#fn cat family
lucilassie · 3 months
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Psps and away! 🦾 😼
Model: @weirdfandomchick (Trailblazer Lynx)
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vasyandii · 8 months
Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn 🐉
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Status: ACTIVE
Year of Birth: 2000 (Aged 20)
Day of Birth: September 13
Place of Birth: Vientiane, Laos
Nationality: Laotian
Race: Lao
Languages Spoken: Lao, Thai, English, Russian
Occupation: Tactical Assault Operator, Close Quarters Combat Specialist (Chimera Member)
-Golden Triangle Cartel (Formerly)
-Lao People's Armed Forces (Formerly; Dishonorably Discharged)
Physical Appearance
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 5’2”/159 cm
Build: Lean Muscular
Scars: None
Tattoos/ Markings: Large tattoos on left upper and Center of back
Born in Vientiane, Laos. Living the first 15 years of her life off her uncle's fortune, partaking in the trafficking of illicit narcotics at a young age. The two were close due to them being family, not having many friends due to her uncle's line of work. Enlisted in the LPAF by her Uncle's wishes to "Carve a better path for herself". Was not liked by her peers for her cocky attitude, overly aggressive tactics, and habit of prioritizing her personal safety over the team.
After 3 years of service in the LPAF, excelling in Close Quarters Combat, dishonorably discharged due to repeated physical altercations among teammates. Spent the next 6 months back to working for Kapano Vang despite his reluctance, eventually fleeing to Urzikstan after an argument with Vang about difference in beliefs, multiple people injured; their relationship has been strained ever since. During her time her path crossed with Nikolai, in search of work she signed a long term contract with Chimera, with one year of service.
Shown to exhibit signs of social anxiety and difficulty forming close relationships around people her age. Inherited Kapano Vang's short temper in combat, though more relaxed outside of it. Developed a bond with Syd, seeing her as an older sister. Often paired up with Sebastian Krueger in order to keep them both in line.
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Skills and Abilities
Fighting Style: Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Weapon(s): Whatever is heavy
Distinct Weapon: FN SCAR , Dual Push Blades
Shortcomings: Overly aggressive tactics, focus on personal safety, short temper
Familial Status: Adoptive Niece
Siblings: None
Mother: Adoptive sister of Kapano Vang (whereabouts unknown, records not found/withheld)
Uncle: Kapano “Naga” Vang; (Former warlord drug trafficker, formerly in Warsaw Pact)
Relationship with Family: Nak still idolizes her uncle to an extent, but the more that she's out in the world,the more she realizes that he isn't a good person. Nak’s mother wasn’t present in life. Her uncle took her in after mother wasn’t able to care for her. Naga trained her at a very young age; he thought it was best if she was strong in their lifestyle.
Pet: Cat person, never was allowed to have pets but she would throw scraps of food to strays.
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Myers Briggs Type: ESTJ-T Nak is an extroverted introvert, she likes and enjoys talking to people, however it drains her energy quickly since she's not used to talking to people in such a casual manner. Things like talking business she’s more used to.
Adaptable: A quick thinker, Nak is able to carry out missions by finding creative solutions to make sure her operations are successful. Outside of the battlefield her adaptability allows her to have better communication with people, even with her social anxiety.
Pragmatic: Nak strives to make the most effective solutions so it’s easier on her in the future. Her decision making skills ensure that she’ll survive in the field and outside of it.
Responsible: Living on her own, Nak is responsible, she can’t relax unless all her work is done beforehand. As she starts forming close relationships with people, she realizes that she likes taking care of people.
Negative Traits
Stubborn: Starting out Nak isn’t a very good teamplayer. She doesn’t like others telling her what to do or how to do things so she’s stubborn in a way that she’s adamant about what she wants but adaptable with what methods are needed.
Judgemental: Her formative years with Naga didn’t allow her to trust people, because of the Golden Triangle Cartel she has a habit of being overly critical of others.
Paranoid Perfectionist: Nak is self-demanding, she doesn’t take failure lightly. This leads to her paranoia of not being properly prepared. She becomes aggressive out of frustration if her ability isn’t to her liking.
Colour: Golden Yellow
Food: Fried eggs
Drink: Lemon iced Tea
Flower: Plumeria
Animal: Giant Anteaters
Nak is a shortened version of “phayanak” the mythical water serpent in Laos, it’s also the Lao pronunciation of “Naga” which is her Uncle’s name on the field.
Her face paint draws reference to how snake teeth are shown in Phayanak statues. There are multiple snake motifs in her design. Is the design practical? No, she just likes standing out in that way.
Nak cuts her own bangs (long blunt bangs) she doesn’t trust anyone with cutting them.
Has a lot of upper body and lower body strength; she can lift things heavier than her and calisthenics skills (handstands, full planches, etc.)
Nak is significantly more patient to small children than adults because she can understand why they would do the things they do.
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mugentakeda · 3 months
just wanted to let you know i am Eating your dai li lu ten au. long feng doesn’t know how to be Normal towards his new subordinate because everyone in the dai li, including himself, grew up being indoctrinated and turned into human weapons in an incredibly toxic and soul crushing environment (bc i don’t think the dai li only started being Like That after long feng gained control, and i think it’s canon they start training at 13?)…just like the FN royal family grew up being indoctrinated and turned into human weapons in an incredibly toxic and soul crushing environment, so for lu ten there are a surprising amount of uncomfortable similarities…This Is Fine
LITERALLY THISSSS and lu ten is like. his shiny new subordinate. but in order to keep a sharp eye on him obviously lu ten operates as long fengs personal agent. but it develops beyond "I have to have him near me to keep an eye on him". being long fengs Only personal agent makes the way lu ten is treated compared to the REST of the dai li make sense- high clearance, solo missions that take him outside of ba sing se, his room (cell) being personal (its a room. but its a cell. Its still his room. it has a nice bed and lounging chairs and a tea set and scrolls and whatever the fuck else you have in your room) and deep under lake laogai (away from the sun). harsh punishments that are like 2 shots and a blunt away from torture. but the thing is- and this is where the silco and jinx influence comes in- their dynamic is obviously built on manipulation, but long feng doesn't like... actively manipulate him with words or actions. the regularly scheduled chi blocking and dai li-special brainwashing, yeah, but he doesn't add onto it by feeding lu ten ideas or playing with lu tens mind. its not anything like ozai and azula, or mother gothel and rapunzel. its far more casual and trusting. professional, since it is still a boss and his subordinate, but since lu ten is special, there's a taste of domesticity. long feng doesn't make lu ten bust his ass for the paternal mentor side. its like 'dad and the cat he didn't want'. long feng isn't suspicious of what lu ten does on his solo missions. hed get defensive on lu tens behalf if one of the other dai li heads that do know about lu ten being a fire nation prince would imply that he might betray long feng and ba sing se. he doesn't try to push anything onto lu ten because he doesn't have to- everything long feng wants in lu ten as his agent develops on its own, naturally. hes not cold and calculating when hes punishing lu ten for failing a mission, even if the punishments are crazy harsh. he hands over delicate business that could threaten ba sing se's security to lu ten with relief because long feng trusts him more than he trusts the other powerful dai li heads and politicians that are near long feng's level of power in ba sing se- and not even because lu ten will answer to him anyway, or because he has no reason not to- just because he trusts that lu ten will get the job done right. he trusts lu tens productivity and skill not just as a worker, but just as a person. the pride and care is genuine, and it coexists with the fact that he would definitely use lu ten against the fire nation as a last resort defense if worse came to worst. and yeah, long feng notes their similarities and vows that since lu ten is a special case agent, he will be treated by long feng humanly, and with respect and care. it's almost like a parent vowing to not be like their parents before them, but like. dark sided and evil
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sohemotional · 2 years
Prompt: Santana is a Fire Nation firebender and Britt is an airbender living in the FN. Maybe no one but Santana knows of her airbending. San would be the crown princess and everyone is confused why San hangs out with and protects Britt who's basically kinda the town's weirdo.
