#flirting with danger
silverskye13 · 8 months
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It's like I'm always just about to fall off the edge of the world's tallest building.
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maaarine · 3 months
Flirting with Danger: Young Women’s Reflections on Sexuality and Domination (Lynn Phillips, 2000)
"Compounding their low expectations of support systems, many young women indicated that they fully expected to be dissatisfied in their romantic and sexual relationships with men.
Informed by the love hurts discourse, and thus believing that a certain amount of alienation or exploitation was inevitable in their hetero-relations, these women did not necessarily draw clear lines between simple dissatisfaction and abuse in their own relationships with men.
Having been persuaded by the male sexual drive discourse that men’s sexuality is inherently aggressive, they often saw coercion or manipulation as typical (even if undesirable) male behavior.
And having learned from the normal/danger dichotomy discourse that typical encounters are defined as normal, they did not name their own experiences victimization, even when they were exploitive and hurtful.
Interestingly, most of the women interviewed expressed an abstract sense of entitlement to sexual pleasure and respect in their relationships with men.
Alicia and Paula, for instance, held strong views about equality and mutuality in women’s hetero-relations.
Yet when I asked these same women to describe the dynamics of their personal relationships, they (and many others) expressed a belief that it was unrealistic to expect men to fully respect or be able to accommodate their needs and desires.
Interestingly, the warnings of the (hetero)sex as female victimization discourse, intended to frighten young women away from involvement with men, seem in many women’s cases to have backfired.
Instead of keeping women from exploring their sexualities, such warnings have led to a sense that mistreatment is inevitable.
With such low expectations for hetero-relational fulfillment, young women were unlikely to name abuse in their own relationships, because it appeared so unavoidable and so common."
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diavolaangelica · 7 months
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euesworld · 2 years
"She's dangerous, she could break me into two and throw my pieces into the moon.. with one clamping grip of her fist, I would cease to exist. But thank the heavens she's got soft hands and an even softer heart, cause she treats me like art.."
I fall like every star that has fallen in the night, falling in love with her cause it just seems right - eUë
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Preview: flirting with danger ch 7
Upcoming chapter. Spoilers directly below if you have not read the recent chapter. Rough eta for posting is around 10/26-28. It’s hard to pinpoint since it’s not done yet. We are one chapter away from the finale!
Again, if you are not caught up yet, or did not read the latest chapter, this is a SPOILER. I suggest you catch up first.
The fic & fic info ~ previous chapter /most recent (a03 link)!
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In the awkward silence, you fixed your eyes on the box he came with, it’s sitting on the counter now.
“What is that?” You asked Jones.
“Some supplies, if you need anything else, let me know.” He took a sip of water, then sat back and crossed his arms again.
You glance at him, then back at the box. “I know you’re disappointed in me.”
Jones sighs audibly. Then says, “I know I was hard on you, I just wanted you to do your best.”
“Yeah, we see how that turned out…” you shake your head, “maybe it was stupid, taking that case…I just -” you trail off and don’t complete your sentence.
“It wasn’t stupid,” you look at him, “it was bold, not stupid. Yes, I am disappointed, but I’m also impressed, so are a bunch of folks back at headquarters. I didn’t think it was possible, but you did it. You fucked up along the way, but you did it.”
You make eye contact with him again.
He goes on, “Some of the choices you made, those were stupid, and reckless. But your work, it was good, damn good.” He paused. “You kept me in the dark. I had to look for you and pull you out at that point- “
You cut him off, “ I get it, really. I know why you snatched me up, you had to. If I was in someone elses shoes, I would have thought I was dead or something too.”
“You didn’t want to leave. You won’t say it, but it’s true.” Jones said.
You and Jones stare at eachother, his words weigh heavy on you.
“I just wanted to see it through, all 6 months.”
“As deep as you were, you weren't going to make it 6 months, we both know what.” His eyes drop to the table, you can see his mind working behind his eyes, “I know you’re keeping things from me.”
He cuts you off, “are you hiding it, because it’s his?”
