#fashions by I BURNT YOUR HOUSE DOWN????
holisticpippin · 1 month
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
if Mike fell asleep with you...
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Word Count: 750
Horror Characters Masterlist
Warnings: this is mostly pure fluff - Mike and the reader are in an established relationship, the reader's gender is not described in any way (the main pronouns used are you/yours), Mike calls the reader angel, the reader takes on a caregiver role for Abby, mostly just short and fluffy. This is set before the main events of the movie, when Mike is working as a security guard at the mall.
A/N: So, I've seen so many people in the tags going 'just let him sleep!!! that man is so exhausted!!' and saying that he's too tired to fuck in the way that people are writing fanfics about him. And as much as I love super horny fics, I do thought this up, because I agree - the man should be allowed to sleep. This is largely inspired by that scene in Grey's Anatomy where Meredith walked in and Owen was asleep on Cristina's chest while she was reading a book (I think it was when she was reading through Mer's mom's diaries?) - anyway. I love that scene so much because it shows how easily he sleeps around her because he's so comfortable around her. And that's why it deeply inspired this. Let him sleep.
Mike was exhausted when he came in the door. 
He heaved out a sigh as he closed the door behind him, toeing off his shoes - pure, stiff tiredness radiating through his whole body in the worst way. 
You knew that sound anywhere. 
“Long day?” You inquired gently from your position on the couch, lightly craning your neck to look at him. 
He shuffled further into the house in an almost zombie-like fashion, only giving you a solitary grunt in response. 
You felt kind of bad that he had been stuck at work late when you had been lucky enough to have a morning shift and been treated to a relaxing evening with Abby. She was a relatively easy kid to take care of, and generally fun to be around. 
And after you had put her to bed, you laid out on the couch, relaxing and reading a novel that your friend had recommended. Generally, you were having a nice evening. And it seemed that Mike was not. 
As you kept an eye on Mike, you folded over the page of your book to mark it and put it on the coffee table for later. 
“Dinner’s on the counter.” You told him. “I made lasagna. I can heat it up for you if you want.” 
You hated that before he started dating you, all he knew was freezer burnt crap - but you were slowly showing him how to cook, and a world of vegetables that didn't come in a can. 
Mike took off his jacket and the heavy belt he had to wear for work (his large walkie talkie and his taser were in his locker at work, as mandated, but the thing was still damn uncomfortable) and he hung them both up. 
He didn’t respond to your queries about dinner as he walked around the couch. Instead of speaking, seeing you laying there so relaxed - the sight was all too inviting, and he eased himself to lay on top of you in a form of very natural intimacy before he grunted a few words into your neck. 
“Did Abby eat?” He asked softly as he laid on top of you. 
It was oddly comforting to have the bulk of his weight on top of you, especially as he melted against you, letting out a small moan as the tension melted out of his bones. He adjusted himself to get more comfortable and his face rested against the softness of your chest - you glanced down to see that his eyes were drifting closed. 
“She ate two platefuls, and had some peas.” You assured him. “Did her homework, had a bath, and she practiced her spelling words before she went to bed.” 
Mike grunted again - a more positive pitch to this one. He couldn't ask for anyone better than you. Sometimes he worried about her - all the time. But when Abby was with you, that worry lessened a lot. 
“You’re an angel.” He hummed against your chest. “I don’t-” He let out a gentle yawn. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.” 
“You look hot in a uniform and my job at the bookstore gets boring.” You replied, half-joking about the circumstances of how your relationship with Mike had formed. 
You reached out to him and began running your fingers through his hair, soothing him even further into the realm of sleep with the comforting touch. 
He let out another tired moan in reply - something that almost stretched into a rolling sound with the gentle pleasure of your hand in his hair. With the way his body was so slack against yours, his breathing even and quiet, you knew this was only leading one place. 
“You wanna go get ready for bed?” You asked gently. 
“In a minute.” He answered softly, barely parting his lips to get the words out. 
You glanced over to the table and reached out, picking your book back up as his breathing deepened and his body went even more slack. You were preparing to get comfortable for the next few hours. You weren’t all that tired yourself, and you still had a few chapters left to go. When you got to the next chapter, he began to snore lightly and you felt drool dripping down your neck - which didn’t bother you all that much. You found it cute, in fact. 
You were comforted by the fact that he relaxed enough around you to get such a good sleep. You knew that he needed it. 
A/N: also, this is my first time posting a fic completely from mobile by copy/pasting something from google docs on my phone. So hopefully the formatting isn't too messed up and hopefully this goes well! And I hope you guys enjoy this short fluffy fic 💖
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literaila · 3 months
the brunch
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru does not get jealous, just so everyone knows
a/n: (that previous statement was a lie) the brainrot is real
last part | next part
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year four.
it’s a bit unusual for the house to be this filled, especially this early in the morning. 
chatter echoes throughout the space, loud exclamations, and secret whispers, all making up a terrible-sounding symphony. 
megumi and tsumiki are playing some elaborate board game with onlookers on the coffee table, both of them smiling proudly. 
satoru is trying to tidy up the many different plates and cups everyone's left lying around, laughing when shoko rolls her eyes at something he's just said. 
and you're in the kitchen, talking with nanami like you haven't seen him in several years--it's been three weeks. 
it's very strange for the four of you. to let anyone--not to mention a dozen people--intrude on your carefully planned out saturday mornings. to invite others into your world of burnt breakfasts and uncombed bedhead. 
but here you all are, managing. 
and you’d reminded satoru probably seventeen times—too many times, he thinks, with far too many knowing glances—that hosting was not something to be taken lightly (and that you weren’t going to help him ((both of you know that you are)). 
but he doesn’t mind this. 
the crowded house, or the many different phone calls he had to make about getting this party (which he swore wasn’t one) set up. the loud sounds or the inevitable cleanup he'll try to swindle his way out of. 
it’s quite nice. actually, satoru is a little proud of his makeshift brunch, and the fact that everyone came, and everyone seems happy. he likes that he can barely hear his thoughts, that there's nothing important enough for him to think about anyway. 
and honestly, with all of it going on, satoru should not be this discontented with the fact that you’re smiling at someone else. 
he invited nanami because he knows that you miss him and that you’re too embarrassed to admit that. or too proud, maybe. too forgiving. and he knows that you wouldn’t have done it yourself, had he not gotten involved. 
but still. should satoru really have to sit back and watch as you fawn over a man who wore a suit to casual brunch? 
no, he should not, thank you. 
"what's wrong with your face?" shoko asks him after the silence has drawn on for too long, sounding very uninterested. 
satoru shakes his head, snapping out of his daze. "what?" 
"you've got a weird look." 
"no, i don't." 
"it's like that time that you chugged the entire carton of expired milk someone left in the fridge." 
"don't remind me," he says, trying to put on a theatrical wince, but he just ends up looking back at you, with a blank face. 
there is no time for joking, or flamboyancy, or caring about anything else in the world. 
shoko does the same, her eyes trailing where his are, watching as you tilt your head at nanami, laughing when he murmurs something. 
in typical nanami fashion, his lips only twitch a little bit, but it's enough to tell that he's amused by whatever conversation you're having. 
that he's got your full attention, and he gets to watch your eyes as they shift from one glance to another and--
shoko nods, looking back to satoru, who is trapped in his stare. chained down at the mere thought of you. "oh," she says, rolling her eyes. 
satoru doesn't look away, but grunts in the form of a question. 
"you're an idiot, you know that?" 
he frowns. "what?" 
her eyes are exasperated, and her smile is all-knowing. she has always alluded satoru, and his very short attention span. and he kind of hates her, at this moment, for distracting him. 
"seriously," she scoffs at his perturbed face, "after a whole year of living basically in the same room, i thought that the two of you would finally get over it." 
"who?" satoru asks, smiling confusedly. "get over what?" 
"you. get over yourself. honestly, only you and y/n would raise two kids together and pretend like there's no intimacy in it." 
"what?"' satoru repeats, dumbly. 
"and, by the way," shoko tells him, sipping on her drink. "jealousy is not cute." 
and then she walks away, like she's answered a single one of satoru's questions. 
and he frowns, thinking about it. 
because--no, there's no way she was talking about him--he shakes his head. where would she even have gotten that idea? there's--
and it’s—it’s not jealousy. he laughs off that thought.
satoru gojo is the strongest. he's the one everyone looks to. he doesn't have anything to be jealous about. 
and besides satoru knows that you don’t get enough time away from your discombobulated family. that your life revolves around them, and they around you. 
and the two of you have talked—at length—about the fact that you’re both young, and neither of you should live the lifestyle of some middle-aged parents, with no way to connect with the people in your age group. the people that would’ve been your family, in some alternate universe. 
satoru knows that you don’t carve out the things that you need without being asked to, that you get anxious about these types of occasions--he's watched it happen before, when you were forced into a corner at one exchange event the two of you shared, or when yaga took you all out to dinner, and you'd shrink yourself in your seat until someone noticed. 
he's seen you try to make yourself smaller at the convenience of others, and as he's grown (he almost winces at the thought) satoru has sworn to himself that he'd keep you from any situation where that might be necessary. 
so he shouldn’t--he doesn't--mind that you’re having a good time. he should be--is--happy with himself, for setting it up so you could, for planning it around you, and the kids. he should be preparing himself to gloat in your face about the fact that he thought of this, and he set it up all on his own. 
god. he doesn't have anything to be jealous about. 
but that doesn't change the fact that satoru can't really see beyond you, ten feet away from him, laughing at something that nanami said. 
and maybe it's not the fact that you're talking to him, or that you're smiling at him like satoru wants to be smiled at, he thinks, but more that you don't act that way with him. 
satoru is well aware of the grounds in your relationship, and he knows that you spend most of your days rolling your eyes at the obnoxious things that he says, trying to protect the children--and him--from the antics that you've all grown used to. 
he's not jealous, but maybe he's a little bit annoyed that he hasn't seen you this easy, and light since you were still in school. since you were still younger than him, and still someone he could look down upon. 
you cling to nanami like satoru clings to you, he realizes, sullenly. you smile and tease--if just the way your eyes crinkle means anything. 
you grin at nanami like you're trying to irritate him. like you're the reckless one between the two. 
and maybe it hurts satoru more just to know that you are the reckless one.
he'd lived with the two of you for three years. he'd experienced nanami's typical brooding--which, now, reminds him a lot of megumi, actually--and the way he'd think through everything. maybe a little bit too much, even. 
satoru was always there to watch you giggle alongside the austere man, pull him out of whatever thought process was darkening the mood, and remind him that none of it was all that serious. 
satoru knows--he knows--that you and him are similar. he knows that it's why he feels the way he does with you. that the way the two of you dance around your emotions, and say nothing that you truly mean is something to cherish, if also something to despise. 
he's not jealous, but maybe it hurts satoru because he knows that you've never been able to truly not care, with him. that he takes up all of the ignorance one household can get, even without meaning to.
or maybe it's just been a long time since he got the chance to watch you interact with anyone else. 
maybe he's just ridiculous, and he should go do something else before he thinks about this for too long. shoko is wrong, though, he thinks. he's definitely not jealous. 
he's satoru gojo. he doesn't have anything to be jealous about. 
but he's still watching when you shake your head at something nanami says, tapping him on the shoulder and excusing yourself while waving him on, still light and airy, eyes meeting satoru's with that same grin. 
it's probably worse to know that it doesn't quite belong to him. that he's not the sole benefactor of it all. 
"hey," you say, bumping into him on purpose when you come over, your hands wrapping around his forearm as you lean on him. "need help?" 
"nah, i've got it," he finally looks away. he doesn't want to watch this. 
but you're still grinning at him, trying to catch his eye--even with the sunglasses. "you're all alone over here," you coo, "i can help you clean up." 
satoru snorts. "i thought you weren't going to help with anything." 
"well, since i'm already here..." you drawl, beginning to pick up spare utensils, and napkins. all of the things he'd been too distracted to do. 
you're humming as you do it, completely content with everything. 
satoru tries not to grind his teeth at the fact that your mood is not because of him. 
"how's nanami?" he asks, unprecendented, after a moment. 
you shrug. "he's good. i guess the real world sucks too," you say it with a lilt, like there's an inside joke that satoru is missing. 
he shakes his head, trying to keep his words civil. "the real world?" 
"the corporate universe, and laws of reality, or whatever," you roll your eyes, and you sound exactly like him. "no curses or magic to liven things up." 
"no monsters, you mean." 
"or that," you smile at him, looking almost giddy. 
satoru hums. 
you put all of the trash you've collected on a serving dish, piling things up without a care in the world. and then you turn towards satoru, and he can feel your slight frown before he can see it. "you okay?" you ask him. 
satoru freezes. "what?" 
"is it getting to you? the brunch?" 
"what? no, i'm fine," he tries to look at you like you're ridiculous, but his face feels stiff, and wrong, and far too happy for you. 
"you look like your tongue is too big to fit in your mouth." 
he sticks his tongue out, almost on command. "does it look any different?" 
"hmm," you pretend to observe. "yeah. might want to see a doctor about it." 
"are you trying not to laugh at something? you can tell me if i have something on my face, you know." 
satoru's smile is a bit easier at that, but he shakes his head anyway. he kind of wants to run away to his room--something he's learned from raising two children. "no, i'm just thinking." 
you raise a brow. 
satoru scowls. "what? you didn't think it was possible?" 
"no, not really."  
he shakes his head. he tries to turn away, scoffing like it's a joke (it's not), but your hand reaches for his bicep before he can. 
"hey," you say to him. he turns back to you, and your smile, nose scrunched up as you lean in. "how are you?" 
"busy. i have to go make sure there's enough ice in that bucket." 
"i'll come with you," you say, even though you both know that he's lying. 
"no. i'm sure nanami has more he wants to talk with you about." 
"is that what this is about? nanami? are you mad at him, or something?" 
"why would i be mad at him?" 
"i don't know, satoru, your brain is a confusing thing," you tug on his hair just a little bit. "hey, c'mon. why're you upset?" 
"i'm not upset." 
satoru should be basking in your attention, but he can't quite bring himself to notice it. or that you spend every day with him--mostly without complaint--and never fail to laugh at something he says. 
no, his thoughts are not very organized, at the moment. 
"you've got your little angry pout on," you nudge his lips with a finger. "i think you've been spending too much time with megumi." 
he grabs your hand, trying not to squeeze. "i'm fine. go hang out. you're not supposed to be helping me." 
this time, you pout. "you don't want to spend time with me?" 
he groans, throwing his head back. "i'm trying to be nice," he tells you. "you know, like how you're always telling me to?" 
"ew," you say, giggling a little bit. "i don't like it." 
he rolls his eyes. 
"seriously, come hang out with me and the kids. we can beat them at charades, or something, again. you need a little pep in your step." 
"what are you, my mom?" he deadpans but feels his heart twitch a little bit because you're still holding onto him. 
"might as well be. take a break, satoru, i miss you." 
you say it so easily and nonchalantly that satoru wants to pick you up and lock you in a little box, just so you can never talk to anyone but him again.
he stares at you, blinking beneath his glasses, feeling like you're doing all of this just to mess with him. 
honestly, whiplash is a serious condition. 
you smile at him, fluttering your eyelashes unknowingly, pouting at him a little bit, even through the smile. 
and satoru's never been able to say no to you, so he lets you pull him with you, back to the kitchen, where you grab nanami too--to the dismay of satoru, of course. he tries not to glare. 
and satoru chooses to ignore the discerning look that nanami sends him, and the fact that his arm tightens around your waist as you drag the two men along. 
he's not jealous. god, it's just very loud in here. 
somewhere several minutes earlier, when the two of you were standing just a little bit too close to each other, both of you pouting, looking like two children fighting over a toy--you had a couple of spectators. 
shoko scoffs, shaking her head. "that's disgusting." 
you're on your tiptoes, head tilted as you purr something to satoru. they can't see his eyes from twenty feet away, but they can all tell that they're stuck on you. glued, never to be torn away. 
megumi looks at the woman, then follows her eyes to the two of you, blank-faced. 
tsumiki giggles. 