A/N: So I'm imagining this happening in an AU where there is no 100 Year War or AN genocide. Most of the FN, especially the Royal Family are still prejudiced/don't understand or respect the Air Nomads and are ignorant of their teachings. 
 FIRE and AIR 
Air fans Fire, and causes it to burn more brightly, stimulating enthusiasm and excitement–or inciting passion and anger. Too much Fire can burn up the oxygen in Air, making it difficult to breathe–and too much Air, such as a strong wind, can cause a flame to flicker even more dimly. Excerpt from Linda Goodman’s “Love Signs”
Santana sighed, grunting as she wiped sweat from her brow, the last flames from her hands dying out. She panted heavily, leaning against a giant monument of her great grandfather, a previous Fire Lord, in the courtyard. Life in the palace afforded her a level of privilege most ordinary Fire Nation people could only dream of, yet Santana was lonely and unhappy.
As the seventeen year-old Crown Princess and the only child of the Fire Lord, her duty was to constantly hone her firebending abilities in addition to enduring constant lessons in history, etiquette, strategy and politics. One day she would be in charge of the military and her parents never let her forget about her duties as the next leader.
It was so early in the morning that even the servants were asleep as she went through her firebending drills, wearing full armour. A sudden rustling in the nearby bushes and a flash of pale skin moving through them took her by surprise. At first she thought it might be a cat. She was so shocked and afraid that the words were caught in her throat. Could it be an assassin?
"Who goes there? I'm warning you, if you think..."
There was more rustling as Santana approached with a ball of fire swirling above her palm as a weapon, just in case. The figure emerged from the bushes and Santana instantly attacked, pelting torrents of fire as she executed swift kicks and punches with powerful movements.
"Fight me!" She yelled, annoyed when the stranger was running away from her and hiding behind monuments or trees everywhere Santana turned.
"Okay, I guess if that's what you feel like doing." The stranger said with a shrug.
To her surprise, the would-be assassin just effortlessly dodged every blast she sent their way, whipping and swirling in a graceful fashion. Their movements were pretty to watch and not aggressive like Santana's own. There were constant flashes of pale yellow hair and white skin but it was difficult to keep up.
Santana was so confused because she had never seen anyone fight in this style before with these circular, evasive movements, gusts of wind flowing around them like a whirlwind. Her actions were all defensive and she did nothing to directly attack Santana. Yet the firebender was becoming easily overwhelmed as she constantly pumped out waves of fire that kept missing her opponent. The figure stopped moving for a moment, levitating on a spherical ball of air.
The black-haired firebender felt flustered, heat rising to her face at the realization that the warrior she was fighting was a girl and a very pretty one at that who was somehow fully naked. Santana had never seen another woman naked before and the girl's beauty was mesmerizing.
"Who are you? What do you want?" She demanded in the deadliest tone she could muster, though she stuttered a little, trying to avert her eyes.
"I'm Brittany. I'm not sure why we're fighting but this is fun!" The girl answered in a sweet, playful voice in response to Santana’s threatening tone. The girl sounded very casual and relaxed, her blue eyes glinting and a little smile on her face as if this was an ordinary thing for her to be doing. Santana huffed, summoning all the strength she had to explosively fire an attack at the girl but she was again too quick for her.
"I'm not really into violence but I can play a game with you."
"This is not a game!" Santana insisted through gritted teeth.
Everytime Santana moved, Brittany was behind her, or above her, or slipping between Santana's legs or arms effortlessly, simply gliding through the wind. Each time she thought she got her trapped between her arms, Brittany would slip away from her. This was so frustrating that Santana growled in annoyance. She had never heard of any Brittany before.
"It's like a dance! Are we dancing?" Brittany cheered and indeed her agile, lithe movements were like those of a very skilled dancer as she mimicked Santana's movements, moving to the left everytime the firebender punched right and vice versa in perfect timing. Santana kept trying to corner her with a barrage of blasts but it wasn't working. Each time Santana took a step forward, Brittany would take a step back then they would do the same thing in reverse, then she'd shift from side to side as if they had choreographed this.
"You're leading it so well too. I'm not wearing my dancing shoes but I'll do my best."
“I’m not dancing with you!” Santana sputtered at this absurd statement, her face feeling hot. Brittany didn't seem to have any qualms about invading her personal space either and her being in such close range made it difficult for Santana to hurl flames at her. "Are you making fun of me?"
Santana was so confused by all of this. Eventually she was too distracted by Brittany's body and tripped on her own feet, Brittany looming over her with a smirk.
She placed her hand over Santana's, somehow extinguishing the final flame that the firebender was trying to ignite. Santana shuddered at the feeling of the girl's hand and pulled hers away, ignoring the little spark she felt when they touched that wasn't from firebending.
"I guess Brittany wins." The girl smiled teasingly, pushing her long hair out of her eyes.
"W-what are we doing?" Santana stuttered after a while, finally regaining her ability to speak as she continued to keep her eyes averted and crossed her arms over her chest.
She was irritated at losing the fight, especially to such a weird opponent who wasn't even fighting her. Santana never lost fights but no matter how much power and muscle she packed into her fire attacks, it was useless against the other fighter. If you could call Brittany that.
"Why are you naked, Woman? You're a trickster! Are you a seductress sent by our enemies to take me down - to tempt me away from my duties? Is this part of your battle strategy to use your body to overpower me?"
Part of Santana realized how ridiculous she sounded even to her own ears. Brittany began to giggle at Santana's words and the scowl she was wearing.
"Oh, wait, I'm naked? Oops. My bad!" Brittany looked down at her body and covered the important parts. "Sorry. I guess I lost my clothes somehow when I fell from my glider."
Santana was completely confused by this pretty girl with her cat-like blue eyes and long blonde hair who seemed to have flown there. She wondered if this was some kind of dream she was having.
"Glider? Why are you here in the royal palace?"
"Sorry, I should have introduced myself before," Brittany replied in her friendly, easygoing way, accepting the dark red cape Santana took off of her own back and offered her to cover herself up with. "Let's start from the beginning. Flameo, Hotwoman! That's what people say here, right? So anyways, I was flying overhead on my way to the Southern Water Tribe but I think my coordinates were off and I got distracted by this really pretty cloud in the shape of a catgator..."
"Can you please get to the point?" Santana begged, keeping her arms crossed defensively as she stood up and trying to ignore the fondness she was starting to feel for this girl even though she wanted to dislike her. It was easier to feign anger than admit she was so attracted to this girl.
"Oh sorry, I ramble sometimes. Anyway, I kind of fell into your backyard I guess a few minutes ago when I got caught in this windstorm. That happens to me sometimes. Then I saw you training and I wanted to watch because you're so hot, no pun intended."
Santana raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side.
"Don't you know who I am?" She was surprised this girl was daring and confident enough to speak in such a way to her. It kind of bruised her ego that Brittany didn't seem to know or care how important she was.
"Not really." The blonde girl deadpanned.
"I've never seen anyone who looks like you before."
"Cool. I've never seen anyone who looks like you before either." Brittany replied with a friendly, disarming smile.
"Do you realize you're in the Royal Palace of the Fire Nation?"
"Really? That's awesome." She gasped.
Anyone else would be intimidated and even embarrassed but Brittany just seemed thrilled.
"So you're not here to kill me?"
Brittany just stared at her blankly frowning.
"Of course not. Why would I want to do that?"
"What were those weird twirly movements you were doing when we were fighting? What kind of strange firebender are you?"
"Firebender?" Brittany echoed in confusion. "Oh no, Silly! I'm an airbender."
It was the first time Santana had ever met an airbender and she couldn't believe how eccentric they were. She had only heard of their culture briefly in the geography classes she took but they seemed so unusual that she almost thought they were made up.
That explained the girl's ability to fly and manipulate the winds. It also explained why her eyes and hair were so different from anyone in the Fire Nation. Her own family and the other nobles always sneered at the Air Nomads, treating them like they were a big joke.
"Princess Santana? Is that you?" A voice called.
