#god i talk so much. rip. thank yall for putting up with me
the-rxven-king · 1 year
Still thinking about Amadeus all these years later 💕
Got any OCs you're currently obsessed with atm? The council of I Heart Amadeus would like to know, oh great one of many fabulous OCs~
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idk who you are and idk if i ever will but know that i think about you sometimes cause it makes my heart so happy that someone loves one of my characters so much even tho i get scared to talk about them more often cause i dont wanna be obnoxious, you are always amadeus anon in my heart and i love you pls come into my inbox whenever you want to ask about whatever i will try to answer quickly sometimes it just takes a while for my brain to feel ready but i will Always try to answer questions about my ocs
i will ramble about some of my characters under a cut i dont wanna flood anyones dash with my bullshit if they dont want it!!! anyone playing in a campaign with me..... proceed with caution if you read!!! even tho i am coming back to this after deciding i needed to be done and. i didnt say too much spoilery shit. i didnt even talk backstory much. its fine.
as for ocs im obsessed with i am Entirely Not Normal about my character nowell, i wasnt fully normal about him when i first made him, but at the time i was only really talking to my ex and all the parts of nowell that really made him Nowell to me were things he didnt want to discuss so i didnt get to explore him to his full capacity. i dont blame him since nowell is one of the darkest characters??? ive ever made???? in terms of the things hes gone through? i affectionately call him a walking trigger warning. but it still made me sad sometimes
now tho? when i was able to put him into a modern horror dnd campaign and i played him a bit before our current hiatus? where ive gotten to fully explore him and every single facet of him, good and bad? it really unleashed him fully in my brain and it kinda makes me really emotional. i fully developed his backstory out more than i felt i could before (because what did it matter before if i could never utilize it? had to dull him down to be easier to deal with and honestly i think thats had an effect on his character now too) and ive learned more about him, hes grown into himself and he truly is out here changing my brain chemistry. i love him so, so, so much and i have drawn him more than any other oc i have im pretty sure. hes my most drawn son and i really wish i was braver about posting oc art on my blog now a days like i used to be in the past because i love my art of him. im pretty proud of it and the way hes made me want to create again. i just wish i could do him more justice yknow??? g uh hes everything to me im holding him so so gently in my arms
and also my boy veth???? g o d i love him sm especially since i!!! recently got to confirm/drop a big lore reveal about him in my campaign thats been going for like 2 years at this point!!! my party finally knows hes the only survivor of the royal family of kuzania and thus the rightful heir to the throne and not the BBEG whose currently ruling! i feel So Free now that i can mention his princely-ness truly i do. hes just. so sweet and so lovely and hes everything i love in a character cause truly i just accidentally made My Type in a man and now its just veth. the only way he could be even more my type is if he was a tiefling instead of an elf but he makes up for that by being like. 1/4 platinum shadow dragon. and one day thats gonna pop out with him i know it to be so. i want him to be able to have a bit of a draconic-ish form because of how STRONG that 1/4 dragon blood is. im gonna work on it eventually, but im v happy with him hes so pretty and i adore him
he also recently canonically got with a PC in the campaign (hes a main story npc!!!) and im So Not Normal About Them theyre driving me up a wall and i literally cried over them earlier this week because my friend came at me with a fuckin baseball bat of an answer to a vague scenario/question i told them about cause im batshit and think about character scenarios every day of my life.
im also leaving my setting for that campaign open for friends who arent playing in it to make characters and throw em in and one of my friends made an au of a character she already had that im Deeply And Completely Obsessed With named creed to put him into this world specifically to date veth cause theyre obsessed with veth like i am their chara and we had joked like "aha what if we just picked them up like barbies and made them kiss just to see if it worked out" and now they are literally The Couple Ever. like there have never been 2 men who were more perfect for each other in this entire world and the way they have a fuckin grip on me. i have also cried over them several times. veth is a poly king and by GOD is he winning rn. we have made this au version of creed canon in stadalon so veth is gonna have TWO boyfriends!!!! perhaps 2 husbands! perhaps 3!!!! cause another friend has an oc to kiss him with!!! we shall see!!!!
guuuuh and also my vampire spawn shadow genasi/tiefling requiem??? recently hes been So Loud in my head. i specifically made him to romance a character my friend made (same one who made creed) named harbinger cause i saw him and immediately fell head over heels and begged her to let me kiss him and other friends in the call at the time he was shown immediately jumped on the bandwagon wanting to make characters in relation to him (2 of them made siblings for him, theyre triplets! and the other just decided to make the most normal man ever (a fuckin lie. theyre Not Fucking Normal) because of the triplets happening and me being like imma out-goth this goth tiefling and out came requiem) and the last friend in call decided hell why not make a whole campaign out of these losers just for this One Blue Tiefling Our Friend Made That We All Love.
in campaign shit is Constantly Happening but me and them were talking and she told me that harbinger is finally starting to get to a point hes falling for him and requiems already been there cause hes disney prince ass level falls hard and fast. im cheering and screaming and kicking and crying i love them so much we keep talking future scenarios for them and im so deeply in love with how soft and gentle and adoring theyre going to be with one another one day and i would die for them both.
plus i just. Love requiem sm hes such a big soft sad bastard and the fact that he loves and cares so fuckin deeply and hes so kind? so open? so genuine? was not in the plans when i first sat down to play him he was supposed to be more moody and a bit more intense than he is now. he held my face before i even opened my mouth to play him and said no. i am kind. i am patient and understanding and i was born to love and to take care of people. i have also cried over him. i love him so so much and im just guuuUUUH yknow what i mean.
anyway. ill leave it at those 3!!! or i will never shut up!!! i have more ive been thinking about a lot recently but i will leave it at my 3 most precious blorbos if you made it this far i adore you pls take all my love
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atyourmerci · 4 months
† Salvation †
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Read pt.1 and pt.2
Summary: finale of repent series! Drabble of abby and readers life after abby comes to terms with her sexuality. Happy ever after lesbos<3
Warnings: smut, MDNI, switch!abby, switch!reader, religion play of course, strap usage, refers to strap as cock, cunnilingus, overstimulation, bondage, smnophilia, dirty talk yurrrr, some fluff
A/N: thank you so much for all of the love on this series!! Religious guilt/trauma is a tricky subject and I’m glad that I was able to portray it in a light that most of you could relate or sympathize with. And yall im so bad at writing fluff that’s why this is so short lmao that’s why I only write smut. I’m so excited to write through more niche experiences and topics. Love you like always<3
That night was nothing like the first. Your God showed mercy, wrapping your cold, shaky body with cloth and carrying you to where it all started.
This time she held you and never left, she was there was the sun came beaming down, drying out your soaked hair. While you were asleep she had removed her cross and strung it along your neck. Maybe there was no need hold a token of a god she had already met, maybe she wanted everyone else to know- you never cared to question her antics.
After your mission had ended she immediately broke things off with Owen, reclaimed herself within the community. And she for one took no shit with the commentary from anyone about the two of you. Her life mission was to protect you at all costs now, you were all she knew. She wouldn’t leave your side anymore. Anything you did she made sure she was there to protect you, she wouldn’t put your life in anyone else’s hands but her own.
There was a lot of things you had to teach Abby, and by teach, that meant showing her with your legs wide open. On a mission you both were sent out on to look for resources you ran across a run down sex shop. You found a girthy dildo with black leather straps, it was bigger than anything you’d ever taken but with the look of excitement on Abby’s face you couldn’t say no to her. You told her you could use it on her but she insisted on fucking you right there over the counter at the dusty sex shop. She wasted no time dragging your pants down to your ankles and ripping your panties seams to get inside, ”I’d tell you to suck my cock first but you’re so fucking wet already, how bad have you wanted this,hmmm?” She promised she’d go slow, walking you through it, “fuck you’re doing so good, taking me so well for your first time.” After your pain had been replaced with sheer pleasure she couldn’t hold back anymore, pumping into you so hard there was sure to be bruises all over your hips. After abusing your hole for an hour for her own amusement she finally let you cum while drawing circles around your swollen clit as she pounded deep and slow thrust into you. you were so cockdrunk she had to carry you back to the truck and finish the mission herself, it went by quickly as she imagined things she could do to you next with her cock.
She loved showering with you at night, she never let you lift a finger, washing your body gently after sneaking in the strap into the showers. Maybe it was because she learned how to fuck you in the showers that it made her so dominant in that environment. She wouldn’t let you touch her in there even after you begged her while she pinned your arms against the wall, overstimulating your clit over and over again until she was done with you. After she’d run you a bath and hold your fragile body as she ran soapy strips up and down your bruised skin, making sure to kiss every inch so that never missed an atom of your being.
Abby only regressed back into her old ways when she let you take complete control. She’d let you tie her to the bed you shared edging her till she was in tears, babbling prayers to climax. You’d tie her cross necklace around her clit and tug on it while you used your tongue to fuck her dripping hole. You’d only let her cum after she got on her knees like a whore eating away at your cunt while you shamed her for her sins.
Your life with abby wasn’t like anything you’d ever experienced before, but there was no before her, or after her. There was only your god, and hers.
Maybe she had still repented for her sins, maybe she had reached salvation at the mercy of your own sins.
Taglist: @wishbones999 @bookpagecandlescent @littlegingerperson2 @lanafresitas @lookforthelight1 @fict1onallyobsessed
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iishmael · 1 year
Dear @galexy-astra, thank you so much for tagging me! HUGS <333333
I am absolutely using this to talk about my current Book Slut Behaviour (TM) so thank you for giving me an opening for that. Putting a read more to keep yalls dashes clean and hygienic. <3
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Book I'm Currently Reading: I am currently going WILD with reading, and I'm on my mission to read my way a) through the 100 Best Books according to TIMES list and check out the Nobel prize for Lit winners, b) "around the world" (one book per country), and c) read classics I've always wanted to read but have never gotten around to. This is an open-ended mission though and I'm not doing it all in one year or some such insanity.
Bygone Days: O'tkan Kunlar by Abdullah Qodiriy. An Uzbek author telling a love story and the various obstacles the main characters have to deal with, giving a fantastic account of Uzbek culture in the 19th century.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (through Dickens Daily). Guys I'm sorry I hate Charles Dickens and reading it in small bits and pieces is the only way I'll ever finish one of his books. rip
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (through Frankstein Weekly). It just started yesterday!!! Sign upppp for some Gothic Goodness!!
Next books to read are Typee by Herman Melville (I loved Moby Dick so much I need more Melville in my life) and The Home and the World by Rabindranath Tagore (Nobel prize and pretty cover, I am too easy).
What I usually wear: Skinny jeans, Nike sneakers, and a crop top or jumper (weather permitting). At work, cigarette trousers, a simple shirt, and a blazer or nice coat.
How tall I am: 170 cm (5 foot 7)
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it: Aquarius. Yes I know of some but they're all unfavourable so I ignore them!
Do I go by a name or nickname: Sam is my nickname, Samantha is my full name :)
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child: Oh dear. Absolutely not, archaeology and heritage were always just a 'obviously I'm interested' but never a passion before I ended up with it by complete coincidence... but I don't think my child-self would be disappointed. She would shrug it off that I changed disciplines like two hundred times lol.
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at: I am good with Excel and I am bad at ball sports!
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?: I have not yet written anything this year, at all, outside of work... :(
Dogs or cats: Cats!
Something I would like to make content for: I would like to get back into writing, no matter what for! Original, my old ships, Moby Dick, something new that I enjoyed like interview with the vampire,,, someone enable me
Something I was excited about that turned out to disappoint me: Living in Paris LMAOOO this is very cliche and I'm not even disappointed by the city itself, but dear god the people are so incredibly rude! It's frankly disheartening
Hidden talent: I write song texts for my dad's (hobby) hard rock band and they recently studio recorded a song I wrote!!!
Something I wish to have at this very moment: The confirmation email for my phd funding... :( i will not know about it for another couple of months tho
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @game-set-canet @backwardsandinhighheels @blorbocedes @historygeek12 @gp2engine and everyone else who comes across this and would like to do it! <3
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lynnwritessmut · 1 month
………………….I DO………………
story for chris sturniolo smut readers.
if this gets hate i will take it down!!!
*our main character, lillian. sings along to the song while doing the dishes after waking up in her own bed, for once.*
lillian- “and i can’t see it all..”
*phone rings*
lillian- “ughhh.. *(yells out) “Hey siri, answer the phone”*
Siri- “on it!”
lillian- “bitch stfu and answer the phone..”
chris- “girl what”
*chris matt and nick all laugh bc she’s on the car speaker*
chris- “ooh i’m scared.” *he says jokingly and sarcastically*
nick- “chris stfu not to much on my bestie”
matt- “oh my god can yall all shut up i’m tryna capture my pokémon and you guys are distracting me”
lillian- “THANK YOU NICK!!..” *lillian yells out: “Hey alexa, skip song!”*
Chris- “nick can i text u something?”
nick- “oh my lord what. js whisper me it.”
*chris whispers, “i like lilli.. what do i do?”*
*nick yells, “YOU LIKE LILLIAN?”*
matt- “who does?”
chris- “me..”
lillian- “chris.. you feel the same way?”
nick- “awww!!”
chris- “nick shut up!! also.. lilli wdym “same”..”
lillian- “i like you.. or, i love you..”
matt- “chris want me to turn around and go to her house?”
nick- “chris whatever u do don’t get my bestie pregnant.”
*chris punches nick in the arm*
chris- “yes turn around, me and lilli need some time.. alone!”
matt- “eww..”
lillian- “nick calm down ahahah!! he’s right though we need some time alone.”
*lillian opens the door to see matt nick and chris, they all say hey, hug lillian, yada yada yada.. and chris and lillian go up to there room as matt and nick drives off to spend time with trevor and marylou, jimmy is golfing.*
lillian- “so now what..”
chris- “i.. i love you so much.”
lillian- “oh really?”
chris- “yes!!”
lillian- “prove it..”
chris- “oh really?”
*chris grabs lillian’s hips and pulls her closer so there stomachs are touching and lillian can feel chris starting to get a boner. lillian moans as chris caresses her ass chris kisses her passionately as he starts taking off her shirt and bra, lillian lays down straight after lillian lays down and starts taking off her pants.*
lillian- “Christopher!! i can see it already.”
chris- “that’s how much i like you.”
*chris pulls out a condom out his pocket and rips it open with his mouth and starts putting it on his cock as lillian gets undressed*
lillian- “chris we have to go soon.”
chris- “go where?”
lillian- “to the store, i need grocery’s.”
chris- “if there still open. we can last 8 hours right?”
lillian- “i can.. can you?”
chris- “let’s see.”
*chris climbs on top of her and starts to put it in her.”
lillian- “wait… don’t put it in yet, let me treat you first.”
*chris pulls out and says, “okay…”*
lillian- “oh don’t be so suspicious.”
chris- “okay…”
lillian- “chris i mean it!”
chris- “yes ma-”
*chris is interrupted by lillian licking the tip of his cock and massaging his balls…*
chris- “oh yea…”
*chris is on the edge and lillian can tell. lillian starts sucking faster and stopping right when he’s about to cum.*
lillian- “make sure you come for me.”
chris- “oh trust me, i will.”
lillian- “you better, or you will have to get disciplined!”
*chris gets ontop of lillian and starts to rub his tip against her clit, making her squirt all over the condom making it wet.. after it gets wet chris shoves his 9 inch cock inside of lillian making her moan.*
lillian- “oh fuck.. oh yes.. i’m gonna come…”
*lillian grabs a pillow and squeezes it.*
chris- “god you look so good.”
*as chris says those words he starts to go harder and deeper.. as he goes harder and deeper he can see lillian’s tittys going up and down hard, it’s bouncing so hard you can hear them clap at the impact of them coming down.*
lillian- “ahh FUCK CHRIS!”
chris- “cum for me baby.”
*right as chris says the word “me” lillian lets go.. and cums, all over. but chris doesn’t stop.*
lillian- “ahh.. (she’s sighing and breathing hard) chris, if your gonna keep going slow down please.”
chris- “slow down?”
*chris starts to go faster and harder and chris starts to moan and whisper “fuck”, “shit”.. all of the above.*
chris- “a-ah… i’m gonna cu-”
*just as soon as chris starts to say cum he cums all over, bht when lillian looks at the condom that should be filled with cum, she sees there’s only a few drops.*
Lillian- “SHIT.. why’s there no cum in there??”
chris- “fuck..”
*chris takes off the condom and sees cum dripping from lillian’s pussy, and there’s some holes in the condom up top. someone must’ve cut a whole in it…*
……………..TO BE CONTINUED…………
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tobi-momo · 3 years
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A Misunderstanding
PAIRING: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
GENRE: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Reverse Comfort
WARNINGS: a lot of crying from both you and kuroo | cursing | mentions of sex | cheating (kind of? youll know when reading) | angst | mentions of drinking/being drunk | nothing is suggestive!! oh ya yall are married btw
A/N: ok ik this is long but this idea came from literally nowhere but i decided to write it thank you @combat-wombatus for helping me you helped put ideas in my brain<333 now i wasnt originally going for a happy ending but im really bad at angst so enjoy the shitty ending :)
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“Please, Y/n, you know I didn't mean it,” he pleaded, his large hands desperately grabbing at your form while you push him away, your breaking sobs making his heart shatter. “Please, baby, don’t leave me,” he begs, falling on his knees in front of your trembling body, not being able to tear his eyes off of your heartbroken ones. He needed you to stay. He needed to show you that he isn’t that guy and that he would do anything for you. It was a one time thing. He wasn’t even sober. It wasn’t him. It was the alcohol. He wasn’t thinking straight. Please forgive him, please, please, please.
But you couldn’t. No matter how hard or how much you loved him and wanted to, the pain that ripped at your heart every time you looked at him was too much to bear. So you didn’t. You turn your blurry, glassy eyes away from him as he grabs your hand and forces it into his; your lips quivering and knees shaking. You couldn’t keep the betrayal and agony inside, whining and weeping at him, your knees giving out before your legs slam against the floor, your head near the carpet as you try and keep your affliction at bay.
“Y/n, please,” he whines, tears streaming down his pale cheeks; his admission of his unfaithfulness drained the color from his face. “Please forgive me, I need you, I love you so much.”
“W-” you sniffle, not knowing what to say. You knew you didn’t have to say anything at all, that you didn’t owe him any words, but you just...you just needed to know. “Why,” your voice quivered and cracked, your throat sore, “why did you,” you take a long breath, grabbing your chest to try and stop the heartache, the sudden cramp that formed where it used to be filled with warmth and love, “do this to me? With her?” You look up at him once with wide, searchful eyes as you ponder the reasons and look for the answers in his empty pupils.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, baby, I didn’t know what I was doing, please,” his voice stammers, trying to get you to understand that he really didn’t know what he was doing. “I would never do this to you, I-” “But you did.” Your tone is no longer sad and confused, but angry and fed up. His head backing up quickly, not expecting the response. “You made a promise, Tetsurou, remember?” You glare at him with menacing eyes as you hold up the very finger he kissed and placed the ring on on your wedding day. The beautiful diamond ring that had his initials carved in the interior and little gorgeous jewels that made the walls sparkle once hit with the hot sun was no more; the dark, gloomy piece of rock and metal meaning nothing but lies and mistrust.
“No, Y/n, please. Don’t do this to me,” he adjures guiltily.
“Don’t do this to you?” Your voice laced with deadly venom, standing and backing up, wiping your mouth with your hand in annoyance, placing it on your hip. “You did this to me! You did this to us! You went out! You got drunk! You fucked someone else! And not even a random girl! No! You just had to fuck your ex!” Your voice cracked again before you inhaled sharply and covered up your struggle.
“Y/n, I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“And that’s an excuse?? What, so now you can go fuck whoever you want and say ‘I didn’t know what I was doing!’” you mimic, “so you can get away with it every time?”
He didn’t answer. He looked at the ground, understanding exactly where you came from.
“Hm? Are you gonna answer me, or sit there like a coward?”
He could tell fully well you were just saying this because you were hurt. You didn’t mean any of it. You loved him. No matter what, you will always love him. Trusting him was out of the box for a while, maybe forever. But he can’t lose you. He knew you were soulmates- he knew you were made for each other. There was a reason you guys made it this far and only had big problems now. He needed to find that reason and use it for himself to win you back. He needed you back.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, your dramatic hand gestures coming to a halt at his words, your figure coming to a stand still as you wait for him to finish. “You don't deserve this. You don’t deserve me. Please know that it was a mistake and that I’ll never do it again ever, ever, ever,” he repeats, wanting it to sound as sincere as he means. “Just please give me a chance to make this up to you, please don’t leave me by myself without you,” he sobs out, putting his head in his hands.
You knew you shouldn’t feel bad for him. But god-fucking-dammit are you feeling bad for him. You knew you still loved him, you knew he still loved you- that much was obvious. You couldn’t see him for a while, no. Could you guys work it out? Maybe stitch the wound? Wait until the scar is barely visible anymore? Would that even work?
“Tetsurou,” a single, hot tear dripping down your face as you point to the ground. “I don’t know if I can ever trust you again.”
“I know, I know, just please give me a chance to help fix this!” He cries at your feet, his body bundled in a ball of self hatred and guilt. “I can do it, baby. I can help things go back to normal.”
“I don’t think they ever will be normal again.”
He whines, trying to negotiate with you as much as he can. “Let me fix us. Let me give you my everything again, let me show you that I’m all yours and no one else's, please,” he moans in anticipation for rejection, knowing the chances of you agreeing were next to zero.
The next few hours are silent. Him alone in the bedroom. Crouching on the floor as he ponders your possible answer. You work in the kitchen, making food to satisfy your appetite. He could hear your sniffles from the bedroom and picture you wiping your tears as you carry the pots on the stove. God, he was the biggest piece of shit ever known. What the fuck went through his mind when he was fucking his ex? He only remembers some of it, them waking up in bed together after, only wearing undergarments underneath the sheets and him holding her waist as if she were you. He thought they had ended on good terms, knowing that they were better as friends. He rushed out the door, not being able to stay in the same room without getting sick. He knew what he had to do.
He opens the door to the living room, a slight creak gaining your attention as you stir the sauce in the pan. Your eyes are puffy, your lip still trembling as you try to turn away from him. He only takes about two steps forward before he stops, trying to find the words he wants to say.
“Listen, I know you said you needed time, and I’m not rushing you at all whatsoever. I want to give you all the time in the world to think this over. If you need, I can go to Kou’s house and stay there for a while. He won’t mind. I just want to give you the space you deserve.”
You nod in response, your head still facing away before he whispers an “I love you” before he slips out of the apartment.
The next few days were tortue. Not being able to sleep in the same bed he would sleep in with you, not being able to watch the same tv shows, not being able to even be in his presence at least once a day like you used to melted a hole of despair inside you: eating away at your emptiness, taking away the numbness that you so desperately needed right now. The feeling came back- the one that you tried shutting out three hours ago. It crept up at you, flipping your stomach and weighing your lungs down to the floor, your throat sore and dry. Your eyes wet with a blurry wall as your tears build up once again, missing your cheeks as you crouch down looking at the floor, falling on the tile. The droplets containing your anguish splatter on the ground, your raggedy whimpers echoing throughout the vacant apartment, making it all the more obvious he wasn’t there.
Knock knock knock
Was that the door?
Your wide, unbelieving eyes turned to the wooden door frame; the knocks getting louder and faster. You quickly stand up and try to collect yourself, preparing to have a long talk with Tetsurou. You grab the handle, turning it- the door opening with a tiny creak.
“Hi! Kuroo left his jacket at the party the other day, is he here?”
Oh, that bitch.
“No. He’s not.” You deadpan, not finding her cheery, happy expression amusing.
“Oh no! Uh, well, here, can you give this back to him for me?”
“Stop smiling at me like you aren’t part of the reason he’s gone.” You snark, glaring at her with sharp eyes as she backs up, confused.
“You heard me. Don’t act fucking clueless.”
“Excuse me? Who are you to talk to m-”
“Oh, cut the shit,” you roll your eyes, “I know you slept with Tetsurou, you don’t need put on whatever the fuck this is,” you gesture at her.
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you, fucking crazy?” Your eyes narrow in confusion, your disgusted scowl lessening at her words.
“Right. You probably don’t remember because you were blacked out,” you add sarcastically. “He told me what you guys did. Now you know. So, I would love it if you would just leave.”
“What are you- Me and Kuroo didn’t do shit last night. I drank like two beers and was hanging out with another girl the entire time,” she explains, looking offended. Your face loosens into an expression she couldn’t read. “He blacked out early and passed out on the couch while I was busy talking with the other girl.”
“Huh?” You whisper, your disoriented thoughts not aligning to a proper conclusion.
“I didn’t go to bed until like,” she thought back, “I don’t know, three in the morning? There were people passed out on the floor so I decided to take the guest bedroom with her. I was still awake when Kuroo came into the room, I’m guessing because he thought it was yours, based off of how he kept mumbling your name and shit,” she exhales, “he grabbed onto me once he got in and just clung.” You glower at her, huffing. She sees this, sighing before continuing, “Calm down, remember nothing happened. Remember that girl? She ended falling off the bed because I was scooting away from his clingy ass.” You look at her blankly, trying to fit the pieces together. “She ended up leaving the party completely,” she mumbled in embarrassment before you speak up.
“Then why did he tell me you guys had sex?” You mutter quietly, although assuming she heard since her head backed up while she quickly scoffs.
“I swear to God, that man. Listen.” You look up into her eyes- her genuine eyes. “Me and Kuroo didn’t do a single thing. I didn’t do anything to him and he didn’t do anything to me. I’ll have a conversation with him later because he is an absolute dumbass,” she breathed.
What the fuck?? You were just supposed to believe her?
“How am I supposed to believe that?”
“Me and him ended a long time ago. I don’t like him like that and I haven’t for a while. And seeing he was bragging about you the entire time at the party, he’s over me, too. Besides, I’m not even into guys that much anymore anyways,” she grinned and winked at you. The shock and realization hit you like a truck. She wasn’t even- oh my God. She chuckled at your expression; you ran away from her to the counter to get your phone, quickly unlocking it and tapping on Tetsurou’s contact.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble over and over. To tap the call button, listening to it ring as you bring your phone up to your ear, hearing him pick up the phone almost immediately after.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He sounded worried. It’s only been about a week, he had hoped that you weren’t going to leave him.
“Get over here, right now, Tetsurou.” Your voice made it seem like it was urgent, so he quickly picked up his jacket from the couch, and you could hear the jingling of his keys as he grabbed them and opened the door, almost slamming it shut once he left.
“Y/n?” He asked at the open front door, wondering why it wasn’t closed. “Y/n, you have to be careful and close the door, we have them for a reason, you know,” he said as he walked in. Even after being at the line of a break-up, he still cares for your well-being. He didn’t even do anything wrong and he was still caring for you as a loved one should. He always did everything to make you feel comfortable and safe, so once he knew that he had slept with his ex he was completely devastated to his core. He didn’t want to do this to you, but you had the right to know.
“Tetsu.” You called. Already back to nicknames? This is good, right?
“Yes? Y/n?” He was scared, to say the least, feeling awkward and not knowing what to do. He walked scarcely towards your figure sitting on the couch, not caring to drop his keys and jacket on the counter. He had a feeling this might go wrong.
“We need to talk.” Shit. This is exactly what he didn’t want to hear. Hearing those words he couldn’t help but think that you were going to make him pack his stuff and go. “So, I talked with your ex.” You speak slowly, not wanting your words to come out wrong. You don’t want him to take any of this in a bad way at all. Yet his eyes widen drastically, his heartbeat racing and his nerves pricking him. “You are just one big dummy, aren’t you?”
What? What are you talking about?
“You didn’t sleep with her. She told me everything that happened that night. She’s not even into guys anymore. Tetsu-”
This couldn’t be happening. Not only did he accuse himself of cheating, he accused himself of cheating with his ex, and that he cheated with his ex at a party, while you two are married. And then it turns out it wasn’t true? What the hell was wrong with him? He jeopardized your entire relationship because he was too drunk to know what was going on.
“Wait, what?” He yells, angrily sitting down on the couch, “so you’re telling me-” you nodded and hummed an ‘mhm’ in response. His hands find their way to his hair, pulling at the roots and scratching his scalp, his low grunts of pain and fury seeping out of his throat as he frustratingly comprehends what he just did.
You rush over to him, grabbing his wrists and pushing them down to his lap as fast as you can, making his eyes find their way to your blown out pupils. You can see the hot tears prickle down his cheek as he frowns at you, completely and utterly defeated.
“Tetsu, I don’t want you to hurt yourself, it’s okay,” you reassure, giving him a happy smile. He wanted to smile back, but he couldn’t control the broken sob that escaped him. “Hey, hey,” you try to grab his attention as he pulls his head down, crying. “It’s okay, baby, it’ll be okay.” You wrap your arms around his head, protecting him as you softly coo and ‘shh’ him quietly in his ear. ‘I’m sorry’ kept coming out of his mouth as he clinged to you, not being able to help his want to be closer to you. The realization that he just almost broke your heart completely and he had worried about divorce for this shit made him want to just rip his scalp out. He was so stupid. So, so so, stupid. “Tetsu, look at me, please. Look at me,” you whisper, bringing your hand to his chin, dragging it up so you could catch sight of his hazel irises. His eyes red and puffy, his cheeks wet and his eyes droopy, you couldn’t do anything but frown at the sight. He hated himself right now, not wanting to face the embarrassment and the humiliation of the situation.
“You don’t deserve me, I’m so sorry,” he whimpered in your arms, gripping them tighter and tighter for comfort- you knowing that he needed it right now. You had already pulled him into your chest, feeling his wet tears soak your shirt, your hands rubbing his back and your fingers gently grazing his throbbing scalp.
“It’s okay, I forgive you, Tetsu, you did the right thing by telling me you did it instead of hiding it from me, and then it turns out you didn’t do it at all.” Your cheeks start to feel hot, and you don’t even realize your sniffles until you could feel a dam break at your water line. You couldn’t stop them, the tears of relief. You didn’t want to stop them. You were glad that they were her, glad that they were for him, glad they were because you knew the truth, glad because you knew you two would be okay.
You looked back at your ring, watching it bloom like a flower in the spring, the meaning coming back to your marriage. It wasn’t just metal and rock anymore, it was a gorgeous promise.
“I love you, Tetsurou. Don’t forget that. You’re staying with me, alright?” you whisper into his hairline.
“Thank you,” he cries.
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taglist: @solar3lunar @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @toosharkinternet @hitosushi @alpha3113 @awmahleebkg
haikyuu taglist: @pies-writes-and-more @luvrboykento
reblogs are appreciated :))
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Right in front of you
A Halstead!sister
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? Or being caught?"
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Requested : Yes by @study-coffee-chicago : They found out she cheated on a test in high school...and Jay's the one who has to pick her up.
Warnings : angry!Jay (lots of it), alcohol, swearing, anxiety attacks
Note : I am so so so sorry this so longg 😭 I ended up so far away from the actual request kayela please don't block mee 😭 butt I've learned alot in writing abt active and passive voices and using more imagery Yayy!! I'm so glad that yall are ok with my grammar thank uu🥺
The piles of homework and flashcards you needed to memorize had no end in sight, and now that Will was taking nightshifts along with his usual double shifts, and intelligence was tracking down an underground drug cartel, you spent most days alone, allowing your mind to engulf you.
Every time you sat down to study, you felt a striking pain in your chest. In mere seconds the air was sucked out of your lungs and you found yourself panting, desperate to get oxygen back into your body.
You would be surrounded by books and worksheets and you could swear the walls of your room were closing in towards you, trapping you in a sea of incomplete work.
