#geographic barrier too
brujaluas · 4 months
how to speed up the connection with your future spouse
Hi, this would be a sample of what my paid readings are like and how I intend to do the readings on Patreon as well. I gave a lot of myself to this special edition, I hope you enjoy it.
pile 1 has slightly delicate subjects, so be careful when reading, I'm not very good with words and I end up being too direct. I'm sorry for anything.
everything about my paid readings and personal spells
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pile 1
Right at the beginning I feel a bad energy, it even gave me back pain, you are hurting yourself a lot, it could even be physically, I'm sorry for saying this but I believe it is necessary to remove all the veils so that I can do a good drawing for you, continuing… you are hurting yourself and punishing yourself and this has been happening for a while now, it is painful and very painful, it is as if you think you deserve to go through this, you cultivate many bad habits with yourself, someone may have put this in your head or has harmed you too, I advise you to take a herbal bath, cleanse your energy spiritually, you are stuck in a painful situation, and you need to free yourself from it, I also see that you need to create greater responsibility, love It's something really beautiful, but keep your feet on the ground, evaluate people well, create greater maturity to manage your feelings and emotions, that's what you're asked to do, you have the key to your solutions, like that at the beginning, I'll be back to say again: you need to end a cycle. I know this is very difficult, it is something that requires a lot of patience and dedication and sometimes we are so exhausted that we feel like we won't make it, but you will. we will. You need to end this toxic cycle that you created with yourself, you need to do this so that true love finds you. Soon after you manage to complete this cycle, in less than two years, or even a year, you will find who you deserve. you can communicate over the internet first, some online contact, there is a vintage vibe between you, you can also like to communicate by letters, for many, I feel like it is a man, or someone with strong masculine energy, possibly, it is a foreigner, it can being from a different city or even a different country, with different habits, you may meet on a trip, or your future spouse may end up passing through the place where you live, it is a love that will teach you a lot, especially to mature your ideas and maybe even teach you some things about life, I won't deny it, there may be barriers in sight, it's not clear what it will be, but there will be some obstacles, it's as if the universe wanted to put you and your love to test so that they can be together, it could be a difference of ideas, geographically, someone in the family is opposed… things like that, but you love each other, and you have both gone through a healing process, this person went through it before, you more recently, but they are both fine, I see a bright future, very beautiful and full of joy, you waking up with a smile on your face seeing your love by your side, something like that.
Pile 2
I see you in a very happy moment, maybe you are even in a relationship with someone, I'm a little confused, unlike the other pile, this one presents excellent images at the beginning, it can also be a confirmation that your manifestation and prayers to find your true love are flowing, you can even meet in dreams and not know it, something that tells me that this connection is already activated in some way. It's beautiful, for some of you, I feel like you're older, or you have an old soul, you've been through a lot in your lives, true warriors, I'm impressed with the commitment you have to life and to you. A very beautiful and revolutionary healing happened here, or will happen very soon, I see you achieving emotional, spiritual peace, in other words, it is as if you became your best friend who is always in the stands cheering for you. I see many prosperous fruits, you can achieve a great career, some dream of being a mother or father here, I see you achieving this, you can have 2 to 4 children, I see you building a beautiful house and living with your love, what can I say? You look great, you can live in the countryside, because you want silence. you can make a lot of plans, you can move somewhere, or I see that some are living far away from their parents and after marriage they will move closer to them, your passion will make you feel a huge impulse, like seeing old friendships again, Going to places where you went as a child, with this euphoria you may end up doing things that are a little questionable, be careful with that, but even so I see the purest success here, you are learning very well to defend yourself and that is good, in the beginning The print run made it seem like you already know your future spouse, and I see that this feeling is because for some, it's an ex. you are undergoing immense progress and evolution, your future spouse is too, you are on the same level in everything, it's like it's something mirrored, there's nothing I can say, I think, just that you keep doing whatever you're doing, it's just a matter of time.
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Things to script - nature or status of realities
This is something I recently started inputting into my DRs to make them better and safe. I got much help from ChatGPT too to categorize all these things. I wanted to share it with you guys too :) feel free to use anything for your scripts. Happy Shifting!!!
All of the below discriminations does not exist in any of my DRs
Environmental injustice
Religious discrimination
Ethnic discrimination
Discrimination based on immigration status
Discrimination based on language
Discrimination based on nationality
Discrimination based on indigenous status
Discrimination based on political beliefs
Discrimination based on marital status
Discrimination based on parental status
Discrimination based on veteran status
Discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status
Discrimination based on neurodiversity
Discrimination based on mental health status
Discrimination based on physical appearance
Discrimination based on cultural practices
Discrimination based on regional or geographical origin
Discrimination based on caste or social status
Discrimination based on educational background
Discrimination based on housing status
Discrimination based on criminal record
Discrimination based on economic status
Discrimination based on access to healthcare
Discrimination based on access to education
Discrimination based on access to employment opportunities
All of the below issues have been solved many years ago and they do not exist in the times of any of my DRs
Economic inequality
Environmental degradation
Climate change
Political instability
Armed conflicts
Civil wars
Humanitarian crises
Global health challenges
Infectious diseases
Inadequate healthcare systems
Lack of access to essential medicines
Educational disparities
Limited access to quality education
Child labor
Child marriage
Gender inequality
Women's rights violations
Child labor
Human trafficking
Forced labor
Modern slavery
Lack of transparency
Ineffective governance
Authoritarian regimes
Suppression of free speech
Violations of human rights
Arbitrary detention
Indigenous rights violations
Land grabs
Cultural appropriation
Technological and digital divides
Ethical dilemmas in technology
Privacy concerns
Data breaches
Cybersecurity threats
Food insecurity
Water scarcity
Access to clean water
Sanitation issues
Housing affordability
Urbanization challenges
Aging population
Elder abuse
Mental health stigma
Lack of access to mental health services
Substance abuse
Disability rights violations
Accessibility barriers
Stigmatization of disabilities
LGBTQ+ rights violations
Discrimination based on sexual orientation
Discrimination based on gender identity
Family rejection
Reproductive rights violations
Access to reproductive healthcare
Maternal mortality
Child mortality
Access to clean energy
Energy poverty
Fossil fuel dependence
Renewable energy transition challenges
Wildlife conservation
Endangered species protection
Animal rights violations
All the DRs I shift to are abundant of the following things 
Environmental stewardship
Conflict resolution
Critical thinking
Cultural diversity
Cultural respect
Ethical leadership
Service to others
Health promotion
Healthcare access
Mental health support
Social support systems
Social justice
Human rights
Freedom of expression
Freedom of assembly
Democratic governance
Rule of law
Accountability mechanisms
Community empowerment
Grassroots activism
Civic engagement
Sustainable development
Responsible consumption
Renewable energy adoption
Biodiversity protection
Animal welfare
Gender equality
Women's empowerment
LGBTQ+ rights
Disability rights
Indigenous rights
Racial equity
Anti-discrimination policies
Social welfare programs
Poverty alleviation
Economic empowerment
Access to education
Access to clean water
Sanitation infrastructure
Housing rights
Food security
Global cooperation
International aid and development
Humanitarian assistance
Conflict prevention
All of the DRs I shift into are currently successfully overcoming the following challenges as they rise
Sustaining Progress: Maintaining the momentum of positive change and preventing regression into previous discriminatory attitudes and practices.
Ensuring Equity: Addressing lingering disparities and ensuring that the benefits of progress are equitably distributed across all communities.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances: Remaining flexible and responsive to evolving societal needs, dynamics, and challenges over time.
Balancing Interests: Navigating competing interests, values, and priorities among diverse stakeholders in society.
Preventing Backlash: Mitigating potential backlash from individuals or groups who may resist or oppose efforts to eliminate discrimination and promote positive change.
Addressing Unforeseen Consequences: Anticipating and addressing unintended consequences or side effects of interventions aimed at addressing societal issues.
Managing Complexity: Dealing with the complexity of interconnected social, economic, political, and environmental systems, which may require interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration.
Maintaining Engagement: Sustaining public engagement, participation, and support for ongoing efforts to promote equality, justice, and well-being.
Ensuring Accountability: Holding individuals, institutions, and governments accountable for upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct.
Resisting Entrenched Power Structures: Challenging and dismantling entrenched power structures, systems of privilege, and institutionalized forms of discrimination.
Addressing Global Challenges: Collaborating internationally to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and conflict, which require coordinated action across borders.
Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and accommodating diverse cultural norms, values, and perspectives while promoting universal principles of human rights and equality.
Managing Resources: Efficiently allocating resources and managing competing demands to sustain progress and address ongoing needs in society.
Promoting Inclusivity: Ensuring that marginalized or vulnerable groups are included in decision-making processes and benefit from positive changes in society.
