#finding someone here who's into the same stuff im into is so hard bc they're always l
ipoddymouth · 1 year
i think the thing that annoys me so much about matty discourse is that its starting to feel like people are pinning the entire concept of race relations on him. as if matty healy watching gross fetish porn is the only thing keeping my black ass from being seen as equal. 
like sooooooo much fucking coverage on one (1) man and i kinda get it bc what the fuck else are entertainment companies going to talk about but its also like......he is not even in the top three-digit number list of reasons why black people are down bad in this country. like yes thank you for riding against porn or whatever BUT lets also not forget to redirect our attention and find ways to help all oppressed individuals!!! like its starting to feel like people are only doing this shit so they can a) seem like The Perfect Activist online while doing jack shit irl and b) protect their fave from any criticism by pushing and hoping and praying for a breakup so that they can have a Perfect Activist celeb to stan again and not have to worry about their own controversial, problematic, and potentially offensive beliefs.
tearing someone down isn’t the same as lifting someone up lgrejgaeg like taylor and matty break up but bc y’all hold up a ‘matty’s racist pls dump him :(’ sign at her show and then life goes back to the way it was -- and then people will find a new famous person to blame all of society’s failings on despite not actually making the world a better place 
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dumboy · 2 years
need more friends who smoke/drink/get up to general hoologanry
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
people's reaction to max's death head canons
the person who requested the xander death head canons requested i do this for all of the other characters so here is max. this one is gonna be shorter bc we didn't see much of max and her interactions with the other brothers but i still wanted to make it cause i love her (also, because its shorter, it takes less time (which is smth i didn't have today)).
avery: obviously would be devastated. she just lost the person who knows her best. i think she'd read her favorite books just to feel closer to her. she'd remember all of the times she ranted about those books and she didn't really listen to her. she'd regret not being there for her as much as she could've been. i think she'd also become lost. max has been there for her since she was a child. she was the only person there for her for nearly her entire life. losing that person, i think, would make her close herself off to other people. i think she'd send money to max's parents. she'd feel guilty for absolutely no reason and would send them money to help them through their grief. i think being in spotlight a lot would also affect her bc she'd have to put up this facade all the time. it would emotionally drain her and i think she'd consider ending her life. she'd get through it with jamie's help but it would be hard.
libby: i mentioned this in my libby's death hcs, but i think they got really close over the years. max and avery have known each other since childhood and i hc that, bc of this, max and her spent a lot of time together. libby would take them out on little outings whenever she could. i think she'd react the same way max reacted to her death. she'd go to all of the places she brought them to just to feel closer to her. she'd constantly be baking her favorite cupcakes and eating them while watching max's favorite rom-com or smth. i feel like she'd also try to be there for max's parents in some way? obviously they don't know each other that well, but i feel like she'd volunteer to sort of be their therapist. she'd let them talk to her about their grief and stuff.
xander: she's his girlfriend so of course he'd be crushed. i feel like max is one of the only people who actually gets him. they're so similar in the best ways possible and compliment each other (anyways, im ranting). i feel like the joy he felt in the lab creating things would disappear. his love for scones would disappear bc it would remind him of max. basically, everything he loves would become something painful for him. i feel like he wouldn't get out of bed. when xander loves someone, he really truly loves them (tobias, his brothers, etc). he'd do anything for them, and he gets attached over time. he'd try to tell everyone he's fine, and he'd be really convincing but everyone would know. they'd try to make him feel better by buying him supplies for his experiments but nothing would work. he'd just be numb. he'd be a shell of himself. he'd only talk to avery bc she would get it. they were both close to her. they'd cry in each other arms. he'd also be the one to help clean out her room and he'd keep her fav books.
jamie: he'd be sad and would definitely grieve but he wouldn't be incapacitated like avery. he'd try to help avery with her grief but would find that to be the hardest part. seeing her lose herself would physically pain him. some things would remind him of max. he'd see a book of hers or her favorite color and he'd think about her. he'd also visit her grave quite often cause he doesn't like the idea of the afterlife and thinks it would be lonely. also i think all of this depends on how long he's known her. his grief would obviously be worse if he'd known her for 10 years vs 2 when she died.
grayson: he wouldn't be all that affected by it (depends on when she died though. same thing i said about jamie applies here). he'd definitely be in touch with her parents making sure they're ok bc he cares about people a lot. he'd try to be there for xander and avery. hed book appointments with therapists for them that theyd never attend. hed visit her grave once in a while to make sure its clean bc he'd hate it if his grave was dirty.
nash: the worst part about losing max would be 'losing' xander and avery. it also obviously depends on how long he's known max. i think that if she were to die later in life, her death would affect him more. she'd sort of become a little sister to him bc of how much she reminds him of xander. he wouldn't leave the house anymore bc he wouldnt want to leave xander and avery alone. hed be attending to him and avery every second of the day.
ended up being longer than i thought it would be but still shorter. hope you enjoyed <3. i apologize for any spelling mistakes.
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clovis-enthusiast · 5 months
Hi! What are your thoughts of a child of Aphrodite trying to pursue a relationship with Clovis? I feel like Clovis would be really shy/blushes profusely whenever he’s around them or whenever they try to make a move on him and he would try to deny it but will eventually accept it (also happy to find ur blog-made me more curious about Clovis!)
hi hi!! so sorry 4 the late reply, i hardly ever check my notifs if im not on my laptop T^T
im actually a HUGE fan of exploring clovis and aphrodite cabin dynamics!! i even ship mitchell, valentina, and drew with clovis (not all together ofc but as separate ships!) :D
ok ok so on one side we have a demigod whose godly parent is the literal embodiment of love and the other side we have a demigod whose parent is the literal embodiment of sleep; i think it's a very goofy and cute dynamic!!
