#anyway sup guys how’s your day going?
thatguynamedgreg · 4 months
Umm idk how tumblr works but like
Haha silly little au, nothing wrong here ❤️
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haha i am too obsessed with this man
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DPXDC: I wanna be like most girls ghosts.
or Danny: What should I do to make my mom happy?
or ~Danny deserves a little teenage rebellion as a treat~
Maddie: I just want this damned Phantom to stop pretending to be a hero! All ghosts are pure evil, who is he trying to deceive? Danny: Oh, really? And Danny took it personally.
It’s not Danny’s fault that he’s a good kid and wants to make his parents happy. But why would he have to be a monster to make them happy? Why must they hate him to be happy?
Danny’s obsession was going crazy.
Well, when your own parents call you a monster in the face, it hurts. Why do they always believe that only their opinion is the absolute truth? They have no idea how much worse things would be if at least some of the ghosts really behaved the way Maddie and Jack think they’re supposed to. If he really is evil by nature, is there any point in fighting his own fate? They want to see him as a villain, he will become one. He will. He just needs a little help and practice. And not bring it to the level when Clockwork has to clean up his mess. Poor guy is without a vacation for how long? Couple of millennia?
Johnny 13: Sup. Danny: F*ck off, Johnny, I’m not in the mood. Busy thinking about world domination. Get out of here or I’ll call Kitty. Johnny 13: What’s wrong? You’re usually so grouchy only towards the end of the week. Danny: Nothing. Just parents. Again. They are wonderful but I can’t help but feel sometimes that they, em… Johnny 13: Suck? Danny: Right…Damn. I’m a terrible son. Maybe something is wrong with me. Johnny 13: What? No, no, dude. You’re just growing up. And you’re a little late, usually teenagers go through that stage before they graduate. Well, you’ve probably been busy with other issues, so just missed it. Danny: I wonder whose fault it is. Aren’t there ghosts who enjoyed to ruin my life in the middle of school day?
Johnny 13: Oh, bother. Anyway, you’re entering a beautiful time of emancipation, where you’re going to shape your own view of life and, along the way, to get drunk on cheap alcohol at parties, maybe to go to jail and to become the greatest disappointment to your family..And then you will be ashamed to remember it for about the next ten years. Danny: Well, it looks like I’ve already done two out of three additional things. Great success. Johnny 13: When did you get drunk? Danny: I didn’t. Johnny 13: Oh. Want to fix that? Danny: What? No. What an idiot wants to add a headache to his problems? Johnny 13: Well, your loss, then I’ll go terrorize the bars of Gotham alone and no one can stop me. Let’s see what your boyfriend will say about it. ~~~~~ Danny: Bartender, another shot of Dead Man’s Fingers, please. Red Hood: Babe, haven’t you had enough? Danny: Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, no matter how many sacrifices you make, in their eyes you’ll always be nothing more than a monster? Nothing more than a mistake? Oh, Death doesn’t give people like me a break. Red Hood: …I’ll have what he’s having. *gives the bartender a sign to switch the rum shots to a batburger milkshake for them, and starts talking to Danny so that he doesn’t understand Hood's scams*
Johnny 13: Other people’s kids are growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday he didn’t know how to shoot ectoblast, and now.. Kitty: Stop trying to make me feel bad, we’re leaving. Johnny 13: But the boy needs our support, honey boo!
Danny: I'm fine. Really, I am. This isn’t the first time mom’s called me a monster. She often called me that when she was upset with my behavior in my childhood. Huh, it's even funny. Jason: There’s nothing funny about that. Danny: No, you don’t understand. Looking back, I was really a very active child and didn’t know when to stop. Not surprisingly that I often annoyed my parents. They’re very busy people, and Jazz couldn’t always keep an eye on me. And I was often afraid to go to sleep alone because there were shadows in the darkness of my room. Well, I used to think they were. But I pretended everything was okay to not distract parents from work. Jason: Hey, it’s not your fault. You were a child. Obviously, kiddo requires a lot of attention, they must have understood that. You are the second child in the family, right? Danny: Well, Jazz was different. I don’t know. Anyway, I thought if the monsters behind the curtain and under the bed were just like me, well, according to my mom, you know, then they wouldn’t want to hurt me. And since they look after me, they are friends. So I kinda greeted all the suspicious noises and howls. Huh, I was a strange kid. Jason: If you smile at someone in the dark alley right now that someone is more likely to wet themselves or faint. Danny: Rude! I’m not that scary. Admit that I’m adorable. Do it right now. Jason: Stunning, darling. But still carry a gun and a knife, please. My childhood taught me that what's hiding in the dark is worth beating up. Danny: Come on, what should I be afraid of? Death? Anyway, I want to try this shit. Like, the inevitable one. Being a bad boy, you know? Hood *raises eyebrows*. Danny: Oh damn it man, I'm talking about ghostliness. I want to try to be like most of dead ones. I want to unleash my side of the trickster and the villain. But only a little bit. I have to be supervised so that things don't go too far. Would you help me, honey?
~~~~~2 hours later~~~~
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Goons used to expect a lot of weirdness from working with the boss.
Sometimes Bruce Wayne would go into their base and yell at the Red Hood like he's one of his kids. Of course Wayne's well-known as 'Gotta adopt them all' but the guy must really suffer from insomnia to count the Red Hood into his brood of chicks several times. Sometimes the boss would fight Robin or Nightwing over differences in morals…or for biscuits. It varied from moment to moment. Sometimes the boss caught the local street children, fed them and taught them to steal correctly. And most of the foundlings stayed with them under their protection.
To make a long story short, Red Hood is not the typical crime lord that some of them had to deal with before. Which is a blessing. Thanks Lord for the health insurance. But still the crime lord. Which means he's still scary, and sometimes deadly.
Anyway, when the boss brought in a guy who looked more civilian than any civilian in the whole Gotham and said he was going to be their intern, they thought it was a joke at first. Despite the fact that Hood was not in the habit of joking while working.
The teenager was too well-mannered and sweet to come from Crime Alley. Phil thought the guy was gonna run when he saw the first murder, Jessica didn’t think the domestic boy wouldn’t chicken out at the sight of a fight. But arguing with a boss’s orders in their profession is like asking for a bullet in the head, so these conversations were taking place outside of their boss's sight. God, how can they teach him anything? What do you take from a boy who’s only good to do the coffee run? Fenton will fall if they’ll give him something heavier than 10 pounds. And then boss will yell at them because he treats the new guy like a princess on a pea. Well, at least that’s what they thought until the boss decided to give the new guy his own assignments:
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Red Hood: So, what have you learned during your internship, my young Padawan? Danny: Well, it looks like I’m gonna suck at being a criminal mastermind. I think I may have to find myself some other profession. Red Hood: Come on, you just need a little more practice. Danny: Thank you but I don’t think that’s fit my obsession that good. Don't misunderstand me, I wanna be like most ghosts. But I was wrong to go to hit that goal only base on human stereotypes about my nature. Red Hood: What a pity. The newbies just learned not to flinch when you walk in. But, to be honest, I'm not gonna miss the adrenaline-boosting roller coaster of you at work. Danny: Oh, and I guess to hold on to the concept of humanity was really stupid too. I clearly no longer fit in and I’m finally ready to accept that. So, hopefully, if you get into trouble, you can rely on my ghostliness and call for help. I am the spirit of many talents and of my word. I can haunt your enemies or walk through the walls of Arkham Asylum. Whatever you need, I’ll be here. Red Hood: I’ll bear that in mind.
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beomiracles · 4 months
thin walls
when your new neighbour moves in he disturbs your peace and quiet ── however not all noise is bad noise...
pairing; beomgyuxfemale!reader warnings; masturbation, vaginal fingering ─ very brief though
not proofread hehe ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!
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You had always preferred a cozy night in, rather than lively one out. Cuddling up by the TV or reading one of your favourite romance novels in bed was your ideal fun. Having peace and quiet was therefore essential to your living standards, that's why you loved your current apartment, top floor in a calm area meant that it was quiet by 8pm. At least it was, but then two weeks ago a new tenant had moved into the once empty flat next to you.
Though you had never once met the person they had managed to keep you up for the past two weeks, every single night, without fail. The constant sound of what you could only imagine to be a playstation of some sort where violent games involving shooting and bombing had been played. Your living room was wall to wall with theirs and so were your bedrooms. Whoever this person was they did not seem to care that there were other tenants in the building and tonight was the night you'd had enough.
Coming home exhausted from work at 5pm all you wanted was a warm shower a nice dinner and to curl up on the sofa to read your current book, in silence. But no later than 5.30pm had the noise from the apartment next to you already ruined your evening. Violent shooting followed by music so loud that the books on your bookshelves were starting to move.
Stomping to your door you swing it open and in five seconds you've reached the door of the person living next door. You banged loudly on the door in an attempt to overpower the noise from whatever game they were playing. Just as you were about to knock a second time the door clicked open.
Your words got stuck in your throat as you took in the view of your new neighbour. A guy no older than 25, you figured he was around you age, with the silkiest dark hair that reached just above his shoulders. His prominent adams apple immediately caught your eye and you gulped. His eyes glinted in an almost mischievous way as he grinned, seemingly unfazed by your glare. He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe casually.
"'Sup neighbour," he said in a playful but deep voice. The game made yet another noise from his living room, instantly making you recall why you were there in the first place.
Crossing your arms you frowned, "do you have any idea how loud you're being?" your words come out a bit harsher than you originally intended, though your new neighbour didn't seem to care as he shrugged. "Ain't really thought about that," you scoffed, of course he hadn't. "Well it's about time you do, you aren't the only one living here and the rest of us actually have lives to attend besides-"
"Slow down, ma'am," he takes up his phone and shows it to you, "it's only 7.30pm, don't tell me you're planning on going to bed already?"
You frown, "no of course not but I, what? No!" frustratedly you shake your head, "that doesn't matter, you're being way too loud. And don't ever call me ma'am again, we're probably the same age anyway."
Your neighbour raises an eyebrow, "what do I call you then?"
Dragging a hand across your face you sigh, "y/n, just y/n please." The guy in front of you nods as he extends his hand, "Choi Beomgyu," his grin widens when you shake his hand, "y/l/n y/n," you reply, your tone much calmer this time. "Please just try and be quiet after 8 alright?" Beomgyu nods, "You got it ma'am", just as you're about to tell him off about the ma'am thing the door shuts in your face. Letting out a frustrated sigh you head back to your apartment.
Surprisingly the noise did stop around 8pm and for the first time in two weeks you got a peaceful evening and a good nights sleep. However it didn't last long, not even two days later he was at it again, the game's violent noise fills your apartment and you resist the urge to just walk over there and kill him. By 11pm you can't take it anymore, you swing your legs over your bed and head straight for your door.
This time it takes you three loud bangs to get him to open the door and when he does you give him no chance to utter a single word as you go off about how loud he's being. Telling him how it's almost midnight and on a weekday at that, and not to mention that he's almost managed to rearrange half your furniture with the way he's playing music loud enough to wake the dead.
In the midst of your rant you fail to notice how his eyes linger on your body as a small blush paints his cheeks. It's not until you finish speaking with a sharp intake of breath that he finally says something. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he shifts in the doorway, "you uh, pull off pink pretty well ma'am."
Frowning you look down to realise that you'd left your apartment in only your silk pyjamas that just so happened to consist of a pink tank top with a matching pair of shorts. Coughing rather awkwardly your eyes snap back at him as you feel your cheeks heat up. "I, thanks..?", you clear your throat "that's not what this is about, for christ's sake just pipe down alright?"
Beomgyu nods as his gaze travels across your body, "mhm hm, 'course," rolling your eyes you walk back to your apartment and slam your door shut. You let out a relieved breath as you lean against your door, hoping to have finally reached through to him.
That night had been just like the one two nights earlier, calm and quiet, just how you liked it. And to your very pleasant surprise they continued on to be quiet, on the third night you almost felt a little bad as you hadn't heard as much as a squeak from that game of his. However laying in bed that night quickly made your thoughts on your new neighbour change.
It had been late, much later than you would like to admit when you finally closed your book and flicked off the small light on your bedside table. Snuggling closer against your blankets you close your eyes as your body slowly began to drift to sleep. Just as you were about to slip into the unconscious state of sleep a muffled noise caught your attention.
You couldn't quite make it out and when no further noise was made you brushed it off as you got comfortable again. But there it was again, frowning you sat up on your bed as you flicked the small light on. Squinting as your eyes adjusted to the sudden light you tried to make out where the sound was coming from. It took about a minute until you realised that they must've been coming from the apartment next to yours, Beomgyu's apartment.
Whatever the noises were they weren't loud enough for you to go over and make a third complaint. Opting to still get some sleep you turned off your light and got back in bed. However closing your eyes the muffled noises from the other apartment were all you could focus on. The darkness only seemed to make them louder in your ears as you tossed and turned trying to fall asleep.
The noises however grew louder despite your efforts to block them out and now you could make out exactly what they were. But...that almost sounded like─ a loud whimper followed by a soft moan broke your thoughts and your eyes widened in realisation at what your neighbour was up to.
Gulping you turned onto your back as you stared up at the ceiling, there was no way he was actually? But then you remembered that just like there was only a wall separating your living rooms, there was only one wall between your bedrooms as well.
Uncertain of how to proceed you lay in bed as you listen to the sounds of your neighbour, deep breathy moans mixed with grunts. It felt almost sinful to listen to him without him knowing and you'd just considered moving to your couch when you heard it.
"y/n.. nhhgg─ hmnnhh y/n.."
Your name leaving his lips in such a way made your stomach flutter in more ways than you'd like to admit as you felt a wave of arousal course through you.
Biting your lip hesitantly as you weighed your options, your mind was practically yelling for you to get up and out to your couch. Despite that you couldn't help but wonder if it really would be so wrong to just stay. Against your better judgement one of your hands moved across your stomach and down your panties.
The moans of your neighbour spurring you on as you begin to lightly rub your clit. Letting out a soft breath at the sensation before slipping two fingers inside, shamefully pretending for them to be your neighbours cock filling you up.
As Beomgyu's moans increases on the other side of the wall so does the movements of your fingers. The way your name spills from his lips makes your core clench around your fingers desperately as your other hand comes up to cover your mouth.
"mhhnn, ah, f-fuck y/n," he whimpers and you almost climax at those words alone.
Beomgyu lets out a soft grunt as his breathing turns heavy and you imagine him spilling all over his hand and stomach. The sounds of your neighbour so shamefully cumming to you and the pictures your imagination drew are enough to make your legs tremble as you orgasm. Biting back whines and moans you catch your breath as your hand slips back up from your underwear.
As you stare up at the ceiling in disbelief over what just happened you realise that Beomgyu's apartment has gone quiet. Biting your bottom lip you sigh, maybe you didn't mind having a noisy neighbour after all.
read part two here :3
→ want to get notified whenever a new dream is published? join my TAGLIST ★ all rights reserved ─ @beomiracles 2024
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Guys I suffer from jojo brainrot, I know its not my usual writing , but I need to get this out of my system. NO SPOILERS they/them pronouns, sfw, Request open
Also for obvious (and legal) reasons in josuke and okayasu ones reader is like 16.
Also I didnt finish jojo part4 yet so some stuff might be eee not accurate?
More jjba dating headcanons!!
Including Kars, Santana, young Joseph, Jonathan, Josuke, Speedwagon, Okuyasu
Homie will litteraly pet them. My guy has god complex, thinks that humans are so so smol and so so tiny
Picks them up like some lil baby and probably carries them around everywhere
S/o mostly just vibes in his huge mansion while Kars plots some evil emo stuff (again)
Quick reminder that this guy was doing ah mimimimi ah mimimimimi😴 for last few centuries so s/o has to explain him a lot of stuff
Imagine him getting jumpscared bcs your phone made a noise, or him just walking up to light switch and turing lights on and off repeatedly. Mans fascinated
Also guy is a walking muscle so no matter how big or smol s/o is they going to be picked up and carried around, probably he uses only one hand too btw
Pls brush his hair he will litteraly melt
"Human why you carry tiny talking square everywhere? Is it magical?"