"You're the princess?" Brittany asked. Santana nodded, surprised but kind of pleased that Brittany didn't treat her any differently after this reveal. At first she thought she wanted the girl to fawn over her like everyone else did but instead she felt relieved that Brittany wasn't idolizing her. The rest of the nation treated Santana as if she were a god descended from the heavens and found it overwhelming to even be in her presence. "I'm not surprised. You look like royalty and act like you're some queen."
They heard the palace servants moving around and Santana grabbed Brittany by the shoulders, placing a finger to her lips to silence her. If anyone found out there was an airbender here, Brittany would be in trouble.
They might even try to imprison her. She couldn't let that happen. Not to mention, the Crown Princess being caught with a half naked girl in public would definitely be humiliating if anyone ever got word of this. She could only imagine what kind of rumours would spread.
"Shh, we can't let them find you here. I can't believe I'm saying this but come with me. We have to hide you." Santana said hastily, quickly guiding Brittany in the direction of her bedchamber on the other side of the palace and slipping them in through a window. Her dark eyes darted around nervously, making sure no one was watching. Somehow they made it there without anyone catching them.
"This is your room? Flamin'!" Brittany exclaimed as Santana felt a smile tugging at her lips at her use of the antiquated slang while the blonde took in the sight of the luxury Santana lived in. "Is it smokin' or flamin' that you guys say? Sorry I haven't been back to the Fire Nation for a while."
"It's fine." Santana responded with a genuine laugh then glanced at Brittany again, clearing her throat. "Um, we do need to find you some clothes."
She browsed through some of the many expensive and exquisite garments she had been gifted from various noblemen and noblewoman who were friends of the family. She didn't like them and had never worn any of them but Brittany's eyes lit up when she showed them to her.
"Pick any one you want or all of them."
"Oh, I want the pink one!" Brittany insisted. Santana raised her eyebrow when the blonde selected a very soft, muted pastel pink wrap to go over her chest and a matching short skirt. Santana herself preferred much bolder shades of dark red and magenta. She squeaked when Brittany let the cape drop and just started dressing right in front of her with no warning.
"Hey! You can't just do that... I'll just... I won't look, don't worry..." Santana cleared her throat again awkwardly, turning her back to Brittany as she slipped on the garments. Brittany just giggled at how flustered Santana was. 
Her face felt hot when she turned around again and Brittany was finally dressed. Her slim waist and flat abs could be seen in the revealing garments, along with her endlessly long legs. Aside from her colouring, she now looked like any other Fire Nation girl.
"How do I look?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Stunning..." The word slipped out before Santana could help it and she cursed herself for not being more careful. Brittany just turned an adoring blue gaze on her.
“What should we do today?”
“What should we do? It's Saturday. I'm expected to read the longest scroll ever about war tactics, then attend my family's banquet with leaders from the Earth Kingdom tonight.” Santana grumbled.
"That's boring. I think we should go out instead. Hey, there's a Fire Festival on today."
"You're seriously asking me to go to the festival? We only just met. I'm not even allowed to go out anywhere without my guards and chaperone and besides, royalty don't go to ordinary places like that."
"Why not?" Brittany tilted her head to the side as Santana frowned nervously, in disbelief that the girl was asking her something like this. "Wait a minute, Santana have you never been to the Fire Festival before? Don't worry, I'll show you what to do."
"Why would you want to go with me anyway? I just tried to attack you."
"Cause I like you, Santana. Can we be friends?"
The sides of Santana's lips curved upwards and her entire expression softened. It had been such a long time since she had a friend who she genuinely liked, instead of being forced to entertain the stuck up teen children of her parents’ noblemen friends. 
“You’re cute.” 
Santana nearly erupted in flames at these unexpected words delivered so flirtatiously, almost singeing them both in her flustered state as she scowled at Brittany. Brittany fanned herself to help with the heat as smoke was left behind.
"Don't say that. I'm not cute." She whined.
“Whoa, that's hot. Can I say you’re pretty too or would you set me on fire for that?” Brittany giggled. Santana pointedly ignored Brittany's flirtations, crossing her arms.
"Fine, Brittany, we'll go to this festival you speak of but whatever you do, you can't use airbending anywhere in public. I mean it."
"Aye, aye, Captain." Brittany saluted her cheerfully, floating around on a spherical ball of air she used like a scooter.
Brittany spent the day hiding in Santana's bedchamber. Later that evening under the cover of darkness, the two of them sneaked out under the cover of darkness, wearing cloaks for disguise.
To be continued
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marmot-bee-person · 5 months
FN royal family hcs because I really haven’t been treating my blog as the ATLA blog it is
Zuko’s birth was not smooth sailing. Idk, preemie, breech… something else, you get the point.
Lu Ten was not, technically, an only child. He had at least three siblings who were all stillborn or died in infancy (or early childhood).
This world has a leap day only because I want it to be Zuko’s birthday. No other reason. It falls in late autumn, though. (Yeah my Zuko birthday headcanon jumps around a lot but right now I really like this idea so yeah)
Azula’s birthday is in early summer. They’re about 18 months apart.
Mai and Zuko had an arranged marriage as young children (not like they got married as little kids I don’t know how to phrase this you get the point)
Zuko 100% has some kind of acrobatics training, bro can run on walls (maybe he learned with Ty Lee?) (this isn’t a serious one)
Zuko almost died like, four times as a kid (like, definitely should be dead) and now there’s a significant minority of the populace that’s convinced he’s some kind of phoenix-cat spirit in a human’s body. One of those ‘definitely should be dead’s is when he was born. One of them was the time he almost drowned at the beach, the story Ozai tells in the Promise.
Zuko is low-key an incredibly talented artist without even trying… much to Sokka’s chagrin (isn’t that such a good word?)
Why are most of these about Zuko?
Azula and Zuko both don’t like spiders (spider… creatures? Spider-bees? Spider-flies? Spider-ants? All arachnids?) and neither of them is going to admit it first. So it’s a never-ending unspoken game of turkey-chicken (it’s very obvious that Zuko doesn’t like them. With Azula no one even knows).
Zuko is… directionally challenged.
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I just said goodbye to my family. Today also marks the one-year anniversary of my old cat’s passing, who despite being a cat was one of the most important beings in my life and i still miss her dearly... so today is kind of a very emotional day for me.
I still have one full day before I go back to work, and if I feel up for it, maybe I’ll open a FNS to get my creative juices flowing again... bc right now I’m just feeling uninspired after a week straight of entertaining. I just don’t want to fall out of being creative.
I also got the 4 issues of the CN blockparty comics which is cool, it’s nice to have them in my hand as opposed to on a screen. 
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persephonesnow · 2 years
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Second time trying to answer this! @nire-the-mithridatist and @sister-cna-reader both asked for this and tumblr ate the first one so let's try this version.
FN is the first in a series. It's got a split timeline with a roughly 20 year gap between.
Setting for book one is an island nation called the Shattered Isles, founded centuries ago after a group of pirates took over the original volatile magics institute that was there. The past timeline is told from the perspective of the eponymous Nightingale as she struggles to become a leader in an armed rebellion against a fascist regime. The problem: she's always been the mad tinkerer sidekick and has social skills only marginally better than a feral cat.
Future timeline is told from the perspective of 17 y/o Theo as she and her cousin Vince do a school project about the war. The problem: Vince is the son of the biggest hero the war had and their project threatens to reveal some very dark secrets that could unravel the entire family.
Snippet from the past timeline below:
He runs a hand through his hair, curls standing on end in the wake. “Yer part of that crew in the Gold, ain’t ya? Heard they lost some’n important. I take it ya wanna go back to 'em?”
Go back to—ah, that would be the assumption, wouldn’t it?
“No,” she says. “Only the Silver. Where I was living is Wallside with the northern boundary. There’s a way in that doesn’t involve the Climb,” she adds.
He squints at her. “You don’t want to go back?” he asks, honey-slow.
“I was poisoned, yes?” When he nods, she shifts to straighten her spine, shoulders back and head held high. “Then it was an inside job. The only ones who had access that night were all high-ranking members of our team.”
