#akira masaki
zzzenmui · 25 days
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AlterEgo’s Osanana & Innen
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Sir Sages… Let’s stop gambling for a second…
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criaturamonocromatica · 2 months
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….i've read shino's affection story this week
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agirlattea · 25 days
The True Meaning of Iron in the Blood of the Fallen: 
Part 3: 
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(Location: Central Kingdom, Magic Manor, Common Room, Night Time)
Faust: So you’re already familiar with it, Sage. Shino also seems to have done a great job preparing. 
At that time, the Valcy had spread its roots underneath the entire city, and was on the verge of annihilating it. 
The person who stopped that was the Bernard Family’s head. 
Mitile: Then, was he a wizard? 
Shino: No, he was a human. 
Mitile and Akira: What?! 
Akira: Is it possible for humans to hunt monsters…? 
Shino: Who knows. But that’s what the book says, anyways. 
Arthur: The history books I have studied say the same. 
I’d thought perhaps he had aquired the help of a Wizard or used some other means to gain an advantage, but there are no records of such events. 
Faust: Not all history is recorded accurately: especially during times of chaos. 
Humans cannot wield magic. Even if they chant words that appeal to the spirits, they will not respond. 
In the end those words are just spells. Facing fierce magical beasts alone is beyond human capacity. 
Akira: I see… has the story changed over time, then? 
Shino: It’s a pretty common legend anyways. Actually it looks like he didn’t actually defeat the beast, just sealed it away. 
This is what they used to cast it.
Shino traced the pages of the book in his hands. 
In the page, there was a picture of a large object shaped like spread wings on a single solemn alter. 
Mitile: is this where the Valcy is sealed?
Shino: Yeah. This is “The Medal of Sincerity”. The jewel in the middle is where the Vlacy is sealed. 
It has a complicated structure with several layers of barriers and seals to stop it from breaking. 
Apparently the duty of gaurding it has been passed down through generations of Bernard Family Heads. 
Shino spoke quietly, like a child talking about their heroes. 
He looked up at Faust, still standing behind him, with eyes full of anticipation. 
Shino: Hey, Faust. If I ask that guy, do you think I can see the real thing? 
Faust: That guy…? You mean the boy you caught earlier? 
Mitile: The person who stole Murr’s wallet…? 
I wouldn’t go out of my way to meet someone who does bad things like that. 
Shino: I don’t think so. 
Mitile: Why?
Shino: In order to survive, there are times when you can’t keep pretending. I was the same way. 
Mitile was stunned speechless. 
Shino’s back was straight and his eyes were clear. The pride of having survived all alone was reflected in his stance. 
Shino: My dirty past won’t ever change, but I’m not the same person I was back then. 
I want to see how impressive the medals handed down through the Bernard family are. 
Someday, I want one that’s even cooler than all of them. 
Mitile: Shino, I… 
Shino: If you’re going to apologize, I won’t listen. You and I just have different ways of living. 
Though his words sounded like they were pushing others away, they were clear, as if he was making a joke. 
The air surrounding the two boys relaxed. The image of a boy in torn clothes standing among them came to mind. 
Akira and Arthur: About that boy… ah. 
Akira: I apologize for speaking over you. You were going to say something?
Arthur: Yes… he seemed quite concerned about the incidents in that city. 
Faust: The serial attacks? Didn’t he mention that several incidents happened in quick succession? 
Arthur: Yes. Somehow though… from the way he spoke, I think he might know something more about those incidents. 
Shino: …? Does that mean he’s involved? 
Arthur: It is not that I wish to doubt him, but he was the one who warned us not to stay in the city for fear of more casualties. 
As a member of an esteemed family, it is possible he said this out of concern for the public good, but… as the victim in the situation, his phrasing struck me as odd. 
Akira: That’s right… 
Mitile: …In the first place, why is someone like him living like that? 
If he was born to a family like that, shouldn’t he have a mansion and be admired by everyone…? 
Shylock: It isn’t particularly uncommon for noble families to fall. 
Just as there is no flower that does not wither, so too does glory never last. 
Murr: Shylock is eloquent as always! 
Akira: Shylock! And Murr too. 
Shino: You guys sure like appearing out of nowhere. 
Shylock: Fufu, I enjoy spending my time as I please. 
Rather, it seems this is the perfect place to enjoy dessert after dinner. 
Would you like some tea to go along with your sweets? 
Murr: I want a drink! I’ve been upside down for so long I’m starting to get thirsty! 
