#except one who was kind of cute but then he asked me if id consider cheating on my (now ex) bf bc ''long distance doesnt count''
lobotomizedlady · 3 months
how does any woman just go to a bar or out to dance and magically meet a man worth hooking up with even once let alone consistently. I'd rather use a cheese grater as a dildo than fuck any man who's ever approached me at a club I'll tell you that much
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cenviswasteland · 11 days
okay from best to worst top three! klapollo krisnix wrightworth go!! with explanations duh - 💾
oh guess what i just found in the bottom of my drafts. sorry floppy disk you asked me this in march and now its almost june. my bad pestie
anyway i would LOVE to. im gonna cut the post here because it ended up getting pretty damn long and i wanna save the mobile users some pain
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a little preface first: i don't think any of them are the "worst". im a multiship freak and i think all three of these are best and worst in their own way. id love more info on what you MEAN by "best to worst" because that's so very vague. do you mean in terms of relationship dynamic? do you mean in terms of personal perception? do you mean how much i like them?? since i have no idea what exactly youre asking me here, im just gonna shove a whole bunch of headcanons in your face and hope for the best. xoxo follow me
3rd place - Wrightworth / Narumitsu
the iconic, original gangster, blah blah blah. forever cute. theyre just kind of a little bland to me. like i feel as tho we've explored basically everything there is to explore in wrightworth with the exception of the seven year gap? eh maybe thats a terrible take who knows. theyre still lovely tho i love the seemingly constant stream of gayass lawyers on my feed. everybody loves narumitsu!
2nd place - Klapollo
i really don't have much to say about klapollo either. theyre cute as hell and they definitely have a lot more to ponder on (considering that the only game we really get klavier in is AA4 [no DD doesnt count klavs ass got fucking Visited and he was written so poorly thats NOT my klavier gavin]). and generally speaking im an AA4 fiend its my favorite game in the entire series and so im biased. also, another pretty constant stream of gay lawyer content. shout out to hyundere who made like constant beautiful klapollo content until the One Piece happened lol [im a one piece enjoyer too dont come for me this is not criticism]
1st place - Krisnix
my GOD krisnix. theres a lot of things that go into me enjoying krisnix, but the biggest one is the fact that they have the fucking wackiest, least defined relationship in all of AA4. (also, another AA4 exclusive lol). with the 7yg in play, theres so much room to play around. and most of krisnix really exists in their questions and the vagueness of their relationship. theres like a billion things to ask. how does this relationship develop? how did they meet? what were they like for seven years? what led up to phoenix suspecting kristoph in, yknow, the Everything that happened in AA4? what kind of relationship did they even have? were they "friends" that just happened to pull each other into their gravity? were they holding hands and cuddling every night? were they practically strangers until one of them needed to "blow off steam"?
and not to mention these people are both private/secretive as HELL (phoenix is probably the cagiest man ive ever seen ever. and kristoph, aside from being a man with a fucking army of skeletons in his closet, gets an unfortunately small amount of screentime in the game and not a lot of time to get into the meat of his character/backstory [see: black psyche-locks]). that adds another layer. they certainly dont talk about each other. so how did... All Of This happen?
SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. and in general i like my ships a little more "toxic". and i mean. if you know ANYTHING about AA4, krisnix is pretty mutually toxic. i could totally make another post tearing into the inner guts of their dynamic and relationship-- hell, i could probably make FIVE.
moral of the story: krisnix forever. poggies.
anyway yeah i hope this uh. answered all your questions? how the hell do you end a tumblr post
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HIIIII MUTUAL WHO'S INDULGING ME 🥺 okok so um. this will all be really rambly and out of order and based solely on what i find on my rpg maker bin. uh. also most if not all of them are more the type of old rpg maker games so y e a h
I think if i had to pick like. One game only that most of the cast could enjoy it'd be To the Moon not only because it's one of the VERY FEW not horror focused games in this god forsaken folder but also the story is just. ueeh. if i had to specifically pick characters though, i will have to say arashi and adonis. yeah.
Ib is another classic I can see a fair bit of characters enjoying??? if we are going on the gamer characters only, then id probably say makoto + trickstar (and i can see specially mao being into it). the puzzles are fun and the story is very compelling,,, i think the 4 would all probably play together as a "way of bonding!!!" but also as a way for hokuto to make sure makoto isn't scared and subaru isn't getting distracted every 3 minutes. mao would be solving the puzzles 90% of the time and the 4 all have so much fun playing it <3
I thiiiink this one might be a controversial one and i SWEAR im not being biased since this one's my favorite but. considering all the complicated over the top lore + all the philosophical shit in it. i think nagisa could EASILY get into Hello Charlotte and etherane stuff in general. yeah sure nagisa isnt the type of guy who would play online games and ill agree to that, but i can see jun maybe mentioning some philosophical game and Nagisa just staring at him with autism eyes filled with glee and curiosity. would probably end up spending two days not doing anything besides playing the whole trilogy + heaven's gate. right after that he is rambling to EVERYONE about it and the lore and the characters and how he related to both Vincent and Charlotte and no one gets what the hell Nagisa is talking about. would also bond over playing a game with Sora or something except Sora has no clue about the game Nagisa played. It's all a bunch of complicated words and what the hell do you mean gods and kids and different realities and. but Sora's very happy Nagisa seemed to have fun and now wants to invite him to play other stuff hashtag autism besties
talking about sora! 1bitHeart. cute silly warm game about making friends. the colors and soundtrack are all also very nice and i think sora would absolutely enjoy them. would get way too attached to ALL the characters after spending so much time talking with them and giving them gifts and i don't know man. 1bitHeart just has the switch vibes aesthetic-wise to me. natsume would also probably be into it and played it because of sora, thinking it'd be just a silly friendship game but natsume got too attached to certain characters too (not that they'd admit to it. if you ask natsume they'd just go "a silly game about befriendING others. it does NOT suit someone like ME.")
and talking about miwashiba games + natsume. I can fully see natsume being into LiEat. Both the world building and the characters in general + the premise itself of a dragon who feeds on lies screams natsume to me. would also NEVER admit to being into it but sora is very aware natsume enjoys it. i don't really have much to say on this one just trust me okay i swear LiEat natsume makes sense
to finish the miwashiba saga. ritsu would be into Alice Mare and i don't know how to explain this one either. the aesthetics just scream ritsu to me and i swear it makes sense somewhere ok please trust me cries
Dreaming Mary is a complicated one. just based on aesthetics id probably say tori but like. considering the bad ending stuff and all? i think tori would just get the bad ending and think its just a cutesy teehee ending and not pay it any mind. now if we are talking about someone who'd also get the real ending and still be into it i. kind of want to say hinata honestly. the aesthetics are overly cutesy, yeah, but i ALSO don't know how to properly put into words how i feel hinata would enjoy Dreaming Mary. i swear this is the final one i ask for you all to trust me on okay
Yume Nikki is also very much a classic but I can't exactly pinpoint like. one specific character who'd be into it. the game is too vague and explorative for me to be certain on who'd enjoy it. however, if you asked me right *now* id probably guess yuta or midori??? yeah really not sure for yume nikki but im sure SOMEONE would be into it
finally. the fucking mystery of kagehira mika. i originally considered funamusea's stuff but at the same time i don't think mika would be fully into them. then my brain went to the more classic horror games. maybe The Witch's House? or maybe Mad Father + Misao???? but then i recalled that corpse party is arguably a rpg maker game so case closed. mika corpse party.
thanks for listening.
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part 2 for the hottie-cutie! actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart. but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong... but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map... and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack... 'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you. 'that was a long rant' and i love every letter. im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!! and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great. 'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad. 'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions. 'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war. SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it. like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel. 'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true. thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn. but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge. omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me! so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie! have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
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im so annoyed with myself because i was almost done with answering you then i pressed cntl z and everything disappeared fml
now im going to be sad the entire time i type this fuck off tumblr why are you so glitchy
actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart.
T_T rip T_T HAHAAH wait its still so funny to me that 70 is average i gasped when i read this the first time T_T asian countries be like that ig HAHHAHH. i mean there are A LOT OF DUMB FILIPINOS TOO SO /: its fine theres a bit of dumb in the world but its so weird to me that our grades are so high standard. /: asians HAHAHA
but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong...
well now you know. people who are overconfident are airheaded /:
but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map...
STILL AS DISTURBING AS WHEN I REPLIED TO THIS THE FIRST TIME T_T these kids (boys especially) need to stop glorifying war i cant believe this was a trend T_T also the map thing is so true and i suck at geography but i could at least point to russia come one
also T_T although im annoyed i have to type this all over again, did you know russia is bigger than pluto. i love pluto lets talk about pluto more next time when im not frustrated with myself for fundamentally deleting my entire reply T_T
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and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack...
L war this is why feminism is important, little boys think war is the only thing that is cool enough to be their hobby because its violent T_T
'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you.
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'that was a long rant' and i love every letter.
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im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!!
i did a whole rant about sandman but T_T next time. I REALLY WAS SO SUPER EXCITED ABOUT WHAT I WAS TELLING YOU AND I WANT TO TELL YOU BUT IM SO SLEEPY AND I DONT WANT TO PUT OFF REPLYING TO YOUR P2 T_T anyway i actually returned the books i borrowed the next day (which was yesterday) without reading them because my mom said it was too dark and i agree so i did BUT LSHAH I WENT TO THE LIBRARY TODAY AFTER CLASS AND READ THE MEGABIG ENCYLOPEDIA HARDBOUND SANDMAN COMIC with like 10 issues in it (which had everything in the series) AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH IT MADE ME LOVE DREAM SO MUCH MORE T_T
and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great.
tell me about your daemon fic now IM SO CURIOUS NOW also as i said i zoomed read (and finished) that mega big comic book so im instead going to be writing sandman fics HAHAHH. i hope you liked my daemon x niece fic. i was surprised a lot of people seem to like it
'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad.
HAAHH this doesnt sound bad it so funny actually. also I LOVE THIS CONCEPT i love me a good dirty mafia boss [quietly writes this idea down in my head]
'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions.
#twinlife u like me for real
'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war.
SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it.
like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel.
i get what you mean. its fine dont apologize. and yes it is so very nice to see yourself portrayed in media
'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true.
thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT
AT LEAST YOU SAW and found it funny <3
yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn.
T_T imagine living in russia and still being hotheaded. chill /:
but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge.
omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me!
T_T I dont mean to be that person but im too tired to go on FUCK TUMBLR I HAD A WHOLEASS ESSAY ABOUT PLUTO AND AN ANALYSIS ABOUT SANDMAN CHARACTERS AND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL but now its gone and i want to sleep next time baby i wont cntrl z it T_T
so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie!
thank you my love <3
have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
good night baby <3 i hope you have a wonderful day <3 im going to sleep now
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angelselene · 3 years
When You’re Married and No One Told You
The Story of Idiots in Love™️ Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, and Bakugou Katsuki
Because the most recent BNHA eps have given me serious OT3 vibes, and I wondered “what if they’re in the kind of relationship where everyone thinks they’re together but they don’t think they are, except they kind of totally behave like they’re all married.”
No one is terribly surprised when Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki come together after their internships to launch their own agency. At least, no one who has been paying any attention is surprised. For three guys who are viciously independent, they lean on one another a lot, not that Bakugou would admit it over his dead body. 
What no one expects is the name they go with. Obviously they couldn’t pick just one of their names, but 3D Hero Agency seems to come out of left field. 
“Well, it almost makes sense,” Kirishima says. “Deku, Dynamight…” He trails off. “But Todoroki doesn’t fit the pattern.” 
“Maybe they’ve hired a cute babe to make them triple Ds?” Mineta says. Mina rolls her eyes and not-so-subtly elbows him in the face. Really, he’s a pro now. He should have dodged that. 
At Deku’s suggestion, they hire Mei to do their marketing—not that they need much, as they’re all heading quickly toward the top of the hero boards—and Mina ends up with her crying into her drinks at their monthly girls’ night. 
“Do you know why they went with 3D?” Momo asks curiously. 
“No!” Mei complains. “It’s the stupidest thing ever!”
“Did Todoroki-kun maybe choose a hero name that starts with D just so they could call it 3D?” Tsuyu wonders aloud. 
Mei pulls at her hair in frustration. “If they did, it’d be nice if they’d tell me! You know, the one who was hired to market their dumbasses!” She throws back the shot that the bartender brings her almost before it hits the bar, and sighs. “Just consider it short for Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.”
“Which is which, though?” Ochako asks teasingly. 
“Take your pick,” Mei says, irritated enough not to be amused. 
It turns out that none of their former male classmates seem to have any more insight than Mei or the girls do. The three of them already are developing pretty substantial fan bases—again, not any great surprise—and their fans are as perplexed about the 3D name as anyone. An entire subreddit pops up to follow the three of them, and some of the most popular posts are hypotheses about Why 3D? 
Kaminari uses it to farm karma by throwing in at least half of the theories, most of them terrible. Mei joins in to submit her “Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest” theory. It goes viral and makes the front page of reddit. Mei says the number of awards and amount of karma she got out of it means she won’t ever have to shell a penny out for it. 
When Mina asks Todoroki point blank, “Did you pick a hero name that starts with D just so you guys could name your agency 3D?” he blinks at her slowly, and replies, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mina honestly has no idea if he’s sincere or if he’s pulling their legs. Though he’s gotten better, he’s still a little awkward and literal, so she figures there’s at least a 50-50 shot that he really doesn’t know. 
She does have a cousin who works at the Commission Headquarters, and she asks him to do a little snooping. Really, the hero names are publicly available information, but it’s possible that Todoroki filed his and then just… doesn’t use it. 
When her cousin comes back and confirms that Todoroki Shouto is, indeed, licensed under the hero name Duality, Mina laughs until she cries. Apparently the way he filed it meant that none of the automatic updates caught it, and although he almost certainly has an official ID that says Duality, none of the official sites or fan sites reflect it. When she stops laughing, she swears her cousin to secrecy. It’s way more fun if no one knows. ---End Yes, I have more of these. Yes, they’re all silly. If they ever get fun or I develop an actual plot, I’ll put them on AO3.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Book Club - 90s!Luke Patterson
Summary: Reggie books a gig at a suburban mom’s book club and Luke takes full advantage of the situation to flirt with you. 
A/N: I’m literally writing two other Luke fics right now 😭😭
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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The third Thursday of every month belonged to your mother. It was her day, when she demanded not to be bothered, when she spent hours out of the house socializing with the women’s group that she belonged to. And, out of all those Thursdays, there were always the very special few when it wasn’t her leaving the house but everyone else. The group rotated their meeting time, everyone for a blue moon meeting at your house, meaning, of course that you were expected to stay out. Staying out was not a difficult thing to do, in fact you relished the opportunity to spend a few more hours with your friends. 
It was one of those Thursdays, when all the ladies that your mother loved to lunch with were spending the afternoon at your house and you were making yourself scarce, that arguably the weirdest but maybe best thing happened. Your mom had told you before you left for school that morning that she expected you to stay out, and you would have, if you had remembered your wallet. But you’d left it in your room, on the edge of the vanity, and you didn’t want to be the one owing money when your friends went to lunch. A quick stop home should’ve been easy, the stairs were right off the kitchen and the side door was right there, giving you the opportunity to shoot upstairs and grab your wallet without her being the wiser to it. 
The whole thing would’ve gone off without a hitch except that when you walked through the side door and into the kitchen you came face to face with four boys from your school. You recognized them more for the fact that you didn’t hang out in the same circle; most of your friends held a certain level of contempt for the four guys that made up Sunset Curve. You didn’t necessarily dislike any of them, you didn’t necessarily even know them, though you would be lying if you said that the lead singer, who occasionally sat in front of you in math, was seriously making you rethink a deep dive into all this rock music. Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby were standing in your kitchen. They were the Green Day/Nirvana worshipping, head banging rockers that ditched school regularly and got into worlds of trouble and they were standing in your kitchen.  
Bobby was the only one who looked up from snacking on leftover hors d’oeurves, saying your name in surprise as the other three all stopped to look at you too. Alex gave an awkward little wave as he set down the small sandwich he was eating.  
“Uh...what are you guys doing in my house,” you asked, looking between the four of them.  
“Your mom tapped us to perform for her ladies club.” Luke explained, dropping his food on the plate and wiping his hands against his black pants.  
Your mom had invited these four to sing for her conservative ladies’ group? You tried not to but you couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face when you thought about it. Whatever your friends said about the guys, you weren’t ashamed to say you had taken one of the free demos that Reggie handed out and had been listening to it on repeat for a while now. “My mom wanted you guys to play a gig for her and her friends?” You clarified.
“Until we started playing,” Reggie replied, and you couldn’t help laughing.
“I bet...you guys aren’t exactly...suburban mom rock.” You joked, “though I totally would’ve loved to see their faces when you guys started singing.”  
The grin on Luke’s face was unmistakable though you missed it as you nabbed one of the sandwiches on the plate near Alex. It was probably some really stupid cliche, him liking one of the popular girls. Cute, cheerleader, future prom queen. You hung out with people who listened to Britney Spears and Spice Girls, any knowledge of the rock scene they might’ve actually had was only for the sake of making dumb jabs at him or his friends. Still, Luke had a massive crush on you and he wasn’t so embarrassed to admit it. Bobby joked that he wanted to “bring you over to the dark side” and maybe that sounded cynical but he thought he wouldn’t mind seeing you look a little less perfectly put together if it had something to do with him. Hearing you mention his music almost had him doing a back flip from excitement.  
“So you’ve listened to our music?” Luke asked, moving closer to you, leaning on the counter beside you. Behind him, Alex rolled his eyes.
“Reggie gave out demos like...last month.” You shrugged, trying to play it off. You’d been excited to listen to their music, see if it was any good and had discovered that you actually loved it. They were talented guys and you felt surprisingly connected to the songs. “I might’ve listened.”
“I did!” Reggie piped up, “I gave demos to all the-” he stopped, mouthing instead, as if you wouldn’t understand him when he said ‘all the cute girls’.  
“I hate to ask but...don’t you think like, actual clubs would be better places to promote your music? I don’t think the middle-aged moms are really a target audience, unless you’re into that kind of thing?” You said, peering down the hallway when you heard the familiar squeak of a floorboard. If the boys were still here than there was no doubt in your mind that your mom had told them to stay for some reason or another.  
“You gotta start somewhere.” Luke replied, unfazed by the hint of judgement in your voice.  
“My living room?” You asked, jokingly.  
He smiled, “actually, we’re playing a club on the strip tomorrow night, we could, maybe, get you on the guest list?”  
“We’re opening for someone else,” Bobby cut in, bringing Luke back down to reality, “I’m pretty sure no one’s ever even heard of the band we’re opening for.”  
Luke glared at Bobby, sticking his finger in his mouth and then jabbing it into Bobby’s ear, a smile of success immediately lighting up his features when Bobby recoiled in disgust. “So what’d ya say?” Luke asked.  
“I mean, I guess technically every band deserves girls screaming for them, so sure…I’ll go.” You agreed, eyes on Luke the entire time.  
The last concert you had been to wasn’t even for you, your mom had dragged you to a Beach Boys concert up in San Francisco for her birthday weekend when your father refused to indulge her so-called ‘terrible taste in music’. “There are just some things we will never agree on and music is one of them.” He had insisted back then. It was the same thing you felt like telling your friends when you declined a party invitation in favor of heading down to the strip to see the guys play. You could’ve maybe played it off casually, as if you were heading down there anyway and Sunset Curve just happened to be opening but Bobby was right, you’d never heard of the band that was performing after them.  
Not to mention Luke decided to show up for a least a quarter of the day just to mess with your head. You had spotted him in the hallway between classes and smiled when he looked your way, a split second before the sea of students scrambled to get to their lockers. Your own best friends appeared by yours, looking more and more like carbon copies of the Heathers every day. You kind of hated them, truth be told, but you didn’t have too many other options.  
They were badgering you about the party as you tried to wrack your brain for an excuse that sounded convincing when Luke stopped, right in front of the three of you.  
“Hey, I’ll see ya tonight?” He asked, whole body turned to face you and completely ignoring the looks of disdain and shock cloaking your friends faces.  
You felt like a deer in headlights. Say yes and your friends would probably ostracise you, say no and you could just imagine the look on Luke’s face. Anything but this absolutely sincere and hopeful smile was something you didn’t want to be responsible for. You really liked him looking at you like that.  
“Yeah, can’t wait.” You nodded.  
When he stepped back out into the traffic of the hallway he touched your waist, as if he was anchoring himself for a second and you bit your lip, letting yourself watch him disappear before turning to face the firing squad.  