It’s this. This is what she remembers:
Her study in golden light, notes across her desk. A plate of starberry sweets next to an empty teacup. And Kit. Her Kit. Bringing her a fresh cup, taking the old, and pressing a kiss to her temple.
He told her not to stay up too late.
Her favourite person, with her favourite tea; the only thing she consumed that night that she herself did not make.
But Kit wouldn’t. He would never. And he didn’t. She knows this as surely as she knows the sun will rise.
But someone did.
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ultranos · 2 years
You mentioned Yagoda couldn’t fully heal a wound from a corrupted spirit like that. Was that just referring to the scars, or did Azula take psychic/spiritual damage that wasn’t able to be healed fully as well as the physical wounds/scars? If the latter, does she have any sort of side effects?
Yagoda couldn't heal the scars specifically. Azula did take some spiritual damage from that attack, but Yagoda was able to heal that part, which really was the more critical issue. But Dark Spirits are officially Weird and this one that showed up had a grudge against La and Tui. So not only was it resistant to waterbending, so were the effects of its attacks. (Azula did note the golden poison/venom dripping off it.) That includes healing the physical damage, which means Azula's face has to heal the normal way. Even water from the Spirit Oasis itself was only able to heal the corruption to the spirit.
As for side-effects from this, well, La basically dragging her from the ocean like a sodden kitten had already left it's mark on her, so Azula was already registering as more than a little bit spirit-touched to those who could sense that kind of thing. After, well, pretty much everyone in the NWT figures out that oh, that's why La sent them this particular feral burn-y child in particular.
(La: "She's not my cat Firebender!" Tui: "Keep telling yourself that, dear.")
Yagoda is overall really unhappy that she's unable to heal the scars fully, mostly because she's the best master healer, waterbender or other, in the Tribe as well as the fact that one of Azula's adoptive fathers is her son. So that's a huge part of it.
There's also the fact that Yagoda can see La's hands all over this kid, that La for some twisted reason wanted this particular Fire National child to fight like this, and now La's gifts to her won't even let her fix things.
(At this point, Yagoda and the rest of the NWT don't 100% know Azula's former identity as a royal. Pakku suspects, based on some intel from Iroh, but Pakku takes a "trust but verify" approach to any and all intel from his FN White Lotus colleagues at best.
After this, he tells his suspicions to Arnook. He has absolutely no intention of even mentioning it to Iroh. The child's said some frankly disturbing things that make Arnook's grim theory that her family tried to kill her sound eerily plausible.
Pakku can admit his most unorthodox student has grown on him. Like lichen or a particularly stubborn barnacle.)
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duxpuella · 3 years
Headcanons of Charlie D. in summer break with (gn!) reader
<Atention: Modern AU where Neil lives, and Welton’s a boys & girls school.
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of make-out sessions; >
Note: Y/n - your name/ Y/Ln - your last name/ Y/fn - your friend’s;
Requested by: @death-is-the-mother-of-beauty "i’m not the charlie anon but it’d be cool to see charlie dalton x readers during vocation (i feel like charlie wound’t let the poor thing rest, he will always have something new to do)"
Also, here’s my Charlie playlist, hope you enjoy it!
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Every day is a new adventure, honestly. You never know what he's up to.
Charlie does not enjoy staying home. So you might expect him to drive to your house almost every day to pick you up so that you both can hang out.
Most times he takes you to a park where you can practice your hobbies together, have picnics and talks.
He will often show you new songs he learned to play on his sax or a draw he did and was proud of.
Charlie doesn't speak about his household but is very clear that he hates being around his parents/ family. So please, don't ask about it.
He also took you to private sports clubs, so you get to see him playing soccer and/or play other sports with him. He's a very active person and loves to enjoy summer swimming as well.
There are also days where he'll just drive for what it feels like forever. Those are the ones where he is stressed and just wants to sing along the car radio with you. Here's a small setlist of tunes you've sung together:
Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet
Feel It Still, by Portugal. The Man
Drive My Car by The Beatles
Still Into You by Paramore
Leave The Doors Open by Bruno Mars
Twist and Shout by The Beatles
(She's) Sexy + 17 by Stray Cats
Rebel Rebel by David Bowie
Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash
And lastly, your favorite for all times: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
He will also take you to the local cinema every Friday night, to watch any random movie that's on display. But don't worry, this gentleman will surely pay your snacks.
He would gladly pick up the other poets as well to take y'all to the karaoke.
80's movies marathon at his place whenever his parents aren't home.
Usually, he drives you back home before midnight. But if he's feeling down, he will also ask to sleep at your house.
Those nights are the ones where he just wants to be held and for you to stroke his hair.
Or waltz together through the night in your room.
Finally, I picture Charlie with a bright red classic convertible cadillac. Like this one:
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Which led to many funny scenarios whenever it started to rain. Like bluntly opening an umbrella in the middle of the road so he could drive you home a bit better. And a possible make-out session once you're both safe at home with Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) by Joan Jet and The Blackhearts blasting in the background.
Hope you like it! I take requests by ask! (info on requests);
Also, you’ll find more of my writing here.
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 years
Linzumi masterlist
ok, i have so many Linzumi posts so these are my favorites and the most important
there are some fanfics/one shots in here, mostly reblogs. If you want yours to be removed or added, let me know and i'll get on that
all the nsfw content is under the tag spicy thingz
the Linzumi series✨
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
headcanons (asks)
them and their babys
Linzumi when Iroh II joined the UF
Linzumi pet names
cuddles x2
Lin and Izumi being moms
Izumi wants to slap Su
fluffy Linzumi
angsty Linzumi
their beautiful family 🥺
sick! Izumi
Lin's funeral
Lin's death (1/2)
Firekids (Iroh II and Ursa II)
the father of the Firekids
Firekids and Wu
Firekids at Ember Island
bests siblings ever
Azula and Iroh
Azula and Ursa
Iroh II and Lin
Ursa when Iroh joined the UF (1/2)
we hate the Firekids' teachers (1/2)
we hate the Firekids' teachers (2/2)
baby Ursa II and Lin
angsty Ursa
Ursa my beloved
Ursa and her cats
Ursa and Korra
Ursa hc list
by @dollvix
Friends Don't
Baby, look at me, you're my superstar
by @chaoticnerdsstuff
Linzumi engagement (incorrect quote)
Su getting what she deserves
Lin gets injured
by @not-all-dead
Come cuddle
Nothing is wrong with you
I'll keep you warm
You're adorable
by @nerdycanible1
Holding hands under the table
Linzumi smut
Firekids + Lin angst
Drunk Izumi
by @baefonglin
Linzumi first kiss
Linzumi on Ember Island (1/?)
Linzumi slow dances (2/?)
Lin and Ursa (1/2)
Lin and Ursa (2/2)
by @nyamadermont
Linzumi reunion
by @chiefbeifong07
Long day?
Linzumi one-shots
by @umbrumturtle753
Lin moves to the FN
by anon(s)
I'm ok (1-2)
Im glad you're back
Tyzula and Lin
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shafverani · 3 years
Lethal Embrace - James “Bucky” Barnes & Y/N Reader!
Part 2
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Note: This is my first time writing anything! Your positive feedback and constructive criticism is welcome! Inspiration: Just a few girls chatting about Bucky being a mob boss in a Sebastian Stan chat. Word count: 1628 Hope you all enjoy, please leave a comment, it helps me to write :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Part 2
The next morning was here faster than you had imagines, you alarm had been ringing for the past 1 hour and you kept hitting the snooze button. It was 8:30 am now and if you hit the snooze button one more time, you knew you’d be late to work. With all the strength in you, you lifted off the covers and got into the shower to get ready for your day. Paring a white shirt with black pencil skirt, you did you makeup and headed out for the day.
You reached your office at 9:30 and made your way to your room, you knew you had a meeting with your boss today at noon to discuss how you were going to get access into Bucky’s day to day life. as your day progressed and you made your way to meet your boss in the conference room, you were met with a surprise. The James “Bucky” Barnes in flesh sitting in the conference room next to your boss discussing something. You made your way in and sat across from the 2 men, you could swear you felt Bucky’s eyes move up your body as if he was checking you out, but you didn’t dwell on it.
