#esp with the kids one they always think it's an invitation to start asking super invasive questions
celepeace · 2 years
Two things people tend to take extremely personally despite it having nothing to do with them are hearing that someone doesn't want to have kids and that someone is no contact with a family member
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
omg I love that Karthik has a kid!!! I have so many questions (feel free to disregard, it's so possible you answered somewhere but i didn't see rip). How old was Karthik when he had Meera/how old is she during the TWC timeline? Is Meera's other parent in the picture (and how is that relationship with Meera and with Karthik)? Does Meera know about the supernatural or is Karthik trying to protect her from it?
Hiiiii ! Thanks for the ask!! it was fun to think about!!! to answer your questions:
He was around 19/20 when he had her, so rather young parent indeed. Starting from book 1, Meera is 6 years old and just starting first school (year one).
The other parent, oof - Her name is Nikhita. She was his first love, from the outside it was seen as a fast paced romance. Met during his gap year when he travelled abroad. They got along swimmingly and super close, super fast. A whirlwind romance. When Karthik mentions he is going back to study at university, Nikhita wished to join to follow him. Nikhita had her secrets, her reasons - even to this day, Karthik never truly understood why she dropped everything for him. Only wanted to believe she cared, that she loved him. After they found out about the pregnancy, instead of worry or anxious thoughts - Karthik did the impulsive thing and proposed to her on the spot. wishing to always be there for her no matter what, and they can get through this as a team - as it always had been. She accepts. It was a simple wedding, nothing fancy - with their friends and his grandparents. Rebecca was invited but did not show.
Everything seemed to go well, that's what Karthik believed. But once Meera was born and Nikhita returned home from the hospital, things changed. Shared one night of rest and relaxation , but in the night she left. Bag already packed and walking out the door. Tho Karthik is a light sleeper and would catch her before she leaves. Karthik would be confused and tried to reason with her, to understand - but she remains silent. A final kiss then shes gone. And that's the last he saw of her. Before the events of book 1, he still believed she could come back on day - and still holding out hope. Even if she left, he doesn't ever think bad of her. Meera would ask about her mother and why she isn't here and why she doesn't come to pick her up like other kids mothers do. He tries to be honest as he can, but still keeping Nikhita is a positive light. Doesn't want Meera to ever think bad of her mother.
Meera does know about the supernatural, Karthik knows first hand that secrets can cause strain on family and doesn't wish for Meera to experience that same loneliness as he once did with his mother. Hence why he tries to include her more often than not and spending more time with her. Not letting work get in the way. Also she was present during the thrall bar fight scene (assuming its one of those family friendly pubs) so had to witness all that and esp seeing her dad get knocked unconscious by a strange person.
Another reason why Meera indeed knows about the supernatural world , is so the agency can keep an eye on her. for uh... spoiler reasons.
Even after she knows, Karthik is immensely protective over her and her safety with the world. Esp after the events of book 3 and knows that enemies would use those he cares about to get after him. He cannot let that happen to Meera. He would do anything to make sure his child his safe.
also in terms of what she looks like, made this edit a whileee back - but here:
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let’s talk about 9-1-1 buddie headcanons:
- eddie gets rid of his truck. christopher is getting older and wants more independence so he gets something with better clearance. and I’ve decided that something is a dodge durango. eddie is actually really into it. can’t stop talking about the fold down seats and towing capabilities. buck teases him and calls it his soccer mom van. then immediately starts researching CP-friendly soccer leagues for chris.
- buck strikes me as a podcast kinda guy. I feel like a lot of his random facts probably start with information learned via podcast and then researched separately on google or wikipedia. 
- luddite eddie my beloved. but not like luddite luddite. eddie’s a millennial so I see him as okay with all the 20th century technology he grew up with and just not all the newfangled smart home/internet gaming stuff. 
- abuela gives eddie an old turntable and a box of records and he falls in love with it. likes to play spanish love songs while cleaning on the weekends.
- eddie breaks up with ana. he does it quietly and cordially a couple weeks after the sniper incident.
- buck and taylor date for a little while but never really take off. and it’s super important that it’s buck who makes the decision to break up. they both have very busy lives and different priorities. and taylor acknowledges she probably shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place. she just hated to see buck so broken and wanted to comfort him. they decide they are better as friends.
- bosko and eddie friendship rights! eddie actually apologizes to her and they become gym buddies. lena stops going to the junkyard fights and finds an MMA gym that she’ll take eddie to. during the pandemic they somehow find themselves doing socially distanced tai-chi in the park. they keep it up once the gyms reopen.
- side note: lena does in fact get a cat. he’s a huge floofy maine coon named sarge who absolutely adores eddie. rubs his head all over him and immediately worms his way into his lap when eddie visits. he hisses at buck tho and lena finds it endlessly hilarious.
- demisexual eddie! I like the idea of lena no-nonsense asking eddie if he’s ace one day and eddie just having an internal panic attack but not being able to figure out why. karen gently brings it up few months later and he’s just deny deny deny. then he overhears david telling michael that he gives off ace vibes and that’s the last straw. so eddie pulls a full buck and starts researching just to prove everyone wrong. except it’s like a lightbulb clicks on and yeah. maybe there’s something to this.
- eddie and karen have a book club every other week. usually novellas or a short story collection. queer theory and literary fiction. the occasional poetry book. at some point they invite david to join them. they also have a not-so-secret romance novel exchange because they are big saps.
- eddie is also a sucker for a really good cup of black coffee. has a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe where he buys beans in bulk. buck calls it his diesel fuel drink and grimaces at the taste. he prefers simple oatmilk latte from the place near the station. and yet buck always seems to know what days eddie will be running late and rushing to work and has a cup from said hole-in-the-wall coffee waiting. despite it not being on buck’s route. 
- christopher loves buck’s loft. buck keeps a stash of toys and coloring books in his coffee table trunk for when he visits. chris sees the stairs as a fun challenge and will often ask to go up and sit on buck’s bed to watch the city. or sit on the patio while buck bbq’s dinner for the three of them. he thinks it’s the coolest house ever.
- buck actually rides his bike. it’s not just for show. especially after the pandemic hit. he likes to go out in the mornings. drives to a nearby trail on his days off and enjoys the scenery while the sun comes up. sometimes eddie and chris meet him there after his ride and they have a breakfast picnic.
- the diaz-buckley-han’s share one netflix account. it’s technically buck’s in that he pays for it, but when maddie moved to LA he set her up with her own profile. then logged into his account at eddie’s one day and never logged out. renamed the profile buck & eddie after he setup a kid’s profile specifically for chris. then after learning about maddie and chim’s not-dating buff-fridays, buck put both their names on her profile as a prank. and then it just stayed that way. jee-yun even has a profile despite being a literal infant that doesn’t watch tv. maddie cried when she saw it.
- buck takes the legal guardianship thing very seriously. he’s already really involved in essentially co-parenting chris but he starts getting really nervous about asking invasive questions about chris’ medical history. so eddie sits him down with chris and the three of them talk about it. eddie very specifically asks chris if he’s okay with sharing that kind of info with buck. because even tho christopher’s a kid eddie always wants him to have a say in his own health decisions. then he has a more in-depth convo with just buck about insurance and bills and doctor’s visits. makes sure buck has access to all of it. 
- chris played secret matchmaker. went to his old friend santa claus and asked if buck would stay forever. santa came thru, as always.
- also carla knows. buck starts spending more nights at the diaz house and one morning she lets herself in and sees buck coming out of eddie’s room in just a pair of sweatpants. she gives him a coy eyebrow raise and buck blushes. then she just laughs, pats his cheek affectionately, and says your secret’s safe with me buckaroo. when a bleary-eyed eddie wanders out a half hour later she pushes a cup of coffee into his hands, waits a few moments, looks eddie dead in the eyes, and points at buck. I see you took my advice. eddie chokes on his coffee.
- speaking of carla she is family. she and her husband are regular guests at the 118 get-togethers, holidays at the firehouse, and family meals. she occasionally takes on other clients, but she’s mostly exclusive to the diazes these days. esp as christopher gets older and wants more independence. she’s been around since he was 7 and he’s comfortable with her. she stays his home heath care aide until she retires. then she personally vets a new one. because not just anyone will do for her boy. they throw her a huge retirement party.
- gonna jump into the future because christopher absolutely names his daughter carla shannon buckley-diaz. there isn’t a dry eye in the house.
- and I don’t actually see chris calling buck pops or anything. he’s just his buck. tho I can see eddie asking christopher if he wants to hyphenate his last name when buck officially adopts him. buck’s his hero so chris is 100% onboard. 
- buck and eddie don’t have more kids. eddie never wanted more and buck is surrounded by the ever-expanding horde of firefam kids. they love their little trio.
- also eddie is hilariously terrible with other kids. he just. doesn’t know how to talk to them. he’s literally the best father ever with christopher, but any other kid and he’s all awkward hello small human. it’s also the reason the team sends buck to handle kid rescues. he knows how to speak to kids and they light up around his sunshine energy. but then there are certain kids who just glom onto eddie. usually the quiet ones. they find something about his calm dad presence very soothing so they just cling to him until buck can coax them around. 
- I do not see the buckley-diazes getting a pet. buck and eddie work long shifts and it’s not fair to put that kind of extra responsibility on carla when her job is to care for chris. however, as chris gets older he does get a mobility service dog to help with counterbalance. she’s a golden retriever named stella and she’s a very good girl. 
- buck proposes by accident. they’re at the park with christopher and marriage just sorta comes up during one of his infodumps. eddie is eating his sandwich, nodding along, and just casually says of course I want to marry you. buck stops talking. christopher giggles. eddie panics. but when he looks at buck he’s all puppy-eyed and hopeful. you do? eddie nods. chris chimes in with a stage whispered ask properly buck and say yes dad. so they do.
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reachfolk · 3 years
ophelia has never actually been in a nord city or interacted with many people who aren't reach natives, so a lot of little things about them confuse her (esp when she first meets lucien)
alexi always complains about nord men hitting on her and calling her beautiful, and she feels like she can't quite explain to them why it's so offensive to her. every time she hears about it, filly is genuinely BOGGLED at how rude it is. she genuinely can't wrap her head around the idea that nords consider it a compliment
when the gang gets invited to a feast at namira's coven, lucien is like, "uhhh i'll pass." filly always finds his reactions so bizarre, and she asks him, "are all imperials this squeamish?" he doesn't know how to explain to her that no, a lot of other people have pretty strong stomachs, but you're literally eating human flesh and that's a step beyond anyone's metric.
when she first meets lucien, she can easily tell that he likes her girlfriend, but when she brings it up to tease him, he obviously is really worried it pisses her off. he scrambles to say that he'd never do anything to get in the way of the two women's relationship and she's like "?? why would you being interested in alexandria bother me at all?" cause the concept of strict monogamy is bizarre to her
at first, she thinks lucien is really weird and awkward because of how he avoids physical contact and seems to keep his distance a lot of the time. whenever alexi throws an arm over his shoulder or climbs on his back or sits in his lap, he gets super flustered and doesn't know what to do with himself. his hands hover over he body rather than touch her directly, if he can help it. he's like that with everyone in the coven, even as they warm up to him. when ophelia brings it up, he tells her imperials aren't as casual with skinship and touch as the reachfolk seem to be, and she's like "?? what else even is there..... do u not like have friends?"
the reachfolk are much more direct and much less "polite" than imperials, so she never vibed with lucien's little sarcastic, passive aggressive comments. one time, she grabbed him by the shoulder, looked him in the eye, and told him, "look, if you don't like me, just call me a bitch to my face and tell me what you want me to do instead." he thought she was pissed at him at first, but she was genuinely trying to tell him that it's okay to communicate with her rather than act all fussy like this.
lucien mentions that honey seems to be really disobedient and rowdy, and ophelia is really confused by his tone bc he says it like it's a bad thing. "parents are meant to guide and protect their kids, not control them." she's a little horrified to hear about how children are expected to behave in other cultures.
when she started to warm up to him, she started getting him to help around more in the coven rather than do his own thing. at first, he thought she was angry with him for something and wanted to work him to the bone and boss him around to vent out her frustrations. alexi had to explain to him that this is her recognizing him as an honorary member of their group and a respected guest, by letting him contribute and valuing what he brings to the table rather than sidelining him. ophelia is really baffled when he explains how different hospitality is in cyrodiil.
when she went to whiterun for the first time (long story), her brain was fried as she watched people interact with the jarl. she herself is the coven leader and the next in line as matriarch, and the idea of being treated that way makes her feel icky. the whole concept of respectability politics and the right ways to conduct yourself with authority figures is so drastically different from what she's used to. (this is a whole post all on its own, so i'll leave it there)
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ellewords · 3 years
you know those posts of people saying to send a wedding invitation to celebrities because sometimes they’ll send gifts congratulating the couple? and you know how sometimes the celebrity will actually show up? this is my head cannon of who would end up showing up just because.