here we have a demigod whose godly parent is LOVE thus making their life very motivated, inspired, and directed/guided by love (of all types!), and a kid who is lucky if he even knows what year it is. imagine being someone who has had so MUCH LOVE front and center in their life and being surrounded by half-siblings that share this trait with you and then you try to flirt with clovis 💀
since clovis seems to be very "go with the flow" and more in the dreamscape than reality at any given time, i think that would make it all the more difficult to even get him to even consider the possibility that flirting is what's going on let alone someone flirting with HIM. like he went through the trouble of showing nico the counselor meeting and didnt seem to notice that gee nico is rlly rlly focused on will weird. he's so relaxed and unbothered that detecting social cues or picking up on subtleties and viewing things as anything other than neutral demigod-to-demigod interactions just isn't something he particularly excels at. why would he need to? he's usually sleeping, so that sort of stuff doesn't concern him all that much because why would anyone be interested in him romantically much less flirt with him??? that doesn't make any sense??? so it's not so much him being unconfident or hard on himself as much as it is just his "logic."
that's how he regards his interactions with people in general... now once more: this is the APHRODITE cabin. they're generally nice, and even if it is flirting, aren't they all kinda flirty by nature? (not accurate in reality ik just bear with me here)
and for a while, DREW ran the cabin. the same drew who literally called clovis "repulsive" and seems to have some beef or just general dislike for him. with her being the head counselor (and even when she steps down, she's still an older camper with influence in her cabin) and thus being who clovis might immediately associate the cabin with due to interactions as a fellow head counselor, it seems unlikely that anyone from that cabin thinks that highly of him. and if they did, could it be a form of rebellion AGAINST drew and not actual general interest? or just some sort of cruel joke or even just the easy way out of that weird old aphrodite tradition?
i also headcanon clovis as just. Chill. Unbothered. Not Aware of Social Norms in general. he's the type to hug/lean on his friends lazily, cuddle with ppl he doesn't even know all that well at the campfire bc they're comfy, offer to share his bed with someone who is having nightmares, etc. just bc he has far less experience with actual human interaction as opposed to dreams where he can control them as he wishes. who is he to say someone isn't just being friendly/polite to him or thats just how ppl act?
that all being said though, people wanting/trying to keep him up long enough to talk to him, get to know him, or hang out with him as opposed to just to get some sleep, help with dreams/nightmares, or info on gods and whatnot, IS something unusual enough for him to notice. so when a nice, pretty aphrodite camper visits him and asks to go strawberry picking or sits by him at the campfire or asks him about HIS dreams or compliments him with no hint of malice/dishonesty in their voice, THAT can be enough to catch his attention. and THAT is when the ✨️confused flustering✨️ occurs.
this eepy boy is touch-starved, friend-starved, all KINDS of starved AND honestly just taken for granted/neglected when it comes to living in a camp full of adhd kiddos with demigodly powers so when someone whose godly parent is LOVE starts showing affection and attention to him? WOWIE UHHHH WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO????? and i think that's a lot of what gets him so flustered in such new, intense interactions: the whys? and what do i do's? and even the how does this make me feels? and do i really deserve this's? getting all worked up with that sort of stuff in ur head is gonna stress ya out and stress makes ya... well... exhausted. sleepy.
i think it would def take a LOT of time and patience when it comes to anyone pursuing a child of hypnos romantically, and i think the aphrodite cabin is just the right type of ppl to take on that challenge. being experts in all sorts of different forms of love whereas clovis is mostly only ever by himself in the land of make-believe so to speak, they're the perfect types of demigods to help clovis explore uncharted waters and be gentle and kind enough to not be too pushy to make him uncomfortable but just pushy enough to make sure he knows that hey, im being flirted with, that's something that can happen and i am worthy of having happen to me, and help him figure out his love languages (while also enjoying the cute reactions during this process uwu).
and when it comes to teasing/flustering, the possibilities for silly pet names ("dreamboat/dreamboy", "sleeping beauty", "bedhead" (affectionately), etc) and cheesy pick-up lines ("you must be tired from running through my dreams all night" "I've never met someone as cute as you; pinch me i must be dreaming" "aren't you the sweetest dream I've ever had", etc.) are endless and hilarious. whether or not he actually picks up on it or it goes whoooosh over his poor sleepy widdle head, at least it's entertaining.
and in the end, i doubt there are truly many other significant others who would be as gentle, comforting, comfortable, thoughtful, and soft all the way around as the gods' eepiest soldier.
this is kinda lackluster bc im tired myself and i havent spent time actually sitting down and writing up concepts in YEARS so i might answer this question again sometime with a better response and better concepts and ideas!! my brain's all rusty lo siento T~T but thanks for the question!! I'm always down to talk abt my BOYYYYYY!!!!!
and aaaa that last part made me so happy u have no idea im always so grateful when i can remind ppl that Clovis exists or make them reconsider him as an important or special character 🥹💛
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 9 months
Caleb said "our gifts are so rare, so special" as if not every ghost can do it, plus when Willie looked surprised after Alex said he could become visible playing with Julie.
However, my vision on Caleb is that he is a liar manipulative predator. so obviously he'd try to make the boys feel special and unique before trapping them into a spell.
So i think ghosts can have tons of abilities that all they need is time and practice to control, like when Alex learned how to hold things properly. So here is a list of things i think ghosts can do in the jatp universe:
Transportation: ofc. we've seen it. they poof in. They poof out. No biggie. Except how far it goes? How many ghosts can they transport? Can they transport lifers? it's probably the easiest ghost skills to have.
Objects Summoning: sure they can summon their instruments bc is attached to their souls but i doubt they can't learn to summom any object they put their mind to, if they can play it, they can conjure it. Could be learned through concentration, bc it might sound easy like poofing from place to place, but it'd involve traveling actual material objects through space, and since touching and holding stuff is also something u need to put your mind to it, certainly it also needs concentration.
Energy Control: Willie can flick the cop's vehicle lights. and flicking lights has always been a ghost thing. They could definitely learn that skill for special stage effects, watch the tv w/o touching the remote, pass messages, freak someone out, create a distraction, infinite possibilities. I also think they could absorb that energy within themselves and release it somewhere else.* It could be learned through concentrating and finding the right timing (i think Alex would master it.)
* if ghosts are made of energy and air there's no way they can't interact with other kinds of energy. magic and science are just like batman and bruce wayne.
Levitating: Caleb can levitate, other ghosts might as well. i think they could achieve by meditating and learning to clear their mind. (Reggie would kill it y'all) they could also lift other objects without actual touch them. imagine their final battle with Caleb and just as they are going to lose, Caleb falls on his face bc someone (reggie) tried to catch a heavy object and it accidentally hit Caleb's head?