The question knocks the breath out of you, and it takes you a moment to gather yourself, “I told you, it was just some guy i met at Roxanne, i had too much to drink, and a little too much fun. No one worth noting.”
…more soon
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foxyfrolic · 7 months
Sionna @ Drolta/Erszabet
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emacrow · 2 months
Danny has an aggressive secret admirer and that Admirer is Damian wayne.
How this all started was during the Gotham exchange program where Danny had accidentally enrolled in as a joke but didn't think he actually get picked.
Luckily his rogues decided to give him some peace for once since they didn't want to go anywhere near Gotham because she a scary lady, but she actually a very misunderstood lady who just want companion..
Just have a odd way of expressing.. but she allow him in her city until the program is over but has hinted very cryptic if he want to stay then Her Knights have ways.
On his first day of gotham high, everyone so far kept whispered about the new wayne bait?
He didn't really listen but he was mostly asleep in the classes because he already have the whole class homework down already and he using this entire program as a vacation to sleep for once since he first became a halfa.
How he met Damian was pure accident.. literally, as he had accidentally body flipped him so hard to the ground due to Damian grabbing his shoulder and he really didn't meant it but his body instinctly grab his hand.
Which lead to his now peaceful vacation becoming a bit problematic.. as Damian will not leave him alone..
Unknownly to danny. He had gained admirer..
His locker filled with letters that would make Dora blush with how old fashioned they were written in. The occasion and daily weapon gift giving left in his own dorm.( he thought it was skulker leaving him weapons to try out on their next fight) The chocolates he kept receiving thought it was from the other girls from the other class room. Some of his clothes were missing but he thought it was his roommate.
Meanwhile Damian is at his wits end to the point of nearly putting cameras in Danny's room if it weren't for Tim catching on rather quickly on his 'too far gone deep obsession' with the new kid. He had been benched several times because he had been caught on several occasions trying to sneak into Danny's apartment, his locker, his gym locker. To the point they now trying to distract him from approaching danny.
He is just doing the courting rituals that he had learned so far from Talia.. he didn't even get to try the kidnapped and held hostage ritual yet :(
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pettyoddity · 5 months
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dawntainbobbynash · 9 months
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I need the blueprints for this building. I gotta find a way inside.
No, Bobby, I-I-I don't have access to that kind of thing. You have to put in a request to the office of building and permits.
We don't have time for that, Michael.
🚒 911 rewatch 🚒
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guzhufuren · 20 days
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The Spirealm (2024)
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feybarn · 18 days
I'm not going in any specific order, just in the order in which these prompts nudge at me. This one is from @bolithesenate. Not entirely sure this is what you were imagining... the crime got replaced by Dooku being... Dooku-y and judgmental. It also got a little longer than planned... But I kind of want to play with Komari and Obi-Wan some more... so maybe???
*tosses Komari & Obi or Rael & Obi as Master-Padawan pairs here and runs away real quick*. I just like imagining the total chaos these would bring. Especially the Komari & Obi,,,, what crimes would they commit.
Yan stared down at the tiny thing—an initiate in pristine white tunics, staring up at him with wide, guileless eyes—in front of him. “What is this, Komari?” he asked, edging away.
“My new padawan,” his apprentice informed him, tone nearly belligerent.
Yan sent her his most censuring look, but Komari didn’t quail or retreat. Instead her jaw jutted out in sheer obstinance. It was… unusual. Komari had always been nearly desperate to keep him happy with her, but in this moment, such thoughts seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind.
“You are a padawan,” he informed her. “And still several years away from your knighting.” He glanced back at the—oh Force—child, who was still watching him silently, those wide eyes making Yan entirely uncomfortable.
“Well, he will be my padawan,” Komari informed him, not even the slightest bit deterred. “His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I found him and a padawan crawling through the air ducts trying to get into the kitchens.” She sounded disgustingly proud. “I’m going to teach him how to do it better.”
