#gadreel headcannon
How Gadreel Cuddles
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As you’d expect from such a large man, he exudes a lot of heat. This means he has the AC on, a fan on, and in the winter, he’s still sleeping with the window open. For his lover, this is both a blessing and a curse. You’ll be freezing your ass off, but he always has a thick blanket and his own form to help you through it. 
Gadreel is the big spoon, almost always. He hooks a leg over you, draping an arm over your stomach and resting his head in the crook of your neck. He likes to make his partner feel secure. He loves pressing close to you, gently caressing your torso, leaving gentle pecks on your neck, and nuzzling you.
Throughout the night, if you drift away, he pulls you closer, making sure that you’re secure in his warmth. You may wake up to him rubbing your thighs, squeezing your breasts, or even rutting against your behind, but usually, he has no intention of sex, he just likes feeling you. 
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kimodraw · 3 years
can you pleaseee tell us more about the jess was actually ruby headcanon?
I'm definitly not the first person to come up with it! I can't find the post where i first saw that headcannon though sorry.
So i always loved the reveal that Brady was possesed by a demon, and was the one who introduced Sam to Jess then killed her, right? Real traumatic, takes a relationship Sam trusted and crushes it, a cool tv moment. Basically the Jess as Ruby headcanon takes that whole thing and pushes it to its paroxism: Jess was possesed the whole time too. This means Ruby was a girlboss gaslighter who faked a relationship with sam two whole times! And he doesn't exactly get why he trusts her that easily, when he really shouldn't in s4, it's almost like he knows her already... She'd reveal it in her final s5 monologue (i drew a thing abt it a while ago (cw blood and nudity:under the cut) while gloating, and Sam's crushed right? It also plays into the idea of the forces of hell and heaven manipulating their lives from the start, which i think is one of the best theme in supernatural (destiny vs the rejection of it, free will and all that) I think sam's reaction to ruby's betrayal was a bit anticlimactic too? I'd have liked it if he liked her more, (maybe if even she liked him a little? idk but i would have loved them to have more depth (but hey, this is supernatural lol)), and thought about or mentionned her at all in s5 lmao. This is also why i'm still sad she never came back, my girl should have gotten to gloat more. It's really a fucked up headcannon because it means most of sam's relationship have an aspect of deceipt about them (counting dean for the gadreel thing, and cas for these tags:
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hence the comic i did. Sorry for all the rambling, i have. a lot of sam thoughts, hope this was clear enough! Basically:
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also!! a lot of my thinking on this emerged from my new favorite fanfic author: a_good_soldier on ao3! They deal with sam’s trauma in a completely gut wrenching way im in love with their writing
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eunoiastarz · 3 years
Spn wing headcannons part 2 <3
(and age hcs)
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asgardianhusband · 3 years
What i Write:
Mostly Fluff, Angst and Positive stuff.
I will only write Slight nsfw and slight yandere, since this is mostly a Wholesome blog.
[Info's to Requests:
If you want me to write a specific story , you need to:
Tell me the character name, if you want a Specific reader(male or Neutral), a plot or what it should be about like Headcannons or Imagines, if you want it to be fluff, nsfw, Angst ect. And then I'll read through the request and tell you if it's okay and of course if you want to I'll Tell you when the story is done!]
