#from asks that really lead up to it but his muse lmao
pomfiores · 2 years
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tarobii · 28 days
【Happy Birthday, Silver!】
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┌── •✧• ──┐
“Father, where are we going?”
“I am quite curious as to where you are taking us, Lilia.”
“I’m sure Lilia-sama has something great in mind!”
Lilia chuckled and patted Silver. “Cater showed me this positively delightful little cafe. They have such delicious food, and the atmosphere is most calming. I’ve been wanting to bring all of you over at some point, and what better time than Silver’s birthday?”
“Oh, that sounds nice. I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you for bringing us today, Father.” Silver smiled. Malleus donned a smirk and hummed, “Yes, that does sound quite delightful. I’m looking forward to trying their dishes.” Sebek nodded, “It does sound nice. I hope the food is…” he shuddered, “Good.”
Lilia nodded along, “Yes, yes, I assure you they have delicious food!” He continued to lead the trio, eventually turning a corner. “There it is! Cute, isn’t it?” Lilia pointed to a small building with a striped pink awning and cursive lettering on the window spelling “Stargazer’s Cafe”. As the quartet approached, Malleus noted their outdoor decor. “Oh? Are these orchids? You don’t see blue orchids often,” he marveled. Lilia chirped, “Right? Their flowers are always so nice! Olivier—he’s the owner—tells me they source them from the flower shop right across the street.” He hummed, “I wonder if these flowers have any particular meaning. Anyways, let’s go in! Come, come!” Lilia ushered everyone inside.
“Welcome to Stargazer’s Cafe,” a familiar voice rang out as the quartet entered. Sebek pointed and shouted, “HUMAN!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” Eden startled for a moment, before sighing. “First off, it’s ‘Merry’ to you. Second, I work here. Third, don’t yell. You’ll disturb the customers.” Sebek quickly looked around and bristled. “WHA- THERE’S NO ONE ELSE HERE!!!” Eden ignored him and continued, “Anyways. Hi, Lilia! Silver, Malleus. What brings you here?”
“Eden, hi! We’re here to celebrate Silver’s birthday, kee hee hee.”
“Father… Hello Eden. I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Greetings, child of man. It’s nice to see you here.”
Eden’s face contorted into surprise. “Wait, it’s your birthday? Hello?? Why didn’t you tell me? I need to get you a gift—” He started looking around frantically, then ducking behind the counter. Silver held a hand up, “Ah, hold on… There’s no need to do that.” Eden popped back up and wagged a finger. “Nuh uh! I have to. It’s the law,” he said as he turned around. “One sec. I think I have something in the back.” Eden disappeared into the back before Silver could respond. “Wait, is it actually the law…?” Silver asked, concerned. Lilia chuckled, “Perhaps it is!” Malleus but a hand to his chin in thought. “How interesting. Human customs are quite strange,” he mused. Sebek stared at the three, debating over telling Silver the truth, but not wanting to risk bursting Malleus’ bubble.
“Aha!” Eden’s voice rang out. “Silver! Close your eyes. I found it,” Eden smiled, reappearing with his hands behind his back. “Alright,” Silver obliged, closing his eyes. As Eden trotted closer, Silver could hear a chuckle from Lilia, a hum of amusement from Malleus, and a… scoff? From Sebek. Silver merely waited for Eden’s surprise, until he felt a gentle touch on his head. “There! You can open your eyes now. Merry Cr—I mean—Happy birthday, Silver!” Eden chirped.
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Silver opened his eyes, and huffed out a laugh. “A ribbon?” Eden nodded and put his hands on his hips. “Yep! Now you’re the present! Your existence is a gift to the world!” Eden beamed, turning up the theatrics. “Or something like that,” Eden tittered. “Anyways,” he slid back behind the counter and winked, “What would you like to order? It’s on the house for the birthday boy.”
─── •✧• ───
yk I was originally just gonna draw silver and nothing else but as you can see that didn't happen LMAO
so here's a fake birthday card <3 it was really fun actually!
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(no blur + closeups below the cut)
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ unbearable
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 1.7k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, angsty, hurt/comfort?? possibly slightly ooc sampo sorry </3, unedited
ugh I rlly couldn't help myself making my first work on this account sampo (tho I really did consider svarog LMAO he's grown on me a lot) but I hope you all like!! this is like. my redebut onto tumblr writing hehe ^w^
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Surely, there couldn't be a more unbearable man on this planet — no, maybe in the entire universe — than Sampo Koski.
Perhaps he had his good sides, though, you would find yourself musing every once in a while.
Sure, he was a filthy conman, always tunnel-visioned on his next profit. Not much consideration for strangers aside from their pockets, not to mention that terrible habit of his to spam anyone whose contact he could get his hands on with scam ads and malware links he was paid a pretty sum to spread. Even his own 'friends' wouldn't be spared from his constant phishing attempts.
Maybe he did get a bit too reckless if the job was especially large, especially profitable, and maybe he did sometimes ditch just before the bill at a restaurant would arrive, and maybe he did piss off a group of automatons, causing them to chase you two to the edge of town until —
You sighed irritably, pinching your temple as you tried to refocus your thoughts.
In spite of all that, Sampo did have his benefits, you surmised.
He had ended up dropping in at just the right time during that automaton chase, even though you'd assumed mere moments earlier that his disappearance from your side meant he had run for the hills and left you behind. You avoided a lot worse injuries thanks to him that day.
And yeah, he did stop that miner from scamming you out of a good chunk of your paycheck that one time — albeit at the cost of another group of naïve victims who he led the man directly to. 'The only one who can swindle you out of all your pocket money is me!' he had claimed, and promptly received a beating over the head.
But once you opened your eyes again, beholding the sight of Sampo Koski sat on his knees before you in shame, twiddling his thumbs as he glanced to the side with a guilty smile...
You weren't quite sure his positive aspects could completely abate your wrath.
On this very day, the man before you had asked you to come with him to Rivet Town to assist with a 'very important business discussion'. You, foolishly, decided to trust him again.
'Give him the benefit of the doubt,' you'd thought. 'Maybe this time it's actually something honest. Maybe this'll really help him.'
Rather than a discussion, though, the foxlike man had instead led you right to a large group of automatons.
'It'll be fine,' he'd said, shrugging. 'Just need some scrap metal for a client! It's technically still a business discussion, we're just discussing with our weapons rather than our mouths!'
So he'd left you to dismantle the automaton pile, until another group of very much active robots had spotted you two and barreled towards you for vengeance.
The man hadn't even noticed in your collective fleeing that one of the bots had managed a sizable gash on your leg, hindering your escape until the two of you finally stumbled back into town.
Of course, the filthy scammer escaped unscathed himself.
Just recalling the incident sent you into further distress as the pain ached in your leg — you hadn't bothered to get it treated by Natasha yet, too focused on giving your 'business partner' a piece of your mind as soon as possible.
Sampo didn't dare speak a word himself. Your stormy expression was enough for him to keep his trap shut tight, too afraid of your mood to risk worsening it.
He had really done it with his latest stunt — a little 'prank gone wrong', as he put it, until he saw just how upset you were — and he knew it, too.
"I just..." Green eyes immediately shot over towards you as you began to speak, but your words only cut off into a heavy sigh, leading you to slump into a chair in the corner of your dingy apartment. Seeing you kneading your forehead with a look of exhaustion more so than anything else, the sly man took his chances with a conversation.
"L-Like I said, Y/N, it was all in good fun!" he laughed anxiously, feeling his palms begin to sweat. "I wasn't actually going to leave you to get all the parts by yourself, or ditch you when the bots came running, or anything —"
Your voice shut him up once again.
Sampo was exceedingly nervous today. Usually, you'd just get angry with him, expression twisting into that cute, flushed pout that he'd gotten so fond of.
You'd hit him over the head, scold him loudly, drag him by the ear... but you were never silently angry. Not like this.
"Does it really make you happy?" your voice echoed through the room at last, your face still hidden beneath your exasperated hands. "Is it really that fun? Are you getting a good laugh at my expense?"
Sampo's smile, though nervous, fell.
"You know, Sampo Koski," His spine straightened at his full name being used, rare shame filling his cheeks. He felt like he was being scolded like a toddler. "You always pull something or other over me. Usually, it's bearable. But it's gotten to be too much."
"Y-Y/N —"
"I choose to offer you my trust in so many ways, and you just...!" Your hands clutched onto your hair in complete vexation. "You always take advantage of it! Always! Even when I try to help you, or give you the benefit of the doubt, try to convince myself you're being honest for once!"
You peered through your fingers at him with one eye.
"I can count on two hands the amount of times you've shockingly come through for me, and yet, I don't even have enough hairs on my head to equal the amount of times you've swindled or betrayed me! This is the last straw, Sampo Koski!"
"Y/N, l-listen —"
"I'm going to Nat's."
His mouth fell agape as you just got up and began walking towards the door as you'd said.
"What?" you sneered as the man half-rose to his feet, frozen by your glare. "Worried that I'll tattle to her and you'll get another earful to ignore? Don't worry. She knows that every injury I get is your doing, so she's going to find out one way or another."
"...Injury?" Sampo asked, dumbfounded. You raised a brow, thoroughly ticked as you turned and walked away again.
It was then that he noticed the blood soaking your pants, the torn material of your clothes sticking uncomfortably to the gnashed skin. Your limp was more pronounced than he'd like to admit, considering he clearly hadn't noticed it prior to now.
The door slamming brought the man back to his senses, and he immediately pursued you, grabbing onto your wrist before you could make it ten steps away from your home.
"Let go, Sampo! While I'm still being nice!"
"I'm sorry!"
"I don't want to hear it! I —" Upon processing his words, you turned, a look of mild horror washing over your features as you raised a brow again. "...Eh?"
Sure enough, the Sampo Koski had just said the words 'I'm sorry' in a tone that sounded more genuine than anything he'd ever pushed past his lips — that is, if his souring expression was anything to go by.
He'd never said that to you before, not in the several incidents before this, so you certainly hadn't expected it now.
He looked gutted.
"I should've — I shouldn't've — Urgh..." Sampo scratched the back of his neck. You narrowed your eyes.
"Don't tell me this is just you being too afraid of Nat to let me get treated by her."
"No, no, listen," he waved his hands around wildly. "I'm... sure, I'm afraid of Miss Natasha, plenty afraid, in fact! But... being real honest, I'm way more afraid of you walking out on me for good."
His head bowed, and he looked completely downtrodden at this point.
"Y-You've been better to me than most, and I guess... I don't know. I just thought you'd always be there, sorta... Which was wrong of me to assume!" Sampo's speech was jumping all over the place as he hastily attempted to keep your attention, worried a single wrong word would send you walking away again. "Very wrong! I took advantage of ya a lot, and... Well, I'm sorry."
You stood there in silence for a good, long while.
It was plenty of time to make even Sampo nervous. You couldn't deny reveling in the way his fingers twitched anxiously, his eyes darting to you and back to the floor as he awaited your response — or lack of one — to his apology.
Finally, you sighed again. A very long, drawn-out, wrongdoing-emphasizing sigh.
"Well, I assume you can't promise that this will never happen again."
"Heheh... Well, if we're being really, really honest..." he simpered, not meeting your eye. "I can at least promise that I'll never let you get hurt on my watch again, though! Not ever! Koski's honor!"
The comical way he put a fist to his chest, as though mimicking a Silvermane Guard, put a reluctant smile on your face. Finally, you snorted out a laugh, bringing his infamous smile back again as well. This time, however, it was more relieved than mischievous.
