#for best experience with the playlist listen on shuffle
cozy-phantom · 1 year
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random headcanons from my discord, i made the playlist real but the songs stated are not the vibe of the playlist i just thought it would be funny because of his attitude towards emos
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I find that the perfect writing playlist can GREATLY enhance the writing experience. Even if it doesn't make your writing "better" (which it can, since it helps writers with visualization, tone, and mood), it can definitely make your writing flow easier!
Personally, words distract me when I'm writing, either by breaking my train of thought or by getting me too into the music so that I'm jamming out to my favorite tunes instead of writing.
Therefore, I've amassed a vast knowledge of instrumental music across a variety of media over a course of many years. Now here I am, deciding to share all of them with you!
Maddy’s Favorite Instrumental Songs
Just like the title says. All of the best pieces of instrumental music I've ever heard, compiled together with no regard for genre. It can be a bit of a whiplash playlist, but some amazing recs in there that I just like listening to in my free time, not just for writing.
Maddy’s Ultimate Instrumental Playlist
A mega compilation of 550+ fantastic instrumental music from a variety of media and genres. Kind of a whiplash playlist if you put it on shuffle, but is a great start for anyone looking to find what kind of instrumental music they like! Playlist Groupings in Order: Independent instrumental songs, live action movies, animated movies, animated tv shows, live action tv shows, video games.
Maddy's Instrumental for Sleep
Some more chill vibe instrumental for people who either A) want to sleep or B) want a relaxed playlist that won't distract you with loud volume and sudden changes in tempo or melody.
you're a haggard adventurer discovering worlds beyond your wildest dreams
Music to inspire wonder and wanderlust, the kind of feeling you get when you finally reach the end of a mountain hike and see the world stretching out before you.
you're a hero who's just lost everything
Basically the most sad instrumental music I could find. A playlist for grief and revenge.
more beneath the cut :)
you're a cowboy in the great American West
Cowboy instrumental for all of your ambient and writing needs. Or if you just really want to feel like a cowboy.
you're a divine witness
Epic choir music (no English). Most religious, some not, but all kind of have that eerie sacred vibe. I listen to this while writing my book about angels and demons.
you’re a scholar uncovering the secrets of the universe
Great chill study playlist! Has the kind of same exploratory/discovery type feel as the haggard adventurer playlist, but more dark academia.
you’re a villain plotting to take over the world
Villain-coded instrumental! Sinister, dark, and/or unsettling.
you're an academic weapon
HIGH BPM STUDY PLAYLIST! Keeps me focused, hyped, and helps me work faster!
you're an ancient god
Playlist that gives an ancient/eerie vibe. But some ancient gods are merciful- so there are some upbeat songs for wonder and awe!
you're falling in love
Music that encapsulates what I think falling in love feels like. Very beautiful, tender, and uplifting instrumental.
you're fighting the final battle
Intense and epic battle music for all of your fight-scene-writing needs! Good for getting shit done, but isn't necessarily restricted to high BPM like the academic weapon playlist.
you're having a tea party
Refined instrumental for a tea party, including classical, big band, and some miscellaneous goodies.
you're in a chase scene
Music for writing chase scenes. Pretty good hype music, too. Includes soundtracks from classic chase scenes in popular media!
you're in the medieval times
Medieval-sounding music for all of your ambient and/or writing needs.
you’re in your childhood room. the door is open a crack. people talk softly downstairs.
A playlist dedicated to nostalgia, to the feeling of lying in bed with your nightlight on after being too tired to stay awake at your family get-together. Could either make your day or break your heart lmao
you're the happiest you've ever been
Lighthearted instrumental meant to lift your spirits! A playlist dedicated to the joys of the little things.
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writingmochi · 3 months
! "10 on repeat shuffles" tag game !
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
tagged by: no one but started by @galaxycunt when i saw the post on my dashboard. thank u hellsite algorithm~
will include a little excerpt of explanation on why it could be in my on-repeat playlist + not include an artist repeat
obstacles - syd matters (last song from the sub homesick alien playlist + notable time wave vibe songs cause it is also in the life is strange game)
tinnitus - txt (part of my audiophiles' eargasm playlist where i wanna hear a godly-produced song with my best headphones)
duvet - boa (i think it has been in my on repeat since 2021 when i watched serial experiments lain and has never left. a notable song for terra incognita)
this is why - paramore (just heard the whole album last month and every time i listen to this song, i'm in a state of catharsis cause I CAN RELATE)
tom sawyer - rush (having been particularly obsessed with the iron claw movie, this song is stuck in my head and i swear i love prog rock even more + i'll be learning the bass line of this song hopefully)
euphor - novo amor, lowswimmer (heard this for the novo amor concert i went to last week (even though they didn't perform it). part of the beomgyu time wave's spinoff playlist)
solsbury hill - peter gabriel (another addition to my audiophiles' eargasm playlist cause it sounds so odd that it's so interesting)
weird fishes/arpeggi - radiohead (the song that embodies me as a person + have been putting it on repeat during my bday because it's the day that i just embraced my self of being a pisces which includes hearing this playing in the car and a solo date to the aquarium)
follow you follow me - genesis (the song that reminds me of soobin idk why. it's also in my sub homesick alien playlist)
do hot girls like chords? - knower (heard this from micthesnare and it's my introduction to indietronica and jazz-funk (cause i've already know acid jazz from jamiroquai)
tagging: (based on the last 10 moots that show up on my dash) @boba-beom @stardragongalaxy @lovejoshua @txt-yaomi @euphor1a @junniieesbby @itz-yerin @pyeonghongrie @dido-of-the-endless @robin-obsessed and anyone who wants to join! (new songs to listen to yes pls)
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a-d-nox · 11 months
pac/pap: what is the energy that surrounds you and how can you best protect your energy?
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: what happens when you take actions on your dreams?
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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energy around you: i sense that you are healing from something. i actually feel proud of you, pulling this card - you seem hopeful that things are changing for the better, and they truly are. you feel inspired again - i encourage you to create again. i feel like you write or paint? so by all mean - have at it, the block is over. the mental health struggles are getting better and you are currently on the right track so keep it up! keep healing; keep growing.
how to protect your energy: you're energy is extremely sensitive right now. i sense that you feel antagonized by someone at this moment - perhaps by the person you are healing from or someone is poking at you and the mental wounds you are healing. think ethically - would confrontation or defensive remarks make the situation better or worse? perhaps remember that they too are likely going through something. why worsen their possible situation? note that no matter what you do, there is a chance for "difficulties" and "strain" to arise. be the bigger person.
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energy around you: you are starting the process of a spiritual awakening. know that to continue moving forward and "awakening" you must acknowledge and accept the past for what it is - the past. release any resentment you have and move forward - you do not have to forgive anyone face-to-face you can simply do so on you own. do what you must so you can move forward and not feel held back by the past. your future is bright - no need to dwell in the dust and dark of the past. put your energy into noticing signs from the universe (perhaps practice some shuffle-mancy - put a playlist on shuffle and listen to the first song's lyrics for your message). try not to be too tough on yourself as you let go of the past and embrace the future.
how to protect your energy: as i said before you are a strong person with a bright future, so i trust that you will do what you must - if you see something must be done, take action and do it. connect with your inner authority - protect your inner child, if you are forgiving someone face to face actively remember that your inner child still exists. going face to face with someone who brings you trauma or anxiety does cause age regression in some cases - acknowledge your younger self and remember the growth you have done. you have the ability to protect that inner child. remember to think beyond just yourself - it might not be worth digging up the past when we have presently gone so far. additionally advised: practice self-empowering mantras and affirmations.