Fandoms i write for:
Tony Stark [Iron man]
Peter Parker [Spiderman]
Thor Odinson
Loki laufeyson
Steve Rogers [Captain america]
Bucky barnes[The winter soldier]
Sam wilson[The Falcon]
Peter quill [Starlord]
Natasha romanoff [Black widow]
Clint Barton [Hawkeye]
Wanda maximoff
Pietro maximoff
Doctor strange
Bruce banner [Hulk]
Scott lang [ANT-MAN]
Eddie brock [Venom]
Wade wilson [Deadpool]
[Stranger Things]
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Jim Hopper
Dimitri (Enzo)
Murray Bauman
Joyce Byers
Billy Hargrove
Nancy wheeler
Yuri ismaylov
001 /Henry / Vecna
Robin Buckley
(The kids like Dustin or will can be requested but only in platonic ways, or aged up but no nsfw)
[Star Trek; AOS,TNG,TOS]
James T. Kirk
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Montgomery scotty
Pavel Chekov
Khan Noonien Singh (AOS)
Nyota uhura
William Riker
Jean Luc picard
Jordie LaForge
Dean winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby singer
Lucifer / Casifer /Samifer
Mick Davis
Rowena McLeod
Batman (Games&Movies)
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham series)
Ed nygma (Gotham,Games& 2022 Batman)
Jim Gordon
[There will be More characters and more Fandoms, just you wait ;) ]
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and-stir-the-stars · 2 years
First of all, happy birthdayyy. It's pretty late, but wish you a lovely day. <3 You're my favorite blog on here, obsessed with your posts forever. :3
I love your and everyone's angel week ideas and works, they're so inspiring and amazing. Unfortunately I don't have the talent nor the time (in the middle of senior year of HS) to participate :(
Someone mentioned in an ask to you, something about the ecosystem in heaven, and I remembered instantly that post you made about the worm-cat-thingy creature (sorry I don't remember it's name, bad memory) and how happy that made me cuz I realized I wasn't the only one who thought there was no way angels are the only celestial creatures that live in heaven. Inspiration hit me a few years ago when I watched that ep in s12 with Ramsay the hellhound and how chuck created hellhounds to be his loyal pets or smth? idk what if he created a bunch of other pets for the angels.
My headcannon is basically that each angel has a creature of heaven as it's eternal partner. One that chooses the angel it wants to be with for the rest of eternity. Some of these creatures are warriors so they fight along side their angels, some are healers they wait for the angels after a battle to help soothe their pain and heal their wounds. Some are messengers that are used by angels to send everyday-messages to each other (sorta like messenger pigeons cuz I doubt they have e-mail up there lol), and a ton of others with a ton of jobs. Some are there to just befriend and chill out with angels and souls and their sole job is to be cute and receive pets (eg. castiel's pet the worm-cat, lol sorry still cant find that post).
I imagined sooo many of these creatures and have a folder full of art and pictures of random mythical creatures that fit my headcannon. These creatures aren't exactly eldritch, but pretty simple for example a tiger with wings and horns of a gaselle, and glowing patterns on its body that (if you turn on you imagination) are Enochian symbols.
Basically, my idea is on the third day of angel week, I would put each creature with who I think their angel partner would be, whether it's castiel or anael or hester or gadreel. But I don't think it's fair to post that? since none of the art is mine I just collected them from various corners of the internet. lol idk I'm new to tumblr and its etiquette. If my idea is considered in the angel week content(or maybe it's pretty lazy lol cuz it is, I wouldn't be mad if it doesn't cut it), would u rather I make a post or I could just put it here in an ask directed to you?
(Also can I say your post about how angels are all connected together to heaven and the are a part of a larger being is smth I think about when I wake up and before I sleep, your brain is just amazing)
Again happy birthday to you, have a great angels week, angel!!
First of all, happy birthdayyy. It's pretty late, but wish you a lovely day. <3 You're my favorite blog on here, obsessed with your posts forever. :3
I love your and everyone's angel week ideas and works, they're so inspiring and amazing. Unfortunately I don't have the talent nor the time (in the middle of senior year of HS) to participate :(
Someone mentioned in an ask to you, something about the ecosystem in heaven, and I remembered instantly that post you made about the worm-cat-thingy creature (sorry I don't remember it's name, bad memory) and how happy that made me cuz I realized I wasn't the only one who thought there was no way angels are the only celestial creatures that live in heaven. Inspiration hit me a few years ago when I watched that ep in s12 with Ramsay the hellhound and how chuck created hellhounds to be his loyal pets or smth? idk what if he created a bunch of other pets for the angels.