"we know," they both say, rolling their eyes. 
next part | series masterlist
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ollypopwrites · 3 months
Dinner and Diatribes;
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Gale x F!Tav (she/her, AFAB) [note: references to the fact Tav is Curvy but there’s no descriptors on her appearance besides what she’s wearing]
Summary: Gale gets his perfect night in Waterdeep.
Rating: M (18+ MDNI)
CW: smut (oral sex, PiV sex, fingering, slight overstim, references to Dom!Gale but he doesn’t actually make an appearance this time), insecurity, General Mystra Warning, L-bombs
Word count: 4.5k
Notes: this was originally written with my SorcBard Tav in mind. They end up together post-game and Tav and Gale have not been with each other physically as of yet.
Read on Ao3
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Tav appraised her appearance one last time, nerves bubbling up in her when she knew there ought not to be any. She was having dinner with Gale, not a stranger.
Yet, she tugged at the lacy sleeves of her tunic, the cream colored fabric dangling off her shoulders and belling at the sleeves. Her breasts were up and out, figure tucked and smoothed by the sturdy corset she wore. The wrap skirt, slit at the leg with stockings underneath, was periwinkle, hugged her hips and showed some skin. She had wanted to veer away from the normally shapeless practicality of the protective gear she wore throughout their journey.
And she found the delicate pale blue embroidery against the white fabric of the garment to be quite pretty, the silk bows that served as sleeves made her think of romantic ballads. She felt delight at wearing something pretty without thinking of practicality for the first time since being taken by the nautiloid. There was a novelty to sitting down to take time to get ready for something fun rather than something that could potentially end with blood and death.
Her eyes drifted over to the corner of the room that until recently had housed a small altar to the Mother of Magic.
In its place was a vase of flowers, Tav’s favorite colors and blooms, which had appeared that morning. The altar itself had mysteriously disappeared the day after they first arrived in Waterdeep. Neither of them had said anything about it, but she knew he had seen her staring at the dusty offerings and long burnt incense laid at the feet of an idol of his former lover.
With one last look in the mirror she bolstered herself. She was no goddess but she had defeated a Vampire Lord, undead generals, a 200 year curse, hordes of goblins and a Netherbrain. That had to count for something.
Taking a deep breath she left through the bedroom door, and was met by Gale.
Well, Gale’s double. A projection, as he was often fond of using.
“Greetings! I am here on behalf of Gale of Waterdeep!”
“Oh, are you?” She asked sarcastically.
“I am indeed!”
Sarcasm was not translated into the projection it seemed.
“If you are ready for the evening to begin, please say so, if not, I shall await your confirmation.”
Tav smiled a little, “I’m ready.”
“Please follow me.”
She followed him down to the same level as the study, and she found herself confused. They were meant to be having dinner. The whole package, she had recalled, he wanted to wine and dine her. She expected to be escorted to the dining room, not the study.
The door was closed, and the projection gave a polite bow to signal its leave. Should she knock? Uncertain, she gripped the door handle and opened the door.
Immediately she was confronted with a wave of unfamiliar smells. Normally the study smelt like the fireplace, leather of bound books, ink and slight sea air from the terrace. Instead this smelled of savory food, crisp night air, and heavy sea spray. The entry was draped by lavish silk curtains hiding any view of the room, tassels and embroidered prints creating lovely textures.
Gale stood waiting for her arrival.
His hair was pulled back and pinned neatly in his new fashion of a small bun at the back of his head. He wore a white tunic, billowed sleeves and a jerkin of sapphire blue, embroidered intricately with bronze filigree. Dark blue breeches, and what looked to be blue shoes which matched his vest.
It also looked as if he had trimmed his beard, the lines smooth and incredibly sleek. Tav had certainly noticed how handsome he was during their travels, and even then he was always somewhat genteel despite the rugged conditions.
This was different. He seemed more in his element like this, maybe not quite so formally dressed, but she could imagine this was the Gale Dekarios which caught the eye of a Goddess. Confident, gentlemanly and remarkably good looking.
His eyes lit up at the sight of her.
“Hello,” she said, aware how nervous and jittery her voice was despite her smile.
“Hello,” Gale grinned. “You look… exquisite.”
She blushed. “And you look very good in blue.”
Gale kissed her cheek, and she gripped his face to make sure he kissed her properly. “I’ve prepared everything,” he said. “Are you ready?”
“For you? Always.”
Like a true gentleman, he offered her his arm and she accepted. They walked through the fabric barrier and Tav audibly gasped at the transformation. The study was changed, made to look like an enchanting garden. Lit up by candelabras, framed by arches made of vines and flowers of every color imaginable, it was beautiful.
The view from the terrace had been expanded, so that from every angle a clear view of the glittering lights of Waterdeep glinted. The entire mirage was topped with a star filled sky and the moon hanging at the horizon of the water. She could feel a breeze, not too cold but carrying the scent of the ocean.
A table sat at the center, intimate, and music was playing from some unseen source. Most likely the enchanted piano. Where she knew the terrace was, his couch still stood, overlooking the view. The sounds coming through beyond the music were real, she could tell. It was simultaneously an illusion and blissfully real.
He led her to the table, pulled out her chair for her and then sat across from her. The smile on her face was starting to hurt her cheeks, only emphasized by another Gale projection bringing them wine. They toasted each other and she looked out on the view of the city.
“Do you like it?” He sounded uncertain.
Her hand came out to grab his across the table. “It’s hard to describe, but like isn’t a strong enough word.” She glanced over to the projection of Gale waiting to be summoned for any need they may have, “although I think the waiter fancies me.”
“I applaud his taste.”
It was very clear how meticulously planned the night had been. From the food to the wine, Gale had an exuberant explanation for his choices. For a moment Tav wondered why she would be nervous at all; they had shared every meal together for months. But, Tav knew that this was the courtship he had wanted to offer her, this was the night he wished he could have given her when he thought it was his last back on the road to Moonrise.
Gale, if he was nervous, did not show it. Instead his eyes glinted with excitement, eagerness, and delight. His gaze was so intense on her, she felt like either the wine or something else was making her brain fuzzy.
After dinner they danced, slow uncomplicated movements to the music from the piano for a while, and then settled onto the settee looking out at the water. The night sky was clear, the breeze from the bay adding a bit of chill that balanced out the warmth she felt from the wine. It was a beautiful tapestry of midnight blue and silver of the moon and stars.
She leaned against him half draped over his lap as her legs stretched out, fingers dancing over his palm which lay in her lap. His other hand gently danced over her arm and down her side. She thought she may melt at the warmth of his lips pressed against her bare shoulder, beard softly scratching as he lingered there.
“You ought to be careful, Gale.”
“Oh? What dangers lurk that I am unaware of?”
“The danger of spoiling me rotten,” she chuckled.
“I’m not averse to such a risk,” he nuzzled behind her ear, “quite the opposite, really. You deserve it, and more.”
Her mind rolled over that, heart full at his earnestness as usual. Even if she didn’t believe it, he certainly did.
“Thank you,” she said thoughtfully after a moment. “This night has been so wonderful.”
“It’s not over yet,” he whispered.
A shiver ran down her spine. No words finding their way to her lips.
“If I may be so bold,” he went on, “I’d like to partake in dessert somewhere more private.”
“Tell me, Chef Dekarios, what is on the dessert menu tonight?”
“You,” he said, a grin evident in his voice. “I’d have laid you across the dinner table if I hadn’t promised us both a bed first and foremost. You truly are a temptress,” his hand broke from her loving grasp to run along the curve of her neck, and shoulder, fingers trailing over the tops of her breasts before cupping her chin, “you incite such an insatiable hunger, even when you are doing nothing more than sitting there across from me. If you’ll allow it, I’d like to finally have a taste.”
Tav’s head tipped back, eyes closed as her skin began to flush and her heart began to thud in her chest. “I’ll allow anything you want,” she breathed. “Name it, it’s yours.”
“Tav,” he murmured.
“Yours.” She repeated.
A tug in her stomach and the strange shift of moving through the weave happened so suddenly, she opened her eyes, confused by her new surroundings. She was on her feet, Gale behind her still, but in the bedroom, no longer shrouded by lovely blue night sky but the warmth of a candle lit room and the familiar walls.
Gale murmured something, and then spun her around to kiss her. Needy, fervent meetings of lips, and tongues. Her fists curled into the fabric of his sleeves, and his settled on either side of her face. She felt a tugging at her back, then the cool brush of an unseen hand. He had conjured a mage hand to untie her corset, the fingers pulling at the strings to loosen them.
Before it managed to get them all the way undone, she was fumbling with buttons on his vest. She shrugged the heavy corset off, the thud of it falling to the ground ignored as she pushed his own garment off his shoulders. Before he could distract her with his hands again, she untucked his shirt and pulled the fabric over his head.
Her fingers danced over his warm skin, feeling hair and scars and firm muscle beneath flesh. Gale groaned, bending to grip her by the generous flesh of her thighs to pull her up in his arms, for the quick journey to the bed where he set her down. Her tunic was tugged off, thrown aside and he grunted in displeasure at the thin cloth bandeau that still covered her breasts.
Tav chuckled, grabbing the scrap of fabric and pulling it overhead. Gale’s eyebrows hiked up at the sight of her tits out, heavy and round with already pebbled nipples, and under the scrutiny she felt doubt creep in.
“Not what you were hoping for?” It was half a joke, a deflection for the blush she knew was on her face, something to do besides wrap her arms around herself.
“Are you completely mad?” He finally met her eyes, looking offended. “May I?”
She nodded, only to be firmly guided onto her back as Gale put one knee between her thighs on the bed and leaned forward.
His hands grabbed, not fully able to grasp, even with hands larger than her own. “Soft,” he thought out loud to himself. “How are you so soft?”
“I-I don't know,” she hitched a breathy tone. “Ah, gentle please,” she gasped when he began pinching and rolling the peaks between his fingers, calloused fingers from years of spell work and a combined over-excited pinch both thrilling and overstimulating, “they’re very sensitive.”
“Very important information,” he murmured, running a thumb over one in a soothing motion that still made her gasp out loud. “I wonder…”
The thought trailed off as his mouth clasped around one nipple and Tav gave an undignified squeal as her hips rolled. Too many layers between her skirt and underclothes to provide her the relief she wanted, even with his knee between her thighs. Each brush of his finger over one, followed by a firm squeeze, made her twitch and the laving of his tongue had her letting out soft little moans.
Finally he pulled away, watching as his hands continued where he left off. One hand danced over her soft stomach, and slipped down towards the waistband of her skirt, tickling the skin there until she gasped a laugh. He pushed down her stockings, tugged her skirt off and looked one last time for approval before he slipped her under things down her legs.
For a moment, his eyes darted over her body. Despite the thrill of being at the center of such avid admiration, she felt the need to do something in the face of it. A conflicting moment of uncertainty, the apprehension of him seeing any flaw in her moving her to try distract him. Her fingers came up to grab, but he gently redirected her wrist to his lips.
“You are perfect beyond imagining,” he said.
“You’re a flatterer,” she breathed, her eyes avoiding his, as they trailed over his torso and to the bulge in his breeches.
“I reject that accusation,” he said, grabbing a pillow and tossing it onto the floor before he got to his knees upon it. “I’m an admirer of art.”
Tav rolled her eyes with a half laugh as she allowed her legs to be spread, heels set on the edge of the bed. He kissed each one as he set them where he wanted, beard scratching and tongue peaking out to taste.
She was a little in awe of him like this. His eyes dark, a slight smirk painted onto his face, softened only when he met her eyes and smiled at her. With his broad shoulders forcing her legs wider as he moved further between them, and his hair coming out of his once immaculate bun, she felt her throat run dry and a heat rush through her body as she admired him.
He stopped suddenly, and she met his look of intentional seriousness. “If you need me to stop,” he said, “say the word and we will.”
She nodded her head.
He kissed the inside of her thigh again, before his eyes slid down his hands massaging around her outer lips. She was wet, it had smeared her thighs, that she already knew. A gentle gasp pulled from her lungs as he took his time, rubbing and spreading her, the same look of deep focus on his face as when he was taken with an interesting tome.
Gale rubbed along the seam of her, before spreading her open and gently rubbing her clit. A choked sound emitted from her after he commented, “you’re soaked, my love.”
“All your doing, beloved,” she replied.
“I do love hearing that,” he grinned. “You’ll have to tell me what else I do to you.”
Any response died away when he licked a long stripe along her. The slightest groan came from him, and he began to work. It was agonizing heaven, the filthy sounds as he sucked and licked at her cunt and the way he gripped her thighs only enhancing the actual sensation of his mouth on her.
Half-formed thoughts kept slipping out of her mouth until only single words and whines were all she could muster. Her hands slid over his, and he laced them together, his efforts doubling after the gesture of affection. Her excitement was running so high, anticipation adding to arousal, that she knew she would not last long.
“Gale,” she breathed, “feels so good — so close —“
He never pulled away, just found what was making her legs writhe over his shoulders the most, what made her hips search for friction, and her breath spike. Her hands gripped his so both of them had a firm grip of her thighs, as she suddenly teetered over the edge, heavy waves of pleasure singing in her veins as he licked her through it.
Except once it passed, he did not pull away. It felt good, so she was not going to push him off, but she was sensitive. Each touch of his tongue on her clit felt like a shock through her whole being making her legs clamp around him. He let go of her hands and pushed her thighs apart again, she thought that alone had her ready to fall apart once more.
Relentless and yet somehow still controlled, he was singularly intent on making her come again. The sensation almost scared her as she greedily chanted for more, more, more in her head and maybe aloud, she couldn’t be sure. Gale was groaning into her, the firmness of his grip surprising her still. She wanted him inside of her.
“Please“ she started to beg, “fuck me.”
He gave a moan, the only time she felt him falter. “One more, my love,” he replied. A demand or a promise, maybe both. “Give me one more.”
He let his fingers work over her this time, still between her legs, watching each movement she made. For her credit, she kept her hips and legs from knocking him away, the rest of her body making up for it. Her back arched, she writhed and gripped the bedding beneath her like it was going to anchor her.
When Gale slipped a finger inside of her, easy enough that he tried a second, she went stiff. “Good?”
She nodded her head.
“Words, please, Tav,” he said gently. It occurred to her he may be asking after her wellbeing rather than to tease.
Either way, she loved the feeling in her brain at the idea of it being a demand. Of him tormenting her in the most beautiful way.
“Good!” She blurted out. “So fucking good.”
His mouth had expertly pulled her apart, but she was finding his fingers to be just as talented. She clamped down around the digits pushing in her as she felt herself falling to pieces.
“Yes,” he breathed. “Good, Tav…” when she opened her eyes, she was met with him staring at hers. As if he could read her mind, he went on talking, “come undone for me.”
Her whole being responded to the request, as if he had the ability to command her body with just a word. She writhed and rolled her hips as she came, a truly unrestrained string of cries that she knew were a bit too loud. Gale’s hand cupped her cunt, and she could feel the pulse of it against his hand — his face giving way to pure want as he moaned.
“Alright?” He asked after a moment.
“Would be better if I had you inside of me,”she teased, giddily.
“Minx,” he grumbled, coming to stand.
“Tease,”she shot back sitting up.
When she kissed him he tasted distinctly of her arousal, and somehow it made her heart skip a beat. Her tongue danced over his, hand trailing down his chest to the waistband of his breeches, untying as she went. Her hands slipped inside, grasping through his underclothes at the length of his cock, hard and tenting the fabric.
Gale gave a sinful groan, eyes shut tight and when she started to stroke his jaw went slack.
Tav chuckled, “feel good, my darling?”