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energy around you: you are moving into a gaining cycle - do not linger on previous fears of challenge and loss but at the same time learn to show gratitude for what is about to come into you life. recall your previous beliefs in change and now rewrite it to see it as a warning that things do change and you can experience loss again. something i sense you should work on is focusing on the spiritual world rather than the material one. you are a clever person, which is not something that can be quantified so stop trying to show everyone what you are instead simply being what you are. if you are dealing with health woes at the moment - try to ground your mindset into that of healing into of suffering. live life as though it could be worse and as though it could be better, instead of taking it for granted that you are "stabilized/stabilizing" because change is inevitable.
how to protect your energy: be generous. the best way to promote your new found prosperity and gains are to model how you wish to be treated and/or wished you were treated in your times of need. step into that leadership role - being a model or figurehead for charitable services can help you to remember where you were, where you are, and where you are going. it is also a great time to get the support of the positive masculine figure(s) in your life; perhaps they can aid you in your journey to connect past, present, and future via their connections/funds. the main message for you is to donate to passion projects and volunteer with those in need. don't focus too had on getting others involved; focus on you and your journey. whatever you can give back, no matter how small, will be appreciated without a doubt.
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astarions-musings · 6 months
Our system spent this morning browsing some online plural communities, and it brought us down a little to hear about all the struggles and hardships that a lot of systems are going through. So I wanted to send some good vibes and positive experiences with our plurality out into the world, so a few people out there can be reassured and reminded that there's a happy life ahead of you. Being the change I want to see in the world, and all that ❤️
Our system is coming up on the third anniversary of our plural awakening, after many years of learning to support and nurture the different 'parts of ourselves' before we realised that we're actually separate people. And with every year that passes, our system becomes more comfortable, more interconnected, more mutually supportive, more welcoming for new headmates, and generally more comfortable to spend our lives together with. Our life in the external world has gradually become more peaceful and stress-free as well, so I honestly think our fourth year of plurality is gonna be our best one yet ❤️
Our system is very large (somewhere between hundreds or thousands of people), with one 'designed driver' (our less hierarchical phrase for a host) who's usually in the fronting room by default, a rotating cast of 20-50 headmates who currently feel like spending time at the front, a large number of people who want to generally vibe near the co-front and enjoy the life we're sharing together, and a very large number of anonymous headmates chilling in the background and doing their own thing. Our designated driver often ends up front-stuck in public spaces (as our form of masking), but in private and around people we feel safe around, we can switch on demand within one or two seconds. In the course of an average day, lots of us might come to the front for a while (to listen to some music, watch a fun show, spend time out in nature), then tag out for a while and enjoy the ride while our designated driver handles everyday life. Music is especially helpful for facilitating those switches, since we can either listen to our own playlists as a fronting anchor if we want to vibe at the front for a while, or put our system-wide playlist on shuffle and use that as rapid-fire fronting triggers to help a wide range of people to enjoy time near the front for a while. Honestly, music is one of the biggest things for our system's mental health ❤️
At this point in time, our system's internal community is doing pretty well. Most of us are broadly in agreement about our values and ideals, with a shared goal to live a peaceful and stress-free life where our young ones can live safely and our trauma holders can slowly unwind. Sometimes there's friction here and there about the execution of those goals (such as people who want to work hard towards building a happy life for us, clashing with people who want to slow down and rest), but I don't think intentional harm or conflict is something that really happens for us. It's sometimes tricky to navigate situations where people have clashing needs (such as spending time with our family vs. avoiding our past abusers), but every day, our system has more and more practice with navigating those situations. Most of the time, our day-to-day struggles are stuff like "There's 1000 different hobbies we could be spending time on, and different people want to enjoy different things." Living as a family unit can be tricky sometimes, but when our biggest challenges are "How do we share the front to have fun today?", it really puts things in perspective ❤️
Also, we're feeling more and more welcome in our social life with every passing day. We're out as plural around all of our friends, in our workplace (which is unusually plural-inclusive), in most of our local social groups, and with a couple of choice family members that we trust with that information. We have a whole bunch of plural friends online, and a couple of systems that we hang out with in person on a regular basis. Our system has a bunch of wonderful relationships with other plural systems, in which each of us individually can have our own wonderful relationships, as well as our system-wide connections with the people we trust. It would be nice if we had even more opportunities to front openly as ourselves, but those are slowly getting more and more common, with each passing day. It's tough sometimes, but it's also really wonderful as well ❤️
I don't have anything specific in mind for this post, and I honestly have no idea who might need to hear this right now. But I just want to share some positivity with the rest of the plural community, in case someone needs a reminder that it's not all doom-and-gloom. Y'all can have a good life together. Y'all can enjoy yourselves together. And eventually, your day-to-day challenges will be as simple as sharing the remote and agreeing as a group about how y'all want to enjoy yourselves today. There's a good life ahead of you, and I want you to remember that ❤️
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lostinvasileios · 5 months
Devotional acts
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There are a plethora of devotional things one can do for their deity, and it varies from person to person, deity to deity. But, here are some that I enjoy.
Learning a language. Learning a new language is a great skill in general, but learning a deity's origin language, like for example, Greek, is a wonderful devotional act. I'm currently learning Greek in devotion to Apollon, and to me, it's a truly beautiful language. Though a little hard at times, haha.
Self care. Deities in general, especially if you're close with them, want you to care for yourself. So, dedicating your face masks, applying lotions or creams/ect, can be a great devotion for them. You can also draw their sigils in your cream or lotion before rubbing it in.
Art. This can vary extremely, because art is subjective to everyone's own perspective. But, some of the ways I like to do devotional art is by making poetry, or painting. Or, you could sing! Dance! Expressing yourself is a form of art in itself. You could dance with them, even. Which brings me to my next point..
Hang out with them. Now, for me, this can be literally anything you enjoy to do. Deities, from what I've experienced, enjoy the mundane as much as the celebratory moments. They want to spend time with you. They want to be around you. You could rant for hours, or sit in a peaceful silence. Do a hobby with them, invite them to eat a meal with you. I like to listen to music with my deities when I'm low on energy, or have a playlist I made for them play in the background while I do something else. It's a gentle reminder of their presence if I'm doing shuffle-mancy.
Meditate. Personally, I hated meditation when I first started. I was scared, even. Because I thought I'd fail terribly. But, with all its cliches, with enough time put in, I've gradually progressed to where I am now, and where I'll go in the future years. Meditation, with your deities in my experience, is one of my favorite ways to connect with them, besides astral projection. Connecting with Apollon's energy for example is and was one of the best things I've ever experienced. Feeling a deity's love, a deity's protection and care, is something I can't explain with words that make sense, lol.
