#floyd the gay one
squidflavoredsoup · 3 months
Can you draw a smol floyd
he is my everything I swear on John Dory’s square head
yes here a smol floyd for u
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toriowlfluff · 6 months
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I’m completely normal about the trolls movies yes, especially that last one. Totally normal.
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thatguynamedgreg · 4 months
Umm idk how tumblr works but like
Haha silly little au, nothing wrong here ❤️
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haha i am too obsessed with this man
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zivazivc · 10 days
a collection of old doodles and forgotten wips
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yall ever open MS Paint at your adult office job so you can draw DreamWorks Trolls?
me too
You can tell I drew Bruce first haphazardly then actually paid attention w the others 🤓 except branch I just think bitty b is funny. Still getting the hang of doodling those little freaks <3
I do plan on making more dumbass MSpaint trolls are tho heheh
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enzogabriella · 8 months
Even more Trolls 3 incorrect quotes while we wait for the movie
This one’s for the gays 😎 (Ft gay moments with Venner and my Oc)
John Dory: but I’m right
Baby Branch: but your wrong
John Dory: but I’m right
Baby Branch: but your wrong!
John Dory: that’s why your the slowest out of all of us
Baby Branch: that’s why you don’t have a girlfriend
John Dory: I’m about to end your whole career, you do know Santa Claus isn’t really right?
Baby Branch: what?
Floyd: why would you tell him that?
John Dory: he had it coming, he had it coming!
Baby Branch: grandma! Grandma!
John Dory: no don’t go crying to grandma!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Val: you ever talk about your emotions Laguna?
Laguna: no
Synth: I do!
Val: I know Synth
Synth: I’m sad
Val: I know
Veneer: *exists*
Aven: *gay panic*
Aven: *exists*
Veneer: *gay panic*
Clay: *holding a ice cream blizzard upside down* this sh*t really just like, I mean like I’m just like in awe, I mean this sh*t don’t fall out like-
*it falls out* Clay: *gasp* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *During the end of World Tour* Peppy: you weren’t afraid of his world, you believed that things could change
Poppy: yeah, so does this mean you won’t keep anymore mind blowing secrets from me right?
Peppy: …
Poppy: right?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veneer: hey, let’s watch Shark Boy and Lava girl
Aven: sure
Veneer: and make out at the scary parts
Aven: th- the scary parts…of Shark Boy and Lava girl
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Branch: nothing in life is free
Poppy: love is free!
John Dory: adventure is free!
Spruce: knowledge is free
Barb: anything is free if you take it without paying
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veneer: I wasn’t that crazy!
Aven: last night you tried to color my face with a yellow highlighter cause you said I was important
Veneer sobbing: but you are!
Veneer: I just wanted to say, I just got you a girlfriend
Velvet: I don’t want a girlfriend-I’m not gay!
Veneer: yes you are
Velvet: I don’t want a girlfriend!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shallow: everyone has a gay friend
Aven: I don’t have any gay friends
Aven: *realization* oh sh*- I am the gay friend, oh my gosh
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Dory: they say one in four people is gay
Clay: well your not gay, Spruce isn’t gay, I’m not gay
John Dory, Clay, Spruce: *looks at Floyd*
Floyd: …
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
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Waiting for Cynthia.
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies | S01 E07: "Cruisin' For Bruisin'"
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distant-velleity · 7 months
Keep Your Eyes on Me
Summary: At a certain person's invitation, Chrysos goes to watch the Basketball Club's last game of the season. Word count: 1.2k A/N: oh my god okay so. imagine this is like post-book 6 bc i read somewhere that basketball season (at least in the big leagues) ends around march-april? anyway this is what becomes of the barrettes from the other fic lol Tagging: @thehollowwriter (lmk if you want me to stop tagging at any point)
It’s because Azul’s on bedrest and someone ought to watch Floyd, Chrysos tells himself as he takes a seat on the gymnasium bleachers, not just because Santiago asked me to come. And then, of course, I only obliged because…
He stops that train of thought firmly in its tracks, pursing his lips so hard that they become pale. 