Becoming Visible/Tangible: They can do it, we've seen it. ofc it was a magic move after a power of friendship moment, But, i believe they could figure out how to control who can see/touch them and who can't, my guess is that they'd have to visualize and wish to be perceived by someone. same goes for being heard or not. (Luke can work this one easy bc he has a need to be perceived) and since Caleb can make a whole bunch of ghosts appear and disappear, im sure Alex could make Willie visible for Julie.
Possession: im gonna guess this is some unethical shit bc u can actually damage someone's soul by trying to hijack their body. but im sure they could impersonate someone and absorb their energy, so u can control them better. Caleb is putting it off tho.
Energy Sharing: this one is very oc if im being honest. but imagine a ghost having such positive or negative energy from feelings he suppressed or expressed vividly before they died, so they could project that energy in a way that could affect people and ghosts around them? It might not be the best power bc its kinda nonconsenting, but it can also be hard to acknowledge they have a power like that.
That's mostly it. I dont think Willie knows all of the ghosts skills, i guess Caleb just lied to him as he did to the others, but he can groq out of it and learn. Sure some of these requires some focus and that might be hard for Alex, but learning skills can go different for everyone. sure one is gotta get it easier than others but these boys are musicians, they're used to combining their different skills together.
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zai-doodles · 2 years
OK OK this is my last question for real this time, I say with complete confidence
I just… MAN you really sold me on platonic Nalu!!! Would you please give a poor, desperate soul (me) some of your platonic Nalu headcanons? Or even just one is fine, I know writing all of these up must be tiring lol
bestie im literally having a blast stop apologizing im kissing u so platonically ily
i actually have a bunch of stuff written for them so imma just throw it here
Natsu is so fucking acearo its not even funny They're besties, natsu would protect lucy with his life and lucy would do the same but its platonic i swear guys- Lucy is the first NEW person natsu gets close to after lisanna, bc this boy is so tired of having ppl taken from him without his fucking say so Like idk natsu works so hard to be strong enough to protect his family and then his dad and childhood best friend disappear without a trace when he's not even around to help?? Boy thinks he's cursed I fully believe that Natsu would rarely leave gray and erza's side as kids bc he was worried he close his eyes and they'd just be gone It gets SO much worse after lisanna dies
Idk the actual age when this happens in canon but im saying he was probably like 11 and had known lis since he was like 4 Erza and gray r also really shaken by her death but the thing that really fucks with them is how it changes natsu bc if u thought these 3 were codependent before oh boy All this to say that lucy was like, an exception, and its probably why erza and gray were so quick to be like yes shes great bc they were more just excited and kinda relieved natsu made a fucking friend without them or the guild involved I think his job was taking longer than he wanted, and he was growing really frustrated and impatient with the fact he hadn't found anything abt igneel and happy was trying to cheer him up but in my mind when natsu's bummed he's bummed he meets lucy and she's just so nice But its also that shes also kinda fucking weird and natsu just latches onto that bc to him weird is normal and comfortable and it makes him bounce back and idk it goes kinda similar to how it goes in canon without natsu and happy being weirdly antagonistic and Lucy isnt as put off by how bat shit crazy natsu is bc she just finds it fun and like a breath of fresh air Like lucy grew up in such a suffocating proper environment, so when she meets natsu and his fucking crazyness shes like omg finally my life is so boring Lucy is genuinely looking for excitement and adventure so of course she goes with natsu to join fairy tail And I think it takes natsu aback how ready she is to go with him but i think in his mind because she wasn’t deterred by his “quriks” like most ppl he was immediately like new family fuck yea Bc idk that's just how his mind works bc subconsciously i think natsu knows he is difficult or weird so he's learned to latch onto the people who don't mind that abt him and that's just so happened to,, only be ppl who had to put up with him in fairy tail Not to mention a part of him probably believes it's his fault that igneel left in that kid way where u just feel like everything is ur fault oop Also also i think that lucy literally has no frame of reference for like, a normal healthy friendship, so she kinda just takes natsu's lead and oh boy is that a mistake Like after lucy joins the guild natsu is just CONSTANTLY hanging around her the way he did with erza and gray when they were kids and lucy, again having little to no sense of how friends work, just kinda lets him and gets use to it, she actually really enjoys having that sort of attention bc idk she's never really experienced having someone WANT to be around her just cuz, like the closest thing she had to friends were her servants who were literally obligated to be around her all the time and any “friends” her age she had were forced to hang out with her bc of her family I think Gray and Erza start to worry a bit that if Natsu is too overbearing he’ll end up pushing lucy away bc they're all under the assumption that lucy is a normal person with normal boundaries and a normal childhood So they pull natsu aside like hey bestie maybe don't growl at people when they look at her she might think ur mean and stop wanting to hang out with u Bc they KNOW how natsu is and they dont mind but they're also 2 traumatized orphans who don't have a normal frame of reference for how other ppl work, but unlike natsu they usually air on the side of caution It kinda eats at natsu a bit and he tries to give lucy her space especially if she gets even a little annoyed with him Lucy starts to notice but doesn't say anything bc she just figures he's probably bored with her bc she genuinely believes she's just painfully uninteresting in every way And then she gets kidnapped And natsu loses his fucking mind :D Bc for fuck sake this boy can NOT have a friend without them being taken from him High key it goes like, the same as canon bc i like how that went But the AFTERMATH Oh fucking boy Natsu literally doesn't leave her side This is where, i think, Natsu starts breaking into lucy's apartment lol Its treated as comedic but there's an underlying tension where natsu is just extremely hesitant to leave ever or even let lucy leave And that's when lucy starts to be like aight this cant continue Not in a mean way in just a, idk how to function if i can't be alone ever and it lowkey brings memories of her childhood which is also bad bc natsu isn't her keeper nor should he be And that's not what natsu is TRYING to do he's literally just so scared that if he blinks wrong shell disappear they figure it out tho bc they r friends and UGH i just wanT them to talk and cuddle platonically bc UGH I LOVE THEMMM
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dracudyke · 1 year
1, 11, and 16 for newt + 15, 22, 23, and 27 for vince + 30, 31, and 34 for jamie (sorry if this is too many i just see u tag stuff as them a lot and im v curious abt them! u dont have to do them all if ur not up for it)
TY HEHE there's no need to apologize i absolutely LOVE talking about my ocs ^_^
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? A long, long time. Newt spent most of her life alone in a swamp so she's used to a lot of downtime.
