#Valorant Dizzy
imabeebop · 8 months
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tiniinbookland · 4 days
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somehow i've really gotten into drawing the last few days
(Thrash) (Mosh) (Wingman)
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valorant-drabbles · 7 months
deadlock and gekko resolving their differences and maybe spending some fluffy sweet time together 🥺
I'm loving all the requests for the newer agents- we don't have enough Deadlock content. Allow me to fix that!
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Odds & Ends
Gekko & Deadlock
Summary: It's no secret Deadlock has a certain distaste towards Gekko, ever since her arm was horrifically taken by a beast similar to the ones Gekko carries with him. But being on the same team, they're forced to work together frequently. One day, Gekko decides enough is enough; he's going to prove his buddies are harmless, and hopefully make some progress in befriending the Norwegian agent once and for all.
Warnings: None
Killjoy & Cypher cameo
Word Count: 1.8k
Within the Valorant Protocol, there were bound to be a few agents who'd butt heads over small things; who's turn it was in the training simulator, who gets to have the last dumpling... And although most debacles ended shortly after starting, there was the occasional dilemma that not even Brimstone could sort out.
Cypher and Sova not getting along, Brimstone and Breach having tension... at least the troublesome agents could be civil during missions. Looking out for each other's backs, even if there's a fair amount of distrust or tension. Despite everyone's views and differences, at the end of the day, they were a team. They had to get along, for the future of their world.
And although every new agent recruited is bound to have their own share of baggage... It's fair to say that Deadlock held one of the strongest grudges in the Protocol. Can anyone blame her?
After losing her team and her arm to a terrifying beast during a mission gone-wrong, Deadlock had her fair share of struggles fitting in. She found it hard to connect with anybody around her on a deep level, out of fear of losing them as she lost her last team. Though time and patience has proven vital in her adaptation to the Protocol, it was clear she still held a great grudge towards one particular agent.
Despite his best efforts to get along with his fellow agents, he wasn't immune to the threatening aura Deadlock gave off whenever her eyes landed on his little buddies. She refused to call them by their given names, only muttering a cold, bitter; "... radivores." under her breath as she passed by. Ever the pacifist when it comes to internal issues, Gekko did his best to be patient and slowly earn Deadlock's trust. If she could learn to trust him, she could surely learn to trust his buddies!
So there he sat, in the commons room, Dizzy sleeping on his lap as his hand mindlessly pet the top of the little creature's head. His eyes scanning over the words on his phone; advice on 'how to conquer your fears' from various sources. He figured that Deadlock's behavior towards his pets were out of fear, less out of a bloodthirsty hostility.
"... You know, being afraid of Scandinavians is an odd fear, but I can't say I blame you." Cypher's voice caused Gekko to nearly leap off the couch; if it wasn't for Dizzy's sleepy self on his lap, that was. He pressed a relieved hand to his chest and exhaled heavily.
"You know that's not what I'm doing this for." Gekko shot a look behind himself, seeing Cypher leaning against the back of the couch, cup of tea in his hands tenderly. The broker chuckled to himself in amusement, always finding some form of entertainment in pestering the younger agents. "I do know. I also know you looked up 'Scandinavian meals' last week. And 'how to comfort a female co-worker without coming across as weird'. Oh, and lets not forget 'how to-'"
"Cypher!" The younger male's hand shot forward, instinctively trying to cover Cypher's mouth, only for his hand to be caught. The information broker couldn't help but snicker; Gekko just knew this bastard had a huge smirk on his face, despite not being able to see his face. He pulled his hand back and felt his cheeks heat up. Of course Cypher knew what he'd been looking into. It was his job to keep tabs on this sort of stuff.
"If you know what I'm trying to do, then maybe you could help me instead of... whatever the heck you're trying to accomplish right now?" The green haired lad raised an eyebrow, quietly hoping that Cypher might actually provide some assistance; but alas, the man simply shook his head. "You know I'm no good at that. If I was, Sova could actually stand being in the same room as me for longer than five minutes."
A quiet groan escaped Gekko, as he rubbed his face with his hands, head resting against the back of the couch, eyes glued to the ceiling, as if the ceiling held all the answers to his dilemma. "Then what am I supposed to do? How can I get her to see what I see?..." His gaze had slowly moved down to Dizzy, who'd woken up by then at the mild commotion Gekko had caused when scolding Cypher. Seriously, how could anybody see Dizzy as a terrifying monster...? She was so sweet...