“Too good,” he grunted, hand gripping her wrist tight. “It’s been… far too long since I’ve — erm, partaken in pleasure on this plane, so to speak.”
Tav frowned, contemplating that, her eyes drifting to the space where Mystra’s altar had once been then back to him. “That’s okay,” she said immediately. “I don’t care.”
“You might,” he replied, wry smile masking what she knew to be embarrassment creeping up on him, “when the night ends rather, prematurely.”
Tav shrugged. “Then we drink some wine and wait until you’re up to more,” she said casually tugging off the rest of his clothes. “I didn’t wait all this time to have you just once tonight anyway.”
Gale licked his lips, eyebrows twitching up in interest.
She tugged at his wrist, “lay back,” she guided him onto the bed, pushing him to sit with his back against the headboard. “We can go slow.”
Gale got comfortable, hands grabbing at her hips when she settled in his lap. Her fingers danced over the orbs mark, raised like a scar but looking almost inked in like a tattoo. The fervor had stalled just slightly, his cock still hard between them but no longer pulsing as it had in her hand.
“What would our friends say if they knew what you were hiding under those robes,” she mused, arms curling over his broad shoulders.
“I rather think I held my own on our intrepid journeys,” he said, sounding more like himself. “Aside from the creaky knees.”
“That you did,” she agreed. “I would have been lost without you.”
She kissed him, slowly and affectionately, as she lifted herself a bit. Her fingers danced down his body again, taking their time to admire the sturdiness he hid under his wizard robes day to day.
Finger nails scratched through the hair that trailed down his torso, and into the thicker patch between his legs. She gripped him again, and he moaned into her mouth, the kiss matching his needy grasp on the flesh of her hips.
Unable to help herself from teasing, she dragged the head of him through her folds, letting him feel how wet she was for him. His brow furrowed harshly.
As she lined him up and slowly sank down, she was torn between watching every minuscule change in his expression and closing her eyes to relish the perfect fit. He stopped kissing her, the shuddering breath he drew and the way his eyes started to roll back giving her that much more satisfaction.
Her own gasp filled the soundless space between them, walls fluttering at the intrusion. “Gods, you feel so good,” she whined.
Gale was speechless. Voice stolen by deep concentration, and then his eyes opened. For a singular moment Tav felt as if she was the only other person in the world, the pure look of awe and combined sharp focus of his attention made her feel ten feet tall.
How could anyone, goddess or not, take his sincere devotion for granted?
“Do you want me to move?”
“Not yet,” he whispered desperately. “Just — please, let me —“
He pulled her to him, bodies pressing at almost every point. His arms were a tight wrap around her, his cheek pressed against her forehead as she gave him gentle kisses along his neck. It felt not dissonant to their time in the astral, joined in every way, but this felt somehow more intimate. To hold him within her, and still have him hold her safely in his arms — a perfect balance she could hardly fathom.
“Kiss me,” Gale breathed. “Please.”
Tav did as asked, fingers tangled in his hair and very gently rocked her hips. He groaned, grip becoming bruising, pausing the kiss and then coming back to it again. Slowly she started to rock, then raise her hips and roll them forward until she was slowly bouncing, the slap of her skin meeting his filling the room.
Gale broke from the kiss, hands moving to the sides of her face. That same look, as if he had seen something beyond his wildest imaginings; focused, stunned and reverent. She never felt so loved in her life, she was certain.
As if she could will the same feeling into him, she pressed their foreheads together. She moaned, as he hit just right within her. Sensitive, eager and greedy she chased the sensation.
“I love you,” she gasped.
His expression crumpled, and he groaned grabbing her around the waist so she had to stop. She could feel his cock throbbing inside of her. “You are… you — I love you —“ he grunted. “Please, let me — feel you.”
She slowed her movements to a subtle rock, which rubbed against something in her that made her entire body seize up in intense sensation. He murmured affirmations to her, face buried in her hair, his hand grabbing at her ass to pull her back and forth.
“I have to feel it,” he said, need dripping from his tone, “buried in you, I must —“
Her mouth left sloppy kisses wherever she could leave them as she rutted against him. As another sweet peak approached she leaned back, bouncing just slightly to get what she needed. Gale’s eyes flicked down to her chest, to where they were joined, and back to her face. Her body started to pulse, her fingers digging into his shoulders.
It felt so good. The drag of him against her walls, the blunt intrusion as she rolled her hips. Whines fell from her lips, she closed her eyes to focus in on the sensation, head thrown back in ecstasy.
As she peaked her legs shook on either side of him, hips moving out of pure instinct for more as she felt herself tighten around him. Uncontrollable pulses, grabbing and sucking him as far as she could talk him and a gush of wetness that added deliciously lewd sounds.
Gale seemed to stop breathing for a moment, before something in him snapped. He grabbed her hips, and with bent knees and feet planted on the soft sheets began fucking up into her.
More ruthless than she had expected, desperate and selfish and needy. It was nearly enough to get her to the edge again. Grunts from somewhere in the back of his throat joined her shocked cries telling him ‘yes’ over and over again.
He watched as he disappeared inside of her, mouth open as he panted, and then finally he broke.
With a swiftness she didn’t expect he pulled out of her, but his arms came around in a caging embrace so he still rubbed against her wet folds. He whined, as his hips jerked without any sort of pattern, punctuated by the hot splashes of him coming. Sticky, wet and warm.
His body shuddered as it passed, but he did not let go of her as he caught his breath. When she lifted her head to look at him, his head was tilted back and eyes closed as he recovered. She kissed his cheek, and he opened one eye to look at her, a smile blooming on his lips.
“You’ve ruined me,” he muttered.
“And you enjoyed every moment.”
“‘Enjoyed.’” He repeated. “Very light way to put it.”
“Then how would you describe it?”
“Hm,” he breathed. “Having trouble thinking currently. I will get back to you.”
“Now that’s a real accomplishment,” Tav laughed. “I’ve rendered Gale of Waterdeep utterly speechless.”
He laughed, one eye peeking open again before he playfully kissed her on the cheek. As she nestled back into his arms, she knew they would have to break away soon to clean up the mess they had made. But for just a moment she cherished the sound of his heartbeat, calming down and steadying with his breath.
“The first of a thousand nights.” He murmured.
“Hopefully more.”
“I’ll have the rest of your nights, if you’ll allow it.”
“They’re yours.”
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Thank you for reading! 💜
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rustycopper4use · 9 months
Ok, uhm....I've seen someone make a request for poly Ozzie x Fizz x Reader in which the reader is Blitzø's brother, but I got a better one for you! How about (poly ofc) Ozzie x Fizz x Male Reader who is Striker's older brother? Like, maybe he heard about what happened in greed ring and came to apologise on his brother's behalf and maybe offer his services as bodyguard?
Fizz x Ozzie x Male reader!
sorry I went a little bit off the rails but I hope you like it!!
At the beginning you were close to fizzaroli as kids.
 you first met him at one of his shows, and you would try to see all his shows. And ended up dragging your younger brother striker to them, much to his protests.
  You would spend hours with fizzaroli, him being the only sense of affection in your life. Giving your family’s old fashioned values. His was the escape from it all.
 Your father resented the wasted time spent with some lowly circus clown, he would try every thing to make you to stop seeing him. After awhile he even turned Striker against you, which in retrospect wasn’t hard he idolized him. 
 In the ended up with you sneaking out the house everyday to see the goofy imp.
 However that was until the fire. You had been only been able to talk to him when you actually came to the circus.
 So one day you went to see him, with a small birthday gift you’d be able to pay for.
 only to met with ashes, and burnt remains of childhood memories, it was hauntingly void of life still fresh with smoke.
 And you never heard from him again.
  You left the gift in the remains. It became a regular thing, you’d leave a small gift every year on his birthday.
  A way to remember him, maybe you’d just like the sadness that came with it rather than the bitter empty feeling in your cold aching chest. 
 Or you’re still in denial, waiting for the day he’ll somehow come back and it’ll be some big cruel joke.
  After that you replaced that time with meaningless jobs, helping dad around the farm. 
  While your younger brother took up kill for hire, you would be along aside for protection, an extra set of hands. 
 This new attitude brought a sense of pride to the rest of the family.
 Your relationship wasn’t the same with your less than functional family. You weren’t ever close to your father or brother but, it got even more distant. Opting for only talking when needed.
  One day striker came back from a job beaten bruised, and burned.
 As you fixed him up, he whined about his failed attempt, he brought up an all to familiar name.
 “Y’know that lowlife clown was such a brat to deal with, and his pathetic friend Blizto-“
 “Are you talking about fizzaroli?”
 “-Wait no, Fizzaroli’s alive?.”
 “Look I don’t care if you had a soft spot for that thing, I had a job and I’m gonna go through with it.”
 “You never thought to tell me he was alive!”
 “Of course I didn’t, Dad and I knew you were going to act like this, you became a better demon because of us.”
 “Get out.”
 Striker gets to door before turning back towards you.
 “Im not gonna give up this job because you’ve grown weak.”
 “Oh I know you won’t.”
 He left.
  You weren’t sure what to do now. Striker was a stubborn person, he wouldn’t give up till Fizzaroli’s head was on a stick.
  Luckily for you. you were just as petty as the snake.
 For the next few days you looked for opportunities to work at Ozzie’s. You came across for a listing for a personal bodyguard for Fizz. 
 You got scheduled for an interview, part of you dreaded seeing him again.
 You headed down(up?) to the lust ring. The gorgeous neon lights, against the calming rain.
  The Ozzie’s club was nothing short of a spectacle. And the start to your new life.
  Ozzie was apprehensive on hiring someone with relations with the demon that kidnapped Fizzaroli in the first place. 
 But Fizz reassured his worries, he knew you weren’t like him.
 The start of this job was- not exactly awkward, but there was this weird air around you three. A few weeks in and you’ve finally settled in, you grew comfortable with the duo and life finally felt back on track.
 You still felt guilt for what your brother did, you would always give gifts to fizzaroli as a form of an apology, a better change than what you did for 15 years. You also get into the habit of going above what was asked for even at your own expense.
 Even when Fizzaroli explained he didn’t blame you, it was your brother’s actions after all. You settled for buying him flowers every other day.
  The two would flirt with you, fizzaroli being more bold, knowing exactly what makes you tick and that special spot that makes you melt.
  Ozzie on the other hand, had a different approach. He took on a more romantic strategy, he learned very early on that his voice was your weakness, a few praises and you were a goner. 
 When striker found out he was pissed. His own brother fooling around with blue blood, how did you turn out like this.
 Every time he would show up you always up lovey-dovey just to rub salt in a wound.
  Fizzaroli adored it when you’d get riled up and your southern accent would slip. He would purposely push your buttons lovingly just to hear it.
 Every time Fizzaroli would want attention you’d always make sure to hold his face given it’s the only part he can really feel now.
 Ozzie was the only one that Could cook, and that still didn’t change with you around. Sure you weren’t as bad as Fizz but still.
 Fizzaroli would call you a cowboy (affectionately)
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seemycee · 7 months
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- so just like many celebrities nicki minaj’s birth time is unknown. many people have speculated she’s an aquarius rising due to her wearing eccentric outfits from 2010-2012 and the fact she would have an 11th house stellium to explain her fanbase and scorpio 10h to make her infamous. nothing else explaining her personality, career choice, why’s she’s a talented rapper, or her childhood. so i’m going to explain why i think she’s a virgo rising and before somebody starts foaming at the mouth these are just my opinion and ideas, not FACT! (also i prefer old rulership but neptune, pluto, and urnaus will be used)
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- nicki minaj was born in trinidad on december 8th, 1982 making her a sagittarius sun. her mother and father left trinidad sometime while she was a toddler to establish a new life in america. leaving her and older brother jelani in the care of her grandmother. when she was 5, her parents sent for her and her brother and they quickly moved to the u.s where they lived in a two family home. nicki minaj’s mother carol owned this two family home and the family lived upstairs but had to eventually move downstairs which was smaller in order to rent out the upstairs to families to make ends meet. eventually the house was burnt down by nicki’s father. nicki minaj spent a great deal of her childhood creating characters to escape the reality of the world she was living in at the time. her father was abusive towards her mother due to him becoming victim of the crack epidemic of the 1980s.
- nicki minaj has uranus in her 4h and in modern day astrology uranus represents sudden changes. so it being in her 4h (home) manifested in her domestic life constantly changing. her 4h being ruled by sagittarius could be seen as an indication of why she emigrated from trinidad to the u.s since sagittarius is known as the traveler in astrology and the 4h represents the home. nicki minaj’s father being a drug addict and her using made up characters and living in a fantasy land to combat her fathers erratic behavior. can be seen by the presence of neptune in the 4h and it being conjunct her 10h (father) ruler (mercury) since neptune rules over delusions (fantasy land) and addictions (crack addiction). might i add nicki minaj too has also battled with addiction and that would make sense aswell because neptune would also be conjunct her chart ruler (mercury) and neptune is very prominent in charts of people prone to addictions.
- nicki minaj is a homebody she prefers to be in the comfort of her home and in the presence of her family. she has expressed over the years how she doesn’t like to attend industry events to barbz dismay who constantly want her to be at fashion shows or at different award shows. she even famously said in her song freedom “i’m not into fake industry parties or fake agendas”. ice spice recently even said while filming the barbie world video with nicki minaj she had her whole family in the trailer with her all day and a year prior coi leray said the same thing while shooting the blick blick video. i personally think this is because she has a great chunk of her core planets in her 4h (sun, moon, mercury, & venus) especially her venus cause that indicates a strong love for her family and sun (self) is tied to her family since it’s sitting the 4h. also 4h people tend to not like being “out there” cause it’s makes them uncomfortable. which makes sense cause most of their planets would be opposite the mc which is opposite the ic which is in the 4h. whatever is conjunct your ic you do not feel comfortable showing with the public (mc). which also makes sense for nicki minaj who hasn’t even shared the name of her child with the public.
- nicki minaj also has shown a great love for her homeland trinidad despite living their very briefly. that can also be a manifestation of sun in the 4h, cause people with this placement tend to be very patriotic or in other words proud of their homeland. also her mercury cause that rules over communication and since its sitting in her 4h it would make sense for her to love to talk about where she’s from.
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- okay so i never understood why people call virgo risings rude until i learned about them having 3h in scorpio. as we know scorpio is traditionally ruled by mars and mars isn’t a very loving or nurturing planet, in-fact it’s very aggressive and domineering. so virgo rising tend to be very blunt and straightforward with communicating, not really caring if they hurt people’s feelings or not. especially when they’re bothered by someone or something these mars ruled 3rd housers will smite you with their words. they can also have a problem with pushing their ideas and opinions on to people, kinda having a my way or the highway attitude about it. also they tend to be very dirty minded individuals once you get to know them, cause mars also rules over sexual desires. but even with all that being said people tend to value what virgo rising have to say constantly coming back for their opinions even if it’s not what they wanted to hear.
- I feel like this resonates so much with nicki minaj cause everytime she speaks her mind people are automatically put off. often labeling her as rude, a b*tch, and egotistical. she even famously said “if i am assertive, im a b*tch” on her my time now documentary. last year (2022) nicki was on live two separate times with two female rappers (coi leray and jt of the city girls) giving them career advice. literally after both lives, clips were being posted online and people were speaking about how nicki spoke to them, making her seem as if she were being condescending to them. those girls took nicki minaj’s advice and their careers flourished. coi leray no longer had thin skin dealing with the public and stopped letting them hinder her from releasing music. jt built a brand outside the city girls, even dropping a solo single that she was afraid to drop cause she didn’t feel confident standing alone.
- nicki minaj is also known for asking explicit questions when she’s doing queen radio or just being on live with people. recently she asked kai cenat what his favorite position was. 😭
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- nicki minaj attended la laguardia high school of music & art and performing arts from 1996-2000. she originally wanted to be a singer but failed her singing audition for the school but got in due to her passing the drama audition.
the 9h rules over higher education but astrologers do debate if high school should be categorized in the 3h or 9h. so again take everything i say with a grain of salt.