Building Trust: Fostering trust, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals, communities, and institutions to sustain positive social transformation.
Addressing New Challenges: Remaining vigilant and adaptive to emerging challenges and threats to equality, justice, and well-being in an ever-changing world.
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shadycomputerpolice · 3 months
The Role of Seperatism in Female Liberation
Yes, seperatism will not end patriarchy. I have never seen any seperatist make that claim so I wonder why anti-seperatists like to point that out like their lives depend on it. Also, no singular act, outside of killing all males, can achieve that.
And yes, seperatism is often an individual action. Just like anti-beauty: not shaving, not wearing make up and heels, etc but we still understand that those acts of resistance, even though individual, have value and contribute positively to women and girls' wellbeing.
What seperatism does claim is that it protects women and girls' wellbeing by denying males access to them.
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As seen in the images above, for [misogynistic] crimes to happen, all three elements: opportunity, desire and ability must be present and removing just one of them prevents crime. The images above apply to all crimes but since we are talking about female seperatism we can tailor it down to Gender Based Violence (GBV).
Seperatism is about preventing GBV by removing opportunity for harm. Individual seperatists can achieve personal safety in their homes while seperatist communities can achieve community wide safety. So when you claim seperatism is useless you are basically saying crime prevention efforts that focus on denying potential criminals the opportunity to commit crimes is useless. If that is your claim then you have to provide evidence of that.
Seperatists recognise that women cannot influence the ability and desire of males to harm females because behavioural change is self motivated so they focus on what they have control over which is the opportunity for harm.
Now are males, like all predators, going to seek new ways to gain opportunities to harm females, yes of course they are. Outside of GBV, criminals are always changing their strategies especially when their previous strategy becomes well known and people stop falling for it. Using cyber crime as an example because I am Nigerian (LOL), when people stopped falling for the destitute African Prince method, they changed to other methods like romance scams and blackmail. Criminals/Predators are always to seek new ways to catch their victims/prey which is the why the victims/prey must always be alert and aware of the criminals/predators methods so that they can protect themselves.
So yes, as long as men exist, they will be no feminist utopia where women and girls can exist without the threat of violence. We will always need to be on guard and strive to protect ourselves from them no matter the method they use.
Seperatism cannot save all women and girls in the world just like how crime prevention efforts in Ghana cannot save me in Nigeria and I shouldn't even be expecting it to because geography, language barrier, national laws, etc. What can be done is we adapt the methods used in Ghana to our local context and apply it to see results.
Seperatism is an elective individual and geographical community level action that has the potential to save all women and girls but nobody is kidnap unwilling people and hold them hostage.
And I know, someone is going to scream " VICTIM BLAMING" and to that I say, I don't care about being labelled a victim blamer. However, if you have another viable method for keeping women and girls safe, kindly put forward your idea so it can be evaluated. Please note if you suggest "educating men and boys", I will block you because I don't have the patience for that level of stupidity and delusion.
I always wondered why allegedly smart women will "but child brides in Afghanistan" as a counter to female seperatism. The wins of feminism activism will always be limited by geography. There is no feminist activism that will impact the lives of ALL women and girls. An individual's or organisation's target populatin will be limited by geography and unfortunately by resources. You can't help everybody applies in feminism too.
Imagine if someone said that about abortion rights in the US. "Fighting for abortion in America doesn't help child brides in Afghanistan". Most people can see how ridiculous and frankly insulting it is to bring up that issue.
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cherry-salmon · 6 months
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i usually draw wof characters pretty similar to canon so i figured i’d make some headcanons and mess around with the designs a bit! info under the cut :)
i think seawings from shallower waters would be a lot more colorful than other tribes. color doesn’t travel as well in the water as it does through air, so animals can get away with being flashier. there are still dragons that are just solid blue or green, but it’s pretty common to find a dragon with more colors.
i also like to imagine that there are seawings that live in the deep sea too cause it’s free real estate lol. deep water seawings are less active and have longer gill filaments (like frilled sharks) to take in more oxygen. while they can still live in shallow water and on land, they’re much more comfortable in the deep sea.
in my hc, they were split off from the shallow water seawings for long enough to become distinct, but in the past few hundred years or so they’ve reestablished contact. there’s still a geographic barrier, but it’s relatively common for dragons to have family from both groups.
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arminreindl · 9 months
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A comparably brief one this time, but this is Australosuchus. Australosuchus is yet another mekosuchine from the Oligocene to Miocene, roughly contemporary with "Baru" huberi from last time. At around 3 meters long, its a medium-sized animal with a more or less generalist semi-aquatic bauplan known from plentiful remains all found in South Australia. And I do mean plentiful. We not only have many parts of the body, but plenty of specimens too.
Regarding its anatomy there's just one thing I wanna highlight which is the occlusal pit for the fourth dentary tooth. If you look at crocodile skulls, you'll often notice how the snout sorta constricts fairly early on. This is because the fourth tooth of the lower jaw neatly slides into this region. However, in Australosuchus this is less a notch or constriction, but a full on hole in the skull thats almost entirely enclosed. I just think thats neat.
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Little is written about its biology, safe for one really fascinating thing. It's range. When looking at the fossil locality where the remains of this croc were found, you'll notice that it appears to be the only crocodilian around. By contrast, if you were to go to any locality in the north, like the famous Riversleigh WHA, you'll find a multitude of mekosuchine species of all shapes and sizes....yet no Australosuchus. For some time, it was suggested that there was simply a geographic barrier, a dessert perhaps. That the species in the north just couldn't reach the Lake Eyre Basin. But finds from Pwerte Marnte Marnte have shown that the northern forms, like Baru wickeni, were in fact present in the basin. So why not further south? Well, Adam Yates suggests that latitude was the deciding factor. Yates argues that the species from the north like Baru were unable to handle the climate of southern Australia, which is why although present in the basin, Baru is not found anywhere below the 27° South. However, Australosuchus, which may have been more cold resistant (like modern alligators) was capable of surviving the lower temperatures, thus being the only crocodilian found in these southern waters during the Late Oligocene and Miocene. The whole thing is illustrated by Yates too for those who want a visual aid.
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artharakka · 1 year
I habe just recently come across your page. My condolences for Minni.
But Holy Shit, your art style is so cool. Your whole page is freaking fantastic beautiful. Sorry for just putting random words together. I love the artstyle so much. To be honest i am flabbergasted. I hope one day I can draw in a similar artstyle too, but i don’t think anything can come near to the talent you have.
Like fr i saw your drawings and was shocked. May i ask are some of your paintings inspired by mythology? Because they remind me of trolls and a book i had when i was a child from Jan Lööf, it was about trolls.
Sending lots if luvs and hugs from little nowhere in europe. 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hi 🧡 Last night I dreamed of Minni, she was sleeping at my feet and she was warm and her side moved with her breathing, but I knew she wasn't really there and it didn't feel wrong, so in time, I think it will be alright 🧡
And thank you! I hope you don't mind me answering this publicly as this became a longer rambling about creating and inspirations! Rest under the cut:
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Often I think I'm still kind of searching for an art style that feels most comfortable to me, but thank you for liking where I'm now 💕 But don't put yourself down! It has taken me a lot of trials and errors to be where I am. And I could've saved a lot of time if I had committed myself to learning the fundamentals first, taken more art classes, etc, but hey, sometimes art isn't about perfercting a style but finding something you are so passionate about you cannot stop creating and you end up learning in the process (for me it is stories, I find it very hard to sit down and do a "random" art piece with no background story for the characters in it). And creativity comes in many forms! With a quick glance, writing comes more naturally to you than to me (even though I would like to do that more).
Your ask made me think what exactly has inspired my art. I haven't illustrated mythological scenes or people (only that I can think of kind of referencing myths is the "Mirror" swordtember drawing I titled as "Perseus' End" on my Inprnt), but I'd say mythology definitely is there in sources of inspiration. Not some one and only, but multiple mythologies I think (mostly European, as sources to those are more accessible to me because, well, eurocentrism and language barriers, but also geographical closeness). Mediterranean mythologies, first as a kid through (Hellenistic) Greek, now more nuanced (lately obsessed with Minoan art and clothing, many thanks to Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! podcast). Playing (= @artist-rat playing for me because I was scared) Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice mabe me dig more deeply into Celtic and Norse mythologies. I'm also inspired by Finnish mythology (and I started to write more in depth about it's nuances, but it got long so it probably needs its own post at some point)
In short, much of it's lost or unclear whether it was appropriated from Karelians (or Sámi) people. But after the sources of mythological events and characters are uclear, what is left that inspires me is this kind of animistic belief system and reverence of nature. That if you sing a spell to the trees or rocks, you can shape what is around you. That a everyone has their own soul bird that brings your soul to you when you are born and carries away when you die. And while I also enjoy high fantasy and epics, what also inspires me is finding beauty in ordinary, in everything. Especially in nature. While I get and appreciate the beauty of mountains and sea and steep cliffs, I try and can find beauty near me. Ordinary pines, birds that I see while I walk to supermarket, lake's small waves against small stones. And I also find beauty and inspiration how in many small things near you, one can find marks of something more. Dinosaurs never disappeared nor did their reign ever end: birds are still here and much more numerous than humans. The small exposed piece of rock is part of Earth's foundation, it's grooves and scrapes were left by tonnes ice that passed it ten thousand years ago. The esker made of gravel and sand is not as high as a mountain, but it is still the highest in the entire world and for thousands of years people before you have climbed on top of it and seen the lakes and forests around it.