(little bit of a warning: these are very half-baked and mostly just stream of consciousness because my brain is fried and i’m in need of a distraction from writing essays, but the thought hasn’t left my head, so now you have to deal with my brainrot, mwahahaha!)
i think oikawa would show up to a bunch of weddings for he people he doesn’t know. it starts in argentina when a fan sends him an invite, and he’s stupid happy about it and no one really knows why. he just really enjoys weddings, they suppose. it’s in the area, too, so he buys a gift for the happy couple and he shows up. he genuinely tries to be really low key because he doesn’t want to ruin their big day, so he stays in the back for the ceremony and he is the perfect wedding-goer. at the ceremony, though, he has a much harder time remaining out of the spotlight. when the bride and groom notice that there’s a tiny bit of a commotion happening, they lose their minds when they realize that it’s because oikawa actually showed up!!! they thought he was kidding when he accepted the invite, or maybe that he’d send an assistant or something!!! but nope, there he is, looking both enthused at being the center of attention but also kind of uncomfortable. when the couple lose their minds in front of him, though, being utter fanatics and hyping him up, he eases up and finally begins to have fun, dancing on the dance floor with different people, drinking responsibly, talking to people, bashfully signing autographs. he doesn’t lose steam for even a second, and when the party seems to lull just a little bit too long, he goes out of his way to make sure everyone gets back to enjoying themselves to the fullest (which the bride and groom appreciate). nearly everyone in attendance gets his attention for a short portion of time, and if they don’t, he tries to snag a picture with everyone on the way out. at the very end of the night, he records a short video for the couple telling them how lovely they are, thanking them for the invite and the great time, and wishing them the absolute best. it’s the highlight of their lives, besides, y’know, the whole getting married thing.
it’s gets out that oikawa actually went to a wedding he was invited to by strangers when someone posts a picture of the wedding online and he was spotted in the background, so now he gets invites all the time. he doesn’t go to all of them because he’s busy and some of the places he gets invites from are across the world, but if the location intrigues him and he has the time, he’ll usually be there.
kageyama would definitely go, too! but it would be mostly because he can’t remember for the life of him if he knows the couple, and it stresses him the hell out. he’s definitely gotten a lot more confident since he was in school, but at the root of him is still an awkward kid who questions everything about himself if it’s not volleyball. so he panics about it for weeks before the wedding, wondering what they’ll want as a gift, accidentally tricking himself into believing that he does in fact know the couple and buying a gift that he assumes they’ll like based off of thinking it’s one of his old classmates from school and buying something that they’d like. and when he doesn’t recognize either of them at the ceremony, he gets so distracted trying to place anyone’s face as someone he knows and he just can’t for the life of him figure it out. he’s half a beat behind everyone when they start cheering for the couple as the kiss and leave because he’s so deep in thought. it isn’t until the reception that he finds out that he doesn’t actually know anyone and he gets so pouty about having stressed over it for so long that he broods in a corner, trying to avoid everyone. he doesn’t start to enjoy himself until someone recognizes him and rambles for nearly ten minutes about how amazing he is and about this one play that he did that they practiced for weeks after seeing it but they still couldn’t nail and that he was their inspiration. imagine everyone’s surprise when they find them in the hallway of the reception hall with a volleyball kageyama had in his car, kageyama teaching the person how he did it. a small game breaks out in the obnoxiously big hallway with a scrappy set up of chairs precariously piled on top of each other until they were high enough and a bunch of coat jackets tied together along the top and bottom of where a net would be so they can see through. the noise is just barely softer than the music, but they gather a bit of a crowd until the game is over, and as much as kageyama enjoyed it, he apologizes to the bride and groom afterwards for feeling like he took away their spotlight. they laugh and say they don’t mind as long as the groom can play the next match.
a picture of kageyama smiling and cheering as his impromptu teammate makes a good play goes viral days later and kageyama does everything in his power to get the pictures taken at the wedding so he has the memories of that night forever. he even sends an awkward thank you card to the couple after.
ushijima accepts an invite, too; mostly because he feels it would be rude not to accept when they spent the time and money going out of their way to send him one. he spends a lot of money getting them a gift, and he cleans up super nicely, and he’s almost distracting for the entire ceremony. the quiet mysterious type suits him well, and everyone notices as he stays in the back, politely applauding when necessary and offering tissue to anyone crying and helping when it’s needed. at the reception, he mostly stays in his seat, but he stops to have conversations with anyone that comes by. most of them are very to the point, and don’t get longer than a few minutes because ushijima doesn’t beat around the bush much, but as off-putting as it sounds, everyone absolutely adores him. some people are trying to size him up, but he’s just too straightforward about how they are perfectly good on their own without having to compare themselves that they wander off shocked that he was so... nice? no, he is, but that’s not quite it... honest? about it all that they feel validated and off-kilter by the time they walk away. others come over to ask him to dance, which he politely accepts and he’s just so earnest in his attempt that they can’t even be upset that he’s a little stiff and bumbling. if anything, they fall for his charm even more. as he leaves, everyone insists that he take a few plates to-go and that if he ever needed anything, all he had to do was ask. he was very confused by this proclamation as he didn’t know anyone well enough. in his bag of to-go boxes, however, he finds a ton of business cards and stuff that he stores away just in case he does need any of their services.
at his next interview, he gets asked about the entire experience, and as always, he’s super honest: “i had a wonderful time. everyone was very kind. that being said, i felt as if i was intruding on a very personal moment meant to be shared by those you hold dearest, so as much as i appreciate the sentiment, i do not plan to attend anymore weddings if i don’t know someone involved. it should be their big day, after all, and i would hate to distract from it.” if he gets anymore invites, he politely declines and instead sends them a gift and his congratulations.
i’ve been gone for a few days because of school, but i’ve been itching to send something in ever since i saw the wedding prompt. plus, all of the hc coming in from it have been so good! you have so many talented followers, and your additions are great as always, elle!
anyway, i have to get back to school. hope school is going well for you, elle! and make sure you’re taking care of yourself! -🌙
— from elle ! wait, hold on i love this >_< but hello moon anon !! i hope all those essays are working out well for you and i hope you’re able to take breaks in between :) anyways, this definitely made me love and i like that it’s true to the characters (esp. kags). my quick lil scenarios (under the cut as usual) is kind of an amalgamation of what you sent in because i'm just thinking of what would happen if the couple took a shot in the dark and invited all three of them. and they all attend :>> thank you for this and i hope you are having a wonderful day ! <3 
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“yohoo, tobio-chan!” kageyama heard, a figure sliding into the empty seat next to him. the voice is airy, familiar, one that he had heard several times in the past. the ceremony was due to start in five minutes, everyone from the guests to the wedding party already taking their respective place.
he narrows his eyes towards the figure, recognising the man just after a couple of quick beats, “oikawa-san?”
“ah! i'm glad you could still recognise me.” oikawa grinned, squinting his eyes at the vast amounts of sunlight that entered through the windows, “too bright in here, isn’t it?” 
“what are you doing back in japan?” he asked, eyes growing wide as he’s unsure if the sight in front of him was actually real. 
 “visiting family, taking a little vacation.” oikawa replied, leaning back in his seat, “so how do you know the happy couple?”
“i...i'm not sure.” kageyama admitted, looking down at his lap in embarrassment.
“can you keep a secret tobio?” oikawa leaned in to whisper, waiting for him to nod before continuing, “i don’t think i know them either.”
it was about halfway through the ceremony and oikawa was getting just a little bit restless; he loved weddings, truly, but this one was dragging on much longer than the ones he previously attended. his gaze was lingering everywhere — from the loved-up gazes of the couple, the flowers that lined the aisles, to the guests who hung onto every word of the vows. one of the guests in particular was more familiar than most.
“pst, tobio.” he spoke, nudging kageyama’s shoulder, “doesn’t that guy look familiar?” 
he tilted his head towards the man who sat at the very back row, trying his best to keep a relatively low profile. kageyama followed with his eyes, attempting to be as discreet as he could. he recognised the man immediately, “that’s ushijima-san!”
maybe kageyama had exclaimed a little too loudly, earning himself a few shhhhs from the people who sat around him. he bows his head slightly as an apology while oikawa bites his lip to hold in his laughter.
the three of them were able to meet up during the reception, opting to sit at the same table — the one farthest away from everyone as to not draw any attention to themselves. well, oikawa insisted that they did and kageyama and ushijima didn’t really know anyone else to be comfortable enough to sit with them.
“what did you both get the bride and groom?” oikawa asked as an attempt to make conversation, taking a sip from the glass in front of them.
ushijima was one to spare no expense when it came to gifts, but he wasn’t one to brag about the cost of it either, “just a simple tea set. nothing much.”
what he failed to mention was that simple tea set cost several thousands of yen. but of course, oikawa took it as a bit of an opportunity to one-up ushijima and brags about his gifts. yes, gifts. plural.
ushijima was in the bathroom and oikawa had gotten the attention of a couple of bridesmaids — flirting with him while he tried his best to subtly deflect their advances — leaving kageyama all alone at the table.
he felt a hand tap on his shoulder, soft and hesitant, “kageyama tobio?”
“yes?” kageyama asked, turning to face the source of the voice. he’s met with a teenage boy, possibly not older than sixteen, looking at him with complete nervousness in his eyes.  
“i'm sorry to bother you. but i've just been such a huge fan of yours for the longest time and i wasn’t even sure if i should approach you but i really needed to let you know how much you have inspired me and i still have so much to learn but...uh, yeah.” the boy finished, looking at everything but kageyama at that point.
and a light flush colors kageyama’s cheeks, completely flustered. it was the first time anyone had approached him like that before, and he’s unsure how exactly to take the compliments. but he noticed the way the fan’s hands trembled, and he recalls all the times he’s approached the players he was a fan of when he was his age. “is there anything you need help with?”
needless to say, oikawa and ushijima were surprised when they found their table completely devoid of kageyama’s presence; only to find him in the incredibly large hallways with a makeshift volleyball court with chairs haphazardly stacked on top one another.
“where did you get that?” ushijima asked, pointing towards the volleyball that kageyama held in his hands.
“my car.” he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“well then,” oikawa smirked, eyes lighting up as he looked around the halls, especially at the gathering crowd, “how about a friendly little match?”
kageyama and the fan he was meant to be teaching stood on one side of the makeshift court while oikawa and ushijima stood opposite them, getting into position. most of the guests had their phones out, recording everything and posting it on social media.
“at least i will finally know what it’s like to finally play with you in a team instead of against you.” ushijima commented, briefly glancing at his teammate for the night.
oikawa choked on air, taking a few seconds to compose himself before responding, “should have come to shiratorizawa, huh?”
it was barely even noticeable, barely lasted a few seconds, but ushijima cracked a smile. 
the night ends with the newlyweds approaching the three of them, expressing their gratefulness for their invitations but also apologising for stealing their thunder on their wedding, going so far as to offering to pay for their honeymoon.
“as tempting as that may be,” the bride smiled, “it really is no problem. we’re surprised that you even attended in the first place.
the groom nodded in agreement, “we had a lot of fun watching you play tonight, so we feel like we should be thanking you more. you didn’t have to bring gifts too.”
oikawa waved a hand as if to say it’s nothing, while kageyama and ushijima offer tickets to their next match in exchange for photos from the wedding — particularly that of their little volleyball match.
the three of them finally make their way out into the night and into their respective cars, but not before oikawa lets out one more question.
“the three of us should hang out more,” oikawa smiled, not a trace of teasing or malice in his tone, just a genuine offer, “at least once before i get back to argentina.”
years ago, none of them would even consider such a thing, but all three liked to think that they moved past such trivial things.
kageyama gave him a small smile, “alright.”
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a question: what would the hq characters be like at a wedding?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​
join my hq taglist here. <3
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cattles-bians · 3 years
Damie Vibecca exes AU part 4
post directory
[em note: this one is LONG i had to split it!!!]
obsetress: deflecting to viola protecting becs
obsetress: once they are dating
obsetress: and thinkin thoughts
em: viola asks rebecca if she wants to put a hit out on peter and rebestiecca is like????
em: that’s hot but
em: u can do that? also maybe don’t. but mostly that’s hot
obsetress: i was literally gonna say peter is still her ex and he's a persistent fucker even though it's been a year at least and viola's response is... not far off from canon!
obsetress: becca just stares at her for a minute and then she's cupping viola's cheek and murmuring "come here" and pulling her down
obsetress: they're like kissing or whatever and rebecca's murmuring "that was hot, you know" between kisses and viola's like "oh?" and becca's like "don't be cheeky, you know it was" and vi just grins against her mouth
em: I’m Really Invested In This Crack Ship
obsetress: ok but rebecca tells jamie and dani about vi offering to put a hit on peter and they're both understandably and reasonably aghast and rebecca's just like (takes a sip of wine, ducks head, smiles to self) i think it's sweet
obsetress: dani and jamie look at each other out of the corners of their eyes
obsetress: (later, dani agrees how absolutely out of line it is but also admits that it sure does feel nice to be so taken care of sometimes)
obsetress: (jamie throws a pillow at her)
obsetress: also thinking about secret soft vibecca are sometimes and how horrified dani and jamie are the first time they see it with their own eyes
em: jamie and dani excessive PDA queens get a taste of their own medicine
em: it’s so funny that i’m like. always on the verge of viola horny posting but as soon as it’s vibecca i’m like look at these babies. these beautiful babies
obsetress: viola and rebecca kissing one (1) time at brunch and jamie, arm slung around dani’s shoulders, is like “oi, no one wants to see that” and dani, leaning into jamie, one hand in her lap, crinkles her nose and rebecca’s like “y— you’re kidding, right?”
obsetress: also like. we talk a lot about what vi does for rebecca but also like
obsetress: vi massive abandonment issues and rebecca just
obsetress: she just stays
em: ur gonna Kill me here lies em
obsetress: i know i didn’t mean to and then i just
obsetress: i can’t think too hard abt them or i will Melt Down but just like
em: look if rebecca can see the best in someone as awful as peter
em: viola isnt nearly as terrible
obsetress: esp vi post dani like
obsetress: she’s obnoxious and haughty and neoliberal but
obsetress: radical love goes a long way!