You failed to follow the schedules and to do lists you had made for yourself. Staring at them, hoping the essays would write themselves.
All you needed, was a break. A moment to relax from anything and everything.
So when your best friend mentioned that her brother used to drink a little before he appeared for an exam, your mind was quick to catch on.
Last night you had borrowed a little bit of beer from Jay's stash of alcohol and took a few sips of it as you studied.
The more you drank, the less bitter it became. It was a weird, new sensation, but it worked nonetheless.
Except now, you were sitting in the girls bathroom at school, ramaging through your notes, trying to recollect what you had learned yesterday.
You saw what you had underlined and highlighted— names in pink and important dates in yellow—but your mind came up blank.
Flipping the pages you saw people in wigs, and castles burning to the ground —None of which you recognized.
A wave of anxiety rippled through you unable to comprehend your next thought —you were going to fail.
Your head was throbbing as you ran a hand down face, massaging your temples trying to calm yourself down.
You took out your water bottle that you had filled with beer and swallowed a few gulps, hoping that it would help you think straight.
You groaned, feeling the sting of alcohol at the back of your throat, popping some mints into your mouth, you ran towards the exam hall.
Your foot bounced on the polished wood floors as sweat pooled on your forehead.
You thought you were careful —only taking a peek from your friends answer sheet when Mrs.Ling's back was facing you.
Everything would have worked out if it wasn't for that kid sitting behind you. In a split second your teacher turned around, when he dropped his pen, to see you peering over your partner's desk.
Now you were sitting in the principles office praying that Jay wouldn't be the one picking you up.
You could already imagine his anger at you for pulling him away from his case, only to find you cheated.
Unfortunately luck was not on your side today.
You dare not look at Jay as he entered the office, letting out a huff as he sat down. You could feel the rage emitting him, tension filling the room, as he burned holes looking at you.
"I'll get straight to the point" Your principal started.
"Please" Jay growled, struggling to contain himself. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, when he got the call saying that you had cheated on your midterms.
You and Will were alike,at least he thought so, both good at science and math but weak at geography and history. Nonetheless you continued to secure good grades for the most part.
"Y/n here, was caught cheating from a classmates answer sheet. Our teacher caught her red handed. I truly did not expect this from you. These midterms cost thirty percent of your grade..... "
Pretty soon his voice was muffled like he was getting farther and farther away from you. His figure swayed in front of you as you squinted your eyes to keep him in the center of your vision.
" You are suspended, Mrs halstead"
Your eyes widened , your body choosing the perfect time to bring out what little beer you had taken when you heard those words, letting the alcohol mix with the adrenaline.
"WHAT??!! " Damn, alcohol really bought out your courage as Jay stared at you in shock at your audacity.
"Y/n, your lucky I'm letting you retake the exam. That's only because you've had a clean record so far. I strongly suggest you start preparing early Ms. halstead" your principal said in a firm but monotone voice that left you speechless.
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
Oh god. Every now and then, the ground would sway beneath you, tiles shifting in your vision. But you counted your steps, carefully putting one foot in front of the other, not wanting Jay to find out what else you had done........ until now.
You tilted your head, only to be met with your brother's piercing stare but little did he know, now it made it infinitely harder to concentrate on your walking.
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? *Or being caught?*"
You rested your head on the seat as Jay entered the truck, flinching, when he slammed the door shut. Your pounding headache was getting worse by the minute, as your ears started to ring.
You blinked a few times squinting to focus on the road ahead of you but the fast-moving cars and the loud horns made you feel like your head was going to explode.
"Y/n," he addressed you, much calmer now.
You forced yourself to turn to your brother, who wore a confused expression.
But the moment he saw your deshelfed hair and your cracked lips, a wave of worry crashed over him. What the hell?
The truck came to a stop at a red light and Jay immediately scanned you over "Y/n?" he grabbed your chin, his jaw dropping, as he came face to face with reality.
"Are you drunk!!?" he barked , steam basically pouring out of his ears.
But your pleading eyes and empty silence gave him the answer he needed. "Are you kidding me??" he snarled as he slammed the steering wheel.
Oh God no. A blinding pain ripped through your head when Jay's palms made contact with the hard plastic. You winched turning your head away from your furious brother, letting out a whimper.
Jay's eyes widened at the sound, his heart breaking, realizing the pain you were in.
If he was going to be mad at you or at least punish you, you needed to be sober.
He stepped on the pedal as the light turned green taking a few breaths, trying to calm himself down.
With the vice lords reclaiming their territory and selling uncut fentanyl, bodies were dropping all over the city most of them being kids.
Kids..... your age.
Every kid at the morgue, just reminded him of you. He saw parents sobbing, begging for their kids to come back but Jay new better. They were never going to come home. Ever.
So he made it a priority to catch these ruthless creatures. He made it a priority over his sleep, over nine hours shifts and unknown to him, over spending time with you.
"Hey , hey" he whispered, not wanting to hurt you again, "We'll talk about this later ok? for now...... just..... it's ok..... I've got you" here reached out his hand, the other still on the steering wheel, to slowly rub your back as you tried to breath through the pain.
" I got you"
Jay wrapped a hand around you allowing you to hold onto him for support.
Silently, he deposited you on the couch, laying you down. He knew that he wasn't in any state to talk to you. He needed to clear his mind from his racing thoughts and rueful images of dying teenagers.
His phone rang, indicating that the district was awaiting him. "Here" he reluctantly shook your shoulders "Y/n, I need to go ok? Will will be here soon"
Almost half an hour had passed and you were waiting for Will to get out of the shower. You'd heard Jay explain everything to him over the phone.
You thought about how disappointed he would be.
Will —being the nerd he was— always helped you with your projects and gave you pop quizzes during breakfast, before your exams. He taught you how to organize flashcards just like he did in med school.
Even through your blurry thoughts, the image of Will's betrayed face and embarrassed eyes, knowing you cheated, lingered on your mind.
Your body was all over the place. Tiny noises echoing through your ear. Your muscles simultaneously aching and loose.
You were shivering as you tried to curl up into a ball. Your body trying to hold what little heat it had within itself.
But nothing stopped your tears.
You felt water drops make their way down your cheeks forming small splotches of water on the cushion you laid your head on.
And you didn't bother to wipe them away.
Will more or less was in the same state you were in. There was a multi-vehicle accident on the highway and victims were piling in the ED. He was running from one treatment room to the other, waiting to get back home and crash.
Will walked over to you with a huge glass of water and an advil, gently  nudging you to sit up.
Your head still pounded, your eyes zoning in and out of the figure in front of you "Y/n, here drink the whole glass and take this" Will soothed, placing the glass and the pill in your hand "I—I'm sorry" You whispered, distracting yourself from Will's eyes.
Will knew he should be angry. Just like Jay was but he couldn't bring himself to blaming you, not until he had the full story anyway.
You looked so petite on the enormous couch, your legs folded on top of each other, arms shaking as you drowned the glass of water along with the Advil.
Your red puffy eyes and tear strained cheeks,were a contrast from your usual self. or he thinks. He's been pretty busy lately, so he's not too sure. " We'll talk about it later. I'm not angry. I promise"
He assured and was about to head to bed himself when you grabbed his wrist.
If he wasn't angry at you then maybe— just maybe—he would help you.
"Stay" You pleaded , the word falling from your lips just as easily as it had, many, many times before.
And just like before, you were met with Will's soft brown eyes filled with sympathy, ready to help. Ready—to be by your side.
He's slowly nodded climbing onto the couch, next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and you nestled into him, laying your head on his chest.
You found some comfort as he embraced you, talking you under his arm and encompassing you in his warmth.
Holding on to him, you hoped that he would take your pain away, just like he did when you were little.
Will woke up to an uncomfortable feeling of something —or someone—   tugging at his shirt.
He slowly opened his eyes allowing them to adjust to the light as he felt another a tug at his side. He looked over to you, but your eyes were shut, brimming with tears, your arm laid across his chest.
You were holding on to Will , using him as a lifeline, grounding you from the pain.
You felt a hand squeezing your own, stopping you from gripping the fabric "Y/n?" You opened your eyes to look up at will who had tears of his own, staring at the state you were in "it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here"
He encircles you, tighter than before, whispering soothing assurances into your hair.
With Will's help, the pain slowly subsides, allowing you access to your thoughts again.
You step out of the shower, into the living room and your eyes widen seeing Jay and Will sitting at the kitchen counter.
You didn't even hear Jay come in, but right now taking in his hardened glare, you didn't dare ask.
You knew what was coming and you didn't fight. You couldn't.
"So apparently we're cheating on our midterms now, huh?" Jay's calm voice made shivers run down your spine, starting to take rapid breaths.
"And apparently, someone thinks it's ok to steal alcohol from my stash" He gritted, never breaking I contact with you. "Do you think that's how the world works Y/n? DO YOU? BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU'RE STILL A FUCKING TEENAGER!!" He spat, his thoughts fuming towards your trembling body.
It was every dieing body flashing before his eyes, as the past months' agony slipped off his tongue.
"Jay" Will's voice was stern, giving a knowing look towards his younger brother and didn't bother to give Jay time to argue with him.
"Y/n, we need to know what's going on"
"With school, with tests with....... everything" he stated giving you a solemn look meaning every word he said, promising himself that he would do whatever it takes to figure out what had been going on.
You sucked in a breath weighing all your options. You didn't want them to think that you needed a babysitter or  that you couldn't take care of yourself.
You knew that they had their own problems to worry about but you couldn't take it anymore.
You hated it.
The feeling of your lungs collapsing, struggling to find air for your body, your stress skyrocketing anytime you sat down to study, never getting any thing done.
All day long you would constantly tell yourself to do your work. Every spare second is spent in making a list of things you want to do but when it was time to actually do those things, your mind wandered and emptied.
You took another deep breath, looking up from your feet, your eyes meeting your brothers.
You spilled the past months events from how alone you were all the time and not being able to concentrate to how you ended up drunk at school and cheating on your midterms.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you your hands trembled. You stood crying in the middle of the room until you felt a pair of arms around you.
Will placed his hand at the nape of your neck as he stroked your back with the other "Breathe Y/n, just Breathe" He slowly pulled away leading you to the couch.
God, how he wished he could turn back time. Then he'd been more vigilant to notice the changes that had come over you.
You felt the couch dip on both sides but you intently studied your fingers, fumbling with the hem of your shirt and wiped the tears off your face. They were mad. No, they were furious. You knew it.
But for some reason, they weren't showing it. Maybe they were waiting-
"We're not mad"
You without your head around to look at Jay, furrowing your eyebrows in disbelief. Jay? Not mad? HA.
"but I am disappointed though, but that's only because you didn't tell us......
but stealing alcohol was bad too" he added, earning him a glare from Will.
"Y/n, what Jay means is— we could've helped with school . Homework . Tests . Anything, you name it. We will help" he assured, "But how do we know you need help, if you don't tell us?"
You sighed, taking in the weird turn of events that had happened before you. You had wasted all this time, trying to figure out all your problems out, when the answer was right in front of you.
A mountain of guilt now sat on Jay's shoulders, weighing down on him, pushing him deeper into a wormhole of 'if's'.
Maybe if he'd just been a little more careful, this wouldn't have happened.
Maybe if he'd stop and listen to you once in a while, this wouldn't have happened.
While trying to save kids out on the street, he forgot to care for the kid at home. You were his sister, and yet, here you are in front of him, barely keeping yourself together.
But that would change. Right here. *Right now.*
"Y/n," Jay started "If you would have told us how alone and stressed you were feeling.....I would've taken some time off... Maybe we'd watch a movie or something. All you had to do was ask...... And we'll get you the help you need, y/n. You good with that?" he questioned, his anger and frustration dissipating.
You saw your brother, the workaholic detective, wanting to put his job aside, for you .
You were more important to him, than his job—You realized.
" Yea... Yeah, I am"
Will stood up and got another advil with another glass of water. "and maybe you wouldn't end up drunk and cheating on your test" he smirked, crouching in front of you.
"God, I didn't think it would hurt this bad. I am never drinking again!" you smiled , as you drowned the pill.
"See now that's what I like to hear!!" Jay exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you into his chest. You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, laughing, when you were joined by Will.
You know what? Maybe, things are going to be okay? Ya know?
Read more of my fics here!!
Tagging : @girlandthemoon @herecomesthewriterwitch @megaliciab @meyocoko @alkadri-layal
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junisfics · 3 years
Too Much or Not Enough* — Armin Arlert
can u write armin with a praise kink???
Summary: Reader gives Armin head for the first time after a particularly long day
Content Warnings: Smut/ Nsfw 18+ (M Receiving Oral, Praise Kink)
Word Count: 2.9k
Notes: (1) i didn't know whether you wanting giving or recieving praise so i just went with this (2) i just binge wrote this mf for that anon that wouldn't leave me alone 😩😩 ugh the things i do for yall
It felt like Armin was always busy; pretty eyes staring down at aged parchments like he’s waiting for their text to change beneath his watch, ancient books flipped open to random pages are littered across the table, his fingers and sides of his palms covered in graphite and ink from his notetaking.
He’s been like this for the past few days, hunched over that creaky wooden desk that’s hidden away in a room he only leaves for meals. He’d slept in that stiff old chair too, face smushed against the wood with his arms curling around his head.
Levi had told him to navigate a route to the nearest town... which sounds easy enough until he realized that there was countless miles of forest in the way.
He was so handsome like this. He’s in his element, brain going a mile a minute, tongue between his teeth and hair falling into his eyes as he scribbles at the wrinkled pages. You could watch him like this forever... sadly, only at his suffering.
"Why don't you take a break, come on a walk with me or something?" You suggest, shifting around in the seat you had pulled up catty corner to him, elbows resting on the desk.
He raises is eyebrows slightly in acknowledgement before looking up to you, "I can't, this is really important. I'm sorry, y/n."
It's not that he doesn't want to, he wants to spend quality time with you more then anything in the world... he just can't. He knows if he doesn't finish this sometime soon that Levi will be on his ass and disappointed... then force Hange to do it and then Armin will feel bad. He looks up to Hange, he doesn't want to throw them under the gutter.
"It could help clear your mind... give you a new look at it..." Your arms fall flat, crossed against the table and you rest your chin on your forearms... pouting.
"Don't look at me like that, I already feel bad enough as it is." He runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face before returning to the pages in front of him. His hair falls back into his eyes.
"C'mon," You push yourself away from the desk and stand, making your way behind him, "Just talk with me for a minute about anything but the maps."
You gently place a hand atop his head and ruffle his pretty blonde hair before flattening it again. You continue this process: ruffling, petting, ruffling, petting.
He lets out a little huff, "I — y/n... you're distracting me."
Your nimble fingers take turns running through the strands, swooping his hair one way then the other... combing it flat against his head so his forehead is revealed then pushing it back over his eyes the way he likes it.
"Good, don't fight it." You smile, separating three strands carefully and intertwining them into a braid.
He attempts to continue work, picking up the graphite again and flipping the open pages around with his fingers. He circles or underlines something here and there, taking a moment to stare at it like it has some deeper meaning then flipping to the next page and doing the same thing. Maybe he'll rip out a page and set it in a pile or compare it to the map in front of him then analyze it like he's being graded... which he kind of is.
His hair was always oddly soft, no matter how much dirt or sweat got into it or how long he had to go without washing it, it was always soft. It always framed his face so beautifully.
You press a gentle kiss to the crown of his head, then tilt your head to kiss his temple. He shivers at the feeling, his flushed skin hot beneath your lips.
“y/n, please. I can’t focus with you here.” His voice is quiet, as if he’s scared his words will offend you. 
But then a silly little idea pops into your head and you thank god he cannot see your face because if he did he would see that stupid mischevious smile plastered across it.
“I’m sorry.” You pout, sliding a hand over his shoulder before removing yourself from him entirely to slink around the desk.
Your eyes flicker up to him to check where his own eyes are... and when you realize he’s completely back to focusing on the papers in from of him you crawl underneath the desk, kneeling in front of him and resting your backside on your ankles. Carefully, you place both hands on either knee before you.
Armin jumps, just now realizing that your knelt before him, “y/n — what are you doing.” His hands are balled into fists and forearms glued to the armrests beside him. He’d push himself away from you if he could, but out of fear and... arousal maybe? he’s stuck in his seat.
“Helping you relax.” You smile, rapping your fingers against his pants.
“I’ve — I don’t — we can’t.” Even through his babbling you can make out what he’s saying.
“Look at me,” You slide your hands slowly up his thighs, the muscle twitching beneath you, “I don’t have to do this if you don’t me to.”
A billion emotions flash through his eyes the second that sentence leaves your lips. His palms begin to sweat and stomach clenches at the feeling of him growing hard in his pants.
“No! I — I’ve just... never... done anything before. Not — not anything at all! I’ve kissed someone before! Shit — of course I have, I’ve kissed you. I’ve never done — just not anything... sexual... before.”
You realize then the amount of trust he’s put into you in that moment. All his walls have been broken down, his heart hammering against his ribcage. This is new territory for him. New territory that you, out of all people, are the one to explore. He could pass out.
“That’s okay. Armin, there’s nothing wrong with that, I promise.” You bring your hands back down over his thigh in an attempt to soothe his nerves, but what you don’t realize is that your actions are doing anything but that.
It’s hard for him to make eye contact, his own eyes shifting from your hands to his crotch to your face and then repeating a few times.
“Okay — just you — you don’t have to.” He stutters, clenching and unclenching his fists to take his mind of the growing hard on in his pants.
“I want to.” You scoot a little closer which sends another jolt of electricity to his heart, “Is this okay?”
‘Why would you want to do this?’ He thinks, ‘You gain nothing out of this’
“Y — yeah.” He answers, finally grasping onto the armrests.
Your eyes drop to your hands as they return to the apex of his thighs, pausing for a moment before reaching for the button of his pants. The metal is cold beneath your fingertips as you unclasp it, the same with the zipper.
Armin has officially stopped breathing.
You slowly pull, the zipper making a familiar rattling noise as it’s pulled to the bottom of its seam. With your right hand you take a fistful of his shirt and pull upwards to untuck it. Armin gasps.
“Can you take this between your teeth for me, please?” You ask, voice sweet and sanguine.
He can do nothing but obey, opening his mouth and biting down on the fabric as you bring the fistfull to his face. His pretty blue eyes peer over to watch you as you tuck your fingers under his waist band.
“Thank you, sweet boy... now lift your hips?” You smile.
He does as he’s told, bring his hips upwards so you can pull his pants down to his thighs. He can’t even think. He’s sitting before you in only his boxers and you about to put your mouth on his —
“Hey, you still there? You got that faraway look in your eyes...” You sit back on your ankles, removing your hands from him completely.
“Y — yeah shit, sorry — It’s just a little crazy to me. The girl I’m in love with is about to give me — give...” He speaks through his shirt.
“Suck your cock.”
His dick jumps at the lewdness of your words.
‘Yeah... that’
“Is it okay if I keep going?” You sit back up, hands resting on the bunched fabric over his knees.
He swallows hard before nodding, visibly nervous.
Your fingers reach for the waistband of the final layer, grazing over the taught skin of his stomach before delving beneath the fabric.
His breath gets caught in his throat and goosebumps scatter over his flesh, knuckles turning white around the armrest.
You pull, slowly, over his hips and down his legs until his cock springs up and slaps against his chest. He internally cringes at the sound. Armin was big... and thats not being generous. You’d say he has about 7 - 8 thick inches in his favor... your mouth practically watering at the sight.
You look at him, eyes wide and innocent in contrast to the actions you’re about to do. If he wasn’t so nervous he’d smile and tell you that you look so pretty on your knees for him.
Gently, you nod your head in questioning. He nods back.
With your right hand you take his cock at the base, weight heavy in your palm. You can feel him completely shudder underneath your touch, rising ever so slightly in his seat. Slowly, you run your hand up and down his length and twisting your wrist ever so slightly as you do so. 
Your hand is so much smaller and so much softer than his. His mouth falls agape, more blood just rushing to his dick at the sight. He’s going to have this image burned into his brain forever. He bets if he focuses hard enough he could cum right now.
You can feel him pulsing underneath your fingers as you jerk him gently, his breathing already growing audible.
You’re hand is just so much different than his, but it’s the fact that it’s you attached to the hand... your hand... that has him trembling beneath you already.
“You okay?” You ask, voice so sweet and comforting as it pulls him out of his thoughts.
He nods frantically, shirt still pulled between his teeth as he watches you scoot even closer to him. You’re face is inches away from his dick.
You’re eyes look up to him when you lick the first stripe up from the base of his cock all the way to the head, swirling your tongue around him.
“Shit.” His eyes close and his head falls back. He didn’t know what he was expecting but this was not it... but my god was he not disappointed.
You give his length another tender lick, following along a vein on the underside of his cock, before you close your lips around the tip. His hips buck involuntarily into your mouth, sending another good inch or so into you.
“Oh god, y/n.” His voice, rather then lowering an octave, jumps one and strains in his throat.
You never take your eyes off him, watching his every movement to make sure he’s still feeling alright and that you’re not pushing your limit. His jaw is still clenched around his shirt, the hem of it now soaked with his spit, and his throat trembles as he swallows around it.
His cock is still in your hands as you take more of him in your mouth, the head of his cock finally hitting the back of your throat.
Your mouth is so warm and so wet that he can’t help but think that maybe this is what it would feel like to fuck you... actually truly fuck you. 
You close your lips tightly around him before sliding back up with a ‘pop’, a string of saliva connecting from your bottom lip to the tip of his cock.
“You still alright?” You jerk him languidly in your hand, saliva coating his dick and your palm to provide enough slick to slide freely over him.
“Y — yeah... fuckk yeah.” He groans, head coming back up to watch you as you jerk him off.
He twitches in your hand when he sees that look on your face. Your tongue lolling out of your mouth, lips covered in spit and precum, tiny hand beating his dick for him. You’re eyes wide and looking up at him like he’s the most beautiful thing in the world. He completely melts before you.
“What?” You giggle, teasing him slightly. His eyes are so full of lust and admiration.
“God, you just — shit — you look so pretty.” He whines, hips jerking up into your hand so your fists meets his pelvis. 
“I think you look so pretty, so beautiful.” You smile.
Your mouth is back on him, taking him in over your tongue slowly and fitting him down your throat until your nose hits his stomach. Your eyes close as you gag slightly around him, throat constricting before you pull off of him, his dick now completely coated in spit. 
Then he’s back on your tongue and you’re jerking around the base of him that you can’t comfortably fit in your mouth. The sight, the sound, the feeling is all just too much for him too quickly and he feels that heat pooling in his lower stomach and he knows this is going to be over soon.
“I — I’m gonna cum, y/n, don’t stop please.” He groans, his right hand releasing the arm rest to hover behind your head, not touching you, but shaking just behind you.
Then you pull off of him, jerking his cock a little faster in your hand to tip him over. You feel his hand meet the back of your head and then its sliding around to cup your cheek as you smile at him.
“Yeah? Cum for me, be so good and cum for me.”
You gather spit in your mouth then lean over his dick just enough so when you spit it dribbles off your bottom lip and onto him. 
And that’s what sends him over the edge and cumming into your fist, hot and thick with broken moans passing his lips.
“Good job, baby, you’re so good for me.”
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holographicang3l · 3 years
My hot take on the Evangelion 3.0+1.0 movie
-40 mins of shinji crying, trying to get over the trauma seeing Kaworus head explode and splatter across the window is relatable.
- Mari confused the fuck out of me. Her existence didn't make much sense but ok. Too much boob shots, too much fan service.
- Asukas story was good. Liked that she's also a Type series like Rei. Too much fanserves. They put a shit ton of detail on her naked body. I hated it.
- the Angel concept of Asuka was cool though it was predictable.
- So little of Ritsuko and Misato. Little to no personality.
- Kaji probably controlled Mark 6 to cut off Liliths head to stop the impact. (theory / headcanon / could have been kaworu as well but damn)
- hated that everyone was blaming shinji even tho he saved everyone at the same time. Ungreatful people, trying to blame a kid for ALLL the mess is pretty messed up.
- Kaworu and Asukas soul piloting Eva 13 lmao (I assume at least that's the case)
- I was laughing so ugly about the animation fo 3d Rei. Didn't give me the creeps, I was just making fun of it.
- some scenes are quiet awkwardly cut.
-I HATED the 3d fight between Eva 13 and Eva 1. It felt unfinished and unpolished.
- I did like the trueman show style of backdrop in the fight, where Eva 01 slammed through the scene wall.
- funny headless mannequin flying hand in hand 3d style. Looked ugly af but I can see the artistics in it.
- Weird but, the voice of Fuyutsuki sounded off, as if it was wrongly recorded. Maybe it was just me.
- "The key of Nebukadnezar ITS FULL CYCLE BOYS" urgh.
- Shinji putting the fucking dss choker on like the Chad he is.
- finally got in the fucking robot. What a huge Chad.
-crying kaworu was nice. Made him more human.
- didn't see it as if Shinji thinks Kaworu as his father figure, Idk how people can interpret that shit. They just come off as similar. Just because I see someone similar to a family member doesn't mean that I see them as a father or mother figure yall just interpret what you want to.
- Timeloop theory confirmed, we did it boys, depression is no more.
- it felt like a shit ton of things got cut off due to the awkward pacing, dialouge and some scenes.
- Ryo-chan I can't fucking-
- Commander Nagisa ✨ It was all an elaborate plan. Kaworu probably developed the Anti L- barrier thing or at least helped. (headcanon)
- Kaji was like father to me (probably kaworu somehow)
- melon farmer Kaworu confirmed
- Adult shinji, bantering with Mari.
-don't like the boob thing tho.
- hated the fan service. Loaded like a baked potato.
-Rei was fucking cute
- I would die for her.
- Fuck gendou
-I will not sympathies with a fucking egomaniac.
- dude fucked humanity bcs he couldn't accept the death of his wife.
- super obsessed.
-what a moron. I swear.
- Gendo hugging Shinji was cute tho.
- can't accept his apology tho, still asshole, can go rot in hell.
- All parents are assholes in Eva except Touji and Hikari.
-Tsubume and Rei fucking cute I swear.
- Kensuke is the ultimate winner, he looks handsome. Would fuck
- Rei and the farmer woman were cute, I want more content.
- End scene was stupid.
- the ending in general was good tho.
- felt bitter sweet but also satisfying.
- One LAST kiss slaps
- What if?: orchestra, piano slapped my soul into the Anti universe and now I'm sitting on the Golgatha object, ready to find Kaworu.
- I wanted them to be all happy.
-hopefully they are.
- Mari and Shinji probably endgame
- probably just friends tho, I mean come on.
-kawoshinners are crying.
- Kaworu going to super hell (predicted, it's all full cycle kids, go home)
- Maria Iskariot?! I mean what (yeah I know what the innuation is here but still)
- Asuka is a clone, guess Langley was the Original but died and the Shikinami series was deployed Idk, I'm not anno.
- Fucking technoblabble and pseudo-philosophy
- my brain melted trying to understand half of the bs that was spoken about
- I like Ryoji Kaji Jr. He's cute. I want 500 fanfics of him being a cute gardener and being best friends with kaworu (please im in pain help me)
- Parallels between Gendou and Ritsuko shooting at each other *chefs kiss*
- the detail in the scenery was just amazing.
- I'm a headless wandering Eva (no thoughts head empty)
- I missed the mass production Eva's (way cooler though I really liked the skull Eva's as well)
- give me a 14 years before prequel or give me death (probably gonna die before it comes out)
- I swear I was so sad when doppelganger Rei busted into Fanta, best development of Rei ngl
- I can not stop my anger with Gendou I swear.
-I don't care how he's written Gendo/ Gendou/Gendoh, all versions are assholes
- That L barrier thing in Asukas eye was the most painful thing to watch. Body gore Asuka as always.
- "I'll come and get you Shinji" SHUT UP
- The self insert story was funny tho ngl
- That hair flip was fabulous
- KaWoRu AnD rEi aRe StAnDinG in ClOsE pRoXiMiTy ThEy mUsT bE tOgEtHeR (what the fuck, can't people have normal friends from the other gender? )
- ShInJi aNd MaRi hElD hAnDs ThEy mUsT bE tOgEThEr (what the fuck, can't friends of the other gender hold hands? Does that mean I'm dating my best friend for holding his hand?! MAKE SENSE PEOPLE)
- UwU Asushin is Canon UwU (In the past maybe, was a huge cockblock from anno here, go cry in a corner and read your top rated evageek hentai manga of Asuka x Shinji Jesus christ (don't slaughter me) )
- God is dead after the stunt Gendou pulled and Kawoshin is (no) more (lmao no but yes but no, don't slaughter me)
- UNIT8 be like: "you're talking mad shit for someone being in consuming range" and proceeds to eat all the units (vore is strong in this one)
- Eva 13 and Eva 1 hugging (and penetrating) best shit I've seen
- Maris scream for Asuka was painful. It ripped my heart in pieces.
- Angel Unit2 was too short. I want more of that.
-That tiny Kaworu in the background while Angel Asuka absorbs Shikinami (I don't know fam, the movie is confusing)
- I read somewhere that Headless kaworu corpse playing the piano in the entry plug was cut off from the script and Im not sure if that is true but I would have LOVED TO SEE IT
- Eva 3.0+1.0 was annos huge middle finger to all of Evangelion and I love it.
- tells us to grow up and stop hyperfocusing at the characters proceeds to make them as sexual as possible lmfaooo
- That Lance of WILLE thing looks like something out of Darling in the FRANXX series and I laughed so hard.
- there you are YUI?!
- Mom was in me (I want to die)
- Gonna use plot device shit to make a Lance out of a spine (damn shinji obtained a backbone to defeat his deadbeat father, I would have never seen this coming *irony*)
- Gotta defeat your dad with the power of friendship TALKING (like any human being does)
- Anno says byebye (proceeds to think of 14 years past prequel, it makes money so I guess)
- Anno says grow up, proceeds to slap the fans in the face that you should stop using escapism as a coping mechanism in a world that makes you feel miserable and being in constant pressure to uphold a stupid image and start to live even though you're forced to work as much as possible with makes living hard af (I dotn know if you understand what I was trying to tell with this but if you do *Finger guns*)
- Give me the uncut version in a year or I riot
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Graceful Gods (M)
Greek God!Jeongguk x Human!Reader
WordCount: 26k (Oh ho, tuck in)
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Slight Crack, Strangers to Lovers!AU, Greek God!AU
Warnings: Marking, Cunnilingus, Body Worship, Begging, Praise, Multiple Orgasms, Bondage, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Big Dick!Jeongguk, Impreg Kink, Riding, Squirting, Cream Pie, Jeongguk Has Glittery Cum
A/N: THIS HAS BEEN MY BABY FOR A HOT MINUTE! I’m so fucking proud of this fic and I did so much research that my head might explode and Greek Letters will come out! Thank you to @lunarlxve​ and @jung-hoseok-s-airplane​ for beta reading it and giving me awesome feedback! Thank you to @ladyartemesia​ who literally pushed me to write something so awesome AND SHE MADE A FUCKING GORGEOUS BANNER. LIKE DO YALL SEE THAT?! Anyway I hope you really enjoy it because my heart is so warm for this fic!