"I really hate you sometimes," you murmured, pulling him into a hug as you buried your face in his shoulder. "But I'll let it slide. Last time, Sampo Koski. Don't you mess up again."
"I won't!" he shouted, perhaps a bit too eager. Still-shaky hands found your figure as he gently returned your embrace, something a bit more tender in his eyes when you pulled away. "I won't."
"Now, then, why don't we mosey back on into your house and get that leg patched up, eh?"
"Sorry, Mr. Koski," you teased, folding your hands behind your back as you continued your trek towards Natasha's clinic. "As much as we just shared a heartfelt moment of emotional growth, I don't trust your shoddy patchwork first-aid, not for something that hurts this bad. You'll just have to deal."
Sampo trailed after you like a puppy, rubbing his hands together like the shady businessman he was, familiar swindling smirk back already — though it grew more anxious by the minute as you neared Natasha's.
"Ah, come on! Can't we work out a deal? A bargain?! I said I won't let you get hurt again! We're both reasonable people, right...?"
"Y/N...? Y/N, come on!"
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assembletheimagines · 2 years
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Summary: You’ve tested Bucky’s self-restraint but now you ask him to let go
A/N: Part 2 of Self-Restraint 
bro this took me a while to write I was struggling for some reason lmao but as always, feedback is appreciated
Warnings: Smut, 18+, dirty talking, pet names, just a bunch of other filth so please be advised
Tagging: @dramallama18 @getwellsoontana​ @elle14-blog1​ @nana1000night​ @potatothots​ @catarata288​ @medelinee​ @teaamochii​ 
Your thoughts clouded with your last encounter with the ex-soldier and you shyly bit your lip, a warmth spreading in your stomach as you thought of the handsome man.
Your body heated as flashbacks crossed your mind. His fingers, digging into your hips, his eyes watching you as you whined in his lap.
A whimper fell from your lips and you squeezed your thighs together for relief but it barely sedated your need.
You needed, your eyebrows furrowed as you cheeks blushed pink.
But before you could think about anything further, the devil himself, Bucky, walked into the room with Steve. Your eyes widening at the two super soldiers and Steve greeted you with a smile with your name while Bucky tilted his head, a ghost of a smirk on his lips.
“Hello,” Bunny, the word not falling from his lips as Bucky greeted you. Steve moved into the kitchen already raiding the fridge for a drink as Bucky continued to look at you. His eyes moving slowly down your body and you felt yourself getting warm from the man’s attention.
Your fingers brushed over your thighs and Bucky noticed the action, his eyes darkening as he looked back from your thighs to you.
Before anything could happen, Steve sauntered back in, tossing a water bottle to his friend and flashing you another charming smile. “We’ll see you later, going to finish some training.” Steve said and lead Bucky out of the common room.
Once Bucky was gone, you sucked in a breath, trying to figure it out why you felt tingly all over.
That’s how you felt as you tossed and turned in your bed. Throwing the sheets off of you as you huffed in exasperation. You couldn’t go to sleep, you couldn’t stop thinking.
Thinking of Bucky, thinking of his hands, thinking of his smirk, his eyes, his body against yours.
You had enough and got up. Your feet carrying you out of your room and down the hallway.
You stood in front of the door and hesitated. You didn’t know what you were doing and you almost felt like you would be crossing into something you wouldn’t be able to take back.
Bucky had rolled his sleeves up, sitting on the edge of his bed when the door opened.
His head snapped over to see you standing there and his fingers curled into the sheets beneath him as he looked you over, thinking back to earlier in the day.
And then his eyebrow raised as you stepped inside further, closing the door behind you. He heard the noticeable click of the door locking and now you really had his attention. “What are you doing here, Bunny?” Bucky’s voice was low and he leaned back with curiosity as you bit your bottom lip.
“I’m here to say good night,” Your answer come out quiet and soft but when Bucky realized what you had said he had to stop himself from groaning.
His tongue swiped across his lips, wetting them as he watched you take a step closer. His lips curved into a wicked grin and he fluttered his eyelashes towards you. “You going to kiss me on the cheek again?” He mused, his eyes darkening as you got closer.
You nodded your head to his question before gasping as his hands reached out and pulled you to stand between his legs. Your hands rested on his shoulders out of instinct and Bucky’s smirk grew. “Are you hoping to be on my lap again?” He asked and your cheeks burned red but he continued, “are you trying to make me lose control, Bunny?” This time, the question came out more of a growl and a pleasant shiver ran up your spine.
Your fingers dug into his shoulder as your doe eyes looked at him. “I didn’t ask for you to stay in control.”
Once the words fell from your lips, Bucky had you flipped onto your back on his bed. Taking a stance between your thighs as he smashed his lips to yours.
His warm hands went to your thighs as his tongue slipped into your mouth, your gasp granting him access as his fingers trailed up your legs.
The over-sized pajama top you wore got bunched up at your hips as Bucky’s hands rubbed up your thighs and his lips moved down your neck. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this, Doll?” Bucky nipped your earlobe teasingly and you gasped, squirming underneath him.
You felt him everywhere, his hands moving your shirt up your waist and his lips sucking a mark onto your neck. You held onto his biceps as he took full control, enticing gasps and moans from you. “Bucky,” you whined desperate and he pulled away as he took your shirt off.
His eyes met yours and he couldn’t help but smirk at your glossy eyes full of need, you responded to him so well. But then he noticed and he groaned. “You’re telling me you weren’t wearing anything underneath but those cute little panties, Bunny?” He moaned and his warm hands went to your exposed breasts. His thumbs swiped over your nipples, enjoying the way you whined and arched into his touch.
He dipped his head down, his mouth wrapping around your nipple as his other hand pinched your other nub. His hand that wasn’t occupied with your breast moved down your side as he sucked your nipple in his mouth, before his mouth switched to your other breast to give it the same attention.
You felt warmth begin to grow in your abdomen and you needed more. “Bucky,” you mewled, tugging his hair as his teeth grazed your nipple. He flashed you a wicked smile and you could feel his fingertips tease the hem of your panties.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” He hummed and you could feel wetness pool between your thighs.
“I need,” you struggled to find the words, your mind already fogging up as you tugged on Bucky’s shirt. “Take this off,” you started there. Your fingers pulling the white button up from being tucked into his black slacks and he chuckled, standing up to abide your request.
Once his shirt was off, he was back to hovering over you, his fingers brushing up your inner thighs and relishing in the way you shivered in response. “This needs to go,” he mumbled hooking his fingers into the hem of your panties and once you nodded, he pulled them down, leaving you completely bare to him.
“Touch me, please.” You begged and Bucky hummed, kissing you just as his fingers followed your pleads. His kiss swallowing up your whimper and gasp as his fingers ran up your wet folds before circling the bundle of nerves that made you jerk in response.
“So responsive,” he teased and had you watch as he pulled his fingers from between your thighs showing your essence smeared between his two digits. “So wet for me,” he hummed and brought the fingers to your mouth. “Suck.”
His order made your body hot all over and you opened your mouth, wrapping your lips around his fingers and sucking. The action made Bucky groan, his eyes closing briefly as he felt your tongue swirl and lick him clean.
“You’ll be the death of me,” he mumbled under his breath and slipped his fingers from your mouth, replacing them with his mouth as he kissed you again.
His fingers now coated with your saliva dipped between your bodies as he parted your legs wider. He distracted you by biting your lip as he sunk his fingers into your dripping cunt. Both of you groaning at the feeling.
His fingers stretched you wider, pumping in and out of you as he kissed down your chest, “sucking me in, Bunny.” He mumbled between kisses as you moaned. He curled his fingers searching for the spot that would make you see stars. “Can’t wait to feel you stretched around my cock.” His words fueled his movements, quickly adding a third finger as the sounds of your moans resonated through the air.
“I’m- Buck-” You stumbled over your words as your hips grinded you down on his hand, needing more. Bucky’s tongue licked up your collarbone and you shivered, crying out as his fingertips brushed the soft spot inside of you.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge and you grabbed the wrist between your thighs as your thighs began to shake.
Bucky smirked and removed his hand from your pussy, savoring the whine you made from the loss of connection. “The only way your cumming is on my cock, Bunny.” Bucky said and unbuckled his belt, his eyes dark as he looked down at you.
He took his time in appreciating how you looked on his bed. Your lips parted, eyes wide and glossy with need, thighs messy with your own essence. And all because of him.
He freed himself from his boxers and noticed your eyes widen more as you saw just how big he was. His smirk grew and he used his hand that was still coated in your slick, to pump his length lazily. “When I am done with you,” he lined his dick to your wet folds, sliding his cock along your folds enticing another moan from you. “You will feel it for days.”
And then he pushed in, the head of his dick stretching your walls and sending a mixture of pleasure and pain up your body. You gasped, fingers digging into the sheets beneath you as he dropped his head back. He groaned, holding your hip as he stilled with only few inches in.
You felt like you were tearing into two and he was barely in. “Fuck, choking my dick with how tight your squeezing me, Darling.” He hissed and moved back, leaving just the head of his cock inside before thrusting forward, getting a few more inches back inside.
His other hand went to your clit, rubbing slow circles as he continued his movements. Fucking you slowly to help you take him more and more with each thrust. You couldn’t speak, mouth parted as Bucky’s fingers dug into your hip to keep you still as his other hand worked your bundle of nerves.
“You’re taking me so well, Bunny.” He praised, eyes on where the two of you were connected. He watched the way you stretched around him, a choked whine falling from your lips as he went deeper. Your walls fluttered around him and he finally bottomed out, pinching your clit just as his hips slotted to the back of your thighs.
You saw white, a tingling wave washing over you as you gasped. The pinch and fullness you felt sent you over and your orgasm took your breath as your walls clamped around Bucky’s length.
It was muffled but you could hear Bucky curse as his hips stuttered against you. His fingers rubbing your clit to help you ride your orgasm.
When you finally could hear over your heartbeat, you blinked your hazy eyes, still feeling your walls convulse around his shaft as Bucky came to focus.
“Fuck, Baby.” He cursed again and held your hips down as he pressed himself deeper, making you whine. His lips crashed into yours and his teeth nipped your lip before he pulled almost all the way out and then pushed back in. Rutting his hips into yours as he kissed you breathless. “You came from me bottoming out,” he groaned and his pace sped up, his thrusts growing harder. “Want you to cum again, need you to cum again.”
Your fingers scratched down his arms as you held onto his biceps. Your head falling back as you trembled under him already sensitive and overwhelmed. Your slick inner walls clenched around his cock with each thrust as Bucky continued pounding his hips into yours at a ruthless pace.
Your eyes clenched shut as Bucky angled his thrusts, hitting the spongy spot inside of you with each rut of his hips. The loud slap of skin against skin sounding around the room mixing with your cries and his grunts as the warmth in your abdomen grew again. “Bucky-” you warned and Bucky’s fingers found your clit.
He messily rubbed the tight bundle of nerves while bullying his cock faster into your slick cunt. “Cum on my cock, Bunny. Show me how pretty you look when you’re creamin’ my cock, again.” He demanded and moved your legs onto his shoulders. 
The change resulted in him sliding in deeper, his arm wrapping around your leg to rub your clit as he pounded into you harder. It felt like you could feel him in your stomach, the breath leaving your lungs with each thrust.
He pinched your clit again and your orgasm hurtled through your body from the action.