obsetress: rebecca grounding her thru touch and rebecca slipping her hands around vi’s and easing them loose when vi’s hands start to clench and rebecca just pressing a kiss to viola’s temple and murmuring “i’m here, yeah? with you. not going anywhere”
em: like i just think after eddie dani wouldnt like, just go w the flw any more. like i think abt her challenging viola occasionally
em: lovingly! gently
but like, holding her accountable
em: also violas absolutely little spoon
em: like i know blah blah viola top rebecca top leaning switch but viola little spoon
obsetress: “actually viola” (vi always knows she’s in trouble when dani calls her viola) “that was really hurtful” “i’m sorry you feel that way, dani, but—“ “i don’t need you to be sorry for how i feel. i need you to show me you’re sorry for what you did”
em: dani calls vi the Full Name and viola knows shes in trouble bc thats at least 4 extra vowels w danis midwest accent
em: it is always v surprising how much like, working w kids equips you to work w adults. b/c at least w kids you dont have layers and layers of social nuance to work through. u can just say 'hey. that was hurtful and your apology sucks'
obsetress: meanwhile dani’s over here trying to explain to vi intent vs impact and how no, it’s not semantics or nuance, it’s actually kind of a chasm
em: i kind of love like um. look viola is terrible but she wasnt born terrible
obsetress: she just has a lot to unlearn
em: and id belive that even if i wasnt a ghostfucker thats just rogers theory of self actualisation babyeee
obsetress: dani viola big fight n dani's like
obsetress: "i'm sorry and i love you but it's not my job to fix you, vi" and she just breaks down and she's like "it's not"
obsetress: jesus why did my brain take THAT turn
em: wrow
em: its ok i was gonna be like 'so they obvs break up at some point....'
obsetress: anyway viola just stares at her for a second and then she's like "you put the 'i'm sorry' before the 'i love you'"
obsetress: and dani just stares at her for a long time and she's like "yeah. i guess i did"
obsetress: i KNOW what the FUCK
obsetress: anyway dani's like "i guess i did" and vi's like "is that it then?" and dani just looks at her with her puffy eyes and is like "i think so"
obsetress: dani clayton queen of saying "i love you" over and over in the midst of breaking up w someone
em: well! she has a lot of love to give but, she also has to love herself sometimes!
em: i was thinking abt scenarios n i just remembered that. whole video rental shop thing so i think that slots in nicely
[em edit: u can read here]
obsetress: god i love that lil scene
em: dani sends viola a tentative little meme peace offering and they get back to talking and its nice but maybe a bit awkward and viola mentions like, going to therapy and seeing someone for help n its
obsetress: vi's stewing on "i can't fix you" for weeks and then she's begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY calling a therapist
em: like its still awkward and dani is still nursing some wounds but she can ALSO be happy for someone she used to care about
em: still cares about!
obsetress: she's always gonna love her in some way or another
obsetress: but yeah also like. smth to viola being too stubborn to do anything she doesn't wanna do except suddenly when dani clayton gets involved and that feels p canon in its own way too
em: 'i cant fix u' weird bc every time i see viola im like 'i can fix her'
obsetress: it's like ur in my head bestie
em: how do u think viola and rebestiecca met
em: not that u think abt it or anything
obsetress: MAN i was just thnking
obsetress: in this universe how did dani and jamie meet but i guess it can still just be bly tbh
obsetress: as for vi and bestiecca hmmm
em: am so caught up in the joy of fucked up interpersnal dynamics i forgot a meet cute
obsetress: honestly part of me wants to be like
obsetress: on some dating app but a dating app for posh people yk
obsetress: but then i'm like
obsetress: that takes all the meet cute fun out of it
obsetress: oh GOD
obsetress: i got it
obsetress: ready
obsetress: so like viola landlord we know this
obsetress: and then i was watching whatever ep three the other day and bex mentions wanting to do public law right
em: oooooh
obsetress: bex public housing attorney
em: OOH
obsetress: they meet at some conference
obsetress: hit it off prob fuck lbr
obsetress: and then
obsetress: comedy of errors
obsetress: whoever stays the night, they sleep together again in the morning, breakfast in bed, bex is like "so what do you do, anyway"
em: hjgbjshmdnfbmngbmhnbgs,hndg m,shndgds
em: YES
obsetress: and then they just
obsetress: also i like to think rebecca invites vi back to her hotel room and vi is so charmed by her taking charge ("""taking charge""") that she lets her
obsetress: and then like
obsetress: god for a while what if they just like
obsetress: they're so mortified and morally and fundamentally at odds but like
obsetress: the sex is so good???????
obsetress: that they keep just meeting up and then
em: romeo and juliet situation
obsetress: yk how it goes
obsetress: the sex is good and they see each other as like
em: thats so fucking good thank u hannah
obsetress: super rare intellectual equals whatever
obsetress: thank u i am exceedingly proud rn
obsetress: honestly at this point i'm
obsetress: rebecca and vi uhaul change my mind
obsetress: like not too quick because isabel but, quick enough to be considered
em: so the joke is like. obviously 'extremely pda damie' but when rebecca and vi are alone they Also cannot get their hands off each other
obsetress: they both just. worry about appearances too much meanwhile
obsetress: tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the overalls and mom jeans dgaf
em: accidentally seeing ur friends compromised is just part of the package of being friends w damie. however jamie accidentally catches vibecca in the act and shes Horrified
em: hypocrits
em: danis like yeah what do u. think theyre doing
em: dani is nonchallant bc shes dated viola of all people
obsetress: i mean could you imagine
obsetress: between vi and dani's just
obsetress: insatiable libido
obsetress: dani, very seriously: jamie, when two women love each other––
em: dani likes dating jamie bc it means she can top occasionally :) maybe even more than occasionally
em: jamies like ooh my god i knw i know how are u so casual about... rebecca... and ... viola... (dani just pulls her in fr a smooch)
obsetress: they have each other's clothes half off and dani's like "i'm so casual because i dated her too, babe" and jamie's like "can we not have this conversation right n"
obsetress: also i still have this on my clipboard from earlier we bopped around so fast but
obsetress: vi and bex hooking up early on:
obsetress: rebecca knocks on vi's door at, like, 6:00 pm after work, vi opens it, rebecca just grabs her and kisses her, vi pulls her in, becca kicks it closed behind her, vi shoves her against the door and they're kissing against it, then vi's ducking her head to kiss along rebecca's neck and rebecca's like "how many people did you evict today" as she angles her head and then viola's finding her lips again and tugging at her lower lip with her teeth "probably not as many landlords as you shortchanged today" and rebecca's laughing and pushing her backwards down the hall as viola tugs at her blouse
em: GOD. viola is probably like
em: ok, disclaimer: fuck all landlords
em: but at least in this fantasy world perhaps viola is 'fairly' 'reasonable' n shes absolutely playing it up for the hate sex angle n rebecca Maybe Assumes shes lying but
em: stupid morons in love
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: i think i've mentioned this before but like
obsetress: now that it's more fleshed out
obsetress: then they're at drinks one night (and when did it go from just sex to drinks? neither of them could tell you) and viola's kinda quiet n moody (n rebecca already knows she Gets Like This sometimes and that she'll usually say whatever she's thinking eventually) and finally she's like
obsetress: "i have... a daughter" and rebecca's just like "tell me about her" like it's the easiest thing in the world
obsetress: and viola's head snaps over and she stares because she was.... not expecting that
obsetress: and so viola does
obsetress: and rebecca's just like "i'd love to meet her one day"
em: soft.....
obsetress: they always turn back to soft
obsetress: like they have a fuckin mind of their own
em: rapidly oscillate between horny and soft
obsetress: that's the mood
em: violas probably like. yknow, rebecca's young and up and cming n she probably assumes rebesticca isnt interested as something as full on as a kid but shes like 'do you have any photos'
obsetress: fuck!!!!!!!!!
em: rebeccas like do u think i didnt. see the photos at ur apartment lmao
em: theres a childs drawing on the fridge
obsetress: rebecca has known almost from the jump but was
obsetress: giving viola her time
obsetress: also smth smth giving her time instead of time wearing her away etc etc we're all in hell
em: cracks knuckles
em: bestie....
obsetress: pls
obsetress: it's what i deserve
obsetress: first tho
obsetress: consider
obsetress: the way viola's face lights up when she's talking about isabel and showing rebecca all the pictures
obsetress: hold pls
em: soft......
obsetress: this one chief
obsetress: right here
Tumblr media
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ktheist · 3 years
Loved your recent work!!! I was so fond of how oc and tae's relationship grew at such a quick pace yet felt nothing close to overwhelming, the trust, love and effort they're willing to put into their relationship was so lovely to read and unfold 🥺 oc is definitely my favorite character and worthy of so many hugs even though side eyed her for treating yoojung like that! Which reminds me, could you give a little extra details on jk and yoojung's relationship? You don't have to I'm so sorry if this came off as demanding I was just interested in finding out how they'd make it work or how yoojung would grow confidence within herself and her relationship with koo. Thank you for releasing such a lovely work!!!! Have a great day ❤️
First off thank you!!! I'm really happy you liked and event sent this wonderful ask to know more about the character(s) 🥺
 true, oc needs to get her act together and make up to yoojung, esp since yoojung is her best friend's girlfriend now so they'd be seeing each other a lot and the guilt is gonna catch up to her soon. but oc being oc would tell jk to invite yoojung to their get togethers bc she knows it would make jk happy that she and yoojung are getting along. then when she's alone w yoojung (taehyung's probably in on getting jk away for a bit like dragging jk to his study to geek about a new art he got and jk would follow bc he's supportive and welcomes his best friend's geeking) - anyways oc would apologize to yoojung and say that if get togethers like this make her uncomfy, oc would back off and make excuses about being busy next time but they would probably have to meet for special occasions and oc apologizes bc she probably won't be able to avoid that.
"the least I could do is leave you two alone after cockblocking for years." is something along the lines oc would say.
but yoojung being yoojung would forgive oc though the new person she is would give oc a piece of her mind first.
something like, “it’s cool i forgot about it but since you mentioned it, you do know you were an ass back then right?”
in college, yoojung thought oc was cool bc jk always talked about her before yoojung fr met oc. so when oc wasn't the person she thought she'd be, yoojung was surprised but she still joined hang outs where oc was around bc like jk said ‘maybe oc was having a bad day‘ but she was hesitant to talk to oc first bc oc was hostile at the party. later, after oc started dating taehyung, oc started not giving any mind to yoojung and yoojung was ‘oh ): i guess we’re not meant to be friends’. but given oc’s personality, the two of them would’ve been great friends if oc were’t biased against yoojung (she sees yoojung as a fickle and would dump jk when the going gets tough - but since jk and yoojung didn’t date in college we’ll never know if college!yoojung would cut and run) and if yoojung didn’t know/like jk first.
so in college, after the waterslides, her relationship or like whatever she had with jk faded away bc yoojung started distancing herself from him even though she knew he was asking her out like "oh I haven't seen that movie yet, wanna go watch together?"
but yoojung would always say no bc she was pretty traumatized to get close to rich kids even if jk is one of the decent ones. the person she was in college still sought validation from her friends or friendships but she knew when to back off when she felt like she wasn't welcomed by a certain group. so she found her own not so rich friends aka normal friends who she could relate to. actually, before she started hanging out w seonghwa who’s jk’s friend, she was a little floating cloud with lots of friends w no particular friends who she’d hang out with. so the normal friends were more like friends she was close with but never really hung out with them to get to know them until she dissociate herself from jk & co.
then, looking back, she realized that she wasn't the problem at all. it was those rich kids who were like super bratty and probably didn't like her bc she can't afford high end brands (i say probably bc she’ll never know and she defo didnt know yoojin was mean to her bc their names sounded similar lol) so she learned from that and started going "omg yes they're so cheap!!!" whenever a rich brat tried to point out that whatever she's wearing is a ripoff. she wasn't ashamed for wearing what she wore before but yoojin picking on her clothes or shoes like that kinda made her notice something wrong about what she’s wearing. but no more of those!! yoojung finds these cheap ripoffs or no name brands very practical and they last long enough that once she gets tired of them, they would be worn out and ready to go in the bin so she can change her wardrobe occasionally which is fun!
either way once she met jk again, she's like "oh he's the cute dude I had a crush on before" but that's about it. then jk being jk was very giddy to meet yoojung again. after meeting 2 times at a meeting he finally asked her out and yoojung said no unless it's for work bc she's practical and if they're gonna eat a meal together, might as well also discuss about the project they're supposed to work on. they keep meeting up several times and she accepts jk's kindness like driving her home after the supposed 'dinner-work meetin.' it was pretty confusing for jk bc no girl has ever look like she's interested in him but also be disinterested. it's like... like he's not enough for yoojung to want a relationship with but she appreciates his handsome face, treats him like a decent human being and is quite happy with working with him but that's it!! usually for jk, when a girl is nice to him, he thinks they're into him (another slap of reality to his face lmao). he kinda knows he’s oblivious when it comes to girls but don’t know how to fix that. so it takes him a lot of advice seeking from jimin the tru womanizer/personizer (since jimin would screw just about anyone) and from taehyung who’s in an established relationship. so like both friends know how to treat a possible love interest but with different approaches and jk needs all the advice he can get.
over time, after lots of lots effort put into giving flowers, chocolates etc by jk, yoojung admits she likes likes jk but she doesn't wanna be a 2nd choice and he can't be choosing oc and taehyung over her like celebrating holidays w the three of them and including her in it as an addition ; a third wheeler. jk had a lot of thinking to do after that esp about his priorities. they make it work bc yoojung explains to him why she gets upset since he's pretty oblivious to things. his previous gfs just dumped him whenever they're upset bc they get even more frustrated that he couldn't figure things out himself.
anyway, yoojung isn't as fixed on achievements being a yardstick for your self worth. unlike oc who keeps making money and expanding her business so she can be a worthy partner for taehyung. neither definition of worthiness is bad; just different. and taehyung loves oc even if she’s not building an empire as we speak.