- i think this is really self explanatory but her going to school (9h) originally for singing (taurus) just makes a lot of sense. cause the sign taurus is venus ruled and venus rules over all arts.
- also minaj has a venus ruled 2h (libra) and that can show a beautiful singing voice but quality of her singing is afflicted due to the presence of pluto here.
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- nicki minaj is a talented rapper known for her complex lyrics and many different styles of rap. wether she’s being sexually explicit, dissing her rivals, being emotionally vulnerable, or just being boastful. she’s able to do it all. she’s even dabbled outside of the “hip-hop” sound incorporating many different genres of music in her artistry.
- so let’s go back to the 3h since it rules over all forms of communication even writing. a lot of writers have a prominent 3h because the 3h deals with the mind. to be a writer it takes a lot brainstorming to come up with different ideas to write about. nicki minaj has jupiter and saturn in the 3h. with jupiter the planet of expansion in here, i can see somebody who has a lot going on in their mind and is very knowledgeable when it comes to knowing things. nicki minaj is a rapper and she constantly makes references to people, places, and things. with saturn being here aswell i can see that communications wasn’t something she was good at when she first started but over time she got better with it. this can definitely be seen throughout her career with all her different musical efforts. she even spoke about how lil wayne used to get mad with her cause she would take days to write verses (slow moving saturn). eventually nicki minaj learned how to write verses within one studio session.
- then the ruler of her 3h (mars) is in her 5h (creativity, talent, hobbies). which can show he she expresses her creativity through her writing (rapping). since her 3h ruler also shares rulers with the 8h she can transforms herself through her writing since the 8h rules over transformation. which makes sense cause nicki minaj often transforms herself into different alter egos when performing her raps. it can also explain why she’s sexually charged in her music since the 8h deals with sex and so does her 8h ruler that is situated in the 5h. also nicki minaj didn’t take rapping seriously at first, it was a hobby of hers that she later turned into a career. lastly since mars is associated with anger, confidence, combativeness, and competitiveness. it shows why nicki minaj disses her enemies in her raps and why she continues to remind her competitors why she’s the reigning queen of hip-hop.
- also something i wanted to add since we’re talking about the 3h and 5h. nicki minaj did two songs with ice spice who is a confirmed virgo rising (via herself). she’s also a capricorn sun and mercury. both those planets fall into nicki’s 5h of creativity, making it easy for nicki to collab with her multiple times. also she said what drew her to ice spice was her voice (mercury) and individuality (sun)
6H & 10H: 👩🏾‍💼🏆✨
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- nicki minaj began her rap career apart of a group called the “hoodstarz” in 2003. they were your run of the mill rap group following the rap trends of that time even minaj having a more aggressive rap delivery reminiscent of females rappers she listened to in the 90s (lil kim, foxy brown, queen latifah, ect). during the time in the group minaj had been offered pre-written lyrics which minaj constantly rejected. her reasoning was because she never wanted anyone to be able to say they wrote for her, like past female rappers and the simple fact that rappers are suppose to write their own raps. to this day minaj still stands on this belief and it has become intertwined with her career.
- in 2007 nicki minaj released her first mixtape entitled “playtime is over”, where she began rapping in a more feminine & seductive tone of voice with sexually charged lyrics. which wasn’t uncommon in female rap at the time but minaj’s delivery is what set her apart from her peers who used a more aggressive approach. after, minaj worked on and released two mixtapes where she started introducing alter egos one being called “nicki lewinsky” the name being a play on monica lewinsky who is notoriously known for engaging in sexual activities with president bill clinton. this alter ego was just nicki minaj being sexually explicit. another being the “harajuku barbie” later known as just “barbie” is minaj super hyper feminine side often rapping in a prissy voice and rapping about things that would be seen as boujee. this alter ego is famously tied to the nicki minaj brand, often associating her with the doll of the same name and the color pink.
- minaj gained a social media following which eventually led to her being signed by young money entertainment. prior to this minaj was offered deals in which she turned down because she didn’t want to sign a 360 deal, a deal that is famously known to hinder artist finically and restrict them artistically.
- after signing minaj began working on her debut album and doing features. in which she famously debuted her rap alter ego “roman” who she describes as a gay man that lives inside her who wants to attack everyone. through this alter ego minaj lets out her aggression, often using this alter ego to bash critics and diss her enemies.
- also during this time, minaj started wearing outfits that were unconventional for a hip-hop artist and deemed as “camp”. minaj has never explained why she wore these outfits i’m guessing it was to garner attention. she herself despises her look from that era of her career. lastly minaj started dabbling in other genres of music and gaining more success from doing so. she famously is known for her crossover rap/pop music which at the time alienated her from the hip-hop community cause it was seen as something taboo.
- minaj has become the highest selling/most successful female rapper ever. having the most chart entries on the hot 100 among female rappers, a diamond single, and all 4 of her studio albums certified platinum or higher. her career didn’t just stay in music, minaj has dipped her hands in many pots. from acting to voice acting, from having multiple clothing lines to having multiple perfume lines, and from owning an alcoholic beverage to owning a gaming app. she even appeared as a judge on the tv show american idol. minaj has done it all and continues to expand her brand.
- if nicki minaj was a virgo rising she would have aquarius in the 6h which could explain her unconventional approach to female rap which would be her job. her 6h ruler (saturn) is in the 3h which shows a constant need of mental stimulation in her workplace. i feel like that shows with nicki minaj constantly coming up with new ideas for her genre bending music. i also feel as though the aquarius 6h shows why minaj is against ghost writers and 360 deals, cause these are forms conforming. the sign aquarius is often associated with being rebellious, and unconventional which is a major theme in nicki minaj’s career and daily life.
- minaj’s mc would possibly be in gemini and that just fits her so much. the signs gemini is associated with communication cause it’s ruler mercury. so people with a gemini mc’s often have careers that allow them to use their voice. nicki minaj is a rapper with her mc ruler (mercury) conjuct venus which explains why she chose a career in music, after all rap is “rhythm and poetry”. gemini is a mutable sign and mutable placements are able to adapt and change. the sign gemini is often associated with the saying “jack of all trades, master of none” due to the sign’s love of learning many different subjects. so this can speak to nicki minaj dabbling in many different ventures outside of music.
- also her mc, ascendant, and ascendant ruler are all in mutable signs (gemini,virgo, sagittarius). minaj is constantly changing her look, sound, and public persona with each era of music.
- i forgot to mention above but minaj is constantly being misunderstood by the public, resulting in her being controversial. this is probably due to her mc ruler (mercury) being opposite her mc in its detrimental sign of sagittarius.
11H IN CANCER: 🫂🌙✨
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- the 11H in astrology deals with friends, fans, influence, manifesting, technology, financial gains, social networking, and many many many more things.
- nicki minaj’s fans are notoriously known for being vicious towards anyone who speaks ill on nicki minaj. this makes sense cause nicki minaj’s 11h is in cancer and cancer is ruled by the moon, so her fans would want to nurture and protect her. her moon is in an exact trine with mars which can show her fans more toxic and aggressive approach to defending her. it can also show why nicki minaj was able to build a fan base through social media (myspace) cause again her 3H ruler (mars) is in trine with her 11th house ruler and the 3h rules social media in astrology.
- her 11h ruler is also in the 1h. i feel as though this can be interpreted as nicki minaj gaining popularity and influencing others with her appearance. nicki minaj had everybody and their mothers wearing pink streaks in their hair and rocking barbie chains. she also infamously influenced a trend in female rap where female rappers get their bodies done to be more appealing. recently nicki wore crocs in a ig photo and increased croc sales by 4,900%. another example of a female artist with this placement would be madonna, who is a rumored virgo rising. madonna’s style had so much influence during the 1980s, which led to time magazine writing an article about it and coining the phrase “madonna wannabe”.
- minaj would also have her northnode in the 11h as well. this makes sense cause the northnode represents your life’s purpose and it being in her 11h indicates how she was suppose to impact society. nicki minaj’s career showed record labels how marketable female rappers can be after them giving up on signing female rappers prior to minaj’s debut. this has led to record labels signing multiple female rappers even one label atlantic records trying to sign female rappers to go against minaj.
- outside of female rap, in 2016 nicki minaj won a case that allowed artist’s streams to count towards their album sales and single sales. allowing artist old or new, to receive certifications for their work.
APPEARANCE: 💇🏾‍♀️👁️🫦
- before i jump into the appearance i wanted to state that nicki minaj did get her body done but not her face. she also got her body done because she felt insecure seeing all the women lil wayne had around in the studio who had big butts. lil wayne would talk about big butts to other men around her all the time. so she felt like she wasn’t desirable cause she didn’t have a big butt. this makes sense cause lil wayne would have a stellium in her 2h (sun, mercury, saturn) and in astrology the 2h deals with self esteem so people who have placements here can literally make you feel unstoppable or make you feel like complete shit. she also has her chart ruler (mercury) conjunct neptune, making it prominent in her chart and neptune prominent people are more likely to get surgery.
- also, not all virgo rising dress alike. we’re not all trying to look like a librarian who lives in a cabin. ice spice, kurt kobian, and chole bailey are all virgo risings do they look like librarians?!!?! so whoever started that stereotype is not seeing the golden gates. if you want to see somebodies aesthetic it’s best to look at their venus sign.
- so virgo rising tend to have diamond shape heads
- dainty facial features with the nose being the most prominent feature
- expressive eyes
- youthful appearance
- defined face especially the jaw but not harshly defined, some say its like if you gave a baby facial structure
- high cheek bones
- symmetrical features
- proportional body
so below i’m gonna include pictures of nicki minaj from her 20s which is considered your physical prime before you start aging
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- we don’t know what nicki minaj’s rising sign at the moment but i will bet money it’s not a damn aquarius rising. i was looking at the charts of her lovers and husband and their placements would make sense in this hypothetical chart i’ve made so i might make a post about that. - seemy 💕
© seemy cee 2023 all rights reserved
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Hi doll! 🤍 could you write something about reader being azriels mate and just being so girly and ditzy and low-key slightly dumb and clumsy and azriel just being daddy and giving loads of princess treatment and constantly taking care of her, my secret dream istg xoxox
i’m gonna write headcanons on this because there is just SO MUCH that i want to cover.
azriel shadowsinger with a bimbo mate
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- azriel is a very tolerant male.
- he is so patient with you every time you stumble over yourself, or take a lot of time getting ready, or ask him what some of the big words he uses means.
- he finds your empty minded nature adorable and endearing, rather than annoying and can spend hours just explaining anything you wanted him to.
- there has been countless times where the two of you have just sat and talked all night; well, mostly you asking azriel loads of questions and the very intelligent spymaster answering them.
- he also loves to help you get ready.
- he’s freakishly good at braiding, and the night before you plan on wearing your hair curled, he’ll braid it for you happily. he knows all kinds of complicated styles too, and sometimes surprises you with them.
- watching you apply your lipstick is one of his favorite past times and he loves when it accidentally smears on the corner. it reminds him of how good he’ll fuck you into the mattress later.
- and loves when you deepthroat him and you leave a little lipstick stain on his pubic bone. he goes feral asf.
- but the dirty stuff is for later..
- he also loves helping you decide what to wear before you go out. he happens to be super helpful when it comes to fashion.
- the color pink now permanently reminds him of his precious baby.
- he buys you jewelry everytime he goes out without you, and it’s honestly so sweet.
- azriel’s the type to slide on and buckle your heels for you, and he’d do it so sensually without meaning to. he just loves the feel of your skin so much so that he can’t help but savor the warmth of them by lingering his fingers along your skin.
“such soft skin, baby. all f’me right?”
- he’s possessive asf, and will flip if another male zips your dress for you or carries your heels for you or even touches your hair. those are his duties only.
- he’s also very loyal. i mean, very. and he makes it abundantly clear to you and everyone else around him that he’s only yours. he keeps contact with females, other than the ones in his family, to a minimum because he simply isn’t interested. you’re the only feminine energy he wants to be around.
- and he is very quick to assure you that you’re the only female he will ever love and yern for, if and when you feel insecure or undeserving of him, by a) fucking you so good to remind you how feral you drive him and/or b) spending the rest of that day with you, cuddling, making love, shopping, dancing, baking; whatever you wish.
- azriel just worships the hell out of you and wants you to be hyper aware of that.
- when you’re clumbsy, azriel is literally the perfect male for the job of catching you when you trip or cleaning up the shattered glass you broke by accident or helping you fix your failed eyeliner while you were rambling to him about gossip.
- he loves shadowing you so much because he can watch you cutely stumble over your feel all day and knock things over, it makes him fall so much more in love with you the more you make mistakes.
- his wings are so helpful too, because he can sympathize with you about clumsiness (he used to have no idea how yo handle his heavy wings when he was little) and also, they shield you from the dangers that you accidentally put yourself in when you knock something important over or almost run into something.
- one time, you left the oven burner on once after you made azriel’s birthday breakfast and you nearly burnt the whole house of wind down if it wasn’t for his shadows alerting him that the dish towel you also left dangerously close next to it, caught on fire. the male had never sprinted down a set of stairs so quick that early in the damn morning—
- he totally had this whole scolding speech prepared for you, but the moment he resurfaced into your shared room and you gave him a sweet smile with a little ‘oops, ‘m sorry, azie.’, he had already forgotten about it and forgave you for your forgetfulness.
- if you ever ask him a question about something you have no clue about, no matter how complicated, he will explain it very thoroughly to you to ensure that you understand. even if it’s the dumbest question ever like; ‘who invented socks?’ or ‘do you think cassian or mor would win a dance off?’ or even ‘if i were a wyrm, would you still love me?’
- he just lives for your pure curiosity, he thinks it’s the most adorable thing ever.
- he tells his shadows to busy you by putting flowers in your hair while he works. not because he doesn’t enjoy your company, but because be feels bad when you get bored of sitting for too long. so he sends you and his shadows outside in your garden to go entertain you. ofc he keeps a close eye on you from the window of his office.
- he has absolutely no issue with flying you everywhere, and he does. he even uses his shadows to keep your hair untouched from the wind so it’s perfect when you arrive wherever.
- he sings you to sleep !!! and memorized your favorite childhood lullabies while you were in the frenzy so you get some much needed sleep. such a sweetie.
- speaking of frenzy…
- remember when i said ‘i’ll save the dirty stuff for later’?
- well it’s later.
!! 18+ minors dni !!
- okay, he loves you to death, he really does and would do nothing to cause you unconsensual harm.
- however, he does have a knack for seeing his pretty princess become a damsel in destress, y’know?
- i’m talking stuff like him tying you up, gagging you with your pretty panties he bought you, just watching you cry and give him those pleading eyes as you writhe around just gets him off so well.
- seeing your teary eyes gaze up at him, your iris filled with the hope to be fucked soon by your smirking mate, never fails to result in azriel shoving his cock in your watering mouth soon after you’ve started.
- oh my gods and when you whimper out ‘please, sir.’ through your gag? any sliver of teasing leaves his soul, and he gives in— but not without a few degrading words for you being such a ‘pleading slut’.
- i should also add that beforehand, while he tying you up and shoving something in your mouth, he always makes sure to be gentle and that you’re okay and comfortable! which is why he saves the gag for last so you can voice any concerns about the ropes or anything else that is bothering you.
- once, half way through tying the knot around your ankles, you admitted that you’ve changed your mind and just wanted to make love. you suspected that he would be disappointed so you pushed it off, assuming that you could push through for him, but once the final bonding was almost complete, reality set in and you knew it was best just to tell him rather then him discovering your disinterest later. and of course, azriel was happy to untie you and move you to the bed where he made sweet sweet love to you.