E-Altars I started out with digital altars, and they're a great devotional act, in my opinion. Putting in aesthetics that remind you of them, their statues, quotes that remind you of them or your relationship with them, and so on, is another one of my favorites. Especially if I'm on the go. It also can help with remembering what they represent or what represents them. Like animals, colors, planets, ect.
The most important parts in my opinion is simply the intention, the effort, the heart, and purely just creativity. Devotional acts can be anything and everything, it's supposed to be personal, it's supposed to be unique. Don't be afraid to be yourself, or give what you can. Deities appreciate the work, they appreciate you. As long as you are being respectful, not harming anybody including yourself, you are doing fine.
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mad4turtles · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're still doing writing requests, but I really loved your oneshot about Leo coming out to Splinter - it brought a few tears to my eyes thinking about my own coming out experience :') if you want, could you maybe do something about Mikey giving Usagi "The Shovel Talk"? It doesn't have to be serious, I just thought it'd be funny if Mikey went all Dr. Delicate Touch while Leo tries not to die in the background. Hope you have a good day/night! :D
I'm so sorry this took FOREVER to get out, I went through several drafts before I finally had to say it was fine XD Hope you enjoy :3
First Impressions (Part 2)
Miyamoto Usagi has become a regular guest in the Hamato household.
After introductions went about as smoothly as one could expect—Splinter warring between outrage and panic and glee that his Baby Blue was dating, and the rest of the family stunned that Leo actually has game (or maybe Usagi is just as dumb as he is)—the clan don't go long without seeing him wandering the lair, usually side by side with Leo.
In hindsight, that makes the death glares Donnie drills into the back of the rabbit's head make much more sense, but that's another issue.
Apparently, they'd been together three weeks before the introductions, and Mikey believes it. Just yesterday, he'd caught them through the crack of Leo's open bedroom door sitting together on the bed, sharing a pair of earbuds as Leo shuffled through his Spotify playlist, letting Usagi in on his atrocious taste in music.
“Hey, glam-rock is the shit,” Leo nudged Usagi's shoulder. “And you can't talk when all you listen to is J and K Pop, classical, country and Lofi.”
“Shut up, baka kappa,” Usagi nudged him back, grinning wide and showing off the buck front teeth that Leo found adorable. “Classical is thought-provoking, good for meditation. And I'll have you know Lofi is calming, something you never are about anything ever.” 
“Okay, I will allow that just this once but you cannot defend country or K Pop—”
“Contrary to popular belief, not all of your western music is about human Christian values, tractors or drinking—in fact, give me your phone, I'll show you my jazz playlist—”
“No!” Leo pulled his arm up, holding his phone out of Usagi's reaching paws even as the rabbit clambered over him. “Knowing you it'll be some awful jazz-lofi remix or somehow have Catholicism involved, people are getting creative in converting the masses—ow! No, get away from me—!”
“Your music sucks! You must be properly educated! Jazz is soothing for the soul!”
“But Queen! David Bowie! Prince!”
“All of the Hidden City knows you're gay, Leonardo, you don't have to blast it on speaker, too!”
“You attack me?! I let you into my house! I trusted you!”
 “Gankona baka! Kōfuku shite horobiro!”
  “Conejito idiota! ¡Fuera de mi trasero!”
They'd tousled for a bit before falling over on the bed and giving into giggles, barely any space between them. Leo's cheeks were flushed, his eyes bright and his grin a wide, dopey thing. Usagi called him a fool and nuzzled his nose against Leo's, earning a delighted chirp from the slider, and it was the happiest Mikey had seen him in months.
He's so in love it's gross. Mikey means that in the best way.
And Usagi seems like a nice guy. A really nice guy.
But they've been fooled by a pretty face and flowery words before. Last time, Leo had to bail them out. This time, Leo is too high up on cloud nine; he won't notice the danger until it's too late, and the fallout will be devastating.
Leo is strong, the strongest of them all as far as Mikey's concerned, in little ways they've never noticed until he'd showed them all by locking himself in hell with a demon. He's faced bigger, scarier things than any teenager—any person—ever should. But relationships? Dating? Being vulnerable with another person, opening your heart and trusting that person to take care of it, and in turn care for theirs? That's a beast of a different calibre.
Heartbreak happens to everyone; it's just how life is, and ignoring the ugly truth of it serves no one. Leo had barely survived his physical body breaking under metal fists driven by hatred and mindless bloodlust. Mikey doubts even he, with all that strength he possesses in spades that have carried him through some of the worst moments of their lives, would last long with a wound that deep.
Mikey loves him too much to let that happen.
(That, and he really doesn't want to kill Usagi, bail costs a lot, and not even Donnie has that much in his many wired accounts.)
So the trio meet up in Donnie's lab late one night and make a plan.
Miyamoto Usagi is gonna learn what'll happen if he messes with the Hamato clan.
A week later, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door.
The samurai in training doesn't startle when he drops from the ceiling or flinch at the smile that would have his brothers running for the hills. He smiles back, adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Hello, Michelangelo. Nice of you to drop in,” he says, completely straight, and Mikey kind of wants to die. Leo did say they've been dating for a while. More than enough time for him to be a horrible influence on the otherwise straight (ha) laced samurai.
“Hey, Usagi! Here to see Leo?” Mikey asks like it's not obvious.
Still, Usagi nods. “That I am. We'd talked about some traditional Japanese snacks he hasn't tried before, so I bought some from the marketplace near my home.” He unzips his bag to let Mikey peek inside. “I'd be happy to share some with you and your brothers. I may have over-purchased.”
Mikey is dazzled by the array of absolutely delicious-looking snacks—including mango-flavoured mochi, oh be still his heart—but he shakes his head. Focus. Leo's heart and Usagi's continued existence depend on it. “That's great, Usagi, but I'm good for now. Actually, we gotta talk with you real quick before you see your boy. May I take your bag?”
Usagi blinks at him. “Oh. Um. Certainly?” He zips the bag up and shrugs it off, handing it to Mikey, and damn, he wasn't kidding. Did he buy out the whole store?
Mikey shoulders the bag and smiles. “Perfect! Now, stay still so Donnie doesn't accidentally knock you out.”
“Okay—wait, what—?”
Donnie drops from the ceiling and shoves a pillowcase over Usagi's head. 
And as Mikey expects, Usagi doesn't immediately struggle or fight: he freezes, an innate rabbit instinct kinda like how Mikey retreats into his shell. He almost feels bad for exploiting that weakness. Almost, because it gives Raph enough time to grab him in his massive arms, pick him up and carry him off to the atrium. Mikey and Donnie follow behind, the latter wearing an unsettling grin that tells Mikey he's enjoying this far more than he should. 
Blindfolded and trapped in Raph's solid grip. Usagi doesn't panic. Though his voice carries a twinge of worry when he says, “Is this a game? Am I being kidnapped? Did Leonardo put you up to this?”
“All will be revealed in good time,” Donnie says with a chuckle meant to sound ominous but it comes off as dorky. “Just relax, don't ask any questions and everything shall run smoothly and without the removal of a thing attached to another thing, like your head from your neck.”
“Alright?” Usagi says. Mikey bumps his hip against Donnie's and scowls. Donnie rolls his eyes.