And yoojung is content with herself as she is. she'll welcome jk in her life but two strikes and he's out; but jk keeps showing that he's willing to listen and learn and yoojung isn't the kind to fault someone for being ignorant esp since they're eager to improve. and yeah, that's how yoojung grew into herself and how she and jk's relationship is going!
this answer turned out to be a little long. either way, may you have the wonderfullest of day <3
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I am having Thoughtstm about Bianca.
Have you thought about what her relationship would be with the rest of the Halliwell brood? Like does she get along with white!future Wyatt and Melinda? And what does she think of Henry Jr and his desire to make his Mark on the Halliwell Line?
Also I for some reason see her getting along really well with Dency? I know they don’t exist in the same universe but I could see them being friends? Maybe roasting Chris together and being good sparring partners? I think she’d dig Dency’s little detective thing she’d got going… and I know Bianca is with Chris but like… Bianca x Dency ? 👀 👀 Could be cute 😂😂
okay so for starters i think bianca gets along p well with all of the next gen but like. it wasn’t an immediate thing like. i think esp with wyatt because wyatt really is kind of like. like he's the kind of epitome of the next generation son of a charmed one and a whitelighter he's hella powerful blah blah blah and like. he kinda sits at the top of his class. which is like bianca. so i think bianca thought that wyatt would be like her because you know how like if you're only raised around people like you you kind of start thinking like how your brain works is how like everyone's brain works? i think bianca thinks wyatt is like her so she doesn't like him because well. you can guess. but i think upon meeting wyatt i mean he's just really like gentle really passive he doesn't like. like he doesn't hate magic. but it doesn't feel ingrained in him despite who he is he doesn't live for the battle like looking at him you see no markers that he's one of the most powerful witches of his generation and bianca's kinda just like huh. you don't have to feel the compulsive need to be the best at everything all the time and like make sure people know you're the best and also people kind of hate you for it because they'll never be as good as you so u decide to hate them first you decide you will be the bitch you craft a persona they're basically guaranteed to hate so when they reject you it's on your terms you wanted them to do that you basically forced their hand because the alternative is being genuine and that way if they do reject you it's not a mask they just saw you and didn't like you because let's be real there's not much to like. and wyatt's like hmm. no? i think she wouldn't really get along as well with wyatt as she would with chris because her and chris are very much both witches at heart you can feel it in everything they do but i don't think she like. doesn't get along with wyatt. i mean okay for starters wyatt kind of operates the opposite as bianca whereas bianca will throw up her stone cold alpha bitch mask before anyone can decide whether or not they like her again she kind of forces their hand because she needs this to be on her terms. wyatt does the exact opposite because again the elders almost killed him as a bebe and he's always kind of worried that some day they'll realize he as a person is just not worth the risk so he tries to be so super likable and genial and like. good witch!! at all times. and it's kind of like calls to like game recognizes game where both bianca and wyatt can tell the others wearing a mask no one's that nice and no one's that cold so like. i do think they like each other. they feel like they can be honest around each other (eventually. it does take wyatt a very long time to overcome that phoenix hurdle because again he's well read he knows what's up he knows they're like an organization of like superwitches smart deadly all of the above and he doesn't wanna be. giving up his secrets to them you know? much less the halliwell secrets. but i think once it becomes clear that bianca is her own person once she breaks from the phoenix then like. like you know they have to trust each other first. but once they do, they're buddies) i also think bianca's studied art history so i think they can talk about that and chris is like. okay? because like. no he gets it shure it's cool but also how long reasonably can you talk about a single painting like come on now.
as far as melinda goes i think like i think melinda comes off as really passive really kind a nurturing type like in her day to day life or whatever like oh she's such a sweetheart but she's kind of shy again like s1 piper is really my jumping off point for mellie that and she has leo's big heart That Being Said i do not think that shows At All when she's home i think she drags her brothers for filth like nail on the head baby she's like. if you're being a dick (which, between chris and wyatt, happens relatively frequently) she's gonna call you out on it!! in a very brutal and personalized, but at the same time still kinda funny way. she definitely has receipts. so i think just first hearing the way chris and bianca engage the way she like. like she respects chris's skills as a witch bianca does she thinks he's very talented she would trust him with her life but at the same time chris u fuckin idiot i think they have a very playful raport but bianca is very starstruck by him she's never lost in the layer and layers or fog that surround chris's identity i think like too many of chris's lis (not that he like ever does relationships really) are just kinda like. lost in the image. whether it's charmed one or brooding skinny brunet w daddy issues they are many images of chris u can see instead of the real one but bianca sees chris as he is which i think gives her immediate points from melinda melinda is also an empath and i do think bianca is protected against empaths but like melinda's like oh you two are In Love in love. as far as personal relationships go between melinda and bianca i think melinda would be the one who most consciously tries to make bianca feel like a part of the family like a halliwell. chris, respectfully, i love him, doesn't think of like. inviting her to some family events, especially not early in the relationship because like. he just doesn't. but melinda's like chris!! thanksgiving u gotta invite her 2 thanksgiving. because again. melinda can't feel bianca. but like. she's been an empath her whole life she knows what she's looking at and like. bianca needs a loving family. and she is totally willing to provide that!! and then for what it's worth i think despite all her skill bianca isn't nearly as good at reading mel as melinda is at reading her. like i think she sees the soft external melinda and then the melinda who roasts her siblings and is like okay i kinda get it. and like melinda want to be a nurse or doctor she wants to fuse her empath with a mortal career to best help people like sure. but i think like. but them on a solo mission together (i guess duo mission) and bianca'll fine she's just really misread melinda like in general what she thought she was looking at is not the witch melinda is and i think it's just because bianca's unaccustomed to seeing someone who has power like melinda who can fight like melinda who undeniably has her mother's unbreakable fierce spirit just be like how melinda is in her day to day life. like someone who's that great at what she does just choose kindness and gentleness daily not because the elders are breathing down her neck or like she needs allies or like she has some epic prophecy to fill she just like. chooses kindness because she wants to. she wants a kind world. and bianca's like huh. bc lowkey forgot that was an option. but it's difficult seeing all the shit bianca has.
in regards to henry i think henry jr and bianca get along famously because they just like feel really similar like. like bianca was never liked in the phoenix because well a) she's a bitch b) she's the best and c) like she was always clearly people favorite so like. others were it was jealously call a spade a spade this is like elementary era it's jealousy when you're eight and trying your hardest and the other eight year old gets praise the praise u really want and she didn't even try she didn't even care she didn't have to because she's just so much better than you. like!! yeah so kids at school never liked her, esp within the phoenix (ftr i think phoenix go thru a normal education system so like can like function/blend in real well in normal society and then Also go to phoenix academy, so kinda like what gen2 does with magic school). bianca's never fit it, but she's also wicked smart. so kinda like henry! like paige kind of runs magic school henry's sisters go there like henry's been at magic school. he doesn't take classes, but he's always there. he burns through the books in the library. he knows everyone just calls him the mortal, he doesn't care, because he also knows they know he's smart than them like if they could swallow their pride and ask him for help like most of these kids would become better witches but they don't because henry's a mortal. bianca doesn't care, the kid knows his shit. so what if he doesn't have powers, like, dude, he's basically a walking encyclopedia, and he's read the book of shadows cover to cover like a dozen times, do you know how rare that knowledge is? that's the sacred book of the warren line like that's a crucial ancestral item and henry's like. like in bianca's mind not only is henry a warren witch like he's Thee warren witch no other person alive knows that magic better than him. i also think they have similar senses of humor.
dency!! i mean i think if dency were born any later she'd be besties with like all the phoenix i think magic isn't at a stage where they're really integrated into society yet and there's still kind of that cultish structure but that's not the reason light magic doesn't engage right they don't deal with the phoenix because they're neutral so they will work with demons meaning working with them as a light magic practitioner is forbidden. and then for what its worth i think dency being demon/charmed one is really gonna herald in an era of just kinda like acceptance for those who are neutral or even born of dark magic but like. that hasn't happened. yet. but like. in regards to bianca specifically. i think they'd vibe. i think bianca would throw up her cooler than u bitch personality as she always does and i think dency'd be so into it. and then, of course, dency doesn't look down her nose at the phoenix like most other witches do, again, because she's the source's heir. from what vantage point can she judge others? i think for bianca just seeing someone who's so kinda unabashedly themselves like honest about it too dency's not like. a role model. like there's penn who's really put together and always trying to seem pristine and polite and then they're dency who like hasn't showered in four days because she's out of shampoo so she needs to buy some Then she can shower. there's like. an honest about being kinda uncool kinda a fuck up that makes dency like. cool. like because we all do it (maybe not specifically the shampoo thing, but) like we all have some elements of ourselves that are just kind of truly pathetic and dency doesn't try to cover it up with some shiny veneer she doesn't she not like wyatt with his perfect mask or even bianca with her bitch one dency doesn't wear a mask take me or leave me baby and i think bianca really loves her for that. it genuinely depends on were in the timeline in chrisbianca does bianca meet dency because like. dude. powercouple. i don't think it'd go anywhere i don't think we're necessarily hitting soulmatism or kinda the raw vulnerability we'll get from a latestage chrisbianca but like. dude. like. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀. like. !
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grasslandgirl · 4 years
do you have any more peter/sam headcanons to share cause i am dying and in need!! thank you very much kind human
this isn’t a headcanon bc im bad at those lmao but i DO have a vague plot synopsis for an eldonado au i’ll probably never write:
So basically, sam and peter dated in hs and part of college and had a Very Messy Breakup (circa. Sophomore year college- 20 y/o) and flash forward like. 7 years (they got together at like 17 so almost a full decade later) and they’re both invited to dylan’s wedding bc they both kept up with dylan on their own and they have to fucking. Deal with each other at the wedding and they kind of clear the air and one or both of them has a partner and they’ve both mostly. Moved on at this point. But there’s this sense of what Could Have Been esp w a wedding going on but they settle back into a light friendship (which is better than the icy antagonism they’d had going on) 
and THEN like six months later, gabi and jenna get engaged and jenna wants peter as a bridesman and gabi wants sam as a bridesman (i will DIE by these friendships) and they’re both like I Guess This Is Happening Now and they realize that they’re both living in nyc (peter is show writing for some late night show and sam’s on broadway or on off-broadway doing something) and neither of them knew the other was local so they start hanging out together and with Jebi to plan the wedding and they both think the other is still dating someone else (but they’ve both since broken up) and there’s this nostalgia mixed with potential mixed with old easy friendship mixed with this old and new chemistry and the influence of planning a wedding for their best friends and it mixes into Something and neither of them want to say anything bc they JUST got their friendship Actually Back and they both missed each other So Much and they don’t want to Ruin It Again, even though last time they were kids and terrified and still figuring themselves and their lives out and He’s Got A Boyfriend, Now, Anyway, Right? 
And then somehow they find out that NO theyre bOTH SINGLE and then the wedding hits and they both get tipsy and sentimental and horny and sleep together at the wedding like a TOTAL CLICHE and sam leaves the next morning super early and doesn’t wake peter up but he DOES leave him a note saying like “hey i needed to catch my plane back to nyc early this morning but i really liked last night and this wasn’t just a hookup to me and i want to try things again but better this time and i never stopped loving you blah blah blah please text me or call me when you get back to nyc and if you don’t than we can both move on and pretend this never happened but that’s not what i want” and peter DOESN”T FIND IT and thinks that sam just. Whole ass abandoned him and is super distraught and pissy about it bc this is What Happened Last Time (sam left and never came back after their big fight and break up) and hes all :(((((( about it and so he never calls sam bc he thinks sam doesn’t care about it and sam thinks that he doesn’t matter to peter anymore and that peter doesn’t have feelings for him anymore bc peter never called and theyre both HUGE :((( and THEN netflix emails them about a ten year anniversary party for the av gang and they both like. HAVE to go and so theyre both at the party and nursing hurt feelings and still big pining and then one of them says something (FINALLY) and they realize thier misunderstanding and finally get back together for REAL and live happily ever after :))
anyway yeah. there’s that lmao
thank you so much for your sweet sweet ask!! i’m ALWAYS ready to talk about these two idiots and it’s always so lovely to see other people as emotionally invested in a niche cancelled netflix original show as i am kfjdndkf
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shima-draws · 5 years
hey... ross comforting alba drabble :3c
[[Send me a fandom/ship/prompt and I’ll write a drabble for it!]]