My guy will take their phone and 'accidently' take 50selfies, but not in sexy way, but in 'his face is zoomed to camera and you see only his eyes and forehead' way
His love language is quality time, understanding and gifts
Hates germans btw
Will give them random stuff, like he will litteraly bring them a microwave and be like "human explain meaning of this". But also gives them shiny rocks, jewellery, hair accessories. If s/o wants a new car, my man gonna litteraly pick up first car he sees and bring it to them
I am convinced he eats food with his bare hands. S/o has to give him tutoral how to use knife and fork, he won't like it >:(
Young Joseph
Homeboy hands are everywhere, if my guy doesn't hold their hand, he is putting his hands on s/o shoulders or waist or just kisses them
Doing make-up together. And nails. And hair. All of this while shittalking his enemies and talking about all the drama.
Tequila Joseph first dragqueen in history btw
Never go on plane with him, no matter how romantinc he promises it will be. Do not
Also makes fun of Ceasar that Joseph was the first one to find a partner not him😍
S/o and Ceasar probably meet up sometimes to just complain about how dumb Joseph sometiems is😭
Will litteraly do anything to impress them frfr
Not boyfriend, but Husband material
My guy will be on walk with his homie speedwagon and litteraly act like teenager girl with crush. All blushy, shy and asking for advices
Gives them handfuls of flowers, but like Jonathan's sized handful (alot)
Loves walking with s/o and holding hands ofc
My boy will blush and die if s/o does first move
Pls s/o beat dio up he sucks
The best boy husband
Bros gonna be so protective, like fr my guy will be worried if s/o goes to shop and doesn't come back in more than 20minutes
He will blush if s/o tries to hold his hand
Mumbles a lot about hair routine and hair products, and probably likes to comb s/o hair
Okayasu probably cried when he found out that Josuke has a partner btw
The sweetest boy alive
Guy will accidentally spoil them. Also they are basicly immortal due to all crazy daimon stuff
If s/o sees stands... OMG PLS pls hug his lil man, his stand i mean. It looks very hugable
Playing video games when s/o and josuke lied to his mom that you came over to teach him some school stuff>>
This dude
This guy
Will litteraly beat anyone up, for no reason anyways. He just do be like that.
He is very dumb, please be patient
Isn't romantic, he tries to act cool and tough, but he is unintentionally cute! Like he will go to s/o house in middle of day, knock on door and he like "sup babygrill I bought you some ice cream"
If you guys play any kind of competitive game he might let them win! But he never tell them that of course
Also he is very physical, but not in romantic/sexy way but in 'dub me up homie/sup give me high five' hes very bromance. he also enjoys just leaning on them, like yall just stand waiting for bus and this dude will put like half his body weight on them
Once he had a nightmare and called them at 3am
Btw sorry that characters are all over place and not organised, I am sleeby
My guy will shank anyone for you babe
Talks, a lot. So if s/o is a listener type, they will get along well
Goes to Jonathan and asks for advices about relationships!
S/o steals his hat and he pretends that he's offended, but pls dont stop you look cute!
My guy is very very...unorganised... total mess of a men if it comes to life. I dont even know if he has a house btw
Cuddles on couch when he's sure that noone is around>>>
Will read them to bed if that helps s/o fall asleep
He has poor eyesight but he doesnt wear glasses. Bonk him pls
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beababoobies · 4 months
Hey, could you please do an angel dust x emo reader?
I am going to be using NB!reader for this but please do know I’m quite aware Angel is gay! He is canonically gay and I think that’s cool yippers ok lesgo 🙏🙏 by Emo I wasn’t sure exactly what you meant so I went with like an angry moody bitch with a 2000s MySpace Emo sort of aesthetic. If you want something diff feel free to re-request and specify! Thatz it :3 </3 (also Emo community please don’t attack me you guys are so cool I’m scared of you. I know corpse paint is gothic I swear please you guys are so cool).
Corpse Paint
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Angel Dusk X Emo!NB!Reader
words : 1k , warning for mentions of sexual trauma!
You had been staying in this fucking hotel for months. Did it suck ass? Yes. Did you kind of maybe despise half the people here? Oh, absolutely. But - free place to crash, and it’s not like you were doing much with your days anyways, so the “rehabilitation” excersizes only got positivity-toxic half the time. Plus, Charlie let you skip out on them. Her little girlfriend didn’t though, so you were usually there dejectedly. Not anything worse than your highschool experience. 
But you also had Angel. Anthony. Whatever he let you call him depending on the day. And he was half the reason you stayed here. The amount of times you’ve crawled into bed with him and cried? You hadn’t cared to keep track of anymore. A long day, night - of shooting scenes, and you gently comforted him while he laid tiredly in bed, rubbing his back until he fell asleep. Plus, you liked his pig. You and fat nuggets would hangout whenever he was gone. 
You wouldn’t consider your relationship too romantic, but it was unbelievably supportive. You two didn’t really get intimate, due to his work, he didn’t trust anyone he was intimate with. He told you that that could change, but you reassured him over and over that it didn’t ever have to. You were happy gently comforting him. You were happy drinking with him, you were happy to be around him.
That didn’t mean he was completely touch-adverse, though. You exchanged small pecks on the cheeks, held hands - though not publicly, due to some of his fans obsessive behaviours - cuddled up. Charlie had offered to just let you guys share a room, but you had rejected the idea and shut it down pretty quickly. You loved each other very dearly, but sometimes you just needed space. 
Today wasn’t one of those days, though. You, head resting in his lap as he scrolled on his phone, your 2000s MySpace mix playing softly in the background as you looking through a new catalogue of Hell’s Most Edgy with a marker, circling anything you liked, Fat Nuggets sleeping soundly at Angel’s feet, snoring loudly. But adorably. 
“I have a favor to ask.” Angel mumbled out nervously. He hated asking for anything. Especially from someone he had already asked so much of. But you just nodded silently, circling a new, shiny pair of black platforms, before looking up at him with a small smile. “‘Sup, Webs?” You asked, tilting your head as you sat up properly.
“I - well, Val wants to do this shoot today, but he wants me to do Corpse paint. I don’t know how to do.. that. So I was wondering if you could help me out?” He asks with a nervous smile, only to watch the smile on your face grow wide, nodding excitedly as you hopped quickly off the bed to run to your room to get your makeup, disturbing a now cranky Fat Nuggets, who oinked at Angel before walking over to his bed to fall back to sleep. 
You came back into his room, closing the door quietly behind you, box of white cream foundation and a million sticks of eyeliner and other black makeup pencils, along with some dramatic statement lashes and lash glue, sitting down next to him on the bed on your knees, gesturing for him to sit up with his legs out straight. You straddled him softly, opening your box of makeup.
“So, this feels - kind of gross to put on. Gonna survive that?” You ask with a smile, tilting your head as he nodded with a small chuckle. “I’ve had much worse on my face.” He says with a wink and a smile. “I’ll survive.” He says with a shrug as you brush some of his fluff out of his face, starting to paint the thick white foundering over his pale pink fur, watching him awakward my try to avoid eye contact, hands awkwardly shifting, trying not to touch your thighs.
“You can put your hands on my thighs, it’s okay. I’m not going to initiate anything.” You say reassuringly and watch as one of his pairs of hands rest comfortably on your thighs, the other set holding up a mirror so he can see the work you’re doing. You watch him visibly relax slightly. He always is a little paranoid about people trying to be intimate with him - reasonably so - so you make sure to quietly reassure him in these moments. 
It takes a couple thick layers of the face paint to get his Angel stamp of approval, in which you go in with black eye-safe eyeliner for his eyes, coating them in black and following the image he used as reference, making streaks of black run from his eyes. You pierced your lips together as you leaned back to admire your work. “It’s missing something.” You mumble quietly, before peeking up and pulling out a pair of white lashes from your kit, and he smiles. You let him apply them himself, and with some white underliner, it looks perfect.
You give him some black lipstick, too, but that’s about the extent of what he wants. You give him your old lipstick too, because you and him both know he’s gonna need some re-applying. You watch as he walks over to the mirror, admiring your work - a job well done you’re sure - when he smiles at his reflection and the giddy way you smile back at him through your own reflection.
He pulls you up into a big hug and you giggle as he picks you up and spins you around, before you get him to put you down, smiling from ear to ear at how happy he looks with himself and the work you’ve done. His phone buzzes and he sighs, kissing you softly on the head before heading out, not even daring to put his famous sunglasses on and ruin your work. 
A new memory that’s keeping you sane in these old hotel walls. 
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Miles, Mansk, Lyle - meeting and pregnancy headcanons
Requested by anonymous
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(omg all 3 of them in one shot) ... (the gif)
Sup bitches, here we go again with our 3 big boy hotties. I have 7 assignments due tomorrow and my nose is bleeding, but let’s do this. 
ALSO TYSM FOR 300 FOLLOWERS! I posted my first Quaritch smut on the 18th of January and I had like 20 followers. IT HASN’T EVEN BEEN A MONTH AND I AM AT 300?! WHAT? You’re all angels, thank you so much. I love providing you guys with filth and imagines ad I plan on continuing to do so in the future <3
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy (if that’s a warning), hinting to smut (nothing explicit) maybe some bad language
Characters are all recom and Na’vi! Y/n is recom-Na’vi too. 
Word count: 4752
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Before both of you woke up in your new bodies, you worked closely with Miles as a human. You were a pilot and a part of his squad. Nothing romantic happened before, other than teasing and flirtatious comments. But back then, you thought it was just who he was. 
When you woke up, he was there by the side of your table, helping you sit upright and keep balance while the people ran a few reflex tests on your new body. 
The teasing escalated to a type of sexual tension between both of you, to the point where neither of you could be in the same room without feeling excited and attracted to the other. 
One day, Miles decided to deal with the feelings because he was sure you felt the same. He visited your room and boldly asked you out as if it were a completely normal day-to-day thing. You on the other hand were freaking out and almost jumped into his arms.
What I didn’t know was that he had spent the last hour or two trying to figure out a good way to ask you out and make it seem effortless. The man was nervous to blow his shot with you because he realised that he became really attached to you. The realisation hit him when you and the team went on a mission and were attacked by a few predatory animals. One jumped at you and you hurt your arm.
Miles saw what happened and absolutely lost it. He was ready to kill anything that got close to you and managed to fight off the pack of creatures alone. The recom-team was too shocked by his sudden outburst to interfere. 
From then on, he demands you walk right next to him. 
After that incident, he knew it was getting obvious and out of hand, so as I said, he asked you out. 
It wasn’t like a “Hey, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me sometime.”
He knocked on the door, hands resting on his belt, pretending not to be fazed by seeing you in pyjamas. He didn’t even greet me. 
“I’ll cut straight to the chase Y/N. I know you want me, cupcake, so let’s do something about it.” he said, walking towards me so that he backed me up away from the door and thereby entered my room. 
We can all imagine what happened after that. Anyway, so after a few mind-blowingly good hookup sessions, I was the first to confess that I had feelings for him. That I wanted to have more with Quaritch than just sex. He was shocked and it made me think he didn’t agree with that, but he was overjoyed with what I had said and the love confessions led to more sex. This time though, to prove our love for each other, we connected our tsaheylu’s and bonded for the first time.
Quaritch and I were then officially dating and I became pregnant after that night. 
I didn’t know whether that’s what he wanted, but biologically, that is the product of mating. So he should probably already know. 
Anyway, I told Miles I was pregnant and the man immediately got soft. Like I mean his eyes sparkled, his ears perked up and then drooped to the sides and his tail stilled. 
I could have sworn I saw a few tears form in his eyes. Miles would stand up and embrace you, holding you close to him while telling you how happy he was and how much he loved you. Of course, he would then hold your tummy, even if there was no visible bump yet. It amazed him that his child was growing in there. 
From then on, he would become even more protective of you. No more dangerous missions or physically exhausting exercises. 
He would bring you things, even if they were something tiny you missed. He would make your comfort and needs his number one priority. 
If you craved some food, he would fetch it. Miles even started to cook for you, wearing an apron and cooking meals in pans and pots. He looked like a real male wife and it made you love him so much more. 
Once the bump started growing he would caress and hold it every night. Carefully he would lean his ear against it until one day he could finally hear the baby’s heartbeat. 
He wouldn’t leave you alone and when he would, he would supply you with everything you could possibly need beforehand. Luckily, it never got annoying.
Being close to labour, Miles would only let particular people close to you. His recom team was fine. Sometimes he would make sure one of them looks out for you while he would go deal with work. 
You knew the team from work anyway so having either Z-Dog or Lyle, etc. look after you and spend time with you wasn’t new. 
They just had to make sure no people or random workers from the General would be around you. They stressed him out which made him think they would do the same with you. 
When you went into labour, Z-Dog was with you. She ran from your room to the meeting Miles was in. Once he heard, he got up and sprinted to your room without a second thought. He got the medical team together and didn’t leave your side as they rolled you into your prepared labour room. 
A few hours of pain, pushing and contractions went by and Miles was stressed out. But most of all he was worried. 
He didn’t want anything more at that moment than for you and the baby to be okay. It had haunted him that your life could be in danger during birth. The life of your baby too. 
He would comfort you and hold you, doing breathing exercises and all to help you deal with the pain. 
Once you started to give birth he was cradling your head, holding your upper body while you dug your fingertips into the skin of his arm, screaming. 
He hated seeing you in this pained state and needed to hold you close to make sure you were still with him. He had his eyes screwed shut and waited for any sign that this whole thing was over. 
The second he heard the cries of your baby he froze. Miles felt your body relax into his and he opened his eyes, making sure you were present and stable before turning to see one of the nurses holding the baby. It too was alive and breathing and the man just broke down. 
He was so thankful to have you by his side and he couldn’t believe the pain you had just fought through. 
The baby was handed to you and he leaned down, cradling both of you. 
He was crying at the realisation that he had a family now and he could have sworn that he was the happiest man alive. 
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Mansk was working alongside you since you were both people but back then, you never acknowledged each other. You didn’t remember his face or know his name and vice versa. While both of you were loyal soldiers to Miles, you worked in different areas. 
When you woke up in your Na’vi body, he wasn’t there. He was already taken care of and dealing with Lyle. 
Z-Dog and the Colonel had helped you up. Once everyone was stable and awake, Quaritch ordered a gathering at dinner. 
Zdinarsk shared a room with you and you were given your usual cammies and some tops that basically looked just like sports bras. She found an old shirt which covered more and refused to let me have it. When we were in underwear and changing we spent at least 10 minutes in front of the mirror together, just pointing out to each other what has changed and what was weird.
Then we left for the dining hall and most of the team was already there. When we walked in Miles greeted us with an “Evenin’ ladies.” and a smirk. 
“You don’t have any clothes Y/N?” Lyle teased and I flipped him off, sitting down next to a chuckling Z-Dog. 
“You call that a shirt, Lyle?” I respond, gesturing to his tight, thin tank top. He scoffs, smiling before we direct our attention back to the Colonel. 
Mansk was sitting next to Lyle. When you walked in it was almost like Cupid’s arrow had struck him straight in the chest. He knew most of the team but he can’t recall ever seeing you. He recognised Z-Dog but he knew you weren’t Walker. As I walked past him, his gaze followed me and examined me from head to toe. 
Mansk was someone who would accidentally develop feelings. He was never a relationship type of person but when it happened, he didn’t know how to deal with it. 
Over the course of the next few weeks, he tried ignoring the feelings that were developing for you. 
But when the Colonel assigned you both as partners, he knew he was screwed. At that time, I had noticed Mansk too. He caught my eye because he would almost always wear his shades but when he didn’t I thought he looked quite cute. Then eventually came the time when I started to even like the sunglasses on him until I realised that maybe I just liked him. 
As partners, he would help with things. At first, we didn’t exchange too many words but then we warmed up to each other. If I was stuck with something like reloading a weapon I’d never seen before, he would help me. 
We had to practice training exercises with our partners at one point. That included learning how to handle the new equipment and weapons. 