“Luke Patterson?” Both of your friends spoke in unison, one breaking off to elaborate, “you’re ditching a party at Max Turner’s house for Luke Patterson?”  
“His band is playing at some club on the strip.” You replied, shutting your locker and heading toward your next class. “They invited me to come watch the show.”
“And you’re going?”  
You hadn’t been to anything smaller than a stadium concert before and the implication of a concert at a local club venue, right on the strip with all the ‘riffraff’ that were hanging around trying to make it big like their 80’s punk rock idols wasn’t exactly your scene but, Luke had looked so cute asking you to go and you had the tiniest, maybe delusional, feeling that he’d come to school just to remind you that tonight was the concert. How could could even consider some suburban house party to that?  
“Yeah, why not,” you shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing, you could see your social status flashing before your eyes and your mom’s voice desperately begging you to reconsider. “Besides, Luke’s hot.”
“Did you have some kind of Freaky Friday switch when you woke up this morning? Luke is not hot.”  
“Okay,” you drew the word as if disbelieving. He wasn’t some 90210 reincarnate but he was definitely one of the hottest guys in school, not to mention the sleeveless shirts were an added bonus. “Well, I said I was going, so I’m going.”
And, despite the continued protests of your friends throughout the day, you did go. You promised your parents you were spending Friday night studying at Terri’s house and took the bus down to the strip to wait in line for Sunset Curve and whoever was headlining. You stood there twirling your fake ID in your hands, listening to the two girls in front of you (who didn’t need fakes) talk about some drummer that wasn’t anyone you’d ever heard of and tried to look as mature as possible. If Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Bobby could play this venue, surely you could get into it.  
Whether the ID worked or the bouncer at the front door just didn’t care, he let you through, admitting you into a pulsing crowd of people making their way through the small vestibule and into the venue. You slipped your way through the crowd until you made it to the front, pressed against the railing and inches away from another bouncer who seemed just as disinterested in you. The drumkit that was already on the stage had the Sunset Curve logo on it. You ran a hand through your hair and fixed your shirt, maybe it was silly but you were sort of hoping that even in the silhouetted lighting of the venue you Luke might see you. Maybe a little pathetic groupie on your end but he had invited you.  
And he did see you. Halfway through Now or Never when he looked down over the crowd, he caught you, dancing along to their music, the smile on your face as you mouthed the words was infectious. It was the combination of seeing someone singing all the songs back to them and that person being you, mixed with the adrenaline of the performance, that had him pushing to give his absolute all. You’d actually come and he was determined to make this a great concert for you.  
Alex was the one to announce that they would be in the vestibule during the lull between bands, they got the occasional straggler who dared to leave their post long enough to say hello or great job but usually it garnered nothing more than the four of them splitting some pizza and relaxing by their merch table. Tonight, as they headed off stage to an enthusiastic crowd, Luke chanced a glance back but he couldn’t find you in the sea of people. Reggie grabbed his arm, pulling him the rest of the way off the stage and throwing an arm around his shoulder, going on about how awesome the show was, Luke quickly returning the jovial compliment.
“We were fire, man, that sounded so rad tonight!” He cheered, following Alex and Bobby as they made their way through the small hall that wove back into the vestibule.  
“It was insane!” Reggie agreed.  
You had made your way back through the venue after Luke mentioned being at the merch table, slipping back passed the bouncer at the inside door, flashing your stamped hand. Their table was set up in the corner, a little way away from the headlining band’s. You stepped into the vestibule at the same time as the boys, waving at Alex when he looked your way. He nodded, reaching over to tap Luke’s chest with the back of his hand.  
“That was incredible.” You admitted, walking over to their table. Luke’s smile instantly widened as he walked around to your side, not even thinking as he hugged you, your shoulders hunching at the feeling of sweat that encompassed you. “Ew.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Luke apologized, pulling away and putting his hands on your upper arms for a second before dropping them to his sides. “Still going off the adrenaline.”
“That’s okay,” you promised, “you’re cute enough to get away with it.”
“Yeah?” He leaned against the table, trying to look cool. He felt like he was grasping for words and he didn’t want to start stuttering or sounding dumb, Bobby would never let him live it down if he made a fuck up of himself. The other three tried not to laugh and ruin his moment.  
You seemed to recover from the moment first, glancing at the other three before landing on Luke again. “You guys are totally a live band though...like that was so good.”  
Reggie came in with a save, letting Luke off the hook for a moment, “Are you heading back in to see the headliner?”  
You grimaced, “don’t really know them...not really interested.” You replied, keeping your eyes on Luke, hoping that was hint enough that you’d come just to see him.  
It clearly was because, as a few girls stepped into the vestibule and looked like they were coming your way, Luke grabbed your arm, nodding toward the doorway for you to follow him. You did, walking with him into the hallway so that it was quieter, the sounds of the house music and the chatter of people outside being drowned out in the small corridor.  
“So, uh, sorry I’m still wigging out that you came.” He admitted.  
“I said I was going to, twice. Did you seriously think I was lying?” You asked.  
“I mean, I heard your friends giving you a hard time when I walked away, figured you might back out.”  
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t, seriously Luke, you guys are amazing. You’re so talented.” You replied.  
“Guess I was right when I told Reggie to take that book club gig huh?” He said, fiddling with the rabbit’s foot on his keychain.  
“Why’s that?”  
“I thought maybe if I was lucky, I’d catch a glimpse of you...having you come here and watch us though? Better than I could’ve imagined.” He replied, grinning at you.  
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, don’t act so surprised.” He said, “you gotta know how insanely cool you are. And you look beautiful tonight, by the way.”  
“Thanks,” you bit your bottom lip to try and keep your composure, “I uh...damn, you’re making me super nervous.”  
“Yeah?” He stepped a little closer to you, his hands brushing against yours as if he was going to hold them. You couldn’t help wishing he would.  
“I should probably let you get back to your fans,” you pointed out, glancing back out the door to where a few more people had gathered. If you stayed in this hallway with him any longer there was no way you were letting him back out.  
“Hang out? We could grab some pizza or something after?” He asked.  
“Yeah, absolutely.”  
When he walked back through the door you followed behind him, hanging back so you weren’t hovering around them as they chatted with and signed stuff for the group of people that had ventured out between sets. It didn’t matter though, as he talked, he kept looking back at you smiling as if you were both in on some sort of secret.  
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Everyday Heroes
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Reader
Warnings: A few curse words, an explosion, implied injury, depressed reader, minor character death, grief, and a bit of pining
Word Count: 3,364
Author’s Note: This got out of hand and apparently I only know how to write hopeless pining. Do we agree that Marcus gives off Clark Kent vibes or am I alone in this?
Summary: The three times you discovered Marcus Moreno was a hero. 
Taglist Form - Masterlist
When you’d left the house that morning, the heels you wore had seemed like a great idea. 
You were headed in for your first day at your new job and you wanted to make a good impression by wearing what you perceived to be your most professional outfit. You’d made it to the coffee shop down the street from your apartment with minimal difficulty, though you were certain to have blisters on your feet by the end of the day. Thankfully, your receptionist position meant that you would spend the majority of your day more or less chained to the front desk, answering phones, taking messages, scheduling appointments, and greeting visitors. 
You didn’t know much about Vil-Tech. You’d googled them before your first interview, of course- you weren’t a total idiot and you’d never dare show up unprepared, especially when you needed this job so badly- but your search had yielded only a few results. Most of what you’d found had been articles from the newspaper. The researchers at the lab had, apparently, recently had some success in clean energy technology. Protons, neutrons, particle accelerators, electromagnetic fields… You knew nothing about it, really, but it sounded impressive. And clean energy had to be good, right? When they’d hired you, it hadn’t seemed like a big deal that you knew next to nothing about the company itself. They were only looking for a receptionist, after all, not a scientist. If they’d wanted you to know exactly what was going on in the floors above you, you were sure that they would have let you know. 
With your coffee in hand, you made your way towards the Vil-Tech building. All in all, it seemed like the universe was on your side this morning. You’d woken up early enough to make yourself look decent. Your favorite barista had made your coffee just the way you liked it, and it even looked like you would be early for work. 
And then it all seemed to happen in slow motion. 
The upper half of your body was already moving forward, even as the heel of your shoe remained firmly wedged in the sidewalk crack. You felt the coffee sloshing around in the stainless steel travel mug in your hands, threatening to douse your crisp white blouse in the steaming beverage. You blindly threw your hand out in front of you, bracing yourself to hit the concrete and thinking to yourself that this was just one of those days when this might as well happen. 
But the harsh impact you’d prepared yourself for never came. 
It had taken you a moment to process that someone had caught you. Someone with impeccable reflexes, it seemed, as not only had they rescued you from taking a humiliating fall in the middle of a busy sidewalk, but they also managed to save your coffee without spilling a drop. To say that you were impressed by the feat was an understatement.
But when you looked up at your savior, you were damn near speechless. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, his dark eyes finding yours from beneath his black-framed glasses. And, other than the approximately thirty-seven heart attacks you’d had in the span of 2.5 seconds only moments before, you found yourself nodding in confirmation. 
“I’m fine. I… Thank you,” You breathed out, a warm, tingly feeling spreading out from your chest and right down to your toes. Gods, he had the most beautiful eyes you’d ever seen. He appeared to be somewhere in his mid-forties, and wore a leather jacket with his slacks and tie, a combination you’d never quite seen before, but decided suited him quite well. 
“Are you sure? You look a little dizzy,” He noted. His arm was still around your waist, and you were grateful for it, because you didn’t quite trust the integrity of your knees at the moment.
After a few moments, which had exceeded the socially acceptable amount of time to moon over a stranger while clutching their remarkably toned biceps for dear life by a long-shot, your brain finally seemed to catch up to the rest of you, and promptly flooded your thoughts with embarrassment. You released your death-grip on his arms immediately, trying to maintain your dignity as you yanked your heel from the concrete crevice in a distinctly unladylike manor. All the while, the handsome stranger remained right there, dutifully holding your coffee and trying his best to hide the amusement in his eyes with a polite smile. 
Taking a deep breath and smoothing out your outfit, you nodded at him once again. “I’m fine,” You said in what you hoped was your most composed voice. He promptly handed you your coffee, and you swore you felt electricity when his fingers brushed against yours. 
“Glad to hear it,” He remarked, “That would have been a nasty fall.” 
“Nice save, Clark,” You joked, attempting your most charming smile. Were you flirting? Could you even consider this flirting?
“Clark?” He repeated, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. 
“You know, Clark Kent… with the glasses and... lightning-fast reflexes… saving me from an incredibly embarrassing moment?” You explained weakly. It wasn’t as if you’d never spoken to an attractive man before, but it seemed that the universe was decidedly not on your side this morning after all.
“Superman?” Another smile found its way to his face. He seemed flattered by your comment. “My daughter loves those comics.” At the mention of his daughter, your eyes quickly darted down to his left hand. There was no wedding ring there, but it was clear that there had been one there in the past. 
“Well, your daughter has excellent taste. And we could all use a few more heroes in our lives, right?” You sighed wistfully, before adding, “Thank you, by the way.” 
“It was no big deal,” He assured you. “I’m always happy to help a pretty lady in need.” 
You laughed quietly at the last part, finding the cheesiness of it adorable. You weren’t quite sure why you were still lingering on the street corner, except that you couldn’t quite bring yourself to walk away just yet. He seemed equally as reluctant to part from you, both of you grinning shyly at one another as you soaked in the meet-cute moment. Right up until his eyes fell to the ID badge clipped to your bag, that is. 
“Is that a Vil-Tech badge?”
There was a hint of disappointment in his tone that you couldn’t quite assign a cause for. It wasn’t the question you were expecting. You’d expected him to ask your name, or maybe offer you his, but you could practically see the gears turning in his head by now, so you humored him.
“Yep,” You confirmed. “It's my first day. I’m just a receptionist, though…” 
He nodded slowly, his eyebrows pinching together. He didn’t even try to hide his frown. What was it about Vil-Tech that seemed to bother him so much?
“I’m really sorry, but I’m running late for work,” He said finally, nodding in the direction you had just come from. He turned his attention back to you, his eyes staring into yours as he spoke with the utmost seriousness. “Good luck on your first day, and… Look after yourself, okay? Vil-Tech might not be what you think it is.” 
And with that, he brushed past you, seemingly in quite a hurry as he disappeared into the crowd and left you standing there, disappointment sinking deep into your bones. 
You didn’t even get his name. 
You didn’t see him again for a month. 
Not that you often thought about him or his dreamy eyes and ridiculously charming smile or his strong arms around your waist. And definitely not that you sometimes idly wondered where he was and how his day was going while you were grocery shopping or stuck at the laundromat. 
Okay, maybe you did. 
Maybe you went to that same coffee shop every week day, hoping that you might bump into him again. 
And maybe you sometimes imagined those eyes staring into yours and arms around you in situations where you weren’t making a complete fool of yourself. 
You felt silly for being that girl. The one who falls hopelessly in love with strangers you pass on the streets, with anyone who thinks that anyone who so much as holds the door open for you could be your true love. You were a grown up, for goodness sake. You weren’t supposed to believe in that kind of thing anymore. 
But it was those ridiculous daydreams you found yourself caught up in when a team of Heroics stormed into Vil-Tech on a Tuesday afternoon. 
“I apologize, sir, but Dr. Pershing is out of the office today…” You sighed, listening to the supplier ramble on and on about the importance of Dr. Pershing returning his call. You had already scribbled the message down, along with his name and phone number. “Yes, I’ll be sure to give him the message.” It was difficult to hide the exasperation in your tone. 
“That’s what you said the last time,” The man snapped. “Pershing didn’t return my calls for a week. I don’t know why they can’t hire someone who knows how to take a message properly. God knows they’ve got the money for it.” 
You tapped the tip of your pen against the notepad on your desk, feeling a lump beginning to form in your throat. “I apologize, Mr. Wells. I’ll make sure that Dr. Pershing gets your message as soon as he returns.” 
“You’d better,” He grumbled, before the line went dead. 
You let out a slow breath, easing yourself back from the edge of tears. It had been like this all morning. The scientists in the building were off at a conference for the week, leaving you behind to copy down messages and field angry phone calls. 
Stan, the elderly security guard, if you could call him that, offered you a sympathetic smile from his post by the door. You returned it weakly.
Closing your eyes, you tried to think of something else. Brown eyes, charming smile, strong arms. You repeated it like a mantra. Electricity. The feeling of safety. That warm, fluttering feeling in your stomach, and a rush of calm. 
When you opened your eyes again, you found Stan staring slack-jawed as the Heroics sprinted into the building, announcing to you, Stan, and the maintenance staff that you all needed to clear the building immediately. They offered no explanation for their frantic demands, but when a guy in spandex and a cape tells you to go, you go. You were sure that, whatever it was, you’d be able to catch the reason for the strange event on the news later that evening. You’d watched them destroy city hall enough times from the comfort of your living room to be sure that you wanted out of this building as soon as possible. 
But, given that this was your first call-the-Heroics-level emergency, it seems that your idea of immediacy was a bit different from theirs. In the time that it had taken you to grab your jacket, shove your laptop in your purse, and sling the bag over your shoulder, you had already been tackled to the ground by some idiot in a tactical vest. 
You don’t remember much about the explosion. 
You’d later learn that Vil-Tech Labs dealt in more than just technological innovation. The research they’d been conducting while locked away in the uppermost floors of the building, all of that gibberish involving the off-site particle accelerator you’d read about, was both sinister and invaluable. Rather than letting the Heroics get their hands on their files to uncover their plans and stop them from being set in motion, they’d decided to set off an explosion in their own goddamn building. And thanks to that ‘idiot in a tactical vest’, you were one of the only survivors. 
But in the meantime, while you were lying on your back in the middle of the lobby feeling like you’d been hit by a train, you were clueless about the nefarious action of the company you’d spent the last month working for. The only thing you could seem to focus on was the pain in your head from where you’d smacked it against the tile flooring, and the weight of the fully grown man on top of you that was currently restricting your breathing. 
You must have hit your head even harder than you thought, because there was no way in hell the man who’d been starring in all of your daydreams for months was here, now, on top of you, with katanas strapped to his back. You refused to accept that as a reality. Would he even remember you? Why would he? Apparently, the man you’d developed a  stupid little crush on was a superhero. He probably helped people all of the time and you were just another-
“What the fuck?” You finally hissed, gasping for air. The air was smokey and it stung your eyes and nose when you inhaled. 
His breathing hitched slightly when you looked up at him, the look of fear clear on your face. “You okay?” He asked, still hovering above you as he pushed himself up on his elbows, careful to avoid the shattered glass that now seemed to cover every flat surface in sight. 
“I’m… reasonably certain I’m not dead,” You replied, an edge of panic in your voice, which was a bit shakier than you would have liked. “What’s happening? I don’t- I don’t understand- Where is Stan-” You coughed, your lungs burning. 
You idly wondered how long you had before the building started to collapse, its structural integrity surely compromised by the explosion. Of all the ways you could die, being buried alive was up there with the ones you dreaded the most. Your growing panic must have been obvious. 
“Hey, calm down,” He reassured you. “I’m going to get you out of here. You’re going to be just fine.” 
The room was still spinning when you felt yourself being scooped up into his arms, the edges of your vision growing more and more fuzzy with each breath you took. 
“We have got to stop meeting like this, Clark” You murmured. You swear you feel, rather than hear, a laugh rumble in his chest just before the world goes dark. Maybe he did remember you after all. 
It’s only a little more than a week later, long after you’ve woken up in the hospital and been discharged, that you find yourself sitting in the coffee shop down the street. It’s a Thursday morning, and you’re staring blankly into your vanilla latte. 
You aren’t sure why you’re up so early. The doctors had ordered you to take it easy, and it’s not like you had a job to go to anymore. You could have slept in, made your own coffee at home, and stayed curled up on your couch watching Netflix and hiding from the rest of the world like you had been for the past week. You felt horrible that you’d been associated with a place like Vil-Tech. You should have known that something was off about the place, but you’d never realized it, never bothered to look into anything when things seemed off. You felt so stupid for it now. Were you just as bad as the rest of them? Sure, all you’d done was answer phones for them, but…
Stan, your only friend at Vil-Tech, the kind man who had shared half of his sandwich at lunch with you more times than you could count and always had a smile for you when he greeted you in the mornings, had never made it out of the building. You supposed that you should consider yourself lucky that the Heroics had saved you, but the loss of your friend and the knowledge that Vil-Tech was certainly not what you thought it was, had shaken you. 
You’d felt different when you woke up this morning. Like, maybe, leaving your apartment and getting some fresh air wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
Your favorite barista had smiled sympathetically when you walked through the doors. You must have looked as bad as you felt. Considering you hadn’t showered since you’d gotten home from the hospital, you were sure that you were quite a sight. 
“Good morning!” She greeted, mustering up her cheeriest demeanor for you. “The usual, right?”
You nodded, not quite making eye contact as you handed her your card to pay. She quickly waved you off. 
“It’s on the house today, hon. And I insist that you take this chocolate chip muffin. I’ll make you feel better.” 
Your heart ached at her kindness, the act almost forcing tears in your eyes once again. That was the thing that you realized over the past few days. The Heroics were great, but there were plenty of everyday heroes out there as well. Sometimes it was Ashely the Barista, who scribbles a smiley face and a compliment on your cup on the mornings that seem particularly rough. Sometimes it was Stan the Security Guard, who offers to teach you sudoku on your lunch breaks. And sometimes it was a stranger you passed on the street, who catches you when you fall. 
You sat down at a table in the corner of the coffee shop, your vanilla latte and chocolate chip muffin sat out in front of you, untouched for the moment. You didn’t usually sit down to have your coffee, but you had nowhere to be today, and you were finding that you appreciated not being alone for a while. 
You heard the bells above the door jingle, signaling that a new customer had entered the shop. You looked up to see a man with dark hair and a familiar leather jacket walking towards the barista to place his order. You listened closely as he gave his name for his order, though you’d heard it plenty of times on the news this week. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips for the first time in over a week.
Marcus Moreno, your own personal Superman. 
You hadn’t meant to stare, but it was undeniably strange to see the man who had saved you not once, but twice, doing something as mundane as making his morning coffee run. After he paid, he turned towards the groupings of tables and chairs, searching for a place to sit while he waited for his drink to be ready. When his eyes landed on you, you raised your hand in a small wave. You were nervous about how he’d react to seeing you here. You had no doubt that he recognized you this time.
You weren’t exactly sure what the protocol was for meeting a real-life superhero again after they had saved your life. Were you supposed to pretend not to know each other? Should you have paid for his coffee? Did you make a public declaration to name your first born child after him?