Shylock: have you tried turning around and pointing your head towards the ceiling? It’s likely because of the blood rushing to your head. 
And Murr, you are the one offering the tea. We came here to apologize for the commotion the other day. 
Murr: That’s right! Let’s have fun giving it out and have fun drinking it too! 
Murr waved his finger and the tea poured out into several cups. 
Faust: You’re not just here to apologize, Shylock. You were worried about the boy too, weren’t you? 
Shylock: My, perceptive aren’t you? 
The Bennet family is one family whose status slowly declined but… in that boy’s case, it seems something more dramatic has occurred. 
When Shylock raised his hand up, a delicate, colorful plate appeared. 
On top of it, colorful sablés appeared, overlapping with one another. He placed it on the table and sat down on the sofa. 
Shylock: When life changes, people usually adjust in stages. 
But… that boy didn’t seem used to his lifestyle at all. 
People rarely lose everything overnight. 
Murr: Also, we heard your story! The monster House Bernard sealed was the Valcy, right? 
That’s an extremely high-level monster, you know. You’d need a ton of spirit* to fight off something like that! 
Shino: Spirit? 
Faust: The key is a strong will. You’ll need it in most situations.
Arthur and Mitile: Spirit…
Akira: Wow, it suddenly became a matter of willpower. 
Faust: It makes sense. If one firmly believes that they are a servant of justice who must not give in to evil… 
By utilizing the correct strategies and affirming his will, he manipulated both his body and his mind to confront and overcome the Valcy. 
Shino: Cool. Faust, say that one more time, I wanna try too. 
Faust: You never listen seriously. I’m serious: if you fall prey to a Valcy without the right convictions, you’ll lose both your mind and your body. 
When that happens, you’ll become a blood-feeding monster, just like it. 
Akira: Ah…
My voice raises in horror at his words.
Murr, who was lounging in the air beside me, raised his index finger, and poked my temple. 
Murr: Valcy are famous for luring humans out with sweet scents and mysterious sounds before pouncing and sucking their blood. 
When that happens, the Valcy’s poison enters the body and the human is overcome with the urge to drink blood. 
Akira: People… drink other’s blood? 
Murr: Yep! It’s only a matter of time before the  extremely abnormal drives the victim mad. 
When that happens, the Valcy calls the victim back to its cocoon and sucks all their blood. That’s how it grows. 
Mitile: It keeps getting creepier and creepier… 
Shino: What a freaky story, it must’ve been some monster. 
Arthur: Even if it is a magical beast, the idea of attacking people and changing their very being… 
Akira: (To have your blood feasted on and even be cursed to become just like the monster that attacked you… the Valcy really are like the legendary Vampires of my world…) 
Shylock: After securing some history books, it became clear that is exactly the reason why the achievements of the Bernard Family’s former head are so glorious. 
For a legendary creature like the Valcy… to remain sealed to this day is no small feat. 
Murr: But no sealing technique can last forever. Maybe the secret passed down through the family heads is the key to maintaining it? 
Shino: A secret technique… like what? 
Murr: I dunno! But there are a lot of weird things about that town: The Valcy, the street attacks, and the wallet got fuller too! 
Everyone: …What?
Murr: When I got my wallet back from the boy, there was a little more inside! 
I wonder if his funds got mixed with mine when it dropped on the road? 
Akira: That’s terrible… we should go find him and give it back. 
Shylock: This must be causing him some trouble. 
Shino: That’s fine with me, I wanted to go back and get lemon pie anyways. 
Let’s ask him to show us his medals too, if you’re curious maybe you can even check on the seal while where there.
Arthur: I’d also like to accompany everyone. 
I’d love to hear more about him of course, but I’d also like to ask about the incidents. 
Murr: Yay~! We’re all going out again! 
Mitile: U-um… is it alright if I go too? 
Shino: Why? Do you also want lemon pie? 
Mitile: Well, there’s that too but… if his situation is like everyone says it is, like Shino’s was, then he may not be such a bad person right? 
I judged him too fast without knowing anything, but… if there’s something I can do to help him, then I’d like to do that! 
Shino: …Is that so? Then you come too. 
Mitile: Thank you! 
Arthur: Master Sage, I look forward to working with you! 
Akira: I am as well! It’s better to go as soon as we can so… 
Faust: Wait. 
Shino: What? 
Faust: If you’re planning on visiting that town and the boy’s mansion, you’ll need to prepare. 
Can you give me some time? 
