#egg inky
deliciouseggclan · 4 months
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Moon 4 (finally)
While I loved giving the kittens some spotlight, I’m very excited for the next moons…
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frelynart · 1 year
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Cookies with Sera
I live for their friendship and roof time watching the sunset together 🫶
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gatitoguao · 10 months
fuck you solas. im romancing you again.
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inkydoc · 1 year
yes I did spend time watching the Gudetama Netflix thing and yes I did almost cry at the end
also being so lazy and carefree is honestly goals
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elvhendis · 2 years
Y’all make me wanna draw Solavellan but I suck so it’ll never get done or even started
But I love your art! 🥰
Asdfgsh THANK YOU!
But also nO! Bad anon! You don't suck but you also can't improve if you don't draw so go start drawing and have fun 🖤 Also there can never be enough Solavellan art out there we're all down baaaad
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princeofheartsarts · 2 months
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Here’s your inky for the day, happy Easter
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389 · 1 year
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'Bat and Dove', Mel Chin 2007 pigment, ink, egg yolk on paper 10 1/2 x 13 inches Airborne Holy symbols embrace/battle in an inky sky. https://melchin.org/
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Platonic Yandere Mutants
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“Can I help you with anything sir?”
Giving your typical customer server voice, you finished shelving the sauces and turned to the anthropod-mutant. The world has seen a resurgence of mutated humans that are just the same as any other human other than their more animalistic traits. A big part of the service-related industry was being able to handle the large, intimidating, and sometimes violent clientele.
“I’m so distraught…” The anthropodian looked just as he said with inky-black goo pouring from his black eyes. His quivering pupils were an amber-yellow, looking deep into your soul with lashes painted by his tears like mascara. 
He was arguably quite handsome if you could get past the staggering height of 244 centimeters, the three spider-like legs, and a lean torso connected to a larger abdomen. From a glance, it seemed that he was a spider-mutant but the folded wings on his large backside and the lack of mandibles or multiple eyes said otherwise. You didn’t know if it’d be polite to ask;  in the meantime, he continues. 
“Ever since the Spring the love of my life and I have been trying to fertilize our eggs Even our roommates attempted to help us make our children but to no avail. We went to the doctors and you know how few of them actually know how to treat mutants but that’s beside the point. They told us that we technically should be able to but for whatever reason we just can’t. We suspect that it might be because of the vaccine they recently brought mainstream. It’s just been so hard going through life without our own little bundle of joy.”
“Sir….this is a Matiscoes.”
He started crying again, putting his hands over his face, and you shot a nervous glance around, trying to spot another employee or nosy customer willing to intervene. No other customers were there and your coworkers that were weren’t interested in helping you whatsoever–only willing to offer a minor shrug.
“Is there anything you want here…to quell your grief.”
His crying seemed to cease or at least let up enough to fold his hands in front of him. He was smiling now and tilting his head. You copied the motion as you awaited his answer. 
“That’s why I came here today,” he started. “We’ve been watching you for a while now and we’ve decided you're going to be our new addition to the family!”
You blanched. 
“Uhm what–”
Faster than you could react strong grey hands grasped your shoulders, hugging you tight into his chest before holding you up high. In a way that only an anthropodian could do his backside’s wings opened up. Another layer, which looks like an exoskeleton, pulls back to reveal a gooey compartment. Barely able to let out a yelp as he unceremoniously dropped you into the compartment. 
The feeling of the compartment’s innards was soft and fleshy complimented by what had to be gallons of viscous slime that coated its sides and bottom. You saw your coworkers first–all of them either preparing to scream or reaching out as if to pull you out. Opening your mouth to call for them you found yourself choking on the chunky liquid, as you reached out. It was then you felt a hand on your head pushing down as the exoskeletal layer closed over you. 
It was a mostly transparent screen with tinges of gray that matched the skin tone of the mutant who had grabbed you. Next were the wings which folded over sealing you within the blackness of the compartment and forcing you to curl into yourself. You tried to hold your breath but when your lungs couldn’t take it, you resigned yourself to suffocate within the goop and complete darkness. Come to find you somehow could…breath just fine? You wanted to dwell on it, to question what this was but you found yourself unable to register much in the darkness of the cavern. Or even registering yourself as you felt your eyes close and your body relax.
All you knew was that the muffled yells were nothing but white noise to fall asleep to.
“You look happy today? Was it lunch?” 
Granger, the harpy, was preening his navy blue and magenta feathers when the anthropodian mutant happily strolled in. Picking up on the faint scent of metal, he deduced that his roommates had treated themselves again. 
He didn’t mind it really. 
After all, he had his own specific tastes.
But as much as they were his roommates, they were the closest thing he had to friends. And seeing a smile on your recently mopey friend's face was a good enough sign. The reason he felt like asking was the blacker tint of a blush on his gray cheeks as he lightly scurried by. 
“I did have a good lunch today but I got something better!”
“What is it?”
The anthropodian let out a coy giggle, winking as he made his way out of the mansion to the den he’d recently been crying in. While Granger didn’t pride himself on being emotionally intelligent he wasn’t as stupid as others expected. 
Something definitely happened.
And maybe the landlord might want to know about it. 
Sending the text swiftly, he tucked his phone away at the silent entrance of his other roommate. She held a mass of webs in her human-like arms along with a larger web sack strung over her shoulder and strapped against her back. The drider didn’t even bother to let one of her eight eyes even glance at him as she skillfully strode along the ceiling.
The harpy tilted his head up almost leaning completely on the chair to watch her make her way to the kitchen. 
“So I hear you two went out to lunch.”
“We did.”
“Are those the only leftovers? And I took you for the saving type.”
She didn’t say anything for a while instead opening the fridge to store what she had wrapped. For a moment, Granger thought she was ignoring him but then she spoke up. 
“I sent the real leftovers up to the den in the minecart. This food I retrieved is for…Harley.”
Granger made a face.
“Does Harley have a sudden interest in normie food?”
“You could say that…point being don’t eat any of this.”
“Ugh you know I won’t.”
“I mean it, Granger, if you eat this you will know the wrath of Harley.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.”
She blinked all eight of her eyes indignantly before scurrying away. 
Everyone was acting so weird. Granger felt excluded from whatever was going it’d stop when Quintin got home.
“Sire here are the final reports of this week’s averages.”
“Thank you. Make sure the office party ends well I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Of course sire. Have a nice evening.”
Walking out of the meeting room turned party venue, he drew the eyes of everyone there. Curious staring and admirable gazes alike followed him all the way to his office, giving him a temporary reprieve from the constant attention. The albino looked like any other of his employees, other than his strikingly white hair, pale face, red eyes, and the matching snake tail sprouting from his lower back. 
He too despite his upper appearance, was a mutant. Though more accepted for his resemblance to basic humans, Quintin still received a mix of reactions for his noticeable difference. Balancing the disgusted reactions for who the mutant he was along with the odd fascination for his mutant extremity made his success a winding road. Filled with pain, abuse, and constant questions of his own existence. 
But he was here and now he was a mogul among mutants and humans alike. 
He kept an open mind as he learned of new things, different curve balls, and spotty trends. His openness allowed for flexibility that let him navigate his industry. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like plans. As much as he practiced being open, routine was vital to his level-headedness. 
Specifically with things regarding home. So a text from the unruly tenant and friend made him remarkably tense. 
<Hey so Harley and Mar-Mar are acting weird…>
<I guess something went down at lunch>
Harley and Margot must have gone on one of their little excursions again.
Quintin had a sneaking suspicion as to what it may be but he had to be sure. Considering Harley was dealing with their infertility without too many distractions he could see why he’d go do something extreme. Tapping the password he retyped so often, the familiar security camera configuration popped up.
His eyebrow twitched, his claws scraped the underside of his desk, and his tail angrily whipped around. Finding nothing but the small movements of a cat on one of the cameras the subject for those cameras was nowhere to be found.
Through gritted teeth and a hiss on the tip of his tongue, Quintin cursed, “Harley!”
He hurried home without his typical unaffected air about him but no one bothered him let alone said goodbye. They knew better than to do so. Signalling his chauffeur to quickly head home he tried to calm the anger rising from within. 
The drive felt longer than usual because his mind was in near disarray. He kept it together, calmly undoing his tie and hanging his suit jacket up as he walked up the steep path to the mansion. He planned to quickly change out of his work clothes, with his partner being so privy to the faint scents of his coworkers. 
“Quintin! There you are! What’s up?”
Dodging a feathered hug, he shot him a scornful look shutting down the playful greeting of Granger. Passing him with burning vigor, he made his way through the mansion finding his practically untouched suite. He changed into the relaxing and more comfortable poet shirt and leather pants before sprinting up the mount.
He sent a passing glance at the displaced mine carts. They had been moved recently, which matches up with Granger’s inclusion of Margot. She happened to be the one who suggested moving furniture and delivering food to Harley’s den when he first began to nest. Only confirming his suspicions he ran at speeds invisible to the human eye. Despite looking so similar to them he was wired completely different 
With no need to catch his breath, he strode past the various webbing around the mouth of the cave. For someone who claimed to be celibate Margot was heavily invested and involved throughout their fertility journey. Going so far as to insulate and effectively monitor the cave with Harley in it. Of course, it remained to be seen if this was helpful or not. 
He walked farther, attempting not to trigger the connection of webs that alerted neither Harley nor Margot. Eventually, the webbing stopped and the cave split into tunnels. He already knew where the latest nest was based on scent alone. After navigating the various paths to the entry of an even smaller cave was where he found Harley. 
It was a smaller cavern with a slow but moving body of water with a generator powering the off-hand appliances, and heating panels pointed downwards. A little ways from them in a widely dug hole was the nest, a collection of blankets and pillows that he excitedly went shopping for not too long ago. And so was Harley happily tidying up and poking at the pillows infusing them with his blood and plasma.
His smiling gray face turned to look at him with a black blush he could tell had been there for a while. 
“Quintin! I’m so glad you’re here we’re almost ready.”