To your surprise, he simply smiled back at you with the most heart-stopping, breathtaking smile you’d ever seen in your life, and returned your wave. It was as simple as that, you thought. Marcus Moreno, the superhero with katanas at this back and a team of Heroics at his side, the closest thing to Superman you’d ever met, was impressive. But Marcus Moreno, the helpful man with a kind, beautiful smile and warm, friendly eyes, whose mere existence had never failed to cheer you up? He was magnificent. An everyday hero, indeed. 
He made this way through the crowd and over to your table, gesturing to the seat across from you as if to ask for your permission to sit down. You nodded, feeling a sense of warmth blossoming in your chest. The same way you’d felt when you saw him for the first time. The same feeling that you’d been dreaming about for months. 
Hope, you realized. 
“Hi,” He greeted. “I, uh, I never caught your name. I’m Marcus Moreno.” 
As you gave him your name, you decided that maybe you could start by just saying thank you. 
General Taglist: @theravenreads @marshmallowtraver @computeringturtle @adikaofmandalore @pascalisthepunkest
Marcus Moreno Taglist: @xjaywritesx​
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milkybonya · 3 years
sticky situation
warnings: food mentions
Pairing: office worker!Doyoung x neighbour/co-worker!(gender neutral)reader
word count: 1-2k ?
Summary: you have a crush on Doyoung, your neighbour who lives three floors above you, but you’re too shy to confront him, so you leave sticky notes on his door. Desperate to find out who’s been leaving notes on his door but not wanting to approach you in case you don’t want him to, Doyoung patiently waits until you step forward first. With the help of Jungwoo, your co-worker and best friend (who sadly has a one-sided crush on you), you’re able to get out of this sticky situation.
what i listened to while writing: We Still (Be With U) - Astro
[a/n]: the synopsis is long and this is a mess and the ending is in need of a part 2 but i had fun writing this so i hope you’ll enjoy -- this is not properly edited because i’m sleepy but wanted to post this asap so pls forgive me ily
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When you first saw him at the office, you didn’t think much other than wow, this guy is kind of handsome. After that, you moved on and continued with your day. It was when you saw him moving into your complex when you started to think that maybe this was fate. 
The way he looked so neat at work with his hair parted comma style, his suit well-ironed and his watch glistening under the florescent lights perfectly contrasted with the way he looked when he moved in: hair a fluffy mess, baggy sweater sitting awkwardly on top of his sweatpants, mismatched socks peeking out of his sneakers.
He was so cute. He was so perfect. And you didn’t even know his name... until you read it from his office ID card but still... you had fallen for an almost-stranger and you were feeling helpless..
“You know those messages written in marker on the bathroom stalls? Do you ever just wonder who writes those?” your friend, Jungwoo, asked, bending down to sit in the chair across from you.
“Why?” you asked, sipping your drink through your reusable straw.
“There were just a bunch of those in the bathroom and it made me wonder... who brings a marker to the washroom and who writes those things?”
You felt like a lightbulb went off in your head, and it was probably visible in your expression.
“What’s up?” Jungwoo asked, being the one to take a sip from their drink this time.
“I’ve got an idea...”
Doyoung left the house each morning at 7:45am sharp. You knew this because you happened to be outside of your unit, watering some of your hanging plants in the morning when Doyoung would rush by with a quiet “excuse me”.
He returned home at around 6:30pm each evening. This routine would happen each day except for the weekends. On Saturdays he would go for an early morning run at 7am, and on Sundays, he wouldn’t leave the house until 5pm to go for another run.
You had his timetable memorized, which means you knew when to place the sticky notes on his door while avoiding being caught by him.
Did I mention that your plan was to place sticky notes on his door?
Your friend’s thoughts about bathroom stalls made you think that even if you couldn’t confess your feelings to Doyoung directly or even befriend him in any way because of how shy you were, you could at least leave messages on his door to brighten his day.
When you went home, you went through the stationary you had and picked out your favourite sticky notes and a pen that you would only use for this purpose.
“good evening! enjoy your evening run~” you wrote, since it was 4pm on a Sunday and you knew that he would soon leave for his run.
You quickly got up with the sticky note in your hand and crept up the stairs to the third floor where Doyoung lived. Looking left then right and confirming that no one could see you, you gently pressed the sticky note against his front door, rubbing it with your thumb to make sure it wouldn’t fall off.
Standing back to make sure it would be at his eye level, you then ran downstairs to your floor and peeked up through the space in-between the stairs. A few minutes later, the door to Doyoung’s unit opened and he stepped out, turning to close and lock the door behind him. He paused, though, reading your note on his door.
Looking around, he tried to find who had placed it there, but there was no one on his floor. So he gently removed it, folded it and placed it in his pocket, not wanting to lose it. When he started to jog down the stairs, you quickly opened the door to your own unit and went inside, not wanting to get caught. Through the peephole, you watched Doyoung run past with the trace of a smile on his face, and it made you happy.
You considered going up to place another sticky note on his door for him to see when he got back, but you thought that would be too much, so you decided to just leave it at that for today.
The next day, you rolled out of bed at seven and despite not being able to see clearly since your face was puffy, you walked to your desk to pick up your sticky notes and pen.
Thinking of what to write, you decided on a simple "have a nice day and a good start to the week!" except because you were so sleepy, you wrote 'day' as 'daay' and 'week' as 'weak' so the sticky note was a bit messy.
Not wanting Doyoung to think you couldn't spell or were too lazy to try again, you scrapped that note and rewrote it on another sheet.
Pulling on a hoodie, you quickly washed your face before stumbling upstairs to stick it on his door. You then managed to eat breakfast before it was 7:45am and you snuck outside to see Doyoung's reaction to the sticky note this time.
When he walked out, you fell back against the door seeing his neatly styled hair and his freshly ironed suit hanging off his frame. His skin was glowing under the early rays of the sun, and his smile when he looked at your note was enough to make you grasp at your fastly beating heart for dear life.
Again, he folded the note and placed it in his pocket before he rushed downstairs and you had to quickly enter your unit to avoid being caught.
At work, your manager asked you to take some documents down to the PR team. When your Jungwoo, who worked at the office with you, overhead this, he texted you.
[y/n]!!! Doyoung works for the PR team! use this chance to do something!
You had told your friend about your crush on Doyoung and boy were you grateful that you did.
Taking the documents from your manager, you walked out into the hallway and stopped there to think.
Did he like coffee? You'd never seen him leave with one in his hand when he left his house.. Maybe he bought one at work? Would it be okay for you to buy one and leave it at his desk?
You decided to text Jungwoo for help.
does Doyoung like coffee?? would it be ok if i got him some?
everyone in this crappy office likes coffee! it's the only way we can survive!
With that, you set off to the company café to buy a drink for Doyoung. Then, in the elevator on the way to his floor, you took out a pack of sticky notes which you had stashed in your pockets and a pen to write a message.
"do you like coffee? i hope you do.. enjoy this and have a good day!" you wrote, sticking it onto the side of the cup.
You stared at it in satisfaction before the silver elevator doors opened and you left to find the PR room. When you found it, you decided you were going to drop off Doyoung's coffee first, but there was just one problem.
You had no clue where his spot was. And Doyoung was nowhere to be seen.
And what would people think when they saw you drop off a coffee for him after asking where he sat? Would they think you're his s/o? Would they ask him about it? Just the thought of Doyoung being bothered by people asking questions because of your mistake made you--your phone vibrated in your pocket. You unlocked it to find an unread message from Jungwoo.
psst. he sits in front of the manager, on the manager's left side. ur welcome.
Thank heavens for sticky notes and best friends.
After finding the manager, which was easy just by the way they sat and the mood that everyone around them showed on their faces, you casually walked towards them while dropping Doyoung's coffee off on his desk and facing the sticky note side towards his computer so no one could see or read it.
Then you gave the manager the documents and got the hell out of there.
On your way out and in your hurry, you brushed shoulders against someone and immediately turned to apologize.
"It's okay," Doyoung said with a smile, continuing to walk off to his spot.
You had just brushed shoulders with Doyoung... Doyoung?!
You ran to the elevators before he would have any chance of discovering that you left the coffee at his desk.
Once he was at his desk, Doyoung sat down with a sigh, stretching out his limbs before sitting tall and straight again. His hands moved to his keyboard to begin typing, but froze after seeing a cup of coffee in front of him.
Had he told someone that he had been craving an Americano?
He didn't recall doing this.
Who had placed it there? He looked around but no one made any eye contact.
After asking the person working next to him about it, who said they had no clue, he just decided to drink it.
As he did, his fingers felt a piece of paper on the cup. Turning it around in his hand, he found a sticky note with a cheerful message written on it.
"do you like coffee? i hope you do.. enjoy this and have a good day!"
What was this familiar tone of writing? Could it be..
He pulled out the folded note from his pocket that had been on his front door that morning, unfolded it and held it next to the note on the cup.
The handwriting was a perfect match.
6pm, the time read. You moved your fingers faster against your keyboard. You only had half an hour before Doyoung would get home and you were still cooped up in the office. It had been your own fault -- you kept imagining what Doyoung's reaction to the coffee had been. Did he hate it and throw it out? Did it make him feel sick because he has a coffee allergy?
You hummed as you looked up from your desk to face Jungwoo.
"Go home. I'll finish up the rest of our task for the both of us," Jungwoo said with a small smile.
"Really?" you asked in disbelief.
"I owe you!" you replied, grabbing your coat before leaving the office.
"Big time," Jungwoo said.
6:25pm, you made it home. You were wet from the rain and dried off your hands so you could write the next note.
"how was your monday? i hope it was productive and not too tiring. enjoy a good rest!"
As you were about to peel it off, you noticed a bag of candy that you had left on your desk. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to leave one for Doyoung..
In the few minutes that you had left, you taped a candy to the note and left your unit in a rush to tape the note to Doyoung's door. You made it downstairs and into your unit just as Doyoung entered the complex and began to walk upstairs.
When he passed your unit, you quietly stepped out so you could see his reaction. He smiled immediately when he saw the familiar writing on his door, and turned the candy around in his hand before unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth. He closed his eyes and savoured the flavour, and your heart bursted into a million butterflies just watching him smile from above you.
He pocketed the note and looked around then down. He would've seen you if you hadn't been quick-witted and quickly hidden yourself.
"Whoever you are, if you're still nearby, I just wanted to say thank you.." Doyoung said quietly before opening the door to his unit. It beeped as it locked behind him.
Since that day, you left a note on Doyoung's door twice a day, even on weekends. Each time, Doyoung would pocket the note with a smile, and you were beginning to wonder what he did with them afterwards.
You started to leave little gifts for him along with the notes by taping flowers or candy to his door. Seeing his reaction made you happy, and the times he'd adorably walk up to the door with his eyes squeezed shut as he wondered if a new note would be awaiting to then open his eyes and grin as he saw it there... it all filled your days with so much happiness.
You were just an office worker before Doyoung, living every day like the rest. Now, you were so happy. Your secret admirer persona made you happy.. until you weren't so secret anymore.
Doyoung was desperate to find out who you were.
He had found himself getting excited from your notes, his heart fluttering as he traced the lettering with his fingers despite not having the slightest clue about who left these notes. He felt like he was pathetic for feeling this way.
Doyoung had figured out your routine and what times you would place the notes on his door, so he decided he would head out to work just a little earlier one morning. As he crept towards the metal railing across from his unit to peek down at the stairs, he saw you leave your unit and walk upstairs.
Did this mean you were the person leaving notes at his door? Or were you just coming upstairs for a different reason?
He purposely stomped around upstairs, making noise to see what your reaction would be. You froze in response, looked up to see the door to Doyoung's unit open, and fled back to your own unit.
Doyoung had a feeling that he had found you.
You waited for exactly ten minutes before deciding that it was safe to leave. Perhaps Doyoung just felt the need to get some air a little earlier this morning.
When you closed your door behind you, your hand brushed against a thing piece of paper that felt to the ground after you touched it. After you picked it up, you notice there was writing on it.
"have i found the source of my daily happiness? thank you for leaving notes for me.."
You were so in awe that you had to read it a few times over to understand that it was real. Your crush. Had called you 'the source of his daily happiness'. You. A source of happiness.
It made you so happy that you jumped up, stomping your feet against the ground. Doyoung, who was quietly watching from upstairs, smiled to himself seeing your reaction.
Don't worry, Doyoung still didn't know what you looked like. All he could see was the top of your head and your back, and he purposely kept it that way because he had a feeling you didn't want him to find out who you were. I mean, the anonymous sticky notes kind of gave that away.
But now he knew where your door was, and nothing could stop him from leaving notes for you, too.
Doyoung would always leave a note on your door before you left one on his. In the mornings, he'd sometimes even leave you sandwiches or snacks, writing that he'd had some extra breakfast foods lying around snd wanted to share some.
He was lying, though.
He'd gone out of his way, googling the most popular breakfast snacks and attempting to make the sandwich three times before he got it to look just right.
At work, the two of you never saw each other, and if you ever saw Doyoung walking towards you, you'd immediately hide out of sight. Doyoung still didn't know you worked in the same place as him. He only knew you as a neighbour, and you preferred it that way.
What if he'd think lowly of you when he discovered that you were still just an intern almost reaching the end of your internship and unsure if you would actually be hired? You couldn't risk it.
This sticky note situation continued on for weeks until your friend, Jungwoo, decided he'd had enough.
"[y/n], this needs to stop."
"What needs to stop?" you asked him, washing the dishes in your kitchen while Jungwoo sat on your couch.
"This secret admirer thing. It's been weeks and he clearly likes you."
"Clearly? Where? How?" you asked, throwing down the dish towel and turning around to face him.
"He's been leaving notes for you, too. He knows all your favourite snacks now and always buys them for you. Would just a friend do any of this?"
"Yeah, you," you said, sticking your tongue out at him.
"I also have a crush on you, you dummy, so I'd know how people with crushes on you act," Jungwoo muttered.
"What?" you asked, walking towards where he was sitting.
"Nothing. I said I've heard the rumours circulating around Doyoung and his coworkers that Doyoung likes someone and I'm pretty sure it's you," Jungwoo said, laying back and placing his hands behind his head.
"How are you so sure it's me?" you asked, sitting next to him.
"Because as I was grabbing coffee from the break room on their floor, I heard it all. One of Doyoung's coworkers was talking about how Doyoung has gone insane and has fallen for someone who sticks hand written notes on his door. He doesn't even know what this person looks like but he talks about them in the office during breaks all the time."
"You heard this? Actually?" you ask. You can feel the blood in your body rushing to your face as your heart pumps quickly. Doyoung... in love.. with you?
"I swear I heard this. I'm your friend, why would I lie?" Jungwoo pointed out, spitting out the word friend as though it was poison.
"So what do I do?"
"Set up a date and meet him!"
"Just...like that?"
"I can't," you sighed, burying your face in your hands.
"I haven't spoken to him. Just imagining it makes me want to hide under my bed... Me... speaking to Doyoung while on a date? Us looking at each other and..."
"[y/n]! Come on! You are going on a date with Doyoung and that's that. And I'll be here to help you."
You smiled at Jungwoo who smiled back, feeling a bittersweet ache in his heart.
The next morning, after reading Doyoung’s sticky note on your door which wished you a good day, you walked up to his unit with a special sticky note in your hand. Taking a deep breath, you stuck it to his door and rushed down. This time, you didn’t stand outside and wait to see his reaction. You headed in and pressed your back against the door.
Your heart was racing.
“i hope you also have a wonderful day, Doyoung! this day will come to an end soon, but there is still tomorrow~ would you like to spend your tomorrow with me? you can knock on my door whenever you’re ready. if you don’t knock, i’ll understand that you’re busy or didn’t want to come :)”
This note was scandalous in your mind, but Jungwoo insisted that you write it like that. To you, it sounded like you were cornering Doyoung into spending a day with you, because he’d pretty much be the bad guy if he said no to this.
Your stomach felt like a black hole, and slowly slid down to the floor. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you decided that you would call in sick. You did not want to go to work today.
Okay, let’s use this day to prepare for tomorrow. What are we even going to do? What will I wear?
Like the adorable soul you are, you searched google for the top places to take someone on a date near you. Some cool things showed up like museums, art galleries, but you decided that they wouldn’t be so good. In places like that, your focus would move to the art, and you wouldn’t want Doyoung to feel left out. So instead, you found a cute café.
Though your heart was already racing at the thought of talking to Doyoung face to face, you decided that was what you had to do. You have to get to know him. That’s what Jungwoo told you.
Next, you moved to the closet to pick out some clothes. Nothing too tight that would make you feel more anxious than you already were, but not something too casual. Once you found what you were looking for, you laid it out on your couch.
For the rest of the day, you binged romance dramas and movies in hopes that you would be inspired and learn a thing or too. Whether or not they’d work, you’d find out tomorrow.
Once Doyoung stepped out of his unit and reached for the familiar sticky note left on his door, he was preparing himself for another message of good luck, something short and sweet to give him energy to start his day with.
He was not expecting to be asked out on a date in such a cute way.
Despite the air being slightly frosty, he felt his face getting warm and he crouched down out of excitement. How was he going to work today knowing that he was going to meet you tomorrow? This wouldn’t work. He had to call in sick.
When Jungwoo found out that both you and Doyoung had called in sick that day, he knew that your plan was going to be a success.
Somehow, you made it to the next day. You had barely slept, your heart had been racing for the past 24 hours and you were not ready. 
Your phone vibrated.
[y/n], this is a once in a lifetime chance. even if it doesn’t go well, at least u will have gone on a date with Doyoung!!!
Jungwoo’s message was enough to get you out of bed and in the bathroom to wash up. You changed into your outfit for the day, got some breakfast in you and waited.
This was the worst part.
Maybe you should have given Doyoung a time, but you didn’t want to bother him in case he was sleeping in on this Saturday morning. Just in case, even though you already knew his daily shedule.
Doyoung had not slept a wink last night either. He got up early and headed for a local flower shop to pick something up for you. He wasn’t even sure you liked flowers, but assumed you did, since you often taped flowers to your sticky notes when you left them on his door.
“May I ask what occasion this is for?” the worker asked Doyoung.
“Ah... a first date?” Doyoung croaked out shyly.
“Do you know this person or is it the first time?”
“I guess you could say... I know them.”
Doyoung laughed nervously.
Once he purchased the flowers, he happily walked to your shared complex and up to his unit where he made sure he looked okay, grabbed everything he needed, and then stepped outside.
This was it. 
He was going to see you for the first time. Finally he would be able to put a face to all of those cute sticky notes.
His legs were shaking as he walked downstairs to your floor and he almost dropped the flowers. Taking a deep breath, he walked up to your door and carefully knocked.
As soon as you heard those knocks, you jumped up and ran to the door. Then you waited a few seconds, not wanting to make it seem as though you were desperately waiting for him (even though you kind of were). 
Clearing your throat and standing up straight, you slowly opened the door.
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You were kind of freaking out. Only kind of. Just a little bit.
This man had showed up to your doorstep with flowers in his hands. Your crush. Doyoung. Was at your door. With flowers in his hands.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Doyoung said, holding out the flowers to you.
“Nice... to meet you too. I’m [y/n],” you said, taking the flowers from him.
Doyoung nervously rubbed his palms against his thighs, looking around.
“I always wondered how you knew my name but I didn’t know yours,” he said with a laugh.
“Ah, we work in the same building! I’ve seen you with your ID card around your neck-”
Oh no. Did you just sound like a creep? 
You covered your mouth and quietly apologized, but Doyoung shook his head and grinned.
“Don’t apologize, I’m upset I didn’t notice you sooner! We work in the same company and I didn’t know? How disappointing... I’m glad I know now, though.”
Your heart melted more with each second that he was smiling. At you.
The two of you stood there quietly for a few moments, avoiding eye contact until Doyoung asked you what your plans for the day were.
“Hm? Oh! I’m sorry, I completely forgot. I was thinking we could go to a café, would that be okay?” you asked. Doyoung nodded.
“Let me put these flowers in my house so they won’t get ruined, give me one second,” you told him, quickly rushing inside to place them on your coffee table before rushing back.
“Let’s go!” Doyoung said cheerfully, letting you lead the way.
“It’s only a five-minute walk, so it shouldn’t be too far!” you said, walking down the steps to the main street.
“That sounds good! It’s nice to get some fresh air sinceI’m usually indoors,” Doyoung says.
“Right, since we both work in the office,” Doyoung said with a quiet laugh.
As you approached the café, you started to feel less and less nervous. Doyoung was able to keep the conversation flowing naturally, despite him also being anxious that he might mess things up. You learned that he was actually a person who liked liked to sleep in all the time but after being late to work several times and being scolded for it, he decided to set up a strict schedule for himself.