- moral of that story is that communication with azriel is key or else he will be very disappointed in you. he expects you to trust him wholeheartedly, without the doubt that he won’t understand or comply to your needs. he just wants whats in your best interest!
- definitely has a thing for you in girly lingerie.
- things with ruffles, little satin bows, floral patterns, frilly lace, ribbons, ect. especially in your favorite shade of pink! he just loves his dainty little girl.
- although, you do enjoy occasionally buying his favorite sets in cobalt blue for special occasions (like his birthday or a really tough week) because he literally goes so ballistic on your pussy when he sees you in it.
- man definitely is a munch and loves to make you sit on his face.
- loves to make you even dumber from being fucked out.
- okay back to the wholesome shit
- azriel love love loves to bathe you
- like he has a daily routine for you because he enjoys washing you up so much: a morning and nightly bath which he never misses. he even has curtain care routines for each time.
- in the mornings, he uses a pretty lilac scented soap followed by your appropriate skin and hair care routine.
- at night, he switches to a lavender scented soap with sleep enhancements to assure you a calm slumber, then follows that with your nightly skin and hair care.
- you’re honestly so pampered.
- he also lotions you up after your baths too which the matching scented oils. his hands feels so gentle and nice against your skin, you always feel so beautiful after.
- random thought, but he’d dress you entirely after too, from your bra down to your socks.
- he wouldn’t mind you being too dumb and pretty to do things yourself, he actually prefers it.
- the princess treatment was designed by azriel, like that’s just the truth. he’d spend every penny on you without a regret, and takes such good care of you emotionally and physically.
- i’ll actually elaborate a little more on the princess treatment part rn.
- he will 100% rub your feet after a long day of wearing heels. i canon that he knows very well how to work his fingers, both sexually and non-sexually, so he’s amazing at relieving the aches in your feet.
- as i stated earlier, he flies you around all the time. his big illyrian wings are a true gift to you, and you’re always running your fingers along the membrane absentmindedly. you just love his wings so so much and he doesn’t mind at all. he loves holding you close as you fly above the mountain tops and squeal. most nights when you can’t sleep or whenever you’re bored, he takes you to his favorite scenic places while listening to you ramble about new gossip or just rest on his shoulder silently.
- azriel is honestly the best mate, and loves you endlessly no matter what.
- i wish i have more to say but my writers block is terrible :( i hope this was worth the wait my loves.
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izzuku · 2 years
suck the soul out of me. - 2
summary- on one scary night, your car broke down on the middle of the road. Not being able to contact anyone, you searched for a nearby place to stay for the rest of the night. After discovering an old fashioned, crumbling house you decided to lie down for a bit before waking up some time later. Who would have known that there was a special guest waiting for a prey like you.
characters- luxiem x gn! reader part 2
c/w- biting, mentions of blood, suggestive touching , needy luca (it is shorter on Luca's part but it has more text!) , a little bit of brat tammer mysta (could be considered dub-con since he doesn't ask for consent so skip it if you're uncomfortable please)
a/n: second day lesgoo. I hope it isn't troublesome for you guys to read it in two parts. Please keep in mind these are not their real personalities, all of this is fictional and it shouldn't be taken seriously!
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You shifted under your jacket, trying to get some warmth because the broken window didn't help at all to stop the wind. You could hear animals outside the house and rustling from trees nearby but you tried to pay no mind to it since it could make you stay up all night (and you needed that good rest).
After some time the noises stopped and your mind started its journey to Dreamland. Before you could drift off you felt some weight on top of you and your instincts kicked in.
You couldn't see his face clearly but you knew there was a man on top of you, trying to make you stay still while grabbing your wrists.
“Let go of me you weirdo! Don't touch me!” you shouted out, doing your best to push him off but to no avail. “Stop fucking wriggling I'm not gonna hurt you” he sounded mad, not angry but you moving so much was pushing his buttons.
“I just need some blood, nothing else.” He looked at you and you could see the blue of his eyes, even the grey strands of hair falling on his face as he bent over. “I'm not giving you shit, get off” you spat out, getting more and more angry at the man in front of you.
He chuckled, grabbing your face with one hand so he could move it to the side. “Bad for you, I don't care what you want I just need to drink. ” You fought the gasp that was tempted to leave your lips when his mouth found your neck, biting into the skin to take out the blood he wanted. Your hands instantly grabbed onto his blouse, pulling a bit when instead of pain you were greeted with a warm and tingling sensation.
“See? It isn't that bad. Let me help you warm up faster.” The hand on your face travelled down your body to hold your waist; cold fingertips burned each time they caressed your skin, making patterns then grabbing a little bit tighter.
You could feel the blood dripping down the collarbones to your chest causing you to let out a moan and even to grind onto the man's hips when his hold of your lower half tightened. After some more biting and kissing around, the guy pulled back to clean his messy mouth.
“That's all I needed of you little thing although I think I'll visit you more...”
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To find yourself in this position would have been impossible to imagine, or that's what you thought. You couldn't really pinpoint the moment it all started, because sometimes things don't go the right way but they end up being better than what you expected.
The trembling of your thighs accompanied the creaking of burnt wood inside the house. Loud 'slurps' and puffs reverberated the old living room along with your own panting.
“I don't know if I...fuck- please” you mutter, looking down to the man in between your legs. Your soaked pants were drying near the chimney and the look on his face changed your mind. “Please...just a little more, I promise I'll be gentle” his gloved hands caressed the flesh of your thighs. His eyes begged for your sympathy but the way he licked the blood out of the bites sent shivers down your spine.
How could you not let him, you thought to yourself. Yes, you didn't know this man an hour ago but despite his height and big complexion, he made sure you could trust him (even in a creepy house far away from the city). Another sigh ran through your lips but nonetheless you nodded as a form of consent.
He have made a beautiful collage of bites around your inner thighs before he was asking for more blood. In your mind, you justified it as a poor guy who needed to feed on someone and you just happened to be there. Poor you didn't expect it to be an almost slow make out session with a stranger but instead of kissing he was biting and licking.
"Thanks again for letting me...you just taste so good...” his lips kissed some marks before licking over the newest ones. You couldn't care enough for the fact that instead of feeding from the top, he thought it was better to spread your legs, put his head in the middle and bite on the inner side, a very, very, sensitive area.
The heat between your legs came back again when he locked his arms around your thighs to secure you, mouth quivering at the thought of him just ravaging you out. To your luck, vampires could hear a lot of things that the human ear was not capable of.
“Do you...need help down here? I think I heard something”
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hearts4youz · 7 months
The Captains Daughter Chapter 11
A/N: kinda rushed this one but a lil more action for ya. Thank yall so much for reading my fic!!
1.5k words
Reader pov:
The next morning at breakfast you were extra groggy. The single off day had thrown off your sleep schedule. Dark circles hung under your eyes, you squinted at the bright light in the mess. You felt a presence behind you, you turned around to reveal Ghost.
"Listen Y/N..." he said in a monotone voice.
"About the other day, at training. I'm sorry." He let out a breath as he said the last word.
You raised an eyebrow.
"You... your sorry?" heat flooded to your cheeks.
"Yeah I... shouldn't have pushed you so hard." This was very unlike him. It felt like the walls were down. You took this opportunity to slip in a joke without getting yelled at.
"You have a heart?" you smirked.
"A cold one" he grunted.
You smiled, you felt like he opened up, like there was some understanding between you two now. Like you were closer. He didn't appear to reciprocate as his face had the same stone cold look. Your mind was taken off of it as everyone else began to gather at the table, talking loudly. Price quickly quieted them down as he cleared his throat to make an announcement.
"Meeting room, right after breakfast. Mission today," he kept it short and sweet.
You finished your breakfast while listening to Gaz and Soap debate on a variety of topics.
"Pineapple belongs on pizza!" Gaz shouted.
"No. It. does. NOT!!!" Soap said, standing up.
Things were just getting interesting, but then your father scolded them. At that point, you decided to throw away your trash and head towards the meeting room. You walked down the corridor and stopped for a moment to look out the window. Snow whirled around, the pine trees outside had icicles dangling from them. It was a truly picturesque scene. It brought you back to years ago, when outside your living room window was a landscape just like this one.
It was a beautiful morning, just like this one. It was a dreamy white Christmas, one you would only see in movies. The family, gathered by the tree, basking in the comfort of each other. The mother, recording the kids opening the presents. The father, just as surprised at the gifts as the kids are. Except, this was not the movies, your mother had left that summer, and your father was slowly recovering. He managed to put together a breakfast for you, the pancakes were burnt, but you knew better than to complain. At this point, you understood that mommy wasn't coming back, and daddy needed his space. Today was especially hard for him, even at your young age, you knew to be extra cheery to try and bring up his spirits. You opened the gifts he bought you, thanking him after each one, until there was one remaining under the tree. He squinted at it.
"I didn't put that one there" He said suspiciously.
"I did!" You said with a grin.
He looked at you, puzzled as you placed the wrapped present in his hands. He tore off the wrapping paper and it almost brought him to tears. He held up a framed picture of the two of you standing together at thanksgiving at your grandparents house. You had on the adorable long sleeve with a cartoon turkey on it, your father wore a polo and nice pants. It was one of the first times he had genuinely smiled since your mother left. The frame was decorated in a kiddish fashion, you had made it yourself at preschool.
"Y/N..." he choked.
"I love it."
You broke into a smile as he was at a loss for words. To this day, that picture sits on top of your mantle. After that day, Price's mood improved tremendously. He no longer spent long hours in his bedroom alone. There were still tough days, but from that moment on, things got better.
Your trance was broken by Gaz's voice, "Y/N come on! the meetings about to start."
"Coming," You said, as you made your way into the meeting room.
The second you sat down, your father began to speak. He talked about today's mission. Your head perked up at the word mission.
This is my chance to prove myself to Ghost, you thought.
Price droned on about the details and you listened intently, not wanting to mess anything up.
"Today's task is simple. Take out a person of interest, and head home. Lets try not to cause a ruckus in the town, alright"
A picture of the man's face was broadcast on the screen at the front of the room. He was quite ugly, with a long scar running down his ghostly pale, blotchy face. If you weren't so focused, you would laugh at that man being considered a threat.
When it was time to board the helicopter, you triple checked your gear, this earned you a laugh from Soap. When you reach the designated area, you follow protocol exactly as you are supposed to. You act exactly like a young, green, recruit, which is slightly embarassing, but hopefully it will pay off when you do something right. Last mission you weren't exactly impressive, this mission, you will prove yourself worthy of working with the 141.
Everyone gathers around as the helicopter drops you off.
"Alright listen up" Price commands.
"Trusted intel says our guy is in a house about 5 miles from here, I had us dropped off here so we can make a discreet entrance. We don't want a repeat of last time around."
"Gaz and Soap will enter through the back when we get there. Ghost, Y/N, and I will go through the front. Understood?"
Everyone nods a yes. You all begin trekking through the woods. Gaz and Soap continue their arguement from earlier.
"YES you can put ranch on pizza!" Soap yells.
"NOO!" Gaz yells.
Everyone chuckles as they carry on, their bickering passes the time.
Hours later, you finally reach the house. It is on the outskirts of a small town, only a few people mill about in the streets. Your group crouches at the edge of the woods to avoid being seen by civilians. Once the coast is clear, You, Ghost, and Price run to the front door, while Soap and Gaz do the same in the back. The team moves almost in sync with each other. They break down the doors on both sides immediately taking enemy fire from the occupants inside. You are severely outnumbered, but this is nothing that the 141 hasn't dealt with before. You do an impressive job, taking out many combatants and helping advance further in the house.
Once the first floor is cleaned out, the team moves up the stairs, there are a lot less soldiers so the next few floors are quick work. When you reach the door where intel says the POI is, it is of course, locked. Gaz takes a step back, winds up, and kicks the spot next to the lock, effectively breaking it. You wait a moment before opening the door, listening for how many are inside.
You find yourself at the front when the door is finally opened. Swallowing your fear, you rush inside, there are multiple soldiers. You fire three rounds, three enemies fall backward onto the floor, blood pouring out of their chests. Soap and Ghost take out a few more.
"Where's the POI?" Price says.
Everyone looks around uneasily.
"He has to be in this building, there's too many soldiers here for there to be nothing of value," you answer.
Everyone backs out of the room through the broken door, but you feel like you're being watched. You decide not to say anything out of fear of being mocked. You decide to bring up the rear of the group so you can watch your six without being questioned for turning around so often.
You give the room a last glance, you are startled by a tall, lanky man, possibly in his early 50's. He points a pistol at you with his finger on the trigger.
Your eyes widen, "DOWN!" You scream.
Without questioning, everyone hits the deck, flattening themselves to the weathered floor as a shot whizzed by overhead. Like lightning, everyone is on their feet again in a flash. Returning fire to the man. Multiple bullets hit him, his body convulses, then crumples to the ground.
"Fucking hell," Ghost sighs as he catches his breath.
Price claps a hand on your shoulder, "Way to watch our backs kiddo." he says with a proud smile.
You release a pent up breath and smile. You slightly relax as Gaz identifies the body as the POI you were after.
"You've done well today, kid," Soap exclaims. Everyone nods in response.
He was right, you did well today. Maybe tomorrow Ghost wouldn't go so hard on you in training. Maybe you could even share a moment together like this morning. Your heart fluttered at the idea of his praise, since it was so rare.
You went to bed happy that night. Exhausted, but happy.
Taglist: @abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
Hi! I love you! It’s finals season and I’m barely scraping by and suffering lots, so I could use a fanfic to live through! What about a mini fic where Peter is doing some homework in his room (compound/tower, or just Tony’s house but Morgan doesn’t exist) and he has a pretty bad fever. Tony notices he’s getting frustrated really easy and checks his temperature and then lots of cuddles?
Another mini-fic! This time staring a feverish, grumpy little rain cloud Peter and a very dad-like Mr. Stark. :) Very very very mild angst and some good old-fashioned fluff. Oh. And Peter gets a hug.
Finals Week Heat 980 words
Peter sat at his desk in Mr Stark’s workshop and grasped a fistful of his hair. It was only Wednesday, and he was already burnt out. Finals had been going strong all week, and he still had two more to go. His worst subjects. Spanish and world history. He released his hair in favor of rubbing his eyes and stared at his notes. As they blurred in and out of focus he slammed his fist down on the desk.
“Easy, Pete,” Mr. Stark called from across the room. “ What’s got you all worked up over there?”
“Nothing!” Peter snapped before he could stop himself. But he was so exhausted he ached and his head was starting to throb. It was making him unreasonably irritable. “I'm not worked up! I’m just tired.”
Mr. Stark arched a single brow. “It’s only eight o’clock.”
“Does it matter? I’ve been busy for days! I think I’m allowed to be tired.” Peter flourished a dismissive hand and directed his attention to his notes. “Just go back to your work and leave me alone.”
“Hey,” Mr. Stark warned. But for some reason, Peter didn’t take the hint, He visibly bristled and narrowed his eyes.
“What?” he aggressively shouted. “I know you’re in the middle of at least three projects and I have to study. Actually. You know what? I’ll just take this to my room. It’s whatever.” Immediately, he started haphazardly stuffing things into his bag, ready to flee the situation before it escalated further.
“Nuh-uh, no way, no how. Sit back down Kid.” Mr. Stark stood up, taking on an authoritative posture. “We need to talk about your attitude.”
Peter knew he should listen, and any other day he probably would. However, the tension in his body was wound so tight, he snapped instead. “I don’t want to sit down and don't want to talk to you. I just want to get this done.”
Mr. Stark's jaw clenched. “Sit. Down. Now.”
Knowing it was best to give in, Peter threw himself into his chair and crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Whether it was out of indignation or because an unexpected chill had consumed him, he wasn’t sure. Rather than contemplate it, he glared across the room.
“What are you studying for?”
“Finals. You know that,” Peter spat.