The circumstances under which he was asked were like this—
When Chrysos approached the TA’s usual table, only Ace and Santiago were there. Sitting side-by-side, they appeared to be discussing something.
Chrysos stepped closer to listen in.
Unaware, Ace continued to snicker and tease Santiago:
“Come on, just ask! Then, you’ve got a clear path to a date after the game—”
Face flushed, Santiago glanced over his shoulder and hissed at Ace, “Shut up!”
“Huh?” Ace looked back too, locking eyes with Chrysos. He grinned and elbowed Santiago, eliciting a squawk-like yelp.
“…What’s going on?” Chrysos finally asked, sitting down next to Santiago with his breakfast tray.
Somehow, Santiago’s face reddened even more. “Nothing—”
“Good ol’ Iago here,” Ace interjected, unbearably smug, “has something to ask of you.”
Chrysos tilted his head, imploring the two to go on. A sort of interest, a teasing curiosity outweighed his consideration for Santiago’s dignity (which, honestly, could stand to take a few hits).
“Ace, you bastard…!” Santiago gritted his teeth, flustered. He earned another elbow in the side for his troubles. “Fine, fine!” he conceded, turning and trying (read: failing) to meet Chrysos’ eyes. “Our last basketball game of the season is tomorrow. I—If you have time, can you come and watch… please?”
The little please caught Chrysos off-guard, leaving him speechless for a few moments. “Sure,” he said automatically before he could really consider his answer in depth, eyes trained on Santiago’s nervous tics. Rough, sun-tanned fingers fiddling with his earrings; one foot tapping repeatedly against the ground…
“Great!” Ace stood up and slapped both of them on the back, startling Chrysos out of his reverie. “Nice sitting with ya, lovebird and lovefish. I’m gonna go find the other pairs of lovebirds now. Have fun!”
His parting words left both Santiago and Chrysos sputtering angrily.
“Jeez…” Santiago shook his head, feather-like bangs trembling. “Can we just agree to ignore whatever nonsense he’s spewing?”
“Please,” agreed Chrysos, trying to ignore the odd feeling in his chest.
—and just thinking about it makes him embarrassed, heat rising to his cheeks. The worst part is that he can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t stop thinking about the look on Santiago’s face, can’t stop thinking about the fact that he was willingly invited to something so important to Santiago, that they’re sharing something like this…
Chrysos is frustratedly messing with one of his curls when Yu sits down next to him.
“Hey, Chrysos,” says the TA. “Do you usually go to these games?”
And isn’t this an interesting sight? 
Why would the TA, who normally has nothing to do with sports, be here…?
Oh—that’s right. Floyd had been bragging about how he got Yu to agree to coming all of the previous night. While Chrysos was stewing in dizzying emotional confusion, no less. 
Talk about rubbing salt in the wound…
Chrysos shakes his head. “Normally it’s Azul or Jade who comes to chapero—celebrate Floyd.”
“Oh. So nothing to do with Santiago?”
Yu’s amused tone makes Chrysos grimace and almost subconsciously look to the side, where all the players are gathered on the sidelines. Having front-row seats makes it all too easy for him to spot Santiago and Floyd, the former of whom offers him a nervous, trying-to-be-confident grin. The barrettes Chrysos bought for him are slightly askew, leaving strands of red-blue hair dangling over his expressive eyes.
His appearance is so rough, imperfect. A professional amateur at home in his environment.
It’s endearing.
…And just as quickly, Chrysos banishes that thought to a section of feelings to be considered later.
Instead, he admits, “He invited me.” 
“As I thought,” Yu remarks matter-of-factly while waving to an overly eager Floyd. “Santiago probably wants you to watch him at his best, whether he’s come to terms with it or not.”
“I could tell,” replies Chrysos under his breath, tugging his curls closer to his face with an uncharacteristic shyness. “If that’s what he wants, then that’s what he’ll get.”
Soon enough, the whistle blows, an auditory signal piercing the whole gym. As Santiago walks onto the court to face off against the white-uniformed RSA players, he adopts that usual expression of his again—an easy, cocky smile, paired with a sharp two-fingered salute.