“That’s it, Baby.” Bucky groaned feeling your walls spasm around his length as you gushed all over his cock. He continued circling your clit to help you ride out your release, feeling the coil inside him close to snapping as your walls squeezed him hard. Bucky’s pleasure took over as his eyes rolled back, “Gonna fill this pretty pussy with cum, yeah?” HIs words causing your pussy to clench around him again.
You heard him mutter ‘fuck’ under his breath, throwing his head back as he  came inside you with a grunt. Hot ropes of his cum painting your walls white as he pressed his hips to the back of your thighs.
As you both tried to regulate your breathing, your legs dropped from his shoulders. His thumbs rubbing your hips softly. You felt him begin to slide out of you, your mixture of cum smeared on his cock and threatening to drip out once he fully moved away. But it never happened, a gasp falling from your lips as Bucky thrusted back in, his dick already half-hard, and keeping you full.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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dairyminki · 11 months
color me pretty | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!reader
↬summary: he's alluring, he's king of the runway, and he's at the top of his game. you? not so much, really. is it too late to back out?
↬ genre: model au—model!san & model!reader, suggestive
↬warning/s: profanity
↬wc: 2.4k
↬a/n: viola! i'm finally graduating from fluff academy thanks to @chokchokk 's influence LMAO. this is heavily inspired by san's ig post which still has me in a chokehold btw. pls enjoy!
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*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
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There are cameras everywhere, a resounding click of the shutter one after another. Oh, and there's a lot of the color red present in the studio.
People are scattered all over the spacious room that you almost feel small as if every single thing and person in sight is intimidating you. And you're not going to lie, they surely do.
Frankly, if it weren't for your manager who's standing beside you, you might've immediately turned on your heel and walked your way back to the glass doors that you entered earlier, a minute just after arriving at the studio and finding how large of a scale this project actually is. Oh, to be back outside where you didn't feel suffocated and where you couldn't feel anybody's eyes on you.
"What would you do if I backed out…?" You tentatively asked your manager in a low voice, making sure that you were the only ones who could hear it.
You know that she heard you, but still, her eyes remained at the center of the room, where all the cameras are pointed at, and where all of the people's attention are currently drawn to.
"Where'd your previous confidence go? I don't remember seeing this hesitance of yours when I first suggested this project." Your manager replies, eyes still not leaving the subject of everyone's attention.
Because standing and posing effortlessly in the middle of everything is Choi San.
The renowned model, Choi San, whose face and body is probably the cover of every magazine you can think of, and who's dominated all the fashion shows you could only dream of attending, this year alone.
He's the king of the fashion and modeling industry, someone who is highly sought-after by every famous designer that you could possibly name at the top of your head. Choi San is a crowd favorite, he practically owns the runway, and he's a total icon to many—the young and the old, the rookies and the veterans.
And not to mention, he's your role model. Someone who you really look up to and perhaps, someone who you wanted to work with.
Right now, you're about minutes into turning that dream into reality, thanks to your manager and your incredibly impulsive self.
"Your thoughts are so loud, I could practically hear it." Your manager suddenly speaks, cutting through your abysmal thoughts. And then she turns to you, jabbing a finger right at your chest and saying, "But there's no way in hell that I'm letting you back out because, first of all, you'll be working with a supermodel, and second, hello?!" She exclaims the last part in a hushed voice with matching wide gestures, that you visibly flinch. However, it seemed like she couldn't care less because she cups your face and turns your head towards the side of the room where a stunning man dressed in an expensive sparkly black suit with a diamond logo on the tie, stood.
"You'll be wearing his creation! The Damian Luxe!" She squeals near your ear, and you grimace, because she is loud, alright.
Damian Luxe is the owner of one of the biggest and leading fashion brands ever known all over the world—Luxe Looks. And right now, you still can't quite believe how he's just a few steps away from you, seemingly engrossed in a conversation with one of the photographers.
You're not sure how he ended up picking you out of all the models out there. Somehow picking you alongside one of the top iconic faces of the fashion industry, to serve as his muses for his newest fashion collection, which is set to be released and made known to the public in less than a month. The pressure that is placed on you is quite heavy since it's just your second year into this modeling career.
And it is a sudden twist and turn from your usual looks and gigs. From being known as a model who has summer vibes, cute, and freshness up their alley, to starring in an intimate and quite sensual photoshoot in honor of Luxe's brand new and bold fashion collection entitled, Pleasures of the Heart.
"Believe me, I was overjoyed when you first told me about it. But really? You didn't even bother telling me that I'll be partnered up with Choi San? The Choi San?" You put quite an emphasis on the word 'the' in order to get your point across and make your manager realize your current dilemma at hand.
Because knowing you? There's a ninety-five percent of you messing this up because of your clumsy ass, the remaining five percent will be you fainting, by the way.
Oh god, you can't possibly do this right?
What if you embarrass yourself in front of him? Would you be able to live with that memory for the rest of your life?
You think not.
However, you weren't even given that much choice when one of the stylists arrives and steals you away from the comfort of your manager's side in order for you to get dolled up and ready for your photoshoot with Choi San.
Here's to fucking it up, I guess, you think, heaving a sigh as you followed the stylist in one of the rooms.
You don't think that Choi San is actually real.
Heck, you didn't even think that someone could possibly make blowing bubble gum as something sexy.
Shivers ran down your spine and goosebumps littered your skin as you watched Choi San angle his face and send sultry looks to every camera pointing at him. If you were confident enough, you might've jumped him already, popping that bubble gum in his mouth and licking it off his lips right after.
Wait what-
You frantically shook your head. Is this what Choi San's alluring effect feels like? Because if it is, then you're so fucked.
Your manager and the stylist earlier, told you that there'll be some duo shots so that means, yes, touching will be involved.
When they first told you that, you weren't sure if you'll be able to pull it off because one, Choi San, is incredibly gorgeous. And two, he's only donned in a coat and pants, and no undershirt in sight! Which leaves a portion of his abs in display for anyone's eyes to feast on—not like you're feasting on them or anything.
You gulp.
Is it really too late to back out?
Moments later, you begin internally thanking the heavens, when Choi San's individual shoot has come to an end and he's called back by one of the stylists for a wardrobe change. Which you think will be in match with the pitch black bodysuit you're currently wearing underneath your robe. The robe isn't part of the look at all, you simply have it on for now because you aren't that confident yet. You honestly think you'll never be but maybe you'll be fine since the stylist said you'll still have one piece to wear later.
A red overcoat to match the red stilettos your feet is currently clad in.
One of the staff tapped you on the shoulder and led you closer to the center, saying that you'll be starting the duo shots in a few minutes.
The staff said it with a sweet smile that you have no choice but to smile back as well even if your insides were already churning and you're starting to break into a cold sweat.
You were in the middle of doing a breathe in and breathe out exercise in order to relax your nerves for a little bit, when you suddenly felt another tap on your shoulder. Thinking that it was probably one of the staff or stylists again, you turned around, only to be met with a pair of deep black cat-like eyes and a dimpled smile.
It was freaking Choi San.
"Nervous?" His voice was a clear rasp. Your knees growing weak at the sight of him in a sheer black tank top, which showed how buff he really was, and the same pants as earlier. His hair is still slick-backed with a few gelled-strands hanging against his forehead. A black biker glasses snugly sitting on top of his head served as his only accessory.
God, he's breathtakingly gorgeous being so close to you like this.
"U-Uh, yes, very, Mr. Choi."
Well done! You just stuttered in front of Choi San. But who wouldn't?
To your surprise, loud laughter comes out from his lips. His pink plump lip—oh would you please snap out of it?!
"Mr. Choi? Oh my, just call me San!" He chuckles. "You're Y/N, right?" He asks, a few moments after, and it prompts you to nod your head.
"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" San says this so casually that it catches you so off guard, you choke on nothing.
While you're busy trying to re-organize yourself and your breathing, San makes it a mission to further turn you into a flustered mess as he gently pulls you by the waist. Then he leans in, mouth dangerously close to your ear and whispers the words that will certainly haunt your insides for the rest of the time that you'll be stuck in his presence.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you, pretty."
You and San have been receiving praises from left and right ever since the shoot started. You even heard from the head photographer that you two surprisingly share quite a chemistry in front of the cameras even though it's only your first time pairing up together.
Although, you do admit that you've had your awkward moments prior because, first, it is your first intimate photoshoot, second, your outfit is so far the most revealing you've ever worn despite the overcoat you're wearing, and third, San was very close. Too close.
But it's not like you're complaining anyway. In fact, you think you might be enjoying it a little too much than what you've anticipated. And, you just hope it's not noticeable to him or you'd die of embarrassment as soon as you step out of the studio.
Anyway, you felt every exhale that San had made in the past half hour, and it's very ticklish. But you also felt quite feverish with the way his rough hands seemed scalding hot against your skin, despite his touches and hold on you being gentle.
San was nothing but sweet and kind as he gently coaxed you out of your shell, always guiding you with every pose and expression. Because of him, you're starting to get more comfortable with the theme of the set and the overwhelming attention being poured on you two.
But of course, another challenge was bound to appear and send your mind into a haywire.
"Perfect! Now, let's have you sit on top of San." The head photographer suddenly instructs. "But first, I want you to sit on the floor, San." He adds.
All the while San's following the photographer's direction, you're left frozen, standing on the side, not quite sure if you heard the photographer right.
By the time you've snapped out of your thoughts and you're back to your senses, San's already sitting on the floor with his legs slightly spread out, his arms are kind of spread out as well with his palms completely flat on the floor, and he's slightly leaning back with his toned arms supporting his upper body's weight.
And he's looking at you. Looking at you with an expression you can't exactly figure out.
Before the photographer could even call your name and give you instructions as well, San's already beckoning you over with his index finger.
As if entranced, you walk towards him without any word. And when San told you that you should take off your overcoat, you followed him, dropping the piece of clothing to the floor. Then, when San told you to straddle his lap, you did it without any fuss despite your visible shaking which you're certain that he noticed because he's leaning towards you again.
"I got you, pretty. Didn't I say I'll take care of you, hmm?" San whispers against the shell of your ear. "You'll let me take care of you, right?" He asks when he still gets no response from you.
Inhaling deeply, albeit shakily, you nod your head.
Still not shying away from the close proximity, your breath hitches when San's hands come to wrap around your waist, one of them caresses your side, slightly making you jolt at the suddenness of the action.
"Words, pretty. I need words." San hums.
"Y-Yes. I'll let you take care of me."
"Good girl," He purrs and playfully bites your ear lobe, which, again, sent you lightly trembling as you felt the heat which started to creep its way from your lower abdomen and up to your face.
"Now, I want you to only look at me, alright? Can you do that for me?" San asks, thankfully, now with enough gap between the two of you, enabling you to breathe more easily.
"Yeah, I can do that." You reply and this makes San smile, dimples adorning his face once again.
San shifts underneath you for a bit, his palms at the small of your back. He adjusts your position on top of him and then his hands leave you as he goes back to leaning, but this time, with his hands much further back than before. This subtle change enables him to look up at your face more comfortably.
San instructs you to put your hands on his chest instead of being on top of his shoulders as what the photographer has instructed for you to do. And then, he retracts his right hand from the floor and puts it back on your waist instead.
And just like that it has the photographer screaming delightedly the word, "Excellent!"
"Excellent," San mimics in a soft voice, tongue darting out to lick his own lips, all the while his eyes never left yours. And you reckon, yours didn't leave him as well throughout the entirety of the photoshoot.