There was one that you would need to strap to your arm and waist. I never used it like that, so when Mansk brought it over to me I just stared at it cluelessly. He chuckled softly. I loved it when he did that. 
Mansk knew how to handle all of these things. 
“Here, let me help you.” he said, placing it on my outstretched arm. His hands closed the straps around my arm and then he moved behind me, taking the straps that were meant to go around my waist between his fingertips. I pretended to examine the new weapon while really I was paying full attention to him. I felt his breath behind me and I waited for him to close the straps. 
He did it gently, making sure it wasn’t too tight. When his fingertips brushed up against the bare skin of my waist (because we had to wear training attire which was a little revealing), goosebumps rose on my skin. I hoped he wouldn’t notice. 
Then he returned and stood next to me again, letting his hand linger on my waist while he stretched his other one out to adjust mine into place. 
“Keep your arm stretched, then it’ll work.” he said, leaning closer to me. His face was really close to mine as he looked to see where I was pointing the weapon. 
His breath fanned over my shoulder and I let my eyes flutter closed, subconsciously exhaling the breath I seemed to hold in while he was behind me. When I opened my eyes I saw from the corner of my eye that he was no longer looking at where I am aiming but at me. 
He definitely saw my eyes close. 
Mansk felt the tension from the beginning and he was happy he was the one training with you. He noticed the goosebumps, the shivers and the heavy breaths. 
But he still wouldn’t dare make a move on you. You were too precious to him. He didn’t want to fuck up all the progress he has made with you. 
I turn my head and look him deep in the eyes. He stares back at me, his eyes slowly flicking from one of mine to the other. 
I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew he wasn’t the type of person to initiate things, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Mansk preferred to follow orders. 
“Kiss me…please.” I whisper, looking from his eyes to his lips and then back to his eyes to catch his reaction. 
The man’s heart skips a beat and you notice the way his listening ears perk up a little more at your words. His eyes go a little wider and seem to almost even brighten. 
Without hesitating, he pushes your arm down, grabs your jaw and pulls your face to his. He leans down a little to you and tightens the loose hand that kept resting on your waist. 
When you pull away he can’t stop himself from mumbling “You’re so pretty.” 
It drives you crazy and you go to lock the door. 
Within a few days after that, your relationship has been made official. Mansk and you are dating and have mated the way Na’vi would. Even though neither of you had any experience in this body, the connection made with the tsaheylu’s felt right. 
When he heard you were pregnant, he was delighted. Mansk lifted you from the ground, hugging you and spinning you both around. 
He became much more present and happy in general, to the point where the team would notice it too. 
He took care of you, bringing you things. 
When you would go on missions he would never leave your side and one day, you had a craving for food bars. He ordered the few soldiers that were with us to stop and started opening his backpack, presenting you with almost every flavour and even drinks. 
Mansk was prepared for everything. 
He would do tasks for you and he liked carrying you around, even when it wasn’t necessary. Sometimes, he would have both of you stand in front of the mirror and he would lift your baby bump for you. 
He loved to watch the way your face and entire body relaxed into him. It made him feel needed.
When you went into labour he was worried. His ears were constantly strained back and he would be moving out of the way constantly so that doctors could get to you. Seeing you in so much pain had him feeling very uneasy but when you asked him to hang around and hold your hand, he seemed relieved. You hadn’t forgotten him and you wanted him to be with you.
He was protecting the bed and you most of the time, making sure only the medics could see you. His hand would occasionally cup your face, just to keep you reminded of his presence and his want to keep you comfortable. 
Mansk fit really well into the role of being a partner and once he became a dad, he mastered that as well. While helping you take care of your child, he would never fail to ensure that you were doing well. Even after giving birth, he refused to not take care of you. Seeing you battle the pain like that amazed him and he felt bad that you were the only one experiencing it. So he would happily spend the next months after labour, making sure you could fall back into your previous good and active condition. 
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Lyle Wainfleet:
You and Lyle had some history. As human soldiers, you got along well. You were both working the same job and always having little competitions about who could do something better to impress the Colonel. 
There came a time when you were stressed because while being a soldier, you helped out in the lab with Grace’s reports. You were in the now empty break room of Quaritch’s team and were having a crisis about work. Someone had accidentally mislabelled everything and now the whole experiment was a mess. 
Lyle had walked in on your study session and sat down right next to you. Of course, him being him, he couldn’t let you work in peace and quiet. 
He started teasing you, shuffling around your papers and taking your pen whenever you looked away. 
At first, you ignored it but Lyle didn’t give up, it seemed to just motivate him. He started to tease and provoke you even more, occasionally adding in a flirtatious remark.
For example “The papers should be burning with how hot you look right now.”, or
“Put the pen down, baby. I know a place more useful for your pretty lil’ hands.” 
Lyle is resting his chin on his hand, not taking his eyes off of you. He needs any reaction. Whether it’s you turning red or just telling him off, he needs something, otherwise, he won’t stop. 
After being ignored again, he starts to get handsy. Lyle is telling himself he’s doing this just to annoy you, but he also happens to like your company and does find you incredibly hot. 
He starts nudging your legs with his knee or touching your fingers etc. Little does he know the frustration inside you has been building up over the past hour and with his presence, you lose it. 
When his hand reaches out to your face and throw your pen down and snap. You scream at him, telling him off and cursing in every way possible. 
Lyle almost immediately retracts his hand back to safety and even flinches when you raise your voice. 
When you finish calling him about every insult you could think of, you see him just grinning at you and it makes you even more frustrated. 
“Wow. That was so hot.” he says, the grin staying plastered on his face. My mouth falls open in disbelief. I couldn’t take it anymore. 
I let my face drop into my open palms and let out a whine followed by a deep sigh. 
“Do you know what you need right now”? He asks and I know he is about to hand me some dirty idea as an answer. 
I was right. “You need some expert stress relief.” he chuckles, motioning to him. 
I look up at him, having given up on fighting his annoyance. 
“Stress relief?” I ask, clearly not impressed. 
“Yeah. I can make you feel good, baby.” he says, moving closer, still teasing. He expected you to flip him off or tell him how gross he was so he could continue with his shit. But while he watched you, he noticed your eyes grow a little wider. You didn’t look like you were about to yell at him again. 
He stayed quiet, trying to analyse your face. You looked almost interested in his offer. Lyle was speechless. He wasn’t expecting this but fuck, he was more than happy to give it to you. 
“Are you joking?” you ask, wanting to make sure he isn’t messing with you. 
He thinks about his answer, not wanting you to feel discouraged. “Not if you don’t want me to be.” 
I keep staring at him and he notices how flushed my face looks. That’s all the persuasion he needs before Lyle stands up. 
“Let me take care of you, baby.” he says, towering over you and cupping your cheek. When you nod, he pulls you up on your feet and leads the way to his room, which is closer than yours. On the way, you tease him about him calling himself an ‘expert’ to which he tells you to shut up and let him convince you. 
Let’s just say, he does indeed convince you. 
After that night, you two have a friends-with-benefits arrangement going. 
After the battle on Pandora, both of you majestically die. You watch Lyle get crushed by one of the big heavy creatures, which distracts you enough with shock and grief to not pay attention to a bow flying to you. 
When you wake up in recom, Lyle is next to your bed. He’s keeping a safe distance and rubbing his head while the Colonel is examining his fangs. 
“Welcome back, Buttercup.” he says, smirking. He helps me with the wake-up procedure so that I don’t get scared and understand everything. 
Lyle and I seemed to kick off right where we ended. It was almost as if nothing had happened, except for one thing, other than us being blue. He was more caring. Before, he would tease and occasionally make jokes that ended up being a little hurtful, but he never noticed. 
Now, he wasn’t doing that anymore. We would still joke, but he made sure to leave me out of it. 
After a very physically exhausting training session the Colonel had you all do, you were finally dismissed and you headed for the showers. 
Just as you were about to walk out of the shower, you bumped into Lyle who had apparently been waiting for you. 
He wanted to go in next and when he saw you leave he smirked. 
“Hey, so how we feelin’ ‘bout our little arrangement?” he asked, presenting his typical cocky character. Seeing your moist skin on your arms and neck and your damp hair had his mind going places. You were wearing your sleeping shirt and shorts but he still looked at you as if you weren’t. 
I had wondered about that too. 
“I don’t know.” I shrug. “You still wanna do it?” I ask him all innocent. I know what it does to him. It makes the man weak in the knees. 
“Do I want to?” he asks, sarcastically. “Babygirl, I think I’m gonna need you after seein’ you like this.” he smirks, taking a small strand of wet hair and tucking it behind your ear. 
Lyle had never done anything like that. Yeah, we’ve hooked up. The usual thing was him slapping my ass as he walks by or perhaps even resting his hand on my waist. But that was it. This here, that shit made me blush. It made my stomach erupt in excitement and not just for what was to come after he showered. 
I smiled, walking away to my room. “Come in whenever you’re ready.” I say over my shoulder. 
About half an hour later, I heard a knock on my door. When I open it I see Lyle outside, as expected. Only this time, his skin is damp too. And he isn’t wearing a shirt. Of course, why wear one if you’re about to take it off anyway?
He smirks and mentally pats himself on the back for choosing to not put it on when he sees how you struggle to take your eyes off his torso. 
“All yours, baby.” he said, slowly backing you up into your room and closing the door behind him. 
“I’m all yours and you’re all mine.” he said in a softer voice, placing his things down on your small table and slowly making his way to where you were standing. 
It seemed to hit him only then. You standing in front of him, still clothed but looking as beautiful as ever. The fact that both of you were Na’vi didn’t bother you. It was still Y/N and Lyle.
The way your big eyes looked up at him. It was almost loving and he sensed adoration more than arousal. 
A wave of happiness flowed through Lyle. Maybe you liked him more than just a fuck-friend too. 
Lyle was nervous as shit while taking his shower. He washed everywhere and kept looking in the mirror, wondering whether he even had a shot. You seemed keen on wanting to continue the arrangement but he started to feel more emotionally connected to you, not just physically. 
He stood in front of you now, gazing into your big curious eyes and losing himself in them. The silence was comfortable and he started to wonder how he could go about doing day-to-day activities without noticing or admiring you as a person. 
“Lyle…” you whispered out. But it wasn’t the needy voice he would have expected to hear. It was your real one. You were fully aware of this situation and not distracted by excitement. It made his heart skip a beat again. 
Lyle slowly leaned down to you, not even thinking about his actions. 
When your lips pressed against his, all questions were answered. You have never kissed properly before. Only during sex. This kiss meant more. 
When pulling away, you couldn’t stop yourself from mumbling. “I think I love you, Lyle” 
He froze and repeated your words in his head over and over again, staring at you in disbelief. God, did he love you even more now. 
You couldn’t get enough of him and connected your lips to his again. This time, he held you close to him. You wrapped your tails around each other and embraced the other as if they were all that mattered. In that moment, they were all that mattered. 
After pulling away again, Lyle said “Let me make love to you, Y/N. Let me show you how much you mean to me.” 
And once again, he proved to you that he stuck by his words. Instead of just fucking, you did make love. You mated, using your tsaheylu’s and everything. 
A week after your night, you discovered you were pregnant. Neither of you thought about the consequences of your actions so it shouldn’t have been a surprise but it was. The pregnancy was unplanned but when you told Lyle, he looked like he had been waiting for that news for months. 
He was the happiest person on the planet in that moment. You both sat down together to talk about your relationship and how you would deal with a child if you decided to keep it. Well, if they even did abortions on Avatars. 
You decided to have a child and Lyle had left to tell all his friends on his team. He was very bad at containing his excitement. 
During the pregnancy, Lyle was already like a mother. He brought you anything, like literally anything. 
You forgot your hair tie on the other side of the lab? He would go fetch it, even if you had many more around. 
Any food cravings you had, you got them served. Lyle couldn’t cook. He was shit at it and something always burned but he had your heart because he tried really hard. 
He would leave you little love letters and notes on the nightstand or in your bag if he wouldn’t be seeing you for a while. But when he gets back, he makes up for the lost time with lots of snuggles. 
Lyle treats you like a princess, no kidding. 
When your baby bump grew, the man couldn’t stop himself from drawing a face on it. 
During labour, he was out of it. Seeing you in so much pain had him freaked out. He was worried sick. Like, he genuinely felt sick. What if you wouldn’t be okay after this? What if the baby wasn’t okay? So much was going through his head and he felt so useless because all he could do was stand and watch while the love of his life seemed to be fighting for her life. 
While giving birth, he was holding your hands, demonstrating how to breathe in and out deeply to calm yourself down. He did everything he could and once the baby was born, he could have collapsed into the hospital bed next to you. He didn’t of course, he needed to be with you and the baby. 
It still amazed him that you had brought new life to the planet and had created a family with him. 
He’ll be the most amazing partner and dad you could wish for. Always helping you out and is ready to risk it all for those he loves.
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sheepiemc · 9 months
Seven Stupid Reasons to Summon a Demon
Reason #1: lonely
It was a day that started like any other. 
Your alarm went off (like always). 
You got ready for work (like always). 
You commuted (like always). 
You did your job for four hours (like always). 
Then, it was time for lunch. 
Normally, you opt to stay inside “the office” (or wherever it is that you work) and bring something from home to save money. But looking at your lunch — the same thing you eat almost every day — makes you sigh. 
You look out the window to the city down below. It was a gloomy morning, but now that it is midday, the sun is starting to shine through the clouds. A beam of sunlight lands on your skin and you enjoy the warmth. The ring on your finger catches the light and you look down at it. 
How ridiculous would it be to summon a demon to have lunch with you because you don’t want to eat alone? You banish the thought from your mind. You don’t want to disturb the demon you were thinking of; you are certain he has a lot on his plate (like always) and he wouldn’t appreciate being  bothered with something so trivial (like always). 
You sigh and look outside again. Maybe the fresh air will do you some good. You decide to spend your lunch break walking around downtown just because you can. Honestly, you don’t know why you don’t do this more often. You can find a lot of hidden gems this way. 
You wander around aimlessly before you happen upon a record store. It's just a little hole-in-the-wall place, mostly unassuming. When you step in, however, you're greeted by a music-lover's paradise. Multi-colored vinyl records, signed band posters, and album covers decorate the walls. The atmosphere is groovy and retro, speaking to a bygone era of funk and flower power. There’s even a disco ball hanging from the ceiling! You take in the scenery for a moment as you stand in the doorway. 
“‘Sup.” The guy behind the counter greets you without looking up. “If there’s anything you need help with or want to listen to let me know.” You nod, even though he isn’t looking at you, and go to explore the stacks. 
Your fingertips brush past rows and rows of records. You search all your favorite genres, looking out for your favorite bands, and find some gems. You don’t have a lot of money right now, so you can’t go crazy. You twist the ring on your finger as you contemplate what to get.
Actually, now that you think about it…
Maybe you can find something to add to your “special collection”. 
See, you were inspired by a certain demon to develop a “cursed” record collection of your own. Since cursed magical items are hard to come by on earth, whenever you find yourself in a place that sells records, you like to check out the classical music section for albums that feature, or are inspired by the devil. It's something you like to share with him and only him. After shuffling through the stacks, you find something you think will work. You smile impishly to yourself, proud of your new purchase.  
You make it through the rest of the workday thinking about the record. You aren't going to listen to it just yet; you like to share the experience with the devil himself. It's a good excuse to summon him from the Devildom — well, good enough for you anyway. You like to have a few more albums to listen to before you call him, so you don't feel as guilty for asking him to stay a bit longer. 
You take a deep breath when you finally arrive in your quiet room, in your now-still apartment. You place the record on top of the others and take a look around — empty, except for your cat, sleeping peacefully on your bed. You could invite friends over to fill the silence, but your friends are notoriously terrible at last-minute plans. You absentmindedly twist the ring on your finger. 
You need something to fill this oppressive quiet, your fingers itch and ache, you have to DO something. 
You have to play the piano. 
You go out to your living room, where you keep a digital piano. It’s a little fancier than a regular old keyboard but you live in a small apartment and you're not exactly rolling in it so it's the best you can do. 
