#fanfic it 2017
domilino · 2 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti)Relationships: Henry Bowers/Original Female Character(s), Henry Bowers/Lizeth "Liz" Johnson Characters: Henry Bowers, Lizeth "Liz" Johnson Additional Tags: Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort(??, Emotional Hurt(??, Mention of medication and pill consumption, Mention of harmful habits (substance "consumption"), Vulnerability, discomfort, mention of vomiting, neither of them is okay, Henry does the best he can even though he doesn't know much, Henry cares deeply for Lizeth, Henry affectionate(??, Henry and Lizeth are between 15 and 16 years old, Mention of underage substance use, Cigarettes, serious health problems, One or both of them are mentally unstable, probably both are mentally unstable now(?, Too many problems for two adolescents, Teenage problems., Lizeth has terrible health, poor Lizeth
¿ . . . ?
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Henry woke up.
He was sweating, feeling his body cold; clearly showing signs of nervousness.
The boy had had another one of those horrible dreams, a "nightmare" as others called it.
Henry got up from his place, while looking into the complete darkness; his eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet.
After a few moments and confirming that he wasn't in his room, but in Lizeth's room, he turned slightly to look at the bed, which was completely empty.
"Lizzie?" Henry got up from the mattress on the floor and began to slowly explore the room.
How many times had he come to Lizeth's room?
How many times did he check Lizeth's room to see if there was any different detail?
Perhaps too many times to count.
Apparently everything was the same as the last time he visited that place; posters of bands, movies, and cartoons were stuck on the wall. The shelves were filled with hand-decorated boxes containing cassettes and vinyl records of all her favorite music, plus a few crafts.
The study table was in the same place as always, empty and tucked away in a corner.
The "creativity" table (as Henry had baptized it) was still the same or perhaps worse, as it was a mess Lizeth referred to as disorder.
Yes, everything was the same.
Henry approached the dresser, opening several drawers randomly, where he only found more boxes and makeup.
Henry made a slight sound of disgust.
"she thinks I'm stupid" said Henry, and then began to search through the dresser drawers.
After a rather short while, he found what he suspected… A box of cigarettes, hidden deep in the drawer in an attempt to "camouflage" it. In addition to this, he also found medicines and pills that Lizeth was supposed to no longer take because she had improved.
Henry put the cigarette box in his pants pocket and headed for the door of the room.
He slowly exited the room, peeking his head out to see if anyone else was awake at… two in the morning? Probably… So when he didn't see anyone lurking, he began to walk. Quietly approaching the bathroom.
The bathroom was at the end of the hallway, its door was closed but it was known that someone was inside, the light was on and it was trying to escape from under the door.
Once he arrived, his hand grabbed the lock and opened the door, causing the person inside to scream in fright.
Lizeth looked at Henry, she seemed almost nervous about the boy's presence.
Henry looked at Liz, and noticed she had a toothbrush in her hand.
He returned her gaze.
"What are you doing in the bathroom at this hour?" Henry asked.
But there was no response…
Lizeth swallowed nervously, glanced at the boy for a moment, and then returned her gaze to washing her hands.
She was avoiding him, didn't want to look at him.
Lizeth carefully placed the toothbrush back in its place.
"Since when do you smoke?" Henry asked again.
"What?" Lizeth looked at Henry, her brow furrowed. "Did you go through my dresser?"
"That's not an answer, Liz."
She doesn't really know what to tell him, or rather, she doesn't know what excuse to give him, because he already knows them, even if she's never told him, he'll know it's a complete lie.
"Why do you smoke?"
"It's none of your business, besides, you do it too."
"Just because I do it doesn't mean you can, especially with that shitty health of yours, Lizeth."
Lizeth felt her body go cold. That meant he had found not only the cigarettes but also the medication.
She also began to feel a headache coming on…
Henry leaned against the door frame, arms crossed, looking at Lizeth.
She hadn't moved an inch from her spot. She kept her head down, as if she were fragile.
"You scolded me so many times not to do it, and in the end, you're doing it yourself," Henry spoke in an almost sarcastic tone. "You shouldn't do it, you know, because when you're thirty, you'll have the lungs of a ninety-year-old."
It wasn't normal, and truth be told, it was so strange to see her like this; vulnerable, as if she had done something terrible that no one was supposed to know about.
"Did you throw up, didn't you?"
She nodded slightly.
Then she heard a sob.
She's trembling.
Guilt is consuming her…
"Screw you, Lizzie, I'm not scolding you or anything. That's your brother's job." He approached the girl carefully and she hugged him.
Henry wasn't a professional at consoling people, in fact, one could say he wasn't the right person for that moment. But right now, there was only him, and consoling her was the least he could do. After all…
She kept her head resting on his shoulder. She continued to sob in complete silence.
"You're a crybaby" he mentioned, looking at Lizeth. "Do you want to watch a movie? We can watch Frankenstein if it makes you feel better."
Henry hated Frankenstein with all his heart, but he knew that was her favorite movie.
She nodded in response. Again.
Henry and Lizeth broke apart from the hug. He turned off the bathroom light and then took the girl's hand to return to the room.
Maybe asking how she felt, if she wanted to talk, scream, cry more, or something really good and constructive would have been better than asking if she wanted to watch a movie. But somehow he knew that if he asked, it would be worse, and if she hadn't had the courage yet to tell him, neither before nor now, it must be for a reason. Therefore, avoiding the problem and distracting her mind a little with something Lizeth would like was the best option —and the only one he could think of— at that moment.
"You know, I want to skip class, I'm not in the mood," she confessed, looking at the boy.
"Lizzie saying she wants to skip class on a Monday? I never thought I'd live long enough to witness that."
Lizeth gave him a weak punch on the shoulder, which only elicited a chuckle from him.
"You're an idiot, Henry."
"Thanks, I already knew."
She smiled.
"Thanks" she thanked him.
Henry smiled too, well, just a little.
"Oh, by the way, don't ever go through my dresser again, I keep private stuff there."
"Ignoring your makeup, what do you keep there, huh? Plans to overthrow the school principal? Your underwear? A weapon? Hopefully not a weapon because that would be very weird."
Lizeth gave him another punch on the shoulder.
"What? I didn't go through your entire dresser. Drama queen."
"You're a complete pervert" Lizeth insulted.
"Congratulations, you discovered something you already knew."
They had already reached Lizeth's room.
Lizeth let go of Henry's hand to approach her bed and lie down.
"Damn, I'm tired…" Liz complained as Henry turned on the TV in the room. "The VHS is already in." she mentioned, and almost immediately the movie's introduction began to play.
Henry also approached the bed and lay down next to Lizeth.
He put his arm around her, and she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
"I love you, Henry."
I wrote this a few weeks ago, I've been editing and translating it, and finally, here it is. I apologize for my English, I'm really improving little by little.
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noodles-and-tea · 1 month
Can you pleeeease make some more younger reddie drawings?? Or ANOTHER FANFIC
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sakuramoti0903 · 3 months
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charliedawn · 7 months
Heyyy :) glad your back 🖤🖤🖤 I don’t know if your doing requests or not but if you are could you do, how would the slashers flirt with nurse? (Particularly five since he is like a old man I thought that would be funny) no worries if you can’t, I love your work ❣️❣️❣️
Warning: Highly suggestive.
Bo Sinclair :
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"Well…Hello there, sugar pie. Ya lookin’ mighty alone. Mind if I change that fer ya ?"
Captain Smooth and Sailing. Bo knows how to be charming and he’d just waltz in with the biggest grin on his face and lean back before shooting you a smouldering gaze.
He knows what he wants and will go to any means to get it. And I mean any…
Bo *sneaking up on you from behind and wrapping his arms around you before giving you a kiss on the shoulder* "…Good mornin’, sunflower…How ya doin’ ? Good ? That’s great…" *whispers in your ear* "Bet I could make it better fer ya though."
He can be smooth, but also filthy. Depends on the day. One day he’ll be whispering sweet nothings into your ear, the next he’ll be slapping your ass and calling it a day.
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Pennywise doesn’t touch. And doesn’t like being touched. His flirtation will be very limited and subtle. It’ll mostly be grins and cackles and mocking huffs…
Pennywise: "Well…Hello there, beautiful. Do you know that your hair is a mess and you look more like an asylum patient than a nurse today ?"
You *roll your eyes and start walking away* "Good morning to you too, Pennywise."
Him *snickers behind you* "Good morning indeed. If I still had to spook children to get my food, I’d certainly take your morning face…That’d do the trick."
Yeah…That’s Pennywise flirting. He wouldn’t flirt with you face to face…but he’d still do some things from time to time.
For example, you may find breakfast magically appearing on your desk, or a cup of (h/d) next to you when you finally sit and take a break.
Penny :
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Penny *hugs you tightly and refuses to let you go*
You : "…Penny. I need to work."
Penny *squeezes you harder*
Yeah…You won’t get any work done. That’s for sure. Penny is stubborn. He will not leave you alone and will keep holding you until he has enough.
That’s his way of flirting.
But…He has another side to him.
He bites. He can use it to show affection. He does it sometimes with his brother and the other slashers, but he’d be extra gentle with you and be careful not to hurt you.
He’d bite your wrist, your neck, your cheek…Just to say that he appreciates you. And even if it’s just to say hello. That’s Penny flirting. He doesn’t use words, but actions.
Vincent :
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He takes pictures of you. They were pretty innocent at first. He’d take pictures of you walking around the hospital and taking care of the patients. The staff even used his photographs to advertise the hospital.
But quickly…the photographs became recurrent and more intimate. He’d follow you around and almost beg you to pose for him.
He’d become obsessed and bring you some of his morbid art pieces for you two to simply talk and be close to you.
And you try to deny him attention ?
The man knows how to get what he wants. He’s similar to Bo in that way, but where Bo is demanding ? Vincent is all about begging and whining.
He’d go down on his knees and grab the hem of your shirt to pull you towards him and beg you to let him take photographs of you and keep them. Take some for his…personal use.
Vincent flirting is desperation.
He’d beg you until you give him the time of day.
Michael Myers :
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Michael *wordlessly pats his thigh*
The seat is all yours if you want it.
Kidding. Or not.
*cough cough*
Michael likes to cook and he’d fix you meals to cheer you up and listen to you if you need to. He’d be the perfect gentleman and even though he can’t talk, he’d make it obvious that he likes you through other means.
He’d protect you and make sure you are happy.
Unfortunately, because he can’t help bu want to kill you all the time, it’d be very difficult for the both of you to actually go on a date or go more than flirting basis. But, he’d still try to let you know that he likes you sometimes.
Michael *takes your hand and pulls you into a tight hug*
Michael may look or sound unapproachable at first, but it is because he is afraid of giving into hate and just lose control over the little humanity he has left…
Freddy Krueger :
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"Yo. Wanna bang ?"
Freddy is NOT subtle. He’s a slimy and sleazy little goblin who loves nothing more than touch, grab, grope and squeeze.
He’d follow you around like your personal horny demon.
"Coooome on ! I know ya wanna see what’s in my pants ! Just say yes, sweetheart ! See how daddy does it !"
Filthy language and sleazy smirks all the way. He’d be whistling after you and tip his fedora at you or lick his lips while looking you up and down.
To make it short: Flirty is his middle name and he’d just make sure to let you know that he is ALWAYS available and ready.
