#eldritch found family....
yakitori-queen · 4 months
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same old story
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absolutely-esme · 4 months
What do you mean he's not eldritch?
What if all of the members of the Bat Family other than Tim Drake were secretly eldritch abominations?
They all work very hard at pretending to be human, and they've even gotten pretty good at passing. They can even mostly avoid the uncanny valley when in their civilian identities. There was a heck of a learning curve, but they've gotten things figured out for the most part.
Enter: Tim Drake
Weird, poorly socialized, probably autistic Tim Drake
The Bats think they've encountered a fellow eldritch being in disguise, and one that seems like he could use some help blending in. Naturally, they're quick to welcome him into their fold. Jason is delighted to take his turn at being a big brother mentor.
It takes a comedically long time for anyone to realize something's up because there is an absurd amount of overlap between stuff you need to know for masking and stuff you need to know to pass as human.
Meanwhile, Tim is amazed that the Bats have apparently decided he's cool enough to hang out with. It's like something out of his daydreams. They even have good advice for him on problems he hadn't known how to ask about. They are so patient and understanding about it, too. They never get annoyed with him for not already knowing. They also seem to be okay with the bits of weirdness he can't change.
Just weird kid Tim getting bundled into an incredibly helpful and supportive found family of eldritch entities. They're all going to get a good grade in human-ing, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
I imagine the Bats are various different kinds of eldritch abominations because they're still adopted. They look wildly different when not in human form.
Bruce is a mass of... shadows? Smoke? Something dark and formless that shifts and flows in different ways depending on his mood.
Dick kind of looks like a pile of owls that is also somehow a single body.
Barbara is a spiral galaxy with stars that are also eyes somehow?
Jason is a solid-looking mass of muscle with six strong legs, a thick coat of shaggy hair, a mouth that opens much further along his body than it seems like it should, and even more teeth than you'd expect a mouth that size to have.
Stephanie Brown is kind of like an incredibly dense storm system with purple glitter.
Cassandra is a silhouette through which undiscovered nebulae can be seen. What she is a silhouette of depends on her mood.
Tim, they have only ever seen in his meticulously well-crafted human form. He's really good at that part even if he needed some help with the behavioral bits.
Damian is half human. Talia saw a mass of living darkness trying really hard to pretend to be a man and decided she was into that.
Dick: So, eye contact is actually pretty simple once you have the formula figured out. You need to cycle between looking at the other person and looking at something else at the appropriate frequency. If you look at them too much it will come across as staring. If you look away for too long they'll think you're not paying attention to them. You'll need to experiment to figure out the appropriate frequency.
Tim: *frets*
Jason: You don't have to look straight at their eyes, just in the general direction of their face.
Tim: Oh! I can do that!
I think Eldritch Bruce having history with the league of assassins in a markedly less inentional way than Canon would be funny. Like, you'd think an encounter between an eldritch abomination and a cult would be deliberate on someone's part, but no.
Bruce was still young and unskilled at differentiating between normal and abnormal human behavior.
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astriiformes · 1 year
Might actually cry a little bit (in a good way) - the new bill that just passed here in Minnesota granting paid medical leave to people caring for sick family members has such an intentionally expansive definition of "family" that biological and/or legal ties are not actually a prerequisite to qualify for the program. In fact, there's a portion of the bill that specifies anyone designated as family by the incapacitated party can receive the benefits.
Apparently this was done in part to make the policy as inclusive as possible of queer family structures and I am absolutely floored; as someone with a seriously chronically ill queerplatonic partner I worry a lot about my options as a primary caretaker, seeing as the fact that we are not legal partners bars us from so many other benefits, but the fact that this particular one would be inclusive of us (and poly partners, and single queer people with no ties to their biological family but close friends willing to help them out, etc) has given me more hope that may change someday than I think anything ever has.
This is how you do policy that benefits the entire queer community, including poly, ace, and aro folks for whom same-sex marriage has never offered the same legal rights (and plenty of other folks besides, like disabled people or people with terrible biological families -- you don't have to be LGBTQA+ for it to be a seriously important option). This is genuinely incredible. I was excited to see this pass even without knowing it would potentially apply to me, too, but now I'm a total grateful, emotional mess.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 224
Now Booster Gold would like it known he is Not father material, or even responsible adult material. That is Ted, and even then they seem to share a single braincell when they're in each others presence.
