#gekko fanfic
babyboiboyega · 8 days
Gekko Headcanons #1 : The Cookout
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Pairing: Mateo De la Fuente/Gekko x Black!Gn!reader Headcanon: Taking Mateo to a family cookout would include... Content: fluff, profanity Word Count: 2.6k Author's Note: its been toooo long since I've written something, and of course my newest hyperfixation is the thing that gets me to write again LMAO gotta love it y'know? I am very new to the world of Valorant and this character, so please...if any of this seems ooc, kindly let me know. I'm still learning about him, I'm still feeling him out, but I just enjoy the character so much already. I also enjoyed writing this, so I hope y'all enjoy! <3 Tag list: @liyaawrites (aka, the person responsible for this obsession!!)
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I wanna start off by saying that the second you mention taking Mateo to meet your family, the boy is geeked out of his mind. Maybe it's in passing during a conversation, or maybe you consciously bring up the topic once you feel it's the right time; either way, it’s met with wide, brown eyes that sparkle in excitement, and thick lips that part on an immediate agreement. Not only does an agreement follow, but he also immediately starts to ask what he should bring. What kind of get-together is it? Does he need to know anything beforehand? How does he need to dress, because he’ll be damned if he shows up underdressed when meeting the family of the person he loves. He only stops worrying when you tell him exactly what the function is – a cookout – and what he’s expected to bring – some dish that your mom/grandmother/auntie or other family member is requesting. And once those questions are answered, he goes straight to worrying about making sure it’s up to their standards. You have no idea why, but your family gives you and him the job of bringing the macaroni (and not any store-bought macaroni- they’ll know the difference). When he learns that it has to be homemade and that its a staple in the entire cookout, he instantly looks up recipes while thinking back to the ones his ma or abuela would use, wanting to put his own spin on it while also wanting to make a good first impression. It gets to the point where you find him up late one night, his phone’s screen illuminating his features from where he lays beside you. He’d turn his phone to you sheepishly, apologizing for the bright light and displaying a page called “how not to make macaroni and cheese” or something along those lines with a sheepish smile.
“Think they’ll like this one?” “Teo…baby…it’s 3 am.” “...you’re right, I should look for another one-”
The days leading up to the cookout are spent with him constantly going on about how excited he is to meet your family – specifically the cousins you’re the closest to and have mentioned before. In response, you warn him that your family can be…a bit much, specifically when someone brings their partner around. They have a tendency to ask too many questions, get a little too comfortable joking around, and are just all around loud and obnoxious sometimes…and he’d only reassure you with a knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow that not only is his family the same, but he’s so used to being around large families as his used to have get togethers all the time. He’s dealt with it before, and it'd be worth it to deal with it again if it meant he got to meet your folks. Despite the sentiments, you still warn him – especially of that aunt who always likes to make smart-ass comments and loves calling others out despite having her own problems in her life, to which he lets you know that he’s dealt with one of those and he’ll make sure that y’all are far away from that aunt at all times. He would offer to keep you dancing all night just so you had an excuse to not talk to that person, which would only lead to a conversation involving line dances. 
Despite Mateo's affinity for the punk/skater aesthetic, I’d like to think that his Hispanic roots have resulted in him having a good sense of rhythm. I also like to think that he listens to a lot of music in his spare time, fostering an appreciation for different genres. With that being said, I think our boy could keep up with the line dances. When you offer to teach him a few just for fun, he’d be excited as hell, his lips curling into a full-blown smile as he’d watch you turn the music on and scroll through the first ‘cookout line dance’ playlist you find. When you find a suitable one and try to teach him, he’d be playful about the entire thing, claiming that he needs you to do it a few times although you know its just so he can see you dance, his eyes lingering heavily on your hips as you do so. And when you finally get him to join you, you realize that he may not have the steps down, but he’s got enough swag and rhythm to keep up and look like he knows what he’s doing, which is enough. 
“One more time, princesa- I promise. I’ll get it this time.” “You’re just looking at my ass, Mateo-” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” (with a shit eating grin on his face)
Now…when it gets to the day of the cookout, you two would be up pretty early, going to get the supplies to make the macaroni before starting on it at home. He’d want to help so badly, but he’d also have no problem getting your input on it – after all, it is your family and you know how they usually like their macaroni. But he’d also insist on doing most of it himself which would result in about a few hours of him moving around the kitchen with a focused look on his face. His focus is only broken by you checking in on him, it instantly changing to a cocky, yet playful, smirk as he would nod to the pan that’s in the oven. 
“How’s it goin, baby?” “Look at that masterpiece and tell me how it’s goin, mi carino. You see that golden brown on the top, you smell that delicious, scrumptious, decadent-” “Aaaalright, that’s enough-”
You know I have to mention the process of picking out outfits. I absolutely believe that Mateo would not only be down for, but would love being one of those couples that wears complimenting outfits. Not matching completely, but maybe having one article of clothing that’s the same color or maybe even wearing the same accessories. You two have too much personality and style to limit yourselves to wearing the exact same thing when going out, so he would love to wear complimenting outfits. He’d always make sure to pick colors that you enjoy wearing despite thinking that you look beautiful in every color. 
“What about green?” “Oh…well…you know I don’t exactly look the best in green, baby.” “I wholeheartedly disagree, but we can look for something else, mi amor. No problem-”
I think that he’d be so invested in making sure y’all look good that he’d kind of forget about the macaroni that's in the oven. You can’t even blame him, because you’d be able to see the excitement radiating off of him as he gets ready, so you’d just gently, but amusedly, remind him. 
“Teo.” “Yeah?” “Your macaroni-” “Mierda- my macaroni-!”
His attention would instantly switch to the macaroni, so much so that he’d still be standing in the kitchen, his eyes on the oven when you walk in fully dressed with Wingman trailing behind you, Mateo’s shirt in his beak as he chirps and trills. You wouldn’t be able to understand him, but you don’t really have to to understand the comedic radivore’s noises. You’d only be able to nod and agree with the little guy as you both watch Mateo hurriedly throw on his shirt before taking out the macaroni. 
Now…lets get to the cookout itself. He’d hear the music and chatter immediately after stepping out of the car and would just look at you with a smile and excited eyes, offering to take the dish with one hand and your hand with the other. You’d be able to see that recognition in his eyes, the myriad of sounds that signify a family fellowship being ever so familiar to him. Homeboy would walk in the door with a wide and inviting smile, greeting people politely while also showing that he can be rather extroverted when he wants to be. Of course, he gets the typical ‘this must be yo lil friend’ from your family members, but he takes it in stride. But while taking it all in stride, he’d also make sure to kiss your cheek, your forehead, hold your hand, wrap an arm around your waist– anything to show that the words ‘lil friend’ are just a title your family members have given him, and that the truth is he’s yours. 
He’d show the macaroni to the family member(s) in charge of the food, watching with baited breath as they take the foil off of the top, their eyes looking at the golden-brown cheese on top before looking up at you two with a smile. 
“Oooh, this looks good, Y/N.” “Actually, Mateo made it. I just helped him when he needed it; it was all him.”
He’d absolutely be geeked when they turn to him with an impressed look, their smile widening as they set it on the table with the rest of the food. And if you thought he had a big head when being told that it looked good, it’s nothing compared to when the first family member comes up and tells him that it tasted good. Chile, you’d never hear the end of it…though you don’t want to. It’d be endearing and sweet that he takes so much pride in making something your family enjoys. And when it comes to him actually eating the food prepared, he would not hold his appreciation back. There’d be a lot of ‘who made this’, followed by just as many ‘dios mio’s as he can dish out. The same goes for the dessert portion, especially the homemade pound cakes from your family members. Yeah, he’d have no problem asking for a to-go box; one for food, and one for dessert. 
Throughout the duration of the cookout, he’d find himself constantly in conversation with someone from your family, whether it be because he had been pulled into a conversation, or whether it was because someone approached him with the intent of asking questions. Either way, Mateo would be game for any question asked, usually answering with an air of confidence, friendliness, and humor that made others love him instantly. When asked questions about you two’s relationship, he’d be quick and incredibly willing to answer, his eyes glancing at you adoringly as he does so with a smile on his face. It’d get to a point where you would have to ‘rescue’ him from more questions, citing that you wanted to dance just to get him away from your family member(s). And he’d happily let you pull him away, however, not before promising the uncles gathered around a table that he’d play spades with them the next round. 
At some point in the night, you’d lose him for a few minutes, coming back to his empty seat after fixing a plate of dessert for both of you, and after scouring the yard, hoping that he hasn’t gotten himself into a less than pleasant conversation, you finally find him. Except he isn’t in a conversation- not with an adult, anyway. No, he’s seated in the yard, not too far at all from the kids table, smiling widely as the kids from your family gather around him. Their hands reach for and gently run over his hair, the dyed shapes and colors instantly catching their attention as they speak over each other, asking him questions.
“Why’d you do that to your hair?” “Did it hurt? Why’d you pick spots?” “My mama says people who dye their hair like that don’t want a job.” “Can I do that to my hair?”
You’d only be able to watch in fondness for a few minutes as he struggles to answer their questions, his facial expression showing exactly how much he enjoyed being the center of attention for the kids. It would get to a point where he’d look up at you with an expression that screamed for help despite the smile still on his face, and you wouldn’t hesitate in rescuing him. You’d never seen Mateo around kids before now, but going off of the vibes and interactions you’d see, it’d be easy to come to the conclusion that he’s pretty okay with kids. Because of his chill demeanor, not only is he seen as ‘cool’ to the youngins, but he’s also easy to interact with. It would certainly help that he’s got a little crew of adorable creatures who are intelligent enough to interact carefully with the kids. There’d be peels of laughter and excited chatter as Wingman does a trick when prompted by Mateo. There’d also be a time where Wingman turns to Mateo, chirping quickly and constantly looking back at the kids…and after a short conversation between the two, he’d probably smile, nodding his head towards the kids with a ‘have fun, be careful’. That’d be the only thing Wingman needs to hear before turning and joining the group of kids in their activities, the laughter being a constant noise as long as the creature is interacting with them. 
When it gets to the end of the night and people start filtering out of the yard, he’d check in with you, asking you if you’re tired or if you still want to hang around with a look of understanding for whatever answer you give. It's only when you smile tiredly and sheepishly at him that he’d nod with a smile, telling you that maybe it's time to go. It wouldn’t be long before you two have a bag with your to-go boxes in them, making your rounds with your family members and saying goodnight. He’d leave Wingman to play with the remaining kids until it’d be time to go, waving him over once you two are ready to leave. (You can’t help but feel like you two have your own little family, and the earlier sight of him interacting with the kids certainly adds fuel to that thought). 
The ride home would be spent going over certain conversations and interactions that had happened during the night, showing just how attentive Mateo had been the entire night. You’d also learn of some of the conversations he’d had when you weren’t around…and he’d instantly wave away your apologies for the nature of those conversations, an easygoing and amused smile on his face as he does so.
“Please tell me she did not say that to you- I’m so sorry, love-” “No need to say sorry. It was pretty funny, so its okay, mi cielito. So…you tried to turn the speed all the way up on the treadmill, yeah?” “Yeah, that’s enough of that-”
To put it simply: Mateo would be ecstatic that he not only got to spend an entire day with you and your family, but that he got to see how you interact with your family. It’s truly nothing like seeing the love of your life in their safe space with people they trust. He could’ve sat and watched you speak to cousins, aunties, uncles, whoever else and would’ve been completely satisfied. He’d go to bed thinking about the glow you had on your face as you spoke to family members you’d missed, and how he’d heard and seen you genuinely laugh with cousins when recounting old stories, and how you and your family connected over food, music, and fellowship...and yeah, he’d have to admit to himself in the middle of the night, while holding you close, that he couldn’t wait to have that with you in the future.
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A/N: I hope that was fun to read, it was certainly fun to write! Once again, this is my first time writing for this character that I just found out about like...two weeks ago, y'all...be patient with me while I'm learning. BUT I'm gonna really try to write more this summer because I definitely won't have time to in the fall, so keep an eye out!
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mrssabinecallas · 1 year
Gekko as your Boyfriend |H.C.|
Pairing: Mateo “Gekko” De La Fuente/ GN! Reader
In which we take a dive into what Gekko would be like as your Boyfriend!
CW: Fluff, The Critters (❤️), Reader is assumed to be a part of VP
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Ok starting off, you cannot tell me his creatures wouldn’t love you. If Gekko likes you, they like you.
(snuggles with dizzy, playing games with wingman, etc)
His love language is quality time, with physical touch as a close second.
He just wants to be around you 24/7, with you in his arms and just loving each other.
He doesn’t care what dates are like. As long as he gets to be with you and see you smile, hes the happiest man in the world.
Would def let you dye his hair, or ask you to help if he needs to dye it. He thinks it looks better when you do it (and he totally doesn’t just want to spend time with you)
Matching tattoos?
yes. matching tattoos.
Imagine he had a little heart of your favorite color on his wrist, and you had a matching one of his favorite color on yours (i’m melting)
Boba dates are a must
If you have never had boba, he is just so excited to introduce you to the world of flavors you can explore
If you do like boba, expect to have it a lot, he likes to come home and surprise you with it a lot.
Since your on the Protocol with him, you both like to train together
One time, Brimstone caught you both kissing in the commons area, he almost had a stroke.
(He had to go find Sage to tell you to both knock it off because he thought it would be awkward if he did it)
((it would be))
You’re both best friends with Neon, but you do get jealous of her sometimes.
Gekko and Neon just had this chemistry that can be mistaken for romantic, but they both assure you it’s totally platonic.
If you ever got hurt out on a mission, he would be right there to take care of you in any way he could, and vice versa.
He absolutely hated seeing you get hurt, so much so that he would jump in front of you to protect you
It was cute
Once he threw himself in front of the line of fire and took a bullet to the shoulder, yet refused to get out of the way.
It was sweet, but you hated seeing him hurt as much as he hated seeing you hurt.
Sage was not happy that he was being so reckless.
In which Mateo would tell her it was his knight in shining armor moment.
I feel like he would brag about you a lot.
Like “I have the best parter in the world, they’re so caring and… ugh I miss them so much, Im going to call them.”