Well, after having him this close and looking so out-of-this-world while under you, where you can basically see every twitch of his eyebrows, every contraction of his arm muscles, and every bob of his adam's apple, with his attention all on you and you alone the whole time…you're quite not sure if you'll be able to take your eyes off of him ever again.
If this is how it feels to be under Choi San's alluring gaze, then, oh, you're so fucked, because there seems to be no possible escape, at all.
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Hi!!! I've really been enjoying your writing, especially Albedo's spicy reading one I blushed and giggled so hard 🥰 it was very sweet and cute!!!
Which leads me into my request if that's okay! Can I please request something sweet and spicy with Albedo? I adore him so much and I don't really have much of an idea so really anything with him would be great!!
I'll probably be an anon for a while cause I'm shy so you can call me 🦊 fox anon if you want!
I hope you're having a great day!!!
Can i get a muthha fuckin uhhhhhhhhh.... Albedo deluxe with extra sweet and sour sauce. 🍔🍟🥤
Lmao fr tho, thank you 🦊 anon for both your praises and your request! I hope this fills your saucy Albedo needs! 💝
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Hold Still, My Muse.
Albedo had a vision of you that must be made into reality.
Tags: GN!Reader x Albedo, Technically SFW, PG-13, Suggestive, Pining, Confessions, Everyone always writes Albedo as a dick but he is a polite boy FIGHT ME
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The first time Albedo drew you was in passing. A candid sketch that a quiet man gifted to you without reason. When your paths crossed once more, the alchemist asked so politely for a moment of your time and you found it impossible to say no. He asked to draw you again, just as you were, sitting there in the sunlight. It felt awkward having someone stare so intently at your every detail. Albedo worked silently without mentioning how stiff your stance became under his gaze. That just won’t do…
You received a letter from the blond knight only a few days later. He’d like to see you again, but to share a meal this time. It was odd to receive such an invitation from the recluse Kreideprinz, but you were no less delighted to accept.
Albedo was quite charming when he put in the effort. Over dinner he asked to learn about you and your interests. He listened patiently, like he was committing it all to memory. In turn, you learned about Albedo's endlessly fascinating experiments and even about his artwork. You became so engrossed in the man's mind that time nearly got away from you. When Albedo asked you to pose for him once again, your anxieties were easier to push away in his familiar company.
You grew fond of both the alchemist's attention and presence. It became common for Albedo to take you to view scenery around Mondstadt, sit and chat, and eventually take his sketchpad out to draw you. Your heart would skip a beat whenever he held your chin to position your face toward him. Sometimes, you would even do it on purpose. After Albedo finished his sketch, you would both carry on and enjoy the rest of your date evening together.
Curiosity got the better of you regarding how often the blond went out of his way to draw others.
"Hm.." Albedo took a moment to ponder, as if he never considered this. "Besides you, I can't say I've ever went to this extent to draw someone."
You were hid a blush when he invited you to his home for a more private session. Albedo explained how he wanted to test some paints that took longer to dry, thus the process would be quite long. For your comfort he suggested his abode as a solution. Your mind hardly processed the boy’s reasoning, still stuck on being alone together in his home.
You regretted your choice of attire as soon as you arrived. The anticipation of the evening had you feeling bold. The revealing blouse and skin tight pants under your coat felt far too forward now that Albedo was right in front of you. If it didn’t mean trekking down the snowy mountain again, you would’ve already made an excuse to leave and reschedule.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’m almost done setting up.” Albedo gestured past his lab and toward a room further back. You entered and held your breath when you saw it was a small neat bedroom. There was very little in the room, just a fireplace, a bed, a couple of chests, and an easel set up towards the room's center. You sputtered out a question, asking where you should sit.
"The bed. We may take a while and it's the most comfortable seat I can offer. Plus, the lighting would be optimal." Albedo stated simply, entering in the room with the last of his supplies. You could only nod at his oblivious logic and take a tentative seat on the edge of his bed. There was no way you could take your coat off now, you were sure you'd burst into flames. The blond didn't question your choice and proceeded to place his paints while letting you get settled.
Maybe you would burst into flames anyway. The healthy fire kept the small room toasty enough that you felt suffocated under your thick coat. It took less than five minutes for you to feel the sweat forming on your brow. You willed yourself to stand strong and hold your pose, maybe he would finish quickly if you were perfectly still.
"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" Albedo's voice cut though your thoughts like a searing knife through butter. You blinked in confusion and shock, unable to find your voice you shook your head and scooted over. Your eyes followed the man's movements as he put down his tools and drew closer. The mattress dipped beside you when he sat and you could feel his gaze on you. You could bare to look just yet.
"Did you know when I began my drawings, they were simply to illustrate my notes? I felt I could study things in far more depth when I sketched their every last detail." The alchemists spoke casually, as if the two of you were sharing over a meal. You turned to look at him, made curious by the man's words.
"I found that the process was something I also enjoyed. It became calming to just observe and create. My mind could stay clear and calm." Albedo continued, "But I have never experienced having a subject enthrall me as much as you."
Your eyes widened and your mouth hung slightly open by the sudden confession.
"My mind isn't quite clear when I draw you. I feel inspired and challenged. I have yet to capture it truly on paper or canvas. I try again and again, and although beautiful, it doesn't truly capture what you evoke." You processed each word over and over in your mind. Finally, you worked up the courage to ask why he was telling you this.
"When you get nervous, you close off from me. I wanted to make my intentions clear so that you may have no reservations about me. You're someone I cherish as an inspiration and as a companion. So please, tell me how I can make you feel as such." Albedo told you earnestly.
You recognized there was vulnerability in his expression and that he was asking for the same. There really wasn't really anything standing in your way but your own fear. For this man, you were willing to be brave and show him what he wanted, what he all but pleaded for. Your expression softened and you told him you were alright to continue now.
Albedo returned to his easel and allowed you to get comfortable again. His eyes followed intrigued while you stood and started to undo your coat. You watched the man's every move while the garment fell to the floor. He didn't bother to hide the way his gaze followed every curvature of your body, as if committing it to memory again. Albedo's features held a mild expression but his body language showed he was restless. You sat farther up the bed, posing modestly yet arching your body ever so slightly for show.
"That position, while... appealing, doesn't lend itself to the lighting. Your leg, perhaps, bend it a little." Albedo, attempting keeping his composure, guided your pose.
"Like this?" You moved slowly, bending your leg up. The position now seemed far more provocative.
"Ah, No." Albedo tried to correct himself, not wanting to insinuate he was trying to put you in a questionable position. "I meant the other way. I apologize."
"Can you show me?" You ask feeling particularly bold now that you've received a reaction. "It would help me a lot." You added when you noticed a small hesitation.
"Of course." Albedo nodded. The blond stepped away from his painting and towards you perched on the bed. His hand hovered over your leg for a moment before looking you in the eye, "May I?" he asked ever so politely. You nodded in response and felt his warm hands begin to guide you.
You asked him how else you could improve your posture and watched as Albedo became eager to teach. Each touch becoming less and less cautious than the last, until the man had you pinned under him. You held each others charged gaze while he gripping each of your wrists against the mattress.
"This isn't very chivalrous of me as a knight." He breathed, looking you over again and again as if expecting you to ask him to stop. You let him observe you and even offered a open view of your neck and chest.
"Isn't it the job of a researcher to uncover what is before you." You remarked, not moving an inch. Albedo unclasped your wrists and you feared he may have had second thoughts. Before you could say anything, arms wrapped around your waist and his face was buried into your neck. A low rumble was spoken across your heated skin.
"Then I'm going to need you in a few positions for research purposes. I'll have to sketch down a few observations for reference as well."
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<A/N: Ngl this got away from me a little. I expected this to be far shorter but it I think too hard. I hope you enjoy!
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inkyvendingmachine · 1 year
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Dawn Season 3, Episodes 16
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
ANOTHER BIG THANKYOU TO @inkdemonapologist FOR HELPING ME WRAP UP THE LAST SUMMARY OF SEASON 3!!! THAT'S RIGHT! WE'VE MADE IT AT LAST!!! which means we can now start posting the 18384927 post game RP logs we've been doing meanwhile lmao.
ART CHANGES THIS SEASON!! @inkdemonapologist and I are collabing on all the art for these summery posts!! Shazz does lines, and I compose and colour the pieces.
Almost done, just one last muse to free.
But first, the Angel left a bit of a mess. While Jack is using all his willpower to NOT give into the urge to “fix” everyone by shoving ink into them, Joey pleads with Prophet to do the final ritual with Susie, so that there won’t be any weirdness between Susie and Allison. Prophet’s flattered, but he… would need more time to study this one. Why not let her do it? Joey concedes, but he wants to be the one to lead it. Jack helps Leon patch Allison up so she can be ready for round 3, while Joey and Prophet go to reset all the candles that got knocked over in the fight.
Susie wants to talk to Allison, while they wait. What were her intentions at the Studio? Allison assures her she didn’t even want the part (which offends Susie more, honestly) – she just wanted to keep her eye on this Studio, after everything they’ve been up to!! ... What… have they been up to, exactly, Susie asks?
… and Allison admits, well, maybe they were just… protecting their home. It sounded ridiculous at the time, but… maybe that’s really all it was. Someone told her recently to be careful of making monsters out of others, and maybe that’s what she did here. (Thanks for putting in a good word for us, Tom!!!)
Joey, of course, has been busy getting everything in order and has heard none of this, but Susie and Allison seem to be on okay terms, so let’s hurry up and do this ritual – without the creative power from the muses of storytelling or dance keeping him going, Joey is running on pure determination and adrenaline. Tasty.
And together, they’re able to do it. The golden glow drifts out of Susie, but this time, they all hear a faint “thank you” before the spirit disappears.
Susie collapses.
Allison tries to catch her, but it wrenches her bad arm and she falls to the floor as well.
Joey passes out, too, with his one goal done – and now Jack’s feeling the sudden drop in energy as the muse of music returns to normal; he loses consciousness as well.
Prophet’s too thrilled to give in!!! announcing “We’ve done it, my Lord!” before swapping back to regular Sammy – whhoooo ALSO immediately passes out without the extra creative energy keeping him going, leaving Henry and Norman and Timothee with a bunch of unconscious people. Henry and Norman are maybe not the ideal folks to handle the inevitable police visit after all those gunshots, but Timothee is also a child of Lady Orchid and can pull some of his influence before taking Nichole home.
Henry and Norman just get people into beds. Bendy, uh, helps??? Which means Joey’s body is wandering around, but Joey himself is practically unwakeable right now and Jack is bleary enough that driving home seems unwise. Better to just spend the night for now and sort it in the morning.
7 AM greets them with Henry waking Joey up with a panicked, “What are we doing here, what’s going on?! …I don’t think I remember last night.”