11: How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? She mostly just stays quiet and hopes/assumes another party member understands. Either that or she'll ask for clarification (usually this is for when i, as her player, is also confused KJFDSS)
16: What makes their stomach turn? Losing or letting her friends down. The thought that something is happening that she doesn't understand [this is currently happening in the campaign shes in lol]. Worrying that her god will abandon her and she won't have the magic she needs to protect her friends anymore.
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? She usually says what's on her mind unless she feels like its Personal or Compromising. She makes an effort to put off a confident, snarky, mysterious vibe but is pretty guarded when it comes to her own feelings.
22: How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? Badly. Especially early on in the story, he can act pretty impulsively when he feels jealous or threatened and can end up hurting someone either by lashing out verbally or physically injuring or even killing someone. He gets a LOT better at this later though. He's still got issues but he's working on it :)
23: How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? Similar to prev. It starts out as a villain in the story before it gets redeemed. It takes what it wants without any consideration for the people it hurts in the beginning and it does deal with a lot of resentment in its plot arc. but it gets better at dealing with that and its own emotions. eventually.
27: What causes them to feel dread? Her sire (she's a vamp, her sire is Awful and the main reason she is Like That in the beginning) and the thought of having to feel the guilt over the bad things shes done. It takes her a While to be able to let those emotions back in bc she dreads having to feel the remorse. She also has a lot of dread around losing people she cares about.
30: Who do they most regret meeting? GOD THIS IS A HARD ONE. He has a professor that kinda kicks the whole story off by introducing him to the supernatural world. Even though they are a big mentor figure to Jamie, i think he really regrets meeting them sometimes because it completely changed the trajectory of his life. He is now in infinitely more danger and has horrible, painful visions that drive the story. It's not what he expected his life to be like.
31: Who are they the most glad to have met? Yknow what it may be the same person. He has very complicated feelings about the prof. Otherwise probably Marcos :-) They're a really good friend to him and have stuck with him through it all. Also much later the answer might be Vince! She's kinda the worst to start with but post-redemption they eventually get together and vince eventually kinda becomes a weird wife guy :-) they love each other <3
34: How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? Very, very difficult. He blames himeself for a lot of things, even things that are definitely not his fault. Somebody needs to get this guy a therapist.
If you wanna learn more about my Bite Club ocs and their story u can find my masterpost about them here!! I'd love to answer any more questions u have about them or just talk about them in general :3
You can also find out more about Newt here!
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
hey! i'm really not a writer but i have to take a class on it next year and i'm really scared by it, so i'm trying to get opinions and whatnot from people who do write. (that's why you might see this ask in a lot of authors' inboxes heh) i'm wondering if there's anything that helps you get in the mood to write, if there's anything that causes/makes worse a writer's block, if you find it easier to write when given a prompt or if you prefer to make things up completely, if you prefer writing a story or more of an essay, how long does it take you to finish something and how do you know it's finished? and i know a lot of these could be answered with "it depends" but please avoid saying that if you can! thank you for helping me!
there's two perspectives i have here: one is writing in the context of college courses, and two is writing for pleasure.
when i wrote essays in college, i would always need a quiet place to go, or a place where conversations wouldn't be distracting. the 3rd floor of the library. a study cubby. starbucks at 4pm. but i would ALWAYS have instrumental music in my headphones. lofi. writing music playlists on youtube. classical. whatever made me feel 'scholarly' and didn't have words. that was my go to. and i think doing that same routine, getting my little drinks and always AFTER i had eaten was key to at least having some semblance of motivation to get my shit done. cause i had to write a LOT. all the time. different lengths of things too; 500 words to full length papers.
with school, the motivation was "i have to get it done by x date". and im a perfectionist, so it took me a looooong time to write the hard stuff. especially since i had to research as well. loooong time to gather sources before i actually did any writing, loooong time sorting and culling those sources, looooong time stringing them together to make them 'perfect'. i self inflict a lot of struggle, but thats how my brain functions to get the outcomes i did (and the grades I did).
I did do some creative writing in college, mostly poetry. for that, there were certainly deadlines motivating me, but the projects got my creative side flowing a bit more. often times, i would have to stop to jot something down while i was going about my day, because i knew i would forget it later. but, a lot of the same things can be said about my college creative writing; i slaved over the things until they were perfect, until they finally looked 'right' to me. and that takes a lot of time, personally. i hated procrastinating but sometimes you really do write better under pressure.
in school, i needed clear cut prompts/requirements for my long form work. i couldn't function without them, because i always outlined like crazy. it helped organize and cull my crazy thoughts.
now, with personal writing (which i 99% fanfiction currently), it can be hit or miss. sometimes, i need someone else's ideas to get me going. other times, im plagued by horny visions during work and i have to jot them down in my phone until i can write them out later. and sometimes i lose motivation by then, which sucks.
sometimes, it takes me a long time to finish stories. whether that be due to length, or simply because i took my time writing it little by little. I can crank out a full length fic in 2 days if im really feeling it, or it make take an entire week to write 1k words. it just depends on how into writing and into the idea i am.
lately, i have to go with whatever sparks my interest in order to write. i find its no fun to try and force yourself to write for pleasure, bc it just becomes a chore then. writing as a hobby is supposed to be fun, it is not supposed to consume you (wise words that crow does not follow a lot of times).
my advice for school is to keep track of your deadlines. start earlier than you need to for big projects, especially if you have an idea you really want to role with. dont be afraid to brainstorm with your teachers, they're your resource for stuff like that. they can help steer you in the right direction if you're stuck. carve out time to write and double down on it. take breaks when you need to, of course, but try to stay on task whenever possible.
my advice for personal writing is DO NOT FORCE IT. if you get inspired by something, and feel the need to write, and you can write at that moment, do it. those words will come like no other. second best thing is to write it down to visit later. i also think its important to remember you do not have to write every idea you ever think of, even if its a really good idea! its okay to have ideas that you dont do anything with.
overall advice, dont feel like you have to edit as you go. if you're unsure of your skills as a writer, just get down the ideas onto paper. thats the first step. write it how you might tell a story to a friend. all the fancy word choice and formatting can be done later. and know that you dont have to be the most seasoned writer to be a good writer. skills take time to develop. and the class may be boring at times. but its to help you learn, so dont fret! its okay to be scared at first.
let me know if you have any other questions, i have a lot under my belt, believe me!