Mythologies and cultures also inspire me in a way that I love to invent them. Mostly by looking at what has already been. Imagine what all ways people have had or could have to promise to live together, to enter to adulthood. And I don't think of myself as particularly morbid person, but when I have a new story or ttrpg world, I love to think how do people there bury their loved ones. Where do they think they go and what do they need for that journey? Can they ever come back?
I was also about to list some artists that inspire me, but this is already so long that I think that will also be its own post. But I have a side blog @harakkae and there tags "art" and "inspiration" where I have collected some art and artists that inspire me!
Sorry again for long answer, I swear I cut out a lot of my ramblings! And thank you for loving my art! Hugs and best wishes to you as well and based on the fact that you had a book from Jan Lööf, I think I might be from as or even more nowhere in Europe as you 🧡🐦
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
We have a ship. We have a mission. And I am focused.
Focused on faffing about.
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Whole island just for a fishing pond. Seems unnecessary given that fish also live in the....
Wait, we can't fish in the ocean. I guess fish don't live in the ocean. You do need a pond for it. Huh.
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There aren't any fish in this fishing pond.
...this might not be a fishing pond.
I hope I'm not doing a sacrilege right now. This. Might. Be something important that I'm desecrating with my ignorance.
We should probably lea--
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Okay, now we should leave.
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I'm noticing a bunch of these under the water. What clearly looks like the timey-wimey panels we use to ruin people's sleep schedules. Wonder what that's about.
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This must be Mesa Island. If you crane your neck upwards, you can see the barrier Moraine was talking about.
Pretty sure that's the head of Mesa's tossy giant too. Moraine mentioned the Fleshmancer Acolytes put him to sleep, but he looks decapitated to me. Unless the rest of his body is. Like. Inside the mountain.
Mm. That's a possibility. I'll keep an open mind.
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The barrier looks even more impressive from out there. It's pretty even. I almost don't wanna pop it. But if we don't, then the Fleshmancer wins.
Wait a second. Are we....
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Oh hey! It's Mirth! Our new village is a hop, skip, and a jump away from the epicenter of darkness, from which death and destruction will wash across the world.
I'm sure that's fine.
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Hey guys, what's up? Something really cool down there?
Is it a party? I bet it's a party.
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This island has a volcano. But more importantly, a fishing pond.
I don't need to resupply on fish. I just have a compulsive need to catch one of every fish.
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Alright team, we are here at... some volcano. Because it looked neat.
I am very good at prioritizing. I'm glad we unanimously elected me Headmistress.
We make camp here and then, in the morning, we begin our perilous but rewarding delve into the mysteries of this completely ordinary geographic feature. Get a good rest, everyone. We'll need all of our strength for--
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There is no cave.
Great work everyone. Especially you, Serai. Mission completed in record time.
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No, Zale, we cannot leave yet. I think it's working. Just. Another hour or two. To see if anything changes. Can you not smell the mystery in the air? It smells like intrigue and burnt shellfi--
Oh goddammit, I thought we swabbed this deck already. YOLANDE! WHO'S SUPPOSED TO BE ON SWABBING DUTY? ...it's not me, is it?
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Our home village. Which is completely inaccessible by any means other than the Forbidden Cavern and doesn't even have a port. Nothing but sheer cliff drops.
It was a wry observation when we were leaving. But now it's an infuriating geographic feature.
Joke's on them, though. There's a secret cave down at sea level where Garl, Zale, and I used to plan our raft adventure.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to navigate to that cave from the outside. Vespertine probably wouldn't fit inside of it either. So I remain screwed. Giant's gonna be our only option.
Weirdass prison village.
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Brisk's looking better and it's partly thanks to the Molekin. Nice to see a more positive side to their community. I mainly know them from bullying a neurodivergent kid so it's nice to see there's some good in them too.
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Oh sweet. Will I be allowed to fight in it? For money? I like money. And I'm really good at fighting. I'm looking forward to this. The new Brisk will be even better than it was bef--
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We should have let you burn.
Not the city. You, specifically.
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This is such a weird and unsafe way to travel.
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It's nice to come back to Mooncradle. See the people. Pick up Rainbow Conches. Play some Wheels. All the things I wasn't old enough to do as a kid.
It's also nice to see we've finally got some variety to our crops. Guess the blue melon guy finally got fired, and some proper agriculturalists were put in charge of food production.
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:')This is where I learned the joys of stealing everything that isn't nailed down from a community. Old times.
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ASCENSION! To what is now effectively my kingdom.
The place should be pretty well abandoned now that Moraine's gone. We should have a look around and see if there's anything of value to--
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Why are the servants still here.
Moraine was already planning on quitting forever when he came to Mirth. Did he leave all-a y'all up here to rake the cobblestones forever? The lift works via Solstice Magic.
...come to think of it, how did Garl operate the lift when he brought us that gallon jug of cookies? Huh.
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At long last, it's time to find out what the fuck this is. I've been curious about it since we left Mooncradle, especially since we've seen so many other doors like this too.
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It's a puzzle chamber. I mean, that makes sense. Puzzle looks simple enough. Paint the pattern but with the caveat of Ice Block sliding mechanics. Piece of cake.
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Ooo, combo skill.
Gonna be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. After all that time wondering and Moraine hyping it up, I was expecting a bit more than "Slide the block and unlock a new attack".
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Though we've apparently opened one of the locks on that thing. Pretty sure I saw that in the misty waterfalls during the climb up. Looks important. Probably has a super duper attack inside of it.
Well, this was fun but it's time to get back to--
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I don't have to trek back to the other island!
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Whew. It's a good thing I keep the Vespertine in a Poke Ball when it's not in use, or this wouldn't make any sense at all.
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chaisshitposts · 6 months
🦁🐻🦒 anon here again
Firstly, what happened to you for 2 days? What crazy hiatus was that? I'm sure not only me but others were worried too! Could you explain what happened, if it's not too much trouble?