The colour drains from Joey’s face, and he tries to calm Henry, find out what the last thing he remembers is – Henry knows he remembers the contest. When asked if he remembers that scythe spell, Henry groans and admits that he does, but he’s still shaking and does not seem all right, so Joey runs off to dig through Jack’s bag and find something to draw with – oh, hey, at some point Henry’s sketchbook ended up in here, and there’s the rest of Joey’s ink, and also one of Joey’s nice pens? Anyway, that’s enough for him to bring Henry something to draw on, hoping that will calm him down. HE’S NOT GOOD AT COMFORTING and his brain is running at full capacity trying to figure out what to do…
Henry immediately starts drawing one of the monsters from last night. He remembers some things… he remembers attacking Sammy, though Sammy has no recollection of what Prophet did and can’t verify this, and Joey is sure that the two of them were working together by the end of the night and seemed fine – but, uh, Henry wasn’t quite himself and Joey had been afraid he’d lost him, LET’S NOT… USE THAT SPELL AGAIN,,,,,
in the meantime, Joey finally admits to himself his few and far between weaknesses, that maybe he still isn’t, at the end of the day, the one who can comfort Henry, and asks his best friend if… he’d like Joey to call Linda for him. Henry’s taken aback, and agrees, so Joey swipes Jack’s hat to cover his horns and heads outside to use a payphone.
Sammy goes to check on Jack, then on Susie, who looks a little worse for wear – she thanks him for coming after her, and admits that she remembers it all, but it feels like a dream. She… wants to talk about all this later, if they could, but for now, even as worn out as she is, she’s eager to get back and finally record a good take of that new Alice Angel song. She can’t believe they didn’t stop by the studio all week, when that was the whole reason she agreed! But Nichole had so many other things she wanted to do with them, that they just never got the chance…
Joey gets back, asks Henry how he’s doing. Henry says he’s doing okay (but he’s definitely not doing okay). So Joey gently pulls him towards the door, where… Linda is waiting for him. Joey actually called her over. Henry is overwhelmed, hugs his wife, and gives Joey a grateful look – he knows how much this means for Joey to do. Joey just tells him not to worry about the cartoon and to get some rest.
And then it’s time to clean up and get going!
Joey uses Bendy’s help to just make a giant cartoon squeegee, as you do, to smoosh all the candles and ink and paint and chalk together, so hopefully it won’t be useful to any future cultists, and throw this weird ball of gunk in the garbage. Allison tries to… sort of apologise? – or at least explain why she had thought mind-controlling Sammy was justified – but the boys are not interested and Joey simply tells her they’ll talk later.
Well, first back to Jack’s house to get a shower since we’re all sort of gross from getting dunked in the lake but
The music department is sluggish, everyone there feeling the after-effects of the muses’ presence, but Sammy is as demanding as ever, refusing to let a musical cataclysm stop his department from creating excellent work. Lyrics are done, but Jack’s nonetheless here to… balance Sammy out a little. Henry shows up halfway through the day anyway, and Joey decides that if Linda let him come then he probably needs something to work on. Joey is feeling PRETTY DEAD today and mostly works out of his office, though he does clear off a spare desk in there for Henry to work beside him, away from the stress clamor of the rest of the studio, and also perhaps just to enjoy each other’s quiet companionship.
It’s been a long time since they both just sat and worked on animating together.
There’s a few messages for the boys throughout the day – one from Peter checking in with Joey on how he should describe their group to the reporter they rescued (Joey settles on “someone else who got tangled up with that cult and wanted to set things right”), another from Peter to Jack letting him know that his cat Beans had been fed the night before and DO NOT BELIEVE HER when she inevitably tries to convince him that she’s never been fed in her life, and finally, a simple letter to Joey that just says, “We should talk sometime,” with the address of a local cafe, a date and a time, and the signature of “Y.”
Joey………… decides the other boys maybe possibly do not need to know about this last letter right now.
Susie shows up – with that chocolate cake she promised last week, at last!! – to do a take on the new version. Joey stops by the department to cheer on his Alice Angel, which she appreciates; after everything, her first take chokes, but her second is beautiful. She loves the song and she loves the new changes to it. Sammy’s pleased with her performance, though he mutters that it might be the best thing he’ll ever write. But he’s soon cheered up by the prospect of a cake untouched by roaming janitors, even sharing a piece with Jack and Susie. Joey, who had figured out some magical control over ink at some point, will handle updating the lipsyncing so nobody has to redraw entire cells.
A… feature length cartoon, in 1934??????
( joey b like: >:3c )
Well, Joey DOES have the break room magic that helps everyone in the studio gel with each other a little more to work faster, and stay awake just a little easier, and in this timeline JDS does still have Henry. It’s not in colour, and probably not as complex as Disney’s first feature will be, (joey voice hUSH) but still, the first feature length animated movie will be a Bendy cartoon put out by Joey Drew Studios! GOSH!!
That evening Joey reaches out to Nichole Savoy, the daughter of Lady Orchid, to let her know about the premier tomorrow – he did promise her and her friends a stage, after all, and he’s not one to go back on his word, if they’d like to perform for the premier? Or if not, he’ll just give them all tickets, but if they so choose, he trusts they’ll put on a magnificent show. Nichole is taken aback and tells him that he’s very strange, but gratefully accepts.
And now, the most important task before the premiere: Joey decides it’s time to drag all his boys out for fancy new outfits (It’s for the premier!!! It’s part of the premier budget!!! Don’t worry about it!!) personally tailored and picked out by yours truly. Perhaps it is also… a little treat for himself, getting to see all his boys dressed up nice… y’know, for finishing the cartoon. That is going to premiere. Only that reason, nothing more.
And the premier itself goes great. Susie sings the new song live with Colette as a dancer (and Sammy on the piano), Nichole doesn’t perform but seems really happy to see her friends get this spotlight and night out with her. The cartoon itself is pretty darn close to what they hoped it would be. Afterwards Jack keeps everyone charmed and out of range to socialise with Sammy while Sammy glares and looks unapproachable; Henry is a little tired for socialising but DOES want someone to ask about the animation on the scenes he’s proudest of, while his kids try to pick which scenes are his; and the head of the local paper catches Joey Drew to ask about an interview about this unprecedented accomplishment, and Joey’s all too happy to set up a time for a tour.
The head of the paper is also curious if Joey’s met Peter Sunstram? They seemed to know each other, and the man had been looking for a job at his paper, and he wonders how well Mr. Sunstram takes direction? There’s a glint in Joey’s eye as he realises his chance to talk Peter Sunstram up as only Joey Drew can. Jack surely won’t leave if his OTHER boyfriend is ALSO in New York!
And that one investor who started all of this is here, too; oblivious to the magical shenanigans he inadvertently kicked off, but thrilled with the finished film he’s just seen! Somewhere, Grant can breathe a sigh of relief, and hopefully soon, so can the boys.
Joey Drew Studios has managed the impossible, one more time.
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
[Previous Episode]
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
Vincenzo thoughts
I'm halfway through the series now and first thing is either the director or the scriptwriter must be a fan of Song Joongki LMAO This whole thing is an ode to this completely fantastical character. There are so many scenes that's unnecessary for the plot. Like the entire BL drama in episode 8, even if it was hilarious to watch Vincenzo switch between alluringly handsome and a "kill me now" expression (and both Song Joongki and Kim Sungcheol really going for it in their exaggerated performances, while the director/cameraman pulls every romance trope in the book).
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I think the best way to take this series is to see it as a superhero genre without the superpowers. It is an extremely exaggerated version of reality, down to Vincenzo's skills, the villains' reckless disregard for consequence, and the at times comical resolutions - and the profound lack of law enforcement in a show featuring main characters who work with the law. Surprisingly, it works (as long as you're not trying to convince yourself it's trying to be realistic), with the alternation between grim violence and quirky comedy keeping the palate fresh.
It's not just Vincenzo who's unrealistic, all of the characters are cartoonish in some way -- Hong Chayoung's undampable sass, Jang Hanseok's grandiose vanity, Choi Myunghee's cruelty, all the residents in the building -- but they're also quirky and individual and manage to be more than a cardboard caricature, an admirable feat.
What I do like is that it's made clear from the start that the two main characters are not your classic "good people" (boy am I glad that the female lead is not relegated the "voice of kindness" role for once). The only certifiably good person was Chayoung's father, who then mused, "Perhaps it takes a monster to defeat a monster" before asking Vincenzo to become that monster. He also said of his own daughter, "The world has changed, and it now needs someone who's ruthless, fearless and shameless enough to win the fight." They're not moral people, per se, but they are principled people who will fight every inch to protect their own code.
And I think this is where Vincenzo as a show actually works (as opposed to...ahem, certain Disney franchises). Vincenzo is fighting on behalf of the disenfranchised - the impoverished residents who are being evicted, the families of subjects who died from medical experimentation, the one human rights lawyer who tried to stand up to Goliath and lost because he was too pure, his own mother who was framed for murder - against a corrupt corporation in cahoots with every public service: the police, the hospital, the justice system, the banks and even the media. Despite the comedy sprinkled throughout, the stakes are high and the villains are terrifyingly merciless, so that Vincenzo's ruthless retaliation is not just gratuitous, but actually necessary to bring them down.
Like Song Joongki mused in one interview, he was surprised the show connected with people in other countries - but perhaps, he adds, that social injustice and sense of helplessness is something people all over the world understood. It is a classic David vs Goliath story, and we love to see David get his hands dirty and tear Goliath to shreds.
I finish with this poignant metaphor of the law enforcement corruption issue, which Vincenzo says to a prosecutor who protests that there are still a lot of good, upright people in the justice system:
Here is an apple. This side is rotten, this side isn't. Half of it is rotten, and half of it is still edible. We would call this a rotten apple, not an apple that is still half-edible. Even if there is a fresh, uncorrupted prosecutor like you left, the system you work in is still a rotten apple. You say that there are people in the justice system who are morally upright, but that sort of assertion won't turn a rotten apple back into its fresh state. The worst case scenario is that even the fresh part turns rotten in time.
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starryevermore · 2 years
none of it was accidental ✧ cassian andor
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: cassian andor x fem!reader
summary: it was all by design, because you’re a mastermind.
word count: 1,406
warnings?: implied smut, fluff, kinda shitty but we’ll pretend it’s not lmao, not proofread
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The first night he saw you, he knew nothing was going to stop you. The first time you walked into the room, he could tell you decided that he were going to be yours. He saw it in your eyes, the way you looked him up and down, a twinkle in your eyes. And, he didn’t mind. He didn’t mind, because it was you. There was a warmth to you, a sort of kindness, that he hadn’t experienced in so long. Cassian Andor had become accustomed to coldness and distance and being kept at arm’s length. It was the nature of his profession. One doesn’t become a spy for the Rebellion by cozying up to people. Though, he mused, it had worked well enough for you.
He remembered you tripping over your feet as you walked by the booth he was sat at. He remembered practically jumping out of his seat, reaching out, steadying you, stopping you from falling flat on your face. He remembered your quiet gasp at the feeling of his hands on your waist. (He remembered wanting you to make that sound again and again and again.) He remembered offering you a seat at his booth, the way you smiled appreciatively at him. 
“Do I get to know the name of the kind gentleman who’s helped me?” you asked as you settled in your seat, your eyes practically twinkling as you peered over at him. 
“I don’t know how much of a gentleman I am,” he said. That much was true. He had seen too many things, done too many things, to be called a gentleman. That part of him wanted to run the other way, if only to preserve you. You didn’t deserve to be tainted by him.
“Perhaps because you don’t see yourself the way others see you.”
“Perhaps because I know how others see me,” he said. 
“Let me convince you otherwise,” you practically purred, leaning in closer to him. 
He swallowed hard, realizing how close you were to him. He had been sitting alone in a booth before you came over, his arm slung over the back of it, his legs spread out, taking up more room than perhaps was necessary. He had resumed that position after he helped you, finding it more comfortable than any other way he could have sat. Now, you were mere inches away, practically tucked under his arm. You were close enough that he could smell the soap you used. He could smell how you were clean and fresh. Did you really want to be dirtied by him? 