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sissiarte · 1 year
Okay maybe the venn diagram between tlt fans and pokemon fans has an intersection point, even if it's small. But I'm sure it exists.
Now the venn diagram between tlt fans who like (or at least find interesting) Jod and company, and the pokemon fans who like pokemon x and y, that's probably two diferent circles.
But just in case there's someone like that other than me I bring to their attention a realization I had the other day when I learnt that in english Proffessor Sycamore has a name. He is called Augustine of all names and I went WHAT wait,,, wAIT
(This probs is going to be a long nonsensical ramble so I'll put it under the cut, there'll be a summary at the end) (Also spoilers for both tlt and pokemon x and y I guess)
So I started conecting dots like haha pokemon x y au where Augustine is,,, well Augustine (Sycamore). Who would John be then who could be Augustine (Sycamore) best friend/ weird whatever they have going on and is also a bad guy or something. WHO I WONDER
Lysandre!!!!!!!! Like I'm looking at this guy's quotes and like bitch!!!!!
"I want to be the kind of person who gives... But in this world, some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs." "They're filth!"
"I tried to save people--and the world--with the profit from this lab. But my efforts had no effect... The world was just too vast...and too full of fools that I couldn't save through my hard work alone..."
Like obviously they're not the same same, Lysandre is way less complicated bc of the genre of the media and stuff but like. Basically his story is that he wanted to help people with his pokemon but they were ungrateful so he decided to wipe everyone out but the people who were nice. So yeah.
Also this quote Professor Sycamore says about Lysandre
"But what I really wanted was for him to put his ego aside and lead everything to greater heights. I never had this discussion with him, though. So I'm partially responsible for this."
I was like wow okay this kinda makes a lot of sense (and im not even including the stuff of pokemon masters ex). But we are missing Mercy here and that can't be. And okay this may be a bit of a reach but I inmediatly thought of Diantha.
The first time you see her she is talking with Lysandre about mortality and shit. And thinking about it Cytherea fits too with all the themes of beauty and stuff (Diantha is an actress and Lysandre asks her if she wishes she chould stay beautiful forever or something like that) But like her role in the story and stuff, she is friends with both Professor Sycamore and Lysandre, she is also the region champion which is very cool and like they are the three main adults in the game intertwined with the main plot. (Althoug Diantha way less, and she isn't even in the pokemon masters ex storyline I mentioned before which is very sad)
However Diantha is way nicer than Mercy, she is very kind and polite with everyone which Mercy is... not fhdkadf. But she fits still I think.
Also this quote in which she mentions Augustine (Sycamore) that makes me soft bc she calls him dear.
"Then that means that you are also the one that dear Augustine said..."
Also the ship between Professor Sycamore and Lysandre is called perfectworldshipping (pokemon ship names are like that for some godforsaken reason and I hate it but in this case it fits my whatever this is)
- Lysandre= John
- Augustine Sycamore= Augustine
- Diantha= Mercymorn
and I have many feelings about this
Thanks for coming to my ted talk now if you'll excuse me I'm going to look for my copy of pokemon y
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
📓? 👀
Mumscarian, dl mechanics - Soulmates can feel each other's pain but they don't actually take the damage [this is important.] Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are three pirate captains who make up their own armada. Each ship has its own speciality - Grian's is alchemy and potions, Mumbo is redstone mechanisms, and Scar is artillery. They've worked together for years, but they're always on their own ships, so they don't. know. That they're soulmates. They often come together to complain they havent met their people, that their people are so clumsy, but they never connect the dots. That is, of course, until one day they are attacked by the Navy. Grian and Scar's ships both sink and they are heavily injured. Mumbo's ship, being the sole survivor, has their entire armada on board of the people who survived and has Scar and Grian kept in his own personal quarters. Between their pain and their soulmate pain its sort of hard to tell what actually hurts and there are definitely a few jokes about "oh boy i hope my partner isnt in the navy'. So here's the thing about Mumbo's ship - it is FULL of half finished mechanics, and shit built into the very wood. And stuff like that. And Grian loves pressing buttons - and this time, when he does so, they're all in the same room and they all react at the same exact time to being shocked by the machine they can all see shocked Grian. Silence falls over the room.
I don't think they get together immediately. I think the three stubborn ass mules that they are think it would make the armada too complicated, so they decide to quietly ignore it and get their feet back under them and pretend it never happened. They're on a mission to find the Heart of the Sea at the Center of the World after all, they don't have time for this - but of course it's hard to ignore they KNOW who their soulmates are now, and every phantom bump and cut and shock makes so much more sense now. They can feel Scar's bad days, Mumbo burning himself with redstone, Grian's potions going wrong.
Grian's potions going wrong. So here's the other thing. Grian does potions and - well- imagine being Mumbo or Scar and you can FEEL your soulmate start suffocating. You aren't suffocating yourself, but my god that's a confusing feeling - and you know who he is, now. You aren't just going to stand by and let someone KILL him, surely, even if you're trying to ignore it. So they go to Grian's ship and find grian suffocating - on air. Air. He's not choking on anything, but he....sounds like a fish out of water. There's a half drank potion on his table. I dont know how they would figure this out yet but - essentially, one of them thinks "Fuck it I've got to try something" and they put Grian in some water and watch as he transforms into a mermaid. A creepy ass mermaid. Bead black eyes, scaly skin, sharp teeth and clawed webbed hands and gills up his ribs and all of that. Fin ears. you know. A tail twice as long as grian is tall, all crammed into the ship's bathtub. But Grian can breath, he's not suffocating - and he's an idiot.