“W-what, aren’t you happy?”
“I told you to wait. To wait until we were both ready.”
The anthropod made a face. 
“But I was ready. My body said it was time so I just–”
He continued to quietly justify himself as Quintin let his mind drift. This was a common conversation throughout their journey. While his snake heritage was always known to him and the behaviors connected with it the same could never be said about Harley. All they knew was that he was connected to the anthropod type in some way. Other than that it was a guessing game. More often than not they just had to rely on whatever feeling Harley was focused on hoping it’d be akin to a birthing instinct. 
It was exhausting. 
But Quintin loves Harley.
So he’d put up with that, during their latest attempt–surrogacy–he met someone who kindled the paternal instincts in him like none before. It was during an interview for an assistant intern that he happened to be watching that he’d found them. 
A human. 
An awkward one.
That was just trying to make their way in the world.
Never before had he wanted to stow anyone away except for Harley. So young. So weak+ So unachieved. Maybe it was the way you spoke, what answers were firm and not, the way your eyes checked yourself in the mirror provided. Whatever it was it solidified it for him, if this next attempt didn’t work out then he wouldn’t mind adoption. Granted you weren’t a child or a teen but barely an adult he wanted nothing more than to coddle and spoil. 
So after stringing them along a few other interviews, he rejected their application. Keeping the template-based resume and taking the vital information to do an extensive background check. It was a great distraction setting up the cameras in your home and guiding your job search to a crooked grocery store. So of course the sorrow of another avenue closing was painful but it just gave him an excuse to have a routine—-to be calm. To sync his routine with yours; watching your daily life allowing him to scold you through the screen. 
It wouldn’t be long before Harley caught wind of his turned attention, eventually scoping out his secret pastime. Quintin was worried originally, while he had the financial power Harley was just an unstoppable unit if pushed hard enough. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d made meals out of coworkers he deemed too close. But much to Quintin’s surprise, it became the newest vice for Harley’s sadness.
“When can we? I want them home soon!” 
“We need to wait…give it time then we’ll slowly reel them in.”
It was the wise way to bring their baby in. Slowly gain their trust, earn their friendship, and eventually become the parents that could be without explicitly saying it. It was a long game but it’d be worth it as they got the payout all without immense force or bringing stress.
“-it’s just that they’re getting older and we’re going to miss out! I wasn’t trying to-”
“I understand.”
“I get why. It’s fine. We’ll make this work.”
“Oh well, I’m glad you see it my way!”
How shameless.
Harley bent down to give him a light peck before happily turning away. Continuing to arrange and rearrange the nesting area. Surely there wasn’t much else that could be done, other than maybe customizing it with a few things from their baby’s shoddy shack they called home. But not too much. He could only hope your favorite things weren’t infected with whatever vermin surely lived in the rundown place he had (his staff) those cameras planted in. On that topic, he made a mental note to pick up the little creature he saw running nervously around there. Surely bringing it back home would help their baby acclimate. Speaking of them…
“Where are they by the way?”
With a small smile and a flutter of Harley’s wings, he already knew. Quintin couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of his nose.
“How did I know…anyway Harls are you going to release them soon?”
“But they’re so cozy and quiet in here!”
“I was going to but what better way to get close to each other?!”
“Harls. Most humans already are frightened by our appearance, let alone the inner workings of us mutants…they aren’t going to respond to your…” He sent a worried look to the anthropodian’s behind. “Affection all that well.”
“I know that! All babies are fussy, especially when they haven’t been with us for too long.”
Quintin decided to dismiss the jump in logic. Harley sighed before picking a place among the pillows to settle down in. With a pout on his lips, his wings flapped up and the final layer of his protective pouch pulled back. 
There you were, sleeping in the fetal position and submerged in the yellow fluids of Harley’s design. Soothed by the sounds of your light breathing Quintin took a minute to admire you before scooping you up in his arms. Not bothered by the residue soaking through his shirt, he settled you down on one of the many propped-up pillows. Making sure to support your head as he held you tight. He lightly rocked you noting you were still wearing your work uniform. He held back a sigh and sent a look to his partner who had finished closing his pouch and had turned to sit against his side. 
“What? We figured we’d get lunch along the way.”
“Did they see?”
“Nope! And if you want we have leftovers!”
“ I smelt so and…maybe if the manager is among them.”
“Hmm you’ll have to ask Margot, she’s already wrapped them up.”
“U-u-uhm what is going on?!”
When you woke up, you first remember how hard it was to open your eyes. Not only because the desire to sleep wasn’t constantly plaguing your brain but because something had glued your lashes together. It took over five attempts to blink your eyes open. 
Your lips had the same problem, you’d have to try to open them too. 
What was this taste in your mouth?! 
It was remarkably blurry. Like round spots of color barely moving blurry. But your eyes would adjust like all your other senses, including your ears which seemed to have been clogged but were slowly becoming clear.
Both those voices sounded so familiar one more so than the other. Coupled with the oddly chilly hand weight of a hand supporting your back, which seemed to lightly bob you up and down. The voices of the ones above you became clearer, talking about something you couldn’t grasp.
“Uhm, what’s going on?!”
It came out before you could register your mouth moved at all. It only made you regret it when they both turned to you with such wide eyes; almost like a feline’s glare when it came to hunting. 
The gray man gave a fanged smile, “Hi baby, good morning! Did you have a nice rest?”
You felt the urge to scream only able to hone in on the glowing yellow pupils and the sharpened teeth coming closer to you. The paler face, a much more human-like face tutted the threatening being. Pulling you to sit on their lap, letting you eye the incredibly dark cavern that you were in before covering your eyes with a pale hand. 
Eyes covered, you could only guess it was a muscular arm wrapping around your waist. Hushing in your ear and a hand attempting to soothe you by rubbing the side of your upper arm. It helped…a little.
“(Y/n), relax for me. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out.”
You followed the man’s instructions to fight the urge to let out a shuddered breath. You could feel your tears dampen the hand over your eyes. He repeated the same instructions to you, waiting for your breath to even out before trying to speak to you.
“(Y/n) some things are going to be different now.”
“What do you mean by that? How do you know my name? Where am—”
Shushing you again the voice calmly continued,” I am Quintin and the anthropod you met before is Harley. We’ll be your guardians from now on.”
“What?! Guardians?! But I’m an adult I don’t need any–guardians!”
The voice seemed to pause, almost offended by your denial. The arm around you—that felt like it didn’t have joints–tightened around you in a vice grip.
“We are your guardians from now on (Y/n)...now would you like to see or would you like a blindfold?”
Now it was your turn to be silent. Debating with yourself on what would bring the most comfort in the stress full time.
On one hand, if they were going to torture you or force you to undergo some horrific experiments or something the blindfold would be better.
On the other hand, having your sight lets you see where you can escape and see what you’re up against. 
Well, the answer is obvious, right?
“I want the blindfold off.”
“Okay, but if you misbehave it’s going right back.”
You ignored the warning as your dim surroundings were revealed. Blinking away the blurred specks in your eyes it revealed the familiar face from the store. Your expression must’ve shown your realization because the mutant spoke.
“Hi, sweet pea! We did officially meet in the store but I’ll have you know I’ve been wanting you home with us for a long time!”
You grimace, “You were stalking me?” 
His expression became downcast before he shook his head. 
“Stalking is for hunting, sweetie. We’ll have to go over everything you know about hunting if that’s what you’ve been taught. Stupid humans if that’s what they're teaching we’ll have to reteach you everything!”
“I’m human!”
He swoons before pinching your cheeks and cuddling his face against yours. “I know but you’re our human! And that makes you better than all of them.”
You felt disgusted. While there were tensions with the mutants it was mostly through those rioting and promoting discrimination. Those same rioters tended to look down on the other race, saying things just like that. It disturbed you. 
“Humans aren’t stupid!”
“(Y/n).” Quintin warned. You didn’t listen.
“Have you ever considered that our strengths aren’t in our physical strengths alone? “
“(Y/n), please.”
“Now, angel watch your tone! You won’t speak to your father and I like that.”
“I’m going to say something if you’re looking down on people.”
“I look down on them because that’s nature, darling. Just because it’s the way the world works doesn’t mean you need to misbehave.”
“I’m not misbehaving! I’m stating my opinion!”
“Maybe you’re opinion isn’t wanted.”
“Then maybe you should’ve gotten some underdeveloped child!”
“Grrr. That’s it, I’m putting you in time out.”
Repeating the same actions as he did at the store, you tried your best to struggle this time. Scratching and squirming did nothing to stop your route to the opened exoskeleton compartment. Harley only stopped at Quintin’s hand on his chest.
“But honey they—”
“Are adjusting we have to give them time to learn their surroundings. To get to know us.”
“But Quin!”
With a sigh, he set you down again. Angrily crossing his arms Harley watched you scramble away, sending a look towards Quintin who closed the distance between you. Finally seeing his face as he came to kneel in front of you. His skin was pale, a smooth off-white that could barely be distinguished from his hair. His eyes were like crimson pearls with slitted pupils gazing deeply into your own. 
“(Y/n), I know a lot of things are changing for you,” he kept stepping closer to you; minding how your back had reached the wall of the crater. He continued to step close to you, holding his hands up when you flinched. “And there’s a lot to learn so I’ll make it easier for you.
You felt something slither between your back and the wall pulling you closer to Quintin as he reached into his pocket. Now it hit you that the albino had a tail sprouting from his behind, that easily held you tight as a blindfold was tied over your face. Naturally, you reached your hands up to analyze it only for those oddly warm and chilled hands to wrap something soft around your wrists.
“Wait did you–”
“I did.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, stopping when you felt the slicing of the air near your ear. Barely sensing the breath, you gathered that Quentin was hugging you and prepared to whisper.
“Don’t upset him. Otherwise, he’ll keep you in that pouch forever.”