“Ah, here’s the café!” you said, pointing to the bright yellow and blue building.
“Wow, it’s so colourful,” Doyoung exclaimed, holding the door open for you.
When you stepped inside, the place was buzzing with people. It seemed like you’d found a hot spot.
“So do you always know where the good places are?” Doyoung asked, walking to the bright pink, glittery counter with you.
“No, I just happened to find this place!” you admitted.
Doyoung ordered a caramel coffee, which was apparently his favourite, with a mango dessert. After you also ordered, you found a cozy spot back in the corner of the café which wasn’t as loud.
The two of you talked for two hours there and time flew by. You learned about Doyoung’s love for singing, and as he practically serenaded you in that corner, you melted just like the whipped topping of your drink.
As he walked you home, Doyoung felt himself itching to hold your hand. It had only been the first date, but the two of you had clicked so well. He held himself back though, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 
Once he had safely dropped you off at your unit, he practically flew up the steps with how giddy he was feeling. He decided that he would walk with you to work from now on, share his lunch breaks with you and get to know you better. Maybe you’d even join him on his weekend runs?
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thevims2 · 3 years
All the Single(s) ladies, ❤️/💔/🥘/🎵/📱/🔮???
sorry i made you wait! i got this while I was asleep... anyway my hcs under the cut!
❤️ i talked a bit about the singles here and i feel like what i wrote for Lola is pretty much the idea i have for her love life... shes a Mystery to me.. she ahs an offscreen gf who no one sees ever. she never brings her over cause she hates most of her roommates, sometimes all of them. if i had to pick someone in strangetown for her to date maybe id choose crystal? just cause they share their aspiration, and maybe vidcund or lazlo introduced the two. but also what kind of sister would go with her brother's crush? a shitty one forreal
💔 i cant see her with ANY man of strangetown. NOT A SINGLE ONE. LESBIAN HOUSEHOLD. i especially dont like her with ajay, that guy is kinda boring like, she deserves better. also, i think both erin and kristen had kind of the hots for her at one point or another, but she never reciprocated
🥘 i think she has kind of a sweet tooth, but she prefers stuff like pies or like, carrot cakes over cupcakes or the like. she doesnt really like cooking, but enjoys jennys baking a lot
🎵i dont think she listens to that much music, except for when shes working. she usually picks instrumental music, like movie scores playlists, to help her focus. i think both her and chloe picked up some instrument to play as children/tennagers, but lola didnt like it very much
📱i think she uses social networks a lot, and she uses mostly stuff like twitter, i can see her getting argumentative with some rando on some specific issue on the internet. i bet shes active in political subreddits too
🔮 her and chloes used to swap identities for a day really often when they were kids, but for some reason people always seemed to catch on it. it took lola way too long to realize they still had different hair colors...
❤️ talking about otps with chloe is like, a SIN to me. shes THE romance sim, she dated half of strangetown, like i cant even think of her settling down with one person. but i really like the idea of her and erin dating at some point, both cause a) that sweet, sweet enemies to lovers dynamic and b) the way both pascal and loki would GO CRAZY knowing their sisters are dating.
💔 mmmmh i cant say i have a notp with chloe, i ahd to ask my gf who shes usually shipped with and she mentioned general grunt which,,, i honestly cant envision it, like first of all he hates aliens but also hes way too uptight for her.
🥘 i think she loves greasy, junk food. she snacks a lot, and she loves going to diners and ordering huge milkshakes and massive cheeseburgers. i think she likes cooking, and is pretty good at it
🎵she loves, of course, pop music. she doesnt have a favourite artist, but listens to the top 100 playlist everyday. she loves singing and plays some guitar and some bass too
📱instagram of course - she posts a ton of selfies and stories everyday, and likes to flirt on there with strangers. i almost said tik tok too, but i think she wouldnt see the point of it/wouldnt undertsand how it worked.
🔮 her fave thing to do with dates/people shes going out with is taking naps together
❤️ im a huge erin/kristen fan tbh, but i also think erin/lazlo would be cute, theyre both kinda silly ppl in my head, i think theyd have fun together. sadly, she was a lesbian in my canon so :/
💔 erin/nervous. i dont see the appeal
🥘 idk why she gives off the vibe of someone who likes fish tacos to me. the soft shell ones, and the fish is seasoned with some lime dressing. she does cook sometimes, but she doesnt like making elaborate stuff for herself, sticking for simple dishes.
🎵she listens to indie&/folk music all the time, and tells everyone how it helps keep her aura fresh and vibrant. she brags for weeks about the latest, obscure artist she found out, how good their music is, how authentic it is compared to all the other musicians nowadays... but she probably likes pop too, and considers a couple of singers her "guilty pleasure". no musical talent whatsoever
📱LISTEN. SHE DOES LIVE TAROT READINGS ON TIK TOK. WITH DONATIONS AND ALL. she also posts a lot on #witchtok and the likes
🔮 when i first played the singles household i accidentally made her die and had to mobilize almost all of strangetown to resurrect her with game mechanics
❤️ again personally, Kristen/Erin is just perfect to me. i bet they pined after each other for sooo long before they finally got together, and now theyre just a really cute couple. no im not projecting
💔 i cant see her with any dude honestly. again, lesbian household
🥘 i think she likes pasta dishes a lot, both cause theyre very filling and because she needs carbohydrates with all the sport she does. thats the only thing she can cook
🎵i think she unironically listens to dubstep, or the nowadays equivalent of it. she blasts it in her ears every morning during her jogging session, and she feels her ears bleeding by the end of her laps. cant sing really well, but has a good sense of ryhthm
📱she only uses facebook, the rest is a mystery to her.
🔮 she doesnt have a good sense of humor, she mostly likes puns but any more than that is lost on her
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ccelinewritess · 4 years
say love—draco malfoy
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pairing - (hufflepuff! reader) draco malfoy x reader, cedric diggory x reader
word count- 4.3k
warnings- cheating? toxic relationships? curse words? my lack of diverse grammar? spelling? not heavily revised? yes this has it allll.
quick note: cho, the reader, and draco are all in the fifth year, cedric is two years older (cause idfc what villain i make this boy out to be he is not dead) anyways ilu and hope you are well. here we go.
y/n was sweet, kind, compassionate, gorgeous and smart, so when she caught the eye of cedric diggory a year earlier he made it his personal mission to get her to go out with him, even on one date.
when she finally caved in they went on one date. then a second, a second turned into a third. he asked her out officially, she met his parents, you know how the story goes. well perhaps not, and there was no happily ever after with cedric. certainly not as hot tears ran down her cheeks as she watched her boyfriend of a year, hand caressing her face, kissing cho chang like a moth to a flame, hungry for more. prefects duties my ass- she thought as her pure devastation dragged her away from the scene, her original presence going unnoticed. anger was boiling through her blood and she lost track of where she was going, until she ended up in the library somehow. y/n loved reading and spent countless hours in the room, and she certainly didn’t want to be in the common room when her not-so-loyal boyfriend would be returning shortly enough. so instead she shrunk down, back against a bookcase, knees tucked into arms, and let the sadness and confusion take over. she didn’t even hear the library doors open once again over her sobs.
the last thing draco malfoy expected to see that night in the library while grabbing a book was the friendly hufflepuff girl y/n. and especially not with tear stained cheeks and glossy eyes. draco would never tell her, but he was always captivated by her, she was to kind and trusting for her own good.
“er- im sorry for uh- interrupting” his voice startled her at first.
“no im sorry” she said wiping her tears. “i should be in my common room, not crying like a child in the library.”
when he sat down next to her it was nice, he wasn’t too close but the company was enjoyable, even if it was temporary. “well I know we aren’t friends, like at all, but if you’d like to talk about whatever is making you cry in the library at one in the morning, im not a bad listener”
she wasn’t even considering talking to draco. not in the slightest, but she didn’t have anyone else to talk to. she couldn’t talk to her parents, they would fly out to hogwarts and personally hex the boy. and she had spent so much time hanging out with cedric that she didn’t have any other close friends she could talk to. maybe talking to a stranger would be best. draco found it quite cute that she hadn’t noticed she had zoned out, but before he got to admire her more she looked back up at him “fine”
“you need to understand that i am still confused, completely.” that’s how it started. she told him about how cedric lied about where he was, and how she went to surprise him, and how when she turned the corner she saw him and cho, practically swallowing eachothers faces. at some point in her story draco opened his arms and she fell into them, tears still sliding down from her eyes. she did find this odd at first, of all the reputations draco held, hugger was not one.
by the times she cried all the tears she could, draco walked her back to the common room. as he pulled her back into another hug he whispered in her ear “meet me in the courtyard before breakfast?” she could only muffle a response into his sweater. as they released themselves from eachother a minute later, she watched him walk away down further into the dungeon. it took her mere seconds to fall asleep that night.
when she saw the blonde boy the next morning alone in the almost empty courtyard, she made her way over to him, as fast as her legs could carry her without running. he looked happy to see her, but she didn’t wait to get to the point.
“about last night, you haven’t told anyone yet have you? it’s just that id like to hear what happened from cedric before people find out.”
“ofcourse not love. im a slytherin, not an asshole. speaking of cedric you need to break up with him.” he was hesitant with both the nickname and the proposition, considering that before last night they had practically never spoken.
it was now her turn to be hesitant. “but what if she kissed him though, you know, maybe it’s all a big misunderstanding” y/n was always looking for the best in people, but maybe cheating was cedrics best, she hated to think it.
“y/n! you saw him kiss her back didn’t you? there was no denial from cedrics side right? i know you look for the positives but sometimes it’s not a shame to realize not everyone’s perfect. and you deserve someone who values you” it was harsh in a way, but true. he continued to encourage her until she realized if she didn’t now, cedric would continue to go on these midnight strolls, faking prefect duties and kissing other girls.
when she entered the great hall she immediately stormed over to cedric, who was in deep conversation with his friends. when she butted in to ask if she could speak to him the emotions of the night before threatened to arise within her again. dracos words floated in her head. maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing, even the hogwarts “it” boy had flaws. he was insecure which led to jealousy, he could sometimes be insensitive, and the newest to the collection, he was a cheater. and he sure as hell wasnt going to admit to it if she asked.
once he finally acknowledged her presence with a smile she began.
“cedric, may i speak to you, alone” she glanced at his friends at the last word.
“just say it aloud, im sure the boys don’t mind” he really didn’t know what was coming.
“im not sure you want me to talk about this with your friend around”
“come on darling”
well here goes nothing.
“if you say so. we’re over. don’t try to defend yourself and act all innocent cause I know a lot more than you think. just a tip in the future if you want to have a successful relationship do not go make out with other girls in the middle of the night in random corridors, or at least breakup with your girlfriend first. asshole” y/n was sweating and cedric was pale and speechless.
y/n’s rant had gathered many eyes from across the room. as she walked back towards draco who was waiting at the end of the aisle he couldn’t help but smile and whisper “you are a baddass, come eat at slytherin, then?” when they got across the room, people were confused but no one would ever say no to draco or his friends. blaise zabani seem unbothered at her presence but kind nonetheless, pansy on the other hand, jealous that dracos eyes were for once not on her.
over the next few weeks a friendship began to grow between y/n l/n and draco malfoy. they were sitting together in classes, studying together, eating meals at eachothers tables and all around enjoying eachothers company. little did y/n know that as the seasons changed, so did dracos feelings for her. she was so undeniably amazing in every way imaginable, something draco had never came across in his life.
on this particular evening they were walking around the black lake on the cool evening with the pink and orange sky on the horizon. deep conversations were common between the pair and tonight was no exception. “do you still love him?” the question shocked her at first, and she thought deeply about her answer before responding. “i don’t know honestly, a part of me probably still does. and it’s not like I’ve never had things not work before, but how people leave always stays. i hate to say it, but a part of me wants revenge. i just want him to feel some sort of pain, even just jealousy as dark and twisted as that is.” a comfortable silence fell once again before he broke it after a few minutes. “it’s not as dark as you might think, actually. and if you want him to feel jealous i have an idea that could benefit us both you just need to be open minded.”
draco malfoy wanted her to do what?
“what does fake dating even mean? how do you even do that” she questioned
“i mean just convince people we are dating, cedric will be jealous and it will get pansy of my back for two minutes. all you’d have to do is hold my hand, wear my scarf, come to my quidditch games and parties with me, anything else” he asked
“we could probably go to hogsmeade togther, cedric will be fuming, thank you draco” she said before kissing his cheek making his face go a brilliant red.
yet again draco had her doing things she wouldn’t do in a thousand years, but maybe she needed a change. plus he seemed to have this quite planned out and there was no harm in trying. “if you really think this could work, then fine, I’ll do it.”
draco would never admit it, but he was embarrassingly excited that she agreed.
the next morning their hopefully “master” plan would begin, but that night for the first time in a long time, draco couldn’t sleep whatsoever. he tried counting sheep, drinking tea, every sleeping position and yet he couldn’t get y/n out of his mind. she was so pretty, and smart, and kind. he had trouble even imagining what kind of delusional cedric was to let her go. if she was his- and not fake his, he would do everything to keep her happy and never see her like he did in the library only three weeks ago. in the end, she was just a rose in the hands who had no intention of keeping her. after even more attempts, he finally drifted off into a deep, and dreamless sleep.
once y/n finally got enough motivation to roll her self out of bed for the last day of classes before the weekend the conversation from the night before entered her brain. was this going to work? everything that could possibly go wrong played over and over again. what if cedric never got jealous? would they be forty and still fake dating? she thankfully got out of her head when she saw draco waiting for her outside the hufflepuff common room. “well good morning love” he said before placing a ginger kiss to her forehead, no one was around to watch, and she didn’t recall that being in the verbal agreement, but to be completely honest, it was nice.
they were both nervous and for different reasons. draco knew better than anyone that if word of this so called relationship to his parents, they would flip. everyone knew the malfoy’s had very strong morals and were extremely racist, and no matter how much he liked her, they would never approve of the halfblood hufflepuff. y/n knew pansy would be up her ass, and there was no guarantee that this would work, she also wasn’t huge on attention, and this was not exactly going to make her any less of a subject around the hogwarts grounds.
speaking of hogwarts, was the walk from hufflepuff to the great hall that long? was her hand sweating or was she imagining it? dracos long fingers were intertwined with hers and they talked about everything and nothing as they made there way to breakfast.
once they arrived, few heads turned, as many were still engaged in conversation, much to the satisfaction of y/n. dracos green eyes immediately made harsh contact with cedrics grey eyes and they made their way to the slytherin table, where pansy’ dirty glares would go unnoticed y/n.
the day trudged along slowly. in the classes with draco they sat together, he picked her up from the rest, walking her to her next. eating lunch and dinner at his table, showing pda at any given time, even when cedric wasn’t anywhere around.
when y/n were dismissed from herbology at the end of the day she wasted no time getting back the hufflepuff common room starting on her potions essay. in a wave of exhilaration the puffs already in the common room rushed out, she was confused but followed them out anyways, unopened books in arms.
y/n wasn’t tall, so she struggled to see passed the crowd. finally reaching the inner layer of the circle she saw what was likely destined to happen. cedric was buffing out his chest, trying to close in on draco, despite them not being far in height whatsoever. the boys muttering to eachother went unheard after the shrill voice of professor sprout broke out. “what do you boys think your doing, everyone return to your common rooms” she said before going into a small lecture with the boys more quietly. people filed out of the corridor behind her in every direction. and once the raft of sprout had finished, and cedric had stormed off to god knows where, draco engulfed the girl in a warm hug, almost knocking them over.
that night she did her homework in the slyerthin common room, on the lap of her boyfriend, fake boyfriend- she reminded herself, it was only the first day but it was so easy to be with him.
“he’s lucky sprout showed up, he kept acting as though he was superior to me, the dumbass couldn’t beat me in a duel in a million years, I’ll show him in the quidditch match tomorrow”
“is that tomorrow already?” she sighed before continuing “well I’ll be cheering for you, draco”
“id hope, love, also how do you feel about wearing green?”
the green scarf actually complimented her features nicely, much to her surprise. the match started in seven minutes, and if y/n wanted to make it on time she had to leave now.
the last few weeks were cold, yes, but this was the first snowfall of the year, fluffy snow was settling on the ground and castle, like a beautiful painting. the con? the snow was also making it difficult to see, almost guaranteeing a long match. right as she sat down next to some fellow fifth years the whistle blew. dracos green scarve made her stand out in the land of bagders, recieving some questioning.
“your dating him? but he’s a slytherin?”
“and an smart, handsome, kind one at that, so I’m going to get back to the game, if that’s okay with you.”
the game was the most eventful of the year due to the multiple dirty fakeouts between the seekers. this was less a slytherin vs hufflepuff thing to y/n and more of a draco vs cedric. ofcourse she loved her house, but there was no way she wanted cedric to win now, after the cheating and lying. that thought was mutual but unshared between her and draco. and the cold wasn’t making anyone want to stay out there for much longer, despite the excitement. while cedric was trying to trick draco once more draco saw the real snitch, where cedric was only moments before. rushing towards it, arm reached out, he could almost grab it. almost. almost. almost. yes. the small snitch was clutched tightly in his palm, cedric still clueless, zooming around, not noticing his attempts had failed him miserably.
ravenclaws and slyertherins alike were running onto the field, y/n somewhere amongst them. in no time draco was being held in the air, with those around him chanting. normally she would have been pissed that hufflepuff had lost, but the smile plastered on dracos face made it all worth it. after nemurous minutes he was put down, made his way to y/n and kissed her. he actually kissed her. in front of all those people. the chants were replaced with whistles and if anyone didn’t get the message of their “relationship” it was surely out now. his kiss was sweet and soft, and ended much before she was ready to. “honey you look dashing in green”
the party in slyerthin that night was like nothing she had ever been to before. music was blasting, house elves had made food and drinks of all sorts and y/n was cuddled into the arms of draco on the sofa, in his jumper and joggers. occasionally people would come congratulate him, and even pansy had the audacity to come try to flirt with him, that was until he shooed her off.
as the festivities continued into the night, y/n fell asleep right there, in her fake boyfriends arms- who, she would never admit, she was catching feelings for. she didn’t know much, but she did know that she was not ready to get hurt again anytime soon. they had spent the last hours together talking about random deep topics, their biggest fears and insecurities as those around them danced to the rhythm of the music. draco struggled to even think someone as perfect as y/n would have insecurities, but she did. eventually he picked her up bridal style and carried to his dormitory. he couldn’t exactly settle easy, the girl he liked was sleeping in his bed, so once he confirmed that she was infact asleep he let it off his chest.
“in case you didn’t know- im crazy about you, since i found you in the library that night.” he was whispering as soft as he could
“i haven’t told you any of this because i know your still healing but god im in love with you”
he too fell asleep that night, limbs tangled with hers.
the sun hit her face from his window that morning, bright as ever, highlighting her beautiful features and draco couldn’t help but admire her beauty. for numerous minutes he laid there, staring until she woke from her own dreams.
cedrics next attemp at payback for draco was just as low as the first. he followed draco towards the dungeons one afternoon when y/n wasn’t in his presenceand tried to fight him right there, outside the slyerthin common room.
“draco what do you even want with her?” he was practically grumbling
“you really don’t know what you had? did you? also she’s my girlfriend now, so what do you want with her?” draco spat back, emphasizing the you.
unlucky for cedric, right after he threw the first punch, which draco dodged successfully, snape came out and gave cedric two weeks detention.
“whatever, ill get her back” cedric said fast before heading towards the hufflepuff common room. draco wasn’t too sure of that, he had fallen desperately for the girl and would do whatever he could to keep her, and keep her away from cedric.
they were on there daily evening stroll around the grounds, much like the one that the original idea was pitched during only a handful of weeks ago, fingers intertwined. partially because it is cold, partially because they wanted to. draco could tell that y/n was deep in thought and originally wasn’t going to ask her, but he couldn’t help himself.
“what are you thinking about?” he said quietly but loud enough for her to hear
“im feeling kind of stupid honestly. i mean it was all there, the prefect patrols on days i could have sworn weren’t his. the glances across the hall to her, god even the tutoring in the classes he was doing amazing and needed no help in.”
he could tell this was making her upset and so he racked his brain for the right thing to say, but before he could find anything she started again.
“I’m also quite mad at myself, i mean i know all relationships are flawed but looking back ours was pretty fucked up. i started dating him in our third year, and i was still very insecure and didn’t exactly love myself. i spent a lot of time worrying about things I had no control over, and he wasn’t a help in the slightest. he’d flirt with other girls all the time but one boy would look at me for a second longer than he’d liked and he’d be confronting them. I don’t know if I really loved him, or if i was just in pain but whatever it was it was horrible.” tears were threatening her eyes but not yet approaching them.