And it's permanent.
And then the plot is basically like - they're trying to get to the heart of the sea bc its a fabled relic that supposed has the ability to strengthen their soulmate bond to help them defeat the navy. And they need to defeat the navy, bc they're pirates. And I don't have much else. BUT.
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personuhh · 2 years
hi. i just wanted to say thank you for liking yosuke so much, and in the way that you do. i just peeked at a stream of p4g bc i was thinking of him and it was like. no one was giving him a chance. i don't think he's owed one, and i get that he's not a sympathetic character to a lot of people but... it was just... like, when he was being sweet with nanako ppl were still acting like he was a one dimensional character. and when they had a chance to criticize him it was like they were relieved. idk. im probably a little too upset, i shouldn't be upset at all, he's fictional. it just felt like... he really had absolutely no one in his corner... anyway. i love him. i also love kanji. and i really love the meta you have here.
I'm glad you could find enjoyment in my posts! I feel the same way, it's always been incredibly frustrating to me, and has limited a lot of the stuff i feel i can enjoy in the fandom. It also happens to be why i frequently take long breaks from Persona.
I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to be upset about all of that, in my experience, the people who really love Yosuke also strongly relate to him, so it can sometimes feel like a personal attack when someone shits on him. I've definitely had to back away many times because I know I can be stubborn when it comes to Yosuke's characterization and the way people misinterpret his character; i feel that unfortunately because so many people have strong opinions on both sides about Yosuke's character, (many of us can relate to him, but plenty of people who dislike him have endured a real-life Junpei Yosuke) it's hard to have a calm and informed discussion when it's often so personal, and very easy to raise your hackles and fight when someone insults him. At the end of the day, people are entitled to their opinions even if they're wrong but I've found it's a lot more rewarding and worthwhile to try and curate the people you follow and interact with and all of the posts shared between you instead of getting into it because you saw a post that's just objectively fuckin' wrong.
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mickstart · 2 years
hello i would like to hear your opinions on
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This is such a mood. Thank you for asking!!! I love mass effect! A lot!
I probably have opinions on most characters tbh. I like the original ME1 squad the most. My shepard is a psuedo-oc and I love her and her found family SO much. Like it'd be really hard for me to pick a mass effect squadmate I dislike they're almost all very dear to me. So here's a companion tier list and then honourable mentions and explanations below
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Garrus: malewife with autism. Local Man In Awe Of His Very Strong Wife. Dork. Beloved. I Am Not Immune To Turians.
Tali: wife so beloved they had to nerf her by refusing to make her bi even though if femshep romances Garrus you can find Tali fantasizing about the three of you Together at the citadel dlc party.
Wrex: that's my grandpa and I love him
Ashley: she and Shep are the two best friends who have been friends so long they always have five ongoing arguments of varying severity but they will always be The Girls. She is ONLY down in b tier because I use her so little during the actual game and I wish there had been more actual content.
Joker: that's my stupid weed smoking cousin and the only one who knows im gay at the family reunion.
Grunt: Shepard has a sign on her door when she's busy and has asked not to be disturbed and it says "SON BOY ALLOWED" with a picture of grunt. He will always be her son. He is just a baby.
Anderson: dad. I love him. but also it's true what they say once you've heard Keith David as the arbiter he is the arbiter to you forever and there's nothing you can do.
Hackett: I just really like Hackett he's like Shepard's strict but fair dad and Anderson is her fun dad.
Kasumi: Shepard's annoying little sister I LOVE getting gossip from her it made the ship feel so alive.
James: I need to help my himbo son realize he is bisexual and it's not Just Bro Things to constantly ask Cortez if he's enjoying watching you work out and thinks you're hot.
Jack: I LOVE JACK I LOVE JACK SO MUCHXHDHDDHDH BIOWARE HOMOPHOBES. If you even look at jack wrong then Natasha Shepard will kill you. That's her sister.
Miranda: I Am Not Immune To Women Or Hyper Competence.
Samara: hngh... milfs.... With a code of duty and honour and ethics.... Hnghhhhhh.
EDI: I love robot AI stories I just wish someone gave my darling friend some clothes. She looks cold.
Legion: I will make bioware pay. I swear it to you legion.
Bonus Honourable Mentions: I genuinely am a stereotypical "turians are my blorbos" mass effect player. I think more than the game probably wants me to about Saren and indoctrination and Nihlus (and how they had a Thing I'm a truther) and it's one of the reasons I hate the ending so much because bioware seem intent on pushing synthesis as the "good uwu" ending which. That's what Saren wanted to do in me1 make up your damn minds.
Okay! Dishonourable mentions!
Thane: his loyalty mission glitched on my first ever playthrough and it ruined my perfect run on the suicide mission AND got kirrahe killed in me3 bc he took Thanes place in the coup fight. I don't dislike him he's like my joke nemesis but I'd probably forgive him for the broken loyalty mission if he was more interesting to me.
Kaidan: I actually really do like kaidan this is the same thing as Thane. I took him to the tholian planet in me1 my first time out, when I was shit at game, and he just kept dying constantly leaving me at the mercy of the thralls. (Garrus, knight in shining armour, was my only hope.) When virmire happened I was like "you know what you did." The game also railroads you if you're playing with femshep and makes every conversation with him flirty which! I didn't enjoy! At all! Jesus can I just get to know you without you asking if this means I'm in love???? So thus I have spent the least time with kaidan of all the squad. I really want to do a maleshep run some day and like. Actually get to know him. Because I think he's be higher if I did.
Javik: I find the airlock stuff funny but like. The fascist colonialist overlord thing. Gets old quick! Believe it or not! I don't get on with him but he makes me laugh I guess.
Jacob: this isn't about Jacob this is about the racist and bland writing that went into him. I want to love Jacob but he has both the racist writing and the same problem as Kaidan where if you even suggest you don't want him to die the game takes it as a sign you love him
And now. The big one. The one that's gonna get my sapphic card taken away.