“Cassian,” he said. Would he regret this? Perhaps. But, Maker, he wanted to feel something good for once. “My name is Cassian.”
“Well, Cassian, I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun together.”
He wanted to laugh at the thought. Fun? During times like these? It seemed more like a far flung hope than anything that could become reality. But as he looked at you, he wanted to believe it. He wanted to have a life that was simple, carefree, fun. He wanted it all.
“Then lead the way.”
You became a near permanent fixture in his life after that. It wasn’t uncommon for you to appear when he was least expecting it, presenting him with a gift you’d found for him on a mission, or telling him a story about a mistake a rookie made, or struggling to tell a joke to him because you can’t stop giggling your way through it. It made him wonder where you had been before. It made him wonder what life had been like before you. 
Being around you was nice. Cassian was used to slipping into the background. He was used to going unnoticed. He used to prefer it. But then you came around. And you saw him. You heard him. You remembered him. When he mentioned that he was going on a mission with someone he hated, you always offered him something nice when he got back. When he could barely keep his eyes open but still needed to work, you would bring him caf with cream because you knew he couldn’t stand the bitter taste of the drink but still enjoyed the energy it would bring him. When the nights were quiet and he found himself in your bunk, desperately seeking comfort, you would let him lay on your chest, card your fingers through his hair, and let him talk about the life he used to have, the life he long since left behind. 
Now that you were a part of his life, Cassian wasn’t quite sure he could ever live without you. He didn’t want to. 
Sometimes, he wondered what he should call what he had with you. Was it a relationship? Were the two of you just friends? It certainly felt like something more. Should he ask you for clarification? Or should he let it be? Why kick a gift horse in the mouth, after all? 
The answer became clear, however, when after months of dancing through his feelings, the two of you were assigned to a mission together. As excited as Cassian was to have a reason to spend time with you, he nevertheless dreaded the mission. It was relatively simple. An Imperial ball was to be held. You would go in as the entertainment, he would go in as a member of the waitstaff. If you remained as the entertainment, it wouldn’t be so bad. But Cassian knew that you would have to sidle up to an Imperial officer, look at the bastard with the sweet eyes you reserved for him, so you could retrieve invaluable information. 
Worse, perhaps, was how much you seemed to be enjoying yourself. You giggled and laughed and smiled at the officer. You leaned into his side, ran your fingers along his jaw. You leaned in close, whispered into his ear. Worse, you climbed onto the officer’s lap, locking eyes with Cassian, It took everything in him not to blow his cover right then and there. 
That night, you didn’t leave his bunk as he told you over and over and over again that he was yours, that you were his.
In the morning, he woke before you. You had stolen the sheets in the middle of the night, leaving Cassian with only a corner of the blanket covering him below the waist. He didn’t mind. He would give anything for you. He shuffled closer to you, pulling your body against his. You let a contented noise, smiling in your sleep. Oh. He liked that. 
Cassian lifted his hand, caressing your face. He ran his thumb over the swell of your cheek. A rare smile, a smile that became more common in your presence, settled on his face. He liked how soft you were. He liked knowing that you trusted him with that softness. It made him feel like he was a good man.
As he admired you, you slowly opened your eyes, your smile growing as you realized he was still there. “Good morning, handsome,” you said, your voice thick with tiredness. 
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. You nuzzled your face into the spot where his neck met his shoulder. His breath hitched at the feeling of your breath tickling him. “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course,” he said without missing a beat. “You can tell me anything.”
“When we first met…none of it was accidental.” You lifted your head, watching closely for his reaction. “When I first saw you, I decided that nothing was going to stop me until you were mine. Everything from that point forward was a carefully laid plan.”
Cassian huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. A smirk settled on his face as he said, “You think I don’t know? You had my heart at the first step in your plan. Or, perhaps, at the first trip in your plan.”
“You knew? And…you didn’t mind?” you asked. 
“I’ve known this entire time you were a mastermind,” he confirmed. “And I love that most about you.”
A smile stretched across your face. “You know, I recall saying that you and I were going to have a lot of fun.”
“Oh? I think you should live up to that promise, don’t you?”
And, Maker, you did. Because you were a mastermind, and he was happily yours. 
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definitelynotgideon · 1 month
What are 3 things that you love about your oc? I also mentioned you in a post asking you this:3 Btw how are these days?
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Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I don't know how I didn't see the post!
TBH I'm suffering lmao 😆😆 this is one of those high stress times at work and I'm preparing for a very busy week leading up to an event. Once the event is over things will subdue significantly.
Here are three things I love about Gideon though:
1.) He's flawed. Gideon is first and foremost a human being. I don't write him as the best fighter ever, and he has things that deeply affect him. He experiences grief over what has been lost or taken from him, and he allows it to come and go in the wave it is. Things are temporary, he can still pick himself back up and continue to fight for what/who he loves in the world.
2.) The things he symbolizes are healing things for me personally. I feel like when people make OCs, they put a lot of themselves into them. Some people do self inserts (I've done that before) and others make a lot of OCs that may represent different aspects of themselves more subtly. In Gideon's case, he's a representation of the things I need/needed most. He has a lot of calming sanctuary vibes, which is a reminder that I should be kind to myself. He also *adores* children (couldn't be me, I actually don't want kids) but... He's protective of them especially. Gets *pissed* if someone is hurting them because he's endured that type of pain at a young age. In a lot of ways he protects my inner child. Heavier symbolism in Gideon that is always present is an element of Death. I'm inspired (especially for some AUs) by characters like Lore Olympus's Hades, Steven Universe, Ancient Magus Bride's Ruth... There are others. But Gideon has been involved in two of my favorite fandoms and there is a lot of death in both (Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer). The ideas are usually dependent on roleplays, but I have sub theories and alternate endings I love to play with that involve him being either a guardian angel or a reaper for certain characters. I adore *that* sort of comfort, because I lost my mom at a young age. I'd like to think that when she passed away, that someone guided her lovingly into the next stage.
That one got deep lol I'm sorry 😆
3.) He isn't afraid to be himself. It's no secret that Gideon is gay, and in certain universes this is still one of those things that isn't okay in society. How he navigates this may be careful but it's never really relenting. He'd actively fight against homophobia because he was holding is lover's hand in front of the wrong person. Life is too short to not be able to love who he loves *fully.* He's not about to be ashamed of that. In Demon Slayer, his parents abandon him because he states that he doesn't want to go through with an arranged marriage with a woman, and that he'd prefer to marry a man. He was young when he was abandoned, and he had to both grow up quickly and re-parent himself with rare examples of what unconditional love really should be...
Anyway yeah! I adore him, he's such a squishy boy and I've been really happy that I could develop him more lately. He's been an amazing little muse 💕
Thank you for the ask!! 🫶
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
HEY, WELCOME BACK! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I wanted to request a trans! reader, (ftm) and he's a new student at saiki's school lmao 😭 but anyways, he's like, a himbo. And the only thing that's going on in his mind is the song 'hot in here's by Nelly LOL, I want saiki to be like "wtf" and he's just super weirded out and tries to stay away from the reader as much as possible, but he's gets dragged around by his friends and they invite the reader to a park or something. And the rest is up to you!
A/N: Sorry this took so long and it's a bit shorter than I wanted it to be, I love writing for Saiki and trans readers but I guess I was a little stumped on what to write for this one
Saiki x Trans guy!Reader
Warnings: I had to add some angst s o a little bit of misgendering.
I had been at my new school for about a week and I was already bored. My notebooks that were supposed to be for notes were proof enough of this because they were full to the brim of doodles and little drawings of random people I had imagined. I hadn't talked to many people yet but that was fine with me! They were all nice, some being a little annoying to be around, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself, which I was pretty good at.
The last bell rang and I raced up, almost tripping as I grabbed my notebook as I made my way to the door. I had planned a little movie marathon for myself and I was so excited to get it started. It'd be nice to have someone to watch it with but I wouldn't let that start me from watching my favorite feel-good movies.
"Hey [Y/n]!"
I turn full circle as one of my classmates with who I shared a couple of classes, ran up to me, almost knocking me over with how quickly he approached.
"My buddies and I were going to hang out, did you want to come with?"
I had seen his friends before, Kaido, Aren, and Saiki. Often Teruhashi and Yumehara would join them because it was apparent to me that at least Teruhashi had a crush on one of them. I had talked to all of them at one point, not for long because I didn't want to come off as weird for trying to befriend them anyway, but I had never talked to Saiki.
Saiki seemed pretty cool, even though I hadn't ever heard him say more than one or two words at a time, I felt like there was something about him, and with how his friends would always swarm around him, I probably wasn't wrong. Though anytime I tried to say hi or ask him about his day or even introduce myself, he was suddenly busy or in a conversation with Kaido or Nendou. I didn't mind though, he seemed busy enough.
"Sure Nendou! I didn't really have any plans." I said, grinning at him. Sure I'd have to push back my movie marathon but that could wait, I wouldn't mind.
Nendou lead me to where his friends were, talking the entire way about how there was some sort of event going on and how he had asked if I could come and all his friends were pretty excited about the idea.
"It was weird, Saiki didn't seemed to thrilled." Nendou shrugged, "Though my buddies not the most talkative person ever so I'm not worried about it."
"Well I'm sure we'll have a good time." I say as we exit school, and I see 4 out of the 5 of Nendou's friends, Saiki the only one not there. It was a little strange how he wasn't there but I was sure he probably was already making his way to the park.
On the walk there the five of them make small talk with me, and I tell them about the previous school I went to, and my pets, even showing them pictures of said furry animals. They were all pretty fun to be around and even gushed over my pets, not that they wouldn't.
 "There's a whole bunch of vendors and games in the main square." Aren said, as we finally made it into the park, "Though I swear Saiki would be here already."
We all look around quickly, but there was no Saiki.
"I'm sure he's probably in the square by now," Kaidou said, breaking the silence.
"I'll catch up with you guys, I'm going to run quickly to the restroom, there should be one around here somewhere." I muse to myself before I look around and spot the smaller building that I was sure would be the restroom. "I'll be right back!"
I quickly beelined my way to the building, humming under my breath as I got to the restroom, quickly running in to do my business.
After I was done, I opened the door outside and saw a flash of pink turn the corner, and my eyes widened, that was probably Saiki. I rush after whoever I saw and after a good minute of me playing catchup, they had stopped.
"Hey Saiki," I panted, catching my breath as I was not the best at running with my stupid binder on.
He turned, and for a second I thought he looked suprised to see me.
"Your friends are here by the way." I hum, finally standing back up, "They're pretty cool y'know, they were also looking for you earlier."
I swear I saw him roll his eyes and I had to hold back a snort, "I don't have to go, Nendou invited me but if it's going to make you not want to go I don't have to go."
Before he could reply, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around, face to face with the older man who had come into the restroom after me.
"You dropped this ma'am... You know there's also a woman's restroom here right? It was just around the corner from the men's room." The man pressed my phone into my hand which must have fallen out when I rushed after Saiki.
I took my phone back and dumbfoundedly watched as the man turned and left. Not only did I get misgendered when I felt like I had passed so well for once, and felt good to be outside, but it happened in front of Saiki who was already the last person I wanted anything weird to happen in front of.
"Nevermind," I sigh, slipping my phone into my back pocket as I turn around, my eyes on the ground, "Just tell them I had to run home."