They reach the living room, Dad's chair thankfully unoccupied, and Raph drops Usagi into it. Mikey sets the duffle bag down and quickly zips to his room to grab the sweater, glasses and pants, shrugging into them. When he returns, Donnie has just finished duct-taping Usagi's arms to the chair—
“What?” Donnie has the gall to look offended. “This was your idea!”
“Not to tie him up!”
“Who's to say he won't run, hm? He's a rabbit and they're fast as frick, we'd never catch him before Leo gets back, and then our whole plan is ruined. Also, no teenager is comfortable talking about 'feelings', so I'm just taking extra precautions—”
“I can still hear you, you know,” Usagi says, the pillowcase still over his head. He doesn't seem bothered about this whole situation, which both amuses and concerns Mikey a little.
“You shush, or I'll bring out the chainsaw,” Donnie says.
Mikey looks at Raph. “You didn't think to stop him?”
Raph folds his arms and shrugs. “I'm just the muscle here, big man. This is your show.”
Dr Feelings appreciates the level of trust and respect Raph has for Mikey that's been a slow-growing thing these last few years. Dr Delicate Touch wants to strangle his oldest brother for being a wise ass.
He rolls his eyes instead and gets in position while Donnie sets up the projector. He nods to Raph, and the snapper pulls off the pillowcase.
Usagi blinks, adjusting to the brightness and looking around. “You blindfolded me to take me to the living room? Where I've been multiple times?”
“Shush,” Donnie hisses, “second warning. We'll be doing the talking here, bunny boy.”
“Don, chill,” Raph says, looking seconds from bursting out laughing. “We're just here to have a nice, friendly chat.”
Usagi arches a brow, pointedly dipping his chin down at his taped arms.
Raph's smile twitches, a drop of sweat trickling down his brow. “... I'm just the muscle?”
Mikey clears his throat loudly, snapping their attention back to him. He smiles and rolls his shoulders back, relaxing into the role that's become a blessing these last few months than the curse it was two years ago (at least to his brothers).
“Good evening! I'm Dr Feelings, and welcome to my newest seminar—!”
He clicks the button for the next slide on the PowerPoint, a photo of the three turtles glaring down at the camera from a high angle, a shovel in Mikey's hands. Underneath, the title reads in comically bright, bubblegum pink letters--
“—Shovel Talks!”
Usagi stares at the slide and then at each of the present turtles. Mikey keeps his smile bright while his brothers (mostly Donnie) no longer hide the touch of sadistic glee in theirs.
“... ah,” he says carefully. “I see the position I'm in now.”
“See, I don't think you do,” Donnie drawls on Usagi's right, Raph looming over on the left. “So we are going to educate you, and do not interrupt or talk until you are spoken to as we have much to go through and very little time before our dearly devoted dum-dum returns from April and Splinter's distraction outing. Dr Feelings,” Donnie turns to Mikey and gestures grandly, “Proceed with your first slide.”
“Thank you! Let's start off by asking our patient some simple questions. Question one!” Mikey flips to the next slide titled 'Spill The Tea' with a doodle of a teacup underneath it. Under that is a photo of Leo flashing a peace sign at the camera with a goofy grin. “What are your intentions towards one Hamato Leonardo?”
Usagi blinks. “... I would think my intentions were obvious? We're dating, are we not?”
“Sigh, yes, we can see as much given how you two are all but attached at the hip whenever you're so much as in the same vicinity,” Donnie mutters before getting right up in Usagi's face with a glare, fisting the front of his blue hoodie and shaking him once. “What we don't know is why you are dating Leonardo! Were you dared to by compatriots or colleagues of similar age or older for a cruel joke? Or are you a spy sent from a yet unknown enemy seeking to destroy us from the inside, integrating yourself into our inner circle by seducing our resident feeble-minded little gay only to turn on us at the last second, surrendering us to your evil leader and shattering the heart of the boy who fell in love with a person that never truly existed?! Speak, heathen!!”
Usagi stares at Donnie with wide, mildly disturbed eyes. Donnie glares at Usagi, right eye twitching.
“Jeezy heckin' creezy, Don,” Raph squeaks after a beat. “How long've you been holding that in?”
Donnie whirls on Raph with a half-crazed grin without releasing Usagi's hoodie. “The whole dub, baby!” he says.
Raph facepalms.
Mikey gathers himself quickly and clears his throat again. “Donald, if you would please let go of our patient—”
“Prisoner, guilty until proven innocent—”
“—patient, so we can hear his clear and honest answer? Don't you test the waters of my patience, boy, I will bring out Dr Delicate Touch on your ass.”
“Language,” Raph sighs, working Donnie's grip from Usagi's hoodie and bodily lifting him up and away from the rabbit. Donnie goes without a fight, but not without a spitting glare aimed at Usagi. Ignoring him, Raph offers Usagi a smile, cementing his role as the Good Cop. “Sorry about him. Just answer the question so we can get this over with.”
“And we'll know if you're lying!” Donnie adds. “I have lie detectors under the seat that'll fry your cotton ass six ways to Sunday—!”
“There are no lie detectors.”
“Raaaaph, you're ruining it, I'm trying to instil fear—!”
“Yer doin' enough of that to me right now! We were worried about Dad goin' all 'Daddy with a shotgun' on him when we really should've been watchin' the 'Overprotective Twin with his Middle Child Nonsense'—!”
“May I speak, now?”
Usagi's tone cuts through the idiocy as neat as the katana he wields, and the boys fall silent. Raph sets Donnie down, and Donnie steps back, his glare fading to make way for open confusion and surprise.
Mikey, who'd been on the cusp of dropping the act and wringing his brothers' necks, takes in Usagi's expression—purposefully neutral, the way he shuts his eyes as he takes a breath, his fingers drumming the armrests he's tied to while the heel of one foot bounces on the floor—and wonders if they've crossed a line here.
Then Usagi sighs, slow and measured, and opens his eyes. “I understand why you're concerned,” he says. “Leonardo has been through... a lot, to put it mildly. You all have, which is why you're so protective of one another. I admire and respect that; you hold true to the ancient belief that founded your clan centuries ago. Anata wa hitori janai, I believe. Leonardo told me about it. About the Shredder, the invasion... and the prison dimension.”
A shudder runs through the brothers. Mikey sees Donnie's jaw lock, Raph's fingers curling into fists. Mikey pulls at his fingers and bites his lip. “... he told you?” he asks in a smaller voice than he intends.
Usagi's gaze softens minutely, and he nods. “Not everything, but yes. I never prompted, but... he saw me fit enough to know.” His brows furrow, his frown deep and angry as he glares at his lap. “It sickens me to hear what that creature put you through—what he did to Leonardo. And it frightens me to think of how you'd come so close to losing him... how I'd come so close to never meeting him at all.”
Oh, Mikey thinks, almost floored. Oh wow.
Usagi takes another breath and raises his head, meeting each of their gazes. “... So yes, I understand your fears regarding our relationship and your hesitance to trust me. Leonardo's well-being will always be your top priority. He's precious to you.” Then Usagi smiles. It's small but bright, warm and quietly delighted, proud and certain. “He's precious to me, too.”
This time Mikey is floored. Oh. Wow.