I wrote this all in one sitting that usually doesn’t happen. The power of Albatross is just too strong for me to resist…
Apparently I’m just screwing myself over with my intended word count so I’m just. Yeah. WELL
Anyway for once I didn’t write a oneshot during Alba’s prison tutoring times, shockingly enough since that’s all I usually write for them lmao;; I took a few liberties with Alba’s research facility esp since Part 5 isn’t super clear about what he even does in there (or maybe I just missed it? Idk lol) BUT YEAH for the sake of this story. He’s still trying to get Elf and Alf back home :’)
EDIT: This is up on Archive now too!!
“What are you doing here.”
It’s more of a statement than a question, and if Ros didn’t know any better he’d immediately jump into teasing Alba for his haggard appearance—but that ends up being the exact reason he decides not to. The hero has circles under his eyes that say he’s been awake for days. Ros hasn’t seen him like this since he was studying magic in a prison with seals sticking to his forehead.
“I came to check up on you,” he decides on saying, and frowns. “Which apparently was a good idea in hindsight because, frankly, you look like shit.”
Alba at least is coherent enough to roll his eyes. “Wow, thanks. I’m feeling better already.”
And with that he turns around and stalks off, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his fancy looking lab coat. Ros follows him at a trot.
“When’s the last time you ate something, Hero?” He asks, matching Alba stride for stride. They round a corner and Ros tries not to let his gaze linger too long on what’s going on around him—Alba’s research facility is like a maze and he always tends to get lost within it if he’s not careful. (Usually when he shows up, he shouts and calls attention to himself until Alba appears to either kick him out or invite him in with a look of fond annoyance.)
Alba sighs. “Does it matter? I’m eating.”
Ros looks him over and narrows his eyes. Alba looks…skinny. Skinnier than usual. Not his regular slightly muscled self. And pale. Frighteningly pale.
“Not enough, apparently. Do I need to start camping out here and force you to eat on a schedule?” He jokes, hoping for some kind of positive reaction.
The brunette only snorts. “Please. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself.”
“Hero,” Ros says, his tone chiding.
Alba comes to a sudden halt, looking frustrated. Ros keeps his distance by a foot or two, wary.
“Look, just—“ And he scrubs his hand through his hair in frustration. “What do you want? To bother me? I don’t have time to entertain you today, Ros. I’m busy.”
Ros would have immediately punched him for his clipped tone and his blatant attempt at brushing him off if the use of his name didn’t make him pause. Nowadays Alba usually calls him Shion—as a way to show his affection, he supposes, because Ros doesn’t really let anyone else call him that besides Crea. It’s weird hearing Alba use his other name now, so used to hearing “Shion” in a tone full of friendliness. 
Looking over him again, Alba looks exhausted. And also wired, like he’s been only surviving on coffee and whatever mana he has left to keep himself going.
Ros huffs out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. He knows what Alba’s doing, because he’s done it a million times himself. It’s pretty easy to get distracted by your goals and keep striving towards them without pausing to rest. But if Alba keeps going like this, he’s going to crash and burn eventually.
So, Ros leans over and kicks him in the shin. Hard.
Immediately, Alba leaps back, magic flaring around him. “Ow—what the fuck?!”
Huh. Alba has no filter when he’s running on maybe three hours of sleep. Ros decides to file that piece of information away for later.
“Come here,” Ros demands, grabbing his wrist. He drags him down the hall and straight to the lounge—the one place he knows how to get to in the building.
Luckily, the place is empty when they arrive. Ros gently tugs Alba over to the first couch he sees and forces him to sit on it.
Alba opens his mouth, either to protest or to complain, but Ros cuts him off.
“Listen to me. I know what you’re doing. You need to stop,” he states, looking down on the tired hero as he crosses his arms. “Elf and Alf aren’t going to suddenly up and disappear just because you’re taking a nap.”
“I know that!” Alba snaps, and then he visibly deflates, like he feels guilty for doing so. “I know that. I just…”
Ros nudges him over with his foot and then takes a seat next to him, reclining against the cushions.
“I just want to help them,” the brunette admits, softly. “I told them I would. And I feel like we’re so close to a breakthrough, to finding a way to get them home, but…”
“You’re rushing things,” Ros murmurs. He reaches up to gently tussle Alba’s hair, who releases a quiet, startled noise. “You’re cornering yourself, Hero. I know you’re dead set on fulfilling whatever promise you made to those two, but it’s not like you have an exact deadline. I’m pretty sure that if they were supposed to be erased from our timeline, they would’ve been already.”
Alba slumps, finally relaxing beneath his touch. Ros’ hand travels to stroke down his back in soothing circles.
“Getting no sleep and only eating when you need to isn’t healthy,” Ros admonishes. “And trust me, I’ve been there. You think I didn’t do everything in my power to fix what happened to Crea? I didn’t sleep for weeks.”
Alba peers up at him curiously, looking a bit more lively than he did before. “Really—? I mean—wait, no, that’s obvious, of course you didn’t. Your best friend had his body stolen right in front of you, of course you probably had trouble sleeping…”
Ros squeezes his hip and he squeaks, cheeks turning pink. The black-haired boy resists the urge to smile.
“I know you’re a masochist, but this might be taking things too far.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” Alba groans, throwing his head back.
Ros leans against his shoulder and grins like a cat. “You did? Wow. Must be our bond. You can read me so well, Hero.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Alba whines, but it’s sort of ruined when he starts laughing halfway through his sentence.
Ros runs his hand across the boy’s lower back again and chuckles. They’re sitting close enough now that their knees are almost touching. Ros’ heart floods with warmth, and he smiles.
“Don’t worry about those two. They’ll be fine. If anyone can figure out how to send them back, you can. But you don’t need to make yourself sick doing it.”
Alba nods, slowly, and avoids his gaze. His eyes are fixed firmly on the carpet, and his hands are balled in his lap. He looks almost bashful, and a bit ashamed. Ros’ arm is curled all the way around him now, his hand rubbing circles into Alba’s hip.
“Are you gonna be a good boy now and get some rest? If not I’ll have to knock you out and make you sleep.”
“Please don’t,” is the response he gets.
“Good, because if that didn’t work, I was going to call Rchi,” Ros tells him, smirking when Alba looks at him in horror. Rchi is a menace when she knows her boys are being idiots.
He finally releases him, and Alba lies down on the couch begrudgingly. He’s pouting like a child, but at least he’s finally complying.
“Get some sleep, Hero. Or I’ll be really angry.”
“Fine,” Alba sighs, closing his eyes. “See, I’m doing it now, okay? You happy?”
“Quite, actually.”
There’s a long pause, and Ros almost thinks Alba has already drifted off (which would be impressive, considering his head just hit the pillow), but Alba speaks again.
“Hey, Shion…” He mumbles. Oh. He’s gone back to using “Shion”, then. Ros tries to pretend that he’s not happy about the prospect. “Will you…stay here? Don’t go home while I’m sleeping.”
Ros’ heart skips a beat. He’s glad Alba’s eyes are closed and that he can’t read his expression.
“What, you afraid the monsters under the bed will attack you while you’re dreaming and steal your ribs? That would be a tragedy. Ribman, losing his ribs,” he jokes weakly.
“‘M not Ribman and you know it,” Alba mumbles. “And no, I just…feel safer when you’re near me. Like I can sleep easier…”
Ros covers his burning face with a hand and looks away, swallowing thickly. Jesus. This kid really is trying to kill him, isn’t he?
It takes a long while, but Ros finally answers.
“…Yeah, I’ll stay. I won’t leave your side, Alba.”
All he hears is a soft snore, and when he finally has the courage to look over again, Alba is completely passed out.
Ros exhales heavily and rubs the back of his neck. Guess he should have expected as much.
His eyes dart around the room, making sure that nobody else is around, and then he moves to crouch over Alba’s slumbering form.
“Goodnight, my Hero,” he murmurs, leaning down to gently press his lips to Alba’s forehead.
And if he holds Alba’s hand the whole time as he guards the boy who saved the world, well, that’s his little secret.
We love a soft Ros who’s still trying to come to terms with his feelings uwu
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
How to plan a wedding during grad school (and not lose your mind)
I received a lovely ask from @brandnewleaves about wedding planning while in grad school. Congrats on your engagement! 
I also got engaged and married during grad school and learned a lot about planning a wedding during such a busy and stressful time. It does take a lot of time and energy and money, but it can be done! (A quick note: I had a huuuge reception (more than 250 guests), so some of these things may not apply to smaller celebrations.)
Here’s my advice from what I learned: 
Probably the most important thing: Do not do everything yourself! Get help from as many people as possible, especially your partner (as it’s their day too!). Divvy out the tasks, and set strict deadlines. Have regular meetings with those involved if necessary (I had at least 2 meetings with both families together to go over important details, and to reach compromise on conflicting traditions). 
Start early, so you don’t have to do a whole lot of everything all at once, and space out the tasks, so at most you may be spending like, 30 min a day on wedding planning to not feel overwhelmed (tho you can def spend longer/day if you want! Time does fly when you’re having fun!). I think giving yourself at least a year to plan a large wedding reception works well (large/fancier venues need to be reserved a year in advance anyway since they fill up so fast)
Do your research. Wedding planning is a whole new territory to learn about and conquer (there’s a reason people can make a living from being a wedding planner!). Not only do you have to find all the vendors and your venue, there are lots of major things to know, like how far in advance to reserve/purchase ____. I recommend wedding websites like TheKnot and WeddingWire, and chatting with those who have done it before (like me!). 
Then, set a timeline and schedule major events/deadlines into your planner/calendar. That way you can see if you have time to do everything you want to do, and whether you can take things a bit slower, or if you need to fast-track some things. 
Determine a budget for items. For this part I sat down with my fiancé/husband and determined which things we were comfortable splurging on, what things we could be more thrifty, and what things we could do without. The exact $ spent in the end will most likely change, but it’s good to set boundaries and expectations early on (esp on a grad student salary!!)
Stay organized. I used a plethora of excel sheets to keep track of everything, from to-do lists to budgets to the day-of-schedule. I used Google Drive so I could easily share with others who needed to be in the know, like my parents, and so I could see it on my phone the day-of (using the Google Sheets app). I also bookmarked sites on my browser (like useful resources), and kept a powerpoint slide of pictures of dresses and color schemes I liked (you can also use Pintrest, but I didn’t want to get sucked into that time-sink lol). This collection of ideas is also useful to show your dress/suit consultant, florist, hair-dresser/make-up artist, venue decorator, DJ, cake baker, etc so they get the vibe of your day right.
Use a website for guests to RSVP if you’re going to have a lot of them. TheKnot provides a free website that you can customize, or you can sign up for one at Squarespace. You can also use the website to collect info such as dietary restrictions (and to remind them of the address and other details). 
Get things on the cheap!! I know Amazon is kind of a horrible company but MAN I got SO many things on Amazon and saved a ton of money: my veil ($25 on amazon vs $300 on David’s Bridal??? are you kidding me???), my jewelry and hair pieces (aside from the rings lol), all the bridesmaid dresses (I have prime so if I didn’t like them I just returned them), all the faux fur wraps for the bridesmaids, a ton of decor such as table numbers, parts of the wedding favors, the groomsmen belts and shoes, etc etc. And if you’re not particular about reusing decor (that’s been used literally once), people are always selling things on Craigslist! 
DIY is fun and saves money, but make sure it’s doable for your skill, time, and energy. My husband I opted to hand-fill small jars with tea and hot cocoa and hand-fold these cute lil boxes for wedding favors, but in hindsight that was a horrible idea because we had way too many guests. 
Something that’s overlooked: wedding planning will take up space. Like, physical space, to store all your wedding things such as decor, wedding favors, outfits, etc. My guest bedroom was pretty much unusable for a few months because it was filled. Something to take into consideration if you live in a small space.
If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop. Step away. Take a break. Bring things into perspective. Don’t let wedding planning be a bad experience. Don’t let it bring out the ugly in the people involved. Always remember that this is a day to celebrate with your family and friends the love and commitment between you and your partner. 
My other “more my totally personal opinion” tips:
Spend the money on a professional photographer. If you’re gonna throw down the big bucks on anything on your wedding day, I suggest it be a professional photographer. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but then I saw how amazing my photos were, and how much I--and all my friends and family--cherished such an amazing memory, and I’m soo glad I spent the money. A professional photographer will charge anywhere from $150-300/hr, but even 1 hour of photography for you and your partner and your family members at the venue before everyone else arrives will be well worth it. Not only will the photos be high quality, but wedding photographers know all the best poses and angles. (Also, support your local photographers!)
If appropriate, ask for cash instead of physical gifts. We did this by saying “no boxed gifts - cash or check only” on our invitations. I think this is becoming more common these days, and I honestly think it’s more practical. I legit don’t want any dish-ware bc I already have a set? But money? Heck yes. If asking for money may not fly by your more-traditional guests, consider using Honeyfund, which is like a wedding registry but for honeymoon items, so your guests can give money towards say, the plane tickets. 
I caution against picking vendors (including venues) that are too far/time-consuming/expensive to travel often to. You may have to go back quite a few times for meetings, tastings, etc, and many of these places aren’t available to do these on the weekends and evenings (since that’s when they’ll be busy with the weddings!). Our wedding venue and all our day-of vendors (florist, cake baker, etc) were located in our hometown 1.5 hrs away, which isn’t super far, but we had to take some afternoons off work to make it to important meetings, and that kinda sucked for a grad student. However, you can of course video call in for stuff, or opt to trust how the food tastes, etc!