"That dude's an asshole."
I looked up and saw Saiki's expression. It was the first actual expression I had seen from him, and he didn't look very happy about what just happened.
"It was my fault for going in there." I shrugged, "It's fine. I'll forget about it in a little bit."
"To pee? Not your fault at all." Saiki stared at me for a second. "Did you still want to go hang out with my friends? They're pretty good at cheering people up."
"Really? You'd come with?" I let out a little laugh as he stares at me, "What? I feel like I'm the last person you'd want to hang out with."
"No, that's not true." He says, "I'm not good at talking to people."
"I get that." I hum, "But I'm not either, did you want to go be bad at talking to people together? Aren said there's a bunch of different vendors and stuff, we can see if there's any good stuff. I just hope they got some sweet stuff."
He snorts at that, "Alright, let's go then, we don't want to keep them waiting."
"I can see what your friends seen in you now." I say as we start walking to the middle of the park. "Oh. That sounded weird, I promise I didn't mean it like that. I just meant you're comforting to be around."
"Thanks. You're not the first person to say that." He says, and I grin at him.
We continue the rest of the walk in peace, and I keep my eyes on the ground. I didn't really want to be here, but I didn't want to leave, as long as I got to be around Saiki, I was pretty sure I'd be fine.
"Thanks. For what you said back there."
He didn't respond, just nodded, and that felt good enough for me.
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cinset · 10 months
HELLO. Can I request some fauaki fluff if that's okay. Nothing specific just some fluffies :333 aaand Thank you!
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oh definitely :) sorry for the ridiculously long wait and the dissapointing word count. if you're wondering why the title has nothing to do with the fic it's because! well!
they/them for akira, not beta’d or proofread LMAO
word count: 850
Tea & Mirrors
Faust gently ushered a mug of tea into Akira’s hands before turning to the white, fluffy cat kneading happily at his bedsheets.
Lemongrass. With a hint of sweetness. Akira accepted it gratefully, feeling the warmth travel from the mug to their fingertips as a pleasant tingle.
The two of them were outside for some time as they tried to coerce this cat inside. Even with all of Faust’s patience and gentle words, it still took the better part of a half hour. Plus, they had encountered Bradley in the hallway and had gotten an earful about “potential allergens,” and “getting that thing out of here”. The cat, unsurprisingly, wasn't well- received in the manor.
“Goodness…” Faust mused. “Look at you, all content now that you’re inside. I have half a mind to believe you’re in fine condition after all.” He paused, watching as the cat resigned to licking its paws. “Spoiled.”
Akira chuckled at the scene, carefully setting his mug down on Faust’s desk and going to stand beside him near the bed, giving the animal a healthy amount of space.
“So it’s alright?” Akira asked. The cat meowed, surveying both Faust and Akira curiously as if it’d never seen the two of them before–as if it hadn’t been leading them in circles around the outskirts of the manor for ages, making sure to coat its fur with mud and leaves thoroughly.
“Seems like it. Other than the obvious,” Faust said with a sigh, taking his hat from his head and dusting it off before turning to Akira. “Sorry for dragging you into this unnecessarily.” Akira shook their head and dropped to their knees near Faust’s bed to offer the back of their hand to the cat, who sniffed it with disinterest. Faust put his hat back on.
“I don’t mind at all! I quite like cats. They remind me of home.” They reached a hand out to stroke its fur, watching how the cat followed their movements with wide, light blue eyes. They really did remind Akira of home. Late nights at work and the constant grind were reduced to nothing in the face of certain fluffiness.
“Ah– don’t dirty your hands even more. Let me go get a washcloth,” Faust gently reprimanded, turning to leave. The cat seemed to notice the intent, perking up and reaching its feet. Its eyes scanned Faust’s retreating form before leaping from the bed, using Akira’s shoulder as a launch pad. Its claws effortlessly ripped through the fabric of their shirt and into their skin as the cat grappled for traction, making Akira wince as they felt the sting. They grimaced, turning their head to inspect the scratch.
The cat mewed innocently as it landed, weaving between Faust’s legs and nearly tripping him. He clicked his tongue.
“Nothing but trouble with you…” Faust said in the cat’s direction, returning to Akira’s side in a few strides to inspect his shoulder. They pulled the neckline of their shirt down, lamenting more over the torn fabric than their injury. Then, they felt Faust’s chilled fingers brush their skin gently, taking over and holding the shirt. Akira pressed their arm against their side in an attempt to make his job easier–whatever job that was.
“It’s fine, just a scratch. I’ll just go wash it with soap and water,” Akira reassured, voice quiet and hesitant to break the silence. They shifted slightly under Faust’s attentive gaze.
“Satillquinart Mullcreed,” he whispered after a moment. Akira felt the familiar rush–
No, that’s not the word.
Faust’s magic was akin to a river, yes. But a river during the middle of summer when the mountains lacked snowmelt to feed it. Not raging, not entirely unforgiving, but not meandering either. Still plenty powerful. Akira felt it run through their veins and coax a sigh from their lungs, gently healing over the cut and taking their worries along with it. What a kind sort of magic, Akira thought.
“Ah… thank you, Faust,” Akira said, embracing the smile that tugged at their lips. Faust pulled his hat down just a touch.
“It was just a small scratch, as you said. Don’t mention it,” he said with an air finality that told Akira that he, quite literally, didn’t want them to mention it. With some effort, Akira smothered his smile for the sake of Faust’s Eastern nature. “I’d still go wash it if I were you. And find Chloe to mend your shirt,” Faust continued. Akira nodded in agreement.
“You’re right. I’ll leave the cat to you for a while, then. Seems like it’s made itself at home under your bed, for now,” they said, heading for the door. They heard Faust’s clothing shift behind them.
“That wasn’t me kicking you out, by the way. I wouldn’t mind an accomplice for escorting it back outside so I don’t get into too much trouble,” Faust managed. “The others listen to you more.”
“Yes, sure! I’ll be back in a moment.” Faust nodded, eyes following Akira, who was suppressing further words of thanks, out and into the hall.
Their tea steamed on the desk in wait.
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slvttyspider · 4 months
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# slvttyspider : an independent angel dust from the (rushed) series hazbin hotel! semi-selective, oc-friendly, multi's are cool! [ this blog is for grown ups ]
— art credit and avatar credit blogs contents: nsfw/18+, gore, dr*g use, ab*se, adultery, s*x, homosexuals, s*x work, ka-booms, the violence, bloodshed, yada yada etc whatever. i don't like kids following this blog either, so please —
thanks for reading, babe.
performed by ... moni / call me anythin' you want - 25 - pt
notice: I lead a busy life with work etc and tend to vanish for a few days because of it. please be patient with my timing or lack thereof, I promise you it has nothing to do with me not being interested in you. please remember, this is a hobby. have fun. :’)
☆ independent and selective ☆ multi-verse, maybe even a little canon divergent. don't mind dabbling in headcanons ☆ i love OC's. i'll ship with them, i'll love them as if they're my own, i'll write with them, hand 'em over. ☆ multi-muses are cool! i'm sorry if i gravitate to the muses angel's already familiar with, it sounds silly but i don't wanna neglect other muses yk? ☆ practice common rp etiquette. as in respect rules, please don't reblog an ask to continue a thread. you don't need to ask to reblog regular posts from me, that's bananas. just go for it. ☆ 18+ nsfw nsfw nsfw 18+ ☆ do not steal anything 
☆ I am not fast.☆ i do not ship val & angel. thought it'd be obvious but i'll make it so i'm Crystal. i'll write with valentino's but it's not a ship at all imo. there's history there, yeah. but angel doesn't like him. i don't like him :knife: (the val writers are aight lmao). ☆ do not assume my speed or lack thereof means I am not interested. ☆ some threads may be dropped quietly, apologies in advance ☆ plotting is welcome. although, I enjoy pre-established relationships. ☆ random starters are acceptable, this includes asks. ☆ former rule goes in hand with: do not roleplay via my inbox. start a new post! ☆ I do not practice reblog karma but I will respect your practice. don't feel like you need to ask. i appreciate the respect but it's totally okay, promise. ☆ DMs are always open especially for shouting purposes. if you just wanna jump in and talk to Angel, I suggest complimenting his looks. it earns some good points.
… i *tentatively* returned to rping angel (and kind of in general). so. no disrespect. behave yourself. tag things accordingly. don’t be ugly. i deal with enough at work lol. uhh i think that’s it for now. just be nice. i know drama is a hot topic in some places, i don't really care. curate your spaces respectfully. please just be cool! thank you x
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goofyahhcats · 11 months
That was nice - Chris Redfield
(I wrote this in like 20 mins hoping and praying my roommate wouldn't see beat my ass lmao)
Warnings: Smut, lol
Pairing: STARS! Chris x Reader
A03 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49019275
The stars are ablaze above the two of you as you chase after Chris in a teasing game of tag. He had just returned from a grueling stakeout at the RPD. Drug crime, he supposed, although they never caught the thief in question. He had relayed this information to you over the phone as soon as he was able to retrieve it from under Wesker’s gaze. Immediately hopping in his car and practically speeding back to your small but welcoming home. He didn’t even make it to the door, as you ran up behind him and tossed your arms around his broad shoulders, burying your face in between his shoulder blades. You hummed, gently running your fingers up and over his chest. He had laughed, ticklish, and had turned you around, Pressing a quick kiss to your lips. When you tried to reciprocate, however; he had already pulled away.
“If you want me, you gotta come get me!” he had giggled, turning and making a break for the front porch. You, of course, had sprinted after him. His long stride and conditioned body made it quick work for him, reaching the door before you even had gotten halfway there.
“Wow, real fair!” you shouted at his back, flipping him the bird and laughing as he feigned shock.
“What?! I’m always fair!” his shoulders shook with laughter.
“You’re such a liar,” you said, “Your biceps are literally bigger than my head! I can’t compete!” you lay a hand over your face in teasing defeat, knowing the sight would rile him up.
“Oh! Well if we’re talking bigger than your head, I know something else we could discuss…” Chris, ever the tease. Your face heated up at the thought, Squealing in delight as he briskly walked towards you and wrapped his arms around you. He spins the two of you around, rocking back and forth slightly when you come to a stop.
“Hey baby,” Chris chuckles, holding you still with solid arms tight around your waist.
“Hi…” You breathlessly respond, dropping your head to his chest to snicker.
“..What?” he teasingly asks, taking your chin between his fingers and lifting, pulling you face to face and all too close together. You meet his deep brown gaze with your own and sigh contentedly. Reaching up and brushing a few stray hairs away from his eyes.
“I like you,” you said, cupping his cheek with your right hand and tracing lines along his jaw.
Chris smirks, “What? I had no idea..” He pulls away, taking your hand and leading you to the front porch of his secluded home. He lets go of your hand and leans on the balcony, looking out over the forested landscapes of the Arklay Mountains.
“‘S beautiful out tonight,” he muses, running his fingertips over the grooves in the railing. You take a moment to stare at his relaxed form. White shirt, blue jeans. A classic look, really. His hair which was once slicked back from a morning eons ago was now tousled and sticking up in odd places. Cute. His face, clean shaven. Although you are beginning to see bits of his facial hair returning to him. His complexion is tan and youthful, brown eyes stare off into space as his well-defined shoulders and arms relax under your gaze. He turns to you. “See something you like?” he murmurs, holding out an arm that you happily lean into, his hand coming to rest on your waist. “Shut up.” He smiles at that, rubbing your side affectionately. Sneaking a glance at your own form, he eventually replies, “Well I definitely see something I like… She’s a real looker.” You smirk, punching him gently in the side. “Ow! What did I do?!” You smile and shove him playfully. He catches himself on the railing and looks back at you with a look. That look.