“To answer your question, Dr Feelings,” Usagi continues, heedless of the turtle's altering perception of reality, “my intentions towards Hamato Leonardo are simple: I want to protect him. I know he's more than capable, and knowing him, he'll never ask me for help outright. But when he does, I want to be there—no, I will be there, because I care about him. Very much. We haven't known each other long, but my life is brighter and better with him in it, and I'll do whatever I must to keep it that way.
“I want to make him as happy as he's made me because he deserves that much. He deserves every good thing in this world.” He shrugs, flashing a bashful, buck-toothed smile. “For now, I hope he can settle for just me.”
Mikey stares. Donnie stares. Raph stares.
Oh. Wow. 
Either he's the greatest liar ever, or they've had him pegged so wrong. But then, not even Big Mama, the Queen Bee Bitch of lies, could fake that kind of devotion.
No, Usagi really is just a good guy. A great guy.
“Dammit!” Donnie cries, throwing his hands up. “I can't even fully hate you ironically anymore, what the hell!” He hangs his head with a sigh. “I suppose I shall have to settle for 'jealous older twin suffering from attention withdrawal from the younger twin' until further notice. Also, you get to live another day. Congrats.”
Usagi smirks. “Thank you, I think?”
Raph rolls his eyes, but he's grinning from ear to ear, slicing away the tape binding Usagi to the chair and helping him to his feet without prompting. He drops a heavy hand on Usagi's shoulder, his grin widening when the rabbit doesn't buckle under his strength. “What I think Donnie means to say is... well. We're glad you have Leo's back. And we're sorry for thinkin' the worst of you when we're all still gettin' to know each other. I mean, we've seen how happy you two are together, and we just—well, we wanted to—”
Usagi huffs a laugh, patting Raph's massive bicep. “As I said, I understand. My sensei often warns me against jumping to conclusions, but it's different for family. Especially younger siblings. I should know, I have a little sister.”
“Right?! You get it! My little brothers are literal demons even the devil's too scared to look at, but you get it—!”
Mikey shoves his way between them and barrels into Usagi for a hug, squeezing him tight. The rabbit squeaks in surprise and possibly pain, but his arms carefully come around Mikey's shell a heartbeat later, a chuckle running through him. “I suppose this means I have the youngest's seal of approval?”
Mikey nods against his chest, raising his head to beam up at the rabbit. “You do. Welcome to the family!”
“Thank you. I'm honoured to—”
“But we didn't finish the slide show, so I'll run a tee-ell-dee-arr for you. Hurt Leo and you die.”
“... ah.”
“They'll never find your body,” Donnie adds, “because I will reduce it to atoms. I have a ray in the works, I can show you the blueprints.”
“And if that fails, Raph will break every bone in your body and dump you in the Hudson!” Raph says brightly. “Ever swim there? Pretty deep. You find all kinds'a weird stuff. A rabbit yokai won't stand out much.”
“... I understand. I'll definitely deserve one of those fates.”
“Oh, you will,” Mikey chimes. “Thank you for understanding, and thanks for coming to our TED talk!”
“Pretty sure I did most of the talking.”
“I will yeet your ass across this house—”
“Are you chuckleheads done harassing my boyfriend, or can I have him back now?” drawls a familiar voice that has them leaping a foot out of their shells. They turn to find Leo leaning against the back of the couch with one arm, the other hand propped on his popped hip. He arches a brow at their stares.
Mikey jumps back from Usagi to wildly point at his immediate older brother. “How long have you been standing there?!”
“About a minute,” Leo says. “I've been behind the couch the whole time, though.”
“What?! When'd you get back from hanging with Dad and April?!” Raph cries.
“Never left,” Leo pushes off the couch and swings his arm around Usagi's shoulders upon approach like its second nature. Usagi leans into him likewise, one arm curling around his waist. “I kinda figured this whole 'shovel talk' thing was gonna happen sooner or later, so the minute April and Splinter tried to drag me out for a 'father-son-daughter thing' the same day Usagi said he'd come over, I knew you assholes were scheming and told 'em I wasn't leaving.” His eyes narrow a little, and Mikey almost shrinks back. “Didn't think you'd tie him up, though, or that Raph would just let it happen.”
“I'm just the muscle!”
“And I am hurt and offended that you all thought so little of my absolutely innocent Bunny Boo! You look at this face—” He unwraps his arm to squish Usagi's cheeks between both hands—“and tell me there's a single bad thought behind those beautiful pink eyes!”
“Weonawdo,” Usagi mutters, fur tinted pink with embarrassment.
Quick as a whip, Donnie says, “There's not a thought whatsoever if he's dating you.”
“You're a thot.”
“Different words and spelling. And it takes one to know one.”
“You first.”
“Both of you knock it off,” Raph sighs, pinching his brow the way he's done since he first knew the pains of being the eldest. It's a miracle there's not a permanent mark between his eyes. He turns to the rabbit. “Sorry, could we borrow Leo for a sec? Then I swear you two can finally go hang out and... do whatever two teenage boys do when they're head over heels for each other but still in their parent's house so they gotta keep it PG, 'kay?” 
“Um, wow?” Leo scowls, dropping Usagi's face to plant his hands on his hips. “Who do you take me for, a horny teen with no self-control around my significant other?”
“That is exactly what we take you for,” Donnie says.
“I don't!” Mikey says, raising his hand. “You're just a dumb gay hoppin' mad for your bunny boo!”
Leo's eye twitches. “Gee. Thanks.”
Usagi snickers, taking Leo's hands, and Leo instantly melts like putty. “It's fine, Leonardo. I'll wait in your room and get the snacks sorted,” he says, then he leans in to kiss the corner of Leo's mouth. Right in front of everyone. 
It's not something he's done before—being openly affectionate with Leo when his siblings or fathers were around—but then Mikey isn't surprised.
Maybe this whole 'hesitance' and 'mistrust' thing hasn't been as one-sided as he'd thought.
Mikey never knew a slider could turn pink, but Leo manages it, steam funnelling out of his ears as the rabbit walks away, grabbing his duffle bag as he goes. There's a pep in his step, and Mikey wonders if the kiss or their acceptance put it there.
Once he's gone, Donnie breaks the silence, staring in the direction Usagi had left in—“Should I get the tranquillizer?”
“You've done enough today.” Raph puts a massive hand over Donnie's face and shoves him onto the couch, ignoring his indignant squawking as he faces Leo. The slider collects himself quickly and crosses his arms, flashing that devil-may-care grin that irritates and amuses Mikey.
“So? You gonna tie me to the chair and subject me to the horrors of dating life via Dr Feelings?” Leo drawls, “Or are you finally gonna admit that you were wrong about my totally amazing and hot boyfriend?” 
Raph sighs. “Yes, we may have taken it too far—and in Donnie's case, we were overly paranoid, even by my standards, but we learned our lesson about jumping the gun. Again. And you were right.” He smiles, broad and warm. “Your boy is cool with me, little brother. You got yourself a keeper.”
Leo blinks, his smirk falling. “... wait, wait—for real?”
“Did you not hear his heartfelt speech not even two pages ago? It was rather dramatic and moving,” Donnie says absently from the couch, eyes now on his phone to avoid looking anyone in the eye, but Mikey knows what's up. They all do, but they're nice enough not to say anything. “And if I'm being honest—which isn't saying much because I can't lie for shit and you can clock one with an accuracy that borders on mystical—I don't actually think your new beau is inherently evil. I cannot say that I like him... but I approve. For now. My earlier threats still stand, though, so please try to keep him in line, or I will turn him into a hat.”