"That, my friend, you will have to figure out on your own. I doubt she'll be convinced by a simple showcase." Cypher pat the top of Gekko's head before turning to leave, cup of tea still in tow.
"Gekko, to your left!" Deadlock shouted out, a bullet rapidly firing from her gun to strike the bot that had been approaching Gekko. "Gracias, Deadlock!" He'd shouted back, the sound of his footsteps being drowned out by the firing happening elsewhere in the training grounds. He ducked down behind a wall, the lights dimming to a deep red, causing him to swallow. They'd been shoved into the training grounds without much warning by Killjoy, who insisted they test out her newest upgrades to the bots. And they were proving to be quite difficult, and relentless.
It was clear both agents were getting exhausted, as they'd been at this for what felt like ages; though it was closer to two hours. All they had to do was get to the end of the room and take out the final bot; but with all the other turrets firing, they'd barely had any time to progress. And every time that damn red light went off, it meant any damaged or broken bots were being replaced.
"How the hell are we supposed to progress?" Deadlock asked herself, head leaned back against the wall her back was pressed against, out of breath.
"I told you, if you'll just let me throw out Dizzy, we can blind them and-"
"No, I don't trust that little monster." Deadlock sneered, as she reloaded her gun- though she was very low on ammo at that point. They'd worn out almost all the guns that had been placed in the room beforehand. "Just let me think. I'm sure my tech can... figure something out."
"You can only do so much on your own, amiga. And at this rate, we're gonna get our asses kicked while Killjoy and Brim are watching. I dunno about you, but I'd like to avoid that." Gekko shot back with a hint of attitude, as a familiar blue orb flung from his belt into his hand. Deadlock's eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare, Mateo-"
So threatened by the mere idea of releasing Dizzy onto the field, Deadlock failed to notice the bot that had snuck by her sensor, and was aimed right behind her.
Gekko's eyes narrowed. Instinctively, he tossed up Dizzy, whilst grabbing Mosh from his belt, and chucking it directly at Deadlock- or, that's at least how Deadlock saw it.
It all felt like time slowed down.
She'd flinched and shielded herself, expecting to get... mauled or blown up by the little green creature, eyes screwed shut as she braced for impact-
Until she heard a bot explode behind her. Her eyes shot open as she looked behind her, seeing Moshpit staring at her, clearly happy that it'd managed to keep her safe. She simply stared in confusion, before she heard Dizzy floating above her, blinding the bots with the goo it released. Dizzy happened to land right in Deadlock's hands, her little tag wagging proudly.
It reminded her of a puppy.
"Deadlock- Wingman stunned a path out!" Gekko called out to catch the Norwegian's attention, as she peeked out behind the wall to see several bots disoriented, some still being blinded as well. Pulling out her phantom, she fired with reckless abandon at any bots in their way- revealing the final bot.
"Alright..." Deadlock stepped out from behind the wall, aiming her arm towards the clear path made for her.
"My territory, My rules!"
The two exhausted agents had managed to pull themselves out of the training simulator with minimal injury. Killjoy was very quick to thank them for helping with the experiment, handing each of them a lollipop as thanks, before she'd retreated to her lab. Especially since Deadlock had been glaring at her. Two hours of testing the damn bots, and all she gets is a piece of candy?
Gekko, on the other hand, despite his own exhaustion, thanked KJ for the opportunity to test her work, and popped the lollipop into his mouth.
"Sooo... Maybe my little buddies can be helpful after all?" Gekko had piped up once silence had settled between them, the two agents walking together towards their lockers to put their util away. Deadlock kept quiet, as she fidgeted with her sensor in her hand.
"They were... less destructive than expected." Deadlock muttered, throwing open her own locker, placing her tech inside. "I suppose I can see how they'd be beneficial in an actual fight..."
"Just a shame you didn't get to see Thrash in action-"
"No, I'm quite glad I didn't see that. Thrash is arguably your most dangerous creature." Deadlock corrected, closing her locker- only to be met with the sparkling, excited gaze of Gekko.
"... What?"
"You just called Thrash by her name.. instead of calling her a monster~" Gekko cooed in a teasing tone. Deadlock's face quickly grew red as she stepped back, quickly averting her gaze from him.
"I-- It was just a slip of the tongue, that's all." Deadlock stammered.
"You also called her a creature instead of a monster!"
"Will you be quiet?!" Deadlock hissed, though it was hard to be intimidated by the Steel Hunter while an embarrassed mess. She turned on her heel, making an effort to escape the conversation before Gekko could spew more nonesense.