I think I covered most of it! If you have any specific questions, my ask box and chat are always open! (I didn’t mention it, but I also had to balance 2 conflicting cultures/religions, so I have some experience in that alley too)
Once again, congratulations on your engagement, and I wish you and your love a fantastic wedding and all the happiness in the world!!
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sleepy-matchups · 5 years
hey! if it isn’t too much trouble, could i have a matchup? I’m a 5’2” bi gal with a mop of dark brownblack wavy/curly jaw length hair i wanna dye rose goldish. i’ve got brown eyes and clear framed glasses. I have scars all over my body, some being self harm whilst most are from accidents i had as a child (my most notable ones are a scar on my upper lip and one on my right hand). my fingers are usually covered in bandaids as i bite my nails and the skin around it (1/🌻)
I have depression/anxiety, and i’m a pretty spacey person. i tend to ramble often and act blunt unintentionally, though i frequently apologize in case i say anything i feel could’ve been offensive to the person im speaking to. I also second guess myself constantly, resulting in a need for reaffirmation that people care about me and clinginess, esp in a relationship. in a relationship id act very flustered with pda yet still crave it, settling for locking pinkies. (2/🌻)
to me it’s the small things that matter, and i always tell the people i love i care about them and often do so more than i care for myself. others well being is more important than mine in my opinion, and i try my best to listen to their issues and give the best advice i can. im interested in writing, reading, ukulele/guitar/singing, psychology, astrology, cats, and human nature. i have a tendency to analyze people’s motives and personality (3/🌻)
thanks to it i can get a relatively good grasp of a person. im emotionally vulnerable and often feel lonely due to my depression, and have been using writing poems/songs as a coping mechanism. sorry this is so long akshjssh (4/4🌻) 
Hi, darling💖 Also don’t worry about the length!
I match you with…
Ochaco Uraraka
Tumblr media
Why I see this working:
Ochaco would find your spacing out & rambling cute! As soon as she saw you she’d be curious about you! She wonders about your scars from a distance & why you have band-aids on your fingers. When she finally gathers the confidence to talk to you, you’d wonder why she wants to talk to you & analyse her! Once getting a grasp of her good & pure intention you start talking to her & opening up more!
Ochaco would definitely support you if you want to dye your hair rose gold! She thinks it cute colour & thinks that it would look great on you! When she found out about your depression & anxiety she would try her best to help you! Whether it be lots of encouraging words or be there to listen to you & give you the best advice she can muster, Ochaco will always be there for you!
When she finds the cause of the scars on your body she will be taken aback but recover in a snap. She’d ask what happened for the scars you had as a kid but if it’s a sensitive topic she would drop it, but for you self harm ones she’d ask if you okay now & if you’re still doing it. If you are she’d do everything in her power to stop & help you! 
Both you & Ochaco are into astrology! While her love of astrology is strong she also loves outer space so having someone else who shares that interest will make her happy! If she ever sees you writing something she’ll be super interested & ask if she can read it! But don’t worry, everything you write Ochaco will love! Even though she’s not really a writer she’d try her best to give constructive criticism if you ask for it! She’d also ask for book recommendations from time to time!
She’d smother you in PDA! She’d find it adorable how you get flustered by it! But she knows that you secretly crave it! She’d enjoy listening to you singing or playing the guitar or ukelele! 
🍨Stargazing is something Ochaco & you would do pretty often! Knowing Ochaco & her love of outer space she probably has a secret stargazing spot she’d show you & you only!
🍨She’d lock pinkies with you while the two of you are out, let it be the shops or just around the school!
🍨She would definitely come with you if you decide to dye your hair rose gold! She’d take so many photos! Not only would she take photos of the product but the process.
🍨She may set up a little concert or a little karaoke set up for the both of you! She loves hearing your voice & she may ask for tips about singing! But if you feel comfortable with it Ochaco may invite the rest of the Dekusquad! 
🍨 Little hugs here & then there are so very common!
Overall Compatibility: 97%
(I don’t know how to say this but keep safe love! If your depression becomes too much please, please get some help! I may not know you very well or at all but I don’t want anything to happen to you! I know this most likely do anything so I’m sorry if I annoy you or anything!)
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chubbychummy · 5 years
Positive Week
This past week, I have spent only 2 out of 5 work days in the lab. I have otherwise been at some course in centre city (it’s about an hour away).This has been a good change of pace for me and tbh it just kind of pushes back the work I need to be doing but I think it is a much needed break.
Also a good chance for me to socialise — as I live outside of city centre, it is usually a lot of time/effort for me to get into the city. I have to plan for it. But spending all day here for the course, I was able to do things I would not have otherwise been able to doTuesday afternoon during the lunch break, I ran all over the city going to pharmacies trying to find T which apparently ran out of stock in all of France. I didn’t get all that I needed but it was enough so that was awesome. I won’t have to worry about that again til May.
Thursday, I had the chance to use my lunch break to change my transportation plan from monthly unlimited to what I should have had to begin with: pay as you go. I seldom use public transport since I usually just use my bike. I would have saved about 20€ a month which is nothing to shy from. But I won’t look at sunk costs I spent hat I could have saved. Just nice knowing that starting in May I will start saving money from this change ^^ I should have changed it many months ago (like a full year ago), but again, life came up and it’s hard to juggle everything I have going on. I’m just happy that in the future, I will not be spending unnecessary money on this
Tuesday evening I met up with Delphine. We just sat around and chatted for a bit - it was really low key. She was catsitting for a few days and I got to hang out with a super adorable and nice black longhair kitty (named Negro lmaoooo so they just call him bébéchat) Anyhow it was super super low key but it always just puts me in a good mood to see her. Later that night I went to the bar to a regular meetup type deal and chatted with some new folks I have not met before. Also relatively low key but it was just nice. ^^ Wednesday was a very inefficient day hahahh. (Monday was super super efficient- I worked essentially nonstop from 9am-7pm barely stopping for food. But I was on a good roll. Wednesday was not so efficient hahahh. But that’s okay.) crashed Wednesday night at 8:30pm and had a first long sleep in a week, which was good and my body needed it.Thursday back to the course — but it was a new course! Actually by the same instructor! I had not originally signed up for it but wanted to attend. And she said that she was looking for more students so I was welcome! Which was cool! Upside: I get to complete this course and add like 18h more to my training repertoire, it is in English so it’s easy for me, I am already familiar with the instructor, etc. downside: I still have some administrative stuff I need to sort out in centre city but I literally don’t have the time unless I take a vacation day to get it done, but I feel like I have too much work rn to try to take any day off in the next two weeks. This is my visa and residence permit thing. I needed to have done this two weeks ago hah. But anyhow. It was good that I got in this course - and how!
So there were two girls in this course also, one of whom talked to me (she’s very very talkative) and it was awesome! which is not very typical of a French person, but she did and it was awesome. (She is also fluent in German!)Anyhow the course was very cool and frankly I just felt good about the interactions. ÚwÙ Thursday evening, I had the second to last operation for my tooth surgery shitPutting in the anchor — it was back close to where I live which is 1hr away. So I hopped back on the tram then bus and made it there, got it done (it was fast!!) and it was only 19h20. There was some thing I had in my google calendar in centre city I thought I couldn’t go to cuz of the dentist thing but it was at 19h30, and honestly knowing French people, people always arrive fashionably late. So if I hopped right back on a bus/Tram from the dentist, I could get back to centre city by ~8pm so I did just that
The thing in my google calendar was at the Maison de Chercheurs, but my lab was having an outing elsewhere. So I figured okay, i would go to the one with the people from my lab. Tbh it wasn’t super great for me but also I’m still super glad I went cuz at least it completely eliminated FOMO, and honestly almost everyone was there. Like 20+ people. I hardly talked to anyone, but I was present. I did chat a little bit and the little I talked was fun. I think it was rly good I was there too cuz also I talked with the Portuguese intern who was there (she doesn’t speak French, so it was tough for her. There is only one other non francophone and he is Italian but Luca was there as well.) so she was rly alone and I’m glad I was there at least to chat with her occasionally. Anyhow it was good even if it wasn’t gr8, but I’m still very very glad I went(  Plus since I had been working so much on my own this whole week - and last - I had hardly had time to see folks in the lab)  So then Friday. Was tired waking up having only slept some 5 hours, but what was off to a tired start turned into a really good day.I didn’t pay too too much attention in the course today (had trouble focusing bc tired hah) but then around lunchtime, he girl who sat next to me yesterday (and her friend with whom she works — same cohort) invited me to lunch with them For some reason my student restaurant card doesn’t work here in centre city, so I couldn’t really pay the food things here (I was ready to pay a more expensive price with my bank card or cash but I don’t think they accept either), but one of the girls covered me. Albeit it’s only like €3, but still. (Whereas I think it’d be like 6€ idk)So I had lunch with them - chicken, fries, a dessert, and appetizer ! Good shit! And had a chance to talk to them about some stuff too so that was cool. It’s just rly nice talking with folks and meeting/getting to know new people.
Was late coming back (got scolded by the instructor), but it’s also okay. We worked on an activity where we essentially pretended to be journalists and interviewed one another about our thesis projects and I sat next to and worked with/interviewed this new girl who spoke a very fluent English! And !!!!!!! It was amazing ??????Idk you know when you instantly just click with someone And then like when that happens you kind of ?? Keep clicking ????Like repeatedly as the interaction continues, you just kind of keep clicking multiple times and it never seems to rly stop and you’re just like ??? God??? I rly get you?????? It was like that with her and it was too coolLike someone else in the class actually called out my name to tell me to lower my voice cuz I didn’t realise I was speaking too loudly — I was just ??? Really excited and enthusiastic???!?Anyhow it was just rly awesome and I was like “actually can I get your contact info later bc I would really love to talk”And we kind of had a chance in this mock interview to give each other mini professional life stories (like life stories but only what is pertinent to our professional work track I guess) and idk it was rly coolSo anyhow at the very end of the course I was getting ready to ask her to exchange contact info but she asked me firstLike literally as I was opening my mouth to ask, she was like “actually if you don’t mind—“ and I thought it would have to wait but then she straight up asked me for my contactsAnd so we sort of excitedly parted waysI considered going to the administrative building afterward (closes at 16h30 — it was 16h45 already by now) to see if I might catch someone ask they’re leaving, but also it takes like ten minutes to walk there so I decided against it in the endI was heading back to the classroom building figuring I could just spend 1.5-2hours chilling on discord or twitter while changing my phone and waiting until 18:30 cuz I told someone I’d get a drink with him later that evening. But when I turned around, the other girl was there and she waved and walked over and we chatted some more. Like where are you headed? Just going back home. You live in centre city? Yeah just around the corner. So I offered to walk her home cuz I have no other plans for the next two hoursShe asked if I had seen Les Machines (I had), and she admitted that since coming to Nantes in October (she is from Le Mans just a few hours northeast ), she hasn’t actually gone out and seen much. She bought the new assassin’s creed so she’s just been going home and playing video games all night lolBut she asked if I was down to just walk around and I’m like ?? Absolutely?? I love walking??I suggested the park, which is honestly beautiful - esp on a beautiful day - so we proceed to take the ugliest ass most inefficient route to walk there. But it was okay cuz we kinda just talked the entire time so it was fine.She’s rly rly cool and anyhow we got to the park and just continued talking while walking in the park. Eventually after hanging out with some goats, we saw there was another girl from the same course, who had her husband and her kids with her. So we just stood around and chatted for like another hour or so
Eventually it was 18h30 so I was like huh should probably meet up with that guy I said I’d get drinks with, so we headed in that general direction while still talking. Passed by a... spontaneous mini local food market? So I sent the message to the guy to come over cuz there’s something going on here. And the girl and I awkwardly accidentally walked out of the market cuz it’s rly rly small and takes about 30 seconds to walk through, and we’re just trying to decide what to do. Get a coffee? (She’s Muslim so no alcohol - also I seldom drink and I don’t prefer it). Or a kebab?  She wasn’t hungry but also admitted she didn’t have money on her, and I told her not to worry - my treat. We ended up going back to the tiny food market and I got us both some granola and fruit leather? As a snack cuz she wasn’t rly hungry. But that way we could sit around and chat and munch while waiting for my other friend to show He eventually came and we walked around together but then the girl left (said she had to go home, but tbh I think she had a fear she might have been imposing?)Anyhow I ended up walking and talking some more with the other friend (Canadian guy) and we ended up in some restaurant (oops my bad I thought it was a bar— he likes beers and said he wasn’t that hungry, so a little awk that this turned out to be a restaurant). But anyhow, he got some beers and I got a sausage platter to share for us.And we spent the rest of that night kind of just sharing life experiences and discussing doctorate struggles and remarks about French culture and our experiences and anecdotes and shitIt was just a really really good night
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loveraids · 6 years
advice for incoming freshmen
hey guys! here’s a list of some tips i made for incoming freshmen. i thought i’d share some advice/knowledge i’ve accumulated over the years too. everything’s under the cut. if you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me! ☀️ (tw: long post)
1. one of the biggest fears many people have entering high school is not making friends. however, there are MANY opportunities where you can make friends! besides being friendly with who you sit with in class, try joining a sport, club, extra curricular, etc. i’m not saying making friends is the easiest thing in the world- i still struggle with it today. but don’t put yourself down if you’re not immediately friends with everyone in the school in the first week- it’ll take some time to develop. remember that everyone else is just as scared as you are, and they aren’t gonna come out of their shells until you do as well.