Eros, the Greek god of love, sexual desire and attraction
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“At the center of Greek mythology is a pantheon of deities who live on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. Every aspect of human life was ruled by these deities. There were twelve main Olympians who ruled over such aspects. Olympian gods and goddesses are said to look much like women and men of this world but could also change their appearances into whatever they liked, animals and things of that nature. Most people know of the common gods, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. But, there are others such as Dionysus- the god of wine, Aphrodite- the goddess of beauty and love, and even Hermes- the god of travel, who was in fact the personal messenger of Zeus. If you’ve watched the movie Hercules you’ll-” Professor Song’s voice becomes drowned out by the snort that comes from your left. You roll your eyes before craning your neck forward to keep listening to the lecture. You’ve always had an affinity to mythology of any kind since you were a child but, as you grew up Greek mythology stood out the most to you. You became enamored with it and decided to become a mythologist. You’ve heard of these tales countless times but you could always hear them once more.
A cough comes from next to you as you listen to the tale of Hephaestus and you roll your eyes once more before putting your hand underneath your chin. You jot down notes dutifully before looking up as Professor Song begins to wrap up the class. “For the last portion of your grade, you will all be assigned to work with a partner. The theme of your project is Graceful Gods, a study on partnerships between the gods and goddesses. You may choose whichever two gods and goddesses you may like that have had a connection with one another. Now, this doesn’t mean to watch Hercules a bunch of times and comment on those relationships between cartoons.” 
The class erupts into small giggles and you find yourself snorting at the lame joke. “Since I know that most of you cannot put yourselves together properly, looking at you Haeyun and Jowoon-” You giggle at his call out before paying attention again, “-you will all work with the person directly next to you at your tables.” Your eyes glance over to the long haired boy by next to you and you inwardly groan.
You know of him, of course you do. Who hasn’t heard of him on campus, he’s a fuckboy that enjoys preying on the hearts of innocent girls. To be fair, he is one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen in your life. His long black hair fell just above his chin and as he looks at you, you can see his coffee brown eyes with flecks of mocha mixed in. He smirks at you and your first instinct is to immediately swoon but you stop yourself and roll your eyes instead. His smirk only widens letting you view the way his eyes squint slightly as his head tilts. “I’m Jeongguk.”
His voice is melodic, dripping with saccharin sweetness and your body tenses up at his tone. He was smooth and of course, he knows it but you wouldn’t budge. You just wouldn’t. “Do you have a name? Or should I call you Nemesis?” 
So he knows more about mythology then he lets on. You take in his posture, the way he leans back in his chair smugly, legs stretched out in front of him as he folds his arms. He has no backpack, no notebooks or anything of the sort that is required. “Hello? Nemesis?” His hand waves in front of your face and you grimace at him before pushing your chair back. 
“Y/N.” Your answer is short and he nods thoughtfully at the name as if it held some sort of riddled meaning. His hand digs into his ripped black jeans before pulling out his phone. “Put your number in so I can contact you. We can meet up whenever you aren’t gagging over Ares.”
You shut your notebook before staring at the phone in his hand. “I do not gag over Ares.” 
He snorts before throwing his phone into your lap, dragging his thumb over his bottom lip as he looks you over. His expression is somewhat amused before putting his fist underneath his chin, “Song was talking about him and I saw your thighs twitch, he isn’t all that by the way.” You shove your notebook into your backpack before freezing. He sounds so comfortable with this subject, it’s almost as if he knows him.
“Oh yeah? How would you know?” 
“How would I know what?” He snorts, a gentle breathy noise as people begin to get up and leave the lecture hall. “How do you know that he isn’t all that?”
He stares at you for a second before laughing loudly, his eyes crinkle as his mouth opens wide showing off a dimple on his cheek. You swallow gently as your eyes scan his handsome face. You zone in on the beauty mark beneath his bottom lip and you have to rip your eyes away before licking your lips. 
“Did you know that Ares is one of the most disliked gods on Olympus? He has a quick temper and nasty disposition. Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he’s the greatest guy ever. He didn’t beat Herc when he fought him. So, he was unsuccessful. He pissed off Poseidon enough to physically murder his son. He had an affair with Aphrodite! She’s a beautiful soul and he just fucking stole her away. He’s an asshole and, you can’t fucking please him to save your life!” He rants carding his fingers through his hair, and you can see a vein begin to protrude in his neck as it flushes pink. He knows a LOT about mythology it would seem. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to work on a project with him then.
“Interesting how you know you can’t please him.” You jeer as you pick up his phone. His scoff is loud before looking to the wooden floor and widening his eyes. He gives a small embarrassed chuckle as you throw his phone back into his lap. You look at his worn leather jacket before standing up. “Hit me up when you want to work on the project.” 
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Your eyes flicker to your phone again, looking at the black screen before scoffing. “So what he hasn’t texted you. It isn’t like he HAS too. He’s a fuckboy. He’ll do what he pleases.” You mock to yourself before stepping out of your apartment.
Your walk to the university was relatively short, your eyes flicker down as you spin your phone in hand. It’s been two days since you last saw him and you can’t stop thinking about the handsome guy. Maybe it was because he just dripped with this kind of allure that you wanted to know of. Or, maybe it was because he was so comfortable talking about things that you find interesting. You can recall when you first met Jeon Jeongguk. How you swooned at the sight of him before getting a general dislike for him.
You had heard tales of the hot guy on campus, the man that was always leather clad with tattoos and dangling earrings. You never hung with people in your university, for the simple fact that you wanted to just push past this awkward phase in your life and do what matters most to you but you did have one friend before he graduated. A certain Jung Hoseok that would take time out of his day to make sure you were alright and be a shoulder to lean on. “That’s him. That’s the fuckboy.” He whispers in your ear as you press your bag closely to your chest.
You look over as he sits on a bench, legs crossed as his arms extend over the top of the bench. He was surrounded by girls, fawning over him leaving drinks and snacks for him to eat. You scoff gently as his head turns in your direction. “Who does he think he is? The Messiah?” 
He looks you over and you feel your breath catch in your throat. The first thing you notice about him is his bone structure. Underneath the beating sun you can see the way his sharp jaw calls out to you as he tilts head at you. He smirks, just the corner of his lips flick upwards and Hoseok whistles next to you. “That’s a whole meal right there, bitch.” 
His golden skin sings under the sun's rays as he fixes his leather jacket. You find your body beginning to sway at his gaze before shaking your head and scoffing loudly. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” You narrow your eyes as he snaps his fingers, the girls begin to disperse taking themselves to class and he bows his head to you before smiling widely. You roll your eyes befo-
You’re taken out of your memory as a car horn begins to sound off loudly and you turn your head quickly to the noise before gasping. The car drives towards you without stopping and you feel your body stiffen in shock. Mind going blank as you stare at the car approaching.  
“Nemesis!” You hear before your body is being shoved by a leather clad body. You feel your body become coddled to the other body before you begin to shiver with the aftereffects of your shock. 
“Zeus above! Are you okay?!” You feel the body pull away before your eyes are greeted with the now familiar coffee irises of Jeon Jeongguk. His black hair falls into his eyes as his eyebrows furrow. You gasp gently before he hugs you close to him.
“Who do you think you are? Hermes? You think you can fucking fly?! How could you be so careless?” He scoffs gently before setting you down on your feet and swiping his thumb over the apple of your cheek. His touch sends a shiver down your spine and you shove him off of you before clutching your backpack to your chest. 
“I-I… I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” He widens his eyes before putting his hands on your shoulders, “Be careful! We shouldn’t let Hades welcome you to the Underworld any sooner than you should be.” His touch feels comforting before you clear your throat and step back away from him. “I’ll pay more attention. I’m sorry.”
He bites his bottom lip, his beauty mark on display before he is sighing gently. “Let’s get you to class, Nemesis.” 
The walk towards the lecture hall was quiet and awkward as he stayed next to you. His tall form shadows yours as he puts his hand on the small of your back. You can hear girls whispering and staring and you shrink in form. He clears his throat before snapping his fingers. The whispers begin to die down and you find yourself looking up at him as he gives you a small smile. “Thank you for that back there.” 
He chuckles gently before rubbing your back, “Anything for a goddess.” You tilt your head confused and he smiles widely. “Nemesis. Goddess.”
You open your mouth before nodding gently. “Right. Nemesis.” He opens the door to the lecture hall before opening his arm, “Ladies first.”
You clear your throat before walking in first and he follows shortly behind without a second glance at girls as they stare at him. “You-You never texted me.” Your voice sounds feeble and you curse yourself for it. 
He laughs gently before slinging his arm over her shoulder. “You sound upset about it.” You frown before shrugging his arm off of you. “I just wondered when you wanted to work on the project. That’s all.” 
He hums playfully before opening the door to Mythology Lecture Hall, “I can’t leave Nemesis waiting with bated breath.”  You narrow your eyes at him as you ascend the stairs to your table. 
“It’s not bated breath, I just want to get this project over and done with.” You throw your backpack on the floor before taking a seat.
You watch as he sits down next to you, legs stretched out before him as he tilts his head. His eyes roam over your form before smiling. You find your head tilting along with his before your breath hitches. He really is so handsome. You take out your notebook before watching Professor Song enter the lecture hall. You can feel his eyes on you and you pull at the hem of your shirt. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
“Just text me when you want to work on it.” You mumble before pulling at the collar of your shirt. “Yes, ma’am.”
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You stare at your television, Chinese takeout in hand as you spin the chopsticks around. Your mind begins to drift, thinking about your new lab partner. He knows so much about the subject and yet, he pays absolutely zero attention. It’s very interesting. So interesting in fact that it’s hindering you from watching the latest episode of your favorite television show. Your feet kick up on the small wooden coffee table before looking up at the ceiling. He was annoying, that much is sure. He was so smug and sure of himself and it’s irritating but you’ve never given him a second glance since taking this class and it’s been almost a year already. He was gorgeous, you’ll give him that. His sharp jaw and those coffee brown eyes that remind you of a doe. His long black hair that you really wouldn’t mind running your fing-
You’re pulled from your thoughts as a small feline body crawls across the loveseat and onto your lap. “Artemis, you scared me.” You whisper before petting the top of her head and turning your attention back to the television. Jeon Jeongguk is an enigma, a fuckboy enigma and you’ll complete the project and be on your way.
You cross the green grass lawn of the university before parking yourself underneath the same tree you always do. No one ever seemed to come to this secluded area, nor did people really seem interested in sitting underneath a weeping willow tree that hasn’t been taken care of probably since the university was created. But, you liked it, you liked the free nature of it and always take your place under it before class. As you fold your legs underneath you, you take out your book of choice for the day. The Iliad. You’ve read it many times before this but the story never seems to get old. 
“Where was I?” It’s a sin to dog flap pages and it always will be. Your eyes find the page and you smile to yourself. 
“Hera seduces Zeus.” You mumble to yourself, finger trailing over the many lines of text before finding it. Your eyes light up and you tuck in for a good, quiet read before you hear the fluttering of wings nearby. A dove lands before you and you tilt your head to it as it sits down on the grass before you as if it’s studying you. Your nose wrinkles and you look back down at your book, “Would you like me to read to you? It’s a very interesting book. It’s about the Trojan War. It’s from a book called The Iliad.”
The bird makes no move and you shrug before clearing your throat and leaning against the trunk of the tree. “Hera of the golden throne looked down as she stood upon a peak of Olympus and her heart was gladdened at the sight of him who was at once her brother and her brother-in-law, hurrying hither and thither amid the fighting. Then she turned her eyes to Zeus as he sat on the topmost crests of many-fountained Ida, and loathed him. She set herself to think how she might trick his thinking, and in the end she deemed that it would be best for her to go to Ida and array herself in rich attire, in the hope that Zeus might become enamored of her, and wish to embrace her. While he was thus engaged a sw-”
“Why’re you reading to a bird?” The voice makes you jump and you look up as a hand curls around the trunk before revealing the owner of the voice. You sneer at his handsome face as he sits down next to you. 
“I didn’t invite you to sit next to me. And, it’s not just a bird it’s a dove.” His eyes flicker over to it before narrowing his eyes. “Yeah… I see that.”
With the roll of his eyes, he goes to shoo the bird away but it stands its ground making him huff out annoyed. You’ve never seen such a brave bird, how interesting. “Why’re you reading this?” 
He takes the big book from your hands and you fold your arms as he skims through the pages before slamming it shut. The echo resounds through the lawn and you scowl at him. He smirks before holding up the book and you notice how veiny his tattooed arms are. “I can tell you more than this book could, I’m sure.” 
“Oh? Could you? When you never take notes in class or even pay attention? I think last week I heard you snoring next to me.” You mumble before pulling the book out of his hands and pressing it to your chest as if it was protection from the attractive man in front of you. “Yeah but that lesson was on Dionysus, that’s boring shit. He’s a drunk partier big whoop.”
He’s doing it again, talking like he knows them personally. “I’ll bet you twenty bucks I can tell you more about The Iliad without having to even open the book.” You raise an eyebrow at his brazen words before letting your legs stretch out and you don’t miss the way his eyes flicker to your bare legs as your dress rides up as you move. Frazzled, Jeon?
“I’ve read this book a handful of times. I want to do this as a job, you do realize that? You can’t lie to me.” He copies your actions, hands pressing the ground behind him as he stretches. His foot presses against yours and the dove walks closer. 
“Oh my gods! Would you please get lost?!” He asks the dove loudly who just sits down closer to the both of you. You snort before looking back over at him. “Twenty bucks.” 
His tongue sweeps over his perfectly shaped lips before smirking. “You’re on Nemesis.”
“Who does Zeus send a dream to, to attack Troy?” Jeongguk rolls his eyes before giving a fake yawn.
“Agamemnon. Next, what is this kindergarten?” You open your mouth surprised at his answer before shaking your head and clearing your throat.
“While fighting who does Diomedes kill?” That’ll stump him, it’s a trick question. 
“He killed many Trojans but the only one he killed of any importance was Pandaros. Who before you get snippy was an aristocrat and not a god or goddess.” You frown before your fingers begin to skim the back of your book. He sure knows his stuff.
“Ah! Who drove back the Trojans?!”
“Oh good gods above. Achilles. Who cut like, half the population of them at the river Skamandros. The river became filled with them and I hear it also smelt like shit.” You giggle gently at his joke before sighing and digging in your bag. You grab your wallet before pulling out a twenty dollar bill. “Here. Go buy your girls ice cream or something.” He snatches up the bill with a wide smile before it falters.
“Girls? What girls?” He folds his arms, hand crumpling up the bill of cash before tilting his head. His eyes are alight with confusion and you find yourself stuttering as you shove your book back into your bag. “You fuck like half the campus, Jeongguk. Everyone knows this.”
“Oh, do they now? How are you so well informed about this information if you stay by yourself all the time like Oizys?” Calling you the goddess of misery and suffering? You scoff gently before standing up, “I have ears and eyes also I’m not Oizys. I just like to be by myself.”
He hums playfully as you walk away, “You’re right, Nemesis! Sorry!” He chuckles to himself as the dove flies onto his lap. “Mother, can you go away? You’re embarrassing me, Zeus above.” He stands up quickly before calling after you.
“Nemesis! Wait up! You mad I didn’t text you yet?” 
He chased you all the way to the lecture hall before taking his seat next to you. You pull out your notebook and pen before looking over at him. Empty handed yet again. You snort before giving Professor Song your attention as he enters the room. 
“Today we’re going to be talking about Apate.” Jeongguk gasps gently next to you. “Your sister.” You roll your eyes at him before turning your head. 
“I’m not Oizys. Shut up.” He snickers before leaning closer to you, “She’s a bitch anyway. You aren’t, you're just...sheltered and cute.”
You frown at his statement before paying attention to Professor Song, the cap of the pen purchased between your teeth as you narrow your eyes at the white board.
“Apate- the goddess of deceit was the daughter of Nyx, the personification of night. Apate was the sister of several others such as Oizys- the goddess of suffering, Geras- the god of old age, Moros- the embodiment of doom and many others of that nature-” Song’s voice becomes drowned out as you hear Jeongguk’s chair scrape closer to yours. You could feel his breath fanning your face, he was so close and you stuck your neck out to try and pay attention. His smell was intoxicating, the smell of honey, pine and something else that you couldn’t put your finger on. Something that pulled your body towards his as if he was your polar magnet. 
“Did you know that Apate once gifted Dionysus with buckets of wine to distract him from giving Ariadne a crown but it didn’t work?” Jeongguk whispers in your ear, your body shudders at his smooth voice. Goosebumps grace your skin as you side eye him, his long black hair falls into his eyes as he smirks. His tongue licks over his lips and you suddenly find yourself questioning how he would taste.
You squeeze your eyes shut as he leans into your ear, “I can teach you a lot more than Song, if you let me.” 
There was nothing in books about the tale that Jeongguk just told and yet, you find yourself believing him. You open your mouth to speak before you hear a throat clear. “Jeongguk, since you happen to know so much you feel the need to talk, why don’t you tell us about the tale of Hera and Zeus?” 
You cringe before looking over at him, he fixes his leather jacket before leaning back in his seat. All of the lecture hall is looking at your table and you feel yourself shrinking in your seat. “The tale of Hera and Zeus? He cheated on his wife. So Hera begged Apate to get revenge for her, but Apate made her beg on her hands and knees before agreeing. Semele had Dionysus, the drunken little idiot and Apate gave Hera a magical girdle. She tricked Semele into asking Zeus to see his real self and then Semele died because of it. Humans cannot view gods in their true forms. Their little brains can’t handle it. Oh! Also, when Semele died it rained with thunder and lighting for a year.” 
Professor Song’s jaw opens in shock before raising an eyebrow, “That’s sort of how it went. There’s nothing in books about rain and the getting on hands and knees part.” Jeongguk shrugs before looking back over at you and smiling. He’s weird. 
“Just...pay attention and no talking Jeon Jeongguk.” He salutes the professor before his leather jacket begins to sag under weight. He digs into his pocket and produces a bag from his jacket pocket. His eyes light up and you look at the woven bag that has a dainty string around it. He stomps his feet happily before looking at you and wrinkling his nose. He opens the bag before pulling out an apple and then another. He puts an apple on your lap before biting his. You watch as the sweet juice coats his lips before dribbling down his chin. It was something simple that has your insides coiling. Fuck, he was too hot for his own good.
“Eat it. Don’t refuse my gift. I’ll be sad.” He says before nodding his head to the apple on your lap. You pick up the apple quizzically before staring at it. You turn the apple in your hand, staring at how perfectly shaped it is. The skin shines brightly and you swallow as your mouth begins to water. It’s the most perfect piece of fruit you’ve ever seen. “It’s from my aunt's special garden. They’re really good.” He whispers as Song looks over.
You shrug before biting into the apple, the sweet taste spreads over your taste buds and your eyes widen. This is the sweetest piece of fruit you’ve ever tasted. “Wow.” You whisper before putting your hand to your chin to wipe off the juices. Jeongguk watches you with amusement before nodding to himself. Like he’s made his own executive decision on something.
“I’ll text you later, want to come over to my apartment to work on the project?” You had almost forgotten all about it before noticing that people are leaving the lecture hall. Class was already over? You were so into your interaction with Jeongguk you hadn’t noticed time fly by so quickly. It wasn’t such a good idea to bring him over your apartment, Artemis doesn’t like very many people. “Sure. Hit me up.”
10:32 Unknown Number: Nemesis, good evening.
You snort to yourself as you lay in bed. You turn on your side, hand sliding underneath your head as you add his number to your phone. 
10:33 You: Hello.
You didn’t know how to feel about him after today. He was always deemed a fuckboy but he doesn’t really seem like the type if you’re being quite honest with yourself. It’s always just what you had heard in passing but watching him get so childlike and excited over an apple? It seemed like he was a bit different. Not to mention his knowledge of Greek mythology was absolutely incredible and you find yourself liking that he likens all of the gods and goddesses like his friends or family. It’s something comfortable to you.
10:34 Hades: Want to come over to work on the project? 
10:34 You: That works for me, I don’t have many classes this week.
10:35 Hades: Perfecto. Anyone you want to choose for the project?
You set the phone down before tapping your fingernails against the back. Who would this project even be about? You hadn’t really given it much thought. You do enjoy a lot of different relationships between the gods and goddesses but your favorite would probably have to be Eros and Psyche. Wouldn’t hurt to see if he was up for it.
10:38 You: Eros and Psyche?
You settle yourself in for bed before looking back down at your phone. He left you on read. You frown before typing to him once more.
10:40 You: We can choose others if you prefer, it was just a suggestion.
10:41 Hades: See you soon, Nemesis.
You stare at the phone before sucking a sharp breath between your teeth and tilting your head. Now, you weren’t an expert at texting but something felt wrong. His answer seemed clipped and you wonder why. Did you hurt his feelings or something? You frown before throwing your phone on the charger and staring up at the ceiling. Enigma Jeon Jeongguk.
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You saw him the next day on the lawn of the university. He was by himself for once, not surrounded by girls or gifts near him. You hid behind the weeping willow tree as you surveyed him. He sat down on the green grass near the tree, pulling at the blades of grass with his head tilted. A dove lands at his feet and he smirks at it before putting his fist underneath his chin. “Hello.” His voice is small as he leans back on his hands. He seems different somehow today, like he was in deep thought over something. 
“Remember I told you that I had a lab partner to work on a project with?” He’s talking to the dove, like a crazy person. He takes off his leather jacket before laying it on the ground and throwing his body on to it. “She wants to work on Eros and Psyche.” 
He stays quiet for a minute before clicking his teeth, “I’m not mad at her or anything. I really like her. She’s funny and cute, interesting.” You feel a blush begin to heat up your cheeks and you sit on the ground behind the tree before pressing your head back to it. “She seems really sweet and she’s very smart and nice.” 
He sighs before ripping up a blade of grass, he groans loudly before putting the palms of his hands to his eyes. “No! I’m going to do what I want without your advice for once! We all know what happened the last time you fucking talked to a woman I liked!” 
He likes you? You stop breathing as you go wide eyed. Heart hammering in delight you press your backpack tighter to your chest before smiling. Even if he was claimed to be this famed fuckboy, your heart feels a bit lighter knowing that he enjoys your presence.
“Just let me figure out if she likes me first. Zeus above!” He sits up before pulling his jacket back on, as he walks towards the lecture hall. He spots your legs behind the tree before stilling. You stomp your feet on the ground and he begins to smirk before heading off.
A few days later he has texted you his address. That was it. Just the address and nothing else. You can’t help but think you fucked up with that text and  you don’t even know how you did it. You had put on comfortable clothes, although your brain was telling you to wear something cuter for god knows what reason. Something about this guy pulled you to him and you are unsure how to feel about it. You’ve never been this way before, you’ve only ever just went about life on your own. But you do know one thing all you have to do is just get this project done and get it over with. That’s all you can hope to do.
Standing in front of his apartment you can smell those same smells you smelt on him yesterday. You could feel your legs quivering for some unknown reason and you lean against the door jamb to collect your breath. You were nervous to be alone with him in such a small space. That’s what you think anyway, but knowing that if you knock on this door right now and he’ll appear makes your heart begin to hammer with delight. You groan gently before making a fist and taking a deep breath. Get the project done and over with. 
You knock on the door before teetering on one foot to the other as you hold your breath. “Coming!” The voice is not of Jeongguk and you tilt your head before releasing your breath.
The door swings open and a handsome man stands before you. Smiling widely as his eyes squeeze shut before tilting his head. 
“Y/N?” You nod slowly as you take him in. He had deep blue hair, dark chocolate eyes, a bright smile and the most plush pink lips you’ve ever seen in your life. He was dressed casually, just blue jeans and a black hoodie and even that seemed sensual. He dripped allure and effervescence as he stepped out of the way. “Come in, Jeongguk is in the shower.”
As you enter, setting your shoes off to the side you let out a low whistle at their apartment. The walls were made of marble, stone pillars in random places that exuded richness. Everything was gold, the furniture, the statues placed on stands and even the filigree of the walls. The blue haired boy walks past you before jumping onto the gold couch and smiling widely as he picks up a glass from the coffee table in front of him. “Wine? I’ve got the good stuff.” You swallow, looking around the living room with a dropped jaw before looking at the man on the couch. 
They’re fucking rich! You notice a dove perch onto the statue of Aphrodite in the corner and suddenly your nodding to the man. “Yes. Wine.” He smiles widely before jumping up, “I’m Jimin by the way. Jeongguk is my cousin.” You nod in amusement before walking towards the Aphrodite statue. 
The statue is pure gold, glimmering underneath the lights of the large chandelier that hangs from the ceiling. The dove bows its head down at you and you smile before waving at it. It looks just like the dove from the great lawn. You reach out to touch the statue before pulling your hand away, it’s almost like you’re in a museum of some sort. There’s a loud purr that catches your attention and you turn your head to the noise before yelping. “That’s Adoneus.” Jimin says cheerily and you narrow your eyes at him.
“That’s a lynx.” He nods happily before handing you the glass of wine, the lynx approaches you and you stiffen as it rubs its head against your thigh. “He’s really friendly, don’t worry. He was a present from my father.” 
He pats the seat beside him before widening his smile at you, his eyes completely disappearing. You find comfort in his smile and you find yourself doing so as well before sitting down next to him. Leaning back you take in his black hoodie for the first time before noticing the thyrsus printed on the front. 
“Do you like Greek mythology too?” You find yourself asking before you could stop yourself. He laughs gently, a short melodic noise before Adoneus sits at his feet. His fingers curl underneath the cat's chin before tilting his head to you. “You could say I embody Greek mythology, Y/N.” 
You take a sip of the wine before widening your eyes, “Good, right? I have the best grapes on the planet.” The taste held so many undertones you couldn’t put your mind on any of them besides one. One that you couldn’t name that you smelt on Jeongguk the day before. “It’s delicious.” 
Jimin hums at your compliment before pointing at the gold caddy by the Dionysus statue in the corner of the room. “I have something else you should try too.”
The crystal vase holds some sort of thick looking honey and you lean forward as he stands up. “It’s the most delicious thing to drink besides my wine. Look, I’ll give you some.” He stands tall before brushing off his pants. His feet pad over to the caddy before flipping over a gold goblet. The glass cork is pulled from the vase and you swallow as he begins to pour the drink. It’s thick, taking it’s time to fall into the cup. “Is it honey?”
He smirks before topping off the glass and holding it out. “Come.” You go to stand before hearing a hall open in the doorway.
Jeongguk appears, shirtless with a towel hung around his neck before narrowing his eyes at the situation in front of him. “Do not drink that. Jimin, please.” Jimin chuckles before putting down the glass. “Y/N seems fun! That’s all.”
You swallow thickly before looking over Jeongguk’s naked upper half. He had an eight pack underneath his golden toned skin, small droplets of water grace his skin as he leaned against the door frame of his room. “Come on Nemesis. Leave Jimin to drink and have fun on his own.” 
Jimin laughs loudly at your nickname before walking back over to the couch and his huge cat. “Nemesis? Seems more like a Psyche to me.” You watch as Jeongguk grimaces before grabbing your wine glass and walking towards him. The closer you get, the tighter your throat gets. Chest restricting as his muscles clench and lax with every breath. You can see his tattoos clearer now, all symbols of Greek mythology. The one that catches your attention the quickest is the dove holding a rose in its beak over his heart. He smirks at you and you find it hard to stand still, knees beginning to quake underneath his molten gaze. He raises his arm above your head letting you enter the room and you thank him quietly before entering. His bed was white with a gold headboard. The room smelt of pine and apples as you stand awkwardly in the doorway. “Come.” His voice is gentle as he passes you to sit by the bed. His arm brushes against yours and you stiffen at the touch. 
“I’m sorry.” You say quickly and he raises an eyebrow drying his hair with the towel. “Sorry? For what?” 
Your feet shuffle towards the end of his bed before clearing your throat. “The other day, you didn’t text me back after I suggested Eros and Psyche and I’m sorry if I upset you.” He tuts his tongue to the roof of his mouth gently before patting the spot beside him. “I’m not mad at you, don’t be silly. Come, sit.”
His tone is soft and you find yourself sitting on the edge of his bed before looking around. He had portraits of gods and goddess littered around the walls and the same kind of gold caddy like in the living room nestled in the corner underneath a statue of Eros. “The story of Eros and Psyche is boring. I’d rather pick something else to do.” 
His admission calls your attention and you can’t help but look at his chest as he leans back on his hands. You have to literally rip your gaze away from him as he begins to smirk. “Boring? It’s a great love story.” He snorts loudly before putting his head back.
“It wasn’t how the story goes. Anyway, I don’t want to do that so can we please just find something else to do?” His tone holds a venom that makes you recoil within yourself before nodding shortly. “Sure.” 
“Hades and Persephone?” You find yourself asking before looking back down at his chest. His skin looks so smooth, if you could only just-
“Some other group will surely do it. We have to do something unconventional and fun. But, nothing with Zeus because he’s a hoe.” You giggle at his joke before licking your lips and looking at his eyes as he winks at you. Your neck heats up and you can feel your ears begin to burn. Your eyes are drawn to his abs again and you clear your throat as your mind begins to get warped with intrigue.
“Can you put on a shirt, please?” It comes out a frail whisper and he tilts his head before chuckling. 
“You can touch them if you want.” He grabs your wrist before putting them on his stomach. His skin is as smooth as you thought, you can feel his abs flex underneath your fingers and your bottom lip purchases between your teeth. Your fingertips press into the muscles and you can hear a strangled noise in the back of his throat, your stomach unfurls in need before you come back to your senses. 
You rip your hand out of his grip before clearing your throat and looking at the Eros statue in the corner. “Please, put a shirt on.” He rubs your shoulder comfortingly before standing up, “Yes ma’am.” 
You had both decided to work on Hephaestus and Aphrodite, working with Jeongguk was quite simple, actually. He was funny and told you funny stories that almost sounded real. You found yourself becoming incredibly comfortable with him throughout the evening you spent together. It made the image of him being a fuckboy seem almost impossible.
“Hephaestus isn’t as ugly as the books say, you know. One time when I was little, I sa- I heard that he looked like a monster but he’s just constantly covered in soot and grease from metalworking. Aphrodite is just never happy if she doesn’t get what she wants.” He mutters before biting the apple in hand. You hum playfully before stretching your legs out next to him as you both lean against the headboard of his bed. “You sure know a lot about these people.” 
He smiles into his bite before pointing at your notebook. “We have a lot of material already. We can just chill if you like, you’re cool. I’d like to spend more time with you.” You blush at his admission before closing your notebook, “Sure.”
He looks at your wine glass before grabbing it and standing. “I’ll get you more Jimin juice.” You giggle before nodding. As he leaves a body walks by the door before stopping. “Oh? Human. Hello!” 
He had silver hair and gold eyes as he wrinkled his nose at you. You swallow at his handsome features, a perfectly sculpted nose and strong jaw. You wave back at him as he smiles widely, the form almost resembling a box before Jimin stops next to him in the hallway. “This is Jeongguk’s brother. Anter- Taehyung! Taehyung!” Taehyung waves once more before clearing his throat. 
“She’s a pretty little thing, isn’t she?” His head turns to his cousin and you find yourself blushing at his compliment. Jimin nods happily before turning to you. “You’re very welcome here, Psyche.”
Jeongguk arrives behind the two boys in his doorway and his jaw tightens, “Will you guys get lost please? And stop calling her Psyche.” He steps inside of the room, “She’s nothing like that fucking bitch. Get lost.” The door swings shut in their faces and you raise an eyebrow as he turns back around to you, black hair falling into his eyes. He smiles before handing you the glass of wine. 
“Wanna watch Hercules?!” He asks cutely before jumping back on the bed, you sip the wine before giggling. “Sure.”
“It’s been a real slice.” Jeongguk mumbles along with Meg as you both stare at the television. You can’t help but snort as he side-eyes you. He was nothing like a fuckboy, you’ve decided this within the hour you’ve been watching the movie. “Why does everyone call you a fuckboy?”