He wouldn’t talk to Reyna about you at first though, he was scared of her
When he did start to open up about your relationship to her, she started to like you more.
You always thought Reyna was constantly judging you, but when she came around, she protected you and Mateo like you were her younger siblings.
She secretly holds so much love for you both in that small heart of hers.
Did i mention skating dates?
They’re a must.
If you don’t know how to skate, Mateo wants to teach you so bad he literally drags you out to do it.
(It’s totally not an excuse to hold your waist as he keeps you balanced)
If you do know how to skate, y’all are constantly competing. Races, Tricks, anything you can think of, you’ll challenge each other.
You really do bring out the best in each other
Except for that one time that Mateo broke his board because he was angry you beat him…
He’s been super gentle with his gear since that day.
You also learned to let him win most of the time
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welcome to my gekko arc.
I will write for other valorant agents, juuuust mostly gekko :>
My inbox is open! ask away people!!
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grandpuppylight · 2 months
Check out this amazing AU
This not my story but the person who owns it doesn't have tumblr. So I decided that the one piece tumblr fandom needs this in their life. The synopsis is that king finds out the seraphim exit 7 days before marineford. Three hours before the execution is to acure Sengoku gets a call from Egghead. Chaos insues. Chapters 1-7 up now the author does not have an upload schedule. Now for just one interesting insight to the story, the author is making Moria a bigger threat than he already was.
The author has decided to call it the "Age of Emperors AU"
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cyb-by-lang · 3 months
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[image description: a fair, black-haired woman with messy dark hair, yellow eyes, and a scar across her face. she's wearing a tank top. end description]
This is the general look Kei's running around with during Exorcising (and Exercising) Demons. Had to leave off on the blood, unfortunately. Aside from the yellow eyes, she just looks kinda traumatized and upset.
What she isn't is "harmless."
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zaewriteshere · 4 months
Confused Hatred
AO3 Link
Gekko didn’t understand why you hated his little homies.
Most importantly, he couldn’t understand why his little friends wanted so desperately to be liked by you.
He just couldn’t understand you.
And he hated it.
He hated you by extension, too.
When Gekko woke up, he felt refreshed and in an amazing mood.
Today was going to be a good day.
He gently woke up and greeted his little homies, sensing that they, too, were in a positive vibe.
He felt like hardly anything could ruin his day.
He exited his room, immediately going for the kitchen to fix himself a latte, happily greeting Cypher while passing by.
“Well, you seem to be in a good mood,” He observed, a smile in his voice.
“Yeah ! I just woke up, too, so the vibes are just perfect right now,” He answered, nodding enthusiastically as he poured his beverage in his cup.
“Glad to hear it, young friend,” The sentinel said, nodding as well.
His critters noticed something, and suddenly grew more agitated. Wingman almost fell off the counter he was sitting on out of pure excitement.
The initiator caught him just in time, however. 
Turning to see the source of the ruckus, he immediately saw you.
Just like that, his bright smile faded away.
You were looking at him and his friends with such disdain and disgust… 
It made his blood boil.
Dizzy slowly flew over to you, trying to appear friendly.
Noticing her, your disgust visibly grew and you took a step back.
She wasn't going to abandon just like that, however, continuing to make her way towards your face.
“If you don't stop that thing right now Gekko, I will swat it away,” You warned, glaring at the poor little homie. 
At least you were nice enough to warn him… 
Gently taking her into his hands, it was his turn to glare at you.
Silently, you held his gaze, as if challenging him, daring him to say anything. 
“What the fuck is your problem ?” He questioned, frowning. 
He felt rage building inside his chest, hot and almost painful.
“I could ask you the same question. Deadlock has already said that those… Things were better off in a cage. Letting them roam free is a safety hazard for everyone,” You replied coolly, your eyes sharp. 
Staring through him and into his soul.
It both freaked him out and made him even angrier. 
“They haven't hurt anyone !” He almost shouted, bringing Dizzy – who he was still holding – closer to his chest protectively. 
“Yet,” You continued, as if you were an oracle and could tell the future. 
Hell, hardly anyone was aware what you were capable of, for all he knew…
He shook his head.
Gekko was giving you way too much credit.
And he wasn't about to ruin his amazing day talking to you. 
Grabbing his now finished drink, he turned away from you to face his little friends.
He could sense their curiosity and pure want to befriend you.
It almost overwhelmed him.
If he wasn't already used to it, he would've been, if he were honest.
“C'mon little homies, let's go somewhere peaceful,” He announced, and he felt their disappointment.
You chuckled, dry and hollow. 
He felt his cheeks grow hotter due to how much anger he was feeling.
“You do know that nowhere will be “peaceful” with them around, right ?” You questioned, nonchalantly. 
He decided for his own good to ignore you, already walking away.
How the initiator allowed you to have that much influence on him was beyond his comprehension. 
Slowly sipping his drink, he watched over Iso and Jett playing with his little friends in the lounge fondly. 
Why couldn't you just…
He sighed, frustrated, while shaking his head. 
He should seriously stop thinking about you.
Maybe he should go for a walk, perhaps that'll clear his mind. 
He waited a bit, not wanting to ruin his homies’ fun. 
But they all knew him too well, and slowly left the two Asian agents to be by his side. 
Mosh was the last one to hop over. 
“Let's go for a walk !” He offered happily. 
They all cheered.
After all, it wasn't often they could explore the garden and by extension the forest, Gekko being too afraid of them getting lost or eating something they shouldn't have.
He didn't know them as much as he'd like, and he hated that.
What if one fell sick ?
… Or worse ?
He shook those thoughts away.
They had two healers that loved his little friends very much and would do anything for them.
They weren't the only ones feeling that way, too.
Now in a better headspace once again, he went outside, his friends following him close by. 
He looked around, admiring the scenery and the peacefulness of nature, following the path towards the garden, which was being taken care of by both Skye and Omen.
He didn’t expect to see anybody there other than those two.
Instead of literally anybody else, he saw you. 
He almost groaned in discontent, but then he saw the expression you were wearing.
You didn’t even have your eyes open as you simply listened to the world around you, content.
He noticed a bunny hopping next to you, and some birds curiously observing you very closely.
Even if he hated your guts, he admitted that this scene was…
When you opened your eyes, he fully expected you to shoo away the animals around you, but instead…
You gently smiled at them, offering them a tiny bit of your food.
He truly couldn’t understand you.
What was so different between his critters and regular animals ?
He could argue that his little homies were more likeable than any animal, since he could at least communicate with them.
Sighing softly, he was turning around when he accidentally stepped on a dry twig that snapped rather loudly…
… Spooking every animal nearby in the process.
He winced, not uttering a single word.
He started making a step away from the whole scene, away from you, but your voice made him stop dead in his tracks. 
“Hey,” You spoke up, coldly. “You could at least apologise…” You continued, your tone dry. 
“Sorry about that,” He apologised, not turning to you. 
“So on top of being a freak lover, you’re a freak yourself ? Just watching people silently while they’re having a nice time outside ?” You spat, clearly unhappy. 
“My homies aren’t freaks !” He exclaimed, whipping his body around to face you. 
“So you aren’t denying the other claims ?” You retorted without missing a beat.
“Insult me all you want, but do not come for my friends,” He hissed, using his body to block your view of his little homies. 
It was Thrash’s turn to try to get close to you, and she floated her way happily and curiously.
Gekko realised that she was attempting to mimic the movements of a bunny.
He would’ve cooed if this action weren’t to have your good graces, out of everybody’s. 
“Get that thing away from me while you’re at it,” You ordered, shifting away from her path.
“I don’t get why you don’t like them and yet like animals,” He muttered, kneeling to get Thrash’s attention.
“Those aren’t animals, that’s why,” You replied as if it was obviously why. 
The initiator only scoffed in answer.
He received a notification from his phone.
It was from Brimstone, telling him he was on the mission in the evening.
He smiled, that would mean that he would get away from you for a bit-
“Huh, it seems like I’m on mission duty for tonight…” You mumbled, thoughtful.
He groaned.
The mission brief was simple ; get to Icebox, prevent the Valorant Legion from planting to spike – or diffuse it if they do get it down – and go home.
As to why they needed both him and you on the same mission…
Well, even if it was explained to him multiple times, he still didn’t get it.
… But he also knew that what you were capable of was unknown to him, and since it was the best team composition for this plan…
He sighed.
He felt his critters being agitated, since he was forced to sit right next to you.
He didn’t like being close to you.
It always made him feel… Weird.
He knew why, though.
He still didn’t like the reason at all.
But he remained silent about it.
He didn’t want to let you of all people know how much you influenced his mood.
Or even how he truly felt about you.
He already knew the answer to his question, after all.
Before he realised it, they arrived at Icebox.
Being one of the first to step out of the Falcon, he turned to Sage, the assigned team leader for this mission.
“So… Game plan ? What are you feeling, Sage ?” He asked, trying to sound as jovial as normal.
He wasn’t really feeling it, but at least he could try, right ?
She immediately turned to you.
“Can you hold B site with Gekko ?” She gently questioned, and you met eyes with him.
After holding gazes for a moment, you had a small sigh.
“Sure,” You caved, tearing your gaze away from him.
Stepping out of the aircraft, your cheeks and nose immediately turning a light pink.
He looked away.
He wasn’t looking forward to this mission.
It has now been a few hours since they arrived, the sun long gone and temperatures dropping way below zero.
He had to admit, he was freezing. He thought he’d be fine with just a couple of layers, but the cold was really biting, and he was struggling to hold both his weapon and keep his face warm. 
He glanced at you.
You didn’t seem to be having any problems at all. 
Steadily holding your angle by Yellow, you didn’t even seem phased by the freezing cold air.
“Hold your angle instead of looking at me,” You said, not tearing your eyes away from Main.
Right, he needed to hold Mid and Tube.
Looking away, he readjusted his grip on his Bulldog. 
He was losing the feeling of the tip of his fingers.
“Hey, any updates ?” He questioned into the quiet comm link.
He hated how shaky his voice sounded
“Not yet, however they should be attacking soon,” Answered Sage, her tone even.
He sighed.
“How soon is soon, anywa-” He was cut off by gunshots. “Nevermind,” He continued, immediately running towards you.
“Stay in your position, I got it,” You immediately said when you realised what he was doing.
You managed to put one down, but not without receiving a bullet or two yourself.
He heard footsteps behind him. 
Pulling out Dizzy, he threw her out to blind his attackers while getting to cover.
He counted two blinds.
“Someone’s here, too !” He semi-shouted into the comms.
“We are on our way,” Said Neon as he could hear the familiar noise of her running. 
She should be here within a couple seconds, then.
As if on cue, Gekko heard her electrified footsteps by Snowman. 
Looking over to where you were at, he was surprised to see that you were struggling.
“I’m going to try to get out of this position, cover me if you can,” You announced between two shots.
Wingman immediately went out of his bag and ran towards the enemy he saw, making them look at him instead of you, giving you enough time to run away towards Gekko.
“Can you cover me while I get Dizzy ?” He asked in the heat of the moment.
He didn’t know what he expected from his request.
A refusal, an insult, anything but…
“Sure,” You said, not looking at him.
He was too distracted by the fact that you accepted to realise that you were already shooting to cover him.
It wasn’t until you shouted at him to get his ass moving that he went back to earth, running towards Dizzy’s bubble and picking her up. 
He dashed back into cover, only sustaining a couple of light injuries. 
Soon enough, Thrash felt ready to be thrown onto the field.
He barely registered what happened next, everything going so fast.
One minute, he was holding Thrash in his palm, the next, she was diving in front of you to take a swarm of bullets that would’ve definitely killed you and turned into her bubble form.
Somehow too stunned to move and to kill the enemy in front of you, the initiator decided to take him down in your stead.
There was no way he would let Thrash’s sacrifice go in vain. 
The rest of the gunfight went by. 
Bit by bit, the enemy numbers went down, until the last body hit the ground as you shot the mirror agent in the head. 
Everybody relaxed and let their guard down as Gekko went around the site to pick up his little homies.
He was exhausted, and he could tell it was the case for the others, too.
When his eyes landed on you, you had an unreadable look on your face as you stared at the body of the Omega Earth agent that almost killed you if Thrash didn’t act that fast. 
He wondered what was going through your mind. 
Your eyes met. 
He held your gaze, unwavering, as he sat up from his kneeling position.
He shivered. 
He really should’ve brought an extra coat…
The initiator looked away, already starting to walk towards the Falcon, when he heard another pair of footsteps behind him.
Knowing it was you, he paid it no mind.
He froze when he felt a soft and warm extra layer on his shoulder.
Turning to you, bewildered, he saw how close your two faces were.
Your breaths were merging into one.
You looked away, taking a step back, looking almost… Embarrassed ?
“If you go hypothermic now, Sage will spend too much time with you and neglect everybody else,” You simply justified, walking away as your cheeks got visibly redder. 
He decided to blame it on the cold, feeling his own face growing hotter, too.
A few days had passed since that mission, and Gekko could tell you wanted to say something to him.
Every time he was alone, you were looking at him expectantly, sometimes even daring to take a few steps towards him before… 
Turning away once your eyes locked in with each other.
He sighed.
You were starting to bug him, if he was honest.
He didn’t mind the distance you took from him, by all means.
… Was it weird that he sorta, just maybe missed the banter ?
He sighed, frustrated.
He was just chilling on his bed in his room, staring at the ceiling while the little critters were either sleeping or quietly chilling.
What was he going to do with you ?
Should he continue this cycle of hatred that has been going on for months now, or should he attempt for what felt like the umpteenth time to be the bigger person ?
A soft, gentle – almost shy – knock brought him back to earth as well as catching the attention of Wingman and Mosh, the only two still awake.
He didn’t recognise the pattern.
“Come in,” He invited, expecting someone like Sage to enter.
He froze when he saw you, however.
You were wearing one of your gigantic oversized hoodies, definitely too big for your form, hands deep in your pockets. 
Wingman immediately ran to greet you, and you tensed, your expression – previously timid and almost apologetic – quickly changing to surprise and wariness. 
“Wingman, c’mere. We talked about this,” He recalled the little guy, who for once, listened to him. 
You visibly relaxed once he was back at an acceptable distance.