2. depending on your school, they may start throwing college shit at u on day one (although unlikely). no matter what, don’t stress right now!! the college process really doesn’t begin until the weeks leading up to the summer of junior year. you have time!! it’s ok to not know what you want to do. college has an “undecided” major for a reason.
3. V O L U N T E E R. i cannot stress this enough. it has soso many benefits and freshman year will most likely be the most time-free year you have. find a position at your local zoo, library, camp, hospital, etc. it’s a great resume booster and can aid you in the college application process (additionally, if you have an honors society that requires volunteer hours, you’ll need them anyways). also, you get to help people !
4. freshman year is going to teach you what real high school work is. you may struggle, and it’s ok! i was one of the “bright” kids that had their grades drop once i entered high school, and yeah, it did a lot to my self esteem. but throughout the years i picked myself up- i embraced help from my peers/teachers, i figured out what method of studying works best (pro tip: studying for math? look over the basic rules and do thousands of practice problems. science that isn’t math based? quizlet and khan academy. history? quizlet.), i learned that it’s OK to get a grade under a 90/A-. it’s going to seem tough at first, but just remember that you’re adjusting to a completely new environment and work ethic. you will get through it!! please shoot me an ask if you ever need help i’ll always answer. (edit: also do ur homework!!! it could be the difference between a B+ and an A-.)
5. imagine the crustiest person in your grade right now. now imagine them trying to hit on a kid that’s four years younger than you. gross, right? that’s exactly what a senior hitting on a freshman is like!! do not do that shit!!! there is NO reason why a senior should be trying to hook up with you when they’re 17-18 and you’re 14-15. that shit is NASTY. do NOT date seniors (even juniors are sketchy).
6. high school is where you will probably encounter alcohol/drugs/sex/etc at some point. do not be pressured!! if you don’t wanna smoke or drink then don’t do it (if you’re with the type of people who pressure, you better run). ive personally never had an experience where i was pressured, and people were usually respectful, but i can’t speak the same for everyone else. wanna get fucked up and party with your friends? be careful! i’m not promoting underage drinking but lets be honest a lot of kids do it. no sense in trying to pretend like that isn’t the real world. if you’re invited to some party by someone you KNOW has a bad rep, then don’t go!! you’ll have more opportunities.
7. if you’re worried about SATs/college admissions exams, you have a year. kids in my school are kinda crazy and were studying freshman year which made NO sense to me. end of sophomore year/beginning of junior year is usually adequate (plus- the main rule with SATs/ACTs is that you should take the test NO MORE than three times- that’s three chances!! i personally did well on my SAT, so if u have any questions feel free to ask me.
8. back to the point of pressure - if you’re going to a gifted and talented program/school, you will most likely feel academic pressure. with so many bright and smart peers, your standards will end up being much higher than the general population. i’m speaking from experience.
9. student government is usually a popularity contest. if you don’t win, don’t beat yourself up. if you do, congrats!
10. take pictures! save holiday cards! make memories!! i sincerely regret not taking photos (with me in them!!) during my freshman and sophomore years. there are a lot of great memories that i didn’t record because i was too embarrassed to get in front of a camera. i’ve learned that i’d rather cringe at a photo i look bad in in the privacy of my own phone, rather than not have a picture at all.
11. start developing good studying habits right away. what motivated me was getting cute/colorful pens, highlighters, erasers, post-its, etc., and making my notes look really pretty. i have my own personal post-it collection now. if you find ways to make studying even remotely fun/interesting, it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. i remember the summer before my junior year, i was excited to go back literally because i wanted to use my new pens.
12. this is a future piece of advice, but i would say there’s a 99% chance that you will be friends with mostly different people by senior year. you might have a core few, or a bestie, but myself and many others know that there are people who we were best friends with freshman year that don’t say hi to us in the halls senior year.
13. listen, there are gonna be some snake ass bitches. there’s no avoiding it. just don’t pay attention to them!! they get off on thinking they’re better than you. the best way to no longer deal with someone you don’t like is to just not associate with them. i’m obviously over simplifying these situations, but its usually not that deep. if it’s to the point where it’s causing you a great amount of stress, then it may be something you need to talk to a guidance counselor about.
14. please. do. not. run. and scream. in. the. halls. who do u think u are?? it’s 8 AM i don’t want to hear your screeching voice as you run into 7 people!!!!!
15. the freshmen are usually the joke of the school. you’ll hear you guys referred to as gremlins in some way, shape, or form. just deal with it, you’ll understand when you’re no longer freshmen (unless someone’s being unnecessarily mean!!).
16. make friends with your teachers!!!!!!!!! stay after class to have a little conversation with them. email them after school. bring them gifts on major holidays. IT WILL PAY OFF. letters of recommendation? done! need a teacher to sign off on something? done! minorly messed up in class? they’ll let it go bc they like you! this will also probably result in an increase in your character/participation grades.
17. make a travel pack that you keep in your bag - a few small bills,  pads/tampons (for those who need), pen, pencil, bobby pins, nail file, hair elastic, gum/mints, small perfume, band-aids, charger, etc.
18. thrift books sells books for really cheap!! also, ALWAYS check other places before ordering from normal bookstores (i’m looking at u barnes & noble)- they’re most likely cheaper.
19. i’m not gonna be one of those people who is like “school is the best!! it can be great for anyone if you just try!!” bc that shit aint true. it might suck ass for some of you. just know that high school isn’t your life. some people act like your life ends after high school. we’re 14-18 years old and still have so much to learn and see. if you set up a countdown to the end of high school your first day of freshman year, so be it.
20. your teachers are people too. they’re not there for you to use and abuse. they have families, problems, LIVES. they also have 3289472 students besides yourself, and assuming they should put you above the rest will only end up in disappointment.
21. social media is not all that matters. esp in this day and age, people will definitely be using snapchat and instagram (and hey! tumblr too). but don’t think you need social media to fit in. one of the most popular girls in my school literally made her instagram just the other day. to reiterate: it’s not that deep!!
22. you’re gonna change a lot (which is ok!!). freshman year i only wore hot topic and watched supernatural & doctor who. now, i just watch cooking vids and fawn over shawn mendes. it’s ok to change!! even just though freshman year you’ll change. i know i got like. super gay
23. if you find yourself having free time (or having study hall), do your homework!!! once you get home you’ll probably get distracted/lazy. what i used to do was go to my local library after school and get all my homework done so that i wouldn’t leave my school mindset and not wanna do anything. even if you don’t get everything done, you’ll thank yourself later.
24. there’s a difference between “forming your own opinion” on someone and completely ignoring their reputation/what your friends say. i can’t tell you how many people have gotten burned by the SAME guy in my school because none of them even kept in mind the warnings they had heard about him. it’s ok to give people a chance, but remember that most people’s reputations hold some truth (but not everyone!).
25. this seems pretty obvious but like. be nice. don’t talk mad shit about people you don’t know. rumors fly FAST in high school. what’s even worse is when they’re not true. fact check your shit if you ARE gonna gossip.
26. ok last point (for now). everything is gonna be new. there’s no getting around it. you WILL feel out of place. you’ll most likely be anxious. but everything will end up ok (cheesy, i know). the first week of high school is one the scariest weeks you’ll have in high school. things need time to settle. you’ll make friends, you’ll find things you like, you’ll be happy!! enter high school with a growth mindset. it may not seem like it, but your attitude WILL impact how things turn out.
overall, you guys will be fine. good luck to all of you !! if you have any questions or need advice on a specific thing, please feel free to send me an ask!! i’m always here. love u bbies
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oddcoupler222 · 6 years
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Ooookay! So, ahem, here is the tale (in vague/loose outline form):
So when Ellie is 15 she meets the Love of Her Life. Madelyn (18) goes to college and when her parents and Ellie help move her into school on the first day, they meet Madelyn's roommate Amelia, and Ellie has a crush almost immediately
Some little fun stuff on Amelia Holt: born and raised in Dorne, and has not had the easiest life. Born to a younger, single mother. They didn’t have a lot of money when she was young, and her mom was (is) a drug addict, which has resulted in a lot of ins and outs of the foster system for her, a lot of trust issues. But she is also super smart and has a willpower made of iron, and did everything she could (working part time jobs through high school, getting scholarships and loans up the ass) to go to college in King’s Landing and Make Something of Herself.
Meanwhile, Madelyn and Amelia (after a somewhat rocky start because they are both outspoken and headstrong, and they have some… misunderstandings at first) become basically bff. And because of Amelia’s home life – and Madelyn asking what she’s doing over their first holiday break, and she informs her that she is staying at school), Madelyn ends up bringing her home for holidays and vacations and stuff bc that's who Madelyn is. Highkey brotp
Meanwhile, all of this only makes Ellie's crush SO BAD because Amelia is always there and pays attention to her and is so smart etc (and she’s also a lesbian, so big time sexual awakening for her). So, quiet, shy teenage Ellie spends a couple of years with this huge crush, and Amelia is always takes the time to talk to her and SEE her, because - she is best friends with Madelyn, but she can see how Ellie feels somewhat overshadowed and how uncomfortable Ellie feels in the whole “living in the limelight” life she’d had.
When she's 17, she gathers all her courage and kisses Amelia (who is  20 at the time). And is not like SHOCKED tbh, because Ellie’s crush has been fairly obvious over the years, with the blushing and all, but she is shocked that she actually kissed her. And she regretfully has to let Ellie down because they have an age difference and she doesn't see Ellie like that right now. She is like really sweet about it because she does care about Ellie (and this whole family that has taken her in)
Ellie is MORTIFIED and like runs away from her and tells her to please never mention it again, to anyone, especially not Maddie
The next time they see each other is a month or so later, when Madelyn gets a call from Marg that Ellie was in a car accident. She's out with Amelia at the time so they both go to the hospital, and Ellie is basically fine (scrapes and a broken arm). But everyone makes a fuss (esp Marg and Madelyn. Plot twist, you might think it would be Sansa. However, Sansa is definitely like Catelyn when she's older. I just imagine in general, she is used to watching kids, babysitting, watching her mother be a mother, too - she can’t 100% know what it's going to be like to be a mom, but she has an idea of what it's going to be like. And there are moments where she panics, too, like the first time one of the girls gets in an accident, and she is /always/ a mother hen, like when they get sick and stuff. But ultimately is the one who calms Marg down when like baby-Madelyn has a sniffle and Margaery is like "we should bring her to the doctor" and Sansa is like, "we just need to keep an eye on her" and ends up comforting Marg
Or, in the event of Ellie's teenage car accident, both Sansa and Marg get to the hospital in a worry, and once they talk to the doctors and both see her for themselves and are able to hug her and coddle her, Sansa calms down and is like, everything is all right. And Marg is pacing the hospital room, being like, I will actually find this person who hit your car and kill him. I really will" and vacillates between that and deciding that Ellie shouldn't leave the house for another few weeks). And Madelyn’s very similar to Marg… as in she walks in and Ellie’s relieved and is like "Thank god you're here, I'm pretty sure moms are ready to put me in an adult size stroller and never let me out of their sight -" and then gets cut off because Madelyn gives her a huge hug and is all, "Are you okay?!" and Ellie's all Nooo not you too
Ellie is mortified still to see Amelia, who is a little apologetic for being there… Then later that night Amelia seeks her out and they talk. Ellie being embarrassed and awkward "you didn't have to come, I'm fine" and Amelia is like "Madelyn was worried. And so was I." And then she asks how Ellie is about the kiss. Which Ellie is like "I thought we weren't ever talking about that" and Amelia gives her a little speech (that she truly believes) about how in a couple of years, Ellie is going to have everyone she wants at her disposal and she'll forget all about her older sister's best friend. Ellie is - pffft, yeah right. But they go back to not having things so awkward between them.
Ellie soon moves to the North and is going to an art school (after leaving King's Landing after high school, she started an art school in the North, then transferred for an internship in another region for 2 years, then spent the next 6 traveling to different cities, only staying for like 3-6 month spans) and they see one another only a few times over the next couple of years.
An interlude - when Ellie's 20 and at her moms’ for the summer, Amelia is there, too. And she has just had a reunion with her mom and a recent breakup with the first serious girlfriend she's had to try to deal with her Intimacy Issues, and then Ellie is there and always looks at her like she's amazing and NOT a complete fake/messed up human being, and she's a little tipsy...
And so Ellie and Amelia sort of hookup. Like make out, some touching, clothes are starting to be taken off (essentially, Ellie's dream coming true). Before Amelia realizes what she's doing and stops herself and cuts it off, and is feeling - so weird because she is attracted to Ellie right now, but also feeling like shit because she is a MESS and the last thing she wants is to mess Ellie up with her, and she doesn't want Ellie to see that part of her, either (because, well, she's NEVER taken advantage of Ellie's crush on her before, but it's always been sort of nice to have her look up to her/live up to the image Ellie had of her, in a way)
But that, after the rejection that night, is what really does it to break Ellie's heart and Amelia feels like the world's worst person after. Which also cues a scene the following morning - when Ellie has left unprecedentedly early (and would subsequently very rarely return home for long stretches of time/decide to go abroad soon after) - of Madelyn coming in and being like "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE -- gods, what happened to you last night? You like awful." she's joking, but then Amelia thinks about everything that happened with Ellie (and her mom and her ex-gf) and just sort of breaks down. And Madelyn is there for her, trying to comfort her, and asks about what happened, and Amelia wants to tell her everything. So she tells her a little. About her mom and breakup, anyway, because the only person she can talk to about that stuff is Madelyn, who she loves so much, who is like the sister she never knew she wanted until she had her. Which just makes her cry more, because she can't ever tell Madelyn about what she did with Madelyn's actual sister (aka hook up with her and break her heart)
The next few years… are sort of awkward. They don’t really spend much time one on one after that, but they do see each other, since Ellie obviously is in KL and spends time with her moms and sister at least during holidays/a few times a year. Plus, by this point, Amelia is sort of an honorary member of the family. So whenever there is a cousin’s wedding or big event, she’s invited. Things eventually stop being awkward, but there’s still a little tension there now. Eye contact, moments, you know.