Leo falters again in the face of sincerity, however masked, from his twin. “...oh. Um. Wow. That's—uh, cool. That's cool, Dee, I, um... thanks...”
And finally, Mikey steps forward, shrugging off the sweater, glasses and pants. “What? You really think it's that odd that we're lookin' out for you? It's like Usagi said, you're precious to us, bro! And he was damn right sayin' you deserve every good thing. You deserve to be happy with someone who cares about you as much as we do.” 
He darts forward again even before Leo's eyes take on a misty sheen, bundling his brother in his arms as much as he can and squeezing. “And if Usagi makes you happy, we're happy too.”
“... you guys,” Leo whines, his voice thick as he holds Mikey impossibly close. Donnie tosses his phone aside to hop up and join the hug, cheek resting on Leo's shoulder. Raph lumbers over and plucks them off the floor, nuzzling the top of Leo's head with a low grumble from deep in his chest.
Later, with mostly dry eyes and a megawatt smile, Leo jogs off to find Usagi. Mikey stands with his eldest brothers and folds his arms. “Our work here is done, gentlemen.”
“But we didn't really do anything,” Donnie says.
Mikey swishes his cape and departs.
“Where the hell did you get that cape?!”
The following week, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door and tackles him with a hug. Usagi laughs and returns it freely.
In the living room, Donnie's eyes are glued to his laptop, fingers typing away. He lifts one fist, Usagi wordlessly bumping it as he sits on the couch with Raph. Setting his comic book aside, Raph reaches out to ruffle his white bangs and chuckles when Usagi's paw bats him away.
Leo enters from the kitchen and immediately brightens when he spots Usagi, leaping over the top of the couch to bounce in the open space beside the bunny. “Hey!"
“Hey, yourself,” Usagi snickers. "You couldn't possibly have missed me that much to come running as soon as I walk in."
Leo swings an arm over the top of the couch, the other pressing a hand to his forehead in a dramatic swoon. "Parting is such sweet sorrow," he bemoans, batting his eyelids at Usagi, "that I shall say good night till it be morrow!"
Mikey laughs so hard he gives himself hiccups. Raph chokes on his soda. Donnie whirls on Leo, looking downright mutinous. "You did not just quote Shakespear so you could flirt with your boyfriend!"
Leo gestures to a madly grinning Usagi trying to hide behind his hands. "It worked, though! You guys hate it when I use the cheap pickup lines off Google, so I consulted the world's finest wordsmith instead."
"You are abusing and defiling William's good name! Thou crusty batch of nature!"
Leo rolls his eyes. "Whatever. You're just jelly 'cause I've officially got more game than you."
"Or Usagi has terrible taste in men."
Leo opens his mouth to say something he'll probably regret, but Usagi swiftly intercepts with a kiss on the cheek that stops him cold. "I thought it was creative," he says, "Much better than your awful pickup lines."
At that, Leo forgets Donnie completely, leaning in with a dumb grin to peck Usagi on the lips. Raph shakes his head with a secret smile, and Mikey giggles as he lays across Raph's thighs, Switch in hand.
Donnie gags. “Get a room.”
“But keep the door open!” Splinter calls from—somewhere. 
Usagi tugs an ear over his face, flushed and embarrassed. Leo throws his head back and laughs.
Mikey grins, basking in the glow as he plugs into his game. He can get used to this.
Reblogs are appreciated :3
Feel free to send more requests <3
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sickmachete · 2 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
um also maria addition: i did a below the cut where i spoke abt my relationship with each song so. if u wanna do that too... encouraged. i care. i wanna know. and i LOVE U👉👈 (pls dont feel heartbroken that im copy n pasting this part to a few of our mutuals too. i just love u guys sm ok) (kissing u elena kissing uuuuu)
MARIANARA SAUCE!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! there were so many songs on my playlist that i wanted to add but i stuck to the rules of the game 🫡
goo goo muck by the cramps
gay thoughts by the growlers
ghostbusters by ray parker jr.
the waves have come by chelsea wolfe
strong reflection by mars red sky
goo goo muck — the cramps: i owned 3 cramps t shirts from middle school to highschool (then i moved and lost em...i gotta find them again...): 1 was just black & white, 1 was black white & hot ass pink, and 1 was bright fucking yellow. all featuring that weird skeleton zombie man from the band's "bad music for bad people" album cover. i loved each and every one of those damn shirts. oh and every time i got my period id wear one of my cramps shirts to school. no idea if anyone actually caught on but it sparked a lot of joy in kid me LOL. the band itself is very grungy and reminds me sm of my childhood going to shitty backyard concerts
gay thoughts — the growlers: the growlers was one of the first bands i ever saw at a real concert, and it was one of the strangest grimiest experiences of my childhood. it took place inside this huge ornate theatre with barely any crowd. everyone was high, the singer kept leaving the stage in the middle of songs/during guitar solos to take a piss bc he kept drinking beers throughout the performance, there were boob shaped lamps lighting up the back stage. my sister was friends with one of the guitarists. and afterwards we got THE best sushi of my LIFE in THE most sketchy ass looking hole-in-the-wall restaurant. truly was just a huge vibe overall and one of the only fond memories i have with that sister. (also this song has the most ridiculous story ever?? questioning man keeps running off to gay drag shows and cheating on his girlfriend with men and it turns out his girlfriend's been using the time he's gone to ALSO cheat on him. but with women. queer4queer solidarity??? the yt video's great)
ghostbusters — ray parker jr.: ok yknow what. i keep trying to watch this movie and getting fucking bored midway through but my GOD does this song fuck. every halloween like clockwork i start blasting ghostbusters and the pure fucking euphoria it brings me is unparalleled. so i guess im not surprised i have it saved on one of my most listened to playlists SDGHJKFD
the waves have come — chelsea wolfe: different vibe than the previous songs and also i feel like i keep finding excuses to talk about this song but my fucking god it is just. so so very dear to me. i think it's genuinely held the number one spot for my most repeats on spotify for like. a DECADE. something about it dude i cant explain it. life changing. heartbreaking. like getting lost in a brutal storm at sea
strong reflection — mars red sky: dude that intro riff. bro... need i say more. low grungy riffs are EVERYTHINGGG if it isnt growling whats the POINT!!!!!!! this song feels like a cargo boat thats slowly rocking in an ocean made of smoke and tar. but also it's in the vacuum of space. and you're tripping balls
none of my super ridiculous cheesey 80s/90s songs got picked which is super fucked up... but oh well... next time maybe 🫶
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rslashrats · 10 months
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i finished it.. my magnum opus... dancing banana playlist with 50 unique tracks!! :-)
link here
(genuine warning for loud, unpleasant sounds throughout, check the track list before playing just in case!)
also for best experience: listen to it in order and not randomized / shuffled if you can! stop if it gets too headache-enduing! it was meant to be a silly joke, but i don't want to cause any harm to anyone! stay safe!)
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lucenare · 1 year
I now present: the collaborative Rae playlist!! On spotify and youtube
Thank you to everyone who suggested songs! Enjoy!