But again, NOT anything close to father material. Which he repeats to both himself and the eldritch Time Entity who just handed him what he Knows to be pretty much an unborn child of its species. look, he Knows about Realms Beings- Espranto was literally his first language like many others of his timeline- so he knows the inherent dangers.
But Somehow him becoming a time-cop of sorts has endeared him towards this primordial one, thankfully. Less thankfully, it has given him a whole-ass CHILD. A BABY. HIM. Of all people!
Ted he needs help, he doesn't know if this counts as mpreg or something and he's freaking out man!
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leapdayowo · 1 year
Goop!Wally au
Retrogression part 10.5/10
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A little bit extra :33
Part 1 | Previous page
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My dearest friend Len
Come frolick in the feilds of writing with me
(You got me back into writing stories tysm)
Clover! It would be my greatest honor to frolic in the writing fields with you <3
(Yes... Hahaha... Yesss >:])
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Peter is considered a pretty unusual example of a Lukas because of how friendly and chatty he can be, and he clearly didn’t learn that from his family... so what if he learned that from Simon? What if he met Simon as a kid and basically started emulating the way Simon speaks to people? Simon is really good at the whole ‘disarmingly friendly despite being a horror monster’ thing, and Peter had to learn that somewhere. 
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
*Slams fic down on your desk like an interrogator does a newspaper*
Absolutely phenomenal dp x dc fic. Awesome concept brilliant plot incredible execution. Pretty much The Single best supporting/mc oc I have ever encountered, such good characterisation, super interactions and relationships, we are healing and growing in this house tonight lads!!!!
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
Who wants me to write a fic where eldritch god turned historian Pixlriffs adopts isekai protagonist False-
*raises hand*
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wait whys M9 not a found family
Because they fucking suck at caring about each other in a genuine way when it calls for it
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ghoulster1 · 2 months
I am making a Monster High OC that I’m going to make friends with Jackson, because if that motherfucker can’t get his own found family, I’m gonna make it for him anyway, so her name is Delilah Eldridge
Oc lore
Delilah Eldridge, is about 2000 years old and is the new immortal offspring of the Eldridge that represents fear
She’s usually adorned in clown, make up and finding creative ways to do so reason why she adorns clan mean, come, because one of their parent represents fear, and she took inspiration from the fear of clowns
She doesn’t have that much of a good relationship with Eldridge that created her own due to the Eldridge, having more favour to her older siblings.
She is a fourth dimensional being, but then most of the time takes form as a human vessel that is flesh. Her true form is naturally compressed sensible to humans.
But due to her, not having a good relationship with her family, she had tended to travel through the different directions, and had stumble upon earth, and then enjoyed the time there to the point, where she created a new vessel to fit in within earth
She does not have many friends
This is what I have so far for her lore in, and I made up the Eldridge fear, because I didn’t Google, if these are actually in Eldridge that it was the purpose of Acacian of fear, but I made one up why because I can
So she’s basically an electric subspecies. She doesn’t know if her creator just created her, or if she was created by two bins back to plot point.
And she embodies a small specific part of her creators domain, which is fear which she takes it. When she’s in human form, the personification of clowns, she loves the clown makeup. She loves like alternative clown.
Kinda like the picture below
 So if anyone wants me to talk more about this original character and I am planning on making them. I don’t want her to be like a self interest for romance because I don’t like Jackson romantically I like his character so please this is not a self insert I’m just trying to give this person found family
I don’t even really ship Jackson with anyone, because the characters that I see aren’t really good enough for my character or in calendar with our relationship is is good, but something fucked it up(I’m talking about Frankie/Jackson/holt Situationship made me wanna vomit as a kid I hate love triangles I blame it on Disney) anyways thank you for listening to my TEDTalk 
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thecompany-if · 2 years
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-> Demo (TBA)
-> Character Appearances
-> Vibe Playlist
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"Work starts at 6 am and ends in 9 in the afternoon."
That's how it always went in The Company.
It's always chore to "hire" or "fire" Employees (anomalies), seeing that.