“But what if–”
“He’s emotional, you won’t be able to reason with him.” He paused, internally enjoying the defeated look on your face. Taking advantage of your hesitance he set your head to rest on his shoulder. “I’ll always come back for you. When I do I can reason with him so hang tight for me, okay?”
He felt your lips wobble and the small drips against his shoulder. He tightened his hug, relishing the clinging of your cuffed hands against his shirt. 
He tried again,” Can you do that, (Y/n)? Let him baby you, just for a little bit?”
“I’m already so proud.”
He pulls away, delightfully having to unlatch your fingers from him. He fights the smile that threatens to spread as he begins walking back to Harley. The anthropodian mutant glared at him with an angry dark blush on his face. His wings occasionally and angrily fluttered as Quintin came closer. Holding his gray cheeks in place, the snake prodded his tongue against Harley’s lips. Pushing past the barrier Quintin enjoyed the warmth of Harley’s mouth diving deeper until he was met with a reciprocated stroke. Before they got carried away, they pulled away each licking off the translucent purple saliva that hung on their lips. 
“Be forgiving Harley, they’re really scared.”
Harley clung to his love’s shirt, peering over his shoulder at the helpless human who curiously turned their head.
“But what if I’m scared too, Quintin? What if they get away from us, like the last ones?” 
“They won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
Amber eyes looked nervously into Quintin’s eyes before letting a smile stretch across his face. Harley took his time placing another kiss on the albino’s lips, stepping around him as he made his way to the human. 
“Then hurry back, I think we’ll both be looking forward to our first meal–as a family!”
Quintin smiled casually jumping out of the crater; smiling widely as watched Harley scoop you up with care. This time lightly running his nose along your head as he spoke, probably apologizing. 
The snake mutant made his way back to the mansion, not only planning to begin moving your things but also grabbing the food Margot brought especially for his baby. He had to calm himself when he found his tail unconsciously striking the trees around him. Chastizing himself, he didn’t want to knock all the trees down, he’s sure you’d love climbing them. 
“Oh right. We’ll have to talk with others, I bet they're dying to meet you.”
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luvlyhyunjin · 22 days
Carousel┃H.HJ SMAU
Fifty-Nine- this happens once every few lifetimes.
(a/n: she's here and she's finally yours. thank you for waiting and enjoy <3)
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“You look pretty hot right now,” you tease, a similar breath of sarcasm colors the tilt of your lips into a smile. A sparkle taking its place right into your gaze that settles on the back of Hyunjin’s figure. Arms crossed on your chest as you learn on the doorframe of your kitchen. He turns to look back at you, your hello kitty headband pushes the strands of his inky hair back, it has your smile growing into an even prettier display of your emotions.
“I’m glad one of us is having fun at least.” He fights the urge to roll his eyes but it is deemed difficult when he ends up doing it anyways.
Resuming the task of scrubbing your dishes clean. It has been on his mind ever since he walked into your apartment last night. Too busy comforting the pain that has settled in your chest and wiping your tears for you he only got to finally do them this morning. Had been awake an hour earlier than you, he took it upon himself to pick up the few scattered clothes of yours. After cooking you a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. He finds himself in front of your kitchen sink, your headband in his hair and your pink dishwashing gloves covering his hands.
“I told you; you don’t have to do them.”
“Yeah? and wait for you to be eaten by a giant parasite that has formed on your mountain of dishes?”
“That’s not gonna happen Hyunjin,” you reply, a soft chuckle of yours that has his chest warming up with affection.
“Better safe than sorry baby.”
You feel warmth courses through your insides at his endearment for you. at his acts for you.  It’s overwhelming. almost big enough to cover up the blue that has taken place on your heart. It has your feet following a too familiar route that leads to him. You find a rare comfort in the fact that you don’t need to fight it this time, you don’t need to hold yourself back from longing for him and so you follow, blindly and overtaken by fondness for this man. You wrap your arms around his waist hoping to have this same fondness dripping from your fingertips and into his skin. Hoping to have this buzzing comfort that settled in you just from hugging him to last, for evermore.
Hyunjin stills for no more than a second, the feeling of your alive body against his has his heart picking speed as if he’s running down a track field but he’s not, he doesn’t need to be aching to get to you anymore. He has you. in the amidst of his pain it’s more than a little flicker of succour to have you.
“You okay, princess?” he inquires, and you hum against his neck, placing a soft brush of a kiss there.
“’m okay. Just feeling thankful for you.”
“For me?” There’s a faint joy coloring his tone and you squeeze him tighter.
“Always for you. thank you for taking care of me honey.”
“it’s what I do best.” He grins, turning to wrap his arms around your waist after turning off the running water and taking off his gloves. He places a kiss atop your nose, and you giggle, caught off guard by the unexpected tenderness of his gesture.
“I know you’re sad too. So, the fact that you still took care of me despite everything means a lot to me.” one of your hands curls in his dark hair, doused in comfort.
“Having you next to me is enough for my sadness to vanish.”
When your eyes lock you stop thinking entirely, you forget the ache in your chest and instead you’re losing yourself in him. his gaze never wavering from yours and it has your heart hammering against your chest. As if falling in love for the first time you wonder how is it possible. For the world to still and stop spinning just to glance at the sparkles in his eyes. it should feel unfair for him to exist right at same time as you. or were you simply lucky enough to be here? Right between his embrace and his loving fingers that trace over your brows, under your eyes and atop your cupid bow.
“Having you next to me is enough comfort for my aching heart. You numb my pain.” Your mind almost laughs mockingly at you, at the way he manages to steal your words before you even utter them.
A different ache nestles itself upon you, in a differently painful way. It’s the way it is for him. A dalliance of your desires against his cheekbones has him closing his eyes and you lean in. with unsaid want etched on your lips when you place them on his. You hope to set free all the trapped words in you, you hope they reach him, and you hope they are meticulously engraved onto his heart. The same way his words are engraved onto yours. You hope for his heart to keep answering yours in the same way it does now.
Your moment is interrupted by the sound of your doorbell ringing. You and Hyunjin share a confused look “were you expecting anyone?” he asks, untangling himself from you and heads for the door. You shake your head, following close by.
Both of you blink in surprise when you’re welcomed by the sight of Felix, Wooyoung and Yeji right outside of your door. Bags of what seem to be junk food in their hands.
“Surprise!” Wooyoung speaks first with an overly loud whistle.
“I thought I told you we’re not doing the whistle thing, woo.” Felix sighs rubbing the space between his eyebrows.
“Fuck you, you don’t control me.” Wooyoung retorts and you can’t help the amused giggle you let out.
“What are you guys doing here?” Hyunjin asks with a raised brow.
“We thought we all need a little cheering up so we’re here.” Wooyoung declares, walking past you and Felix follows with an eyeroll. When it’s just Yeji, she lingers by the door. Fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’m here too?”
“Oh! Not at all. Please come in.” you reply with a forced tilt of your lips, peeking over your awkwardness.
And that’s how your night passes by, almost in a blur with happiness and laughter. It all started with you five watching movies and somehow ended with you singing karaoke songs. Empty bottles of beer and bags of chips circle you in the living room. Your sadness is momentarily forgotten in between the funny stories Felix spills and the awful acting of Wooyoung as he tells you about his favorite scene from harry potter. It all ends with Hyunjin leaving to buy cigarettes, Wooyoung and Felix dozing off on your couch and you’re in your room grabbing blankets for them. It’s when Yeji finds you. An awkward smile on her face as she knocks on your open door to capture your attention.
“Just wanted to tell you I’ll be leaving. It’s gotten late.” She says and you pauses with pillows between your arms. The same awkwardness crawls onto your features.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna stay over as well?”
“Oh I don’t wanna intrude.”
“You’re not. I’m sure Hyunjin would appreciate you staying as well.” You reassure with a smile that she returns almost right away.
“I am too lazy to drive back home honestly.” She goes to silently take the blankets from between your arms and you throw her a thankful nod.
“I’m sorry about the whole Yuna thing. It’s still so crazy that it was her all along.” She speaks again when you have walked into your bathroom to rummage in your cabinet for a spare toothbrush. A twinge of pain strikes at your heart at the mention of her name, and you barely manage to hold yourself together.
“It’s okay.” You say, barely audible enough. Followed by you clearing your throat. You force a smile when you face her “part of me thinks it’s karma for what I did to you.” you attempt to joke, a strained chuckle and yet it comes out dry.
It hangs in the air when Yeji’s eyes soften in something so akin to pity you wish to shrink into.
“I’d be really sad if that was the case.” She replies with raw honesty that has you looking away, scratching at your elbow awkwardly.
“Why? You don’t think I deserve it?”
Yeji is silent for a few seconds; it ticks by slowly and you feel it weigh down on your heart. Adding even bigger weights of despondency on your shoulders and you’re weak, broken down so easily it’s the only real thing in this fable existence of you.
“I don’t know how to answer that, but I do know I never want you to suffer because of me.”  
When you look at her, she smiles, raw and candid. Pushing you into a corner with how honest she is. You don’t think you’ve ever met anyone who displays their emotions so shamelessly that you once again find yourself growing jealous. Yearning to be someone that isn’t anywhere close to you.
“You’re so kind.” The words escape you before you can stop them, Yeji’s eyes widen slightly with surprise and you nervously chuckle “I just wonder how you are this kind.” You push past her, walking back into your room to grab a different pillow for her this time and she follows blunderingly “I guess I wish I was more like you that’s why it amazes me every time.” You continue, a faux lightness laces your voice.
Yeji’s hands are on yours, halting your movement to capture your wandering attention and you yield to it. Your eyes flit between hers and her hand.
“Why do you think you’re not kind?”
“I don’t think someone kind would do what I did to you.” you whisper, your voice breaks at the end and despite your promises to forgive yourself, you find yourself drowning in similar hatred instead. The same black eyes that stare at you in the mirror are constantly haunting you. reminding you of how awful you are to even be breathing.
“There is some truth to that, but you can learn to be kinder every day. Even kind people can make mistakes.” She says, and something about her tone indicates that she isn’t saying this just to comfort you. but it is like a known fact that she delivers to you instead. You welcome it pathetically, wishing to at least be worthy to take it.