“im sorry y/n. you are amazing and beautiful, smart and kind and your sure as hell don’t deserve that, if you want to talk about it ever please ask me” he would add on to that, if they were dating- and for real he wouldn’t treat her any less than the princess he considered her to be. he pulled her into a big hug before they walked back up into the beautiful castle.
they hadn’t heard from cedric in weeks, mission accomplished right? well no.
being completely honest, y/n didn’t know how much longer she would be able to participate without feelings boiling over. y/n didn’t even know where it came from, and there was no denying it, she was head over heels for the slytherin prince. she didn’t know when, maybe at the quidditch game? when he gave hugged her after sprout gave cedric punishment after draco stood up for her? she too wasn’t sure.
the morning of the hogsmeade trip, snow was falling once again, replacing the already existing layer on the ground. leaving hufflepuff, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw the blonde haired boy by the barrels waiting for her.
walking arm-in-arm to the small village, y/ns teeth almost chattering when draco lended his green scarf to the girl yet again.
“when i said you looked good in green at the match, i wasn’t joking, you should wear it more often”
draco loved the way she looked with her pink tinted nose and cheeks. and before he knew it they were in the three broomsticks drinking butterbeer, talking about god knows what.
that was until draco decided to come clean about his feelings.
“y/n youre probably not ready to hear this, and i will wait as long as you need me to. but i just can’t take it anymore. ive been crazy about you since we started being friends and- whatever this is, three and a half months ago. and if you’d like id love to go out with you- and not as a jealousy scheme”
the cold was no longer able to mask the blush on her cheeks and she told him everything she’d been hiding. thankfully. if she hadn’t he would have lost the best thing in his life. she knew his family wasn’t exactly the lovey dovey type, and his friends could be cold, they had eachother and they didn’t need much more than that.
once they had finished and left the warmth of the building, into the snow in the middle of the street he dragged her towards him ever so lightly using his scarf. cupping her cheeks in his hands, he kissed her as soft as ever. lasting much longer this time, there mouthes seemed to move in sync. he tasted sweet, just like the first time, and undescribable. they would kissed there in the middle of hogsmeade village for hours if their lungs didn’t need so much air. so instead they stood there forheads pressed together. eventually there hands found the others and they made their way back to the school, hearts and smiles as big as ever. 
draco saw her room for the first time that day, he had been in the hufflepuff common room twice, but never to her room. it was much brighter and got more sunlight. y/n had shelves full of books and many plants around the room. the wall around the window was lined with poloroids of her and her friends. he sat on her bed and wasted no time pulling her onto it with him. they fell asleep that night wrapped in eachothers arms, kissing the others face once in a while, complete with the fact that they had eachother, and for real.
the next morning they woke up at 10, thankfully they didn’t have classes, but they had still missed breakfast. fortunately y/n was not only friends with the house elves, but extraordinarily good cook. she was currently making pancakes, in dracos green jumper, his chin on her shoulder and hands on her hips.
“I cannot believe almost four months ago i started fake dating you and now your cooking breakfast in my sweater” he said practically mumbling into her cheek before kissing it, and dragging her away from the stove, to dance. right there in the middle of the kitchen, and he was suprisingly amazing at it.
the engines of the hogwarts express were rumbling and y/n had settled into the compartment with draco. she had owled her parents informing her she would be going to the malfoy manor for the first weeks of summer, and the nerves were filling her mind.
“what’s wrong darling” he said kindly as she leaned into his shoulder.
“im just nervous, what if they don’t like me?”
“they will, there is nothing about you that isn’t likeable. and even if they don’t like you immediately, it’s not like i could stop loving you, ever”
what? theyd never actually said the “L” word to the other- at least while they were awake. yes they had been dating for six months already but had draco ever said he loved them to anyone? it didn’t matter, she knew how she felt.
“y-you love me?”
he waited another second. “i mean, uh- er, i-i-“
“draco?” he hummed in response, still clearly embarrassed “i love you too”
a/n: ive never written anything, so i hope it’s okay. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it! stay tuned for future writing.
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
Afterschool Special
Again, I am shocked and delighted that people are enjoying the beginning of this series as much as I’m enjoying writing it. I cannot thank you all enough for your kind words and encouragement. In this third installment, Hopper and Reader get to spend some “alone time” together. That’s all I’m going to say about it 😊
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Content warnings: Rated M for more age gap, Daddy kink, physical intimidation, over the clothes touching, and a new addition of under the clothes kissing. Female Reader, modern AU, 2.5k words.
You call Jim Hopper on Monday afternoon in between classes. His voice is even deeper and sexier over the phone than you remember it sounding the night before. He seems happy to hear from you and you try to hide how giddy you are about it. Sensing that the attraction between you two is very mutual, you don’t hesitate to set up a meeting. He tells you that he has Wednesday off from work, and for a second, you seriously consider ditching all your classes to spend the entire day with him. Instead, you agree to meet up at his house at four o’clock, which gives you enough time to go home and change after school.
Normally on a date, you would prefer to wear a dress but the winter chill in the February air sadly prevents that. Hopefully you won’t feel out of place wearing a heavy sweater and a pair of jeans to wherever it is he wants to take you.
The address he gave seems to be out in the middle of nowhere and multiple times you wonder if the GPS navigation is telling you to go in the wrong direction. Eventually, you find the place and it’s not so much a house as it is a cabin in the woods. It almost looks abandoned except for his car parked out front.
Any misgivings you have about the place are dispelled when you see Hopper standing on the porch and smoking as he waits for you. All your friends complain about guys who smoke, and that they hate the smell, but not you. You think it’s sexy and you even enjoy the smell.
A smile spreads across his handsome face when he sees you and it gets wider when you step out of the car. “Come on in, sweetheart,” he greets you with a white cloud billowing out from his mouth.
Anticipation rushes through your veins. When you last saw each other, and when you spoke on the phone, there seemed to be a promise of more, a promise to finish what he started when he came up to your room. You know that something will happen today, you’re just not sure how or when.
Once you reach the top of the steps, he says “It’s open. I’ll be in in a minute” as the unfiltered cigarette dangles between his lips.
Opening the door slowly, you let yourself in then put your purse down and look around. The cabin is…rustic. None of the furniture matches. Some of it looks to be as old as you are. There’s a decent red sofa but it’s covered in a patchwork quilt. There’s a plaid chair against the wall and it too has a blanket draped across the top, one that’s knitted or perhaps crocheted. The only things to indicate that you haven’t arrived here in a time machine are the flat screen tv on the wall and a new Apple computer on an old wooden desk.
Hopper steps into the room a moment later. “Why don’t you take your coat off and stay awhile?” He touches your back as he walks past you to go into the kitchen.
“Oh, um, okay.” You suppose he wants to talk a little bit or perhaps finish something up before you leave. Hanging your coat up on the rack, you notice a small pair of tennis shoes on the floor. “Do you live here alone?”
“No, my daughter lives here with me.”
His daughter? Gosh, Hopper really is a DILF. You follow him into the kitchen and your brain starts to connect some dots. “Is she the reason why you left so suddenly on Sunday night?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he says as he takes an ice tray out of the freezer.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad it wasn’t your wife.”
“Oh no, I’ve been divorced for a long time now,” he assures you.
Your eyes roam over Hopper’s large frame while you watch him pop the cubes out of the tray and fill it back up again. He’s wearing jeans and a blue flannel shirt, with the top two buttons undone, and a navy henley underneath. His scent of cigarettes and soap makes it seem as if he must have smoked immediately after getting out of the shower.
For a brief moment, you entertain the idea of ripping his clothes off right here and now, forgoing any previous plans you might have for your date. That’s where you’re hoping this will all lead anyway so what’s wrong with cutting to the chase?
In an attempt to restrain yourself, you bring up the one subject that will take your mind out of the gutter. “How did you meet my parents?”
“They brought one of their cars to my shop. I’m a mechanic.”
The attempt proves feeble as your mouth instantly begins to water at the mental image of Jim Hopper bending over the engine of a car, sticking out his cute butt in his Wrangler jeans, his hands and his face getting all dirty and sweaty.
“Can I make you a drink?” he offers, getting a glass off the shelf. “You are old enough to drink, right?”
You playfully roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m old enough.”
“I don’t have to check your ID, do I?” He winks at you and it’s as charming as it is corny.
“You can if you want to,” you respond.
“No, I believe you.” He opens a bottle of Jack Daniels and lifts it above his glass.
“Wait, you’re making a drink now? When are we gonna go?”
He puts the bottle on the counter. “Go where?”
“Is this it?” you ask, slightly stunned.
“Is what it?” Deep ridges form on Hopper’s forehead as he raises his eyebrows in irritation.
“I thought we were going to go on a date,” you explain.
His features soften as he chuckles at you. “We’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.” He gleefully pours the whiskey into his glass.
“So we’re just going to stay here and…?”
“Yeah,” he confirms with a smug grin. “We are.”
Suddenly your idea of tearing his clothes off seems like it would be more welcomed than you had anticipated.
“What’ll it be?” he asks, getting himself a can of Coke out of the refrigerator.
“I’ll have a water.”
Hopper pulls out a bottle of water and hands it to you. “You know this was your idea, right? You didn’t mention anything on the phone about a date.”
“I know, I guess I...assumed we’d go out.” You take a much-needed sip.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” he offers in a considerably softer tone than you’ve heard from him thus far.
“No,” you smile at him. “I want to stay.”
He smiles back at you then takes a drink.
“It just would have been nice if you took me out somewhere,” you remark before raising the bottle to your lips again.
“Why beat around the bush? We both already know what we want.” He takes another drink then sets his glass down. “Unless of course, you want us to be seen together,” he adds, moving directly in front of you, with mere centimeters between your bodies.
Your heart starts racing as Hopper glares down at you with a storm churning in his deep blue eyes.
”Maybe you want people to look at us and know that I’m twice your age.” He leans in closer, backing you into the corner of the wooden counter. “Maybe you want to hear them say ‘what’s that dirty old man doing with that beautiful young girl?’” He enunciates every word in a biting tone as if he’s scolding you.
Your bodies are so close together that you can actually feel the heat radiating off of him.
“If that’s what you want, I can take you anywhere. We can leave right now,” he offers in a slightly more casual voice. “I just don’t see any point in wasting time when it’s so obvious what you came here for.”
“What’s that?” you accidentally say in a whisper.
Hopper takes a step back from you. “Go in the bedroom and I’ll show you.”
With a deep inhalation, you slip away from him and run out of the kitchen then immediately run back. “Which one is your bedroom?” you almost shout.
“The one on the left,” he answers, trying not to laugh at your over the top enthusiasm.
You pull the curtain in the doorway so hard that it feels like it might rip away from the rod. Yanking your sweater above your head, you kick off your shoes at the same time.
Lying back on the bed, you can feel how wet he’s already made you. Your body is practically vibrating with excitement as you hear the heavy steps of his boots as he approaches. A shiver runs through you when he enters the room.
“Where were we?” Hopper asks, kneeling onto the foot of the bed.
“You were on top of me,” you recall.
“Uh-huh,” he nods, positioning himself between your open legs.
“And I think you were going to unhook my bra?”
He runs his hands under your t-shirt and up the sides of your body. “You’re not wearing a bra.”
“I thought we could skip that part.”
He pulls your shirt up over your chest. “Good thinking.”
Without missing a beat, his lips are on your breasts, kissing both of them with his warm, wet, open mouth. Your left nipple hardens as Hopper swirls his tongue around it, making you push your hips into him. His lips close around the bud and begin to suck.
“Oh, Daddy,” you moan, using the title with no regret this time.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he pauses long to speak then immediately begins sucking on your other nipple.
Just like on Sunday, his mouth is rough. Not solely the texture of his scruffy beard against your soft skin, but the ferocity with which he sucks on you and teases you with his teeth. Also just like Sunday, he moves his hand in between your thighs and pushes his palm against the center seam of your jeans.
You hiss when he bites down hard into your flesh, clearly not holding back this time. It’s an exquisite pain that you could easily become addicted to. Your fingernails claw at his shirt when he rolls your nipple between his teeth.
Hopper is working you into a frenzy with the way his hand presses into your jeans, rubbing your pussy through the denim. All the different sensations he’s causing in your body are starting to become too much and you need a release.
“Daddy, please,” you beg breathlessly.
Your nipple pops out from between his lips with a vulgar sound. “Please what?”
You’re unable to answer him as your mouth is too busy moaning while his hand brings back that familiar ache.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” he instructs between licks.
“Your f-” you interrupt yourself with another moan. “Your fin-”
“You want my fingers inside you, is that it?” Hopper asks as you grind your crotch into his palm, desperate for all the friction you can get.
“Yes, Daddy!” you finally manage to force out two coherent words.
He unbuttons your jeans and you hear a noise coming from the living room. You both ignore it while he ever so slowly starts to pull down your zipper. Until you hear another noise. Not a noise actually. A voice. Two voices.
Hopper’s hands fall from the zipper, landing on your sides, while his head sinks down in defeat. Your body tenses with worry that whoever it is might come into the room as there’s no door to keep them out.
The two young voices are arguing about something but your brain is far too preoccupied to be able to comprehend the subject of the argument. The only thing you can manage to infer in your current state is that it must be his daughter and one of her friends from school.
Hopper gets up from the bed, leaving your chest fully exposed, and you tug your shirt back down. He has you throbbing with need, and exactly like the last time, your hopes for satisfaction have been quickly dashed by an intrusive family member.
When he goes into the living room to mediate the situation, you sit up and see something on his nightstand that you were in too much of a rush to notice before. Magnum XL condoms, not one but three, the edges of the gold foil still attached to each other.
“For Pete's sake, what’s going on out here?” Hopper demands above the sound of their bickering.
“Mike was staring at Stacey Albright,” his daughter explains.
“No, I wasn’t!” the boy interjects.
“Who’s Stacey Albright?” Hopper asks.
“A girl at our school who stuffs her bra,” she answers.
“She does not stuff her bra,” the boy disputes.
“How do you know that if you weren’t staring?” she raises her voice.
“I was not staring!” the boy yells back.
“Both of you calm down, alright? Jesus.”
Hopper opens the curtain, walks in, and closes it behind him. “Listen, I’m sorry but I gotta-” he begins to apologize in a dejected tone.
“No, I understand,” you reply, cutting him off as you stand up from the bed before pulling on your sweater and shoes. “I should go.”
When you turn to walk out of the room, he grabs onto your upper arms. He doesn’t mean to startle you, it happens solely by accident because he’s so strong. “Look at me,” he suggests, trying to get you to make eye contact.
You gaze up into his gorgeous blue eyes and he starts to smile.
“I still want to see you again,” he says warmly.
“Me too,” you agree, reciprocating his smile.
The kids resume their argument and Hopper rolls his eyes. “Please call me,” he adds before letting go of you.
“I will,” you confirm.
You open the curtain and both of the kids’ mouths fall silent as they watch you emerge from the bedroom. They look to be about fourteen or fifteen-years-old. The girl has brown eyes, long brown hair, and the most perfect skin you’ve ever seen on a teenager. She forces an awkward smile to be polite. The boy is tall and pale, with sharp cheekbones and curly black hair like a rockstar from the ’70s. He glances back and forth between you and Hopper with a confused expression on his face.
“This is my daughter, Elle,” Hopper introduces.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi,” you say back, your voice sounding squeaky with nerves.
“And her boyfriend, Mike,” Hopper continues.
“Ex-boyfriend,” Elle corrects.
“What? That’s not fair!” Mike exclaims.
They start bickering once more and you shoot Hopper a sympathetic look as you grab your coat and purse then slip out the front door. It feels like the universe is conspiring against the two of you, trying to keep you from having sex with each other, like a cosmic cockblock. As you drive away from the cabin, you silently pray that the next time will provide the relief you’re yet again so desperate for.
Tagging: @t-u-m-s @girlwiththenegantattoo @ottosuricato @im-not-great-at-making-up-names @misshawkins1993 @emilyyblackkk @hopperlover @kingphillipblake @kate110199 @david-harbour-arg @manawhaat @helena-mrs-murder​ @zombiesnips-blog​ @chiefharbour​ @flamehairedwritings​ @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @strawberry-fields-f0rever​ @mrs-geuse​
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Image credit: HarbourSource on Instagram
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thosedeviantfeels · 4 years
Do You Often Help Renegade Androids?
Summary: Simon is injured and stuck on the roof of Stratford Tower. You, a member of Security, help him.