Liara makes me uncomfortable. The way you can see the Devs lust for her all over the way she's written and designed and posed and used. The way she fulfills every "hot alien babe" fantasy. The way asari in general are agender when bioware want to tell you it's not really gay and "just all female" the rest of the time or when they're drooling over them. The way the game railroads you the same way it does with kaidan and Jacob and probably Ashley if you're maleshep. The way she has multiple obligatory missions and the favourtism is so obvious that she's basically the only character who can ONLY die if you get the absolute worst ending of all where the entire galaxy dies. The way the game will regularly assume you romance her.
Idk I really wanted to like her I was SO excited when I found out the game had a bisexual love interest. It's not like I dislike anything at all that's actually about HER. As a character I love her she's autistic coded she's sweet she's beautiful and smart and kind. But whenever I'm interacting with her idk how else to describe it except I am taken out of the experience of the story BC I am so aware of all the contexts and shit influencing what I'm seeing and doing. She's NOT down here because I hate her. It is exclusively the fact that when I'm seeing her I am so acutely aware that I am seeing a fictional character people workshopped.
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zgvlt · 2 years
i am so sorry,,, its really late here,, so my response might just be utterly horrible ;; and sound braindead
basically tho;
Secret Relationship: Jamil, Rook, Lilia, Jade, (Kalim), (Trey/Cater)
LDR (longdistancerelationship): Floyd, Idia, (Jamil)
I think Jamil is the one who could keep a relationship the longest out of everyone because of the limited time together spent, and I'm sure he's not the PDA type much either, so their relationship might just seem like a close bond for now? (until kalim goes on a hunting spree for jamil w his dormmates and just sees him hugging his partner,,, so theyre both just awkwardly standing... staring..... at each other).
(or kalim finds out by himself,, and keeps it a secret; I'm sure he can keep it very well)
also I don't think anyone mentioned it yet, but I feel like Jamil is a double-edged sword with LDR? because there are many relationships that can split apart due to the lack of time spent together, and much less, they cant even see each other;;
so im kind just,,, brainrotting over the idea of Jamil and his partner gradually just,,, drifting apart? Like maybe they both couldn't talk much because duties, and maybe idk, long time before one's message could appear and stuff.. and like its no ones fault yknow??? its just,, sometimes, with how busy we can be with our lives, we sometimes gradually just forget things especially if we dont see it and now suddenly, it feels unnatural somewhat strange for yknow jamil and his partner to yeah?? they just like... drift apart but then finally they meet again f2f, and maybe the saying the heart grows fonder w distance is true after all,,,??? also sorry for how i sound super braindead,, its very late here;;;;;
and also about others; I think Kalim, surprisingly might be able to handle an long distance relationship, and right!! I think Floyd wouldnt be able to do well w those, along w Ace a little? And yknow this might be a little unexpected but
i think idia might not be able to handle one too (and may suck at hiding a relationship too lowkey) tho at the same time like maybe he will thrive at this type of thing, especially if the context is his partner is someone he met online and havent met em yet in person?? or yeah has a really super strong trust bond???
and back to the first question, I think it might be hard for Vil to hide his partner because he's a very famous celebrity like globally known, and with that comes such paparazzi while Rook may thrive?? Because i have a few thoughts about it,,,? rook is very sweet; rook often is very knowledgeable about people even if though, he isn't friends w them? (like he knew someone's class number, height, and everything, but that person didnt know about him until now lmao) and he is like, hes just so sweet? sweet w his nicknames haha and has a l o t of words to say about a person sometimes which is amazing and yeah??
so i think if he has to keep a relationship a secret?? he might be able to get away w certain stuff, complimenting his partner so much even in public, and being quite knowledgeable about em too bc thats who rook is, right? and yeah i think rook is sneaky guy too so i think he's one of the best (or potentially even the best??) to hiding a relationship? and I do see Jade and also, hmmm, right!!!!!!!!! Lilia! i think lilia could pull it off pretty well too and lowkey, kalim seem like he has potential to keep his relationship a secret too imo, and i do feel riddle might be able to do so too but at the same time,, im not too sure?
[referencing this post]
hihi thank you for the feedback, and a lengthy one too! interesting take on jamil with the LDR actually!! and you're so right, i mean first of all jamil already probably isn't the most secure in a relationship, but ahahaha your jamil brainrot is hitting me a little 🥴 not gonna lie that is almost exactly how i feel about LDR HAHAHA
vil... i think how well he'd be able to hide it specifically depends on his partner. if they want to go on dates they're gonna get busted LOL, even if not paparazzi in the case that the s/o is in school someone is just gonna take a picture and upload it on magicam and its over lol
the thing with riddle is that i feel like at first he would be able to, but the moment someone gets suspicious and asks him about it the way he will react gives it away
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cicadas · 1 month
I've been trying to pretend that that girl at work didn't trigger the fuck out of me but she totally did....... :( I think she was just trying to be like friendly and relate to someone going thru the same thing as her but idk this condition is hard to have "friends" in because if I think they're better than me in any way it like seriously eats at me. I wish that being bullied didn't make me actually harshly compare myself to every single person in the whole world :[ like.....girl....chill
Basically what happened is I had just gained like 10+ lbs after going to the partial inpatient at the psych hospital and getting new meds. I was doing really good eating, but a couple days ago she came into work at like 3pm and said "I haven't eaten anything all day!!" Before stuffing a chocolate cupcake in her face. Then she was like "im a fatty" and some other stuff then she kept saying "[my name] gets it" and I was so shocked like....I NEVER told her I have an ed. She has told me she has one but that's because she like announces it to everyone every now and then which I find really weird and like....not to be mean she's not even that skinny??? So she confuses tf out of me. She's that same girl who a couple months ago I said I was gonna have some pizza fpr dinner and she was like I can't eat pizza I have an eating disorder to my entire table of residents and I was mortified I just fucking immediacy had an oobe at that moment i stg 😂😂😂
My bff has an eating disorder too but we literally never talk about our eating problems and just try to act normal because we both know it's like.....a painful thing. Not something to like brag and laugh about. Like....idk man I think that girl wasn't trying to hurt me and she's like youngerish like 18 or 19 so she probably doesn't know that it actually affected me. I dont blame her at all. I just wanted to vent about it here bc I was trying to ignore it and not talk about it but *shrug *
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squeiky · 4 months
Im gonna have to name this an au or soemthing cause damn am i getging obsessed with this
Ended up fully fleshing out The 10 sonadow kids and the espilver and Blazamy kids:
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Starting with the BABIESSS we've got the triplets with Pickels the Fossa, Snowy the Kinkajou and PaintBrush (P.B for short) the coatimundi (P.B's entire name is literally Paint Brush, but i just added the extra title so we know what he.. IS.)