Your words betray you, leaving you silent until you’re downstairs and showing her the guestroom. You’re about to leave when you still in your steps. The darkness aids the blush creeping up your neck when you ask.
“How do you do it?” You don’t need to specify what you mean, the smile growing on her face tells you she understands.
“The world has enough hatred as it. I don’t wanna add more to that.” Her words follow you for a few more days, it keeps you awake just a few extra minutes at night like a revolution. You didn’t know you didn’t need to be losing parts of you to be something bigger than your anger.
There’s relief in believing in simpler things, in knowing you also can be freed from the cages of cruelty. That perhaps if you couldn't die completely satisfied with you, you could allow yourself to leave warmed by the thought of who you tried to be. It is to leave with scabs adoring your hands because you tried rather than hideous claws drenched in blood that isn't yours.
Amidst the mess you find yourself in somehow you manage to find relief right by the corner.
“How was it?” Hyunjin asks as soon as you’re out of your therapist’s office. Your reddening nose and the growing puffiness under your eyes are enough evidence for him not wait for your answer.
Instead, he pulls you closer to him. Closing the very small distance between you two, away from the coldness of your blues and into the warmth of his. It envelopes you as his palms cup your heated cheeks. A soft empathy colors his eyes and he drinks you in, fliting across your beauty that cannot be drowned by a couple of tears. The brush of his thumbs under your eyes has you letting out a shuddering breath.
“I’m sorry. We talked about yuna and I guess everything just hit me again.” You explain, shaky and vulnerable, your ragged breath eludes against each word.
“It’s okay. No need to apologize, angel.” His quieted whispers are akin to still waters, just under the burning sun of summer. It’s profuse in warmth, affable. And you jump right in.
“I feel like a mess.” you mumble, resting your forehead against his shoulder. And his palm is now on your back, rubbing soothing circles on it. The jumbled-up thoughts in your head seem to settle one by one. Falling back into a comforting song that follow the rhythm of his hand. It’s tender and nothing like the windy weather outside.
“It’s okay to be a mess sometimes.”
“I feel like a mess all the time though.”
“Mhm. You know I love taking care of this mess.” he remarks casually. Catching your eyes when you turn to look at him. He smiles at you, a rare innocence clings to his lips, in the light swimming in his eyes and it feels like a raw display of unyielding affection for you.
Rather than a monster who destroys everything it touches, rather than a selfish being who takes, takes and takes. Swallows everything in sight you feel more like a flower that’s coming back to life. Saturated so generously with his feelings. It’s in the way he looks at you, lenient enough to have you melting between his embrace and your ever-growing emotions and intense enough to constantly ensnare your attention.
“What?” he asks with a breathless chuckle when your eyes linger on his. Overtaken by the beauty of you, only amplified by the deepening of your gaze. It’s only ever for him and it’s a trophy he will flaunt proudly.
“I love you.” you tell him, in the busy waiting room and in the amidst of the seemingly endless chatter of the people around you, you tell him.
He feels oxygen flee from his being, leaving him nothing but a mere soul that is yearning for you, unable to do anything but gaze at you. Your eyes take him back to when he was a teenager, pulled together by chaos and a rather immense need to belong somewhere. To someone. And right now, it all falls in place. He’s no longer waiting by the door, no longer cutting edges to maybe catch a flicker of you someday. By contrast he’s here, next to you and entangled with you. You’re mixing with the blood running through his veins. His partiality for you takes over every particle in his body. They morph into fragments of you and Hyunjin never had a choice. From the moment your name had stumbled from your pretty lips into his heart. Taking space, inflating and then it was only you.
He's finally home.
“I love you, always.” he tells you too and you smile.
You leave feeling much lighter, your sadness stolen by the hands of Hyunjin, and you only think about where does he take them when he’s driving in your car and his palm is sprawled on your thigh. Its tenderness courses through your body. Almost has you falling asleep if you didn’t notice the route you’re taking isn’t too familiar.
“Are we not going home?” you ask, your fingers finding realm within the spaces between his.
“I wanna take you somewhere first.” He winks at you, a glint surrounding his piercing eyes and so you only nod.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that he ends up taking you to the beach, yet you’re still overtaken by happiness as if coming home after a long tiresome day. When Hyunjin helps you of the car, his hand on the small of your back and you shiver. Due to frigid air and him being so close to you.
“Babe it’s so cold.” You whine, a pout forming on your lips, and he’s weakened by it. Leaning down to place a peck there. Your gasp hangs in the air and he only smirks at the darkening color of your cheeks.
“Shh, I know I got you.” He takes your hand in his and you bury your burning face in your scarf.
You spend your afternoon there, poorly executed jokes thrown at each other, followed by a recalling of your old high school days then eventually it ends up in a heated discussion because he insists that I didn’t start crushing on you right away! No way I did!. Ending with messy kisses that last a tad too long for it to be deemed pure. setting ablaze your entire body with the fervent touch of his hands. They’re everywhere yet nowhere close enough when they tighten around your hips.
By the time the sun sets you’re breathless with need. Aching for him and in between every shade, pink arises coloring his eyes and swirling with the whispers of love you told to him this morning. They’re almost as pretty as the colors of sunset, if anything is close to compare anyways. The sound of waves almost resembles the beats of your hearts combined. As if they’re happy their favorite couple is back.
“You’re not proposing to me, are you?” you joke when he stills, his hands engulfing yours. He blinks and you almost choke on your own spit.
“Are you?”
“No no,” he shakes his head with a choked laugh “but I kinda wish I was.”
“Don’t say crazy things.”
“I thought we got over the fact that I’m crazy about you.” You go to hit his shoulder with your freed hand, and he holds it before it makes contact with his body. A charming smile adorns his face “Besides, how is it crazy if we’re gonna end up married someday anyways.” When his fingers graze your knuckles, you grow quiet only because you know it’s true.
“Do you remember what you told me last time we were here?”
“I said a lot of shit.” You mumble, the distance between you two growing smaller and smaller and then you’re wrapping your arms around his neck. You’re close enough for him to behold the adoration you hold for him.
“You told me you want to die next to me.”
“I meant it.” You reply immediately. Easily.
“I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I’ve been thinking about everything you ever said to me on this same beach.” His gaze moves languidly across your features “there’s a lot of stuff I want to say to you, but they all feel worthless compared to the way you look at me. I’m afraid of being unfair.” he says earnestly, and you drink every word as if you were on the verge of dying out of thirst.
“Nothing you ever say is worthless to me. please tell me.” he pauses for a minute. His words faltering at the beauty of you.
“I’m so thankful you never gave up on us angel. I’m thankful I got the pleasure to fall in love with every bit of you, it’s always been you. and I always knew it but thank you for reminding me. Thank you for choosing to love the very foolish and stupid kid back then. Thank you for choosing to love me again.” Your vision turns blurry with tears, building overwhelmingly fast alongside the tightening of your throat. It resembles your feelings for him with how quick they come, how stubborn they are with leaving.
“I’d never dreamed of meeting somebody like you, but it is my reality, we’re here. It’s you and I so thank you for helping me find my home.”
Your sobs escape you forcefully, not in pain or sorrow but in a rather unfamiliar gentleness. Unknown to you but it isn’t something you can’t grow accustomed to. You realize the invisible string you felt around your ankle was not holding you back after all. Perhaps it was leading you back to him all along. And if you’ve been asleep for what feels like decades you have finally awaken.
It’s you and I .
“I feel like my soul has loved you since the beginning of time so in my next life I want to be me again just so I can meet you.” he smiles as if you’re anything akin to the light emanating from him. In the way his lips move across your cheeks, kissing your salty tears away. It’s sugary sweet like honey, like peaches and it’s so warm. Almost indistinguishable from your sixteenth summer.
“Thank you for not giving up on me, Hyunjin.” Your voice is soft enough for your words to be stolen away by the wind, however he’s only ever known to be selfish, so he takes them. Saves them in the pockets of his heart. As his lips captures yours, his love spills into you, mixing with yours and you know it too. As if the younger version of you two are watching over you, somewhere in the stars and they’re chanting. Cheering.
Because the story never ended, it was alive all along. In the stars and in the waves. It’s in the water, in the sand beneath your feet and his waters your garden love right back to life. As if not a day has passed with them dead. Just like you, they have been waiting along and just like you their waiting have finally came to an end.
It’s you and I.
Your feelings that you fought against for a long time are no longer mad at you, they’re not blaming you for not getting over the boy who’s blessed with the light of the universe in his smile. You are not too darkened for him. And instead, you’re privileged enough to matter to him. Not to be tucked away between his abandoned clothes but rather a favorite necklace that he wears around his neck.
How kind of the sun to lend its light to the moon, tinged with warmth. Apprehensively there is room for you to shine. It is thanks to him, you exist.
Your desires end up overflowing like an explosion as soon as you’re home. Hyunjin has you against the nearest wall. Lips melting against yours in a kiss that feels too good, too criminal. Like a reminder he tattoos; you were made for each other.
“You sure about this?” he whispers upon your lips, your breath mixing in all too familiar lustful song.
“I want you. please” you answer, your hands trace wordless reassurance across his shirt “make love to me please.” He groans at your choice of words, and you pull him closer into your body. Tilt your head to meet the plushness of his lips falling back into a fever-like kiss.
It is frighteningly easy to have you moaning under him even without all his teasing. He doesn’t have time to spare nor energy to drag this out. As if a need to have nestled in his blood and it takes over. An unbridle want that have you falling into your bed, and he follows. Your clothes lie abandoned on the floor evidence of your arousal. And it all spills into him burying himself inside of you with a strained groan.
“Oh my god,” you throw your head back onto your silk pillow, the length of your neck calls for him and he kisses it, sucking to leave remnants of his peach scent on you.
“Yeah? you like that?” he detaches his lips from your neck, eyes locking onto yours instead and you nod your hand scrambling for purchase in his locks.