But Gekko simply tailed behind her with a grin. "Okay, Okay- but you saw most of them in action today. Which one's your favourite, huh?" He urged. He was treading very dangerous ground, truthfully-
"... Dizzy. Her behavior... reminds me of the halden hounds from my home country..."
"You really asked those two to test your new bots...? You know they don't get along." Cypher questioned with a raised eyebrow, his glowing blue eyes boring into Killjoy's sheepish smile as the two of them entered the commons room.
"Right! And nothing brings enemies closer to becoming friends like a near-death experience in a fight! Though it was a simulation..." Killjoy attempted to defend her actions, though her train of thought was immediately cut short as she stopped in her tracks, hand shooting over to stop Cypher from progressing forward as well.
The Moroccan did indeed stop, confused. Following Killjoy's gaze until it landed on the couch.
On the couch, to their surprise... was Gekko and Deadlock, asleep, Gekko's head rested on the Norwegian's shoulder... surrounded by Thrash, Dizzy, Wingman and Mosh, who were all comfortably snuggled up against Deadlock in one way or another.
"... Deadlock will murder you if you take a picture." Killjoy had slowly and quietly warned- only to hear the soft click of one of Cypher's many cameras.
"Doubtful. Perhaps I will print her a copy... Hmhmhm..."
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furrywrit3r · 8 months
VALORANT x sibling reader
A/N:Reader is a female in their preteens.
Aka me getting bored and finishing this because the wording wasn't wording last night for my Valorant OC's cinematic. Almost done with that though anyways enjoy!
Gekko x younger sibling reader
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~ The awesome big brother who never fails to make your day
~ Naturally the two of you would be inseparable
~Gekko would be an extremely supportive older brother
~ Constantly hair ruffles and encouraging words
~He's always making cheesy jokes to annoy you!
~ He would facetime you when he wasn't training or on missions
~He'd always help you find new hair styles and outfits. One time at dinner you even asked your mum if you could dye your hair. Your mum almost choked on water.
“Mami can I dye my hair to match Teo's?”
“Uh, maybe when you get older hermanita”
~ When he was able to come and visit you he would take you to get boba, skating, staying at home playing video games with the crew or whatever your down for.
~ And speaking of the crew
~ These little guys will follow you around all day!
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~ Your personal cheerleader as well as basketball and gaming buddy
~He's always ready to help you out with homework(unless it's maths) or just rope the others into helping you carry your books to your room and listen to you with Gekko as you rant about school.
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~Dizzy's always chilling with you when she's not with Gekko. You want to go get boba? She's in!(so long as she gets some)
~Simple stroll around town? You'd have to be careful not to let her be seen but hey so long as she's with you she just fine!
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~Mosh Pit is your pranking partner in crime.
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~Thrash is the most protective of all the four.
~Someone at school bulling you? If she sees them on the street she'll be sure to raise hell and dissappear before anyone else can see her.
~Overall the crew love you and like Gekko they'd do anything to see you smile.
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~Reyna is the big sister/Tia that spoils you Rotten. After what happened to Lucia, she's extremely protective of you and Gekko.
~She often teams up with Thrash to raise hell on anyone who bullies you. Literally, she'll ask you to point out whoever bullied or is still bulling you and then she and Thrash are off.
~Your mum and brother stopped trying to talk them out of it a long time ago and now they just watch with you.
“Oh so that's who been bulling you, hermanita? ”
“Don't worry Carino, Thrash and I will take good care of this insecto. ”
Yeah that's pretty much it. Anyway have a good day or night wherever you are and lots of love from your friendly neighbourhood writer!
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ptanalo · 2 months
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bagong gising
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lucialienn · 26 days
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They wanted to say hi!
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kurosivedraws · 9 months
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if you touch my son or his weird little animals ever again i will end you pendeja 💢
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ryonello · 1 year
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gekko <3
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mewrnn · 25 days
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I LOVE DIZZY here some sketches with her that I have so far
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detrimonious · 8 months
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how could you
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anoxidd · 1 day
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I made this when I was testing new brushes, not a fan of the brush and won't be using it again,,,,but I don't hate the art so I thought I would share !! They cute silly lil guys
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imabeebop · 8 months
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I’m making stickers!
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tiniinbookland · 6 days
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it's the gang!
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perepecha · 6 months
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bunnichuart · 1 year
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gween flavour
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tmgefan · 8 months
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Getting along with Gekko's friends
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