Pairings: Simon x Reader (romantic)
Warnings: injuries, embarrassment, flustered Simon
Word count: 2,367
Author’s Note: Hey, everyone! This is a quick one shot I wrote up months ago and just now edited. I felt the need to write some cute Simon dribble. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
November 8, 2038
They left him. Markus, Josh, and North had left him. They left Simon on the roof of Stratford Tower. He was injured and scared. That was the preferable choice as North attempted to convince Markus to kill Simon to prevent the humans from accessing his memories. Contrary to what humans believed, androids had a will to live. Simon didn’t want to die. He wanted to pave the way for androids to be free. He had to live. Markus left Simon with a gun and an apology. When they jumped, he crawled away to hide behind an air conditioner unit. He saw the security team barge through the door onto the roof and just miss the three of them as they jumped. He somehow remained hidden from all of them, except one. You made eye contact with him. You both froze as the rest of Security went back inside. Simon began to raise his gun to his head, but you shook your head gently. “(Y/L/N).” Your coworker called from the entry to the roof. “You find something?” You turned away from Simon and jogged back to your group. “Nah, just thought I saw something. They’re gone.” The door closed behind you and Simon sat still for a while, expecting you to come back and turn him in. He kept waiting, but no one came.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Where are you going?” Your friend called. You were all gathering your belongings and clocking out. It was the end of the day and it was time for the night shift to come in. You had been thinking about the injured android on the roof all day, trying to decide what to do. You came up with a plan and had rummaged around in your bag and locker for a while before heading toward the elevator. “I can’t find my key card.” You sighed. “I think I dropped it on the roof earlier. I’m gonna run up and check.” You turned to leave. “Want me to come with you?” “Nah, it won’t take long. You should head home.” You walked out quickly. You headed down the hallway and pushed the call button for the elevator. Thankfully, the doors opened immediately, and you hopped in. You pushed the button for the top floor and attempted to refrain from bouncing your legs to relieve the nervous tension you felt. What am I doing? This is a terrible idea! You stared straight ahead and listened to the dings as the elevator passed other floors. I have to. The doors opened and you saw some people from the FBI and DPD still around. They looked to be packing up. A detective approached you. “Excuse me, you shouldn’t be up here,” he said tersely. “I’m with Security.” You lifted your ID from its position on your lanyard. He looked at your ID as you held it out and eyed your uniform before locking eyes with you. “What do you need up here for?” His eyes narrowed. Your palms were sweating. “I’ve lost my key card and I think I dropped it on the roof earlier.” The detective stared you down for a second. “Hey, Reed!” Someone called to him from across the room. “Why don’t you help us pack up instead of bothering Security?” Detective Reed sneered and turned back to you. “Hurry up.” You walked past him, attempting to keep a normal pace. You walked through the broadcasting room and to the rooftop access door. You opened it gently, but the wind caught and slammed it open. You walked out into the snow and over to where you had found the man before. He was waiting for you, with a gun to his head. You held up your hands and kept your distance. “Hey, easy,” you spoke gently. “I’m not here to turn you in.” He eyed you warily. “Then why are you here?” You kept eye contact with him. “To help you.” He kept the gun at his temple. “Why?” You tried to be as convincing as possible while ensuring he knew you were telling the truth. “Because I’ve seen androids feel.” He stared at you silently. You could see his yellow LED spinning as he considered you. What felt to be a couple minutes passed by before he lowered the gun and let it rest in his lap. You took a tentative step toward him. “Can I help you?” He nodded and you walked over to him. “There’s another door over there that leads to a maintenance room. No one will be in there until tomorrow. You should be safe in there.” You pulled him up, draped his arm over your shoulders, laced an arm across his back, and help him over to the door. You pulled your key card out, swiped it, and opened the door. Both of you stumbled inside. You led him to a desk stored in there and helped him onto it. “There,” you said softly as you looked him over. “Did any important biocomponents take damage?” “I think they are all important.” You chuckled. “I suppose so. I mean, can you make it back to your people? I would have brought you some thirium or something, but we don’t have much time.” “I can make it.” “Good, good.” You looked around the room and noticed a storage closet. “Let me see if I can find another shirt for you.” You dug around in some boxes, unaware he was watching you. He just couldn’t stop staring at you. He had never seen a human risk anything to help an android. You could lose your job at the least. You could be arrested at the worst. He just couldn’t understand why you were doing this. “Here’s one,” you announced as you pulled another janitor uniform out of the box. You walked back over to him. “Do you need help?” “I-uh-” his cheeks blushed blue, “Yes…I don’t think I can get this over my head.” He seemed as flustered as you felt about this. Your face was very hot, and you knew it was red too. “Th-that’s fine. I can help you…” You gently helped him maneuver his arms out of the old shirt and made a point to keep your gaze politely averted. Smooth sailing so far. You fidgeted. “I think we should try to keep the thirium off your new shirt. So, no one will see that you’re bleeding.” He seemed to share in your embarrassment. “Yes, that makes sense.” You grabbed the old shirt and found a clean spot. You approached him. “I’m just gonna…” You reached toward him. “Yep.” He leaned back and avoided looking at you. You gently cleaned the area around the wound and looked around. “I think I saw a first aid kit in the closet. Let me get some bandages.” You took his hand and placed it on the shirt over the wound. “Hold this.” If androids needed to breathe, his breath would have caught in his throat. He watched as you went back to the supply closet. He had never been treated like this by a human before. He had never been in such a strangely intimate situation with a human either. Your touch was so soft and gentle. He felt strange. You came back and took the shirt from him. Your hands brushed again and both of you blushed. You placed a clean bandage over the wound. “There, that one’s done. Let me help you again.” “You seem to be doing that a lot,” he said as you guided the shirt over his head. You smiled. “I said I wanted to.” You held the shirt and gently guided his arms into the sleeves, careful not to disrupt the bandage. As you pulled the hem of the shirt down, your fingers grazed his torso. You noticed him freeze under your touch and dropped the shirt. “Sorry.” You took a step back. “I know it’s difficult to trust me.” You found another clean spot on the old shirt and opened another bandage. “Let me see your leg so I can bandage that too.” He leaned back and you helped him lift his injured leg onto the desk. The bullet had gone straight through, leaving a gaping hole in his upper calf. He could barely walk like this. A lot of the components necessary for movement had been destroyed. You pushed his pant leg up and began cleaning as much thirium up as possible. “Do you often help renegade androids?” He asked casually. You chuckled. “Oh yeah, all the time.” You looked at him and grinned. “I had three up here last week.” He laughed. “Good to know I got a professional.” You both laughed softly as you continued to work. You stayed silent for a minute. “What’s your goal?” You asked suddenly. He blinked. “My goal?” “Yeah, what are you and your people trying to achieve here?” He looked at you for a few seconds. “To convince humans we’re people too.” You stopped cleaning the thirium off his leg and looked him in the eye. “Well, yeah. I got that. I meant how do you intend to go about it. Peacefully? Showing you’re a force to be reckoned with?” “That’s actually a matter for debate at the moment.” “Oh.” You returned to your clean up and placed a bandage on his leg. “There, good as new.” He laughed. “Not quite,” he said as he shakily stood up. “Close enough for now.” You pulled your key card out of your pocket. “Here, I’m gonna leave this with you so you can get out of here. The FBI and DPD were still here when I came back, but they should be gone soon. Just use that elevator,” you pointed to the service elevator across the room, “and you should only see maintenance androids. You’ll need the card to get the exit to open on the ground floor.” You handed the card to him. “Make sure you take one of those carts,” you motioned to the carts full of tools and cleaning supplies the androids took with them around the building, “That will help you walk.” You met his gaze. “This is where we part ways.” He stared you intently in the eye. “Thank you.” He took the card from you. “Can we introduce ourselves before you go?” You smiled. “It’s a little late for that.” He smiled back. “I’d still like to know who helped me.” “(Y/N).” He repeated your name softly. “My name is Simon.” “Simon,” you said with a smile. “Good luck, Simon.” You turned to leave, but he placed a hand gently on your forearm. You turned back to look at him. He was giving you the softest smile with the kindest eyes. “I will repay you for this kindness once this is all over.” He looked at you sincerely. “If I get the chance.” You turned back and hugged him. You could tell it surprised him but after the shock wore off, he hugged you back. His hands were soft on your back and his chin rested on your shoulder. “I look forward to it, Simon,” you whispered into his shoulder. You pulled back and smiled at him. You turned to the door again and placed a hand on the knob. “Oh, and word of advice: tell your leader to use pacificism to convince them. Show the world you’re nothing to be afraid of.” He smiled at you. “I’ll pass that long. Goodbye, (Y/N).” “Goodbye, Simon.” You smiled at him one last time before opening the door and stepping out into the cold. ***
December 3, 2038
“Can you believe that?” Your friend was venting to you about her newly ex-boyfriend as you were packing up to go home. “He had the audacity to say I never tried to talk to him about this before. This was the sixth time I had told him I was unhappy.” She huffed. You laughed. “Well, we’ve known he’s not the most observant.” “Or something.” She laughed. “So, what are you up to tonight? Got a hot date?” You chuckled as you closed your locker and grabbed your bag. “Nah, you know me. Just gonna go home and enjoy some quiet time.” You clocked out and walked toward the front of Stratford Tower. You stepped out into the cold night air and inhaled. “Well, I’ll see you later.” “Bye, (Y/N).” She walked in the opposite direction. You adjusted your work bag on your shoulder and started the long cold walk home. “Excuse me. (Y/N)?” A voice spoke gently behind you. They sounded familiar. You turned around and saw Simon standing before you. “Simon,” you smiled at him. You closed the gap and hugged him. “I wasn’t sure if you died in the revolution.” He returned the hug. “No, I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. I wanted to give everything time to settle down.” You pulled away. “Well, what brings you to my workplace? Wanting to relive some memories?” He chuckled. “No, as fun as that would be, that’s not why I’m here.” He looked at his feet and shifted his weight nervously. “I, uh, actually came to return the kindness you showed me.” You raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” He laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, well, begin to do that. Have you eaten yet?” You smiled, hoping this was going where you thought it was. “No, I just got off work. Was just gonna go home and eat some microwaved food.” “Well, how about I take you out for dinner instead?” His voiced waivered toward the end of that question. You studied him for a moment. “Why? You have another hole in your chest?” He laughed. “No, I’m intact at the moment.” He looked shy again. “I just-uh-thought about you a lot in the last few weeks. I was trying to think of a way I could repay you and couldn’t come up with anything yet so I thought I could at least get to spend more time with you.” You smiled. “I thought about you too. I watched all the news coverage thinking I kept seeing you.” You laughed. “Well, where are we going?” He grinned and offered you his arm. “Anywhere you want.”
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diariosdelirio · 3 years
discovering i was a lesbian in 2020
when i started high school in 2014 i considered myself straight. i had no bisexual or gay friends, i had only seen gay people on the tv, usually portrayed in different, sometimes negative or exaggerated, stereotypes (usually the “flamboyant gay best friend” and “man-hating lesbian”.) i considered myself an ally to the community, but that was it.
in 2015 i kissed a girl friend of mine during a truth or dare, which ended up being my first kiss. i had two guy friends who were openly gay, and knew a girl through some friends who was bi. after some thinking and a few more pecks w girls, i was proud to call myself bisexual.
throughout my high school years i didn’t date at all. i had several guy friends who were into me, but the thought of going out with them or being alone with them made me extremely nervous. i felt slightly panicked and i would blush, thinking “this is what butterflies” must feel like. but they never asked me out, and i never made a move myself.
fast-forward to 2018, during my gap-year. i was at a smaller house party, got very drunk, and ended up outside laying on a trampoline with a kinda cute guy under the stars, and it felt a bit like one of those movie moments. except that when the guy kissed me (my first longer kiss w a guy) i felt so extremely and utterly bored. no passion, no excitement, just boredom. i also felt that negative nervousness from years before, just slightly uncomfortable. we ended up talking the rest of the time.
i panicked a bit after this, reading the lesbian master doc on my way to work, thinking “wow this seems so incredibly accurate to me.” but i was no where ready to admit to myself i was a lesbian. my attraction to men felt like some sort of safety, something to lean back on. and then at new years, i got asked out by another guy, and the entire date (a few days later) i was on edge the whole time. when he walked me home, i didn’t think of anything else but “will he expect a kiss when we part ways?” and there was that nervousness yet again. i still continued to id as bi, thinking it was the unfamiliarity of the guys that made me nervous. maybe i had to be friends first? maybe knowing them well enough would soothe my anxieties? yeah that was probably it. i definitely liked guys.
2020 however, was definitely an eye-opening year. on a whim, i dm’d a twitter mutual on international lesbian day to ask her about her own lesbian experiences, and she told me about them and sent the lesbian master doc to me. i read it at 2AM at night, close to tears, feeling like i couldn’t lie to myself anymore. but i also felt scared. i’d always thought lesbians knew of their aversion to men early on, that if i were one i would’ve figured it out a long time ago. i also started realising i had some intense lesbophobia to unpack, finding it uncomfortable to call myself a lesbian. this was something i continued unpacking for months, reading up on lesbian experiences, finding comfort and pride in seeing amazing lesbians on twitter, tiktok, on tumblr. i wrote to one of my best friends from uni, the first lesbian person i’d known in real life, and she was so sweet and supportive.
in august 2020 i wanted a last “test”. i got drunk and made out with a guy friend from high school, one of the few guys i’ve probably felt fully comfortable around. i thought “if i don’t feel Anything kissing him, i will know for sure.” he was someone i’d had a crush on a few years back, or so i thought. a few seconds after kissing him the first thought that popped into my head was “yeah i’m definitely a lesbian.” and then i spent the whole next day journalling about it, stuck in a german town. i realised that some men were pretty to look at, some of them were nice people who i could see as friends, but i would never want to be kissed by one, go on dates with one, or be in a relationship with one. i told some of my friends of my discovery, i told my sister. i think at this point my mother kind of knows too.
just a few weeks away from new years, i finally feel comfortable with calling myself a lesbian, and the moment i fully embraced that i felt a huge weight lift off my shoulder. the weight that was in my gut, making me nervous around all those guys in my past, i realised they were warnings. love should never feel uncomfortable. and now i know that i will never have to be with a man, date a man, or marry a man. and looking back on the past now, there were definitely female teachers i had crushed on, classmates. i remember this girl in my class 1-5 grade, how cute i thought she was and how i really wanted to be her friend. the signs were all there, but i didn’t know the option of being with a girl was there. now, 15 years later, i know. and it makes me beyond happy.
i wish i had known that lesbian experiences are so vast and varied, and maybe my story will help even one person on their own journey 🧡🤍💖 love you!
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starryseung · 4 years
han jisung + fluff + smut
request: for @hannie-squirrel00 : Heeeyyy lovely🥰 I've been reading your Stray Kids imagines which I am loving btw😍🤩 and I wanted to ask you if you could do a smut for me with Jisung please? If you need anything let me know and also could you make it long? Thank you soo soo much🥰🥰 word count: 4.2k words warnings; cunnilingus, unprotected sex, blowjob, fluffyyyy
Ugly Sweaters
"And the loser is... y/n! Congratulations to all the players~"
You sigh, knowing this was coming. The rest of the night is spent drinking and laughing along to stupid jokes. You stay along with your best friend and roommate, Chaerim. She was extremely tipsy for a pre-Christmas party, and you wanted to stay by her side before she gets kidnapped by an odd guy.
You were at your college friend’s residence, celebrating the last day of November before the beginning of the festive month. All of you played games until one of your friends proposed a game of beer pong, where the winner would choose the punishment for the loser. After the winner was decided, Chan, you knew he was going to go hard on the loser. A few moments are dedicated to thinking, and he replies.
"The loser has to wear ugly Christmas sweaters for the next 25 days until Christmas Eve."
And when the loser was judged, you, Chan's eyes filled with pity after imagining you wearing an ugly yellow-colored sweater filled with clashing decorations. He laughed awkwardly, not wanting to tense the atmosphere around you. Of course, you weren't upset, it was just a game. The next few weeks at work were off, you didn't have college, so you would stay at your apartment under the comforts of your ugly sweater.
On the day before the first day of the Christmas month, November 30, you went shopping to buy sweaters with Chaerim. Your eyes filled with awe as you looked at all the latest collection of sweaters, heart-melting, and bank account shivering. You start to think that this challenge wasn’t terrible for you since you could save your money now!
But that didn't stop your shopping partner from practically throwing her money everywhere she found a cute sweater. Hell, the sweater wouldn't even cover her torso, and it would still tumble into the shopping cart to get along with its other rich mates. Meanwhile, you move towards the nearly isolated section of the store, searching for an ugly, but presentable hoodie to satisfy your friends' growing impatience on the group chat, asking for your picture in the outfit.
You spot an employee from your peripheral vision, looking at you with his booklet and pen in hand. He walks over to you and you turn around to face him with a handful of sweaters drowning you. He chuckles before speaking.
"Excuse me, do you need help with those?"
"Uh... Yes please."
You pick up feet shuffling away as you stand there behind the pile of wool. You hear wheels rolling when you peek from behind the pile in your hands to see the employee bringing a shopping cart for you. You thank him as you dump the pile into the cart, resting your arms after holding the weight.
"Thank you... Jisung", you say smiling as you notice the name on his tag reading 'Han Jisung'.
"Oh, don't worry it's my job. Why the ugly sweaters though? Lost a bet?"
You chuckle, "Lost a game. It was bad." He laughs along as he fixes some clothes falling out of the trolley. You take this moment of silence as an opportunity to check him out. Han Jisung was slim. He had a petite figure —small waist, narrow shoulders— but he was well built. His white button-up hugged his arms and waist at the right place. He had a good pair of thighs, his black slacks acting like a second skin on the limbs.
"So... I'm gonna go now, my friend's waiting for me. I hope we meet again!", you bubble, waving the male a goodbye. He smiled and went back to work, noting down some price tag values and clicking his pen close. You walk over to Chaerim, her cart overflowing with accessories and dresses that were maybe more expensive than your entire wardrobe.
"Chae, honey, we're shopping for the week. Not for the decade," you cautioned, eyeing her shopping cart. Chaerim was rich, anyone could tell. But she was humble. She wouldn't brag about her riches, but also couldn't box her shopaholic nature when she saw the designer fabric and exceptional perfume. Those were her weaknesses, and she might as well live off without a family, but no new clothes? She would die.
You stand in line as you see Jisung run-up to the next cashier counter, filling in the empty spot. You feel a tug at your arm, and only register your friend pulling you towards him. He smiles at your friend before looking at you, beaming like the sunshine. He scans your clothes, which took twenty minutes due to Chaerim buying nearly three-fourth of the store before handing over the receipt to you two. Chaerim pays for it and as she types in her credit card password in the machine, Jisung asks–
"So, what's your name?"
"y/n", you smile, mentally beating yourself up for not saying it the first time you met. You and Chaerim grab the bags of clothes as you waddle up to the exit, stopped by the call of your name.
"Hey! Wait for a second!"
You and your roommate turn on your heels to face a breathless Jisung as he hands a credit card your way. You look at Chaerim as she makes eye contact with you and you metaphorically slap her. If it weren't for Jisung, your friend would have to pick food out of a trash can.
"You can leave those here, you know. I'll deliver them at your place", Jisung nervously suggests, gesturing his hands as if trying to pry the bags away from you. You smile at him and nod as he takes out his notepad and writes down the address Chaerim dictates him. Your friend hands the bags to Jisung and leaves to call a cab, leaving you and the boy alone to hoard aside your wares. As you turn to leave, Jisung stops one last time, scratching the back of his neck.
"Can I have your number?"
You cock an eyebrow at the question amusingly. He notices your reaction, quickly jumping to clarify his words.
"I— I meant if I couldn't find your address! I don't wanna get in someone's pants after 10 minutes of conversation!"
"So if our talk lasted longer, you would ask my number to get in my pants, am I right?"
"Yes! I... I mean no! I—" he huffs out, pouting his lips as he failed to make you understand his true intentions.
"Okay okay, I'm just kidding. Here, note it down", you giggle at his softness, giving your number to him. You run back out the store as you look at Chaerim enter a taxi, running over to the vehicle and hopping inside
You and Chaerim order takeout on the way home, and you couldn't stop smiling at the interaction you had with Jisung. Your friend noticed your happiness, twirling her fingers at the base of your hair.
"Who's my lover girl thinking about, hm?"
"Hey! I'm not thinking about anyone", you mumble, grinning as your thoughts flood with Jisung's smiley and bubbly face. You hear a scoff, followed by an “As our lover girl says”, from next to you as you elbow your friend in her sides, laughter filling the cab.
You reach home and get ready for bed, phone dinging with notifications as you open your group chat to view texts from your desperate and thirsty friends. You even notice a few from Chaerim, giggling at her stupidity. You tell them all to wait since the clothes were on their way, and that was enough to blow up your phone even more; a few texts from people who you didn't even know were enquiring about the ugly sweaters.
As you brew yourself and your roommate a hot chocolate, you hear your phone ringing. You look at the unknown number ringing you and you pick up, thinking it was Jisung who couldn't find your apartment.
"Hello, ther—"
"Good Evening Madam! You are the lucky winner of our raffle round! You have won a car and a grand prize of one million dollars! All you need to do is send in your social security number as well as passport details to receive the pri—"
You hang up, annoyed at the loud voice of the call center employee. If anything, they should've hired someone with a voice like Jisung's, soft, polite, kind, and actually convincing. Realizing you wouldn’t be able to meet him then, you forget about the call, sipping from your drink. You hear your phone ring again as you pick up without looking at the caller ID.
"You better listen to me right now. I miserably need a car and definitely need a million dollars, but if I had to give out my social security number around like cupcakes, you can consider shoving those prizes right up your as— "
"Y/n! What are you talking about?" A surprised voice speaks through the phone. You realize it wasn't from the caller this time, but from Jisung on the other side. You absolutely hated yourself and wanted nothing more than Han Jisung himself tossing you into outer space.
"Listen, it's okay, that's happened to me too, and it was to my boss, which is even worse. Now don't ask if I did it intentionally or not, because that would get me fired." he laughed across the static line, making you at ease and snicker too.
"Anyway, so there's this huge stationery shop, that's your building yeah?"
"Great. I'm on my way!"
"Thanks, Jisung!" you squeal, thanking the boy for his kind intentions. You wait at the door for the boy to bring your clothes. It was as if you were attracted to him like he was a magnet and you a piece of iron. He was sweet, caring, helpful, not to mention very attractive and probably the best boyfriend one could ask for.
You jolt as you hear the doorbell ring, quickly shuffling to open the gate. You see Jisung standing at the doorway with his hands filled with nearly five full bags of garments. You offer him to come in and have some hot chocolate and sit down since he must be tired from delivering the huge stack of clothes all the way down to your house.
He politely denies the offer, talking about coming over some other time, preferably when he wasn't doing night shifts. You felt pity for him since he had to work even during Christmas Eve. You smile and wave him goodbye until he leaves out of your sight, tossing the feeling of your heart rapidly thumping against your ribs aside, getting ready to send your annoying friends a picture of you in your new outfit, your first ugly sweater out of the other twenty-four you were going to be forced to wear not only by your annoying classmates but also your roommate.
You do the usual routine, brush your teeth, clean your makeup, get comfortable and cuddle up next to your teddy bear plushie. You think about Jisung one last time before dozing off and place your teddy bear’s paw above your head, smiling at the feeling of your roommate’s soft hands carding through your scalp to get you to sleep.
A few days pass by, and Jisung still hasn't left your mind. You always hover your finger above the call button, to at least hear his voice once. You had never behaved that way, to say the least. Even Chaerim noted how your eyes would glisten and shine at the mere mention of Jisung's name. How you would shy down under your blankets when she would ask you about him. And when the day to buy the next batch of ugly sweater rolled along, you couldn't control your happiness.
You practically ran towards the store, looking for not only the sweaters but for a particular someone. You smile when your eyes land on Jisung and you try playing it cool as if you haven’t been thinking of him all week. But when he locked eyes with you, he was the one whose heart rate skyrocketed. He squealed and ran towards you, grabbing you by your arm and taking towards the latest collection of hideous sweaters. Chaerim looked over at the two of you with doe eyes, happy that her best friend was finally getting hooked up and wouldn't be a lone wolf at Christmas.
You and Jisung had grown closer over the next few days, with you meeting him after his shifts with your new bright green hoodies and yellow sweaters. You would get a few looks and laughs here and there, but it was all a joke. You liked Jisung, and you knew he liked you back. Stating that the two of you had become inseparable was an understatement. You two were basically connected by the waist and would spend the smallest moment away from work with each other. Albeit, you two hadn't confessed.