My headcannon is basically that each angel has a creature of heaven as it's eternal partner. One that chooses the angel it wants to be with for the rest of eternity. Some of these creatures are warriors so they fight along side their angels, some are healers they wait for the angels after a battle to help soothe their pain and heal their wounds. Some are messengers that are used by angels to send everyday-messages to each other (sorta like messenger pigeons cuz I doubt they have e-mail up there lol), and a ton of others with a ton of jobs. Some are there to just befriend and chill out with angels and souls and their sole job is to be cute and receive pets (eg. castiel's pet the worm-cat, lol sorry still cant find that post).
I imagined sooo many of these creatures and have a folder full of art and pictures of random mythical creatures that fit my headcannon. These creatures aren't exactly eldritch, but pretty simple for example a tiger with wings and horns of a gaselle, and glowing patterns on its body that (if you turn on you imagination) are Enochian symbols.
Basically, my idea is on the third day of angel week, I would put each creature with who I think their angel partner would be, whether it's castiel or anael or hester or gadreel. But I don't think it's fair to post that? since none of the art is mine I just collected them from various corners of the internet. lol idk I'm new to tumblr and its etiquette. If my idea is considered in the angel week content(or maybe it's pretty lazy lol cuz it is, I wouldn't be mad if it doesn't cut it), would u rather I make a post or I could just put it here in an ask directed to you?
(Also can I say your post about how angels are all connected together to heaven and the are a part of a larger being is smth I think about when I wake up and before I sleep, your brain is just amazing)
Again happy birthday to you, have a great angels week, angel!!
Hiii! sorry, i should have answered this yesterday but i got so many asks and got a bit overwhelmed, lol.
I think your idea for showing what kind of "pets" all the angels would have is an excellent one and I'd love to see it as a part of angelsweek! Even if you don't manage to finish it on time, you can post it under the angelsweek tag whenever you finish it.
And the angelic cat you're talking about is named Monons (em-oh-en-oh-en-es, or em-oh-en for short; i think it means "my heart" in enochian). it makes me ecstatic to know you like my Monons/heaven ecology posts; i don't get a lot of people interacting with them so I never know for sure whether people like them. And I LOVE your idea for angels having unique creatures that they bond with for life! Idk if you've read my story The Art of Bonding, but that story has pre-series gabe and cas going to visit animals called kalkydra; in my head, kalkydra are sort of like these semi-sentient animals and angels have the opportunity to form a life-long bond with them, and your idea reminded me of that fic again, lol. But I adore the idea of there being more than just one species of animal that angels can bond with, and that angels might bond with creatures that are more suited toward helping them achieve their goals/personal growth as a part of the Heavenly host.
And thank you for the happy birthday message and for your kind words! Hope you're having a wonderful day <3
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humanthatexistsrn · 3 years
We Stan Gadreel and Abner being boyfriends headcannon 😌
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spiralingsights · 4 years
Uh, im writing a story for my one on one art class and she said I could do fanfiction so im doing a whole thing of the time between when cas and max are engaged to the wedding. Anyways, I just want to share my headcannon. I totally believe that You and Gadreel would harrass who you need to in order to build a house next to the bunker. So you two have privacy and stuff.
oh we absolutely would. the boys would say it's stupid because it'll make the bunker more obvious but we just get Marc on our side and he glares them down until they finally agree ajsbajdbajd
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islanddboyy · 5 years
the reason claire survived the transformation back from werewolf to human is because of the left over angel grace she still had in her when cas possessed her. and we know angels leave behind grace in their vessels after they leave the vessel from sam and gadreel. so this could be how she survived!
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tumbler-tidbits · 5 years
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@adoptdontshoppets sent in Sam x Needles
Headcannon: Gadreel did a number on Sam when he possessed him. And one of those things was make him terrified of Needles. The others may have been trying to extract Gadreel, but Sam still felt the pain, and it was agonizing.
Fun Fearsome Fact: * Trypanophobia is the Fear of needles/injections, while * Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects
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Sam and Dean Twin Headcannon
@witch-of-letters : Hmmm, then can I request two sets of headcanons for being Sam and Dean's twin sister? If you're up for it, then the only additional thing I ask is that please check your grammar when writing them (it'll be more pleasing to the eye 😊).