The room is dark. 
You hate the silence. 
You sit at the bench and flex your fingers, hovering above the black and white keys. No sheet music, right now you just need to play your emotions. You play a low note and listen to it reverberate. 
Then a chord. 
Then another. 
You close your eyes and start improvising a melancholic melody over a haunting chord progression. You are so lost in what you’re creating you don't notice the blue light flooding the dark room. It’s gone almost as soon as it arrived and it brings with it a figure covered in shadow, a figure you also don’t notice. He stands tall in the center of your room, tilting his head to the side as he listens. Once he gathers what happened intuitively, he stands over you, proudly watching you pour your potent emotions into your playing. 
You strike a final chord and exhale loudly, ruminating on the final note. You gasp lightly when a teardrop you didn't notice falls from your face onto the keys. 
You nearly jump out of your skin when another chord is struck up the piano. The shadow figure reveals himself to be the very demon you were thinking about while playing. Lucifer doesn't look at you as he continues to play a lighter melody. Your hands jump away from the keys and press against the rapidly beating heart in your chest.
He continues to play, not yet sitting. His sketch sounds hopeful, almost as if to say, "I'm glad to have you with me again." He sneaks a glance at you and smirks, finally taking a seat on the bench next to you. You just watch him, absolutely mesmerized, still in shock that he's really in front of you. 
He stops playing and looks at the keys closest to you, a signal — it's your turn again. Your melody is more playful than moody this time, there's a lightness now that wasn’t there before. Lucifer responds with something firm and grounded. When it's your turn, you tickle your way closer to his side. He gets lower, too. You scoot closer. From the corner of your eye, you see him smile a little bit wider. In the middle of his turn, you start playing again and together you improvise a beautiful, colorful piece of music together, full of happiness and longing, celebrating each other. 
When you can’t contain your excitement any longer, you interrupt the song and throw your arms around him. The force of you throwing your entire body weight at him only pushes him over slightly — he’s quick to catch you in his arms, twisting his torso to face you. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you say into his neck. It comes out as barely a whisper. 
You feel more than hear the chuckle rumble in his chest. “You’re the one who summoned me here.” 
You pull back just enough to look at him. “Would you believe me if I said I didn’t do it on purpose?” 
He looks at the keys on the digital piano. “Something was calling out to me.” 
“I guess I’ve been kinda lonely today… And I was thinking about you… A lot…” 
Lucifer hums contentedly, stern lines on his face smoothing out. Obviously, he likes it when you stroke his ego. 
You roll your eyes playfully and bury your face in his neck again. “I’m sorry for summoning you by accident, I know you're very busy but…” You play with his tie. “Can you stay here a bit, with me?” 
Lucifer sighs softly. You steel yourself for the words you're sure will come out of his mouth, “I can’t” or “Not right now”. 
“MC, I don’t think you realize that I want to see you just as much as, if not more so than, you want to see me.” He traces his finger along your jaw and lifts your chin so that you're looking at him. “If I’ve made you think I feel otherwise, that is my fault and I must apologize.” 
You feel your heart skip a beat when the Avatar of Pride apologizes to you, a lowly human. You’re in such a state of shock, you don’t know what to say so Lucifer continues to fill the silence. “If I had the ability to summon you to my side whenever I wanted, I can’t say I wouldn’t abuse that power greatly.” 
His hand rests at the side of your face, thumb wiping another tear you didn’t even know fell. You got so used to that rowdy house in the Devildom, so full of people and chaos, that coming home to your quiet, little one-bedroom apartment in the human world every day has been wearing you down. More tears start to flow as the weight of your loneliness comes crashing down on you.
You hold him tighter and press your face into his shoulder, hiding in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess,” you say, laughing.  
He chuckles. “Don’t apologize. I appreciate all aspects of you. Even when you are a mess.” 
You sit on the piano bench for what you wish was all eternity but is likely only about 10 minutes before you reluctantly untangle yourself from the demon you unwittingly called to this realm. 
“Well, since you're here…” You stand, pull him from the bench, and lead him to your bedroom… where you keep your records! You present him with the newest addition to your collection with a wide smile. 
He takes it from your hands and looks at the cover thoughtfully. He reads the title out loud, “The Mephisto Waltz & Other 'Satanic' Piano Music Of Franz Liszt - John Ogdon”. 
He looks back at you. “Interesting,” he says in the most uninterested tone. You laugh out loud, you thought he might like that. 
“Well, if you don’t want to listen to it, I can just-” You reach for the record but he pulls it out of your reach. 
“I never said that.” 
He walks over to your record player and carefully sets it up while you sit on the edge of your bed. When the music starts up, you're surprised by how fast-paced it is but you're still into it. Luci looks at your desk chair meaningfully then back at you. You scowl and shake your head slightly, tapping the edge of the bed next to you. He smiles and sits down beside you.
You lean against him, sneakily snaking your arms around his middle, and play with one of his hands. 
You feel him relax, almost imperceptibly, leaning into your touch. He chuckles, and softly says under his breath, “This brings back memories.” 
He closes his eyes and you lift your head to stare at him, left wondering whatever the hell he meant by that. You would ask, but he loves to be intentionally vague whenever you bring up his involvement in the lives of humans from the past. 
"This isn't what I thought this song would be," you quietly admit as you play with his gloved fingers. 
"It's called a waltz, so I thought, you know, we would be able to dance to it…"
"You wish to dance with me?" He says in a teasing tone, one that makes your face feel hot. 
"That would be fairly amusing…" He says, almost more to himself than to you.
He uses his free hand to lift your chin up so that you're looking at him. If your face wasn't red before, it definitely is now. 
"It was a silly idea, we don't-" 
"No, no. I believe I would like to dance with you as well." 
His smile is rather wolfish as he stands from your bed and pulls you up along with him. The next song on the record starts and it isn't very apt for a dance, either.
"The music-" You begin to protest before Lucifer snaps his finger and the record begins to glow with a blue light. A record scratch abruptly interrupts the music when Chopin's Waltz in A minor, B. 150 starts to flow through the speaker. 
He pulls your body to the proper position, one hand on your waist, the other cradling yours. Of course, he'll lead. You roll your eyes playfully. 
"Do you remember how to do this?" He asks, amused. 
"Pshh, of course I do," you say right before accidentally stepping on his foot. "Oop, sorry." 
He chuckles. "Follow my lead." 
And you do. You dance around your little room, only stepping on him a few more times before you get the hang of it again. ("It's been a long time, okay??") You twirl and pivot, avoiding tiny obstacles around your room, laughing when you attempt to take the lead by spinning him out and back into your arms. 
He finishes the dance by lifting you by the waist and spinning around. You giggle uncontrollably, feeling lighter than you have in months. When he brings you back down, you lace your hands together behind his neck and put your head on his shoulder. The music shifts to something soft that you can slow dance to. His arms tighten around your waist, holding you close as you sway together. 
“I really needed this,” you say. “I’ve missed you guys so much.”
You feel him stiffen slightly at the remark. You smile to yourself, delighted that something so small could affect him. 
You look up at him, “I’ve missed you most, of course.”
He smiles down at you and the affection you see in his eyes is so genuine, it embarrasses you. “It’s always a pleasure to see you, MC.”
You look down to hide your quickly reddening face. “I wish I could summon you more often but I know you’re very busy. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”
“Oh, yes,” Lucifer hums, as if he has to think hard about what he was doing before this, “I believe I was in a meeting with Lord Diavolo.”
“Lord Diavolo!?” Your eyes widen with panic. You push yourself away to look him straight in his face, hoping he’s just teasing you. 
His wolfish grin returns as he smooths down a lock of hair that is out of place on your head. “Yes, but it was one of those frivolous meetings he likes to trick me into. ‘Oh, Lucifer, you must try this bottle of Demonus I found in the depths of the labyrinthine cellar.’ Nothing truly important, I promise.”
Relief quickly washes over you and you relax back into his embrace. “So... I get to keep you a little longer?” 
“Tonight?” His hold around you tightens. “You may keep me as long as you wish.”
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msbigredmachine · 1 month
New To This - Chapter 5
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“Sup, trick,” a soft voice chuckled next to Delilah, and she turned to see Tiwa, her co-worker at the supermarket, presenting her a can of Mountain Dew and a bowl of jollof rice and stewed chicken as she joined her to sit on the staircase outside on their lunch break. “Want some?”
Delilah grimaced and bit into her carrot stick for emphasis. “You know I can’t have that. I’m workin’ out and shit.”
“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about your wrestling. Shoulda brought you a salad or somethin’,” Tiwa joked, causing Delilah to roll her eyes good-naturedly. The two women had known each other since high school and had run in different social circles back then, but working together for the past four years had closed that gap between them.
“So, how’s wedding planning going? You still got time for that with your wrestling and all?” Tiwa asked as she threw her braids behind her shoulder.
“It’s going,” Delilah shrugged, staring out into the empty backlot of the supermarket. “My Mama’s making sure it’s going, anyway. We’ve put a deposit on the reception hall, but haven’t decided on the catering. I haven’t even thought about a dress yet. Luckily I got my mom’s wedding dress to fall back on if everything else goes to shit.”
“You sound bored outta your fuckin’ mind,” Tiwa pointed out, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve never heard any woman sound this uninterested about planning her own wedding.”
“It’s not boredom. I’m just…tired,” Delilah insisted, shuffling her feet on the step she sat on. “Training and working two jobs hasn’t given me much time to think of anything else.”
“What about your man? Is he going to Panama City with you for the show? I mean, that’s gotta be exciting, right?”
“For me? Absolutely,” she responded, turning her face toward the sun. “The networking opportunities are beyond my wildest dreams. For him? Not really. He’s never been a wrestling fan. And he still thinks I’m outta my mind,” she added with a roll of her eyes. In reality, she knew that half the town thought the same way, but she never let it deter her. What she wanted to do with her life was no one’s fucking business.
Tiwa nodded in what seemed like understanding and chewed her food slowly. “That bad, huh?”
“Yeah, that bad. He’s not cooperating at all.” Delilah huffed, feeling her blood begin to boil already. “First off, he refused to come to my first match. My very first match! He bitches about my training schedule all the fuckin’ time now. What is scaring him so much?”
“Gee, where do I start?” Tiwa snorted.
Delilah looked back at her co-worker, startled by her response. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, girl. Look at it. Y’all supposed to be getting married soon and then your wrestling picks up. I saw your match on YouTube and it’s already at like a hundred thousand views. That’s a fuckin’ big deal, ya know? Not to mention you’re spending time with that steaming hot Jey guy that just might end up being your co-worker. And from all the buzz you’re getting, it’s only gonna be a matter of time before that happens. That’s gotta make Andre uncomfortable.”
She didn’t know her match had made it onto YouTube, but she would get back to that later. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am. And I’m happy for you. This town is boring as fuck. Someone needs to get outta this dump and do something interesting with their lives.” Tiwa took a swig of her Mountain Dew. “So back to you and this Jey dude. He seems to be giving you a lot of attention.”
“Y’all making it sound like me and him are seeing each other every day or somethin’,” said Delilah, her tone a little gruffer than she wanted. “That ain’t the case. Jey’s been like a second coach, like Tank. I want to make it to the big time, and if Jey can help me get there, I’ll take it.”
“You sure he hasn’t hinted at something more? Like, you know…”
Delilah shook her head. “Nope. We only talk about wrestling, that’s it. He’s been very professional.”
“Or he’s just waiting to get you alone,” Tiwa cut in. “Maybe that’s why he invited you to Panama City.”
“He invited both Dre and me. I won’t be alone. Tank’s coming along with me since Dre can’t make it.” She wasn’t sure what Tiwa was trying to insinuate, and though she didn’t like it, she tried not to show it. “Girl you trippin’. Relax. I’m getting married to the man I love. Jey’s already married, I think.”
“You think?” Tiwa repeated, and only then did it dawn on Delilah that she’d never seen a ring on his finger. Still… “He knows better and so do I. I got only one goal in mind, and that’s all I care about.” It had been two weeks since her first match, and she was just getting started with building a reputation for herself within the independent circuit. She was working hard and earning every bit of respect she was gaining, and she really didn’t want to throw all of that away.
“Okay,” said Tiwa. “I’m just looking out for you, girl. Do you, and make sure you’re happy while you’re doing it.”
“I know.” Delilah smiled and looked at her watch. Their break was almost over. “You coulda come with me to Panama City too, ya know.”
“Ha, if I do, who’s gonna cover your shift?” Tiwa said, getting to her feet. “Besides…I got a date on Monday night.”
“Oh. So you’ve finally gotten over your crush on Tank, then?” Delilah smirked as they walked back into the supermarket.
Tiwa gasped and avoided her friend’s teasing stare. “How many times am I gonna tell you, Parrish, it ain’t like that with Tank! It never was.”
“And yet, you’re blushing.”
“…..Bitch, bye.”
From her place on the ring apron, Delilah watched in complete awe as Liv Morgan and Becky Lynch practiced in the ring for their match, still a good three hours before Monday Night Raw was set to air. The women were opening the show tonight, and she was very excited to see how it all played out. But watching them rehearse was so much better than anything she could have imagined.
The only thing that would have made her day better was Andre being with her. Of course, they had argued about the trip, in which Tank had tried to step in. He was being completely asinine and paranoid. She would never have stopped him if he had the chance to meet LeBron James or Patrick Mahomes, his favorite athletes. This was a once in a lifetime chance for her, and she really couldn’t understand why he was taking all of this so poorly.
“Now that’s a finisher right there,” Tank interrupted her thoughts as Liv Morgan hit Becky backwards in her signature Oblivion to get the pinfall.
Delilah turned back to look up at the huge Titantron as Liv’s theme song rang out in victory. “This is so cool,” she whispered. How amazing would it be to see her own name in lights that bright?
“Ayyy, look who showed up, uce,” a familiar deep voice sounded from the shadows behind her, and she looked over to see Josh making his way down the ramp. 
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Without thinking through it, she rushed towards him and leapt into his arms. “This is so amazing! Thank you so much, oh my god,” she squealed happily, not caring if she sounded like a total fan girl at the moment. Never did she imagine she could ever experience all she had since coming down to Panama City; the backstage access, getting to meet the amazing wrestlers she watched on TV every single week; it was sensory overload for her as a fan.
Josh laughed as her legs tightened around him, supporting the woman in his arms with her round backside in his hands. “You welcome, baby girl. You enjoyin’ yourself?”
It was then, as he set her back on her feet, that Delilah noticed how good he looked in his Nike tech fleece outfit. At the same time, Tank appeared from the corner of her eye, and she quickly took a step back from Josh. “Yes! Everyone’s been so nice. The wrestlers, the officials, it’s been awesome.”
“Good to hear. Wanna go talk to the girls?” Without waiting for an answer, Josh grabbed her by the hand and tugged her toward the ring where Becky and Liv now sat on the apron. They looked over at the approaching trio and waved. “Hey, Jey, hey Tank,” greeted Liv, her eyes skating over Delilah’s form. “Wanna introduce us to your friend?”
Sneaking behind her, Josh shoved the shy woman closer to his colleagues. “This is Delilah Parrish. She’s an indie wrestler in the Pensacola region,” he introduced.
“Oh, fellow hometown girl, huh?” Becky’s friendly nature was infectious as she extended a hand toward the new woman. “Nice to meet you, Delilah. I’m Becky.”
“Delilah. Like Samson, right?” Liv inquired. When Delilah nodded, her smile widened. “Such a cute name. I like it. You stickin’ around for the show tonight?”
“Yeah.” Delilah muttered shyly. It was the exact same tone she had taken with pretty much everyone she had met so far. It was all so overwhelming, she felt like she was in a dream.
“Ay Livvy Liv, you busy?” Josh asked. When she shook her head, he nodded toward Delilah. “How ‘bout you show our guest here how it’s done in the big leagues?”
Liv set her towel aside with a shrug. “Sure, why not?” she answered, turning her gaze to Delilah. “You up for it?”
Shocked, the trainee looked back and forth between them. “Wait, you want me to wrestle her? Right now?” 