Mr. Stark’s face remained stoney as he regarded Peter with scrutiny. A few beats passed. He sighed and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You’ve been at it for hours with the flashcards, Kiddo. Why don’t you just call it a night?”
“Because I happen to like my 4.0 GPA, Mr. Stark!” The sarcasm was thick but the sentiment was genuine. He was at the top of his class and the pressure to remain in that slot was high. “If I don’t study, I don’t get to keep it.”
Mr. Stark's head tilted to the side. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I'm fine,” Peter grumbled. “Why?”
“You’re not usually this snippy with me,” Mr. Stark casually replied. He spanned the distance between them and ran his hand through Peter’s hair, down to his neck. The contact Made Peter shiver. “You’re burning up, Buddy,” Tony said, his voice significantly softer. “FRIDAY? Get me a tempt, will you?”
“Mr. Parker’s temperature is at one-hundred and two point three degrees.”
Mr. Stark nodded and gave Peter’s shoulder a squeeze.“Well, that settles it. You’re definitely done studying for tonight. The good news is, you’ll have a few extra days to review the material because you are definitely not going to school to-’”
“I have to go!” Peter growled. “I have finals to take!” He wished he didn’t. Staying home sounded idea.
“Nope. Zip it. The adult is talking.” Mr Stark, sent him a look, daring him to say anything else. Peter snapped his mouth shut. “You’re not going to school with a fever of a hundred and two. Not happening. You can make up the test.”
Peter slumped in his seat. “I want to be done with them,” he mumbled.
“And I want you to feel better,” Tony replied without missing a beat. His fingers went back to Peter’s hair. “You’re clearly miserable, Buddy,”
“Yeah,” Peter agreed, his eyes beginning to water. He gathered a tremulous breath and closed his eyes. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t feel good.”
“Okay, Kiddo. You’re going to be okay.” Mr. Stark wiped a stray tear from Peter’s cheek and hauled him into a firm hug. “Let’s get upstairs, hmm?”
Inside the elevator, Peter leaned into Mr. Stark. “Sorry, I yelled at you.”
“I’d say it’s okay, but I definitely don’t want you biting my head off like that,” Mr. Stark said. He paused to swipe the bangs off of Peter’s forehead. Probably gauging the fever again, in the process. “It would be much easier if you just told me when you were sick.”
Peter sighed, unsure of how to explain how difficult it was to satisfy literally everyone’s expectations. “I didn’t want to-” he began, but Mr. Stark cut him off quickly.
“Another time, Bud. We’ll talk about it another time.” They had arrived at the penthouse. Mr. Stark stepped inside first and gestured down the hall. “For now, go get in your pajamas and meet me on the couch. I’ll fetch you some meds, and we’ll watch a movie until you conk out on me.”
Peter huffed a small laugh, knowing that’s exactly what would happen. He’d arrive at the couch wearing his comfiest pajamas, soft blanket in hand. Mr. Stark would give him some pills and sit in the corner of the furniture. He’d allow Peter to burrow into his side and, together, they would pick a movie. Probably something science fiction. It didn’t really matter. Mr. Stark was right. He’d be warm and comfortable and sound asleep before they made it a quarter of the way in.
Super happy to see you again @yescaptainmarvel123875 I feel like it's been a while! Hope you are doing well and enjoy this fic!!
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fueledbysano · 5 months
Okay, this is old, but I just saw your perfume post about tr boys, and I loved it so much! I am a perfume enthusiast and just from that post, I can tell you have emasculate taste. Can I request one of what tr girls would wear? I also just want some women perfume recs lmaooo
what fragrances I think tokyo revengers girls would wear
hello, nonnie 🖤 I love going back to old works so thank you for sending this! while making the boys' version, I actually also thought about doing one for the girls but it slipped my mind since then so thanks for bringing it back! I'd love to do it, here we go!
♱ ft. Hina Tachibana, Yuzuha Shiba, Akane Inui, Senju Akashi
♱ an: these are always really fun to make.
boys' version
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Hina - Decorte Kimono Yui, Jo Malone Mimosa & Cardamom
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I'm giving her two scents because I really pin her as the type of girl who has a signature scent plus a rotation of perfumes for different outfits. For her usual everyday fragrance in school, I believe that Hina would love Kimono Yui by Decorte. It's floral and citrus-y in scent, and I like how none of which overpower the other which makes it more appealing. It's flirty and fun, not an over bearing fragrance... This scent feels like having lemon pastries at a rose garden. This scent is perfect as it is, and is good for layering with richer floral-based scents too! She loves how cute the bottle looks too and I can see her owning the other scents from the line.
Jo Malone is actually a favorite in Japan as well. I like to hc that Takemichi lined up with crowds of people at the store opening to get her a bottle. He thought they all smelled the same and ended up just taking which one sounded cuter and Hina ended up loving it anyways. She wears this scents on their dates. It's such a good warm, soft, spicy floral, and a little powdery scent. this scent feels like collecting laundry from the yard on a summer.
Yuzuha - L'interdit Rouge Givenchy
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this is the scent of a boss babe. she is canonically an it girl with fan girls and I thought this scent is her signature. you get something spicy, fresh, and the stronger notes like ginger on first spray, and then it becomes really creamy and sweet because of the jasmine notes over time. this feels like dressing up for the night at a five star restaurant or hotel. I own the l'interdit Intense which is the goth sister of the l'interdit scents and it's safe to say that this is the sexiest scent in the line.
miss shiba became Hakkai's manager in the future which means she knows her fashion and her scents, and I think she would also really love the Good Girl perfume line, anything from Xerjoff and Jean Paul Gaultier— perfume of sophisticated and powerful boss babes like her 💋
Akane - Replica "By the fireplace" by Maison Margiela
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look, the burning house incident didn't even occur to me when I came up with this, I swear on my life. burnt jokes aside, this scent smells like going for a walk to a bookstore in autumn, and you're eating s'mores. it settles into a warm, sweet, woody vanilla... it's very cozy and warm, and smoky too. ( alright maybe there was an implication of the roasted joke in that last one ) I have a travel-sized bottle of this which was gifted by a friend from Japan and I wear it on colder days.
Senju - Replica "Springtime in a Park" by Maison Margiela
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senju is another maison margiela girlie. I believe this is one of the more underrated scents from the Replica line. It's floral in a way so light, airy, and fresh. It reminds me of walking down a field and picking up the scent of fresh and dewy flowers in the breeze. those kind of random whiffs of scents that suddenly take you back to when you were younger, but never identify where it was coming from. I think she's not really big on fragrances and sticks on a signature scent like this! I am not big on floral scents but this is the few I like. I sprayed it on my wrist at an outlet shop.
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ficthots · 2 years
About You
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A/N: Go listen to "About You" by the 1975 before reading this. Go do it. That's what it's based on. Go. It hurts, it yearns, it aches, it burns. As always let me know what you guys think and enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT. DNI if you are under 18. 18+ Only.
Word Count: 6.6k+
I know a place
It’s somewhere I go when I need to remember your face
We get married in our heads
Something to do while we try to recall how we met
Everyone talks about soulmates. Mainly in a fashion that describes the utter yearning and passion one desires theirs. We’ve been told about them since we were children. How when you meet the person, you just know they are the one meant to partner with you through the hellscape that is life. They hold your hand and make it better, enjoyable, excitable. Your soulmate is who you crave. Spending most of your life dreaming of them and patiently waiting for them to make their grand appearance. 
What no one does talk about is when you have your soulmate and lose them. 
It’s far more common than people realize. Many errors that become irreparable over time, fearing the next big steps that accompany life long partnerships, not being able to communicate well enough with one another. Perfectly reasonable and common mishaps that can cause you to lose your soulmate. 
But those weren’t any of the reasons why you lost yours. 
A year long tour, a brand new album, another impending tour meant he was happy to be home for the prolonged break they had been anticipating. The last year of their lives had been upside down and thrilling, but left him numb in a sense he did not entirely understand. Plus, he had never wanted to sleep in his own bed more. 
Quick pitstop to his own dwelling in Nashville to ensure his house hadn’t burnt down since he had last laid eyes on it a few months prior was not as comforting as he had been hoping. Jet lag, pure exhaustion, and looming seasonal depression that never failed to take him in his grasp had him eyeing the darkened rooms with contempt. 
He didn’t know what he had been expecting, but the disappointment that sat low in his stomach and burned the back of his throat as his eyes wandered over the belongings in his home weighed heavier than ever before. Maybe it was because it was only a week until Christmas and he hadn’t seen his parents for too long. 
Yeah, that’s what it was. 
Turning on every light as he moved through the space, quickly turning on music to drown out the silence that screamed at him, and moving to the laundry room to throw his suitcases contents in the wash. A monotonous night. 
Over the following days it didn’t change. He found himself checking his phone to see when his flight was to get back to his hometown for Christmas. After being surrounded by people everyday all day for as long as he had, he grew bored unbelievably fast. TV didn’t interest him, no good books sat on his light wood shelves, and mediation seemed ridiculous with how high energy he was. 
It all seemed pointless. 
As the plane's wheels skidded across the tarmac and he saw the flurries continuously falling outside, his excitement stirred in him again. Some sense of home was going to be offered to him to enjoy the holiday with his family that he hadn’t had since it happened. 
He baked with his mom, watched every movie he could with his siblings, wrapped the presents he had picked for everyone meticulously as he traveled around the world, was so busy that for the first time, his mind didn’t wander to where it normally did. 
When he laid in his childhood bed that night, he realized it had been almost a full forty-eight hours since he had thought about what he swore to everyone he didn’t anymore. He quietly sobbed, guilt wracking him as he battled within himself.
It was what he was supposed to be doing. Healing and regaining pieces of his soul that he had lost along the way. Letting joy seep into aspects of his days that hadn’t peeked out for so long. Continuing on with the motions of life. Forgetting. 
Yet he felt nauseous, sick to his stomach with anger. Feeling like he had betrayed a section of his life that was over that he wasn’t ready to let go of. Furious that those he loved the most seemed to have moved on without him. 
Staring at the poster covered ceiling, face hurting from the tears shed that had dried in the warm room, he made a decision. Slipping into warmer clothes, grabbing the bag of supplies that he had hidden in the back of his closet like a shameful secret, he made his way to the place. 
The warm glow of Christmas lights hugged the living room, parents opting to leave the tree on for Christmas Eve. He walked. He walked all the way to it. He could’ve driven, should’ve driven. It wasn’t safe to walk this far at night in the snow, but he didn’t care. Couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
He had never felt such misery as he did in the moment when his eyes set sight on it for the first time. He had to stop his movements, body hunching over, forcing him to take a breath and calm his breathing down. 
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but disappointment sat low in his stomach as he approached it. Pulling out the dollar store garland and beginning to wrap it around the wood, he hummed to Darlene Love.
“Stay here, honey. I’ll grab you a hot chocolate,” you plopped onto the chair as your mom wandered off. You knew you wouldn’t see her for the rest of the night until it was time to go home. You hated these events.
Christmas work parties that your parents forced you to tag along to, feeling bad for leaving you at home during the holiday season. Your mom loved to say how this time of year was for families and that meant you sitting in the corner of the ballroom your dad's company had rented from some swanky hotel for its employees to get so drunk they couldn’t remember the new year. 
“Which of your parents works here?” You startled lightly at the random voice that appeared next to you. His brown hair almost sat in his eyes, the most perfect smile you had ever seen graced his features. Dimples. 
“Uh, my dad,” he perked up, eyes going wide. “Mine too!” You giggled at how easily excitable he was. Nerves sat in your chest, not knowing how to carry a regular conversation with a boy your age. “I’m Josh,” he nudged your side, elbow slightly poking into you as he did. 
You gave your name and before you knew it, the two of you were fast friends, giggling as you pointed out the train wrecks of the holiday party together. Christmas music blasted through the room and you two watched as coworkers writhed around on one another, even though this was supposed to be a family friendly work social, they never were. 
Eyeing the refreshments table, you grabbed his arm and nodded over in the direction of the table. “Want some eggnog?” You wagged your eyebrows suggestively and despite how obvious you were being, Josh didn’t realize what you were getting at and agreed. 
He followed you over and when you grabbed the ladle of the adult eggnog, he grabbed your wrist. “That has alcohol in it!” He whisper screamed to you. You rolled your eyes, looking around to see if any of the adults near the table noticed and handed him a cup, forcing him to walk away with it. 
“Be cool!” Your hand landed between his shoulder blades, turning him back towards your seats. His hands trembled as he held the small plastic cup in between them. You sipped it and laughed at the burn that went down your throat as you swallowed. 
Cheersing his cup as he watched you with the biggest doe eyes you had ever seen, you offered him a soft smile. “I like you, Joshua. Think I’ll keep you around.” 
He had never heard anything better in his life. 
Snowflakes fell heavy and landed on your hair and eyelashes as you dragged Josh through the field to get to the secret hiding place. It was where you two went when everyone else became too much and you needed to be sequestered from them for just a little bit. 
A small glimpse of heaven reserved for just the two of you. 
The gazebo was already decorated for Christmas despite Thanksgiving still being just a few days away. You halted as you took in the sight before you, tears welling as you saw the decorations littering the space. His arms wrapped around you from behind, icy cheek squished against yours as he laughed at your reaction.
“Figured you had been talking about Christmas for so long that I would surprise you,” you broke from his grasp in a full blown sprint to get to the covered deck. A small Christmas tree sat illuminated on the far side, the railings were wrapped in garland with bright warm lights tangled in them, bows took up the posts. 
A burrow of blankets and pillows were along the center of the floor, waiting for its visitors to wrap themselves in. When you turned and saw him approaching you, cheeks a dusty rose, tip of his nose like Rudolph’s, the beanie sitting low on his brow doing little to keep him warm, you fell in love all over again. 
Josh had a way of doing that. Forcing new feelings of love to bubble up every time you saw him. You couldn’t even remember how many times you had fallen for him, far too many reasons now to pinpoint what they all were.
He pulled you to him, reclaiming his personal space heater since he was always freezing unlike you who constantly radiated heat. Your arms wrapped around his neck, locking wind chapped lips together as you pulled him to lay down with you. The fuzzy blankets encompassed you, sheltering you from the outside as you felt him shaking from the cold despite your attempts to keep him warm. 
Giggles mixing as your mitten clad hands cradled his cheeks. He laid flush on top of you, breath coming out in puffs between you both as you beamed at him. 
He was in awe, entirely mesmerized as he looked at you. The soft glow of the Christmas lights danced on the glassy irises that peered up at him with enamored love. Beanie nearly falling off the messy locks that rested below it. Heavy breaths escaping your aching lips as you pulled him to you. 
Moaning in utter relief, your lips a safe haven that embraces him with warmth and desire upon each meeting, eyes instantly shutting as he savored the feeling. Nothing in the world would offer him the same semblance of safety than you did when you merged and became one with him. 
It was dark out, the only light that held the area was from the small lights he had put up just for you earlier that week. Your hands escaped your mittens, finding his pressing hard on and palming him through the sweats that covered his ice-like legs. 
His breath stuttered in his throat, eyes shooting open as he looked at you like you were insane for even suggesting what you were. That mischievous grin that set his stomach alight with nerves that he had grown far too accustomed to spread across your face. 
“You little gremlin, we are outside!” His worried tone mixed with laughter as you undid the tie of his pants, nodding eagerly at his words. “Oh I know, snowflake, but I need you so bad. You can’t wear these pants and not expect me to pounce on you.” 
His eyes widened as you pulled his dick from the confines of his briefs, but quickly shut as you pumped him. “Make it quick for me, okay?” He nodded in response, hastily removing his hands from his gloves and immediately tucking into the waistband of your own sweats, subtly telling you to lift your hips so he could pull them down.
Lips colliding in a messy kiss, teeth clacking together, freezing tips of noses pushing against each other, clawing at one another to get as close as possible. Josh whimpered out as his tip slipped in, nudging against your walls, savoring the superior warmth that wrapped around him. 