Don’t go looking for Rielle right now, Santiago’s eyes seem to declare, shining bright like liquid gold under the gymnasium lights. Watch our team. Watch me. 
And watch him Chrysos does, focused on him for the whole game—from start to victory.
Chrysos is standing off quietly to the side when Santiago, in all his athletic afterglow, steps out of the gym. The merman almost blends in with the crowd when he keeps to himself, but Santiago spots him instantly and walks over.
“Hey,” he greets, voice layered with both ragged exhaustion and inextinguishable excitement. 
Chrysos nods to him. “Congrats.” He glances up and frowns—it’s been bothering him the whole time, but…
“Something up?”
“Lean down for a moment.” When Santiago immediately does as he says, Chrysos reaches up and gently unclips the barrettes pinning back Santiago’s bangs, matted with sweat, before brushing his hair back and refastening the pins. He steps back to admire his handiwork. “There.”
Santiago is quiet, wide-eyed when looking back down at him. It seems that’s all it takes for Chrysos to realize the intimacy of their situation.
“…Anyway,” Chrysos forces out immediately, hands flying to a folded position behind his back as if he’s been shocked, “good job. During the game.”
“Y—Yeah, you think so?” Santiago preens under the praise, eager to change the subject. “I think I did way better than usual today.”
Chrysos can’t help it; he snickers at the other’s expense, relishing how normal this is. “I’d hope so. If you lost to RSA today…”
“I wouldn’t,” argues Santiago with immediate passion. “Not in the final game. And definitely not with you watching,” he adds, a little more softly. 
Unsure what to say to that (and what to do about the strange fluttering in his gut), Chrysos rolls his eyes with no small amount of playfulness. “You smell,” he comments bluntly. “Go take a shower and change.”
“Yes sir,” is Santiago’s mock-sober response in Chrysos’ own voice. He drops the facade immediately, eyes twinkling with amusement. “Can I expect a reward when I get back?”
Santiago lights up, because, at least between the two of them, a maybe is as good as a yes. 
“But shower first,” insists Chrysos, pushing Santiago by the shoulder in the direction of the locker rooms. It elicits a warm chuckle from the beastman.
“Alright, alright, I get it. I’ll wash myself off already.” Santiago turns and winks at Chrysos, doing unseemly things to his heart. “See you in a few.”
It takes everything in Chrysos’ body to not stammer. “...See you.” He watches Santiago walk off, gaze trained on the damp back of his basketball jersey. At least, until Yu comes over and stands next to him.
“Nice work, lover boy,” Yu says sincerely, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Shut up.”
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Thinking. Many thoughts. floydsin rly is my tpm otp, cuz boy i cant stop thinking abt them. Im like that last Sandman episode when dream tells that asshole thats hes gonna have too many ideas now and he almost fucking dies because of it that is literally me rn with floydsin. They just have the best dynamic for me idk what it is
One Au ive been fond of is that the daggers r some sort of vague special agents team and bob is their guy in the chair, along with the other WSOs from the movie, but hes like their "boss" per say. And jake is the cocky, "i do shit alone" type of agent, the one everyone hates but is super hot and everyone also knows the guy has Issues™ but hes too busy being an asshole for anyone to rly care about it.
And the crux of their dynamic, The Scene, is when jake decides to go offline with his ear piece, in a zone without visual aid for the computer team, which therefore means they got no fucking clue whats going on. And it leaves bob Livid. And up until that point, bob was just a guy who they knew could do his job well, but no one really got close to except his team, cuz he takes his job seriously and doesn't want any of them to die out there. Which is exactly why hes angry at Jake in the first place, not because jake disobeyed clear orders to never turn off an earpiece unless absolutely necessary, but because doing That could mean having to explain to his family why hes fucking dead without any of them even knowing his true last words.
Its the first time they see 1) bob scream and be genuinely angry, 2) hangman ashamed and quiet. Jake gets a new understanding of not only Bob but his role on his fucking survival but also understands that apparently bob wasn't even surprised at what he did, just disappointed and tired. And yes it is here when jake starts to crush on bob. Again, the guy has issues we all know this.