 *Bucky’s POV”
As soon as I laid my eyes on her, memories of that one night came flooding back to my mind, I remembered how she was so close to me yet so far away, when she had hugged me, it was like as if I was finally breathing again. That was the night I had sworn to myself that I would protect her with my life no matter what, I would always keep an eye out for her. I had found out everything about her, her name, her job, her family history, everything that there was to know about her I knew, and that’s why when Draco came to me with a proposal of his magazine wanting to do a piece on my life, I had specifically asked for Y/N. Draco couldn’t say no to me, after all I was the mob boss of the city, and saying no meant asking for unnecessary trouble.
As Y/N walked into the conference room, I looked at her from head to toe, taking in every minute detail of her, the way her hair was tied up in a messy bun with a pencil keeping everything from falling over, having a few strands surround her face. Her hands filled with papers, or rather the research that she had done on me. The way the white shirt fit her curves well, with the first two button open giving me just a slight view of her cleavage. Her skirt was well fitted around her bottom, hugging her curves in all the perfect way. In that moment all I wanted to do was take her right then and there on the conference table. I wanted to run my hands over every inch of her body, kiss her till she could see the stars and just fuck her senseless till she begged for my mercy, and once I was done, I would make her feel like the queen she was, I wanted to make love to her, cuddle her, protect her with every fiber of my being. I was amazed at myself for thinking all those things about her, never had a woman in my life made me feel the way Y/N did. I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on what Draco was saying and paid attention to the meeting at hand.
*End of Bucky’s POV*
 You sat right in front of Bucky, surprised to see him here, it was like as if cat caught your tongue, Draco saw Bucky shift in his chair as you made your way towards the table, he let it slide by him, thinking it was nothing. Bucky kept his steady gaze on you, while you sorted out your papers to get started with today’s meeting and avoiding Bucky’s stern gaze on you.
Before you could get started with your presentation for both Bucky and Draco, Bucky looked over at Draco and said, “the answer is yes, she gets to observe my day-to-day life, but I have one condition, since she wants to be a part of my everyday life, she needs to move into my mansion starting tomorrow”. Both Draco and you were dumb founded, your mouth hung open, you had not expected Bucky to just say yes so easily, without you even trying to persuade him, you thought maybe Draco had already spoken to him. All you could do was stare at Bucky. Bucky looked at you and gave his signature smirk. He knew what he was doing, those blue eyes and that smirk made you weak in the knees and made your stomach flip 10 times. You knew he wanted something, that smirk said it all.
MOVING INTO HIS MANSION that one phrase had multiple light bulbs go on in your head, there was no way you would move into this man’s mansion. You hardly knew him, let alone the fact he was the most dangerous man of the city. It wasn’t that you were scared of him, after your encounter with him 2 months ago, you felt everything but scared of Bucky Barnes, but moving in with him was a big step that you were not prepared for and you had to make him aware of that.
“I am not moving in your mansion, Mr. Barnes”.
“Oh doll, if you don’t move in, I’m afraid this deal is over, the choice is yours.”
Oh this cocky son of a bitch, he knew this deal meant everything to you, it was your step to climb the ladder of success and there was no way you could blow this away. You turned your head to face Draco, hoping he would rescue you out of this mess, only to have him give you the look of a helpless man, he had a sorry emotion written all over his features. Draco spoke,
“Mr. Barnes may Ms. Y/N and I be excused for a few moments?”
Bucky kept his gaze on you, noticing your every single movement, without averting his gaze from you, he spoke, “Draco, you and I both know that is my final word, you have to make Miss Y/N here understand that, you know what this deal means for your company, it’s a take or leave it chance and I give you 5 mins to make your decision”.
You stood up and made your out of the conference room, Bucky’s eyes following your every move, its like his gaze would burn right through you, it was as if he could feel every single emotion that was going on inside your head. Walking out of the conference room, you knew you had no choice but to say yes to this cocky son of a bitch, otherwise you would go back to being a mere journalist in this office who was hardly noticed by anyone, but you couldn’t let Bucky know that you would give in so easily, specially when he was noticing your every move, you had to put up a fight for yourself.
You tried to make reasonable arguments with Draco, but you knew it was not going anywhere, your time was running short, and you had to go back into the conference room and say Yes to him. You looked back at Bucky, there was amusement adorning his features, like he was having fun making you go through this and right then and there you knew you were in trouble, Bucky Barnes is going to create a havoc in your life and turn your life upside down and the worse part was, there was no way you could stop him from doing so.
You walked back into the conference room and without looking at Bucky, you said, “The answer is yes, Mr. Barnes, I will move into your mansion, but I have some terms and conditions” to which Bucky replies, “Doll, don’t worry, all your terms and conditions will be met, see you tomorrow morning, I shall send a car to pick you up in the morning.” He got up from his chair and walked towards Draco, shook his hand and was about to leave the conference room, when Draco spoke and said’ “Y/N, could you please escort Mr. Barnes to his car”? you hated every bit of this, but you couldn’t do anything, instead you looked up at Draco and replied, “with pleasure.” Sarcasm lacing every single word you spoke.
Bucky and you walked together towards his car, as you reached the entrance, he leaned in and whispered; “no hug for me today doll, the last I remember you couldn’t keep yourself away from my arms”. You looked at him and all you wanted to do was wipe that smirk off his face, but him being so close to you, made your heartbeat go wild, those blue stormy eyes made you get lost in them and you couldn’t form a sentence. Bucky caught you dumbfounded and smirked, this brought you back to reality and you replied saying; “Those times were different Mr. Barnes.” Bucky just smiled and leaned back down and said, “See you tomorrow Y/n and don’t bother bringing any of your clothes with you”. Suddenly jerking away from him, you looked up and before you open your mouth, he finished his sentence saying, “I’ll have your wardrobe set up for you, remember its my house, my rules”. With a wink, he got into his car and drove away, leaving you all flustered with a shiver running down your spine and a pit in your stomach.
Bucky Barnes was going to be the death of Y/FN Y/LN.
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atla-hcs-and-bakoda · 3 years
HC #58
to go into more detail on a hc i gave before:
Animal Tendencies Of The Fire Nation
Specficially, the royal family. While most FN citizens are more cat and lizard-like, the royal family are quite dragon-like. Each member of the royal family, that are in the bloodline (Ursa and such do not count), are born as little demi-humans, with red (or blue, in some cases) scales over parts of their body, with tiny horns, wings, and a tail. As they grow up, the tail falls off, the scales match the skin-tone, their eyes go from cat-like slits to regular pupils, and the horns and wings shrink until they leave just faint scars in the skin. Their hands and feet go from claw-like to human-like, however their teeth and tounge (sharp & forked respectively) don’t change.
Until they look human-enough to pass as “normal”, the royal family does not let their child out of the palace, and preferably away from nobles when they can. However, the dragon appereance only starts showing after the first month, and fades around 5, so the royal family still shows their child at a month old to the public to officially name them, and then doesnt show them again until they look human.
Zuko’s dragoness didn’t fade entirely until he was 6, a year past the “norm”, where as Azula’s faded at 4 and a half.
After their dragoness disappears, their scales can still be seen like a reflection of fire when close to or surrounded by firelight, and from time to time their scales will show back up in full, particularly around autumn when things get “cold” (or when its not blisteringly hot, since its the fire nation) or in genuinely cold climates like the water tribes.
However, they are not told about this family gene until they are around 15. Iroh may or may not have forgotten to tell Zuko about it until after the war when Zuko’s scales showed during a visit to the southern water tribe.
Alongside the appearance differences, they also have some family-specific traits, mannerisms, etc that they get from being dragon-like. The ability to breathe fire (which will happen when their very mad, otherwise they’ll need to learn it), the ability to roar and growl like a dragon, the ability to very easily scale walls, and other such things.