Yan wanted to know what, exactly, Komari had been doing investigating the air ducts, but decided that was a lesser concern at the moment. “And where is this other initiate?”
“Quinlan’s a padawan, Master Dooku,” the initiate corrected him. “Master Tholme took him on as soon as he turned ten.”
Tholme. Tholme was from Qui-Gon’s creche clan, he remembered. A Shadow. Yan had heard that he’d taken on some sort of rapscallion apprentice, but he hadn’t had a reason to be introduced. “And how old are you?” Yan asked the initiate.
The initiate shifted on his feet a little. No sense of confidence, Yan diagnosed. They’d have to do something about that. 
Force, no, there would be no doing something about anything. Because this was not Komari’s future padawan. 
“Eight,” the initiate told him.
Five years until the child was thirteen. It was possible that Komari would be knighted by then. But highly unlikely.
Yan narrowed his eyes at the child, who didn’t look away. Perhaps he didn’t lack confidence entirely; Yan was aware that many of the younger generations considered him… intimidating. An impression he had done nothing to try to alleviate.
“Well, Initiate Kenobi, I’m afraid that Komari is mistaken. She will be returning you to the Initiate Quarters immediately.” He turned his gaze on Komari, making certain that it was perfectly clear that he would not take her insubordination on this matter.
Komari glared at him, but wrapped an arm around the Initiate’s shoulders. “Come on, Obi-Wan. I’ll take you back to the Initiate Quarters. For now.”
Yan shook his head as she left with the initiate in tow.
Her future padawan indeed. Yan thought not.
5 years later
“Where is Knight Vosa?” Yan asked, searching through the ranks of Jedi. Galidraan’s air was cold against his skin where his robes did not protect him. They were preparing to approach the Mandalorian encampment with orders to surrender, but he could not find his former apprentice.
Knight Thriff winced. “Uh, the padawan said something about a bad feeling?” Thriff said. “Knight Vosa decided they needed to investigate. They left before dawn. No one knows where they went.”
Yan had not expected for Komari to be knighted so soon, but finding Initiate Kenobi five years ago had lit a fire inside of her that he hadn’t been able to temper. She’d been determined to be knighted in time to take Initiate Kenobi on.
She had dedicated herself so entirely to her training that Yan had run out of reasons to keep from Knighting her three months before the boy’s thirteenth birthday. She had arrived at the Council Chamber the day after her knighting with Kenobi in tow and the first bead already picked out for his braid.
The council had agreed unanimously to allow the partnership, despite Yan’s own concerns on the matter. Mace had actually gone so far as to tell him that the shatterpoint between the two of them was bright and beautiful and that Mace expected great things from them.
He had not wanted her to bring her new padawan with them to potentially fight Mandalorians. But Komari had been adamant that she wasn’t leaving him behind at the temple.
His comlink chimed.
He pulled it from his utility belt. “Master Dooku,” he answered curtly. 
“Master.” That was Komari’s voice. “There’s a second encampment of Mandalorians in the southern quarter to blame for the death of the civilians in this quarter,” she informed him. “Death Watch.”
“How do you know this?” he asked, surprised. “We had no intel—“
“Well, Obi-Wan and I found the intel,” Komari said. “I’ve left Obi-Wan with the True Mandalorians—“
Horror filled him. “You what?”
“—Fett and I are investigating this second encampment. I’ve negotiated a temporary truce between our group and his.”
“See you soon, Master.” The comm call cut out.
Yan felt the wind curl around him as it blew. He was not sure whether it was that or the sense that Komari was falling further and further from his reach that sent the chill down his back.
“Your Master is going to be okay,” Mand’alor Fett comforted a shaking Padawan Kenobi where the boy hovered over Komari’s sleeping form. Yan stood a few steps away, staring down at his unconscious former padawan, bacta patches over her side where a slug thrower had ripped into her.
Yan knew that it was likely his responsibility to comfort his grandpadawan, but he had never been good at comforting. Nor could he bring himself to do so when it was, in many ways, young Padawan Kenobi’s fault that Komari had been hurt.