Second, to answer the question: yes, I am neurodivergent. I don't talk about this so much with anyone because: you know this has become something commonplace in today's world (everything is autism, everything is ADHD, sometimes there isn't even a diagnosis, and often the individual uses the clinical case to justify his own failure and defects) and also by my family who, well, I'll summarize: they are all very alienated in everything (spirituality, behavior in general, how things work, etc.) and I was always different from the others (a "boy" who doesn't like cars, football, or being shirtless) (and making it clear that the quotation marks are because they didn't consider me normal, not because I'm not a boy or anything like that) (and I think I'm writing too many parentheses and this is getting ambiguous) (and oh my God, I looked very cult and edgy saying "I'm different from the other kids"😭😭), so, in this case, my family, kind of not accepting the uncomfortable truth that I was normal, but different, they created this generalized idea that I was abnormal and were incessantly looking for something that would validate this, which is why I had many exams throughout my life (a good part of the physical body, brain, ears, nerves) and nothing ever resulted, much less the psychologist's report, which not only revealed that I was normal but that I was even MORE than normal. In this case, I have AH/SD, which in my language is "Altas Habilidades/Superdotação", in English, well, I'm basically gifted, which explains my behavior (precocity, taste and high level of reading and interpretation; varied interests and differentiated; tendency to associate with older people; asynchronism; preference for doing certain things alone; independence; autonomy; acute and refined sense of humor, filled with irony, sarcasm, mockery and abuse of dark, morbid jokes and acidic comments, extending even into other spheres of coexistence other than humor; highly developed aesthetic sensitivity; high observation capacity; leadership; atypical tastes and preferences, wide vocabulary and use of it; ability for: complex, symbolic thinking and reasoning, abstract concepts, relationships between different things, situations or facts; early physical and social development; great sensitivity; high creativity; spontaneity; tenacity; difficulty in relating outside the comfort zone (new environment, new people, tastes different from yours that he doesn't understand, etc.), quick ability to adapt and create intimacy, competitiveness) and because I don't fit into other cases, such as ASD, ADHD, ODD and the like. In this case, I don't comment much because I'm afraid of giving the wrong impression, of people thinking I'm a victimist or an exhibitionist or something like that, and also because of my family dramas too, and because that's who I am, right? 🤨 Isn't it ridiculous to see these people on the internet (and sometimes in real life) basing their entire personality on their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ideology, social class, damn, I'm much more than neurodivergent, I don't need to keep talking so much about this, there are so many more interesting things to talk about me…
And about the failure in communication, I think it's because of the geographic barrier: look, I assume that you are anglophone, and therefore, from a low-context culture, since most countries that share Anglophony were British colonies, then share this characteristic. But I am lusophone, but, unlike another country that shares Lusophony, my culture is high-context. This means that we don't just analyze the type, but how it is said, the moment, the manner, the intonation, we capture the emotion in speech and writing, while low-context countries are more literal, they don't have as many idiomatic expressions, figures of speech, so they end up causing some confusion sometimes (that's why people in my country are known for not saying "no"). For example, when you said "You're treating my ask box like it's an entire Tumblr - and also, it's not questions" Idk what you really mean by that, really, but in my head that sounded a bit like "you don't belong here, can't you see you're using my ask box wrong?" I think I understand what is being said when using emojis, camelcase, and slang, because that way I can capture the humor of the writing more easily 🥰🥰
one -> hiya! and oh my god you're the second person to mention that I've been gone for two days... I didn't mean to disappear!!! I was just in... hm— I guess I was dead? 💀 And not like ACTUALLY dead, but more so, dead to the world. On Wednesday something major happened and I was in disbelief for a bit. (My student loans got paid off in full eventhough there was $20k USD in debt, I didn't do anything aside from my usual affirmations) Then the next day another thing happened and I was still in disbelief. (I manifested something overnight involving my job after affirming that I can manifest anything I want overnight) And Friday was my day off of work so I went outside and spent a bunch of money on stuff I wanted. I had no idea I hadn't posted on Tumblr in a couple days, I'll be honest. Time got away from me 😓
two -> ahhHhhHh so my spider senses were right! we're more alike than I thought. and yeaaaaaah, it is pretty weird how much more 'common' autism and adhd seems to be in the eyes of social media. HAHAHAHA no no no, I didn't think that was edgy at all!!! being 'different' is what makes people interesting, after all. and yeah, I can understand where you're coming from when it comes to people using their superpowers/handicaps/gifts as an excuse to do bad things. sometimes I find myself doing that, but only when I'm trying to explain to others why I don't get certain jokes that they say or I have trouble with telling the difference between sarcasm and the truth.
three -> ah yes, the language barrier. I had a sneaking suspicion that may have been an issue as well. WAIT NOOOOOOOOO 😭 I would never say that you do not belong!!!! You will always belong here!!!! I— gods I wish I could explain what I meant in a cohesive way. 😫 I love it when you send me your words in my asks box! Your words of wisdom should be shared by YOU!!! and when you share your words of wisdom to me, and I make posts with them, it feels like I am stealing your words of wisdom!!! I do not want to take credit for your beautiful words! I don't know how else to explain it, I'm so sorry 😭
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Granny Magic: An Appalachian Backbone
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What is Granny Magic?
In its most simple forms, granny magic refers to a form of traditional (European) witchcraft, herbalism, and folk healing/medicine mixed together into one singular practice. Grandmothers have been the healing backbone of the Appalachians for the past 400 years, primarily with their extensive knowledge of nature but also with their own perceived magical abilities.
A History
When the Scotch-Irish fled to the Appalachian Mountains, their practices and traditions slowly became mixed with that of the Cherokee people who originally lived in the area. From this influence came the expansive knowledge of native plants and how to use them medicinally, as well as folklore and knowledge passed down orally through generations. “Grannies” became a term known for the women, both young and old, who took on the responsibility of holding this knowledge as storytellers and healers of their communities. 
As the United States progressed medically, many Appalachian communities remained removed from technical advancements due to both geographical and financial barriers. Those living deep within the mountains themselves were often unreachable by the rest of the world, and throughout the Appalachian area many were simply too poor to afford this new medical care. Grannies were cemented in place as valued members of the community in medical aid. They were able to heal babies suffering from colic by breathing into their mouths, warts were removed by their hands. Many of these women didn’t consider themselves witches or folk healers, they simply saw themselves as community servants carrying out a job that had to be done.
“Our people don’t always call this magic... and they don’t always call it witchcraft. It’s just what you do. If you grow up in the South, it is everywhere. But people don’t always name it, not even among themselves.”
- Sara Amis
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Grannies were also able to avoid the vicious persecution of those traditionally seen as wicked witches through their location and their faith. Many of the early settlers in the United States were heavily influenced by the Cherokee and outlooks of animism, altering their perspectives of herbal work by women in the community.
“Most of the people [in Appalachia] who do this are Christian...But their approach to Christianity is very animist. To them, spirit is very present in the world - it’s present in the rock, so they go and pray to the rock, or they pray at the rock if someone is sick.
- Sara Amis
Is Granny Magic A Closed Practice?
As someone taught in the ways of Appalachian Granny magic, yes. This practice is typically only taught to one woman in the family at a time, and its teachings are very secretive and protected. Appalachian mountain communities that have been left behind by modern times are particularly protective of their secrets, and Grannies are seen as key members of the community that cannot be put at risk. They never ask money for their services, as they only want to help the community in any way they can. As such, the community in turn protects them.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
So, since ghouls can be summoned anywhere, what's the experience like for the ghoul themselves?
Because I always make myself laugh at the thought of a ghoul just lounging around in the Clergy, then suddenly they feel The Summoning™ and a void appears, sucks them in and spats them out in the middle of a corn field with some random cult LOL or is it more of a, "Hey guys, guess who's being summoned right now? 🤪✌🏼" and they have more control on if they want to fulfill the summoning or not?
LMAOOOOOOOOO!! I can't even begin to imagine how confused everyone would be!! Because I can also imagine it being one of the band ghouls and having to call Copia in the middle of no where.
"Please come get me, there's corn everywhere..."
But I'm always happy to talk about Ghoul Geographic!! <3
Also Quick Content Warning for Physical Pain and Misplaced Ghoul Kits
Ghouls During Summoning
~Typical Clergy Sanctioned Summons (there is an important distinction) are always scheduled and based on need. Summonings are difficult both for the summoners and the ghoul being brought to Earth. Lucifer will reach out to the acting Papa or Ministry if there needs to be a SPECIFIC powerful ghoul in Hell He wants brought up. And a sanctioned summon is a VERY different experience from a summon that isn't authorized or performed by amateurs.
~From Hell, a ghoul can always tell when they are being summoned. Days leading up to it (Hell time is MUCH different than Earth time) a ghoul will feel restless. Not able to shake off the feeling that change is on the wind. But when it finally happens and the magics start to pull them, the ghoul will immediately recognize it. The call of their Dark Lord for something greater. To most it's like the mixture of purpose and overwhelming fear that tugs at every fiber of their being from mind to soul, ready to pluck them from their lives in Hell. It's an unmistakable NEED to answer it.
~A ghoul ALWAYS has the choice to not answer the call of the Clergy, but it's rare that a chosen ghoul would be one who is unwilling. Lucifer tends to pick his willing servants. In most ghoul tribes it's considered an Honor to be strong or skilled enough to be needed. So most are happy to go, albeit many reluctantly. Ghouls who don't want to go can dissipate the summoning magic with their own element. Usually as just a reflex from the ghoul to protect themselves rather than necessary.
~Physically, the ghoul will be consumed by both Hellish energies AND their own element. Imagine sitting next to your friend and suddenly the wing picks up and winds around them. Then you see bursts of color and shimmer surround them followed by them catching on fire and then suddenly disappearing. That's pretty much what other ghouls see during a summoning.
~Many ghouls have described the actual travel as off putting and strange. Like being pulled around like taffy but without the pain. Well, until the ghoul reaches through the metaphysical barrier that connects Earth to Hell. Then it's described as being painful. Brief moments of every cell in your body being both on fire and frozen as you are restructured into a new physical being. It eventually passes and the ghoul has to feel the weight of their summoning circle and bizarre new creatures who babble at them.
~Many ghouls also report a bit of a shock after being summoned because Earth FEELS fundamentally different than Hell in so many ways. Many are cut off from the main source of their power, so feel like they are wearing kit gloves all the time. That, and gravity seems lighter here. Others find it equally overwhelming because their senses are almost SHARPER on Earth. So the noises and lights are suddenly intense all the time.