Freddy *smirks and takes your hand before dancing with you* "COME ON ! Move those curves, lovely !" *cackles*
Freddy may look and sound like a scumbag most of the time, but he is capable of being romantic. He only lets special people see it.
Jason :
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Jason is shy and will never be confrontational when it comes to flirting.
He maybe waves at you and hugs you sometimes, but not enough for you to understand what he means.
But, he is good with his hands and soon enough, goes to work.
Jason leaves you gifts. On your desk, on your nightstand, or any place he thinks you and only you would find them.
He carves little wooden figurines, mostly of frogs that he leaves around for you to find. And you always do. You then put then on a special shelf in the living room for everyone to see and admire.
It may not have been the initial goal, but he is happy to see you smile. And that is all he needs…
Norman Bates :
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"My darling…Would you…Would you do me the honour of going on a special outing with me ? Just the two of us ?"
Norman was an anxious wreck. He had sweaty hands and an nervous smile on his face. He wanted you to say yes. He had been thinking about a way to approach the matter with you for weeks…
You smiled back and when you accepted…he was overjoyed.
Norman is rather old-fashioned. His way of flirting is asking you out and treating you like a princess (or a prince)
He’d be more than happy to compliment you all day long and simply brush his fingers against yours while you stare deeply into each other’s eyes.
Five Hargreeves :
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"Tell me, Y/N. Are you alright ?"
You glanced back at him and blinked twice at the child who just asked you that question.
"…Last time I checked. Yes."
You then focused back on your work and tried to forget about it, but then Five sat down on your desk to look at the papers you were signing.
You didn’t think much of it until he rested his hand on the back of your neck and his thumb traced circles there.
You looked up at him, and he stared right back. You knew he was technically older inside but…You still swapped his hand away.
"Okay. What do you want ?"
"You. Me. Drink."
Your eyes widened and you looked around.
"How about you come back to me when you are…say…15 years older ?"
Yeah. He may be older in his mind. But his body is still very much the one of a child so…Wait and see.
Patrick Bateman :
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"Y/N. It has come to my attention that we haven’t had sex yet. Care to explain why ?"
That man has the ego of a mansion. He wouldn’t be flirting, he’d be practical.
Who needs feelings ? Who needs flirting ? He knows you find him attractive. And you know he finds you attractive. Why waste time on things like flirting ?
Patrick Bateman is a business man.
He sees a relationship as unnecessary as long as it doesn’t bring him anything.
So, if he starts showing interest in you ?
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freak-accident419 · 5 months
Good Tidings
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: You and Josh barely have any time to yourselves due time traveling nonstop, trying to save the fate of humanity. However, being at the Futturman’s Christmas dinner party granted you two a fair amount of time.
Word Count: 2.9k
Content: 18+ Smut, MDNI, gender neutral reader (no genitals specified, it’s just vague penetration), cockwarming, lots of fluff, takes place during Future Man S1E6 “A Blowjob Before Dying”, too much shitty sex jokes n puns (im sorry) (not), giddy+silly+sweet love making, you think you are sooo fucking funny, more goofy than serious/lustful, you two are very much in love, more plot (high ass dialogue) than porn tbh
(A/n: Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!! Hope you enjoy this muahahaha and thank you all for your recent support! First smut written on this account, so be gentle with me please !)
You, Tiger, Wolf, and Josh were at the Futturman household, schedule disrupted due to the reluctance of Josh’s parents. They insisted that you all join them for their small Christmas dinner party. You were all sat down at the dining table, as well as the neighbors, Josh’s Uncle Barry, and Diane’s friend, Wanda (who was especially invited to perhaps keep Barry at bay).
While Tiger was mostly impatient and displeased with every mindless convo and laughter, talk revolved around several topics like DNA kits or Wolf’s strangely fascinating culinary.
You sat beside your boyfriend, Josh, slightly nervous about the time you were wasting. Ever since you’ve been dragged into the whole ‘Biotic Wars is real’ and ‘kill or be killed’ shit, you and Josh have been dealing with the worst, unimaginable shit ever. With the two of your adrenaline wearing off, you gradually processed everything that’s happened the past few days since you were never given a break. Hence the hand holding under the table as you two would seek comfort from one another.
But you attempted to distract yourself from the deaths you’ve witnessed and the near-death experiences you’ve had to your best ability by indulging in every conversation.
“Gabe, honey, tell them about—about the recent fishing trip we went on,” Josh’s mother, Diane encouraged to her husband with her sweet, achingly kind voice. You had so much respect for Josh’s parents, so it was pretty easy for you all to hit it off well. They loved you. In fact, they were heavily relieved that Josh had finally found someone, let alone someone as amazing as you.
Gabe let out a hearty chuckle as he prepared himself to tell the table his story.
“So, a couple of days ago, Diane and I went on a small fishing trip. And I remembered an old trick back in the day that attracted a lot of trout,” he explained as you picked up your glass of wine, sipping some generously. Diane smiled at him with a nod as he continued. “One of the very efficient ways to go about fish bait is blowing worms.”
You choke on your wine, holding in a laugh, coughing a bit instead as Josh looks at you with a knowing smile. “I’m sorry, what?” You asked, trying not to grin too widely. Did you hear that right?
“Blowing worms,” Gabe repeated, getting a confined chuckle out of you and Josh. “You inflate the worms with air, which makes them float instead of having your bait be at the very bottom. It’s perfect, especially near the winter time. Worked like a charm.”
“Ohh,” you gasp in wonder. You chuckle to yourself before you spontaneously say, “Yeah, actually, I think I did do that a few times. Blew a-a worm.”
You looked at Josh, thinking you were being hilarious, but he looked at you with surprised eyes and parted lips of shock that slowly transitioned into a smile.
“Really?” Josh’s father expressed with intrigue. “I didn’t even know you fish. You have someone teach you that method, or—”
“Oh, no, Mr. Futturman, I,” you speak as you occasionally switch from looking at him to Josh. “I think it’s a very popular method. It’s a pretty natural instinct, you know? Blowing worms, that is.”
“Wow, really? Always thought it was an old-fashioned sort of thing.”
“Nah, far from old-fashioned, it’s almost contemptuous!”
You did pretty well at suppressing your laughter, because you sounded really earnest. Josh covered his mouth, amused by your subtle humor.
“Joshy, we didn’t know that Y/n likes fishing. We could’ve taken them on our trip. In fact, we could’ve all went,” Diane suggests as she looked at Josh and then you.
It was like everyone at the table was blind to your immature, yet humorous implication. Except, of course, your boyfriend.
“Oh, no worries, Mrs. Futturman,” you insisted kindly. “I don’t usually fish. Plus, blowing worms can be very exhausting.”
“Y/n—” Josh reacted, but interrupted himself with a suppressed laugh.
“You think so?” Mr. Futturman raised an eyebrow. “I just stick a syringe in them, inflate it, and bam, it’s all thick and ready to g—”
You and Josh burst out laughing, holding onto the table and each other. You swore there were slight tears coming out of your eyes as both of your faces were red. You felt overjoyed to feel happiness and delight for the first time ever since your involvement in the mission. And you felt even more glad that it was your boyfriend that you fooled around with.
“Sorry, sorry,” Josh says after his laughter died down as the entire table was confused. “I just—We just thought about a, um, moment when—Um… Actually, Y/n and I did go fishing once. Isn’t that—isn’t that right?”
You nod and go along with it, detaining your giggles.
“Well, anyways, we actually did that method, and yeah, you’re right, it works like a charm!” He exclaimed with joy as his parents smile at him with approval and pride.
“Bet the worm was pretty small, huh?” Tiger jumped in wittily, however, in a coldly nonchalant manner.
“And pathetic!” Wolf blurted.
“Hey, even if that might’ve been true—might’ve—it-it probably had a personality, you know?” He reckoned with a shrug, making you laugh again.
“You are—are fucking terrible, you know that?” Josh quickly muttered under his breath as you two continued to kiss each other deeply on his bed. “Those were my parents.”
“C’mon, baby, admit it, it was comedy gold,” you giggle, pressing your lips to his once more by tugging his black, skinny necktie towards you as you remained sitting on his lap.
The dinner party was still going on downstairs. After a long time of looking at each other longingly at the table, you two decided to excuse yourselves in order to “prepare gifts for Josh’s coworkers that he forgotten to wrap” in his room.
When you guys rushed in his room, you couldn’t take your hands off each other, immediately making out once the door was locked. However, you then had to close all his blinds before you met him back on the bed. This wasn’t new to you, none of it was. The soft, warm orange that his room’s light emitted strangely comforted you, as well as being back on his soft, spacey mattress.
Was it a good idea to leave Tiger and Wolf alone with Josh’s family and company? Probably not. But you’ve taught them enough shit. They tolerate Josh’s parents, so why not a few other guests as well? And you’ll only be gone for no longer than five minutes, you’d hoped.
You bring your hands to his pants, attempting to unbuckle his belt. “Shit—What the—What the fuck is this?” You grumble, Josh laughing at you as you struggle.
“I think it’s—” He giggled, bringing his own hands to his belt, trying to remove it, pulling. “I think it’s stuck.”
“What the shit?” You wheeze. “Fuckin’—Fuckin’ cock block!” You continue to mess with the belt, trying your best to unbuckle it.
“Wait, you—you’re almost there, you—”
“Oh my god! Holy shit! I got it!” You let out a surprised gasp, quickly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants right after.
“Oh shit! Flawless victory!” He exclaimed, making you stop in your tracks, looking back up at him.
“You did not just quote Mortal Kombat because I successfully unbuckled your belt,” you raise an eyebrow, nevertheless amused by his dorkiness.
“Maybe,” he answered smugly.
“You’re lucky I am in love with you, otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have let that slide,” you chuckle.
“Oh, come on. You’d love my video game references either way,” he insisted.
“I’m serious, Josh, the amount of things I’ve let slide because I love you is kind of crazy. Let me just say, I am so glad I met you after the ‘apple juice’ incident that Ray told me about.”
“Ray told you about that?”
“He told me a lot of things. Mostly the embarrassing things. I think he wanted to freak me out, you know? Always thought I was too good for you.”
You pulled his pants off, throwing it carelessly down on the floor. Your lips attached once more as he snickered as you then cupped his face with your warm hands. You look at your lover, his big, brown, desperate eyes looking at you with utmost adoration. “Well, jokes on him, he was entirely wrong. You are so good to me, you know that?”
He smiles at you softly, and you could sense how flustered he felt to hear that (the blushing patently gave it away). “You’re the one who’s been on my side since forever. Even when you got involved in all this shit that you didn’t even have to be in. You-You could’ve called me crazy, and-and broken up with me, but you believed me and stayed by my side, even knowing that things were gonna get dirty. And they did, get really dirty.” Rest in peace Janis and Carl? Or, rather, die, you evil perf-cocks? Eh, doesn’t fucking matter. “You’re so good for me, sometimes I can’t believe you’re even real.”
You giggle sweetly as you give him another kiss, a quiet smack caused by your lips deftly leaving his own to speak. “Well, I’m here and I’m real, and I’ll always be there for you, baby,” you reassure. You were perfect for him. Indefinitely.
He smiled blissfully. “I love you so much.”
You two made out passionately until you were laying under him, the lower halves of your bodies bare as you discarded the necessary clothes.