“Now’s as good a time as any,” Josh shrugged, raising an eyebrow. “Unless you think you can’t do it.”
Offended, her eyes darkened right away. “Hell yeah, I can do it.”
He stepped closer to her, staring her right down, “Then show me,” he whispered.
Liv leapt back into the ring and backed up, beckoning for Delilah to join her. “Come on, show me what’cha got,” she challenged.
Before she knew what was happening, Delilah was locking up with Liv freaking Morgan in the middle of the ring, listening for her rushed verbal cues as they sparred like old partners. So immersed was she in the match they were constructing, Delilah didn’t notice that Josh and Tank had been joined by a few other men.
“Who’s the girl?”
Turning his head slightly, Josh took his boss’s hand in a handshake and then returned his attention to the action in the ring. “She’s one of Tank’s,” the Samoan spoke of the trainer who was now shouting instructions to his pupil from outside the ring, while Becky cheered on Liv on the other side.
Triple H watched with a critical eye as the new woman launched herself off of the ropes and knocked Liv to the mat with an impressive, albeit stiff clothesline. “She’s unpolished,” he deduced.
Josh shrugged. “She’ll get better,” he assured the older man. “Her very first match was just two weeks ago and she killed that shit, man. Two hundred thousand views on YouTube already,” he added, a hint of admiration creeping into his voice.
“I see.” The multi-time World Champion nodded his head, his gaze still fixed on the story the women were trying to tell in the ring.
As Liv wedged her horizontally between the ropes by the turnbuckle, Delilah glanced to her left, her heart nearly jumping into her throat when she saw Triple H of all people, watching intently a few feet away, as though waiting for her to do something special. She was so distracted that she didn’t hear Liv’s reminder to brace herself for the impact of her double-knee attack. Liv’s knees and shins colliding with her sternum knocked the air right out of her, causing her to collapse hard in the corner, limbs twisting everywhere as she hit the canvas.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” Liv screeched, as Delilah rolled to her side and slowly made her way to her knees with a moan. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. It was my fault,” she puffed, taking the other woman’s extended hand to pull her up.
“Yeah, Triple H has that kind of effect,” Liv said, winking at her. “I was the exact same way the first time I saw him.”
Risking another glance at the base of the ramp, Delilah breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Hunter had left them alone, but dread quickly filled her insides as she wondered what he’d thought of her performance.
“What the hell was that?” Josh’s laughing voice interrupted the ladies’ conversation. Delilah blushed wildly and ducked under the bottom rope. “I panicked,” she admitted softly. “So tell me the truth,” she said. “How bad did I fuck up my only chance to impress that man?”
Josh helped her out of the ring and set her down on her feet. “You tried. Let’s just leave it at that.” Her nervous expression caused him to wrap an arm around her waist for a quick hug. “But ay, you went for it, and Hunter appreciates that,” he whispered.
The feel of his breath on her ear sent shivers down Delilah’s spine. She shook it off quickly, deciding that she was still being a fangirl, that it was just his breathtaking presence that still affected her. She would have felt the exact same way if it had been Andre holding her like this.
Mistaking her inner turmoil for something else, Tank nudged her from her other side. “You did good, kid. I could tell Hunter liked it,” he said.
The uncharacteristic compliment from her usually no-nonsense teacher caused Delilah to blush, but before she could respond, a stage hand called for Tank to follow him up the ramp, leaving her all alone with Josh. She felt very self-conscious as she walked next to him towards the backstage area.
Somewhere along the way, Josh had invaded Delilah’s thoughts and fantasies on more than a few occasions. Never, since getting with Andre, had she ever thought about another man while making love to her fiancé, until lately. She wanted to blame it on seeing him every week on TV, recalling his deep, seductive voice on the phone, all of which left her imagining things she never dreamed of. Yeah, he seemed to be a bit touchy feely, but he had never made an outright pass at her, and had done nothing beyond a few flirty words and gestures. Maybe she was overthinking it too much and just needed to relax.
Josh looked down at her, trying not to stare into her tank top from his considerable vantage point. She was engaged to be married, but he couldn’t seem able to tell himself that it meant she was off limits. He was drawn to how unaware she was of her beauty and her sexiness, and it made her that much more attractive in his eyes. “You quiet. What’s on your mind?” he asked her, forcing himself out of his wayward thoughts.
Delilah followed him into a huge locker room. “Just thinkin’ about how surreal all of this is. It’s one thing to see it on TV. It’s a whole ‘nother thing to see it all up close…” she trailed off, shaking her head in awe.
Grabbing two bottles of water, Josh directed her to a table and sat across from her, opening her bottle before sliding it to her. “Yeah. Wait until you become an actual employee.”
Scoffing, she drank from the bottle and leaned back in her chair. “Right. Like that’s gonna happen.”
“What makes you think that?”
With a sigh, she looked around the empty room. “I don’t know. For all intents and purposes, I’m still a rookie,” she reasoned. “I got so much more to learn. I don’t even look like the typical WWE Superstar. My hair’s too damn big and curly. I haven’t put on enough muscle yet.” Casting a glance over her own body, she sighed again. “And I’m gonna need implants, which I definitely can’t afford,” she added.
Josh looked her over, zeroing in on her chest. After seeing her in her wrestling outfit a couple of weeks ago, he was convinced there was nothing wrong with her hot body. “You don’t need no implants,” he assured her.
Shock washed over Delilah at his blatant assessment. “Okay, um, so where else are we going after this?” she asked nervously, hoping to break the suffocating tension building between them.
“Whatchu doin’, Delilah?” Josh ignored her question, watching her brush her hair out of her face for the hundredth time, the glint of the rock on her engagement ring seemingly taunting him every time she did so. “What exactly are you puttin’ in all the hours training and wrestling for? To achieve your dream? Or to get away from your fiancé?”
Recoiling a little, Delilah narrowed her eyes at what he had asked. Why was he being so intrusive? “Dude…” she stammered, her defenses going right up. "I’m not…I’m not sure how that’s any of your business.”
“Baby girl, this business is everything to me,” Josh said to her, his tone strangely serious. “It’s my whole life. And I get a kick out of seeing other people who love it too and get immersed in it for all the right reasons.” Shaking his head, he crossed his massive arms over his broad chest. “I need to know which side you’re on, so I’ll know whether I’m wasting my time with you or not.”
“Wasting your time? What the fuck…I never asked for your attention, Josh!” she shot defensively, staggered by this sudden change to their conversation. "To be honest, I don’t even know why you are showing any interest in me.” Behind her, she heard the door open, and she forced herself to lower her voice, even though she was seething at his audacity. “Maybe I should ask you. What’s in this for you, huh? Why me? There are a million other new wrestlers that you could be focusing on.“
Shrugging a shoulder in agreement, Josh leaned back in his chair and let his dark gaze scan her from head to toe. "Maybe,” he conceded, a smirk playing on his lips. “But it’s not them I wanna fuck.”
The words struck her like a blow to the gut. Did she hear him right? Was he suggesting that he wanted to sleep with her? That he was as attracted to her as she was to him? Did he fantasize about her too? Did he forget she was engaged? Wasn’t he married? How could he make such an open confession?
Before she could say something, the room began to fill up with members of the Raw roster, Josh stood up and gestured for her to do the same. “Come on. Let’s go find Tank,”  he said to her.
🏷️: @jxtina-86 @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @shonny09 @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @mzv11 @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @paigereeder
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distorted59 · 10 months
A Week In San Francisco
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summary: Where she’s Kirk's younger sister and her parents are on vacation. So, she’s forced to live with her brother and his bandmates for a week.
pairing: Kill 'Em All!James x fem!reader
warnings: none, just kissing, y/n is around 19
word count: 1699
A/N: Actually one of my first requests! hope you enjoy! sorry if there are some mistakes! xo (this was beta read like once or twice idk)
Y/n sighs and drops her baggage to the floor and knocks on the door. She is sweating, but not just because of the heat. Nervousness kicking in as she knocks on the door again.
“Open up, asshole.” She murmurs.
It’s a warm summer night, August of 1983. Nice time for a holiday, right? Well, that’s exactly what her parents thought. Leaving her to live with her brother Kirk and his bandmates for a week. Their first album “Kill ‘Em All” had just come out and they already felt on top of the world. 
She’d met them a couple times and even saw one of their shows. They’re fun guys to hang out with, for like a day… And she has to live with them for a week no less. Knowing how messy they can be, she's a bit on edge, certainly not 'cause she thinks they're cute…
“Hey, baby sis!” Kirk opens the door with a wide smile on his face. 
“Hey.” She gives him a slight smirk. “Please let me in, I’m dying in this heat.” 
"Yeah! Of course!” He lets out a short laugh and grabs her bags, letting her in. With a big, welcoming hug, he squeezes the air out of her lungs, as if the girl wasn't feeling hot enough. “So, how was the trip?” He puts the bags down and guides her to the kitchen. 
“It was alright.” She shrugs. “The AC on the bus was terrible, but it was better than nothing.” 
Kirk rummages around in the fridge and holds up an ice cold beer bottle. His eyes travel from his sister to the space behind her. 
“You want a beer? Oh, hey James!” He grins.
Y/n turns around and smiles at the blonde boy, “Hey James, nice to see you again.” 
James doesn’t know where to look and smiles back, blushing tremendously. “Hey! Uh, hey.” He clears his throat. “Good to see you again too, y/n. How uhh-“ he walks to the fridge and grabs a beer himself. “How have you been?” He almost gulps half the bottle down. 
“Fine, you?” 
“Go-“ James starts.
“Oh! He's great now since you’re here!” Kirk interrupts James. “He hasn’t shut up about you since we last saw you.” 
“Dude!” James exclaims.
Y/n opens the beer and takes a sip, eying James down. He does the same and the silence almost turns awkward.
“Ahhh, there she is!” A loud voice beams out. “The cuter-looking Hammett!” 
“Lars…” She smiles and puts her beer on the counter before being engulfed with a tight hug from the drummer. 
“It’s so nice to finally have you here!” Lars boasts excitedly. “Come on, I’ll show you your room!” 
“I can take her!” Kirk frowns and grabs her bags. “I got her bags, see? Besides, she’s my sister. I should give her the tour!” He pouts.
James snatches one of her bags out of Kirk’s hand. “Shut up, Hammett.” He walks down the hall, smirking at Kirk.
Y/n looks at her brother with a questioning look and Kirk just returns a defeated one. “Just…” he sighs. “Follow them.” 
“It’s okay.” She giggles. “You’re still my favorite member, big brother.” She kisses his cheek and Kirk groans, over-exaggerating being grossed out.
“Eww! y/n!” He whines. 
“Don’t be such a baby!” y/n taunts.
“You two coming?” Lars yells from around the corner of one of the rooms.
“Yeah!” They both answer in unison. 
 “Me and Lars share rooms and James shares with Cliff.” Kirk explains while they’re walking down the hall.
“Where’s Cliff anyway?” She asks. 
They stop at a room where both Lars and James are waiting for them. She peaks her head inside the room and sees Cliff sitting on a mattress on the floor, plucking at his bass and a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. 
“Sup, y/n!” Cliff smiles. “Sorry for sitting on your bed here.” He crawls up and flashes her a boyish grin.
Cliff walks up to her and gives her a tight hug, she holds onto him tightly. He smells like smoke and beer, but so does the entire house. She’s not complaining, though. 
“My bed? But this is your rehearsal room, right?” She looks around at the guys. 
The room is covered in posters and pictures from magazines. From Motörhead, Black Sabbath and Misfits to Led Zeppelin, Diamond Head and Iron Maiden. Lars’s drum-set is in the corner and around the room are some amp’s. 
Kirk and James’s guitars against the wall, some torn notes on the floor. Probably forgotten lyrics. She notices a notebook laying on one of the amps, but her attention is also taken away from it as the floor is littered with empty beer cans. 
“Yeah, the only spare room we had.” Lars explains.
“We all agreed on giving you some privacy.” James smiles politely as a slight blush creeps on his face again.
“Sorry for not tidying up.” Cliff grabs some cans. “We try to stay civil here.” 
“Says you!” James laughs. 
“Yeah? Whadda ya gonna do?” Cliff taunts and throws an empty beer can towards James’s head. 
James dodges it and laughs while flipping him off. Cliff wiggles his brows and flips him off as well. Y/n chuckles and grins at the scene in front of them. Yeah, she’ll survive them. 
“Look, I know it’s not like home…” Kirk walks towards her. “But, this is all we had and we all sleep on mattresses too!” 
“It’s fine, man!” She reassures them. “It’s generous enough for you guys to give me my own room!” 
“Okay, good!” Kirk smiles and she sees all the boys sighing with relief, almost like a weight fell off their shoulders. 
“What? You’d thought I’d get mad?” She smirks. 
“Maybe, we could’ve handled you though.” James teases and gives her a playful nudge. 
After spending some time around her, James is looking at her with an excited twinkle in his eyes, and his confidence is rising again. He hasn't stopped thinking about her since he last saw her and made a promise not to get nervous or shy. It's time to work on that part because he's already failed it.
“I bet you would.” She tilts her head and shoves him back, laughing while doing it. 
“Listen, guys. I’m sorry if you still wanted to jam tonight.” She puts her bags next to the mattress. “But, I would really love to get some sleep. I’m beat.” 
“Oh, that’s fine, y/n!” Kirk smiles. “We’ll be out of your hair, goodnight!” 
“Goodnight, boys! Thanks again!” 
While y/n gets ready for bed and is in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. James is pacing around in his room. He forgot his notepad in the rehearsal room, now temporarily y/n’s room. 
“I can’t just walk in now.” He murmurs to himself. “She’ll think I’m a creep, prancing around her stuff or something like that.” 
He grunts and starts pulling his hair slightly. “Fuck it.” He decides. “I’ll just wait and knock.”
James walks out of his room as he goes over what to say to her. He’s too deep in his own thoughts and looking at the floor when he bumps into someone. 
“Oh, shit!” The voice says. 
“Fuck! Sorry, y/n!” James apologizes. 
They look into each other’s eyes until both of them start laughing awkwardly. James scratches the back of his neck and clears his throat. 
“Uhm, my notepad is still in your room.” He explains. “I didn’t want to just walk in without you knowing.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” She assures. “Go ahead and grab it.” 
“Great, thanks.” James nods and smiles back.
Both of them walk into her room and James starts looking for his notebook. “You see, I left it somewhere here.” He motions around with his hands. 
“Was it the one with a blue cover?” She asks. 
“Yeah? Did you see it?” His face whitens. “Did you read it?” 
“I didn’t, don’t worry.” y/n grins. “I saw it when I walked in, it’s on the amp near the drums.” 
James looks over at the amp and lets out a relieved sigh. “Awesome, thank you!” He smiles, shoving the notepad in his pocket. 
He walks back to the door ready to walk out, but he turns to her before leaving. “We’re uh, going to the… the beach tomorrow.” He says. “Hope you brought a bikini.” He mentally face palms himself and his face reddens. 
“Or… or a bathing suit! Just… as we're going to the beach. Just… forget I said that.” 
She giggles and walks towards him, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. Biting her bottom slightly and it doesn’t go unnoticed by James. 
“Don’t worry, I brought it.” She assures. 
“Good…. Good.” He mumbles as his eyes travel down her neck and to the hem of her shirt. “Nice shirt.” He compliments when his eyes linger over the print “Motörhead”. 
“Thanks.” She smirks. “Goodnight, James.” 
Y/n turns around, but before she can walk away, James grabs her wrist.
“Yes?” She turns around, the slightest amount of hope in her eyes. Wondering what he still wants from her. 
“Goodnight…” he looks down at her lips before looking back up into her eyes. Y/n does the same, biting her own bottom lip again. 
“You wanna kiss me, don’t you?” He smirks. 
“Maybe, do you want to kiss me too?” She smiles playfully.
“More than anything right now.” He whispers and leans in, kissing her. Carefully at first, but it turns into a slow and passionate kiss. His hands loosely on her hips as he pulls her body closer to his. 