If she had just listened to Yan and left the boy at the temple… But no, the boy had run into the battle against Death Watch despite orders to stay out of it.
“She’s a fighter,” Fett continued.
“It’s my fault. I should have stayed out, like she told me, too,” Kenobi whispered.
“You should have,” Fett agreed, not bothering to soften that blow. “Kyr’tsad isn’t the place for an ad, but you saved Myles’ and Alena’s lives. We won’t forget that.” Fett rested a hand on Kenobi’s shoulder. “You were trying to protect people, your Master is going to be proud of you for that.” He stood from his kneeling position. “Come on, I told Vosa that I’d keep you safe until you were off planet. Let’s see what we can do about teaching you to use a blaster in the time we have left.”
Yan watched as Fett led a reluctant Padawan Kenobi away. Yan looked down at his former apprentice. He remembered when she had been entirely devoted to him. But that hadn’t been the case in nearly five years. Now her devotion lay elsewhere. Yan had never thought he’d yearn for those days. But at least then, she’d have listened to his words of caution.
Still, perhaps she would listen now, when he cautioned her about her padawan.
If the two of them were not careful, they would stain the legacy of their lineage.
10 years later
“You trained her well,” his Master said, voice low and cruel. “Perhaps, too well.”
“She is a credit to my lineage,” Yan said, keeping his voice even. He hadn’t been pleased when Komari had been chosen to go to Naboo to spring the trap that his master had set. It could be no coincidence that it was one of his own apprentices sent. He knew that his Master was attempting to ensure that his ties to the Jedi be more… permanently cut.
A sickening part of him had just been grateful that it hadn’t been Qui-Gon that had been sent. Qui-Gon who, when he was honest with himself, he could acknowledge as loving most. But then, if Qui-Gon had been sent, then perhaps his Master would not be quite so displeased with him. Qui-Gon had always been something of a maverick, but a maverick who could be depended on to follow certain expectations.
Qui-Gon would have removed the Queen from the planet, would have gotten her to Coruscant to plead her case.
Komari and her padawan had never been quite so predictable. Galidraan had been the start, but not the end, of disobeyed orders and unsavory partnerships. Yan had fought constantly with the horror that could not quite stop the pride he felt when Komari and Obi-Wan became known as the team to send before the boy had even turned seventeen.
Perhaps Yan should have known that Komari and Obi-Wan would have ruined his Master’s plans now. But, neither he nor his Master had expected for Komari and Obi-Wan to join forces with the Queen, her handmaidens, and a force of Mandalorians to take the planet back.
Yan wasn’t even sure how they’d gotten word out to the Mandalorians that they required aid. But then, his former apprentice and her apprentice had always been remarkably capable and entirely unorthodox.
He had tried to caution Komari against maintaining the friendship she had built with Jango Fett ten years ago on Galidraan, but she had retained it regardless. Had done worse and encouraged an impressionable young Obi-Wan’s own friendships with the two Mandalorians he had saved on that Galidraan battlefield.
The fruits of that relationship had borne out now. Naboo relieved from their blockade before his Master could use the circumstance to gain the power he desired and his Master’s more brutish apprentice—Darth Maul—captured and contained.
“A credit to your lineage,” his Master repeated, disgust cool beneath the words. “There will be consequences to this setback, Tyrannous.”
“I understand,” Yan said evenly. He steeled his heart. He knew what this would require
He had lost Komari fifteen years ago, when she had arrived in his quarters with an eight year old initiate with wide, guileless eyes. It had been a gradual loss. That his new Master sought to make it permanent… Yan had made his choice.
But perhaps…
Yan did not allow his new Master to see the small kernel of hope that burned in his chest that maybe his former apprentice would subvert his expectations in this, just as she had in everything else since that day fifteen years ago.
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maaarine · 3 months
Flirting with Danger: Young Women’s Reflections on Sexuality and Domination (Lynn Phillips, 2000)
"These strategies typically involved rewriting painful experiences to make them seem less frightening or alienating—somehow less overwhelming than “victimization” or “abuse.”