He looks over at you before slinging his arm over your shoulders and pausing the movie. “Maybe because I’m really hot.” You blush as he squeezes your shoulder, his face moves closer to yours and you find your breath hitching in your throat. “Maybe because they're liars that just say I’ve fucked them to gain popularity.”
“B-But, you never stop them or tell them to stop.” Your voice sounds weak as he brushes his hair out of his eyes. “Why should I deprive someone of a fantasy? I’m not cruel. If every girl was like you then they would have gotten me.” 
His stare is molten, his pupils blowing out as he looks down at your lips. The compliment makes your body stiffen before you’re ripping your gaze away from his. “You-You-” He pulls away before laughing gently, “Relax, Nemesis. I’m not trying to make you have a heart attack.” 
You feel your palms begin to sweat as he takes the empty wine glass out of your hand. His thumb drifts across your cheek and you feel your body heat up underneath his touch. His tongue swipes across his lips before he’s turning back on the movie. “Pain and Panic are so annoying.”
You find yourself getting drowsy towards the end of the movie, your arms and legs dully whine as you move. You find your eyes fluttering shut as Hercules dives into the Underworld to save Meg. Jeongguk looks over at you as your eyes fully shut before wrinkling his nose. His hand reaches over quietly to the side drawer of his bedside table before grabbing a velvet bag. His fingers pinch the dust inside of it before gently blowing it at your face. “Dream well, pretty girl.” 
He stands tall before stretching and looking at you, your hands press against your chest like a defense mechanism even in your sleep. He pulls the covers over you before opening the window. He whistles gently before looking over at your sleeping figure. “You’re not like Psyche. You would trust me, right?” Wings flutter drawing his attention back to the windowsill before leaning down as a rooster perches on the ledge. 
“Tell Morpheus to send this one sweet dreams of me.” The rooster quirks its head to the side before bowing its head and flying off. The window is sealed shut before Jeongguk leans his back against the window and folds his arms. A smile spreads over your face as you sleep and he wrinkles his nose. He realized how much he did indeed like you, you were different. And, it’s been a very long time since he’s felt drawn to a woman.  “Come to me, Y/N.” 
 Jeongguk throws himself on the couch before slinging his legs onto his brother's lap. “Very nice by the way Jimin, just call Taehyung Anteros in front of everyone, why don’t you?” Jimin rolls his eyes before pouring himself a glass of nectar. 
“I slipped up, sue me. Anteros doesn’t come by every day, I forgot his Earth name. Maybe when Y/N comes out, I’ll slip up and call you Eros.” Jeongguk sneers at his cousin before relaxing into the couch. Taehyung smiles happily before sipping his own drink. “She’s sleeping? She seems very nice. Shy and sweet.” 
Jeongguk watches how his brother's golden eyes dilate as he talks of you. “Watch it. She’s not for you.” Jimin laughs gently before sitting in the gold armchair next to them. “Seems like we’ll get a replay of Psyche.”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes before stretching his arms over the top of the couch. “Y/N would trust me, whereas Psyche did not. Don’t compare them, Y/N is different. She seems to not have an ill intentioned bone in her body.” Jimin hums before nodding, “She’s very nice. I agree. I heard the wings of Hermes earlier, what was he doing here?”
“I called on him.” Taehyung looks over at Jeongguk before raising an eyebrow. “Why?”
“For Morpheus to send her sweet dreams.” 
“Of you?”
“Of me.”
Waking up wasn’t usually this difficult but you didn’t want to wake up from this dream. Your mind knew it was time to get up but you couldn’t help but will yourself to stay in this dream. 
Laying upon a marble table in the middle of a field of wheat, your hands graze over Jeongguk as he straddles you. His smirk is broad as he hums gently. “You are a goddess.” His body bows down, chest and stomach muscles rippling as his full lips graze over your jaw. Your eyes flutter shut under the lavender sun. Your body singing with want as his hands run over your bare sides. You were completely bare underneath him and you felt no embarrassment, as if that emotion did not exist with this god above you. “You taste like berries from the Elysian Fields, so sweet.” 
His lips leave small petals of pinks and reds on your skin as his hands cup your breasts gently. His hands knead them gently and you can’t help but hear birds begin to sing as his tongue flicks at your stiffening nipples. Your fingers card through his black locks before gasping as he suckles sweetly at your areola. Back bowing off of the marble table as he spreads your legs with his large hands. 
Your eyes open to watch the god lavish upon you, his touch feels electric against your skin. Sending shockwaves of want to your core. His lips trail lower, eyes on yours as he nips playfully at the skin of your stomach. “Eros, want you.” 
His eyes glimmer with amusement before licking across your bare pubic bone. “Do you now? You want me? Here?” His fingers caress your pussy lips and a mewl is coaxed from your lips. You feel your arousal dripping on to the marble table beneath you and you squirm underneath him. His chuckle has you whimpering as he bows his head back down. “So wet, Zeus above.”
He curses under his breath before licking a flat swipe over your folds. Your moans resound throughout the wheat field as his hands grip at your thighs. “Sweet like Ambrosia.” 
His full lips suckle at your engorging clit, the tip of his tongue flicking it gently as white hot pleasure courses through your veins. “Look at me, goddess. Watch me.” His tone is commanding and your eyes snap to his as his pupils blow out with lust.
His suckles become stronger, your stomach beginning to tighten as a finger swirls around the ring of muscle of your sex. “Eros!” 
“Yes, goddess?” His tongue is playful and as he lifts his head you can see your arousal coated on his chin and cheeks. The sight makes your eyes roll back as you lift your hips. 
“More. Want more, please.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” His finger enters you slowly, the full feeling making you whine as he gets back to work. You feel as light as air as he pumps his finger into you slowly, his tongue circling around your clit before flicking at a quick pace. Your moans fill the field as doves begin to fly overhead, lightning cracks above and you find yourself reaching the precipice of your pleasure.
Another finger is added as he expertly curls them within you, finding the soft patch of muscles that have your back lifting off of the table. “Guk! Jeongguk! Yes! Yes!” He moans against you, a gravelly wanton sound that makes your stomach tighten tighter. “Cum for me goddess, shower me in your pleasure.” 
Your toes curl as your mind begins to get fuzzy, his name both Eros and Jeongguk pour from your lips as your eyes screw shut. “I'm cumming! Fuck! Eros!” As you fall over the edge, birds begin to sing louder. Your pleasure starts at your heart before spreading-
You jump awake, a sheen of sweat gracing your body. Your head feels fuzzy and heavy as you gasp gently at your surroundings. You fell asleep here?! Idiot! And, that dream...Fuck… That dream was… Something else. Your eyes find the Eros statue in the corner before narrowing at it. “Get out of my subconscious.” 
You hear shuffling outside of the room door and you find yourself aware that you should not be here. How could you just fall asleep in Jeongguk’s bed?! Speaking of the god...man. Speaking of the man, where is he? You go to stand before feeling how soaked your panties are and you groan gently. How embarrassing! 
As if he had heard your thoughts, the bedroom door opens revealing the handsome man you had just dreamed of. "Good morning, Nemesis." You watch as he lifts a cup to his lips, the veins in his arm protruding as he smirks against the lip of the cup. His coffee irises dance with delight as he looks upon your figure. You begin blushing, your mind reeling back to the dream that felt so intensely real. "I-I'm sorry I fell asleep!"
You stand up quickly, hands frantically trying to smooth out your hair as Jeongguk leans against the door jamb. "Oh no, it's cool watching Herc rescue his lover gets me sleepy sometimes too." You can't help but stare as his tongue sweeps across his lips. Thinking back to your dream, his tongue felt so amazing on the most intimate part of you. You grab your backpack off the floor before pulling at the hem of your dress.
"I'll-I'll get going. Sorry." He furrows his eyebrows before watching as you teeter on your feet awkwardly. "I can make you breakfast if you want."
His fingers curl around the cup and you swallow thickly as if you could feel them inside of you. "I have to go!" You shove past him, coffee spilling from the cup to his chest as you barrel towards the door. 
"Y/N?" He calls confused as you grab your shoes from beside the door. "See you in class." 
He takes in a deep breath before opening his mouth as you meet eyes once more. "Hey Y/N, wait-" You open the door quickly before scurrying out without another word. How could you have such a dream?!
Jeongguk scoffs gently as Jimin peeks out of the kitchen, "I made her Ambrosia buttered toast!" He wipes at his coffee covered chest before looking at his cousin. "Where's the key?" 
Jimin sets the plate down gently before widening his eyes, "Key? No. No! Eros!"
His bare foot taps rapidly against the marble floor before holding out his hand as his jaw tightens. "Give me the key, Dionysus."
Jimin whines loudly before trudging out of the kitchen towards his room. "Aw man! My father is going to kill me when he sees my hair." He mumbles pushing past Guk to go to his room.
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Both men stand at the end of the hallway, the gold key jumping from knuckle to knuckle as Jeongguk stands at the wooden closet door. “Any last words?” Jimin clears his throat before looking at his cousin.
“Maybe just forget about it?” He gives a nervous laugh, in turn Jeongguk rolls his eyes before putting the key in the lock. A large boom resounds throughout the apartment as he turns the key and Jimin whimpers before chugging the contents of his wine glass. The walls vibrate as if they’ve turned to jelly and he takes a deep breath before shoving open the door.
“Oh gods.” Jimin whines loudly sticking his head past the door frame as clouds make a staircase towards a ray of shining light. Jeongguk steps past the door frame before looking down at his clothes as they shimmer and change. The chiton that appears on his body is lightwear and the color of a white sheep. He sighs before looking at Jimin, who in turn, changes from his hoodie and sweatpants to a chiton the color of wine. “Oh fuck! Dude! Let’s just go back inside, hmm?”
“I need to speak with Morpheus, he fucked me over.” His cousin whimpers before the sounds of harpsichords begin to resound throughout the air. “They know we’re here anyway.” 
Without a second thought he walks over the clouds, the white wisps licking at his ankles before disappearing all together, his foot raises before stepping onto the staircase and closing his eyes. “Here we go.”
Mount Olympus was bustling today, gods and goddesses walking around on the stone ground not giving a glance at the two boys as they crossed the gold gates. Jeongguk’s mouth opens, eyes lifting up to look at the scenery he hasn’t seen for years. Stone pillars litter the pantheon, temples and mansions as far as the eye could see. Stone slabs of jagged and large rocks hold up the floating islands far and wide and he finds himself folding his arms before smirking.
“I knew you would come!” The sound is melodic, the voice making him feel at home as his head turns to his mother. “Mother!”
She floats forward, hair pinned underneath a gold crown as she extends her flowing arms. Jeongguk’s heart swells before enveloping her in a hug and spinning her around. She smells of ambrosia and roses and he feels immediately comforted. She steps back before placing her hands on his handsome face, shaking him around before smiling widely. “My son.” 
He hums as Jimin steps closer to him as a bolt of lightning ricochets through the sky. “Shit man.” Jimin holds out his hand before a goblet of wine produces and he guzzles the drink greedily as the white clouds begin to turn a dark grey. “Why have you come?”
Aphrodite’s voice is filled with glee as Jeongguk slings his arm over his mother's shoulders. “I must speak with Morpheus.” She hums playfully before pinching his chin and wiggling his face. “We like her, yes?”
Jeongguk chuckles before pulling her with him, leaving Jimin alone. “Yes, we like her. Quite a bit actually.”
“Eros! Wait up! Please!” Jeongguk chuckles before opening his arm as Jimin rushes to him. “Big bad Zeus is going to light up the sky until you go see him. He birthed you after all.” Aphrodite’s voice is playful as all three stop as Pegasus crosses their path.
“Nice to see you diaper wearing boy.” The deep voice is a welcome one as his eyes look up at Heracles mounted upon his horse. “Herc. Pleasure, I’m sure.” 
“Bro! You gotta help me out! Dad is going to flip when he sees my hair!” Jimin calls to his brother before pulling at his blue strands. Heracles laughs loudly before holding out his hand to Jimin. “Get on, you’ve been summoned.” 
With the stomp of his foot he grips the big hand before getting hauled on to the back of the winged horse. “Hey, Eros! One hour Olympus time, please!” He begs his cousin, wanting to get out of this realm as soon as possible.
Jeongguk chuckles as his mother smooths out his black hair, pinning it behind his ear. “That’s if you don’t get struck down first.” The horse flaps its wings before Jimin’s scream is heard as the horse takes off without a second thought. 
Jeongguk walks along the roads with his mother, head bowing down to the gods and goddesses that’s eye contact lingers for more than a few seconds. He was the god of love, sexual attraction and desire after all. His hand reaches out for a ceramic vase, one only that could be crafted by the great Hephaestus before the sound of winged boots draws his attention to the clouded sky. “Hey you!” 
“Hey yourself Hermes!” Aphrodite giggles gently before sitting down on a marble bench, legs crossing demurely as she leans back watching the interaction. Hermes appears, slowly floating off of the ground before pointing his staff at the god of love. “Morpheus is looking for you!”
“And I him. Care to lead the way?” Hermes hands him a pair of flying boots before looking at Aphrodite. “Well don’t you just look ravishing today. The Elysian Fields could not compare.”
“You flatter me, Hermes.” She produces a rose before handing it to the handsome trickster. Jeongguk tuts his tongue before narrowing his eyes at the man. “Easy now, that’s my gorgeous mother you’re trying to play with.”
He kisses his mother on the cheek before smiling, “I’ll see you soon, I’m sure.” She hums to him as he puts on the boots. His eyes widen before pointing at her as he begins to ascend into the air. “Stop coming around Y/N as a dove all the time. You’re making me look bad!” She gives him a gentle wave which he can only roll his eyes at before the winged shoes are taking him to his meeting.
The home of Morpheus never ceases to amaze Jeongguk. He’s not sure if it can even be called a home, honestly. A simple canopied bed sits high above the mansions on their own cloud petastools as he lands. His bed is cocooned within swirling white puffs of clouds and Jeongguk makes it a point to clear his throat in case the god of dreams was sleeping, which in fact would usually be the case. “Eros.”
He leans against one of the bed posts before folding his arms, “I have words for you god of dreams.” The laugh he hears makes him scowl as Morpheus sits up in his bed. “Words? For me? I did you a service.”
He scoffs loudly as he pushes himself off of the bedpost. “She ran away from me, any dream you gave the poor girl must have been a nightmare.” 
“Hmm? The dream. Let me see.” The grey haired man’s eyes close, eyeballs rapidly moving behind his eyelids before the corners of his mouth begin to turn upwards. “I would not consider this a terrible nightmare. I’d like to be such a man or lady in this situation.”
Jeongguk’s eyebrows furrow before holding out his hand, “Show me.” 
Morpheus chuckles before a goblet of Ambrosia appears within his grasp. “I gave her the gift of a good dream and her mind created this. It is not untoward to think she scared herself.” 
Jeongguk shakes his hand impatiently before hearing a sigh, Morpheus’ wings sprout from behind his back before cracking his neck and placing his hand atop the god of love. Jeongguk’s eyes closed as his head lolled back. His body shakes with pleasure before smirking at the dream as it flits across the inside of his eyelids. “Ah.”
His answer is short as he pulls away from the god before him. His hands smooth out his black hair, pinning it behind his ears before clearing his throat. “Send her more dreams, won’t you?”
Morpheus laughs loudly, his laughter mixing in with the crack of thunder as lighting bolts fly through the sky. Rain begins to scatter on the clouded ground and he can’t help but smirk. “Must hate the blue.” 
“I’m sorry to waste your time. I had assumed she saw something very unpleasant within her dreams to run from me in such a way.” Morpheus chuckles before laying back down with his goblet. “Embarrassment and unpleasantness sit in two different houses underneath the sky.”
Jeongguk nods thoughtfully before looking back down at the pantheon below this high cloud. “I’ll be on my way now, Morpheus. Thank you for your time.” The grey haired man hums before closing his eyes as the winged boots begin to ascend into the air once more. “She’s got a gorgeous body.” Jeongguk murmurs to himself before flying towards the market place. 
He walks through the stone street, hands behind his back as he looks at all of the stalls. A flash of light catches his eye before turning to a booth with a wide smile. “Theia.” She hums to him, sitting upon a marble bench with her ankles upon a stone stool. “Eros.”
He wrinkles his nose at her cutely and she sighs happily upon seeing his handsome face. “I haven’t seen you in quite some time, young man.” 
His eyes glance over the jewelry she has laid out, “I’ve been in the mortal realm. Enjoying life down there.”
“And does Eros have a new love that shines as brightly as my jewels?” He smirks at her question before picking up a gold necklace. It shines brightly even with the drizzle of rain. Two gold chains wrap around each other, coiling gracefully and he tilts his head before looking up at her. “How much?”
“Five gold.” He nods before feeling at where his pants normally are and sighing. “Can you make an Eros pendant?” 
Theia snaps her fingers and a gold pendant dangles from the necklace. He smiles at it before nodding, “That’ll be ten gold, dear boy.”
He nods before a woolen bag is thrown over his shoulder. He turns his head to his cousin who now graces black hair with a frown. “Can we go now?” He murmurs before giving Theia a small wave. 
He turns back to Theia before nodding, “Before you go, why don’t you stop by Heras home. She could enchant that necklace for you.” He stops before tilting his head. It just wouldn’t be right to have the goddess of marriage charm this piece. If you want him, you’ll have him.
“That’s alright. She can make her own choices, thanks Theia!” She hums before letting out a low whistle. Her legs leave the stool before watching him saunter down the rain slick road. The necklace glimmers in his hand and she smirks before leaning back in her chair. 
“Let’s go get you a glass of wine. Hmm?” Jimin nods gratefully as they cross the golden gates.
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“I mean what the fuck do you even think you’re doing?! Hmm?!” You counter to yourself as you stare in the mirror of your bedroom. Your fingertip taps repeatedly against the glass as you scowl. “Uh! So what if he has a super hot fucking body and he’s really cool and sweet. Ha! Like that fucking matters. Because, news flash, idiot! It doesn’t! And, so what if he knows a lot about something that you have such a passion for?! HA! As if you’d fall for him because he has all these cute stories about y’know...Dionysus and Hephaestus…” You collect your breath as you change out of your clothes from yesterday before getting ready for class. 
“I mean, y’know, too fucking bad that you had a dream where he ate you out like a champ...With his lips...trailing all over your body and birds were singing because he...he licked your clit so well...and his hair felt so soft in your-” You go wide eyed before fanning your now pink tinted cheeks. “GOD! WHATEVER SO FUCKING INFURIATING!”
You barrel towards the lecture hall, backpack to your chest for protection as your eyes flit across the green lawn. You were safe, all you need to do is make it into the lecture hall and ignore Jeongguk when he gets there. That’s it! You grumble as you stop to look at the weeping willow tree you’ve grown so fond of during your time at this university. The dove was sitting underneath it again today and you find yourself feeling guilty you didn’t spend any time with it. You wave at it with a small smile and you hear him before anything else. 
His laugh is loud, a sound that you want to revel in and yet, you shrink in form before jogging over to the tree and pressing your back to it. You can hear girls giggling at what he says and you scowl before looking down at the dove. “He must really think he’s like Eros or something, huh? No wonder people call him a fuckboy if he’s so easily amused with girls.” The bird sits down, head tilting to the side as your back slides down the tree. The beady stare makes you swallow thickly before scoffing, “I’m not jealous. Don’t even think that!”
You point at the bird before frowning. This is called projecting and you’re doing a great job at it at this very second. “Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he has to talk to every person he sees. God, he knows what he does to people! So annoying.” Your voice tapers off into a murmur as you recall your dream. The way his tattooed hands caressed your body and showed you such attention. The way his tongue flic-
“Who’re we hiding from?” You gasp loudly as you fall over. You look up at him as he smiles widely at you, “Hi, Nemesis.” 
“H-Hi, Jeongguk.” He holds out his hand and you take in his attire before grabbing it. His leather jacket, his ripped black skinny jeans, even the earrings that dangle from his ears suit him so well you find the wind being pulled from your lungs. He lifts you up easily and you find comfort in his smell. “I was going to make you breakfast this morning. Why’d you leave?” 
You clear your throat as his arm slings over your shoulder, you find it bizarre how comfortable he feels beside you. “I-I… You know… Had to feed my cat and wash my...toes.” Very cool. You’re amazing at this.
“How hygienic of you.” He snickers before putting his index finger under your chin and pulling your face to look at him, “Wouldn’t have anything to do with your sleep, now would it?”
Your cheeks burn at his question before shrugging his arm off of your shoulder. “Of course not! You’re ridiculous!” Your scoff echoes throughout the lawn and he chuckles before nodding. “Yes, goddess.”
You freeze at his words before pressing your backpack closer to your chest, “Jeongguk! Could I get your number?” Your head turns to a few girls as you both approach the lecture hall building. 
He smirks before slinging his arm around your shoulder, “Sorry. Busy. Got a goddess to take to class.” You smack at his hand as it squeezes your shoulder. “Come on, Nemesis.”
Sitting down at your table, you can’t help but feel your stomach coil as he scrapes his chair closer to you. The scent of pine invades your senses and you find yourself smiling as he places an apple on the table in front of you. “I brought something to impress you.”
Your eyebrow quirks up as he puts a notebook with a bow on the front cover onto the table. He smiles widely and you can’t help but giggle as he folds his arms. “This is to impress me?” He gives a small nod before opening up the page. 
Will you hang out with me again?
The words catch your attention and you close the notebook cover quickly as people take their seats behind you. “Jeongguk!” Your voice is a whisper as he bites his apple. He wipes at his chin before nodding at the book.
“I want to show you something.” 
“What?” You can feel the excitement radiating through your bones, as Professor Song enters the room. Butterflies begin to erupt within you as he smiles widely wrinkling his nose. “You’ll really like it. Hey, do you...have a pen?”
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“You’re just going to go over there and not be a baby.” You whisper to the mirror before stomping rapidly on the floor with your foot. Your eyes peer over at the bed, flitting between the two outfits you have casually laid out for your date. No! Not date! Hang out! You’re both hanging out! You sit on the floor, head leaning back against the door before Artemis climbs into your lap. “I think I really like him.” You whisper to your cat as she curls into a ball within your lap. 
“He’s not like how I thought he was at all and my heart keeps doing this stupid thing where it stops and I feel like I’m dying.” You whisper fiercely to the cat as her paw extends over your calm lazily. She yawns loudly and you scoff gently, “No yawning while I’m spilling my heart to you!”
You lift her up before looking into her sleepy eyes. “I think I really like him and I’m not afraid of it. It’s freaking me the fuck out!” She closes her eyes before you press the cat into your chest. Thinking back to all your moments spent with him, you can feel those butterflies again. Flying around without a care as a smile begins to grace your face. “I’m not afraid and it’s freaky.”
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You wore something prettier for this hang out. You listened to your heart instead of your head for once and you were impressed with the outcome. Your hair falls in rivets around your shoulder before you knock on his door. “It’s open.”
Your hand turns the knob before being greeted by the familiar golden fixtures around you. “Y/N!” Jimin yells loudly as he throws his arms up, wine sloshes onto his bare chest as you giggle at him.
“Hi Jimin!” You give a small wave as Adoneus rubs his head against your thigh. “Hi!” You crouch down to rub at his head and he purrs loudly for you. 
“Wine for the prettiest human alive?” He goes to stand before Jeongguk’s bedroom door opens. “Come, Nemesis. Leave the drunk alone for a while.” 
“Nice hair by the way.” You comment as a dove perches on Jeongguk’s shoulder. Jimin frowns before folding his arms, “My dad made me do it.” 
His grumble makes you smile as your lab partner enters the room first. He sits on the bed and you can’t help but think to yourself how truly comfortable you feel as you sit down next to him. His black hair is pushed behind his ears as he turns his head to you. “Want to go to a party?” 
You frown before looking into his eyes, “A party? I’m not dressed for a party.” He hums before clearing his throat.
“I can help with that, actually. It isn’t a regular party per se. It’s more of a...family gathering.” He wants to take you to a family event? You fold your arms before raising an eyebrow as you let him continue. 
“You know how I um...I always talk like I know the gods and goddesses?” You nod slowly, your mind becoming confused as you clear your throat. “Hey, Dionysus?! She’ll need some wine.” 
You blink slowly before Jimin appears in the doorway in a flash. He smiles at you before holding out his empty hand. You step forward to take it, confused at the meaning before his hand shimmers and a goblet appears. You choke on your own spit, coughing loudly as you back up into the window. 
“Jeongguk!” Your voice is high as your hands grip at the gold ledge of his window. “Yes, goddess?” 
“He-Jimin! He-” Jimin giggles before stepping into the room and you are two seconds away from ripping open the window and flinging yourself out of it. “He’s my cousin Dionysus.” 
Your gaze flickers between the two handsome men before a psychotic giggle begins to erupt in your throat. Your hands find your knees as your laugh grows louder, eyes watering as you fall to the ground. “Y/N.” Jeongguk’s voice is gentle as you shake your head.
“It’s mythology! MYTH! This is not real?! What’re you insane!?” Your giggles go dead as the dove lands on the ground in front of you before the image begins to ripple. The bird becomes a tall Asian woman with chestnut brown hair and gold eyes. You swallow thickly before wiping at your face in shock.
“This is my mother.” Jeongguk grumbles gently, Jimin rounds his mother before grabbing your hand and putting the goblet into it. “Drink it, you’ll need it.”
“Well, isn’t she just a doll.” The woman's fingers pinch at your cheeks and you feel your body begin to feel tingles at her touch.
“Mother, please do not embarrass me.” She scoffs before helping you to your feet. “I’m Aphrodite, a pleasure to meet you. My son really enjoys spending time with you.” You gasp, mouth falling open before looking at Jeongguk as his eyes squeeze shut. 
You feel as if you’re in a dream, the world beginning to feel flat besides the three people in this room. Two of them who just so happen to be part of the twelve Olympian Gods! You bring the goblet to your lips before chugging it as Aphrodite giggles. “She’s funny.” 
“Let me refill that for you.” Jimin snaps his fingers before your goblet is refilled and you set it down gently before rubbing your hands together. “Okay, she gets it. Can you guys just… shoo? Please?” They hum before Aphrodite kisses your cheek. 
"You're very welcome. I hope to see you on high." She winks before leaving with Jimin. Your eyes widen as Jeongguk leans back on the bed. "Surprise?"
You scoff before looking at the door then back at him. Then at the door. Then him. Your finger moves with your head to both places before scoffing again. "Let me truly introduce myself. I'm Eros." The god of sexual desire and love. You swallow before fanning your face as you let out a short laugh. 
"Y/N?" His tone is gentle as he stands up tall. 
"It's real?! Like, you're a god?!" He hums before snapping his fingers, his casual attire turns into a royal looking chiton. He looks like everything good in this world and you find yourself clearing your throat as your eyes falter to the floor. "So you...your stories were real?! You're from Mount Olympus?!" 
He opens his arms with a small smile before nodding. "Yes, Olympus is my home."
This is incredible! Astounding even! To be in the presence of a god is...unreal. "I wanted you to see me for me. I like you. Quite a bit, in fact. I thought you would understand." 
He likes you?! Truly?! You hum unsurely before looking at the Eros statue in the corner and squeeze your eyes shut. "Nemesis?" Your eyes flicker to his before looking away once more.
He approaches you, hands grabbing at your arms before rubbing them gently. You feel the tingles again, you rip your arms from his before shrinking under his warm gaze. "I can make you forget this if you want...I don't want you to be afraid of me." 
You weren't! You were just in shock. Completely and utterly lost not knowing what to do. "I just...need some time." He opens his mouth before nodding slowly. "Whatever you'd like, goddess." His words make you shiver and you feel your body go numb. 
"I-I have a gift for you. If you'd accept it of course. I bought it from my aunt Theia. She's the goddess of-"
"Light but also the deity of gold, silver and jewels." You finish his statement and his smile makes your heart feel light as he nods. "Yes. I bought you a present if you would accept it." 
His hands press into one another before light begins to seep out of the cracks. You stare in awe at his hands before he opens them to a glorious gold necklace. "Will you accept?" Your head nods stupefied before you can even think properly. He chuckles before stepping behind you.
The gold chain and pendant are chilly against your skin but as he clasps it tightly you feel like it has always belonged on you. "I need time to think." 
He hums to you before hugging you from behind, "Don't run from me Nemesis, please. I like you, very much. There will be time for my family parties in the future, I hope."
Once safely inside your apartment, your body slides down the apartment door. You let out a screech before stomping the heels of your feet on the floor. “OH MY GOD!” You squeal loudly before looking up at the ceiling. This is absolutely insane! No wonder he was so fucking handsome, he was literally born from the goddess of love and beauty! And, he likes you. You! He wasn’t like how people said he is at all. Well, that is for the simple fact that they don’t know him at all! All of his fun sounding stories make them that much more incredible because they’re real. He was honestly, so kind and funny. 
He wasn’t like most people and there’s one good reason for that. He wasn’t a person, he was from on high which continues to rattle your brain. You can’t find the strength in yourself to stand so you opt for crawling. Which you feel blessed to have acquired a single bedroom apartment without the need for a roommate. Would be embarrassing if someone was watching you crawl towards your bed as your cat waltzes along with you. “He’s a fucking god.” You tell your cat who in turn knocks her head into your jaw as she rubs against you. “I know! So insane!” 
Laying in bed you flip your phone from one hand to the other before touching the gold necklace on your neck that you never wanted to take off ever again. It came from Mount Olympus but just knowing that while Guk was up there, he thought of you and that makes it even more special. He likes you and he wants you to spend time with him. You like him and want to spend more time with him too. Your tongue swipes across your lips before unlocking your phone. Your lungs fill with air before exhaling loudly.
9:12 You: Eros.
9:13 Hades: Goddess.
You giggle to yourself before your phone falls from your hands, smacking you in the face. You whine loudly before rubbing at your cheek as you type to him.
9:14 You: I’m done thinking.
9:14 Eros: Oh? Are you? And what does this goddess think?
9:15 You: I like you too.
Your heart begins to beat loudly, the sound filling your ears as you gasp gently. Was that wrong? Did you do the wrong thing?
You stare at your phone on the pillow beside you, eye twitching as your phone screen still stays black. You whine loudly before pressing your face into the pillow. Of course it was a dumb idea. He probably has a bunch of women, goddesses even, that adore him. 
9:30 Eros: Fuck! I’m so sorry! Dionysus spilt wine everywhere, broke the fucking vase that Hephaestus made us and I had to clean it up!
You grab your phone before reading his message and smiling. 
9:31 You: A vase? Where do I get a god crafted vase? I want one. 
9:32 Eros: Your wish is my command, goddess.
Your doorbell goes off and you jump at the noise before tilting your head. “Hello?” Your voice is loud, echoing throughout the apartment before standing up. 
���Delivery for Y/N.” The voice calls through the door. You exit the bedroom before opening the door. A man in an all brown ensemble stands before you, he has a winged shoe medallion hanging from his neck as he blows a bubble with his gum. “Hermes nice to meet you, doll face. Here.”
He thrusts the box at you before popping the bubble of gum. “H-Hermes, like the god of messages?” Your voice comes out in a squeak as he winks at you. “In the flesh. Sign here.” 
You stammer on a few syllables before setting the box down and grabbing the clipboard. “Like, actually Hermes?” He nods slowly before tapping the clipboard and blowing another bubble. Your eyes glance over his attire before clearing his throat.
“Listen, Eros’ new girlfriend, I got stuff to do. Hmm? I have three people I have to guide to the Underworld in like twenty minutes so-” He taps the clipboard, “-sign the sheet so Eros doesn’t murder me in my sleep.”