“Yes! Yes please don’t stop.”
If this was any other day Hyunjin would still just to watch your tears spill over your cheeks beautifully. However right now his heart is beating way too fast that it feels ferocious. He wants to say he’s strong enough to resist you, that his mind isn’t growing blank with the way you seem to grow wetter the harder his cock dives in you. the way your voice only seems to grow louder and louder akin to a sweet, sweet melody. That his mind is sure to record, it will play it back to him at random times of the day.
“I-I want you more, more.” You mumble, almost incoherent.
He can’t help the smirk taking over his face at how hungry you are for him. How starved you sound when he’s here, right with you and in you. and so he’s setting a new, relentless rhythm, rocking the whole bed with every smack of his hips against yours. His fingers cradle yours lovingly, too virtuous. And then he’s kissing you, etching the same love onto your body, the marks on your neck and your breast are his. You are his and the thought only has you convulsing under him.
“You feel amazing baby. I could fuck this pussy all day.” Profanities tumble from his lips effortlessly, you are clenching around him and it is only encouragement that pushes him to grind against you faster, sweeter “So perfect.” He praises, sealing them with kisses and you could only moan his name. Like a prayer that you didn’t even need to memorize.
“I’m gonna come jin-oh god- I’m gonna come “you whine, your mouth heavy with pants.
“Yeah? come with me baby.” He rasps, fucking into you harder and you grasp at his shoulders with a breathless gasp “wanna feel you all over me.” he spits out mindlessly, his own mind turning fuzzy with pleasure.
“P-please so close.” He lines his lips over yours as he thrusts into you. untangling your hands from his neck and intertwining them with his instead.
You whine into his mouth as he deepens the kiss until your whole body is tingling, it goes taut. Your high approaches like crashing waves washing over you and he follows right behind you. moaning against your lips. his forehead meets yours as his hips rock into you until they’re coming to a stop. Your body shakes in oversensitivity. You’re breathless, dizzy and yet he keeps kissing you as if trying to find purpose in softness of your lips. His mouth opens wider, your tongues meet in the middle.
When he finally pulls back, he’s grinning down at you. There are stars in his eyes when he brushes the strands of your hair away from your forehead and places a tender kiss there instead.
“That was amazing.” He says and you can only hum back. Drained of energy but filled with a gentle affection for him.
“Tired?” he muses, the pad of his thumb wipes lightly at your lower lip and he chuckles at the way your head lolls to the side. Barely able to keep your eyes open.
“Get your dick out of me Hyunjin.” You whisper, shivering when he slightly moves, and you feel it.
“Whatever happened to please don’t stop.” He laughs and you flush like wine splashed across your cheeks. Your hands covering your face and you whine. His laugh only grows, echoing in your room and in your heart. you cannot conjure a response to say and instead you melt against the sheets and atop his chest when he rolls off you and pulls you into him.
The morning after comes with a pleasant feeling swimming across your chest. As days pass by Hyunjin spends more time by your side than anything else. Soon enough little bits of your apartment hold place for fragments of his. His toothbrush mingling next to yours and his clothes imprint their scent on yours. There’s a fervent clinging to your being, it has your heartbeat kicking upwards at the sight of him in your bed. Opening your eyes to his and closing them to his lips on your cheeks. The obstruction of your fears melts away along with the seasons. Running from winter into spring. And it’s nights when he’s in your kitchen, cooking dinner for you and you linger by the door.
Not because you’re unwelcome and not because you’re waiting for a glimpse of him. Not anymore. There’s no desperation clinging to your eyelashes when he looks back at you and instead there is only ever one feeling. Love. Strong, and more than anything hopeful.
Big enough to know that sometimes believing isn’t what you need. In between the folds of destiny, a game fate had started you believed you were deemed to lose. It carved a gaping hole right where your heart is, and you believed there was no way for this scar to close. You wish you could go back and recount the tale of you to your older yourself. You would tell her how your beliefs have withered away only with the touch of a boy. You’ll tell her all about the boy with the sun in his smile and how he helped flowers grow in the void in your chest. Little by little it closes, rewriting your beliefs into newer ones and they bloom into an even bigger specks of hope.
it’s in the way he shows you one other night his sketchbook, papers upon papers filled with pieces of you till they're completely you. He tells you about each one like they happened yesterday. As if your face was everything he was able to remember. It’s the same way that both of you admit that you still kept your bracelets all those years. Tucked away into safety just like you kept your feelings.
It’s in the light of the moon sneaking in through the window and in the smile, he sends your way when you tell him;
“I love you.”
“I love you, always.” He tells you back, a promise that shall never die and instead it lives on and on. Just like how you’re sure the waves of the ocean will tell your story someday, how the stars have always been witnesses of the day your heart was stolen away. It is these moments that have you growing into beliefs he whispered to you one night.
It’s you and I.
You know it now; this happens once every few lifetimes.
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theold-ultraviolence · 3 months
What Saturdays Are For
summary: Eddie gets a little bit distracted by a certain movie playing on TV while he's having sex with you. CW: Modern!Eddie, fem/afab!Reader, possible spoilers for 2013 Evil Dead, PIV sex, established relationship. / words: 1K. / A/N: me!? writing for Eddie after a literal eternity!? also, I usually never do modern!Eddie but this came to me while rubbing one out while Evil Dead (2013) came up on tv lmao. Had to run to write this before it escaped me.
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“Oh shit, babe!” 
 Eddie’s eyes widen as he grunts from deep within his chest, pistoning into you, making your head tilt back near the edge of the bed with a throaty squeal. 
You’ve got your legs snaked around his hips, your foot pushing into his ass to egg him on as you’re laying on your back at the foot of the bed, near the TV. You’d moved it from the living room into Eddie’s bedroom so you could lock yourselves in and camouflage your noise with whatever was playing – neither paying attention to that Saturday evening’s program.  
Saturdays were for lazy fucking in bed all day, with ongoing rounds and ordering pizza and wings afterward to eat in bed naked with a horror movie of your choice. The movie never ended up mattering anyway, because you just went straight back to sex – the cardboard box with leftovers discarded on Eddie’s bedroom floor, and greasy fingers roaming over already sweaty, musky flesh. 
“Babe!” he calls again, and you nod eagerly – interpreting his ‘babes’ as a sign that he’s gonna cum. You tighten your grip around him, encouraging him to keep going, urging him to go harder because you’re not quite there just yet.  
“What!?” You groan when he slows to a stop, tilting your head back towards the edge of the bed when you see him frantically pointing at the TV. 
“The Evil Dead remake is on!!” he yelps all out of breath – either from his vigorous thrusts or the excitement, you don’t even know but it makes you laugh heartily, grinning as you crane your neck to catch the rating credit rolling on the screen.  
“Oh shit, is it!? Baby!!” you exclaim, squeezing his sides playfully as your gaze is now fixed on the TV.
You and Eddie loved the Evil Dead Franchise, and it was the movie you’ve rewatched the most since you’ve been together. That’s the movie Eddie always chooses when you come by his place, and you’ve had many – many – discussions surrounding Eddie’s intense love for Bruce Campbell. 
Once you went out on a date to the drive-in because Eddie thought he was in one of the double-feature movies, and then spent the rest of the evening pouting like a scolded child when he realized that, Bruce Campbell was not, in fact, in Return of the Living Dead. You just ended up riding him in the back of his van to make up for it. 
“Oh man, I’ve never gotten around to watching that and I’ve heard it’s so fucking good!” 
Eddie gasps as he’s thrusting idly now – distracted glides of his throbbing cock into your drenched pussy.
You bite your lip as you’re torn between the lewd noises your body makes when he slides right in, the wet puddle beneath your ass on the bed – and the eerie music from the intro scene.  
“I know! – fuck”  You moan as he thrusts harder – but it’s only a little jolt of a thrust that's the result of him watching a girl roaming around the inky forest.
You resort to lazily rubbing your clit now while watching the movie because the pace you got going on was so, so good – but the intro looks so, so intriguing. Vastly different from the original one, and more sinister even. Some girl is running around who’s being captured and brought back to the cabin as some evil-looking old lady’s reciting words from what you and Eddie assume must be the Necronomicon. 
“Oh fuck, baby, what the fuck is going on!?” he mutters as the movie progresses and the girl is being tortured. And then she’s pleading for her dad, who randomly appears on the scene and looks to be behind her capture. 
“Is that her dad!? – fuck…” you moan when Eddie’s thrusts pick up their pace, the more excited he becomes while watching the movie.
“Don’t stop, please…” you murmur, rubbing your clit with harder circles now as your legs clench around his hips, and your pussy throbs and throbs, more and more, making your eyes go heavy-lidded and your lips part around soft gasps that merge with the desperate screams in the movie. 
“Like that, yeah, baby, like that…” you whine and pant, biting your lip hard as Eddie grips your leg for momentum to pound into you urgently, grunting and groaning as his brows furrow with the effort it takes him to keep watching the movie. 
“Is the dad gonna kill her? What the fuck...?” He sighs as you both keep watching, feeling that electricity building, charging, surging from deep within you to make your nerves short-circuit blissfully. 
“Oh shit!” you yell as your body writhes and vibrates as you climax, clenching hard around his thick cock as he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts until he’s filling you up with his warm load. 
You let out a strangled cry as you feel him cumming, making you rub your clit harder if only to sneak another quick little orgasm while you can – trembling as white-hot pleasure courses through you, soaking Eddie’s cock and your fingers so deliciously. 
Little aftershocks make your bodies vibrate, as you remain in the same place, locked together as you watch the dad on screen threatening to burn his daughter. As if you hadn't even cared about your orgasms at all.
“Oh shit, what the fuck!!!” Eddie shrieks as the daughter turns out to be a demon. 
You’re both wide-eyed and panting, too enthralled with the movie to even comment on the mess between your bodies. 