“Do you think your parents and everyone else knew about the worm thing or are they just that… I don’t know… clueless?” You asked endearingly under your breath as your fingers entangle in his soft, brown hair.
“Hmm. Possibly,” he reckons, raising his eyebrows as he thought about it. “That was still kind of evil of you, though.”
“Me, personally, I thought it was hilarious.”
“Blowing worms?”
“C’mon, your father set himself up for that.”
“Tiger called it small,” he muttered lamentably. “And Wolf said it was pathetic.”
“Jeez, whatever happened to personality?” You chuckle softly.
He sighed. “They still sort of called me out.”
“Shut up. It’s average, to say the least. Doesn’t matter either way, you’re enough.”
“Josh, if it bothers you this much, then just prove them wrong right now,” you reply with a laugh.
“As in—?”
“Josh, c’mon, we don’t have time anyways. They’re expecting us any minute because of that shitty made-up story excuse. I love foreplay, dude, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t acknowledge the time at all. Quickies are definitely not our cup of tea. Y—” Your breath hitched as you felt his tip prod at your sensitive entrance. He gave you a soft, comforting kiss on the nose. You looked into each other’s eyes deeply, then your lips crashed into each other’s as the two of you stifled your moans once Josh finally thrusted in.
“Y-You know you’re p-perfect just the—mm—way you are, right?” You ask gently, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He smiled at this, kissing your lips once more, beginning to move. Your heart fluttered each second you felt him thrust in and out, slightly and satisfyingly stretching you. His hips moved quite skillfully, but also slightly clumsily, which was nonetheless admirable.
Your usual soft moans and gasps would be replaced by stifled grunts and sighs, due to the company downstairs. As much as you wanted the whole world to know that Josh Futturman was yours and only yours, you also had dignity—plus, it was his goddamn parents downstairs.
You giggled as you felt his nose against yours each rough kiss. “Y-You know, however, I think the only complaint I have about you is the fact that you hate Super Mario Bros.” You point out with a chuckle.
“Y/n, in my—agh—defense, it literally makes no sense. Like, why would there be pipes that are—”
“Okay, why rely solely on logic and rationality, hm, Futturman? I thought video games were all about escape. It’s all just harmless fun.”
“Yeah, well, I’m much more into games with thought-out plots and challenges,” he remarked, making you roll your eyes playfully. “Anyways, it pretty much just got ruined for me even more when Tracy at the video game store talked about Luigi having a very hairy, Italian cock.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Baby, I love you. However, your goddamn dick is currently inside of me. Please do not talk about Luigi’s theoretic hairy penis.”
“Noted,” he assents, going back to kissing you passionately, while moving slowly inside of you, yet deeper with each thrust. You let out a quiet, pleasured gasp as you felt him fill you perfectly, his hands lovingly gripping your waist to keep you still.
Your eyes closed as you indulged in the feeling of his gentle thrusts, him peppering kisses on your neck, softly chuckling under his breath. He guessed he was still in disbelief that he had someone as amazing as you.
“I… I still can’t believe someone as perfect as you would ever go out with a loser like me,” he scoffed, pressing more kisses against your neck and jaw.
“Hey, seriously?” You frown, holding his face in your hands once more, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “You are… a lot of things, Josh. But a loser isn’t one of them. Okay? You are so kind and funny and caring and thoughtful a-and—m-mm—amazing i-in general.”
“I—Fuck. I—I don’t deserve you,” he panted.
“J-Jesus Christ, sh-shut your fuckin’ rathole. Yes you do, baby. You deserve me as much as I deserve you.”
It was becoming harder to focus on your words as you continued to feel an increased sensation and pleasure as his thrusts quicken and falter. You let out a small gasp as you tense things up by wrapping your legs around his waist to bring him in even deeper. You two had been speaking and giggling to each other constantly that you didn’t even notice the lewd, wet, slapping against the skin that came from each heavy thrust. Josh grabbed one of your hands, interlocking your fingers tightly on the mattress beside your head.
“J-Josh, I—” You begin breathlessly.
“I know, me too,” he grunts as soft, inaudible whimpers and whines leave his lips while the movement of his hips stuttered. His rhythm was becoming unsteady, but it was also increasing in speed. “I—Y/n, f-fuck, I’m c—”
“Sh-shit, baby, I—” You pant as you felt closer and closer over the edge, every mere feeling increasing your stimulation. You bring your hand to cover your mouth and suppress any loud moans as you finally released, the knot in your stomach undoing itself as you sigh afterwards once your hand left your mouth. Josh came exactly right after you as his hips jolted for the final time, spilling his warm, white seed inside of you, burying his face in your neck to muffle a high-pitched grunt and acute whines.
You two were breathing heavily, kissing each other’s lips softly and lovingly after you both came down from your high. You two never moved from your position, still fragile and sore. Josh caressed the side of your waist under your shirt, his head resting in your neck as you moved your hand to play with his hair, holding him in your arms.
“This is probably the only time we’ll have together alone before we have to continue with the damn mission,” you figured, tangling his strands of hair in between your fingers.
“It’s bullshit,” he mumbles, his thumb continuing to rub your waist.
“Enjoy the moment while we can?” You suggested with a small chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed dejectedly.
A beat.
“Hm,” you hum thoughtfully.
“Nothing, I just… I like it whenever you’re inside of me,” you comment softly. This was probably the most affectionately vulnerable and honest you have been with him. Your tone lacked any intention for humor or lust; you were genuine.
He lifted his head up from your neck. “Seriously?”
“I don’t know. It just feels right. You know, as if you were, like, made for me exactly,” you whispered lovesickly, looking down at his sweet, plump lips to his profound, gorgeous brown eyes. “I wanna stay like this a little longer. You’re so perfect for me. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he replied with a smile, kissing your lips soothingly.
Then suddenly,
“Futturman! L/n! Get out of there, we gotta go now! Operation Cameronium!” Tiger called from the other side of the door. “Goddamnit. The fucking—tiny man—baby thing—is, just, really starting to piss me off. Let’s go!”
You and Josh looked at each other for a while in silence before bursting out into laughter.
“We-we better go before she considers murdering little baby Wallace,” you suggest with a soft smile.
“Yeah… Wait. Do you really think—”
“No…” You answer before he could finish his sentence. “I know she seems all stoic on the outside, but I feel like the past few days, she changed a bit. Empathy-wise. Slightly, at the very least.” Josh nods.
“I’m really gonna miss this,” he sighs.
“Me too. But don’t worry, once we fix everything, we have all the time in the world together,” you assert.
“Okay,” he smiles sweetly, kissing your lips before slowly pulling out of you, leaving you to feel empty and slightly bummed.
The two of you, with your clothes back on and hair quickly fixed, you waltzed downstairs with no problem. Your hands had been interlocked, faces a bit flushed as you smile to yourselves.
“You two sure look happy,” Diane expresses joyfully. “You really got into the Christmas spirit, wrapping all those gifts upstairs, huh?”
You giggled under your breath. “Oh, yeah, definitely, Mrs. Futturman. Uh, very much so. I really love Christmas, you know? The gift wrapping Joshy and I did upstairs and, you know, all the Christmas traditions. ‘Specially, ‘specially the yule log.” You look at Josh with a knowing grin as he just listened in, suspecting nothing at all. “Really makes you feel warm inside, am I right?”
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deceitfuldevout · 5 months
First and Last
Dark!Tom (The Party 2017) x ExWife!Reader
Word Count: +3,234
Warning(s): +18, Non con, ANGST, Domestic violence, Mentions of overdose/overdosing, Drug usage, Addiction, Forced drug usage, Heavy domestic violence, Forced breeding Accidental OD, Really long because I don't have a life.
Author's note(s): I wanted to post this before my trip. Idk if I want to make this into a 2 part series maybe if its good than ye 😃
You run into your soon-to-be ex-husband at a friend's party. He's determined to get a second chance. But some things never change. 
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You met Tom in college. Both of you were part of the same friend group and would see each other often. He was persistent in pursuing you. Eventually mustering up the courage to ask you out. You said yes because you fell for him first. But it was Tom who fell harder. He was your first love, first kiss, first everything. After a year of dating, he finally pops the question. Everything seemed to be going fine at first. 
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That was almost a decade ago. He's not the same man you fell in love with. Something inside him changed. There were times where you were unsure whether it was the drugs talking or how he truly felt. He would try to hide it but failed miserably. You can't remember how many times you've found his stash, which always resulted in an argument. You were sick of his excuses. It eventually got worse with his intake. He would arrive home half sober. You were sick of seeing him waste away like this. You remember finally deciding that enough was enough. 
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After catching him at home for the fifth time, you decide to take action into your own hands. In a fit of anger, you retrieve his hidden stash and flush it down the toilet. When Tom found out his reaction wasn't what you had predicted. Not at all. He dragged you to the bathroom and demanded to know where his supply went. It was the first time he'd ever laid his hands on you. Instead of apologizing for bringing them home, Tom held you in a chokehold until you told him where they were.  
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Never in your life would you imagine Tom of all people reacting in such a way. When you finally confess what had happened, he loses his temper. It terrified you how strong he became while under the influence. You were no match for his drug-fueled rage. Your wrist is still sore from how he held you down last week. There were bruises that were still healing for all the times before. But this one had been the worst punishment yet. He left you there on the bathroom floor, naked and sore. Tom hadn't bothered to look your way. He zips up his pants before leaving in search of his next 'fix'.  
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That wasn't the first time he put his hands on you, but it was the first time you had left him. You received a string of desperate phone calls, voicemails, text messages all from Tom. You returned home to find him on his knees with a bouquet in hand and tears in his eyes. He apologized and promised to be a better man for you. That was shortly lived. When you arrived home from a late shift, you caught Tom using it again. This time it was different, you found Tom overdosing. You lunged towards him, "Tom?! Tom!" cradling his head in your hands, holding him close. It was the first time you've caught him. A part of you feared this wouldn't be the last.  
Tom had tried to make it up with sex, but you couldn't be around him anymore. You felt almost revolted how he didn't care. Having him around only reminds you of the pain. This time instead of throwing a fit, yelling, or crying. You simply packed all your things and left. What could you do with a man who refuses to change? Leave. You left for your mother's place, finally accepting that it wasn't your fault. 
The divorce papers were mailed to him. For a while now, Tom knew there was something wrong with him. He was just too stubborn to admit it. You'd spoken with a lawyer and there was a court date issued. In a few months from now, you will no longer be referred to as husband and wife.  
For the first time in years, you've finally let the feeling of guilt go. No longer were you going to let this define who you were. You weren't a failure as a wife. Because it was never your fault in the first place. Soon enough you were doing the things you loved again, even began to pick up a few new hobbies. That spark of joy began to return. You started dressing up in nicer clothes, going out, actually spending quality time with friends and family.  
Sometimes there would be a moment when you'd feel for Tom and wonder what he'd be up to. But then again did you really want to know? It would usually be the same thing, him being higher than a kite. Still, you couldn't help but mourn at the loss of your marriage. When you were young and promised to love each other until your very last breath. You still loved Tom, but he loved other things more. 
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You were looking forward to your old college friend's New Year's party. A healthy dosage of socializing to get you out there again. You had the opportunity to catch up with everyone there. It felt as though no time had passed. You danced around, joined in some games, things were going well. But there was a lingering feeling that someone, somewhere was staring at you.  