You clear your throat before signing the sheet attached to the clipboard and handing it back to him. Eros’ new girlfriend? You blush brightly before pushing your hair behind your ear. “Nice to meet you, Hermes.” The blush that graces your cheeks makes him chuckle as he pulls a packet of gum from his pocket and hands you a stick. “Nice to meet you, too kid. You watch out for that diaper wearing Cupid okay? He’s got a fragile heart.” 
You nod slowly as he snaps his fingers before vanishing into thin air, small flecks of gold rain down from where he was standing and your mouth opens wide before a squeal leaves you. You grab the box before trudging back into the apartment and into your bedroom. The box is heavy and with a groan you haul it onto your bed. Your fingers begin to twitch with excitement, eyes widening before hugging the box to your chest. Wow! Jeongguk is actually the coolest person you’ve ever met. Coolest god, you’ve ever met. Only god. Anyway.
You open the box before staring inside. Just the rim of the vase exuded richness and you find yourself carefully pulling it out of the box before staring at it. Beautifully glazed clay with the faces of the twelve Olympian gods stamped on the base. “Holy shit.”
Where would you even put this beautiful thing? Your phone buzzes loudly and you set the vase down gently before scrambling for your phone.
9:41 Eros: Do you like it? 
9:41 You: UH YES! THANK YOU!
9:42 Eros: Haha! Anything for you, goddess. See you tomorrow!
9:43 You: Goodnight.
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You did it again. You had a super sexual dream about your lab partner slash crush slash god. And, honestly, when you woke up you weren’t the least bit insecure. “He finds me attractive.” You tell your cat as you comb your hair in the mirror as you get ready for class. The cat blinks at you slowly before laying down. 
“He likes me. Me! Can you believe it?! I mean, I’m not even that special or great or anything and he has a crush on me!” You scoff to yourself before smiling. You look at the time before jumping up, Aphrodite might be waiting underneath the weeping willow today. 
You rush to the weeping willow only to see an Asian woman sitting down on what seems to be a blanket made of silk. You were so excited to get here and now that you are, you can feel yourself becoming smaller as she looks over at you. “Come! I’ve been waiting for you.” 
You give her a shy smile before walking over and standing awkwardly next to the silk blanket. She looks up before smiling warmly and patting the spot next to her. “I don’t bite, come. Sit.” 
You clear your throat gently before sitting down beside her and putting your hands in your lap. She hums before folding her legs beneath her and smiling. She holds out her hand and a golden hairbrush appears. “Well now, I like being able to spend time with my son's beloved.” You open your mouth to reply as she sections off your hair before combing through it. Her tone is gentle before she snaps her fingers and an apple falls into your lap.
“I really love these.” She wrinkles her nose sweetly as you take a bite. “Good, I’m glad you enjoy them. Do you also enjoy spending time with my son?”
Your teeth sink into the apple before stopping at her question. The back of your hand swipes across your lips before looking back at her. “Yes, I do… Is that wrong?”
She laughs gently before shaking her head. Her hand sends electrical currents through your body as she swipes her thumb over your cheek. “Not at all, little one. I just have grown so protective of him after the whole business with Psyche.” You hum before folding your arms. You recall his anger every time she was brought up and you can’t help but question why. “What happened?”
Aphrodite tuts her tongue as she continues to comb through your hair. “I think Eros should be the one to tell you. He was so heartbroken for so long and then he met you. You seem to make him smile and feel as light as air again and I do enjoy seeing him so happy.” You feel yourself beginning to blush at her admission before hugging your backpack to your chest. Her eyes flicker to your necklace before smirking, her fingertips dance over the gold before sighing happily. 
“I hear a grumpy boy coming.” She whispers as if she is spilling a big secret.
“Mother.” Jeongguk’s voice is clipped and you find yourself smiling at him as he narrows his eyes at the situation at hand. “Son.”
“What’re you doing?” His voice is riddled with tension before giving you a sweet smile. His eyes narrow back at his mother as she clears her throat. “Just combing Y/N’s hair.”
“Why?” He questions before holding his hand out to you. You make no move from the goddess as she sets down the hairbrush.
“Because I wanted to. Because I like her. Is that so wrong?” He rolls his eyes before shaking his hand and you look over at her as she nods. “Go on, little one. He’s in no mood to fool around today.” 
You take his hand before bowing to her as he slings his arm over your shoulders. “It was very nice to see you again, goddess.” She giggles before nodding. “The pleasure is mine. I look forward to seeing you on high.”
“Zeus above.” Jeongguk mutters before pulling you away. You give her a small wave and his hand physically turns your head to look in front of you. “Don’t be so mean! She’s the goddess of beauty!”
He chuckles gently before ruffling your hair, “Yeah well, I’m the god of sexual desire and you don’t see me begging for women to suck me every minute of the day.” You smack his hand over your shoulder as he laughs loudly. 
“Come on, goddess.” As you enter the building you look over at his other shoulder, the strap of a backpack hangs loosely on his leather jacket and you point at it. “You’re wearing a backpack.” 
He hums before looking down at you, “To impress you. And! I even brought a pen today.” You laugh as you both enter the lecture hall.
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Being with Jeongguk is amazing. There’s no other way to describe it. He makes your knees weak and your heart explode into a million stars that could paint the galaxy. You find yourself wanting to spend every minute with him. Not just because he’s a god, of course. Because, he’s genuinely an interesting person that you feel comfortable around. He does sweet things for you when you don’t even ask him to and he always puts you first. He hasn’t even deemed you his girlfriend yet and he acts as if you’re his wife. It’s very comfortable with him and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Then one time I accidentally ran into Herc as he was fighting a titan and I got shoved off of the pantheon. Hermes had to come and save me as I was falling.” Jeongguk mumbles as you lay next to each other in his bed. He snaps his fingers before pointing as the image on the ceiling changes. “That’s my mother and father's house.” 
Your eyes drift to the marble mansion before looking at a mansion beside it on it’s own floating stones. “Whose house is that one?” He hums before snapping his fingers as the ceiling goes dark. “Mine.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his short tone. “You don’t sound very happy about it.” He snorts before drinking some wine, “Yes well, not many good things happened there.” 
“Oh?” You sit up in his bed, legs folding underneath you as he looks over at you. His hair falls into his eyes as he gives you a small smile. “Psyche lived there, too.” 
Ah. “What’s up with that story? It always seemed like it had a happy ending.” He gives a quick laugh before setting down his goblet and grabbing your hands. “It really, really doesn’t.” 
“Care to talk about it?” He groans before sitting up and leaning against the headboard. His arms cross before his head lolls backwards. “I mean, do you wish to hear about my tryst with another human? Besides you?” 
You shrug before putting your hands underneath your chin, “You like me, right?”
“Gods yes. More than you know. You’re so refreshing and sweet.” You smile at his compliment as his head tilts towards you, tongue running over the inside of his cheek. “Then you can tell me, I won’t be jealous. I’m here with you, in this bed.” 
He shakes his head with a chuckle before closing his eyes, “You’re really something different, huh? Fine. Hold my hands.” 
You put your hands in his before closing your eyes. You see her now, Psyche, her beauty was breathtaking. She was married to Eros, an arranged marriage that she had been forced into. She sat alone in a magnificent castle, gold columns, floors made of jewels and silver lined the walls. She was suspicious then, and an empty house welcomed her. 
“I was never home, I was always out with my brother and Dionysus.” 
She waited patiently for her husband to return home, laying in the large gold bed, eyes screwed shut. Then he appeared out of gold mist, he lays down behind her whispering sweet nothings into her ears and her face becomes passive. You feel your heart clench and your stomach roll before inhaling deeply through your nose.
Jeogguk’s hands clenched tighter onto yours, “Shall I stop?”
Days pass and you can tell just how truly happy Psyche is. But, you can see her pain, too. You can see the way her eyes fill up with tears as she walks the halls of the large castle alone. You can hear her call out to her sisters and family members, her sweet voice bouncing off of the silver walls. She relays how much she misses them, how lonely she is. How she doesn’t want them to suffer because of her.
That night, as she lays in bed, he reappears behind her. Jeongguk’s body shimmers as he clutches her tightly. She asks him if her family can come up to the castle and see her, to know she is alive and well. He denies her but when he hears her whimper out of sadness he grants her that favor. He warns her though, to not let her sisters influence her mind or their relationship will crumble. She agrees to this before falling asleep.
The next day, her two sisters arrive with the grace of Hermes. The three sisters hug and cry with one another, happy to be together again. Upon entering the castle though, the sisters are too deeply amazed with what they see. How the floor is engrained with jewels and all of the expensive trinkets that litter the halls. Envious they question their sister throughout dinner, asking her who her husband is to have such wonderful treasures.
You can hear yourself gasp gently and Jeongguk lets out a bitter laugh, “I know. Keep watching it gets fucking better.”
Psyche tells them he is a young handsome hunter, that of which they do not believe. The sisters look across to each other at the dinner table before subtly nodding, their jealousy overtaking their minds as they make a pact to hurt their sister. As they say their goodbyes they whisper words of warning to Psyche. Telling her that her husband is an awful snake from the oracle Dephi. That this is the reason why he doesn’t allow her eyes to ever grace his face, he is an ugly wicked beast. 
They had warped her mind like Jeongguk had warned her of. She speaks to herself in the day, alone in the castle. Asking herself why he does not come in the day and why he does not let him see her. He must be hiding something horrendous and she would shine a light in his face that night to see if he is a horrendous snake. And, if he is she will kill him. If not, she will go back to sleep peacefully.
“Psyche!” You find yourself whining and Jeongguk smirks before opening his eyes and staring at you. You are completely engrossed in the memories you watch and he runs his thumb over the back of your hand before tilting his head. You weren’t like this woman who he is showing you, you are someone far better than he could ever hope for. He feels lucky to have gotten to know you and in this luck, he wants to push it farther. He wants to know you forever.
Jeongguk sleeps peacefully and you watch as Psyche grabs the candle with a shaky breath. 
“Don’t do it, idiot. He’s Eros!” Jeongguk chuckles gently before kissing the back of your hands.
Psyche’s face reveals great relief as the candle shines upon his handsome face. She falls to her knees and thanks the gods for this handsome man before her. As she leans against him a drop of oil falls from the head of the candle before burning Jeongguk’s back. He wakes up, pain written all over his face before looking at his wife as she thanks the gods. He scoffs, hand reaching to his back before standing and leaving without a word. Distrust is written over his features as he puts on his chiton. 
Psyche runs after him as he descends the stairs of the castle, she hears his voice on the wind loud and clear as he tells her love cannot live without trust. She falls at the highest step of the castle stairs before wailing loudly.
You tut your tongue before frowning and you feel a tear squeeze past your shut eyes. “What an idiot.” 
She cries on the doorstep for days, her body turning frail before deciding she would look everywhere for him and regain his love. 
Jeongguk opens his eyes once more before wiping his thumb over your tear stained cheek. 
Psyche goes to the temple of Aphrodite, praying to the goddess to give her back her husband. She begs the goddess to talk to her son and come back to her. She tells Psyche that she must be certain she is right for Eros, since she can distrust so easily. She tasks Eros’ wife with three tasks and if she does not complete them then he will be gone from her forever. Of course, Psyche agrees.
“Wait for it.” You hear Jeongguk’s voice whisper smugly before he is kissing at the back of your hands once more. 
The goddess shows Psyche a mountain of different seeds. She tells her to separate the seeds before noon or she will never see Eros ever again. The goddess is gone in a shower of golden dust. She wails loudly as she separates the seeds knowing she would never have the time to complete the task. As she continues her task, a group of ants begin to pass by before deciding to help the crying woman. The seeds were then separated into smaller mounds that Psyche deemed acceptable. When Aphrodite saw these mounds she became angry and made Psyche sleep in the field.
“My mother can be a bitch sometimes.” You giggle at his statement before paying attention to the scene behind your eyelids. 
The next morning Aphrodite comes back to the field, with a horrendous task. She points to a river as it flows freely over a large hill. The water is pitch black, abhorrent and running quickly. She tells Psyche to fill a jug with the water. 
“Damn, Aphrodite. She could get hurt.” You mumble to yourself as your teeth nip at your bottom lip. “You aren’t watching a movie, goddess. You’re watching my life.” Jeongguk jeers before running his hand over your hair. 
Psyche reaches the waterfall before discovering just how sharp and jagged the rocks. The black water was slippery and only a winged animal would be able to cross the rapids easily. An eagle flies Psyche to the waters after watching her fail several attempts out of sympathy for the still weeping woman. Aphrodite tells Psyche that she would not have passed without having help. She demands the weeping woman of yet another service, telling her she can prove herself to be as determined as she claims to be.
“Whoa. Aphrodite was on a rampage.” The god before you hums playfully, “She was angry that Psyche was beautiful, quite like she is, she has since grown up.” 
Aphrodite gave Psyche a box, telling her to go to the Underworld and ask Persephone to drain her beauty into the box as a gift for the goddess of beauty. Obediently, Psyche to the road to Hades. Crying for two days and two nights before getting gates. She got onto a boat, one that was made of bones and leather as it crossed the river where the dead used to leave. She gave gold to the boatman, Charonte, to help her find her way to the dark palace of Persephone. 
“Where’s Cerberus?” You whisper as your eyes squeeze tighter at the dim lighting of the Underworld. Guk chuckles before brushing his lips against your cheek as his forehead presses to your temple. “Cerberus lives with Hades in his palace. Persephone has her own. You know she can’t stomach him.” You open your mouth gently before nodding. Another story for another day, perhaps.
After a day of travelling, Psyche finds Persephone. She begs the queen of the dead to drain her beauty into the box for Aphrodite. Which, the queen does willingly because it was so asked by the goddess of beauty. She would always be glad to serve Aphrodite. With this third task done, Psyche travels back up to the surface before giving Aphrodite the box. Upon opening it, the goddess of beauty’s skin turns black as night, eyes turning bright red out of anger. She swears to keep Psyche a slave forever and never let her go.
You whistle before flinching as Aphrodite flies into the air leaving Psyche alone in the field. Vines grow tall around her imprisoning her as she cries out for help from Eros. Upon hearing her cries the gods and goddesses tell Eros, who has locked himself away due to heartbreak, all of the unjust things his mother has done.
“Here we go.” He mumbles to you before pulling you into his chest.
He flies down to Psyche before enveloping her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and promising to never leave her side. They return to the palace before long and he promises to stay around forever. Their days turn into weeks and their happiness is unending. And yet, Psyche still talks to herself, mumbling that he is a snake underneath the handsome god's skin. He planned all of this to happen, he set his mother upon him to give her these terrible tasks. Her skin begins to turn pail as the light in her irises dim. She swears at him, shoving him away as if he is a demon. He tries to hold her, to calm her but she becomes mad. Raving and ranting as her long nails scratch and dig at his skin. He begins to bleed, tears of gold leak from his eyes.
You feel yourself begin to cry as you watch him writhe in pain. He brings you closer burying your face into his chest as your hands grip tighter at his. “I’m alright, goddess. I’m okay.”
She wishes death upon him, begging him to leave her be in the big palace by herself. She couldn’t bear to look at him as if he had wronged her in every way known to man. His body crumbles before long, knees cracking and splintering the brilliantly gemed floor as he weeps for her. She spits at him, grabbing a knife off of the wall before holding it to his neck. He begs her not to kill him, he tells her how ardently he loves her and yet, she leaves him alone in the palace as he falls to the floor wailing. He lays there as the days turn to night and night turns to day. 
He pulls his hands from yours before hugging you tightly to his body. You sob against his chest and he coos gently as his hands run over your hair. “W-What happened to her?” His lips press to your hairline before picking your face up and brushing your tears away with his thumbs.
“She is a mistress of Hades.” You sniffle before sobbing again and the corners of his lips quirk upwards. “You’re even beautiful when you cry.”
You smack his hands away before whimpering and he merely chuckles before kissing your forehead. “Don’t cry, goddess. I’m over it, it was a long time ago.”
You rub at your face, chafing your skin with your sleeves before sniffling, “Have you ever loved after that? Did you ever find someone?” He tilts his head before smiling, his finger booping your nose before chuckling. 
“I have indeed.” You look up at him as he shakes the hair from his face. His coffee irises gleam with delight as he tuts his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “What was her name?”
Your voice is a whisper in the expanse of his room as he curls his hands around the Eros pendant you were vigilantly. “She sits before me. On my bed. Rubbing the skin off of her face as she cries for my past loves.” 
You stiffen as he smiles lazily, his head presses against the headboard before sighing gently. He loves you? Him? This impeccable being? You can’t seem to think as your heart begins to pick up speed. Jittery nervous course through your veins as your lungs restrict. “Y-You love me?”
He hums gently before nodding, “I do, goddess. Very much.” 
Your body lifts itself up before throwing yourself on to him. He grunts gently before laughing as you wrap your arms around his golden skin, his large hands caress at your cheeks before wrapping a hand around your neck.
“I do indeed.” He kisses you gently. The feeling of his lips makes goosebumps produce on your skin as you gasp gently. Your hairs stand on end as your body begins to vibrate at his touch. Your eyes open wide as his skin begins to glow before you and as you pull away you can see yours doing the same. He groans gently before flipping you over and kissing you as if his life depends on it. Your heart rate soars, the sound resounding in your ears as your fingers tangle into his long hair.
He moans against your lips, a sound so carnal your hips are lifting off of the bed at his touch. “Goddess.” He whispers gently as his lips trail across the skin of your jaw. You whimper at how deep his voice has gotten as lust enshrouds him. 
You pull at his hair gently as his hands begin to knead at your thighs. “Goddess. I cannot do anything with you until you are my wife.” You pull at his head, scoffing as he kisses down your neck. Lips plucking gently at your skin before sitting up.
“What?! Guk! Fuck me!” He chuckles gently before leaning back on his heels. You eye his erection, how it strains against the fabric of his sweatpants before reaching for it. He grasps your wrist gently, his touch is electric sending tingles through you as he shakes his head. “I cannot do a thing with you until you are on high.” 
You narrow your eyes at him before shaking your head. “Excuse me?”
“I’ve made a promise to my mother, goddess. If I do not abide by the promise I will burst and no longer exist.” Your jaw drops open before sitting up. “Wow.”
He hums before looking down at his sweatpants and running both of his hands through his hair. “I will wait for the day you accept me.”
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After that telltale night, you find yourself falling in love with the god that gives you everything so willingly. He’s become such a large part of your life that you can’t seem to help always wanting to be around him. The Graceful Gods project was due tomorrow and you yet again are in his bed as the pen cap sits snugly between your teeth. “What else should we add to it?” 
Jeongguk looks up from the notebook before yawning and lying down, “Nothing. For the fiftieth time. Just lay down with me and let's sleep.” He opens up his arms and you pout before flailing the book in front of his face. “You’re already a god, I need to complete this so I get a good grade and graduate with honors.” 
He smirks before pulling at your arm. Your body lands on top of his and he hums to himself happily. You both lay quietly for a moment before he lifts his head. “Move in with me.”  
“Where, in here? Where we can hear-” You point to the sky before hearing loud moans ricochet through the apartment. He chuckles before pressing his hands to your ears playfully. “No, to Olympus. Move in with me.”
The book falls from your hands as he offers you such a thing. To move into his palace in the sky?! You squeak gently as his hand runs over your back. “I love you and I want you to spend your days with me.” 
You do love him. You’ve never loved anyone more than him. Well, come to think of it he’s the only one you’ve ever truly loved. A love that shakes up your heart and you would give your life for him gladly if you needed to. It was a pure love, built from nothing but apples and vases. But, it was a love of your own that had your heart soaring.
“After we complete the project. I will.” You promise him. He smiles widely, so widely you’re afraid his skin will crack before his lips are on yours. His kiss is filled with ardor, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss as you both begin to glow in the dim lighting of his gold coated bedroom. He kisses you until all of the breath is stolen from the both of you. His hands run over your sides before putting his forehead to yours. “So.. the project, you wanted to add something else?” He whispers before hooking his chin over your shoulder. You giggle quietly before throwing the notebook on the floor and kissing him once more.
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“You’ve done exceptionally well, which is surprising to me because Jeongguk seems to show as little interest in Greek mythology as I do when my wife continuously packs me cheese sandwiches for lunch.” Professor Song mumbles before throwing the sandwich on to his desk. You stand beside the man you love, head bowed down as you await your grade. “Very interesting how you formed the bond between Aphrodite and Hephaestus as a working love and not one made of anger like the books usually show. I was rather captured by it.”
You smirk as well as the god next to you. You can recall sitting underneath the weeping willow as Aphrodite brushed your hair telling you the tales of her marriage with her not so handsome husband as you wrote diligently into your notebook. “I do enjoy the hard facts, although what could be so hard about them when they’re fiction.” 
Jeongguk smirks beside you before pressing his fist to his lips. “But I also enjoy how you made them feel like real people. As I said before I was captured by it. You both get an A.” Your eyes shoot up to Professor Songs before you’re squealing and wrapping your arms around your partner. He hugs you tightly before chuckling as you jump up and down excitedly. “You get to graduate with honors, Y/N. Congratulations. I’m sure this really has given you excitement.” 
You thank him generously, having to be pulled out of the lecture hall by your boyfriend as you continue to jump up and down. His lips press to your forehead and you feel your body light up, your nerve ending jumping and vibrating at his touch. "Come with me, goddess. I’ve waited too long for this day."
His house is empty when you arrive, you can hear rain pattering against the windows. Adoneus sits patiently in front of the Dionysus statue before perking up at the sight of you. "You know when it rains, Zeus is angry or emotional about something. Since Jimin is not here, he must have done something to upset his father." 
You giggle at his words before watching as he snaps his fingers. Your clothes ripple before changing and your jaw drops as you feel the rich fabric against your skin. The peplos falls in rivets and you find your fingers feeling the silken fabric. “Beautiful.” 
His attire changes to a chiton and you find yourself feeling that fabric too. Pushing your body closer to his as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Goddess.”
You hum quizzically as your fingers drift over the baggy silk shirt, feeling his abs contort with every breath. You stand up, lips drifting over his golden skin and he lets out a gentle sigh. 
“Goddess.” You suck gentle patches over his neck, leaving small markings indicating him as yours. Your body jumps and he catches you easily, his hands finding purchase on the globes of your ass before squeezing gently. A small moan leaves you and his jaw flexes as you kiss over it. “Baby. We can’t, you know this.”
You hum to him as he squeezes your ass again, your legs wrap around his waist as your arms run over his shoulders. “I don’t want to explode into gold dust.”
His admission makes you giggle before you gyrate your lower body over his. His cock, hard and throbbing, as your core runs over his. “Zeus above.” His lips chase yours before pulling you into a kiss that sets off a glow between you both. “You’re being a bad girl, goddess. You know what you do to me.” 
You giggle before pulling him back in, his teeth bite your bottom lip. Pain radiating through you, you gasp only to have it be swallowed by his mouth as his tongue caresses yours. He moans loudly, a noise that mixes in with the thunder as it crashes loudly outside. You can feel your heartbeat pick up, as your fingers card through his black hair. His fingertips massage at your ass before walking over to the couch and laying you down gently. He straddles you before lifting the peplos and licking his lips. His coffee irises are all but black, blown out with lust as his bottom lip purchases between his teeth. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” His hands are warm as they caress your bare sides. He bows down, lips connecting to yours as your stomach begins to unfurl in wanting. His hands reach for your breasts before a throat clears.
You both jump before turning your heads to the noise. Aphrodite stands, leaning against her statue before biting an apple. Jeongguk jumps up before hauling you with him. He gives an embarrassed chuckle and you can’t help but feel your cheeks flush as she stares at you both. “In front of my statue? You would defile each other?” 
He rubs the back of his neck before looking at you and giving you a small smile. She laughs gently before throwing him the apple, which he catches with quick reflexes before sinking his teeth into it. “I came because you told Hermes something very special was happening today. I assume it isn’t you turning into gold dust?” 
He clears his throat before rubbing his hands together as if he’s getting scolded. “Yes. Um… Y/N is going to ascend today. That’s why she’s wearing the peplos.” His voice is a whisper before looking over at you, fingers scratching nervously at his scalp. He looks at his mother as she gasps. “Today?!”
You nod happily and within seconds she is lifting you off of the couch with ease before wrapping her arms around you and jumping. “This is so exciting! I can’t wait! I have so much to do! I-” She stops herself as her body rocks yours with glee. “Drink the Ambrosia slowly, your body will thank you for it. I have to go! I have to speak with Apollo, Dionysus, and Caerus. Oh! And-” She disappears within seconds, her body turning into gold shimmer before you two are left alone once more.
Jeongguk chuckles gently before wrapping his arms around you, “I think we can expect a festival awaiting us.” You wrap your arms around his before burying your face into his neck. His scent calms you and you feel your body ease into his. His hands drift over your hair, pulling your face ever closer to his body. “Are you ready?” 
You feel your throat tighten before looking up at him, his eyes are on yours. Alight with love and fiery passion before he snaps his fingers. Two gold goblets appear on the table and you gasp gently. The thick liquid calls out to you, glowing gently in the dim apartment. “Once you drink this you will become immortal. You will not age, you will not die. You will stay by my side forever. We'll be married in the eyes of the gods and goddesses of the pantheon."
Your eyes flicker to the cup before biting the skin on your lip. To be with this man, this god, for your eternity sounds something akin to pure bliss. Without a second thought you pick up the cup. The liquid ripples slowly and you can see Guk begin to smirk as he picks up his own. “I love you, goddess.”
“I love you, too.” You bring the goblet to your lips before sniffing it gently. The smell makes you blink, “Holy shit.”
His laugh is loud before he sips his own drink. “Yeah, I know.” The smell is clean and pleasant. You can only liken it to itself, seeing as how you’ve never smelt or drank anything like it. Although, come to think of it this is Jeongguk's scent that you could never put your finger on.
“Drink it slowly, baby.” Your lips part for the thick drink, eyes on his as his nose wrinkles. His hand lands on your clothed thigh, stroking it comfortingly as you take a small sip. The thickness coats your tongue, your tastebuds scream with pleasure as your eyes go wide. You can feel your mouth warm up as the flavor bursts within you. “Okay.” He whispers before grabbing the goblet as your head lolls back. 
You swallow the Ambrosia before your mind blanks. White noise fills your ears and Jeongguk sets down the goblets before cradling you in his arms as your body stiffens. You whimper gently at the locked feeling before your eyelids fall shut.  “You’re okay, goddess.” 
Your heart stops for a minute, veins falling still before your body jolts as an electrical current runs through you. It runs hot and fast, pushing your blood out of every vessel before you still once more. Your chest begins to glow, a subtle gold before it shines brightly, radiating through you to each limb. Your hands move first, numb but still pliable as you clench onto his arms. He pulls you to him, coddling you to his chest as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. 
Your heart begins again, pumping furiously as your eyes snap open. “There she is.” Your mind becomes clear, a loud gasp emits through the room before you look down at your radiating skin. He hugs you tightly, lips kissing over your face as he tells you how much he adores you. “Thank you. For coming to me.”
You hug him back, sitting like this for a small while. You grab the goblet again before taking a sip and relishing at the taste. No food or drink could ever compare to its deliciousness and you find yourself never wanting to have anything else. “Snap your fingers for me.”
You raise an eyebrow as you look upon his handsome face. He closes his eyes and snaps, an apple appears on the table. “For me. Just let me see what your fruit is.” 
You snap your fingers before tilting your head as nothing happens. Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows before shrugging. You pout deeply making him chuckle before his lips are against your temple. “That’s okay, goddess. Not everyone can get a fru-”
His sentence is interrupted as the apartment begins to rumble. He widens his eyes before holding you close as the marble floor begins to crack and splinter. “What the fuck?” 
A tree erupts from the ground, groaning loudly as branches smack against the ceiling before apples begin to grow off of the tree's limbs. “Zeus above!” He pushes you off of him before stepping around the coffee table and plucking an apple off of the tree. Your mouth drops open and he laughs loudly before throwing the apple up in the air. “By the gods, you’re incredible.” 
He stands there before tilting his head to you, "You know, I've had a crush on you since that day you watched me on that bench." You smile gently at his admission before crossing your legs. That was a while ago now.
"Then why didn't you talk to me?" He hums to himself before clearing his throat. "Gods can be insecure too, goddess. Maybe I was just happy to sit next to you every day." You mewl at his words gently before taking another sip of your Ambrosia.
He takes a bite of the apple before chuckling to himself. He holds out his hand as he walks towards the hallway. “Come, my goddess. You have a welcome party to attend to.”
You watch, eyes enraptured as the walls turn into jelly before he pushes open the simple closet door. Clouded stairs greet your path, illuminated by a lavender sun. He steps onto the clouds before smiling at you. “Come.” He holds his hand out waiting for you as you peek your head through the door. 
“Holy shit. This is…”
“Olympus.” You can hear wings flap and as you step out nervously, foot tapping against the cloud to make sure it's stable you see a flying horse with a man on its back. “Is that…?”
“Pegasus and Heracles. Yes.” You squeal loudly, feet stomping on the cloud making him laugh gently. “I’m sure you’ll meet many of my family. If Jimin had a hand in this party, you’re in for a treat.” 
He goes to step up the staircase with you before turning sharply. “Try not to let my aunts touch your skin. They’re insane.”
He steps up another step before stopping, “And, don’t drink too much Ambrosia. You’ll get sick.”
You nod thoughtfully as he stops at every stair. You whine loudly as excitement courses through you wanting to see the pantheon just a few meters away. “And don’t leave my side.”
“Don’t touch any animals.”
“Don’t accept any offering that demigods try to give you.” You roll your eyes as you begin to ascend with him. 
“If you see Helios, don’t look directly into his eyes or your skin will burn.”
“Hymenaios will congratulate you on our wedding, if he tries to-”
“Jeongguk!”  He tilts his head with a pout as you wrap your arms around his waist. “Relax. I’m going to be just fine.”
His lips drift over your hairline before nodding, “Yes, goddess.”
Harpsichords begin to play as you cross the golden gates. Your breathing stops as you take in the bustling pantheon in front of you. You eye the floating isles set upon clouds and jagged stones and in the distance you can see Jeongguk’s home. You point to it before squealing and he smiles at you. “Yes, that is our home.” 
You hug him tightly, feet stepping giddily on the stone floor as you gasp as Pegasus steps in front of you both. “Eros.”
“Herc. Pleasure.” 
The horse brushes it’s white face against you and you look up at the divine hero. He bows his head to you before smiling. “Goddess. Good morning to you.” His body was chiseled and riddled with scars from his battles that he so dutifully fought. You find yourself beginning to swoon as his pectoral muscles ripple. “The Hall is getting ready for your arrival. I was told to bring you this.” 
Heracles snaps his fingers and you feel a weight on your skull. Jeongguk hums gently before fixing your hair behind your ears. “Pretty gift. From who?”
“Theia and Aphrodite.” He nods and you point at your head. “Is it a crown?” 
He wrinkles his nose cutely before nodding. “A pretty one too.” 
“Well. I’ll be off. Pegasus, say goodbye to our new goddess.” The horse whinnies loudly and you gasp with delight before petting his head. “Hi Pegasus!” 
Jeongguk steps back to look at you in your entirety, his heart swells with adoration before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and squeezing gently. “Oh!”
You look up at Heracles once more as he snaps. “Have a nice flight.” Winged sandals appear on your feet and you gasp loudly, gripping at Jeongguk’s chiton as you float above the floor. Pegasus takes off, wings flapping loudly in the breeze before flying into the clouds above you. “It takes some time to get used to, like riding a bike.”
“You know how to ride a bike?” You find yourself asking with a laugh, he chuckles as he begins to float beside you. “No, but I can ride a chariot and that is much more impressive.” 