~Unfortunately, you do get outside cults who steal summoning magic (though rare), AND you can get ministry members who get too big for their britches and think they can summon a ghoul by themselves. This is incredibly dangerous for both the summoner AND the ghoul, which is why it's so forbidden and harshly punished. What's worse this either can result in an angry and possibly injured ghoul being summoned against their will... or a ghoul kit being summoned because the summoner is not strong enough for an adult. Again, VERY HARSH PUNISHENTS for this- even more so if you are a clergy member.
~It's possible for a ghoul to be summoned to a different part of the Earth, but incredibly unnecessary. But then again, humans can also be 'summoned' if they have the right ties or loyalties. A same plane summoning might be attempted if the ghoul is missing or thought to be captured- but that has it's own risks.
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jeannereames · 9 months
Hi Dr Reames!
Would you say that Macedon shared the same "political culture" with its Thracian and Illyrian neighbours, like how most Greeks shared the polis structure and the concept of citizenship?
I don't really know anything about Macedonian history before Philip II's time, but you've often brought up how the Macedonians shared some elements of elite culture (e.g. mound burials) with their Thracian neighbours, as well religious beliefs and practices.
I've only ever heard these people generically described as "a collection of tribes (that confederated into a kingdom)", which also seems to be the common description for nearby "Greek" polities like Thessaly and Epiros. So did these societies have a lot in common, structurally speaking, with Macedon? Or were they just completely different types of polities altogether?
First, in the interest of some good bibliography on the Thracians:
Z. H. Archibald, The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace. Orpheus Unmasked. Oxford UP, 1998. (Too expensive outside libraries, but highly recommended if you can get it by interlibrary loan. Part of the exorbitant cost [almost $400, but used for less] owes to images, as it’s archaeology heavy. Archibald is also an expert on trade and economy in north Greece and the Black Sea region, and has edited several collections on the topic.
Alexander Fol, Valeria Fol. Thracians. Coronet Books, 2005. Also expensive, if not as bad, and meant for the general public. Fol’s 1977 Thrace and the Thracians, with Ivan Marazov, was a classic. Fol and Marazov are fathers of modern Thracian studies.
R. F. Hodinott, The Thracians. Thames and Hudson, 1981. Somewhat dated now but has pictures and can be found used for a decent price if you search around. But, yeah…dated.
For Illyria, John Wilkes’ The Illyrians, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996, is a good place to start, but there’s even less about them in book form (or articles).
Now, to the question.
BOTH the Thracians and Illyrians were made up of politically independent tribes bound by language and religion who, sometimes, also united behind a strong ruler (the Odrysians in Thrace for several generations, and Bardylis briefly in Illyria). One can probably make parallels to Germanic tribes, but it’s easier for me to point to American indigenous nations. The Odrysians might be compared to the Iroquois federation. The Illyrians to the Great Lakes people, united for a while behind Tecumseh, but not entirely, and disunified again after. These aren’t perfect, but you get the idea. For that matter, the Greeks themselves weren’t a nation, but a group of poleis bonded by language, culture, and religion. They fought as often as they cooperated. The Persian invasion forced cooperation, which then dissolved into the Peloponnesian War.
Beyond linguistic and religious parallels, sometimes we also have GEOGRAPHIC ones. So, let me divide the north into lowlands and highlands. It’s much more visible on the ground than from a map, but Epiros, Upper Macedonia, and Illyria are all more alike, landscape-wise, than Lower Macedonia and the Thracian valleys. South of all that, and different yet again, lay Thessaly, like a bridge between Southern Greece and these northern regions.
If language (and religion) are markers of shared culture, culture can also be shaped by ethnically distinct neighbors. Thracians and Macedonians weren’t ethnically related, yet certainly shared cultural features. Without falling into colonialist geographical/environmental determinism, geography does affect how early cultures develop because of what resources are available, difficulties of travel, weather, lay of the land itself, etc.
For instance, the Pindus Range, while not especially high, is rocky and made a formidable barrier to easy east-west travel. Until recently, sailing was always more efficient in Greece than travel by land (especially over mountain ranges).* Ergo, city-states/towns on the western coast tended to be western-facing for trade, and city-states/towns on the eastern side were, predictably, eastern-facing. This is why both Epiros and Ainai (Elimeia) did more trade with Corinth than Athens, and one reason Alexandros of Epiros went west to Italy while Alexander of Macedon looked east to Persia. It’s also why Corinth, Sparta, etc., in the Peloponnese colonized Sicily and S. Italy, while Athens, Euboia, etc., colonized the Asia Minor and Black Sea coasts. (It’s not an absolute, but one certainly sees trends.)
So, looking at their land, we can see why Macedonians and Thracians were both horse people with their wide valleys. They also practiced agriculture, had rich forests for logging, and significant metal (and mineral) deposits—including silver and gold—that made mining a source of wealth. They shared some burial customs but maintained acute differences. Both had lower status for women compared to Illyria/Epiros/Paionia. Yet that’s true only of some Thracian tribes, such as the Odrysians. Others had stronger roles for women. Thracians and Macedonians shared a few deities (The Rider/Zis, Dionysos/Zagreus, Bendis/Artemis/Earth Mother), although Macedonian religion maintained a Greek cast. We also shouldn’t underestimate the impact of Greek colonies along the Black Sea coast on inland Thrace, especially the Odrysians. Many an Athenian or Milesian (et al.) explorer/merchant/colonist married into the local Thracian elite.
Let’s look at burial customs, how they’re alike and different, for a concrete example of this shared regional culture.
First, while both Thracians and Macedonians had shrines, neither had temples on the Greek model until late, and then largely in Macedonia. Their money went into the ground with burials.
Temples represent a shit-ton of city/community money plowed into a building for public use/display. In southern Greece, they rise (pun intended) at the end of the Archaic Age as city-state sumptuary laws sought to eliminate personal display at funerals, weddings, etc. That never happened in Macedonia/much of the northern areas. So, temples were slow to creep up there until the Hellenistic period. Even then, gargantuan funerals and the Macedonian Tomb remained de rigueur for Macedonian elite. (The date of the arrival of the true Macedonian Tomb is debated, but I side with those who count it as a post-Alexander development.)
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A “Macedonian Tomb” (above: Tomb of Judgement, photo mine) is a faux-shrine embedded in the ground. Elite families committed wealth to it in a huge potlatch to honor the dead. Earlier cyst tombs show the same proclivities, but without the accompanying shrine-like architecture. As early as 650 BCE at Archontiko (= ancient Pella), we find absurd amounts of wealth in burials (below: Archontiko burial goods, Pella Museum, photos mine). Same thing at Sindos, and Aigai, in roughly the same period. Also in a few places in Upper Macedonia, in the Archaic Age: Aiani, Achlada, Trebenište, etc.. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If Greece had more money for digs, I think we’d find additional sites.
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Vivi Saripanidi has some great articles (conveniently in English) about these finds: “Constructing Necropoleis in the Archaic Period,” “Vases, Funerary Practices, and Political Power in the Macedonian Kingdom During the Classical Period Before the Rise of Philip II,” and “Constructing Continuities with a Heroic Past.” They’re long, but thorough. I recommend them.
What we observe here are “Princely Burials” across lingo-ethnic boundaries that reflect a larger, shared regional culture. But one big difference between elite tombs in Macedonia and Thrace is the presence of a BODY, and whether the tomb was new or repurposed.
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In Thrace, at least royal tombs are repurposed shrines (above: diagram and model of repurposed shrine-tombs). Macedonian Tombs were new construction meant to look like a shrine (faux-fronts, etc.). Also, Thracian kings’ bodies weren’t buried in their "tombs." Following the Dionysic/ Orphaic cult, the bodies were cut up into seven pieces and buried in unmarked spots. Ergo, their tombs are cenotaphs (below: Kosmatka Tomb/Tomb of Seuthes III, photos mine).
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What they shared was putting absurd amounts of wealth into the ground in the way of grave goods, including some common/shared items such as armor, golden crowns, jewelry for women, etc. All this in place of community-reflective temples, as seen in the South. (Below: grave goods from Seuthes’ Tomb; grave goods from Royal Tomb II at Vergina, for comparison).
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So, if some things are shared, others (connected to beliefs about the afterlife) are distinct, such as the repurposed shrine vs. new construction built like a shine, and the presence or absence of a body (below: tomb ceiling décor depicting Thracian deity Zalmoxis).
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Aside from graves, we also find differences between highlands and lowlands in the roles of at least elite women. The highlands were tough areas to live, where herding (and raiding) dominated, and what agriculture there was required “all hands on deck” for survival. While that isn’t necessary for women to enjoy higher status (just look at Minoan Crete, Etruria, and even Egypt), it may have contributed to it in these circumstances.