Like at one bachelorette party like a year or two prior to Ellie moving back to KL, all of the cousins/friends are hanging out and drinking, and talking about love lives. And like on the topic of heartbreak, Madelyn is like “Okay, Ellie, what do you know about it? You have women that you hookup with all over the world, some of whom have gone so far to contact you after to send stuff here and you are a cool cucumber” (she’s joking. Kind of. Ellie’s notorious love life is something they joke about a lot). and Ellie just drinks and is like, “Yeah, that’s me.” But Amelia (who is engaged at this point in time and should not ever have romantic thoughts about Ellie when they see one another… but… that’s not necessarily the case) can think about the fact that she has definitely seen Ellie all heartbroken is like, “Okay, that’s enough.”
Which leads us to – when Ellie is 28, she moves back to KL because she’s going to be doing an art show in a gallery there, and the deal she has is going to be lasting for a few months, at least. And she ends up moving in with Amelia, who has a spare room. Because Madelyn is like, it’s a perfect solution, Ellie doesn't know how long she's staying, Amelia was going to rent out that room (in an apartment she moved into with her ex over a year ago, so it’s bigger than she would want for herself now that they are broken up but she can’t break her lease), and now my favorite two people are going to be in the same place!
And Ellie is like, yeah.... (facepalm bc she still has an ongoing THING for Amelia that she even tries to deny to herself sometimes but.) and Amelia at first is like, this will be good! Until she realizes that cute and idealistic and sweet Ellie is now very attractive and successful and still sweet older Ellie and now she's sharing her apartment... (and now that her engagement had crashed and burned, in part because she was accused of not being able to be open enough with her fiancée – plus she has sort of been using that relationship as a way to not ever see Ellie in another light. which also didn’t always work)
Ellie isn't like super awkward anymore and doesn't like blush all the time around Amelia, and has seen her multiple times over the last ten years, so she has like - dealt with her feelings enough so that it's in the back of her mind and manageable. It’s just a part of her life now. Esp because she thinks Amelia will only ever see her the way she did when she was 17
Like, while in a lot of ways, Ellie is overall a lot like Sansa, her romantic life is a lot like Marg's. As in, she spent 10 years, and in her travels, she would hook up with people and have flings or short relationships with them, but never was interested in anything serious, and just... she’s only fallen for one person seriously and can’t get out of it
Meanwhile, Amelia was in a relationship and was engaged and it got broken off like 10 months or so before Ellie moved back to KL, and Ellie is the first person she feels safe to try something new with, mostly because it doesn't feel like trying something new, but like settling into something that has always been here. But don’t get it wrong, it’s still kind of terrifying to contemplate being in a Thing with Ellie after all this time.
So Amelia is now in a struggle with her attraction and feelings. Like what if she makes a move and it messes something up with her dynamic in the Tyrell family, who she has really become close to in the last 13 years.
They sort of start out as awkward roommates… and then start to feature nights watching things together on tv, which leads to them bonding, and they start having dinners and conversations. Late nights eating their shared favorite ice cream. Which is so weirdly nice for Amelia, to actually talk to Ellie instead of hearing updates from others and only seeing snippets of her. Getting to hear all of her stories and travels. And on the flipside, for Ellie, it’s like. She has had very serious and intense feelings for Amelia, but she has never gotten to get to KNOW her one on one with both of them being adults. It’s really like falling into a dream for her.
Aaaand then one of their nights watching shows sort of leads into Ellie sitting with a sketchpad and drawing Amelia who... has always had a face Ellie loves to draw and photograph. It’s the first time Amelia actually sees it, though, and it leads to a Moment. A heated kiss, that ends early, with Ellie pulling away and worrying, because this… is how she gets her heartbroken all over again. so Ellie pulls away and dives into work, trying not to be home too often.
Which leads Amelia, who feels like the Spark for Ellie, like she is really already falling for her, to seek her out at her studio space. Which leads to a talk… and then some more kissing. And they agree to start something but decide to keep it discreet and casual for now, because their lives are so intertwined, and they need to figure out what they are doing.
This features a lot of sneaking around, amusing hijinks, and one morning where Madelyn enters the apartment and they are both naked in Amelia’s bed, only waking up when the door to the apartment closes/they hear Madelyn. And Ellie hops up and runs to hide in the closet, just in time for Madelyn to open the door and be like…. Well someone has clearly been holding out on me, who are you sleeping with?! And Amelia stuttering over how it’s a secret, and then diving (wrapped in a sheet) to stop Madelyn from opening her closet to borrow a jacket. And Madelyn asking where tf Ellie is, because she wasn’t in her room, and Amelia badly lying about not knowing. (and once Madelyn leaves, opening the closet to see Ellie now “dressed” in a mis-matched outfit of Amelia’s that she pulled on just in case Madelyn opened the door, and Amelia is SO endeared, and has to keep her laughing down bc Madelyn is still there, waiting for her). Thus ensues Madelyn making jokes about figuring out who Amelia is sleeping with and asking Ellie what she knows, and both of them like choking on their drinks, etc
Eventually Amelia falls in love with Ellie and she doesn't know what to do because like. Ellie is just acting the way she always has, plus... she never stays in one place too long. She was right, years ago, when she said that Ellie would one day have the world (and the women in it), and now she is the one who feels at a loss.
Culminating in Sansa, Marg, and Madelyn finding out about them over lunch one day – well, Amelia makes a big confession. Madelyn is shocked, but Amelia looks at Sansa and Marg, who are both like "oh, wow!" but it's not actually /surprised/ and she's like, "... you knew?" And Sansa is like #badliar, "No! No, no, we didn't know, we -" and Marg cuts her off and is like, "We knew." And a Sansa/Marg eye contact moment where like - at this point, they've been married for 30 years, and they don't need words to have the conversation where Sansa is like "we've agreed that we have both known Ellie has been in love with Amelia for ten years and not to bring it up until she did!" and Marg is all, "And she just brought it up! Our time has come!".. the whole convo happens with a look. And this leads into Madelyn going to talk to Amelia - she asks for like the WHOLE story, so Amelia starts with Ellie kissing her when she was 17, and Amelia is like "You kissed my underage sister?! This started when she was 17?!" And Amelia is all, "NO! I turned her down!" "You turned my sister down?? Ellie? She's gorgeous and smart and -" "Oh, my gods, can I talk?!" "Right. Sorry"
Ending featuring Ellie’s art show, where Amelia goes as her date, and it’s sort of a perfect night. But Ellie also gets other offers from galleries all over to go there next, and it induces a panic in Amelia. Who then makes a speech to Ellie about how she has always felt this like draw towards her and how she has been trying to do the right thing by her for ten years and she knows Ellie has probably moved on from when she used to be in love with her, because it has been so long, and will likely leave KL again and take the world by storm, but she's missed her every time she left in the last ten years and now she knows why and she doesn't know how to deal with missing her even more.
And it really breaks down every barrier Ellie has had to try to protect herself this time around, because she's been in love with her since she was 15 and it doesn't matter where she goes or how long she's away, because all she's wanted has been for Amelia to tell her she wants her too.
Of course.
 And as it turns out, she has made a deal with this gallery for renewed contracts for work. So. Happy ending all around!
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jaeminlore · 7 years
cue smrookies halloween video w the dreamies lol
mark has been practicing magic for as long as he can remember??
like as soon as his parents realized he had the ability to harness magic,, they put him in the closest magic school
which is lowkey just some shady tutor witch who teaches children down in her basement-turned-classroom
but mark loved it!
he learned how to use a magic wand and ride a broom and brew potions,,,, and he was so happy to meet other kids who had the same powers as him
but unfortunately the witch woman only taught kids through first grade :(
so mark had to move to human school
and elementary school was filled w bullies who knew abt marks abnormalities just bc sometime mark can’t control his powers
so he rlly didn’t have any friends
except you!!
in fourth grade you transferred to mark’s school, and as soon as you heard the rumors you were like!!!! magic!!!!!
you’ve read all the books all you know is that mark could bc the key to having a magical fantasy life and you’re ready for it
so you find him in the library and you’re rlly excited like “one time i heard you set the lab on fire by simply touching the table how cool is that pls tell me it’s real”
and mark is like ,,,,,unfortunately,,,, all the rumors are true,,,,,,
he thinks you’re going to like push him away or smth but actually you come back full force w all the excitement your seven year old body could handle “can’t you turn those mean guys into frogs? or make them trip over their own shoelaces???”
mark is like “lol don’t you think i’ve though of that,, but the number one rule of a witch is to never use magic for evil or you could turn into a bad person”
this convo is basically the start of your friendship w mark,,, and you guys end up going to the same highschool together as well
mark moved into the nct house a bit after the start of senior year, just to be around people a bit more like him
he knows haechan from highschool and got introduced to everyone as soon as he figured out haechan’s secret
you’re invited to the house all the time like everyone knows you by name and thinks you’re the funniest thing bc you love mark so much??? and it’s so obvious to everyone but him??
they can all tell (esp taeil, jaehyun, and yuta,, who have been dead alive a long time) that you are in love w him
mostly bc of the way your eyes light up whenever he’s around and how you always encourage him when he gets a spell wrong
see mark’s dream is to become an extremely powerful witch,,, and then start up a school for other kids of magic
like he knows there are a lot who have no idea how to harness their magic just bc,,, they’re scared of what might happen or who might find out
but mark wants to prove that he can teach others by becoming a good enough witch himself first
he’s always experimenting w magic
when he comes to school he smells like smoke and unidentified chemicals
his room is always a warzone, and even sicheng moved out into another room after awhile, since his werewolf senses couldn’t take it
but you love his room,, mostly bc it smells like him,,,,,, it smells like him
and the strange potions he always has brewing excite you to know end bc you’re always wondering what he’s mixing up now
so anyway you confess to mark under,,, peculiar,,, circumstances
he can to school wearing a beanie, which would be normal, except for the fact that out of all the years you’ve known him, mark has never worn a beanie
as soon as he realizes you notice, he pulls you into an empty classroom and pulls off his beanie
mark has,,,, puppy ears,,, peaking out of his hair,,, like lil golden retriever ears that flop over his black hair
you giggle “you’re so cute!!”
mark is like seriously y/n this isn’t funny i was working on this shapeshifting potion and it turned out wrong and only shifted half of me so now i have ears and a tail!!!!!!!!!!!
but his eyes are already puppy-like and he’s just,,, so cute,,, that you have to bite back another squeal “fine i’ll come over after school and we’ll figure out an antidote”
so you find yourself back in mark’s bedroom, homework discarded somewhere on the floor
the two of you had both physical books and the internet opened to try and find a way to reverse the potion’s effects
jaemin interrupts w his own pair of pointy brown ears and a grin “mark i’m just letting you know that you now qualify for me and sicheng’s club for canines”
mark throws a book at him as he leaves, giggling
you turn to mark, “have you got canines like him?”
“like dog fangs,,, incisors,,”
mark’s like idk dude i don’t pay attention to my teeth
now you’re curious and aren’t going to get anything done until you know, so ofc you scoot over until you’re sitting right in front of mark like open your mouth and lemme see
mark grimaces but bares his teeth anyways so you can check them
“you do!! they look sharp!!”
you try to touch his teeth but mark holds your wrist back like what the heck are you doing???
but the two of you are super close
and mark is like lowkey sweating bc he’s never been this close to you physically and he lowkey wants to kiss you rn
like,,, a lot
bc he’s always sort of liked you and your curious nature and how you always encourage him to be the best he could be but he has no idea if you like him back
bc he can read tarot cards but he’s terrible at reading people
you aren’t tho thank goodness,,, and you know by the way mark is looking at you that he likes you too
so you lean in rlly close…
and press a kiss against his cheek before pulling back so quick it’s almost like it didn’t even happen
but mark is blushing so it most definitely did happen
and the both of you are flustered and neither of you wanna mention it so you’re just “okay, lets looks for this antidote!!!1!1!1!1!”
you two eventually find a potion that brews overnight
so you wouldn’t find out until the next morning if mark was back to normal or not
but you have to get home lol you have a curfew ofc
the next day at school tho,,,,, mark walks into the halls w no hat and no ears and he runs up and hugs you,,, in front of everyone!!!
and when he lets go of you he grabs your hand and blushes like extra red,,,, and he can’t look you in the eye so he just focuses on your entertained fingers
“hey,,, i rlly like you,,, and i was wondering if you would let me be your boyfriend???”
you don’t answer out of surprise so he frets nervous like “i promise it won’t be as bad as you think!!!”
and you kind of giggle and squeeze his hand back like “i would love too mark”
and as the two of you walk towards your first class you bump his shoulder with your own “I guess you could say this relationship is going to be magical”
“i can’t believe you just said that”
“regretting asking me out already, mark?”
he just shakes his head with a fond smile “never”
that is witch!mark!! i rlly like how this one turned out lol. part of my collab w @trickortaeil
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