You reach the hall screaming bloody murder as Jeongguk laughs loudly. “You’re fine, goddess. See.” He plants himself down on the gold steps of the large hall. Your head lolls back as your mouth opens to take in the gorgeous architecture. Pillars of marble and gold hold up the high ceilings. You eye carefully the way the pillars are cut with precision, swirls at the base and tops leaving the columns looking regal and defined. “Eros!”
That is a voice you know very well. You look at Jimin as he flies towards you with a wide smile. “Y/N! Can you do this yet?” He spins like a top as he floats in the air before doing a somersault. “I just got here like five minutes ago. I can barely float.” He laughs loudly before finding purchase on the ground. He produces a cup of Ambrosia before handing it to you.
“You had to hear her, screaming like a banshee. I’m sure Hades could hear her in the Underworld.” You scowl at your man as he chuckles delighted. Your eyes look past Jimin as godly women arrange a banquet, the likes of which you’ve never seen before. “Well, well.” 
You turn excitedly to the woman who mothered the god you so love. She wraps you into a hug before a lyre begins to play throughout the sky. “The beautiful goddess is here. I’m so happy for you.” Her hand feels warm upon your cheek as you giggle shyly. “We have many people to meet, wouldn’t you say?”
“Mother, we’ve only just arrived.” She tuts her tongue at her son before smiling at you. “Demeter. Come meet Eros’ wife. She’s an absolute vision.” She pulls you away from Jeongguk as he scoffs quietly. 
“Family really is so annoying.” He whispers to his cousin before snapping his fingers and producing a glass of wine. 
“Demeter, this is Y/N. Eros’ wife.” A woman turns to you and you can do all but gasp at her beauty. Her peplos is the color of wheat, which is apt for the goddess of grains and harvest. She hums delighted before putting her hands upon your face. You feel a jolt run through you before you’re licking your lips. “Well now, how gorgeous is this one.”
You smile shyly as she fixes the gold crown atop your head before giving you a motherly smile. “She has a beauty fit for a goddess. I wish my Persephone were here to see this.” You clear your throat gently before looking over at Aphrodite as she drinks from a glass of wine. “She has immortality, but not eternal youth. This must be fixed. Right away. Don’t want you wrinkling, goddess. Hebe!”
Your attention turns to a young woman, black curls shroud her shoulders as her young face smiles at you three. “Oh! Mother!” Jeongguk whines loudly as Hebe skips over. His voice is like a song you would love to hear for all of eternity. Hebe stands in front of you before clapping happily.
“We must do something about your skin. It is already turning pale.” You point at yourself, eyes widening at the goddess of youth. She nods early before snapping her fingers and producing a small vial. “Drink. This is from my fountain.”
You take the vial before looking down at the water from the fountain of youth within your palm. “Go on, Y/N. It’ll be but a minute.” You uncork the vial before drinking the water. “Zeus above!” Jeongguk yells loudly before dropping his goblet to the floor as your body goes still.
He flies over to you, catching you quickly as the three women giggle with childish intent. “You could have let her sit or something.” You feel your skin become softer, hair becoming shinier underneath your gold crown and Jeongguk’s eyes soften before running his thumb over your cheek. “Why must she sit when she has you. So eager to catch the young goddess.” 
He scoffs gently before helping you stand back up, his lips brush against your cheek. Your stomach unfurls in wanting as your hand snakes around his neck. “I do hope you enjoy my wedding gift, Eros. Doesn’t come cheap.” Demeter jeers before turning back to the banquet table. 
“I told you not to let them touch you.” He whispers through clenched teeth as you begin to smile at his handsome face. Your lower body begins to glow, womb glistening like the sun making Guk scoff.
“Oh, Zeus above, Demeter! Really?! You could have just given her a loaf of fucking bread.” Demeter giggles before fixing the wheat in her cornucopia. “Where’s the fun in that god of love?” 
The welcome party goes off without a hitch. You find yourself leaning into a conversation with Odysseus and Persyus as they tell you their wondrous tales that only heroes could live. Jeongguk has kept you close to him throughout the night, his hand never leaving your waist as you converse with the gods and goddesses you had believed were a myth your whole life. “Wife.” Jeongguk calls your attention and your head is already lifting to look up at him. “Let’s go for a walk. Hmm?”
He takes your hand before kissing it gently and you bow gracefully to the two heroes before you are off with the god you so ardently love. “Gods, they don’t shut up. If I have to hear Theseus tell the tale of how he battled a minotaur one more time, I might rip my own ears off.”
You laugh gently as you both begin to float off of the island towards Jeongguk’s home. It dawns on you now that this is your own home as well. “Shall I take my goddess home?” He whispers in your ear as his arms wrap around you. You giggle before burying your face into his neck, “I think so.” 
You step inside of the castle, your eyes not knowing where to land as fires begin to light up the cold halls. “It hasn’t been lived in for a long time.” He whispers before looking around almost as astounded as you. He pulls your hand as you both step onto the floor. You take in the jewelled floors, how they shimmer and sparkle within the orange lighting of the fire. His feet pad up a marble staircase taking you with him as you notice the missing sword on the wall. Your throat clenches at his memories you’ve seen so vividly. Your hand brushes along the gold walls, feeling the expensive metal beneath your fingertips as he turns to you. “This is our home now. This home will be filled with love and joy. The walls will tell tales of how ardently we love one another.”
Your eyes catch Artemis as she flits down the hall and you smile widely. "Couldn't leave her on Earth by herself now could we." 
You smile at him, heart beginning to race as he lifts you up with ease wrapping your legs around his waist. “I love you, goddess.”
Your hands card through his hair as he walks into the master bedroom. “I love you, too.”
He looks at the bed before frowning. This bed holds many memories that would not do. You snap your fingers and the bed changes entirely. From gold to silver. From red bed sheets to white silk with four bed posts made of ivory. Jeongguk whistles before kissing you softly. “Now that gets my cock hard.” 
Your giggle ricochets off of the golden walls as he lays you down gently. “You know… We’re married now.” You hum to him as he kisses down the expanse of your neck, eyes fluttering shut as his lips pluck at the thin skin. “We are.”
His lips suckle sweetly at your neck, tongue licking over the reddening skin as he marks you as his own. Your stomach unfurls once more, pants beginning to rip from your chest as your legs squeeze his waist. He groans gently before snapping his fingers and you are utterly naked underneath him. “Zeus above, you’re so beautiful.”
With the snap of your fingers, he too is naked before you. In the dim orange lighting you can see every shadow, every curve of his muscles. The way his eyebrows furrow as he takes in the sight of you beneath him. Your eyes dance over his handsome face, watching as he bows his head down to lavish sweetly upon your body. His hands cup your breasts, lips sucking marks around an areola before encasing it with his perfectly shaped lips. Your back bows off of the white bed. Fingers running through his hair before pulling gently. You relish in the short gasp he takes at the pain and you could feel your arousal beginning to weep from you. 
His large hands spread your thighs, as his tongue flicks against your nipple. Soft moans emit throughout the large bedroom as his hands begin to grip tighter at your sensitive flesh. “Guk!”
“Yes, goddess?” His voice is deep as his eyes meet yours, in the light of the fire you can see how blown out his pupils are as he licks at his lips. “Want you.”
“You have me.” His fingers run over the expanse of your thighs before his lips begin to trail lower. Hands grasp at your hips as he groans lowly. “You do taste so sweet.” 
If you could have any thoughts you would recall how much like this your dream was that you had not so long ago but all melts away as his teeth nip playfully at the skin of your pubic bone. “Shall I taste the sweetest tulip I’ve ever seen?” He cocks his head to the side, black hair falling into his eyes and you could orgasm on the spot of how handsome he is. Hands falling from his hair, your fingertips drift over his muscled arms, leading over to his pectoral muscles and down to his abs. You find it hard to concentrate as he sits up tall for you, letting you explore his body. The sinew of muscle constricts as you touch him and his head lolls back at the feeling. "Gods, your touch is incredible."
You go to sit up before he is narrowing his eyes at you. "Lay back and shower me in your pleasure." You whine gently as your hands continue to stroke his abs, wanting nothing more than to lick and suckle his taught skin.
"Goddess, bad vixens get punished in this house." Your breath catches in your throat as his head bows back down. His tongue sweeps over your closed pussy lips and you sigh gently at the feeling of his mouth upon you. He snaps his fingers and your arms are pulled over your head as white silk bands wrap around your wrists. "Guk!" He chuckles gently before spreading open your pussy lips. 
He moans at the sight before licking a flat swipe up your sex, gathering your arousal on his tongue. "Sweeter than Ambrosia. I'd like to taste this every minute of every day, Zeus above."
You become aware of harpsichord music as his lips kiss your swollen clit. The melody is a sweet song that has your brain beginning to feel fuzzy. "Shouldn't have let Demeter touch you. Her gift makes me want to impregnate your fertile little cunt." He mumbles to himself before suckling harshly at your clit. Your body bows off of the bed, thighs pressing against his head as you moan loudly. He snaps and your ankles are stretched open and pulled tightly down onto the bed leaving you perfectly exposed for him.
"I'm going to put a god inside of your womb tonight, goddess. Would you like that?" You whimper loudly as his index finger begins to tease your entrance. "Fuck you so well the whole pantheon sees my child growing inside of you." 
The thought has his head swimming as his lips attach back to your engorged bundle of nerves. His finger enters you slowly, moans coaxed from the both of you. Guk curls his finger slowly yet expertly to the patch inside of you that has sobs wracking from your body. Your body begins to float up and his free hand pins you down to the bed as he slowly adds in another finger. "Guk! Fuck!" He hums against you, tongue flicking faster as your arousal begins to coat his cheeks and chin. The harp grows ever louder as your body begins to illuminate for your husband between your legs. It is then that your heart begins to beat fast, stomach tightening as you whimper louder. "Shower me in your pleasure, goddess. I love you so much." 
"Jeon-gguk!" He moans against you gently, eyes rolling back as he feels your cunt begin to pulsate around his fingers. "That's it, goddess." The light from your body begins to shine brighter and he watches your face, drinking in the pure pleasure written upon it. 
Your stomach tightens to the fullest before your head is lolling back. "Fuck! I'm cumming!" He grips at your hip harder, your words sending all of his blood straight to his cock. His teeth graze across your clit before you're cumming loudly. The stars of the galaxy paint the back of your eyelids as you fall over the edge. The harp gets drowned out as white noise replaces it. You moan his name loudly, both of them Eros and Jeongguk alike and he sits up to watch you with greedy eyes. "Gods, you're gorgeous."
Jeongguk slowly pulls out of you. He suckles on his fingers, savoring the sweet taste of you. His hand rubs at your glowing sides, letting you bask in the afterglow of your orgasm. He leans down pressing his lips to yours. You can taste yourself on his tongue, sweet and thick as he cups your face with his hand. His forehead connects to yours before muttering the only three words that seem to matter. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Your hands strain against the fabric before you pout. He chuckles, sweet breath fanning your face before you're slyly smirking at him. You snap your fingers and like that, you're free from your confines. Your body lifts up before shoving him down onto the bed, he gasps gently before chuckling. 
"I guess I'm not the only one who holds power in this home." You giggle before planting a chaste kiss upon his lips. Trailing downward, your tongue sweeps small circles over his golden skin as he glows from the orange flames. He gasps gently, mouth dropping open before his eyes flutter shut. You lick at his chest, dancing over the taught, muscular skin. He groans gently, whispering your name reverently as his hands run through your hair. You feel it again, the feeling that sends tingles through your body. Begging for the man underneath you, Jeongguk's eyes flutter open before smirking as your lower half begins to glow. "Someone's womb is dying to be filled with the seed of Eros. Hmm?" 
You snap your fingers, white silk ribbons wrap around his wrists before yanking his arms above his head. He groans gently before chuckling. "You're astounding, goddess." You know he could easily release himself from them but he makes no move as your hands run over his thick thighs. You take all of him in now, almost gasping at his large size as his cock twitches with need. He was long and thick making your mouth water. Rose colored veins peppering his long length as it rests against his stomach. His bulbous head is blushed pink and you can help but notice the gentle curve of his immaculate cock. He whimpers when you touch his inner thighs. Hips bowing off of the bed begging for something more. "It's been so long since I've been touched." He admits and you watch how precum begins to pool at his slit. 
The precum shimmers in the lighting and you feel your mouth go dry, begging to taste it. You wrap your hand around the base, earning a hiss from the god beneath you before kissing over his length. He groans long and low as his head smacks into the mattress. "Oh gods, goddess you don't know how long I've waited for your touch." If it's half as long as you, you have a pretty good idea.
His cock is heavy in the palm of your hand, twitching with bliss as you press your lips to the smooth skin. The harpsichords begin to play once more as you reach the head. Your tongue darts out, licking the thick precum off of him before your eyes widen at the taste. There is no musk, nothing of the sort. He tastes of Ambrosia and you find yourself pumping his cock quicker for more. Delectable is the only word to describe it. You moan gently for him, a noise that makes him grunt gently before your tongue swirls around the blushed head of his cock. He moans loudly, eyes squeezing shut as his chest begins to glow. "Oh goddess!" 
Your mouth engulfs him, hands caressing his abed stomach as you hollow your cheeks. He is heavy against your tongue, shimmering precum streaming endlessly into your mouth as he moans your name. What you cannot fit inside of you, you begin to stroke. His body begins to twitch with pleasure, thighs flexing and unflexing before he is snapping his fingers. His hands fall free before he is sitting up to watch you suck him diligently. "You fuck my cock into your mouth so well."
You whimper, thighs pressing against each other for some relief as you feel the emptiness of your cunt radiate through you. His hands grab at your hair, pulling it away from your face to view you easier. Your tongue runs flat licks over the base, the sounds of your cheeks hollowing and sucking him echo through the room and he gasps loudly as he grips your hair tighter. "Oh fuck! Goddess! Thank you for pleasing me so well." 
Your eyes shut at his praise and his thumb sweeps across your cheek bone as you feel him begin to throb within your mouth. His body glows brighter, moans beginning to reach new levels of high. His fingertips roll and pluck at your nipples as his bottom lip purchases between his teeth. Your hands cup his balls, squeezing and rolling them gently within your hands and you whimper as he whispers your name with reverence. "Oh shit! I'm going to cum. Oh gods, fuck, it feels so good, Y/N!" 
You swallow around him diligently, nose nestling to his pubic bone as you let him use your throat as a cocksleeve. "Oh goddess, how I love you." He begins to fuck your face, he pulls at your hair gently. The feeling sent straight to your core as your new wave of arousal begins to weep from you. Your eyes well up with tears as he whimpers loudly. "Goddess! Yes! I-I" He falls silently as his body begins to float into the air, taking you with him. His head falls back as he gasps quietly. "Cumming. Fuck, baby. I'm cumming for you." 
His cock throbs wildly before stilling, warm ropes of cum paint your throat and you relish in the sweet taste of him. He moans your name so loudly that the gold walls of the castle vibrate gently. He glows brightly before you both fall back down onto the bed. Your hands run over his chest as he breathes raggedly. His tongue licks at his pretty pink lips before he raises his head to look at you. His smile makes your throat tense up, the most beautiful god is really beneath you.
His hands coddle your body to his before he is laying you back and kissing you gently. His knees knock open your legs, thumb caressing your cheek and jaw as he aligns himself to you. His cock gently brushes open your lips, gathering your arousal on the underside of his cock. You moan as his bulbous head prods at your engorging clit. His lips press to yours quickly before putting his forehead to you. "Shower me in your pleasure, goddess."
The harpsichords resound throughout the room, gentle and melodic as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Hands grip at his tattooed arms, eyes on one another's as he inches slowly inside of you. There is a burn as he stretches your pussy for him. Your cunt muscles clench and squeeze against the thick intrusion and he kisses you languidly as he takes his time. He buries himself to the hilt, choking on a moan as his tongue caresses yours. "You're so tight, goddess. So fucking wet." 
Kissing over your jaw, he gives a small thrust to work open your pussy and you could feel every curve of his cock, every part of your cunt filled by him. His moans are gentle as his thumbs brush over your nipples. "You'll take my child so well, pretty tits will swell with the milk of the gods."
Your pussy clenches around him as your womb glows brightly. "You'd like that, goddess. Wouldn't you? Like to have a god within your womb. Growing my child strong for Olympus." 
"Yes! Please! I want to be pregnant with your child." He moans at your reply, lips crashing down on yours as he kisses you with unbearable wanting. It is then that he pulls out slowly, the bulbous head of his cock drags deliciously through your walls before thrusting back inside.
Your back bows off of the bed, eyes rolling back as your body begins to sing with white hot pleasure. He begins a lazy pace, whispering words of ardor over you as his lips kiss at your skin. Your bodies begin to float and he takes this time to wrap his arms around you, arm muscles rippling as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
"Guk! More, please." He whimpers against your neck, tongue lazily sweeping circles over your skin before lifting his head. "Yes, goddess."
His thrusts pick up speed, your legs wrap around his waist as he grips at your hips. You can see the way his black hair begins to coat in a shimmering sweat, sticking to his forehead. His bottom lip finds purchase between his teeth as he pumps his cock into your needy cunt. "Gods, you feel so amazing. Your, fuck, your pussy is so incredible."
You sit up, chest smacking into his as you both float higher, your body bouncing on his with each thrust. His hands snake to the globes of your ass, squeezing roughly as he pulls you in for a kiss. You can see his body begin to glow once more, starting at his heart and spreading to his limbs. His strong arms take control, lifting your body with ease as your arousal begins to drip down his balls.
"Oh fuck! Eros!" With each thrust, the head of his cock prods against your cervix folds and your head lolls back as your body begins to radiate. Your toes begin to curl, the sound of the harp getting drowned out by both of your moans. It is then that he presses you both back down into the bed. Grabbing your ankles and hauling them over his shoulders as he bucks into you with fervent need.
"Y/N! Oh fuck! I'm going to spill my seed into your womb. Gonna fill you up so much you have no choice but to get pregnant with my child." The new angle has his bulbous head brushing against the bundle of nerves within you. His hands trail over your body, pinching and plucking at your stiff nipples before reaching for the apex between your thighs.
His fingers rub quick circles against your clit and your breath catches within your throat. Your body careens towards the precipice, the room filling up with white light as you moan his name loudly. You become acutely aware of how your pussy begins to throb around him, your mind going blank as you murmur his name like a prayer. "Goddess, I feel it. I feel your pretty little pussy trying to milk me of my seed. Cum on my cock, baby."
Your eyes flutter shut, hands grip at his arms. Your fingernails dig into his golden skin as it sings with pleasure. The pleasure, so intense, it brings tears to your eyes as you whimper for him. "I love you. Cum for me." 
His thumb and index finger squeeze your swollen bundle of nerves gently and that's all it takes as you orgasm for him. Your heart beats voraciously fast, body tingling with new found pleasure as you cum for him. White noise fills your brain and you sob loudly at the pleasure. "Good girl." 
His face is back to your neck, lips plucking at your delicate skin as he chases his own high. "Oh gods, you came all over me goddess. Squirted all over me. So gorgeous." 
Fuzzily, you lift your head to look at his lower body, your cum shimmering on his thighs and cock. He fucks into you faster, tongue licking at his lips before his eyes are rolling back. His black hair tickles the skin of your neck as he moans your name like a prayer. “Oh fuck, Y/N! I’m going to cum! Get you so nice and big with my child inside of you.”
His words are a promise, a promise that fuels his desire to give you his everything. “Yes, please fill me Eros. Give me your child!” He groans loudly as he lifts his head. His coffee irises begin to turn white as he bites his bottom lip. You feel it then, how fast his cock begins to throb within you, begging to unleash his cum deep inside of you. You can see the love, the pleasure, the wanting written over his handsome features as his eyes flutter shut. His mouth opens, tongue caressing the skin of his bottom lip before his eyebrows furrow.
“Fuck! Goddess!” His hands grasp at your hips as you begin to float higher than before. The harps song begins to quicken and your back begins to arch as Guk moans. “Oh gods, I’m cumming.”
His body bursts with white light, so bright you have to squeeze your eyes shut as his cock stills inside of you. He gives small thrusts before moaning so loudly your ears ring. The orange flames of the room are burnt out as a gust of wind sweeps throughout the bedroom. Ropes of cum greet your needy cunt. Your womb swells with his seed as his cum never seems to cease. It fills you with warmth, numbing your body and you feel euphoric as he hugs you tightly to him.
He kisses over your sweaty skin, peppering you with love as you both slowly float back down to the bed. The harp turns into the sounds of a lyre before you hear trumpets begin to resound. He chuckles gently against you before shaking his head. “Welcome to Olympus.” 
You giggle before running your hands through his sweaty hair. He hugs you tightly before pulling out of you slowly, his tongue licks at hips before he's humming in amusement. His fingers splayed open the lips of your pussy before groaning. "Zeus above, that's hot." You watch as his cum seeps out of you, coating the silk sheets beneath you as it sparkles. 
"I can't believe you have glittery cum." He laughs loudly, head falling back before he snaps his fingers changing the sheets beneath you both. He lays down beside you, arm wrapping around your waist before pulling your back flush to his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." 
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Waking up in Olympus can only be described as rapture. Leaving Guk alone in the bed, you snap your fingers as you walk towards the open balcony. A light blue peplos enwraps your body and you can smell Ambrosia on the wind as you lean against the marble railing of the balcony. The lavender sky hangs high above the pantheon and you close your eyes taking in the heated rays. Once an enigma to you, Jeongguk has become everything you could have dreamed of and you find your eyes welling with tears as you open them once more.
You take in the sight of gods and goddess flying around to get from the Elysian Fields to even the market. “Goddess?” His voice croaks with the sound of morning and you giggle before putting your hands underneath your chin. You hear the sheets ruffle as he awakes and your head tilts to look at a garden with a fountain in the center. In the distance you can see Hebe sitting on the edge of the fountain combing her hair and you fill with calmness. “Good morning.” 
His arms wrap around you before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “Good morning.” He pulls back before looking at the blue peplos and smirking. “You feel different today?”
You raise an eyebrow before turning to him. “Different?” He hums before kissing your lips gently. 
“Blue.” He pulls at the peplos before looking past you towards the pantheon.
His hands run down your arms to your stomach and you go wide eyed as he turns you back around. “Pregnancy is different here, goddess.” You choke on your own spit before looking down at your stomach. Just a small bump, maybe signifying that you were two to three months pregnant and yet, you’re still mystified by it.
“You-I- We just did it yesterday.” He laughs, a sweet melodic sound as his breath fans the back of your neck. “Yes, we did. A very good night for me indeed.” You snort as your womb begins to glow underneath his touch.  It hits you then.
“What about my job as a mythologist? What about everything on Earth?” He hugs you tightly as Pegasus flies above the castle.
“I’d say this is better than studying myths, don’t you think? You’re living one.” You ponder on this thought for a second before you begin to smile. “I’d say so.”
He sighs gently before rubbing at your stomach. “It’s a boy y’know. That’s why you’re wearing blue.” Your heart swells before turning to him, his hands caging you against the railing as the prop up on either side of you. “Although the world will never write about your story, they will never know the tales of how Eros grew to love again. How our love culminated into the greatest gift of being-” His hands press to your stomach as you tilt your head, “-the pantheon will know. They will know how ardently I treasure and adore you. The gods and goddesses will know how you make my heart sing.” Your fingers reach up and touch the gold necklace around your neck and his nose wrinkles. He wraps you in his arms, chest beginning to glow as his forehead presses to yours. “For Eros, the god of love found his own in a woman whose heart made his own weep with Ambrosia, sing like the winds of the Elysian Fields and dream such sweet dreams only Morpheus would provide.”
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rosemary-writes · 3 years
The Lost Boys and Halloween costume headcanons
Warnings: swearing
No chance in hell. Nope. No thank you, he will gladly pass on that.
No amount of persuasion can convince David to dress up with you. Even if it was something extremely tame, he does not want to. He has a reputation to uphold babe! He can’t tarnish it!
“Maybe in the next 100 years?”
“David, you’re such an asshole.”
You can still take him with you when you find your costume though.
He does know where all of the good shops are and he will gladly take you to those places
He’s actually really good about figuring out what would look good on you.
He’ll hold the costumes up to your frame and tell you about it
“If you didn’t look annoyed, you’d be a very cute roman god.”
“David, I’m tired.”
“Nonsense. You wanted this so you got it >:)”
After a few more hours, you finally settle on a costume.
Both you and David thought it was pretty great so he was more than happy to buy it.
Who were you to refuse?
The moment you both got to your house, David begged you to put it on because he wanted to see how sexy you looked in it.
“After all of the hard work I put into finding you an outfit, the least you can do is show me”
You go to a different room and change so it can be a surprise
When you come out, whoo mama! David loves what he is seeing!
“Give me a spin, kitten.”
To say the least, he thinks you look very sexy.
However, he might not let you out on Halloween night
You're his to look at and his alone.
“If you don’t let me leave the house on Halloween, then you’ll never see me in this again.”
Costumes you say? Well, well, well, don’t mind if he does!
He may seem too dark and mysterious for it but Dwayne is a creative man, so he’ll want to do something creative
He might want to be an album cover with you. Or be a dapper Edwardian couple? He doesn’t know, it’s a team effort and team decision.
You both don’t want to spend too much money on costumes cause what’s the point in buying it if you’re only going to wear it for one night?
What if you did a classic costume?
“Dwayne, we could put bags over our heads so that way no one knows it’s us”
“Yeah, but then it’s all fun and games until you suffocate.”
A few weeks pass and you guys still don’t know what to do
You both still want to dress up but neither one of you can make up your minds
“Wait, dovey, you have spare bed sheets right?”
“Yeah, what’re you thinking of Dwayne?”
He goes to your sheet closet and pulls out two bedsheets. As you’re watching him, he rips two holes into both of them
“Let’s be the classic sheet ghost.”
“Baby those were my only other spare bed sheets :(“
He’ll sew them back up for you, but it’ll be after halloween
Dwayne loves the basic-ness of yall’s outfits. You just don’t see the classic ghost anymore.
On Halloween night you both wear the sheets and walk around different neighborhoods together. Hand in hand of course.
He’s a very happy man
He is so excited to dress up!
He wouldn’t be able to make up his mind cause one minute he’ll want to be his favorite singer, then the next he’ll want to be another singer, then he’ll want to be something kind of stupid, and he just keeps going and going.
You both won’t need to go to a costume shop because this man has a little area of the cave just for his massive wardrobe. He can’t help it, he just has so many pretty clothes.
Rummaging in the cave might take a few weeks.
One night you two have a talk about it.
“Paul, you like Twisted Sister, why don’t you go as Dee Snider?”
“Cause I kind of want to be Don Dokken now .”
It’ll take him a while to figure it out, but he’ll get there
“What if we were Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons from the Dressed To Kill album?”
“Paul, I don’t own a suit or clown makeup”
Both of you decide to rummage through his little closet space and pull out clothes that you both like so you can narrow it down to a decision.
It definitely takes a few hours because he just has so much shit in that room
Eventually, you guys take a break and go cuddle on the couch together. He decides to get high and you join him in his adventure.
Halfway through the smoke sesh he preaches his brilliant idea
“Babe, what if I went as Dee Snider? Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
The next day, you find articles of clothing that resemble the great man himself and Paul couldn’t be more in love with halloween.
He wants you to dress up too! He can’t be having all the fun!
So, you decide to dress up as a groupie.
Paul also wants you to do his makeup, please and thank you!
“We’re gonna look so smokin’ hot.”
Dress up? Dress up?
Nah babycakes, he’ll just morph into his little vampire face
It’s easy, it requires no money spending, and plus everyone thinks it’s makeup
“You can be my poor, innocent, little victim.”
“Marko, you’re just saying that as an excuse to put blood on me.”
His ulterior motive is probably some type of little couples costume. He just wants everyone to know that you’re his so they won’t hit on you.
“Y’know, if you were a vampire, you could do the same thing.”
You eagerly ignore his comments. Instead you put together a little fake bloody ensemble of clothes.
On the fateful night of Halloween, a lot of people compliment his face. Little do they know that it’s his actual face from hell.
Someone even complimented you on “the fake vampire bite on your neck.”
Yeah, they didn’t need to know that was real.
Throughout most of the night, Marko keeps you close. He’s not afraid to get a little bold in public. It’s Halloween, the man's hormones are a bit haywire.
Plus, he has his vamp face out and no one suspects a thing. As far as everyone knows, he’s just really good at special effects makeup.
“Man, you humans are so naive.”
Poly! Lost Boys
Group costume? Group costume!!
All of them would love to dress up with you.
Except for David cause he’s too much of a macho man.
It’s going to be really hard for all of you to decide on what you guys want to be
There are so many ideas
Paul: we should be those inflatable things outside of car dealerships
Marko: Yeah, you can do that buddy, I’ll be Luke Skywalker
Dwayne: I wanted to be a domino
How’re you going to figure everything out?
You and David actually stay up together one morning and you confess that all of you guys could have corresponding outfits but they didn’t have to be matching.
When you fell asleep, David told the boys what you had said and they eventually figured it out while you were asleep.
They wanted to be supernatural creatures, even though they were already vampires.
David would be staying as himself because “it counts babe.”
Marko wanted to be a wendigo
Dwayne thought a banshee would be most fitting
And Paul kind of made up his own thing
“Worm on a string can be its own entity.”
They all made their outfits while you bought a simple Angel costume
They all felt indifferent about your choice
David even gave you the nickname Angel for the spiritual night when it was upon you all.
Halloween night would be filled with laughter, sweets, loud music, and the gentlest of touches. All of them wanted you to have an amazing Halloween night.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright - Part Twelve
All other parts on on my masterlist, link provided below.
AN:  To the nonnie who suggested a line, it’ll be in part 13 :) I THINK YOU GUYS WILL LIKE THIS CHAPTER! i’ve stopped being rude to our poor loki ;) More to come this week yall. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warnings: angst, language, SMUT (18+ ONLY)
“I’ve had it,” you said, pushing away your dinner. 
“Yeah, me too,” Bruce sighed, eating the last fry and leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “I don’t get it. Why give this big ass meal if no one has ever finished it?”
“It’s not called the Impossible Plate for nothing, Bruce,” you mumbled, toying with the hem of your shirt.
“Still,” he mumbled, yawning. “I’ll have to sleep for days to digest this.”
You laughed, watching your brother, who’d grown a white hair or two in the last years, bend over an eating contest you’d both known you’d never be able to finish. 
But at least you were spending time with Bruce, not wallowing around in your apartment, waiting for the sun to set, for a certain someone to climb out of the shadows. 
“So,” Bruce said, wiping the corner of his mouth. “Did you and Nat find any cute boys the other night?”
You rolled your eyes, panic rising in your throat because no, both of you had returned home beau-less, but you’d recently found someone else. And you were not about to let Bruce know. Not now. Not ever. 
But truth is, you hadn’t seen Loki since the night he came back, and your tummy was a turmoil of panic and butterflies. Had he left once again? What was he doing? Where? With who?
You gulped down the terror rising in your throat as you smiled tightly at Bruce. “No, well, you know how it is,” you said awkwardly. “They all wanna talk to Nat so I kind of awkwardly step to the side.”
Bruce nodded. “Well, Nat is a very beautiful woman,” he sighed.
“Ew, Bruce stop.”
“But some men like women like you too.”
“What, ugly?”
“Oh my God, Y/N, stop it,” your brother grumbled. “Half the men in here swiveled their necks when you walked in.”
You wanted to hide in your hands. 