Illyrian women fought. And not just with bows on horseback as Scythian women did. If we can believe Polyaenus, Philip’s daughter Kyanne (daughter of his Illyrian wife Audata) opposed an Illyrian queen on foot with spears—and won. Philip’s mother Eurydike involved herself in politics to keep her sons alive, but perhaps also as a result of cultural assumption: her mother was royal Lynkestian but her father was (perhaps) Illyrian. Epirote Olympias came to Pella expecting a certain amount of political influence that she, apparently, wasn’t given until Philip died. Alexander later observed that his mother had wisely traded places with Kleopatra, his sister, to rule in Epiros, because the Macedonians would never accept rule by a woman (implying the Epirotes would).
I’ve noted before that the political structure in northern Greece was more of a continuum: Thessaly had an oligarchic tetrarchy of four main clans, expunged by Jason in favor of tyranny, then restored by Philip. Epiros was ruled by a council who chose the “king” from the Aiakid clan until Alexandros I, Olympias’s brother, established a real monarchy. Last, we have Macedon, a true monarchy (apparently) from the beginning, but also centered on a clan (Argeads), with agreement/support from the elite Hetairoi class of kingmakers. Upper Macedonian cantons (formerly kingdoms) had similar clan rule, especially Lynkestis, Elimeia, and Orestis. Alas, we don’t know enough to say how absolute their monarchies were before Philip II absorbed them as new Macedonian districts, demoting their basileis (kings/princes) to mere governors.
I think continued highland resistance to that absorption is too often overlooked/minimized in modern histories of Philip’s reign, excepting a few like Ed Anson’s. In Dancing with the Lion: Rise, I touch on the possibility of highland rebellion bubbling up late in Philip’s reign but can’t say more without spoilers for the novel.
In antiquity, Thessaly was always considered Greek, as was (mostly) Epiros. But Macedonia’s Greek bona-fides were not universally accepted, resulting in the tale of Alexandros I’s entry into the Olympics—almost surely a fiction with no historical basis, fed to Herodotos after the Persian Wars. The tale’s goal, however, was to establish the Greekness of the ruling family, not of the Macedonian people, who were still considered barbaroi into the late Classical period. Recent linguistic studies suggest they did, indeed, speak a form of northern Greek, but the fact they were regarded as barbaroi in the ancient world is, I think instructive, even if not necessarily accurate.
It tells us they were different enough to be counted “not Greek” by some southern Greek poleis and politicians such as Demosthenes. Much of that was certainly opportunistic. But not all. The bias suggests Macedonian culture had enough overflow from their northern neighbors to appear sufficiently alien. Few Greek writers suggested the Thessalians or Epirotes weren’t Greek, but nobody argued the Thracians, Paiones, or Illyrians were. Macedonia occupied a liminal status.
We need to stop seeing these areas with hard borders and, instead, recognize permeable boundaries with the expected cultural overflow: out and in. Contra a lot of messaging in the late 1800s and early/mid-1900s, lifted from ancient narratives (and still visible today in ultra-national Greek narratives), the ancient Greeks did not go out to “civilize” their Eastern “Oriental” (and northern barbaroi) neighbors, exporting True Culture and Philosophy. (For more on these views, see my earlier post on “Alexander suffering from Conqueror’s Disease.”)
In fact, Greeks of the Late Iron Age (LIA)/Archaic Age absorbed a great deal of culture and ideas from those very “Oriental barbarians,” such as Lydia and Assyria. In art history, the LIA/Early Archaic Era is referred to as the “Orientalizing Period,” but it’s not just art. Take Greek medicine. It’s essentially Mesopotamian medicine with their religion buffed off. Greek philosophy developed on the islands along the Asia Minor coast, where Greeks regularly interacted with Lydians, Phoenicians, and eventually Persians; and also in Sicily and Southern Italy, where they were talking to Carthaginians and native Italic peoples, including Etruscans. Egypt also had an influence.
Philosophy and other cultural advances didn’t develop in the Greek heartland. The Greek COLONIES were the happenin’ places in the LIA/Archaic Era. Here we find the all-important ebb and flow of ideas with non-Greek peoples.
Artistic styles, foodstuffs, technology, even ideas and myths…all were shared (intentionally or not) via TRADE—especially at important emporia. Among the most significant of these LIA emporia was Methone, a Greek foundation on the Macedonian coast off the Thermaic Gulf (see map below). It provided contact between Phoenician/Euboian-Greek traders and the inland peoples, including what would have been the early Macedonian kingdom. Perhaps it was those very trade contacts that helped the Argeads expand their rule in the lowlands at the expense of Bottiaians, Almopes, Paionians, et al., who they ran out in order to subsume their lands.
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My main point is that the northern Greek mainland/southern Balkans were neither isolated nor culturally stunted. Not when you look at all that gold and other fine craftwork coming out of the ground in Archaic burials in the region. We’ve simply got to rethink prior notions of “primitive” peoples and cultures up there—notions based on southern Greek narratives that were both political and culturally hidebound, but that have, for too long, been taken as gospel truth.
Ancient Macedon did not “rise” with Philip II and Alexander the Great. If anything, the 40 years between the murder of Archelaos (399) and the start of Philip’s reign (359/8) represents a 2-3 generation eclipse. Alexandros I, Perdikkas II, and Archelaos were extremely capable kings. Philip represented a return to that savvy rule.
(If you can read German, let me highly recommend Sabine Müller’s, Perdikkas II and Die Argeaden; she also has one on Alexander, but those two talk about earlier periods, and especially her take on Perdikkas shows how clever he was. For those who can’t read German, the Lexicon of Argead Macedonia’s entry on Perdikkas is a boiled-down summary, by Sabine, of the main points in her book.)
Anyway…I got away a bit from Thracian-Macedonian cultural parallels, but I needed to mount my soapbox about the cultural vitality of pre-Philip Macedonia, some of which came from Greek cultural imports, but also from Thrace, Illyria, etc.
Ancient Macedonia was a crossroads. It would continue to be so into Roman imperial, Byzantine, and later periods with the arrival of subsequent populations (Gauls, Romans, Slavs, etc.) into the region.
That fruit salad with Cool Whip, or Jello and marshmallows, or chopped up veggies and mayo, that populate many a family reunion or church potluck spread? One name for it is a “Macedonian Salad”—but not because it’s from Macedonia. It’s called that because it’s made up of many [very different] things. Also, because French macedoine means cut-up vegetables, but the reference to Macedonia as a cultural mishmash is embedded in that.
* I’ve seen this personally between my first trip to Greece in 1997, and the new modern highway. Instead of winding around mountains, the A2 just blasts through them with tunnels. The A1 (from Thessaloniki to Athens) was there in ’97, and parts of the A2 east, but the new highway west through the Pindus makes a huge difference. It takes less than half the time now to drive from the area around Thessaloniki/Pella out to Ioannina (near ancient Dodona) in Epiros. Having seen the landscape, I can imagine the difficulties of such a trip in antiquity with unpaved roads (albeit perhaps at least graded). Taking carts over those hills would be daunting. See images below.
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In light of all the horrid stuff going on in this country lately, I would just like to remind everyone that england isn’t a totally terrible place!!
This country is full of beautiful architecture, art, literature, and natural beauties that are sometimes hard to believe are real.
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This is the Major Oak of Sherwood Forest, and is estimated to be as much as 1100 years old!! It is estimated at 23 tons, and is 33 feet in girth/10 metres. According to local folklore, it is the tree where Robin Hood and his merry men slept when in the forest.
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This is Durdle Door, in Dorset. It’s a natural limestone formation on the jurrassic coast, which was deemed “of such international geographic importance” that it was England’s first foray natural World Heritage site with UNESCO in 2001, joining the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef (visit-dorset.com)
As for architecture, we have the iconic Highclere Castle
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Most well known for its use in iconic historical drama Downton Abbey, first written records of the Highclere estate date back to the year 749 when the estate was granted to the bishops of Winchester. In the late 14th century the bishop of Winchester William of Wykeham built himself a palace on the property, and was taken by Edward VI during the reformation in 1551. It was then granted to the Fitzwilliam family, rebuilt in 1679 by then owner Sir Robert Sawyer, who then bequeathed it to his daughter Margaret, first wife to the 8th earl of Pembroke, Thomas herbert, and it remains in the hands of the Herbert family to date, albeit the branch that resulted in the current Earl of Carnarvon. It was redesigned in the years 1842-49 to the facade we know today. (Quick side note, I am directly related to the herbert family through my great grandfather, so carnarvon I’m coming for you watch out)
We also have of course, the ever iconic Chatsworth house
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IYKYK. Jk this incredible house is most well known for its use as Pemberley, the Derbyshire residence of Mr Darcy in the 2005 production of Pride and Prejudice (the best film ever made thank you very much).
