn't need much motivation to think it was you. That he was over you. He started to thrust and imagine your moans. He would choke you, kiss you, pull your hair. He didn't last long. When he opened his eyes he saw his pillow covered in cum. He would make you clean it.
Yunho walked fast through the dark parking lot until he arrived at the consultory. The receptionist was confused when he saw him opening the door.
— Yunho, your appointment is tomorrow.
— I know, I came to cancel it.
— I know it's not my business, sweetheart, but [Y/N] have told me you're improving. Why? Or is it temporal?
Yunho took a deep breath and bit his lip. — I don't know, but I guess you won't see me for a while... — "or ever".
— It's ok, don't feel pressure to come, but anything you need, I'll be here. — Yunho smiled and nodded. The receptionist typed on his keyboard. — It's done, tomorrow morning you'll have your refund. Is there anything else I can do for you?
— Tell Dr. Lee I'm sorry. — And just when he finished the sentence, your door opened. You had your things and were locking the door.
You looked up and frowned. — Yunho?
Yunho left the place, leaving you confused. You looked at the receptionist, expecting an explanation.
— He canceled his appointment and said he won't be back for a while.
— Did he tell you anything else?
— Just that. I think you can still talk to him, he's in his car. — The receptionist turned her screen and showed you the security footage. — I promise I won't tell you had interaction with one of your patients outside your office. I mean, technically he isn't your patient anymore.
You chuckled and walked in the same direction Yunho left. There were only three cars. Yours, Yunho's and the receptionist's. You got close to Yunho's car and knocked his window, making him jump. He rolled down the window.
— Do you want to talk about it? — You asked, respecting his space.
— I have friends for that. — Yunho didn't look at you.
— I bet, but you still came to cancel your appointment when you could just make a call.
— If you think I came to see you, I didn't even know you were still here. — His knuckles were white for the way he was squeezing the wheel.
— You still had at least 3 minutes to start your car and leave, but you stayed.
— Just leave me alone, you don't have to worry about me, you're not my therapist anymore.
— Well, then I came to check on you as a friend.
— We're not friends, [Y/N], just leave. — You felt a wave of shivers all over your body when he said your name.
You nodded and left. As you walked to your car, you waved at the receptionist before she left. You took out your car keys and were about to open the door when a body slightly pressed you against it. You could see his chest behind you in the reflection of your window.
— You decided you wanted to talk? — You pushed his body back with the door, throwing your stuff inside and closing the door. You faced him and immediately felt small in front of him.
— I said your name. — You tried to not show any reaction at his confession. He leaned down to face you. — I fucking said your name when Sohee was sucking my cock, [Y/N], do you know what is that?
— That's not my fault, Yunho. — You weren't supposed to feel affected by such vulgar words.
— That's the worst part, it's all my fault. — His hands caged you and his face got closer, you had to push him away, but you couldn't. — I'm the one that put your beautiful face in my mind so I could cum every time I got my dick in another girl. Fuck, I swear I felt your lips around me. — Yunho pushed himself away from you.
— You just had to ask for a different doctor, not cancel your appointment, you were improving.
— We both know that's not true. For two weeks I've been fantasizing about you being under me, that's not improving. — Yunho got close again.
— Come back tomorrow, I'll recommend you to a good doctor.
— I don't want another doctor, [Y/N], I want you! — Yunho grabbed your face, making you hold on to his arms. — Yeah, my friends are the best, they got me therapy because I couldn't go a day without putting my dick in someone's hole, but you, baby, you are the only person in my life that doesn't make me feel like shit for it.
— That's... That's my job, Yunho.
— And I want you to keep doing it, but I can't be in the same place as you, you're ruining my sex life. My best way to keep you out of my mind is being mad at you for ruining me. — "I'm siding with you in this one, big boy"
— Yun, I need you to let me go. — That nickname again, it was like a slap to reality.
He freed your face and got away as if you burnt his hands. — I'm sorry... I... I'm really sorry. — Yunho went back to his car and left, leaving you breathless.
Yunho was alone against the wall watching his friends flirt with some girls. He deserved this, after all the times he left his friends alone to go to fuck.
— Well, such a beautiful face shouldn't be alone. — A girl hugged Yunho from the neck.
Yunho felt his dick twitch. Yeah, this is what he needed. — You should make me some company, then. — He shamelessly grabbed the girl's butt, making her bite her lip.
— I can make you do other things too, handsome.
— Yeah? And what are you waiting for? — Yunho didn't wait for an answer, he kissed the girl while she palmed his dick over his jeans. The girl was already tall and also wearing heels, so it wasn't uncomfortable for Yunho to kiss her.
— I would love you to fuck me right here, but the owner of this club already have me on sight, but I know a place. — Yunho let her guide him to the girls bathroom. And as if it was common, the girls there didn't care when they entered while making out.
Yunho carried the girl to help her get in the sink. The three girls that were there slowly left the room.
While the girl opened his jeans and stroked him over his boxer, Yunho railed up her dress, brushing her wet pussy with his fingers. With his free hand, he looked for the condom and when he was about to open it, the girl took it and got down from the sink. Yunho gave her space to pull down his jeans and boxers and roll up the condom. She turned around and pulled up her dress more, bending over the sink. Yunho rammed against her, pulling her hair and kissing her.
The door opened after a few minutes, Seonghwa almost wanting to punch Yunho in the face. — Yunho.
Yunho looked at his friend through the mirror without stopping his actions. — What? You want to join us?
— Mingi feels sick, he wants to go home.
— He will go in a few, handsome. — The girl said, pulling Yunho's face to kiss him again. Seonghwa rolled his eyes before leaving.
The girl massaged her clit and squeezed her cunt around Yunho making him moan, but he didn't cum, only her.
— I think I owe you an orgasm. — The girl said, fixing her dress.
Yunho took out his phone and gave it to the girl. — So I will make sure you keep your promise. — The girl smiled and saved her number, giving the phone back to Yunho. — I'll message you tomo... Wait, what?! — Yunho said out loud when he read Ryujin's name on his phone. When he looked around, Ryujin was already leaving the bathroom. Yunho needed a moment.
— Why does it look like you saw a ghost? — Seonghwa asked when Yunho sat in the passenger seat, Mingi was already sleeping in the back.
— What the fuck was that in the bathroom?
— You fucked Sohee earlier today, Yun, and I don't know what happened between you two, but I know that whatever happened made you fucked that stranger.
— She's not a stranger, I met her in therapy. — Yunho said, trying to ignore the way Seonghwa called him.
— That's not better, Yunho. I thought you were improving, at least you frequented Sohee.
— Can you stop talking about her? I fucked up. — Yunho looked at him upset.
— Oh, believe me, that slam on the door was more than enough for me to know you fucked up, but how? How you ruin two weeks of having constant sex with a girl that’s obviously romantically interested in you?
— Because I said the name of another girl while she was sucking my dick! How many times do I have to tell this fucking story?! — Yunho yelled, making Mingi whine in his sleep.
— Times? It's the first time I've asked about it. — Seonghwa looked at Yunho, waiting for an answer he didn't get. — We're your friends, Yun, why are you hiding stuff from us?
— Just drive, I have therapy tomorrow morning. — Yunho lied.
— It's freaking 4 in the morning, dude. — Seonghwa said under his breath, but Yunho ignored him.
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