Translator’s note: 
*気概 translates to will or fighting spirit, not to be confused with the magical spirits that allow wizards to cast magic. 
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pengumi12 · 1 month
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Something I drew up for Bungeki 7 cast announcement lmao
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cinset · 9 months
HELLO. Can I request some fauaki fluff if that's okay. Nothing specific just some fluffies :333 aaand Thank you!
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oh definitely :) sorry for the ridiculously long wait and the dissapointing word count. if you're wondering why the title has nothing to do with the fic it's because! well!
they/them for akira, not beta’d or proofread LMAO
word count: 850
Tea & Mirrors
Faust gently ushered a mug of tea into Akira’s hands before turning to the white, fluffy cat kneading happily at his bedsheets.
Lemongrass. With a hint of sweetness. Akira accepted it gratefully, feeling the warmth travel from the mug to their fingertips as a pleasant tingle.
The two of them were outside for some time as they tried to coerce this cat inside. Even with all of Faust’s patience and gentle words, it still took the better part of a half hour. Plus, they had encountered Bradley in the hallway and had gotten an earful about “potential allergens,” and “getting that thing out of here”. The cat, unsurprisingly, wasn't well- received in the manor.
“Goodness…” Faust mused. “Look at you, all content now that you’re inside. I have half a mind to believe you’re in fine condition after all.” He paused, watching as the cat resigned to licking its paws. “Spoiled.”
Akira chuckled at the scene, carefully setting his mug down on Faust’s desk and going to stand beside him near the bed, giving the animal a healthy amount of space.
“So it’s alright?” Akira asked. The cat meowed, surveying both Faust and Akira curiously as if it’d never seen the two of them before–as if it hadn’t been leading them in circles around the outskirts of the manor for ages, making sure to coat its fur with mud and leaves thoroughly.
“Seems like it. Other than the obvious,” Faust said with a sigh, taking his hat from his head and dusting it off before turning to Akira. “Sorry for dragging you into this unnecessarily.” Akira shook their head and dropped to their knees near Faust’s bed to offer the back of their hand to the cat, who sniffed it with disinterest. Faust put his hat back on.
“I don’t mind at all! I quite like cats. They remind me of home.” They reached a hand out to stroke its fur, watching how the cat followed their movements with wide, light blue eyes. They really did remind Akira of home. Late nights at work and the constant grind were reduced to nothing in the face of certain fluffiness.
“Ah– don’t dirty your hands even more. Let me go get a washcloth,” Faust gently reprimanded, turning to leave. The cat seemed to notice the intent, perking up and reaching its feet. Its eyes scanned Faust’s retreating form before leaping from the bed, using Akira’s shoulder as a launch pad. Its claws effortlessly ripped through the fabric of their shirt and into their skin as the cat grappled for traction, making Akira wince as they felt the sting. They grimaced, turning their head to inspect the scratch.
The cat mewed innocently as it landed, weaving between Faust’s legs and nearly tripping him. He clicked his tongue.
“Nothing but trouble with you…” Faust said in the cat’s direction, returning to Akira’s side in a few strides to inspect his shoulder. They pulled the neckline of their shirt down, lamenting more over the torn fabric than their injury. Then, they felt Faust’s chilled fingers brush their skin gently, taking over and holding the shirt. Akira pressed their arm against their side in an attempt to make his job easier–whatever job that was.
“It’s fine, just a scratch. I’ll just go wash it with soap and water,” Akira reassured, voice quiet and hesitant to break the silence. They shifted slightly under Faust’s attentive gaze.
“Satillquinart Mullcreed,” he whispered after a moment. Akira felt the familiar rush–
No, that’s not the word.
Faust’s magic was akin to a river, yes. But a river during the middle of summer when the mountains lacked snowmelt to feed it. Not raging, not entirely unforgiving, but not meandering either. Still plenty powerful. Akira felt it run through their veins and coax a sigh from their lungs, gently healing over the cut and taking their worries along with it. What a kind sort of magic, Akira thought.
“Ah… thank you, Faust,” Akira said, embracing the smile that tugged at their lips. Faust pulled his hat down just a touch.
“It was just a small scratch, as you said. Don’t mention it,” he said with an air finality that told Akira that he, quite literally, didn’t want them to mention it. With some effort, Akira smothered his smile for the sake of Faust’s Eastern nature. “I’d still go wash it if I were you. And find Chloe to mend your shirt,” Faust continued. Akira nodded in agreement.