A/N: I am so sorry this was so late. I finished until season 9 first since I was only at season 6 when you requested this.
you were born 5 minutes and 46 seconds younger than Dean
calling him deanny growing up
when your mama died he swore to protect you
he loves you more than sam
sam gets jelous sometimes
he sings hey jude to you too
likes to make you laugh a lot
growing up he teaches you all about hunting
because he wants to keep you safe
you got hurt on your first hunt
dean got mad at your dad
literally did not talk to you or dad for a week
so you give him your puppy dog eyes
he can't resist those
you learned the puppy eyes from Sam
Dean teaches you all you need to know about baby
you get disgusted if dean has a one night stand
being Michael’s other true vessel and Gabriel’s
you’re an alcoholic like dean
but you avoid one night stands
any boy you’re with, dean threatens
he always teases you for being younger
he helps you escape hunting for Harvard
but you came running back after two years
being like Dean and hella lazy to do research
when he went in Hell you were lonely
even with sam by your side it was different
when he comes back you’re furious
being very thankful at Castiel
also after the whole him being a demon fiasco
you were the one who set him straight while he was a demon
after that the two of you were more inseperable than ever
sam is a total baby brother when it comes to you and dean
no matter how tall he is
you three never lived a happily ever after
but at least you have each other
you’re older than him by 3 minutes and 16 seconds
which is odd because of the height
Sam teases you that maybe dad was wrong
you’re still treated as the youngest
but if anyone hurts Sam or Dean
especially Sam
you go beserk and mama bear mode
you have a balanced healthy and junk food life
puppy eyes
you do it better than Sam
you escaped with him to Stanford
you hate Jessica at first
but you grew to love her
you stayed with Sam
but you left and went back to Dean a year before you and Dean fetched him
you’re daddy’s girl
you’re a geek and a nerd
you’re still taller than Dean
which feels odd for him even if it’s just 2 inches
sam scaring off any boy that comes close to you
sam sings Somewhere Over The Rainbow to you
you are Lucifer’s other true vessel and Raphael’s
but Lucifer still got Sam
when Sam went to hell you were devastated
you did everything you can but nothing seems to work
you hunt alone
when you found out he was alive you were angry
not talking to Sam for a week
you share Sam’s hallucination sometimes
Lucifer takes a liking to you tho
after the whole Lucifer fiasco
you two were closer than ever
Gadreel takes a liking to you
that’s how you find out that Gadreel is in Sam
what type of brother does that???
you three never lived a happily ever after
but at least you have each other
and that’s all that matters.
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marveliciousfanace · 5 years
oh my gosh, PLEASE write that role reversal fanfiction, it sounds so nice! or even just share some more ideas for it if you have some, cuz it sounds so good!!!
Hello! My goodness, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s thrilled by the idea! Unfortunately, I’m not sure I’ll write it because right now I’m so focused on Omens of a Bright and Peculiar Future, and it’s very rare for me to have the motivation to stick to one fic so thoroughly that I really ought to ride it to the end, if I can. When I’m done with that, if no one else has tackled this specific role-reversal au, I might come back to it. 
That being said, I did have a couple more ideas for it, so I’ll share them, since you asked so nicely. :)
I’m kind of in love with the idea that I wouldn’t change a lot of their character design. Crowley is still suited with sunglasses, although with normal looking eyes. Instead of all black, he wears white linen suits instead, and maybe some tacky cross jewelry to draw attention to his throat or whatever. Aziraphale can’t wear white in any obvious way - Hell hates him enough as it is - so he compensates with an unflattering dark coat, but wears cream colors underneath it.
Crowley would probably be Gadreel, because he wouldn’t have a demon name since he never Fell. Aziraphale wouldn’t be a snake, I think, but a weasel (probably a snow weasel since I love the white pelt), so he’d have a demon name to reflect that (I haven’t decided yet, but if anyone else ideas I’d love to hear them), and he hates it. He won’t tell Gadreel his demon name, and he can’t speak his angel name (a punishment from the Fall), so Gadreel calls him Ezra Fell as something of a joke (meaning both “help” - Gadreel knows Ezra is an unlikely ally - and “fallen” - as a reminder to himself that the demon could still be tricking him). It’s so close to Aziraphale that he nearly cries with relief at being called it, and even when Gadreel eventually learns Aziraphale’s demon name he continues to call him Ezra because he knows how important that name is to Aziraphale. 