It was only two days for Christmas now, and even Chaerim’s boyfriend had come over. It would always disappoint you that you had to sleep out on the couch when your roommate would share intimate moments with him. Not because of the simple fact that your bed was taken away from you, but because you couldn't do the same to her with Jisung. Even you wanted Jisung to kiss you, to touch you in places you've never let even the closest people touch you, to have sex with you.
To tell you he loves you.
At last, it was Christmas. Your overly excited roommate had tied up mistletoes around the house. You had invited Jisung over to spend the night together since Chaerim would be busy with her partner. You and Jisung would randomly yell out a 'kiss! you're under the mistletoe!' to the couple whenever they would cross from under the leaves, earning a groan from either one of the two. You two would chuckle and sit in one position, not moving from the couch so that they didn't have the opportunity to take revenge.
You feel someone shuffling behind you when you look back at Minho holding up something above the two of you. Chaemin crosses her hands and taps her feet smirking as she opens her mouth to leave words you weren't planning on hearing for the rest of the evening.
"Kiss, honey. You're under the mistletoe", She grins, her plan working as she wanted it. You huff, mumbling a "That's not fair" to the older couple looking down at you two. You look at Jisung, who just smiles smugly and shrugs as if suggesting that you two have no other option.
He shifts in his place, making your insides shiver as he places his hand on your jaw, leaning in to meet your lips. His lips feel like cotton candy on yours, your strawberry flavored chapstick blending with his make-shift saliva covered lips.
You pull away, anxiety instead of blood coursing through your nerves. Looking away and not making eye-contact with Jisung, you make a mental note of killing your roommate and her boyfriend once you find the right moment. Jisung rubs his palm against the flesh of your thigh in an attempt to stop your veins from getting jittery. Instead, the touch does the complete opposite, making fire rage in your body. You clear your throat glancing at Chaerim and Minho and walk to the kitchen after announcing that you were going to get you all some snacks.
That night, you and Jisung were exceptionally quiet. It felt as if you two were out of topics to talk about when in reality, you didn't want to face each other. You suddenly feel regret, thinking that maybe if you hadn't invited Jisung, he wouldn't have been embarrassed, and maybe your friend would still remain.
It was late at night when you all sat down in a circle, holding three to four gifts each between your legs. You were nervous and excited, curious as to what Jisung had bought you. Chaerim started, who received a silver ring from Minho, followed by Minho, who got tickets to his favorite artist's concert from his partner. He hooted and the pair kissed a filthy kiss, making you young chicks look away. You look at Jisung and gag, making him laugh at your cute faces.
You motion Jisung to open the gift you had given him, and he obliges. He opens the wrapper to reveal an expensive album record that he had been dying to buy but couldn't since he was short in money. He fist-bumped the air, jumping up and dancing a cute dance while chanting 'I'm so happy' over and over.
"Open your's, quick!"
By now all eyes were on you since you were the last one to open your gift. Minho shoots a 'hope it isn't a five-dollar bill' to Jisung, earning a face from the younger. You smile and open your gift, revealing a red-colored oversized sweater covered in white pearls and green beads. Your mouth hangs agape as you look over at Jisung and back at the dress.
"I saw you swooning over this when we first met, so I thought it would make the perfect gift", he speaks nonchalantly, waving off the fact that he could've bought ten of the album records he'd been dying to buy all these weeks with the money he spent on one sweater for you.
You jump up and hug him as your lips meet, this time both of you sharing the affection. This was how you wanted your kiss with Jisung to be like –slow, passionate and loving, not forced and under pressure of people watching you. You hear the older two yells “Get a room!” as you smile into the kiss, his hands snaking down to your waist.
All of you decide to watch a movie, which was ultimately ditched by Chaerim and Minho because they were sleepy as they prance into your and Chaerim’s shared bedroom, preparing to keep the neighbors awake all night with their sinful sounds. You and Jisung were left under the covers, cuddling into each other. He looks at you and opens his mouth to ask you something, words stuck in his throat as you’re facing the screen, your soft features illuminated by nothing but the bright light from it.
“Did you enjoy the kiss before?”
You frown in confusion, “If I said no, will you make me feel better?”
You feel the couch shift next to you and you turn towards him completely, his hands running up and down your sides. You cup his soft cheeks and pull him into a kiss, the sensation being both feverish and passionate. He pulls you closer to him, making you straddle his legs. You lick your lips before diving back in, pushing yourself onto him so that he lies down on the couch. You lay atop him, and he grazes his tongue against your lips as you permit him entrance. You bite his bottom lip, bubbling a small whine out of him. Only through the light provided by the television, you still feel him blush red, embarrassment flooding through him.
You run your hands through his fluffy hair, tugging at it softly as he moans into the kiss, sounds muffled due to your lips connected. He props himself up such that you fall under him, and for once you thank Chaerim for buying a wide sofa. You break the kiss, breathing in a tuft of air, only for it to be stuck in your lungs as Jisung nips at the skin on your neck, his growing bulge grinding down on your inner thigh. You feel the wet patch on your clothed core growing as every second passes by, your body becoming needy for action.
He sits up and crawls down to have your pussy face him. He removes your leggings, letting your underwear remain. He blows on the wet area a few times, earning eager whines from you, and you hold a fistful of his hair between your fingers, trying to pull him closer to your heat. He obliges, licking a fat strip on your slit right above the lacey material, making you shudder with pleasure. He pushes his muscle against your hole, making a moan bubble from your lips.
Pushing your underwear aside, he quickly jumps to business. He starts eating you out like he hadn’t just had dinner an hour ago. You arch your back in pleasure when he works his tongue against your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves. Two fingers prod at your entrance and before you can think about them, they’re pushed into your core, making you moan and buck your hips into his face.
He holds you down with his free hand, rubbing his thumb against your clit and tongue licking your slit a couple times. He pushes his tongue inside you, and you clench around him. He laps your walls and reaches your sweet spots, making you thrash under him. You wanted to desperately release the alien feeling in your abdomen, but Jisung wasn’t going any further than fingering you.
“Jisung, please” was all it took for the boy to unbuckle his belt and drop it at the foot of the couch. He takes his pant off and climbs back up to you, kissing every part of your skin from your torso to your breast, pushing the blue sweater up along with his forehead. You pull the fabric over your head, revealing your bra-less figure. Jisung groans at the sight, biting his bottom lip as he starts grinding his hips into your dripping cunt.
He reaches out to run a hand through your hair, only to be stopped by your fingers curling around his wrists. You bring them down and press his palm over your heat, showing him how hot and wet you were, how desperate you were for his cock to be buried deep inside of you. He exhales a growl and tugs at your panties, pulling them off. He grinds on you a couple of times before finally pushing his length in you, inch by inch, to prevent any pain from coming to the bay.
Once he’s fully in, he opens his eyes to look at you, mouth agape and eyes screwed shut. One of your hands were tangled in his hair, while the other one was gripping the edge of the sofa, almost tearing a hole into the material. You open your eyes at the sudden stillness, only for Jisung to cock his head questioningly as if asking if he could move. You nod after a couple moments, bliss washing over the pain. He starts thrusting into you, slow and hard. He reaches lengths in you almost no one ever did, and you were shaking in pleasure.
He hears a moan, but not from you, it roams from the bedroom. Even they’re fucking. He picks up his speed once he thinks you’re doing well, thrusting into you like his life depends on it. He reaches your cervix head-on a couple of times, lolling a scream and yelp from you occasionally. You moan louder, drowning out the noises coming from the bedroom. And when he starts gyrating his long fingers against your clit, you jolt in pleasure, gripping on his arms tightly as your pleasure waves over you.
Your breathing starts getting labored and he hardens his grip on your waist, making your body burn with pleasure. He bends down, biting and sucking on your neck, licking the area after he’s created a marooned art piece. The feeling on your skin drove you to the edge, and you release around him, walls clenching at his fat length in you. He pulls out of you and thrusts into his hand, searching for his orgasm miserably.
You replace his hand with yours, and though limp, you sit up against the arms of the couch and start pumping his length in your hand. He throws his head back in pleasure, his bottom lip between his teeth and eyebrows scrunched. You lick from base to top, kitten licking his slit when you feel he’s getting closer to his high. You hollow your mouth and fill him into the cavity, making him hit the back of your throat. Sucking and swallowing at his length, what couldn’t fit in your mouth was replaced by your hands, rubbing the pads of your fingers against his protruding vein.
He orgasms hard, making his vision go white with black dots. You suck him dry, some of his cum dribbling down your chin as you get up, which he cleans with the back of his hand. He pulls you into a kiss, tasting his orgasm on your palette.
You pull away to join him under the blankets, cuddling and hugging him as he kisses your forehead. You whisper small ‘I love you’s to him, and he returns them with pecks littering your cheek, smiling like a madman. He hugs and nuzzles his head against your hair, mumbling sweet nothings. You face him, inching your face further from his.
“What are you mumbling about?”
“I bought that dress because employees have a 65% discount on store items,” he confesses, giggling. You open your eyes wide, laughing softly at his cheekiness. Your snuggle closer into his chest, hearing his heart beating only for you. He cards his hand through your hair until he hears soft snores from you.
He looks over at the ugly sweater sprawled across the other end of the couch and smiles, mind rewinding back to the time when you two first met.
a/n: this!!! fic!!! is!!! my!!! baby!!! also, i know Christmas is long gone, but i really wanted to write over this prompt. Enjoy ;)
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boogiewrites · 3 years
No. 9: The Body Ch. 7
Characters: Diego Hargreeves & OFC Eve Corpuz
Summary: Eve and Diego get closer, leading to the inevitable confession of attraction. Eve’s powers grow to make some new very interesting connections.
Warnings/Tags: Flirting. Dancing. Training. Sexual Content. Masturbation. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT! If you’d like added to the tags, just let me know. This is a multi-chapter fic.
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Their lives had become a new normal the past few months. Training had become a welcome escape and focus for them both. Eve had slowly been getting stronger in physicality and her powers. She and Diego were also undoubtedly getting closer as well. 
It wasn’t just physical closeness, although there was plenty of that. Like the time she got a weird hip cramp from doing too many kicks and he had to put her on the floor and stretch her leg up and lean in. If she hadn’t been in pain she would’ve noticed the hip to hip placement and how the sounds she was making could be interpreted wholly differently. 
Eve was very busy, work picking back up and her trying to manage it all. She found time to still be with Diego on occasion. 
He’d wanted to introduce her to what he did. He called them patrols, and she called them looking for trouble. He’d help thwart muggers and she’d heal him up. She’d offer to help heal at the homeless camps and he’d be her bodyguard. They were finding they had a lot of similarities. That need to prove that they were good and make themselves useful. Despite the drastically different childhoods they’d had, they still seemed to get out with the same sort of hang-ups. It made for a deeper connection as anytime they tried to defend their decisions, the other would simply nod and say, “No, I get it.” And mean it.
This connection not only afforded them someone to share their seriousness with, their passions and motivations, it also allowed for more room in their lives to let their guards down with the built trust. It allowed them both time to do something they rarely did with others, be silly. 
She’d made him give into using her playlists since she was the one paying, she stressed. He’d not teased her too much about her music. But what he didn’t know is she had multiple ones for when she was alone. Eve loved to make a list, and playlists were no exception. Her workouts at home on her days off consisted of her dancing. Nothing fancy, just freestyling like she was back in her club days and music video choreography like she was a teen again. She still knew every move to Oops I did it again and that was a secret she’d take to her grave. 
So in the transition between takedowns, when The Weeknd comes on with his synthy beat for Blinding Lights, Diego is confused like a puppy as the single tone plays for a moment before realizing it’s something he’s heard on the radio before. 
“I like the 80’s vibes but I’ve never fought to anything this… dancey.”
“Yeah, this...isn’t the right playlist. This must be my dance workout one. I’ll change it.” she says wiping her face off with her shirt and walking over.
“You have a dance workout? Like that.. zumba stuff?”
“No.” she shakes her head and laughs. “On my days off I do cardio to music just... dancing around. Y’know a solid beat to do reps to.”
“Show me.” he says with a big teasing grin.
“Ugh.” She makes a disappointed face.
“You’re never shy, c’mon.” he motions to the center of the mat to give her the floor. 
“Put a girl on the spot.” she mumbles and starts a basic hip moving beat. “This one’s got a lot of The Weeknd on it.” she grins almost bashfully. She stretches to the beat, squats, and simple body weight reps. “See? You just do some reps and then dance when you want to.”
He comes in line with her and starts copying her. “So you start with the Carlton dance?”
“Shut up!” she laughs and claps her hands at him. “It is NOT the Carlton dance you asshole.” she laughs and gets back into her one-two-step sway to the beat that isn’t enough to wear you out but enough to keep your heart rate up.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure it is.” he says with a boyish persistent nod. 
“You want me to really dance? Like I do at home? I’ll fuckin’...twerk all over this gym, Diego.” she says it like a threat and he gives her a full chested laugh. “You want a choreographed routine?” she busts a move from an old routine from her stage days when she was younger. 
“Yeah! What you got?”
“Fine, next song…” she waits for the song to shift. Earned It begins to play and she rolls her eyes. “This isn’t a…” she snorts. “Not what I meant. Not really a workout song.”
“Then why is it on the playlist?”
“Because it IS a routine but not…” she twitches her nose. 
“I am intrigued. Understandably.” he crosses his arms feeling the upper hand. 
“You’re a dick, you know that?” she sighs and goes and grabs a fold-up chair from the edge of the room. “If I do this, you have to dance for ME. Fairs fair.”
“Oga for oga.” he nods
“Nothing. It’s Swedish.” he grunts out with a showy shake of his head. 
“I was dancer. So this is… a routine we would do…” 
“You don’t fight like a dancer moves, no offense.”
“Not the same kind of dancer…” she grins before it comes apparent just what sort of dancer she meant. “Never done this for free. Consider yourself lucky.” she laughs as she flips her hair over in her high pony and continues spinning and straddling the chair. 
“I do. I am very lucky.” he grins and thumbs his lip. Giving her a cocky nod and up and down.
“I’m only doing this on the basis of double dog dare rules.” 
“And I respect that.” he continues his big grin and nod as he judged her playfully without a word. 
“That’s all you get for free.” she rises out of an almost split on the floor. “Fuck. Need to work on my splits.” she gives a good stretch after moving the chair. “Your turn. Better make this Magic Mike worthy.” she demands with a pointed finger to the floor. 
“Maybe not Magic Mike…” he shrugs as another song plays in, I Feel It Coming playing through. “This new?”
“New-ish.” she answers. He casually keeps his eyes away from hers as his hands move confidently to her body and yank her close, a formal stance as he finds the beat with a bobbing head. “Follow my lead.” he connects his eyes and takes her in a waltz light stride across the floor.
“What is this? Am I suddenly a duchess being courted in the 1700s?” she teases and he throws her out to spin her.
“No, because she’d know how to do this.” he taunts before dipping her. 
“I’m sorry I’m not that fancy!” she laughs with messy hair as he pulls her back up quickly.
“Oh, you think it’s fancy?”
“Yeah because it is. This is 4 different kinds of forks at dinner fancy.” she mocks. “I gave you grade A… okay grade B exotic dancer vibes and you give me Mr. Darcy who will faint if he sees my ankles.”
“Fine.” he rolls his eyes and pulls her back to his chest. Hands hard on her hips make her blush immediately, a quick beat hip sway catches her off guard. “Better?”
“Yes. Give me modern. Give me it’s early 2000’s and you’re shaking it like you don't wanna go home broke that night.” she demands playfully and they share a laugh, feeling the nostalgia for a moment and falling into a comfortable, borderline not appropriate dancing for middle schoolers. They gave over for a minute, hips and hands and him using his intense eyes that had gotten him what he’d wanted when he was younger. Eve could dance, she’d made a living out of it before and during school before things got too hectic to keep up work and study and residency. She’d danced before that with fake ID’s in clubs, she’d been around plenty of people and places, and she hated to admit that the man could move. With his almost pitbull puppy appearance she could forget that he was very in tune with his body when he wanted. She was reminded of it when she would watch him fight someone else. And she was reminded of it as he had his hands around her waist and hips with no hesitation, a confidence his usual demeanor with her lacked. They came together to sway, eyes locked and subtle smiles with competitive dark eyes watching the other.
“Hmm?” she asks with a pleasant smile as she looks up to him in the reverse embrace. 
“Would you-” he begins, his head tilted to her shoulder. He takes a low key deep breath and swings her away, taking her hands back into a much simpler embrace. “Would you wanna go out sometime?” His voice didn’t exactly crack but there was a fleeting moment of him losing his suave exterior to show the unsure boy with a crush underneath. 
“Go out?” she asks rhetorically. “And do more of this?” she asks with a playful inflection to show he didn’t need to be nervous. 
“I mean, if you want me to keep making you look bad…” he smirks and she steps on his foot and they share a hushed laugh. “We could go dancing.” he offers.
“We don’t have to,” she answers quickly and quietly. “It’s not something I do much. Well, in public anyway.” they continue a slow PTA approved slow dance stature together. 
“Yeah me either.” he chuckles back. 
“If not dancing..then what?”
“We could, uh, have drinks.” he offers with a thoughtful pursed mouth. 
“We could eat.” she offers with a wide grin.
“Always with you and food.” he teases
“Always. I’ve never seen you turn it down anytime it was offered.”
“Touche.” he narrows his eyes. “Food and drinks. Alright, we’ll go to a place that has food and drinks.”
“....a restaurant?” she asks with a bubbling laugh.
“Yeah. One of those.” he breathily laughs it out and looks away for a moment. 
He was awfully cute when he was dumb. 
“I know this place. Good burgers.” he nods. “There’s a bar and you can get food. It’s small… not very busy. Mostly working-class people y’know. Easy to have some privacy.”
“You make it sound like we’re going on a stakeout.” 
“Old habit I guess.”
“So it’s not in fact, a stakeout?”
‘No. No stakeout.” he answers enthusiastically and feeling her playful energy. 
“Pinky promise.”
“Deal.” she doesn’t break from the sacred finger hold, and neither does he. “So if it’s not work…” she begins with an animated move of her neck. “Does that mean this is a date?” 
He pauses for a moment and lowers his chin to face her more head-on, speaking more quietly. “Yeah. A date.” she sees that flash of fuck boy, she’d named it. You know the lip-biting, the fingers through the hair and doing that nod your way like they know you want them. Tik tok fuck boys, the ones with 90’s teen heartthrob hair. While Diego’s hair wasn’t quite to that length yet, she wondered for a distracted second how it might look on him, or if he’d had that hair when they were that age. 
“Was it the Carlton dance?” she asks with wiggling eyebrows and he breaks his suave demeanor. “Or was it the chair dance?” she gives a goofy wiggle in his arms. 
“It was more the chair than the Carlton…” she feels that shift, his hand a bit more demanding on her lower back, keeping her close. “But I wouldn’t turn down that Carlton dance after a few drinks.” they both fall into a  shared bubble of laughter as she ducks her head to his chest and her shoulders shake. 
“I’ll be sure to wear a pastel sweater and some pleated khakis on the date.” she says with a sly grin that he answers with crinkled eyes of amusement. 
“The chair dance in THAT? Now THAT’s sexy.”
“Oh yeah, catch me three drinks deep and grinding in my fuckin’...Tommy Bahama dress slacks.” she moves her hips grinding on his thigh to call his bluff and before he can break his sarcastic bitten lip to show excessive interest in the idea - a voice breaks their bubble of intimacy they’d been working on all night. 
“Do we need a separate license to teach dance?”  The voice breaks a cozy moment between them. They both freeze and Eve blinks curiously at the short teenager with the angry face. Oh yeah, that had to be his brother.
“We have that license. And the one for the use of the songs.” Diego’s hands move away without much rush from Eve, his smile fading almost instantly. “What do you want?” 
“A word?” a cocked eyebrow from the pale and strong-jawed young man.
“We were kind’ve in the middle of-”
“In the middle of -what- exactly Diego?” Five’s head cocked the side. 
“It’s fine. I can go. It’s near the end of my session anyway.”
“Oh.” Five mumbles. “Didn’t realize you were a paying customer.”
“Yeah. Hi. I’m Doctor Eve Corpuz.” she reaches out her hand after putting on a hoodie. 
“Doctor, eh? What kind?”
“ER Doctor at Calvary.” 
“MMph.” He gives a respectful nod. “Wouldn’t be where you met my mess of a brother would it?”
“It would be actually.” she gives a warm smile as she stuffs her things into her duffle. 