“Fuck…” he murmurs in between kisses. “Want you…” 
She breaks the kiss and gives him one final peck before shoving him out of her room softly. He looks at her in defeat, his lips are pink and swollen and his blonde hair messy and in front of his needy eyes. 
“We got the whole week, baby.” She winks at him and closes the door. 
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tiedyeflannels · 14 days
Red String Theory
Kim Seokjin x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Genre: established relationship, fluff
A/N: 'Sup! I thought I would take a quick break from Tae's series so I could write this fic for the man, the myth, the Moon that's coming home next month! She's kind of short, but I hope you enjoy!!
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“Hey, Y/n/n,” Jin spoke, making me turn my head in his direction.
We were sitting on the couch together just watching the TV while taking a break from moving furniture. I raised my eyebrows and hummed to let him know to continue.
“I’ve got a question.”
I shifted toward him a little and put my legs across his. 
“Shoot,” I said, looking at him with full focus on what he was going to ask.
He looked down at my hands before pointing to my wrists, “Your bracelets. What are their meanings?”
A confused smile appeared on my lips, “What? My bracelets?”
He nodded, “Mhmm! You wear them all the time and never take them off, so what’s their story?”
I chuckled at the question, but nodded all the same.
“Okay, um…” I lifted up my right arm and spread the bracelets one wasn’t overlapping another.
“So these are just hair ties,” I said, stretching the two black bands wrapped around my wrist then letting them snap back.
“This one,” I pointed to a string friendship bracelet with different colors of blue, green and grays, “was given to me by a friend in college during a club we went to together.”
Then I pointed to the last one, which was a small silver bracelet with tiny diamonds spaced throughout.
“And this one’s obviously the one you gave me for our first anniversary.”
He smiled, “And that’s obviously my favorite one out of all of them! What about those?”
Just like I did before, I moved the bracelets making sure that they don’t overlap.
“These are just more friendship bracelets from some of the club members,” I pointed to two braided strings that were made up of three different colors each that were tied around my wrist.
 “And this one was made by my high school best friend,” I said, pulling apart the magnets then putting them back together.
I nodded at my finished explanation before Jim hooked a finger under the little red string around wrist.
“What about this one, hmm?”
I looked at him with a smile, “Have you heard of the ‘Red String Theory’?"
He shook his head at the question.
“So there was a TikTok that I had watched a while back and it was of this girl who was telling a story. So she was saying how she had seen something about the ‘red string theory’ and that it reminded her of something that had happened at her work. She worked at a store and this couple comes in and are trying things on and she’s smiling at their interaction because she thinks they’re cute.
“When they were ready, they went up to pay and then left the store. After they left, she saw something on the ground which happened to be a red bracelet-”
“No,” he gasped, fully immersed in the story.
I laughed, “Yes! She noticed that it was the same one the guy was wearing too. She thought that they would come back for it, so she put it in a drawer and forgot about it… until the next day,” I led on.
He simply nodded, urging me to go on.
“The girl that was with the guy the other day had come in asking if there was a red bracelet here. The cashier said yes and went to fish it out of the drawer, but while doing that she noticed the new ring on her finger and asked her about it. The girl had the biggest smile on her face and said that she couldn’t talk about it because it had just happened, but thanked for the bracelet and the ‘congratulations’ she received before leaving the store.
“After that happened, she had searched up what the theory was and decided to wear one too. And she was wearing it for a few months, until she had started talking to a guy- I can’t remember if it was an old friend or someone new, but anyway- one day she was hanging out with her, now, boyfriend when she realized it fell off, making her wholeheartedly believe in the theory.”
“You didn’t explain what the theory was,” he said as I was just about to keep talking.
“I was just about to get to that,” I nudged him in feigned annoyance which made him chuckle.
“Sorry! Please continue,” he gestured.
I huffed.
“Anyway! It’s believed, in some cultures, that when people are fated to be soulmates there’s an invisible red string that ties them together. So if you wear a red bracelet and meet someone, then it’s supposed to fall off if they’re your soulmate,” I finished.
“Couldn’t that all chalk up to coincidence though,” Jin questioned, eyebrows furrowed. 
I shrugged, “Maybe so, but I’m a hopeless romantic so things like this or fate were always things that I loved which is why I started wearing one.”
“So then this,” he pulled at the red string bracelet, “Has never fallen off?” 
I looked down at the string and let out a chuckle before raising my head to look at Jin again.
“Actually, this is a different bracelet. The first one I started wearing after I watched the video fell off when we met.”
“WHAT?!” I nodded, biting back a smile, “Mhm, it was after that fateful day you spilled coffee on my jacket, invited me to eat to make up for it, then we spent the whole day walking around and talking.” 
I happily sighed at the memory, “I got home and realized that my bracelet wasn’t on my wrist anymore, but I didn’t really think anything of it because I had been wearing it for a long time until you texted me later that night to ask if we could go on a proper date… And now, here we are,” I gestured around our apartment.
He nodded, “Ah… so you wear that like a keepsake?”
I snapped my fingers and pointed at him, “Exactly! It reminds me of you and that day so I tend to look at it whenever I’m feeling down!”
He hummed before he looked at his own wrist, “Maybe I should wear one, too, so we could match.”
I chuckled, “Sure, come with me.”
I got up and took Jin’s hand, pulling him along to the kitchen where some of the moving boxes were. I dug through a few as Jin took a seat on a stool, then I found my embroidery string and took out the red one along with a pair of scissors.
Walking over to where he was sitting and taking a seat too, I had him hold out his wrist while I unwound the string, wrapped it around and tied it before cutting off the excess material.
“Tada,” I cheered, placing the items in my hands on the table.
“Hey Y/n,” Jin started and I turned to look at him, humming in question.
He grabbed both of my hands, “I’m really happy that we share this string.”
He kissed the top of my head as we sat in a peaceful silence and looked around at the piles of unopened boxes and half moved furniture in our new apartment.
Knowing what he meant by that statement, I rested my head on his shoulder and happily sighed.
“Me too, Jin.”
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
What I was promised
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Pairing: Soldier boy x Sup!Fem!Reader
Summary: The deal was simple, he kills Homelander, and Butcher gives him greenlight to fulfill his dream of having a family, you were just… collateral damage, another sup taken care off if you ask Butcher.
Cursing, Dub-con, involuntary imprisonment, unprotected sex (do I have to remind you to not have a party without a party hat?), breeding kink, housewife kink, cursing, dirty talking, the works and everything fun related to this guy 
Wordcount: 3.7k
Notes: Oh I really wanted to write about this hot sup and honestly? his talk about wanting kids just triggered me 
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This is it, the final fight. Butcher and Soldier Boy were getting ready to storm the tower, the final battle against Homelander where they knew they were going to win. Sharing stories about their childhoods and their crappy dads.
“I always wanted them, kids I mean, I've always thought I could do a better job than my father ever did” Butcher saw the plan he carefully and dangerously crafted crumble into pieces in front of his eyes
“Homelander is not your son” he said carefully
“He is the only thing I have”
“You can have more kids” he said then, “I know you like old bags, but you can still choose a young one, I don’t care, but he… has to go” Ben looked at him with with furrowed brow
“The young girls these days don’t want to form families, that’s what that cum-eating little shit told me”
“Well, yeah but you are a handsome devil, I know you can figure it out” he uttered hopefully
“Well, yeah, homelander is a piece of shit anyways, so fuck him” Butcher signed relieved
“That my boy”
“I could convince that girl to give me a couple of babies, I mean, she is sweet like that”
“The sweet one… the one on your team, the one with the telekinesis thing”
“(Y/N)?” he asked, it was Butcher´s turn to frown, “I don’t think she is your speed”
“I’ll make her my speed” he said firmly, and that’s when they both look at eachother, definitely
“That’s not how we do things with the ladies” he said carefully, “We ain’t in the 40’s no more” he growled. Ben only smirked
“So now you are telling me I can’t have her either?” 
“Only if she wants to” he reminded him 
“Turn a blind eye, convince everyone we are dead, and I'll waste my own son for you” 
“They are going to hate me if they found out I gave her to you like some sort of stuffed animal in a carnival”
“That’s the part where you convince them we are dead” he said simply, “You want me to fry Homelander? My own son? You’ll let me take her” Butcher looked at him
“But she can never tell anyone what happened” he warned 
“I’ll take care of that” he said simply, “You just think there is going to be one less Sup you need to worry about” 
“Good riddance then”
“You two are sick” Maeve muttered, and they both froze when they saw the redhead standing in the doorway of the room
“Oh, we getting sentimental love?” mocked Butcher, “She is just going to be collateral damage, we kill the bastard, whatever it takes” 
“And what are you going to do to her you sick fuck?” she asked then 
“You don’t worry your little head about that” muttered Butcher
“She doesn’t deserve this, she is actually a decent person”
“You heard the man, he won’t waste Homelander if we don’t let him take her, so that’s it” Maeve went quiet, sharing dirty looks with Soldier Boy, the man just smiled
“I’m not gonna hurt her” he said simply, “I’m just gonna turn her into what any decent girl should be, make an honest woman out of her” 
“This is so wrong” she whispered, but said nothing more as the three prepared to storm the tower
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“They already have a huge startpoint” muttered Hughie
“We still have to try”, said Annie decisively 
“Agree” you muttered, looking up at Frenchie, Kimiko and MM, “we all know what we are up against, right?”
“Soldier Boy and Homelander won’t walk out of that tower” muttered MM, “whatever it takes”
“Whatever it takes” you all agreed
The plan was simple, Frenchie and Kimiko would go for the nerve gas to stop Soldier Boy while you all gained time and try to stop them. Hughie was to the control room to warn everyone as you and Annie ran in front of MM to protect him of whatever lies in front of you through the halls of Vought tower 
But when you got to them… it was already late. You couldn’t even walk through the doors of the news study when a huge blast threw you backwards. You flew through the air feeling as the air was punched out of your lungs and you collapse against a marble pillar, losing all consciousness 
. . .
When you came to your senses again, your head weighed a ton, and you had to make a huge effort to open your eyes. You took in the room, you were laid on a King size bed, and the room looked cozy, with a fireplace and all, a little outdated, like from the 80’s, but it was a very comfortable looking room. You took your hands towards your face and they both looked fine, you drew out your push wave and it still worked, your powers were ok, not fried out
“Oh good, I was scared I fried your powers” you grunted a little more when you recognized the men behind the words, “I wouldn't want you to lose them”
“Ben?” you called, finding him entering the room you were in, he smiled when he heard you calling him that, this is exactly what he wanted from you, his real name being moaned from those lips he liked so much, “What happened?” you murmured, “You used the radiation against us?” you seemed hurt, you sounded scared, and he didn't like that
“You tried to stop us from smoking Homelander” he explained simply, not denying it 
“Is everyone else ok?” you asked, “Annie and MM? Frenchie and Kimiko?” he sigh loudly, impatient, not wanting to have to explain to you, he didn’t care about them, he cared about you
“I don’t know, they were breathing when I left”
“You fried us up” you frowned your pretty little face and he didn’t understand why this was so hard for you to understand. Your eyes stopped at the TV, which was broadcasting the lastest news… Homelander was DEAD
“WHAT?” you said urgently, seeing the entire Vought tower completely destroyed, “What the fuck hapened?”
“Sweet things like you don’t talk like that” he whispered with that husky voice of his
“Ben… what happened?” you asked, softly, to appease him
“I complied with my part of the deal, I wasted Homelander” even if he clearly won, he looked defeated, “Homelander, what kind of shitty name that is anyways?” Even though this is what you all wanted, it felt wrong to celebrate the death of a human being, even though it was a Supe-supremacist psychotic piece of shit like him, still… celebrating a man’s death wasn’t right
“Is everyone ok?”
“I think so, I really didn’t care, I only cared about you” you felt your cheeks flush at his words and then he flashed you a poster boy smile. To distract yourself, you looked around. If the outside was any indication, you seemed to be in some sort of cabin
“Ben?” you asked, suddenly scared, your super hearing wouldn’t let you hear anything else but his breathing and the birds outside chirping, no cars, no other people, nothing. He raised from his seat on a small sofa and sat right next to you on the bed. His closeness made you uncomfortable
“Yes, sweet thing?” he purred, and you understand why he got laid everywhere he went, he had to only speak with that thick voice and all the panties in the room would drop
“Where are we?” Softly and gently was the way to go with him, you looked into his beautiful green eyes looking for the truth and the truth only, he smiled softly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ea, the contact of his gloved hands made you trembled in your spot
“We are in a cabin Legend gifted me after our first gig together, the old thing is still standing” 
“But why? Where are the others?”
“Around, why do you care so much?” he asked, annoyed, “I’m here” 
“But you had a huge fight, and Homelander is finally dead, and I… he was the most powerful man alive, I mean, I just want to know…”
“Everyone is ok” he said with a sigh, probably the others were covering your tracks, I mean, you just wasted Homelander and Vought probably had tapes about all of you doing so… so now you were fugitives again, and you had to lay low, if the other were ok it was all going to be fine. 
“Except for Noir, Homelander got to him before I could”
“Noir is also dead?” you asked, feeling bad for the ninja, you actually like him and your time in the tower and the times you spent with him had been very pleasant. But to Soldier Boy not too much since he was your worry his face turned in anger
“He was a traitor who gave me away to the Russians” he growled, “He is lucky Homelander got to him and not me”
“I’m sorry for what he did to you, but to me he was always… polite” you whispered 
“Let’s just not talk about that traitor fucker, a walking tumor” his tone made you frightful, so you just looked down scaping his gaze
“I’m sorry you had to be the one to kill Homelander” you muttered, “Hughie told us, that he was…”
“My own son” you looked back at him and it scared you he didn’t seem remorseful, or that he didn't show any emotion at all, “I didn’t get to raise him, he was a weak little pussy”
“I'm sorry about that” you whispered, “He wasn’t a good person”
“It doesn’t matter, I have a second chance” he muttered, he leaned in and before you could stop him he trapped your lips with his. He kisses you slowly. At first you are so impressed you couldn’t react until he tried to pry your lips open with his tongue. You pushed him but accidentally used your powers. Even when it barely move him, not being able to throw him off the bed 
“You are a little firecracker, did you know that?” he asked, amused by your outburst
“No” you whispered, he leaned in again to kiss you roughly, and you felt limb against his arms and chest as you return the kiss
He might be traumatized, he might have been an asshole, but he was hot as hell. He was one of the most handsome guy you had ever met and in a fraction of a second you thought about even if you fuck him, it wouldn’t mean anything but a good time, he was going to pretend nothing happened by tomorrow, so what’s the harm?
His hand went to encase your face against him, and you in turn grabbed his chestnut hair, playing with it with your fingers. His hands soon left your face to go down your neck to squeeze your breasts, as he groaned, pleased against your mouth
“Fuck” he whispered when he left your mouth to drop open mouth kissed down your chin and then devouring your neck, “You are a little slut, aren’t you?”
“No” you whispered, “I just want to fuck you” you said simply, your hands travelling down his body and then up against agains’t his skin until you reached his chest. He chuckled, his husky voice made your panties more wet if that was even possible. He slowly eased you down against the mattress, while he got rid of the blankets that were still covering you, so he could lay next to you. He was wearing some cotton pants and a simple shirt, and even though it would be to even hotter to fuck him while he was wearing his suit, this worked just fine. 
You moaned, losing all shame when he sucked on a special spot in your neck, and you spread your legs instinctively. You barely realized you weren’t wearing your super suit, you were wearing a plain t-shirt and cotton leggings just like him, which he ripped from your quivering body when he realized you had spread your legs for him 
He wastes no time in trapping you under him once he gets rid of your underwear. He opened up your thighs, your sex exposed to him, admiring your wet pussy. You wanted to be even so you, in turn, ripped to shreds his clothes as well, and to your surprise, his ock jumped free, missing the underwear
“God I love the new age” he purred, you squeezed his thick cock, moaning when you couldn’t completely wrap your hand around his thick range, he was going to rip you apart if he wasn’t careful, which you were sure he wasn’t going to be. His thick finger danced teasingly trough your folds, testing you, tasting how wet you were, because you were dripping for him
“I’ve never been the one much for foreplay” he murmured, you just nodded, wanting him inside you, “Hell, we have time later for some pussy tasting” the tip of his cock replaced his fingers, and you opened more your legs for him to be able to place himself comfortably between your legs, as he started to open you up with his thick cock. 