They don’t meet in Eden. That whole business was someone else’s. They meet shortly after it instead, after being assigned to Earth. There’s the storm, and Gadreel takes shelter in a cave, and finds a white weasel curled up miserably in a pile of leaves, shivering. He takes it and warms it, and upon discovering that it’s a demon has to decide if smiting it is really necessary. It isn’t. It’s the first bit of kindness anyone has shown Aziraphale since he Fell, and he makes it his mission to stay close to Gadreel afterwards. Gadreel finds he doesn’t really mind, because Ezra is something of a hopeless demon who’s idea of committing evil falls along the lines of switching caffeinated tea for decaf and making cars wait an extra two seconds for the red light to turn green. It’s kind of adorable, in Gadreel’s opinion, and he doesn’t even bother thwarting him most of the time because there’s no real need.
The eyes thing is big for me too, with this au. Aziraphale’s eyes are pitch black like a weasel’s - not just the pupil and the iris but the whole thing. He’s very embarrassed about it, and avoids his reflection at all costs. He never looks Gadreel in the eye; his are always downcast. He keeps getting set on fire by witch-fearing towns for it, and he lets them, because he hates himself just that much. Gadreel finds him on one such occasion and is horrified. He rescues Aziraphale and shoves his glasses at the demon, begging him to just protect himself for once. And after that, he always carries an extra set of glasses for Aziraphale, just in case.
That was…quite long, so I’ll cut it there. Thank you for the lovely ask, anon. I’ve got quite a way to go with Omens before I’m ready to take on another fic, but who knows. Maybe eventually I’ll write this one. For now, I hope the headcannons suffice, and if you ever want to come off anon (or not, that’s fine too) and chat with me about it, I’d love to discuss it more. :)
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Ok first thing that would totally spark off overprotective gad -headcannon And for a Drabble how a mere mortal is able to make her identity among angels?or ergo when you get sick of people referring to you ONLY as Gad's girlfriend like that's your only redeeming quality which causes you to do something Dean worthy stupid and we get overprotective gad?up to you if it goes down the trail to smuttown lol
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Headcanon: Over protective Gadreel. This is pretty much canon in my book, from his death scene alone, he was still making sure that his siblings were ok. But yes, he’s quick to go into attack mode when it comes to you. 
And I’m not sure what you mean with your drabble request. Can you explain/reword it?
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
Guyssss I need help writing! I need to know these things about Gadreel:
1. What kind of car would he drive?
2. What would he order from a diner?
Basically any other headcannons you’d have of human/hunter!Gadreel
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
Mmmm....22 and/or 31 for Gadreel?
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? 
Gadreel seems to me like the guy you wouldn’t expect to be artsy, but give him a blank sheet of paper and damn, the dude can draw! He likes sketching realistic plants he remembers from the Garden
31:  Most prized possession?
Gadreel doesn’t have much in terms of possession (apart from Sam’s possession badum tshh) but he finds comfort in his black sweater. Simple, comfortable, practical.
Ask me about my character headcannons!
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Drabble Masterlist
It’ll Be Alright (Deanxreader)
O Holy Night (Soulless!Samxreader)
Christmas with Death (Deathxreader)
Christmas with Gadreel (Gadreelxreader) NSFW-ish
Christmas with Destiel (Destiel)
Christmas with Dean (Deanxreader) NSFW
Just a Little Jealous (Destiel)
Homecoming (Soulless!Samxreader) NSFW
Big (Samxreader) NSFW
A cuter Partner (AngelFangs) NSFW
Another Part of Me (Levi!Castielxreader) NSFW
Love On The Brain (Destiel)
Wing headcannons (No pairing)
Gadreel fall drabble (No pairing)
Sabriel fall drabble
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