After coming back a mission that cost you your arm a few weeks ago and physical therapy, your boss decides to hand you a new task, an easier one, he says. The task is watching over a team of rowdy Junior Agents. Two are teenagers, respectfully 19 and 17 years old, and a pair of twin Employee Agents. You question why your boss demoted you to babysitter, but you've been instead thrusted into a situation where you have to "hire" or "fire" the increase of Employees that are spread around Burnwood.
Gods, you need coffee after this.
Make that two, after a literal angel comes down, declaring that your boss requested for her assistance. Does your boss think so little of you for not being able to handle four Agents under your wing. Well, with your lack of experience to guiding Juniors, then yes, yes he does. Just make sure not to get any of them killed on their first proper mission, because whether you like it or not, they're your responsibility now.
*Content Warnings will be updated when needed
The Company is an urban sci-fi, thriller, mystery, supernatural, and horror IF that is set in the modern age in the fictional country of Burnwood. This IF will have NO romance and mainly focuses on queer platonic love and found family tropes, and will be written in Twine. This IF is rated 18+ for heavy themes such as: heavy and descriptive gore (dismemberment, gutting, botched and unethical surgeries), violence, blood, killing, body horror, eldritch horror, heavy amount of Scopophobia (fear of being stared at), gun use, adult jokes, alcohol use, mentions and talks about death, bugs and insects
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Customize your agent—gender, hair, skin color, etc.!
Hone your skills as an agent—fancy techno guns are your friends in this workplace
Step up as a senior, mentor, role model, and as a parental figure
Don't get your Juniors killed for the love of the gods
Form bonds with everyone & make this dysfunctional family work
Keep The Company under wraps
Also try not to break your prosthetic. That thing's expensive to repair
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▷ Z.I.L Serio [19 || He/Him (FtM)]
One of the Juniors assigned to you. A young college student with an eyepatch that started working in The Company a few months ago for reasons he won't share. What's under his eyepatch is a mystery as well. Closed off, easy to anger, and a bit of a lone wolf, though a very great marksman.
▷ Thalia "Tally" Agbayani [17 || She/Her (Demigirl)]
The other Junior assigned to you. Self-declared younger sister of Zil, a senior highschool student that joined The Company with Zil. If you ask her why she joined she'll simply say, "Because it looked like fun". Loud, reckless, and a bit of a degenerate with all of the adult jokes and cursing, but knows how to quickly kill a target.
▷ Jeanette "Jane" Doe [20~25 || She/Her (Cis)]
One of the Employee Agents that's assigned to your team with her twin. Her appearance and age isn't the same to each person, which makes her a great scout and intel gatherer. Calm, stern, and a bit exasperated from the Juniors, she may come off as rude at times for her straightforwardness.
▷ Jonathan "John" Doe [20~25 || He/Him (Cis)]
Twin brother to Jane, and the other Employee Agent that's assigned to your team. Like Jane, John's appearance and age isn't the same to each person. A scout and intel gatherer as well, but more of the latter. Aloof, calm like Jane, and a bit of an introvert, he only talks to Jane and rarely anyone else.
▷ Ariel "Ari" Meir [??? || She/Her (Cis)]
The angel sent down from Zion to aid you in your missions. Called by your boss to assist you, you didn't expect this soft-hearted woman to be the General Archangel of Strength. Mellow, understanding, and a patient woman, just make sure you don't anger her or you'll most likely get impaled by her glaive.
▷ Zelek Gurin [??? || He/Him (Demiboy)]
Your boss. Reasons why he founded The Company is unknown, all you know is that he's a lower demon in the demon aristocracy in the Western regions of Gehenna. Always grumbling and mumbling, and posh, you sometimes wonder what kind of abilities does he have.
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▷ Dr. Athena Lanyon [27 || She/Her (MtF)]
One of the many medical doctors in The Company. A transfer from Bellhollow's branch alongside another staff member. You come to her when you need a check up, or to get patched up from a mission. Just for the love of the gods, don't touch her medical equipment. Just don't.
▷ Dr. Henry Jekyll [26 || He/Him (Cis)]
One of the researchers in The Company. A transfer from Bellhollow's branch with Dr. Lanyon. A bit of a mad scientist when doing experiments on foreign chemicals handed over from researchers and fellow agents. Also, that orange juice in a vial isn't orange juice. Don't drink it.