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malloryhou · 2 years
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Full Name/Nickname: Mallory “Mal” Feng Hou
Age/DOB: 27, November 10th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ☉ Aquarius ☽ Taurus ☿
Gender: Cis Woman
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Arrondissement: Entrepôt
Sexual/Romantic Orientations: Bisexual, Biromantic
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Mechanic at Pepe’s Auto Repair
Goals/Desires: To regain a sense of purpose, and to somehow find a way to satiate her need to compete
Fears: Failure, Spiders, Further injuring her knee
Hobbies: Yoga, Guitar, and Hiking
Likes & Dislikes: Likes- Cats, Dogs, Parties, Camping, Intelligent conversation, Swimming, The Ocean, The feeling of summer sun. Dislikes- Movie Theatres, Rudeness, the color Orange, Forced Friendliness, Being talked down to
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Parents: Theodore Hou (father), Feng Xiá (mother)
Sibling(s): None
Pet(s): Fantine, the adopted stray cat missing a part of her ear
Ride or Die: (Filled) Mallory is the type to keep people at arms length, but this is a friend that can see through her bullshit and attitude, and me the friend that she really needs. Someone who knows exactly what to say and when to say, someone who won’t sugar coat things for her, and someone fully prepared to put up with her impulsiveness. {Gianluca Nicoli} Friend: Mallory has a tendency to be rough around the edges. She’s been through a lot over the course of the last nine years, and it weighs heavy on her most of the time, but she’s that same strong-willed, passionate kid underneath it all, and could use some friends to keep her grounded. Party People: Mallory’s party ways aren’t entirely out the window. The girl loves to go out for a drink or two, and have some fn. She could certainly use a compatriot in her antics. Childhood Friend: Maybe they did Gymnastics together or went to school together. Just a friend who was constantly there for Mallory even as she was bounced back and forth between London and Paris. Former Fan: Someone who is either a Gymnastics fan or was just excited for the 2016 Olympics who was potentially following Mallory’s journey up to her injury at the trials. Could be a ‘don’t meet your heroes’ situation or whatever feels right. Client at the Auto Shop: Maybe your muse drives a beater that needs a lot of work, and you only trust Mal to work on your car. Maybe you’re fixing up an old car, and Mal is just helping out along the way. She doesn’t love her job, but she loves being good at it. Lonely Hearts Club: A former or current hook-up. A one night stand. Anything of that nature, especially during cuffing season. It’s nothing serious, and very much involves ‘u up’ style texts. Foes: Mallory is nothing if not brash and harsh. She doesn’t pull punches, and she will tell it like it is most of the time. That can rub a lot of people the wrong way, especially when she tends to be in a sour mood. It would make sense for her to have someone who cannot stand her.
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mallowstep · 3 years
holy days. holidays. games kits play.
THUNDERCLAN has no holy days. there is no day more worth celebrating than any other. each day has chance for tragedy and happiness. informally, the dark days of leafbare are something of a holy, hallowed time, when even kits know the severity their clan could face.
neither do they have holidays. ceremonies celebrate individuals, and after a hard leaf-bare, a leader might congratulate the clan, but there is no such thing as a holiday. there’s a reason cats leave thunderclan more than they join, but  there’s also a reason outside cats are attracted to thunderclan.
but kits in thunderclan are joyous. they play moss ball, practice hunting, and act out scenes from battles elders told them about. for thunderclan, there is no such thing as a kit acting too immature, because the joy of kits playing is why they need to defend camp.
RIVERCLAN has holy days like the river has fish. new moons and the end of seasons and the beginning of seasons. the first morning where ice on the lake has broken and every time it rains. **other clans call them frivolous, but it is how they honor their fortune, how they commune with those who have passed, and this is why riverclan believes they, above any other, are most spiritual. [1]
a holy day is a holiday as far as riverclan is concerned. there is no event not worth celebrating, each stage of life moving them onward. they honor the river and the way the water moves but the river keeps its course. feasts are common, as are flower decorations, and swimming competition.
maybe this is why riverclan kits are so calm. they grow up sheltered by reeds and water, water dangerous if they fall in too soon. kits play in the nursery as much as possible, never leaving without a careful eye on them until they are capable of swimming. they can be patient, because once they are older, there will be plenty of time for play. [2]
SHADOWCLAN has holy days like the sky has stars. they are serious, though. half moons are a sanctified time, with the medicine cats away, and the first frost is a warning day, filled with prayer, that they won’t starve for loss of the frogs and lizards that make up much of their new-leaf and green-leaf diet.
holidays are minor, the days before and after holy days surrounded in preparations and feasts, fasts being prepared for and broken, and kits, who sense the coming changes even if they’re not explicitly told, exploiting the minimized supervision, running around camp like they’re half-loner.
kits are a playful bunch. they play out their wars across camp, claiming swaths of land as shadowclan and thunderclan and windclan. they play battle, mock fights, hunt leaves. after brokenstar, queens are cautious, trying to keep their kits in, fearing them appearing too old once again. but they can't keep them in the nursery forever.
WINDCLAN has few holy days, but they have fasting days and hymn days, new moons and quarter moons and rain. they have winds of change and stability, winds from south and north. they don't need a day to venerate the stars, they say. it's something a good warrior is always thinking of. each day has something holy in it, whether it is a lucky catch, a new birth, or an apprentice's first trip to the moonstone.
their holidays are singing days, part prayer and part celebration. the medicine cat will choose the section, or start from the wind and go all the way through, but apprentices revel in a day off from training and mates choose duets to sing together. kits mostly listen, and sit with their parents, but sometimes a group will petition for a chance to sing, and sometimes, that request will be granted.
kits race around camp, playing in flat areas left for their amusement. there's little structure to their days, and they exhaust themselves chasing and pouncing. windclan has no dens; warriors often becoming unintentional obstacles as kits duck under them and weave between their legs. but there is still join in this; windclan has long been troubled and having enough kits to play is a relief.
SKYCLAN was reborn by the paws of thunderclan. firestar left them no holy days, and yet, they found their own with time. full moons and half moons, hallowed time of gathering, when the spirits were close enough they could reach them. the days the river flooded became mourning days, the day they found the cave of shining moss became a day of prayer.
holidays and holy days are one and the same. loners and rogues have neither, and kittypets could only bring word of twolegs acting strangely at somewhat regular intervals. they celebrate the dead of winter, doing the best they can to feast with everything they could. skyclan has no time to waste; each day is to be utilized to its fullest.
kits play the games of their parents, chasing moss balls or collecting sticks. loners come with their own traditions, and skyclan's nursery is a mixture of them. clovertail had the biggest influence, raising kits on her games of hiding and catching. their nursery now has never seen her, but with each season of kits, the games morph, hiding leaping for feathers and telling the story of reassembling the clan.
YELLOWFANG joins thunderclan and growls at kits playing and really, who can blame her? she knew to fear kits seeming older than they were; she knew kithood was a fragile time. and if she was irritable, maybe it was in part because the rhythm of her life had been shattered, with no days of quiet reflection to break up the chaos.
GREYSTRIPE enjoys the lighter moments, when he is with riverclan. crookedstar took him into his family, introducing him to the traditions. he watched featherkit and stormkit play, told them stories of their mother when it rained, and for some amount of time, felt like he belonged.
IN STARCLAN, the seasons often merge together. there is no need to honor the ancestors you are a part of. the youngest members of starclan are the most energetic, running across the fields and forests. they never learned about differences between clans, not properly, but they bring the smallest traditions they were taught.
obviously the ice is a new one. cultures change. ↩︎
of course, this logic is the product of raising kits in a dangerous environment. kits are kits, and they will play. they’re just basically never left unsupervised. riverclan kits would never get up to the hyjinks we see in thunderclan. ↩︎
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
thinkin’ bout an ATLA daemon AU, and I think daemons would probably all be real-world animals, similar to the spirits, since there’s something of a link there. Your daemon is your own personal spirit/soul, after all.