You closed the door behind you.
He guessed you were finally going to commit to what you were attempting to say for the last few days.
Your eyes landed on Thrash.
“How is it ?” You asked almost too quietly for him to hear. 
“She’s doing fine, no thanks to you,” He answered coolly, studying you. 
Your expression didn’t change as you slowly shifted your eyes from Thrash’s sleeping form to Dizzy’s, then to Wingman and finally… Mosh.
It was as if you were trying to see something.
Whatever you were attempting to find, you didn’t manage to, and you frowned. 
“What’s up ?” He questioned, squinting.
He almost got up from his bed to shield them away from your sight.
There was always something with your eyes.
As if you were able to stare into someone’s….
He didn’t know.
But you could see something, and not knowing what made him uneasy.
He heard rumours about your touch, too.
Always brief, always accidental.
But for a short moment, they felt more aware, almost opening a third eye into the future.
“Did I ever tell you why I didn’t like you and your things ?” Your voice brought him back from his thoughts.
He took some time to attempt to remember the reason why, but…
You both started off rather well, but as soon as you met the homies, you had immediately shutted down and started the hating cycle. 
“Nah, you never told anybody, or I would know,” He said confidently.
You chuckled.
“A handful of people know, but I asked them to not tell you,” You replied, shifting your weight.
“... Why ?” He questioned, visibly and audibly confused. 
“I’m going to tell you now,” You reassured, then sighed. “Don’t freak out, but when I lock eyes with people… I become more aware of them. It’s hard to explain, but I can understand them on a deeper level, know their fears and hopes, hell, even their past sometimes for example,” You explained, refusing to meet his eyes. 
Why were you telling him this ?
“It’s universal for every living thing, radiant or not. But…” You locked eyes with Wingman. “When I look into your things, I don’t see anything. I can’t sense anything, it’s just… Void,” You finally said, rubbing your elbow. 
“And that’s why you don’t like them ?” He asked, still confused but… He started to understand.
“Basically,” You sighed. “It just, it freaks me out, man. I don’t wanna find out what happens when I touch them, so I always try to avoid it if I can. So far, I’ve succeeded,” You continued, looking at the floor. 
“That explains for the little homies but… Why don’t you like me ?” He enquired, fearing the answer.
“That’s ‘cause I can’t figure you out. I genuinely can’t tell if you wanna gut me or fuck me or even if you hate or love me… Hurts my head, sometimes,” You replied honestly, still not looking at him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He denied, feeling his face and ears grow hot.
“Totally not why you’re blushing, too, huh ?” You replied, amused.
He looked at you, and your eyes met.
He remembered what you said earlier, but he knew it was too late.
If you didn’t know before, you certainly knew now. 
“You actually love me,” You announced out loud, surprise clear on your face.
He didn’t say anything, bracing for the impact of rejection. 
“Here I thought I was alone in this,” You muttered, loud enough for him to hear.
“Huh ?” He intelligently said.
“I love you too, dumbass,” You announced, louder this time.
That was…
“Wild,” He instinctively said, which made you chuckle.
“Indeed,” You confirmed, relaxing.
Sure, everything wasn’t perfect yet, but now that the air was cleared up…
Gekko finally felt like he had a chance with you.
What was he saying, of course he had one.
He was just glad that it wasn’t going to be toxic.
That you were actually trying in this relationship, too.
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writer-freak · 3 months
Birthday Celebration | Valo x Gn reader
Characters: Chamber, Gekko, Yoru and Sova
Warnings: fluff, celebrating reader's birthday, gender neutral reader, maybe ooc, haven't written for Valorant in a while, English isn't my first language
A/n: Guess whose birthday it is today (March 13th), still can't believe that another year is over. I wrote a few Birthday related things for different fandoms and I will post them over the next couple days. But we are starting with a few Valorant headcanons
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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For your birthday, he would definitely consider your preferences.
If you're more introverted and prefer an intimate moment together, he would probably cook you an amazing, very fancy dinner with candles all around.
If you're more into socializing, he would likely prepare a small party with you and your close friends.
He will ensure that his schedule is cleared for you on your birthday and devote the entire day to making you feel special, ensuring you have his full attention.
He cherishes being able to spend your birthday together with you and would carefully pick out your gift.
It would probably be something more expensive that you had your eye on but never bought because you couldn't justify spending that kind of money.
He would like to make it perfect and ensure the gift is unique to you.
He would probably congratulate you first thing in the morning while serving you breakfast in bed and come to you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Also, expect kisses throughout the day and generally a lot of affection.
He doesn't often have the entire day to spend with you, so he wants to fully exploit his this day.
He would put a lot of thought and effort into planning your birthday party.
Before planning anything, he would subtly ask you about all your preferences to ensure your day is special and truly enjoyable.
He would probably throw a smaller party for you so you can spend quality time with the people most important to you.
Gekko would gift you something thoughtful and sentimental rather than extravagant.
Maybe he makes something himself and will also probably write you a handwritten letter expressing his feelings for you.
Or he would go in the direction of gifting you something that you both can enjoy together or that holds meaning for your relationship.
He would wake you up sweetly, probably with something from your favorite breakfast spot, and also a lot of cuddling.
In his birthday wishes, he would include his gratitude for having you in his life.
Gekko might also plan a surprise activity during the day that aligns with your hobbies or interests, adding just something extra 
He would definitely throw you a big surprise party, aiming for a fun and memorable celebration.
Unlike Gekko, he probably wants to invite as many people as possible to fill your day with excitement and energy.
If you don't want a big party, he'll take you out for a cool outing.
Yoru would probably gift you something unexpected and unconventional, wanting to think out of the box for you.
Despite his playfulness, he would ensure you feel loved and appreciated on your day, giving more compliments than usual and showing a softer side when it really counts.
Sova is thoughtful when it comes to you, wanting your birthday to be meaningful and special.
Rather than an extravagant party, he would plan a more personal celebration, prioritizing spending time together and creating new memories.
He might also plan a surprise outing to a place you've always wanted to visit or organize a cozy picnic in a beautiful location
He would put a lot of thought into your present, aiming for something that reflects your interests, like a handmade item or a meaningful keepsake.
His birthday wishes would be heartfelt, expressing appreciation for you and the joy you bring into his life.
He might share personal moments you've spent together and express his gratitude.
He would make you feel loved and appreciated, showing kindness and affection throughout the day, not allowing you to lift a finger to show his love through his gestures.
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Divider: @saradika-graphics
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batofburnside · 5 months
"Tell Me" Part 3
Gekko x (Fem!)Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Hi everyone! This is the third part of my first Gekko fanfic and my first fanfic posted on tumblr. I just posted part 2 at the same time, so I'm excited and nervous to see what y'all think so far. I really enjoyed writing these. Like last parts, I used google translate for most of the Spanish that wasn’t just a few words so I apologize if anything gets lost in translation, I am not fluent. Words: 8.0K
TW: Character Death, Guns, angst, (kinda?) manipulation, Kidnapping, Blood
Mateo sat on a bar stool in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal while resting his head on his hand. He was exhausted. Not being able to fall back asleep, he sent you an early good morning text,  and then headed right into the training arena. Spending a few hours practicing his aim on the training bots until he couldn’t see straight anymore. After a quick shower to wake him up, he headed to the kitchen for breakfast. It was now nearly 9 AM. A few agents have come and gone while he has been in the kitchen. Sage, who is usually an early riser, entered the training arena as he was leaving, giving the young agent a nod of approval for getting some early morning training in. Mateo had tried to keep his worry and anxiety off of his face, he didn’t want to give anyone a reason to pull him off of the mission. Passing Omen and Fade in the hallway he gave a quick hello to the two. Yoru had come into the kitchen to grab breakfast as well. Mateo gave the dimension walker a nod and the older man exchanged the pleasantry before leaving.
Mateo looked up from his cereal that he was more so playing with instead of eating as Neon made her presence known, “There you are, Mateo!” She said as she made her way further into the kitchen and started to prepare her own breakfast. He looked around, making sure that no one was near to be able to hear his real name, “Lo lamento, you were looking for me?” He questioned.
“Yeah, I heard you yell last night. I went to make sure you were alright, but you weren’t in your room.” She said, grabbing her food and sitting down next to him. “Reyna said she hadn’t seen you yet, either.” 
Mateo’s face flashed red with embarrassment. Neon had heard him yell out after his nightmare. He guessed it would make sense that she would be the one to hear it as their rooms shared a wall, but he wondered how loud he truly was and hoped no one else had heard anything. “Wait, what did you tell Reyna?” He said with urgency. If Reyna knew something was bothering him, she might tell Sage or Brimstone to pull him off the mission.
Neon raised a brow, confused by his sudden worry. “I just let her know I was looking for you and was going to check up on you?” 
“Maldita sea” He whispered, resting his head in his hands.
“What dude? You’re being weird. What's going on with you?” Neon said, taking a bite.
“Nothings wrong. I had a nightmare last night. Eso es todo. I can still go on the mission, everything's FINE. Bien.”
Neon swallowed, smirking, “ahhh, okay. So that’s what this is. You’re psyching yourself out!”
“Que!? No- I’m not- uh” Mateo sighed, shaking his head, “I had a nightmare about (y/n). I died on the mission and she found out that everything since I’ve been here has been lies.” 
Neon furrowed her brow, “You know Sage can bring us back? You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I know, but what if she can’t.”
“Well…” Neon started, “That hasn’t happened yet. But, I bet Brimstone will handle it, and give your family something? I’m not sure.”
Mateo shook his head, “That’s the thing. Nothing Brimstone can give (y/n) will undo any of the hurt I caused. She won’t see me as a hero once she finds out the lies it cost.”
The two of them sat in silence for a minute before Mateo spoke up again, “I’ve been thinking, and I think I’m going to tell her. About us and what I’m doing.”
Neon choked on her food, “You’re going to what!? Mateo you know you can’t.”
“She won’t tell anyone, I trust (y/n).”
“You don’t understand, Mateo. Of course our Omega counterparts know who our loved ones are. There aren’t many discrepancies between who we know and are related to. And the only thing keeping them safe is their ignorance. My parents only know where I am, and even that information could put them in danger.”
Mateo bit the inside of his cheek as he thought he was at a crossroads here. He couldn’t put you in danger. But, like Neon’s parents, his mom knows. Reyna told her months before he joined the Protocol and she’s been safe. There must be exceptions. “I won’t put her in danger, but I need to do something about this.” Mateo said, standing up. “Don’t tell Reyna or anyone until I figure it out, por favor.”
Neon looked up as Mateo stood, holding a steady gaze, “I won’t tell anyone, but I sure hope you know what you’re doing.” She said.
It was a relatively uneventful week for you. Right now you are in the middle of mundane chores. You had just gotten home from grocery shopping for your dad and had begun to put the goods away. The only thing that made today different from the others was, to your surprise, Mateo texting you good morning around 5 AM. You were curious why he was up so early and he told you he just wanted to get an early start to his day and get into a better routine. Something you had wanted to do before but always gave up a few days in. Walking up anywhere between 8AM-10AM is usually how it went for you depending on your classes. You noticed Mateo seemed to have more time on his hands today with random “I miss you”s, “Te amo”s, and check-ins coming in more frequently than they had before. Your heart fluttered as you wondered if he was finally finalizing his schedule and not letting the college have such a strong pull on him. 
You had decided a few days ago that you wanted to try and surprise Mateo for a visit in the upcoming weekend. Since he left you had been putting away extra money from each of your paychecks in order to purchase a train ride up north. The only problem was, you couldn’t remember the name of the city that Mateo is in. Whenever you looked up the college you saw that it had campuses in both Seattle and Portland. And whenever you tried to ask him to remind you, he either wouldn’t hear you or had something else on his mind he wanted to talk about. 
After you finished putting the groceries away you leaned on the counter, grabbing your phone you dialed Mateo’s mother, waiting for her to answer as it rang.
Two rings in you heard and enthusiastic voice on the other line, “(y/n!) Que bueno saber de ti! How are you cariño?”
“Hola, Mrs. De La Fuente. Es bien, and you?” You asked.
“Oh cariño. I am doing really well. It was hard to adjust with how quiet the house has been. Don’t tell Mateo but I’m thinking of getting a cat” Mateo’s mom laughed.
You smiled, you had missed Mateo’s mom and were disappointed in yourself for not calling her sooner, “I’m sure he wouldn’t stop you.” you giggled.
“No, that’s the problema! He would bring an amigo home for it! But, una is enough for me, confía en mí” The woman laughed and then let out a small sigh. You could tell she missed her son as much, if not more than you did. “De todos modos, (y/n). Did you need something?”
“Si, Mrs. De La Fuente. I was wondering what city Mateo was in. I can’t remember if it was Portland or Seattle?” You asked.
Mateo’s mom paused, “...oh, why’s that, cariño?”
You hesitated, confused by her sudden hesitation and change in tone, “well, I um- I’ve been saving up a lot of money. And I finally have enough money to buy a train ticket and surprise him.”
Again there was a pause, “Miel, I don’t think that’s es buena idea.” She said. 
A pit opened up in your stomach, “I’m sorry, Mrs. De La Fuente, but why?”
“Mateo is mucho busy, (y/n). I just think you should wait.”
You frowned, “But it would be on the weekend? I only would have gone up there for a day.” You heard his mom inhale, another pause stagnant in the air before she spoke again, “I just… think it’s for the best, miel.” Before you could question her again she spoke up again “Oh, (y/n)! The oven is going off, that is mi Bizcocho. Tengo que ir! We can talk about this more later. Mantente segura!”
The line clicked as she hung up, the pit in your stomach resting heavy as your thoughts added onto it. The tone change in Mateo’s mom’s words sounded like worry, almost like his mom was covering for him.
There were less than 15 hours until the mission on Haven and Mateo was back to back with Phoenix as the two of them engaged in aim training at the training arena. So far they had been doing well, if they continued like this the duo might make it to one of the top spots on the leaderboard. 
“Watch your eyes!” Phoenix called out for a flash, as Mateo sent out Wingman to stun a few of the bots that were surrounding them.
“So.” Phoenix started as he took out two bots, “I heard you’re having girl trouble, aye?”