Pickles and Snowy are "twins" in the way that they look similar but very much are not related.
They were all found at the same time (kittens in a box sort of deal)
Trixie was found a couple of years after Alberto but i just havent made an actual adult form of her yet- bur she was adopted at age 3.
My girl watched the pony show and yall should KNOW whos her favorite character
WATTZ my little adorable one- really wants to be cool like Sonic and Shadow but the heart is so big and pure its hard to look stoic and cold when you've got the sweetest little golden heart in the world
And Banjo (who i originally named Bongos bur decided to change it) who is the akward teenager that likes his alone time and music. Not nuch to be said here other than there is never a time where i shall pass up the opportunity to turn this guy into a little pangolin ball with his dads.
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You can tell my favorite characters have got to be Luca. She was the first and shes a wrestler (luchador anyone?) Shes the big relaiable sister who will infact pummel you, and i love that.
Might need to work on Summer and Albetro but otherwise these are what i call the "guineapig group" in the sense that they were the first, thus the eldest out of all the kiddos. I dont have kid forms for them but the stuff her is simple- took after the other parent too much, with Luca be dabsmack in the middle of influence. They all have their own quirks and likings but overrall i love the "how many idiots does it take to fix a lightbulb" and the awnser is none because Luca broke it and then bought a new one.
Oh yeah and Greybelle's a crybaby did i mention that? Hes also a late bloomer when it comes to his powers (mostly bcs i dont know what powers to give him yet)
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Okayy and for the OTHER ship babies:
I find Greybelle's (should i name him Turnip or like idk some cute plant name or just keep the watermelon name?) And Flares dynamic hilarious because its literally the direct opposite of Silver's and Blaze's dynamic in which these two fucking HATE eachother. Childhood freinds? More childhood enemies.
Flare has her powers early because shes just like that. She looks calm and collected like Blaze (but she seriously has the temper equivalent to a matchstick in a pit of gasoline- which means shes also a rage quitter)
Oh and more baby time with the unnamed baby because i cant think of a name
(someone help me please other wise im gonna name it something stupid like "slippers/chinelas/zapatos", "borzoi" or like.. idk just "BABY")
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More comics stuff with THE BABY and like a poster of Trixies magic show (its her all grown up 😊) as well as Sonic teaching Banjo how to play guitar for the first time (the first step towards his long journey of become a musician 😊)
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Alright thats about it. I guess i could do more on metalsonic and Chaos but im pretty sure the entire robot kingdom and chao species are basically they're uhh family so i dont think they need the extra stress of an actual fucking weird robot waterbaby child (though that would be a kickass design ngl)
Also thinking about doing Rouge, Wave and knuckles because yeah they've got a thing going on and its like they're all buddies and soemtimes Rouge makes out with Wave. Thats about it. #singleforever
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hyunubear · 1 year
Your description of the majority of men reactors 💀 Oh yes, catling benson is one of those I enjoy as well! I wasn't sure if you were referring to them because I still haven't watched their last video, but I had the feeling something was going on. I'm glad she's being transparent about how she feels.
I think reactors often happen to have particularly excited or dramatic reactions and get/feel pressured to have the same reaction to everything they watch, also to avoid toxic fans comments... I'm sorry (not sorry) but I blame young new kpop fans for this, especially those coming from twitter, where these reactors seem to find most (if not all) rude (or worse) comments. Of course not all of them are like this, I know and see so many that are not, they are respectful and behave in a more human and chill way, but there's a big portion that does, sadly.
Anyway. I'm all for reacting to a limited number of groups, if I were ever to do such thing, I would react to my favorites and occasionally others. However, I also realize that for many this is or becomes a job, and so the wider the public the better... About authenticity, for me it's quite fundamental otherwise I just feel like I'm wasting my time...
My fav reactors are (apart from the two i've already mentioned), the safe cave (they're also been pretty transparent with subscribers over time, took breaks when needed and made clear how and what they react to, definitely my number 1) and Lktv (he does bang his head lmao but I enjoy his reactions, he does comment a lot most of the time.)
Recently I saw a few reactions from millennial men and katriinka, a vocal coach. They seem good, at least from what I saw. I knew i forgot something 🤡 choreography! Idk why is so hard to find good dancers reactions... there's jeff avenue, there was a time he used to explain even more stuff and it was 👌👌👌 Musa is too much for me 💀 too much... I also find it exaggerated, also because it's like a standard for him to react that way. And when there's an important message behind he doesn't seem to catch it? I haven't watched all his videos, but some made me mad lol so I was like, "okay, enough, thank u next".
Exactly! Like it’s to be expected for someone who’s reacting to kpop for the first time to be blown away by pretty much everything bc kpop is just on a different level than western music videos, but after a while it becomes the norm and u have to start being real… otherwise whats the point?
Yeah i also think that toxic stans are a huge part of the problem but i think its time for ppl to stop tiptoeing around and trying to fit their content into a mold just to avoid toxic stans bc all that does is give them more power. (Obv its easy for me to sit here and say this but idk i feel like we need to just do our own thing until these toxic stans learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them and their faves)
Oooh ive seen kaia’s vids on search but i dont think ive ever checked any of them out! I’ll definitely give them a shot! And I actually watched lktv’s reaction to beautiful liar and as far as enthusiasm goes they were pretty decent but one thing that kind of gave me the ick was the random korean words they threw around (and the korean greeting) idk it just gave me koreaboo vibes kdkdkdk
I remember there was this one vocal coach reacts who had really long hair and he was pretty real. Like he clearly wasnt doing it to appease kpopies. Their main reaction content wasnt even kpop but i havent seen them around (tho i didnt look them up either) in ages. Yeah… im sorry jeff avenue’s reactions are boring too.
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