Some headcanons on this line:
Iroh - A very rare case of a daemon changing shape as an adult. He previously had a hawk; when he returned from his travels after Lu Ten’s death, he was accompanied by a... I wanna say maybe capybara (nurturing herd animal, intelligent, selective with which leaves they eat, scandalously semi-aquatic for a FN royal). There’s speculation in the FN that a spirit did it to him, but it really was just a result of his own internal change. This actually comes in very handy when he has to enter Ba Sing Se as a refugee later on, and just in general in staying under the radar.
Hakoda - A sea otter; not an unusual daemon for SWT. He fairly well exemplifies the clever, playful, family-driven yet still powerful opponent when riled.
Kya - A penguin. Very at home in the water, a doting parent willing to make extreme sacrifices for their young.
Bato - A wolf. Another common WT daemon for its social nature, pack-based life and hunting style, and associated often with excellent warriors of the tribe.
Bumi - A duck-billed platypus. Despite never seeing it as a ‘normal’ animal in the wild, people are often suspicious it’s not his real daemon because it sure doesn’t look like one pure spirit the way most of them do. Mole-like which fits with his bending but also definitely weird and not a typical mole just as he isn’t a typical earthbender.
Ozai - Black mamba. Snakes and lizards are common/well regarded in the FN as being linked closely to dragons and thus a sign of Agni’s favor. His aggressive, deadly daemon reflects his belief in his superiority and inherent greater right to rule than his older brother. Azulon also had a snake, a comparison which he always took pride in.
Ursa - Cliche says bear but I actually want to go with meerkat or mongoose. Both are social animals that actually hunt venomous snakes and take an active role in raising and teaching their children, which seems fitting for her.
Azula - tries not to change often, and lots of people believe she’s actually already Settled as a snake, but if they paid attention they’d notice changes in species every so often. Remains unsettled throughout the series, though she heavily favors snakes and spiders. I like to imagine her one day Settling as a saltwater crocodile just for the images but honestly it’s a long way off for her to Settle.
Mai - Unsettled but favors very small daemons that can remain hidden in her clothes such as small insects, lizards or snakes. Very rarely ever shows itself to anyone, let alone for any length of time.
Ty Lee - Settled when she was in the circus; something that Azula resents slightly and so she tries never to draw attention to. Her daemon is probably some form of smallish monkey though I’m not sure exactly which; very cute and quite intelligent as well as surprisingly nasty when angered.
Sokka - Unsettled for a long time, though often in the form of sea otter like Hakoda, or a wolf. Eventually starts adopting more variety the longer they travel, particularly in order not to stand out too much (or to try and stand out, depending) and by the end of the show Settles as a raven. Very intelligent, curious, problem-solver with a bit of a penchant for mischief and a long memory.
Katara - Almost always stays in an aquatic or arctic animal in stubborn loyalty to her culture and identity as the last waterbender of the SWT, notably often becoming a leopard seal or polar bear during combat. She still hasn’t Settled by the end of the series but has been tending strongly towards arctic fox. Sokka has secretly always taken comfort in her not Settling yet despite the motherly role she’s taken on. In fact, before Aang arrived he’d begun to worry because she had stayed a penguin for several months straight... but Aang brought out her youthful side and her daemon changes more around him.
Aang - the Avatar is linked to the spirit world so completely that I want to say they don’t have a daemon. Instead they often tend to bond with an animal guide of their native element. Obviously this changes how they learn they’re the Avatar but I think it makes sense. When trying to be incognito, he pretends Momo is his daemon, and mostly gets away with it due to not many people recognizing his species, but (not super) secretly he feels that Appa is practically the same as his daemon.
Toph - her daemon is blind just like her and switches all the time. Tends to favor either large ferocious beasts, moles, or lizards. Absolutely never a bird, although one time they do try out being a bat. She has shown no signs of even considering Settling by the end of the show, and in fact has recently been switching between hippo and cricket a lot.
Zuko - doesn’t Settle until the Day of Black Sun. He also tended to switch around a lot as a kid but became extremely frustrated with himself and ashamed of still ‘being a child’ during his time in exile. He became convinced he’d Settle when he regained his honor and remaining Unsettled after returning home increased his deep sense of shame/lack of satisfaction. When confronting his father his daemon takes the form of a large cat... I wanna say jaguar. They don’t even realize they’re Settled until later at the Air Temple.
Yue - Already Settled by the time we meet her. A malamute dog, her daemon shows not only loyalty and a strong work ethic/duty, but also a more down-to-earth and sometimes playful side that she rarely gets to openly express. Her and Sokka’s daemons get along famously, a lot of cheerful wrestling in wolf form.
Suki - I kind of want to say she Settles as a horse. Can’t quite articulate why for some reason but I like the idea a lot. That or a tiger.
Hama - An octopus. Very intelligent, sensitive, adaptable predator skilled at hiding in plain sight.
That one healer lady - Everyone thinks her daemon is Miyuki the cat, but no, Miyuki is an actual spirit. Her daemon is a frog.
Cabbage Man - A fainting goat, probably.
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danteriverflow · 3 years
Things to think about
Version 1
1. A Council of the Isles
The purpose is to discuss areas of shared values/interests/concerns equally. To be attended by:
UK PM (if it still exists)
Regional English representatives (perhaps North, Middle, South)
1st Minister of Scotland
1st Minister of Wales
1st Minister of NI (unless Irish unification)
Channel Islands
Isle of Man
Other significant island groups. (Outer Hebrides?, Shetland, Orkney, Atlantic islands, Diego Garcia, Falklands, etc)
Representative from Republic of Ireland
2. Brexit
Create a mini common market for perishable goods (Food, Fish, agricultural products) with the EU. No quotas/tariffs. Mirroring relevant EU standards.
Create a European Citizens Card granting shared UK/EU citizenship to anyone who wanted to apply for it.
EU workers rights to be mirrored as a baseline standard.
3. MP Reform / Elections
PM to be directly elected by the public. From the majority party, no longer simply to be the leader of the majority party.1
MPs ousting a sitting PM become ineligible for reelection.
Proportional Representation for general elections.
A “None of the Above” option to be added to ballot papers.
All party names, logos and branding to be removed from ballot papers and polling stations.
Less than 75% voter turn out reduces the parliamentary term to two years.
Voting age reduced to 16 years
Parliamentary term of 4 years. (Unless voter turn out is too low)
Elections to be held on the first Sunday of June.
Referendums regarding Constitutional change can only be won if two thirds of entire electorate vote for the proposition.
Formalised, legally binding, independently set, and judged, code of conduct for MPs (with real consequences for breaking them i.e prison, entire family banned from holding public office). 2
Fixed budget for MPs offices per annum, equal to per pupil funding. No expenses at all.
Parliament/the Crown/the state to purchase offices, with living spaces above in each constituency for the sitting MP. No other accommodation is paid for by the state.
MP starting salary to be the same as the starting salary of a teacher or nurse. (Same performance related criteria used for pay rises)
Pensions and other benefits to be the same as a teacher or nurse.
During periods of parliamentary shutdown (holidays) MPs will be tasked with doing seasonal work, fruit picking, etc. Salaries withheld for non-compliance. (Added to MP code of conduct rules.)
MPs pledge allegiance to: The nation, its people and the rule of Law and not the crown.
The right to national self-determination.
MPs barred from using social media.
MP's with external interests (must be declared, code of conduct) are banned for participating in votes and discussions where that interest is pertinent.
4. House of Lords Reform3
Creation of the title “Lord Senator” for people who will sit as the second chamber.
Limited to 99 people who hold the title for 3 years.
They must have demonstrable expertises in a specific field. (Science, medicine, law, education, commerce, etc.)
They may be reselected to sit for a further 3 years.
They will be nominated by a cross party committee and voted on by 101 (this number could larger if desired) randomly chosen (jury service style) “Citizen Electors”.
Traditional honours will still be awarded but only public nominations for those honours will be considered. Political donors will automatically be exempted from ever receiving an honour (honours will be stripped from political donors).
Titles bestowed will be honorary and receive no state funding or benefits. Titles may not be used as name salutations. These honours will be removed publicly for misconduct.
5. Party Funding
Political donations to be taxed at 60% over £5000
Donations may only come from tax paying, resident British Citizens.