“Oh shit” you cursed, closing your eyes, your hands laced under your knee to keep your legs open for him. The stretch burned, but if felt so good you could kill him if he ever stopped. 
In a rough push he was completely seated inside of you, making you groan, uncomfortable because of his huge size, needing time to get accustomed to him, but fuck, you had never felt so full, and he touched all the right places inside of you, places you didn’t thik even existed
“Fuck you are tight” he cursed under his breath
“You are too big” you complained, but he only smiled, retrieving himself and then pushing into you roughly, the tip of his cock touching your cervix, making you scream in surprise
“Are you ok?” he smirked, and you just nodded, playfully grabbing his ass, encouraging to start thrusting into you, which he did. Soon he started at a rough pace, the mattress making you bounce off the force. 
You grabbed him by the back of his neck and drew him towards you to kiss him deeply. He chuckled darkly against your mouth when he read your intentions
“You are a sweet girl who likes to make sweet lovin’ aren’t you?” you nodded shamefully, like it was a bad thing, but he looked down at you with a glimmer in his eyes that made you rethink everything you knew about him. 
His thrusts where deep and calculating, almost methodical as he kept pounding into you, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix every time
“Shit!” you cursed as your eyes turned to the back of your head from the pleasure, the knot in your belly kept getting tighter and tighter 
“Fuck I feel your little pussy fisting my cock” he purred against you temple. With a wide smile, and using all the force you had, you managed to switch positions, getting him under you, much to his surprised when you placed your hands in his chest and started moving your hips teasingly, finding the perfect angle his cock would touch that sweet spot inside of you, oh and when you did, plus him grabbing your tits and squeezing them, made you cum so hard your thighs trembled at his sides. He grabbed your hips, taking control again and he started moving you roughly on top of him. You navigated your orgasm that lasted longer that you could handle, making you wanted to faint on top of the superhero
“Did you make yourself cum on my fat cock?” he mocked thrusting his hips up to meet you, making such a sloppy sound it was straight up filthy. “Answer me” he demanded, spanking your ass
“Yes I made myself cum on your cock” you confessed full of shame. Oh and you prayed the others weren’t at earshot, this was going to be very hard to explain
“Fuck, you are so tight you are going to make me cum” he admitted, fucking you even roughly, grabbing the globes of your ass, making you bounce up and down his cock for his pelasure, chasing his clímax 
What he didn’t expect was to draw another orgasm from you while he pumped you full of his come. Secretly, he hopes it sticks the very first time, as he made sure to press you against him for his cum to reach your womb if it had to 
He cum inside you, you felt it deep in your womb and you whined, feeling so good and warm. You weren’t on any birth control, but you guessed you could buy some plan b tomorrow, and slapped yourself mentally for being so careless
“That was one of the bst fucks of my life” you looked at him like he had three heads at his admission.
“Good to know, I thought you were some sort of manwhore” you giggled, and he laughed heartily 
“I am” he admitted, caressing your hips, while you were still on top of him
“It’s ok if I cuddle?” you asked dumbly, you liked to cuddle but you weren’t sure he wanted that, and if the others were going to come back soon 
“Of course sweetheart” he said with a chuckle, as he trapped you down his arm and against his chest sliding his softening cock off of you, making you whimper in the process. 
You relaxed cuddling into him, you laid against Ben’s chest, caressing his soft skin. He chuckled when he heard you purr, content against him.
“Aren’t you a sweet one?” he chuckled, caressing your naked shoulder and down your back, “you are a powerful superhero, and a mynx in the sack” he laughed, and you giggled against his skin, “Fuck I like those powers of yours too, I really hope our kids will inherit them”
“Our kids?” you asked, curious, raising your head to look at him, “what do you mean?” If he was him flirting he sucked at it
“The kids we are going to have together silly girl” you would have laughed at his poor attempt at flirting if you didn’t believe it was real. You wanted to cry
“Ben… where are we?” you asked again, a single tear falling down your eye
“I told you, my cabin”
“The others are not around, are they?” you wanted to climb out of bed, but he grabbed you and made you stick to him with a grunt
“We were having such a good time sweetheart, don’t ruin it” his voice was calm but he hid a threat in them, so you stood still against him again. “In exchange of me killing my own son, Butcher promised me he wasn’t going to get in the way of me taking you for myself”
“No” you cried, “He is an asshole of massive proportions but he wouldn’t do that” you muttered, “Besides the rest of them, the boys wouldn't…”
“They think we are dead” he said simply, “I had to destroy the entire tower to make sure our story sticked” you whimpered in fear, knowing perfectly well you would never be able to fight him off
“Why me?” you asked then 
“Who better than you to give the kids I always wanted?” he asked in return, and you whimpered some more as bitter tear ran down your cheeks and to his chest 
“We’d be terrible parents” you cried
“That’s not true” he said, angry, “You are sweet, and good and hot as hell, I mean, look at that ass” you whimpered some more, maybe referring to him.
“I will raise them right, like strong men',' and with his iron grip around you you just managed to curl more into yourself. 
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2 years later…
Your husband, Ben, sat at the head of the table with your one year old bouncing on his leg. The baby, your son, giggled and showed him his one tooth he had to his father proudly as he smiled. That made your heart swell. It’s been a rough couple of years and you understood that what lies ahead, meaning the fact of raising your kids with Soldier Boy, was going to be challenging to say the least, but one thing you understood after so many times you tried to call someone or get help, there was no getting rid of him, so you had to stick around, you couldn’t leave your children, specially with HIM
“He is a handsome little devil, isn’t he?” he admired. Your son, Henry, he was big for his age, and chubby, healthy and strong like his father, who looked at you when you put the dinner right in front of him. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your 8 month baby bump. He wasted no time in putting another baby inside of you as soon as you recuperated from having the first one… And he was going to do it again…
“We make cute babies” you offered with a smile
“And strong ones as well” he said proudly, “These little shits are going to rule the world some day” he muttered. He rose his son in his arms and cuddle him against his chest, sometimes you wondered if he was going to be a good role model when he grows, you then look down at your belly, praying that it was a boy as well, you knew how old school he was, but you also thought a girl would melt his cold heart.
Your son hid his chubby face on his father´s neck, and that made you believe everything was going to be fine. 
A small continuation... here
Tag list!💕 @black-repunzel99
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 2 months
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um so i went overboard @kirider i did. go overboard. sorry if you haven't watched any of these 🙇‍♀️
It's A Little Crowded In Here
As far as Ichimonji knew, he and Hongo were the only Kamen Riders around, so to be sent to the quarry by Taki and discovering that, holy hell, there were a LOT OF OTHER KAMEN RIDERS, was a bit of a shock.
Well, existential crisis #69420 would have to wait, apparently, because those other Kamen Riders clearly needed help.
Be careful.
“Always am!”
Ichimonji got down to the fight, where Hongo helped him fight against...probably at LEAST twenty different types of monsters, and Ichimonji was fairly sure they were just grunts!
Still, he stood his ground, just like all the other Kamen Riders around him.
Something flew overhead, and Ichimonji didn’t really have time to react before he and a few other Kamen Riders were struck by a beam of light.
He threw his hand up to ward off the brightness, which had the really weird effect of drawing in all the other Kamen Riders...into him?
Shoutarou, calm down please.
Idiot genius, what did you do this time?
Why are you blaming ME, musclehead?
You try and make sure an idiot stays alive in battle and what do you get for it? Stuck in someone else’s head. Unbelievable.
I did tell you I didn’t need your help, Ankh.
Wow, this is more crowded than usual, can I shoot you guys?
Ryuuta, that has no class.
Like you know about class, perverted turtle!
Guys, please…
Don’t make others cry, Momo-tachi!
Guess using Mighty Brothers form backfired on us, eh M?
We’ll keep that in mind for next time.
“Um. Hi?”
There was a second of pause, and then the chorus of voices started up again, only this time it seemed to be in argument.
Ichimonji, they are very loud.
“I can. Hear that. Maybe someone can explain?”
I’m not sure anyone can explain why this happened, Ichimonji.
There was a collective groan as everyone seemed to whip towards two voices in particular, which was a very weird thing to only feel.
Why’d you say that?? Sento’s not going to be able to shut up if you say that!
“Sento! A name! How ‘bout we start with that. Everyone’s name. I’m Ichimonji Hayato.”
And I’m Hongo Takeshi.
There was a bit of mental scuffling.
Oh, I’m first?
You’re the most senior of us in here.
Oh, I guess that’s true. Nogami Ryoutarou, and this is Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryuutaros. They’re Imagins. Um, I’m Den-O.
Aibou, us next.
We’re OLD now, mou! Hidari Shoutarou and Philip, Kamen Rider W.
We are not old, Shoutarou is exaggerating.
Hino Eiji, Kamen Rider OOO, and Ankh is here because he helps in battles these days.
This is still irritating.
Hojou Emu, and Parad, Kamen Riders Ex-Aid and Para-DX.
Kiryuu Sento, Kamen Rider Build. I have a feeling I’m here because I was in the combined form with Banjou.
Is THAT why? Ugh. Anyways, Kamen Rider Cross-Z, Banjou Ryuuga.
“So everyone here...combines together?”
Not usually, no, but in this case the opponent was strong enough to warrant trying it. Best Match, and all that.
Co-opt, in our case.
I’m not quite combined, the Imagins possess me.
Ankh’s case is closer to possession, as well.
We actually combine together every time, yes.
“...great! So, uh, yeah, I don’t know what to do here.”
You said you were Ichimonji Hayato, correct?
“Yeah, why?”
“Is that a good fascinating or a bad one?”
It’s merely interesting, I suppose. You are not the first Ichimonji Hayato to be Nigou, nor is Hongo the first Ichigou.
Aibou, what the hell? ...Wait. The Showa nonsense, right?
Correct. But not only that. There was a Hongo and Ichimonji in 2005, as well as others.
Were you talking with Decade again or something, W?
Ichimonji was going to have a headache and also a massive talk with Taki once this battle was over.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
I loved your mayor x reader and your chubby S/O headcanon you did recently!
I was wondering if ya could do Mk,Mei,Redson,Macaque,and Monkey king with a YouTuber/streamer S/O head canons! ( fluff of course)
Basically their S/O tells funny stories on stream or streams/records themselves playing games and such
That’s it! Have a good day!
I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Writing for the mayor was much more fun than I thought it'd be!
Enjoy the Headcanons, this was super fun to do!
Traffic Light Trio and Shadowpeach (separately) x Streamer!GN!Reader Headcanons!(romantic, fluffy!)
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Redson - doesn’t get the appeal or anything at first. They know what streaming is, they have watched streams before, but nothing’s really appealed to them. However they love your voice and just listening to you, so lately they’ve been tuning in while they work on projects when you’re unable to hang out with each other. They absolutely love when you tell stories about the two of you. Definitely becomes your top contributor—they donate money very often just so they can make it clear to chat that you are very much taken, no they’re not threatening anyone, why do you ask— anyways would 10000% be willing to join a stream and chat with you; they’re not really one for video games. If you’d like you can also do their makeup.
MK - your #1 fan!! If you have merch? He buys some. You’ve got tiers for donations? He’s gonna climb to the top. You need a moderator?! HE KICKS OUT THE CREEPS! No but anyways he’s super sweet and whenever he shows up in chat your viewers instantly call him out for being a simp a golden retriever boyfriend. He listens to your streams/videos while he does deliveries, since sometimes the drives get quiet or boring. Would totally play games with you on stream! 
Mei - YESS IT’S COLLAB TIME BABEY!! Her chat loves you, your chat loves her, and both audiences have bets and jokes about who’s gonna propose first. You two own each other’s merchandise. You guys also both have the perfect memes for every situation. She loves coming on your streams and videos one way or another, especially if you do her makeup/hair or she gets to do yours! Plays games, does motorcycle tricks, and vlogs! You two are probably the power couple of the internet. 100/10
SWK - oh, bro, he loves and hates this /hj. Definitely tunes in to watch and listen to you, but would probably freak out if you tried to get him to come on with you. Makes it clear he doesn’t want the chat to know exactly who he is or what he looks like, but he’s very okay with supporting you from the sidelines! He calls himself your #1 fan when he’s in chat, you only refer to him as your boyfriend to chat. Plays moderator for you every once in a while to get rid of the weirdos!
Macaque - soooo y’know how people react to hearing Corpse Husband’s voice for the first time? You manage to convince Mac to say hello to your chat and my god you’d never seen them go crazy like that before. He himself doesn’t mind talking to chat but he probably wouldn’t go on camera, at least not without his human disguise. He listens to your streams/videos whenever he’s traveling or having trouble sleeping. Definitely blushes whenever you talk about him and how great he is to chat.
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pandenewie · 11 months
20 - Mama I’m in love with a criminal
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It’s funny how quickly rumours and gossip spread in a place like Be Lift High. And with high school relationships typically lasting 3 to 5 business days, it’s no surprise each week when there’s a hot new couple that’s got everyone's attention. Y/n’s not sure why they thought dating Jungwon would be any different.
“Omg, did you see they’re wearing his jacket?”
“They’ve worn it every day this week!”
“I would’ve never put them together, to be honest.”
“What do you mean? It’s like opposites attract.”
Y/n’s no stranger to stares and whispers in the halls, especially when the topic is what they’re wearing. Although this time is less about what they’re wearing and more about who it belongs to.
“Damn, I know Jungwon’s popular and all but I didn’t think people were this interested in his love life.” Hikaru scoffs, tightening her grip on Y/n’s arm as the two walk down the hallway. She would be lying if she said the stares weren’t mildly uncomfortable. “I don’t even know how people found out.” Y/n mumbles. “I blame Riki.” Hikaru scoffs, any excuse to start an argument.
“What did I do?” A voice asks, causing the two friends to turn towards the sound. Expecting to see Niki’s annoying face, they’re surprised to see an unfamiliar blonde instead.
“They weren’t talking about you, idiot.” The girl next to him, who Y/n immediately recognises to be Wonyoung, rolls her eyes. “Sorry, I just heard the name Ricky and assumed it was me.” He laughs. “That’s not even your real name.” Wonyoung mumbles before turning to smile at Y/n.
“Anyway, rumours going around say you and Jungwon are official?” She asks hopefully. Y/n feels their cheeks heat up slightly at all the attention. “I mean… yeah?” They reply sheepishly, causing Wonyoung to squeal in excitement. “That’s so cute! It took him long enough.” She exclaims, shaking the blonde (who is apparently Ricky) a few times for added effect.
“I didn’t know you guys were friends with Jungwon.” Hikaru says, curiously. “Of course we are… we’re on the council together.” Ricky clarifies, with an enthusiastic nod from Wonyoung to back him up. “That makes sense! I honestly couldn’t tell you who’s on the council this year.” Hikaru says, not caring if she upsets their feelings.
“I get that. I’ve been pretty slack as vice president since I was away for most of this semester. And Ricky hasn’t done the best as a fill-in.” She snides, elbowing the boy in the side. “Hey! I told you to pick Youngeun instead of me!” “She’s already the treasurer! You can’t expect her to do everything.” “But Jungwon can?” “You know Jungwon’s different.”
As the two start to bicker back and forth, it suddenly becomes very apparent why Jungwon is the only council member getting things done. President or not, he’s certainly the one who takes his role more seriously.
A sudden weight on Y/n’s shoulder causes them to turn their attention away from the Wonyoung vs Ricky argument and towards the sudden presence on their other side. Y/n’s eyes meet with Jungwon’s as he sends them a dimpled smile, using the arm around their shoulder to gently pull them into a side hug.