A couple things under the cut for those curious
I carefully ordered the playlist for what I think is the best back to back listening experience, I haven't listened to it on shuffle but there is a non-zero chance if you do you will go from Distrubia to Marrow which i think is funny
The only serious suggestion that isn't on the playlist is Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer. Not because it doesn't fit, it does, but because I don't like Amanda Palmer as a person and if I was going to put the song on there I would skip it every time or copy the playlist without the song, so I just left it off. However I welcome anyone to create a copy of the playlist and add the song, for placement I suggest around Nature vs Nurture or Sick of It
For the youtube playlist i tried REALLY HARD to find the dark luigi amv ghosty talked about on stream and i couldnt but if anyone does let me know and i WILL make it the video for disturbia UPDATE: ghosty sent it to me it is now on the playlist
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clarissa39 · 1 month
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people (lmao it's gonna be 90% metal bet. also ten people my ass)
SLOW - The Drowning Angel - Guess who likes doom metal? It's meeeeeee. Honestly this isn't even the best one off "IV - Mythologiae" but still decent for what it is.
The Republic of Desire - Critique - Boy this whole list is just going to be full of like, "oh this is good but it's not the best by them". Go check out something like "Gethsemane" by them and enjoy better songs.
YURiKA - Kyoumen no Nami (A Wave on the Mirror's Surface) - NEVERMIND WE'RE IN FUCKING BUSINESS. Holy shit I love this song so much. It makes my heart ache. More gay rocks when?
Ablaze in Hatred - A Walk Through the Silence - Okay we've got two nostalgic songs on here now. This band and Republic of Desire were like, 90% of what I listened to from ages 17-19ish. This specifically I have memories of listening to in the NCM mess at CFB Gagetown along with "Suffer" by Nox Aurea.
Caladan Brood - City of Azure Fire - We all love fantasy metal right? How about fantasy metal based off something other than LotR?! For real, these guys made ONE album then vanished off the face of the earth. The last thing that came from them was a cover on an homage to Summoning album.
Warning - Watching From a Distance - Really good song, sort of slow and plodding but it's doom metal what do you expect? Melancholic and the singer just has a REALLY unique voice that I like. YMMV
Celephaïs - Tir n'a n'Og - This one is just the whole album. Seriously it's a concept album, the title song is 25 minutes anyway, the first song is just its intro lmao. Umm, fully instrumental which usually I'm not a fan of but these guys make fantastic use of it. This and Monad are up there on my top albums.
The Birthday Massacre - Kill the Lights - Oh man, TBM is so much fun. Gothy, poppy, electronic band from Ontario of all places. I've listened to them for something like 10 years now. really fun stuff!
Yob - Ablaze - One of the weirder selections that I was introduced to through Bell Witch. They're part of the PNW metal scene and Ablaze is probably my favourite song by them. Powerful guitars match with incredible vocals for a great experience.
Crystalic - Too Dark to See - Easily the OLDEST song I have on here (counting from first listening), I heard Crystalic back in 2010 right as it came out. "Too Dark to See" is my absolute favourite of theirs. It's a real gut punch of a song because it got mixed up with some nasty context way back when but I can still vibe with it.
Tagging @emlemony and @jeminiii because I'm curious what yall will have.
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Favorite Hozier songs cause i really want to listen to more of his rep
(sorry this is so late i forget my inbox is a thing)
literally anything off of unreal unearth but i’m particularly partial to De Selby (pt. 2), Anything But, Who We Are, and Son of Nyx
my favorites from his other albums are From Eden, Jackie and Wilson, Work Song, Shrike, As it Was, Talk, and Moments Silence (Common Tongue)
I have a Spotify playlist of his songs minus the remixes and other stuff that’s on his discography and i’ll link it BUT!!!!!!!
if you’re going to listen to the playlist, don’t put it on shuffle, and listen to Unreal Unearth IN ORDER for an out of body, amazing, floating to heaven experience!!!! literally the best album i’ve ever heard, you will most likely cry
also be prepared for sung poetry with AMAZING vocals, Hozier is less a songwriter and more a poet.
if you can’t tell, Hozier is my favorite music artist and i will take any excuse to talk about him
here’s the playlist!
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cmcrusoe · 2 months
Solar Eclipse 2024
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Best picture I could get with my phone. I really wasn't that concerned about getting a picture or video.
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Arrival to Earth - Steve Jablonsky played during the entire duration of totality!
I got to experience the total solar eclipse! I am incredibly grateful to have witnessed this in person. My parents and I drove out of state to the path of totality. The drive had suprising very little traffic and the place we sat to watch had 4 cars total (including ours).
How It Went
It was AMAZING. I don't know what I was expecting but what I experienced was nothing short of spectacular.
The moments leading up to total coverage were sereal and a tiny bit anxiety producing. There was light but also dimness. It wasn't the same as dawn or dusk where the sky changes color. The sky stayed blue. I would compare it to putting a brightness filter for pcs on your eyes or wearing very weak sunglasses.
The moments leading up to and during the eclipse, I shuffled a playlist on my phone. It was ethereal. Right before the moment of totality and for the complete duration, the song Arrival to Earth - Steve Jablonsky played. It was a perfect song for this event!
Part way through, I took an ear bud out and listened for the birds as I remember someone who experienced the 2017 eclipse talk about how the birds went quiet during total coverage. I can confirm that the birds were noticeably quiter where I was. I didn't notice the temperature change much until the sun started to come back out. It was noticeably warmer.
The planning and drive was 100% worth it to have experienced this in person. 🌑
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robbiefischer · 7 months
💍 🎶 🐶 🎄 🍔 for ezra and Patrick and Eliza and Orlando?
Thank you for the ask! I loved getting a chance to think about them, they're not as fleshed out as they could be so this really helped me solidify some stuff about these OCs.
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Eliza has her ears pierced, she has two piercings in each earlobe. She doesn't have or want any other piercings. Ezra has one earlobe piercing in his left ear, but nothing besides that currently. He had his nose pierced when he was younger, but he let it close up after one of the kids in his classroom at the time (he taught preschool) nearly pulled it out. It just wasn't a good idea working closely with unpredictable small children. Patrick doesn't have any piercings, and neither does Orlando nor do they want any.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Patrick doesn't listen to music all that often, but when he does he favors instrumental music because he finds lyrics distracting most of the time. He likes a lot of contemporary classical and minimalist music, especially sparse, atmospheric piano, some soft jazz, lots of instrumental film scores, that kind of thing. Ezra likes a wide variety of music - he'll listen to everything from folk rock to metal to EDM to pop hits and everything in between. He's pretty much always got something playing, even if it's only in his head, and he often listens with noise-canceling headphones on at home since a lot of his favorites stress Patrick out a bit when he's trying to relax after work.
Eliza likes a lot of indie folk and pop, as well as a bunch of singer-songwriters - she's really lyrically-focused. In general, she'd rather listen to softer, slower stuff than faster music but there are some exceptions. She also ends up listening to a lot of musical soundtracks and pop because her oldest daughter, Annaliese is really into both and Eliza is a great mom who supports what her children are into. Orlando listens to music pretty much all the time when he's working but not in a meeting or on a call, and he's not at all picky about what he listens to. He's probably more fond of rock than anything else, but he'll add pretty much anything and everything that's catchy and has a good beat to his Spotify playlist and usually just keeps his likes on shuffle. He actually loves musicals, and will be the first to start belting along with a song in the car while he's driving the kids to school.