The opening credits roll after the intro, and you both fall limp in bed, rolling on your stomachs side by side to watch the movie, totally unbothered by your achy bodies,  the sticky fluids clinging to your skin, and the heady scent that lingers on both of your hands as you lean on your elbows to support your heads on your palms. 
This is heaven, you muse fondly as you gaze at Eddie’s bambi eyes glinting with joy as he watches the movie, with his skin still rosy and dewy from sex. 
This is what Saturday evenings are for.  
For naked bodies entangled, and the mixed scent of popcorn, sweat, and dirty sheets, as the reddish light from the TV screen reflects on your faces as the killings start to roll. 
You lean in to kiss him sweetly on his cheek and he grins – that boyish smile that totally owns you. He gives your ass a playful swat in reply before his attention draws back to the movie. 
Yup, there’s no better way to spend a Saturday evening. 
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deliciouseggclan · 5 months
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EggClan doodle dump!
Who’s who under the cut!
In order starting from the top:
Cliffstar and Birchstripe
Inkypaw, Robinpaw, and Creampaw
Silentfog and Peatkit
Badgerfern and Roankit
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goddess-of-frot · 10 months
Mad Sorceress Domme is such an underrated fantasy niche
Maybe you were lucky, and she was attached to you before ambition consumed her. Perhaps you were her wife, before she realized deals with demons demand sacrifices, and that you were the perfect offering. You agreed to it out of devotion before she even told you the details.
Years later she’s still as doting as ever, during the day at least. At night, she chains you naked to the wall, and lets you devoutly pay the price for her power. Inky tendrils slink out of the dark and wrap themselves around your legs and throat. They hold your legs open as similar tendrils leer forward and begin to pump themselves into whatever opening they can find. Your strength tends to fail you after the first hour, and as your body goes limp you feel the terms of the pact. Eggs, each the size of a large fist, and each bulging through the tentacles directly into you. The pressure of each egg entering you would cause you to clench in ecstasy if your body was your own to control.
You tend to lose consciousness counting as each one passes in, like the rhythm of a lover’s heartbeat drawing you to sleep. In the morning, you awake to the sorceress pressing her hand against your stomach, and pushing out the many eggs you took for her the previous night. She kisses your cheek and begins to comb your hair as you pass each of the gelatinous eggs from the night before. She coos as you gasp from the dilation of each egg. She reminds you that these will grow into the monsters which do her bidding, and that you should be so grateful to be their broodmother instead of their plaything like her other subjects.
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sector38 · 8 days
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From Sector: 38
Entry: Ⅰ
Apparently, there was a time when people believed there was an edge to the world - that if you sailed far enough, you'd just fall off the side of the world. I used to find it so funny, I just couldn't understand or comprehend how this world had a definitive end to them
now, I understand.
Sitting at the edge of the sector, the cool metal of the man-made ground pressed against my bare thighs and the cold waters engulfing my feet staring out into the watery abyss.
Technically I wasn’t meant to be there, unless you have a valid pass you're not allowed outside the city walls and considering mine was four days out of date I very much did not want to be caught.
My friends spent their days working, rebuilding our society in miniature while i spent my days sitting at the brink of the universe staring out at the unchanging.
But even if i did work, what would i do? Who would i be? Who could i become?
A reconstructionist? A teacher? A cleaner? A cook?
So Instead I continued to sneak past the guards who can't be much older than me lined up like pawn pieces with faces harder than the boots they wear and sit, stare, soaking up the very thing that left us floating in silent devastation.
I should have brought my watch or my phone it was just that after last time (with me nearly dropping it and all) I thought best not, but now looking at the inky night sky I'm wondering whether that in itself was a mistake. No one is allowed out past curfew (10 pm summer, 8 pm winter) it's too dangerous, too unpredictable.
It's funny, they won't tell us what to be afraid of, and they'll tell us we have nothing to fear then usher us into cages, protection from an invisible entity - an immeasurable enemy.
Still, even I can feel it the shift in the air - the cooling breeze stilted like something holding it back or someone. If I was smarter, I would have left, grimaced at my wet feet in my clean new white socks and black shoes, and slipped in through the city walls -
Except, i was never known for being particularly smart.
Which is why when I saw flashes of colour in the sea instead of running I stayed transfixed - purple and white hues swaying in and out of focus though always remaining in a tight formation, a loose cluster.
They were coming closer to the surface, whatever they were, its colours becoming more pigmented in its hues, its actions becoming more assured and targeted: it was coming for me.
I was frozen, completely and utterly frozen - I couldn't scream or speak, I couldn't even breathe. The only assurance that I hadn't turned to stone was the sounding of my beating heart - and even then, I couldn't place the organ. I felt its ricochets in my throat and stomach but heard it like a gunshot stretched out through time.
A cold encircled my ankles, a loose grip coiling around me, barely touching me. The tenderals, if I can call them that climbed up my body till they poked through the surface of the water and wrapped themselves against my lower thighs.
Now i could see it: long tentacles sprouting from a cluster deeper in the waters - the purple skin translucent inside faint veins iridescent colours shimmering like solar systems from a far of place. The ends were elliptical, curved like she shell of an egg as if blown from molten glass.
My hands once frozen by my side reached out gently to touch the head of the tentacle closest to me - gently i lifted my shaking fingers stopping them in front of the strange creature. With careless inhibition it slithered along my fingertips till it rested in my palm, feeling its weight in my hand and the soft integument.
For a while, the world was just this - just me staring at this creature that seemed to hold each star dead and dying under its skin but then i felt it - the tentacles slight grip on my upper thigh, not as though it was trying to pull my into the waters but instead as though it was searching for something.
The tentacles began to pulse, gently and softly like the humm of birds on a summer night - gentle but unequivocally present before a voice clear yet distorted rung through my mind:
Do not be afraid
then they slipped under my short black skirt.
As if a trance had broken i gasped, dropped my hands in haste and so the head of the tentacle which once occupied a place in my palm opting to try and push my body up and away from the waters and its presence.
But it was too late.
I'd been too distracted, so stupid and curious i didn't notice just how many tentacles had wrapped themselves around me lower body - sensing my resistance they only seemed to hold on tighter tendredals slipping further and further up my inner thighs till they rested over my pastel pink panties.
The tentacle which lay in my hand curled around my wrists like an armlet - as though i was a forgotten pharaoh.
The head of the tenderal under my skirt began to pulse against my underwear, pushing slightly against it dampening the material.
Its words like a ping pong ball bounced around my head, the once empty space echoing its words over and over as its intrusion continued.
They didn't tell us much about the monsters that came with the flood but they did tell us some things of of which being all of them have at least a three percent intelligence increase between them and us. It never meant much to me didn't mean anything that these monsters had minds far superior to beings - i was more confused with how they came about this knowledge.
With which lucky team of xenozoologists gathered them up and spoke to them, communicated them.
I wonder what they would say now, how they would stare down at me in their long white lab coats and tightly pulled back hair as this elderitch creature hummed against my skin.
Do not let your mind wander
The tentacles gripped me wrists tighter, sometime ago they had captured my either wrist as well truly any thoughts of escape which may have entered my mind were banished. The other tentacle began to nudge more incessantly at my underwear - in this moment i couldn't understand how this creature was supposed to be more intelligent than me, no five percent more intelligent than our most intelligent human? And yet it couldn't figure out how to take off my panties? It wasn't like the material was so expensive that they couldn't easily break, with one strong tug they would fall into the waters, floating over the face of the deep blue before perhaps sinking or maybe just continuing to float.
It was then that a feeling overcame me - i hate to say it but it was like the rush of a wave, like the sudden feel of cold water on hot skin and salty water hitting the back of your tongue. It was like a perfect cocktail of euphoria, clarity and anticipation. I understood then all that i could have known.
It wasn't that the monster didn't know how to take of my panties, it wanted me to need it to.
I bit my lip, drawing blood in haste covering a moan that threatened to slip from my lips at the thought - the tang of iron coating my tongue and cheeks, probably dying my teeth.
Silently in my own mind i whispered "please" and that was all it took before it was ripping my underwear of my body and spreading my legs slightly a part with the force and care of a determined lover.
Smaller, colder tentacles the width of my fingers emerged from the waters and gently stroked my entrance - the suddenness and the low temperature had me writhing but the thicker tentacles stopped me from shifting too far from its touch.
Like tongues they flicked slowly against my now pulsing clitoris, heat resting heavy at the bottom of my stomach like a sunken stone. My head threw back in bliss and as my mouth parted to let out a moan a tentacle head filled my mouth - the head was slightly longer than those which had made themselves a home around my wrists and much thicker than those which currently were lapping at my swollen clit.
My mind was in a haze, nipples hardening against my shirt as my eyes oscilated between staring at the sentient monster or the stary firmament above.
I could feel my body becoming hotter, desperate for more contact as i began to push myself closer towards the small tendrils in spite of the tight grip they had on me.
As if sensing my eagerness the beast emerged more tentacles now wrapping around my large breasts, squeezing on them and instantly wetting my shirt. If not for the appendage humming pleasantly in my mouth i have no doubts i would be moaning loud enough to alert the guards.
As if attempting to milk me the tentacles grew more ferocious with their onslaught on my chest, pulling and squeezing till the white buttons popped off my shirt and into the night waters. Rushing forward smaller tentacles once again arose now pressing against my nipples the cold sensation doing nothing for my sweltering internal body temperature.
please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please
My mind repeated over and over and over, each plea cluttering my mind till my brain was nothing but a palimpet of want and desire. Thankfully the creature from below was one of compassion.
In front of me the tentacle which once nudged against my nipples opened like a blossoming flower with five petal like shapes and in the centre a white glow, whiter than the sclera of an eye or the color of a cloud no this was a white that almost blinded me almost as white as the sun itself or atleast surrounded by the dark night mind and eyes clouded by lust it was.
They forged forward attaching themselves on my nipples sucking on them like the wet, endless cavity they were before the ones which once flicked against my clit did the same.