That's when you spot him, Tom, sitting quietly at the end of the room. Your breath hitches at the sight of him twiddling his thumbs. There's a part of you that regrets not filing a restraining order. Tom always had a habit of showing up unannounced. You weren't in the mood for whatever he had to say. So, you left his sight, down the hall, to the nearest restroom. 
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You sat on the counter, removing your heels for a moment. A groan escapes your lips as you rub both feet, knowing very well they would ache in the morning. Shit, you were really gonna feel that. You splash your face a few times, hoping that it would combat the summer heat. Completely unaware of the sound of the door opening. It was as if you knew who was behind you, turning around to find Tom leaning against the door. You gave him a glare, "Get out," you were in no mood for his emotional ambush. He ignores your request and calmly states, "I just want to talk to my wife," 
"We're not--" 
"Legally, yes, we are," he corrects. Always so condescending. It was one of the things you couldn't stand. How he would belittle your intelligence. It was the little remarks he'd make to shut down any effort you gave. He made you feel unwanted. He was the one who decided to push you away first.  
If only he could see past his own selfishness that you truly wanted to save this marriage. But in order to do so, he would need to admit that it was an ongoing problem. You didn't have to worry about a mistress, no. You had to worry everyday about finding him dead. You've caught him overdosing a few times. It eventually took a toll on you. To the point where you lost weight from the stress. Tom rakes his hand through his locks, "Of course you don't want to see me, nothing ever satisfies you," a snarky remark to try and get under your nerves.  
With the amount of alcohol in your system, it worked, "Are you kidding me?" you scoff, "Don't you dare lie to me Thomas, I tried everything, everything to fix us, can you say the same?" you growl in his face. Maybe it was the liquid courage that gave you a whole new attitude. Whatever it is helped with confronting him. His reaction, however, was not what you expected.
He smothers you into a deep kiss, pulling you into his embrace. You try shoving at him in an attempt to catch breath. Finally breaking free from his grip. For a moment, he's seems visibly hurt. You scold, "What you wrong with you?!" it wasn't fair. After all the hurt you've been through, Tom still tries to insert himself into your life.  
You deserved better. You try to shove him away. Instead, he shoves you against the wall, "Can't you see..." he presses his sweaty cheek against the crook of your neck, "You're my everything..." his voice sounding more desperate with each word. You scoff, "No, Tom, you can't do this..." tears began to brim, threatening to spill. His eyes are filled with worry, "No...now, baby please don't cry..." his expression is saddened but there are no tears. He kisses each cheek, ignoring your sniffling. Tom held you in place by the shoulders, "I couldn't stop thinking about you," it's true. You were his first love.  
Tom had longed to see his wife again. To feel her, touch her, caress and worship every part of her. He wanted to make things right, truly. But she just got up and left him. Like he was trash. What made her so high and mighty? He's so sick of seeing you always playing the role of a saint. For once he wants to see you get downright nasty with him. His breathing became frantic, "Can't you see? I'm addicted to you," there's a mischievous look on his face that you were more than familiar with.  
You place a cautious hand in front to create distance, "Tom, listen to me, you’re high right now, you're not in the right--" you were muffled by his hand, "No! No! Listen to me!" his voice booms. His sudden mood swing scares you. So much so that your nails dig into his wrist. He hisses in pain, "Stop it! Just stop!" he grits his teeth. When he releases his grip the first thing you do is make a run for it. But before you could even set foot out of the restroom you're pulled back by the hair. You fell on your back, hitting the marble floor.  
It sends the air out of your lungs. That's when you start crying, shriveling up into a ball, begging for him to stop. This was how your arguments always ended. Tom crouches down, "Oh...baby I'm so sorry..." He grabs a towel, pushing it against the bottom of the door to ensure that it's soundproofed. He then pulls you into a hug, locking his arms around your waist. Tom rocks you in his embrace, "Please...please don't cry shh.." He doesn't want to see anymore tears spill. He's thankful for the music being loud enough to muffle your cries. He lifted you onto the counter.  
You look down at the floor, refusing to look him in the eyes. Tom presses his forehead against yours. His eyelids flutter shut, "Let me make this right..." he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small bag, "Here... this'll help with the nerves," he swipes his fingers on his tongue before dipping it in. He swirls it a few times, coating the digits with the white powder.
When he brings it to your mouth you turn away with disgust, smacking his hand off, "Get it the fuck away from me! You fucking tweaker!" you claw at him. He's hurt by your words. How could you? He really is trying to stop. It's harder than it looks. He's tried just about anything you could name to fix his marriage. Nothing, not a damn thing worked. Every time he'd come running back to that same euphoric feeling. When you left, he started using it again, more than ever.  
If only he could get you to try it out, then maybe, you'd understand. He presses you against the counter, using his bodyweight to hold you in place. You sob, "Please...please Tommy...don't do this..." he grips both of your wrists, ignoring your pleas. He looks at you with a maddening look in his eyes. You knew he was out of it. There was always that nothingness behind his irises. To think that this man was once your devoted husband.  
He muffles your cries with a clean hand. He has an idea for the other. Tom hisses, “M’gonna make you take it, make you feel really good...” he reaches in between your legs, pushing aside the lace. Tom brings the snow coated fingers to your folds. He bites his bottom lip, concentrating on finding your opening. He slowly starts to insert them, ignoring your cries and pleas for him to stop. Tom starts pumping his coated fingers in and out of your channel.
You let out a muffled scream under his palm. Stray tears falling down and landed on his wrist. He felt almost bad, but you'll understand soon enough where he's coming from. Just wait and see. You'll love it as much as he does. Fuck, every vein in his body felt like it was on fire. It's easier getting hard while using, too easy. His dick almost hurts form how hard it was. He spat a wad on the tip, coating it with a bit of snow before hovering it over your folds. He presses it against your opening.
A wide grin spreads on his face, "Sh...please...don't flinch sweetheart I just wanted to feel... can I feel my own wife's pussy?" He moans. A mewl escapes your lips. Tom chuckles, he knew you'd love it as much as he does. His hands grip your neck, he doesn't know how strong he's squeezing, not while he's using. It felt nice feeling you clench on his length. He’s on an adrenaline high right now. He’s not going to stop anytime soon.
He rapidly thrusts his hips in and out your channel, indulging in the feeling. Two of his most favorite things combined. Oh, how he’s missed you. Tom picks up his pace. He leans down to plant wet, sloppy kisses across your bare neck. He retreats his lips, groaning against your ear, “I promise you I'll make up for everything, I'll even give you a baby like you've always wanted...” He knows it’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to be. A mother.  
Your eyes shoot wide open as you scream into his palm to stop. Tom pops a pill in his mouth. He swishes it around a few times before forcing your mouth to open. He removes his palm only for a moment, before shoving it inside. It's too much, too much...You felt like you were flying, no, falling? Your heart couldn't stop beating and every single last one of your limbs felt like jelly. A visible vein bulges on the corner of your temple. Only a faint gargle leaves your lips, "F-fuck...T-tom...please..” sniffling for him to stop.
He coos, “M'gonna give you a baby, ok? then we'll be a happy family..." He sighs in admiration. Fuck, you looked so beautiful. Always so compliant. Don’t worry, he’s going to make sure you’ll never get rid of him, “This was mine the day I put that ring on that finger..." He finishes with a roar, coating your insides with his spunk. Tom is almost satisfied, almost. He doesn’t want to waste a single drop. He carefully removes his cock from your channel, plugging you back up with his fingers.  
Tom takes the small baggie. He coats it with your arousal. A deep moan escapes his lips, "Just hide it for me, yeah, can you do that love?" Two of his fingers are buried deep into your channel, he scissors them apart a few times, testing the waters. Then he starts to push it in. You were too buzzed to even fight him off.
His fingers have always caressed that spot you just couldn't quite reach. Tom sighs, “Beautiful...fucking beautiful...” words that he hasn't used in years. Tom throws his coat on the floor. He carefully places you on it, taking no note of the blank expression on your face. He hadn’t noticed your eyes rolling back. He pressed his head against the door to hear if anyone was lurking. If the coast was clear, he could leave.
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He places a chaste kiss on your cheek before leaving, placing a tie on the doorknob to ensure no one would wander inside. Tom prepares his car for the both of you. If you were thinking of escaping him, think again. He would keep you hidden until you were surely pregnant. You’ll have a part of him with you forever. He returns to the house with a pep in his step, opening the door to find you still lying on the ground.
That’s when Tom finally notices the faint frothing on the corners of your mouth. He crouches down, “No...” he should’ve seen this coming. You weren’t used to any kind of drug. You’ve never smoked a day in your life. Tom pulls you into his arms, “No no no no...no please...” he shook your unconscious form, “Please! Stay with me!” he shook harder, “Please! Fuck!” Finally breaking down. Tom couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life without you. For it to actually come true was his biggest nightmare, “Please! Don’t leave me!” He rocks both of you back and forth.
Tom tries his best to control his breathing, reaching into his pocket. He calls the one person he knows would help, "Lenn...I'm in deep shit," he chokes. Tom prays that his brother can make it on time. For years now, Lenny had been the one covering up for his little brother. He could hear Tom on the other end of the phone, “She--she’s not waking up...” That’s when Lenny races out his office in search of his twin, "Tom, listen to me, where are you?"
Whatever shit his little brother has gotten into this time, he better hope it doesn’t ruin his record. Lenny hadn't spent years in law enforcement just to lose it all in one day. If word got out that the local detective’s own brother was a tweaker, he’d have to kiss that promotion goodbye. However, Lenny isn’t going to let him get away so easily. Unlike Tom, his brother is colder, more calculated than emotional. He's always surpassed him in every way possible. Well, almost. Lenny hates to admit it, but Tom had the one thing he finally beat him at, you.  
You were the color added to his life. Without you his world was just...black and white.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 3 months
Sweet Revenge | Tom (The Party) x fem!reader
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Summary: Tom is acting strange and it doesn't take long for a friend to notice while at a party celebrating their mutual friend's political victory. When she steps in to question him about it, she learns more than she thought she would... but it makes their ride in the elevator a little more interesting.
Warnings: Infidelity (from multiple characters), drug use, dubious consent, semi-public sex, smut, p in v, guns, mentions of attempted murder, revenge.
word count: 3386k
Nothing Matters- The Last Dinner Party 🎶
Personal Jesus- Depeche Mode 🎵
Note: Sorry I disappeared for so long! I was dealing with some things and had to put Cillian to the side. I've missed this awesome community! I hope you all still remember me lol.
Please read warnings before continuing, thanks!
She heard about the election on the news that afternoon. Saying that she was ecstatic was an understatement. In fact, the moment she heard that Janet won (as she assumed she would) she dressed quickly and arrived at the celebratory party early. She fixed the bunched up fabric on her thigh and scratched an itch beneath the collar around her neck. She raised her fist to knock on the door when the elevator doors pinged and she turned. Tom stumbled out of the elevator, slightly disheveled and sweaty. When he noticed her he ran his hand through his hair and sniffed loudly, his eyes rolling over to meet hers. 
“Tom?” She smiled, her tone friendly and soft. Her eyes traveled up his body, dressed in a dark tailored suit. 
Tom cleared his throat before responding, strangely breathless. “Hello.” He looked behind him at the empty elevator and debated going back inside. The doors slid closed and he turned back dejectedly like a child caught in a crime. 