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
Ezra and Patrick have an orange boy kitty (with exactly one brain cell) named Charlie and a rabbit named Cocoa that their youngest daughter, Finley, loves more than life itself. He's a family pet because she's only six and way too young to take on full responsibility for any animal, but she'd been begging for a bunny for years.
Orlando and Eliza have two dogs - a husky named Fiona and a golden retriever puppy named Delilah.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Orlando is a total Christmas fanatic. He just loves the entire experience - the food, the music, snowy weather up at their estate, putting up lights, shopping for presents, making gingerbread houses with the kids, decorating trees, just... making it an amazing experience for the whole family. He has the best time playing "Santa" for all of the Calloway kids (but especially his own) and goes all out. Glitter everywhere (that he promises his wife he will be responsible for cleaning up because she hates the stuff), boot prints in the house, "reindeer" tracks out in the snow on the lawn, elaborately wrapped gifts, letters from Santa... the man has no chill about Christmas and everyone in the family loves him for it.
Eliza's a New Year's Eve kind of girl. She looks forward to it all year, but especially after the stress of the winter holiday season. It's always such a busy time at work, then there's just so many family events and so much to do to make everything special for all of the kids in the family. She loves all of the family stuff, but by the end of December she's starting to feel a little bit burned out and is desperately craving some quality time just for her and her husband. Orlando always goes all out for them for NYE - they spend the night in the city at a really fancy hotel, go out for dinner at Eliza's favorite restaurant, they both get all dressed up and just bask in each other's company.
Patrick really loves Thanksgiving. He didn't have great holiday experiences growing up as a kid (his parents are... difficult and have always been super image-oriented, everything was done for appearances rather than enjoyment) so he's still easing into them and building new, pleasant associations with Ezra and their kids. But he loves Thanksgiving food and all of the family time with less stress than Christmas so much.
Ezra's another Christmas lover and everything he loves about it revolves around his family. He loves creating traditions with his husband and kids (they have three - Evan, Alexandria and Finley) and getting to spend tons of quality time with them whether they're decorating the tree, baking and decorating Christmas cookies, going ice skating, picking out matching holiday PJs and curling up on the couch with hot cocoa and a sappy Christmas movie, going to New Islington's tree lighting ceremony or spending evenings out at the Christmas market. He just loves it all. It's also his favorite time of year at work because the preschool and daycare kids just get SO excited and are so cute about it. He spends a lot more time visiting classrooms during the holidays because he loves getting caught up in their excitement.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
Orlando's a fantastic cook, but he almost never bakes. It's not one of his strengths, although he could handle following a basic cookie recipe or something with the kids if one of them wanted to spend the day baking with him. Although he and Eliza split that responsibility pretty evenly, he probably does a bit more of the cooking in their household (it's about 60% / 40% in his favor) and is always happy to take an extra turn if she's not feeling it. He just enjoys it a bit more than she does.
Eliza's a really good cook, but baking is her one true love and she's great at it. She's been baking bread since she was a teenager and was gifted some of her grandmother's sourdough starter, she does really fancy birthday cakes for everyone in the family and is constantly leveling up her skills learning new, complicated techniques and recipes. Most recently she perfected puff pastry. She'd much rather bake than cook, if you gave her the choice.
Patrick isn't really a huge fan of doing either, but he's become a very good cook (because Patrick becomes good at everything he does, he's persistent like that). He hasn't bothered with baking because he really doesn't enjoy it at all. Honestly though, if it were practical for his family, he'd hire a private chef to cook on all of his nights but he just doesn't hate doing it quite that much.
Ezra is a really good cook, and likes doing it. He really loves cooking with their kids and always tries to find ways to get them involved in an age-appropriate way. He's fine at baking if he sticks to the basics. It's not his favorite thing to do, but he's more than willing to whip up a batch of cookies or brownies with the kids if they want to bake or have requested them.
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captawesomesauce · 11 months
Music Asks!!!
@killsandthrills tagged me to share 5 songs i’ve been listening to a lot lately…
Wolf Alice - Moaning Lisa Smile
Cage the Elephant - Right Before My Eyes
The Clockworks - Feels So Real
The Wombats - Is This What it Feels Like to Feel Like This?
The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
I was also tagged by @littleblondesoprano Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs
Foals - What Went Down
Yard Act - Dark Days
Sleaford Mods - Tweet Tweet Tweet
Viagra Boys - Punk Rock Loser
Skating Polly - Hail Mary
Beach Bunny - Painkiller
The Muffs - Weird boy Next Door
Boy Vylan - Health is Wealth
Screaming Females - I'll Make You Sorry
The Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies
So, this brings up something interesting to me. Bands I think are “WORLD FAMOUS!!!” “EVERY BODY KNOWS THESE GUYS!!!!!!” are actually a lot more niche than I ever realized. 
Like Skating Polly... their stuff is so top fucking notch that I think everyone must have heard of SP... it’s freaking SP!!!!! And then I look and see their streaming numbers and talk to people and it’s like.. whaaaaaaaaaaaa?!!?!?! 
So i’ve learned my experience in music is very non-universal. Also the best post punk music is really coming out of Ireland right now with Fontaines and Clockworks and more. 
I’m curious which of my followers know these bands/songs! 
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yisanged · 1 year
tagged by vince @valentinesweetheartspecial AND aya @akiretsu AND syd @memoirism... three people..... i feel so popular..! thank you friends forever 🫶
relationship status: erm. stares.
fav color: well i like blues and greens the best i think
song stuck in my head: deja vu ateez.... bahm. bah.. bah bahp. bahm
last song i listened to: i had a playlist on shuffle but the last i remember was dead drunk by park hyunbin. i've been listening to a lot of trot lately it's fun i like it
three favorite foods: mul naengmyeon my beautiful beautiful wife. melona ice cream any flavor. la style galbi a favorite of mine since childhood...
last thing i googled: not counting "heart hands emoji" uh it was "contractions list". i've been on that cryptogram grind recently aya knows this
dream trip: korea. please. i'm supposed to go not this coming summer but the next one maybe. hopefully i get to go before junior year before i take the aappl test to try to earn myself the seal of biliteracy. my parents have been using korean less and less at home because of my brothers and i can feel what little skills i had deteriorating along with..... ideally the immersion will get the rust off and also i'll learn to read hangul better. also the last time i went i was a second grader it'd just be nice to go again and experience it from a non-8 year old lens. although perhaps the 8yo point of view is the most true and beautiful one....
anything i want right now: time to sleep and draw and play games and just be chill
to be honest normally for tag games i get shy and just leave it open but since i got tagged three times i'll commit to it. for you guys o7. @rinnetenseis @clopeh @yuikonnu @autistic-lan-xichen @sayakastragedy no pressure at all of course you might've been tagged already anyways all of my mutuals are mutuals with my other mutuals. feel free to ignore this just take it as a sign of friendship. and of course anyone that i forgot who feels like doing a tag game feel free to say i tagged you. smile
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