The Manor of Chetesuorde is listed in the Domesday Book of 1086 as property of the crown in the custody of William de Peverel. Chatsworth ceased to be a large estate until the 15th century when it was purchased by the Leche family. They enclosed the first park and built a house on what is now the south east part of the gardens. The lands were sold in 1549 to Sir William Cavendish, husband of Bess of Hardwick (who was the “keeper” of Mary Queen of Scots while imprisoned. Also apparently her grandson married ANOTHER of my ancestors so I’m related to her too?? What the fuck I need to stop learning family history on the fly). Bess began to build her own home on the property from 1553 to the 1560s.
The home was renovated a truly mindboggling amount of times, as is the amount of times it changed hands. So I’ll keep it simple. A great number of important changes were made by the 4th duke of Devonshire, greatly changing the layout of the home. His son would marry Georgiana Spencer, 4 times great aunt of princess Diana (and YET ANOTHER RELATIVE OF MINE! From another branch of the family!! I need to call my mother. And update my ancestry.com).
In 1811 the 6th duke of Devonshire inherited Chatsworth, and proceeded to transform it into the wonderful beacon of regency romance we know and adore today over the course of his stewardship over the property.
These are only four incredible natural and historical landmarks in England. There are so many more that I could spend 3 life times researching!! (And so many more that have nothing to do with my family history, I promise. Swear I wasn’t doing this on purpose lmao)
This country can be a fucking nightmare, but it’s also a beautiful country with incredible sights and history, and I think we do ourselves a disservice when we forget that. It’s okay to love England (I fucking adore this country you have no idea, wouldn’t be running a blog if I didn’t!), you aren’t a bad person or supporting the bad shit we’ve done if you are proud of being English.
Because don’t get me wrong this country has perpetrated some of the worst shit in history, but we’ve also contributed some of the most important literature and scientific discoveries ever!!
Mary Anning revolutionised the field of paleontology!! Mary Shelley started the entire sci fi genre. Steven hawkin, Charles Darwin, Dorothy Hodgkin and Rosalind franklin discovered DNA! Isaac Newton, William Blake, John Keats, Byron, Alan Turing, Branwell, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne bronte, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais, John William Waterhouse, to name a few merely off the top of my head!
England can be a wonderful place, and our heritage can be incredible and a legacy to be truly proud of. It would not do to forget, however, that a lot of our history would not have been possible without queer and ethnic minority groups. We all know a good deal of English wealth came from the slave trade, female scientists and artists often had credit for their work stripped from them and given to husbands or even strangers, and a good number of our most influential scientists and artists were very notably queer who were treated incredibly poorly and sometimes killed, and these are facts that can and do exist simultaneously.
Our heritage is wonderful, but it is still being made today. Things that we do now will be landmark events for our descendants, and it is our duty to do better for this country than our ancestors.
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brigittttoo · 1 year
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From the same randomizer as the ballroom dancing ficlet, I was inspired to make an Old Guard codywan AU with these prompts! See below (and also posting it on AO3)
Ovens these days are such untrustworthy things. It takes them fifteen minutes of mixing ingredients to realise there isn't the tell tale hum of pre-heating, and Cody notices the dial got stuck halfway between fan oven and grill.
"Wouldn't get this with a clay oven," Obi-Wan sighs as Cody sets it properly and the fan clicks on. "There's either a fire going or there isn't."
"I think the neighbours might object," Cody says, but he tucks his hand on Obi-Wan's crossed arms as if he agrees: technology was supposed to be a marvel, a wonder, and now things just don't work properly.
When they met, the most advanced piece of equipment on the ship was one of the navigational devices, that measured water depth or current speed or something only three men on board the whaleship knew the workings of, until a struggle with one sperm whale in November of 1820 cut that down to two. He and Cody had slept in neighbouring bunks, swaying together across the waves, until the next whale finished the job and wrecked the whole ship. Drowning was not a death either of them wished to experience again.
They'd dreamed about each other before then, though, Cody on the docks of Kororāreka where he was born and Obi-Wan travelling through Indonesia at the time. He remembers seeing Cody's face swim up through the darkness of night, shirt loose and drifting around his collar and scar arcing around his eye, and waking up in a jolt, sweat gathering under his limbs and at the back of his neck, muscles twitching to move. He'd taken a southbound ship just before dawn, with a surety of purpose he couldn't remember having in quite some years.
It's hard to compare that propelling force back then to his earliest years—his first life, as he's sometimes thought of it. Obi-Wan can only think hazily: of England becoming England, of the invasion of Ireland, of dragging himself out of a muddy mass grave in what is now likely great green pasture. Qui-Gon had found him then, drawn by his own dreams and explaining everything in that calm, soft voice, his hair long and clean and straight, beard greying. Sleep had felt impossible afterwards, not just in the days that immediately followed, but for the next three decades at least, and the memories of that time in Qui-Gon's company are hazier than anything that had come before it.
He's happy to let them go, though. He's happy to fill his thoughts now with chocolate—what a luxury, even when you can't get the good stuff. Milk and sugar and cocoa, all beautiful and precious things that would have upturned his little Anglo-Norman tastebuds if it had come over to Europe any sooner than it did. Cody steals dark shards from the bar he's chopping and feeds them to Obi-Wan, letting them melt in his mouth for a second before laying the knife down and dipping in for a kiss.
"There'll be none left for the brownies," Obi-Wan protests, but they both know it's an incredibly weak argument. Cody hums and eats a piece of his own, scooping the rest into the batter with the flat of the knife.
"Remember Belgium?" Cody says, and Obi-Wan instantly recollects the rich and velvety texture of the chocolate there, steering carefully through Liège and Brussels and Antwerp just before the first world war. But then Cody huffs a laugh and elbows Obi-Wan in the side to say, "Ah, Benoît, tu étais très charmant."
"Va te faire, chéri," Obi-Wan smiles, and slides the baking pan over. Coping with bastardized and shifting names was something quickly learned once one's expected lifespan lengthened so considerably. He's gone by Osbert and Benedict, and William was quite popular for a substantial time; combinations thereof dissolving chronological and geographical barriers to become Obi, Ben, Wallam. Too many other Will's and Ben's on board the whaler meant he met Cody as Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan met Cody as Cody.
And for all Obi-Wan knows, Cody has always been Cody. He's never spoken of any former names, and likes it well enough when Obi-Wan whispers it into the skin under his jaw, right where the stubble comes in, scratching on his lips.
The brownies go into the accursed oven and for a time they become distracted with the temptation of dragging fingertips through the leftover batter in the bowl, standing with hips leaning on the counter until they move to the couch, and then dwell under the same blanket as they wait. The egg timer clicks away back in the kitchen—Cody says he prefers the mechanical sound of it rather than relying on something digital. "The noise is how clocks should sound," he says, like a true citizen of the 19th century. Obi-Wan, having lived for about 500 years before clocks would deign to become a household joy, obliges him in this.
He still has dreams about Cody, like the old ones on his journey to the South Pacific, even though they've never parted since the whaler. In 1895, just after the earthquake in Ljubljana, he'd dreamt of Cody's face swimming up towards him again, surrounded by sea water, and had catapulted out of the frighteningly empty bed only to find him blithely wrestling with the kettle on the little woodstove. Obi-Wan hadn't been able to explain himself then, laughing off the adrenaline but clinging onto Cody's shoulder throughout the day. After 128 years to ponder it, though, he supposes it might have been because the only other dream he'd had of Qui-Gon since his own first death was right before his companion's final one.
Coincidence, of course, just the same as how Obi-Wan hasn't managed to return to England in 800 years. He’s been elsewhere, helping other people, doing his duty and staying under the radar. Changing his name and, less frequently, his appearance, and occasionally wondering whether he might be the only one on the entire planet in his particular predicament. Cody’s existence had disproved this last speculation, and oh, what a beautiful contradiction to join paths with.
The brownies smell heavenly when the egg timer rings its alarm, and taste heavenly as well, too hot and dotted with melting chocolate chunks. They each eat a piece right there, hovering over the pan and silent in shared bliss. The silence extends to a casual and performative deliberation over whether a second piece is really necessary, after which Obi-Wan cuts a square in half and realizes the oven is still on, and Cody starts laughing too much for Obi-Wan to feed the piece to him.
Later, they fall into bed together as they have done for two centuries now, and when Cody starts to softly snore, Obi-Wan stills to hear the Winchester Cathedral chime the late, moonlit hour.
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tanadrin · 10 months
Biomes of Sogant Raha: Altuum
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[Top: biomes of Altuum. Bottom: Major geographic subregions of Altuum labeled for reference.]
Altuum is by far the largest continent on Sogant Raha, containing both some of the planet's most densely populated regions and its most inhospitable environments.