“You’re here early too,” she rubbed the top of her shoe down her leg, an anxious gesture. 
“Right, right… it's early. Maybe I should come back later.” He muttered beneath his breath and jabbed at the elevator call button. 
“I’m sure it's alright. I’m here early too,” she studied his nervous posture and the way his eyes darted between the hallway’s walls, anywhere but her face. “Where’s Marianne?” 
His face twitched at the mention of his wife’s name. His shirt was sticky against his skin and he wanted to leave. This was a mistake. 
“She’s coming later, told me to go ahead.” He sniffed loudly again and jerked his finger at the door behind her. “Have you already knocked?” His dark hair fell into his eyes where crow’s feet gathered. 
“No, I was just about to.” 
The elevator door opened with a second ping. Tom looked at the open doors and back to her. “Fuck all,” he cursed beneath his breath and met her at the door to Janet’s apartment. She resisted the urge to smell him, though his cologne wandered easily the short distance to her nose (notes of bergamot and spice). 
“Are you alright, Tom?” She asked cautiously and watched as his left hand flexed. He clenched his jaw and forced out a laugh. 
“Never better,” he rang the doorbell and waited anxiously as his heart raced in his chest. Janet opened the door and greeted them with overwhelming excitement. Tom’s resolve weakened and he struggled to remain level headed as he greeted his wife’s friend. This was not how it was originally supposed to go but he still had time… 
Janet invited them into the apartment and talked with her as Tom excused himself with a shaky smile. As soon as the door was closed behind him, he removed his jacket and checked the holsters on either side of his body, draped over his shoulders. Sweat pooled on his shirt and he fanned his hands over it, hoping it would dry. 
The girl watched the bathroom door while keeping a polite smile on her face for Janet who was retelling the events of the day. Loud music erupted from the speakers in the living room and she jumped, her hair standing on end for a brief moment. 
“That’s Bill, will you excuse me for a moment?” Janet wiped her hands on the front of her apron and disappeared into the next room. Her conversation with her husband was muffled by the music. She looked once again at the bathroom door and wiped her clammy hands on her forearms. There was something different about Tom and it irked her, not knowing what was going on. She was closest in age to Tom and Marianne and considered them her friends, though she didn’t actually know them well. She knew, however, that Tom had a problem with coke, all of the finance boys did. His attitude was stranger than usual, more paranoid and jumpy. The music quieted and Janet returned, humming happily to herself. As soon as she did, the doorbell rang and she spun around, clapping her hands excitedly. 
Tom splashed his face with cold water and let it run down his neck, far below his collar. He shivered beneath the water’s temperature and looked up into the medicine cabinet’s mirror. He imagined Bill in the next room, smugly splayed out in his old recliner. He imagined how good it would feel to shoot him, to get revenge against the man that defiled his wife. His wife. Anger flashed in his eyes and he bit down on the sleeve of his suit jacket, screaming silently into the fabric. He heard the doorbell ring and jumped, his heart dropped painfully into his stomach. He checked the gun in his holster for the fiftieth time that day, counting the round of bullets in the chamber. He waited until the new guests moved further into the apartment before leaving the bathroom. 
The girl watched Tom leave the bathroom and pause just before the door frame into the living room. His stomach quivered beneath his dress shirt as he breathed heavily. When she noticed him spin his wedding around his finger in an anxious instinct, she averted her eyes and flushed. He spun right around and went back into the bathroom. She followed him with her eyes, brows furrowed in extreme distress. 
Tom closed the door again and rubbed his face with his shaking hands. He rummaged through his pockets and retrieved a vial of white powder (coke… obvi). Yes, he had a problem. Obviously. Tom wiped the edge of the sink clean with his elbow and shook powder from the vial onto the surface. He arranged the powder in a line and did the line, shaking his head and sitting back against the rim of the bathtub. A smudge of powder stayed on his upper lip, providing evidence of what he’d done. He knocked his knuckles against the soft sides of his head and tried to regain control. He just needed to act normal, go into the living room and be fucking normal. He wiped away the traces of coke on the sink and fixed his hair in the mirror, trying to slick the greased strands back over his head. 
The girl twirled the cord of her necklace around her finger, her eyes stuck on the bathroom door. She jumped again when the door slammed open and Tom stumbled out, his pupils dilated and his eyes crazed. Tom bounded for the doorway into the living room and stopped abruptly. He walked back and forth, muttering beneath his breath as he did. 
“Tom?” She approached him carefully. Her voice startled him from his erratic state. He licked his lips nervously. 
“I forgot something in my car,” Tom blurted out and spun around a last time, walking quickly to the car. She followed him immediately, her eyes trained on the width of his shoulders. 
“I’ll go with you,” she insisted with a backwards glance at the living room, loud with guests. Tom didn’t respond as he made wide strides to the elevator doors. His breath was heavy and hard as he punched the call button and looked down at her, standing at his side. 
“What are you doing?” He asked. 
“I’m going with you.” She answered apprehensively. Tom cleared his throat, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. 
“You don’t need to do that,” his eyes flicked back at the apartment door. When the elevator doors opened he sighed, debating what to do. He knew better than to go back into the apartment. He’d have to come back another time. She followed him into the elevator and pressed the lobby button for him, her ears growing hot. Tom coughed into his closed fist and started to sweat as the doors closed. 
“Is everything alright, Tom?” She asked him directly as the doors closed and the elevator sunk below the floor. 
“Fine. Fine.” He avoided eye contact and put his hands on his hips, the crotch of his pants bunching around his thighs. He looked up at the floor numbers flashing across the screen above the doors. 
“You don’t seem fine, Tom. What the hell were you doing in there just now?” She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. Tom groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“I’ve just had a long day.”
“Just one?” She asked him with a grunt. “You look like you haven’t slept in days… plural.” 
“Bitch.” Tom snapped and crossed his arms, mirroring her. 
The elevator jolted suddenly and the lights flickered. They stopped their bickering for a moment. She noticed the floor number had stopped at three. The buttons for each floor flashed across the board. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” Tom repeated frustratedly and jabbed at the buttons. 
“Stop, you’ll make it worse.” She slapped his hands away and he groaned, resting his head against the wall of the elevator. 
“It’s stuck,” he mumbled and she nodded, her lips falling into a nervous frown. 
“Yes, it appears so.” She studied the buttons and jabbed at the one labeled “call.” 
Hello? The operator answered after a few seconds. 
“Hello, hi. We’re stuck in the elevator.”
I’ll call the fire department and maintenance. There might be a delay due to the parade traffic but we should have you out soon. Call again if anything happens.
“Damn, it sounds like we’ll be in here for a while.” 
“Fuck, just my fucking luck.” 
“You say fuck a lot,” she laughed off some of her discomfort. 
“Fuck you,” Tom added disheartedly. 
She moved back into a corner of the elevator and watched as Tom leaned into the wall, his breath fogging up the gold aluminum wall. 
“You might as well tell me what it is, now that we’ll be here for a while.” She looked down at her shoes and cleared her throat. “Just tell me,” she urged him but Tom only rolled his eyes, the reflection of it projected back at her. 
“Is it the coke?” She tried and Tom laughed. 
“You think I’m like this because of the coke?”
“You’re not giving me any other reason.” She shrugged and Tom turned to face her. 
“That’s not the reason.” 
“You have some of it left above your lip there,” she gestured to her top lip and Tom wiped his mouth quickly with his sleeve.
Tom sighed and slid down the wall into a crouching position, his hands clasped together in front of his face. He exhaled deeply and looked at the opposite wall, away from her. 
“I found out the other day that Marianne has been cheating on me.” His voice wavered as he spoke. 
“What?” She gasped softly. 
He twisted the wedding ring on his finger and chuckled darkly. 
“It’s been going on for months.” 
“Do you know who they are? The person that she’s cheating with?” She asked slowly, her brows furrowed and her heart beating quickly. 
“Yes,” he answered again with a chuckle, his voice pained. “She’s been fucking Bill.” 
“Bill?!” She slapped a hand across her mouth. “Her advisor? Bill’s cheating on Janet? What the fuck?!” The words all fell out of her mouth. Tom shook his head and with one angry movement chucked his wedding ring across the elevator at the opposite wall. The small piece of metal bounced off the wall with a sharp noise and settled between them on the floor. 
“So you were going to confront him?” She asked, everything coming together. 
He nodded and without warning, started to sob. She immediately knelt beside Tom and patted his back awkwardly. Tom, rather comedically, collapsed into her chest, his hands grappling at her sides. Her heart began to race as his face inched closer to her breast. Her hands shaked as she combed his hair (heavy with product) out of his eyes. 
“He stole my wife! He stole my wife,” he cried against her chest. 
“I’m sorry, Tom. I’m so sorry,” she whispered as she carded her fingers through his hair. The texture of his warm skin beneath her fingertips distracted her. The smell of his expensive cologne and hair product flooded her system. She resisted the urge to lick the scent from his neck, taut with tendons. Geez, she was a creep. Tom’s baby-like tears stained her shirt and made the material stick to the skin below. 
“Does Marianne know that you know?” She tried to focus herself back on the situation. 
“No, I saw it on her phone,” he hiccuped pitifully. “They’ve been fucking in my bed, our bed!” 
She shushed him softly as he started to cry again. His manic sobs racked his thick and muscular body. 
“Are you going to divorce her?” She whispered and Tom shook his head softly.
“I don’t know. I don’t know.” 
Tom pulled away and laid his head back against the elevator wall. She could make out all of the freckles and sun spots across his high cheekbones. She sighed as she reached a hand to his face and swept a tear away from his jaw. Tom turned his clear blue eyes to her’s. His wide lips quivered slightly as he panted from all of his emotions. 
“What she and Bill did is inexcusable, Tom. She doesn’t deserve you if she thinks this casually unfaithful behavior is ok.” She was on her knees now, her thighs flexed beneath her dress. 
Tom’s eye traveled up her body, starting on her fleshy thighs. She watched him curiously. Was he doing what she thought he was? Was he checking her out? Tom’s hand rose from the floor beside him and moved to her knee. 
“Y/N…” he whispered pitifully. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she nearly choked on her own exhale. His thumb rubbed circles into her exposed skin. She knew that she shouldn’t but what more harm could it do? Tom wanted to get back at his wife and she wanted to be fucked by Tom. Win/win situation- no, stop it. Don’t look at me like that! It’s totally ethical. Besides, the way his body leaned into her brought about a powerful force of attraction between them. The streaks of graying hair caught the fluorescent light like plastic rhinestones. 
She leaned forward, into his mouth and exhaled softly against his lips. Tom kissed her first, capturing her lips into a harsh kiss. She kissed him back and tugged gently at the roots of his hair. He moaned excitedly around her lips. Words failed them as they kissed. Their hands spoke softly to each other, begging and asking for more. She pushed off Tom’s coat, exposing the holster strung between his shoulder blades. 
“What the fuck?” She whispered, her eyes wide. “What the hell are you doing with a fucking gun, Tom?” 
“I-I just wanted to get back at them, at him. I’m just so angry,” Tom panted emotionally, his hands shaking. She looked between him and the gun and sighed. 
“I can think of another way to get back at them that doesn’t involve this,” she pointed at the gun strapped around his shoulder. Tom looked up at her, his eyes wide as she closed the distance again. She rose on her knees so that she could be taller than him and cupped his jaw. 