▷ Ellington "Elly" Roux [32 || (currently) They/Them (Genderfluid)]
Your team's assigned engineer. A generous provider of "the goods" aka guns, gadgets, and some miscellaneous things that you can request them to make for you. They're also the one responsible for making your prosthetic arm. How kind of them.
▷ Melise Papillon [28 || She/Her (Cis)]
A transfered therapist from the Rosedale branch. She's the same therapist who helped you get through your trauma of losing an arm. Now, she's back to help your team with theirs. Subdued, frank, and direct, there is always an air of something more underneath her professional façade.
▷ Lorraine Dennise [19 || She/Her (Cis)]
▷ Caspian Rothchild [33 || He/Him (Cis)]
A fellow Senior Agent from the Investigations Department. Always a complainer with his sunglasses on, but very good with his job. Laidback, calm, and a bit of a nihilist, you know you can rely on him to get much needed information in such a short span.
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absolutely-esme · 2 months
About the What do you mean he's not Eldritch au
So a while ago, I had this idea for an au.
Now I'm trying to decide between two primary routes the story could follow, if I end up writing it. I can't promise that I'll go with the poll results, or that I'll even write and post the story any time soon, but I'd still like to get some opinions on this (and maybe see if I'd have people to share a story with).
In one Alfred is a human who has no issue with rangling a family of Eldritch entities. In this case, he realizes that Tim is a weird human and not an Eldritch entity the first time he meets him. The Bats' misunderstanding resolves faster, and there are fewer instances of hilarity ensuing due to the misunderstanding.
It will probably also take a bit longer for them to get really close because, once they know he's human, the Bats try to be more careful with Tim and also stop offering advice on how to human properly (feeling a bit embarrassed about trying to tell a human how to act human). ...at least until further misunderstandings are resolved because Tim would dearly like to continue receiving advice on social interaction.
The relationships between the characters will have to overcome the Bats' fear of hurting or upsetting their human friend and both sides' fear of rejection.
There will be angst mixed in with the Crack and fluff. I don't know how much or little.
In the other route, Alfred is an eldritch entity too. He doesn't have the perspective to immediately clock Tim as human. The kids relax around each other and the Bat Family unreservedly welcomes Tim into their fold.
The Bats have no qualms loosening their human guises around their fellow eldritch entities and happily share inside jokes and advice with him. Tim is honored to be trusted with their secrets, allowed to share in parts of their life that they usually keep hidden, and happily shares his own experiences with them. They grow close quickly.
By the time the Bats learn that Tim is human, they've already established that they can be themselves with him and that the advice is appreciated and helpful (it also helps that the reveal comes with an explanation of what autism is).
There's more funny misunderstandings and fluff and less angst in this route.
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who-is-there · 7 months
Why do all the fics I write end up being about a character/s of unimaginable power being forced to share headspace with a snarky teenager.
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years
something about how phil and grian are both avians. theyre both bird people but there is such a difference there.
phil is an avian in the way he is one of the last of an ancient species, he has connections to the dark and the divine and he invokes fear. he is old and weary from the weight of the world and you know that if he so decides, you will not make it out of any given encounter alive
grian too is an avian in many of the same ways; intimately intertwined with higher power, a dying or indeed dead species, but he does not invoke fear. he invokes terror. phil is an avian and yes grian shares the same features but he is something other, he is not old, he is beyond time itself. you never know what will happen at his hands, you can never know if you will live or die upon encountering him
very much the same, but very, very different
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thescrapwitch · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Glorfindel & Maglor | Makalaurë, Elrond Peredhel & Maglor | Makalaurë, Aragorn | Estel & Elladan & Elrohir, Maglor | Makalaurë & Lindir Characters: Maglor | Makalaurë, Elrond Peredhel, Glorfindel (Tolkien), Elladan (Tolkien), Elrohir (Tolkien), Aragorn | Estel, Lindir (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Maglor Is A Cryptid, eldritch horror, Hurt/Comfort, Survivor Guilt, mild body horror, Found Family Series: Part 4 of Maglor is an Eldritch Horror Summary:
The days in Imladris are full of peace and warmth, but Glorfindel knows that such peace will not last forever. Change comes in the form of Estel, heir to Isildur's kingdom, and all the dark forces that are hunting after him. Luckily for the little mortal, his new foster family includes a protective eldritch-horror.
But there are powers worse than Sauron's hiding in the dark. And they remember Maglor.
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