Mateo tensed up, switching places with the man and firing his gun at the robots, “Qué!? Who told you that?”
Phoenix chuckled, rolling as he dodged some of the bullets, “So it’s true!” he bantered.
“No es verdad! It’s false!” Mateo said, pressing up against a wall as a few bullets went buzzing by his shoulder.
“Well, Jett told me that Yoru was givin you a tough time.” Phoenix responded, smirking as he occasionally took his eyes off the robots to see Mateo’s flustered expression.
Mateo sighed slightly, he was nervous Neon had said something to someone. But,  if this was just about his encounter with Yoru then it didn’t bother him too much. “Yeah, that happened.” He said, leaving his place on the wall and taking out another bot.
“Well, don’t let him get to you mate. We’ve all been there with our relationship struggles. Oy behind you!” Phoenix said, taking out a bot that was running up to Mateo from behind.
“Thanks”, Mateo said with a small nod and smile to both the words of encouragement and for having his back during their training. Although Phoenix’s words weren’t exactly what he needed as a pick-me-up, he was still grateful for the effort put in.. Phoenix returned Mateo’s nod, “Ready to finish this?” He asked.
Smirking, Mateo responded, “Sí, amigo. You know it.”
“Alright let's go!” Phoenix said, his skin glowing a faint orange as he mowed through the rest of the bots with Mateo, thrash stunning a cluster for phoenix to take out. When no other bots came to confront the two, they gave each other a fist bump. “Now that has to be a top score, for sure!” Phoenix enthused.
After the aim training Mateo had taken an early dinner and gone to his room to chill for the night. He had already received a message from Jamie strategizing how they could achieve an even higher score next time. He had also received what he assumed was a sarcastic or playful message from Jett asking why he stole her aim training partner from her. Changing into some comfortable clothes, he laid down on his bed and gave you a call. Wingman snuggled up to his arm and Mateo moved a bit to get Wingman out of the frame of the video, causing the creature to mumble. “I’m sorry buddy. Not yet okay. Very soon she will meet you. Prometo. For now, if you stay down by my arm, you can sit in and listen in. Como es que, amigo?” Wingman purred and Mateo chuckled, “Alright just remember to be quiet.” Dizzy, Thrash, and Mosh also made their appearance, giving Mateo a curious look. “Alright, you three as well. But the same thing I told Wingman. Estar muy tranquila. Okay?” Dizzy and Thrash nodded. Thrash took up a spot near the end of the bed at Mateo’s feet, Dizzy laid on Mateo’s stomach, and Mosh cuddled up next to Wingman.
You answered the call to Mateo smiling and laughing, “Hola, Mi Teo. What’s got you in a good mood?” You returned his contagious smile.
“Well, the fact that I’m talking to mi amor might have something to do with it.” He smirked. 
The two of you chatted for nearly an hour uninterrupted and you both  savored that time that you had together. The longest your last video call was so far had been about 30 minutes max before Mateo got pulled away by something else. You laughed with each other when you caught him up to speed on the shenanigans your friend group was up to together. He asked about your father and your sister. You told him you were thinking of cutting your hair and he playfully begged you not to, but promised that you would look beautiful with any hairstyle you chose. He said you could even shave your head and you would be the most beautiful girl in the world to him. You laughed and told him to be careful what he says or you just might go ahead and do it, but he knew you would never. He knew how much fun you had styling your hair in different ways, it was something you had used often to express yourself.
“I wish I was there with you” Mateo said, he noticed the locket he gave you before he left around your neck, he was hanging next to your heart, but he wanted to wrap you up in his arms. A month away had felt like an eternity.
“I wish you were too.” You said, sharing his look of longing.
“Well, I find out when I’m able to leave soon. But before then I can send you a care package. I can put one of my shirts in it and some snacks from the area.” He grinned.
You smiled, “I’d like that.” Your words drew off slightly at the end of the sentence, as you thought back to your conversation with his mom. Hesitating, you wondered if you should tell Mateo, ask why she was being so weird about you wanting to visit.
Mateo noticed your hesitation and raised a brow, “what’s wrong, mi amor?” 
“Well….” You started but bit your tongue. “So I saved up money from my recent paychecks and I figured with that money I would buy a train ticket to see you. Like a surprise. But then I couldn’t remember what city you said you were in or if you ever said the city you were in. So I called your mom and asked her. I told her my plan but she didn’t think it was a good idea and she also wouldn’t tell me the city and she also wouldn’t tell me why.” Catching your breath after your ramble you waited for him to answer, your cheeks flushed red. He stared at the phone, his mouth opening like he was going to say something, but then closing. “I just felt like she was hiding something from me?” You added on.
Mateo frowned, his gaze faltering before looking back at the screen, “(y/n), I have to tell you something.” He said, in a tone you had never heard before.
Your anxiety spiked, “oh okay… you’re making me a bit nervous. What is it?” You asked.
“So I’m not in Seattle… or Portland. I’m-“ the phone went black. Mateo grumbled, pressing the power button but to no avail. “Merida! Stupid phone” he cursed. Suddenly it powered back on, the screen flashing with a familiar symbol. Mateo narrowed his eyes. He went to your contact and tried to call you back, but an error flashed up on the screen once more with that familiar symbol. He tried to text you but was met with the same fate. 
“Cypher!!!” Mateo yelled as he ran down the halls. He made it to the computer room where he knew Cypher was most likely to be. He flung the door open and found the room empty. He cursed again, leaving the room and heading down the hallway.
“CYPHER!” He called again, he passed by Neon who looked like she was on her way to her room.
“Woah, Gekko. What’s going on, are you alright?” She asked.
“Not right now, Tala. I’m looking for Cypher.” He said, keeping his steady pace. 
Neon followed behind him, “He’s with Reyna in the strategy room. But-“ he cut her off, “Thanks.”
“But Gekko-“ Neon tried to get his attention but he was focused on one thing.
Mateo flung open the door to the Strategy Room, seeing Cypher, Reyna, Sage, and Brimstone huddled over a holographic map of LA. Reyna’s eyes darted over to the two. “Neon! Gekko is not supposed to be in here right now” She said.
“I tried damn it!” Neon said, raising her hands up.
“I don’t care about whatever secret classified mission this is!” Gekko said, anger in his words. “I just want to know why, he child-locked my device!?” He said, pointing to Cypher.
“Cariño, cálmate.” Reyna said
“I activated the fail safe, because you were close to revealing yourself.” Cypher added in.
“What!? You were listening in on me!? Spying on me!? Esto es ridículo. ¡Esa fue una conversación privada!” Mateo exclaimed, Wingman and Dizzy appeared from his bag after Mateo's noticeable rising anger. “How would you even know to listen in?” He asked.
Cypher remained quiet, sharing a glance between the 3 older agents in the room.
Mateo turned around towards Neon, “ You told them! Didn’t you?” He accused.
Neon crossed her arms, “what!? No I didn’t.” She huffed
“Fui yo, cariño. It was me” Reyna spoke up.
An expression of hurt and betrayal flashed across Mateo’s face, as Wingman and Dizzy made a sound, similar to a faint cry but almost as if they were asking Reyna why.
“Que? Por que Reyna. Why would you have Cypher spy on me?” He asked.
Sage made her way closer to Mateo, “Reyna came to us a few days ago. We agreed that you are being pulled in two different directions. You need to have your whole mind and spirit here, Gekko. With your heart split, you can make dangerous decisions. Brimstone and I tasked Cypher on making sure you were making the right decisions. And Cypher is the one who heard you tell Neon your plan in the kitchen this morning.” 
Mateo took a step back in anger as he cursed to himself. Placing a hand over his face, he shook his head. How stupid was he for thinking that Brimstone and Sage didn’t have eyes everywhere around the protocol, watching them at all times. Or that Cypher, the man who can scrub clean any mention of them from the internet within milliseconds wouldn’t be able to listen in on his private phone calls. Wingman walked up to Mateo, placing his hands on the man’s leg in an attempt to comfort.
“Gekko, we’re here to help you if you need it. I know some things are hard to understand why we do it. But it is for the best.” Sage added.
Mateo stood idle for a second, his eyes darting from person to person in the room. His mind was clouded with hurt, anger, and frustration. The silence lingered, no one having anything else to say. Mateo picked up Wingman and turned around towards the door, pausing in the doorway before speaking to those behind him, “You know, Reyna. You could have come to me first. Actually talked to me. Nunca pensé que irías a mis espaldas. Especially you of all people.” He said as he saw his way out.
The remaining agents exchanged a few glances as the tension Mateo left still hung in the air. Reyna sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “He will be okay,” she said to the group, while also reassuring herself. She was disheartened about breaking Mateo’s trust, but there were more important things at hand and she knew this was for the best, “We need to get back to our findings”.
“Yes.” Sage said, looking at the holographic map of LA that was laid out before them. “Your recon mission with Neon and Yoru revealed a big deposit of Radianite under the city, here.” She said pointing to the map.
“That’s close to Gekko’s home.” Reyna said, thinking of her friend. Not wanting to let Mateo down anymore, she needed to make sure this Radianite remained secure. “We need to make sure that a spike does not get detonated here”
“We also need to keep our eyes on Kingdom as well. They could already know about this.” Brimstone said.
Neon was looking towards the door after Mateo left, he was hurting and now he probably felt more alone than ever. Sighing, she turned around and looked towards the group, her eyes widening at the hologram as she made her way to the group. “Woah” Neon said as she walked up to the map, eyeing it in curiosity, “if a spike goes off there how many casualties will that be?”
“Too many.” Brimstone responded, his voice laced with an edge of concern and also exhaustion. 
“...Teo?” You asked, as his face froze on your screen before the call ended, an error signaling that the connection had dropped. You tried to call him back but was only met by his voicemail.  Resorting to a text, you sent ‘What happened, are you alright?’ only to get an immediate response saying that the message was unable to be delivered. Staring at the screen you blinked, trying to process what had just happened. You looked around through your phone to make sure that everything else was working, and found that you had a full connection to the grid. Whatever happened was on Mateo’s end. You found it odd that as soon as Mateo looked like he was going to confess something that the call dropped. And now suddenly you were unable to contact him back? Did the internet wherever he was suddenly just drop, since he did say that he wasn’t in Seattle or Portland, so where was he?
You sent Mateo a few more texts telling him to call you back if he was able or to let you know that he was okay. You debated on calling Mateo’s mom to let her know about the weird disconnection of his phone. But, with what Mateo had started to say, it had all suddenly made sense of why his mom was acting so weird on the phone. She knew he wasn’t in either of the two cities he had mentioned, she just was trying her best to avoid telling you.
The rest of the night for you drew on longer than you thought it would. You laid in bed, curled up on your covers while scrolling through various forms of media, checking every 30 minutes for a message to Mateo, while also sending one or two to test the connection. So far you had sent around 13 messages, signaling that it had been over 6 hours since your video call with Mateo. You had skipped dinner, your appetite gone and replaced with worry. Around 8:30 you had heard your dad leave for work, and around 11:30 you had heard your sister leave to go to a party. Neither of them bothered you before they left as you said you wished to be left alone. 
It was nearing 1 am and your eyes were starting to get dry and heavy with sleep. You continued to stare at your phone screen, mindlessly scrolling, not even focusing on what was in front of you as you fought the urge to sleep. The thought of Mateo messaging you back as soon as you fell asleep would be your luck, and you wanted to make sure that wouldn’t happen. You would stay up all night if you had to, even if that meant you would miss your classes.
All the struggle you put up against falling asleep seemed to be in vain as your eyes shot open to the sound of your doorbell going off throughout the house. You rubbed your eyes in a daze as you checked your phone, “What the hell? It’s 3 AM.” you grumbled to yourself, closing your eyes and throwing your pillow over your head to drown out the ringing. Whoever was at your front door seemed to be holding down the button.
After a few more seconds you yelled, throwing your blankets off of yourself as you stood up. Exiting your room, you looked across the hall to your sister’s room. The door was wide open, and through the faint light shining inside you could tell she hadn’t made it home yet. “I swear, Gwen, if you forgot your key and locked yourself out I’m going to kill you” you grumbled. Heading towards the front door.
You yawned as you looked towards the peep hole to view who was outside, but the image you saw completely woke you up. “Teo?” you whispered to yourself. It felt like your heart stopped for a second, time slowing as you reached for the door to unlock and open it. 
The helicopter ride to Haven was uncomfortable at most for Mateo. Luckily, he was allowed to stay on the mission. Though if it were up to him he much rather would have been anywhere else, so was it truly luck? Having Reyna leading his mission completely ruined all the excitement he had when he was first assigned a week ago. He avoided her gaze as much as he could, still feeling the hurt from her broken trust just hours before. He continued to listen in on the debrief that he had heard many times throughout the week, giving her the respect as if they were just co-workers.
It was quiet when they arrived at Haven, giving the team the indication that they had beaten their Omega counterparts to the location. Reyna gave one last debrief before she dismissed everyone to set up their sites. The layout was fairly similar to Mateo’s dream, which made him slightly nervous. The only difference was that Killjoy was to be holding garage, her turret pointing at mid while Omen helped Reyna on A.
“Mateo,” Reyna said, grabbing his attention as he went towards his site. He turned around and paused, walking back up to her. “¿qué?” He asked, showing no emotion.
She sighed, "Escúchame Gekko, I know it doesn’t seem like it. But, I am with you.”
Mateo inhaled, pondering on her words, “mis disculpas when I said that it’s hard to believe that right now.”
“I am sorry that it has felt like you have to do this alone. Nunca deberías sentirte así. Y porque lo haces, es mi fracaso como mentor.” 
“Eres una gran mentora, Reyna. I am just upset my privacy was infiltrado.” He sighed. 
“I know cariño,” Reyna said, “And I am truly sorry.”
“Gracias, Reyna.” Mateo said, his nerves starting to settle slightly. He began to leave again before he was stopped once more.
“Also, Gekko-” “Si?” He asked.
“fuerte y feroz. They will not hesitate, you must not either.” Reyna said, her voice sturn and steady as she believed if Mateo took to heart anything that she said, she needed it to be this.
“Lo sé, Reyna. I know” he nodded, taking her advice in. He gave her a slight smile before he went and made his way to his position at C.