Women formed attributions that allowed them to feel that their victimizing circumstances were somehow under their own control—that, in fact, they could not have been victimized because they were complicit in making things go badly.
Contrary to right-wing claims that women are eager to go public and “cry victimization,” these women went to great psychological lengths to privatize their experiences and to “disqualify” themselves as victims.
Like others in the study, these women maintained that “abuse is abuse” and that women are victimized through no fault of their own.
And yet, when assessing their own experiences with similar dynamics, participants were more likely to offer responses such as “It wasn’t exactly rape, because I could/should have said no” or “I chose to go/stay with him, so it wasn’t really abuse.”
How can we explain this gap in women’s responses to their own and others’ victimization?
To what can we attribute the discrepancy between this finding and the predictions of the fundamental attribution error?
Although Robin’s friends would support her in calling her experience “rape,” and although she would assign that label to an identical experience if it had happened to someone else, for Robin, her own encounter was, at most, “kind of like rape, but not really rape.”
For her, the decision to go to the man’s apartment overshadowed the significance of her naïveté and desire not to have sex, as well as the power of his physical violence and use of intimidation.
Like Cynthia, when assessing the nature of her own situation, Robin focused on the moments where she positioned herself as an active agent.
Her own subjectivity outweighed any situational factors, and she was thus precluded from being a “victim.”
These findings seem to turn traditional attribution theory on its head.
Rather than naming an incident and then determining its cause, as the fundamental attribution error would suggest, these young women needed to first determine who was at “fault” before they were able to name the experience.
One apparent reason for women’s reluctance to apply such labels as “rape,” “harassment,” or “abuse” to their own situations involves a profound lack of fit between their complex lived experiences and dominant definitions of victimization.
As Kahn and Mathie’s (1999) research on rape scripts has revealed, women who hold images of “real” rape as a violent, isolated act committed by a stranger are unlikely to name themselves victims in cases of acquaintance rape.
Thus, we can see that coercion does not begin and end with a particular encounter, nor is it simply imposed by an individual man.
Rather, women’s encounters take place in an already present cultural context of coercion and power asymmetries, which has been established throughout their gendered developmental histories.
By the time a woman gets to the “event” of abuse or exploitation, this context is so firmly in place that totalizing displays of power may not be needed to convince her that she should submit to a man’s desires.
Such displays are, however, needed for her to name that encounter “victimization.”
Denied both a discourse of male accountability and a discourse of female pleasure without penalties, these women are unable to factor in a context of coercion when assessing their own experiences of abuse.
Thus, they consider only the dynamics of the particular encounter and, most often seeing that the individual man did not render them totally powerless, they determine that they must not have been truly victimized.
Given the power of the victim/agent dichotomy, it appears nearly impossible for young women to acknowledge the condition of being victimized without also accepting the identity “victim,” an apparently monolithic category that precludes agency in the minds of these participants.
That is, once she is a victim, a woman is always and only a victim, as though other dimensions of her personhood cease to exist.
In this dichotomous framework, women are allowed no room to be an active agent who has also been victimized.
Compelled to choose between a victim or agent identity, and unable to reconcile a lack of agency with the adult self-image they are working so hard to develop, they must rewrite their victimization as seduction, “a weird encounter,” or, as Melissa put it, “not a good day.”"
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chaoticas-hell · 1 year
So Im rereading the part in TRK where the monsters are at Exites and Andrew just subtly admits twice that he basically has a crush on Neil (and has talked about said crush with Bee) and Neil doesn't understand and still continues not to understand until Andrew spells it out for him in TKM
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euesworld · 2 years
"She's dangerous.. she will constantly make you fall. You could get hurt cause that smile is so beautiful that when she stops, it'll break your heart.."
Watch out.. she's spitfire and ecstasy - eUë
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Janus's characterization was at its peak in SvS pt 1. In this essay, I will...
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engiespy-community · 7 months
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