“Pleasure to meet you. But I do need a word in private with my brother.”
“Family stuff. I get it.” she nervously laughs. “I’ll see you on Thursday?”
“Uh...yeah.” Diego shakes his head, obviously flustered and glaring at his brother.
“Okay. See you. You boys have a good night!”
Eve pulls up her hood to cozy against the blustery spring night. 
Eve had received a smattering of high energy texts from her friend when she sent, ‘I think my trainer just asked me out?😏’. 
With playful accusations of what a harlot Eve was planning on being she was also met with a new nervousness. Now the way her coworker was seeing it, her hot Personal trainer asked her if she wanted to go out. As opposed to how Eve saw it, her mentor Diego seeing if she wanted to do something besides train for once. But he loved training. Yeah, she couldn’t lie to herself. It was a date. 
Once the revelation hits her she keeps a sly smile on her face as she goes about her evening in her apartment. It WAS a date. And he HAD had his hands all over her tonight. Not that it was unusual with their new ventures into MMA, but this was different. That was for fun. Not for training purposes. They’d just been two people dirty dancing. At least for what action Eve had gotten lately, it was considered dirty. 
She turns her playlist to the one from the gym earlier over her speakers. She finds the same sultry song, the one she’d used in her VIP room lap dances. She’d loved the video for the song and made up a routine based on it. She wasn’t a fan of the movie or book it came from but it was a moody vibe setter and that’s what she liked in her work. She takes a chair from the corner of her room, in just her panties and paper-thin t-shirt, and channeled that part of her that’d been bubbling beneath the surface ever since she’d met Diego. That part of her that kept in touch with her sexuality every day. The part of her that loved moving her body to the music, audience or not. 
She admires herself in the dresser mirror for a moment. Something she hadn’t done in a while beyond the quick double-take of having her butt look good. She felt like herself, the Eve she was without all this worry about powers and careers and responsibility. That girl that loved dancing. The girl that went from town to town, loving and leaving and never staying long enough to take root. Being led by nothing but her heart. Not a thought to the future.  It was easy to miss that version of herself, but she knew she was better for having gotten her shit together. But it was nice to romanticize from time to time alone. 
He could just be a guy at a bar, and she’s an eager woman looking for something that burns so hot it couldn't last. It doesn’t take long for her to fall into her fantasy, recalling his hands on her, sweat dripping onto her collarbone from his damp hair hanging across his forehead over those dark eyes. She could smell him, feel his hands on her she knew when she kissed him she’d taste the salt of his sweat. She was in deep, just like her fingers between her pussy lips. She’d have a spicy little daydream, cum nice and hard, and fall into a heavy sleep. That was her plan for the evening.
Across town, in his apartment, Diego’s night was just getting started. He was looking over documents Five had given him, something he thought he might need to know about. But he was finding it hard to concentrate.
He thought he was past this sort of thing, some adolescent reminiscent sudden sexual urge that made its way into your head and wouldn’t get out. As his fingers fidgeted and his leg bounced, he took a deep breath and he felt his body getting warm, the blood flowing and him seeing the straining against his gym shorts. He took another deep breath and this one felt more like a sigh, a slump onto the desk in front of him as he looked down at his twitching shorts. 
“Really? Now?” He mutters to himself as he looks around as if someone could be watching, making his way to his bedroom. Wasn’t going to chance anyone interrupting him again. 
He sat on the bed, kicking off his bottoms and tossing his shirt aside. But as soon as he gave into it, it was like he could feel her hands on him, and there was only one woman on his mind. It’s like she was in his arms again, her strong hips in his hands, he could feel her hand creeping up around his neck, nails raking on his scalp and making him shiver. 
She didn’t waste much time, her clit already throbbing and aching for attention. In her mind, she finally brings those full lips to her own, hand into his pants and happy with what she finds there. 
It was as if he could feel her mouth around him, his hand and hers one of the same, her imagining him in her throat and nice and wet before abandoning the laws of physics and then suddenly laying down and her slipping him inside. 
From her leisurely position on the bed she moves on her hands and knees, a pillow a poor stand-in, but her imagination makes up the rest. She wanted to feel that broad chest under her hands and the slap of skin to skin. She felt the slip of sweat on her palms and held him by the hair as she rode and kissed him.
Diego was sprawled in his bed, hand around his cock, and pumping to try to satisfy himself. He could feel her grinding against him, that delicious weight of a woman on top of you, taking what she needed. He very easily imagined it, finally seeing her tits bounce as she moved and the never-ending expanse of her tattoos without the interference of clothes. He was happy to take a back seat for a hot creature like her but he grew hungry, nearing his end faster than he anticipated. 
Eve was at the desperate stage. So close to reaching the peak. Everything sensitive and flushed and wanting to lay back and take it. She grabs a dildo from the bedside drawer, a quick stick to the headboard, and Eve was moaning out his name to an empty room. 
With a hand hard on the headboard, his body taught and almost angry at the tension, he feels the bounce-back of her ass as he drills into her. Hands fast to her hips and back, holding her down. He let out a frustrated growl as he felt his own orgasm about to rise.
With a moan, she begs for him to go deeper and she feels the release through her body. Hands on her tits and moaningas she convulsed, imagining his cock inside her instead, his hands tight to her hip and breast just as she was envisioning. He collapsed into the pillow beneath him, panting. 
“That was… intense.” They sigh. 
Apparently, Eve’s powers growing stronger was creating some interesting connections. 
 @jaegeeeeer​ @diegos-butt​ @anglovesthis @likedovesinthewnd​
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The Town That Never Was
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[Image Description: a long road with decaying plants on either side, with text overlayed that reads ‘the town that never was’ in white. A white icon of a clock is placed underneath the text /end ID]
I’m re-releasing the first four chapters as I’ve edited them!
Ships: DLAMP/CALMD, Remile.
Warnings: Cheating is mentioned at some point during this fic in the past, some slight horror themes but in a comedic sort of way, kidnapping is mentioned but again this is like a comedy-horror so there’s not a lot of suspense.
Plot: In Hell, a town of roughly 1,000 people, nothing that is supposed to happen ever happens and everything that physically should happen, does. Logan, a scientist, goes there in hopes of studying the world’s most unfortunate, and miraculous, town. But no one who ever enters ever finds the will to leave again.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | 
Chapter Three: The Forest And Its Voice
"Good evening listeners." The radio crackles in the reception of the bed and breakfast owned and ran by Remy Picani and his husband with benefits (benefits include being loved devoutly and also evening cups of coffee being made for him), Emile. The owner, whose black combat boots are resting on the desk whilst the glow of the computer illuminated his peaceful expression, has his eyes closed and is paying little to no attention to anything except the voice coming in through the radio; as is most of Hell at this time (both in this dimension and the sixth). Sitting across the room on a couch that had mysteriously appeared one day, is Logan, tapping furiously on a laptop as he listens to the news. "As some of you may have noticed, a forest has appeared outside of our little town." 
Logan's tapping ceases and Remy opens his eyes, both looking at each other and then rolling their eyes in sync. Logan gestures loosely for Remy to turn up the radio and the other man does. Remy is enjoying the quiet company enough to do as he's told, given that Logan is the only resident here except for Emile (and Emile is currently busy typing up his notes from his clients), also the wi-fi is faster in the reception which is why Logan is downstairs in the first place. "I would recommend, listeners, that you do not go into the forest, in fact, try to ignore it's existence all together because I am getting some uncomfortable vibes from it." 'He's seen inside it,' Logan thinks to himself, but the urge to wander inside the mysterious forest is almost primal.
'Maybe in the morning,' he considers to himself.
"You're going to go in the forest aren't you?" Remy asks, feet up, leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed again "...I thought you were going to be the only sane one in this town." The cat-like man continues, not waiting for Logan's response because he already knows the answer "I'm glad you're not because you would have gone truly insane." Logan chuckles softly in response, before nodding in agreement. Yes, he truly would have. 
Logan goes to the forest in the morning just after sunrise. Currently, he's stood at the edge of it and listening to it...talk, it whispers to him and the sound feels like the feeling you get when your best friend hugs you so tight that you struggle to breathe for a second. Suffocating, but in a beautiful sort of way. He stares up at the tall trees that hadn't been there this time yesterday, holding his hand-held energy detector and a life monitoring device in the other and right now...this forest is full of life. Not Human energy signals but ones just as strong, as powerful. This entire forest is alive with its own beating heart and that terrifies Logan.
And, of course, entices him.
The trees reach into the sky and silhouette the pink morning, the sun almost blocked from the scientist's view as he takes his first step into the somehow darker forest. The ground feels real and feels firm. The soil is soft but not wet or muddy, it even seems fitting for the climate as it's a little dry. The soil looks and feels fresh as though it were not housing a forest but someone's small cacti; so little makes sense and Logan is thrilled to try and figure out how to make it make sense.
His plan is just to collect a few samples and run a few tests on the rocks and soil, that's his plan. The forest's plan may not have the same lines, not that he knows this yet, but he will. Oh, he will.
"Have any of you heard from Logan?" Remy asks at almost nine at night "He didn't come back." There's a small pause before the feline man continues. "Also why are you still open when the sun is setting?" The rest of the coffee shop, which was just Roman, Patton and Virgil, exchange looks and then shrug because they also don't know why they're still open bar the strange need to remain open. Sometimes life is just like that, things happen when they're not meant too and people feel things without any reason to do so. 
"We haven't seen him today," Roman fills in the silence that had descended amongst them, filled only by awkward shuffling as they all look at each other as a prompt to speak. "Do you want a coffee?" He adds, still unsure why they hadn't closed shop and even more unsure why they were the only four there but then decides not to think too hard about it. He doesn't wait for Remy to respond as he makes him a to-go cup full, because Remy always wants coffee and none of them is sure he actually ever sleeps (Even Remy himself is unsure he sleeps more than once a month, he thinks that maybe he slept a few nights ago). 
The coffee is handed over and the sleepless man sighs "I should probably go look for him, he went into the forest." 
"Oh he is not coming back," Virgil, their wonderful resident demon snorts lightly. "Have you seen that thing? There are more demons in it than there are in Hell, the proper one...not this one." Roman elbows him in the side gently, and in response, he gets bared needle-sharp teeth and narrowed eyes. Roman quirks an eyebrow and reaches to scratch the other behind the ears which have its usual effects (which is that Virgil melts against him with a purring-like sound escaping from deep in his belly), Remy rolls his eyes at them whilst swearing to himself that he and Emile are not that cute (they are).
"We'll help you look for him!" Patton beams, his heart too big for his body as usual. 
"We will?" Virgil and Roman reply in unison, before saying more firmly: "We will!" now without the question and still in unison. Another silence before Patton clears his throat and grabs the keys off the counter and twirling it around his fingers as he herds the other men out of the shop like a shepherd, waving his hands in a universal sign of "shoo" which really says all anyone needs to know about Patton's relationships. 
That is to say that one does not disagree with Patton, not out of fear although he can be terrifyingly kind and sweet, but because there's unending respect for the man. And if he says to do something, then you do it without question. Especially Roman and Virgil, who are so devotedly in love with him and trust him to no end, that he could say: "Let's go in the terrifying forest," And they will respond with "Yes, sure!" 
Remy is just bored. Nothing spells "Time to get in life-threatening situations," like boredom does, especially for a man who does not, who cannot sleep.
"Have any of you got the radio station?" Patton asks, Virgil lifts his phone in a response that says he's already on it; this isn't out of a hobby but because when you're in danger the one person to listen to is Dee. He sees all and knows all and is probably not very happy with them right now. As the noise crackles through his headphones, the demon snorts lightly and waves the dimly lit screen to them. 
"He's not very happy with us right now," The sound of music follows a moment later, so Dee has gone to the weather and Roman's phone rings. 
"You're going into the forest?" They all hear Dee's voice, which is four or five pitches higher than usual and heavy with fear "Don't go in the forest Roman it's not safe!" They all exchange glances with each other and they standstill as the exorcist rubs his temple with some distress. "Yeah I know I shouldn't be spying on you but in my defence, I was spying on the forest and you're stood right at the edge of it," They look up, they are, but they don't remember walking to the other side of town. Remy sips his coffee as Patton shifts in discomfort whilst Virgil shivers. 
Either Humans or...Human-ish Human's, have taken their toll on his ability to be a fearful person, or it's a bad sign when the Demon is scared.
"Logan's in there," Roman mutters gently "he helped me get to Patton when he'd been kidnapped I can't just leave him in there," his voice is sincere though shaking, he's scared but that's nothing new, Roman is ninety per cent being afraid and his bravery comes not from an absence of such emotions, but doing the things that need to be done despite them. "We need to help him, Dee." There's a low pause, the phone goes quiet but Roman can hear talking between him and someone else.
"Stay there, I'm coming with you," And then the line goes dead. 
When the radio comes back online, an intern announces their name and that they're taking over the radio for a little while whilst Dee does some fieldwork. Fifteen minutes later the snake-eyed man is by their side, hair ginger today and a little curly, but it matches his gold shirt well. Roman knows that Dee's hair just...does that and that he doesn't dye it but sometimes he has to wonder if people ask the snakelike man if he does go through the trouble of dying his hair each day. And giving it an entirely new texture.
"He's really far in," Dee announces the moment they're all together. "We've got to stay together and do not separate under any circumstance," Patton grabs both Virgil and Roman's hands, whilst Remy gives a mildly affronted look and a "thanks Patton," before his coffee cup hits the ground and he transforms fluidly into a cat, hopping up onto Patton's shoulder. It's entirely possible that his claws dig in a little and it's entirely possible this is on purpose as repayment for the obvious hierarchy that has been established. Roman looks at Dee hesitantly before holding out his hand.
Deceit definitely does not blush when he takes it.
"No matter what the forest tells you we find Logan and we get him out, understood?" Dee stares into the mists of the now pitch-black forest, at its branches that look like fingers trying to grasp any livings creatures, at the cracked shadows that almost breathe. He stares like he's seeing something the others are not and they know that he is, but they most certainly do not want to know what. And what will the forest tell them?
They're unsure why before they've even entered there's an eternal dread that seems everlasting; as though it had been there their entire lives and would be there for the rest of it, the dread feels like cold breath on the back of their necks or a cold hand running down their spines, but when they turn to look behind them there is nothing there at all. Roman swallows nervously as he presses forward and Remy makes a low hiss at the trees. Virgil is a quiet sort of anxious, but a small cloud is hovering above his head that dictates he is very, very afraid of this forest for reasons that are best left unsaid until they're out of it. 
"This way," Dee mutters, his eyes glow calmly as he's led by his parallel gaze, a gaze into the more and the everything and the nothing. Mostly everything, but right now he wishes it was nothing. His face turns to stone as he walks, his pace quickening and the other's know without asking that something is very wrong. If there had been daylight they may have noticed the way the branches move like hands waving, or the way the roots snaked towards them as they pass. 
"Your eyes, your eyes," the trees hiss to Deceit "Leave, leave now, you are not welcome here, you are not!" But he doesn't listen, mutely in his own head, he tells them if they hadn't wanted him here they should not have taken his friend. The others are hearing different words, tailored to themselves and suddenly, Patton stops and freezes. He looks around, hands parting from theirs with a panicked look on his face. Like he can't see them.
"Guys?" He whispers "Where...where'd you go?" 
"We're right here Patton," Roman says clearly, waving a hand in front of Patton's face...but his eyes, now glassy, remain unseeing and terrified. "Pat?" He takes his lover's hand but it's jolted away as the baker screams in fear, shaking his head as he whirls around. He's shaking and tears are trailing over his freckled cheeks, curls sticking to his face as his breathing becomes laboured.
"I don't know where I am, it's so bright, please don't hurt me." The forest shivers a little, unused to un-greedy souls in its presence. The branches whisper to each other in a tongue no one understands.
"Is he pure?"
"He is!" 
"It's been so long," they whisper to each other, in their conversation and Deceit looks up at the leaves and tunes his sight to his ears to look through every language that ever has existed and ever will. He knows what this forest is so once he hears the conversation he also understands what they're discussing.
"He's not what you want, he's not what you need," the DJ announces, the hushes whispers ceased as they listen "And you can't have me because I can quite literally see right through you, and you can't have Virgil because he's already one of yours." The trees seem to recoil a little "Give us back our friend and I'll leave you in peace but I'll burn every single one of you to the ground before I let you hurt him, any of them," Roman's jaw tenses a little as he looks over at the man he used to love and for once sees that man, not the one who hurt him although of course, they are one and the same. But before that, the smile and the bravery and the eccentricities, that...that man he'd fallen in love with. But if he ever forgives Deceit it will be because of the man who hurt him first and foremost, not a glimmer of hope in a desperate time.
The trees move.
Their roots push out of the dirt and they move away from them like they are walking, forming a pathway in their wake. Deceit's eyes close. There is no deceiving a man who epitomises lying with a name that he chose. Finally, he nods and looks back at Patton whose eyes are zoning back into the present. Once he sees Roman and Virgil he flings himself back into their arms. Remy, who is still seated on Patton's shoulders, gives a near-human look of disbelief that once again he'd been forgotten about. "Thank you," Deceit utters. There's no thanks in his tone.
They start along the pathway again, Roman's grip on Deceit and Patton more intense than before and finally...they find him. 
Logan looks tired. He looks exhausted and weary and every other lonesome and terrified adjective that sums up 'sleepy' but in a more foreboding sense. His hair is ruffled and dirt is clinging to his skin and clothes; he's lying on the ground with the roots of a tree unfurling from around his frail body. But when he sees the other's his tiredness seeps away and he smiles in his own little grin, scared maybe...but ecstatic? Definitely. Deceit feels something right at the core of his chest thud at that smile and relief like a tsunami crash over him; he cannot help but drag Logan into a hug, in which the scientist lets out a soft 'oof' and then smiles more against his skin. "This place is insane," he whispers. 
"I did warn you," Deceit replies. "Now let's get out of here,"
"So...what was the forest?" Logan had gone upstairs to have a shower whilst Patton, Virgil and Remy start making dinner for them all as they crammed into Deceit's apartment. Roman stares up at his ex-boyfriend with the first civil conversation they'd had since their breakup. Deceit, cradling a hot cup of coffee, pauses mid-sip to look at the other man, whose eyes are always so beautiful. "You seemed to know."
"I always know," Deceit muttered "I hate knowing, I hate having to know I wish...I wish I didn't," there's still a golden hue to his eyes like he's still reaching into the place they had left behind. "It wasn't a forest, a forest was just a mirage for people like Logan who are too curious and too greedy for knowledge to resist." He rests the cup of coffee down, Roman's body leans towards him as if on autopilot. "Those weren't trees, they were in some way like Virgil but a different type of Demon, a soul-eater, they feed off people's greed and everyone is greedy for something." 
"But not you?"
Deceit looks at Roman with an exhausted look as though he's missing something obvious. Roman is always missing something obvious, but for some reason this time it seems important. "I do, but I'm also not oblivious to what they are, I can see them, I can see through them and every entrance and exit and weakness, and more importantly what I'm greedy for is something that things like them can't touch, knowledge is easy and Logan was practically a buffet for them, but they couldn't touch Patton because he's not greedy at all, he's so entirely selfless that they would have burned to try and feed off of him." He's deflecting the topic. 
"What are you greedy for?" 
Deceit falls silent, he looks down at his feet. "Nothing important, Roman." Love, to be loved, to touch something and not break it. "Let's go see how dinner is coming along." Roman stares at Deceit and then shakes his head, his hand catching the other man's.
"Look Dee I know.."
"Please don't." It's so firm, so demanding and not at all how he usually sounds "I don't want to talk Roman, not about you or us or the thing I did, I won't forgive myself and neither will you and that's the way it has to be," a tense silence descends and Roman shakes his head in response to words he didn't want to hear. "I can only say I'm sorry, but I know and I understand that doesn't repair what I did and I don't want it too, I deserve to be judged by you."
"Yeah well, judge is my middle name," the exorcist whispers, but his hand doesn't move from the other man's "...and one day I will forgive you," maybe he already has "...but I want you to know that...the way you look at Logan..." Makes me jealous, makes my heart hurt "...It's okay, you should go for it whilst you can." 
At that moment, the door opens and Logan pads into the room wearing Deceit's shirt that hangs off his much smaller body in a way that makes both of them blink slowly. His collarbones peaking out of a shirt so baggy that it slips off of his shoulders, his hair messy and fluffed in every which direction. He smiles at the two of them and walks past their absent expressions to the kitchen. The remaining two exchange a look with Deceit exhaling shakily. "I will if you will," Deceit smirks after a long pause, and Roman for the first time in so long in his ex's presence laughs.
"Maybe I will."
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