Mateo had scoped out his site, walking down C long and looking for the angles that Harbor had mentioned would be crucial to hold and would most likely be an area that their Omega counterparts would hide in if cornered.
Holding with his Vandal, Mateo aimed down site at C long, staying alert and ready for anyone to appear. His eyes were starting to strain as he had been focused already for 15 minutes at least. “Any signs of movement anywhere?” Killjoy said over her ear piece.
“Negative” Omen responded. “Nope” Jett added in “Gekko?” Reyna questioned. Mateo was about to speak before he saw Omega Jett peak up into C long. He fired his gun but she quickly dashed back from where she had appeared from. “Jett spotted!” He held his aim ready for her to peak again only to be met by a double peak with Jett and Sova. Mateo quickly ducked back behind boxes, The Omega archer sent a tracer dart flying landing on the wall in the back of C site, marking Mateo. “Sova spotted as well, my location has been marked, requesting backup!”
“I’m on it!” Killjoy responded, peaking out C short and throwing a grenade to stop the infiltrators from pushing up any further. From behind the box, Mateo threw up Dizzy who quickly scanned the area, blinding the two enemies. Mateo peaked out from his cover, aiming his gun at the Sova who was now blind in long with nowhere to hide. With three body shots to the chest, the archer was down. Mateo tried to catch his breath, this had been his first kill that wasn’t on one of the training bots. He had to get his breathing back under control and steady himself. One was down but there were at least 4 more to go. 
‘fuerte y feroz’ he repeated to himself the words of advice that Reyna had given him.
“There’s someone A” Reyna said through the coms.
“Sending cover” Omen called out as he placed a smoke down protecting the A site from a quick entry.
“I believe the Jett has rotated,” Killjoy said. Jett spoke up, “I spotted her- uh me- In window! I’m holding.” 
Mateo heard gunfire from across the area, indicating that A site had begun to be fought over. He continued to stare down long, just to make sure they weren’t being faked, until he heard otherwise. Killjoy began to move back into garage to help Jett hold her Omega counterpart.
On A site, Omen peaked heaven with an Operator, peaking into short while the smoke still covered long. Reyna shot through the smoke, taking cover behind boxes as bullets sprayed blindly towards her. A quick flash the two had never seen before, made up of white and yellow sparkling lights, blinded them instantly. They took cover as the omega agents entered the site, forcing Omen and Reyna to fall back. “We’ve lost the site.” Omen growled into his communicator.
“Gekko, Killjoy. Begin your rotation to A, stay alert as I believe they have sent the new agent, Lux, with them.” Reyna informed the rest of the team.
Killjoy began her rotation from garage through the window and the connector to B, leaving an alarm bot behind her incase of an enemy push or rotate. Mateo gathered dizzy up from where she was idling, quietly praising her for the work she did to help him with the Sova. 
He quietly made his way to the C and B connector, where he would join up with Killjoy on B so that the two could arrive at A together. Before he could walk to B, a wall made of a white and yellow swirling energy came up, completely blocking off the entrance. This was something that Mateo had never seen before. He turned around, scanning his surroundings and saw nothing. “Be careful,” He spoke into his com, “I think the new agent put up a wall blocking off my entry on B.” “I see it too, but I don't see any other enemies. Still keep your guard up, we don't know how far their range is for their abilities.” Jett said.
Mateo stared at the wall before him, it didn’t look solid? It had a similar movement about it like Phoenix and Astra’s  walls, though contained to one area as it took up the entire entry way. He carefully reached a hand out to touch it, but hissed in pain as the energy making up the wall instantly burned his flesh with contact. 
He closed his eyes, shaking out his hand as he heard the sound of a revolver hammer locking behind him. He froze, feeling the sensation of someone watching him.
“Careful-”, They spoke. Mateo’s eyes widened, he knew that voice but there was something off.
“-Mi, amor. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.” They said, venom laced with their words.
Mateo raised his hands in the air, as he turned around and was met face to face with your Omega counterpart. His heart increased, she looked just like you only she was staring at him with an expression he had never seen from you before; Hatred mixed with amusement. “Lux?” Was all he could murmur
“Lux, (Code/Name), (Y/N), any of those work.” She sneered, holding her Sheriff out so that Mateo was staring down the barrel.
“Gekko, status update.” Killjoy was heard over the intercom.
“I-” Mateo started, but he was interrupted by your double. 
“Shhh. Let’s not give away our position, now.” She hummed as she walked towards him, circling him like a Lion does its prey. “You seem so much more fun than my Mateo,” she lulled, “Let me guess, you actually made a move on my counterpart. Lucky her. Mine couldn’t take a hint if it hit him in the face.”
Mateo’s heart was racing, he never once thought that when he looked at the enemy he would see you. The (y/n) he knew wasn’t a Radiant, or so he thought. He remembered Brimstone's talk about discrepancies. But, wouldn’t you have developed your powers by now if you were?
He remained stunned in silence as your double paced around him, keeping the sheriff aimed at his head, his eyes following her. She walked up to him, placing a kiss on his lips, while pressing the cool metal of the gun to his temple. A wave of panic shivered down his spine causing his hairs on the back of his neck to stand up.
She pulled away and took a step back, “Well, I’d love to keep this conversation going, Gekko-”
“-They’ve planted the spike!” He heard Jett yell into his earpiece.
“- But it seems like we’re out of time.”
Your double pulled the trigger on the sheriff twice, sending two rounds flying directly into Mateo’s shoulder. He yelled out in pain as the bullets burned through his flesh. Falling to the ground he squeezed onto his shoulder with his unburnt hand, trying to control the bleeding. He could hear commotion over the earpiece, but all of the words were deafened by the fire he felt on his shoulder.
Wingman jumped out of Mateo’s bag, running towards your Omega counterpart and stunning her, causing her wall blocking B to fall. As soon as it did, shots from a Vandal could be heard flying over Mateo and towards your double, but it wasn’t fast enough. Before the shot could land, your double vanished into a curtain of light, teleporting out of the area of danger. 
Mateo squirmed on the ground in pain, Wingman ran up to his shoulder and pressed against Mateo’s hand, as if to try and help stop the bleeding. The two felt the ground shake below them, before an eruption of darkness shadowed them, indicating that the spike had gone off. 
Omega had won. He let out another anguished cry as a wave of fire spread from his shoulder and down through his arm. “Gekko’s down, but he’s conscious” someone next to him said over the ear piece. He hadn’t realized it but Killjoy had taken a place, kneeled beside him. She must have been the one to try and stop your double. 
The ground rumbled as Killjoy spoke, started to shift and break apart on A where the spike had gone off. “Shhh, shhh now, Gekko. It’s okay. You’re going to be just fine” the girl said, taking off one of her straps and preparing to use it as a makeshift splint to try and stabilize his arm.
Mateo squinted his eyes, trying to force back another wave of pain, “what about- the- others-“ he said through clenched teeth. “Where’s- Reyna-“ 
“She’s coming, Gekko, don’t worry. She’s alright. You’re doing good, keep that pressure.”
“The- new- agent-“ Mateo started, only to be cut off by KillJoy.
“Shh, don’t talk. Save your energy, Gekko.”
“Gekko! Mi cariño!” Reyna yelled out, kneeling next to Mateo across from Killjoy. Mateo looked upwards to see Omen making his way not far behind Reyna, in his arms was Jett, her arms laying heavy, swaying as Omen walked. Mateo’s eyes widened at the site of Jett’s unmoving form lying in Omen’s arms, her shirt drenched in blood. His adrenaline started to spike in that moment, his heart racing. He tensed up, trying to sit, grimacing as he did., “Jett- what… is- is she-“ He tried to speak, wincing with every word. 
Reyna used her hand to avert Mateo’s gaze from his fallen comrade. “Sage will help her, Ahora necesitas quedarte con nosotros, Gekko.” Reyna looked at Omen and Killjoy as bits of derbies from A could be seen floating in the distance, the cracks in the ground spreading towards B, “We need to get out of here. Now.”
The next moments for Mateo moved in stop motion. He heard Reyna and Killjoy speaking to him, but their words merged together, unable to penetrate his ear drums. He blinked and they were helping him up, his good arm over Reynas neck as she helped him stand up. He blinked again and they were helping him into the helicopter, Omen placing Jett’s body on a makeshift infirmary bed before covering her up completely with a blanket. Another blink and he felt Killjoy pressing gauze up against his shoulder, while Reyna watched on, an emotion he couldn’t read in her eyes. He heard himself cry out in pain as Killjoy cleaned his wound, but it was almost like his voice was coming from someone else. Blinking once more, he saw his arm bandaged up, Omen walking up to him with Wingman in his arms. The wraith gently placed the creature down close to Mateo, who wasted no time to run up and cuddle into the crook of his uninjured arm.
As Mateo went unconscious, Reyna made her way next to where he lie, sitting down beside him she watched his chest rise and fall. “Lo siento, Mateo.” She said, giving him a kiss on the top of his head before brushing his hair back off of his forehead. “Eres un luchador Lo superarás.” Wingman looked up at Reyna from his place tucked in Mateo’s arm. She smiled at the creature, “Lo hiciste bien pequeña. Thank you for watching after him.”
“Teo!?” You asked as you opened the door, a mixture of excitement and confusion in your voice, still groggy from sleep. “What are you do-” you continued, pausing as he took a step back. From behind him you saw a small pink creature begin to make its way to you. You let out the start of a scream as it jumped at you, the sonic wave it sent out from its body rendering you unable to move or speak. You winced slightly, feeling the paralyzing energy moving through your body. “mis disculpas, (y/n). Or what your Mateo calls you, ‘Mi amor’?” He smirked. 
Your eyes darted around before meeting his gaze once more, in fear. What did he mean, ‘Your Mateo?’. You had heard of the incident years ago in Venice of a dimension traveler attacking. Was this one of those instances? But if so, what did you have to do with any of this? None of this made sense, you had to still be dreaming. Working against the paralyzing energy through your body, you were able to slowly close your eyes, trying to wake yourself up. Suddenly, you began to feel a burning sensation throughout your body. A mixture of heat and energy shooting through your limbs, leaving you wondering what the creature did to you. You opened your eyes to meet ‘Mateo’’s gaze, his smirk faltering as he saw your normally (e/c) eyes, a golden yellow. He suddenly looked nervous. “Apurarse, Omen.” He said, looking behind you. Unable to see what he was looking at, your heart started racing. You felt hands on your wrist as your arms were pulled behind your back, and fastened with a ziptie. You let out a small groan of frustration as you tried to fight your way free, but your body was not listening to you. Continuing to try and struggle, you were able to let out a small “Why?” that was cut off as a piece of fabric was placed over your mouth. 'Mateo' looked at you  as he stepped closer, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear “Lo lamento, Mi amor. But, a mission is a mission.” 
A cloud of purple smoke started to surround you and your vision, you found yourself almost weightless for a second before the smoke dissipated. No longer in your house, you looked around as the paralytic was staring to wear off, 'Mateo' nowhere to be found. You didn’t get a great look at the room you were in before another strip of fabric was placed over your eyes, taking away your vision. What you could briefly see told you that the room was some kind of operating room, with various computers on the walls. The hand that had bound you reached out, somewhat gently, and led you to a chair and fastened your ankles to the legs. You yelped and tried to move from your bindings as you felt a prick of a needle on your skin. “I’m sorry.”, your captor said, as he drew your blood. The sound of his voice was haunting, but his words seemed sincere.
You moved in the chair, trying to free your hands. Although the paralyzing effect from that creature seemed to subside, you still noticed the slightly burning, almost electric feelings radiate through your mind and body as your adrenaline continued to pump. The sound of a door swinging open, accompanied by 2 sets of footsteps signified that you were no longer alone with your captor. You held your breath, as if out of instinct to try and go undetected. Never imagining you would be in a situation like this, you were feeling helpless. You weren’t a fighter, but you were smart, you needed to wait until you had resources to use and right now with your senses being taken away from you, the only thing you had to go off of is what you were able to hear.
“Let me see that sample” a woman said as she walked to the far side of the room, her voice sounded aged, and muffled almost as if it were coming through a microphone. A machine whirred up followed by sounds of typing.
The three stood in silence, as one person, you assumed it was the woman, typed.
“What did you find?” The third person spoke up. A male, their  voice older, gruff, and sturdy.  
“It’s positive. She’s radiant. A discrepancy here must have caused her abilities to not activate, which is how they must have missed her and skipped to recruiting Gekko” The woman said.
Your eyes widened behind the fabric, were they talking about you? No, you couldn’t be a Radiant. Radiants are the ones who attacked Venice, and killed thousands in the city. Radiants are the ones who took your mother away from you. You weren’t one of them. 
A new set of footsteps drew your focus back into the group. “Alright, perfect. That means we’re able to move on to phase 2 then?” The voice sent a shiver up your spine. This voice sounded like yours but it couldn’t be. The footsteps began to make their way closer to you. Feeling a pair of fingers loop onto the fabric and pull it down below your eyes, you took in your surroundings. In the room, a  woman with a short black haircut wearing a mask around her nose and mouth, a hooded figure who seemed to be glowing, and a bearded man with a muscular build looked on from the background. Though, your stomach dropped when you saw your own smirking face staring back at you. The only thing letting you know you weren't truly staring at your own reflection was the faint glow of a yellow/gold on the inner iris of her (e/c) eyes, “it’s about time I finally get to look in the mirror” she said.
Your chest rising and falling as you began to hyperventilate, “who are you?” You tried to ask, but it only came out as a mixed mumble through the fabric covering your mouth. Your double began to hyperventilate as well, mocking your mumble before laughing, “Sorry, (y/n). Just trying to get into character.” She smiled, something about it sending a chill down your spine.
She began to reach towards your neck and you tried to squirm away from her hands only to be stopped by the chair you were bound to. She unclasped the locket you were wearing. The gift Mateo had given you before he left. You tried to protest, but your movements were unsuccessful as she removed the jewelry from your neck and placed it around her own, “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of it, and him.”
Reyna entered the infirmary, to see Sage hovering over Jett, a blue glow emitting from her palms. The outgoing girl who now lay still had begun to breathe again just hours before, but there was still more work to be done. Sage had worked on Mateo earlier, his gunshot wound being a more easy fix than the wound that took Jett. The healer had praised Killjoy and Reyna for the work they did on the field to keep Mateo’s breathing controlled, as it likely saved his life.