“You’re right. I’ll leave the cat to you for a while, then. Seems like it’s made itself at home under your bed, for now,” they said, heading for the door. They heard Faust’s clothing shift behind them.
“That wasn’t me kicking you out, by the way. I wouldn’t mind an accomplice for escorting it back outside so I don’t get into too much trouble,” Faust managed. “The others listen to you more.”
“Yes, sure! I’ll be back in a moment.” Faust nodded, eyes following Akira, who was suppressing further words of thanks, out and into the hall.
Their tea steamed on the desk in wait.
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mithra-del-nord · 3 months
"Ah, Mithra, wait, hold on!" and so they come to a stop in front of him, a rather weak defense knowing how easily he could push them aside, but Mitile and Rutile were still decorating the birthday cake in the kitchen...! They couldn't let him see it just yet. "Um, haha, hello... It's a lovely day today, don't you think?" the words are awkward as Akira tries to think of an excuse to delay him, after all, they've never really had to do something like this before back in their world. "Say, why don't we go outside for a bit? It'd be a shame to not enjoy this weather. ...Please?"
Is there a good reason why I should give up my meal? I don't think so: I'm hungry now, and therefore I want to eat. It would make sense. If it weren't that, who knows why, a not very distant memory mirrors itself in my irises: an almost embarrassed and a little reflective Akira, who foresees, or, perhaps, only admits the possibility of a return to his unknown world. I look at the Sage from my height, before stopping with a blink of an eye the faded race of that past from my brain to the retina.
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"𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉. 𝐼𝒻 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑒𝓁𝓈𝑒, 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓁𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝒞𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝓇𝓎'𝓈 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑒𝓈𝒸𝑜𝓇𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒾𝓏𝒶𝓇𝒹".
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macy-starmoon · 7 months
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did not play promise of wizard seriously but realised how the two MCs treated in other media
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amorret · 1 year
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Whether I’m a man who will hurt you, or a man sweeter than honey. Whether I’m poison or medicine... You’ll find out when you take my hand.
Quote translated by Healingbonds
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Mahoyaku Translation: Lennox R [Beginning of a Heated Battle] Card Episode
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His Reason for Sleeping Early
Akira: What’s the best fried food in the whole damn world? ♪ Chicken, chicken, fried chicken~♪ 
Lennox: Good evening, Master Sage.
Akira: Lennox! …Did you hear all that?
Lennox: Yeah. It sounded like a fun song. Are you having fried chicken for dinner tonight?
Akira: Ahaha. It’s not like that, I was hungry and ended up singing about food… I’m heading to the dining hall, would you like to come with me?
Lennox: Sorry. I was thinking of going back to my room to rest.
Akira: Oh, isn’t it still quite early? Are you not feeling well?
Lennox: No… I haven’t slept for a few days. I’ve been looking after a sheep that’s been ill for the past few days. I figured I should sleep while I can now that he's feeling better.
Akira: I see… I’m glad the sheep’s recovering, but I’m sure you must be really tired from pulling all-nighters.
Lennox: Haha, it’s not a problem for me. I’m used to being on night watch.
Akira: (That’s a former soldier for you, he’s tough… But it must’ve been hard to stay up all night and worry.) Get lots of rest tonight. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.
Lennox: Thank you. …By the way, Master Sage. I’ll be waking up at the usual time tomorrow, so would you like to join me for breakfast? 
Akira: Yes, I’d love to!
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projectthauma · 1 year
hi hi this is mango requesting an akira from mahoyaku pspspspspspsps come here
hi, mango! we do need a master sage don't we
Project THAUMA is an 18+ MFRP based on Discord, mixing sci-fi and fantasy. Enter Panagea and explore its most dangerous places, untangle the mess you’ve been brought into, or just settle down & enjoy your stay under a fractured sky.
Reserves are currently open to new members!
premise ✧ rules ✧ masterlist
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zzzenmui · 5 months
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nonotranslates · 6 months
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Owen Birthday 2023 4koma Translation (A Handmade Return Gift)
feat. Shylock and another rare Akira hand!
aka mr competitive once again attempts to bring joy to master sage by terrorising them as thanks
Thanks @amorest-viesse for the raws!
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agirlattea · 2 months
Mahoyaku 3rd Anniversary: Sincerely, A Rainbow of Stories For You (12/30)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
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criaturamonocromatica · 6 months
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it's been one month since I started mahoyaku 💫
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maripe7017 · 3 days
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Congrats on the anime queen!!! 🥹💕
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