“Oh, you’re so in for it now!” He charges at you with a wicked grin on his lips. You squeal and burst through the front door. Happy with your small victory, you turn around to gloat but find yourself suddenly entangled in his arms. Falling backward on the couch, you catch him in a heated kiss. His tongue prods at your lips, and you let him in. Rewarding you with a groan from Chris as he runs his hands all over your body, lips catching the side of your neck as you gasp for air.
“God damn… You.. know how good you look right now?” Chris groans between kisses, running his hands between your legs, touching, prodding, and smiling at the wetness he finds. You whimper, pulling at his shirt until he releases his lips from your neck and tosses his shirt off, making quick work of yours too. He stares at your bare chest with a goofy smile, before moving to undo your pants. They find a quick home on the floor along with his own, boxers and panties included. Your naked forms press against one another, grinding and warm. You reach down to palm him, feeling his hardness against your fingertips. Chris hisses at the contact, looking down to watch as you stroke him. After a while, he can’t seem to hold it together any longer, reaching over to roll on a condom and pressing himself into you. Both of you cry out, and you crash your lips against his as he begins to thrust. You look into his eyes as he reaches down to rub your neglected clit.
“Please, baby… I’m not sure if I’m gonna last,” he practically whines, screwing his eyes shut in an attempt to keep himself together. Your hands scratch along his back as you feel your climax growing and growing, until it finally breaks, crashing over you violently as you draw out his name. You grip his shoulders tightly and he opens his eyes. Your expression alone brings him over the edge. He pants and groans in the aftershocks of what he just did. You gently pull him against you and caress his hair gently.
“That was nice”
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xinhar · 5 months
Kiss me? Kiss you? [2]
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What; Part two of Oni version on who'll initiate a kiss first. Is it you? Is it him?
Warnings: minor spoilers in everyone's part but we all read the manga so....
Featuring; Rokuro Kiriyama, Ikari Yaoroshi, Jyuji Yusurube.
Masterlist | Momo | prev | next
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♯ Rokuro Kiriyama
TOO scared to initiate because-
he's a man. Just kidding, he's not ready for that yet. He gets bitches when he's not interested LMAO But it's a ShAMe So He becomes⁉️🗣️🙌✨ 🆒 instead. You're not laying a finger 2.0 but make it HARDER.
"NO!!" Rokuro hissed rather harshly as he broke a million of sweats when he hears you voiced something out. He usually is the type of a timid person; he still is. Asking him if he'll give you a peck on a lip, he immediately cowered and shook head violently.
"but WHY?" You raised a brow at his antics as you sighed when you saw him hid somewhere. Already giving up on this conversation - you mused. "Alright. You don't have to, I don't have to."
"I'll just kiss Shiki instead." With that, for where knows what, he turns into other version of himself. Pushing you hard on the wall as you raised a brow.
"Fine. I'll kiss you, just because it's not cool to see you around others." He taunted and crashed his lip to yours.
♯ Ikari Yaoroshi
NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. He doesn't want to. He's not EVEN 20 yet??? According to his old 💀 pal. Lol. But who IS HE to deny YOU??? OKAY. He'll do it? No. You?? No, him. NAH. BOTH.😇 (Depends on the mood.)
You and Ikari had an argument- probably because he's NOT stubborn and prideful to thr point that he keeps avoiding you and being harsh without any reason. You had confronted him though, but as usual, he's very defensive to the point that he said something that pushed your buttons.
Slamming a door on his crestfallen face is the most unsatisfying (satisfying) thing that you had ever seen on his face. You are just concerned for his well being and told him you're there for him- but no. And supposedly, you'll let him be, but after being thrown a word that went straight to your gut? You're so done.
Though, you felt sorry for being rude; he was the first one to approach first. Knocking several times as he slowly opened the door- you raised a brow and focused your eyes somewhere, a little bit feeling bad and annoyed.
"I'm sorry." He stuttered as he come near you. "I should've just talked about it calmly but-" He tries to explain his part and sigh at his mistakes. Slowly pouting as you scoff, you rolled your eyes to glare at him.
"Shut up. You're always like that!" You taunted as you huffed, adverting your eyes somewhere. "I'm sorry too, okay."
Without a warning, a hand grabs both your cheek as Ikari made you look at him. Meeting his grin, he chuckled. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again, really."
Pouting at him, you immediately grab his collar of shirt and crash your lips to him- so is he, pulling you close to his face with force- I guess it is not that bad, afterall.
♯ Jyuji Yusurube
Bitch is probably WAITING for decades. Fuck it when you asked him OUT IF ALL PEOPLE, IT HAS TO BE HIM??? LUCKYY, you're an s/o sonotsurprising💀. (dumbass is more delulu than me but he'll get that right) He will be FIRST TO INITIATE. Ofc🧑‍🦼. What do you expect from this bitch???🙄
He's handsome but sometimes it gets too much. Jyuji and you are a couple- atleast what he LIKES to think. Always giving you those glances that you cringed. However, I don't know what kind of manifestation he just used for him to have you just like that.
He was beyond happy though, that he can finally call you his- he's happy because he doesn't need to be jealous of his never ending single life. He is a caring partner, you won't deny that, although his jokes are a bit too far sometimes- he can set that aside if he's serious.
He was the first to initiate everything, having a thick face and all- thicker than his glasses. This what leads to both of you now, him leaning impossibly closer to you as you held him in his place. Giving him a warning look as he grins.
"What are you trying to imply here." You're not dumb, you know what he wants, and you are low-key teasing him for what he is trying to pull out- he pouted. "Come on. Let's have our kiss! I promise that it'll feel good." He persuaded as you chuckled at his behavior.
"Whatever you say. Just once and then done."
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sigridhawke · 11 months
🌹🌾🌺🌼💫 tell me more about those crimson ocs!
Since you mentioned ‘those OCs’ lmao I will answer these with the group shared last night which was Rune, Odin, Thane, and Felix! This is also going to get really long so I’ll do the first question then the rest under the cut.
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Rune feels most at home in his actual village home. He’s traveled the world before, didn’t really like it. At home he can sit on the edges of the village or in the mountain ranges leading up to it catching travelers as they come by an intentionally make their lives worse through riddles just cause he can. It’s what sparks joy for him and somehow hasn’t landed him on the side of misfortune yet. Home is the place where he can be himself without consequence.
Odin was originally from across the seas before the cataclysms, home ended up becoming the place he built and the culture he crafted. He was the initiator of dragons making an ancient pact with nagas which lead to all dragons having essentially an ‘assigned naga.’ So being in his element makes him feel most at home/most useful. After he lost his soul whoever, things got a little complicated, but he did get it back and the man who initially planned to fight him to the death ended up saving him/he fell in love with him. While their relationship is complex, home is his territory/lair, Vespera, and his partner Thane.
Home is a place Thane has to relearn/rediscover ever 30 years. He has the misfortune of being caught in a timeloop as a consequence of the magic used to retrieve Odin’s soul. No matter how long of those 30 years it takes tho, home (9 times out of 10) ends up being where Odin is.
Home is and always will be Lunaria Kingdom and wherever his dear older sister is.  Born and raised in the kingdom, no matter how far he goes, Lunaria will always be home.
Rest of the questions under the cut!
[Send me Soft OC Asks] [Crimson Tag]
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
These will be memes I will not apologise haha.
He’s an insufferable bastard. But he’s my insufferable bastard (affectionate)
No matter how many times I forget, no matter how much it pains him, he is always so patient and ready to accept whatever I make of our relationship, be it romantic or not. (Thane)
I love a man who can kick my ass (lmfao)
(Imagine how one would fondly describe their favourite fire emblem character, probably something like that)
🌺What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Not much scares Rune, he’s one of those idiots that would probably put his hand on a stove element out of curiosity and go ‘damn that was a bad idea.’ He does not fear dying for the foxfolk can’t die by normal means. If however he met the old god that broke out of his village’s mountain, then he would probably feel very vulnerable wondering if he might actually die.
Odin, like all dragons, does not dream. Not because he can’t but because the dreamscape is a no go zone for dragons who don’t want to lose their soul to the god that roams there. His fear often extends to Thane and his people and their safety. He’s very adamant on trying to talk problems out to avoid escalation.  Perhaps his biggest fear is that the curse attached to himself and Thane cannot be broken, or what will happen to Thane if the curse is broken seeing as Thane is only human.
When scared he will feek comfort in Muse (talking to the creature and/or hugging/patting it like one would a beloved pet) or hide away in Odin’s library. He has been keeping journals of his past ‘lives/cycles’ and if something terrifies him, his first point is often to look for comfort/answers in his past or seek out Odin.
When scared Felix will seek out his sister. It’s not a common occurrence but in those moments he has doubts or fear, nothing is more reassuring to him than her words (and her baking). He’s also partial to sitting on rooftops and looking at the stars and moons to try and clear his mind.
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
Rune’s friends are anyone he decides is his friend in the moment, but also all the young fox spirits who appreciate his chaotic tendencies. He has not partner and no intention to find one, he is just out to live his best life until the Queen tells him to stop. For all his chaos he has a lot of respect for his village.
Odin and Thane have an enemies to friends to lovers but stuck in a timeloop vibe going for them. Friends tho, Odin doesn’t have too many as he tends to outlive them all and so keeps many at arms length. He does come to treasure his time with Princess Natasha of Lunaria after learning she has magic that did not exist in his time/when the curse began and in later story to he has greater appreciation for her and makes an effort to travel across the sea to see her.
Thane’s friend group changes every cycle, while he’s a little more reserved he’s also open to interaction and his circumstances are pretty widely known throughout the kingdom even if there is rumours and misconceptions on what actually happens. A constant in every cycles is Odin and his summon Muse who has not returned to the dreamscape ever since the curse began. There is a familiarity that always brings him back.
Most of Felix’s friends are other members of the guard, while he’s captain there are two other guards Phyllis and Sawne, who have all climbed the ranks around the same time as himself. He has a soft place in his heart for Princess Natasha too as he was often employed to help find the Princess when she wanted to play games or avoid her studies. He sees her in part as a little sister.
💫 What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
The horns are fake and he wears them just cause they look cool lmao. In his original story they were real and moving him over to this story it just felt wrong to take they away so now he’s just one of the foxfolk who wears a horn headband cause he can lmao. He’s an earth spirit/elemental but he acts like he’s an elemental of the stars and that’s also fun since he’s embodying the ‘I will cause chos on purpose’ vibe.
He was originally designed by my beloved friend as part of a ‘create the most catering OC for your friend’ challenge and I absolutely fell in love with him. As such he holds a very fond place in my heart.
When I decided he was going to be a summoner I had the big brain idea to make his main/only summon my art muse and honestly that was the best idea ever because I love my muse so much and it’s fun to actually have the big cat in a story.
 He is a very old OC so I have a soft spot for him. He’s been through three or four iterations? Stories I never ended up finishing but throughout them all he’s always had the one arm, idk why I had that design choice initially but I really love that about him. Him how being captain of the guard and a reoccurring character in the story there is a strange sense of pride I think? Highschool me had him so emo looking and now he’s living his best life and I love that for him.
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