“How is she?” Reyna asked. She was always fond of Jett. The young agent had such an upbeat attitude about the world. Similar to Mateo.
“Better.” Sage said, a wave of exhaustion coming through her words.
“You should rest. recupera tu energía. I can watch them until you return.” Reyna looked over to Mateo’s sleeping form as well. Wingman sat at the edge of his infirmary bed, looking on with an expression of concern and worry as Sage worked on Jett.
“I will be okay, Reyna. Jett needs me right now. Besides, I have had great company.” Sage replied, looking up to smile at Wingman.
Reyna sighed, “You can help her more once you have rested. She is breathing now, I will alert you if that changes.”
Sage paused, looking up at Reyna and nodding, “Thank you.” She said, giving her a reassuring touch on her shoulder before leaving. 
Walking over to the two beds, Reyna looked at Jett a moment before pulling a blanket up over the sleeping woman’s form. These two in the infirmary were too young to be the ones injured on this mission, and even Omen had agreed. Had Reyna called a retreat earlier, perhaps Jett wouldn’t have dashed in as a last ditch effort to try and defuse the spike only to be ambushed by an Omega Cypher and an Omega Harbor.
Grabbing a chair, Reyna pulled it up next to Mateo’s bed and sat down, Wingman quickly hobbling over to her. The woman gave the creature a quick pet of affection before resting her hand on Mateo’s. She should have realized quicker that he hadn’t been heard on the communicator and wasn’t in the gunfight. She should have been more alert that something had happened to him. She had promised his mother she would protect him, and now he lay in the infirmary after his first mission that she had led. “lo siento, no estaba allí, Mateo”
With her free hand, Reyna continued to pet Wingman, who had quickly fallen asleep under her touch. Lost in her thoughts, Reyna continued to listen to the rhythmic beeping of the machines that both Jett and Mateo were hooked up to. Eventually, Wingman began to stir slightly as he woke up, and as if on queue Mateo began to move as well, mumbling as he fought for consciousness, “…(y/n)” he groaned.
Reyna perked up, “Mateo, it’s okay, mi cariño”, She said in a soft voice, trying to calm her protege.
“(Y/n)….” He repeated.
“ella no está aquí, but you can contact her later”
Mateo opened his eyes and quickly sat up, as if waking up from a nightmare. He winced as he grabbed his shoulder, now alert he looked at Reyna, doing his best to ignore the waves of pain shooting through him.”
“No, Reyna... it’s (y/n). Lux is (y/n).” He said.
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bbreadwinnerrr · 3 days
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GEKKO: La chica a mi lado
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Warnings: Fluff, fem reader
A/n: this is my first time using tumblr and posting my writing anywhere online, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback!!
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Since it was the weekend and you and Gekko were off duty today, the both of you unanimously agreed to spend the day together. You guys are a couple, after all.
As soon as the both of you knew it, the sun had already begun to set. You and Gekko went out the entire day, going to a cafe for breakfast, going to an arcade, then getting lunch at a small restaurant, after that going to a nearby park to enjoy each other’s company, and then now where you both are walking out of a boba shop.
Gekko reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, holding your hand with a gentle grip. “I don’t want today to end.” He murmurs as he turns his head to look at you with a cute smile.
You turn your head to face him as he spoke, a small frown appearing on your face knowing that the day was gonna end soon.
Suddenly, your eyes widen slightly and your lips curve upward as your face lit up while an idea popped into your head. “I know what we could do to end the day,” you chirp, your eyes sparkling with excitement.
Taken aback by your excited demeanor, Gekko’s eyebrows raised for a moment before his face relaxed into a grin. “What’s your idea, mi querida?” He asked as wingman hopped on his shoulder, looking at you with a curious gaze.
“How about a movie night? We could run to grocery store right now to grab some snacks and head back to HQ to chill in your room then put on a movie?” You said, anticipation threaded in your voice, before taking the last sip of your drink. You then hand your empty cup to wingman who happily took it and jumped down from Gekko’s shoulders and waddled to a nearby trash can, slamming the cup into the trash and mimicking the planting action he does with the spike during missions.
Gekko’s face lit up, like yours did earlier, as wingman did his thing and gasped. “Why didn’t I think of that? Great idea, (y/n), let’s go now!” He beamed with a chuckle before tightening his grip on your hand and pulling you along with him down the street. You laughed at his enthusiasm and happily followed him, wingman jogging along with the both of you towards a small grocery store near Valorant HQ.
Once you arrive, wingman returns into Gekko’s pouch and you both quickly enter and begin browsing your options in the chip aisle. You grab a bag of chips, one that both you and he liked, and toss it to him. “Hold this real quick.” You remark before walking further down the aisle while resting your hand on your chin in thought.
“Woah!” He exclaims as he fumbles with the bag of chips. He lets out a relieved exhale as he prevents the chips from dropping on the ground and tucks it between his arm and torso.
“What kinda chips do you want?” You inquire. “Oh, I like this one.” You say before grabbing a bag of chips you liked and, once again, tossing it to Gekko who scrambled to catch the bag.
“Hey!” He blurts out as he catches it perfectly. “Hold on and let me choose too.” He whines as he jogs to catch up to you. You laugh a bit before moving out the way as he comes over and scans the shelves for something he liked. “Ah, mi favorito.” He smiles in satisfaction as he tosses it to you, copying the way you threw the chips to him in a playful manner.
You, with a small laugh, catch it flawlessly before motioning for him to follow you. “Can’t have a movie night without candy, can we?” You smirk as you advance to the candy aisle.
As you and Gekko make your way over, you can’t help but notice a pair of girls heading to the same aisle. You think nothing of it, other than that their outfits were pretty, since they didn’t glance at you or acknowledge your presence.
You and Gekko stand on opposite sides of the candy aisle from the pair of girls and browse your options. “Don’t you like these?” He asks as he turns to you and hands you a bag of your favorite candy.
Your face lights up, giddy at the fact that Gekko remembered small details about you, and you eagerly grab the candy out if his hands, “you remembered.”
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t i?” He says as he shoots you a proud smile.
You quickly spot his favorite candy and take grab it from the rack and hand it to him. “And aren’t these tu favorito?” You ask, using your little knowledge about Spanish combined with your expertise about his favorite things.
He lets out a laugh, one that makes your heart melt every time you hear it, “Perfecto.” He replied before pressing a small kiss to your cheek. “I think this is enough, lets go.” He adds before walking with you to the self-checkout section.
You both patiently wait in line while chatting with one another. As you finally reach the front of the line, you notice that the pair of girls that you had seen earlier in the candy aisle were behind you and Gekko in the line.
You try and take this chance to compliment their outfits and turn your head to face them, but to your dismay you hear them whispering to one another. You heard stuff that you probably shouldn’t have.
“Yeah, he’s really cute.” One girl with brunette hair whispers to the other girl with red hair while staring at Gekko next to me.
“You should ask for his number.” The red hair responds while giggling and nudging her friend with the brunette hair.
“But that girl is there…” The brunette mumbles, a small pout on her face.
A knot forms at the bottom of your stomach as you turn away, your eyebrows furrowing and a faint frown appearing on your lips.
Gekko quickly picks up your change in demeanor when you start to give him short responses in the conversation.
He turns to you with a worried expression, “(y/n)? What’s wrong?” He questions, reaching for your hand, as you both walk over to the next available self-checkout station.
You let out a sigh, “Its nothing. It’s just those two girls behind us in line.” You mumble as your previous nasty expression softens at his concern.
“Who?” He asks before turning around and trying to look for who you were talking about. Way to make it obvious.
You follow his gaze to the brunette and the red haired girl, who were at a station near you guys, and see the brunette bite her bottom lip nervously as she gazed at Gekko.
You roll your eyes as the feeling of jealousy sank its teeth into your emotions. You start scanning your items as Gekko returned to your side. “Is it the brown haired girl with the red haired girl? What did they do?” He asks, his voice depicting his huge concern about the situation at hand.
“They just…” You begin before pausing momentarily, “They were talking about you.” You answer bitterly while taking the chips and candy out of his hands to scan them.
He raised an eyebrow up at you, confused. “What did they say? Please tell me, mi amor, I don’t want you to be upset.” He pleads as he steps closer to you and wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. His body heat mixing with yours made it hard to deny his comfort, as if you could ever turn it down in the first place.
You finish scanning all of the items and put them into one plastic bag before turning to face him. “They were saying stuff about how you were… really cute and stuff and how the brown haired girl should ask for your number.”
His eyes widen a bit, shocked at what you finally revealed at what was bothering you. But before he could say anything, you hear footsteps approaching from behind him.
“Um, excuse me sir?” Your heart drops as you peak behind him and see the brunette standing in front of him as he turns to face her. She played with her hair nervously with a pink blush dusting her cheeks.
You scoff, balling your hand into a fist, “Oh my god, she’s not actually…”
“I saw you and thought you were really cute… a-and I was wondering if I could have your number?” She stuttered anxiously while batting her eyelashes.
“Uhh, no habla ingles.” He blurts out as he flattens his lips and shrugs his shoulders dramatically.
The girl narrows her eyes suspiciously before chuckling awkwardly, “but I saw you talking to that girl behind you earlier, in English?”
“Ohh ¿La chica a mi lado?” He laughs, “Esa es mi novia.” He starts, before going on a ramble in Spanish and sticking with his act that he couldn’t speak English. “La amo mucho y ella significa todo para mí. Ella es la chica más maravillosa y hermosa que he conocido y no se compara con nadie más-“
You had to suppress a laugh that threatened to come out of your mouth as you stared at how absolutely bewildered the girl looked.
The girl finally stopped his rambling and shook her head dismissively and chuckled awkwardly before she spoke up. “Uh, y’know what? Nevermind, have a great day sir…” she says before turning around and stiffly walking back to her red haired friend who looked at her with a confused expression.
Gekko turns around and faces me with a confident smile. “And thats how to get rid of a girl thats making your girlfriend jealous.” He chuckles before nudging you teasingly.
You try to fight off a smile creeping onto your face. “Whatever, I wasn’t even that jealous.” You lie.
“But you were.” He remarks as he pays for all the snacks.
“Was not.” You argue.
“Was too.” He fires back.
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
You roll your eyes as a smile breaks out onto your face. “Whatever, you win today.” You admit with a small grumble as you grab the bag full of snacks.
He laughs before pressing a tender kiss to my cheek, “thanks, cariño.”
As soon as he does that, you see the brunette and her red haired friend walk by. You catch a glimpse of the brunette rolling her eyes at you and pulling her friend’s arm forward forcefully, trying to get her to walk faster.
“Oops,” Gekko blurted from beside you as he reached for your hand and held it. “I guess my lie was found out.”
You chuckle a bit, “I don’t mind.”
“She sure does.” He joked as you both began walking out of the grocery store, the glow of the sunset shining on your faces.
“What were you even rambling about anyway?” You question curiously. The only thing you picked up on was the lie that he couldn’t speak English.
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismissed my question with the wave of his hand. This made you more curious, but you decide to not press him further. “Anyway, what movie do you wanna watch? I’m down for anything.”
“I’m kinda thinking about ghostbusters right now.”
“¡Sí! Thats a classic.”
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rosexhart · 26 days
Waiting for Sunset
Gekko x Reader
Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word count: 2.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
I awoke the next morning to a clatter. Then a voice speaking in a lower tone. I rose from my bed and stepped out of my room and into the hall. There I saw a door, stuck, and a Scottish voice behind it swearing.
“Need some help?” I asked gently, and I heard the movement freeze.
“Yeah, yeah,” they said and I looked at the hinges, and the door overall. Looks like it had shifted. I gave it a swift kick at the bottom corner, and it burst open. Behind the door, a smaller figure. Adorned in butterfly leggings, shorts, a jacket with white sleeves, a black shirt, and a cute pixie cut that was lighter at the ends. Their face covered in freckles galore.
“Thanks… figured this was like some test from Brimstone.” Their ascent was heavy and was very stereo typical Scottish.
“No problem. I’ll let cypher know we need to look at it.” I mentioned and they looked me over.
“You don’t look like the rest of them.” They mentioned and I shook my head.
“I’m not radiant.. I had an incident with the Omega Earth Radiants though so Brim is keeping me around.” I mentioned and they nodded.
“Well, nice to meet you, I’m Clove.” Agent 25… explains why they were gone so long.
“(Y/N),” I said with a smile before Gekko came around the corner.
“Ah! My Amigos,” He said as Wingman waved to me.
“Gekko!” Clove said racing over.
“Hey shorty,” He said fist bumping them.
“Well good to see you’re getting along.” I mentioned, and started back towards my room.
“Hey!” Gekko called out racing over, “I was thinking we could go out today. I need a break. Last mission was hard,” he mentioned and I nodded.
“Sounds good to me.” I said and he smiled.
“Mind if I come with,” Clove asked gently, and Gekko looked at her.
“Yeah if it’s ok with Brim.” Gekko mentioned, and she nodded.
“I’ll go ask,” they mentioned and raced off, I smiled.
“They are cute,”
“I guess,” Gekko mentioned and I looked back at him, to find him staring at me. He cleared his throat.
“I’ll let you get ready.” He said and I nodded my head before stepping back into my room.
We walked around a small plaza. It was Clove, Gekko, Myself, and Phoenix, oddly enough.
“So Clove, where did the style come from?” Phoenix asked as he flipped through jackets in the shop we were in.
“Guess when you make music you have something unique every time.” They mentioned picking up a shirt and holding it up to themselves.
“Ah, you’ll have to show me how you make your tunes,” Phoenix said and they giggled.
“For sure,” They mentioned and I looked to Gekko who was looking at some jewelry.
“Everything ok Gekko?” I asked, he jumped and looked back at me.
“Oh— what? Yeah. Just uh… you know. Looking.” He said gesturing to the store. I tilted my head at him and smiled.