And this is just one of my many, MANY, aus where the main couple is either floydsin or floydsin that turns into floydsinshaw cuz i love bradley too much to help myself
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duckapus · 8 months
I like to think that with Amitie working at the flower shop the other Primp Town kids start sort of gravitating towards it, so now Luigi's sort of become the surrogate Weird Gay Uncle to a bunch of magical teenagers. He doesn't mind, of course, even if sometimes he has to break up an argument between Klug and Raffina (or worse, Klug and Feli) that's getting too heated, or tell Sig for the third time this week that while he's sure his bug friends are very polite and won't cause trouble the customers and health inspectors probably won't be as understanding, or deal with the fact that now their Puyo-related crises get brought to his shop along with the usual Meme-related ones.
At first he figures that it's just because their friend's there most of the time, but after a while they start sometimes coming over even on Amitie's days off. Usually just as a place to meet up before they go off and do whatever brought them to the city that day, but sometimes they'll be seeking him out for one reason or another (usually Lidelle caught up in her anxieties, or Tartar feeling left behind, and he understands those all too well so he gladly lends a sympathetic ear), and eventually without realizing it he shifts from thinking of them as "Amitie and her friends" to adding them in with Floyd as "my kids," even the older, more independent ones like Lemres and the local Arle, or the less frequent visitors like the Suzuran Physics Club. Not his kids in quite the same way as Mario and the SMGs have theirs, but still his.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
"Everything is Fine and (almost) Nothing Hurt" Assault on Arkham AU were the team actually bonds and because of that Harley doesn't betray them to join Joker, also Riddler figure out the King Shark problem and he is fine. The only sad part is that Black Spider still dies, there is no way his story could have been different (unless he defeated Batman, but then Joker's bomb would just kill everyone).
Now they hang out in a shaddy bar on wendnesdays to gossip about life. Harley starts to date Ivvy and is a bit aprehensive to present her new gf for her friends because everyone thinks Boomerang is homophobic (and because her and exclusivily her sees Deadshot as an ex).
Cue to Boomerang trying to prove he isn't homophobic while everyone else is just "you lit called Riddler a slur dude" and end up with them deciding Harkness just hates autistic people. George tries to defend himself but at this point Harley is trying to call Riddler to ask how he felt over being discriminated so he just gives up.
At least now Harley is confidend over coming out as bi and bringing Ivvy to meet the group.
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starzwithapen · 6 months
Fucking love Silver's [my alter] trolls oc because he's a miserable hermit who never attends parties even though he's invited and Poppy thinks oh he's just like Branch used to be !! Maybe he also has a dead grandma or lost a family member .... :[ and while yes he did lose a family member he's actually just shit awful at singing and dancing
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cleocatrablossy · 9 months
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I’m starting to realize why people usually have their pins on bags and not their jackets
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rwrbmovie · 5 months
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: interview room
Neil Floyd via Big Gay Energy:
That's the weird part, no one got that in all of the Twitter that I've seen for the entire film about every detail in the film. I guess because we just kinda made it up, it wasn't part of the book, but we decided the interview room could be an homage to Richard Curtis who wrote all the romantic comedies, you know for the past 20 years. That was our nod to 'Notting Hill', because in 'Notting Hill', Julia Roberts was the American and Hugh Grant was the Brit, and they sort of do the whole interview thing with Horse & Hound. So we actually rented the exact same furniture. The sofa is different, because the one that Julia Roberts was on was a bit smaller, and for the two boys' size, we couldn't fit them on that sofa, so we had a different sofa. But the coffee table, everything – the flower arrangements, they were done by our florist who knew the original florist who did 'Notting Hill'. So we did this whole thing, so that was kinda our fun, cheeky little set because we wanted to see "oh, would anyone get it?" But it was our homage to you know, classic romcoms from our days and now we're doing a gay version so it was great.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
Don't mind me, just have trolls brain rot. Here are some of my headcanons
Jd and Floyd are both left handed, clay is right handed, Bruce and Branch could either way for me.