End of Non-Dom status. Holders of UK birth certificate pay UK taxes regardless of where they live.
Publicly searchable database to be created for donors. (Who they are, where they are based, tax status, how much they have donated etc.)
All donations to be collected together and distributed equitably amongst all parties.
All political party’s must have a leader elected directly by its members.
6. Education
All schools become Free Schools. Academies abolished.
Eton to be closed and burnt to the ground.
All schools to have a board of governors made up of staff, parents, local officials, and community people to hold school leadership to account.
LEA to resume it’s old purpose, but without responsibility for standards.
Schools to, once again, receive their budget in one lump sum.
Academy Trust leadership to be disbarred from school leadership/OfSTED and lesser roles in schools will be highly controlled and limited in scope.
OfSTED to be scrapped and remade.
No notice of visit
No fixed length of visit
Old grading to be scrapped and replaced with 5 star ratings for multiple specific areas.
All teachers to be observed for 1 full teaching lesson, but not personally graded or evaluated.
Inspectors must hold the rank of Deputy Head or higher with a minimum 10 years classroom teaching experience.
Teachers will be chosen at random to become inspectors for one school inspection.
OfSTED to publish no documentation/guidance except the inspection report.
Privatised exam boards to be scrapped and replaced by a single national system.
Academic qualifications set by professional academic bodies (universities or Royal institutes)
Vocational qualifications to be set by trade guilds so training and qualifications are relevant to their field.
Students will have a mixed experience of academic/vocational education set to their needs and aspirations.
Students will develop a personal record of achievement. School achievements, exam grades, work experience, outside experiences (scouts/guides, coaching, sport achievements, Music, etc). All has equal weight.
What students do after they have finished compulsory education will be used to help parents' evaluate a school's performance.
Primary schools will focus on Literacy, Numeracy and the joy of learning.
Primary schools to include nature awareness. Plants, animals, trees. Camping trips, rambling, community allotments.
All student's learn a foreign language and offered the chance to participate in a student exchange program.
7. Monarchy4
Monarch would be retained, but stripped of all divinity/superiority.
They will be trained from birth to be head of state.
The extended family will not receive any titles, state funds, assistance or grace and favour lodgings.
The bells and whistles pageantry will be reduced to a basic minimum. Maybe keep some of it for the tourists.
8. Policing
A small national police force to deal with terrorism, organised crime, people smuggling - Pan-national crime.
County Constabularies to focus on local issues. Petty crime, cats up trees.
Police Stations to be closed and replaced with Tardis style community based police boxes.
Police Constables to spend all their time out in the community.
Interviews of suspects to occur with independent public observation.
Detention cells will not be under police control.
De-militarisation of Police uniforms. Return to more traditional uniforms.
No guns, no tasers.
Police to be trained in non lethal de-escalation techniques.
Soldiers serving in the armed forces will be looked after for life. Housing, physical care and mental health, transition from soldier to civilian. Their partners and children under 18 will also be looked after.
Instead of going to war the leaders of each country must fight each other one-on-one. The winner is victorious, no reprisals. Legally binding contract/treaty to be agreed before hand.
Crime and punishment will be separated.
Parliament decides what types of activity are criminal.
Parliament decides what types of "punishment" are available.
Courts decide if the evidence presented proves the accused is guilty of what they have been accused.
Courts decide what sentence is appropriate for that person from the punishments available.
"Punishment" should not be vindictive but to prevent recidivism.
If an activity becomes de-criminalised those already serving a sentence for that crime are immediately released from that sentence.
9. Housing
Buy-to-let mortgages to be abolished. If you can’t afford to own it outright you can’t afford to rent it out.
Rent to be capped at 60% of the equivalent monthly mortgage payments. If the mortgage was £1000 per month the maximum rent you can charge is £600 pounds in total for the property, not per person.
Minimum rental duration to be 5 years. Short term rentals will be called hotels.
Long term rentals (20+years) will be offered the chance to take ownership. Sale price minus the total rent paid.
All homes built will be council owned.
Council houses sold must be returned to council ownership for price paid, not market value, if less than 20 years has passed since sale.
Houses to be sold by the square metre, not by number of bedrooms. To aid comparison.
10. Environment / Economy / Society
Solar panels on the roof of every public building.
Smaller wind turbines added to lamp posts along motorways.
Companies selling products that use excessive/unnecessary plastic packaging taxed more.
More community green spaces in housing areas.
Switch farming from animal to cereal/vegetable.
Phase out large Power Stations, replace with smaller less damaging ones.
Better recycling/reuse for more types of materials.
More clothing reuse/recycling.
Abolish crypto currencies/Bitcoin.
Find a better alternative to petrol and electric cars.
Balance should be created between work and home life.
Plant more fruit trees in public areas.
Transform the economy from growth driven to sustainability. Stop keep making stuff just to sell just to keep profits increasing.
Job security. Happy, nurtured people work better/harder and more productively. Also get ill less.
Allow people space for personal development. Passive skills enrich life and work. Motherhood/maternity (and paternity) leave should not be seen as a hinderance but an asset to a company. The skills developed raising a child are huge.
Life is for people. Take the people out of a business and the business disappears. Get rid of the business and the people are still there.
All life is valid.
The right to personal self-identification. (Yes, you can identify as a panda, if you so wish)
Universal Basic Income £12,000 per year5
Homeless people are to be provide with a proper home to live in, paid work tending outdoor public spaces, community projects or something more suitable is provided (only to provide up-to-date work experience and references).
Big tech companies to be tax properly on revenue raised from UK income.
Social media users get 15% cut of the money made from selling their data.
Small businesses (revenue under £2 million) pay no tax.
Software sold as subscription must also have a one off payment standalone version for sale.
Subscription services must offer a free, entry level tier where no credit card is needed for signup.
Electronic equipment must be 3rd party repairable.
Subscriptions can be terminated by the customer at any time by writing to the company regardless of how close you are to a renewal period. Failure of the company to comply results in all the money you have ever paid them being refunded to you.
Private companies operating public services may continue to do so but will pay the state 60% of all profits for the privilege. No tax payers money will be handed over to them. Debts incurred will be their own.
Banks will never be bailed out. People's savings up to £150,000 guaranteed.
Separate interest rates for borrowing and saving.
Savings interest rates will be tiered:
10% - £1 to £10,000
5% - £10,001 to £50,000
1% - £50,001 to £100,000
0.5% - £100,001 to £500,000
0.01% - £500,001 to £999,999
-10% - £1,000,000 and over
Redundancies start at the top. CEOs/management get cut first. The people who caused the problems should be punished before those who have no power in an organisation.
Fire and rehire abolished.
Terminally ill patients have the right to end their life on their own terms.
Colonial artefacts held in museums to be duplicated and returned to place of origin, if place of origin want them back.6
Complete global nuclear disarmament.
Tumblr and webbrowsers don't always render markdown as expected, sorry. Footnonte links aren't seeming to work.
A list of candidates from each political party (3 per party) will accompany the ballot paper. The voter would choose one person from each political party they would prefer to be Prime Minister in the event that that party won. (Majority vote wins) ↩︎
13 Citizen Electors will be randomly (and secretly) chosen to evaluate if the accusations breach the code. The accused will remain anonymous to the Electors. ↩︎
I like the idea that people who know what they are talking about (experts) can examine the full ramifications of laws and how those laws will impact upon their field without needing to appeal to, or worry about, populism to win an election. ↩︎
The only reason not to go full republic is to stop the likes of Nigel Farridge, Boris Johnson or some other rightwing twonk or Neo Nazi lording it over us. ↩︎
Available to anyone over the age of 21 with at least 5 years National Insurance contributions (voluntary work, work experience, Saturday jobs, and apprenticeships are valid). Available to anyone who applies for it. No other state money will be received - no job seekers, housing benefits, pensions, working tax credits etc. £12,000 per year is all you get. This should make government expenditure simple because all you need to know is the number of people over 21 multiplied by £12,000. ↩︎
Items we would like to keep will either be bought at market value or leased from country of origin. ↩︎
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