“Uh huh,” I mentioned with a light laugh. I could hear Clove and Phoenix laughing. However, I felt like I was having an out of body experience. All the sounds around me became muffled, my hair stood on end. I looked outside and see people just walking and minding their own business. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Gekko asked softly and I looked at him. He seemed… distorted, like as if I was looking at him through a kaleidoscope. I hesitated in responding. My mind seeming to fracture before me. Then, the world opened up around me. Purple surrounded me, and I could see a strange almost flower like power.
“That was too easy,” I heard a voice said and I looked back. Stood between two walls was Iso, his eyes, no longer soft and focused. Instead an intense and set look on his face. The normal soft blues replaced by eerie trailing reds. My heart sunk as he gripped my wrist, and the purple world dissipated around us. I was surrounded by this Iso, the Omen, a Sage, a Neon, and a Sova.
My blood ran cold as the Iso tossed me to the ground.
“Well done Iso.” Sage said, a hand on her hip, “Now we can continue our fight.” Sage mentioned as she turned towards a metal building on my right. My fight or flight kicked in at this point and I stood ready to run. I was blocked by the Omen materializing in front of me. I turned back to see the Sova and Neon staring at me.
“Alright,” I said out loud but more to my self than to them, “I’m over this.” I stated looking around. We were in some type of court yard, a brick building to my left. I decided to break for it. My steps not nearly as fast as Neons as she slid in front of me, blocking my path. I decided to face her head on, and went to go around her only to have a shock of a life time fly through my skin. The whole world waved and bounced around me.
“Relay Bolt, never gets old.” She said as I felt her haul me up. They began towards the metal building and I felt as though I had no control over my own self. We walked down a cat walk and behind a box or two when I saw a helicopter sat on some brick that I assume used to be a bridge.
“No,” I sputtered out weakly as I pushed on Neon.
“Quit squirming.” She hissed and I glanced, seeing up turned chairs. I pushed at her again, and she dropped me hard onto the ground. My body called out in pain.
“Whoops,” she said sarcastically as she went to lift me again but I kicked at her jaw. She threw my foot down and I heard it, the sound of another helicopter. They all looked skywards and I was dropped.
“Neon, get the spike.” Sage ordered and Neon raced back to the ship. Sage looked down at me and held my chin.
“You will be very good for us.” She mentioned as Neon returned. Sage hummed in seeming satisfaction as she pulled an orb from mid air. It was small, and crackled a bit. She placed my hands on the handle of the spike, and sent the orb at it. An ice broke over my hands and I couldn’t remove them from the spike. Panic filled me as she lifted me up.
“Get the spike planted before they figure out what’s happening.” Sage ordered as she pulled a pistol from her side. There was a silent agreement among them as the Sova and Omen pulled me up. The spike bound to my hands. I was shoved forwards, back out from where we came, but we took a right into another area. The walls crumbling around an ice cream shop, and a a few boxes stacked around. My heart was racing, I had to get out of this. My mind racing as I tried to pry my hands off the spike. The ice crackled but did not budge. I listened as footsteps sounded around us. The Sova shot an arrow off and I watched as he looked at a screen.
“Two on site.” He mentioned and Sage hissed.
“Iso, Neon,” She said and the two went forwards. Iso sending forwards a wall, and Neon racing in. I heard Gunshots going off and then Neon backing up.
“They brought Cypher,” Neon stated, and Sage only nodded before she went forwards again. I listened for a few minutes more before I was pushed forwards by Sova.
“Let’s go,” He said harshly and I looked back at him and flung the spike over my shoulder to strike him. The spike hit his hand where he shoved it back down, and he grabbed my hair by the scalp of my head.
“Do that again and I will make sure you don’t leave with hands.” He growled and I hissed as he threw my head forwards. Then as we turned the corner I saw a small wine shop and a large arch way on the left. Iso and Neon held either side of the arch with pistols. Then, out of no where, I saw Dizzy fly up and spit goo at Sova, Neon, and Iso. They all panicked and Sova let me go. I raced forwards, and stopped near Dizzy, who laid exhausted on the ground.
“Oh dizzy.” I said softly and saw Gekko.
“(Y/N)?” He said gently lowering his gun and I watched Reyna come out from the side of the archway, and shoot the Neon, and Sova before stepping back to reload.
“The spike, the spike is on her.” Reyna said aloud and I knew it was going over coms. My heart sunk as I tried to get my hands off it once more to no avail. Frustration set in as Iso finally wiped the gunk from his eyes and approached me. There were only three of them left, surely they would not still continue this push? He pulled me off to the side to force Gekko and Reyna to peak him if they wanted to stop him. I watched as Omen came up from behind us and sent a haze of smoke forwards. I moved to try and trip him, only to watch him walk over me, and into the smoke. Gun shots sounded and I watched as Iso turned back to me.
“Change of plans,” The Iso said, pulling me up by my collar and dragging me back the way we came.
“Let me go!” I growled trying to get him off of me. He decided at this point to hold the gun to my shoulder.
“Keep resisting me and I will shoot you.” He growled and I hesitated as he pulled me forwards, back past the ice cream shop, and then just as we were turning the corner he was shot. My heart stopped for a moment and relief flooded me as the ice on my hands finally receded, leaving my hands red from the cold. I quickly pulled them into me and collapsed. I heard foot steps racing towards me.
“It’s ok, you’re ok,” Gekko’s gentle voice fell over my ears, before his hands were on my shoulders. I hugged him tightly and felt myself finally letting reality hit me as my eyes watered.
“You’re ok, I got you, I got you.” He whispered hugging me back.
“They stuck me to the spike.” I gasped for air that felt like it wasn’t entering my lungs fast enough.
“I know, but it’s alright. We stopped them.” He said and I shook my head.
“No, the Sage,” I said pulling away from him and Cypher came around the corner.
“She is gone,” Cypher said picking up the spike, “Forgot their important tech though. Very good for us.” Cypher mentioned, a smile stretching across his features.
“Let’s go,” Reyna mentioned, holstering her pistol, “We don’t want them bringing reinforcements.” She was right and I knew that. Gekko helped me stand and we walked back through the archway, through a grassy area, and another arch before looking upon the helicopter. We all got inside. Reyna, Cypher, and Gekko, but they had also brought, Raze, and Viper.
“Good to see you’re ok,” Raze said as we got on the ship.
“Thanks,” I said gently as she patted my shoulder. My hands ached with the cold they experienced as the whole ship shuttered with take off.
My mind raced and my leg bounced as I sat on the examination table.
“I now understand how my healing and powers can be so annoying.” Sage said as she looked over my hands.
“I’ve never seen your ice do that,” I mentioned and she didn’t even look up at me.
“They do things that we don’t completely understand. That is what makes them even more dangerous.” Sage said as she released my hands. “There, all better. You should go speak with Brimstone. He will want to know what happened.” She mentioned and I nodded, hopping off the table. Stepping out of the room, Gekko was leaned up again the wall tapping his finger on his crossed arms.
“Gekko?” I muttered and his head snapped my direction.
“Hey,” he pulled himself off the wall and approached, “so, uh, what did Sage say?” He asked sticking his hands in his pockets.
“I’m good as new..” I said holding up my newly healed hands.
“Good… uh.” Gekko scratched the back of his neck, “Brimstone wants to speak with you but afterwards you should come meet me in the ruins outside.” He said and I nodded my hair falling into my face as I did.
“I will.” I stated pushing my hair back out of my face, and he smiled.
“Cool,” He said before walking off. I watched as he went and smiled a bit to myself before heading to Brimstones office.
Entering the dim room, Brim was watching the camera footage.
“You wanted to see me?” I asked, and he turned.
“Are you alright?” He asked and I nodded.
“Doing well. As well as I can anyways.” I stated and he sighed.
“Well, your kidnapping while unfortunate was very beneficial for us. I think it would be best for you to stay with us for a longer period than I originally intended. Even go on possible missions.” Brim said and I hummed.
“I guess I don’t really have a choice in this matter.” I mentioned and he shook his head no. “Very well… I’ll have to figure something out with my family.” I mentioned and he nodded.
“We can discuss the details later.” Brim mentioned before turning back. “Dismissed.” He said and I turned to leave.
Walking outside by the ruins I sighed. This was not my plan.
“Took you long enough,” Gekko’s voice broke my thoughts and I looked to him. He was sat near the edge, a bunch of snacks set out and he pat the spot beside him.
“Sorry, you know Brim.” I said as I sat next to him.
“Listen, about today,” he turned towards me slightly. The golden light hitting his hair and lighting it in a blaze. His cheeks had a darker red tone, and he paused clearing his throat.
“Uh, with the enemy Iso-,” his eyes met mine again. There was a moment of conflict in his eyes.
“Ah fuck it. Listen, I have a crush on you. And it’s throwing my focus all out of whack. I totally get it if you don’t like feel the same. But I needed to get this out.” He blurted, his hands moving in a dramatic way before finally looking at me again. My face flushed.
“Gekko, I… I like you too.” I said softly, the air around us no longer tense. His shoulders rolled back and down with relief.
“You have no idea how stressful that was.” He mentioned smiling at me and tracing the ground with his fingers.
“So I guess I owe you a few dates.” He said looking back up at me. I hummed.
“Yeah, especially after the last one went so horribly.”
“God, don’t bring it up. It was bad enough I felt like I couldn’t breathe around you and then watching you disappear in front of my eyes wasn’t good either.” He mentioned rubbing his face with his hands. I could only laugh as I turned and looked over at the sunset.
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langwrites · 2 months
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[image description: a picrew-generated image of a tear-eyed, dark-haired person with yellow eyes and one hand raised as though to grasp an injured shoulder. the shirt is a nondescript gray. end description]
Look at this sad, pathetic creature. There's no way that blood isn't hers!
What do you mean she splatted two people.
(this is a less-bloody version of how Kei appeared to the initial responders.)
picrew is here.
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seongset · 3 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˵ 𖥻 ִgekko icons ۫ ּ ﹗ (like/reblog if use)
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alexinlalalaland · 10 months
GEKKO X INSECURE!READER [You're perfect] pt.2
It was a copule hours after Yoru's comment and you still haven't left your room. Phoenix tried to talk to you, feeling like he was to blame as well. After all it was him who poked fun at the Japanese man. Heck even Yoru tried to visit and apologize having calmed down enough to see how fucked up the thing he said to you was. But you wouldn't budge. Both of the older males could hear soft whimpers and sniffles when they visited, and their heart clenched when they did. They messed up badly, and needed to do something before things could get out of hands.
Salvation came in the form of a tall, lean young man. With green hair and chocolate brown eyes, who was currently playing with some of his creatures in the common area. Being blissfully unaware that his lover was currently fighting her own demons. So imagine his surprise when Yoru and Phoenix walked over to him with sheepish looks on their faces, as if he was a father that was about to scold them because of something. This made him suspicious.
"What's up ?" Gekko greeted the two duelist, Dizzy chirped in protest when his Hand stopped scratching her back.
"Uhh mate, we kinda done something... well technically Yoru did something." Phoenix started scratching the back of his head, wondering how he will tell him about the problem at hand.
"Hah !?" Yoru growled looking at the English Man, feeling himself getting pissed all over again. "You're partially to blame here. If it wasn't for you and your dumb jokes I wouldn't have said what I said to (Name) !" he yelled angrily making Gekko narrow his eyebrows a little.
"What happened to (Name) ?" his brown eyes narrowed at the two males infront of him. His heart started to beat faster at the mention of your name. Were you okay ? Did you get hurt ? The questions about you well being floaded his mind, yet he still tried to stay focused. He just wanted, no he needed to know what happened first.
"I commented on her weight, and she hasn't left her room in a few hours." after what felt like forever Yoru confessed to what he has done making Mateo freeze.
"You did what ? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO HER ?!" the Hispanic male got right into Yorus face. The blue haired man wpudl lie if he didn't say that it wasn't at least a bit intimidating. "Nah matter of fact why would you say that to anyone ? Are you fuckinh stupid ?" Phoenix's eyes were wide openhile he witnessed the absolute rage of the green haired male. He knew you were very dear to him but to get this angry ? He was glad that it wasn't him facing the guy right now.
"It was an accident ! I tried to go and apologize but she wouldn't even open the fucking door !"
"And she dosen't have to ! What the hell man ? I thought you were chill !" Gekko stright up growled at him, or maybe it was Thrash that materialized behind his shoulder. The creature eyed the Japanese man with a glare, making him shiver. No matter how cute his other buddies were, Thrash always made people second guess if they were safe around her. And everyone in the room could tell she was as pissed as Gekko was right now.
"I'm gonna go to her now." the greenhaired man sighed.
"Good idea mate." Phoenix commented quietly making Gekko nod his head and walk over to the doors.
"You gonna take your pet with you ?" Yoru asked while still watching Thrash, now on the ground circling him like a shark that was about to pounce.
"Oh, Trash isn't done with you." Gekko send him a smirk over his shoulder and left the room.
"Shit." was the last thing Yoru said before the creature attacked and whole base could hear a high pitched scream, making Agent wonder if Killjoy found another mouse in her laboratory.
You were half asleep when you heard knocking on your doors. Rolling your eyes you were fully intending on ingorning it until you heard familiar voice.
"Hermosa ? We're coming in." you didn't look at him when he entered. You cursed yourself for giving him the acces code to your room. Though you never thought he would see you like this. Surrounded by pillows and blankets, half asleep from all the crying you did. You looked like a mess you were sure of it.
"I'm not in the mood to do anything, Mateo." you informed him from your place on the bed. Your back was to the door so you couldn't see his expression or what he did. You could however hear tiny footsteps coming closer, you turned around just in time to catch jumping Wingman.
"Hey ! That's dangerous !" you scolded the yellow creature making him tilt your head at you. Mateo laughed walking over to you accompanied by Dizzy and Mosh, who were resting on his shoulders.
"I think that's the least dangerous thing my buddy did those past copule of weeks, no ?" he sat next to you and took his shoes off to lie lie next to you.
"Still. I don't want him to get hurt like that." you huffed a little bit hugging Wingman closer to your chest, which made him purr like a cat, making you giggle a tiny bit.
"There's my pretty girl." you blushed at his words, making you avoid his eyes. You could feel his arms going around your midsection. Yelping when he pulled you on top of him.