“What’s going on here?” He asks, ending the argument with just a few simple words. Everyone turns their attention towards Jungwon, now aware of his presence. “Oh, hi Jungwon.” Wonyoung waves, pulling her arms away from their position around Ricky’s neck (she wasn’t going to actually choke him, she swears.) “Sup Prez.” Ricky coughs slightly, raising his eyebrows towards Jungwon.
“We were just asking Y/n about your relationship since you’re keeping all the juicy details to yourself.” Wonyoung teases, causing Jungwon to laugh slightly. “Well not to burst your bubble, but I doubt you’ll get anything out of Y/n.” He says, squeezing their shoulders slightly as if to emphasise the point.
“Now Hikaru, do you mind if I steal Y/n for a bit? I promise you’ll get them back by lunch.” Jungwon asks, causing Hikaru to scoff. “Oh please take them for as long as you need. No returns.” She says, removing her arm from Y/n’s and pushing them towards Jungwon. “My heart.” Y/n fake cries. “Go hang out with your boyfriend, I’m gonna find Hiyyih and Eunchae.” Hikaru winks, waving goodbye. Wonyoung and Ricky decide to leave as well, mumbling something about continuing their argument away from the president.
“Are those two always so…” “Yeah.” Jungwon sighs, already knowing what Y/n was going to say. “They’re kinda like Hikaru and Niki. Pretend to hate each other and yet for some reason, they’re always hanging out.” He continues, causing Y/n to laugh slightly. “We’ve still got a bit of time before class starts. Let’s go somewhere where people are less nosy.” Jungwon says, causing Y/n to just nod and follow along. They’re not used to Jungwon being so confident and assertive, especially around them, where he’s usually awkward and shy. This new side of him is certainly one they could get used to.
The pair soon find themselves in the library, their go-to spot now that the toilets are being renovated. Once safely inside and out of view of teachers, Jungwon leans against one of the bookshelves, careful not to knock anything over. Y/n quickly slips off Jungwon’s jacket, revealing their outfit for the day.
“You’re kidding.” Jungwon laughs, attempting to hide his pinkening cheeks behind his hands. Y/n giggles slightly at his reaction, moving to stand between his legs before carefully removing his hands from his face. “What’s wrong? You don’t like my outfit?” They ask, trying to stop the smile from spreading across their face at Jungwon’s nervous expression. “I don’t think it counts as a shirt if you can see through it.” He mumbles, releasing one hand from Y/n’s grip to gently pull on the sheer top. “I have a singlet on.” Y/n defends. Jungwon rolls his eyes at this, knowing Y/n’s just arguing for the sake of it.
“It’s cute.” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around Y/n’s waist and pulling them further into his chest. “You’re cute.” Y/n retaliates, a sense of pride washing through their body at the sight of Jungwon’s cheeks visibly burning up. Y/n bites their lip to stop their smile from growing further as Jungwon buries his head in the crook of their neck. “What happened to the confident Jungwon with Wonyoung and Ricky, huh?” Y/n asks, gently running their fingers through his hair. “You make me nervous.” Jungwon mumbles. “That’s a shame.” Y/n sighs. “President Jungwon’s pretty hot.”
Y/n’s words cause Jungwon to let out a groan as he attempts to hide even further into their neck. “You’re gonna kill me.” He mumbles against the skin, making sure to sneak a quick kiss that he hopes isn’t noticeable. It is. But Y/n doesn’t bother to point it out, since Jungwon is practically melting at this point.
Y/n’s eyes flicker to the clock that hangs on the far wall of the library, signalling that class will start in a few minutes. “I don’t wanna go to class.” They sigh, tightening their arms around Jungwon’s neck. “Skipping is bad.” Jungwon murmurs, despite making no move to get to class either. “You know we could just stay here…” Y/n trails off, pressing a kiss against the crown of Jungwon’s head. The sudden affection causes him to pop out of his hiding place, eyeing Y/n suspiciously.
“Tempting…” He says, his eyes falling to Y/n’s lips. “But we can’t.” He continues, standing up straight and pulling almost completely away from Y/n - expect his hands, which stay resting gently against their waist. The distance doesn’t last long, however, as Y/n quickly pulls Jungwon back into their personal bubble. “You’re no fun.” Y/n pouts, reaching up to run their fingers through his hair.
“Not sure what your idea of fun is.” Jungwon sighs, closing his eyes slightly at the relaxing touch of Y/n’s fingers. A surprise tug at his strands causes Jungwon to yelp, opening his eyes to look down at Y/n. They’re a lot closer than they were a second ago and Jungwon lets out another sigh at the realisation that his first escape attempt came up unsuccessful. “This is fun, isn’t it?” Y/n asks, leaning forward to press a quick peck against Jungwon’s lips. So quick, that he barely even registered the contact until it was too late.
The bell rings for the start of class, but neither Y/n nor Jungwon move an inch. "You're gonna be late~" Y/n teases in a sing-song voice, giving Jungwon another quick peck. "So are you~" Jungwon mimics, repeating the same action.
It's a standoff at this point, who can get the other to give in first? Y/n knows the likelihood of them winning this is high - considering the fact that Jungwon will do just about anything they tell him to.
They're about to lean forward to press another kiss against his lips when a sudden gasp causes them to freeze.
"Y/n, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in class!"
Both students turn to see the school librarian looking at them disappointed. Y/n chooses to ignore the blatant favouritism and reluctantly pulls away from Jungwon. "Sorry ma'am, I was about to go." They reply, slipping Jungwon's jacket back over their shoulders. "Well hurry along, you're probably holding poor Jungwon up. He has so much work to do, that boy."
Y/n rolls their eyes at the double standards before turning their attention back to Jungwon. "I'll text you later." They say, subtly squeezing his hand before allowing the librarian to walk them out.
Jungwon sighs before the realisation hits that he should be in class, too. His eyes widen as he quickly slings his bag over his shoulder, pulling out his phone to double-check that he’s not too red before rushing out of the library.
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @ifearjwn @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong @lani-heart @jayujus @str4wb3rizz @yunwonie @jeonncafe @danielleismyname @spilled-coffee-cup @jaylans-stuff @oceanmsxoxo @j-wyoung
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whattraintracks · 3 months
12. Stir Crazy - TMNT 2012
Companion piece to Day 2 and Day 9. A freshly unshrunk Raph hangs out with Mikey.
Honestly, Raph's day is going pretty great. He wakes up in his 16-year-old body—never taking that for granted again. He pulls off a really sick move in training, and Sensei's like so proud of him. And since he has the one outlet for all of his emotions, he proceeds to take out his joy on the training dummy. Figures he can entertain himself with that until patrol tonight. Pretty solid plan, if you ask him. At least, until Sensei tells him to take a chill pill before he over-exerts himself. Not in, you know, those words, but, yeah.
So then he tries to call Casey. No luck. Which—duh, Raph—it's the middle of the day up above, and Casey's probably at school. Or ditching to beat up bad guys. Or sleep. Or whatever, really. Anyway, it's too bright for him to leave the lair. So now he's jittering on the bench, trying and failing to watch Crognard.
Ugh, Raph is in a really good freaking mood right now, and that shouldn't be making him mad, but he's going stir-crazy in his own body, and he doesn't know what to do about it! He thinks he's going to vibrate through the bench.
A sudden increase of Mikey on his lap ignites the itch in his skin to something almost painful, so he shoves him right off. Mikey just rolls with it. Literally.
"Sup, bro!" He says once he comes to a stop. "Wanna play Just Dance?"
Raph blinks way too many times. Maybe he'll launch into orbit instead. "Play what?"
"Just Dance!" Mikey shows off two Wii controllers. They're practically miniature in his hands. "Epic dance battle game. It's like Guitar Hero, but you do it with your whole body!" He flings his arms out and kinda shimmies on the floor, probably to demonstrate.
See, Raph's day is also turning out to be the clingy-Mikey sort. He tells himself he's only putting up with it because he's in a good mood and has nothing better to do. But, well, he is maybe sort of enjoying the company. Something about how Mikey still wants to hang out with him even when he's not a cute five-year-old anymore.
Plus, he's not such a jerk he would deny a spooked sibling some reassurance. Mikey had woken them all up way too early, sobbing about who knows what. He reached for Raph first, though, which tells enough.
Raph doesn't like things that scare his baby brother. He definitely doesn't like things that leave Mikey shaking in his arms first thing in the morning and clinging to his shell all day. So he shrugs, then nods, then shrugs again. "Sure."
Apparently, Just Dance is really loud and kind of amazing.
They play round after round, and Raph feels so light and settled at the same time he's not even mad when he loses his third dance in a row. Mikey grabs his hands to bounce the two of them around in a circle, gloating good-naturedly, and Raph maybe even starts to smile a little.
He's just, he's really, really happy. Dancing feels good, and—after a lot of convincing from Mikey and just enough protest from himself—so does belting out songs he doesn't know with a brother he does. Even when Mikey stops bouncing, Raph keeps shaking their joined hands up and down. His little brother just giggles and starts stomping his feet.
"Love you, Raphie!" Mikey declares, effervescent in a way all his own.
Raph grins bright and full, and stomps his feet, too.
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
hello! would i be able to request an idea about a jamie who is crushing on a tsunderish male!reader who works at a shop in chinatown and becomes a regular as he tries to figure out how to ask reader out? i wonder if you think jamies killing it or just making a fool out of himself hehe
Hi anon! Never really wrote any tsundere like stuff in any capacity so I hope this pleases you! It's sfw but with some uh naughty implications, just some internal thoughts.
Jamie is both killing it AND making a fool out of himself
Male Reader x Jamie sfw
Jamie's phone got busted after a brawl with some good for nothing thugs. Fell right out of his pocket after windmilling and throwing his foot at a cardboad head. Lame. However the morning after he already took care of bringing it in to the small repair shop in chinatown. Was closeby, not too expensive, it was perfect.
Except, for one small thing.
And that, was the worker that took his phone in.
Jamie wants to go back and talk to him, but he hasn't even gotten an email letting him know it's ready to pick up.
Jamie felt like he was smitten. Love at first sight. He was crushing hard. The guy was just so... Cute. But he acted cold and distant, a hint of mean even. Ugh. That was just the worst. How is he even supposed to strike up a decent conversation and gauge interest? Worse even. How is he going to flirt at all when he's used to being the one being flirted with. Terrible terrible.
Would he even be into men?
It was late afternoon, a bit over 24 hours after bringing the phone in. Jamie was around the corner of the shop trying to calm himself down.
"I'll just walk in, ask about whatever first product I see and...compliment him?" He's trying to think of a plan, he just feels stupid, how the hell do people flirt their way into a date?
You're four hours into your shift and you just want to get this day over with. Your day off's tomorrow, you want to play some video games and kick back. You're tired of dealing with customers that got no real issue on their device and just pressed the wrong thing and never tried just, pressing it again for some reason.
You walk around the store to fix up anything that's crooked or misplaced when you look out the window and see him.
"That's the guy from yesterday, what the hell is he doing here?"
Truth is, you were crushing on him. Thinking you'd never see him again besides the day you'd give him his phone back. You desperately tried to hide that your sight kept falling on his exposed midriff and his pretty eyes. You wanted to see more. But that's just not professional.
You can't be at work and getting all lovey dovey with a client, not even if they're this goddamn hot. Shit, there goes your mind again. Hell. he probably had zero interest on you anyway, you're just some guy working on a repair shop in a small town, and with his looks? You'd have way too much competition, there's no way-
The chime of someone walking past the door makes you jump. It's him.
"Good afternoon, may I help you?" You try to keep your voice monotonous and cold, expression unchanging despite your heart trying to pound its way out of your chest. "Your phone is not ready yet sir." You almost wish you could call him that in a different context. In privacy. Ugh brain needs to stop going there.
"Sup? Oh no I know, no worries just uh, lookin for a case for it!" Jamie pauses, "You know like, to protect it better next time, just in case!" A case just in case? Jamie was kicking himself in his mind, what the hell kind of sentence is that even? He sounded like a loser.
The worker is staring at him deadpan, like he's had a long enough day already without an idiot barging in.
"Aren't you that peacekeeping guy?" The clerk breaks the silence, bored tone, but that's still progress!
"That's right! Jamie Siu, protector of Chinatown!" Jamie points at himself with his thumb, smirk on his lips, this is his shot, "I wasn't aware I had fans?~"
The clerk turns away and walks over to the front desk, "Not a fan." He utters devoid of emotion.
"Aw come on? Never know when you'll need help in the middle of the night, specially with all these lousy thugs trying to claim the place. I could even protect the store front." Jamie tries to find literally anything to latch onto, "They have a thing for vandalizing, if I ever catch them doing it, they're dealing with me and I'm wiping the spray paint off with their ugly mugs!"
"Cool. Have you picked a case yet?"
This is *not* working out dammit.
"Still looking." He turns around to the display shelf, trying to pick just, anything, literally just grab something, it's not like he's here to buy a case after all.
"This one over here could be a good fit for you."
The clerk was standing next to Jamie. When the hell did he sneak up so fast? He looks at the case in his hands.
It was black with three highly saturated yellow stripes going across it diagonally. Looked sturdy too, like it could definitely withstand a couple of high falls. Maybe this wasn't that awful of an idea in the end.
"Did you, did you just try to match my clothes to a case?"
"No!" The worker looks a bit taken aback, "It's just a good case!"
"Hm. Thanks... May I?" Jamie tries to grab it so he can see it better upclose.
He extends him the case and Jamie brushes his fingers over his hands before taking the case. The guy very obviously blushes and freaks out internally.
"You have really soft hands you know?" Jamie desperately tries to find a compliment that doesn't feel out of place. There was an opening and he had to take it. "You use anything on them?"
"Thanks! N-not at all." He looks for a way out and clears his throat, "Anyway, is that all you'd like to buy?“
Jamie was getting frustrated with the shutting down of his advances even though he could almost be certain that he saw his cheeks flush and his voice stutter.
"That'll be all, thanks."
Jamie takes the defeat for the day.
After the hot peacekeeper left you immediately head to the back and grab his phone. Motivated to fix it immediately. Because you want him off your back obviously, not because you want to see him again. No, not at all.
You spent the remaining entirety of your shift making sure all the wires were not connecting poorly, changing the glass on it and boom. It worked. Good as new.
You even applied a screen protector for free. Because you care for the phone, no other reason.
Just needs to be put into its new case.
You typed up and sent him an email saying he could pick it up.
What you didn't expect was for him to show up less than 10 minutes after you've sent it, just as you're preparing to close. What, was he on standby or something?
"Good evening." You say, trying to remain calm.
"Hey~ I'm here to pick you up. My phone. Here to pick my phone up." Jamie clearly fumbles, looking like he wanted to bury his head in the sand but goddamn if that silly fumble didn't make you want him even more.
"Not interested in you picking me up but here's your phone." Feigning disinterest as if you're not daydreaming about kissing him right now.
You place the device on top of the counter.
"So that'll be 50$ for the repair and an extra 10$ for the case sir."
"You can just call me Jamie~" he leans forward on the counter, eyes lidded heavily. What the fuck is he so pretty for? "Unless you rather call me that of course?~"
You feel your cheeks heat up. Is he onto you? Were you that obvious? Did he like you? No, he must be just messing around.
"Kidding kidding, here you go." There's an air of sadness, but he still hands you the money along with a smile.
You take the money and notice a small clip of paper in-between the bills. A phone number?!
"You know, if you ever need help in the middle of the night..." The peacekeeper closes in, his breath a bit too close for comfort "with anything at all..."
Is he talking about delinquents thrashing the place or something else entirely?
Jamie can definitely see you blush and struggle to find words and he licks his lips, looking like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.
"You look really pretty tonight." He comes closer.
What??? He's straight up complementing you now? It's like it just came out of some cheap teenager romance novel. How the hell do you even reply to this. You fumble hard with your words.
"T-t-thanks! You look. The same as yesterday!“
What the fuck is that for an answer.
Jamie is laughing. Great. You've made a fool of yourself.
"Why don't you just give me a call? When you're alone. Somewhere more private... I'll be waiting."
He gives you a wink before taking his phone and walking away.
Little did he know you had done the bold move of saving your contact on his phone already.
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