The waves on the water began to stir pushing and pulling the fabric of itself apart, before one final tentacle emerged. The appendage sporuted from the water till the tip reached far above my head, floating in front of me the out of water length must have been half my height. Aside from its length it was thicker than all the others by far, the thickness of it being comparable to my (still bound) wrists.
Slowly it bent down before sliding along the metal grounds of the sector nudging against my thighs as it slithered from side to side though still pluging forward like a snake, it was then that i understood its plan
It meant to be inside of me.
It stopped just outside my entrance, gently prodding and nudging again my tight opening, against the tentacle in my mouth i let out a tiny whimper eager and wanting.
Galvanised by my voice coated and dripping in hot want and sticky desire the tentacles holding my thighs and arms lifted me up into the air so i was floating above the metal and the water.
Then i felt it press against me, forcing its way in, as the movements of the tendredals on my breasts and clitoris began sucking more volatile with the tentacles around my breasts squeezing still at even pace, unceasing and unwavering.
Finally it pushed itself in me pressing tightly against my walls but still everceasing in its pursuit - from this angle i could see it losing itself in me and the bulge of my stomach as it pressed inside me.
It was all too much, too much pressure inside of me and outside of me and not to mention the sounds:
The wet squelching, the constant hum of its skin, the disrupted water thrashing against the creature, and my own dampened moans.
As if sensing i was near the creature quickly removed it's appendage from my once filled hole before plunging in without even a beat of rest - my eyes widened and rolled to the back of my head as it repeated the process till i could feel the pressure building inside the appendage of the creature.
Then the the tentacles in my mouth began to mirror it, moving in and out my mouth though slightly more slowly still which each thrust going deeper till i felt it rest on the back of my mouth and then dip into my throat.
The tears which welled in my eyes spilled out over my face and ran down my blushed cheeks before falling silently joining the larger body of water.
I'd been trying so hard, to do or be what I don't know: to be good, to be quiet, to pay attention but in the end, all it took was two words, not even spoken just two telepathically echoed words:
Let go.
And my body was gently convulsing like electricity was being struck through every vein the heat that pooled in my stomach spread snd rushed throughout me - but the creature didn't stop, didn't show any signs of ceasing fucking into me past the point or orgasm and then past the point of overstimulation till it began to plunge more erratically with more fever and less elderitch strategy.
Then i felt the sensation of being filled, as it fucked into me a thick white but translucent substance was pushed into me filling my already swollen belly and then the same substance was filling my mouth.
Its taste was like the smell of rained earth and sugar cubes and fresh whole milk and lavender i swallowed it lapping it up. I felt it begin to retreat but the taste was addictive i began to suck on the appendage feeling it twitch relentlessly in my mouth though ultimately keeping its place inside me as i sucked and swallowed.
The tentacles and tendrils which once held their place on my breast and clitoris slowly pulled away back into the sea as the once which held my thighs and wrists lowered my gently onto the groud with my back against the metal.
I gave one last suck to the tentacle before allowing it to leave my warm, wet mouth and giving it a final lick.
I barely watched it sink back into the ocean, mind and body to fucked out to even think of moving instead content to stare up the flickering stars feeling the warm goo seep out of me as the slight bulge of my stomach deflated.
The last thing I heard before I submitted to the gentle daze of my inner world, and it submerged itself back into its underworld:
See you soon
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strangerxperv · 22 days
Mermay Stranger Things
Mermaid Stranger Boys x Human Reader
Warnings: Smut, breeding, genderfluid Eddie, kidnapping is briefly mentioned, Eddie is soft dark, Billy is a warning, rough sex, biting until wounded, two cocks, pregnancy kink, knotting, cursing, and not safe for teen. +18 or I'll kick you out.
Eddie Munson
Eddie would be a Moray Eel mermaid
His hair is definitely pulled into a low bun at the nape of his neck using fishing pole line.
Eddie likes to collect things from humans and keeps them in his "underwater" cavern.
Since he's an eel type merman I head cannon him to be very territorial of his home.
His tail is mostly inky black that transitions into slate grey towards his torso. His skin is tan but it transitions into slate grey at his elbows. His nails are sharp like talons and inky black. Eddie's gills are on the side of his neck and because of that he has some black scales. Eddie's mouth is most fearsome behind his charming grin, full of sharp teeth (made for killing just like his hands).
Moray eels are also nocturnal so he's not awake during the day.
Which is good because he saved you after you fell out of a cruise ship at night. He was the only one who heard you fall and was able to swiftly save you.
After saving you and getting a good look at you Eddie decides to keep you. He does the hard work of taking you to his home.
Speaking of his home: it's mostly submerged.
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It's pretty similar to Beutopia in Adventure Time. There is a house that is partially submerged and completely furnished. The basement is completely flooded. the living room is flood upto just half of the couches. Meaning he can sit with you on the couches and even fuck you comfortably on them.
Don't worry about being cold in the water because some Moray Eels prefer warm water. If you do end up cold you can always go to the bedroom. The bed is on a high frame that keeps the mattress dry.
Eddie loves his home and knows you will too.
He loves it even more knowing that you'll have to rely on him for just about everything. Hungry? He'll go hunt something for you.
Wanna cum? Well thats amazing cause he wants you to cum too and he wants you to have his babies, his clutch.
Moray eel mermen/maids have multiple partners but youre his only mate that Eddie will take.
Eddie is also genderfluid as most of his type of mer people are because they have a tendency to change sex/ gender.
MATING BALL!! (I here by name this canon for eel merfolks)
His insticts call for him to wrap around your waist to keep your pelvises connected. It's like Eddie is all around you withering just as much as you're.
Eddie can breed you as both a male and a female due to his special cock. He first stuffs his slimy firm eggs into your whomb and despite the amount of times he makes you cum, it will hurt. But he makes up for it by fucking you until you see stars again. He takes another orgasm fro you and begins to fertilize your eggs. His spend fills you to the brim and slips out onto the mostly dry bed.
Billy Hargrove
Billy is a Great White Shark Merman
He's massive as most great white shark mermen are but Billy is even more massive/ muscular. Let's just say he's about seven and a half feet tall.
He's a brawler too
He also got massive sharp teeth that are not only used to rip into prey but to immobilize his mate.
Thats right! Great White mermen bite while mating!
Billy's teeth will be imbedded into your shoulder to keep your from moving too much. It's unavoidable for you to come away from this coppulation bleeding.
Seriously, do not move too much and especially dont struggle or try to get away from him. It will set off his predator insticts and Billy will only bite down harder.
The severity of the bite will depend on you being pliant and letting Billy fuck you as much as he wants.
Speaking of fucking
Billy has two dicks and one will knot to ensure a successful breeding. He'll fuck you will the top dick and lubricate your hole with his cum. Then his second dick will fuck you until he knots you to keep you tied to him.
During the process Billy will edge you closer to orgasm but you wont be allowed to until he's rooted, knotted. You'll have one major orgasm that will make you pass out because it's so overwhelming (both the sex and cuming).
Sex with Billy is rough because he is a rough guy, we know this.
Rarely is Billy outwardly soft or gentle but those moments can be found just after sex.
It's normal for the male great white merfolk to clean and patch up the wound from his teeth. Billy will first leave the softest of kisses to your mark a kiss so soft you barely feel it. These gentle kisses go from your lips to your many bite marks the entire duration being stuck together. Once free Billy will do his best to clean you up with minimal pain on your end.
Another moment of sweetness can be found when you're pregnant with his pup. He's so careful with you. Usually his touch leaves dark bruises (not because he hits you) because he is so much bigger than you and stronger. It's difficult to remember that you're not a great white.
He gets reminded of this fact once you get pregnant, you are human, and this pregnancy will be more draining on you. His pup is massive like him (smaller than the usual pup since theyre half human but bigger than an average human fetus). So you are bed bound through about 80% of the pregnancy.
Billy is so worried about you and his unborn child that he flat out refuses to have sex with you. That doesnt mean you wont get to cum! He actually spoils you with orgasms. You get to cum as much as you want whenever you want however you want. But he will not fuck you because Billy can't guarantee that his instincts will let him be soft.
Billy will jack off to your body during or after pleasing you and he'll aim for your round stomach.
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miscellaneoussmp · 9 months
I think the reintroduction of the eggs could go a little something like this:
Spawn is apparently where they're going to find their children. A crowd gathers. Parents and aunts and uncles and siblings and...the children. The children are right in front of them. Their children. There's a lot of tears. The children are sobbing or on the verge of it. It's a relieving sound.
Richarlyson runs straight for Cellbit, noticing him in the crowd of people. He's immediately picked up by his dad. He's held tight. He doesn't say anything when he feels Cellbit's nails start to dig into his skin. Where are the rest of his dads? Shouldn't they be here, too? It doesn't matter. He has one of them and a stepdad, and that's good enough. Mouse and Roier lean into the hug. Richas has Cellbit, Roier, and Mouse, and that's enough. They're a family.
Leonarda couldn't tell you why, but she went to Roier first and grabbed onto his pant leg. She's held close by her brother, both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. She's holding his hand as they walk to find their dads. She wipes her tears with the back of her free hand. Soon, the siblings see both Foolish and Vegetta. Soon, Roier and Leo are held in their father's arms. They're a family.
Dapper and Pomme are holding hands. Brother and sister, hand in hand. They find Bad, and before either realizes it, they're in his arms again. Being held so tight yet gently at the same time. His hands hold them so close to his chest, as if they could become one with Bad's being. Pomme is shakily handed off to Etoiles and Antoine. They both make sure she isn't bruised like her namesake. They both hold her close. They're all a family.
Ramón was picked up by his dad before he even noticed him. Fit is nearly squeezing his son before loosening up a bit. Both are on the verge of tears, yet neither let's go. Ramón hides his face in his dad's shoulder. Fit rests his cheek on the side of his sons head. It's them against the world again. They're a family.
Chayanne is leading Tallulah, both determined to find their caregivers. As soon as they see Philza crouched low with arms out, ready for both of them. They both run into his arms, soon enveloped by inky black wings to further protect them. Chayanne and Tallulah can hear Phil's heartbeat. It's full of love. Tubbo and Niki soon join Chayanne and Tallulah under inky black. They're a family.