But then Bruce’s face changed and you knew what was coming. He always did this. Always. As if he just had to make sure you were miserable, just for the sake of the planet’s safety.
“I need to tell you something,” Bruce said with a frown. God, you hoped he was fine. But something in the lines of his face made worry climb in your belly. “There’s news from... from Asgard.”
It was as if that word was poison to you. “Loki,” you mumbled, throat raw.
“Thor delivered some news yesterday,” your brother continued, toying with his fingers, a nervous habit of his. “Loki... Loki died.”
You frowned, your head snapping up to meet Bruce’s warm brown gaze. “Dead?” you asked.
That was impossible. Just two days ago, he’d been standing in your apartment. He’d been... You gulped.
Bruce put his elbows on the table, initiating his Big Brother Stance. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered. “I know it must be terrible news for you.”
You dipped your chin, searching your last moments with Loki, trying to decipher if he’d given you a hint. This made no sense. How could Loki, the God of Mischief, be dead?
“How?” you asked. 
Bruce sighed. “Thor broke him out of prison to help him cure Jane of the Aether, and well, Loki was killed in a battle.”
You were frowning so hard it hurt. 
“I am so sorry, little sis,” Bruce murmured, reaching across the table to touch your hand. You immediately jerked it away, regretting the harsh movement as you saw hurt crossing your brother’s features, but not caring at the same time. How could he be dead?
You stood, the chair scraping on the wooden floor. You grabbed your bag, heart pounding, breath roaring in your ears.
“Y/N,” Bruce said, eyeing you with worry creasing his face. 
“I’m gonna go,” you mumbled, not bothering with the bill or politeness or the fact that you were running out of a restaurant. 
The street sounds were a blur to you as you all but ran out, bumping into people, muttering excuses. You walked by habit, heart a sore muscle, thoughts jumbling. How could Loki be dead in two days? Had Thor delivered the news a few days ago? Or today?
You were vaguely aware of your phone buzzing in your pocket, but all you could concentrate on was Loki’s presence. He’d been in and out of your apartment for weeks, repairing this or that, and it was only two days ago that he’d been in your apartment, kissing you. 
He just couldn’t be dead. 
It was late evening as you rushed up the stairs of your apartment complex, blood roaring in your ears, breath panting as you burst through the door. You didn’t bother locking it. Rushing to the curtains, you ripped them closed, ushering in more darkness. He only seemed to come to you in the dark. 
Standing there like an idiot, panting, silence filling your ears, you called out to him. At first, it was weak. A raw attempt to conjure him as if he was a ghost. But then the anger got to you, sweeping in hot against the inside of your rib cage, and you balled your fingers into fists. 
“Loki, fuck!” you exclaimed, feeling your cheeks warm.
The shadow behind you spoke. “Love hearing my name like that.”
You whirled, watching him melt from the shadows as if he’d been there all along. Black long sleeve cotton sweater, black trousers, boots to match. His hair had been cut since the last time you’d seen him. The long strands now short just below his ears, pushed back unevenly. 
He glowed, looking healthier, more like himself than when he’d been begging you never to let him go. 
“I thought you didn’t want me,” he said, pouting his lower lip. As he moved across the living room floor to stand before you, he put a hand to his heart. “Wounds me.”
“Are you really here?” you asked, resisting the urge to slap him for his arrogance.
“Why don’t you come and find out, beloved?” He opened his arms wide, a smirk tugging at the treacherous corners of that delicious mouth. 
You walked right up to him and clocked him in the jaw. His head snapped back, smirk wiping off his face, arms falling to his sides. When he looked back at you, standing close and seething, his left brow rose slowly. “I do not believe I’ve ever deserved such treatment.”
“Thor’s been saying you’re dead,” you accused, looking up at him from under your brows. 
The smirk slowly came back. “I may have helped spread that rumor,” he admitted, reaching out the touch the lapel of your coat. You inched back, but he snapped his hand closed and pulled you closer. “You must understand, Y/N, that this little lie I’ve shaped up allows us to be together.” He dipped his chin, eyes boring into yours. 
He was so close that you could feel the heat of him through your clothes. He’d been so cold the other night.
He licked his lips, inching slightly towards your mouth. “When you’re a powerful God and sorcerer like me, faking your death is like breathing. Easy.”
Your eyes widened, but the hurt you’d felt in your heart seemed to evaporate. If he’d faked his death, that meant he was really here. Unburdened. No one even knew he lived and breathed. 
His hands went into your coat, swiftly sliding it off your shoulders. You watched him, memorized the lines of his face. 
“It’s just you and me now,” he murmured, your coat hitting the floor with a deafening thud. “We can go wherever we please.”
His hands found home on your hips, burying his face in your neck and inhaling, the scent of him invading your senses. He gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him, flush, like two puzzle pieces. He was warm, oh so warm. He smelled like wood fire and something unique to him that made your body feel... safe. 
“Say something, baby,” he mumbled against the flesh of your neck, sending shivers gliding down your back. His warm, big hands slid against your waist until he held your ribcage. Surely, he could feel just how hard your heart was beating. 
“I thought you were dead,” you murmured. 
You felt him chuckle against you as he straightened, his hands cupping your cheeks. “I can show you how very much alive I am,” he whispered, his voice thick. 
You gulped. Something in you fizzled, dripping thick, honeyed want into your belly. 
But Loki cocked his head. “I could take you here,” he said, eyes faraway, as if he was talking to himself. “I could... Gods, stop looking at me like that.”
He brought his mouth to yours, kissing you so fiercely that you forgot his whole “pretending to be dead” thing. The way his mouth molded to yours stole the breath from your lungs, driving you mad with the need of him. He was so soft, yet so rough, a restraint in him only felt as you grabbed onto his taunt shoulders. He was keeping himself controlled. 
You wondered what it would be like if he didn’t. 
He said your name through kisses, pushing onto you until the backs of your knees found the edge of the couch. “I’ve been starved for two years,” he mumbled, biting onto your lower lip. “Bled out.” Another breathtaking kiss. “All I wanted was you.”
You briefly remembered the way he’d looked that first time you saw him: disgusted, and how ironic was that now. He was bound to you so fiercely you felt it in your bones, and he was on his knees, wanting you more than anything. More than his own life. 
“Loki,” you murmured, breathing him in, kissing him back with as much heat as you could muster. You took ahold of his shirt with courage that seemed to pour in the more he ravaged you with his mouth. Pulling him back, you brought him down onto the couch, straddling him with ease. It really was like fitting two puzzle pieces. 
He huffed, his eyes searching your face with a look you could only chalk up to awe. His hands delicately treaded along your waist, skimming your hips as you lowered yourself flush against him. You could feel him through his pants, warm and hard, and the thought that just the sight of you got Loki so aroused made you bite your lip. 
He looked up at you, caressing your ribcage. “I could have you like this,” he whispered, his other hand skimming your belly and up, until he toyed with your nipple through your shirt. “I would have you how ever you want, Y/N,” he said, reaching for your mouth.
You dipped your fingers into his hair, grasping, bringing you against him until instinct took over and you rolled your hips, feeling his teeth nip you through the kiss. A low rumble came from him, his hand grasping your hip. “Careful, love,” he warned, nipping at your neck, your hands gripping the strands of dark hair. “Or I’ll be in a hurry.”
You smiled. Genuinely smiled. It was the first time in what felt like ages that the stretch of your lips felt real. You’d been living a lie for two years and now, straddling this dark prince of Gods, you knew this is where you belonged.
He brought his mouth back to yours. “Runaway with me,” he said, splaying both hands down the length of your back. “Please.”
You closed your eyes, kissing his jaw, down his neck, rolling your hips until you knew just how much of him you’d be dealing with. That low rumble came back, his hand snapping out and gripping your neck. With a hiss, he brought you back until you could meet his eyes. 
You gulped, but you couldn’t help the knot of arousal coiling in your belly. “Don’t play with me,” he warned, eyes dark in the dimly lit room. 
The left corner of your mouth tugged up and you barely saw him move. You knew he had superhuman strength and speed, but you’d never seen him use it before. And now, one moment you were straddling him, the next you were on the floor, Loki poised menacingly between your legs. 
When you looked up, panting, the pressure of Loki’s hand around your throat, his eyes were hooded. 
“Touch me,” he said. 
You felt the heat pouring into your face, but the hand around your neck eased until it grasped onto yours, guiding it to Loki’s arousal. He was so warm, so hard as you pressed your hand against him, eliciting a low groan from him. 
You watched him as his head bent slightly, eyes shutting, grasping him through his pants. He seemed to tremble, both hands in fists either side of your head. And then he let out a low groan, his mouth brushing yours. 
“The things you fucking do to me, love,” he whispered against your mouth before kissing you so hard you saw stars. 
He grabbed onto both sides of your jeans and tugged, making you lose touch with him and sliding softly on the floor. He smiled, kissing your neck down to the swell of your breast until he was face to face with the apex between your legs. He tugged again when you slowly rose your hips from the ground, watching him, seeing the way his eyes drank you in like a drug. 
Your jeans hit the ground and you instinctively closed your legs, but Loki’s long fingers on your knees pushed them apart as he settled there, his mouth finding home on the flesh of your neck. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to,” he mumbled, fingers playing along the inside of your thigh, “but you can stop me if you want.”
Something akin to awe swelled in your chest and you grabbed onto his face, bringing his mouth back onto yours. He grunted, moving until your left leg was wide open for him. 
His fingers delicately pushed your panties aside, his mouth nipping at yours. You trembled, not because it was cold, and he sensed the way your bones seemed to flutter. “I got you, baby,” he whispered, two long, warm fingers finding your clit and rubbing slow, tentative circles that made you arch your back. 
Loki dipped his chin, grasping a nipple in his mouth through your shirt. You’d stopped wearing bras since the last time you’d seen him.
A whimper left you as Loki continued his ministrations, the pressure just right, the circles so languid. You lost yourself to the rhythm, rolling your hips into his hand, his mouth kissing up your neck and leaving a trail purely his. 
“Yeah?” he whispered in your ear, the pressure on his fingers increasing and you mewled, grasping his hair. “That’s a good girl, huh.” You flushed, lost in the storm of his words and the way his hand felt so fucking good. 
The pressure on your nub left momentarily, replaced by a long finger easing into you. Loki let out a low groan. “Gods, you’re so soft and wet.” His voice was like pure sin as his thumb found your nub and he gently rubbed, finding the perfect rhythm for you.
You arched your back as his finger found that soft spot in you, a cry passing through clenched teeth. 
“That feel good, love?” he muttered against your neck, kissing and biting. “Tell me.”
“Yes,” you moaned, the combined pleasure of his thumb and finger in and on you making you a complete puddle. 
He chuckled, something dark seeping from him, as he slowly started to lower himself until he was face to face with you. A blush crept up your face and he watched what he was doing to you. 
“So pretty,” he mumbled, and you saw him lower his mouth until his tongue made a bold swipe, replacing his thumb, and you all but cried out, chest arching off the floor. “That’s more like it,” his breathed against you.
And then he all but made you toss yourself off the edge. His tongue was a gift sent from the Gods, and the more he sucked and swirled your clit, his finger easing in and out of you, the closer you got to a real precipice. 
There was a knot in your belly, and whenever Loki’s tongue pressed ever so slightly against your core, you swore you almost broke. 
“Loki, I’m... oh God.” You reached down to grasp his hair. 
His pace seemed to quicken ever the slightest, his tongue working wonders against your clit until your insides felt like lead and that knot threatened to erupt. When he added another finger, so easily, you gasped, a broken moan clenched in your mouth, as the edge came and you toppled, Loki’s name on your tongue.
You were vaguely aware of Loki as he kissed the inside of your thigh, wiping his mouth onto your flesh. You were a puddle, breathing erratic as he loomed over you. 
“Runaway with me, Y/N,” he whispered, kissing your neck, your jaw, claiming your mouth and forcing you to taste yourself. “Come on,” he murmured, hands skimming your ribcage. “I could have you cumming for me like this every day.”
The thought made you smile. 
He grabbed your hand and kissed your palm, tugging until you could sit up and meet his gaze. 
“I’m begging you,” he continued, his voice so low, so thick as he kissed your hairline. 
You breathed in. “Okay.”
tags: @subtlemalice @yallgotkik @buckyandlokirunmylife @kaz11283 @legolas-bromance @shylittlemountain @tofeartheunknown @feelmyfckngsoul @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @caffiend-queen @tomhollandsslilslut @lady-loki-ren @nathan-no @rosaline-black @abundanceofcarolines @my-own-oracle @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @marvelouslovely @drbaureid @bored-as-hell-666 @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @theinfinitenerd @toe-vind-ek-jou @ink-and-starlight @blank-bakabane @sunshineonloki @holaamishamigos @palegoopbearlight @heyarely16 @pleaseexecuteme @athalahild @help-i-need-a-social-life @tapismyforte @coloursforyourportrait @celestialstarshadow @fukyouthink @lust-for-pan @thic-thor @winchescumberholland @morganmofresh @dazedkrosupreme @postsbyjenipeo  @blblabalabla (couldn’t work bb) @copper-boom 
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Deep Pressure
Request:  Hi there! Would you write a smut oneshot with Harry x fem!reader? Something where they lose their virginity to each other? Please and thanks in advance!❤️
Warnings: uhhh smut, semi-public sex, a bit of talking during the deed but its harry so what do you expect (hes so flustered), virgin reader and harry, harry is sub at first but then is dom
Note: FINALLY!!!! my first harry fic!!!! this is a milestone yall. also this is my fav gif of him cus hes just so pure
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Seeing Harry participate in the TriWizard Tournament was definitely stressful - but it was also very, very attractive.
Maybe that was wrong of you to say - he could die in any one of the challenges, but you couldn’t get it out of your head. He was scared, of course, but he didn’t try to let anyone know that. Especially his friends.
You and Harry were friends, having known each other for a multitude of years before you both got letters to go to Hogwarts. Being separated (or in the same House) from your houses made you closer, in some way. You both needed and relied on one another, so it made perfect sense to stay friends throughout school - one filled with wizards, witches, spells, the whole nine.
So when you saw and heard Harry get picked for the Triwizard tournament, you were shocked, to say the least - but also petrified for your best friend. Finding him in the Gryfindor common room, you gave him a solemn look, “how are you holding up, Harry?”
He sighed, legs spread as he leaned forward on them, hands clutched, “my friends keep asking me how I did it, how I cheated the age line.”
You walked towards him, looking him up and down, “they know you didn’t do anything to put your name in there, Harry. They just. . .don’t know how to react. Nobody does.”
“And I do?” Harry responded back, sitting up in his chair. He glared up at you, “you think I’m handling it pretty well?”
You kneeled in front of him, “Harry, you know that is not what I meant.”
He rubbed his face, sighing, “you’re right, you’re right, I’m sorry, Y/N. I just - how am I supposed to do this?”
“May I recommend something to temporaily get rid of the anxiety?”
Harry made eye contact with you, “is it a prank of yours? Or just a plain, bad idea?”
You rolled your eyes, “not all my plans are bad, you know. But no, I’m being serious.”
Harry chuckled, “go ahead, darling.”
“Deep pressure,” you answered, avoiding eye contact for a split second before returning back to him.
He seemed confused, “pressure? Like, what, blankets?”
You stood up, “I. . .could give you some deep pressure, if you’d like! I don’t want this to be - to be weird or anything, I just read this somewhere and -”
“Go ahead,” he answered, leaning back in his chair.
You gestured to his lap, “can I?” At that, he smiled at your shyness and nodded, his own cheeks going pink. With his response, you climbed on top of his lap, legs on either side of his thighs and you leaned forward, catching him in a hug.
While leaning on him, you felt Harry slowly relax under you, his arms wrapping lazily around your waist as he sighed. You ran one of your hands through his hair, “it’ll be alright, Harry; we’re all here for you.”
The both of you sat there for quite a while, listening to nothing but the crackling of the fire and the sounds of your own breathing.
Harry leaned back, “Y/N?”
Your head was resting on his shoulder until you leaned back only a bit to look at him in the eyes, “yeah Harry?”
He brought a hand up to your cheek, softly rubbing his thumb over your plush skin, “by Merlin, you are too good for me.”
Eyebrows furrowed, you held Harry’s hand, “Harry James Potter, what is going on in that mind of yours?”
He chuckled, “just how much I want to kiss you right now, is all.”
You lightly bit your lip, “what are you waiting for?” That was all Harry needed for him to catch your lips in a kiss, pulling you into him even more than you thought possible.
He shifted his legs beneath you, making you squirm until you felt something prod against your inner thigh. You giggled, pulling away from the kiss, “Harry, is your wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
His face grew red, “shit - I’m sorry sweetheart, I promise it’ll go away, I-”
You caught Harry in another kiss, “my love, it’s quite alright. I’m flattered, really. . .I just, have never done this before, you know?”
Harry rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs, “do you - do you want to?”
“There’s nobody else I’d trust more,” you whispered, nodding your head as Harry smiled, kissing you again, his hands leaving your cheeks to feel down your neck, your shoulders, to the buttons on your blouse.
He stopped, pulling away, “may I?”
You nodded, smiling shyly, “you may.” With that, Harry began unbuttoning your blouse, shaky hands pulling buttons out of the small holes. As he began to see the swell of your breasts, he held his breath, hands growing more bold.
You got rid of your blouse, throwing it behind you as Harry gripped your waist, keeping you in place. He smirked, admiring your breasts tucked neatly inside your bra, “maroon and gold looks good on you, Y/N.”
Harry reached behind you, looking for the clasps for rid you of your bra until you leant in, whispering in his ear, “it’s a front clasp, Harry.”
He went rigid, hands stilling as he leaned back into the chair you both were sitting on. Looking at your breasts, he nodded as he saw the clasp tucked in the front, “love this on you.”
Biting your lip, you watched as Harry immediately unclasped your bra, watching you slide it off your shoulders. Once it hit the ground, he leaned forward once again, his mouth surrounding one of your nipples, one hand on your waist while the other was grasping onto your other breast. You sighed, arching your back into Harry, feeling his tongue swirl around your nipple.
Harry lightly nibbled on your breast, seeing your reaction and testing what you liked or didn’t like. Holding back a moan, you looked at him with lidded eyes as he continued his minstrations. Pinching your other nipple with his fingers, Harry’s mouth left your one breast.
He moved his other hand downwards, watching as his fingers sent goosebumps in their wake, arching your back towards him. Harry grasped your behind, pulling you closer towards him, a squeak leaving your mouth.
“Don’t be shy, sweetheart,” he said, grinning up at you as you curled your index finger, biting it between your teeth, “nobody’s here.”
You let go of your finger, “but what if someone walks in?”
Harry let both of his hands grab at your breasts once more before letting go, traveling down to your behind, squeezing both cheeks, “then they’ll get a show.”
You crossed your arms, “Harry, I’m serious!”
“Me too.”
With that, Harry lifted up the front of your skirt that was nestled atop of his clothed cock. He looked at your panties, “look at that - you soaked through your panties. Wet for me, darling?”
You bit your lip at his words, “I guess I just discovered another talent if yours, then.”
“Luckily, only you get to experience this so-called talent, darling.”
Harry moved your panties to the side, exposing your pussy to his uniform pants, the rough material rubbing against you. You sighed happily as Harry swiped his thumb through your folds, gathering wetness on his fingers. You watched with red cheeks and half-open eyes as he raised his thumb to his lips, sucking it clean of your wetness.
By Merlin, this man is going to be the death of me, you thought to yourself.
You got a grasp on reality once more as Harry began unbuttoning his pants, making you start to get up. He grabbed your waist, “are you okay? What do you need?”
You played with your skirt as you sat atop of Harry once more, “I - I was going to take off my skirt and panties, ‘cus you’re taking off your pants. . .so. . “
Harry’s face flushed, “actually - would you mind keeping them on? I can. . .move your panties to the side, I think it’s pretty hot - but it’s up to you!”
Your pussy clenched around nothing, “oh gods, yes, that’s - yeah, that’s great, that’s fine.”
Harry chuckled, going back to unbuttoning his pants as you reached down, moving your panties to the side like he said. His cock sprung out of his boxers, smacking against his shirt as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
You glanced at Harry, “have you got any condoms?”
“Blimey, yeah, hold on,” he mumbled, pulling you closer to his chest as he leaned over the side of the chair into his bag, pulling out a condom. He ripped open the package, ready to put it on until you took it from his hands, “I got it, darling.”
Harry gripped onto your thighs as you shakily took the condom and dragged it over his cock, veins looking red as the tip was already leaking pre-cum. You smoothed it out, feeling Harry pull your panties to the side once more, “brilliant. . .”
You blushed, feeling his eyes on you, “I got you, Y/N, it’ll be okay.”
With a nod, you lifted your hips, gently pulling his cock towards your pussy, coating it with your slick. Harry groaned beneath you, one of his hands gripping onto your thigh as the other held your panties. Once he was covered, you slowly sunk yourself onto his cock, your mouth forming into an ‘o’ as your forehead creased.
Your breathing quickened, feeling your pussy accomodate to Harry as he held himself back, feeling how tight you were. Once you felt comfortable, you lifted your hips once more, giving experimental bounces as both of Harry’s hands gripped your waist, keeping his cock inside you.
Moans and grunts left both your mouths, sweat quickly forming on your foreheads as the pace began to quicken. Leaning forward, you laid your front against his own, lifting your ass and dropping it onto his cock. Harry groaned, gripping your hips tighter as he held you in place, shifting his own hips and began pounding into you.
You yelped at the sudden pressure and intensity of this thrusts, moaning nonsense into his neck as Harry held you close to him, leaving no space for you to wiggle.
Harry grinned, happy with the response he was getting from you as he continued to slam into your pussy with swift, powerful thrusts. Slowly, Harry reached down between your bodies, finding your clit as he moved your panties aside once more. His index finger twirled around your clit, flicking and teasing you as you moaned, nothing making sense from the delicious pleasure.
As Harry continued to pound into you and play with your clit, you felt your pussy clench around him. His other hand gripped onto the back of your thigh, groaning at the feeling of you clenching around him. Harry’s fingers moved faster against your clit, “you gonna cum, sweetheart?”
You nodded, whimpers leaving your mouth as your hands grabbed at his shirt, listening to the sounds of his balls hitting your skin. Harry gave a few more powerful thrusts, pinching your clit between his fingers, “cum for me, darling.”
You let out a silent scream, no sound leaving your mouth as your body tensed, then began shaking, your orgasm hitting you hard - hard enough you couldn’t even moan. You felt Harry tense underneath you, his own orgasm finding a release inside the condom.
The two of you laid there for a couple seconds - or was it a few minutes? - before Harry helped you stand, gathering your clothes and getting redressed. As you were fixing your blouse, Harry had already tucked himself back into his pants, holding your waist so you kept steady. Once you could stand on your own, Harry knelt down in front of you, lifting your skirt to inhale the scent of your pussy, laying a soft kiss atop your panties.
He stood once more as your face grew red, “thank you, darling, for that little remedy of yours. It truly helped me out.”
“So I can see,” you said, already noticing how less stressed Harry looked.
He smiled at you, pulling you close before kissing your nose, “want to take a trip to Hogsmeade? I can buy you some more matching undergarments.”
You laughed, “sounds like a date.”
“By the way,” Harry started, “you were brilliant.”
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
yandere!hongjoong | desire
This is: requested
warning: v v smutty bcs happy valentines to yall. stay safe and don’t forget to wear your masks when doing the deed!! 
Day 100 of you being locked up here inside Hongjoong’s bedroom. Today marks the day he would completely give you a little freedom, and you should be a little happy at least. 
The past three months have been hard on you. You were on your way to school until all of a sudden strong pair of arms wrapped around your frame from behind and knocked you out. The next thing you knew, you were in a room with a man sitting on the foot of the bed. It was none other than your best friend, Kim Hongjoong. 
You remember that day, asking him why he had done this to you. He replied by saying that being your friend gave him a little hope that he could survive high school. That despite the hardships he has been going through in his life,you gave him a reason to get up and try again. But what was once an inspiration turned into an infatuation then turned to obsession. 
He noticed how you were getting close to Park Seonghwa, campus crush and basketball captain of the team. You also formed a new found friendship with Jung Yunho, the head of the dance club and member of the animal rights association. It was then that Hongjoong started to feel insecure until slowly he was driven out of his sanity. 
And now you found yourself here. At first, you argued with Hongjoong and threatened him to rat him over to the police. You were then met with a heavy hand on your cheek, your head spun around and your cheek stinging. That was the first time he laid a hand on you. And you would never forget that. Day by day, Hongjoong would apologize to you. But you gave him the silent treatment. When he didn’t like how you were treating him, he proceeded to threaten you by killing your parents, but it wouldn’t be him who would be doing the dirty work, rather, it is you who would be doing it. Sick with the idea, you immediately talked to him and stopped him from such idea. And then, Hongjoong offered you a proposal. 
If in a hundred days you would obey him and not go against his rules, he would give you a bit of the freedom that you wished for. But if you decided to go against him, then the hundred days would double, continuing to increase until the days would prolong. That was when you knew Hongjoong is smart. Even though you are tied in his bedroom, he was already training you to be his. At first, you were doing fine. You thought you could put a front and pretend you weren’t falling for him and his game. But halfway to a hundred days, you found yourself slowly slipping off your grip until you come to conclusion that you lost yourself to him. Less than a hundred days, you have accepted the fact that you have completely submitted yourself to Hongjoong. 
His finger would dance around the skin of your legs, slowly soothing them up and down your thighs. How he would cook your favorite dishes and feed you, although they didn’t taste the same just like how your mother made them, you wouldn’t deny how Hongjoong’s cooking has a unique flavor that made you like it as well. He would write songs for you, sing them to you while you sleep. He’s made a few songs for you already that you stopped counting. How his arms would envelope around you, as if protecting you from the loud thunder outside. He was aware that you are afraid of thunder and he was doing his best to calm you down at night. Surprisingly, you calmed down and fell asleep in his arms. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when Hongjoong comes through the door, a bright smile painted on his lips. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” He praises, cupping your face and peppering your face and lips with kisses. “I’ll run you a shower first.” He says, slowly he loosened the ropes around your wrists and ankles, carrying you in his arms. He slowly sat you down first on the counter edge of the bathub to remove your clothing. You bit your inner lip and turned your head down, this is the first time that Hongjoong would see you naked. Slowly ass he places you down the tub filled with scented oils and rose petals. 
Before he could leave you to take your bath, you grabbed a hold of his wrist. “Please don’t leave me.” You whispered. And in a matter of seconds, Hongjoong stripped himself off his clothing, you scooted a bit away to give him space before pressing your back on his chest, situated between his legs. 
You and Hongjoong didn’t bothered to destroy the silence while his hands caressed the skin of your wrists and all you could hear was his breathing. It wasn’t a deafening silence, it was a rather a silence for longing. 
“Okay you can open your eyes now” 
Slowly you opened your eyes. Before you a beautiful botanical garden inside a glass room. You marveled at the different beautiful flowers and how healthy they grew. 
“While you were locked up in my bedroom, I took the time to make this for you. People are too cruel and judgemental and will only bring you down. But the flowers here will always for you no matter what.” He whispers in your ear. Much to his suprise, you wrapped your arms around his nape. 
“Thank you so much! This is the best you’ve given me!” You smile as you slightly lean away from the hug, you plucked up your courage and placed a kiss on his lips. 
“My darling is getting bold already.” Hongjoong chuckles softly, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. “But I have one more to show you.” He took a hold of your hand and lead you further to the glass garden, you didn’t think there would be more to it but what greeted you next was what you love the most. 
A flower field. 
“When I grow up, I’d want a flower field by my garden! I just love plants so much and I would want..hmm, a hundred different flowers in the field!” 
I do remember telling him about that flower field when we were in 7th grade. But I didn’t know that he would actually be serious about making this one for me. 
“When did you make this?” I asked, slowly turning my head to face him. 
“When do you think? These flowers are very hard to grow and maintain. The day you told me that you wanted a flower field, I immediately had to start working on it.” Hongjoong wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. “I had a hard time looking for the exact flowers that you wanted to see.” 
“I want lillies, roses, marigolds, dandelions and tulips! There’s a lot more flowers that I like....but I’ll reserve them some time and write them down on a paper so I wouldn’t forget!” 
That afternoon, Hongjoong and I laid down on top of the flower field, using his arm as my pillow. The purple sky sipping through the glass room while the cold air kisses through our skin, making the wind chimes sway and produce little sounds. We were staring deeply into each other’s eyes until slowly Hongjoong leans in and places his lips on top of mine. 
I tried to wriggle my way out of his embrace, but he had his arms wrapped around me tightly, like his life depended on me. I tried to regain my breath as I breathed slowly and deeply felt my lips tingling and all the energy flowing in me. 
The distance separating our lips seemed so little, as if it was one meter and he was right there. With eyes open, looking at him like I’m seeing someone I love, I felt my body softening and my heart racing. 
It was the both of us; our mouths pressed together one more time, our tongues dancing and our breaths mingling and our hearts beating in time. He held me tight against his chest, my heart pounding inside my chest. 
“I can’t wait to have you here.” And slowly, Hongjoong switched our positions as he hovers on top of me, situating himself between my legs before he places his lips on mine once more, this time, kissing in a hungry and torrid manner. 
With one hand, he wraps them around my neck and his other hand grabs my waist, pulling me up as I willingly let my hands roam all over him, through his clothes. 
“Hongjoong, please, I want you.” I whisper, beg.
“I want you too” He says through gritted teeth, feeling his hands roam up my body, slowly sliding the straps of my dress of my shoulder and down to my ankles. 
He attaches his lips on my exposed neck, kissing the skin of my neck while I feel his hands slowly slide up my back, unbuckling my white lace bra. His fingers slowly push them down my shoulder, inching it down until I gasp a little. The cool air kissing my exposed skin. 
I gasp again as his hands settle on my breasts, fondling and caressing them in his hands. Sticking his tongue out and sliding them down to my shoulder, down to the valley between my breasts and then attaching his mouth on my left nipple. Swirling his tongue crazy like a maniac. My fingers fumbled and gripped on the back of his head, the in between of my legs pooling with wetness already. He lifts his head up and sticks his tongue out, kitty licking my right nipple before nibbling on it gently between his teeth. 
“Oh my god, that’s so good” I mumbled, letting out a moan, I tilted my head and saw a purple mark above my nipple. 
“Mine” he growls before turning his head down to place butterfly kisses on my stomach. 
“I’m going to have my way with you before I take you” He says, feeling his hardened length brush against my leg, caressing my legs before ripping my underwear off. 
He drapes my legs on top of his shoulders, sticking his tongue out and takes a long lick on my clit. He spreads my folds apart before ravishing them, almost burying his face on my pussy. 
I arched my back and let out soft yet loud moans. My hands pushing the back of his head more onto my pussy, feeling his tongue swirl around inside me. His hands that were once resting on my thighs slowly slide up and found themselves once more on my breasts, fondling and gripping them harshly. 
“Hongjoong...” I whispered, only to moan once more as sucked my fold gently, moving his tongue accordingly inside me as I felt vibrations my core, spasming after. 
“Hongjoong...are you okay?” I asked in a soft tone. Softly he lifts his head up, his lips glistening bright red with my juices. 
“More than okay, sweetheart. You sounded so heavenly moaning my name. I wouldn’t mind if I died suffocated in your pussy. If it’s the last thing I saw, I’d die happily and blissfully.” He says before unbuckling his belt, removing his pants along with his underwear and then hovering on top of me once more. 
He pushes himself inside me causing me to throw my head back on the flowery field. 
“Hongjoong” you gasped out, gripping your hands on his shoulders. 