“I can think of something that we should do to get back at them,” she whispered against his wide lips. Tom didn’t respond, his heart beating fast and not just because of the cocaine.
“It goes something like this,” she kissed him with hesitant pecks before settling into a deep rhythm. His hands finally started to move up her hips, grasping the edge of her waist. His breath labored against her and she allowed a shuttering moan to escape; a product of pent up energy. 
“Tom… Tom..” she muttered between kisses, her hands pulled up on his stiff white collar, urging him closer. 
“Mmhm..” Tom hummed softly and guided her onto her back, sitting up between her knees. He towered over her and panted, his hands fumbling over his fly. She pulled down her own underwear and kicked it off her ankles. Tom pulled down his pants slightly and boxer briefs, immediately freeing his cock from his pants. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her closer. She slid across the elevator floor and slammed against his waiting hips. She giggled nervously, her face pink. 
“Are you wet enough?” Tom asked quickly, his hand fisting his erection. His dress shirt trailed over his hands, hiding some of his actions from her view. She nodded eagerly and raised the excess of her dress, pulling the material over her upper thighs. Tom nodded breathlessly and entered her without much warning, she gasped and clenched her fists. 
Tom cursed loudly beneath his breath as he filled her up completely. Her body stretched to accommodate him and the sensation sent shivers up both of their bodies like a cold chill. Tom thrusted at a slow rhythm as he worked himself deeper inside her. She whimpered loudly and steadied herself against the hall of the elevator as she slid back and forth on the floor. 
As her body opened more and more, his thrusts became harder and faster. He leaned over her and planted his hands firmly on the floor on either side of her waist. Bringing his hips closer to her, he fucked her aggressively. Instead of dragging out his hips before each thrust, he stayed as deep as possible inside of her and thrusted farther. 
“God you’re so good,” Tom panted as his mouth fell open into a moan. His eyebrows furrowed to keep him focused. 
“Mm-Marianne is an idiot,” she whined around her words and dug her fingers into Tom’s back. Tom fucked her faster as a response, proving himself to her. 
“Fuck- take it. Take it.” He commanded and she gasped as her orgasm grew. He panted with his mouth held open, his hips thudding against her. His curses flew from his mouth in octaves that grew higher as he felt himself spilling over the edge. 
“Tommmm,” she trailed off, mumbling incoherently. He slowed down as he reached his climax so that he could see her reaction. He lowered himself closer to her and laced his fingers gently around her throat. Pulling one of her legs closer around his hip, he fucked her deeply but slow. His fingers flexed and tightened around her soft neck. He studied her closely, sweat pooling between his shoulders and the peak of his brow.
“I know, honey. I know. Marianne could never handle this but you like it when I fuck you. You’d beg me, wouldn’t you?” He whispered as his cock began to flex inside of her. She squeezed her thighs and he grunted, forcing himself through her body’s automatic resistance. She nodded and licked her lips. 
“Fuck, you feel so much better than her.” He continued to grunt, his teeth gritting. She pulled at the graying roots of his hair, her palms cradling his face. With a sharp yell, Tom finished inside her. His hips rocked against her until he had spilled everything out inside her. Their panting filled the air between them and synced into a rhythm. 
“That was fucking amazing, Tom.” She whispered, her voice weak over her racing heart. 
“Kiss me,” Tom growled. She raised her head slightly to place a kiss on his chapped lips. They kissed sweetly, until a steady beeping noise drew them away from their bodies. The elevator’s panel lit up as it was restarted. They hurriedly separated. Tom tucked in his shirt and buttoned his pants. She pulled her underwear back on and smoothed down her hair. Seconds later, the elevator doors opened to a team of mechanics. The mechanics raised their eyebrows collectively at the couple inside, their faces flushed and sweaty handprints still visible on the elevator’s walls. 
“Thank you so much,” she tried to smile normally at the men as they stumbled out of the elevator. Tom gave the mechanics one more backwards glance before they hurried for the stairwell. Slamming the door closed behind them, Tom shoved her up against the wall inside the stairwell. The sound reverberated up the cement structure, ringing in her ears. He kissed her neck, sucking parts of her flesh to make small hickeys. She sighed as she pulled his face to meet her again and kissed him, her lips pulled into a smile.
“We should do this again,” Tom mumbled darkly against her lips. She nodded and bit his bottom lip gently. 
“How about right now?”   
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joshfutturman · 10 days
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s3 futturman they could never make me hate you
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venelona · 8 months
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A pic I drew for my fanfic 'Write My Report' where we're doing paperwork mafia-style
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beauty-beast-week · 21 days
Be our guest at Beauty and the Beast Week 2024!
@firawren is hosting a Disney Beauty and the Beast fandom event from September 23 to 29, 2024. Save the date and start drafting your creations!
All types of fandom works are welcome: fanfic, fanart, podfic, edits, mood boards, etc. Each work must contain at least one Disney BatB character (crossovers, OCs, and reader-inserts are allowed too!), and be posted on Tumblr, tagging @beauty-beast-week. An AO3 collection will also be set up for fic—details to follow.
Since BatB centers on a rose, the theme for this year is “In the Garden,” with a different plant prompt for each day. The idea is not that you create something literally about that plant (though you could), but that you think of things associated with it and use that as inspiration. Here are the prompts with some associated ideas:
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Day 1: Daffodil (fresh start, spring, celebration, self-love…)
Day 2: Venus fly trap (angst, deception, hunger, bondage…)
Day 3: Lavender (relaxation, sleep, bath, summer, scents…)
Day 4: Cactus (resilience, pain, irritation, heat, thirst…)
Day 5: Dandelion (fluff, wishes, children, play, stubbornness…)
Day 6: Bamboo (growth, luck, strength, speed, size difference…)
Day 7: Free day
The examples in parentheses above are merely ideas. Feel free to use your own interpretations of the daily prompts.
You are NOT expected to do something every day! Just 1 work for 1 day of your choosing is enough, though you are welcome to do more if you like.
Send an ask or DM if you have any questions!
Please reblog this post to spread the word, since this is a brand new event!
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svnraez · 1 year
shoutout to artists and fanfic writers, you guys really are the entire backbone of every fandom ever and i love you for it.
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domilino · 3 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Relationships: Henry Bowers/Original Female Character(s), Henry Bowers/Lizeth "Liz" Johnson Characters: Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, Reginald "Belch" Huggins, Peter Gordon (IT), Lizeth "Liz" Johnson Additional Tags: Beverly Marsh is lightly mentioned, Ben Hanscom lightly mentioned, Henry in love?, Henry is a fool, Patrick only appears once and it's scary, Victor Criss is a good friend, Henry Bowers in love, Did I already mention that Henry Bowers is a fool in love? let him live, Lizeth Johnson is also called Liz or Lizzy (by Henry), ocxcanon, This would count as my selfshipp because I love Henry, Forget it, it's just a pretty OcxCanon
"Henry Bowers has felt a strange curiosity towards a girl who has just moved to town.
He hates her, from the first moment he saw her he hated her… or so his brain wants to make him believe, but there is something inside him that says that is not entirely true; that is a lie.
Too traumatized to properly understand love, which is normal for many people except him."
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Henry had only seen her from a distance a couple of times Although he didn't interact with her, he could say with certainty that she—who had only been living in Derry for three weeks—had already adapted enough to the routine to seem like an average citizen of the town.
From that moment on, he started seeing her every day, whether he wanted to or not. Without fail, he watched her leave the classroom with a smile on her face, exuding an aura of extra energy and kindness that made her seem like the typical cliché of a "fallen angel from heaven."
There was something that constantly caught his attention, an inexplicable factor that affected him and significantly increased his curiosity about the girl.
Maybe it was the fact that Lizeth had easily adapted to the dull life of Derry, yet she continued to stand out everywhere: her colorful clothing, the long and curly hair that seemed to be the softest in the world, or perhaps it was her beautiful green eyes.
"It's like an orange cat; too energetic and silly." Those were Henry Bowers' words to describe Lizeth Johnson.
Everyone noticed it, or at least those who knew him and spent enough time with him to know that something was going on. His two trusted friends noticed it, his gang members did too, the losers also noticed it, and even his father—who didn't bother to check if he had breakfast or failed any subjects—noticed an unusual behavior in his son Henry.
He couldn't accept it, or rather, he didn't know how to handle something that was undoubtedly normal for many, for all those people who did have a normal life. I mean, he could barely—try to—control his moments of anger, something he knew and understood like the back of his hand. Because Henry knew what someone's real anger felt like.
[ . . . ]
Every day without fail, Henry saw the girl leaving school, always with a lovely smile.
It no longer seemed like a coincidence to encounter her in the hallways or just as she was leaving one classroom to enter another because it wasn't. But it looked so normal after a while that it became part of the routine.
And Henry Bowers still didn't say a single word to her...
"Do you have something?" A voice interrupted, Victor Criss's voice, Henry Bowers' closest friend.
"Who cares," grunted Henry, then headed towards the school cafeteria.
Victor Criss and Reginald "Belch" Huggins looked at each other for a moment. It was clear that the gang leader wasn't going to say anything, especially knowing that there were still plenty of people walking through the hallways.
"come?" Patrick Hockstetter called, looking at the others who were still leaning against the wall. They followed their leader to the cafeteria, curiously far from where she was.
[ . . . ]
Henry saw her every day, whether he liked it or not.
He was beginning to understand a little more about this strange curiosity about Lizeth "Liz" Johnson, and no, it wasn't the same as what he had "felt" for Beverly Marsh. This curiosity, or rather, this feeling was very different from that. And the more he thought about it, the more the feeling grew, and it was something incredibly stupid.
How could you love someone you only saw for a couple of minutes a day? He knew her name because a week before her arrival, rumors had spread that someone would move to Derry. From then on, he knew nothing, and that made him feel so foolish. He wanted to get rid of that feeling, he hated it, it made him feel weak, and he couldn't ask anyone for help. What would they say about him?
"Henry Bowers, Derry's bully, is in love with a silly girl." It's so...
"Henry, Henry, damn it," Victor shouted. "You've been thinking about who knows what the whole trip. We arrived at the arcade 10 minutes ago, and you're still in the damn car."
The brunette gave his companion the most bitter face he could muster.
"Who cares," he said. "My thoughts are my problems, nosy."
Victor sighed.
"Look, we... the guys and I will be inside playing. When your mind is more relaxed, you can come. Also if..."
"Yes, I'll go in a moment," declared Henry.
Victor didn't say anything, knowing perfectly well that Henry wouldn't speak again, so he just left him alone in the car.
[ . . . ]
Henry always saw Liz Johnson every day, and with each passing day, he thought Liz was even more beautiful than the day before.
Through his eyes, Liz had become truly beautiful. To the point where she seemed almost unattainable.
She was so cute, as sweet as a dream.
And he hated her so much.
[ . . . ]
Lizeth was also noticing it; she knew of his existence, and that made Henry's heart race. The fact that she had looked at him for even a second excited him; it made him so happy.
Henry Bowers had thought for a moment about talking to her.
He could approach and have a conversation with her, but then his doubt arose; doubt that turned into an assumption and then fear.
What if she was afraid of him?
It was no secret that people were afraid of Henry; he was a stupid and rough bully, and he had cultivated that image along with his gang for years.
What if she didn't want to get close to him?
That just put him in a bad mood.