"Mateo !" you glared at him. Partly forgetting ypu were supposed to be sad because his presence just made it better. "Can you stop ? Like I said I am not in the mood." you said trying to get off of him. While you did that all the creatures surrounding the both of you dissappear in his belt, giving you the privacy you needed right now.
"Hmm. Is it because of what happened ?" his hand tightened down on your waist making your breath hitch. You looked at him with wide eyes, wondering how he knew about it.
"Phoenix and Yoru told me the story. You want to talk about it ? Nah, we need to talk about it. I am not letting you beat yourself over some words that idiota said to you. " he send you a pointed look, letting you know he was not finished.
"What's there to talk about ? Yoru is right. I am big. Maybe too big." your voice suddenly got quieter, softer. Making Mateo raise an eyebrow at you, his heart broke seeing you in this state. One of his hands raised to your face wiping down any residue of the tears that flew down your cheeks just a moment ago.
"Stop that. You know it's not true." he said gently, placing a kiss on you forhead.
"Do I ?" you looked into his eyes, feeling yourself calm down. "Maybe Yoru was right. Maybe I should start a diet.. ouch !" you rubbed your forhead after he flicked it, glaring at him with a pout on your face.
"Basta, I don't want to hear that shit from you. You're perfect like you are, don't change just because some asshole made a comment about you. And you're not big or fat, I am pretty sure I weight more than you." he said with narrowed eyes. You rarely saw him mad and you had to admit he looked hot like that. Gulping you nodded a bit and put your head on his chest.
"I love you." you whispered with a smile.
"I love you more." He kissed the top of your head and smiled happy he could at least help you a little bit.
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG GUYS <\3 I caught a nasty cold over the weekend and could not sit down and write. I hope it's okay! I am gonna write more in the future, feel free to send tge requests ! <3
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valorant-drabbles · 7 months
deadlock and gekko resolving their differences and maybe spending some fluffy sweet time together 🥺
I'm loving all the requests for the newer agents- we don't have enough Deadlock content. Allow me to fix that!
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Odds & Ends
Gekko & Deadlock
Summary: It's no secret Deadlock has a certain distaste towards Gekko, ever since her arm was horrifically taken by a beast similar to the ones Gekko carries with him. But being on the same team, they're forced to work together frequently. One day, Gekko decides enough is enough; he's going to prove his buddies are harmless, and hopefully make some progress in befriending the Norwegian agent once and for all.
Warnings: None
Killjoy & Cypher cameo
Word Count: 1.8k
Within the Valorant Protocol, there were bound to be a few agents who'd butt heads over small things; who's turn it was in the training simulator, who gets to have the last dumpling... And although most debacles ended shortly after starting, there was the occasional dilemma that not even Brimstone could sort out.
Cypher and Sova not getting along, Brimstone and Breach having tension... at least the troublesome agents could be civil during missions. Looking out for each other's backs, even if there's a fair amount of distrust or tension. Despite everyone's views and differences, at the end of the day, they were a team. They had to get along, for the future of their world.
And although every new agent recruited is bound to have their own share of baggage... It's fair to say that Deadlock held one of the strongest grudges in the Protocol. Can anyone blame her?
After losing her team and her arm to a terrifying beast during a mission gone-wrong, Deadlock had her fair share of struggles fitting in. She found it hard to connect with anybody around her on a deep level, out of fear of losing them as she lost her last team. Though time and patience has proven vital in her adaptation to the Protocol, it was clear she still held a great grudge towards one particular agent.
Despite his best efforts to get along with his fellow agents, he wasn't immune to the threatening aura Deadlock gave off whenever her eyes landed on his little buddies. She refused to call them by their given names, only muttering a cold, bitter; "... radivores." under her breath as she passed by. Ever the pacifist when it comes to internal issues, Gekko did his best to be patient and slowly earn Deadlock's trust. If she could learn to trust him, she could surely learn to trust his buddies!
So there he sat, in the commons room, Dizzy sleeping on his lap as his hand mindlessly pet the top of the little creature's head. His eyes scanning over the words on his phone; advice on 'how to conquer your fears' from various sources. He figured that Deadlock's behavior towards his pets were out of fear, less out of a bloodthirsty hostility.
"... You know, being afraid of Scandinavians is an odd fear, but I can't say I blame you." Cypher's voice caused Gekko to nearly leap off the couch; if it wasn't for Dizzy's sleepy self on his lap, that was. He pressed a relieved hand to his chest and exhaled heavily.
"You know that's not what I'm doing this for." Gekko shot a look behind himself, seeing Cypher leaning against the back of the couch, cup of tea in his hands tenderly. The broker chuckled to himself in amusement, always finding some form of entertainment in pestering the younger agents. "I do know. I also know you looked up 'Scandinavian meals' last week. And 'how to comfort a female co-worker without coming across as weird'. Oh, and lets not forget 'how to-'"
"Cypher!" The younger male's hand shot forward, instinctively trying to cover Cypher's mouth, only for his hand to be caught. The information broker couldn't help but snicker; Gekko just knew this bastard had a huge smirk on his face, despite not being able to see his face. He pulled his hand back and felt his cheeks heat up. Of course Cypher knew what he'd been looking into. It was his job to keep tabs on this sort of stuff.
"If you know what I'm trying to do, then maybe you could help me instead of... whatever the heck you're trying to accomplish right now?" The green haired lad raised an eyebrow, quietly hoping that Cypher might actually provide some assistance; but alas, the man simply shook his head. "You know I'm no good at that. If I was, Sova could actually stand being in the same room as me for longer than five minutes."
A quiet groan escaped Gekko, as he rubbed his face with his hands, head resting against the back of the couch, eyes glued to the ceiling, as if the ceiling held all the answers to his dilemma. "Then what am I supposed to do? How can I get her to see what I see?..." His gaze had slowly moved down to Dizzy, who'd woken up by then at the mild commotion Gekko had caused when scolding Cypher. Seriously, how could anybody see Dizzy as a terrifying monster...? She was so sweet...
"That, my friend, you will have to figure out on your own. I doubt she'll be convinced by a simple showcase." Cypher pat the top of Gekko's head before turning to leave, cup of tea still in tow.
"Gekko, to your left!" Deadlock shouted out, a bullet rapidly firing from her gun to strike the bot that had been approaching Gekko. "Gracias, Deadlock!" He'd shouted back, the sound of his footsteps being drowned out by the firing happening elsewhere in the training grounds. He ducked down behind a wall, the lights dimming to a deep red, causing him to swallow. They'd been shoved into the training grounds without much warning by Killjoy, who insisted they test out her newest upgrades to the bots. And they were proving to be quite difficult, and relentless.
It was clear both agents were getting exhausted, as they'd been at this for what felt like ages; though it was closer to two hours. All they had to do was get to the end of the room and take out the final bot; but with all the other turrets firing, they'd barely had any time to progress. And every time that damn red light went off, it meant any damaged or broken bots were being replaced.
"How the hell are we supposed to progress?" Deadlock asked herself, head leaned back against the wall her back was pressed against, out of breath.
"I told you, if you'll just let me throw out Dizzy, we can blind them and-"
"No, I don't trust that little monster." Deadlock sneered, as she reloaded her gun- though she was very low on ammo at that point. They'd worn out almost all the guns that had been placed in the room beforehand. "Just let me think. I'm sure my tech can... figure something out."
"You can only do so much on your own, amiga. And at this rate, we're gonna get our asses kicked while Killjoy and Brim are watching. I dunno about you, but I'd like to avoid that." Gekko shot back with a hint of attitude, as a familiar blue orb flung from his belt into his hand. Deadlock's eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare, Mateo-"
So threatened by the mere idea of releasing Dizzy onto the field, Deadlock failed to notice the bot that had snuck by her sensor, and was aimed right behind her.
Gekko's eyes narrowed. Instinctively, he tossed up Dizzy, whilst grabbing Mosh from his belt, and chucking it directly at Deadlock- or, that's at least how Deadlock saw it.
It all felt like time slowed down.
She'd flinched and shielded herself, expecting to get... mauled or blown up by the little green creature, eyes screwed shut as she braced for impact-
Until she heard a bot explode behind her. Her eyes shot open as she looked behind her, seeing Moshpit staring at her, clearly happy that it'd managed to keep her safe. She simply stared in confusion, before she heard Dizzy floating above her, blinding the bots with the goo it released. Dizzy happened to land right in Deadlock's hands, her little tag wagging proudly.
It reminded her of a puppy.
"Deadlock- Wingman stunned a path out!" Gekko called out to catch the Norwegian's attention, as she peeked out behind the wall to see several bots disoriented, some still being blinded as well. Pulling out her phantom, she fired with reckless abandon at any bots in their way- revealing the final bot.
"Alright..." Deadlock stepped out from behind the wall, aiming her arm towards the clear path made for her.
"My territory, My rules!"
The two exhausted agents had managed to pull themselves out of the training simulator with minimal injury. Killjoy was very quick to thank them for helping with the experiment, handing each of them a lollipop as thanks, before she'd retreated to her lab. Especially since Deadlock had been glaring at her. Two hours of testing the damn bots, and all she gets is a piece of candy?
Gekko, on the other hand, despite his own exhaustion, thanked KJ for the opportunity to test her work, and popped the lollipop into his mouth.
"Sooo... Maybe my little buddies can be helpful after all?" Gekko had piped up once silence had settled between them, the two agents walking together towards their lockers to put their util away. Deadlock kept quiet, as she fidgeted with her sensor in her hand.
"They were... less destructive than expected." Deadlock muttered, throwing open her own locker, placing her tech inside. "I suppose I can see how they'd be beneficial in an actual fight..."
"Just a shame you didn't get to see Thrash in action-"
"No, I'm quite glad I didn't see that. Thrash is arguably your most dangerous creature." Deadlock corrected, closing her locker- only to be met with the sparkling, excited gaze of Gekko.
"... What?"
"You just called Thrash by her name.. instead of calling her a monster~" Gekko cooed in a teasing tone. Deadlock's face quickly grew red as she stepped back, quickly averting her gaze from him.
"I-- It was just a slip of the tongue, that's all." Deadlock stammered.
"You also called her a creature instead of a monster!"
"Will you be quiet?!" Deadlock hissed, though it was hard to be intimidated by the Steel Hunter while an embarrassed mess. She turned on her heel, making an effort to escape the conversation before Gekko could spew more nonesense.
But Gekko simply tailed behind her with a grin. "Okay, Okay- but you saw most of them in action today. Which one's your favourite, huh?" He urged. He was treading very dangerous ground, truthfully-
"... Dizzy. Her behavior... reminds me of the halden hounds from my home country..."
"You really asked those two to test your new bots...? You know they don't get along." Cypher questioned with a raised eyebrow, his glowing blue eyes boring into Killjoy's sheepish smile as the two of them entered the commons room.
"Right! And nothing brings enemies closer to becoming friends like a near-death experience in a fight! Though it was a simulation..." Killjoy attempted to defend her actions, though her train of thought was immediately cut short as she stopped in her tracks, hand shooting over to stop Cypher from progressing forward as well.
The Moroccan did indeed stop, confused. Following Killjoy's gaze until it landed on the couch.
On the couch, to their surprise... was Gekko and Deadlock, asleep, Gekko's head rested on the Norwegian's shoulder... surrounded by Thrash, Dizzy, Wingman and Mosh, who were all comfortably snuggled up against Deadlock in one way or another.
"... Deadlock will murder you if you take a picture." Killjoy had slowly and quietly warned- only to hear the soft click of one of Cypher's many cameras.
"Doubtful. Perhaps I will print her a copy... Hmhmhm..."
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cyb-by-lang · 7 days
Oof, this one took some real work. Thanks again to Beta for being able to go over this last-minute and remind me how to finish paragraphs. XD
Chapter summary: Bruce gets a talking-to, and Isobu gets to watch a movie.
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venomizedstar · 12 days
I was thinking about how funny it is that every time I tell my friends some Valorant shipps I discovered like Chamber and Gekko or Cypher and Omen, they're like "no, I hate it"
And then I tell my friend who mains Chamber and Harbor that I found a fanfic of them and he was like "OH THATS FUCKING AMAZING" and then I tell my other friend I discovered people Shipp Kay/o and Brimstone and HE FUCKING EXPLAINS THE SHIPP TO ME AND WHY THIS SHIPP ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE
They're like, idk, I love them
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writer-freak · 7 months
Valorant Halloween party
Warning: Mentions of drinking
A/n: So these are just some ideas I had about a Halloween party at the VP. Not every character is explicitly mentioned here, these are really just ideas that came to my head, and maybe I will one day take the time to write something proper from this.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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VP Halloween party
So I could almost imagine that the idea came from like Jett, Neon, and Raze to make like a big Halloween party
In the end, these three planned everything, Killjoys being in charge of everything that had to do with technology
Maybe Killjoy would even make an animatronic specifically for this event to be used as decoration
Jett would probably have the idea of dressing up as something like a vampire ninja or in general just something fun and flashy
Raze would probably make some like confetti canons that go off unexpectantly, and Jett was definitely in on it
I think Sova would either not wear a costume or wear something like just a sheet over his head
For some reason, I could imagine Sage having some very intricate costume no idea what kind of costume exactly but it would just stun everyone
Gekko to 100% would also be having a blast
If possible I just know he would dress up his little buddies in costumes maybe even making like a little group costume
In general, I think there would be quite a few people who would not wear a costume unless they were talked into wearing one
Jett, Neon, and Raze would definitely want to have a costume contest and pester Brimstone until he reluctantly agrees to become the judge
I can imagine that Viper would not be excited about this whole party but would somehow be convinced to show up and then she just ends up standing in a corner waiting for the right moment to leave
If you are also the life of the party you gonna end up hanging around Jett, Neon, Raze (and in turn Killjoy), Phoenix, and Gekko they are gonna dance , drink, and be up till morning
If you aren't really feeling the party you can probably sit down somewhere with Sage, Fade, Sova, Brimstone, and Viper
They all are probably just sharing some snacks and drinks while talking
Yoru would probably bet with the others who will be the drunkest at the party ,and most will put their bets on Jett
I could also imagine that after the main party ended you would all watch a horror movie together at least the people who didn't leave 
Because Brimstone and Viper would definitely just leave as early as they could
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Divider by: @saradika 
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