Beginning in the southwest, Awlei and Nebressa are verdant subtropical regions that represent some of the oldest areas of human settlement on the planet. Prevailing winds off the Nebretzi Sea create thick forests on their western coasts, while the eastern half of these regions, sheltered by low mountains, are a little drier. The great inland sea keeps inner Altuum far more moderate in climate than it would otherwise be, and gives the large island of Iranda a fairly hospitable environment.
The northwestern and northern portion of the continent are dominated by a large cordillera that stretches almost to the north pole; these mountains create a large rain shadow in the inner regions of the continent. The Kurskanda Desert is particularly harsh, cut off from both the north and south coasts by high mountains, and is one of the driest regions on the planet. On the far side of these mountains lies the peninsula of Jenosha, which is by contrast wet and heavily forested.
The Conn Plain and East Altuum not only lie under the dry, high-pressure zones of the descending convection currents from the upper atmosphere, but are sheltered from rain-bearing prevailing winds by smaller mountain ranges. These factors together contribute to the formation of a large steppe region, which is historically a major barrier to the movements of peoples between western Altuum and the inland sea on the one hand, and the eastern coast of the continent on the other.
Most exchange of people and goods is, instead, by sea; prevailing winds in the tropics carry ships from Nebressa and eastern Vinsamaren east, while further south winds in the opposite direction carry ships west, particularly to the cities of southeast Vinsamaren and the Gelar Sea. The whole oceanic region enclosed by the bulk of Altuum to the north, the Windlands to the east, and Vinsamaren to the West thus forms a major network of cultural and commercial exchange, almost entirely irrespective of the era of Sogantine history in question.
The Windlands themselves have a subtropical climate not too dissimilar from the western coast of Nebressa; ports on the leeward coast connect to trade routes that span the whole eastern coast of Altuum, and which connect to western Karei, and ultimately to southwestern Rezana, on the far side of the Ehyran Ocean.
Note that East Altuum is home to a unique biome without parallel elsewhere on Sogant Raha, or on Earth: the mountain-forests of the Dappese.
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 4;
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Blake Bohumil 'Big Murph' Murphy, the 23 year old son of Black Murphy and Ludmilla.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes Club and Harriet's crew.
He is very close to his mom but not very close to his dad who isn't a big fan of children.
He lost his eye while play fighting the Gaston twins when he was younger and has a glass eye that he likes to take out to mess with people.
He is very close to Marya Rasputin since her dad and his mom were allies behind the scenes, and he often translates for her and others when a language barrier pops up (which happens a lot since Russian isn't a very common language on the isle)
He likes cutting hair, playing cards, eating cake, fishing, learning languages, taking care of the little ones, reading, swimming with the sharks, building sandcastles, wrestling, play fighting, singing sea shanties, and learning about geographical differences and locations.
He also likes collecting hooks of any kind.
He is single.
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Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Olympian, thr 10 year old (as of d3) son of Hades. Younger brother of Mal.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes club and a wannabe detective, musician, hero, and cook who is always imitating those he looks up to. Friend of Chloe Charming, Red Hearts, Danny Darling, Maddox Hatter, Shan Deja, Edith Olympian, and his minons.
He is playful and loves coloring, cooking, playing various instruments, baking, sword fighting, parkour, gymnastics, acrobatics, and playing with animals.
He has a villian streak no one takes seriously later in his teens and has a pet dog named 'Cerberus.'
He later gets together with Danny Darling.
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Lefou Deux 'Lee' Leprince, the 20 year old son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). He's the older brother of La Foux Doux Beaumont, the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, and the older cousin of Claire Bimbette, Gil LeGume, and Gemma LeGume.
He is apart of Harriet's crew.
He's a hardworking big brother who does his best to help support his family while still being stuck under Gaston's thumb.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules—against his will, mind you, because Gaston forces him too after all. But he doesn't complain too much about it.
He gets to steal from the register though, so it's not too bad.
He fights with various gardening tools and a bow and arrow—he's an excellent shot. He's a poet, a toy maker, and an inventor who records everything in his journal.
He loves French food, sailing, farming, reading, and gardening—even though it's difficult to do anything like that on the isle.
He also loves old photos and dancing.
Lee often makes and fixes toys for the children on the isle, and has no problem fixing things for those he loves. He's also the secret Santa Claus of the isle.
He's been in love with Claudine Frollo since first grade and they get together not long after d3.
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La Foux Doux Leprince, the 12 year old (as of d3) son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). Younger brother of LeFou Deux, the older cousin of Gemma LeGume, and the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, Claire Bimbette, and Gil LeGume. Older brother of Sylvie Leprince.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules'— again, without choice mind you. Gaston forces him too. He is a painfully shy, playful, quiet boy who loves French food, playing games, reading, and climbing things.
He is single and not interested at dating at the moment.
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Crazy Bonny, the 18 and a half year old(by d3) daughter of Bill Jukes (in my universe).
Sword sharpener and medic of the Lost Revenge/Uma’s crew.
Bestfriend of Desiree.
Student at Serpent Prep and one of the first to join Uma’s pirate crew.
She is described as crazy in patched dungarees and a torn fishnet shirt.
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Vicious Desiree, the 17 year old daughter of a witch and Shan Yu (in my universe anyway).
She is the swabbie of the crew, meaning she is the one in charge of mopping the deck.
She is described as tiny and vicious in a a ragged peasant dress.
She is Bonny's bestfriend and one of the first to join Uma’s crew, and she's a member at the witch school.
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Firece Gonzo, the 19 year old son of an unknown woman and Joshamee Gibs (in my universe anyway).
He is Jonas' bestfriend and is the boatswain of the crew.
He is also responsible for stocking the pantry and refilling the chum buckets.
He and Jonas are the ones in charge of the food (they don't cook it tho) and supplies, among other things.
He is described to be firece and as having long braids, a red bandana, and blue pantaloons.
He, along with Gil, Harry, Jonas, Desiree, and Bonny, is one of the first to join Uma’s crew and student—or former student—at Serpent Prep.
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Ferocious Jonas, the 20 year old son of Morgana Olympian and older cousin of Uma (in my universe).
He is the Quartermaster of Uma’s crew, the fourth in command, and the gunner (the one who mans the canons).
He's described to have a scar on his left cheek, corn rows, and a scarf. Has a thing with Jade in my universe. Has been seen selling scarves before which is probably a side job of his.
He's been described as ferocious. Student/former student at Serpent Prep and one of the first people to join Uma’s crew.
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emmaliee · 2 months
Heaven Sent
Reluctantly, I send the text, feeling a weight lift as I erase every trace of you from my life. The coffin is closed, and I vow to never speak to you again. With the trauma bonds severed, I embrace my newfound freedom, returning to the world of dating apps.
After countless left swipes, I stumble upon a marginally intriguing profile. Despite my initial reluctance, I decide to give this person a chance. We match instantly and agree to meet for lunch during our work break since we both work in the same city.
As we meet outside Chipotle, I can't shake the feeling of disinterest, but I push it aside. The conversation during lunch is dry, and I find myself struggling to stay engaged. It's evident this man lacks depth, and I'm relieved when it's time to return to work.
Back at the office, I receive a text from him expressing his insecurities, seeking reassurance I can't provide. I politely bid him farewell, grateful to be back to my routine.
The workday ends, and I'm not keen on staying home. Deciding to head to Davis, I change and set out. Arriving, I find parking in a Wells Fargo lot. Unsure of my plans, I decide to wander. Just as I'm about to leave my truck, a white Silverado pulls in beside me, its bed adorned with a large metal cage. Curious, I inquire about it, sparking a conversation with the driver. Intrigued by his work catching mountain lions, I agree to walk with him.
As we stroll, conversation flows effortlessly. We delve into various topics, fully engaged with each other. We connect on various levels. It feels like I've known him forever, and all my previous hurts fade away in his presence. Time flies, and I'm surprised to find we've been walking for hours. Hesitantly, I accept it's time to part ways. He mentions tonight is his last night staying in Sacramento. He will return home tomorrow, which is approximately three and a half hours from my home city. He requested meeting up again, perhaps on his drive back. We exchange numbers and agree to meet again.
In the following days, we stay in constant contact, navigating obstacles and uncertainties together. Despite the challenges, our connection deepens, and we meet halfway between our homes, enjoying each other's company and the passion between us.
However, as his fears resurface and distance becomes a barrier, we realize the impracticality of our relationship. Despite our mutual desire for one another and flawless communication, the geographical gap proved too much for us to overcome. With a heavy heart, I decide it’s time to part ways. I'm grateful for the lessons learned and the brief glimpse of what could have been. He will always be the reminder that my standards are not too high and that sometimes, even perfect matches aren't meant to be.
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