His own thoughts made him upset.
So Henry chose not to do it, besides, it would be weird for someone like him to approach someone like her.
That was his thought.
[ . . . ]
Henry's behavior changed gradually, not enough, but there was a change, unfortunately for many, it was for the worse. Henry now got irritated more easily than before.
Henry was alone that day, a rare sight but not unusual. He still looked terrifying and emitted an aura of unease. Henry Bowers kept his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he watched the students pass by. No one approached him, even though he was alone, just the fact that he was so irritable made them nervous.
Henry spent the entire school day alone—his friends were busy, and they had to skip school, except for Patrick, who had been suspended for a week, who knows what trouble he got into—until lunchtime, where Henry decided to skip the remaining hours of class on the school field.
The bully walked through the hallways, from the cafeteria entrance to two large worn doors at the end of the hallway.
Henry Bowers pushed the door and entered, thinking that there wouldn't be anyone at this time of class.
"What are you doing here?" An unfamiliar voice; a very different accent than he was used to hearing.
That was her voice. As beautiful as always.
Lizeth was sitting on the bleachers of the sports field.
"Hey," Lizeth called again.
"Did you skip class?" she asked.
"I could ask you the same question, Lizeth Johnson," the boy added.
It was clear that Bowers didn't expect her to be here. It could be anyone, but not the girl.
Lizeth smiled sweetly.
"Maybe," she replied. "I don't like chemistry. I understand certain things, and believe me, I would be willing to waste my student life learning about carbon atoms or hydrocarbons and their nomenclatures, but... I won't endure almost five hours of daily class with that bitter lady.
Henry smiled slightly and said, "You sound like a nerd."
"And you? You seem very alone today, Henry Bowers. Where are your friends?" She raised an eyebrow, looking at her companion with curiosity.
Henry swallowed and said, "How do you know...?"
"Henry Bowers, leader of a gang of bullies who happens to carry your last name," she interrupted. "I know who you are; I've heard about you since the first day of school. You seem like a Hollywood star with how much your name is heard inside and outside the school hallways."
Henry made a face, not knowing how to feel now; proud or unpleasant.
He used to feel happy when he knew his victim would have pure terror towards him, as had happened with Ben Hanscom in his first school year.
But Liz was far from being a victim of his heavy jokes.
"Oh, it was to be expected."
"I guess it's normal for you, right?" she questioned, looking at Henry and sitting on the front bleachers. Then she patted the spot next to her, offering the boy to sit beside her.
Henry looked at her but didn't even move from his place.
"I don't sit with losers" he said, crossing his arms.
"You don't have to be aggressive with me."
"Do you not fear me?" he warned, with some irritation in his tone.
"Why would I fear you? Are you going to do something to me?"
Henry opened his mouth, but there was nothing to say.
"Who cares"
Liz let out a little laugh and then stood up from where she was sitting.
"I assumed so," she began walking towards where Henry was standing, giving him a few pats on the shoulder. "It was nice trying to have a conversation with you, but I have to go; the chemistry class is almost over, and I have to go back," she joked. "Let's talk more often, Hank."
Henry Bowers heard her steps moving away, heard the small squeak of the door opening. He could feel his heart lighten, and his cheeks started to take on the same reddish color as his shirt.
He was... so angry with himself and with Liz.
It was so stupid.
"Darn it, damn fool!" He felt offended; truly offended.
[ . . . ]
Every day, Henry saw Liz Johnson leaving the classroom, but this time, as she passed by Henry and his gang, she smiled and greeted him, waving her hand enthusiastically. Even knowing that her greeting would not be reciprocated by his friend, who just remained with his arms crossed.
"She greeted you," Peter Gordon pointed out to the girl when there was already a considerable distance between them.
"I know, I'm not blind, idiot," he clarified in a sarcastic tone.
Henry remained the same, or so it seemed, but clearly, something had happened or that something Victor Criss already suspected had happened.
And no one, but no one, was going to deny the fact that Henry Bowers, with each passing week, day, and hour, was falling more in love with Lizeth Johnson.
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It's just a silly story of my OcxCanon with Henry Bowers, because I discovered IT and I love all the characters and Henry is just a fool who needs love (therapy and a lawsuit against his father). This was written in spanish, so if there are errors, sorry. I try my best to write well in English (it's not a language I understand very well) Also say that I did this writing """"inspired"""" by the song Oh Love, I think you're really beautiful by Starry Cat. Although, Lmao, the only thing it has in common is the title.
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cwongo · 4 months
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First ever fanart I’ve done of them 😃
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Day 22 of Kinkmas: Late Night Sex With Kyle Scheible
A/N: i’m seeing wonka on new year’s eve!!
pairing: kyle scheible x fem!reader
warning: making out, protected sex, hickeys, riding
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It’s Friday night and I’m studying for a test that’s on Monday. Kyle is laying on my bed but I already thinking that he wants me but I need to get my studying done so I can know the questions for Monday.
“Are you done now?” Kyle asks leaning over where my deck is at.
“Not really.” I look at him.
“You’ve been studying for an hour now, you should take a break.” He says.
It’s true, I need a break.
“Fine, I’ll take a break.” I get on the bed next to Kyle and he wraps his arms around me.
“You’ll do fine Y/N/N.” He says kissing my cheek.
“Thank you, it’s just a huge part of our final grade.” I face him.
“Once again, you’ll be fine.” He strokes my cheek.
I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back. He gets on top of me, he knows that my parents aren’t home because of a work trip and he’s staying here for the weekend.
“Kyle are you sure you want to do this?” I stop him from kissing me.
“Your parents aren’t here and I just want you to relax.” He whispers in my ear.
I kiss him again he kisses me back, I wrap my arms around him, I feel him smiling in the kiss. I begin to touch him, I make my hand go to his clothed cock, which makes him moan.
We take our clothing off and Kyle grabs a condom and puts it on his dick, he goes in and out of me, I gasp by how good he is. He begins to give me hickeys, I give hickeys to him as well, he groans. I get on top of him and begins to ride him, he grips on my hips and follows my lead.
After a while, we’re laying on my bed, cuddling and tired. I guess he was right, I needed this break from studying for 70 hours of my life, I just get over-stressed about a lot of things but I do pass my exams and classes all together. I’m just glad Kyle helped me through this to be honest.
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charliedawn · 8 months
Can you do one with the slashers (including Five) where she's very talkative and is always happy, like she loves to cook for others, always has a smile, basically a golden retriever and how they would react to her?
🤞- anon
Michael Myers :
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Michael didn’t know how to react at first. He kept staring at you and you thought he was even irritated by your cheerful behaviour.
You were sad to see that no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t find a way to speak with him.
But one day, he entered the kitchen and wordlessly started watching you. You asked if he needed anything, but he didn’t seem to want anything else than to watch you.
You indulged and soon, you found out that Michael seemed to be learning. He kept watching the movements of your hands when you cut and cooked. And when you had your back turned, he would pick up where you left off and try to help you.
Michael is not exactly talkative, but once he warms up to you ? He’ll try his best to help you.
Bo Sinclair :
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Bo wasn’t used to having a sunshine in his life. He barely talked to you at first and preferred to keep his distance.
He worked on his car. He ignored you most of the time, but you were persistent.
You would come into the garage and bring him cookies almost every week. And you kept him company whenever you could.
You were a talker, but he didn’t mind. He likes talkers.
You *sitting down on a table nearby and pushes a plate with a sandwich on it towards him* : "You should eat something."
Him *smiles and chuckles before tilting his cap at you and taking a bite of the sandwich* : "Thanks, lovely. Ya too good with me, sun cake."
"And one day all that kindness is gonna come to bite ya in the ass." He thinks, but doesn’t say. He simply looks at your beaming smile and winning attitude and shakes his head.
He will keep his mouth shut—for now.
Vincent Sinclair :
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Vincent didn’t really know what to make of you at first. He kept himself busy in his room and rarely got out for anything else than mandatory community meals.
And when he did, he didn’t speak.
He just stared at you. And whenever you would talk to him, he would either ignore you or look away.
Vincent is not very social, but he would ask his brother to handle the talking part when he needs something…
Bo *approaches you* : "Hum…Vincent asked me to give you this ?" *gives you a wax figurine*
You *smile before looking at Vincent—hidden behind Bo—with a bright smile* : "Thank you, Vincent !"
Him *blushes profusely*
He would eventually get used to you, but it would take a lot of time and patience for the both of you to end up close enough for him to actually trust you.
Jason Voorhees :
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Jason stayed away at first, but he did observe you. His eyes would follow you wherever you went, and specifically when interacting with the other slashers.
He would also never make the first step to properly introduce himself. But, he’d be happy to see you try to come towards him.
You *smile* : "Hey there, Jason. What are you carving today ?"
Jason *smiles shyly before showing you a small wooden frog figurine*
Once you gained his trust, he’d protect you from the other slashers—especially from Freddy.
If you’re the golden retriever ? He’ll be the German Shepherd. One word from you and he’ll kill whoever you want.
Freddy Krueger :
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Unlike the rest of the slashers, Freddy has no boundaries or shyness. He’ll be up in your face from the start with the biggest sh*t-eating grin ever and introduce himself to you.
Freddy *extends his hand forward* : "Helllllo there, gorgeous. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes ?! Name’s Freddy. What’s yours ?"
Creep alert.
Freddy is NOT a decent person. And he doesn’t know how to react when it comes to sunshine people. He’d be all flirty jokes and dirty talk.
Freddy *clearly staring at your behind* : "Hey there, peach. How are you doing this morning ?"
You *turn around with a smile* : "Very good. Thank you, Freddy. How about you ?"
Him *seems confused* : "Huh ? I was talking to your sweet a—!"
Jason *mighty punches him in the face*
As I said, Freddy is the master of discomfort.
Yeah…Don’t meet Freddy first.
Norman Bates :
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Norman loved your enthusiasm and your want to help. He asked you to help him multiple times and you always did with a smile on your face.
You took care of the residents in his motel and never complained. You knew who he was, but you never let that stop you from caring about him.
He grew soft on you, and even though he was meant to kill you at first…He couldn’t.
Instead, he kept you around and found a worthy companion in you. He brought you on his daily walks and even opened up on his most secret thoughts.
Even his mother grew fond of you as she learned to respect you and the effort you put in the motel and in taking care of her son.
Norman *smiles as he gives you a cup of you favourite drink* : "Here you go, darling."
You *smile and thank him*
Jack Torrance :
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Him : "Well well…Aren’t you simply delightful, sugar pie ?"
Jack found the situation funny. They had had many nurses come and go, but none of them as sweet and positive as you.
When you entered the kitchen, he comically pulled out sunglasses from his breast pocket and put them on his nose while watching you prepare breakfast.
Jack is usually the first one up. He likes to have his morning coffee before anyone else because he doesn’t like loud noises in the morning.
He usually never eats breakfast, but you actually forced him to after you noticed how he seemed to never eat.
Him : "I don’t need that much food, sunshine. I can survive a day with just coffee in my tank. But, thanks for the concern."
To which you simply made him breakfast everyday until he finally decided to eat. Just because he was tired of seeing your sad face when you had to throw away the food.
Brahms Heelshire :
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Brahms got attached to you from the start.
He saw you as a chance to get attached to someone, the occasion to replace Greta.