Clay was an absolutely FERAL child. No filter, bad ideas left and right, a little chaos gremlin. Boy should have been put on a leash.
Clay was also a creepy kid. Hed stare into JD and Bruce's souls in the middle of the night.
It probably goes without saying but Floyd was a crybaby. Especially when he was a baby.
Jd knows how to do magic tricks. It was a dumb skill that he learned to entertain his lil bros. But when they got older they started to think it was lame so he stopped. He still uses it when he encountered a kid on his travels
Clay once pulled one of Floyd's baby teeth out to get the quarter that the tooth fairy would leave
Until the band broke up, JD was the only one who knew how to cook.
Clay is great at math (thus why he's a CPA). So when they were still in school, Bruce and JD tried to get clay to do their math hw for them.
There were times when JD and Bruce ganged up on the younger ones and told them lies. Some of which being: they have a long lost brother, anything to do with Santa,the tooth fairy, or monsters and that you can buy babies from a special store (clay was on sale)
Johns go to greeting now that they're older is a smack on the butt for his bros
John still tries to pick up his brothers despite the fact that they are grown ass adults. Floyd's the easiest to pick up, then Branch then clay then Bruce.
Before branch, Floyd was closest to john
Jd and Bruce knew Floyd was gay before Floyd knew he was gay. They made jokes about it that went over the younger twos heads
When Floyd got into makeup, he looked like every little girl who got into her mom's makeup. Bruce caught him and helped him out the best he could despite the fact he had no idea what he was doing
Clay and Floyd also ganged up on the older two. Pranks and generally annoying younger sibling stuff.
Brandy is an only child, Bruce is not. So when their kids do something that their father did as a child, he knows what's up. Example: one or more of them put on a "show" to distract their parents while the others steal cookies out of the cookie jar. Bruce immediately knew something was up and called them out on it
That's it for now
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lilpomelito · 5 months
Steve being Eddie’s bi or gay awakening whatever. Eddie thinks he’s just so grateful for Steve—I mean the man literally carried him in his arms out of hell like some mythological hero and then basically struck the fear of god on the medical staff who refused to help—so of course he’s obsessed with him, he owes him his life! Of course Eddie wants to know about his day even if Steve thinks it’s boring, of course he brings him lunch to work and maybe adds the little treats he’s seen Steve enjoys like Reese’s cups, of course he’s been listening to Pink Floyd and Dire Straits just because those are Steve’s favorites to gather inspiration. It’s only natural he’s sat Lucas down and demanded he explain the rules of basketball to him so Eddie can at least understand what’s going on when Wayne invites Steve over to watch the game. It’s not weird at all that he asked Jonathan to make a copy of that one cute picture he snapped of Steve roughhousing with Dustin when he develops the film. It’s not strange that he’s read Alice in Wonderland three times just because that’s Steve’s favorite novel. Of course he takes Steve to the movies and he buys him all the snacks he wants. It’s a given that they drive together on a weekend trip Chicago to see a show Steve’s been dying to see. The man saved his life! Eddie’s just grateful, that’s all. That’s why he’s so surprised when Robin confronts him about his “crush”, what crush?? Eddie likes girls! And yes, Steve is an attractive guy, half the town agrees, that’s not a controversial opinion. Who cares that Eddie thinks Steve could be a Hollywood heartthrob if he put his mind and talents to it. He doesn’t have a crush, that’s ridiculous. But Eddie is Eddie and he can’t just leave something be so of course he ends up cornering Nancy of all people to ask her how did she know she liked Steve back in junior year. To his absolute surprise she laughs in his face and tells him not to worry, she’s not interested, and she won’t stand in the way. She also says she’s happy for them, that she always knew Steve “played for both teams” and she’s happy he’s with someone who takes care of him. After that ridiculous conversation Nancy leaves, and Eddie is even more confused than before, because apparently Steve likes guys too, but Eddie doesn’t! Doesn’t he? Nancy is right that he likes taking care of Steve but thats because… well he’s running out of excuses isn’t he?
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