As he started moving, you encouraged him, legs spread, uttering praises to shower over him. Head rolling to the side, fighting the urge to let your eyes shut because watching him perform for you like this was captivating. His brow would furrow in focus, tongue constantly swiping across his plump lips, chest rising and falling rapidly as he grew closer and closer to his climax. 
Your hand moved to the spot between his unruly eyebrows, smoothing out the skin that bundled together in thought. He stopped his movements as you did and couldn’t fight the large smile that took over his face, the miniscule gap in his front teeth displayed for you. 
“What are you doing, flake?” Your teeth sank into your lip as your smile grew, feeling him nestled deep in you, tip brushing your g spot. “Admiring my beautiful man,” his cheeks flushed even deeper at your words, unable to hold eye contact as embarrassment coursed through him. 
Fingers dipping under his chin to pull his attention back to you, you pulled him to you, murmuring out against his lips. “I love you,” as he said it back, complete euphoria took you over, all muscles in your body momentarily tensing before relaxing as bliss circled around you. 
He finished seconds after, covering your entire face in kisses as he pulled your sweats back up, adjusting himself back and pulled you into him, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“What do you want for Christmas?” He finally spoke out after you two laid entangled in silence, watching the snowfall together. You smiled at him and sighed, shrugging. “I don’t think you’re ready for this,” his fingers dug into your sides, a laugh flowing from him as he did. 
“Oh yeah? Gonna bleed me dry this season?” You sat up, straddling his lap and laughing out loud. “Absolutely. You’re a huge rockstar now. I want a whole lot,” his arm tucked behind his head, a smile taking over his features, eyebrows shooting up as one hand held your hip. 
“And what is a whole lot? What do you want, mama? I’ll get you anything you want.” Your hands rested on his chest and looked out to the snow blanketing the grass, your footsteps from earlier long since covered, eyes looking around the gazebo at the decorations.  
You spoke quieter, not wanting anyone else in the world to hear what you were going to say. It was meant for Josh and Josh only. That’s how it was supposed to be. “Well for starters I want a new sweater because you ruined mine last month when we were getting our Halloween makeup on,” he laughed and nodded wanting you to continue your list. 
“Then, I want a new pair of earrings. I lost my hoops that I got from Target so I need another pair,” you leaned down, lips pressing against his as you spoke, “Can’t forget the car. I want that Mercedes that I saw in town in Nashville last summer,” his body shook with laughter at your words. 
“That’s quite a jump. Sweater, earrings, and a car,” you nodded, sitting back up with a jolting force. “Oh, that’s not even it, baby.” You jumped off his lap and went to the snow despite his attempts at keeping you with him. 
His eyes lit up as he watched you move back to the covered space, moving to the far side of the deck where the Christmas tree sat. “I want a winter wedding,” his arms propped himself up, gaze softening as he listened intently. 
“I want a big poofy dress that makes me look like a pastry,” his head tipped back, laughing as he nodded. “I want Christmas lights everywhere. Maybe even a big Christmas tree,” his hand grabbed your own as you moved around the space, mind wandering into a dream state as you pictured it. 
He pulled you back down to him as he let you finish. “And I want it right here. I want my big winter Christmas wedding right here,” Josh nodded, nose brushing yours as both your fingers tangled together. “Anything you want. Just tell me when and I’ll give it to you.” 
You giggled, resting your forehead against his. “It’ll have to live in our heads for a little while longer. I still have too many details to figure out about it first, like how the hell we’re going to get ten ice cream cakes out here.” 
The tangled Christmas lights had his frozen hands struggling to undo the heaped mess that laid before him. He cursed himself for not wearing a thicker beanie, tips of his ears like ice. It wasn’t meant to be decorated this late in the year. 
Every year it was supposed to be done three days before Thanksgiving. When it was still cold, the chance of snow was present, but not near as blizzard-like as what he was sitting in. He was upset with himself for not doing this sooner. 
He should’ve been here a month ago to do it. Why the hell had he not been out here to do it? Because it wasn’t his responsibility anymore, he spoke to himself, but breathed out in frustration. He hated himself for caring so much.
Even after all this time, he still cared. Cared to decorate this shitty gazebo that no one was going to see but himself in the middle of a freezing night. Cared because he promised to do this. He couldn’t not do it. He promised to. 
No matter what, he was going to do this. Even though it was late. Because he hoped he wouldn’t be the only one to see it. 
You and I
We’re alive
With nothing to do I could lay and just look in your eyes
And pretend
Hold on and hope that we’ll find our way back in the end
You hated summer. Despised it. What was so great about sweating buckets every time you stepped outside? It made everyone irritable, ruining any and all plans because heat exhaustion was such a large risk. You just hated it. 
You used to feel the same way about spring. Until Josh made you fall in love with it. 
The random rain showers that would tamp down the rising temperatures. The gorgeous flowers that were blooming for the first time that he would place at your front door every Sunday without fail. The soft breezes that would make the grass wave in the afternoons. 
Spring was Josh. That’s why you loved spring. 
He had found a park that you two had never been to, planning an entire afternoon for it, to drink a farewell to the spring season. That’s how you found yourself laying on a blanket after one of the most delicious lunches you had ever had, hand playing with the curls of your partner's hair as his head rested on your lap, feeling the breeze cascade against your skin.
When you looked down at him, his dimples were deep as he smiled at you. His deep brown eyes stared at you, gold flecks only visible from this close. You felt your heart skip a beat as you realized what you saw. 
Your entire future with him. It was everything that was going to happen for you two. Spending the rest of your days with him by your side. What you didn’t anticipate was that future not happening. 
There was no realm of possibility for you that did not include Josh as your person. That’s why when that became reality it sent you into some sense of purgatory. 
Staring at the offer letter in your inbox, you felt like you were on cloud nine. All of the hard work that you had put in was being recognized. It wasn’t what you had been expecting, a raise and new job offer wasn’t even on your radar, but now as you looked at it, you were thrilled. 
Josh wasn’t due home for two more days, allowing you plenty of time to figure out the most exciting way to tell him your news. Until he told you his.
It had been a week since he had told you. A year long world tour, a new album to follow immediately after, and another impending tour afterwards. Josh wanted you there for it all. 
A week of trying to make a decision. A week of playing the overjoyed tone he had as he told you, grabbing your face and hearing the information tumble out of his lips in rapid speed. A week since he assumed you would be going with him. 
He didn’t ask. He just told you. Told you when the first concert date was and when you all needed to be there by. He had an entire itinerary planned for every country they were scheduled to be in. It was going to be the time of your lives, he said. 
Which was why you weren’t going to go. 
Josh had gotten home from a meeting with their managers that encompassed planning out as much of the tour and responsibilities as possible, practically floating into the house and you sat on the couch waiting for him. His eyes lit up as he took you in and you offered as genuine of a smile as you could. 
“Can we talk?” You spoke out as he leaned in to kiss you, letting him, but seeing the confused look take over his features as you spoke. “Of course, my little gremlin,” he chuckled as he sat on the coffee table, knees hitting as he tried to keep the situation light. 
“Josh, I can’t go.” You forced out, eyes staring straight ahead, trying to gauge his reaction. “Go to what?” His smile never faltered, not understanding what you were saying. “The shows. The tour. All of it,” you could feel tears welling in your eyes, throat going tight as you spoke. 
“What do you mean, baby? Of course you can. Don’t worry about the money part, I got that covered,” you cut him off as he tried to wave off your statement, pulling his wrist back as he tried to stand, shaking your head. 
“I’m not going.” You sounded as sure as possible, voice still cracking as you said it. His face morphed into a look of bewilderment at you. “What do you mean you’re not going?” He was getting angry, emotion overpowering any logical thoughts that could have happened. 
“I got offered a new job and I took it,” your chin wobbled as you watched his jaw set, ripping his wrist from your grasp and standing as he rubbed his eyes. It was quiet for far too long as he tried to figure out what to start with. “How long have you known about this?” His voice was even, unwavering. 
“Since before you got back. I wanted to tell you, but you were so excited about the tour and I didn’t want to make it about me and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier,” your words were tumbling as tears made tracks down your cheeks, hiccuping as guilt pummeled you. 
He sighed, moving back towards you and taking your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “Baby, I’m not mad at you for taking the job. I’m mad that you didn’t tell me before I started planning all of this out,” his hands moved to his hips, seeing your reaction before sitting back down where he had been just moments before, “We’ll figure this out, okay?” His gaze had relaxed as he took in your wrecked state, trying to reassure you that it would be okay. 
You shook your head at his words, eyes darting down to look at where the skin of your knee rubbed against his, feeling the scratchy hair brush against your leg. “I don’t think so,” you mumbled, but it was like you had just burned him. His hands moved from his hips, landing on your forearms.
His words were hastened, tripping over themselves as they rushed out like if he spoke quicker it would change what he knew was happening before his eyes. “What are you talking about? Of course we’ll figure this out. I’m going to have breaks during this, you can come see me on weekends, we’ll make it work,” your eyes locked with his and more tears flooded your vision as you sniffled. 
“For how long? You’re gonna be gone for how long? I can’t do this for the foreseeable future until you’re back in a year and with me working a new job. It’s too much,” a sob wracked your body as he pulled away from you, moving to the other side of the living room, hands landing in his hair, eyes wild with shock and fear as it dawned on him what you were saying. 
He scoffed, shaking hands landing on either bicep as he crossed his arms and faced you. “So, what? This is it? Are you saying we’re done?” Your head fell and rested on your knees as you heard his voice crack for the first time, knowing he was fighting the tears until he heard what your response was going to be.
You calmed your breathing down, wiping at your eyes and taking in the gorgeous boy before you. He was supposed to be your future. Your everything. He’s your soulmate. You were losing your soulmate and you felt like you were slowly ending yourself as you did.
“I think for now. We both have things we need to do. You need to go do this tour with your brothers and I need to go do my job. I don’t think that while we’re doing this we can manage our relationship, too.” His eyes shut, not able to look at you anymore. Despising you for saying what you were. Giving up so easily on what you two had. Hating you for making this happen. 
But he knew you were right. 
Deep down he knew that you two living apart for the better part of a year and some odd months was going to be too much to handle. Not with you taking a new job, him traveling and working, and just trying to manage life. It was too much. 
He didn’t say anything else as he crossed the room to you, taking you in his arms, and letting you both cry until you just couldn’t anymore. You let Josh comfort you as you attempted to envision some semblance of a future that didn’t include him. You comforted Josh as he tried to understand what his life was going to be like without the tornado of a person you were. 
When the sun rose that morning it was like a timer going off, telling you both that it was over. You clung to him, hands tangled in his hair as he crushed you to him, breathing each other in, trying to memorize the features that were going to be gone in the blink of an eye. 
As you left that morning, Josh stood and watched as you waved to him as you drove off. He wanted to scream and chase after your car, begging you not to leave. Do anything he could to not let this course of actions happen. 
But he didn’t. 
Instead you both hold on to the hope that you would find your way back to each other in the end. 
There was something about you that now I can’t remember
It’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender
And I’ll miss you on the train
I’ll miss you in the morning
I never know what to think about 
I think about you
It’s hard to pinpoint when you truly fall in love with someone. When all of their little quirks become your favorite aspects of them. Too many memories to recant when it could have been. 
You, however, knew what it was that made you fall in love with him. There wasn’t an exact moment that you could think back on that you would be able to tell someone else. It was a plethora of memories. 
How everyone despised game night with you two because you were so incredibly in sync that it was borderline unfair to the other teams. You could draw a circle during pictionary, nothing more, and he would know exactly what you had drawn. 
“Beanbag chair!” Josh would scream the answer out before you could even finish. You would turn, dropping the marker and jumping into his lap as another point was marked down for you two. His brother would yell over everyone, “There’s no way they’re not cheating! How the hell did he get a beanbag chair from that?” Pointing at the drawing you would give a shit eating grin, planting a huge kiss on Josh as you cackled. 
“Sorry, Jakey, we’re just too damn good. I know it can be frustrating losing so damn bad time and time again,” you teased him, feeling Josh’s hands tighten on you, prideful in how true it was. He would kiss the underside of your jaw as you sat on his lap until it was your team's turn again. 
You two had so many inside jokes that it was downright annoying to everyone else around you two. Sitting at a dinner with friends, you and Josh would burst into a fit of laughter that had you gasping for breath as the waiter did something that no one else caught. 
Shooting a look to each other, you snickered out, “At least he didn’t have the can opener,” and within seconds you were wiping tears from your eyes as Josh clutched at his side that ached from laughing so hard. Danny would roll his eyes at you both. “You’re so weird.” 
No one got it, but it didn’t matter because he did. 
That was what had you falling in love with Josh. How insanely paired you two were. It wasn’t uncommon for one of you to pick up what the other was saying, finishing the thought for them and giggling as you did. 
He was your true person. Your soulmate. 
Even months after it had happened you found yourself thinking of him far too often. It had been a horrible day at work. You had to fire your first person today and it had you rethinking every decision you had made in the past that led you to that position. 
As you sat on the train home, you cried. People eyed you like you were absolutely crazy and maybe you were, but you didn’t know how to deal with it. His contact stared at you, daring you to make a move and do it. 
This new responsibility was a lot to handle and you knew he would offer comfort. You exited out of that screen, going to Twitter and typing in his name. Immediately, pictures flooded the timeline of him being out at bars with friends. 
One person talked about having just met him within the last few minutes. Your heart clenched, the decision ultimately being made for you. Josh didn’t need to be bugged tonight. Not while he was out having a good time with friends. You could deal with this. 
Instead, you quietly cried to yourself the entire ride home. 
Being told that time heals all wounds was an utter lie. It wasn’t true because with how much time had passed since you and Josh had last seen each other you should’ve been completely healed by now. Not the same as you were the morning you left. 
It was an early Sunday morning and you were up with the sun. You didn’t know when it had changed that you were waking up so early, but you hated it. It made you think of him. The sun was starting to stream in through the curtains, coffee in hand, as you looked at the quiet and foreign space. Despite having lived in this apartment for as long as you had, it still wasn’t home. Nothing would be home. 
When you put the record on that you did, you silently cried in your kitchen at your island. All you wanted to do was spend the morning like you always did with him.
Josh would have been up long before you, wanting to meditate and take in the energy of the morning as early as possible to replenish for the upcoming week. He would have fresh flowers sitting on the kitchen counter with your coffee right next to it. 
Of course he knew you were not a morning person so he would let you slowly wake up as you went to the common space, steely demeanor changing as he would wrap an arm around you, singing to whatever he had playing through the house and forcing you to dance with him. 
All you wanted was that back. 
Your mind would drift off while doing mundane tasks and they would almost always go to him. Wondering what he was doing at that moment. If he was as bored as you were. Of course, he wasn’t. He was traveling the world while you sat in an office. 
Despite all efforts to eliminate him it was no use. You couldn’t.
Do you think I have forgotten?
Do you think I have forgotten?
Do you think I have forgotten
About You
Christmas came far too quickly. What had once been your favorite time of year had you now feeling like a complete grinch. Your mom had begged you to fly out to spend the holiday at home with them. It was going to be good for you, you knew that. 
It didn’t stop the pain though. Seeing the world having carried on with the glamor of the holiday season, not caring that it hurt you like it did. It was quiet at your parents house, only them and you. Your dad kept your spirits high, having bought gingerbread houses for you both to make a village out of. He had movies on deck for you. Had you help wrap presents. 
It didn’t work.
That’s why on Christmas Eve you found yourself trudging out to the spot that you swore you weren’t going to go to no matter how much you wanted to. Bag of decorations in tow to do what you promised yourself you wouldn’t. 
Your jaw fell slack as you saw the lights already wrapped on the railings, garland paired with it, but it was missing the bows and tree. Then you saw him. He stood behind it, finishing with the lights, but had come back around afterwards. 