Nobody says anything if no one gets any sleep that night.
If Richas' bed is protected by a loosely held knife and if a devil watches him sleep, nobody says anything.
If Leo's held closely by her brother as she sleeps, and if their parents busy themselves fixing up the bedroom, nobody says anything.
If Dapper's hand is held tightly as he sleeps and while soft lullabies and stories fill the air, nobody says anything.
If Pomme's bed is hidden and protected by a sword held in a white knuckle grip, nobody says anything.
If Chayanne's bed is manically prayed over for protection by a tired crow, nobody says anything.
If Tallulah's watched over all night by two of her dad's oldest and most trusted friends, nobody says anything.
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axcel-lucci · 8 months
Fishman!Law X human!reader
A/n: so apparently fishes lay eggs... ehem... also, I tried my best :P
Tw: smut. Dirty... dirty smut.
My masterlist
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(Y/n) and Law have been together for a long time now, Perhaps 2 years tops? Even she wasn't sure.
Law had saved her from nearly drowning one time, when she was thrown off the ship by her own fellow crewmembers.
He brought her to his home, which was just an underwater cave that had looped around to a big massive dome with a pond in the middle, how does it work? (y/n) and Law questions to this day.
"Hmm... law" she called as they had entered his home once more
"Yeah...?" Law hummed as he placed her down so she can change from her wet swimsuit to some dry clothes she keeps in there.
His eyes were gold with inky black surrounding it, his arms had scales but he had the ability to make them blend into his skin as he was drying off, his four arms looked so delicious with his muscled chest making her stare a bit before snapping back
"I was wondering, I researched some things about this and that."
"This and that?" He raised a brow at this and looked at her while she looked at him with a tilted head. 'fuck-- she looks so damn cute-' he thought to himself but played it cool
"Yeah. You know, about fishmen? I wonder if... fish and fishmen are the same? I mean... they are both fishes, one is just... human like?" She asked herself the last part
"And what did you discover?" He turned to now look at her fully as he was dried up
She hesitated for a bit before shrugging, "that fish lay eggs" she said before stepping over to him and look him in the eyes with pure fascination, "can you lay eggs?"
Law was beyond embarrassed and ashamed at this point.
Yes, fishmen do indeed lay eggs, after all, they're just evolved versions of fish so that's not really something that should change.
He cleared his throat, "i-i mean... we do but... it's weird to explain, so bare with me"
She got all excited and nodded before he motioned for them to sit down at his big soft bed
"We can lay eggs, but... the eggs usually form in the female's body. Though... some types of fish can lay eggs without any other DNA in it... I'm still researching how that is even possible."
"Oh..." she hummed, mesmerized, "so... you can't lay eggs?"
Law debated whether to be truthful or not, eventually he settled to be truthful. He sighed deeply, "my... bloodline can lay eggs without... you know..." he blushed intensely
"I see" she nods with a smile, "but how does that feel though? Like... do you produce eggs while cu-"
"Shut--!" He cuts her off with a hand on her mouth and him blushing furiously
She giggled, "I understand Law." She smiled before kissing his cheek, "do you mind if I use your desk for a bit? I need to finish my homework..." she cried
"Oh that's right, you decided to go back to college, right?"
"Yep...! I want to provide for myself not by stealing or fighting, I want honest money." She said excitedly
"Sure, go ahead." He smiled softly before pressing a kiss against her lips, "just make sure to clean up right after."
"Thanks Law...!"
"(Y/n)" he called as she hummed from the desk, "I've been thinking... I want to live with you." He states making her pause
"I want to live with you, I want to be with you, not just periodically. I want to move in with you, now that you're back to school, you need someone to take care of you." He states as she paused her studying all together to get up and sit down next to him on the bed
"Are you sure? What about... this? Your home? Aren't you gonna miss it? It's not like you can carry stuff in and out of here" she mumbled
"I can visit from time to time I suppose" he nods, "I can figure it out. Don't worry"
"If you say so..." she smiled and kissed him deeply
He smiled as well before reciprocating the kiss which eventually lead to one thing and the other, the two eventually making out heavily on the bed while slowly shedding off clothes.
Law only had a few articles of clothing making him growl and basically tearing her clothes off of her
"L-law...!" She gasped and covered herself in embarrassment
"Hey now. Don't be shy" he pouted before taking her hands and placing them over her head, leaving him with three free hands that started exploring making her gasp and whine at every whim.
"Those were my favourite pajamas...!" She huffed with a pout
"I can buy you another" he smirked.
Truth be told, despite being a fishman, he's a high paying doctor with a reasonable time. (Which itself was quite rare to begin with)
She just pouted even more making him chuckle and kiss her
She then gasped once more when he pulled her legs away and his other hand play with the wet flower that bloomed in between
"Mmh... I haven't done anything yet and you're already wet... this is our first time, no?" He asks before kissing her again and pushing his fingers inside.
She moaned and threw her head back, Law physically grinned darkly before biting and sucking on her skin as a way to mark what's his, which was all of her
"L-law...!" She whined as her back arched when his fingers brushed against the spot inside her
"Oh... here?" He smirked before playing with the spot making her see stars and eventually come undone with shaky legs and gasping for air. As well as being dazed enough to not realize his hold on her was disappearing for him to take off his own clothes.
"S-so big..." she muttered once she grounded herself when she saw his member, "would that... fit?"
"We can always make it fit" he smirked as his hand then trapped her wrists together over her head once more and his other two hands secure her legs over his shoulders and eventually holding unto her hips.
His remaining free hand took hold of his own member and rubbed it against her wet entrance teasingly making her whine, begging for him to continue
"Alright..." he smirked before starting to push himself inside.
The sheer size of him made her walls stretch unforgivingly as she gasped and moan at how hot it suddenly felt
"L-law...! A-ah... wait..." she gasped once he's fully inside, "s-so big..."
"So tight" he groaned with a chuckle as his free hand from before gripped her thighs and started to grind against her and bite his own lip
"Law-" she gasped before starting to moan and whine
"You're ready" he muttered before gripping her hips rather tightly and raising them to a comfortable position only for him to mercilessly start to pound and abuse her cunt in the most pleasurable way possible.
Causing her to toss and turn in her position while gasping, moaning, and even whining for him to go faster despite his already rough pace
"Faster? Heh... why not." He smirked before adjusting their position swiftly and fulfilled her request by going in and out of her poor sorry cunt as fast and as roughly as he could
It didn't take long for (y/n) to come around him once the tip of his own dick started pressing against her cervix with immense pleasure.
With her coming around him, it just fueled him more as she gripped him rather tightly, sucking him back in as it grew slippery around him, letting him go in and out as much as he wanted.
He could feel his own release coming and his dick feeling heavier and heavier with his eggs.
(Y/n) could already feel the outline of his eggs inside his dick, ready to burst
"W-wait law" she gasped, "I don't think-"
"Shh..." he leaned down to her ear and bite it rather harshly, "just keep moaning like the pretty human that you are."
She gasped and moaned as she felt another climax build up inside her and suddenly release.
Law couldn't take the heaviness anymore and just shoved himself deep inside and release all the eggs stored in his body along with his warm cum.
(Y/n) moaned loudly at the feeling of the eggs filling her up, some of it even pressed rather dangerously against her cervix, one move and the eggs would directly go inside it.
By now there was a bulge by her lower abdomen and the eggs kept coming making her moan and beg law to put it somewhere else
"What a GREAT idea" he grinned darkly before pulling her hips so that he could press deeper inside her and his tip basically pressing against the cervix, the eggs started to enter her deeper inside making her gasp and moan even more
"L-law...! Not in there- I won't be able to- ahh-!" She moaned loudly as her legs shook violently, her insides was now probably filled with his eggs and she doesn't know how to take them out.
It just formed a lumpy bulge on her abdomen making her pant heavily and moan even more until the very last one of his egg slipped past her cervix and deep inside her womb.
"L-law..." she moaned once he slowly pulled out and a few eggs were already starting to spill out but he only put them back and prevented any of them to get out.
"Shh... it feels so good, Huh?" He bit his lower lip once she started squirming and the eggs moving inside her rather deliciously.
"L-law... please... how-" she gasped once law plugged that hole up with some device most fishmen use on their partners so the eggs don't escape.
"I said shh" he rolled his eyes and laid down beside her, he felt her legs immediately close and tighten before rubbing against each other, "hey now. Don't tell me you're getting off of our babies being inside you, Huh?"
"B-but law..." she looked at him with such cute eyes but he already saw those eyes a million times before and not be affected by it
"This calls for some punishment" he chuckled before flipping her over so that her chest was against the bed, his hands once again trapped her in place before thrusting inside her unprepared ass making her scream in pleasure.
"L-law...! You're not planning to-"
"I so am" he smirked before starting to thrust more harsher than before.
Her whines and moans, coupled with her begging for more, despite complaining about what's inside her womb being rubbed against her.
"I'm close" Law chuckled making her moan, "law... please."
Her voice was hoarse at this point. And just like before, his dick grew heavy until he can't take it anymore and spill his eggs inside her now wet anus as she moaned with tears in her eyes.
It felt so much more erotic, being filled with eggs on both sides as he plugs the holes up tightly, not letting any of the eggs escape
"There. We can just clear them tomorrow" he chuckled before laying down beside her spent form, a now large buldge on her abdomen as he softly strokes it's lumpy surface, "you know... I don't mind you giving birth to my children" he hummed at the idea
"Just kidding, don't worry. We can take them out safely tomorrow, even the ones inside your ass and those that were pushed through your cervix." He smirked at the mental image of (y/n) being so full of his eggs they start to slip out themselves.
She grumbled before eventually drifting off to sleep while Law watches intently and kissing her cheek.
"I don't think I'll be able to control myself tomorrow..." he chuckled to himself.
He eventually drifts off as well with a hand on her abdomen.
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