And even better, you weren’t scared of him and helped him take care of his doll. You fixed him meals and brought them to his room when he didn’t feel like eating with the others. You willingly spent time with him. And he was grateful for it.
Him *grabs you from behind and hugs you tightly*
You *smiles and kisses his forehead* : Good morning, Brahms."
Brahms *hugs you tighter*
He is a physical affection kinda boy. He loves hugs, kisses and scratches on his scalp.
And once he knows you are safe ? He’ll follow you around like a lost puppy and carry you around if you’d let him.
Pennywise/Penny :
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Pennywise *gives you the side eye* : "…Don’t smile so much."
You *puzzled* : "What ?"
Pennywise *growls* : "Your smile. It’s annoying. Why do you always smile so much ?"
You waited a few seconds before answering him.
"The slashers deserve someone who can smile with them—even you."
It left Pennywise stunned. And you left him with his thoughts. Pennywise normally didn’t mind people smiling because it usually meant dinner for him. But, you didn’t smile at them the same way his old victims did. You knew perfectly well who he was and what he had done. And yet, you still smiled at him without a care in the world. It made him upset because Pennywise doesn’t like things he doesn’t understand.
Unlike Penny who actually loved you from the start. Penny was excited to see someone so fun and outgoing. He quickly got used to you and your cheerful personality.
Five Hargreaves :
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Five was actually an old friend of yours. He was the reason you had heard about St Louis in the first place.
He was relieved when you got the job, but he noticed you seemed a little worried.
When he pulled you apart, you confessed that not a lot of the slashers had actually approached you and that most of them seemed to be ignoring you. So, you asked if maybe they didn’t like you for a reason.
But, Five was quick to reassure you.
Him : "The slashers aren’t used to affection. Be patient and they’ll eventually get used to you."
You : "I just hope they’ll like me."
Five *smiles* : "Don’t worry. They’ll like you. I’m sure of it."
Five cheered you up as he bit his lower lip in order to restrain himself from telling you that he was glad that the slashers seemed to leave you alone…because he wanted you safe.
And because you were the only ray of sunshine this hospital had and he didn’t want you to change.
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freak-accident419 · 3 months
The Little Things
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: Upset that Josh has been overly stressed and traumatized recently, you decide to surprise him with a short getaway, a temporary escape—you were going to take him to see a dinosaur.
WC: 1.8k
Content: fluff, mentions of death, gender neutral reader, short but sweet, kissing, listening to music, quiet yet comfortable company, few curse words
(A/n: this oneshot is heavily inspired by the movie Palm Springs which was brought to my attention from something @rynsfandomsfun reblogged—it was a sweet movie. Also, don’t play the preview of the song attached, but listen from the beginning when it plays in the fic :) )
“Hey. Wake up…”
Your gentle voice and light shaking seemed to do the trick as you sat patiently on the edge of his bed. “Y/n?” Josh grumbles drowsily, gradually waking up as he rubs his eyes with his fingers. “Shit… what time is it…?”
You chuckle amusedly at his demeanor. “Approximately two a.m. But that’s not so important,” you answer, watching him use his arms to lift himself up against his bed frame, now in a sitting position.
He faced you with groggy bewilderment until his eyes suddenly widened once they inevitably trailed over to your lap. “Shit—Y/n, is that the TTD?” Josh gasped. The revelation seemed to have woken him up completely, his shock clashing with your nonchalant smirk. “But that would mean—”
“Yes, I stole it from Tiger and Wolf while they were sleeping. And yeah, I’m aware they’d kill me if they ever found out, but they’ll never know we even left, ’cause lucky for us, now we have a damn time machine,” you grin softly.
“‘Left’? Wait, what—what are we doing?”
You chuckle, admiring the adorably confounded look on his face. You were so thrilled to break the news to him, anticipating his reaction. “I’m gonna take you to see a dinosaur.”
You didn’t mean to get tied into all of this. Well, technically, none of you were meant to. However, Josh was your best friend, and one day, you two hung out in his room as you watched him play and attempt to beat his favorite game Biotic Wars. And you never would’ve guessed the shit you both would go through after that.
As his best friend, you knew him very well and were able to read him even if he was across the room from you. Therefore, you could always sense when he was upset and miserably exhausted. So when those two airheaded dipshits from the future constantly mistreated and belittled him, you couldn’t help but feel resentment towards them and pity towards your best friend. And the moment you saw him covered in his co-workers’ blood after him witnessing his colleagues brutally chop them up to shove inside a possum incinerator, you were just about done with all of this bullshit.
So when the day became night, you snuck into Tiger and Wolf’s weird sewer hideout, stealing their TTD. And then you snuck into Josh’s house, planning to steal him too.
Josh’s face beams as he heard your proposal, and it was probably the first time you’ve seen him genuinely smile ever since he got involved in that savior crap.
“I’m gonna see a dinosaur?” You answered him with a smug nod. “You’re not fucking with me? I’m gonna see a dinosaur? H-holy—holy shit!”
You knew he wanted this before, hell, you were right there when he begged Tiger and Wolf for it back in 1969. And so, because of all the bullshit he undeservingly had to deal with, you wanted to give him a break or reward. You just wanted to see your friend happy again, like how he was before this entire mess.
In life, you had to enjoy the little things—which says a lot about your lives right now, considering that traveling back in time to see a dinosaur could be considered as such. The two of you needed a break, even just for less than a day where you didn’t have to worry about saving the world or killing people.
You take out an index card and found a pen on his desk. “What time is it?” You ask him, taking the cap off of the pen with your teeth.
“Uh, two—uh, two thirty-four,” he answered after glancing at the clock. “Am I—Am I seriously going to see a dinosaur? Are—are we actually going to the jurassic period?”
You scribbled down the time so you’d know when exactly you should get back, just to avoid any complications. “Yes,” your answer was muffled as you laugh softly, taking the cap out of your mouth to place it back over the pen. You shoved the note in your pocket then took Josh’s hand, helping him get up from his bed to stand up in his room. You open the TTD and began to play around with the controls.
“Do you even know how to use that thing?” He asked, looking over all the cryptic symbols and confusing interface, then back at you.
“Uhh, general idea,” you reply, clicking around the device some more until you finally placed your arm around his shoulder. “You ready, Josh?”
He blinked, then nodded eagerly. “Are you serious? Hell, yeah! Holy shit! No way! I’m gonna see an actual, fucking dinosaur!”
You weren’t quite used to the feeling of traveling through time, but at least it got easier every time you did. Bright blue lights and volts surrounded the two of you, feeling a gust of wind blow into your face and whole being, and even heat from the electrical currents. And then, in less than five seconds, you two appeared in a jungle, late at night, in the late jurassic period.
You two sat down on a thick branch of a tallish tree, the soft light of the moon kissing your faces. It was dangerous to be in such a wild and unpredictable time, surrounded by deadly, barbaric creatures, so the tree would be a pretty safe place to watch the dinosaurs from. Except the surrounding area was practically empty, so you just waited for them to emerge.
Your shoulders brushed as you enjoyed the silence between the two of you—which was actually ceased fairly quickly once Josh communicated a thought that had practically gnawed at him for days.
“Hey, I just wanna say I’m, uh… I’m sorry that I dragged you into this, Y/n,” he finally says, looking at you pitifully. He looked really nice in the moonlight, you thought. “Wolf and Tiger, they’re insane, and I—shit, if I never invited you over then none of this would fucking—”
“Hey, hey, shut up, will you?” You snickered, offering a forgiving grin. “You didn’t drag me into this. The both of us never would’ve expected any of this bullshit, okay? Like, genuinely.” Josh nodded, but you still sensed some remaining guilt in him. “Hey. If I was gonna be wrapped into this crazy fucking mess with somebody, I’m glad it was with you. You’re my best friend. My ride or die.”
The corner of his lips curled into a sweet, appreciative smile. “Thanks,” he replied coyly. “And, uh, thanks for this. I know there’s no dinosaurs right now, but… I really appreciate the gesture. Like, Tiger and Wolf, they would’ve—”
“They definitely would’ve killed me, yes,” you laughed softly. “But… you’re worth all the crazy fucking discipline.”
With this lighting, you could never see how his cheeks flushed pink. But you knew he was blushing, from how the corner of his eyes crease and the way his wide smile accentuated his cheeks, revealing his pearly white, perfect teeth. He lets out a quiet giggle, and the two of you continued to watch the horizon of the dark, yet mesmerizing prehistoric view.
You two held each other’s hands, interlocking one another’s fingers warmly, placing the clasped fists between each other. There was some kind of unspoken thing between you two that you never had time to figure out, mainly because of the recent things you’ve been dealing with. But it was still there, that strange, lingering feeling.
And then…
“Holy shit!” Josh gasped abruptly, sitting up, patting onto your shoulder repeatedly, then pointing his finger far out into the distance. “Y/n, look, shit, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n—”
“Wh—” Your breath hitched as you saw it in front of you. “Shit…”
The several long necks and small heads of brontosauruses were in the distance, peeking out of the whole jungle and its trees, walking slowly towards the left in front of the iridescent moon.
It was beautiful. You never expected it to be. Actually, you really didn’t expect anything, you thought it’d be too surreal to even process. But they were exactly like the history books. They were like the CGI graphics in film and games, the images displayed near their exhibits at museums, the small long, plastic figures that come in clear tubes, and hell, a scene from Spielberg’s Jurassic fucking Park.
“They’re beautiful…” Josh sighs in complete awe.
“They really are…” you mutter, still fascinated by it all, watching the family of dinosaurs walk slowly together, letting out low moans and stomps with each heavy step.
Abruptly, you take out your phone from your pocket, as well as some earbuds. You plug it in, help Josh with the left earpiece and put the right one in yours. And then, you clicked onto a song that you had downloaded prior.
The gentle song began to play softly in your ears. The two of you were mesmerized by the beauty and magnificence of these creatures that you never thought you’d ever see. Your head moves down to rest on Josh’s shoulder as you two admired the dinosaurs from afar. The light pressure of you against his shoulder tickled him slightly, which he gulped at, heat rising to his cheeks. Your contact against him felt warm and you felt safe. Even though this was a place where you would most likely get mauled brutally by ‘clever girl’s, you felt nearly invincible with your best friend by your side.
“This is amazing…” he whispered, astonished.
“Yeah,” you sigh, mocking his quiet speech.
A pause.
“You’re amazing…”
You slowly pull away from his shoulder curiously, your eyes leaving the direction of the large, majestic animals. Your eyes look deeply into his, again, the moonlight shining exquisitely on the side of his face, bright enough to reveal some of the hazel tint in his irises. You felt your eyelashes flutter each time you looked from his eyes to his lips. He, too, looked at you intimately and fondly. And then your eyes closed gently once you feel his lips press against yours, hearing the song continue in your ears. The entire moment felt so magical, that you weren’t sure if it was because of the fact that you were in a place where dinosaurs existed or that you were kissing the person you’ve always admired.
You pull away slowly, a silent exchange of eye contact, before kissing him again, with more passion and less hesitance, letting your hands rest behind his neck.
There were no more words between the two of you after. In a good, serene way. Parting from his lips, you rested your head back onto his shoulder, feeling his arm around you from the back and his hand holding your waist. And you two continued to watch the dinosaurs under the stars, holding each other’s hands once more. Enjoying the little things, for now.
You could let this moment go on forever. After all, with the TTD, you had all the time in the world.
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