You both froze as you took each other in for the first time in over a year. He spoke first, dumbfounded that you were actually standing in front of him. Honestly, a bit worried that he was hallucinating from the freezing temperatures he had been in for so long. 
“Hi.” You didn’t know what to say, worried your voice wouldn’t work even if you tried, so you offered a small wave back to him. He had cut his hair and it was the first time you had seen it in person. You had seen it online, unable to break that tie, but now that you were seeing it in real life, you saw how mature he looked. 
You let your head fall, not wanting to let him in your vision, not sure what to do. “I didn’t know you were going to be here,” you finally choked out and it was like Josh had reached heaven. There had been nothing he missed more than the comfort the sound of your voice brought. 
He cleared his throat, eyes darting around to remember what he was doing, how to talk to you again. “Yeah, my mom wanted us all together for Christmas,” you nodded, letting yourself move to the covered deck, wanting to get out of the snow. 
“Of course,” you awkwardly laughed, feeling stupid for saying what you did. He chuckled with you, seeing you had the bag he had been missing. “Ah, you have the other stuff. Thought I lost it,” he scratched the back of his neck, cheeks burning crimson. 
“Oh, yeah no. I had the other bag.” Neither of you said anything as you took the contents out, getting down on your knees to decorate the small tree. “So, why are you out here?” You finally spoke out, brow furrowing out of curiosity as to why he was here too, not wanting to overthink the possibilities that could have resembled yours. 
“I always decorate it.” You hummed in response, eyes looking out of your peripheral and seeing his sharp features so close to yours, putting a small ornament on the tree branch. Awkward small talk was hard to force out between you two, but as you finished decorating, you didn’t want it to end. 
Didn’t want to lose his presence. Didn’t want him to leave again. 
You both stood back, taking in the gazebo, and smiling triumphantly at it. “Thank you for helping,” he spoke out, eyes taking you in as he tried to figure out how to end this encounter and leave despite every instinct in him telling him to stay. 
“I gotta get back. Everyone will be up soon,” you nodded, throat closing and trying to fight the tears that were welling as you realized he was trying to get away. He was getting away again. “Yeah, for sure. I’ll-um, see you around.” He turned on his heel, walking in the direction he came in, but you couldn’t do it. 
Couldn’t watch him walk away again. 
“Josh!” You yelled it out, voice meak and screamed in desperation. He stopped, turning back towards you. “Please don’t go,” your hand was held out, like you were trying to grab him and still his motions, “I miss you.”
He didn’t know what to do. He took you in and couldn’t believe you were actually there. He felt like he was dreaming, like he was going to wake up from a nightmare that he had more than he’d like to admit. He didn’t want to ruin this. But he didn’t know what to do. 
“I fucked it up. I was scared. So much was changing and I was scared. You were going to be gone for over a year, I was starting a new job, and I didn’t want to ruin your time while you were traveling, but it was stupid. I was stupid. I wanted you to have space so you could forget about the responsibility of me. But, I can’t do it without you, Josh. I can’t,” you were trying to catch your breath, but he had crossed the space so fast that you had no reaction time. 
His lips collided with yours, hands pawing at you to get you as close to him as possible, and you were returning the urgency, terrified that this was all in your head. Desperate to keep him and do whatever you could to keep him. 
Your kiss was the safe haven he had remembered and dreamed about. The all enveloping love and warmth that he had missed and craved for the entire time you had been apart. What he craved and needed.
When he pulled away, his forehead rested on yours, eyes squeezed shut, hands gripping yours. “Do you really think I could forget about you? I have spent the last year of my life miserable. I have missed you more than you could ever understand. I need my gremlin,” a wet laugh bubbled from you as he sniffled, chuckling with you. 
“We can figure this out. We’ll figure this out.” 
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mychlapci · 5 months
hgnnn sunstreaker opening a lingerie store after the war is over
sunstreaker with his perky firm boobs covered in delicate lace and tiny golden chains that shimmer and shine as he walks through his store, panels open so that you can just barely catch a peak of a piercing right through his anterior node, but it's covered by the skimpiest pair of panties you've ever seen in your life
sunstreaker's shop housing a late night kink/modelling club so that mechs who want to show off his designs on their frames can get dicked down
sunstreaker modelling his own pieces on the cover of a fashion magazine, with nothing but a little sticker covering his valve, teasing enough that when he decides to move into the cybertronian equivalent of the porn industry, he already has a loyal fanbase ready to buy whatever he puts out
i just really really like sunstreaker man
-burnt ice anon
oh lord, Sunstreaker would be so pretty. His pierced nipples poking out from behind the almost completely translucent lingerie, his panties wrapping so tightly around his valve that you can see his piercings imprinting through. The panties are so skimpy that sometimes they wedge between his valve lips, and while Sunstreaker keeps scolding customers when he catches them staring, he rarely bothers to fix it… It's sensual lingerie, after all, he needs to advertise it for its actual purpose.
mhmmm Sunny getting into the porn industry because he finds out that he loves showing his pretty pussy on camera, and just the thought of thousands of people looking at him and being obsessed with him makes him so incredibly wet. 
Sunstreaker doing live streams where people can show up and pay to see him fuck himself...
First he describes his new fashion piece while lazily rubbing his valve through it, letting everyone see the fabric stain dark with his juices until it's completely soaked, though he doesn't remove it until someone pays him to do it. Only then he delicately takes off the panties to show off his throbbing node. Someone pays him to push a finger in and Sunstreaker does so gladly, leaning back a little bit so people can get a better view of his covered titties. A few more shanix to get him to uncover them and rub the pierced hard nipples… Sunny adding fingers slowly, valve gushing as the positive comments roll in and he imagines all those watchers drooling over their screens, so desperate to get a piece of him, it's pathetic. 
His collection of toys is scattered all around him, someone pays him to use this pretty curved false spike with a fat bulge in the middle and he obeys, pushing it in and out of his valve until someone pays to see him insert a fat, ribbed vibrator instead, then another watcher has him push in a glass tentacle, and for a hefty tip Sunstreaker bucks his hips at the camera to let everyone see the calipers of his valve stretching obscenely… Sunstreaker knows he could make quite the buck on charging to let people see him overload but he ultimately doesn't have enough self-control for that, so he squirts all over himself freely whenever he needs to, groping his titty roughly the entire time as his hips twitch… mhmmm Sunny on the verge of overload when a donation comes in, someone asking him to remove the buzzing toy out of his valve and rub himself with his hand again. He's mad, but... the customer is always right. By the time he'd tossed the vibrator into the pile of soaking wet toys his charge had dissipated a little and he has to work towards his overload again, forced to cum with his clit as per his watchers' requests. A stream like this lasts a few hours, and by the end of it, Sunny is all fucked out and shaking <;3 (and you just know he never thanks his fans at the end. maybe he even bullies them for being so pathetic as to pay someone to see their pussy. and maybe the bullying is a big part of the appeal of Sunstreaker's streams for many, many fans...)
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stars-n-sweets · 1 month
i care IMMENSELY and need to know the teams the gyms the story and all of it my hands are open my listening ears are on please please please 🤲🏻
kendy, kendy, kendy!! sorry, that this took so long it has been an absolutely wildly busy/burnt out point in my life!!!
@reveluving idk if you’re a big pkmn girly, but i feel like you would love this too 👉🏾👈🏾
i actually made teams for like 8 characters for my batman fics so let me know if you want to see another one for my damian/oc wip. 🥺
for jason and my self-ship oc, bella
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jason would be a dark-type gym leader by day, and definitely the leader of a violent criminal organization by night.
but what he’s doing isn’t too bad! he controls nightclubs, underground battling rings, and casinos like the ones in the game. just like in canon though, he never lets anybody harm children and he’ll hunt down any trainers in his area that are found to be abusive.
he’s tall, tough and scary but he’s sweet to his pokémon. if a kid loses to him at the gym, he won’t even take the prize money, he’ll just buy them ice cream! if teenagers or anyone older loses to his gym, he’ll just donate the prize money to local homeless shelters and places that house less fortunate children and pokémon. (not like he needs it with all of the money he makes.)
i will leave whether or not he kills people to how dark you interpret the universe to be; he would never harm a pokémon, though. anybody else remember when lance straight up murdered a team rocket member in gold/silver?
anyway this is his team!!
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shiny duskull; it’s less of a pokémon he uses for battling and more just his constant companion. it’s his partner, despite being a ghost type because it’s red, masked, represents the grim reaper/death, and is a symbol of scared, crying children.
houndoom: also carries the imagery of death/hell, but it represents and his love for dogs, especially ace the bat-hound!
scrafty: it’s based on street fashion and being a delinquent, rebellious hoodlum, which fits pretty well given jason’s upbringing. duskull is his partner, but scraggy was probably the first pokémon he had.
absol: it’s a protector especially to children but is misunderstood constantly because people think it’s a bad omen of destruction, which reminds me of his reputation :(
honchcrow: it’s a mob boss, there’s not much else to say.
bisharp: wears metallic red armor and the pokédex calls it ruthless and unchanging in expression when it hunts and kills. it also usually has an army of smaller pokémon that do a lot of fighting and cutting down for it.
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my oc isabella works at a bookstore, which is where her romance with jason blossoms. she’s down to earth and represents the every day people of gotham in a way that the batfamily can’t, so she would definitely be a normal type trainer; similar to how lenora in bw runs her normal-type gym out of a library in the back of a museum.
the bookstore however wouldn’t be a certified gym by the league, rather it’s more of a training space for people who want to research and practice more - she’d probably limit herself to one battle a day at the very end of her shift as a way to destress and if you win, you can get any book of your choosing for free!
jason won several times and still paid ‘as a tip’ when they first met, just so she would like him more. When she tried to return it, he only agreed to take it back if he could use it to take her on a date :(
here’s her team:
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maushold: while in my actual stories, she’s comically afraid of mice, she and jason end up having a set of twins girls! plus maushold is just an inside joke with my sister who helps me develop a lot of my batman fanfiction ideas. 🥰
lopunny: because of the way it looks, people forget that lopunny can kick your ass. which is the same as isabella, who isn’t a trained fighter, but could absolutely sock you out. plus, especially with its mega evolution, lopunny takes a lot of inspiration from dancing, and isabella represents the latin side of my heritage, by being a bachatera/salsera! again, this is a love letter to my sister who’s 2nd fav is buneary!
eevee: she’s adaptable! plus, like jason, she loves puppies!
blissey: for her calming, motherly influence! (if trainers were allowed to 7 pokemon, i’d give her a kangaskhan for this too!)
cyclizar: come on. you can’t marry jason todd, without loving motorcycle rides. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
noctowl: her partner! represents her love for books and she’s a night owl, like everyone in gotham!
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valuesofold · 7 months
⋆ Offerings in Hellenism ⋆
Offerings are central to the veneration of the theoi - through a revivalist lens - it is how we build a relationship with them, through gift giving, and if the Gods will, gift receiving, this goes a bit into the concept of "kharis", which will be talked to more in depth on a later post.
Normally, when offering, one goes through the motions for any other type of ritual. This starts with purifying oneself of miasma, this can be done by simply washing the hands, or by washing the hands and face with Khernips.
>> What are offerings?
They are anything you give to one of the theos, this can be food, liquids, items, incense and much more.
It is possible an offering might be mentioned as a sacrifice, this word comes from the latin "sacrificare", meaning "any act by which one puts something in the possession of a God". This is not exclusive to animal sacrifices. As modern day hellenists, it is of my opinion this specific practice shouldn't be brought back. This is mentioned here to acknowledge that a sacrifice, despite what modern culture believes, can be the simple act of giving a piece of fruit, for example. Essentially it is the aspect of giving something up that counts.
You cannot bribe a God with an offering, these are meant to be voluntary gifts you give despite the outcome you receive, and the same applies to a gift a theos might bestow on you. The more you establish a relationship with a specific God, the more they will be likely to answer your prayers, after all we are more likely to help out a good friend than a stranger. In a similar fashion if you give a gift to that same friend, you typically don't expect a gift back, you do it so out of love for them and out of friendship.
>> Offering:
Generally, a prayer to the God you are offering would be given, followed by the giving of the gift. It is customary, in the house, to give the first and last prayer, along with a gift, to Hestia. In practice this would look like:
Prayer to Hestia -> Giving the offering;
Prayer to Choosen God -> Giving the offering (copy this step for as many Gods as you want to offer to, it should be done in this order, separately for each God);
Prayer to Hestia -> Giving the offering.
For Ouranic (theoi that live in Olympus), you can give a tiny bit of the whole you have, so for example, a cup full of wine, all you need to give is a little, the equivalent of a sip is enough. You can use from the remaining wine (in the cup) for other ouranic deities, pouring only a little at a time. Any remaining wine could be drank by you (if you are of legal age).
On the other hand for Khthonic (generally theoi connected to the underworld), you would pour all of the offering, so a full cup of wine, would be the whole cup. For example, in the case you were offering to Hades this would apply. You don't need to give a full cup if you only have a tiny bit on the cup, what is important is that it is the whole content of what you have prepared for the offering, be it a full meal or half a slice of bread.
>> Types of Offerings:
1. One of the most common ways of offering is by burning, typically, food offerings and/or libations (liquid offerings). All you have to do, is throw the offering into a flame. The smoke is thought of as going up to the theoi.
WARNING: Please be careful when working with fire, make sure you are outside or in a well ventilated area, it may, most likely, be unhealthy to inhale the fumes in concentrated quantities. Be also attentive about being a reasonable distance away from flammable materials, some offerings when burnt might project the flame higher, making it easier for the fire to catch on cloths, curtains, etc.
2. Another way, for those of us that can't easily burn our offerings, can be to simply place the offerings on an offering dish/bowl.
Further down, I go over ways to dispose of these offerings.
3. Lastly we have votive offerings. This is the offering, generally of an item, maybe a piece of artwork you did for a theos or a sculpture you just got. Even a necklace or other jewellery.
Generally speaking, once you give an item such as these to a theoi, in a votive offering, you do not use it anymore. It is to be left on the altar or on a specific place for the God.
This type of offering is mostly common as a thank you for something a theos helped you with, or in hopes that your prayer will be answered.
P.s. We typically assume a specific posture when saying the prayers and presenting the offerings, there are two main ones, one for the ouranic Gods and another for the khthonic Gods. I will go over these in another post.
>> Disposing of the Remnants of the Offerings:
The most agreed upon way is keeping the remnants (be it ashes or the offering itself) until you can go outside and bury it in the earth. Some agree that in case this is not possible for you, respectfully putting them in the trash/down the drain can be done.
Alternatively, and most debated in the community, is the option to eat the offering that is left out, this is from the belief that the Gods do not take the physical side of the offering, so once the rite is done they have already partaken in their part. Note that if you go for this option, under no circumstance can you eat the offering given to a khthonic deity, this is because of their connection to the dead, this means the offering now has miasma (pollution), eating it would be taking in this "pollution".
>> List of Non-deity Specific Items to Offer:
Food: fruit; grain; meat.
Plants: laurel; flowers.
Liquids (for libations): wine; wine with water; honey; milk; milk with honey; water.
Objects: statues; artwork; amulets.
For a step by step guide on how to make an offering ritual, check here.
>> Sources:
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thana-topsy · 8 months
I dreamt that Neloth owned a restaurant, Teldryn worked there and accidentally burned the food. Teldryn broke down crying. “You can’t tell my boss” (he was right behind him) When neloth saw the burnt food he fainted in a cinematic fashion and hit the floor.
Anon, your mind. What's going on in there? Now I'm burdened with questions...
Would Gordon Ramsay be a Telvanni?
Which Great House is Anthony Bourdain in?
Guy Fieri?
Paula Deen?
All I'm saying is, Morrowind AU but it's just the Food Network.
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