“God, you don’t know how much I fucking love it when you moan my name like that.” He growls, slipping himself out before slamming again once more into me. 
“Mine” he spoke in a deep tone as he thrusts harshly inside of me. 
Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart. And you’re all mine.” He breathes out, never stopping pounding inside of me. He leans down and pushes his tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues roaming around each others mouths, tasting every cavern and crevice. 
With the feeling of his tip poking your g-spot, it was enough to already send you on edge. The familiar feeling of tightness building up your stomach as you are reaching your high. 
“I’m so close. Please don’t stop.” The words came out like a moan, begging. 
“Let’s cum together, sweetheart.” 
Hitting your high while moaning his name out loud, you look up as you finally release and let yourself loose, coating his cock with your warm seeds. Hongjoong, shooting his cum inside of you. The once purple sky finally darkened for the bright stars and moon. 
He places a hand on top of your stomach, caressing it gently. 
“It won’t be long until our own child comes. When that day comes, I’ll love you both to death.” 
And you love the idea. 
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! I just saw your blog! Can i request a hc, Akaashi first time meeting Karasuno's manager(reader) and keeps hanging out when their in summer camp. And akaashi realised he liked the reader? 👉👈
This was so cute to write I frickin love Akaashi he’s so pretty??? Like why??
Akaashi’s Crush on the Karasuno Manager 
While Akaashi doesn’t jump off the walls when they hear that Karasuno will be joining in on their training camp, it does make him even more excited to go 
he overheard from some of the players on Nekoma that Karasuno was a team to keep an eye on and He even hears from Kuroo that Karasuno has yet another hot manager but Akaashi just wants to stay focused on trying to get better
He will keep an eye out for you though cause Kuroo hardly ever talks about girls since he’s a big nerd
Before the other teams get there, Fukurodani & Nekoma start playing a practice game for fun just to get warmed up
in the middle of their set, Karasuno shows up and walks over to the side of the gym to start stretching so the practice set pauses so Fukurodani can get a look at the new team
He’s looking at all the players and I’m not saying he’s judging them buttttt he’s judging a tiny bit
“okay there’s a super short dude- oh wait there’s two short guys- oh my god why does that one guy look like a whole ass adult- wow is that her?”
Akaashi has never been known to be as girl crazy as his other teammates but when he spots you across the gym talking to the other players, Akaashi feels his heart skip a beat because holy shit Kuroo was right she’s reallyyyy attractive 
He’s a certified Pretty Boy™ so he can definitely acknowledge when others are pretty too
He’s not the only one though because some of his own teammates are oogly at the girl and it makes Akaashi feel off
“ Oya, see! I told you Karasuno’s manager-”
“ Lets keep playing,” Akaashi insists loudly as he tears his eyes away from your direction
The idea of staring at you from afar because of how pretty you look doesn’t sit well with Akaashi but that doesn’t stop him from making quick glances at you throughout the day
he figures you get hit on a lot and he doesn’t want to seem like a creep but Bokuto convinces him that he should just go over and talk to you because it was creepier if he didn’t say anything at all
Akaashi never takes any advice from Bokuto because duh, it’s always the other way around PLUS Bokuto just figured out that girls had three holes so Akaashi didn’t need his judgement 
the day goes on and Akaashi kinda just uwu’s from afar UNTIL you dropped some of the empty waterbottles along the hallway and he basically sprints over to help you
and when he kneels down beside you, he has to literally stop his jaw from hitting the floor because you’re even prettier in person 
after he helps you, your quick thank you is pretty shortlived since his team needs to play another match but now you’re short circuiting cause bruh this dude is hella attractive 
You guys don’t even see each other until hours later when everyone is eating dinner and all Akaashi wants to do is talk to you again 
So he finally goes up to you after dinner to introduce himself but gets interrupted by some of the Karasuno members
“ I HOPE you’re not trying to make a move on our beloved manager!”
“ If you even LOOK at her I will happily rip your head-”
“ Oh my god would you two stop!” You grab the back of Tanaka and Noya’s shirts and push them aside because while the boys were pretty protective, you weren’t going to let them cockblock you from a handsome prospect 
You happily introduced yourself to Akaashi as if the last fifteen seconds didn’t happen and right away, you compliment how well Akaashi plays cause maybe you had been secretly watching him from afar as well
Akaashi couldn’t even blame you, he had been purposefully playing extra hard, hoping that you would catch at least one good point
Akaashi is a humble man so of course he simply thanks you and he makes the first move by asking if you wanted to find a quiet place to talk for a bit
And your heart kinda drops like cue that tiktok sound ‘are we about to kiss right now’???
So the two of you walk to the outside of the gym and you two find a bench to sit on and in your head, you’re pretty nervous because you had just met him but the conversation flows super well
Akaashi might seem dry but when it comes to holding a conversation with people other than Bokuto, he’s never the type to let it get awkward or silent
You know how he said yall were gonna talk for a bit? Yeahhhh that turned into THREE HOURS
Even Akaashi is kinda shocked that you would be willing to talk to him for this long but he didn’t mind because you were super engaged in the conversation which was a response he never usually got with his other teammates
It’s not too hard for Akaashi to open up to people but there’s something about you that makes it so much easier for him to open up and you know some things that he hadn’t even told his close friends
“ So what, are we friends now?”
“ I don’t know, I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for fraternizing with the enemy,” You tease as you nudge him with your shoulder,” How will your teammates react when they find out that you’re staying up late with the opposing teams manager?”
“ They’d be more jealous than mad, that’s for sure.”
Akaashi didn’t even mean to say it outloud but it slipped through his lips so easily and to be frank, it was the truth
He could only imagine everyone else’s reaction when they find out that he had alone time with the manager everyone was practically drooling over
Akaashi doesn’t even get a chance to analyze your reaction because not even a second later, Bokuto opens the gym doors and his eyes widen when he sees him
“ Akaashi! We’ve been looking for you- hey, you’re that manager from Karasuno! Y/N right?”
“ Yeah, that’s me, you must be Bokuto-san, it’s nice to meet you. Akaashi has told me so much about you!”
Bokuto hums as he looks over to Akaashi and sends him a quick wink before turning back to you
“ Really? Because all day all Akaashi could ever talk about was you-”
“ You know what, it’s kinda late, maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow?” Akaashi suggests as he quickly gets up from his seat and grabs the back of Bokuto’s arm
He’s so embarrassed, he forgets to say goodbye to you and he doesn’t even realize it until he drags Bokuto back to the rooms
“ Why would you do that? Now she thinks I’m obsessed with her!”
“ Wait, so you’re not obsessed with her? But you’ve been talking about her all day?”
“ Well yes, b-but I just met her, are you insane?”
Akaashi shakes of Bokuto and goes straight to bed as he collapses on his pillow face first
Things couldn’t get worse, could they?
OHHHH they got a lot worse
The next day was when the boys were all treated to barbeque 
meat meat meat
Akaashi was sitting down at the steps with Bokuto and some of the players from Nekoma and he was able to hear your name in a few conversations
He didn’t have enough energy to be jealous, especially since the two of you weren’t even dating but when Kuroo started to talk about you, he could feel himself get more annoyed
“ Y/N-chan sure is cute, wouldn’t you say so Akaashi?” Kuroo teased as Akaashi turned to glare at Bokuto as if he was saying “ you rat, why didn’t you keep your mouth shut?”
Bokuto acts innocent but he could slowly see the wheels turning in Akaashi’s mind
Truth be told, Bokuto did tell Kuroo about Akaashi’s crush on you and when Bokuto complained that Akaashi would never make a move, Kuroo was ready to kick things off
Kuroo loves setting people up that’s like his talent ANYWAYS
“ Yeah, she’s cute” is all Akaashi could say as he looked over and saw you laughing with the other managers
Kuroo leaned back and rested his hands against the back of his head,” But wouldn’t you say she’s realllllyy cute? Cause I think she’s reallllyy cute.”
Kenma looked up from his video game console to look at Kuroo before turning his attention back to his game,” Kuroo-”
“ What’s your point? Do you like her or something? Cause I don’t care if you do, go ahead,” Akaashi huffed as he turned his attention back to his plate that he hadn’t even touched yet
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look like “ ooo he’s getting mad”
Kuroo shrugged and cracked his fingers before getting out of his seat “ alright, only because you’re giving me permission-”
As Kuroo was getting up, Akaashi could feel his chest tighten and he reached out to grab Kuroo’s wrist, stopping him from moving closer
“ Wait- don’t,” Akaashi sighed as he shook his head,” I know what you’re doing. I’ll go up to her just stay here and shut up.”
Kuroo smirked happily as Akaashi put down his plate and made his way over to where you were
You stood over a grill as you helped put some more meat on a first years plate but when you looked up to see Akaashi standing by you, you smiled back at him
“ Oh hey, I was hoping I would see you! I’m sure you’re pretty hungry after kicking our butts in that last match, huh?” You tease and now that he’s actually in front of you, he’s nervous as hell
“ It was a close game but I actually wanted to talk to you about something if it’s okay with you?”
Your heart sank as you were already mentally preparing yourself for him to tell you he had a girlfriend or that he wasn’t looking to be in anything serious
You didn’t want to marry the dude but you really liked being around him and it helped that he was the most gorgeous man to ever walk the planet
“ Well, I was wondering... if you weren’t busy-”
“ ARE YOU ASKING HER AKAASHI!” You both turned your heads towards Bokuto who was now getting a hard slap on the back of his head by Kuroo
Akaashi was going to commit first-degree murder the first chance he got 
You couldn’t help but laugh yet once you saw Akaashi’s flustered expression, you pulled yourself together and let him continue
“ I know we just met but do you think it would be okay if we got to know each other more? I know it’s bad timing with this season but if you’re ever free, I’d love to take you out to dinner.”
Akaashi didn’t even get a response from you just yet but he was already so proud of himself with even asking you without stuttering
Your first reaction was to shut down because you were NOT expecting to already be going on a date with him BUT you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him
“ I would love that. Let me give you my number so we can plan something soon,” You said sweetly even though on the inside, you were screeching and doing backflips
Akaashi fumbled with pulling out his phone and once he handed it to you, you both could her some of his teammates whooping with cheers and ‘ooooo’s’
IDK how to end this but I can definitely see Kuroo and Bokuto slapping Akaashi’s back like proud parents while Daichi is definitely praying that Akaashi is a good guy so he doesn’t have to beat up yet another douchebag in your life
And yes, Tanaka and Noya are absolutely crushed - heart been broke so many times
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Fav boys with an S/O that's usually a hardass but has a moment of just 'oh my god that's so fucking cute' that they start crying??
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• Listen, you weren't totally against showing emotion but you really only showed two
• Frustration and 'happiness'
• Aka you laughed a lot but had no problem blowing up on someone
• No one had ever seen you outside of those two moods
• Half the class just assumed you never got sad or anything
• The other half assumed you never really had a reason too but maybe one day you'd snap
• Crying? You? Off the table.
• You're not capable of it
• They'd seen you detach yourself from things without a second thought
• CRAZY how you and Bakugou actually WORKED together in a relationship
• To be honest Bakugou doesnt even know if he's seen you cry
• He figures he'll see it eventually
• And he's right :)
• Bc one day you two are walking ahead if the bakusquad
• And theres this fucking puppy
• And it's so small
• Its a lil weiner dog
• And an audible rasp is ripped out of your throat followed by a small 'oh my god'
• His head fuckin WHIPS around• And he's met with you tearing up as you stare at this small dog and his mouth d r o p a
• This??? This is what it takes for you to cry????
• You put a hand over your mouth, mumbling something else and Bakugou is having a stroke
• You're like full crying now
• There are t e a r s
• He moves a little closer, wrapping and arm around your shoulder
• "Are you seriously crying over a dog right now?"
No words. You just nod.
• He accepts it
• No questions asked
• Bakusquad is what you call
• V fuckin confused
• "I want a puppy," you mumbled, breathing uneven.
"I know,"
"Katsu he was so tiny,"
"I know,"
• Cue more crying
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• Hard ass 100%
• emotionally constipated on the Bakugou level
• emotion what's that??
• Idk
• Neither do you apparently
• You were just chilling most of the time
• Just- looking really blank
• never really felt comfortable with showing a lot of emotion
• People could use that against you
• call you week-
• You didn't want that
• you were dating the new symbol of peace, you had to keep up
• This happens during a rescue
• You get people out and once you're standing on the sidelines, the fight over- this little boy runs up to you, hugging your legs
• Thank your's are falling out of his mouth and he looks teary eye'd
• He puts his hands up and makes grabby hands and you immediately pick him up
• You kiss his forehead, your hold on the child tightening
• I mean at this point you're crying too
• Bc he was so damn cute
• Even with all the dirt on his face
• And Izuku is just standing there
• baffled
• bc you
• the person who was literally STABBED four times and kept a straight face the whole time about a year ago
• is crying over a child saying thank you
• He takes care of the press- and whatever else he needs to before slowly making his way over to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
• The boy was still in your arms
• "You okay princess?"
"Fine, thanks,"
• New image for the press!!
• You went from known for no emotion to Oh my god they have emotion????
• ur v upset about it
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• He know you cant express emotions exactly how you want
• you'd told him it always felt weird and uncomfortable
• Especially letting other people see it
• Deadass took him 3 months after the initial four you guys were dating to pry that out of you
• He's never really minded though
• he just wants you to feel comfortable and be okay
• So he's always gone along with the casually mean laugh a lot vibe you've had
• But one day
• one faithful day
• you two are walking after an icecream date
• And you see these 2 little kittens in a beat up box
• you GASP and your hand immediately leaves his as you jog over
• And you coo at them, picking them up, one in each hand
• He's behind you when the water works start
• "Toshi...they're so cute-" you sniff
"Are you crying?"
"No- Yeah, just look at them. They're so tiny, they're gonna die out here alone,"
"Oh my god babe,"
"Toshi we have to take them back."
"I don't know if we can do that, we can take them to a shelter-"
• you're full on sobbing now, a blubbering and hiccuping mess
• he feels like he's gonna pass out
• what's he supposed to do
• you chose now to start crying??
• "No-No because they might end up on the street again and they need love, toshiiiii-" you whine out
• So he hugs you from behind, using one hand to pet the cat in your left hand. "Okay, we'll take them back. We can talk to Aizawa sensei."
• he presses a gentle kiss to your neck
• You def apologize later for crying in front if him, almost refusing to look him in the eye
• He flicks you and tells you to do it more often
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• hardass?? Yes and no
• You vibe
• you just chill and go with the punches
• but GOD do you refuse affection and basic human emotion.
• It took him 3 MONTHS to convince you to go out with him
• That he wasn't going to hurt you or judge you
• And what felt like fucking forever for you to accept his advances for affection
• He's so patient with you, you'll never find another man like this
• pls keep him forever
• Anyway now yall just vibe together
• But he's never seen you upset tbh
• And he's never seen you cry
• You push all that down, constantly just staying in a place of whatever
• He's a little concerned about it ngl
• but he doesn't know how to really help it
• Has deadass secretly been reading books about it
• Anyway
• One day y'all are chilling
• You're in his room
• he's at his desk- looking over an essay that was due the next day and you were in his hammock, already having finished it
• But he was bopping
• he had an earbud in one ear and he was mumbling along with the song, bopping his head and moving around in his chair, randomly bursting out a lyric here and there
• And then he heard a sniffle
• He immediately turns around and he see's you
• Your eyes are watery
• he pulls his earbud out and he's making his way over to you, clearly worried
• "Babe what's wrong?"
You shake your head, waving him off.
"No no, c'mon tell me-"
"You're just so damn cute and I love you so much. Precious."
• He's confused for a moment before it processes and he grins
"Is that why you're crying?"
"Yes!" You wipe your eyes again. "Thank you,"
He climbs into the hammock carefully, and wraps his arms around you.
• Not particularly what he had in mind when you finally decided to show emotion like that but he'd take it
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• puppy and cat
• aka
• Bubbly jock and hard ass motherfucker who can and will kill you
• He knows that you cant freely express what you feel all the time
• He understands more than most people think
• Because he knows it's easier to just be bitter than risk getting hurt again
• and you've opened up a lot!!
• and he's proud of you! Really.
• He tells you all the time and you gag and call him a sap but he knows that you secretly enjoy it
• Anyway you two are eating lunch outside
• Kirishima is babbling about something that happened after class the other day and you were eating quietly listening to your boyfriends ramblings
• And suddenly he feels a finger on his lips
• He opens his eyes confused, going to talk again before you sush him
• You're looking at a bird
• a REALLY small bird
• you take a small piece of bread from his sandwhich
• "Hi baby," you coo, "how you doin? Want some food?" You slowly hold the piece out
• The birds head tilts a little and he takes a hop
• then another
• and he watches you tense up
• and the bird takes the bread piece and flies away, he watches it go before looking back at you
• he about has a stroke
• you're fucking crying
• "Babe- wait- why are you crying?" He puts a hand on your shoulder
"What the fuck, that was so cute. Eij, he was so cute."
"Well yeah-"
"Jesus he was so tiny," you sniff, "did you see the way he tilted his head- oh my god and his little hop? No fuck off I'm gonna cry more,"
• And you do
• But honestly he doesn't even care bc you're finally letting something else in
• and it means you're comfortable around him
• so he only wraps his arms around your waist and pull you closer
• "he was very cute,"
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Confessions [Stefan Salvatore]
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem!reader
type - fluff, lil angst
note / request - “hi i just wanted to say absolutely loved your recent stef imagine🥰🥰can you write more of him? if you’re up for it!! also one where maybe like they’re always teasing and bickering because they like each other <33″ YES AH I LOVE STEFAN. yall are gonna hate me SO MUCH in the ending. enjoy :)
summary - after a little teasing goes to far, you’re forced to tell stefan your real feelings for him
warnings / includes  - mild language, suggestive language. italics are your thoughts 
*gif isn’t mine* 
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“Stefan!” You exclaimed. 
Stefan rolled his eyes. “I had him!”
“No, you didn’t!” You shouted. “God, why can’t you just let me do my job! Why do you have to be such a control freak.”
“Cause I’m the one who made the plan,” Stefan said. 
“Yeah, and it was literal dog-shit. I was about to stake him!” You said, putting your hands up in the air in exasperation.
Stefan rolled his eyes. “You should be thankful. You would’ve been toast if I didn’t come in.”
You clenched your jaw. “I’ll make you into toast.” You went to lunge at him, but arms pulled your back quickly. You kicked your feet in the air, trying to get out of the hold that Damon had you in. 
“Let me go! I need to kick his ass!” You exclaimed. 
Stefan smirked, “You’re human, you wouldn’t last one second.”
“We’ll see about that,” you said, managing to rustle out of Damon’s grip. 
“Stop it!” Caroline yelled. You looked at the blonde who had her fangs out, ready to get in between you and Stefan. 
“He started it!” You straightened up, pointing at Stefan.
“No, she did!” Stefan exclaimed. 
“You two are act like 5 year olds. Grow up. Y/n, you were about to die if Stefan hadn’t come in,” Caroline said. 
You scoffed, turning to your friend. “Really, Care?”
“See, told you,” Stefan snickered. 
“But,” Caroline started, looking to Stefan. “You should’ve trusted her. She's more than capable of handling herself.”
You smirked. “HA! In your face, Salvatore!”
Stefan rolled his eyes. “I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I can’t live without my best friend.”
You teasing smirk turned to a soft smile. “Aw, Stef, I always knew you cared about me.”
“Barely,” Stefan scoffed. 
“Oh, sure,” you giggled, walking up to him. “You adore me.”
“Only in some aspects,” Stefan said. “Oh, yeah? What are those aspects?” You smiled. 
“Like when you’re quiet,” Stefan smiled at you. 
You frowned, “Wow, so nice.”
“Well, you asked,” Stefan shrugged. 
“Hm, true. Alright well, I’m tired of getting my feelings hurts by a vampires so, I’m gonna go home,” you said, walking over to the door. 
“No, Y/n! Stay for dinner!” Elena begged.  “Nah, I’m okay. I have ice cream at my house,” you shrugged. 
“You sure?” Caroline asked. 
“Yeah. See you guys tomorrow,” you smiled and waved before exiting the Salvatore’s house. You sighed and went to your car, going in and heading home. Once you got home, you put on your pjs and opened a pint of cookies and cream ice cream. You turned on Criminal Minds and cuddled up on the couch. 
15 minutes into the episode, a knock on your door sounded. You paused the tv, getting up. You grabbed pepper spray and a knife you had hiding in a vase, going to the door hesitantly. 
It’s 10:50 PM. Who is at my door?
You peaked through your window, relaxing immediately as you saw Stefan. You put your weapons on a nearby table, opening the door. 
“Hey,” you smiled. 
“Hi,” Stefan smiled back. 
“What’re you, uh, doing here?” You asked. “I came bearing gifts. As an apology for being mean,” Stefan said, holding out a box of chocolates, a box of pizza, and some soda. 
“And I should forgive you, why?” You asked. 
“Because I’m your best friend and you love me?” He smiled. 
You pursed your lips, putting your finger on your chin. “Hm, well, I do love chocolate and pizza and soda. I also kind of consider you as a friend, too, so... sure. I forgive you.”
Stefan smiled. “Awesome. Can I come in and hang out for a bit?” 
“Sure,” you said, moving out of the way so he could step in. He stepped inside, slipping off his shoes and his leather jacket. 
“Whatcha watching?” He asked, walking into the living room. 
“Criminal Minds,” you said, walking in with him. 
“Ah, nice. The show doesn’t scare you?” Stefan asked. 
“Not when you’ve seen a vampire rip a person’s head off right in front of you,” you chuckled, taking your seat on the couch again. Stefan sat next to you, putting his arm on the top ledge of the couch. 
“Right,” he chuckled.
You sat back into him, putting your head on his chest. Stefan put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. 
This was normal behaviour for you and him. You two had been best friends for the past 3 years since he came here. You two connected instantly. You were witty and teasing, which was something Stefan couldn’t help but be intrigued by and attracted to. After finding out he was a vampire, you two became closer. You learned all his secrets, everything about his childhood, and slowly fell in love with him. It was cliché, you knew, but it was true.
You had always been attracted to him, since day one. He was handsome, no doubt. He was also kind and dedicated to helping his friends and family, which was something you admired. You’re little crush on him stemmed from when he had saved you from Kol Mikaelson. Kol pushed you off the terrace after you tried to stake him, making you fall hundred of feet. You truly thought you were about to die, but Stefan Salvatore swooped in and saved you. From the moment he caught you in his arms, when you looked into his eyes, when your lips almost met, was the exact moment you knew you were starting to like him. The time you realized you were in love with him was when the teasing started. 
You two had been friends for about a good year or so. You two had always had a playful relationship. You two made it that way because you two liked each other and it was easier to be mean to each other than admit your feelings, but you two didn’t know that about each other. Anyways, the moment you fell in love with him was when he was helping you cook for you and your friends. You were trying to have a nice night without all the crazy. Stefan and you were cutting some vegetables up when you sliced your finger. You expected him to go all crazy, but really, he helped you out. When he was cleaning up the cut and wrapping the bandage around your finger, there was a moment when both your eyes met and a little voice in your head that said, ‘he’s the one you love and are gonna marry’.
It had shocked you, at first, and there was a period of time where you shut him out because you couldn’t deal with your feelings. But you soon realized that you couldn’t live without your best friend and that if you weren’t gonna confess your feelings, you would at least keep him as a best friend. So, you two started to tease each other more and would bicker like an old married couple. Everyone seemed to notice your feelings for each other but you two. It was truly amazing, but you two seemed happy this way, so no one every really bothered you guys. 
“Wow, that’s not gross at all,” Stefan said, commenting on what was happening in the show. 
“Yeah. it’s kinda weird, but I’ve been watching this show for 10 seasons so, you know, I’m very used to it,” you shrugged. 
Stefan smiled down at you, admiring how pretty you looked all natural, hair in a bun, and in your pjs. He liked how focused you were on the show, even though mutilated bodies were being shown on the screen, very very up close. 
“I never would’ve pegged you for a criminal show type-of-girl,” Stefan said. 
“I’m full of surprises,” you grinned. 
“Yeah, I know,” Stefan smirked. You looked up at him, your eyes skimming his lips before gazing into his eyes. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked. 
“Nothing,” he shrugged. 
You started to yawn, putting your attention back on the tv. 
“You should get some rest. You had a big day,” Stefan said. 
“No, I wanna stay up and be a rebellious teen!” You exclaimed.
“You’re 18. You’re not a teen anymore,” Stefan chuckled. 
You smiled, “True. But hey, you are! Aren’t you, like, 17?” You asked, looking back up at him. 
“Yeah, but I’m also 165 years old,” he said. 
“Haha, you’re still younger than me. I order you to go to your room and sleep. Oh, and you can’t talk back to me,” you giggled, teasing him. 
Stefan rolled his eyes, “Ha-ha, you’re so funny.”
“Stefan Antonio Salvatore! Do not talk back to me!” You exclaimed, getting up from the couch. “Go to you room!”
Stefan stood up with you, towering over you. “How about I take you with me?”
You looked into his deep, green eyes. Your breath hitched, your heart racing to the point where you thought you were going to have a heart attack. Stefan took your hand in his, lighting your skin on fire. Heat rose up to your face, making you hide your face from his view so he didn’t see you blushing. But he put his other hand on your chin, lifting your face up and looking you in the eyes. 
Your eyes went down slowly to his lips, subconsciously licking your own at the thought of kissing him. Your eyes went back up to his, noticing his eyes on your lips, too. Stefan’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in so your bodies touched. You felt the warmth radiating off of him, wanting to stay there forever. And as much as you wanted to kiss him, you knew you couldn’t. You knew he didn’t like you like that, and this was one of his ways of teasing you. So, you pulled away, turning away from his once more. 
“You should, um, go. We’re both tired and stuff,” you said. 
Stefan frowned, wishing you would follow along with him, but he didn’t try again. He didn’t want to force you into anything, especially since he wasn’t too sure about your feelings for him. 
“Alright. I’ll go. I’ll see you later,” he said. 
You nodded, not looking at him. “Bye.”
You heard the door open, hearing Stefan mutter a ‘goodbye’. Once the door closed, you started to cry. Tears that were forming in your eyes fell, coming down like a waterfall. You put your fist in your mouth, trying to drown out the sound of your cries, not wanting to wake your mom. You went to your room, curling up on your bed and hugging your pillow. 
I wish I would’ve kissed him. 
You walked in Elena’s house, your mouth watering at the smell of bacon and eggs. 
“Hm, who’s cooking?” You asked. 
“Me,” Stefan smiled once you came around the corner. 
“Oh, great,” you said.  “Aw, come on, I apologized to you last night. Be nice,” Stefan said. 
“Being nice to do is the last thing on my to-do list,” you snorted. “Give me some eggs and bacon?” “Nope. Say sorry,” Stefan said. 
You rolled your eyes, walking over to Stefan and the stove. “In your dreams. Now, give me food, Stuffy,” you smiled, using a nickname you had made up for him. 
“Not a chance, Y/n/n,” Stefan smirked. 
You sighed and tried to grab the plate of bacon that was in his hand, but he held it up in the air. You huffed, jumping up and trying to get the plate from him. 
“Stefan, I’m hungry! I didn’t have an actual dinner last night. Please,” you begged, jumping up, barely touching the plate. 
Stefan put the plate down to your reach. You smiled, “See, I knew you couldn’t resist me.”
Right as you were about to grab the bacon, Stefan swiftly put the plate down, taking both your wrists in his hands. You fought against him, a big smile on your face. 
Caroline, Elena, and Alaric scoffed in the living room. 
“Are they ever gonna get together?” Alaric asked. 
“Sometimes it seems like it,” Caroline says. “And sometimes it doesn’t,” Elena sighed. 
“Why? They’re like, perfect for each other,” Alaric said, smiling a little when seeing Stefan scoop you in, spinning you around. 
“They’re so oblivious to each other’s love, it’s annoying,” Elena said. 
“And weirdly movie-like,” Caroline said. She sighed, looking at the two of you longingly. “I want what they have.”
“More like lack there of,” Alaric snickered. 
Elena hit his shoulder, going over to the kitchen.  “Okay, love birds, let’s eat. I’m starving,” Elena said.
Stefan let you go, your feet landing on the ground. 
“So you’ll listen to Elena and not me?” You asked. 
“Hm... yep,” Stefan smiled sweetly. 
“Rude,” you remarked, making your way to the kitchen table. 
Stefan brought over the food and you dug in. You all talked about a new plan to take out Klaus, which led to you needing to go back to your house to get some vampire-hunting supplies. 
“Mind if I go with you? Might be some heavy lifting I’ll need to do,” Stefan said. 
You rolled your eyes, “I’m strong enough, but sure. I could use someone to make it less boring.” You got up, putting on your shoes and jacket. 
“See you later, guys,” you smiled and waved to the rest of your friends. 
They waved back at you and Stefan followed you out to your car. 
“So, what’s the reason you wanted to go with me?” You asked, getting in your car. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I’m bored.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Okay, yeah, what’s the real reason.”
“I um... I wanted to talk about last night,” Stefan said. 
“Alright, but nothing happened. We did our little friendly-cuddle, you got all up in my personal space, and then you left and I went to bed,” you said. 
Stefan shook his head, “No, Y/n. That’s not what happened.”
You parked your car in your driveway, getting out and going into your house. 
“Then what happened, Stefan. Tell me,” you said, walking into your room and going into your closet. 
“Well, we did do our cuddle thing, but it definitely wasn’t friendly. We also almost kissed,” Stefan said, following you. 
“Sure, Stefan. You have a funny imagination, you know,” you said, getting out your box of weaponry. 
“We did, Y/n. Stop being in denial. I also know that you cried after I left,” he said. 
You looked up at him, scoffing and moving past him. 
He just wants to get under my skin.
“Y/n, this isn’t one of the times where you can just walk away and we forget about it. I’m serious,” Stefan said. 
“How do you know I cried?” You asked. 
“I... I heard you using my super-hearing through the door,” Stefan admitted. 
You shook your head, “Stalker.”
Stefan went up behind you, grabbing your forearm, causing the box you had to drop on the floor. He turned you to him, looking deep and hard into your eyes. 
“Let me go, Stefan,” you muttered through a clenched jaw. 
“No. Why won’t you talk to me about this?” He asked. 
“Be-Because I don’t want to. I have a right to not want to do anything, you know. Let me go!” You exclaimed, fighting against him. 
Stefan shook his head. “No. I want to know why you pulled away. We had a moment, Y/n, and we’ve always been having moments since we met. I... I don’t know if you are in love with me, like I am with you, but I felt something last night. I know you did, too. I saw in your eyes and I know that you were crying because you pulled away and you were upset. So, Y/n, why’d you pull away?”
You looked up at him helplessly. “I... I pulled away because I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” Stefan asked softly. 
“Scared of what would happen. I didn’t know if you loved me back. I was scared that if I kissed you, that I would lose our friendship. And as much as I wanted to kiss you, I can’t risk losing you,” you confessed. 
Stefan’s hands let go of your wrists, going over to your waist. He pulled you closer, your bodies touching once again. Your heart beat against your ribcage, making you more nervous than ever. You looked up at him, leaning in closer. 
“You’re in love with me?” You asked. 
“Yeah. Probably since we became friends,” Stefan said. 
“Me, too,” you smiled. 
“I figured after last night,” Stefan smiled. 
You chuckled, “Yeah.”
“So, are you gonna pull away now?” Stefan asked. He put his hand on your cheek, his hand staying on the small of your back. He looked into your eyes, waiting for your answer.
You shook your head with a smile. “No, not this time.”
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